Family School Manual 2014–15 Humboldt Park K-8 School 3230 S. Adams Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53207 (414)294-1700 (414)274-1715 fax Georgia Becker Principal This manual is periodically updated. You will find the most recent version on the Humboldt Park K-8 School website at Revised: 08/26/14 JQ/GB Table of Contents SECTION 1: INTRODUCTION From the Principal School’s Mission, Vision and Goals Staff Roster and Contact Information School Calendars/Events School Daily Schedule Student Entry Procedures Student Dismissal Procedures Before- and After-School Services and Programs Parking Student Attendance/Tardiness SECTION 2: PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT MPS Family–School Partnership Pledge The School–Family Compact Open House Parent–Teacher Conferences Rights of Non-Custodial Parents Parent Volunteers School Governance Council Title I: District Advisory Council Parent Resource Centers Department of Family and Student Services Parent/Student Handbook on Rights, Responsibilities and Discipline Tips for Parents SECTION 3: CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION Wisconsin DPI Report Card for the School School Improvement Plan Top Grade Completion High School Graduation Requirements Standards-Based Report Cards/Progress Reports School Homework Policy Textbooks/Instructional Materials and Equipment SECTION 4: MAINTAINING A SAFE SCHOOL ENVIROMENT School Discipline Rules/PBIS Lunch Behavior Expectations Playground Behavior Expectations and Procedures (K–8) Bus Pass Distribution Procedures (high school) 2 SECTION 5: EXPECTATIONS Student Dress Code Inappropriate Items Equipment from Home Cell Phones/Communication Devices Telephone Calls for Students Student IDs Communication with Families/Family Newsletter Parent/Guardian Concerns, Visiting Your Child’s Classroom SECTION 6: SCHOOL POLICIES AND PROCEDURES Emergency Contact Cards Breakfast Procedures Cold Lunch/Lunch Procedures Field Trips Fundraisers School Bookstore School Supplies Emergency Drills SECTION 7: EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Extracurricular Activities Offered SECTION 8: MPS Non-discrimination Policy SECTION 9: ATTACHMENT Acknowledgement of the School–Family Compact and Acknowledgement of the Family School Manual 3 SECTION 1: INTRODUCTION From the Principal Dear Families, Thank you for taking the time to read this Family Handbook! Communication is very important to all of us at Humboldt Park K-8 Charter School. I hope this information is helpful to you. Please feel free to contact the school with any questions at (414) 294-1700. Together we can continue to make our school a success! Sincerely, Ms. Becker Principal Estimadas Familias, ¡Gracias por tomar el tiempo de leer esta Guía Familiar! Comunicación es muy importante a todos nosotros en la escuela Humboldt Park K-8 School. Espero que esta información sea útil a usted. Por favor siempre contacte el maestro de su niño si usted tiene cualquier pregunta. Usted también puede contactar la escuela en 414-294-1700. Espero un gran año escolar y trabajando con usted y con su(s) niño(s) este año. Juntos podemos continuar hacer nuestra escuela un éxito. Sinceramente, Ms. Becker Directora Nyob zoo niamtxiv, Us ntsaug rau nej tseem tau siv lub sijhawm los nyeem phausntawv Family Handbook! Kev sib chab lus yogi b qhos tseemceeb heev rau peb cov ua dejnum tom Humboldt Park K8 School. Kuv xav tias phaus ntawv no yuav pab tau nej. Yog muaj lus noog los yog tsis nkag siab qhov twg no hu rau tom tsev kawmntawv ntawm 414-294-1700. Peb koom tes ua kev peb lus tsev kawmnt yeej yuav muaj kev vammeej! Yog Koj xav taut u Txais lus Hmoob no cas hais Mrs. Moua. Saunpe, Ms. Becker Principal 4 School Mission, Vision and Goals Within the next 5 years, our students will demonstrate their ability to utilize higher level thinking skills across all subject areas and within social situations. This will be measured by classroom, district, and state assessments and guided by the common Core State Standards. Humboldt Park School is dedicated to promoting student success in higher educations, future careers and global citizenship. In other words…..we grow all kids, every day, all of the time! Staff Roster and Contact Information, including MPS email Georgia Becker-Principal Jessica Quindel-Assistant Principal Office Nancy DeSautel Holly Beamon K4-8th Grade Homerooms Room 6 K4 Jill Maloney 7 K4 Alica Magolan 3 K5 Susan Lemley 13 K5 MaryBeth Anich 17 1st Ellen Grasley 16 1st Susan Eisenman 11 2nd Jenny Cameron 12 2nd Michelle Weisse rd 26 3 Kathy Cashmer 27 5th Clay Fromm 25 4th Gail Saler 24 4th Jenny McCoy 23 5th Betsy Markwardt 22 5th Donald Byrne th 32 6 Jennie Dentice 36/37 6th Ken Vaught 31 7th Jane Suminski 34 7th Scott Neumann 33 8th Teresa Breitrick 35 8th Dianne Bell Special Education 4 34A 37 Tanya Panos Amy Jaap Andrew Duncan Robyn Van Treeck VACANCY Heatherlee Muehlius Sara Colwell Heidi Reid ESL 8 16A 16A Speech Pathologists Room 18B 5A/P 5 Specialists Art Phy Ed Music Library Dolly Klar Tom Maloney Sara Konkel Laura Lewandowski Supportive Services Social Worker EEN Supervisor Psychologist Guidance Counselor School Support Teacher Keith DeFatte Ruth Messnick Kristin Kane Matthew Gutierrez Nancy Hill Community Learning Center (CLC) After-School Program Director Mary Bergeson Nurse Lisa Case Para Educational Assistants Patti Dillon Natassia Jackson John Jaffe Rita Koenig Michael Lawrence Nancy McGillis (HCA) Mao Moua Joua Moua Joan Welter Pao Xiong General Educational Assistants Nancy Siettmann Building Maintenance Engineer Lauro Espino Jeffrey Ebert David Allen Food Services Manager Sue Heim Special Projects Coordinator Cindy Flechner 6 School Calendars/Events Humboldt Park K-8 School 2014-2015 Month Date Event Time August 27 Open House 4:30-6:30 pm September 2 First Day of school 9 Parent, Community, Teacher Council Mtg. 4:00-5:30 pm 10 PTO Meeting 5:00 pm 18 Student Picture Day 29 NO SCHOOL Professional Development for Staff 7 Parent, Community, Teacher Council Meeting 10 NO SCHOOL 15 Parent/Teacher Conferences Bake Sale 3:00-6:45 pm 16 Parent/Teacher Conferences Bake Sale 3:00-6:45 pm 16 School Pictures Retake/Make Up Day October 31 4:00-5:30 pm 1:00 pm Harvest Fest Parade (K4-3rd grades) November HPS Food Drive-Nov. 3rd through December 5th 4 NO SCHOOL Professional Development for Staff 11 Parent, Community, Teacher Council Mtg. 4:00-5:30 pm 12 P.T.O. Meeting 5:00 pm 20 26 Turkey Bingo Night 5:00-6:00 Report Cards Go Home 7 27-28 NO SCHOOL (Thanksgiving recess) December 8 NO SCHOOL Professional Development for Staff 9 Parent, Community, Teacher Council Mtg. 4:00-5:30 pm 17 Holiday Concert (5:30 pm) The concert is being held at Bay View High School 5:30 pm 221/4/15 NO SCHOOL (Winter break) January 5 School resumes 6 Parent, Community, Teacher Council Mtg. 4:00-5:30 pm 14 P.T.O. Meeting 5:00 pm 19 NO SCHOOL (M.L.King Holiday) 23 NO SCHOOL (Record Day/Staff Planning) 2 NO SCHOOL Professional Development for Staff 6 Annual Parent/Student School Dance (Grades K4-5th) 5:00-7:00 pm 10 Parent, Community, Teacher Council Mtg. 4:00-5:30 pm 16 NO SCHOOL (mid-semester break) 27 Report Cards Go Home 3-5 Book Fair * also open during conferences 4 Parent/Teacher Conferences 3:00-6:45 pm 5 Parent/Teacher Conferences 3:00-6:45 pm 6 NO SCHOOL 10 Parent, Community, Teacher Council Mtg. February March 4:00-5:30 pm 8 11 P.T.O. Meeting 20 NO SCHOOL Professional Development for Staff 26 Multicultural Program 9:00am, 12:45 and evening performance @ 5:30 pm 29April 3 Washington D.C. Trip for 7th and 8th graders 5:00 9:00am, 12:45pm and 5:30 pm April 3-10 NO SCHOOL (Spring Recess) 13 School Resumes 14 Parent, Community, Teacher Council Mtg. 4-8 Staff Appreciation Week 12 Parent, Community, Teacher Council Mtg. 4:00-5:30 pm 13 P.T.O. Meeting 5:00 pm 14 Wellness Family Fun Night 4:00-6:00 pm 4:00-5:30 pm May 25 NO SCHOOL (Memorial Day) June 2 5 Parent, Community, Teacher Council Mtg. School Carnival 11 Student honor roll assembly 6th & 7th grade students 11 8th Grade completion ceremony & honor roll program for 8th grade students 12 Report cards sent home with students. Last day of student attendance 4:00-5:30 pm 12:00-2:00 pm 1:00 pm 4:30 pm All dates are subject to change. Please check your Monday Folder or call the school office. 9 10 School Daily Schedule Humboldt Park Office: Breakfast: School starts: Dismissal: CLC after-school program Hours 7:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. 7:25 a.m. – 7:35 a.m. (enter through Door 3) 7:35 a.m. 2:35 p.m. 2:35 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Our school’s procedures are, first and foremost, designed to ensure the safety and well being of your child(ren). We need your cooperation, assistance and support to ensure students’ safety, especially during arrival and dismissal. Student Entry Procedures Drop-offs and pick-ups should take place on Quincy Avenue. Currently, many parents drop off students on Adams Avenue. This has created numerous dangerous situations. Adams Avenue is the bus drop-off and loading area. In the morning, drop off your children on Quincy Avenue. The children can enter the playground from Quincy. They can then enter the building with the rest of their schoolmates through the Adams Avenue door when the bell rings. If your child/ren eat breakfast, there will now be an adult monitoring the southeast door on the Quincy side of the building. Your child/ren should enter that door to go to breakfast. If your child/ren arrives after the bell, there will be an adult at the southeast door on Quincy until 7:45 am. Your child/ren will be able to enter the building on the Quincy side until 7:45am. Children arriving after 7:45am will be marked tardy. I am also asking that all parents drive down Quincy heading south. Parents have almost come to arguments because of the congestion on Quincy. If everyone follows the procedures outlined, we would have a much safer arrival and dismissal time. Student Dismissal Procedures The school day ends for students at 2:35 p.m. Before- and After-School Services/Programs Child Care/Camp: Through the Department of Recreation and Community Services our school offers before- and afterschool child care camp. The program offers homework help, arts and crafts, sports, games and more. The after-school activities provide students with a safe place to play and the opportunity to develop creatively, expand knowledge and build strong bodies. A fee is charged for the childcare services. Students must be registered by a parent/guardian in order to participate. Please contact Cindy Flechner at 294-1711 for more information. Humboldt Park offers camp September 2-12 and May 26-June 12 for a $20 registration fee. There is a $10/day fee for children picked up between 4:45 and 6:00 p.m. Journey House Community Learning Center (CLC): Our school’s CLC offers educational, recreational and social activities for students, including homework help, literacy enrichment, debate, computers, drum line, and SPARK. There is an annual registration fee of $100.00, a monthly fee of $20/month, and a $10/day fee for children picked up between 4:45 and 6:00 p.m. Parents/Guardians may register their child(ren) on the first day of school with the CLC coordinator. Transportation is not provided. Parents who are authorized for W-2 receive reduced rates. To become authorized for W-2, parents must go to their W-2 region offices. Please contact Mary Bergeson at 2941725 for more information. Parking Parking guidelines: 11 To ensure the safety of all students, please avoid double parking, which causes heavy traffic congestion and is unsafe. The school is not responsible if a parking ticket is issued to a parent. We need to respect the rights of neighbors and not park in front of their driveways. The school parking lot is restricted and not open to the public. All parking will take place on Quincy Avenue only (before/after school). We ask that all cars head south on Quincy to avoid double parking and traffic jams. Student Attendance/Tardiness Reference: Parent/Student Handbook on Rights, Responsibilities and Discipline Attendance is the most important factor that impacts student academic growth. Students are expected to be in school each day and on time for opening learning activities and instruction. Students arriving late must report to the office for a tardy slip. When a student is absent, parents must call the school attendance line at 294-1760 and send a written excuse within two days of the absence. Excessive absences and tardiness will result in an immediate referral to the school social worker and eventually a referral to the District Attorney, which could result in a court hearing and fines. SECTION 2: PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT MPS Family–School Partnership Pledge MPS will share with families the responsibility of providing supports that promote successful student academic and social outcomes. The School - Family Compact Policy Statement: Acknowledging that parents/guardians are the first and foremost educators of their children, it is our goal to work with parents by informing them of and including them in planning, reviewing, and improving school programs. For a successful Humboldt Park K-8 School education, the parties below will: Parents/Guardians 1. 2. 3. 4. See that my child attends school regularly and on time and have high expectations for my child. Become an active member in my child’s school activities (e.g. attending fall and spring parent/teacher conferences). Support the school in its efforts to maintain proper discipline. Respect parents, staff and the cultural differences of others. 12 5. 6. 7. 8. Prepare my child for the school day by providing adequate rest, appropriate dress and school supplies as needed. Communicate, respond to and work with school staff to develop an awareness of and assistance in the education of my child. Check my child’s backpack for schoolwork and provide a quiet place for doing homework, making sure that the work is completed and returned to school on time. Provide complete and current phone information including emergency contact/phone numbers. Student 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Attend school daily and be on time. Work hard to do my best in school. Be respectful of myself, my school peers and all adults that help me learn. Know and obey all school and classroom rules. Complete all class assignments and homework on time. Ask for help and ask questions when I don’t understand something. Come to school with the proper school supplies. Respect all school property. Teachers/Staff 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Show respect and understanding for students and their families. Have high expectations for students’ learning abilities and how to meet their needs. Provide parents with homework and classroom policies. Inform parents of grade level expectations for classroom instruction. Create a positive and safe learning environment. Be an academic and social role model. Communicate regularly with parents and students regarding progress in learning and behavior through quarterly report cards and parent/teacher conferences 2x yearly. Take responsibility for professional growth and development. Administration 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Provide a safe and nurturing learning environment for staff, parents and students. Strengthen the partnership between parents, students and staff. Provide appropriate in-service training for staff members and parents. Maintain high standards for academic achievement and behavior. Support staff in facilitating the instruction of students. Offer a variety of ways for families to be partners in their child’s learning. Communicate the school’s mission and goals to students, parents and the community. Be respectful of parents, students and school personnel. Most importantly, we promise to help each other carry out this agreement. Open House Open House is held twice a year; dates and times will be announced. Parent–Teacher Conferences It is important that all parents/guardians attend parent-teacher conferences. Research indicates parental involvement impacts and increases student achievement. Our school welcomes all parents to participate in parent-teacher conferences. These will be held in the fall and in the spring. Dates, times, and information will be announced. Rights of Non-Custodial Parents If you are a non-custodial parent, you have the same rights to student records, progress reports, school mailings, school visits, and parent-teacher conferences as a custodial parent unless a court order restricts such rights. For additional information please refer to the 2014-2015 Parent/Student Handbook on Rights, Responsibilities and Discipline. 13 Parent Volunteers Our school encourages parents interested in doing volunteer work to apply. Volunteers are defined as persons who provide services on a regular and ongoing basis or more than five hours a week. It does not apply to those parents and/or other adults who are one-time volunteers for field trips or other one-timeonly activities in schools and/or departments. All volunteer applicants must complete an application, pass a criminal background check (for those 18 years of age or older) and interview with the school administrator or MPS volunteer coordinator. Applications are available at the main office and at the district website under the popular links or Community tab. School Governance Council The purpose of the School Governance Council is to provide a forum for parents, teachers, community members, students and principals to work together in providing continued analysis and improvement of public school policies, curriculum and School Improvement Plan. The council's decision-making authority is advisory with respect to all duties, powers and responsibilities, with the sole exception of the council's authority and responsibility to submit a signature page with its school's annual budget and the school's annual School Improvement Plan. Council participation is on a voluntary basis via a schoolbased election process. The council is not intended to replace a parent organization. Role 2014-2015 School Governance Council Members Principal Georgia Becker Parent Nellie Osowski Parent Wendy Weir Parent Wilson Rivera Parent Paul Michael Parent Mike Zyniecki Parent Jeffrey Halsey Parent Amanda Radar Parent Jacqueline Clayton Staff Alica Magolan Staff Jill Maloney Staff Tanya Panos Student To Be Determined Community Representative Mary Bergeson 14 Title I: District Advisory Council In accordance with the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (Section 1118) and the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Title I Parental Involvement Guidelines, Milwaukee Public Schools established the District Advisory Council (DAC) as a means to ensure the opportunity for parents of all students to share their ideas on the needs of children, assist in the planning and operation of Title I programs for children, and participate in evaluating the success of Title I efforts. Our school is required to have two parent delegates. If you are interested in representing our school in this area please contact the school administrator or visit the Parent link on the MPS home page for more information. District Parent Resource Centers The District Parent Resource Centers provide MPS parents/guardians with important information and resources to help their children achieve in school. Experts at each center provide training and workshops for parents and help them enroll their children, update their information in the MPS system, answer questions and coordinate parent groups. Locations: North Division High School, 1011 W. Center St., Room 158; (414) 267-5181 South Division High School, 1515 W. Lapham Blvd., Room 162; (414) 902-8414 Department of Family and Student Services Central Services, 5225 W. Vliet St., Room 133; (414) 475-8467 Parent/Student Handbook on Rights, Responsibilities and Discipline The Parent/Student Handbook on Rights, Responsibilities and Discipline will be sent home with students at the beginning of each school year. Handbooks are also available at each school, at Central Services and on the district website under the Parent/Families tab. Tips for Parents Make sure that your child is in school every day and on time; school starts at 7:35 a.m. Call the school when your child is absent at 294-1760. Make sure that your child gets the proper amount of sleep every night. If your child brings a cold lunch, make sure that it is nutritional. Check your child’s book bag every day. Read with or have your child read every day. Assist your child with homework/practice. Encourage your child to keep a writing journal. Attend fall and spring Parent–Teacher Conferences. Contact the teacher with academic concerns or recognized growth you see. Provide your child with comments of encouragement regularly. Ensure your child is dressed appropriately. Help in your child’s classroom when you are able. Attend field trips when your schedule allows it. Be a part of the School Governance Council and/or parent organization. SECTION 3: CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI) Report Card for the School To be added after September 16, 2014 once the report card is public. School Improvement Plan (SIP) Your school’s SIP can be found online on the district website under the Schools tab. 15 Top Grade Completion Students are considered for promotion based on classroom assessments, attendance, teacher recommendation and the results of the state assessment. Students failing to meet the necessary requirements are referred to summer school. Standards-Based Report Cards/Progress Reports To ensure that parents/guardians are kept informed of their children’s progress in school, Elementary and K8 parents at Humboldt Park will receive three standards-based report cards and three interim progress reports. This report card is different from what you may be accustomed to. Students do not receive a letter grade for each subject, but will be provided with marks that indicate levels of proficiency. Traditional middle and high school report cards will be distributed to parents/guardians at the end of each mark period, based on each school’s course schedule. MPS continues to implement new, more rigorous standards for what every child should know and be able to do in each subject area and grade level. The MPS Comprehensive Literacy Plan and Comprehensive Math/Science Plan are aligned to the Common Core State Standards. The Standards-Based Report Card: Provides accurate and meaningful information about a student’s strengths, challenges and performance. Clarifies and reinforces consistent high expectations for students and schools. Helps teachers, students and families focus on standards throughout the year. Provides specific feedback on progress to the standards. Allows students, families and teachers to work together to set meaningful goals for improvement. Provides information about a student’s work habits, behaviors and efforts. Achieving these college- and career-ready standards requires continuous monitoring of progress and additional support targeted to those who need it. School Homework Policy Homework is an important part of the learning process that should be viewed as an opportunity for students to practice new skills and reinforce classroom lessons. Most homework is considered practice, which will not be graded. Instead, students will receive feedback that allows them to improve their skills before being graded. Some extended homework or projects may receive a grade or proficiency level feedback. Students’ homework is designed to be an outgrowth or continuation of class lessons or projects. Homework provides practice, reinforcement, and extension of the school instructional program. It offers opportunities for students to practice, review, and apply knowledge, and it also provides a way for teachers and parents to gauge students’ levels of proficiency. Parents should facilitate homework completion rather than teach content. You should provide a consistent time and place for children to complete their homework. If a student requires excessive help understanding content, the homework assignment may be too difficult. We are not expecting you to be experts in content, but rather facilitators, encouraging your children to do their best to complete their homework assignments. If your child is ill, and you would like to pick up their homework, please notify your child’s teacher before the school day begins. Homework can be collected in the school office at the end of the school day. This will ensure that your child does not fall behind in school work while absent. 16 Textbooks/Instructional Materials and Equipment All students will be provided with the necessary textbooks/instructional materials by the school. Textbooks/instructional materials must be returned undamaged at the end of the school year or at the time of withdrawal. SECTION 4: MAINTAINING A SAFE SCHOOL ENVIRONMENT Our school is committed to providing a safe and effective learning environment. The safety of all students, teachers and staff at our school is of utmost importance. It is the expectation that all district and school rules and policies be followed. The MPS Parent/Student Handbook on Rights, Responsibilities and Discipline is sent home with each MPS student at the start of each school year. This handbook provides families with detailed information regarding the MPS discipline policy. School Discipline Rules/Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PBIS) All students have the right to feel safe and the obligation to respect each other and all adults in and outside the school building. All students are expected to be at their best behavior in order to create a safe learning environment conducive to learning. Humboldt Park K-8 School Values are based on the Positive Behavioral Intervention Supports (PBIS) model. PBIS is a broad range of proactive, systemic, and individualized strategies for achieving important social and learning outcomes in a safe and effective environment while preventing problem behaviors among students. This is organized around three core values: Be Safe Be Respectful Be Responsible Students are taught what these values look like in a variety of settings such as Arrival and Dismissal, Bus, Bathrooms, Hallways, Cafeteria, and others. Appropriate behavior is rewarded both in the classroom and at school-wide. Teachers manage student behaviors in the classroom. Serious behavior issues are referred to the school office and parents are kept informed about these issues. Below is an overview of each PBIS core value: Be Safe: Misbehavior will be viewed as an opportunity for individual problem-solving and personal growth. Serious misconduct will be handled as directed by MPS Board policy as stated in the “Students Rights and Responsibilities” handbook. Be Respectful: Every attempt will be made to maintain the dignity and self-respect of students and staff members. Rewards for acceptable behavior will be given to students as staff members deems appropriate. Reward celebrations will be held on a regular basis to acknowledge and encourage good behavior. Be Responsible: The staff will encourage students to solve problems on their own and to make appropriate choices that do not create problems for others. The staff will address students' misbehavior with appropriate consequences whenever possible. Rewards will be given for displaying excellent behavior. 17 Playground Behavior Expectations and Procedures Students should follow these rules when they are outside during recess: 1. Students are required to stay on their assigned playgrounds. 2. Once outside, students are not allowed to re-enter the building to use the restroom. They should use restrooms before they go outside. 3. Throwing dirt, stones, or other objects is not allowed. 4. Sliding on ice and climbing on snow mounds is not permitted. 5. Climbing the fence is not permitted. 6. Shoving, fighting, kicking, or "play fighting" is not allowed. 7. No Humboldt Park K-8 Student should be in the Tot Lot without adult supervision during the school day. An adult must accompany preschool and kindergarten students before, during, and after school to avoid injuries. SECTION 5: EXPECTATIONS Our school is committed to providing a safe and effective learning environment. All students in the school must follow the Code of School/Classroom Conduct and meet the following expectations: Student Dress Code Students have the right to choose their own style of dress and personal appearance, as long as it does not interfere with the educational process, or endanger student health and well-being. Students may not wear the following: 1. No hats, head coverings, hoodies, sweatbands, sunglasses, combs, picks (religious exceptions). 2. No long, oversized “T” shirts are to be worn. No blouses, sweaters or shirts which display cleavage or a bare midriff are acceptable. No open-chest shirts, spaghetti strap tops, halter-tops, tube tops. Such tops are also not allowed when worn as dresses. Tops that resemble underwear or are transparent are unacceptable. 3. Shorts must be no shorter than the tip of the thumb, measured with arms, hands and fingers extended on the side of the body. 4. No noisy or distracting jewelry, perfume, cologne or accessories may be worn. 5. Make-up is not appropriate for elementary school students K4-5th. 6th-8th grade students may wear make-up, however; it may not be applied at school. 6. Skirts/dresses must be finger-tip length, measured with arms, hands, and fingertips extended on the side of the body. 7. Biker shorts/pants (spandex material) are not permitted. Outer clothing which resembles loungewear, pajamas, or underwear is prohibited. 8. Pants must be worn with the waistbands at the waist. No drooping pants; trousers are to be properly worn at all times while in school. Chains are not allowed at school. Chains such as, but not limited to, neck, wallet, waist belt, etc. are not allowed at school. 9. If you wear bib overalls, the straps must be buttoned at all times. 10. Articles of clothing with messages/pictures related to tobacco, alcohol/other drugs, sex, obscenity, vulgar pictures, profanity or inappropriate designs are not permitted. 11. Bedroom shoes, slippers, shower shoes, cleats, or heelies (roller skate shoes) are not permitted. No sandals or open-toed shoes will be permitted in physical education class. While flip flops are permitted, it is preferable for younger children to wear shoes. Flip flops may cause problems for younger students when they are running on the playground. 12. Rings which are designed for more than one finger are not to be worn on school property. 13. Heavy outerwear, overcoats/jackets, gloves, outwear scarves, book bags, purses are not to be worn in classes during a normal school day or brought to the lunchroom unless the student is going out for recess before/after lunch. 18 Students who violate the above rules will be given a verbal warning and will be asked to change their clothing. For chronic violations, parents/guardians will be notified to ensure that the rule will not be violated again. The dress code is in effect at school and for all school functions such as field trips and special events such as dances, evening programs, etc. The school reserves the right to establish rules during the school year regarding new fashions in dress. We want to ensure the academic success of all of our students and do not want anything to interfere with that goal. We ask for your cooperation in this matter. The building principal will work with staff, school and community organizations, and businesses to identify resources for assisting families in need. A list will be compiled of those willing to assist and made available to families in need. Inappropriate Items All toys, games, electronic games, cards, large amounts of money, expensive jewelry and jackets should not be brought to school. The school is not responsible for any lost or stolen items. Equipment from Home All equipment needed for recess and physical education is furnished by the school district. Balls, jump ropes or other play equipment should not be brought to school and is not the responsibility of the school. Cell Phones/Communication Devices While on premises controlled by Milwaukee Public Schools, students are not allowed to activate, use or display electronic communication devices, such as cell phones and pagers, for a purpose other than an approved educational purpose. Violation of this rule will result in discipline according to district policy. If devices are activated, used or displayed in violation of this policy, they will be confiscated. If a student activates, uses or displays a communication device to endanger the physical safety or mental well being of others, the student may be recommended for expulsion. In the event that communication devices are brought to school, the school and school district will not be financially responsible for lost or stolen items. Telephone Calls for Students It is the goal of our school to offer all students an environment of uninterrupted learning so that they can achieve academically. In order to protect learning, the school requests that if a parent/guardian needs to communicate with his/her child during the school day, they leave a message at the school office, which will convey the message to the student. If there is a home emergency please ask to speak to an administrator. School Communication with Families/Family Newsletter Our school believes it is important to keep parents informed of school news, services, activities and events. The school will send regular correspondence to families. Families should also subscribe to the quarterly district eNewsletter for families on the bottom of the MPS home page. When parents/guardians wish to contact their child’s teacher, please call the main office at 294-1700 to leave a message. The teacher will return the call. Parent/Guardian Concerns and Visiting Your Child’s Classroom Our school believes in assisting parents/guardians in resolving any concern they may have. A parent may come to the school office and make a verbal or a written complaint. During the day, all school entrances are locked. Parents are welcome to visit the school at any time during the school day. As a reminder, you must enter through the main door (south door on Adams Avenue) and check in at the office. Here, you must present 19 identification and sign in. We ask visitors to wear an MPS parent or visitor tag when they visit a classroom. This pass must be returned when visitors leave the school. Also, please remember that the school day begins at 7:45 am and ends at 2:30 pm. If you need to meet with your child’s teacher, please contact the office and they will have the teacher contact you to schedule a time that is convenient for both of your schedules. Conferences with teachers should not be held during class time. School security rules also apply to after-school activities from 2:30-6:00 pm. SECTION 6: SCHOOL POLICIES AND PROCEDURES Emergency Contact Cards For the safety and well-being of all students, parents are required to fill out a new Home Emergency Contact Card at the beginning of the school year. Please keep your information current. The main purpose of the Emergency Contact Card is to help the school locate parents/guardians in the event of an illness or emergency involving your child(ren). Only adults authorized by the parent/guardian on the Emergency Contact Card are allowed to remove a child from the school premises, receive information about the child or communicate with the child or the child’s teacher. Breakfast Procedures All students are eligible to receive a breakfast at no charge. All students eating breakfast at school will be allowed to enter the building beginning at 7:25am. Students who arrive late due to a late bus are still entitled to participate in the breakfast program. Students will be dismissed from the breakfast area to report directly to their classrooms at 7:40am. All students should be in their seats by 7:45 or they should be marked tardy. Proper Breakfast Behavior 1. Children should enter the building and line up. 2. Children should behave in an orderly fashion. 3. Children should be seated and eat quietly. 4. After breakfast, children should go directly to their classrooms. Lunch Procedures All students are eligible to receive a lunch at no charge. Parents/guardians who want their student to be able to purchase a second meal, additional menu items and/or milk ala carte may choose to set up an account at The student may also give their money to their classroom teachers. Students may bring a cold lunch. If they choose not to participate in the lunch provided by the school, we encourage students to bring a nutritious (fruits, vegetables, whole grains) bag lunch. Students are not allowed to leave the building during their lunch hour. Please notify the school immediately if your child has any known food allergies or religious beliefs that affect their diet. You must complete the “Medical Statement Form” or “Religious Belief Form” for any special lunch requirements. Any food allergies should also be listed on the back of the emergency contact card. 20 Lunchroom Rules While in the lunchroom, students are reminded of the three School Values: Be Safe. Be Respectful. Be Responsible. 1. Students should be silent in the lunch line so they do not disturb other classrooms. 2. Students should use quiet voices in the lunchroom. There may be silent lunch periods in order to allow students to concentrate on eating a nutritious lunch rather than socializing due to their limited time in the lunchroom. We are operating three lunch periods for 600 students. 3. Each table seats 16 students (four students per bench). Students are assigned seats by the lunchroom supervisor. 4. When the lunchroom teacher raises his or her hand or blows the whistle, students and staff will stop talking, which will allow them to finish eating their lunch before dismissal. 5. Students will be responsible for cleaning up their spaces after they eat. Once the teacher dismisses the table, students will throw away all of their garbage and return their trays. 6. Students will remain seated at their tables until they are dismissed. If a student needs to leave the lunchroom table, he or she should raise a hand. 7. Soda is not permitted with a student lunch. 8. All students are expected to eat a hot lunch or bring a bag lunch from home. 9. Students who do not follow the lunchroom/lunch line rules may be seated at a silent table during the following lunch period. 10. If your child’s school lunch account balance exceeds a negative balance of $5.00, a negative balance note will be sent home. If you do not pay this balance, a cheese sandwich and milk may be provided until the fee is paid, and you will be charged $0.45. Please remember to check your child’s backpack/Monday folder for any notices. Field Trips Field trips are an extension of units of study being taught by the teacher and become an essential part of the total learning experience for students. Field trips assist in the teaching and learning process and have learning objectives for these experiences. They are an important part of the student’s education. Our school encourages all students to participate. Parents/guardians must sign a permission form for each field trip and return it to the classroom teacher. The signed form will be filed at the school. Fundraisers Fundraisers are conducted by our school and parent organization to raise money for the benefit of our students and school. Student participation is voluntary with parental permission. Students participating in sponsored fundraising activities are not allowed to be involved in door-to-door sales. Fundraising activities will not impose on instructional time during the regular school day. School Supplies (Pre-school – Grade 8) All children need to be prepared with their school supplies on the first day of school. Each grade level has a special supplies list. Our school will distribute the school supplies list at the start of the school year. The list is also posted on the MPS website under the parents/families tab. Please make sure to put your child’s name on his/her supplies. Head Start students do not need supplies. Emergency Drills Our school will hold emergency drills on a regular basis. Fire drills and emergency lockdown drills are held once a month. Tornado drills are held once a year in April. Bus evacuation drills are held twice a year. SECTION 7: EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Humboldt Park K-8 School is a Community Learning Center (CLC). The school offers your child recreational and academic enrichment programs after regular school hours during the week. Your child will receive activity booklets and registration forms for their participation in these programs before each 21 program session begins. Your child may register for several enrichment-program sessions throughout the year. You may register your child first-come, first-served. Please register your student early for these programs because space is limited. Contact the CLC Director with any questions or concerns at 414-2941725. SECTION 8: NONDISCRIMINATION POLICY It is the policy of Milwaukee Public Schools that, as required by Wisconsin Statues section S.118.13 and PI 9, no person will be denied admission to any school in the district; excluded from the benefits of pupil services; not allowed to participate curricular, extra-curricular, recreation, or other activities; or in any other way discriminated against because of the person’s ancestry, color, creed, gender, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, marital, pregnancy, or parental status, physical, mental, emotional or learning disability. This policy also prohibits discrimination under related federal statutes, including Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (race, color, and national origin), Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (sex), and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (disability), and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (disability). The following individuals have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: For section 118.13, Wisconsin Statutes, federal Title IX: Patricia Gill, Executive Director, Department of Family and Student Services, Room 133, Milwaukee Public Schools, 5225 W. Vliet St., P.O. Box 2181, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 53201-2181 (414) 475-8027 For Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504), federal Title II: Jeff Molter, 504/ADA Coordinator for Students, MPS Department of Specialized Services, 5225 W. Vliet St., P.O. Box 2181, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 53201-2181. (414) 475-8817 TTD: (414) 475-8139 SECTION 9: ATTACHMENT Acknowledgement for the School–Family Compact and Acknowledgement for the Family School Manual 22 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT FORM The School–Family Compact In the school compact, families and school staff agree how to work together. Every Title I school must develop a School–Family Compact, according to the No Child Left Behind Act (Section 1118). The purpose of this agreement is to help parents and teachers come to a consensus on the responsibilities that impact student achievement. The underlying assumption is that a student’s academic success will improve when the home and school work together. It is important that parents/guardians review and discuss the School–Family Compact with their child(ren). We request that the parents/guardians and students sign and return the bottom portion of this form to the classroom teacher. We have reviewed and discussed the School–Family Compact with our child. Student Name_____________________________ Room #_________ Parent Signature ____________________________ Date ___________ Student Signature ___________________________ Date ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Family School Manual It is important that parents/guardians review and discuss the Family School Manual with their child(ren). We request that the parents/guardians and students sign and return the bottom portion of this form to the classroom teacher. We have reviewed and discussed the Family School Manual and agree to follow all rules and expectations set by the school. Student Name_____________________________ Room #_________ Parent Signature ____________________________ Date ___________ Student Signature ___________________________ Date ___________ 23
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