An Approach to Increase the Maximal Sample Frequency of Lattice Wave Digital Filters Based on Circulators and Richards’ Structures Håkan JOHANSSON* Abstract This paper introduces an approach to increase the maximal sample frequency of lattice wave digital filters based on circulators and Richards’ structures. In this approach the allpass branches of the filters make use of cascaded first-order and constrained third-order Richards’ allpass sections. Compared with the case in which regular first- and second-order Richards’ allpass sections are used, the maximal sample frequency is here two times higher. This is generally paid for by a somewhat higher computational complexity. 1 Introduction Wave digital filters (WDFs) are known to have good properties under finite-arithmetic conditions, in particular when stability is concerned [1]. One type of WDFs that is suitable for implementation is the lattice WDF, due to its modularity and regularity. However, one drawback of WDFs, and recursive filters in general, is that they restrict the sample frequency at which the filters can operate in an implementation [2]. This may affect not only the speed but in fact also the power consumption, since high speed can be utilized to reduce the power consumption via power supply voltage scaling techniques [3]. This paper introduces an approach to increase the maximal sample frequency of lattice WDFs based on circulators and Richards’ structures. can easily be computed via explicit formulas or directly from the poles of the overall filter [4]. Maximal sample frequency The maximal sample frequency of a recursive algorithm described by a fully specified signal-flow graph is f max = min { N i ⁄ T opi } where Topi denotes the total latency of the arithmetic operations, and Ni denotes the number of delay elements in the directed loop i [2]. From Figs. 1 and 2 we see that the maximal sample frequencies for the first- and second-order Richards’ allpass sections are (1) (1) f max = 1 ⁄ T min = 1 ⁄ ( T mult + 2T add ) * Department of Electrical Engineering, Linköping University, Linköping, SE-581 83 Sweden (2) and (2) (2) f max = 1 ⁄ T min = 1 ⁄ ( 2T mult + 4T add ) (3) respectively. It is here assumed that all multiplier and adder latencies are equal. For the Nth-order lattice WDF in Fig. 3 it is obvious that recursive loops only exist within its first- and second-order allpass sections. Hence, from Eqs. (2) and (3) it is clear that the maximal sample frequency of the overall filter equals that of the second-order sections. 2 Lattice wave digital filters A lattice WDF is composed of two (WD) allpass filters in parallel [1]. The transfer function can be written as H ( z ) = 0.5 [ H 0 ( z ) + H 1 ( z ) ] where H0(z) and H1(z) are stable allpass filters. Wave digital allpass filters can be realized in many different ways. Here, we restrict ourselves to allpass filters derived from circulators in combination with low-order Richards’ structures. This results in regular and modular filter structures which is attractive from an implementation point of view. Firstand second-order Richards’ allpass sections can be realized as shown in Figs. 1 and 2, respectively. (Here, symmetric two-port adaptors are used. If desired, these adaptors can be replaced with two-port series or parallel adaptors using certain equivalence transformations [1]). In this paper we only consider lowpass and highpass filters. In this case, the lattice WDF is always of odd order and can for standard approximations (Butterworth, Chebyshev, and Cauer) be realized as shown in Fig. 3. The adaptor coefficients (1) i T Tmin T α0 α0 x(n) – y(n) x(n) y(n) Figure 1. First-order Richards’ allpass section. T T α2 – α2 Tmin T T α1 α1 x(n) – y(n) x(n) y(n) Figure 2. Second-order Richards’ allpass section. T T T T T α4 αΝ−3 γ3 γ3 T α0 T α3 T 1/2 x(n) α1 T T y(n) αΝ−2 α5 T γ2 = 0 γ2 αΝ−4 T T γ3 T γ1 2T γ1 γ1 Figure 4. Constrained third-order Richards’ allpass section. T α2 α6 αΝ−1 T T T Figure 3. Conventional Nth-order lattice WDF. T T T β0 βm–1 γ0 T T γ4 γΝ−3 2T 2T 3 Proposed approach To increase the maximal sample frequency we will make use of constrained third-order allpass sections instead of second-order sections. A constrained thirdorder section is obtained by fixing one of the adaptor coefficients in a third-order Richards’ allpass section to zero, as illustrated in Fig. 4. In the constrained thirdorder section, there are two delay elements between the two adaptors. By again making use of Fig. 2 it is clear that the maximal sample frequency of the constrained third-order section equals that of the first-order section in Fig. 1, i.e., (3) (1) f max = f max (4) assuming again that all multiplier and adder latencies are equal. Therefore, by using constrained third-order sections instead of regular second-order sections, the maximal sample frequency of the overall filter can be increased by two. However, if we substitute a third-order section for a second-order section in one of the allpass branches, it is inevitable that an additional first-order section is introduced into the same branch. Therefore, a first-order section must be inserted into the other branch to compensate for this. If we do like this for each of the second-order sections in the filter in Fig. 3, we end up with the filter in Fig. 5. The overall transfer function of this filter can be written as m H (z) = H (z) ∏ (1) H api ( z ) (5) i=0 where m = (N–3)/2, H(z) is the transfer function of the ( 1 ) ( z ) denotes the extra firstconventional filter, and H api order allpass section i. The magnitude response is thus retained in this approach, whereas the phase response is changed. γ3 γΝ−4 x(n) y(n) 1/2 β1 βm T T γ1 2T γΝ−2 γ5 2T 2T γ2 γ6 T T γΝ−1 T Figure 5. Proposed lattice WDF with m = (N–3)/2. Adaptor coefficients The adaptor coefficients of the proposed filter in Fig. 5 can easily be computed from the coefficients of the conventional filter in Fig. 3. To see how, we first study the transfer functions of the first-, second-, and constrained third-order sections alone. The transfer functions of the first-order, secondorder, and constrained third-order allpass sections in Figs. 1, 2, and 4 are given by Eqs. (6), (7), and (8), respectively. – α0 z + 1 (1) H ap ( z ) = ----------------------z –α0 (6) – α 1 z 2 – α 2 ( 1 – α 1 )z + 1 (2) H ap ( z ) = ------------------------------------------------------------z 2 – α 2 ( 1 – α 1 )z – α 1 (7) – γ 1z3 + γ 1γ 3z2 – γ 3z + 1 (3) H ap ( z ) = -------------------------------------------------------------z3 – γ 3z2 + γ 1γ 3z – γ 1 (8) It is desired that the constrained third-order section and the corresponding second-order section realize the same complex conjugated pole pair. Therefore, we rewrite Eq. (8) as which the delay element has been replaced with two cascaded delay elements (cf. bireciprocal lattice WDFs [1]), which means that a higher fmax is obtained automatically for the conventional filter. – α 1 z 2 – α 2 ( 1 – α 1 )z + 1 – β 0 z + 1 (3) - ---------------------- (9) H ap ( z ) = ----------------------------------------------------------- z 2 – α 2 ( 1 – α 1 )z – α 1 z – β 0 4 Some properties where β0 is a function of α1 and α2. From Eqs. (8) and (9) we get the following relation between α1, α2, β0, γ1, and γ3: γ 1 = – α 1 β 0, γ 1 γ 3 = α2 β0 ( 1 – α1 ) – α1 γ 3 = α2 ( 1 – α1 ) + β0 (10) By solving Eq. (10) we can express β0 as a function of α1 and α2: 2 α 2 ( 1 – α 12 ) α 2 ( 1 – α 12 ) β 0 = – --------------------------- ± --------------------------- + 1 2α 1 2α 1 (11) + – Let the two roots in Eq. (11) be denoted as β 0 and β 0 (respectively associated with + and – in front of ). It is evident that we have + – β0 β0 = –1 (12) i.e., the product of the two roots is always equal to –1. ( 3 ) ( z ) it must obviously be Since β0 is a root of H ap smaller than one in magnitude in order to make this fil+ ter stable. From Eq. (12), we see that if one of β 0 and – β 0 is larger than one, then the other is always smaller + than one. Thus, if β 0 ≠ 1 , then it is always possible to ( 3 ) make H ap ( z ) stable by choosing β0 as + + β 0 = β 0 , β 0 < 1, + + β0 = –1 ⁄ β0 , β0 > 1 (13) Based on the results above it is clear that, given all adaptor coefficients of the filter in Fig. 3, all adaptor coefficients of the filter in Fig. 5 can be computed according to + + β i = β i , β i < 1, γ 0 = α 0, + + βi = –1 ⁄ βi , βi > 1 γ 2i + 1 = – α 2i + 1 β i (14) (15) γ 2i + 2 = α 2i + 2 ( 1 – α 2i + 1 ) + β i for i = 0, 1, ..., m = (N–3)/2, where 2 α 2i + 2 ( 1 – α 2i + + 1) β i = – --------------------------------------------2α 2i + 1 2 2 α 2i + 2 ( 1 – α 2i + 1 ) + --------------------------------------------- + 1 2α 2i + 1 + – (16) From above it is clear that if β 0 = β 0 = 1 , then ( 3 ) ( z ) stable. It can easily it is not possible to make H ap be concluded that this occurs when the desired complex conjugated poles are purely imaginary. In this case it is however possible to use instead a first-order section in The proposed approach can be used for all cases of interest, but it is more attractive for some specifications than for others. This will be discussed in this section. Poles of first-order sections In the proposed approach, a number of extra first-order allpass sections are introduced. The real pole, p, of one such section is determined by a desired complex conjugated pole pair at re ± jθ . Figure 6 plots p versus θ and r. We see that as the complex-conjugated pole pair approaches the imaginary axis (θ approaches π/2), the real pole approaches +1 or –1, regardless the value of r. Round-off noise and sensitivity The poles of the extra first-order sections approach +1 or –1 as the bandwidth (θ) gets closer to π/2. One can therefore expect that the round-off noise and sensitivity of the new filters increase as the bandwidth approaches π/2, because they tend to increase when the poles move towards the unit circle. To confirm this, we have in Fig. 7 plotted the total noise gains (after L2-norm scaling) at the output of the overall filter that emanate from a constrained third-order section and its associated first-order section, and the corresponding conventional second-order section, respectively. Since the total noise gain at the output of the overall filter is the sum of the noise gains of each allpass section, the same conclusions can be drawn for the overall filter as for these allpass sections. As expected, we see that the noise increases rapidly as the bandwidth approaches π/2. We also see that for very narrow and wide bandwidths, the new filters can in fact have lower noise. As the bandwidth increases, the noise increases to finally become higher than for the conventional filter. However, when the bandwidth is narrower than about 0.45π, or wider than about 0.55π, the difference between the two cases is still small. The sensitivity has not been investigated thoroughly, but it seems that the same conclusions can be drawn for the sensitivity as for the round-off noise. Phase linearity To assess the phase linearity, we first study the group delay response of the extra first-order allpass sections. The group delay response of one such section is plotted in the top figure of Fig. 8 for some different pole locations (p). We see that the variation is largest near 0 or π, and that the variation increases with p . In the remaining region the response is rather flat. If the original lattice WDF is a lowpass filter with poles in the right halfplane (narrow-band), the extra first-order allpass sections have poles close to p = –1. In this case, the group delay of these sections has large variations near π, but is rather flat for small values of ωT. The group delay variation in the passband is therefore not much affected, as illustrated in the middle figure of Fig. 8. Similarly we conclude that, if the original filter is a lowpass filter with poles in the left half-plane (wideband) then the group delay variation is more affected since the large group delay variations of the first-order sections then occur in the passband, as illustrated in the bottom figure of Fig. 8. The same conclusions can also be drawn for highpass filters. Hence, for lowpass and highpass filters with bandwidths wider than π/2, there may be problems with phase linearity deterioration. 100 0 Noise gain One price to pay for the increased maximal sample frequency is a number of extra first-order allpass sections. However, it is possible to further optimize the proposed filter in order to improve the frequency response (in some sense) compared with that of the corresponding conventional filter. This is possible since we have an additional number of degrees of freedom (adaptor coefficients). It seems though that, due the restrictions that we have imposed, large improvements are not allowed. Nevertheless, it may in some cases be worth to optimize the filter. To illustrate this, we start with a 5thorder Cauer filter with passband and stopband edges at 0.2π and 0.3π rad, and passband and stopband ripples of –0.1 and –46.0 dB. We then optimize the resulting proposed filter using the program minimax.m in MATLAB straightforwardly, aiming at minimizing the stopband ripple. For the optimized filter this ripple becomes –48.1 dB, and thus a reduction of 2.1 dB is achieved. The overall proposed filter requires 7 adaptors. If a conventional lattice WDF is to meet the same requirements, its order must be increased to 7, implying that this filter also requires 7 adaptors. Thus, in this case, the complexity of the proposed filter does not exceed that of the conventional filter. The magnitude responses of the 5th-order Cauer filter and the corresponding optimized proposed filter are shown in Fig. 9. [2] [3] [4] 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 60 160 r = 0.7 40 20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 40 r = 0.5 20 0 20 40 60 80 100 θ in degrees 120 140 160 Figure 7. Total noise gain of a constrained third-order section and its associated extra first-order section (dashed line), and the corresponding conventional second-order section (solid line), as a function of θ and r of a desired complex conjugated pole pair at re ± jθ . 20 p = 0.9 p = -0.9 10 p = 0.5 References [1] r = 0.9 200 Group delay in samples 5 Optimization 300 0 0 40 p = -0.5 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 20 0 0 40 20 A. Fettweis, “Wave digital filters: Theory and practice,” Proc. IEEE, vol. 74, no. 2, pp. 270-327, Feb. 1986. M. Renfors and Y. Neuvo, “The maximum sampling rate of digital filters under hardware speed constraints,” IEEE Trans. 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Pole location (p) of the extra first-order allpass section as a function of θ and r of a desired complex conjugated pole pair at re ± jθ . -80 0 20 40 60 80 ωT in degrees 140 160 180 Figure 9. Magnitude response of a 5th-order Cauer filter (solid line) and the corresponding optimized proposed filter (dashed line).
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