Marknadsundersökningens Dag PROGRAM Rival, Mariatorget 3 TORSDAG 14 MARS, 2013 08.00 S TA R T O F R E G I S T R AT I O N Coffee and sandwich in the exhibition area. 9.00 Introduction V E M Ä R D U O C H VA R F Ö R S K A L L J AG B R Y M I G ? Workshop in “Maria” 9.45 Jacqueline Kothbauer, Mediababe Jacqueline Kothbauer, Mediababe U N PA C K I N G T H E M E A N I N G O F VA LU E Martin Oxley , BuzzBack Europe DEN FÖRÄNDRADE SPELPLANEN Jan Unkuri, Augur , Mikael Eriksson Björling, Ericsson 10.40 Jacqueline Kothbauer, Mediababe COFFEE IN THE EXHIBITION AREA S H O R T P R E S E N TAT I O N B Y C O N F I R M I T 11.00 OPINIONSUNDERSÖKNINGAR OCH POLITISK MARKNADSFÖRING Olle Wästberg, Wastberg Communications; Arne Modig, Calmando Utbildning AB; Paul Baines, Cranfield School of Management 12.00 PRISUTDELNING Årets Marknadsundersökare, Årets Undersökningsköpare och Årets nykomling Kort föredrag av Årets nykomling 12.15 LU N C H – B O O K S I G N I N G I N S P E A K E R S C O R N E R 13.15 T H E U G LY R E A L I T Y O F M A R K E T R E S E A R C H F O R I N N O VAT I O N Costas Papaikonomou, Happen Workshop in “Maria” C O - C R E AT I O N M E D S O N Y M O B I L E 13.45 Emma Brännström, YouGov; Lotta Crona, Sony Mobile Olle Wästberg, Wastberg Communications Emma Brännström, YouGov Costas Papaikonomou, Happen 14.10 Surveyföreningen presenterar 10 BUD OM HUR EN UNDERSÖKNING GÖRS OCH BEDÖMS Jan Strid, Göteborgs universitet W E B B PA N E LU N D E R S Ö K N I N G A R – M E N K VA L I T E T E N DÅ ? Mats Nyfjäll, Statisticon Moderator: Joakim Malmdin, Surveyföreningen och SCB Lotta Crona, Sony Mobile 14.50 R E S E A R C H N O W B J U D E R PÅ K A F F E O C H TÅ R TA – Coffee and cake sponsored by Research Now S H O R T P R E S E N TAT I O N B Y M I P R O 15.20 OLIK A METODER – LIK A RESULTAT? HUR STOR A ÄR EGENTLIGEN SKILLNADERNA MELLAN TELEFON, WEBB OCH POST? Johan Martinsson, Göteborgs universitet GULDSPONSORER: Workshop in “Maria” 15.35 ESOMAR presents: Johan Martinsson, Göteborgs universitet Methodologies and Standards What Consumer Do – Not What They Say They Do! Guilty or not Guilty? RESEARCH IN A WORLD WITHOUT QUESTIONS Tom Ewing, BrainJuicer Labs, UK Moderator: Finn Raben, ESOMAR T H E H I S TO R Y O F M E N ’ S U N D E R W E A R : HOW SCIENCE AND SOCIETY C H A N G E C AT E G O R I E S Dave McCaughan, McCann Tokyo 16.50 Dave McCaughan, McCann Tokyo WRAP-UP W O R K S H O P S I N “ M A R I A” 9.45 13.45 15.35 S I LV E R S P O N S O R E R : Costas Papaikonomou, Happen Jacqueline Kothbauer, Mediababe Costas Papaikonomou, Happen Johan Martinsson, Göteborgs universitet NB! All workshop starting times are approximate. Workshops start as soon as possible after the speaker has finished her/his presentation in the main auditorium and continue for as long as the speaker and the participants want. BRONSSPONSORER: 17.00 Join us for a networking drink at the Rival coctail bar upstairs from the main auditorium, while we are waiting for the party buses to arrive. 18.00 All of you holding a ticket for the evening party are most welcome to Restaurang Atrium at Nationalmuseum, Södra Blasieholmshamnen 2. Welcome drinks are served from 18.15, followed by dinner and entertainment. Buses depart for the evening party on Hornsgatan, outside Rival, as soon as they are full, around 18.00. 23.00 Norstat once again welcomes clients, potential clients, new and old competitors and all others to the traditional afterparty. There is space for EVERYBODY in our offices on Gamla Brogatan! We open the doors when the activities at Atrium begin to come to an end. Buses will take us from the restaurant to our premises near Hötorget! Follow the nearest Norstat person around 11pm. PA R T N E R S : M E D I A PA R T N E R :
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