CAD/CAM Laboratory Manual 2014 ` KONGU ENGINEERING COLLEGE (Autonomous) PERUNDURAI, ERODE - 638 052 DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING 11ME507 - CAD/CAM LABORATORY LABORATORY MANUAL Prepared by FACULTYOF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING KONGU ENGINEERING COLLEGE (Autonomous) PERUNDURAI, ERODE-638 052 Department Of Mechanical Engineering,Kongu Engineering College,Perundurai, Erode - 638 052 CAD/CAM Laboratory Manual 2014 11ME507 CAD/CAM LABORATORY L 0 T 0 P 3 C 1 Objective: 1. To teach Students about solid modeling of machine components and assembly of components using CAD software. 2. To demonstrate students the CNC code generation using CAM software and Manual part programming in CNC machines for various operations. Prerequisites: 1. CAD/CAM/CIM 2. Machine Drawing LIST OF EXPERIMENTS COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN (CAD) 18 Objective: To learn and obtain the knowledge in creating a model by utilizing the softwares. 1 3D Part modeling – protrusion, cut, sweep, draft, loft, blend, rib 2 Editing – Move, Pattern, Mirror, Round, Chamfer 3 Assembly – creating assembly from parts – assembly constraints 4 Conversion of 3D solid model to 2D drawing - different views, sections, isometric view and dimensioning 5 Introduction to Surface Modeling 6 Introduction to File Import, Export – DXF, IGES, STL, STEP 7 3D modeling of machine elements likeFlanged coupling, screw jack etc. 8 Mass property calculations and interference check COMPUTER AIDED MANUFACTURING (CAM) Objective: To learn and develop the skill in creating a component by utilizing the Automated Machines. MANUAL PART PROGRAMMING (Using G and M Codes) in CNC lathe 9 Part programming for Linear and Circular interpolation. 10 Part programming using standard canned cycles for Turning. 18 MANUAL PART PROGRAMMING (using G and M codes) in CNC milling 11 Part programming for Linear and Circular interpolation and Contour motions. 12 Part programming involving canned cycles for Drilling, Peck drilling, and Boring SIMULATION AND NC CODE GENERATION 13 NC Code generation using CAD / CAM softwares - Post processing for standard CNC Controls like FANUC, Simens etc. 9 TOTAL: 45 Department Of Mechanical Engineering,Kongu Engineering College,Perundurai, Erode - 638 0522 | P a g e CAD/CAM Laboratory Manual 2014 Course Outcomes: 1. Develop various machine components and their assembly using modeling software. 2. Write part programs using G & M codes for lathe and milling operations. 3. Generate the G & M codes using MASTER CAM software. REFERENCES / MANUALS/SOFTWARE: Pro-E Wildfire 3.0 CATIA V5R12 Master CAM Programme Outcomes: A total of 13 program outcomes have been formulated for the Mechanical Engineering program. These outcomes are defined as the skills and competencies students are expected to have at the time of graduation. The Program Outcomes are: Graduates will demonstrate a. An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering. b. An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data. c. An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints. d. An ability to function in multidisciplinary teams. e. An ability to identify, formulate and solve engineering problems. f. An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility. g. An ability to communicate effectively. h. The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context. i. Recognition of the need for and an ability to engage in continuous learning. j. Knowledge on contemporary issues. k. An ability to use the techniques, skills and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice. l. An ability to work professionally in thermal, manufacturing and mechanical systems areas including the design and realization of such systems with the use of computational tools. m. An ability to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of economics/financial management, project management and entrepreneurship skills. Department Of Mechanical Engineering,Kongu Engineering College,Perundurai, Erode - 638 0523 | Pa g e CAD/CAM Laboratory Manual 2014 Mapping of course outcome and program outcome Course outcome of the CAD/CAM Lab is mapped with program outcomes as follows PO /CO a b c d e f g h i j k l m i) ii) iii) iv) Strong Contribution Average Contribution Low Contribution Department Of Mechanical Engineering,Kongu Engineering College,Perundurai, Erode - 638 0524 | P a g e CAD/CAM Laboratory Manual 2014 LIST OF EXPERIMENTS: Ex no Description 1. Part drawing of simple components 2. Flange Coupling 3. Simple Eccentric 4. Connecting Rod 5. Stuffing Box 6. Study of G codes M codes used in CNC LATHE HMT CNC- T70 7. Study of G codes M codes used in VMC 200 T MACHINING CENTRE 8. 9. 10. 11. Programming and machining of given component using CNC Trainer Lathe (HMT CNC T70) Programming and machining of a component using CNC Turning Centre (Jobber XL) Programming and machining of a component using CNC Turning Centre (Jobber XL) (Drilling and Boring) Programming and simulation of a component using MASTERCAM (Lathe) 12. NC code generation using MASTER CAM LATHE 13. NC code generation using MASTER CAM MILL Page no 8 11 13 15 17 19 24 26 31 36 39 41 43 Department Of Mechanical Engineering,Kongu Engineering College,Perundurai, Erode - 638 0525 | Pa g e CAD/CAM Laboratory Manual 2014 S.No Date Content Page No Marks Awarded CoE (10) Obs (10) Rec (10) Viva (10) Total 40 Department Of Mechanical Engineering,Kongu Engineering College,Perundurai, Erode - 638 0526 | P a g e Sign CAD/CAM Laboratory Manual 2014 TOTAL Department Of Mechanical Engineering,Kongu Engineering College,Perundurai, Erode - 638 0527 | Pa g e CAD/CAM Laboratory Manual 2014 EX.NO: Date: PART DRAWING OF SIMPLE COMPONENTS AIM: 1. To draw the part modeling of the simple components as shown below by using Pro/E software and obtain its respective views. 2. To find the mass properties of given drawings. COMMANDS USED: Extrude, Revolve, Line, Circle, Round, Chamfer etc, PROCEDURE: 1. Study the given drawing completely. 2. Draw the cross section of front view. 3. Extrude the drawn section using extrude command for the given dimension. 4. Next select the appropriate plane and draw the other sections in similar way. 5. Also remove the materials where ever needed. 6. Using chamfer and round tools, make the sharp edges blunt. 7. Finally the part drawing is converted into the required drawing format. RESULT: Thus the part modeling of the simple components as shown below was drawn by using the Pro/E software and mass properties were calculated. Department Of Mechanical Engineering,Kongu Engineering College,Perundurai, Erode - 638 0528 | P a g e CAD/CAM Laboratory Manual 2014 1. 2. Department Of Mechanical Engineering,Kongu Engineering College,Perundurai, Erode - 638 0529 | Pa g e CAD/CAM Laboratory Manual 2014 3. 4. Department Of Mechanical Engineering,Kongu Engineering College,Perundurai, Erode - 638 05210 | P a g e CAD/CAM Laboratory Manual 2014 EX.NO: Date: FLANGE COUPLING AIM: 1. To draw the detailed view of the flange coupling and assemble the parts by using the Pro/E software and obtain its respective views. 2. To find the mass properties of the final assembly. COMMANDS USED: Sketch, Extrusion, Revolve, Pattern, Mate, Align, Helical Sweep, Round, Chamfer etc,. PROCEDURE: PART DRAWING: FLANGE: Draw the sectional view of the flange in the sketcher mode. Draw the middle axis line for the purpose of using revolve command and make the flange. Make the keyway and holes by using extrude material (remove) command. Round the sharp edges of the flange by using round tool command. SHAFT AND KEY: Use extrude command to make the shaft and the keyway. Use extrude command to make the key. BOLT AND NUT: Use the extrude command to make the bolt head and shank of the bolt. Use the helical sweep command to make the thread in bolt shank. Use the extrude and helical sweep commands to make the nut with thread. ASSEMBLY: Use the mate, align, insert and pattern commands to assemble the flange coupling. DETAILED DRAWING: Use the drawing mode makes the respective views and bill of materials. RESULT: Thus the Detailed View of the Flange Coupling along withit’s respective views and mass properties have been found. Department Of Mechanical Engineering,Kongu Engineering College,Perundurai, Erode - 638 05211 | Pa g e CAD/CAM Laboratory Manual 2014 Department Of Mechanical Engineering,Kongu Engineering College,Perundurai, Erode - 638 05212 | P a g e CAD/CAM Laboratory Manual 2014 EX.NO: Date: SIMPLE ECCENTRIC AIM: To draw the detailed view of the Simple eccentric component and assemble the parts by using the Pro/E software and obtain its respective views. COMMANDS USED: Sketch, Extrusion, Revolve, Mate, Align, Round, Chamfer etc,. PROCEDURE: PART DRAWING: STRAP NO. 1: Use the extrude command and draw the strap No. 1. STRAP NO. 2: Use the extrude command and draw the strap No. 1. SHEAVE AND SHIM: Use the extrudecommand to make the sheave and shin parts. BOLT AND NUT: Use the extrude command to make the bolt head and shank of the bolt. Use the helical sweep command to make the thread in bolt shank. Use the extrude and helical sweep commands to make the nut with thread. ASSEMBLY: Use the mate, align, insert and pattern commands to assemble the Simple eccentric component. DETAILED DRAWING: Use the drawing mode to make the respective views and bill of materials. RESULT: Thus the Detailed View of the Simple eccentric componentand it’s respective views have been drawn. Department Of Mechanical Engineering,Kongu Engineering College,Perundurai, Erode - 638 05213 | Pa g e CAD/CAM Laboratory Manual 2014 Department Of Mechanical Engineering,Kongu Engineering College,Perundurai, Erode - 638 05214 | P a g e CAD/CAM Laboratory Manual 2014 EX.NO: Date: CONNECTING ROD AIM: To draw the detailed view of the Connecting Rodand assemble the parts by using the Pro/E software and obtain its respective views. COMMANDS USED: Sketch, Extrusion, Revolve, Pattern, Mate, Align, Helical Sweep, Round, Chamfer etc, PROCEDURE: PART DRAWING: CONNECTING ROD: Using Extrude command the Connecting rodis drawn. BUSH, STUD, PIN: Using Extrude command,bush, stud and pin aredrawn. BEARING BRASSES, DISTANCE PIECE, COVER, WASHER: Using Extrude command, the parts of the connecting rod are drawn. NUT: Use Extrude and Helical sweep commands to make the nut with thread. SPLIT PIN: Using Extrude command the split pin is drawn. ASSEMBLY: Use the mate, align, insert and pattern commands to assemble the connecting rod. DETAILED DRAWING: Use the drawing mode to make the respective views and bill of materials. RESULT: Thus the Detailed View of the Connecting rod and it’s respective views have been drawn. Department Of Mechanical Engineering,Kongu Engineering College,Perundurai, Erode - 638 05215 | Pa g e CAD/CAM Laboratory Manual 2014 Department Of Mechanical Engineering,Kongu Engineering College,Perundurai, Erode - 638 05216 | P a g e CAD/CAM Laboratory Manual 2014 EX.NO: DATE: STUFFING BOX AIM: To draw the detail view of the Stuffing Boxand assemble the parts by using the pro-e software and obtain its respective views. COMMANDS USED: Sketch, Extrusion, Revolve, Pattern, Mate, Align, Helical Sweep, Round, Chamfer etc, PROCEDURE: PART DRAWING: CYLINDER: Using Extrude, Cut and Round Commands the cylinder has been drawn. NUT: Using Extrude, Cut and Round Commands the nut has been drawn. GLAND BUSH: Using Extrude and Cut Commands the gland bush has been drawn. PISTON ROD: Using Extrude and Cut Commands the piston rod has been drawn. PACKING: Using Revolve command the packing has been drawn. ASSEMBLY AND DETAILED DRAWING: Using the Assembly and Drawing mode to make the respective views and bill of materials. RESULT: Thus the Detail View of the Stuffing Boxand the it’s respective views has been drawn. Department Of Mechanical Engineering,Kongu Engineering College,Perundurai, Erode - 638 05217 | Pa g e CAD/CAM Laboratory Manual 2014 Department Of Mechanical Engineering,Kongu Engineering College,Perundurai, Erode - 638 05218 | P a g e CAD/CAM Laboratory Manual 2014 Ex. No.: Date : Study of G codes and M codes for Part Programming G Codes & M Codes for CNC Trainer Lathe (HMT CNC- T70) G - Codes G00 G01 G02 G03 G04 G25 G26 G33 G37 G38 G39 G65 G66 G67 G70 G71 G81 G84 G83 G90 G91 G92 G94 G95 RAPID TRAVERSE POSITIONING LINEAR INTERPOLATION CIRCULAR INTERPOLATION CLOCKWISE CIRCULAR INTERPOLATION COUNTER CLOCKWISE DWELL PROGRAM TRANSFER FROM SYSTEM PROGRAM TRANSFER TO SYSTEM THREADING SUBROUTINE CALL SUBROUTINE START SUBROUTINE END CASSETTE LOAD CASSETTE SAVE CASSETTE SEARCH INCH MODE METRIC MODE TURNING CYCLE THREADING CYCLE DRILLING WITH DWELL ABSOLUTE PROGRAMMING INCREMENTAL PROGRAMMING PROGRAM PRESET FEED PER MINUTE FEED PER REVOLUTION M - Codes M00 M02 M30 PROGRAM STOP PROGRAM END PROGRAM END AND REWIND G Codes & M Codes for CNC Trainer Machining Centre (HMT VMC 200 T) G - Codes G00 G01 G02 RAPID TRAVEERSE POSITIONING LINEAR INTERPOLATION CIRCULAR INTERPOLATION CLOCKWISE Department Of Mechanical Engineering,Kongu Engineering College,Perundurai, Erode - 638 05219 | Pa g e CAD/CAM Laboratory Manual 2014 G03 G04 G17 G18 G19 G25 G26 G37 G38 G39 G40 G41 G42 G65 G66 G67 G70 G71 G80 G82 G83 G84 G85 G86 G88 G89 G90 G91 G92 CIRCULAR INTERPOLATION COUNTER CLOCKWISE DWELL INTERPOLATION X-Y PLANE INTERPOLATION X-Z PLANE INTERPOLATION Y-Z PLANE PROGRAM TRANSFER FROM SYSTEM PROGRAM TRANSFER TO SYSTEM SUBROUTINE CALL SUBROUTINE START SUBROUTINE END CUTTER COMPONSATION CANCEL CUTTER COMPONSATION LEFT CUTTER COMPONSATION RIGHT CASSETTE LOAD CASSETTE SAVE CASSETTE SEARCH INCH MODE METRIC MODE CANNED CYCLE CANCEL DRILLING CYCLE DRILLING WITH DWELL CYCLE PECK DRILL/WITHDRAWL CYCLE BORING CYCLE PCD DRILLING CYCLE RECTANGULAR MILLING CYCLE CIRCULAR MILLING CYCLE ABSOLUTE PROGRAMMING INCREMENTAL PROGRAMMING PROGRAM PRE SET M - Codes M00 M02 M03 M04 M05 M06 M30 PROGRAM STOP END OF PROGRAM SPINDLE START CW SPINDLE START CCW SPINDLE STOP TOOL CHANGE PROMPTING END OF PROGRAM & REWIND Department Of Mechanical Engineering,Kongu Engineering College,Perundurai, Erode - 638 05220 | P a g e CAD/CAM Laboratory Manual 2014 G Codes & M Codes for CNC Turning Centre (JOBBER XL) G - Codes G00: G01: G02: G03: G04: G10: G20: G21: G22: G23: G25: G26: G27: G28: G30: G31: G33: G34: G36: G37: G40: G41: G42: G53: G54: G55: G56: G57: G65: G68: G69: G70: G71: G72: G73: G74: G75: G76: G77: G78: G79: POSITIONING LINEAR INTERPOLATION CIRCULAR INTERPOLATION CW CIRCULAR INTERPOLATION CCW DWELL OFF SET VALUE SETTING (O) INCH METRIC STORED STROKE CHECK ON (O) STORED STROKE CHECK OFF (O) SPINDLE SPEED DETECT OFF SPINDLE SPEED DETECT ON REF. POINT RETURN CHECK REF. POINT RETURN 2ND (3,4) REF. POINT RETURN SKIP CUTTING THREAD CUTTING VARIABLE LEAD THREAD CUTTING (O) AUTO TOOL OFF SET X-AXIS (O) AUTO TOOL OFF SET Z-AXIS (O) TOOL NOSE RADIUS COMPENSATION CANCEL TOOL NOSE RADIUS COMPENSATION LEFT (O) TOOL NOSE RADIUS COMPENSATION RIGHT (O) SUPPRSSION OF ZERO OFFSET SETTABLE ZERO OFFSET SETTABLE ZERO OFFSET SETTABLE ZERO OFFSET SETTABLE ZERO OFFSET MACRO CALL (O) DOUBLE TURRETS MIRROR ON (O) DOUBLE TURRETS MIRROR OFF FINISHING CYCLE (O) ROUGH CUTTING (TURNING) (O) ROUGH CUTTING (FACING) (O) ROUGH CUTTING (PROFILE) (O) GROOVING (FACING) (O) GROOVING TURNING (O) THREAD CUTTING CYCLE (MULTI) (O) TURNING CYCLE THREAD CUTTING CYCLE FACING CYCLE G90: G91: G92: G94: G95: G96: G97: ABSOLUTE INCREMENTAL COORDINATE SYSTEM SETTING OR MAX. SPINDLE SPEED SETTING PER MINUTE FEED PER REVOLUTION FEED CONSTANT SURFACE SPEED (O) REVOLUTION PER MINUTE (RPM) M - Codes M00: M01: M02: M03: M04: M05: M07: M09: M10: M11: M16: M18: M19: M20: M30: M32: M33: M35: M46: M47: M50: M51: M78: M79: M82: M83: M84: M85: M98: M99: PROGRAM STOP OPTIONAL STOP PROGRAM END AND RESTART SPINDLE ROTATION CW SPINDLE ROTATION CCW SPINDLE STOP COOLANT ON COOLANT OFF CHUCK DECLAMP CHUCK CLAMP CHUCK 1D SELECTION CHUCK 0D SELECTION SPINDLE ORIENTATION SPINDLE ORIENTATION CANCEL END OF MAIN PROGRAM TAILSTOCK QUIL FORWARD TAILSTOCK QUIL RETRACT PARTS CATCHE RETRACT DOOR OPEN DOOR CLOSE SPINDLE LOCK SPINDLE UNLOCK STEADY REST OPEN STEADY REST HOLD TAIL STOCK BODY FWD/ UNCLAMP TAILSTOCK BODY RET / CLAMP TOUCH PROBE ARM FORWARD TOUCH PROBE ARM RETRACT SUB PROGRAM CALL SUB PROGRAM END Department Of Mechanical Engineering,Kongu Engineering College,Perundurai, Erode - 638 05221 | Pa g e CAD/CAM Laboratory Manual 2014 G Codes and M Codes for Vertical Machining Centre (L Mill 55) G - Codes G00 Rapid positioning G57 Work coordinate system 4 selection G01 Linear interpolation G58 Work coordinate system 5 selection G02 Circular interpolation CW G59 Work coordinate system 6 selection G03 Circular interpolation CCW G73 Peck drilling cycle G04 Dwell G74 Reverse tapping cycle G09 Exact stop G76 Fine boring cycle G10 Data setting G80 Canned cycle cancel G20 Inch input G81 Drilling cycle G21 Metric input G82 Counter boring cycle G28 Zero return G83 Peck drilling cycle G30 Second Reference Point G84 Tapping cycle G40 Tool nose radius compensation cancel G85 Boring cycle G41 Tool nose radius compensation left G86 Boring cycle G42 Tool nose radius compensation right G87 Back boring cycle G43 Tool length offset G88 Boring cycle G52 Location coordinate system G89 Boring cycle G53 Machine coordinate system selection G90 Absolute command G54 Work coordinate system 1 selection G91 Incremental command G55 Work coordinate system 2 selection G98 Initial point level return (canned cycle) G56 Work coordinate system 3 selection G99 Point R level return Department Of Mechanical Engineering,Kongu Engineering College,Perundurai, Erode - 638 05222 | P a g e CAD/CAM Laboratory Manual 2014 M - Codes M00 Temporary program stop M30 Program end and rewind M01 Optional stop M50 Oil hole coolant on M02 Program end M60 Loading pallet B M03 CW spindle rotation M62 Loading pallet A M04 CCW spindle rotation M63 Unloading pallet A M05 Spindle stop M73 Y - Axis mirror image off M06 Tool change M74 Y - Axis mirror image on M07 Secondary coolant ON M75 X - Axis mirror image off M08 Coolant pump ON M76 X - Axis mirror image on M10 4th axis clamp M98 Sub-program call M11 4th axis unclamp M99 Sub-program end M19 Spindle oriented stop Department Of Mechanical Engineering,Kongu Engineering College,Perundurai, Erode - 638 05223 | Pa g e CAD/CAM Laboratory Manual 2014 Ex. No.: Date : Programming and machining of given component using CNC Trainer Machining Centre (HMT VMC 200T) Aim: To write a part program for the given component and draw the machining profile for the same using HMT VMC 200T machining centre. Tools Required: 1. Tools 2. Aluminium shaft 3. Vernier caliper Procedure: 1. Write the part program for the given component using G codes and M codes. 2. Using the simulation software or by running the machine in test mode check the program and if there is any error make the correction in the program. 3. Fix the work piece on the vice. 4. Move the tool to the start point of the work piece by manual mode. 5. Reset the Machine. 6. Change the machine from manual mode to single block mode or auto mode. 7. Execute the program to get the required shape of the work piece. 8. Remove the machined work piece from the vice. Program: % N01 N02 N02 N03 N04 N05 N06 N07 N08 N09 N10 N11 N12 G90 G70 M03S200 G92 X0 Y0 Z0 G18 G01 Z500 F80 G17 G01 X2000 Y5000 G18 G01Z-500 G17 G01 Y2000 G18 Department Of Mechanical Engineering,Kongu Engineering College,Perundurai, Erode - 638 05224 | P a g e CAD/CAM Laboratory Manual 2014 N13 N14 N15 N16 N17 N18 N19 N20 N21 N22 N23 N24 N25 N26 N27 N28 N29 N30 N31 N32 N33 N34 N35 N36 N37 N38 N39 N40 N41 N42 N43 N44 N45 N46 N47 N48 N49 N50 N51 N52 N53 N54 N55 N56 N57 N58 G01 Z500 G17 G01 Y3500 G18 G01 Z-500 G17 G01 X5000 Y5000 G18 G01 Z500 G17 G01 X3000 Y4000 G18 G01 Z-500 G17 G01 X5000 Y2000 G18 G01 Z500 G17 G01 X9000 Y5000 G18 G01 Z-500 G17 G01 X6000 Y5000 G01 Y2000 G01 X9000 G18 G01 Z500 G17 G01 X6000 Y3500 G18 G01 Z-500 G17 G01 X8000 G18 G01 Z500 G17 G01 X12600 Y2500 G18 G01 Z-500 G17 G02 X12600 Y4500 I-1100 J1000 G18 G01 Z500 G17 G01 X0Y0 M30 Department Of Mechanical Engineering,Kongu Engineering College,Perundurai, Erode - 638 05225 | Pa g e CAD/CAM Laboratory Manual 2014 Result: The part program for the given part is written and the machining profile was generated for the given part. All Dimensions are in mm Groove Depth 5 mm Ex. No.: Department Of Mechanical Engineering,Kongu Engineering College,Perundurai, Erode - 638 05226 | P a g e CAD/CAM Laboratory Manual 2014 Date : Programming and machining of given component using CNC Trainer Lathe (HMT CNC T70) Aim: To write a part program for the given component and draw the machining profile for the same using HMT CNC T70 Trainmaster Lathe. Tools Required: 1. Tools 2. Aluminium shaft 3. Vernier caliper Procedure 1. Write the part program for the given component using G codes and M codes. 2. Using the simulation software or by running the machine in test mode check the program and if there is any error make the correction in the program. 3. Fix the marking paper on the given table 4. Move the tool to the start point of the work piece by manual mode. 5. Reset the Machine. 6. Change the machine from manual mode to single block mode or auto mode. 7. Execute the program to get the required machining profile of the component required. 8. Remove the drawn sheet from the table. Program % N01 G90 – Absolute programming N02 G71 – Metric Mode N03 G92 X0Z0 Program pre set N04 G81 X-200 Z-6500 F200 (G81 – Turning cycle) N05 G81 X-400 Z-5500 N06 G81 X-600 Z-4500 N07 G81 X-800 Z-3500 N08 G81 X-1000 Z-3400 N09 G81 X-1200 Z-3300 N10 G01 X-1500 Z0 N11 G01 X-1300 Z-200 N12 G01 X-1300 Z-3000 N13 G02 X-900 Z-3500 I500 K0 N14 G01 X-400 Z-5500 N15 G01 X-400 Z-6500 N16 G01 X0 Z-6500 N17 G01Z0 N18 M30 Department Of Mechanical Engineering,Kongu Engineering College,Perundurai, Erode - 638 05227 | Pa g e CAD/CAM Laboratory Manual 2014 Result The part program for the given model is written and the machining profile is drawn for the generated program. Department Of Mechanical Engineering,Kongu Engineering College,Perundurai, Erode - 638 05228 | P a g e CAD/CAM Laboratory Manual 2014 Profile Turning using CNC - T 70 lathe Profile Turning 1 All Dimensions are in mm Profile Turning 2 Department Of Mechanical Engineering,Kongu Engineering College,Perundurai, Erode - 638 05229 | Pa g e CAD/CAM Laboratory Manual 2014 All Dimensions are in mm Department Of Mechanical Engineering,Kongu Engineering College,Perundurai, Erode - 638 05230 | P a g e CAD/CAM Laboratory Manual 2014 Ex. No.: Date : Programming and machining of a component using CNC Turning Centre (Jobber XL) Aim: To write a part program for the given component and machine the same using JobberXL CNC turning centre. Tools Required: 1. Tool 2. Mild Steel shaft 3. Micro meter 4. Vernier Procedure: Write the part program for the given component using G codes and M codes. Study the drawing carefully to plan for the machining operations. Use the Man Machine Interface to programme the given geometry Set the job and the offset for the given workpiece. Use the processor for the operation sequence and set the parameters of the operation Select all the operations for the Simulation purpose and execute the program and verify the same in JobberXL CNC turning centre. Execute the program and remove the work piece from the Clamp. Program: % O0700 (FACING) T0000 G21 T0810 G92S1250M04 G96S210 G00X55.0Z0M07 G01X-1.0F0.1 G00Z1.0 (OD TURNING) G92S1250M04 G96S210 Department Of Mechanical Engineering,Kongu Engineering College,Perundurai, Erode - 638 05231 | Pa g e CAD/CAM Laboratory Manual 2014 X51.0 G71U1.0R2.0 G71P1Q3U0.2W0.1F0.1 N1G00X21.0 G01Z0 G01X25.0Z-2.0 Z-30.0 G02X35.0Z-35.0R5.0 G01X43.0Z-55.0 Z-65.0 N3X51.0 G97M09 T0000 G28U0W0 (FINISHING) T0611 G92S1200M04 G96S240 X55.0Z2.0M07 G70P1Q3F0.1 G97M09 T0000 G28U0W0M09 (THREADING) T0212 G97S100M04 G00X25.0Z5.0M07 G76P035060Q200R100 G76X23.773Z-25.0P613Q400F1.0 S0T0000 G00X0Z0M09 M05 G28U0W0 M30 Result: The part program for the given model is written and the given workpiece is machined as per the given dimension. Department Of Mechanical Engineering,Kongu Engineering College,Perundurai, Erode - 638 05232 | P a g e CAD/CAM Laboratory Manual 2014 All Dimensions are in mm THREAD DATA CHART: Metric Thread -- Fine Pitch Nominal Size ISO MF 25x1.0 Threa d Form Type M Major Diameter mm Pitch mm Root Radius mm Pitch Diameter mm Minor Diameter Female Thd. D1 Thread Height Male Thd. h3 Thread Height Female Thd. H1 Tap Drill Diameter mm d2=D2 Minor Diameter Male Thd. d3 d=D p r 25.00 1.00 0.144 24.350 23.773 23.917 0.613 0.541 24.00 Department Of Mechanical Engineering,Kongu Engineering College,Perundurai, Erode - 638 05233 | Pa g e CAD/CAM Laboratory Manual 2014 For JobberXL CNC Turning Centre CANNED CYCLE-G71-G76 (MULTIPLE REPETITIVE CYCLE) : G71 STOCK REMOVAL IN TURING. G71 U_R_; G71 P_Q_U_W_F_; G71 U∆d Re; G71 pnsQnfU∆uW∆wFf; ∆d = Depth of cut in radius e = ns = figure. nf = ∆u = F = Tool escape / tool retraction distance Sequence number of the first block of the program which specifies the finish Sequence number of the last block of the program which specifies the finish figure. Finish allowance on “x”axis / diameter Feed. Department Of Mechanical Engineering,Kongu Engineering College,Perundurai, Erode - 638 05234 | P a g e CAD/CAM Laboratory Manual 2014 Department Of Mechanical Engineering,Kongu Engineering College,Perundurai, Erode - 638 05235 | Pa g e CAD/CAM Laboratory Manual 2014 Ex. No.: Date : Programming and machining of a component using CNC Turning Centre (Jobber XL) (Drilling and Boring) AIM: To write a part program for the given component and machine the same using JobberXL CNC turning centre. TOOLS REQUIRED: 1. Tool 2. Mild Steel shaft 3. Micro meter 4. Vernier PROCEDURE: 1. Write the part program for the given component using G codes and M codes. 2. Using the simulation software or by running the machine in test mode check the program and if there is any error make the correction in the program. 3. Fix the work piece on the chuck. 4. Move the tool to the start point of the work piece by manual mode. 5. Reset the Machine. 6. Change the machine from manual mode to single block mode or auto mode. 7. Execute the program to get the required shape of the work piece. 8. Remove the machined work piece from the chuck. PROGRAM: O1505 (DRILLING & BORING) T0000 N1 (FACING) G21 T0820 G92S1250M04 G96S210 G00X55.0Z0M07 G95G01X-1.0F0.1 G00Z1.0 X45.0 Department Of Mechanical Engineering,Kongu Engineering College,Perundurai, Erode - 638 05236 | P a g e CAD/CAM Laboratory Manual 2014 G01X53.0Z-3.0 M05 G97M09 T0000 G28U0W0 N2 (CENTRE DRILLING) T0121 M04S600G97 G00X0Z20.0 M07Z5.0 G01Z-10.0F0.1 M09G00Z10.0 M05 T0000 G28U0W0 N3 (DRILLING) T0522 (DRILL BIT DIA 13) M04S600G97 G00X0Z0 M07G95G98G83Z-63.0R-30.0Q4000F0.1 G80M05M09 T0000 G28U0W0 N4 (DRILLING) T0323 (DRILL BIT DIA 15) M04S600G97 M07G00X0Z0 G99G83Z-66.0R-30.0Q5000F0.1 M09G80M05 T0000 G28U0W0 N5 (BORING) T0724 (BORING TOOL) M04S600G97 G00X15.8Z20.0M07 M07Z5.0 G01Z-25.0F0.1 G00X15.0 Z1.0 X19.0 G01X16.0Z-0.5 Z-25.0 Department Of Mechanical Engineering,Kongu Engineering College,Perundurai, Erode - 638 05237 | Pa g e CAD/CAM Laboratory Manual 2014 G00X15.0 M09Z5.0M09 M05 T0000 G28U0W0 M30 RESULT: The part program for the given model is written and the given workpiece is machined as per the given dimension. All Dimensions are in mm Department Of Mechanical Engineering,Kongu Engineering College,Perundurai, Erode - 638 05238 | P a g e CAD/CAM Laboratory Manual 2014 Ex. No.: Date : Programming and simulation of a component using MASTERCAM (Lathe) Aim: To draw the profile of the given part diagram, verify the simulation and generate the part program using MASTERCAM software. Tools Required: 1. MASTERCAM software Procedure: 1. Open the MASTERCAM software and study the basic tools in the software 2. Study the given drawing carefully. 3. Select the lathe as a default machine and the start drawing the given part diagram. 4. After completing the part drawing, generate the stock and chuck for holding the workpiece. 5. Select the machining operation to be done for the part generated. 6. Select the tool and machining parameters. 7. Verify the generated operation and check whether there is any tool collision. 8. Generate NC code and then save the code in the desired location. Result Thus the part has been drawn and the NC code is generated for the given component. Department Of Mechanical Engineering,Kongu Engineering College,Perundurai, Erode - 638 05239 | Pa g e CAD/CAM Laboratory Manual 2014 All Dimensions are in mm All Dimensions are in mm Department Of Mechanical Engineering,Kongu Engineering College,Perundurai, Erode - 638 05240 | P a g e CAD/CAM Laboratory Manual 2014 EX.NO: Date: NC CODE GENERATION USING MASTER CAM LATHE AIM: To generate the NC codes for given profile operation in master CAM lathe COMMANDS USED: Lines, Fillet, Tool Path , operation, job Setup. PROCEDURE: 1. Using lines command draw the basic given profile in the editor by using Multi points option. 2. Use fillet wherever needed. 3. Select Tool Path -> Rough -> Chain and select the lines at each extreme. 4. Then choose Tool path -> Job setup -> Boundary -> Parameters -> OD and Length. 5. Select Done. CODE GENERATION: 1. Select Operation ->Regen Path -> Verify (iso) -> Post. 2. To get the code select Save. RESULT: Thus for given profile the NC code has been generated using master cam lathe. Department Of Mechanical Engineering,Kongu Engineering College,Perundurai, Erode - 638 05241 | Pa g e CAD/CAM Laboratory Manual 2014 Department Of Mechanical Engineering,Kongu Engineering College,Perundurai, Erode - 638 05242 | P a g e CAD/CAM Laboratory Manual 2014 EX.NO: Date: NC CODE GENERATION USING MASTER CAM MILL AIM: To generate the NC codes for given profile operation in master CAM Mill COMMANDS USED: Lines, Fillet, Tool Path , operation, job Setup. PROCEDURE: 1.Select Create ->Rectangle ->I point ->Enter width and height in the dialog box which appears. 2. Select Main menu ->Tool Path ->Contour or Pocketing ->Chain ->Select the required items and click on OK. 3. select Tool Path dialog box give the tool diameter and depth. 4. Select .fob Setup ->Enter x, y, z values and click on OK. CODE GENERATION : 1. Select Operation ->Regen Path -> Verify (iso) -> Post. 2. To get the code select Save. RESULT: Thus for given profile the NC code has been generated using Master CAMMill. Department Of Mechanical Engineering,Kongu Engineering College,Perundurai, Erode - 638 05243 | Pa g e CAD/CAM Laboratory Manual 2014 5 30 Department Of Mechanical Engineering,Kongu Engineering College,Perundurai, Erode - 638 05244 | P a g e
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