And the Present A GATHERING OF GUNS 4—A TV WESTERN REUNION May 31- June 2 at Whispering Woods Hotel and Conference Center, Olive Branch, Mississippi Just a quick 20 minutes south of Memphis, TN. Whispering Woods, Fairfield Inn, Comfort Suites are sold out, Book rooms at Hampton Inn, 6830 Crumpler Blvd. (662) 893-7600. Mention Memphis Film Festival. Shuttle service will run daily. Celebrate " The Virginian " 50th Anniversary James Drury Roberta Shore Gary Clarke Randy Boone Diane Roter “The Virginian” Betsy Garth on Steve on “The on “Virginian” Jennifer on “The Virginian” Virginian” “Virginian” Clint Walker Will Hutchins Bobby Clark “Cheyenne” “Sugarfoot” Casey Jr. on “Casey Jones” Bobby Crawford Andy on “Laramie” Johnny Crawford “Rifleman” Just Added! Ed Faulkner TV and movie character player. Hugh O’Brian “Wyatt Earp” Henry Darrow “High Chaparral” Sara Lane L. Q. Jones Don Quine Elizabeth on Stacey on “The Belden on “Virginian” “Virginian” Virginian” Charles Briles Eugene on “Big Valley” Jeff Connors, Darby Hinton Don Pedro Veronica son of “The Cartwright Israel Boone Colley Rifleman”, Jemima on “Daniel Boone” Gideon on Chuck Connors “Daniel “Daniel Boone” Boone” Fabulous banquet entertainment from Rex Allen Jr. and Johnny Western. Banquet emcee John Buttram. Special Western Music panel discussion partly focusing on Gene Autry with guest Maxine Hansen of Autry Entertainment Activities begin at 9 each day % Pool Party with live & recorded music, dancing, contests % Hours of TV westerns & B-western viewing rooms % $100 Prize TV Western Trivia Contest % Live “Have Gun…” radio show recreation % Six celebrity panel discussions % Silent & live memorabilia auctions % Huge Dealer’s Room with all stars signing. Dealer’s tables: $140–wall space, $120–aisle table. Call Ray Nielsen (501) 499-0444 % One festival rate covers all: $25 per day at the door. Preregister thru May 12, $65 all three days per person. Additional: Saturday night Roberta Shore & Will Hutchins Banquet/Awards, $42 per person. Mail check to Ray Nielsen (address below) or if on stage using PayPal you MUST first email Donna Magers at or Fri. night in call (505) 292-0049 because Paypal fees are extra. % Updated info at A. R. Gurney’s or “Love Letters” famous play. Ray Nielsen MEMPHIS FILM FESTIVAL PO Box 87, Conway, AR 72033 (501) 499-0444 email: OR Boyd Magers WESTERN CLIPPINGS 1312 Stagecoach Rd SE Albuquerque, NM 87123 (505) 292-0049
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