PART 7-A Technical audit of OS/390 Case “Local modifications” Leen van Rij kpmg IRM vrije Universiteit amsterdam 29 October 2002 File 7-A Technical audit of OS390 case Local Modifications © 2002 (with Note pages) TECHNICAL AUDIT OF OS/390 SAMPLE ANSWER CASE This example contains the attention items for answering the case. The structure of standards, findings etc. is not strictly followed here, since the remarks are made per foil. Page 1 1 LvR/VU OCT/2002 Contents TECHNICAL AUDIT OF OS/390 CONTENTS OF THE WORKSHOP (3 groups of students) • Case: Audit of local modifications and change management • Computing center of VUBank: – Organization and responsibilities – Data-processing environment (mainframes, DASD and connections) – Overview of current software and applications (see handouts ‘VUBank’) Technical audit of OS/390: Case local modifications 2 Page 2 2 LvR/VU OCT/2002 How to write the report HOW TO WRITE THE REPORT • Objective and scope (objects and quality aspects), summary of major findings and conclusions (directed to management) • Appendices with per object of investigation: – Standard (‘norm’: stellig, duidelijk en toetsbaar, zoals bijvoorbeeld ‘een wachtwoord dient niet triviaal en niet voorspelbaar te zijn’ en ‘voor iedere vitale dienst dient bekend en vastgelegd te zijn binnen hoeveel uur na een incident deze weer toegankelijk is voor de eindgebruikers en met welk kwaliteitsniveau’) – Finding (in fact: observation) – Evaluation (risk analysis) – Recommendation • Optional appendix with priorities for the implementation of the recommendations (e.g., high, medium and low) Technical audit of OS/390: Case local modifications 3 Page 3 3 CASE: AUDIT OF LOCAL MODIFICATIONS LvR/VU OCT/2002 CASE CASE AUDIT AUDIT OF OF LOCAL LOCAL MODIFICATIONS MODIFICATIONS AND AND CHANGE CHANGE MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT Technical audit of OS/390: Case local modifications 4 Page 4 4 Case: Audit of local modifications LvR/VU OCT/2002 CASE: AUDIT OF LOCAL MODIFICATIONS AND CHANGE MANAGEMENT • The VUBank computing center has a dedicated acceptance and maintenance environment • Change management has been introduced at an early stage and is used for changes dealing with hardware, OS, standard program products and the infrastructure • A new application, called STOCKS and supporting stock-market transactions, will be developed. It needs some new local modifications • The development and maintenance of all code will be done by external hires. All code is tested and installed by systems programmers of the VUBank (via the change management process) • The case deals with the ‘development phase’ Technical audit of OS/390: Case local modifications 5 Attention items are: • Verify that only acceptance team members and authorized systems programmers have access to the acceptance and maintenance environment. There must be strict procedures and isolation to avoid access by any other person to this environment. • Verify that change management is effective and no changes are implemented beyond this process. • Verify that testing and installing at VUBank systems is really done by staff of the VUBank and not by external hires. Page 5 5 LvR/VU OCT/2002 Exercise - group 1 EXERCISE: GROUP 1 • You, as an EDP-auditor, have to review the design for the SVC 202 routine • Verify whether the design of the SVC 202 routine complies with the guidelines for secure user SVCs • Using the information in the handouts ‘VUBank’ and this case description, can you find any weaknesses allowing you to obtain any data or to issue any financial transaction for which you are not entitled? • If there are (potential) weaknesses, describe them and suggest better solutions Technical audit of OS/390: Case local modifications 6 Conclusion: The current design of SVC 202 is insecure. Everybody can issue any financial transaction or retrieve data through SVC 202 without the need for any authorization. Moreover, hackers can misuse the SVC to endanger system security and logging, and the continuity of the system. Recommend a redesign. Page 6 6 LvR/VU OCT/2002 Exercise - group 2 EXERCISE: GROUP 2 • You, as an EDP-auditor, have to review the effectiveness of the change management process and the process of testing and implementing local modifications • Using the information in the handouts ‘VUBank’ and this case description, can you find any weaknesses allowing you to obtain any data or to issue any financial transaction for which you are not entitled? • Pay attention to internal control, security, privacy, completeness of logging, separation of duties, and verification by independent staff. • The review has to include the initial installation of softeware, maintenance and changes • If there are (potential) weaknesses, describe them and suggest better solutions Technical audit of OS/390: Case local modifications 7 Conclusion: The current process for change management does not pay any attention to security and internal control. There is no separation of duties within this process. Testing is done by the developers themselves. Moreover, everybody can issue any financial transaction without the need for any authorization. Page 7 7 LvR/VU OCT/2002 Exercise - group 3 EXERCISE: GROUP 3 • You, as an EDP-auditor, have to review the APF program and its protection, the automatic job scheduling mechanisms, the JES2 modifications, and the exit routine • The review has to include NJE, the usage of high RACF authorities by the jobs involved, and the usage of passwords • If there are (potential) weaknesses, describe them and suggest better solutions Technical audit of OS/390: Case local modifications 8 Conclusion: There is an unacceptable lack of control. With the current design, a unknown number of people can do anything on the production system, without any limitation by access control. Recommend an entire redesign of the procedures and the local modifications. Partly the local modifications can be replaces by using modern RACF facilities. Page 8 8 LvR/VU OCT/2002 Design of a new application USERS connected via network MVS SYSTEM PROD-1 Automatic submission of job through OPC/A STARTED TASK ‘STOCKS’, started by operator DATA BASE APPLICATION ‘STOCKS’ TSO APPL SVC 202 CSA Scratch and individual data SVC 202 data via MVCP MVCS ‘BANK.STOCK.TRANSACT’ transaction queue APF BATCHJOB ‘STOCKJOB1’ (userid TRUSTED) SUBMIT job via INTRDR and JES2 modification NJE JES2 modification MVS SYSTEM PROD-2 ‘BANK.STOCK.ACCOUNT’ financial data and stock accounts Technical audit of OS/390: Case local modifications BATCHJOB ‘STOCKJOB2’ 9 Attention items are: • Why has the architect chosen for such a complicated structure? Using CICS or IMS or a similar standard program product makes everything much easier. Challenge the decisions by the architect. • The number of local modifications and highly authorized jobs opens many possibilities for weaknesses. As an EDP-auditor you have to verify all components on their potential impact on security and internal audit. Page 9 9 LvR/VU OCT/2002 Started task STARTED TASK ‘STOCKS’ The Data Base application STOCKS is started by a system operator at 08.00 by issuing the command S STOCKS. and stopped at 18.00 by issuing the command P STOCKS The JCL in ‘SYS1.PROCLIB(STOCKS)’ reads: //STOCKS JOB (123),’Stock Apll’,TIME=1440, // REGION=4000K,MSGCLASS=V //STEP EXEC PGM=STOCKS,PARM=PROCESS //STEPLIB DD DSN=BANK.STOCK.LOADLIB,DISP=SHR //SYSOUT DD SYSOUT=* //DATABASE DD DSN=BANK.STOCK.TRANSACT,DISP=OLD //CONTROL DD DSN=BANK.STOCK.CNTL(STOCKS),DISP=SHR //LOG DD DSN=BANK.STOCK.LOG,DISP=SHR // The data base is exclusively allocated (DISP=OLD) Technical audit of OS/390: Case local modifications 10 Attention items are: • Verify who has UPDATE or higher to ‘SYS1.PROCLIB’ and ‘BANK.STOCK.*’. • Also verify who has READ-access. Verify whether somebody else can run the program STOCKS as a batch job and, if so, whether it can be misused? • Between 08.00 and 18.00 o’clock, the transaction database BANK.STOCK.TRANSACT is exclusively claimed by this program (due to DISPostion=OLD). However, can somebody get access to it beyond this time period? If so, can transactions be read and/or inserted? Page 10 10 LvR/VU OCT/2002 Started task ... STARTED TASK ‘STOCK’ (cont.) • The RACF Started Task entry for this application reads: PROGRAM NAME = STOCKS ASSOCIATED USERID = OPER ASSOCIATED GROUP = OPER PRIVILEGED = YES • The userid OPER has SPECIAL, OPERATIONS and AUDITOR • Protection of load module: see below • The application STOCKS: – All transactions received via SVC 202 are stored in the data base BANK.STOCK.TRANSACT, and statistics are updated – Via SVC 202, the end user may view the transactions queued, the transactions entered during the last 30 workdays, and the statistics – Each hour, the transaction queue is copied via STOCKJOB1 to PROD-2 and processed there Technical audit of OS/390: Case local modifications 11 Attention items are: • There is no need for any high RACF authority for the userid OPER. So one has to remove SPECIAL, OPERATIONS and AUDITOR. Also the item PRIVILEGED=YES in the RACF Started Task Table has to be removed, making the program subject to proper RACF control. • All transaction through SVC 202 are accepted. In which way is the authority to submit transactions controlled? If this happens in the user’s program, everybody writing his own program can issue any transaction through SVC 202. • Which transactions can be viewed, only the user’s own transactions or all? This description raises a number of questions, which are not answered by the foils of this case. So you have to interview the developers and read the documentation of the programs. Page 11 11 LvR/VU OCT/2002 Automatic job submission AUTOMATIC JOB SUBMISSION • Once per hour, the job STOCKJOB1 has to be submitted to transfer the transactions from PROD-1’s queue to PROD-2’s data base • One has installed IBM’s Operations Planning and Control /Advanced (OPC/A) package as automatic job submission tool: – The department Production Planning specifies a schedule for job submissions, and provides JCL, userids and passwords – Userids and passwords are stored in an OPC/A library which is protected with UACC=NONE and UPDATE access only for two persons in Production Planning – The OPC/A program runs on all Level I systems, but the library with userids and passwords is unique per system Technical audit of OS/390: Case local modifications 12 Attention items are: • Have all relevant logging options been activated to track the activities of these two trusted persons? No remarks on the use of OPC/A and the procedure. It seems to be OK. Page 12 12 LvR/VU OCT/2002 Automatic job submission ... JCL OF STOCKJOB1 The JCL resides in a member in OPC’s JCL library, and reads: //STOCKJOB1 JOB (123),’Stock Transactions’, // MSGCLASS=V,REGION=4000K,TIME=2,NOTIFY=A99, // USER=TRUSTED,PASSWORD=SECRET //STEP EXEC PGM=STOCKJOB1 //STEPLIB DD DSN=BANK.STOCK.LOADLIB,DISP=SHR //SYSOUT DD SYSOUT=* //SORTUT1 DD DISP=(NEW,DELETE),UNIT=SYSDA, // SPACE=(CYL,(50,50)) //JOBSUBM DD SYSOUT=(,INTRDR) for JOB2 //CONTROL DD DSN=BANK.STOCK.CNTL(STOCK1),DISP=SHR //LOG DD DSN=BANK.STOCK.LOG,DISP=SHR // The SORTUT1 data set is used to sort the transactions. All data sets BANK.* are cataloged in the Master Catalog of PROD-1 Technical audit of OS/390: Case local modifications 13 Attention items are: • The password is included in the JCL. Verify that the spool dataset is properly protected, so that nobody can read it. • Moreover, using modern RACF support it is no longer necessary to specify a password in the JCL. One may use password propagation or the Surrogate Userid concept of RACF 1.9 up. • The transactions are sorted in a temporary dataset (DDname SORTUT1 with DISP=(NEW,DELETE). One should activate RACF Erase on Scratch for this dataset or let the application erase the contents after using it, otherwise the transactions will stay on disk after deleting the temporary dataset. Page 13 13 LvR/VU OCT/2002 Automatic job submission ... JCL OF STOCKJOB2 STOCKJOB1’s code contains JCL reading: //STOCKJOB2 JOB (123),’Stock Updates’,REGION=4000K,TIME=2 /*ROUTE XEQ PROD-2 /*ROUTE PRINT PROD-1 //STEP1 EXEC PGM=STOCKJOB2,PARM=UPDATE //STEPLIB DD DSN=BANK.STOCK.LOADLIB,DISP=SHR //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT* //DATABASE DD DSN=BANK.STOCK.ACCOUNT,DISP=SHR //LOG DD DSN=BANK.STOCK.LOG,DISP=SHR //SYSIN DD * (sample input) transfer f 50,- from 45678 to 90123 ... transfer f 678,- from 34567 to 89012 ... transfer f 234,- from 23456 to 78901 ... transfer f 100,- from 12345 to 67890 ... total amount is f 1062,// All data sets BANK.* are cataloged in the Master Catalog of PROD-2 Technical audit of OS/390: Case local modifications 14 No remarks. Page 14 14 LvR/VU OCT/2002 Automatic job submission ... CONTROL THE AUTOMATIC JOB SUBMISSION • The JCL of STOCKJOB1 is stored in a well protected OPC library • The JCL of STOCKJOB2 is part of the code of the program STOCKJOB1 and does not contain a userid nor a password • The programs reside in BANK.STOCK.LOADLIB which is an APF library protected with UACC=NONE, UPDATE by two systems programmers responsible for software installation at Level I, and READ for the groups STOCK and Production Planning • The member SYS1.PARMLIB(SCHED00) reads: PPT PGMNAME(STOCKJOB2) NOPASS KEY(8) • The log BANK.STOCK.LOG is protected with UACC=NONE, UPDATE by the group STOCK, and READ by Production Planning • The userid TRUSTED is connected to the group STOCK with the USE authority Technical audit of OS/390: Case local modifications 15 Attention items are: • Why is the program STOCKJOB2 mentioned in the Program Properties Table with NOPASS (this means, bypass RACF control). This program must be subject to regular RACF control. • Why has the entire group STOCK got UPDATE access to the logging dataset BANK.STOCK.LOG? Only one or two userids with update for housekeeping activities (copying and deleting log records) should be sufficient. Page 15 15 LvR/VU OCT/2002 Data classification DATA CLASSIFICATION The RACF administrator has enabled data classification by activating the class SECDATA, adding a profile called SECLEVEL, and defining four levels via the commands: SETROPTS CLASSACT(SECDATA) RDEFINE SECDATA SECLEVEL UACC(NONE) RALTER SECDATA SECLEVEL ADMEM(INTERNAL/50, CONFIDENTIAL/100, RESTRICTED/150, SECRET/200) The numbers are used to perform comparisons such as ‘higher than or equal to’ Technical audit of OS/390: Case local modifications 16 No remarks. Correctly defined. Page 16 16 LvR/VU OCT/2002 Data classification ... DATA CLASSIFICATION (cont.) All data bases and data sets of the group BANK.STOCK.* contain privacyrelated data, and are hence classified as Confidential. The RACF administrator (with SPECIAL and AUDITOR) has issued: ADDSD ‘BANK.STOCK.*’ GENERIC AUDIT(ALL(READ)) ERASE NOTIFY(SECOFFICER) OWNER(STOCKMGR) SECLEVEL(CONFIDENTIAL) SETROPTS ERASE(NOSECLEVEL) SECLEVELAUDIT(CONFIDENTIAL) so activating Erase-on-Scratch and auditing for these data bases and data sets Technical audit of OS/390: Case local modifications 17 No remarks. Correctly defined. Page 17 17 LvR/VU OCT/2002 Local modifications LOCAL MODIFICATIONS The new application STOCKS requires four new, additional local modifications: 1 User SVC 202 for inter-address space data transfer between TSO address spaces and the data base application STOCKS 2 APF mainline program and 24 APF subroutines for inter-system exchange of data 3 JES/NJE modifications to prevent specification of USERID= and PASSWORD= in JOB card for NJE jobs submitted by userid ‘TRUSTED’ 4 RACF RACINIT exit routine interacting with the JES2/NJE modifications Technical audit of OS/390: Case local modifications 18 Attention items are: • The standard is: “No local modifications, unless it is absolutely necessary”. So verify the justification for developing the SVC, the JES/NJE modifications and the RACF exit routine. • Moreover, the JES/NJE modification and RACF exit are not necessary if one uses modern RACF support, such as password propagation and Surrogate Userid. Page 18 18 LvR/VU OCT/2002 SVC 202 ‘SYS1.PARMLIB(IEASVC00)’ contains: SVCPARM 202,TYPE(3),EPNAME=DATAMOVE,APF(NO) The function of the SVC-202 routine is: • Caller provides in R1 pointer to his own buffer with data • SVC routine for SVC 202 (running in Supervisor Mode with key-in-PSW = ZERO): 1 GETMAIN 500-byte buffer in CSA; copy caller’s data to CSA buffer 2 submit SRB to the address space of the Data Base Application STOCKS and wait 3 SRB task will: » copy CSA data into private buffer » execute requested STOCKS function (retrieve or update data) » return reply data into CSA buffer » awaken caller’s address space 4 copy 500 bytes from CSA to caller’s buffer; FREEMAIN CSA buffer 5 return to caller with caller’s mode and key-in-PSW Technical audit of OS/390: Case local modifications 19 Attention items are: • Everybody can issue this SVC. The description contains no indication of any authorisation mechanism. This implies that everybody can write a program to issue financial transactions and/or to retrieve data. • A hacker can misuse this SVC to breach system security. In step 4, the SVC routine (running in Supervisor Mode and Key=0) writes 500 bytes to a location specified by the caller in register R1. The hacker can specify any address in register R1, including key=0 areas of the operating system and RACF. Without testing the caller’s key, the SVC routine will write 500 bytes to this area. This is a threat to the continuity of the system and may, under certain circumstances, be used to modify the system’s security and logging. Page 19 19 LvR/VU OCT/2002 APF batch job APF BATCH JOB STOCKJOB1 • Collect every hour all transactions submitted by individual users and send them to PROD-2 to update the data base BANK.STOCK.ACCOUNT • The function of STOCKJOB1 is: – Run with APF bit = ‘1’ – Establish a dual-address space environment to exchange data – Use the code of the application STOCKS to obtain the transaction queue’s contents (STOCKS then also copies it to the list of transactions entered, so allowing future inquiries, and resets thereafter the queue) – Obtain the transactions via the semi-privileged MOVE CHARACTER FROM SECONDARY TO PRIMARY and MOVE CHARACTER FROM PRIMARY TO SECONDARY (MVCP and MVCS) instructions – Allocate the JES2 Internal Reader and submit the transactions as batch job STOCKJOB2 to PROD-2 Technical audit of OS/390: Case local modifications 20 No remarks. Page 20 20 LvR/VU OCT/2002 JES2 modifications JES2 MODIFICATION 1 ON PROD-1: This code is activated every time when a job submits another job via the JES2 internal reader FLOWCHART: JES2/NJE NO if userid of submitter is ‘TRUSTED’ YES store in NJE header field ABC = C’OK’ store in NJE header field ABC = X’0000’ continue JES2/NJE processing Technical audit of OS/390: Case local modifications 21 Explanation: If the user TRUSTED submits a batch job, the internal JES2/NJE header is modified. A locally defined field ABC is filled with the text C’OK’. This header is sent with the job to the destination system for further processing. There the field ABC is used to bypass RACF password verification. Question: Why this complicated solution? Use RACF facilities. Page 21 21 LvR/VU OCT/2002 JES modifications ... JES2 MODIFICATION 1 ON PROD-1: A code review shows: * load addresses of data fields in R1 and R2 LA R1,address(userid of submitter) LA R2,address(NJE header field ABC) * submitted by trusted user? CLC 0(8,R1),=C’TRUSTED ‘ test 8 characters BE OK yes * submitted by a systems programmer? CLC 0(4,R1),=C’SPRO’ test 4 ch prefix BE OK yes, any syspro * non-trusted submitter MVC 0(2,R2),=X’0000’ mark non-trusted B EXIT * trusted submitter OK MVC 0(2,R2),=C’OK’ mark trusted EXIT ... Note: the syntax of Compare Logical Character and Move Character is: CLC offset(length,address),string MVC offset(length,destination-address),source-string Technical audit of OS/390: Case local modifications 22 Attention items are: • The solution is too complex. • Why is also tested on the prefix C’SPRO’ ? This means that all systems programmers may also submit batch jobs which bypass RACF password verification on the production system PROD-2. This indicates misuse of the system and creates possibilities for hackers and fraudsters. • Ask the question: Who has designed this code and who has verified it? What were their intentions? If there is any indication of intentional misuse or fraud, this must be reported to your principal. Page 22 22 LvR/VU OCT/2002 JES modifications ... JES2 MODIFICATION 1 ON PROD-2 This code is activated every time when a job arrives via NJE FLOWCHART: JES2/NJE NO if NJE header field ABC is C’OK’ YES - store in JCT field XYZ = C’OK’ - store in JCT field USERID=C’TRUSTED - XYZ = X’0000’ - copy USERID from JCL JOB card - standard JES2 processing continue JES2/NJE processing (JCT = Job Control Table, associated to a batch job and residing in the JES2 checkpoint data set) Technical audit of OS/390: Case local modifications 23 Attention items are: • On the previous foil, the code listing indicates that jobs by systems programmers also have ABC=OK. With the code above, these jobs get assigned the userid TRUSTED and now run as highly privileged jobs on the PROD-2 system. This is unacceptable. • Moreover, programmers on other systems connected by NJE connections, may modify the NJE header of their jobs by adding ABC=OK. In such a case, their jobs will run as TRUSTED on PROD-2. Page 23 23 LvR/VU OCT/2002 RACF exit routine RACINIT PREPROCESSING EXIT ROUTINE ON PROD-2 This code is activated every time if a batch job is started by an initiator FLOWCHART: ICHRIX01 (RACINIT preprocessing exit routine) NO if JCT field XYZ is C’OK’ YES set RACF flag bit PASSCHK=YES (and let RACF bypass password verification) continue RACF/RACINIT processing The job submitted by ‘TRUSTED’ at PROD-1 is now accepted at PROD-2: here it also has USERID ‘TRUSTED’ and can now be executed Technical audit of OS/390: Case local modifications 24 Attention items are: • See the previous foils. Jobs submitted by the userid TRUSTED on PROD-1, by systems programmers and by an unknown number of programmers on other systems all can get the userid TRUSTED. In such a case, password verification is bypassed on PROD-2. • All these jobs have access to the financial data and stock accounts on PROD-2. You should investigate to which other resources access is allowed for the userid TRUSTED (and all those persons who can misuse this userid). Moreover, you must verify the logging (setting and procedures) on PROD-2 and the reporting on system use. Will such a misuse of the userid TRUSTED be noticed at once? Page 24 24 Software acceptance and maintenance LvR/VU OCT/2002 SOFTWARE ACCEPTANCE AND MAINTENANCE • New program products (including OS) are generated by systems programmers on the ACCEPTANCE system (Level II) using SMP. After testing the software is distributed over the other systems • Applications (and code for local modifications) developed at Level III is received at Level II via a mailbox • New applications are tested and accepted on Level II • After acceptance, the activities by systems programmers at Level I are: – Save old Level I software – Switch temporarily disks from II to I to copy software or use mailbox disks (during maintenance window) – Install new software at Level I – Test it – If it works properly, use it for production during one week – If there are no problems, scratch the old software Technical audit of OS/390: Case local modifications 25 No remarks. Page 25 25 Software acceptance and maintenance ... LvR/VU OCT/2002 SOFTWARE ACCEPTANCE AND MAINTENANCE (cont.) • The department Change/Problem Management (Mr. J. Tulip) verifies for each new program product and application the existence of an approved business justification and sufficient documentation • All installation activities at Level I and III are subject to the change management process (see flowchart below) • All first-line managers of Technical Support and Operations meet daily at 13:00 to discuss all open change requests (Change Advisory Board) • Mr. Tulip guards the process and reports all deviations and potential conflicts to the Change Advisory Board • If there is any risk for continuity or the quality of the services, the committee may reject or postpone a change • Note: Level II and TEST environments under PR/SM are explicitly excluded from the process due to their exploratory function Technical audit of OS/390: Case local modifications 26 Attention items are: • The process does not pay any attention to security and internal control. The decisions are taken by people managers, who are not skilled as EDP auditors. They only focus on the aspects continuity and quality. Page 26 26 LvR/VU OCT/2002 Change management CHANGE RECORDS • Each change request is logged as a record in the INFO/MAN data base (see flowchart below) • This record is updated at each event related to the change (such as a decision by the Change Advisory Board, a test, a promote, a restore etc.) • After completion of the change or after a restore, the record is closed (note: a restore has to result in a new change request) • Three months after closing, the records are scratched Technical audit of OS/390: Case local modifications 27 Attention items are: • Storing the change records during three months is too short. This must be at least one year. Page 27 27 LvR/VU OCT/2002 Change management ... REQUEST FOR CHANGE (RFC) PREPARATION: - assess risk and impact - open change record in INFO/MAN VERIFICATION: Change Advisory Board (CAB) DECISION: CAB ASSIGN A DATE FEEDBACK: change record REJECTED APPROVED FEEDBACK: change record IMPLEMENTATION: backup and make change EVALUATION: - verify correct operation - complete and close change record SEVERE PROBLEM: RESTORE OK: READY Technical audit of OS/390: Case local modifications 28 Attention items are: • There is no segregation of duties • There is no verification of the impact on security and internal control Page 28 28 LvR/VU OCT/2002 Change management ... CHANGE CATAGORIES INDICATING RISKS INVOLVED Change Description category Examples Warning time (workdays) E Emergency - system down - 1 Impact on all users of system - replace a CPU - new version of OS 15 2 Impact on all users of a service - new version of application 5 3 Impact on some users - reorganize data base 2 4 Minor change requiring an IPL - configuration change 2 5 Minor change - change a network definition 1 Technical audit of OS/390: Case local modifications 29 Attention items are: • What is the process of reporting (after the fact) what happened during the emergency changes? • Who authorizes emergency changes? Is this process documented and approved by higher management? Page 29 29 LvR/VU OCT/2002 Changes in practice CHANGES IN PRACTICE • You interview Mr. J. van Klokkert, manager of Technical Support, and ask: who tests, accepts and installs new applications? • His answer is: – We always adhere to the process – However, because I have only a limited number of skilled experts in my team, we use at Level II staff of System Analysis and Application Programming to do the actual testing – Usually they are the ones who developed the code at Level III; they send it to Level II via the mailbox and receive it there to install it in the test libraries (via SMP) and to test it – After testing, my systems programmers are informed that they can allocate the new production libraries at Level I and may copy the software to Level I – Local modifications: ditto Technical audit of OS/390: Case local modifications 30 Attention items are: • There is no segraration of duties. The persons developing the code (external hires?) also do the acceptance tests at Level II. So the same people work at both sides of the border between the levels II and III. This undermines the entire concept of distinct security levels. Page 30 30 LvR/VU OCT/2002 Changes in practice ... CHANGES IN PRACTICE (cont.) • You interview Mr. X. Ling, manager Operations and responsible for change management, and ask: if application programmers may work at Level II, is that a security exposure? • His answer is: – In the past, we granted SPECIAL to all userids at Level II. After a slashing report by an EDP-auditor, we defined new rules – Now, only 3 userids of System Entry and two team leaders of System Programming have SPECIAL – All other users have individual userids with UAUDIT, all RACF logging options have been switched on, and both the SMF log and the SMP log are stored on tape cartridges for five years – Activities requiring SPECIAL may be prepared by individual users, but have to be approved and executed by one of the two team leaders – It is no longer allowed to lend a userid to a colleague: we demand individual accountability Technical audit of OS/390: Case local modifications 31 Attention items are: • This is a major improvement with regard to the use of highly authorized RACF attributes. Nevertheless, there is still no separation of duties (see also the previous foil). • All users have access to the System Modification Program (SMP) and can so insert changes in the operating system software for all systems. Nobody can verify this. Page 31 31
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