Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2014 Porto, Portugal, 30 June - 2 July 2014 A. Cunha, E. Caetano, P. Ribeiro, G. Müller (eds.) ISSN: 2311-9020; ISBN: 978-972-752-165-4 Fundamental period and earthquake damage in RC buildings of Viña del Mar (Chile) C. Aranda1, F. Vidal1, G. Alguacil1, M. Navarro1,2, & I. Valverde-Palacios3 Instituto Andaluz de Geofísica. University of Granada. C/ Profesor Clavera Nº12, C.P. 18071 Granada, España 2 Dep. of Applied Physics. University of Almería. C. Sacramento s/n, C.P. 04120, La Cañada, Almería, España 3 Dep.of Architectural Buildings, University of Granada. Campus Fuentenueva, C.P. 18071 Granada, España email:;;;; 1 ABSTRACT: The Great 2010 Chile Earthquake severely shook the city of Viña del Mar. The surface soil characteristics and local strong motion records were analyzed in order to find out the influence of local conditions on the level and spatial distribution of damage. 2054 building were inspected and structurally classified to determine their vulnerability and damage grade using criteria based in the EMS and Risk-UE methodologies. The fundamental period of buildings (T) was empirically obtained from their storey number. Building damage was analyzed as a function of the materials, the height H, the building age, the rigidity (H/T), the density of walls. The local site effects were determined, as well as the predominant time periods of the seismic shaking of the sites, computing the 1-D transfer functions of the shallow structure. The response spectra of the ground show the highest energy in the range of 0.4 and 1.1 s. The majority of the buildings had a good response; only 252 buildings (12.3%) of the 2054 inspected buildings had visible damage, and only 1.6% suffered grade 3 or 4 (EMS scale). Most of the seriously damaged buildings (grade ≥ 3) were RC structures built before 1985 earthquake, with a height between 9 and 24 storeys and fundamental period near predominant period of the soil. The worst building damage was observed in zones of soft soils (fluvial and marine deposits, with a shallow phreatic level) near the coast and the river Marga Marga, being the spatial distribution of damage similar to that of the 1985 earthquake. The high values of density of walls (0.015 to 0.035) and building rigidity H/T (between 40 and 70) explain the absence of collapses and the limited structural damage. KEY WORDS: Maule 2010 earthquake, building typologies and periods, vulnerability factors, earthquake damage. 1 INTRODUCTION A gigantic earthquake with mw 8.8 occurred in central Chile on February 27, 2010. Central and south regions of Chile have a long history of large (Mw ≥ 8.0) and destructive earthquakes (1570, 1575, 1647, 1657, 1730, 1751, 1822, 1835, 1837, 1914, 1906, 1928, 1939, 1943, 1960 and 1985). The 1960 Valdivia earthquake (located south of 2010 event) was the largest one (Mw 9.5) with ground effects and damage much greater. The 2010 event severely shook a wide area of high seismic hazard level [1] and tested with high intensities an immense building stock designed following Chilean building code provisions [2]. About 370,000 houses were damaged and 2 millions of people were affected. The peak ground acceleration (PGA) of the main shock recorded at Cauquenes city, the nearest station to the epicentre, exceeded 1 g, and reached 0.65g at Concepcion city, where extensive damages were observed. The quake reached a PGA of 0.35g and 0.43 g in two strong motion stations at Viña del Mar city. Viña del Mar is a city located on central Chile's Pacific coast, on the northern edge of the rupture zone of the 2010 earthquake, and mostly founded on marine and alluvial deposits. The intensity degree in Viña del Mar (Figure 1) varies from VI to VII-VIII (EMS) [3], being VII-VIII in a reduced zone of the plain (of thick sedimentary deposits) and lower than VII in surrounding zones and hills (where the bedrock is near the ground surface). The acceleration was higher than 0.15 g for more than 20 s there and serious damage on several buildings were observed, especially tall reinforced concrete (RC) buildings, mainly those sited along the coast and river Marga Marga shores, already an indicator of the influence of site conditions and possible resonance effects. Viña del Mar was repeatedly damaged by large historical earthquakes and also by recent ones, most notably those of the 1960 and 1985. This city is placed at one of the most dangerous seismic zones in Chile, being expected there a PGA > 0.7 g in 475 years [1]. Given the importance of the amplification and resonance phenomena in this city [4], this paper analyses: 1) Geological and geotechnical data from soil mechanics and ground predominant periods in the city. 2) The strong motion records to estimate a set of key earthquake engineering parameters in order to see the earthquake ground motion and its influence on building damage, 3) The characteristics of buildings, and key structural parameters (natural period T, stiffness (h/T), wall density, etc.) being influence on their dynamic behaviour. 4) Damage related to ground motion and building characteristics. Figure 1. Isoseismal Map (MSK scale) of Viña del Mar (after [3]). 2955 Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2014 2 GEOLOGICAL AND GEOTECHNICAL DATA. Viña del Mar is a coastal city located at the mouth of the river Marga Marga, in the region of Valparaíso. Most of the city is built on a plain (named Plan of Viña) formed by deposits of marine and alluvial sedimentary materials consisting mainly of sand and gravel, sand mixed with silt (in some places), and anthropic filling. These sedimentary deposits reach up to 100 m thick. The water table is very shallow, and it is generally located about less than 6 m deep. The other districts of the city are placed on surrounding hills (which mainly are rock or hard soil out-crops) (Figure 2). The soil of the plain of Viña del Mar consists of Quaternary deposits of different composition and location, which will cause a different earthquake ground response according to differences in their subsurface structure. This inhomogeneous ground motion were reported in large historic earthquakes [5 and 6] and have also been detected from damage distribution and extent of recent earthquakes (1985 and 2010) in Viña del Mar [4], The analysis of 22 geotechnical reports (provided by the Municipality of Viña del Mar), carried out to study soil conditions to build in the flat area of the city, has allowed us to obtain the surface ground structure to a depth 20-30 m. One of the most important geomorphological features of Viña del Mar is the presence of marine abrasion and sedimentation terraces. The relief of the coastal massif is partly interrupted by sandy beaches and deep ravines cutting the terraces. On both sides of the estuary terraces are placed at different heights. NE of the Marga Marga river there is a large terrace, product of marine abrasion of gneissic rocks, which are located between 200 and 240 m above sea level. This terrace broadly consists of heterogeneous estuary deposits formed by conglomerate and clays. The terrace sited south of the estuary is shorter and is above 250 m altitude [7]. The geological map of the Valparaiso area [8] shows the main geological units of Viña del Mar and the faults in the environment of the city (Figure 2). The Marga Marga fault is aligned with the river (NW-SE direction) and establishes significant differences between the areas to the S and N of the river. A simple soil classification focused on seismic response establishes three types: intrusive rocks, consolidated and unconsolidated sediments [3] (Figure 3). Figure 2. Geological map of Viña del Mar (after [6]). 2956 Figure 3. Soil classification map of Viña del Mar (after [3]). A set of relevant geotechnical and geophysical parameters have been estimated by the analysis of geological sections, borehole and geotechnical data from the geotechnical reports mentioned before. Firstly, we have detected: 1) the presence of anthropogenic fills of variable thickness (between 0.5 and 4.5 m); 2) the existence of discontinuous of muddy clay layers with thicknesses between 1 and 3 m, and very low bearing capacity; 3) in some places a vegetable soil and/or edaphic variable thickness is recognized between 0.5 and 1 m, located in most cases above the infill layer, but sometimes under it. 4) The water table depth generally varies between 2.7 and 6 m (Figure 4), being the most representative depth about 4 m. This very low depth is a major risk factor in case of earthquake. Figure 4. Map of water table depth estimated from geotechnical surveys. Black dots indicate the location of survey sites. Mechanical and physical properties of unconsolidated materials and hard-rocks are valuable data for a preliminary dynamic seismic response of geological formations. Using the experimental relationship (1) of Hasancebi Ulusay [9] between mechanical resistance – deduced from the N-value from Standard Penetration Test (N SPT) and S-wave velocity (VS) for sandy soils: Vs = 90.82 * NSPT 0.319 (1) a Vs of the upper 10 m (VS10) map have been obtained (Figure 5). The VS- NSPT relationship was tested with the velocities measured in situ in site number 9 formed by these type of soils. The estimated VS10 values are low, between 210 and 280 m/s. S wave velocities in the upper 30 meters (V S30) have been estimated in 3 borehole sites (Figure 6). The results are: Site 6, VS30 = 331.9 m/s, site 10, VS30 = 312.3 m/s and site 11, VS30 = 265.1 m/s. The lowest VS30 value was obtained in the Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2014 site 11 located near the river Marga Marga, in the SW part of the city. According to Eurocode EC-8 [10], these analysed sites can be classified as stiff soils (class C). Aranda et al [13] also show shake intensity at MMVM was higher than at CEVM. The acceleration and velocity response spectra (SA, SV) of the mainshock (Figure 9) show peak amplitude at different periods at these stations, pointing to different site effect. Similarly, the elastic input energy spectra (IES) show even more clearly this different soil behaviour (Figure 10). Figure 5. Vs velocities of the upper 10 m (VS10) from NSPT data. Figure 7. Ground predominant period of Viña del Mar, after [3]. Figura 6. Vs Structure in 3 sites of Viña del Mar The site predominant frequency is a key factor in the prediction of earthquake damage especially when it is close to the fundamental frequency of buildings founded on it, since seismic motion shall produce a resonance with building that can greatly increase the stresses in the structure [11]. One of the most used technique to easily find the ground predominant period (Tp) is to estimate the spectral ratio between the horizontal and vertical components of ground noise (also called HVSR technique) [12]. Carrasco and Nuñez [3] applied this technique to perform a seismic microzoning of Viña del Mar area (Figure 7). The predominant periods of the plain city area are between 0.4 and 1.1 s, the highest values on zones near the river and coast shores. The surrounding zones present Tp lower than 0.4 s. 3 CHARACTERISTICS OF MOTION IN VIÑA DEL MAR STRONG GROUND We analysed the characteristics of the 2010 mainshock ground motion recorded at two stations in Viña del Mar (Viña Centro (CEVM) and Viña El Salto (MMVM) (figure 8) and other two nearby the city: El Almendral y Valparaiso UFSM). the recorded PGA was 0.33 and 0.43 g at CEVM and MMVM, respectively. A set of energy related engineering parameters (Arias intensity, CAV, Spectral intensity, Arms) calculated by Figure 8. 2010 mainshock three component records at Viña Centro (top) and Viña El Salto (bottom) stations. 2957 Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2014 was CEVM station) (Figure 13). They found also significant amplification of ground motion in sites of the plain in similar period range we obtained. The differences among sites found by these authors in period ranges where there was maximum amplification show dependence on site conditions (Figure 13). HORIZONTAL VELOCITY RESPONSE SPECTRA 250 RELATIVE ACCELERATION RESPONSE SPECTRA 1800 03:34 CEVM 03:34 CEVM 03:34 MMVM 03:34 MMVM 1600 200 VELOCITY cm/s ACELERATION cm/s 2 1400 1200 1000 150 100 800 600 50 400 200 0 0.5 1 1.5 PERIOD s 2 2.5 3 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 PERIOD s Figure 9. Acceleration (left) and velocity (right) response spectra of the ground motion in the stations of Viña Centro (blue) and Viña El Salto (green) for mainshock and aftershocks. IES gives good information about earthquake energy transferable to the structures and is a way of characterizing the ground motion focused on building damage potential [14]. The calculated input energy spectra show different level of energy with peak for different periods in CEVM and MMVM stations (0.4-1.1 s and 0.4-1.5 s, respectively). Both IES could be representative of sites of the plain city areas with sedimentary deposits of different thickness. IES of two stations of Valparaiso, neighbouring to Viña del Mar, are plotted in Figure 10. The Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria station (UTFSM) is on bedrock and El Almendral is on sandy soil. Figure 11. H / V Spectral ratios obtained for CEVM (left) and MMVM (right) stations. Figure 12. Spectral ratio CEVM/ UTFSM (left) and MMVM/UTFSM (right) stations. Figure 10. Input energy spectra of the mainshock in Viña del Mar stations (CEVM (blue) and MMVM (green)) and in Valparaiso stations (UTFSM (black) and El Almendral (magenta)). An empirical method to obtain the characteristics of the transfer function at each site is to calculate the spectral ratio between the Horizontal (H) and the vertical (V) components of earthquake ground motion (HV spectral ratio technique HVSR). The spectral ratios for the main shock were obtained in CEVM and MMVM stations (Figure 11). Both sites present site effects with spectral amplification above a factor of 4 for periods of 0.4-1.2 s (CEVM) and 0.35-1.6 s (MMVM). Another method to estimate empirically the characteristics of the local ground response is to calculate the spectral ratio between the Horizontal components of site and a reference rock station (standard spectral ratio method –SSR). UTFSM was the only station without site effect and was use as reference station. The SSR for CEVM and MMVM stations are plotted in Figure 12. Both methods show ground amplification for similar period bands, even though only one event was used in the analyses. Midorikawa and Miura [16] applied the HVSR method to several aftershocks recorded at 4 sites of the city (one of them 2958 Figure 13. Changes in amplification period bands obtained in four sites of the Viña del Mar downtown (left) applying HVSR method to several aftershocks (righ) [16]. S corresponds to CEVM station. 4 KEY FEATURES AND PERIOD OF BUILDINGS To analyse the earthquake damage in Viña del Mar by the 2010 earthquake it is essential to consider the buildings structural characteristics mainly those affecting their seismic response. After the earthquake, 2054 buildings on the plain area of the city were inspected. 252 of them were damaged, and required a more detailed analysis [4]. To assess vulnerability of buildings we collected information about materials and structural system, typology, building data (to take into account code provisions applied), vulnerability index Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2014 Iv and behaviour modifiers (according to Risk-UE) and then vulnerability class EMS-98 was assigned (Table 1). Several factors conditioning the buildings response were also considered. The height H (or number of storeys N) was one of them, making a general classification within low (N ≤ 3), medium (N between 4 and 9) and high (N from 10 to 24). The structure building materials have been another of the factors (wood, W; masonry, M; and reinforced concrete, RC). The structures were classified in four historical periods corresponding to changes in the applied Chilean earthquake resistant regulation version (NCh433). Building fundamental period T, height/building period ratio (H/T) and wall density (ratio of wall area in one direction/floor area) (dn) were also considered. The H/T parameter is usually used to estimate the translational stiffness of a reinforced concrete (RC) building. This relationship has been used to analyse the behaviour of Chilean buildings with less than 40 storeys [15]. The RC buildings can be classified with the H/T parameter value according to [17] as: too flexible H/T< 20 [m/s], flexible 20<H/T<40 [m/s], normal 40<H/T<70 [m/s], stiff 70<H/T<150 [m/s], and too stiff H/T>150 [m/s]. Most of Viña del Mar RC buildings have a normal stiffness with H/T values between 40 and 70 [m/s]. The H/T relationship for the city of Viña del Mar was estimated by Guendelman et al. [17], and the T/N by Midorikawa [18], (Figure 13). The average ratio between T and N is approximately the same for both authors: T = 0.045 N (2) The average periods of the inspected buildings of Viña del Mar have been estimated with this formula. These natural periods joint to ground predominant periods, amplification period range and earthquake ground motion frequency content have been analysed to explain the prevalence of serious damage to buildings within a range of storey number. Figure 13. Relationship between building height H and period T of RC buildings after [17] (left) and between T and number of storeys N proposed by Midorikawa [18] (right). Most of Viña del Mar structures belong to the ECh 3 and 4 typological types (~75 %) and the remainder correspond to the ECh 1 and 2 types. ECh 5 structures barely exist. RC Chilean buildings have high values of density of walls, dn, generally ranging from 0.015 to 0.035 [19]. These values are much higher than those of other countries (e.g. United States dn < 0.005 or Japan), because most of tall Chilean buildings have a housing use, and the General Ordinance of Urbanism and Construction demanded the laying of partition walls between the dwellings [20]. This way, reinforced concrete buildings, both those with structural walls and those with frames with shear walls, are more stiff, thus reducing total displacement and relative displacement between storeys, and reducing the seismic damage level. The predominant dn values estimates for different periods of construction are: prior to 1960 earthquake dn < 0.040, for 1960-1985 period dn ~ 0.043, and after 1985 earthquake values ranging from 0.043 to 0.060. The damage assumed by Moroni and Astroza [21] according to the wall density (dn) for an intensity of VIII (MM) is shown in Table 2. 5 ANALYSIS OF DAMAGE The methodologies of post-seismic damage assessment have been generally focused on quantifying the level of damage and the classification of the habitability of buildings affected (e.g. ATC20 [22], FEMA [23], HAZUS99 [24]) or the recently proposed [e.g. 25 and 26]. These methods were taken into account in Viña del Mar damage assessment. Although the shaking had amax ≥ 0.35 g and it exceeded 0.1g for more than 25 s, reaching an intensity of grade I = VII-VIII (EMS) in sedimentary soils, the performance of buildings in Viña del Mar was generally quite satisfactory in this earthquake. It’s worth noting that only 252 (12.3 %) of the 2054 analysed buildings suffered visible damage, most of them (el 86.9 %) had only damage of grade 1 or 2 and none collapsed (Table 3). 8 % suffered very light damage (grade 1, EMS), 2.6 % suffered light damage (grade 2), 1.1 % suffered moderate damage (grade 3), and 0.5 % suffered severe damage (grade 4). Most of damaged buildings (86.9%) had only damage of grade 1 or 2 (EMS-98 scale). The low percentage of damage to RC buildings and the absence of collapses (grade 5, EMS) is justified by the high values for parameter wall density ranging from 0.015 to 0.035 [4]. Grade 3 buildings were 8.7 % of the damaged buildings, most of them Reinforced Concrete (RC) structures (63.6 %), with N ≥ 10 storeys and constructed before 1985. Grade 4 buildings were 4.3 % of the damaged buildings, and most of them (81.8 %) were also found in RC buildings with more than 10 storeys (Table 3). None of the buildings constructed between 1985 and 1993 suffered severe structural damages (grade≥ 4). The existence of fluvial and marine deposits and a shallow phreatic level influenced the seismic intensity distribution, consistent with previous seismic microzonation of the city carried out by Moehle et al [10]. The more damaged buildings (grade ≥ 3) were located mainly in the city areas with the softest soils along the river Marga Marga and close to the coast (Figure 14), formed by alluvial deposits belonging to the delta of river and to mixed deposits, respectively, showing the soil influence. This damage distribution was also observed by the EERI work teams [27] who visited the damaged areas. This spatial distribution of building damage was similar to the one observed in the earthquake of 1985 [26]. The dependence of damage level with the building date of construction, height, materiality and stiffness parameter h/T has also been analysed. The time of building allow us to estimate the seismic standards applied in its construction. The results indicate that 52.7 % of all of the damaged buildings were built before the earthquake of 1985, 15.5 % date from 1985-1993 (when significant changes were introduced in the Chilean Standard Seismic after the earthquake 1985), 22.6 % date from 1994-2003 and finally 9.1 % date from 2004-2010. 2959 Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2014 Table 1. Comparison of the analysed Chilean typologies found in Viña del Mar to the typologies of HAZUS, EMS and Risk-UE and vulnerability class according to the EMS scale and vulnerability index Iv. (italics mean type that do not exist in the city). Chilean Structures ECh- 1. Concrete frame and shear wall building ECh- 2. Concrete shear wall buildings ECh- 3. Buildings with hybrid masonry walls ECh- 4. Reinforced brick/concrete block masonry building. (reinforced masonry or confined masonry) ECh- 5. Steel frame with shear walls *Probable value HAZUS typology C1H. Concrete moment frame C2H Concrete shear walls W1. Wood, light frame URM L Unreinforced masonry bearing walls RM2L. Reinforced masonry bearing walls RM1M. Reinforce masonry with wood or metal deck diaphragms RM2L. Reinforced masonry bearing walls S2H. Steel braced frame EMS-98 typology RC frame with RC4. RC dual systems, high level of RC frame and walls ERD RC frame with high level of RC2. RC shear walls ERD Timber W. Wooden structures structures Iv* index of RiskUE EMS-98 Vulnerability class 0.386 E*, F+,D- 0.386 E*, F+,D- 0.447 D*, C+, E+, B- Bearing walls masonry with RC floors M3.4. URM bearing walls with reinforced concrete slabs 0.616 C*, B-, D+ Reinforced masonry or confined M5. Overall strengthened masonry 0.694 D*, E+, C- Reinforced or confined masonry M3.1. Wooden slabs URM 0.74 B*, A+, C- Reinforced or confined masonry M4. Reinforced or confined masonry 0.451 D*, C+, E+, B- Steel structures S4. Steel frame and cast in place shear walls 0.224 E*, D+, F-, C- + Upper limit - Lower limit ERD: Earthquake resistant design Table 2. Relationship between damage level of and wall density (dn) for an intensity of VIII (MM). dn (%) dn ≥ 1.15 1.15 > dn ≥ 0.85 0.85 > dn ≥ 0.50 dn < 0.50 Risk-UE typology Grade of damage Light (0 and 1) Moderate (2) Severe (3) Heavy (4 and 5) URM: Unreinforced masonry RC: Reinforced concrete A striking result is the fact that the buildings with less than 4 storeys (of different typologies, ECh types 3 and 4, which were 74.25% of the total) presented a lower percentage of damaged buildings (0.9 %) than the buildings with N > 3 storeys (mostly RC structures, ECh 1 and 2 types). There was also a lower percentage of damage of grade 3 and 4 in low storeys (0.4 %) than in high storeys (Table 3). Table 3. Damaged buildings classified by their storey number and damage grade. All Damaged Undama VL L M S buildings buildings ged (G0) (G1) (G2) (G3) (G4) Number of buildings 2054 252 1802 165 54 22 11 % of total 100% 12.3% 87.7% 8.0% 2.6% 1.1% 0.5% Buildings N ≥ 4 storeys 529 233 296 164 44 16 9 % of total 25.7% 11.3% 14.4% 8.0% 2.1% 0.8% 0.4% Buildings N< 4 storeys 1525 19 1506 1 10 6 2 % of total 74.3% 0.9% 73.3% 0.1% 0.5% 0.3% 0.1% VL: Very Light L: Light M: Moderate S: Severe C: Collapse 2960 C (G5) 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2014 The number of storeys N (related to the fundamental period of buildings) and materiality (structural type) were other parameters analysed in relation to the damage. Buildings with grade 3 of damage were 8.7% of damaged ones (1% of total of structures), most 63.6 % were RC structures built before 1985 and N ≥ 10 storeys. Buildings with grade 4 were 4.3 % of damaged ones (0.5 % of the total), most of them were also RC structures (81.8 %) and N ≥ 10 storeys. Any building built between 1985 and 1993 suffered serious structural damage (grade ≥ 4). Figure 14. 3D view (from the SW) of the plain area of Viña del Mar city. Buildings with their grade of damage (EMS) and height are shown. Damage dependence with the buildings height and location on the softest soils is observed. If we take records of two CEVM and MMVM acceleration stations as representative of earthquake ground motion in the plain area of the city, the input energy spectra indicate us the great transfer of energy from the ground to the structures is for periods in the range of 0.4-1.5 s. This means that those buildings with fundamental period in that range, which corresponds to structures between 9 and 33 storeys could have suffered relevant damage. Response spectra and the transfer functions obtained with HVSR and SSR methods the predominant soil period as well as the predominant periods of soils tell us about the period range were amplification of ground motion should occur and resonant effect may appear. 6 CONCLUSIONS The analysis of geological and geotechnical data show that the plain area of the city is formed by alluvial deposits consisting of sands and silty sands deposits reaching up to 100 m thick. The VS10 calculated are less than 280 m/s and VS30 are greater than 300 m / s, except in the vicinity of the river where they are lower. The hill zones consist of rocks of different ages with high Vs greater than those of the plain. This geological differences joint to water table depth (generally between 2.7 and 6-7 m) had a clear influence in the spatial macroseismic intensity distribution in the city in the 2010 earthquake and were also observed in previous ones. The observed intensities were almost one degree lower at hills than in the plain area of the city. The predominant ground periods, Tp, obtained with ambient noise and HVSR technique show the above mentioned heterogeneous response of the ground. The Tp of the plain city area (on Quaternary sediments) are between 0.4 and 1.1 s, the highest values (Tp > 0.8 s) on zones near the river and coast shores. The surrounding zones present Tp lower than 0.4 s. These results are relevant information to analyze the resonance. The H/V spectral ratios of the mainshock and some aftershocks also indicate a different response of the two sites of permanent seismic station. In both, spectral amplification above a factor of 4 for periods of 0.4-1.2 s (CEVM) and 0.351.6 s (MMVM) was found. Response spectra verify this different ground response. Results obtained by [16] applying HVSR method to aftershocks recorded at 4 sites of the city also found significant amplification among sites of the plain in similar period range here obtained. The results obtained with the SSR method, using Technical University Federico Santa María (UTFSM) as reference station, indicate again a similar period range of significant amplifications in Viña del Mar. The input energy spectra show greater motion energy transferable to the structures in periods between 0.4 and 1.1 s at CEVM station and from 0.4 to 1.5 s at MMVM station. If the relationship building period-number of storeys (T/N) estimated by Midorikawa [18] for RC structures of the city, the buildings of 9 or more storeys could suffer more damage. This is contrasted with the analysis of damage, showing that buildings with major damage (grades 3 and 4) are reinforced concrete with 9 or more storeys and the buildings of less than 4 storeys (the most abundant) had a lower percentage damage. The most noteworthy aspect is the fact that, in spite of clearly reaching degree of VII-VIII (MM) in the plain area of the city, most Viña del Mar buildings (87.7%) did not suffered substantial damage and only 252 (out of the 2054 revised constructions) suffered visible enough damages to be assessed. Moreover, very light and light damages (grades 1 and 2 EMS scale) affected 10.6 % of the total percentage, but were 86.9 % of the damaged buildings. None of the buildings, either old or new, collapsed. A certain dependence on the level of damage to the time of construction (here characterized as a function of applied seismic regulations) was appreciated. Most of the damaged buildings (52.7 %) were built before the 1985 earthquake, only 15.5% for the period 1985-1993 (where significant changes were made to the earthquake resistant regulation NCh433 after the 1985 earthquake), in spite of being only 6.5% of the total of 2054 buildings. The damaged buildings percentage decreases in the later periods, being the damaged ones by 15.5 % for the 1985-1993 period, by 22.6 % for the 1994-2003 period (where there were improvements in the NCh433 and structural control was incorporated) and finally by 9.1 % for the 2004-2010 period. A dependence of damage to the fundamental period of the building and the structural type were observed, by 0.9% of the low buildings of less than 4 storeys and typology types ECh 3 and ECh 4 (74.2 % of all inspected buildings) had damage and 2961 Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2014 only 0.4 % damage of grade 3 or 4. However, buildings N> 3 storeys, mainly RC structures, ECh types 1 and 2 and less abundant (25.75 % of total), by 11.3 % were damaged and 1.2 % with severe damage (grade 3 or 4 EMS). Damaged buildings of grade 4 were 0.5 % of the total and 4.3 % of the damaged ones. These severe damages concentrated in RC structures having more than de 10 storeys (81.8 % of this grade). In many of these tall buildings, the ground floor has a greater height than the higher storeys, thus suffering “soft storey” failures. The damage low percentage to RC constructions and the absence of RC collapses are justified by the wall density high values, ranging from 0.015 to 0.035, and by the H/T parameter ranging from 40 to 70 of the immense majority of the Viña del Mar buildings. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This research was carried out within the framework of research coordinated project CGL2011-30187-C02-01-02 funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. The authors wish to express their sincere gratitude to the professors Carlos Aguirre (Technical University Federico Santa Maria) and Jorge F. Carvallo (Catholic University of Valparaíso) who provided us soil and building data. Also thank the Municipality of Viña del Mar, especially to architect Pablo Rodriguez-Diaz and geographer Rodrigo Flores, for the soil mechanics reports and collaboration offered during microtremor measurements in soils and in buildings. Finally, thanks to all those who helped during the building damage assessment and microtremor surveys. REFERENCES [1] Leyton, F., Ruiz, S. and Sepúlveda, S. A. (2009). Preliminary reevaluation of probabilistic seismic hazard assessment in Chile: from Arica to Taitao Peninsula. Advances in Geosciences 22: 147-153. [2] NCh433.Of96. Official Chilean Standard seismic design of buildings. National Standards Institute, INN - Chile, Santiago, Chile. [3] Carrasco, O.F. and Nuñez C.S. (2013). Microzonation of the city of Viña del Mar. Memory degree in Civil Engineering. University of Tecnica Federico Santa Maria. 251 pp. [4] Aranda, C., Vidal, F., Alguacil, G., Navarro, M. y Carvallo, J.F. (2012). 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