Largest eigenvalues of the sample covariance matrix for p-variate time series with heavy-tails Richard A. Davis, Columbia University Thomas Mikosch, University of Copenhagen Oliver Pfaffel, Munich Re September 8–11, 2013 EVT2013 Extremes in Vimeiro Today In Honour of Maria Ivette Gomes Vimeiro, Portugal Davis (Columbia University) Extremes in Vimeiro Today September 8–11, 2013 1 Motivation Large dimensional data sets appear in many quantitative fields like finance, environmental sciences, wireless communications, fMRI, and genetics. Structure in this data can often be analyzed via sample covariances. PCA is used to transform data to a new set of variables, the principal components, ordered s.t. the first few retain most of the variation of the data. This suggests the need for an eigenvalue decomposition of the sample covariance matrix. Davis (Columbia University) Extremes in Vimeiro Today September 8–11, 2013 2 Game Plan The Setup Background Main result for linear time series with linear dependence between rows Corollaries and applications Elements of the proof I Elements of the proof II Extensions to more general linear structure Random coefficient models and hidden Markov models Extension to nonlinear models–stochastic volatility and GARCH(1,1) Davis (Columbia University) Extremes in Vimeiro Today September 8–11, 2013 3 The Setup Data matrix: A p × n matrix X consisting of n observations of a p-dimensional time series, i.e., X11 X12 · · · X 21 X22 · · · X = . .. .. .. . . Xp1 Xp2 · · · X1n X2n .. . Xpn . Sample covariance matrix: the p × p sample covariance matrix (normalized) is given by n p X ˆ XX = nΓ(0) = Xit Xjt T t =1 . i ,j =1 Objective: study the ordered eigenvalues λ(1) ≥ λ(2) ≥ . . . ≥ λ(p ) of the p × p sample covariance matrix XX T . Davis (Columbia University) Extremes in Vimeiro Today September 8–11, 2013 4 The Setup-continued Data matrix and sample covariance matrix: X11 X12 · · · X 21 X22 · · · X = . .. .. .. . . Xp1 Xp2 · · · X1n X2n .. . Xpn ˆ 0) and XX T = nΓ( Note that if the rows are independent and identically distributed ergodic time series (with mean 0 and variance 1), then for p fixed, P ˆ 0) → Γ( Ip . Relation to PCA: λ(1) is the empirical variance of the first principal component, λ(2) of the second, and so on. Davis (Columbia University) Extremes in Vimeiro Today September 8–11, 2013 5 Known results for the largest eigenvalue Assume the entries of X are iid Gaussian (with mean zero and variance one) For n → ∞ and fixed p, Anderson [1963] proved that r n λ(1) d − 1 → N(0, 1) . 2 n ! Johnstone [2001] showed that for p , n → ∞ s.t. p /n → γ ∈ (0, ∞) √ n+ q 3 √1 n √ + Davis (Columbia University) λ(1) d √ − 1 → Tracy-Widom distribution 2 √ n+ p p √1 p Extremes in Vimeiro Today September 8–11, 2013 6 Our objective The assumption of Gaussianity in Johnstone’s result can be relaxed to a moment condition (c.f. Four Moment Theorem by Tao and ¨ Johansson, Pech ´ e, ´ Schlein, Vu [2011]; and work by Erdos, Soshnikov, Yau and others). BUT: in applications one often has neither independent observations, nor Gaussianity or even the existence of sufficient moments. This lead us to consider heavy-tailed random matrices with dependent entries. Davis (Columbia University) Extremes in Vimeiro Today September 8–11, 2013 7 Setting for our results Suppose X = (Xit )i ,t , i = 1, . . . , p, t = 1, . . . , n, with Xit = ∞ X ∞ X cj θk Zi −k ,t −j . j =0 k =0 The noise (Zi ,t ) is iid with regularly varying tails of index α ∈ (0, 4) (infinite fourth moment), i.e., n P (|Z11 | > an x ) → x −α as n → ∞, for x > 0, (an = L (n)n1/α ) and lim x →∞ P (Z11 > x ) = p+ P (|Z11 | > x ) and lim x →∞ P (Z11 ≤ −x ) = 1 − p+ P (|Z11 | > x ) |cj |δ < ∞, 0 k =0 |θk | < ∞ for some δ < min{1, α} and δ < min{1, α/2} . Summability assumptions on the coefficients: P∞ δ0 Davis (Columbia University) Extremes in Vimeiro Today P∞ j =0 September 8–11, 2013 8 Setting for our results (cont) Let λ1 , . . . , λp be the eigenvalues of if α ∈ (0, 2), XX T , T T XX − E (XX ), if α ∈ (2, 4). Let (Ds ) be the iid sequence given by (n) Ds = Ds = n X ∞ X cl2 Zs2,t −l . t =1 l =0 Note: 1 The Ds play a key role in determining the asymptotic properties of the ordered eigenvalues λ(1) ≥ · · · ≥ λ(p ) . 2 Ds is the partial sum of a linear process noise is regularly varying with index α/2. P∞ Davis (Columbia University) Extremes in Vimeiro Today 2 l =0 cl Zs ,t −l , t ∈ Z, whose September 8–11, 2013 9 Theorem (First main result) Let p = pn → ∞ be a sequence satisfying certain growth conditions (to be specified later) and suppose k = kp → ∞ is any sequence such that P 2 k 2 = o (p ). Set Θ = ∞ i =0 θi . 1 If α ∈ (0, 2), then −2 anp 2 P max λ(i ) − D(i ) Θ ∨ max λ(i ) → 0 , i =1,...,k n → ∞. k +1≤i ≤p If α ∈ (2, 4), then P −2 anp max e λ(i ) − (D`i − ED ) Θ ∨ max |λ(i ) | → 0 , i =1,...,k k +1≤i ≤p n → ∞. ˜(1) , . . . , λ ˜(p ) are the ordered eigenvalues (λi ) according to their Note: 1) λ absolute values. 2) The `i ’s are defined via ˜ `1 ≥ · · · ≥ D ˜ `p , D Davis (Columbia University) ˜ s = |Ds − ED | . where D Extremes in Vimeiro Today September 8–11, 2013 10 Corollaries and applications Theorem (Point process convergence) Under the conditions of the previous theorem, we have the point process convergence, Np := p X d anp −2 λ → N = i ∞ X C ΘΓ−2/α , i =1 i =1 i where Γi = E1 + . . . + Ei is the cumulative sum of iid standard (i.e., mean one) exponentially distributed rv’s, C= ∞ X cj2 and Θ = j =0 ∞ X θk2 . k =0 (N is a Poisson process with E (N (dx )) = (C Θ)α/2 α/2x −α/2−1 dx.) Davis (Columbia University) Extremes in Vimeiro Today September 8–11, 2013 11 The largest eigenvalues The theorem implies the joint convergence of the m-largest eigenvalues d −2 λ(1) , . . . , λ(m) → C Θ Γ−1 2/α , . . . , Γ−m2/α . anp (1) For independent entries this was shown by Soshnikov [2006] for ´ e´ [2009] for 2 ≤ α < 4. α < 2, and by Auffinger, Ben Arous and Pech Davis (Columbia University) Extremes in Vimeiro Today September 8–11, 2013 12 The largest eigenvalues The theorem implies the joint convergence of the m-largest eigenvalues d −2 λ(1) , . . . , λ(m) → C Θ Γ−1 2/α , . . . , Γ−m2/α . anp (1) For independent entries this was shown by Soshnikov [2006] for ´ e´ [2009] for 2 ≤ α < 4. α < 2, and by Auffinger, Ben Arous and Pech d 2 (λ(1) /(anp C Θ))−α/2 → Γ1 Davis (Columbia University) Extremes in Vimeiro Today September 8–11, 2013 12 The largest eigenvalues The theorem implies the joint convergence of the m-largest eigenvalues d −2 λ(1) , . . . , λ(m) → C Θ Γ−1 2/α , . . . , Γ−m2/α . anp (1) For independent entries this was shown by Soshnikov [2006] for ´ e´ [2009] for 2 ≤ α < 4. α < 2, and by Auffinger, Ben Arous and Pech d 2 (λ(1) /(anp C Θ))−α/2 → Γ1 By the continuous mapping theorem, λ(1) d λ(1) + · · · + λ(m) Davis (Columbia University) → Γ−1 2/α Γ−1 2/α + · · · + Γ−m2/α Extremes in Vimeiro Today , n → ∞. September 8–11, 2013 12 The largest eigenvalues The theorem implies the joint convergence of the m-largest eigenvalues d −2 λ(1) , . . . , λ(m) → C Θ Γ−1 2/α , . . . , Γ−m2/α . anp (1) For independent entries this was shown by Soshnikov [2006] for ´ e´ [2009] for 2 ≤ α < 4. α < 2, and by Auffinger, Ben Arous and Pech d 2 (λ(1) /(anp C Θ))−α/2 → Γ1 By the continuous mapping theorem, λ(1) d λ(1) + · · · + λ(m) → Γ−1 2/α Γ−1 2/α + · · · + Γ−m2/α , n → ∞. In fact, we have more!! Davis (Columbia University) Extremes in Vimeiro Today September 8–11, 2013 12 Corollaries and applications Under the conditions of the theorem, the following limit results hold. 1 If α ∈ (0, 2), then Γ−2/α d → P∞ 1 −2/α , λ1 + · · · + λp i =1 Γi λ(1) n → ∞, where the limit is independent of (θk ) and (cl ). 2 If α ∈ (2, 4) then λ(1) d λ1 + · · · + λp → Γ−1 2/α , ξα/2 n → ∞, and the limit is independent of (θk ) and (cl ). The LHS is the proportion of the sample variance explained by the variance of the largest principal component. Davis (Columbia University) Extremes in Vimeiro Today September 8–11, 2013 13 Application–consistency For α ∈ (2, 4), d −2 anp λ(1) → C ΘΓ−1 2/α , where λ(1) is the largest eigenvalue of Xn XnT − E (Xn XnT ). Now λ(1) /n is the largest eigenvalue of n−1 Xn XnT − Γn (0), where Γn (0) = [E (Xit Xjt )]pi,j =1 , Since n−1 Xn XnT − Γn (0) → 0 element-wise, one might expect consistency of the eigenvalues, i.e., λ(1) /n → 0 . −2 → 0 or when p = o (n (α−2)/2 ) . But this is true if and only if nanp Davis (Columbia University) Extremes in Vimeiro Today September 8–11, 2013 14 QQ−Plot via ratios of partial sums of the largest eigenvalue Normalized partial sum of the transf. largest ev 1 0.9 Xt ∼ Pareto(α = 1.3) iid 0.8 0.7 n=p=1000 Number of replications: 200 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 i/100 Davis (Columbia University) Extremes in Vimeiro Today September 8–11, 2013 15 QQ−Plot via ratios of partial sums of the largest eigenvalue Normalized partial sum of the transf. largest ev 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 Xt + 0.7Xt−1 = Zt Zt ∼ Pareto(α = 1.3) iid n=p=1000 Number of replications: 200 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 i/100 Davis (Columbia University) Extremes in Vimeiro Today September 8–11, 2013 16 Growth conditions on pn Typical entry in XX T involves sums of terms involving squares Zs2 and cross-products Zs1 Zs2 with s1 , s2 . Davis (Columbia University) Extremes in Vimeiro Today September 8–11, 2013 17 Growth conditions on pn Typical entry in XX T involves sums of terms involving squares Zs2 and cross-products Zs1 Zs2 with s1 , s2 . From Embrechts and Goldie (1980), P (|Z1 | > x ) = L1 (x )x −α and P (|Z1 Z2 | > x ) = L2 (x )x −α where L1 and L2 are SV functions. Davis (Columbia University) Extremes in Vimeiro Today September 8–11, 2013 17 Growth conditions on pn Typical entry in XX T involves sums of terms involving squares Zs2 and cross-products Zs1 Zs2 with s1 , s2 . From Embrechts and Goldie (1980), P (|Z1 | > x ) = L1 (x )x −α and P (|Z1 Z2 | > x ) = L2 (x )x −α where L1 and L2 are SV functions. Precise conditions on pn rely on the asymptotic relationship between L1 and L2 . Davis (Columbia University) Extremes in Vimeiro Today September 8–11, 2013 17 Growth conditions on pn Typical entry in XX T involves sums of terms involving squares Zs2 and cross-products Zs1 Zs2 with s1 , s2 . From Embrechts and Goldie (1980), P (|Z1 | > x ) = L1 (x )x −α and P (|Z1 Z2 | > x ) = L2 (x )x −α where L1 and L2 are SV functions. Precise conditions on pn rely on the asymptotic relationship between L1 and L2 . General conditions: 2 For α ∈ (0, 1), lim supn→∞ p [n p P (|Z1 Z2 | > anp )] = 0 . For α ∈ (1, 2), there exists γ ∈ (α, 2) but arbitrarily close to α such 2 that lim supn→∞ p γ [n p P (|Z1 Z2 | > anp )] = 0 . For α ∈ (2, 4), there exists γ ∈ (α, 4) arbitrarily close to α such that 2 lim supn→∞ nγ/2−1 p γ [n p P (|Z1 Z2 | > anp )] = ∞ . Davis (Columbia University) Extremes in Vimeiro Today September 8–11, 2013 17 Growth conditions on pn Case P (Z1 > x ) ∼ cx −α : Here L2 (x ) = C log(x ). For α ∈ (0, 2), pn = O (nβ ) , for any β > 0 . Can allow for a touch faster growth rate (pn = O (exp{cn }), where cn2 /n → 0 in the α ∈ (0, 1) case. For α ∈ (2, 4), pn = O (nβ ) , β ∈ (0, (4 − α)/[2(α − 1)]) . This excludes the case pn ∼ cn. Davis (Columbia University) Extremes in Vimeiro Today September 8–11, 2013 18 Elements of the proof I: Special case: Xi ,t = θ0 Zi ,t + θ1 Zi −1,t n X Xit2 = t =1 n X Xit Xi +1,t t =1 n X θ02 Zi2,t + θ12 Zi2−1,t +2θ0 θ1 Zi ,t Zi −1,t | {z } | {z } t =1 t =1 tail index α tail index α/2 = and n X θ02 Di = θ0 θ1 + θ12 Di −1 n X + 2 nop (anp ) 2 Zi2,t + nop (anp ) t =1 2 = θ0 θ1 Di + nop (anp ) Davis (Columbia University) Extremes in Vimeiro Today September 8–11, 2013 19 Elements of the proof I: Special case: Xi ,t = θ0 Zi ,t + θ1 Zi −1,t n X Xit2 = t =1 n X n X θ02 Zi2,t + θ12 Zi2−1,t +2θ0 θ1 Zi ,t Zi −1,t | {z } | {z } t =1 t =1 tail index α tail index α/2 = and n X Xit Xi +1,t θ02 Di = θ0 θ1 + θ12 Di −1 n X + 2 nop (anp ) 2 Zi2,t + nop (anp ) t =1 t =1 2 = θ0 θ1 Di + nop (anp ) XTi Xi XTi+1 Xi XTi+1 Xi XTi+1 Xi +1 θ02 θ0 θ1 θ0 θ1 θ12 ! ! ≈ + Davis (Columbia University) 0 0 0 θ02 ! Di + θ12 0 0 0 ! Di −1 Di +1 Extremes in Vimeiro Today September 8–11, 2013 19 The covariance matrix can be approximated by T XX = p X 2 Di Mi + op (anp ), i =1 where Mi is the p × p matrix consisting of all zeros except for a 2 × 2 matrix, θ02 θ0 θ1 θ0 θ1 θ12 M= ! , whose NW corner is pinned to the i th position on the diagonal. For example, 2 θ0 θ0 θ1 0 · · · 2 θ0 θ1 θ1 0 · · · 0 0 0 ··· M1 = . .. .. . . .. . . . 0 Davis (Columbia University) 0 0 0 .. . 0 0 0 0 M2 = Extremes in Vimeiro Today 0 0 0 θ02 0 θ0 θ1 0 .. . .. . θ0 θ1 θ12 .. . 0 0 0 .. . ··· ··· ··· .. . 0 0 0 0 0 September 8–11, 2013 20 Denote the order statistics of the Di ’s by D(1) ≥ D(2) ≥ · · · ≥ D(p ) and write DLi = D(i ) . Then, XX T = Pp i =1 2 DLi MLi + op (anp ) in the sense that −2 anp kXX T − p X P DLi MLi k2 → 0 , i =1 where q kA k2 = Davis (Columbia University) largest eigenvalue of AA T (operator 2-norm). Extremes in Vimeiro Today September 8–11, 2013 21 Elements of the proof II For k → ∞ sufficiently slow, k X P −2 XX T − DLi MLi → 0 . anp i =1 2 Since the Ds are iid, (L1 , . . . , Lp ) is a random permutation of (1, . . . , p ) and hence the set Ak = {|Li − Li −1 | > 1, i = 1, . . . , k } has probability converging to 1 provided k 2 = o (p ). Davis (Columbia University) Extremes in Vimeiro Today September 8–11, 2013 22 Elements of the proof II For k → ∞ sufficiently slow, k X P −2 XX T − DLi MLi → 0 . anp i =1 2 Since the Ds are iid, (L1 , . . . , Lp ) is a random permutation of (1, . . . , p ) and hence the set Ak = {|Li − Li −1 | > 1, i = 1, . . . , k } has probability converging to 1 provided k 2 = o (p ). On the set Ak , the matrix ki=1 DLi MLi is block diagonal with nonzero eigenvalues DLi Θ, i = 1, . . . , k . Here we used the fact that MLi is a rank 1 matrix with nonzero ev equal to Θ = θ02 + θ12 . P Davis (Columbia University) Extremes in Vimeiro Today September 8–11, 2013 22 Elements of the proof II For k → ∞ sufficiently slow, k X P −2 XX T − DLi MLi → 0 . anp i =1 2 Since the Ds are iid, (L1 , . . . , Lp ) is a random permutation of (1, . . . , p ) and hence the set Ak = {|Li − Li −1 | > 1, i = 1, . . . , k } has probability converging to 1 provided k 2 = o (p ). On the set Ak , the matrix ki=1 DLi MLi is block diagonal with nonzero eigenvalues DLi Θ, i = 1, . . . , k . Here we used the fact that MLi is a rank 1 matrix with nonzero ev equal to Θ = θ02 + θ12 . P By Weyl’s inequality k X P −2 −2 XX T − anp max |λ(i ) − DLi Θ| ≤ anp DLi MLi → 0 . i =1,...,k i =1 2 Davis (Columbia University) Extremes in Vimeiro Today September 8–11, 2013 22 Elements of the proof II (cont) (n) Large deviations: Ds = P∞ Pn t =1 2 2 l =0 cl Zs ,t −l . ∞ P (D > x ) X 1 α | c | − sup j → 0, 2 x >bn nP (Z > x ) 1 j =0 where bn /an2 → ∞. Classical EVT plus large deviations implies: p X i =1 Davis (Columbia University) anp −2 λ ∼ i p X d anp −2 Θ D → N = i i =1 Extremes in Vimeiro Today ∞ X i =1 ΘC Γ−2/α . i September 8–11, 2013 23 Elements of the proof II Important tool: kA k2 = 2-norm). p largest eigenvalue of AA T (operator Define D ∈ Rp ×p by Dii = (XX T )ii and Dij = 0 for i , j. Then P −2 anp XX T − D 2 → 0 as p , n → ∞. By Weyl’s inequality n X T P −2 2 −2 2 → 0 as p , n → ∞ anp λ − max X ≤ a XX − D ( 1 ) np it 1 ≤i ≤p t =1 and likewise for λ(2) , λ(3) , . . . Hence, we “only” have to derive the extremal behavior of the diagonal P elements ( nt=1 Xit2 )i of XX T . Davis (Columbia University) Extremes in Vimeiro Today September 8–11, 2013 24 QQ−Plot via ratios of partial sums of the largest eigenvalue Normalized partial sum of the transf. largest ev 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 Xit = Zit + θi Zi,t−1 Zit ∼ Pareto(α = 1.3) iid θi = 0.8θi−1 + ξi ξi ∼ Uniform(−1, 1) iid n=p=1000 Number of replications: 200 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 i/100 Davis (Columbia University) Extremes in Vimeiro Today September 8–11, 2013 25 Extensions to more general linear structure Preview example: Xi ,t Davis (Columbia University) = Zi ,t − Zi ,t −1 − 2Zi −1,t + 2Zi −1,t −1 Extremes in Vimeiro Today September 8–11, 2013 26 Extensions to more general linear structure Preview example: Xi ,t = Zi ,t − Zi ,t −1 − 2Zi −1,t + 2Zi −1,t −1 Then, Np := p X i =1 Davis (Columbia University) d anp −2 λ → N = i ∞ X 8Γ−2/α + 2Γ−2/α . i =1 Extremes in Vimeiro Today i i September 8–11, 2013 26 Extensions to more general linear structure Preview example: = Zi ,t − Zi ,t −1 − 2Zi −1,t + 2Zi −1,t −1 Xi ,t Then, Np := p X i =1 d anp −2 λ → N = i ∞ X 8Γ−2/α + 2Γ−2/α . i =1 i i Results: d −2/α −2 λ anp (1) → 8Γ1 Davis (Columbia University) Extremes in Vimeiro Today September 8–11, 2013 26 Extensions to more general linear structure Preview example: = Zi ,t − Zi ,t −1 − 2Zi −1,t + 2Zi −1,t −1 Xi ,t Then, Np := p X i =1 d anp −2 λ → N = i ∞ X 8Γ−2/α + 2Γ−2/α . i =1 i i Results: d −2/α −2 λ anp (1) → 8Γ1 d −2 (λ , λ ) → (8Γ−2/α , 2Γ−2/α ∨ 8Γ−2/α ) anp (1) (2) 1 1 2 Davis (Columbia University) Extremes in Vimeiro Today September 8–11, 2013 26 Extensions to more general linear structure Preview example: = Zi ,t − Zi ,t −1 − 2Zi −1,t + 2Zi −1,t −1 Xi ,t Then, Np := p X d anp −2 λ → N = i i =1 ∞ X 8Γ−2/α + 2Γ−2/α . i i =1 i Results: d −2/α −2 λ anp (1) → 8Γ1 d −2 (λ , λ ) → (8Γ−2/α , 2Γ−2/α ∨ 8Γ−2/α ) anp (1) (2) 1 1 2 λ(1) λ1 + · · · + λp Davis (Columbia University) d → −2/α Γ1 8 , P ∞ 10 Γ−2/α i =1 n → ∞. i Extremes in Vimeiro Today September 8–11, 2013 26 Extensions to more general linear structure Suppose X = (Xit )i ,t , i = 1, . . . , p, t = 1, . . . , n, with Xit = m ∞ X X h (k , l )Zi −k ,t −l , j =0 k =0 Summability assumptions on the coefficients: m X |h (k , l )|δ < ∞ for some δ < min{1, α} k =0 and ∞ X ∞ X ( |h (k , l )|)α/2 < ∞, for k = 0, . . . , m. t =0 l =t Davis (Columbia University) Extremes in Vimeiro Today September 8–11, 2013 27 Extensions to more general linear structure Set hi = (hi0 , hi1 , . . .)0 and define the matrix H = (h0 , . . . , hm ). Let M = H0H . i.e., the (i , j )th entry of M is Mij = h0i hj = ∞ X hil hjl , i , j = 0, . . . , m . l =0 By construction, M is symmetric and non-negative definite and has ordered eigenvalues vm ≤ · · · ≤ v1 . Let r be the rank of M so that vr > 0 while vr +1 = 0 if r < m. This matrix plays the role of the M matrix in previous example. Davis (Columbia University) Extremes in Vimeiro Today September 8–11, 2013 28 Extensions to more general linear structure For previous numerical example, 1 −1 0 0 · · · −2 2 0 0 · · · T H = so that T M=H H= 2 0 0 8 ! ! which has eigenvalues 2 and 8. Theorem (Second main result) Np := p X i =1 Davis (Columbia University) d anp −2 λ → N = i r X ∞ X j =1 i =1 Extremes in Vimeiro Today vj Γ−2/α . i September 8–11, 2013 29 Random coefficient models–dependence between rows X = (Xit ) with ∞ X Xit = cj (θi )Zi ,t −j j =−∞ where cj (·) is a family of functions s.t. supθ |cj (θ)| ≤ c˜j with ∞ X |c˜j |δ < ∞, δ < min{1, α}, and j =−∞ (θi ) is a stationary ergodic sequence independent of (Zit )i ,t . Conditionally on (θi ), each process (Xit )t in the rows of X has a different set of coefficients (cj (θi ))j . Unconditionally, the row processes are identically distributed with regularly varying tail probabilities. Rows of X are dependent if the θi ’s are dependent. Davis (Columbia University) Extremes in Vimeiro Today September 8–11, 2013 30 Random coefficient models Theorem (Random coefficient models) Suppose pn , n → ∞ such that lim sup n→∞ pn <∞ nβ for some β > 0 satisfying 1 2 β < ∞ if α ∈ (0, 1], and n o −α 1 β < max 2α− , 1 2 if α ∈ (1, 2). Then, conditionally on (θi ) as well as unconditionally, p X d →N= anp −2 λ (i ) i =1 Davis (Columbia University) ∞ X i =1 P α/2 2/α 2 Γi−2/α E ∞ j =−∞ cj (θ1 ) Extremes in Vimeiro Today . September 8–11, 2013 31 The largest eigenvalue In particular we have α/2 −1 ∞ λ(1) −α/2 d X 2 cj (θ1 ) Γ1 → E 2 anp j =−∞ = constant × standard exponential as p , n → ∞ Also a good approximation for finite p and n? Davis (Columbia University) Extremes in Vimeiro Today September 8–11, 2013 32 Hidden Markov models Suppose that (θi ) is either an irreducible Markov chain on a countable state space Θ, or positive Harris in the sense of Meyn and Tweedie [2009]. If (θi ) has a stationary probability distribution π then, conditionally on (θi ) as well as unconditionally, p X i =1 Davis (Columbia University) d anp →N= −2 λ (i ) ∞ X i =1 Γ−i 2/α 2/α R P | j cj2 (θ)|α/2 π(d θ) Extremes in Vimeiro Today . September 8–11, 2013 33 Stochastic volatility models—special case Suppose the rows are independent copies of the SV process given by Xt = σt Zt where (Zt ) is iid RV(α) and (ln σ2t ) is a purely nondeterministic stationary Gaussian process (this can be weakened), independent of (Zt ). Theorem Suppose pn , n → ∞ such that lim sup n→∞ pn < ∞ , for some β > 0 satisfying nβ 1 β < ∞ if α ∈ (0, 1), and 2 β< 2−α α−1 if α ∈ (1, 2). Then, we have the point process convergence, Np := p X d anp →N= −2 λ (i ) i =1 Davis (Columbia University) ∞ X i =1 Extremes in Vimeiro Today Γ−2/α . i September 8–11, 2013 34 Stochastic volatility models—special case Point process convergence: Np := p X d anp →N= −2 λ (i ) ∞ X Γ−2/α . i =1 i =1 i Remarks: Proof uses a large deviation result of Davis and Hsing (1995); see also Mikosch and Wintenberger (2012). Likely that we can weaken the restriction on β Similar results hold for GARCH processes if Xt is RV(α) with α ∈ (0, 2). Davis (Columbia University) Extremes in Vimeiro Today September 8–11, 2013 35 References Richard A. Davis, Oliver Pfaffel and Robert Stelzer Limit Theory for the largest eigenvalues of sample covariance matrices with heavy-tails. Stoch. Proc. Appl. 24, 2014, 18–50. Ian M. Johnstone On the Distribution of the Largest Eigenvalue in Principal Components Analysis. Ann. Statist., 2001, 29, 295-327. Alexander Soshnikov Poisson Statistics for the Largest Eigenvalues in Random Matrix Ensembles. Lect. Notes in Phys., 2006, 690, 351-364. ´ ´ e´ Antonio Auffinger, Gerard Ben Arous, and Sandrine Pech Poisson convergence for the largest eigenvalues of heavy tailed random matrices. Ann. Inst. H. Poincare´ Probab. Statist., 2009, 45, 589-610. Davis (Columbia University) Extremes in Vimeiro Today September 8–11, 2013 36 Happy Birthday and Best Wishes Ivette!!! Davis (Columbia University) Extremes in Vimeiro Today September 8–11, 2013 37
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