Call for 2013-14 Chapter Leadership Nominations/Application

Call for 2013-14 Chapter Leadership
ISES Sydney Members
Chapter Nominating Committee
Call for Nominations/Application
It is time to begin the election process to choose those leaders who will guide and direct the ISES
Sydney Chapter for the next 12 months, beginning on July 1, 2013.
“The Chapter Board of Directors governs each local chapter of ISES, which is chosen by the general
membership of the chapter. The local Chapter Board of Directors is responsible for providing the
strategic and effective leadership necessary to lead the chapter forward in compliance with the
mission statement and bylaws of ISES. Candidates are considered for nomination based on their
professional and personal qualities that enable ISES to meets its goals”.
In accordance with our Bylaws and election guidelines, the Nominating Committee sends this “Call for
Nominations/Application” and encourages you to consider participating as a Leader on the Chapter
Board. You may also nominate for consideration any individual who you feel would be an asset to ISES
Sydney Chapter in a leadership position.
Please review the attached nomination election guidelines and application forms.
April 22, 2013
Please return the completed Nomination/Application form to:
Valerie Percival
Scan and forward via email:
Or Fax: 02 8569 0567
2013-2014 Nomination/Election Guidelines
Eligibility Requirements – Any current voting ISES member of good standing who has a
minimum of (2) two years concurrent membership may nominate/apply him/her or place into
nomination the name(s) of any member in good standing, to serve as an elected Officer or
Director of the Chapter Board. (Student members are not eligible).
Each Director is elected for a (2) two-year term, and each Officer serves a (1) one-year term.
Chapter-in-Formation Officers will serve (2) two years.
Members of the Board of Directors and Officers must attend all Chapter meetings and Board
The Officer positions currently vacant and due to be elected for the term beginning July 1, 2012.
 Eligibility: Any ISES member of good standing who has a minimum of two years
concurrent membership.
…….Include President position if he/she does not choose to stand for a second term.
President Elect
VP – Membership
VP – Education/Programs
VP – Marketing & Communications
Term of Office
Term of Office
Term of Office
Term of Office
Term of Office
The Director positions whose two-year term begins July 1, 2013.
Director Membership__________________
Term of Office
Director Education/Programs__________
Term of Office
Director MarComms___________________
Term of Office
Director Sponsorship_________________
Term of Office
Director Allied Industries______________
Term of Office
To run for office please complete the enclosed Nomination/Application Form and return it to:Please return the completed Nomination/Application form to:
Valerie Percival
Scan and forward via email:
Or Fax: 02 8569 0567
April 22, 2013
Reports directly to: Chapter President and Chapter Executive Committee
 Must be voting members in good standing of the Society at the time of nomination/election to
office and throughout their term of office.
 He/she must agree to fulfill any Chapter and/or committee assignment/s as requested by the
Chapter President and liaise accordingly.
 Must attend all Chapter and Board meetings
 Act in a support capacity to those Executives on the Board who are either unavailable to fulfill
their duties due to personal or business commitments.
 Assist in securing and expanding the growth of Chapter membership.
 May be required to provide documented copy of assigned activities to the Chapter Executive
The Director shall abide by the ISES Principles of Professional Conduct and Ethics and the ISES Bylaws.
The Director is strongly encouraged to attend the Chapter Leadership meeting normally held in August
each year in conjunction with the ISES Eventworld Conference.
Reports directly to: Affiliate Board and Chapter Executive Committee
The President shall perform all duties assigned to this office.
 He/she is responsible to ensure that the Chapter is run as a business
 He/she shall preside at all meeting, or in his/her absence the President-Elect, or in his/her
absence, a designated VP.
 He/she shall appoint all committees with the approval of the Board of Directors and shall be an
ex-officio member on all committees.
 He/she can participate on the Nominating Committee (if he/she is not standing for a second term).
 Encourage and assist all Executive members to secure and expand the growth of membership within
the Chapter.
 Assist the Chapter Executive in promoting monthly Educational and networking events to members
and prospective members.
 Serve as a member of the Affiliate Board
 Acts as the main liaison between the Chapter and ISES Headquarters via the Affiliate Chair
The Chapter President is encouraged to attend the Chapter Presidents’ meetings normally held in
August in conjunction with the Eventworld Conference, and in January at The Special Event. The
President shall abide by the ISES Principles of Professional Conduct and Ethics and the ISES Bylaws.
Other duties may include: Follow up with committee chairpersons to ensure that goals are being
accomplished; creates agendas for Board meetings and issue notices of all meetings to the Board of
Directors; serves as the official spokesperson for the Chapter; works in conjunction with Chapter Board
of Directors to produce goals/plan of work for the year; writes President’s Message for Chapter
newsletter; Provides a Chapter [monthly] report by the 15 of each month to be sent to the Chapter
secretariat who will forward it to the Affiliate Chair for preparation of the monthly Affiliate report for ISES
Headquarters. Ensure the incoming Executive Committee understand the Affiliate Structure and
maintain a high standard of ISES protocol.
(also serves as the SECRETARY and TREASURER)
Reports directly to: Chapter President and Chapter Executive Committee
 The President-Elect shall, in the absence of the President, have all powers and perform all
duties of the President except where precluded by law.
 Encourage and assist all Executive members to secure and expand the growth of membership
within the Chapter.
The President-Elect shall abide by the ISES Principles of Professional Conduct and Ethics and the ISES
Other duties may include: Assist President in his/her capacity of ex-officio member on each committee;
takes on special projects as assigned by the President, i.e. fund raising, promotional events, etc.
President-Elect Secretary duties:
 The Secretary shall be responsible for ensuring that the minutes of all meetings of the Chapter’s
Board of Directors are recorded, distributed to all Board members and approved.
 Write any official letters as requested by the Chapter President
 Maintain and preserve a record of the proceedings and history of the Chapter.
President-Elect Treasurer duties:
 The Treasurer shall receive and deposit all Chapter funds in the name of the Chapter, in a bank
or trust company as approved by the Chapter Executive/ Board of Directors.
 He/she shall be responsible for preparation of the Chapter budget for submission to the Chapter
Executive/Board of Directors for approval.
 Provide a full monthly financial report to the Chapter Executive/ Board of Directors at their
monthly meetings for approval.
 He/she shall also be responsible for submitting monthly and year end financial reports to the
Affiliate Chair as required under the Affiliate Structure Agreement with ISES HQ. All funds
withdrawn from the Chapter accounts must have two signatures. (President and
Treasurer and or authorized and approved designate).
 The Treasurer shall deliver to his/her successor in office all funds, books, documents, vouchers
and other property of the Chapter which he/she may have in his/her possession and/or for which
he/she is accountable.
Vice President (VP) Education & Programs
Reports directly to: Chapter President and Chapter Executive Committee
 Shall oversee all educational activity that is provided to the Chapter membership
 Shall oversee all program activity that is provided to the Chapter membership.
 Ensure that members are given a high level of education and networking opportunities by
selecting, appropriate sites and venues, topics and Speakers.
 Oversee attendance at all Chapter programs are recorded via appropriate form for the
certification program (CSEP) and that forms are forwarded to the Chapter administration for
 Assist all Executive members to secure and expand the growth of membership within the
 Required to provide on time agenda items for discussion at monthly Committee meetings;
provide documented copy of monthly activities at Committee meetings.
The VP of Education & Programs shall abide by the ISES Principles of Professional Conduct and Ethics
and the ISES Bylaws.
The VP of Education & Programs is strongly encouraged to attend the Chapter Leadership meeting
normally held in August each year in conjunction with the ISES Eventworld Conference.
Other duties may include: Chair the Education & Programs Committee, oversees special educational
activities of the Chapter; selects appropriate topics and speakers; coordinates any special activities to be
conducted at Chapter meetings; responds to the Affiliate Hub regarding regional programming plans by
the Affiliate; coordinates on-site registration efforts; communicates with other ISES Chapters for ideas
regarding programming.
Reports directly to: Chapter President and Chapter Executive Committee
 Shall oversee all membership activity and be responsible for any and all committee activity
pertaining to membership in the Chapter.
 He/she shall also be responsible for working closely with the Chapter Secretariat in recording
and maintaining the list of members and addresses of members and shall be responsible for
promulgating changes and amendments. At all times membership lists remain the sole and
confidential property of the ISES Chapter and the Affiliate and cannot be used for any other
purposes are divulged to any other person.
 Assist the Chapter Executive in promoting monthly Educational and Networking events to
members and prospective members.
 Required to provide on time agenda items for discussion at monthly Committee meetings;
provide documented copy of monthly activities at Committee meetings.
The VP of Membership shall abide by the ISES Principles of Professional Conduct and Ethics and the ISES
Other duties may include: Ensures the Chapter stocks of appropriate membership materials from
ISES HQ and Affiliate are keep updated; work with the Chapter Secretariat to ensure that a current list of
prospective members for recruitment/marketing efforts are in place; send local correspondence to
welcome new members; contact members who have not renewed their membership, reports in local
newsletter regarding membership promotions etc; surveys the membership regarding opinions/attitudes
of the Chapter.
Reports directly to: Chapter President and Chapter Executive Committee
 Shall oversee, all activities’ that relate to Chapter promotion.
 Responsible for enhancing, the ISES profile both within the Chapter and industry.
 Assist the Chapter Executive in promoting monthly Educational and networking events to
members and prospective members.
 Serve as editor and produces a regular newsletter for membership
 Provide valuable and up-to-date material and member benefits for uploading to the website
 Assist in securing and expanding the growth of Chapter membership.
 Required to provide on time agenda items that require discussion at monthly Committee
meetings; provide documented copy of monthly activities at Committee meetings.
The VP of Marketing & Promotions shall abide by the ISES Principles of Professional Conduct and
Ethics and the ISES Bylaws.
Other duties may include: Source new member profile copy for website, Source information and
create articles from leading events industry specialists and industry bodies for website. Create and issue
press releases regarding Chapter programs/ activities, works with committees as is necessary to
promote ISES Chapter activities.
(page 1/4)
Nominee Data (Please Type or Print)
Section I
Nomination for the Position of:
Last Name:
First Name:
Mailing Address:
Phone No:
Fax No:
Member ID Number:
Signature: __________________________________________________
Are you nominating yourself? Yes
If yes please proceed to Section III below. If no, fill out Section II and then please
forward the application to the prospective nominee for completion.
Nominator Data (Please Type or Print)
Section II
Last Name:
First Name:
Mailing Address:
Phone No:
Fax No:
Member ID Number:
(page 2/4)
ISES Involvement
Section III
Member since ___________
Chapter office(s) held
Office _______________________ Year(s) ___________
Office _______________________ Year(s) ___________
Office _______________________ Year(s) ___________
Office _______________________ Year(s) ___________
Please list the Chapter Committee(s) on which you have served. (i.e. Membership,
Committee____________________________ Position ____________________
Committee____________________________ Position ____________________
Committee____________________________ Position ____________________
International office(s) held
Office ____________________________ Year(s) _____________
Office ____________________________ Year(s) _____________
Please list the International Committees or task forces on which you have served. (i.e.
Membership, Professional Development, MARCOM)
Committee____________________________ Position ____________________
Committee____________________________ Position ____________________
Committee____________________________ Position ____________________
(page 3/4)
Candidate Statement and Questions
Section IV
Provide a professional events industry biography in 100 words or less. (Your candidate
statement will be included on the slate/ballot sent to the Chapter membership).
Explain in less than 100 words why you are running for Chapter office. (Your candidate
statement will be included on the slate/ballot sent to the Chapter membership.)
What is your greatest strength that you bring to your ISES Chapter?
What area do you consider to be your weakest? How do you plan to compensate?
Additional Comments:
What three areas do you feel are the most important to address for the Chapter during
your ISES tenure?
What is your vision of your ISES Chapter for the next two years?
(page 4/4)
Time Commitment Statement (All nominees must read and sign.)
Section V
The International Special Events Society strongly recommends that all nominees consult with
their supervisors, business partners, etc. and discuss the time commitment required for service
to the Association, and seek their support.
In addition to attendance at Eventworld, The Special Event, and Regional Leadership
meetings, the time commitment to serve as a Chapter Leader will include, at a minimum, one
meeting per month of about two hours each, plus individual and task force assignments which
must be conducted on your own time and attendance at Chapter functions.
Please sign the following statement
I understand the time requirements needed to carry out the duties as a Chapter Leader of
ISES. I feel that I am able to carry out both the duties of my current employment and the duties
of an ISES office.
Please return the completed Nomination/Application form to:
Valerie Percival
Scan and forward via email:
Or Fax: 02 85690567