252 2 NOR T H P R OCT OR #1 T AC OM A W A 9 8406 INFO@ C AT AL YST SC HOOL .C OM 253-242-3224 First Year Sample Course Descriptions FOUNDATIONS FOR TRUE COMMUNITY Instructor: Chris Hippe This course is specifically designed for training in basic doctrine of church life and Christian living. A person will only be as strong, plumb, and resilient to outside pressures as the foundation is secure. The main objective of this course is to pour a deep, sound, secure foundation of the Word of God for each individual student to build upon. Through instruction and practical application, students will be more prepared to advance the kingdom of God within their given sphere of influence and stand in the face of false doctrine and persecution. AN INTRODUCTION TO SUPERNATURAL LIFE Instructor: Adam Narciso This course is an examination of the life of Jesus as a blue print for supernatural living. Without question, the life and ministry of Jesus was profoundly marked by the anointing of the Holy Spirit in agape love, uncompromising truth and raw miracle power. This course is designed to equip the student with scriptural truths surrounding Jesus' ministry as summarized in Luke 4:1819; the same mission He extended to the Church in John 17:18, thereby providing an on-ramp to carrying out the very mission Christ gave the Church. Required Texts: • Surprised by the Power of the Holy Spirit, by Jack Deere GENERATIONAL DISCIPLESHIP: REPRODUCING REPRODUCERS Instructor: Scotty Kessler This course is designed to help students overcome a fearful or disqualified mentality as it relates to discipleship. Anyone passionately following Christ is qualified to disciple, and this course will provide practical steps for how to do it. Students will cover topics such as the importance of generational discipleship, the cost of true discipleship, obedience and humility. Students who take this course will be well-equipped to genuinely and strategically develop healthy discipleship relationships. 252 2 NOR T H P R OCT OR #1 T AC OM A W A 9 8406 INFO@ C AT AL YST SC HOOL .C OM 253-242-3224 FOUNDATIONS OF A BIBLICAL WORLDVIEW Instructor: Julie Walton This course will equip students to view the world through a Biblical lens and apply that view to current social and world issues. Students will learn that a Biblical worldview extends beyond personal experience to an understanding that Christianity is not merely another religion but the fundamental reality of the world we live in. Participating in this course will better prepare students to engage in sincere and logical conversation with those opposed to Christianity and disciple the lost and broken with the love and wisdom of Christ. Required Texts: • How Shall We Now Live, by Chuck Colson CULTURE OF HONOR Instructor: Ryan Kee As we live in the body of Christ it is essential to know how to live in a sustainable culture of honor that creates a landing pad for the Holy Spirit to operate in power. A primary scheme of the enemy in the church from the beginning has been that of division. He uses what God has implanted in us against one another, our callings and gifting. The ability to exalt, prefer and celebrate each other in the body of Christ creates a space where the Holy Spirit feels welcome. This course will focus on the Biblical understanding of honor, its definition, difference from encouragement, etc. Students will gain a prophetic perspective of people, learning to see them as God sees them and not as they are now. Students will learn the value of living in peace and unity in the body. Required Texts: • Culture of Honor, by Danny Silk BRIDAL PARADIGM OF RELATIONSHIP WITH JESUS Instructor: Gary Wiens This course will give an overview of Scriptural evidence that intimacy with Jesus is the basis of all Christian life and ministry. Many believers approach their lives under the pressure of performance for approval, with the experience of God's love as a goal. We must realize that living in the love of Jesus is not the goal of, but rather the root system of all life and ministry. In this course students will establish a paradigm and expectation for ongoing intimacy with Jesus in all stages of life. Students will gain experiential knowledge of God's love, rooted in the truth of the Scripture, and in the personal experience of the touch of the Holy Spirit. Required Texts: • Bridal Intercession: Authority in Prayer through Intimacy with Jesus, by Gary Wiens • Come to Papa: Encountering the Father that Jesus Knew, by Gary Wiens 252 2 NOR T H P R OCT OR #1 T AC OM A W A 9 8406 INFO@ C AT AL YST SC HOOL .C OM 253-242-3224 NEW TESTAMENT SURVEY Instructor: Ryan Buskirk This course is a general survey of the complete New Testament. It is designed to provide students with fresh, informed approach and application in studying the New Testament. This course would orient students to the literature of the NT in its various literary, historical and theological contexts and to NT interpretation in service of Christian practice. Students will explore the literature, history, and theology of this course to gain a greater understanding of the truth of God’s word that will further motivate them to a life of faithful devotion to Christ. Required Texts: • New Testament THEOLOGY 1 Instructor: Chris Hippe This course is designed to introduce the student to a beginning understanding of theology, Bibliology, and basic doctrinal matters that will pour the foundation of understanding systematic theology. In this course students will encounter the Holy Spirit through the power of His Word by means of instruction and class participation. Students will come out with greater conviction, passion, and love for the Lord and His plans. Students will gain a theological framework and greater Biblical worldview that will permanently fashion their hearts to receive more of the Lord. Required Texts: • Bible • Who Needs Theology? An Invitation to the Study of God, by S. Grenz & R. Olson • Systematic Theology, by W. Grudem THE PSALMS: FAITH EXERCISED IN PRAYER AND PRAISE Instructor: Casey Mock This course is designed to give students tools to cultivate an active life of faith built on the foundation of Scripture. Students will learn to use the Psalms as a model for worship, prayer, writing, and studying aspects of the character of God. Each student will be given the opportunity to dive into the river of relationship with God that is found in a deep understanding of His word. As a result of this study, students will be prepared to practice communication with God as a lifestyle through prayer and praise. The faith of each individual will be challenged as they study the prayers and praises found in this book. 252 2 NOR T H P R OCT OR #1 T AC OM A W A 9 8406 INFO@ C AT AL YST SC HOOL .C OM 253-242-3224 BIBLICAL INTERPRETATION Instructor: Ryan Buskirk This course will serve as a guide to interpreting the Bible and provide tools for a life of wisdom and revelation from the Scriptures. In this course students will learn the basic tools and ability to read the Bible, understand what it is saying, and that applying it to life are foundational skills for a life that is both deep in the Spirit and Word. Students will gain an understanding of the types of literature represented in the Bible and the rules for interpreting and applying the scriptures to their lives. This course will combine knowledge with practical skills of looking at different passages and in a hands on way, interpreting them for the sharing with others. Required Texts: • NIV Study Bible • A Basic Guide to Interpreting the Bible; Playing by the Rules, by Robert H. Stein CHRIST IN THE OLD TESTAMENT Instructor: Carrie Jones “Did not our hearts burn within us while He talked to us on the road, while He opened the Scriptures to us?” (Luke 24:32) This was the impassioned response of the disciples on the road to Emmaus after the resurrected Christ interpreted to them in all the Old Testament Scriptures the things concerning Himself. Such is also the case today when the Holy Spirit illuminates the heart to see Christ revealed throughout the Old Testament Scriptures. This course will guide students on a journey through the Law, Prophets, and the Writings to see how the whole of them speak to Jesus. Highlighting the plan of salvation, various Christophanies, advent prophecies, and the eternal nature of God, the student will grow in knowledge and enthusiasm for the Bible Jesus read. POWER EVANGELISM Instructor: Adam Narciso A practical guide to full-gospel ministry crafted to activate students in preaching the good news with the demonstration of the Spirit’s power. Established on the premise that the gospel is the good news of God’s reign in Christ, this course demystifies God’s story and God’s power, enabling the student to introduce others to the One who saves, heals, delivers, and knows all things. Doctrinally aligned and empirically tested, this course helps the greatness of the gospel to take root in the heart of the student, producing a burning gospel messenger and empowered witness of Christ. 252 2 NOR T H P R OCT OR #1 T AC OM A W A 9 8406 INFO@ C AT AL YST SC HOOL .C OM 253-242-3224 THE KINGDOM OF GOD Instructor: Adam Narciso The Kingdom is one of the most foundational biblical concepts. Though often neglected or misunderstood in contemporary teaching, the kingdom was a main tenant of Jesus' ministry and the heartbeat of apostolic Christianity. This course takes the student on a journey of discovery in the scriptures in a most glorious topic, examining its paradoxes; it's parables as well as its power. Highlighting the present, yet future reality of the kingdom, this course also introduces the topic of Christ's return and how living in light of that prophetic reality enables authentic kingdom life today. Required Texts: • The Gospel of the Kingdom, by George Eldon Ladd THEOLOGY 2 Instructor: Chris Hippe THE PROPHETIC CALL Instructor: Adam Narciso “For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.” (Revelation 19:10) The essence (spirit) of true prophecy is inseparably linked with the revelation of Jesus, as He is. In a time in which God is working to cultivate a prophetic voice in His church that will accurately reveal His Son, it is imperative for the church to come into understanding concerning the prophetic call as well as some of the ways of God in preparing prophetic messengers. Highlighting the Biblical accounts of Joseph, Daniel, and John the Baptist, this course gives light to dynamic realities of God’s work in His church in this generation, the understanding of which uniquely prepares the student to both embrace the dealings of God in their lives and, as a result, fulfill their destiny.
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