Säsong 54, nr 1 8 juli 2013 - allt Ljungbyredaktionen - OA Stoppdatum: MV-Eko Nr 2 Stoppdatum 12 augusti Nr 3 Nr 4 2 september 16 september Huvudredaktör TL (tips, även info, QSL till resp red) e-post: tore.larsson@beta.telenordia.se TL (tips) TL (tips, även info, QSL till resp red) Nästa Stoppdatum 12/8 TL (allt) Hej! Välkomna till ett nytt nummer av MV-Eko, det första för säsong 54! Som vanligt hoppas vi på många bidrag. Vi förväntar oss att varje medlem hör av sig, åtminstone en gång under säsongen! För ny medlemsavgift, beställning av den nya NRC AM Radio Log, och en intressant DVD från vårt konvent, se Sekreterar-spalten! Som framgått tidigare här i MV-Eko, och även vid konventet, har Jan Erik Räf skänkt mycket intressant material från 50/60-talets mellanvåg till ARC, bl.a. flera nummer av den första svenska mellanvågstidningen "Etersvep" från åren 1953-56. Under den nya säsongen kommer MVE-redaktörerna då och då att publicera utvalda intressanta delar. Vi vill tacka Jan Erik för dessa historiska dokument och omtanken att ha sparat detta till eftervärlden. Solrapport Solen var påfallande aktiv i april, och det fortsatte den med i maj. I juni har det däremot varit betydligt lugnare med flux och solfläckar, medan det däremot varit flera omgångar med högt protonflöde, som gav ett högt A-index. Värdena för maj och juni blev följande enligt Alvestads solsida: Solar flux: 131,4 resp. 110,1; solfläckstalet 78,7 resp. 52,5; medelvärdet av A-index 9,73 resp. 12,06. Än går det inte att avgöra om det ska bli en andra topp i nivå med den första. Lite om innehållet utöver de fasta spalterna * Läs info via HK om La Voz de las Mayorías, en station som BIH troligen hörde den 9 maj (se oid loggen) * Flera bilder från ARC/SWB-konventet, Sveriges största DX-träff * Från JER:s arkiv: Rundradiosändare i Sverige 1962 – mellanvågens storhetstid i landet Som avslutning några verkligt trevliga QSL: * Svar från fina KRVN till JOB * Vår medlem i Julita, LV, avrundar detta Eko med ett förstklassikt QSL; Radio Perla i Honduras! Som bilaga finner du en deadlinelista för den nya säsongen, spar den! En Caranavi-station är aktuell i dagens logg – dock inte denna. Logo via FD, tnx sid 1 ARC Newsflash: För bidrag: info@rock.x.se Blogg: www.arcticradioclub.blogspot.com LOGGEN All Times in MV-Eko are UTC Europa 729 16.6 729 1.7 900 1233 1386 2.7 14.5 1.7 Flash 96, Athina. This private station took hold of this tx, when government decided to close ERT. MR 2130 Flash 96, Marousi (en förstad till Atén) kör nu på ERA:s fq. Utmärkt signal och trevlig musik. BE 2100 RAI Milano har problem. Kopparstölder av wirar och signalen är svagare. BE R Dechovka, Praha. Power only 100 W at this time. Tnx Karel Honzik for help! MR 2100 Shortwave Gold Radio var igång några dagar med relä av Summerfestradio från Haddenhem i England. Kördes även på 6260 kHz. MV-sändaren antas ligga i norra Italien. Kanske även KV-sändaren. Det var nog en pirat, men de svarade snabbt per email (automatsvar). Idag söndag skall de lägga av. BE Afrika 1503 20.5 0230 AFN Lajes Field Azores har jag jagat en tid då den har bättre möjlighet nu på sommarhalvåret att tränga sig förbi fastlandseuropéerna som ligger i solskenet denna tid. Kom igenom med Fox News R nyheter samt Yahoo Sports minute. Svar kom snabbt från AFN Lajes Defense Media Activity. Undrar hur länge den kommer att finnas kvar då rejäla nedskärningar av aktivitet och personal är på gång även på denna flygbas. BIH Asien 1584 2.7 1930 IRIB med relä av nyheter. Mycket stark. Troligen Semnan. BE Nordamerika 790 840 1570 12.1 12.1 12.1 1650 1660 15.6 24.6 2217 WBLO Thomasville NC musik och ett ”Pepe” id innan WAXY blev för stark. TJ 2230 WCEO Columbia SC med “La Raza” id och mex mx. TJ 2230 WVOJ Jacksonville FL “La Raza 11-60” och reklamer från Jacksonville. Trippeln WBLO/WCEO/WVOJ är alla ägda av Norsan Media och fullbordade en av dom bästa dt-öppningar jag upplevt. TJ 0115 CJRS Montréal QC – ikke vanlig på denne tiden av året TBV 0143 WWRU Jersy City NJ TOH ID 0200 oid språk torde då vara koreanska. WGIT PR stn vanligast HM Mexiko, Centralamerika och Västindien 1400 1400 27.5 31.5 0239 Harbour Light, Carriacou bra vid c/d ,en av de pålitligaste. ODD 0200 Harbour Light, Carriacou med ID på heltimen. TBV Sydamerika 870 2.6 920 19.6 920 2.7 930 19.6 1019,934 2.6 1050 2.7 1100 19.6 1130 19.6 1200,007 23.6 0130 0145 0157 0135 0200 0239 0150 0213 0015 LRA1 R Nacional, Buenos Aires – bankers på denne frekvensen TBV ZP1 R Nacional, Asunción en av få "pålitliga". ODD ZP1 R Nacional, Asunción då o då HM CX20 R Monte Carlo, Montevideo, enda gången hittills i sommar. ODD ZYJ702 R Folha, Boa Vista RR TBV LV27 R San Francisco, San Francisco svagt med tangos. ODD ZYK649 R Globo, Sao Paulo – sterk TBV PRJ460 R Nacional, Rio de Janeiro med id. ODD ZYH585 R Clube Fortaleza CE – har stabilisert seg på denn splitten TBV sid 2 1430,009 6.7 1440 1440 1440 1440 1440 25.6 17.6 16.6 18.6 4.7 1469,983 17.5 1470 7.7 1470 7.7 1470 19.6 1510 19.6 1510,083 15.5 1540 25.6 1550 9.6 1560,14 9.5 1570.007 17.5 1610 9.6 1620 29.5 1620 10.6 1630 21.6 1640.012 15.6 1670 24.5 1670 1670 1670 1690 27.5 9.6 8.7 9.6 0100 ZYJ671 R Caiarí visade det sig vara när HK lyssnat. HK säger: ”Vid sek. hör man något som liknar Caiarí (ska betonas på sista i, och det är också fallet) och sedan säger mannen att man börjar med A Mãe Aparecida. Det är rätt tid för att ta fram ett lokal-ID men den här gången var det kanske en aning för dåligt.” Tack HK för hjälpen. Tycker att brassarna är ganska svåra att höra ID på. TN 0130 R Yaguari Vallegrande med ett mycket tydligt ID. Starkt och fint ett tag. TN 0234 OAX6R R Santa Monica, Arequipa AQ kort svagt id HM 0200 OAM7L R Solar, Espinar med flera ID, mindre gröt än vanligt. TN 0202 ZYH466 R Independência, Santo Amara BA rel ofta svag eller svagare HM 0201 ZYH466 R Independência med ett ID som lät som ”R Independencia de Tupamar” men det måste väl ändå vara felhörning? TN 0201 ZYJ676 R Rondônia, Cacoal RO – en av flere RO-stasjoner TBV 0143 ZYJ676 R Rondônia – livlig fq HM 0157 ZYJ676 R Rondônia med ett klart och fint ID, stark. TN 0228 CX147 R Cristal, Las Piedras (tnx HK som instämt) allt som oftast! HM 0125 LRI253 R Belgrano, Suardi – en av flere LP-stasjoner denne natten TBV 0206 OCX4J R Tarma, Tarma – JU s/off på denne tiden. Takk til HK for hjelp med ID TBV 0130 R Bendita Trinidad med sedvanligt rel px. Hörd även den 7.7. TN 0202 ZYK590 R Guaruja, Guaruja SP –flere ganger i sommer TBV 0149 R Urkupiña, Quillacollo blev lösningen på denna som körde fotboll på övertid med matchen Aurora – Nacional Potosí på Cochabambas stadion Estadio Félix Capriles. Då jag inte fann någon emailadress så skickade jag min första rapport på flera år med snailmail. Samtidigt så kontaktades HK som plockade fram fler detaljer och framförallt så fixade han en kontakt med stationen via Dxaren Rogildo Aragão som lämpligtvis bor i samma förstad till Cochabamba. Snabbt så fick jag ett emailsvar från stnen samt ett fint QSL-kort postledes. Stort stort tack Henrik till denna service! BIH /Stationens trevliga QSL-kort hittar du i QSL-spalten –ed/ 0202 ZYJ678 R Sociedade Espigao, Espigao RO TBV 0208 R Guabiyú, Gregorio de Laferre BA id – snabbt @ QSL – sällan över CB HM 0502 R AM 16-20, Mar del Plata med dårlig modulasjon TBV 0259 La Radio, Mar del Plata id 0303 följt av en flöjtkomposition vid deras lokala midnatt tydligen – rel tel px pastor? Men efter TOH ID oftast ett par min ”sent” piggare mx HM 0145 Test från La Plata …prueba … sedan mkt ofta HM 0015 R Kalikanto, Chamaco TBV 0221 R Rubí, Partido de la Matanza, Prov de Buenos Aires, Rep Argentina tnx BIH för id och sedan tnx HK för ordnande av QSL tillsammans med TJ och JSM – sedan upptäckten, den vanligaste på X-bandet! HM 0218 R Rubi hörd flera gånger, bl.a. 7.7, ny och ej med i mina listor. ODD 0202 R Rubi, Rafael Castillo TBV 0200 R Rubí med jättestyrka och ett långt och fint ID. Musica romantica. TN 0156 R Cristo la Solution, San Justo TBV Oid/Tent Mexiko, Centralamerika, Västindien och Sydamerika 1080 9.5 0150 Tent LV de la Mayoria, Caranavi kom igenom och förbi Spanien på frekvensen med fotbollsreferat av bla matchen Oriente Petroleo (Santa Cruz) och Universitario (Sucre). Även andra matchers resultat inflikades. Jag skickade för någon dag sedan min inspelning till Henrik och han återkom snabbt med följande intressanta uppgifter: ”Spännande inspelning, troligen programmet Radiodeportes, med Gróver Echavarría et consortes, som servar Radio Patria Nueva med flera, och givetvis kan man därför inte vänta sig något lokalanrop. Caranavi ligger på låg höjd och signaler därifrån lär ju propagera åt det här hållet, tänk bara på 1550. Men - och ett stort men - Caranavi-stationen brändes den 21 maj enligt tillgänglig information. En verklig osis kan man kanske säga. http://en.rsf.org/bolivia-community-radiodestroyed-in-24-05-2013,44671.html Det finns flera artiklar på spanska också, t ex http://www.cambio.bo/regiones/20130524/gobierno_convoca_al_dialogo_para_soluc ionar_el_conflicto_en_caranavi_93021.htm läs stycket längst ner. I notisen http://www.la-razon.com/ciudades/Enfrentamiento-Caranavi-heridos-destrozosradioemisora_0_1837016379.html och några andra förstår man att stationen sid 3 1520 28.6 1520 3.7 1639,969 8.7 reläade Radio Patria Nueva (=Illimani) och körde egna program då och då. Bilder, bl a denna: http://www.eldiario.net/noticias/2013/2013_05/nt130523/f_2013-0523_48.jpg Surt, sa räven om rönnbären….” Ja visst är det så men en rolig logg i varje fall och man kan konstatera att det var en härlig Boliviarusning denna natt. R Caranavi-1550 gick samtidigt och troligen även R Sol på 1300 med sina predikningar som hörts fler gånger denna vår. Stort tack Henrik till informationen du åter vaskat fram från mina inspelningar! BIH /Läs artikeln om händelsen längre fram i detta Eko! –ed/ 0245 OID SS – tycker faktiskt ett … peruana .. stark reservation HM 0158 OID brasse Rio de Janeiro och America nämnes – Rio stn? HM 0200 Förmodligen Hosanna som hördes här med pratpx. Kunde inte uppfatta nåt ID då styrkan var lite låg. TN Från e-posten Bernt-Ivan Holmberg 7.7.2013: Har inte lyssnat nåt knappt denna sommar på MW men lite roliga fynd har trots allt vaskats fram som synes i tipsspalten. Hasse Mattisson 7.7.2013: Har lyssnat alla mornar - missade dock två under midsommarn - kändes som jag missat en massa!! Är helt salig med mina ca två mysiga timmar mellan f n ca SST 03 - 05 varje morgon - men det går ju åt nästan en kanna kaffe förstås!! Sommarens high light får väl anses vara 1670 Rubí, som sedan upptäckt nära nog får klassas som "pest". Hasse tillsammans med Bengt vill också framföra ett stort tack till Odd, som videofilmade hela konventet i våras. Odd Påg 7.7.2013: Såg på TV-nyheterna att "Skåne" hade minst antal soltimmar sista tiden. Mitt område var inte nämnt alls, men vi ligger kanske lågt också, annars brukar vi ligga i toppskiktet här i norra Bohuslän. När det gäller antalet lyssnartimmar så ligger jag nog i bottenskiktet skulle jag tro, men så har vi just passerat årets ljusaste dygn med åtföljande sämre möjligheter för MV-DX. Det kan emellertid vara intressant ändå eftersom ingen annan tid på året är som denna kring midsommar. Men man skall ju orka med också att sitta uppe mitt i ljusaste natten! I juli har det ännu inte varit någon La Plata-topp här. Sigvard Andersson 7.7.2013: Info om säsongssammanställning av NA-loggar: Under det gångna året gjorde jag uppehåll i sammanställning av NA-säsongerna. För det fortsatta arbetet behövde jag en lista över svenska NA-loggningar för samtliga år, så jag har nu gjort en sådan lista baserat på säsongssammanställningarna, dvs. dem som jag har, 1968 fram till 2006. Den är klar, och arbetet med säsongssammanställningarna har kunnat fortsätta. Och nu har jag nästa säsong klar, dvs. 2006-07, och den finns på NDL:s hemsida, länk: http://ndl-dx.se/na-loggen/ Följande säsonger ligger nu där: 1985-86 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 (ny) 2009-10 Om någon tittar igenom listorna och hittar fel, tar jag gärna emot rättelser: sig-a@telia.com /Sigge Thomas Nilsson 8.7.2013: Det har blivit ganska lite lyssnat på MV i sommar. De flesta dagar ganska kass. Men en och annan dag har bjudit på lite speciella konds. Men inte mycket i loggen. sid 4 ARC SEKRETERAREN MEDDELAR… 8/7 2013 ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Tore Larsson, Frejagatan 14A, SE-521 43 FALKÖPING Tel: +46-515-13702; e-mail: tore.larsson@beta.telenordia.se Ny säsong, ny medlemsavgift Medlemsavgiften för denna säsong beslutades vid årsmötet vara lika som föregående, nämligen SEK 100:eller 15 Euro för medlemmar utanför Sverige. Klubbens pg är 80 76 79-6 ARC. Om du bor utanför Sverige och vill betala via plusgiro, lägg till SEK 30:som utgör pg:s avgift. Om du vill betala via bank: SE2880000000075712805251.BIC/SWIFT SWEDSESS. NRC AM Radio Log Notisen i nr 53/20 gav tre(!) beställningar. Antalet brukar ligga på ca 20! Är du intresserad, så får du nu en ny chans, ARC gör en gemensam beställning. Vill du vara med på den, hör av dig till TL! Sista dag för beställningar är den 12 augusti! DVD från vårt konvent 2013 Odd Påg gjorde en utmärkt insats under konventet, då han filmade valda delar. Alla är med! Denna film finns nu på DVD och säljs via klubben för 100:- styck inklusive porto. För dem som var där är det ett minne som heter duga och för dem som inte var med får se hur trevligt vi har. Är du intresserad, så hör av dig till Bengt Ericson senast den 12 augusti, så har du den i brevlådan kring 1 september. Pg 40 21 79-6 för inbetalning. Libreria Nuevo Mundo “La Radio en el Perú – Historia de los medios de comunicación en el Perú: Siglo XX” Written by Emilio Bustamante, published by Fondo Editorial de Universidad de Lima in June 2012. ISBN 978-9972-45-262-8. 740 pages in total. Price: S/.110.This is a book to relate the history of radio stations in Peru from 1925 to 2000. Some data were taken from OAX (by Alonso Alegría), so not so accurate. In spite of this, highly recommended. (Tetsuya Hirahara, Radio Nuevo Mundo “El Tiempo Hechicero” June 2013) Radio Bendita Trinidad, Tarija Den 26 april invigdes Radio Bendita Trinidad i Tarija. Redan den 5 maj, enligt Eko-loggen, hörde BIH stationen! Bra jobbat! sid 5 Radio Waddenzee goodbye I flera år har ARC haft ett löfte från Sietse Brouwer, ägare till Radio Waddenzee, om ett specialprogram för klubben. Tidpunkten för programmet har flera gånger flyttats fram och nu förefaller det som att sändningen aldrig blir av. Meddelandet, som kom i mitten av juni, sa att stationens sista sändning var den 29 juni. Brist på annonser var anledningen. Visserligen fortsätter Radio Seagull på frekvensen 1602 kHz, men där har klubben inga kontakter. Trist att ännu en trevlig MV-station försvinner från bandet. Lovsång till SR:s P1 Så här skriver signaturen “Lisa” i GP den 11 juni: ”Jag har en beroendeproblematik: Program ett. Lag lyssnar när jag städar, lagar mat, går till jobbet… Det jag får till mig av nyheter, kultur och samhällsdebatt kommer från P1 för att jag är för lat för att läsa långa artiklar i tidningar. Man kan säga att jag lyssnar på P1 dygnet runt. Det finns tre undantag: När jag jobbar, när jag sover och när de sänder gudstjänsten på söndagar. Söndagar mellan elva och tolv slår jag alltså över till P3 och får höra lite ny musik – vilket inte skadar – och lite småkul prat. Ibland en och annan forskare som pratar om solvindar och sånt. Det mesta är ju intressantare än gudstjänsten! Men i övrigt är allt från Meny till Filosofiska rummet bra, Kino, Spanarna, Dokumentärer, Stil, Vetenskapsradions veckomagasin, God morgon världen, Lundströms bokradio… det vattnas i munnen”! Och allt detta bara finns där för några ynka skattekronor! Man säger att allt har en baksida, men P1 är i så fall undantaget. Om man bortser från gudstjänsten. Så jag är kanske lite religiöst lagd ändå – jag dyrkar P1.” International Day of Ecos del Torbes Friday August 9, 2013 at 0200-0230 UTC on 780 kHz Saturday August 10, 2013 at 2230-2300 UTC via Radio Miami International 9955 kHz “Dear Colleagues and Listeners DXers World! We want to celebrate with you "International Day of Ecos del Torbes", Venezuelan flagship station broadcasts 66 years, which for many years at various frequencies transmitted shortwave bands in tropical and international broadcasters. For this reason, we have a special program to be aired simultàneaente on medium wave 780 kHz and internet and also by 9,955 kHz, 31 meter band of WRMI Radio Miami International Have a good tuning medium wave, shortwave and internet! All reports can be sent to Reception www.ecosdeltorbes.net On this website find an icon to leave all heard the transmission data and personal data with the purpose of obtaining the electronic QSL "International Day of Ecos del Torbes". (Jorge Isacc García Rangel, Venezuela via Yimber Gaviria, station logo via Rafael Rodríguez, tnx) För den som gillar härlig, klassisk country – via FD, tnx sid 6 ARC UR BREVLÅDOR OCH INKORGAR 8/7 2013 ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Olle Alm, Timotejvägen 14, SE-341 38 LJUNGBY Tel: +46-372-14179; e-mail: o.alm@telia.com RÅM – Rolf Åhman WNAX Yankton SD 570 mejl ..v/s Jerry Oster, News Director. CKLQ Brandon MB 880 brev .. v/s Cam Clark, GM WBAL Baltimore MD 1090 brev ..v/s Dave Hill, PD KROX Crooston MN 1260 brev och visitkort ..v/s Jeanette Lee, Receptionist KTRP Weiser ID 1260 brev och dekal.. v/s Jim Hafer KZXR Posser WA 1310 brev och visitkort v/s Gonzalo Cortez, Yakima GM KKAQ Thief River Falls MN 1460 brev v/s Davin Halvorson, PD WQLE259 Prudhoe Bay AK 1610 brev v/s Paulette Hobbs, Central/East AOM Assistant JOUR (NBC)/Nagasaki 1233 kort . HS – Håkan Sundman WFST Caribou ME 600 epost v/s Linda Waugh, Office Manager KNML Albuquerque NM 610 epost v/s Bill Harris WMAL Washington DC 630 epost, 2 kort WBHR Sauk Rapids MN 660 epost KFMB San Diego CA 760 epost v/s Rich Lochmann KBRV Soda Springs ID 800 epost WBKK Wilton MN 820 epost v/s Dave De La Hunt KNCO Grass Valley CA 830 epost v/s Greg Jannetta KXNT North Las Vegas NV 840 epost, pdf-QSL v/s Tracy Teagarden, Chief Engineer KTRB San Francisco CA 860 epost v/s Michael Sher WKAR East Lansing MI 870 epost – daytimer v/s Peter Whorf, Radio Station Manager KPRM Park Rapids MN 870 epost KFLD Pasco WA 870 epost, QSL på stationens hemsida WAMG Dedham MA 890 epost v/s Ivon Gois WKDA Lebanon TN 900 epost WLAT New Britain CT 910 epost v/s Paul Gois KMBZ Kansas City MO 980 epost v/s John Morris KTMS Santa Barbara CA 990 epost v/s Peter Bie KWAM Memphis TN 990 epost v/s Jeff Krause KXEN Saint Louis MO 1010 epost v/s Jay Madas, PD KEYF Dshman WA 1050 epost v/s Mike Skot, VP of Programming Operations WILB Canton OH 1060 epost – daytimer v/s Dan Clark WCSZ Sans Souci SC 1070 epost v/s Al Hajny, Engineer WTSO Madison WI 1070 epost, foton v/s Clif Groth, fd. CE WIMA Lima OH 1150 epost v/s Matt Teeters KCTO Cleveland MO 1160 epost v/s John Morris WAFS Atlanta GA 1190 epost – daytimer v/s John Stirzaker KQQZ De Soto MO 1190 epost v/s Ray Diamond WNWC Sun Prairie WI 1190 epost v/s Derek Murphey WXKS Newton MA 1200 epost v/s Dylan Sprague WSLM Salem IN 1220 epost v/s Rebecca L. White, Owner and President WSOO Sault Sainte Marie MI 1230 epost v/s Tom Ewing KHAS Hastings NE 1230 epost v/s Brad Beahm KJQS Murray UT 1230 epost v/s Ritchie Bauer WSBC Chicago IL 1240 epost v/s Mark Pinski sid 7 KCCR Pierre SD 1240 epost v/s Steve White, General Manager WMKT Charlevoix MI 1270 epost v/s Kerry Davis WMEL Melbourne FL 1300 epost v/s John Harper KAPL Phoenix OR 1300 epost v/s Lisa Hanson KOLY Mobridge SD 1300 epost v/s John Schreier KRLW Walnut Ridge AR 1320 epost WJNJ Jacksonville FL 1320 epost v/s Jonathan McClellan KOLT Scottsbluff NE 1320 epost v/s Ben Pesek KWVR Enterprise OR 1340 epost v/s Alyssa West WTDR Gadsden AL 1350 epost v/s James C. Burton WCMP Pine City MN 1350 epost KCRV Caruthersville MO 1370 epost v/s Monte Lyons, Operations Manager KSOP South Lake City UT 1370 epost v/s jim Mickelson KTKZ Sacramento CA 1380 epost v/s Max Miller, Program Director WPYR Baton Rouge LA 1380 epost v/s David Dawson WHEW Franklin TN 1380 epost v/s Salvador Guzman KHEY El Paso TX 1380 epost v/s Bill Tole, Operations Manager KJAM Madison SD 1390 epost v/s Peg Nordling KEYL Long Prairie MN 1400 epost v/s Allen Bailey WMNC Morganton NC 1430 epost v/s Joe Cooper, Manager WMAX Bay City MI 1440 epost v/s Steve Clarke, Operations Manager KPUR Amarillo TX 1440 epost v/s Craig Vaughn KEYS Corpus Christi TX 1440 epost v/s Hope Malkan CHOU Montreal QC 1450 epost v/s Tony Karam, CEO KQDI Great Falls MT 1450 epost WWNN Pompano Beach FL 1470 epost v/s Jodi Mibaum WBCR Alcoa TN 1470 epost v/s Harry Grothjahn, GM WOSH Oshkosh WI 1490 epost med pdf-QSL, foton v/s Steve Griesbach KFNN Mesa AZ 1510 epost v/s Ron Cohen, President WHOW Clinton IL 1520 epost – daytimer v/s Randy Miller, President KAPE Cape Girardeau MO 1550 epost v/s Rick Lambert WHIT Madison WI 1550 epost – daytimer v/s Amy Ziebell KLNG Council Bluff IA 1560 epost – daytimer v/s Chuck Yates, Sation Manager KBRI Brinkley AR 1570 epost v/s Lane Goodwin WHGT Maugansville MD 1590 epost v/s Robert L. Mullinax, Chief, Radio Operator KTIL Tillamook OR 1590 epost WGBW Denmark WI 1590 epost, kort, HAM-kort, 2 visitkort WIXK New Richmond WI 1590 epost, logo v/s Mike Oberg KLEB Golden Meadow LA 1600 epost v/s Jerry "Truck" Gisclair, owner/GM KSVE El Paso TX 1650 epost v/s Abel Rodriguez TGVE R VEA, Guatemala 1570 epost XETX La Ranchera de Paquime, Nueva Casa Grandes CH 540 epost, brev v/s Fernando Salgado Servin XEHO La Fuerza de la Palabra, Ciudad Obregon SO 580 epost v/s Javier Saucedo Gómez XEZOL R Noticias 860, Ciudad Juarez CH 860 epost v/s Vicente Calderón XECB R Ranchito, San Luis Rio Colorado SO 1460 epost WAPA San Juan PR 680 epost JOFD NHK2 Fukushima 1602 kort JOB – Jan Oscarsson KARI Blaine WA 550 epost, PDF-QSL v/s Michael H. Gilbert, Regional Broadcast Engineer WEBC Duluth MN 560 epost v/s Merry Wallin, VP/GM KUBC Montrose CO 580 epost, logga v/s Paul Orlando, GM sid 8 JOB – Jan Oscarsson forts KRVN Lexington NE 880 brev, snyggt QSL-certifikat, dekaler v/s Rod Zeigler, Dir. of Engineering KOGA Ogallala NE 930 epost v/s Corey Andersen, Op. Mgr. KBMR Bismarck ND 1130 epost, PDF-bilaga v/s Neil Cary, Director of Sales WCCS Homer City PA 1160 epost v/s Travis Williams, Traffic Manager KCCR Pierre SD 1240 epost, PDF-bilaga v/s Steve White, GM CBQG Wrigley NT 1280 epost v/s Laura Wright KLDY Lacey WA 1280 epost v/s Maria Sotelo, GM KROP Brawley CA 1300 epost v/s Teresa Goodspeed KNPT Newport OR 1310 epost v/s David Miller, Owner/GM KODI Cody WY 1400 epost v/s Mike Fell, Director of Sales WNER Watertown NY 1410 epost, PDF-bilaga v/s Michael Ring, CE WHIC Rochester NY 1460 epost v/s Debbie Daigler, Administrative Assistant KTUB Centerville UT 1600 epost v/s Nelson Moràn, Op. Mgr. KDDZ Arvada CO 1690 epost v/s Melanie Ferguson, Station Manager LSD – Lars Skoglund Magyar Radio 1, Solt 540 brev, magnetdekal. V/s Miklós Kenderessy, Director, Technical Department Radio Koper, Beli Kriz 549 brev, infofolder, penna. V/s Andrej Savko, Managing Editor Bretagne 5 1593 brev, dekaler. V/s Frédéric Guyon WNIK Arecibo PR 1230 brev, dekaler. V/s Manuel Santiago, Ejecutivo de Venta KGY Olympia WA 1240 brev, dekal, visitkort. V/s Kevin Huffer, Operations Director WIVV Vieques PR 1370 brev, programguide, newsletter. V/s Bill Heffley, Engineer KBBS Buffalo WY 1450 brev, dekal, visitkort. V/s Justin Wolffing, News Director WQLE259 Prudhoe Bay AK 1610 brev. V/s Paulette Hobbs, Central AOM Assist XECF La Méxicana, Los Mochis 1410 brev, dekal, foton, vykort. V/s oläslig CB – Christer Brunström Antena Brasovului 1197 epostsvar (studion i Brasov har nu lagts ner) Radio Neumarkt 1323 kort och brev BIH: Skickar en illo på R Urkupiñas fina QSL-kort som HK fixat fram till mig via hans kontakter i Quillacollo! sid 9 ARC INFORMATION DESK 8/7 2013 ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Olle Alm, Timotejvägen 14, SE-341 38 LJUNGBY Tel: +46-372-14179; e-mail: o.alm@telia.com Copyright notice: The ARC supports the free flow of information policy. Items from any MV-Eko section may be quoted freely in other publications applying the same policy, but full credits, including a reference to the specific section or to ARC MV-Eko, must be given for all items quoted. For other uses normal copyright applies. Items from commercial sources (e.g. BBCM) are subject to the copyright of the respective sources. Photo-graphic reproduction of full sections or large portions thereof in other publications permitted only after previous agreement. Bulgaria Glad to see renewed activity from Vidin on 576 with 200 kW. According to Ivo Ivanov via Wolfgang's Top News, these are tests from a new transmitter. With Vidin having been used on 1224 as a platform for broadcasts to the rest of Europe and with Christo Botev broadcast previously with up to 500 kW, Bulgarian National Radio has a number of options available to it. With current trends in Europe, perhaps even a trial for another broadcaster? Definitely one to keep under observation. (Dan Goldfarb, mwmasts yg via DXLD) This transmitter, officially inaugurated on April 1st and rated 400 kW, is a Thomson S7HP. http://www.thomson-broadcast.com/news/bulgaria%E2%80%99s-leading-broadcast-service-providerchooses-radio-transmission-system-thomson-broadca Photos of the transmission facility, opened in 1973 (500 kW transmitters, SV 2+2 antenna for 1224 kHz, ARRT-257 antenna for 576 kHz), are here: http://www.predavatel.com/bg/9/vidin#rps Actually it remains a mystery why they choose to reactive 576 kHz, even invest in a new transmitter, after three years. One could assume that covering Romania and Serbia was in mind, but no audiences for Bulgarian-language programming exist in these countries. Btw, already seen the investment ruin at Cape Kaliakra? It was supposed to become the home of 1125 kHz with 1000 kW through a SV 4+4 system for Radio Moscow services towards the Middle East plus 747 kHz with 150 kW through a two-mast system for domestic programming. But the station was, unlike the 1323 kHz additions at Wachenbrunn, not completed when the Comecon collapsed and neither Deutsche Welle, BBC or Voice of America were interested in stepping in: http://www.predavatel.com/bg/6/kavarna#rps The already delivered 150 kW transmitter has been redirected to Vakarel where one half of it is now operated on 261 kHz, replacing an older domestic-made rig rated 40 kW only: http://www.predavatel.com/bg/1/ihtiman#vakarel (Kai Ludwig, mwmasts 4.6.2013 via DXLD Cyprus 1323 BBC Zyygi - The BBC World Service has confirmed that MW transmissions to Israel and other parts of the Middle East will resume for 10hrs per day on 1323kHz starting on Friday 7 June. This will give listeners breakfast listening and then drive-time and evening coverage from about 4pm to 10pm. The morning hours are as 02:59:30 to 06:59:30 GMT and the evening schedule will be 12:59:30 – 18:59:30 GMT. Steve Titherington, World Service Commissioning Editor, says: “We had a huge response to the end of MW transmissions in Israel and we are responding positively to listeners’ demands for a return to of the BBC broadcasts. Cutbacks mean we can’t return to a full day-long schedule, but we will broadcast at times when we hope audiences are most likely to listen. We want to thank our listeners for their feedback and would welcome any further comment they have about how suitable these new broadcasting times are for tuning into the BBC World Service.” As previously announced four hours per day of World Service English will continue on 720kHz until 22:59:30 on 21 June. (BBC Press Office 7.6.2013 via Wolfgang Bueschel, MWDX 10.6.2013) sid 10 Czech Republic 1233 You can get the new Czech MW station Radio Dechovka on 1233 kHz e-QSL card in PDF, when sending your reception report to pusova@radiodechovka.cz (David Kriz via Ydun’s Medium Wave Info 17.5.2013). The station has been heard in Finland by ARC member Mauno Ritola. Germany 873 Final closure of the mediumwave AFN Frankfurt installation on May 31, 2013, because of the US budget problems after three wars in Middle East in the past 25 years. For more information check out the full story at http://www.afneurope.net/Headline/tabid/2098/Default.aspx?aid=28284 (several reports) AFN Europe, in coordination with IMCOM Europe and USAREUR, is turning off its 873 kHz transmitter in central Germany May 31, as part of the Department of Defense’s ongoing efforts to reduce operating costs. The transmitter is one of two that serves Wiesbaden Army Airfield. The 873 AM transmitter provides Power Network programming, a mix of news, talk and political commentary. The second transmitter, 98.7 FM, broadcasts AFN The Eagle, a 24/7 service of contemporary music, community information and top of the hour news. Wiesbaden area listeners will still get news, traffic, weather and community information from 98.7 FM. News and talk fans may still listen to two popular Power Network shows, Morning Newswatch, from 0600-0900 and Afternoon Newswatch from 1600-1880 weekdays on AFN 360: Internet Radio. AFN decoder owners may tune in Power Network 24 hours a day on their “box.” AFN Europe hopes to be able to offer Power Network as a 24/7 streaming audio service on AFN 360 sometime in the future. Some iPhone and Android mobile device users may be able to listen to AFN streaming audio in their car. The 873 AM transmitter, which is located off post in Weisskirchen, Germany, was singled out for cost savings because of its isolated location and high-cost upkeep requirements. (AFN website via Marinus Jacobs via NRC DX News 80/27) Greece Basically the ERT was totally closed down by order of the government with immediate effect sometime in June, but some programming continued on a voluntary basis. The intention is that the ERT should return during the fall with reduced staff and programming. The state of things at the ERT at the date of this column is very unclear. (Olle Alm) Italy 900 RAI Siziano (Milano) on 900 kHz MW off air after copper cables were stolen. Technicians are working to repair the damage. (Giampiero Bernardini, Milano, via BE) 1386 SWG - Short Wave Gold is now also here besides their 6260 kHz. Heard for three nights in a row, maybe they are on the air during daytime hours too (impossible to catch it here in the middle of Europe). (Karel Honzik via mwcircle 1.7.2013) Location believed to be in northern Italy. (Patrick Robic via Bengt Ericson). Studios apparently in London according to Bengt Ericson, who also reports that this was a temporary transmission. Jordan Radio Jordan continues to reduce its coverage transmitters in recent years. Here the situation today: 612 Network 1 855 Qur'an Network 1035 Network 1 All low-power transmitters. The main transmitter of Radio Jordan 801 kHz is on the air only four hours in the morning 400 to 0805 (UTC) low power only. (O. Barth via Ydun’s Medium Wave Info 8.6.2013) The Netherlands 1602 Radio Waddenzee announced their closedown on June 29. The reason stated is loss of advertising revenue. (several sources) sid 11 The Netherlands cont 1602 Radio Seagull website announces indeed 24 hrs on 1602 kHz as from July 2013: ”We are delighted to tell you that, from the beginning of July, Radio Seagull will be available on 1602kHz around the clock. Transmission power 1kW. Enjoy the summer with Radio Seagull 1602 24/7.” http://www.radioseagull.com/ (Ehard Goddijn via Ydun’s Medium Wave Info 18.6.2013) Ramadan Ramadan, the Moslem month of fasting, begins on 9th July, although there may be deviations. Spain Today (21 May) at 09'30 local time (07'30Z) "Radio 5-Todo Noticias" has been revamped as "Radio 5 Información". The new programming includes more regional bulletins plus a 30 minutes local program. These are: Radio 5 Información: M-F, UTC 0525-0530 (REG // with RN) 0550-0600 (REG // with RN) 0730-0800 (LOCAL) 0825-0830 (REG) 0925-0930 (REG) 1025-1030 (REG) 1425-1430 (REG) 1525-1530 (REG) 1625-1630 (REG) 1705-1730 (REG) Sat-Sun: 1130-1200 (REG // with RN) Radio Nacional: M-F: 0525-0530 (REG // with R5) 0550-0600 (REG // with R5) 1107-1200 (REG) Sat-Sun: 1130-1200 (REG // with RN) (Mauricio Molano via MWDX 21.5.2013) United Kingdom 1323 Radio Ramadan, Accrington. Ramadan radio broadcast. On air from 10.7 to 10.8.2013. Contact Mohammed Iqbal, telephone 07813185309, Email ar.danish@yahoo.co.uk (Ofcom via Steve Whitt, mwcircle 23.5.2013)) sid 12 NEWS FROM THE BRITISH ISLES ARC 8/7 2013 ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— John Williams, 100 Gravel Lane, Hemel Hempstead, Herts, UK HP1 1SB Tel: +44-1442-408567; e-mail: homefront@mwcircle.org Ofcom News Community Radio Licences advertised ……………………………………………26 June, 2013 Ofcom has advertised the latest areas in the third round of community radio licences, but excluded major towns and cities in the north from FM stations. The regulator wants applications from within West and South Yorkshire, Humberside and North West England but has said there are no FM frequencies available in Manchester, Liverpool, Warrington, Chester, Leeds, Bradford, Scunthorpe, Barnsley, Doncaster and Rotherham. Applications for AM station are still invited though. Places such as Manchester already has a number of community radio stations from the previous two licensing rounds – with two city centre stations Gaydio and Unity, along with over half a dozen more operating in Greater Manchester. Liverpool City on the other hand, has none. Closing date for applications, including a non-refundable £600 are required by October 15th. Commercial Radio News Talksport revenues reduced ……………………………………………………….. 16 May, 2013 “Radio GB” revenues reduced by 7% over the period with decreases of 10% in talkSPORT and 3% in their Local Radio business compared to a UK radio market which declined by 2%. The company expects talkSPORT will continue to lag the market due to the impact of Euro 2012 and they anticipate that total revenue in Quarter 2 (March to June) will be down 14% compared to the same period in 2012. It’s a similar story in Ireland too with UTV’s “Radio Ireland” revenues down 10% on a local currency basis in the first three months of the year, with the company blaming the on-going volatile market conditions in Ireland. UTV Media owns and operates seven radio stations in Ireland including U105, FM104, C103 and Q102. (www.radiotoday.co.uk) Digital Radio Listening …………………………………………………………….. 16 May, 2013 Twenty-six million people, half the population of the UK are now tuning in to digital radio each week, the latest figures show. And digital radio listening hours now account for 34.3% of all radio listening, up 17% year on year. The biggest commercial digital station this quarter is Absolute 80s with 984,000 listeners, putting Smash Hits in 2nd place with 942,000 and Planet Rock in 3rd place with 896,000. And for the first time ever, DAB accounts for more than half of all listening to the Absolute Radio network. Away from digital, 47.3 million adults or 90% of the adult (15+) UK population tuned in to their selected radio stations in the first Quarter of 2013. This is up by approximately 608,000 adults on the same quarter of the previous year (Q1, 2012). Global Radio to sell 7 Radio Stations ………………………………………………21 May, 2013 The Competition Commission (CC) has released the results of its six-month investigation into the takeover of GMG Radio by Global Radio. The CC has decided that Global Radio must sell radio stations in seven areas of the UK following its completed acquisition of Real and Smooth Limited. In its final report published today, the CC has concluded that the merger is likely to lead to higher prices for advertising in seven areas of the UK, confirming the provisional findings in February. Global - which owns the Gold stations and LBC on the AM band - will now be required to sell some of the acquired Real & Smooth stations, or its own stations. : The CC will have to approve the buyers to ensure they will be viable competitors to Global. Global will, however, be able to license its brands to the purchasers of any licenses it has to sell. The stations Global will be required to sell are as follows: East Midlands: Smooth OR Capital Cardiff and South Wales: Real OR Capital sid 13 North Wales: Real OR Heart Greater Manchester and the North-West: Capital OR Real XS with either Real or Smooth North-East: Real OR Smooth OR Capital South and West Yorkshire: Real OR Capital Central Scotland: Real OR Capital Global Radio told RadioToday: “Global notes the CC’s report and will now consider the report more fully, and announce next steps in due course, including entering into a period of discussion with the CC to finalise the stations that may be disposed.” It’s been a long year for staff at the company formerly known as GMG Radio but today’s news will see another wait for information on their job security. (www.radiotoday.co.uk) Manx Radio Review …………………………………………………………………23 May, 2013 The Select Committee of Tynwald (Manx Parliament) on Public Service Broadcasting has engaged serial radio report writer John Myers to review Manx Radio. He will spend time on the Isle of Man in July and the outcome of his work will be incorporated into the Committee’s report to Tynwald. The former GMG Radio CEO has written reports on the future of local radio in the UK which was published by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport in April 2009. Then in 2011, he reviewed efficiencies at BBC Radio 1, Radio 2, 1Xtra and 6Music. His most recent report for BBC Management was on the operation of BBC Local Radio, published in February 2012. The Tynwald resolution of 11th December 2012 is looking to reaffirm its commitment to public service broadcasting in the Isle of Man. (www.radiotoday.co.uk) Manx Radio “We’re more like Radio Syria than the BBC” …………………….. 28 May, 2013 Manx Radio has become a state broadcaster rather than a national broadcaster – incapable of determining its own future. That was the view of Manx Radio chairman David North as he gave evidence to the Tynwald select committee investigating the future of public service broadcasting in the island. Mr North and managing director Anthony Pugh argued that further cuts in government funding would ‘fundamentally’ change the nature of the station’s output and the jeopardise the terms of its public service broadcasting licence. They called for Manx Radio Ltd to be transformed into a not-for-profit organisation structured along the lines of Welsh language channel S4C and co-funded by the BBC licence fee. In a statement read out at the start of the hearing, Mr North said there was one fundamental question he would like to pose. ‘The question is a quite simple one – is Manx Radio a public service broadcaster or are we are state broadcaster? ‘In other words are we like the BBC or are we like Syrian radio, no more than a government mouthpiece? Editorially we’ve always thought of ourselves as a public service broadcaster but in my opinion, against all the intentions of Tynwald, regrettably we have become a state broadcaster incapable of determining our own future by virtue of our structure.’ Mr North described Manx Radio, which marks its 50th anniversary next year, as ‘valuable national asset’ which was an essential part of the fabric of the island. He said a public service broadcaster should be independent from government with a ‘robust funding formula’. But the witness said that the station now received £358,000 less in government subvention while commercial revenue had also fallen, down 45 per cent taking into account inflation. He said savings had been made by cutting programming and reducing staff numbers and he believed it was now operating efficiently. But he added: ‘The directors believe further cuts would fundamentally change the nature of the station’s output and jeopardise the terms of our public broadcasting licence. Mr Pugh outlined key operational areas where he believed Manx Radio was unable to determine its own future. He said the station only received notice of the size of the government subvention two to three months before the start of the financial year and there was no formal process of negotiation with Treasury to ensure there was no ‘lurching from crisis to crisis’. Mr Pugh explained the company didn’t own the transmitter network and there were no resources for capital renewal and no long-term infrastructure plans. Finally, he said the company had a £150,000 overdraft and it was only an annual letter of support from Treasury which gave the auditors to sign off the accounts as a going concern. Mr Pugh said Manx Radio Ltd could be transformed into a not for profit organisation ‘exactly how S4C is structured’. He said this would allow a reduction in government support with extra income from commercial activities and BBC funding. Why is it so ridiculous to expect the BBC to co-fund Manx Radio?’ (Isle of Man today via Steve Whitt) sid 14 Sunrise Radio asks for Listener donations ………………………………………… 1 June, 2013 London Asian station tation Sunrise Radio has launched an appeal for itself, asking listeners to donate money to keep the station broadcasting. The station, owned by the Litt Litt Corporation, announced the “Listening Contributions” scheme in a news bulletin on Thursday morning. Sunrise Radio used the BBC as an example saying that if it can be funded by a licence fee then why couldn’t a commercial radio like Sunrise Radio. Recently, Litt retained the licence for Slough, when Ofcom cited the Sunrise Radio group’s superior financial resources as one of the key reasons for leaving the Slough licence with that organisation. www.radiotoday.co.uk TuneIn has 40million active users ………………………………………………….. 3 June, 2013 Streaming radio service TuneIn has raised $25m of new funding, as its website and apps passed 1bn listening hours for the first four months of 2013. The service has more than 40m monthly active users listening to the 70 thousand AM/FM, digital and internet radio stations whose streams it makes available. It notched up 227m listening sessions in March alone. Silicon Valley VCs getting excited about radio? That's quite a thought, given the hype – and a fair amount of justified excitement too – around the emergence of on-demand on streaming music usic services like Spotify and Deezer, and personal radio services like Pandora and iHeartRadio (in the US, at least). These things aren't killing traditional radio? No -partly partly because radio is about more than just music: news, sports, comedy and other kinds inds of programme. TuneIn likes to stress its global popularity as the hook here: helping stations in one part of the world reach audiences in other parts. The devices I listen to most radio on have changed: smartphone, laptop and digital TV rather than, well, ell, radios. This is the space that TuneIn is looking to fill, even if here in the UK, the competition provided by the BBC's iPlayer service (74m requests for radio streams in April alone) makes for a tougher local rival than in other parts of the world. (www.guardian.co.uk) Asian AM stations curtail local news ………………………………………………12 ……………………………………………… June, 2013 The Avtar Lit-Group Group has recently applied for changes in the licences for their London medium wave stations and had them approved by the British regulator. Both sides agreed the proposed removal of local news / local news at weekends would not drastically change the character of the services and were consistent with Ofcom's local guidelines for AM stations. Acknowledging the difficult position of these stations in their markets, Ofcom relaxed format requirements for medium wave stations. They generally need not produce locally-made locally made programmes nor broadcast local material, but these Asian formats still do it for more than half of the day. 963 Buzz Radio (no obligation to carry local news new bulletins any more) 972 Buzz Radio 1035 Kismat Asian Talk Radio (no obligation to carry local news bulletins any more) 1458 Sunrise Radio (no obligation to carry local news bulletins on Saturdays and Sundays ays any more). Clyde 2 Axe Local DJ’s ……………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………4 June, 2013 CLYDE 2 is to axe local DJ’s and replace them with a Scotland-wide Scotland wide programme. Bauer Radio - the owners of the station - has decided Robin Galloway, currently Drivetime presenter on Clyde 1, will replace local presenters in the breakfast slot on Clyde 2 Glasgow; Forth 2 Edinburgh; Northsound 2 Aberdeen; Tay AM Dundee and Ayr-based West Sound. Bauer has been increasingly networking its Scottish stations since 2009, which is part of a wider industry trend for down-the-line national al or syndicated presenters on local radio. The changes will start on Monday, July 1. Bauer is styling Clyde 2 and the other four stations as the “Greatest Hits Network”, with networked content produced in Glasgow, Edinburgh and Dundee. The company said itss local breakfast shows had "under-performed "under performed in a competitive market". It added: "We want to invest in a stand-out out show that can compete effectively with the likes of Chris Evans on Radio 2 and Good Morning Scotland on Radio Scotland. Some critics have argued that professional local radio in Scotland is in decline. They claim the "legacy" stations owned by Bauer are increasingly becoming Scottish national stations in all but name, while the newer rivals which have gone on the air in recent ent years increasingly form part of a UK-wide UK wide network. Meanwhile, they claim genuinely local broadcasting is increasingly being provided only by community stations which are often run by volunteers.(http://www.eveningtimes.co.uk/news/radio http://www.eveningtimes.co.uk/news/radio-clyde-axes-djs-dean-park-and-mike mike-riddoch126261n.21245160 and http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-22757848 http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk (via Steve Whitt 3.6.2013) sid 15 ARC NORTH AMERICAN NEWS DESK 8/7 2013 ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Tore Larsson, Frejagatan 14A, SE-521 SE 43 FALKÖPING Tel: +46-515-13702; 13702; e-mail: e mail: tore.larsson@beta.telenordia.se Copyright: Cf. the statement at the beginning of Information Desk. Canada 590 CJCL Toronto ON – new network CP/CS/Jr (NRC DX News 80/27) 920 CFRY Portage la Prairie MB – slogan “Real Country Radio”, “See-Fry” Fry” (NRC DX News 80/27) 1070 CHOK Sarnia ON – now Rock/OLD/NWS, Rock/OLD/NWS, was C&W/NWS “Country 103.9” (NRC DX News 80/27) 1570 CJLV Laval QC – new format, FF: AC/OLD, was ETH) (NRC DX News 80/27) 1570 CKMW Winkler MB started broadcasting on FM June 12th, 2013 Launch day is coming by Chuck Vandaele, CKMW “For 25 years, 1570 CKMW has been your destination for great country music and local information. We're honoured to be your radio destination, and we're happy to announce some exciting changes are coming! On Wednesday June 12th, we will be moving to a crystal tal clear FM radio sound. Listen Wednesday at 10 AM as we move 1570 CKMW to 88.9 FM. We invite you here to our studios at 277 1st St. in Winkler as we flip the switch, host station tours and a free lunch, as well as start handing out over $20,000 in prizes.. Learn more by joining us at our studios on Wednesday.” (via Andy Reid, dxldyg via World of Radio 1673, DXLD) DXLD -----------CKMW Winkler MB will launch new C&W format June Jun 12. AM1570 will simulcast until Sept sign off. ID “Country 88” and “Southern Manitoba`s Manitoba`s home of big hats and big boots and the local information you need, Country 88” “Country 88, Southern Manitoba’s music authority” (Axelrod, DX-midAMerica midAMerica via DXLD) USA 580 KHAR Anchorage AK now TLK, was OLD (NRC DX News 80/27) 1580 WSRF Fort Lauderdale FL – CP for U4 10000/1500 from news site (diplexing with WAVS-1170 WAVS is on the air (NRC AMS 80/27) 1630 KRND Fox Farm WY – Applies to move to a new site at 41’06’02/105’01’29 (has an STA to broadcast from there, application would make it permanent) permanent) (NRC DX News 80/27) 1690 WPTX Lexington MD – add network DG (NRC DX News 80/27) The following is the full list of stations Disney has put up for sale: 910 KWDZ Salt Lake City UT 1160 KRDY San Antonio TX 1190 KPHN Kansas City MO 1290 WDZY Richmond VA 1460 WDDY Albany NY 1640 WKSH Milwaukee WI More information including the reason for the sale can be found here: http://variety.com/2013/biz/news/radio iz/news/radio-disney-stations-up-for-sale-exclusive-1200491810/ 1200491810/ The sale would leave Disney owning 23 AM stations and just one station on FM - WRDZ 98.3 Indianapolis IN (Andrew Brade, mwcircle 11.6.2013) sid 16 ARC CENTRAL AMERICAN NEWS DESK 8/7 2013 ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Tore Larsson, Frejagatan 14A, SE-521 43 FALKÖPING Tel: +46-515-13702; e-mail: tore.larsson@beta.telenordia.se Copyright: Cf. the statement at the beginning of Information Desk. St Kitts & Nevis 555 ZIZ Basseterre is off per Dave Marthouse on the NRC list: “I have an amateur radio friend who lives on St Kitts and he informed me a few weeks back that 555 was down. He didn't know what the reason was. Their FM station is still up.” (via Mark Connelly via ultralightdx) ----Received the following reply from Vere Galloway at ZIZ St. Kitts, confirming that 555 is off the air; "The tower is corroded. We have to take it down. Should be back up later in the year." (via Bruce Conti via MWDX) 820 Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN) has donated long-time 50.000-watt Caribbean AM radio station Radio Paradise to Flowing Streams Church in Vero Beach, Florida. Flowing Streams and its senior pastor, the Rev. Rick Wiles, produce a daily international radio talk show entitled Trunews, and will use R. Paradise to extend its Christian message throughout the islands of the Caribbean. R. Paradise, which moved from Dutch St. Maarten to St. Kitts and Nevis in the early 1960’s, has been owned and operated by TBN since 1992. (www.zizonline.com/news via NRC DX News 80/27) ARC SOUTH AMERICAN NEWS DESK 8/7 2013 ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Tore B. Vik, Kirkåsveien 15, NO-1850 MYSEN, Norway Tel: +47-69891192; e-mail: tvi2@online.no Copyright: Cf. the statement at the beginning of Information Desk. Argentina 1450 R Banderas, Moreno, Partido de Moreno, Prov. de Buenos Aires – new station. 0111530780194 (Arnaldo Slaen) Bolivia 660 670 740 900 900 940 980 990 1000 1020 1060 1080 1080 1110 1140 1180 R Taller de Historia Oral Andina, La Paz – new station (ATT) R Comunitaria Cadena Provincial, Jihuacuta, Dept. de La Paz – new station (ATT) R Futura. Ca 140 N° 140, Zona Villa Avaros, El Alto, Dept. de La Paz – new station (ATT) R Dios es Amor Universal, Potosí – new station (ATT) R Tomina la Frontera, Villa Tomina, Dept. de Chuquisaca – new station (ATT) R Pan de Vida, Santa Cruz – new station (ATT) R dif. Concordia, Oruro – new station (ATT) R Municipal de Colcha “K”, Colcha “K” – new station (ATT) R Taypi, La Paz – new name – ex. R Mística. Calle Policarpio Eyzaguirre Nº 1156 entre Padre L. Bertonio y Calatayud, Zona: Callampaya (Cementerio), La Paz. W: www.radiotaypi.com E: radio-taypi@hotmail.com (Tetsuya Hirahara) There is a total of 42 R Illimani – R Patria Nueva stations on this frequency. R Qhana Amazonia, Caranavi – new station. W: www.qhana.org.bo/ (Tetsuya Hirahara) R Comunitaria, Sopachuy, Dept. de Chuquisaca – new station (ATT) R Comunitario Carama, Sucre, Dept. de Chuquisaca – new station (ATT) R Originaria, Raqay Pampa – Dept. de Cochabamba – new station (ATT) R San Isidro, Colomi, Dept. de Cochabamba – new station (ATT) R Sajama Estero, Oruro – new station (ATT) sid 17 1190 1220 1220 1240 1250 1260 1260 1260 1260 1270 1280 1280 1280 1290 1290 1300 1300 1300 1340 1340 1350 1360 1360 1380 1380 1400 1400 1420 1440 1440 1460 1480 1510 1520 1520 1520 1560 1580 1580 1580 1600 R Comunitaria Guaqui – new station. Calle Cochabamba N⁰ 102, Puerto Guaqui W: http//1190radioguaqui.blogspot.no E: radio1190guaqui@hotmail.com (web) R La Asunta, Asunta, Dept. de La Paz – new station (ATT) R La Voz Cristiana, Achacachi, Dept. de La Paz – new station (ATT) R Nueva Generación, Qhurpa, Dept. de La Paz – new station (ATT) R Comunitaria Compi, Capilaya, Dept. de La Paz – new station (ATT) R Amboro, Santa Cruz – new station (ATT) R Dios es Amor Universal, Tarija – new station (ATT) R SERVIR, Caranavi, Dept. de La Paz – new station (ATT) R Sararenda, Camiri, Dept. de Santa Cruz – new station (ATT) R Comunitaria Norte, Puerto Acosta, Dept. de La Paz – new station (ATT) R Comunitaria del Sur – new station. Heroinas esquina 16 de Julio, Cochabamba. W: http//radiocomunitariadelsur.com E: info@radiocomunitariadelsur.com (web) R Fronera, Yacuiba, Dept. de Tarija – new station (ATT) R Altar de Dios, Achacachi, Dept. de La Paz – new station (ATT) R Tomas Katari de America, Ocuri – new station (ATT) R Comunitaria Alaxpacha, Canaviri, Dept. de La Paz – new station (ATT) R Radial Electra, Potosi – new station (ATT) R San Simón – new station. Campus Universitaria, Prolongación Jordán s/n, Cochabamba Sistema de Comunicación “Perez”, Oruro – new station (ATT) R Comunitaria La Voz de Valle, Sococoni, Dept. de La Paz – new station (ATT) R dif. La Mision, La Paz – new station (ATT) R Llacxa, Achocalla. Dept. de La Paz – new station (ATT) R La Cruz del Sur, Potosi – new station (ATT) R TV Salesiana, Yapacani, Dept. de Santa Cruz – new station (ATT) R Maria, Santa Cruz – new station (ATT) R TV Minera Matilde, Carabuco, Dept. de La Paz – new station (ATT) R Tricolor, Villa Tunari, Dept. de Cochabamba – new station (ATT) R Atlantid, Oruro – new station (ATT) R Comunitaria José Ballivián, José Ballivián, Dept. de Santa Cruz – new station (ATT) LV de Juno, Tiraque – Dept. de Cochabamba – new station (ATT) Sistema de Comunicaciones Horizontes, Sucre – new station (ATT) R Jiwasa, Carabuco, Dept. de La Paz – new station (ATT) R Bendita inaugurated a new station in Tarija at the 26th of April (web) R Comunitaria Wiñay Jatha, Dept. de La Paz – new station (ATT) R Salesiana, Kami, Dept. de Cochabamba – new station (ATT) R Universidad Juan Misael Saracho, Sucre. Dept. de Chuquisaca – new station (ATT) R. Rural, Tarata, Dept. de Cochabamba – new station (ATT) Miere García de Ramos, La Paz – new station (ATT) LV del Valle, Valle Alto – Dept. de Cochabamba – new station (ATT) R Magazine Tarija, Tarija – new station. Ca Cochabamba N° 1403, Tarija (ATT) R Comunitaria Jacinto Rodríguez, Caracollo, Dept. de Oruro – new station (ATT) R LV de Espíritu Santo, El Alto (Tetsuya Hirahara) Brazil 590 ZYH627 R Poty, Crateús (CE04) – ex. R Vale do Rio Poty (web) 960 ZUJ257 R Globo, Maringá (PR32) – ex. R Difusora. W: www.radioglobomaringa.com.br (web) 1080 ZYI437 R Difusora Itiquira (MT27) – ex. R Gaspar (web) Ecuador (ed: TL) 1370 HCAO5 R El Roció, Biblián – v/s Rafael Tenezaca. W: http://www.radioelrocio1370.com/ E: info@radioelrocio1370.com (Barry Davies, mwcircle 19.6.2013) Paraguay 860 ZP28 1430 ZP35 LV de la Cordillera – from Adán Mur: “The transmission power depends upon which of three installed transmitters is in good working order. They are currently operating with 1 kW, and awaiting repair parts for the other units.” R Mangoré, San Juan Bautista (MI2) – ex. 1410 (Adán Mur) sid 18 Peru 600 OCU5Q New licence to Luis Almeyda Tasayco – 1 kW. Jirón Miraflores N⁰ 342, Distrito de Pueblo Nuevo, Provincia de Chincha, Dept. de Ica (MTS) 610 OBU6V New licence to Mario Luis Soncco Cañari – 1kW. Sector Buganvillas – A 200m. Cruze de Tarapaca con Buganvillas, Distr. de Pocollay, Dept. de Tacna (MTS) 680 OBU7G R Vida, Cusco – new station. Av Ejército N° 200, 08001 Cusco 84 775511 W: www.radiovidacusco. (Tetsuya Hirahara) 690 OAM7C R Altica, Cusco – new station – Ref. SAND: 18.3.2013, MVE 53/17. Av. Tupac Amaru No 532, Yanaoca, Dept de Cusco (Tetsuya Hirahara) 750 OBU6I R Bacán Sat 2, Pocoally – new station. Villa Universitaria Capannique A 20, Pocoally W: www.radiobacan.com (Tetsuya Hirahara) 970 OBU7B R Unión Qollasuyo, Juliaca – new name (Tetsuya Hirahara) 990 OAX6K R Continental, Tacna (TA04) – reported inactive (Tetsuya Hirahara) 1020 OAU6J R Internacional, Tacna (TC05) – reported inactive (Tetsuya Hirahara) 1080 OBU6H R LV del Sur, Moquegua – new station. Ca Libertad N⁰ 1015, 18001 Cercado Moquegua W: www.radiolavozdelsurmoquegua.com E: radiolavozdelsur@yahoo.com (T. Hirahara) 1090 R San Isidro, Juliaca. ID – “Desde Juliaca, capital de integración andina, transmite Radio San Isidro. Teléfono celular: 951019911, Juliaca, Puno, Peru” (Tetsuya Hirahara) R Líder, Cusco “Informativo Lideres en la notici” to 1100 (Tetsuya Hirahara) 1110 1110 OAU3R New licence to Lourdes Angélica Julián Humán – 3kW. Jr. Leonicio Prado con Libertad, Huánuco (MTS) R Nacional del Perú, Moquegua (MO05) – reported inactive (Tetsuya Hirahara) 1160 1180 OBU6J R Bacán Sat 2, Pocoally (TA14) – ex. Corporación Plus & Plus (Tetsuya Hirahara) 1200 R La Luz, Tacna (TA06) – reported inactive (Tetsuya Hirahara) 1230 OAU7V R Surupana, Caminaca (PU20) – ex. Frecuencia Amistad (Tetsuya Hirahara) 1280 OCU7S R Altura, Macusani – new station. Jr Ayacucho N⁰ 679, 21601 Caracoto E: radioaltura@hotmail.com (Tetsuya Hirahara) 1300 R Candarave, Candarave, Dept. Tacna. (Tetsuya Hirahara) 1300 OAX6P R Comercial Latina (TA07) – reported inactive (Tetsuya Hirahara) 1370 OAX6T R Moquegua, Moquegua (MO07) – reported inactive (Tetsuya Hirahara) 1370 OBU6Y New licence to Jesús Wilson Quispe Sanches – 1 kW. Plaza de Armas s/n, Viraco, Prov de Castillo, Dept. de Arequipa. (MTS) 1420 OBU6C R Fe, Arequipa – new station. Av Del Ejército N⁰ 1013, 04001 Arequipa (Tetsuya Hirahara) 1430 OAU6M R Líder, Tacna (TA08) – reported inactive (Tetsuya Hirahara) 1470 OAX6M R Tacna, Tacna (TA09) – reported inactive (Tetsuya Hirahara) 1500 OAU6B R Bulevar, Tacna (TA10) - reported inactive (Tetsuya Hirahara) 1520 OCU1T New licence to Municipalidad Provincial de Ayabacha – 1 kW. Calle Bolognesi s/n, Ayabacha, Dept. de Piura (MTS) 1590 R Agricultura, Lima (LI52). The licence has been transfered to Corporacion de Comuncaciones las Asembleas de Dios del Peru (MTS) "ASOCIACION CIVIL NUESTRA SEÑORA DEL VALLE" is the license holder of the OAU4V 1240 kHz station associated to and relaying Radio María. Until recent times the location for this station was given as "Huancayo" in every publication. But recently it seems the mood has changed and now its location is given as "Chilca" everywhere. MWLIST shows some coordinates pointing to a coastal Chilca in the Lima Department. This is wrong. Radio María OAU4V 1240 kHz is in Huancayo. More exactly: The transmitter site is at North of the city in El Tambo district while the registered address for the studio is at Chilca district (the southern part of the urban conglomerate). This is in fact the studio address of the FM station licensed also by the "ASOCIACION CIVIL NUESTRA SEÑORA DEL VALLE" Radio Cumbre or "RC 98.5". If OAU4V is only a relay of Lima without local programs probably the "studio" address is only a legal formalism and the station would be a satellite dish plugged to the transmitter in El Tambo district of Huancayo. In a quick look with Google Earth I have found an antenna mast at lat: 12° 1'44.60"S // long: 75°13'33.94"W, probably the one of OAU4V. (Mauricio Molano) sid 19 ANP condena violencia contra radio de Caranavi El Diario Politica 23 de Mayo de 2013 via HK (ANF).- La Asociación Nacional de la Prensa (ANP) condenó las acciones violentas que realizó un grupo de manifestantes en contra de la radio La Voz de las Mayorías, dependiente de la red estatal Patria Nueva. Asimismo reprochó las amenazas contra periodistas en la población de Caranavi, a 160 kilómetros al norte de La Paz. Dos grupos afines Movimiento al Socialismo (MAS) se enfrentaron el lunes en esta región tropical por el control del municipio. La violencia derivó en la quema de los equipos de transmisión de radio estatal y amenazas de muerte contra periodistas de diversos medios, quienes cubrían los hechos. “La ANP condena las acciones para silenciar a la emisora y reclama a los sectores en conflicto el respeto a las libertades constitucionales y al trabajo de medios y periodistas”, señala un comunicado de esta instancia. La Asociación de la Prensa recuerda que está vigente el derecho a “expresar y difundir libremente pensamientos u opiniones por cualquier medio de comunicación, de forma oral, escrita o visual, individual o colectiva”, según el capítulo sobre Derechos Civiles y Políticos de la Constitución Política del Estado. De acuerdo con reportes recabados por Fides Caranavi, al menos 31 personas resultaron heridas producto de los enfrentamientos entre quienes respaldan y quienes rechazan las gestión municipal de Teodocio Quilca (MAS). Kommentar från Henrik: Ovan en bild som gäller en station som BIH troligen hörde den 9 maj. Stationen är La Voz de las Mayorías 1080 kHz. Men den 21 maj såg den ut så här. Stationen är regeringstrogen, reläar delvis Radio Patria Nueva, och blev tillsammans med staden Caranavis borgmästare måltavla för motstridiga fackföreningars vrede, så genom att puckla på stationen och förstöra den kände sig åtminstone den ena falangen ganska nöjd. sid 20 Flera bilder från ARC/SWB-konvent 4-5 maj 2013 Foto: från Flustret TN; från Radiomuséet RFK Fjärrstyrda antenner och likaså fjärrstyrda mottagare – FD och BIH presenterar Vid middagsborden var det hög stämning – här BE, OB, JOE, BD och HM Radiomuséet i Skruv. vänstra bilden RLH, LSD och ägaren Rolf Bergendorff Höger bild: HM och FD – i bakgrunden RLH och JE sid 21 sid 22 tnx JOB sid 23 tnx JOB sid 24 tnx LV sid 25 Personalen på Radio Perla, El Progreso, Honduras-1590 kHz tnx LV sid 26
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