?TOK?ms-- 0 TTTTC Luncheon Diners Today, Soprano, & Jeffrey's Orchestra rth-Floor,W- THE MEIER Hear Lola Ridgeway, All Latest Butterick Patterns iII FRANK STORE, ESTABLISHED & OREOONTAX "WEDNESDAY, Credit Purchases Today Go on June Accounts, Payable July 1 Attend the Cooking Class Today, Fourth Floor, at 2:30 P. M. WEATHER REPORT: 1S57. MAT 29, 1912. SHOWERS TODAY. THE MEIER & FRANK STORE, 5th, 6th, Morrison & Alder Sts. $2000 Worth Sample Neckwear for June White Days at Half! Entire Sample Line of a High- Grade Mannfactarer Over 1400 Lovely Pieces Go on Sale at 8 O'CLOCK THIS MORNING! IT'S another instance where our immense ft regular business and outlet has riven us DECORATION DAY SPECIALS onoi P, Who9 s Ahead TOMORROW The Store will not be open for business, in observance of Memorial Day the year when all America pays tribute to the heroes who pave their lives in our Nation's cause. Today we Khali be broadly helpful to those plannine a holidav " jaunt to the beach or conn- try and to the as welL Our jrreat Annual June 'White Days are in full force. Store will remain open tonight until 9:30, on account of closing I a 19 V ?rT "' Contest? in the time-eac- splendid $4000 Scholarship Con test and their hundreds of friends watch our every advertisement and the complete list posted at the booth, first floor, to learn the standing of their favorite. . Here's the standing of 40 highest contestants up to 3 P. M. Tuesday: stay-at-hom- e, THK VOTES FOB MEN. Hallock. X X. 10ta 1MM1I I.ow.11 Bradford. High. .. .ISJWTCS Clifford Thomas. Col. UnlT llslsoa 20 3d 8t Fred Frltach. ..laistoa Harold B.raen. 7S K. Salmon... OI7S Fred J. Barber. Waah. Hlsb..... SM.1M I. T. O' Brian. V. of O Ed. Rchwln.r. B. W. Boa. Col. S1M7S 1S7M Malcolm licLaan. St. Lawranca. Harry Clow. B. W. Bua. Col..'. HUM . . MSIKM) Chaa. Blare. Archar-Wliirli- n. Harry Parsons. P. R.. U P. Co. SS712S Archl McCaulay. Waah. H!rh... Raymond Frrar. Waah. li !rri . . . . 4A;AO Harry Foaarty. Sun and Irvine.. 4i::UM) Harold Aitkin. Portland Acad... 42075 4 Kodnay snuiMI John Hlnlcy. Go. Jeff Hlah JJUtJ Harold Malaon. Jeff. Hlih llrBlno ISSOiS Paul Adama, Waah. Hlli. .'. M Fly 'Old Glory' Tomorrow THE Stars and Stripes should decorate ever' home and of business on Memorial Day! We have by far the largest stock of Flaps, in cotton and wool bunting, buntinette and silk, of any store hereabouts. Every size many at spe-ja- l prices today. 3 ON STICKS. Kvery I ntn 3c to o0 a dozen. COTTON BUNTING FLAGS Sewed ftripe. jrusniutped colors: SOFT BUNTINETTE i. 2x4 Cotton Hags, special at 39 Cotton Flat at only 58 4x6-foCotton Flats at only 80 5x8-foCotton Flats, only S1.20 6xl0-foo- t Cotton Flars, only $1.85 BUNTING FLAGS Sx5-foWool Flats at only S1.65 4xVfoot Wool Flats at only $2.25 6i8-foo- t Wool Flats at only 6t9 foot Wool Flats at only 9 1.25 3z5-fo- On L ot S2.5 FLAGS staffs, d Xull, Evi U OMitn. ill! Slh Ava. ..147JB7S Ooorcla Ploraitra. ti Ford St.. IWirjOO Matlla emurklcr. IU K. 14th... 71r;5 Evalyn Allen Prep :9 Cora Haley. 8L alury'a Acad... Ethel (l lliien, Bt. Vary's Acad. A.120.V Helen Clark. Oranta Paaa. Or., fit 7 6.' 5 M4.17S Edna Metralf, Heed Colleaje 4HX1O0 Eva Johnaon. 471 E. Ash St Msude Ixsey. 40 K. Summer... XX2.1 Edith Roaers. 44 White Ava... 33717 Florlan M. Unklater. Reed CoL SI207S SOOI75 Nettle Drear. (17 K. 14th Mary C. Iavles, Waah. Hlftl... :4K:t5 527H.0 Allra Johnaon, Arleta Kva May Vore. Wilton Piano Rchl. 224.t.1 Louise Royer. Wash. Hlith Alumni ZI7A54I Lillian IS. Peterson. 744 E. lilh Esther Ohlamlllan, Woodlawn... 1672M at Sl.OO at 91.50 25c; the dozen at S2.50 35c; the dozen at $3.50 50c; the dozen at $5.00 36-inch h ..... OR WOMEN. THE VOTEH M!sa A. O. Croaalry. 1061 Vauchn.HMrtOO h, 10c; the dozen 15c; tbe dozen 24-in- ch ot ALL-WOO- pear-pointe- Wt. inl In Honor of Our Soldier Dead MUSLIN-TLA- SILK FLAGS rVst qnalitv silk, unmounted. 7xl0-inc- h Silk Flats, special, JO 8xl2-incSilk Flats, special. 150 16z24-inc- h Silk Flags at only 39 32x48-inc- h Silk Flags only $1.35 h IOE30I 5 1 2 Dozen Men's 50c Neckwear, 29c A Maker Going Out of Business Sacrificed This Immense Lot to Us! One of Best NeckwearPuF chases We Have Made in Years. r ANY are Ties in the identical IMy M jj See Morrison Street Window ffY U jI jl a a' L- -J patterns J wife in plannir.fr her menus for Decod ration day. Ivlirious n foods of every kind in our bitr Pure-Food Bakery. and Cream Cheese, special, a pound. 19 Sliced Pineapple. 3 cant for 15c Salmon, special. 3 cans at '27C Standard Soap. 11 cake only 2." Armour's 10c White Soap. 4 for 27 10c Sapolio. special. 4 cakes at 30t Cot Oysters, spec. 3 cana for 25 Fancy Rice, in sacks, special at 23t Maine Corn, special. 6 cans for 55 Standard Corn, special. 6 cans. l." Fancy Raisins. 3 laxfe pkjs.. 23 Round-UCleaner. 6 cans for 2. Soap. 10 bars for 43 Wheat Bats. 3 packages only 32r Strinc Beans. 2 cans, special, at 23? Roasted Peanuts, the pound, only Cream of Wheat, special, pkf, 15 Pairaj fsss iw . ry . fta aait Sfar. 6.Z5 ready-cooke- Dt'li-ctee- r0 spite of the INbusiness we've p Suitcases $1.48 an SPLENDID for Day trip to the or country! Excellent r Suiteases. full cloth linedlock and bolts; Stronff Leratol bound on ends; practically Tlie 24 and sizes rejmlariT J. .2o and C" AO rj."0. Your choice today V W0 TRAVXUGHT BAGS, ?1.55 Of bct tibcr matting, keratol trimmed, with brass catches, lock and covered bandies, izes I.ixl0i8 ioches. weijrht ls4 ronnd. To-I?E day, we special them at be.ii-- ilat-tic- - brs 'lO faatla "1r Y33 Mala Kail all a a:. etc Also jaunty Norfolk Suits. soft-rolli- and Americanlapels, high-c- er silk-wov- Plaster Today I l"T oil this ad and present It at f th 1montraUnn In our l'rua: lvaxtment on of today Wonderful Ppaldina'a for absolutely Plaairra frea). Offer la for on. dar only. For rheu-matla- actatlca. d I B a; a an widely and rwnm. known rnenood. Price tic to 8pa Plaatara 4e. 1 50c Sample Neckwear at 25$ 75c Sample Neclrwear at 38c? $1.00 Sample Neckwear, 50 $1.50 Sample Neckwear, 75c? $2.00 Sample Neckw'r, $1.00 $2.50 Sample Neckw'r, $1.25 $3.00 Sample Neckw'r, $1.50 And on up to $50 Neckwear, a. 1 . $4.00 Sample Neckw'r, $5.00 Sample Neckw'r, $6.00 Sample Neckw'r, $7.00 Sample Neckw'r, $8.00 Sample Neckw'r, $9 00 Sample Neckw'r, $10 Sample Neckwear, $2.00 $2.50 $3.00 $3.50 $4.00 $4.50 $5.00 WINDOW. FIFTH-STREE- T And well they might for without exaggeration we can say that nowhere are Undergarments of such splendid quality ottered at the low prices quoted for the "June White Days." Fresh, new styled, dainty garments at the sort of savings that cause women to wait for the erent and purchase a supply for months. WOMEN'S GOWNS Women's $1.50 Gowns for only 98 Women's $2.00 Gowns for only $1.47 Women's $2.50 and $2.75 Gowns for $1.95 Women's $3.00 Gowns for only $2.47 Up to $25.00 Gowns, all reduced. COMBINATION GARMENTS $1.50 Combinations at only 98 e4 $2.00 Combinations at only $1.47 $2.50 Combinations at only $1.89 $3.00 Combinations at only $2.39 Second Floor, New FRENCH DRAWERS $1.75 Trench Drawers, $1.33 $2.50 Trench Drawers, $1.73 $3.60 French Drawers, $2.95 Others, up to $13.50, reduced. WHITE UNDERSKIRTS $1.50 White Skirts at only 98 $1.75 White Skirts only $1.39" $2.00 White Skirts only $1.47 $2.50 White Skirts only $1.73 $3.00 White Skirts only $1.95 CORSET COVERS 45c Corset Covers, 35 60c to 75c Corset Covers, 47 $1 Corset Covers, 75 $1.25-$1.5- 0 Corset Covers 9S Building?. Mall Order Filled. OLR tORTI.AJ(0 ACKXTS FOR J.hs (aasla Brows Uaeasa. Shoe. Maoaloal I aaterweor. aaaetto kawlaa; Will Maralars. A e o r a ktovea a m 4 Haasea. Falloa at Tokaloa rial ilea PH0NES 1 Walts7 Oaleraaaor Draar 1JJ0MEN have but to remem ter tne usual low prices and high quality of the Merchandise of White in our popular First-FIoSection to appreciate the importance of the June White Day offerinps. $1.25 Damask The quality that women have found satisfactory for years. Excelfull .70 JJ1 Oft lent grade of inches wide. The yard today at linen Cloths Of pure Irish linen, handsome patterns. Pine, firm weaves : size, special, $3.75 $5 Cloths, 72x 72-isize, special, $5.00 $7 Cloths, 72x 90-iDAMASK CLOTHS AND NAPKINS 72-isize, each, $ 7.00 $ 8 Cloths, 72x or n, r n. n. $10 Cloths, 72x size, each, 90-i- $ 8.50 THE BED SPREADS $3 Spreads the 90x90 size. Hemmed cro chet style. Today at $2.50. $3.25 Spreads bcalloped all around, r ml size, lodav at $2.oU. SHEET SPECIALS size, special at 59 75c Sheets, 81x90-inc- h size, special at 55 70c Sheets, 72x90-inc- h 42x36-inch size, 12y2 15c Pillow. Cases, Flint Floor, New Buildlnc. Supply Summer Laces and Embroideries Today wondrous array of filmy Laces :what variety of beautiful Embroideries as displayed for the June Days. And at what generous savings! Hundreds and hundreds of yards have already been 35c to 50c Cluny Laces, Yard 25c New Ratine Laces Reduced They're so popular for the trimming of frowns, coats and millinery white and ecru ' machine-mad- e Cluny Lace Edges and Inser tions. 3 to 5 inches wide. 35c to Trades today at special low price 5o?25c $1 to $1.50 Allover Embroideries widths in prettiest of patterns for Summer waists, frocks, etc. Priced for the June White Days today, at the yard New Ratine Laces Of white. They're the favored of newest trimmings for Summer apparel. Laces, Edges and Bifnds, 3 to 6 inches wide: $1.50 to $1.75 grades at $1.39 $2.00 to $2.25 grades at $11.69 $3.00 to. $3.50 grades at $2.69 Flrat Floor, New Building;. 20-in- OIC Outing Waists, $ 1 .75 for Millinery of White has THEY'RE or V A splendid group of Hats in smart tailored and attractive dressy 6tyles. Black, white and colors. Of hemps, milans, fine and rough straws and braids. Modish new Summer models,' every one: Choose $7 to fla CA QC '-' Hats today at low price of er ut Sit. lac Pacific, Marshall 4600; Home, ideal for wear, for sports. tennis, golf and out-doAlways neat and trim and yet there's no banding at the waist line no untidy pulling out of JZj the waist as with the ordinary blouse. The Outing Blouses, as illustrated, of madras and linen finish fabrics; cuffs and collars of navy, red, black and in neat stripes. Finished with patent leather belts. Spe- - fljl '7C1 cial for today, each !4w Seeoad Floo r. New Bnlldlnc 1 . P at half price! SEE THE BIG Price Women Wait for Months to Buy Linens and White Their Lingerie in This Great Event Goods Reduced DISPLAY IN OUR $7 to $15 Hats for $4.95 cayenne-peppbrowns, purple tones, Cambridge and Oxford grays, pin stripes, pencil stripes, stries. etc. Choice of jJO, $25. $28. $30 and $35 Society Brand and other Suits, S16.T5. Any suit bousrht today will be delivered tonight. Tklrsl Kloar. N.w Ralldlaa:. Mail Orders KIllraL FreeSpalding , high-grad- ANinterested, in semi-Engli- New peacock blues, plum shades, d d. never been more popular than now I Charnunp; styles of real Panamas, Milans, leghorns, peanut and fancy straws. Prettily trimmed in laces, ribbons, flowers and fancy feathers. Priced regularly at $1 to $30. Choice !A for the June White Days at The smart two and three-butto- n English, ized models, with naturally shaped shoulders, vest.-- , hand-embroi- Hats at V4 Less White offering that women can't help but be Exclusive Models and Coloring's To $2.50 Matting e, Thousands of yards in pat manufacturer. terns for lingerie gowns, waists, lingerie 45 and 53 inches wide ; $1.75 to $20 Flonndnga, special at $1.39 $2.50 to $3.50 Flouncings, special at $1.69 $3.50 to $4.50 Flouncings, special at $1.98 $4.50 to $5.50 Flouncings, special at $2.69 high-grad- ' hand-mad- They're the. samples of a famous St. Gaul Today we also add lo the original Society brand purchase 150 new, e Summer Suits from a ew l ork maker, just received by express. Every size for men of every "build the slender, the stout, the short stont, the long stout, those who require extra sizes up to o2. ' 11' XM ?$A Every piece is and even most of the most inexpensive have a touch of ery and real lace ! They are trimmed or made wholly of real Venise, real Irish Crochet, real L Ciuny, real rrincess, real Val. and filet laces, also "You can't impress too strongly the importance of this sale," exclaimed our department manager as he showed us the beautiful Neckwear as it was being assorted and marked. "It is the best pure chase of Neckwear I ever made." Be here at 8 o 'clock for the first selection The assortment will surely be depleted when women begin to tell each other of the sale. To avoid confusion, we have marked each piece with the regular selling price. You may pay EXACTLY HALF of that today. Beautiful Flouncing's Reduced hand-tailor- 1 Vfi selected for use on Summer gowns, waists, negligee, etc. sale of Society Brand Clothing the last four days, many of the finest Suits remain for those who may choose today. Fully half of them are $2S, and $15 Suits the balance worth $- -'. and Kvery garment a handsome new Summer model and pattern, bearing the famous label of Fels-Naptf- Side-Fril- WHAT tremendous done in this BllSSfl JabotliMMS Rabats Ronnd and Sqnare Collars Jabots Collar and Cuff Set, Large and Small Dutch Collars StocKs, with or without Chemisettes ls Berthas YoKes New Robespierre Collars Princess Pat Tunic Fichus 29c 'Society Brand' $20 to $35 Suits Today that will ECONOMIES the house- hand-mad- ng blarlc-and-whi- te Decorat'n Day you see this offering of beautiful e Neckwear today ! Conservatively $2000 (retail value) worth over 1400 pieces at precisely half regular prices. All the lovely, new conceits of this Summer and many of the advance Fall styles, as shown in the illustration at right, made by our artist. There are and coloriners to wear with close-fittiNw flat irenrh collars. Also lanre. Handsome llowinif ends . Ku-- gold and red mixtures, silver tones, figured Vtrinotl ami combinations, nmhra rranites. smart colorinjr and oilier pattern too many for mentioning. Not a Tie of thn "lJ tloen that Ynu 'II av is Worth lesa than r0 nlt manv afah ttiava K.ntire purchase on sale today at 2tV. Groceries for U our Neckwear chief was in New York this Storine he arranged to secure the lot, at the end of the wholesale 6eason rieht in time for our AnnualJune White Days. The moment the salesman had finished his season, the samples were expressed to it nas taKen us several days to arrange and place them in readiness for this sale. One of the biggest features of our 12th .Annual June White Days, you 11 Bay when which we've bought regularly this season for our 50c linel The sale will nurely cause a eensation among the men who will want new Neckwear for four-in-hand-s, jl "When the daily thought of IT'S: every contestant in our Jo - the first opportunity at the manufacturer's choicest "plums"! This is the sample line of Neckwear from one of New York's highest grade houses, used by his salesmen in showing the trade all over the eountrv. SOLE PORIXAHD AGENTS FOR Perrla'a Glarea. AJax GumUsI Hoalerr-Gotha- Shlrta taaerwear. Madaaao aaa Iroaa Caar Epo Pettleoata. Sajapeck Clotkea far Bora. SrleUey Orla-laa-l Craltaaaaa Ontirt Fnraltau. Only Portland Store With Complete Mail Order Service and Catalogue. I si X -- J r - r- H-E-A- i -R The CooKing-Clas- s TalK and demonstration of Way - Kuk Bai and Acorn Gas Ranges In fourth floor section. Cooking class at 2:30 P. JI. Today's lesson on Bread. Walnut Drop Cakes, Broiled Steak. Biscuits. au Gratin will bo cooked In Wiy-Ku- k Paper Bag's. Mannish Waists, $1.28 Kemarkably neat' and attrautive these mannish Waists of chambrays, soisettes and madras. Short sleeves, finished with turn-bac- k cuffs. Collars in sailor and rolling style, pointed and round. Plain white j and with a bit of color. At V aa--O Second Floor Mala BnlldlnK. no
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