SPECIAL PROGRAMME IMPLEMENTATION DEPARTMENT MANUAL UNDER RIGHT TO INFORMATION ACT, 2005 GOVERNMENT OF TAMIL NADU SECRETARIAT, 1 CHENNAI-600 009. INDEX Sl. No. Details of Information 1. Introduction 2. Particulars of organization, functions and duties (Section 4(1)(b)(i)) 3. Powers and duties of Officers and employees (Section 4(1)(b)(ii)) 4. Procedure followed in decision making process (Section 4(1)(b)(iii)) 5. Norms set for the discharge of functions (Section 4(1)(b)(iv)) 6. Rules, Regulations, Instructions, Manuals and Records for discharging functions (Section 4(1)(b)(v)) 7. Statement of categories of documents that are held by it for its control ( Section 4(1)(b)(vi)) 8. Particulars of any arrangement that exists for consultation with, or representation by the members of the public in relation to the formulation of its policy or implementation thereof under (Section 4(1)(b)(vii)) 9. Directory of Officers and employees (Section 4(1)(b)(ix)) 10. Monthly remuneration received by each of the officers and employees, including the system of compensation as provided in the regulations (Section 4(1)(b)(x)) 11. Budget allocation of each of its agency, indicating the particulars of all plans, proposed expenditures and reports on disbursements made (Section 4(1)(b)(xi)) 12. Details in respect of the information, available to or held by it, reduced in an electronic form (Section 4(1)(b)(xiv)) 13. Particulars of facilities available to citizens for obtaining information (Section 4(1)(b)(xv)) 14. Name and designation and other particulars of Public Information Officers Section 4(1)(b)(xvi)) 2 3 Introduction 1.1 In order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority and to empower the citizens to secure access to information under the control of each public authority, the Government of India have enacted “The Right to Information Act, 2005”, (RTI Act) which came into force on 15.06.2005. In accordance with the provisions of section 4(1) (b) of this Act, the Special Programme Implementation Department, Government of Tamil Nadu has brought out this manual for information and guidance of the stakeholders and the general public. 1.2 The purpose of this manual is to inform the general public about this Department’s organizational set-up, functions and duties of its officers and employees, records and documents available with the Department. 1.3 This manual is aimed at the public in general and users of the services, and provides information about the schemes, projects and programmes being implemented by the Department. 1.4 The Special Programme Implementation Department has appointed One Public Information Officer namely Tmt.K.Jeyalalitha, Under Secretary to Government (Schemes), for matters concerning the Department. 1.5 A person requiring any information under the Act may contact Tmt.K.Jeyalalitha Under Secretary to Government(Schemes) Special Programme Implementation Department, 4 25676239 Secretariat, Chennai-9. 5 1.6 The procedure and fee structure for getting information are as under:(a) A request for obtaining information under sub-section (1) of section 6 of the RTI Act shall be made in writing or through electronic means either in person or by post to the Public Information Officer mentioned in paragraph 1.4 and 1.5 above and must be accompanied by an application fee of Rs.10/- by cash or by demand draft or banker’s cheque or by affixing court fee stamp or Money Order. The Public Information Officer shall credit the amount to the following head of account :“0070. Other Administrative Services – 60 Other Services – 118 Receipts under Right to Information Act, 2005 – AA - Collection of fees under Right to Information (Fees) Rules 2005” (DPC 0070 60 118 AA 0005). The applicant may also remit the fee under the above head of account through Treasury / Pay and Accounts Office / State Bank of India / Reserve Bank of India and produce the challan to the Public Information Officer as an evidence for having remitted the fee. (b) For providing information under sub-section (1) of section 7 of the Right to Information Act, the request shall be made as at (a) above and the fee as below should be paid as indicated below: i) ii) iii) iv) Rupees two for each page (in A-4 or A-3 size paper) created or copied; actual charge or cost price of a copy in larger size paper; actual cost or price for samples or models; and for inspection of records, no fee for the first hour; and a fee of Rs.5/- for each fifteen minutes (or fraction thereof) thereafter. 6 (c) For providing the information under sub-section (5) of section 7 of the RTI Act, the request shall be made as at (a) above and the fee as below should be paid as per the mode at (a) above. i) For information provided in diskette or floppy, @ Rs.50/- (fifty) per diskette or floppy; and ii) For information provided in printed form, at the price fixed for such publication. For (b) and (c) above, it can be paid as a Demand Draft or Bankers Cheque or by way of Treasury Challan through SBI/RBI or through any Government Treasury, Sub-Treasury, Pay & Accounts Office under the following Head of Account: “0070. Other Administrative Services – 60 Other Services – 118 Receipts under Right to Information Act, 2005 – AA - Collection of fees under Right to Information (Fees) Rules 2005” (DPC 0070 60 118 AA 0005). 1.7 Persons below the poverty line are exempted from the payment of fee mentioned in paragraph 1.6 above for seeking information under the Right to Information Act, 2005. The list of persons below poverty line approved by the Gram Panchayat and local bodies will be the basis for claiming this concession. An extract of the list, duly certified, will be sufficient to avail this concession. 1.8 The Department has designated Thiru T.S.Rajasekar, Additional Director as Appellate Authority under section 19(1) of the Act. The Contact Address of the Appellate Authority is given below:Thiru T.S.Rajasekar, Additional Director (Schemes) Special Programme Implementation Department Secretariat, Chennai-600009. Telephone No. 2567 6234 7 Special Programme Implementation Department PARTICULARS OF ORGANISATION, FUNCTIONS AND DUTIES (under section 4(1)(b)(i) of Right to Information Act, 2005) 1. Objectives/Purpose of the Department This Department functions as the nodal Department for the all-round development of people in the State of Tamil Nadu. The Government have created the Special Programme Implementation Department for monitoring the issue of orders and implementation of various schemes/programmes announced by the Government. The Government have got a separate Minister for the department. The Government have also created a post of Secretary to Government in the newly created department. i)Brief History: The Department of Special Programme Implementation Department was created in G.O.(Ms) No.423, Public (Spl.A) Department dated 16.05.2011 for monitoring the issue of orders and implementation of various schemes/ programmes announced by the Government. ii)Functions of the Department: a) To monitor implementation/progress of various Special Programmes/Schemes announced by the Government in co-ordination with the concerned line departments and other connected departments. 8 b) The department will also monitor, concurrently, the implementation of new schemes announced by the Government / Hon’ble Chief Minister. c) Monitoring of such other schemes as decided by the Government from time to time. d) To carry out field inspections and conduct review meetings/ consultations at District level, on regular basis. e) The department will provide necessary feedback to the Government on the qualitative and quantitative aspects of the schemes by organizing frequent tours / visits by the Officers of this department and also suggest corrective course of action wherever necessary. The department will also coordinate with other departments and advise them, based on the feedback, in evolving appropriate policy and guidelines in order to achieve the desired results of various schemes and programmes. f) The department functions as a Monitoring Body of the Government for effective implementation of various special Programmes/ Schemes. 2. Working hours of the Department: The Department follows five days week and the working hours are as follows:10.00 A.M. to 5.45 P.M. (Lunch Break 1.30 P.M. to 2.00 P.M.) 9 SPECIAL PROGRAMME IMPLEMENTATION ORGANISATION CHART PRINCIPAL SECRETARY JOINT SECRETARY DIRECTOR (MONITORING) DEPUTY SECRETARY (Admn.) JOINT DIRECTOR ADDITIONAL DIRECTOR DEPUTY SECRETARY (SCHEMES) (SCHEMES) DISTRICT REVENUE OFFICER UNDER SECY (SCHEMES) DY. DIRECTOR SO (OP) SO (Bills) ASO (OP) ASO (Bills) TYPIST ASO (2 Nos.) SYSTEM ANALYST STATISTICAL OFFICER TYPIST (1) STATISTICAL INSPECTORS (2 ) Note: PUBLIC RELATIONS OFFICER-1; PRIVATE SECRETARY-4; PERSONAL ASSISTANT-1; PERSONAL CLERK-4; RECORD CLERK-1; OFFICE ASSISTANTS-11; DRIVERS-8 11 Special Programme Implementation Department POWERS AND DUTIES OF OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES (Section 4(1)(b)(ii) of Right to Information Act, 2005) This Department is now headed by the Principal Secretary to the Government of Tamil Nadu, who is a senior IAS officer. The Principal Secretary is the administrative head of the Department and principal adviser to the Minister for Information & Special Programme Implementation, for monitoring the schemes on all matters of policy and administration relating to this Department. She is assisted by Director (Monitoring), Additional Director, District Revenue Officer, Deputy Secretaries and Under Secretary to Government. The Officers and Employees of this Department exercise the administrative and financial powers as laid down in the Secretariat Office Manual and Tamil Nadu Financial code. This Department is responsible for monitoring the flagship schemes announced by the government. The powers and duties of the officers in this department are indicated below: (a) Principal Secretary to Government The Principal Secretary is the head of office. She is responsible for the careful observance of the Business Rules and Secretariat Instructions in the transaction of the business in the department. She exercises general supervision and control over the staff and officers of the department and is responsible for ensuring that the members of the staff do the work allotted to them efficiently and expeditiously. Policy matters and all important matters should be dealt with in consultation with the Principal Secretary who will be overall incharge of the Department. (b) Joint Secretary to Government This Department has a Joint Secretary to Government post, to be manned by an I.A.S., Officer. He is a state touring officer looking after the overall implementation of the Special Programmes/Projects/ Schemes of the Government. He is expected to complement the work of the Principal Secretary by assisting the Principal Secretary in looking after the internal administration together with field inspection. (c) Director (Monitoring) The Director drafted from the Economics and Statistics Department is dealing with monitoring work relating to implementation of various special programmes/schemes announced by the Government at various times. He is coordinating the preparation of weekly reports to be sent to the Office of the Hon’ble Chief Minister. He is assisted by Joint Director, Deputy Director and two Statistical Inspectors. The Director also exercises control over the Officers and Staff of sections placed in his charge both in regard to dispatch of business and in regard to discipline. Besides, carrying out field inspection in the districts, the Director is instrumental in the process of consolidating the reports sent by the District Monitoring Officers. (d) Additional Director (Schemes) The Additional Director (Schemes) in a Senior Additional Director of Rural Development and Panchayat Raj Department and he is in charge of the two flagship schemes implemented by this Department, viz., (i) the scheme for Distribution of Laptop Computers to Students and (ii) the scheme for Distribution of Fan, Mixie and Grinder to women beneficiaries. He also undertakes field inspections. (e) District Revenue Officer The District Revenue Officer makes field inspection in respect of the major special schemes in the districts, as he is also a state touring officer like the other officers mentioned above. 13 (d) Deputy Secretary to Government (Schemes) The Deputy Secretary to Government (Schemes) is looking after matters relating to the two Special Schemes implemented by this department, i.e., (i) the scheme for Distribution of Fan, Mixie and Grinder to women beneficiaries and ii) the Scheme for Distribution of Laptop Computer to students. He also takes care of files relating to the High Level Monitoring Committee meeting and the periodical field inspections taken by the afore mentioned state touring officers, viz., the Principal Government, the Secretary Director to Government, (Monitoring), the Joint Secretary Additional to Director (Schemes) and the District Revenue Officer. The Deputy Secretary to Government (Schemes) is assisted by one Under Secretary to Government, two Assistant Section Officers and the subjects allocated to them are as infra: Sl. Sections No. 1. Scheme-1 Details of Subject dealt with 1) Scheme for distribution of laptop computers to students. 2) CM’s Special petition (Related to Laptop scheme) 3) R.T.I. Petition (Related to Laptop scheme) 4) Weekly Report 5) Court Cases 6) Preparation of BE, RE, FMA 7) Annual Plan Expenditure - Periodical report sent to AD & TW Dept. 8) Audit – AG Audit, Internal Audit 9)Preparation of booklet for the meeting/ Assembly Session/Collector’s Conference 10) Petitions related to Schemes 11) Announcements 14 2. Scheme-2 1) Scheme for distribution of Fan, Mixie & Grinder to women beneficiaries. 2) CM’s Special petition (Related to Fan, Mixie, Grinder) 3) RTI Petition (Related to Fan, Mixie, Grinder) 4) Achievements 5) All Secretaries Meeting 6) Assurance 7) Budget Speech 8) Cut motion/Call Attention Motion 9) LAQ, Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha Questions 10) Collector’s Conference 11) HLMC Meeting 12) Independence Day Speech 13) Secretary/Minister Meeting 14) Policy Note 15) Governor’s Address 16) Paper Cuttings 17) Regional Review Meeting 18) Miscellaneous F) Deputy Secretary to Government(Admn.) The Deputy Secretary to Government control over the sections placed in his charge both (Admn.) exercises in regard to dispatch of business and in regard to discipline. 2. This Department consists of 5 sections and of which 2 sections are under his administrative control. The functioning of these two sections is tabulated below:S1. No. 1. Sections OP Details of subjects dealt with 1) All establishment matters relating to Section Officers and Assistant Section Officers – Preparation of acting arrangement – Sanction of staff continuance and permanent retention of staff of the entire Department – Deputation and training in respect of Section Officers and Assistant Section Officers and sanction of TTA and TA – Preparation of Confidential Report of Section Officers. 15 All Establishment Officers/Private Secr /Typists – Deputat respect of Secretary/Personal Tour Advance and above staff – Printin Miscellaneous ma establishment matt Furnishing of Con Deputy Secretary an Public (SC) / P&AR ( 2) 3) 16 Retirement, issues. pe Maintenance of S Bills 4) Supply of Stationery, furniture, computers etc., Preparation of contingent T.A./Telephone bills – staff car, AIR travel bills settlement and release and related matters of Officials - Accommodation to Audit parties – Consolidation of Half Yearly Business Statement – Number Statement - Reimbursement of Medical claims of all the Staff / Officers of the Department. 5) Establishment of Office Assistants, Record Assistants and Record Clerks – Sanction of HBA to staff/officers and allied matters. 6) Loans and members. Advances to 7) Medical Reimbursement. 8) Leave Travel Concession. the staff 1. Preparation of main bills – Supplementary bills, Officers contingent bills including Telephone bills – increment certificate check – Issue of LPC – Issue of Non–Drawal Certificates – Travel Expenses – LTC Festival Advance – HBA – Petrol Register – Reconciliation of Departmental figures. 2. GPF eligibility and Bills – professional taxes – leave eligibility and other entry files – U.O. Files receipt and return – missing credit GPF and other loans and advances – MRB including officers Registers posting with assistance of S.O. Cash/ Cheque payment other than main bills – maintenance of cash book with the assistance of S.O. – maintenance and stitching of paid vouchers with the assistance of Section Officer – Receipt of cash from the Bank (above 1000/-) for payment. All payments due to the staff members. Maintenance of Service Register of the staff. 17 Special Programme Implementation Department PROCEDURE FOLLOWED IN DECISION MAKING PROCESS (Section 4(1)(b)(iii) of Right to Information Act, 2005) The Department, as part of the Government Secretariat, follows the procedure laid down in the Secretariat Office Manual and the Tamil Nadu Government Business Rules and Secretariat Instructions. Apart from this, the provisions in the Tamil Nadu Financial Code, Tamil Nadu State and Subordinate Service Rules and the Tamil Nadu Government Servants’ Conduct Rules, 1973 are also followed wherever applicable. 2. The decisions are taken based on the merits of the issues, relative priorities and availability of funds etc. in accordance with the documented procedures / laid down procedures / defined criteria / rules mentioned above. The files related to Schemes are handled by Scheme Section and those related to Monitoring are handled by Monitoring Wing of this department. The process of examination is initiated by the Assistant Section Officers and passes through the Section officer, Under Secretary to Government, Deputy Secretary to Government, Additional Director/Director (as the case may be), Joint Secretary to Government, Principal Secretary to Government. If need be, other departments are consulted. In case of matters involving funds, Finance Department is invariably consulted. Wherever the Business Rules require circulation of files to the Minister or Chief Minister or Governor, orders are obtained in circulation. 18 Special Programme Implementation Department NORMS SET FOR THE DISCHARGE OF FUNCTIONS (Section 4(1)(b)(iv) of Right to Information Act, 2005) For the discharge of functions allocated to the Special Programme Implementation Department, the provisions contained in the “Secretariat Office Manual” are followed. The day-to-day administrative functioning is governed, by various sets of Acts and Rules and instructions issued by the Government from time to time. Some of the commonly used Rules/Manuals are as follows:- i) Secretariat Office Manual. ii) The Tamil Nadu Government Business Rules and Secretariat Instructions. iii) The Tamil Nadu Government Servants conduct Rules, 1973. iv) Tamil Nadu State and Subordinate Service Rules v) Fundamental Rules. 19 Special Programme Implementation Department RULES, REGULATIONS, INSTRUCTIONS, MANUALS AND RECORDS FOR DISCHARGING FUNCTIONS (section 4(1)(b) (v) of Right to Information Act, 2005) 1. The business in the department is carried out with reference to the provisions contained in the following Rules and Regulations and Manuals. i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) ix) x) xi) Tamil Nadu Government Business Rules and Secretariat Instructions. The Tamil Nadu Secretariat Office Manual. Tamil Nadu Budget Manual Tamil Nadu State and Subordinate Service Rules Tamil Nadu Civil Services (Discipline and Appeal) Rules Tamil Nadu Government Servants Conduct Rules, 1973 Tamil Nadu Pension Rules Fundamental Rules Tamil Nadu Financial Code Tamil Nadu Account Code Tamil Nadu Treasury Code 2. The details of the above listed Rules, Manuals and Acts are furnished below:1. 2. Name of the Rules: Tamil Nadu Government Business Rules and Secretariat Instructions. Type of the document: The rules describe the manner and procedures in conducting the Business of the Government complying with the provisions of the Constitution of India. Name of the Manual: The Tamil Nadu Secretariat Office Manual. Type of the document: The manual describes the system and procedures to be followed in conducting the office work in the departments of Secretariat. 20 21 3. 4. 5. Name of the Manual: The Tamil Nadu Budget Manual Type of the document: This manual contains the rules framed by the Finance Department for the guidance of estimating officers and departments of Secretariat in regard to the budget procedure in general and to the preparation and examination of the annual budget estimates and the subsequent control over expenditure in particular to ensure that it is kept within the authorized grants or appropriation. Name of the document: Tamil Nadu State and Subordinate Service Rules. Type of the Rules: The rules are made under the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution of India governing the service conditions of members of State and Subordinate Services. Name of the document: Tamil Nadu Civil Services (Discipline and Appeal) Rules. The rules are made under the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution of India in relation to the discipline, penalty and appeal against penalty imposed on the members of civil service of the State. Tamil Nadu Government Servants Conduct Rules. Type of the Rules: 6. 7. Name of the document: Type of the Rules: The rules are made under the proviso to Article 309 of Constitution of India in relation to the conduct of the members of civil service of the State in the performance of the duty with integrity and devotion to duty. Name of the document: Tamil Nadu Pension Rules. Type of the Rules: The rules are made in relation to the pensionary benefits to the members of civil service of the State. 22 8. 9. Name of the document: Fundamental Rules. Type of the Rules: The rules are made under the proviso to Article 309 of Constitution of India in relation to the pay, allowances, leave, joining time, foreign service etc. of the members of civil service of the State. Name of the document: Tamil Nadu Financial Code. Type of the Code: The code is published by the Finance Department outlining discipline to be followed in incurring expenditure and procedures to be followed and delegation of powers. 10. Name of the document: Type of the Code: 11. Name of the document: Type of the Code: Tamil Nadu Account Code. The code published by the Finance Department outlines the accounting procedures to be followed by various departments while regulating expenditures. Tamil Nadu Treasury Code. The code published by Finance department outlines the procedures to be followed in regard to preparation of bills and presenting to treasury for payment and accounting procedures incidental thereto. The documents mentioned in items 1 to 11 are available with the Director of Stationery and Printing for sale to the public on payment of cost. 23 Special Programme Implementation Department A STATEMENT OF CATEGORIES OF DOCUMENTS THAT ARE HELD BY IT FOR ITS CONTROL (section 4(1)(b)(vi) of Right to Information Act, 2005) Sl. No. 1. 2. Category of the document Policy Note Important G.Os. www.tn.gov.in Name of the document and its introduction in one line Procedure to obtain the document Contains the Policy pronouncements of the Department for the concerned year. Issued by the Special Programme Implementation Department from time to time Application to PIO. 24 Application to PIO. Held by / under control of PIO. Special Programme Implemen tation Department Special Programme Implementation Department PARTICULARS OF ANY ARRANGEMENT THAT EXISTS FOR CONSULTATION WITH, OR REPRESENTATION BY THE MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC IN RELATION TO THE FORMULATION OF ITS POLICY OR IMPLEMENTATION THEREOF (Section 4(1)(b)(vii) of Right to Information Act, 2005) At present, there is no formal mechanism to seek consultation / participation of public in formulation of policies of this Department. The suggestions and views on policy matters and programmes received from the public/Non-Governmental Organisations are given due weightage by this department in formulating policies and programmes. The recommendations/observations Accounts made by the Public Committee / Public Undertakings Committee/ Assurance Committee/Petitions Committee, etc. of the Legislative Assembly will also be acted upon by this Department. 25 Special Programme Implementation Department A STATEMENT OF THE BOARDS, COUNCILS, COMMITTEES AND OTHER BODIES CONSISTING OF TWO OR MORE PERSONS CONSTITUTED AS ITS PART OR FOR THE PURPOSE OF ITS ADVICE, AND AS TO WHETHER MEETINGS OF THOSE BOARDS, COUNCILS, COMMITTEES AND OTHER BODIES ARE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC, OR THE MINUTES OF SUCH MEETINGS ARE ACCESSIBLE FOR PUBLIC (section 4(1) (b)(viii) of Right to information Act, 2005) 1) HIGH LEVEL MONITORING COMMITTEE (i) Purpose: The Government have in their orders, issued in G.O.(Ms)No.1, Special Programme Implementation Department, dated 2.01.2012 constituted a High Level Monitoring Committee for reviewing and monitoring the special programmes/ schemes/projects as detailed below: (ii) Details of Members:(a) High Level Committee: 1. 2. 3. 4. Chief Secretary The Principal Secretary to Government Finance Department The Principal Secretary to Government, Special Programme Implementation Department The Secretary to Government of the concerned line Departments Besides, the line departments Chairman Member Member Members implementing the Special Schemes taken up for review by the High Level Monitoring Committee also will be participating in the meetings through the 26 Principal Secretary/Secretary/Additional Secretary of that department. (b) Nodal Officers in Districts: At district level, the District collectors have nominated senior officers such as the District Revenue Officer and the Project Director, District Rural Development Agency as Nodal Officers for monitoring the implementation of Special Programmes /Schemes. These Nodal Officers coordinate with the concerned officers and act as a focal point at the district level for timely feedback and action. They also render help in the conduct of field inspections by the officers of this department. (iii) Field Inspections: Through this department the Government receives regular feedback about the progress and effectiveness of various schemes as the officers of the Department file reports based on the field inspections made in the Districts. Even if there is a whiff of any skewed movement in implementation of the scheme, this system of monitoring facilitates the Government in taking mid–course correction in implementation of a scheme. (iv) Frequency of Committee Meeting: High Level Monitoring Committee: The High Level Monitoring Committee meeting is convened normally once in a month. However, if the Chairman desires, the meetings are convened even within a month from the earlier meeting. 27 Special Programme Implementation Department DIRECTORY OF OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES (Section 4(1)(b)(ix) of Right to Information Act, 2005) Sl. No Name and Designation of the Officer Telephone (STD Code No.044) Office Residence 1) Dr.Shanthini Kapoor, I.A.S., Prl.Secretary to Government. 25670997 2) Thiru T.S.Rajasekar, Additional Director. 3) Fax E.Mail 24919584 25676231 spisec@ tn.gov.in 25676234 24671434 25676235 spidept@ tn.gov.in Thiru A.G.Selvamani, District Revenue Officer. 25674314 --- 25674315 spidept@ tn.gov.in 4) Thiru P.Muthupandy, Deputy Secretary to Government (Schemes). 25676237 24580164 25676239 spidept@ tn.gov.in 5) Thiru A.Balasubramanian, Deputy Secretary to Government (Admn). Thiru F.Charles Maria Joseph, Joint Director 25676236 24580446 25676239 spidept@ tn.gov.in 25665091 22651688 --- spidept@ tn.gov.in 7) Tmt.L.Hemalatha, Deputy Director. 25665091 - - spidept@ tn.gov.in 8) Tmt.K.Jeyalalitha Under Secretary to Govt. 25676239 25676239 spidept@ tn.gov.in 6) 28 Special Programme Implementation Department MONTHLY REMUNERATION RECEIVED BY EACH OF THE OFFICERS AND STAFF INCLUDING THE SYSTEM OF COMPENSATION AS PROVIDED IN THE REGULATION (Section 4(1)(b)(x) of Right to Information Act, 2005) SL. NO. NAME OF THE OFFICER DESIGNATION PRINCIPAL SECRETARY TO GOVERNMENT 1. Dr.Shanthini Kapoor , I.A.S., Principal Secretary (Basic Pay Rs.79000 + Allowances) ADDITIONAL DIRECTOR 2. Thiru T.S.Rajasekar Additional Director (Basic Pay Rs.61060 + GP Rs.8800 +Allowances) DISTRICT REVENUE OFFICER 3. Thiru A.G.Selvamani District Revenue Officer (Basic Pay Rs. 22670/- + Grade Pay Rs.7600/- + Allowances) DEPUTY SECRETARIES TO GOVERNMENT 4. Deputy Secretary to (Basic Pay Rs. 26900 + GP Rs.7600 Government (Schemes). Thiru P.Muthupandy + Allowances) 5. Thiru A.Balasubramanian (Basic Pay Rs. 26900 + GP Rs.7600 + Allowances) Deputy Secretary to Government (Admn.) JOINT DIRECTOR 6. Thiru F. Charles Maria Joseph (Basic Pay Rs. 28620 + GP Rs.7600 29 Joint Director + Allowances) 30 UNDER SECRETARY TO GOVERNMENT 7. Tmt K.Jeyalalitha (Basic Pay Rs. 23910 + GP Rs.6600 + Allowances) Under Secretary to Government DEPUTY DIRECTOR 8. Deputy Director Tmt. L.Hemalatha Basic Pay Rs. 26980 + GP Rs.6600 + Allowances) SECTION OFFICERS 9. Section Officer Tmt.P.Indira (Basic Pay Rs. 18950 + GP Rs.5400 + Allowances) 10. Section Officer Selvi R.Rameeza Banu (Basic Pay Rs. 16230 + GP Rs.5400 + Allowances) PRIVATE SECRETARIES 11. Tmt. K.Govindalakshmi 12. Tmt.G.Revathy 13. Tmt.K.Revathy (Basic Pay Rs. 21450 + GP Rs.5400 + Allowances) (Basic Pay Rs. 21290 + GP Rs.5400 + Allowances) (Basic Pay Rs. 18550 + GP Rs.5400 + Allowances) Private Secretary Private Secretary Private Secretary SYSTEM ANALYST 14. System Analyst Thiru S.Senthilkumar (Basic Pay Rs. 15600 + GP Rs.5400 + Allowances) STATISTICAL OFFICER 15. Thiru S.Sukumar (Basic Pay Rs. 21610 + GP Rs.5100 + Allowances) 31 Statistical Officer ASSISTANT SECTION OFFICERS 16. Assistant Section (Basic Pay Rs.11060 + GP Rs.4600 + Officer (OP) Tmt.S.Vijayalakshmi Allowances) 17. Assistant Section (Basic Pay Rs.9720 + GP Rs.4600 + Officer (Sch.1) Thiru B.Sivakumar Allowances) 18. Assistant Section (Basic Pay Rs.9720 + GP Rs.4600 + Officer (Sch.2) Tmt.P.Umamageswari Allowances) 19. Assistant Section (Basic Pay Rs.9720 + GP Rs.4600 + Officer (Bills) Tmt.S.Kanimozhi Allowances) STATISTICAL INSPECTOR 20. Thiru P.Gopal Statistical Inspector (Basic Pay Rs.17680 + GP Rs. 4800 + Allowances) 21. Statistical Inspector Tmt. K.Poongodi (Basic Pay Rs.17890 + GP Rs.4800 + Allowances) SENIOR PERSONAL CLERK 22. Selvi A.Saraswathi Senior Personal Clerk (Basic Pay Rs.11430 + GP Rs.4200 + Allowances) TYPIST 23. Tmt.R.Vijayakumari Typist (Basic Pay Rs.6420 + GP Rs.2400 + Allowances) 24. Typist Tmt.V.Banumathy (Basic Pay Rs.5910 + GP Rs.2400 + Allowances) 32 DRIVERS 25. Driver Thiru G.Subramani (Basic Pay Rs.14510 + GP Rs.4200 + Allowances) 26. Thiru K.Periyasamy Driver (Basic Pay Rs.8210 + GP Rs.2400 + Allowances) 27. Driver Thiru K.Saravanan (Basic Pay Rs.5920 + GP Rs.2400 + Allowances) 28. Driver Thiru Y. Sunildhas (Basic Pay Rs. 5200 + GP Rs.2400 + Allowances) OFFICE ASSISTANTS 29. Office Assistant Tmt.K.Amudha (Basic Pay Rs.5180 + GP Rs.1300 + Allowances) 30 Thiru A.Ravisankar Office Assistant (Basic Pay Rs.5180 + GP Rs.1300 + Allowances) 31. Tmt.S.Malathi Office Assistant (Basic Pay Rs.5180 + GP Rs.1300 + Allowances) 32. Thiru G.N.Mohan Office Assistant (Basic Pay Rs.4800 + GP Rs.1300 + Allowances) 33. Office Assistant Tmt.V.Malliga (Basic Pay Rs.8550 + GP Rs.1300 + Allowances) PUBLIC RELATIONS OFFICER 34. Thiru V.Satchidanandam Public Relations Officer (Consolidated Pay Rs.20,000/-) 33 DRIVERS (On consolidated pay RS. 7500/-) 35. Thiru D.Subramanian Driver (on contract basis) 36. Thiru M.Karunakaran Driver (on contract basis) Note : The basic pay of the officers and employees is fixed under the provisions contained in Rule 22 of Fundamental Rules. In addition to the basic pay, the officers and employees are entitled to draw other allowances such as Dearness Pay, HRA, CCA as per the orders in force. 34 Special Programme Implementation Department BUDGET ALLOCATION OF EACH OF ITS AGENCY, INDICATING THE PARTICULARS OF ALL PLANS, PROPOSED EXPENDITURES AND REPORTS ON DISBURSEMENTS MADE (section 4(i) (b) (xi) of Right to Information Act, 2005) The Special Programme Implementation Department handles two State Schemes, viz., i) the Scheme for Distribution of Fan, Mixie and Grinder to Women beneficiaries and ii) the scheme for distribution of Laptop Computers to Students. The details of the Budget Estimate for all these are given below: Secretariat : Special Programme Implementation Department PLAN SCHEMES (Rs. in lakhs) BE 2014-15 Scheme Name Expenditure upto 30.06.2014 2202-80-800-JC-0906 Free distribution of Laptop computers to the students 81400.00 4551.48 2202-80-789-JE-0938 Free distribution of laptop computers to the students under special component plan 2202-80-796-JA-0931 Free distribution of laptop computer to the students under Tribal Area – Sub Plan. 2235-60-200 KU-2407-Free distribution of Electric Fans, mixies and grinders. 27500.00 1537.66 1100.00 61.51 148000.00 61568.00 50000.00 20800.00 2000.00 832.00 2235-60-789-JU-2402 Free distribution of Electric Fans, mixies and grinders under special Component plan 2235-60-796-JR-2403 Free distribution of Electric Fans, mixies and grinders under Tribal Area – sub plan. 35 Special Programme Implementation Department THE MANNER OF EXECUTION OF SUBSIDY PROGRAMME, INCLUDING THE AMOUNTS ALLOCATED AND THE DETAILS OF BENEFICIARIES OF SUCH PROGRAMMES (section 4(i) (b) (xii) of Right to Information Act, 2005) The two Schemes implemented by this Department are i) the Scheme for Distribution of Fan, Mixie and Grinder to Women beneficiaries and ii) the scheme for Distribution of Laptop Computer to students. The first scheme is implemented by the District Collectors in Districts other than Chennai and the second scheme is implemented through the District Collector, Commissioner of Technical Education, Director of Collegiate Education and the Director of School Education. In Chennai, the Commissioner, Corporation of Chennai, is incharge. The procurement of Fan, Mixie and Grinder is done by the Tamil Nadu Civil Supplies corporation and that of Laptop Computer is done by ELCOT Ltd. The beneficiaries are given the benefits as per the guidelines issued in respect of these schemes. 36 Special Programme Implementation Department PARTICULARS OF RECIPIENTS OF CONCESSIONS, PERMITS OR AUTHORIZATIONS GRANTED BY IT (section 4(i) (b) (xiii) of Right to Information Act, 2005) No concession or permit or authorization has been granted by this Department to the individuals or firms or companies. 37 Special Programme Implementation Department DETAILS IN RESPECT OF THE INFORMATION AVAILABLE TO OR HELD BY IT, REDUCED IN AN ELECTRONIC FORM (section 4(i)(b) (xiv) of Right to Information Act, 2005) The Public can obtain information about the functioning of the Department in the following web sites: 1) Web site of Special Programme Implementation Department www.tn.gov.in 2) Important G.Os. and Policy Note 2013-14 of Special Programme Implementation Department are available at www.tn.gov.in 38 Special Programme Implementation Department PARTICULARS OF FACILITIES AVAILABLE TO CITIZENS FOR OBTAINING INFORMATION (section 4(1) (b) (xv) of Right to Information Act, 2005) The information are posted in the Notice Board, Newspapers, Web site, Exhibitions and other means of advertising. No library is available for providing information. 39 Special Programme Implementation Department NAME AND DESIGNATION AND OTHER PARTICULARS OF PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICERS (under section 4(i)(b) (xvi) Right to Information Act, 2005) Public Information Officer: Name Tmt. K.Jeyalalitha Designation Under Secretary to Government (Schemes) STD Code 044 Phone No. Office: 25676239 Intercom 5069 Fax Address 25676239 Under Secretary to Government, Special Programme Implementation Department, Secretariat, Chennai-9. Appellate Authority Name Thiru T.S.Rajasekar Designation Additional Director (Schemes) STD Code 044 Phone No. Office: 25676234 Fax 25676235 Address Additional Director (Schemes), Special Programme Implementation Department, Secretariat, Chennai-9. Dr.SHANTHINI KAPOOR PRINCIPAL SECRETARY TO GOVERNMENT 40
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