Their Spirit, Our History Lest we forget ANZAC Day goes beyond the anniversary of the landing – it is the day we remember all Australians who served and died in all wars, conflicts and peacekeeping operations Introduction ANZAC Day is the day that Australians remember those who fought and died in all wars, from the New Zealand War in 1863 to conflicts of today, including Afghanistan and Iraq. Each year on 25 April we remember, in particular, the landing on Gallipoli in 1915 and honour the spirit of the original ANZACs. This spirit, with its human qualities of courage, mateship and sacrifice, continues to have meaning and relevance for our sense of national identity. On ANZAC Day the service and sacrifice of veterans is acknowledged in ceremonies held in towns and cities across the nation, and the ever-growing attendances testify to ANZAC Day’s significance for all Australians. 1860 This resource book will inform you, through factual information and first-hand accounts, about the historical significance of ANZAC Day. It also includes commemorative classroom activities and an outline for planning your own commemorative ceremony. 1914–1918 1885 1899–1902 1914–1918 1930 Contents Section 1: Discover 2 Section 2: Imagine 10 Section 3: Search 18 Section 4: Remember 32 Glossary and references 41 This section outlines the origin and historical significance of ANZAC Day. It will also provide an outline of Australia’s involvement in the wars that followed the First World War. This section contains letters, journals, postcards, newspaper clippings, and telegrams that help communicate what life is like, not only for those men and women who go to war, but also for those left at home. This section includes a number of practical and research-based activities which can be used in the lead-up to ANZAC Day (or another day of commemoration) or after the event. This section provides an outline of how to plan and conduct your own commemorative ceremony, including many useful tips. 1950–1953 2000 1939–1945 1962–1973 Their Spirit, Our History Section 1 Discover The Australians rose to the occasion. [Not waiting] for orders, or for the boats to reach the beach, they sprang into the sea, forming a rough sort of line, rushed at the enemy trenches … The courage displayed by … wounded Australians will never be forgotten … In fact, I have never seen anything like these wounded Australians in war before … They were happy because they knew they had been tried for the first time and had not been found wanting … There has been no finer feat in this war than this sudden landing in the dark and storming the heights. Ellis Ashmead-Bartlett, Argus, 8 May 1915 THE ORIGIN OF ANZAC DAY ANZAC Day commemorates the landing of Australian and New Zealand troops on the shores of Gallipoli at ANZAC Cove on 25 April 1915. The Australian and New Zealand soldiers were part of a largely British force that also contained troops from France, India, and Newfoundland. On 25 April the allies began an attack on the Ottoman Empire (now Turkey), which was fighting on Germany’s side. This action began an eight-month campaign in which tens of thousands of soldiers lost their lives and thousands more were injured. The campaign ended with the evacuation of all allied troops in January 1916. Although the Gallipoli campaign was unsuccessful, every year, on the anniversary of the landing, Australians honour the courage of those who fought and commemorate the sacrifice of those who died during the campaign. On this day – ANZAC Day – Australians also commemorate those who fought and lost their lives in all wars. Australian troops coming ashore at ANZAC Cove on 25 April 1915. AWM J03022 DID YOU KNOW? The acronym “ANZAC” stands for “Australian and New Zealand Army Corps”. George Lambert, ANZAC, the landing, 1915 (1920–22, oil on canvas, 190.5 x 350.5 cm) AWM ART02873 Australian soldiers scrambling up the cliffs at ANZAC Cove. WHY THE AUSTRALIANS WERE AT GALLIPOLI By 1915 the fighting on the Western Front was deadlocked and lines of German troops faced French and British forces from Switzerland to the English Channel. Russia was fighting on the side of Britain, France and Belgium, and the Ottoman Empire became an ally of the Germans. The Gallipoli campaign began as a naval operation, with British and French warships sent to attack Constantinople (now Istanbul), in the hope this would force Turkey out of the war. It failed when the ships were unable to force a way through minefields, protected by forts and guns, in the Dardanelles straits. A third of the battleships were sunk or disabled on a single day, 18 March 1915. A fresh plan was devised: an army under General Sir Ian Hamilton would occupy the Gallipoli peninsula and open up the Dardanelles for the passage of the navy. The plan was for British troops to capture Cape Helles, the southern point of the peninsula, and advance from there. Meanwhile, the Australians and New Zealanders would land on the western coast. This photograph, taken by Charles Bean, shows Australian troops going into action across Plugge’s Plateau after the landing on Gallipoli on 25 April 1915. AWM G00907 Their Spirit, Our History THE IMPORTANCE OF THE LANDING IN AUSTRALIAN HISTORY When the Australian and New Zealand troops landed at ANZAC Cove early in the morning of 25 April, they were met at first by only a thin force of Turkish troops. But by mid-morning the Turks had rushed up reinforcements, men with orders to fight to the death. The Turks met the ANZACs in the hills and fierce fighting followed, often at close range and sometimes with bayonets. Eventually the Turks held on to the main ridge and the heights, and the ANZACs clung to a narrow strip of hills overlooking the beaches where they had landed. The landing on the shores of Gallipoli was the first major military operation in which Australia, as a newly federated nation, had been involved. As a result it was regarded by many as a “baptism of fire” for the new nation. Charles Bean, Australia’s official correspondent and later official First World War historian, saw the significance of Gallipoli in the type of soldier who emerged from the fighting: To be the sort of man who would give way when his mates were trusting to his firmness; to be the sort of man who would fail when the line, the whole force, and the allied cause required his endurance; to have made it necessary for another unit to do his own unit’s work; to live the rest of his life haunted by the knowledge that he had set his hand to a soldier’s task and had lacked the grit to carry it through – that was a prospect which these men could not face. Life was very dear, but life was not worth living unless they could be true to their idea of Australian manhood. Charles Bean, The story of ANZAC, The official history of Australia in the war of 1914–18, vol. 1, St Lucia, Qld, 1981, p. 607 Suvla Point Suvla Bay ANZAC Cove KEY DATES IN THE GALLIPOLI CAMPAIGN: GALLIPOLI s lle ne rda a eD Th Cape Helles 1914 4 August Australia enters the First World War 31 October The Ottoman Empire enters the war on the side of Germany and Austro-Hungary Map of the Gallipoli peninsula. For detailed maps of Gallipoli, go to the Australian War Memorial homepage and click on Mapping Gallipoli under Features. 1914 1 November The first convoy of Australian Imperial Force (AIF) troops leaves Australia for the war 3 December First Australian troops arrive in Egypt to train FOR YOUR INFORMATION After being hemmed in by the Turks for four months, the force at ANZAC tried to break out in August. This offensive resulted in some of the most terrible battles of the campaign. Australian, British and New Zealand troops attacked Turkish positions on the main ridge. Other Australians were involved in attacks to distract and confuse the Turks, such as Lone Pine and the Nek. At Lone Pine the Australians rushed a heavily entrenched area, and in savage hand-to-hand fighting drove the Turkish defenders out. The battle raged for four days. The day after the battle of Lone Pine began, Australian troops attacked across the tiny area of flat land called “the Nek”. Four waves of Australian light horsemen were cut down in the tiny area separating the Australian and Turkish trenches. The August attacks failed and by November, with sick and tired troops facing a harsh winter, evacuation was considered. On 19– 20 December all the troops at ANZAC Cove were withdrawn. The last British troops left Cape Helles on 8–9 January 1916. In all, 8,709 Australians were killed on Gallipoli. Fred Leist, The taking of Lone Pine (1921, oil on canvas, 122.5 x 245.5 cm) AWM ART02931 Australian soldiers from the 1st Brigade can be seen attacking the Turkish trenches, which were covered with logs. 1915 1915 18 March British and French naval forces fail to force a way through the Dardanelles 25 April Landing of allied troops at ANZAC Cove and Cape Helles 19 May 42,000 Turkish troops attack, suffering 10,000 casualties (including 3,000 dead) 24 May One-day truce with the Turks to bury the dead 6–9 August Battle of Lone Pine 7 August Charge at the Nek 29 August End of the ill-fated August offensive 7 December Decision reached to evacuate Gallipoli 19–20 December Evacuation of Australians from Gallipoli complete 8–9 January 1916 Last British troops withdraw from Cape Helles, ending the Gallipoli campaign Their Spirit, Our History THE FIRST WORLD WAR AFTER GALLIPOLI After Gallipoli, Australian soldiers went on to fight against the Germans in France and Belgium, and against the Turks in the Middle East. The fighting on the Western Front was particularly terrible and the majority of Australians who died in the First World War died there. Throughout the war, ships of the Royal Australian Navy (RAN) were involved in operations in all the oceans of the world. In all, 61,720 Australians died and 155,000 were wounded in the war. SECOND WORLD WAR, 1939–45 When Britain declared war on Germany in September 1939, Australia again rallied to support her. It became the largest conflict Australia has ever been involved in. Australians from all three services fought against Germany and its Italian and Vichy French allies in the Mediterranean and in the Middle East. Thousands of Australian airmen also took part in the air war over Europe, and ships of the RAN joined the Allied naval forces fighting the battle of the Atlantic. In 1941 Japan launched a war in Asia and the Pacific. Australian soldiers, fighting with American, British and Dutch allies, fought in Singapore and Malaya, New Guinea, the islands of the Netherlands East Indies (now Indonesia), and the Pacific; Join us in a victory job (1943, lithograph on paper, 49 x 60 cm) AWM ARTV08836 A poster released during the Second World War to recruit women into industrial work or service with the armed forces. many thousands were taken prisoner. Australian sailors and airmen were also heavily involved. For the first time Australia was directly attacked: towns in the north, such as Darwin, were bombed, and ships were attacked and sunk along the eastern Australian coast. The war ended with the surrender of Germany in May 1945, and the surrender of Japan in August after the dropping of two atomic bombs, on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Approximately one million Australians served in the armed forces and 39,366 died. During the war many women served in industry and agriculture. Others joined one of the three services – navy, army or air force – in which they served to an extent never before seen. KOREAN WAR, 1950–53 In 1950 Australian servicemen and women joined a United Nations (UN) force to help repel the invasion of South Korea by communist North Korea. After initial success by North Korea, its forces were pushed back. But in October 1950 China entered the war on the North Korean side and drove the UN armies south. A stalemate developed, lasting until July 1953, when an armistice was signed. Although this ended the fighting, a final peace treaty has yet to be signed. The Australian Army, the RAN, and the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) all fought in Korea. Join the navy, army, air force (1953, colour lithograph, 48.8 x 63.4 cm) AWM ARTV04223 A lithograph used to recruit Australian men into the armed forces. MALAYAN EMERGENCY, 1950–60 In 1950 Australian forces were sent to Malaya when the British government called for assistance to resist a communist uprising. Australia’s military involvement in the Malayan Emergency lasted until 1960. The communist insurgents were defeated. Members of No. 1 Squadron, RAAF, taking part in a jungle survival course at Kota Tinggi, Malaya, in 1950. AWM P01144.010 Their Spirit, Our History VIETNAM WAR, 1962–73 In 1962 Australia became involved in the Vietnam War, Australia’s longest ever war. At first, Australian advisers were sent to South Vietnam to help train the South Vietnamese army in their fight against the communist north. In 1966 an Australian task force was committed to aid the South Vietnamese and American forces in their fight against the North Vietnamese army and the Viet Cong in the south. The last Australian troops were withdrawn in 1973. The communist forces defeated the South Vietnamese forces in 1975 and unified the country. Australia’s commitment included the Australian Army, the RAN, and the RAAF, as well as service nurses. The Vietnam War was a different type of war. For the first time, Australians endured not only the dangers of the jungle but also the difficulties of counter-insurgency warfare. The physical and psychological effects of this new type of war were severe, with many Australians suffering devastating injuries. Troops of B Company, 1st Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment, move quickly from an armoured personnel carrier during an operation against the Viet Cong in a province north of Saigon in December 1965. AWM KEL/65/0016/VN INDONESIAN CONFRONTATION, 1963–66 The Indonesian Confrontation was the name given to the Indonesian attempt to foil the creation of the Federation of Malaysia in the early 1960s. In response to a developing “low level war” and to British requests, Australia sent ground troops to Borneo in 1965 and RAN ships patrolled coastal waters. The confrontation ended in 1966 when Indonesia and Malaysia signed a peace treaty. FIRST GULF WAR, 1990–91 Following the Iraqi invasion of neighbouring Kuwait in 1990, Australia joined a coalition force of 30 nations led by the United States and authorised by the United Nations to liberate Kuwait. RAN ships were deployed in the Persian Gulf. Individual RAAF and Army personnel, including medical teams, also served. In early 1991 the coalition attacked the Iraqi forces and pushed them out of Kuwait. Crew of HMAS Adelaide on the deck watching flying operations in the Persian Gulf, 1990. AWM P01442.001 THE WAR ON TERROR Following the Al Qaeda terrorist attacks on 11 September 2001, the United States launched a “war on terror” and called for all friendly nations to take part. In October 2001 the United States led a campaign in Afghanistan to remove the Taliban government that had supported Al Qaeda. Australian forces have been involved in fighting Al Qaeda and its Taliban supporters. They have also assisted the new Afghan government to rebuild the country. SECOND GULF WAR In March 2003 the United States and several of its allies, including Australia, invaded Iraq, believing it to have chemical and biological weapons that could be used against Western countries. RAN ships formed part of the allied fleet in the Persian Gulf, special forces troops from the Australian Army operated in western Iraq, and RAAF fighters attacked enemy ground forces and protected surveillance and tanker aircraft. Since 2003 Australian forces have carried out a range of training and security tasks in support of the new Iraqi government. PEACEKEEPING, 1947–PRESENT Australia has been involved in UN and other multinational peacekeeping operations since 1947. These operations have taken Australians to countries in Africa, Asia, the Middle East, and the Pacific, where they have been involved in monitoring ceasefires, holding elections, clearing landmines, providing humanitarian aid, and repatriating refugees. Australia’s largest peacekeeping deployment was to East Timor in September 1999, when 9,000 troops were deployed to restore peace after a vote for independence from Indonesia had led to violence. Soldiers of the International Force for East Timor (Interfet) in patrol formation between Suai and Matai. AWM P03184.264 Their Spirit, Our History Section 2 Imagine I suppose it will be a long while before I see any of you again, but dear Una I don’t want you to worry about me. I will be alright and I hope and pray that all of you will be safe and well when I return. Joe Cumberland, 16 October 1914 This section contains a series of firsthand sources that give insight into what life is like for those men and women who go to war and for their families left behind. The handwritten letters and journal entries have been transcribed. Below is a series of letters, postcards, telegrams, and newspaper clippings belonging to Una Saunders. They tell the story of her brothers, Joseph Hilton and Oliver James Cumberland, who fought and lost their lives during the First World War. Dear old Una, Ashfield 16/10/14 Just a line to let you know the news, well old girl we are going on Sunday and I suppose it will be a long while before I see any of you again. But dear Una I don’t want you to worry about me I will be alright and I hope and pray that all of you will be safe and well when I return. Well dear old Una I am out at Mr. Goodworth’s tonight writing this letter and I am sending you a few pounds, it is no use me taking it away with me. I don’t want it and I want you to use it to get little Doris’ teeth done and if there is any over you can do what you like with it but get Doris’ teeth done well like a dear old girl. Mr. Goodworth is going to get a money order in the morning and put it in the letter and send it to you. Well Una as I have to be back in camp by 9 o’clock I suppose I will have to close. With love to Doris, Maggie, Stu, Olive, Joan and [Jinith], Arthur, and your dear old [Siff ]. I remain your ever loving brother, Joe Mr and Mrs Goodworth send their love. Say good-bye to all my old mates for me. 10 This first letter was sent by Joe on 16 October 1914, before he left Australia for a training camp in Egypt. AWM PR 86/147 This letter was sent by Joe and Oliver from a training camp in Cairo on 23 February 1915. AWM PR 86/147 Dear Sister, Cairo 23/2/15 Your welcome letters to hand, also notes from the kids. Glad to hear you are all well as we are at present. We have been passed as fit for active service, but of course we do not know when we will be called upon, the sooner the better I say, we are all getting tired of this inaction, but I suppose we will have enough of warfare before we are done with it. It seems very strange to me, who have always led such a free and easy life in the bush, to rise in the morning to the call of a bugle, and obey without question any orders I get. I did not like it all at first but I am getting used to it now. Well Una, you must excuse a short note this time, as you know I am a poor hand at letter writing. Joe has a sore arm, the result of vaccination, so he is not writing to-day. From your affectionate brothers Oliver and Joe xxxxxxxx barb wire entanglements The back and front of a field service postcard, sent to Una from Oliver on 13 May 1915. For security reasons, soldiers were not allowed to write any information other than their name and the date on the postcards (see the warning at the top). AWM PR 86/147 Their Spirit, Our History 11 31/5/15 Dear Una, This letter was written by Oliver to Una on 31 May 1915, after hearing the news of Joe’s death. AWM PR 86/147 I suppose you received my last letter in which I told you I was slightly wounded. I am quite well now and expect to go back to the front any time, but Una, prepare yourself to hear the worst if you have not already heard it – poor Joe is gone – he died of wounds in Alexandria hospital on the fifth of May. I did not know until yesterday, I went to headquarters offices in Cairo and saw the list of killed and wounded. I had been very anxious wondering where he was, and when I saw the list I did not know what to do. I wandered about the streets nearly mad, I felt so lonely. I am letting you know at once because I think it is always best to know the truth, however sad. He died for his country Una, I know how you will feel sister – God help you all to bear it. If I can get away for a couple of hours when I pass through Alexandria, on my way back to the front, I will visit the hospital where he died and see if he left any message. I received a bunch of letters from home yesterday and two postcards from Doris. I suppose you will have seen the list of killed and wounded in the papers before you get this. I think the worst of the fighting in Turkey is over now, it could not be any worse than it was the first few days. Well dear sister there is no more to say so I will conclude, with best love to all. Your affectionate brother Oliver My address is still the same. 12 The postcard below was sent to Una from Oliver in July 1915. July 13 1915 AWM PR 86/147 Dear Una, I received your letter dated June 6th also letters from Mag and Dorrie. I am glad to hear that you are all well, as I am at present. I have been back in the firing line now for about a month, and am getting along all right, my wound healed up beautiful and has not left any permanent injury at all Did you ever get any message from Joe after he was wounded? You know he was buried before I knew anything about it. Best love to all, don’t worry. Oliver Oliver was reported “Missing, presumed dead” after the battle of Lone Pine, but for many years nothing more was known. The undated newspaper report below completes the story. Telegram received by Una from the Department of Defence telling her that Joe had been wounded. AWM PR 86/147 Newspaper report from the Scone Advocate, date unknown. AWM PR 86/147 Their Spirit, Our History 13 On the following pages there are personal accounts of men and women who have represented Australia in war. Below are some entries from Sister Strom’s journal, describing her journey to Greece and her concerns upon leaving Australia. Strom returned to Australia on 17 July 1919. Tues. Saw the last of Australia this a.m. – gave me a quite sour and desolate feeling. Felt much better most of day – wrote letters on top deck. Sick at night often – blow! “Lights out” precaution start today Wed. Better day – fine and warmer – decks enclosed with balcony … French soldiers sing most delightfully – bit wistful. All the melodies sung or played on this ship seem to be melancholic … parties tonight … sat up on deck and discussed “How to be happy though torpedoed” and “Hints for the shipwrecked”. Temp[orarily] concerned about sharks – we are thinking of rubbing turps on our legs; also making food belts. Had first life belt trial this a.m. … Sister Christine Erica Strom of Rydalmere, NSW, a nurse in the Australian Army Nursing Service, was posted to Greece during the First World War. She enlisted on 12 April 1917 as a staff nurse and embarked from Melbourne aboard RMS Mooltan on 12 June 1917. AWM P04397.001 Thurs. … Much better – Melville and I have appetites which occasion us grave anxiety, lest we shall be late for meals. Wrote letters and more letters. It’s very hot. Slept up on deck tonight for first time – we are not allowed to retire till 10:45 pm –some of them went up early and were sent back. A motley but picturesque procession. 10:30 – dressing gown and boudoir caps – Capt. and P.M were about – inspecting our behaviour. Hope they settle down earlier tomorrow night. Wireless war news today … Fri – … 5:50 a.m. – bit early setting up then – general move off 6 a.m. – all of us much later with cup and pillows … Deck chairs make one’s neck stiff. Concert tonight. Sat Had a relapse! Too much nourishment – starved all day with poor effect. Feel very sleepy these days on account of enforced early retiring. “Informal” dance – how can it be otherwise than informal? Tonight on top deck. M&H&J derives much entertainment from watching the romances develop. There are quite a number … AWM PR03304 14 Fifty years after the war, Strom wrote a poem describing her memories of her nursing service. The poem was included in a collection of her poetry entitled We came in a freighter and other verses, which was published in 1978. Fifty years later On June the 12th 1917 a large contingent of army nurses left Melbourne for overseas. We went to Salonika, in Greece, to staff British hospitals there. How long ago it seems! So young we were, with earnest questing eyes That probed the future for our destiny; With sense of purpose, and with plans and dreams Concerning many things. And then the challenge came: and so we went; And, looking back across the drift of years, One would not now have had it otherwise. So much is clouded now in memory, But contemplation brings Some aspects we can share. Adventures on the way; and all the joys Of fellowship; the team-work that was there; The tents; the wards; the boys; The busy nights and enervating days. Greece and its ways; Laughter and fun; Long conversations when the days were done. The night-staff gathered in that supper tent, Their lanterns waiting like so many dogs; The dixies, and the taste of mutton bird. The scraps of news we heard: Rumours and warnings. The awful misery of winter mornings. Mail days, and all that letters meant to us; Long thoughts of home, and matters to discuss; Depression and despair, And pillows damp with tears! The summer heat, and nets above the beds; The locusts, the mosquitoes, and the frogs; The wasps that fought with us for marmalade; Mushrooms, in autumn, thick upon the slopes. The harassed Heads Whose rules we thought unjust – All those mistakes we made! The pale romances, and the shattered hopes; Real loss, and quiet grieving. Pay days, and cash to spend: days off and dust Upon that winding road. The smells, the sounds, the sights Within the ancient city, with its load Of tragic poverty. The guns that broke the silence of the nights, And (how one hears it still!) The Last Post sounding on that quiet hill. Winter again … The mud that followed rain. The smoke-filled wards; dark days; the driving snow; The Vardar wind that seemed for ever blowing. Those large and frozen bottles of quinine! Then peace, at last; And soon upon the scene All those reactions common when a strain, Long held, has passed. Then, gradually, the end: General upheaving; With friend’s farewell to friend The patients leaving. The closing of the wards: sorting and stowing; How we had longed to go – And how we hated going! Their Spirit, Our History 15 Bill Murphy fought with the RAAF during the Second World War. Below is a letter Murphy sent to his parents during his service in the war. Aus 404353, Pilot Officer Murphy, WM RAF Station Breighton Near Selby Yorkshire 18-2-42 Dear old Dad, Mum told me in one of her letters that you always carry a photo of me, so here’s one to replace it. Ops start on Sunday night, Dad, but by the time you get this I hope to be able to wire you to say I’ve done my 30 trips and am navigating a “Wimpy IV” home to help have a crack at the nasty yellow bellies. Cheerio Dad, and many more years of happiness and health and here’s to the day we clasp hands again. Your loving son, Bill AWM 3DRL/7733 16 Above is a letter written to Bill’s parents and a photograph of Bill wearing a flying suit. AWM 3DRL/7733 Andrew Rice contributed to a peacekeeping mission in Bougainville in 1998. Below is a page from Andrew’s field notebook, along with an entry from his journal describing the details of his mission. 8 April Busy day. Had to push AVTUR [Aviation Turbine Fuel] drums around initially for the helo crews, then a succession of little tasks around the place – Nat Info Office for photo copying, market, shops. Received a stack of mail, inc. a series of b’day cards – all v. welcome. In the arvo worked on the last patrol report before we got an unscheduled C130 visit. We were asked to get a forklift, so I approached District Services, who were convinced that the a/c contained AUSAid stores. When the silver bird duly arrived, the ramp went down and I discovered a plane load of rations. Next challenge was to keep the forklift crew interested, and locate a flatbed truck. The former was easy (we’ll wait for the Bill)] and the latter seemed difficult until I came by chance on the one I was after down at the Security Forces dock. With some negotiations I got it organised and we unloaded the stores and placed them in the compound, along with the Loloho Stores CPL, who had an unexpected stay here. After a rushed dinner prep., a quiet night. Kiwi departure dates came in today. The demise of the team is nigh. AWM PR01184 Although the efforts of individuals in war are often recorded in history books, reading the words of these individuals sheds new light on their experiences, highlighting their thoughts, emotions and concerns – aspects of war which should not be overlooked. For more information about the above individuals or about a family member who served in war, go to the Australian War Memorial website and type their names into the Roll of Honour database (if they died during war) or the appropriate Nominal Roll (if they survived the war). A team member of the multinational Peace Monitoring Group (PMG) unloading a field backpack at a guard checkpoint at the entrance to the group’s base on Bougainville. AWM P03518.017 Their Spirit, Our History 17 Section 3 Search In his search for rigid accuracy the writer was guided by one deliberate and settled principle. The more he saw and knew of the men and officers of the Australian Imperial Force the more fully did the writer become convinced that the only memorial which could be worthy of them was the bare and uncoloured story of their part in the war. From the moment when, early in the war, he realised this, his duty became strangely simple – to record the plain and absolute truth so far as it was within his limited power to compass it. Official historian Charles Bean, 14 December 1920 In this section, you will find a number of activities that will aid your students in understanding the significance of Australian military history and the importance of commemoration. It should also encourage students to empathise with those who have endured the experience of war. Bean working on files during the writing of the First World War official history. AWM A05389 18 The section has been divided into three parts. The first consists of background and preparatory activities for your commemorative ceremony; the second consists of post-commemorative, mainly research-based activities; the third comprises more general activities that can be used in the general study of Australia’s military history. Part 1 ANZAC Day Want more activities? If you want more research activities and activity sheets, go to the Australian War Memorial homepage, and click on Education, then In the classroom, then Activities. 1. What do the letters “ANZAC” stand for? OR Go to the Department of Veterans’ Affairs homepage,, click on Commemorations, then Activities; or go to Search and enter “Education resources” or “ANZAC Day Education resources”. 2. What happened on 25 April 1915? For audio clips and more interactive activities, go to KidsHQ on the Australian War Memorial website. Click on Staff room, then Classroom activities; you can choose themes such as Great stories or Homefront activities. 3. When do we observe ANZAC Day? 4. How do we observe ANZAC Day? Troops on the beach on Gallipoli, 25 April 1915. 5. Why do we observe ANZAC Day? AWM G00904 RESEARCH QUESTION: In an ANZAC Day ceremony, there are a number of rituals that we perform, including one minute’s silence, the bugle call, the Rouse or Reveille, and wreathlaying. Find out the origin of these rituals and why they are used in ceremonies today. Their Spirit, Our History 19 Remembrance Day On 11 November 1918 – at the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month – the Armistice was signed, effectively ending the First World War. Originally known as Armistice Day, Remembrance Day marks this anniversary. It is the day on which we remember and honour all Australians who fought, died, and suffered in the First World War and in all the wars and conflicts that followed. Remembrance Day is an international day of commemoration, unlike ANZAC Day, which is a day of remembrance unique to Australia and New Zealand. A Second World War soldier places a wreath on a First World War memorial in Damascus, Syria. AWM 022000 1. When do we observe Remembrance Day? 3. What do we do to observe Remembrance Day? 2. What is significant about this date and time? 4. What are some important parts of a Remembrance Day ceremony? RESEARCH QUESTION: Why are the different parts of a Remembrance Day ceremony important? For example, why is the Last Post played? What significance does it have in the army? 20 The poppy During the First World War, red poppies were among the first living plants that sprouted from the devastation of the battlefields of northern France and Belgium. Soldiers told the story that the poppies were vivid red because they had been nurtured in ground drenched with the blood of the soldiers’ comrades. How to make a wreath For instructions on how to make a wreath go to and type “wreath” into the search box, then click on Build an ANZAC Day wreath. The sight of the poppies on the battlefield at Ypres in 1915 moved Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae, a Canadian, to write the poem “In Flanders fields”. Flanders poppies also featured prominently in several other literary responses to the destruction on the Western Front. During the First World War, the poppy took on powerful symbolism – that of sacrifice. The poppy soon became widely accepted throughout the allied nations as the flower of remembrance. It has been a part of commemoration ritual since the early 1920s and continues to be used for this purpose today. DID YOU KNOW? An American, Moina Michael, read McCrae’s poem and was so moved by it that she wrote a reply poem and decided to wear a red poppy as a way of keeping faith, as McCrae had urged in his poem. (For Michael’s and McCrae’s poems, see Section 4) Rosemary Rosemary has been recognised since Roman times as an aid in improving memory, and has also been used as a symbol of remembrance. It is worn during weddings, war commemorations, and funerals in Europe, probably as a result of this reputation. Mourners would often throw rosemary into graves as a symbol of remembrance for the dead. In Shakespeare’s Hamlet, Ophelia says, “There’s rosemary, that’s for remembrance ...” Today rosemary is worn in commemorative ceremonies for this very purpose. How to make a poppy For instructions on how to make your own poppy, see, click on Education, then In the classroom, then Activities, and Make your own poppy. Wattle Wattle is a more recent symbol of remembrance. It is a uniquely Australian symbol used to commemorate the 102,000 Australians who have died as a result of war. RESEARCH QUESTION: Why is the poppy used in commemorative ceremonies? What other flowers are used? Why? HINT: Look at the poem “In Flanders fields” by John McCrae. RESEARCH QUESTION: Why are wreaths used in commemorative ceremonies? Their Spirit, Our History 21 Interview a veteran Do you know people who lived at a time when there was a major war? It doesn’t have to be anyone who served; it could be someone who was a child at the time. Ask them about their memories. This is not as easy as you might think, so use the guidelines below and prepare yourself thoroughly before you start: • Ask permission of the person before you begin, particularly if you do not already know them; many war veterans do not like talking about their wartime experiences. • Work out your questions before you start. It’s best to have questions that cannot be answered by a simple “yes” or “no”. Ask open-ended questions that invite a descriptive response, like “What was it like when you …?” • Be clear on what you are going to do with the information. Is it for your own information or are you going to use it in a school project or as part of your school ANZAC Day ceremony? Write your questions and record the answers below: 1. 4. 2. 5. 3. 22 It is a good idea to tape your interview because this makes it easier for you to record your answers. But be sure to ask for permission first. Part 2 Research questions and activities After the commemorative ceremony may be a good time to get the students to investigate individuals who fought or lost their lives in war. The following research questions and activities should give the students a greater understanding of personal stories and of what men and women sacrifice during war. 1. Investigate an Australian soldier, nurse, sailor, or pilot: note their achievements and report your findings to the class. 2. Research someone from your own family that either fought or died as a result of war. If no one in your family was involved in war, you could research someone living in your area. Perhaps you would like to arrange an interview with them or with someone from their family (your local RSL could help you do this). 3. Read some of the letters from Section 2. Who wrote them? What conflicts were they involved in? Find out who these men and women were and what their actions/achievements were during the war. 4. Research a particular conflict or peacekeeping mission and report your findings to the class. 5. “I just liked the idea of flying … I was a pretty young commanding officer, the youngest the air force had ever had, apparently. I made sure the squadron was in shape: properly trained and ready to do a job.” – Dick Cresswell Dick Cresswell was a successful squadron leader during the Second World War. Investigate his achievements and present the information in a poster. 6. Research a particular topic/area of Australia’s military history, then create a poster displaying the information and/or present your finding to the class. Some suggested topics could be “technology in war”, “personal stories”, “animals in war”, etc. For information, images, and film clips on these topics, go to and click on Education, then KidsHQ. FIND OUT MORE To assist with your research, go to, click on Encyclopedia, and search the following headings: ➤ To research a conflict: ANZAC spirit Boer War 1899–1902 Darwin air raids First World War Gallipoli First Gulf War Indonesian Confrontation Japanese midget submarine Kokoda Trail Korean War Long Tan, Battle of Malayan Emergency Official history, First World War Official history, Second World War Peacekeeping Second World War Vietnam War ➤ To research an individual: Family history Gallipoli biographies Honours and awards Nurse survivors of the Vyner Brooke Prisoners of war Victoria Cross Women’s Auxiliary Australian Air Force (WAAAF) Women’s Royal Australian Air Force (WRAAF) Women’s Royal Australian Army Corps (WRAAC) Women’s Royal Australian Naval Service (WRANS) ➤ A few individuals: Howell-Price brothers Jacka, Albert Martin, James Charles For links to useful websites and education resources on the above topics, go to and under Commemorations click on Activites, then Australians at War. It was common for members of the RAAF to have pets. Flying Officer E. Harvey poses with his unit’s mascot, a monkey he acquired while evacuating wounded on Tawi Tawi, in the Phillipines, in June 1945. AWM OG2870 Their Spirit, Our History 23 Part 3 Family and war Look at Oliver Cumberland’s letter on page 11 in Section 2 of this booklet. Imagine you are a family member receiving this letter. How would you reply? What would you want your father/brother/boyfriend/husband to know? In France in 1918, Sergeant P.M. O’Connell reads a letter from home. AWM E03266 Now look at the telegram on page 13 of Section 2. How would you feel receiving this news about one of your family members? Write a journal entry or poem describing your feelings. 24 Soldiers speak My dear Father, Mother and all, It is some time since I received a letter from home but such is the fortune of war. I am still ok and so is Phil. I sent a card on Tuesday to tell you Phil and I were both well. Of course there is a risk from day to day which a man sake but I hope to come through alright. We have had a very hard struggle here but are now settled down and hope to get on better in the future. As I told you in a very hurried note I am now adjutant and promotion will come if I can pull through. Poor Capt. Burns was shot dead the very first day we landed, Capt. Lear and Lieut. Evans, machine guns officers were also killed whilst many were wounded. I was called back from the firing line to become adjutant. We had four days, the like of which I never want to go through again. It was nerve racking and practically sleepless. We were quite done – when relief arrived we got a few days’ rest. We are at it again now for the past week and can give them quite as much as they give us. We are feeling well and can expect little else. My loyal batman, young Hammond from Kiama, was killed whilst cutting a man’s hair for him. I am telling Mr. Grey. My luck has been phenomenal up to the present and I am taking care not to run many risks because that is where the casualties occur. The old Colonel Lean’s out, Major Barnett is now in command of 4th Bn AIF. Maj. Brown in command of 2nd Bn temporarily. Both Lieut. Colonels, Maj. Brown only temp. Good bye now with my best love to all from your loving son Above is a portrait of Lieutenant Owen Glendower Howell-Price. Howell-Price was commissioned as a second lieutenant in the 3rd Battalion, AIF. He served on Gallipoli, where he won the Military Cross, and was awarded the Distinguished Service Order when he fought at Pozières and Mouquet Farm, France, during July and August 1916. He was killed in action on 2 November 1916 near Flers, France. AWM P00267.003 Owen Howell-Price ACTIVITY: In the above letter, a number of military terms and abbreviations have been underlined. These terms were used by soldiers during the First World War. Investigate the meanings of these words to discover who Lieutenant Howell-Price was describing. It may be useful to use the glossary on the Australian War Memorial’s website or to use the search engine on the Department of Veterans’ Affairs homepage Their Spirit, Our History 25 “One last thing …” Frank Crozier, Nurse and patient, 3rd Australian CCS (c. 1918, oil on wood panel, 23.8 x 27.4 cm) AWM ART13338 This painting depicts a nurse tending to a wounded Australian soldier during the First World War. Nurses saw, on a daily basis, the devastating effects of war. They treated the men’s wounds and sometimes held young men in their arms as they breathed their last breath. For many, these nurses were the last human contact they had, and often men would request a hug or a kiss from one of the nurses before they died. Put yourself in the place of one of the characters. Imagine it is the last few minutes before the soldier will die. Write a script outlining what you, as either nurse or soldier, would want to say to the other person. You may also like to present this in a short play. 26 HMAS Kuttabul HMAS Kuttabul after it was sunk. AWM 042975 Three Japanese midget submarines raided Sydney Harbour on the night of 31 May–1 June 1942. Twenty-one lives were lost when HMAS Kuttabul was sunk by a torpedo from one of the submarines. Imagine you are on board Kuttabul when the submarines came into Sydney Harbour. Write a journal entry describing how you felt after the attack. Their Spirit, Our History 27 The advantages of technology An Iroquois UH-1B helicopter (A2-1019) of No. 9 Squadron, RAAF, at Vung Tau, Phuoc Tuy Province, Vietnam, c. 1966–67. Sitting in the doorway is believed to be crewman Vic Williams. AWM P04955.002 Iroquois helicopters were flown during the Vietnam War and were used to evacuate the wounded from battle. There were several versions of the Iroquois, with more advanced versions being brought in as the war progressed. The A2-1019 is, in fact, two helicopters grafted together. A version of the Iroquois UH-1B is still used today. 2. The Iroquois, unlike the Sioux helicopter, carried wounded troops inside, rather than outside, the aircraft. What are the advantages of this? What would the dangers have been of carrying the wounded outside the aircraft? 1. How would the Iroquois have been an advantage during the Vietnam War? RESEARCH QUESTION: Investigate and compare the quality of medical technology during the First World War, Second World War, Korean War, and Vietnam War. How did it change? How is this change reflected in the number of deaths in each of these wars? 28 Military colours In the armed services, “colours” refer to the flag of an infantry regiment or AIF infantry battalion (ground units of an army), which are symbolic of the spirit of the men who fought under them. Colours are treated with great respect by the unit and are symbolic of everything that is great, noble, and chivalrous. They are symbolic of two loyalties. The Queen’s Colour signifies loyalty to the crown, the British Commonwealth, and the nation. The regimental colour embodies loyalty to the regiment and comradeship. Whenever colours are paraded they are given the honour of a royal salute. Using the colour meanings as a guide, explain what the following colours would represent: Colour Patch: 2/1st Battalion, AIF. AWM REL/13525 According to the RSL handbook, an 18th century writer recorded the following colours and their military meanings: YELLOW – For honour, which must never be in question WHITE – For innocence and truth BLACK – For wisdom and sobriety BLUE – For faith and constancy Colour patch: Railway Operating Companies, AIF. AWM RELAWM07941.057 RED – For justice GREEN – For good hope PURPLE – For fortitude and discretion TUNNIS or TAWNY – For merit ACTIVITY: Colour patch: 46th Battalion, AIF. AWM RELAWM13307.111 Using the above colours and their meanings as a guide, create a flag that would represent your class or family (you may wish to display these flags during your ANZAC Day or Remembrance Day ceremony). Colour patch: Instructional Cadres Australian Armoured Corps. AWM REL32371.004 Their Spirit, Our History 29 We want YOU! Enlistment in the armed services Below is a collection of enlistment posters used to recruit men and women into the services for the Second World War. Beaufighters in action with RAAF air crews (1942, photolithograph, 49.8 x 63.1 cm) AWM ARTV04281 Mister, here’s your hat! (c. 1939–42, photolithograph, 74 x 49.8 cm) AWM ARTV06443 ACTIVITY: These recruitment posters were effective in 1939 because they appealed to the compassion and femininity of young women and to the sense of duty and adventure of young men to encourage them to enlist. If a major war broke out today, what sorts of things would persuade young men and women to fight? Create your own enlistment poster that you think would be effective today. 30 Join (c. 1939–45, photolithograph, 36.8 x 24.6 cm) AWM ARTV00790 Laugh a little We lost HOW many? Over 330,000 Australian men and women went to the First World War. Over 60,000 of these men and women died during the First World War. Before the war, Australia’s population was approximately four million. What does this mean? Appoximately three in every 40 people living in Australia went to war. Three in every 200 people living in Australia died as a result of war. Private collection Flight Lieutenant Ronald Prior Baines, from his wartime log written in Stalag Luft 3. Australia lost 1.5 per cent of its population. How does this compare today? You do the maths ... The population of Australia today? Above is a cartoon from the journal of Flight Lieutenant Ronald Baines, RAAF. He drew this cartoon in his diary while confined in a prisoner-of-war camp. It shows how he was shot down in the North African desert in 1942. What is Baines depicting? How did he show this? Complete your own cartoon describing what the Second World War would have been like for you as a soldier, pilot, sailor, or nurse. 1.5 per cent of our population is? What would be the implications of losing this many young people (mostly men) from our population? What do you think were the implications of this for Australian families living during the First World War? What effect would this have had on young women of the time? Australian soliders at roll call, France, 8 August 1918. AWM E02790 Their Spirit, Our History 31 Section 4 Remember There was a great crowd. People filled the pavements and thronged the steps of the post-office. There were many women. Some had come for the sake of emotion, others on pilgrimage, tying themselves to memory, year after year, by this rite, lest they forget; women who had “given” their sons and husbands, women who would so gladly have given them had they had them. Men were there for the same reasons, old men who had lost their sons, young men who had never seen their fathers. They were very quiet, waiting, strung tight. M. Barnard Eldershaw, Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow, 1947 (complete edition with censor’s cuts restored, Virago, 1983), p. 123 WHAT IS COMMEMORATION? Commemoration is an act of community remembrance. Every year, at an appointed time and place, the people of a community gather together to remember the sacrifice of those who served and died in war. Ceremonies, with their set order of activities and their symbols of commemoration, enable a country or a community to pass on the act and meaning of remembrance from generation to generation. 32 Marcus Beilby, Bicentennial ANZAC Day march (1988, oil on canvas, 149 x 241.7 cm) AWM ART29417 DID YOU KNOW? To commemorate means “to keep alive, or to honour, the memory of some person, group, or event by a ceremony”. WHY DOES AUSTRALIA COMMEMORATE ANZAC DAY? HOW HAS ANZAC DAY BEEN OBSERVED IN THE PAST? On 25 April 1916, a year after the landing of the ANZACs at Gallipoli, this date was officially named ANZAC Day; the occasion was marked by a wide variety of ceremonies and services in Australia, a march through London, and a sports day in the Australian camp in Egypt. In London over 2,000 Australian and New Zealand troops marched through the streets of the city, with a London newspaper dubbing them “The knights of Gallipoli”. Marches were held all over Australia in 1916; wounded soldiers from Gallipoli attended the Sydney march in convoys of cars, accompanied by nurses. For the remaining years of the war ANZAC Day was used as an occasion for patriotic rallies and recruiting campaigns, and most cities held parades of serving members of the AIF. Soldiers march along the main street of Herberton, Qld, towards a war memorial, to take part in the ANZAC Day ceremony in 1944. AWM 065875 Two Melbourne schoolboys wearing their fathers’ medals, during a Second World War parade. AWM 044296 Commemoration takes different forms in different countries. The preservation of memory, the importance of learning from the past, and the honouring of heroism are part of all nations’ commemorative activities, but these are observed in ways that reflect each nation’s sense of identity and history. The ideals of courage, endurance, and mateship displayed by Australian and New Zealand troops on Gallipoli are not unique, but they became important values in the formation of an Australian identity. On ANZAC Day Australians come together to commemorate those who gave their lives in war and to acknowledge their values with pride. Their service is recognised in ceremonies held in towns and cities across the nation. Their Spirit, Our History 33 The following extract portrays the Australian attitude towards ANZAC Day during the First and Second World Wars. I came from Scotland on the 24th to attend the ANZAC show in London on the 25th, & we were given the most magnificent reception from the population of London, who turned up in one vast crowd, & threw flowers & cigarettes & all that sort of thing at us, & cheered themselves hoarse PLANNING AN ANZAC DAY CEREMONY: The following outline can be used in the planning of a commemorative ceremony for ANZAC Day, but it can also be used for Remembrance Day (11 November). THE CEREMONY at us, &, in fact, we felt rather swelled headed at the way The traditional aspects of a commemorative ceremony are listed and explained below. we were treated … [the] way people shook us by the hand & The traditional order of service: women embraced us, & wept all over us, & all that kind of 1. Introduction (often after a march to the place of the service) rot, & attempted to cry “coo-ee” … we really appreciated it all 2. Catafalque party is mounted (although this is a traditional component of military ceremonies, it is not necessary for a school service) very much, & will never forget it as long as we live. As for the girls – well, they simply flung themselves at our boys, & they marched along in the procession too. Norman Ellsworth, a member of the crew of the only Australian field gun placed in position on Gallipoli on 25 April, a letter to his mother, 26 April 1916. AWM 1DRL/0266 During the 1920s ANZAC Day became established as a national day of commemoration for the 61,720 Australians who died during the First World War. The first year in which all the states observed some form of public holiday together on ANZAC Day was 1927. By the mid-1930s all of the rituals that we today associate with the day – dawn vigils, marches, memorial services, reunions and two-up games – were firmly established as part of ANZAC Day culture. 3. Address 4. Hymn/Prayer/Reading/Poem 5. Wreathlaying or laying of poppies 6. The Ode 7. The Last Post 8. One Minute’s Silence 9. The Rouse 10.National Anthem 11. Catafalque party dismounts NB: The Australian flag should be at half mast for the start of the ceremony and returned to the mast head as the Rouse is played. DID YOU KNOW? The naval tradition of lowering a ship’s sails as a sign of respect was in time adopted on land, in the form of lowering flags to half mast. It is today a universal symbol of respect and remembrance. A bugler from the 67th Infantry Battalion plays the Last Post as the Australian flag hangs at half mast, Yokohama, Japan, 1948. AWM P01813.198 34 GUIDELINES FOR FLYING FLAGS • The Australian national flag should be displayed only in a manner befitting the national emblem. • The flag should not be subjected to indignity or displayed in a position inferior to any other flag or ensign. • The flag takes precedence over all other national flags when flown in Australia. • The flag should always be flown aloft and free, and should not be allowed to fall or lie upon the ground. • When the Australian flag is raised or lowered, or when it is carried past in a parade or review, all present should face the flag. • The flag should be displayed flat against a surface whether horizontally or vertically. • The top left quarter of the flag should be placed uppermost on the observer’s left, as viewed from the front (see image below). 1. Introduction (2 minutes) After a march to your place of service (optional), there should be a brief talk about why we commemorate ANZAC Day (or another commemorative day). This could be given by the school principal or by the teacher assisting students to organise the ceremony. For the introduction you could use the ANZAC Requiem originally written by Charles Bean in 1944. The Requiem highlights the achievements of all those Australians who died in war. REQUIEM On the morning of 25 April 1915, Australian and New Zealand troops landed under fire on Gallipoli. It was then and in the battles which followed that the ANZAC tradition was formed. On this day, above all days, we remember all those who served our nation in times of war. We remember with pride their courage, their compassion and their comradeship. We remember what they accomplished for Australia, and indeed for the freedom of mankind. We honour those who died or were disabled in the tragedy of war. They adorn our nation’s history. Soldiers fly the Australian flag at the 7th Australian Division rodeo in Mount Garnet, Qld, 1943. AWM 054331 We remember those who fell amidst the valleys and ridges of Gallipoli, on the terraced hills of Palestine, in France and Belgium, on the sands of the North African desert, amidst the mountains and olive groves of Greece, Crete and Syria, in the skies over Europe, in Singapore, in the jungles of Malaysia, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea and the Pacific Islands, in Korea and Vietnam, in later conflicts and in peacekeeping, in the skies and seas in many parts of the world, and on our own soil and in our sea lanes. We remember those who suffered as prisoners of war, and those who died in captivity. We remember staunch friends and allies, especially those who fought alongside us on that first day on Gallipoli in 1915. Our Servicemen and women have left us a splendid heritage. May we and our successors prove worthy of their sacrifice. Their Spirit, Our History 35 2. Catafalque party is mounted The catafalque party is not necessary for a school commemorative service. Traditionally a catafalque was a support for a coffin, but it has come to mean a tomb. A catafalque party was originally posted to guard a coffin from theft or desecration. It now performs a ceremonial role in honouring the dead, with a guard of service personnel posted at the four corners of the catafalque. At this point in the ceremony the catafalque party takes their positions, facing outwards with their rifles reversed in a traditional display of mourning (see image below). The catafalque party during an ANZAC Day commemorative ceremony at the Australian War Memorial, Canberra, in 1952. AWM 134630 3. Commemorative address (3–5 minutes) Inviting a veteran or a serviceman or woman to speak about his or her experiences adds interest to the ceremony; contacting your local RSL may help you with this. Alternatively, a staff member, a student, or a member of the community may also give the address. Remember, the purpose of the address is to commemorate those soldiers who sacrificed their lives for Australia and to honour their memory, but you may wish to focus on the contribution of a soldier from your local region. It is important to brief the speaker so that the address is not too long; this is especially important for groups of younger students. A member of the official party makes an address in front of the steps of the Shrine of Remembrance in Melbourne during the ANZAC Day commemorative ceremony, 1944. AWM 065821 36 4. Hymn (2–4 minutes) The following hymns are traditionally used in commemorative ceremonies. You can choose one or more of these: • “Our God, our help in ages past” • “O valiant hearts” • “Abide with me” The band could play or the choir sing. A local church may be able to help you with the hymns. For the lyrics to these hymns see “Glossary and References” in this book. OR Prayer/Reading In commemorative ceremonies it is usual for a speaker to recite a prayer or a reading as a request for the eventual safety and the eternal peace of those who died in war. One of the following readings is usually used: • The Lord’s Prayer • Prayer of Remembrance • Psalm 23 • John 15: 9–14 Alternatively, you may wish to have the children write and recite their own lines communicating their hopes for the spirit of the soldiers to find everlasting peace. OR Poem The reading of a poem helps the audience to understand the wartime experiences of service men and women. At any commemorative ceremony, one of the following poems could be used: In Flanders fields (1915) by John McCrae In Flanders fields the poppies blow Between the crosses, row on row, That mark our place; and in the sky The larks, still bravely singing, fly Scarce heard amid the guns below. We are the Dead. Short days ago We lived, felt dawn, saw sunsets glow, Loved and were loved, and now we lie In Flanders fields. Take up our quarrel with the foe; To you from failing hands, we throw The torch; be yours to hold it high. If ye break the faith with us who die We shall not sleep, though poppies grow In Flanders fields. We shall keep the faith (1918) by Moina Michael Oh! You who sleep in Flanders Fields, Sleep sweet – to rise anew! We caught the torch you threw And holding high, we keep the Faith With All who died. We cherish, too, the poppy red That grows on fields where valor led; It seems to signal to the skies That blood of heroes never dies, But lends a lustre to the red Of the flower that blooms above the dead In Flanders Fields. And now the Torch and Poppy Red We wear in honour of our dead. Fear not that ye have died for naught; We’ll teach the lesson that ye wrought In Flanders Fields If you are planning a Remembrance Day ceremony, you may wish to read: The farmer remembers the Somme (1920) by Vance Palmer Will they never fade or pass! The mud, and the misty figures endlessly coming In file through the foul morass, And the grey flood-water ripping the reeds and grass, And the steel wings drumming. The hills are bright in the sun: There’s nothing changed or marred in the well-known places; When work for the day is done There’s talk, and quiet laughter, and gleams of fun On the old folks’ faces. I have returned to these: The farm, and the kindly Bush, and the young calves lowing; But all that my mind sees Is a quaking bog in a mist – stark, snapped trees, And the dark Somme flowing. Alternatively, you may prefer to read poems written by the students. Their Spirit, Our History 37 5. Wreathlaying or laying poppies (3–5 minutes) 6. The Ode (1 minute) Flowers have traditionally been laid on graves and memorials in memory of the dead. Laurel and rosemary have been associated with remembrance, and since the Great War the poppy has become a powerful symbol used in commemoration. These can be bought or students can make them and lay them at a designated place – for example, the front of the hall or the flag pole. Making poppies and presenting them is also a good way to involve all classes in the ceremony. (See Section 3 for instructions on how to make wreaths and poppies.) Many ceremonies of remembrance include a recitation of the Ode. It is the fourth stanza of “For the Fallen”, a poem written by Laurence Binyon (1869–1943) in 1914. The Ode has been recited in ceremonies since 1919, including at the Australian War Memorial’s inauguration in 1929 and at every ANZAC Day and Remembrance Day Ceremony held at the Memorial. These lines should be recited in a respectful manner: While it is best to maintain silence while the wreath is being laid or to give a brief explanation, you could also play some appropriate music or read out one of the poems suggested on the previous page. (For more detailed explanation of the various flowers, see “Symbols” in Section 3.) They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them. The people gathered repeat: We will remember them. 7. The Last Post The Last Post is a bugle call which signals the end of the day. It became incorporated into funeral and memorial services as a final farewell and symbolises that the duty of the dead is over and that they can rest in peace. A schoolteacher lays a wreath on the miniature cenotaph in the grounds of the Abbotsford State Primary School, Vic., during the ANZAC Day ceremony in 1943. AWM 138717 Private Alfred Foletta plays the Last Post at Springvale Military Cemetery in Melbourne, 1945. AWM 086247 38 Schoolchildren in the Shrine of Remembrance observe two minutes’ silence before laying their wreaths on the Stone of Remembrance, Melbourne, 1944. AWM 140864 8. One minute’s silence 10. National Anthem This is the central part of the ceremony, a time when all present reflect upon, and honour, all who have fallen in war. Initially, after the First World War, two minutes’ silence had been the mark of respect, but more recently the silence has been reduced to one minute. If the ceremony is for Remembrance Day, the minute’s silence must be held at 11 am. For school ceremonies it is acceptable to reduce the minute’s silence to 40 seconds. Advance Australia Fair is sung to conclude the ceremony: 9. Rouse After the period of silence, the flag is raised to the top of the flagpole and the Rouse is sounded (for daytime ceremonies). The Rouse signifies that after the period of mourning, life and duty continue. If you are conducting a dawn service, the Reveille is sounded instead of the Rouse, signifying the beginning of the day. At the end of the silence, a designated person says: Australians all let us rejoice, For we are young and free; We’ve golden soil and wealth for toil; Our home is girt by sea; Our land abounds in nature’s gifts Of beauty rich and rare; In history’s page, let every stage Advance Australia Fair. In joyful strains then let us sing, Advance Australia Fair. 11. Catafalque party dismounts Lest we forget The people gathered repeat: Lest we forget NB: In ceremonies held at the Australian War Memorial and other commemorative institutions, this response is said after the minute’s silence and before the Rouse (but in school ceremonies it is often simpler to insert it after the Rouse, in order to keep the ceremony moving along). Their Spirit, Our History 39 HINTS FOR RUNNING THE CEREMONY Involve students in organising and running the ceremony. A short, eloquent and well thought-out ceremony, particularly where all students can participate in some way, is more likely to engage students than a long ceremony. There are many ways to involve the students in the ceremony: RESOURCES Further information or ideas on holding an ANZAC Day ceremony can be found in the following sources: The Australian War Memorial website Click on Encyclopedia and view sections ANZAC Day, First World War, Gallipoli. • lay wreaths or poppies Our past – our future: Commemorating Remembrance Day and Time to remember are available online at the Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) website: • march The following sites are also useful: • welcome and care for guests • write poems or speeches • make works of art to display • research, prepare and present a specific piece • play the music or join in the singing. It may be interesting to invite a bugler or trumpeter to play the Last Post and the Rouse (or Reveille) – perhaps a young serviceperson, a music student, or school cadet. THINGS TO REMEMBER • The ceremony must enable students to see what is happening. • Consider the use of symbols such as poppies and rosemary. • Preparation is essential to ensure the smooth running of the ceremony. • An ANZAC Day ceremony does not have to be sad or solemn. Although this is a day when we remember Australians who have died in war, it is also a day when we remember the courage of the first ANZACs and all the Australian servicemen and women in subsequent wars. 40 For music to accompany your ceremony, see the CD, Music for a commemorative ceremony, produced by DVA. It can also be downloaded from the DVA website (see above). Glossary and references GLOSSARY OF TERMS USEFUL REFERENCES Army terms The RSL handbook, Returned & Services League of Australia, Queensland Branch, Australia, 2005 Adjutant – An officer who assists superior officers by communicating orders, conducting correspondence, and so on. Amanda Laugesen, Diggerspeak: the language of Australians at war, Oxford University Press, South Melbourne, 2005 Batman – An officer’s servant, whose duties included cleaning his clothes, shining his shoes, and so on. Below are some websites that could be useful to you in planning activities and in preparing your commemorative ceremony. Battalion – A military unit usually consisting of between two and six companies and typically commanded by a lieutenant colonel. Australian War Memorial: Chaplain – Someone who provides spiritual and pastoral support for servicemen and women, including the conduct of religious services at sea or in the field. Department of Veterans’ Affairs: This website will be particularly useful to you if you are interested in local memorials or interviewing a veteran. Lieutenant colonel – The commander of a battalion. Company – A military unit, typically consisting of 100–200 soldiers. Most companies are formed of three or four platoons, although the exact number may vary by country, unit type, and structure ANZAC Day Commemorative Committee of Queensland: Deadlock – A situation involving opposing parties in which no progress can be made. Wikipedia Encyclopedia: Infantry – Soldiers who fight primarily on foot with small arms in organised military units. For lyrics to hymns: Inter – Deposit a corpse in the earth, a grave or a tomb; bury. Squadron – A small unit or formation of cavalry, aircraft (including balloons), or warships. Major – A military rank whose role varies according to country. It frequently denotes an officer of mid-level command status, but in some armies it is essentially a senior sub-officer. Commonwealth War Graves Commission: USING THE AUSTRALIAN WAR MEMORIAL DATABASE Throughout this book we refer to the Australian War Memorial databases. These are found at the Memorial website. Here are some notes to help you use the databases: • Use lower case only on all of the databases. • Enter your search words in the field called Keyword/phrase in the following way: “anzac” + “day” (By using the plus signs and inverted commas you will avoid looking through a large number of images.) • You can also select a particular conflict. For example, if you want to see only photographs or paintings on ANZAC Day during the First World War, you should select the dates 1914–1918. Their Spirit, Our History 41 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Thanks go to the Minister and Department of Veterans’ Affairs, who gave us the opportunity to undertake this book, which is a substantial revision of the education resource ANZAC Day: a day to remember (1999). We would also like to thank the staff at the Australian War Memorial for their hard work and assistance in the making of this book. 42
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