PA N H E L L E N I C S O R O R I T Y Recruitment Arizona State University 12 a s u p a n . c o m Great Women GO GREEK! 2012 Panhellenic Executive Council CORINNE ROELS President KIRSTEN ADAMS Vice President of Community Standards KIMBERLY TAYLOR Vice President of Membership LEAH OSADCHUK Vice President of Administration and Finance COLLEGE HAS BEEN THE MOST AMAZING EXPERIENCE OF MY LIFE AND I HOPE THAT YOU FIND YOUR EXPERIENCE TO BE THE SAME. At one of the largest universities in the nation, getting involved is vital to making ASU feel like a home. By getting involved in Greek Life you are joining one of the strongest traditions on campus. Panhellenic sorority women at ASU are able to successfully balance campus involvement, community service, social lives, and most importantly, academics. Every sorority is unique, having its own rituals and traditions. Yet, we are all bonded together by a common theme; we are all Greek. Panhellenic Recruitment is one of the most rewarding experiences you will have. It is a weekend where you learn about the sororities we have on campus, and find where you would best fit in. One of the KRISTEN ALEXANDER features of Recruitment is that you will also be Vice President of Scholarship and Academics able to meet hundreds of women who are new ALEX LUKANOWSKI to ASU. Hopefully, you will be able to build Vice President of Public Relations friendships with these women that will last throughout your entire time at ASU. By the end of the weekend you will be exhausted, but I promise that you will feel fulfilled. SHAY McGRADY Vice President of Educational Development Through my Greek affiliation I have made lifelong friends. I have friends within my own chapter, as well as in other chapters. I have also been able to expand my leadership skills, as well as interact with other leaders on campus. My sorority affiliation has helped shape me into the woman I am today. It is an experience that I will hold dear to my heart for the rest of my life. I encourage you to take full advantage of the opportunities that lie before you. The benefits of joining a Panhellenic sorority will be with you for life. I hope that you too will come to love Greek Life as much as I do. If you have any questions, please contact me at I CAN’T WAIT TO SEE YOU IN THE FALL! Sincerely, Kimberly Taylor Vice President of Membership 2 Letter T O PA R E N T S CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR DAUGHTER’S DECISION TO PARTICIPATE IN ASU’S 2012 PANHELLENIC SORORITY RECRUITMENT WEEK! Your daughter is about to begin a weekend that will be full of activities. Comfortable shoes, lots of rest, drinking plenty of water and remembering to eat are essential! Please encourage your daughter to come to Recruitment with an open mind. She may have heard stories about each of the chapters, be a legacy to one or more sororities, or have made the decision with a best friend to pledge the same sorority no matter what. These situations have the potential for creating disappointment, so please let your daughter know the importance of making decisions based on facts and on the women she meets in each sorority chapter. She’ll be the one living with members for the next few years, so she should look for women she likes, and a place where she feels comfortable. Sororities require both a financial and time commitment. Sorority dues range from $500-$900 per semester. The variation in expenses is due to the fact that some groups can assess for events and t-shirts while other groups cannot. There are also one-time fees associated with sorority membership. These include new member fees to headquarters, initiation fees, and housing fund fees. Your daughter should ask each sorority about these financial obligations. Your daughter should also ask about the time commitment of being in a sorority. While being a member of a sorority does involve a time commitment, many of our sorority women are able maintain part-time jobs, full-time school, and still have an amazing sorority experience. The Panhellenic sororities are housed in Adelphi Commons. Opportunities to live in Adelphi Commons vary by chapter and are something your daughter should ask about during Recruitment. All chapters have a requirement to live in Adelphi Commons. Adelphi Commons is located on campus. In the event that your daughter chooses not to join a sorority or is unhappy with her experience, please be supportive. Help her realize that there are many other options for involvement at Arizona State University. No matter what the outcome of Recruitment Week, she will have met many new people. Your daughter will be assigned to a Panhellenic Ambassador at Recruitment Orientation on August 30. The Panhellenic Ambassador will guide her through the Recruitment process. She should direct any questions she has about Recruitment to her Recruitment Counselor. Should you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me. I am more than happy to address any questions or concerns you may have. I can be reached at 480.965.2275 or Sincerely, Lara Klinkner Coordinator s Fraternity & Sorority Life 3 Table of CONTENTS 2 Great Women Go Greek! 11 Formal Panhellenic Recruitment 3 Letter to Parents 12 Recruitment Schedule 5 Panhellenic Creed s Greek Alphabet 13 Panhellenic Recruitment Attire 14 Tips for Potential New Members 15 Alpha Chi Omega sAlpha Delta Pi sAlpha Gamma Delta 16 Alpha Phi sChi Omega s Delta Gamma 6 7 Panhellenic Council Sorority Life It’s All Greek to Me 8 Sisterhood sScholarship 9 Leadership sCommunity Service sHousing 17 Delta Zeta sGamma Phi Beta s Kappa Alpha Theta Financial Obligations s Hazing 18 Kappa Kappa Gamma sPi Beta Phi s Sigma Kappa 19 Omega Phi Alpha s Community Traditions 20 Greek Awards 2011 s Looking for Other Ways to Get Involved? 10 4 Panhellenic CREED WE, AS UNDERGRADUATE MEMBERS OF WOMEN’S FRATERNITIES, STAND FOR GOOD SCHOLARSHIP, FOR GUARDING OF GOOD HEALTH, FOR MAINTENANCE OF FINE STANDARDS, AND FOR SERVING, TO THE BEST OF OUR ABILITY, OUR COLLEGE COMMUNITY. Cooperation for furthering fraternity life, in harmony with its best possibilities, is the ideal that shall guide our fraternity activities. We, as Fraternity Women, stand for service through the development of character inspired by the close contact and deep friendship of individual fraternity and Panhellenic life. The opportunity for wide and wise human service, through mutual respect and helpfulness, is the tenet by which we strive to live. Greek ALPHABET ! " # $ % & ' ( ALPHA (al-fah) BETA (bay-tuh) GAMMA (gam-uh) DELTA (del-tuh) EPSILON (ep-si-lon) ZETA (zay-tuh) ETA (A-tuh) THETA (thay-tuh) ) * + , - . / 0 IOTA (eye-o-tuh) KAPPA (cap-uh) LAMBDA (lamb-duh) MU (muew) NU (new) XI (zie) or (zee) OMICRON (om-i-cron) PI (pie) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 RHO (row) SIGMA (sig-muh) TAU (taw) UPSILON (yoop-si-lon) PHI (fye) CHI (kie) PSI (sie) OMEGA (o-may-guh) 5 Panhellenic COUNCIL SORORITY LIFE WHEN YOU JOIN A NATIONAL PANHELLENIC CONFERENCE (NPC) SORORITY YOU ARE NOT JUST JOINING A FAMILY OF GREEK WOMEN AT ASU, BUT A FAMILY OF GREEK WOMEN ALL OVER THE WORLD. In fact, there are more than 600 college and university campuses that are home to sorority women in the United States and Canada. NPC is the umbrella organization for 26 national and international sororities. Each sorority functions autonomously as social, Greek-letter societies of college women, and alumnae. ASU recognizes 12 NPC sorority chapters. The local Panhellenic Council, a smaller unit of the larger National Panhellenic Conference, is responsible for organizing activities of interest to all Panhellenic sororities on campus. No matter what city you end up in after college, you will always find friends. Alumnae chapters are set up throughout the United States and the world, allowing you to find a familiar face in a new place. While you might not initially know the women, you will know the bond that is shared by being a part of the same organization. 6 It’s All Greek TO ME ACTIVE: An initiated collegiate member who is currently paying dues to an undergraduate chapter. NEW MEMBER: A person who has accepted an invitation to join a chapter and has not yet been initiated. ALUMNA: A sorority member who is a graduated member of a collegiate chapter. PANHELLENIC COUNCIL: The Panhellenic Council is a cooperative campus organization of collegiate members of NPC sororities. BID: A formal invitation extended to a prospective member to join a chapter. POTENTIAL NEW MEMBER: A woman interested in joining a Panhellenic sorority. CHAPTER: A membership unit of a (inter)national sorority. PREFERENTIAL BIDDING: A system used at the conclusion of Recruitment to match sorority and potential new member preferences. CONTINUOUS OPEN BIDDING (COB): COB bids may be extended and accepted at any time during the school year other than during Formal Recruitment. (COB is also called open bidding and Informal Membership Recruitment.) RECOMMENDATION/REFERENCE: A letter or a form written by an alumna member recommending a potential member to a sorority. FORMAL MEMBERSHIP RECRUITMENT: A designated membership recruitment period during which a series of organized events are held by each NPC sorority, organized by the Panhellenic Council. RECRUITMENT COUNSELOR: A Panhellenic sorority member who has disaffiliated from her chapter during Formal Recruitment. She is specially trained to help potential new members and answer any questions they may have about sorority membership. FRATERNITY: Greek-letter sisterhood or brotherhood. INITIATION: A ceremony in which new members receive lifelong membership privileges. SORORITY: A Greek-letter sisterhood. LEGACY: A woman whose mother, sister, or in some cases, grandmother, is an alumna or active member of a sorority. NATIONAL PANHELLENIC CONFERENCE (NPC): NPC is a conference body composed of 26 national women’s fraternities, each of which is autonomous as a social, Greek-letter society of college women, undergraduates, and alumnae. 7 Sisterhood JOINING A PANHELLENIC SORORITY IS THE BEGINNING OF CREATING LIFELONG FRIENDS. It is a way for you to create a home away from home. One of the best aspects of joining a sorority is the friends you will make. You will share a bond with these women that is unlike any other. You will share in each other’s successes, happiness, and on occasion, sorrows. You will find that relaxing and laughing with each other will be some of the most fulfilling times you and your sisters will have together. Sisterhood is more than wearing the same Greek letters; it is about a sense of belonging, companionship, and community. Scholarship ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT IS THE PRIMARY REASON FOR ATTENDING COLLEGE! Academics are an important part of sorority life. In fact, although Panhellenic does not have a specific GPA requirement to participate in Recruitment, each individual sorority does have a minimum GPA requirement for membership*. We encourage you to inquire about this during Recruitment. ASU Panhellenic sorority women want you to be successful at ASU. Panhellenic chapters offer study hours and assistance in time management and study skills as well as tutoring programs. Each national organization also offers academic scholarships for those women who meet the requirements. With permission from each potential new member, ASU will verify GPA, ASU enrollment, and number of credits enrolled in for each woman going through Recruitment. The ASU all-women’s GPA is 3.06 and the ASU all-Panhellenic GPA is 3.12. *This is according to the Fall 2011 term. 8 Leadership LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT IS ONE OF THE BENEFITS OF BEING IN A SORORITY. As a chapter officer you can further develop your leadership skills. Every chapter has multiple opportunities for you to get involved. Whether it is taking on a large role, such as an Executive Board position, or something smaller like being on a committee planning an event, there are leadership roles for everyone. Additionally, sorority women are also involved in campus-wide activities. Your chapter will encourage you to get involved with campus activities. Greeks are members of numerous student organizations on campus including Undergraduate Student Government, ASU athletics, Programming and Activities Board, Devil’s Advocates, Residence Hall Association, Greek Programming Board, Order of Omega Honor Society, and many other organizations. Striking a balance between academics and social activities is an important part of college life. Involvement in both areas provides a well-rounded college experience. Community Service PANHELLENIC SORORITY WOMEN CONTRIBUTE MUCH TO THE ASU CAMPUS AND SURROUNDING COMMUNITY. ASU Greek Life raised over $100,000 this year for the American Cancer Society through Relay for Life. Individual sorority women also volunteer for local programs such as The Make-A-Wish Foundation, Big Brothers Big Sisters, Habitat for Humanity, and the Boys and Girls Club of America. There are endless opportunities to help benefit the community. The ability to give your time to others is one of the most important qualities you will develop while being part of a sorority. Housing THE PANHELLENIC SORORITIES ARE HOUSED AT ADELPHI COMMONS. Adelphi Commons is a gated community on campus, offering you close proximity to classrooms, the library, student union, and recreational facilities. Each chapter has its own cluster, complete with suite-style living, a full kitchen, chapter room, study room and a courtyard. Each of the sororities require their members to live in Adelphi Commons until they have reached maximum occupancy. Once a chapter has reached maximum occupancy, members can reside elsewhere. 9 Financial OBLIGATIONS JOINING ANY CHAPTER COMES WITH A FINANCIAL REQUIREMENT. Sorority dues range from $600-$800 per semester. You and your family should be aware of the dues, fees, and other expenses. The first semester of membership is usually the most expensive, as most of the onetime fees occur then. Be sure to ask questions during Recruitment about financial obligations. Hazing ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY DOES NOT TOLERATE HAZING IN ANY FORM, AND THEREFORE IT IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Additionally, hazing is a violation of all national fraternity and sorority policies, the Arizona Board of Regents Student Code of Conduct, and is a violation of state law. All ASU students are expected to follow the ABOR Student Code of Conduct. 10 Formal PA N H E L L E N I C R E C R U I T M E N T FORMAL PANHELLENIC SORORITY RECRUITMENT TAKES PLACE LABOR DAY WEEKEND, WHICH IS AUGUST 31SEPTEMBER 3, 2012. It lasts the entire weekend, so please request time off of work and do not schedule any vacations during that time. Recruitment will be an exciting time! It is an opportunity for you to get to know ASU, Greek Life, our sorority women, and your potential new sisters better. Please remember that participation in Recruitment does not guarantee an invitation to join a sorority, nor does it obligate a woman to join. Your first stop on your journey to join a sorority will be to register for Panhellenic Recruitment. All women who wish to join a sorority must fill out the Panhellenic registration form ahead of time. To fill out the application, please visit our registration site at: The application fee is $125 and must be paid before your application will be eligible for submission. Applications can be completed online through Wednesday, August 29, 2012, at 12 pm. Next, you will attend a mandatory orientation on Wednesday, August 29, 2012, in the Memorial Union Arizona Ballroom. There will be two different options available to you. One will take place at 5:30 pm and the other will take place at 7:30 pm. At orientation the Panhellenic Council Officers and Panhellenic Ambassadors will discuss the Formal Recruitment process. You will have the opportunity to meet with your Panhellenic Ambassadors and have your questions about Recruitment answered. Recruitment begins with Round 1 on Friday, August 31, 2012; Round 2 on Saturday, September 1, 2012; Round 3 on Sunday, September 2, 2012; and Preference on Monday, September 3, 2012. During each round you will have the opportunity to meet many women and learn about each chapter. Each chapter is unique and has its own traditions, so it is important to learn as much as possible about each one. You are encouraged to ask questions about fees, housing, the sorority, and college life in general. Recruitment is a mutual selection process. Just as the chapters are narrowing down the number of women attending their parties, you will be narrowing down the number of chapters you wish to attend. The length of the Recruitment parties gets longer as the week progresses so the chapters have a better opportunity to get to know you and you get to know them. A Panhellenic Ambassador is a Panhellenic woman who will be the leader of a Recruitment group of approximately 30 potential new members. She is someone with whom you can talk and ask questions. It is her job to remain neutral through the process, and in order to do this she has disaffiliated from her chapter. This means that she will not tell you which chapter she is part of until the end of Recruitment. This allows you to ask her any questions you might have about any of our 12 chapters and not feel any pressure. She is there to be your friend and help you make the right decision. She will be your companion and confidant throughout the entire recruitment process and is available 24 hours a day. It is important that you keep an open mind throughout Recruitment. With 12 Panhellenic chapters on campus you will find one that suits your needs. Recruitment is the perfect time to find that group you feel the most comfortable with. You should join the chapter where you feel at home. You should join the chapter that is best for you! 11 Recruitment SCHEDULE QUESTION AND ANSWER SESSION/ADELPHI DAY TUESDAY, AUGUST 28, 2012, AT 6:30 PM This session is designed to answer any initial questions you might have about Panhellenic sorority life as well as give you an opportunity to tour Adelphi Commons, the on-campus sorority housing complex. s s s FALL RECRUITMENT ORIENTATION WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 29, 2012, AT 5:30 PM OR 7:30 PM This event is mandatory for all women participating in recruitment and will be held in the Arizona Ballroom in the Memorial Union. You may choose to attend either the 5:30 pm or 7:30 pm session. s s s RECRUITMENT INFORMATION (ALL EVENTS HELD IN THE MEMORIAL UNION) ROUND 1: Friday, August 31 s 12:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m. ROUND 2: Saturday, September 1 s 9:30 a.m.-6:30 p.m. ROUND 3: Sunday, September 2 s 10:30 a.m.-7:30 p.m. PREFERENCE: Monday, September 3 s 10:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. *BID DAY: Tuesday, September 4 s 3:30 p.m.-5:00 p.m. (Located on the Old Main Lawn) *Most sororities have something special planned for their new members after Bid Day, so please keep this evening available. If you cannot attend Bid Day because of classes, don’t worry. You can call your Recruitment Counselor and she will let you know which sorority you have been invited to join. Furthermore, a woman from that chapter will contact you later that evening. s s s Arizona State University Panhellenic is happy to assist in making Recruitment an easier and more pleasant experience for you. If you have a physical disability and would like our help during the Recruitment week, we will work to accommodate your needs. Please call our office at 480.965.2275 and let us know what you will need. *ASU Panhellenic Recruitment is open to students from all four ASU campuses. 12 Panhellenic RECRUITMENT ATTIRE ROUND ONE s FRIDAY Round one is when you will get to meet all of the sorority women. It is a time for you to introduce yourself to the sororities. Spending 20 minutes with each chapter will allow you the opportunity to meet as many women as possible. Today is a more relaxed day so have fun! ROUND THREE s SUNDAY When you arrive to Recruitment you will receive your party schedule for the day. You will spend 45 minutes with each chapter, really giving you the opportunity to know the women and start to determine your comfort level in that chapter. The attire is a little dressier than the previous day. DO’S: Short-sleeved t-shirt/casual shorts/skirts/pants/ tennis shoes/flip-flops or other flats DON’TS: Suits/shorts or skirts that are ‘too’ short/heels/ dress shoes DO’S: Casual dresses/capris/skirts/pants/nicer shirts/ dress shoes DON’TS: Shorts/jeans/cocktail dresses/pantyhose/ high heels s s s s s s ROUND TWO s SATURDAY In the morning you will receive your party schedule for the day. You will spend 30 minutes in each chapter, allowing you the opportunity to talk with more of the women. The attire is a little dressier, but remember to stay comfortable! PREFERENCE s MONDAY When you arrive for Recruitment in the early afternoon you will receive your party schedule. You will be visiting up to three chapters on this day for an hour each. Tonight is the night that you will see the special side of the sorority, a side that not everyone will get to see. This is the time to really think about the sorority and see which one you would be the happiest in. Attire for this day is the dressiest! DO’S: Casual sundresses/skirts/capris and tops/ sandals/flats DON’TS: Casual t-shirts/fancy dresses/suits/ dress shoes/heels DO’S: Cocktail dress/heels DON’TS: Formal dresses/jeans/high heels 13 Tips for POTENTIAL NEW MEMBERS 1. Take notes after leaving each event. Record the names of the people you talked to, what you talked about, notable characteristics of the chapter, and anything else to help you remember your visit at a later time. You will be provided paper and a pen. 2. Be positive and polite. 3. Look at the sorority as a whole. Don’t judge the entire chapter by just one woman. 4. Ask questions – it helps the conversation and is a sign of interest. 5. Be mature in your decision-making. 6. Be realistic about the members with whom you feel the most comfortable. 7. Active members are just as nervous, anxious, and excited as you are. 8. Do not interpret any remark made at an event as assurance of a bid – one individual member has no way of determining these things. 9. Make sure to get ample rest and relaxation. It is a long process. Also, drink water and make sure that you eat before you arrive each day. 10. Remember to make your own decision! If you have any questions or feelings that you need to discuss, go to your Recruitment Counselor. She is there to help you throughout this process. 11. SMILE! 12. Have a great time and meet as many people as possible! 13. Most importantly…be YOURSELF! 14 Alpha Chi Omega CHAPTER NAME ALPHA CHI OMEGA Colors Scarlet Red and Olive Green Symbol Lyre Philanthropy Fight Against Domestic Violence Open Motto “Together let us seek the heights.” Local Founding Date September 25, 1982 National Founding Date October 15, 1885 Website Alpha Delta Pi CHAPTER NAME ALPHA DELTA PI Colors Azure Blue and White Symbol Diamond Philanthropy The Ronald McDonald House Open Motto “We live for each other.” Local Founding Date October 14, 1950 National Founding Date May 15, 1851 Website Alpha Gamma Delta CHAPTER NAME ALPHA GAMMA DELTA Colors Red, Buff, and Green Symbol Open Motto Squirrel The Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation, Diabetes Research and Foundation “Inspire the Women. Impact the World.” Local Founding Date May 1, 2010 National Founding Date May 30, 1904 Website Philanthropy 15 Alpha Phi CHAPTER NAME ALPHA PHI Colors Silver and Bordeaux Symbol Ivy Leaf Philanthropy Alpha Phi Foundation and Cardiac Care Open Motto “Union Hand in Hand.” Local Founding Date October 10, 1872 National Founding Date September 30, 1872 Website Chi Omega CHAPTER NAME CHI OMEGA Colors Cardinal and Straw Symbol Owl Philanthropy Make-A-Wish Foundation Open Motto ––––––– Local Founding Date May 5, 1951 National Founding Date April 5, 1895 Website Delta Gamma CHAPTER NAME DELTA GAMMA Colors Bronze, Pink, and Blue Symbol Anchor Philanthropy Service For Sight/Delta Gamma Foundation Open Motto “Do Good.” Local Founding Date May 19, 1958 National Founding Date December 25, 1873 Website 16 Delta Zeta CHAPTER NAME DELTA ZETA Colors Rose and Green Symbols Roman Lamp/Turtle Philanthropy Speech and Hearing Community Open Motto ––––––– Local Founding Date October 8, 2005 National Founding Date October 24, 1902 Website Gamma Phi Beta CHAPTER NAME GAMMA PHI BETA Colors Pink, Light and Dark Brown Symbol Crescent Moon Philanthropy Campfire USA Open Motto “Founded Upon a Rock.” Local Founding Date December 3, 1949 National Founding Date November 11, 1874 Website Kappa Alpha Theta CHAPTER NAME KAPPA ALPHA THETA Colors Black and Gold Symbol Kite Philanthropy Court Appointed Special Advocates Open Motto ––––––– Local Founding Date April 11, 1959 National Founding Date January 27, 1870 Website 17 Kappa Kappa Gamma CHAPTER NAME KAPPA KAPPA GAMMA Colors Dark Blue and Light Blue Symbols Open Motto Fleur-de-lis, Golden Key Reading is Fundamental, Southwest Autism Research and Resource Center “A Tradition of Leadership.” Local Founding Date April 24, 1959 National Founding Date October 13, 1870 Website Philanthropy Pi Beta Phi CHAPTER NAME PI BETA PHI Colors Wine and Silver Blue Symbols Arrows and Angels Philanthropy Promoting Literacy, Pi Beta Phi Foundation Open Motto As our founders did, “We must dare to dream, for if there are no dreams, there cannot be dreams come true.” Local Founding Date February 14, 1965 National Founding Date April 28, 1867 Website Sigma Kappa CHAPTER NAME SIGMA KAPPA Colors Lavender and Maroon Symbols Heart and Dove Philanthropy Sigma Kappa Foundation, Gerontology with an emphasis on Alzheimer’s disease research Open Motto “One Heart, One Way” Local Founding Date April 14, 2012 National Founding Date November 9, 1874 Website 18 Omega Phi Alpha CHAPTER NAME OMEGA PHI ALPHA Colors Dark Blue, Light Blue, and Gold Symbols Raggedy Ann, “Ophia” Philanthropy Numerous Open Motto “Today’s Friends, Tomorrow’s Leaders, Forever in Service.” Local Founding Date Spring 2006 National Founding Date April 22, 1958 Website *Omega Phi Alpha is an affiliate chapter of the Panhellenic Council at Arizona State University, but will not be participating in Formal Fall Recruitment. Omega Phi Alpha is a national service sorority focused on developing friendship, leadership, and cooperation by promoting service to the university community and the community at large. Community WELCOME WEEK s Panhellenic sororities volunteer every year to welcome new students to ASU. Greeks are present at many events to help offer assistance. These events include: operating information booths during move in and the first week of school, helping students move into their residence hall, and holding informational sessions to address concerns and answer questions prior to formal recruitment. Welcome Week is August 20-23. alumnae events, offering a great time for sorority women to reconnect with alumnae and celebrate being Greek! 2012 Homecoming Week is October 22-27. GREEK WEEK s Greek Week is an annual spring semester tradition that unites all Greeks to promote community pride while engaging in meaningful community service and fun team building events. Sororities and fraternities are placed together on teams to compete in activities such as penny wars, a toy drive, kickball, Greek Olympics, and Greek Sing! We also hold a Meet the Greeks day on campus. Our culminating event is the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life, during which Greeks raise money and walk for 12 hours to symbolize that cancer never sleeps. This year the ASU Greek community raised over $100,000 for Relay for Life. Greek Week will be held in April 2013. -5!&4%2$!2+s August 24, 8 p.m. FAMILY WEEKEND s Family Weekend provides you with a great opportunity to introduce your family to your new college life and sorority sisters. Sororities and fraternities often partner together to host a variety of events for their families. 2012 Family Weekend is September 21 - September 23. HOMECOMING s Homecoming is an exciting time for both current Sun Devils and alumni as they return to their alma mater to show their Sun Devil spirit! Many Greeks participate in the University-sponsored festivities as volunteers and spectators. There are also competitions among the Greeks to see who can have the most attendance and participation at events. Many sororities plan TRADITIONS 19 ASU Greeks Love Sun Devil Athletics! SAVE 20 $ Any woman who signs up for Panhellenic Recruitment and buys student season tickets will get a $20 refund on their recruitment registration fee. (Application on back. Please submit completed application to Memorial Union 345.) 2012 GREEK student season tickets form it’s time to be there, be loud and wear gold METHOD OF PAYMENT GREEK STUDENT SEASON TICKET FORM ASU ID # Bill My Student Account Access your student account through MyASU “My Finances”. Paper billing statements are not sent. Unpaid charges are subject to late fees and suspension of services. 1 Name Signature Address Visa City.State.Zip American Express Check (Make checks payable to: ASU) Phone Card # Email Signature Chapter Affiliation Student Season Ticket and Sun Devil Club Membership $179 Student Season Ticket $149 Total $ NORTHERN ARIZONA ILLINOIS UTAH - FAMILY WEEKEND OREGON UCLA - HOMECOMING WASHINGTON ORDER BY MAIL Mail completed form to: Sun Devil Ticket Office PO Box 872405 Tempe, AZ 85287 PARENTS I Would Like Information for: Football Tickets Men’s Basketball Tickets Sun Devil Club Season Tickets Single Game Tickets Family Weekend Tickets Name Email Please submit completed application to Memorial Union 345. 2012 SUN DEVIL FOOTBALL HOME SCHEDULE ORDER IN PERSON Visit the Sun Devil Ticket Office at the south end of Sun Devil Stadium. Bring your Sun Card for verification. Register using your ASU student ID number. Football Student Guest Pass (Limit 3) $195 (Includes tickets for a guest to all six home Football games) (MUST BE STUDENT SEASON TICKET HOLDER TO PURCHASE) Processing Fee + $ 5 NO NEED TO PICK UP YOUR SEASON TICKET, IT WILL BE LOADED ON YOUR SUN CARD. Exp. Date ORDER ONLINE I WANT TO PURCHASE SEASON TICKETS: AUG. 30 SEPT. 8 SEPT. 22 OCT. 18 OCT. 27 NOV. 17 MasterCard Phone INFERNO PACKAGE ONLY $179 STUDENT SEASON TICKETS Access to ALL Football and Men’s Basketball home games* Opportunity to receive priority seating in the Inferno at Men’s Basketball and Football Official Inferno T-Shirt Student Sun Devil Club Key tag This package guarantees you access to exclusive events and membership in the Student Sun Devil Club and Student Alumni Association. *Schedule subject to change. For current schedule visit O 4 SON TICKETS "DDFTTUP"--'PPUCBMMBOE.FOµT#BTFLUCBMMIPNFHBNFT *Students Please Note: Student section seating is subject to availability and is determined on a first-come first-serve basis. 2012 STUDENT SEASON TICKET RECEIPT METHOD OF PAYMENT Student Account Credit Card Check Access your student account through MyASU “My Finances.” Paper billing statements are not sent. Unpaid charges are subject to late fees and suspension of services. Student Season Ticket and Sun Devil Club Membership $179 Student Season Ticket $149 Football Student Guest Pass (Limit 3) $195 (Includes tickets for a guest to all six home Football games) Processing Fee + $ 5 AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE DATE Total $ Greek Awards 2011 CHAPTER OF THE YEAR Alpha Phi CHAPTER COLLABORATION AWARD Chi Omega with Phi Gamma Delta OUTSTANDING GREEK COMMUNITY LEADER Kimberly Babos, Delta Zeta WILLIAM A. VERDINI SUN DEVIL SPIRIT AWARDS Gabrielle Kissinger, Kappa Alpha Theta OUTSTANDING CHAPTER PRESIDENT Yalda Godusi, Kappa Alpha Theta GREEK JUNIOR OF THE YEAR Gabrielle Kissinger, Kappa Alpha Theta CHAPTER EXCELLENCE IN A PHILANTHROPIC EVENT Delta Zeta Dukeout, Delta Zeta SORORITY WOMAN OF THE YEAR Veronica Aguilar, Pi Beta Phi OUTSTANDING ANNUAL PROGRAM OR EVENT Parent’s Weekend Make-A-Wish Gala: Chi Omega GREEK PILLAR AWARD FOR SCHOLARSHIP Kirsten Adams L O O K I N G F O R O T H E R WAY S T O G E T I N V O LV E D ? CHECK OUT THESE OPPORTUNITIES TO ENHANCE YOUR COLLEGE EXPERIENCE! STUDENT ORGANIZATION RESOURCE CENTER (SORC): Did you know that there are over 700 clubs and organizations at ASU, representing nearly all academic subjects and student interests? Gain leadership skills, meet friends, and enhance your ASU experience! Can’t find a club that interests you? Start your own! Visit for more information. UNDERGRADUATE STUDENT GOVERNMENT (USG): Arizona State’s Undergraduate Student Government has a long-standing tradition of being elected representatives of the student body for over 75 years. No matter what your past leadership experience has been, or how new you are to ASU, USG would love to see you become a part of our efforts. Whether you would like to participate in a few hours of volunteer work or jump on as a paid staff member, USG is a great way to gain experience in politics, student leadership, and build friendship along the way. Visit for more information. PROGRAMMING AND ACTIVITIES BOARD (PAB): PAB is one of the largest and most exciting groups on campus. Consisting of nine departments that plan activities and events in various areas of interest, PAB is committed to providing ASU students with the best experience possible through innovative programming and involvement opportunities! Any Sun Devil can help program, plan, promote, and run our events and activities. For more information on how to get involved, please visit RESIDENCE HALL ASSOCIATION (RHA): Are you interested in becoming a part of Arizona State’s largest student organization? The Residence Hall Association represents all students living on campus at ASU and provides programming, service, and leadership opportunities for the residents who reside here. Please visit for more information! IFC FRATERNITY RECRUITMENT: For the men who are interested in joining a fraternity, please visit www.ifc. for the application and more information. MULTICULTURAL SORORITY AND FRATERNITY RECRUITMENT: If you are interested in joining a multicultural chapter, please attend the Fall 2012 Open House on August 28, 2012 from 5:30-7:30 p.m. Registration is online at
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