POLICIES AND PROCEDURES MANUAL 2013-2014 2013-14 Gymnastics BC WAG Calendar of Activities WAG Technical Committee Meetings (subject to change) September: September 25 October: Friday October 4 Aviva November: Friday November 15 Aviva December: December 13 (BC Fall Classic - North Shore) February Christy Fraser (Langley) March: BC Champs (Kamloops) April: Thursday April 6, evening Twisters (Abbotsford) April: Monday April 21 CC Training camp June Maple Ridge WAG Technical Assembly and AGM Thursday March 13 or April 3 (Tentative) Evening Kamloops or Abbottsford WAG Deadline to Change categories Athletes must declare their category by February 15, 2014. Those attending National Stream Cup trials/Elite Canada screening (North Shore) will be declared National stream athletes as of December 15, 2013. Any athlete that competes in a trial event will be considered as that level for the duration of the season (exempt BC Games). High Performance status is determined at Elite Canada. Written petitions for all category changes after February 15 must be accompanied by cheque for $25.00 (each) to the WTC and will be considered on a case by case basis and not necessarily granted. Category changes will not be accepted after BC Champs registration deadline. Uniform sizing BC Fall Classic (North Shore/Screening/NS Cup trial), Christy Fraser Langley, Surrey Classic GYMSTART Assessors Course Assessors Course October 25 January 24 Aviva (TBC) Aviva (TBC) Provincial Camps Provincial Development Camp #1 Provincial Development Camp #2 Provincial Development Camp #3 Westerns Training camp P4, CPN Westerns Training camp P5+ August 23 November 10 or 11 February 9 or 10 Wed. April 23 Thurs. April 24 Aviva Host needed (contact Nancy) Host needed (contact Nancy) Host needed (contact Nancy) on site Saskatoon National Camps National Development Camp #1 August 25-26 National Development Camp #2(NS Cup) January 15 Westerns Training camp P5+ Thursday April 24 CC Training Camp April 21 CC team judge visitations required May 1-19 Flicka Host needed (contact Nancy) on site Saskatoon Host needed (contact Nancy) ongoing Coaches Pro-D and CSI Targeted Athletes Camps IST CAMP November 11 IST CAMP January 11 Aviva Douglas College Section 6 – WAG Page 2 October 2013 Provincial and National Event Calendar BC Fall Classic and Elite Canada Screening – December 14-15, 2013 (North Shore) National Stream Cup trials (CPN, National level) NSC will serve as the Team BC annual competition in 2014. (Montreal) Elite Canada – February 7-9, 2014 (Gatineau) Purpose: Identify the athletes on the Gymnastics Canada High Performance List. Elite Canada Screening December 14-15 (North Shore) Attendance at Screening is required if an athlete wants to attend Elite Canada. Team BC Competition: National Stream Cup, January 17-19, 2014 (Montreal) Team includes: 6 Pre-Novice “Elite” and/or “Aspire” 6 National Novice 6 National Open Funding will vary depending on location. 6 funded in years this event is hosted in the west and 4 funded (2 self-funded allowed) when hosted in the east. Trials will be held annually at the BC Fall Classic/EC Screening. 2014 BC Winter Games – February 20-23, 2014 (Mission Secondary School, Mission, BC) Each Zone can send up to 6 WAG athletes. It is the responsibility of each Zone to determine its selection process and host a trial. 3 athletes – CPP P3 rules 3 athletes – CPP P4 rules Eligibility: Athletes born 1999-2004 All CPP and CPN athletes are eligible to participate in BC Games. National stream athletes are NOT eligible. Athletes can compete at the Zone trial and BC Games without affecting their category for the remainder of the year. For BC Games, athletes must compete for the Zone where they reside (not necessarily in the Zone where their club is). The BC Games Technical Package is available on the GBC Website. 2014 BC Artistic Gymnastics Championships – March 14-16, 2013 (Kamloops) Invited categories: CPP Level 2 to 5 (all age groups recognized by GBC) GYMSTART Endeavour, Canadian Pre-Novice (Aspire and Elite) and National and HP Novice, National Open, Junior and Senior. CPP level 2 will be a zone competition so zone trials will be required. Each club will need to register their own P2 athletes and coaches. Deadline for P2 Zone trials is February 15, 2014; Trial hosts must submit results to Andrée Montreuil. 2014 Western Canadian Gymnastics Championships – April 24-27, 2014 (Saskatoon) Invited categories: CPP Provincial 5 Tyro, Novice and Open National/HP Novice, National Open Canadian Pre-Novice (self-funded individual/team event) P4 (new) (self-funded individual event April 24) Trials: All March 14-16, 2013 (Kamloops) Training Camp: P5+ Thursday April 24, 2014 (on site Saskatoon) Training Camp: P4/CPN Wednesday April 23 (TBC) Section 6 – WAG Page 3 October 2013 2013 Canadian Gymnastics Championships – May 26-June1, 2014 (Ottawa, ON) Invited categories: National and HP Novice, National Open, Junior and Senior Team competition for Novice and Open Trial #1: February 15-16 Langley (Christy Fraser) Trial #2 March 14-16 BC Champs Kamloops Trial #3: April 4-6 Abbotsford (Twisters) CC Training Camp: April 21 Location TBC See information regarding selection process in Section 6.12.2. The process has been changed significantly for both Novice and Open teams to CC2014. Pacific Rim Championships- April 9-13, 2014 (Richmond Oval) This international competition is being hosted by Gymnastics BC and Gym Canada. The event will include top level Junior and Senior gymnasts from countries that border the Pacific Ocean. This is a rare and excellent opportunity for you and your athletes to see high level live performances so close to home. Come be a part of it. Information available on the GBC website. Canada Winter Games - Feb. 13-March 1, 2015 Prince George Invited Categories: Eligible birth years are 1996 – 2003 Rules: Open Models BC Team Trial Events: Late 2014 (TBC) Section 6 – WAG Page 4 October 2013 NEW POLICY AND PROGRAM UPDATES 2014 (highlights) All updates in the WAG Policies and Procedures Manual 2014 are highlighted in yellow. Selection process for Canadians 2014 (Novice and Open) has been significantly modified. The new system includes combinations of both apparatus and AA competition points from 2 trials. All coaches and clubs are encouraged to review the Policy and Procedures section 6.12. Pre-Argo scoring has been modified. See appendix 1 HP Performance Enhancement Fund has been modified. See appendix 3 Team BC Competition Fund has been modified. See appendix 4 WAG Judges Guide The WAG P&P has been split in 2 sections. The current section and the WAG Judges Guide. The Judges Guide contains important information for clubs hosting events, including the honoraria chart, transportation, accommodation and per diem expectations. The Judges Guide is available on the GBC Website. Information from the Women’s Judges Committee regarding hosting and registering athletes at a competition Assignments to Provincial level invitational meets: All judges on the current judges list who reside in the appropriate geographical area are contacted via email by the judge responsible for panel assignments, usually the zone judging chairperson to state their availability and commitment, usually 4-6 weeks prior. P1, P2, and P3 judges will be contacted and advised by their Zone Judging Chair. Furthermore, it is the responsibility of all clubs that register athletes at a competition to bring a judge to the event, according to the following timelines. HOSTING: Requirements for the 2013 – 2014 Season Responsibilities of host clubs: Clubs that host a competition should submit the name of a person/volunteer to help liaise with the Zone Judging Chair when assignments are done. They will provide to the ZJC the list of judges whose names have been submitted by visiting clubs. The ZJC will kept the volunteer informed of the status of the assignments and of the judges’ needs such as accommodation, transportation, assessments (room availability, etc.) GBC Clubs hosting a competition with a minimum of 12 National level athletes competing may apply to the Women’s Judging Committee for a reimbursement of the honorariums and travel expenses (per current GBC policy) for all National and Brevet judges attending. The amount reimbursed will be up to a maximum of $500. Clubs who can apply must fill out and return the form in Appendix 5 by the June 1 deadline. Section 6 – WAG Page 5 October 2013 Responsibilities of clubs registering athletes at a competition / Invitational When registering for a competition, a club should provide the name one judge for every 10 athletes it enters in the competition. The judge should be available for most of the competition. Integrated Performance System: IST Camps are free and open to all coaches as an extra professional development opportunity. Topics discussed with coaches vary at each camp but in general will relate to physical preparation (conditioning), injury prevention, nutrition or mental preparation. Coaches can register (free) by contacting Andrée Montreuil. CSI targeted athletes are required to participate at IST camps. Non targeted athletes can register for the clinic for a fee and access group sessions. They may register for individual services depending on the availability of the expert presenters. Individual services include functional assessment, nutrition and mental training consults. Integrated Support Teams: IST are the Sport Sciences, Sports Medicine and other team management professionals that support coaches and athletes/teams. ISTs typically include a physiologist, sport psychologist, bio-mechanist/performance technologist, nutritionist, physical therapists/athletic therapist, and a physician; although other professionals (including sport administrators) may be included depending on the nature of the sport and the specific needs of the coaches and athletes. The IST works regularly with the coaches and athletes to ensure that athletes receive worldclass care and support for their training, recovery and competition programs. The goal of the IST is to ensure that athletes are healthy, fit and psychologically ready for optimal performance. Section 6 – WAG Page 6 October 2013 2013-2014 WAG General Information Women’s Technical Committee Members WTC Chair Megan Conway Judging Chair Nicky Carroll Barb Fraser Dorina Stan Members at large Steve Iliesu Flaviu Toma Alana Jensen Nancy Beyer GBC Staff (non-voting) Andrée Montreuil Women’s Judges Committee Members Judging Chair Communications Registrar (judges records and list) National judges Rep, Prov. Asses’t National Panels for trials Member at Large National Assessments GBC Judging Rep Secretary Finance Zone Judging Chairs Zone 1 Shelley McInroy Zone 2 Heather Ivanitz Zone 3 Cyndi Fairbrother Zone 4 Jennifer Dober Zone 5 Momona Komagata Zone 6 Anna Mataganova Zone 7 Janet Duval Zone 8 Colleen Kaminski Nicky Carroll Momona Komogata Cyndi Fairbrother Crystal Gilhooly Jennifer Dober Debbie McCready Gord Bennett Andrée Montreuil Carole Williamson Colleen Kaminski meg_gym@hotmail.com Nickycarroll2k@gmail.com gymnut1@shaw.ca dorinavali@hotmail.com dropshot23@hotmail.com celitoma@hotmail.com ryanalanajensen@gmail.com nbeyer@ gymbc.org amontreuil@gymbc.org nickycarroll2k@gmail.com momk20@hotmail.com; cyndi_fairbrother@hotmail.com crystalgilhooly@gmail.com yawnifer@gmail.com debbiemccready@hotmail.com gmbennett@telus.net amontreuil@gymbc.org carolewiill@telus.net coachcolleen56@hotmail.com mcinroyshelley@gmail.com heatherivanitzgym@gmail.com cyndi_fairbrother@hotmail.com yawnifer@hotmail.com momk20@hotmail.com; amataganova@dominionlending.ca Janetmichelle115@hotmail.com coachcolleen56@hotmail.com GBC Communications Receive all the information you need by signing up on line for any or all of the following GBC communications: e-Bulletin: weekly newsletter with updates and links to news, events and more Layout magazine: bi-monthly electronic magazine with articles and reports on gymnastics in B.C., Canada and the world. PLAY newsletter: monthly recreational gymnastics based newsletter for coaches, parents and anyone interested in non-competitive gymnastics Men’s artistic gymnastics report: updates specific to competitive men’s artistic gymnastics Women’s artistic gymnastics report: updates specific to competitive women’s artistic gymnastics Trampoline gymnastics report: updates specific to competitive trampoline gymnastics Gymnastics for all report: updates specific to gymnastics for all (recreational gymnastics) Sign-up online at: http://eepurl.com/G6C1j Contact: Sandra Lewis, Communications Director, 604-333-3492, slewis@gymbc.org Section 6 – WAG Page 7 October 2013 SECTION 6: Women’s Artistic Gymnastics (WAG) Section PART 1: GENERALITIES 1.1 Policy and Procedure Manual - Additional Sections The P&P Manual is comprised of many sections. If you don’t find the information in the present section, please consult the other sections. 1.2 Program Objectives and Goals The goals and objectives of the GBC WAG Programs are to: Coordinate and supervise the technical aspects of the provincial, national and international gymnastics events where GBC participates Determine the technical rules and procedures as they are applied in the Province of BC, in respect with the GCG and FIG rules Organize competitions, clinics, training camps and seminars to help in the development of athletes, coaches and officials 1.3 Women’s Artistic Gymnastics Technical Committee (WTC) 1.3.1 Composition of the Committee The WTC is composed of 7 voting members and up to 4 non voting members. Voting Members: Chairperson; the Chairperson is also a member of the GBC Board of Directors and the Joint Technical Committee Provincial Judging Chairperson - representing the officials 5 Members at Large Non Voting Members: Past Chairperson (non elected / non-voting) GBC High Performance and Technical Director GBC WAG Technical Coordinator GBC Provincial Coach 1.3.2 Attendance Policy Voting members for all committees will be expected to attend all scheduled meetings. Any member missing three (3) meetings will lose his / her voting privileges. Extenuating circumstances will be taken into consideration. 1.3.3 Vote and Quorum Each voting member may cast one (1) vote. All motions will be decided by majority vote. The quorum for meetings is 50 percent of the voting members. A club may have more than one representative on the WTC but each club will be limited to one vote. Section 6 – WAG Page 8 October 2013 1.3.4 Duties of the WTC Determine and implement the goals and objectives for the development of women’s gymnastics in BC Adopt and make sure the technical policies are respected Monitor, regulate and evaluate all activities related to the women’s program Adopt and manage the WTC budget Justify to the GBC Board of Directors and the GBC Women’s Technical Assembly all decisions made by the WTC Work with the GBC Board of Directors on applying the policies coming from the GBC Board Assist, as necessary, the GBC staff Make sure that the decision process and a line of communication are established, respected and maintained Approve members of Team BC Name ad-hoc committees for special projects Hold at least five (5) meetings per year Promote sound risk management practises Follow guidelines respecting PIPA and Risk Management 1.3.5 GBC WAG Technical Assembly The GBC WAG Technical Assembly will provide feedback regarding the general direction of the program for the following years. The WTC will consider the motions and discussions during the assembly to determine annual WAG calendar and policy. However, the WTC is not bound by motions made during the Assembly. 1.3.6 Elections Members of the WTC are elected at the GBC WAG Technical Assembly, except for the Judging Chairperson who is elected at the Judging AGM. The GBC staff members are not elected. The WTC Chairperson and Judging Chairperson are elected on even numbered years for a 2-year term. All other members are elected for a 1-year term. Section 6 – WAG Page 9 October 2013 PART 2: ATHLETES 2.1 Amateur Status All athletes competing in a GBC sanctioned event must abide by the regulations of GBC, GCG and FIG and the International Olympic Committee governing amateur status. 2.2 GBC Membership An athlete must be registered in the appropriate category and be in good standing to participate in GBC sanctioned events. An athlete must be registered as a competitive member to participate in competitive events, as developmental to participate in developmental events and as Interclub to participate in Interclub events. It is the club’s responsibility to ensure that their athletes are registered in the correct levels and categories. In WAG, only GYMSTART Level 1, 2 and 3 are considered developmental. All other categories, with the exception of “Interclub” are considered competitive. If an athlete participates in a GBC sanctioned event without being registered as a competitive member, the athlete’s club will be fined. NOTE: refer to Part 4: WAG Competitive Structure; for complete outline of all fines. 2.3 Moving to BC from another Province Canadian athletes moving from another province during a competitive season may represent their new club at any provincial event. It is the club’s responsibility to register the members appropriately and within the deadlines. Membership is nontransferable between provinces. 2.4 Transferring Clubs 2.4.1 The purpose of this policy is to discourage athletes from changing clubs while in bad standing with a former club. For the purpose of this section, a) An athlete will be in “bad standing” with the former club if a former club has documentation to support a claim that an athlete has not met his/her financial obligation(s) to the former club. b) A “former club” means a GBC member club from which the athlete wishes to leave. c) A “new club” means a GBC member club to which the athlete wishes to join. Section 6 – WAG Page 10 October 2013 2.4.2 If an athlete wishes to change clubs, the athlete (or their parent/guardian) and the new club must notify GBC and the former club in writing before GBC will register the athlete with the new club. 2.4.3 A new club cannot register an athlete with GBC unless the athlete and the new club have notified GBC and the former club in writing and until 10 days have elapsed after such notification is provided. It is the responsibility of the new club to ensure notice has been provided to GBC and the former club. 2.4.4 If a former club believes that an athlete wishing to change clubs is in bad standing: the former club must notify GBC and the athlete within 10 days of receiving notice from the athlete or the new club (whichever is earlier); and GBC will immediately notify the new club that it cannot register the athlete with GBC until: o The athlete meets his/her financial obligation(s) to the former club; or o If disputed, the matter is resolved by way of mediation, negotiation or other legal process 2.4.5 If an athlete is in bad standing and the athlete disputes the financial obligation(s) owed to the former club, the following rules apply: a) Until the matter is resolved, the athlete will be considered by GBC to be an independent athlete. o An independent athlete may train at any GBC member club. o An independent athlete is insured until the end of the current registration year. o Should the matter be unresolved beyond the current registration year, the athlete must register in the new registration year directly with GBC as an independent athlete. o An independent athlete may compete in any sanctioned competition and is eligible for selection to Team BC. An independent athlete cannot collect points for any coach or club o In order to compete in any sanctioned competition, an independent athlete must pay the host registration fee and GBC administration fee of $200 for each competition prior to such competition Once the matter is resolved, GBC will have discretion to reimburse the athlete in part or in whole for GBC administration fees paid if the matter be resolved in favour of the athlete b) The former club must notify GBC in writing when the matter is resolved 2.4.6 If any GBC member club contravenes paragraph 2.4.4 or 2.4.5 b), the GBC member club may be fined by GBC up to $500. 2.4.7 Coaches may change clubs without restriction. Section 6 – WAG Page 11 October 2013 2.5 Athlete Dress Code During warm-up and competition, athletes must wear their competitive attire as follows: Women: Footwear: No jewellery 2.6 Bodysuit with or without sleeves - refer to the FIG Code of Points in effect for specifics about the bodysuit Sport shorts or tights (optional) for warm up only Members of a team must wear identical uniforms for team competitions As per FIG regulations Respect of Others GBC is committed to providing an environment in which all individuals are treated with respect. Furthermore, GBC supports equal opportunities and prohibits discriminatory practices. All athletes must refrain from comments or behaviours which are disrespectful, offensive, abusive, racist or sexist. Participants must show respect for the social and cultural values of other athletes, coaches, officials and volunteers working in the sport. All participants must conduct themselves at all times in the spirit of fair play and in a responsible manner. In competitions, athletes who fail to do so will be penalized according to the GBC Code of Conduct. 2.7 2.8 Benefits for National Team Members Athletes who have been identified by GCG as part of a National Team will receive access to coaching and judging courses at discounted rates. Eligibility: National Team Member in HP Junior or Senior, within 3 years of when they wish to take the course. Coaching: Eligible athletes, 16 years and over may take the Gymnastics Foundations courses (15 years old if they received training through the 2-year CIT program) and NCCP Level 2 Technical for the cost of the manual only. GCG may grant exemptions. Please refer to the GCG NCCP Regulations. Contact the GBC office for details. Judging: Eligible athletes, 15 years and over, may take judging courses for the cost of the resource material only. Former athletes may apply to be "fast tracked" into the system. In some cases, GCG may allow fast tracking. Please contact GBC for more details. WAG Funding Opportunities 2.8.1 Athlete Assistance Program (AAP) Athletes who meet the requirements below may apply to receive AAP. Section 6 – WAG Page 12 October 2013 Requirements In order to qualify for Athlete Assistance the athlete must: be in good standing with GBC be registered to compete in the current competitive year have competed and ranked at the preceding Canadian Championships or Canada Games Fill out and return the completed AAP application form. Incomplete applications will be returned to the athlete. Applications not received by GBC by the stated deadline will not be considered HP athletes must attend BC Championships in one of the following ways: compete or take part in a demonstration with full or partial routines Athletes accepting AAP funding agree to support and participate in all initiatives of GBC Programming. (I.E.: attend Technical Committee designated camps, attempt to qualify for appropriate Team BC events, etc.) Athletes accepting AAP funding agree to abide by the Team BC Code of Conduct or otherwise be subject to funding repercussions Athlete Appeal Procedure In the event an athlete wishes to dispute the AAP selection process he/she may ask, in writing, the Technical Committee to review their decision. If the athlete is still in disagreement with the Technical Committee’s final decision they may appeal through the Gymnastics BC appeal procedure as found in the Governance Section of the Policy and Procedure Manual. Athletes Unable to attend BC Championships HP athletes unable to attend BC Championships must present a request for exemption to the WTC 14 days prior to BC Championships. Reasonable exemptions may include athletes assigned by GCG for an international assignment. Athletes who are approved for exemption must make themselves available to compete or demonstrate at one of the other trial competitions in that season or fulfill another obligation such as a special appearance on behalf of GBC at special event etc. Only the WTC may grant exceptions in some years due to competition schedule and location. AAP Grouping The amount of funding available in a given year will determine which groups will receive funding. None of the groups are guaranteed funding Funding will be equal for all athletes in a given group HP Senior and Junior athletes are ranked according to their ranking in the All Around competition and Apparatus Finals. (According to 2 day average in years GCG uses 2 day ranking system) at Canadian Championships and/or Canada Games. Those athletes not passing preliminary round will take preliminary rankings HP and National Novice and Open athletes will be placed into funding groups based on the AA competition and Apparatus Finals for each age category at the Canadian Championships and/or Canada Games. Team competition is excluded Medical petitions will not be accepted Section 6 – WAG Page 13 October 2013 Group 1: Senior HP AA 1-12 or apparatus medalist Junior HP AA 1-6 or apparatus medalist Novice HP AA 1-3 or apparatus medalist AA or Apparatus at Canada Games Group 2: Senior HP AA 13-18 or apparatus finalist Novice HP AA 4-6 or apparatus 4-8 National Novice AA 1-3 or apparatus medalist National Open (both age groups) AA 1-3 or apparatus medalist Group 3: Junior HP AA 13-18 Novice HP AA 7-12 National Novice AA 4-6 National Open (both age groups) AA 4-6 Group 4: Senior HP AA 19-24 Junior HP AA 19-24 Novice HP AA 13-20 National Novice AA 7-12 National Open (both age groups) AA 7-12 Group 5: National Novice 13-24 National Open (both age groups) 13-20 2.8.2 Performance Enhancement Funding Eligibility Athletes must be in good standing with GBC to be eligible for funding. Athletes or coaches who meet the priorities more than once are able to apply for each event. Individuals will be asked to apply for reimbursement of their expenses in April and all funds will be paid at the end of June, based on the information submitted. It is the responsibility of the individual to provide the correct information, not WTC to collect it. Priority #1 will be paid out completely before consideration is given to priority #2, etc. If there are not enough funds remaining to pay the desired amount, each individual in that priority group will be reduced by the same percentage. (i.e. Pay out 42% of flight for priority 3 due to lack of funds). Athletes and coaches must follow the GBC travel policy to be considered for funding. Priority list for Performance Enhancement Funding HP Novice, Junior and Senior athletes and their coaches are eligible to apply for funding based in the following priorities: Priority #1: GCG Team Preparation Camps not funded by GCG: $200 Priority #2: National Training camps not funded by GCG $150 Section 6 – WAG Page 14 October 2013 2.8.3 Priority #3: International Competitions (outside Canada). These are international assignments where athletes have been invited by GCG to represent Canada on a self funded basis. 50% of flight to a maximum of $800 Priority #4: International competitions (inside or outside Canada) These are international assignments where athletes have been approved by GCG and will represent team BC/Canada. (Up to 50% of flight/accommodation to a maximum of $500) Priority #5: Elite Canada - The remaining money of the budget not yet spent to be divided equally between athletes who participate 100% and qualify for the HP list; they will not be eligible if they were named to the list through petition alone. Excellence Funding - Canadian Championships A total of three (3) grants will be awarded to the top WAG athletes and their personal coach(s) at the Canadian Championships in recognition of their excellence. The $500 grant will be sent to the club and is to be split 50%-50% between the athlete and her personal coach(s). If less than three (3) athletes meet the required standard, the money is not awarded to any other athlete. The grant will be awarded based on results of the All-Around Competitions and Apparatus finals. Team competition is not used. WOMEN Priority 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Category HP Senior HP Senior HP Senior HP Junior HP Junior HP Junior HP Novice HP Novice HP Novice Open (both age groups) Open (both age groups) Open (both age groups) Novice Novice Novice HP Senior HP Senior HP Senior Section 6 – WAG WOMEN Rank 1AA 2AA 3AA 1AA 2AA 3AA 1AA 2AA 3AA 1AA 2AA 3AA 1AA 2AA 3AA 4AA 5AA 6AA Page 15 Priority 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Category HP Junior HP Junior HP Junior HP Senior HP Junior HP Senior HP Junior HP Senior HP Junior HP Novice Open (both age groups) Novice HP Novice Open (both age groups) Novice HP Novice Open (both age groups) Novice October 2013 Rank 4AA 5AA 6AA 1 Event 1 Event 2 Event 2 Event 3 Event 3 Event 1 Event 1 Event 1 Event 2 Event 2 Event 2 Event 3 Event 3 Event 3 Event 2.9 Integrated Performance System (IPS) / CSI Targeted Athletes Gymnastics has been recognized by the BC Sport Agency and by the Canadian Sport Institute Pacific (CSI) as a targeted sport. This means a sport for which there is a strong potential for BC athletes to make National Team. GBC benefits of extra funding used to improve programming that benefits all National level athletes, in addition to providing specialized services to list of targeted athletes. The list of targeted athletes is determined following Canadian Championships. In some categories/instances, National Team members are identified by Gymnastics Canada at a different time of the year. The athletes awaiting the National Team status will be put on the list with the mention “to be confirmed”. Confirmation is made by Gymnastics Canada directly with CSI. General Eligibility Requirements To be identified, athletes must: be in good standing with Gymnastics BC and Gymnastics Canada be registered with a BC club meet qualification requirement as set out by Gymnastics Canada for National Team Program meet qualification requirements as set out in the chart below Provincial Elite Level 1 On stream to make Senior National team in one year, as verified by GCG. Senior National Team or Junior National Team (non-Sport Canada Carded) Provincial Elite Level 1A On stream to make Senior National team in 2-3 years, as verified by GCG. HP Senior and HP Junior (Top AA 10 or top 6 on an event at the preceding CC), Youth National team or La Releve Status Provincial Development Level 2 HP or National Novice (Top 6 AA or Top 6 on one apparatus at preceding CC) For more information on IPS, please contact the Technical Director of Gymnastics BC. 2.10 External Sport Credit Program for Students The BC education system provides an opportunity to athletes that are school aged to earn credits toward their high school graduation depending on their depth of involvement in gymnastics. Gymnastics BC administers this program for the government. For more information please visit: http://www.bced.gov.bc.ca/graduation/ext_credentials/athlete_programs.php. Section 6 – WAG Page 16 October 2013 Letters of ‘External Credit’ achievement will be automatically generated from the Gymnastics BC office for the following team involvement achievement: Grade 10 credits - Zone Team participants at BC Winter Games Grade 11 credits - Team BC participants at Western Canadian Championships - Team BC participants at Western Canada Cup - Team BC participant at Western Canada Summer Games Grade 12 credits - Team BC participant at Canadian Championships - Team BC participant at Canada Winter Games Students can expect to receive a letter (or letters) for their accomplishment sometime between January and May of the year following the season of competition. Letters are sent ONLY for the first year of achievement. Be sure a copy of the letter is taken to your high school counsellor upon receipt. Students who have achieved a certain level as a competitive athlete, coach or judge may also be eligible for external sport credit. GBC will send a letter to students who have achieved the standard and request a letter from the GBC External Credits coordinator. Students will be responsible to present the letter to their school. Section 6 – WAG Page 17 October 2013 PART 3: COACHES 3.1 Generalities To coach any gymnastics discipline, a person must: be registered with Gymnastics BC as a coach have completed the screening requirement (Police Record Check), as per BC Provincial Law hold the minimal NCCP level required according to the athletes training under his/her supervision have completed the “Respect in Sport” online program have completed the Making Ethical Decisions (MED) online program 3.2 Requirements for the Coaching Staff For ALL gymnastics related activities, there must be present at ALL times in the gym: A coach that is a minimum Gymnastics Foundations certified (specific certification level required is determined by the level of athletes that are training) One (1) adult 19 years or older (as per provincial law) One (1) person that holds a valid certificate in First Aid from one of the following courses: o Red Cross Standard First Aid Course o Workers Compensation Board Level 1 OR o St John’s Ambulance Standard First Aid Course Any other certification must be approved by the GBC Technical Director. These responsibilities may be held by one person or a combination of persons. 3.3 Minimum NCCP Certification The minimum certification required (as indicated below) is applicable for regular training (normal every day training) and for competitions. Coaches that do not meet the minimum standard must apply for an exemption (see Coaching Section of the P&P Manual, 3.1.6). Program Provincial National 3.4 Categories GYMSTART Level 1-2 Minimum NCCP Certification Gymnastics Foundations - Trained Gymnastics Foundations / NCCP Level 1 certified And NCCP Level 2 technical GYMSTART Level 3-4 CPP Level 1 CPP Level 2-3-4-5 Pre-Novice NCCP Level 2 Certified Novice, Open, Junior, Senior NCCP Level 3 Certified Access to Competition Floor Coaches must meet the minimum NCCP certification required to coach at competitions. If the coach does not have the minimum certification, the coach / club must request an exemption from the GBC Technical Director. If allowed, the exemption will only be for a limited time period. Section 6 – WAG Page 18 October 2013 3.5 Dress Code for Coaches Competition Attire for Coaches: Coaches must dress according to the GCG Guidelines. Appropriate training suit, excluding hats, shorts, midriff tops, ripped or torn clothing or similar Top: t-shirt, polo shirt or training jacket Appropriate indoor sport footwear Coaches dressed inappropriately will receive a warning from the Competition Head Judge or host club or GBC staff. The coach will have 30 minutes to comply; if the situation is not corrected after 30 minutes, a penalty may be applied. 3.6 Behaviour During a competition, a coach should: Attend the technical meeting and collaborate with the organizing committee, judges and other coaches for the warm up, for the march-in and for the award ceremonies. Remain with his/her athletes as long as they are on the training or competition floor. Respect all competitors. Show sportsmanship, personal and professional integrity. Abide by FIG and GCG rules and the GBC Code of at all times. Towards the officials, a coach should: Respect their work and try to promote good communication. Address the Competition Head Judge or the D1 on the event if he/she has any questions about his/her athlete. In the case of a disagreement, the coach must remain calm and polite and address his or her concerns to the Competition Head Judge. NOTE: refer to GBC Section 4: Coaching, NCCP and Certifications; for additional information NOTE: refer to GBC Section 10: Team BC; for a complete copy of the Code of Conduct Section 6 – WAG Page 19 October 2013 PART 4: COMPETITIVE STRUCTURE 4.1 GBC Registration All athletes, coaches and clubs must register with GBC at the beginning of the competitive season. Officials must be registered members with GBC at the time of the judging course or for their first meet of the season. To register for an event, clubs must complete and return the official registration forms accompanied by payment to the host club (or GBC when applicable) by the deadline. Member Category Requirements Athletes Registered with GBC as competitive athlete Excluded from ranking $100 fine to be invoiced to the club Registered with GBC $ 200 fine The fine is equal to the course cost of the missing NCCP level. The coach will automatically be registered for the next available NCCP Course and will be expected to complete the missing level within 12 months of being fined. The fine will be applied to the course registration provided that it is completed within the 12 month period. The coach will lose the money if the course is not taken within 12 months Excluded from the competition: Coaches may apply for an exemption by contacting GBC’s Technical Director at least 30 days before the event. The exemption may only be given once per individual Coaches Fines in case of non-adherence (Fines are charged on-top of registration fees) Not meeting minimum NCCP Certification Clubs 4.2 Registered with GBC $200 fine Athlete Mobility and Switching Categories 4.2.1 Confirmation of Competitive Level All competitive levels must be confirmed with GBC by February 15, 2014 of the current competitive season. All athletes are allowed to move up levels unrestricted following BC Championships. Athletes may not move down levels without acceptance of written petition to the WTC. There is one exception to this rule: BC Winter Games – A gymnast who is age eligible and competing in an eligible category may compete at the BC Winter Games. The athlete may compete in her usual category at any event prior to or following the BC Games and the zone trial events. Section 6 – WAG Page 20 October 2013 4.2.2 Changing Levels Athletes should follow the normal progression going from lower level (Provincial 1, for example) towards higher level categories (Provincial 5, for example). Prior to February 15, 2014, athletes may compete in any level, as long as their choice of category follows the normal progression from their previous year category. For example, if an athlete was registered as a Provincial 2 during the previous season, she is not authorized to compete or register as a Provincial 1 during the following season. She must register and compete at least in the Provincial 2 category. If an athlete decides to change category after the deadline, a written request must be made to the WTC. The request must include the name of the athlete, club, initial category, category petitioned, and reason for requesting the category change. The request must be accompanied by a non refundable cheque of $25.00, for administration fee, payable to GBC. Gymnasts who want to qualify for Team BC events (Westerns or Canadian Championships) must be registered in the appropriate category by the first trial to Canadian Championships (or Feb 15, whichever is first). Once an athlete has competed in a trial event, she is locked into that category up to and including BC Championships (or a final trials meet that may take place after BC Championships). If she wishes to change levels after the trials process has begun, she (her coach) must request the petition as stated above but they will be removed from the trials pool. An athlete cannot argue that she competed a trial event, but “did not want to qualify as a Team member”. Participation at the trial event is sufficient to lock the athlete in that category for the remainder of the season. If an athlete represents Team BC at an event in a given category, she cannot revert to a lower level category, even if the event is before the February 15 deadline. (NS Cup) BC Winter Games and Western Canada Summer Games are an exception as athletes are not locked into a category: athletes can return to their original category after Trials or after the Games. For BC Games however, national stream athletes (Novice, Open or High Performance) are not eligible. Athletes in the Canadian Pre-Novice (CPN) category are able to move between CPP and CPN if there is no Pre-Novice category at that event. Aspire must compete CPP P3 or higher and Elite P4 or higher. Athletes in Gymstart Endeavour are also able to move between programs if no GYMSTART Endeavour is offered. Endeavour must compete in P2 or higher. Athletes may move up levels only after BC Championships (or a final trials meet that may take place after BC Championships) without WTC permission. Section 6 – WAG Page 21 October 2013 4.2.3 Changes that do not follow the normal path An athlete who wants to register in a category that would not follow the normal progression either in the following competitive season or after the February 15 deadline must submit a written request to the WTC at least 10 days before the first competition where she intends to compete. Requests are not automatically granted and are determined on a case by case basis. A non-refundable administration fee of $25 is required if the request is made after February 15. Cheque must be made payable to GBC. 4.2.4 Age Groups Athletes may not compete in an age category younger than their competitive age group. Athletes may move up an age group at invitational competition and return to their original category for other invitational events as clubs may want to move athletes up to complete their club team. For all GBC events, all athletes must register in the appropriate age group. GBC events are events such as: BC Championships, trials to Westerns, trials to Canadians or trials to Canada Games or any other GBC coordinated event. For trials, failure to register athletes in the correct category and / or age group will result in the athlete being ineligible for qualification. Section 6 – WAG Page 22 October 2013 4.3 BC Provincial Structure 4.3.1 BC Program Structure For all categories of the women’s program, birth years are used: Provincial 1 Provincial 2 Provincial 3 Provincial 4 Provincial 5 Open 1999 Open 1999 Open 1999 Open 1999 Open 1999 Novice 2000-2001 Novice 2000-2001 Novice 2000-2001 Novice 2000-2001 Novice 2000-2001 Tyro 2002-2003 Tyro 2002-2003 Tyro 2002-2003 Argo/Tyro 2002-2005 Tyro 2002-2003 Argo 2004-2006 Argo 2004-2006 Argo 2004-2006 Pre-Argo 2006-2008 Pre-Argo 2006-2008 G/S/B G/S/B Kip 1 2004-2008 Kip 2 2004-2008 GYMSTART 1 5 years + GYMSTART 2 5 years + GYMSTART 3 6 years + G/S/B* G/S/B* G/S/B GFA DEVELOPMENTAL COMPETITIVE CATEGORIES PROVINCIAL Canadian Provincial Program (age adapted for BC) NATIONAL National Open 2001 Nat Novice 2001-2003 High Performance Senior 2000 Junior 1999-2002 HP Novice 2001-2003 Canadian Pre-Novice Aspire and Elite (GCG program) 2003-2005 Pre-Novice Endeavour 2003 - 2006 (GYMSTART 4) GYMNASTICS FOR ALL - Recreational Programs (All ages) Interclub (6 years +) *Kip 1 and Kip 2 rules are maintained and distributed by a club. Ages are the same as PreArgo. o G/S/B: Gold, Silver, Bronze type of evaluation 4.3.2 GBC may merge categories if the number of registered participants is insufficient. 4.3.3 Objectives of Each Program Interclub (Gymnastics for All Program) Athletes who want to attend advanced recreational activities outside of their club excluding provincial sanctioned Gymnaestrada and are registered as Interclub athletes can participate in Interclub events. Interclub provides a performance opportunity in a meet-type setting for recreational athletes. The purpose of the Interclub category is to expand the Section 6 – WAG Page 23 October 2013 opportunities for athletes at the recreational level. Gymnasts, ages 6 & up and of any ability, have the chance to be part of a team, learn and master routines, and have the chance to perform. Interclub promotes a creative environment that does not follow traditional competitive gymnastics (i.e. the FIG code). Athletes may participate in either Interclub (basic program) or Performance Plus. There is no ranking system which means that all athletes will receive a similar participation gift (same coloured medal, for example) or certificate. Development Programs The GYMSTART program is a 3 level skills program coupled with a 5 level physical preparation program designed to introduce basic skills with a strong emphasis on physical preparation. The first 3 levels target beginner gymnasts aged 5-8 year with the option to continue to fast track into routines in competitive GYMSTART Endeavour program. At any given event, athletes can choose to be evaluated on one or on both components (physical/skills). Both components are very good tools to build athletes with strong basics and strong physical abilities. Athletes in GYMSTART Levels 1, 2 and 3 can register as “developmental” athletes. All other categories are considered “competitive” for registration purposes. KIP program is a club based program for those not yet ready for CPP1 but still interested in traditional competition. KIP uses B, S, G awards system based on scoring and is considered competitive program requiring judges. Competitive Programs Canadian Provincial Program (Pre-Argo, Argo, Tyro, Novice, Open) This program is established for the majority of competitive gymnasts in Canada. Gymnasts can compete in these levels across provincial boundaries under the same set of rules and judging practices. The Canadian Provincial Program is made up of 5 levels. The first 3 levels are designed to offer a basic gymnastics program with some restrictions to ensure the safety of all participants. The 4th and 5th levels introduce elements of higher difficulty. Pre-Argo age uses Bronze-Silver-Gold award system based on score. Please refer to Appendix 1 for range of scores for the awards. GYMSTART Endeavour With the growth and expansion of GYMSTART and the increasing popularity of the pre-novice programs, BC has re-formatted GYMSTART 4 to blend better with the National Pre-Novice category. The Endeavour gymnasts compete and are assessed in the same manner as the pre-novice program but with easier technical requirements and modified equipment adapted for younger and smaller gymnasts. This is an excellent option for clubs to streamline directly into pre-novice or higher level CPP from GYMSTART bypassing CPP levels 1, 2 or 3. Section 6 – WAG Page 24 October 2013 Canadian Pre-Novice Program The Canadian Pre-Novice Program (CPN) has been created to assist in the development of young athletes as they set their sights on participating in highlevel competition. The program is dedicated to mastering strong basic skills upon which to build contemporary advanced elements in the years to come. Although the athletes will not perform “compulsory” routines, their optional routines will be created from a set of indicated skills, connections and requirements listed for each event. The emphasis is on the quality, not on the quantity of the elements performed. The CPN Program is an excellent start for all gymnasts as they aspire to fulfill their potential and eventually compete at the highest levels of gymnastics in the Canadian Provincial Program, National Program and the High Performance Program. National Categories / Programs Gymnastics Canada (GCG) offers a national stream program and a high performance stream program. Athletes at this level train and compete toward Provincial teams at National and International events. Athletes at this level are eligible for trials competitions, training camps, international travel and an assortment of bursaries and financial assistance from GBV for training and competition. The content of the program is under Gymnastics Canada’s jurisdiction with consultation from all provinces. Section 6 – WAG Page 25 October 2013 PART 5: PROVINCIAL EVENTS 5.1 Generalities All athletes must be supervised by a coach when they are on the warm up or competition floor. Coaches must have the proper NCCP certification to be allowed access to the training and competition floor. In normal circumstances, a maximum of 2 coaches / club / category are authorized on the competition floor during competition. The club may have more coaches on the floor during training and warm up, but is restricted to 2 coaches once the actual competition begins. 5.2 Protests Protests are not allowed for any categories but coaches may inquire about the D and E scores. 5.3 Tie Breaking There is no tie-breaking rule. If there is a tie, the following position is skipped. For example, if there is a tie for 2nd place, there will be no 3rd place awarded. The next athlete in rank order will get the 4th place award. 5.4 Warm-Up Procedure NOTE: refer to Appendix 2: BC Warm-Up Procedures 5.5 Sanctioning Information Any GBC member club wishing to host a GBC sanctioned competitive event shall complete and submit the “Application Form for Sanctioned Events”, The application must be completed in full and returned with payment to the GBC office. The application will be considered once both the form and payment have been received at the GBC office. Deadline for submitting the form for the subsequent competitive season is May 31, NOTE: refer to GBC Section 9: BC Events, Sanctioning and Hosting Protocols; for additional information 5.6 BC Championships 5.6.1 Eligibility All athletes registered in the following categories are eligible to compete in BC Championships: Provincial: National: Section 6 – WAG P2 - Zone Team (6 athletes per age group per zone) P3, P4 and P5 (All age groups supported by GBC) GYMSTART 4 Endeavour Pre-Novice (Aspire and Elite), Novice (National and HP), Open, Junior and Senior Page 26 October 2013 CPP: Level 2 athletes are invited to compete at BC Championships. However, because of schedule restrictions, the participation of the Level 2 at BC Championships is re-evaluated every year. Although the HP Junior and Senior athletes are not required to compete in BC Championships for qualification they are encouraged to do so. They are required to participate through competition or demonstration to fulfill obligations for some GBC funding applications. No registration is required if they are demonstrating or presenting awards. Registration fee is required if they compete. Athletes unable to attend due to injury or other gymnastics obligations may apply for exemption. See AAP funding. 5.6.2 Registration Clubs must complete and submit the official registration forms, accompanied by payment, to GBC by the deadline. Late fees will be applied. In WAG, clubs must identify team members on the registration form. All athletes must register in the appropriate age group for BC Championships. Refunds will only be provided when a medical certificate has been submitted to GBC prior to the competition. No refunds will be granted once the first session’s warm up has started. All refunds will be processed after BC Championships. The BC Championships Information Package - Bulletin #1 is circulated before January 1 and provides more precise information: registration deadline, athletes’ and coaches’ registration fees, refund procedures, etc. It is the responsibility of the club to register all of their athletes and coaches, including the P2 athletes that have qualified for BC Championships. 5.6.3 Schedule and Competition Order A Provisional schedule will be circulated in Bulletin #1. The final schedule and draw/competition order will be circulated to clubs once final registration numbers are available. Section 6 – WAG Page 27 October 2013 5.6.4 Awards Category Provincial 2 (when included) Provincial 3,4,5 Age Groups / Levels Argo, Tyro, Novice, Open Max 6 athletes per zone per age group Argo, Tyro, Novice, Open Individual Awards Team Awards Zone Team Award (1-3); combined award for all age groups Team: All members of the Zone Team (maximum 24 members per zone) Top 3 scores per event to count Wild cards included in individual AA competition Club Team Award (1-3); combined award for all age groups per level Team: max 5 athletes per club, Top 3 scores per event to count If there is more than 36 athletes in any given age category above the category will be split by birth year and in some circumstances by birth date (depending on the split) Endeavour Club Team Award (1-3); combined award for both levels Team: min of 3, max of 5 athletes per club; Top 3 scores per event to count Aspire, Elite Club Team Award (1-3); combined award for all age groups. Team: min of 3, max of 5 athletes per club; Top 3 scores per event to count National / HP Novice Both National and HP Novices to compete in one category Club Team Award (1-3) Team: min of 3, max of 4 athletes per club; Top 3 scores per event to count National Open Both age groups to compete in one category Club Team Award (1-3) Team: min of 3, max of 4 athletes per club; Top 3 scores per event to count GYMSTART Canadian Pre-Novice High Performance Junior / Senior Plaque AA Champion Medals 1-3 Ribbons 4-10 Level 2 wild cards included in AA awards No team awards Note: If there is only one competitor, only all around awards will be given. If there are two or more competitors, all awards will be given. Ties: In case of a tie, the tied athletes will both receive the same award. The next placing will be skipped. Section 6 – WAG Page 28 October 2013 5.7 BC Games BC Winter Games are held every other year on even numbered years. All zones must host their Zone Trials before the set deadline. Zones must provide the Provincial Advisor and GBC Technical Director with their trials procedures by December 15, prior to the Games. It must include: Date of the selection meet Selection process for the top athletes (3 per category, ranking of potential wildcards) Selection process for the team coaches and ranking of potential extra staff Zone’s uniform (who is responsible, etc.) It is each zone’s responsibility to ensure a fair process for the selection of athletes and coaches. Each Zone must hold Trials to determine their team members. For the BC Games, athletes must be registered in the zone where they reside (not zone of club) Please refer to the BC Games Technical Package. Section 6 – WAG Page 29 October 2013 PART 6: TEAM BC EVENTS Please refer to Policies and Procedures Manual Section 10 – Team BC for more information. 6.1 Definition of Team BC Team BC events will include any competition where GBC assists financially or coordinates team travel or identifies a team that will represent BC. It includes competitions such as: Canadian Championships Western Canadian Championships National Stream Cup Canada Games Western Canada Summer Games Any other meets where GBC assists financially or coordinates team travel or identifies a team which will represent BC 6.2 Team BC Uniforms Athletes attending a Team BC event, such as Western Canadian Championships or Canadian Championships, must wear the official BC uniform. Uniform sizing will take place early in the competitive season at both competitions and training camps. All sizing and orders must be completed by the set date identified at the beginning of this document. A cheque for the full amount of items ordered (or a credit card number) is required at the time of ordering. There will be NO refunds for uniform pieces once the order has been place with the supplier. 6.3 Eligibility and Requirement for Team BC Member According to their status, individuals must meet eligibility requirements to be named to Team BC. Athletes and coaches must be named by their Technical Committee. Athletes must meet the minimum score set out by the Technical Committees at the trial competitions. All members of Team BC must complete and return all requested waivers and medical forms by the set deadline. Athletes and coaches must pay the required fees by the set deadline. Athletes and coaches must attend all identified training camps or request an exemption (and provide reasons) at least 2 weeks prior to the camp. All members of Team BC must comply with all GBC rules of conduct, travel and cost sharing policies. Athletes and coaches must purchase the designated team uniform. Chef, managers and chaperones may borrow the tracksuit from GBC. If athletes are receiving GBC funding to attend an event, they are expected to wear Team BC uniform, unless prior arrangements have been made with the appropriate Technical Committee Athletes who fail to meet any of the above criteria may be removed from the team by the WTC, Support Staff or GBC staff. Section 6 – WAG Page 30 October 2013 6.4 Official Naming of Team Members The WTC will officially name qualifying members after their meeting. No member will be confirmed before this official announcement. 6.5 Funding for Athletes and Coaches For some events, such as the Canadian Championships and Westerns, GBC establishes its budget at the beginning of the season. GBC will pay 100% of the cost for the staff (Chef, Managers and Chaperones), judges and Team or assigned coaches. GBC will also pay for other expenses like van rental. The remainder of the GBC budget will be split equally between the participating disciplines. For some event, all athletes are funded equally; for other events athletes’ funding is tier based (the best athletes get more funding). For other events, GBC will determine, at the beginning of the year, the percentage of total cost that will be subsidized to athletes and coaches. It will be communicated to all clubs as soon as possible. Coaches or athletes who do not follow the guidelines set forth by GBC may lose their funding. Coaches’ Participation in the IPS program: Funding for the coaches of CSI targeted athletes is strongly linked to the participation in the IPS program. Targeted coaches will be required to fulfill a series of identified activities to receive full funding to CC. These activities include (but is not limited to): o IST Camps (minimum of 1 camp attendance per competitive season (July 1 to June 30) o Completion and submission of the athlete’s preparation plan no later than the CC training Camp. o Completion and submission of the CC post-competition report form Failure to fulfil these requirements will result in partial funding removal (25% for not attending an IST Camp and 25% for failure to submit the preparation plan.) Athletes’ Participation in the IPS program: Since GBC funding is strongly linked to the participation of targeted HP athletes in the IPS program, all athletes will be required to fulfill a series of identified activities to receive their full athlete portion of funding to CC. These activities include (but is not limited to): o IST Camps (minimum of 1 camp attendance per competitive season (mandatory for Targeted athletes only) (July 1 to June 30)) o Attendance at CC preparation camp (mandatory for all athletes) o Completion and submission of the athlete’s benchmarks no later than September 30 of the competition season. (mandatory for Targeted athletes only) o Completion and submission of the CC athlete post-competition report form. ( All athletes) Failure to fulfil these requirements will result in a $100 loss of funding to attend CC. Section 6 – WAG Page 31 October 2013 6.6 Team BC Staff The Team BC staff is a group of volunteers who help coordinate all aspects of team management during events. The table in the P&P Section 10 (Team BC) describes the selection process for the Team BC staff as well as their responsibilities toward the Team before, during and after the event. The mission staff may include a Chef de Mission, Managers, Chaperones and Coaches. All staff members, including coaches, must collaborate with the various duties and responsibilities. 6.7 Team BC Travel Policy Depending on the event, GBC may offer group or individual transport or a combination of both. Group Transport: Transport (flights, bus or other) is organized by GBC. Team members must travel together. This includes athletes, coaches, Chef, managers and chaperones. Team members will be invoiced for the cost of travel Any individual requesting changes to their flight will be billed with any extra cost incurred because of the change. If they are unable to travel due to sickness or injury, they will be responsible for the fee charged by the airline (the fee will not be charged if GBC is not billed). Individual Transport: Transport (flights, bus or other) is organized by each individual / club. Each individual is responsible for the cost of transportation Unless prior arrangements have been made with GBC, ground transportation between the airport and host accommodation is the responsibility of the individual / club If an athlete below the age of 19 years old is requesting individual transport, the athlete’s family, coaches or club must ensure that she is not traveling alone 6.7.1 Expenses for Team BC Members Living Outside of the Lower Mainland Athletes and coaches living outside the lower mainland may be reimbursed their reasonable costs if they need to travel for identified Team BC training camps or for the competition. It is the responsibility of the athlete’s club and coaches to contact GBC and make arrangements. All expenses must be approved by GBC staff a minimum of 14 days before the activity. 6.8 Athlete Selection for Team BC Events 6.8.1 Eligibility for Trial Events For all Trial Events, the following requirements must be met: Athletes must fulfill the requirements for Team BC membership Athletes must be registered and in good standing with GBC Athletes must register with the host organizing committee of the trial competition within the set deadline AND in the appropriate category (completed forms including payment). It is the club’s responsibility to register the athletes in the correct category. Any athlete registered in the wrong category will be excluded from any selection process Section 6 – WAG Page 32 October 2013 6.8.2 Late Registration for Trial Events, camps and clinics For Elite Canada screening, GBC trial events, GBC training camps and tests, late registration will be possible in the 7 days following the deadline. Late fees may be applied. Registration after the late registration deadline (7 days past the official registration date) will depend on the event, the space available and will be determined on a case by case basis. Full payment must be received by the start of the event in all cases. The late fee amount may vary depending on services provided (meals, accommodation, t-shirts, guest coach and judge expenses). Detailed information will appear in all information packages. Cancellation fees / non attendance: Deadline for cancellation is 48 hours before the start of the event. Cancellation due to medical will be accepted up until the event. An administration fee of up to $20 may be retained by the host club depending on the event for all cancellation including medicals. 6.8.3 Minimum Scores for Team Selection Only athletes who have met the minimum scores will be allowed to attend Canadian Championships. No funding will be provided to an athlete (HP or not) that has not met the minimum standards In the event the Top 4 athletes for team selection do not meet the minimum standard, the WTC will review the standard and make appropriate adjustments HP athletes and coaches may attend if they did not meet the traveling score but at their own expense upon approval of the WTC National Novice and Open athletes may not attend CC even at their own expense if they have not met the minimum score 6.8.4 Western Canadian Championships General Information General Information is available in the Western Canadian Championships Technical Rules and work plans. Invited Categories: CPP level 5 Tyro: team of 4 CPP level 5 Novice and Open: teams of 5 HP/National Open and HP/National Novice: teams of 7 plus wild cards, if available Pre-Novice: Max 10 (5 elite and 5 aspire plus wild cards, if available). PreNovice athletes attend on a self-funded basis. Pre-Novice Team coaches are fully funded and travel with the team. Independent coaches are not and selffunded. The 2014 Westerns Canadian Championships will host an inter-provincial event for CPP level 4: Max 8 plus wild cards. This will be club based and self- funded. Wild card numbers will vary year to year. Westerns Support Staff One Manager and one chaperone, one of which must not have coach duties Section 6 – WAG Page 33 October 2013 Two coaches per team (National levels), one of which must also serve as chaperone One coach per team (Provincial levels), which must also serve as chaperone Medical Petitions There are no medical petitions for Western Canadian Championships. Funding for Westerns Funding for Westerns is determined at the beginning of the season. 6.8.4 Canadian Championships (CC) General Information Please consult GCG Technical Rules and workplans. Invited Categories Team of 6 National/HP Novices plus individual novice (depending on year, HP numbers and minimum scores). Number may vary from year to year. Team of 7 National Opens, and up to 3 individual athletes: from the 10 athletes, a minimum of 3 must be 13-15 years HP Novice, Junior and Senior based on Elite Canada and determined by GCG Note: Individual gymnasts may not train or compete without a designated coach present. Canadian Championships Support Staff Open Category: 2 team coaches and 1 chaperone for the Open team. One individual coach/chaperone for the individual athletes if needed. If the WTC determines an additional coach is needed the individual coach must also serve as chaperone to be funded. In some cases the individual coach may not be sent depending on the number of athletes, schedule and roles of the other funded coaches. Novice Category: 2 team coaches and 1 chaperone for the Novice team. One individual coach/chaperone for the individual athletes if needed. The individual coach must also serve as chaperone to be funded. In some cases the individual coach may not be sent depending on the number of athletes, schedule and roles of the other funded coaches. Team coaches and all support staff will be officially determined following the last trial. CC Athlete Selection Process (Novice and Open) Total scores are determined by combining the AA and event scores from 2 identified trials of 3 possible trials (Ideally the ones that have the most point potential.) The coaches of each athlete will identify which 2 competitions will be used for each athlete immediately following the final trial. Scores from outside the 2 identified competitions cannot be used. Athletes are ranked in the AA and for each apparatus based on the combined 2 All Around scores and the combined 2 Apparatus scores from identified trials with highest scores ranked as 1 descending to lowest. Athletes Section 6 – WAG Page 34 October 2013 receive points based on their rank using the chart below. This calculation method puts equal weight on the All Around ranking as on the apparatus rankings. An athlete can obtain a maximum of 75 points (15 points per 4 apparatus and AA). AA RANK Apparatus RANK POINTS 1 15 2 12 3 9 4 6 5 4 6 3 7 2 AA and apparatus points are then added together and ranked highest to lowest for the total score. If necessary, young athletes will be added to list according to GCG rules. In this case young athletes replace the lowest ranked athlete(s). In the event of a tie for points or no more athletes have any points, the athlete with the highest AA will be chosen. OPEN: Highest 7 total scores will be named as team and others independent. NOVICE: Highest 6 will be named team and others independent. Prior to departure, if an athlete is unable to perform because of illness or injury on the apparatus on which she earned her points, those points may be removed and the next athlete will be taken if possible. On site, if an athlete is unable to perform due to illness or injury, on the apparatus in which she received points, she will be moved to bottom of the list and next athlete will replace her on team. Failure to report injury or illness may result in revocation of funding for coach and athlete. High Performance Athletes HP Novice, Junior and Senior athletes automatically qualify for Canadian Championships Those athletes that successfully petition to HP status but do not actually compete at EC, (ie. medicals or other), including NCAA athletes, must compete at a GBC sanctioned competition (other than the Elite Canada screening activity) within the competitive season prior to CC to be eligible for funding to CC. Verification is not sufficient unless approved in writing. HP Novice athletes must complete the trials process like all other novice to be part of the team. Youth National Team and La Releve members only may petition WTC in writing to use Elite Canada as one of trials scores in the event they cannot attend any BC events due to International competition, injury or illness. HP Novice athletes may petition the WTC to attend Canadian Championships as individual athletes without any funding if they do not meet the minimum standard. Section 6 – WAG Page 35 October 2013 Verification is required for any athlete who does not attend the last trials or who is injured following the last trial for Canadian Championships Verification means that the athlete must show readiness to a selection committee made up of up to 3 independent judges or non-affiliated technical committee members. Members of the selection committee are determined by the WTC. All HP athletes must attend all Team BC activities (training camps) and room with the Contingent. HP athletes (excluding National Team members) must wear the team BC body suit for preliminary competition unless otherwise requested by GCG Medical Petitions There are no medical petitions for Canadian Championships. Athletes’ Funding for Canadian Championships Funding for athletes is linked to their participation in mandatory activities. For example, IPS targeted athletes must participate in selected activities in order to receive maximum funding. Funding for Team BC athletes attending Canadian Championships is based on a tier funding system. The level of funding varies in each tier. Only athletes who have met the minimum scores will be allowed to attend Canadian Championships. No funding will be provided to an athlete (HP or not) that has not met the minimum standards HP athletes and coaches may attend if they did not meet the minimum score but at their own expense upon approval of the WTC National Novice and Open athletes may not attend Canadian Championships even at their own expense if they have not met the minimum score Official minimum scores will be determined prior to the first trial on a yearly basis. Some years no minimum scores are set. Requirements for Injured Team BC Athletes at Canadian Championships Team BC members must immediately notify the WTC in writing of any injury which has one of the following effects: Prevents the athlete from performing routines for more that 5 consecutive training days Prevents the athlete from performing routines within 7 days prior to the departure for the competition Prevents the athlete from performing on all apparatus at the required competition or prevents the athlete from performing on the apparatus that secured her position on the Team. Any injuries that limit the gymnasts’ role on Team BC will be reviewed as well as funding for athletes/coaches by the WTC prior to departure. The WTC may request that the athlete verify routines prior to leaving for the competition. He/she will need to demonstrate that he/she can perform routines with comparable D Scores to the routines he/she performed to earn a position on the team. The WTC may remove the athlete from the team if the athlete is not able to perform routines to that level. Section 6 – WAG Page 36 October 2013 If a club fails to report an injury defined as above, the club may be required to pay all costs associated with the athlete's competition, including their portion of the expenses for coaches and team managers. Funding for Injured Team BC Athletes at Canadian Championships Funding will be limited if athletes have qualified for a Team BC event but are injured and cannot demonstrate full routines prior to departure. This policy is not intended for athletes who are injured on site. HP athletes: If performing all events: Team BC member funding If not performing all events: Reduced funding or no funding National level athletes: (including Provincial level for WCC) If performing all events Team BC member funding If injured and alternate is available Athlete will be replaced If injured and no alternate Reduced funding or no funding 6.8.5 Elite Canada (EC) Please refer to the GCG Technical Rules for more information. Athletes competing at Elite Canada are representing their club, not their province. All WAG athletes wishing to attend Elite Canada must comply with GCG screening policy. BC will run screening activities according to the GCG regulations. GBC is required to and will submit the names of athletes who have successfully completed the screening process on behalf of BC clubs. Clubs are responsible to register athletes. 6.8.6 National Stream Cup Please consult the Technical Package and workplans. Invited Categories: National Novice, National Open and Pre-Novice: Teams of 6 P5 and High Performance athletes are also invited as individuals. The WTC will determine and provide the selection process for the National Stream Cup no later than October of competitive year. 6.8.7 Canada Winter Games (CWG) Please consult the Technical Package issued by the Canada Games Council in conjunction with GCG. Invited Categories Provincial Teams of 6, GCG National Open rules The WTC will determine and provide the selection process for Canada Games no later than September of the Canada Games competitive year. 6.8.8 Western Canada Summer Games (WCSG) Please consult WCSG Technical Rules and workplans. Invited Categories: Provincial Teams of 6, CPP P5 rules Section 6 – WAG Page 37 October 2013 The WTC will determine and provide the selection process for the Western Canada Summer Games no later than September of the WCSG competitive year. 6.9 Coaches Selection for Team BC Events 6.9.1 Team BC Coaching Staff To be assigned as a Team BC member, a coach (team or individual) must meet the minimum eligibility requirement (NCCP, MED, Respect in Sport, Criminal Record Check). See the Policies and Procedures Section 4 – Coaching for complete information. WAG Teams must have at least one female coach per team. Team BC Coaches (Coaches of Team and HP athletes) must abide by the Team BC Handbook and complete (or participate in the completion) the Preparation Plan for their athlete(s) 6.9.2 Regulations Guiding Team Coaches All funded coaches must travel and room with the contingent. Individual travel may be possible for some competitions. Coaches must purchase and wear the Team BC uniform All Coaches must carry out the duties described in the Team BC Handbook. Failure to do so may prevent them from representing Team BC as a funded coach at future All events All coaches must complete (or participate in the completion) the Preparation Plan for their athlete(s). All coaches must attend and play an active role at the training camp All coaches must collaborate with Team BC staff (chef, managers and chaperones) All coaches must follow the GBC Code of Conduct All coaches must complete a report and return it to GBC within 14 days of the end of the competition Failure to participate in the preparation of the Team BC athletes (Team members and HP athletes) or in IPS activities (targeted athletes) may affect coach funding. 6.9.3 Point System Coaches will be selected according to the points they earn for their club from their athletes’ placement at the designated trial competition. The clubs will be placed in an order based on those points. Example: Club A 18 pts. Ranked 1st Club B 14 pts Ranked 2nd Club C 13 pts Ranked 3rd Section 6 – WAG In the case of a tie between 2 clubs the club with the athlete with the highest rank prevails Page 38 October 2013 If the team changes, team coaches do not change, unless the team coach does not have any athletes remaining on the team. A coach cannot be team coach if he/she does not have an athlete on the team In the event that the team coach does not have any athletes remaining on the team, the team coaches will be re-assigned. All re-assignments will be based on points allocated at the time of the final ranking of athletes after the last trial. For example; if Club A no longer has athletes on the team, the next coach would be from club B, even if the new team configuration gave more points to Club C The following table shows the relationship between athlete placement and the number of points a club earns. Athlete’s Ranking Club Points 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 3 5 7 9 12 15 The club with the most points will name the primary coach and the club with the next amount will name the assistant coach. In the event of an individual athlete being selected to a team, the athlete’s points will not count toward the selection of coaches, nor will the subsequent positions be adjusted upwards in the ranking lists. 6.9.4 Individual Coaches who wish to attend Team BC Competitions Individual coaches are those who have not been named as a team coach but wish to be accredited for the competition since they have athletes attending. Individual coaches are responsible for their own travel and accommodation arrangements unless otherwise arranged with GBC Individual coaches must attend all training camps and follow the guidelines set out by GBC and team coaches Individual coaches must purchase a Team BC uniform. Sharing with another member who is at the same event is not permitted Individual coaches must collaborate with Team BC staff (chef, managers and chaperones) Individual coaches must follow the GBC Code of Conduct Individual coaches are NOT permitted accreditation at Canada Winter or Western Canada Summer Games (as per those event technical packages). NOTE: Refer to GBC Section 10: Team BC; for a complete copy of the Code of Conduct Section 6 – WAG Page 39 October 2013 6.9.5 Funding for Coaches Funding for coaches is linked to their participation in mandatory activities. For example, coaches of IPS Targeted athletes must participate in selected activities in order to receive 100% funding (See Above). Identified Team BC Coaches may receive up to 100% funding for the event. Personal or individual coaches are not funded. Club must request to send personal / individual coaches with Gymnastics BC immediately following the last trial event for the competition. Canadian Championships – HP Coaches: o 100% funding for the event with number restrictions as follows: o 1 coach per club for up to 3 athletes (HP athletes) o 2 coaches for 4 or more athletes (HP athletes) 6.10 GBC Travel Policy for Out of Province Invitational Events (Non Team BC Events) As of September 1, 2006, GBC’s insurance providers have requested GBC to implement a proper travel sanctioning process. GBC has developed a Travel Policy and Sanctioning Forms which are included with this document. The objective of the policy is to properly document and ensure that all members traveling outside of British Columbia (but within Canada) are attending appropriate, recognized events and to ensure that our insurance policy provides the coverage to protect our members while attending the event. Please note that the insurance provides protection only with respect to incidences at the event and additional medical/dental travel insurance can be acquired by contacting the GBC office. With the varying degrees of medical coverage amongst the provinces, GBC strongly recommends that all members ensure that they have additional medical/dental travel coverage. Refer to the GBC Website to get the appropriate form. 6.11 Gymnastics Canada Sanctioning Information and Application Forms 6.11.1 Request to Host an International Event or Activity in Canada Refer to the GBC or GCG Website to get the appropriate form. 6.11.2 Participation at an Event and/or Activity Outside of Canada Refer to the GBC or GCG Website to get the appropriate form 6.12 WAG Funding Programs 6.12.1 Performance Enhancement Fund Refer to the GBC or GCG Website to get the appropriate form 6.12.2 Team Competition Fund Refer to the GBC or GCG Website to get the appropriate form Section 6 – WAG Page 40 October 2013 APPENDIX 1 PRE-ARGO CATEGORY RANGE OF SCORES FOR GOLD / SILVER / BRONZE The Pre-Argo will follow the exact same rules as the older athletes. Pre-Argo 1 = same requirements as CPP P1 Pre-Argo 2 = same requirements as CPP P2 Scores are flashed to the public as Gold / Silver / Bronze, and each athlete receives a ribbon of the appropriate colour on each event. At each apparatus, it is usually the responsibility of the secretary to staple to each athlete’s certificate the appropriate ribbon but this can also be done in the scoring room. For example: A Pre-Argo (1 or 2) receives a score of 11.45 on Beam... A “Silver sign ” is flashed to the spectators A silver ribbon is stapled to her certificate by the secretary/volunteer At the end of the competition, each gymnast will have 4 ribbons stapled to her certificate. RANGE OF SCORES FOR THE PRE-ARGO CATEGORIES Pre-Argo 1 (P1 rules) Pre-Argo 2 (P2 rules) Gold 11.6 + 46.40 + 12.0 + 48.0 + Silver 10.5 – 11.59 42.0 – 46.39 11.0 – 11.99 44.0 – 47.99 Bronze Less than 10.5 Less than 42 Less than 11.0 Less than 44.0 Attempted but incomplete vaults = Bronze Section 6 – WAG Page 41 No attempts = no award October 2013 APPENDIX 2 BC WARM-UP PROCEDURES SEASON 2013 – 2014 CPP (Canadian Warm up format) General Warm up 20 minutes: Athletes may not start the general warm-up on the competition floor before the set time. Athletes may not use the equipment during the general warm-up (not go on V, UB, BB – only light tumbling on FX re: beam acro on line). Sanction: first infraction: Verbal warning to athlete and coach, 2nd offence from same coach/athlete: coach red carded – and removal from competition floor for that session V UB BB P1-P3: 60 sec/athlete P1-P2: 2 vaults P3-P5: 3 vaults P4-P5: 4 vaults – if salto Canadian Warm up P4-P5: 90 sec/athlete Group warm up (groups of 8+ are split) P1-P3: 60 sec/athlete P4-P5: 90 sec/athlete FX P1-P3: 60 sec/athlete P4-P5: 90 sec/athlete Max 5 minutes Groups of 8+ are split. P1-P2 coaches may request to warm up in one group, even if 8+ gymnasts. If double panel, it may be possible to have more than 8 gymnasts warming up at the same time. 2 athletes warm Group Warm up Group Warm up up. 1st competes, Group Warm up 3rd warms up, etc. UB: If there are athletes with and without grips/chalk, athletes are divided into 2 subgroups: grips/chalk and no grips/chalk. Each sub-group will warm up 60 or 90 sec / athletes. 90 seconds is granted for each different bar preparation. The D1 judge will agree with the majority of coaches on the most efficient way to warm up. CANADIAN PRE-NOVICE, GYMSTART ENDEAVOUR General Warm up 20 minutes: Athletes may not start the general warm-up on the competition floor before the set time. Athletes may not use the equipment during the general warm-up (not go on V, UB, BB – only light tumbling on FX re: beam acro on line). Sanction: first infraction: Verbal warning to athlete and coach, 2nd offence from same coach/athlete: coach red carded – and removal from competition floor for that session V BB FX 2 min / athlete 1.5 min / athlete 2 min / athlete 2 min / athlete Individual warm up: Group warm up Minimum 10 min Group warm up 1 turn of 90 sec + 1 Minimum 5 min, turn of 30 sec max 10 min Canadian Warm up UB: If there are athletes with and without grips/chalk, athletes are divided into 2 subgroups: grips/chalk and no grips/chalk. Each sub-group will warm up 2 min / athletes. 90 seconds is granted for each different bar preparation. The D1 judge will agree with the majority of coaches on the most efficient way to warm up. FIG Warm 4 vaults 30 sec for routine 30 sec / athlete 3 min up Group warm up Section 6 – WAG UB Page 42 October 2013 NATIONAL / HP NOVICE AND OPEN Official format used at EC and CC (used at all trials event) General Warm-up Time / per athlete Team Competition Individual Competition 20 minutes: Athletes may not start the general warm-up on the warm-up or competition floor before the set time. Once the general warm-up starts, athletes may warm-up on the WAG floor, mats and runway only. They may not use the boards and/or get on the table, bars or beam for any reason during the general warm-up. If it is part of the team choreography warm-up, athletes may perform on the floor a) basic floor acro tumbling b) beam acro on a line. The use of diagonals is prohibited. Sanction: first infraction: verbal warning to athlete and coach from Floor Manager. Second infraction from same coach: coach is red-carded and removed from competition floor for the rest of the general warm-up period. V UB BB FX 2.5 min / athlete 2.5 min / athlete 2 min / athlete 1 turn of 90 sec, 1 turn of 30 sec 2 min / athlete minimum 5 min, maximum 10 min Group warm-up Group warm-up Group warm-up Group warm-up Team and Individual Athletes: If a group is composed of Team and individual athletes, the warm-up groups is split as follows: Team + 1 individual: all warm up together. Team + 2 or more individuals: the team warms up and competes first; the individual athletes always warm up as a second sub-group. Group warm-up Group warm-up Individual warm-up: 1 turn of 90 sec*, and 1 turn of 30 sec*; time stopped between athletes for max 5 sec *includes time to set-up the mats and board Group warm-up UB (chalk, raising) If there are athletes with and without grips/chalk or needing to raise the bars, the athletes are divided into 2 sub-groups: grips/chalk and no grips/chalk. Each athlete is guaranteed 2.5 min to warm up. 90 seconds are granted for each different bar preparation/raise. As a general guideline, the coaches will agree on the most efficient way to warm up and compete prior to warm up on UB. The warm up and competition order may be changed for efficiency. If the coaches do not agree, the D1 judge will decide. Group size 7 or less warm up in one group; 8 + athletes warm up in 2 groups: ex. 4 – 4, 5 – 4, 5 - 5 COMPETITION ORDER If there is one group out of the 4 rotations that has 8 athletes or more, then all groups (all 4 rotations) will drop 2 on the second events. When no group is larger than 7, all groups will drop 1 for the second event (GCG rule). For all meets, rotations are done by dropping one or two athletes; clubs are not taken into consideration. DRAWS GBC will do the official draws for all trial competitions. Every attempt will be made to group athletes according to chalk or no chalk for bars. It is however strongly recommended that all athletes learn to use the UB with chalk. Section 6 – WAG Page 43 October 2013 APPENDIX 3 WAG Performance Enhancement Funding Application 1. HP Novice, Junior and Senior and HP coaches are eligible. HP status is determined by previous Canadians Championships. (ex. CC2013 used for 2013-2014 funding year) If there are numerous applications rankings will be considered. 2. Those who meet the priorities more than once are able to apply more than once (max $2000). Please provide separate application form for each application. 3. All applications must be submitted by June 1, 2014 (funding year = July 1 – June 30) No late applications will be accepted. All funds will be paid at the end of June, based on the information submitted. It is the responsibility of the individual to provide the correct and complete information, not the WTC to collect it. 4. Priority 1 will be paid out completely before consideration is given to priority 2 etc. Equal percentages or equal amounts will be paid out to each applicant in each priority group. Funding based in the following priorities: 1. GCG team preparation camps not funded by GCG: max $200 2. National training camps outside lower mainland not funded by GCG: max $150 3. International competitions (outside Canada) These are international assignments where athletes have been invited by gcg to represent Canada on a self-funded or cost share basis. (up 50% of flight/accommodation to a maximum of $800) 4. International competitions (inside or outside Canada) These are international assignments where athletes have been approved by GCG and will represent Team BC/Canada. (up to 50% of flight/accommodation to a maximum of $500) 5. Elite Canada (no application is necessary for this priority) Remaining money will be divided equally between athletes who attend Elite Canada and qualify for the HP list. Petitioned athletes that do not travel to EC are not eligible. Section 6 – WAG Page 44 October 2013 Athlete Performance Enhancement Funding Application Please return with receipts before June 1, 2014 Athlete or coach name: ___________________________ Address: ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ Email: ___________________________ Please indicate who the payment should be made out to: _______________________ Please describe the event that you are seeking a bursary for (only 1 event per form, attach receipts): Priority 1 2 3 4 5 (circle one) Event name: ___________________________ Category: ____________________ Event Date: __________________________ Represented: ______________(BC or Canada) Team rank: ____________________ Results: AA ________ Vault _________Bars _________ Beam ___________ FX __________ Have you received funding from Gymnastics Canada or your club for this event? If so, please specify source and amount: _____________________________ Please return to Gymnastics BC with copies of your receipts or stamped invoices by email to nbeyer@gymbc.org Fax or mail attention Nancy Beyer (604 333 3499) is also welcome. Deadline for applications is June 1, 2014 Section 6 – WAG Page 45 October 2013 APPENDIX 4 WAG Team BC Competition Fund 2014 This fund provides financial assistance to enable coaches and gymnasts another team competition experience above and beyond Westerns and Canadians. Funding will be available to 3 levels of athletes and coaches for competitions in 2014. Trial for this team competition is the BC Fall Classic/Elite Screening. WTC will announce recipients following BC fall classic. CPN / National ($300) Top 6 open (4 granted in 2014) Top 6 novice (4 granted in 2014) Competition: NS Cup (Montreal) Top 6 elite (4 granted in 204 Selection: 100% BC Fall Classic 2013 Coaches ($1800 shared) 1 judge ($600) Frequently asked questions Who determines the competition? Uniform: Who registers the gymnasts? Who pays the registration? Who books the flights? Who books the accommodations? Do they compete as team BC or as a club? The women’s technical committee Team BC Body suit and track-suit Gymnastics BC Gymnastics BC debits from total bursary for team. The clubs are responsible for this. The clubs are responsible for this. They compete for Team BC (uniform required) Gymnasts from different clubs may travel together or choose to meet at the event for competition and other determined trainings. Those gymnasts requiring chaperones must travel with team coaches or make arrangement with other clubs. Coaching costs (per diem, flights, accommodations,) must first be covered by the clubs. Receipts for coaches required and paid directly to club to disperse upon acceptance of application. Application process: Parents sign off on commitment form attached and return by selection date WTC notifies selected athlete’s coaches following trial event Clubs plan for travel to and from event Team coaches are responsible for all team members on site Clubs collect and submit receipts with application (February/March) Bursaries dispersed upon WTC approval (March/April) Section 6 – WAG Page 46 October 2013 Appendix 5 CLUB FUNDING ASSISTANCE FOR BREVET AND NATIONAL JUDGES APPLICATION FORM For WAG Competitions GBC Clubs hosting a competition with a minimum of 12 National level athletes competing may apply to the Women’s Judging Committee for a reimbursement of the honorariums and travel expenses (per current GBC policy) for all National and Brevet judges attending. The amount reimbursed will be up to a maximum of $500. Deadline for submission of this form to the WJC is June 1. Name of Club Hosting Competition: Date of Competition: Number of National level Athletes Registered: Actual Competitors: Cheque payable to: (Name of club) National and Brevet Judge Expenses: Honorariums: Travel Costs: Total Costs Incurred: (Judging Panels and Competition Results must be attached) Send to the Nicky Carroll, Women’s Judging Chairperson by the June 1 deadline. nickycarroll2k@gmail.com For office use: Approved by WJC Chair: Amount reimbursed to Club: (maximum of $500) Account number: Section 6 – WAG Page 47 October 2013
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