Sample Permission-to-Excuse Letter This sample letter is designed to help the principal decide whether or not to recommend to the superintendent that approval be given to excuse a student from writing an achievement test. Simple modifications to the letter could be made as the situation warrants. TO: Parent/Guardian Date RE: Name of Student In May and June of this year, students in grades 6 and 9 throughout the province will write provincial achievement tests in four subject areas: language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies. Students in the grade 9 Knowledge and Employability courses will write the Knowledge and Employability pilot tests in the four core subjects. Students in Grade 3 will write tests in language arts and mathematics. Results from these tests will provide Alberta Education, school administrators, teachers, parents, students, and the public with information about what students know and can do in relation to provincial standards at the end of grades 3, 6, and 9. These results can be used to improve learning opportunities for students. Test accommodations are available for students with learning disabilities or physical disabilities to allow these students to do their best. However, a superintendent should excuse a student from writing an achievement test if the student is not capable of responding to the test in its original or approved modified form, or if participation would be harmful to the student. The superintendent’s decision to excuse a student from completing one or more of the achievement tests is based on a recommendation from the principal, accompanied by supporting documentation. I am considering recommending to the superintendent that your child be excused from writing the provincial achievement test(s) in the following subject(s): Language Arts—Writing Mathematics Science Language Arts—Reading Social Studies Please indicate your response below and return this letter. I agree with the proposal to excuse my child. I do not wish my child to be excused from writing. I would like an opportunity to discuss this recommendation. Principal’s Signature Parent/Guardian’s Signature School Date SAMPLES/FORMS/LETTERS November 2007 1 Sample Letter to Parents This sample letter assumes that the classroom teacher has decided to use the achievement test in determining students’ final grades. Simple modifications to the letter could be made if this is not the decision. To Parents of Students in Grades 3, 6, and 9: In May and June of this year, all Grade 3 students throughout the province will write provincial achievement tests in language arts and mathematics. Students in grades 6 and 9 will write tests in four subject areas: language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies. I will mark the tests before they are returned to Alberta Education so as to get an initial look at the performance of the students in my class. The tests cover what students have been learning this year fairly well, so I will be using your child’s score as ___ percent of the final grade. The final grade will represent your child’s overall performance in the full range of learning outcomes. In the fall, an Individual Student Profile showing your child’s achievement test results will be available at our school. The profile is prepared by Alberta Education when the marking of tests has been completed and final scores are tabulated. The profile will show your child’s performance on each test in relation to provincial standards. This information can be useful in planning your child’s instructional program for the coming year. You are invited to review your child’s results with his or her new teacher and to discuss how results will be reflected in the instructional program that is planned for the coming year. Reports that show how well our students did as a group in relation to provincial standards will also be available at our school in the fall. All parents and other members of our community will be invited to our school to discuss the results at that time. Please call our school if you have any questions. SAMPLES/FORMS/LETTERS November 2007 2 REQUEST FOR SPECIAL FORMAT MATERIALS GRADE 3—May/June 2008 Provincial Achievement Tests This request is to be completed only if you require special format materials. Once completed, forward to the Superintendent, for sign-off and return to Learner Assessment. SCHOOL: ______________________________ JURISDICTION: ______________________________ SCHOOL CODE: ___________ JURISDICTION CODE: ____________ For each subject, indicate the quantity of materials required. Gr. 3 ELA CD version Gr. 3 Math Timed Number Facts Gr. 3 Math English Gr. 3 Math French Gr. 3 FLA Gr. 3 Français Not available Large-print version Braille version Not available Other, Specify Not available Not available Not available Not available (e.g., colour of paper) Comments: Note: If you have any questions about this form, contact the Special Cases/Accommodations Team at (780) 427-0010, for a toll-free connection, dial 310-0000, or e-mail at Date Telephone Number Principal’s Signature Date Superintendent’s Signature Note: March 28, 2008, is the deadline for returning this form to Learner Assessment at 10044 – 108 Street, Edmonton, AB T5J 5E6. Fax: (780) 422-4889 SAMPLES/FORMS/LETTERS August 2007 3 REQUEST FOR SPECIAL FORMAT MATERIALS GRADE 6—May/June 2008 Provincial Achievement Tests This request is to be completed only if you require special format materials. Once completed, forward to the Superintendent, for sign-off and return to Learner Assessment. SCHOOL: ______________________________ JURISDICTION: ______________________________ SCHOOL CODE: ___________ JURISDICTION CODE: ____________ For each subject, indicate the quantity of materials required. Gr. 6 ELA Gr. 6 Soc. St. English French Gr. 6 Math English French Gr. 6 Science English French Gr. 6 FLA Gr. 6 Français CD version Large-print version Braille version Not available Not available Other, Specify (e.g., colour of paper) Comments: Note: If you have any questions about this form, contact the Special Cases/Accommodations Team at (780) 427-0010, for a toll-free connection, dial 310-0000, or e-mail at Date Telephone Number Principal’s Signature Date Superintendent’s Signature Note: March 28, 2008, is the deadline for returning this form to Learner Assessment at 10044 – 108 Street, Edmonton, AB T5J 5E6. Fax: (780) 422-4889 SAMPLES/FORMS/LETTERS August 2007 4 REQUEST FOR SPECIAL FORMAT MATERIALS GRADE 9 Semester—January 2008 Provincial Achievement Tests This request is to be completed only if you require special format materials. Once completed, forward to the Superintendent, for sign-off and return to Learner Assessment. SCHOOL: ______________________________ JURISDICTION: ______________________________ SCHOOL CODE: ___________ JURISDICTION CODE: ____________ For each subject, indicate the quantity of materials required. Gr. 9 ELA Gr. 9 Soc. St. English French Gr. 9 Math English French Gr. 9 Science English French Gr. 9 FLA Gr. 9 Français CD version Large-print version Braille version Not available Not available Other, Specify (e.g., colour of paper) Comments: Note: If you have any questions about this form, contact the Special Cases/Accommodations Team at (780) 427-0010, for a toll-free connection, dial 310-0000, or e-mail at Date Telephone Number Principal’s Signature Date Superintendent’s Signature Note: November 2, 2007, is the deadline for returning this form to Learner Assessment at 10044 – 108 Street, Edmonton, AB T5J 5E6. Fax: (780) 422-4889 SAMPLES/FORMS/LETTERS August 2007 5 REQUEST FOR SPECIAL FORMAT MATERIALS GRADE 9—May/June 2008 Provincial Achievement Tests This request is to be completed only if you require special format materials. Once completed, forward to the Superintendent, for sign-off and return to Learner Assessment. SCHOOL: ______________________________ SCHOOL CODE: ___________ JURISDICTION: ______________________________ JURISDICTION CODE: ____________ For each subject, indicate the quantity of materials required. Gr. 9 ELA Gr. 9 Soc. St. English French Gr. 9 Math English French Gr. 9 Science English French Gr. 9 FLA Gr. 9 Français CD version Large-print version Braille version Not available Not available Other, Specify (e.g., colour of paper) Comments: Note: If you have any questions about this form, contact the Special Cases/Accommodations Team at (780) 427-0010, for a toll-free connection, dial 310-0000, or e-mail at Date Telephone Number Principal’s Signature Date Superintendent’s Signature Note: March 28, 2008, is the deadline for returning this form to Learner Assessment at 10044 – 108 Street, Edmonton, AB T5J 5E6. Fax: (780) 422-4889 SAMPLES/FORMS/LETTERS August 2007 6 Achievement Testing Program 2007–2008 Shipment 1 Verification Form Fax this form if you have problems with the shipment or have additional requirements. School Code: School Name: School Contact Person: School Phone #: Testing Session: School Fax #: January (Grade 9 only) June Please check the subject(s) and indicate problem or requirement Subject Problem Requirement ELA 3 Part A FLA 3 Partie A Fr 3 Partie A Timed Number Facts 3 ELA 6 Part A FLA 6 Partie A Fr 6 Partie A Mathematics 6 Part(ie) A ELA 9 Part A K&E ELA 9 Part A FLA 9 Partie A Fr 9 Partie A Fax this form to the Marking Centre at (780) 422-8323. SAMPLES/FORMS/LETTERS August 2007 7 Achievement Testing Program 2007–2008 Shipment 2 Verification Form Fax this form if you have problems with the shipment or have additional requirements. School Code: School Name: School Contact Person: School Phone #: Testing Session: School Fax #: January (Grade 9 only) June Please check the subject(s) and indicate problem or requirement Subject Problem Requirement ELA 3 Part B FLA 3 Partie B Fr 3 Partie B Mathematics 3 ELA 6 Part B FLA 6 Partie B Fr 6 Partie B Mathematics 6 Part B Science 6 Social 6 ELA 9 Part B K&E ELA 9 Part B FLA 9 Partie B Fr. 9 Partie B Mathematics 9 K&E Mathematics 9 Social 9 K&E Social 9 Science 9 K&E Science 9 Fax this form to the Marking Centre at (780) 422-8323. SAMPLES/FORMS/LETTERS August 2007 8 Statement of Scribe, Reader and/or Interpreter and Principal—Grades 3/6/9 Achievement Tests I, and Scribe/Reader/Interpreter (please print) Principal (please print) Scribe Reader Interpreter having read the procedures governing the use of , certify that to the best of our abilities the achievement test(s) in Subject(s) during the held at School , 2008 month testing period for Student’s name (please print) was administered and supervised in accordance with the specified procedures under the directives of the Minister of Education. was administered and supervised in accordance with the specified procedures under the directives of the Minister of Education, except as follows: Dated this day of , 2008 Scribe’s/Reader’s/Interpreter’s Signature Principal’s Signature School Code Please sign and return with the Principal’s Statement. If more than one individual is providing accommodation services to one student, please fill out separate forms. SAMPLES/FORMS/LETTERS August 2007 9 Example of the Back of a Written Response Booklet Example of the Back of the Test Booklet Please place the label on the back of the Readings Booklet GRADE 3 ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS Part B To be completed by/for ALL students. Last Name (please print) C First Name To be completed ONLY for students without labels. Name Alberta Student Number School Name Birth Date (Year/Month/Day) ACCOMMODATIONS USED (mark all applicable) 1 6 2 7 3 Apply Label With Student’s Name School Code Sex: COMPLETED THE COURSE IN A YEAR OTHER THAN THE YEAR OF TESTING M F HOME EDUCATED FOR THIS SUBJECT 8 4 9 5 10 PAT0300001M.02 SAMPLES/FORMS/LETTERS August 2007 10 Sample of the Back of the Timed Number Facts The chart below outlines the number and description of the labels that will be sent for each achievement test administration. Grade/Subject Grade 3 ELA, FLA and Français Part(ie) A Tests Number of Labels Description 2 per booklet One with student name One without student name ELA—Part B Timed Number Facts Multiple Choice Grade 6 ELA, FLA and Français Part(ie) A Tests 1 per booklet 1 per booklet 1 per booklet With student name With student name With student name 2 per booklet One with student name One without student name Mathematics Part(ie) A 1 per booklet 1 per answer sheet With student name With student name All Machine Scored Tests 1 per booklet 1 per answer sheet With student name With student name 2 per booklet One with student name One without student name 1 per booklet 1 per answer sheet With student name With student name Grade 9 ELA, FLA & Français Part(ie) A Tests and the K&E Part A Pilot Test All Machine Scored Tests and the K&E Pilot Tests SAMPLES/FORMS/LETTERS November 2007 11 SAMPLES/FORMS/LETTERS 12 August 2007 ELA 3 Part A FLA 3 Part A Fr 3 Part A Math 3 Part A Math 3F Part A 4 4 4 4 4 + + + + + 0 1 0 0 0 Absent(A) + + + + + + + + + + 1 1 1 1 1 Transferred(T) “+”signs are included to assist with accurate completion of this sheet. 1 1 1 1 1 Excused(E) Tests NOT Completed by Students Principals MUST return this signed List of Students even if NO students took part in the testing. + 5 + 5 + + 5 4 + 5 Unregis. Students Tests Completed for The New Century School (403) 321-4321 Alberta School Division No. 99 Regis. Students School: 9999 Authority: 0000 June 2008 Achievement Tests LIST OF STUDENTS #1 Grade 3 = = = = = 11 11 11 11 11 TOTAL SAMPLES/FORMS/LETTERS 13 August 2007 Appleyard, Mary Browning, Peter Copeland, Robert Dickens, Aaron Emerson, Charlene Frost, Robert Wayne Highliner, Deanne Nighthood, Chris Student Name Surname, Given Names F M PERCY, LINDA (HOME ED) NELSON, RANDY (OUT OF GRADE) 1001-7432-1 1011-6941-5 This student is not in Grade 3. M F SMITH JEFFREY RAINE, SUSAN 9607-8901-7 9702-5713-8 F M M M F M F M Sex 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 T E T E T E 3 3 A 3 3 3 3 3 Fr 3 Partie A 3 3 FLA 3 Partie A ELA Part A These four students are unregistered and have been added to the List of Students. 1997-05-10 1997-01-19 1998-07-17 1997-02-14 1997-12-19 1998-01-09 1997-11-10 1996-11-02 1997-06-22 1997-02-09 1997-04-29 1997-09-04 Birth Date Math 3F Part A 3 3 3 3 3 T E This student transferred. T E The Superintendent excused (E) this student from writing the Achievement Tests. 3 3 3 This student transferred. 3 3 Math 3 Part A This student received instruction in French and wrote in French. The New Century School (403) 321-4321 Alberta School Division No. 99 This student is a “Home Education” 1056-1387-1 9801-0002-3 9711-6742-3 1002-6534-4 1007-0122-3 9702-3659-1 9704-7432-1 1007-0931-1 Alberta Student Number School: 9999 Authority: 0000 June 2008 Achievement Tests LIST OF STUDENTS #1 Grade 3 SAMPLES/FORMS/LETTERS 14 August 2007 The New Century School Alberta School Division No.99 8b. The following irregularities (including violation of the test rules) occurred during the administration of the tests: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ OR 8a. The tests were administered without incident or irregularities, and without violation of test rules. 7. Each test area was free from internal and external distractions. tests on the school’s computers. Note: Please put NA in box #6 if your school did not use this provision. 6. I am satisfied that my school complied with all achievement test writing rules and procedures for administering achievement and valid evaluation of students’ achievement. 5. I am satisfied that the level of supervision during the writing of the achievement tests was acceptable and allowed for a fair 4. All calculators were cleared to ensure that no information was stored in programmable or parametric memory. and 9 tests were inspected before use. 3. Materials allowed for Part(ie) A of English Language Arts 3, 6, and 9 and Français 3, 6 and 9 and French Language Arts 3, 6 Year Achievement Testing Program General Information Bulletin. 2. I discussed with supervising teachers key aspects of supervising Achievement Tests as described in the 2007-2008 School 1. Test cartons were resealed and locked in a secure storage facility after verification of the test shipment. Before Administration The duties and responsibilities of the principal when administering the June 2008 Achievement Tests are described in the 2007-2008 School Year Achievement Testing Program General Information Bulletin. The Principal’s Statement serves to certify that these duties and responsibilities have been fulfilled. Please check (3) each box (where appropriate) to indicate that, as principal, you have followed these procedures. School: 9999 Authority: 0000 (English Language Arts 3 Part A & B, French Language Arts 3 Partie A & B, Français Language Arts 3 Partie A & B, Mathematics 3 Part A, Mathématiques 3 Part A) June 2007 Provincial Achievement Tests Principal's Statement #1 Grade 3 SAMPLES/FORMS/LETTERS 15 November 2007 Summer Contact (please print)_________________________________ School Phone # ____________________________ Note: The return of a completed Principal’s Statement, with each List of Students (LOS), even if no student wrote the examination, is a mandatory requirement of Alberta Education Summer Phone Number___________________________ School Code ______________________ School________________________________________________________________________________________ Date_________________ Principal's Name (please print)_____________________ Principal's Signature__________________________ Declaration: I hereby certify that in my capacity as principal I carried out my duties and responsibilities as required by the 2007-2008 School Year Achievement Testing Program General Information Bulletin. I attest that no secured achievement test materials were copied in whole or in part in any manner or have been retained at the school, and that all Teacher Perusal Copies are enclosed with the Principal’s Statement. All other tests For return of Shipment 2: Grade 6 Mathematics Part A: Operations and Number Sense Grade 3 Mathematics: Timed Number Facts Language Arts: Part(ie) A For return of Shipment 1: Achievement Testing Program General Information Bulletin. 9. The test materials were prepared for return to the Learner Assessment according to the 2007-2008 School Year Following Administration
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