AYSO REGION 56 COACH MANUAL FALL 2014 August 2014, Revision TABLE OF CONTENTS Pages highlighted in blue = MANDATORY MEETINGS. Pages highlighted in yellow = SPECIAL EVENTS PAGE COVER PAGE TABLE OF CONTENTS LETTER FROM REGIONAL COACH ADMINISTRATOR PRESIDENT'S CIRCLE AWARD - A THANK YOU TO OUR COACHES WHAT'S GOING ON IN REGION 56 IN FALL OF 2013 IMPORTANT DATES, UPCOMING MEETINGS, DEADLINES (PLAN YOUR SEASON!) ESSENTIAL INFORMATION-WHERE TO GO FOR INFO & TRAINING MANDATORY PRE-SEASON AND LATE SEASON COACHES MEETING MANDATORY TEAM COORDINATOR MEETING MANDATORY REFEREE MEETING DIVISION COORDINATORS WHAT IF I LOSE A PLAYER WHAT SHOULD I DO IF ONE OF MY PLAYERS ARE INJURED? INCIDENT REPORT COACH CERTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS COACHING CLINICS (WHERE TO FIND AVAILABLE CLINICS/HOW TO ENROLL) SAFE HAVEN COACH CERTIFICATION VOLUNTEER POINTS POLICY-HOW TO QUALIFY FOR PLAYOFFS FIELD AND PRACTICE ETIQUETTE & GUIDELINES SOCCER FESTIVAL FLYER LA GALAXY NIGHT AT THE HOME DEPOT CENTER PLAYER DEVELOPMENT CLINIC - LA GALAXY COACH TRAINING-UK INTERNATIONAL COACH’S CODE OF CONDUCT PLAYERS CODE OF CONDUCT PARENTS CODE OF CONDUCT REFEREE TRAINING SCHEDULE FOR FALL AND AREA K REFEREE CAMP TEAM REFEREES INFORMATION SHEET HOW TO FILL OUT A GAME CARD TEAM VOLUNTEER FORM U5-U8 TEAM VOLUNTEER FORM U9-U19 JOB DESCRIPTIONS FOR REGIONAL VOLUNTEER SCRIMMAGES PLAYER EVALUATIONS SCHEDULES ALL STAR PROCESS ALL STAR COACH APPLICATION ALL STAR NOMINATION FORMS AYSO FLEX “EXTRA” INFORMATION FLYER AYSO FLEX “EXTRA” COACH APPLICATION TURKEY TOURNAMENT (TEAM INVITATION) TURKEY TOURNAMENT (RULES) TURKEY TOURNAMENT (REFEREE PLAN) TURKEY TOURNAMENT (YOUTH REFEREE LETTER) GUIDELINES FOR TOURNAMENTS REGION 56 SPRING SOCCER SPONSOR LETTER REGION 56 CHECK REQUEST FORM AYSO REGION 56 E-MAIL SERVICE TEAM ROSTER SHEET REGION 56 PARENT MANUAL YOUR REGISTRATION FEES COACH-JOB DESCRIPTION BASIC INFORMATION - BALL SIZE - DURATION OF GAME -FIELD SIZES APPROVED REGION 56 FIELDS (ADDRESSES AND MAPS) AYSO MISSION STATEMENT AND VISION AYSO SIX PHILOSOPHIES ONLINE CONCUSSION TRAINING AND CONCUSSION RELATED INFO/HANDOUTS REGION 56 PROCEDURES REGIONAL GUIDELINE (VERY IMPORTANT) REGION 56 – STANDARD REGIONAL RULES & GUIDELINES 1 2 3 4 5 6-7 8a-8b 9 10 11 12 13 14-15 16 17a-17e 18 19-22 23-25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36-38 39-40 41-43 44 45 46 47-48 49 50-54 55 56 57 58-62 63-64 65 66 67-70 71 72 73 74-75 76-77 78 79-81 82-83 84-86 87 88 89-93 94 95-115 TOTAL PAGES THIS MANUAL 120 *Please check back for updated information. You may also check www.ayso56.org for important bulletins. pg. 1 AYSO Region 56 Our website: www.ayso56.org From the Coach Administrator Dear Coaches, Well here we are again. Another season is fast approaching so first let me begin by thanking all of you for your dedication to our youth program. I would like to welcome back all returning coaches and welcome aboard all first time coaches as well as coaches coming from outside Region 56. Yes, to all of you, a BIG THANKS in advance for stepping up and helping make our program a success. Our children, of course, are the focus of our program yet it is you, the coach, volunteering your valuable time, to teach, encourage and set a positive example, that help this program to continue thrive and be such a success. As your Regional Coach Administrator, I look forward to helping each of you have a successful season. Through the years I have had the pleasure of getting to know many of you and look forward to seeing you again this year. For those I haven’t met, I look forward to getting to know each of you. I would also like to introduce to you four board members that are here to support me and help administer our program. Matt Westergaard is our U5-U8 Coach Administrator (Coachadmin1@ayso56.org). Heather Carter (cvpa@ayso.org) and Carmen Bridge (Extra@ayso56.org) are our Directors for our Flex “Extra” & All Star programs. I would also like to welcome Brigette Santana (DivisionCoordinator@ayso56.org) to our board who is serving as our Director of Division Coordinators. At the time of this printing we are finishing updating our 2014 Coach Manual which should be posted to our website shortly. This manual contains detailed information for you, including dates, events, rules, regulations and Region 56 procedures plus much more. Please you this valuable resource. Please note, there are a number of changes as well as NEW events and important information that should address most of the questions you may have before and throughout the fall season. PLEASE take the time to familiarize yourself with this manual. You may also want to print out important pages and keep them with your player registration/release forms (that must be with you at all times when with your players/team) for quick referencing. When looking for answers please first go to our website at www.ayso56.org (Coach Corner tab for Coach Manual) for information you are looking for. If you cannot find the information you are looking for there or have other issues or concerns please contact your respective division coordinator as your first point of contact. They should be able to answer or address issues you may have or can forward on to the appropriate board member to help you. We are here to help and will do our best to assist you. As a coach there are many aspects to our job. Of course we are here to teach our players the fundamentals of soccer and as they grow teach them more advanced techniques, strategies and tactics of the game. But, coaching is much more than just teaching soccer. We as coaches are role models. We should be encouraging each and every player on the field. We are also here to teach our youth team play and good sportsmanship. We as coaches have a tendency to measure our successes on how many games we win. Striving to win is a fundamental part of competitive sports, BUT it is NOT everything. For the younger players, U5 through U8 we must remember these are instructional divisions. But even for the competitive divisions, our attitude towards our season, whether we are winning or losing will have a huge impact on the type of experience our children will have and ultimately affect the teams overall experience (players, parents and coaches alike). If your players are having a good time, they will also likely learn more and have a successful season regardless of the team's record. Good coaches make their season successful despite their win/loss record. How can this be? Because these coaches keep it fun, keep teaching soccer and keep encouraging. Please keep this in mind. After all, it's for the kids! Coaching can be a very rewarding experience, but at times coaching does have its challenges. It is these times you should remember you are not alone. If you have a problem or need a question answered, you do have a support system in place. First, know your division coordinator. He/she will be able to help you with most of your questions and problems. If you still have unresolved issues, we as your Regional Coach Administrators will do our best to help answer your questions or find a solution for your problem. We want this to be a great experience for each of you. Remember if you are enjoying yourselves, likely your players will too! Our youth will learn and take with them so much more than the soccer skills we teach them this season. Don’t underestimate the impact you have on our youth. It can be HUGE and may last for years to come. Coaching is both a privilege and a great responsibility. Take this as an awesome opportunity to be a positive role model. You can make a difference! REGION 56 WEBSITE: www.ayso56.org. We understand the importance of good communication and providing you with a more user friendly website is yet another way we can help provide you with important information you are looking for. We are continually working to improve our program and as such will continue to strive to bring you updated information as it becomes available. One of the most effective ways to do this is through our website. Please check our website regularly for the latest information. This along with email communication is a great way to stay informed. Before calling one of our volunteers please refer to our website as your first resource for information. If you cannot find what you are looking for there, then please feel free to contact us and we will do our best to help. Good luck to each and every one of you. See you on the field! Dennis Taylor Regional Coach Administrator its4thekidshb@verizon.net pg. 2 A BIG Thanks to our Coaches! We are very happy to report to you that Region 56 has been recognized for receiving the... "REGION OF THE YEAR" FOR AYSO FOR 2013 AND AYSO President's Circle Award For 2013! Without you, providing your valuable time to complete your training and helping to enrich our youth this would not have been possible. This is truly a special award and we are proud to be the only Region in Area K this year to be recognized for receiving this honor. From the Region 56 Board, we would like to thank all of our coaches. You are awesome! We sincerely hope that this coming fall season is a rewarding one for all of you, one that will offer fond memories for years to come. Go Region 56! pg. 3 What's Going on in Region 56 this Fall? REGION 56 SOCCER FEST (And Picture Day) September 6th, 2014 LA GALAXY NIGHT (At The Stub Hub Center) October 19th, 2014 (REGION 56 NIGHT AT HOME DEPOT CENTER TO WATCH THE 2012 MLS CHAMPION LA GALAXY) FREE Professional Coach Training Sessions Available to all of our Coaches Hosted by UK International - And working on more great stuff…STAY TUNED! Additionally this off season we have been working to bring additional Coach training and we are happy to announce we are working on final details of bringing... A Very Special 8 Week Player Development Clinic Hosted by the LA Galaxy Last year we launched a new program bringing great training to our youth in the form of an 8 week clinic hosted by the LA Galaxy and with its HUGE SUCCESS and positive feedback we are once again bringing back. The cost for this 8 week clinic is ONLY $100.00 and includes 8 sessions of training. Space is limited so if you are interested you will want to sign up as quickly as possible. Tentative start date is Monday September 22nd & is planned to go for 8 consecutive weeks (all on Mondays) SERIES OF 3 PLAYER CLINICS HOSTED BY THE LA GALAXY Includes: 3 Training Sessions - Tentative topics for Sessions Advanced Fundamentals Clinic Finishing/Strikers Clinic Defenders Clinic Chance to Train with an LA Galaxy Player each Session Autograph Session after each Session ONLY $40.00 FOR ALL 3 SESSIONS! TURKEY TOURNAMENT November 28th and 29th, 2014 Please check our website at www.ayso56.org regularly Details to follow Yeah...There's Lot's a Brewin in Region 56! pg. 4 IMPORTANT DATES Meetings, Events and Deadlines JUNE Date(s) Pre-Draft Meetings (Upper Divisions (U9-U14) June 17, 2014: 6:00pm-7:30pm: U9 Girls & U9 Boys June 24, 2014: 6:00pm-7:30pm: U12 Girls & U12 Boys Draft Meetings (Upper Divisions (U9-U14) June 26, 2014: 6:00pm-7:30pm: U9 Girls & U9 Boys June 30, 2014: 6:00pm-7:30pm: U12 Girls & U12 Boys JULY - AUGUST Time June 17th & 24th, 2014 - see below for details → → 7:30pm-9:00pm: U10 Girls & U10 Boys 7:30pm-9:00pm: U14 Girls & U14 Boys June 26th & 30th 2014 - see below for details → → UK International Soccer Camps (3 CAMPS TO CHOOSE FROM) 2014 Fall Pre-Season begins (1st day you may practice) Pre-Season Coach's Meeting (Mandatory) Pre-Season Team Coordinator Meeting (Mandatory) Referee Training Clinics (For certifications) 3 to choose from *See Sept. for 3rd U5 thru U12 Coach Training Clinics (In Region Clinics for Certifications) Area K SuperCamp (Coach, Referee and Mgmt certification courses) 7:30pm-9:00pm: U10 Girls & U10 Boys 7:30pm-9:00pm: U14 Girls & U14 Boys July 7th-11th, Aug 11th-15th, Aug 25th-29th Location Villa Pacific Club House 9933 Villa Pacific, Huntington Beach Villa Pacific Club House 9933 Villa Pacific, Huntington Beach First 2: Sowers 3rd: Newland Elem. Approved R56 Fields August 1, 2014 Apvd field times August 13, 2014 6:00-9:00pm Lebard August 18, 2014 6:30-8:00pm Villa Pacific Large Clubhouse Part 1&2: Aug. 16th - Part 1: Aug 19th Part 2: Aug 21st See Coaches Manual 8/16-8am-4:30pm-8/19-8/21-6-10pm TBD August 1st, 2nd and 3rd, 2014 Per SuperCamp Flyer Coach Training Sessions - Training by UK Int'l Trainer (6 weeks) Beginning Aug 25, 2014 TBD Pre-Season Flex Extra Meeting For "Extra" Coaches (Mandatory) August 27, 2014 6:15–8:30pm Villa Pacific Club House TBD Fountain Valley High Various R56 Fields Loc. TBD, Meeting starts 7pm. SEPTEMBER Referee Training Clinics (For certifications) 3rd session *Note this class in 2 parts LA Galaxy 8 Week Player Development Clinic begins Soccer Festival (and Team Picture Day) Fall Season games begin Pre-Season Referee Meeting *Date tentative Part 1: Sept 2nd Part 2 Sept 4th 6:00-10:00pm Villa Pacific Club House September 22, 2014 TBD Brethren Christian September 6, 2014 Per Assignment Area &Extra play: September 6th, U5-U12: Sept 13th (Mandatory) Brethren Christian Scheduled Fields September 8, 2014 TBD Brethren Christian October 5, 2014 End of day October 5, 2014 End of day October 8, 2014 TBD October 16, 2014 TBD +Extra@ayso56.org +Extra@ayso56.org +Extra@ayso56.org +Extra@ayso56.org OCTOBER Deadline for All Star Coach Applications Deadline for Player All Star Nominations All Star Coach Selection All Star Coach Meeting All Star Try-outs LA GALAXY GAME: Region 56 Night at the STUB HUB CENTER TBD TBD TBD October 19, 2014 5:30pm STUB HUB CENTER Deadline for Team applications for Turkey Tournament 10/27/2014 (Tentative) Late Season Coach Meeting (Mandatory) October 22, 2014 End of day tournament@ayso56.org 6:00-8:00pm Brethren Christian TBD TBD TBD October 1, 2014 NA NA Spring Soccer (2014) Earliest you may invite players outside of your fall team November 15, 2014 NA NA Turkey Tournament Nov. 28th & 29th, 2014 Per Schedule-TBD HB Sports Complex December 15, 2014 End of day Spring@ayso56.org End of day Spring@ayso56.org Spring@ayso56.org Post Season Play (For upper division qualifying teams) Spring Soccer (2014) Earliest date you may invite players from your fall team NOVEMBER - DECEMBER Spring Socccer (2014) Coach Applications/notifications of interest in taking team due JANUARY (2014) Team rosters/Registration forms and fees due. Referee sheet due January 7, 2015 Spring Soccer (2014) First day you may practice February 1, 2015 Apvd field times FEBRUARY - MARCH - APRIL (2014) Deadline for Flex Extra Coach Applications***** Spring (2014) Games begin Flex Extra Try-outs (Dates are tentative) February 15, 2015 First week of March Week of March 9th & 16th, 2015 *All information and dates above are subject to change. We recommend you check our website frequently for updated information. End of day Per schedule TBD +Extra@ayso56.org Spring@ayso56.org TBD pg. 5 AYSO – REGION 56 - 2014 WHERE DO I GO FOR INFORMATION 1st: GO TO REGION 56 WEBSITE: www.ayso56.org Note: You will find most of what you need to know on our website. This site includes a Calendar, Coaches Corner and Referee page to name just a few. Once this site has been updated, this should act as your best source of information. 2014 DIVISION COORDINATORS 2nd: Contact your Division Coordinator: Division coordinators will be listed in coaches manual once we have filled/ updated these positions. If your Division Coordinator is not yet listed you can contact the Director of Division Coordinators, Brigette Santana at divisioncoordinator@ayso56.org who will be able to provide you with the name and contact info for your division coordinator or help you with questions related to your division. 2014 COACHES MANUAL 2014 COACH MANUAL will be located on Coaches Corner page of website. This manual will have valuable information you will need as a coach. The 2014 manual is being updated and should be posted shortly. WHAT ARE MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR A COACH/ASSISTANT COACH VOLUNTEER? MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: (This is given as a guide and is subject to change). This does not include anything related to volunteer points or specific coaching certification levels. See appropriate page in Coach Manual for requirements. These will also be listed in the 2014 Coach Manual at www.ayso56.org. COACHES: 1. COMPLETE VOLUNTEER FORM (for 2014) must be current form 2. COMPLETE COACH SAFE HAVEN (*Make sure if taking online you take Safe Haven For Coaches) 3. COMPLETE APPROPRIATE COACH TRAINING (GET APPROPRIATE CERTIFICATION) 4. In addition to the above all Coaches must be approved by the Region 56 Coach Selection Committee. 5. Note: Coaches must inform the Regional Coach Administrator of any Assistant Coach they may want to assist. No Assistant Coach may assist a Coach/Team without first being approved to do so. ASSISTANT COACHES: 1. COMPLETE VOLUNTEER FORM (for 2014) must be current form 2. COMPLETE COACH SAFE HAVEN (*Make sure if taking on line you take Safe Haven For Coaches) 3. COMPLETE APPROPRIATE COACH TRAINING AND CERTIFICATION 4. In addition to the above all Assistant Coaches must be approved by the Region 56 Coach Selection Committee. *If Assistant Coach is not appropriately certified he/she will not be allowed to coach. TEAM COORDINATOR/TEAM MANAGER 1. COMPLETE VOLUNTEER FORM (for 2014) must be current form 2. COMPLETE SAFE HAVEN *Note, if you have other volunteers working with our youth, they should also have a completed volunteer form on file and be Safe Haven certified. HOW DO I COMPLETE A VOLUNTEER FORM/BECOME REGISTERED WITH AYSO FOR CURRENT YEAR? 1. Go on line to www.eayso.org and Pre-Register by completing volunteer form. 2. Print out form, keep a copy and provide our Child Protection Advocate (CVPA)Heather Carter with your name, volunteer position and your AYSO ID # (This will be on your printed form). You should print out THREE copies, one for you and TWO signed originals to be given to Heather before you are updated as currently registered in our system. 3. Please note: When you complete your application as a volunteer online you are considered an applicant and are not an active volunteer until you have been activated. Once you are activated you may take Safe Haven online and other courses that are available to activated (Registered) volunteers. 4. TO BECOME AN ACTIVE (REGISTERED) VOLUNTEER, YOU MUST PROVIDE HEATHER CARTER WITH SIGNED ORIGINALS (WET SIGNATURES) OF YOUR VOLUNTEER APPLICATION. You can mail these to Heather Carter at 21141 Banff Lane, Huntington Beach, CA 92646. To expedite this process you can drop off your forms at this address. Approved applications will be activated as soon as reasonably possible. *You need to approved and updated into our system before you can login to online courses. Pg. 6 ONCE YOU ARE A CURRENTLY REGISTERED VOLUNTEER WITH YOUR AYSO ID NUMBER 1. 2. You can go to www.aysotraining.org to complete your coach Safe Haven Course You can also go to www.aysotraining.org to take theU6 and U8 Coaching courses (and classroom portion of U10 Coach’s class, as needed. You will still need to complete the field portion to complete your U10 certification. MORE ABOUT BECOMING COACH SAFE HAVEN CERTIFIED Go to www.aysotraining.org , provide your AYSO ID, take the course and print out YOUR CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION to provide to Heather Carter at cvpa@ayso56.org . I strongly recommend you keep a copy for your records. I DON’T KNOW MY AYSO ID #---NOW WHAT? If you are a returning volunteer and don’t know your AYSO ID #, first try going to www.eayso.org. See below for screen shot. If you cannot log on, you can click forgot my password or forgot my email. If after trying this you still are having problems, contact our Child Protection Advocate (CVPA) Heather Carter at cvpa@ayso56.org. BELOW IS SCREENSHOT OF HOME PAGE AT www.eayso.org PRINTABLE LINE UP CARDS (Where to go) *TO FIND PRINTABLE ONLINE LINE UP CARDS AND OTHER HELPFUL INFORMATION GO TO… http://www.aysostore.com/images/AY-CS004P.pdf Helpful links Go to: FOR www.ayso56.org www.eayso.org www.eayso.org www.aysotraining.org For most of the Region 56 specific information you will likely need For completing volunteer form TO SEARCH FOR AVAILABLE COACHING CLINICS (AND REGISTER FOR) To take Safe Haven class, U6, U8 and classroom portion of U10 Coach training http://www.aysostore.com/images/AY-CS004P.pdf For online printable lineup cards and additional helpful information class www.ayso11k.org Area K information, likely to include Area schedules http://ayso.org/home.aspx AYSO National website *This document was created for your convenience and is believed to be accurate but not guaranteed. All herein is subject to change. Ultimately it is the volunteer’s responsibility to complete required certifications. There are help aids at www.eayso.org with contact information to assist you if you have specific questions regarding courses or with problems signing up. Pg. 7 MANDATORY PRE-SEASON COACHES MEETING THERE WILL BE PRIZES/GIVE-AWAYS! August 13, 2014 THIS MEETING IS FOR ALL REGION 56 COACHES INCLUDING FLEX “Extra” COACHES, Upper and Lower Divisions Lower Divisions are U5 through U8 Teams Upper Divisions are U9 through U19 Teams including Extra and VIP Teams LOCATION: LEBARD 20451 Craimer Lane Huntington Beach, CA 92646 TIME: 6:00-9:00pm *Areas specific to upper division teams will be covered after we have excused the lower division teams. Uniforms will be distributed at this meeting. This meeting is worth 10 volunteer points for Upper Division U9-U19 and Flex Extra teams*. *Note, one element of qualifying for post season play is to earn a minimum amount of volunteer points. We will cover qualifying guidelines with the upper division teams at our meeting. This meeting will provide important information and should be attended by all coaches. If for any reason you cannot attend this meeting PLEASE MAKE SURE THAT YOU HAVE SOMEONE ATTEND TO REPRESENT YOU AND YOUR TEAM. (Assistant Coach, Team Coordinator or team parent if necessary). Each team MUST be represented at this meeting. *This meeting is worth 10 volunteer points for teams represented. Check website to confirm date, time and location at www.ayso56.org Pg. 8a MANDATORY LATE-SEASON COACHES MEETING October 22, 2014 THIS MEETING IS FOR ALL REGION 56 COACHES INCLUDING FLEX “Extra” COACHES, Upper and lower divisions LOCATION: BRETHREN CHRISTIAN 21141 Strathmoor Lane Huntington Beach, CA 92646 TIME: 6:00-8:00pm This meeting is worth 7 volunteer points for Upper Division U9-U19 and Flex Extra teams*. *Note, one element of qualifying for post season play is to earn a minimum amount of volunteer points. This meeting is intended to provide you with information regarding post season play-offs (for upper divisions) and if not already covered, information on trophy pickup, yearbook distribution and time permitting an opportunity for your feedback and question/answer period. If for any reason you cannot attend this meeting PLEASE MAKE SURE THAT YOU HAVE SOMEONE ATTEND TO REPRESENT YOU AND YOUR TEAM. (Assistant Coach, Team Coordinator or team parent if necessary). Each team MUST be represented at this meeting. *This meeting is worth 7 volunteer points for teams represented. Check website to confirm date, time and location at www.ayso56.org Pg. 8b Coach - Give this to your Team Parent MANDATORY Team Coordinator Meeting EVERY TEAM MUST BE REPRESENTED August 18, 2014 LOCATION: Villa Pacific Large Clubhouse 9933 Villa Pacific Dr Huntington Beach, CA 92646 TIME: 6:30-8:00pm Plan on having Fun ... prizes to give-a-way Plus receive your own team coordinator notebook filled with informative information that will provide your team with the opportunity to take full advantage of our program. We will also be distributing the fundraiser at this meeting. Check www.ayso56.org for updated info. You can also check back here for updated info Each team MUST be represented at this meeting. This meeting is worth 7 volunteer points to teams represented. pg. 9 Coach - Give this to your Referees MANDATORY U9 – U19 Referee Meeting EVERY TEAM MUST BE REPRESENTED Date, Time and Location: th Sept. 8 7 to 9pm Brethren Christian High School 21141 Strathmoor Ln HB 92646 This meeting is worth two (2) points per Referee up to three (3) Referees for a maximum of six (6) points. Check website to confirm date, time and location at www.ayso56.org pg. 10 Division Coordinators 2014/2015 Division Coordinators are the coaches' first point of contact and are here to help you. A division coordinator is here to help answer your questions and is a link between the coach and the Region 56 board. When a coach has a question we encourage all of our coaches to first check our website at www.ayso56.org. Our website has been updated and will likely answer most of your questions. For coach related question please go to the Coaches Corner tab on our website. You will find among other things, the Coach Manual, important dates, meetings and events as well as requirements for volunteers, certification requirements, training sessions and how to qualify for upper division play-offs. If you can't find what you are looking for then your Division Coordinator is your first point of contact. This person is here to help you find the information you are looking for. The Division Coordinator may also support the Region 56 board at Coach Meetings, handing out or collecting materials and from time to time may be asked to collect information from our coaches. Division Coordinators may also help to ensure player evaluations are completed and may help with the distribution of yearbooks and trophies. As you can see our Division Coordinators are a very important part of our board and are here to support our coaches and help to make this an awesome experience for you. Please get to know your Division Coordinator! They are here to help! Director of Division Coordinators Brigette Santana DivisionCoordinator@ayso56.org (714) 322-1845 U19 Boys/Girls Division Coordinator Logan Moore lucky12290@aol.com (951) 707-9226 U16 Boys/Girls Division Coordinator Logan Moore lucky12290@aol.com (951) 707-9226 U14 Boys/Girls Division Coordinator Doug Johnson dougsjohnson@verizon.net (714) 403-2311 U12 Girls Division Coordinator Kim Lopez hbeachcasa@yahoo.com (951) 255-7141 U12 Boys Division Coordinator Logan Moore lucky12290@aol.com (951) 707-9226 U10 Boys/Girls Division Coordinator Stan McCrosky stanmccrosky@hotmail.com (949) 500-7762 U09 Boys/Girls Division Coordinator Nicole Nelson Nicole@realbeachliving.com (714) 362-1929 U08 Boys/Girls Division Coordinator Floyd Jenner fejenner@aol.com (562) 577-4788 U07 Boys/Girls Division Coordinator Sean Wiggins Seanwiggins9@hotmail.com (949) 254-3245 U06 Boys/Girls Division Coordinator Chris Avery cavery@thescmgroup.net (714) 401-5779 U05 Boys/Girls Division Coordinator Tad Fatum tad.fatum@gmail.com (322) 383-2033 EXTRA TEAMS: Directors of Extra Heather Carter Carmen Bridge cvpa@ayso56.org +Extra@ayso56.org Pg. 11 What if I lose a player? Notify the Registrar by email at registrar@ayso56.org that you lost a player and you need him/her replaced. State in your email: • • • • Name of Player, Age (e.g. U6 Girls) and coach name Did Player play in first game Did you receive uniform back Reason for dropping Coaches, please inform the parents that they must also notify the registrar directly to receive a refund. The region refund policy is as follows: Refund Policy: U9 – U19 players who withdraw prior to June 15th, and younger division players who drop prior to July 1st, will receive a full refund. Players who withdraw prior to the first game of the regular season will receive a refund of 50% of their registration fees. There are no refunds issued after August 1st. There are no refunds for Extra program fees. If the player is U8 or below, the next player on the wait list will be assigned to your team. You cannot recruit a player if there is a player on the wait list. If the player is U9 or above the players will be assigned randomly to the teams that are short players by the registrar on approximately the 15th and 30th of each the month up to the start of the season. U9 and above cannot recruit players until the registrar sends them an email that no one is available on the wait list to assign to their team UNLESS the player that dropped from a team was rated as a first or second round player. In such cases an exception may be made but must first be confirmed and approved by the Region 56 Registrar, Regional Commissioner or Regional Coach Administrator. No recruiting of players shall be permitted without prior approval. Pg. 12 What should I do if one of my players is injured? 1. Within 24 hours notify the Safety Director at safetydir@ayso56.org and the Regional Commissioner at rc@ayso56.org. 2. Complete the Accident Report and Email to safetydir@ayso56.org or mail it to the Safety Director at AYSO Region 56, P.O. Box 8205, Huntington Beach, CA 92615-9998 3. If your player sees a doctor, you must have a copy of a written RELEASE note from the Doctor verifying that the player is well enough to be playing. The region must have that note in the player’s permanent file. The child may not play on the field, even for practice, until permission is received from the Doctor. 4. I would advise all coaches to keep a copy of all paper work submitted in their personal coach’s notebook. Safety Director: Jenni Allen Safetydir@ayso56.org pg. 13 AYSO INCIDENT REPORT FORM Complete this form for: 1. Injuries 2. Incident – threats 3. Incident – fighting – any type 4. Property damage 5. Law enforcement summoned Coaches: Complete and return the form to the Regional Commissioner, Area Director, Safety Director or Tournament Director. Region, Area or Tournament Staff ONLY: Forward copy of completed form to AYSO, Attn: Risk Mgmt, 19750 S Vermont Ave, Suite 200, Torrance, CA 90502 AFFECTED PARTY: Player Official Coach Spectator Volunteer Other Section Last Name First Name Area Region MI Male Female Birth date: AYSO ID # Address: City: State: Zip: Telephone: ( ) Contact email(s): Yes Does the injured person have other medical insurance? No If yes, please provide name of company and policy #: Employer Name & Address: GUARDIAN/PARENT (if affected party is a minor): Last Name First Name MI Address: City: Date of Incident: INCIDENT ( Telephone Number: State: Age Division: Boys Girls ) Zip: Time of Incident: AM INFO: / PM Tournament Name & Location (if applicable) Team Involved #1: Coach Name: Team Involved #2: Region # Coach Name: Region # BODY PART INJURED Shoulder(L/R) Wrist (L/R) Finger Eye (L/R) Ear (L/R) Nose Head Ankle (L/R) Knee (L/R) Leg Foot Toe Arm Hand LOCATION Before Competition/Event During Competition/Event After Competition/Event Competition Area Concession Area Parking Lot Restrooms Off Property Bleachers/Stands Dirt Grass FIELD SURFACE Turf Indoor POLICE REPORT FILED: Yes No If ankle injury, was ankle: Taped/Supported Tooth Unsupported Back Shoes: Yes No Neck If knee injury, was knee: Internal Braced/Supported No injury Unsupported Other Knee Pads: Yes No INCIDENT Collision (participant/spectator) Animal/insect bite/sting Collision (with object) Slip/Fall Collision (participant/participant) Overexertion Collision (spectator/spectator) Assault/Sexual Struck by falling /flying object Assault/Non‐Sexual Caught in, on, between goal Property Damage Non‐Injury (threat, CLASSIFICATION assault) If yes, report number: PRIMARY INJURY Abrasion Burn Cardiac Cold Injury Concussion Contusion Dislocation Foreign Body Fracture Heat Exhaustion Laceration Nausea No care given: Released: Referral EMS transport:: Minor Injury or Illness Pain Seizures Sting/Bite Strain Sprain DISPOSITION Not Needed Patient Refused To Parent To Personal Vehicle To Doctor To Hospital/Clinic Region Recommended Patient/Parent Requested Serious Injury or Illness Officer’s Name& badge # : Describe how the incident, injury or property damage occurred: (use the backside or attach a separate sheet if necessary – may attach a copy of the Referee Game Misconduct Report) WITNESS INFORMATION ‐ Confidential Name Address Person/volunteer completing/submitting this form: Name: Signature: Position Title: e‐mail address: Regional Commissioner: print name Signature: Rev 09-12-2011-hv Tele Number Ph: ( Cell: ( ) ) Date: Date: pg. 14 AYSO Incident Report Form ‐ Instructions NOTE: This form should NOT be completed by a parent unless the parent is the coach. Purpose: The AYSO Incident Report Form is used whenever there is a personal injury, damaged property, or threats of or actual physical violence surrounding an AYSO game, practice, event or property. The form should be prepared by the coach, AYSO Official, or AYSO Volunteer which may be a member of the regional staff such as the regional safety director, or by tournament or event staff members. Entry Instructions: Form Preparation The regional safety director should supply each coach with several copies of the form at the beginning of each season. Additional copies should be available at each field site. Coaches who take teams to tournaments should carry several copies of each form throughout the tournament season. If there is an incident involving injury to a player or volunteer which will result in the filing of a SAI claim, then an Incident Report Form should be completed as well. If there are multiple affected parties to the same incident, then all parties should fill out their own form. Note: The Region, Area or Tournament is responsible for mailing a copy of the Incident Report to AYSO, Attn: Risk Management, 19750 S Vermont Ave, Suite 200, Torrance, CA 90502. Form Entries Fill out all entries on the form that pertain to the incident. Witness Information When an incident occurs, it is important to gather as much witness information as possible, especially if the witness is independent or neutral. Use a separate page to collect each witness’s statement. In addition to gathering the name, address and phone number of all witnesses, gather and attach as many written statements as possible from the key witness. If the incident happened during a game, attach the referee’s Game Misconduct Report as well. Description of Incident Provide as full a description as you can of the events surrounding the incident, attaching additional pages if necessary (be sure that all additional pages are numbered and securely attached to the report.) Routing During an event or activity related to a region’s primary season, the completed form should be submitted to the respective Regional Commissioner or Safety Director. During a secondary activity (e.g. a tournament), the form should be submitted to the Regional Commissioner, secondary activity’s director, or Regional Safety Director. At a tournament, the tournament staff may prepare a report as well. In this case, a copy of the report should immediately be sent to the respective Regional Commissioner(s). In all cases, copies of the Incident Report should always be sent to the Regional Commissioner, Area Director, Safety Director, and in the case of a secondary event the Secondary Event Director. Note: A copy of the Incident Report must be sent to the AYSO, Attn: Risk Management, 19750 S Vermont Ave, Suite 200, Torrance, CA 90502. Retention Incident forms should be maintained in a regional file and stored for a minimum of 15 years. In the case of a secondary event which is sponsored at the area or section level, the secondary event host should retain the original copy for a minimum of 15 years. Secondary events must also send copies of the Incident Reports to AYSO, Attn: Risk Management for storage. Rev 09-12-2011-hv pg. 15 Region 56 Coach Certification Requirements - 2014 Coach and Assistant Coach “Minimum Coaching Certification Requirements” 1. Completed and approved current volunteer form. 2. Coach Safe Haven certified 3. In good standing with AYSO 4. Approved by Region 56 Coach selection committee or Regional Commissioner 5. Appropriately Coach certified as indicated below U05 Coaches: U06 Coach certified U06 Coaches: U06 and U8 Coach certified U07 Coaches: U6 and U08 Coach certified U08 Coaches: U6 and U08 Coach certified U09 & U10 Coaches: U10 Coach certified *Note for U6, U8 and (U10, classroom portion) you can take these online at www.aysotraining.org. If you complete the U10 online classroom course you will still need to complete the U10 field portion to complete your U10 Coach certification. U12 Coaches: U12 Coach certified (Prerequisite: U10 Coach certified) U14 Coaches: Intermediate Coach certified (Prerequisite – U10 and U12 Coach certified) U16/U19Coaches: Advanced Coach training (Prerequisite – Intermediate certified & meet all U14 Coach Certification requirements.) Please note all coaches MUST be age appropriate certified. For example, if a coach is coaching U12 and has their Intermediate coach certification, that coach would still need to complete the U12 coaching course to coach U12 . REMINDER: Before you can take any online courses or sign up for any courses you must have AYSO ID # and be activated (registered for current season). If you are a returning volunteer you will already have AYSO ID # but will still need to complete a current volunteer form and be activated for current year. *ASSISTANT COACHES must meet the same requirements as a Coach. Coaches MUST submit for approval any person they would like as an Assistant Coach to the Regional Coach Administrator. No person shall act in the capacity of an Assistant without prior approval from the Regional Coach Administrator or Regional Commissioner. ALL STAR COACHES: Coaches wishing to be considered for coaching any All-Star team are encouraged to obtain upgraded (higher level of coach training/certification). Coach Certification levels among other things will be taken into consideration when selecting All-Star coaches. FLEX “EXTRA” COACHES: In addition to Region 56 requirements, Flex “Extra” Coaches are required to meet the minimum requirements for National, Flex “Extra” Section 11 program requirements AND all certifications as may be required by Area K/Area K Director. Currently “Extra” coaches are required to be certified at the U10 and U12 coaching level IN ADDITION TO their minimum required certification level. For coaches needing to be advanced certified, they will also be required to meet the Intermediate certification prerequisite requirement. Any coaches interested in Coaching in the Flex “Extra” program are encouraged to contact either Heather Carter or Carmen Bridge at cvpa@ayso56.org and +Extra@ayso56.org respectively for the most current information and coaching requirements. *All required coaching certifications are subject to change. *FOR AVAILABLE CLINICS please go to www.eayso.org for clinics currently scheduled. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR AREA WHENEVER POSSIBLE BY ATTENDING AREA K COACHING CLINICS Cost of AYSO Coaching Clinics In some cases AYSO coaching clinics may be billable to our region when taken in our region or in Area K. In cases where coaches are required to pay hosting Region for their AYSO coaching clinics, once you have completed your course, just show evidence of completion and payment and Region 56 will reimburse you for the cost. Please submit to Margret Cerecedes for reimbursement at Treasurer@ayso56.org. Once you have completed any training, please email to your Division Coordinator and to Dennis Taylor at its4thekidshb@verizon.net. Thank you for donating your valuable time to coach our youth. pg. 16 Coaching Clinics Coaches may find information on when and where coaching clinics are being offered at www.eyso.org *See bottom of page for important information regarding additional coaching clinics Above is EAYSO homepage. Simply click on enroll to take a class. Here you can search for available clinics as well as enroll. IMPORTANT NOTE REGARDING ADDITIONAL COACHING CLINICS In addition, Region 56 will be hosting coaching clinics from time to time. I will notify coaches either through your division coordinators, emails and/or post on our Region website at www.ayso56.org/ coach manual. Also provided on the following supplemental pages are coaching clinics currently registered on EAYSO as of the date of this posting. If you decide to take one of the clinics on EAYSO you need to register there. There will likely (not guaranteed) be additional clinics added to EAYSO over the weeks to come. The list of clinics listed in this document and supplemental pages are provided for your convenience however If you cannot make any of the clinics currently available it is your responsibility to check online regularly to find a clinic to complete your coach certification requirements. Cost of AYSO Coaching Clinics In some cases AYSO coaching clinics may be billable to our region when taken in our region or in Area K. In cases where coaches are required to pay hosting Region for their AYSO coaching clinics, once you have completed your course, just show evidence of completion and payment and Region 56 will reimburse you for the cost. Please submit to Margret Cerecedes for reimbursement at Treasurer@ayso56.org. Once you have completed any training, please email to your Division Coordinator and to Dennis Taylor at its4thekidshb@verizon.net. Thank you for donating your valuable time to coach our youth. Dennis Taylor Its4thekdshb@verizon.net Regional Coach Administrator pg. 17a Additional Coaching Clinics Region 56 Hosted Coaching Clinics U6: TBD August 23, 2014 Moffett (Tentative 10:00am - 12:00pm) U8: TBD August 23, 2014 Moffett (Tentative 10:00am - 12:00pm) U10Field: July 14, 2014 Moffett (6:00pm - 8:00pm) U12: TBD See below for additional clinics currently posted at www.EAYSO.org pg. 17b Coaching clinics currently registered on EAYSO as of August 8, 2014 *Note to register for these clinics you must go to www.eayso.org U6 COACHING CLINICS CURRENTLY REGISTERED ON EAYSO U8 COACHING CLINICS CURRENTLY REGISTERED ON EAYSO pg. 17c U10 COACHING CLINIC (FIELD SESSION ONLY) CLINICS CURRENTLY REGISTERED ON EAYSO THERE ARE NO U10 FIELD COURSES BEING OFFERED AT THIS TIME IMPORTANT NOTE: To be U10 Coach certified you must take both the classroom portion and field portion. If you take the field portion only course you can go online and complete the classroom portion of U10. U10 COACHING CLINIC (BOTH CLASSROOM AND FIELD PORTION) CURRENTLY REGISTERED ON EAYSO U12 COACHING CLINICS CURRENTLY REGISTERED ON EASYO pg. 17d INTERMEDIATE COACHING CLINICS CURRENTLY REGISTERED ON EAYSO ADVANCED COACHING CLINIC CURRENTLY REGISTERED ON EAYSO pg. 17e Safe Haven Coach Certification MANDATORY FOR COACHES, ASSISTANT COACHES AND TEAM PARENTS It is now mandatory for ALL Coaches, Assistant Coaches and Team Parents to have Safe Haven Coach Certification. The class is approximately 45 minutes. Once you obtain your certification; it is good throughout your AYSO years. IMPORTANT NOTE: There must at all times be a Safe Haven Coach Certified Adult with our youth. If the Coach or Assistant coach cannot make a practice, you must make sure a Safe Haven Coach certified adult is present. Region 56 REQUIRES all Team Parents complete the Coach Safe Haven Course. This will be a great benefit to Coaches when that unexpected comes up and you and your Assistant can’t make it to the field. YOU MAY NOW TAKE YOUR SAFE HAVEN CLASS ON-LINE! To complete your Safe Haven Class you must first have completed a volunteer f o r m online. Once you complete your form, print three (3) copies, keep one and send TWO signed (wet signatures ) to our to our Child Protection Advocate (CVPA), Heather Carter. Send to Heather at 21141 Banff Lane, Huntington Beach, CA 92646. Upon completing your application you will receive an AYSO ID #. (*Please note, a new volunteer form must be completed every year). If you have not completed a volunteer form for the current year you may go to www.eayso.org and click on the AYSO volunteer link. For questions related to Safe Haven you can contact Heather at cvpa@ayso56.org Note: All volunteers involved with our youth MUST complete a Volunteer Form and provide to our Child Volunteer Protection Advocate, Heather Carter. Once our CVPA has received your two signed original volunteer forms, your application will be reviewed for approval. Once approved and updated in our system you will be able to go to http://www.aysotraining.org/index.htm to take your Safe Haven course. That’s it! Please make sure you inform your Assistant and Team Parent of this requirement and ensure they complete this course. We also encourage you to sign up others that may consider Volunteering to help you at your practices. pg. 18 AYSO Region 56 - 2014 Volunteer Appreciation Play-Offs (VAP) Qualifying Policy THE POST SEASON PLAY-OFFS IS OPTIONAL AND TEAMS MUST QUALIFY For Qualifying U09 through U14 teams that would like to participate REGION 56 REGULAR FALL 2014 SEASON TEAMS ONLY Team Formation: Teams are comprised of U09 – U14 Regular Fall Teams Only. No roster change can be made from the regular season. Qualifying Guidelines: 1. Coach MUST have completed a current Volunteer Form* 2. Coach MUST be Coach Safe Haven Certified.* 3. Coach MUST have completed the age appropriate training certification for Region 56 and Area K* *Note: For 1, 2 and 3 above, this includes Assistant coaches. 4. Teams MUST earn 80 volunteer points as outlined under Summary of Volunteer Points System. 5. Teams/Coach shall be in good standings with AYSO and shall not have had any disciplinary action taken against them this season (including during post season play). a. Regional Commissioner or Executive Board shall have sole discretion to consider whether to allow a coach or team to participate that has had disciplinary action taken during the course of the season or post season play. 6. Teams MUST provide a three person referee team for the Volunteer Appreciation Tournament (playoffs) AND Area Play should a team win their division (U10-U14). A list of a fully committed 3 person referee team in good standing MUST be submitted to Region 56 PRIOR to the scheduling of the Play-offs. If you do not submit a three person referee team to Region 56 prior to the time needed to schedule the play-offs, you will not qualify for the Volunteer Appreciation Tournament (VAP/play-offs) and will not be entered into the Volunteer Appreciation Tournament. Deadline TBD. 7. Awards:1st and 2nd place teams in each division will receive an award 8. *Advancing to Area Play: Each U10-U14 team winning their division may advance to area K play to represent Region 56 if all qualifying requirements are met. Note: U9 does NOT advance to Area play. a. Coach MUST have completed AREA K required coach certification levels to advance to AREA K play*, which currently are: 1. U10: U10 Coach certification 2. U12: U12 Coach certification (plus prerequisite of U10 Coach) 3. U14: Intermediate Coach certification (plus prerequisite of U10 an U12 Coach) 4. U16-U19: Advanced Coach certification (plus prerequisite of U10, U12 & Intermediate) b. *Should winning team for Region 56 play-offs not have a properly Certified Coach (in good standings) in accordance with Region 56 and Area K requirements, that team will not advance unless AREA K approves the assignment of another appropriately certified Coach to be assigned to that team. It is not expected that such approval will be given. Any team not meeting this requirement is NOT entitled to advance. It is important all coaches/teams understand that it is the policy that each team MUST have an appropriately certified coach. c. Teams MUST provide a three person referee team for the playoffs. d. Subject to Area requirements and/or guidelines. e. *Required Coach Certification is subject to change. NOTE: Teams will have points deducted if the fields are left with trash. All teams are responsible for picking up their trash. Please see Job Description for Field Maintenance Volunteer. If your team takes over a messy field, they should pick up the trash themselves and contact their Division Coordinator as points may be deducted. Revised August 8, 2014 pg. 19 Summary of Volunteer Points System The following point system will be used to qualify teams for Post Season Play-offs 1. A team must earn a total of 80 points as outlined below to meet the volunteer point requirements. *In order to keep you informed, all team should attend all Mandatory Meetings. a. b. c. d. e. Pre-season Coaches Meeting 10 points Team Coordinator Meeting 7 points Late Season Coaches Meeting 7 points Regional Volunteer 10 points* Total Referee Points 46 points** Total Points 80 Points*** *Soccer Festival or other Regional volunteer work as assigned. **Includes Mandatory Referee Meeting. Each referee in attendance shall earn 2 pts, max of 6 points. ***Note: Out of the 80 points a minimum of 46 referee points must be earned A. *All teams are responsible for scheduling enough games to referee to earn the minimum amount of required referee points. (Whether or not your team officiates a specific game). See #3, #4, and #5 under “Further explanation of volunteer points” for more information. B. For the first three weeks of Fall Season a team may sign up for no more referee assignments than an amount equal to 14 referee points. This is designed to give all teams an opportunity to sign up for games. You are encouraged to sign up as soon as possible to help ensure we have coverage the first few weeks of Fall Season. Referee will earn 5 points per center & 3 points per AR officiated. *Note, providing center Referee for U16, U19 and for PLUS/FLEX teams may be greater, TBD. C. Earning Referee Points: Only those games that are officiated on Region 56 fields shall earn referee points towards qualifying for post season play. D. IF YOUR TEAM DOES NOT SCHEDULE THEIR MINIMUM REFEREE ASSIGNMENTS THEN YOU MAY NOT BE ENTITLED TO EARNING ADDITIONAL POINTS OUTLINED BELOW.** **The Region 56 Board understands that they may need to adjust referee points needed to qualify as deemed necessary due to number of games scheduled (available referee points) during the regular fall season. This is solely at the discretion of Region 56 Board and changes, if necessary will be posted on Region 56 website as soon as reasonably possible. E. Teams should not wait until the last minute to earn their required points. Points earned by each team ¾ of the way through the season should be approximately equal to the proportionate number of total points needed to qualify by the end of the season. Any team that has not made a good faith effort and waits until late in the season to make up points may not be entitled to earning additional points under the AMEP below. F. COMMENT: We would like to put out a quality program which includes providing a good qualified referee staff for the Volunteer Appreciation Tournament. Teams that do not provide referees spread out over the season may have challenges providing qualified referees at the end of the regular season and throughout the Volunteer Appreciation Tournament. We do NOT want to degrade our referees when for most coaches it may mean the most…the end of the season and the play-offs. ADDITIONAL METHODS OF EARNING VOLUNTEER POINTS (AMEP) We understand that on rare occasions there are extenuating circumstances that may create challenges for coaches/teams to obtain all volunteer points; therefore we have provided you with additional ways of earning points by volunteering in other ways. *It is expected that every coach will make a GOOD FAITH EFFORT to earn their full 46 referee points through refereeing their games and having their referees attend the Mandatory Referee Meeting. As a volunteer organization, it is important that all coaches understand and pass along to their teams that without volunteers our program would not exist. And without referees, games cannot be played. f. Cutting in/Lining NEW Fields 3 points per field* (per volunteer, as needed) g. Cleaning out AYSO Bins 3 points* (per volunteer, as needed) h. Field Volunteer 5 points* (as may be needed by Region) i. Referee Mentor** 5 points* (Mentor New & Youth referees) j. Completing Coach Certification *see below 3 points* (U9-U10-U12) *(Completed this pre-season or current season) 6 points* (Intermediate or Advanced) k. Ongoing REGION 56 Coach training 2 points* (per session participated in) l. Possible additional volunteer work as needed. Points, if any to be determined as needed. Regarding f,g and h: Maximum 3 volunteers per team for each instance. Volunteers are to volunteer for the field related tasks of the respective division(s) their child/children are playing. Revised August 8, 2014 pg. 20 *IMPORTANT NOTE: A maximum of 15 points from Additional Methods of earning points (AMEP) are allowed to be applied to total number of referee points. With exception of (AMEP) for referee points, other point deficiencies to earn 80 point minimum can be earned by (AMEP) to the extent they are available. All points that may be earned under AMEP are limited to the availability of each respective method and to the needs of Region 56. Points being earned through AMEP must be coordinated, scheduled and approved by a Region 56 Executive board member. Interested parties should check the Region 56 website for updated information, watch for emails that may request region help and inquire through their division coordinators to check to see what Region 56 needs may be. Ultimately it is the sole responsibility of each coach that is interested in earning points through AMEP to determine when/where points may be earned. Failure of coach to inquire or otherwise discover what points may be available to earn or should no points under AMEP be available to earn will not excuse or exempt coach from otherwise earning their minimum required points. ** Referee mentors must complete a four (4) hour course to become a certified mentor, mentoring will consist of observing a referee at an assigned match by the referee program coordinators. FURTHER EXPLANATION OF VOLUNTEER POINTS 1. Each team shall be responsible for meeting their obligation to provide referees for games. 2. Each team shall be responsible for signing up to referee for a minimum of assignments to meet their referee points. 3. A team MAY trade or otherwise have their assigned game(s) covered by an appropriate, qualified referee, thereby earning points for a designated team, PROVIDED THAT THE REFEREE/AR(s) properly fill out the back of game card indicating Referee/AR’s names and Coach/Team and Gender of team you are refereeing for. *Referee administrator may designate other appropriate method of documenting and tracking of referee points which shall be posted or provided to coaches, if changed. 4. It is ultimately the responsibility of the team assigned to ensure their game is covered. If a game is not covered, whether or not a team had arranged for coverage by others, the responsibility for that game is still the team that is assigned for that game. If for any reason your assigned game is not covered, you will not be entitled to earn those referee points. 5. Teams may not give or receive points from another team. In other words, another team MAY referee for you, earning your team points, provided they properly complete game card awarding the appropriate team those points however a team may NOT shift their previously earned points to your team at a later date/time. 6. NO TEAM OR PERSON MAY PAY ANY PERSON(S) TO REFEREE ANY GAME. 7. It is STRONGLY ENCOURAGED that all referees bring with them to all games their flag and full referee uniform. HOWEVER, if a referee provides referee/AR coverage for a game they were not assigned and are not in uniform, that referee or AR will be entitled to earn referee points provided they are certified to referee at the level of play they are refereeing and properly fill out game card, indicating the team coach, division and gender they officiated for. *Note: points for coach courses will be earned only if training certification is at or above level of coaching. It is the goal of Region 56 Executive Board to offer an exceptional, enjoyable and rewarding experience, to our youth and all of our volunteers which of course include our parents. Please let your parents know they are an important part of our program. Coach acknowledges that the Region 56 Fall Season consists of scheduled regular play and does NOT include Post Season Play-offs. Teams qualifying for post season Play-offs prior to Mid/Late Season Coaches meeting will qualify for a drawing for prizes which will be held at the Mid/Late Season Coaches meeting. *For every 5 points earned over the minimum 80 points required, each coach for teams earning such additional points will earn an additional ticket for drawings to be held at Mid/Late Season Coaches meeting. A great amount of consideration has been given to this policy in an effort to provide full referee coverage for our games, to help create an environment where all teams can earn their way into the VAP, to encourage our coaches to participate in additional training and to encourage volunteerism to help ensure everyone’s experience at Region 56 is the best possible….one to be looked back on fondly for years to come. it is important to understand that as with any major changes, it is possible there may be issues that arise that may create unintended results therefore it is understood that this policy is subject to change as may be deemed appropriate by Region 56 Executive Board. Should changes be made, they will be posted on the Region 56 website as soon as reasonably possible. Note: Registration fees for the fall season cover regular season games only and DO NOT include Post Season Play-Offs or optional tournaments. Post Season Play-offs are only offered to U9 through U14 teams that qualify in accordance with AYSO Region 56 policies and guidelines. It is the coach’s responsibility to inform their team parents/players of this policy prior to beginning of the season. These guidelines and policies are subject to change. Revised August 8, 2014 pg. 21 ACKNOWLEDGMENT AND RECEIPT I acknowledge that it is my responsibility to inform parents/players prior to the beginning of the season of AYSO Region 56 policies and guidelines including those indicated in the document "AYSO Region 56 – 2014 Volunteer Appreciation Play-Offs (VAP) Qualifying Policy". I have read and received a copy of the “AYSO Region 56 – 2014 Volunteer Appreciation Play-Offs (VAP) Policy” and understand that registration fees for the fall season cover regular season games only and DO NOT include Post Season Play-Offs. Post Season Play-offs are only offered to U9 through U14 teams that qualify in accordance with AYSO Region 56 policy. U16-19 play-offs, if any, will be determined by Area K or Section 11. I understand that Post Season Play-offs are optional and that teams MUST Qualify in accordance with the AYSO Region 56 – 2014 Volunteer Appreciation Play-Offs (VAP) Qualifying Policy to participate. I understand that before I may coach, including conducting practices with our youth players I must be appropriately Safe Haven Certified and have provided two current volunteer forms (originals signed) to a Region 56 designated board member and have been approved by AYSO Region 56. I understand that I must also be age appropriately coach certified prior to coaches the first game of the current season. *I understand that this also applies to my Assistant Coach. I also am aware that a Coach Manual is posted on Region 56’ Website @ www.ayso56.org under "Coaches Corner”. I understand it is the coach’s responsibility to read the contents of the Coach Manual. *The Coach Manual is in PDF format and can be downloaded and printed out for your reference and convenience. You are encouraged to download the manual for quick reference. You may also want to print out and keep in a coach binder (with your emergency medical forms) pages important to you for quick reference when you are on the field/with your team. CONDENSED VERSION OF COACH MANUAL You will also be receiving a copy of a condensed version of the Coach Manual which we recommend you keeping with you at practices and games as a quick reference. Some of the pages included in the Condensed version are as follows 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. What's going on in Region 56 this fall Important Dates Where do I go for information Division Coordinators Mandatory Meetings What should I do if one of my players is injured? Coach certification requirements Safe Haven Requirements AYSO Region 56 – 2014 Volunteer Appreciation Play-Offs (VAP) Qualifying Policy Field and practice etiquette and guidelines Soccer Fest LA Galaxy related info - Region 56 at the Stub Hub Center, Training and Appearances at Soccer Fest UK International Coach training Coaches' code of conduct Players code of conduct Parents code of conduct Turkey Tournament Basic information you may find helpful Region 56 procedures and regional guidelines (not Standard Regional guidelines) Incident Report AYSO's Mission & Vision AYSO's Six Philosophies The undersigned coach acknowledges the above AND that medical release forms for all players with original (wet) signatures MUST be with you at all times you are coaching (all practices and games) and any time you are meeting with players when it is an AYSO related function. _______________________________________________________ Coach _______________________ Division _______________ Date _______________ Boys/Girls Revised August 8, 2014 pg. 22 FIELD and PRACTICE ETIQUETTE AND GUIDELINES ALL FIELDS NO DOGS ARE ALLOWED ON ANY AYSO PRACTICE OR GAME FIELDS. We understand how difficult it can sometimes be when a parent (especially a parent on your team) brings a dog to the field during practice or even tougher, during a game when a coach is trying to concentrate on coaching their team. It is however important that we all become partners in seeing to it that we all get the word out to our parents. In an effort to help our coaches success in this partnership we have included in our Parent Code of Conduct this policy. We are asking all coaches to hand out the Parent Code of Conduct and ask each parent to read and sign. You are also encouraged to bring this up at your pre-season team meeting. SAFETY DRIVING/PARKING ON SCHOOL SITES: PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU REMIND PARENTS TO DRIVE SLOWLY WHEN APPROACHING & INSIDE OUR PRACTICE AND GAME SITES. Wonderful people sometimes make terrible errors in judgment, especially when they are running late or in a hurry to get somewhere. Please remind them, it only takes one mistake to change the life of many families. Also please remind parents to park in approved areas only. This is for the safety of everyone, including their children! Wall Climbing – Retrieving a ball kicked over the wall: No player, volunteer or other person shall climb over a wall to retrieve a ball kicked over. This rule must be strictly enforced. This is for everyone’s safety as well as being a good steward of the field’s we are entrusted to use and being thoughtful to our neighbors and community. Let’s set a great example! And help us to retain our permits that we should NEVER take for granted. Many youth organizations are constantly competing for the limited fields we now have. GOALS (Moving-Climbing, hanging on): No minor shall assist with moving goals. Recently wheels have been added to goals at Brethren Christian For clarification, No minors shall assist in moving any goals, with or without wheels. No exceptions. No players shall hang from goals in any manner. pg. 23 GOOD STEWARDSHIP Practices/Pre-game warm-up: No teams or players shall practice or play against the wall areas of our neighbors. Other: No players shall climb on any structure. No balls shall be kicked against the walls, classrooms or buildings of any of our fields. Players and volunteers should always respect the fields and neighbors surrounding the field they are playing on. Keeping Fields Clean: Coaches/Teams should always check to see that fields are clean and free of trash, water bottles and debris before leaving your practices or games. Practices: Please be respectful of other teams and coaches at all times. When field space is limited, be willing to yield and give up some space so all coaches can have adequate space to coach their teams. SCRIMMAGES Coaches may scrimmage against other Region 56 teams on our approved fields provided there is sufficient space for other teams to practice and in keeping with the one hour policy of using goals. However if there is insufficient space to meet the reasonable needs of other teams, then coaches should yield. When coaches work together respecting each other’s needs teams should have adequate opportunity to scrimmage. *If this policy is abused or we have ongoing issues related to this policy then we may need to revert to a scheduled scrimmage only program. Any teams wanted to schedule a scrimmage with another AYSO team from outside of our region must first get the approval from the Regional Commissioner or Regional Coach Administrator. No Region 56 Teams may use Region 56 approved fields to scrimmage against Club teams or other non AYSO teams. *As clarification, you must still only practice on Region 56 approved fields. Scrimmaging against another non AYSO team with opposing team hosting at their fields: Any team wanting to scrimmage a non AYSO team where the opposing team has offered their fields MUST FIRST get approval from the Region 56 Regional Commissioner. pg. 24 BRETHREN CHRISTIAN FIELD Entering Brethren Christian Fields Although we have permits to use Brethren Christian, all Coaches and teams MUST YIELD to Brethren Christian activities. These may include, but not limited to: Football and/or Baseball, Soccer or Band. If by entering Brethren Christian Field will disrupt or create an unsafe environment for anyone, then your team MUST not take the field until such a time this situation no longer occurs. Holding Fields/Goals: No player, spouse or parent may hold a field, goal or net for a coach or team. With limited resources we have adopted a policy below that should help our region fairly allocate goal usage for our teams. No one may enter a field earlier than hours of field allocation to hold/claim a field. Goal Usage: Goals are available on a first come first serve basis; HOWEVER, no team may hold a goal longer than 1 hour if there are other teams waiting for a goal. Every team MUST yield to other teams once they have claimed a goal for an hour, whether or not they have actually used the goal. *Under no circumstances should a coach disrupt or confront another coach that may not yield in a timely manner. If a coach encounters a situation or another coach they feel has not honored the spirit of this new policy, please contact your Division Coordinator so we can address your concerns. Due to safety concerns, Brethren Christian fields are designated for U11 and above. Teams under U11 should practice on other AYSO Region 56 approved fields and should not practice at Brethren Christian. Where we discourage teams under U11 to practice at Brethren Christian we understand that for coaches with more than one team out of necessity may require a lighted field to get both practices in. We also understand that some coaches cannot practice until after dusk and will also need lit fields. Therefore those under the age group of U11 that feel they have a reasonable need to use Brethren Christian, will be allowed to practice at Brethren Christian with the following conditions: 1. All teams below the age group of U11 practicing at Brethren Christian shall not use the goals. 2. All teams below the age group of U11 practicing at Brethren Christian shall practice on the sides/outlining areas in order to keep them as far away as reasonably possible from the upper divisions, for their safety. RESTRICTED AREAS OF PRACTICE No teams shall practice in the immediate areas paralleling the walls either to the north or west. Games: Teams are reminded that during games both teams shall be on the same side of the field. No teams, coaches or parents shall be on the sideline paralleling the walls backing to our neighbors. Please remind visiting coaches of our policy. pg. 25 Region 56 Fundraising SoccerFest 2014 Saturday, September 6th from 8 am to 3 pm at Brethren Christian The event will include the following activities: • Dunk Tank - Your chance to dunk a coach or referee • Silent Auction and Raffle – Each team to provide a basket valued at least $50 • Kids’ Activities – Inflatables and Laser Tag • Food – Breakfast and Lunch available for purchase • Refreshment Vendors – Coffee, Cotton Candy, Shaved Ice, Donuts and more • Vendor booths – Face Painting, Clothing, Jewelry, Skateboards and more • Team Pictures – Coaches will be assigned a designated time • Give Back – Region 56 raising money to Kick Cancer LA GALAXY COMING! (Estimated activity times below) • COZMO will make an appearance – 8:00-10:00 am • LA GALAXY PLAYER (Get your autograph) – 10:00-11:30 am • MLS CUP will be displayed at SoccerFest – 10:00-11:30 am • Futboleros – professional juggling team – chance to learn tricks 1:00-3:00 pm • LA GALAXY Inflatable Soccer Wall (most of the day) • Xbox with Fifa (most of the day) PLUS MUCH MORE! For more information contact Debbie Killey @ SoccerFest@ayso56.org *All activities and times are subject to change pg. 26 AYSO Region 56 LA Galaxy Night VS Sunday October 19th, 2014 @5:30pm Join the 2012 MLS Cup champions and AYSO Region 56 as we celebrate the AYSO fall season. FREE TICKETS to All Registered AYSO Region 56 Players who claim them* *Tickets MUST be claimed through TEAM ORDERS Additional Tickets at discounted price can be ordered through your team, subject to availability. First Deadline for submitting order form (TEAM ORDER) is September 20th, 2014. First come first serve for best available seating 2nd & last Deadline to submit Team order form October 1, 2014 Additional tickets at Discounted prices of $20.00 (if ordered by October1st) Tickets ordered after October 1st will pay full face value of $30.00 Team orders to be submitted online at https://www.formstack.com/forms/?1817513-vNjg99myKh See LA Galaxy Handout for additional information & incentive for first 15 Teams that place their orders. pg. 27 Huntington Beach AYSO Region 56 Skills Camp An 8 Week Skills Clinic for registered player’s u7 and up! Mondays, September 22nd – November 10th U7-U10: 5:30PM-6:30PM U11 and above: 6:45PM-7:45PM Bretheren Christian School 21141 Strathmoor Lane Huntington Beach, CA 92646 Each participant will receive the following: Professional Coaching and Training from LA Galaxy Coaches LA Galaxy T-shirt Ticket to an LA Galaxy home game Additional tickets for purchase at a discounted rate COST: $100 To register email Dennis Taylor @ its4thekidshb@verizon.net Pg. 28 Region 56 Coach Training Sessions AND Links to UK Online Coaching Curriculum Region 56 is happy to announce that we have retained UK Soccer International to provide our Region 56 coaches with Training for the six weeks this fall season. Please take advantage of this great opportunity. Regardless of your knowledge of the game of soccer or the level you are coaching, this training by a professional trainer(s) should offer everyone an opportunity to learn something new. *Your Ideas Are Welcome! Please email Dennis Taylor (its4thekidshb@verizion.net) ideas of what you would like to see in our training sessions. I will take in consideration your ideas and will attempt to incorporate them in these training sessions as time permits and deemed appropriate. *Incentives will be offered to those that attend full sessions. More info to follow. Stay tuned! UK Online Curriculum and UK Soccer Camp information You can access UK International online Curriculum by either clicking on links below or going to our website @ www.ayso56.org and go to coaches corner....see screenshot to right of Coaches corner New for 2013 from U.K. International soccer camps. Use the User Name and Password below to log into Online Curriculum. User Name is AYSO56 Password is Soccer *Note, these are case sensitive Direct links below for Online Curriculum, and link to UK Soccer Camps On-line coaching curriculum access 1000+ age appropriate activities now! » Click Here for Direct link to online Curriculum. Or go to http://www.uksoccer.com/Online/Curriculum/Login.php » Click Here for Direct link to youtube video for AYSO SOCCER CAMPS-UK International. pg. 29 COACHES CODE OF CONDUCT 1. Remember to be a role model for your team. 2. Please focus on education, technique, rules, and sportsmanship; not just winning. 3. You or your Assistant should be on time to practice and games. 4. Please insist that parents come to the field to pick up their kids. 5. Please fulfill the commitments and responsibilities for which you volunteered. 6. Please keep the game to its time limit and respect the time of others. 7. Please try to educate during the game. When a player makes a mistake, use this as a positive teaching opportunity. 8. I will NEVER yell negative comments or use negative comments with the kids. 9. Look out for the safety of all children on the field (Goal Keeper protection). 10. I will have medical releases with me at all times. 11. I agree that I will make a good faith effort never to be more than three (3) goals ahead (U8 & below) or five (5) goals ahead (U9-U12 in region play). Regarding goal differential for Area play I will always let fair play and good sportsmanship guide my coaching and will strive to coach by the ethic of the “Golden Rule”. 12. I understand all practice fields are on a first come first serve basis. If space is tight, please use minimum amount of space needed. *Goals should not be held by a team longer than 1 hour. 13. Treat your own child the same as the rest of the kids on the team. 14. Please have a minimum of three (3) Certified Referees. 15. I will insist my parents keep their dogs at home. 16. My team should respect the neighbor’s rights during practice and games. 17. Practice only on approved fields. 18. Everyone in region play U5-U12 will play a minimum of ¾ of the game if roster size allows. If roster size does not allow for ¾ play I will alternate those players only playing ½ of the game. *Area play has a minimum requirement of playing ½ of the game. 19. Please educate the parents on the team about the AYSO philosophy. 20. Please conduct a team meeting if reasonably possible. 21. My goal is that every child and referee will want to sign up again next year. U5, U6, U7, & U8 Addendum A. Please rotate players through all positions, when applicable. No player should play the same position the entire game. B. Encourage your Assistant Coach to be on the field at least one quarter/game (for Divisions allowing coaches on the field). C. Try and make sure every parent/guardian on the team plays an active volunteer role. D. Work on fundamentals and having fun. X_________________________ Coach’s Signature ___________________________ Coach’s Name (Please Print) _______ Division pg. 30 PLAYERS CODE OF CONDUCT 1. Always be respectful to others. This includes teammates, coaches, parents, referees and players and coaches from other team. 2. Never argue with or complain about referees’ calls or decisions 3. Always treat others as you would want to be treated. 4. Always try to do your very best. 5. Be a team player. Never get down on your teammates. 6. Encourage your teammates, especially when they have made a mistake. 7. Always be a good sport. 8. Be coachable, you will learn so much more, improve your skills and enjoy “the beautiful game” of soccer. X__________________________ Child’s Signature ________________________ Child’s Name pg. 31 PARENTS CODE OF CONDUCT 1. Remember to be a role model for your child and his/her teammates. 2. Please do not reward your child financially for goals and/or wins. 3. Always try to be on time to practice and games. 4. Please make sure your dog stays at home. No dogs are allowed on school sites. 5. Do not drop your child off at practices and games unless you see the coach or his/her assistant. 6. Please come to the field and pick up your child at the end of a game/practice on time. 7. Please fulfill the commitments and responsibilities for which you volunteered. 8. Do not yell at your child during games. Instead, give your child words of encouragement. 9. Do not yell instructions during a game. Please leave the coaching to the coaches. 10. Please NEVER yell negative comments to the referee. Please remember, they are also volunteers. We have a zero tolerance policy for negative behavior towards any of our referees. 11. Please make sure your child has an ample supply of fluids during practice and games. 12. Please let your coach know in advance when your child will not be at a game. 13. Be realistic with your child’s abilities. 14. Please calmly, quietly, and privately discuss any differences you may have with the coach. 15. Please make sure to respect the rights of the neighbors of the soccer fields. 16. Understand that AYSO soccer is educational with an emphasis on fun, fair, safe, sportsmanship, rules and technique. 17. Please understand that scoring should be kept to a five (5) goal differential for U09-U14 and a three (3) goal differential for U06-U08. Detailed policy and guidelines related to this can be found in Coaches Manual at www.AYSO56.org under AYSO Region 56 General Info and Rules and Regulations. 18. I understand that Registration does not cover or include the Volunteer Appreciation Playoffs (VAP) and that teams must qualify to be able to participate. I also understand that the VAP is for U9 through U14 divisions only. My registration fee covers play only through the end of the regular season. 19. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOUR CHILD HAS FUN!!! X_______________________ Parent/Guardian Signature __________________________ Child’s Name pg. 32 Referee Training Schedule for Fall 2014 All Region 56 referees are required to complete regional classroom training. Region 56 will be hosting a series of field sessions; these sessions are designed to provide a better understanding of the Law of the Game, as well as the Spirit of the Game. All volunteers must fill out a volunteer form each and every year. This is for insurance and safety purposes. If you have not already done so, please do this at your earliest opportunity. You can register on www.eayso.org, please bring two copies of your registration forms to any of the classes or meeting if you are a new volunteer. Region 56 will provide a complete referee kit, Regional Badge, whistle, flags and coin to all who complete the Regional training session. DATE TIME VENUE Part 1 & 2 Classroom Courses: Regional Referee Saturday August 16, 2013 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM Villa Pacific Clubhouse Part 1 Classroom Courses: Regional Referee Tuesday, August 19, 2014 6:00 PM – 10:00 PM Villa Pacific Clubhouse Part 2 Classroom Courses: Regional Referee Thursday, August 21, 2014 6:00 PM – 10:00 PM Villa Pacific Clubhouse Part 1 Classroom Courses: Regional Referee Tuesday, September 2, 2014 6:00 PM – 10:00 PM Villa Pacific Clubhouse Part 2 Classroom Courses: Regional Referee Thursday, September 4, 2014 6:00 PM – 10:00 PM Villa Pacific Clubhouse *Check www.ayso56.org regularly for possible added classes. Location Information: Villa Pacific Clubhouse 9933 Villa Pacific Huntington Beach, CA, 92646 If these courses do not support your work/home life schedule, please go to www.eayso.org then go to the My eayso tab, then go to course signup. Enter SECTION 11 and then under COURSE select Basic Referee Course. Bring proof of attendance and the DRI in region 56 will present you your badge and information on how to be reimbursed for the referee class fee, if the region charges you for taking their class. Youth candidates: Youth candidates who are at least 12 years of age can become Regional Referees by completing the appropriate training to officiate at the U9/U10 level and younger divisions. Note: Confirm date, times and locations on website at www.ayso56.org . Check the website for the latest updates, information and changes. pg. 33 COACH – TURN THIS COPY IN - PLEASE KEEP A COPY FOR YOUR RECORDS TEAM REFEREES INFORMATION SHEET *PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY Please note: Providing this form & referee support is a part of qualifying to enter into the Volunteer Appreciation Play-offs. TEAM NAME: _ DIVISION: 1. COACH: __BOYS / GIRLS ___________ _____ TEAM #_____________ NAME ADDRESS: Email address:_____________________________________________________ DAY PHONE:( ) _______ EVENING PHONE:( ) _______ CERTIFICATION LEVEL & YEAR: 2. NAME ADDRESS: Email address:____________________________________________________ DAY PHONE:( ) ____ EVENING PHONE:( ) _____ CERTIFICATION LEVEL & YEAR: 3. NAME ADDRESS: Email address:____________________________________________________ DAY PHONE:( ) _________ _ EVENING PHONE:( ) _____ CERTIFICATION LEVEL & YEAR: pg. 34 How to fill out a Game Card 1. Write the Region number you belong to. We are Region 56. 2. Write the Division you are coaching (i.e., U05, U06, U07, etc) and the Gender code (B = Boys G = Girls) 3. Write you team number. If you do not know your team number, contact your Division Coordinator. 4. Write your team name. 5. Write the primary colors of your team. This would be the primary color of the jersey and shorts. 6. Write your name. 7. Write your Assistant Coaches name. Please note, that if you do not have a named Assistant on the card, if you should for any reason leave the game (ie., injury, expulsion, etc.) the game will be ended. 8. Fill this section out in jersey numerical order with the corresponding player name. The match officials will fill out the rest of the card. AT THE CONCLUSION OF YOUR GAME, VERIFY WITH THE OFFICALS THAT THE SCORE REPORTED ON THE CARD IS ACCURATE AND SIGN THE FRONT OF THE CARD. THIS WILL INDICATE TO THE REGION THAT YOU AGREE WITH THE OUTCOME OF THE MATCH SHOULD THE NEED ARAISE WHERE WE HAVE TO REFER BACK TO THE CARD. 3 2 1 4 5 6 7 8 pg. 35 COACH – TURN THIS FORM IN (Please make a copy for your records) DIVISION: U05 BOYS/GIRLS TEAM #_______ COACH:_______________________ TEAM VOLUNTEER FORM REGION COPY – EVERY FAMILY MUST VOLUNTEER Job Description Assistant Coach – Assist Coach at practice and games Team Coordinator - Attend meeting on time and date to be determined, check website , coordinate snacks, parties, gifts, relay info, changes, etc. Banner or Flag – Collect $$ and design/purchase a team banner or flag; transport to/from games. Sponsor – Obtain a corporate/private sponsor for $125.00. If no sponsor can be found, the team must sponsor itself. Ensure that form it filled out completely and correctly and turn both $125.00 and form in on Picture Day. Region Volunteer – Volunteer for shift at the Soccer Festival/other Region needs. Net Set-up and Removal – Set up nets when team is scheduled as away team for first game of day; tear down when last game (either home or away). Field Maintenance – Line field when your team is scheduled as the home team for the first game of the day. Team Photographer – Take pictures, collect pictures from other parents for yearbook (if provided). To be turned in on picture day. Name Telephone Number pg. 36 COACH – TURN THIS FORM IN (Please make a copy for your records) DIVISION: U06 BOYS/GIRLS TEAM #_______ COACH:____________________________ TEAM VOLUNTEER FORM REGION COPY – EVERY FAMILY MUST VOLUNTEER Job Description Assistant Coach – Assist Coach at practice and games Team Coordinator - Attend meeting on time and date to be determined, check website , coordinate snacks, parties, gifts, relay info, changes, etc. Referee – Train to become a Regional Certified Referee; attend mandatory meeting, referee games. Referee – Train to become a Regional Certified Referee; attend mandatory meeting, referee games. Referee – Train to become a Regional Certified Referee; attend mandatory meeting, referee games. Banner or Flag – Collect $$ and design/purchase a team banner or flag; transport to/from games. Sponsor – Obtain a corporate/private sponsor for $125.000. If no sponsor can be found, the team must sponsor itself. Ensure that form it filled out completely and correctly and turn both $125.00 and form in on Picture Day. Region Volunteer – Volunteer for shift at the Soccer Festival/other Region needs. Net Set-up and Removal – Set up nets when team is scheduled as away team for first game of day; tear down when last game (either home or away). Field Maintenance – Line field when your team is scheduled as the home team for the first game of the day. Team Photographer – Take pictures, collect pictures from other parents for yearbook (if provided). To be turned in on picture day. Name Telephone Number pg. 37 COACH – TURN THIS FORM IN (Please make a copy for your records) DIVISION: U07/U08 BOYS/GIRLS TEAM #_______ COACH:________________________ TEAM VOLUNTEER FORM REGION COPY – EVERY FAMILY MUST VOLUNTEER Job Description Assistant Coach – Assist Coach at practice and games Team Coordinator - Attend meeting on time and date to be determined, check website , coordinate snacks, parties, gifts, relay info, changes, etc. Referee – Train to become a Regional Certified Referee; attend mandatory meeting, referee games. Referee – Train to become a Regional Certified Referee; attend mandatory meeting, referee games. Referee – Train to become a Regional Certified Referee; attend mandatory meeting, referee games. Banner or Flag – Collect $$ and design/purchase a team banner or flag; transport to/from games. Sponsor – Obtain a corporate/private sponsor for $200. If no sponsor can be found, the team must sponsor itself. Ensure that form it filled out completely and correctly and turn both $200 and form in on Picture Day. Region Volunteer – Volunteer for shift at the Soccer Festival/other Region needs. Net Set-up and Removal – Set up nets when team is scheduled as away team for first game of day; tear down when last game (either home or away). Field Maintenance – Line field when your team is scheduled as the home team for the first game of the day. Team Photographer – Take pictures, collect pictures from other parents for yearbook (if provided). To be turned in on picture day. Name Telephone Number pg. 38 COACH – TURN THIS FORM IN (Please keep a copy for your records) DIVISION: U09/U10/U12/U14 BOYS/GIRLS TEAM #_______ COACH:____________________ TEAM VOLUNTEER FORM REGION COPY – EVERY FAMILY MUST VOLUNTEER Job Description Assistant Coach – Assist Coach at practice and games Team Coordinator - Attend meeting on time and date to be determined, check website , coordinate snacks, parties, gifts, relay info, changes, etc. Referee – Train to become a Regional Certified Referee; attend mandatory meeting, referee games. Referee – Train to become a Regional Certified Referee; attend mandatory meeting, referee games. Referee – Train to become a Regional Certified Referee; attend mandatory meeting, referee games. Banner or Flag – Collect $$ and design/purchase a team banner or flag; transport to/from games. Sponsor – Obtain a corporate/private sponsor for $200. If no sponsor can be found, the team must sponsor itself. Ensure that form it filled out completely and correctly and turn both $200 and form in on Picture Day. Region Volunteer – Volunteer for shift at the Soccer Festival/other Region needs. Net Set-up and Removal – Set up nets when team is scheduled as away team for first game of day; tear down when last game (either home or away). Field Maintenance – Line field when your team is scheduled as the home team for the first game of the day. Team Photographer – Take pictures, collect pictures from other parents for yearbook (if provided). To be turned in on picture day. Name Telephone Number pg. 39 COACH – TURN THIS FORM IN (Please keep a copy for your records) DIVISION: U16/U19 BOYS/GIRLS TEAM #_______ COACH:_________________________ TEAM VOLUNTEER FORM REGION COPY – EVERY FAMILY MUST VOLUNTEER Job Description Assistant Coach – Assist Coach at practice and games Team Coordinator - Attend meeting on time and date to be determined, check website , coordinate snacks, parties, gifts, relay info, changes, etc. Referee – Train to become a Regional Certified Referee; attend mandatory meeting, referee games. Referee – Train to become a Regional Certified Referee; attend mandatory meeting, referee games. Referee – Train to become a Regional Certified Referee; attend mandatory meeting, referee games. Banner or Flag – Collect $$ and design/purchase a team banner or flag; transport to/from games. Region Volunteer – Volunteer for shift at the Soccer Festival/other Region needs. Net Set-up and Removal – Set up nets when team is scheduled as away team for first game of day; tear down when last game (either home or away). Field Maintenance – Line field when your team is scheduled as the home team for the first game of the day. Team Photographer – Take pictures, collect pictures from other parents for yearbook (if provided). To be turned in on picture day. Name Telephone Number pg. 40 Share this with Team and then Give this Flyer to your Team’s Region Volunteer Job Description for REGION VOLUNTEER Under 05 – Under 19 You are responsible for volunteering for a PREASSIGNED shift at our annual Soccer Festival/Picture Day. The teams pre-assigned time slot may be split between 2 or more people. Your assigned time slot will be distributed in August at the Team Coordinator Meeting or as soon as reasonably possible. If for any reason, you as Regional Volunteer cannot make your assigned time, it is YOUR responsibility to find another member on your team to cover the assigned time. U09 – U14 Teams receive 10 Volunteer Points pg. 41 Share this with Team and then Give this Flyer to your Net Set-up & Removal Volunteer Job Description for NET SET-UP & REMOVAL In all divisions Under 9 through Under 19, the team designated as the “away” team for the first game of the day is responsible for the set-up of both goals, including nets, on their playing field. It will be responsibility of the team’s designated Net Set-up and Removal volunteers to ensure that the goals and nets have been erected safely prior to the start of the first game of the day. Play will not begin until both goals are properly set-up and safely secured, but play will end at its scheduled time. The Net Set-up & removal volunteers on each home and away team are responsible for taking down and placing one portable goal in the proper storage bin when the team has the last game of the day. IF AT THE CONCLUSION OF YOUR GAME THERE ARE NO TEAMS WAITING TO USE YOUR FIELD, THE GOALS ARE TO BE DISMANTLED AND RETURNED TO STORAGE, REGARDLESS OF TIME OF DAY. NOTE: When the “away” or visiting team is not from Region 56, it will be responsibility of the “home” (Region 56) team to set-up and take down the goals. pg. 42 Share this with Team and then Give this Flyer to your Field Maintenance Volunteer Job Description for FIELD MAINTENANCE VOLUNTEER In all divisions Under 9 through Under 19, the team designated as the “HOME” team for the first game of the day is responsible for the relining of their playing field. It will be the responsibility of the team’s Field Maintenance volunteer to be the field 1 hour prior to the start of your game to complete his/her volunteer duties. In addition to relining the playing field it may be necessary on occasion to fill-in potholes, spread sand, mark dangerous play areas, etc. Play will not begin until the field is properly lined, but play will end at its scheduled time. At the end of your team’s game it is the responsibility of BOTH home and away teams to pick up any trash and debris on the field and sidelines and either remove it from the field or place it in the bags provided (trash bags will be in the bin). If you are the last game of the day, it is the responsibility of BOTH home and away teams to clean up any trash and debris on or around the playing fields AND empty the trash cans located around the fields and return them to the storage bins. Failure to clean up the fields will result in the deduction of Volunteer Points for the teams responsible for clean up. (Three (3) points per occurrence). NOTE: When the “home” team is not from Region 56 and you are playing on Region 56 fields, it will be the responsibility of the Region 56 teams to line the fields and check for adverse field conditions. pg. 43 SCRIMMAGES Coaches may scrimmage against other Region 56 teams on our approved fields provided there is sufficient space for other teams to practice and in keeping with the one hour policy of using goals. However if there is insufficient space to meet the reasonable needs of other teams, then coaches should yield. When coaches work together respecting each other’s needs teams should have adequate opportunity to scrimmage. *If this policy is abused or we have ongoing issues related to this policy then we may need to revert to a scheduled scrimmage only program. Any teams wanted to schedule a scrimmage with another AYSO team from outside of our region must first get the approval from the Regional Commissioner or Regional Coach Administrator. No Region 56 Teams may use Region 56 approved fields to scrimmage against Club teams or other non AYSO teams. *As clarification, you must still only practice on Region 56 approved fields. Scrimmaging against another non AYSO team with opposing team hosting at their fields: Any team wanting to scrimmage a non AYSO team where the opposing team has offered their fields MUST FIRST get approval from the Region 56 Regional Commissioner. Revised August 8, 2014 pg. 44 PLAYER EVALUATIONS All teams from U5 up need to be ranked. These rankings are kept confidential but are extremely important. They help us begin the draft process the following year, allowing us to do our best to balance teams. Please note – year end trophies and yearbooks will not be handed out until your rankings are complete. The rankings should be done on-line. The instructions are below. Please note, your players may or may not reflect prior ratings. Please disregard all prior ratings and rate your players based on their performance this year. Please rank your players 1 through the number of players on your team, (i.e. if you have 12 players, please rank your players 1 through 12). 1 should be your strongest player, the last ranked player should be your least strong player. There should only be one player at each ranking. You may use double rankings if you have 2 very strong players, or 2 players that are very even, but please try and avoid ranking a group of players the same (i.e. 3 or 4 players ranked a “5”). This makes balancing teams more difficult. Instructions: Log on to www.eayso.org On your home page menu click on "View coach team" This will bring up the Coach Team Page, click on "Team - "Click Here" " Enter your ratings and hit "Update" If you have multiple teams, you should be able to pull up each one. If “View coach team” is not activated and you are not able to click on your team, please contact the registrar at registrar@ayso56.org for assistance. 45 SCHEDULES An email address has been set up for the scheduler. It is ayso56soccer@gmail.com. Please make sure that all schedule issues this year go to this email. Additionally, scheduling information is as follows. 1. Core program playing in Region: ayso56soccer@gmail.com 2. Core program playing in Area: Handled by the Area scheduler. 3. AYSO Plus: Handled by the specific Area administrator. 4. All Stars: Handled by the Area scheduler. 5. Spring U5 through U8: TBD 6. Spring U10 through U19: Handled by the specific Area administrator. It is Region policy to resolve schedule conflicts only for Coaches that are the Head Coach of multiple teams. We can only accommodate region schedule changes. We have no control of influence on schedules outside of the Region. For those coaching multiple teams that include a U9-U14 team, NO accommodations will be made for schedule conflicts during the Volunteer appreciation Tournament. Please be prepared to have your assistant coach manage those games on your behalf. Thank you. pg. 46 Page 1 of 2 All-Star Procedures 1. Any coach, assistant coach, or parent who has a desire to coach or assistant coach an All-Star team MUST meet the following MINIMUM requirements. Completed and approved current volunteer form Coach Safe Haven certified In good standing with AYSO Approved by Region 56 Coach selection committee or Regional Commissioner Age Appropriate Coach certified (including all prerequisite requirements) *Note, All-Star coaches should be certified one level higher than the division they are applying to coach in. Coaches with higher level of certifications are not necessarily selected however level of certifications, experience and knowledge of the game among other things will be considered when selecting All-Star coaches. Final coach selection will be at the discretion of the All-Star coach selection committee. Below is Minimum coach certification requirements U10 Coach = U10 Coach certified, U12 Coach = U12 Coach certified (and U10 prerequisite certifications) U14 Coach = Intermediate (and U10 and U12 prerequisite certifications). 2. Coach/Assistant coach applications All Coach/Assistant coach applicants must complete the All Star Coach Application form (found in the Coach Manual at www.ayso56.org ...go to coaches corner and click Coach Manual). This completed form must be turned in by October 5, 2014. E-mail completed form to Heather Carter at cvpa@ayso56.org , Carmen Bridge at Extra@ayso56.org AND to Dennis Taylor @ its4thekidshb@verizon.net. E-mails MUST be received by deadline. 3. All-Star coach selection for the Fall 2014 season is anticipated to be on or about October 8th, 2014. 4. Player Nominations Each coach shall nominate players, based on position per the attached form. No coach should nominate more than 2 players (U09), 4 players (U10), 6 players (U12), 8 players (U14 Boys), or 6 players (U14 Girls) from the same team. Each coach will send the nomination list to the Division Coordinator of their age group. The coordinator will then send the full list to the All Star Director. *NOTE: The maximum number of players that may be nominated per team may be adjusted based on the actual number of teams in a given division. Coaches will be notified of any changes. All Star Coach may invite additional players that were not nominated by their coach, subject to the approval of the Region 56 board. Player Invitation letters 5. Each coach will give the attached (or a modified version) invitation letter to each nominated player (in a discreet manner). This letter outlines the required commitment for All-Stars. In addition, the All-star coach will have the option to invite additional players from their division that did not receive a nomination. The letter form will be e-mailed to each coach before the selection deadline. All-Star tryouts 6. Tryouts will be held for all players nominated. The Board will set tryout dates and times. There will be a minimum of 2 tryouts. If after 2 tryouts the coaches, evaluators and Region 56 board feel that a consensus is reached as to the team formation(s), all participates will be notified either by phone, letter, or via the website and remaining tryouts will be cancelled. pg. 47 Page 2 of 2 7. Team Formation The coaches and evaluators will meet to discuss team assignments. The Gold coach will announce his/her selection. If the evaluators agree with his/her selections, the Silver coach will then announce his/her selection. If more than one silver team is being formed, the silver coaches will alternate turns selecting players. The All Star Director or another board member assigned by the Regional Commissioner will oversee this entire process. The rosters will be submitted the All Star Director who will then forward them to the Regional Commissioner for approval. 8. Player Notification Players will be announced on our website at www.ayso56.org as soon as possible after the team selection. 9. Replacing players If a player declines a position on any team for any reason or is removed by the coach with the Regional Coach Administrator and Regional Commissioner approval due to lack of commitment or continuous disruption to the team, he/she is not eligible to participant on another all-star team for the remainder of the season. Declining a team position does not prevent a player from being considered for future all-star seasons. There will be no trading of players for any reason. If the Gold team loses a player for any reason the coach will have the option to pull-up a player from the silver team or replace that player with any other player that tried out. An open position on the silver team will be filled by any player that tried out and was not selected by the gold team. pg. 48 ALL STAR COACH APPLICATION APPLICANT INFORMATION DATE Full Name: Mailing Address: Current E-mail Address Home Phone #: Work Phone Requested Gender & Age Girls Which level are you applying for: Cell Boys U9 / U10 / U12 Gold Team / U14 Silver Team EXPERIENCE Total Experience Coaching: AYSO, Region Years AYSO Coaching Experience Division Fall All Star Spring APP Other Coaching Experience: 4 TRAINING/CERTIFICATION AYSO Safe Haven Certification AYSO Coach Certification(s) Dates: State Certification Dates: Coach Instructor Certification Dates: As a Coach? Advanced Intermediate A Grade 5 Date of Certification B Grade 4 Youth C Grade 3 As a Ref? Date of Certification U12 U10 D E Grade 2 Grade 1 Other Experience you consider relevant to your application to coach an All-Star Team References Name Ph# Email Address 1. 2. 3. Please return completed application to All-Star Directors, Heather Carter at cvpa@ayso56.org , Carmen Bridge at Extra@ayso56.org and to Regional Coach Administrator, Dennis Taylor at its4thekidshb@verizon.net no later than October 5th, 2014. Please e-mail any questions regarding this application to cvpa@ayso56.org or Extra@ayso56.org. pg. 49 TURN THIS FORM IN by October 5, 2014 2013-2014 All Star Nomination Form - U09 Only Division: U09_ Boys / Girls Team #_________ Coach: _________________ ALL STAR TEAM NOMINATIONS Please nominate only one to two players and the positions they play who are, in your opinion, the best from your Regular Fall Season Team. Your two players should not be committed to the same position. Please note that U09 will be put into the U10 All Star bracket. U10 will have a Silver and Gold team. NAME POSITIONS PLAYED 1. 2. TURN THIS FORM IN by October 5, 2014 All forms to be emailed to the All-Star Directors, Heather Carter and Carmen Bridge at cvpa@ayso56.org and Extra@ayso56.org. pg. 50 TURN THIS FORM IN by October 5, 2014 2013-2014 All Star Nomination Form - U10 Division: U10_ Boys / Girls Team #_________ Coach: _________________ ALL STAR TEAM NOMINATIONS Please nominate only 3-4 players and the positions they play who are, in your opinion, the best from your Regular Fall Season Team. Your players should not be committed to the same position. Please note that U10 will have a Silver and Gold team. NAME POSITIONS PLAYED 1. 2. 3. 4. TURN THIS FORM IN by October 5, 2014 All forms to be emailed to the All-Star Directors, Heather Carter and Carmen Bridge at cvpa@ayso56.org and Extra@ayso56.org. pg. 51 TURN THIS FORM IN by October 5, 2014 2013-2014 All Star Nomination Form - U12 Only Division: U12_ Boys / Girls Team #_________ Coach: _________________ ALL STAR NOMINATIONS Please nominate up to six players and the positions they play who are, in your opinion, the best from your Regular Fall Season Team. You do not have to nominate six, but should nominate at least three players. All players nominated should not be committed to the same position. Please note that U12 will have a Silver and Gold team. NAME POSITIONS PLAYED 4. ___________________________ __________________________ 5. ___________________________ __________________________ 6. ___________________________ __________________________ 1. 2. 3. TURN THIS FORM IN by October 5, 2014 All forms to be emailed to the All-Star Directors, Heather Carter and Carmen Bridge at cvpa@ayso56.org and Extra@ayso56.org. pg. 52 TURN THIS FORM IN by October 5, 2014 2013-2014 All Star Nomination Form - U14 GIRLS Division: U14_ Girls Team #_________ Coach: _________________ ALL STAR NOMINATIONS Please nominate up to six players and the positions they play who are, in your opinion, the best from your Regular Fall Season Team. All players nominated should not be committed to the same position. NAME POSITIONS PLAYED 4. ___________________________ __________________________ 5. ___________________________ __________________________ 6. ___________________________ __________________________ 1. 2. 3. TURN THIS FORM IN by October 5, 2014 All forms to be emailed to the All-Star Directors, Heather Carter and Carmen Bridge at cvpa@ayso56.org and Extra@ayso56.org. pg. 53 TURN THIS FORM IN by October 5, 2014 2013-2014 All Star Nomination Form- U14 BOYS Division: U14_ Boys Team #_________ Coach: _________________ ALL STAR NOMINATIONS Please nominate up to eight players and the positions they play who are, in your opinion, the best from your Regular Fall Season Team. You do not have to nominate six, but should nominate at least five players All players nominated should not be committed to the same position. NAME POSITIONS PLAYED 4. ___________________________ __________________________ 5. ___________________________ __________________________ 6. ___________________________ __________________________ 1. 2. 3. 7. 8. TURN THIS FORM IN by October 5, 2014 All forms to be emailed to the All-Star Directors, Heather Carter and Carmen Bridge at cvpa@ayso56.org and Extra@ayso56.org. pg. 54 Region 56 – AYSO “EXTRA” Program (Formally known as the Plus program) Are you interested in an opportunity to play a higher level of AYSO soccer? What Is AYSO “EXTRA”? The AYSO “EXTRA” Program is a select program under the AYSO Flex umbrella which we anticipate will be implemented by AYSO Section 11 (Southern California) – Area K (Huntington Beach), Area L (Southern Orange County) and Area Q (Central Orange County), Area E (North Orange County) and Area Z (South LA) that is a level above traditional soccer programs. The objective of the AYSO “EXTRA” program is to provide top players within each region a more competitive playing experience than traditionally offered through the primary program alone. AYSO “EXTRA”, teams are anticipated to be formed around May through a tryout process. The AYSO “EXTRA” program is played during the same time frame as the fall AYSO program (e.g. August thru December). Team formation may be considered for girls and boys in the Under 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 16 age brackets. How is AYSO “EXTRA” Different from Club Soccer? AYSO “EXTRA” is an AYSO program. Thus, everyone plays means that every player will play a minimum of one-half the game. Club soccer teams often do not offer any playing time guarantee. The estimated cost for the AYSO “EXTRA” program is the Standard Fall registration fee of $110 + $20.00 for fundraiser card for U9 through U14 ($80.00 + $20.00 for fundraiser cards for U16 teams) PLUS the Extra Program fee of $240.00 which includes the "Extra" tournament fees. Club soccer costs between $1,500 - $2,000, depending upon the club and the number of tournaments that the team enters. *This fee may vary as actual costs are determined. How Can I Participate on an AYSO “EXTRA” Team? Selection onto an AYSO “EXTRA” team is through a tryout process that is open to everyone registered as a player with AYSO. The tryout process will evaluate players on the basis of their complete skill set, including but not limited to defending, attacking, speed, ball control, game knowledge, attitude, and effort exhibited through drills and small-sided scrimmages. TRYOUTS: Tryouts will all be held at Brethren Christian. For each division there will be a minimum of 2 tryouts for each age group, estimated to be over a two week period. At this time we anticipate there will only be 2 tryouts for each division however at the discretion of the Region 56 board additional tryouts may be added. Dates below are tentative. Please check our region’s website (www.ayso56.org) for specific times, updates, and changes. U10 Boys and Girls: March 2015 U13 Boys and Girls: March 2015 U11 Boys and Girls: March 2015 U14 Boys and Girls: March 2015 U12 Boys and Girls: March 2015 U16 Boys and Girls: March 2015 All Goalie Tryouts: March 2015 For additional information or questions, please contact the Region 56 AYSO “EXTRA” Coordinators, Heather Carter and Carmen Bridge at cvpa@region56.org and Extra@ayso56.org. *The “EXTRA” program is subject to Area K, Section 11 and AYSO National approval. Guidelines are subject to change. pg. 55 FLEX / EXTRA COACH APPLICATION APPLICANT INFORMATION DATE Full Name: Mailing Address: Current E-mail Address Home Phone #: Work Phone Requested Gender & Age Girls Cell Boys U9 / U10 / U11 / U12 / U13 / U14 U15 / U16 EXPERIENCE Total Experience Coaching: AYSO, Region Years AYSO Coaching Experience Division Fall All Star Spring APP Other Coaching Experience: TRAINING/CERTIFICATION AYSO Safe Haven Certification AYSO Coach Certification(s) Dates: State Certification Dates: Coach Instructor Certification Dates: As a Coach? National Date of Certification Advanced A Grade 5 B Grade 4 As a Ref? Intermediat e C Grade 3 Date of Certification U12 U10 D E Grade 2 Grade 1 Other Experience you consider relevant to your application to coach a Flex Extra team References Name Ph# Email Address 1. 2. 3. Please return completed application to Extra Coordinators, Heather Carter and Carmen Bridge at cvpa@ayso56.org and Extra@ayso56.org and to Regional Coach Administrator, Dennis Taylor at its4thekidshb@verizon.net no later than February 15th 2015. Please e-mail any questions regarding this application to cvpa@ayso56.org or Extra@ayso56.org. pg. 56 Sponsored by AYSO Region 56 Huntington Beach, California AYSO Region 56 Thanksgiving Turkey Shootout Tournament Team Invitation November 28 - 29, 2014 Applications are now being accepted for entrance into the AYSO Region 56 Thanksgiving Turkey Shootout Tournament! The deadline to enter the tournament is October 28th, 2014. Applications accepted by that date will be given priority for acceptance into the tournament; all others will be accepted based on any available openings. Application Instructions Applications will be accepted on a first-come basis, based on a completed application. Your application must include the application and the check. 1. Team Application Form will be completed entirely online through ayso56.org/Turkey_Tournament.html. 2. Team Roster Form completed online and approved by your Regional Commissioner in blue or red ink. Roster Notes: • • • • • The online Roster form must include the names of the Head Coach and Assistant Coach and be signed by your Regional Commissioner in blue or red ink. Roster changes must be received by the Tournament Registrar three (3) days prior to the tournament; there will be no roster changes allowed on tournament day. All roster changes must be approved by your Regional Commissioner. Rosters must be comprised solely of players who are registered in AYSO’s Fall 2014 season. Guest players may be added to your roster from a neighboring AYSO region. In this case, the guest player’s Regional Commissioner must approve the roster additions via the online registration system. Player roster limits are as follows: U-14 15 players max 11-v-11 play U-12 15 players max 9-v-9 play U-10 10 players max 7-v-7 play 3. The completed online Referee Form approved by your Regional Referee Administrator. 4. A single Regional check for the total amount of the Team Entry Fee and the Referee Commitment Fee. Team fees are: Age Division U-14 U-12 U-10 Team Entry Fee $400 $400 $350 Referee Performance Fee $250 $250 $250 Total Fee $650 $650 $600 5. Each team will be guaranteed three (3) games in pool play. The top teams will advance to the medal rounds on Saturday afternoon. All pool games will be as follows: 50 min for U-14, 50 min for U-12, and 40 min for U-10. All Finals will be: U-14, 70 min, U-12, 60 min and U-10, 50 min. 6. Location: Huntington Beach Sports Complex: 18100 Goldenwest St. Huntington Beach, CA 92647. We are a few miles (3miles/7 minutes) from the beach. There is a $1 charge for all-day parking. No pets are allowed at fields. 7. Awards: All players and coaches will receive Tournament Souvenir pins. All players and coaches from teams finishing 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th in their divisions will receive medals, for U10 –U14. Referees will receive lunch, t-shirts, Tournament pins, and Tournament flip coins. Shelter and water for referees will be provided. Send your Regional Check to: Tournament Registrar AYSO Region 56 Thanksgiving Turkey Shootout P.O. Box 8205 Huntington Beach, CA 92646 If accepted, it will be assumed that you intend for your team to play the entire tournament, and to return if necessary on the alternative date (in the event that becomes necessary). The alternative date is November 30th, 2014. If your application is not accepted, you will be offered the opportunity to be placed on a waiting list, or if you prefer we will return your application to you within 48 hours. By October 30th, 2014 we will notify you of your acceptance status. Refunds: If you withdraw your application by November 1st, 2014, a full refund will be issued. If you withdraw after the November 1st, 2014 deadline, we will only issue a refund if a replacement team can be found, less any cost to register that replacement team. All information about the tournament can be obtained by visiting our website at: www.ayso56.org/Turkey_Tournament.html Please note that email and the internet will be the primary means of communication for this tournament. Please note that the purpose for this tournament is to provide funding for field renovation improvements and support the VIP program of Region 56. We will be sending out information via email newsletter once your application is received. In the meantime, if you have any further questions, you may contact us as follows: pg. 57 Sponsored by AYSO Region 56 Huntington Beach, California AYSO Region 56 Thanksgiving Turkey Shootout Tournament Tournament Rules CATEGORY 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) JURISDICTION FEES ACCEPTANCE REFUNDS RAINOUT/ CANCELLATION RULE A. Unless otherwise noted, the current AYSO National Rules and Regulations, Section 11, and FIFA Laws of the Game will be used for this tournament. The following rules are intended specifically for this tournament ONLY! B. The Tournament Committee (incl. Tournament Director, Assistant Director(s), Field Director, Referee Director and other designated staff) will have jurisdiction over all games played. Disputes will be resolved by the end of the soccer day. Referee judgment calls are NOT subject to dispute or protest! A. Entire fee and referee deposit must accompany tournament application and will be returned if application is not accepted. Fee must be a single check issued from the respective Region’s account (no personal checks). B. Fees are: U-10 $600 (entry fee $350 plus referee deposit $250), U-12 $650 (entry fee $400 plus referee deposit $250), U-14 $650 (entry fee $400 plus referee deposit $250). A. Applications are due on October 28, 2014 B. Applications will be accepted on a first-come basis, based on completed application (see Team Application Form for criteria). Teams will be notified by email within 48 hours of the receipt of their applications or by October 30, 2014. C. Teams not accepted into the tournament will be offered the opportunity to be placed on a waiting list. D. The primary form of communication between the Tournament and applying teams will be email and the Tournament website. Teams must designate a Team Contact on their application who has email and Internet access. A. Teams withdrawing by November 1, 2014 will be issued a full refund. B. Teams withdrawing after November 1, 2014 will only be issued a refund if a replacement team can be found. C. If the tournament is canceled and cannot be rescheduled, a full refund will be issued. D. For teams that are eligible, referee deposit refunds will be mailed no later than 14 days after the end of the tournament. Referee deposit refunds will be on a prorated basis, comparing the number of assignments actually completed versus the number that were assigned. A. Should the tournament experience a rain out day, November 30, 2014 will be used to complete tournament play. All teams will be expected to return on that date to resume the tournament. B. If the tournament is cancelled due to weather after partially completing and it cannot be rescheduled to be completed, refunds will be made to teams on a prorated basis, based on the number of actual games played. C. If the tournament cannot be held due to weather or other conditions beyond the control of the tournament hosts, then a full refund will be sent to all teams. pg. 58 AYSO Region 56 Turkey Shootout Tournament Rules 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) TC-140 PLAYERS/TEAMS COACHES REFEREES FIELDS FORMAT A. Players on participating teams must have been properly registered to play in AYSO, and have played in the Fall 2014 season. Coaches are responsible to ensure that all players meet eligibility requirements. B. The team roster must be verified and approved by each player’s Regional Commissioner. Roster changes may be submitted (with the written approval of the Regional Commissioner); however, these changes must be received by the Tournament Registrar 3 days prior to the tournament. There will be no roster changes allowed on tournament day. C. Guest Players will be required to have the approval of both the Guest Player’s Regional Commissioner and the Host Team’s Regional Commissioner (see Guest Player Form). D. Division U-14 will play 11-v-11, and there will be a roster limit of 15 players per team. Division U-12 will play 9-v-9, and there will be a roster limit of 15 players per team. Division U-10 will play 7-v-7, and there will be a roster limit of 10 players per team. E. All players must play at least half of each game. Violation of these player rules exposes a team to protest and renders them subject to forfeiture of game and possible disqualification at the discretion of the Tournament Director. A. Each team is limited to one Head Coach and one Assistant Coach only (must have one of each). These coaches must be the ones listed on the Official Team Roster. B. Each Coach must be Safe Haven certified, be age-appropriate trained, and must provide their AYSO Identification Number. C. Coaches are expected to set the example for their team in exhibiting proper AYSO behavior and Kid Zone behavior. Coaches are expected to remain in the technical area during games and only enter the field of play as requested by the referee. A. Each team in the tournament will provide a crew of 3 referees. These referees will be assigned up to 3 games, based on their qualifications. B. All referees must be an AYSO currently registered volunteer and be Safe Haven certified. C. Only the diagonal system of control will be used to referee the games. D. Referees for U-14 games should be Advanced level or above. Referees for U-12 games should be Intermediate level or above. Referees for U-10 games should be Regional or above. E. Youth referees, serving as match referees, must be at least 2 years older than the age group they are refereeing. F. All referees must be in full Uniform as defined by AYSO and USSF, including the AYSO Referee Badge. Referees not in uniform will not be permitted to referee games, and their team’s referee deposit may be subject to forfeiture. G. If all assignments are successfully completed, the Referee Deposit will be refunded (see REFEREE PLAN for more details). H. Referees are expected to check in at the Referee Station at least 30 minutes prior to their assigned game. Failure to appear on time may result in a replacement referee crew being assigned to the field. Once a replacement crew has been assigned, they will have priority and the original crew must report to the Referee Station for alternative assignment. I. Coaches are strongly discouraged from officiating in the tournament. If need be, they will be allowed to referee as long as the games are of a different division. J. Referees will be expected to uphold the tournament rules, AYSO guidelines, and FIFA laws. Any failure of the referee to uphold these rules may be cause for dismissal from the tournament, and will place a team’s referee deposit refund in jeopardy. A. All fields will be set up and taken down by the tournament staff. B. Trash cans will be provided at each field. Teams will be expected to clean up all trash in their area before leaving. C. Please observe the Facility Use Rules while attending the tournament. A. This is a pool play tournament. B. Each age division will be bracketed into playing pools. Each team will play a minimum of 3 preliminary play games within their respective pools. Where there are sufficient teams, divisions will also be separated into multiple competition flights. C. Teams will advance from qualifying pools based on pool play standings points. Number of teams advancing per pool will be determined by the number of pools in the division. Page 59 11/09/2006 AYSO Region 56 Turkey Shootout Tournament Rules 11) 12) 13) 14) TC-140 CHECK-IN FIELD MONITORS GAMES SUBSTITUTIONS A. Teams must check in 60 minutes prior to their first game, and must present Game Cards for as many games as the team will play in the tournament (including medal-round games). The Game Cards must be properly completed with the players’ listed first name-last name in uniform order. The players listed on the game cards must match the approved roster submitted with the team’s application. B. Each coach or team representative must provide AYSO Player Registration forms with original ink or electronic signatures for verification by tournament officials. C. Coaches must have these Player Registration forms with them at all times and ready for presentation to Tournament Officials. D. Late arriving players must be escorted to the check-in station by a team official along with their Player Registration Form and be cleared by the Tournament Staff before participating in any games. A. There will be a tournament Field Monitor assigned to each field, and will report to the Tournament Field Director. Field Monitors will check in teams prior to each game and present the verified game cards to the match referees. B. At the conclusion of the game, the match referees must return the completed game cards to the Field Monitor. C. Field Monitors will be the first to respond to any incidents or injuries, and will be in contact with the rest of the tournament staff by radio. Tournament participants are encouraged to report any concerns immediately to the Field Monitor, and also to respectfully follow any instructions given by the Field Monitor. A. Pool play games will consist of 20 to 25 minute halves depending on the age division (see chart below) with a five minute half time. There will be a running clock during the match including substitutions. There will be no time added on for injuries or time wasted in qualifying rounds. Games will be expected to end on time, and may be shortened if they started late. Pool play games may end in a tie. B. Championship games will be full regulation length (see chart below). Championship games will be played until there is a winner (see Medal Round rules below). C. Game duration shall be as follows: Division Pool Play/Semis Finals U-10: 20 minute halves 25 minute halves U-12: 25 minute halves 30 minute halves U-14: 25 minute halves 35 minute halves D. The home team will be the first team or top team listed on the game schedule and will be responsible for providing game balls. The home team will be situated on the North or East side of the field, and the visitor will be situated on the South or West side. Spectators must remain on the side of the field designated for their team. The home team will change jerseys or don pinnies, provided by the tournament, in the event of a color conflict with the visitor team. If any questions, the referee will determine whether this is necessary. E. There will be no warming up on the field. Teams must warm up prior to taking the field. As soon as the previous game has ended, teams must clear the field and the teams for the next game must take their places. F. FORFEITS: Teams must check in at the designated Field Coordinator Station 30 minutes prior to the start of the game. There will be a five-minute grace period at the start of the game for a team to take the field before a forfeit is declared. The score for a forfeit match will be 1-0 for the remaining team (See STANDINGS for the points to be awarded). For U-10 division teams, there is a minimum of 5 players on the field to continue a game. For U-12 the minimum number of players is 7 and for U-14 the minimum number is 7 players. If a team cannot field the minimum number of players, the game will be abandoned and a forfeit will be declared. G. SUSPENDED GAMES: The Tournament Committee may determine to end matches early if the field schedule is behind due to game delays, interference, or if weather conditions provide unsafe conditions, and may distribute awards according to games played and points. The Tournament Committee will determine the outcome of any single game which is terminated prematurely (due to inclement weather, participant injury, or interference by outside party, etc.). H. ABANDONED GAMES: if any pool play games cannot be played due to circumstances beyond the control of the tournament, the final standings of the pool will be determined by applying the Winning Percentage formula (Total Points Earned in all Games Played divided by Total Points Possible for the Number of Games Played) to each team in the pool. Note: This does not apply to games which were shortened due to a late start. Only the Tournament Director or designee can declare a game to be abandoned or not played. A. Substitutions shall be allowed approximately midway through each half and at halftime for ALL divisions U-10 through U-14 and will be recorded on the game cards by the referee. B. All substitutions must be approved and recognized by the referee. Substitutions may be made for injured players; however, they may not return until the next substitution opportunity and will be considered as having played the current match section (exception: an injured player not replaced may return to play at any time with the referee’s permission). Page 60 11/09/2006 AYSO Region 56 Turkey Shootout Tournament Rules 15) STANDINGS A. B. C. D. 16) ADVANCEMENTS Standings for pool play games will be determined on the “ten-point system” as follows: WIN = 6 points TIE = 3 points LOSS = 0 points GOAL = 1 point (one point per goal scored up to a maximum of 3 per game, win or lose) SHUTOUT = 1 point (for an earned shutout, including a 0-0 tie) FORFEIT = 7 points (scored as a 1-0 win, no shutout points as it is not an “earned” shutout) RED CARD = 2 point deduction for team (includes 2 points for each player, substitute, or coach) Winners of ties in standings will be determined as follows: Head to head competition Most number of wins Least number of sportsmanship point deductions (1 point per misconduct, 1 point per spectator incident) Goals allowed – total (up to a maximum of three per game; fewest number advances) Goal differential (goals scored up to three goals per game) Coin toss at the end of pool play. Wildcard teams will be the team(s) with the highest standings points from all teams in the division who are not automatically advancing. Standings will be updated hourly at the Tournament Scoreboard. The deadline to challenge the posted results will be at the conclusion of Pool Play. A. Pool winners (and in some cases wildcard teams) will advance to medal round play. B. Teams will play semi-final and/or championship final matches, depending on the number of teams in each pool and the format of play for that flight. 17) MEDAL-ROUNDS A. All medal round matches ending in a tie shall be decided by FIFA Kicks From the Penalty Mark. 18) AWARDS A. Medals will be presented to coaches and players from the first-place through the fourth-place teams in each division. B. A tournament pin will be presented to each player and coach. A. Coaches will be expected to set a positive example for the team and will be held responsible for the actions of their team, including spectators. All spectators must remain behind the control line and between the 18-yard lines. Two coaches maximum per team, and they must remain in the marked coaching technical area (within ten yards either way from the halfway line). B. At the conclusion of each match, the referees will indicate on the backside of the game cards any point deductions for poor sportsmanship. Point deductions will be used as tie-breakers should that become necessary. Referees will be required to complete a game misconduct report for all misconducts during the game, as well as any incidents of interference by spectators. C. Any coach or spectator ejected must immediately leave the vicinity of the playing field (out of sight and sound) and will be prohibited from attending the next scheduled game. Any player sent off (red card) must immediately leave the vicinity of the game (under supervision of their parent or Safe Haven certified adult), may not return to the field of play during the current game, including for the post-game handshake, may not be substituted for, and is suspended from participation in the next game. There will be penalty point deductions for all send-offs (see Standings rules). D. Any violent conduct red card or ejection will result in that player/coach/spectator being barred from the remainder of the tournament. E. If it is determined that an ineligible player has participated in a game, the team will forfeit all games in which that player participated illegally. Furthermore, if it is determined that the coach knowingly played a player illegally, that coach will be barred from further participation in the tournament. F. It is mandatory to play a scheduled game. If it is determined that a coach willfully fails to have his team participate in a scheduled game, the coach will be dismissed from the tournament and the incident will be reported to the respective Regional Commissioner. G. All conduct problems will be reported to the respective Regional Commissioner. H. All Serious Incidents will be reported to the respective Regional Commissioner, as well as to Area, Section and the AYSO National Office. 19) TC-140 CONDUCT Page 61 11/09/2006 AYSO Region 56 Turkey Shootout Tournament Rules 20) 21) 22) 23) TC-140 MEDICAL/FIRST AID UNIFORMS/SAFET Y PROTESTS RULES INTERPRETATION A. There will be a First Aid station at the main tent where participants may receive ice, etc. for minor injuries. B. There will be a roving first aid response staff member to respond to injuries on the field. Field Monitors will communicate via radio to call the first aid staffer to the field where first aid is requested. C. If an injury is serious, the first aid staffer or Safety Director will have a mobile phone to call 911 for emergency response. D. Directions to the nearest hospital/urgent care center will be available at the First Aid station. A. All players must wear the approved AYSO uniform only, and all players on the same team must wear matching uniforms (except goalkeeper – may have a different jersey). B. Each player’s uniform must be marked with a permanently-affixed unique number that matches the uniform number on the Game Card, and may not exchange numbered jerseys with any other player during the game, including the goalkeeper. C. Garments may be worn under the uniform (i.e. long sleeves, etc.) during inclement weather, however the match referee will be the judge of what should be allowed or not. D. Jewelry, casts of any kind, or hard metal or plastic clips on clothing or hair will not be allowed. E. AYSO will not prohibit the use of knee braces by players in AYSO events and programs, providing that the brace is adequately covered and padded in the judgment of the referee, so as to eliminate the possibility of its causing injury to the other players on the field. A. Protests will be considered only for the following reasons: • An ineligible player has played. • One or more registered player(s), present and in uniform, has not played the required one half of the game (except for illness or injury as recorded by the game referee). B. All protests must be presented in writing to the Tournament Director within 1/2 hour of the completion of the game. C. All protests will be heard by a Protest Committee of at least three persons selected by the Tournament Director. In all cases, the members of the Protest Committee will be unrelated to either team involved in the protest. ALL PROTEST DECISIONS ARE FINAL! D. Referee judgment calls are FINAL and are not grounds for, nor subject to, protest or dispute! The Tournament Director retains the right to interpret and apply the tournament rules to the optimum benefit of all tournament participants. Page 62 11/09/2006 Sponsored by AYSO Region 56 Huntington Beach, California AYSO Region 56 Thanksgiving Turkey Shootout Tournament Referee Plan The following are guidelines that the AYSO Tournament will apply for referees in our 2014 tournament: Commitment Requirements i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. Qualification Requirements i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. Uniform Requirement i. ii. iii. Competency Requirements i. ii. Each team participating in the 2014 Tournament must provide at least 1 crew consisting of 3 qualified referees. The Referee Information Form must be completed, approved by the Region Referee Administrator, and returned with the Team Application. Each referee team will be expected to officiate a minimum of 3 matches during the tournament. These may be game assignments or standby assignments, which will be considered equal in terms of earning the referee deposit refund. If all assignments are completed, the entire referee deposit of $250 will be refunded within 30 days of the completion of the tournament. If only partial assignments are completed, then a partial refund will be provided equal to the proportion of assignments completed. The deposit refund check will be returned to the address shown on the Team Application form. Remember: the quality of officiating is largely dependent upon the experience and abilities of the referees you provide. Each referee must be a currently AYSO registered volunteer and Safe Haven certified. Each referee must be versed in the Laws of the Game, including current law changes and capable of applying the laws according to the spirit of the game. Each referee may only represent one team in the tournament. Players in the tournament will not be allowed to officiate. Coaches in this tournament are strongly discouraged from officiating so that scheduling of referees with the best experience and without perceived conflicts can be accomplished. Youth referees will only be allowed if they are not a player in the tournament. Care must be taken when considering whether to allow a youth referee to officiate in the heated environment of a competitive tournament. These referees must have their Youth Volunteer Application form and Youth Referee Letter with them at all times and present them to any Tournament official upon request. All referees must be in full Uniform as defined by AYSO and USSF, including the AYSO Badge. The Gold uniform will be considered the primary color of referee uniform for this tournament. The referee crew will be expected to change to an alternate color in case of conflict with either of the teams’ uniforms. Referees not in uniform will not be permitted to referee games, and their team’s referee deposit may be subject to forfeiture. Referees will be assigned to games as follows: U-10: Regional Badge or higher U-12: Intermediate Badge or higher U-14: Advanced Badge or higher Any exceptions must have the prior written approval of the Referee Administrator. Every effort will be made to assign referees to neutral games at their level of competency or below. In rare cases, referee crews may be asked to split up in order to meet these goals. pg. 63 Tournament Rules i. ii. iii. iv. Referees will be expected to familiarize themselves with and uphold the tournament rules, AYSO guidelines and FIFA laws. Any failure of the referee to uphold these rules may be cause for dismissal from the tournament, and will place a team’s referee deposit refund in jeopardy. Only the diagonal system of control will be used. Referees will be expected to note on the back of the game cards and to fill out misconduct reports immediately after the game in which a misconduct (caution and/or send-off) was issued to a player or coach, or if there were spectator interference problems, or any other action that merits a report. Referees will be expected to turn in all completed game cards and misconduct reports to the Field Monitor immediately after each game. Referee Schedules i. Referee schedules will be emailed out to each team and also made available on the tournament website within 2 weeks of the tournament. Each team will be expected to ensure that the referee schedule and check-in instructions have been provided to their referee crew. Use of Local Referees i. Additional referees will be provided by the host region, including from the surrounding regions and Areas to ensure all games are covered by qualified referees. These referees will be provided assignments on a stand-by or fill-in basis. Priority will be given to referee crews to ensure an opportunity to earn their deposit refund. Referee Check-In i. All referees will be expected to check in at the Referee Station upon their arrival at the tournament, to register and to collect their Referee Voucher. At check-in, each referee team will be provided with a summarized set of tournament rules that they will be expected to administer. Referees are expected to check in at the Referee Station at least 30 minutes prior to their assigned game. Failure to appear on time may result in a replacement referee crew being assigned to the field. Once a replacement crew has been assigned, they will have priority and the original crew must report to the Referee station for alternative assignment. ii. iii. Referee Mementos i. ii. Referees will be provided with a meal ticket for food and drink at the concession stand for each day that they officiate. Chilled water and snacks will also be available at the Referee Station. Participating referees will receive a tournament coin and pin as mementos to thank them for their contribution. Address: Referee forms must be mailed with the Team Application to: Tournament Registrar AYSO Region 56- Thanksgiving Turkey Shootout Tournament P.O. Box 8205 Huntington Beach, CA 92646 Contact Information: Questions regarding referee requirements should be directed to: Contact: Nick Dispalatro, Tournament Referee Administrator Email: rra@ayso56.org Website: www.ayso56.org pg. 64 AYSO Region 56 Turkey Shootout Tournament Youth Referee Letter Youth Referee Name: Current Age Date of Birth: AYSO Badge Level: Certification Date: Representing Tournament Team: Region: Team Name: Coach Name: Age Division: U-10 U-12 U-14 Boys Girls Youth referees must carry a copy of this letter with them at all times and present it to any Tournament Officials upon request. Youth referees also must either have a parent/guardian present at all times, or must have a copy of their Youth Volunteer Registration Form attached to this Letter. • • Region 56 Turkey Shootout Tournament requires that Youth Referees have this letter of authorization from their respective Regional Referee Administrator, certifying that they are skilled and experienced to handle the rigors of a competitive tournament game. Region 56 Turkey Shootout Tournament further requires that the Youth Referee be at least 2 years older than the age group for which they are officiating and further that they are not a player on a team that is currently entered in the Region 56 Turkey Shootout Tournament. Regional Referee Administrator Information: Regional Referee Administrator’s Name Phone Number Email I understand that a highly competitive tournament like the Region 56 Turkey Shootout Tournament generates a great deal of excitement and rigorous play that present a unique challenge to any referee. As a youth referee, there is an increased level of challenge due to the scrutiny that a youth referee is subjected to. Nevertheless, I certify that this Youth Referee is a member in good standing from my Region, that s/he is skilled and experienced to referee games up to the level indicated below, and that s/he is at least 2 years older than the age group indicated: GU-10 BU-10 GU-12 BU-12 GU-14 BU-14 Skill level as a Referee (check all that apply) Skill level as an Assistant Referee (check all that apply) RRA Signature and date (Blue ink please) pg. 65 TOURNAMENTS If you decide to play in a tournament, please adhere to the guideline below. Failure to do so may prevent you from participating in a tournament since most divisions fill up very fast! PLAN A MINIMUM OF 2-3 WEEKS AHEAD OF APPLICATION DUE DATE!!! You will most likely need region checks for the tournament you want to play in: one for the registration fees and a second one for a referee deposit. You must collect fees from players or write one check for the total amount of your requested checks. You may bring the funds to cover the region checks when you pick them up. You will also need a completed roster. The Region Commissioner (RC) must validate and sign all rosters – allow 2 weeks for processing. Submit your roster directly to the RC. You will be called or emailed to pick it up when signed. The Region 56 Treasurer must write and obtain signatures on your checks. Please submit a completed check request form to the Treasurer at least 1 week before you need the check. You can either drop it off or email it. There is a Word “doc” version of the check request on the website. Email it to treasurer@ayso56.org. You will be called or emailed to pick it up when signed. You are strongly advised to let your Team Coordinators assist you with this process! Please note: You are responsible for obtaining your referee deposit refund if you provide referees. Once returned to the region treasurer, a single check will be written – payable to the coach or team coordinator for disbursement to the players. Information for tournaments can be found on the AYSO National website at www.soccer.org Good luck! And be sure to let us know if you medal in any tournament. The information will be posted on the website but only if you let us know! pg. 66 AYSO REGION 56 2015 SPRING SOCCER PROGRAM IMPORTANT: It is our intent to bring you the information you need so you can plan your season and provide the families on your team with information in a timely manner. Since we are just entering the Fall Season at the time of this printing we do not have the new guidelines from Area K so please understand some of these guidelines may change including player/team eligibility, guest player limitations and number of players on a team, to name a few. Please read the following information carefully. This briefly outlines the AYSO Region 56 spring Select Soccer Program. All necessary forms are available for download at www.ayso56.org. Click on “Play Soccer” then “Spring Soccer”. Forms are listed on the Right. Upper Division Spring Soccer is an Area K managed program. All rules are subject to final changes made by the Area Director. SPRING NOTES: Coaches that wish to form Spring teams must fill out a Spring coach application and a referee form with 3 referees that are certified to referee at your level. This needs to be mailed to the Spring Coordinator (address at the bottom of this page). Once this is completed, the Spring Board will review each case and notify the coach if he/she is approved. BOTH forms need to be complete to be considered. PROGRAM OUTLINE: Our Spring Program is dedicated to building fundamental soccer skills. This is a wonderful opportunity for Coaches and Players to enhance skills and have fun in the Spring sun! Spring is a coach-select program. You may select players of your choice in accordance with Region 56 /Spring guidelines. REGISTRATION: The registration and fees will be processed through the Coach. Coaches are responsible for turning in a completed team roster (form on the Spring Soccer page) and all payments. Registration for Returning FALL players: Parents should log on to eayso at www.eayso.org, Click on “Sign up for Other Programs” on the main menu page and then Click on Spring for each player. Parents are to give a copy of the players registration form to the coach. The form is the same registration form used in the fall. Parents may print a new copy of the form when they register for spring by clicking on “Print Player form” on the main menu page. Parents must sign it and turn in the original to the coach as this form doubles as a medical release form. As a coach you are responsible for having a copy of this form during all practices and games. Registration for Players that DID NOT play in the fall: Parents will need to log onto eayso at www.eayso.org. They will register their child the same way they would have for fall and will print two copies of the registration form for their child, sign and turn them in to the coach with Payment. The coach will keep one copy of the form and turn the other copy in with the Roster. Please note: All forms will say Fall 2014 since fall is our primary season. pg. 67 PARTICIPANTS: U-10, U-12, U-14, U-16 and U-19 AYSO Registered players. This group plays on Saturdays. U-08 spring recreational league for Under 8’s and Under 7’s players play on Friday nights or Saturdays based on field availability. U6 spring recreational league for Under 6’s and U5’s play on Friday night. COST: The cost of the program is $60 per player for individuals that registered and played in the fall season. Non fallregistered players must register with AYSO National. Their fees are $80. TEAM AND PLAYER INFORMATION: PLAYER ELIGIBILITY Players play in the same division as they did in the previous fall season. Division players may request permission to play up and the Spring Board handles each on a case-by-case basis. TEAM ELIGIBILITY: NO EXCEPTIONS! The spring program will have a Recreational League and a Select League. The Recreational League is intended to allow new or less experienced players to develop their skills and play in a fun and more evenly matched environment. The Select League is intended for players who are more experienced and seek to develop their skills in a more competitive environment To the extent possible with the number of teams participating, the Select League will be divided into two brackets. One bracket will be for the most competitive teams, typically EXTRA teams, Gold All Star teams, and teams with several Competitive Level Guest Players. The other bracket will be for other competitive teams, typically Silver All Star teams, All Star teams that are playing up in the next higher division (such as a U10 Gold All Star team playing in U12 Select), and teams with no or few Competitive Level Guest Players. Recreational League teams may not include any All-Star Players, EXTRA Players or Competitive Level Guest Players (an exception to this rule may be made for the child of the head coach). There is no limit on the number of Recreational Level Guest Players that may be on a Recreational League team. All Select League teams in the U10 to U14 divisions are allowed a maximum of three (3) Guest Players. All Select League teams in the U16 & U19 divisions are allowed a maximum of five (5) Guest Players. Any deviation from the maximum number of Guest Players requires the approval of the Area Director. “Guest Players” are players who were not registered with AYSO and did not play at least one-half of the games in the immediately prior AYSO fall season. “Competitive Level Guest Players” are Guest Players that the team coach or Regional Commissioner knows or has reason to believe played in a competitive soccer program in the year prior to the start of the spring program, such as a club soccer team, high school soccer team or other similar competitive team. “Recreational Level Guest Players” are all Guest Players other than Competitive Level Guest Players. “All Star Players” include any players who participated in the most recent All Star program, whether Gold All Stars, Silver All Stars or other All Star division. Teams participating in the spring program are required to have medical releases (white forms) for each player, an official roster, and official, AYSO issued Player, Coach and Assistant Coach ID cards. Eligibility requirements will be determined by Area K and may change after the printing of this manual. Please check the Area website at www.ayso11k.org prior to forming your team. pg. 68 NUMBER OF PLAYERS The maximum number of players on each team is as follows. Division Maximum Roster Size Format U19 & U16 - 18 players fielding 11 vs. 11 (maximum 7 substitutes) U14 & U12 - 15 players fielding 11 vs. 11 (maximum 4 substitutes) U10 - 12 players fielding 7 vs. 7 (max. 3 substitutes) U8 - 9 players fielding 7 vs. 7 (max. 2 substitutes) U6 - 7 players fielding 5 vs. 5 (max. 2 substitutes) A minimum of seven players (U8 and above) shall constitute a team. Spring Select Team Roster sheets must be filled out clearly and in entirety and approved. FIELDS: Each team is responsible for cleanup of the general area after each game. Soccer fields are precious commodities and we must ALL do our part to keep them clean and hazard free. Common sense should prevail with all field use. Note all potential hazardous field conditions or goal equipment and contact the Spring Coordinator. Note: There may be certain age specific divisions that will require portable goals/nets to be set up and taken down. When applicable the following will apply: The first Region 56 Team playing on the field will put up the goals/nets and the last Region 56 Team will take them down. If there is not a team waiting to get on the field directly after your game, it is your responsibility to take down the portable goals/nets and put them away. Each team is responsible for lining (re-lining) of the playing fields weekly. If your team has the first game of the day, your team volunteers must arrive 1 hour prior to game time to re-line your field. GAMES AND SCHEDULES: Both Recreational and Tournament Teams will be notified of mandatory meetings to advise of schedules, game instructions and league specifics. GAME NOTES: If there is a conflict of uniform colors it is the home team that has to change or wear pennies. The first sets of teams of each game day are responsible to line the field and to set up nets. The last sets of teams are responsible to tear down nets and put them away and to pick up any trash left behind. The bin lock combos will be open provided to coaches. Please make sure you lock the bins if you are the last team out. UNIFORMS: Each team is responsible for providing their own uniforms. All uniforms must have the AYSO logo and a number on the back. You may not have any sponsor name on the uniform, no player names, or pictures. We recommend Score Sports for jerseys. www.scoresports.com INJURIES AND PROPERTY DAMAGE: Any injury to a player must be reported to the Player Regional Safety Director immediately. Any damage caused by a participant must be reported to the Spring Coordinator. REFEREES: Each team must provide a 3-person referee team. If you do not meet this requirement you will not be permitted to form a team. PLAYER INVITATIONS: You may invite a player from your own fall team starting October 1, 2014. You may also invite players from other teams beginning November 15th, 2014. Please be considerate of all Coaches and players. Violating this Spring guideline may result in application rejection. The Regional Commissioner and the Spring Board will enforce this policy. If you, as a Coach, would like to form a Spring Team, you must apply / notify the Spring Board in writing. Enclosed please find an application / notification form along with a team roster form pg. 69 Important dates to remember: Team Invitations (you may invite players from your own fall team) Begin: 10/01/14 Open Invitations Begin: 11/15/14 Coach Applications / Notifications of Spring interest due: 12/15/14 Referee List Due- 12/30/14 (includes referee names, badge level, contact information, etc. located on website under Docs & Forms. Team Rosters, Registration forms and fees due: 1/8/2015 ** We will not accept partially submitted packets. Before submitting your packets check the followingA completed roster- roster is located on the website under docs & forms One copy of player registration form with wet signature. Two copies if a non-fall player. Fees for ALL players. Practices may begin 2/1/2015 Season Begins: 1st week of March 2015 **NOTE- A list of 3 certified referees MUST be submitted and approved, prior to registering your team. Don’t forget this is our season. Make sure we encourage our players to play hard, represent themselves and our Region well and have fun. Submit Coach Applications, Completed Team Packets (rosters, referees, registration forms, fees) to the Spring Coordinator at springcoord@ayso56.org. Encourage our players to play hard, display good sportsmanship and represent our Region well. Encourage our parents to sit back, relax and enjoy watching their child play soccer. **All information is subject to change. Please Visit our website at www.ayso56.org for updated information. pg. 70 SPONSORSHIP September 2014 To Whom It May Concern: Welcome to another exciting year of youth soccer! American Youth Soccer Organization, Region 56 in South Huntington Beach requires each of our teams (U5-U14 Divisions) to obtain sponsor money each year. The amount for U7-U14 division teams is $200.00. For U5 & U6 division teams, the amount is $125.00. These funds are used to maintain fields, provide goals and safety equipment, storage, portables, training for coaches and referees, referee uniforms, region supplies and services, etc. The sponsor can be a local vendor, Team parents’ or any other businesses willing to sponsor a team. Please get creative and check the local businesses you frequent as they often are happy to support their local community. These funds are due on September 6, 2014 for the upcoming fall season. Please place check in the envelope provided or in an envelope stating coaches name, division and contact information. Sponsorship monies are due at SoccerFest/Picture day. They can also be mailed to AYSO Region 56 P.O. Box 8205 Huntington Beach CA 92615. Please make your check payable to AYSO Region 56 and retain this letter as your receipt. The AYSO National federal tax ID is 95-6205398. You will receive an appreciation gift at the end of the season from the team you sponsor. Margret Cerecedes AYSO Region 56 Treasurer Cornerkick56@yahoo.com pg. 71 AYSO REGION 56 P.O. Box 8205 Huntington Beach, CA 92615 CHECK REQUEST (Expense Reimbursement/Invoice Payment) Date Requested Requested by Ck Delivery Method (pickup, mail, etc.) Phone Email Acct # Date Needed Check Payee Address Attention Season Expense Details (Be specific- Identify event if any, item to (Fall, Allstars, Spring) be reimbursed, period covered, used for ____________, etc.) Amount Total Check Request Acct # Income Accounts 4005 Registration Fees 4021 Tournaments/Player Camps 4031 Cultural Exchange 4040 Fundraising Receipts (specify event) 4041 Fundraising Other (donations) 4310 Sponsors/Contributions (sponsors, directed scholarships) 4959 Other Income (e.g. concession sales) Acct # Expense Accounts 4006 5101 5103 5111 5115 Registration Fee Refund Uniforms – Players Uniforms – Referees Field Expense Park Fees (Use Fees) 5146 5229 5239 5241 5255 5261 5262 5274 5431 5432 5433 7515 7535 7625 7695 8595 Equipment & Storage Tournaments/Player Camps Cultural Exchange Expense Playoff Expense Pictures, Yearbook, Advertising Fundraising Expense Fundraising Expense (VADA) Awards, Trophys, Scholarships Clinics – Player Training Clinics - Coaches Clinics - Referees Telephone, Internet Expense Postage Office Supplies Misc. Expense (Explain) Region Meetings PLEASE ATTACH INVOICE, PURCHASE ORDER, RECEIPT OR ANY OTHER DOCUMENT TO VERIFY PAYMENT OF EXPENSE. THIS MUST BE PRESENT FOR PROPER REIMBURSEMENT THANK YOU! If you have any questions or you require assistance, please email the treasurer Margret Cerecedes at cornerkick56@yahoo.com pg. 72 AYSO e-mail Service AYSO has a new e-mail service that our region will be using to send out information throughout the season. This service should allow us to keep all our families updated. The e-mails we will be sending are sent to the e-mail addresses noted on each families eayso.org account under player e-mail and parent e-mail. These may be changed by logging on to your eayso.org account. pg. 73 COACH – THIS IS FOR YOU TO USE AS YOU MAY SEE FIT. YOU DO NOT NEED TO TURN THIS IN. A CLEAN COPY CAN BE FOUND BELOW. TEAM ROSTER SHEET AYSO Region 56 Division ______________Boys/Girls Team Name Team #___________ Coach:___________________________________________ Phone;___________________________________________ Asst. Coach:______________________________________ Phone:___________________________________________ Team Parent:______________________________________ Phone:___________________________________________ Practice Times;____________________________________ Practice Location:__________________________________ Team Colors: Shorts:_________ Shirt:__________ Socks:_________ Players Name Parents Name Phone Uniform # Birth Date Address City/State/Zip pg. 74 TEAM ROSTER SHEET AYSO Region 56 Division ______________Boys/Girls Team Name Team #___________ Coach:___________________________________________ Phone;___________________________________________ Asst. Coach:______________________________________ Phone:___________________________________________ Team Parent:______________________________________ Phone:___________________________________________ Practice Times;____________________________________ Practice Location:__________________________________ Team Colors: Shorts:_________ Shirt:__________ Socks:_________ Players Name Parents Name Phone Uniform # Birth Date Address City/State/Zip pg. 75 AYSO Region 56 South Huntington Beach Parent Information Manual Welcome to AYSO Region 56 Fall Season. This Parent Manual is meant to provide you with the basic information regarding our Fall Soccer program. AYSO Mission: American Youth Soccer Organization's mission is to develop and deliver quality youth soccer programs which promote a fun, family environment based on AYSO’s Six Philosophies: Everyone Plays, Balanced Teams, Positive Coaching, Open Registration, Good Sportsmanship, and Player Development. Fees: The Early Fall Registration Fee is: $120.00 for U5-U14, and $80.00 for U16-U19* (*U16 – U19 teams are not provided with trophies or yearbooks). Regular registration cost after the April 9th sign-up date will be $130 / $90. This fee includes your child’s uniform and the opportunity to go to an LA Galaxy game. VIP Registration is $30. Active Military, bring your ID for a 25% discount. You can expect some minor additional expenses during the season: Community Card fundraiser: $20 per player (2 cards), maximum $40 per family – Collected at Registration Banner / Snacks: $20.00 (approximate) Pizza Party / Coaches Gift / misc: $20.00 (approximate) Team Sponsorship: Each team through U14 is required to provide for a team sponsor. A team may find a team sponsor, if no team sponsor is obtained each team shall collectively pay for sponsorship as follows: U5-U6 - $125, U7-U14 - $200. Fundraiser: To help keep Registration fees as low as possible, Region 56 will be holding additional optional fundraisers, including SoccerFest. Each team is encouraged to provide a basket for the SoccerFest silent auction. SoccerFest is our opening day event, including picture day, and is a great family fun event. SoccerFest will be Sep. 6th. Refund Policy: U9 – U19 players who withdraw prior to June 15th, and younger division players who drop prior to July 1st, will receive a full refund. Players who withdraw prior to the first game of the regular season will receive a refund of 50% of their registration fees. There are no refunds issued after August 1st. There are no refunds for Extra program fees. Region Budget: Your Fall Registration Fees and the Fall Fundraiser go towards the operation of the region, including National fees, uniforms, HBCSD field use fees, field maintenance, field equipment, yearbooks and trophies. *Registration fees for U16-U19 do not include yearbooks or trophies. Registration fees cover regular Fall Season games. Registration fees do NOT include Post Season Play-Offs known as the Volunteer Appreciation Play-Offs. Equipment: Please have your child bring shin guards, a ball, a drink (water or sports drink, no caffeinated beverages please) and appropriate footgear to all practices and games. Soccer cleats are recommended but not mandatory, shoes with a toe cleat (baseball shoes) are not permitted. Team Assignments: A key philosophy of AYSO is balanced teams. Your child will be assigned a team after registration. Teams are set based on player rankings. We will attempt to accommodate placement requests, within reason, for U5 – U8 divisions. For U9 and higher, teams are set in a blind draft, placement requests cannot be accommodated. You can expect to hear from your coach over the summer months. If you have not heard by August 10th, please contact your division coordinator. Division coordinators contact information is listed on the website Regional Board tab at www.ayso56.org. You may also contact the Registrar at registrar@ayso56.org. Practice Schedules: Practices will start no earlier than August 1st. Team practices will be set by the coach. Most teams will practice 1 – 2 times per week for approximately ½ to 2 hours depending on age and ability. Game Schedules: Games for lower divisions are scheduled on Saturday’s. Upper divisions are scheduled for Saturdays, weeknights and Sundays. Lower divisions play within our region. U14 – U19 teams travel locally. pg. 76 Season: The regular season runs from September through October. Playoffs for qualifying teams are held in November. Postseason can include All-stars (by coach nomination and try-outs), tournament play and Spring Soccer. Turkey Tournament: Region 56 hosts a Turkey Tournament Thanksgiving weekend. This is a great event that supports the region, all fall teams are encouraged to play. Ask your coach or check our region web site, www.ayso56.org. SoccerFest: SoccerFest is our Season Opening fundraising event that takes place on picture day. It is a great event, providing activities for kids and a fundraising opportunity for the region. SoccerFest will be held September 7th. AYSO E-mail: Our Region uses eayso to send out information to all of you. Please help us keep you in touch by updating your e-mail address at www.eayso.org. Volunteer Requirements: AYSO is an all-volunteer organization. All positions, including your Regional Board, Coaches and Referees are on a volunteer basis. In order for our Region to operate effectively and to provide every child with a positive experience, every family is expected to volunteer. Volunteer opportunities include: Coach Assistance Coach Team Coordinator Referee (each team must have 3 referees) Banner / Flag Sponsor - (Business or Individual) SoccerFest Volunteer Hours Net Set up & Removal Field Maintenance Team Photographer Turkey Tournament Volunteers Volunteer for Region positions / projects* * Regional positions or projects include many positions such as year book, field director, trophies, SoccerFest, etc. Please remember, we are all out to make AYSO a positive experience for our children, please consider making a regional volunteer commitment. Optional Volunteer Appreciation Play-Offs / Volunteer Points: Each year Region 56 offers U9 through U14 teams an optional Volunteer Appreciation Post Season Play-Offs (VAP). This Post Season play is not part of the Fall Program and all teams that would like to participate MUST QUALIFY. Teams may qualify by being in good standings and meeting the minimum requirements, including volunteer points, as detailed in Region 56’ VAP Qualifying policy. Region 56 policy for qualifying for the VAP can be found on our Region 56 website at www.AYSO56.org. Your child’s coach can also provide additional information on each volunteer position and its requirements. A team must earn a total of 80 points as outlined below to meet the volunteer point requirements. 10 points Pre-season Coaches Meeting Team Coordinator Meeting 7 points Mid Season Coaches Meeting 7 points Regional Volunteer 10 points * Total Referee Points 46 points ** (This is the equivalent of 4 games per 3 man ref team + the ref mtg) Total Points 80 Points *** *Regional volunteer work as assigned and approved by the board. **Includes Mandatory Referee Meeting. Each referee in attendance shall earn 2 pts, max of 6 points. ***Note: Out of the 80 points a minimum of 46 referee points must be earned. Please see the full policy on-line for additional information regarding the points system and alternate methods of earning points. Codes of Conduct: Everyone within AYSO is expected to act appropriately for the benefit of all. Our player and parent Codes of Conduct can be found on our web site under Play Soccer – Fall Soccer. Please take the time to read these with your child. Additional Information: For additional information, please regularly check the Regional website. You will be able to find regional information, schedules and standings; www.ayso56.org Policies and guidelines are subject to change pg. 77 Your Region 56 Budget: Revenue: Expenses: pg. 78 COACH - JOB DESCRIPTION Coach Purpose The AYSO volunteer position of coach is intended to develop in players a positive image of themselves, their teammates, coaches, game officials, and opponents, and provide a good role model for players. Additionally, the coach will develop in his/her players the appropriate soccer skills as recommended in the AYSO coaching manuals. Specific Duties and Responsibilities The coach is expected to: 1. Attend team organization night with the assistant coach before the season begins; 2. Attend the age appropriate coaching course for training on how to coach or as a refresher on AYSO philosophy; 3. Attend uniform/equipment distribution night prior to a season to receive team uniforms, equipment, and a playing schedule; 4. Conduct appropriate training sessions ; 5. Promote the AYSO philosophy; 6. Support the regional commissioner; 7. Cooperate with the regional coach administrator on all coaching matters; 8. Support the division (age group) coordinator; 9. Distribute practice and game schedules to parents; 10. Conduct a parent meeting; 11. Teach age appropriate skills; 12. Refrain from the use of insulting, embarrassing, foul or abusive language; 1 of 3 K:\Safe Haven\Job Descriptions 2009\vol_Coach.doc 9/10/2008 11:56 AM Last saved by Ellisa Hall 12/23/2008 9:43 AM pg. 79 13.* Provide player evaluations to the division coordinators at the end of the season; *Please see page 44 of Coach Manual. This process has been revised. 14. Carry out other team tasks as necessary; and 15. Have FUN! Qualifications and Desired Skills To be considered for the position of coach, the applicant must: 1. Have reliable qualities; 2. The coach must be 18 years of age or older; 3. Attend training classes before the season begins; and 4. Successfully pass a screening, including a background check. Supervision Protocols While performing as the coach, the volunteer is: 1. Subject to the bylaws, rules, regulations, policies, procedures, and guidelines of AYSO; 2. Under the overall authority of and directly supervised by the regional coach administrator, and supervised indirectly by the regional commissioner; 3. To maintain the recommended adult to child supervision ratio of 1:8 or less; that is one adult for every eight or fewer children and two adults (one of whom may be the coach and one of whom should be of the same gender as the group) present at all times. For the protection of both the children and the volunteer, no volunteer should permit himself or herself to be alone with any child or group of children (except his or her own) during AYSO-sponsored activities; and 4. Once the head coach has assumed charge of the children on his or her team, he or she remains responsible until a duly designated adult has taken charge of each child after practice or a game or the child leaves the immediate vicinity of the practice or game as prearranged by the parent to walk home or to a friend’s or relative’s house. No child shall be left unsupervised after a game or practice. Parents who are unreasonably late or consistently tardy should be reported to the child protection advocate for action. Each coach may establish a standing policy of where children may be picked up by late parents. Time Commitment The anticipated time commitment for a coach is a full year. The estimated hours to fulfill duties by month shall be filled in by the regional coach administrator; 2 of 3 K:\Safe Haven\Job Descriptions 2009\vol_Coach.doc 9/10/2008 11:56 AM Last saved by Ellisa Hall 12/23/2008 9:43 AM pg. 80 Jan: Jul: hrs. hrs. Feb: Aug: hrs. Mar: hrs. Sep: hrs. Apr: hrs. Oct: hrs. hrs. May: Nov: hrs. Jun: hrs. Dec: hrs. hrs. Orientation, Training, Certification, and Continued Education Provided To prepare a volunteer for the position of coach, AYSO will offer the following educational opportunities which volunteer coaches are expected to take advantage of and participate in, as appropriate. 1. Orientation by the regional coach administrator; 2. AYSO Safe Haven Coach Certification; 3. Continuing education; 4. Training classes; 5. Coach clinics; and 6. Referee clinics. Activity Locations While performing the duties of coach, the volunteer is limited to the following locations, unless expressly authorized in writing by the regional commissioner to hold activities in another location. 1. Assigned field locations; 2. Assigned classroom locations; 3. Regional meetings; 4. The annual Section Conferences; 5. Regional sponsored events; and 6. Independent work at home alone, in committees of adults, or in a properly supervised situation with children. 3 of 3 K:\Safe Haven\Job Descriptions 2009\vol_Coach.doc 9/10/2008 11:56 AM Last saved by Ellisa Hall 12/23/2008 9:43 AM pg. 81 Pgs. 1 of 2 BASIC INFORMATION YOU MAY FIND HELPFUL WHAT DOES A COACH NORMALLY RECEIVE FROM REGION 56 (Fall Season)? 1. Medical release forms (player registration forms) Signed Medical Release Forms must be with you at all AYSO related functions including practices and games. These forms must have "wet signatures". 2. Uniforms 3. First aid kit (Coach should always have a first aid kit with them for practices and games) 4. One game ball 5. Coach manual (condensed) 6. Line-up cards for divisions requiring them 7. U5-U14 teams will also receive Region 56 Fall Yearbook (end of fall season) *Sponsorship money must have been paid RECOMMENDED GEAR FOR COACHES *Coaches are responsible for providing other training gear as coach may deem appropriate. See below for suggestions. 1. Soccer balls (Coaches should inform parents that all players bring their own soccer ball, shin guards and water to all practices and games. Coach may want to purchase additional ball for practice. 2. Ball bag (as may be needed for coaches' soccer balls) 3. Soccer bag for your gear, medical release forms and coach manual 4. Cones for drills 5. Flags for drills SIZE OF BALL Age Division U5, U6,U7 & U8 U9,U10,U11 & U12 U14, U16 & U19 SIZE (SIZE 3) (SIZE 4) (SIZE 5) DURATION OF GAMES Division Maximum Duration of Half U5 10 minutes U7 & U8 20 minutes U12 30 minutes U16 40 minutes U6 U9 & U10 U14 U19 10 minutes 25 minutes 35 minutes 45 minutes 1. Games shall be of two equal halves, not to exceed the maximum durations listed above. 2. Half-time periods shall be a minimum of five and a maximum of ten minutes as designated by the referee. 3. Where necessary due to scheduling time constraints, the duration of the two halves is to be reduced by an equal amount to allow for substitution. *Note: Ultimately the referee is the timekeeper and it is at his/her discretion to determine among other things when to call for start of the game, substitutions (1/4 breaks for substitution), ½ time and end of game. No one is to argue with the referee's decision. TEAMS U5-U6 U7-U8 U9-U10 U12 U14 U16-U19 Maximum of 7 on roster. Maximum of 10 on roster. Maximum of 10 on roster. Maximum of 12 on roster. Maximum of 15 on roster. Maximum of 18 on roster. Games played Games played Games played Games played Games played Games played with 5 players per team on the field (5v5), no Goalkeeper. with 7 players per team on the field (7v7), no Goalkeeper for U7. with 7 players per team on the field (7v7), one is Goalkeeper. with 9 players per team on the field (9v9), one is Goalkeeper. with 11 players per team on the field (11v11), one is Goalkeeper. with 11 players per team on the field (11v11), one is Goalkeeper. All information herein including, polices and guidelines are subject to change. Pg. 82 Pgs. 2 of 2 BASIC INFORMATION YOU MAY FIND HELPFUL (Continued) FIELDS LOCATIONS FOR GAMES (Subject to change) U5 U6 U7 U8 U9-U10 U12 U14-U19 Extra Teams VIP Eader Sowers Hawes Eader Peterson Sowers Brethren Christian Moffett and Peterson Peterson FIELD OF PLAY (Field and Goal Sizes) 1. The dimensions and markings of the field of play and goals shall be at the discretion of the Region and, whenever possible, conform to the FIFA Laws of the Game or to AYSO short-sided game requirements. Actual field sizes will depend on a number of factors including how many teams have been formed and the number fields/time slots needed. *For your convenience we have listed "ESTIMATED" field sizes for each division HOWEVER the actual field sizes may vary significantly including being smaller and narrower as may be required to fulfill our total field allocation needs. ESTIMATED FIELD SIZES (See above for explanation) U5 & U6 U7 & U8 U9 & U10 U12 U14 & UP 15X30 (yards) 25X50 (yards) 40X80 (yards) 50X100 (yards) 60+ X 110 (yards) 2. A coaches’ area extending ten yards on each side of the halfway line shall be marked by two lines off the field of play and perpendicular to the touch line. Where possible, the coaches’ area shall include two additional lines, with one line parallel to and at least one yard from the touch line, and a second parallel line no more than three yards from the touch line. 3. The field shall be marked, where possible, with a spectator control line parallel to the touch line at a distance of at least three yards from the touch line. Coaches and officials should help the assistant referees keep spectators behind the spectator control line. 4. Spectators shall not be allowed behind the goal lines, with the exception of photographers who have received authorization from the referee, and who must remain quiet and sufficiently back from the goal lines. ESTIMATED GOAL SIZES (See above for explanation) U5-U6 U7-U8 U9-U10 U12 U14-U16-U19 Pop-up Goals 6' X 18' 7' X 21' 7' X 21' or 8 x 24' (may vary based on field played on) 8' X 24' Is it permissible to pay Referees? No, it is strictly prohibited to pay, offer or give any compensation to any individual(s) to officiate/referee any game, function or event involving a Region 56 game*. This includes Referees and Assistant Referee(s) (AR's). *Exception may be for Tournament play where teams are offered the opportunity to pay a Referee fee for a sanctioned event approved by Region 56. If there is any question you must contact an Executive Board member to get clarification if doing so is permissible. *Note: You may download AYSO's Guidance for Referees, Coaches and Parents @ www.ayso.org for recommended field dimensions and policy statement regarding paying Referees. All information herein including, polices and guidelines are subject to change. Pg. 83 Region 56 Approved Fields Reminder, teams may NOT practice until August 1st, 2014 unless you are currently registered in tournament play and have notified the Region 56 board and been approved to do so. APPROVED TIMES AND DAYS FOR PRACTICES DURING THE SUMMER: ALL SCHOOLS EXCEPT Brethren Christian: MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY: 4:00PM UNTIL DUSK ONCE SCHOOL STARTS: All schools EXCEPT Brethren Christian: MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY: 4:00PM-DUSK BRETHREN CHRISTIAN: Beginning August 8th, 2014: MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY: 5:30PM UNTIL 9:00PM SATURDAYS: 8:00AM UNTIL DUSK *Note, Brethren Christian lights are turned on manually. SEE FIELD ETIQUETTE DOCUMENT FOR REGION 56 POLICIES RELATED TO FIELDS/PRACTICE Brethren Christian Junior/High School 21141 Strathmoor Lane, Huntington Beach, CA *Currently this is our Region's only field with lights pg. 84 Peterson Elementary School 20661 Farnsworth Lane Huntington Beach, CA Isaac Sowers Middle School 9300 Indianapolis Ave, Huntington Beach, CA pg. 85 Moffett Elementary 8800 Burlcrest Dr, Huntington Beach, CA Eader Elementary School 9291 Banning Ave. Huntington Beach, CA 92646 Hawes Elementary School 9682 Yellowstone Dr. Huntington Beach, CA 92646 *ALL TIMES AND DATES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE pg. 86 AYSO's Mission & Vision To Be The Nationally Recognized Youth Soccer Program Of Choice AYSO's Vision is to provide world class youth soccer programs that enrich children’s lives. AYSO's Mission is to develop and deliver quality youth soccer programs which promote a fun, family environment based on AYSO's Six Philosophies: • • • • • • Everyone Plays® Balanced Teams Open Registration Positive Coaching Good Sportsmanship Player Development The mission is accomplished by providing these essential services: • • • • • Coaching and referee programs including quality delivery systems Quality administrative and operating systems with a support network Strong financial position Special network for volunteers, supported by a national staff Program research and development pg. 87 AYSO's Six Philosophies AYSO's philosophies are living tenets that separate it from other sports organizations. They are Everyone Plays®, Balanced Teams, Open Registration, Positive Coaching, Good Sportsmanship and Player Development. Everyone Plays® Our program's goal is for kids to play soccer so we mandate that every player on every team must play at least 50% of every game. It’s no fun to spend the game on the bench…and that’s no way to learn soccer! Balanced Teams Each year we form new teams as evenly balanced as possible because it’s more fun and a better learning experience when teams of similar ability play. It allows for each player to gain the experience of a wide variety of teammates of different skill levels. Open Registration Our program is open to all children between 4 and 19 years of age who want to register and play soccer. Interest and enthusiasm are the only criteria for playing. There are no elimination try-outs and nobody gets cut. Positive Coaching Encouragement of player effort provides for greater enjoyment for the players and leads to better-skilled and better-motivated players. A coach can be one of the most influential people in a child’s life, so AYSO requires they create a positive experience for every boy and girl. Good Sportsmanship We strive to create a positive environment based on mutual respect rather than a win-at-all-costs attitude, and our program is designed to instill good sportsmanship in every facet of AYSO. Player Development We believe that all players should be able to develop their soccer skills and knowledge to the best of their abilities, both individually and as members of a team, in order to maximize their enjoyment of the game. pg. 88 ONLINE CONCUSSION TRAINING Just click link below to complete your online Concussion training course Please take this as soon as possible. Let's do our best to protect our kids! CDC Heads Up Online Concussion Training http://www.cdc.gov/concussion/HeadsUp/Training/index.html pg. 89 SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS ACTION PLAN Athletes who experience one or more of the signs or symptoms listed below after a bump, blow, or jolt to the head or body may have a concussion. If you suspect that an athlete has a concussion, you should take the following four steps: 1. Remove the athlete from play. 2. Ensure that the athlete is evaluated by a health care professional experienced in evaluating for concussion. Do not try to judge the seriousness of the injury yourself. SIGNS OBSERVED • Appears dazed or stunned • Is confused about assignment or position • Forgets an instruction 3. Inform the athlete’s parents or guardians about the possible concussion and give them the CDC fact sheet for parents on concussion. • Is unsure of game, score, or opponent 4. Keep the athlete out of play the day of the injury and until a health care professional, experienced in evaluating for concussion, says they are symptom-free and it’s OK to return to play. • Moves clumsily • Answers questions slowly ADDITIONAL AYSO PROCEDURES • Loses consciousness (even briefly) • Shows mood, behavior, or personality changes • Can’t recall events prior to hit or fall • Complete AYSO Incident Report • Refer parents to the AYSO/CDC Information sheet and SAI information available at AYSO.org • Obtain signed AYSO Participation Release from Parent/Guardian prior to return to play • Can’t recall events after hit or fall • Obtain a Medical Release if required by State Law SYMPTOMS REPORTED BY ATHLETE • Give all signed forms to your AYSO Safety Director • Headache or “pressure” in head • Nausea or vomiting IMPORTANT PHONE NUMBERS • Balance problems or dizziness • Double or blurry vision Emergency Medical Services Coaching Staff Available During Practices • Sensitivity to light Name: Name: • Sensitivity to noise Phone: Phone: Health Care Professional Coaching Staff Available During Games Name: Name: Phone: Phone: • Feeling sluggish, hazy, foggy, or groggy • Concentration or memory problems • Confusion • Just not “feeling right” or is “feeling down” IT’S BETTER TO MISS ONE GAME THAN THE WHOLE SEASON. For more information and to order additional materials free-of-charge, visit: www.cdc.gov/Concussion Coach manual reference pg. 90 Parent/Athlete Concussion Information Sheet A concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury that changes the way the brain normally works. A concussion is caused by bump, blow, or jolt to the head or body that causes the head and brain to move rapidly back and forth. Even a “ding,” “getting your bell rung,” or what seems to be a mild bump or blow Did You Know? • Most concussions occur without loss of consciousness. to the head can be serious. • Athletes who have, at any point in their lives, had a concussion have an increased risk for another concussion. WHAT ARE THE SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF CONCUSSION? • Young children and teens are more likely to get a concussion and take longer to recover than adults. Signs and symptoms of concussion can show up right after the injury or may not appear or be noticed until days or weeks after the injury. If an athlete reports one or more symptoms of concussion listed below after a bump, blow, or jolt to the head or body, s/he should be kept out of play the day of the injury and until a health care professional, experienced in evaluating for concussion, says s/he is symptom-free and it’s OK to return to play. SIGNS OBSERVED BY COACHING STAFF SYMPTOMS REPORTED BY ATHLETES Appears dazed or stunned Headache or “pressure” in head Is confused about assignment or position Nausea or vomiting Forgets an instruction Balance problems or dizziness Is unsure of game, score, or opponent Double or blurry vision Moves clumsily Sensitivity to light Answers questions slowly Sensitivity to noise Loses consciousness (even briefly) Feeling sluggish, hazy, foggy, or groggy Shows mood, behavior, or personality changes Concentration or memory problems Can’t recall events prior to hit or fall Confusion Can’t recall events after hit or fall Just not “feeling right” or “feeling down” coach manual reference pg. 91 CONCUSSION DANGER SIGNS In rare cases, a dangerous blood clot may form on the brain in a person with a concussion and crowd the brain against the skull. An athlete should receive immediate medical attention if after a bump, blow, or jolt to the head or body s/he exhibits any of the following danger signs: Remember Concussions affect people differently. While most athletes with a concussion recover quickly and fully, some will have symptoms that last for days, or even weeks. A more serious concussion can last for months or longer. • One pupil larger than the other • Is drowsy or cannot be awakened • A headache that not only does not diminish, but gets worse • Weakness, numbness, or decreased coordination • Repeated vomiting or nausea • Slurred speech • Convulsions or seizures • Cannot recognize people or places • Becomes increasingly confused, restless, or agitated • Has unusual behavior • Loses consciousness (even a brief loss of consciousness should be taken seriously) WHY SHOULD AN ATHLETE REPORT THEIR SYMPTOMS? If an athlete has a concussion, his/her brain needs time to heal. While an athlete’s brain is still healing, s/he is much more likely to have another concussion. Repeat concussions can increase the time it takes to recover. In rare cases, repeat concussions in young athletes can result in brain swelling or permanent damage to their brain. They can even be fatal. WHAT SHOULD YOU DO IF YOU THINK YOUR ATHLETE HAS A CONCUSSION? If you suspect that an athlete has a concussion, remove the athlete from play and seek medical attention. Do not try to judge the severity of the injury yourself. Keep the athlete out of play the day of the injury and until a health care professional, experienced in evaluating for concussion, says s/he is symptom-free and it’s OK to return to play. Rest is key to helping an athlete recover from a concussion. Exercising or activities that involve a lot of concentration, such as studying, working on the computer, or playing video games, may cause concussion symptoms to reappear or get worse. After a concussion, returning to sports and school is a gradual process that should be carefully managed and monitored by a health care professional. It’s better to miss one game than the whole season. For more information on concussions, visit: www.cdc.gov/Concussion. Student-Athlete Name Printed Student-Athlete Signature Date Parent or Legal Guardian Printed Parent or Legal Guardian Signature Date Coach manual reference pg. 92 Parent/Athlete Concussion Information Sheet A concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury that changes the way the brain normally works. A concussion is caused by bump, blow or jolt to the head or body that causes the head and brain to move rapidly back and forth. Even a “ding,” “getting your bell rung,” or what seems to be a mild bump or blow to the head can be serious. Did You Know? WHAT ARE THE SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF CONCUSSION? Signs and symptoms of concussion can show up right after the injury or may not appear or be noticed until days or weeks after the injury. If an athlete reports one or more symptoms of concussion listed Most concussions occur without loss of consciousness • Athletes who have, at any point in their lives, had a concussion have an increased risk for another concussion. • Young children and teens are more likely to get a concussion and take longer to recover than adults. below after a bump, blow, or jolt to the head or body, s/he should should be kept out of play the day of the injury and until a health care professional, experienced in evaluating for concussion, says s/he is symptom-free and it’s OK to return to play. SIGNS OBSERVED BY COACHING STAFF Appears dazed or stunned Is confused about assignment or position Forgets an instruction Is unsure of game, score, or opponent Moves clumsily Answers questions slowly Loses consciousness (even briefly) Shows mood, behavior, or personality changes Can’t recall events prior to hit or fall Can’t recall events after hit or fall SYMPTOMS REPORTED BY ATHLETES Headache or “pressure” in head Nausea or vomiting Balance problems or dizziness Double or blurry vision Sensitivity to light Sensitivity to noise Feeling sluggish, hazy, foggy, or groggy Concentration or memory problems Confusion Just not “feeling right” or “feeling down” CONCUSSION DANGER SIGNS In rare cases, a dangerous blood clot may form on the brain in a person with a concussion and crowd the brain against the skull. An athlete should receive immediate medical attention if after a bump, blow or jolt to the head or body s/he exhibits any of the following danger signs: • • • • • • • • • • • • One pupil larger than the other Is drowsy or cannot be awakened A headache that not only does not diminish, but gets worse Weakness, numbness, or decreased coordination Repeated vomiting or nausea Slurred speech Convulsions or seizures Cannot recognize people or places Becomes increasingly confused, restless, or agitated Has unusual behavior Loses consciousness (even a brief loss of consciousness should be taken seriously) WHY SHOULD AN ATHLETE REPORT THEIR SYMPTOMS? If an athlete has a concussion, his/her brain needs time to heal. While an athlete’s brain is still healing, s/he is much more likely to have another concussion. Repeat concussions can increase the time it takes to recover. In rare cases, repeat concussions in young athletes can result in brain swelling or permanent damage to their brain. They can even be fatal. Remember Concussions affect people differently. While most athletes with a concussion recover quickly and fully, some will have symptoms that last for days, or even weeks. A more serious concussion can last for months or longer. WHAT SHOULD YOU DO IF YOU THINK YOUR ATHLETE HAS A CONCUSSION? If you suspect that an athlete has a concussion, remove the athlete from play and seek medical attention. Do not try to judge the severity of the injury yourself. Keep the athlete out of play the day of the injury and until a health care professional, experienced in evaluating for concussion, says s/he is symptom-free and it’s OK to return to play. Rest is key to helping an athlete recover from a concussion. Exercising or activities that involve a lot of concentration, such as studying, working on the computer, or playing video games, may cause concussion symptoms to reappear or get worse. After a concussion, returning to sports and school is a gradual process that should be carefully managed and monitored by a health care professional. It’s better to miss one game than the whole season. For more information on. concussions, visit: www.cdc.gov/Concussion Student-Athlete Name Printed Student-Athlete Signature Parent or Legal Guardian Printed Parent or Legal Guardian Signature Date Date Coach manual reference pg. 93 Region 56 Procedures and Regional Guidelines 1. Every child in the U5 through U12 divisions in region play will play a minimum of ¾ of the game if roster size allows. If roster size does not allow for ¾ play the coach must alternate those players only playing ½ of the game. *Note, Area play and Extra play has a minimum requirement of playing ½ of the game. 2. Players that are on an approved Region 56 roster may participate in games for the team they are assigned and approved to play on, ONLY. No team is allowed to have a non-rostered player participate in any game on a team they are not officially approved to be on. 3. Regarding earning referee points, only those games that are officiated on Region 56 fields shall earn referee points towards qualifying for post season play. Included in our Coach Manual is the Standard Regional Guidelines as set forth by AYSO National. In addition to these standard guidelines it should be noted that local regions understanding the make-up and needs of the local region have the discretion to set their own specific local procedures to better address the needs of its local region. It is the intent of this "Region 56 Procedures and Regional Guidelines" to address these modifications to the Standard Regional Guidelines. If there is any conflicting language in the Standard Regional Guidelines and this document, the contents of this "Region 56 Procedures and Guidelines shall prevail. The Procedures and Guidelines listed above are subject to change. pg. 94 AYSO Standard Regional Guidelines AYSO Standard Regional Guidelines (05/2012) i Table of Contents Table of Contents AYSO STANDARD REGIONAL GUIDELINES ii 1 Article One: Purpose 1 Article Two: Mission 1 Article Three: Duties and Responsibilities of the Region 2 Article Four: Membership in the Region 3 Article Five: Management of the Region 4 1. REGIONAL COMMISSIONER 2. REGIONAL BOARD 3. MEETINGS 4. VOTING; VETO POWERS 5. REGIONAL BOARD NOMINATION PROCEDURES 6. REGIONAL COMMISSIONER REAPPOINTMENT/ REPLACEMENT 7. VOLUNTARY SERVICE Article Six: Officers 4 4 4 5 5 6 6 6 Article Seven: Information about the Program 7 1. Team Assignments 2. Registration Fees; Refunds 3. Eligibility 4. Length of Season and Cancellation of Games 5. Attendance; Participation 6. Protests 7. Conduct during Games: 8. Refreshments at Games 9. Parental Participation 10. Facilities 11. Sponsors: 12. Equipment Article Eight: Financial Banking and Related Matters 7 8 8 8 8 9 9 10 10 10 10 11 11 1. Budget; Financial Statement 2. Account Signatories 3. Transfer of Funds 4. Cash Handling Procedures: 5. Receipt Procedures: 6. Immediate Accounting to Regional Treasurer: 7. Immediate Deposit Procedures 8. Monthly Bank Reconciliations 9. Credit/Debit Card Transactions 10. Audits Article 9: Dispute Resolution 11 11 11 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 14 AYSO Standard Regional Guidelines (05/2012) 1. General Policy 2. General Due Process Procedures 3. Immediate Suspension 4. Removal 5. Disciplinary Review Procedures 6. Appeal Article Ten: Changes in Guidelines 1. 2. Approval of Guidelines Change in Guidelines AYSO Standard Regional Guidelines (05/2012) 14 14 15 15 15 17 17 17 17 iii AYSO Standard Regional Guidelines Article One: Purpose AYSO Standard Regional Guidelines Article One: Purpose These Standard Regional Guidelines have been adopted by the American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) pursuant to the authority granted in AYSO National Bylaw Section 1.03 (a) (6) to provide guidance to the Region in its organization and operation. Under AYSO National Bylaw Section 1.04 (l) and National Policy Statement 6.1, the Region has the responsibility to operate in accordance with these Standard Regional Guidelines unless the Region has adopted separate Regional guidelines approved by the Region’s Area Director and Section Director. These Standard Regional Guidelines are subject to AYSO’s Articles of Incorporation, National Bylaws, National Policy Statements, National Rules & Regulations, Section Rules and Regulations, and Area guidelines (AYSO’s “operating regulations”). All operating regulations are available on-line at http://www.ayso.org, and copies of these documents will be made available by the Region upon request and are hereby incorporated by reference as a part of these Standard Regional Guidelines. These Standard Regional Guidelines are meant to enhance and to conform with the operating regulations. To the extent that there may be any contradiction or conflict among these documents, the operating regulations shall prevail. These guidelines, or such other guidelines as the Region may adopt, must be made available upon request to the members of the Region pursuant to AYSO Bylaw 1.04 (l). Article Two: Mission The AYSO Mission is to develop and deliver quality youth soccer programs which promote a fun, family environment based on the AYSO philosophies: Everyone Plays - Our Region’s goal is for kids to play soccerso we mandate that every player on every team must play at least half of every game. Balanced Teams - Each year we form new teams as evenly balanced as possiblebecause it is fair and more fun when teams of equal ability play. Open Registration - Our program is open to all children between 4 and 18 years of age who want to register and play soccer. Interest and enthusiasm are the only criteria for playing. Positive Coaching - Encouragement of player effort provides for greater enjoyment by the players and ultimately leads to better-skilled and better-motivated players. Good Sportsmanship - We strive to create a safe, fair, fun and positive environment based on mutual respect, rather than a win-at-all-costs attitude, and our program is designed to instill good sportsmanship in every facet of AYSO. Player Development - We believe that all players should be able to develop their soccer skills and knowledge to the best of their abilities, both individually and as members of a team, in order to maximize their enjoyment of the game. AYSO Standard Regional Guidelines (05/2012) 1 AYSO Standard Regional Guidelines Article Three: Duties and Responsibilities of the Region Article Three: Duties and Responsibilities of the Region The duties and responsibilities of the Region shall be, to the extent permitted by its size and available resources: 1. To operate and offer a quality youth soccer program to all youth from 4 through 18 years of age in a safe, fun, fair, positive environment that complies in letter and spirit with the Bylaws, policies, rules, regulations, and philosophies of AYSO; 2. To maintain good community relations and become involved in youth development and other community activities; 3. To register in the AYSO online registration system or with the National Office all participating players, coaches, referees, administrators, and other volunteers prior to the commencement of the membership year or, if registered during the membership year, within 30 days following such registration; 4. To assign players and coaches to assure proper balance of teams within each age division within the Region or within a reasonable part thereof; 5. To obtain and maintain safe playing facilities; 6. To obtain and be accountable for uniforms, balls, goals and other equipment and to use such equipment in a safe manner; 7. To schedule practices and games; 8. To recruit and assign volunteers including coaches and referees, and train them through clinics and audio/visual programs; 9. To disseminate information to the participants, their families and the community concerning the Region and its programs; 10. To recognize volunteer efforts; 11. To hold periodic meetings of the Regional Board and disseminate to the participants, their families and the community appropriate information concerning the operation of the Region by the Board; 12. To comply with AYSO policies and procedures relating to financial matters; including: a. to publish for the Region and for the files at the National Office, and make available to the participants and their families at least annually, financial statements of the Region and guidelines for the operation of the Region approved by the Area Director and Section Director, or in the absence of such guidelines, operate the Region in accordance with the Standard Regional Guidelines as are in effect from time to time; b. to collect and disburse fees and other monies ensuring the sound financial organization and operation of the Region, to keep and submit to the National Office as required, accurate financial records to insure continuation of the tax exempt status of AYSO; c. to participate in the National Accounting Program; and, d. to pay the National Office the national player fee and all amounts due with respect to the Region’s purchases from the National Office within the payment guidelines established by the national treasurer. 2 AYSO Standard Regional Guidelines (05/2012) AYSO Standard Regional Guidelines Article Four: Membership in the Region 13. To elect or appoint, at a minimum, a Regional Commissioner, Treasurer, Risk Manager/Safety director, Coach Administrator, Referee Administrator, Registrar and Child and Volunteer Protection Advocate; 14. To comply with the Soccer Accident Insurance (SAI) plan and to submit insurance claims according to current procedures; 15. To notify the National Office immediately of any potential or actual financial irregularities or losses or any threatened or actual claim or lawsuit against the Region, its participants, or AYSO; 16. To implement AYSO’s national programs available to the Region at least once a season; 17. To cooperate with neighboring Regions, and Area, Section and development personnel, to promote growth, development and cooperation throughout AYSO; 18. To participate in Area, Section and national events and programs; and 19. To cooperate in policies and procedures developed by the Board or the National Office with respect to requiring each coach, referee, and other designated volunteers to complete a volunteer form, and with respect to verifying the information obtained, before permitting the coach, referee or such volunteer to participate. Article Four: Membership in the Region 1. There shall be three kinds of members in the Region: (a) EXECUTIVE MEMBERS: If the Region is a Charter Region, or at such time as the AYSO National Board of Directors approves the Region’s conversion from Pilot to Charter status, the duly nominated and approved Regional Commissioner shall be the Region’s executive member as long as the individual holds that position. Pursuant to AYSO National Bylaws Section 3.03, the Regional Commissioner may not hold more than one position within the AYSO Organization which is an executive membership position and such memberships shall not be transferable. (b) PARTICIPATING MEMBERS: 1) All youth who exhibit a sincere interest in soccer and who have become registered as a participating player pursuant to the Rules & Regulations of the Organization. 2) All Region volunteers, other than executive members, who become registered with the Organization, including all Regional administrators, coaches, and referees. (c) HONORARY MEMBERS: those other persons to whom the Regional Board grants membership to recognize a contribution of value to the Region or to express its gratitude. 2. No one will be considered a participating member or a playing member unless and until an application is submitted to the Region using the appropriate forms prescribed by AYSO and the application is accepted and entered into the AYSO business system by the Region. 3. The names, addresses and telephone number of all members of the Region, as well as the information contained in the AYSO Executive Member Directory or any AYSO database are private and confidential. Such information and mailing lists or access to any AYSO database may not be disclosed or distributed to anyone, including any vendor or sponsor, without the prior written approval of the national executive director. AYSO Standard Regional Guidelines (05/2012) 3 AYSO Standard Regional Guidelines Article Five: Management of the Region Article Five: Management of the Region 1. REGIONAL COMMISSIONER The Regional Commissioner, with the support and assistance of the Regional Board, shall conduct the business and affairs of the Region. (a) The Regional Commissioner shall serve a term of three years, subject to the terms of approval set forth by the National Board of Directors (see paragraph 6). The Regional Commissioner may serve multiple terms so long as he or she is nominated and appointed as indicated below. (b) It is the general policy of the Region that the Regional Commissioner will have normally served at least one year on the Regional Board before serving as Regional Commissioner. (c) It is the general policy of the Region that the Regional Commissioner not serve as a coach or assistant coach, nor hold any other board or staff position in the Region, except with the approval of the Regional Board. Where the Regional Commissioner or other board member also serves in another volunteer capacity, the Regional Board shall, at a minimum, adopt special procedures to insure that decisions affecting the Regional Commissioner acting in such other capacity are made by other, disinterested board members. (d) The Regional Commissioner shall act in all other ways to avoid the appearance of a conflict of interest. (e) The Regional Commissioner may be suspended by the Area Director or the Section Director and suspended or removed by the National Board of Directors in accordance with Sections 3.07 and 7.03 of the National Bylaws. 2. REGIONAL BOARD Upon the creation of the Region the Regional Commissioner shall appoint the initial Regional Board to serve until the next scheduled board meeting, at which time nominations and voting for board positions will take place. (a) The Regional Board shall be comprised as described in Article Six. (b) Regional Board members shall serve a one year term or until the next annual meeting. (c) Any board member (except the Regional Commissioner) may be removed in accordance with Article Nine, paragraph 4, of these guidelines. 3. MEETINGS The Regional Board shall fix, at its initial meeting each year (“annual meeting”), the time, date and place of each regular meeting of the Regional Board and send notice of such annual meeting to all participants in the program. (a) It shall be the policy of the Region to hold at least one board meeting in each month during the primary season and at least one every two months during the remainder of the year. The Regional Board shall provide for the taking of minutes of the proceedings at each meeting and make them available to the members of the Region. (b) All Regional Board meetings shall be open to all participating members unless the Regional Board determines that it is necessary to hold an executive session. 4 AYSO Standard Regional Guidelines (05/2012) AYSO Standard Regional Guidelines Article Five: Management of the Region (c) An “executive session” is permitted only to review personnel matters, disciplinary matters, or legal matters, and should not be used where a vote upon any issue involving the affairs of the Region is taken. (d) The Regional Commissioner or 1/3 of the board members may call a special meeting of the Regional Board on three days’ prior notice stating the purposes of such meeting, which notice may be given in writing, by telephone or in person. (e) A majority of the board members shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of holding either a regular or special meeting. 4. VOTING; VETO POWERS Unless otherwise specifically provided by these guidelines, all decisions of the Regional Board shall be made by a majority decision of the board members voting on any such matter; provided, however, that the Regional Commissioner may veto any such decision if the effect of such decision would be to violate any of the national operating regulations. (a) Such veto may be reviewed by the Area Director (the “AD”) on request by a 1/3 vote of the board members voting on such matter. (b) By a 2/3 vote of the entire Regional Board, any other issue may be put to the participating members of the Region, subject to fair and reasonable voting procedures to be adopted by the Regional Board. 5. REGIONAL BOARD NOMINATION PROCEDURES (a) At least one month prior to the annual meeting, the Regional Commissioner shall appoint a nominating commission of not less than three in number consisting of board members and a reasonable number of persons who are not members of the board. (b) The nominating commission shall publicize to the participating members of the Region the Regional Board positions to be voted upon, recruit candidates and accept the names of candidates from other participating members of the Region. (c) Regional Board members need not be parents of players in the Region. (d) At the annual meeting, the nominating commission shall present to the outgoing board a slate of candidates it deems worthy of consideration. By majority vote of the outgoing board members present and voting, the final list of board nominees shall be presented to the Regional Commissioner for appointment. (e) The Regional Commissioner may choose not to appoint an individual to a board position, even though recommended and approved, if the Regional Commissioner deems there is sufficient reason not to make the appointment. In such case, the Regional Commissioner shall ask the nominating commission to recommend additional candidates for approval and appointment. This inclusive and democratic process should be followed any time there are board positions to be filled, with the only exception being the appointment of the inaugural Regional Board (see paragraph 2 of this Article Five.). (f) An emergent or unplanned vacancy on the Regional Board before the expiration of the term, except that of Regional Commissioner, may be filled by an interim candidate nominated by a majority vote of the then remaining board members.. (g) The person filling such vacancy shall serve until the next annual meeting and until his/her successor has been duly appointed. AYSO Standard Regional Guidelines (05/2012) 5 AYSO Standard Regional Guidelines Article Six: Officers 6. REGIONAL COMMISSIONER REAPPOINTMENT/ REPLACEMENT At least three months, and preferably six months, before the expiration of the Regional Commissioner’s term, or whenever there is a vacancy in the Regional Commissioner position due to death, resignation or removal, the Regional Board shall constitute a nominating commission. (a) Such nominating commission may be the same nominating commission appointed pursuant to the preceding paragraph. (b) The nominating commission shall submit its recommendations of one or more candidates for the position of Regional Commissioner to the Regional Board. The Regional Board shall, by a majority vote, nominate a Regional Commissioner and forward such nomination to the Region’s Area Director as directed by National Bylaw Section 7.03. (c) In the absence of a Regional Board, or in the absence of a nomination by a majority of the Regional Board, the Regional Commissioner will be nominated by the Region’s Area Director. A nominee for Regional Commissioner is subject to approval of the Area Director, Section Director and National Board of Directors and is effective only upon approval of the National Board of Directors. The National Board of Directors has full discretion to approve or disapprove a nominee for a term of three years or for a shorter period as it sees fit. (d) In the event of a vacancy in the position of Regional Commissioner other than at the expiration of the regular term, the Regional Board, including (if available) the outgoing Regional Commissioner, shall recommend an interim Regional Commissioner and submit such recommendation to the Area Director. The interim successor shall remain in office until the completion of the election procedures described in this paragraph. 7. VOLUNTARY SERVICE No board member or any other participant in the Region shall receive monetary or other compensation for his/her services to the Region, nor may he/she use his/her position to benefit him/her directly or indirectly in any other way, such as a supplier of equipment or camp programs to the Region. Nothing in this paragraph prohibits any Regional Board or staff member, or Regional volunteer, from being reimbursed for his or her out-of-pocket expenses incurred for work on behalf of the Region with the approval of the Regional Board. Article Six: Officers 1. The Regional Board shall, at a minimum, consist of the Regional Commissioner, the Regional Treasurer, the Regional Risk Management/Safety Director, the Regional Coach Administrator, the Regional Referee Administrator, the Registrar and the Regional Child and Volunteer Protection Advocate. (a) The Regional Board may create, designate, appoint, or elect such other voting board, or nonvoting staff, positions including one or more Assistant Regional Commissioners, a Regional Secretary, a Regional Coach Trainer, a Regional Director of Referee Instruction, a Regional Director of Referee Assessment, Age Division Coordinators, a Director of Playing Fields, a Team Parent Coordinator, a Director of Public Relations, a Statistician/Scheduler, a Director of Purchasing, a Director of Volunteer Recruitment and Development, a Regional Auditor, and such other positions as the Regional Board may from time to time deem desirable. (b) In addition, there may be such members-at-large as the board shall create. (c) All members of a Regional Board understand and agree that they are fiduciaries of and owe a duty of loyalty to AYSO, and agree to be bound by its Bylaws, Policies, Rules & Regulations. 6 AYSO Standard Regional Guidelines (05/2012) AYSO Standard Regional Guidelines Article Seven: Information about the Program 2. Position descriptions for all positions may be found and downloaded from the AYSO Website, at http://www.ayso.org. or may be obtained by calling the Supply Center to order the complete list. For specific position description requests, please call the Safe Haven Office at the National Office. Every volunteer should have a copy of their position description, and current copies should be kept in the Region for succession planning purposes. 3. A brief and general overview of the duties and responsibilities of the seven mandatory board positions follows. Regional Commissioner: The AYSO volunteer position of Regional Commissioner is intended to have the responsibility and the authority to manage the day-to-day business of the Region, within the framework of the AYSO operating regulations. Regional Treasurer: The AYSO volunteer position of Regional Treasurer is intended to have custody of all funds and securities, evidence of indebtedness and other valuable documents, and shall deposit funds and securities in the name and to the credit of the Region in a bank or depository. Regional Risk Management/Safety Director: The AYSO volunteer position of Regional Risk Management/Safety Director is intended to be responsible for all aspects of the Region’s safety and oversee the equipment, nets, fields, and clean-up for fields of the Region. Regional Coach Administrator: The AYSO volunteer position of Regional Coach Administrator is intended to administer a quality coaching program within the Region. Regional Referee Administrator: The AYSO volunteer position of Regional Referee Administrator is intended to implement, monitor, and maintain the AYSO National Referee Program including program delivery, staff development, communication, and coordination at the Regional level. Regional Registrar: The AYSO volunteer position of Regional Registrar is responsible for planning and implementation of the annual registration of all players and, if CVPA trained and certified, of volunteers. Regional Child and Volunteer Protection Advocate (CVPA): The AYSO volunteer position of Regional Child and Volunteer Protection Advocate is responsible for planning and implementation of the annual registration of all volunteers and to oversee the child and volunteer protection program in the Region in accordance with the AYSO Safe Haven program. Article Seven: Information about the Program 1. Team Assignments (a) Teams shall be formed as set forth in the National Rules & Regulations, Articles II and III. (b) Team assignments of players shall be made by those persons delegated such task by the Regional Board. AYSO Standard Regional Guidelines (05/2012) 7 AYSO Standard Regional Guidelines Article Seven: Information about the Program (c) Retention of players on any team shall be limited to the head coach’s child(ren). Otherwise there shall be no automatic retention of players on any specific team or with any specific coach from the previous season. (d) Every attempt shall be made to balance the skill level of teams within each division. (e) Once teams are formed, no transfer of any player from one team to another may be made without the approval of the coaches of both teams involved, the age division coordinator (if any), the Regional Commissioner and the parent or guardian of the player, unless the player is 18 years of age at the time. (f) In the case where teams are involved in inter-Regional play, no transfer of any player from one team to another after such teams are formed may be made without the additional approval of the Area Director and, if affecting Section play, the Section Director. 2. Registration Fees; Refunds (a) The registration fee for each player participant shall be fixed annually by the Regional Board. The fee for the current year is set forth in Appendix D to these guidelines. (b) The Regional Board may by specific grant or scholarship, or by Regional policy, waive such registration in whole or in part with respect to any participant if such fee would create a hardship for such participant or his or her family. (c) Any player who withdraws from the program shall be entitled to a refund of such registration fee. In exceptional circumstances, the cost of the uniform (if it cannot be reused) or other specific non-recoverable costs may be deducted from the refund. 3. Eligibility All boys and girls, between the ages of 4 and 18, based on their age as of July 31 of the year in which the membership year begins, shall be eligible to register for the program, subject to field availability, volunteer support, AYSO operating regulations, and such rules as may be issued by the Regional Board. It is the duty of the Region to assure that only eligible players are permitted to register and play. 4. Length of Season and Cancellation of Games (a) The length of any playing season during the year shall be of such duration as determined by the Regional Board, and as set forth in the Regional calendar attached to these guidelines. (b) Inclement weather or poor field conditions may necessitate from time to time the postponing or canceling of games. Any such postponement or cancellation will be made at the discretion of the Regional Commissioner or the Regional safety director as early as practical before game time. (c) Once the game begins, only the referee in charge of the particular soccer field may suspend or cancel the game, except that the Regional Commissioner or designate may suspend or cancel games due to inclement weather or other conditions that may warrant such action. 5. Attendance; Participation (a) Every player shall be entitled to play at least half of every game. Moreover, it is the policy of the Region to encourage each coach to (i) play each player at least three quarters of every game, whenever possible, and (ii) to allow different players to start the first quarter of each game. 8 AYSO Standard Regional Guidelines (05/2012) AYSO Standard Regional Guidelines Article Seven: Information about the Program (b) Each player is strongly urged to attend every team practice. Any player who misses’ practices regularly may have his/her playing time limited to one-half (but not less than one-half) of a game. 6. Protests (a) No protest of games shall be permitted. (b) However, coaches are encouraged to file with the Regional Referee Administrator a written report within 48 hours after a game of any misapplication by a game referee of the Laws of the Game or rules and regulations. This procedure shall not be used as a means of complaining about or criticizing any judgment call of a referee or assistant referee. (c) If, after investigation by the Regional Referee Administrator, it is found that a law, rule, or regulation was misapplied, such referee shall be so informed in order to ensure that no further misapplication occurs. 7. Conduct during Games: The highest standards of conduct and good sportsmanship must be maintained at all times by players, coaches, referees, spectators and all other participants. (a) Offensive, insulting or abusive language is forbidden. (b) The use of alcohol, tobacco products, or illegal drugs in the vicinity of the playing field during practices or games is strictly forbidden. (c) All participants must wear the official uniforms, as described in paragraph 12 of this Article Seven, for all games and dress in them in a neat, clean manner. (d) The use of shin guards is required at all practices and games. (e) Coaches are expected to be positive role models and set the best possible example for the participants. Excessive coaching from the sidelines shall not be permitted, and the function of the coach is to provide positive instruction and encouragement to the players The coach may enter the field of play only with the consent of the referee and may coach only within 10 yards in each direction from the half-way line of the field (in no event in either of the penalty Areas or from behind the goals). (f) Spectators at games must remain behind the spectator control line (three yards from the sideline) and between the penalty Areas and their vocal efforts should be limited to positive compliments to the participants. Spectators are expected at all times to act positively around players and to demonstrate respect for opponents, officials, and all other volunteers. Under no circumstances should they attempt to coach or address remarks derogatory to players, coaches or the referee. (g) At the end of the game, the players on each team shall line up and shake hands with the players of the opposing team and thank the referee and assistant referees. (h) Discipline shall be up to the referee at each game. The referee shall have the power and authority to caution and send off players and warn and expel coaches (as well as spectators, in the case of outside interference) from the playing Area, or terminate the match if necessary, if their conduct violates the Laws of the Game, these guidelines or otherwise interferes with the course of play. No appeal of disciplinary action taken by a referee shall be allowed. AYSO Standard Regional Guidelines (05/2012) 9 AYSO Standard Regional Guidelines Article Seven: Information about the Program (i) A player who is sent off for violation of the Laws of the Game shall be suspended for the duration of that game and shall not participate in the team’s next scheduled game. A player who is cautioned or sent off may be subject to additional disciplinary action (e.g., parent conferences, additional game suspensions, expulsion) at the discretion of the Regional Board upon thorough review of the incident following the procedures outlined in Article 9 (Dispute Resolution). A coach, assistant coach or spectator who is warned or expelled from the field may also be subject to similar or additional disciplinary action at the discretion of the Regional Board upon thorough review of the incident following the procedures outlined in Article 9 (Dispute Resolution). 8. Refreshments at Games It shall be the responsibility of each team to supply its own refreshments. It is suggested that the best kind of refreshment is cool water. It is the responsibility of the coach and team parent participants to assure the absence of any drug, stimulant or other harmful substances in any refreshment given to any player. 9. Parental Participation (a) As AYSO is an “all-volunteer” organization, each parent or guardian who has a player in the Region shall be strongly encouraged to volunteer his or her valuable time and services in some way. (b) The Region shall not reduce or eliminate the player fee based upon voluntary work done by a participant’s parents or guardians and shall not charge an additional fee to those parents of players who do not volunteer their services or who do not donate funds to the program. (c) No fee distinction shall be made based upon parental or player participation in Regional fundraising activities. (d) The Region may not condition the registration of a player based upon any requirement of volunteer participation by a parent or guardian. 10. Facilities (a) It shall be the responsibility of both teams for the first game each day to set up the goalposts and nets and both teams for the last game of each day to take down the goalposts and nets. (b) Each field shall be lined under the direction of the Regional Commissioner and/or the director of playing fields, and each group of fields shall be provided with a first aid kit. (c) No trash should be left at the facility except in designated containers. Parking shall be limited to those Areas designated at the fields. 11. Sponsors: The Region encourages local businesses and individuals to support its program. Suitable recognition shall be given to them. Contributions are strongly encouraged to be made to the Region rather than to a particular team. All such contributions are considered charitable contributions and are deductible for U.S. tax purposes, subject to the applicable limitations in the Internal Revenue Code. It is the responsibility of any sponsor to comply with the Internal Revenue Code and AYSO will give no opinion on whether a particular donation is or is not deductible. 10 AYSO Standard Regional Guidelines (05/2012) AYSO Standard Regional Guidelines Article Eight: Financial Banking and Related Matters 12. Equipment (a) The Region shall make arrangements to supply each player with a shirt with the original AYSO logo properly affixed thereto and, if possible, a pair of socks, and shorts. (b) Each player is expected to provide his/her own appropriate footwear and shin guards. No player may participate in a game without such shirt, socks, shorts, appropriate footwear and shin guards. (c) Players may not wear jewelry of any kind (including chains, watches, body jewelry and earrings), bandanas or other ornamentation or anything else that may, in the opinion of the referee, create an increased risk of injury to himself or herself or to other players during the game. (d) Medical information bracelets should not be removed, but can be covered with a soft wrist band or temporarily modified to fit more snugly. (e) Prescription eyeglasses may be worn, but must remain firmly on the wearer’s head. A restraining strap may be worn. Non-prescription eyeglasses and sunglasses are not permitted to be worn by a player during a game. (f) Hard casts (including padded casts), splints, helmets and hard padding are not permitted to be worn by a player during any game or practice. Article Eight: Financial Banking and Related Matters 1. Budget; Financial Statement (a) The Regional Board shall adopt an annual budget which provides the basis for setting player registration fees. (b) At the end of each season, the Regional Board shall cause to be prepared a statement of income received and amounts expended in connection with the program. Such statement shall be made available for review by the parent or guardian of each player and a copy shall be made available upon reasonable request. (c) This year’s budget and last year’s Statement of Income and Expenses are attached hereto as Appendices. 2. Account Signatories (a) All checks drawn on any bank account maintained by the Region shall bear two signatures, one of which must either be the Regional treasurer’s or the Regional Commissioner’s. (b) Additional signatories must be authorized by Regional Board action. (c) Two signatories from the same household shall not be allowed. (d) There must be at least three signatories on all Regional bank accounts. 3. Transfer of Funds (a) All funds received by the Region, whether from fees, gifts or otherwise, must be deposited into the Region’s checking account, (b) All expenses and disbursements must be paid out of the Region’s checking account. AYSO Standard Regional Guidelines (05/2012) 11 AYSO Standard Regional Guidelines Article Eight: Financial Banking and Related Matters (c) All funds transferred in or out of the Region’s savings account must be transferred from or to the Region’s checking account. (d) No Regional expenses or reimbursements are to be paid from monies collected which have not first been deposited into, and accounted for within, the Regional checking account. 4. Cash Handling Procedures: The Regional treasurer in cooperation with other Regional Board and staff members shall establish internal control procedures to safeguard against the misuse or loss of Regional assets, especially in regard to cash receipts and cash disbursements. Such internal control procedures shall include the following: (a) Funds withdrawn for “cash box change” must be deposited back into the Regional bank account on the same day, or the first banking day thereafter. (b) All registration fees collected in cash and checks must be reconciled to the bank deposit slip and the AYSO registration forms. (c) Arrangements should be made to have the cash received deposited into the Regional bank account on the same day such cash is received, or the first banking day thereafter. (d) When handling a significant amount of cash monies, at least two Regional volunteers should be present. 5. Receipt Procedures: The Regional Treasurer in cooperation with other Regional Board and staff members shall establish internal control procedures to safeguard against the misuse or loss of Regional assets, especially in regard to receipts for monies received. Such internal control procedures shall include the following: (a) A cash receipt book must be used to record all payments received on behalf of the Region in cash. The original cash receipt for each transaction must be given to the payer, and the copy kept in the cash receipt book. All cash receipts must be signed or initialed by the volunteer completing the cash receipt form. (b) The cash receipt book must be reconciled to the bank deposit slip. (c) A volunteer accepting payment for registration fees should note upon an available portion of the player registration form: (i) the amount of the payment received; (ii) whether such payment was made in cash or by check; (iii) the check number (if paid by check); (iv) the date such payment was received if different from the date of the parent or guardian’s signature on the player registration form; (v) the names of any other family member players for whom the payment was received; and (vi) the initials of the volunteer receiving such payment. 6. Immediate Accounting to Regional Treasurer: The Regional Treasurer in cooperation with other Regional Board and staff members shall establish internal control procedures to safeguard against the misuse or loss of Regional assets, especially in regard to the immediate accounting to the Regional Treasurer for monies received, checks written upon the Regional bank account, invoices received for accounts payable by the Region, and requests for reimbursement to Regional volunteers for out-of-pocket expenses incurred on behalf of the Region. Such internal control procedures shall include the following: (a) No one should sign a Regional check in blank or which contains any item to be filled in later. 12 AYSO Standard Regional Guidelines (05/2012) AYSO Standard Regional Guidelines Article Eight: Financial Banking and Related Matters (b) No one should sign a Regional check without verifying the expense by examining the invoice or request for reimbursement. (c) Regional debit and/or credit card accounts are expressly forbidden. Members may make authorized purchases using a personal credit card and submit receipts for reimbursement to the Region. (d) No requests for reimbursement to Regional volunteers shall be honored without a written request signed by such volunteer, itemizing the out-of-pocket expenses incurred, and with supporting receipts or other documentation attached. (e) All bills and invoices received for payment by the Region must be forwarded to the Regional treasurer for payment, if not already paid, within five (5) days of the receipt. (f) The Regional Treasurer must be notified of any checks written on the Regional bank account without his or her knowledge within 48 hours of the issuance or delivery of such check for payment of any Regional expense. (g) All bank withdrawal transactions and Regional checks shall be noted with the appropriate National Accounting Program (NAP) code denoting the purpose for such transaction 7. Immediate Deposit Procedures The Regional Treasurer in cooperation with other Regional Board and staff members shall establish internal control procedures to safeguard against the misuse or loss of Regional assets, especially in regard to the immediate deposit of monies received. Such internal control procedures shall include the following: (a) All fees collected on behalf of the Region for registration, sponsorships, fundraising, and donations or for any other purposes shall be deposited immediately after being reconciled with the appropriate cash receipt book, registration form, and/or bank deposit slips. (b) Under no circumstances may any person accept on behalf of the Region any post-dated check or agree to hold any check for deposit on a later day. 8. Monthly Bank Reconciliations (a) All Region accounts shall be reconciled by the Regional Treasurer, and verified by another board member who is not authorized to sign on the accounts. (b) The reconciled statement(s) and copy of bank statement must be presented to each board member at their regularly scheduled meeting. 9. Credit/Debit Card Transactions If credit/debit cards are accepted for payment of registration fees, all required accounting shall be performed and submitted on the first banking day after each credit/debit card transaction. 10. Audits It is strongly recommended that each Region have a Regional Auditor. Additionally, the Region at all times shall cooperate with, and respond to, inquiries by the Area Auditor and Section Auditor. AYSO Standard Regional Guidelines (05/2012) 13 AYSO Standard Regional Guidelines Article 9: Dispute Resolution Article 9: Dispute Resolution 1. General Policy (a) It is the policy of the Region to resolve all disputes involving persons involved in the Region in an amicable way, if possible. Compromise should be emphasized whenever possible, and personality conflicts should be avoided. (b) If disciplinary action is found to be necessary, it is the Region’s policy to take only the minimum action necessary. All means available should be taken to avoid legal action. (c) It is the policy of the Region to avoid punishing the players for the conduct of the parents except when there is no other solution (e.g., where a parent cannot or will not cease his or her disruptive behavior). (d) It is the policy of the Region to avoid wiping out years of good memories of AYSO and good service to AYSO, and that suspension or removal procedures are to be used only as a last resort. Voluntary resignation is preferable to a suspension or removal procedure. (e) It is the policy of the Region to avoid publicizing the results of suspension or removal proceedings beyond those persons who need to know these results and to respect the privacy of the individuals involved. However, the Regional Commissioner or designee should notify the Area Director, the Section Director, the National Office or members of the AYSO Legal Commission of any pending proceedings pursuant to the operating regulations, and must comply with all applicable regulations and laws requiring suspension for abuse and similar events. 2. General Due Process Procedures (a) Disputes involving day-to-day activities of the Region should first be addressed and resolved, if possible, by the appropriate board member in charge of the activity and/or then by the Regional Commissioner, if necessary. For example, disputes arising out of game conduct should first be addressed and resolved, if possible, by the Regional Referee Administrator and/or then by the Regional Commissioner or a disinterested disciplinary review panel appointed by the Regional Commissioner, if necessary. (b) If it is determined that a Participating Member or Playing Member of the Region (including the parent, guardian or other family member of a Playing Member) needs to be disciplined, or that his or her participation in the Region should be limited or terminated, by way of suspension or removal, then the Regional Commissioner or designee shall give notice to such person of such action or proposed action, initially by telephone, FAX, in writing via email or in person. (c) Notice should always be followed by a written confirmation of the initial communication, delivered via a method which provides proof of mailing and/or delivery, not necessarily proof of receipt or signature by the non-executive member. The U.S. Postal Service “Delivery Confirmation Receipt”, any Overnight/Next-Day delivery confirmation, or “In-Person” delivery by at least two volunteers will suffice. The written confirmation shall specify the action to be taken and the reasons therefore. Such notice shall further notify such person that he or she, upon request, will be given a reasonable opportunity to explain why such action should not be taken. Such opportunity to respond may be in person, by telephone or in writing. (d) The Regional Commissioner may decide to conduct the review alone. If the Regional Commissioner was a witness to the incident or is otherwise involved in the matter, a neutral designee should be appointed to conduct the review. After such opportunity to respond has 14 AYSO Standard Regional Guidelines (05/2012) AYSO Standard Regional Guidelines Article 9: Dispute Resolution been given, the Regional Commissioner shall make a final determination and announce it in writing to the persons concerned. (e) Alternatively, the Regional Commissioner may choose to appoint a disinterested panel of neutral persons to review the matter. If a disciplinary review panel is appointed, the person appointed to chair that panel shall provide a written recommendation to the Regional Commissioner based upon a review of the information presented to the panel, after which the Regional Commissioner shall make a final determination and announce it in writing to the persons concerned. 3. Immediate Suspension (a) If the gravity of the incident or preliminary information collected about the matter presents imminent danger to participants or the program, the Regional Commissioner may immediately suspend the person(s) involved. (b) In such a case of immediate suspension, notice must be provided to the person(s) being suspended and a disciplinary review provided, if requested, according to the procedures described in Paragraph Two of this Article Nine above. However, a suspension may be imposed before a disciplinary review is conducted. A suspension is considered to be temporary in nature, and any such suspension may be removed or set aside by the Regional Commissioner should all the facts remove the original cause for concern. 4. Removal (a) The Regional Commissioner may remove a Participating Member or Playing Member of the Region (including the parent, guardian or other family member of a Playing Member) (whether or not suspended) from further involvement in the program. (b) Such removal may only be made upon prior notice and, if requested, after a disciplinary review proceeding described in Paragraph Two of this Article Nine above has been conducted. (c) Such removal is only permitted when there is found to be (i) a violation of the National Bylaws or of the rules, regulations, policies or philosophies of AYSO or (ii) conduct which disrupts the Region's or AYSO's activities or programs. 5. Disciplinary Review Procedures (a) Disciplinary review proceedings under these guidelines are intended to provide due process to the person whose conduct is the subject of the review proceeding. (b) If a disciplinary review panel is appointed, it should be comprised of an odd number so as to avoid ties during deliberations. (c) Any disciplinary review proceeding shall be held at a neutral location. (d) The procedures shall be communicated to all parties prior to the commencement of such a review proceeding. (e) All interested parties are to be informed of the date, time, and location of the proceeding. (f) The person whose conduct will be subject to review at that proceeding is responsible for notifying any individuals who that person may want to speak at that proceeding. (g) If a disciplinary review panel is convened, neither the Regional Commissioner nor a person who has a direct interest in the outcome of the matter shall participate as a decision maker in any stage of the review proceeding. AYSO Standard Regional Guidelines (05/2012) 15 AYSO Standard Regional Guidelines Article 9: Dispute Resolution (h) A person has a direct interest in the outcome of the matter if that person’s conduct is in any way called into question by the events, or if that person is a witness to the events, has a familial relationship with any person involved in the matter, has a financial interest in the outcome, or whose judgment, for any reason, cannot be unbiased and neutral. (i) The review shall be conducted as quickly and as fairly as possible, but the proceedings may be structured as circumstances may require to keep them as positive as possible. (j) The person(s) conducting the review may ask such questions and request such documents or other items as may be necessary to obtain all pertinent facts, but should refrain from being overbearing with such examinations and requests. (k) It is strongly recommended that players and other minors not be asked to participate as witnesses or to offer “testimonials” either in person or in writing unless it is absolutely necessary in order to determine any pertinent fact of the matter. (l) The proceedings should be kept as confidential as may be necessary to protect all parties. The person(s) conducting the review shall listen to the facts of the situation from all interested parties. There is no right to make a record or recording of the live proceedings in any form (written, electronic, audio or visual). Any request by a party to use a court stenographer, or a mechanical or electronic device to record the proceedings should be denied. (m) Each “side” should make their presentations to the person(s) conducting the review outside the presence of the other to prevent undue acrimony or harm to the participants. (n) Parties do not have the right to involve attorneys or to cross-examine other parties or witnesses. Assistance of attorneys or any other persons whose help may be sought by an interested person may be permitted to help present facts within the discretion of the person(s) conducting the disciplinary review if it is believed that such participation will be helpful and positive. (o) Interested persons may request that the person(s) conducting the disciplinary review obtain information from or ask questions of others who are providing information if there is a good faith belief that the requested information will reveal facts pertinent to the issues under review. (p) At the conclusion of the disciplinary review proceeding, the person(s) conducting the review shall deliberate in private to determine the recommendation. Under no circumstances shall any such deliberation take place in the presence of the parties involved in the dispute. 1) The person(s) conducting the disciplinary review will then decide the issues raised pursuant to AYSO operating regulations and these Regional Guidelines based on the information submitted, and determine the appropriate action to be taken. 2) In the event the review proceedings are conducted by a neutral appointee of the Regional Commissioner or by a neutral disciplinary review panel, the deliberations should result in a recommendation of action which is presented to the Regional Commissioner. In the case of a disciplinary review panel, the recommendation is determined by a majority vote. 3) Such recommendation may include that no action should be taken against the individual accused, or that a warning or caution be given, that a written reprimand be given, that further education or probation be required, or that such person should be suspended or removed from involvement in Regional activities. 4) In all cases, the Regional Commissioner makes the final determination of the action to be taken in the matter. If provided a recommendation from a neutral appointee or a neutral disciplinary review panel, the Regional Commissioner should not dismiss the recommendation(s) without careful consideration. 16 AYSO Standard Regional Guidelines (05/2012) AYSO Standard Regional Guidelines Article Ten: Changes in Guidelines (q) Where the final determination results in removal or where otherwise determined appropriate, the individual in question should be given an opportunity to resign voluntarily (except in instances involving alleged acts of physical violence or alleged improper sexual behavior). All persons whose conduct was at issue in the matter shall promptly be notified of such resignation or, in the absence of a resignation, of the disciplinary action taken. Such notice shall include notice of a right to appeal the decision to the next highest executive member within a reasonable period of time. 6. Appeal (a) If the party is dissatisfied with the decision or action taken by the Regional Commissioner, he/she may request a review of such decision by the Area Director, unless it is determined by the Area Director, or, he/she is not disinterested, then by the Section Director unless it is determined by the Section Director, or, he/she is not disinterested, then by the National Board of Directors, as may be appropriate pursuant to the operating regulations relating to dispute resolution and due process. (b) The basis of any such appeal must be that the original determination was arbitrary and capricious, or that the procedure was not fair, including that the person or persons making such determination are found not to have been disinterested, or that the procedures described in these guidelines were not followed. (c) There shall only be one appeal of each matter (d) Any determination made in accordance with this Article shall be final and binding on all concerned. Article Ten: Changes in Guidelines 1. Approval of Guidelines These guidelines shall become effective after being approved by the Regional Commissioner and the existing Regional Board, the Area Director and the Section Director, and then submitted to the National Office. 2. Change in Guidelines Once adopted, these Guidelines may only be amended by the Regional Board by a 2/3 vote of the Regional Board members, with the approval of the Regional Commissioner, the Area Director and the Section Director, and then submitted to the National Office. Certification The Standard Regional Guidelines previously adopted by the National Board of Directors of the American Youth Soccer Organization (“AYSO”) pursuant to National Bylaws Article IV, and other provisions of the Bylaws and California state law, which appear in the text of the preceding document are those which existed as of May 28, 2012, which was the date of the final meeting of the AYSO National Board of Directors during the 2011-2012 fiscal year. ______/s/ William Hummell_________ William Hummell National Secretary AYSO Standard Regional Guidelines (05/2012) 17
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