and 2014 Fall Product Program Manual Mission Statement Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place. The Girl Scout Promise On my honor, I will try: To serve God and my country, To help people at all times, And to live by the Girl Scout Law. The Girl Scout Law I will do my best to be honest and fair, friendly and helpful, considerate and caring, courageous and strong, and responsible for what I say and do, and to respect myself and others, respect authority, use resources wisely, make the world a better place, and be a sister to every Girl Scout. table of contents Welcome. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 New this Year. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 What is Fall Product? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Contact Information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Fall Product Program Timeline. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Fall Product Program Supply List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Getting Ready for the Fall Product Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Program Logistics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Getting Excited about the Fall Product Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Product List and Troop Proceeds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Understanding Online Sales. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Paper Order Cards. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Share Donations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Fall Product Delivery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Fall Product Cupboard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Rewards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Financial Responsibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Outstanding Accounts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Nut-E: Getting Started. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Nut-E: Service Unit Fall Product Managers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Nut-E: Troop Fall Product Managers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Fall Product Program Lingo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 2014 FALL PRODUCT PROGRAM MANUAL 1 Welcome to the Fall Product Program! Are you ready to get started? By now, your girls are registered, and the paperwork is complete (you think!). You’ve done the training, went to the kick-off (it was great!), held a parent training and troop rally for your girls. Worried about forgetting an important detail or date? Can’t remember what a promise or ACH is? Wait a minute, was I supposed to host a troop rally??? Don’t worry; this manual will guide you through the program step-by-step. Please don’t muddle through the manual. If you aren’t familiar with our jargon yet, refer to our ‘Learn the Girl Scout Fall Product Program Lingo’ vocabulary list located at the end of the manual. First, let’s start with the who, what, where, why, when and how to get the basics of the program. The timeline and supply list directly follows the table of contents and contact information. These simple lists will keep you organized throughout the program. Just refer to them as needed. New this year! NEW »» Girls can now sell nuts and candy directly online. Customers will send emails to friends and family with a link to the Nut Online Store. The product selection on the online store is much bigger than the Council Product Line-up. »» Girls will now sell photo keepsakes online. »» The Council Product line-up will no longer include a Girl Scout tin or the Blueberry Pomegranate Nut Crunch; however, they may be purchased online. »» The Council Product line-up will now include Almond Cran-Orange Crunch and English Butter Toffee. »» Girls can continue to include a Promise Link on her emails. Local customers may wish to avoid delivery charges by using this option. »» Online sales for both nuts and magazines are entered into Nut-E similarly. »» Girls can use the business cards in her Girl Packet to entice her friends and family to shop at the magazine and nut store online. Girls who are entered in the QSP website will get credit for those sales. »» The Fall Product Program will no longer include address books. »» Troops no longer need to enter troop accounts into Nut-E. The ACH is no longer completed using the information in Nut-E. »» Troops no longer need to enter their troop account information into the TPM Agreement. »» The TPM Agreement needs to be completed separately for the Fall and Cookie Program. »» Troop Leaders/Troop Product Managers without a girl in the troop no longer need to enter a fictitious name in the QSP website. 2 GIRL SCOUTS–ARIZONA CACTUS-PINE COUNCIL, INC. What is Fall Product? Understanding the basics of the Fall Product Program; the who, what, where, why, when and how of the Fall Product Program. What is the Fall Product Program? The Fall Product Program is a council-sponsored program that combines educational activities with money earning opportunities. Who is it about? The Fall Product Program is about supporting Arizona Cactus-Pine Girl Scouts and girl learning! Proceeds from the program fund both the troop and the Council, all while girls learn the 5 skills: goal setting, decision making, money management, business ethics and people skills. How does it work? Girls sell nuts and candy, magazines subscriptions, photo keepsakes, nuts and candy to friends and family. Where do girls sell? Girls sell to friends and family either face-to-face or through a secure online program. When do girls sell? Girls may sell September 20 – November 9. Why should my troop participate? Girls learn while financially supporting: »» Unique and innovative troop programming »» Council publications »» Volunteer resources »» Year round maintenance of our Girl Scout camps »» Financial assistance for girls 2014 FALL PRODUCT PROGRAM MANUAL 3 contact information Product Program Team Jena LeMire Alison Walker Gwen Moreno 602-452-7176 602-452-7014 602-452-7125 Volunteer Training & Support Accounts Receivable & Delivery Product Program Manager The Product Program Team has moved! We are still at the same complex, but can now be found in front of the Council Shop. 3806 N. 3rd Street Phoenix, AZ 85012 Monday – Friday, 9am-5pm Council Address and Phone 119 E Coronado Road Phoenix, AZ 85004 602-452-7000 800-352-6133 Emergency Phone Number 602-531-5935 4 GIRL SCOUTS–ARIZONA CACTUS-PINE COUNCIL, INC. fall product program timeline Service Unit Troop Girls/Families Dates Group Activity August/September Service Unit Provide Troop Fall Product Program training August/September Troop Attend Fall Product Program training August/September Service Unit Distribute Fall Product Program troop material Troops cannot participate until agreement form has been signed Troop Sign the Troop Fall Product Manager Agreement Form: Financial Contract and Program/Commitment Requirements online (TPM Agreement) September/October Service Unit Give troop’s access to Nut-E when training is completed and TPM Agreement has been signed Prior to October 4 Troop Check Nut-E for accuracy: verify contact information and add girls if needed September Troop Hold a parent/guardian meeting September 20 Troop Fall Kick-off Before October 4 Girls/Families Pre-orders due to Troop Product Manager October 4 Troop Troop Product Managers input troop pre-orders into Nut-E. Nut-E is locked to troops at 10pm Arizona time. October 5 Service Unit Service Unit Fall Product Managers verify troop preorders are entered in Nut-E. Contact troops that are participating and have not yet placed orders and assist with placement of order. Nut-E is locked at 10 pm Arizona time to Service Unit Fall Product Managers. October 11-12 Service Unit Nut and Candy Delivery October 11-15 Schedule with Service Unit Troop Pick up nuts and candy from the Service Unit October 4 – November 9 Girls/Families Girls continue to sell online, take orders and deliver product Once a week or as needed. Girls/Families Girls turn in money collected to troop 2014 FALL PRODUCT PROGRAM MANUAL 5 fall product program timeline (cont’d) Service Unit Dates 6 Troop Girls/Families Group Activity Before November 11 Troop Troop Fall Product Managers enters online sales, assigns all product in Nut-E to girls and verifies girl rewards Before November 13 Service Unit Service Unit Fall Product Manager verifies troops have assigned all product to girls November 17 Troop Outstanding Account Reports due to Council Product Program Team. Send completed forms to Forms are available online. November 20 Troop ACH: Troops will be debited amount owed to Council December/January Service Unit Rewards will be shipped to Service Unit Fall Product Managers January Troops Service Unit Fall Product Managers distributes rewards to troops GIRL SCOUTS–ARIZONA CACTUS-PINE COUNCIL, INC. fall product program supply list Service Unit Training Material »» »» »» »» »» Service Unit 1 Flash Drive with Training Material Loaded 1 Manual 1 Order Card 1 Product Sample Box 1 Reward Sample Box Material to Distribute to Troops One Per Troop »» Manuals »» Receipt Books »» Troop Money Envelopes »» Photo Keepsake Gift Certificate One Per Girl »» Girls Sales Packet »» Parent/Guardian Permission Slips »» Activity Pieces Troop Materials to Distribute to Girl One Per Girl »» Parent/Guardian Permission Slips »» Activity Pieces »» Girl Packet • • • • Girl Order Cards QSP Online Magazine Program Flier Girl Money Envelopes Girl Business Cards Please contact if you need additional materials. 2014 FALL PRODUCT PROGRAM MANUAL 7 Getting Ready for Fall Product Program! Okay, the first thing that you need to do before starting the program is get the paper work completed and understand how the logistics work. Participation Requirements »» All Service Unit and Troop Fall Product team members must attend training; live trainings are always preferable, but we also offer webinars. Please see our website for details on webinars. »» The Troop Fall Product Manager must sign the Troop Fall Product Manger Agreement Form: Financial Contract and Program/Commitment Requirements. Any person handling money from the Fall Product Program must sign the agreement. The form is on our website. »» All girls must be registered Girl Scouts. »» All girls must have a signed 2014 Parent/Guardian Permission Form: Financial Agreement and Program Requirements on file with the troop. This is extremely important, is valid for both Fall Product and Cookies, and protects the troop if there are issues with money collection. »» Girl Safety • Girls should reference the Internet Safety Pledge when doing online sales: • Girls must follow the safety and etiquette guidelines printed on the order card and on our website »» Keep in mind that Troops may take checks or use PayAnywhere (PayAnywhere is a mobile credit/debit card reader) but please remember the following: • Troops are responsible for all non-sufficient fund fees (bounced checks). • PayAnywhere charges 2.69% of the total sale per swipe. Please see our website for PayAnywhere set-up information. »» Please do not talk to the media. If you are contacted be the media, please direct them to the Council Office at 602-452-7000. 8 GIRL SCOUTS–ARIZONA CACTUS-PINE COUNCIL, INC. Program Logistics – In a Nutshell »» Girls can begin selling September 20, 2014. • Girls send emails to friends and family. • Girls direct customers to the website by using her business cards. • Girls use the order card to sell to friends and family in person. »» Troop Product Manager enters all pre-orders into Nut-E by October 4, 2014. »» Pre-orders are delivered October 11-17, 2014. »» Girls deliver product and collect money »» Girls continue to sell through November 9, 2014. »» Additional Product can be picked up at the Warehouse through November 7, 2014. »» Sale ends on November 9, 2014. »» All product is assigned to individual girls by November 11, 2014. »» Troops submit the Parent Guardian Outstanding Account Form by November 17, 2014 for all parents who have not paid for product. »» Council Proceeds are deducted from the troop account (ACH) on November 20, 2014. »» Girl Rewards are distributed in December/January. 2014 FALL PRODUCT PROGRAM MANUAL 9 Get Excited about Fall Product Program! Attending the Fall Product Program kick-off is a great way to introduce the girls to the program. Girls will be able to sample product, mingle with sister girl scouts and get familiar with the program. 2014 Fall Product Program Kick-Off September 20, 2014 Enchanted Island at Encanto Park Please see our website for registration details. Fall Product Rallies Service Units can help create excitement by hosting Fall Product Rallies. Rallies organically increase girl engagement and participation. By the same token, troops can also host their own Fall Product Rally, or combine resources and plan a rally with a sister troop or two. Whether you decide to have a Service Unit or Troop rally, it’s important to let the girls lead the event. Guide them through the event planning process, but allow them to organize, promote, design, and teach others about the program. The skills they learn will last a lifetime. Additional Program Activities You can find additional activities at Parent Meeting All troops who participate in the program should host a mandatory parent meeting. During the meeting you should explain why participation is important and cover the logistics and products sold. Participation material should be distributed. Topics »» The Parent/Guardian Financial Agreement should be signed at the meeting. Keep your copy. »» Girl learning »» Proceeds and the Fall Product Program: Supporting the council, troop and girl »» Products offered »» Online selling »» In person selling »» Girl Safety »» Financial Responsibility 10 GIRL SCOUTS–ARIZONA CACTUS-PINE COUNCIL, INC. Product List and Troop Proceeds Fall Product is delicious; friends and family won’t be able to resist! And it makes a great gift during the holiday season. Product Price Proceeds Earned Butter Toasted Peanuts – Gluten Free $5.00 $1.00 Fruit Slices – Gluten Free $5.00 $1.00 Salsa Mix $5.00 $1.00 Almond Cran-Orange Crunch – Gluten Free $6.00 $1.00 Mint Penguins – Gluten Free $6.00 $1.00 Deluxe Pecan Clusters $6.00 $1.00 English Butter Toffee $6.00 $1.00 Whole Cashews – Gluten Free $6.00 $1.00 Military Share Nut $5.00 $1.00 Military Share Magazine $5.00 $1.00 Magazine subscriptions or renewal varies $2.00 Photo Keepsakes varies $2.00 Don’t see your favorite item? Never fear, customers will now be able to order all Ashdon Farms product items directly online. Fall Sale Line Up Butter Toasted Peanuts Fruit Slices Salsa Mix Almond Cran-Orange Crunch Dark Chocolate Mint Penguins Deluxe Pecan Clusters English Butter Toffee Whole Cashews 2014 FALL PRODUCT PROGRAM MANUAL 11 Understanding Online Sales Selling Nuts, Candy, magazines and photo keepsakes online Promises, online candy sales, magazines, photo keepsakes… Where do I send what to, who do I deliver to…. Okay, so it can sound confusing, but it’s really simple. Let’s review a few key vocabulary words first. QSP/Nut Online Program The online program is designed for girls to safely send emails to friends and family asking them to make a purchase; items are paid for online and mailed to the customer. Local customers can make a promise to make a nut or candy purchase. Promises Local customers can make a ‘promise’ to purchase a nut or candy item through the QSP online program. Girls must collect the money owed and deliver the product. Girls may only sell ‘promises’ for product that Council has pre-selected. Customers may purchase other items online. Those items will be paid for online and mailed to the customer. Fall Product Business Cards These are business cards that girls receive in their girl packet with the Council number 2689511 listed. The business cards will direct customers to the QSP website to make a purchase. The website will credit the girl for the purchase. Troops, Girls and QSP/Nut Online Program Registration 1. Troop leaders will set-up the troop QSP account. • • Our Council ID number is 2689511 2. Girls must sign up on the QSP website to send emails. • • Girls will use the council ID number 268951 and her troop number to link with her troop. • Girls can use the site even if the troop doesn’t set-up an account, but she will need to report all online sales to her troop leader. 3. Returning girls are able to use last year’s log-in information and can change the troop number. 4. Siblings may use the same log-in information. 12 GIRL SCOUTS–ARIZONA CACTUS-PINE COUNCIL, INC. Magazines, Photo Keepsakes and Purchasing Nuts and Candy Online Girls can sell magazines, photo keepsakes, nuts and candy to friends and family two different ways online. All customers who receive the email or visit the website using the information on the business card, will be directed to the magazine and nut stores. All items purchased at either the magazine or nut store are paid for online and the materials ordered will be shipped directly to the customer. Girls will be given credit for those purchases. »» Girls can send emails through the QSP website. • Girls will need to log-in to the QSP website, set-up their account and simply send emails to friends and family. • The council ID number is 2689511. »» Girls can use Fall Product business cards. • Girls pass out the business cards they receive in their girl packet. • Customers visit the website listed on the card. • Customers enter the council ID number 2689511 listed on the card and girl name to link to the stores. Nuts and Candy: Promises Customers can now make purchases from the entire Ashdon Farms Girl Scouts line. Sounds fantastic, but you may be thinking, what about delivery fees. Yes, customers will have to pay additional delivery fees. And we know that Phil next door will not want to pay a delivery charge for his two cans of cashews, therefore, we set-up a way to help girls sell to Aunt Melissa in Virginia and Uncle Phil next door. Girls can email Nut Promises to local friends and family through the QSP/Nut Online Program. Nut promises are a promise to make a purchase. Girls will still need to collect money and deliver the product. The Nut Promise product line-up mirrors the Council product line-up. Customers who use the Nut Promise will save the delivery charge. Important Reminders »» The Nut Promise box must be selected on the QSP/Nut Online Program to send Nut Promises. »» The Nut Promise link should only be sent to local customers. »» Links to the Magazine and Nut Store are automatically included in every email sent. Examples Aunt Melissa from Virginia can now support her niece living in Arizona and can purchase magazines, photo keepsakes, nuts and candy online. She can pay for the items purchased online and the items will be shipped directly to her door. Although, Girl Scouts Tins are no longer being offered on the Council product line-up, Uncle Phil next door can still purchase a Girl Scout Tin for his wife at the Nut Online Store. Uncle Phil, can also save on delivery charges for his cashew purchase by making a Nut Promise online. 2014 FALL PRODUCT PROGRAM MANUAL 13 Paper Order Cards The paper order card is always a fantastic way to sell nuts and candy to friends and family. And girls are encouraged to use both the paper order card and online tools to promote, market and sell Fall Product. Share Donations What are they and how do they work? Customers can donate nuts/candy and magazines to preselected military troops through the Share program. Item Donated $5.00 nut item (product is chosen by the vendor) $5.00 magazine voucher (vouchers are used towards purchase of magazine subscriptions) Proceeds Earned $1.00 $1.00 How do Share donations work? 1. Customers make a donation either on the order card or through the QSP’s Magazine/Nut online program. 2. The troop will not take possession of the product and Council will donate the items. 3. Unlike orders where the girl must deliver the product, the money for the Share donations is collected UPFRONT. 4. Sales are recorded into Nut-E. 5. Contact the Product Program Team to add additional Share items after October 4, 2014. 14 GIRL SCOUTS–ARIZONA CACTUS-PINE COUNCIL, INC. Fall Product Delivery Initial Order Service Unit Delivery – Phoenix Metro Area »» Service Unit delivery is October 11 or October 12. »» Service Units will be contacted by Dircks, our delivery agent, after the initial order is received to schedule the time and date. »» All product will be delivered on October 11 or October 12 to a location pre-selected by the Service Unit Product Manager. Product will no longer be picked up at Dirks or the Council Warehouse. »» The Service Unit Product Team will schedule troop pick-up times. »» Receipts are issued for all product transfers at both the service unit and troop level. • Be sure to count, recount and count again if necessary. • The party receiving the product is responsible for the accuracy of the count. • Disputes will be decided based upon the receipt record. Initial Order Service Unit Delivery – Extended Area »» Delivery will take place at your location October 13-17. »» Service Units will be contacted by Dircks, our moving agent, after the initial order is received to schedule the time and date. »» The Service Unit Product Team will schedule troop pick-up times. »» Receipts are issued for all product transfers at both the service unit and troop level. • Be sure to count, recount and count again if necessary. • The party receiving the product is responsible for the accuracy of the count. • Disputes will be decided based upon the receipt record. 2014 FALL PRODUCT PROGRAM MANUAL 15 Fall Product Cupboard Fall Product is so delicious, after the initial order your customers will be begging for more! What do you do? Where can you go to get more? The centrally located Council Warehouse (next to the Council Shop) is where you’ll find more of the yummy treats! Girl Scout Council Warehouse – 3806 N. 3rd Street, Phoenix, AZ 85012 »» October 15 – November 7, 2014 Monday – Friday 9:00 am – 5:00 pm »» October 18 and 25 Saturday 9:00 am – Noon Extended Area Service Units Don’t despair; we know your customers want more too! Contact the Council Product Program Team at,, and we will ship product to your area. But like all Girl Scouts, we use resources wisely so keep in mind the following: »» Order enough in your initial order, but not too much. Remember there are no returns. »» Orders will be combined when possible and shipped to the Service Unit Fall Product Manager »» If it is the only order, product will be shipped directly to the troop 2014 Rewards Reward Level Reward 10+ Combined Units Sold Puzzle Patch Set 20+ Combined Online Items Sold Small Otter 30+ Combined Items Sold Otter Charm 50+ Combined Items Sold Be Active Set 75+ Combined Items Sold Large Otter or $10 Nutty Bucks 100+ Combined Items Sold Event and 100+ Patch or $20 Nutty Bucks 5 Share items 2014 Share Patch 12 Emails sent Online Patch What are Nutty Bucks? Nutty Bucks are like a typical Gift Card, and is a girl reward earned through selling Fall Product. Girls may choose Nutty Bucks instead of selected Girl Reward items and can be used to pay for a variety of Girl Scout products and activities. Nutty Bucks expires and can only be transferred between siblings. Nutty Bucks can offset costs for… »» Items at the Council Shop »» Resident or Day Camp 16 GIRL SCOUTS–ARIZONA CACTUS-PINE COUNCIL, INC. »» Girl Scout Sponsored Programs »» Membership Dues »» Lifetime Membership »» and Travel! Financial Responsibility This is one of the most important pieces of the manual. Collections can be a tricky subject, especially when trying to collect from a well-known parent. And although there are no guarantees, the Product Program Team has carefully developed guidelines to minimize money related issues that may arise. »» The Troop Fall Product Manager must sign the Troop Fall Product Manger Agreement Form: Financial Contract and Program/Commitment Requirements online. • This form includes a financial agreement. All volunteers who handle money in any way must sign the agreement. • Please do not sign the agreement and then delegate money duties to another person because you may be held responsible for their misuse/mishandling of funds. »» All girls must have a signed 2014-2015 Parent/Guardian Permission Form: Financial Agreement and Program Requirements on file with the troop. • This is extremely important, is valid for both Fall Product and Cookies, and protects the troop if there are issues with money collection. »» All product transactions must have a receipt. Please use designated receipt books to keep accurate record in case of an audit. There must be a receipt for all product going out and all money coming in. This applies to troop and service unit transactions. • Tip! Keep two receipt books, one to document product going out and one to document money coming in. »» Encourage parents to turn in money frequently. Create ‘money Mondays’ or a fun way to collect payment. »» The ACH date for the Fall Product Program is November 20, 2014. ACH is the acronym for ‘Automated Clearing House’ and transfers owed money (from the Fall Progam) from the troop bank account into the Council bank account. »» If the troop has a slow or non-paying parent, contact the Council at productprogram@ immediately. »» Money is collected from customers when the product is delivered. »» Share donations are an exception and because girls do not deliver the product, she must collect money up front. »» Please do not take bills over $20. Troops are responsible for replacing counterfeit money. »» Troops may take checks or use PayAnywhere but please remember the following: • Troops will be responsible for paying any non-sufficient fund fees (bounced checks). • PayAnywhere charges 2.69% of the total sale per swipe. 2014 FALL PRODUCT PROGRAM MANUAL 17 Outstanding Accounts You have followed all the guidelines and recommendations, but now are faced with a parent who cannot, or has not, paid for the product. What do you do? It’s always a challenging situation but the Product Program Team has designed a procedure to ease you through the situation. Your first responsibility is the financial stability of the troop. The girls worked hard and the troop deserves the proceeds from the program. One non-paying parent can wipe out the all troop proceeds from the sale. Regardless of your relationship with the parent, troop leaders must act quickly to protect the troop and the girls. The Council will work with parents to set up a payment plan and will use an outside collection agency if necessary. The guidelines for this procedure are very structured and need to be followed meticulously to ensure a smooth and successful collection of debt. Outstanding Account Report »» Fill out an Outstanding Account Report if a parent fails to make payment for the product. The form can be found on our website or can be emailed to you by request at productprogram@ »» The form can be turned into the Product Program Team, at any time during the sale; but must be turned in by November 17, 2014. »» All transaction receipts, product going out and money coming in must be included with the form. Please attach any email communication pertinent to the collection of debt. »» If the troop fails to submit the form by November 17, 2013 the troop will assume all financial responsibility for any unpaid balances. »» If the balance is paid by the parent after the form has been submitted, contact the Product Program Team immediately and the collection process will not proceed. What if Council is unable to collect? »» The girl will not receive her rewards until the money has been paid. »» The troop will not receive proceeds for unpaid product until the money has been collected. »» Troops with outstanding balances and have not reported it as parent delinquency will not receive proceeds or rewards. »» The Council will take the necessary steps to recover all outstanding debts. »» Anyone who misuses Girl Scout funds will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. »» Can a girl participate in the Fall Product Program if she owes money from a prior sale? To ensure girls are successful, they will only be able to participate in the online sales portion during the Fall Product and at booths during the Cookie Program. 18 GIRL SCOUTS–ARIZONA CACTUS-PINE COUNCIL, INC. Nut-E: Getting Started Nut-E is the online sales tool used by Council, Service Units and Troops to place product orders and submit girl rewards. It is a fun and intuitive system; easy to master and will help manage the Fall Product Program. Logging-in »» Go to »» Log-in – The log-in information will be sent to Service Unit Product Managers by the Product Program Team. »» Make sure you have the 2014-2015 Product Sale selected; click the ‘Sign-In’ button. 2014 FALL PRODUCT PROGRAM MANUAL 19 Nut-E – Service Unit Fall Product Managers The Home Page »» The Home Page gives a quick overview of the sales for your Service Unit and messages from the Product Program Team. »» Navigation buttons are across the top of the screen and allow access to different screen pages. Setting-up your account »» Go to the ‘Service Unit Edit’ screen. Make sure the contact information is correct. Make changes as needed and press save. »» ‘Council Bank Account’ and ‘Delivery Agent’ is for Council use only. »» Add Fall Product Service Unit Team members who need access to Nut-E under ‘Service Unit Users’. »» Create unique messages to communicate with your troops through the ‘Message Center’! 20 GIRL SCOUTS–ARIZONA CACTUS-PINE COUNCIL, INC. Managing your troops The ‘Troops’ page will show all the troops and Fall Product Managers for each troop. Troop Order Status »» To view the status of each Troops Order (Open or Submitted) just click the “Troop Order Status” drop box under the Troop icon »» Hover your mouse over the ‘Troops’ button until you see the sub-menu ‘Troop Order Status’ and click it. »» Check the box to the left of your troops, select ‘Submitted ‘from the drop-down menu and click ‘Apply’. »» Service Units can change the status of a Troops Nut/Candy order until the Service Unit is locked by the Council. »» Once the Council Submits their Nut/Candy order to Ashdon Farms no changes can be made to the Troop Order Status – all will be considered “Submitted”. 2014 FALL PRODUCT PROGRAM MANUAL 21 Sending email messages to your troops. Communicate to your troops by sending email blasts through Nut-E! This is a simple but effective way to communicate important messages about the Fall Product Program. »» Emails may be sent to all troops or a selected few. »» Email messages may include attachments. »» Any Troop with no email listed on their detail page will be highlighted in pink. 22 GIRL SCOUTS–ARIZONA CACTUS-PINE COUNCIL, INC. Reports for the Service Unit and Troops The Reports page allows you to print multiple reports for your entire Service Unit or individual troops. You are able to toggle between the two. The report options include: »» Sales summaries »» Rewards/ Rewards earned »» Girl order summaries »» Detailed Nut-E manuals for troop and service unit for download »» And more! 2014 FALL PRODUCT PROGRAM MANUAL 23 Nut-E – Troop Product Managers The Home Page »» The Home Page gives a quick overview of troop sales and messages from your service unit. »» The navigation buttons are across the top of the screen and allow access to different screen pages. Setting-up your account »» Go to the Troops Screen. Make sure the contact information is correct. Make changes as needed and press save. »» Add Fall Product Team members who need access to Nut-E under ‘Troop Users’. 24 GIRL SCOUTS–ARIZONA CACTUS-PINE COUNCIL, INC. Girl Orders The Girl Orders screen is where you enter pre-orders, additional product, payments and reward orders for girls. Do not press Submit until the entire initial order has been completed. The Submit button will lock the troop out of Nut-E and you will not be able to edit until the re-order phase of the sale. Registration Info Before the Troop can submit their order this field must be filled in with a number equal to or greater than the number of Girls Selling. Entering Girls into Nut-E Please add all registered girls into Nut-E and enter first and last names. (All girls registered early will be pre-populated in the system). »» Click ‘Add Girl Name’ »» Don’t forget to save! 2014 FALL PRODUCT PROGRAM MANUAL 25 Inputting Pre- Orders October 4, 2014 is the final date for entering pre-order product. »» Click the plus sign to the left of a girl’s name to input her order. »» Click the pencil to edit an order. »» Enter the product sold, promises and order card sales. You may also enter all online sales at this time. »» Click “Save”. »» Recognitions will automatically calculate. »» Verify recognitions earned and select choices (if necessary). Click “Save”. »» Save Girls Entire Order (you must click “Yes” to save her order). 26 GIRL SCOUTS–ARIZONA CACTUS-PINE COUNCIL, INC. Submitting the Initial Order »» After all pre-orders have been entered. Click the large pink Submit button on the main Girl Order screen. »» Once you Submit you will not be able to add any more nut or candy pre-orders unless product has been assigned to you from Council.. You can still add magazine and online nut sales information until the end of the sale. Inputting Online Nuts »» This category will look and feel just like the Online Mag Subs category. There will be one cumulative “Online Nuts” column for total units and one cumulative “Online Nuts $” column for total sales. »» These two columns will always precede the regular order card nut/candy items. »» Again, just like the Online Mag Subs category, both the Online Nuts and Online Nuts $ columns will remain open until the council submits their recognition order since they do not have to be entered at the same time as the regular order card nut/candy items. »» Also, the Amount Due will not include Online Nut sales as those monies are paid directly to Ashdon Farms so girls are not responsible for turning in money to their troops. 2014 FALL PRODUCT PROGRAM MANUAL 27 Additional Orders Learn and Earn More! Girls are encouraged to continue to sell until November 9! »» Girls may continue to sell until November 9. »» Additional product is picked up from the Council Cupboard. »» Council staff will input the orders picked-up into Nut-E. »» The additional product will appear in the Girl Order screen on a line titled Troop Special. »» To transfer the product to a girl in your troop (so she gets credit for rewards earned), click the yellow button on the screen titled: Transfer Product Within Troop »» Make sure ‘Troop Special to Girl’ is selected; choose the girl’s name from the drop down and type what product she sold. Click Submit or Save. »» If you select the Girl to Girl option it will give you a message that you have to transfer to the Troop Special first. »» After the Council submits their Recognition order to Ashdon Farms, all girl orders lock and no transfers can be made into or out of a girls order at the Troop level. 28 GIRL SCOUTS–ARIZONA CACTUS-PINE COUNCIL, INC. Girl Payment »» Troops have the ability to track individual Girl Payments in the system. »» These payments will appear on the G2 report. »» Click the Girl Payments button. »» Click “Add Payment”, enter the Amount Paid and Date Paid then click “Update”. Multiple payments can be entered per girl. 2014 FALL PRODUCT PROGRAM MANUAL 29 Girl scout Fall Product Program Lingo ACH is the acronym for ‘Automated Clearing House’ and transfers money owed from the Fall Product and Cookie the Council account. Ashdon Farms is the fundraising division of the A.L. Schutzman Company. It is the company that our Council uses to sell nuts and candy during the Fall Product Program. Fall Product Cupboard A warehouse located behind the Council Shop where additional product may be picked up. Council Proceeds are the monies earned from the Fall Product Program that financially supports year-round maintenance of our camps, print resources and council publications, financial assistance for girls, troop programing and staff support for our volunteers. The Cupboard Warehouse 3806 N 3rd Streeet, Phoenix, AZ 85012 »» October 15 – November 7, 2014 »» October 18 and 25 Monday – Friday Saturday 9:00 am – 5:00 pm 9:00 am – Noon Fall Product Business Cards are business cards that girls receive in their girl packet. The business cards will direct customers to the QSP website to make a purchase. The website will credit the girl for the purchase. Fall Product Delivery is when troop’s the initial order of nuts and candy is delivered to the Service Unit. The initial order is generally delivered to the home of a Service Unit Product Program Team member. Troops arrange with the Service Unit when to pick up their order. Girl Rewards Individual girls earn girl rewards, troops earn troop proceeds. Girl rewards are listed on the order card. Initial Order is where girls take pre-orders from friends and family. She gives her order to her troop, who then places the troop initial order in Nut-E. The initial order is delivered to the Service Unit. Initial order is due October 4 and delivery is October 11-12. Nut-E is the online software program that manages the Fall Product Program. All troops and Service Units participating in the Fall Product Program must use Nut-E to manage the program. Nutty Bucks are Girl Scout ‘gift cards’ that girls may select in lieu of some girl rewards. Nutty Bucks can be used at the Council Shop, resident or day camp, GS sponsored programs, membership dues, lifetime membership and travel! Promises Local customers can make a ‘promise’ to purchase a nut or candy item through the QSP online program. Girls must collect the money owed and deliver the product. Girls may only sell ‘promises’ for product that Council has pre-selected. Customers may directly purchase other items directly online. Those items will be paid for online and mailed to the customer. . 30 GIRL SCOUTS–ARIZONA CACTUS-PINE COUNCIL, INC. QSP is the fundraising division of Great American Opportunities. It is the company that our Council uses to sell magazine and photo keepsakes during the Fall Product Program. QSP Help Line If customers need help with their magazine subscription or photo keepsakes they can call (800) 341-4454 for immediate assistance. QSP/Nut Online Program is designed for girls to safety send emails to friends and family asking them to make a purchase; items are paid for online and mailed to the customer. Local customers can make a promise to make a nut or candy purchase. ‘Remember This’ is a new line in the Fall Product Program! Customers can now purchase custom photo memory keepsakes to share with friends and family. They make great holiday gifts! Service Unit Fall Product Program Manager is a volunteer who manages the Fall Product Program for the Service Unit. Share Items are preselected magazine subscriptions and nut and candy items that can be purchase as donation to military personnel. TPM Agreement is an agreement between the Troop Fall Product Manager(s) and the council accepting responsibility to manage the Fall Product Program, including all financial obligations. Volunteers who have not signed the agreement should not handle Fall Product money. Troop Proceeds are the portion of the Fall Product Program earnings that the troop uses to support troop activities. Troop Product Manager leads the troop through the program. This person(s) is responsible for financial and product transactions, program logistics, girl program and must sign the TPM Agreement online. The Product Program Team recommends more than one person run the troop program. 2014 FALL PRODUCT PROGRAM MANUAL 31 NOTES 32 GIRL SCOUTS–ARIZONA CACTUS-PINE COUNCIL, INC. 2014 FALL PRODUCT PROGRAM MANUAL 33 119 E Coronado Road Phoenix, AZ 85004 34 602.452.7000 GIRL SCOUTS–ARIZONA CACTUS-PINE COUNCIL, INC.
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