ADVANCED ACADEMIC SERVICES [TYPE THE DOCUMENT TITLE] Companion to GT Program Guide Gifted and Talented Document and Forms Manual 2014 – 2015 (revised 09/05/2014) Austin ISD Advanced Academic Services 2014-2015 (rev 9/5/2014) Table of Contents GT Assessment Calendar and Campus GT Screening Guide .......................................................................................... 3 Parent Nomination Forms (English & Spanish) ............................................................................................................ 5 Teacher Nomination Forms (optional) ........................................................................................................................ 9 Parent GT Nomination Survey (English & Spanish) .................................................................................................... 11 Teacher GT Screening Information............................................................................................................................ 19 GT Screening Materials Order Forms ........................................................................................................................ 25 Student GT Surveys (English & Spanish) .................................................................................................................... 27 Criteria for Student GT Screening Portfolio ............................................................................................................... 39 GT Student Profiles .................................................................................................................................................. 42 GT Committee Signature Sheets ............................................................................................................................... 44 Sample Parent GT Notification Letters (English & Spanish) ........................................................................................ 48 GT Appeals Process .................................................................................................................................................. 51 GT Furlough and Exit Letter ...................................................................................................................................... 58 GT Classroom Observation Checklist ......................................................................................................................... 59 Student GT Surveys (English & Spanish) .................................................................................................................... 60 Underachievement Checklist .................................................................................................................................... 61 Student Improvement Plan ...................................................................................................................................... 65 Campus GT Self-Assessment ..................................................................................................................................... 67 GT Campus Improvement Plan Support .................................................................................................................... 77 Austin ISD Advanced Academic Services 2014-2015 (rev 9/5/2014) Austin ISD Advanced Academic Services * Gifted and Talented Assessment Calendar 2014-2015 Fall Semester Spring Semester Required for all elementary & all secondary schools Required for all elementary schools & optional for secondary schools Collect GT Student Nominations Collect GT Student Nominations September 2-19 January 12-30 Schools will schedule a two-week window and notify parents and teachers they are accepting student nominations for the GT program. Schools will schedule a two-week window and notify parents and teachers they are accepting student nominations for the GT program. Order GT Assessment Materials Order GT Assessment Materials September 22-25 February 2-5 Submit requests to order CogAT (for English speakers) & NNAT2 (for ELLs) tests to Delaine Canales via email or fax, 512-414-0275. Submit requests to order CogAT (for English speakers) & NNAT2 (for ELLs) tests to Delaine Canales via email or fax, 512-414-0275. CogAT Pick-Up CogAT Pick-Up September 25 11:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. February 5 11:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Pick-up CogAT tests at the Becker Elementary White House. NNAT2 is an online assessment. Pick-up CogAT tests at the Becker Elementary White House. NNAT2 is an online assessment. GT Testing Period GT Testing Period September 29 – October 17 February 9 - 27 CogAT & NNAT2 testing of GT nominated students. CogAT & NNAT2 testing of GT nominated students. Teacher Observation of Students Teacher Observation of Students October 1 - November 1 February 2 – March 6 Teachers must have a minimum of 4 weeks to complete the survey, observation inventory, and collect work samples for student portfolios. Teachers must have a minimum of 4 weeks to complete the survey, observation inventory, and collect work samples for student portfolios. CogAT Submission for Scoring CogAT Submission for Scoring October 20 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. March 2 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. All CogATs must be received by this date, NO EXCEPTIONS. Drop off CogATs at the Becker Elementary White House. All CogATs must be received by this date, NO EXCEPTIONS. Drop off CogATs at the Becker Elementary White House. CogAT Scores Ready For Pick-up CogAT Scores Ready For Pick-up November 5 11:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. March 27 11:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Pick-up CogAT scores at the Becker Elementary White House. Pick-up CogAT scores at the Becker Elementary White House. GT Decision-Making Committee Meetings GT Decision-Making Committee Meetings November 6 – 19 April 6 – 15 Campus committee will meet to make final placement decisions for all students who were assessed during the GT screening process. Campus committee will meet to make final placement decisions for all students who were assessed during the GT screening process. GT Student Profiles/Committee Sheets Due Date GT Student Profiles/Committee Sheets Due Date November 19 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. April 15 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Drop off a copy of all GT Student Profiles and Committee Signature Sheets to the Becker Elementary White House OR send through campus mail to Delaine Canales, Advanced Academics @ Becker. Drop off a copy of all GT Student Profiles and Committee Signature Sheets to the Becker Elementary White House OR send through campus mail to Delaine Canales, Advanced Academics @ Becker. GT Services Begin For Newly Identified Students GT Services Begin For Newly Identified Students January 5, 2015 First day of school the 2015-2016 school year Debi Torres, Gifted Education Program Coordinator: or 512-414-0155 Delaine Canales, Advanced Academics Data Processor: or 512- 414-0139 Austin ISD Advanced Academic Services 2014-2015 (rev 9/5/2014) GT Screening Guide This guide is designed to ensure the GT Advocate and GT Assessor complete all required steps for the GT screening process. Refer to the GT Assessment Calendar for deadlines and to the GT Documents and Forms Manual for all documents and assessment items. GT Documents and Forms Manual is located on the GT Advocates website. Completion Date GT Screening Guide Set Campus GT Nomination Window. Notify parents and teachers of the dates. Collect parent and teacher GT nominations. Send home Parent GT Surveys for all nominated students with a deadline for return. Notify teachers of parent nominations of students in their class. Create one file folder for each nominated student to organize all collected data. Verify parent permission for GT testing received (signed and returned GT Parent Survey). Students may not participate in GT Screening without returned/signed Parent GT Survey. Give teachers GT qualitative assessments and inform them of the end of the 4-week student observation period when all items, including student portfolio work, are due. Order GT assessment materials for all nominated students by the district deadline. Check to see if any nominated students have an IEP or 504 Accommodations Page. The “testing modifications” sections must be followed when these students are tested. Check with teachers to know which students need to complete the GT assessments in a language other than English. Pick up GT assessment materials at Becker Elementary White House on pick up date. Create Campus GT assessment schedule and notify teachers of assessment dates. Students who do not speak English complete a different assessment and students with an IEP or 504 Accommodations Page may need assessment modifications. Complete CogAT testing for all nominated English-speaking students. Complete NNAT2 testing for all nominated ELL students. Complete Individual Student GT Surveys during the GT assessment period. Check all testing scoring sheets before submission for completeness and accuracy using the information included in the GT materials packet received from Advanced Academics. Submit all GT tests for scoring by the district deadline to Becker White House. Return all GT testing materials (used and unused) to Becker White House. Schedule GT Decision-Making Committee meeting(s) and notify members. Collect GT Qualitative assessments from each teacher after 4-week period. Retrieve GT test scores from Becker White House upon notification from Advanced Academics. Collect all assessment data for each student and organize in individual student folders. Transfer all assessment data for each student onto a GT Student Profile Matrix. Document GT Decision-Making Committee scores for student portfolios using rubric. Review and Analyze all data collected for each student with the GT Decision-Making Committee. Make final placement or non-placement decisions for each student assessed and collect signatures of the GT Decision-Making Committee on the Committee Signature Sheets. Make one copy of each Committee Signature Sheet and each GT Student Profile (identified and not-identified students) and submit to Becker White House for TEAMS entry. Make one copy of each identified GT Student Profile and put in student’s cumulative folder. Notify parents in writing of GT placement or non-placement. Notify teachers of newly identified GT students. Austin ISD Advanced Academic Services 2014-2015 (rev 9/5/2014) Elementary Parent Nomination Form For Austin ISD Gifted Program This form is designed to give parents an opportunity to nominate elementary students enrolled in an Austin ISD school for testing for the AISD Gifted and Talented Program. There are numerous characteristics of gifted children and not all children will exhibit the same characteristics; however, the following list can serve as a guide to recognizing students who may be potentially gifted. Did your child start talking (and never stopped talking) before most other children the same age? Does your child have a lot of curiosity? Does he/she ask a lot of questions about all kinds of things one after another? Does your child give complex and detailed answers to questions (even simple questions)? Does your child have a wide range of interests? Does he/she enjoy trying new things? Does your child get lost in his/her own world and become so involved in what she/he’s doing that she/he isn’t aware of anything else? Does your child frequently have unusual ideas? Does he/she give logical, reasonable explanations for events and occurrences? Does your child pay close attention to details, is highly observant, and does not miss a thing? Does he/she notice likenesses and differences between people, events, or things? Does your child come up with powerful, persuasive arguments for almost anything? Does your child show empathy and sensitivity to the needs and feelings of others? Is he/she aware of problems that others don’t notice? Does your child worry about the world, other people, and/or the environment? Expanded and adapted from the work of Judy Galbraith, MA Each campus will screen nominated students to determine if they should receive gifted and talented services at the school. Not all students who are screened will automatically qualify to receive gifted and talented services. If you would like to nominate your child for the gifted and talented program please complete this form and return to the child’s elementary school during the campus GT nomination window (twice a year). Please contact the school to find out the exact dates of their GT nomination period. PLEASE PRINT Child’s Name: _________________________________________________________________ School: _______________________________________ Grade: _______________________ Teacher: ______________________________________ Parent Name: ___________________________________ Phone: _______________________ Parent Signature: _________________________________ Date: ________________________ I understand this is only a formal nomination for testing. Actual testing and assessment for the GT program will not occur without parent/guardian permission. I also understand that a nomination does not guarantee the child will qualify to receive gifted and talented services in Austin ISD. Austin ISD Advanced Academic Services 2014-2015 (rev 9/5/2014) Nominación Para Los Padres para el Austin ISD Programa Dotados y Talentosos ¿Muestra su hijo(a) las siguientes características en la casa? (Es raro que una persona tenga todas las características y rasgos de dotes aquí descritos.) ¿Empezó su hijo(a) a hablar (y nunca ha dejado de hablar) antes que la mayoría de otros niños de su edad? ¿Tiene su hijo(a) mucha curiosidad? ¿Hace muchas preguntas sobre toda clase de cosas, una después de otra? ¿Da su hijo(a) respuestas complejas y detalladas a preguntas (aun preguntas simples)? ¿Tiene su hijo(a) una amplia escala de intereses? ¿Le gusta intentar cosas nuevas? ¿Se pierde su hijo(a) en su propio mundo, y se absorbe tanto en lo que hace que no tiene conciencia de nada más? ¿Tiene a menudo su hijo(a) ideas inusuales? ¿Da explicaciones lógicas y razonables de acontecimientos y cosas que ocurren? ¿Presta su hijo(a) mucha atención a detalles, es muy observador(a), y no se le pasa nada? ¿Nota semejanzas y diferencias entre personas, acontecimientos o cosas? ¿Discurre su hijo(a) argumentos sólidos y persuasivos para casi todas las cosas? ¿Muestra su hijo(a) empatía y sensibilidad a necesidades y sentimientos de los demás? ¿Se da cuenta de problemas que otros no notan? ¿Preocupa a su hijo(a) el mundo, otras personas y/o el ambiente? Ampliado y adaptado de la obra de Judy Galbraith, MA Cada plantel de AISD abrirá un periodo de matrícula para el Programa GT en su escuela. La forma debe llenarse por completo. Devuelva a tiempo la forma de los padres al Abogado de GT del plantel, para que pueda continuarse con el proceso de selección de GT. No todos los estudiantes que son investigados calificarán automáticamente recibir servicios dotados y talentosos. Si querría nombrar su niño para el Programa Talentoso y Talentoso completa por favor esta forma y el regreso a la escuela de enseñanza primaria del niño. Contacte por favor la escuela para averiguar las fechas exactas de su período de nominación de GT. imprima por favor Nobre de estudiante ____________________________________________________________ Escuela: _______________________________________ Grado: _______________________ Maestro(a:) _____________________________________ Nombre de Padre/Madre: ________________________________ Teléfono: ________________ Firma de Padre/Madre:__________________________________ Fecha: _______________________ Comprendo que esto es sólo una nominación formal para probar. Probar y evaluación verdaderos para el programa de GT no ocurrirán sin permiso de padre/guardián. Yo intiendo que una nominación no garantiza al niño calificará para recibir servicios dotados y talentosos en Austin ISD. Austin ISD Advanced Academic Services 2014-2015 (rev 9/5/2014) Secondary Parent Nomination Form For Austin ISD Gifted Program This form is designed to give parents an opportunity to nominate students enrolled in an Austin ISD school for testing for the AISD Gifted and Talented Program. There are numerous characteristics of gifted children and not all children will exhibit the same characteristics; however, the following list can serve as a guide to recognizing students who may be potentially gifted academically. Did your child start talking (and never stopped talking) before most other children the same age? Does your child have a lot of curiosity? Does he/she ask a lot of questions about all kinds of things one after another? Does your child give complex and detailed answers to questions (even simple questions)? Does your child have a wide range of interests? Does he/she enjoy trying new things? Does your child get lost in his/her own world and become so involved in what she/he’s doing that she/he isn’t aware of anything else? Does your child frequently have unusual ideas? Does he/she give logical, reasonable explanations for events and occurrences? Does your child pay close attention to details, is highly observant, and does not miss a thing? Does he/she notice likenesses and differences between people, events, or things? Does your child come up with powerful, persuasive arguments for almost anything? Does your child show empathy and sensitivity to the needs and feelings of others? Is he/she aware of problems that others don’t notice? Does your child worry about the world, other people, and/or the environment? Expanded and adapted from the work of Judy Galbraith, MA Each campus will screen nominated students to determine if they should receive gifted and talented services at the school. Not all students who are screened will automatically qualify to receive gifted and talented services. If you would like to nominate your child for the gifted and talented program please complete this form and return to the child’s secondary school during the campus GT nomination window (once a year in the Fall Semester). Please contact the school to find out the exact dates of their GT nomination period. PLEASE PRINT Student’s Name: _______________________________________________________________ School: _______________________________________ Grade: _______________________ Parent Name: ___________________________________ Phone: _______________________ Parent Signature: _________________________________ Date: ________________________ I understand this is only a formal nomination for testing. Actual testing and assessment for the GT program will not occur without parent/guardian permission. I also understand that a nomination does not guarantee the child will qualify to receive gifted and talented services in Austin ISD. Austin ISD Advanced Academic Services 2014-2015 (rev 9/5/2014) Nominación Para Los Padres para el Austin ISD Programa Dotados y Talentosos ¿Muestra su hijo(a) las siguientes características en la casa? (Es raro que una persona tenga todas las características y rasgos de dotes aquí descritos.) ¿Muestra su hijo(a) las siguientes características en la casa? (Es raro que una persona tenga todas las características y rasgos de dotes aquí descritos.) ¿Empezó su hijo(a) a hablar (y nunca ha dejado de hablar) antes que la mayoría de otros niños de su edad? ¿Tiene su hijo(a) mucha curiosidad? ¿Hace muchas preguntas sobre toda clase de cosas, una después de otra? ¿Da su hijo(a) respuestas complejas y detalladas a preguntas (aun preguntas simples)? ¿Tiene su hijo(a) una amplia escala de intereses? ¿Le gusta intentar cosas nuevas? ¿ Se pierde su hijo(a) en su propio mundo, y se absorbe tanto en lo que hace que no tiene conciencia de nada más? ¿Tiene a menudo su hijo(a) ideas inusuales? ¿Da explicaciones lógicas y razonables de acontecimientos y cosas que ocurren? ¿Presta su hijo(a) mucha atención a detalles, es muy observador(a), y no se le pasa nada? ¿Nota semejanzas y diferencias entre personas, acontecimientos o cosas? ¿Discurre su hijo(a) argumentos sólidos y persuasivos para casi todas las cosas? ¿Muestra su hijo(a) empatía y sensibilidad a necesidades y sentimientos de los demás? ¿Se da cuenta de problemas que otros no notan? ¿Preocupa a su hijo(a) el mundo, otras personas y/o el ambiente? Ampliado y adaptado de la obra de Judy Galbraith, MA Cada plantel de AISD abrirá un periodo de matrícula para el Programa GT en su escuela. La forma debe llenarse por completo. Devuelva a tiempo la forma de los padres al Abogado de GT del plantel, para que pueda continuarse con el proceso de selección de GT. No todos los estudiantes que son investigados calificarán automáticamente recibir servicios dotados y talentosos. Si querría nombrar su niño para el Programa Talentoso y Talentoso completa por favor esta forma y el regreso a la escuela de enseñanza primaria del niño. Contacte por favor la escuela para averiguar las fechas exactas de su período de nominación de GT. imprima por favor Nobre de estudiante: ____________________________________________________________ Escuela: _______________________________________ Grado: _______________________ Nombre de Padre/Madre: ______________________________ Teléfono: ____________________ Firma de Padre/Madre: ________________________________ Fecha: _______________________ Comprendo que esto es sólo una nominación formal para probar. Probar y evaluación verdaderos para el programa de GT no ocurrirán sin permiso de padre/guardián. Yo intiendo que una nominación no garantiza al niño calificará para recibir servicios dotados y talentosos en Austin ISD. Austin ISD Advanced Academic Services 2014-2015 (rev 9/5/2014) AISD Elementary Teacher GT Nomination Information Form Classroom teachers interested in nominating one of their students for the Austin ISD gifted and talented program should watch for a combination of the following characteristics in one or more of the core content areas: Advanced problem solving skills Rapid learning Strong language skills Keen sense of humor Interest in social issues or world problems Imaginative use of materials Asks deep provocative questions Strong memory skills Readily understands concepts Demonstrates high levels of reasoning and insight Enjoyment of academic challenges Keen interest in academic topics Wide knowledge base; extensive reading and/or research Explores topics in depth Enjoys independent learning Demonstrates an understanding of multiple perspectives Recognizes complex patterns Is focused and persistent Actively participates in class discussions Students that demonstrate multiple characteristics on a regular basis should be considered for GT nomination. Keep in mind that students will vary in the way they demonstrate these characteristics based upon the content, their background experiences, and their cultural influences. Students with limited English or who have limited language skills should not be excluded from consideration; they may demonstrate the characteristics despite their language limitations. Students may be nominated by a parent or a teacher. At the elementary level, GT screening will occur twice a year (fall and spring). Once a student has been nominated for the gifted program, the student’s teacher will collect the following items/data over a four-week period of observation. Teacher GT Observation Survey Teacher GT Observation Inventory Student work samples for the Student GT Screening Portfolio If you are interested in nominating students for the GT program, please complete the following information and submit it to the GT Advocate no later than __________________________. Once all nominations have been received from both parents and teachers, teachers will receive additional information about requirements during the campus GT screening period for each nominated student. Sincerely, GT Advocate Student Name 1. 2. 3. 4. Teacher Name: ID# Will this student need to be tested in a language other than English? Grade Level: Austin ISD Advanced Academic Services 2014-2015 (rev 9/5/2014) AISD Secondary Teacher GT Nomination Information Form Classroom teachers interested in nominating one of their students for the Austin ISD gifted and talented program should watch for a combination of the following characteristics in one or more of the core content areas: Advanced problem solving skills Rapid learning Strong language skills Keen sense of humor Interest in social issues or world problems Imaginative use of materials Asks deep provocative questions Strong memory skills Readily understands concepts Demonstrates high levels of reasoning and insight Enjoyment of academic challenges Keen interest in academic topics Wide knowledge base; extensive reading and/or research Explores topics in depth Enjoys independent learning Demonstrates an understanding of multiple perspectives Recognizes complex patterns Is focused and persistent Actively participates in class discussions Students that demonstrate multiple characteristics on a regular basis should be considered for GT nomination. Keep in mind that students will vary in the way they demonstrate these characteristics based upon the content, their background experiences, and their cultural influences. Students with limited English or who have limited language skills should not be excluded from consideration; they may demonstrate the characteristics despite their language limitations. Students may be nominated by a parent or a teacher. At the elementary level, GT screening will occur twice a year (fall and spring). Once a student has been nominated for the gifted program, the student’s teacher will collect the following items/data over a four-week period of observation. Teacher GT Observation Survey Teacher GT Observation Inventory Student work samples for the Student GT Screening Portfolio If you are interested in nominating students for the GT Program, please complete the following information and submit it to the GT Advocate no later than __________________________. Once all nominations have been received from both parents and teachers, teachers will receive additional information about requirements during the campus GT screening period for each nominated student. Sincerely, GT Advocate Student Name 1. 2. 3. 4. Teacher Name: ID# In what subject area(s) are you nominating for each student? Will this student need testing in a language other than English? Course: Austin ISD Advanced Academic Services 2014-2015 (rev 9/5/2014) Elementary Parent GT Nomination Survey Austin ISD Gifted Program Directions: Please print. For each group of related questions below, select the choice that best describes your child. Give additional information as needed. When you have completed the form, please return it to your child’s teacher. Child’s Name ______________________________________ Grade Level __________________ School ____________________________________________ Date _________________________ Criteria Language Arts Your child uses a lot of “grown-up” words and is interested in definitions, relationships of words, sounds, and has a large vocabulary for his/her age. Your child has a good sense of humor and uses jokes, puns, and multiple meanings in conversations or in writing. Your child reads or listens to a wide variety of types of literature; may focus on one type for a period of time and then switch his/her focus to another. Your child elaborates well when reading, speaking, or writing, uses vivid expressions, voices to make words “come alive”. Your child is motivated to write in a variety of genres (stories, poems, songs, or plays); keeps a journal or diary. Mathematics Your child sees patterns in real life in a variety of ways; can extend patterns to large numbers. Your child applies numbers to real life situations; such as using numbers while playing, thinking, organizing, or planning. Your child recognizes and describes problems; is good at guessing solutions to problems about numbers, money, or telling time. Your child enjoys trying to solve challenging problems such as puzzles, logic problems, or games of strategy. Your child can solve difficult problems naturally and easily, but may not always be able to explain his/her solution or strategy. Social Studies Your child is interested and/or concerned with “grown-up” social issues or world problems such as world hunger, pollution, war, global warming, etc. Your child asks deep, open-ended, or philosophical questions that are typically not asked by a child. Your child enjoys studying and/or playing with maps, globes, almanacs, likes to make up stories about different locations (either real or make-believe). Your child is interested in social themes, complex public issues, explanations, ethical and moral issues; fairness is extremely important to him/her. Your child can understand multiple sides or explanations of a situation or problem and tries to persuade other people to join his/her side. Science Never Your child exhibits interest in science outside of school activities (books, programs, science fiction, technology, collections, or hobbies). Your child relates science to real world situations, makes interesting connections that sometimes surprise you or make you look at things differently than before. Your child enjoys experimenting, likes open-ended discovery, inventing, finding multiple uses for things, experiments to satisfy curiosity. Your child explores, questions, investigates, studies things in detail, and makes improvements to things used in daily life. Your child is focused and persistent (continues investigation in spite of difficulties), demonstrates high level of intellectual energy. Sometimes Often Austin ISD Advanced Academic Services 2014-2015 (rev 9/5/2014) Directions: Provide a detailed written response to the following questions. What special talents or abilities does your child have? Tell about a time when your child surprised you by his/her ability, understanding, and/or knowledge. I give permission for my child to be tested and screened for the Austin ISD Gifted and Talented Program. I understand that I will be notified by the campus if my child qualifies or does not qualify to participate in the gifted program. If my child qualifies, I give permission for my child to participate in the Austin ISD Gifted and Talented Program. Name of Child (print): ____________________________________________________________ Name of Parent/Guardian (print): ____________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature: _________________________________________________________________ Date: _________________________ Austin ISD Advanced Academic Services 2014-2015 (rev 9/5/2014) Lista de Verificación Primaria de Padres para el Programa de Dotados de Austin ISD Instrucciones: Imprima por favor. Para cada grupo de preguntas relacionadas abajo, seleccione su elección que describe mejor a su niño(a). Dé información adicional como vea necesario. Cuando haya completado la forma, por favor de regresarla al maestro de su niño(a). Nombre del Niño(a) _____________________________________ Grado ________________ Escuela _______________________________________________ Fecha _________________ Criterios Idiomas/Lectura Su niño(a) está interesado en juegos de palabras, definiciones, relaciones de palabras, sonidos, y tiene un vocabulario grande para su edad. Su niño(a) tiene un buen sentido del humor y usa chistes, retruécanos, sátira, y múltiples significados en conversaciones o por escrito. Su niño(a) lee o escucha una gran variedad de tipos de literatura; puede centrarse en un tipo por un espacio de tiempo y entonces cambiar su enfoque a otro. Su niño(a) elabora bien al leer, hablar, o al escribir, usa expresiones intensas, y voces para “darle vida” a las palabras. Su niño(a) es motivado para escribir en una variedad de géneros (historias, poemas, canciones, u obras); mantiene un diario o una agenda. Matemáticas Su niño(a) está interesado en números y relaciones matemáticas y ve la utilidad o las aplicaciones de matemáticas. Su niño(a) aplica números a situaciones de vida diaria y puede representarse creando espacialmente imágenes visuales de problemas y soluciones matemáticos. Su niño(a) razona efectivamente y puede estimar y hacer predicciones que implican los datos que organiza para descubrir pautas o relaciones. Su niño(a) disfruta tratando de resolver problemas desafiantes como enigmas, problemas de lógica, o como los juegos de estrategia y es persistente en encontrar soluciones. Su niño(a) puede resolver problemas difíciles intuitivamente, pero no siempre puede poder explicar su solución ni la estrategia. Estudios Sociales Su niño(a) está interesado e informado acerca de asuntos sociales o problemas mundiales como el hambre, la contaminación, la guerra, el calentamiento global, etc. Su niño(a) hace preguntas profundas, sin final o filosóficas para hacer conexiones excepcionales acerca de una variedad de temas que impactan la humanidad. Su niño(a) disfruta el estudio de los mapas, globos mundiales, almanaques, y la geografía para comprender las regiones y las culturas. Su niño(a) está interesado en asuntos globales, en dilemas éticos, en preguntas de moraleja, y en la causalidad de acontecimientos complejos; la justicia es muy importante para él/ella. Su niño(a) suspende juicio, entretiene explicaciones alternativas, considera múltiples perspectivas, y disfruta debatir temas históricos, políticos y eventos actuales. Ciencias Nunca Su niño(a) exhibe interés en la ciencia fuera de actividades de escuela (libros, programas, ciencia ficción, tecnología, colecciones, o pasatiempos). Su niño(a) relaciona la ciencia a situaciones mundiales verdaderas, hace conexiones interesantes que a veces sorprenden y hacen que usted mire cosas de forma distinta que antes. Su niño(a) es bueno en visualizar y puede ver pautas complejas en ideas y conceptos relacionados a investigaciones científicas. Su niño(a) demuestra curiosidad intelectual y utiliza la resolución de problemas para investigar, estudiar cosas con detalle, y crear soluciones para mejorar la vida cotidiana. Su niño(a) está enfocado y es persistente (continúa investigación a pesar de dificultades), demuestra el nivel alto de energía intelectual. A veces A menudo Austin ISD Advanced Academic Services 2014-2015 (rev 9/5/2014) Instrucciones: Proporcione una respuesta por escrito detallada a las preguntas siguientes. ¿Qué talentos o habilidades especiales tiene su niño(a)? Diga sobre una ocasión cuando su niño(a) le sorprendió por su habilidad, entendimiento, y/o el conocimiento. Doy permiso para que mi niño(a) sea probado e investigado para el proceso de selección del Programa Dotado y Talentoso de Austin ISD. Entiendo que seré notificado por el campus si mi niño(a) califica o no califica para tomar parte en el programa talentoso. Si mi niño(a) califica, doy permiso para que mi niño(a) tome parte en el Programa Dotado y Talentoso de Austin ISD. Nombre del niño(a) (imprima): _____________________________________________ Nombre del Padre/Madre (imprima): _________________________________________ Firma del Padre/Madre: ___________________________________________________ Fecha: __________________ Austin ISD Advanced Academic Services 2014-2015 (rev 9/5/2014) Secondary Parent GT Nomination Survey Austin ISD Gifted Program Directions: Please print. For each group of related questions below, select the choice that best describes your child. Give additional information as needed. When you have completed the form, please return it to your child’s teacher. Child’s Name: _______________________________________ Grade Level: _____________ School: _____________________________________________ Date: ____________________ Criteria Language Arts Your child is interested in word play, definitions, relationships of words, sounds, and has a large vocabulary for his/her age. Your child has a good sense of humor and uses jokes, puns, satire, and multiple meanings in conversations or in writing. Your child reads or listens to a wide variety of types of literature; may focus on one type for a period of time and then switch his/her focus to another. Your child elaborates well when reading, speaking, or writing, uses vivid expressions, voices to make words “come alive”. Your child is motivated to write in a variety of genres (stories, poems, songs, or plays); keeps a journal or diary. Mathematics Your child is interested in numbers and mathematical relationships and sees usefulness or applications of mathematics. Your child applies numbers to real life situations and is able to visualize spatially by creating visual images of mathematical problems and solutions. Your child reasons effectively and is able to estimate and make predictions that involve organizing data to discover patterns or relationships. Your child enjoys trying to solve challenging problems such as puzzles, logic problems, or games of strategy and is persistent in finding solutions. Your child can solve difficult problems intuitively, but may not always be able to explain his/her solution or strategy. Social Studies Your child is interested and knowledgeable about with social issues or world problems such as world hunger, pollution, war, global warming, etc. Your child asks deep, open-ended, or philosophical questions to make unusual connections about a variety of topics that impact humanity. Your child enjoys studying maps, globes, almanacs, and geography to understand regions and cultures. Your child is interested in global issues, ethical dilemmas, moral questions, and causation of complex events; fairness is extremely important to him/her. Your child suspends judgment, entertains alternative explanations, considers multiple perspectives, and enjoys debating historical, political and current events. Science Never Your child exhibits interest in science outside of school activities (books, programs, science fiction, technology, collections, or hobbies). Your child relates science to real world situations, makes interesting connections that sometimes surprise you or make you look at things differently than before. Your child is good at visualizing and is able to see complex patterns in ideas and concepts related to scientific investigations. Your child demonstrates intellectual curiosity and uses problem solving to investigate, study things in detail, and create solutions to improve daily life. Your child is focused and persistent (continues investigation in spite of difficulties), demonstrates high level of intellectual energy. Sometimes Often Austin ISD Advanced Academic Services 2014-2015 (rev 9/5/2014) Directions: Provide a detailed written response to the following questions. What special talents or abilities does your child have? Tell about a time when your child surprised you by his/her ability, understanding, and/or knowledge. I give permission for my child to be tested and screened for the Austin ISD Gifted and Talented Program. I understand that I will be notified by the campus if my child qualifies or does not qualify to participate in the gifted program. If my child qualifies, I give permission for my child to participate in the Austin ISD Gifted and Talented Program. Name of Child (print): ____________________________________________________________ Name of Parent/Guardian (print): ____________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature: _________________________________________________________________ Date: _________________________ Austin ISD Advanced Academic Services 2014-2015 (rev 9/5/2014) Lista de Verificación Secundaria de Padres para el Programa de Dotados de Austin ISD Instrucciones: Imprima por favor. Para cada grupo de preguntas relacionadas abajo, seleccione su elección que describe mejor a su niño(a). Dé información adicional como vea necesario. Cuando haya completado la forma, por favor de regresarla al maestro de su niño(a). Nombre del Niño(a) ______________________________________ Grado ______________ Escuela ________________________________________________ Fecha _______________ Criterios Idiomas/Lectura Su niño(a) está interesado en juegos de palabras, definiciones, relaciones de palabras, sonidos, y tiene un vocabulario grande para su edad. Su niño(a) tiene un buen sentido del humor y usa chistes, retruécanos, sátira, y múltiples significados en conversaciones o por escrito. Su niño(a) lee o escucha una gran variedad de tipos de literatura; puede centrarse en un tipo por un espacio de tiempo y entonces cambiar su enfoque a otro. Su niño(a) elabora bien al leer, hablar, o al escribir, usa expresiones intensas, y voces para “darle vida” a las palabras. Su niño(a) es motivado para escribir en una variedad de géneros (historias, poemas, canciones, u obras); mantiene un diario o una agenda. Matemáticas Su niño(a) está interesado en números y relaciones matemáticas y ve la utilidad o las aplicaciones de matemáticas. Su niño(a) aplica números a situaciones de vida diaria y puede representarse creando espacialmente imágenes visuales de problemas y soluciones matemáticos. Su niño(a) razona efectivamente y puede estimar y hacer predicciones que implican los datos que organiza para descubrir pautas o relaciones. Su niño(a) disfruta tratando de resolver problemas desafiantes como enigmas, problemas de lógica, o como los juegos de estrategia y es persistente en encontrar soluciones. Su niño(a) puede resolver problemas difíciles intuitivamente, pero no siempre puede poder explicar su solución ni la estrategia. Estudios Sociales Su niño(a) está interesado e informado acerca de asuntos sociales o problemas mundiales como el hambre, la contaminación, la guerra, el calentamiento global, etc. Su niño(a) hace preguntas profundas, sin final o filosóficas para hacer conexiones excepcionales acerca de una variedad de temas que impactan la humanidad. Su niño(a) disfruta el estudio de los mapas, globos mundiales, almanaques, y la geografía para comprender las regiones y las culturas. Su niño(a) está interesado en asuntos globales, en dilemas éticos, en preguntas de moraleja, y en la causalidad de acontecimientos complejos; la justicia es muy importante para él/ella. Su niño(a) suspende juicio, entretiene explicaciones alternativas, considera múltiples perspectivas, y disfruta debatir temas históricos, políticos y eventos actuales. Ciencias Nunca Su niño(a) exhibe interés en la ciencia fuera de actividades de escuela (libros, programas, ciencia ficción, tecnología, colecciones, o pasatiempos). Su niño(a) relaciona la ciencia a situaciones mundiales verdaderas, hace conexiones interesantes que a veces sorprenden y hacen que usted mire cosas de forma distinta que antes. Su niño(a) es bueno en visualizar y puede ver pautas complejas en ideas y conceptos relacionados a investigaciones científicas. Su niño(a) demuestra curiosidad intelectual y utiliza la resolución de problemas para investigar, estudiar cosas con detalle, y crear soluciones para mejorar la vida cotidiana. Su niño(a) está enfocado y es persistente (continúa investigación a pesar de dificultades), demuestra el nivel alto de energía intelectual. A veces A menudo Austin ISD Advanced Academic Services 2014-2015 (rev 9/5/2014) Instrucciones: Proporcione una respuesta por escrito detallada a las preguntas siguientes. ¿Qué talentos o habilidades especiales tiene su niño(a)? Diga sobre una ocasión cuando su niño(a) le sorprendió por su habilidad, entendimiento, y/o el conocimiento. Doy permiso para que mi niño(a) sea probado e investigado para el proceso de selección del Programa Dotado y Talentoso de Austin ISD. Entiendo que seré notificado por el campus si mi niño(a) califica o no califica para tomar parte en el programa talentoso. Si mi niño(a) califica, doy permiso para que mi niño(a) tome parte en el Programa Dotado y Talentoso de Austin ISD. Nombre del niño(a) (imprima): __________________________________________________________ Nombre del Padre/Madre (imprima): _____________________________________________________ Firma del Padre/Madre:________________________________________________________________ Fecha: __________________ Austin ISD Advanced Academic Services 2014-2015 (rev 9/5/2014) AISD Teacher GT Screening Information During our campus GT nomination period, the following students were nominated to participate in the GT screening/identification process this semester. Students may be nominated by a parent, a teacher, or other campus educator. Teacher: GT Nominated Students: Once a student has been nominated for the gifted program, you as the student’s teacher are required to collect and complete three types of qualitative data over a four-week period of observation. Teacher GT Observation Survey Teacher GT Observation Inventory Sample student work for Student GT Screening Portfolio This information will assist the campus GT Decision-Making Committee in making final placement decisions for the GT program. Details and helpful suggestions for completing each of these required screening pieces is included in this information sheet. For additional help contact your campus GT Advocate. Deadline to submit all required documents: ___________________________________ Teacher GT Observation Survey You will be observing the student over a four-week period using the characteristics on each scale (one scale for each core subject). Students are rated on the following scale for each item: Never, Sometimes, or Often. It is recommended you become familiar with the list of characteristics at the beginning of the observation period and check off characteristics as observed. Once returned, the GT Advocate will tabulate the score. Austin ISD Advanced Academic Services 2014-2015 (rev 9/5/2014) Teacher GT Observation Inventory The ten characteristics included on the GT Observation Inventory were excerpted from the work of Dr. Mary Frasier, who after extensive research determined these were the characteristics of gifted students from underrepresented populations. You will be observing the student over a four-week period using the characteristics on the observation inventory. Students will be rated for each item on the following scale: Never, Sometimes, or Often. It is recommended you become familiar with each characteristic at the beginning of the observation period and note characteristics as you observe them. After completing the front section, teachers will complete the Teacher Observation Summary on the back page. Teachers need to include specific comments that help to explain the observed behaviors and characteristics. It is helpful to the GT Decision-Making Committee if you teachers can include subject/content specific comments on the summary page. Below is a sample teacher comment: “She is highly motivated by hands-on experiences and requests independent work that allows her to dig deeper into the topic of study in the content area of science.” PORTFOLIO OF STUDENT PRODUCTS A minimum of 2 work samples for each of the four core subject areas must be included in the student screening portfolio. Teachers and students may select to include work samples completed at school anytime from the first day of school that year up until the end of the four-week observation period. Student work samples may provide: Evidence of exemplary performance beyond the peer group norm A long-term record of a student’s progress that may reflect dramatic gains Demonstration of depth and complexity of understanding Recognition of different learning styles Indicators of giftedness in specific academic areas Portfolios can include examples of: Classroom writing Excerpts from student’s interactive notebooks Student-initiated assignments Statistical studies/graphic works Descriptions/diagrams of problem-solving Pictures/dictated results of investigations Examples of creative thinking Audiotapes, video, or other use of technology Responses to open-ended questions Student projects (written, oral, visual) Anecdotal records of outstanding performance Examples of cross-disciplinary integration Copies of awards or prizes Commercial worksheets and basic skills assignments are NOT recommended for inclusion in student portfolios. The portfolio will consist of student work from all four core subject areas (language arts, math, science, social studies). Date each item placed in the portfolio. It is recommended that a note be attached to each item that explains the reason chosen. Older students are encouraged to contribute to the selection of portfolio items. Austin ISD Advanced Academic Services 2014-2015 (rev 9/5/2014) Austin ISD Teacher GT Observation Survey Modified from Purdue academic rating scales. (1998). Royal Fireworks Press. Student: ____________________________________ Grade: _____________ Date: ______________ Teacher: ____________________________________ School: ______________________________________ Directions: The teacher will observe the student for a minimum of four weeks in the four core content areas as part of the Gifted and Talented assessment and screening process for the student. The teacher will select one response (not at all, sometimes, or quite often) for each item that best represents the student during the observation period. Never Sometimes Often Language Arts Interested in words, definitions, derivations; has an extensive vocabulary. Sees details, is a good observer, sees relationships, makes connections. Has a good sense of humor; uses and understands satire, puns, word games. Reads a variety of genres; may focus on one type, then switch to another genre. Motivated to write; writes stories, poems, or plays; keeps a journal or diary. Uses words and communicates emotions effectively in writing or spoken forms. Elaborates well when speaking or writing, uses vivid expressions and voice. Visualizes and translates images and ideas into written or spoken forms. Develops original ideas and convincing characters and situations in writing. Sees abstract connections between literature and other art forms. Column Totals Language Arts Score Never Sometimes Often Mathematics Organizes data to discover patterns or relationships. Persistent in learning math, concentrates, works hard, motivated, interested. Analyzes problems, considers alternatives, does not necessarily accept first answer. Learns math concepts and processes faster than other students. Enjoys trying to solve difficult problems, likes puzzles and logic problems. Sometimes solves problems intuitively and may not be able to explain to others. Visualizes spatially, can create visual images of problems or data. Recognizes critical elements in solving problems and recalls relevant information. Resourceful and creative in seeking ways to solve problems. Develops unique associations between math and other art forms, content, or ideas. Column Totals Mathematics Score Austin ISD Advanced Academic Services 2014-2015 (rev 9/5/2014) Never Sometimes Often Social Studies Reads widely on social issues from a variety of books and other sources. Becomes absorbed in the investigation of historical or world topics. Asks questions that are open-ended and philosophical. Sensitive to social topics, sees ethical and moral issues and discrepancies. Suspends judgment, entertains alternative explanations while researching. Enjoys the process of research and investigating for their own sake. Recalls details about historical topics, makes unusual abstract connections. Displays intellectual curiosity, becomes interested in tasks not assigned. Skilled in analyzing topics, finding the underlying problem, investigating. Prefers social studies related topics, classes, and careers. Column Totals Social Studies Score Never Sometimes Often Science Interested in science books, videos, websites, games. Sees unusual links between science topics to other art forms, subjects. Organizes experiments, capable of separating and controlling variables. Interested in numerical analysis, good at measurement and data analysis. Deeply understands scientific method, formulates plausible hypothesis. Prefers science-related topics, classes, and careers. Persistent, sticks with investigations in spite of difficulties or problems. Comes up with good questions or ideas for experiments and projects. Skilled at exploring, questioning, investigating, studying things in details. Knows a lot of science information, learns new concepts faster others. Column Totals Science Score Provide additional information about this student’s abilities that you want to be included as part of the Gifted and Talented assessment and screening process. __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Austin ISD Advanced Academic Services 2014-2015 (rev 9/5/2014) Austin ISD Teacher GT Observation Inventory Modified from Frasier, M. (1996). Traits, Aptitudes, and Behaviors Scales. University of Georgia. Student: ____________________________________ Grade: _____________ Date: ______________ Teacher: ____________________________________ School: ______________________________________ Directions: Teacher will observe the student for a minimum of four weeks in the following categories as part of the Gifted and Talented screening process for this student. At the end of the four week period, the teacher will select one response (not at all, sometimes, or quite often) for each category that best represents the student. Never Some- Often Traits, Aptitudes, and Behaviors times Motivation – Evidence of desire to learn. Student may: demonstrate persistence in pursuing/completing self-selected tasks, be an enthusiastic learner, be a self-starter, aspire to be somebody. Interests – Intense (sometimes unusual) interests. Student may: demonstrate unusual or advanced interests in a topic or activity, be beyond age group, pursue an activity unceasingly with high intensity. Communication Skills – Highly expressive and effective use of words, numbers, symbols. Student may: demonstrate unusual ability to communicate (verbally, physically, artistically, symbolically), and use particularly clever examples, illustrations, or elaborations. Problem Solving Ability – Effective, inventive, ways for recognizing and solving problems. Student may: demonstrate unusual ability to devise or adapt a systematic strategy for solving problems and to change the strategy if it is not working, create original designs, invent. Memory – Large storehouse of information on school or non-school topics. Student may: already know information or needs only 1-2 repetitions for mastery, have a wealth of information about different topics, pay attention to details, manipulate information. Inquiry – Questions, experiments, explores. Student may: ask unusual questions for age, demonstrate extensive exploratory behaviors directed toward eliciting information about materials, devices, situations, or topics. Insight – Quickly grasps new concepts and makes connections; senses deeper meaning. Student may: demonstrate exceptional ability to draw inferences, appear to be a good guesser, be keenly observant, possess high capacity for seeing unusual and diverse relationships. Reasoning – Logical approaches to figuring out solutions. Student may: make generalizations, use metaphors and analogies, think things through in a logical manner, think critically, think things through and come up with a plausible answer. Imagination/Creativity – Produces many ideas; highly original Student may: show exceptional ingenuity in using everyday materials, have wild, seemingly silly ideas, produce ideas fluently and flexibly, be highly curious, enjoy abstract thinking tasks. Humor – Conveys and picks up on humor. Student may: have keen sense of humor, see unusual relationships, demonstrate unusual emotional depth, demonstrate sensory awareness, enjoy puns, jokes, and idioms. Composite Score Austin ISD Advanced Academic Services 2014-2015 (rev 9/5/2014) Austin ISD Teacher GT Observation Summary Directions: Complete detailed responses at the conclusion of the four week observation period. Provide specific examples of the Traits, Aptitudes, and Behaviors this student exhibited in your classroom during the four week period. _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Provide additional information about this student’s abilities that you want to be included as part of the Gifted and Talented assessment and screening process. _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ Austin ISD Advanced Academic Services 2014-2015 (rev 9/5/2014) Gifted and Talented Screening Materials Order Form Elementary K-5 (6) Campus: ________________________________GT Advocate: ________________________________ Phone __________________ Email: __________________________ Date of Request: _________________ Fall Test Period: Sep 29 – Oct 17 Spring Test Period: Feb 9 – 27 Date of Testing:_______________________ Scan/Email order form to OR Fax to 512-414-0275. English GT Screening Materials 1. CogAT tests and answer sheets (one per student) # of copies requested Kinder: 1st grade: 2nd grade: 3rd grade: 4th grade: 5th grade: Directions for CogATs will be included 6th grade: ELL Screening Materials # of online NNAT2 tests 1. NNAT2 tests (one per student) Tests will be added to your online campus account for administration. Contact our department if you need more. Note – Remember to submit this form ahead of time to ensure your materials are ready on one of the GT Assessment Materials Check-Out Dates: September 25 OR February 5. All GT Assessment Materials will be picked-up in person at the Becker White House, located across the street from the elementary school and behind the chicken coop at 913 W. Milton. The GT Advocate is responsible for returning all GT testing materials to the Becker White House upon completion of testing. This includes materials not used. Label all returned testing material to ensure your campus is credited with the return of materials checked out in your name. For more information, contact Delaine Canales at or 512-414-0139. Austin ISD Advanced Academic Services 2014-2015 (rev 9/5/2014) Gifted and Talented Screening Materials Order Form Secondary 6-12 Campus: ___________________________________ GT Advocate: ________________________________ Phone__________________ Email:__________________________ Date of Request: __________________ Fall Test Period: Sep 29 – Oct 17 Spring Test Period: Feb 9 – 27 Date of Testing:_______________________ Scan/Email order form to OR Fax to 512-414-0275. English GT Screening Materials 1. CogAT tests and answer sheets (one per student) # of copies requested 6th grade: 7th grade: 8th grade: 9th grade: 10th grade: 11th grade: Directions for CogATs will be included ELL GT Screening Materials 12th grade: # of online NNAT2 tests 1. NNAT2 tests (one per student) Tests will be added to your online campus account for administration. Contact our department if you need more. Note – Remember to submit this form ahead of time to ensure your materials are ready on one of the GT Assessment Materials Check-Out Dates: September 26 OR February 5. All GT Assessment Materials will be picked-up in person at the Becker White House, located across the street from the elementary school and behind the chicken coop at 913 W. Milton. The GT Advocate is responsible for returning all GT testing materials to the Becker White House upon completion of testing. This includes materials not used. Label all returned testing material to ensure your campus is credited with the return of materials checked out in your name. For more information, contact Delaine Canales at or 512-414-0139. Austin ISD Advanced Academic Services 2014-2015 (rev 9/5/2014) Austin ISD Student GT Survey for Grades K-2 Student: ________________________________________ Grade: ________ Date: _________________ Teacher: _________________________________________ School: ________________________________ Directions: Each student who is participating in the GT Screening process will complete this survey. Follow the script provided when reading the directions to students. Each item will be read aloud and the student will select one response for each item. This survey will be completed during one of the GT assessment periods administered by the GT Advocate and/or GT Assessor on campus. Students will not be asked to complete this survey in the classroom or at home. How do I like to learn? (Language Arts) 1. I like to write stories or songs for fun. 2. I use a lot of words that other kids do not always understand. 3. I enjoy reading different types of books and stories. 4. I like to make up interesting rhymes or jokes. 5. I read so I can learn new information. 6. I like to write down important things in my life to help me remember them. 7. I like to learn the definitions to new words. 8. I can remember how to spell new words easily. 9. I have a good memory and can remember a lot of things easily. 10. I like to add details to make my stories more interesting. How do I like to learn? (Mathematics) 1. I like to solve hard math problems. 2. I enjoy learning about math and numbers. 3. I see patterns around me in everyday life. 4. I can solve hard math problems without any help. 5. I learn quickly and easily. 6. I like puzzles and number games. 7. I am good at guessing the answers to hard math problems. 8. I count things that are around me every day. 9. I like to find new ways to solve math problems. 10. I enjoy studying graphs and charts. Never Sometimes A lot ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Never Sometimes A lot ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Austin ISD Advanced Academic Services 2014-2015 (rev 9/5/2014) Austin ISD Student GT Survey for Grades K-2 (continued) How do I like to learn? (Social Studies) 1. I think rules are important. 2. I like to learn about people and places from the past. 3. I enjoy studying maps and globes. 4. I worry about problems that other people have. 5. I can get upset when something isn’t fair. 6. I like to ask questions about new things I want to learn about. 7. I know where to go to find answers to questions. 8. I enjoy learning about far-away places. 9. I help my friends understand what is right and fair. 10. I spend a lot of time on projects so they can be perfect. How do I like to learn? (Science) 1. I like to read books or watch videos about animals or nature. 2. I understand problems other kids do not always understand. 3. I see patterns in plants and animals. 4. I enjoy studying about science in school or at home. 5. I like to break things apart so I can understand how they work. 6. I invent new things or new ways to solve problems. 7. I like to work on science experiments in school. 8. I like to learn about things that other kids think are boring. 9. I think it would be fun to make a science fair project. 10. I enjoy studying weather, animals, nature, and the human body. Never Sometimes A lot ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Never Sometimes A lot ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Austin ISD Advanced Academic Services 2014-2015 (rev 9/5/2014) Encuesta para los estudiantes Dotados y Talentosos de los grados K-2 de AISD Estudiante: ________________________________________ Grado: ______ Maestro: _________________________________________ Fecha: ________________ Escuela: _________________________________ Instrucciones: Cada estudiante que participe en el Proceso de evaluación para Dotados y Talentosos (GT) llenará este formulario. Cuando lea las instrucciones a los estudiantes, siga el texto que se le proporcionó. Lea cada pregunta en voz alta y el estudiante seleccionará una respuesta. Llenará esta encuesta durante uno de los periodos de las evaluaciones GT que administrará el Defensor o el Asesor de GT en la escuela. No se les pedirá a los estudiantes que llenen esta encuesta en el salón o en la casa. ¿Cómo me gusta aprender? (Artes del lenguaje) Nunca A veces Mucho ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ 1. Me gusta escribir historias o canciones para divertirme. 2. Uso muchas palabras que mis compañeros de clase no siempre entienden. 3. Disfruto leer una variedad de libros y cuentos. 4. Me gusta inventar rimas y chistes graciosos. 5. Leo para aprender nueva información. 6. Me gusta escribir cosas importantes de mi vida, eso me ayuda a recordarlas. 7. Me gusta aprender las definiciones de palabras nuevas. 8. Recuerdo cómo deletrear palabras nuevas fácilmente. 9. Puedo recordar muchas cosas fácilmente. 10. Me gusta agregarles detalles a mis historias para hacerlas más interesantes. ¿Cómo me gusta aprender? (Matemáticas) 1. Me gusta resolver problemas difíciles de matemáticas. 2. Me gusta aprender matemáticas y de números. 3. Veo los patrones que están a mi alrededor en la vida diaria. 4. Puedo resolver problemas difíciles de matemáticas sin que me ayuden. 5. Aprendo rápida y fácilmente. 6. Me gustan los rompecabezas y los juegos de números. 7. Soy bueno para adivinar la respuesta de problemas de matemáticas difíciles. 8. Todos los días cuento las cosas que me rodean. 9. Me gusta intentar nuevas formas de resolver problemas de matemáticas. 10. Disfruto estudiar gráficas y cuadros sinópticos. Nun ca A veces A menudo ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Austin ISD Advanced Academic Services 2014-2015 (rev 9/5/2014) Encuesta para los estudiantes Dotados y talentosos de los grados K-2 de AISD (continuación) ¿Cómo me gusta aprender? (Estudios sociales) 1. Creo que las reglas son importantes. 2. Me gusta estudiar sobre la gente y los lugares de la antigüedad. 3. Me gusta estudiar mapas y globos terrestres. 4. Me preocupan los problemas de los demás. 5. Me puedo molestar cuando algo es injusto. 6. Me gusta hacer preguntas sobre algo nuevo que quiero aprender. 7. Sé a dónde ir para encontrar respuestas a mis preguntas. 8. Me gusta aprender sobre lugares lejanos. 9. Ayudo a mis amigos a entender lo que es correcto y justo. 10. Paso mucho tiempo haciendo mis proyectos para que estén perfectos. ¿Cómo me gusta aprender? (Ciencias) 1. Me gusta leer libros o ver videos sobre los animales o la naturaleza. 2. Entiendo problemas que otros niños no siempre entienden. 3. Veo patrones en los animales y las plantas. 4. Disfruto estudiar ciencias en la escuela o en la casa. 5. Me gusta desarmar cosas para poder entender cómo funcionan. 6. Invento cosas nuevas o maneras nuevas de resolver problemas. 7. Me gusta hacer experimentos de ciencias en la escuela. 8. Me gusta aprender sobre cosas que otros niños creen que son aburridas. 9. Creo que sería divertido hacer un proyecto para la feria de ciencias. 10. Disfruto estudiar el clima, los animales, la naturaleza y el cuerpo humano. Nunca A veces Mucho ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Nunca A veces Mucho ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Austin ISD Advanced Academic Services 2014-2015 (rev 9/5/2014) Austin ISD Student GT Survey for Grades 3-5 Student: ________________________________________ Grade: ________ Date: _________________ Teacher: _________________________________________ School: ________________________________ Directions: Each student who is participating in the GT Screening process will complete this survey. Follow the script provided when reading the directions to students. Each item will be read aloud and the student will select one response for each item. This survey will be completed during one of the GT assessment periods administered by the GT Advocate and/or GT Assessor on campus. Students will not be asked to complete this survey in the classroom or at home. How do I like to learn? (Language Arts) 1. I like to write stories, songs, poems, or cartoons for fun. 2. I use a lot of words that other kids do not always understand. 3. I enjoy reading different types of books and stories. 4. I like to play with words to make up rhymes or jokes that are interesting. 5. I read because I know that it helps me learn new information. 6. I like to write down important things in my life to help me remember them. 7. I like to learn the definitions to new words. 8. I can remember how to spell difficult words easily and quickly. 9. I have a good memory and can remember a lot of information easily. 10. I like to elaborate and add details to make my writing more interesting. How do I like to learn? (Mathematics) 1. I like to work on challenging math problems. 2. I enjoy learning about math and numbers. 3. I see patterns around me in everyday life. 4. I can solve challenging math problems without any help. 5. I learn quickly and easily with little explanation. 6. I like puzzles and games of strategy. 7. I am good at guessing the answers to difficult math problems. 8. I count things that are around me in everyday life. 9. I like to find creative ways to solve math problems. 10. I enjoy studying graphs and charts to learn new information. Never Sometimes Often ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Never ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Sometimes Often ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Austin ISD Advanced Academic Services 2014-2015 (rev 9/5/2014) Austin ISD Student GT Survey for Grades 3-5 (continued) How do I like to learn? (Social Studies) 1. I think rules are important. 2. I like to learn about people and places from the past. 3. I enjoy studying maps, globes, and atlases. 4. I worry about world problems such as hunger, pollution, and war. 5. I can get upset when something isn’t fair. 6. I like to ask many questions and want to know the correct answers. 7. I check different resources when I’m trying to find an answer. 8. I enjoy reading stories about people who live in faraway places. 9. I help my friends understand what is right and fair. 10. I spend a lot of time on projects so they can be perfect. How do I like to learn? (Science) 1. I like to read books or watch videos about animals or nature. 2. I understand problems other people do not always understand. 3. I see creative patterns or designs in nature. 4. I enjoy studying about science topics at school or at home. 5. I like to break things apart so I can understand how they work. 6. I invent new things or new ways to solve problems. 7. I like to work on science experiments in school. 8. I like to learn about things that other kids think are boring. 9. I enjoy working on science fair projects. 10. I enjoy studying weather, animals, nature, and the human body. Never Sometimes Often ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Never ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Sometimes Often ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Austin ISD Advanced Academic Services 2014-2015 (rev 9/5/2014) Encuesta para los estudiantes Dotados y Talentosos de los grados 3-5 de AISD Estudiante: _______________________________________ Grado: _____ Fecha: _________________ Maestro: ________________________________________ Escuela: ________________________________ Instrucciones: Cada estudiante que participa en el Proceso de evaluación para GT llenará este formulario. Cuando lea las instrucciones a los estudiantes siga el texto que se le proporcionó. Lea cada pregunta en voz alta y el estudiante seleccionará una respuesta. Llenará esta encuesta durante uno de los periodos de las evaluaciones GT que administrará el Defensor o el Asesor de GT en la escuela. No se les pedirá a los estudiantes que llenen esta encuesta en el salón o en la casa. ¿Cómo me gusta aprender? (Artes del lenguaje) Nunca A veces Mucho ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ 1. Me gusta escribir historias, canciones, poemas o caricaturas por diversión. 2. Uso muchas palabras que mis compañeros de clase no siempre entienden. 3. Disfruto leer una variedad de libros y cuentos. 4. Me gusta jugar con las palabras para inventar rimas o bromas divertidas. 5. Leo porque sé que me ayuda a aprender cosas nuevas. 6. Me gusta escribir cosas importantes de mi vida, eso me ayuda a recordarlas. 7. Me gusta aprender las definiciones de palabras nuevas. 8. Puedo recordar como deletrear palabras difíciles fácil y rápidamente. 9. Tengo buena memoria y puedo recordar mucha información fácilmente. 10. Me gusta elaborar y agregar detalles a mi escritura para hacerla más interesante. ¿Cómo me gusta aprender? (Matemáticas) 1. Me gusta trabajar en problemas matemáticos desafiantes. 2. Me gusta aprender sobre las matemáticas y los números. 3. Veo los patrones que están a mi alrededor en la vida diaria. 4. Puedo resolver problemas difíciles de matemáticas sin que me ayuden. 5. Aprendo rápida y fácilmente con poca explicación. 6. Me gustan los rompecabezas y los juegos de estrategia. 7. Soy bueno para adivinar la repuesta de problemas difíciles. 8. Cuento objetos que están a mi alrededor en la vida diaria. 9. Me gusta encontrar maneras creativas de resolver problemas de matemáticas. 10. Disfruto estudiar gráficas y cuadros sinópticos para aprender algo nuevo. Nunca A veces Mucho ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Austin ISD Advanced Academic Services 2014-2015 (rev 9/5/2014) Encuesta para los estudiantes Dotados y talentosos de los grados 3-5 de AISD. Continuación ¿Cómo me gusta aprender? (Estudios sociales) 1. Creo que las reglas son importantes. 2. Me gusta estudiar sobre la gente y los lugares de la antigüedad. 3. Disfruto de estudiar mapas, globos terráqueos y atlas del mundo. 4. Me preocupan los problemas del mundo como el hambre, la contaminación y la guerra. 5. Me puedo molestar cuando algo es injusto. 6. Me gusta hacer muchas preguntas y quiero saber las respuestas correctas. 7. Consulto muchos recursos cuando trato de encontrar una respuesta. 8. Me gusta leer historias sobre personas que viven en lugares muy lejanos. 9. Ayudo a mis amigos a entender lo que es correcto y justo. 10. Paso mucho tiempo haciendo mis proyectos para que estén perfectos. ¿Cómo me gusta aprender? (Ciencias) 1. Me gusta leer libros o ver videos sobre los animales o la naturaleza. 2. Entiendo problemas que otras personas no siempre entienden. 3. Veo patrones y diseños poco comunes en la naturaleza. 4. Disfruto estudiar temas de ciencias en la escuela o en la casa. 5. Me gusta desarmar cosas para poder entender cómo funcionan. 6. Invento cosas nuevas o maneras nuevas de resolver problemas. 7. Me gusta hacer experimentos de ciencias en la escuela. 8. Me gusta aprender sobre cosas que otros niños creen que son aburridas. 9. Disfruto trabajar en proyectos para la feria de ciencias. 10. Disfruto estudiar el clima, los animales, la naturaleza y el cuerpo humano. Nunca A veces Mucho ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Nunca A veces Mucho ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Austin ISD Advanced Academic Services 2014-2015 (rev 9/5/2014) Austin ISD Student GT Survey for Grades 6-12 Student: ________________________________________ Grade: ________ Date: _________________ Teacher: _________________________________________ School: ________________________________ Directions: Each student who is participating in the GT Screening process will complete this survey. Follow the script provided when reading the directions to students. The student will select one response for each item. This survey will be completed during one of the GT assessment periods administered by the GT Advocate and/or GT Assessor on campus. Students will not be asked to complete this survey in the classroom or at home. How do I like to learn? (Language Arts) 1. I like to write stories, songs, poems, blogs, or cartoons for fun. 2. I use a lot of words that other kids do not always understand. 3. I enjoy reading a variety of genres. 4. I use humor, jokes, puns, or satire in conversations and in writing. 5. I read for pleasure and I read to learn new information. 6. I keep a journal, diary, or blog to document my thoughts and/or feelings. 7. I learn new words so that I can use them in my writing and conversations. 8. I can remember how to spell difficult words easily and quickly. 9. I have a good memory and can remember a lot of information easily. 10. I use imagery and vivid expressions to make my writing “come alive.” How do I like to learn? 1. I enjoy solving complex math problems. (Mathematics) 2. I enjoy learning about advanced math concepts. 3. I see patterns around me in everyday life. 4. I can solve challenging math problems without any help. 5. I learn quickly and easily with little explanation or repetition. 6. I like puzzles, logic problems, and games of strategy. 7. I am good at guessing the answers to difficult problems or questions. 8. I enjoy counting things that are around me in everyday life. 9. I like to find creative and unusual ways to solve math problems. 10. I like to organize data into charts, graphs, and other visual methods. Never Sometimes Often ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Never ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Sometimes Often ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Austin ISD Advanced Academic Services 2014-2015 (rev 9/5/2014) Austin ISD Student GT Survey for Grades 6-12 (continued) How do I like to learn? (Social Studies) 1. I think rules and government are an important aspect of society. 2. I like to learn about historical people, places, and events. 3. I enjoy studying maps, globes, and atlases (paper or electronic). 4. I worry about world problems such as hunger, pollution, and war. 5. I am interested in studying ethical and moral issues and dilemmas. 6. I like to ask deep philosophical questions and ponder the answers. 7. I check different resources when I’m searching for an answer. 8. I enjoy reading biographies, histories, and historical fiction. 9. I like debating or discussing topics related to government and history. 10. I have high expectations of myself which can sometimes lead to frustration. How do I like to learn? (Science) 1. I like to read books, videos, blogs, and websites about science topics. 2. I recognize problems that other people may not understand. 3. I see creative patterns or designs in nature. 4. I enjoy studying about science topics, classes, and careers. 5. I like to break things apart so I can understand how they work. 6. I invent new things or new ways to solve problems or issues. 7. I enjoy conducting science experiments in school or at home. 8. I like to learn about things that other kids think are boring. 9. I look forward to creating science fair projects. 10. I am good at numerical analysis, measurement, and data collection. Never ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Never ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Sometimes Often ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Sometimes Often ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Austin ISD Advanced Academic Services 2014-2015 (rev 9/5/2014) Encuesta para los estudiantes Dotados y Talentosos de los grados 6-12 de AISD. Estudiante: ____________________________________ Grado: ______ Maestro: _________________________________________ Fecha: _________________ Escuela: ________________________________ Instrucciones: Cada estudiante que participa en el proceso de evaluación para GT llenará este formulario. Cuando lea las instrucciones a los estudiantes siga el texto que se le proporcionó. El estudiante seleccionará una respuesta por cada pregunta. Llenará esta encuesta durante uno de los periodos de las evaluaciones GT que administrará el Defensor o el Asesor de GT en la escuela. No se les pedirá a los estudiantes que llenen esta encuesta en el salón o en la casa. ¿Cómo me gusta aprender? (Artes del lenguaje) Nunca 1. Me gusta escribir historias, canciones, poemas o caricaturas por diversión. ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ 2. Uso muchas palabras que otros niños no siempre entienden. 3. Disfruto la lectura de diferentes géneros. 4. Uso el sentido de humor, chistes, juegos de palabras y sátira al conversar y escribir. 5. Leo porque me gusta y porque quiero aprender información nueva. 6. Mantengo un diario o blog para documentar lo que pienso y lo que siento. 7. Aprendo nuevas palabras para poderlas usar en mis escritos y conversaciones. 8. Recuerdo cómo deletrear palabras difíciles fácil y rápidamente. 9. Tengo buena memoria y puedo recordar mucha información fácilmente. 10. Uso lenguaje metafórico y expresiones vívidas para hacer que mis cuentos "cobren vida". ¿Cómo me gusta aprender? (Matemáticas) 1. Disfruto resolviendo problemas matemáticos complejos. 2. Disfruto aprender sobre conceptos avanzados de matemáticas. 3. Veo los patrones que están a mi alrededor en la vida diaria. 4. Puedo resolver problemas difíciles de matemáticas sin que me ayuden. 5. Aprendo rápida y fácilmente con poca explicación o repetición. 6. Me gustan los rompecabezas, problemas de lógica y juegos de estrategia. 7. Soy bueno para adivinar la repuesta a problemas o preguntas difíciles. 8. Disfruto contando objetos que están a mi alrededor en la vida diaria. 9. Me gusta encontrar maneras poco comunes y únicas para resolver problemas de matemáticas. 10. Me gusta organizar información en tablas, gráficas y otros métodos visuales. A veces A menudo ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Nunca A veces A menudo ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Austin ISD Advanced Academic Services 2014-2015 (rev 9/5/2014) Encuesta para los estudiantes Dotados y Talentosos de los grados 6-12 de AISD. (continuación) ¿Cómo me gusta aprender? (Estudios sociales) 1. Creo que las reglas y el gobierno son aspectos importantes de la sociedad. 2. Me gusta aprender sobre personajes, lugares y acontecimientos históricos. 3. Me gusta estudiar los mapas, los globos terráqueos y los atlas del mundo (en papel o electrónicos). 4. Me preocupan los problemas del mundo como el hambre, la contaminación y la guerra. 5. Me interesa estudiar problemas y dilemas éticos y morales. 6. Me gusta hacer preguntas filosóficas profundas y pensar sobre las respuestas. 7. Consulto muchos recursos cuando busco una respuesta. 8. Disfruto leer biografías, historias y ficción histórica. 9. Me gusta debatir o discutir temas relacionados con el gobierno y la historia. 10. Espero mucho de mí, lo cual algunas veces puede causarme frustración. ¿Cómo me gusta aprender? (Ciencias) 1. Me gusta leer libros, videos, blogs y sitios en internet sobre temas científicos. 2. Reconozco problemas que otras personas tal vez no entiendan. 3. Veo patrones y diseños poco comunes en la naturaleza. 4. Disfruto estudiar clases, carreras y temas científicos. 5. Me gusta desarmar cosas para poder entender cómo funcionan. 6. Invento cosas nuevas o maneras nuevas de resolver problemas o dilemas. 7. Disfruto hacer experimentos de ciencias en la escuela o en casa. 8. Me gusta aprender sobre cosas que otros niños creen que son aburridas. 9. Me entusiasma mucho hacer un proyecto para la Feria de Ciencias en la escuela. 10. Soy bueno para el análisis numérico, las medidas y reunir información. Nunca A veces A menudo ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Nunca A veces A menudo ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Austin ISD Advanced Academic Services 2014-2015 (rev 9/5/2014) Criteria for Advanced-Level Student Work Products for Student Portfolio Grades K-2 Student Name: ________________________________ Grade: _____ ID: ______________________ The GT Decision-Making Committee will score the work samples in the Student GT Screening Portfolio using the following criteria. The committee will review and analyze the student work samples and place a check ( ) in the box for each characteristic that describes the student work in each content area. Each check represents “one point” and the highest score possible for each content area is 20 points. It is recommended that teachers have a copy of this rubric to assist in selecting student work samples for the portfolio. Student work samples should reflect expectations beyond the student’s grade level. CONTENT Includes information beyond grade level Shows a deep understanding of information Shows awareness of facts and details Expands on basic ideas and shows a high level of skill Reflects detailed familiarity with the topic PROCESS Use of information in an advanced way Reflects an advanced level of thinking and understanding Shows advanced organization and thoughts Demonstrates skills in analysis and evaluation Uses data and research at an advanced level PRODUCT Goes beyond the basic requirements of the assignment Expresses original ideas in a creative way Unique in design given the same or similar materials Demonstrates accumulation of knowledge over time rather than a simple collection of facts and knowledge Shows great attention to detail and completeness PRESENTATION Characteristics of Advanced Level Products Uses clear and effective communication and delivery skills Understands how to communicate to an audience through choice of format, style, and presentation Stands out beyond grade level Uses a unique or creative way to present information Shows talents in communication and presentation skills Language Arts Math Social Studies Science Language Arts Math Social Studies Science TOTAL SCORE FOR EACH CONTENT AREA Austin ISD Advanced Academic Services 2014-2015 (rev 9/5/2014) Criteria for Advanced-Level Student Work Products for Student Portfolio Grades 3-5 Student Name: ________________________________ Grade: _____ ID: ______________________ The GT Decision-Making Committee will score the work samples in the Student GT Screening Portfolio using the following criteria. The committee will review and analyze the student work samples and place a check ( ) in the box for each characteristic that describes the student work in each content area. Each check represents “one point” and the highest score possible for each content area is 20 points. It is recommended that teachers have a copy of this rubric to assist in selecting student work samples for the portfolio. Student work samples should reflect expectations beyond the student’s grade level. CONTENT Displays depth of information and ideas Shows an analysis or evaluation of information rather than just repetition of information Shows intense interest and awareness of details Expands on basic ideas and shows a level of proficiency Exhibits a high degree of familiarity with the topic PROCESS Use of commonly acquired content in an advanced way Reflects an advanced level of thinking and understanding Shows planning, problem solving, and reflection Applies a logical approach to the use of resources in the and presentation of information Applies data and information researched at an advanced level PRODUCT Goes beyond the basic requirements of the assignment Expresses creativity through use of language, data, or ideas Distinctive in design given the same or similar materials Demonstrates accumulation of knowledge over time rather than a simple collection of facts and knowledge Resembles professional quality work and shows great attention to detail and completeness PRESENTATION Characteristics of Advanced Level Products Uses clear, effective, and creative communication and delivery skills Adjusts message for audience and purpose through choice and use of media, format, or style Stands out because of presentation Demonstrates a unique presentation of content Demonstrates complex or intricate ideas Language Arts Math Social Studies Science Language Arts Math Social Studies Science TOTAL SCORE FOR EACH CONTENT AREA Austin ISD Advanced Academic Services 2014-2015 (rev 9/5/2014) Criteria for Advanced-Level Student Work Products for Student Portfolio Grades 6-12 Student Name: ________________________________ Grade: _____ ID: ______________________ The GT Decision-Making Committee will score the work samples in the Student GT Screening Portfolio using the following criteria. The committee will review and analyze the student work samples and place a check ( ) in the box for each characteristic that describes the student work in each content area. Each check represents “one point” and the highest score possible for each content area is 20 points. It is recommended that teachers have a copy of this rubric to assist in selecting student work samples for the portfolio. Student work samples should reflect expectations beyond the student’s grade level. CONTENT Exhibits depth and complexity of information and ideas Shows an analysis or evaluation of information rather than acquisition only Shows intense interest and awareness of details Expands on basic ideas and shows a level of expertise and proficiency Demonstrates a high degree of understanding of field of study PROCESS Use of scholarly content in an advanced way Reflects an advanced level of thinking and understanding Shows planning, problem solving, and reflection Applies a logical approach to the use of resources Applies research found at an advanced level PRODUCT Goes beyond the basic requirements of the assignment Expresses insightful thought in the use of language, data, or ideas Distinctive in design given the same or similar materials Demonstrates accumulation of knowledge over time rather than a simple collection of facts and knowledge Resembles professional quality work and shows great attention to detail and completeness PRESENTATION Characteristics of Advanced Level Products Uses clear, effective, and creative communication and delivery skills Adjusts message for audience and purpose through choice and use of media, format, or style Content clearly stands out as professional in content, design, and delivery Demonstrates a unique presentation of content Demonstrates complex or intricate concepts TOTAL SCORE FOR EACH CONTENT AREA Language Arts Math Social Studies Science Language Arts Math Social Studies Science Austin ISD Advanced Academic Services 2014-2015 (rev 9/5/2014) Austin ISD GT Program Student Identification Profile Grades K-12 Student: ____________________________________ (last name, first name) Student ID: ___________________ Grade: ________ Campus: ____________________________________ GT Advocate: __________________ Date: _________ NOTE: Parent Survey must be completed, signed, and returned before any assessments can begin. LANGUAGE ARTS PERFORMANCE Measure Score Target Maximum Selected for GT Program: Yes Area(s) of strength for GT Services: Language Arts Social Studies NA MATHEMATICS PERFORMANCE Measure Score Target 20 Student Portfolio NA 20 NA 20 NA 20 NA 20 NA 20 85 100 Mathematics score Student Survey NA 20 Language Arts score Student Survey Mathematics score Parent Survey NA 20 Language Arts score Parent Survey Mathematics score Teacher Survey NA 20 Language Arts score Teacher Survey Mathematics score Teacher Inventory NA 20 Composite score Teacher Inventory Composite score Total Qualitative Score 85 100 Total Qualitative Score Quantitative Measures CogAT/Verbal Quantitative Measures th 9 stanine th 9 stanine 8 stanine th Age stanine CogAT/ Quantitative th 9 stanine th 9 stanine 8 stanine th Age stanine CogAT/Non-Verbal 8 stanine th Age stanine CogAT/Non-Verbal 8 stanine th Age stanine SOCIAL STUDIES PERFORMANCE Measure Score Target Maximum Measure SCIENCE PERFORMANCE Score Target Qualitative Measures Student Portfolio NA Maximum Qualitative Measures 20 Social Studies score Student Portfolio NA 20 NA 20 NA 20 NA 20 NA 20 85 100 Science score Student Survey NA 20 Social Studies score Student Survey Science score Parent Survey NA 20 Social Studies score Parent Survey Science score Teacher Survey NA 20 Social Studies score Teacher Survey Science score Teacher Inventory NA 20 Composite score Teacher Inventory Composite score Total Qualitative Score 85 100 Total Qualitative Score Quantitative Measures Quantitative Measures th 9 stanine th 9 stanine 8 stanine th Age stanine CogAT/Non-Verbal Maximum Qualitative Measures Language Arts score CogAT/Verbal Mathematics Science Date GT Services Begin: __________________ If student was identified previously as GT, please indicate in which area(s): ___________________________ Qualitative Measures Student Portfolio No CogAT/ Quantitative th 9 stanine th 9 stanine 8 stanine th Age stanine 8 stanine th Age stanine OPTIONAL DATA FOR CONSIDERATION Measure Score Target Maximum CogAT/Non-Verbal 8 stanine th Age stanine Campus GT Decision-Making Committee Reminder All 5 qualitative measures are totaled to obtain the Total Qualitative Score. This score along with the CogAT stanine scores are holistically considered in the determination of student placement in the Austin ISD GT program when comparing students of the same age, experience, or environment. Austin ISD Advanced Academic Services 2014-2015 (rev 9/5/2014) Austin ISD GT Program Student Identification Profile Grades K-12, ELL Students Student: ____________________________________ (last name, first name) Student ID: ___________________ Grade: ________ Campus: ____________________________________ GT Advocate: __________________ Date: _________ NOTE: Parent Checklist must be completed, signed, and returned before any assessments can begin. LANGUAGE ARTS PERFORMANCE Measure Score Target Selected for GT Program: Yes Area(s) of strength for GT Services: Language Arts Social Studies NA MATHEMATICS PERFORMANCE Measure Score Target Maximum 20 Student Portfolio NA 20 Language Arts score NA 20 Language Arts score Student Survey NA 20 Parent Survey NA 20 NA 20 NA 20 85 100 Mathematics score Teacher Survey NA 20 Language Arts score Teacher Survey Mathematics score Teacher Inventory NA 20 Composite score Teacher Inventory Composite score Total Qualitative Score 85 100 Total Qualitative Score Quantitative Measure th NNAT2 8 stanine Quantitative Measure th 9 stanine Age Stanine th NNAT2 8 stanine th 9 stanine Age Stanine SOCIAL STUDIES PERFORMANCE Measure Score Target Maximum Measure Qualitative Measures Student Portfolio NA SCIENCE PERFORMANCE Score Target Maximum Qualitative Measures 20 Social Studies score Student Portfolio NA 20 NA 20 NA 20 NA 20 NA 20 85 100 Science score Student Survey NA 20 Social Studies score Student Survey Science score Parent Survey NA 20 Social Studies score Parent Survey Science score Teacher Survey NA 20 Social Studies score Teacher Survey Science score Teacher Inventory NA 20 Composite score Teacher Inventory Composite score Total Qualitative Score 85 100 Total Qualitative Score Quantitative Measure th 8 stanine Quantitative Measure th 9 stanine Age Stanine NNAT2 th 8 stanine th 9 stanine Age Stanine OPTIONAL DATA FOR CONSIDERATION Measure Score Target Maximum th 9 stanine th 9 stanine th 9 stanine 8 stanine th Age stanine 8 stanine th Age stanine CogAT/Non-Verbal 20 Mathematics score Parent Survey CogAT/Quantitative NA Mathematics score Student Survey CogAT/Verbal Maximum Qualitative Measures Language Arts score NNAT2 Mathematics Science Date GT Services Begin: __________________ If student was identified previously as GT, please indicate in which area(s): ___________________________ Qualitative Measures Student Portfolio No 8 stanine th GT Selection and Placement Committee Reminders All 5 qualitative measures are totaled to obtain the Total Qualitative Score. This score along with the NNAT2 age stanine score are holistically considered in the determination of student placement in the Austin ISD GT Program when comparing students of the same age, experience, or environment. Age stanine Austin ISD Advanced Academic Services 2014-2015 (rev 9/5/2014) ELEMENTARY Students IDENTIFIED School Name: __________________________ Check date to begin receiving services: □ For Entering the Gifted Program School Code: ______________ Date of committee meeting: _____________ □ January 5, 2014 (for students tested in fall) August 2015 (for students tested in spring) Signatures of Campus GT Decision-Making Committee (Minimum of three signatures required) Grade Level: Student ID 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. ________________________ 2. __________________________ 3. __________________________ 4. ________________________ 5. __________________________ 6. __________________________ □ K □ 1st □ 2nd Student Name (last, first) □ 3rd □ 4th □ 5th □ 6th Note- Only one grade level per page. Identified GT Subject Area(s) □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Math Math Math Math Math Math Math Math Math Math □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Sci Sci Sci Sci Sci Sci Sci Sci Sci Sci Teacher (last, first) □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS 30-hr. Training □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ No No No No No No No No No No Print neatly. Attach a copy of the completed student profile for each student on this list. Students should be entered in alphabetical order only one grade level per page. 2. Check subject area(s) for GT services. Indicate the assigned GT teacher for each student and specify if this teacher has already completed the state mandated training requirements. If teacher has not completed the training, notify teacher immediately of the requirement so he/she can register for the next available class in HCP. Send a copy of this signature sheet AND copy of each student profile to Becker Elementary White House for computer entry; keep original copy for campus file. Austin ISD Advanced Academic Services 2014-2015 (rev 9/5/2014) ELEMENTARY Students NOT-IDENTIFIED School Name: __________________________ School Code: ______________ For the Gifted Program Date of committee meeting: _____________ Signatures of Campus GT Decision-Making Committee (Minimum of three signatures required) 1. ________________________ 2. __________________________ 3. __________________________ 4. ________________________ 5. __________________________ 6. __________________________ Grade Level: □ K □ 1st □ 2nd □ 3rd □ 4th □ 5th □ 6th Note: Only one grade level per page. Student ID # Student Name (last, first) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Instructions: 1. Please print neatly. Attach a copy of the completed student profile for each student on this list. 2. Students should be entered in alphabetical order (last name first), include student ID#, and only one grade level per page. 3. Send a copy of this committee signature sheet AND a copy of each student profile to Becker Elementary White House for computer entry; keep original copy for campus file. Austin ISD Advanced Academic Services 2014-2015 (rev 9/5/2014) SECONDARY Students IDENTIFIED School Name: __________________________ Check date to begin receiving services: □ For Entering the Gifted Program School Code: ______________ Date of committee meeting: _____________ January 5, 2014 (for students tested in fall) □ August 2015 (for students tested in spring) Signatures of Campus GT Decision-Making Committee (Minimum of three signatures required) 1. ________________________ 2. __________________________ 3. __________________________ 4. ________________________ 5. __________________________ 6. __________________________ Grade Level: □ 6th □ 7th □ 8th □ 9th □ 10th Student ID Student Name (last, first) □ 11th □ 12th Identified GT Subject Area(s) □ Language Arts □ Math □ Science □ Social Studies Note- Only one grade level per page. Teacher Name (last, first) 12-hr GT Training □ Yes □ No □ Yes □ No □ Yes □ No □ Yes □ No Pre-AP/AP Training □ Yes □ No □ Yes □ No □ Yes □ No □ Yes □ No □ Language Arts □ Math □ Science □ Social Studies □ Yes □ Yes □ Yes □ Yes □ No □ No □ No □ No □ Yes □ Yes □ Yes □ Yes □ No □ No □ No □ No □ Language Arts □ Math □ Science □ Social Studies □ Yes □ Yes □ Yes □ Yes □ No □ No □ No □ No □ Yes □ Yes □ Yes □ Yes □ No □ No □ No □ No □ Language Arts □ Math □ Science □ Social Studies □ Yes □ Yes □ Yes □ Yes □ No □ No □ No □ No □ Yes □ Yes □ Yes □ Yes □ No □ No □ No □ No 1. Print neatly. Attach a copy of the completed student profile for each student on this list. Students should be entered in alphabetical order only one grade level per page. 2. Check subject area(s) for GT services. Indicate the assigned GT teacher for each student and specify if this teacher has already completed the state mandated training requirements. If teacher has not completed the training, notify teacher immediately of the requirement so he/she can register for the next available class in eCampus. 3. Send a copy of this committee signature sheet AND copy of each student profile to Becker Elementary White House for computer entry; keep original copy for campus file. Austin ISD Advanced Academic Services 2014-2015 (rev 9/5/2014) SECONDARY Students NOT-IDENTIFIED School Name: __________________________ School Code: ______________ For the Gifted Program Date of committee meeting: _____________ Signatures of Campus GT Decision-Making Committee (Minimum of three signatures required) 1. ________________________ 2. __________________________ 3. __________________________ 4. ________________________ 5. __________________________ 6. __________________________ Grade Level: □ 6th □ 7th □ 8th □ 9th □ 10th □ 11th □ 12th Note: Only one grade level per page. Student ID # Student Name (last, first) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Instructions: 1. Please print neatly. Attach a copy of the completed student profile for each student on this list. 2. Students should be entered in alphabetical order (last name first), include student ID#, and only one grade level per page. 3. Send a copy of this committee signature sheet AND a copy of each student profile to Becker Elementary White House for computer entry; keep original copy for campus file. Austin ISD Advanced Academic Services 2014-2015 (rev 9/5/2014) Sample Parent Letters Notification of Admission to GT Program To: _________________ From: _________________ Regarding: Notification of Identification for Gifted and Talented (GT) Services Date: _________________ Dear Parent or Guardian, The Campus GT Decision-Making Committee is pleased to inform you that ____________________________ has been identified as gifted and talented in Austin ISD and will receive services in the following area(s): ____ Mathematics _____ Science ____ Language Arts _____ Social Studies GT services include instruction by a teacher with the appropriate GT Foundation training. GT students are scheduled in a GT cluster group at the elementary school level and in advanced-level courses at the middle and high school levels. GT students receive opportunities to collaborate on tasks that include increased depth, complexity, and pacing while working independently and in small groups with their peers. Students identified as GT automatically continue to receive GT services each school year. You will be notified if GT services are no longer appropriate or not in the best interest of your child. If you need additional information, please contact the Campus GT Advocate. Austin ISD Advanced Academic Services 2014-2015 (rev 9/5/2014) Notification of Admission to GT Program Spanish Letter Para: _________________ De: _________________ Asunto: Notificación de servicios para estudiantes identificados como dotados y talentosos (GT). Fecha: _________________ Estimado padre de familia o custodio: El Comité Escolar de Toma Decisiones para Estudiantes Dotados y Talentosos se complace en informarle que ____________________________ ha sido identificado como dotado y talentoso en el Distrito Escolar Independiente de Austin y recibirá servicios en las siguientes áreas: ____ Matemáticas _____ Ciencias ____ Artes del lenguaje _____ Estudios sociales Los servicios incluyen instrucción de un maestro capacitado para trabajar con estudiantes dotados y talentosos. A nivel de primaria, los estudiantes GT son asignados a una agrupación especializada, y a nivel de secundaria y preparatoria son asignados a cursos de nivel avanzado. Los estudiantes GT reciben oportunidades para colaborar en trabajos con más profundidad, complejidad y ritmo, y al mismo tiempo trabajan con sus compañeros en grupos pequeños y de manera independiente. Los estudiantes identificados como dotados y talentosos automáticamente continúan recibiendo servicios cada año escolar. Se le avisará si los servicios para estudiantes GT dejan de ser apropiados para su hijo. Para más información, favor de comunicarse con el Defensor de estudiantes GT de la escuela. Austin ISD Advanced Academic Services 2014-2015 (rev 9/5/2014) Sample Parent Letters Notification of Non-Admission to GT Program To: _________________ From: _________________ Regarding: Notification of Non-Identification for Gifted and Talented (GT) Services Date: _________________ Dear Parent or Guardian, The Campus GT Decision-Making Committee reviewed all documents and test scores and determined that your child does not qualify for specialized support services at this time. Our school district recognizes that children continue to grow and develop over the years. For this reason, you may nominate him or her again next school year. If you do not agree with this decision, you may appeal it in writing using the appropriate district form for a Level One Compliant within 15 days of notification. You may request the form for appeal from the Campus GT Advocate. Spanish Letter Para: _________________ De: _________________ Asunto: Notificación de servicios para estudiantes no identificados como dotados y talentosos (GT) Fecha: _________________ Estimado padre de familia o custodio: El Comité Escolar de Toma Decisiones para Estudiantes Dotados y Talentosos revisó todos los documentos y resultados de pruebas, y determinó que, por el momento, su hijo no llena los requisitos para recibir servicios de apoyo especializado. El distrito escolar reconoce que los niños continúan creciendo y desarrollándose al paso de los años. Por eso, podrá nominarlo de nuevo el próximo año escolar. Si no está de acuerdo con esta decisión, puede apelar por escrito dentro de 15 días de haber recibido la notificación, usando el formulario adecuado para una queja de Nivel 1. Puede solicitar el formulario de apelación con el Defensor de estudiantes GT de la escuela. Austin ISD Advanced Academic Services 2014-2015 (rev 9/5/2014) Austin Independent School District Gifted and Talented Appeals Process If a parent or guardian feels the need to appeal the GT placement decision of the Campus GT Decision-Making Committee, or if a parent, guardian, or staff member believes a student has been denied access to or removed from the program unfairly, the following steps may be taken: Informal Process Formal Appeal The Austin Independent School District encourages students and parents to discuss their concerns and complaints through informal conferences with the campus GT Advocate, GT Decision-Making Committee, or campus administrator. Concerns should be expressed as soon as possible to allow early resolution at the lowest possible administrative level. Level One: Campus Level Level Two: District Level- Department of Advanced Academic Services Level Three: District Level- School Board Levels Complaint Forms: All formal GT appeals shall be submitted in writing on a form provided by the district. Copies of any documents that support the complaint form should state the solution sought. If the student or parent does not have copies of the supporting documents, copies may be presented at the Level One conference. At the Level One conference, no new documents may be submitted by the student, the parent, or the administration unless the student, parent, or the administration did not know the documents existed before the Level One conference. A complaint form that is incomplete in any aspect may be dismissed, but may be re-filed with all the required information if the re-filing is within the designated time for filing a complaint. Level One Parents or guardians may appeal any final decision regarding their child’s placement, nonplacement, furlough, or exit from the gifted and talented program. A written appeal shall be made first to the campus GT Decision Making Committee. The GT Decision-Making Committee will review the appeal to determine if changes should be made. Complaint forms must be filed: Within 15 days of the date the student or parent first knew, or with reasonable diligence should have known, of the decision or action giving rise to the complaint or grievance; and with the lowest level administrator who has the authority to remedy the alleged problem. Parents and guardians should file Level One complaints with the campus principal. If the complaint is not filed with the appropriate administrator, the receiving administrator must note the date and time the complaint form was received and immediately forward the complaint form to the appropriate administrator. The appropriate administrator shall investigate as necessary and hold a conference with the student or parent within ten days after receipt of the written complaint. The administrator may set reasonable time limits for the conference. Austin ISD Advanced Academic Services 2014-2015 (rev 9/5/2014) The administrator shall provide the parent or guardian a written response within ten days following the conference. The written response shall include a recitation of the facts as determined by the administrator at that time, and shall set forth the basis for the decision. In reaching a decision, the administrator may consider information provided at the Level One conference and any relevant documents or information the administrator believes will help resolve the complaint. With the written response, the administrator shall provide the student or parent a copy of this process as an attachment, highlighting the Level Two procedure in the event the parent or guardian chooses to appeal the decision. Level Two If the parent or guardian did not receive the relief requested at Level One or if the time for a response has expired, the parent or guardian may request a conference with the Department of Advanced Academic Services. The appeal notice must be filed in writing, on a form provided by the district, within ten days of the date of the written Level One response or, if no response was received, within ten days of the Level One response deadline. After receiving notice of the appeal, the Level One administrator shall prepare and forward a record of the Level One complaint to the Department of Advanced Academic Services. The parent or guardian may request a copy of the Level One record. The Level One record shall include: The original complaint form and any attachments. All other documents submitted by the parent or guardian at Level One. The written response issued at Level One and any attachments. All other documents relied upon by the Level One administrator in reaching the Level One decision. The Department of Advanced Academic Services shall hold a conference within ten days after the appeal notice is filed. The conference shall be limited to the issues presented by the parent or guardian at Level One and identified in the Level Two appeal notice. At the conference, the parent or guardian may provide information concerning any documents or information relied on by the administration for the Level One decision. The Department of Advanced Academic Services may set reasonable time limits for the conference. The Department of Advanced Academic Services shall provide the parent or guardian a written response within ten days following the conference. The written response shall set forth the basis of the decision. In reaching a decision, the Department of Advanced Academic Services may consider the Level One record, information provided at the Level Two conference, and any other relevant documents or information the Department of Advanced Academic Services believes will help resolve the complaint. Austin ISD Advanced Academic Services 2014-2015 (rev 9/5/2014) Level Three If the parent or guardian did not receive the relief requested at Level Two or if the time for a response has expired, the student or parent may appeal the decision to the school board. The Level Three appeal notice must be filed in writing, on a form provided by the district, within ten district business days for the written Level Two response; or, if no response was received, the appeal notice must be filed within ten District business days to the administrative deadline for responding to the Level Two complaint. The Superintendent or designee shall inform the parent or guardian of the date, time, and place of the Board meeting at which the complaint will be on the agenda for presentation to the Board. The Superintendent or designee shall provide the Board the record of the Level Two complaint. The parent or guardian may request a copy of the Level Two record. The Level Two record shall include: The Level One record. The written response issued at Level Two and any attachments. All other documents relied upon by the administration in reaching the Level Two decision. If, at the Level Three hearing, either the student, the parent, guardian, or the administration intends to rely on evidence not included in the records, notice of the nature of the evidence shall be provided by that party to the other party and to the Board’s General Counsel at least three days before the hearing. The district shall determine whether the complaint will be presented in open or closed meeting in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act and other applicable law. This information for the Austin Independent School District’s Gifted and Talented Appeals Process was extracted from the following Austin ISD School Board Policies. For additional information, please refer directly to these policies. -FNG (LOCAL)- Date Issued: 09/20/2012 -FNG (EXHIBIT)- Date Issued: 08/16/2010 -EHBB (LOCAL)- Date Issued: 12/19/2013 The information regarding the Gifted and Talented Appeals Process will be updated if the Austin ISD board policies are revised. Austin ISD Advanced Academic Services 2014-2015 (rev 9/5/2014) AUSTIN INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT STUDENT/PARENT COMPLAINT — LEVEL ONE To file a formal complaint, please complete this form in its entirety and submit it by hand delivery, fax, or U.S. mail to the appropriate administrator within the time established in FNG (LOCAL). All complaints will be heard in accordance with FNG(LEGAL) and (LOCAL) or any exceptions outlined therein. Name Address Telephone number (________) Campus If you will have a designated representative to speak on your behalf, please identify the person representing you. Name Address Telephone number (________) Please describe the decision or circumstances resulting in this complaint. (Give specific details.) What was the date of the decision or action resulting in this complaint? Please explain how you have been affected by this decision or action. Austin ISD Advanced Academic Services 2014-2015 (rev 9/5/2014) Please describe any efforts you have made to resolve your complaint informally and the response to your efforts. With whom did you communicate? On what date(s)? Please describe the outcome or remedy you seek from this complaint. Student’s or parent’s signature Date of filing Signature of student’s or parent’s representative Date of filing Attach to this form any documents you believe will support the complaint; if unavailable when you submit this form, they may be presented no later than the Level One conference. Please keep a copy of the completed form and any supporting documentation for your records. Please note: A complaint form that is incomplete in any material way may be dismissed, but may be refiled with all the required information if the refiling is within the designated time for filing a complaint. Austin ISD Advanced Academic Services 2014-2015 (rev 9/5/2014) AUSTIN INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT STUDENT/PARENT COMPLAINT—LEVEL TWO APPEAL NOTICE To appeal a Level One decision, or the lack of a timely response after a Level One conference, please complete this form in its entirety and submit it by hand delivery, fax, or U.S. mail to the Superintendent or designee within the time established in FNG(LOCAL). Appeals will be heard in accordance with FNG(LEGAL) and (LOCAL) or any exceptions outlined therein. Name Address Telephone number (________) If you will have a designated representative to speak on your behalf, please identify the person representing you. Name Address Telephone number (________) To whom did you present your complaint at Level One? Date of conference Date you received a response to the Level One conference Please explain specifically how you disagree with the outcome at Level One. Attach a copy of your original complaint and any documentation submitted at Level One. Attach a copy of the Level One response being appealed, if applicable. Student’s or parent’s signature Date of filing Signature of student’s or parent’s representative Date of filing Austin ISD Advanced Academic Services 2014-2015 (rev 9/5/2014) AUSTIN INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT STUDENT/PARENT COMPLAINT—LEVEL THREE APPEAL NOTICE To appeal a Level Two decision, or the lack of a timely response after a Level Two conference, please complete this form in its entirety and submit it by hand delivery, fax, or U.S. mail to the Superintendent or designee within the time established in FNG(LOCAL). Appeals will be heard in accordance with FNG(LEGAL) and (LOCAL) or any exceptions outlined therein. Name Address Telephone number (________) If you will have a designated representative to speak on your behalf, please identify the person representing you. Name Address Telephone number (________) To whom did you present your complaint at Level Two? Date of conference Date you received a response to the Level Two conference Please explain specifically how you disagree with the outcome at Level Two. Attach a copy of your original complaint and any documentation submitted at Level Two. Attach a copy of the Level Two response being appealed, if applicable. Student’s or parent’s signature Date of filing Signature of student’s or parent’s representative Date of filing Austin ISD Advanced Academic Services 2014-2015 (rev 9/5/2014) Parent Notice of Furlough/Exit from GT Program Student Name: ________________________________ Grade: _____________ Area(s) of GT Identification: ID#: _________________ School: ____________________________________ □ Language Arts □ Math □ Science □ Social Studies Dear Parent, Our records indicate your child has previously been identified to participate in the Austin ISD Gifted and Talented Program. Your child’s school is recommending a change in the student’s GT program status for the following reason(s): □ Student not in the GT Cluster Classroom (elementary only) □ Student not performing to academic potential □ Student is not enrolled in the appropriate approved advanced-level course (secondary only) □ Other reason: _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ □ Parent or student request □ Student illness/injury □ Student non-attendance The campus is recommending the following GT program change for the student: □ GT Furlough in the following area(s): □ Language Arts □ Math □ Science □ Social Studies □ GT Exit in the following area(s): □ Language Arts □ Science □ Social Studies □ Math Date of parent/guardian conference for GT Exit: _____________________________ A furlough is a temporary removal from the GT program. A minimum time for a furlough is not less than one grading period or more than one school year. After the furlough expires, the student may be re-enrolled in the GT program at the school. At the secondary level, GT students are required to enroll in advanced level courses (Pre-AP, AP, Accelerated, Magnet, IB, or approved CTE course) in their area(s) of identified giftedness each school year to maintain GT status. If students are not enrolled in the appropriate class after the furlough expires, they will be recommended for a GT Exit. A GT Exit is a permanent removal from the GT program. Exited students who wish to re-enroll in the GT program will need to participate in the full GT screening, assessment, and identification process at the school. If secondary students choose NOT to enroll in an approved advanced course (Pre-AP, AP, Accelerated, Magnet, IB, or approved CTE course) in their identified area(s) of giftedness, they will be exited from the GT program after a parent/guardian conference. Parent Signature: ______________________________________ Date: ________________ I acknowledge that I have received this notification from the school. I understand I may contact the Campus GT Advocate with questions or to arrange a meeting regarding this GT program status change. Austin ISD Advanced Academic Services 2014-2015 (rev 9/5/2014) Austin ISD Classroom Observation: Differentiation of Instruction for Gifted and Advanced Learners Observer: ___________________________________________ Date: ________________________ Teacher: ____________________________________________ Campus: ______________________ Subject: ____________________________________________ Time: ________________________ CONTENT Curriculum is directly linked to state or district standards Content emphasizes depth and complexity of the curriculum Content is linked to global and real-world issues, themes, or problems Content provides students with an array of appropriately challenging learning experiences Advanced learning experiences are offered that connect to AISD’s GT Scope and Sequence Skills Continuum Opportunities are provided to accelerate in areas of student strength Content has relevant associations to the student’s experiences and lives Learning experiences provide students with choices of topics or learning styles Formative assessment is used to guide students toward success Summative assessment is used to measure achievement PROCESS Flexible grouping is used according to the academic readiness, interest, or learning styles of students A variety of instructional strategies are used to engage and motivate students Assignments are tiered by the academic readiness, interest, or learning styles of students Students are offered in-depth and complex learning opportunities Students are challenged through the use of higher level questions Students understand and apply research skills (independent or guided) Students understand and apply creative thinking and problem solving skills Students understand and apply critical thinking tools and strategies A variety of resources are available to and used by students Teacher ensures all students have challenging and respectful work PRODUCT Students are encouraged to act as scholars Students are provided with criteria charts and/or scoring rubrics prior to beginning work on a project Students use technology tools and applications in the creation and presentation of projects Students are encouraged to create new ideas and products Students are provided choices to work on projects collaboratively or independently, depending on the requirement of the assignment Students are provided choices in how to represent or share knowledge acquisition Student products show an accumulation of knowledge over time rather than a simple collection of basic facts and knowledge Student products are authentic and are presented to an authentic audience ENVIRONMENT The classroom environment is welcoming and accepting of all students Teacher is a facilitator of learning Students are viewed as individuals with unique academic, social, and emotional needs Teacher involves the students in understanding the nature of the classroom and in making it work for everyone Students are motivated to learn by being provided with a choice of topics and learning styles Students are allowed to work in groups or partners The furniture arrangement, lighting, noise level, and other classroom organizations and considerations are used to encourage cooperation and learning for all students Comments: Austin ISD Advanced Academic Services 2014-2015 (rev 9/5/2014) Customized Campus‐Based Professional Development Proposal for Annual 6‐hour GT Update Campus: _________________________ Date of Request: ______________ Title of Proposed Campus‐Based PD: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Date(s) of Proposed Campus‐Based PD: ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ Description of content to be covered in Proposed Campus‐Based PD: ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ Goals/Outcomes of the campus‐based PD: ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ How does the Proposed Campus‐Based PD relate to the Texas State Plan for the Education of Gifted/Talented Students? ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ Principal’s Signature: ______________________________ GT Advocate’s Signature: ___________________________ Please submit the completed form to Rhonda Boyer at or via fax at 512‐414‐9875. You will receive a follow‐up email indicating the approval status of your proposal. Please note that after the completion of approved Campus‐Based Professional Development, you will need to submit a legible roster with the title of the PD, date, names and signatures of participants. Please use this form as the cover page for the roster. Austin ISD Advanced Academic Services 2014-2015 (rev 9/5/2014) Austin ISD Advanced Academics and Gifted and Talented Underachievement Checklist Key Issue = Avoidance of Responsibility PRIMARY CHARACTERISTICS Avoids and "forgets" responsibilities. Avoids setting specific goals and making commitments. Uses vague and passive language. Fears taking responsibility for self and future. Appears unmotivated but is actually highly motivated to underachieve and remain dependent on others. Sees grades and other consequences as unrelated to personal choices and actions and completely under external control. Is easily distracted and tends to give up easily. Makes endless excuses for poor performance and lacks introspection. Attempts to lower other people's achievement expectations by volunteering information about supposed personal deficiencies. Is friendly and easygoing. Represses anxiety and tends to express anger passive-aggressively. Becomes firmly entrenched in this pattern by age 10 or so. Lacking adequate challenge may have failed to make the normal transition from play to work at school. RECOMMENDATIONS With younger children, set clear, positive, and realistic expectations for achievement. With older children, help them set specific, positive and realistic goals for achievement. Then expose the gap between their expressed intentions and actions. Behavioral contracts may help, but rewards may be ineffective. Establish regular study times in a well-organized, quiet place, alone; and make sure these limits are observed. Confront fear of taking responsibility for self and future. Encourage and reinforce even small signs of independence and self-sufficiency. Stress the connection between the child's efforts and outcomes, choices and consequences. Positively reinforce effort as well as achievement. With young children, exchange evaluation forms between home and school to provide accountability. With older children, confront excuses methodically and supportively. Avoid nagging and verbal reminders. Instead, use lists and consequences for non-compliance. Calmly and consistently enforce stated consequences for non-compliance, without anger, until required tasks are completed. Provide information about personal abilities. Avoid doing for these children what they can and should be doing for themselves. Limit passive forms of activity and entertainment. Model and teach assertive communication skills. Excerpted from Schneider, S. (November 1998). Overcoming underachievement. Center for the Gifted. Austin ISD Advanced Academic Services 2014-2015 (rev 9/5/2014) Austin ISD Advanced Academics and Gifted and Talented Underachievement Checklist (continued) Key Issue = Anxiety PRIMARY CHARACTERISTICS Has excessive anxiety. Is a chronic worrier. Overestimates real or imagined difficulties. Underestimates personal resources and abilities. May be perfectionistic and tend to procrastinate. Commonly equates perfection with personal adequacy and lovability. Has external locus of control (fate, luck, chance, higher power, etc.). Depends on reassurance and approval from authority figures. Usually wants to achieve to please authority figures. RECOMMENDATIONS Acknowledge the anxiety, and teach relaxation techniques. Decrease emphasis on competitive grading, and encourage creative risk-taking. Confront negative self-talk, and dispute pessimistic and catastrophic thinking. Provide information to help the child gain a better understanding of abilities and resources. Teach coping strategies to bolster personal resources (e.g. study skills and how to divide daunting tasks into manageable segments). Confront perfectionistic expectations and underlying beliefs. Explain how these relate to procrastination. Help the child make simple decisions and then progress to more complex age-appropriate ones to develop a more internal locus of control. Encourage and reinforce signs of independence and self-sufficiency. Model and teach assertive communication skills. Key Issue = Search for Identity PRIMARY CHARACTERISTICS Is intensely introspective and preoccupied with identity issues involving 3 questions: Who am I as a separate person? What's my purpose in life? How do I relate to other people? Engages in long, involved emotional and philosophical discussions and arguments. May experience anxiety and depression in relation to this search for an independent, cohesive, and satisfying sense of self. Underachieves selectively and takes responsibility for choices. May be immobilized by confusion. RECOMMENDATIONS Interact on an equal level showing empathy, genuineness, warmth, and unconditional positive regard. Listen actively and serve as a sounding board to facilitate introspective exploration of identity issues. Explore the probable long-term consequences of each choice to underachieve and the relevance of academic achievement to personal goals. Use career and technical interest exploration to broaden or focus possible career options. Provide achieving role models and mentors willing to interact with him/her in a collegial manner. Explore practical steps needed to reach goals. Excerpted from Schneider, S. (November 1998). Overcoming underachievement. Center for the Gifted. Austin ISD Advanced Academic Services 2014-2015 (rev 9/5/2014) Austin ISD Advanced Academics and Gifted and Talented Underachievement Checklist (continued) Key Issue = Perfectionism PRIMARY CHARACTERISTICS Has faulty thinking (irrational beliefs) Fear of rejection or humiliation if not viewed as perfect. Fear of being judged for mistakes. Self-worth and personal acceptance is based on a “personal best” which may not be realistic or easily attained. Belief that achieving perfection equals success. Avoidance of risk-taking for fear of potential failure. Has an “all-or-nothing” attitude Tends to procrastinate due to belief that if things can’t be done perfectly, they should not be done at all Belief that achieving perfection is possible. Usually neat in their appearance and are well organized. Push themselves harder than most other people do. Push others as hard as they push themselves. RECOMMENDATIONS Help children not be ashamed of being perfectionistic. Acknowledge feelings of frustration. Share personal feelings and experiences with them. Help child understand the source of feelings as positive traits. Ideals and high standards are good, even if it hurts when one can't always reach them. Allow perfectionism in activities that really matter, rather than in everything all at once. Help child distinguish between perfectionistic attitudes toward self and others. It’s fine to hold high standards for yourself but unfair to expect others to conform to your standards. Encourage child not to give up. Remind them that with practice they come closer and closer to their goals. It takes time and effort to achieve high standards. Help children focus energies on future successes and adopt a philosophy that there are no mistakes - only learning experiences. Support students in goal-setting and create timelines for projects and activities that include time limits and monitoring. Adapted from Renzulli, Smith, White, Callahan, & Hartman, 1976; Whitmore 1980; Kerr, 1991; Silverman, 1993 Austin ISD Advanced Academic Services 2014-2015 (rev 9/5/2014) Austin ISD Advanced Academics and Gifted and Talented Underachievement Checklist (continued) Key Issue = Oppositional Behavior PRIMARY CHARACTERISTICS Persistently violates social norms and basic rights of others with no remorse. Seeks power and control over other people to feel safe, and blatantly manipulates others to get what he (she) wants. Is impulsive, may act out aggressively, and seeks immediate gratification. Has very low frustration tolerance. Distrusts and blames other people for problems. Masks feelings of low self-worth with bravado. Reacts stubbornly in negative opposition to authority. Defines self negatively in opposition to authority figures as "not me." Persistently opposes authority and "the system," in spite of negative consequences. Often has a history of temper tantrums or hostile outbursts. May feel frustrated by lack of opportunities for creative self-expression and independence. RECOMMENDATIONS Show empathy without condoning unacceptable behavior. Calmly expose and confront self-serving attempts to manipulate other people. Teach more appropriate ways to satisfy needs. Teach self-control and delay of gratification. Discover and use what they value as rewards where appropriate. Establish a safe environment and build trust. Provide corrective experiences. Avoid power struggles, edicts, and ultimatums. Model and teach assertive communication skills. Provide acceptable choices to foster appropriate decision making and independence. Set clear and reasonable expectations with calmly and consistently enforced consequences based on the child's behavioral choices. Highlight the child's abilities, and provide positive verbal reinforcement of desired behaviors directly or within the child's hearing. Avoid giving in to temper tantrums. Provide ample opportunities for creative expression to foster positive self-definition. Respect the child's dreams. Try to understand and validate the child's creatively uncommon ideas and perceptions. Modified and excerpted from Schneider, S. (November 1998). Overcoming underachievement. Center for the Gifted. Austin ISD Advanced Academic Services 2014-2015 (rev 9/5/2014) Austin ISD Gifted and Talented Student Improvement Plan The Gifted and Talented Student Improvement Plan is designed for students in grades K-12 who are enrolled identified as gifted and talented. Students placed on this plan are exhibiting characteristics and behaviors associated with underachievement. Student’s Name: ___________________________ Student ID: _______________ School: _______________________ Date: _______________ Grade: ________ Current Area(s) of GT Identification: Language Arts Math Science Social Studies Student notified about concern(s) on (date): ________ Parents notified on (date): _________ Improvement Plan below must be developed with the student and GT Advocate. Academic Concerns Behavioral Concerns Social-Emotional Concerns Steps to address Academic Concerns Steps to address Behavioral Concerns Steps to address Social-Emotional Concerns Student will show improvement by (date): _______________ Austin ISD Advanced Academic Services 2014-2015 (rev 9/5/2014) Austin ISD Gifted and Talented Student Improvement Plan (continued) Checkpoint Dates Start of plan (date): _________________ Evidence of Progress Monitoring of plan (date): Academic Behavioral Social-Emotional Monitoring of plan (date): Academic Behavioral Social-Emotional Monitoring of plan (date): Academic Behavioral Social-Emotional Recommendation Recommendation regarding Student Improvement Plan: ____ Student improvement; end of plan ____ Student improvement; continue plan ____ No evidence of improvement; revise plan Recommendation regarding GT services: ____ Continuation of GT services ELA Math Sci SS ____ Furlough* of GT services ELA Math Sci SS ____ Exit* from GT services ELA Math Sci SS Signature Title Student Parent/Guardian Teacher Administrator Counselor GT Advocate Other: Other: Other: *To be completed and submitted by GT Advocate Austin ISD Advanced Academic Services 2014-2015 (rev 9/5/2014) Austin ISD Gifted and Talented Program Campus Self-Assessment 2014-2015 All Austin ISD K-12 schools must complete a Gifted and Talented Program Campus Self-Assessment each school year. Per House Bill 5, the district is responsible for assigning a performance rating for GT services at each campus by August 8 of each school year. The Texas State Plan for the Education of Gifted and Talented Students also requires an annual evaluation of gifted and talented services at the campus and district level. HB 5 – GT Evaluation Sec. 39.0545. SCHOOL DISTRICT EVALUATION OF PERFORMANCE IN COMMUNITY AND STUDENT ENGAGEMENT; COMPLIANCE. (a) Each school district shall evaluate the district’s performance and the performance of each campus in the district in community and student engagement and in compliance as provided by this section and assign the district and each campus a performance rating of exemplary, recognized, acceptable, or unacceptable for both overall performance and each individual evaluation factor listed under Subsection (b). Not later than August 8 of each year, the district shall report each performance rating to the agency and make the performance ratings publicly available as provided by commissioner rule. For purposes of assigning the performance ratings, a school district must evaluate (H) educational programs for gifted and talented students; (c) A school district shall use criteria developed by a local committee to evaluate; and (b) This section applies beginning with the 2013-2014 school year. Texas State Plan for the Education of Gifted and Talented Students The effectiveness of gifted and talented services is evaluated annually, and the data is used to modify and update district and campus improvement plans. (5.3C; TEC 11.251-11.253) The items included in the Gifted and Talented Program Campus Self-Assessment were excerpted from the Texas State Plan for the Education of Gifted and Talented Students and from local district policies and expectations. Not all items in the Texas State Plan are included in this self-assessment; only the policies and expectations that are to be completed and documented at the campus level are included. It is highly-recommended that the campus review all items at the beginning of the school year to support completion of all required items by the completion dates. The Principal and GT Advocate will complete the campus self-assessment. The Campus GT Decision-Making Committee may also assist. Submit the GT Program Self-Assessment Verification Form and required documentation to Debi Torres, Gifted Program Coordinator, no later than April 30, 2015. A completed copy should be shared with the Campus Advisory Council so that compliance items are included in the Campus Improvement Plan. Contact Debi Torres, Austin ISD Gifted Program Coordinator, with questions or to set up a GT support meeting at or 512-414-0155. Austin ISD Advanced Academic Services 2014-2015 (rev 9/5/2014) Campus ________________________________ Principal’s Signature _____________________________ Completion Date ________________________ GT Advocate’s Signature __________________________ GT Program Campus Self-Assessment Verification Form Directions: 1. Check the boxes for completed items. 2. Submit documentation for each of the items by the Completion Dates listed in this document. 3. Be sure to include the Principal’s and the GT Advocate’s signatures. Submit the GT Program Self-Assessment Verification Form and required documentation to Debi Torres, Gifted Program Coordinator, no later than April 30, 2015. All other pages of the self-assessment do not need to be submitted. IN COMPLIANCE RATING RECOGNIZED RATING EXEMPLARY RATING STUDENT ASSESSMENT Campus will complete all In Compliance items. 1.3.1C, 1.6C 1.4C, 1.5.2C, 1.5.1C 1.5.4C 1.2.3R Campus will complete all Recognized items. 1.6R 1.7C, 1.7.1R 1.7.2R Campus will complete all Exemplary items. 1.1.2E, 1.1.3E 1.7.1E SERVICE DESIGN Campus will complete all In Compliance items. 2.1C, 2.2C 2.3C 2.3R Campus will complete all Recognized items. 2.1.1R 2.6.1R Campus will complete 1 or more Exemplary items. 2.4E 2.5E CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION Campus will complete all In Compliance items. 3.2C 3.4C Campus will complete all In Compliance items. 4.1.1C, 4.1.2C 4.2C 4.3C Campus will complete 2 at elementary level and 1 at secondary level. Elementary Secondary 3.3R 3.1.1R 3.6R PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Campus will complete all Recognized items. 4.1.3R Campus will complete all Exemplary items. 3.2E Campus will complete all Recognized and Exemplary items. 4.3E FAMILY-COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT Campus will complete all In Compliance items. 5.2C 5.3C Campus will complete 2 Recognized or Exemplary items. 5.2.1R 5.2.3R Campus will complete 3 or more Recognized and/or Exemplary items. 5.2.1E 5.2.2E Austin ISD Advanced Academic Services 2014-2015 (rev 9/5/2014) Directions: All required items must be completed by the Completion Dates provided below. Campuses will submit documentation throughout the school year to provide evidence of completion of each item. Once the campus self-assessment is completed by the Principal and GT Advocate, all information should be transferred to the Self-Assessment Verification Form on page 2 of this document. Submit the GT Program Self-Assessment Verification Form and required documentation to Debi Torres, Gifted Program Coordinator, no later than April 30, 2015. All other pages of the self-assessment do not need to be submitted. STUDENT ASSESSMENT IN COMPLIANCE LEVEL: All items must be completed to receive an “In Compliance” campus rating for Student Assessment. By meeting assessment deadlines, the campus will receive credit for each item completed in this section. Explanation of Items 1.3.1C, 1.6C Assessment opportunities for GT identification are made available to students at least once per school year (Austin ISD local policy) at the middle school and high school level and twice a year at the elementary level. Access to assessment and, if needed, GT services is available to all populations at the campus. 1.4C, 1.5.2C, 1.5.1C Students in grade K-12 shall be assessed and, if identified, provided GT services and students are assessed in languages they understand or with nonverbal assessments. Data collected from multiple sources for each area of giftedness served by the district are included in the assessment process for GT services (Austin ISD local policy). 1.5.4C In grades K-12, qualitative and quantitative data are collected through six (6) or more measures and used to determine if a student needs GT services. (Austin ISD local policy). 1.2.3R Austin ISD policy is followed when allowing a student furlough (a leave of absence from gifted and talented program services) for specified reasons and for a certain period of time without being exited and district policy is followed when exiting a student permanently from the gifted and talented program. Completion Dates and Documentation Fall Semester: Grades K-12 1.3.1C, 1.6C 2-week GT Nomination Window completed by 09/19/2014. 1.4C, 1.5.2C, 1.5.1C Assessments ordered by 09/25/2014, completed and submitted for scoring by 10/20/2014, and scores picked up by 11/05/2014. 1.5.4C GT Decision-Making Committee student placement results submitted by 11/19/2014. 1.2.3R GT Advocate will submit any furlough and/or exit forms by 10/01/2014 in order to avoid any GATE PEIMS corrections. Spring Semester: Grades K-5(6); Grades 6-12 optional 1.3.1C, 1.6C 2-week GT Nomination Window completed by 01/30/2015. 1.4C, 1.5.2C, 1.5.1C: Assessments ordered by 02/05/2015, completed and submitted for scoring by 03/02/2015, and scores picked up by 03/27/2015. 1.5.4C GT Decision-Making Committee student placement results submitted by 04/15/2015. Austin ISD Advanced Academic Services 2014-2015 (rev 9/5/2014) STUDENT ASSESSMENT continued RECOGNIZED LEVEL: The campus must complete all the In Compliance items and all of the Recognized and items to receive a “Recognized” campus rating for Student Assessment. Documentation is required for all items. Explanation of Items 1.6R Over the past two (2) years, the population of the GT services program has become more closely reflective of the population of the campus. 1.7C, 1.7.1R Final determination of students’ need for GT services is made by a committee of at least three (3) local campus educators. This GT Decision-Making Committee majority of members have completed 30 hours of GT Foundations training. Campus administrators and counselors on committee have completed the 6-hour training required for their position. 1.7.2R A balanced examination of all assessment data collected through the district’s GT assessment process is conducted and used by the GT Decision-Making Committee in making identification decisions. Completion Dates and Documentation All Schools: Grades K-12 1.6R Campus GT Decision Making Committee will review the GT and general campus demographics (TEAMS report) and create a plan to focus on equity and access in GT recruitment and services at the campus. Completed and submitted by 09/12/2014. 1.7C, 1.7.1R Campus will complete and submit GT training verification form for GT Decision Making Committee by 11/03/2014. 1.7.2R All GT Decision Making Committee members will review the GT Assessment Module and sign and submit confirmation of review by 11/01/2014. EXEMPLARY LEVEL: The campus must complete all the In Compliance items, all of the Recognized items, and all Exemplary items to receive an “Exemplary” campus rating for Student Assessment. Documentation is required for all items. 1.1.2E, 1.1.3E An awareness session providing an overview of the assessment procedures and services for GT students is offered for families by the district and/or campus prior to the nomination/referral period. Family meetings are offered in a language that families can understand or a translator or interpreter is provided. 1.7.1E The GT Decision-Making Committee members have completed the 6-hour GT Update training for this school year. Campus administrators and counselors on committee have completed the 6-hour GT Update training. All Schools: Grades K-12 1.1.2E, 1.1.3E Prior to or during the nomination window(s), campus will host a parent GT information session to explain the GT assessment and identification process. A copy of parent sign-in sheets should be submitted by 09/26/2014 for fall screening and 02/06/2015 for spring screening. 1.7.1E Campus will complete and submit GT training verification form for GT Decision Making Committee by 11/03/2014. Austin ISD Advanced Academic Services 2014-2015 (rev 9/5/2014) SERVICE DESIGN IN COMPLIANCE LEVEL: All items must be completed to receive an “In Compliance” campus rating for Service Design. Documentation is required for all items. Explanation of Items Completion Dates and Documentation 2.1C Identified GT students are assured an array of learning opportunities that are commensurate with their abilities and emphasize content in the four (4) foundation curricular areas. Services are available during the school day as well as the entire school year. Parents are informed of these options. Elementary: Grades K-5 (6) 2.1C, 2.2C All identified GT students will be clustered with a teacher who has completed the 30 hour GT Foundation Training by 09/15/2014. Multi-age groups are acceptable to combine grade levels with few GT students. 2.2C GT students are ensured opportunities to work together as a group, work with other students, and work independently during the school day as well as the entire school year as a direct result of GT service options, including GT cluster grouping at the elementary level (Austin ISD local policy). Secondary: Grades 6-12 2.1C, 2.2C All identified GT students will be scheduled in the appropriate advanced level course (i.e. Pre-AP, AP, Accelerated, IB, or Magnet) in student’s area(s) of giftedness by 09/15/ 2014 (fall) and 01/26/2015 (spring). 2.3C Out-of-school options relevant to the students’ areas of strength are provided by school districts whenever possible. All Schools: Grades K-12 2.3C GT Advocate will complete and submit the out-of-school options training module verification form by 10/21/2014. 2.3R Options that meet the needs of GT students are available on a continuous basis outside the regular school day. 2.3R GT Advocate will complete the GT Out-of-School Options survey from Advanced Academic Services by 12/05/2014. RECOGNIZED LEVEL: The campus must complete all the In Compliance items and all of the Recognized items to receive a “Recognized” campus rating for Service Design. Documentation is required for all items. 2.1.1R Information concerning special opportunities (contests, academic All Schools: Grades K-12 recognition, summer camps, community programs, volunteer opportunities, 2.1.1R Documentation must be submitted in print or digital format announcing one-time and etc.) is available and disseminated to parents and community members. ongoing events and opportunities targeting advanced-level and GT students. Such as, UIL, Texas Future Problem Solving, Destination Imagination, Duke TIP, robotics, chess, Math 2.6.1R Annual evaluation activities are conducted for the purpose of continued Counts, enrichment campus, service projects, mentorships, internships, Regional Science Fair, service development (Austin ISD expectation). All K-12 schools will complete a Odyssey of the Mind, Math Pentathlon, etc. Documentation due 03/02/2015. Campus GT Self-Assessment. 2.6.1R Complete and submit GT Program Campus Self-Assessment Overview to Advanced Academic Services by 04/30/2015. EXEMPLARY LEVEL: The campus must complete all the In Compliance items, all of the Recognized items, and 1 or more of the Exemplary items to receive an “Exemplary” campus rating for Service Design. Documentation is required for all items. 2.4E Acceleration options are actively facilitated by campus administrators, All Schools: Grades K-12 counselors, and teachers. 2.4E GT Advocate will complete and submit the Acceleration Options verification form by 09/12/2014 and complete the Academic Acceleration survey provided by Advanced Academic 2.5E Additional funding from business partnerships, scholarships, parent group Services by 12/05/2014. fundraisers, etc. is used to supplement the state and local funding for the gifted 2.5E Documentation will be submitted in print and digital format to demonstrate the program. partnerships between the campus and community organizations and funding by 03/02/2015. Austin ISD Advanced Academic Services 2014-2015 (rev 9/5/2014) CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION IN COMPLIANCE LEVEL: All items must be completed to receive an “In Compliance” campus rating for Curriculum and Instruction. Documentation is required for all items. Explanation of Items 3.2C A continuum of learning experiences is provided that leads to the development of advanced-level products and/or performances such as those provided through the Texas Performance Standards Project. This includes the use of the Austin ISD GT Scope and Sequence Skills Continuum (K-12), Austin ISD GT Exemplary Lessons and Projects (K-5), and Austin ISD Advanced Placement Vertical Teams Curriculum Manuals (6-12). 3.4C Provisions to improve services to GT students are included in campus improvement plans. Completion Dates and Documentation All Schools: Grades K-12 3.2C The Austin ISD GT Scope and Sequence Skills Continuum (K-12), Austin ISD GT Exemplary Lessons and Projects (K-5), and Austin ISD Advanced Placement Vertical Teams Curriculum Manuals (6-12) are used to plan advanced-level differentiated instruction in the area(s) of student’s identified giftedness. Documentation can be obtained in teacher lesson planning and classroom observations submitted for credit by 04/01/2015. 3.4C Suggestions for Campus Improvement Plan are reviewed and tailored to campus needs within the CIP. RECOGNIZED LEVEL: The campus must complete all the In Compliance items and 2 at the elementary level and 1 at the secondary level of the Recognized items to receive a “Recognized” campus rating for Curriculum and Instruction. Documentation is required for all items. Elementary: Grades K-5 Elementary: Grades K-5 3.3R Flexible pacing (and flexible grouping) is employed, allowing students to learn at 3.3R Advanced-level differentiated instruction will be provided that includes student the pace and level appropriate to their abilities and skills. choices, research opportunities, and independent study. Documentation can be obtained in lesson plans, classroom observations, and GT Student Services Summary 3.6R Student progress/performance in response to GT services is periodically assessed reports. Documentation submitted by 04/01/2015. and results are communicated to parents or guardians. Elementary teachers will 3.6R Teachers complete GT Student Services Summary report for each GT student complete and send home an Austin ISD GT Student Services Summary Report each assigned to them at the end of each semester and a copy is provided to parents. GT semester to parents of GT students in grades K-5 (Austin ISD Local Expectations). Student Services Summary Teacher Verification form is submitted by GT Advocate by 04/01/2015. Secondary: Grades 6-12 3.1.1R Opportunities are provided for students to pursue areas of interest in selected Secondary: Grades 6-12 disciplines, guided and independent research, and accelerated learning experiences. 3.1.1R Advanced-level differentiated instruction will be provided that includes access to advanced-level courses such as Pre-AP, AP, Magnet, or IB. Documentation will be collected by Advanced Academic Services through TEAMS reports and College Board AP Audit by 02/02/2015. EXEMPLARY LEVEL: The campus must complete all the In Compliance items, 2 at the elementary level and 1 at the secondary level of the Recognized items, and all of the Exemplary items to receive an “Exemplary” campus rating for Curriculum and Instruction. Documentation is required for all items. 3.2E Students who have participated in a GT program for more than one school year All Schools: Grades K-12 are provided the opportunity to develop sophisticated products and/or performances 3.2E Opportunities are provided through classroom enrichment, independent study, which are assessed by external evaluators, professionals who are knowledgeable in the academic competitions, out-of-school options, and/or academic acceleration for which field, or presented to an appropriate audience for feedback. campus documentation can be collected and submitted by 04/10/2015. Austin ISD Advanced Academic Services 2014-2015 (rev 9/5/2014) PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT IN COMPLIANCE LEVEL: All items must be completed to receive an “In Compliance” campus rating for Professional Development. Documentation is required for all items. Explanation of Items 4.1.1C, 4.1.2C Teachers who provide services to GT students will complete the 30-hour GT Foundations Training. 4.2C Teachers who provide services to gifted students and who have already completed the 30hour GT Foundations Training will complete an annual 6-hour GT Update approved by Advanced Academic Services. 4.3C Principals are required to complete the 6-hour GT Foundation Training for Administrators. Assistant principals who are GT Advocates must also complete the GT Foundation Training for Administrators, all other assistant principals are encouraged but not required to complete this training. Completion Dates and Documentation All Schools: Grades K-12 4.1.1C, 4.1.2.C Teachers will complete the 30-hour GT Foundations Training by 03/31/2015. 4.2C Teachers will complete an annual 6-hour GT Update approved by Advanced Academic Services by 03/31/2015. Examples include campusbased GT Update training, campus customized training, GT Updates in HCP, approved online classes or book studies. 4.3C Administrators and counselors complete required 6-hour GT Foundations training by 03/31/2015. 4.3C Counselors are required to complete the 6-hour GT Foundation Training for Counselors. RECOGNIZED LEVEL: The campus must complete all the In Compliance items and any 1 of the Recognized or Exemplary items to receive a “Recognized” campus rating for Professional Development. Documentation is required for all items. 4.1.3R A written plan for professional development in the area of GT education that is based on identified needs is implemented and updated annually. All Schools: Grades K-12 4.1.3R Submit and complete Gifted and Talented 6-hour Update Options form for SY 2015-2016 by 04/06/2015. EXEMPLARY LEVEL: The campus must complete all the In Compliance items and all of the Recognized and Exemplary items to receive an “Exemplary” campus rating for Professional Development. Documentation is required for all items. 4.3E Administrators and counselors who have already completed the 6 hour GT Foundations Training for Administrators or the 6-hour GT Foundation Training for Counselors will complete an annual 6-hour GT Update approved by Advanced Academic Services. All Schools: Grades K-12 4.3E Principal and counselors complete 6-hour GT Update by 03/31/2015. Examples include campus-based GT Update training, campus customized training, GT Updates in HCP, GT-related conferences or meetings, approved online classes or book studies. Austin ISD Advanced Academic Services 2014-2015 (rev 9/5/2014) FAMILY-COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT IN COMPLIANCE LEVEL: All items must be completed to receive an “In Compliance” rating for Family-Community Involvement. Documentation is required for all items. Explanation of Items Completion Dates and Documentation 5.2C, 5.3C An array of learning opportunities is provided for GT students in grades K-12, and parents are informed of all GT services and opportunities. The effectiveness of GT services is evaluated annually, and the data is used to modify and update district and campus improvement plans. Parents are included in the evaluation process. All Schools: Grades K-12 5.2C, 5.3C Ongoing communication in multiple formats will be provided to parents and regarding GT services and programs available to students at the campus. Campuses should complete parent survey or feedback collection for their campus by 04/01/2015. RECOGNIZED LEVEL: The campus must complete all the In Compliance items and any 2 of the Recognized or Exemplary items to receive a “Recognized” campus rating for Family-Community Involvement. Documentation is required for all items. 5.2.1R Orientation and periodic updates are provided for parents of students identified for Gifted and Talented services. 5.2.3R Products and achievements of GT students are shared with the community. All Schools: Grades K-12 5.2.1R Ongoing communication provided to parents in multiple formats regarding a variety of GT and Advanced Academic meetings and parent/family communications regarding Advanced Academics and GTrelated information. Examples of communications and copies of parent sign-in sheets by 03/02/2015. 5.2.3R Documentation of student work showcases, publications, and public sharing and/or student recognition opportunities for academic performance and achievement can be obtained through announcements, campus flyers, photographs, scanned student work samples, or sign-in sheets. Documentation should be submitted by 03/02/2015. EXEMPLARY LEVEL: The campus must complete all the In Compliance items and 3 or more of the Recognized and/or Exemplary items to receive an “Exemplary” campus rating for Family-Community Involvement. Documentation is required for all items. 5.2.1E The opportunity to participate in a parent group or association for the Gifted and Talented is provided to parents. 5.2.2E Liaisons with business and community organizations are established, and the use of community resources (retired community members, mentors, foundations, universities, etc.) is evident in the service options available for Gifted and Talented students. All Schools: Grades K-12 5.2.1E Documentation for parent groups and/or association can be obtained through announcements, flyers, meeting agendas, membership rosters, or sign-in sheets. Documentation submitted by 03/02/2015. 5.2.2E Documentation for business and community partnerships can be obtained through announcements, flyers, meeting agendas, photographs, or sign-in sheets. Documentation should submitted by 03/02/2015. Austin ISD Advanced Academic Services 2014-2015 (rev 9/5/2014) GT Program Campus Self-Assessment Timeline This timeline is designed to assist with meeting the requirements of the GT Program Campus Self-Assessment by the Completion Dates. The GT Advocate should anticipate the time needed to complete each task by the set Completion Dates. This timeline does not need to be submitted. FALL 2014 2014 2015 IN COMPLIANCE ITEMS Service Design September 2.1C, 2.2C: GT students scheduled in GT clusters (K-5) and advanced courses (612) [09/15/2014] RECOGNIZED ITEMS EXEMPLARY ITEMS Student Assessment Service Design 1.6R: GT committee creates GT Equity and Access Plan [09/12/2014] Student Assessment 2.4E: GT Advocate will view Acceleration Options module [09/12/2014] 2.4E: Academic Acceleration Survey [12/05/2014] Student Assessment 1.3.1C, 1.6C: 2 week GT nomination window [ 09/19/2014] 1.4C, 1.5.2C, 1.5.1C: GT Assessments ordered [09/25/2014] 1.1.2E, 1.1.3E: Campus will host Parent GT Information Session on GT Assessment Process and submit documentation [09/26/2014] Student Assessment October 1.2.3R: Any GT furlough or exit forms submitted before PEIMS corrections [10/01/2014] 1.4C, 1.5.2C, 1.5.1C: GT testing completed and submitted for scoring [10/20/2014] Service Design 2.3C: Complete out-of-school options training module [10/21/2014] November Student Assessment 1.4C, 1.5.1C, 1.5.2C: GT assessment scores picked-up [11/05/2014] 1.5.4C: GT committee placement decisions submitted [11/19/2014] Student Assessment 1.7.2R: GT committee views GT Assessment module [11/01/2014] 1.7C, 1.7.1R: GT committee 30-hour GT training verification [11/03/2014] Student Assessment 1.7.1E: GT committee 6-hour GT update training verification [11/03/2014] Family-Community Involvement 5.2C, 5.3C: Share district GT parent survey information with parents December [11/10/2014] Service Design 2.3R: Complete out-of-school options survey [12/05/2014] Service Design 2.4E: GT Advocate will complete Academic Acceleration survey [12/05/2014] Austin ISD Advanced Academic Services 2014-2015 (rev 9/5/2014) SPRING 2015 2014 2015 IN COMPLIANCE ITEMS RECOGNIZED ITEMS EXEMPLARY ITEMS February January Service Design 2.1C, 2.2C: GT students scheduled in advanced courses (6-12) [01/26/2015] Student Assessment 1.3.1C, 1.6C: 2 week GT nomination window [ 01/30/2015] Student Assessment 1.4C, 1.5.2C, 1.5.1C: GT Assessments ordered [02/05/2015] Student Assessment 1.4C, 1.5.2C: GT testing completed and submitted for scoring [03/02/2015] 1.5.4C GT scores picked up [03/27/2015] Professional Development March Curriculum and Instruction 4.1.1C, 4.1.2.C: Teachers will complete 30 hour GT Foundation Training Student Assessment 1.1.2E, 1.1.3E: Campus will host Parent GT Information Session on GT Assessment Process and submit documentation [02/06/2015] 3.1.1R: Secondary schools will submit documentation of advanced-level differentiation [02/02/2015] Service Design Service Design 2.5E: Additional funding from community and/or business partnerships documentation submitted 2.1.1R: Out-of-School Options documentation submitted [03/02/2015] Family-Community Involvement [03/31/2015] 4.2C: Teachers will complete 6 hour GT Update training [03/31/2015] 4.3C: Administrators and counselors will complete 6 hour GT training [03/31/2015] 5.2.1R: Parent communication documentation submitted [03/02/2015] 5.2.3R: Community sharing of GT student achievements documentation submitted [03/02/2015] [03/02/2015] Family-Community Involvement 5.2.1E: Campus parent group documentation submitted [03/02/2015] 5.2.2E: Partnerships with community and/or businesses documentation submitted [03/02/2015] Professional Development 4.3E: Administrators and counselors will complete 6-hour GT Update training [03/31/2015] Curriculum and Instruction 3.2C: GT Advocate submit documentation of advanced-level differentiation [04/01/2015] April Family-Community Involvement Curriculum and Instruction 5.2C, 5.3C: Schools complete campus parent GT survey or feedback collection [04/01/2015] Student Assessment 1.5.4C: GT committee placement decisions submitted [04/15/2015] 3.3R: Elementary schools will submit documentation of advanced-level differentiation [04/01/2015] 3.6R: Teacher verification of completed GT Student Service Summaries submitted [04/01/2015] Curriculum and Instruction 3.2E: GT student advanced-level curriculum opportunities documentation submitted [04/10/2015] Professional Development 4.1.3R: GT Update Options for 20152016 submitted [04/06/2015] Service Design 2.6.1R: GT Program Campus SelfAssessment submitted [04/30/2015] Austin ISD Advanced Academic Services 2014-2015 (rev 9/5/2014) Campus Improvement Plan – Advanced Academics This information is provided to support the development of your Campus Improvement Plan with regard to GT students and advanced level learners. The following examples can be adapted and used to meet your individual campus’ needs in various sections of the CIP. Performance Objective: Equity and Access Campuses and district eliminate barriers and support student participation in and efforts to succeed in appropriate and academically challenging opportunities and courses through the services, programs, and practices implemented. ES MS HS Strategies Resources and Notes Analyze data to identify equity and access patterns with regard to campus demographics. Develop campus initiatives to improve GT student identification for underrepresented populations as reflected in the analysis of campus demographics of GT program. Improve communication to encourage parents, guardians, and staff to nominate students of diverse populations for the campus GT Assessment period. Host parent GT nomination meetings on campus to increase nominations from parents and guardians. Host teacher GT nomination meetings on underrepresented GT populations to increase the number of nominated students. Austin ISD TEAMS report “District Gifted and Talented Summary AISD” will provide GT campus demographics data for all schools. TEA’s Equity in G/T Education Campus GT Data Profile Campus Advanced Academics Data Profile Include the GT Advocate, Campus GT Decision-Making Committee, and Campus Advisory Council (CAC) in data analysis and discussion in how to improve and strengthen campus GT demographics. TEA’s Equity in G/T Education Campus GT Data Profile Administrators Digital Bookshelf Determine a variety of effective communication strategies that will be effective in collecting more student nominations from diverse student populations. Work with the GT Advocate and Campus GT Decision-Making Committee to plan and host at least one parent meeting per semester to increase nominations. Parent Corner Para Padres Guiding the Gifted (very bottom of the page) Include information during faculty meetings or campus professional development on underrepresented GT populations and Equity in GT Education. TEA’s Equity in G/T Education No Place for Hate activities Cultural Proficiency and Inclusiveness training Social and Emotional Learning training Austin ISD Advanced Academic Services 2014-2015 (rev 9/5/2014) Promote professional development that supports cultural proficiency to recruit and retain students, including underrepresented populations. Use College Board AP Potential to drive enrollment in AP and dual credit courses to promote equity and access for underrepresented students. Determine resources to recruit students, including underrepresented, into advanced level courses. Lead campus-based GT Update Training (through PLCs or traditional PD model) to ensure that all required teachers complete the required 6 hr. update. Teaching Tolerance College Board Professional Development National Math and Science Initiative Training Cultural Proficiency and Inclusiveness training No Place for Hate activities Social and Emotional Learning training Customized campus GT update based on AP needs Teaching Tolerance PSAT scores AP Potential website AP Potential training AP Access and Equity Initiative Campus Advanced Academics Data Profile Advanced Placement Recruitment Tools Academic Acceleration Digital Presentations AP Potential website AP Access and Equity Initiative AVID, College Readiness Counselors, College GO centers Administrators Digital Bookshelf Advanced Academic Services offers 2 Campus GT Facilitator Training topics each school year. Schools may select one staff member to attend during the summer or early fall to be trained to lead the campus update training. Schools may design a training of their choice to be pre-approved by Advanced Academic Services before granting GT credit. Information at Teachers on committee need to have completed 30 hr. GT training. Counselors and Administrators need to have completed 6 hr. training for their position. The Decision-Making Committee may use GT Assessment Training presentation. The GT Advocate can provide an overview of the GT Identification requirements by using the information provided in the GT Program Guide and GT Documents Manual Ensure that all GT Decision-Making Committee members have appropriate GT training on the Identification and Assessment of GT students. Monitor that all GT teachers have completed the 30 hr. GT Foundation Training requirement within one semester of being assigned GT students. Advanced Academic Services offers GT Foundation training in the Fall and Spring Semesters. Advanced Academic Services will cover the cost of substitutes for teachers who are assigned GT students. - 30-hour GT Institute (Elementary) - 12-hour GT Nature, Needs, and Assessment (Secondary) Austin ISD Advanced Academic Services 2014-2015 (rev 9/5/2014) Monitor core content area Pre-AP/AP teachers to receive APSI or other appropriate training. GT Foundation training is also available online beginning Fall 2014. College Board Professional Development National Math and Science Initiative Training Austin ISD Advanced Academic Services 2014-2015 (rev 9/5/2014) Performance Objective: Program Implementation and Fidelity Campuses and district proactively plan, design, and deliver the structure and method for providing services, opportunities, differentiated instruction, acceleration, extension, and enrichment and monitor and adjust for student recruitment and retention, access, equity, consistency, and sustainability. Strategies Resources and Notes ES MS HS Identified elementary GT students will be clustered together in groups of 3 or more in a classroom with a teacher who has completed the 30 hour GT Foundation Training. Cluster grouping allows gifted students an opportunity to work with other gifted students throughout the entire school year. Identified secondary GT students will be enrolled in an advanced-level course in each area of identified giftedness. Increase opportunities for GT students to work together throughout the school year. Support Out-of-School Options relevant to student strength areas, including academic competitions and academic clubs that are available to gifted and advanced learners on campus. Support academic enrichment opportunities for gifted students on campus by providing a modified Austin ISD TEAMS “Campus Gifted and Talented” report will provide a current list of all GT students on campus. The principal and GT Advocate will use this TEAMS report when placing students with teachers for the upcoming school year. When there are enough GT students at a grade level to make more than one GT cluster classroom, the campus should consider grouping students with similar strength areas together with the same GT teacher. For example, one cluster classroom may have all the students who are GT in math and science at the grade level. Austin ISD TEAMS “Campus Gifted and Talented AISD” report will provide a current list of all GT students on campus. The GT Advocate and counselors will use this TEAMS report when scheduling students in advanced-level courses (Pre-AP, AP, Accelerated, Magnet, IB) for the upcoming school year. GT advisory classes, interdisciplinary and cross-grade level projects, seminars, and enrichment and extracurricular activities that target GT students (but may be open to other students as well) should be considered. GT Advocate and Counselors will schedule groups of GT students who are identified gifted in the same core content advanced-level courses when possible. For example, several 9th grade students who are identified GT in math will be scheduled in the same Pre-AP Geometry class. Austin ISD TEAMS “Campus Gifted and Talented AISD” report will provide a current list of all GT students on campus. The GT Advocate and counselors will use this TEAMS report when scheduling students in advanced-level courses (Pre-AP, AP, Accelerated, Magnet, IB) for the upcoming school year. The GT Advocate and campus principal can view the Advanced Academic Services Out-ofSchool Options presentation. DUKE Talent Identification Program (TIP) (4-7 grades) National Junior Honor Society/National Honor Society Academic Competitions Distinguished Achievement Program (SSIG, page 143) The librarian, counselor, instructional coach, other staff members, parents, mentors, university students, or community groups may be used to lead a short-term or long-term Austin ISD Advanced Academic Services 2014-2015 (rev 9/5/2014) pull-out or pull-in GT program on campus. Provide a GT Student Showcase that provides gifted students an opportunity to share their advanced-level independent or small group projects with an audience outside of the classroom. Review and align campus Pre-AP course offerings and vertical team sequence of courses. Use Campus Advanced Academics Data Profile to support improvement of student participation in AP/Pre-AP classes, AP/Pre-AP course offerings, AP exam performance, excellence and equity, and teacher professional development. gifted academic enrichment program on campus. These options may include educational field trips, special projects, guest speakers, or community service projects. TEA’s Texas Performance Standards Project (TPSP) Invite parents, district staff, or community members to the GT Student Showcase. Teachers encourage gifted students to select one of their best projects to share. Master Schedule Secondary School Information Guide (SSIG), Appendix K Campus Advanced Academics Data Profile Campus Review and Feedback Session Administrators Digital Bookshelf Austin ISD Advanced Academic Services 2014-2015 (rev 9/5/2014) Performance Objective: Curricular Support Campuses and district meet the needs of students participating in Advanced Academics with resources and support for modifying the depth, complexity, and pacing of the curriculum and instruction through differentiation, acceleration, extension, and enrichment. Strategies Encourage the use of the Austin ISD GT Scope and Sequence Skills Continuum by GT teachers when planning advanced-level differentiated curriculum for gifted learners. Ensure that GT teachers are completing the Austin ISD GT Student Performance Semester Reports to encourage ongoing communication with parents and guardians. Ensure that teachers differentiate the curriculum by providing an array of appropriately challenging learning experiences that connect to the interests, abilities, and strength area(s) of gifted students throughout the school year. Support academic acceleration learning options available to gifted students in their strength area(s). Review AP course syllabi prior to authorization to ensure that College Board curricular requirements are met at a level which confers college-level coursework and appropriate scaffolds. Provide tools to support students in the AP program. Resources and Notes GT Scope and Sequence Skills Continuum presentation GT Scope and Sequence Skills Continuum documents Provide teachers with time to plan and share examples of advanced-level differentiated curriculum using the GT Scope and Sequence Skills Continuum. GT Student Services Summary documents Encourage teachers to communicate student performance with parents during parent conferences and send home the completed reports each semester. GT Exemplary Lessons (K-5) AP Vertical Teams Curriculum Manuals (6-12) Pre-AP Resource Banks (6-10) TEA’s GT Teacher Toolkits: or TEA’s Texas Performance Standards Project (TPSP) 100 Free and Useful Tools for AP Students and Teachers The GT Advocate and campus principal can view the Advanced Academic Services Academic Acceleration presentation. TEA’s GT Teacher Toolkits: or National Repository of Online Courses 100 Free and Useful Tools for AP Students and Teachers AP Course Audit website AP Course Descriptions AP Vertical Teams Curriculum Manuals Pre-AP Resource Banks AP Digests (very bottom of the page) AP Free Response Bookmaps Response to Invention (RtI) documentation tools ES MS HS c Austin ISD Advanced Academic Services 2014-2015 (rev 9/5/2014) Expand Accelerated and AP Spanish Language courses for native speakers at the middle school level. Implement AP Human Geography as an AP expansion course for 9th grade students. Support campus administrator attendance at College Board professional development to support program implementation and improvement. Provide tools to support students on the AP exam. AP Vertical Teams Curriculum Manuals Pre-AP Resource Banks College Board Explore AP National Repository of Online Courses 100 Free and Useful Tools for AP Students and Teachers College Board AP Summer Institute Texas Middle School Program for AP Spanish (TEA) AP Spanish Language and Culture Course Home Page College Board AP Summer Institute College Board AP Human Geography Course Home Page College Board “Organizing your AP Exam Administration” College Board “Building an AP Program” College Board “Fall Counselor Workshop” College Board “AP Administrator Institute” AP Digests (very bottom of the page) College Board released practice exams College Board Explore AP McGraw-Hill Prep Center for AP Exams CourseNotes AP Free Response Bookmaps National Repository of Online Courses 100 Free and Useful Tools for AP Students and Teachers Austin ISD Advanced Academic Services 2014-2015 (rev 9/5/2014) Performance Objective: Parent and Community Advocacy Campuses and district engage parents, families, and community members as advocates for the needs of students participating in Advanced Academics through communication, education, events, and opportunities for involvement. Strategies Resources and Notes ES MS HS Host parent GT nomination meetings on campus to increase nominations from parents and guardians. Host parent meetings or social events for parents of GT students. Increase parent and community involvement with the campus GT program. Develop liaisons with business and community organizations and/or establish the use of community resources to strengthen the campus GT program. Celebrate student performance on advanced measures. Work with the GT Advocate and Campus GT Decision-Making Committee to plan and host a minimum of 1 parent meeting per semester to increase nominations. Parent Corner Para Padres Guiding the Gifted (very bottom of the page) Parent Engagement Brochure (also in Spanish) Provide communication and idea sharing through various campus events. The Advanced Academic Services website provides resources (English & Spanish) to support parent meetings. Parent Corner Para Padres Guiding the Gifted (very bottom of the page) Parent Engagement Brochure The librarian, counselor, instructional coach, other staff members, parents, mentors, university students, or community groups may be used to lead a short-term or long-term gifted academic enrichment program on campus. These options may include educational field trips, special projects, guest speakers, or community service projects. Parent Engagement Brochure (also in Spanish) TEA’s Texas Performance Standards Project (TPSP) Consider writing grants, soliciting donations, and/or volunteers/mentors from businesses and community groups near your school to strengthen GT program. AP exam performance leading to AP Scholar distinction IB exam performance leading to IB Certificate and IB Diploma distinction PSAT exam performance leading to National Merit Scholarship distinction (including Hispanic Recognition, Academic Achievement, National Merit Finalist/Semi-Finalist) DUKE Talent Identification Program (TIP) National Junior Honor Society/National Honor Society Academic Competitions Austin ISD Advanced Academic Services 2014-2015 (rev 9/5/2014)
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