American Pharmacists Association
2215 Constitution Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20037-2985
800-237-APhA (2742)
For more information, contact APhA Senior Education Manager:
Sally Taber
Phone: 202-429-4119
Fax: 202-628-5425
Version: JFPS 2014, revised 7/11/14
Table of Contents
Introduction ................................................................................................... 2
JFPS Online Speaker System ............................................................................ 3
Presentation Planning Checklist ........................................................................ 4
Educational Needs Assessment (ACPE Standard 2)………………………………………….. 5
Continuing Pharmacy Education Activities (ACPE Standard 3) ………………………….. 6
ACPE Activity Types ..................................................................................
Learning Levels .......................................................................................................... 7
Education Tracks/Target Audience ............................................................................... 8
CPE Activity Objectives (ACPE Standard 4) ........................................................ 9
Standards for Commercial Support (ACPE Standard 5) ....................................... 10
Recommended Speaker Resource: National Faculty Education Initiative ........................ 11
Faculty (ACPE Standard 6) ............................................................................... 12
Teaching and Learning Methods (ACPE Standard 7) ........................................... 13
Educational Materials (ACPE Standard 8) .......................................................... 15
Guidelines and Suggestions for Effective Presentations ..................................................... 15
Delivering Your Content ........................................................................................ 15
Interactive Learning ............................................................................................. 15
Summarizing the Presentation ............................................................................... 15
Using Humor and Examples................................................................................... 16
Being a Presentation Professional .......................................................................... 16
Tips for Preparing Presentation PowerPoint Slides ................................................... 16
Obtaining Permissions for Copyrighted Material................................................................ 17
Presentation Review Process .......................................................................................... 18
Assessment of Learning (ACPE Standard 9)....................................................... 20
Sample Self-Assessment Questions ................................................................... 20
Assessment Feedback (ACPE Standard 10) ....................................................... 22
Americans with Disabilities Act ......................................................................... 23
The American Pharmacists Association (APhA) develops every educational activity based
on the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) Standards for Continuing
Pharmacy Education. The following document is organized according to these
standards. All speakers need to be aware of the ACPE requirements for education
providers to ensure the highest quality education for our learners.*
APhA cordially invites speakers to contact the Education Manager for their education
activity to ask questions about the development of education sessions, submission of
materials, or fulfillment of accreditation requirements. We look forward to working with
you and providing support in the preparation of your education session.
* For more information on ACPE Standards for Continuing Pharmacy Education, please go to
JFPS Online Speaker System
Key information for JFPS 2014 speakers is accessible through an online system via the
conference website at www.jfpsinfo.org.
This system allows you to:
Access and complete your speaker agreement.†
Access and complete your financial disclosure form.
Access and complete your speaker information verification form.
View your final session description and learning objectives, and check that they
reflect the content of your planned presentation.
Upload your draft PowerPoint presentation for review.
Upload your current curriculum vitae/brief bio.
Upload your final PowerPoint presentation.
To log in to the system:
1. Please go to www.jfpsinfo.org and click on the tab for Education.
2. Then click on the link for Speaker Sign In.
3. Your login and password were sent to you in an e-mail from Sally Taber.
If you have any questions or have problems accessing the online speaker system,
please contact Sally Taber at staber@aphanet.org or 202-429-4117.
† The speaker agreement and any offered compensation package, which you received from
APhA, are non-transferable to another speaker. Please contact your Education Manager
promptly if you are unable to present.
Presentation Planning Checklist
As you develop your presentation materials, please use this checklist to ensure that the
following items, based on ACPE requirements, are addressed. More information on
these items is presented in the following pages.
 The content is appropriate for the learning level assigned to the presentation.
 All stated learning objectives have been met.
 Self-assessment or pretest/posttest questions have been developed to reinforce
the learning objectives and to assess whether the audience learned what you
were teaching them. These should be serious, challenging questions to assess
the learners’ knowledge.
 Interactive activities have been incorporated to support the learning objectives.
See page 13 of this manual for suggestions to help increase learning among
participants at live educational offerings.
 The presentation is fair and balanced.
 Generic names of medications are preferable. Brand names should not be used
when discussing medications unless all brands within the respective class are
mentioned, and the generic name must accompany the brand name.
 The presentation is based on the best available, evidence-based research.
 Permission to use material that was developed by another source (e.g., cartoons,
photos, videos, graphics, figures) has been granted. Please note, you will need
to provide evidence to APhA that permission has been granted.
 References are provided either on the respective slides or in a compilation slide
at the end of the presentation.
 Additional resources (e.g., worksheets, case studies, checklist) and reading
material (e.g., bibliography), as applicable, are included.
Educational Needs Assessment (ACPE Standard 2)
The provider must develop continuing pharmacy education (CPE) activities based on a
multifaceted process where educational needs are prospectively identified.
All education activities developed by APhA are a result of a needs analysis which
identifies gaps in knowledge of the intended audience.
All learning objectives for your education session have been developed with these gaps
in mind, so please work with your Education Manager on any recommended changes.
Continuing Pharmacy Education Activities
(ACPE Standard 3)
The provider must structure each CPE activity to meet the knowledge-, applicationand/or practice-based educational needs of pharmacists and technicians.
APhA structures our learning activities based on these three factors:
ACPE Activity Types
Learning Levels
Education Tracks/Target Audience
The following detailed information will assist you in planning your education session.
ACPE Activity Types
Activity types are used to designate the style of learning opportunity that will be
available through the education activity for participants.
The activity type for your session has been identified through the education needs
process and is listed on your speaker agreement and the session description.
Knowledge-based activities are designed for participants to acquire factual
knowledge. Learning is typically assessed based on questions to recall facts. An
example is the standard lecture-format session with audience questions and
Application-based activities encourage participants to apply the information they
have learned. Learning is typically assessed through the incorporation of case
studies or other activities that engage participants. Sessions that include an
opportunity to work through a problem or case and get feedback from the instructor
fit this activity type. If your session has been identified as this type, it must include
application-based activities that are directly associated with the learning objectives.
Practice-based activities allow participants to expand or enhance their
competencies. They consist of both didactic and practice components and offer at
least 15 contact hours of CPE. Learning is assessed based on formative and
summative assessments. This activity type was previously known by the term
“certificate training programs.”
Please review the activity type designated for your session. Include all necessary
components set forth by ACPE to ensure that your session meets the activity type
Learning Levels
In an effort to assist pharmacy professionals with their selection of appropriate
education activities, the content of each education session has been categorized into
one of three levels of expertise:
Level 1: Baseline knowledge of the subject area is required. The information
presented will be a primer on the topic and appropriate for a wide range of
Level 2: Experience with the topic is recommended, but advanced expertise or
specialty practice in the subject area is not necessary. These educational offerings
will focus on expanding the learner’s knowledge and application of the new and/or
more complex information.
Level 3: Substantial knowledge and/or specialty experience with the subject area
will be necessary to achieve a full understanding of the information presented.
These educational offerings will focus on expanding current expertise.
Please review the learning level assigned to your session. The content and delivery
style should satisfy this level.
Requirement for Level 3 Presenters: Additional Resources for Participants
If your session is a level 3, you are asked to provide additional references or reading
material for participants to review prior to attending your session. Such resources
should supplement the content of your session. If your session is a level 1 or 2,
supplying additional resources is encouraged but not required. APhA will post the
citations for or electronic links to these resources on the meeting website.
Examples of additional resources include:
Links to clinical practice guidelines relevant to the session content.
Citations for journal articles or links to the articles if access is free to the public
Links to websites that support the session content.
These resources enhance the learning process and prepare the learner for your session.
Education Tracks
JFPS education sessions are categorized into specific tracks designed to represent the
practice area or general pharmacy content area. The tracks are designed to help
pharmacy professionals identify ways to translate theory into practice, become more
efficient managers and caregivers, and stimulate a positive impact across practice
Each education session is assigned to at least one of these tracks:
Clinical Patient Care: Covers disease states and their management.
Implementing Patient-Centered Care: Best practices to successfully plan
and implement patient-centered care, including medical home programs and
medication therapy management (MTM) models of care.
Pharmacy Business Operations, Management and Professional
Leadership: Focuses on operational and leadership skills needed to effectively
work in or lead a federal pharmacy.
Target Audience
The JFPS audience will consist of pharmacists and pharmacy technicians who are:
Employees of the Public Health Service or Veterans Administration
Active duty, reserve, or retired from the Army, Navy, Air Force, or Coast Guard
Civilian pharmacists or technicians assigned to DoD or Coast Guard facilities
If your session has been designated for both pharmacists and pharmacy technicians,
this is indicated in the session description.
CPE Activity Objectives (ACPE Standard 4)
The provider must develop objectives for each CPE activity that define what the
pharmacists and technicians should be able to do at the completion of each CPE
Objectives must be:
Specific and measurable
Developed to specifically address the identified educational need (Standard 2)
Addressed by an active learning activity (Standard 7)
Covered by a learning assessment (Standard 9)
For many APhA educational activities, APhA staff will provide recommended learning
objectives. If you have any changes to the learning objectives, please contact your
APhA Education Manager and discuss to ensure that any changes are aligned with the
identified educational need.
Learning objectives in your presentation must match the learning objectives that APhA
files with ACPE; therefore, any changes must be made at least 4 weeks before the
presentation is given.
If you have been asked to develop learning objectives for your session, please use the
following guidelines:
Education session submissions should include 3 to 5 learning objectives for a 1to 2-hour session.
Learning objectives should provide clear statements of the anticipated results to
be achieved through the activity.
Learning objectives must be measurable and use action-oriented
phrases to finish this sentence: “Upon completion of this activity,
participants will be able to.…”
Action-oriented objectives that are measurable within the scope of knowledgebased and application-based activities begin with words such as: identify, list,
describe, define, outline, compare, analyze, evaluate, and explain.
Do not begin objectives with indeterminate words such as: understand,
comprehend, know, or learn.
Standards for Commercial Support
(ACPE Standard 5)
The provider must plan all CPE activities independent of commercial interest. The
educational content must be presented with full disclosure and equitable balance.
Appropriate topics and learning activities must be distinguished from topics and
learning activities which are promotional or appear to be intended for the purpose
of endorsing either a specific commercial drug, device, or other commercial
product (as contrasted with the generic product/drug entity and its contents or
the general therapeutic area it addresses), or a specific commercial service (as
contrasted with the general service area and/or the aspects or problems of
professional practice it addresses).
APhA adheres to all requirements of the ACPE Standards for Commercial Support in
order to ensure that presentations provide fair and balanced pharmacy
education. All presenters of CPE activities need to be aware of this standard and
recognize that you are responsible for helping to ensure APhA’s compliance. In
particular, speakers are expected to:
1. Disclose any relevant financial relationships with any commercial interest
using the financial disclosure section of your speaker’s agreement. (Standard
5: Guideline 5.2) Refusal to disclose will disqualify you as a presenter.
2. Refuse to accept any payment other than that provided directly by APhA for
the development and delivery of your presentation. (Standard 5: Guideline
3. Develop a presentation that promotes improvements or quality in health care
and not a specific proprietary business interest of a commercial interest.
(Standard 5: Guideline 5.5.a)
4. Use generic names in presentations. If trade names must be used, all trade
names must be included. (Standard 5: Guideline 5.5.b)
5. Recognize that APhA will disclose to the learners at the beginning of an
activity any relevant financial relationships of speakers and others involved in
the development and delivery of the activity or the absence of such
relationships. (Standard 5: Guideline 5.6.a, 5.6.b, and 5.6.e)
6. If you are an employee of a commercial interest and you are in control of
content within an activity that relates to your business line or products, you
are ineligible to participate in this activity. Please notify APhA immediately.
For additional information from the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education, go
to www.acpe-accredit.org/ceproviders/standards.asp.
If you have any questions about the ACPE Standards for Commercial Support,
please contact Sally Taber at staber@aphanet.org or 202-429-4117.
Recommended Speaker Resource: National Faculty Education Initiative
APhA recommends that all speakers review the excellent educational presentation
on the differences between certified continuing medical education and promotional
activities available through the National Faculty Education Initiative (NFEI) website
at www.nfeinitiative.org/. Although registration is required, the activity is free of
charge and takes approximately 30 minutes to complete. The NFEI has been
endorsed by ACPE.
Faculty (ACPE Standard 6)
The provider must communicate and collaborate with CPE activity faculty regarding
the identified educational needs, intended audience, objectives, active participation,
and learning assessments for each CPE activity.
An APhA Education Manager will provide information to you on your education session
title, description, learning objectives, audience, activity type, and learning level by e-mail
or through the online speaker system. Please review this information promptly and if you
have any concerns or recommended changes, please contact your Education Manager.
In addition, JFPS speakers are required to submit the following information either
through our online speaker system, if available, or on a printed form sent by your
Education Manager:
A financial disclosure form for you and your spouse/partner. You will not be
allowed to present your education session if APhA has not received this
information prior to the conference or education activity.
A copy of your current curriculum vitae or brief bio. This will not be shared with
participants, but is required for our ACPE files.
For paid speakers, an annual W-9 form and payment information must be
Teaching and Learning Methods (ACPE Standard 7)
The provider must assure that all CPE activities include active participation and
involvement of the pharmacist and technician.
ACPE‡ offers some suggestions on ways to add learning activities to your education
session that will stimulate active participation, as follows:
1. When planning an educational offering, keep the content focused and do not
cover too much information.
2. Start the session with an overview of the content in the educational offering and
explain why it is of value to the participants; end with a summary of the key
3. Relate new information to concepts that participants already know.
4. Break up information into “mini-lectures” (e.g., no more than 8 to 10 minutes)
followed by examples with opportunities to discuss, practice, or reflect.
5. Prepare a variety of examples from different sensory domains to reinforce new
 Verbal — anecdotes, cases
 Still images — drawings, photographs
 Moving images — animations, videos
 Tactile examples — medical devices, models
6. Develop activities that require participants to relate the new information to their
own practice or personal experience:
 Give participants a few minutes to write or think of ways that they could
change their practice with the new information.
 Have participants solve cases that were based on their own needs (e.g.,
through needs assessments).
 Ask participants to share relevant issues for discussion.
7. Design activities to get the maximum number of participants to respond:
 Ask participants to write or solve a problem individually.
 Ask questions and poll the participants through a show of hands.
 Have participants discuss an issue or work with the person seated next to
 When possible and educationally beneficial, have participants work in
small groups.
8. Assess the participants’ learning and give feedback to help them improve:
 Observe participants during learning activities (as in the suggestions
above) and address any misconceptions.
 Have participants respond to questions in order to solve a case (e.g.,
through polling); then use the responses as an opportunity to discuss
concepts in more detail.
9. Tell participants where to find additional sources of information, highlighting
specific references of value based on participants’ prior questions and comments.
‡ © 2005, Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education. Adapted and used with permission.
Educational Materials (ACPE Standard 8)
The provider must offer educational materials for each CPE activity that will enhance
participants’ understanding of the content and foster applications to pharmacy
To assist speakers in developing their presentation and any additional handouts, this
section has information on:
Guidelines and suggestions for effective presentations.
Obtaining permissions for copyrighted material.
Presentation review process.
For most education sessions, APhA will use your final PowerPoint presentation and
convert it into a pdf format that will be posted as an education handout on the
conference website.
Guidelines and Suggestions for Effective Presentations
Delivering Your Content
Please present your material based on the published session description and
learning objectives. As you prepare to speak, remember that the audience is there
to hear you based on the session description and objectives provided prior to the
educational activity.
Most live sessions are 1 hour long. The most effective speakers are those who keep
the presentation moving — but do not rush through the content.
Interactive Learning
Refer to “Teaching and Learning Methods” on page 13 for suggestions on involving
your audience in their learning experience. When attendees ask questions, please
make sure you repeat the questions into the microphone so everyone in the
audience will be able to hear the question.
Summarizing the Presentation
Please include a summary slide, including all major take-away points to conclude
your presentation.
Using Humor and Examples
Most of us remember key points better if they are followed by a humorous story or
relevant real-life examples. When a joke is relevant to a discussion, the retention is
even greater. Humor can be a great way to build rapport with your audience.
However, the audience is there to learn from your expertise, not your punch line —
too much humor can be a turnoff. Keep in mind, a joke that may not be offensive
to you can be offensive to others.
Being a Presentation Professional
In accordance with ACPE guidelines and general professional etiquette, speakers
must refrain from selling or endorsing a product or service during the presentation.
Please be sensitive to issues of diversity with regard to gender, race, religion,
ancestry, national origin, physical challenges, age, and sexual orientation in your
If the room environment or something about your presentation is less than perfect,
don’t draw attention to it by apologizing. Quietly mention any concerns you have to
APhA staff or session moderators, and they will work to correct any problems that
may occur.
Very few people like presentations that are merely read from a script. Rehearse
your presentation before you arrive and in the Speaker Ready Room so you do
not appear dependent on your notes and visual aids.
Don’t put in too many slides for the time allotted — the suggested recommendation
is one slide per minute. Make sure you allow time to answer questions at the
conclusion of your presentation.
Tips for Preparing Presentation PowerPoint Slides
Visual images must be large enough for the audience to easily see and
Visual information should be instantly recognizable. Label all charts, diagrams,
etc. To add clarity, use color that shows up clearly when projected on a large
screen (avoid light colors except when against a dark background).
Try not to crowd too much text on a slide. Use key words or brief phrases
instead of complete sentences.
Use at least 24 point font for text so information is readable by the audience.
Double-space between lines of information or use bullet points to distinguish
Tables, charts, and graphs:
– Aim to limit tables to no more than 4 to 6 columns of data.
– Aim to use only 2 to 3 curves on a line graph.
– Aim to limit bar graphs to approximately 5 vertical columns.
– Make sure the darkness and width of all lines does not compete with the
Remember: the audience is seated at a distance from you when they are viewing
these images.
Obtaining Permissions for Copyrighted Material
Are you thinking of including a cartoon, cool graphic, chart, figure, or anything that has
been published previously to capture your audience’s attention? Please check that your
material is in the public domain or that you have obtained permission to use it in your
PowerPoint presentation. If you have obtained permission to use a graphic, please
include a reference at the bottom of your slide along with the phrase “Used with
permission” and provide a written or electronic copy of the permission to APhA.
Some websites or authors state that a presenter may use a graphic for a single
presentation. However, please be aware that most presentations are posted as
handouts on the conference website, thereby making the content publicly available and
searchable by anyone — and thus do not conform to the “single use” requirement.
There are many sources for public domain material that can be used in your
presentation. Here are some sources that you may want to search:
Many resources are available on U.S. government websites and do not require
copyright permissions. However, be sure to check and appropriately cite reuse
restrictions from each site:
– Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Public Health Image Library
– National Cancer Institute Visuals Online
– National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine Image
– National Eye Institute Photos and Images
– National Human Genome Research Institute Digital Media
– National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Image Library
– National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases
Image Gallery
Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering Image
Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases Image
Institute of General Medical Sciences Image and Video Gallery
Institutes of Health Photo Galleries
Library of Medicine’s Images from the History of Medicine
For cartoons from a website or newspaper, contact the cartoonist and ask for
permission to use the cartoon. Remember to put a reference at the bottom of
your slide and be sure to provide a copy of the written or electronic permission
to APhA.
For a succinct overview of copyright issues, the Copyright Clearance Center
presents a helpful 6-minute video, Copyright Basics, which outlines essential
information on relevant copyright concerns. The video is available at:
Presentation Review Process
As part of APhA’s CPE development process, all PowerPoint presentations and other
educational handouts submitted for CPE sessions undergo an educational review. Your
presentation will be evaluated by an independent reviewer to ensure that the learning
objectives will be met and that all ACPE Standards for Continuing Pharmacy Education
are maintained. This review also will ensure that you have submitted self-assessment
(pretest/posttest) questions for your session and that any formatting necessary for
additional outcomes analysis is included.
You will be provided with a summary of the review findings and asked to make any
necessary edits or provide clarifications. Then, you will submit a final presentation that
APhA will use to create a pdf handout for posting online and the presentation will be
loaded to the session meeting room for your on-site education session.
Reviewers will be assessing the following elements:
Have the learning objectives been met?
Does the presentation appear to include the requirements for the assigned ACPE
activity type?
Is the presentation targeted to the assigned learning level?
Are interactive activities incorporated?
Are self-assessment questions introduced prior to content delivery?
Are self-assessment questions reviewed following content delivery?
Is the slide layout effective?
Is the presentation well-organized and educationally sound?
Are there any grammar or spelling issues?
Taking into account all speakers involved, does the presentation appear to be the
appropriate length?
Are references for all previously published content included and have permissions
for copyrighted materials been granted?
Is the program fair and balanced? Reviewers will be provided with information on
any relevant financial relationships identified on your financial disclosure form.
The review process is an integral component of APhA’s development of CPE sessions
and most speakers find it an extremely valuable part of their preparation for the
Assessment of Learning (ACPE Standard 9)
The provider in collaboration with faculty must include learning assessments in each
CPE activity to allow pharmacists and technicians to assess their achievement of the
learned content. Completion of a learning assessment is required for CPE credit.
All education sessions are required to include learning assessments that allow the
participants to determine whether they have learned the material. Feedback should be
provided to the participants so they can assess what they have learned. We ask all
speakers to do the following to facilitate this process:
1. Please develop 3 to 5 self-assessment questions for your session.
2. All self-assessment questions should be asked at the very beginning of the
session or prior to the delivery of the relevant section of content. This will help
you better understand your audience’s baseline knowledge.
3. Questions should be based on the learning objectives that have been developed
for your session.
4. Develop quality questions that can truly assess the knowledge of the
participants. For example, avoid simple questions (e.g., True/False questions)
that allow the participants a 50/50 chance to guess the correct answer. See
“Sample Self-Assessment Questions” below for examples of quality questions.
5. At the end of the session, ask the same set of questions. This will allow both
you and the participants to determine whether they have met the session
learning objectives and provide an opportunity for discussion of any remaining
areas of confusion.
Sample Self-Assessment Questions
Your self-assessment questions can include either knowledge-based questions or
interactive cases that can assess if the participants can apply information they have
learned in the session.
In order to ensure that this process allows us to assess the participants’ learning, it is
critical that we have quality self-assessment questions. We have provided you with two
examples of quality questions on the following page. Please contact APhA if you have
any questions about developing self-assessment questions or the assessment process.
1. JC is a newly diagnosed HIV+ woman who is ready to start HAART with
emtricitabine/tenofovir (Truvada) and ritonavir (Norvir)–boosted darunavir
(Prezista). She has heard that HAART is difficult to take and it can make
her feel sick. She states that she is “allergic” to everything, including
sulfas. Her only other medications are diltiazem and HCTZ for
hypertension. What counseling information would you provide to JC?
a. Take darunavir and ritonavir at different times to improve
b. Can take medications with or without food.
c. Cross-reaction of sulfas with emtricitabine/tenofovir.
d. Cross-reaction of darunavir with sulfas.
e. Must avoid acid-reducing agents.
2. Patient Case
 58 yo M
 Medications: clonazepam, HCTZ, naproxen, vitamin E
 BP 148/92, HR 94
 Phys exam: normal, some lower extremity edema
 EKG: No ischemic changes
Which of the following antianginal medications would you add to his
DHP calcium channel blocker.
Non-DHP calcium channel blocker.
While development of self-assessment questions is challenging, it provides an
opportunity to compare the participants’ knowledge before and after the session.
Assessment Feedback (ACPE Standard 10)
The provider must ensure learner assessment feedback is provided to participants in
an appropriate, timely, and constructive manner.
ACPE provides the following guidance for education presenters:
Please plan on allocating 5 to 15 minutes of your education session for a
thorough review of the self-assessment questions with your learners and to allow
time for questions and discussion.
Ask your audience: Do you understand the information presented? What
questions do you have?
The feedback provided should be consistent with the learning assessment
(Standard 9), activity objectives (Standard 4), and activity type (Standard 3).
Verbal and written feedback may be provided as follows:
Knowledge-based CPE activity: Feedback may include the correct
response to questions. For incorrect responses, the provider is encouraged to
communicate that the question was answered incorrectly and provide the
rationale for the correct responses.
Application-based CPE activity: Feedback may include the correct
evaluation of case studies. When responses are incorrect, the provider is
encouraged to explain the rationale for the correct responses.
Practice-based CPE activity: Feedback should be provided based on the
formative and summative assessments that were used to demonstrate that
the pharmacist or technician achieved the stated objectives.
APhA requires that all speakers provide an opportunity within the learning experience to
give participants the answers to any unanswered questions.
Americans with Disabilities Act
APhA is committed to meeting the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Please contact Sally Taber at staber@aphanet.org or 202-429-4117 if you require
special accommodations.