CLUB MANUAL 2012 - 2014 GFWC of Tennessee President Sandy Lindeman GFWC of Tennessee Director of Junior Clubs Candace Turnham “Footsteps from the past leading to a new future in Federation” 2012 – 2014 GFWC of Tennessee HANDBOOK Table of Contents GFWC International President’s Letter GFWC of Tennessee President’s Letter GFWC Director of Junior Club Letter Opening Section Collect, Pledge and Junior Pledge Administrative Calendar GFWC Executive Committee GFWC Southeastern Region Officers GFWC of Tennessee Executive Committee Appointed Officers, Community Program Area Chairs Standing Committees, Special Chairman District Presidents District Officers and Clubs District 1 Smoky Mountain District Highland Rim District Music City West Tennessee Rivers District Southwest District GFWC Programs Arts Program Conservation Program Education Program. Home Life Program International Outreach, Public Issues, Special Projects PAGE 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 -16 17 18 19 20 21 22 – 24 24 25 26 – 30 Forms GFWC of Tennessee Scholarship Reporting Guidelines GFWC of Tennessee Club Statistical Form District, Club, and Outstanding Club Awards Treasurer Dues, Donations, Reimbursements Treasurer’s Report Form Club Rating Guide Outstanding Clubwoman Award Rookie of the Year LEADS Application Jennie Nomination Form Fundraising Form Epsilon Sigma Omicron District Endorsement State Endorsements Election of New Officers Tribute of Honor 31 – 33 34 35- 36 37 38 39 – 40 41 - 47 48 – 49 50 – 52 53 - 54 55 – 56 57 – 58 59 - 60 61 62 63 – 64 65 – 66 2 2012 – 2014 GFWC of Tennessee History Outstanding Clubs Outstanding Clubwoman Rookie of the Year Past State Presidents Past Junior Directors, Director of Junior Clubs Tribute of Honor Winners 67 – 69 70 71 72 73 74 – 75 Constitution 76 Bylaws 77 – 86 Standing Rules 87 – 92 Alphabetical Directory 93 - 103 “Footsteps from the past leading to a new future in Federation” 3 2012 – 2014 GFWC of Tennessee Letter from GFWC International President Mary Ellen Laister Dear Fellow GFWC Members: It is with a great deal of enthusiasm that we provide you with the 2012-2014 GFWC Club Manual. Thank you to the chairmen, committees, and staff who have diligently worked to put together the informative materials. As we work to add partners and enhance what each program offers, we will update the Club Manual on the GFWC website to reflect these additions. Refer to the Club Manual Revisions document at to learn what updates have been made to each section, and when. You will notice a few changes to the Community Service Programs and Reporting. Each Community Service Program has two equal chairmen—a Community Service Program Chairman and a Community Service Program Partnership Chairman. The word Collaboration has been eliminated from the Community Service Programs. Clubs will no longer report to GFWC. Rather, each State President will provide a completed Statistical Form with totals for all General, Junior, and Juniorette clubs in the state to GFWC. This simple and easy-to-complete form will be customized to each reporting year. There will be an Awards Program for states based on membership categories established at the beginning of each administration. Each State Federation may submit one entry for each of the two Special Projects, two for each of the six Community Service Programs (one for program projects and one for partnership projects), and each of the six Advancement Areas, according to the State Award Entry Cover Sheet guidelines to the appropriate GFWC Chairman. In addition, each State Federation may submit one club entry in each of the two Special Projects, two for each of the six Community Service Programs (one for program projects and one for partnership projects), and each of the six Advancement Areas, according to the Club Creativity Award Entry Cover Sheet guidelines. Clubs will not submit entries. Refer to the Reporting section of the Club Manual for more information, including sample forms. I sincerely hope this GFWC Club Manual will meet your club’s needs and help you continue your vital volunteer service in your community. Yours in Federation, Mary Ellen Laister 2012-2014 GFWC International President 4 2012 – 2014 GFWC of Tennessee Letter from GFWC of Tennessee President Sandy Lindeman Ladies, we have some big shoes to fill. Since the beginning of the Federation, women volunteers have been diligently working to improve their communities, help those in need, and support the educational and social systems that are so vital for us all. In the past, we have built libraries, supported shelters for the homeless and abused, provided schools with materials and students with supplies and food. We, the women of Tennessee, have a tradition of service to our communities, our youth, our elderly and each other. The last decades have brought fundamental changes to our society, and particularly to the roles of women. Each year, more women enter the work force and find themselves pressed for time and pulled in several directions. Because women have been the backbone of volunteerism, the movement out of the household and into the larger world has lead to a decline in the number of women involved in service organizations. Service is in danger of becoming an old shoe. But it doesn’t have to be that way. We have faced so many challenges in the past. The challenge of adapting to a new reality will not daunt us. There are ways to attract volunteers even if it means we don’t do things in quite the same way anymore. There are ways to continue in the important work we have done and are doing, we just need to use our collective creativity and commitment to find those ways. Ladies, it’s time to put on some new shoes, honoring those that led the way, but choosing those that will help us forge a new path, a more adaptable path. We can make this happen. And we will. In Federation Love, Sandy Lindeman “Footsteps from the past leading to a new future in Federation” 5 2012 – 2014 GFWC of Tennessee Letter from GFWC Director of Junior Clubs Rebecca “Becky” Weber My fellow members, TEAMWORK is the battle cry for the GFWC Juniors in 2012-2014. As GFWC members, we have the power to change lives, improve communities, and enrich our own lives. Generals, Juniors, and Juniorettes all have one strong common thread – our willingness to share our times, talents, and expertise by enhancing the lives of others through volunteer service. In addition to sharing our compassion, enthusiasm, and commitment, we all must unite to tackle the “membership challenge.” The future of our remarkable organization is in our hands. International President Mary Ellen Laister and I are working together to unite all clubwomen in accomplishing our vision of more members and more clubs! Now more than ever, we need to UNITE, DIVERSITY, and MULTIPLY, while “living each day trying to accomplish something, not merely to exist!” NOW is the time to use our resources and energy to revitalize our Federation. My goals during these next two years are to encourage strong and energetic Junior leadership as well as work on effective strategies for the transitions of members from Juniorette to Junior to General clubs. In Federation Friendship and Love, Becky Weber 6 2012 – 2014 GFWC of Tennessee A Collect for Club Women A prayer of petition by Mary Stewart Keep us, oh God, from pettiness; Let us be large in thought, in word, in deed. Let us be done with fault finding and leave off self-seeking. May we put away all pretense and meet each other face to face, without self-pity and without prejudice. May we never be hasty in judgment and always generous. Let us take time for all things; make us to grow calm, serene, gentle. Teach us to put into action our better impulses, straightforward and unafraid. Grant that we may realize it is the little things that create differences, that in the big things of life we are at one*. And may we strive to touch and to know the great, common, human heart of us all. And, oh Lord God, let us forget not to be kind. (*There has been some confusion as to whether the phrase should be “at one” or “as one”. May Stewart used the first phrase. Even though that phrase is archaic, her words should not be changed as the collect is the original work of an individual. Please assure that your Club Handbooks reflect the proper usage.) GFWC of Tennessee Official Pledge We pledge ourselves: • to use our united strength to make better homes, better schools, better surroundings, better scholarships, and better lives. • to work together for civil health and civic righteousness; • to preserve our heritage – the forest and the natural beauties of the land; • to procure for our children an education, which fits them for life – the training of the hand and the heart as well as the head; • to protect the children. . . who are deprived of the birthright of natural childhood; • to obtain right conditions and proper safeguards for the women who toil. Junior Pledge By Helen Chaney Kimberly I pledge my loyalty to the Juniors by doing better than ever before what work I have to do, by being prompt, honest, courteous, by leaving each day, trying to accomplish not merely to exist. 7 2012 – 2014 GFWC of Tennessee Administrative Calendar 2012- 2014 2012 April 20 -22, 2012 GFWC of Tennessee Convention Embassy Suites, Murfreesboro June 13 -17, 2012 GFWC Annual International Convention Westin Hotel, Charlotte, NC July 13 – 14, 2012 GFWC of Tennessee Summer Board Hampton Inn, Mt. Juliet, TN September 14 – 16, 2012 GFWC of Tennessee Fall Board All Suites Hotel, Jackson, TN November 2-3, 2012 GFWC Southeastern Region (SER) Conference TBA, Roanoke, VA 2013 January, 2013 GFWC of Tennessee EC Meeting, Knoxville April 12 - 14, 2013 GFWC of Tennessee Convention Embassy Suites, Nashville Airport June 30 – July2 2013 GFWC 122nd Annual Convention Westin Diplomat, Hollywood, Florida September 13 - 14, 2013 GFWC of Tennessee Fall Conference Ossoli Clubhouse, Knoxville November 1 - 2, 2013 GFWC Southeast Region (SER) Twin City Marriott, Winston-Salem NC 2014 January, 2014 GFWC of Tennessee EC Meeting, Knoxville April 10 -12, 2014 GFWC of TN Convention Carnegie Hotel, Johnson City June 21-24, 2014 GFWC 123rd Annual Convention TBA Phoenix, AZ NOVEMBER GFWC SER IN TENNESSEE! TBA 8 2012 – 2014 GFWC of Tennessee GFWC 2012 - 2014 Administration Executive Committee GFWC International President Mary Ellen Laister 1734 N Street NW Washington DC 20036 202-347-3168 GFWC Treasurer Debbie Strahanoski 1011 Galway Road Joliet IL 60431 815-953-4829 GFWC President-elect Babs J. Condon 1224 Martin Drive Westminster MD 21157 410-848-4171 GFWC Parliamentarian Carol Habgood 319 Wickes Street San Antonio TX 78210 210-223-6528 GFWC First Vice-President Sheila E. Shea 12 Meadowbrook Road Marlborough MA 01752 508-460-3560 GFWC Director of Junior Clubs Rebecca “Becky” Weber 602 Malone Court Metamora, IL 61548-9121 GFWC Second Vice-President Mary Ellen Brock 10 Allen Drive Kinnelong NJ 07405-2924 973-838-9424 GFWC Recording Secretary Marian St. Clair 357 Riverside Drive Greenville SC 29605 864-297-8632 “Footsteps from the past leading to a new future in Federation” 9 2012 – 2014 GFWC of Tennessee Southeastern Region (SER) Officers SER President Susan B. Martin 4909 Bal Harbor Drive, Chattanooga, TN 37416 423-894-5983 (H) SER Vice-President Mary E. Thompson 105 Jenkins Drive, Indian Head, MD 20640 301-753-9146 (H) 240-216-7721 (C) SER Secretary Donna Short 72 Summertree Drive, Nicholasville, KY 40356 859-223-9276 (H) 859-227-4816 (C) SER Treasurer Kathryn Sowers 1214 Jeanette Avenue, Vinton VA 24179 540-342-8611 (H) 540-529-0861 (C) SER Parliamentarian Marlene Wine 1046 Stonegate Drive, Salem VA 24153 540-389-9794 10 2012 – 2014 GFWC of Tennessee GFWC of Tennessee Executive Committee President Sandy Lindeman President - Elect Patricia Williams First Vice-President Linda Hershey Second Vice-President Sharon Pace Recording Secretary Kim Ward Treasurer Beth Smith Director of Junior Clubs Candace Turnham Parliamentary Advisor Lana Robinson 11 2012 – 2014 GFWC of Tennessee Appointed Officers GFWC of TN Corresponding Secretary Kate Lapczynski GFWC of TN Chaplain Shirley Butler GFWC of TN Webmaster Kate Lapczynski GFWC of TN President’s Aide Vicki Bechet Community Program Area Chairmen Arts Community Service Project Chairman Mattie Mullins Arts Partnership Chairman Janice Hixson Arts Contest Chairman Terry Finnerty Conservation Community Service Chairman Conservation Partnership Chairman Education Community Service Project Chairman Education Partnership Jocelyn Campbell Susan Key Robin Hodge Kendra Walker Patty Epsilon Sigma Omicron Chairman (ESO) Carla Murray Home Life Community Service Project Chairman Janet Oakes Home Life Partnership Chairman Anne Wonder International Outreach Community Service Project Chairman Jean Cardwell International Outreach Partnership Chairman Public Issues Community Service Project Chairman Public Issues Partnership Chairman Kathy Waller Sue Whittle Agnes Sexton 12 2012 – 2014 GFWC of Tennessee Standing Committees GFWC of TN Budget and Finance Committee GFWC OF TN Credentials Committee Susan Martin, Chairman Sandy Lindeman Pat Williams Beth Smith Darla Dye Charlotte Hatheway, Chairman Nancy Patton GFWC OF TN Revisions Committee Lana Robinson, Chairman Johnnie Hill Pat Williams Linda Hershey Special Chairmen GFWC Community Improvement Contest GFWC Signature Project Domestic Violence Awareness Chairman Tennessee Federation News Tennessee Federation News Business Manager Clubwoman Chairman Convention Chairman Fundraising Historian Junior Special Project Advocacy for Children Leadership Legislation/Public Policy Membership Director of Junior Membership Protocol GFWC Resolutions GFWC Women’s History and Resource Center Tennessee Leadership Endowment Public Relations President’s Special Project Breast and Ovarian Cancer GFWC Database Chairman SER Special Project: Women in Appalachia Darla Dye Carla Cullip Kate Lapczynski Nancy Booth Tana Sowell Johnnie Hill Donna McLean Jayme Smith Deb Allen Pat Williams Marcia Kribs Sharon Pace Candace Turnham Linda Raley Nancy Patton Betty Richards Pat Bomba Laurel Karp Jane Wilson Susan Burkey Della Gowan Vivian Gibbons 13 2012 – 2014 GFWC of Tennessee District Presidents District 1 Barbara Powell, GFWC Monday Club of Johnson City 160 Greendale Road Johnson City, TN 37601 423-534-1287 Smoky Mountain District Tona Turpin, GFWC Ossoli Circle 9131 Linksvue Drive Knoxville TN 37922 865-769-3062 Highland Rim District Renee’ Keene, GFWC Centennial W.C. 100 Safley Drive Tullahoma TN 37388 931-455-0025 (H) 931-455-3535, ext. 229 (W) Music City District Bobbie Schorsten, GFWC Hendersonville W.C. 104 Foxcross Drive Hendersonville, TN 37075 615-824-2051 (H) 615-319-6270 (C) West Tennessee Rivers Linda Holder, GFWC Kenton W.C. 460 W. College Kenton TN 38233 731-749-5929 (H) 731-796-5929 (C) Southwest District Pat Mingledorff, Jackson City 12 Farmington Jackson TN 38305 731-668-0751 (H) 731-267-4883 (C) 14 2012 – 2014 GFWC of Tennessee District 1 Officers President Barbara Powell President-Elect Donna Simpson First Vice-President Second Vice-President (Director of Junior Clubs for District 1) Beth Smith Robin Hodge Recording Secretary Susan Key Treasurer Barbara Santolla Corresponding Secretary Mary Lynn Bales Chaplain Pat Aldridge-Hinkle Parliamentary Advisor Laurel Karp Advisor Darla Dye Assistant to the President Susan Burkey “Footsteps from the past leading to a new future in Federation” 15 2012 – 2014 GFWC of Tennessee District 1 Clubs GFWC Elizabethton Woman’ Club GFWC Ladies Reading Circle Jo Voigt, President 105 Poplar Grove Rd. Johnson City TN 37601 423-542-9109 Lin Maloney, President 1065 St. Ives Court Morristown TN 37814 423-581-2891 (H) 423-312-1376(C) GFWC Erwin Monday Club GFWC Manthano Woman’s Club Janice Johnson, President 708 Ninth St. Erwin, TN 37650 423-743-7003 Janie W. Hearn, President 333 Navaho Dr. Seymour TN 37865 865-573-7249 GFWC Greeneville Woman’s Club GFWC Monday Club of Johnson City Erin Stayton, President 1808 Moore Ave. Greeneville, TN 37745 423-638-4555 (H) 423-522-3889 (C) Laurel Karp, President 3401 Sugartree Ct. Johnson City, TN 37604 423-282-4311 (H) 423-943-8780 (C) GFWC Hancock Woman’s Club GFWC Rutledge Woman’s Club Wendy Burchett, President 167 Jep Trent Rd. Sneedville, TN 37869 Shirlee Johnson, President 135 Albert’s Cove Rutledge TN 37861 865-828-5399 GFWC Johnson City Junior Monday Club GFWC Sneedville Woman’s Club 423-733-4143 (H) 423-733-5030 (W) Peggy Fabozzi, President 138 Couch Rd. Jonesborough TN 37659 423-839-2067 GFWC Johnson City Monday Club Auxiliary Susan Burkey, President 1508 W. Lakeview Dr. Johnson City, TN 37601 423-926-6879 JoAnna Nichols-MacDonald, President 226 Grandview Drive Sneedville TN 37869 423-733-1296 (H) 423-300-8031 (C) GFWC Somo Sala Circle Donna Kelly, President 1505 Morningside Drive Morristown TN 37814 865-755-5448 16 2012 – 2014 GFWC of Tennessee Smoky Mountain District Officers President First Vice-President Second Vice-President Recording Secretary Corresponding Secretary Treasurer Tona Turpin Kendra Walker Patty Loretta Teter Marjorie Bogert Betty Burnett Linda Oliver Smoky Mountain District Clubs GFWC Chilhowee Woman’s Club Janet Amburn-Harpe, President 422 Greencrest Drive Maryville TN 37803 865-406-8101 (C) GFWC Loudon Woman’s Club Jane Nichols, President 3161 Dry Valley Road Philadelphia TN 37846 865-271-7760 GFWC Coytee Woman’s Club JoAnn Kembel, President 311 Edith Lane Lenoir City TN 37771 865-308-3955 ;or through Mary Ann Williamson GFWC Ossoli Circle Roberta Pedigo 7544 Little River Drive Knoxville TN 37920 865-577-4106 GFWC Knoxville Woman’s Club Mary Frances Edwards 7809 Dan Lane Knoxville, TN 37938 865-281-7784 GFWC Knoxville Woman’s Club Jr. Department Kendra Walker Patty 2702 Lakewood Lane Knoxville, TN 37921 865-938-7779 (H) 865-406-6081 (C) GFWC Suburbia Woman’s Club Jan Johnson, President 3001 Misty Ridge Dr. Lenoir City TN 37772 865-816-3122 GFWC Tellico Village Woman’s Club Michele Pubillones, President 118 Kawatuska Way Loudon TN 37774 865-458-6111 GFWC Valamont Woman’s Club Paulette Amsler PO Box 9033 Chattanooga, TN 37412 423-698-0566 17 2012 – 2014 GFWC of Tennessee Highland Rim District Officers President First Vice-President Second Vice-President Recording/Corresponding Secretary Treasurer Junior Director Parliamentary Advisor Chaplain Renee’ Keene Kaye Barlow Pat Rottmund Nancy Hale Teresa Young Deb Allen Nancy Patton Brenda Simmons Highland Rim District Clubs GFWC of TN Centennial W.C. Dian Rayfield, President 106 Huntington Place Tullahoma TN 37388 931-4550791 (H) 931-212-6623 (C) GFWC of TN Cookeville Junior W.C. Amanda Guidry, President 163 Tara Drive Cookeville, TN 38501 931-260-1765 GFWC of TN England Society Ann Durall, President 12117 Valley Trail Knoxville TN 37934 865-675-5393 GFWC of TN Renaissance W.C. Kaye Barlow, President 2443 Buffalo Valley Drive Cookeville TN 38501 931-432-5549 (H) 931-510-9352 (C) GFWC of TN Sparta Woman’s Club Sherry Hickey, President 114 Joshua Drive Sparta TN 38583 931-739-2847 GFWC of TN Tullahoma W.C. Kate Lapczynski, President 318 Marks Avenue Tullahoma TN 37388 931-455-6996 (H) 931-581-0685 (C) or GFWC of TN Livingston Civic and Garden Club Robbie Melton, President 310 University Street Livingston TN 38570 931-823-6933 “Footsteps from the past leading to a new future in Federation” 18 2012 – 2014 GFWC of Tennessee Music City District Officers President First Vice-President Second Vice-President Recording Secretary Treasurer Bobbie Schorsten Pat Bomba Dawn Kincaid Mary Berryhill Jane Bryan Music City District Clubs GFWC of TN Bellevue Woman’s Club Jean Anne Tye 725 Bresslyn Road Nashville TN 37205 615-356-0036 (H) 615-306-7562 (C) GFWC of TN Brandywine W.C Ann Zimmermann, President 2736 James Edmon Court Murfreesboro, 37129 (615) 900-3534 GFWC of TN Brentwood Woman’s League Liz Martin, President 6812 Walnut Hills Drive Brentwood TN 37027 615-495-0199 (C) 615-371-8596 (W) GFWC of TN Dickson County W.C. Teresa York, President 200 Shady Hill Road Dickson TN 37055 615-4446-3993 (H) 615-218-8445 (C) GFWC of TN Woman’s Club of Hendersonville Karen Holmes, President 132 Glen Hill Drive Hendersonville TN 37075 615-822-9616(H) 615-578-6013 (C) GFWC of TN Music City Leaders Association Sandy Calvin, President 106 Riva Ridge Hendersonville TN 37075 615-826-4202 (H) 615-481-4821 (C) GFWC of TN Spring Station W.C. Vicki Bechet, President 1502 Gray Fox Lane Spring Hill TN 37174 931-451-7298 (H) 615-521-9128 (C) GFWC of TN Stones River W.C. Harriett Warren, President 3217 Knobdale Road Nashville, TN 37214 615-883-8071 (H) 615-210-4636 (C) 19 2012 – 2014 GFWC of Tennessee West Tennessee Rivers District Officers President First Vice President Second Vice-President Secretary/Treasurer Chaplain Linda Holder Barbara Boden Gay Nichols Donna McLean Shirley Butler West Tennessee Rivers District Clubs GFWC Dyer County Juniorettes Samantha Butler, President 125 Wheatley Drive Newbern TN 38059 731-478-8292 GFWC Ridgley Woman’s Club Judith A. Callens 1285 Cleve Duke Road Hornbeak TN 38232 731-538-2542 GFWC Janusette Delphian W.C. Jane Wilson, President 903 Grove Street Paris TN 38242 731-642-3807 GFWC Tiptonville W.C. Corinne Covington 320 Cherry Street Tiptonville, TN 38079. 731-253-7597 (h) 731-445-8829 (c) GFWC Kenton Woman’s Club Linda Holder, President 460 W. College Kenton TN 38233 731-749-5929 GFWC Woman’s Club of Paris Terri Bryan, President 1135 Tan Yard Hill Road Puryear TN 38251 731-247-5368 GFWC Newbern Woman’s Club Carla Murray, President 235 Snow Farm Road Newbern TN 38059 731-445-6773 “Footsteps from the past leading to a new future in Federation 20 2012 – 2014 GFWC of Tennessee Southwest District President First Vice-President Second Vice-President Third Vice-President Recording Secretary Treasurer Parliamentarian Chaplain Pat Mingledorff Beverly Harpole Carolyn Blurton Nancy Mellios Marcia McLeary JoAnn Waggner Catherine King Isobel Todd Southwest District Clubs GFWC Germantown Andrea Orchik 2727 Sweet Oak Circle, Germantown TN 38138 901-755-2713 GFWC Jackson Woman’s Club Beverly Harpole 54 Elmwood Drive, Jackson, TN 38305 731-664-5276 “Footsteps from the past leading to a new future in Federation” 21 2012 – 2014 GFWC of Tennessee Arts Program Arts Community Service Projects Arts Partnership Chairman Arts Contest Chairmen Mattie Mullins Janice Hixson Terry Finnerty Art is essential to the quality of life! The GFWC Arts Community Service Program encourages members to promote and support art activities in all communities. It is designed to inspire clubwomen to engage the creative ambiance within their lives. Create programs and projects that include music, dance, drama, theater, and other arts related areas, both traditional and innovative. The artistic experience can be outward reaching or for inner satisfaction. In other words, create an artistic experience that involves all programs and projects. The Arts Contests are designed to encourage clubwomen to use their creative abilities through participation in photography, short story writing contest, poetry writing contest, etc., and to sponsor youth short story and poetry writing contests. GFWC Photography Contests Clubs must send entries (one winner per contest per category) to be received by their District Art Chairman by December 1st. The District Art Chairman will select one winner per contest per category and mail winners to Terry Finnerty by January 15th each year. GFWC of TN state winners will then be mailed by Terry Finnerty to her GFWC counterpart by May 15th each year. Information about the contests can be accessed online at in the Member Center under Photography Contests. GFWC Member Short Story Writing Contest and GFWC Member Poetry Writing Contest Clubs must send entries (only one winner per contest, per category) to be received by their District Arts Department Chairman no later than December 1st each year. The District Arts Department Chairman will then select one winner per contest, per category and mail to Terry Finnerty no later than January 15th each year. GFWC of TN State winners will then be mailed by Terry Finnerty to her GFWC counterpart no later than April 1st each year. Information about the contests can be accessed online at in the Member Center under Member Writing Contests. Each entry must include a GFWC Creative Arts Waiver. Please refer to the GFWC 2012-2014 manual, which can be accessed online at, for additional guidelines and waiver. Youth Short Story Writing Contest and Youth Poetry Writing Contest Clubs must send entries (only one winner per contest, per category) to be received by their District Arts Department Chairman no later than December 1st of each year. The District Arts Department Chairman will then select one winner per contest, per category and mail to Terry Finnerty no later than January 15th of each year. GFWC of TN State winners will then be mailed by Terry Finnerty to her GFWC counterpart no later than April 1st of each year. Information about the contests can be accessed online at in the Member Center under Youth Writing Contests. Arts and Crafts Contests 22 2012 – 2014 GFWC of Tennessee WILL be judged at the State Level Purpose: To showcase the creative and artistic talents of the clubwomen of GFWC of TN. Guidelines: The Arts-Crafts Contests will be held on the District level at the Spring meeting. There will be no reporting in this area. Art categories: 1. SCULPTURE: clay, wood, wire, paper, stone, mixed media. Must not exceed ten pounds. 2. DRAWING: pencil, charcoal, pastels, ink, printmaking. All pencil, charcoal, and pastels should be sprayed with a fixative or covered by clear mylar. 3. PAINTING: oils, watercolor, acrylic, mixed media. Mat all materials other than canvas. Size should be no smaller than 10” x 12” or larger than 23” x 30”, including matting. Craft Categories: 1. FABRIC WALL HANGING: quilted, appliqué, painted, combinations 2. APPLIQUE ONLY Category A: Decorated clothing Category B: Towels, runners, etc. 3. CROCHET 4. KNITTING 5. NEEDLEPOINT, CROSS-STITCH, BARGELLO (canvas or plastic) 6. EMBROIDERY: crewel, duplicate stitch, candle wicking, mixed 7. DECORATIVE PAINTING: on fabric, tin, glass, wood, etc. ex: tole painting 8. SEWING Category A. heirloom sewing, smocking Category B: general clothing Category C: all other types of items 9. HANDMADE JEWELRY 10. SOFT SCULPTURE: dolls, stuffed animals, decorative pieces 11. BEADWORK: other than jewelry, such as beaded purses, etc. 12. QUILTING Category A: Hand quilting Category B: Machine quilting 13. MISCELLANEOUS: any original craft item that will not fit into any of the above mentioned categories. 23 2012 – 2014 GFWC of Tennessee Rules of Entry: Arts and Crafts Contest 1. All Arts and Crafts items will be judged on the District level at the Spring Meeting. FIRST PLACE DISTRICT WINNERS ONLY are eligible for judging at the State Convention. 2. All works must be original and completed in contest year. No kits or copies. 3. Contest is for amateurs only who have not earned over $500 during the contest year for their entered Art or Craft. 4. All entries must be labeled with an index card stating: Front of card: NAME of category (not the number) and title of work Back of card: artist’s or crafter’s name, address, telephone number, and club 5. Index card label must be attached to the front of the work with tape or pin, showing the title and the category for the work. 6. All entries must be hand delivered for judging and picked up at the close of district meetings. Recognition: District Arts Chairmen are responsible for the recognition of winners at District Meetings. Conservation Program Conservation Community Service Project Chairman Conservation Partnership Chairman Jocelyn Campbell Susan Key Our natural resources are among our most precious treasures. The GFWC Conservation Community Service Program is designed for members to gain an appreciation for our environment. Through preservation, maintenance, and restoration of our natural resources, it strives to educate members about the importance of beautifying our communities; preserving, maintaining, and restoring natural resources; and stimulating citizen action to address these concerns. Our natural resources include, but are not limited to, water, trees, plants, air, land and wildlife. For additional ideas and resources for the Conservation Community Service Program refer to this section in the GFWC 2012-2014 Club manual which can be accessed online at “Footsteps from the past leading to a new future in Federation” 24 2012 – 2014 GFWC of Tennessee Education Community Service Program Education Community Service Project Chairman Education Partnership Chairman Epsilon Sigma Omicron Chairman (ESO) Robin Hodge Kendra Walker Patty Carla Murray The GFWC Education Community Service Program works to improve literacy and education awareness in communities at home and around the world. Clubwomen are dedicated to promoting a commitment to literacy and lifelong learning. For additional ideas for the Education Community Service Program, refer to this section in the GFWC 2012-2014 Club Manual which can be accessed online at Home Life Community Service Program Home Life Community Service Project Chairman Home Life Partnership Chairman Janet Oakes Anne Wonder The GFWC Home Life Community Service Program is designed to inform members of issues that affect the well-being of individuals, families, and communities by providing opportunities and resources to meet and address needs through volunteering. Through this program, clubs may develop and implement projects that promote a healthy lifestyle; increase awareness and prevention, research, and treatment of disease; target personal development; address the issues of hunger, inadequate housing, and homelessness; and/or prevent or correct financial difficulties. This is the program where you report all of your work in Unicorn/Mountain Division. GFWC of Tennessee has had a Mountain Division project since the beginning of our Federation. The Unicorn Fund is an entity that serves the underserved children of Morgan and Scott counties. The program provides food, clothing, medical supplies, coal, etc., to those in need. A few fund-raising projects are held each year, but the Unicorn Fund is primarily financed by the Second Time Around Boutique. This store accepts donations of clothing and household items that are new or in good shape and then resells them to the county populations. All funds raised or collected go to the children and their families. This program receives no federal money and needs the support of everyone. In addition to helping meet basic needs, The Unicorn Fund awards six scholarships each year. Please send donations of money, clothing, etc., directly to: The Unicorn Fund, 8801 Main Street, Wartburg, TN 37887 For additional ideas for the Education Community Service Program, refer to this section in the GFWC 2012-2014 Club Manual, which can be accessed online at 25 2012 – 2014 GFWC of Tennessee International Outreach Community Service Program International Outreach Community Service Chairman International Outreach Partnership Chairman Jean Cardwell Kathy Waller The International Outreach Community Service Program is designed to enable members to become better world citizens through advocacy, education, and action, which will in turn affect change in and for our global friends and their communities. The GFWC International Outreach Community Service Program allows clubs to reach beyond their own communities through education and global awareness. For additional ideas for the Education Community Service Program, refer to this section in the GFWC 2012-2014 Club Manual which can be accessed online at Public Issues Community Service Program Public Issues Community Service Chairman Public Issues Partnership Chairman Sue Whittle Agnes Sexton The GFWC Public Issues Community Service Program is designed to actively connect members with effective projects and activities relating to civic engagement. This program focuses on citizenship, Veterans Affairs, Emergency Preparedness and Safety. For additional ideas for the Public Issues Community Service Program, refer to this section in the GFWC 2012-2014 Club Manual which can be accessed online at Special Projects GFWC Clubwoman Magazine Join more than 10,000 clubwomen and subscribe to GFWC’s premier publication, GFWC Clubwoman magazine, your source for the latest club news, program updates, valuable resources, in-depth features, and helpful tips. For more information refer to the Forms in the GFWC Club Manual, which can be accessed online at or contact GFWC of TN Chairman, Johnny Hill. Community Improvement Contest (CIC) Objective: To encourage and reward clubs for completing improvement projects that meet the unique needs of their communities, helping to make their cities and towns better places to live. For more information refer to Special Projects in the GFWC Club Manual, which can be accessed online at or contact GFWC of TN Chairman, Darla Dye. 26 2012 – 2014 GFWC of Tennessee Fund Raising This committee raises money for GFWC of Tennessee by selling items at Fall Conference and at State Convention to help defray operating expenses. Some of those monies will be designated as Dollars for Delegates Funds to be used as needed. Refer to Standing Rule #32 for guidelines. For further fund raising items refer to the Special Projects in the GFWC Club Manual which can be accessed online at or contact GFWC of TN Chairman Donna McLean . Membership The membership goals of GFWC of Tennessee are to recruit new members and retain the current membership. Members are encouraged to recruit and report new members during the Seasonal Recruitment Campaign. New member packets are available. Please send the names and addresses of newly initiated members to GFWC of TN Chairman Sharon Pace. Leadership Another goal of GFWC of Tennessee is to promote leadership skills and provide activities to all members. By identifying potential leaders we can strengthen their skills and encourage them to seek leadership positions. It is equally important to celebrate leadership success. For information on leadership opportunities and suggestions for workshop activities, refer to the GFWC Club Manual, which can be accessed at, or contact GFWC of TN Leadership Chair Pat Williams. GFWC Domestic Violence Awareness Program Objective: To increase member awareness about and involvement in programs to decrease domestic violence in communities and across the nation. For further information refer to Special Projects in the GFWC Club Manual which can be accessed online at, or contact GFWC of TN Chairman, Carla Cullip Junior’s Special Project: Advocates for Children Objective: To encourage members to continue projects related to children and youth. For further information refer to Special Projects in the GFWC Club Manual, which can be accessed online at, or contact GFWC of TN Junior Chairman, Deb Allen. Legislation and Public Policy Program Objective: To involve GFWC club members in grassroots advocacy for GFWC Resolutions and priority issues. For further information refer to Special Projects in the GFWC Club Manual, which can be accessed online at, or contact GFWC of TN Chairman Marcia Kribs. 27 2012 – 2014 GFWC of Tennessee Public Relations Objective: To assist members with outreach activities by providing tools that help create a positive image of women’s clubs, and familiarize members with the Federation history, mission, and current initiatives. For further information refer to the Special Projects in the GFWC Club Manual, which can be accessed online at, or contact GFWC of TN Chairman Jane Wilson. Request for Club History Preserving our heritage as clubwomen is vital for future generations. If we don’t record our history, then those who come after us may never fully appreciate our endeavors and accomplishments. Each club is asked to submit a written history. Please use a 1 ½” margin for binding on the left side of each page. You may use as many pages as necessary. Be sure to include your club name, the year chartered or federated, your club motto, and any other information that is pertinent to your club. If you have never submitted a history before, please start at your club’s inception and proceed forward. If you have submitted a history, please begin where you ended and catch up to the present day. Please submit a history in the spring of 2013 and bring it up to date in 2014. Please bring one copy to Spring Convention 2013 and Spring Convention 2014 for our GFWC of Tennessee state records. A collection box will be available at Convention registration. Also, please mail a copy of your 2013 history and your 2014 history to: GFWC Attention: Women’s History and Resource Center 1734 N Street Washington, DC 20036-2990 Women’s History and Resource Center Objective: To collect, preserve, interpret, and promote the history of GFWC and women volunteers. As noted in the Request for Club History, you may also mail a copy of your club history to the address listed above. For further information refer to the Special Projects in the GFWC Club Manual which can be accessed online at or contact GFWC of TN Historian, Jayme Smith LEADS (Leadership Education and Development Seminar) Objective: To identify GFWC members who have the potential to assume leadership positions and provide them with the skills, confidence, and commitment to become future Federation leaders. For further information refer to the Resources and Information section in the GFWC Club Manual which can be accessed online at or contact GFWC of TN President Sandy Lindeman. The application for LEADS is in this handbook. 28 2012 – 2014 GFWC of Tennessee Tennessee Leadership Seminar Clubs are asked to sponsor one high school student each year to attend the Tennessee Leadership Seminar. For further information contact GFWC of TN Chairman Pat Bomba. Jennie Award Objective: To spotlight one clubwoman from each region who has been judged on club, state, region and national levels for her outstanding performance as a volunteer within her club, community and family. For further information refer to the Special Projects in the GFWC Club Manual which can be accessed online at or contact GFWC of TN President Sandy Lindeman. The application for the JENNIE AWARD is listed in this handbook. Tennessee Federation News The Tennessee Federation News is the official state magazine/newsletter for GFWC of Tennessee. There are four issues per year, and clubs are asked to send articles and pictures to the editor for publication in the online newsletter. Because we understand that everyone doesn’t have email, we will be issuing some hard copies upon request, though we encourage clubs to print out the newsletter for their members without email accounts. Please email your pictures and articles to: Kate Lapczynski, Editor 318 Marks Avenue Tullahoma TN 37388 E-mail is the preferred method of submission Deadlines: December 1, February 1, April 30, June 1 The cost will remain at $4.00 per year per subscription. Send subscription list (complete with subscriber’s name, address and email) to Nancy Booth at Subscriptions checks should be made out to GFWC of TN and sent to Nancy Booth. 29 2012 – 2014 GFWC of Tennessee Tennessee Endowment Fund This fund was established during the 1950-52 administration. Its purpose is to perpetuate the GFWC of Tennessee Federation and to keep dues affordable for all. The function of the endowment is to use the interest of the account for state administrative costs that are not covered by the dues. To add to this fund, clubs are asked to donate at least $1 per member. Another way to donate to the Tennessee Endowment Fund is to purchase space in the Golden Tribute Book. Individuals and clubs may choose to honor or memorialize members in the following ways: $100 = one full page – may consist of 320 words or a combination of a picture and captions $50 = one-half page – may consist of 160 words or a combination of a picture and captions $25 = quarter page – may consist of 80 words or a combination of a 2” x1” picture and captions $10 = one or two line tribute or memorial – no picture Endowment Fund Annual Awards: 1. Pearl Toulon Plaque is awarded to the District which contributes the most per capita. 2. Tennessee Endowment Fund Plaque is awarded to the club giving the largest contribution. 3. 100% Recognition Certificates are awarded to each club contribution of $1 or more per member. Send checks to GFWC of TN Treasurer Beth Smith and Endowment Tribute information to GFWC of TN Endowment Chair Laurel Karp. “Footsteps from the past leading to a new future in Federation” 30 2012 – 2014 GFWC of Tennessee GFWC of Tennessee Scholarship Program The General Federation of Women's Clubs is an international organization dedicated to community improvement by enhancing the lives of others through volunteer service. The Tennessee Federation awards scholarships of $1,000.00 to deserving students in Tennessee. Candidates must be planning to attend or currently be enrolled in a Tennessee college or university. Application deadline is March 1st. After receiving applications, the GFWC of Tennessee Scholarship Committee will evaluate the candidates for a final determination of the distribution. Notification will be made May 1st. Previous scholarship winners must reapply to be eligible the following year. Scholarship monies will be mailed directly to the recipient's college or university. Student is responsible for providing GFWC of Tennessee with the necessary information. The scholarship monies are funded by the interest from a Certificate of Deposit and individual club donations specified for the scholarship fund. Applications must be received on or before March 1st Mail to: Susan B. Martin, Chairman 4909 Bal Harbor Drive Chattanooga, TN 37416 423-894-5983 A complete information packet for consideration will include: 1) Two (2) recommendations: one from a teacher, guidance counselor, or principal, one from outside the school (employer, minister, etc.) 2) Official high school transcript or college transcript 3) List of significant awards, honors, and achievements (college students use only junior and senior years of high school and college years) 4) One page student essay responding to “What one incident, person, or event has had the most influence in selecting your future course in life and has also challenged the development of your leadership skills?” 5) Completed 2 page application including signatures PLEASE do not staple the pages together. The required attachments must accompany your application and not be mailed separately. In the case of transcript and recommendations, they may be sealed in separate envelopes and included as part of the package. The application may NOT be submitted electronically. If all components of the applications are not received in hand by March 1st, your application will not be eligible. The Scholarship Committee looks forward to hearing from you and hope we can be of financial assistance in your quest for further education. 31 2012 – 2014 GFWC of Tennessee GFWC of Tennessee Scholarship Program Application Please type or print clearly. Name:____________________________________________________________________ Address:__________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________ Phone ____________________ Email (optional):___________________________________________________________ Date of Birth:__________________ Social Security # (optional):___________________ Scholastic Information High School Attended:______________________________________________________ Address:__________________________________________________________________ Phone: GPA (out of 4.0)_____________________ Most recent ACT score:__________________ Most recent SAT score:_______________ Educational Institution in which Enrollment is Desired Name of College/University:________________________________________________ Address:_________________________________________________________________ _____Applied _____Accepted Course of Study:_______________________________ Date term begins:_____________________ Expected date of graduation:___________ Amount of tuition/fees per semester:_________________________________________ For Student Currently Enrolled in College or University College Currently Attending:________________________________________________ Address:_________________________________________________________________ Phone:_________________________________ GPA (out of 4.0)___________________ 32 2012 – 2014 GFWC of Tennessee Work Experience Are you currently employed?_____yes _____no If so, how long?______________ Current place of employment:______________________________________________ Position held:____________________________________________________________ Parental Information Name of Parent/Guardian:_________________________________________________ Relationship:_____________________________________________________________ Address (if different):______________________________________________________ Phone (if different):_______________________ Email(if different):_______________ What is the approximate combined household income last year before taxes? Include all sources of income. (mark only one) _____ Less than $10,000 _____ Approximately $10,000 to $30,000 _____ Approximately $30,000 to $50,000 _____ More than $50,000 Please explain any extraordinary circumstances or special needs that may affect your ability to finance your college education. Student and Parent Affirmation We affirm that the information provided on this application is accurate, to the best of our knowledge. We understand that misrepresentation may constitute fraud, which may result in the loss of eligibility for this scholarship, or may have other legal consequences. We give permission for the selection committee of GFWC of Tennessee to review the student transcript, test scores, and other pertinent information. Signature of Student:________________________________________________ Date:___________ Signature of Parent/Guardian:_________________________________________ Date:___________ 33 2012 – 2014 GFWC of Tennessee Reporting Guidelines The goal of reporting is to promote local clubs by recognizing the value of their contributions to their communities, state, and nation. All clubs are encouraged to report to State Chairmen their club’s accomplishments, programs, and projects in the GFWC program areas. Clubs DO NOT report directly to GFWC. Reporting year is January 1st through December 31st of each year. Clubs must have paid dues annually by January 15th to be eligible for awards. Reports will be judged in four categories: § Division I – Clubs with 15 or fewer members § Division II - Clubs with 16- 25 members § Division III - Clubs with 26-50 members § Division IV - Clubs with over 50 members General and Junior club reports will be judged together. Two (2) copies of all reports along with the 2012- 2014 GFWC Statistical Form must be postmarked by February 1st of each year to be judged. The Statistical Form will consist of all the programs and projects in the program area accomplished during the reporting year. Unless otherwise specified within this manual, reports should be sent to: Linda Hershey 915 Clarendon Street, Chattanooga, TN 37405 A copy of the Club Rating Guide can be found in this handbook or in the GFWC Club Manual, which can be accessed online at For each report, clubs are encouraged to submit up to two (2) pages describing no more than ten (10) specific projects completed by the club that have made the most impact in their community or club. Please include information that describes the “who, what, when, where, how and why” of the project as well as pertinent statistics for the project. No cross reporting or double reporting allowed in any program area. These guidelines apply for reporting to the state only. Each club should refer to their District for District Reporting Guidelines as these may differ between districts. Please refer to the 2012-2014 Reporting Form and Guidelines before beginning the reporting process. 34 2012 – 2014 GFWC of Tennessee GFWC of TN Club Statistical Form Annual Reporting Period: January 1 – December 31 2012 2013 Club name Name of person reporting Address Phone and email address INSTRUCTIONS Complete this form to include total statistics for your club for each Special Project, Community Service Project, Partnership Project, and Advancement Area. Submit two (2) copies of the Club Statistical Form along with two (2) copies of the narratives no later than February 1st to Linda Hershey 915 Clarendon Street, Chattanooga, TN 37405. Upon receipt of these forms, Linda will send copies to the respective state chairmen. Please enclose your narratives with this form. 35 2012 – 2014 GFWC of Tennessee 36 Report form adapted from one developed by the GFWC of Montana. 2012 – 2014 GFWC of Tennessee District Awards Pewter Cup – This is the annual award presented to each District President whose clubs are 100% in submitting their club rating guides to GFWC of TN President Sandy Lindeman by February 1st of each year. A copy of club rating guide should also be sent to each District President. Jefferson Cup – This is the award which travels annually to the District whose general clubs receive the most first and second place awards at the annual state convention. District Membership Award – This annual award recognizes the District that shows the largest increase in dues paying members. The GFWC of TN Second Vice-President and Treasurer will determine the winning District. Club Awards First and Second Place Award Certificates Award Certificates will be given for each program area and special project. The certificates will be awarded in four categories: Division I – Clubs with 15 or fewer members Division II - Clubs with 16- 25 members Division III - Clubs with 26-50 members Division IV - Clubs with over 50 members Certificates will be awarded annually at state convention. To be eligible for awards, clubs must have paid dues by January 15th of each year and submitted reports to the GFWC of TN 1st VicePresident by February 1st of each year. Outstanding Club Awards This is an annual award given to GFWC of TN Clubs in all membership categories that meet the stated criteria. Clubs placing second in each category will receive a certificate. Criteria for the GFWC of Tennessee Outstanding Club Award Club Rating Guide/Score Sheet: Superior Excellent Average 30 points 20 points 10 points Departments/Special Committees 1st place 2nd place 15 points 10 points Membership New club formed 10% increase 20 points 10 points 100% Subscriptions TF News GFWC Clubwoman 10 points 10 points $1.00 per member donation TN Endowment TN Headquarters TN Scholarships 10 points 10 points 10 points 37 2012 – 2014 GFWC of Tennessee Treasurer / Dues DUES: 1. Dues for each club member will be $17.00 ($15.00 to GFWC + $2.00 to GFWC of TN) payable December 1; for points on the club rating guide by December 15; and are delinquent if not in the hands of the treasurer by January 15 of each year. 2. Make check out to GFWC of Tennessee. 3. Club treasurer should use the club treasurer’s form in the reporting section. 4. Total the dues/donations on the form and send one check ONLY to cover that total. 5. Include a self-addressed postcard if you desire confirmation that dues were received. 6. Club will be categorized by number of members with dues paid by January 15 for award reporting purposes. Each chairman will receive a list of clubs and the membership number from the treasurer. 7. For members joining after the January 15 deadline, the club treasurer should send to the State Treasurer of GFWC of TN all dues collected as new members join. DONATIONS: 1. Donations to support Tennessee: Use form provided to make contributions to support TN Endowment, Headquarters, Scholarship, and Mountain Division. Contributions must be made by December 31 to be included in 100% certificates and must agree with number of members for which dues were paid. 2. Donations to support GFWC are to be sent by the individual clubs to headquarters in Washington D.C. Examples – WHRC, Clubwoman Magazine, 1734 Society. 3. Any contribution not listed on the treasurer’s report form should be sent directly to the charity. Examples – SOS, March of Dimes, American Cancer Society, Easter Seals. 4. Do not include any donations made at another time in the total on a report form. In other words, Donations + dues on the report form should total the amount for which the check is drawn. REIMBURSEMENTS: 1. State officers and department chairmen must submit written request with the appropriate (original) receipts to the treasurer for allocated funds. 2. Forms will be made available for submission to the State Treasurer for budget reimbursements, Board of Directors travel reimbursement and travel reimbursement from Dollars for Delegates. 3. Any non-budgeted requests must be submitted in writing to the Executive Committee for approval before the State Treasurer can disburse any funds. 4. GFWC of TN is a nonprofit and pays no sales tax on consumable goods used by and for the GFWC of TN. If purchasing such, you must secure a tax-exempt form or be prepared to pay the tax. 38 2012 – 2014 GFWC of Tennessee Club Treasurer’s Report Form for 2013 Mail this form with dues/contributions to: Beth Smith 665 River Bend Road, Greeneville, TN 37743 Club Name _____________________________________________District ___________ Club President__________________________________Club Treasurer_________________ Address of Person Submitting Form_____________________________________________ Telephone Number of Person Submitting Form E-Mail Address of Person Submitting Form Number of Club Members ____________________ Federation Dues: $17.00 per member x __________members = $_______________ Include only the following contributions: (Other contributions should be sent directly to GFWC or to the charity.) Tennessee Endowment Fund $____________________ Tennessee Headquarters Fund $____________________ Tennessee Scholarship Fund $____________________ Pennies for Arts $____________________ Mountain Division – Unicorn Fund $____________________ Heifer Project – Build An Ark $____________________ VAVS $____________________ Tennessee Leadership Seminar __________student(s) @ $175 = $____________________ TOTAL ENCLOSED $____________________ Please send check for the total payable to GFWC of Tennessee. Dues must be received by January 15th of each year for club to be eligible for awards. Club Treasurer’s Report Form for 2014 39 2012 – 2014 GFWC of Tennessee Mail this form with dues/contributions to: Beth Smith 665 River Bend Road, Greeneville, TN 37743 Club Name _____________________________________________District ___________ Club President__________________________________Club Treasurer_________________ Address of Person Submitting Form_____________________________________________ Telephone Number of Person Submitting Form E-Mail Address of Person Submitting Form_______________ _____________________ Number of Club Members ____________________ Federation Dues: $17.00 per member x __________members = $_______________ Include only the following contributions: (Other contributions should be sent directly to GFWC or to the charity.) Tennessee Endowment Fund $____________________ Tennessee Headquarters Fund $____________________ Tennessee Scholarship Fund $____________________ Pennies for Arts $____________________ Mountain Division – Unicorn Fund $____________________ Heifer Project – Build An Ark $____________________ VAVS $____________________ Tennessee Leadership Seminar __________student(s) @ $175 = $____________________ TOTAL ENCLOSED $____________________ Please send check for the total payable to GFWC of Tennessee. Dues must be received by January 15th of each year for club to be eligible for awards. 40 2012 – 2014 GFWC of Tennessee Club Rating Guide Due Date is February 15, 2013 All clubs (General and Junior) send Club Rating Guide to State President and District President The Club Rating Guide is very important. The State President and Director of Junior Clubs file State and International Reports using the information gathered from clubs. The Club Rating Guide determines the club rating for state convention. Club Rating Guide determines the basis for an award to District Presidents if all clubs participate. Clubs: The District Presidents need your information so that they can record information for their files. Keep a copy of the completed Club Rating Guide for club evaluation and assessment. Club Rating: Assessment by points Average Excellent Superior 750 points 1,500 points 3,000 points “Footsteps from the past leading to a new future in Federation” 41 2012 – 2014 GFWC of Tennessee 2013 Club Rating Guide Club Name City Number of Members Club President’s Name Club’s Total Points ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT Meeting Attendance Spring District GFWC of TN Convention GFWC Convention GFWC of TN Summer Bd. GFWC of TN Fall Board Fall District Southeastern Region Per member Total 25 points each _____ 25 points each _____ 25 points each _____ 25 points each _____ 25 points each _____ 25 points each _____ 50 points each _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ Bylaws Conform to GFWC of TN Bylaws Read (any portion) at club meeting Leadership Participation District Officer/board GFWC of TN officer/board SER officer/board District/TN/GFWC officer/ board visit club Hostess for a district meeting 25 points 25 points 25 points each _____ 50 points each _____ 50 points each _____ _____ _____ _____ 50 points each _____ Workshop (protocol, leadership, reporting, etc.) Sponsored club/district event Attended event 25 points each Reporting Number of club reports to district and state _____ 50 points 100 points 25 points each _____ Completed Statistical Form Club Rating Guide New officer’s information sent to district and state. Submitted LEADS candidate to GFWC of Tennessee Club history updated and sent to district/state/WHRC _____ _____ 100 50 50 100 _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ Total for this page 42 2012 – 2014 GFWC of Tennessee MEMBERSHIP Recruit: Seasonal Recruitment Campaign Per Member # of new members 50 points each _____ Increased total of dues paying members over previous year 50 points each _____ Held Orientation Session Submitted new members names to GFWC of TN & GFWC 100 50 Retain Subscribe to TF News 25 points each _____ Subscribe to GFWC Clubwoman 25 points each _____ Organized/participated in club/district/ GFWC of TN membership workshop 25 points each _____ Recognized member contributions with special event 25 points each _____ Selected Outstanding Club Woman Nominated an eligible member for Tribute of Honor Requested Gold Cards for eligible members 50 50 50 Rebuild Organized or reinstated a club Total 200 PROGRAM/PROJECTS/PUBLICITY Programs Utilizing GFWC program areas GFWC Junior Special Emphasis Members participating in ESO Members entering contests (writing/photography/crafts) Projects # utilizing GFWC program areas Included another club/organization in your event Publicity Articles published in/on local media Submitted articles/photos to TF News/GFWC Clubwoman Wore GFWC/club identification at an event 25 points each _____ 25 points each_____ 25 points each_____ 100 25 points each _____ 50 25 points each _____ 25 points each _____ 25 points each _____ Total for this page 43 2012 – 2014 GFWC of Tennessee FINANCIAL Per member Dues paid to GFWC of TN by December 1 Club and member monetary contributions 1 point per dollar sent to GFWC of TN Treasurer TN Endowment TN Headquarters TN Scholarship Fund Pennies for Art Heifer International VAVS TN Leadership Seminar Total 50 _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ Total 1 point per dollar Ways and Means/Dollars for Delegates 1 point per dollar sent to GFWC of TN Treasurer Direct Mailings Innisbrook Wraps Uncle Al’s Pecans Acrew Products, LLC Opus Design Group Coupon/Affinity programs Grants GFWC Endowment _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ Total 1 point per dollar GFWC of TN Donated basket/item to district/state Purchased items district/state 50 points each 25 points each _____ _____ Total of this page Grand Total of all 3 pages Congratulations! You did it! 44 2012 – 2014 GFWC of Tennessee 2014 Club Rating Guide Due Date is February 15, 2014 Club Name City Number of Members Club President’s Name Club’s Total Points ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT Meeting Attendance Spring District GFWC of TN Convention GFWC Convention GFWC of TN Summer Bd. GFWC of TN Fall Board Fall District Southeastern Region Per member Total 25 points each _____ 25 points each _____ 25 points each _____ 25 points each _____ 25 points each _____ 25 points each _____ 50 points each _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ Bylaws Conform to GFWC of TN Bylaws Read (any portion) at club meeting Leadership Participation District Officer/board GFWC of TN officer/board SER officer/board District/TN/GFWC officer/ board visit club Hostess for a district meeting 25 points 25 points _____ _____ 25 points each _____ 50 points each _____ 50 points each _____ _____ _____ _____ 50 points each _____ _____ _____ Workshop (protocol, leadership, reporting, etc.) Sponsored club/district event Attended event 25 points each Reporting Number of club reports to district and state _____ 50 points 100 points 25 points each _____ Completed Statistical Form Club Rating Guide New officer’s information sent to district and state. Submitted LEADS candidate to GFWC of Tennessee Club history updated and sent to district/state/WHRC 100 50 50 100 Total for this page _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 45 2012 – 2014 GFWC of Tennessee MEMBERSHIP Recruit: Seasonal Recruitment Campaign Per Member # of new members 50 points each _____ Increased total of dues paying members over previous year 50 points each _____ Held Orientation Session Submitted new members names to GFWC of TN & GFWC Total 100 50 Retain Subscribe to TF News 25 points each _____ Subscribe to GFWC Clubwoman 25 points each _____ Organized/participated in club/district/ GFWC of TN membership workshop 25 points each _____ Recognized member contributions with special event 25 points each _____ Selected Outstanding Club Woman Nominated an eligible member for Tribute of Honor Requested Gold Cards for eligible members 50 50 50 Rebuild Organized or reinstated a club 200 PROGRAM/PROJECTS/PUBLICITY Programs Utilizing GFWC program areas GFWC Junior Special Emphasis Members participating in ESO Members entering contests (writing/photography/crafts) Projects # utilizing GFWC program areas Included another club/organization in your event Publicity Articles published in/on local media Submitted articles/photos to TF News/GFWC Clubwoman Wore GFWC/club identification at an event 25 points each _____ 25 points each_____ 25 points each_____ 100 25 points each _____ 50 25 points each _____ 25 points each _____ 25 points each _____ Total for this page 46 2012 – 2014 GFWC of Tennessee FINANCIAL Per member Dues paid to GFWC of TN by December 1 Club and member monetary contributions 1 point per dollar sent to GFWC of TN Treasurer TN Endowment TN Headquarters TN Scholarship Fund Pennies for Art Heifer International VAVS TN Leadership Seminar Total 50 _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ Total 1 point per dollar Ways and Means/Dollars for Delegates 1 point per dollar sent to GFWC of TN Treasurer Direct Mailings Innisbrook Wraps Uncle Al’s Pecans Acrew Products, LLC Opus Design Group Coupon/Affinity programs Grants GFWC Endowment _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ Total 1 point per dollar GFWC of TN Donated basket/item to district/state Purchased items district/state 50 points each 25 points each _____ _____ Total of this page Grand Total of all 3 pages Congratulations! You did it! 47 2012 – 2014 GFWC of Tennessee Outstanding Clubwoman Award The purpose of this award is to promote volunteerism and give annual recognition to outstanding GFWC of Tennessee members. To be eligible for this award, member must be an active, dues-paying member of a per capita dues-paying GFWC of Tennessee Club. Rules 1. Only volunteer activities within the one-year span from March 1-February 15 or current year may be included on the application. 2. Only one nomination from each club may be sent to the State each year. 3. The club’s nomination must be sent to the State officers in charge of membership. 4. Club entry must be postmarked on or before March 1 of the current year. 5. The State Chairman of Membership is responsible for having the entries judged and the selection of one outstanding clubwoman will be presented at GFWC of TN convention. Judging Criteria 1. GFWC of Tennessee activities March 1-February 15 of current year of report. A. Club attendance and participation B. Club offices, chairmanship C. Attendance and participation in District and State meetings D. Work for membership extension E. Participation in club projects and programs 2. Other community activities: membership and service in other organizations, church, school, PTA, scouts, community fund drives, political affairs, etc. 3. Home, family activities, self-enrichment pursuits, talents, individuality. 75% 15% 10% Entry 1. Cover page is the nomination Cover Sheet and is counted as page 1 of the allowed five (5) total pages. 2. Entry must be in outline form, typed and double-spaced on 8 ½ x 11” paper, one side only, following the criteria listed above. 3. Do not use artwork, press clippings or letters of endorsement. The chairman will remove such materials before judging. Entry shall be signed by: 1. Club President 2. Club Recording Secretary Mail Entry to: Sharon Pace 109 Inverness Court, Hendersonville, TN 3. Nominee 37075 48 2012 – 2014 GFWC of Tennessee Outstanding Clubwoman Nomination Cover Sheet Year One Nominees Name Club Name District Nominee’s Mailing Address Years of Active Service Please refer to page 48 of the GFWC of TN Manual for the rules, Judging Criteria, and Entry instructions. This cover sheet is counted as Page 1 of the allowed five (5) total pages. The entire entry, once signed, should be mailed to Sharon Pace 109 Inverness Court Hendersonville TN 37075 Please provide required signatures below. Club President Club Recording Secretary Nominee Date Please copy this cover sheet, one per nominee per year. 49 2012 – 2014 GFWC of Tennessee Rookie of the Year Award The purpose of this award is to promote volunteerism and give annual recognition to outstanding GFWC of Tennessee NEW members. An award will be given to the GFWC of Tennessee Rookie of the Year. To be eligible for this award, member must be an active, dues-paying member of a per capita duespaying GFWC of Tennessee Club joining said club during the reporting year. Rules 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Only volunteer activities within the one-year span from March 1-February 15 or current year may be included on the application. Only one nomination from each club may be sent to the State. The club’s nomination must be sent to the State officer in charge of membership. Club entry must be postmarked on or before March 1 of the current year. State chairmen are responsible for having the entries judged and the selection of the Rookie of the Year will be presented at GFWC of Tennessee convention. Judging Criteria 1. 2. 3. GFWC of TN activities March 1-February 15 of the current year of report. A. Club attendance and contributions B. Attendance and participation in District, State meetings. C. Work for membership extension. D. Participation in club projects and programs. Other community activities: membership and service in other organizations, church, school, PTA, scouts, community fund drives, political affairs, etc. Home, family activities, self-enrichment pursuits, talents, individuality. 75% 15% 10% Entry 1. Cover page is the nomination Cover Sheet and is counted as page 1 of the allowed four (4) total pages. 2. Entry must be in outline form, typed and double-spaced on 8 ½ x 11” paper, one side only, following the criteria listed above. 3. Do not use artwork, press clippings or letters of endorsement. The chairman will remove such materials before judging. Entry shall be signed by the: 1. Club President 2. Club Recording Secretary 3. Nominee 50 2012 – 2014 GFWC of Tennessee Rookie of the Year Nominating Cover Sheet Nomination due by February 15, 2013 Mail entry to: Sharon Pace 109 Inverness Court, Hendersonville, TN 37075 Name of Nominee Husband’s Name Mailing Address Name of Club District _________________________ Date Joined A. Attendance and contributions to club (March 1-February 15 of reporting year)______________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ B. Attendance and contribution at District and State Level (Mar. 1-Feb. 15) C. Work for membership extension Was nominee responsible for bringing in new club members this year?_________ Number of New Members__________ Personal Growth (yes or no): ESO Member______ Subscribe to TF News______ GFWC Clubwoman Magazine______ The following may be answered on the allowed three additional pages. D. Participation in club projects and programs. E. Other community activities: membership and service in other organizations, church, school, PTA, scouts, community fund drives, political affairs, etc. F. Home and family activities, self-enrichment pursuits, talents and individuality. _____________________________________ Club President’s Signature ______________________________ Club Secretary’s Signature _____________________________________ Nominee’s Signature ______________________________ Date 51 2012 – 2014 GFWC of Tennessee Rookie of the Year Nominating Cover Sheet Nomination due by February 15, 2014 Mail entry to: Sharon Pace 109 Inverness Court, Hendersonville, TN 37075 Name of Nominee Husband’s Name Mailing Address Name of Club District _________________________ Date Joined A. Attendance and contributions to club (March 1-February 15 of reporting year)______________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ B. Attendance and contribution at District and State Level (Mar. 1-Feb. 15) C. Work for membership extension 1. Was nominee responsible for bringing in new club members this year?_________ Number of New Members__________ Personal Growth (yes or no): ESO Member______ Subscribe to TF News______ GFWC Clubwoman Magazine______ The following may be answered on the allowed three additional pages. D. Participation in club projects and programs. E. Other community activities: membership and service in other organizations, church, school, PTA, scouts, community fund drives, political affairs, etc. F. Home and family activities, self-enrichment pursuits, talents and individuality. _____________________________________ Club President’s Signature ______________________________ Club Secretary’s Signature _____________________________________ Nominee’s Signature ______________________________ Date 52 2012 – 2014 GFWC of Tennessee LEADS Participant Application Name __________________________________________________________________ Address __________________________________________________________________ Phone ____________________________ Club ___________________________________ District ______________________ Email ______________________________ Above information should be concealed during judging process. If more space is needed, please complete answers on the reverse side of this form. List all local club offices and/or chairmanships held ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ List all district offices and/or chairmanships held. List GFWC club/district programs/projects in which involved. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ List positions at district/state/national level in which you are interested. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Are you willing to: • Defray costs to attend GFWC LEADS not covered by GFWC or state? Yes ______ No ______ • Return to the state and share what you have learned at LEADS? Yes ______ No ______ DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION: February 1 Return this form along with two letters of support from active GFWC club members to: GFWC of TN President Sandy Lindeman 53 2012 – 2014 GFWC of Tennessee LEADS Participant Application Name __________________________________________________________________ Address __________________________________________________________________ Phone ____________________________ Club ___________________________________ District ______________________ Email ______________________________ Above information should be concealed during judging process. If more space is needed, please complete answers on the reverse side of this form. List all local club offices and/or chairmanships held ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ List all district offices and/or chairmanships held. List GFWC club/district programs/projects in which involved. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ List positions at district/state/national level in which you are interested. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Are you willing to: • Defray costs to attend GFWC LEADS not covered by GFWC or state? Yes ______ No ______ • Return to the state and share what you have learned at LEADS? Yes ______ No ______ DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION: February 1 Return this form along with two letters of support from active GFWC club members to: GFWC of TN President Sandy Lindeman 54 2012 – 2014 GFWC of Tennessee GFWC Jennie Award Nomination Form Please attach a narrative of a maximum of 500 words, double-spaced using a 12-point font and 1 inch margins on all four sides. Name Address Phone ___________________________________ Email ______________________________ Club _________________________ State Federation ________________ Region ___________ Club Activities Name of project(s) Duration of involvement with project(s) Results Record of Club Leadership/District Leadership/State Leadership What year did nominee join club? ______________________ List all club offices and/or chairmanships held List all district offices and/or chairmanships held List all state offices and/or chairmanships held List GFWC programs/project in which involved Non-Club Community Service Name of organization(s) Names of individuals with whom nominee works Family Involvement Names and ages of nuclear and/or extended family members. Nominator Name ________________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address ________________________________________________________________ City _______________________________ State ___________________ Zip Code __________ Phone ________________________ Fax ______________________ Email ________________ Clubs: Submit completed nomination form, narrative, photos, press clippings, letters of endorsement, and materials postmarked by June 15th to GFWC President Sandy Lindeman.(Please note: materials will NOT be returned.) 55 2012 – 2014 GFWC of Tennessee GFWC Jennie Award Nomination Form Please attach a narrative of a maximum of 500 words, double-spaced using a 12-point font and 1 inch margins on all four sides. Name Address Phone ___________________________________ Email ______________________________ Club _________________________ State Federation ________________ Region ___________ Club Activities Name of project(s) Duration of involvement with project(s) Results Record of Club Leadership/District Leadership/State Leadership What year did nominee join club? ______________________ List all club offices and/or chairmanships held List all district offices and/or chairmanships held List all state offices and/or chairmanships held List GFWC programs/project in which involved Non-Club Community Service Name of organization(s) Names of individuals with whom nominee works. Family Involvement Names and ages of nuclear and/or extended family members Nominator Name ________________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address ________________________________________________________________ City _______________________________ State ___________________ Zip Code __________ Phone ________________________ Fax ______________________ Email ________________ Clubs: Submit completed nomination form, narrative, photos, press clippings, letters of endorsement, and materials postmarked by June 15th to GFWC President Sandy Lindeman.(Please note: materials will NOT be returned.) 56 2012 – 2014 GFWC of Tennessee Fundraising Form Club Name ____________________________________No. of Members _______________ #Projects or Programs # Participating members # Hours Amount Raised Club Fundraisers District Fundraisers GFWC of TN Fundraisers (pins, charms, white elephant) Convention or Conference Vendor Purchases GFWC of TN Endowment GFWC endorsed Fundraisers 1734 Society VAVS (veterans) Other TOTAL DO NOT DOUBLE REPORT UNDER ANOTHER DEPARTMENT/COMMITTEE REPORT. This report may include a narrative and MUST include the GFWC Reporting Form Cover Sheet. Due February 15th to Donna McLean 57 2012 – 2014 GFWC of Tennessee Fundraising Form Club Name __________________________________ #Projects or Programs No. of Members ______________ # Participating members # Hours Amount Raised Club Fundraisers District Fundraisers GFWC of TN Fundraisers (pins, charms, white elephant) Convention or Conference Vendor Purchases GFWC of TN Endowment GFWC endorsed Fundraisers 1734 Society VAVS (veterans) Other TOTAL DO NOT DOUBLE REPORT UNDER ANOTHER DEPARTMENT/COMMITTEE REPORT. This report may include a narrative and MUST include the GFWC Reporting Form Cover Sheet. Due February 15th to Donna McLean 58 2012 – 2014 GFWC of Tennessee Epsilon Sigma Omicron (ESO) Reading Sorority A Summary Any member of GFWC is encouraged to participate in ESO. It’s easy- you love to read and others love to hear about what you are reading. There is an ESO reporting form in this manual. Make as many copies as you need, or have your Education Chair make copies for the whole club. Three books can be reported on a single form. The form is slightly different from the past in that there are now places to record hours spent reading and cost, if any, of the book(s) you have read. These have been added for more accurate reporting but using them is optional. The absolutely must-be-there information on the form is name, address and phone number of the reader the names of her club and district book title and author fiction or non-fiction setting brief summary For children’s books, please also include to whom the book was read and whether or not they enjoyed it. Book values (movies, magazines, and newspapers do not count). One (1) book or audiobook = one (1) book Seven (7) children’s books = one (1) book 1,000 page book = one (1) book 2,000 or more page book = two (2) books BOOK of short stories = one (1) book A single short story is not reported. Certificates Certificates will be awarded as follows: Pledge Level 4 books Member Level 16 books Star Level 40 books Torch Level 75 books Century Level 100 books (1st Century) 200 books (2nd Century) 300 books (3rd Century) and so on. 59 2012 – 2014 GFWC of Tennessee Epsilon Sigma Omicron (ESO) Report Form Send reports to Carla Murray, 235 Snow Farm Rd, Newbern, TN 38059 Club _________________________District ___________ Name ________________________ Telephone # __________________ Address ________________________________________ Book Report Number ______Fiction _____Nonfiction ______ Cost Title ____________________________________ Hours Author ____________________________ Setting_______________________________________________________________________ Brief Summary/Author’s Purpose _______________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Comments (favorable or not) ___________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Book Report Number ______Fiction _____Nonfiction ______ Cost Title ____________________________________ Hours Author _____________________________ Setting _______________________________________________________________________ Brief Summary/Author’s Purpose ________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Comments (favorable or not) ____________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Book Report Number ______Fiction _____Nonfiction ______ Cost Title ____________________________________ Hours Author _____________________________ Setting Brief Summary/Author’s Purpose Comments (favorable or not) 60 2012 – 2014 GFWC of Tennessee District Endorsement GFWC Club Endorses For District Office or Position Address Telephone Number ____________________________________________________________ (List numbers where the endorsee can be reached the day the Nominating Committee meets.) Email _______________________________________________________________________ Endorsee has been a GFWC club member for __________ years. List all local GFWC club positions held List all District positions held List all GFWC of Tennessee club positions held List experiences in other organizations of like purpose List church and community activities List hobbies and other interests Additional pages may be used. Each page should begin with the name of the endorsed candidate. ______________________________ Signature of Endorsee ______________________________ Date ______________________________ _____________________________ Signature of Club President Date of Club Approval 61 2012 – 2014 GFWC of Tennessee State Endorsements GFWC Club _________________________________ Endorses the following clubwoman: District _________________________ Name ________________________________________________________________________ Address ______________________________________________________________________ Telephone Number _____________________________________________________________ (List numbers where the endorsee can be reached the day the Nominating Committee meets.) Email _______________________________________________________________________ Endorsee has been a GFWC club member for __________ years. List all local GFWC club positions held List all District positions held List all GFWC of Tennessee positions held List experiences in other organizations of like purpose List church and community activities List hobbies and other interests Additional pages may be used. Each page should begin with the name of the endorsed candidate. The endorsee is qualified and recommended for the following (rank according to interest) President Elect Recording Secretary ______1st Vice-President ______Treasurer ______2nd Vice-President _________________________ Signature of Endorsee Date Signature of Club President Date of Club Approval Signature of District President Date of District Approval 62 2012 – 2014 GFWC of Tennessee Election of New Club / District Officers Reporting New Officers Club Presidents are requested to forward the names of newly elected officers to their District President by May 1 of each year. District Presidents are requested to forward the names of newly elected district officers and chairmen, and newly elected officers of each club to the State President, Treasurer, Corresponding Secretary, and Director of Junior Clubs by May 15. District Presidents are asked to please send this information as one email or bulk mailing. Date ____________________ Name of the Club District ______________________________________________ Name of the New President Address Telephone Number _________________________ Cell _______________________ Email Address _____________________________ __________ General __________ Junior * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * DEADLINES* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Club Presidents to District President – May 1st District Presidents to Above List – May 15th 63 2012 – 2014 GFWC of Tennessee Election of New Club / District Officers Reporting New Officers Club Presidents are requested to forward the names of newly elected officers to their District President by May 1 of each year. District Presidents are requested to forward the names of newly elected district officers and chairmen, and newly elected officers of each club to the State President, Treasurer, Corresponding Secretary, and Director of Junior Clubs by May 15. District Presidents are asked to please send this information as one email or bulk mailing Date ____________________ Name of the Club District Name of the New President Address Telephone Number _________________________ Cell _______________________ Email Address _____________________________ __________ General __________ Junior Please attach the names, addresses, etc., of all officers and chairmen. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * DEADLINES* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Club Presidents to District President – May 1st District Presidents to Above List – May 15th 64 2012 – 2014 GFWC of Tennessee Tribute of Honor The purpose of this award is to recognize and honor those members who have given loyally, unselfishly and continuously to GFWC of Tennessee. This shall be a permanent award. Each year, up to five club members from the entire state membership will be selected. Each club may submit entries of one or more members who have been members of GFWC of Tennessee for a minimum of ten years. This will not be a posthumous award. State Presidents and Directors of Junior Clubs (if not previously recognized) are automatic inductees. The award shall be a plaque engraved with the name of the award, the year of induction and the name of the recipient. Presentation will be made at annual convention. Judging will be based upon properly submitted forms and upon the quality of work accomplished for her club and the Federation. Judges will be appointed by the State President (who will not judge), and will be made up of a panel of Past State Presidents and Directors of Junior Clubs. Nomination Information for Pages 1 and 2: A. Length of membership of nominee B. Contributions to Club by nominee C. Contributions to District by nominee D. Contributions to State by nominee No mention of the nominee’s name should appear on pages one and two and no more than two pages should be submitted. All information should pertain to Federation club work and no outside volunteer efforts should be mentioned. Page three will be removed for judging purposes and the nominee’s information coded and forwarded for judging. GFWC of Tennessee TRIBUTE of HONOR Identification Sheet – Page 3 ______________________________________________________________________________ Name of Nominee Husband’s Name ______________________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address ______________________________________________________________________________ Name of Club District Length of membership in GFWC clubs ________________________________ Signature of Club President _________________________________________ Submit entries by March 1st to GFWC of TN President Sandy Lindeman. 65 2012 – 2014 GFWC of Tennessee Tribute of Honor The purpose of this award is to recognize and honor those members who have given loyally, unselfishly and continuously to GFWC of Tennessee. This shall be a permanent award. Each year, up to five club members from the entire state membership will be selected. Each club may submit entries of one or more members who have been members of GFWC of Tennessee for a minimum of ten years. This will not be a posthumous award. State Presidents and Directors of Junior Clubs (if not previously recognized) are automatic inductees. The award shall be a plaque engraved with the name of the award, the year of induction and the name of the recipient. Presentation will be made at annual convention. Judging will be based upon properly submitted forms and upon the quality of work accomplished for her club and the Federation. Judges will be appointed by the State President (who will not judge), and will be made up of a panel of Past State Presidents and Directors of Junior Clubs. Nomination Information for Pages 1 and 2: A. Length of membership of nominee B. Contributions to Club by nominee C. Contributions to District by nominee D. Contributions to State by nominee No mention of the nominee’s name should appear on pages one and two and no more than two pages should be submitted. All information should pertain to Federation club work and no outside volunteer efforts should be mentioned. Page three will be removed for judging purposed and the nominee’s information coded and forwarded for judging. GFWC of Tennessee TRIBUTE of HONOR Identification Sheet – Page 3 ______________________________________________________________________________ Name of Nominee Husband’s Name ______________________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address ______________________________________________________________________________ Name of Club District Length of membership in GFWC clubs ________________________________ Signature of Club President _________________________________________ Submit entries by March 1st to GFWC of TN President Sandy Lindeman. 66 2012 – 2014 GFWC of Tennessee Outstanding GFWC Clubs General Clubs 1982-2003 Year Award 1982 1983 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 1 2 1 2 1 General – Large General – Small Stones River WC Soma Sala Circle Erwin Monday WC Manthano WC Church Hill WC Stones River WC WC of Hendersonville Chilhowee WC Tullahoma WC Valamont WC WC of Hendersonville Brandywine WC tie-Brandywine WC with Valamont WC Valamont WC Brandywine WC 20th Century WC Tullahoma WC Brandywine WC WC of Hendersonville Stones River WC Brandywine WC Stones River WC WC of Hendersonville Chilhowee WC Brandywine WC Ladies Reading Circle Brentwood WC Brandywine WC Stones River WC WC of Hendersonville Stones River WC tie Brandywine WC with WC of Hendersonville Knoxville WC Brentwood WC Knoxville WC Stones River WC WC of Hendersonville Erwin Monday Club Manthano WC WC of Goodlettsville Manthano WC Erwin Monday Club Manthano WC WC of Goodlettsville Manthano WC WC of Goodlettsville WC of Goodlettsville Erwin Monday Club Erwin Monday Club WC of Goodlettsville Erwin Monday Club Andrew Jackson Erwin Monday Club WC of Goodlettsville WC of Goodlettsville Erwin Monday Club Erwin Monday Club WC of Goodlettsville Erwin Monday Club Erwin Monday Club Sneedville WC Erwin Monday Club Waverly WC Erwin Monday Club Coytee WC Bellevue WC Erwin Monday Club Erwin Monday Club Coytee WC Erwin Monday Club Coytee WC Andrew Jackson WC 67 2012 – 2014 GFWC of Tennessee Outstanding GFWC Clubs Year 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Award 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 General Clubs 2004 -2012 General – Large WC of Hendersonville WC of Hendersonville WC of Hendersonville WC of Hendersonville Ossoli Circle WC of Hendersonville WC of Hendersonville WC of Hendersonville WC of Hendersonville General – Small Andrew Jackson WC Valamont WC Coytee WC Valamont WC Andrew Jackson WC Centennial WC Dickson County WC Valamont Woman’s Club Centennial Woman’s Club Greeneville Woman's Club Greeneville Woman's Club Outstanding Junior Clubs Year 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 Award 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1982-1994 Junior – Large Kingsport Jr. WC Cookeville Jr. WC Kingsport Jr. WC Cookeville Jr. WC Johnson City Jr. Monday C Cookeville Jr. WC Johnson City Jr. Monday C Cookeville Jr. WC Johnson City Jr. Monday C Johnson City Jr. Monday C Cookeville Jr. WC Johnson City Jr. Monday C Cookeville Jr. WC Johnson City Jr. Monday C Cookeville Jr. WC Cookeville Jr. WC Tullahoma Jr. WC Cookeville Jr. WC Jr. Chilhowee Johnson City Jr. Monday C Kingsport Jr. WC Cookeville Jr. WC Tullahoma Jr. WC Tullahoma Jr. WC Junior – Small Jr. Reading Circle Sparta Jr. WC Greeneville Jr. WC Greeneville Jr. WC Annakusa Jr. WC Greeneville Jr. WC Sparta Jr. WC Greeneville Jr. WC Dickson Jr. WC Greeneville Jr. WC Ft. Loudon Jr. WC Greeneville Jr. WC Dartareete Jr. WC Greeneville Jr. WC Tullahoma Jr. WC Johnson City Jr. Monday C Kingsport Jr. WC Kingsport Jr. WC Annakusa Jr. WC Cookeville Jr. WC Jr. Chilhowee Greeneville Jr. WC Johnson City Jr. Monday C Greeneville Jr. WC 68 2012 – 2014 GFWC of Tennessee Outstanding Junior Clubs con’t. 1996 - 2012 Year 1996 Award 1 1997 1 2 1 1 2 1998 1999 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2011 2012 Large Tullahoma Jr. WC (tie w/ Chilhowee Hr. WC) Tullahoma Jr. WC Junior Reading Circle Jr. Chilhowee Junior Reading Circle Jr. Chilhowee Small Johnson City Jr. Monday (tie w/ Greeneville Jr. WC) Johnson City Jr. Monday C Greeneville Jr. WC Johnson City Jr. Monday C Johnson City Jr. Monday C Greeneville Jr. WC Large and Small GFWC Junior Clubs Judged Together 1 Greeneville Jr. WC 2 Johnson City Jr. Monday C 1 Greeneville Jr. WC 2 Dickson Jr. WC 1 Greeneville Jr. WC 2 Junior Reading Circle 1 Junior Reading Circle 1 Cookeville Jr. WC 1 Cookeville Jr. WC 1 Cookeville Jr. WC 1 Cookeville Jr. WC 1 Tullahoma Jr. WC 1 Junior Reading Circle 1 Cookeville Junior WC 1 Cookeville Junior WC Outstanding Juniorette GFWC Clubs Dyer County Juniorettes Dyer County Juniorettes “Footsteps from the past leading to a new future in Federation” 69 2012 – 2014 GFWC of Tennessee Outstanding Clubwoman 1972 -1989 Year 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 General Mary Love Coley* Dorothy Thomas Phyllis Streiff Joan Beaver Myra Vincent Susan B. Martin Sondra Bisig Brenda Hasty Irene Hatcher Susan Williams Jennie Fentress Jane Tolley Lana Robinson Emily Binkley Martha Lester Linda R. Raley June Ross Sue Walker Ann Durall Kendra Walker Patty Anne Babin Tana Sowell Elaine Badelt Stacey K. Smith Peggy Sood Martha Love Coley Shirley Butler Jo Webb Kim Ward Junior Mrs. Bill Heron Lena Jo Gardner Vicky Bussell Lucy Hollis Phyllis Willis Barbara Miller Joann Sullivan Joan Beaver Renee Warren Janelle Dunbar Sharon Boles Pat Thurston Sharon McKee Anita Bay Nancy Headlee Marcia Malin Sherry Falkner Debbie Henry Arlinda Bailey Debra Brown Cindy Grandey Cindy Ayers Carol Reeser Jane Strate Pam Dagehart Debbie Grindstaff Kathy Griffin Della Gowan Ann Leatherwood Pat Williams Tona Turpin Margaret Roberts Donna Walls Karen Savage Candace Parker Carla Steadman Peggy Fabozzi Robin Hodge Ruth Van Sickle Juniorette 2011 2012 Jean Cardwell Sharon Pace Melanie Coate Darla Dye Shelby Cherry 70 2012 – 2014 GFWC of Tennessee Rookie of the Year Year 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 General Kristen Weigle Laura Alford Josie Zimmerman Susan Carolin Abigail Brown Amber Simerly Marilyn Meeks Gala Zoz Juniorette Rebecca Campbell “Footsteps from the past leading to a new future in Federation” 71 2012 – 2014 GFWC of Tennessee Past State Presidents 1896 – 2012 Mrs. W. C. Beard, Memphis* 1896-1900 Mrs. Angie Perkins, Knoxville* 1900-1904 Mrs. A. S. Buchanan, Memphis* 1904-1906 Mrs. Lucille McMillan, Nshv.* 1906-1908 Mrs. James McCormack, Knox* 1908-1910 Mrs. L. Crozier French, Knox* 1910-1912 Mrs. A. B. Cook, Nashville* 1912-1913 Mrs. George Denny, Knoxville* 1913-1917 Mrs. Alex Caldwell, Nashville* 1917-1919 Mrs. A.S. Buchanan, Memphis* 1919-1920 Mrs. Clarence Steward, Chatt.* 1920-1923 Mrs. George Washington, C.H.* 1923-1924 Mrs. Flora Gillentine, Murfrees* 1924-1927 Mrs. Edith O’Keefe Susong, Gr* 927-1929 Mrs. Eldra Rogers, Memphis* 1928-1931 Mrs. Arch Trawick, Nashville* 1931-1935 Mrs. Jennie Morgan, Knoxville* 1935-1938 Mrs. E. W. Hale, Whitehaven* 1938-1941 Mrs. Margaret Duggan, Knox.* 1941-1944 Mrs. Grace Stamper, Chatt.* 1944-1947 Mrs. Margaret Fowler, Memp.* 1947-1950 Mrs. Leah Knox, Nashville* 1950-1952 Mrs. Beulah Rosson, Memphis* 1952-1954 Mrs. Helen Hayer, Memphis* 1954-1956 Mrs. Pearl Godfrey, Jr., Knox.* 1956-1958 Mrs. Marion Duggan, Chattanooga* Mrs. Louise Ross, Sr., Germantown* Mrs. Jessie Hunt, Nashville* Mrs. Arta Hall, Athens* Mrs. Marie Meyer, Memphis* Mrs. Mary Norman Keisling, Sparta* Mrs. Hazel Waddey, Chattanooga* Mrs. Martha Anderson, Toone* Mrs. Lou Baker, Sparta Mrs. Patsy R. Williams, Newport Mrs. Rubye Dobbins, Arlington* Mrs. Isabel R. Edmands, Franklin Mrs. Mabel Westbrook, Lenoir City Mrs. Angeline Yarbro, Tiptonville Mrs. Margaret D. England, Sr. Sparta Mrs. Dorothy Thomas, Sr., Memphis Mrs. Joan Beaver, Chattanooga Mrs. Sherri Carroll, Nashville Mrs. Pat Thurston, Maryville Mrs. Sue Walker, Knoxville Mrs. Emily Binkley, Goodlettsville Mrs. Susan B. Martin, Chattanooga Mrs. Lana Robinson, Old Hickory Mrs. Mary Love Coley, Unicoi* Mrs. Ann Durall, Knoxville Mrs. Johnnie Hill, Tullahoma Mrs. Della Gowan, Maryville 1958-1960 1960-1962 1962-1964 1964-1966 1966-1968 1968-1970 1970-1972 1972-1974 1974-1976 1976-1978 1978-1980 1980-1982 1982-1984 1984-1986 1986-1988 1988-1990 1990-1992 1992-1994 1994-1996 1996-1998 1998-2000 2000-2002 2002-2004 2004-2006 2006-2008 2008-2010 2010- 2012 *deceased “Footsteps from the past leading to a new future in Federation” 72 2012 – 2014 GFWC of Tennessee Past Junior Directors & Directors of Junior Clubs 1950 – 2000 Mrs. Bryon Gerkins, Maryville Mrs. Nat I. Washburn, Tullahoma Mrs. Edwin Walker, Knoxville Mrs. Earl Shahan, Jr., Tullahoma Mrs. Ray Bradley, Morristown Mrs. R. N. Martin, Jr., Nashville Mrs. Robert L. Badger, Kingston Mrs. Edwin O’Leary, Memphis Mrs. Thomas Hamm, Jr. Knoxville Mrs. Dot Stanley, Madison Mrs. Lucy Proffitt, Maryville Mrs. Nan Higgs, Kingsport Mrs. Charlotte Hatheway, Tullahoma Mrs. Mildred Shumate, Tiptonville Mrs. Victoria Bussell, Harriman Mrs. Jo Ann Sutton, Jr., Dickson Mrs. Nancy Creekmore, Bolivar Mrs. Carol Allen, Kingston Mrs. Janelle Barker, Johnson City Mrs. Pat Thurston, Maryville Mrs. Johnnie Hill, Tullahoma Mrs. Nancy Headlee, Loudon Mrs. Karen Lewallen, Cookeville Mrs. Vickie Loose, Burns Ms. Jane Strate, Morristown Ms. Carol Reeser, Johnson City 1950-1952 1952-1954 1954-1956 1956-1958 1958-1960 1960-1962 1962-1964 1964-1965 1965-1966 1966-1968 1968-1970 1970-1972 1972-1974 1974-1976 1976-1978 1978-1980 1980-1982 1982-1984 1984-1986 1986-1988 1988-1990 1990-1992 1992-1994 1994-1996 1996-1997 1997-2000 Director of Junior Clubs 2000 – 2012 Mrs. Della Gowan, Maryville Ms. Carla Goff, Murfreesboro Ms. Patricia Williams, Johnson City Mrs. Tona Turpin, Knoxville Ms. Martha (Martee”) Love Coley Mrs. Kendra Walker Patty 2000-2002 2002-2004 2004-2006 2006-2008 2008-2010 2010 – 2012 73 2012 – 2014 GFWC of Tennessee Tribute of Honor Winners 1992 - 2005 April 1992 Helen Heyer* D9 Marion Duggan D3 Arta Hall* D3 Marie Meyer* D3 Mary N. Keisling* D4 Martha Anderson* D7 Lou Baker D4 Patsy Williams D1 Rubye Dobbins* D9 Lillian Massey D5 Harriett Warren D5 Isabel Edmands D5 Mable Westbrook D2 Angeline Yarbro D8 Margaret England D4 Dorothy Thomas D9 Pat Thurston D2 Emily Binkley D5 Nan Higgs* D1 Charlotte Hatheway D4 Mildred Shumate D9 Vickie Bussell D2 JoAnn Sutton D6 Nancy Creekmore D7 Carol Allen D2 Janelle Dunbar BarkerD1 Johnnie Hill D4 Mary Love Coley* D1 Marie Collins D2 Florence Evans D2 Lib Jackson D2 Mildred Purdy* D2 Rebecca Chunn* D4 Nancy Patton D4 Helen Powers D6 April 1993 Joan Beaver Sue Walker Nancy Headlee Jane Tolley Jean Crump* *deceased April 1994 D3 D2 D2 D1 D5 Nancy Booth Lottie Whitmore Tana Sowell Mary Ann Whited Martha Lester D1 D4 D5 D5 D6 April 2001 April 1995 Sherri Carroll Joan Sams Karen Lewallen Tommye Pate* Fayene Lloyd D5 D1 D4 D4 D5 April 1996 Lena Jo Gardner Iva Hitchcock Vesta Goddard* Margaret Colby D1 D2 D2 D5 April 1997 Susan Martin Vicki Loose Beryl Brown Robbie Coleman Ann Durall Nina Rice* D2 D6 D1 D2 D2 D2 April 1998 Francie Cannon Marilyn Heilman Jane Brakebill Jo Webb Elizabeth Baron* Gigi Chase Ruth Johnson D1 Margaret Montgomery*D2 Lillian Proctor D2 Frances High D4 Marilyn Miller D6 D1 D1 D2 D2 D4 D5 Mary Lynn Bales Donna McLean D1 D8 April 2003 Della Gowan Ena Mae Butler Martha Coradini Sandy Lindeman Lillian Massey Harriet Warren D2 D2 D2 D4 D5 D5 April 2004 Janet Richardson Sybil Greene June Patterson Ross Jane Wilson Elmire Philips D5 D5 D6 D8 D9 April 2005 Lana Robinson Carla Goff Martha Love Coley Patricia Bomba Betty Richards Mary Hanley Pat Mingledorff D5 D2 D6 D5 D8 D9 April 1999 Cynthia Moses Martha Stromberg Llew Ellen Luttrell D1 D1 D2 April 2000 Carol Reeser D1 74 2012 – 2014 GFWC of Tennessee Tribute of Honor Winners 2006 – 2012 In 2006, districts within the GFWC of Tennessee were encouraged to choose a name, rather than a number, by which they would be identified. District 1 chose to remain District 1. The other districts became: Smoky Mountain District Highland Rim District Music City District West Tennessee Rivers District Southwest District April 2006 Shirley C. Butler Rosa Lee Clanton Kendra Walker Patty Jane Allen Sandra Holder West Tennessee Rivers District West Tennessee Rivers District Smoky Mountain District Southwest District Music City District April 2007 Ruth Williams Patricia Williams Carla Murray Ida Smith* Laurel Karp Mattie Mullins Janet Oakes Peggy Sood Jane Viers Music City District District 1 April 2008 West Tennessee Rivers District Highland Rim District April 2009 District 1 District 1 Smoky Mountain District Smoky Mountain District West Tennessee Rivers District April 2010 Rene’ Woodward Music City District Angie Cox District 1 Carla Steadman Cullip District 1 Tona Turpin Smoky Mountain District April 2011 Marie Wiggins April 2012 Jean Cardwell Smoky Mountain District Bobbie Schorsten Music City District 75 2012 – 2014 GFWC of Tennessee GFWC of Tennessee, Incorporated Constitution Article I Name The name of this organization shall be the GFWC of Tennessee (hereinafter called the GFWC of TN). Article II Object The object of the GFWC of Tennessee shall be to unite the Women’s Clubs and like organizations throughout the State for the purpose of mutual benefit and for the promotion of their common interests in education, philanthropy, public welfare, moral values, civics and fine arts. Article III Membership Membership in the GFWC of Tennessee shall consist of Women’s Clubs, City and County Federations, and other organizations whose work and purpose is germane to the objects of the State Federation. Each application for membership shall show that the organization requires no sectarian or political test for membership, that is not a violation of State or National Laws. Article IV Officers The elected officers of the GFWC of Tennessee shall be a President, President-elect, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Junior Director, a Recording Secretary, and a Treasurer. The Community Service Program Chairman shall be an Arts Chairman, Conservation Chairman, Education Chairman, Home Life Chairman, International Affairs Chairman, and Public Affairs Chairman. The appointed officers shall be a Corresponding Secretary, Parliamentary Advisor, and Chaplain. Article V Annual Meetings The GFWC of Tennessee shall hold an annual convention. The officers shall be elected at the convention every second year. Article VI Regional Districts Regional Districts are East – District 1 and Smoky Mountain District; Middle – Highland Rim District, and Music City District; West – West Tennessee Rivers District and Southwest District. Article VII Amendments Section 1. This Constitution may be amended at the Convention, at which election of officers is held, by a two-thirds vote of those present and voting, provided the proposed amendments have been appended to the Call for the Convention. Section 2. Amendments may be proposed by the Board of Directors, the Executive Committee, District organizations, or the Standing Committee of Revisions. 76 2012 – 2014 GFWC of Tennessee GFWC of Tennessee, Inc. BYLAWS Article I Membership Section 1.1 Eligibility. Any Woman’s Club, any state organization as a whole, any state branch of a national organization, any alumni association, or any city federation or county federation whose constitution is free from sectarian or political bias and whose objects are in sympathy with those of the GFWC of Tennessee shall be eligible for membership. Section 1.2 Application. Application for Membership shall be sent to the District President accompanied by the Bylaws and dues of the club applying, Bylaws having been approved by the State Parliamentarian. The application and accompanying data shall be sent to the Second Vice-President, who shall notify the State President of the New Club. Each application must show that the organization has an enrollment of at least 10 members, provided it is in a locality where there is another Federated Club. After acceptance by the State, the District President shall be notified. Section 1.3 Election to Membership. A club’s election to membership in the GFWC of Tennessee shall be by a majority vote of the Board of Directors. Between Board Meetings, the President and Corresponding Secretary shall act on applications for membership in the Federation, such action shall be subject to the ratification by the Board of Directors at its first meeting thereafter. Section 1.4 Obligations. Clubs admitted and clubs withdrawing during the fiscal year shall be obligated for dues during that year. Section 1. 5 Resignation. A club wishing to withdraw shall send its resignation to the State President and notify the District President. A club is automatically dropped from membership after due notification when club is in arrears of dues for one year. Clubs having withdrawn may be reinstated by vote of the Board of Directors. State President shall notify District President of action. Section 1.6 All Districts and Clubs shall elect officers, at least a President and Secretary, not later than April of even numbered years to coincide with GFWC of Tennessee term of Office. In order that a complete roster may be available, the District President, the GFWC of Tennessee President, and Treasurer shall be notified at once of the results of the election. 77 2012 – 2014 GFWC of Tennessee Article II Election of Officers Section 2.1 The officers of the GFWC of Tennessee shall be elected by ballot at the convention every second year. The term is to coincide with the term of the General Federation of Women’s Clubs. The majority of all votes cast shall constitute an election. The President, President-Elect, First Vice-President, Second Vice-President, Director of Junior Clubs, Recording Secretary, and Treasurer shall be elected. The Corresponding Secretary, Parliamentary Advisor, the editor of the Tennessee Federation News and Chaplain shall be appointed by the President. Section 2.2 Tenure of Office. No member shall hold more than one office at a time. The term of office shall begin upon adjournment of the GFWC convention. No officer shall serve a consecutive term in the same office. Any part of a term in excess of one year shall be considered a term. The President shall appoint chairmen to correspond with each of the current GFWC programs and special committees. Section 2.3 Nominations and Elections. A. Committee: The President shall appoint an Elections Chairman to oversee the Elections Committee. The Elections Committee shall consist of one representative from each district. At the Fall District meeting in the odd-numbered years, each district will select a representative and an alternate. The committee will select a date to meet at the conclusion of all fall district meetings. The Elections Committee shall be responsible for generating a ballot. Members of the Elections Committee shall not be eligible for elected offices. The Parliamentary Advisor shall meet with the committee in an advisory capacity. The ballot will be presented to the Credentials Chairman. B. Nominations: A nominee for state office shall have been endorsed by her club and her district for a specific office. The district president shall submit copies of the approved endorsement documents to each member of the Elections Committee, the Elections Chairman, and the Parliamentary Advisor no later than November 15th in the odd-numbered years. The names of all nominees whose credentials have been confirmed shall be placed on the ballot for election at the Annual meeting in the evennumbered years. C. Nominations from the Floor: Nominations may be made from the floor provided the nominee has been endorsed by her club and her district and such documents have been presented to the Elections Committee, the Elections Chairman, and the Parliamentary Advisor fifteen days before the election. D. Elected Officers: Elected officers shall remain in office until their successors have been elected. 78 2012 – 2014 GFWC of Tennessee Section 2.4 The Chairman of the Credential and Elections shall be Chairman of the Tellers, together with the Treasurer and a committee of five appointed by the President. The Chairman shall provide for the printing of the ballots and other necessary printing incidental to the voting. She shall provide the necessary facilities for the casting and counting of the ballots. The Treasurer shall provide the Chairman of Elections with a list of clubs that have paid dues by January 15th , and the number of accredited delegates from qualifying club. Section 2.5 Election. A. Credential cards will enable members of the Board of Directors, Past State Presidents and delegates to vote. All improperly marked ballots shall be void. Names of candidate must appear on the ballots. B. If there is only one nominee for an office, the vote may be taken by voice. If there is more than one nominee for an office, the vote must be taken by ballot. Article III Duties of Officers Section 3.1 President. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Federation Executive Committee and the Board of Directors, shall be a member ex-officio of all committees, except the Nominations & Elections Committee, shall represent the Federation in all affiliations, shall sign orders on the Treasury for all such payments as the Executive Committee may approve. She shall countersign all checks with the Treasurer. She shall appoint the Corresponding Secretary, the Parliamentary Advisor, the Chaplain, Editor of Tennessee Federation News, the Chairmen in each of the six Community Service Programs. She shall fill all vacancies of the Board not otherwise provided, she shall accept resignations of officers and chairmen, shall send Calls for Convention to all clubs thirty days prior to the meeting and shall perform such other duties as usually devolve upon a President. She is a member of the GFWC Board of Directors. Section 3.2 President-Elect. The President-Elect shall preside in the absence of the President. In the event of a vacancy in the office of President, she shall succeed to the office of the President for the unexpired portion of term. She shall serve as a Dean of District Presidents. After the Fall Board meeting in the odd numbered calendar years, she is authorized to appoint Community Service Program Chairmen and Chairmen and Committee Members of all Special and Standing Committees. 79 2012 – 2014 GFWC of Tennessee Section 3.3 First Vice-President. In the absence of the President and the President-Elect, she shall perform the duties of the President. She shall serve as Dean of Community Service Program Chairmen, Special and Standing Committee Chairmen and Committee Members. Section 3.4 Second Vice-President. In the absence of the President and the President-Elect and the First Vice-President, she shall perform the duties of the President. She shall be Chairman of Membership Extension. Section 3.5 Director of Junior Clubs. The Director of Junior Clubs shall be Chairman of Junior membership and Director of all Junior activities. She shall serve on the GFWC Board of Directors and the GFWC Jr. Board of Directors. Section 3.6 Recording Secretary. The Recording Secretary shall keep a record of the proceedings of all meetings of the GFWC of Tennessee, the Board of Directors and Executive Committee and shall send a copy of the same to the President within thirty (30) days following each meeting. She shall preserve records and papers of the Federation that may be of value. She shall file a complete copy of all approved minutes of her term of office in the State Library or other record storage facility as may be directed, no later than three months after the annual meeting of the election year. Section 3.7 Treasurer. The Treasurer shall collect and receive all money due the GFWC of Tennessee, the Appalachian Mountain Project, the Endowment Fund, the TN Scholarship Fund, and other such funds that may be created annually, shall hold and use same subject to the order of the President, shall deposit the funds to separate accounts in the name of the GFWC of Tennessee, Incorporated, in the bank designated by the President and the Treasurer, shall pay such bills as have been approved by the President and contracting parties, shall send notice of delinquent dues and shall render a financial report at the Executive Committee Meeting, and at the Board of Directors Meeting. The Treasurer shall close books on June 30 of the even numbered years, at which time the books shall be audited by an accountant who has been approved by the State President. The audit and books shall be forwarded to the next GFWC of Tennessee Treasurer no later than September 1. The Treasurer shall be bonded. Section 3.8 Corresponding Secretary. The Corresponding Secretary shall attend to the correspondence of her office and other duties as the President and Executive Committee may assign. 80 2012 – 2014 GFWC of Tennessee Section 3.9 Parliamentary Advisor. The duties of the Parliamentary Advisor shall be those outlined in Roberts Rules of Order Newly Revised or most current version. She shall interact with the Nominations and Elections Committee as set out in Article II. She shall attend state Executive meetings, board meetings, state conferences, and state conventions. She shall perform duties as authorized by the President. Section 3.10 Chaplain. The duties of the chaplain shall be to arrange such devotions as may be requested by the President. Article IV Conventions Section 4.1 The GFWC of Tennessee shall hold an annual convention within the state of Tennessee. The date and place are to be determined by the President-Elect with the approval of the Executive Committee. The Call to Convention shall be issued at least thirty days before the convention. The President shall appoint a Convention Chairman. Section 4.2 A registration fee shall be charged all members of the Board of Directors and the delegates registering at the convention of the GFWC of Tennessee. A registering fee shall also be charged for visitors attending convention sessions. These fees shall be determined by the Executive Committee. The registration fee shall be used by the GFWC of Tennessee for convention expenses. Section 4.3 The quorum for a convention shall be 50 voting members representing the three regions of the State. Article V Voting Body Section 5.1 The voting body of the annual convention shall consist of the membership of the Board of Directors, Past Presidents of GFWC of Tennessee, two accredited delegates, or their alternates, from each club with a membership of 50 or less, one additional delegate for each succeeding 25 or major fraction thereof, one delegate from each affiliated organization, alumni association, city and county federations. Section 5.2 A club shall have been a member of the GFWC of Tennessee for six months in order to qualify to vote in an election of state officers. Section 5.3 81 2012 – 2014 GFWC of Tennessee Accredited delegates and alternates to the General Federation Convention shall be one from each club of 25 members or fewer, one additional delegate or alternate for each additional 24 members or major fraction thereof. Article VI Dues Section 6.1 Year: The fiscal year shall begin July 1 and end June 30 of the following year. Section 6.2 All clubs shall pay annually $17 per capita, of which $1.85 is for GFWC of Tennessee. Fifteen cents is for the Tennessee Federation News and $15.00 is for GFWC. Affiliated state organizations and state branches or national organizations or city or county federations or rural community clubs other than current GFWC of Tennessee Affiliate clubs, shall pay $100 per year. All dues shall be paid by January 15. Checks shall be made payable to the GFWC of Tennessee and mailed to the State Treasurer. Article VII Executive Committee Section 7.1 The President, President-Elect, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Director of Junior Clubs, Recording Secretary, and Treasurer shall constitute the Executive Committee. The Parliamentary Advisor shall attend all Executive Committee meetings in an advisory capacity as a non-voting member. Section 7.2 The Executive Committee shall transact all routine business between Board Meetings, shall fill all vacancies on the Executive Committee and shall meet at the call of the President. Four members constitute a quorum. Section 7.3 All business transacted by the Executive Committee shall be reported to the Board of Directors at its next meeting. Article VIII Board of Directors Section 8.1 The Executive Committee, Corresponding Secretary, Standing Committee Chairmen, Parliamentary Advisor, Chaplain, District Presidents, Community Service Program Chairmen, Special Committee Chairmen. Historian, Editor of Tennessee Federation News and past State Presidents shall constitute a Board of Directors. 82 2012 – 2014 GFWC of Tennessee Section 8.2 Only members in good standing shall be eligible to membership in Board of Directors, either by elections or appointment. The Board of Directors shall meet in the fall of each year and at the call of the President. At Board Meetings fifteen shall constitute a quorum. Article IX Committees Section 9.1 Budget and Finance Committee: The Budget and Finance Committee shall be composed of the President, Treasurer, Chairman of Budget and Finance Committee, and two members appointed by the President. The Budget and Finance Committee shall prepare the annual budget of the GFWC of Tennessee and submit the proposed budget to the Board of Directors for approval at the Spring Convention. Section 9.2 Revisions: The Committee on Revisions shall be composed of the Parliamentary Advisor and two members appointed by the President. The Chairman shall receive all proposed amendments, shall review them with her committee members, and shall present them at the annual meeting with explanations of each. Section 9.3 Other Standing and Special Committees shall perform such duties as may be assigned to them to make the operation of the GFWC of Tennessee more effective. Article X Community Service Programs Section 10.1 Definition: Community Service Programs shall duplicate those of GFWC. Additional chairmen shall be named as Special State Projects require. Section 10.2 Duties: It shall be the duty of each Chairman to familiarize herself with the conditions and needs of the State along the lines of her particular work, to outline upon basis of such information the work to be undertaken. She shall submit plans of work as soon after her appointment as possible. No legislative work shall be done without the approval of the Executive Committee. Section 10.3 Reports: Each Chairman shall make a report of the work done in her Community Service Program by the clubs in accordance with plans outlined by the State and General Federations. All correspondence and accomplishments shall be turned over to her successor. Article XI 83 2012 – 2014 GFWC of Tennessee Publications The Official Publication of the GFWC of Tennessee shall be the Tennessee Federation News. It is sustained by 15 cents per capita dues and shall be sent to Club Presidents and General Federation Officers. Other club members upon payment of $4.00 per year may receive this publication. The Editor of Tennessee Federation News shall be appointed by the President and shall be a member of the Board of Directors. She shall be responsible for the printing of news. Article XII Junior Clubs Section 12.1 Definition. The name shall be the Junior Membership. Junior Clubs and Junior Departments shall be groups of young women between age limits to be determined by the individual group. They shall pay GFWC of Tennessee dues. Juniors shall be represented on the Board of Directors. Section 12.2 Officer: The elected officer of the Junior Membership shall be the Director of Junior Clubs. Section 12.3 Director of Junior Clubs: The Director of Junior Clubs shall be a member of a Junior Club or Department and shall preside at all State Junior Business Meetings and Conferences. She is a member of the GFWC of Tennessee Executive Committee and the GFWC of Tennessee Board of Directors. Article XIII Department of Juniorettes The Juniorettes Department shall consist of clubs of young women from the ages of 1218 or grades 8-12. They shall pay GFWC and GFWC of TN dues. All dues shall be paid by January 15. Juniorettes shall be represented on the Board of Directors. Article XIV District Organization Section 14.1 Only clubs that are members of the GFWC of Tennessee are eligible for membership in the District Federation. District boundaries shall be the same as in 2005. Each District shall select a name for its identification. Clubs may request a transfer at the annual convention of GFWC of Tennessee. District Federations shall be governed by the District Bylaws, which must conform to the Bylaws of GFWC of Tennessee. Section 14.2 The presiding officer shall be known as the District President and shall be a member of the Board of Directors of GFWC of Tennessee. 84 2012 – 2014 GFWC of Tennessee Section 14.3 The Executive Committee is composed of elected and appointed officers. Section 14.4 The Board of Directors of each District is composed of the Executive Committee, Club Presidents, Chairmen of Community Service Programs and Standing Committees, Past State Presidents, Past District Presidents of said Districts, State Officers and Chairmen residing in the District. Section 14.5 Officers The officers of the District Federation shall be elected at the Spring Meeting every second year, the term to coincide with that of the State Federation. The majority of all votes cast shall constitute an election. There shall be at least two meetings annually, Spring and Fall. The State President shall visit each district at least once during her administration. Section 14.6 Duties. The District Officers shall perform such duties as contained by the Bylaws for State Officers. It shall be their duty to promote the programs as adopted by the State Board through the clubs in their districts. The District officers shall cooperate with the State President in organizing additional clubs. Section 14.7 Vacancies. Vacancies among District Presidents shall be filled by the district as the district may provide. The election is to be ratified by the State Executive Committee. A District President having served one year in a vacancy shall be deemed to have served a full term. Section 14.8 Reports. Club Presidents shall send Rating Guides to District President by the date set by the GFWC of Tennessee President. Article XV Use of Names The Tennessee Federation or the name of the GFWC of Tennessee, Incorporated, shall not be used for political or commercial purposes, neither shall the name of the GFWC of Tennessee be used for any purpose whatever without the approval of the Executive Committee. Article XVI Dissolution In the event of the dissolution of the GFWC of Tennessee, the total assets shall be liquidated and allotted to organizations of like purpose, to be determined by the GFWC of Tennessee Board of Directors in accordance with governmental regulations. No portion of such funds shall be distributed among individual members. 85 2012 – 2014 GFWC of Tennessee Article XVII Amendments The Bylaws may be amended at the annual meeting by a two-thirds vote of those present and voting, provided the proposed amendment has been sent to the Chairman of the Committee of Revisions and appended to the Call of the meeting, or they may be amended by unanimous vote of delegates present in a business session at an annual meeting if previous notice has been given. (See Constitution, Article VII. Section 1 and Roberts Rules of Order, Newly Revised). Article XVIII Rules of Order The Parliamentary authority shall be Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised or the most current edition. Amendments adopted April 6, 2013, at Nashville, TN Lana Robinson, Chairman “Footsteps from the past leading to a new future in Federation” 86 2012 – 2014 GFWC of Tennessee GFWC of Tennessee, Incorporated Standing Rules 1. The six Districts which compose the GFWC of Tennessee shall be as follows: District 1: Carter, Claiborne, Cocke, Grainger, Greene, Hamblen, Hancock, Hawkins, Jefferson, Johnson, Sevier, Sullivan, Unicoi and Washington Counties. Smoky Mountain District: Anderson, Blount Campbell, Knox, Loudon, Morgan, Roane, Scott, Union, Bledsoe, Bradley, Grundy, Hamilton, Marion, McMinn, Meigs, Monroe, Polk, Rhea and Sequatchie Counties. Highland Rim District: Bedford, Cannon, Coffee, Clay, Cumberland, Dekalb, Fentress, Franklin, Jackson, Lincoln, Marshall, Moore, Overton, Pickett, Putnam, Rutherford, Smith, Van Buren, Warren, White and Wilson Counties. Music City District: Davidson, Sumner, Trousdale, Macon and Williamson, Cheatham, Dickson, Giles, Hickman, Houston, Humphries, Lawrence, Lewis, Maury, Montgomery, Perry, Robertson, Stewart and Wayne Counties. West Tennessee Rivers District: Crockett, Dyer, Gibson, Hardeman, Haywood, Henry, Lake, Lauderdale, Obion, Tipton and Weakley Counties. Southwest District: Fayette, Madison and Shelby Counties. 2. The Directory shall not be loaned or given to any individual organization, or business which is not a member of the GFWC of Tennessee without permission of the Executive Committee or Board. The following shall receive a copy of the Directory: each Club President, District President, District Community Service Program Chairmen, State Community Service Program Chairmen, Standing and Special Committee Chairmen, State Officers, members of the Executive Board, Past State Presidents, and the Director of Junior Clubs. 3. Members of the Board of Directors are expected to attend all Board Meetings. Only members of the Board and members or persons invited by the President shall attend the business meetings. Members of the Board of Directors along with all GFWC of Tennessee Club Presidents shall be sent a Call to the Fall Conference and Board Meeting. Club Presidents or their representatives shall be invited as visitors. Only GFWC of Tennessee Board Members may vote. 4. The Executive Committee must approve all projects undertaken by the GFWC of Tennessee which involves the raising of funds. Only fund-raising projects authorized by the Board shall be conducted during GFWC of Tennessee meetings. 87 2012 – 2014 GFWC of Tennessee 5. State Chairmen shall be furnished stationery to be used for official correspondence and business of the GFWC of Tennessee. 6. Clubs extending an invitation to the State President to attend a club meeting are expected to pay her travel expenses and overnight expense when necessary. The GFWC of Tennessee does not provide funds for the State President to visit individual clubs. District Presidents and other officers in the area of the clubs are encouraged to accept invitations to speak at club meetings. 7. No chairman shall arrange any public meeting under the name of the GFWC of Tennessee without consulting the President. 8. Club Presidents are requested to send names, addresses, telephone numbers and emails of newly elected officers to the State President and to the District President and Junior Clubs to Director of Junior Clubs immediately following election. District Presidents are requested to send names and addresses of newly elected District Officers to State President-Elect in the even numbered year. 9. The GFWC of Tennessee President shall send three (3) copies of the GFWC of Tennessee Handbook to GFWC Headquarters, and one (1) copy of the GFWC of Tennessee Bylaws to the GFWC Parliamentary Advisor. 10. History-making events shall be reported to the State Historian and these shall be incorporated into the history of GFWC of Tennessee. A history is to be released in printed form at the end of each administration. 11. The state Treasurer shall order a State President’s insignia pin and past President’s guard for a retiring State President; and be responsible, after consultation with the State President-Elect, for securing a gift for said retiring State President. The State Treasurer shall receive from each District contributions for the gift. The PresidentElect shall ascertain from the State President her gift preference (i.e. insignia pin in gold setting or other gift). If the President has requested that the insignia pin be placed in gold setting, then she shall be responsible for balance of its cost. 12. No member shall promote any legislation in the name of GFWC of Tennessee without an adopted resolution in support of the proposed legislative position. 13. Immediately upon completion of her term of office, each member of the Board of Directors shall turn over to her successor all records and materials pertinent to the office. 14. All funds of the GFWC of Tennessee shall be made payable and sent to the State Treasurer. All monies collected by GFWC of Tennessee Chairmen shall be turned over to the State Treasurer at the close of Fall Conference and State Convention. 15. Any monies collected or bills received during the fiscal year shall be forwarded to the State Treasurer within thirty (30) days. Any late charges incurred shall be the responsibility of the chairman. 88 2012 – 2014 GFWC of Tennessee 16. The Protocol Committee shall be responsible for the setting of the public address systems and testing it before each session, for having two flags (American and State) at all meetings, for having drinking water available at the speaker’s stand, for assisting the President on seating arrangements for annual meetings. 17. At the end of each administration, the official GFWC of Tennessee representative to the GFWC Annual International Convention shall be the outgoing State President and the outgoing Director of Junior Clubs. 18. The GFWC of Tennessee mailing list shall be released only to organizations which are endorsed by the GFWC of Tennessee. 19. In the event an officer or chairman fails to perform her duties, the Executive Committee shall have the authority to explore the matter and determine whether or not she should continue in office. 20. The first Executive Committee Meeting of each administration shall be held at the close of the Convention, after the new members are installed. 21. The state projects shall be limited to the period of the administration in which they are begun unless continued by vote of the Board of Directors. 22. Affiliate membership may be held in GFWC of Tennessee by organizations other than GFWC clubs. Any state organization as a whole, any state branch or a national organization, any alumni association or any city or county federation whose constitution is free from sectarian or political bias and whose objects are in sympathy with those of the GFWC of Tennessee shall be eligible to membership. They shall pay dues of $100.00 per year and be allowed one delegate at the annual conventions. GFWC of Tennessee clubs will no longer be allowed affiliate status. Clubs that currently have affiliate status will be allowed to retain that status. Membership dues for GFWC of TN clubs with affiliate status shall be $10.00 per capita. 23. The Jennie Morgan Memorial Fund shall be closed as of April 1975, with a balance of $25,000. Interest on this fund shall be used for the benefit of Tennessee’s veterans. All additional funds contributed for this fund shall be transferred to the GFWC of Tennessee Scholarship Fund. 24. Guidelines for GFWC of Tennessee judging of awards in the six departments are as follows: a. Only clubs having paid dues before January 15 will be eligible to receive awards at the State Convention. b. There will be four categories of competition based on Membership as of January 15 of each year. c. There will be a first and second place award in each of the four size categories for each Department / Project / Program Areas of the current administration. Certificates shall be the awards. 89 2012 – 2014 GFWC of Tennessee d. e. f. g. Reports sent to the State Chairmen must be postmarked by requested date or the date set by the GFWC of Tennessee President of that year. Clubs with delinquent dues will not be counted in the State Report to GFWC. Reports shall consist of projects within a one year period only. Junior reports will be judged with General Reports. Each chairman shall procure from one to three judges. Chairmen should try to outline GFWC of Tennessee objectives to said judges as well as furnishing them copies of the rules for judging. A list of winners shall be sent to the First Vice-President and Director of Junior Clubs for Junior winners by the date requested. The First Vice-President shall provide a list of winners to the Editor of the Tennessee Federation News and the GFWC of Tennessee Recording Secretary at the close of the convention. 25. The procedure to be followed for the establishment of a new GFWC of Tennessee award. a. Proposer of the award shall notify the GFWC of Tennessee President of the desire to present the following information to the Executive Committees for consideration: 1. Purpose of the award 2. Time span of award – 1 year, 1 administration, or permanent 3. How it is named or titled 4. How the award is purchased or funded and engraved (when applicable) 5. Reporting procedure and criteria for selection of winners of awards 6. How it shall be presented b. Basic rules to be followed by the Executive Committee include: 1. All awards/contests must be presented to the Executive Committee and Board of Directors with exception – GFWC programs do not need approval of GFWC of Tennessee Executive Committee or Board of Directors. Only awards originating within GFWC of Tennessee should have approval. 2. Awards do not become effective until 90 days after the Executive Committee/Board of Directors approval. 3. Final approval for all contests/awards must be made by the Executive Committee and Board of Directors, majority vote required. 26. Standing Rules may be adopted by a majority vote of the Board of Directors at any meeting without previous notice. They may be amended, suspended, or rescinded by the Board of Directors at any meeting by two-thirds vote without previous notice or by a majority vote after one month’s previous notice. 90 2012 – 2014 GFWC of Tennessee 27. To serve as member of the GFWC of Tennessee Board of Directors a member must: a. b. c. Hold active membership in GFWC of Tennessee in good standing. Be a citizen of the United State of America. Be a registered voter in the State of Tennessee. 28. Districts hosting State Convention shall raise funds for decorating and handling reimbursements themselves. Overage will not be reimbursed by the State Treasurer. 29. A Resolution from a local club must first be sent to the State Resolution Committee Chairman for consideration. The committee may research further and it may be amended. If the committee adopts for proposal to the Convention it must be included in the Call to Convention. If a resolution from a club is rejected by the Resolution Committee, it must be returned to the club with an explanation by December 1st. The club may then decide to present the resolution to the State President by January 1st. She will include the resolution in the Call to Convention. 30. The money award for the winners of the Student Poetry Contests in each division is to be funded from the Nora Cantrell Fund as follows: STATE WINNERS 1ST Place $25.00 2nd Place $20.00 3rd Place $15.00 4th Place $10.00 GFWC WINNERS 1st Place $100.00 2nd Place $75.00 3rd Place $50.00 4th Place $25.00 Monetary awards for winners of the Student Short Story Contest in each division are to be funded from the Pennies for Arts Fund as follows: STATE WINNERS GFWC WINNERS st 1 Place $25.00 1st Place $100.00 nd nd 2 Place $20.00 2 Place $75.00 3rd Place $15.00 3rd Place $50.00 th th 4 Place $10.00 4 Place $25.00 Each Tennessee district may, upon written request to the State Treasurer, receive an $80.00 stipend toward their District student short story contest. 31. The GFWC of Tennessee Pennies for Arts Fund shall reimburse the doll maker for any future First Lady dolls to be made. 32. Dollars for Delegates shall reimburse members not otherwise funded and attending GFWC or SER spring/fall meetings as follows: $150 for Executive Committee; $75.00 for Board members; $50.00 for general membership. Funds will be disbursed based on availability and upon presentation of receipts as proof of attendance. 91 2012 – 2014 GFWC of Tennessee 33. State chairmen or officers responsible for purchases shall request a copy of GFWC of Tennessee’s sales tax exemption letter from the State Treasurer. Any sales tax incurred due to the chairman’s or officer’s failure to do so shall be the responsibility of the Chairman. 34. Funded Board members must present vouchers or invoices to Treasurer before reimbursement will be made. Standing Rules Revisions Adopted April 2012 “Footsteps from the past leading to a new future in Federation” 92 2012 – 2014 GFWC of Tennessee Alphabetical Directory A Deborah Allen 550 Crestwood Drive, Cookeville, TN 38501 931-525-1880 (H) 931-261-8898 (C) Janet Amburn-Harpe 422 Greencrest Drive, Maryville TN 37803 865-406-8101 (C) Paulette Amsler PO Box 9033, Chattanooga, TN 37412 423-698-0566 B Lou Baker GFWC of TN PSP 1974-1976 P. O. Box 509, Sparta, TN 38583 Kaye Barlow 2443 Buffalo Valley Drive, Cookeville TN 38501 931-432-5549 (H) 931-510-9352 (C) Joan Beaver GFWC of TN PSP 1990-1992 4554 N. Ravenwood Dr., Chattanooga, TN 37415 423-875-9421 Vicki Bechet 1502 Gray Fox Lane, Spring Hill, TN 37174 931-451-7298 (H) 615-521-9128 (C) Emily Binkley GFWC of TN PSP 1998 - 2000 105 Hasty Drive, Goodlettsville, TN 37072 Pat Bomba 1020 Potter Road, Dickson, TN 37055 615-446-6987 Nancy Booth 650 New Avenue, Erwin, TN 37650 423-743-7100 (H) 423-502-4764 (C) 93 2012 – 2014 GFWC of Tennessee Alphabetical Directory, B continued Jane Bryan 286 Page Drive, Mt. Juliet TN 37122 615-754-6952 (home) 615-513-8103 (cell) Terri Bryan 1135 Tan Yard Hill Road, Puryear TN 38251 731-247-5368 Wendy Burchett 167 Jep Trent Road, Sneedville, TN 37869 423-733-4143 (home) 423-733-5030 (work) Susan Burkey 1508 West Lakeview Drive, Johnson City, TN 37601 423-926-6879 (H) 423-926-5261 (W) Samantha Butler 125 Wheatley Drive, Newbern TN 38059 731-478-8292 Shirley Butler 306 Flora Circle, Newbern, TN 38059 731-627-9416 (H) 731-676-1949 (C) C Judith A. Callens 1285 Cleve Duke Road, Hornbeak TN 38232 731-538-2542 Sandy Calvin 106 Riva Ridge, Hendersonville TN 37075 615-826-4202 (home) 615-481-4821 (cell) Jocelyn Campbell PO Box 14272 Morristown, TN 37813 423-312-9186 (H) Jean Cardwell 490 Grove Place Lane, Loudon, TN 37774 865-458-4100 (H) 865-603-9630 (C) Sherri G. Carroll GFWC of TN PSP 1992-1994 94 2012 – 2014 GFWC of Tennessee 4487 Post Place LH #78, Nashville, TN 37205 Alphabetical Directory, C continued Corinne Covington 320 Cherry Street, Tiptonville, TN 38079. 731-253-7597 (h) 731-445-8829. (c) Kathy Cronberg 2528 Kidwell Church Road, Morristown, TN 37814 423-736-3981 (cell) Carla Cullip P. O. Box 26, Whitesburg, TN 37891 423-327-3407 (H) D Ann Durall GFWC of TN PSP 2006-2008 12117 Valley Trail, Knoxville, TN 37934 865-675-5393 (H) Darla Dye 1375 Old Boones Creek Road, Jonesborough, TN 37659 423-571-0169 or E Isabel Edmands GFWC TN PSP 1980-1982 100 Chatuga Drive West #305, Loudon, TN 37774 865-458-8861 Mary Frances Edwards 7809 Dan Lane, Knoxville, TN 37938 865-281-7784 Margaret England GFWC of TN PSP 1986-1988 P. O. Box 696, Sparta, TN 38583 931-761-2683 95 2012 – 2014 GFWC of Tennessee Alphabetical Directory continued F Peggy Fabozzi 138 Couch Road, Jonesborough TN 37659 423-839-2067 Terry Finnerty 3428 Denmark Street, Knoxville, TN 37931 865-690-1058 G Vivian Gibbons 1401 East Church Street, Greenville, TN 37745 423-636-8674 Della Gowan GFWC of TN PSP 2010-2012 1220 Woodland Trace, Maryville, TN 37803 865-983-0731 (H) 865-310-7934 (C) H Beverly Harpool 54 Elmwood Drive, Jackson, TN 38305 731-664-5276 Charlotte Hatheway 223 Lake Hills Road, Tullahoma, TN 37388 931-455-2879 Janie W. Hearn 333 Navaho Drive, Seymour TN 37865 885-573-7249 Linda Hershey 915 Clarendon Street, Chattanooga, TN 37405 423-267-8066 (H) 423-645-8671 (C) Sherry Hickey 114 Joshua Drive, Sparta TN 38583 931-739-2847 96 2012 – 2014 GFWC of Tennessee Alphabetical Directory, H continued Johnnie Hill GFWC of TN PSP 2008-2010 1502 Creighton Place, Tullahoma, TN 37388 931-455-8832 Janice Hixson 108 Suffolk Dr., Knoxville, TN 37922 865-693-1725 Robin Hodge 124 Lilley Lane, Johnson City, TN 37604 423-426-4179 (H) Linda Holder 460 West College, Kenton TN 38233 731-749-5929 (H) 731-796-5929 (C) Karen Holmes 132 Glen Hill Drive, Hendersonville TN 37075 615-822-9616 (H) 615-578-6013 (C) Lexa Hooten 716 Plainfield Road, Knoxville, TN 37923 I, J Jan Johnson 3001 Misty Ridge Drive, Lenoir City TN 37772 865-816-3122 Janice Johnson 708 Ninth Street, Erwin, TN 37650 423-743-7003 Shirlee Johnson 135 Albert’s Cove, Rutledge TN 37861 865-828-5399 97 2012 – 2014 GFWC of Tennessee K Laurel G. Karp 3401 Sugartree Court, Johnson City, TN 37604 423-282-4311(H) 423-943-8780 (C) JoAnn Kembel 311 Edith Lane, Lenoir City TN 37771 865-308-3955 or through Mary Ann Williamson Renee’ Keene 100 Safley Drive, Tullahoma TN 37388 931-455-0025 (H) 931-455-3535 (W) Donna Kelly 1505 Morningdale Drive, Morristown TN 37814 865-755-5448 Susan Key 7570 Lebanon Church Road, Talbott, TN 37877 423-586-6937 (H) 865-603-1341 (C) Marcia Kribs 2751 Lynchburg Hwy., Lynchburg, TN 37352 931-759-7770 (H) 931-307-9403 (C) L Kate Lapczynski 318 Marks Avenue, Tullahoma, TN 37388 931-455-6996 (H) 931-581-0685 (C) or Sandy Lindeman 1807 Country Club Drive, Tullahoma, TN 37388 931-455-2424 (H) 931-409-7012 (C) M Lin Maloney 1065 Ives Court, Morristown TN37814 423-581-2891 (h) 423-312-1376 (c) 98 2012 – 2014 GFWC of Tennessee Alphabetical Directory, M continued Liz Martin 6812 Walnut Hills Drive, Brentwood TN 37027 615-495-0199 (h) 615-495-0199 (c) Susan B. Martin GFWC of TN PSP 2000-2002; SER president 2012-2014 4909 Bal Harbor Dr., Chattanooga, TN 37416 423-894-5983 Donna McLean 2674 Edgewood Road, Newbern, TN 38059 731-627-3004 (H) 731-676-9149 (C) Robbie Melton 310 University Street, Livingston TN 38570 931-823-6933 Pat Mingledorff 12 Farmington, Jackson TN 38305 731-422-6333 (H) 731-267-4883 (C) Mattie Mullins 904 Millercrest Dr. Johnson City, TN 37604 423-926-7827 (H) 423-794-0402 (C) Carla Murray 235 Snow Farm Road, Newbern, TN 38059 731-445-6773 (C) N Jane Nichols 3161 Dry Valley Road. Philadelphia TN 37846 865-271-7760 JoAnna Nichols-MacDonald Robbin Nolen 226 Grandview Drive, Sneedville TN 37869 423-733-1296 (H) 423-300-8031 (C) 25 Kennett Court, Old Hickory TN 37138 615-477-3648 99 2012 – 2014 GFWC of Tennessee Alphabetical Directory continued O Janet Oakes 11017 Anchorage Circle, Knoxville, TN 37934 865-675-1958 (H) 865-679-0388 (C) Andrea Orchik 2727 Sweet Oak Circle, Germantown TN 38138 901-755-2713 P Sharon Pace 109 Inverness Court, Hendersonville, TN 37075 615-264-3942 (H) 615-585-3453 (Cell) Nancy Patton 509 Stone Blvd., Tullahoma, TN 37388 931-455-3724 Kendra Walker Patty 2702 Lakewood Lane, Knoxville, TN 37921 865-938-7779 (H) 865-406-6081 (C) Roberta Pedigo 7544 Little River Drive, Knoxville, TN 37920 865-577-4106 Barbara Powell 160 Greendale Road Johnson City, TN 37601 423-534-1287 Linda Prater 6760 Autumnwood Drive, Nashville TN 37221 615-662-1176 Michele Pubillones 118 Kawatuska Way, Loudon TN 47774 865-458-6111 100 2012 – 2014 GFWC of Tennessee Q, R Linda Raley 6626 Archer Circle, Talbott, TN 37877 423-586-5950 Dian Rayfield 106 Huntington PlaceTullahoma TN 37388 931-4550791 (H) 931-212-6623 (C) Betty Richards 2633 Windemere Dr, Nashville, TN 37214 615-883-2874 (H) 15-815-8265 (C) Lana Robinson GFWC of TN PSP 2002-2004 1205 Robinson Road, Old Hickory, TN 37138 615-847-4537 (H) 615-772-5409 (C) S Bobbie Schorsten 104 Foxcross Drive, Hendersonville, TN 37075 615-824-2051 (H) 615-319-6270 (C) Agnes Sexton 730 Barton Drive, Morristown, TN 37814 423-586-2044 (H) 423-586-2048 (C) Beth Smith 665 River Bend Road, Greeneville, TN 37743 423-639-4974 (H) 423-278-8419 (C) Jayme Smith 102 Hatcher Lane, Hendersonville, TN 37075 615-822-8123 Tana Sowell 381 Willow Bough Lane, Old Hickory, TN 37138-1908 615-847-2625 (H) 615-947-5126 (C) Erin Stayton 1808 Moore Avenue, Greeneville, TN 37745 423-522-2889 101 2012 – 2014 GFWC of Tennessee Alphabetical Directory, S continued Renee Suich 5717 Winchester Ave. Russellville, TN 37860 423-839-1635 T Pat Thurston GFWC of TN PSP 1994-1996 919 N. Briarcliff Circle, Maryville, TN 37803 865-984-3341 Candace Turnham 414 Wilson Ave Suite 102 Tullahoma TN 37388 931-247-9902 (C) Tona Turpin 9131 Linksvue Drive, Knoxville TN 37922 865-769-3062 Jean Anne Tye 725 Bresslyn Road Nashville TN 37205 615-356-0036 (h) 615- 306-7562 (c) U, V Kim Veers 2924 Herald Court, Cookeville TN 38501 931-510-9179 Jo Voigt 105 Poplar Grove Road, Johnson City TN 37601 423-542-9109 W Kathy Waller 805 Butler Dr., Loudon, TN 37774 865-458-4938 (H) 865-604-3760 (C) Sue Walker GFWC of TN PSP 1996-1998 2704 Lakewood Lane, Knoxville, TN 37921 865-938-8148 102 2012 – 2014 GFWC of Tennessee Alphabetical Directory, W continued Kim Ward 4554 Ashburne Dr., Morristown, TN 37814 423-307-1340 (H) 423-312-7021 (C) Harriet Warren 3217 Knobdale Road, Nashville, TN 37214 615-883-8071 (h) 615-210-4636 (c) chabwar@comcast.ner Mable Westbrook GFWC of TN PSP 1982-1984 4160 Highway 70 East, Lenoir City, TN 37772 865-988-9132 Sue Whittle 1485 Touraine Place, Knoxville, TN 37919 865-851-9105 (H) 865-803-1104 (C) Patricia Williams 2404 Huffine Circle, Johnson City, TN 37604 423-926-5939 (H) 423-571-0473 (C) Patsy Williams GFWC of TN PSP 1976-1978 Box 709, Newport, TN 37821 Jane Wilson 903 Grove Stree, Paris, TN 38242 731-642-3807 Anne Wonder 207 Lake Circle Drive, Tullahoma, TN 37388 931-461-0213 Y Teresa York 200 Shady Hill Road, Dickson TN 37055 615-4446-3993 (H) 615-218-8445 (C) Z Ann Zimmerman 2736 James Edmon Court Murfreesboro, 37129 (615) 900-3534 103
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