Nor-Cal EMS Policy & Procedure Manual MISCELLANEOUS POLICIES MODULE 101 – EMS Approved Abbreviations A&OX4 alert and oriented to (l) person, (2) place, (3) time, (4) event Ab abortion ABC’s airway, breathing, circulation Abd abdomen AC antecubital Ac before meals ADL activities of daily living ALOC altered level of consciousness ALS advanced life support AMA against medical advice AMI acute myocardial infarction ASA Aspirin ASAP as soon as possible AX assessment BB backboard BBB bundle branch block BG blood glucose BH(P)O base hospital (physician) order Bicarb. Sodium Bicarbonate BID twice a day Bilat. bilateral BLS basic life support BM bowel movement BP blood pressure bpm beats per minute BS bowel sounds BSA body surface area BVM bag-valve mask #C degrees Centigrade C/C chief complaint CA Cancer CAB Circulation, Airway, Breathing CAD Coronary Artery Disease CCT-P Critical Care Transport -Paramedic CCU Cardiac Care Unit Originated: July 2, 1999 Last Revision: February 4, 2014 Page: 1 of 6 MISCELLANEOUS POLICIES MODULE CHF Congestive Heart Failure CHP California Highway Patrol cm centimeter CNS central nervous system EMS Approved Abbreviations #101 c/o, C/O complains of COPD Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease CP chest pain CPAP continuous positive airway pressure CPC Chemical Protective Clothing CPR cardiopulmonary resuscitation CSF cerebrospinal fluid CSM circulation, sensation, & movement (motion) C-spine cervical spine CVA cerebrovascular accident D/C discontinue D-fib defibrillation DNR do not resuscitate DTR deep tendon reflexes Dx diagnosis ECG or EKG ED electrocardiogram Emergency Department ePCR Electronic Patient Care Record ENT eyes, nose, throat EMSA Emergency Medical Services Authority Epi epinephrine est. estimated ET or ETT ETA endotracheal tube estimated time of arrival ETOH ethyl alcohol exp. expiratory #F degrees Fahrenheit F/B foreign body F/R fire rescue or first responder Fx fracture f/u follow up G gravid, pregnancy (ies) GCS Glasgow Coma Score g, gm, Gm gram GYN, gyn gynecological GSW gun shot wound Originated: July 2, 1999 Last Revision: February 4, 2014 Page: 2 of 6 MISCELLANEOUS POLICIES MODULE gtt(s) drop(s); ( hr hour EMS Approved Abbreviations #101 gtts = microdrops) H & P History and Physical HA Headache Haz Mat Hazardous Materials HEENT head, eyes, ears, nose & throat HPI History of present illness h/o history of hs at bedtime Hx history IC Incident Command(er) ICU Intensive Care Unit IFT interfacility transfer IM intramuscular IN intranasal IO intraosseous cannulation IV(P) intravenous (push) J joules JVD jugular vein distention K+ Potassium kg kilogram L left l liter lac laceration LBRT Length based resuscitation tape, (AKA Broselow tape) LLL Left Lower Lobe LLQ left lower quadrant LMP last menstrual period + LOC positive LOSS of consciousness - LOC negative LOSS of consciousness L/S lung sounds LUQ left upper quadrant LZ landing zone MAD mucousal atomized device MAE moves all extremities MCC motorcycle collision mcg microgram MCI mass casualty incident mEq milliequivalent mg milligram Originated: July 2, 1999 Last Revision: February 4, 2014 Page: 3 of 6 MISCELLANEOUS POLICIES MODULE MI myocardial infarction min minute ml milliliter MR X ( __) MVC EMS Approved Abbreviations #101 may repeat X (how many) motor vehicle collision N/C or NC nasal cannula N/G nasogastric intubation NKA no known allergies NKDA no known drug allergies NSR Normal Sinus Rhythm NOC night NPA nasopharyngeal airway NPO nothing by mouth NRB non-rebreather mask NS normal saline NTG nitroglycerin N/V(/D) nausea, vomiting (& diarrhea) O2 Oxygen OB obstetrics OD overdose o.d. right eye O/G orogastric tube o.u. both eyes o.s. left eye P para, delievery(ies) PAT Paroxysmal Atrial Tachycardia pat pediatric assessment triangle palp. palpation pc after meals per through, by way of PCN penicillin PCR Patient Care Record PEA pulseless electrical activity PERRL pupils equal, round and reactive to light PMD private medical doctor PMH past medical history PO by mouth POC Position of Comfort POV privately owned vehicle PR per rectum prn as needed Originated: July 2, 1999 Last Revision: February 4, 2014 Page: 4 of 6 MISCELLANEOUS POLICIES MODULE PSVT paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia Pt. patient PT prothrombin time PTT partial thromboplastin time pta prior to arrival PE physical exam EMS Approved Abbreviations #101 PVAD Pre-Existing Vascular Access Device PVC premature ventricular contraction pwc personal watercraft PWD pink, warm, dry qh every hour q(1,2,3)h every (1,2,3, etc.) hours q.i.d. four times a day q.o.d. every other day R right RAS released at scene RF Receiving Facility RLL Right Lower Lobe RLQ right lower quadrant R/O rule out ROM range of motion ROS Review of systems RUL Right Upper Lobe RUQ right upper quadrant RX Prescription sec seconds S & (SX) signs and (symptoms) SaO2 oxygen saturation SAR Search and Rescue SBP systolic blood pressure SL sublingual SNT soft, non-tender s/o sudden onset SO sheriff's office SOB shortness of breath SOP Standard Operating Procedure(s), Scope of Practice s/p status post SQ subcutaneous S/S skin signs ST sinus tachycardia Originated: July 2, 1999 Last Revision: February 4, 2014 Page: 5 of 6 MISCELLANEOUS POLICIES MODULE EMS Approved Abbreviations #101 START Simple Triage and Rapid Treatment, Transport STAT immediately STEMI ST elevation myocardial infarction SVT supraventricular tachycardia Sz Seizure T temperature T/C traffic collision TIA Transient ischemic attack tid three times a day TKO to keep open Tx transfer T-spine thoracic spine TTA Trauma Team Activation TX treatment URI Upper Respiratory Infection UTI urinary tract infection VF ventricular fibrillation VS vital signs VT ventricular tachycardia WMD Weapons of Mass Destruction WNL within normal limits W/O wide open ws watt seconds YO year old Originated: July 2, 1999 Last Revision: February 4, 2014 Page: 6 of 6
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