SMALL SAMPLE ASSAY SYSTEM T. Gozani Senior Scientific Advisor C. N. Ingraham Senior Engineer Intelcom Rad Tech San Diego, California ABSTRACT A new high-precision assay system for fissile nuclear material has been built. The new system, called Small Sample Assay System (SSAS), is based on the principle of thermal (or epithermal) neutron activation analysis, where the observed response is the delayed fission gamma rays emitted from the fission product a few seconds to a few minutes after the fission. The system takes advantage of the high initial yields of the delayed gamma rays by starting the counting very shortly after the end of the irradiation. The SSAS operates with a basic timing cycle which begins with a background measurement, continues by irradiating the sample in the neutron flux of a properly moderated 252(jf source, and concludes with a measurement of the signal plus background. The basic physics of the system, which makes efficient use of the delayed gamma spectrum and time dependence, yield very high count rate per gram of fissile material, even when moderately small Cf sources (10 to 50 pg) are employed. The SSAS can be operated with either or both of two types of electronic processing systems. The basic system employs a dead-time-less technique which allows handling of high count rates and intrinsically gives increased weight to the higher energy portions of the gamma spectrum, thus reducing the gamma self shielding. The other system involves a fast linear system which retains pulse-height information, found to be a very useful feature, especially for mixed oxide pellets. The prototype SSAS was subjected to an intensive series of tests aimed at determining the precision of the device and its reliability. Extensive tests to determine the precision of the SSAS were performed with sintered LWR pellets and UC>2 powder spanning the enrichment range from natural to 3.3%. The results show that the typically obtained precision is about 0.5 and 1% at the 1-a confidence level for pellets and oxide powder, respectively. 1. INTRODUCTION There is a definite need within the nuclear industry, especially in fuel fabrication, for a rapid and accurate measurement of the total fissile content of relatively small samples, such as sintered fuel pellets, green pellets, vials of uranium oxide, HTGR green and fired rods, etc. Presently, the total fissile assay is based, in most cases, on the total weight and the isotopic ratio as determined by mass spectroscopy; this is a relatively slow and expensive process. It may also suffer from sampling errors because of the financial implication of destructive testing of large samples. 92 Nuclear Materials Management The Small Sample Assay System (SSAS) was developed by Rad Tech to provide the nuclear industry with the tool to fulfill the need described above. The SSAS is a transportable, self-contained, compact system which will fit easily in most existing laboratory or production spaces. It is based on fission activation of the sample, using a relatively small "^Cf neutron source and the detection of induced delayed gamma-ray activity. The SSAS allows one to measure the total fissile content of relatively large numbers of production samples, obtaining accurate results at a very reasonable cost. 2. PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION Up to approximately 50 samples can be loaded into a sample changer which is used to insert them into the assay system. According to a preselected adjustable timing cycle, the loading mechanism then automatically moves each individual sample through the assay system where three basic operations are performed in the following order. 1. Measurement of room temperature plus passive signal from sample. 2. Irradiation of sample 3. Measurement of the signal, namely the induced fission delayed gamma, plus the background. The background includes any ambient background, due mostly to the source, as well as that which may be inherent in the sample itself, such as the 185-keV gamma activity in 235u, "400-keV groups" and other lines in 239pU) 232>jh decay product activities, etc. The irradiation of the sample is made in a proper neutron flux with either soft or hard spectrum created by a relatively small 252Cf neutron source. The irradiator and the shielding in the standard SSAS can accommodate up to 50 yg of 252cf> xhe harder neutron spectrum is recommended for cases of high enrichment and where substantial radial nonuniformity in the distribution of fissile material within the sample is expected. The soft spectrum, which delivers a much higher signal, was found entirely adequate for LWR pellets and oxide powders. A calibration run for BWR pellets irradiated in a soft SSAS spectrum is shown in Figure 1. The design of the irradiator is made so that the neutron flux distribution along the sample axis will be reasonably flat. This reduces the systematic errors due to possible nonuniformities along the axis of the sample. Typical axial flux distributions in a standard SSAS are shown in Figure 2. The three distributions differ mainly because of the different materials surrounding the source (low-Z versus high-Z) and the source-tosample distance. Because one deals here with a small sample, the quantity of interest is the width of the distribution at an axial point with an amplitude of 0.9 of the maximum (FW 0.9M). One can further flatten the distribution to accommodate longer samples. This will result in lower peak flux, and would require a larger detector to accommodate the longer sample. The shape of the flux distribution also indicates to the designer the requirements for Fall 1974 93 reproducibility in the sample position in the irradiation zone. A change of 3.10"^% in the fission rate would result from a position change of 10"^ inches. Following irradiation, the sample is moved rapidly, taking 1.5 seconds in the prototype SSAS, into a gamma-ray detector. Typically, a NaI(T£) detector is used, but other detectors can be used if there is a need. The delayed gamma activity from fission products is measured for the same length of time as are the irradiation and background measurements. The use of delayed gamma as a signature which is correlated to the number of fissions occurring in the fissile isotopes of the sample, offers very high sensitivities. There are several (about six) delayed gammas (integrated over the entire time domain) per fission event. The most prominent gamma rays have a relatively long decay time; thus, their decay during the sample travel from the irradiation location to the detector will be small. A typical decay curve of the total delayed gamma energy deposited in the detector versus time following an irradiation of 10 seconds, and "waiting" time of 1.5 seconds, is shown in Figure 3. In this case, the initial decay is about 16% per second. Thus, the basic timing and motion error should not exceed 1 to 10 msec. The pulse-height distribution of the delayed fission gamma rays reveals another important and useful feature, namely, it contains a significant fraction of hard gamma components which penetrate through a LWR fuel pellet with only a small attenuation. Thus, the gamma response is from the bulk of the sample rather than the surface, as in the case of the passive 185 keV gamma line of 235u. A pulse-height spectrum using BWR pellets in the 10-second cycle is shown in Figure 4. The average energy of this pulseheight distribution is 860 keV, and 45% of all pulses are above 660 keV. Other spectra were measured in different cycle lengths, and no substantial change in the pulse-height distribution was observed. The overall basic physics design of the system makes efficient use of the delayed gamma spectrum and time dependence. This yields very high count rates, about 100,000 to 300,000 cps per gram of 235y ±n low-enriched uranium powder, using neutron sources of modest intensities. 3. DESCRIPTION OF THE DEVICE AND ITS OPERATION A photograph of the SSAS prototype is shown in Figure 5. The SSAS consists of a linear drive, loader, source container and irradiator, radiation detector, and control and processing electronics, with a printer as an output. The linear drive is loaded with the sample; it then positions the sample inside the detector for background measurement, moves the sample to the irradiation position, and transports the sample at the end of irradiation back to the detector. Following the end of the measurement the sample is unloaded into an unloading tray, and a new sample is loaded onto the linear drive. Presently, the background and signal measurements, as well as the irradiation length, are equal, but the time length can be selected. The motion time between detector and irradiation zone is about 1.5 seconds. Different loading and unloading mechanisms may be required in some instances to 94 Nuclear Materials Management be able to count neutrons, in addition to gamma rays. The resulting resolving time still limited the accidental coincidence rate to 0.1% of the maximum time coincidence rates expected for Pu loadings of approximately 20 g. 240 Since the FMD directly measures the amount of Pu in a barrel, the Pu isotopic ratio has to be known to determine the fissile content. If the isotopic ratio is in doubt, an approximate indication of the fissile 239pu content can be obtained with the Nal detector. This detector does not employ costly and sophisticated techniques like vertical scanning, peak fitting with spectral background subtraction, and transmission measurements. Instead, it is meant to be used only as a diagnostic indicator. 4. PERFORMANCE DATA An extensive series of measurements was conducted to establish the response characteristics of the FMD. All performance data was acquired with spontaneously fission source material (both 239pu an(j 252cf were used) , positioned in a 55-gallon barrel specially prepared for the test program. The barrel was filled with a cloth and paper matrix, except for three vertical pipes, one at the center, the other two close to the periphery, into which the source material was positioned. With this arrangement it was possible to measure the effects on the response of the FMD due to differences in matrix density and position of the source in the barrel. With a 3/10 coincidence a fission efficiency of 15.6% was achieved, at which mixed oxide fuel pellet standards containing 0.05 and 0.41 g of 240pu Were measured with a statistical accuracy of 21 and 2.5%, respectively, in 2000-sec measurements. The fissile content of the pellets was 0.42 and 3.52 g, respectively. For a 4/10 coincidence setting the fission efficiency dropped to 3%. The detector response in five-minute measurements to small quantities of 240pu £s snown in Figure 5. Even in this relatively short counting time a small quantity, such as 0.16 g of 240pUj ^s measured with a statistical precision of 16%. The response is essentially linear up to 60 g of 240pu> with the detection range extending down to a minimum of 0.01 g of 240pu for measurements up to one hour in duration. The response as a function of position inside a 55-gallon drum is shown to be uniform within 4% over most of the barrel volume (Table 1). The maximum variation from the response is 14%, with the drum positioned on the rotating platform. The largest change occurs at the bottom; it is caused by attenuation effects in the relatively bulky rotating mechanism. The fission multiplicity technique is less susceptible to attenuation effects than the method of scanning for 400 keV isotopic gamma radiation from the fissile component (Ref. 2). The response of the latter technique was reduced by 23% more than the response of the former when the fission source was shielded with 0.25 inch of lead. Fall 1974 95 enrichment during a given group of measurements. This technique is analogous to the method which would normally be used to calibrate the machine during typical operation, and removed any systematic errors in the preparation of calibration standards. Thus, the successive measurements of each individual pellet may be used to obtain the precision of the machine itself, and the individual measurements within a set of pellets having the same nominal enrichment can be used to determine the production-related variations. Two equivalent approaches were taken to determine the standard deviation, which is characteristic of the machine itself. In one case, the six (or three) runs for a given pellet were averaged, and the standard deviation of the remaining five was computed about this value. This was then repeated for each of the independent combinations of pellets and the results were averaged. It must be remembered that this latter procedure is equivalent to taking the ratio of two measurements, both of which contain similar statistical uncertainties, and the individual measurement precision is obtained by dividing the result by V~2. This correction has been made in the analysis. The composite results of the statistical analysis are presented in Table 1 where we show the relative standard deviation (a) using both methods described above for calculating it; these results are quite consistent. In addition, we show a in units of absolute enrichment (AE), in which case the result is essentially constant (a « 0.015% enrichment) for all enriched pellets. To obtain an independent check of the measurement precision, an additional comparison was made for the case of Set 1 (3.3% enrichment). These 12 pellets were individually measured to an average relative precision of 0.4% using the TRIGA reactor and the Rad Tech delayed neutron activation analysis (DNAA) technique. When normalized to the DNAA results as standards, the SSAS measurements show a standard deviation (a) of 0.52%. This implies a for SSAS to be 0.33%, if the contribution to the a from DNAA is removed. This is quite consistent with the value of 0.30% shown in Table 1, and independently confirms the reasonableness of the analysis. All of the results above were obtained with the SSAS operating on a cycle of 3 x 30 seconds. That is, the background measurement, irradiation, and counting times are each 30 seconds. To determine the performance of the machine for faster throughput conditions, the precision was also tested for shorter cycle times down to 3 x 2 seconds. These results are summarized in Table 2, along with some of those from longer counting times already shown in Table 1. Tables 3 and 4 show as examples the net counts given by the sealer and printer for pellet Sets 1 and 2. All count data are the output of the dead-time-less system representing the delayed gamma dose. These numbers do not directly yield values for the counting statistics. Typically, the total count for the linear pulse counting system are larger by a factor of 3 to 10. Typical relative counting statistics are between 0.1 to 0.2%. 96 Nuclear Materials Management 4.2 URANIUM OXIDE SAMPLES Twenty-five samples of uranium oxide, 21 product oxides, and four scrap samples were available for the tests. The samples were contained in 1/2-inch polyethylene vials. Most of them filled the entire volume of the vial; others did not, due to lower weight or higher density. Each sample was measured at least four times to yield the machine reproducibility when such loose-powder samples were used. The RMS relative standard error for all the samples was found to be 0.4%. It is anticipated that the neutron self shielding in these samples (enrichment between approximately 2 to 4%) should be low, since they have relatively low bulk densities (typically about 2.3 g/cm^). Therefore, a linear least-square fit was made between the net yield and the given mass of total fissile; this is shown in Figure 6. The line is given by the equation noc U(g o fi U) = 4.545 x 10 C (counts) - 3.294 x 10 . 235 The relative difference between the given mass of U (based on a mass spectroscopy of a small sample) and the measured one (based on the above curve) is given in Table 5, which includes also the given mass, the measured mass, and the relative bulk density. The RMS of the relative deviation of the measured mass from the given 235u mass is 0.83%. This overall accuracy for the oxide powder is very gratifying. It is clear that most of the error is due to the availability of relatively poorly known standards. The deviations found when scrap oxide samples were used (see Table 6), was substantially higher due to large density variation and large uncertainty in the assigned (or given) 235y value. 5. CONCLUSIONS The SSAS described here is a high-precision active nuclear assay device. It is designed for rapid high-precision measurements of representative samples taken on a statistical basis from a large production. With the basic system a good sampling of the production throughput can be achieved with measuring time from 90 down to 10 seconds per sample. To allow sampling of larger throughput, or to measure the entire production of pellets, SSAS will have to be modified, using, however, the same basic unit. The enrichment in the fissile material of samples with known isotopic composition, such as U02 fuel pellets, is determined from the accurately known total weight and the fissile content as determined by the SSAS. Extensive performance tests have shown that precision at 1-a level of ±0.016%, or less, in absolute enrichment in the range of 0.7 to 3.3%, can be routinely achieved. The precision at 1-a level of enrichment determination for oxide powder was found to be approximately ±0.025% absolute enrichment. Fall 1974 97 Table 1 SSAS PERFORMANCE RESULTS Standard Deviation To Mean To Individual Absolute % Relative % Relative Enrichment Set No. Enrichment (Z) No. of Pellets No. of Runs 1 3.3 12 6 0.322 0.301 0.016 2 2.78 12 6 0.350 0.337 0.014 3 0.7 10 3 0.742 0.729 0.0050 4 1.8 3 3 0.587 0.573 0.013 Table 2 SSAS MEASUREMENT PRECISION FOR A RANGE OF CYCLE TIMES Cycle Time (sec) Set No. Enrichment (%) % Relative 3 x 30 1 3.0 0.301 3 x 30 2 2.78 0.337 0.016 0.014 3x5 1 3.0 0.420 0.022 2 2.78 1.3 0.054 3x2 a Standard Deviation A Enrichment a 252 50-yg Cf source; all other data obtained with 20-yg source. Table 3 DETAILED DATA (30 x 30 sec runs, 20 yg 252Cf source) Raw Counts, Background Subtracted, 6 Runs Set 1 (3.3% enrichment) Pellet No. Cl C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 74984 72945 72092 73613 71552 72527 72576 72467 73555 73412 73998 71967 74655 72857 72102 72128 71184 72898 72401 72359 73958 72862 73483 71786 74809 72866 72229 73280 71819 72047 72651 72508 73820 73350 73576 71463 74127 72608 72228 72727 71351 71869 72376 72508 73899 73659 73083 71436 73794 72167 71408 71977 70795 71292 72036 72027 72612 72717 72974 71245 74352 98 72795 71978 73233 71030 71844 72332 71977 73531 73346 72734 71312 Nuclear Materials Management Table 4 DETAILED DATA (30 x 30 sec runs, 20 yg 252Cf source) Raw Counts, Background Subtracted, 6 Runs Set 2 (2.78% enrichment) Pellet No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Cl C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 64819 63275 64478 64269 65435 62589 63264 64531 64029 63498 65625 65516 64743 62516 64575 64473 65244 62497 63329 64377 64019 63266 64814 65104 64636 62893 64020 64029 65141 62578 63468 64182 64101 62988 65626 65067 64614 62296 64584 64061 65198 62629 62785 63878 64602 63239 64994 64939 63902 62117 64059 63376 64963 62108 63000 63799 63782 62918 64968 64995 64181 62384 64546 63768 65332 62682 63179 64019 64225 62989 65193 64879 Table 5 TOTAL FISSILE DETERMINATION IN URANIUM OXIDE SAMPLES Relative Deviation Given Mass 0.1479 0.1924 0.2084 0.2526 0.2997 0.1565 0.2119 0.2642 0.1908 0.2687 0.3243 0.1455 0.2133 0.1870 0.2539 0.2936 0.2070 0.2682 0.3243 0.1972 0.1573 Fall! 974 Relative Bulk Density 0.98 1.09 1.05 0.99 0.89 1.03 1.07 1.00 1.07 1.05 0.97 0.97 1.07 1.05 0.99 0.87 1.04 1.05 0.96 1.11 1.05 Measured Mass 0.149480 0.192554 0.207697 0.257519 0.303765 0.155647 0.211473 0.263418 0.189391 0.267308 0.322934 0.146699 0.210355 0.186369 0.254415 0.296076 0.206992 0.267549 0.320689 0.195535 0.158829 Root mean square deviation = -1.0682 -0.08 0.34 -1.95 -1.36 0.545 0.201 0.296 0.738 0.518 0.421 -0.824 1.38 0.0337 -0 . 203 -0.843 0 0.243 1.113 0.845 -0.972 0.83 99 Table 6 TOTAL FISSILE DETERMINATION IN SCRAP URANIUM OXIDE SAMPLES Given Mass Relative Bulk Density 0.1274 0.1437 0.1399 0.1455 0.59 0.91 0.68 0.90 100 Measured Mass 0.1186 0.1388 0.1369 0.1380 Relative Deviation (%) -6.93 -3.42 -2.18 -0.052 Nuclear Materials Management 4x10" 3x10 en CD 2x10H CU </i o o 10 RT-08283 Figure 1. Fall 1974 ENRICHMENT (%) Typical SSAS calibration curve for BWR fuel pellets 101 Figure 2. Flux (or fission rate) distribution along the irradiator axis of the SSAS F±8ure 3 ' E2 ofsIS SLjT^r follo"in8 lrradlatl°n of 10 s— Figure 4. Delayed gamma pulse-height distribution (30 second irradiation and meaning time) LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Figure Fall 1974 1 Typical SSAS calibration curve for BWR fuel pellets 2 Flux (or fission rate) distribution along the irradiator of the SSAS 3 Decay of delayed gamma dose rate following irradiation of 10 seconds (with 0.5 second waiting time) 4 Delayed gamma pulse-height distribution (30 second irradiation and meaning time) 5 SSAS prototype 105 Figure 5. SSAS prototype
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