Microdroplet High-throughput Sample Mounting Techniques in Small Angle X-Ray Scattering Andrew P. Huang Office of Science, Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internship (SULI) Washington University in St. Louis Stanford Linear Accelerator Center Stanford, CA August 24, 2012 Prepared in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the Office of Science, Department of Energy’s Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internship under the direction of Thomas M. Weiss at the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource (SSRL), Stanford Linear Accelerator Center. Participant: Signature Research Advisor: Signature TABLE OF CONTENTS Abstract ii Introduction 1 Basic SAXS Methodology 1 Apparatus 2 Optical Analysis 4 Results 5 Discussion and Conclusions 7 Acknowledgments 8 References 8 i ABSTRACT Microdroplet High-throughput Sample Mounting Techniques in Small Angle X-Ray Scattering. ANDREW P. HUANG (Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, MO 63105) THOMAS M. WEISS (Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource (SSRL), Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, Stanford, CA 94025) Here we present a new method for automatically dispensing small amounts of protein solution samples. The concept of the new automatic sampling device is centered about delivering a hanging droplet into the path of an X-Ray beamline for Small Angle X-Ray Scattering (SAXS). The sample dispensed is 3 µl or less hanging in air permitting the device to reduce the number of windows which the beam passes through, and reduce the sampling time. We describe in detail the methods utilized in overcoming the obstacles encountered in the design process of such an apparatus such as maintaining droplet consistency, preventing droplet evaporation, maintaining the overall cleanliness of the droplet dispenser system, mitigate increased radiation damage. ii INTRODUCTION To improve data collection efficiency and sample economy in Small Angle X-Ray Scattering (SAXS) techniques on protein solutions, development of a new sample mounting procedure intended to replace the current autosampler apparatus on SAXS beamline 4-2 at the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource (SSRL) was undertaken. Currently a flow-through capillary is used into which small aliquots (∼ 30µl) of protein (or buffer) solutions are aspirated and held into the X-ray beam for measurement. Because of imperfections in the glass walls of the capillary tubes causing differences in scattering signal, changing capillary tubes between measurements would cause unacceptable errors in scattering data. Therefore the same capillary is used for the different protein and buffer solutions during an experiment requiring extensive washing of the capillary in between scans, which takes approximately 3.5 minutes. This is a notable inefficiency especially when it is taken into consideration that the actual scan of the sample takes approximately 30 seconds. The basic premise behind the Microdrop Automatic Sample-mounting Technique (MAST) is suspending a small droplet of the liquid sample (≤ 3µl) from a needle while performing the X-ray measurement. By eliminating washing cycles the new sample mounting procedure would allow for a substantial increase in the speed of operation at the beamline. However in order for the new mounting procedure to be capable of matching the reliability of the current autosampler on the beamline, the issues of preventing droplet evaporation, mitigating increased radiation damage to the sample, and maintaining droplet consistency needed to be resolved. BASIC SAXS METHODOLOGY Solution based Small Angle X-Ray Scattering (SAXS) is a low resolution method for analyzing the molecular structure of proteins suspended in solution (Figure 1). Small angle 1 scattering is observed from the secondary wavelets produced by X-ray waves interacting with individual atoms. [5] Due to the diffusion of the proteins in solution, the resolution of SAXS is limited to the scale of a few nanometers but it can provide accurate information with respect to size and shape of the molecules in solution. [4] From the scattering pattern on the detector, intensity of the scattering observed is integrated radially about the center thereby yielding the SAXS scattering profile. In order to get the scattering intensity of the protein the measured intensity of the buffer solution must be subtracted from the scattering curve observed for the protein solution [1]. Care in subtraction must be taken especially for intermediate to large angles as the scattering intensity of the buffer and sample differ very slightly at these angles. SAXS has many advantages over traditional crystallographic methods although it is of lower resolution. Because it can be very difficult to crystallize certain proteins or often have large quantities of a protein, SAXS permits the analysis of samples that would be otherwise impossible to analyze by crystallography. Small angle scattering can be performed on proteins suspended in solution to mimic certain in vivo conditions for analysis. SAXS also permits the observation of folding of proteins in time resolved experiments and protein behavior under different stresses. APPARATUS The current autosampler (see Figure 2) is designed to be a reliable sample dispenser and buffer solutions into an X-ray beam for SAXS but unfortunately has several shortcomings that are addressed by the next generation sample mounting procedures.The first of these are the difficulties caused by the capillary tubes installed on the apparatus. Imperfections in the fabrication process of the capillary tubes causes an increase in background signal lowering the signal to noise ratio. The wash process necessary to avoid error due to differences between 2 different capillary tubes takes significantly longer to complete than the actual scan of the protein itself. Because beamtime is valuable, these inefficiencies are magnified by the large number of samples that usually need to be scanned on a SAXS beamline per given experiment leading to a significant amount of beamtime spent simply washing the sample stage. Also, the current autosampler requires a large amount of sample volume for operation, which is often difficult to acquire for certain scarce protein samples. The modifications to the spare autosampler which ultimately became the centerpiece of the Microdroplet Automatic Sample-mounting Technique (MAST) development project was to remove the installed capillary tube so that when the needle is lowered the droplet would have an open area to hang. In the sampling tube a microscope is pointed at the droplet perpendicular to the path of the X-Ray beam as a means of optical imaging of the droplet for droplet shape analysis. The MAST system is controlled primarily by the SolSAXS tab of the Blu-Ice software specifically developed for non-crystalline X-ray scattering systems [3]. The software is the same as the control software for the current autosampler. From there, a procedure was written utilizing commands which controlled the main XYZ triple-axis motor positioning system (e.g. ndl up/to/down/by, ndl2cap, home) for the needle and the automatic syringe control system (e.g. load, unload, wash). [2] In preparation for the first sample, the Tygon tubing which connects the sample syringe and the flowcell fluid delivery system is filled with a purified water as a working fluid to maintain precision in fluid output. A 10µl air gap is drawn into the syringe to prevent contamination of the working fluid with sample as well as preventing cross-contamination of samples. The general procedure developed for delivering a sample is as follows: 1. Ndl to sample position on sample tray 2. Load 5µl into the needle 3 3. Ndl2cap, move the needle into position above the X-ray beam 4. Unload 3µl into target region The target region is protected by an evaporation shield, a small metal tube with holes for the X-ray beam to pass through see Figure 3 label (B). Two holes which are perpendicular to the X-Ray beam are covered with transparent windows permitting a microscope to be placed to image the droplet. The wash process of the needle is rather quick, where: 1. The dispensed sample is taken back into the needle. 2. The needle is raised and moved to an empty sample region. 3. The used sample is dumped into an empty centrifuge tube on the sample tray. 4. The needle is raised. 5. A wash cycle of 100µl commences with 2 cycles at a rate of 50 µl/second. 6. The needle is dipped into a centrifuge tube filled with distilled water on sample tray. 7. The needle is raised. 8. A 10µ air gap is drawn into the syringe. This procedure usually takes approximately 30 seconds to carry out and when combined with the approximately 15 second scan time at 10 one second exposures this apparatus is significantly faster than the current autosampler system. OPTICAL ANALYSIS To analyze the various aspects of droplet shape consistency and droplet evaporation an optical method was used to make a precise measurement of the droplet position and size. A 4 microscope was placed perpendicular to the X-Ray beam path to observe the shape of the droplet, and in order to observe the maximum level of contrast (Figure 4 see droplet A) in the droplet a fiber optic light element was pointed directly at the microscope objective [6]. From this it was gathered that the addition of ethanol, glycerol, and protein had no significant effect on the droplet shape despite the change in surface tension. This was reflected in the difference in path length across the droplet at a set point whose variation was smaller than 1.3%. RESULTS The testing conducted for this experiment primarily utilized 10mg/ml Lysozyme as a stock solution that was then serially diluted in a 20mM NaOAc and 150mM NaCl buffer which had a pH ≈ 4.9. However, testing demonstrated that images taken using a concentration series with this buffer were prone to being quickly affected with radiation damage after one or two frames. To mitigate this problem small amounts of glycerol were added to the buffer for testing at 2%, 5%, and 10%. The addition of glycerol seemed to have negligible effects on the variation in shape of the droplet despite the change in surface tension so testing was still able to continue. One issue which affected the project from the start is the problem of droplet consistency, where the droplets dispensed by the MAST system would have slight variations in droplet shape as detected by the optical method. To compensate for this, a correction factor was utilized to correct for the variation in X-Ray path length caused by shape differences. Is (q) = I0 A(q)de−µd (1) The equation above illustrates that scattering intensity, Is (q), is directly proportional to the incident beam intensity I0 , the scattering factor A(q), path length of the X-ray beam 5 through the sample d, and the Beer-Lambert absorption factor e−µd . Therefore, differences in droplet size will have a direct influence on the observed scattering intensity. The transmitted intensity IT is related to the incident beam intensity I0 by the BeerLambert law IT = I0 e−µd (2) From which one can solve for the path length, d d= −1 IT ln( ) µ I0 (3) The intensity values, IT and I0 , are directly measured during the experiment for each exposure, and ln( IIT0 ) can be used to correct for small differences in path length (the component −1 µ is a constant for the buffer and sample scans) due to variations in droplet size. Each of the intensity values is divided by this correction factor and this reduces the error observed in the data sets by about two times (See Figure 5). During testing of the MAST system, a peculiar error began occurring during the dispensing of the droplet where the droplet would dispense in a skewed fashion or in extreme cases crawl up the outside of the needle (see Figure 4 droplet C). This has since been attributed to two factors, the first of which is a wet outside surface of the needle after the wash process. The second, is due to buildup of fluid within the small hole which used to house the capillary tube the needle passes through which slowly occurs as sometimes the sample is not completely drawn back into the needle before it is lifted. To remedy this several measures were undertaken where the needle installed on the apparatus would be a special needle with a teflon coating on the outside surface of the needle. Then after every sample, when the needle is raised for drawing an air gap, the outside of the needle is wiped down. Finally compressed air would be blown through the capillary hole to blow out any undesired liquid 6 inside, although tubing must be raised around the dispensing area and windows prior to this as to prevent splashing of any fluids onto the Mica windows of the vacuum chambers of the beamline. Then the MAST apparatus is ready to accept the next sample. The signal to noise ratio which interfered with the validity of the output data is lower for low concentrations of proteins (See Figure 7). A comparison of the experimental Rg and the actual Rg value range of Lysozyme 14.3 ˚ A ± 1, one can determine the lowest concentration that will return reliable MAST results. See Table 1. It was determined that data from protein concentrations below 2.50 mg/ml will typically be unreliable as the average Rg here is beyond the acceptable range of error for Rg . Also the Rg values given by the Autosampler are closer to the actual value of Rg for Lysozyme so there is still work to be done to increase the accuracy and repeatability. In comparison to the Autosampler technique, the MAST methodology does not seem to return data with a variance as low as that produced by the Autosampler (See Figure 6). The MAST data has a higher variance overall, but as protein concentration increases it produces data of acceptable variance. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS The MAST autosampling system has demonstrated its potential to be a quick and reliable automatic sample dispensing device, although there are still some issues to be worked out. Perhaps with more scan data creating a larger sample size more methods in correcting for droplet variation can be found. Currently with the correction factor applied the resulting data curves begin to resemble the precision of the autosampler system, but work still needs to be done to make the resulting data reach the same level of reproducibility as the current autosampler system. Some ideas for how this can be realized are a dual needle system, where a second needle 7 is mounted beneath the autosampler needle so that the sample when dispensed would be attracted to the lower needle. Then by moving the upper autosampler needle or by drawing sample back into the needle, the droplet shape can be controlled. In addition to increasing the precision of the measurements by reducing the variation in the shape of the droplet, perhaps this system can be used to alter the shape of the droplet in a way to reduce the overall curvature of the outside of the drop permitting the beam to better pass through the sample. This project so far has been a proof of concept as it has demonstrated that the MAST system is a viable option as an upgrade to the current system, but like all prototypes there are still a few problems to work out before becoming a complete replacement of the autosampler. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was made possible by funding from the United States Department of Energy through the Summer Undergraduate Laboratory Internship (SULI) Program. I want to thank my mentor, Thomas M. Weiss, for giving me the opportunity to work at SLAC, for his help which permitted the completion of the project, and for exposing me to the projects being undertaken at the SSRL. REFERENCES [1] Jacques, David A., and Jill Trewhella. ”Small-angle Scattering for Structural BiologyExpanding the Frontier While Avoiding the Pitfalls.” Protein Science 19.4 (2010): 642-57. Print. [2] Martel, A., Liu, P., Weiss, T. M., Niebuhr, M. & Tsuruta, H. (2012). J. Synchrotron Rad. 19, 431-434. 8 [3] McPhillips, T. M., McPhillips, S. E., Chiu, H.-J., Cohen, A. E., Deacon, A. M., Ellis, P. J., Garman, E., Gonzalez, A., Sauter, N. K., Phizackerley, R. P., Soltis, S. M. & Kuhn, P. (2002). J. Synchrotron Rad. 9, 401406. Print [4] Neylon C (2008) Small angle neutron and X-ray scattering in structural biology: recent examples from the literature. Eur Biophys J Biophys Lett 37:531541. [5] Putnam, Christopher D., Michal Hammel, Greg L. Hura, and John A. Tainer. ”X-ray Solution Scattering (SAXS) Combined with Crystallography and Computation: Defining Accurate Macromolecular Structures, Conformations and Assemblies in Solution.” Quarterly Reviews of Biophysics 40.03 (2007): n. pag. Print. [6] Woodward, Roger P. ”Surface Tension Measurements Using the Drop Shape Method.” First Ten Angstroms (n.d.): 1-6. Web. 9 FIGURES Figure 1: Diagram depicting Synchotron SAXS 10 Figure 2: The sample syringe (B) is positioned by a triaxial system of motors (A) which extracts samples from a 96-sample well tray (C). It dispenses into the capillary tube holder (D) which is positioned in the path of the X-Ray beam by a length of tubing filled with a working fluid connected to a flowcell. Solutions such as the sample and wash fluids are removed from the target area by a tube under the sample stage (E). 11 Figure 3: This next generation autosampler operates in a similar manner as the autosampler in Figure 2 but has several modifications that permit droplet based sample dispensing. The needle is at a lower position (A) than the original as to permit the formation of a small droplet directly into the beam. The small aluminum tube at position (B) is an evaporation guard intended to slow the droplet’s evaporation rate. Also the sample is returned to an empty capillary position Figure 4: Image A shows the results of positioning of the light source shining directly at the microscope objective produces a droplet image with hard edges permitting precise analysis of the droplet’s size and shape. Image C demonstrates an improper droplet dispensing while Image B is what the droplet should look like. 12 Figure 5: On the left is a plot of two droplet files of 2.5 mg/ml Lysozyme in 2% buffer each of which is subtracted against 3 buffer files. The graph on the right depicts a corrected data plot which compensates for differences in droplet size and reduces the percentage variation between the different curves from 37.87% to 23.95%. 13 Figure 6: These are two plots demonstrating a comparison between data collected by the Autosampler and data collected using the MAST system. Here a concentration series of Lysozyme from 0.3125mg/ml to 10.00 mg/ml is plotted by a log(I) vs. s (Logarithmic Plot) and scaled. The MAST data has more variance overall between the different curves even after scaling than the Autosampler data. 14 Figure 7: These plots depict the diminishing noise in the graphed sample data as the concentration of a Lysozyme sample in 2% glycerol increases from 0.3125mg/ml to 10.00 mg/ml. These graphs are plotted by a log(I) vs. s (Logarithmic Plot) and the samples were taken on the MAST sampling system. 15 TABLES Sampling Device Concentration Average Rg Standard Deviation % Error Autosampler Autosampler Autosampler Autosampler Autosampler MAST MAST MAST MAST MAST MAST 0.625 mg/ml 1.25 mg/ml 2.50 mg/ml 5.00 mg/ml 10.00 mg/ml 0.3125 mg/ml 0.625 mg/ml 1.25 mg/ml 2.50 mg/ml 5.00 mg/ml 10.00 mg/ml 14.9 14.7 14.5 14.5 14.4 15.6 16.0 15.5 15.0 14.8 14.8 0.15 0.28 0.11 0.07 0.09 0.59 0.56 0.03 0.22 0.03 0.01 0.99 1.89 0.74 0.48 0.63 3.8 3.5 0.2 1.4 0.2 0.04 Table 1: These are the Rg calculations off of lysozyme in 2% glycerol buffer solutions. 16
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