Lake Heat Flux Analyzer user manual by Richard Iestyn Woolway Version 1.0, October 6, 2014 Contributors We would like to thank the Global Lake Ecological Observatory Network (GLEON) and the Networking Lake Observatories in Europe (NETLAKE) for their support in developing the Lake Heat Flux Analyzer program. The material used in this program is due to the combined effort of the following individuals: R. Iestyn Woolway <>, Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, Lancaster, United Kingdom Ian D. Jones <>, Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, Lancaster, United Kingdom David P. Hamilton <>, Environmental Research Institute, University of Waikato, New Zealand Stephen C. Maberly <>, Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Lancaster, United Kingdom Kohji Muraoka <>, Environmental Research Institute, University of Waikato, New Zealand Jordan S. Read <>, U.S. Geological Survey Ceni ter for Integrated Data Analytics, Wisconsin, USA Robyn L. Smyth <>, Center for Environmental Policy, Bard College, New York, USA Luke A. Winslow, Center for Limnology, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA Lake Heat Flux Analyzer is in active development, and we encourage individuals who would like to contribute to the code to contact the lead author. ii Preface Lake Heat Flux Analyzer is a numerical code for calculating the surface energy fluxes in lakes. The program was developed for the rapid analysis of high-frequency instrumented lake buoy data in support of the emerging field of aquatic sensor network science. The purpose of this user manual is to describe the physical parameterization and numerical implementation of the Lake Heat Flux Analyzer program. Scientific justification and evaluation of these parameterizations can be found in the referenced scientific papers. This manual is split into three chapters: Chapter 1 includes a description of the basic structure of Lake Heat Flux Analyzer and how to format the input files. Chapter 2 goes into the details of the operation of the program as well as introducing the online application. Chapter 3 explains the various terms of the surface energy fluxes and how these fluxes are calculated within the Lake Heat Flux Analyzer program. iii Source code for Lake Heat Flux Analyzer is available at and the online application can be found at iv Contents 1 Input file formats 1 1.1 Water temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1.2 Wind speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1.3 Air temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1.4 Relative humidity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1.5 Short-wave radiation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1.6 Net long-wave radiation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1.7 Incoming long-wave radiation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1.8 Photosynthetically active radiation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1.9 Configuration file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1.10 Example input files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2 Program operation 10 3 Bulk parameterization of surface fluxes 15 3.1 Incident and reflected short-wave radiation 3.2 Long-wave radiation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 v . . . . . . . . . . 16 CONTENTS 3.3 Bulk algorithms for momentum, sensible and latent heat fluxes 23 3.4 Evaporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 vi Chapter 1 Input file formats Full performance of Lake Heat Flux Analyzer requires various input files, including a water temperature file (extension .wtr), wind data (.wnd), shortwave radiation (.sw), relative humidity (.rh), air temperature (.airT) and configuration file (.hfx). The program can also accept net long-wave radiation data (.lwnet), incoming long-wave radiation data (.lw) and photosynthetically active radiation data (.par). Names must be shared among files and the required text file format is tab-delimited. A list of the input files required for individual outputs can be found in Woolway et al (2014). All the input files should be located in an identical folder with the user defined name (i.e. lake name). 1 CHAPTER 1. INPUT FILE FORMATS 1.1 Water temperature The water temperature file is a tab-delimited file with a file extension of (.wtr). The file should contain one header which starts with ‘dateTime’, followed by the temperature measurements. Lake Heat Flux Analyzer also accepts .wtr file in the same format as Lake Analyzer (Read et al., 2011) where individual thermistor depths are provided. Lake Heat Flux Analyzer will only use the first temperature column, and assume this is the temperature of the lake surface; all of the other columns will be ignored. The data starts from date/time inputs, which should be formatted as [yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM]. 1.2 Wind speed The wind speed file is a tab-delimited file with a file extension of (.wnd). The file should contain one header which starts with ‘dateTime’, followed by the wind speed, ‘wnd’. The data starts from date/time inputs, which should be formatted as [yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM], and wind speed data in m s−1 should be described. 1.3 Air temperature The air temperature file is a tab-delimited file with a file extension of (.airT). The file should contain one header which starts with ‘dateTime’, followed by 2 CHAPTER 1. INPUT FILE FORMATS the air temperature ‘airT’. The data starts from date/time inputs, which should be formatted as [yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM], and air temperature data in ◦ C should be described. 1.4 Relative humidity The relative humidity file is a tab-delimited file with a file extension of (.rh). The file should contain one header which starts with ‘dateTime’, followed by the relative humidity ‘rh’. The data starts from date/time inputs, which should be formatted as [yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM], and relative humidity data in % should be described. 1.5 Short-wave radiation The short-wave radiation file is a tab-delimited file with a file extension of (.sw). The file should contain one header which starts from ‘dateTime’, followed by the short-wave radiation ‘sw’. The data starts from date/time inputs, which should be formatted as [yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM], and short-wave radiation data in W m−2 should be described. 1.6 Net long-wave radiation The net long-wave radiation file is a tab-delimited file with a file extension of (.lwnet). The file should contain one header which starts from ‘date- 3 CHAPTER 1. INPUT FILE FORMATS Time’, followed by the net long-wave radiation ‘lwnet’. The data starts from date/time inputs, which should be formatted as [yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM], and net long-wave radiation data in W m−2 should be described. 1.7 Incoming long-wave radiation The incoming long-wave radiation file is a tab-delimited file with a file extension of (.lw). The file should contain one header which starts from ‘dateTime’, followed by the incoming long-wave radiation ‘lw’. The data starts from date/time inputs, which should be formatted as [yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM], and incoming long-wave radiation data in W m−2 should be described. 1.8 Photosynthetically active radiation The photosynthetically active radiation file is a tab-delimited file with a file extension of (.par). The file should contain one header which starts from ‘dateTime’, followed by the photosynthetically active radiation ‘par’. The data starts from date/time inputs, which should be formatted as [yyyy-mmdd HH:MM], and photosynthetically active radiation data in mmol m−2 s−1 should be described. 4 CHAPTER 1. INPUT FILE FORMATS 1.9 Configuration file The configuration file manages the operation of Lake Heat Flux Analyzer with an extension of (.hfx). The configuration file is automatically created by Lake Heat Flux Analyzer through the configuration window. A list of input files required for each output is provided in Woolway et al., (2014). 1.10 Example input files Esthwaite.wtr File Edit Format View Help dateTime 2009-01-01 23:00 2009-01-02 00:00 2009-01-03 01:00 2009-01-04 09:00 2009-01-05 10:00 2009-01-06 11:00 2009-01-04 12:00 2009-01-05 13:00 2009-01-06 14:00 2009-01-01 20:00 2009-01-02 21:00 temp1 5.65 5.58 5.67 5.43 5.10 6.55 5.43 5.10 6.55 5.65 5.58 temp2 5.43 5.41 5.45 5.41 5.49 5.77 5.41 5.49 5.77 5.43 5.41 temp3 5.72 5.61 5.32 5.12 5.99 5.56 5.12 5.99 5.56 5.72 5.61 An example water temperature file used for Esthwaite Water. 5 CHAPTER 1. INPUT FILE FORMATS Esthwaite.wnd File Edit Format View Help dateTime 2009-01-01 23:00 2009-01-02 00:00 2009-01-03 01:00 2009-01-04 09:00 2009-01-05 10:00 2009-01-06 11:00 2009-01-04 12:00 2009-01-05 13:00 2009-01-06 14:00 2009-01-01 20:00 2009-01-02 21:00 wnd 0.34 0.24 0.28 0.19 0.41 0.58 0.19 0.41 0.58 0.34 0.24 An example wind speed file used for Esthwaite Water. Esthwaite.airT File Edit Format View Help dateTime 2009-01-01 23:00 2009-01-02 00:00 2009-01-03 01:00 2009-01-04 09:00 2009-01-05 10:00 2009-01-06 11:00 2009-01-04 12:00 2009-01-05 13:00 2009-01-06 14:00 2009-01-01 20:00 2009-01-02 21:00 airT -1.86 -1.86 -1.43 -1.29 -0.97 -0.68 -1.29 -0.97 -0.68 -1.86 -1.86 An example air temperature file used for Esthwaite Water. 6 CHAPTER 1. INPUT FILE FORMATS Esthwaite.rh File Edit Format View Help dateTime 2009-01-01 23:00 2009-01-02 00:00 2009-01-03 01:00 2009-01-04 09:00 2009-01-05 10:00 2009-01-06 11:00 2009-01-04 12:00 2009-01-05 13:00 2009-01-06 14:00 2009-01-01 20:00 2009-01-02 21:00 rh 96.37 96.74 96.53 96.03 95.47 95.82 96.03 95.47 95.82 96.37 96.74 An example relative humidity file used for Esthwaite Water. Esthwaite.sw File Edit Format View Help dateTime 2009-01-01 23:00 2009-01-02 00:00 2009-01-03 01:00 2009-01-04 09:00 2009-01-05 10:00 2009-01-06 11:00 2009-01-04 12:00 2009-01-05 13:00 2009-01-06 14:00 2009-01-01 20:00 2009-01-02 21:00 sw 0 0 0 4.46 41.77 158.46 200.54 210.77 150.05 0 0 An example short-wave radiation file used for Esthwaite Water. 7 CHAPTER 1. INPUT FILE FORMATS Esthwaite.lwnet File Edit Format View Help dateTime 2009-01-01 23:00 2009-01-02 00:00 2009-01-03 01:00 2009-01-04 09:00 2009-01-05 10:00 2009-01-06 11:00 2009-01-04 12:00 2009-01-05 13:00 2009-01-06 14:00 2009-01-01 20:00 2009-01-02 21:00 lwnet 98 97 90 84 82 70 90 100 50 70 60 An example net long-wave radiation file used for Esthwaite Water. Esthwaite.lw File Edit Format View Help dateTime 2009-01-01 23:00 2009-01-02 00:00 2009-01-03 01:00 2009-01-04 09:00 2009-01-05 10:00 2009-01-06 11:00 2009-01-04 12:00 2009-01-05 13:00 2009-01-06 14:00 2009-01-01 20:00 2009-01-02 21:00 lw 198 197 190 184 182 170 190 200 150 170 160 An example incoming long-wave radiation file used for Esthwaite Water. 8 CHAPTER 1. INPUT FILE FORMATS Esthwaite.par File Edit Format View Help dateTime 2009-01-01 23:00 2009-01-02 00:00 2009-01-03 01:00 2009-01-04 09:00 2009-01-05 10:00 2009-01-06 11:00 2009-01-04 12:00 2009-01-05 13:00 2009-01-06 14:00 2009-01-01 20:00 2009-01-02 21:00 par 0 0 0 104.46 141.77 1158.46 300.54 310.77 250.05 0 0 An example photosynthetically active radiation file used for Esthwaite Water. Esthwaite.hfx File Edit Format View Help Configuration file for Esthwaite t10, Evap, Qlin, Qe, tau, Qlnet, Qlout, Qsr, rh10, Qh, u10, u10N 3600 # output resolution (s) 2 # height from surface for wind measurement (m) 2 # height from surface for temperature measurement (m) 2 # height from surface for humidity measurement (m) 54 # latitude (degN) 0 # altitude (m) 98 # max wind speed (m/s) 0 # min wind speed (m/s) N # plot figure (Y/N) Y # write results to file (Y/N) An example configuration file used for Esthwaite Water (not all output options are shown) 9 Chapter 2 Program operation A step by step guide to Lake Heat Flux Analyzer is provided here. Data File Edit Format View Help Esthwaite.airT Esthwaite.rh Esthwaite.sw Esthwaite.wnd Esthwaite.wtr Step 1: Set up the input files. 10 Esthwaite.hfx CHAPTER 2. PROGRAM OPERATION Lake Heat Flux Analyzer File Edit Format View Help Data OutputConstructor gFileOpen nanmean OpenCfg Step 2: Allocate the folder with inputs under the directory of Lake Heat Flux Analyzer. Command Window fx>> cd ( ‘C: \ Lake Heat Flux Analyzer ’ ) Step 3: Start MATLAB. Set the current directory to the folder where Lake Heat Flux Analyzer is saved. Command Window fx>> Run LHFA ( ‘ LakeName ’ , ‘ FolderName ’ ) Step 4: Initiate Lake Heat Flux Analyzer. LakeName is the file name shared among the input files, and the FolderName is the name of the folder that contains the input files. Configuration window will appear. 11 CHAPTER 2. PROGRAM OPERATION Output6options Air6shear6velocity Air6shear6velocity6neutral Air6temperature6at61O6m Atmospheric6stability Evaporation Latent6heat6flux Add EsthwaiteLhfx6preview Output6selections Water6temperature Configuration6file6for6Esthwaite wTemp6662outputs 864OO666662output6resolution6-sW 266666666666662height6from6surface6for6wind6measurement6-mW 266666666666662height6from6surface6for6temperature6measurement6-mW 266666666666662height6from6surface6for6humidity6measurement6-mW 546666666666626latitude6-degNW O66666666666662altitude6-mW 98666666666662max6wind6speed6-mUsW6inf6if6none OL2666666666626min6wind6speed6-mUsW6binf6if6none Y6666666666662plot6figure6-YUNW Y6666666666662write6results6to6file6-YUNW Remove User6parameters output6resolution6-sW wind6height6-mW temperature6height6-mW humidity6height6-mW latitude6-NW altitude6-mW max6wind6speed6-mUsW min6wind6speed6-mUsW plot6figure6-YUNW write6results6-YUNW load6from6existing? Publish Step 5: The configuration window automatically creates the configuration file (.hfx). Select the desired outputs and click ‘Add’. The selected outputs will then appear in both the ‘output selections’ and the ‘LakeName.hfx preview’ sections of the gui. Provide specific lake characteristics and then click ‘Publish’ to operate the program. When the analysis has successfully finished, the folder which the input files are located should contain a new results file. The output file has tab delimited format, thus the files can be viewed by Microsoft Excel or text editors. The user can also select ‘load from existing’, which will allow a previously generated configuration file to be used by the Lake Heat Flux Analyzer program. 12 CHAPTER 2. PROGRAM OPERATION Command Window >> cd ( ‘C: \ Lake Heat Flux Analyzer ’ ) >> Run LHFA ( ‘ Esthwaite ’ , ‘ Data ’ ) Reading E s t h w a i t e . h f x f i l e . . . completed ∗∗∗∗ B u i l d i n g program s t r u c t u r e ∗∗∗∗ openWtr openWnd openRH openAirT openSW ∗∗∗∗ completed ∗∗∗∗ Reading E s t h w a i t e . wtr f i l e . . . completed Reading E s t h w a i t e . wnd f i l e . . . completed Reading E s t h w a i t e . sw f i l e . . . completed Reading E s t h w a i t e . airT f i l e . . . completed Reading E s t h w a i t e . rh f i l e . . . completed Writing r e s u l t s t o f i l e . . . completed Lake Heat Flux Analyze r i s complete >> fx Example program run for Esthwaite Water, which will vary depending on the output selection. Lake Heat Flux Analyzer will only open the data files necessary for calculating the selected outputs. 13 CHAPTER 2. PROGRAM OPERATION heatfluxanalyzerCweb WebCsubmit PleaseCzipCyourCinputCfilesCandCuploadCthemCtoCrun.CAnCinputCexampleCisCprovidedCtoChelpCyouCcreatCinputCofCyourCown. InoutCfilesC(zipped): ChooseCFile NoCfileCchosen Submit Lake Heat Flux Analyzer has a web application which operates exactly the same way as the MATLAB application. The online application, however, does not show a configuration window, thus the user must prepare the configuration file (.hfx) prior to the program operation. Please follow the examples shown in Chapter 1 to create the configuration file. All the input files should have common names. The input files should be zipped into one file and the zip file must share its name with the other input files. An example file for Esthwaite Water can be found on the website. Once the input files are prepared, the file name and its location should be chosen by following the instructions on the website. 14 Chapter 3 Bulk parameterization of surface fluxes The following section describes the algorithm developed for estimating the surface energy fluxes from lake buoy data. We describe the methods used for calculating the reflected short-wave radiation (Qsr ), the sensible (Qh ) and latent (Qe ) heat fluxes, the incoming long-wave (Qlin ) and the outgoing long-wave radiation (Qlout ), expressed in terms of the total surface heat flux (Qtot ) as Qtot = Qsin + Qlin − Qlout − Qe − Qh , (3.1) where Qsin is the net incoming short-wave radiation (W m−2 ), Qlin is the incoming long-wave radiation (W m−2 ), Qlout is the outgoing long-wave radiation (W m−2 ), Qe is the latent heat flux (W m−2 ), and Qh is the sensible heat flux (W m−2 ). To calculate these fluxes, a variety of input variables 15 CHAPTER 3. BULK PARAMETERIZATION OF SURFACE FLUXES are required: surface water temperature, air temperature (Tz ) at height zt (m) above the water surface (◦ C), relative humidity (Rh ) at height zq (m) above the water surface (%), wind speed (uz ) at height zu (m) above the water surface (m s−1 ), and short-wave radiation (Qs ) measured at the lake surface (W m−2 ). In addition, the measurement height of the sensors above the water surface is needed. 3.1 Incident and reflected short-wave radiation The amount of short-wave radiation reaching the lake surface can be measured directly, using relatively inexpensive radiometers. The short-wave albedo, αsw , however, influences the amount of radiation that is reflected back to the atmosphere, and thus influences the amount of radiation that penetrates beneath the water surface. Incoming short-wave radiation, Qsin (W m−2 ), by taking the short-wave albedo into account, can be expressed as: Qsin = Qs (1 − αsw ) . (3.2) Here, αsw is estimated from Fresnel’s equation as: αsw 1 tan2 (Z − Rref ) sin2 (Z − Rref ) + , = 2 tan2 (Z + Rref ) sin2 (Z + Rref ) 16 (3.3) CHAPTER 3. BULK PARAMETERIZATION OF SURFACE FLUXES where Rref is the angle of refraction calculated from Snell’s law as: −1 Rref = sin sin (Z) η , (3.4) where η = 1.33 is the index of refraction (Kirk, 1994) and Z is the solar zenith angle calculated as a function of latitude (ϕ), solar declination (δ) and the hour angle (H) as: −1 Z = cos sin 2ϕπ 360 sin 2δπ 360 + cos 2ϕπ 360 cos 2δπ 360 cos H , (3.5) δ= 180 (0.006918 − 0.399912 cos (γ) + 0.070257 sin γ π (3.6) − 0.006758 cos 2γ + 0.000907 sin 2γ − 0.002697 cos 3γ + 0.00148 sin 3γ), γ = 2π (DOY − 1) /365, (3.7) H = (π/12) (tnoon − tsolar ) , (3.8) where DOY is the decimal day of year (e.g. Jan 10th = 10), tnoon is the local solar noon and tsolar is local solar time. 3.2 Long-wave radiation The net long-wave heat flux (W m−2 ) across the air-water interface comprises two main components: (i) incoming long-wave radiation and (ii) outgoing 17 CHAPTER 3. BULK PARAMETERIZATION OF SURFACE FLUXES long-wave radiation. The bulk formulae may be expressed as: Qlnet = Qlin − Qlout , (3.9) where in the absence of direct measurements, these are estimated from frequently measured variables. In this program outgoing long-wave radiation is estimated as: 4 Qlout = εw σT0K , (3.10) where εw = 0.972 (Davies et al., 1971) is the emissivity of water, σ = 5.67 × 108 is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant (W m−2 K−4 ), and T0K is the surface water temperature in Kelvin. Incoming long-wave radiation is estimated following the methods of Crawford and Duchon (1999) as used in other limnological studies (e.g. Jakkila et al., 2009; Read et al., 2012). Following this method, the incoming long-wave radiation can be estimated as: ( Qlin = 1/7 h π i ez clf + (1 − clf ) 1.22 + 0.06 sin (month + 2) 6 TzK ) 4 σTzK , (3.11) where month is the numerical month (e.g. January = 1), TzK is air temperature in Kelvin, and ez is the vapour pressure of the air (hPa) calculated as ez = Rh Es where Es is the saturation vapour pressure estimated based on the saturation vapour pressure of the air calculated following Lowe (1977) 18 CHAPTER 3. BULK PARAMETERIZATION OF SURFACE FLUXES as: Es = a0 + Tz (a1 + Tz (a2 + Tz (a3 + Tz (a4 + Tz (a5 + a6 Tz ))))) , (3.12) where a0 to a6 (◦ C) are given by: a0 = 6.107799961, a1 = 4.436518521 × 10−1 , a2 = 1.428945805 × 10−2 , a3 = 2.650648471 × 10−4 , a4 = 3.031240396 × 10−6 , a5 = 2.034080948 × 10−8 , a6 = 6.136820929 × 10−11 . The cloud cover fraction, clf , is estimated as: clf = 1 − s, (3.13) where s is the ratio of the measured short-wave radiation (i.e. Qs ) to the clear-sky short-wave radiation, Ic . The clear-sky short-wave radiation is estimated as: Ic = Ief f (cos Z) TR Tpg Tw Ta , 19 (3.14) CHAPTER 3. BULK PARAMETERIZATION OF SURFACE FLUXES where Ief f is the effective solar constant, calculated following (Meyers and Dale, 1983) as: Ief f = 1353 {1 + 0.034 × cos [2π (DOY − 1) /365]} , (3.15) and Ti represent the transmission coefficients for Rayleigh scattering (R), absorption by permanent gases (pg) and water vapour (w), and absorption and scattering by aerosols (a). An empirical relationship to account for the effects of Rayleigh scattering and absorption by permanent gases was given by Kondratyev (1969). Atwater and Brown (1974) later modified this expression to account for the isotropic nature of Rayleigh scattering with one-half of the scattered radiation being in the forward direction. This formula may be expressed as: TR Tpg = 1.021 − 0.084 [m (0.000949p + 0.051)]0.5 , (3.16) where p is the surface pressure (mb) calculated as a function of altitude as: h 5.25588 i p = 101325 1 − altitude × 2.25577 × 10−5 /100, (3.17) and m is the air mass thickness coefficient, calculated as: m = 35 cos Z 1244 cos2 Z + 1 20 −0.5 , (3.18) CHAPTER 3. BULK PARAMETERIZATION OF SURFACE FLUXES where cos Z is the cosine of the solar zenith angle (equation 3.5). A formula by McDonald (1960) is used to account for water vapour absorption in the atmosphere, Tw , which may be calculated as: Tw = 1 − 0.077 (pw × m)0.3 , (3.19) where pw is the precipitable water which is estimated as: pw = exp [(0.1133 − ln (G + 1)) + 0.0393Td ] , (3.20) Td (◦ F) is the dew point temperature estimated as: Td = [243.5 × ln (ez /6.112)] + 33.8, [17.67 − ln (ez /6.112)] (3.21) and G is an empirically-derived constant for different seasons and latitudes (Table 3.1). As standard meteorological observations cannot be used to estimate the aerosol attenuation, Ta is calculated as a residual from clear sky conditions. The relation follows an expression given by Houghton (1954) which is: Ta = 0.95m . (3.22) Once Ic was calculated from equation 3.14, direct observations of solar irradiance were then used to calculate s and clf in equation 3.13. As clf increases 21 CHAPTER 3. BULK PARAMETERIZATION OF SURFACE FLUXES Table 3.1 Seasonal and latitudinal mean values of G (Smith, 1966). Latitudinal zone (◦ ) Winter Spring Summer Autumn Annual average 0-10 3.37 2.85 2.80 2.64 2.91 10-20 2.99 3.02 2.70 2.93 2.91 20-30 3.60 3.00 2.98 2.93 3.12 30-40 3.04 3.11 2.92 2.94 3.00 40-50 2.70 2.95 2.77 2.71 2.78 50-60 2.52 3.07 2.67 2.93 2.79 60-70 1.76 2.69 2.61 2.61 2.41 70-80 1.60 1.67 2.24 2.63 2.03 80-90 1.11 1.44 1.94 2.02 1.62 from 0 to 1, calculated values of clf less than zero are adjusted back to zero to be physically realistic (Crawford and Duchon, 1999). As the calculation of incoming long-wave radiation is based on the ratio of clear-sky and measured short-wave radiation, incoming long-wave radiation cannot be calculated at night. In this program, night-time incoming long-wave radiation values are estimated as the mean of the daytime values. This adds an additional source of uncertainty in these estimates, but in comparison to more widely-used incoming long-wave formulae (e.g. Gill, 1982), which are daily averages, this method has been shown to provide a more accurate representation of incoming long-wave radiation (Crawford and Duchon, 1999). 22 CHAPTER 3. BULK PARAMETERIZATION OF SURFACE FLUXES 3.3 Bulk algorithms for momentum, sensible and latent heat fluxes The air-water fluxes of momentum (τ , N m−2 ), heat (Qh , W m−2 ), and moisture (Qe , W m−2 ) are parametrized by bulk algorithms that relate surface layer data to surface fluxes using formulae based on similarity theory and empirical relationships. The standard procedure involves the calculation of roughness lengths for momentum, heat, and moisture (zo , zoh , zoq ) and the corresponding transfer coefficients (Cd , Ch , Ce ) from observed wind speed (u), temperature (T ), and humidity (q) profiles, via an iteration routine involving a friction velocity term u∗a , a scaling potential temperature T∗ , and a scaling humidity q∗ . Using the above terms, surface fluxes for momentum, sensible heat, and latent heat can be calculated as: τ = Cdz ρz u2z = ρz u2∗a , (3.23) Qh = ρz Cpa Chz uz (T0 − Tz ) = −ρz Cpa u∗a T∗ , (3.24) Qe = ρz Lv Cez uz (q0 − qz ) = −ρz Lv u∗a q∗ , (3.25) where ρz = 100p/ [Ra (Tz + 273.16)] is the density (kg m−3 ) of the overlying air (Verburg and Antenucci, 2010), and Ra = 287 (1 + 0.608qz ) is the gas constant for moist air (J kg−1 ◦ C−1 ); Cpa = 1006 is the specific heat of air at constant pressure (J kg−1 ◦ C−1 ); Lv = 2.501 × 106 − 2370 × T0 is the latent heat of vaporisation (J kg−1 ); q0 = 0.622 × esat / [p + (0.622 − 1) esat ] 23 CHAPTER 3. BULK PARAMETERIZATION OF SURFACE FLUXES is the specific humidity at saturation pressure (kg kg−1 ), esat is the saturated vapour pressure (hPa) calculated following Bolton (1980) as esat = 6.11 exp [17.27T0 / (237.3 + T0 )]; qz = 0.622 × ez / [p + (0.622 − 1) ez ] is the specific humidity of the air (kg kg−1 ) at height zq (m) above the water surface, ez = Rh es /100, and es = 6.11 exp [17.27Tz /237.3 + Tz ] is the saturated vapour pressure (hPa) at zt . Here, Cdz , Chz and Cez are transfer coefficients for heights zu , zt and zq , respectively. A variety of bulk flux algorithms are presently used in the literature (e.g. Fairall et al., 2003, 1996; Verburg and Antenucci, 2010; Zeng et al., 1998). While these algorithms all use equations (3.23) to (3.25) to calculate the surface fluxes, they differ in the parameterization of the transfer coefficients, the treatment of free convective conditions and surface layer gustiness. In this program the turbulent fluxes were calculated following Zeng et al. (1998), which applies Monin-Obukhov similarity theory to the atmospheric boundary layer. This theory states that wind, temperature and humidity profile gradients depend on unique functions of the stability parameter, ζ, where ζ = zL−1 w : κzu du = φm (ζ) , u∗a dz κzt dT = φh (ζ) , T∗ dz κzq dq = φe (ζ) , q∗ dz (3.26) where Lw is the Monin-Obukhov length scale (m), κ is the von Karman constant (= 0.41), and φm , φh and φe are the similarity functions that relate the fluxes of momentum, heat, and moisture to the mean profile gradients 24 CHAPTER 3. BULK PARAMETERIZATION OF SURFACE FLUXES of wind, temperature and humidity, respectively. According to Brutsaert (1982), the Monin-Obukhov length scale is a measure of the ratio of the reduction of potential energy due to wind mixing and the growth of atmospheric stratification due to surface fluxes and may be calculated following Monin and Obukhov (1954) as: Lw = κg Qh Cpa −ρz u3∗a Tv + 0.61 × (Tz +273.16)Qe Lv , (3.27) where Tv = (Tz + 273.16) × (1 + 0.61qz ) is the virtual air temperature (K) and g = 9.78033 1 + 0.0053 sin2 |ϕ| − 5.8 × 10−6 sin2 |ϕ| is the gravitational acceleration (m s−2 ), where the standard value of 9.81 m s−2 is given at latitude ∼45.5◦ . Following Zeng et al. (1998), the differential equations for φm , φh and φe can be integrated between the roughness length and the measurement height to obtain wind, temperature and moisture gradients in the atmospheric boundary layer and the corresponding scaling parameters used in calculating the turbulent surface fluxes. The roughness length of momentum (zo ) was calculated following Smith (1998) as: zo = α1 u2∗a g + α2 va u∗a , (3.28) where α1 is the Charnock constant (= 0.013), α2 = 0.11, and va is the kinematic viscosity of air (= 1.5 × 10−5 m2 s−1 ). The functional form of 25 CHAPTER 3. BULK PARAMETERIZATION OF SURFACE FLUXES Brutsaert (1982) is then used to estimate the roughness length of heat (zot ) and humidity (zoq ) as: zoq = zot = zo exp −b1 Re0.25 − b2 , (3.29) where b1 = 2.67, b2 = −2.57, and Re = u∗a zo /va is the roughness Reynolds number. Using the Monin-Obukhov similarity theory, the flux-gradient relations for momentum, φm (ζ), are: φm (ζ) = 5 + ζ for ζ > 1 (very stable) (3.30) φm (ζ) = 1 + 5ζ for 0 ≤ ζ ≤ 1 (stable) (3.31) φm (ζ) = (1 − 16ζ)−1/4 φm (ζ) = 0.7κ2/3 (−ζ)1/3 for − 1.574 ≤ ζ < 0 (unstable) (3.32) for ζ < −1.574 (very unstable) (3.33) and for sensible and latent heat, where φe (ζ) = φh (ζ), are: φe (ζ) = 5 + ζ for ζ > 1 (very stable) (3.34) φe (ζ) = 1 + 5ζ for 0 ≤ ζ ≤ 1 (stable) (3.35) φe (ζ) = (1 − 16ζ)−1/2 for − 0.465 ≤ ζ < 0 (unstable) (3.36) φe (ζ) = 0.9κ4/3 (−ζ)−1/3 for ζ < −0.465 (very unstable) (3.37) 26 CHAPTER 3. BULK PARAMETERIZATION OF SURFACE FLUXES where to ensure continuous functions of φm (ζ), φh (ζ) and φe (ζ) we can match the relations for very unstable conditions at ζm = -1.574 for φm (ζ) and ζh = ζe = -0.465 for φh (ζ) = φe (ζ). The flux gradient relations can then be integrated to yield wind profiles, and the corresponding friction velocity, u∗a , as: κzu du = 5 + ζ, u∗a dz κzu du zu φm = =5+ , u∗a dz Lw (3.38) φm = and then by re-arranging for du and integrating between zo and zu we obtain u∗a du = κ Lw zu zu ln + 5 + 5 ln + −1 , zo Lw Lw u∗a uz − u0 = κ Lw zu zu ln + 5 + 5 ln + −1 , zo Lw Lw u∗a uz = κ Lw zu zu ln + 5 + 5 ln + −1 , zo Lw Lw (3.39) u∗a −1 Lw zu zu = uz κ ln + 5 + 5 ln + −1 , zo Lw Lw (3.40) 27 CHAPTER 3. BULK PARAMETERIZATION OF SURFACE FLUXES u10 u∗a = κ Lw 10 10 ln + 5 + 5 ln + −1 , zo Lw Lw (3.41) for very stable conditions (ζ > 1), κzu du = 1 + 5ζ, u∗a dz κzu du zu φm = =1+5 , u∗a dz Lw φm = (3.42) and then by re-arranging for du and integrating between zo and zu we obtain u∗a zu zu du = ln +5 , κ zo Lw zu zu u∗a uz − u0 = ln +5 , κ zo Lw zu zu u∗a ln +5 , uz = κ zo Lw (3.43) u∗a −1 zu zu = uz κ ln +5 , zo Lw (3.44) u10 u∗a 10 10 = ln +5 , κ zo Lw (3.45) for stable conditions (0 < ζ < 1), −1/4 κzu du φm = = 1 − 16ζ , u∗a dz 28 (3.46) CHAPTER 3. BULK PARAMETERIZATION OF SURFACE FLUXES −1/4 κzu du zu φm = = 1 − 16 , u∗a dz Lw and then by re-arranging for du and integrating between zo and zu we obtain zu zu u∗a ln − ψm , du = κ zo Lw u∗a zu zu uz − u0 = ln − ψm , κ zo Lw u∗a zu zu uz = ln − ψm , κ zo Lw (3.47) u∗a −1 zu zu , = uz κ ln − ψm zo Lw (3.48) u10 u∗a 10 10 = ln − ψm , κ zo Lw (3.49) for unstable conditions (ζm < ζ < 0), and φm = 1/3 κzu du = 0.7κ2/3 − ζ , u∗a dz κzu du φm = = u∗a dz 2/3 0.7κ (3.50) 1/3 zu − , Lw and then by re-arranging for du and integrating between zo and zu we obtain u∗a du = κ ζm Lw ln − ψm (ζm ) zo 29 CHAPTER 3. BULK PARAMETERIZATION OF SURFACE FLUXES " + 1.14 zu − Lw 1/3 #) − (−ζm )1/3 u∗a uz − u0 = κ ζm Lw ln − ψm (ζm ) zo 1/3 1/3 + 1.14 (−ζm ) − (−ζm ) , u∗a uz = κ ζm Lw ln − ψm (ζm ) zo 1/3 1/3 + 1.14 (−ζm ) − (−ζm ) , u∗a u10 , ζm Lw = uz κ ln − ψm (ζm ) zo −1 zu 1/3 + 1.14 − − (−ζm ) , Lw u∗a = κ ζm Lw ln − ψm (ζm ) zo #) " 1/3 10 − (−ζm )1/3 , + 1.14 − Lw (3.51) (3.52) (3.53) for very unstable conditions (ζ < ζm = −1.574) where ψm (ζ) = 2 ln 1+χ 2 + ln 1 + χ2 2 − 2 tan−1 χ + π , 2 (3.54) is the stability function for momentum under stable conditions and χ = (1 − 16ζ)1/4 . 30 (3.55) CHAPTER 3. BULK PARAMETERIZATION OF SURFACE FLUXES Under stable conditions (ζ > 0), the wind speed uz is defined as: uz = max [uz , 0.1] , (3.56) and for unstable cases (ζ < 0), uz is given by: 1/2 uz = u2z + (β∗ w∗a )2 , (3.57) where w∗a is the convective velocity scale in the atmospheric boundary layer, defined as: w∗a 1/3 g = − Tv∗ u∗a zi , Tv (3.58) where zi is the convective boundary layer height (= 1000 m), β∗ = 1, and Tv∗ is the virtual potential temperature scaling parameter, calculated as: Tv∗ = T∗ (1 + 0.61qz /100) + 0.61 × Th , (3.59) where Th = (Tz + 273.16) × (100/p)(287.1/1004.67) is the potential temperature, which is the temperature that a parcel of air would acquire if it was adiabatically brought to a standard reference pressure. The flux gradient relations for heat follow a similar manner to that of wind, but by integrating the flux gradients for heat we obtain φh = κzt dT = 5 + ζ, T∗ dz (3.60) 31 CHAPTER 3. BULK PARAMETERIZATION OF SURFACE FLUXES κzt dT =5+ φh = T∗ dz zt Lw , and then by re-arranging for dT and integrating between zot and zt we obtain T∗ dT = κ Lw zt zt ln + 5 + 5 + ln + −1 , zot Lw Lw T∗ Tz − T0 = κ Lw zt zt ln + 5 + 5 + ln + −1 , zot Lw Lw T∗ Tz = κ Lw zt zt ln + 5 + 5 + ln + − 1 + T0 , zot Lw Lw (3.61) −1 Lw zt zt T∗ = Tz κ ln + 5 + 5 + ln + − 1 + T0 , zot Lw Lw (3.62) T10 T∗ = κ Lw 10 10 ln + 5 + 5 + ln + − 1 + T0 , zot Lw Lw (3.63) for very stable conditions (ζ > 1), κzt dT = 1 + 5ζ, T∗ dz zt κzt dT =1+5 , φh = T∗ dz Lw φh = 32 (3.64) CHAPTER 3. BULK PARAMETERIZATION OF SURFACE FLUXES and then by re-arranging for dT and integrating between zot and zt we obtain T∗ zt zt dT = ln +5 , κ zot Lw T∗ zt zt Tz − T0 = ln +5 , κ zot Lw T∗ zt zt Tz = ln +5 + T0 , κ zot Lw (3.65) −1 zt zt T∗ = Tz κ ln +5 + T0 , zot Lw (3.66) T10 10 10 T∗ ln +5 + T0 , = κ zot Lw (3.67) for stable conditions (0 < ζ < 1), φh = κzt dT = (1 − 16ζ)−1/2 , T∗ dz κzt dT φh = = T∗ dz (3.68) −1/2 zt , 1 − 16 Lw and then by re-arranging for dT and integrating between zot and zt we obtain T∗ zt zt dT = ln − ψh , κ zot Lw T∗ zt zt Tz − T0 = ln − ψh , κ zot Lw 33 CHAPTER 3. BULK PARAMETERIZATION OF SURFACE FLUXES zt zt T∗ ln − ψh + T0 , Tz = κ zot Lw (3.69) −1 zt zt T∗ = Tz κ ln − ψh + T0 , zot Lw (3.70) T10 T∗ 10 10 = ln − ψh + T0 , κ zot Lw (3.71) for unstable conditions (ζh < ζ < 0), and φh = κzt dT = 0.9κ4/3 (−ζ)−1/3 , T∗ dz (3.72) −1/3 κzt dT zt 4/3 = 0.9κ φh = − , T∗ dz Lw (3.73) and then by re-arranging for dT and integrating between zot and zt we obtain T∗ dT = κ ζh Lw ln − ψh (ζh ) zot " zt +0.8 (−ζh )−1/3 − − Lw T∗ Tz − T0 = κ ζh Lw ln − ψh (ζh ) zot " zt +0.8 (−ζh )−1/3 − − Lw T∗ Tz = κ ζh Lw ln − ψh (ζh ) zot 34 −1/3 #) , −1/3 #) , (3.74) CHAPTER 3. BULK PARAMETERIZATION OF SURFACE FLUXES " −1/3 #) z t +0.8 (−ζh )−1/3 − − + T0 , Lw ζh Lw T∗ = Tz κ ln − ψh (ζh ) (3.75) zot " )−1 −1/3 #) zt −1/3 +0.8 (−ζh ) − − + T0 , Lw T10 T∗ = κ ζh Lw ln − ψh (ζh ) zot " −1/3 +0.8 (−ζh ) (3.76) 10 − − Lw −1/3 #) + T0 , for very unstable conditions (ζ < ζh = −0.465), where the stability function for temperature and humidity (ψh = ψe ) is given by ψh = ψe = 2 ln 1 + χ2 2 . (3.77) The calculation for q∗ is the same as those for T∗ except that [Tz − T0 ] and zot are replaced by [qz − q0 ] and zoq respectively: φe = κzq dq = 5 + ζ, q∗ dz κzq dq φe = =5+ q∗ dz (3.78) zq Lw , 35 CHAPTER 3. BULK PARAMETERIZATION OF SURFACE FLUXES and then by re-arranging for dq and integrating between zoq and zq we obtain q∗ dq = κ Lw zq zq ln + 5 + 5 + ln + −1 , zoq Lw Lw q∗ qz − q 0 = κ Lw zq zq ln + 5 + 5 + ln + −1 , zoq Lw Lw q∗ qz = κ Lw zq zq ln + 5 + 5 + ln + − 1 + q0 , zoq Lw Lw (3.79) −1 Lw zq zq q ∗ = qz κ ln + 5 + 5 + ln + − 1 + q0 , zoq Lw Lw (3.80) q10 q∗ = κ Lw 10 10 ln + 5 + 5 + ln + − 1 + q0 , zoq Lw Lw (3.81) for very stable conditions (ζ > 1), φe = κzq dq = 1 + 5ζ, q∗ dz κzq dq φe = =1+5 q∗ dz (3.82) zq Lw , 36 CHAPTER 3. BULK PARAMETERIZATION OF SURFACE FLUXES and then by re-arranging for dq and integrating between zoq and zq we obtain q∗ zq zq dq = ln +5 , κ zoq Lw zq zq q∗ ln +5 , qz − q0 = κ zoq Lw q∗ zq zq qz = ln +5 + q0 , κ zoq Lw (3.83) −1 zq zq q∗ = qz κ ln +5 + q0 , zoq Lw (3.84) q10 q∗ 10 10 = ln +5 + q0 , κ zoq Lw (3.85) for stable conditions (0 < ζ < 1), φe = κzq dq = (1 − 16ζ)−1/2 , q∗ dz κzq dq φe = = q∗ dz (3.86) −1/2 zq , 1 − 16 Lw and then by re-arranging for dq and integrating between zoq and zq we obtain q∗ zq zq dq = ln − ψe , κ zoq Lw zq zq q∗ qz − q0 = ln − ψe , κ zoq Lw 37 CHAPTER 3. BULK PARAMETERIZATION OF SURFACE FLUXES zq zq q∗ ln − ψe + q0 , qz = κ zoq Lw (3.87) −1 zq zq − ψe + q0 , q∗ = qz κ ln zoq Lw (3.88) q10 q∗ 10 10 = ln − ψe + q0 , κ zoq Lw (3.89) for unstable conditions (ζe < ζ < 0), and φe = κzq dq = 0.9κ4/3 (−ζ)−1/3 , q∗ dz (3.90) −1/3 κzq dq zq 4/3 , φe = = 0.9κ − q∗ dz Lw (3.91) and then by re-arranging for dq and integrating between zoq and zq we obtain q∗ dq = κ ζe Lw ln − ψe (ζe ) zoq " zq Lw −1/3 #) zq − − Lw −1/3 #) +0.8 (−ζe )−1/3 − − q∗ qz − q0 = κ ζe Lw ln − ψe (ζe ) zoq " −1/3 +0.8 (−ζe ) q∗ qz = κ ζe Lw ln − ψe (ζe ) zoq 38 , , (3.92) CHAPTER 3. BULK PARAMETERIZATION OF SURFACE FLUXES " −1/3 #) z q +0.8 (−ζe )−1/3 − − + q0 , Lw ζe Lw q∗ = qz κ ln − ψe (ζe ) zoq " +0.8 (−ζe ) q10 q∗ = κ −1/3 zq − − Lw ζe Lw − ψe (ζe ) ln zoq " −1/3 +0.8 (−ζe ) 10 − − Lw (3.93) )−1 −1/3 #) + q0 , (3.94) −1/3 #) + q0 , for very unstable conditions (ζ < ζe = −0.465). The transfer coefficients for momentum(Cdz ), sensible heat (Chz ) and latent heat (Cez ) at the measurement height can be calculated by re-arranging equations 3.23 to 3.25 as: τ = Cdz ρz u2z = ρz u2∗a , 2 Cdz = ρz u∗a ρz u2z , 2 Cdz = u∗a u2z , Qh = ρz Cpa Chz uz (T0 − Tz ) = ρz Cpa u∗a T∗ , Chz = ρz Cpa u∗a T∗ ρz Cpa uz (T0 − Tz ) , Chz = −u∗a T∗ uz (T0 − Tz ) . Qe = ρz Lv Cez uz (q0 − qz ) = −ρz Lv u∗a q∗ , 39 (3.95) (3.96) (3.97) (3.98) (3.99) (3.100) (3.101) CHAPTER 3. BULK PARAMETERIZATION OF SURFACE FLUXES Cez = ρz Lv uz (q0 − qz ) − ρz Lv u∗a q∗ , Cez = −u∗a q∗ uz (q0 − qz ) . (3.102) (3.103) In order to compare the transfer coefficients among sites we also need to calculate them at a reference height of 10 m (Cd10 , Ch10 , Ce10 ) as: Ch10 Ce10 Cd10 = Qh ρz Cpa u10 (T0 − T10 ) , = Qe ρz Lv u10 (q0 − q10 ) , 2 = u∗a u210 . 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