African Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science Research Vol. 6(1), pp. 5-15, January 2013 Available online at DOI:10.5897/AJMCSR11.136 ISSN 2006-9731 ©2013 Academic Journals Full Length Research Paper Some new aspects on imputation in sampling Diwakar Shukla1, Narendra Singh Thakur2 and Sharad Pathak1 1 Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Dr. H.S. Gour University of Sagar, Sagar (M. P.), 470003, India. 2 Centre for Mathematical Sciences (CMS), Banasthali University, Rajasthan, 304022, India. Accepted 15 January, 2013 The number of causes that affect the quality of survey and missing data is one of such that keeps sample incomplete. Many imputation methods are available in literature, and are used to replace missing observations like Mean method, Ratio method, Compromised method, Ahmed’s method, Factor-type (F-T) method etc. This paper suggests some new estimation aspects in imputation theory using both, F-T estimator and Compromised estimator. All these are derived from existing procedure of usual Compromised method and found efficient, bias controlled, having many properties. In support of derived results, an empirical study is incorporated over artificial data set showing the efficiency in favour of the suggested methods. Key words: Estimation, missing data, imputation, bias, mean squared error (m.s.e.), compromised estimator, factor-type (F-T) estimator, factor-type compromised imputation (FTCI). INTRODUCTION Missing data is one of the most common problems in sample surveys and various imputation methodologies are frequently used to substitute these values. Statisticians have recognized that failure to account for the stochastic nature of incompleteness in the form of absence of data can spoil inference. There are three major incompleteness concepts: Missing at random (MAR), observed at random (OAR), and parametric distribution (PD). In what follows in this paper, missing completely at random (MCAR) is used. Some well known imputation methods in literature are: deductive imputation, mean imputation overall (MO), random imputation overall (RO), mean imputation within classes (MC), random imputation within classes (RC), hot-deck imputation, flexible matching imputation, predicted regression imputation (PR), random regression imputation (RR), distance function matching etc. In a contribution, Shukla (2002) suggested Factor-type (F-T) estimator in two-phase sampling which incorporates a parameter k combining known auxiliary information survey components. But k used therein is in the form of factors (k –1)(k –2); (k –1)(k –4); (k –2)(k –3)(k –4) which ultimately produces a noble property of getting multiple choices of k-values maintaining certain standard level of *Corresponding author. E-mail: mean squared error (m.s.e). As suggested, best k among all is that also optimizing other characteristic of estimator. Singh and Horn (2000) proposed a compromised imputation procedure having a constant α in linear combination of “available main information” and “imputed auxiliary information”. The α bears an optimum selection at the minimum level of m.s.e. but this choice does not have a control over bias factor. This paper derives motivation from this source and, using properties of F-T estimator, presents a new F-T compromised imputation procedure for survey sampling. Special feature of the suggested is the same parameter k used twice, in the imputation part for missing observations as well as in the linear combination with the known auxiliary part. Some other useful contributions are due to Rueda and Gonzalez (2008), Singh et al. (2009) etc. over imputation techniques. Y be mean of a finite population for desired N 1 estimation Y N Yi . A random sample S of size n i 1 Let drawn without replacement (SRSWOR) from population 1,2,3,......, N to estimate Y . Sample S of n units contains r responding units r n forming a set R and n r non-responding units with the sub-space n r having symbol R C . The variable Y is of main interest and 6 Afr. J. Math. Comput. Sci. Res. X an auxiliary variable correlated with Y. For every unit Compromised method i R , the value y i observed is available. For i R C , y i values are missing and imputed values need to be Singh and Horn (2000) imputation procedure proposed αn r yi 1 bˆxi if yi 1 bˆxi if iR derived. The i th value x i of auxiliary variate X is used as iR . Assume for sample S, the data x s xi : i S are a source of imputation for missing data when C compromised (5) i RC known and S R R . Under this setup, some wellknown imputation methods in survey sampling literature are: The imputation-based estimator, in this case, is Mean method of imputation Where is a suitable constant value such that the resultant variance is minimum. C For y i define yi as yi y i yr (1) i RC if (6) Lemma 1 iR if xn y COMP y r 1 y r xr The bias, m.s.e. and minimum m.s.e. of y COMP is (Singh and Horn, 2000): The imputation-based estimator of population mean Y is: = 1 1r 1n Y C (ii) M y (i) B y COM ym 1 yi y r r iR (2) COM 2 X CY C X = 1 1 Y 2 C 2 1 1 Y 2 1 2 C 2 21 C C Y X Y X r N r n Ratio method of imputation For (iii) For optimum y i and xi , define yi as yi yi ˆ bxi Where bˆ yi iR iR if iR iR (8) , the minimum m.s.e. of y COMP is given by the expression if x C 1 Y CX (7) (3) C M y COM min 1 1 1 1 2 2 SY r N r n = (9) Ahmed methods i The imputation-based estimator of For case where the jth imputation method, Ahmed et al. (2006) suggested: Y is: xn 1 y S yi y r y RAT n iS xr 1 1 Where y r yi , x r xi and r iR r iR y ji denotes ith available observation for (4) 1 x n xi n iS yi (A) y 1i 1 n r if iR (10) 1 X n y r r y r if x n i RC Shukla et al. Under this, the point estimator of X t1 y r xn (11) yi (B) y 2i 1 n r xn t 2 y r xr y FT 1 i (12) xn n y r xr 2 r yr i RC if (E) y FT 2 i Y is 2 if (F) iR X n y r xr 3 r y r if yi y r n 2 k r n r if Y is (15) Terms 1, 2 and 3 are suitably chosen constants, so as to keep the variance minimum. As special cases: When 3 = 1, then yi y r n 3 k r n r suggested F-T iR (15) if i RC if iR (16) i RC if if iR (17) if i RC Where i RC 3 A C X fB x n 1 k ; A fB X C x n A C x n fB x r 2 k ; A fB x C x n r A C X fB x r 3 k ; A fB X C x r A k 1k 2; B k 1k 4; C k 2k 3k 4; f n 0k N (16) Under Equations 15, 16 and 17, point estimators of and when 3 = -1, then xr t Pr oduct y r X y FT 3 i (14) Under this, the point estimator of X t Ratio y r xr yi y r n1 k r n r (13) yi (C) y 3i 1 n r Shukla and Thakur (2008) have imputation procedure. For this case: (D) iR if Under this, the point estimator of X t3 y r xr Factor-type methods of imputation Y is 1 7 TFT 1 y r 1 k (17) This is natural analogue of ratio estimator called the product estimator used when an auxiliary variate x has negative correlation with y. TFT 2 y r 2 k TFT 3 y r 3 k As special cases, when Y is (18) k 1, l 1 then TFTl t l 8 Afr. J. Math. Comput. Sci. Res. When k 2, l 1 then TFTl t l techniques are in Remark 3. When Remark 3 l 1,2,3 k 4, l 0 then TFTl t l y r ; The available information y i in sample of size n may be affected by some serious non-sampling errors like: PROPOSED ESTIMATOR Using Singh and Horn (2000), F-T compromised imputation (FTCI) estimator is j 1,2,3 : y i j kn yi 1 k j k r 1 k k j if i R if i R (19) C A C X fB x n Where, 1 k y r ; A fB X C x n A C x n fB x r 2 k y r ; A fB x n C x r A C X fB x r 3 k y r ; A fB X C x r A k 1k 2 ; B k 1k 4 ; C k 2k 3k 4 ; 0 k . Remark 1 Singh et al. (2001) have suggested a hybrid of calibration and imputation method in the presence of random nonresponse in survey sampling. Estimation of the population mean associated with the proposed hybrid method remains unbiased under a design based approach. Liu et al. (2005, 2006) have presented new imputation methods developed for the treatment of missing data, which remove the bias of usual ratio imputation. Singh (2009) has a useful contribution in the area of imputation techniques for missing data by proposing a new method of imputation in survey sampling. (i) Biasness in recording by investigator, (ii) Under estimation or over estimation in reporting facts by respondents, (iii) Partial unwillingness or lack of interest in answering question by respondent, (iv) Deliberate miss reporting by respondents, (v) False response/answer recording etc. If available data is affected by these non-sampling errors, then there in need to also adjust available y i values. Sometimes, auxiliary information correlated to main variable Y is almost error free, for example, in an economic survey of expenditure (Y) of military soldiers, the income (X) record is correctly available through salary pay roll but expenditure in houses may be affected by serious non-sampling errors even if response is made. So, one can adjust partially the available expenditure data by the auxiliary income data to get better picture of available sample. There are many smoothing statistical techniques available in the literature useful over available sample data. Moreover, it is a well proved fact that sample mean of available data is also highly affected by extreme observations, outliers which need to be tackled by correlated information. In light of these, one can also think of adjusting the responding units. The estimator of Singh and Horn (2000) has dual property that it smoothens the outliers in available data as well as imputes the missing observations. Remark 4 The proposed estimator is in the setup of SRSWOR. One can think of extending the same in the general setup of sampling design with multivariate structure. Properties of (i) At k = 1; A = 0; B = 0; C = - 6 1 1 y r Remark 2 In the contribution of Singh and Horn (2000), a point is raised by Singh and Deo (2003) that the adjustment in responding units y i is not allowed. The present paper also bears this point. Some arguments in favour of proposed j k X ; xn 2 1 y r xn ; 3 1 y r X X xr (ii) At k = 2; A = 0; B = -2; C = 0 xn ; X ; X 1 2 y r 2 2 y r 3 2 y r xn xr X (iii) At k = 3; A = 2; B = - 2; C = 0 Shukla et al. 9 Table 1. Some special cases of FTCI. Estimators y k y y FTCI 2 FTCI 1 k=1 yr yr yr k=2 xn y r 2 X xr y r 2 xn xr y r 2 X k=3 2 X f xn y r 3 1 f X 2 xn f xr y r 3 1 f x n yr k=4 X f xn xn f xr ; 2 3 y r ; 1 f X 1 f x n X f xr 3 3 y r 1 f X 1 4 2 4 3 4 y r (Table 1) k y r 1 k j k , j 1,2,3 = 1 kn y r 1 k j k n iS = 1 kn y r n1 k j k n FTCI = j S j r 1 k j k BIAS AND MEAN SQUARED ERROR (20) Let B(.) and M(.) denote, respectively the bias and m.s.e. of an estimator under a given sampling design. Under the large sample approximations, let y r Y 1 , x r X 1 , x n X 1 Proof y = y 1 kn yi 1 k j k j k n r iR iR C iR FTCI Y under FTCI is: yr y = k y Theorem 1 FTCI j 2 X f xr y r 3 1 f X = (iv) At k = 4; A = 6; B = 0; C = 0 The point estimator of yr 1 3 y r y FTCI 3 j 1 y i j n iS 1 yi j C yi j n iR iR 1 kn = yi 1 k j k 1 k j k n iR r iRC Using the concept of two-phase sampling following, Cochran (2005), Heitjan and Basu (1996), and Rao and Sitter (1995), and with the mechanism of MCAR, for given r and n, we have E E E 0 , E 2 M 1CY2 , E 2 M 1C X2 , E 2 M 2 C X2 ; E M 1CY C X , E M 2 C X2 , E M 2 CY C X 10 Afr. J. Math. Comput. Sci. Res. Where 1 1 1 1 M 1 , M 2 , M M 1 M 2 r N n N (by first order only) = Y 1 k 1 k 1 k 1 2 1 2 2 2 Some specific symbols fB C , 2 , A fB C A fB C AC A fB 3 , 4 , A fB C A fB C 1 P 1 3 , Q 2 4 , 1 3 2 4 1 , = Y 1 1 k 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 a2 : Bias of y B y FTCI 2 = YM C a3 : (22) = Ey Y FTCI 1 1 = Y 1 Y 2 2 1 2 y The m.s.e of FTCI 1 M y FTCI = Y M C Proof 2 1 1 M y FTCI 1 CY C X up to some level of 2 Y M 2 2 C X2 2CY C X = Ey Y 2 1 FTCI 1 = E Y 1 2 2 Y = Y 1 k 1 k 1 11 2 2 X approximations: 1 1 1 2 2 = Y M 2 2 C X CY C X A C X fB X 1 = Y 1 k 1 k A fB X C X 1 B y FTCI 1 k 1 k A C X fB x n k y r 1 k y r A fB X C x n 2 1 upto (21) 2 = Y 1 k 1 k is up to first order approximation is: Using Equation 21 and taking expectations y = Y 1 r FTCI 1 B y FTCI Proof first order of approximation is: FTCI 1 FTCI 1 a1 : The estimator y FTCI 1 in terms of , and y = k y Y 1 1 1 k 1 2 2 2 Theorem 2 FTCI 1 = y = Y 1 1 2 3 4 , 1 k , C V Y . CX = = Y 1 k 1 k 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 Remark 5 Proof = Y 1 k 1 k 1 2 22 2 1 1 2 2 = Y 2 E 2 2 2 = Y 1 k 1 k 1 1 1 2 22 2 23 3 ... = Y E 2 2 2 (23) Shukla et al. = 2 Y M 1CY2 M 2 2 C X2 2CY C X = M 1 CY V CX FTCI 1 FTCI 1 min (24) d M y FTCI d 1 a10 : a11 : 1 min M = 1 a12 : 2 Y , and up to 3 1 3 upto (29) is 2 The m.s.e of y FTCI =Y 2 3 2 X 3 CY C X is Minimum m.s.e. of the estimator C X M y FTCI 3 min = (30) M 1 CY2 2 C X2 2CY C X Y V C in terms of FTCI 2 = YM C Theorem 3 a5 : The estimator y M y FTCI M 2 S 2 , and 2 Bias of y FTCI B y FTCI CY Substituting in Equation 23, we get CX in terms of y = Y 1 0 CY CX M y FTCI FTCI 3 first order of approximation is: 2 a9 : The estimator y FTCI 3 M 22 SY2 Proof Theorem 4 y holds at with expression: M y a4 : Minimum m.s.e. of the estimator 11 (31) y FTCI 3 while holds and expression is given by M 1 SY2 1 2 (32) first order of approximation is: Remark 6 y = FTCI 2 Y 1 2 4 22 42 a6 : Bias of y FTCI B y FTCI a7 : 2 2 2 2 1 2 Y C X M y FTCI = M k 4 f V k 3 4 f 15 f 8V k 2 f 10 5 f 23V k (27) y is on M 2CX2 2CY CX M S 2 1 CY 1 k 1 2 V CX fB C V 1 k A fB C On simplification, we get polynomial of degree four: FTCI 2 2 Y 4 f 24 4 f 22V 0 (28) (33) Remark 7 Reddy (1978) has shown that quantity V and expression is 2 min (26) is Minimum m.s.e. of the estimator Y V C CY CX FTCI 2 = Y M C 2 2 X y The m.s.e of For minimum m.s.e., we have V is = YM C M y FTCI a8 : (25) CY CX is stable over moderate length time period and could be initially known or guessed by past data. Therefore, pair (f, V) be treated as known and Equation 33 generates 12 Afr. J. Math. Comput. Sci. Res. n n r for 0 f 1 (37) 2 f 2 maximum of four roots (some may imaginary) on which optimum level of m.s.e. will be attained. D4 0 Remark 8 This generally does not happen until huge non-response occurs. The Equation 33 has only unknown k in the power of order four, other V and f by Reddy (1978) are known in advance. We can solve Equation 33 for obtaining optimal estimator in the suggested class. (5) D1 M y FTCI 1 min M y FTCI FTCI 2 (34) D1 0 r 1 min D2 0 M SY 0 2 M y FTCI until n = r D3 0 2 min 3 (35) is always better M y FTCI y is always better than until n = N. But y is better than therefore, estimation strategy y is most FTCI 2 FTCI 3 FTCI 2 FTCI 1 FTCI 3 D4 M y COMP min 2 min (38) D6 M y COMP min M y FTCI 3 min (39) which is always true. y and y FTCI 1 FTCI 3 are better offer over 3 is best. M y FTCI 1 min One can think of comparing the proposed with other existing like Hot-deck, Cold-deck, Nearest neighbour, and Regression imputation methods. But all these are based on replacing by single unit to single missing unit of sample. The proposed is on replacing single unit by an average of random sub-group units of auxiliary variate. The comparison environment in proposed case is different. Remark 10 It may be interesting to derive the Horvitz-Thompson estimator based on imputation data and compare with the proposed. It is an open problem to extend the content further. 3 min (36) preferable over other two. (4) N n Which is always true. So, y y 3 min 1 D3 M y FTCI (3) Let 2 Which is always positive. So, y FTCI than y FTCI Remark 9 D1 0 if r n which usually happens and high 2 chance for D1 0 . M y FTCI compromised imputation procedure and y FTCI 1 n 2 f D2 M y FTCI It seems if If population N is large, f is small then working rule is; (2) Let min D6 0 M 2 2 SY2 0 M M 2 2 SY2 is better than y FTCI M 1 M 2 SY2 M 1 M 2 SY2 0 (6) 2 min M 1 M 2 2 SY2 M 1 M 2 SY2 y D5 M y COMP Therefore, both are equally efficient. COMPARISON OF THE ESTIMATORS (1) Let r EMPIRICAL STUDY The attached Appendix A has generated artificial population of size N = 200 containing values of main variable Y and auxiliary variable X. Parameter of these are given as follows: Y = 42.485; X = 18.515; S Y2 = 199.0598; S X2 = 48.5375; = 0.8652; C X = 0.3763; CY = 0.3321. Using random sample SRSWOR of size, n = 30; r = 22; Shukla et al. 13 Table 2. Bias and optimum m.s.e. at k = ki (i =1,2). Estimator y COMP y y y y y y FTCI 1 k1 FTCI 1 k 2 FTCI 2 k1 FTCI 2 k 2 FTCI 3 k1 FTCI 3 k 2 Bias (.) 0.0150 (at αopt = 0.2365) M(.) 6.2504 (at αopt = 0.2365) 0.0079 3.8254 0.0109 3.8254 0.0034 6.2504 0.0046 6.2504 0.0113 2.0225 0.0156 2.0225 f = 0.15, = 0.2365. Solving optimum condition V (Equation 33), the equation of power four in k provides only two real values k1 = 0.8350; k 2 =4.1043. Rest other two roots appear imaginary (Table 2). ALMOST UNBIASED FTCI ESTIMATOR: 0 If B y FTCI 22 YM 2 2 C X2 CY C X = 0 Using Equation When 1 and k k 4' Case (iii) When C [ AV + fBV + (V – 1)C ]= 0 2 2 X (40) 2 CY V CX (41) Equation 41 is a cubic equation in k, solvable for fix f and guess value V, and one can obtain three values k k1'' ; imputed unbiased to the first order of approximation. At seven values Case (i) CY C X = 0 k k 2'' and k k 3'' to make the proposed estimator 0 1 k 0 1 k 0 1 5 f f 2 6 f 1 2 k 1 k1' k1' , k 2' , k 3' , k 4' , k1" , k 2" and k 3" , bias is almost zero or completely zero. Using data set in Appendix A, the k-values are compared in Table 3. The best choice is that having the lowest m.s.e. Case (ii) DISCUSSION 0 1 2 0 The estimator y COMP of Singh and Horn (2000) bears fB C 0 A fB C A fB C k k 2' 4 k k3' 1 5 f 2 [since (k - 4) = 0] f 2 6 f 1 bias 0.0150, m.s.e. 6.2504 at opt 0.2365 . But, bias is not at minimal level. Proposed estimators have shown two choices k1, k2 on a data set for known (f, V) at which m.s.e. is minimum and there are open options to choose that optimum k-value having the lowest bias. These two choices may extend to the maximum four on some data sets. So, FTCI estimators have an upper hand over Compromised estimator of Singh and Horn (2000) in 14 Afr. J. Math. Comput. Sci. Res. Table 3. Almost unbiased FTCI. y k-Values ' 1 = 1.0000 k 2' = 4.0000 k 3' = 3.2682 k 4' = 1.8819 k1" = 1.5743 k 2" = 2.3355 k 3" = 8.8231 k y y FTCI 2 FTCI 1 FTCI 3 Bias (.) M (.) Bias (.) M (.) Bias (.) M (.) 0 8.0424 0 8.0424 0 8.0424 0 8.0424 0 8.0424 0 8.0424 0 8.0424 0 8.0424 0 8.0424 0 8.0424 0 8.0424 0 8.0424 -0.00004 13.1265 -0.00004 10.1586 -0.00006 15.4300 -0.0004 56.7904 -0.0001 28.8276 -0.0006 77.7691 -0.0005 315.6901 -0.0002 139.5245 -0.0009 447.2762 terms of efficiency comparison. The y FTCI 2 is equally efficient to y COMP in terms of m.s.e. but has unique option of lower bias. Moreover, estimator y FTCI 3 is more efficient than all others used herein. Another observation is that, FTCI could be made almost unbiased also over seven different choices of k-values, the best is that having lowest m.s.e. Thus, FTCI has wider prospects of superiority over Singh and Horn (2000). One more interesting feature is that FTCI contains only one parameter k, same as used by Singh and Horn (2000), but mixed up in mathematical structure in such a way so as to generate more efficient properties. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Authors are thankful to the referee for the critical comments and useful suggestions which has improved the quality of the manuscript. REFERENCES Ahmed MS, Al-Titi O, Al-Rawi Z, Abu-Dayyeh W (2006). Estimation of a population mean using different imputation methods. Stat. Transit. 7(6):1247-1264. Cochran WG (2005). Sampling Techniques, John Wiley and Sons, New York. Heitjan DF, Basu S (1996). Distinguishing „Missing at random‟ and „missing completely at random‟. Am. Stat. 50:207-213. Liu L, Tu Y, Li Y, Zou G (2005, 2006). Imputation for missing data and variance estimation when auxiliary information is incomplete. Model Assist. Stat. Appl. pp. 83-94. Rao JNK, Sitter RR (1995). 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Yi Xi Yi Xi Yi Xi Yi Xi Yi Xi Yi Xi Yi Xi Yi Xi Yi Xi Yi Xi Yi Xi Yi Xi Yi Xi Yi Xi Yi Xi Yi Xi Yi Xi Yi Xi Yi Xi Yi Xi 45 15 40 29 36 15 35 13 65 27 67 25 50 15 61 25 73 28 23 07 57 31 33 13 30 11 37 15 23 09 37 17 45 21 32 15 35 19 52 25 50 20 55 35 43 20 41 15 62 25 70 30 69 23 72 31 63 23 25 09 54 23 33 11 35 15 37 16 20 08 27 13 40 23 27 13 35 19 43 19 39 23 45 20 68 38 45 18 68 30 60 27 53 29 65 30 67 23 35 15 60 25 20 07 20 08 37 17 26 11 21 11 31 15 30 14 46 23 39 18 60 35 36 14 70 42 65 25 85 45 40 21 55 30 39 19 47 17 30 11 51 17 25 09 18 07 34 13 26 12 23 11 20 11 33 17 39 15 37 17 42 18 40 18 50 23 30 09 40 15 35 15 71 33 43 21 53 19 38 13 26 09 28 13 20 09 41 20 40 15 24 09 40 20 31 15 35 17 20 11 38 12 58 25 56 25 28 08 32 12 30 17 74 31 57 23 51 17 60 25 32 11 40 15 27 13 35 15 56 25 21 08 50 25 47 25 30 13 23 09 28 8 56 28 45 18 32 11 60 22 25 09 55 17 37 15 54 18 60 27 30 13 33 13 23 12 39 21 41 15 39 15 45 23 43 23 31 19 35 15 42 15 62 21 32 11 38 13 57 19 38 15 39 14 71 30 57 21 40 15 45 19 38 17 42 25 45 25 47 25 33 17 35 17 35 17 53 25 39 17 38 17 58 19 30 09 61 23 47 17 23 11 43 17 71 32 59 23 47 17 55 25 41 15 37 21 24 11 43 21 25 11 30 16 30 16 63 35 45 19 35 13 46 18 38 17 58 21 55 21 55 21 45 19 70 29 39 20 30 11 54 27 33 13 45 22 27 13 33 15 35 19 35 18 40 19 41 21 37 19 15
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