MOLECULAR GENETICS OF PROKARYOTES MBIO 4600 LAB MANUAL 2014 Lab manual is available as a pdf file on the website. 2 Molecular Genetics of Prokaryotes MBIO 4600 SCHEDULE Lab Location: 201 and 204 Buller starting at 2:30 pm TITLE WEEK # 2014 DATE Lab Data Experiment Duea Report Dueb No lab. 1 Lab 1: The lac System: Review of Basic Genetics Techniques 2 Sept 16 Sept 30 Lab 2: Conjugation 3 Sept 23 Oct 14 Lab 3: Transformation: Plasmid DNA Isolation and Analysis. 4 Sept 30 Lab 3: Transformation: Competent Cell Preparation 5 Oct 7 Lab 3: Transformation: Xgal detection system 6 Oct 14 Lab 4: Transduction: P1 Generalized Transduction 7 Oct 21 8 Oct 28 9 Nov 4 12 Nov 25 Lab 5: Transposition: Tn5 Transposition via carrier pRK602 plasmid Lab 5: Transposition: Tn10 Transposition via carrier λ1098Tn10Tc Lab exam a Oct 28 Oct 24 (Friday) Nov 4 Nov 7 (Friday) Nov 14 (Friday) due by 2:30 pm day requested. Honesty Declaration does not need to be attached data handed-in. due by 4:30 pm day requested - completed Honesty Declaration must be attached b 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS Lab # Description Schedule 1 2 3 4 5 Page 2 General Instructions 4 Lab standard operation procedures 8 WHMIS 11 Experiments The lac System: Review of Basic Genetics Techniques Conjugation F factor transfer Hfr factor transfer Plasmid Isolation and Transformation Plasmid DNA preparation Plasmid DNA concentration determination using NanoDrop Spectrophotometer Plasmid DNA Restriction Enzyme Digestion and Agarose Gel Electrophoresis Preparation of competent E. coli cells Transformation: Xgal detection system Transduction P1 Generalized Transduction Transposition λ1098 Lysate Preparation λ1098 Titration Tn10 Transposition with λ1098 Appendix Media Solution Components and Function Pipetman Operation Refrigerated Centrifuge Operation Colony Counter Operation Determination of Viable Cells Outlier plate counts Sample lab exam 14 22 28 41 50 56 57 59 60 63 64 66 67 4 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS Lab Instructor: Dr. L. Cameron Demonstrators: Justin Hawkin & TBA Lab Location: 201 and 204 Buller Bldg. Office: 414B WEBSITE: OR via University of Manitoba Department of Microbiology webpage select Undergraduate programs left column, select Laboratory Information from drop down menu, Information available at the website: reference links, changes/corrections, additional information, data, marks REGULATIONS 1. Lab attendance is compulsory. Please inform the instructor if you are unable to attend a lab. 2. Read SOP before coming to lab. Students must wear a lab coat. Bring a permanent marker. 3. Food or beverage is not permitted in the lab. 4. Students work in pairs. 5. The lab is opened Monday to Friday from 7:30 am to 5:00 - 5:30 pm. Check the lab schedule posted on lab door for lab availability times as many of MBIO 4600 labs are continued throughout the week. 6. Emails: subject must contain course number and subject, e.g. 4600 lab 1 report. If no subject given, email is deleted. Emails replies occur only during working hours. Email must include student name. If you have a lot of questions, please come to see me. Effective Sept 1, 2013 all email communication must be via an official University of Manitoba email account, see details at University governing documents website, Electron Communication With Students. Staff are not permitted to reply to emails sent from email accounts other than an official University of Manitoba email account. EVALUATION Before handing in your report review report to ensure that all information is included. When printing Excel spreadsheets make sure you have selected all information before printing. If you are using text boxes, they must be completely within the selected area. 1. All reports must have an Honesty Declaration attached at end of report - available as a pdf file on lab website. 2. The lab is worth 20% of the final course mark, 8% for lab reports and 12% for lab examination. There are no marks given for data handed in, but marks will be subtracted for data not handed in. 3. You must pass the lab to pass the course (10/20%). 4. The lab reports due dates are listed in the schedule. 5. Lab reports are to be handed in as stated in schedule by 4:30 pm of that day. ONLY hand in lab reports through slotted filing cabinet drawer located on the 300 level of Buller bldg. in the hallway across from room 302 entrance. Instructor and TAs do not accept lab reports. Marked lab reports will be returned to students the next week. If handing in lab late, 10% of mark will be subtracted for each class day late. A late report will not be accepted after one week past due date. If applicable, also hand in data, release forms, assignments through slot of filing cabinet. Data may be emailed. All reports, assignments, and quizzes not collected by the student are destroyed six months after end of term via confidential shredding. 5 6. Lab report marks are final unless an obvious error in addition of marks has been made. However, if a student feels they have a legitimate complaint, please direct attention to lab instructor. 7. The lab exam will be held during normal lab time, starting at 2:30 pm (refer to schedule for date). The lab exam is 1.5 h. 1-2 weeks prior to exam date the exam schedule is posted on lab door and lab website. 8. Approximately two weeks prior to the lab exam, a brief outline of lab exam format and information content will be available on the lab website (includes location). There is a sample lab exam in the lab manual appendix. 9. You must notify the lab instructor no later than two school days after the missed lab. A Doctor’s certificate is required for a missed lab exam. All deferrals will write the lab exam at a scheduled time set by the instructor. Failure to comply will result in a zero on your lab exam. 10. Plagiarism (copying another student’s lab report (present or previous year) or copying published literature without citing is a violation of University regulations. Refer to the STUDENT DISCIPLINE BY-LAW in your student handbook (rule book) for action taken for plagiarism. LAB REPORT PRESENTATION [Before handing in your report review report to ensure that all information is included. When printing Excel spreadsheets make sure you have selected all information before printing. If you are using text boxes, they must be completely within the selected area or they do not print.] 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. All reports (not data) must have an Honesty Declaration attached - available as a pdf file on lab website. Lab reports must be typed. Up to 10% of the mark subtracted for reports not typed. Number pages. On the front page of the report state (This does not need to be a separate page or added if already provided in report format.): Date Course number Experiment number Group # Individual or Group name(s). Lab report information is to be presented exactly as requested. Must type information into Word and or Excel lab report format available on lab website . Lab report may be done as an individual effort or a group effort by the students in each group that carried out the experiment. Student in two different groups cannot submit a group report together. One report or more reports may be handed in per group. The decision on the number of reports per group is totally dependent on members of the group. This decision may be changed any time during the term. Therefore for each lab report the group has the option to hand in one or more reports exclusive of what has been done before or after that particular report. Indicate on the cover page of the report if the report is a group report or an individual report. If handing in an individual report also include lab partner’s name. Always include a sample of each type of calculation in your lab report. If a group’s data is not workable, borrow data from another group and reference. Non workable refers to data that cannot be plotted, used for calculations or required analysis. It does not necessarily mean the expected data. 6 9. Cite reference in text of lab report and record full reference at end of lab report. When should you cite and reference. The following is a good definition of plagiarism that explains when you should cite a reference. “The unacknowledged use of another person’s work, in the form of original ideas, strategies, and research, as well as another person’s writing, in the form of sentences, phases and innovative terminology.” (Spatt1, 1983, p.438) This is done by using bracketed reference number that you used when listing references at end of lab report or by bracketing first authors name and date. Quote text unless you paraphrase completely in your own words. But remember, quotes should only be a small part (~5%) of your work. If you are using the name year system, list the references alphabetically. Some examples are as follows (McMillan2 1997): Binder V. Hendriksen C, Kreiner S. 1985. Prognosis in Crohn’s disease - - based on results from regional patient group from county of Copenhagen. Gut 26:146-50. Danforth DN, editor. 1982. Obstetrics and gynecology. 4th ed. Philadelphia: Harper and Row. 1316 p. Petter JJ. 1965. The lemurs of Madagascar. In: DeVore I, editor. Primate behavior: field studies of monkeys and apes. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. p 2920319. If journal article assessed on the internet, site as journal. However, if available only on the web, reference as follows: Kingsolver JC, Srygley RB. Experimental analyses of body size, flight and survival in pierid butterflies. Evol. Ecol. Res. [serial online] 2000;2:593-612. Available from: Colgate University online catalog. Accessed 2000 Oct 3. 10. Personal or Professional Electronic sources2: Cite in-text by putting the following in parentheses, author’s last name or file name (if no author’s name is available) and publication date or the date of access (if no publication date is available). At the end of report list: author or organization, publication date or date last revised, title of Web site,URL site, and the date accessed. Cameron, L. MBIO 4440 Systems Microbiology Lab Information Accessed 2012, April 17. Table presentation Report tables are provided in Word or Excel format following format rules by McMillan (1997)2. · Table number and title (legend) presented above the table body. · Number tables using Arabic numbers, even if only one table in a report. · Include enough information in title to completely describe table, eliminating the necessity to search elsewhere in the lab report to understand information presented in table. Table title starts with an incomplete sentence. Additional complete sentences may be included to adequately describe the table (this also applies to figures). 1 2 Spatt, B. (1983). Writing from Sources. New York: St. Martin’s Press. McMillan V.E. 1997. Writing Papers in the Biological Sciences. 2nd ed. Boston: Bedford Books: 1997. 197 p. and McMillan, V.E. 2001. Writing Papers in the Biological Sciences. 3rd ed. Boston: Bedford Books. 123 p. 7 · If abbreviations are used in table, indicate what abbreviations mean as a footnote. Other footnotes may be required to clarify material in the table. · Like information should be in columns making it easier to view the table. · Column or Row headings should be complete and self explanatory. A heading is a separate entity from the title. It cannot be assumed information given in the title is adequate for a heading. · Group related column headings under larger headings. · Tables should be properly set up with a straight edge. Horizontal lines must be included but it not necessary to always include vertical lines. · Make the table as concise as possible but include all necessary information. For example, any constant experimental conditions that would change the data presented. · If information is the same for each column or row do not include but treat as a footnote. · · · · · · Table Data Entry Align decimal points (ideal but not required for reports). If a number value is less than 1 always include zero before the decimal. Do not include the unit of measurement in column data if present in column or row heading. Omit percentage sign in column or row data. If a whole number is large use scientific format (e.g. bacterial titre). Any acronyms used in column data should be described as a table footnote. Figure presentation (graphs, diagrams, photographs, films) · All figure graphs must be computed generated using Excel (detailed procedure given in the lab) · Figures are to be numbered separate from tables, using arabic numbers. Include figure number even if only one figure, eg. Figure 1. · Following the figure number a figure title should be presented below graph. The figure title, like the table, starts with an incomplete sentence describing the graph. For example, do not repeat just the labels of the x- and y-axis but present in a descriptive manner. Additional sentences should be included if additional information is required to completely describe figure, for example, abbreviations explanation, any constant experimental conditions, etc. · All diagrams, photographs, and films are figures and should be completely labelled. · For graphs: Usually there is one independent variable plotted and one or more dependent variables plotted. The dependent variable is a function of the independent variable. It is accepted practise to plot the independent variable on the x-axis and the dependent variable on the y-axis. For example the measurement of absorbance (dependent) with increasing concentration of protein (independent). The size of the graph should fit the plot(s). The overall size of graph should not be too large but should not be so small that information is obscured. Graph axes must be completely labelled (always include units). If more than one plot include legend. · For other figures. Do not write on figure data area, i.e. gel lane, film surface, etc. Use small symbols or arrows to indicate what you want and explain in figure title. If an agarose gel, small symbols may be inserted between lanes. If a standard ladder is included, label sizes. Make sure all relevant lanes are labelled. Make sure all essential information is included in the figure title such that when you look at the figure you understand the experiment that was performed and what the data means. 8 Note: When writing your lab reports you are frequently requested to present both a table and a figure for a given set of data, similar to keeping a research lab journal. This is not the accepted practice for papers published in journals or books. Usually either a table or a figure is presented for a given set of data and depending on nature of data; it may only be summarized in the text. How do you make a choice of data presentation? The aim is to effectively and efficiently demonstrate what you want to show, for example, correlations, comparisons, pattern, trends, etc. LAB STANDARD OPERATIONS PROCEDURE (SOP) Safety information relevant to the Microbiology department is available at Each lab contains a Safety Station (hand wash sink area). Pertinent safety information and supplies are stored in the drawers/cupboards. PERSONAL SAFETY: •You must wear a buttoned lab coat. If you forget your lab coat, lab coats are available in the lab - must sign out and sign in when returning. Lab Coat Laundry instructions: wash separately from other clothes with detergent and bleach. When taking lab coat home for washing, carry in plastic bag separate from all other personal effects, i.e. not in your back pack. •No personal effects (this includes outer clothing and back packs) are permitted in the lab, only essential lab supplies. There are cupboards available in the hall across from the lab for outer clothing and backpacks. Cupboards may be locked but locks must be removed each time after using. Please do not leave any of your belongings on the hallway floor. •Long hair must be tied back. Keep your hands away from your hair. • Wash hands with antibacterial soap (SWISH contains sodium lauryl sulfate (SDS) a detergent, coco diethanolamide, coco amido betaine, and copolymer of acrylamide) for minimum of 30 sec before leaving the lab. Use the hand wash sink located at safety station. Use your wrists (wrist levers for your safety) to turn the water on and off, not your hands. • Remove gloves using finger of opposite hand to peel off other glove by inserting at wrist, rolling off glove. Repeat with other hand. Dispose of gloves in Petri plate containers. •No eating or drinking in the lab. •Never mouth pipette. Always use a pro-pipette. •Cover any cuts with a bandage (first aid kit at Safety Station, hand wash sink area). • Students must wear shoes with closed toes and heels. •MSDS book located in Safety Station drawer. Other safety information is also located at the Safety Station. A flashlight is available at the Safety Station. The Spill Kit is located at the Safety Station (below sink). LAB ENVIRONMENT: •Wash bench area before and after with BDD (Backdown Detergent Disinfectant containing nonyl phenoxy polyethoxy ethanol, alkyl-aryl ammonium chloride and ethyl benzyl ammonium chlorides). This is especially important since fermentations students use strong acids and bases. Never assume that the lab bench has been cleaned by the previous students. •Know location of exits, fire extinguisher, eye wash, full body shower. • Know how to operate equipment before use. DO NOT use equipment unless you know exactly how to operate the equipment. The demonstrator is always available to assist. •Leave your bench area clean. All equipment and supplies should be returned to original location. 9 DISPOSAL: Treat animal tissue as a biohazard. •All biohazard disposable containers must be labelled with a biohazard label. After autoclaving the biohazard label is removed. •All biohazards must be autoclaved. Biohazards include any surface that has come in contact with bacteria. The autoclave is monitored weekly to ensure all organisms are destroyed. The bag from the Petri plate container is removed, untied, opened and place in a large tray on the autoclave trolley. After autoclaving, the biohazard sticker is removed and the bag is tied and placed in a black plastic bag before disposing. Individual bags from plastic lined buckets are carefully removed and placed in a larger autoclave bag (labelled biohazard) and autoclave procedure performed as above. The tied bag is placed in a corrugated cardboard box pre-labelled as broken glass, taped shut for disposing by caretaker. •Petri plate container (large plastic lined buchet located on the floor): Discard all non-sharp biologically contaminated items in the Petri plate container. This includes agar culture plates, disposable gloves, disposable gloves and bacteria contaminated paper towels. •Plastic lined bucket3: Located on your work bench. Any ‘pointy’ item must be disposed in plastic lined bucket (not Petri Plate container), this includes pipetman tips, disposable cuvets, sticks, toothpicks, slides, Pasteur pipettes, disposable 1 ml and 10 ml pipettes, broken glassware, brittle plastic objects, metal objectsa (not needles or blades), etc. This includes all items that are ‘pointy’ regardless of biological contact. •Biological Spills: Put on glove. Immediately wash container or test tube rack with BDD disinfectant. Put stack of paper towels on top of spill, pour disinfectant around and over. Do not press down. Collect soaked paper towels in Petri plate container. If spill includes broken glass or any sharp item put in plastic lined basin. A spill container is located in Safety Station cupboard that contains a spill absorbent pad (use instead of paper towels). This method of spill cleanup is only suitable for level 1 nonhazardous bacteria (E.coli with known strain number). •Glassware (unbroken): Remove tape and pen markings (use alcohol) from glassware before placing on discard trolley. Used glassware that has not contained bacteria should be rinsed and placed on the discard trolley. Rinsed test tubes (no biological contact) should be placed in tray provided on the discard trolley. •Chemical hazardous material: Read the MSDS information available in lab or online at . Organic solvents must be disposed of in organic solvent container. The lab TA will instruct proper disposal methods for labs that contain hazardous materials. These containers are disposed of through the university safety office. Never pour solvents down the sink. Use extreme care with flammable solvents. Alcohol used to flame spread rod should never be positioned within 40 cm of flame. Never put a very hot spread rod into a beaker of alcohol. The alcohol may catch fire. Handle caustic (acids and bases) solutions with care. Never discard an acid or base greater than one molar down the sink. Discard in labelled glass containers provided. Use lots of water when discarding caustic solutions (< 1M). These materials are disposed of through the university safety office. 3 due to the multi-use nature of the teaching lab, all ‘pointy’ items will be treated the same as similar items contaminated with microorganisms. 10 •Biohazard sharps disposal: Dispose of all sharps (needles, syringe tops, razors, scalpel blades) in specified container (red or yellow). Dispose of syringe with needle attached - do not take apart. Do not replace the needle cap before disposing (high frequency of accidents occur when replacing cap). Sharp’s containers are autoclaved before disposing. You must dispose of the syringe top in the biohazard sharps container even if not used for biologicals as it is a perceived hazard by the general public. •General garbage disposal: Nothing ‘pointy’ should be disposed in the general waste basket. Nothing that has come into contact with biological material should be disposed in general waste container. No liquids, the caretaker does not know what the liquid is! LABORATORY BIOSAFETY GUIDE In this lab you use only Level 1 bacteria risk group. However, level 2 bacteria may be used by other labs in this room. Follow standard operation procedures, SOP (see above). The University of Manitoba Biosafety Guide and Health Canada Laboratory Biosafety Guidelines booklets are available in your lab. UM Biosafety Guide: Canadian Biosafety Standards and Guidelines: MSDS (infectious agents): There is no listing of level 1 agents in the guidelines or MSDS pamphlets Risk group 1 bacteria are low individual and community risk and are unlikely to cause disease in healthy workers. Risk group 2 bacteria are moderate individual risk and limited community risk. Bacteria in this group can cause human or animal disease but are unlikely to infect healthy laboratory workers. Effective treatment is available. Risk of spreading is limited. CONTAINMENT LEVEL 1 (UM biosafety guide) • microbiology lab with washable walls, countertops and hand wash sink • established safe laboratory practices (hand washing and disinfection of countertops) • general WHMIS safety training • UM lab registration CONTAINMENT LEVEL 2 (UM biosafety guide) • all of level 1 specifications • biosafety permit • biological safety cabinet (not required) • biohazard sigage • a written standard operations procedure • MSDS for the infectious agent 11 WHMIS The Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) is a system for safe management of hazardous materials. WHMIS is legislated by both the federal and provincial governments. Under WHMIS legislation, laboratories are considered to be a workplace, and students are workers. By law, all workers must be familiar with the basic elements of the WHMIS system. The WHMIS program includes: 1. Cautionary labels on containers of controlled products. Consumer products, explosives, cosmetics, drugs and foods, radioactive materials, and pest control products are regulated separately, under different legislation. 2. Provision of a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for each controlled product. 3. A worker education program 1. A. SUPPLIER LABELS Controlled products must have a label of prescribed design which includes the following information: PRODUCT IDENTIFIER - trade name or chemical name SUPPLIER IDENTIFIER - supplier's name and address MSDS REFERENCE - usually, "See MSDS supplied" HAZARD SYMBOL - (see illustration on next page) RISK PHRASES - describes nature of hazards PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES FIRST AID MEASURES B. WORKPLACE LABELS All material dispensed in a workplace container must be labelled with the Product Name, Precautionary Measures (simplified) and Reference to Availability of MSDS. 2. MSDS Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) are available for each lab. Refer to binder located in each lab. Also main binders are located in the Microbiology preparation room, 307/309 Buller. MSDS are also available on the internet. The MSDS will provide: relevant technical information on the substance, chemical hazard data, control measures, accident prevention information, handling, storage and disposal procedures, and emergency procedures to follow in the event of an accident. 3. SAFETY The Laboratory Supervisor will provide information on the location and use of safety equipment, and emergency procedures. 12 13 14 LAB 1 THE lac SYSTEM: Review of basic bacterial genetics techniques INTRODUCTION The following figure is a brief reminder of the Lac Operon, for additional required lac Operon information refer to any basic molecular biology book. Lac Operon Mutations E. coli CSH100 has IQP- mutations in the lac region. IQ repressor mutation results in a ‘super repressor’ as the cell contains ~10 times the amount of repressor. P- promoter mutation, cis-dominant, reduces RNA polymerase binding to P resulting in reduced transcription of the structural lac genes. E. coli CSH101 has I-Z- mutations in the lac region. I- phenotype is due to the lacI gene product either defective or absent, resulting in constitutive transcription of the lac operon. However, this E. coli strain also as a Z- mutation, resulting in the absence of β-galactasidase structural product. E. coli CSH140 has only the I- phenotype. Selective Media MacConkey agar contains the carbon sources lactose, peptone and poly peptone and the dye neutral red. Neutral red indicator dye is red below pH 6.8. If the E. coli strain can ferment lactose (process initiated by β-galactasidase that breaks down lactose to glucose and galactose), resulting in acid products that produce deep pink to red colonies. Lac regulatory mutations that do not completely inhibit production of β-galactasidase may produce intermediate pink colonies. However, this is time dependent and difficult to see. A more precise method to detect various lac mutations is to use Xgal agar medium. Xgal is a direct histochemical stain, 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl-β-D-galactoside, which turns to blue shades when cleaved by varying amounts of β-galactosidase. Basal levels (presence of repressor) of functional β-galactosidase can be detected giving a pale blue color even in the presence of glucose. IPTG (isoproproyl-β-D-thiogalactoside) is an inducer of the Lac operon. It is not cleaved by β-galactosidase. IPTG binds the repressor reducing its affinity for the operator. Note: The lac operon is also positively regulated by cAMP receptor protein (CRP) which is required to bind to the promoter to initiate transcription. The CRP is only active in the presence of cAMP. The level of cAMP is inversely proportional to the level of glucose. IPTG overrides 15 glucose repression. Even in the absence of IPTG and the presence of glucose, the lac operon is not completely repressed by glucose. The reason for this is not known. Bacteria manipulation Techniques In a molecular genetics lab it is essential that pure culture methods by practised. Aseptic transfer technique involves avoiding any contact of the pure culture, sterile medium and sterile surfaces with contaminating microorganisms. This is accomplished by bench area cleaned with BDD, use of sterile sticks or sterile Pipetman tips for culture transfer and streaking and the work performed quickly and efficiently to minimize the time of exposure during which contamination of the culture or laboratory worker can occur. In this lab pure cultures of microorganisms are isolated by either streak plate or spread plate. All the methods involve separation of single bacterium on solid (agar) media where it grows into a colony (clone). Individual colonies represent a single microorganism type. In the streak plate method a loopful of bacterial cells is streaked across the surface of nutrient agar plate. The method of streaking established a dilution gradient so that single colonies develop. In the spread plate method 0.1 ml of microbial suspension is placed on the centre of an agar plate and spread over the surface of the agar using a sterile glass rod. Usually culture dilutions are plated to obtain an appropriate dilution permitting separated single colonies. The pick plate method of replication transfer is very reliable allowing numerous replica agar plates. The agar plates used to screen the bacteria may be agar plates containing an indicator (e.g. Xgal), or defined medium with varied nutrients or antibiotics (e.g. ampicillin and tetracycline) as selective markers. For short term storage (2-4 weeks) colonies of most bacterial strains may be maintained at 4oC on the surface of agar media. Also liquid cultures may be maintained at 4oC for short term storage. For long term storage, bacteria are maintained in 15-50% glycerol or 8% dimethylsulfoxide (DMS0) at -80oC. REFERENCES used for introduction. Sambrook J, & Russell D. 2001. Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual. 3rd edition. New York: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. Three volumes. Miller, J.H. 1992. A Short Course in Bacterial Genetics. New York: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. 456 p. Lewen, B. 2004 Genes VIII. Chapter 10 The Operon (with respect only to the Lac Operon). 16 Genetic Nomenclature Example: Strain Number Mating Type Genotype Important Properties E. coli CSH101 F+ F'lacproA+,B+ (carries I-Z- mutations in the lac region) ara Δ(gptlac)5 LacDonates F'lacproA+,B+ episome CSH125 F- ara leu lacY purE gal supE try his argG malA rpsL xyl mtl ilv metA Ara- Leu- Lac- Pur- GalTrp- His- Arg- Mal- Strr Xyl- Mtl- Ilv- Met- Su+ • Each E. coli has a strain number. • Genotype lists contains altered genes, usually defective, or some type of resistance which can be recognized by abbreviation for gene written in italics and lowercase letters. If a gene is not listed, it is assumed it is functional (wild type) or wild type genes may be written with uppercase letters and italics. • Important properties are usually phenotypic expression of genotype. Not necessarily all phenotypes are listed just those pertaining to a particular experiment. Wild type genes are not included in the phenotype list, for example if an E. coli strain has the ability to utilize lactose; it is not included in the phenotype list. There are several types of altered genes used in this lab. The following are examples of each type. Genotype Phenotype Type of Mutant Explanation ara, Ara- carbon source E. coli strain cannot use arabinose as a carbon source. thiA Thi- nucleotide source Thiamine must be supplied in medium as the E. coli strain cannot synthesize thiamine (auxotroph). bioB Bio- vitamin source Biotin must be supplied in medium as the E. coli strain cannot synthesize biotin (auxotroph). metA Met- amino acid Methionine must be supplied in medium as the E. coli strain cannot synthesize methionine (auxotroph). rpsL Smr antibiotic resistance E. coli strain resistant to antibiotic, streptomycin. It is assumed that a strain is sensitive to the antibiotic unless resistance stated. Δ(gpt-lac)5 Lac-, Pro- deletion Delta symbol means deletion of genes listed in brackets. Starts with gpt gene located at 5.5 min on E. coli map ending with lac genes at 7.8-7.9 min. Included in this large deletion are proA and proB genes. 17 18 E. coli STRAIN LIST STRAIN NUMBER MATING TYPE GENOTYPE IMPORTANT PROPERTIES CSH100 F+ F'lacproA+,B+ (carries IQP- mutations in the lac region) ara Δ(gpt-lac)5 I +P - Z + CSH101 F+ F'lacproA+,B+ (carriesI-Z- mutations in the lac region) ara Δ(gpt-lac)5 I - P +Z - CSH140 F+ F'lacproA+,B+ (carriesI- mutations in the lac region) Δ(gpt-lac)5 I - P +Z + F'lacproA+,B+ I +P +Z + ara Δ(gpt-lac)5 supE rpsE Notes: Genes listed after F’ are carried on the F’ episome. Under important properties + (positive) or – (negative) refers to phenotypic expression dependent on type of gene mutation, see introduction. CSH141 F+ PROCEDURE STUDENTS WORK IN PAIRS FOR THIS LAB AND ALL SUBSEQUENT LABS. Comment: Remember to treat all bacteria as possible pathogens. Read general instructions and introduction before starting this lab. USE GOOD ASEPTIC TECHNIQUE. Week 2 Come prepared to be tested on Pipetman Operation – see appendix for information on Pipetmen available in the MBIO 4600 lab. Come prepared to demonstrate ability to use a colony counter – see Review of Colony Counter. Part I: Multiple single colony isolation and application of selective indicator plates. 1. 2. Prior to start of lab, each E. coli strain was inoculated in 5 ml LB broth and incubated with rotation at 37oC overnight. Take four plates, LB agar, MacConkey, Xgal glucose and Xgal glucose + IPTG. Divide plates into four sections and streak each E. coli strain (CSH100, CSH101, CSH140 & CSH141) on one section. Use sterile sticks in metal capped test tubes (not toothpicks) or sterile loops to streak plates. The easiest method 19 is to first label and quarter plates. Line plates up orientating the same. Starting with first E. coli strain streak the first streak covering ¼ of appropriate section, dip stick in culture again and repeat first streak on next plate, then remaining plates (all done with one stick). Take another stick doing 2nd set of streak on each plate type (this may be done with 1 stick, if confident in technique or 4 sticks). Refer to diagram for streaking method. Repeat process for remaining three strains. 3. Incubate agar plates upside down in plastic carton at 37oC overnight. Record results as requested in data sheet. It is important to incubate only overnight (18-24 h) before recording results as color production is time dependent with even Z- strains eventually turning pale blue. If you cannot read your plates the next day, come the next day and put the plates in the student cold box which will slow down color production but not stop it – record results as soon as possible. 4. Next day use the LB agar plate for pick plate procedure. Day 2 Part II: Pick plate technique review 1. From the LB plate containing the four E. coli strains, CSH100, CSH101, CSH140, & CSH141, pick plate each strain onto a quarter section of a glucose M9 minimal media plate and a lactose M9 minimal media plate. Use 6 colonies of each strain. You require only one plate of each medium. · Use the duplicate pick plate grid at the end of this lab’s introduction. · Place the two agar plates (glucose M9 minimal media plate & lactose M9 minimal media) on the diagram containing the two circles, each divided into four sections with six pick marks. The agar plates must be orientated for quick identification of a particular colony or quick comparison of duplicate agar plates by placing a small mark on the bottom of the agar plates as shown by arrow on gridded circles. Colony one: · First lightly touching the sterile tooth pick (use a separate tooth pick for each colony) to a pure colony · next streak a line about 0.5 to 1.0 cm long (depends on space available) in number 1 grid or line of the first plate · then without retouching the original colony streak in number 1 grid or line of the second plate Colony two, etc: · the next colony is picked to number 2 grid/line · the process repeated until required number of colonies (this experiment is 6) have been 'picked'. · make sure the surface of LB plate is gently streaked so as not to cut through the agar. 2. Incubate plates in plastic container at 37oC for 1-2 days. Record results as requested in lab report. Record as growth if there is a good amount of growth. If only faint growth, it is most likely due to carry over of nutrients from LB or internal nutrients – record as no growth. 20 Molecular Genetics of Prokaryotes MBIO 4600 LAB 1 REPORT THE lac SYSTEM: Review of basic bacterial genetics techniques Save format and open in Word before typing requested information; keep question format. Date: Group #: Group or Individual Report: Student Name(s): Data Presentation and Analysis 6 1. Record requested indicator plate information in the following table. Table 1. E. coli Lac Operon phenotype data using indicator plates. Incubation Time: MUST BE 18-24 h at 37oC Indicator Pate E. coli colony COLORb E. coli strain MacConkey (lactose) X-gal M9 glucose X-gal M9 glucose + IPTG record as translucent or pink record as translucent, light record as same or darker blue, medium blue or dark than X-gal M9 glucosec blue group data expecteda group data expecteda group data expected color color CSH100 (IQP-Z+) CSH101 (I-P+Z-) CSH140 (I-P+Z+) CSH141 (I+P+Z+) a expected = record theoretical color for E.coli strain genotype given the experimental conditions used in the MBIO 4600 lab b Do not include detailed description of colony characteristics. Translucent equivalent to same color as medium. c darker means any blue degree greater than colony color on X-gal M9 glucose, e.g., if light blue on Xgal M9 glucose but blue on X-gal M9 glucose + IPTG then record as darker. 1 2. Record requested pick plate information in the following table. Table 3. E. coli strain pick plate results demonstrating lactose utilization. E. coli strain Number of picksb that showed growth State whether resultsc (maximum = 6) expected (yes or no ONLY required) M9a glucose M9 lactose Q - + CSH100 (I P Z ) CSH101 (I-P+Z-) CSH140 (I-P+Z+) CSH141 (I+P+Z+) a see MBIO 4600 lab manual appendix, all essential nutrients including required amino acids have been added for growth of each strain – growth only dependent on ability to utilize the carbon source. b 6 colonies picked for each strain on each plate type c If only one, possibly two picks grow consider this the same as zero. Possibly due to either experimental technique, carry over, or spontaneous mutation. Growth at 37oC for 2 days. 21 Question 1 1. Given the following E. coli pick plate results, state E.coli mutant #3 strain phenotype. Line after strain number indicates growth and no line after strain number indicates no growth. M9 glucose lysine agar M9 lactose lysine agar M9 lactose agar M9 glucose agar E. coli mutant phenotype for pick #3 (Answer must be phenotype symbol nomenclature.): __ 8 22 LAB 2 CONJUGATION Introduction Conjugation is the transfer of DNA between bacterial cells. One of the earliest forms of conjugation discovered is F factor mediated conjugation. The F factor or F plasmid exists as a 100 kb free circular plasmid. The F plasmid has its own origin of replication (ori V) and origin of transfer (ori T). Each bacterium (F+) can only have one copy of the F plasmid. The recipient in F plasmid conjugation must be F- (no F plasmid). The F factor contains transfer genes (tra, mob) that are involved in phili formation, establishment and maintenance of contact between two bacteria, initiation and transfer of DNA. oriT (start of transfer) on the F factor is nicked by one of the tra genes. The generated 5' end starts the transfer of single stranded DNA to the recipient bacterium. Concomitantly a complementary DNA strand is synthesized in both the donor and recipient (rolling circle). The F+ donor strain, E. coli CSH101 used in this lab has the genotype F'lacproA+,B+ . The mutant Z gene requires only a T –> G basepair reversion to change amber stop codon TAG to glutamic acid codon GAG, which is the amino acid required for active β-galactosidase (located in the active site)7. The F plasmid also contains functional proline genes since there is a deletion of both lac and proline genes on the E. coli chromosome to permit phenotypic observation of bp reversion on F plasmid. The F- recipient E. coli CSH114 strain contains mutT mutator locus. The mutT strain is specific for bp transversions A:T –> C:G at a higher than spontaneous mutation frequency inserting a G instead of T. This complements the E. coli CSH101 donor permitting phenotypic observation of bp change by papillae formation. The conjugant, now contains the F plasmid with bp mutation in lac Z gene, recipient strains also have the lac gene deleted on the chromosome. The conjugant colony starts out completely white on MacConkey. After extended incubation time, bp reversions (cells that now have a functional lac Z gene, β-galactosidase) arise in the colony that are observed phenotypically as red dots in the colony. The colony may have any number of red dots, each indication a bp reversion to functional βgalactosidase. 7 Cupples, C.G. & Miller, J.H. 1989. A set of lacZ mutations in Escherichia coli that allow rapid detection of each of the six base substitutions. PNAS 86:5345-5349. 23 In addition to F plasmid transfer, a typical modern conjugation will be performed using the donor strain E. coli DH5α (pUFR-GFP). The plasmid pUFR-GFP is transferred to the recipient strain, E. coli CSH125, via conjugation. Plasmid pUFR-GFP is a broad-host-range (Ori IncW) plasmid that has the green fluorescent protein (GFP) inserted in the polylinker. The presence of green fluorescent protein in the recipient, E. coli CSH125, confirms conjugation by observing cell fluorescence over UV light. E. coli STRAIN LIST Strain Mating Type Genotype Some Phenotype Properties E. coli CSH101 F+ F'lacproA+,B+ (carries I-Z- mutations in the lac region) ara Δ(gpt-lac)5 LacReverts to Lac+ via a specific base pair substitution in lacZ. Donates F'lacproA+,B+ episome E. coli CSH114 Fdonor ara Δ(gpt-lac)5 rpsL mutT Pro- Lac- Smr MutT gfp Ampr GFP recipient ara leu lacY purE gal supE try his argG malA rpsL xyl mtl ilv metA Smr E. coli DH5α (pUFR-GFP)1 E. coli CSH125 Sm, streptomycin; Amp, ampicillin; GFP, green fluorescent protein. Unless otherwise stated, E. coli strains are sensitive to all antibiotics. When performing conjugation experiments it is important to select against parents by plating on appropriate media. 1 provided by Aniel Moya Torres (Dr. K. Brassinga’s lab) 24 Week 3 Part I: F plasmid conjugation Day 1 1. An overnight culture of donor E. coli strain CSH101 was subcultured 1:50 in 5 ml LB medium and an overnight culture of recipient CSH114 was subculture 1:10 in 5 ml LB medium. Both donor and recipient E. coli were incubated for 3 h at 37oC with rotation. STUDENT LAB STARTS HERE 2. Prepare mating mixture by mixing 0.2 ml of donor strain E. coli CSH101 with 0.2 ml recipient strain E. coli CSH114 in an Eppendorf tube. Incubate in 37oC waterbath for 1 hour. 3. Using a disposable plastic loop, streak mating mixture on a glucose M9 glucose + streptomycin (M9glucoseSm) agar plate. Also streak the donor and recipient on ONE M9glucoseSm agar plate divided into 2 sections (negative controls). 4. Incubate at 37oC for two days. Day 3 5. Papillae observation: After two days, select a single conjugant (E. coli CSH101xCSH114) and streak each on a MacConkey agar plate. Repeat with a second colony and another MacConkey plate. Use a streak technique that will give you well isolated single colonies. 6. Incubate at 37oC. You should start to see papillae after 3 or 4 days. Label plate with your group number (not sure, check bulletin board in lab). Once papillae have formed store plates in student cold box. Day 8 (next lab day Week 4) 7. At start of lab hand in one MacConkey papillae plate (select best plate with single colonies) to designated tray on lab bench. Make sure plate is labelled with your group number (see lab bulletin board for group number if forgotten). During the lab the TA will photograph the best demonstration of papillae formation (red dots in white colony) for each group. Papillae jpeg files will be posted on lab website for lab report. Part II: Conjugation Day 1 Conjugation parents: E. coli DH5α (pUFR-GFP) was grown overnight at 37oC with rotation in LBAmp (100 μg/ml). E. coli CHS125 was grown overnight at 37oC with rotation in LBSm (100 μg/ml). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Set up the conjugation mixture by combining in an Eppendorf tube: 0.2 ml donor, E. coli DH5α (pUFR-GFP) and 1.0 ml recipient, E. coli CSH125. Mix by inverting several times and immediately micro centrifuge for 1 min at room temperature. Why immediately? Use P1000 to remove supernatant. Add 1 ml sterile saline and resuspend cells using P1000 by pipetting up and down. Micro centrifuge for 1 min. Remove supernatant. Add 100 μl saline and resuspend. Carefully spot the 100 μl suspension in the centre of a non-selective LB plate. Keep the spot as small as possible. 25 6. 7. Incubate upright at 37oC overnight. Negative Controls: Using a marker divide the bottom of a selection plate, LBSmAmp, into two sections. Use a sterile disposable loop to streak plate each parent in a section. Allow to dry. Incubate upside down overnight at 37oC. Check for growth the next day. The expected result is no growth or only a few scattered colonies (considered no growth). Record results and discard control plate. Day 2 8. Place 1 ml saline on conjugation mating growth. Using a disposable sterile loop mix until growth is suspended. Tilt plate to allow suspension to run to side. Take up suspension several times with Pipetman to obtain a homogenous suspension. Then transfer the entire amount to a sterile Eppendorf tube (fine if recovery is less). Streak one LBSmAmp agar plate using 50 µl suspension and a second LBSmAmp agar plate using 50 µl suspension (located in Student Cold Box). The disposable loops hold 10 µl so procedure as usual. To streak 50 µl suspension place 50 µl on plate where starting to streak then use a loop to streak the 50 µl droplet over ¼ of plate, proceed as standard streak plate method. Incubate at 37oC for 2 days. Store E. coli CHS125 (pUFR-GFP) conjugate LBSmAmp plates in student cold box (4oC) until next lab. Day 8 (Week 4) When using the UV transilluminator NEVER TURN ON THE UV LIGHT WITHOUT THE LID DOWN. 9. Transfer 50 µl sterile dH2O to a glass slide. Using a sterile loop transfer 4 or 5 generous loopful of culture to saline on slide. Mix, okay if still particles. Place the slide on UV transilluminator. Close lid (UV protector). Face shields are also supplied. Presence of green fluorescence indicates the pUFR-GFP plasmid is now in the E. coli CHS125 (pUFR-GFP) conjugate colony. If no fluorescence yet, use conjugation plate that has been stored in the cold box for 3 weeks to check presence of pUFR-GFP plasmid in E. coli CSH125. Record results. Comment: Fluorescent may be faint as the quantity of green fluorescent protein after this short amount of time is still low. It may take several weeks storage in the cold for obvious flourescent colonies to appear. 26 LAB 2 REPORT (Use Word Format available on lab website. Save format and open in Word before typing requested information; keep report format.) Date: Group #: Group or Individual Report: Student Name(s): 1.5 Part 1 F plasmid Conjugation 1. a) Record requested information in the following table. Table 1. Initial M9glucose + streptomycin streak plate results for individual E. coli strains and mating mixture. Degree of growth. E. coli strain Expected degree Recorda as - or -/+ of growth. or + Recorda as - or -/+ or + CSH101 CSH114 mating mixture (CSH101 x CSH114) a - no growth, +/- few colonies (considered as no growth), + growth 1.5 b) Record requested information in the following table. Refer to strain list and M9 glucose medium composition. Table 2. Prevention of donor and recipient E. coli strain growth on conjugate selection medium, M9glucose + streptomycin. E. coli strain Onea media component (added or not added) that prevents growth of donor or recipients. Also state whether added or not. E.coli strain genotype and phenotype that prevents growth of donor or recipient. genotype phenotype CSH101 donor CSH114 recipient marks subtracted if give more than one media component added or not added. Also applies to genotype and phenotype. a 27 1 1.5 2. Present one labelled figure of F plasmid conjugant (E coli CSH101 x E. coli CSH114) papillae results on MacConkey (lactose) streak plate. Label colony and papillae. If not printed in color indicate papillae color. Copy and paste jpg files of colony with papillae available on lab website into report Word document HERE and if necessary resize to fit 1/3 – ½ page. In the event that your group does not have papillae, borrow another group’s jpg file and reference. Refer to general lab report instructions for figure presentation. Figure may be labelled with pen but title must be typed. Part II Conjugation 3. Record requested information in the following table. Table 3. LBSmAmp initial streak plate results for individual parent E. coli strains and conjugant. E. coli strain Degree of growtha Expected Degree of growtha E.coli strain phenotype that prevents growth of donor or recipient DH5α (pUFR-GFP) CSH125 conjugant CSH125(pUFR-GFP) a - no growth, +/- few colonies (considered as no growth), + growth 0.5 __ 7 N/A 4. State whether green fluorescent conjugant, E. coli CSH125(pUFR-GFP) cells present when viewed on a slide over UV light. If it is necessary to use 3 week old E. coli CSH125(pUFRGFP) colony cells supplied in lab, make a note of this in your answer. 28 LAB 3 PLASMID ISOLATION AND TRANFORMATION INTRODUCTION Plasmid Isolation Plasmid DNA isolation starts with the growth of host bacteria with amplification of plasmid. Normally there are ten to two hundred plasmids (relaxed - not connected to chromosomal replication) per bacterial cell. The bacteria containing the plasmid grow in LB medium plus antibiotic that selects for plasmid (antibiotic resistant gene located on plasmid). pBluescript has the AMPr gene, bla that codes for TEM β-lactamase which confers ampicillin resistance. In this lab, the QIAGEN plasmid kit is used to isolate plasmid DNA. Mild alkali (up to pH 12.5) treatment breaks most of the hydrogen bonds in DNA and degrades chromosomal DNA. Closed circular plasmids regain their native configuration when returned to neutral pH while larger linear chromosomal DNA fragments remain in the denature state trapped in the cell debris. The cell debris is precipitated and the supernatant containing the plasmid applied to a silica gel membrane that binds the plasmid. The membrane bound plasmid is washed to remove contaminants then eluded as pure plasmid prep. The yield of plasmid DNA is dependent on the plasmid copy number, plasmid type, bacterial strain, and growth conditions. Preparation and Transformation of Competent E. coli cells Preparation of competent E. coli cells requires treatment with calcium, magnesium and temperature near 0oC, all of which promote uptake of DNA during subsequent transformation. Mandel and Higa9 (1970) first demonstrated that the uptake of lambda DNA by E. coli is enhanced by treatment of E. coli cells with calcium chloride under cold conditions followed by short heat shock treatment at 43oC. During transformation heat shock at 43oC facilitates complete DNA molecule uptake by the cells. Just prior to plating on LB Ampicillin agar, LB broth is added and the cells are incubated at 37oC for 1 hr without shaking. During this time the plasmid DNA becomes established in the cell. Establishment is a difficult process as there must be correct mini-chromatid (protein-DNA structure) formation. Plasmids cannot exist as naked DNA. Replication is essential for establishment of the plasmid. Also it is essential that plasmid antibiotic resistant gene begins to express prior to exposure to antibiotic to increase the chance of survival once plated on LB-antibiotic agar plate. A similar procedure was used by Cohen et al10(1972) to transform bacteria with plasmid. This simple method, similar to what we use in the lab generates 105 to 106 transformed colonies/μg plasmid DNA11. Approximately 50 ng plasmid per 100 μl competent cells should be added to obtain efficient transformation but the volume of plasmid should not be greater than 5% of the competent cells. Both these rules may be broken to some degree and still obtain fairly good transformation. 9 Mandel M, Higa A. 1070. Calcium-dependent bacteriophage DNA infection. J. Mol. Biol. 53: 159-162. 10 Cohen SN, Chang ACY, Hsu L. 1972. Nonchromosomal antibiotic resistance in bacteria: Genetic transformation of Escherichia coli by R factor DNA. PNAS 69: 2110-2114. 11 Sambrook J, & Russell D. 2001. Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual. 3rd edition. New York: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press p 1.109-1.111. 29 Xgal Detection system12 pBluescript® ~3 kb plasmid (see diagram) contains only the promoter region and the first 146 amino acids (5’end starting with first methionine) of E. coli β-galactosidase lacZ gene (α-donor fragment). The E. coli chromosomal lac operon is removed, Δ(argF-lacZYA) but carries prophage Φ80 lacZÎM15 which contains lacZ gene but with deletion of the α-donor fragment. A o or α-acceptor lacZ fragment is generated starting at the next methionine. Neither fragment (α-donor or α-acceptor) is active without the other. However, they associate to form a functional β-galactosidase by α-complementation. The chromogenic substrate, Xgal (5-bromo–4-chloro-3-indolyl-β-D-galactosidase) is converted to an insoluble blue compound by β-galactosidase . So when E. coli DH5α(pBluescript) is plated on media containing Xgal/IPTG the colonies turn blue. IPTG (isopropyl β-D-thiogalactoside), a non-fermentable lactose analog removes the repressor, ie fully activates lacZ gene. However, in most plasmid host E. coli strains the level of repressor is low making the need for IPTG optional. A multi-cloning site (MCS) is inserted in the coding sequence of lacZ gene of pBluescript. The opening reading frame is maintained and the few additional amino acids does not interfere with a functional β-galactosidase. The MCS consists of numerous restriction enzyme sites that permit insertion of desired gene. None of the MCS restriction sites are found elsewhere in the plasmid. In this lab the 1.4 kb rhaK gene is cloned into pBluescript via the BamHI/HindIII restriction sites, designated pMR106. When E. coli DH5α(pMR106) is plated on media containing Xgal/ IPTG the colonies are white due to inactive β-galactosidase. 12 Sambrook, J, Russell, DW. 2001. Chapter 13 Mutagenesis. In Molecular Cloning A Laboratory Manual 3rd edition. Cold Spring Harbor: CSHL Press p. 1.116 - 1.150 30 31 E. coli STRAIN LIST STRAIN NUMBER GENOTYPE IMPORTANT PROPERTIES DH5α Φ80dlacZΔM15 Δ(argF-lacZYA) U169 recA1 endA hsdR17 supE44 thi-1 gyrA96 relA1 DH5α(pBluescript) as above for DH5α with pBluescript plasmid contributing bla (TEM β-lactamase) and functional βgal gene Ampr Lac+ DH5α(pMR106) as above for DH5α with pBluescript plasmid contributing bla (TEM β-lactamase) and R. Ampr Lac- Lac- Amps leguminosarum rhaK gene (1408 bp) insert via BamHI/ HindIII restriction enzymes in multi-cloning site Rha = rhamose C-source PROCEDURE Week 4 This is a long lab, come prepared. Part I Plasmid DNA preparation (QIAGEN13 kit method) Please take care when carrying out this experiment procedures. You will be graded on your ability to isolate and restriction digest plasmid (combined with lab report). E. coli cultures were grown overnight with rotation at 37oC in 5 ml LB-AMP broth. Each group carries out the following procedure for E. coli DH5α(pBluescipt) and E. coli DH5α (pMR106). 1. Cell Harvesting: Aseptically transfer 3 ml E. coli culture into two Eppendorf tubes (each tube only holds 1.5 ml). Micro centrifuge at room temperature for 1 min (12,000 x g). Remove supernatant using a Pipetman, make sure the entire supernatant is removed including any liquid on inside surface of tube. Micro centrifuges available in the lab: All centrifuges may be used for short spins, however, only the larger models may be used for the 10 min spin as requires 12,000 x g (RCF, relative centrifugal force). Legend micro centrifuge has variable speed maximum speed dependent on model (newest). Eppendorf micro centrifuge variable speed up to 14,000 rpm (12,700 x g) - check that set at maximum. Mini centrifuges (4 only in room 201) - constant speed of 6600 rpm (2200 x g) use only for mixing reactions. 2. Condensing two tubes to one tube and Cell Suspension: Add 250 μl Buffer P1 to ONLY one pellet tube and completely resuspending the cells using the pipetman. Transfer the resuspended pellet to the second pellet tube and again completely suspend cells. The solution must be homogeneous or very little plasmid will be extracted. P1 buffer may have a blue dye added to help you determine complete cell lysis (P2 buffer) and neutralization (N3 buffer) of the cells. The solutions turns a homogeneous blue color after 13 QIAprep® Miniprep Handbook. QIAGEN March 2003. 32 correct mixing of cell lysis solution (P2). After correct mixing of neutralization solution (N3) there should be no blue color remaining. 3. Cell Lysis: Add 250 μl Buffer P2 and mix gently by inverting the tube 4 -6 times. Do not vortex. 4. Neutralization: Add 350 μl Buffer N3 and mix immediately by inverting the tube gently 4 -6 times. Do not vortex. The mixture should become cloudy. Micro centrifuge for 10 min (12,000 x g) at room temperature. A white pellet forms. 5. Spin column loading: Label spin column. The spin column is supplied housed in a round bottomed tube. Decant the supernatant into the spin column. Decant by quickly tipping your tube over the spin column with top edges touching. Do not remove remainder of supernatant with pipetman. It is important that none of the precipitate is transferred to the spin column. Microcentrifuge for 1 min (12,000 x g). Discard the flow-through (liquid in round bottom tube). 6. First Wash: Return the spin column to the round bottom tube. Add 500 μl Buffer PB to the spin column. Micro centrifuge for 1 min. Discard the flow-through. This step is required for to destroy nucleases in nuclease rich bacteria. 7. Second Wash Return the spin column to the round bottom tube. Add 750 μl Buffer PE to the spin column. Micro centrifuge for 1 min. Discard the flow-through. Micro centrifuge again for 1 min to remove residual wash buffer. Discard round bottom tube. 8. Plasmid Elution: Cut the top off an Eppendorf tube. Then place the spin column into the tube. Add 50 μl EB buffer directly to the centre of the spin spin column. Incubate at room temperature for 1 min. Micro centrifuge for 1 min. Discard spin column in plastic lined bucket on the discard trolley. Replace cap on tube. 9. Clearly label tube with group # ON LID TOP and on the side with plasmid name, your names or initials, lab day and room #. Store plasmid DNA samples on ice during lab. DO NOT DISCARD PLASMID PREPS as needed for next week’s lab. At the end of the lab store plasmid DNA samples in designated tray located in -20oC freezer in each lab. 33 Part II Plasmid DNA concentration determination using NanoDrop Spectrophotometer [Thermo Fisher] Carry out this procedure during wait times of gel electrophoresis. (On/off switch, on power bar. Wait until Home screen appears.) Cautions: Use only a Pipetman to add liquid to pedestal. Never use a squirt bottle. Use only Kim wipes, never Kleenex or paper towel to clean pedestals. Never drop liquid on black area around bottom pedestal (silver). 1. Defaults to DNA on the Home screen. Or use the up and down arrowhead buttons to box DNA. Press Select button. 2. Defaults to dsDNA. Press Select button. 3. Open arm of NanoDrop (right side). Pipette 2 µl sterile distilled water on bottom pedestal. Close arm. The sample is automatically drawn between the upper and bottom pedestals, forming a liquid column. Press Blank. 4. Requests confirm blank. Raise arm and wipe upper and bottom pedestal using Kim wipe (never use any other tissue to wipe pedestal). Again pipette 2 µl sterile distilled water on bottom pedestal. Close arm. Press Blank. Once blanked the Blank is stable for 30 min. 5. Open arm and wipe upper and bottom pedestal with a Kim wipe. Pipette 2 µl DNA sample on bottom pedestal. Close arm. Press Measure. 6. Screen displays concentration information. Concentration is displayed as ng/µl – record this value in data table. Also displayed is the A260/A280 ratio – record this value in data table (should be close to 1.8 indicating a pure sample). DNA peak is 260 nm while protein peak is 280 nm. 7. Open arm. Use Kim wipe to wipe upper and bottom pedestal. 8. Now ready for second sample. Students do not need to clean pedestal with water between samples. 9. Last student or TA. Pipette 3 µl sterile dH2O onto bottom pedestal. Lower arm. Let it sit for 2 min. Raise arm and Kim wipe the upper and bottom pedestals. Turn switch on power bar to off NanoDrop spectrophotometer. Data Table plasmid DNA sample pBluescript DNA concentration (ng/µl) pMR106 -make sure you know how to convert to µg/µl. A260/A280 ratio 34 Part III: Casting Agarose Gel using Sub-Cell® GT Mini agarose gel electrophoresis system (BIO-RAD) Each group sets up their own gel electrophoresis system. 1. Remove lid and place the gel electrophoresis bottom container on a level surface. 2. Place the UV transparent plastic gel tray on centre support with upper notches close to negative (black) electrode. 3. Place the black gates securely into slots as shown in the figure. 4. Set the comb into tray upper notches. 5. Obtain a tube containing 25 ml 0.7% agarose prepared in 1x TAE buffer from the 55oC waterbath. Immediately pour the gel into centre tray area between gates. When pouring, avoid bubble formation. If your get bubbles, remove with Pipetman or move to edge of tray. Allow the gel to solidify for 20 min. During this time set up restriction enzyme digestion. Part IV: Plasmid DNA Restriction Enzyme Digestion 1. Set up the following restriction enzyme digestion for each of your plasmid preps, pBluescript and pMR106. Use a separate tip for each addition. After removing specified amount of each plasmid for RE digestion store plasmid DNAs in -20oC freezer in student sample box for next week’s transformation experiment. Do not discard. Addition to Eppendorf tube Amount added (μl) plasmid DNA 4 10x FastDigest® buffer 2 ddH2O (double distilled water) 13 1 μl FastDigest® HindIII Mix reaction by doing a quick spin (5-15 sec) in the micro centrifuge. 2. Incubate for 10 min in a 37oC waterbath. Vortex EZ-Vision™One2 6x loading buffer Eppendorf before adding 4 μl to each restriction enzyme digest. Do a quick spin to mix loading buffer into reaction. 2 EZ-Vision™One is a 6x loading buffer containing fluorescent dye, 15% Ficoll and magenta tracking dye, amaranth (10 bp). EZ-Vision™ is a fluorescent dye for visualization of DNA bands by UV illumination of agarose gels. It is non-mutagenic and non-toxic. EZ-Vision™ complexes tightly to DNA and co-migrates. This eliminates the use of the carcinogen, ethidium bromide. 15% Ficoll increases the density of sample, thus it sinks 35 Part V: Gel electrophoresis 1. After gel has solidified and just before gel electrophoresis carefully remove comb followed by removal of gates. Rinse gates and comb with distilled water (white handle tap) and place on paper towel on your bench to dry. 2. Pour 1x TAE buffer into gel unit filling to just below max level (indicated on side of gel container). Take care when filling to ensure the buffer goes into the wells. The agarose gel should be covered by ~2 mm buffer. 3. In the first lane well add 8 μl 1 kb Plus DNA standard ladder prepared with EZ Vision loading buffer. Load 6 and 12 µl of each sample restriction enzyme digestion. Each sample is loaded using an Eppendorf micropipet by holding the pipetman just above the well and releasing sample such that is sinks to the bottom of well. Good idea to steady your hand with the other hand. 4. Carefully place the lid on gel holder to avoid spilling the buffer and ensuring that the electrode contact is complete. The Lid only fits on one way – electrode contacts black to black (negative) and red to red (positive). The negatively charged DNA will migrate to the positive electrode (red). CAUTION WHEN ATTACHING GEL ELECTROPHORESIS UNIT TO POWER PACK – always turn off power pack before attaching or removing gel unit. Make sure the power pack is turned back on if other gel units are still attached. 5. With the assistance of the TA attach red electrode to red outlet and black electrode to black outlet on power pack. Turn on power supply and set at constant voltage (~100 volts). Electrophoresis for 35 min. Part VI: Gel Doc XR+ photography of agarose gel. to bottom of agarose gel well while loading through electrophoresis buffer. when 10bp tracking dye is near the bottom of the gel it is time to shut off the electrophroesis. 36 1. Remove gel tray containing agarose gel and place in a small container. Rinse gel electrophoresis unit using distilled water tap (white handle) and invert on paper towel to dry on your bench. 2. Take gel to Gel Doc XR+ (located in room 204 or 302 – confirm with TA). With the assistance of the TA take a picture of your gel. Pull out drawer, transfer gel from gel tray and centre on UV screen. Close drawer completely. Use Image lab Software and red interference filter (filter 1) to photograph (tif files) agarose gel containing electrophoresed fluorescent stained plasmid DNA samples. Group jpg files will be available on the website as soon as possible. For best EZ-Vision stained results must remove gel from gel tray for photographing. 3. Discard gel in Petri plate container since contains DNA. Rinse gel tray with distilled water and place on paper towel to dry on your bench. Leave entire distilled water rinsed gel system unit on your bench drying. Week 5 Part VII: Preparation of competent E. coli DH5α cells 1. 5 ml LB broth inoculated 1/50 with overnight culture of E. coli DH5α. Rapid rotated at 37oC for 31/2 h. Abs550 nm should be 0.4-0.5. It is important a good oxygen supply is present to ensure log phase growth of E. coli subsequently competence. Each group receives two 5 ml log phase E. coli DH5α cultures. When removing supernatant the pellet should be on the upper side such that it is always visible to you as you remove supernatant. When removing supernatant with the Pipetman keep tube slightly tilted so the tip does not touch the pellet. Never allow the remaining supernatant to run back into the pellet. STUDENT LAB STARTS HERE 2. Combine two 5 ml E. coli DH5α cultures in one centrifuge tube. Centrifuge at 10,000 rpm for 5 min at 4oC. Use a P-1000 to remove the supernatant. Discard supernatant. Gently resuspend the cells in 4 ml sterile 0.1 M MgCl2 (dispensed in 4 ml aliquots, no need to measure). Centrifuge at 10,000 rpm for 5 min at 4oC. Decant off supernatant, removing any remaining droplets with a Pipetman. Gently resuspend cell pellet in 4 ml sterile 0.1 M CaCl2 (dispensed in 4 ml aliquots, no need to measure). 3. Incubate on ice for 30 min. 4. Again centrifuge at 10,000 rpm for 5 min at 4oC Resuspension of pellet: You should always use the gentlest method possible. Froth has the potential to kill cells. Resuspend cell by using Pipetman bringing the liquid up and down on the pellet, remember not to create froth. Check that the pellet is completely suspended. 5. Resuspend the cells in 0.5 ml sterile CaCl2 + glycerol. Label four Eppendorf tubes with ONLY your group # on the lid, no initials or names. On the side of tube, label competent E. coli DH5α. Check bulletin board to make sure you have the correct group #. Dispense 100 μl in each Eppendorf tube. Incubated on ice overnight in student cold box. A box of ice containing tube holders should already be in the cold box. 6. Your competent cells will be transferred to the -80oC freezer. 37 Week 6 Part VIII: Transformation: Xgal Detection System Day 1 1. Thaw three 100 μl competent E. coli DH5α cells at room temperature and put on ice (if not used immediately). Set up the following transformation reactions. plasmid name competent E. coli DH5α (μl) volume of plasmid pBluescipt 100 5 μl pMR106 100 5 μl Negative control - no plasmid 100 0 After using plasmid preps RETURN Dilution and Plating Information: GOOD PREPS TO FREEZER. 2. Heat shock at 43oC for 1 min. The general rule for all experiments is that 0.1 ml of Put on ice for 3 min. culture or dilution is spread plated on agar medium unless 3. Add 1 ml prewarmed LB broth otherwise specified. (37oC) and incubate for 1 hour in Mix tube by vortexing after each transfer. Use a P200 (labeled on top of Pipetman piston) to transfer a 37oC waterbath. 0.1 ml (100 μl). 4. For each plasmid transformation Use a P1000 to transfer 0.9 ml (900 μl). tube prepare 10-1 dilution in It is extremely important that you do not turn the dial of the saline by adding 100 μl P200 above 0.2 ml/200 μl or P1000 above 1.0 ml/1000 μl transformation mixture to 900 μl as it causes permanent damage. Get assistance from the saline in 5" sterile metal capped demonstrator if you are not sure of pipetman operation. test tube. Mix. Repeat 10-fold Refer to the appendix for operation of pipetman. dilution twice more until 10-3. Use separate tips for each dilution and each different Spread plate in duplicate 100 μl dilution plating. of each (undiluted, 10-1, 10-2 and 10-3 dilutions) on LB-AMP agar Use spread plate technique to distribute the bacteria evenly over the surface of the LB plate. plates. 1) Aseptically transfer 0.1 ml of culture or dilution to 5. For the negative control centre surface of agar plate. Hold lid tilted above the plate transformation tube plate only when adding sample or spreading. 100 µl undiluted on one LB2) Use disposable sterile spreader to spread bacteria. Use AMP agar plate. the same sterile spreader for duplicate dilutions. Must use a 6. Incubate plates at 37oC for 1 new sterile spreader for each dilution. days. 3) Open lid keeping it tilted over the plate, move the plate Day 2 around spreading bacteria evenly over agar surface. (Use 7. Record transformation colony turntable to rotate plate if available.) data. 8. Using only ONE LB-AMP-Xgal IPTG agar plate, pick plate 6 tranformants of each plasmid type, pBluescript and pMR106. You may use the same pick plate pattern from lab 1 (using only two of the quadrants). Incubate at 37oC for 1-2 days. If expected color has not developed, transfer LB-AMP-Xgal IPTG agar plate to Student Cold Box - enhances color. Check color development after one or two days. 9. Record pick plate results. 38 LAB 3 REPORT (Use Word Format available on lab website. Save format and open in Word before typing requested information; keep report format.) Date: Group #: Group or Individual Report: Student Name(s): 2 1. Include a completely labelled figure of agarose gel electrophoresis photograph of Hind III digested pBluescript and pMR106 plasmid DNA. Insert your group’s agarose gel jpg photograph available on lab website into Word doc. Complete figure should be no larger than ½ page (do not remove any lanes, show the complete gel picture). Use your group’s data regardless of results. Refer to Lab Report Presentation section for figure set up. 1 2. Record requested information in the following table. Must be your group’s results. Table 1. Plasmid concentration determination using Nanodrop spectrophotometry. plasmid DNA DNA DNA concentration A260/A280 ratio sample concentration (µg/µl) (ng/µl) pBluescript pMR106 1.5 3. Practical ability to isolate and restriction digest plasmid. Include this table in your report for marker – the student does not enter any information. Marking Criteria of Agarose Gel. Acceptable indicated by check mark. pBluescript pMR106 Reasonable amount of plasmid present Single DNA band for HindIII digest 0.5 4. How many bands are expected on the agarose gel when plasmid pMR106 is restriction enzyme digest with KpnI? pMR106 has one KpnI site in the rhaK gene inserted in pBluescript. Refer to pBluescript MCS (multi-cloning site) as rhaK is inserted in pBluescript using restriction enzymes BamHI and HindIII. Circle the correct answer: TWO or THREE or FOUR 39 4.5 5. Record requested information in the following table. Indicate in table with an asterisk or highlight or boldface values used to calculate transformants/ml titre. Table 2. Determination of pBluescript and pMR106 transformants/μg plasmid for E. coli DH5α. dilution Plate counts for 0.1 ml Transformatiom Mixture plated on LB-AMP pBluescript pMR106 100 100 10-1 10-1 10-2 10-2 10-3 10-3 Negative control 100 Transformation titre (cfu/ml) Total volume transformation mixture just before plating (µl) plasmid (µg/µl) µg plasmid added to transformation mixture transformants/μg plasmid TNTC = too numerous to count. Indicate plates counts used to calculate all titres with asterisks or boldface or highlight. If you do not have significant counts, use best data you have and state less than significant but only data available. If no data, borrow from another group. See appendix titre calculation for more information. Show numerical calculations for either pBluescript or pMR106. Circle to indicate. Calculations must follow table. Tranformation Titre (cfu/ml): Total volume transformation mixture just before plating: µg plasmid added to transformation mixture: Transformants/μg plasmid: 40 0.5 6. Record pick plate results in the following table. Table 3. E. coli DH5α transformation with plasmids pBluescript and pMR106 LB-AMP-Xgal-IPTG pick plate results. Plasmid # of colonies picked showing growtha colony colorb expected colony colorb pBluescript pMR106 6 transformants picked b record as blue or white. The expected colony color for 6 colonies picked should be the same. If differs, footnote. a __ 10 41 LAB 4 TRANSDUCTION: P1 GENERALIZED TRANSDUCTION Introduction Generalized transduction14 of E. coli is mediated by phage P1. P1 phages contain a 110 kb, double stranded, linear, terminally redundant and circularly permutated DNA genome. During the lytic cycle, some P1 phage accidentally package the host genomic DNA, the resulting P1 particle is called a transducing particle. Although the transducing particle is defective (cannot form lysogen or enter lytic cycle), it has the ability to inject host E. coli DNA into recipient E. coli. The injected DNA can undergo homologous recombination with host genome. Via transducing particles any gene on the E. coli chromosome may be introduced into another E. coli strain at a frequency of 10-6 to 10-8 infected cells. Due to the large size of DNA that can be packaged it is possible to transfer genes which are closely linked on the E. coli chromosome (within 2.2 min), i.e., cotransduced. For instance, purB (25.6 min)13 and galU (27.8 min)13 are 2% cotransducible. This means that if we transduce a PurB- GalU- strain with a P1 lysate from a wild-type strain and select for PurB+, then 2% of the PurB+ transductants will also be GalU+. In preparing strains by P1 transduction, it is desirable to prevent non-defective P1 phage particles (majority of particles in P lysate) from lysogenizing or lysing the recipient strain. This is because P1 lysogens restrict foreign DNA introduced during phage infection or conjugation and continue to interfere with future genetic crosses. By using low multiplicities of infection (only one phage/host cell) and by adding citrate to prevent further adsorption (chelating agent that binds the divalent cation, calcium which is required for adsorption), we can virtually eliminate this problem. Also, we can use a virulent mutant of P1 (P1vir) which is unable to form lysogens. In this lab we will use P1 generalized transduction to construct a new E. coli strain. P1 phage lysate carrying transducing particles of E. coli UM122 is used to transduce E. coli JM96(cysH). First transduced E. coli JM96 is selected on LBTc for katF::Tn10. Colonies are then picked onto defined medium with and without cysteine to select for CYSH cotransduced with katF::Tn10. This results in a new E. coli strain construct which is resistant to tetracycline and no longer auxotrophic for cysteine. Since a defined M9 medium is used to select for CYSH all auxotrophic nutrients required by E. coli JM96 are added. 14 Madigan MT, Martinko, JM. 2006. Brock: Biology of Microorganisms. 11th edition. Pearson/Prentice Hall: Upper Saddle River. p. 272 Sambrook J, & Russell D. 2001. Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual. 3rd edition. New York: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press p. 4.35-4.4.36. 42 Table 1. Map position (min) of selected E. coli genes15. gene map position (min) rpsL 74.8 katF::Tn10 61.9 (not on cited map) cysH 62.2 argH 89.5 thiI 9.5 Phage Lysate Prior to the start of this lab P1 phage lysate, was prepared by infecting host E. coli UM122 with P1 phage producing 100-200 progeny per host cell, with some of the phage being transducing particles with E. coli UM122 DNA packaged. After infection, cells are plated in a layer of soft agar on nutrient plate, incubated overnight at 37oC to allow confluent host lysis over the surface of the plate due to overlapping plaques. The soft agar layer is scraped into a test tube or centrifuge tube. Chloroform is added to further disrupt the cell wall. Cell debris is then centrifuged, and the supernatant, which is the lysate, is stored in the cold. Lysates are stored at 4oC in the presence of chloroform without decrease in titre for several years. E. coli strain list Strain number Genotype Tcr (one possibility), cannot form lysogens P1vir (UM122) JM96 Important properties cysH thr leu trp his argH rpsL thiI lac xyl Cys- gal mal supE44 UM122 HfrH thiI katF::Tn10 Tcr Notes: (i) katF::Tn10 means the transposon Tn10 (marker gene), which contains a tetracycline resistance marker, is inserted in the KATF gene (catalase). The katF gene is no longer functional, non-essential gene for survival. (ii) Only defective genes are noted in genotype/important properties. It is assumed that any gene not noted is wild type or not of particular interest for this lab. Also it is assumed that E. coli strains are sensitive to antibiotic if resistant gene not present. rpsL = streptomycin resistance 15 Berlyn MKB. 1998. Linkage map of Escherichia coli K-12, Edition 10: The Traditional Map. Micro Mol. Biol. Rev. 62: 814-984. or search ASM journals, UM NETDOC or Google Scholar. 43 PROCEDURE CAUTION: When using a Pipetman to pipette phage you must wipe the Pipetman barrel at the tip end with alcohol when you are finished using a particular phage. Just pour a small amount of 70% alcohol onto a kleenex to wipe the tip. For the remainder of the labs you must always wipe the Pipetman barrel tip with alcohol before using to pipette bacteria or a different phage. If you neglect to do this you may ruin your experiment. It is good practise to pipette slowly when pipetting phage to reduce aerosol. Week 7 Day 1 1. At start of experiment put 10 LBTc agar plates in the 37oC incubator to pre-warm. Pre-warmed plates allow slightly more time to spread soft agar over surface of plate before hardening. 2. An overnight cultures of E. coli JM96 has been subcultured (1/50 dilution) into 5 ml LB + 5 mM CaCl2 and grown for 4 hours (mid-log phase - 1 x 109 cells/ml) at 37oC with rotation. Centrifugation is carried out at 4oC to ensure stability of the biological material. At 4oC bacterial cells metabolic rate is slowed, less chance of cellular damage if stress applied (centrifugal force) especially if high speed and or long centrifugation times. In addition centrifugation creates heat, to prevent this the temperature is set at a constant temperature. 3. Transfer E. coli JM96 culture to sterile plastic capped centrifuge tube and centrifuge at 10000 rpm for 5 min at 4oC. Decant off supernatant removing any remaining droplets with a Pipetman. Gently resuspend pellet in 5 ml MC buffer (0.1 M MgSO4, 5 mM CaCl2). Each tube of MC supplied by prep room contains 5 ml, no need to measure. 4. Dilute P 1 phage by mixing 0.1 ml phage with 0.9 ml MC buffer (10-1) in a sterile 5" metal capped test tube. Transfer 0.1 ml 10-1 dilution to another tube containing 0.9 ml MC buffer and mix (10-2) dilution. Remember to use a separate Pipetman tip for each dilution and when plating each dilution. 5. Set up transduction experiment as follows using 5 inch sterile metal capped test tubes: mix 0.1 ml of E. coli JM96 cells with 0.1 ml of 100, 10-1 and 10-2 dilutions of the P1 lysate in duplicate. Also prepare two control tubes one containing only 0.1 ml bacterial cells and the other containing only 10 μl phage lysate stock. Incubate tubes in a 37oC waterbath for 20 min. During this time label your LBTc agar plates (plates are at room temperature). 6. Add 0.2 ml 0.1 M Na citrate to each tube. Then working with one tube at a time, add entire tube of melted F-top agar (3.5 ml) from a *No need to mix as this happens when 55oC waterbath and immediately* pour on room you swirl the top agar on the plate. temperature LBTc agar plate, controlled swirl to spread. Repeat for remaining transductions. Any signs of agar solidifying, stop swirling, it’s too late. 7. Incubate plates 1 day at 37oC. 44 Day 2 8. Count colonies on plates and record data (data recording sheet follows). 9. Pick between 100 and 120 isolated coloniesa Colony Size: growing on the LBTc agar plates (from any The colony size may vary dilution) onto M9glucose plus cysteine and depending on whether the colony M9glucose minus cysteine. If you have less than is embedded in or on the surface of 100 colonies, pick as many as you have. Use the the F top agar. Usually colonies on grid supplied. Use only one toothpick for each the surface are larger. Also colony colony, first picking on M9glucose minus cysteine size may vary dependent upon and M9glucose plus cysteine. Discard toothpicks where P1 transduction has in plastic lined bucket on bench not in the Petri occurred in the genome. plate container (it is pointed). Put orientation mark on the bottom of the plate to orientate picking. After growth just put the plate on the grid lining up the orientation mark to see the number for each space. Two plates of each type are available per group. If you do not have 100 colonies, pick as many single colonies as you have. All auxotrophic nutrients required by E. coli JM96 are added to the M9 glucose medium. 10. Incubate at 37oC for 2 days. Record data. 11. Day 4 (Friday): Hand in a COPY of your P1 generalized transduction DATA SHEET to the slotted located in the hallway across from 302 Buller – one copy only per group. May be hand written. Include all requested information: group #, group names (in full), number of picked colonies that grew on M9glucose plus cysteine and M9glucose minus cysteine. Data must be handed in or emailed to by 2:30 pm Friday. No honesty declaration required for data submission. The data will be compiled and POSTED ON THE WEBSITE in Excel format as soon as possible. Marks subtracted from report if data is not submitted as requested. 45 TRANSDUCTION PLATE COUNT DATA SHEET (only for recording your plate count data, use Excel report spreadsheet for report write-up) Table 1. P1 transduced E. coli JM96 LBTc PLATE COUNT DATA. a Dilution plated 100 10-1 10-2 a 0.1 ml P1 dilution plated. Colony plate count. Plate 1 Plate 2 46 Molecular Genetics of Prokaryotes MBIO 4600 Lab 4 P1 Generalized transduction DATA SHEET - available as word document on lab website Only one copy/group required. No honesty declaration required for data submission. Group #: _______________ Group names (in full): ________________________________________________________ # picked colonies that grew on M9glucose plus cysteine: _________________ # picked colonies that grew on M9glucose minus cysteine: __________________ Pick plate grid. Remember to include orientation mark or label the bottom of each plate as below. Remember to label plate type before you pick plate. plate 1 47 plate 2 orientate 1 2 6 7 8 9 10 65 66 67 68 69 70 14 15 16 17 71 72 73 74 75 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 4 5 11 12 13 27 28 29 30 45 46 3 47 48 52 53 54 62 49 55 88 89 90 96 97 98 99 91 64 92 76 77 93 94 100 101 102 103 1 50 51 56 59 60 87 63 57 58 61 119 120 121 plate 3 plate 4 orientate 62 64 2 6 7 8 9 10 65 66 67 68 69 70 14 15 16 17 71 72 73 74 75 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 4 5 11 12 13 27 28 29 45 46 30 47 48 52 53 54 55 59 60 3 63 1 49 56 61 87 88 89 90 96 97 98 99 91 92 76 77 93 94 9 100 101 102 103 1 50 51 57 58 119 120 121 48 LAB 4 REPORT (Use Excel and Word Formats available on lab website. First save before opening in respective program. Report must be typed.) Excel spreadsheet contains two worksheets, group and class – select using tab at bottom. Date: Group #: Group or Individual Report: Student Name(s): Data Presentation and Analysis 3.5 1. Include a completed group data Excel worksheet for tetracycline gene tranduction (P1(UM122) into E. coli JM96 and sample calculations. Fit all information including sample calculation on one portrait page. 1.5 2. Include a completed class data Excel worksheet including the frequency of cotranduction of katF:: Tn10 and CYS H. Record group # or highlight your group’s data. Fit all information including sample calculation on one portrait page. Question (Use Word document available on lab website.) 3.0 1. A new E. coli stain Pro- Mlt- Tcr Ampr was created by P1 transduction using only the following bacteria strains and P1. Refer to lab 5 introduction for additional information on transposons. E. coli Strain Genotype Phenotype CD43 Arg- Mlt- Ampr argY mltD::Tn10amp SB21 Pro- Tc r GlyproW::Tn10 glyS Map positions: mltD = mannitol, 81.3 min; proW= proline, 60.4 min; metC = methionine, 67.9 min; glyS = glycine, 80.2 min; Ampr = ampicillin resistance; Tc = tetracycline resistance (i) Circle the E. coli strain used to prepare the P1 lysate: CD43 or SB21 (ii) Circle the E. coli strain transduced with P1 lysate: CD43 or SB21 (iii) State the medium the transduction mixture is pour plated to select for transduced E. coli. Take into consideration prep time and cost of medium, use the most economical medium. (iv) In the following table list 4 pick plate media used to select and confirm the new strain. Remember to also include type of medium and carbon source. Pick Plate media used to select and confirm new strain new E. coli stain. Presence or absence Assume antibiotic resistance established - omit addition of antibiotic(s). of growth (+ or -) + __ 8 49 EXCEL INFORMATION When taking the SUM of more than one column just hold down the CTRL key when selecting data. Best to use a combination of SHIFT block and CTRL key. Each spreadsheet should be printed to fit ONE PAGE, this includes all calculation and any requested information. Print to fit ONE portrait page – Select Page Layout –Print Area – Set Print Area (click and drag to select area) - Set Width to 1 page (default is automatic) and Height to 1 page (default is automatic). ). When setting print area ensure that all text boxes and charts are completely within area selected. Proof read printout. PROOF READ page to ensure all information is included. RIGHT CLICK is extremely helpful in EXCEL - especially for formatting. Right Click on appropriate cell and select FORMAT to change Number, Alignment, Font, etc. Numerical calculations may be done directly on the Excel spreadsheet or inserted Text box. With the text box the calculation may be done first in Word and copy/pasted to inserted textbox. BE CONCISE - this is a numerical calculation, do not include explanations. Resize text box and font to fit. 50 LAB 5 TRANSPOSITION INTRODUCTION Transposons are important bacterial genetic tools that create non-leaky mutations. Transposon movement into recipient genome is easily detected due to the presence of antibiotic resistant gene. In this lab, two methods of transposition are performed, (1) suicide plasmid (cannot replicate in recipient) carrying the Tn5 transposon and (2) λ1098 carrying the mini Tn10Tc transposon (lambda cannot replicate or lysogenize under experimental conditions). The resulting transposed bacteria are plated for antibiotic resistance marker and then scored on indicator plates for transpositions in specific genes, i.e. lactose inactivation using Xgal as the indication. The suicide plasmid, E. coli MM294A/pRK602 with ColE1 replicon, is a derivative of pRK600 that has a Tn5 transposon (neomycin resistance conferred). The recipient, streptomycin resistant Sinorhizobium meliloti Rm1021, restricts replication of plasmids with the ColE1 replicon. Transposition of Tn5 transposon to Sinorhizobium meliloti Rm1021 is confirmed by plating on agar plates containing neomycin and streptomcyin. λ1098 has a number of alterations that allow transposition to occur with increased efficiency and stability; (1) nonsense mutations in the replication genes (O and P), therefore they cannot synthesize DNA in a Su- host, (2) carry a mutation in the λ cI gene, which prevents repression at temperatures above 39oC and (3) mutations that inhibit λ integration. λ1098 phage17 carries the mini- Tn10Tc instead of Tn10. This also increases transposon efficiency and stability by (1) increasing the activity of transposase, (2) positioning the transposase outside of the segment to be transposed; once the antibiotic resistance gene is transposed it cannot be transposed again, (3) removing segments of the IS10 elements thereby eliminating inversions and deletions, and (4) allowing placement of different antibiotic markers (Kanr, Camr, Ampr, and original Tcr) between shortened Tn10 ends. If different antibiotic marker, for example, kanamycin resistant, genotype is written as Tn10kan. This strain has only kanamycin resistance not tetracycline resistance. For λ1098 Tn10Tc transposition it is important to understand the presence or absence of the SupE gene. λ1098 Tn10Tc lysate must be prepared in host E. coli that contains the SupE gene (E. coli CSH110 Su+). SupE produces a suppressor tRNA which suppresses the UAG Amber STOP condon, (nonsense mutation) by insert glutamine permitting gene transcription. This allows λ1098 Tn10Tc replicate genes to be produced. λ1098 Tn10Tc can now go through the lytic phase thus permitting preparation of phage lysate. E. coli CSH140 Su- (no supE gene) is used in the transposition experiment. Since λ1098 has nonsense mutations (UAG codon) in the replication genes, λ1098 cannot replicate in E. coli. This is essential for the transposition experiment as want only transposition of λ1098 Tn10Tc, not replication or lysogeny. Lysogeny is prevented by incubating the transposition mixture at 39.5oC. 17 Way JC, Davis MA, Morisato D, Roberts, DE, Kleckner, N. 1984. New Tn10 derivatives for transposon mutagenesis and construction of lacZ operon fusions by transposition. Gene. 32: 369-379. 51 Strain List Strain Genotype Important Properties/Phenotype E coli CSH110 ara Δ(gpt-lac5) supE gyrA argEam metB rpoB Su+ E. coli CSH140 F'lac+proA+,B+ (carries I- mutation in the lac region) ara Δ(gpt-lac)5 Su- I-Z+ λ1098 Tn10Tc mini- Tn10Tc make clear plaques at 39.5oC on supE E. coli strains Sinorhizobium meliloti Rm10213 SU47 Str-21 Smr E. coli MM294A(pRK602)3 pro-82-thi-1 hsdR17 supE4 Tn5 Camr Nmr Cam, chloramphenicol (Tn5); Nm, neomycin (Tn5); Sm, streptomycin, hsdR1 host specificity/DNA restriction Reminder: strains are sensitive to antibiotics unless otherwise stated. PROCEDURE Week 8 Part 1 Tn5 Transposition via carrier pRK602 plasmid 1. Donor, E. coli MM294A/pRK602 was grown overnight with rotation at 37oC in LBCam broth (5 µg/ml chloramphenicol). Recipient, Sinorhizobium meliloti Rm1021 was grown overnight with rotation at 30oC in LBSm broth (200 µg/ml streptomycin). STUDENT LAB STARTS HERE 2. Transfer 1 ml of E. coli MM294A/pRK602 to an Eppendorf tube. Transfer 1 ml Sinorhizobium meliloti Rm1021 to another Eppendorf tube. 3. Micro centrifuge each for 1 min (max speed). For each, remove supernatant with P1000, being careful not to disturb the pellet. Resuspend each pellet in 1 ml saline. Use P1000 to resuspend by carefully drawing pellet up and down in tip. Again micro centrifuge for 1 min. Remove supernatant. 4. To the tube containing E. coli MM294A/pRK602 pellet add 500 µl saline. Suspend pellet. Transfer E. coli MM294A/pRK602 suspension to tube containing Sinorhizobium meliloti Rm1021 pellet. Suspend pellet. 5. Carefully spot 100 μl bacterial suspension in the centre of a non-selective LB plate. Keep the spot as small as possible. 3 supplied Dr. I. Oresnick’s lab 52 6. Incubate upright at 30oC overnight. 7. Negative Controls: Using a marker to divide the bottom of a selection plate, LBSmNm, into two sections. Use a sterile disposable loop to streak plate each parent in a section. Allow to dry. Incubate upside down at 30oC for 2 days. The expected result is no growth or only a few scattered colonies (considered no growth). Record results and discard control plate. 8. Next day, Add 1 ml saline solution to bacterial spot and mix with disposable sterile loop. Transfer suspension to sterile 5” metal capped test tube. 9. Dilute 10-1 (0.1 ml spot suspension + 0.9 ml saline).Spread plate 0.1 ml of undiluted and 10-1 dilution on LBSmNm in duplicate. Incubate at 30oC for 5 days –for this incubation only just tape plates together not using containers due to limited space. Lab room 204 students need to remove plates from incubator Tuesday morning – if necessary transfer to small 30oC in lab room 201, next door. This incubator is being reset Tuesday pm to temperature required for the next lab (not 30oC). 10. Monday: Pick plate up to 100 colonies using two M9glucoseXgalNm agar plates (use the plate grid supplied in lab 4). If you have less, pick as many colonies as you have. Incubate 2-3 days at 30oC. 11. Count the total number of white colonies and total number of blue colonies (if any part of the pick is blue consider this a blue colony). Record results on transposition data sheet. Hand in with Week 9 results. Week 9 Part II: Tn10Tc Transposition via carrier λ1098Tn10Tc 1. Prior to lab λ1098 Tn10Tc phage lysate was prepared by infecting host E. coli CSH110. After infection, cells were plated in a layer of soft agar on LB plates to allow confluent host lysis over the surface of the plate due to overlapping plaques (incubation overnight at 37oC). Remaining steps same as P1 lysate preparation. 2. E. coli CSH140 was subcultured (1/50 dilution) into 5 ml LB and rotated for 4 h at 37oC (two per group). The culture cell density is 3 x 108 cells/ml. STUDENT LAB STARTS HERE 3. Each group takes two 5 ml E. coli CSH140 LB cultures. Pour both cultures into 1 centrifuge tube. Centrifuge culture at 10000 rpm for 5 min at 4oC. Resuspend the pellet in 1 ml LB containing 10 mM MgSO4. a) First, remove 0.1 ml E. coli CSH140 and spread plate on one LB + Tc agar plate (negative control). b) For transduction the acceptable multiplicity of infection (m.o.i.) is 0.3 to10. Add 100 µl λ1098 (titre = 4 x 1010 pfu/ml). Note: The volume of λ1098 should be no greater than 1/10 (100 μl) of the bacteria added. 53 4. Incubate in a 37oC waterbath for 15 min to allow phage adsorption. Add 1 ml LB and continue incubating in the 37oC waterbath for 90 min to allow expression of antibiotic resistance gene. 5. Spread plate 0.1 ml of 100, 10-1, 10-2, and 10-3 dilutions (prepared in total volume 1 ml saline) in duplicate on LBTc agar plates. 6. Incubate overnight at 39.5oC. λ1098 has a temperature sensitive repressor. At temperatures between 39oC and 42oC the repressor is inactivated preventing the formation of lysogens. 7. Record plate count data of tetracycline resistant colonies. These colonies are mini-Tn10 carriers. 8. Pick plate up to 100 colonies using two M9glucoseXgalTc agar plates. If you have less, pick as many colonies as you have. Incubate 1 day at 37oC. 9. Count the total number of white colonies and total number of blue colonies. 10. Hand in a COPY of your group’s completed Transposition DATA SHEET (both plasmid and phage transposition experiments) to the slotted filing cabinet located in the hallway across from 302 Buller. May be hand written. Include all requested information. Hand in data or emailed to by 2:30 pm Friday. No Honesty Declaration required for data submission. The data will be compiled and class data posted on the website (Excel format) as soon as possible. Marks subtracted from report if data is not submitted as requested. λ1098 Tn10Tc transposition sample calculations (find required information in procedure) Total E. coli CSH140 in transposition mixture. E. coli CSH140 titre = 3.0 x 108 bacteria/ml 10 ml cultured centrifuged, resuspended in 1ml magnesium sulfate bacteria/ml x 10 ml = 3.0 x 109 bacteria/ml remove 0.1 ml therefore 0.9 ml remain; 0.9 x 3 x 109 = 2.7 x 109 bacteria/ml Sample calculations of MOI if add 100 µl (1/10 volume) λ1098Tn10Tc to E. coli CSH140 in transposition mixture. MOI range must be between 0.3 and 10. This is 1/10 volume since 0.9 ml E. coli CSH140 remains after centrifugation. There is removal of 0.1 ml for negative control and 0.1 ml λ1098 added = total volume 1 ml. λ1098Tn10Tc titre is 4.0 x 1010 pfu/ml: 0.1 ml added to transformation mixture = 4.0 x 109 pfu added to 2.7 x 109 bacteria moi = 4 x 109 pfu / 2.7 x 109 bacteria = 1.5 Sample calculation to determine VOLUME of phage stock to add if want a specific MOI, e.g. 0.5 λ1098Tn10Tc titre is 4.0 x 1010 pfu/ml There are 2.7 x 109 bacteria in the transposition mixture Then 0.5 (moi) * 2.7 x 109 = 1.35 x 108 pfu needs to be added to transposition mixture. 1.35 x 108 pfu = 0.034 ml 4.0 x 1010 pfu/ml 54 Molecular Genetics of Prokaryotes MBIO 4600 Lab 5 Transposition Mutagenesis DATA SHEET - available as word document on lab website (only one copy per group is required) No honesty declaration required for data submission Group #: _______________ Group names (in full): ________________________________________________________ Transposition mutagenesis data Transposon carrier via carrier λ1098Tn10Tc plated on M9glucoseXgalTc via carrier pRK602 plasmid plated on M9glucoseXgalNm total # blue colonies total # white colonies 55 LAB 5 REPORT (Use Excel spreadsheet, contains two worksheets, see tab below each worksheet). See Excel information (lab 4).Excel Format available on lab website. Save format and open in Excel before typing requested information.) Data Presentation and Analysis 4 1. Include a completed group Excel worksheet for λ1098 mini-Tn10Tc transposition data into E. coli CSH140 and requested calculations; transposition titre, total transposition reaction volume and transposition insertion frequency. Fit all requested information including numerical calculations on one portrait page. Transposon insertion frequency = total number of tetracycline resistant bacteria in the reaction mixturea total number of phage added to the reaction mixture When calculating the total number of tetracycline resistant bacteria in the reaction mixture you need to know the total transposition reaction volume. This allows you to correlate to total number of phage. 2 2. Include a completed class data Excel worksheet for transposition into the lac gene experiments. Record all requested information and sample calculation. Highlight or state your group number. Fit all requested information including numerical calculation and question on one portrait page. Frequency of insertion = total Lac- colonies total viable colonies picked Question (Inserted at the bottom of Excel class worksheet) No explanations required. 1. Circle, underline or highlight the best E. coli strain for a λ1098 transposition into the lac genome experiment as performed in the MBIO 4600 lab. CSH114 ara Δ(gpt-lac)5 rpsL mutT CSH111 ara gyrA argE metB rpoB CSH112 ara leu lacY purE gal supE try his argG malA rpsL xyl mtl ilv metA CSH123 relA1 spoT1 thiA::Tn10 __ 7 56 APPENDIX MEDIA LB (Luria-Bertani) Medium: dissolve 10 g Bacto-tryptone, 5 g yeast extract, and 5 g NaCl in 800 ml distilled water. Adjust to pH 7.5 with NaOH and bring up volume to 1 litre with distilled water. For agar plates add 15 agar/litre. Add 7 g agar/litre for top LB agar. LB medium is a complex media that supplies all essential nutrients, C-source, N-source, vitamins, minerals and trace metals. Yeast extract supplies all essential nutrients while tryptone is mainly a N-source and to a lesser degree a C-source. M9 Medium Agar plates: All plates are prepared with the final concentration per litre. Autoclave agar and salts separately. Salts; 10.5 g K2HPO4, 4.5 g KH2PO4, 1.0 g (NH4)2SO4, and sodium citrate.2H2O. 15 g/l agar. After autoclaving add cooled MgSO4.7H2O (add 1 ml from a stock solution of 20g/100 ml) and approximately 1 μg/ml B1 (thiamine hydrochloride add 0.5 ml from a 1% stock solution). 10 ml carbon source is added from a 20% stock solution. Some type of carbon source must be added, for example, the most common carbon source added is glucose (assume if not stated). This is the basic M9 medium provided unless otherwise stated in experiment. If the medium requires additional nutrients, add 20 μg/ml L-amino acids or 40 μg/ml D,L-amino acids (add 10 ml from a 4 mg/ml stock solution). Amino acid is not essential unless the bacterium is an auxotroph for a particular amino acid. If the medium requires, add nucleotide, i.e. if bacteria is a nucleotide auxotroph. Xgal M9Glucose IPTG agar plates: Prepare M9 glucose agar. After autoclaving, add Xgal (5 bromo -4- chloro - 3 indolyl b D galactoside) in N,N-dimethylformamide at a final concentration of 40 μg/ml and IPTG (Isopropyl β-DThiogalactoside) at a final concentration of 24 μg/ml. M9 medium is a defined medium. All components are known. This allows you to select for desired bacteria by adding or removing nutrient of interest. F-top agar: per litre, 8 g Difco agar, 8 g NaCl. MacConkey Agar plates: Prepared medium purchased from Difco Laboratories. Components: peptone, poly peptone, lactose, bile salts, sodium chloride, agar, neutral red, crystal violet, distilled water. pH 7.1 Stock solutions of Antibiotics: Streptomycin (Sm): prepare 10 mg/ml stock solution in distilled water, filter sterilize. Add to cooling agar at a final concentration of 100 μg/ml. Tetracycline (Tc): prepare a 1 mg/ml stock solution in distilled water, filter sterilize. Add to cooling agar at a final concentration of 10 μg/ml. Ampicillin (Amp): prepare 10 mg/ml stock solution in distilled water, filter sterilize. Add to cooling agar at a final concentration of 100 μg/ml. 57 SOLUTION COMPONENTS AND FUNCTION Saline: dissolve 8.5 g NaCl in a total volume of 1 litre distilled water 0.85% saline is physiological concentration, i.e., isotonic. Maintains the stability of bacteria, i.e., do not lyse. Addition of Mg2+ or Ca2+ during phage lysate, titration or infection of host bacterium: enhance adsorption of phage on host bacteria. λ phage adsorb to trimeric maltoporin receptors18. Magnesium facilitates the reversible attachment of the phage tail to the maltoporin receptor. Once attached the λ DNA is injected into the host bacterium. Of interest neither injection or lytic phase occur at room temperature, must be greater than 28oC. P1 similar to λ phage require divalent cations for optimum adsorption. However, P1 adsorption is facilitated by calcium and to a lesser degree, magnesium. Magnesium or calcium is often added to LB medium during growth of host bacterium to increase subsequent adsorption of phage. It is common practise to add vitamin free casamino acids to medium to enhance phage growth. Chloroform during preparation and storage of phage lysate: Chloroform lyses bacteria. During lysate preparation host E. coli cells not yet lysed by infecting bacteriophage are lysed by chloroform releasing remaining phage to give the maximum number of phage. Chloroform is added during storage (as at 4oC) to prevent bacteria growth (lyse) especially resistant bacteria. QIAGEN Plasmid DNA preparation: Cell Suspension Buffer P1: 150 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.0, 10 mM EDTA, 100 μg/ml RNase A -centrifuge to remove media components, and resuspend in buffer to give a homogenous suspension of bacteria cells that is appropriate for lysis of cells in the next step. 150 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.0 optimum ionic and pH for stability of cells- DNA is more soluble at pH 8.0. 10 mM EDTA - chelates divalent cations may be involved in initial destabilization of cell walls but does not lyse the cells, available divalent cations removed from cell surface. Inhibits the activity of nucleases (DNase). 100 μg/ml RNase A - degrades RNA, really required for next step, cell lysis, to degrade RNA released from the cell. Usually added at 1 μg/ml or less. Cell Lysis Solution P2: 0.2 M NaOH, 1% SDS Lysis occurs under controlled conditions; the cell membrane should remain attached to the genomic DNA so when the alkaline solution is neutralized with potassium acetate the cells debris traps the genomic DNA and is precipitated out of solution 0.2 M NaOH - alkaline lysis of cells, also degrades DNA to single strands, both genomic and plasmid DNA 1% SDS - dissolves cell membranes, lysis of cell, solubilizes phospholipids Neutralizing Buffer N3: contains high concentration potassium acetate, pH 4.8 and guanidine hydrochloride High concentration of potassium acetate at pH 4.8 precipitates protein, neutralizes alkaline conditions and adjusts the cleared lysate to high salt required for bind of DNA to the silica membrane. As stated above the precipitating protein traps other cell debris including degraded 18 Sambrook, J, Russell, DW. 2001. Chapter 13 Mutagenesis. In Molecular Cloning A Laboratory Manual 3 edition. Cold Spring Harbor: CSHL Press p. 2.4 rd 58 genomic DNA. Genomic DNA cannot reanneal but the closed circular plasmid DNA can reanneal as attached. The plasmid DNA is release in solution. This solution also contains guanidine hydrochloride which denatures proteins, inhibits DNase activity and enhances binding of the DNA to the silica membrane. Spin column - spin column contains silica based membranes that selectively bind plasmid DNA at high salts and pH #7.5. Polar stationary phase, sieves - selectively retains (trapped) range of DNA wanted. Wash Buffer PB: contains acetate, guanidine hydrochloride, EDTA and isopropanol -second chance at destroying any remaining nuclease activity. DNA remains attached to spin column, removes any contaminants soluble in isopropanol. Wash Buffer PE (200 mM NaCl, 20 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.5, dilute 1:1 with 95% EtOH) removes impurities (nucleotides, proteins, etc), while not removing the DNA bound to the resin 200 mM NaCl - stablility of DNA, high salt DNA remains bound to spin column silica membrane 20 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.5 - optimum ionic strength and pH 5 mM EDTA - prevents degradation of DNA, chelates divalent cations and prevents nuclease activity as requires divalent cations. dilute 1:1 with 95% EtOH - solubilizes salts etc but not the DNA on resin EB buffer (10 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.5) -elutes DNA from resin. It is important that the pH be alkali to efficiently remove the plasmid DNA from the resin. Ensure stability of DNA. DNA is more soluble at pH 8.5 while DNA remains stable. Tris base buffers at required pH. ddH2O is often used to elute the plasmid DNA if required for PCR or sequencing, albeit with slightly reduced plasmid concentration. 59 PIPETMAN OPERATION (Accurate operation temperature 4oC to 40oC.) Pipetmen that may be available in your lab are P2, P10, P20, P200 and P100. Look at the top of the plunger to see the size of the pipetman. P2 measures accurately from 0.2 μl to 2 μl. P10 measures accurately from 1 μl to 10 μl. P20 measures accurately from 2 μl to 20 μl. P200 measures accurately from 20 μl to 200 μl. P1000 measures accurately from 100 μl to 1000 μl. Never turn the Pipetman above the maximum volume - breaks the Pipetman. Setting the Volume The volume window for all sizes of Pipetmen consists of three numbers stacked vertically read top down. Numbers are black or red (decimal). The volume is set using the thumbwheel or the push-button (easier when wearing gloves). If increasing volume value, need to go 1/3 turn higher, then decrease to reach the desired volume. Caution, never turn above maximum volume for each Pipetman. Volume Display: P2 P10 1 0 7 2 5 5 1.25 μl 7.5 μl P20 1 2 5 12.5 μl P200 1 0 0 100 μl P1000 0 9 0 0.9 ml or 900 μl Pipetting Sterile tip boxes are available in two sizes, small for P2, P10, P20 and P200 and large for P1000 (blue). Open, remove tip and close lid. It is important to keep lid closed when not removing a tip to ensure sterile tips. 1. Fit the tip to the Pipetman by pushing the tip holder into the tip using a slight twisting motion. 2. Pre-rinse tip by pipetting up and down. Press the push-button to the first stop (see diagram). Hold the pipette vertically and immerse the tip in the liquid, 1 mm for P2 & P10, 2-3 mm for P20, 2-4 mm for P200 & P1000.Wait 1 second. Remove. Check that there are no droplets on the outside of tip. Visually check volume to ensure expected volume. 3. Place the end of the tip against the inside wall of the tube (10o to 40o angle). Press the push-button slowly and smoothly to first stop, wait 1 second, then press the bush-button to the second stop to expel any residual liquid from the tip along the inside of tube. Release push-button smoothly and eject tip into plastic lined waste bucket on bench top by pressing firmly on the tip-ejector button. 60 OPERATION OF REFRIGERATED CENTRIFUGES Note: If procedure varies depending on centrifuge manufacturer a step by step operation procedure is usually located on or nearby the centrifuge or the teaching assistant will help you. HITACHI HIGH SPEED HIMAC REFRIGERATED CENTRIFUGE 1. to select or change settings the CHECK button must first be pressed (light on). The light stays on for 16 sec. When the light is off you can no longer select, change setting or carry out any operation, just press check button again and continue. 2. When the centrifuge is turned on and the CHECK button is not pressed. The centrifuge displays real time parameters. OPERATION Centrifuge tubes should be balanced by scale by adding or removing appropriate solution from one of the tubes. 1. Turn power switch on. The indicators on the control panel are illuminated. The door lock is released. 2. Open door. If required set the rotor gently in position and close door. Turn the rotor lightly by hand to check that the rotor is correctly set. Remove the rotor lid and place balanced tubes opposite each other in rotor. You cannot run the centrifuge with an odd number of tubes. SCREW ON LID. 3. Call up memory code number or enter parameters. Call up pre-programmed memory code number: Press CHECK button, MEMORY button, memory code number, and CALL button. Each memory code number consists of a specified set of operation parameter (see sheet on centrifuge cover). See below for a list of operation parameters and how to set and store operation parameters. OR Real time operation (enter original parameters): see setting of operation parameters below. 4. After the parameters are set make sure the check light is still on. If not, press the CHECK button. 5. Press the START button. The rotor starts running. The start lamp begins flashing. The timer starts to count down. 6. The timer counts down to zero or press the STOP button. The rotor begins to decelerate. The stop light begins flashing. 7. The rotor stops. The stop light stops flashing. A buzzer sound occurs. The door lock is released. 8. Unscrew rotor lid and remove tubes. If required, use tweezers to help remove tubes. Wipe out rotor if spills occur. DO NOT SCREW ON THE LID just place on top of the rotor. 9. Close centrifuge lid and turn off power. 61 Sorvall Legend X1R Centrifuge operation (room 302 and 304). For Fiberlite F15-8x50cy rotor. (50 ml centrifuge tubes or conical tubes) 1. Turn on the power switch on the back left side. The centrifuge does a self check. When lid is closed the display shows speed, time and temperature of the current conditions. Bottom line shows the values for the last run. When lid is opened, the top line shows LID OPEN and the bottom line shows values for the last run. 2. Press open key. Lid opens automatically – do not open manually. 3. If rotor needs to be loaded, place rotor over centre spindle and let slide down – rotor clicks into place. Check that it is secure by trying to pull up on the handle –must be secure. Do this each time before use to ensure rotor in placed correctly. 4. Press ACC DEC to set acceleration and braking – range 1 – 9, 1 being the slowest and 9 the fastest. Select middle range. 62 5. Press SPEED key to set displays either rpm or rcf (g force, relative centrifugal force), want rpm, toggle with toggle key to rpm. Enter speed using numeric pad. Press ENTER. 6. Press TIME key. Enter the time using numeric key pad. Press ENTER. (Pressing the TIME again toggles between mm:ss and hold. [When centrifuge is running press toggle key between time remaining and total time. Time starts once the speed is reached. 7. Press TEMP key, press toggle key for AIR or SAMPLE temperature, set to AIR. Enter temperature, 4oC using numeric pad, press ENTER. If you want to precool the centrifuge, press TEMP key for minimum of 3 sec to open the temperature selection menu. Display shows “Set PreTemp”. Enter desired temperature and press enter. Display shows “Press start 4”. Press the START key resulting in the rotor chamber being cooled to 4 oC. Press STOP key, display shows current temperature.] 8. Balance tubes and put in rotor (remove and replace rotor lid by unscrewing or screwing) opposite each other. Replace rotor lid. 9. Close the centrifuge lid by pressing down lightly in middle or both sides. One lock closes the lid completely. 10. Press START key. 11. After the centrifuge the END key will illuminate. Press OPEN key, the lid opens automatically. Unscrew lid and remove centrifuge tubes. 12. To remove the rotor, grab the rotor hand with both hands and press against the green AutoLock™ key. At the same time pull the rotor straight upwards with both hands removing it from the centrifuge spindle. Note: If using the Bucket rotor (either 15 ml or 50 ml conical tubes) must also input bucket information. Press the BUCKET key. Press the BUCKET key repeated until the bucket being used is displayed – the one we have is Cat. No. 75003655 for TX-400 Swing Bucket Rotor. Rmax 168 mm (believe this is the radius). Cannot find an instruction manual for this rotor. Press Enter. Open radius imput menu. Enter a different radium assume 168 mm is maximum. Press Enter. 63 AUTOMATIC COLONY COUNTER There are several makes of automatic colony counters in this department. All automatic colony counters work on the same principle. The counter registers a count every time you touch the colony with the counter probe as long as the L-shaped probe in inserted into the agar at the edge of the plate. This completes the electrical circuit through the agar from the L-shaped probe to the counter probe (needle shaped probe) touching the colony. Operation 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Push or flip the power switch to turn on counter. Press the button on the counter that resets the counter to zero. Place agar culture plate on counter and remove cover. Insert L-shaped probe into the agar at the edge of the plate. Count colonies by touching each colony with the counter probe tip (needle shaped probe). Remove plate, replace lid. Remember to turn off power switch when you are finished counting. Notes: (i) Use a marker to divide the plate into sections or use the grid on the automatic colony counter to facilitate counting. (ii) The counter also comes with a magnifying glass but it is not required unless you are counting very small closely spaced colonies. 64 Determination of Viable Cells bacteria/ml [cfu/ml] or phage/ml [pfu/ml] Significant Colony Counts Traditionally the accepted colony count range is 30 to 300 or sometimes 25 – 2504. Although counts greater than 300 are statistically significant, competition for nutrients between the closely spaced colonies may result in not all viable cells showing visible colonies. The upper limit “should be set by microbiologist based on knowledge and experience with the microbes under study”5. Since E. coli colonies are small discrete colonies and when non-overlapping colonies greater than 300 are accurately counted they are acceptable for titer determination. The lower limit of 30 is considered by many microbiologists to be taken only as a recommendation – “it is foolish to disregard colony counts below 30 if they happen to be the only ones available.”6. For example, in cases of inhibition studies or genetic studies the only colony counts available are often below 30 counts. Lower counts are biologically reliable as there are no interaction between colonies preventing growth albeit concerns about statistically reliability. If only counts below 30 are available for titer determination, select only the highest dilution and footnote only counts available. For example, only counts available are duplicate counts at 10-5 dilution; 23 & 26 and 10-6 dilution; 4 &1. Use 10-5 dilution counts but not 10-6 dilution. For 3rd and 4th year Microbiology lab when determining the titer of E. coli use all count ≥30 for accurately counted colonies remembering that colonies greater than 300 must not overlap. If there are no counts ≥30, then use only the greatest value counts. . Data for example calculations Dilution plated Number of colonies Plate 1 Plate 2 10-2 TNTC TNTC 10-3 320a 316 10-4 34 27 10-5 2 3 TNTC = too numerous to count a counts greater than 300 are acceptable as long as accurately counted and bacteria that produces small discreet colonies. All counts recorded in your tables must be accurate counts or record as TNTC. Terms Plating factor = reciprocal of volume plated Dilution factor = reciprocal of dilution for significant counts Significant plate counts = the sum of the plate counts at significant dilution divided by number of significant plates. Accurate counts = number of non-overlapping colonies 4 FDA, On-going. Bacteriological Analytical Manual. Available at ( Center for Biofilm Engineering. Hamilton MA & AE Parker. Enumerating viable cells by pooling counts for several dilutions. Available at ( 6 Niemela, S. 1993. Statistical evaluation of results from quantitative microbiology examinations. NMKL Report no. 1, 2nd edition. Nordic Committee on Food Analysis. Ord & Form AB, Uppsala. 5 65 Titer Calculation Titre must be in scientific format. Do not average an average value as it incorporates error in your calculation (not statistically accurate) especially if an odd number of significant plate counts. Use one of the following methods to calculate bacteria titer. Method 1: Bring all significant counts to the same dilution. For this sample data, there are 34 counts at 10-4 dilution to bring to 10-3 just multiply by 10 = 340 counts at 10-3. Bacteria/ ml = significant plate counts x dilution factor number of plates x plating factor (320 + 316 + 340)/3 x 1/10-3 x 1/10-1 = 3.25 x 106 bacteria/ml rounded to 3.3 x 106 cfu/ml Since the smallest number of significant figures for plate counts is two, the answer is 3.3 x 106 bacteria/ml or cfu/ml (colony forming units/ml). Method 2: Calculate the titer for each significant plate count and average. Bacteria/ml = significant plate count x dilution factor x plating factor 320 x 1/10-3 x 1/10-1 = 3.20 x 106 bacteria/ml 316 x 1/10-3 x 1/10-1 = 3.16 x 106 bacteria/ml 34 x 1/10-4 x 1/10-1 = 3.4 x 106 bacteria/ml Average all values: (3.20 x 106 + 3.16 x 106 + 3.4 x 106)/3 = 3.25 x 106 bacteria/ml, since the smallest number of significant figures for plate counts is two, the answer is 3.3 x 106 bacteria/ml or cfu/ml Notes (i) If the significant plate counts are all 3 digits, then the titre value should have 2 decimal places (total 3 digits). (ii) If the titer is to be used for further calculations, do not round to significant figures until the final value. (iii) Calculation of phage titre is identical to bacteria titre. Express in units of pfu/ml or phage/ml. pfu = plaque forming units. pfu <30 may be used for rapid calculation method. 66 Outlier plate counts When plating microorganisms, there should be a difference of 10-fold colony counts between 10fold dilutions. This is especially difficult to obtain for P1 dilutions. What is an outlier? Any significant plate count (≥30) that does not follow expected pattern (10fold difference between dilution and duplicate samples similar) is an anomaly. The following is an example of outlier data. For Plate 1 10-6 dilution and Plate 2 10-7 dilution do not include plate count values in titer calculation. State outlier values as footnote in your data table. Dilution plated Number of colonies (0.1 ml of each dilution plate Plate 1 Plate 2 10-2 TNTC TNTC 10-3 320 316 10-4 44 57 10-5 2 24 10-6 45 1 10-7 0 TNTC = too numerous to count 33 67 FINAL LAB EXAM: Microbiology MBIO 4600 MOLECULAR GENETICS OF PROKARYOTES DATE: sample TIME: 1.5 h INSTRUCTOR: Dr. L. Cameron PAGE: ___________ WRITE IN PEN ONLY. CONCISELY ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS in spaces provided on exam paper. Exam is longer than actual to demonstrate a wide selection of question types. Also question type similar to lab report questions given on lab exam. (spaces have been removed for sample exam) 2 1. Explain the following E. coli strain list and state phenotype. E. coli Strain Genotype CSH143 F’lacproA+ ,B+; ara, Î(gpt-lac)5, argE pro = proline; ara = arabinose; argE = arginine 1 1 2. a) State the phenotype and most likely I and Z genotype of an E. coli strain that has pale blue colonies on M9glucose Xgal and red colonies on MacConkey. b) E. coli CSH100 genotype includes IQP- mutations in the lac region. Explain genotype at the molecular level and state expected phenotypic expression on M9glucose Xgal. 6 3. State the chemical that corresponds to the following functions as relates to your MBIO 4600 lab. a) movement of DNA during agarose gel electrophoresis _____________________ b) prevents the adsorption of P1 phage _____________________ c) maintains physiological ionic conditions ___________________ d) ensures β-galactosidase is produced at maximum levels _______________ e) preparation of competent E. coli ________________ f) added during phage lysate preparation to further disrupt host cells _________________ 1 4. a) In your MBIO 4600 lab, F'lacproA+,B+ (carries I-Z- mutations in the lac region) ara Δ(gptlac)5 factor transfer (donor E. coli CSH101) allowed lac reversion at high frequency. Explain why at the molecular level. 1 b) State two important features of pUFR-GFP that facilitate conjugation with E. coli CSH125. 1 c) Present a labelled papillae colony for a Lac- reversion. In your diagram make it obvious what is the original color of the colony and selection medium. 1 5. The X-gal detection system permits detection of recombinant plasmids. Explain why it is important that the host E. coli chromosome has both Δ(argF-lacZYA) and Φ80 lacZÎM15. 68 1.5 6. a) Plasmid DNA concentration was found to be 120 ng/µl with a A260A/280 0f 1.75. In the MBIO4600 lab what instrument is used to determine concentration. Outline how sample is placed in the instrument for concentration measurement. Convert concentration to µg/µl. Comment on A260/A280 ratio. How is the instrument cleaned before turning off? 1 b) Determine # transformants/μg plasmid for the following data. 0.05 μg pBluescript added to transformation mixture. Ampicillin colony titre 6.2 x 104 bacteria/ml. Transformation mixture total volume plated = 1.2 ml. answer: 1.5 x 106 transformants/μg plasmid 5 7. Explain the function of each of the following procedure steps/chemicals used in your molecular genetics lab. a) Plasmid DNA preparation solution containing 0.2 M NaOH, 1% SDS b) incubation of λ1098 and CSH140 transposition mixture at 39.5oC c) centrifugation of all molecular genetics lab E. coli cultures at 4oC d) Plasmid DNA preparation solution containing high concentration potassium acetate, pH 4.8 and guanidine hydrochloride e) neutral red in MacConkey agar 2 8. a) What is the advantage of P1 transduction when creating new E. coli strains? b) What improved features does mini-Tn10 have compared to Tn10? 1.5 9. a) Diagram the Sub-Cell® GT Mini agarose gel electrophoresis system set up just before pouring agarose gel. 1.5 b) Explain the three function of EZ-Vision. 1 10. a) Explain why plasmid, E. coli MM294A/pRK602 is a “suicide” plasmid with respect to the transposition of Sinorhizobium meliloti Rm102. 1 b) What component of the transposition selection medium prevents the growth of recipient Sinorhizobium meliloti Rm102 and donor E. coli MM294A/pRK602? 69 3 11. Experimental Data: Ten ml log phase culture of E. coli CSH140 (2 x 108 bacterial/ml) was centrifuged and resuspended in 1 ml LB.Mg broth. 0.1 ml E. coli CSH140 removed to plate as negataive control. λ1098 (stock titre 6.8 x 1010 phage/ml) added at a multiplicity of infection of 2. Mixture incubated at 37oC for 15 min. One ml LB broth added and incubated a further 90 min at 37oC. Dilutions of incubation mixture prepared and 0.1 ml dilutions plated on LB agar plates containing tetracycline. The following plate count data was obtained for duplicate plating at each dilution: 10-1: 250, 246, 10-2: 22, 28, and 10-3: 1, 0. Class results for pick plating tetracycline resistant colonies onto glucose minimal medium containing Xgal and tetracycline resulted in 4 white colonies and 3996 blue colonies. (a) State bacteria/ml for titration data. answer: 2.48 x 104 bacteria/ml (b) Calculate volume of λ1098 phage stock added to E. coli CSH140 to give a multiplicity of 2. answer: 52.9 μl (c) Calculate the transposon insertion rate into E. coli using phage λ1098. answer: 1.35 x 10-5 (d) Calculate transposon frequency insertion into the Lac gene. answer: 0.001 - END -
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