ITQ no. CA/MCA-M/MCC/GDS/600/2011 MILLENNIUM CHALLENGE ACCOUNT MONGOLIA (MCA-M) Dear Sir/Madam INVITATION TO QUOTE ITQ no. CA/MCA-M/MCC/GDS/600/2011 Procurement method shopping (S) Implementing and erecting of sign boards for MCA-Mongolia Peri-Urban Project 1. You are invited to submit your priced quotation for the supply of the items and provision of services described in the Appendix A. The contract shall be awarded to the lowest evaluated compliant bidder. Items offered must be “new”. 2. The Millennium Challenge Corporation (“MCC”) and the Government of Mongolia (the “Government”) have entered into a Millennium Challenge Compact for Millennium Challenge Account assistance (the “Compact”) to help facilitate poverty reduction through economic growth in Mongolia. The Government, acting through Millennium Challenge Account Mongolia (“MCA-Mongolia”), intends to apply a portion of the MCC Funding to eligible payments under a contract for which the Invitation to Quote (ITQ) is issued. Contract payments are made from the United States Government directly, or through the MCA Entity independent Fiscal Agent. Any payments made under the proposed contract will be subject, in all respects, to the terms and conditions of the Compact and related documents, including restrictions on the use of MCC funding and conditions to the disbursements of MCC funding. No party other than the Government and the MCA Entity shall derive any rights from the Compact or have any claim to the proceeds of MCC Funding. 3. This procurement shall be governed by the MCC Program Procurement Guidelines, which can be found at 4. The quotations, in the English language, should be accompanied by adequate technical documentation and/or other material or pertinent information (also in the English language) for each item quoted, if available. Quotations shall be submitted to address below by hand. Quotation submitted in Mongolian shall not be evaluated and considered. 5. MCC requires that all beneficiaries of MCC Funding, including the MCA-Mongolia and any bidders, suppliers, contractors, subcontractors and consultants under any MCC-funded contracts observe the highest standards of ethics during the procurement and execution of such contracts. In pursuance of this policy, the MCA-Mongolia: a) will reject a Quotation if it determines that the Supplier/Consultant recommended for award has, directly or through an agent, engaged in Fraud and Corruption in competing for the Contract; b) has the right to sanction a Supplier/Consultant, including declaring the Supplier/Consultant ineligible, either indefinitely or for a stated period of time, to Page 1 of 17 ITQ no. CA/MCA-M/MCC/GDS/600/2011 (c) be awarded an MCC-funded contract if at any time it determines that the Supplier/Consultant has, directly or through an agent, engaged in Fraud and Corruption in competing for, or in executing such a contract; and has the right to require that a provision be included in the Contract requiring the selected Supplier/Consultant to permit the MCA-Mongolia, MCC, or any designee of MCC, to inspect its accounts, records and other documents relating to the submission of a Proposal or performance of the Contract, and to have such accounts and records audited by auditors appointed by MCC or by the MCAMongolia with the approval of MCC. 6. In addition, MCC has the right to cancel the portion of MCC Funding allocated to the Contract if it determines at any time that representatives of a beneficiary of the MCC Funding engaged in Fraud and Corruption during the selection process or the execution of the Contract, without the MCA-Mongolia or the beneficiary having taken timely and appropriate action satisfactory to MCC to remedy the situation. 7. We reserve the right to accept or reject any quotation, and to cancel the process of competition and reject all quotations, at any time prior to the award of Contract / Purchase Order, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected bidder(s) or any obligation to inform the affected bidder(s) of the grounds for our action. 8. Validity. Your quotation should be valid for a period of at least 30 days from the date of your quotation. 9. Delivery Schedule. Within two calendar months issuing of Contract. The goods are required as soon as possible so you are advised to offer your best possible delivery time from receipt of order. 10. Prices: To be fixed for the duration of the contract. 11. Evaluation Criteria. (i) Successful experience as the prime consultant in the execution of similar contracts of a similar nature and complexity during the last 2 years. (ii) Bidder shall provide copy of its letter of incorporation, or other such document, indicating its legal status. (iii) Access to, or availability of, financial resources such as liquid assets, unencumbered real assets, lines of credit, and other financial means, other than any contractual advance payments to meet: the following cash-flow requirement: cash flow amount of at least 40% of the pertinent amount outside of its current commitments. 12. Award Criteria. MCA-Mongolia will award the contract to the bidder whose offer has been determined to be the lowest evaluated quotation and is substantially responsive to the solicitation documentation, provided further that the bidder is determined to be qualified to perform the contract satisfactorily. 13. Performance Security. Upon awarding of the contract bidder shall deliver to the Employer a Performance Security using the Appendix F format within seven (7) days after receipt of Award Notification. The amount of performance security, as a percentage of the contract Price, shall be in the amount of 5% and shall be denominated in the currency of the contract. The performance security shall be discharged by the Purchaser and returned to the Supplier not Page 2 of 17 ITQ no. CA/MCA-M/MCC/GDS/600/2011 later than twenty-eight (28) days following the date of completion of the Supplier’s performance obligations under the Contract. Failure of the successful Bidder to submit an acceptable Performance Security shall constitute sufficient grounds for cancellation of the award. In that event the Employer may award the Contract to the next lowest evaluated Bidder whose offer is substantially responsive and is determined by the Employer to be qualified to perform the Contract satisfactory. 14. Warranty. Warranty shall remain valid implementation/erection of the signboards. 15. Payment. Method and condition of the payment to be made to the Supplier under this assignment shall be as follows: Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 Approved Sample of the two signboards Upon submission of delivery plan Upon Delivery in full of the Well Construction Signboards Upon erection of Herder Group Signboards for UB area Upon erection of Herder Group Signboards for Darkhan area Upon erection of Herder Group Signboards for Erdenet area for three (3) months after the Approximate Timing 10 days after Contract Signing 15 days after Contract Signing 40 days after Contract Signing Accordingly as delivery plan Accordingly as delivery plan Payment (percentage of contract value) 10% of Contract Price Accordingly as delivery plan 25% of the Contract Price 15% of Contract Price 90% of the item’s Bid Price 25% of the Contract Price 25% of the Contract Price 16. Governing Law. The laws of Mongolia shall apply to any contract / purchase order arising from this request for quotation 17. MCA-Mongolia is not liable for the outcome of the bidding process, any expenses or liability incurred by the Bidder in the preparation of their quotation / bid is at their own risk. 18. The deadline for receipt of your quotation is 15:00 hours (Ulaanbaatar time) of 25th May 2011. Quotations received after the closing date and time shall not be considered, nor will incomplete, vague or conditional quotations. Attachments 1. Appendix A – Quotation Form 2. Appendix B – Technical Specification - Herder group’s leasing rangeland signboard 3. Appendix C - Distribution Table 4. Appendix D - Distribution Map 5. Appendix E – Technical Specification - Well building sign board Page 3 of 17 ITQ no. CA/MCA-M/MCC/GDS/600/2011 6. Appendix F- Performance bank guarantee form Sincerely, Crown Agents Procurement Agent for Millennium Challenge Account – Mongolia Academy of Management Building- III, 3rd floor, Room 307 Orgil Complex, Chinggis Ave, Khoroo 11, Khan-Uul District Ulaanbaatar 210136, Mongolia Tel: +976 70120032; Fax: +976 70120031 Email: Page 4 of 17 ITQ no. CA/MCA-M/MCC/GDS/600/2011 Appendix A – Quotation Form QUOTATION FORM TO: Crown Agents Inc Procurement Agent for Millennium Challenge Account-Mongolia Academy of Management Building- III, 3rd floor, Room 307 Orgil Complex, Chinggis Ave, Khoroo 11, Khan-Uul District. Ulaanbaatar 210136, Mongolia For attn: B. Odonchimeg, Administrative Officer Tel: +976 70120032; Fax: +976 70120031 Email: Invitation to Quote no: CA/MCA-M/MCC/GDS/600/2011 Invitation to Quote title: Implementation of Sign Boards for MCA-Mongolia Peri-Urban Project Date: ………………….. Our quotation is as follows: (insert currency) 1 # 1 2 2 Sign board name Herder group’s leasing rangeland Signboard Well Construction Signboard 3 Qty 4 5 Unit Price/excl uding VAT/ Price per item for inland transportation and other services required in the Purchaser’s country to convey the sign board to their Final Destination 6 7 8 9 Cost of local labor, material and component Total price of item (col. 4+5+6) Delivery Period (counted from the Date the Contract is effected) Warranty Period (in months since the date of the acceptance) 237 Not Applicable 237 Page 5 of 17 ITQ no. CA/MCA-M/MCC/GDS/600/2011 Our quotation is valid for [insert number of days] from the closing date of receipt of quotations. We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest evaluated quotation or any other quotation that you may receive. Signature of Authorized Person ………………………………………………….. Name and Position of Authorized Person ………………………………………………….. Name and Address of Authorized Person ………………………………………………….. Page 6 of 17 ITQ no. CA/MCA-M/MCC/GDS/600/2011 Appendix B – Technical Specification - Herder group’s leasing rangeland signboard Item Signboard on Leasing rangeland Metal sheet Size Thickness Iron leg Length Diameter HG info printed on auto sticker Leg base cement Total number of HG signboard Specifications 1 sided landscape 1.2mx1m 5mm (minimum) Double 3m 50mm Color 120gr /with black glue/ M50 237 Each of the Herder Groups information varies. / 237 HG info needed / Herder group’s leasing land information on signboard Page 7 of 17 ITQ no. CA/MCA-M/MCC/GDS/600/2011 Herder group’s signboard design Page 8 of 17 ITQ no. CA/MCA-M/MCC/GDS/600/2011 Appendix C - Distribution Table /UB area/ The distance kilometer listed in the distribution tables are MCA-Mongolia’s current best estimation of the delivery required, however the actual delivery distance kilometer may somewhat vary. # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 Aimag UB UB Tuv Tuv Tuv Tuv Tuv Tuv Tuv Tuv Tuv Soum Name of group HG distance KM HG distance KM Baganuur Ereg bureg UB-BN 131+ BN-HG 27 158 Tsatsal UB-BN 131+ BN-HG 22 153 Jargalant bulag UB 60 60 Eh tsagaan bulag UB-AL 45 Bagahangai Altanbulag Argalant Arhust Batsumber Bayan Bayandelger Bayanjargalan Bayantsogt Bayanbulag AL45+13 58 Tsagaan burgastain eh Shuvuu30+9 39 Bayan-Undraa AL45+11 56 Zangarag AL45+23 68 Chandmani Shuvuu30+16 46 Ochirvaani Nohorlol Buurgent Baga tsagaan Myanganii zamiin gerel Narlag Shine amidral UB42 UB38 UB43 UB34 UB40 UB36 UB45 42 38 43 34 40 36 45 Bumbat UB37 37 Argal hairhan UB40 40 Rashaant UB77 77 Zulegtei UB82 82 Hoh asga UB92 92 Tenuun enger UB102 102 Ireedui UB-BS81+24 105 Tsagaan dalai UB-BS81+29 110 3n buguilchiin udam UB-BS81+30 111 Burgaltai UB-BS81+25 106 Ih bulag UB92 92 Tsagaan bulag UB-BN131+34 165 Byatshan bulag UB-BN131+32 163 Baruun bulag UB-BN131+7 138 Hust hairhan UB88 88 Malchin UB92 92 Bayantsagaan UB103 103 Eviin huch UB90 90 Devshil UB118 118 Ulambayajih UB105 105 Arvijih UB130 130 Barjin uul UB99 99 Olzotiinhon UB95 95 Enh tal UB70 70 Hamtiin huch UB70 70 Chadmani hairhan UB86 86 Page 9 of 17 ITQ no. CA/MCA-M/MCC/GDS/600/2011 Bayanchandmani 13 14 Tuv Tuv Bornuur Mongonmorit Shand UB95 95 Uhaa ondor UB83 83 Adag shornoi UB94 94 Bayan muhar UB83 83 Ogooj suld UB90 90 Dotluur UB112 112 Byatshan bulagtai UB-BN131+52 183 Hamtiin huch UB-BN131+45 176 Hustiin bulag UB-BN131+40 171 Togos uul Eco farmer Bulag 2 UB-BN131+45 UB-BN131+45 UB-BN131+65 176 176 196 Tsagaan chuluut 15 16 17 Tuv Tuv Tuv Sergelen Zuunmod Erdene Buural UB-BN131+61 192 Undarga UB-ZM45+16 61 Tsagaan tolgoi UB-ZM45+16 61 Jargalant UB-ZM45+45 90 Duganii ovoo UB-ZM45+43 88 Avdarhangai UB-ZM45+33 78 Buyant Eej UB-ZM45+38 83 Taijuud UB42 42 Amgalan UB70 70 Uurd mandah UB43 43 Hoshgiin hondii UB46 46 Avdariin gol ovoo UB-ZM45+36 81 Belcheer hamgaalagchid UB-ZM45+30 75 Ondor dov UB-ZM45+31 76 Arvijih UB-ER78+27 105 Suun dalai UB-ER78+30 108 Tsatsal Byatshan bulag Hairhan UB-ER78+22 UB-ER78+23 100 101 Hushinga UB-ER78+27 115 Chandmani 2 mod UB-ER78+18 UB-ER78+16 96 94 Tsaash bod UB57 57 Erdene uul UB-ER78+7 85 Togos hairhan UB-ER78+16 94 Orgoo UB-ER78+30 108 TOTAL 7266 km Distribution Table /Darkhan area/ # 1 Aimag Selenge Soum Bayangol Name of group HG distance KM HG distance KM Ih nomgon DR-BG73+30 103 Erhet DR-BG73+30 103 Atar DR-BG73+16 89 Bat Arvijih DR-BG73+14 87 Page 10 of 17 ITQ no. CA/MCA-M/MCC/GDS/600/2011 Yeroo Javhlant 2 Zuunburen 41 Mandal 45 Orkhon Selenge 49 Saikhan Shar shuvuut DR-BG73+11 84 Baga bayan DR-BG73+22 95 Bayan altai DR-BG73+11 84 Bayanii hishig DR-BG73+24 97 Bayalag Bayangol Tsend Arvijih Karnikov DR-BG73+18 DR-BG73+11 91 84 DR-YR82+9 91 Malchin DR-YR82+18 100 Arbulag DR-YR82+45 127 Buural DR-JL39+22 61 Javhaa DR-JL39+32 71 Buyant sureg DR-JL39+38 77 Nomgon hangai DR-JL39+42 81 Erdene DR-JL39+14 53 Bayanhar DR-JL39+8 47 Hoh hoshuu DR-JL39+14 53 Tsagaan ovoo DR-JL39+14 53 Jargalant DR-JL39+15 54 Enhmonh DR-JL39+18 57 Builaast DR-JL39+9 48 Gurvaljin DR-JL39+10 49 Baitag bogd DR32 32 Unagan nuruu DR57 57 Hanjargalant Zurh Tumensureg D64 DR65 64 65 DR-ZB116+15 131 Bayan erhet DR63 63 Bumansureg DR-ZN116+11 127 Tegshsaihan Suun tsatsal Ornoh od DR-ZN116+8 DR-ZN116+8 124 124 DR-ZN116+7 123 Arvin bulag Buren Undrah Buren erhet DR-ZN116+25 DR-ZN116+23 141 139 DR60 60 Burensan DR72 72 Buyansan DR74 DR-MD103+24 DR-MD103+16 DR-MD103+10 74 127 119 113 Naran Ohiroo Taij Noyon uul DR-MD103+13 116 Bayannart DR65 65 Han Ondor DR63 63 Agitiin hoshuu DR74 74 Jargalant DR85 85 Nomgon hangai DR54 54 Ogoomor sant DR22 22 Bayandavaa DR24 24 Shiree nuruu DR12 12 Buyant sureg Khan Khukhii DR37 DR42 37 42 Page 11 of 17 ITQ no. CA/MCA-M/MCC/GDS/600/2011 Ih zaan 60 Hushaat Hushaat 62 Selenge Shaamar DR40 40 Tsatsal DR40 40 Ih buural DR-SK58+16 74 Tsom sureg DR25 25 SAN anduud DR27 27 Monostoi DR-HS30+29 59 Haliunbugat DR-HS30+27 57 Tal bulag 1 DR-HS30+16 46 Tal bulag 2 DR-HS30+16 46 Monh ireedui DR-HS30+15 45 Bayanbulag DR-HS30+18 48 Delger bugat DR-HS30+20 50 Jargalant DR-HS30+22 52 Ogooj bulag DR-HS30+20 50 Tsagaan ovoo Suld Tavan erdene DR-HS30+23 DR-HS30+24 53 54 DR-HS30+25 55 Enh tal suu Zurt Ireedui DR-HS30+9 DR-HS30+20 39 50 DR-HS30+25 55 Goliin haraat DR-HS30+11 41 Derst DR-HS30+27 57 Hamtragchid DR-HS30+20 50 Hot ail DR-HS30+19 49 Tsagaan bulag DR-HS30+18 48 Tavan tolgoi Monhtolgoi DR-HS30+17 DR-HS30+16 47 46 Bayan bulag DR-SM90+9 99 Hailaast DR-SM90+10 100 Haan uuls DR-SM90+9 99 Malchin Orkhon 88 DarhanUul Darhan Hongor DR-SM90+8 98 Derst Dov DR-SM90+8 98 Hos buureg DR-SM90+10 100 Hustain am DR29 29 Hoshoot Daagan Hairhan Divaajin DR30 DR55 DR65 30 55 65 Chandmani DR30 30 Buural 2 DR12 12 Ormogtei DR36 36 Hudagt DR40 40 TOTAL 6482km Distribution Table /Erdenet area/ # Aimag Soum Name of group Page 12 of 17 HG distance KM HG distance KM ITQ no. CA/MCA-M/MCC/GDS/600/2011 Tsuu taij 1 2 3 4 5 6 Selenge Selenge Orkhon Orkhon Bulgan Orkhon Orkhontuul Orkhontuul Jargalant Jargalant Bugat Bayan-Ondor Bureghangai 7 Bulgan Orkhon Orkhon ER90 90 Suun dalai ER83 83 Bayantuul ER80 80 Nohorlol ER59 59 Bayan ogoomor ER80 80 Selenge sureg Shine ehlel ER74 74 Hamtiin hodolmor ER76 76 Hongor ovoo ER70 70 Otgon ovoo ER72 72 Dun tsagaan ER65 65 Yeson erdene ER62 62 Bayantsogt hairhan ER78 78 Shar chuluut ER77 77 Ogooj ER85 85 Gan ireedui ER95 95 Naran ER78 78 Odbayar ER74 74 Mandah Ireedui Del had ER43 ER42 43 42 Shuvuut ER40 40 Budagt hairhan ER34 34 Usuh Ireedui ER42 42 Nogoon uul ER45 45 Dulaanii enger ER39 39 Usuh mandah ER40 40 Hongor Morit ER43 43 Yobtso Shine od Dundad ER34 ER17 ER37 34 17 37 Buyant mal ER22 22 Ahan duus ER29 29 Ogoomor ER36 36 Hangai ER17 17 Arivjikh ER26 26 Khamtiin-Zorig ER34 34 Tsagaan-Bulag ER25 25 Elstei ER30 30 Arvin suu ER-BL-OR172 172 Bombogor ER-BL-OR175 175 Altanga Ornoh orgil ER-BL-OR180 ER35 180 35 Ih ireedui ER51 51 Tsagaan chuluut ER40 40 Iveel ER32 32 Orhon ER29 29 Soonog ER38 38 Ih zaluu ER21 21 Page 13 of 17 ITQ no. CA/MCA-M/MCC/GDS/600/2011 8 Bulgan Bulgan Selenge Hangal Achit 1 ER39 39 Achit 2 ER39 39 MS ER30 30 Navchis ER42 42 Byhiin naran ER44 44 Delger Ondor ER45 45 Asgat ER41 41 Marat ER30 30 Ganbat ER33 33 Delger Ondor ER50 50 Togsbayar ER30 30 Arvin san ER49 49 Arts suuri ER27 27 TOTAL Page 14 of 17 3245km ITQ no. CA/MCA-M/MCC/GDS/600/2011 Appendix D - Distribution Map Page 15 of 17 ITQ no. CA/MCA-M/MCC/GDS/600/2011 Appendix E – Technical Specification - Well building sign board Item Signboard on well building Metal sheet Size Thickness special nails info printed on auto sticker Total number of signboard Specifications 1sided landscape 60x40cm 3mm (minimum) 4 per each board Color 120gr /with black glue/ 237 Well building information on signboard Page 16 of 17 ITQ no. CA/MCA-M/MCC/GDS/600/2011 Appendix F - Performance bank guarantee form Bank Guarantee for Performance Security [The bank, as requested by the Supplier, shall fill in the form in accordance with the instructions indicated] Bank’s Branch or Office: [insert complete name of Guarantor] Beneficiary: [insert complete name of the Purchaser], PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE No.: [insert Performance Guarantee number] We have been informed that [insert complete name of Supplier] (hereinafter called the “Supplier”) has entered into Contract No. [Insert number] dated [insert day and month], [insert year] with you, for the supply of [description of Goods and Related Services] (hereinafter called the “Contract”). Furthermore, we understand that, according to the conditions of the Contract, a Performance Guarantee is required. At the request of the Supplier, we hereby irrevocably undertake to pay you any sum(s) not exceeding [insert amount(s) in words and figures] upon receipt by us of your first demand in writing declaring the Supplier to be in default under the Contract, without cavil or argument, or your needing to prove or to show grounds or reasons for your demand or the sum specified therein. This Guarantee shall expire no later than the [insert number] day of [insert month] [insert year] [note- expiration date to be calculated based on the provisions of ITQ clause 13], and any demand for payment under it must be received by us at this office on or before that date. For the Bank For the Supplier Signature In the capacity of: Signature In the capacity of: Date: Date: Page 17 of 17
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