Hope & District Minor Hockey Association P O B o x 1 2 5 1 H o p e B C V 0 X 1 L 0 6 0 4 . 8 6 9 . 3 3 7 7 w w w . h o p e m i n o r h o c k e y . c o m TEAM MANAGER MANUAL 2013-‐2014 Updated: September 20, 2013 MBL Page 1 of 16 HDMHA Team Manager Manual This manual is designed to assist each Team Manager in the execution of their duties. This manual may not contain the answers to all of your questions, so we would welcome your feedback. INDEX • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Team Manager Job Description Structure of Hope & District Minor Hockey Association Contact Names and Numbers Team Safety o First Aid Kits/Stop Signs o CHSP/emergency preparedness o What to do if there is an injury o Extra insurance for travel o Medical forms Ice Schedule Game conflicts and how to rebook a game o Ice o Referees o Exhibition games Game Sheets, Timing, Scorekeeping, Referees Exhibition Games League and Playoff Games Penalties and Misconducts Payment of Referees and Financial Management Tournaments Sponsorship Fundraising Equipment Tracking Photo Day Team Communications References FORMS: o BC Hockey Canada Injury Report o Team Injury Log o Special Event Sanction Request o Player Medical Sheet o Incident Report form Page 2 of 16 JOB DESCRIPTION FOR HOCKEY TEAM MANAGERS The Team Manager is the liaison between the parents and the coaching staff and is responsible ensuring the well-‐being of the players. The Team Manager job includes: • completing and processing the game sheets; • inputting game data into Teamlink; • organizing timekeepers, scorekeepers and 50/50 draw; • maintaining the team jerseys; • rescheduling conflict games and dealing with any other changes as required; • preparing team phone lists and schedules, communicating with parents; • keeping a team bank account or spreadsheet record of team funds and tracking team finances; • scheduling tournaments for the team and arrange for travel and accommodation, etc.; • assign a tournament representative to coordinate the team’s duties for your division’s HDMHA tournament; • attend the HDMHA and PCAHA Team Manager meetings at the beginning of the season; • PCAHA requires Managers to take the Speak Out/Respect in Sport course; • Managers must submit a Criminal Record Check; • Team Managers report to their team’s Head Coach. PROCESSING THE GAMESHEETS Hockey has a lot of paperwork, and as Manager you will be responsible for this. Each game your team plays must have a “Game Number” that is obtained from or assigned by the League Manager. At the end of the game you will collect the scoresheets, distribute the blue and pink copies to the visiting and home team respectively, and mail the yellow and white copies to the League Manager within 24 hours. All game sheets for atom and above must be input into Team Link (www.teamlink.ca) within 24 hours of play. If there is an incident involving a major penalty or misconduct during the game, the referee may retain the white sheet and write a report on the game. The referee will send in the white sheet including the report. You must still send the yellow sheet. In these cases, the game sheet should be faxed to the League Manager immediately. Page 3 of 16 INJURY REPORTS If there is an injury, your team HCSP person is responsible for filing an injury report with Holger Schwichtenberg, HDMHA Risk Manager at risk@hopeminorhockey.com. It is very important to report to track all concussions regardless of whether the parents want you to or not. BC Hockey injury report must be submitted to the Division Coordinator, if any injuries occur, at the end of each month. All insurance forms must be submitted within the allotted time frame required by the insurance carrier. GAME OFFICIALS If all or some of the officials do not show, you need to report this to the Referee-‐in-‐ Chief, Paul Frederickson at ref@hopeminorhockey.com within 24 hours. If your team has arranged to play an extra game, you are also responsible for booking the referees. At the beginning of the season, after you’ve received the season schedule, you should contact the Referee-‐in-‐Chief and provide information about the time, date, and location of the game along with the game number, and the referees will be assigned. In the event that referees were booked for a game and do not show, make every effort to play the game. Refer to the PCAHA handbook for this procedure or refer to Hockey Canada Rule 41. EXHIBITION GAMES AND AWAY TOURNAMENTS If your team wishes to book an Exhibition Game, the game can be booked on your team’s regular game time or a practice time as long as there is not a league game scheduled. League games include balancing/tiering, regular season and playoff games. Once you have secured a suitable ice time, you can contact the other Team Manager to line up the game. Team coaches or contacts can be found by contacting the division League Manager or looking in the PCAHA website for Association Member websites. Several Associations list contact phone numbers. If you call the Division Manager, they will often provide Coaches names / numbers. The Team Manager is responsible for getting the game numbers for Exhibition Games and Tournament Permission Numbers for home and away tournaments. These are available from your League Manager. Their name can be found in the front section of the PCAHA Rule Book that you will receive early in the season. Referees can be organized by contacting the Referee-‐in-‐Chief, Paul Frederickson, at ref@hopeminorhockey.com. Page 4 of 16 HOME & AWAY TOURNAMENTS The HDMHA hosts tournaments for every division. All teams must participate in the HDMHA tournament for their division. Each team must provide at least one person to work on the tournament committee to ensure a successful tournament. All parents are required to assist in some way: raffle table, timekeeper, sell 50/50, get donations, etc. All teams must have a tournament permission number to participate in any tournament, including the HDMHA tournaments. These numbers can be obtained from your League Manager. If your team wishes to participate in additional tournaments, you must resolve any conflicts with league games first. Tournaments can be found on the BC Hockey website, other association websites, etc. CONDUCT AT THE ARENA The Team Manager and coaching staff are responsible for the behaviour of the fans – this may include one of your team’s parents. If one of the fans is behaving inappropriately, you may wish to engage them in conversation or redirect their behaviour in another way. It is possible that they do not understand the referee calls in which case some explanations / education may be in order. If the problem persists, discuss the problem with your Head Coach. If the issue needs to escalate further, then the Head Coach will communicate with your Division Coordinator. Sometimes it is a parent on the opposing team that is demonstrating inappropriate behaviour. It is generally a good idea to try and introduce yourself to the Manager of the opposing team, and then you can dialogue with them further if you need to enlist their help in talking to someone who is harrassing the referee, coach or players. Page 5 of 16 TEAM FINANCES All monies collected by the team are to be spent on the team, team expenses, and team activities. All team expenditures must be approved in a democratic manner and readily available to any parent on the team. TEAM CLOTHING Teams wishing to purchase team clothing (jackets, hats, t-‐shirts, etc.) may do by contacting the Logowear Director, Mindy Lucki, at logowear@hopeminorhockey.com. The HDMHA has negotiated with the approved supplier to obtain a fair low price and a product that is uniform to the all teams in HDMHA. TEAM SOCIAL EVENTS Many players enjoy hockey for the social aspect of the team. An early meeting or event will ensure that good communication is established for your team and it will provide a time for questions and answers or explanations. Before you know it, the holiday season has arrived, and many teams want a social event. Then there is the final wrap-‐up party to arrange! Teams are encouraged to get together to do some team building. Remember though that special events will require a “Special Event Permission” found on the PCAHA website. This is a form that is completed by the team and signed by the HDMHA President. This form is then sent to PCAHA or BC Hockey for approval. You need to give as much notice as possible, at least 7 days. TEAM STATISTICS Your Coach may wish you to keep up-‐to-‐date on team standings and individual player statistics. This information can be very useful to a Coach. You must make a decision as to how you will keep them. Often posting the statistics for parents and players can cause controversy. Each team will be responsible for posting team information such as game schedules, practice times, tournaments etc. on the new HDMHA website. Please provide the name of the person that will be performing this duty as soon as possible so that they may be issued a log-‐in password at the beginning of the season. All game sheets will also have to be posted into the Team Link website for those teams in divisions Atom and above. Page 6 of 16 The Team Manager must track all penalty records. All misconduct and major penalties must be reported to the Division Director. To keep track of penalty minutes, keep a ledger and record the major penalty minutes given to each player from the information on the game sheets. In the event that a player is assessed a Match or Gross Misconduct, the player must sit out a minimum of three (3) games or seven (7) days and may be subject to further suspension by BC HOCKEY, PCAHA or HDMHA. Please refer to bulletins for BC HOCKEY and PCAHA on their websites. It is the Team Manager’s responsibility to ensure that all suspensions are served immediately. Failure to do so could result in a player or team official receiving an additional suspension. HDMHA automatically matches all PCAHA one-‐game suspensions in the Midget Division. Please review the Penalty section of the rulebook. HDMHA Executive will review all suspensions that are more than one-‐game in duration and decide the appropriate amount of additional suspension is warranted. THE STRUCTURE OF MINOR HOCKEY The Hope & District Minor Hockey Association (HDMHA) has over 110 players. The HDMHA is a member of the Pacific Coast Amateur Hockey Association (PCAHA) and through it, the British Columbia Amateur Hockey Association (BC HOCKEY) and Hockey Canada. These governing bodies provide the regulatory framework in which minor hockey is played. The HDMHA develops policies in order to manage this Association in accordance with the guidelines and rules established by our governing bodies and the Societies Act. The purpose of this is to ensure that all players registered with HDMHA are treated as fairly as possible and are provided with the same opportunities. The HDMHA is governed by a board of directors, referred to as the HDMHA Executive. The HDMHA Executive is elected by the Association membership at the HDMHA Annual General Meetings. The HDMHA Executive members serve a one-‐year term. The HDMHA Executive is the responsible for the management of the HDMHA. The following is a list of the elected members: • President • 1st Vice-‐President • 2nd Vice-‐President • Registrar • Treasurer • Secretary • Directors (6) Page 7 of 16 In addition to the elected members, there are several people appointed to positions. HDMHA members are appointed to these positions by the HDMHA Executive and perform specific duties. These positions include: • Risk Management • Ice Coordinator • Referee-‐in-‐Chief • Head Coaches • Division Coordinators • Tournament Coordinator • Equipment Manager • Fundraising Coordinator • Website Manager • Logowear A list of all the contact names for our organization is up-‐to-‐date on the HDMHA Website: www.hopeminorhockey.com Page 8 of 16 HDMHA Executive 2013 -‐ 2014 Season Name Position E-‐Mail Andy Briscoe President president@hopeminorhockey.com Laurel Loring 1st V.P. 1vp@hopeminorhockey.com Shawn McCallum 2nd V.P. 2vp@hopeminorhockey.com Deanne Edmondson Treasurer treasurer@hopeminorhockey.com Stacey Meijer Secretary secretary@hopeminorhockey.com Rhonda Zantovsky Registrar registrar@hopeminorhockey.com Mindy Lucki Logowear logowear@hopeminorhockey.com Holger Schwichtenberg Risk Management risk@hopeminorhockey.com Roy O’Handley Equipment Manager equipment@hopeminorhockey.com Ice Coordinator ice@hopeminorhockey.com Tournament Director tournaments@hopeminorhockey.com Pat Anderson Coach Coordinator coach@hopeminorhockey.com Paul Frederickson Referee-‐in-‐Chief ref@hopeminorhockey.com Paula Fossum Page 9 of 16 TEAM SAFETY First Aid Kit The team First Aid Kit is supplied by HDMHA. Your team HCSP should routinely check the First Aid Kit and replenish items used or missing. It is the responsibility of each team to maintain their First Aid Kit. Add copies of the player medical forms to the First Aid Kit. They should be kept in a Zip Lock bag along with blank injury claim forms. Medical Forms Each player must fill out a medical form, the original is to be kept by the Team Manager. Please ensure that you have an up-‐to-‐date medical form for each team member. A copy of these forms should be kept in alphabetical order in a Zip Lock bag in the First Aid Kit. The HCSP must ensure that the coaches are aware of any player medical conditions such as allergies or asthma. If there are players with food allergies, advise the team of snack restrictions. Stop Signs Stop Signs are required on the back of every game jersey. They are provided on each jersey and must not be covered. The “Stop Signs” are intended to reduce injuries to players due to contact from behind. In order to enhance the effectiveness of these signs, name bars may not be sewn onto team jerseys. What to do if there is an injury The HCSP on your team should take charge in the event that a player is injured and an ambulance is required. • There must be at least 2 adults with a player in the dressing room at all times, never leave an injured player alone; • If a player is injured and their parents are not at the game, contact them as soon as possible; • Injured players can not be given any medication, including aspirin, Tylenol etc…, except by their parents, guardian or a doctor; • Provide every injured player an Injury report form that they can take with them and have completed by their doctor; • Refer to the policy manual for more information regarding injuries, reporting and players returning following an injury. Page 10 of 16 Injury reports are included with this manual. A copy of the Injury Report Form must be forwarded to the Risk Manager, Holger Schwichtenberg within seven (7) days. The completed form will be mailed in as per the instruction on the forms as soon as possible by the Risk Manager. The reason is to ensure that our insurance is valid in case it is needed in the future. Claims must be received by the insurer within 90 days of the injury in order to be accepted. It is the Team Manager’s responsibility to ensure that the forms are complete and forwarded to the Risk Manager. If an ambulance attended there will be a charge – the invoice is often not sent until after the 90-‐day time limit, so please advise the parent to follow through and get an estimate of the charge to submit prior to the time limit. Extra Insurance for Tournaments All tournaments must be sanctioned and the team must obtain a permission number before entry. If you wish to participate in an out of province tournament you must complete the "Out of Province form" available through BC Hockey. Mutual Aid Insurance will not cover non-‐sanctioned tournaments, particularly those in the United States. You are not permitted to participate in a non-‐sanctioned tournament as an HDMHA team. START OF LEAGUE GAMES The Team Head Coach and Team Manager must go to the PCAHA Coach/Manager meeting, with your team roster, to obtain the league schedule – see attached memo from PCAHA. You must provide a list of your team roster by Sep.29 to the Registrar, Rhonda Zantovsky, at registrar@hopeminorhockey.com. The Registrar will then return you a copy of your Official Team Roster to be handed in at the PCAHA Coach/Manager Meeting. Page 11 of 16 GAME CONFLICTS AND HOW TO REBOOK A GAME When you receive your team’s schedule, there may be game conflicts such as two games on the same day or a home and away game on the same night. If this happens it is up to the Home team or team designated by the League Manager to reschedule their game. It is the Team Manager’s responsibility to resolve these conflict games. There are 3 steps that must be taken: 1. If you have weekday (after 6pm) or weekend practice ice (see PCAHA rulebook Section G), you may be able to use your practice ice to resolve a game conflict. If you do not have a suitable practice ice, contact the other division manager or the Ice Coordinator, Paula Fossum, at ice@hopeminorhockey.com to check the options for rescheduling your game. This typically means trading your conflicting home ice time for some other time. After the Ice Coordinator gives you some options, call the Manager of the visiting team and offer the alternative(s) that are available. When a rescheduled time is agreed on, confirm the change with the Ice Coordinator. You must contct the League Manager to inform them of the schedule change. Note: if you have offered three options to the visiting team and they have not accepted one of the times, contact the League Manager and advise them of the situation. The onus may then be put on the visiting team to provide a game ice. 2. Call or send an e-‐mail to the Referee-‐in-‐Chief and arrange to have referees for the rescheduled game time. A minimum of 72 hours is required. 3. In most circumstances the Home team is responsible for rescheduling a conflict. Reschedule conflicts as soon as you receive the schedule. If you wait, it becomes very difficult as there are typically few options remaining. If your team is the visiting team and the home team does not call you within a week of the schedule being issued, call them. In addition, you should go over the HDMHA Ice Schedule and the FVRD Arena Schedule to find conflicts. Page 12 of 16 MANAGING THE GAME Exhibition, League, Playoff • The home team runs the 50/50 and must keep record of the winners; • The home team provides the scorekeeper and timekeeper, and game sheet and sends the score sheet to the League Manager. Novice 2 does not post the score. The clock is used with the two-‐minute buzzer; • Referees in Hockey up to Bantam are paid by the Team Manager after each and every game.These Referees are paid in cash and must sign an Acknowledgement of Recipt. • Referees in Midget are required to be paid before the start of the game by the Team Manager. These Referees are paid in cash and must sign an Acknowledgement of Receipt. • Games are three periods. (see PCAHA rulebook for times) • If the game officials are not at the rink 15 minutes before the game starts, call the Referee-‐in-‐Chief and confirm the officials were booked. If you cannot contact anyone and the officials still have not appeared, the game may still be played provided that the two coaches can agree on an alternate referee (coach, captain, etc…) A player from each team may be appointed to be the linesmen. If this can not be arranged, make arrangements to re-‐schedule the game. • League games can only be rescheduled if there is a conflict on the original schedule and for tournaments. You must have permission from the League Manager to reschedule the game. Games cannot be rescheduled for reasons such as; there are too many players away or if the Coach is away. Games cannot be forfeited. • If your team is short players, players from a lower division are permitted to play subject to PCAHA rules on the Use of Affiliated Players. Players may not play more than five games with a team in a higher category or division. Permission from the League Manager and the affiliate player’s head coach is required. Penalties and Game Misconducts It is the responsibility of the Team Head Coach and Team Manager to ensure suspended players do not play in games. A player is considered to have played in a game if his name appears on a game sheet. Players who receive game misconducts during the last 10 minutes of play cannot play in the next game. The Team Manager must record all major penalties and suspensions. PENALTY FREE GAMES The “Penalty Free Game” is an event that all teams are eligible for. During Minor Hockey week teams that have penalty free games may send their game sheets in and win prizes. Specifics of this program can be found on the BC Hockey website. BC Hockey Page 13 of 16 runs this program and it changes slightly each season. TRAVEL • • If your team travels out of town, ask the parents to have another team parent be responsible for their child if they are not travelling with the team. Know who that parent is. For out of province travel the new permission form available through BC Hockey must be completed and signed by the Association President. TEAM SPONSORS The HDMHA Sponsorship Committee arranges sponsors for all Minor Hockey Teams. Teams may not solicit sponsorship for the team in exchange for advertising. The Association, for the benefit of the entire Association, arranges all sponsorship and advertising. FUNDRAISING • • • • • • HDMHA will require all registered player to participate in 1 mandatory fundraiser during the season: CASH FOR CHRISTMAS. Please advise your players and parents that everyone is expected to participate. Anyone that requests further information can be directed to Laurel Loring, 1st Vice-‐President for clarification of this requirement. In general, teams raise money by doing a 50/50 raffle, which involves selling the tickets during the first and second period, dividing up the tickets, and drawing the number at the intermission between second and third period. Licenses for 50/50 sales will be obtained by the HDMHA Treasurer through BCLC in order to run 50/50 sales throughout the season. Alternatively you can collect money from the team members in lieu of or in addition to doing 50/50 to cover team expenses such as team socials, end-‐of-‐year trophies, tournament expenses etc… A record of 50/50 winners must be kept. This record must include the winners name, phone number and address. If a winner refuses to provide this information, simply draw a new ticket. Use the tracking form provided by HDMHA to record the winner’s information. The Director responsible for fundraising must approve all other fundraising. Send requests to 1vp@hopeminorhockey.com. NOTE: Each HDMHA team is allowed only 2 fundraiser per season, which must be approved by the Executive. Forward your request to 1vp@hopeminorhockey.com. Page 14 of 16 PHOTO DAY Photo day is scheduled for Tuesday, October 15, 2013. You will receive Photo Day packages for your team from Mindy Lucki, Logowear in advance. Please ensure that photo package order forms are handed out to your parents in advance. Teams will be assigned a photo time and advised of the location. Please ensure that your team is there and ready on time. TEAM COMMUNICATIONS As the Team Manager, you are responsible for team communications. This involves communications about schedules, practices, changes of times, fundraising, social events etc. The easiest method of communication is group e-‐mails. This works well when there is lots of lead-‐time. On short notice, parents and players may need to be called personally. If a parent has a concern about their player, the Team Manager is the liaison between the Coaches and the parents. Page 15 of 16 MISCELLANEOUS • • • • • For off-‐ice team activities (fundraising, entertainment such as laser tag, etc…) complete a PCAHA Special Event – Request or BC HOCKEY sanction form, have it signed by the Association President and fax it to BC HOCKEY. The forms must be completed in advance (a minimum of 10 days.). The PCAHA website: http://www.pcaha.bc.ca and www.teamlink.ca have team standings and includes the bulletins that we are given regarding equipment, standards, forms, etc. The BC Hockey website: www.bchockey.net lists provincial events. Arena addresses can be found in the PCAHA website http://www.pcaha.bc.ca/main/arenalocations.html and Mapquest is used for maps. These two websites are great for directions to arenas. It is a wise idea to send the map to each team member via e-‐mail. Your divisional PCAHA League Manager contact info can be found here: http://www.pcaha.bc.ca/league_FVE/FVE_League_Managers.pdf Page 16 of 16
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