Re: Breakbulk China 2014 –Sponsor Manual Dear Breakbulk China 2014 Sponsor: Thank you for participating in Breakbulk China 2014 that will take place over a four day period from 10-13 March 2014 at the Shanghai World Expo Exhibition & Convention Center in Shanghai, China. Please note the breakdown of the four day period: • Krabbendam Heavy Transport & Lifting Masterclass Workshop will take place on InterContinental Shanghai Expo Hotel 10-11 March 2014 • PPG Certificate in Project Forwarding Workshop will take place on InterContinental Shanghai Expo Hotel 10-11 March 2014 • Breakbulk Education Day will take place on InterContinental Shanghai Expo Hotel 11 March 2014 • Evening Welcome Reception will take place on Shanghai World Expo Exhibition & Convention Center (SWEECC) [Hall 2] 12 March 2014 • Exhibitions & Executive Presentations will take place on Shanghai World Expo Exhibition & Convention Center (SWEECC) [Hall 2] 12-13 March 2014 Exhibitions, executive presentations, networking and evening welcome reception will take place at the: Shanghai World Expo Exhibition & Convention Center [Hall 2] No. 1099 Guozhan Road Pudong District, Shanghai, China This Sponsor Manual contains all the essential information you require to prepare and maximize your participation during the event. To make your participation as effective as possible, we advise you to read this carefully. Please review the online agenda on the Breakbulk China 2014 (website) for more information. Breakbulk Events & Media would like to remind you that this Sponsor Manual does not replace our personal service. If you need any advice or assistance, please contact a member of the team, and we will be happy to help you in any way. We have included direct contact details for the Breakbulk team members, so please feel free to contact us with any queries. Please thoroughly read the manual at your earliest opportunity, so that no vital information is forgotten. There are several deadlines coming up which you shouldn’t miss. Breakbulk looks forward to working with you over the next couple months. See you in Shanghai, China! Sincerely, Jeremy M. Luski Director of Event Operations Breakbulk Events & Media This manual is subject to change at the discretion of the event organiser. Page 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS ADVERTISING (AD) SPECIFICATIONS [for participating sponsors only] .......................................................................................... 7 – 8 REGULATIONS ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 8 CONTACT DETAILS (ORGANISER) ........................................................................................................................................................ 3 DATE AND DEADLINES ........................................................................................................................................................................... 4 DISABLED FACILITIES AND ACCESS .................................................................................................................................................... 8 DISTRIBUTION OF PROMOTIONAL MATERIAL ..................................................................................................................................... 8 EVACUATION PROCEDURES ................................................................................................................................................................. 8 EVENT GUIDE COMPANY LISTING ........................................................................................................................................................ 6 EVENT GUIDE COMPANY LISTING EXAMPLE ...................................................................................................................................... 6 GLOBAL SHIPPING/COURIER RECOMMENDATION............................................................................................................................. 5 HOTEL & ACCOMMODATIONS ............................................................................................................................................................... 8 PRINTING LOCALLY ................................................................................................................................................................................ 4 REGISTRATION ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 8 RETURN OF GOODS ............................................................................................................................................................................... 6 SHIPPING/COURIER DETAILS ................................................................................................................................................................ 5 SHIPPING LABELS FOR BAG INSERTS (if applicable) ........................................................................................................................... 5 SHIPPING LABELS (FULL SIZE) FOR MATERIALS (if applicable) ....................................................................................................... 10 SPONSOR MATERIALS & GUIDELINES ................................................................................................................................................. 9 STORAGE ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 9 This manual is subject to change at the discretion of the event organiser. Page 2 CONTACT DETAILS FOR ORGANISER Breakbulk Events & Media (JOC Group Inc.) 2 Penn Plaza East, 12th Floor Newark, NJ 07105 USA UBM CHINA (SHANGHAI) CO., LTD is the approved event operations management company for: Breakbulk China 2014/ Breakbulk Events & Media (JOC Group Inc.) Taxpayer Identification Number: 310105682284628 9F Ciros Plaza, No. 388 West Nanjing Road Shanghai, China Phone: +86 21 6157 7288 Fax: +86 21 6157 7299 Event Operations & Management: Mr. Jeremy Luski Director of Event Operations Phone: +1 862 368 9938 Ms. Mira Jones Event Operations Manager Phone: +1 908 723 8176 For any Exhibitor Operations or Technical assistance, please contact: Mr. Evan Gong Operations Manager Phone: +86 21 6157 7246 Mr. Joe Song Operations Executive Phone: +86 21 6157 7224 Registration & Customer Service (outside China): Registration Assistance (in China): Ms. Joanna Lenck Event Registration & Customer Service Manager Phone: +1 973 220 4827 Ms. Gladys Wang Phone: +86 21 5134 8972 Company Bio, Event Guide Listing, Sponsor Logo & Event Guide Ad Ms. Isabella Zou Marketing Manager Phone: +86 21 5589 9183 Visa Letter of Invitations To receive a Visa Letter of Invitation, each delegate must have a Breakbulk China 2014 registration confirmation: MIMS China Phone: +86 21 6039 6900 Sales & Sponsorship: Mr. Gary Tang Sales Manager, Asia / Middle East / India Phone: +852 21329698 Mr. Adrian van Beuningen Sales Director, Europe & Turkey Phone (EU): +32 2 808 4355 Phone (USA): +1 973 432 5535 Ms. Christian Thompson Exhibit Sales Manager, America & South America Phone: +1 281 416 4672 Mobile: +1 713 857 7821 Ms. Kathleen Pinson Sales, Breakbulk Magazine Phone: +1 678 954 0552 Breakbulk organisers will be available at the event registration throughout the event, if you require assistance at any time. This manual is subject to change at the discretion of the event organiser. Page 3 DATE CHECK-LIST & DEADLINE INFORMATION Item Deadline Date Submit To: Notes Friday, 10 January 2014 Isabella Zou Marketing Manager +86 21 55899183 See page 6 for sample Friday, 24 January 2014 Isabella Zou Marketing Manager +86 21 55899183 See page 7 for important specifications Company Logo Immediate Isabella Zou Marketing Manager +86 21 55899183 High Res (EPS) & Low Res (JPG) required Bag Inserts (for delegate bags) Delivered by: Thursday, 06 March See below for Shipping/Courier Details for important information Listing for Event Guide (Company Bio) Advertisement (Ad) in Event Guide Item Notes Exhibitor/Sponsor Complimentary Registration via registration website Exhibitor/Sponsor Guess Passes via registration website Please ensure you pre-register by as soon as possible for Early Bird Rates SHIPPING/COURIER DETAILS Please refer to your sponsorship contract for applicable benefits that apply. Please note that for Bag Inserts for Delegate Bags: • It is your responsibility to arrange shipment of your sponsored items to and from locations. • We CANNOT guarantee inclusion into the conference bags if shipments are received after Thursday, 06 March 2014. • All items MUST be delivered to the Go-Express Warehouse no later than Thursday, 06 March 2014. • All sponsor shipments must include the following address label (see last page for full size labels): This manual is subject to change at the discretion of the event organiser. Page 4 Courier & Tracking information must be sent to Ms. Mira Jones, Event Operations Manager at to assist in sponsored items reaching their destination in a timely manner. Please provide the following details: • Company name • Contact name and information (mobile number and email address) • Supplier (company that the product is being shipped by) • Supplier contact name and information (mobile number and email address) • Product description (what is being shipped) • Quantity ordered • # of boxes or pallets • Courier company name and information (phone number and website) • Tracking numbers • Any additional notes GLOBAL COURIER RECOMMENDATION If you are an international exhibitor, it is strongly advise you to consign your shipment to the appointed freight handling agent Worldwide Exhibition Specialists Ltd (WES Group). The instructions can be found in the order form for freight handling. They will then receive the shipment on your behalf. You need to be aware that this service will attract costs payable by yourselves onsite. Alternatively, consign the shipment to yourselves at your stand at the venue address (if applicable) and agree with the courier company in advance that they will deliver the shipment to you. If so, make sure your get this confirmed in writing and please ensure that somebody from your company is there to receive the shipment. Please see below the contacts of WES: WES Logistics 30 Panton Street Cambridge CB2 1HP United Kingdom Contacts: Andrew Fleet & Danielle Potter Phone: +44 208 508 2224 For more details on global shipping, please refer to the Exhibitor Manual, if applicable. RETURN OF GOODS If you would like left over items shipped back to your company, all items must be accompanied by return shipping instructions and pre-paid shipping labels. • Please make sure all information is addressed properly on all parcels shipped. If duty or custom fees are required upon signature by Pico, these will be charged back to your company before entering exhibition floor. LISTING FOR EVENT GUIDE (COMPANY BIO) • • • • As part of your sponsorship (if applicable), you are entitled to a company listing in the Event Guide that is distributed to all delegates. Please follow the format below for your show directory listing. The brief description on your company should be no longer than 100 words. It is very important that you send the correct contact information that will be listed in the event guide above your company description. Please return this information to Ms. Isabella Zou, Marketing Manager at no later than Friday, 10 January 2014. This manual is subject to change at the discretion of the event organiser. Page 5 Event Guide Company Listing Format: Company Name Attn: Company Address (Street Number, Street) City, State/Province, Zip Code, Country Contact Name Company Phone # Company Fax # Company Email Address Company Website Company Description (maximum of 100 words) Event Guide Company Listing Example: Breakbulk Events & Media Attn: Jeremy Luski, Director of Event Operations th 2 Penn Plaza East, 12 Floor Newark, NJ 07105 USA Phone: +1 862 368 9938 Breakbulk Congresses, Executive Presentations & Exhibitions are the largest international events focused on traditional breakbulk logistics, heavy-lift transportation and project cargo trade issues. Our conferences provide breakbulk shippers the opportunity to learn about breakbulk cargo issues and meet with specialized cargo carriers, ports, terminals, freight forwarders, heavy equipment transportation companies and packers. Join us at one of our highly regarded educational sessions or meet face-to-face with industry leaders at a networking function or exhibit hall. Materials received after Friday, 10 January 2014, are not guaranteed to be included in the event guide that is distributed to all conference delegates. EVENT GUIDE ADVERTISING (AD) SPECIFICATIONS A4 Book Trim @ 210mm x 297mm Unit Size Full Page Full page with Bleed Half Page Horizontal Half Page Horizontal with Bleed Width 210mm 216mm 210mm 216mm Height 297mm 303mm 148.5mm 154.5mm (Sides and bottom bleeds) Ad Materials • Advertisers are required to submit materials in electronic format (preferably EPS or TIF format). • Please indicate bleed requirements, if applicable. • NO JPGs are accepted as final ad submission. PDFs accepted only if press quality with fonts embedded. • Please include contact information and advertiser name. • All ads should be accompanied by a composite proof. • Materials submitted that are improperly sized will incur production charges. • Materials incorrectly or incompletely submitted may incur delays and possible exclusion from programs. Media • Please send all ad materials to Ms. Isabella Zou, Marketing Manager at • Email your ad file of 5 MB or less and include cover letter with contact information. • Please name file with advertiser name and include advertiser in subject box. • Post on your company or agency-supported FTP site for pick-up. This manual is subject to change at the discretion of the event organiser. Page 6 Electronic Submission • When submitting electronic files for your advertisement please follow the specifications listed below under “Applications”. • This will allow expedient processing of your ad(s). • Please provide proofs for all ads submitted (PDF is acceptable, EPS or TIF is preferable). • All submitted ad(s), may be created (if sending native files) using any of the following Macintosh or PC applications: Applications • All CS4 (or earlier versions) suite applications files: o InDesign: Package all links and fonts if sending native files. If you do not want to send fonts, please have the fonts outlined in application before packaging. o Illustrator: Convert all fonts to outline. o Photoshop: Save as a Photoshop EPS file in version 6 or higher: If ad contains type, select the “Include Vector Data” selection box in the SAVE AS / EPS OPTIONS dialog box. Setting Up Your Page The document page size must exactly match the final trim size you have selected for the book. For instance if the ad is to be 6" x 9", then use 6" x 9" as the electronic page size. Do not set up a 6" x 9" image area on an 8 1/2" x 11" electronic page. If there is no bleed requirement on your ad, please do not include in the document. Also, please do not include Color Bars and Registration Marks. Colors, Photo Specs and Line Work • PICT and/or RGB mode are not acceptable. NO SPOT COLOR allowed. Make sure all Black is 100% K and not CMYK Black and set for Overprint. • Save all photos in EPS or TIF format. • Do not enlarge images over 110% when placing into designing applications. Make sure the resolution of your graphic file is supplied in the following manner: • Color Images 266 dpi to 300 dpi; CMYK mode only; No ICC color profiles • B/W Images 600dpi; Grayscale mode • Line Art Images dpi to 2400 dpi; Bitmap mode • 72 dpi is not acceptable for any artwork! (i.e., Images created for the web) Following the above guidelines will help to minimize any problems encountered while processing your files. Files that do not meet the above specifications may incur production costs and possible program exclusion (due to production delays). Materials received after Friday, 24 January 2014 are not guaranteed to be included in the event guide that is distributed to all conference attendees. HOTEL & SLEEPING ROOM ACCOMMODATIONS Breakbulk China has a list of recommended hotels for delegates, exhibitors and sponsors! Please note hotels and rates are based on availability. To book your hotel accommodation(s), please visit Hotel Accommodations – Breakbulk China 2014 for a complete list of available hotels nearby. Be sure to make your reservations early to ensure availability! REGISTRATION All exhibitors and sponsors must register in advance of the conference. Badges can be picked up at the conference. Please visit the event registration desk in the main hall of the venue during set up times. Badges should be worn at all times and must only be allocated and used by those registered. These are valid at all times during the event including setup and breakdown. To register, please visit the Breakbulk Americas 2013 event website at REGISTER HERE! If you need registration assistance, please contact Ms. Joanna Lenck, Registration & Customer Service Manager at REGULATIONS We reserve the right to limit entry to invited guests only and to deny admittance to anyone at any time. Cameras, video and audio equipment are not permitted in function rooms/space at any time without prior show management approval in writing. This manual is subject to change at the discretion of the event organiser. Page 7 DISABLED FACILITIES & ACCESS In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Breakbulk Events & Media will make all reasonable efforts to accommodate persons with disabilities at its event (even though this congress is based in Shanghai, China). Please ensure that you allow adequate and appropriate facilities on your stand for disabled visitors. EVACUATION PROCEDURES In the event of an emergency evacuation please follow the instructions of venue and event staff. You will be directed to the assembly point outside the main building. SPONSOR MATERIALS & GUIDELINES Distribution of Promotional Material The distribution of gifts, samples, leaflets and catalogs will be permitted only within stands, and the Organiser reserves the right to block such distribution at any time when it may cause disturbances, bottlenecks or disturbances. For all planned forms of promotional distribution outside stand areas, the exhibitor/sponsor should confer with the commercial department of the event to find out about options for merchandising and sponsorship. If distribution of promotional material is granted, you must bring written notice of this approval with you onsite. Please refer to your sponsorship contract for applicable benefits that apply. Please note that for Bag Inserts for Delegate Bags: • It is your responsibility to arrange shipment of your sponsored items to and from locations. • We CANNOT guarantee inclusion into the conference bags if shipments are received after Thursday, 06 March 2014. • All items MUST be delivered to the Go-Express Warehouse no later than Thursday, 06 March 2014. • All sponsor shipments must include the following address label (see last page for full size labels): Courier & Tracking information must be sent to Mira Jones, Event Operations Manager at to assist in sponsored items reaching their destination in a timely manner. This manual is subject to change at the discretion of the event organiser. Page 8 Please provide the following details: • Company name • Contact name and information (mobile number and email address) • Supplier (company that the product is being shipped by) • Supplier contact name and information (mobile number and email address) • Product description (what is being shipped) • Quantity ordered • # of boxes or pallets • Courier company name and information (phone number and website) • Tracking numbers • Any additional notes STORAGE Fire regulations prohibit storage of cartons and literature behind stands and these will be disposed of without prior notice. The Official Freight Forwarder provides a storage service for empty cartons, wooden crates, etc. For more information, please contact: Andrew Fleet or Danielle Potter at: Breakbulk Events & Media looks forward to seeing you in Shanghai, China! Sincerely, Jeremy M. Luski Director of Event Operations Breakbulk Events & Media This manual is subject to change at the discretion of the event organiser. Page 9 This manual is subject to change at the discretion of the event organiser. Page 10
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