SAMPLE LESSON PLAN - Storytelling, Music and Drama for 4
SAMPLE LESSON PLAN Storytelling, Music and Drama for 4th Grade Unit on India
Teaching Artist: Debbi Arseneaux
Contact: 301-916-6328
DC Common Core Standards: 4th Grade ELA
Key Ideas and Details
 RL.4.2. Determine a theme of a story, drama, or poem from details in the text; summarize the
 RL.4.3. Describe in depth a character, setting, or event in a story or drama, drawing on specific
details in the text (e.g., a character’s thoughts, words, or actions)
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
 RL.4.7. Make connections between the text of a story or drama and a visual or oral
presentation of the text, identifying where each version reflects specific descriptions and
directions in the text.
 RL.4.9. Compare and contrast the treatment of similar themes and topics (e.g., opposition of
good and evil) and patterns of events (e.g., the quest) in stories, myths, and traditional
literature from different cultures.
Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas
 SL.4.5. Add audio recordings and visual displays to presentations when appropriate to enhance
the development of main ideas or themes.
Vocabulary Acquisition and Use
 L.4.5. Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships and nuances in
word meanings.
Story Tapestries – Debbi Arseneaux - 4 th Grade – INDIA
Theatre Arts Skills:
Students will...
 Demonstrate an understanding of the collaborative nature of theatre
 Understand the job of an actor is to tell a story and that body, voice, mind and imagination are the
actor’s tools with which to do this job
 Demonstrate understanding of basic story structure (beginning, middle, end, action,
conflict/resolution) by exploring folklore of a focus culture
 Explore basic story elements (i.e. environment, character) using body and voice
 Individually and collaboratively develop dramatic presentations
 Incorporate visual arts elements to enhance story presentation
 Demonstrate audience skills of observing attentively and responding appropriately in classroom
Life Skills:
Students will...
 Respect peers and their opinions
 Develop creative thinking and problem solving skills
 Develop active listening and concentration skills
 Increase their comfort level contributing to a group project in a creative way
 Use imagination
Guiding Essential Questions:
1) What do character actions tell us about their personalities?
2) How do we find clues about character traits in a story?
3) What can we learn about Indian culture from folk tales?
 images of Gujarat (smartboard)
 CD of Indian music
 Book – Indian Tales
 fabric
 instruments from India
 Drums – one djembe for classroom, each student will also brings in a recycled/found object to
make their own
 patterned paper/fabric, scissors, glue, stickers, etc to decorate student drums
 Navarati – Hindu festival which celebrates the “divine Shakti.” Fast all day, dance all night.
 Diwali – the Festival of Lights, one of the most important festivals in Indian culture.
 Henna – intricate temporary tattoos
 Pakoras – deep fried vegetables, fritters
 Gujurati – people of Gujarat
Story Tapestries – Debbi Arseneaux - 4 th Grade – INDIA
Lesson #1 of 6
Tues, May 8
Intro & Story
1. Introduce teacher and establish objectives
2. Know where India is on a map and identify state of Gujarat
3. Be able to identify main idea of story
4. Be able to identify the job of an actor: to tell a story!
Warm ups
 Process storytelling performance
 Introduce Ago Ame
 Name Game with rhythm
 Actor's Toolbox (Body, Voice, Mind, Imagination)
 It Could Be...
 Read story & discuss
 Play wedding music and move to it
 Discussion: what would YOU want more than anything?
Follow up classroom activity: Create a drawing of your idea of a
traditional American wedding. Flip it over and draw what you
imagine a traditional Indian wedding to look like. Compare and
Lesson #2 of 6
Fri, May 11
1. Review story sequence
2. Use body to explore key moments of story
3. Use body to explore character traits & relationships
4. Know the characters of the story
Warm ups
 Review Actors Toolbox (Today's focus: body)
 Teach Bollywood style dance moves and dance.
 Review story. Sequence using images from book.
 Highlight key elements: plot/setting/characters.
 What is a tableau? Create a tableau for each of the key
moments of the story. Identify the characters necessary for
each tableau.
Story Tapestries – Debbi Arseneaux - 4 th Grade – INDIA
“The Drummer Boy”
from Indian Tales: A Barefoot Collection
1) Ghopal lives with his mother in a village in the state
of Gujarat.
2) Ghopal encounters a potter lady with a hungry child.
3) Ghopal sees a woman upset because she broke the pot
she needed to collect water.
4) Ghopal passes a rich merchant who admires his
5) Ghopal comes upon a wedding.
6) Ghopal goes to market.
 Create a pose for each of the characters in the story.
1. Explore Rhythmic patterns, call & response
2. Use body to make choices about communicating story
3. Review story sequence
4. Have hands on interaction with culturally appropriate
instruments and music
Lesson #3 of 6
Tues, May 15
*bring in drum and instruments
Warm ups
 Actor's Toolbox
 Machine
 Bring out drum. Rhythm call & response. Use hand clapping
as example. Lead a few examples, then let them take turns
playing and leading.
 Develop drumming song from story.
 Review scene sequence using images from pages...use
drumming song to transition
 Introduce additional instruments.
 If time, listen to wedding music and tap out beat on body,
play along with bells.
Follow up classroom activity: Take wedding compare/contrast
drawings and expand into a mural we can use as a backdrop for the
final presentation.
Story Tapestries – Debbi Arseneaux - 4 th Grade – INDIA
Lesson #4 of 6
Fri, May 19
Sensory Exploration/
1. Use voice and body to explore world of the story
2. Learn about the climate of Western India
Gujarat is dry in the north and moist in the south. Three seasons:
winter, summer, monsoon
3. Develop ways to enhance storytelling by making physical
and vocal choices.
Warm ups
 Actors Toolbox
 Environment Orchestra. Start with familiar environments,
move into India.
 Create each location physically WITHOUT people. (village,
stream, market)
 Find places that sounds could be added NOT WORDS OR
MUSIC. (pounding flour, pot breaking, child crying, stream,
 Expand music and dancing at the wedding.
Lesson # 5 of 6
Tues, May 22
Build a Drum/
Prep for presentation
1. Create a visual art project to enhance presentation of story
2. Begin to prepare for final presentation
Warm ups
 Actors Toolbox
 Set up guidelines for project (drums OFF, share materials, if
finished before others, go work on mural)
 Decorate found object drums.
 Sequence the story with everyone using their own drums for
the drumming song. Identify all story elements as a group.
 Decide and assign who will present each scene in the story.
Combination of tableaux and key lines.
Follow up classroom activity: Finish decorating drums.
Lesson # 6 of 6
Wed, May 23
Prep for presentation
 Prepare for final presentation
 Demonstrate understanding of main idea of story, sequence
of key events, and traits of main characters.
 Perform as storytellers for an audience of peers.
Story Tapestries – Debbi Arseneaux - 4 th Grade – INDIA
Warm ups
 Give everyone a chance to lead a drumming dance party.
 Run through presentation with fabric, instruments and drums.
*SEE APPENDIX: Drummer Boy Script for Culminating Performance Script
(developed to match the size of a particular class)
Story Tapestries – Debbi Arseneaux - 4 th Grade – INDIA