1 Cover Page Emporia State University Teacher Work Sample Analysis of Student Learning ###Candidate Name: xxx ##Candidate Phone Number: xxx ###Candidate ID Number: xxx ###Name of School: xxx High School ###TWS Content Area: Social Studies ###Grade Level: 9-12 ###Date Submitted: (to be filled in by ESU staff) ###TWS Number:### (to be filled in by ESU staff) This is verification that the candidate submitting this TWS is a student teacher/intern at this school and that to the best of my knowledge this is the work of the candidate submitting the TWS. Signature of Supervising/Mentor Teacher: My signature verifies that this TWS is my own authentic work. I understand that obtaining, or attempting to obtain, a passing grade on a TWS by falsification or misrepresentation may result in a 2 failing grade in a course or expulsion from the teacher education program. You should NOT expect your supervising/ mentor teacher to verify your TWS without having an opportunity to review it. Signature of Candidate Submitting the TWS: Remember: Completed TWS may be submitted to Associate Dean, Dr. Ken Weaver, in one of three ways: (1) electronically to kweaver@emporia.edu and two paper copies will be made by The Teachers College, (2) hand deliver two paper copies to Visser Hall 211, or (3) mail two paper copies to ESU, The Teachers College, Attn. Dr. Weaver, Box 4036, Emporia, KS 66801. Demographic Information Sheet Please indicate: Your certification/licensure level (check all that apply): _____ Early Childhood (Birth - Grade 3) __X__Secondary (Grades 6 - 12) _____ Elementary (Grades K - 6) _____ Dual (Elem. and Secondary, PK-12 _____ Middle School (Grades 5 - 8) Your certification/licensure area(s) (check all that apply): _____Art _____Lang. Arts, Middle Lev _____Physics _____Biology _____French _____Psychology ___ Business _____Health _____Science, General _____Chemistry _____Journalism _____Science, Middle Level _____Early Childhood Ed. _____Mathematics _____Social Studies-Middle Level _____Early Child., handicap _____Mathematics, Middle Level ___X__Social Studies _____Earth-Space Science _____Music _____Spanish _____Elementary _____Physical Education _____Speech and Theatre _____Language Arts _____Physical Science _____Other:_______________ Identify the course, unit content area, (e.g., “Language Arts,” “Biology,” “Math,” Social Science,” etc.), 3 and grade level(s) of your Teacher Work Sample. Course World History Content Area Social Studies The grade(s)/level of students in your classroom (check all that apply): _____Preschool _____4th Grade _____9th Grade _____Kindergarten _____5th Grade __X___10th Grade _____1st Grade _____6th Grade _____11th Grade _____2nd Grade _____7th Grade _____12th Grade _____3rd Grade _____8th Grade Factor #1: Contextual Information and Learning Environment Contextual and Environmental Factors Factor Sources: Community, District, Classroom Instructional Implications or A rapidly growing suburban community on the edge of the xxx Metropolitan area. Community Use lessons that embrace the their metropolitan backgrounds as well as endeavor to introduce differentiated multicultural lessons where applicable. 31.2% of students categorized as economically disadvantaged. Community It is important to be sure and integrate all students in all lessons without drawing attention to differing economic status. 4 Low motivation to excel in the classroom in this course. Parental support Community Endeavor to convince students that education is important while also challenging students seeking to succeed. District Take advantage of the Family Access program a well as email correspondence. District race diversity: 86% White, 2.9% Black, 6.1% Hispanic, 5% Other. All classroom students are white. Community Provide diverse learning opportunities to create interracial understanding. 20 students in the classroom. 11 boys and 9 girls Classroom Generate adequate interaction within the group to facilitate gender cooperation. 4 Special education students and 1 at risk student Classroom Create lesson plans to attempt to highlight strengths while addressing weaknesses. Well lit and comfortable learning environment equipped with all necessary equipment available and in working order. Classroom Maintain a comfortable environment that is conducive to learning and students sense of well-being C. Important Student Characteristics within classroom1. are Caucasian, one is African American, and one is Hispanic. Ethnicity: Of my 20 students 18 Even though there is some diversity it is a very small percentage. I will create and implement lessons plans that will introduce a wide array of ethnic backgrounds to help my students understand different cultures 5 and develop a tolerance of different lifestyles and cultures. 2. Gender: There are nine females and eleven males in this class. Though these students are sophomores it is still important that we instill in them an understanding of gender roles and gender interaction. I will endeavor to ensure a high level of gender integration within assigned projects, activities, and assignments which will assist them in their understanding of their roles as well as an understanding of the opposite genders roles, ideology, and thought processes. 3. Parental support: Parental involvement varies widely at this school. Many students have a high level of parental support and interest while other seem to have virtually none. I will be sure to communicate that all involvement is welcome and will assure that all parents are aware of the web based program named Family Access which allows all parents to monitor their child’s progress in a real time setting. I will also communicate that any and all communication with me is encouraged and welcomed. 4. Socio-Economic Status: disadvantaged. Six of my students are considered to be economically I will create lesson plans consisting of assignments and activities that place no type of economical hardship ( such as expensive out of class projects requiring monetary input) upon those students. 5. Special Needs: Six of my students identified as having a learning disability. create and coordinate all modified lesson plans with my their Paraprofessional within our I will 6 classroom. I will ensure that all of my lessons are modified to help fit their specialized needs and that any additional information or adaptations are furnished prior to the that lessons meeting time. 6. Developmental characteristics: of behavioral and hormonal upheaval. High School sophomores are in a constant state Their moods, energy, and levels of concentration change on a minute to minute basis and have to be constantly taken into account. Their chemical make-ups are ever changing as they try to wade through a battlefield of peer pressure, personal conflict ( at home and at school) and all of these factors make them highly susceptible to personality fluctuations. 7. Classroom Setting: The classroom is well lit and set at a comfortable temperature. It as a total of 28 desks and chairs which are arranged in clusters of two ( side by side) and all facing forward towards the projector screen and large dry erase board. Though the classroom is full due to the number of students in some classes it is not cramped and all students are comfortable while in their learning areas. There is one projector and projector screen that is in which is in working order. D. QPA/NCA school improvement plan and state assessment data In 2010 92.3% of Juniors in the building met or exceeded the state standard for reading and 92% of Juniors exceeded or met the state standard for math. Social studies assessment were reintroduced this year. 7 Factor 2: A. Unit Goals and Objectives Course, unit content area, and grade level being taught for Teacher Work Sample: I will be teaching high school World History, 10th grade, with units including The Wars of Religion, Social Crisis in Europe including the English revolution, Absolutism in Europe, and European culture. In addition to teaching the details of each unit ( dates, individuals, and events) I will be teaching skills such as note taking, critical thinking, project management, and essay writing which will help them transition to higher level social studies classes and eventually college. B. When choosing the objectives that I would use I used the Kansas state Board of Education standards for high school World History students. The history standard indicated that the students were to learn about various eras and developments from different parts of the world utilizing analytical and research skills. The students are to be engaged in historical thinking gaining knowledge and understanding of significant individuals, groups, and ideas. In order to show the students abilities to draw historical conclusions and the students can incorporate persuasive writing and a wide array of research techniques. When selecting my unit objectives I incorporated low, middle and high level objectives in accordance to Bloom’s Taxonomy in an attempt to pinpoint those that I felt were most important to the students development and understanding of the material, ideas, and concepts. C. History standard - The student uses a working knowledge and understanding of significant 8 individuals, groups, ideas, events, eras, and developments in the history of Kansas, the United States, and the world, utilizing essential analytical and research skills. Benchmark 1 - The student uses a working knowledge and understanding of individuals, groups, ideas, developments, and turning points of the Global Age of Exploration(1400 -1750) Indicator 4 - (k) Compares and contrasts the rise of constitutionalism in Britain with political structures in France. (e.g. changes resulting from the English Civil War and Glorious Revolution: English Bill of Rights, establishment of Parliament, French Absolutism) Indicator 5 - (k) explores the growth of Russian Absolutism(e.g. Ivan the Terrible, Peter the Great, Catherine the Great) Goal(s): The goal of the unit is for the students to develop an understanding of the different governmental ideologies, individuals, and culture that shaped late 16th and 17th century Europe. 9 Indicate TWS objectives with * Obj ecti ve # Stated Objective Level of objective Domain of objective (use to code your obje ctive s) * 1 Students will develop understanding of Queen Elizabeth I beliefs and how they shaped England and Europe. low cognitive * 2 Students will be able to identify the different types of governments during the era and their characteristics low cognitive * 3 Students will answer questions about their feelings experienced after being subject to Absolutism low affective * 4 Students will be able to identify important individuals, ideas, cultures, and occurrences in Europe during the era. low cognitive * 5 Students will be able to compare/contrast the characteristics of the governments, religions, and conflicts of the relevant countries of Europe. medium Cognitive 10 * 6 Students will be able to compare and contrast the different governmental ideologies of England, France and Russia medium Cognitive * 7 Using four or more sources the student will produce an informational power point presentation accompanied by a persuasive essay explaining/defending whom they felt was most “effective” leader of the era. high Cognitive * 8 Students will evaluate the English Bill of rights and the U.S. Bill of Rights and explain which amendment is the most important to them and their daily lives. high Cognitive Factor #3: Instructional Design and Implementation Timeline Learning Objectives Instructional Activities, including interdisciplinary activities Reso urces Assessments and Day 1 Pre -Assessment Tech nolog y Pre-A ssess ment hand out Teaching and Readi specific students an on identified contex pre-assessment nee Pre-assessment exp done by Para profes sic Special Educatio 11 Day 2 #1 -Read Queen Elizabeth I Golden Speech ( answer questions from text) -Complete introductory vocabulary handout Students will complete and hand in daily work. Textb ook, hand outs Introductory vocabu modified in conjunc paraprofessional. Pa assist entire block Day 3 #2,#4,#5 -Brainstorm question regarding societal power - French War of Religion lecture/Power Point Presentation -France, Spain, England comp/contrast - White board review Students will complete and hand in daily work. Graphic organizer Teacher observation . Highlighted Power P used in conjunction notes utilized. Parap entire block to assis Day 4 #2, #4, #5, #6, #8 -Brainstorm/class discussion regarding “personal rights” -Societal crisis/war/revolution lecture PowerPoint Presentation -English/U.S. Bill of Rights compare/contrast -Bill of Rights - “Important to you” essay -Who am I / what am I review Students complete and hand in daily work Graphic Organizer product Teacher observation Day 5 #2, #3, #5 -Absolutism experiment -Absolutism reaction essay Teacher observation Hand in daily work (essay) Textb ook, Notes hand out, 3 natio ns hand out, proje ctor, powe r point prese ntatio n Textb ook, Bill Of rights graph ic organ izer hand out, proje ctor, powe r point prese ntatio n Textb ook Highlighted Power P used in conjunction notes utilized. Par room entire block to Bill Of Rights Graph completed in hetero two. Paraprofessional in assist with reaction 12 Day 6 #2, #4, #5, #6 -Introductory Matching/Vocabulary - Czars video clip -Absolutism lecture/PowerPoint presentation Hand in daily work Teacher observation Day 7 #2, #4, #5, #6, #7 -Brainstorm as many Monarchial figures a possible -Monarchial leader research and conclusion project Teacher observation-disc ussion Power point and Essay continued Day 8 #2, #4, #5, #6, #7 -Monarch leader research project (cont.) -Guided reading/Quiz activity -White board class review Daily work turned in Completed project handed in for grading Teacher observation Day 9 #2, #4, #6 - European Culture lecture PowerPoint Presentation - “Basketball” group review activity Teacher Observation during notes/ lecture Textb ook, proje ctor, powe r point prese ntatio n Textb ook, Lapto p comp uter Textb ook, lapto p comp uter Highlighted Power P used in conjunction notes utilized. Parap entire block to assis Textb ook, proje ctor, powe r point prese ntatio n Guided notes distrib grouped in heterog mainstreamed grou competitive review classroom to assist Project modified in Paraprofessional, Sp students will compl Para in classroom to Handout modified i Paraprofessional ins classroom to assist 1) Techniques used to foster active inquiry, collaboration (e.g. collaborative groups), social interaction, and a supportive classroom environment- Within my classroom I purposefully and regularly use direct questioning techniques to draw out my more reserved students. It is from these questions that I generally experienced success in generating multiple student, and 13 sometimes, entire class discussions about the subject in question. 2) Multiple learning strategies lessons In an effort to incorporate different strategies into my I have found some very interesting and useful activities. In deference to the amount of time I had to teach these sections I did find myself relying on the content area but I still managed to institute a number of different strategies designed to meet the needs of all levels of learners. I make it a point to institute activities for the intrapersonal learners which allow them to work silently as they digest the information. Within every power point presentation I have included pictures as well as video and/or audio clips where applicable. were able to connect the video and pictures to the discussions. The visual learners in my class On the flip side my auditory learners were able to connect the audio, as well as the group discussions, to the content. 3) Technology - I utilize technology within the classroom nearly every day. As a social studies content area teacher I utilize over head projectors, personal computer software (Power Point), and video/audio clips on a daily basis. I also utilize laptop computers whenever possible as the students truly enjoy their time researching on the laptops as their comfort level on them is at a very high level. The research the students generate certainly reflects that comfort and enjoyment level as their research and idea development tends to be much more detailed when done on the laptops 4) How your plan meets the needs of the development levels of students (intellectual, social, and physical). I am blessed with great Paraprofessionals within my classroom . I work in 14 direct contact with them in relation to all modifications of assignments and lessons. I instituted guided notes for all of my students and have found that all levels of learners enjoy and benefit type of note taking. As opposed to attempting to hastily write down everything covered they are able to specifically identify the key points allowing them to assimilate the information quicker it has helped content understanding and class discussion has risen as a direct result. 5) Student use of critical thinking and problem solving - I endeavored to facilitate critical thinking and problem solving throughout the unit. Through writing assignments as well as daily discussions my intent was to help them personalize the information in the unit helping them make well thought out conclusions which would grow into personal thought processes of ideas. 6) Accommodation of varied levels of reading skills and adaptations made for the students who have reading difficulties classes. As a rule I utilized “guided notes” for all students within my They were instructed to read along with the note handouts and to fill in the notes with the highlighted words or concepts from the power point. Any individual who required additional assistance were furnished with a hard copy of the notes, the note key, as well as the power point print out if requested. Generally these things were made available to the paraprofessional in my classroom as a way to help those children identified as special education, but if anyone else, for any reason, had issues understanding or following my presentation additional information was supplied to them. 15 Factor #4: Demonstration of Integration Skills: I realize the importance of integrated knowledge and learning especially within the realm of the social sciences. to great lengths to integrate reading and writing into my lessons. That is why I went In order to be successful in this content area one must be able to read in order to glean important knowledge from antiquated primary sources. In order to understand history a student must be able to read and comprehend both simple and complex facts and ideas from a number of sources ( primary, secondary, textbooks, speeches, etc.) To help the students develop I strived to include reading in my lessons. I had them read Queen Elizabeth I Golden Speech and explain how they believed she felt towards her people. I had them do guided reading exercises in which they had to read the text books to pull information and ideas to answer questions, in the English Bill of Rights /U.S. Bill of Rights compare and contrast lesson I had them read both documents, find similarities and then personalize their findings by explaining which one was most important to them. All of these examples help develop the students ability to read for content. Students also need to be able to get their ideas across they also need to develop the ability to write proficiently. I made sure to include a number of writing assignments that would allow the students to develop their writing skills. relevant topics for the section. I incorporated brainstorming assignments on In the Monarchial ruler research assignment they had to research and create an informational product and evaluate and make a personal choice or decision as to which entity was the best from their point of view based on their personal knowledge and write an essay. Again, the Bill of Rights compare and contrast writing assignment the student were given the task of comparing historical documents, making 16 decisions based on their reading, and then giving a written explanation explaining their personal ides and beliefs in relation to the documents and their own lives. Factor 5: Analysis of Classroom Learning Environment A. Environmental Elements Conducive to Positive Learning: My classroom contains a number of factors and characteristics that help create and maintain and safe, comfortable, and positive learning environment for my students. The most fundamental is that the room temperature is kept at a comfortable temperature, normally from 70m- 74 degrees. For some rooms in the building this appears to be a struggle, but since my room is an interior building classroom ( no outside walls) the temperature rarely fluctuates which is a tremendous plus on extremely hot or cold days. The classroom itself is spacious. Space is periodically an issue as we do have twenty-nine student desks ( situated in clusters of two seated side by side, with aisles between cluster rows for me to walk through, facing the front of the room) thanks to the ever growing population of the school and the tenth grades size in relation to other classes ( second largest in history). We also have a teachers desk and a table and rolling chair to accommodate our Paraprofessionals and any other visitors or guests to the classroom. The students desk are comfortable, sturdy, clean, and in good repair. The classroom also has two large white boards on each end of the classroom. One of these are utilized as an informational board where the students can see the daily plan of events for their class period upon their arrival on a daily basis. The other white board is in the front of the room and is used for informational purposes when needed as well as fulfilling the needs of a projector 17 screen as it is much more convenient that the pull down screen. The classroom is also equipped with a ceiling mounted projector which fulfills a number of needs such as video announcements, video presentations, movie presentations, and Power Point presentations. As a whole, my classroom easily lends itself to being a conducive place for learning. B. Classroom Management Plan: I use a number of student motivation strategies within my classroom. On the first day of classes I create a short power point presentation about myself, my life, and some of my experiences and I show and discuss it with the class. I then have each student write me a brief one paragraph essay about themselves to help me learn a little more about them. I use this information to build a rapport with the students as well as attempt direct any future lessons toward interesting information contained in the essays weather it be for an individual students or a number of students with similar interests. contract of expectations. my class. In addition I employ a It is a basic checklist of the expectations that I have of students in We read these aloud and every students signs and dates the contract signifying that they understand the rules of the classroom. Lastly, I employ a seating chart to help those students in need of help or extra supervision be in a place conducive to their learning level or style. These activities set a solid base for the classes behavior from that point forward. The classroom knows what to expect from me and they are aware of what I will expect from them on a daily basis. 1. Individual Motivation Strategies - I employ a number of different motivational strategies within my classroom. I find that positive reinforcement and positive feedback are the 18 most effective tools I used to motivate students to excel. Though I do my best not to hand out praise or compliments to easily I make it a point to identify any all positive efforts, ideas, or behaviors and make it a point to praise that which is positive both publicly and privately. I also, make sure that I make sure and bestow positive feedback on students based on their personal learning level or social situation. I have a large number of special education students and I make it a point to include them in group discussions if they are unsure of their involvement and I make it a point to praise them for the smaller victories that might not garner such praise for a higher level learner. 2. Group Motivation Behavior: As an energetic and outgoing individual I never had a real issue with instilling excitement and interest into my classes. the group as a whole when they are behaving positively. I go out of my way to reward A big one at my school is the reward of music in the classroom when they are working diligently, as a whole, on a project or assignment. classroom. I have been amazed at the weight this simple reward carries within my I also use positive reinforcement at the group level also. During the early chapters of the semester I had the students doing some individual artwork ( coat of arms, manor drawing, etc.) and I found that the reward of having their completed projects laminated and posted in the room for the school year was a very effective motivator for the group. The students became very competitive and turned in better than average work as a result. 3.Verbal Communication Among Students: Initially I allow the students to sit wherever they choose with the understanding that if their choices are not conducive to the 19 environment I want I will rearrange them in a weeks time. the seating chart to my liking. In a weeks time I rearrange and set This allows me time to identify students that may need additional help or may need additional supervision and I can place them accordingly. I also encourage my higher level learning students to model positive behavior whenever possible and by placing them near someone in need of that influence I can help both students excel both by visual modeling but also but allowing conversation between the students in my classroom as long as I or another students is not speaking to the class or myself at the time. These offline conversations regarding class assignment can be invaluable to both parties. I then rearrange the seating charts at the end of each quarter as I collect more date and ideas on the students and their behavior. 4. Non-verbal Communication Among Students: Non-verbal communication is very similar to verbal communication. All students are expected to act appropriately based on the classroom expectations and should be brought back on task easily and quickly when asked to. All forms of communication are encouraged as long as they are respectful of their peers and others within the classroom environment. 5. Encouraging Active Inquiry In the Classroom: During the units detailed in my lesson plans I repeatedly had my students do research of events, individuals, and topics on their own allowing them to hone their inquiry skills. In addition, within the classroom setting I regularly question the students at random to ensure that all students feel comfortable and become used to being a part of the collective during discussion. I also encourage all my 20 students to question me about any subject related ideas or questions that they may have. It are these student driven inquiries that generally grow into positive group discussions as they and their peers begin to understand that many of them have the same questions and idea. In order to cultivate this I use a number of group question and answer review activities to help them internalize the information as well as get them accustomed to speaking out in class. 6. Provide Environment Supportive of Student Interaction: The students retention of the material and the students nurtured willingness to participate in thought, questioning, and discussion the main drivers of my lesson plans. I repeatedly talk to the students about their ideas and their processes they use to arrive at their opinions and ideas. I attempt to instill in them the understanding that their education is important and is the product of their hard work and I make my classroom open to any and all appropriate conversation and examination of ideas that the students feel they want to explore. In my classroom I do all I can to get the students to share ideas and discuss their viewpoints with one another in order for them to make an educated and open-minded decision. Factor 6 : Analysis of Assessment Procedures: A) Graphic Presentation: 21 B. Assessment Plan Table: Assessments TWS Objectives (Use TWS Objectives identified in Type of Assessment (Include a brief description and criteria for mastery.) Adaptations 22 Factor 2.) 1. Pre-assessment All TWS Objectives 15 questions regarding Europe Chapter 7 ( 12 of 15 correct) No adaptations made on pre-test 2. Vocabulary activity #1 Formative - 80 % or higher ( 10 of 12correct) Special Education students work in pairs in conjunction with Para Educator 3. 3 Country compare/contrast graphic organizer #2, #4, #5 Formative - Score 80% or higher on characteristics organizer ( 16 of 20 correct) Special education students allowed to work in groups. 4. Guided Reading/Section Quiz activity #2, #4, #5, #6 Formative - Score 80% or higher ( 22 of 27 correct) Special education given modified version which includes a word bank for guided reading . 5. Post-assessment All TWS Objectives Same as pre-assessment. Same as pre-test C. Master Learning Table TWS Objectives Percentag e of Students Achieving Mastery on each TWS Objective Average Percentage of Students Achieving Mastery for each Level of Objective Number of Students Who Achieved Mastery with Adaptatio ns Low level objectives: Students will develop understanding of Queen Elizabeth I beliefs and how they shaped England and Europe. 85% 4 - Done as group project 23 XXXXX Students will be able to identify the different types of governments during the era and their characteristics 4- Done in pairs 80% Students will answer questions about their feelings experienced after being subject to Absolutism 95% 5 Students will be able to identify important individuals, ideas, cultures, and occurrences in Europe during the era. 76% 4 Low Level Mastery Objective Index Sub-categories score. (Average of percent of students achieving mastery of low level objectives.) XXXXX 77% XXXXX Middle level objectives: Students will be able to identify important individuals, ideas, cultures, and occurrences in Europe during the era. 50% Students will be able to compare/contrast the characteristics of the governments, religions, and conflicts of the relevant countries of Europe. Middle Level Mastery Objective Index Sub-categories Score. (Average of percent of students achieving mastery of middle level objectives.) High level objectives: XXXXX 80% XXXXX 2 4 65% XXXXX 24 Students will be able to compare and contrast the different governmental ideologies of England, France Using four or more sources the student will produce an informational power point presentation accompanied by a persuasive essay explaining/defending whom they felt was most “effective” High Level Mastery Objective Index Sub-categories Score. (Average 85% 3 90% 5 XXXXX of percent of students achieving mastery of high level objectives.) Objective Mastery Index (Average of percentage of students achieving mastery 74% using all TWS Objectives.) 77% XXXXX XXXXX 4 Table of learning gain scores and overall average gain. Include a table showing pre- and post-assessment scores for each student, calculated gain score for each student, and the group average gain score. E)Describe subgroup performances on low, middle, and high level TWS Objectives. Provide the number in each subgroup. Student # Pre-assessment Score Post-assessment Score Gain Score 1 26% 93% 1.10 2 20% 80% 0.74 3 13% 66% 0.72 4 6% 0% 0.89 5 26% 60% 0.30 6 0 53% 0.81 7 0 73% 8 0 60% 25 9 6% 93% 10 26% 86% 11 40% 93% 12 6% 26% 13 13% 26% 14 6% 93% 15 14% 100% 16 1 100% 17 0 93% 18 0 80% 19 0 86% 20 0 60% Group Average Gain Score TWS Objectives Subgroup 1: Special Education Subgroup 2: Special education (# in group) (# in group) Low 4 Middle 4 High 4 If subgroup performances are different, explain why you think they are different or similar. F) Explanation of how student progress was monitored by pre-assessment data and used 26 appropriately in instruction and decision-making. The performance and improvement undertaken by the Special Education subgroup was much higher statistically then the regular group. I feel that that is due to the modifications, informal personal assistance and formal professional assistance. G)Explanation of how student progress is monitored by assessment data and used in instructional decision-making. Provide examples to illustrate. I watch the students performance on the formative assessments to identify the places that the students are falling short. I then reassess my strategies and gear my future lessons ( especially review strategies) toward the gaps in content assimilation and understanding. In addition with a number of our formative assessment activities I allow the students to trade and grade their assignments. They are instructed to give accurate grades and in a different colored ink they are told to write in the correct answers so the owner of the assignment has the correct answers for future review/study. H) Explanation of how student progress is monitored by appropriate post-assessment data and is used appropriately in instructional decision-making or planning. Student progress is monitored and success and failure is derived directly from the students performance in relation to their performance on formative assessments. It is from these scores etc that the teacher has to decide if the students have mastered the content or not. If they have not then I revisit my lessons and my reflections and make the changes that are necessary. I) Explanation why you have chosen each assessment you used to measure your TWS Objectives. The final is the final assessment for me. I attempt to use the daily work and daily lessons as a way to build and apply the students knowledge gradually over the course of the unit. I test their comprehension along the way with formative assessments and then monitoring their performance work to shift my strategies to where I feel they will do the most good. In the end the final test if the litmus test of failure or success. J) Justify your assessment adaptations- The majority of my adaptations are done in conjunction with a special education professional ( either a para and/or case worker) so I was instituting their suggestions and strategies in relation to those students. I did install the Guided Note taking strategy for all students as I felt that it was a more inclusive form of note taking that would help all students assimilate the content better during lecture and presentations. Factor 7: Reflection and Self-Evaluation: 27 A) Successful Activities: My students were most successful in this section when they were allowed to utilize technology ( laptops) and had ample time to research and configure their research projects on their own. I was not expecting this but the most insightful and complete work done was the “Ruler” activity in which they researched rulers of the time and wrote a reaction paper as to which ruler they felt was most effective. My second most successful activity was the vocabulary (especially when introduced as an introduction activity). The students were diligent as it was a fairly easy assignment, but I was amazed by how much they retained after only being exposed to the terms once. Upon seeing this retention I made sure and included basic vocabulary whenever feasible. Unsuccessful Activities- The most unsuccessful activity I utilized was the guided reading activity. The students were completely un-enthused with it and their performance reflects that. I felt it was due two outside factors. The high school footballs teams undefeated record and game as well as the release of a highly anticipated video came ( Call of Duty” Black Ops). I understand the second one may sound a little ridiculous but I and other teachers saw a marked drop in effort and scores for a least 10 days after it’s release as we overheard students talking about being up all night playing B. Impact of instructional decisions: Initially I had tried to instill a regular daily brainstorming or writing assignment to every class. It was quickly apparent that they students were under enthused with this style of writing considering it was a small exercise worth few points. I found that once I discarded that activity and replaced it with a thought provoking era specific 28 question and then initiated a group discussion related to the questions the kids were much more interested and engaged. It has become part of our routine and the students ask what is going on if it is not included in the days lesson. C. Improvements: As a non-traditional student I have been humbled and know that I do not know everything. From this point of view I know that I have a lot to learn. I will, like most new teachers, strive to perfect organization techniques that will work for me and to make it my top priority at all time to be ahead of the preparation game. Nothing ruins a productive day of class than an instructor that is not a hundred percent ready to teach the lessons and the content that is on the plate for that day. I will also strive to be tougher or more strict at the onset of a class or school year. I felt I was to easy at the beginning and it left me a slight but manageable uphill climb to get the classroom to behave and perform the way I expected in my mind. D. Communication -I am what I have termed a full service educator. Though I have expectations of my students I am willing to whatever it takes to work with and assist a student to reach their potential. I have found myself overextended at times with commitments I have made to students, but I feel I have learned from my mistakes and have found a happy medium in which I can assist those that need/want assistance and those that want me to do their work for them. I have regular classroom hours before and right after school and am willing to help. Outside of those hours it needs to be an emergency etc. and kids. I have a great rapport with parents During parent teacher conference I tell them we are a team trying to help the 29 student and they, for the most part, have reacted positively to that. I will maintain this type of verbage in the future. E. School Improvement Plan: Gardner, even with high test scores, are adamant about improving. For the last couple of years there had been no social studies content assessment. This year, while I was there, there was an assessment done and based on the test they have identified some areas for future devotion. Professional Development:I need to develop a more in depth knowledge of lesson planning for different learning levels. I will be taking continuing education courses in Graduate methods to help better understand cooperative learning techniques and multi-level strategies. will also rely on my seasoned colleagues for ideas and advice on a daily basis. have to ensure that I do not over extend myself. I have and Personally I I have to diligently prioritize my tasks at hand and make sure that my planning and organization never take a back seat. As I become a better organizer and get more experience planning an entire school year I know I will be successful in my career. I will again glean important lessons and tips from my colleagues. During this experience I have found most fellow teachers willing and able to jump in and help and I will never leave that resource untapped. APPENDIX C : 30 1) The most famous religious of the 16th century was? 2) He was nicknamed the “Most Catholic King” ? 3)A Spanish fleet of warships is called what? King Phillip II Armada 4) Queen Elizabeth I was practiced what religion? 5) A belief in magic The French Wars of Religion Protestantism or she was Protestant that was part of village cultures? Witchcraft 6) Queen Elizabeth I was a part of aht family ( along with Bloody Mary) ? The Tudors 7) When William the Orange took over the throne of England it was termed what? The Glorious Revolution 8) England, France and Spain had what type of government? Monarchy 9) This famous French king took the throne when he was four years old? 10) What was the name of King Louis XIV ‘s palace? Versailles 11) Parliamentary forces know for their short hair were called what? 12) A rapid increase in prices is termed what? Czar Roundheads Inflation 13) The most famous writer of the Elizabethan age was? 14) The Russian word for god? King Louis XIV William Shakespeare 31 15) This Czar was know for his ruthless deeds including killing his own son will in a fit of anger? Ivan the Terrible
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