Warning: Those questions are submitted by the students and it is your responsibility to check whether the answers are correct or not. Final Exam Sample Questions • Name the three(3) models used in OMT - Object Model - Dynamic Model - Functional Model • Name the five (5) views used in UML - Usa Case View - Logical View - Component View - Concurrency View - Deployment View • In Mr. Tarek's presentation (Process Optimization) what were the previous process elements? What type of modeling was the old process and what type is the new process? - FN (Functional which involved the customer) - HLD (High Level Design - Customer is no longer involved) - DD (detailed Design) - DT (Design Test) - EI (main concerns are memory usage and real time issues) The old process was an example of Waterfall model and the new one is the Spiral model. • What is the counterpart of Use Case View in OMT? a. Scenarios b. Object model c. Class Diagram d. Sequence Diagram answer is (a) • What are the two elements involved in OMT's Dynamic Modeling? - Event Trace Diagram (ETD) - Finite State Machine (FSM) • (0/1) A JAVA Applet requires a Java VM enabled browser where JAVA Applications do not require Java VM (Virtual Machine) answer: 0 • Java Applications still require JVM in order to run State the progress of Programming Languages and the two major benefits of an OO Language LLPL --> HLPL --> OOPL The two major benefits of OOPL are: - Localization of Faults - Prevent Hacking • What was the major enhancement that OMT v2 introduced? - The Real Time Aspect • What is ETD's counterpart in UML - Sequence Diagram • What is the major difference between UML's Use Case Diagram and OMT's Scenarios? - Use Case Diagram is in a graphical format but Scenarios are generally text-based • System can be either a. hardware, b. software, c. Operation system. d. all above. Answer: d. • Risks of OO system are a. high start-up costs. b. higher learning curve. c. lack of OO expertise or archtecture. d. all above. Answer: d. • Object-Oriented Development consists of a. OO Analysis. b. OO Design. c. OO Implementation. d. a and c. e. a and b. f. all above. Answer: f. • The deliverable(s) of OMT is/are a. Object model and Dynamic model. b. Only Dynamic model. c. Only Functional Model. d. b and c e. all above. Answer: e. • System can be either SW, HW, or integrated SW/HW system. or just a business process. Answer: True. • Four conceptual objects are User interface, Local business, Corporate business, and Storage. Answer: True. • Encapsulation barrier = API = Interoperable Interface. Answer: True. • JAVA provides the language security because JAVA does not have pointers or memory operators. Answer: True. • Describe differences between JAVA and C/C++ * No more structure or unions. * No more typedefs, defines, or preprocessor. * No more functions. * No more goto statements. * No more operator overloading. * No more multiple inheritance. * No more pointers. • Why is the information hiding important. In order to use an object, we do not need to know "how" object' behaviors are implemented but we only need to know "what" kinds behaviors it exhibits. • A system can be a collection of objects that contains data structure and function. ANSWER: TRUE (FROM S4-4) • An object is an entity able to save an attribute which exhibits a number of behavior to examine and affect the current state. ANSWER: FALSE (FROM S4-8) • In hiding information and in order to use an object, we need to know how an object behavior are implemented and we only need to know what kinds of behavior it exhibits. ANSWER: FALSE (FROM S4-16) • OO is the trend because it looks beyound the usual OO arguments i.e. re-use and inheritance. ANSWER: TRUE (FROM S5-9) • SDL can only represent in graphical (SDL/GR) but not textual (SDL/PR). ANSWER: FALSE (FROM S5) • OOA or OOD features include a. b. c. d. e. • Abstraction Encapsulation Hierarchy/classification None of the above All of the avove ANSWER: E (FROM S4-5) A class describes a group of related objects with a. b. c. d. Similiar attributes common behavior common relationship to other objects None of the above e. all of the above ANSWER: E (FROM 24-22) • Which one of these is NOT a common process a. b. c. d. e. • Defining the problem Planning the solution Coordinate problem to solution Integrating the program None of the above ANSWER: C (FROM S5) Name 3 simple and 3 complex telecommunication objects. ANSWER: SIMPLE ARE TELEPHONE, LINE AND FEATURE COMPLEX ARE SWITCH, IP ROUTER, NETWORK (FROM S4-10) • Name 3 Telecommunications Programming Language. ANSWER: PASCAL, PROTEL, AND PLEX (FROM S5-3) • Visual Modeling is a modeling technique which uses standard graphical notations and has the overall goal of capturing essential parts of a system. Ans. True Ref. Analysis and Design with UML p3 • An actor is someone or some thing that must interact with the system under development. Ans. True Ref. Analysis and Design with UML and general class lecture • A use case is a pattern of behavior which an actor exhibits. Ans. False A use case is a pattern of behavior the system exhibits Ref. Definition of Use Case in class lecture • An Operation is a function that may be applied to or by objects in a class and a Method is the implementation of an operation for an object. Ans. True Ref. S4-25 • JAVA is used to build stand-alone applications but they must be run on the Internet WEB using one of the standard web browsers. Ans. False Ref. S6-33 • UML is a modeling language which combines the best techniques of modeling from all but which of the following? a. b. c. d. e. • Component diagrams illustrate the organizations and dependencies amount software components. Identify below which of the following is not considered a component: a. b. c. d. e. • Clear and Understandable Minimize class restructuring Keep Cost of restructuring low Relate inheritance to reuse, subtyping, and specialization principles Allow for changing the inheritances at the highest level Ans. E. Ref S4-31 and class discussion, changing inheritance at high levels will have a very negative domino effect throughout the system Identify which of the following does not accurately define an aspect of UML. a. b. c. d. e. • Source Code Run Time Executable Dynamic Link Library None, all of the above are components Ans. E. Reference Analysis and Design with UML Which of the following is not considered a “Rule of Thumb” when building an inheritance hierarchy a. b. c. d. e. • Data Modeling Concepts Business Modeling Table Models Object Modeling Component Modeling Ans. C Ref. Analysis and Design with UML p. 9 UML is a third-generation object oriented modeling language UML can be used throughout the development cycle UML is nonproprietary UML defines the development process UML can be used to model just about everything, including telecomm software Ans. D. Ref. S4-59 and S4-60 Which of the following views of UML is considered equivalent to the Dynamic Model of OMT? a. Logical View b. Component View c. Use Case View d. Concurrency View e. Deployment View Ans. Logical View, Ref. Dr. Ku, Class Notes July 17 Session • Explain the overall importance of Polymorphism Ans. Polymorphism allows the designer to build flexible and extensible systems because they only have to specify WHAT will occur and not HOW it will occur. This is accomplished by designing the code so that the receiver of the stimulus determines how a stimulus will be interpreted, not the transmitter. Ref. S4-28 • What is UML? Ans. UML is an object-oriented notation endorsed by the Object Management Group (OMG). UML essentially provides a method of designing quality software by defining a standard, extensible set of object-oriented notations and semantics. • In respect to JAVA programming, identify the differences between an Application and an Applet. Ans. Applications: Complete Programs, Run in a JAVA interpreter, Can access all resources of the host platform. Applet: Incomplete Programs, Require a client JAVA-enabled browser, severe security restrictions Ref. S6-31 • What are some of the key benefits of UML - Eliminates any further confusion over the differences in OO languages It is a common visual modeling language for identifying objects It is expected to bring stability to the object-oriented marketplace Ref. S4-62 • Why should we use JAVA over the other programming languages (Pascal, C++, Protel)? - • Fine tuned for internet Platform independent Improved security on an enterprise scale JAVA garbage collector improves memory management JAVA implementation can be accomplished incrementally Large scale telecom systems have an urgent need to be encapsulated. True. (slide S5-43) • Trends in telecom PL are going from OOPL to LLPL. False. (slide S5-52) • C++ and JAVA are examples of high level programming languages. False. (slide S5-53) • Protel was developed by Ericsson. False. (slide S5-61) • C++ is more bullet proof than C. True. (slide S5-82) • The UML Logical View corresponds to the OMT Functional Model. False (from lecture #8 screen pad notes) • The OMT ETD and the UML sequence diagram are similar. True. (from lecture #8 screen pad notes) • Nortel's new object oriented process takes a longer time to market and has less customer involvement. False. (Nortel guest speaker in lecture #8) • The Dynamic Model consists of 2 parts - the ETD and the FSM. True. (from lecture #8 screen pad notes) • OMT v1 uses real time extensions. False. (from lecture #8 screen pad notes) • Which of the following is false about the Java programming language: a) b) c) d) Combines classes from C++. Combines interfaces from objective C. Combines operators and statements from C. Combines C classes and Java applets into one language. Answer: D • T or F: The characteristics of Java made a perfect candidate for becoming the language of choice for web applications. Answer: T • Which of the following is not a difference between Java and C++: a) No more Structures and Unions. b) No more Functions. c) No more Writeln statements. d) No more Goto statements. Answer: C • AWT stands for _________ ____________ _____________. Answer: Abstract Windows Toolkit. • Which one of the following is not supported by Java: a) Object orientation. b) Dynamic linking. c) Object monopoly. d) Garbage collection. Answer: C • True or False: Java programs run faster than the equivalent C++ program. Answer: False • True or False: JDK was developed by Microsoft. Answer: False • True or False: The entry point of every Java applications is its Main method. Answer: True • True or False: The security of Java can be categorized into Language Features and Runtime System Features. Answer: True • RMI stands for __________ ___________ _____________. Answer: Remote Method Invocation • One of the differences between Java and C/C++ is "No more function" Ans: True • In Design of Object-Oriented Telecom Software the submodels increase the complexity of a system because designers can be confused and can notfocus on the main point. Ans: False • A telecommunication systsem consist of two views, telecommuncation end user and administrative. Ans: True • The Java language does not support global functions or variables. Ans: True • Voice Bocx is an ActiveX Controls that simplifies the addition oftelephony capabilities to Unix based applications Ans: False • Java Programming Language supports: a. b. c. d. e. • Using C++ as the implementing language give a TMN the following capabilities that offers the following benefits: a. b. c. d. • Object Oriented Multi-threading Pointer A and B only All of them Ans: d Make it extendible Provide Full Management Functionality Improve Application Development All of them Ans: d The RMI system consists the following: a. b. c. d. e. • Which of the following is not the benifit when using a TMN with C++ API: a. b. c. d. e. • Provide Reasonable Programming Model Increase Vendor Alternatives Growth in TNM Market All of them None of them Ans: e Which of the followings is not the benifit(s) of Web-Based Network Management a. b. c. d. • Stub layer. server Remote reference layer a and c only a and b only Ans: d Promotes Code Reuseability Real Time Promotes Application Consistency and Integration Decreases Learning Curve Ans: b Which of the following is not a phase of OMT? a) Analysis b) System Design c) Deployment d) Object Design e) Implementation Answer is C • Which of the following are views of a system? a) Behavioral b) Semantic c) Architectural d) Trophic e) A and C Answer is e • S4-39 S4-7 Which of the following is not true of OO? a) An OO system is modular b) OO emphasises the what, not the how c) OO utilizes encapsulation d) OO separates attributes and function e) NONE OF THE ABOVE Answer d S4-15 • Which of the following is a low level programming language? a) Assembly b) PLEX c) C d) JAVA e) b and d Answer a • S5-52 Which of the following is optional in a OOPL? a) Encapsulation b) Inheritance c) Polymorphism d) a and c e) NONE OF THE ABOVE Answer e S5-74 • Which of the following is not true of JAVA? a) Portable b) Object Oriented c) Supports Threads d) Less secure than C++ e) Robust Answer d S6-15 • Which of the following is not true of JAVA applications? a) Run as stand-alone programs b) Hardware Independent c) Full access to all host platform resources d) Run in the JAVA interpreter e) A and D Answer b S6-31 • Which of the following are key features of C++ a) Inheritance b) Templates c) Virtual Machine d) Applet e) A and B Answer e • S5-80 Which of the following is not one of the ROOM primary models a) Data models b) Architecture models c) Design models d) Requirements analysis models e) NONE OF THE ABOVE Answer a S4-51 • Which of the following is not a modeling dimension for ROOM a) Structure b) Behavior c) Encapulation d) Inheritance e) NONE OF THE ABOVE Answer c S4-44 • UML is endorsed by the OMG (Object Managment Group). Answer TRUES4-56 • UML defines the development process. Answer FALSE • S4-60 Related objects are grouped as a class. Answer TRUES4-8 • AI can be applied in requirement engineering. Answer TRUES5-43 • Smalltalk is not a complete software development environment. Answer FALSE • S5-77 C++ was the first complete implementation of an OOP. Answer FALSE S5-81 • JAVA is platform independent. Answer TRUES6-10 • JAVA programs run faster than C++ programs. Answer FALSE • JAVA applets are complete programs. Answer FALSE • S6-28 S6-31 An Actor is the primary ROOM structural concept. Answer TRUES4-47 • Polymorphism is a feature of the C++ language, but it is not a feature of OOD. Ans: False • Ref: S4-5 Name the 3 views of a system. Ans: Behavior, Data, Architecture • In Polymorphism, the transmitter of the stimulus determines how a stimulus will be interpreted. Ans: False • Ref: S4-7 Ref: S4-28 The principles for a real-time methodology states, that is must support an iterative computer-based development process and an early execution capability. Ans: True Ref: S4-43 • The "Unmodified Modeling Language" provides a means to design quality software by providing a standard of rich set object-orientation notations and semantics for a number of various models. Ans: False - This is true for the "Unified Modeling Language" not the "Unmodified" Ref: S4-56 • Name 2 of the key features of SDL. Ans: * Extended Finite State Machine (EFSM) * Represented in graphical (SDL/GR) and textual (SDL/PR) * System structures are in blocks and channels. At the lowest level, a block must contain processes defining the behavior of the system * Each process model EFSM, cooperation between processes are via signal carried by channels * Data types of SDL is based on Abstract Data Type (ADT) defined in terms of its abstract properties Ref: S5-68 • Testing should begin as soon as there is something to test, and that something should be requirements. Ans: True • Ref: S5-106 Name 2 of the Object-Oriented Software testing types unique to OO: Ans * Method testing * Class testing * Inheritance-regression testing * Class integration testing * Code coverage problems in OO Ref: S5-105 • Java Bean is a revolutionary distributed technology that extends the pure Java object model to the network. Ans: False - RMI is Ref: S6-70 • An API for creating and using dynamic reusable components: a) Java Beans b) Object Serialization c) RMI d) Jeeves Ans: A Ref: S6-66 • Which is NOT a feature of OOA/OOD? (S4-5) a. Polymorphism b. Abstraction c. Aggregation Heirarchy d. Prototyping answer: d • Which is NOT a good reason to use C++? (S5-81) a. Availablity b. Improvements over C c. Increased complexity d. Support for objects answer: c • T/F Java was created by Microsoft. (S6-5) answer: F • T/F RMI is the language created by Nortel which supports Object Oriented design. (S6-70) answer: F • Which is not an OOPL? (S5-73) a. C++ b. Protel c. Smalltalk d. Java answer: b • T/F UML provides two notations for showing scenarios: the sequence diagram and the finite state model diagram. (S4-66) answer: F • T/F Polymorphism is a powerful concept to build flexible and extensible system as we only specify what will occur and not how it will occur. (S4-28) answer: T • T/F Garbage collection is a function supported by Java. (S6-27) answer: T • Which is true about Low Level Programming Languages? (S5-55) a. it is 1:M mapping to machine code. b. it is 1:1 mapping to machine code. c. it insulates the need for each sw designer to cope with the hardware details. d. a program coded in a HLPL is smaller than with a LLPL answer: b • Which is a feature of SDL/GR: (S5-71) a. Line Substructure Diagram b. Hashing Tables c. block iteration diagram d. block tree answer: d • Which of the following is true: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) • Implementation View and Logical View are physical views of a system Process View and Implementation View are physical views of a system Logical View and Deployment View are physical views of a system Implementation View and Deployment View are physical views of a system None of the above Answer: d Very small programs do not require an implementation view (1/0) Answer: 1 • Rumbaugh OMT method is the only method that substatially contributed to UML creation. (1/0) Answer: 0 • The UML is a language for ______ the artifacts of a software-intensive system (a) visualizing (b) specifying (c) constructing (d) documenting (e) all of the above Answer: e • When showing an association, UML uses unfilled diamond for aggregation and a filled diamond for composition (1/0) Answer: 1 • A model is a partial description of a system from a particular perspective (1/0). Answer: 0 • Use case diagram captures system functionality as seen by (a) Users (b) Programmers (c) System Designers (d) Domain Experts (e) None of the above Answer: a • Use case diagram is developed by (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) • Analysts and Domain Experts Domain Experts and Users System Designers Programmers None of the above Answer: a Component Diagram captures the vocabulary of a system (1/0). Answer: 0 • Rational Unified Process is class diagram driven (1/0). Answer: 0 • (1/0) SDL is language to secify & describe the logic of a functional process for telephony applications only. (0, s5) • (1/0) Primary goal of Sw development is to facilitate the creation, communication, verification & tracing of requirements, design, & implementation. (1, s4-42) • (1/0) An Actor is the primary ROOM structural concept. The only way actors can communicate is by Message sent and received through Ports. (1, s4-47) • Which of the following statement is NOT correct regarding UML: a) The use case diagram presents an inside view of the system b) Two types of interaction diagrams, such as Sequence & Collaboration diagram c) A sequence diagram displays object interactions arranged in a time sequence d) A collaboration diagram displays object interactions organized around objects & their links to one another. e) none f) c (ans. A • Why Java is the perfect candidate for becoming the Lanuage for Web applicatins and will be benefit the next generation of distributed network application in the Telecom industry ? (S6) • What are major differences between Java Applications and Java Applets? (S6) • Explain why the Telecom PL trends have to be LLPL->HLPL->OOPL ? • Why OO is the trend ? What are impacts on Telecom SW development ? (ans. s5) • What is middleware & what does the middleware provide in the Lucent UML Design Case ? ( paper: Using Design Patterns to build a framework for multimedia networking) • What is the common objective in the past & present DMS SW development in the NORTEL's Process Optimization paper ? • What are the three views of a system? 1. Behavior 2. Data 3. Architecture • What is an object? An object is an entity able to save a state which exhibits a number of operations(behavior) to either examine or affect the current state. • An operation is the implementation of an operation for an object in programming context. (True/False) Answer: False. • What are the advantages of OO system? Answer: Section 4, Slide 34. • Which model describes the static view of the system with classes and their relationship? A) B) C) D) • Dynamic Model Object Model Functional Model None What are the principles for the development of a real-time methodology? Answer: Section 4 , Slide 43. • What are the benefits of UML? Answer: Section 4, Slide 62. • A pattern is a partial program for a problem domain. (True/False) False. • The Unified Process is a) b) c) d) e) • Iterative and incremental Use case driven Architecture-centric All above None What are the Pro’s and Con’s of GUI Based langauges? Answer: Section 5, Slide 92. • Objects communicate through stimulus. If it is message to message, it is under the signalling context. If it is system to system, it is under the programming context. Ans: False, (4-19, and lecture notes.) • When an operation has methods on different classes, it is important that a. the methods have the same number of arguments b. the methods have different outputs c. the methods have the same outputs d. a & c only e. none of the above. Ans: d (4-26) • OO Analysis includes: a. requirement engineering and design attributes b. requirement engineering and problem domain c. association between classes d. b & c e. a & c Ans: e (lecture notes 6-26) • The two benefits of UML are for the design and analysis and the manager. Ans: True (lecture notes 7/10) • UML is the defacto standard for a. specifying the artifacts b. constructing the artifacts c. documenting the artifacts d. visualizing the artifacts e. all of the above. Ans: e. (Analysis and Design with UML, page 9) • The state diagram from the UML model describes the a. performance of the object b. life history of a class c. events that cause a transition from one state to another d. b & c only e. none of the above Ans: d (Analysis and Design with UML, page 37) • The biggest challenge is software is a. performance b. speed c. capacity d. complexity e. none of the above Ans: d (Software Architecture and the UML, page 13) • It is necessary for all systems to have views. Ans: False (Software Architecture and the UML, page 28) • HLPL is 1:M in language while LLPL is 1:1 mapping. Ans: True (5-55) • In the near future, the overall goal is to solve the "how" instead of the "what" in regards to telecom language. Ans: False (5-58) • Object-oriented development is made up of: a) b) c) d) e) • OO Analysis OO Implementation OO Design all of the above none of the above ans: d S4-37 What are the three models of OMT? ans: Object Model, Dynamic Model, and Functional Model S4-38 • Which is not one of the four phases of OMT? a) b) c) d) e) • Analysis system design deployment design Object design Implementation ans: c S4-39 What does ROOM stand for? ans: Real-Time Object-Oriented Modeling S4-41 • UML is a new object-oriented notation endorsed by the Object Management Group. ans: True S4-56 • Name 3 of the 4 conceptual objects. ans: UIO, CBO, and SO • S5-17 SOs encapsulate the storage of data, which may be in a relational or object database. ans: True S5-21 • Name some important features of SMM. a) b) c) d) e) • diagnosing even known faults by itself judging normal or faulty states executing the repair plan none of the above a, b, and c ans: e S5-46 Protel procedural types are fully type checked and their variables provide an efficient real-time structuring facility. ans: True S5-62 • SDL provides unambiguous specifications and descriptions for ordering and tendering telephony services.. ans: True S5-69 • (0/1) A JAVA Applet requires a Java VM enabled browser where JAVA Applications do not require Java VM (Virtual Machine) ans. 0 (Java Applications still require JVM in order to run) • System can be either a. Hardware, b. Software, c. Integrated SW/HW d business process e. All above. A: e (S4 Slide 4). • Risks of OO system are a. High start-up costs. b. Higher learning curve. c. Lack of OO expertise or architecture. d. All above. A : d. (S4 Slide 35) • Object-Oriented Development consists of a. OO Analysis. b. OO Design. c. OO Implementation. d. a and c. e. a and b. f. All above. A: f. (S4 Slide 37) • (0/1) JAVA provides the language security because JAVA does not have pointers or memory operators. A: • (0/1) A system can be a collection of objects that contains data structure and function. A: • TRUE (S5-9) (0/1) SDL can only represent in graphical (SDL/GR) but not textual (SDL/PR). A: • TRUE (S4-4) (0/1) OO is the trend because it looks beyond the usual OO arguments i.e. re-use and inheritance. A: • True. FALSE (S5-48) Which of the following is the correct historical progression of programming Languages? A. LLPL -> HLPL -> OOPL B. HLPL -> LLPL -> OOPL C. LLPL -> OOPL -> HLPL D. OOPL -> HLPL -> LLPL E. OOPL -> LLPL -> HLPL A 10: A (S5-56) • An object must contain at least two part: information and behavior. Ans: T. (S4-4) • In order to use an object, we frequently need to know what kinds of behavior it exhibits. Ans: F. (S4-16) • What are the advantages of OO system? A. Understanding of the system is easier. B. OO system is safe and stable. C. OO system is modular and reusable. D. Apply thorough thinking process earlier on (1/3-2/3 rule) E. All of above. Ans: E. (S4-34) • In OMT, the functional model describes the temporal aspects of the object model with events and states of the objects. Ans: F. (S4-38) • In OMT, which abbreviation is not correct? A. UIO: User Interface Objects. B. LBO: Large Block Objects. C. CBO: Corporate Business Objects. D. SO: Storage Objects. E. None of above. Ans: B. (S5-17) • Which area can AI be applied? A. Requirement engineering B. Alarm correlation C. Fault Tolerant D. Internet E. All of above. Ans: E. (S5-43) • What are the characteristics of LLPL? A. 1:1 translation. B. Fast but difficult to maintain. C. Highly reuseable and securer D. A and B only. E. A, B and C. Ans: D. (S5-53) • What are the advantages of C? A. Small but powerful B. Programs are easily ported to different hardware. C. Operator rich and extensible. D. Modular and supports structured programming E. All of above. Ans: E. (S5-65) • Which feature is supported by object-oriented programming language (OOPL)? A. Encapsulated objects. B. The class and the object instance. C. Inheritance between classes D. Polymorphism. E. All of above. Ans: E. (S5-74) • Which statement is NOT correct for Java and C++. A. Both are object oriented. B. Both are portable. C. Both are structured language. D. Both support pointers. E. None of above. Ans: D. (S6-14) • Describe OO Features abstration, encapsulation, hierarchy/classfication, composition/decomposition, polymorphism, aggregation hierarchy [S4-5] • An object is an entity able to save a state which exhibits a number of operations to either examine or affect the current state [True, S4-9] • Transmitter of the stimulus determines how a stimulus will be interpreted in the polymorphism • Inheritance is the key concept of the software reuse [True, S4-29] • Describe OO risks High start-up costs, higher learning curve, lack of OO expertise or architect [S4-35] • Name three models in OMT Ojbect Model, Dynamic Model, and Functional Model • [S4-38] Define OMT processes Analysis, System Design, Object Design, and Implementation [S4-39] • Room defines three modeling dimensions a) b) c) d) • Room define abstraction levels in a) b) c) d) • structure, behavior, and polymorphism behavior, member data, and polymorphism data, method, and hierarchy structure, behavior, and inheritance [d, S4-44] system, concurrency, and detail level concurrency, component, and binding hierarchy cocurrency, component, and high level system, concurency, and abstract level [a, S4-44] UML defines a development process with the rational rose process management tool [False, S4-60] • What are the 6 OOA/OOD feature? Ans: abstration, encapsulation/information hiding, hierarchy/classification, composition/decomposition, polymorphism, aggregation hierarchy. Notes 4-5. • In object, implementation details are hidden from the users. That is why we use the interface or API. Ans: T. Note 4-16, 4-17. • That are the risks of OO system? Ans: high start-up costs, higher learning curve, lack of OO experise or architect. Note4 35. • What are the improvements of OMT for telecom software design? Ans: object model - add the template class; dynamic model - interobject and realtime extension; functional model - emphasize operation descripts; addition of object interaction diagram. Note4-40. • What iare the 4 objects that the 4 schema architecture separates a system into? Ans: user interface, local business objects, corporate business objects, storage business objects. Note5-24. • Which one language is not OOPL? A. Smalltalk. B. Limbo. C. C++. D. Protel2. E. Java. Ans: B. Note5-52. • Which statement is not correct for HLPL vs. LLPL? A. HLPL matches the structure and requirements of the problem domain more closely. B. HLPL insulates the need for each software designer to cope with the hardware details. C. HLPL has rich data types D. HLPL is 1:M mapping in language to machine code. E. HLPL program is larger in size. Ans: E. Note5-55. • Specification and Description Language (SDL) is recommended by ITU-T for telecom industry. Ans: T. Note5-67. • Why we use C++? A. Availability. B. Coimpatibility. C. Improvements over C. D. Support for objects. E. All of above. Ans: E. Note5-81. • Why Java programs runs slower than an equivalent C++ program? Ans: Note6-29. Interpreting bytecodes is 10 to 30 times slower than native execution. Just-in-time compiling bytecodes can be 7 to 10 times faster than interpreting, but still not quite as fast as native execution. Java programs are dynamically linked. The Java Virtual Machine may have to wait for class files to download across a network. • What are some of the Key Features of Smalltalk? (Reference 5-78) • User is the focus • Natural language programming • Pure OOPL, everything is an object • Class library is designed to be extended and adapted by adding subclasses to meet the needs of application • Model/View/Controller (MVC) architecture • Implemented as an interpreter and highly interactive development environment for rapid program development • Tightly integrated with other parts of its self-contained environment gives ideal support for rapid incremental development and debugging • Explain some of the reasons Why and Why not you would use C++ (Reference 581) • Why C++ – Availability – Compatibility – Improvements over C – Support for objects • Why not C++ – Flaws inherited from C – Incomplete implementation of OOP – Increased complexity • Give some pros and cons for using Text base programming languages (Reference 5-91) Pro’s 1. gacy of Existing Programmers 2. Legacy of Existing Code 3. Code Tends to Be Efficient If Programmer Is Efficient Con’s 1. 2. 3. 4. Must Follow Strict Syntax If Syntax Is Correct Only Guarantee of a Successful Compile Not a Successful Program Difficult to See the Interaction and Functionality of a Text Based Program 5. Only a Few Lines of Code Are Generated Each Day by a Single Programmer • An object is an entity able to save an attribute which exhibits a number of behavior to examine and affect the current state. (Reference S4-8) Answer = False • Which of the following does not accurately define an aspect of UML. (Reference 4-59/60) a. b. c. d. e. • UML is a third-generation object oriented modeling language UML can be used throughout the development cycle UML is nonproprietary UML defines the development process UML can be used to model just about everything, including telecomm software Answer = D Identify software development phase, which is not a phase of OMT? (Reference 4-39) a) Analysis b) System Design c) Deployment d) Object Design e) Implementation Answer is C • Software development language JAVA is platform independent. (Reference 610) --- • Answer TRUE Software development in OO is the trend because it looks beyond the usual OO arguments. (Reference 5-9) ---- ANSWER: TRUE • UML does not defines any development process. (Reference 4-60) ------- Answer TRUE • Related objects are not grouped as a class in Object Oriented development. (Reference 4-8) Answer FALSE • What two key components define a class. ð • What are the 5 views of UML ð • multiplicity attributes and operations role names associations stimulus ==> E (rational Design and Analysis p. 24) T or F In UML notation of a class, class name is at top with attributes in the middle and operations at the lower portion of a box. ð • Booch, Rumbaugh, and Jacobson ( rational tutorial ) which is not shown in class diagram A. B. C. D. E. • F, OMT version 1 does not provide this (lecture 8) who are the original 3 authors of the UML concept? ð • event tracing diagram (lecture 8) T or F, Both UML and OMT provide real-time extensions ð • Use Case, Logical, Component, Concurrency and Deployment (Lecture 8) Output of a sequence diagram of a UML logical view is similar to what OMT diagram? ð • attributes and behaviors (S4-22) T (rational Design and Analysis p. 25) T or F UML was developed before OMT ð • T or F The new Nortel process is focused on the most broadest of documentation. ð • F ( lecture 7) F (Nortel paper slide 5) What are the different phases of the new Nortel process ==> IDR, CCP, CR, UT, IT (Nortel paper slide 6) • Large-scale telecommunication systems have an urgent need to be encapsulated. True (S5-43) • C++ is more bullet proof than C. True (S5-82) • C++ and JAVA are examples of high level programming languages. False (S5-53) • JAVA is used to build “stand-alone” applications but they must be run on the Internet WEB using one of the standard web browsers. False (S6-33) • A class describes a group of related objects with a. b. c. d. e. • Similar attributes common behavior common relationship to other objects None of the above All of the above E (S4-22) OO is the trend because it looks beyond the usual OO arguments (i.e. re-use and inheritance). True (S5-9) • A system can be a collection of objects that contains data structure and function. True (S4-4) • Which one of these is NOT a common process a. b. c. d. e. • Defining the problem Coordinate problem to solution Planning the solution Integrating the program None of the above B (S5-33) An Operation is a function that may be applied to or by objects in a class and a Method is the implementation of an operation for an object. True (S4-25) • Security in JAVA can be categorized into 2 categories: True (S6-58) • Which one is NOT a function of Network Management: a. b. c. d. e. • Configuration Management Fault Management Accounting Management Security Management Database Management E (S6-81) T/F: By using the concept of abstraction, software developers can hide detailed information that is not necessary to develop applications. ANS: False. Encapsulation. S4-16 • T/F: An operation is the implementation of a function for an object in a programming context. ANS: False. A method. S4-25 • A signature uniquely defines objects and is very useful for tracing and debugging purposes. ANS: False. A signature is the number and types of arguments for a method. S4-26 • T/F: In polymorphism, the transmitter of a stimulus is required to specify how the stimulus is interpreted. Otherwise, it cannot be assured that the stimulus will be properly handled. ANS: False. The receiver determines how the stimulus is handled. S4-28. • Which is not a difference between Java and C++ ? A) structures and unions B) pointers C) typedefs and define statements D) classes ANS: D. S6-14 • Which language(s) is(are) interpreted and object-oriented? A) Java B) TCL C) Perl D) A and B E) B and C F) A and C G) A, B and C F: S6-15 • T/F: ROOM uses Event Tracing Diagrams. ANS: False. ROOM uses Finite State Machine • ObjecTime is a proprietary tool developed by BNR (now Nortel). ANS: False. ObjecTime is not proprietary. S4-55 • Millions of lines of code (LOC) in use is a good indication of a proven technology. ANS: Both. True S5-61. False, it could be an inefficient language. • T/F: Java programs are statically linked. ANS: False. They are dynamically linked. S6-29. • An Object promotes understanding of the real world and provides a practical basis for system implementation? True S4-9 • Composition is the dividing of a problem into smaller easier to manage parts? False S4-13/14 • Polymorphism is the concept of building a flexible and extensive system where we specify “how” it will occur? False S4-28 • UML defines the development process? False S4-60 • LLPL is easier to maintain then HLPL? False S5-53 • Which of the following is not a Multiplicity Interval a. [N,M] b. [N,-] c. [-,1] d. [0,1] answer c S4-33 • Which of the following falls under the 4 Implementation Technologies: a. b. c. d. e. f. Dumb Terminal linked to Mainframe PC linked to a File Server X-Terminal linked to a UNIX system Desktop Client linked to a rational Server via SQL A,b,and d only all of the above Answer f S5-14 • What are the 4 Conceptual Objects? a. b. c. d. UIO’s, SO’s, CBO’s and LBO’s CIO’s, SO’s, UBO’s and LBO’s UIO’s, SO’s, CBO’s and LLO’s UIO’s, SO’s, UBO’s and LBO’s Answer a S5-17 • Where can Al be applied in Telecommunications? a. b. c. d. e. f. • Which of the following is not a shortcoming of “C”? a. b. c. d. e. • Alarm correction Fault tolerant Internet Resolving Feature Interaction A and b only All of the above Answer f S5-43 Decreases portability Decreases reliability Decreases consistency Features considered as design flaws Decreases functionality Answer e S5-66 List the rule of thumb for building Inheritance Hierarchy. [S4-31] - Clear - Understandable - Mininize class restructuring - Keep cost of restructuring low - Relate inheritance to reuse, subtyping, specialization principles. - Inheritnace is powerful if properly used. If not, it can become harder to understand & maintain. • What are the risks of OO System? [S4-35] - • High start-up costs. Higher learning curve. Lack of OO expertise or architect. Requirement engineering, develop a logical model of the problem domain, association between classes are the type of tasks for which OO development? a) b) c) d) OO Analysis <-ans [S4-37] OO Design OO Implementation OO Testing • The UML is the first-generation OO modeling language for visualizing, specifying, constructing, and documenting the artifacts of a software system. FALSE [S4-59] • Which of these must be supported by OO Programing Language (OOPL)? a) b) c) d) • Encapsulated objects. The Class and the ofject instance. Inheritance between classes and polymorphism. All of the above, <-ans [S5-74] The objective of Prototype Review in Nortel's CR Ready milestone is to provide the impacted code owners an opportunity to provide early feedback on the prosposed design. TRUE [Tarek's paper] • What are the 5 views of UML? - • Name some of the value of the UML listed in the "Software Architecture and the UML" paper? [slide 18] - • Use Case Logical View Component View Concurrency Deployment Usage Functionality performance, resilience reuse comprehensibility economic & technology constraints & tradeoffs. aesthetic concerns. The Use Case diagram captures system functionality as seen by users. Its purposes are to specify the context of a system, capture the requirments of a system, validate a system's architecture, and drive implementation and generate test cases. TRUE [SW Arch & UML, slide 41] • Sequence diagram captures dynamic behavior (time-oriented). TRUE [SW Arch & UML, slide 51] • Which of the following is NOT a risk in an Object Oriented System? a. b. c. d. e. • User Interface Objects (UIOs). Local Business Objects (LBOs). Corporate Business Objects (CBOs). Storage Objects (SBOs). None of the above Answer ( c ) Reference S5-22 Which of the following is NOT in the JAVA language? a. b. c. d. e. • Abstraction Encapsulation Database management Hierarchy/Classification Composition/Decomposition Polymorphism Answer ( c ) Reference S4-5 In 4 Schema Software Architecture what category does TCP/IP fit into? a. b. c. d. e. • Reference S4-35 Which of the following is NOT a feature in OOA/OOD? a. b. c. d. e. f. • High Start up Costs Higher Learning curve Lack of Expertise or architect Lack of Customer knowledge a and b Answer ( d ) No Functions Allows Goto statements. No pointers. No Typedefs, Defines or Preprocessor. No structures or Unions Answer ( b ) Reference S6 -14 In OOA a Class describes a group of related objects with, similar attributes, and a common relationship to other objects True of False? Answer TRUE = 1 Reference S4-22 • UML defines the process in Object Oriented design. True or False? • Answer TRUE = 1 Reference S5-57 Raising the level of a programming language permits the software designer to say more about HOW it will be done in the program, while relieving the designer for the need to specify WHAT is being done in the program. True or False? • Reference S4-60 OOPL is regarded as the Silver Bullet to enhance software quality, productivity, and decreasing software costs. True or False? • Answer FALSE = 0 Answer FALSE = 0 Reference S5-59 Describe the actions which are allowed for a JAVA applet. (Essay) Answer Reference S6-39 An applet can react to major events in the following ways; It can initialize itself It can start running It can stop running It can perform a final cleanup, in preparation for being unloaded. • Explain why JAVA execution speed is slower than an equivalent C++ program. (Essay) Answer Reference S6-29 Interpreting bytecodes is 10 to 30 times slower than native execution. Just-in-time compiling bytecodes can be 7 to 10 times faster than interpreting, but still not as fast as native execution. Java programs are dynamically linked. The Java Virtual machine may have to wait for class files to download across a network. • SDL is mainly a language to specify and describe the logic of a functional process in a telephony oriented fashion (true) • Java programs can run faster than an equvalent C++ program. (false) • The same operation may apply to many different classes, such an operation is polymorphism (true) • The dynamics in an OO model are created by means of stimuli to other objects. (true) • If Class B inherits from Class A, then both the attributes and behaviors described in Class A will become part of Class B (true) • Java Applets are: a. Complete programs. b. require a client Java-enabled browser to run. c. severe security restrictions. d. b and c. e . all of above. • (d) What are the OOA/OOD Features? • Abstraction • Encapsulation/Information Hiding • Hierarchy/Classification • Composition/Decomposition • Polymorphism • Aggregation Hierarchy • What are the Object Communications? Please give 2 Example in Telecom. • The dynamics in an OO model are created by means of stimuli to other objects. • Objects communicate with each other through stimulus. In programming context, it is called “message” or invoking a method Example in Telecom: • One STP send a callSetup message to other STP • The OS send a M-GET message to the NE to request for a subnetwork status. • Descript Concept of Polymorphism and its importance. • The same operation may apply to many different classes, such an operation is polymorphism, e.g. a generic print operation • Different methods could be implemented to print ASCII files, binary files, digitized picture files. Each method may be implemented by a different piece of code • The correct print operation will be invoked based on the file’s type The Importance of Polymorphism: • The receiver of the stimulus determines how a stimulus will be interpreted, not the transmitter • This is a powerful concept to build flexible and extensible system as we only specify what will occur and not how it will occur • If we add a new object in the same class, the modification will affect only the new object, but not those sending stimuli to it. • Descript the Four Conceptual Objects: • User Interface (User Interface Objects - UIOs) • Local (Local Business Objects - LBOs) • (Corporate Business Objects - CBOs) • Storage (Storage Objects - SOs). • What is the concept of Signature? A: When an operation has methods on different classes, it is important that the methods have the same signature, i.e. the number and types of arguments and the types of the result values. For example, print should not have file_names as an argument in one method and file_pointer in the other method. • What is concept of Polymorphism? A: The same operation may apply to many different classes, such an operation is polymorphism, e.g. generic print operation. Different methods could be implemented to print ASCII files, binary files, digitized picture files. Each method may be implemented by a different piece of code. The correct print operation will be invoked based on the file's type. • What is the rule of thumb for building inheritance hierarchy? A: Clear, Understandable, Minimize class restructuring, Keep cost of restructuring low, Relate inheritance to reuse, subtyping, specialization principles, Inheritance is a very powerful tool when used properly. When it is not, it becomes harder to understand and maintain. • What are the advantages of OO system? A: Understanding of the system is easier because of mapping to real world objects. Modification to the object model is kept local down to the object level, therefore OO system is safe and stable. OO system is modular and reusable, productivity and quality gains as a result of real world experience. Apply thorough thinking process earlier on (1/3-2/3 rule). • What are the risks of OO system? A: High start-up costs, Higher learning curve, Lack of OO expertise or architect. • Describe the conceptual framework of ROOM? A: Modeling dimensions - identifies three modeling dimensions - Structure - Behavior - Inheritance Abstraction Levels - System Level - Concurrency Level - Detail Level. • List the four conceptual objects of 4-schema software architecture? A: User Interface (User Interface Objects - UIOs), Local (Local Business Objects - LBOs), (Corporate Business Objects - CBOs), Storage (Storage Objects - SOs). • List some areas of telecommunications where AI can be applied? A: AI can be applied to the following telecom areas: Requirement engineering -> design, Alarm correlation, Fault tolerant, Internet, Resolving Feature Interaction. • What are the key features of C++? A: Key Features of C++: Class Declaration, Constructor/Destructor, Function/ Operator Overloading, Allocating and Freeing Memory, Inheritance, Virtual Function, Template. • Describe the programming process. A: The Programming Process can be described as follows: Programming Follows a Common Process, Defining the Problem, Planning the Solution, Coding the Program, Integrating the Program, Testing the Program. • What are the five key differences between UML and OMT? (Short Answer) Answer: (Reference: Notes from Class Discussion - 7/17/99) a) Scenario Analysis in OMT is textual versus UML's Use Case diagrams, which are visual. b) UML is Richer in Notation c) UML allows for Real-Time Analysis where as OMT does not. d) No Concurrency Diagrams in OMT e) No Deployment View in OMT • What are five key similarities between UML and OMT? (Short Answer) Answer (Reference: Notes from Class Discussion - 7/17/99) a) Use Case Analysis in UML is the same as Scenario Analysis in OMT b) Sequence Diagramming in UML is similar to Event Trace Diagramming in OMT c) Each use Finite State Machine Diagrams d) UMLs Logical View is the same as OMTs Dynamic View. e) Both use Object Oriented practices. • UML is the current Industry Standard for Telecom Software Development. (True of False) Answer: "0" False (Reference: Notes from Class Discussion - 7/17/99) • A cost-effective/reasonable application of AI in Telecommunications is to aid in performing Root Cause Analysis. (True or False) Answer: "1" True (Reference: Notes from Class Discussion - 7/17/99 session 2 and S5-43) • Why do we STILL need to learn Programming Languages anyways? (Multiple Choice) a) b) c) d) Its fun to learn a new language To keep our skills current with the industry To verify the design was implemented correctly To be able to code the design how you designed it. Answer: C (Reference: Notes from Class Discussion - 7/17/99 session 2) • Which one of the Following is not a modeling technique of OMT? a) Dynamic Model b) Deployment Model c) Functional Model d) Object Model Answer: B (Reference: S4-38) • Choose which best Characterizes UML a) UML provides a means for developers to visually construct models of complex software programs before writing software. b) UML provides a means to design quality software by providing a standard object-oriented visual modeling language which allows customers and developers to communicate their Ideas. c) UML provides a means for both customers and developers can communicate their ideas from the beginning of the software development process up the very end with a finished product. d) A & B only. Answer: D (reference: S4-77) • On an Object Model the following information can be found on every object True or False? a) Object name b) List of Attributes c) Data Type of each Attribute d) List of Member Functions Answer: "1" True (Reference Class Notes 7/10/99) • One key reason given how Nortel is saving money on their new Software Development Process was by pushing much of the documentation into the actual Code itself. (True or False) Answer: "1" True (Reference Class Notes 7/10/99) • Name 5 Reasons on why to use Java. Answer (S6-10 through 13) a) Platform Independent (or Write Once, Run Anywhere) b) Less Complex Computing Environment c) Greater Reliability d) Better Memory Management, do not waste resources e) True Object Oriented Language • What are the features of OOA/OOD? • Abstraction • Encapsulation/Information Hiding • Hierarchy/Classification • Composition/Decomposition • Polymorphism • Aggregation Hierarchy Source: S4-5 • Define an Object and give its two main purposes? An object is an entity able to save a state (attribute) which exhibits a number of operations (behavior) to either examine or affect the current state It serves two purposes: 1) Promotes understanding of the real world 2) Provides a practical basis for system implementation Source: S4-10 • What are the different phases of the OMT? • Analysis - defines what must be done • System Design - develop system architecture and framework for design • Object Design - explore details of objects, classes and their inter relationships • Implement - construct the solution in terms of OOPL and non OOPL and database support Source: S4-39 • What are the differences between Java and C/C++? No more: Structures or Unions, Typedefs, Defines, or Preprocessor, Functions, Goto Statements, Operator Overloading, Multiple Inheritance and Pointers Source: S6-14 • UML does define a development process, it does not define how to use the various diagrams to fit together, it does explain how to link them together during the course of system development and thus UML cannot be used with different processes (T/F) Answer: False Source: S4-60 • AI can be applied to requirement engineering, alarm correlation, fault tolerant, Internet and in Resolving Feature Interaction(T/F) Answer: True Source: S5-43 • The drawback of Java is that a Java program takes more memory than an equivalent C++ program(T/F) Answer: False Source: S6-28 • Intelligent Software Agents Behave like __________ agents a) b) c) d) e) • A low-level programming language has a ________ translation and is thus _________ and ___________ to maintain a) b) c) d) e) • Pigment Animal Human Over the air Inhuman Answer: c) Source: S5-49 0:N, irrelevant, boring N:1, relevant, easy N:0, perfect, easier than usual 1:1, fast, difficult None of the above Answer: d) Source: S5-53 Raising the level of the language permits the software designer to say ______ is being done by the program, while relieving the need to specify in great detail of _____ it will be done a) nothing, when b) something, where c) compiling, how d) what, how e) all of the above Answer: d) Source: S5-59 • The disadvantage of procedure oriented design versus object oriented design is that in procedure oriented design data and function are tightly coupled. TRUE/FALSE Correct answer is FALSE (refer to 07/17/99 lecture) • A method’s signature is the number and types of arguments as well as the types of the result values. TRUE/FALSE Correct answer is TRUE (refer to text S4-26) • The disadvantage of polymorphism is that whenever a new object is added all objects derived from the same class that interact with this new object must also be modified . TRUE/FALSE • Correct answer is FALSE (refer to text S4-28) A key benefit of the “NORTEL Process Optimization”, as indicated in the student presentation, was the change away from the spiral model to the waterfall model of development. TRUE/FALSE Correct answer is FALSE (refer to Student Presentation) • The part of UML modeling that addresses real time concerns and asynchronous events is… Deployment view Use case view Concurrency view Logical view Component view Correct answer is C. (refer to 07/17/99 lecture) A. B. C. D. E. • In OOM, the core concept for SW reuse is… A. Encapsulation B. Inheritance C. Polymorphism D. Domain analysis E. Abstraction Correct answer is B. (refer to text S4-29) • Which of the following are properties of a class? A. Polymorphism and abstraction B. Function and deployment C. Object and attribute D. Attribute and function E. Abstraction and inheritance Correct answer is D. (refer to text S4 11-12) • The Event Tracing Diagram (ETD) of the OMT is similar to the UML… A. Use case diagram B. Sequence diagram C. Class diagram D. Collaboration diagram E. Finite state machine (FSM) Correct answer is B. (refer to 07/17/99 lecture) • In UML, which of the following is NOT a static view diagram? A. Sequence diagram B. Use case diagram C. Component diagram D. Class diagram E. Deployment diagram Correct answer is A. (refer to “Software Architecture and the UML” p. 39) • (ESSAY) Describe an iteration in the “Unified Process” and list five development iterations that are driven by UML use cases. An iteration is a sequence of activities with an established plan and evaluation criteria, resulting in an executable release. 1. Creation and validation of the system’s architecture 2. Definition of test cases and procedures 3. Planning of iterations 4. Creation of user documentation 5. Deployment of system Refer to “Applying UML in the Unified Process” • Is Attribute a property of class? An: True (S4-11) • Is Function a property of class? An: True (S4-11) • Object-Oriented Programming Languages is a highly reusable and sercurer language. An: True (S5-53) • JAVA can run faster then C++. An: False (S6-28) • Following which one is not object oriented Programming Language. a. C++ b. JAVA c. ASSEMBLY d. Protel-2 An: c (S5-73) • Following which one is not the advantage of C++ a. Compatibility b. Suppor for object c. Increased complecity d. Availability An: c (S5-53) • What is the fundamental API of TINA? An: binding, signature and contrac (S4-26) • Write fourt advantages of JAVA. An: Platform independent open computing Less complex computing environment Improved security on an enterprise scale Greater reliability (S6-10 ~ S6-13) • The steps of object-oriented development An: OO Analysis, OO design and OO Implementation (S4-37) • Explain the most important differences between JAVA and C/C++ An: No more Function No more Goto statement No more Multiple inheritance No more Pointers • • UIOs (User Interface Objects) handle the business requirements of the project being developed. . S5-21 - False Large scale telecom systems have an urgent need to be encapsulated. S5-43 - True • The programming language of choice among E-commerce interactive Web applications is Java. S6-7 - True • Configuration management, Fault Management and Performance management are some of the functions provided by Network Management. S6-81 - True • The Object Modeling Technique (OMT) produces three deliverables comprised of an Object Model, Dynamic Model, and Functional Model. S4-38 - True • ROOM is a telecom acronym for Redundant Object-Oriented modeling. S4-41 - False • UML is a proprietary modeling language and is currently supported by a small group of vendor’s CASE tools. S4-59 - False • RMI supports communication among applets and the application over the Internet and intranets. S6-77 - True • The following author(s) has made significant contributions to the Object Oriented paradigm: A. Grady Booch B. James Rumbaugh C. Ivar Jacobson D. Only A & C E. All of the Above Answer E is correct • Which feature is part of the object oriented paradigm? A. Encapsulation B. Inheritance C. Polymorphism D. Abstraction E. All of the above S4-5 Answer E is correct. • What are the OOA/OOD Features? - • list the three models used in OMT - • Object Model Dynamic Model Functional Model list the five views used in UML - • Abstraction Encapsulation/Information Hiding Hierarchy/Classification Composition/Decomposition Polymorphism Aggregation Hierarchy Use Case View Logical View Component View Concurrency View Deployment View Describe the conceptual framework of ROOM? Modeling dimensions - identifies three modeling dimensions - Structure - Behavior - Inheritance Abstraction Levels - System Level - Concurrency Level - Detail Level. • What are the different phases of the OMT? - Analysis - defines what must be done System Design - develop system architecture and framework for design • Object Design - explore details of objects, classes and their inter relationships Implement - construct the solution in terms of OOPL and non OOPL and database support What are the differences between Java and C/C++? No more: Structures or Unions, Typedefs, Defines, or Preprocessor, Functions, Goto Statements, Operator Overloading, Multiple Inheritance and Pointers • UML does define a development process, it does not define how to use the various diagrams to fit together, it does explain how to link them together during the course of system development and thus UML cannot be used with different processes (T/F) Ans: False • AI can be applied to requirement engineering, alarm correlation, fault tolerant, Internet and in Resolving Feature Interaction(T/F) Ans: True • The drawback of Java is that a Java program takes more memory than an equivalent C++ program(T/F) Ans: False • A low-level programming language has a ________ translation and is thus _________ and ___________ to maintain a) 0:N, irrelevant, boring b) N:1, relevant, easy c) N:0, perfect, easier than usual d) 1:1, fast, difficult e) None of the above Answer: d) • Define an object: An object is an entity able to save the state (attribute) which exhibits a number of operations (behavior) to either examine or affect the current state. Refer lect. 4 notes • Attribute has a property of a class. (true/ false) ans. 0 (false) refer lect 4 notes • to divide a problem into manageable tasks is called aggregation. (true/false) 0 (false) refer lect 4 notes • in order to use an object we need to know how the object's behavior are (true/false) 0 (false) refer lect 4 notes • define a class A class defines a group of related objects with - similar attributes - common behavior and - common relationship to other objects refer session 4 notes • what is the advantage of polymorphism - the same operation may be applied to different classes, - it tries to define a generic method for interoperability between classes -we only need to specify what will occur not how it will occur. -it is easy to use - eg. a generic print class, a draw operation in a word document etc. refer session 4 notes • what is the rule of the thumb for building inheritance hierarchy - clear -understandable -minimize class restructuring -keep cost of restructuring low -relate inheritance to reuse, subtyping, specialization principles -inheritance is a powerful tool when it is used properly. it becomes hard to understand and maintain when it is not • what are the risks involved in OO systems - high start up costs -higher learning curve -lack of OO expertise or architect • what are the stages in OO development process - OO analysis -OO design -OO implementation • what are the features that an OOPL must support - encapsulated objects -class and object instance -inheritance between classes -polymorphism eg. C++, Protel-2, Java • True or False: Related Objects are grouped as a class Correct answer is “True”. Session 4, Slide 9 • True or False: Attribute is a property of Class Correct answer is “True”. Session 4, Slide 11 • True or False: Function is a property of Class Correct answer is “True”. Session 4, Slide 12 • True or False: Abstraction complements encapsulation Correct answer is “True.” Session 4, slide 18 • True or False: UML is endorsed by the OMG. Correct answer is “True.” Session 4, slide 56 • True or False: UML does not define a development process. Correct answer is “True”. Session 4, Slide 60 • True or False: UML provides two notations for showing scenarios: Sequence diagram and collaboration diagram Correct answer is “True”. Session 4, Slide 66 • True or False: The sequence diagram represents objects sending messages Correct answer is “True”. Session 4, Slide 66 • True or False: A sequence diagram displays object interactions arranged in a time sequence. Correct answer is “True”. Session 4, Slide 66 • True or False: A collaboration diagram displays object interactions organized around objects and their links to one another. Correct answer is “True”. Session 4, Slide 66.
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