Department of Neurosurgery and Department of Neurology Sponsor 6th Annual Symposium on Neurovascular Disease 2014 Neurologists, internists, family practitioners, neurosurgeons, and allied healthcare professionals will be updated on both established and emerging treatment of neurological disorders Saturday January 25, 2014 7:30 am to 5:00 pm Casa Del Mar Hotel 1910 Ocean Way Santa Monica, CA 90405 (310) 581-5533 Cedars-Sinai Medical Center’s Stroke Program has earned The Joint Commission’s Gold Seal of Approval™. In cooperation with : and For further information, please call the Office of Continuing Medical Education at (310) 423-5548 Brochure Sample, 072507 Page 1 of 10 COURSE DESCRIPTION Neurovascular disease is the number one cause of permanent adult disability in the United States. Exciting new treatments have shown promise, not only in preventing subsequent strokes, but reversing the effects of acute stroke. The evaluation and management of acute stroke, transient ischemic attack (TIAs), and cerebral aneurysms are in rapid evolution. Likewise, the new Joint Commission designation of Comprehensive Stroke Centers may impact how healthcare is delivered to these patients. It is vital that neurologists, neurosurgeons, internists, family practitioners, and vascular surgeons, as well as allied healthcare professionals stay updated on these developing options and health care systems to provide the best care for their patients. This conference provides an interdisciplinary approach using didactic lectures, case presentations, and audience polling and participation to present new neurovascular data and discuss challenging clinical cases. Renowned regional and national faculty will present and discuss both traditional and cutting edge treatments and management strategies. EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES Identify the criteria used to recommend intravenous or intra-arterial therapy for patients with thromboembolic stroke Discuss the value of comprehensive vs. primary stroke centers based on outcomes research and have a general understanding of the benefits of triaged care Delineate subgroups of patients with carotid artery disease, based on age, anatomy, and other factors which influence treatment pattern. Review the results of the SAMMPRIS intracranial stent trial and discuss the pitfalls of this study and the new trials currently ongoing ACCREDITATION STATEMENT Cedars-Sinai Medical Center is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians. CREDIT DESIGNATION STATEMENT Cedars-Sinai Medical Center designates this live activity for a maximum of 7.5 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)TM. Physicians should claim only credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.” NURSES: The California State Board of Registered Nursing accepts courses approved by the ACCME for category 1 credit as meeting the continuing education requirements for license renewal. ASRT Approved for 8.75 hours of continuing education credits (CEU) . TRAINING / CREDIT DISCLAIMER STATEMENT Brochure Sample, 072507 Page 2 of 10 While offering CME credit, this course is not intended to provide extensive training for certification in the field. Approval of category 1 credit by Cedars-Sinai Medical Center should not be construed as endorsement of any product. POLICY ON DISCLOSURE It is the policy of Cedars-Sinai Medical Center to ensure balance, independence, objectivity, and scientific rigor in all of its educational activities. Cedars-Sinai Medical Center assesses conflict of interest with its faculty, planners and managers of CME activities. Conflicts of interest that are identified are resolved by reviewing that presenter’s content for fair balance and absence of bias, scientific objectivity of studies utilized in this activity, and patient care recommendations. While Cedars-Sinai Medical Center endeavors to review faculty content, it remains the obligation of each physician or other healthcare practitioner to determine the applicability or relevance of the information provided from this course in his or her own practice. ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF COMMERCIAL SUPPORT Commercial support for this course is pending. All support received will be acknowledged at the conference. Brochure Sample, 072507 Page 3 of 10 AGENDA 7:30 am Registration and Continental Breakfast 8:00 Introduction and Initial Polling Michael Alexander, MD Update on Acute Ischemic Stroke Management 8:10 What’s New in Stroke Prevention? Shlee Song, MD 8:30 Transcranial Ultrasound in Stroke Prevention Patrick Lyden. MD 8:50 Advanced techniques in interventional Thrombectomy J Mocco, MD, MS 9:10 Why is there controversy in imaging for stroke? Marcel Maya, MD 9:30 IMS-3 stroke trial results: valid in current practice? Michael Alexander, MD 9:55 Break Issues with Comprehensive Stroke Care 10:10 Why develop Comprehensive Stroke Centers? Joshua Hirsch, MD 10:30 EMS transport of stroke to primary and comprehensive centers William Koenig, MD 10:55 Cerebral embolism in children Michael Dowling, MD 11:15 Patent foramen ovale/atrial appendage closure in stroke Saibal Kar, MD 11:35 Update on Rehab after stroke Richard Riggs, MD 11:55 Polling 12:00pm Lunch Neurovascular Disease: Aneurysms and AVMs 1:00 Treatment of cerebral AVMs and the ARUBA trial results Wouter Schievink, MD 1:25 New tools in cerebral aneurysm management Michael Alexander, MD 1:50 Pearls and pitfalls of Flow diverter technology Alexander Coon, MD 2:15 Anti-platelet therapy resistance and options Lucie Thibault, PharmD 2:40 Break Cerebrovascular Occlusive Disease and Subacute Stroke 2:55 Neurointensive care management of vasospasm in SAH Wengui Yu, MD, PhD 3:20 Do we need a new carotid stenosis trial? Patrick Lyden, MD 3:45 Do we need a new intracranial stenosis trial? Michael Alexander, MD 4:10 Is stem cell therapy ready for prime time in stroke? Paula Eboli, MD 4:45 Summary: Questions, Discussion, and Polling 5:00 pm Adjourn Brochure Sample, 072507 Page 4 of 10 COURSE DIRECTORS Wouter Schievink, MD Michael J. Alexander, MD Course Director Director, Neurovascular Center Professor and Clinical Chief Department of Neurosurgery Cedars-Sinai Medical Center Los Angeles, CA Course Co-Director Director, Microvascular Neurosurgery Professor of Neurosurgery Department of Neurosurgery Cedars-Sinai Medical Center Los Angeles, CA FACULTY Patrick D. Lyden, MD Course Co-Director Carmen and Louis Warshaw Endowed Chair In Neurology Chairman, Department of Neurology Cedars-Sinai Medical Center Los Angeles, CA Brochure Sample, 072507 Alexander Coon, MD Director, Endovascular Neurosurgery Assistant Professor of Neurosurgery Neurology, and Radiology The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Baltimore, MD Page 5 of 10 Sabil Kar, MD Michael Dowling, MD, PhD Associate Professor Pediatrics, Neurology and Neurotherapeutics University of Texas Southwestern Medical School Dallas, TX Associate Professor of Cardiology Director of Interventional Cardiac Research Cedars-Sinai Medical Center Los Angeles, CA William Koenig, MD Paula Eboli, MD Medical Director Los Angeles County Emergency Medical Services Los Angeles, CA Neurosurgery Department of Neurosurgery Cedars-Sinai Medical Center Los Angeles, CA Marcel M. Maya, MD Co-Chairman S. Mark Taper Foundation Imaging Center Cedars-Sinai Medical Center Los Angeles, CA Joshua A. Hirsch, MD Director Interventional Neuroradiology/Endovascular Neurosurgery Massachusetts General Hospital Boston, MA Brochure Sample, 072507 Page 6 of 10 Lucie Thibault, PharmD J Mocco, MD, MS Director Clinical Research MicroVention Tustin, CA Associate Professor of Neurological Surgery, Radiology and Radiological Sciences Vanderbilt University Medical Center Nashville, TN Wengui Yu, MD, PhD Shlee Song, MD Associate Director, Stroke Program Department of Neurology Cedars-Sinai Medical Center Los Angeles, CA Brochure Sample, 072507 Director, Neuroscience Critical Care Unit Department of Neurology and Department of Neurosurgery Cedars-Sinai Medical Center Page 7 of 10 6th Annual Symposium on Neurovascular Disease 2014 January 25, 2014 REGISTRATION INFORMATION: Registration Fees: Received by January 17, 2014 Received after January 17, 2014 and on-site (if available) Physicians $ 200.00 $ 225.00 Non-MDs $ 110.00 $ 125.00 The registration fee includes CME credit, course materials, meal functions and valet parking (Overnight parking is not validated). SPACE IS LIMITED – PLEASE REGISTER EARLY! Four ways to register: Mail registration form and payment (checks payable to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center) to: Cedars-Sinai Medical Center Office of Continuing Medical Education Attn: Registration 8797 Beverly Boulevard, Suite #250 Los Angeles, CA 90048 Online registration at: and click on CME Courses Fax completed registration form with credit card information to (310) 423-8596 (Please Print) Last Name First Street Address City ( ) Daytime Phone Phone registration with credit card payments only to (310) 423-5548 M.I. Apt.No. State ( Fax Zip Code ) Specialty Email Address Please Charge My: Brochure Sample, 072507 Visa MasterCard or American Express for $_______ Check enclosed payable to CSMC for $_______ Page 8 of 10 Degree Credit Card No. (Please Print) Name on Card > > > > > Exp. Date Authorized Signature How did you learn about this CME activity? __ Brochure or other printed material > __ Cedars-Sinai CME website __ Internet search (Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc) __ Email Announcement __ Colleague __ Journal Ads __ Other: ________________ Please be aware that the room temperature may vary, it is advisable to bring a sweater or coat to Accommodate this possible temperature change. Confirmation: In order to receive a confirmation letter for registrations received by January 13th , please provide your email address or fax number. If you do not receive a confirmation by January 20th please call (310) 423-5548 to confirm that you are registered. Refund Policy Written requests for cancellation must be received by Friday, January 17, 2014. A partial refund, less a $25.00 administrative charge, will be issued following the meeting. After January 17, 2014 no refunds will be given. Hotel Room Reservations A limited number of rooms have been reserved for meeting attendees at a special group rate of $ . Reservations are taken on a first-come, first-served basis. PLEASE NOTE – There are instances where the room block sells out prior to the cut-off date of December 26, 2012. Please call Reservations at 310-581-5533 to make your hotel accommodations. Identify yourself as attending the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center meeting in order to obtain this special rate. PLEASE REGISTER AND MAKE YOUR HOTEL RESERVATION EARLY. Hotel Casa del Mar is located where Pico Boulevard ends at the Pacific Ocean in the City of Santa Monica, California. FROM LAX: Take Century Boulevard to Sepulveda Boulevard North and turn right. Continue on Sepulveda to Lincoln and veer left. Continue on Lincoln to Pico and turn left. Continue to the end of Pico. Turn left to pull in front of the hotel for valet parking. Brochure Sample, 072507 Page 9 of 10 FROM LOS ANGELES: Take the I-10 freeway to Santa Monica and exit at Fourth Street. Turn left on Fourth Street and continue through two stoplights to Pico Boulevard. Go right on Pico and continue for four blocks to the stop sign at the end of the street. Turn left to pull in front of the hotel for valet parking. FROM THE SOUTH (San Diego): Take the 405 freeway north to I-10 West (to Santa Monica), and follow the directions above. We encourage participation by all individuals. If you have a disability, advance notification of any special needs will help us better serve you. For further information, please call the Office of Continuing Medical Education at (310) 423-5548 or 423-2935 or email at Brochure Sample, 072507 Page 10 of 10
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