Personal LEADERSHIP CHANGE - an opportunity Varmt välkommen till tre inspirerande dagar där du får möjlighet att utforska hur just du vill leva ditt liv här och nu, och i framtiden, och skapa mål för ett liv i sam-‐ klang med dina behov och drömmar. Den förändring det innebär att flytta till ett annat land kan ibland upplevas som omtum-‐ lande. Den trygghet som vanor och rutiner kan ge har lösts upp, och vi kan börja fråga oss vad vi vill och vilka vi egentligen är. Vi kanske saknar vårt tidigare liv och undrar om det verkligen var rätt att flytta. Vi kan ha svårt att komma underfund med hur vi vill använda vår tid och upptäcker kanske efter ett tag att vi gör mycket som egentligen inte ger oss någon glädje eller tillfredsställelse. I denna workshop kommer vi ge dig konkreta verktyg och övningar för att utforska och reflektera över hur du har det idag, och hur du vill leva ditt liv nu och i framtiden. Du får också en inblick i hur för-‐ ändringar kan påverka oss. När du har en tydlig bild av hur du vill ha det, har du ett fokus och det blir lättare att prioritera, göra medvetna val och sätta upp mål för fram-‐ tiden. Vår metod leder dig genom hela processen. Kursens upplägg och pris Vi träffas vid tre tillfällen kl. 09.00-‐15.00, samt erbjuder varje deltagare en timmes individuell coaching. Våra lokaler är centralt belägna i Singapore. Kursen ges med minst 3 och högst 12 del-‐ tagare. Du arbetar med hela gruppen, i små-‐ grupper och individuellt. För att du som deltagare ska få ut maximalt av dessa dagar kommer du få ett antal hemuppgifter före kursens början, samt ”läxor” mellan dagarna och efter avslutad workshop. Priset för kursen är SGD 960. I detta ingår 2 dagars workshop, en timmes individuell coaching samt kursmaterial, lokal, lunch och fika. Kursledare Ledare för workshopen är Anna Lena Granell Griffiths och Marie Palmér Bergholm. Vi har båda en gedigen erfaren-‐ het av att stödja och coacha individer och grupper som vill utveckla sin potential och leva mer i linje med sina drömmar och visioner. Hör av dig! Vill du veta mer eller är intresserad av att gå kursen, hör av dig till någon av oss. Anna Lena Granell Griffiths, tel: + 65 9777 6464, mail: annalena@personal-‐ Marie Palmér Bergholm, tel: +65 9387 3505, mail: marie@personal-‐ Läs mer på www.personal-‐ Anna Lena has an MSc in Industrial Engineering and Management, from Linkoping, Sweden. She is an ICF Certified coach, and has studied Psychosyn- thesis, NLP, Work Psychology and Leadership & Coaching. She has nearly 20 years of experience in Personal Development and Project Management, and has worked in the telecom sector in the U.S., Sweden, Switzerland and Italy. She is also the co- founder of Personal Leadership and "Together for Charity”. Marie has a BSc in Economics and Business Administration from Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden and an MA in Applied Communication Research from Stanford, U.S. She holds a Diploma in Psychosynthesis Counselling, a 4-year program at Psykosyntes Akademin, Stockholm. She has studied Hawaiian Kahuna Bodywork, in Hawaii, Mindfulness etc. She has been a consultant for nearly 25 years. In 1996 she founded Comcare, and in 1999 the SSE Career Centre at Stockholm School of Economics. Personal LEADERSHIP CHANGE - an opportunity We would like to welcome you to three inspiring days where we will give you the opportunity to reflect over how you would like to live your life -‐ here and now -‐ and in the future. We will assist you with tools and exercises to help you create goals for a life that fits in with your needs and desires. Moving to another country or re-‐locating back home, can be a challenging experience. The convenience of daily routines is gone, and questions like “What do I want in life”? or “Who am I – really?” might arise. Some of us can feel a longing for the life we left behind and start to question the decision to move. We can find it hard to find out how we want to spend our days, and we might realize that we are keeping ourselves busy doing things that do not bring us any real joy or satisfaction. In this workshop we will provide you with practical tools and exercises to further dwell and reflect over your present life and how you would like it to unfold in the future. You will get an insight into how changes affect us. When you hold a mental image of how you would like your life to be, you will be more focused and find it easier to prioritize and create goals for the future. Our method will support you through the entire process. Workshop details and price During the three days we will meet between 9 am and 3 pm. Participants will also be entitled to a one-‐hour individual coaching session. The workshop will be given with a mini-‐ mum of 3 participants and a maximum of 12. Theory and exercises will be held in the large group as well as in smaller groups and individually. To ensure that you get the most out of these days, you will be asked to prepare a couple of tasks prior to the work-‐ shop, and you will also be given some home-‐ work in between the two days. Our premi-‐ ses are centrally located in Singapore. The cost for the workshop, including three days of theory and practice, a one-‐hour individual coaching session, workshop folder, centrally located premises, lunch and coffee, is SGD 960. Coaches Anna Lena Granell Griffiths and Marie Palmér Bergholm are your coaches during the workshop. They both have a long experience in supporting and coaching individuals and groups, that are aiming at unleashing their potential and find a life more aligned with their aspirations. Give us a call! Do not hesitate to contact any of us, should you be interested in the workshop and/or would like to get more information. Anna Lena Granell Griffiths, Mobile: + 65 9777 6464 Mail: annalena@personal-‐ Marie Palmér Bergholm, Mobile: +65 9387 3505, Mail: marie@personal-‐ Or visit us at www.personal-‐ Anna Lena has an MSc in Industrial Engineering and Management, from Linkoping, Sweden. She is an ICF Certified coach, and has studied Psychosyn- thesis, NLP, Work Psychology and Leadership & Coaching. She has nearly 20 years of experience in Personal Development and Project Management, and has worked in the telecom sector in the U.S., Sweden, Switzerland and Italy. She is also the co- founder of Personal Leadership and "Together for Charity”. Marie holds a BSc in Economics and Business Administration from Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden and an MA in Applied Communication Research from Stanford, U.S. She holds a Diploma in Psychosynthesis Counselling, a 4-year program at PsykosyntesAkademin, Stock- holm. She has studied Hawaiian Kahuna Body- work, in Hawaii, Mindfulness etc. She has been a consultant for nearly 25 years. In 1996 she founded Comcare, and in 1999 the SSE Career Centre at Stockholm School of Economics.
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