Dunwoody High School AP World History Summer Assignment 2013-2014 Vincent

Dunwoody High School
AP World History Summer Assignment
Directions: carefully read the assigned texts and complete the assignments according to the instructions listed below. Plagiarism of any part of the
assignment will result in a zero for the assignment and an academic referral. Please do your own work. If you have questions, email me at
Assignment, Part I – Personal History CCOT
In a typed essay of no more than two (2) double spaced pages, I would like you to describe and explain the important changes and continuities in the
life of either: 1) you since the 3rd grade; or 2) a fictional character from one of your favorite books, TV shows or movies. It does not matter to me
whether you take yourself as the subject (you are, after all, a presumed expert on the matter and should have plenty to say) or write an essay charting
the tragic development of Tom Riddle from brilliant Hogwarts student to, well, HE-WHO-SHALL-NOT-BE-NAMED! Be creative. The choice is
Regardless, when planning your paper, aim to discuss and explain at least two specific life changes and one continuity (you’ll hear me talk about the
“Rule of 3” a lot during the course so we might as well introduce it now); more is fine but not necessarily better – it is the quality and depth of your
discussion that I care about most. The samples below, excerpted from an in-class exercise we did two years ago, should give you an idea of what I am
looking for.
Personal History CCOT Sample #1
Personal History CCOT Sample #2
That said, a few things: 1) be as specific as possible in your descriptions. There is a big difference between saying “my hair changed” and “my hair
changed from a luxurious, blonde, Goldilocks-like coiffure to a short, cropped, jet-black don’t-mess-with-me ‘do”. Don’t overdo it (pardon the
pun), but you get the idea; 2) in addition to describing the important changes, you need to explain one of them. By this I mean you need to identify
and discuss what provoked one personal (or character) change you described in your essay (e.g. “In the fifth grade, my taste in music shifted from
pop rock to country because I developed a crush on a much older boy who lived on a farm just outside of town...”). In this example, it is the “because”
statement that cues me, the reader, that you, the writer, are attempting to explain why something about your life (in this case, your taste in music)
changed. Do the same for one continuity. Likewise, be as specific and thorough in your explanations as you are with your descriptions; 3) finally,
when choosing a continuity, I want you to think about some part of your life (or some part of your character’s life) that resists change and endures even
if in a slightly altered way. Nothing (well, very few things anyway) continue entirely as they’ve always been, forever. As Mark Twain once said in
response to an old cliché, “History never repeats itself; at best it rhymes.” It is the rhyme that I want you to uncover, identify, describe, and, just like
you did for both of the changes, explain.
I will use the enclosed rubric to score your essays. It is modeled off of the AP World History Change Over Time rubric. You will see it again and
often this year.
Note: completed essays must be emailed to wildcatsapwh@gmail.com (Subject: “APWH Personal History CCOT”) no later than
Monday, July 15th at 8am.
Assignment, Part II – Getting to Know Your Textbook
Please purchase* a new or used copy of the following textbook by Bob Strayer. We will use it extensively over the course of the year to
supplement your standard-issue textbook. It can be found online through the usual vendors for quite reasonable prices. Regardless of which vendor
you use, please check the ISBN # to ensure that you order the correct edition.
Robert Strayer, Ways of the World: a Brief History with Global Sources (ISBN – 13: 978-0312489168)
After purchasing your textbook, look through it. Get familiar with the layout. Notice how the chapters are organized and written. Do any of the
Margin Review Question (MRQ) types repeat? Why? What is the purpose of the Big Picture Questions (BPQs) at the end of every chapter? Take a
glance at the end-of-chapter “Document Based Questions” (DBQs) based on excerpts from primary sources and collections of visuals. In what way
do these DBQs extend/qualify the material presented in the chapters?
*Note: if you cannot afford to purchase a copy of the Strayer text, please let me know.
Assignment, Part III – Cornell Notes Outline
Carefully read the Prologue and Part I, “First Things First: Beginnings in History, to 500 BCE,” on p. li-7 of the Strayer text. Then, handwrite or
type a Cornell Notes outline* for Ch. 2, “First Farmers: Revolutions of Agriculture, 10,000 BCE – 3000 BCE.” In the “cue column” of your notes,
identify where each of the Margin Review Question (MRQs) can be found (see the student sample in the course DROP BOX as described below).
Finally, in the summary field at the bottom of your notes OR at the end of your notes, respond to each of the Big Picture Questions (BPQs) in detail
but in no more than 250 words per response. We will use the BPQs for reading quizzes and to drive discussions about each chapter as we move
through them, so please be thorough.
I have placed a few resources in a DROP BOX on First Class to help you prepare your Cornell Notes. To access them, click on the link below. It
should take you to a folder in which you will find a word doc. summarizing the Cornell note-taking method and two PDFs, a template for your notes
and a student sample. Note: you do NOT need to print off and use the templates. However, if you don’t, you DO need to divide
your notebook paper into the three main sections and otherwise follow the guidelines.
Cornell Notes Info:
*Note: there is no prescribed length for a Cornell Notes outline. Your outline should be detailed enough so that it can stand apart from the chapter
but not so long that it constitutes a near verbatim copy of the textbook material. You need to strike a balance between “Big Picture” ideas and
concrete “facts” that illustrate larger themes and processes and will learn how to do this over time. Likewise your BPQ responses should answer the
question posed but include facts/specific evidence to illustrate the “Big Picture,” all in 250 words or less. Outlines are due the first day of
classes on Monday, August 12th.
EXPANDED CORE (Shows excellence)
BASIC CORE (Shows competence)
Has a clear, comprehensive thesis that addresses the prompt (must specify
changes and continuities [Rule of 3] and include a comparative
Addresses all parts of the question, though not necessarily evenly or
thoroughly (at least 2 changes + 1 continuity).
Expands beyond the basic core of 1 to 7 points. A student MUST earn
seven points in the basic core area BEFORE earning points from the
expanded core area below.
Has a clear, analytical, and comprehensive thesis or thesis
Addresses most parts of the question: (e.g. addresses changes but not
continuities and/or less than 3 total changes and continuities).
Substantiates the thesis with at least 3 pieces of appropriate evidence** (1
each for change, 1 for continuity)
n Addresses all parts of the question evenly by discussing more
than the minimum number of changes and continuities.
n Provides ample evidence to substantiate thesis. That is, the
essay is rich in detail.
Partially substantiates thesis with appropriate evidence.
n Links a change in one’s life (or the life of their chosen character)
to an external event outside of the immediate circumstances and
discusses how that event impacts change/continuity.
Analyzes the process of change and continuity over time by explaining why
certain aspects of their life changed while others endured.
n Concludes in a manner other than restating or paraphrasing
n Writing is nearly grammatically perfect, devoid of 1st or 2nd
person, passive voice, pronoun ambiguity, sentence fragments
or run-on sentences. Vocabulary usage is fluid and stylistic –
not non-sensical or overdone. (Required for a score of 9).
GRADES: 9=97, 8=92, 7=87, 6=82, 5=77, 4=72, 3=67, 2=62, 1=57, 0=50