MINISTRY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT OF TECHNICAL AND VOCATIONAL EDUCATION Sample Questions & Worked Out Examples For Min 04027 ROCK MECHANICS B Tech. (Second Year) Mining Engineering ROCK MECHANICS MIN-04027 B Tech., Second Year Mining Engineering 2 CHAPTER 1 SOIL AND ROCK MECHANICS 1.* Explain the standard test procedure of the apparent porosity test in laboratory. (10 marks) 2.* Write the short notes on the following items. (10 marks each) (i) The mechanical properties of rock material (ii) The basic elements of the strength of materials 3.* In a series of apparent porosity tests of granite specimens, the following test results are recorded as shown in table (3). Determine the mean value, standard deviation and the coefficient of variation of the results. (10 marks) Table (3) Results of Porosity Test Sample Diameter, No. cm 1 DHY-33 6.07 2 DHY-34 6.07 3 DHY-35 6.07 4 DHY-36 6.07 5 DHY-38 4.75 6 DHY-39 4.75 7 DHY-41 4.75 8 DHY-44 4.75 9 DHY-48 4.75 10 DHY-49 4.75 Length, cm 7.44 7.25 9.14 6.43 7.22 7.27 7.33 7.24 8.68 7.36 Wo gm 543.0 532.0 675.0 472.0 330.0 332.0 333.0 330.0 395.0 332.0 Wm gm 547.0 535.0 680.0 475.0 333.0 335.0 335.0 332.0 397.0 335.0 Remark: Apparent porosity, %, Wo = weight of oven-dried specimens Wm = weight of saturated specimens Answer: The mean value = 1.8163 %, Standard deviation = 0.3920 %, The coefficient of variation = 0.2158 4.* Explain the standard test procedures and formula to determine the apparent specific gravity, ASG, the natural moisture capacity Wn, the total moisture capacity, Wt, the yield of water, Y, the coefficient of water saturation, Kws of rock. (20 marks) 3 5. ** The laboratory test results of granite rock are recorded as shown in table (5). Determine the mean value, standard deviation and the coefficient of variation of the results for the apparent specific gravity, the natural moisture capacity Wn, the total moisture capacity, Wt, the yield of water, Y, the coefficient of water saturation, Kws of rock. (5 marks each) Table (5) Results of laboratory test Sample No. 1 2 3 4 Diameter, cm 4.740 4.755 4.755 4.755 Length, cm 7.430 7.285 7.240 7.095 Volume, cm3 131.1098 129.3661 128.5670 125.9921 Wo gm 328.0 330.0 330.0 325.0 W1 gm 330.0 332.0 333.0 328.0 Ww gm 333.0 335.0 338.0 331.0 Remark: Apparent porosity, %, Wo = weight of oven-dried specimens Ww = weight of saturated specimens, W1 = weight of air dried specimens 6. ** In a series of apparent porosity tests of granite specimens, the following test results are recorded as shown in table (6). Determine the mean value, standard deviation and the coefficient of variation of the results. (20 marks) Table (6) Results of laboratory test Sample No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 DHY- 4 DHY- 6 DHY- 6 DHY-10 DHY-12 DHY-16 DHY-19 DHY-22 DHY-26 DHY-27 Diameter, cm 4.73 4.73 4.73 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.73 4.73 4.75 Length, cm 5.81 7.615 7.615 5.38 4.81 4.90 4.15 7.61 9.51 9.53 Wo gm 261.40 346.20 343.10 218.90 196.40 200.40 151.00 343.90 437.00 436.00 Wm gm 263.20 348.10 344.60 220.20 197.40 201.30 151.80 345.90 440.00 440.0 Rock Type Granite Granite Granite Granite Granite Granite Granite Granite Granite Granite Answer: The mean value = 1.5670 %, Standard deviation = 0.3597 % The coefficient of variation = 0.2296 7. *** Explain the characteristics of loosened rock and its application in mining practice. (10 marks) 4 CHAPTER 2 THEORY OF ELASTICITY 1.* Basic assumptions of elastic properties and Hooke's law for idealized elastic properties. (10 marks) 2.* Write the short notes on the following mechanical properties of rock within the elastic range. (10 marks each) (i) Young Modulus, (E) (ii) Poisson's Ratio (υ) 3.* Write the short note on the followings. (10 marks each) (i) The characteristic of the acoustic properties (ii) Determination of the elastic properties of rock and rock mass based on the acoustic properties 4. ** In the interpretation of laboratory test results, discuss, with necessary sketch, how to calculate the Young’s modulus of rock specimens, which depends on the variation of loading condition. (10 marks) 5. ** Discuss the nature of the acoustic properties of rock mass and its application in mining practice. (10 marks) 6. *** Discuss briefly how to apply the mechanical properties of rock to obtain the rational design or be technically successful in miming and rock excavation works. (10 marks) 5 CHAPTER 3 STRENGTH OF ROCKS 1.* Explain the factors to be considered (or the influencing factors on rock properties) in sample preparation for precise rock testing. (10 marks) or Explain, briefly, the factors, which influence the strength and deformation of intact rock, to be considered in specimen preparation. (10 marks) (or) Explain the significant factors in specimen preparation to obtain the reliable laboratory test results. (10 marks) 2. * Explain the precaution and procedure of the specimen preparation for precise laboratory rock testing. (10 marks) 3.* Draw the Mohr’s diagram or Mohr’s circle to represent the values of shear stresses and normal stress by using graphical method for the given major principal stress, σ1 and minor principal stress, σ3. Give an numerical example. (10 marks) 4.* From the following results of a series of triaxial compression test on Granite rock specimens, draw the Mohr's circle and measure the effective shear stress, τeff and normal stress, σN. Compare these results with calculated values. Specimen No. 1 2 3 4 Diameter, cm 3.05 3.05 3.05 3.05 Area, cm2 7.3062 7.3062 7.3062 7.3062 Max. Load, KN 90.0 100.0 150.0 170.0 σ1 MPa 147.8203 169.7196 186.1441 202.5686 5.* Write the short notes on the followings. (10 marks each) (i) Basic concept of maximum shear stress theory (ii) Basic concept of effective shear stress theory (iii) Basic concept of Hoek and Brown failure theory σ3 MPa 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 6 6.* Discuss the importance or application of the mechanical properties of rock and rock mass in consideration for excavation design calculation. (10 marks) 7.* In a series of Point Load Strength Index tests of granite specimens, the following test results are recorded as shown in table (20). Determine the mean value, standard deviation and the coefficient of variation of the results. (20 marks) Table (20) Results of Point Load Strength Test 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Sample No. DHY-42 DHY-43 DHY-44 DHY-45 DHY-46 DHY-47 DHY-49 DHY-51 DHY-52 Diameter, cm 4.750 4.755 4.760 4.760 4.765 4.760 4.750 4.750 4.750 Length, cm 7.220 7.210 7.330 7.320 7.120 7.015 7.245 7.440 7.140 Max. Load, KN 14.3 14.2 13.2 11.7 13.0 13.0 13.2 13.0 13.0 Rock Type Granite - Answer: The mean value = 5.8272 MPa, Standard deviation = 0.3416 MPa The coefficient of variation = 0.0586 8.* In a series of uniaxial compressive strength tests of granite specimens, the following test results are recorded as shown in table (21). Determine the mean value, standard deviation and the coefficient of variation of the results. Table (21) Results of Uniaxial Compressive Strength Test Specimen Diameter, Max. Load, Remarks No. cm KN 1 DHY-40 4.755 224.0 Medium grained size 2 DHY-41 4.760 148.0 Medium grained size 3 DHY-42 4.755 90.0 Medium grained size 4 DHY-43 4.755 95.0 Medium grained size 5 DHY-44 4.760 116.0 Coarse grained size 6 DHY-45 4.760 148.0 Medium grained size 7 DHY-46 4.760 114.0 Medium grained size 8 DHY-47 4.765 110.0 Coarse grained size 9 DHY-48 4.760 160.0 Medium grained size 10 DHY-49 4.755 70.0 Coarse grained size Remark: The ratio of length and diameter is between 2.0 and 2.5, Answer: The mean value = 71.6921 MPa, Standard deviation = 24.8882 MPa The coefficient of variation = 0.3472 7 9. * In a series of triaxial compression test on granite, the following test results are obtained as shown in table (22). (20 marks) Table (22) Results of triaxial compression strength test Max. σ1 Specimen Diameter, Area, Load, KN MPa No. cm cm2 1 3.04 7.2583 90.0 123.9954 2 3.04 7.2583 104.0 143.2835 3 3.04 7.2583 120.0 165.3272 4 3.04 7.2583 124.0 170.8381 σ3 MPa 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 Uniaxial compressive strength of intact rock = 106.4176 MPa (1) Determine the Hoek and Brown strength parameters, ‘m’ and ‘s’. (2) Calculate the value of σ1 at the failure if σ3 = 10.5 MPa using Hoek and Brown yield criterion. 10. * In a series of Brazilian tensile tests of granite specimens, the following test results are recorded as shown in table (23). Determine the mean value, standard deviation and the coefficient of variation of the results. (20 marks) Table (23) Results of Brazilian Tensile Strength Test Specimen Diameter, Length, Max. Load, No. cm cm KN 1 DHY-3 4.725 7.82 27.00 2 DHY-4 4.73 5.81 20.0 3 DHY-5 4.70 7.615 27.00 4 DHY-6 4.70 7.615 30.00 5 DHY-7 4.70 7.60 22.00 6 DHY-8 4.70 7.30 20.00 7 DHY-9 4.50 10.16 40.00 8 DHY-10 4.50 5.38 17.00 9 DHY-11 4.50 10.19 22.00 10 DHY-16 4.50 7.750 25.00 11 DHY-17 4.50 7.68 15.00 12 DHY-18 4.50 7.62 20.00 13 DHY-19 4.50 7.845 22.00 14 DHY-20 4.73 7.61 27.00 15 DHY-21 4.725 7.70 35.00 Rock Type Granite - Answer: Avg. = 4.3987 MPa, SD = 4.3987 MPa, COD = 0.2055 11. ** Explain the procedure of the irregular lump test in laboratory rock testing and correlation between the results of irregular lump test and uniaxial compressive strength test. (10 marks) 8 12. *** In a series of triaxial compression test, the following test results are recorded as shown in table (25). (20 marks) Table (25) Results of Triaxial compression test Specimen No. A B C D Diameter, cm 3.77 3.77 3.77 3.77 Area, cm2 11.1628 11.1628 11.1628 11.1628 Max. Load, KN 90.0 108.0 132.0 144.0 σ1 MPa 80.6250 96.7500 118.2501 129.0001 σ3 MPa 3.00 6.00 9.00 12.00 (i) Determine uniaxial compressive strength, σc, coefficient of angle of internal friction, tanφ and cohesion of intact rock. (ii) Calculate the value of σ1 at the failure if σ3 = 12.5 MPa using Mohr-Coulomb criterion. (iii) Draw the Mohr's envelop curve CHAPTER 4 PLASTIC AND RHEOLOGICAL PROPERTICS OF ROCKS 1. * Explain the creep law or rheological properties of rock. (10 marks) 2. * Discuss, briefly, the followings: (i) The importance of the prediction of creep behavior of rock in mining practice. (ii) Two elastic constants of rocks (Young Modulus and Poisson's Ratio) 3. ** Discuss the importance of the prediction of the creep behavior in mining practice. (10 marks) 4. *** Explain the application of rheological properties of rocks in mining practice. (10 marks) 9 CHAPTER 5 APPLICATION OF TECHNICAL INDICES OF ROCKS 1. * Write the short note on the following technical indices of rock in mining practice. (10 marks each) (i) Hardness of rock (static and dynamic hardness) and its applications in mining practice (ii) Abrasiveness and its applications in mining practice 2. ** Write the short note on the following technical indices of rock in mining practice. (10 marks each) (i) Crushability of Rock (ii) Drillability of Rock (iii) Blastability of Rock 3. ** Write the short note on the following technical indices of rock in mining practice. (10 marks each) (i) Brittleness of rock, (ii) Toughness of rock CHAPTER 6 CLASSIFICATION OF ROCKS AND ROCK MASS 1. * Write the short note on the following topics. (5 marks each) (i) Intact rock (ii) Moderately jointed rock (ii) Stratified rock (iv) Blocky and seamy rock 2. * Write the short note on the following topics. (5 marks each) (i) Crushed or chemically intact rock (ii) Swelling rock (iii) Squeezing rock (iv) Rock Quality Designation (RQD) 10 3. * Explain the basic consideration factors for the determination of the tunneling quality index (Q-system). (20 marks) 4. * Explain the basic concept of CSIR (Bieniawski) rock mass classification for the determination of the rock mass quality. (20 marks) 5. * Discuss briefly the influence of clay seams and fault gouge on the rock mass strength. (10 marks) 6. * Discuss briefly the influence of the characteristics of discontinuity on the strength of rock mass. (10 marks) 7. ** Discuss as much as you know the followings. (10 marks each) (i) Quantification of the geological parameters, which influence the engineering properties of rock mass. (ii) Influence of the characteristics of discontinuity on the strength of rock mass. CHAPTER 7 Analytical Solution 1. *Discuss the basic assumption on stress distribution around underground opening. 2. *Describe the general types of stress field and explain this stress field. 3. **Briefly, discuss the procedure for designing or evaluating the stability of single opening in competent rock. 4. **Discuss, briefly, time dependent deformation of rock. 5. ***A circular tunnel of 15 ft diameter is to be excavated through a section of totally crushed rock (Assume as cohesionless ground). Tunnel will be driven at a depth of 300 ft overburden. The properties of rock mass around the tunnel are recorded as follow: Unit weight of rock mass = 150 pcf Friction angle = 37° Calculate the maximum and minimum support pressure when the clastic zone extends to 15 ft from the center of tunnel. 6. ***A vertical mine opening of 4.0 m diameter (final diameter) is to be connect from level 11 level 10 through the jointed rock mass as shown in following figure. The result of laboratory data and the following information are recorded as follow. Ground surface Level 10 2m 4m Z=300.0 30.0m Level 11 Given - Uniaxial compressive strength of intact rock = 30.50 MPa - Angle of internal friction of rock mass = 35 degree - Hoek and Brown strength parameter ‘s ‘ = 0.0025 - Unit weight of rock mass = 0.0265 MN/m3 - Swell factor = 1.1 - Radius of plastic zone = 4.0 m Calculate the required support pressure at the beginning point of level 11 CHAPTER 8 Stability of Slope 1. **Write down the short on the following slope failure. (i) Plane failure (ii) Wedge failure (iii) Circular failure 2. ***The cross of a non-working slope in a strip mining operation is shown in the following figure. The mechanical properties of upper layer are c= 15 KN/m2, φ =20° and γ =17 KN/m3. The lower layer has c = 25 KN/m2, φ =15° and γ =19 KN/m3. Assume that both materials are homogeneous and slope is located permanently above the water table. Determine the factor of safety for the slip circle shown. 9m r =30 m 5 1.5 2 20 m 4 3 15m Upper layer 2 1 Lower layer 3. *** The dimension of slope and the mechanical properties of each rock layer are shown in the following figure. 8.7m 90° r =30 m 3 2 Upper layer 2 1 30.2 m 1 4 12.5m 20 m Lower layer Upper layer Cohesion = 25.0 KN/m2 φ =29° γ =20.0 KN/m3. Lower layer Cohesion = 55.0 KN/m2 φ =20.5° γ =22.0 KN/m3 Assume that both materials are homogeneous and slope is permanently situated above the ground water table. Determine the factor of safety for the slip circle shown in above figure. (Note: Tension crack is allowed.) 4. ** *A proposed cutting is to have the dimensions shown in the following figure. 5m 8m 3m 6m 9m The soil has the following properties: φ = 15°, c 13.5 KN/m2, γ = 19.3 KN/m3. Determine the factor of safety against slipping for the slip circle shown. (i) ignoring tension crack and (ii) allowing for a tension crack. Answer (i) 1.7 (ii) 1.6 5.*** Investigate the stability of the embankment shown in the following figure. 4.75 m 9.15 m 7.64 m 9.15 m The embankment consist of two soils both with bulk densities of 19.3KN/m3; the upper soil has c = 7.2 KN/m2 and φ = 30°, whilst the lower soil has c =32.5 KN/m2 and φ = 0°. Analyze the slip circle shown (ignore tension crack). Answer FS =1.2 6.*** Using Bishop’s, determine the factor of safety for the following slopes. (i) Pore ratio =0.5,c′ = 5.37 KN/m2, φ= 40° ,γ= 14.4 KN/m3 , H = 15.2 m, slope =3:1 (ii) Pore ratio =0.3,c′ = 7.20 KN/m2, φ= 39° ,γ= 12.8 KN/m3 , H = 76.4m, slope =2:1 (i) Pore ratio =0.5,c′ = 20.0 KN/m2, φ= 25° ,γ= 17.7 KN/m3 , H = 25 m, angle of slope =3:1 Assume that rainfall is intense enough to completely saturate the block, then the saturated zone extends completely to the surface. 7.*** The cross section of overall pit slope is shown in following figure. The information obtained from field investigation is given as follows. Assume that materials are homogeneous and slope is located permanently above ground water table. Upper layer: c= 25 KN/m2, φ=13°, γ=20 KN/m3. Lower layer: 27KN/m3, φ=17°, γ=20 KN/m3.Determine the factor of safety for the slip circle shown in figure. O R= 51 m 90° 2.5 R= 51 m 6 2 15 m upper layer 5 30 m 4 2 3 Lower layer 17.25 m ************************************************************************ NOTE * Must Know Questions ** Should Know Questions *** Could Know Questions 11 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS No (1) In a series of apparent porosity tests of granite specimens, the following test results are recorded as shown in table (1). Determine the mean value, standard deviation, and the coefficient of variation of the results. Solution: The apparent porosity can be calculated by the following equation and recorded as shown in following table (1). P= Wm − Wo × 100 dwV Where, P = apparent porosity, %, dw = density of water, V = Volume of specimen Wo = weight of oven-dried specimens Wm = weight of saturated specimens Table (1) Results of Porosity Test Sample No. DHY-33 DHY-34 DHY-35 DHY-36 DHY-38 DHY-39 DHY-41 DHY-44 DHY-48 DHY-49 Sample No. DHY-35-1 DHY-35-2 DHY-36-1 DHY-36-2 DHY-38 DHY-39 DHY-41 DHY-44 DHY-48 DHY-49 Dia., cm 6.07 6.07 6.07 6.07 4.75 4.75 4.75 4.75 4.75 4.75 Length, cm 7.44 7.25 9.14 6.43 7.22 7.27 7.33 7.24 8.68 7.36 Wo gm 543.0 532.0 675.0 472.0 330.0 332.0 333.0 330.0 395.0 332.0 Wm gm 547.0 535.0 680.0 475.0 333.0 335.0 335.0 332.0 397.0 335.0 Porosity % 1.85789 1.42993 1.89041 1.61229 2.34481 2.32868 1.53975 1.55889 1.30027 2.30020 Results: The mean value = 1.8163 % Standard deviation = 0.3920 % The coefficient of variation = 0.2158 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- No (2) Basic assumptions of elastic properties and Hooke's law for idealized elastic properties. (10 marks) 12 Answer: When any body is subjected an external force, the body exhibits an opposite reaction or internal forces develop in it, tending to restore its original shape. The surface density of the force developed in each element of the body is known as stress. Stress is a vector quantity depending both on the internal properties of the rock, and on the shape of the external forces. Under the action of external forces the rock may undergo changes in its linear dimension, volume or shape, all of which are known as strains (or deformations). Before relationships between stress and strain can be developed, the elastic properties of rocks must be specified. The different branches of the science of mechanics are based on certain idealized elastic properties of material. The classical theory of elasticity is restricted to solid materials processing the following idealized elastic properties. (1) Linear between stress and strain - If a body is subjected to a stress, then the strain in the direction of the stress is directly proportional to the applied stress as shown in figure (2). That is Hooke’s law applies. σ E σ=Eε ε Figure (2) Elastic properties of rock within elastic limit (2) Homogeneity – The material of a body is uniformly distributed throughout the volume of the body and the elastic properties of the material are the same at all points in the body. (3) Isotropy – The elastic properties of the material are the same in all directions. (4) Perfectly elastic – Upon removal of deforming forces, the size and shape of a body return precisely to their original state. No actual materials satisfy exactly all of these requirements. However, the deviations from the assumed idealized conditions for many materials are so slight that results predicted on the basis of the theory of elasticity are verified by experiment. 13 Most structural materials and many rocks posses characteristics and elastic properties, which permit the theory of elasticity to be used in practice. ------------------------------------------------------------------No (3) In the interpretation of laboratory test results, discuss, with necessary sketch, how to calculate the Young’s modulus of rock specimens, which depends on the variation of loading condition. (10 marks) Answer: Young’s Modulus For perfectly elastic material, the axial stress-strain relation obtained from conventional uniaxial test would be a straight line with constant slope, E as shown in figure (1): σ =Eε --------- (a) Where, σ = longitudinal stress (compressive or tensile) ε = strain σ, Stress E = Young Modulus E ε, Strain Figure 1 stress-strain diagram In actual condition, the stress-strain curve for most rock is not linear; instead, the slope of the curve varies with the stress level (or loading condition). Furthermore, slope varies with loading rate, and it differs according to whether load is applied or removed. In this circumstances it is not strictly proper to use term Young’s modulus from the results of laboratory test, but for the practical purposes it is convenient to regard the slope of the curve, either at a specific point or average over a certain section as Young’s modulus (see figure 2). 14 σ, Stress Q R M P ε, Strain Figure (2) Definition of modulii for non-linear stress-strain diagram Where, M = initial modulus, P = secant modulus R = cord modulus, Q = tangent modulus When the term modulus is used without qualification, it is usually taken to be the tangent modulus at 50% of the ultimate crushing strength of rock. All modulii have dimensions expressing stressed, N/m3 (in the M.K.S system). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------No (4) Discuss the nature of the acoustic properties of rock mass and its application in mining practice. (10 marks) Answer: Acoustic Properties The nature of the propagation of elastic waves in rock is defined by: (i) The velocity of propagation of elastic waves, (ii) Acoustic absorption coefficients and (iii) Wave impedance. Rock masses are characterized by coefficients of reflection and indices of refraction of elastic waves. (i) The velocity of propagation of elastic waves The velocity of propagation of elastic waves in an infinite absolutely elastic and isotropic medium depends on the mechanical properties of rock mass such as Young modulus and Poisson’s ratio. There are three types of elastic waves: longitudinal waves, transverse waves and surface waves. The following relation of propagation velocity of longitudinal waves, transverse waves and (Love waves) in a rock mass is: surface waves 15 vp > vs > vL (ii) Acoustic absorption coefficients The propagation of elastic waves is accompanied with a gradual drop of intensity the further they spread from their source. In most cases, two factors are responsible for this loss of intensity: (1) absorption of a part of the elastic energy by the rock and its transformation into heat, owing to friction between the vibration particles; and (2) dissipation of the sound energy in various directions owing to inhomogeneities in the rock (pore s, fractures, disseminations, etc.). (iii) Wave impedance The wave impedance of rocks is a factor governing their capacity to reflect and refract elastic waves. Reflection and refraction takes place either at the interface between rocks of different acoustic properties, or when elastic waves pass into rock from an external medium (voids). When sound energy passes from a medium with low wave impedance to a medium with high impedance, the bulk of the energy is reflected. Thus 99.8 % is reflected when elastic waves pass from into water, and 85 % when they pass from water into rock. Application of Acoustic Properties in Excavation and Mining Elastic waves can be induced in rocks by explosions, blows, mechanical vibrators etc. Explosives are employed to produce seismic wave, the mechanical method is used mainly to induce waves of infrasonic and audio frequencies. Acoustic methods are widely used in mining to obtain information about rock and rock masses. They are based on the relationship between the various acoustic properties of rocks and their other physical properties (elastic constants), mineral composition, structure(porosity), external condition (fracturing and disturbance, stress state, moisture content, degree of freezing of the water in rocks etc.). Young modulus can be calculated from the velocity of longitudinal waves: v2γ E= g The induced stresses within rock mass due to vibration effect due to explosion can be calculated from the velocity of longitudinal and transverse waves: Ev p Ev s , and σ = σ= Vs Vp Where, E = Young modulus, vp = velocity of longitudinal wave 16 vs= velocity of transverse wave, Vp = sonic velocity of longitudinal wave Vs = sonic velocity of transverse wave ------------------------------------------------------------------------- No (5) Explain the precaution and procedure of the specimen preparation for precise laboratory rock testing. (10 marks) Answer: The precaution and procedure of the specimen preparation for Precise Tests (1) Collection and storage a. Test material is collected from rough block, dressed blocks, or drill cores. b. Samples should not be collected from material, which has been modified by blasting, weathering, and contamination of rough handling. c. To represent each of the areas of interest 3 to 10 specimens should be collected. d. - Sample should be delivered to the laboratory as soon as possible for subsequent specimen preparation and testing. e. Sample should be moisture-proofed immediately after collection. f. Sample should be transported and stored from excessive changes in humidity and temperature. (2) Avoid of contamination a. Contamination of the external surface of finished surface of finished samples should be avoided. b. If cutting oil or dirty water must be used, then the rock should be thoroughly saturated with clean water before machining start. (3) Sawing (a) A precise cut off machine should be used. (b) To avoid the problem of spalling and lip formation at the end of the cut the core on both sides of the cut should be supported. (4) Surface grinding (5) Lapping - Final smooth finished and ground samples. (6) Sample measurement (Quality control) 17 (a) Final dimensions are normally measured with a micrometer and reported to nearest 0.001 in. (b) The impressions are made by sandwiching a sheet of carbon paper and a sheet of white paper between the sample end and a smooth surface. The upper end of the sample is given a light blow with a rubber or plastic hammer, and an imprint is formed on the white paper. ------------------------------------------------------------------------No (6) In a series of triaxial compression test on granite, the following test results are obtained as shown in table (22). (20 marks) Table (22) Results of triaxial compression strength test Specimen Diameter, Area, Max. σ1 No. cm cm2 Load, KN MPa 1 3.04 7.2583 90.0 123.9954 2 3.04 7.2583 104.0 143.2835 3 3.04 7.2583 120.0 165.3272 4 3.04 7.2583 124.0 170.8381 σ3 MPa 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 Uniaxial compressive strength of intact rock, σc = 106.4176 MPa (1) Determine the Hoek and Brown strength parameters, ‘m’ and ‘s’. (2) Calculate the value of σ1 at the failure if σ3 = 10.5 MPa using Hoek and Brown yield criterion. Answer: (1) Table (1) Specimen No. σ3 σc 1 2 3 4 0.0188 0.0376 0.0564 0.0752 σ1 − σ 3 σc 1.3142 1.7131 2.2416 2.3415 2 2 σ − σ3 σ are plotted in the following From the table, the values of 3 and 1 σc σ c graph: 18 σ1 − σ 3 σc 2 2.75 2.5 y = 19.204x + 1 R2 = 0.945 2.25 2 1.75 1.5 1.25 1 0.75 0.5 0.25 0 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 σ3 0.08σ c Graph (1) Calculation of Hoek and Brown strength parameters ‘m’ and ‘s’ values From Graph (1) m = 19.204 and s = 1.0 (Answer) (2) To calculate the value of σ1 at the failure if σ3 = 10.5 MPa, use the following equation: σ1 = σ3 + (mσcσ3 + s σ2c)0.5 σ1 = 10.5 + ((19.204×106.4176 ×10.5) + (1.0 × 106.4176 × 106.4176)0.5 = 191.5607 MPa (Answer) ------------------------------------------------------No (7) In a series of triaxial compression test, the following test results are recorded as shown in table (25). (20 marks) Table (25) Results of Triaxial compression test Specimen No. A B C D Diameter, cm 3.77 3.77 3.77 3.77 Area, cm2 11.1628 11.1628 11.1628 11.1628 Max. Load, KN 90.0 108.0 132.0 144.0 σ1 MPa 80.6250 96.7500 118.2501 129.0001 σ3 MPa 3.00 6.00 9.00 12.00 (i) Determine uniaxial compressive strength, σc, coefficient of angle of internal friction tanφ and cohesion of intact rock. (ii) Calculate the value of σ1 at the failure if σ3 = 12.5 MPa using MohrCoulomb criterion. 19 (iii) Draw the Mohr's envelop curve Solution: (i) According to Mohr-Coulomb Friction Law, the stress conditions at failure is: cosφ 1 + sin φ σ1 = 2c + σ3 …………… (a) 1 - sinφ 1 − sin φ cosφ σ c = 2c …………… (b) 1 - sinφ Therefore, from equation (a), the incremental strength due to confining pressure σ3, is: σ1 = 2c cosφ 1 + sin φ + σ3 1 - sinφ 1 − sin φ ∆ σ1 = ∆σ3 (1+sinφ)/(1-sinφ) To calculate angle of internal friction, the incremental strength of rock at low confining pressure will be used. For specimen No. 1 and No.2, ∆σ1 = 96.7500 – 80.6250 = 16.1250 ∆σ3 = 6.0 – 3.0 = 3.0 16.125 = 3.0 (1+sinφ)/(1-sinφ) φ = 43° 20′ 9.32″ tan φ = 0.9435 (Answer) By using Equation (a) for specimen No.1, 80.6250 = (2c cos43.3359/(1 – sin43.3359)) + (3(1+sin43.3359)/(1-sin43.3359)) c = 13.9104 MPa (Answer) By using Equation (b) for specimen No.1, σc = 2×13.9104×cos43.3359/(1-sin43.3359) = 64.4998 MPa (Answer) (ii) By using Equation (a) σ1 = 64.4995 + 12.5((1+sin 43.3359)/(1-sin43.3359)) = 131.6869 MPa 20 τ, Shear stress (iii) To draw the Mohr’ envelop, Mohr's envelop σND σNC cohesion σNB σNA σN σ3=0 σ3D σc σ1A σ1B σ1C σ1D σN, Normal stress Figure (1) Mohr's circles Scale: 1 in = 30 MPa ------------------------------------------------------- No (8) Write the short note on the following technical indices of rock in mining practice. (10 marks each) (i) Crushability of Rock (ii) Drillability of Rock (iii) Blastability of Rock Answer: (i) Crushability of Rock In mining practice, there are indices of the breakability of rocks in certain processes. Crushability is a generalized parameter of various mechanical properties of rocks including elastic, plastic, and strength properties. Crushability expresses the energy consumed in grinding a rock under a dynamic load. Laboratory methods of determining crushability are usually based on estimation of the power required to crush a definite volume of rock. 21 By one of these methods, crushability determined by dropping a load of 16 kg onto a specimen from a height of 0.5 m. Crushability is established by the volume of particles with a diameter under 7 mm obtained as a result of this blow. Since the crushability (C) of rocks is essentially the reciprocal of toughness, it may be determined by using the physical constant involved in calculations of toughness. C= E 1 = pl , m3/J T Eσ c …….. Equation 5.3 It should be noted that the technological parameters determined by different methods are not the same and should not therefore be converted to one another. Crushability plays the same role in mining as strength. Both are generalized parameters of the breakability of rocks, with the single difference that crushability is an index based on the energy requirements of breaking rocks while strength is linked only with the firmness of rocks. (ii) Drillability of Rock Drillability is the degree of resistance of a rock to breaking by a drilling tool. It embraces such mechanical characteristics of rocks as their elastic properties, strength and plasticity, and also technological indices like hardness, abrasiveness, etc. Drillability is technological parameter indication the depth of hole drilled in the rock being tested in one clear minute of drilling time in standard conditions. Conversely it may give the amount of clear drilling time required to drill one linear meter of hole in the same conditions. Drillability depends on the design of the drilling equipment used and its operating conditions. Therefore, in drawing up any technological scale of rocks based on drillability one has strictly to observe the standard conditions, such as a definite tool, strengthened by standard alloys, a definite diameter of blast hole and operating conditions (pressure in the air piping, etc.). Obviously, any scale so prepared will be applicable only to a definite drilling tool. Consequently a scale of drillability is only adoptable for calculating the amount of drilling equipment of a given type required, determining its productivity, and standardizing the speed of drilling. (iii) Blastability of Rock Blastability characterizes the degree of resistance of rocks to explosives required to crush 1 m3 of rock in a mass (powder factor (or) specific charging). 22 Blastability includes the elastic (dynamic Young’s modulus), Strength (ultimate tensile and shear strengths), and plastic properties of the rock. It is utilized to establish the consumption of explosive to work a deposit, to draw up standards for blasting work, and to fix working norms for the blaster. The quantitative indices of blast ability depend not only upon the properties of rock but also upon the type of explosive used and the technique of placing (drilling pattern) it in the rock; therefore all these conditions must also be strictly controlled when drawing up any scale of rocks on the basis of blastability. In Soviet mining practice rocks are grouped in 16 categories on the basis of the unit consumption of ammonite No.9, which produces a crater of standard throw. In most cases in mining, explosive charges of normal breaking are used, by which only the rock of the volume of the crater is broken. The unit consumption of explosives for such charges comes to a third of the unit expenditure for charges of normal throw. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------No (9) Write the short note on the following topics. (5 marks each) (i) Intact rock (ii) Stratified rock (iii) Moderately jointed rock (iv) Blocky and seamy rock Answer: (i) Intact rock: Intact rock contains neither joints nor hair cracks. Hence, if it breaks, it breaks across the sound rock. On account of the injury to the rock due to blasting, spalls may drop off the roof several hours or days after blasting. This is known as a spalling condition. Hard, intact rock may also be encountered in the popping condition involving the spontaneous and violent detachment of rock slabs from the sides or roof. (ii) Stratified rock: Stratified rock consists of individual strata with little or no resistance against separation along the boundaries between strata. The strata may or may not be weakened by transverse joints. In such rock the spalling condition is quite common. (iii) Moderately jointed rock: This rock contains joints and cracks, but the blocks between joints are locally grown together or so intimately interlocked that vertical walls do not require lateral 23 support. In rocks of this type, both spalling and popping conditions may be encountered. (iv) Blocky and seamy rock: This rock consists of chemically intact or almost intact rock fragments, which are entirely separated from each other and imperfectly interlocked. In such rock, vertical walls may require lateral support. -----------------------------------------------------------------No (10) Explain the basic concept of CSIR (Bieniawski) rock mass classification for the determination of the rock mass quality. (20 marks) Answer: In classification of the quality of jointed rock mass behavior, Bieniawski suggested that the rock mass should be: 1. divided into groups of similar behavior; 2. provided a good basic for understanding the characteristics of the rock mass; 3. facilitated the planning and the design of structures in rock by yielding quantitative data and 4. Provided a common basic for effective communication among all persons concerned with geomechanics problems. Therefore, the adopted classification is: 1. simple and meaningful in terms; and 2. based on measurable parameters, which is determined quickly and cheaply in the field. In order to satisfy these requirements, Bieniawski proposed his Geomechanics Classification, which should incorporate the following parameters: 1. Rock Quality Designation (RQD) 2. State of weathering, 3. Uniaxial compressive strength of intact rock, 4. Spacing of joints and beddings, 5. Strike and dip orientations, 6. Separation of joints, 7. Continuity of joints, and 8. Ground water inflow. 24 In the practical application of the original CSIR Geomechanics Classification, Bieniawski modified his classification system by eliminating the state of weathering as a separate parameter since its effect is accounted for by the uniaxial compressive strength, and by including the separation and continuity of joints in a new parameter, the condition of joints in a new parameter. In addition, the strike and dip orientations of joints were removed from the list of basic parameters had been considered. Therefore, Bieniawski has considered the five basic classification parameters. 1. Strength or intact rock material. 2. Rock Quality Designation. 3. Spacing of joints. 4. Condition of joints. 5. Ground water conditions. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------No (11) Discuss briefly the influence of clay seams and fault gouge on the rock mass strength. (10 marks) Answer: In classification of the rock mass quality, it is not enough to determine the physical condition of rock mass. Brekke and Howard point out the importance to qualify discontinuity infillings, which have a significant influence upon the engineering behavior of the rock mass containing these discontinuities. Although their list does not constitute a rock mass classification, it is include in this discussion because of the important engineering consequences, which can result from neglecting these facts when designing and excavation. Brekke and Howard’s comments on discontinuity infilling are as follows: 1. Joints, seams and sometimes ever-minor faults may be healed through precipitation from solution of quartz or calcite. In this instance, the discontinuity may be ‘welded’ together. Such discontinuities may, however, have broken up again, forming new surface. 2. Clean discontinuities, i.e., without fillings or coatings. Many of the rough joints or partings will have favorable character. Close to the surface, however, it is imperative not to confuse clean discontinuities with ‘empty’ discontinuities where filling material has been leached and washed away due to surface weathering. 25 3. Calcite fillings may, particularly when they are porous or flaky, dissolve during the lifetime of the underground opening. Their contribution to the strength of the rock mass will then, of course, disappear. This is a long-term stability (and sometimes fluid flow) problem, which can easily be overlooked during design and construction. Gypsum fillings may be having the same way. 4. Coating or filling of chlorite, talc and graphite give very slippery (i.e., low strength) joint, seams or faults, in particular when wet. 5. Inactive clay material in seams and faults naturally represents a very weak material that may squeeze or be washed out. 6. Swelling clay may cause serious problems through free swell and consequent loss of strength, or through considerable swelling pressure when confined. 7. Material that has been altered to a more cohesionless material (sand-like) may run or flow into the tunnel immediately following excavation. In contrast to the comment by Merritt that joints containing clay fillings may occur near the surface, Brekke and Selmerolsen report that clay fillings with a very low degree of consolidation have been encountered at considerable depth. Hence, the underground excavation designer can never afford to ignore the danger, which can arise as a result of the pressure of these features. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12.*** A vertical mine opening of 4.0 m diameter (final diameter) is to be connect from level 11 level 10 through the jointed rock mass as shown in following figure. The result of laboratory data and the following information are recorded as follow. (Min. 07028 Chapter I) Ground surface Level 10 2m 4m Z=300.0 30.0m Level 11 Given - Uniaxial compressive strength of intact rock = 30.50 MPa - Angle of internal friction of rock mass = 35 degree - Hoek and Brown strength parameter ‘s ‘ = 0.0025 - Unit weight of rock mass = 0.0265 MN/m3 - Swell factor = 1.1 - Radius of plastic zone = 4.0 m Calculate the required support pressure at the beginning point of level 11 Answer σ cj = sσ ci 2 = 0.0025 × (30.50) 2 = 1.525MPa σ v = γh = 0.0265 × 300 × 1.1 = 8.745MPa σ v > σ cj ∴Plastic condition 1 − sinφ = 0.25 1 − sinφ σ h = i(σ v − σ cj ) i= = 0.25(8.745 - 1.525) = 1.805 MPa σt= 2 σh =2 × 1.805 =3.61 MPa σt>σh (unstable condition) 1 2 σ rb = (σ t − σ cj )(1 − sin φ ) = 0.415 MPa j= 1 i a 2 Pi = σ rb ( ) j −1 = 0.415( ) 4−1 = 0.051MPa (Ans:) b 4 13.*** A shaft of 10 ft diameter is to be sunk from ground surface to the depth of 500 ft through the joint rock mass. As the results of laboratory testing and field testing, the following information was recorded.(20marks) Chapter I (8th Semester) - Uniaxial compressive of intact rock = 3500 psi - Friction angle of rock mass, degree = 30 - CSIR(RMR) rating = 72 - Unit weight of rock mass = 165 pcf Assume that the rock mass is homogenous and hydrostatic stress at which failure occur. Determine the depth at which failure will occur and the required support pressure at the deepest end when the clastic zone extends to 20 ft from the center of shaft. (Min. 07028 Chapter I) Answer RMR − 100 σ cj = σ ci exp( 18.75 72 − 100 = 5.459 psf = σ ci exp( 18.75 Assume the depth of the failure is equal hf σ v = γh f = 165 x hf For hydrostatic stress field σv = σh = 165 x hf σt = 2σh = 2 x165 x hf = 330 hf For equilibrium condition σt = σcj 330 hf = 5.459 hf = 0.0165 ft σv = γh =165 x 500 =8250 psf σv > σcj ( plastic condition) 1 − sinφ = 0.333 1 − sinφ σ h = i(σ v − σ cj ) = 27470.682 psf i= σt > σcj (unstable condition) σt= 2 σh =2 × 27470.682 =54941.364 psf 1 2 σ rb = (σ t − σ cj )(1 − sin φ ) = 13733.976 psf j= 1 =3 i 5 a Pi = σ rb ( ) j−1 = 13733.976( ) 3−1 = 858.3735psf (Ans:) 20 b 14.*** A circular tunnel of 15 ft diameter is to be excavated through a section of totally crushed rock (Assume as cohesionless ground). Tunnel will be driven at a depth of 300 ft overburden. The properties of rock mass around the tunnel are recorded as follow: (Min. 07028 Chapter I) Unit weight of rock mass = 150 pcf Friction angle = 37° Calculate the maximum and minimum support pressure when the clastic zone extends to 15 ft from the center of tunnel. (20 marks) Chapter I (8th Semester) Answer a = 7.5 ft b= 15.0 ft γ = 150 pcf φ = 37 degree σ v = γh = 150 x300 = 45000 psf i = 0.25 σh = i σv = 0.25 x 45000 = 11250 psf σth = 3σh - σv σtv = 3σv - σh = 3 x11250 – 45000 = 3 x 45000 – 11250 = - 11250 psf = 123750 psf 1 2 σ rbv = (σ tv − σ cj )(1 − sin φ ) = 24637. 695 psf 1 2 σ rbh = (σ th − σ cj )(1 − sin φ ) = 2239.790 psf For vertical support pressure Piv = PiAv + PiBv PiAv = σrb (a /b)j-1 = 3074.711 psf PiBv = 3 γa a (1 − ( ) j − 2 ) = 632.812 psf 2 j−2 b Piv = 3712.523 psf For horizontal support pressure PiAh = σrb (a /b)j-1= 279.973 psf PiBh = 0 Pih = 279.973 psf Maximum support pressure Piv = 3712.523 psf c = 0 (cohesion less) Minimum support pressure Pih = 279.973 psf 15.*** The cross of a non-working slope in a strip mining operation is shown in the following figure. The mechanical properties of upper layer are c= 15 KN/m2, φ =20° and γ =17 KN/m3. The lower layer has c = 25 KN/m2, φ =15° and γ =19 KN/m3. Assume that both materials are homogeneous and slope is located permanently above the water table. (Min. 07028Chapter II) 9m r =30 m 5 1.5 2 20 m 4 3 Upper layer 2 1 Answer For upper layer c = 15 KN/m2 φ =20° γ =17 KN/m2 φ =15° γ =19 KN/m2 For lower layer c = 25 KN/m2 Weight = Area x density Normal component, N = W cos α Tangential component, T = W sin α Lower layer 15m Slice Area m2 α(degree) Weight, (KN) W Normal Tangential component component N (KN) T (KN) 1 5.85 10 111.15 109.46 -19.30 2 59.85 10 1137.15 1119.87 197.46 3 134.60 29 2557.40 2236.75 1239.85 4 62.50 45 1062.50 751.30 751.30 5 25.00 64 425.00 186.31 381.98 ΣWT= 2591.24 for upper layer Σ N = 751.3 + 186.31 = 937.61 Σ N tan φ = 937.61 x tan 20° For lower layer Σ N =109.46 + 1119.87 + 2236.45 = 3466.08 Σ N tan φ = 3466.08 x tan 15° Σ N tan φ(total) = 937.61+3466.08 = 1269.99 KN crθ = 15 x 30 x 36/180 x π + 25 x 30 x 56/180 x π =1015.77 KN F= crθ + ∑ N tan φ ∑W T = 0.895 (Ans:) 16.*** The dimension of slope and the mechanical properties of each rock layer are shown in the following figure. 8.7m 90° r =30 m 3 4 Upper layer 2 1 30.2 m Upper layer 12.5m 20 m Lower layer Cohesion = 25.0 KN/m2 φ =29° γ =20.0 KN/m3. Lower layer Cohesion = 55.0 KN/m2 φ =20.5° γ =22.0 KN/m3 Assume that both materials are homogeneous and slope is permanently situated above the ground water table. Determine the factor of safety for the slip circle shown in above figure. (Note: Tension crack is allowed.) (Min. 07028 Chapter II) Answer For upper layer c = 25 KN/m2 φ =29° γ =20 KN/m2 φ =20.5° γ =22 KN/m2 For lower layer c = 55 KN/m2 Weight = Area x density Normal component, N = W cos α Tangential component, T = W sin α Slice Area m2 α(degree) Weight, (KN) W Normal Tangential component component N (KN) T (KN) 1 38.5 7 847.0 840.68 -103.22 2 101.10 13 2224.2 2167.19 500.33 3 122.5 35 2695.50 2208.02 1546.07 4 43.75 60 875.0 437.50 757.77 ΣWT= 2700.95 For upper layer Σ N = 437.50 Σ N tan φ = 437.50 x tan 20° for lower layer Σ N =840.68 + 2167.19 + 2208.02 = 5125.89 Σ N tan φ = 5125.89 x tan 15° Σ N tan φ(total) = 2192.65 KN crθ = 25 x 30 x 14/180 x π + 55 x 30 x 76/180 x π =2371.90 KN crθ + ∑ N tan φ F= ∑WT = 1.69 (Ans:) If tension crack is allowed: hc = 2c φ tan (45 + ) = 4.24 m γ 2 L = rθ′ 4.24 = rθ′ θ′ = 0.141 = 79.92°- 5°= 74.92° crθ = 25 x 30 x 5/180 x π + 55 x 30 x 76/180 x π =2357.09 KN crθ + ∑ N tan φ F= ∑WT = 1.64 (Ans:) &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
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