Connection Process: For Negotiated High Voltage Retail Customer Connections and Embedded Generators >30kW October 2014 October 2014 ISSUE 8 UNCLASSIFIED UNCONTROLLED COPY IF PRINTED OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE CEOP8079 Connection Process for Negotiated High Voltage Retail Customer Connection and Embedded Generators >30kW ENQUIRIES: P L E A S E C O N T A C T N E T W O R K C O N N E C T I O N S O N 13 23 91 OR EMAIL: NETWORKCONNECTIONS@ESSENTIALENERGY.COM.AU DOCUMENT NUMBER: C EO P8 079 - I S S U E 8 This plan is copyright. No part may be reproduced by any process without written permission, except as permitted under the copyright act. DISCLAIMER 1 Essential Energy may change the information in this document without notice. All changes take effect on the date made by Essential Energy. A print version is always an uncontrolled copy. Before using this document, please ensure that it is still current. 2 This document may contain confidential information. Restrictions on the use and disclosure of confidential information by employees are set out in your contract of employment. Restrictions on the use and disclosure of confidential information by contractors are set out in your contract of engagement with Essential Energy. Sub-contractors are bound by the confidentiality provisions set out in their contract with the contractor engaged by Essential Energy. 2014 Essential Energ y October 2014 - Issue 8 Approved By: Customer Connections Manager Page 2 of 66 FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCONTROLLED COPY IF PRINTED OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE CEOP8079 Connection Process for Negotiated High Voltage Retail Customer Connection and Embedded Generators >30kW Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................ 6 WHY THESE INSTRUCTIONS ARE IMPORTANT ..................................................................... 6 CONNECTION ENQUIRY – PROCESS FLOW CHART ............................................................. 7 DEEMED CONNECTION – PROCESS FLOW CHART .............................................................. 9 CONNECTION PROCESS - CH5 NER – EMBEDDED GENERATION 5MW AND ABOVE ...... 10 5.1 5.2 Exploratory Connection Enquiry .................................................................................................. 10 Preliminary Connection Enquiry .................................................................................................. 10 5.2.1 5.2.2 5.3 Detailed Connection Enquiry ....................................................................................................... 12 5.3.1 5.3.2 6. Exploratory Connection Enquiry .................................................................................................. 13 Preliminary Connection Enquiry .................................................................................................. 14 6.2.1 6.2.2 9. 10. General ........................................................................................................................................ 16 Information to be provided with Connection Application .............................................................. 17 Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) ............................................................................... 18 Essential Energy .......................................................................................................................... 18 The Application Fee ..................................................................................................................... 19 The Offer to Connect ................................................................................................................... 19 Acceptance of Offer to Connect ................................................................................................... 20 CONNECTION AGREEMENT .................................................................................................. 20 CONTESTABILITY OF SERVICES........................................................................................... 21 12.1 12.2 12.3 13. Preliminary Connection Enquiry – Connection Applicant obligations.................................... 14 Preliminary Connection Enquiry – Essential Energy Response ........................................... 14 CONNECTION ENQUIRY QUEUING ....................................................................................... 15 CONNECTION INVESTIGATION SERVICES AGREEMENT (CISA) AND LAND ACCESS INVESTIGATION AGREEMENT (LAIA) .................................................................................... 15 MODIFICATION TO EXISTING CONNECTION........................................................................ 16 CONNECTION APPLICATION ................................................................................................. 16 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 10.7 11. 12. Detailed Connection Enquiry – Connection Applicant obligations ........................................ 12 Detailed Connection Enquiry Response ............................................................................... 12 CONNECTION PROCESS - CH5A NER – EMBEDDED GENERATION LESS THAN 5MW AND RETAIL CUSTOMER CONNECTIONS (HV LOAD CUSTOMERS) .................................. 13 6.1 6.2 7. 8. Preliminary Connection Enquiry – Connection Applicant obligations.................................... 10 Preliminary Connection Enquiry - Essential Energy Response ............................................ 11 General ........................................................................................................................................ 21 Accredited Services Providers ..................................................................................................... 22 Guarantee of Revenue (GoR) (Security Fee) .............................................................................. 22 HV ASSETS GENERAL REQUIREMENTS .............................................................................. 22 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 13.6 Initial Requirements ..................................................................................................................... 22 Network Connection Configuration .............................................................................................. 23 Structural Adequacy ..................................................................................................................... 23 Subtransmission and Distribution Network .................................................................................. 23 TransGrid Requirements (if required) .......................................................................................... 24 HV Metering ................................................................................................................................. 24 13.6.1 13.6.2 13.7 General ................................................................................................................................. 24 Metering Voltage .................................................................................................................. 24 Construction Works ...................................................................................................................... 24 13.7.1 13.7.2 13.7.3 General ................................................................................................................................. 24 Environmental Impact ........................................................................................................... 25 Environmental Impact Assessment ...................................................................................... 25 October 2014 - Issue 8 Approved By: Customer Connections Manager Page 3 of 66 FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCONTROLLED COPY IF PRINTED OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE CEOP8079 Connection Process for Negotiated High Voltage Retail Customer Connection and Embedded Generators >30kW 13.7.4 13.7.5 13.7.6 13.7.7 13.7.8 13.7.9 13.7.10 13.8 Testing and Commissioning......................................................................................................... 27 13.8.1 13.8.2 13.8.3 13.9 13.10 13.11 14. Records ........................................................................................................................................ 28 Training ........................................................................................................................................ 28 Authority for Placing Major Electrical/Plant Equipment into Service ............................................ 29 General ........................................................................................................................................ 29 Design, Equipment and Materials ................................................................................................ 29 Design References ...................................................................................................................... 29 14.3.1 14.3.2 14.3.3 14.3.4 14.3.5 14.3.6 14.3.7 14.3.8 14.4 14.5 Transmission, Zone, Generating and Switching Stations ..................................................... 29 Transmission Powerlines ...................................................................................................... 30 HV Cables ............................................................................................................................ 30 Protection ............................................................................................................................. 30 Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) and Distribution System Automation ... 30 Load Control ......................................................................................................................... 30 Communications ................................................................................................................... 30 Earthing ................................................................................................................................ 31 Testing and Commissioning......................................................................................................... 31 14.4.1 14.4.2 14.4.3 14.4.4 14.4.5 General ................................................................................................................................. 31 Notice and Acceptance Testing ............................................................................................ 31 Standards ............................................................................................................................. 31 Commissioning Tests ........................................................................................................... 32 Acceptance Testing by Essential Energy ............................................................................. 33 Handover and Defects Liability Period ......................................................................................... 33 HV ASSETS TO BE OWNED AND OPERATED BY OTHERS ................................................. 33 15.1 15.2 Design, Equipment and Materials ................................................................................................ 33 Design References ...................................................................................................................... 34 15.2.1 15.2.2 15.2.3 15.2.4 15.2.5 15.2.6 15.2.7 15.3 Transmission, Zone and Switching Stations ......................................................................... 34 Transmission Powerlines ...................................................................................................... 34 HV Cables ............................................................................................................................ 34 Protection ............................................................................................................................. 34 HV Metering.......................................................................................................................... 34 Load Control ......................................................................................................................... 34 Earthing ................................................................................................................................ 34 Testing and Commissioning......................................................................................................... 34 15.3.1 16. General ................................................................................................................................. 27 Commissioning Program ...................................................................................................... 27 Commissioning Tests ........................................................................................................... 28 HV ASSETS TO BE OWNED BY ESSENTIAL ENERGY ON COMPLETION ........................... 29 14.1 14.2 14.3 15. Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) ...................................................... 25 Clearing of Vegetation .......................................................................................................... 25 Construction Standards ........................................................................................................ 25 Program ................................................................................................................................ 26 Ownership of Electricity Works ............................................................................................. 26 Constructions Works – Easements and Land Acquisition .................................................... 27 Provision of Registrable Instruments .................................................................................... 27 General ................................................................................................................................. 34 HV OPERATING PROTOCOL .................................................................................................. 35 16.1 16.2 16.3 General ........................................................................................................................................ 35 Operating Protocol ....................................................................................................................... 35 HV Customer Switching and Operational Protocol ...................................................................... 35 16.3.1 16.3.2 16.3.3 Ownership and maintenance ................................................................................................ 35 Maintenance of Switchgear and Protection Equipment ........................................................ 36 Protection Coordination ........................................................................................................ 36 October 2014 - Issue 8 Approved By: Customer Connections Manager Page 4 of 66 FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCONTROLLED COPY IF PRINTED OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE CEOP8079 Connection Process for Negotiated High Voltage Retail Customer Connection and Embedded Generators >30kW 16.3.4 16.3.5 16.3.6 16.3.7 16.3.8 16.3.9 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. Auditing ................................................................................................................................ 36 HV Operations under Normal Conditions ............................................................................. 36 HV Regulatory Requirements ............................................................................................... 37 Operating Procedures .......................................................................................................... 38 Authorised Staff and Access Permits ................................................................................... 38 Network Operations .............................................................................................................. 38 DISPUTE RESOLUTION .......................................................................................................... 39 KEY TERMS AND DEFINITIONS ............................................................................................. 39 ATTACHMENT A – PRELIMINARY CONNECTION ENQUIRY FORM ..................................... 41 ATTACHMENT B – EXAMPLE PROJECT TIMELINE............................................................... 43 ATTACHMENT C - OPERATING PROTOCOL TEMPLATE ..................................................... 44 ATTACHMENT D - SCHEDULE 5.5.3 – NETWORK & PLANT TECHNICAL DATA OF EQUIPMENT AT OR NEAR CONNECTION POINT ................................................................. 54 ATTACHMENT E - SCHEDULE 5.5.4 - NETWORK PLANT AND APPARATUS SETTING DATA ........................................................................................................................................ 57 ATTACHMENT F - SCHEDULE 5.5.5 – LOAD CHARACTERISTICS AT CONNECTION POINT59 ATTACHMENT G - APPLICATION FEE MATRIX .................................................................... 60 ATTACHMENT H - CONNECTION SEQUENCE ..................................................................... 61 ATTACHMENT I - CONNECTION SCOPE OF WORKS .......................................................... 62 REFERENCES ......................................................................................................................... 63 REVISIONS .............................................................................................................................. 65 October 2014 - Issue 8 Approved By: Customer Connections Manager Page 5 of 66 FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCONTROLLED COPY IF PRINTED OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE CEOP8079 Connection Process for Negotiated High Voltage Retail Customer Connection and Embedded Generators >30kW 1. INTRODUCTION This Operational Procedure is designed to cover the requirements that need to be satisfied by a Retail Customer taking supply at high voltage and/or an Embedded Generator as a Connection Applicant to ensure that Essential Energy’s minimum standards for major customer connections are met. This Operational Procedure applies to: a) all negotiated retail customer connection applicants and will follow the connection process as outlined in CH5A of the NER; and 2. b) all Embedded Generator connection applicants and will follow the connection process as outlined in: i. CH5A of the NER for systems greater than 30kW and less than 5MW; or ii. CH5 of the NER for systems greater than or equal to 5MW c) generators VAr ratios - generation sites greater than 30kW that absorb system reactive power (measured in VAr’s) at a ratio greater than 4.84kVAr absorbed to 10kW exported must be referred to Essential Energy for further evaluation (refer Essential Energy Connection Policy – Connection Charges for electricity retail customers CEOP2513.06) WHY THESE INSTRUCTIONS ARE IMPORTANT Firstly to ensure a safe and consistent standard is met when undertaking High Voltage connections and Embedded Generators to the Essential Energy Distribution Network (the Grid). Secondly and more importantly, to ensure that connection applicants are informed and understand the connection process – refer Attachment H - Connection Sequence. October 2014 - Issue 8 Approved By: Customer Connections Manager Page 6 of 66 FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCONTROLLED COPY IF PRINTED OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE CEOP8079 Connection Process for Negotiated High Voltage Retail Customer Connection and Embedded Generators >30kW 3. CONNECTION ENQUIRY – PROCESS FLOW CHART 3.1 Chapter 5 NER Process Applicable for all generator connection applications for new systems or modifications to existing systems greater than or equal to 5MW as defined under CH5 of the NER. Connection Applicant Preliminary Connection Enquiry Submitted Prospecting 3 Months Initiate Connection Discussions with EE Essential Energy Received Yes – within 5 days Acknowledge Enquiry & Request additional details No – within 5 days Advise if Adequate Continue Optional at Connection Applicant request Open for 15 days Written Advise to EE Yes No Provide Preliminary Response to Enquiry Yes – within 15 days Provide Invoice Connection Enquiry Fee Receipted Provide Detailed Response to Enquiry Yes – within 30 days Potential Delay Lodge Connection Enquiry Fee Terminate Project Invoice Receipted No Continue Open for 3 months Written Advise to EE Feasibility 24 Months Yes Proponent to undertake (and not limited to) technical network performance analysis voltage regulation fault level & sensitivity stability & harmonics protection analysis earthing analysis operating parameters No Investigate Connection Requirements EXECUTE Land Access Investigation Agreement - LAIA EXECUTE Connection Investigation Services Agreement CISA Quality Assurance (Constestable Works Linkage) Upfront Connection Investigation Fee Receipted EE privide network data and assess analysis provided No Yes Construction 18 months Request additional details No Continue Proponent to undertake (and not limited to) route options analysis environmental (REF) Easements/freehold title connection arrangement design submission design dpproval load control connection construction communication SCADA commissioning defects liability No Yes No Development 24 months Submit Connection Application Received Yes – within 5 days Acknowledge & Request additional details No – within 10 days Advise if Adequate Yes – within 4 months provide offer to connect Yes Open for 20 days Written Advise to EE Received No CISA Fees Invoiced & Paid to EE No Recoverable Costs Invoiced & Paid to EE Finalise connection agreement & operating protocol Negotiate (T’s & C’s) Yes Yes – time line dependent on negotiations Operational 25 Years + Yes No offer to connect accepted Finalise Development 12 months Contestable Works Complete & Commissioned Yes Complete Execute connection agreement & operating protocol October 2014 - Issue 8 Approved By: Customer Connections Manager Page 7 of 66 FOR PUBLIC RELEASE Yes Connection Agreement EXECUTED Yes Proceed To energise (with yes x2) No Connect Applicants Project to Essential Energy’s Distribution Network UNCONTROLLED COPY IF PRINTED OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE CEOP8079 Connection Process for Negotiated High Voltage Retail Customer Connection and Embedded Generators >30kW 3.2 Chapter 5A NER Process Applicable for all negotiated retail applications (HV load) and embedded generator connection applications for systems or modifications to existing systems greater than 30kW and less than 5MW as defined under CH5A of the NER. Connection Applicant Prospecting 3 Months Initiate Connection Discussions with EE Essential Energy Preliminary Connection Enquiry Submitted Received Yes – within 5 days Acknowledge Enquiry & Request additional details No – within 5 days Advise if Adequate Continue Open for 3 months Terminate Project Feasibility 24 Months No Investigate Connection Requirements Written Advise to EE Yes No Continue Yes EXECUTE Connection Investigation Services Agreement CISA Written Advise to EE Yes EXECUTE Land Access Investigation Agreement - LAIA Proponent to undertake (and not limited to) technical network performance analysis voltage regulation fault level & sensitivity stability & harmonics protection analysis earthing analysis operating parameters No Provide Preliminary Response to Enquiry Yes – within 20 days Quality Assurance (Constestable Works Linkage) Upfront Connection Investigation Fee Receipted EE privide network data and assess analysis provided No Yes Construction 18 months Request additional details No Continue Proponent to undertake (and not limited to) route options analysis environmental (REF) Easements/freehold title connection arrangement design submission design dpproval load control connection construction communication SCADA commissioning defects liability No Yes No Development 24 months Submit Connection Application Received Yes – within 5 days Acknowledge & Request additional details No – within 10 days Advise if Adequate Yes – within 65 days provide offer to connect Yes Open for 20 days Written Advise to EE Received No CISA Fees Invoiced & Paid to EE No Recoverable Costs Invoiced & Paid to EE Finalise connection agreement & operating protocol Negotiate (T’s & C’s) Yes Yes – time line dependent on negotiations Operational 25 Years + Yes No offer to connect accepted Finalise Development 12 months Contestable Works Complete & Commissioned Yes Complete Execute connection agreement & operating protocol October 2014 - Issue 8 Approved By: Customer Connections Manager Page 8 of 66 FOR PUBLIC RELEASE Yes Connection Agreement EXECUTED Yes Proceed To energise (with yes x2) No Connect Applicants Project to Essential Energy’s Distribution Network UNCONTROLLED COPY IF PRINTED OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE CEOP8079 Connection Process for Negotiated High Voltage Retail Customer Connection and Embedded Generators >30kW 4. DEEMED CONNECTION – PROCESS FLOW CHART Customer Essential Energy Initiate Connection Discussions with Customer Customer to provide technical data, premise information pertaining to the “Schedules” of the Connection Agreement, (HV Deemed Connection Contract (HV-DCCC); and the requirements of the Operating Protocol. Initiate preliminary Connection Agreement and Operating Protocol discussions and the requirements under Section 7 of the NSW Service & Installation Rules (SIR). Minimum HV Single Line Diagram Protection Report including next line of protection (refer attachment B of the SIR) Section 7 SIR Requirements Customer has authorised switching staff? Yes Yes Customer has Safety Management Plan, Electrical Safety Rules and HV Maintenance Plan. Yes No Additional Information required No Customer to contract ASP and provide copy of Letter of Authorisation. Yes Adequate and/or Additional information required No No Yes Provided and Compliant Yes Proposed amendments to Connection Agreement And/or Operating Protocol Draft Connection Agreement and Operating protocol prepared (includes commercial, legal and technical terms and conditions) No Accept Prepare final Connection Agreement and Operating protocol for execution Yes Documents executed by Customer and Essential Energy October 2014 - Issue 8 Approved By: Customer Connections Manager Page 9 of 66 FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCONTROLLED COPY IF PRINTED OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE CEOP8079 Connection Process for Negotiated High Voltage Retail Customer Connection and Embedded Generators >30kW 5. CONNECTION PROCESS - CH5 NER – EMBEDDED GENERATION 5MW AND ABOVE 5.1 Exploratory Connection Enquiry This stage of the Essential Energy connection process is informal and not prescribed under the National Electricity Rules (NER). This phase generally consists of exploratory discussions between the Connection Applicant and Essential Energy’s Planning and/or Network Connections business branches. The purpose of these exploratory discussions is to ensure that the Connection Applicant understands the Essential Energy connection process, timeframes, potential connection options and connection requirements. To make this stage effective, considerable investigation work by the Connection Applicant is usually required regarding possible connection options prior to formal Connection Enquiry process. Consultation with Essential Energy’s network planning specialists can assist with this analysis. The exploratory discussions with the Connection Applicant often cover in general terms: NER connection process and timeframes; Indicative delivery timeframes; and Information required from the Connection Applicant pursuant to an Adequate Connection Enquiry or application to connect. The formal Connection Enquiry process is a two staged process as per CH5 of the NER 5.2 Preliminary Connection Enquiry This stage of the connection process is a formal requirement under the NER. A Connection Applicant must make an adequate connection enquiry in accordance with clause 5.3.1A CH5 of the NER before submitting an application to connect. This requirement also applies to an existing embedded generator planning to modify an existing connection. All embedded generator connection enquiries; (5MW and greater) should be directed to Essential Energy’s nominated project representative - the Customer Connections Manager by email: Essential Energy will only respond to enquiries from the Connection Applicant or their authorised representative. Any enquiries by unauthorised third parties will be directed to the Connection Applicant. The key objective of this stage is to assist the Connection Applicant to determine a single preferred connection option before advancing to the Detailed Enquiry Stage of the Connection Process. 5.2.1 Preliminary Connection Enquiry – Connection Applicant obligations The Preliminary Connection Enquiry must include all the information as specified on the Preliminary Connection Enquiry Form (refer to Attachment A – Preliminary Connection Enquiry Form) to be considered an “adequate connection enquiry”: October 2014 - Issue 8 Approved By: Customer Connections Manager Page 10 of 66 FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCONTROLLED COPY IF PRINTED OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE CEOP8079 Connection Process for Negotiated High Voltage Retail Customer Connection and Embedded Generators >30kW Expected type of load/ generation; Preliminary system planning data as listed in Schedule 5.4 of the NER; Required connection timeframes; Reliability requirements (eg N, N-1); Preferred connection location; Alternative connection locations; Proposed route of any easements and location of land on which the Electricity Works are to be constructed or installed; Project status; and Company information. A connection applicant may choose to skip the preliminary response stage by completing the preliminary connection enquiry and requesting Essential Energy to proceed directly to a detailed response. In this case the connection applicant will need to submit the preliminary enquiry together with all the required information for a detailed response and pay the detailed enquiry fee, refer to clause 5.3. 5.2.2 Preliminary Connection Enquiry - Essential Energy Response Essential Energy must respond to the Connection Applicant in accordance with clause 5.3A.7 of the NER on receiving an adequate connection enquiry and must: Within 5 business days acknowledge receipt the Connection Applicant’s Preliminary Connection Enquiry; and Also within 5 business days advise the Connection Applicant if any further information is required to process the connection enquiry; and Within 15 business days unless otherwise agreed, provide a Preliminary Connection Enquiry Response. The response will include the following information relevant technical information about the DNSP’s network, including guidance on how the Connection Applicant may meet those requirements; written details of applicable minimum, automatic and plant standards and normal voltage level; identity of other parties to be involved in connection; those services that are contestable; worked examples of connection charges; information regarding the DNSP and its network, system limitations and other relevant constraints; whether augmentation may be required; links to the information pack; contact details; DNSP response to objectives of connection sought; an overview of any available options for connection; description of the detailed enquiry process; further information requirements from the connection applicant; estimate of the enquiry fee and component payable; October 2014 - Issue 8 Approved By: Customer Connections Manager Page 11 of 66 FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCONTROLLED COPY IF PRINTED OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE CEOP8079 Connection Process for Negotiated High Voltage Retail Customer Connection and Embedded Generators >30kW estimate of the application fee; other relevant information 5.3A; and all information required in S5.4A 5.3 Detailed Connection Enquiry This stage of the connection process is a formal requirement under the NER. A Connection Applicant must make a Detailed Connection Enquiry in accordance with the NER before it can make an application to connect. This requirement also applies to an existing embedded generator planning to modify an existing connection. The purpose of this stage of the Connection Process is to provide Connection Applicants with the network information needed to prepare a sound business case for their development; especially for those who are not familiar with the technical and security impacts of proposed connections on distribution networks. 5.3.1 Detailed Connection Enquiry – Connection Applicant obligations Following the preliminary enquiry response, a connection applicant may request a detailed enquiry response by submitting the information requested in the preliminary enquiry response and paying the required detailed enquiry fee. The Detailed Connection Enquiry must include all and any additional information or requirements specified in the preliminary Connection Enquiry Response. 5.3.2 Detailed Connection Enquiry Response The purpose of this stage is to provide generators with the information they need to prepare a sound business case for their development; especially for those who are not familiar with the technical and security impacts of proposed connections on distribution networks. Essential Energy must respond to the Connection Applicant in accordance with clause 5.3A.8 of the NER on receiving a Detailed Connection Enquiry and the nominated Connection Enquiry fee. Essential Energy must: Within 5 business days acknowledge receipt the Connection Applicant’s Detailed Connection Enquiry and receipt the nominated Connection Enquiry fee; Within 10 business days advise the Connection Applicant if any further information is required to process the Detailed connection enquiry; and Once all the information has been received, Essential Energy will unless otherwise agreed provide a Detailed Connection Enquiry Response within 30 business days. The response will include the following information contact details of the DNSP; written details of applicable minimum, automatic and plant standards and normal voltage level; details of the connection requirements; details of the level and standard of service of power transfer capability; negotiated access standards requiring AEMO involvement; list of technical data as set out in schedule 5.5; commercial information to satisfy any prudential requirements; October 2014 - Issue 8 Approved By: Customer Connections Manager Page 12 of 66 FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCONTROLLED COPY IF PRINTED itemised estimate of connection costs; OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE CEOP8079 Connection Process for Negotiated High Voltage Retail Customer Connection and Embedded Generators >30kW risks and obligations in respect of proposed connection associated with planning and environmental laws; draft connection agreement; description of the process for lodging the application to connect; application fee; whether the DNSP agrees to a validity period; any other relevant information 5.3A; TransGrid and Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) costs for processing a Connection Enquiry and application to connect; Whether another Transmission Network Service Provider (TNSP) or Distribution Network Service Provider (DNSP) should be involved in the connection process; Definition of the various connection services under the NER and potential negotiated, contestable or prescribed make-up; and Essential Energy may elect to, at this initial stage, advise AEMO (Power System Planning and Development) of the Preliminary Connection Enquiry depending on its nature. Essential Energy’s detailed connection enquiry response will only be valid for the network configuration which exists at the date of the response. 6. CONNECTION PROCESS - CH5A NER – EMBEDDED GENERATION LESS THAN 5MW AND RETAIL CUSTOMER CONNECTIONS (HV LOAD CUSTOMERS) 6.1 Exploratory Connection Enquiry This stage of the connection process is informal and not prescribed under the National Energy Rules (NER). This phase generally consists of exploratory discussions between the Connection Applicant and Essential Energy’s Planning and/or Network Connections Business Units. The purpose of these exploratory discussions is to ensure that the Connection Applicant understands the connection process, timeframes and potential connection options. To make this stage effective, considerable investigation work by the Connection Applicant is usually required regarding possible connection options. Consultation with Essential Energy’s network planning specialists can assist with this analysis. Essential Energy may be able to offer some services on a ‘fee for service’ basis to review these investigations, or through entry into a Connection Investigation Services Agreement (CISA) and/or Land Acquisition Investigation Agreement (LAIA). The exploratory discussions with the Connection Applicant often cover in general terms: NER connection process and timeframes; TransGrid and Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) costs for processing a Connection Enquiry and application to connect; Whether another Transmission Network Service Provider (TNSP) or Distribution Network Service Provider (DNSP) should be involved in the connection process; October 2014 - Issue 8 Approved By: Customer Connections Manager Page 13 of 66 FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCONTROLLED COPY IF PRINTED OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE CEOP8079 Connection Process for Negotiated High Voltage Retail Customer Connection and Embedded Generators >30kW Definition of the various connection services under the NER and potential negotiated, contestable or prescribed make-up; Indicative delivery timeframes; and Information required from the Connection Applicant pursuant to an Adequate Connection Enquiry or application to connect. Essential Energy may elect to, at this initial stage, advise AEMO (Power System Planning and Development) of the Preliminary Connection Enquiry depending on its nature. 6.2 Preliminary Connection Enquiry This stage of the connection process is a formal requirement under the NER. A Connection Applicant must make an adequate connection enquiry in accordance with clause 5A.C.1 of the NER before it can make an application to connect. All HV load and embedded generator connection enquiries (not connecting as Basic or Standard Connections) should be directed to Essential Energy’s nominated project representative the Connection Contracts Manager by email: Essential Energy will only respond to enquiries from the Connection Applicant. enquiries by third parties will be directed to the Connection Applicant. Any This requirement also applies to an existing HV customer or an embedded generator planning to modify an existing connection. 6.2.1 Preliminary Connection Enquiry – Connection Applicant obligations The connection enquiry must include the following information (refer to Attachment A – Summary NER Schedule 5.4 Connection Enquiry) to be adequate: Expected type of load/ generation; Preliminary system planning data as listed in Schedule 5.4 of the NER; Required connection timeframes; Reliability requirements (eg N, N-1); Preferred connection location; Alternative connection locations; Proposed route of any easements and location of land on which the Electricity Works are to be constructed or installed; Project status; and Company information. The key objective of this stage is to assist the Connection Applicant to determine a single preferred connection option before advancing to a formal Connection Application. It also clarifies the information required to achieve an NER compliant Connection Application. 6.2.2 Preliminary Connection Enquiry – Essential Energy Response Essential Energy must respond to the Connection Applicant in accordance with clause 5A.D.2 of the NER on receiving an adequate connection enquiry and must: Within 5 business days acknowledge the Connection Applicants connection Enquiry and advise the Connection Applicant if any further information is required to process the connection enquiry October 2014 - Issue 8 Approved By: Customer Connections Manager Page 14 of 66 FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCONTROLLED COPY IF PRINTED OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE CEOP8079 Connection Process for Negotiated High Voltage Retail Customer Connection and Embedded Generators >30kW Within 20 business days advise the Connection Applicant: o if another TNSP or DNSP is to be involved; o if any of the connection works are contestable; o of a preliminary programme indicating milestones; o the technical requirements; o the access standards (automatic); o the applicable plant standards; o the nominal voltage level; o if AEMO is to be involved in any of the above; o the connection application requirements; o specifications of the facility to be connected; o power transfer capability; o the fee applicable for Essential Energy to process an application to connect; and o any other information required pursuant to an application to connect. Essential Energy may also be able to assist the Connection Applicant in reviewing their analysis of the various connection options to determine the required information necessary for a valid connection application. This service is outside the NER framework and the Connection Applicant may be required to enter into a CISA and/or LAIA at this time. Essential Energy’s preliminary connection enquiry response will only be valid for the network configuration which exists at the date of the response. 7. CONNECTION ENQUIRY QUEUING Essential Energy is cognisant that a Connection Applicant may attempt to “lock up” network capacity by making a connection enquiry which does not result in a connection application within a reasonable timeframe, thereby making it difficult for Essential Energy to make this capacity available to any other party. Essential Energy will adopt the following policy with regard to the treatment of connection enquiries and Connection Applications (to the extent that it has the power to do so): IF a connection enquiry is received which is NER compliant and a resulting connection enquiry response has been provided by Essential Energy, AND Essential Energy is of the opinion that insufficient progress is being made towards a Connection Application by the Connection Applicant, such application being expected within 3 months of the date of Essential Energy’s final response to the Connection Enquiry, THEN the Connection Applicant will be asked to show cause why the network capacity applied for should not be offered to any other Connection Applicants who have made a connection enquiry for this capacity. Until and unless Essential Energy issues a show cause notice, Essential Energy will allocate available network capacity in amounts requested by applicants based on the date Essential Energy receives each Connection Enquiry. 8. CONNECTION INVESTIGATION SERVICES AGREEMENT (CISA) AND LAND ACCESS INVESTIGATION AGREEMENT (LAIA) Where the proposed connection is typical and/or investigation/assessment is required, Essential Energy will seek to enter into a CISA with the Connection Applicant. Where Electricity Works are to be constructed or installed, Essential Energy will seek to enter into October 2014 - Issue 8 Approved By: Customer Connections Manager Page 15 of 66 FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCONTROLLED COPY IF PRINTED OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE CEOP8079 Connection Process for Negotiated High Voltage Retail Customer Connection and Embedded Generators >30kW an LAIA with the Connection Applicant. This may be done at any time following the receipt of a connection enquiry or during the connection application process. An example project timeline to be provided by the Connection Applicant is included in Attachment B. Add hyperlink to these documents <CISA> <LAIA> 9. MODIFICATION TO EXISTING CONNECTION An existing customer proposing to modify their HV connection will be required to lodge a connection application in accordance with this guideline and the NER. Where a Connection Applicant has an executed connection agreement it will be necessary to either enter in to a deed of amendment to document the modifications to the original agreement or execute a new connection agreement. In accordance with the NER, Deemed HV customers modifying their connections (Connection Applicant) will be required to enter in to a connection agreement with Essential Energy. 10. CONNECTION APPLICATION 10.1 General This stage of the connection process is a formal requirement under CH5 of the NER. A Connection Applicant intending to connect to Essential Energy’s network must make a Connection Application in accordance with clause 5.3.4 of the NER. Where the Connection Applicant has made a conforming Connection Application, Essential Energy must make an offer to connect in accordance with clause 5.3.5 of the NER. The key objective of this stage is to finalise the technical and commercial arrangements applicable to the connection, including, if necessary, the negotiation of performance standards pursuant to clause 5.3.4A of the NER. Essential Energy will review the connection application and if incomplete, will within 10 business days advise the connection applicant of the outstanding requirements. Once a conforming Connection Application has been accepted, Essential Energy will issuing the connection applicant an offer to connect. An offer to connect will be issued within 4 months of receipt of the conforming Connection Application unless an extension has been agreed by the connection applicant. The offer to connect will include connection services costs. The connection applicant will then have 20 business days, or another period as agreed with Essential Energy, to review and accept the offer to connect and enter into a Connection Agreement. A sample Connection Agreement can be found on the Essential Energy Website. This stage is finalised when the Connection Applicant accepts Essential Energy’s offer to connect. October 2014 - Issue 8 Approved By: Customer Connections Manager Page 16 of 66 FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCONTROLLED COPY IF PRINTED OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE CEOP8079 Connection Process for Negotiated High Voltage Retail Customer Connection and Embedded Generators >30kW 10.2 Information to be provided with Connection Application In general, confirmation of the location, proposed capacities, type of generator/load and connection arrangements need to be provided by the Connection Applicant for consideration against a specific project application before an offer to connect can be made. The Connection Applicant must include the following information in a connection application: Maximum transfer capability (real power) requirements; Contribution to fault levels; Size and rating of all relevant power transformers (and test certificates prior to connection); Protection analysis - Report ( to include a protection SLD); Communication systems; Voltage control; Reactive power capability; Agreed target voltage range at the Connection Point; Proposed negotiated performance standards pursuant to clause 5.3.4A of the NER; Technical network performance analysis (including stability and harmonics) – Report; Voltage regulation analysis – Report; Fault level and sensitive analysis – Report; Earthing analysis – Report; Operational parameters; Detailed system planning data as detailed in Schedule 5.5.3, Schedule 5.5.4 and Schedule 5.5.5 of the NER; Connection date (commissioning date of the Connection Point); Reliability requirements (N, N-1); Connection Point location and connection configuration arrangement (Single Line Diagram – showing the agreed Connection Point (CP) and Point of Common Coupling (PoCC); Project status; Commissioning date of Connection Point; Ownership of connection assets; Technology of embedded generation units if applicable; Single Line Diagram of facility to be connected (showing metering location); General arrangement - facility substation/switching station (showing connection point); Company information; Schedule of connection equipment; The application fee where applicable; Table S5.5.3 – Network & Plant Technical Data of Equipment at or near Connection Point Attachment D; Table S5.5.4 – Network Plant and Apparatus Setting Data Attachment E; Table S5.5.5 – Load characteristics at Connection Point Attachment F; and October 2014 - Issue 8 Approved By: Customer Connections Manager Page 17 of 66 FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCONTROLLED COPY IF PRINTED OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE CEOP8079 Connection Process for Negotiated High Voltage Retail Customer Connection and Embedded Generators >30kW Details of the land tenure for the electricity works including land owner agreements, the consultation processes and easement requirements or land acquisitions that remain outstanding - Please note, easements must be registered and any decision to connect without them is at the absolute discretion of Essential Energy. Other relevant information that may be required by Essential Energy includes but is not limited to: A detailed construction program; Details of assets to be transferred to Essential Energy; Full copy of all approvals required by environmental laws for the construction and operation of the assets and all documents that supported the application for such approvals and compliance with them; The requirements for route corridor, centreline, access (particularly permanent access) to the electricity works, and/or details of land required for infrastructure, survey and design options analysis; If requested, draft route/ corridor, centreline, access and land requirements are best initially obtained by GPS survey but after investigation must be fixed by formal registered survey to enable the prompt registration of appropriate plans for the acquisition of land or grant of easements; Land owner agreements, consultation processes and easement requirements or land acquisitions by agreement; All relevant Essential Energy design specifications; and Approved materials list, approved equipment may if available be purchased from Essential Energy or by negotiation with the manufacturer. In addition to the requirements under the NER, the Connection Applicant must comply with the requirements of Section 7 of the Service and Installation Rules of NSW for loads and additionally, Section 8 for embedded generators. Particular attention should be paid to clause 13.10 of this document. Reasonable lead time must be left to train employees to operate the installation in accordance with Section 7 of the Service and Installation Rules of NSW. 10.3 Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) Essential Energy must notify AEMO of the Connection Application and supply AEMO with the Connection Applicant’s proposed negotiated performance standards. AEMO must within 20 business days of receiving proposed negotiated performance standards from Essential Energy: Respond in writing in respect of any negotiated performance standards that are defined by the NER as “AEMO advisory matters”; and Advise Essential Energy and the Connection Applicant whether the proposed metering installation is acceptable. Essential Energy must accept AEMO’s advice with respect to AEMO advisory matters. 10.4 Essential Energy Essential Energy must maintain power transfer capability, power quality and system stability as specified in the National Electricity Rules to all network users. Therefore when assessing a connection application, the impact of the connection on the network along with any October 2014 - Issue 8 Approved By: Customer Connections Manager Page 18 of 66 FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCONTROLLED COPY IF PRINTED OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE CEOP8079 Connection Process for Negotiated High Voltage Retail Customer Connection and Embedded Generators >30kW operational issues, protection, earthing and safety issues will be considered in each stage of the application process. Within 30 business days of receiving proposed negotiated performance standards, Essential Energy must: Accept the proposed negotiated performance standards; or Reject and nominate revised, negotiated performance standards. Essential Energy must scope and estimate works required to provide the negotiated connection services, and determine the negotiated service charges to apply (if applicable). For contestable electricity works, the Connection Applicant and Essential Energy will discuss the requirements. Essential Energy may also advise charges applicable to the contestable works if it is willing to provide those services. 10.5 The Application Fee The Connection Applicant must submit a connection application, including fees, in accordance with Essential Energy’s normal invoicing practices. The connection application will only be deemed to be received from the date the connection application fee is received by Essential Energy and all relevant materials are provided under clause 10.2. If the Connection Applicant does not enter into a CISA with Essential Energy, a nonrefundable connection application fee based on Essential Energy’s connection fee matrix will be payable (refer Appendix G Application Fee). The connection application fee covers the reasonable costs of work anticipated to arise from reviewing the connection application and preparing the associated offer to connect, including, but not limited to, provision of relevant network data, review designs, planning assessment and legal fees. It also covers reasonable costs of AEMO and other Network Service Providers to assess the connection application. If the Connection Applicant enters into a CISA with Essential Energy, the connection application fee may be in addition to the amounts payable by the Connection Applicant for services rendered under the CISA. The decision as to whether a CISA will be required will be at Essential Energy’s discretion. Connection Applicants will be required to meet other reasonable costs incurred by Essential Energy, typically being; review of updated documents previously submitted and found inadequate, to AEMO, other Network Service Providers (for example, TransGrid) and in obtaining legal advice in negotiating the connection agreement. Essential Energy will invoice these fees on a cost pass through basis as they are incurred. 10.6 The Offer to Connect Essential Energy must respond to a connection application with an offer to connect in accordance with the NER. The offer to connect will: Highlight any planning and environmental laws not covered by the NER which may be relevant to the construction and operation of the assets; Advise if TransGrid and/or AMEO will be involved and their costs; Outline the technical requirements of equipment to be connected; Outline the automatic access standards; Outline the negotiated access standards; October 2014 - Issue 8 Approved By: Customer Connections Manager Page 19 of 66 FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCONTROLLED COPY IF PRINTED OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE CEOP8079 Connection Process for Negotiated High Voltage Retail Customer Connection and Embedded Generators >30kW Outline the extent and cost of any augmentations works to the network; Outline any network service charges; Outline effects on other network users (transfer capacity); Advise of cost for remote control and monitoring equipment required by AEMO if applicable; and Contain commercial terms and conditions. The offer to connect will also include the Connection Agreement containing the proposed terms and conditions for connection to the network in accordance with Clause 5.3.6 of the NER. The Connection Applicant and Essential Energy will then negotiate the commercial and technical, terms and conditions with respect to the proposed connection. 10.7 Acceptance of Offer to Connect If the Connection Applicant wishes to accept an offer to connect, the Connection Applicant agrees to be bound by relevant provisions of the NER; and agree to negotiate connection agreement with Essential Energy. 11. CONNECTION AGREEMENT Essential Energy’s connection agreement will deal with: Location of connection project; The agreed point of connection (shown on a Single Line Diagram - SLD); The Connection Agreement term, commencement and termination dates; The maximum Voltage fluctuation; Connection assets to be transferred to Essential Energy; Easements and other Registrable Instruments; Land title deeds; Route or land plans – initial survey and final form of survey; The agreed technical standards of equipment to be connected; The agreed access standards (automatic or negotiated); The agreed performance standards (for generators); Any augmentation work to the network; Any ancillary services provided by the Connection Applicant; Any network service charges; The agreed network transfer capacity; The remote control and monitoring equipment required by AEMO if applicable; Proposed metering installation; Arrangements for meter provision; The commercial terms and conditions; Maximum voltage fluctuation; Authorised staff; and Land tenure, if required and not addressed in any LAIA. October 2014 - Issue 8 Approved By: Customer Connections Manager Page 20 of 66 FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCONTROLLED COPY IF PRINTED OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE CEOP8079 Connection Process for Negotiated High Voltage Retail Customer Connection and Embedded Generators >30kW Note that the connection of the connecting assets may be conditional on gaining environmental and planning approvals for any necessary augmentation or extension works to Essential Energy’s network and finalisation of other schedules to the connection agreement post execution. The agreement may also address the delivery of assets required to give physical effect to the connection service. The minimum requirements to be followed during negotiations between Essential Energy and a Connection Applicant wishing to negotiate a connection contract under Chapter 5A of the Rules are set out CEOP2513.08 Essential Energy’s Negotiation Framework. If a deemed connection is required to be documented under the NER, the connected person will be taken to be a Connection Applicant for the purposes of the connection agreement. Template connection agreements are available by contacting the Customer Connections Manager by email: Failure to establish a Connection Agreement prior to connection will cause a delay to connection. 12. CONTESTABILITY OF SERVICES 12.1 General Essential Energy advises that in the NSW jurisdiction, the following services are contestable: Design, planning and protection studies; Design of network connection assets (including telecommunications, control and protection systems); Procurement and construction of network connection assets; and Metering design, installation and provision of data services for type 1 to 4 meters. Connection Applicants need to engage an appropriate service provider(s) to carry out the required contestable services. Connection Applicants will also be required to complete and submit full studies of the network performance regarding voltage regulation, fault level and sensitivity, stability and harmonics, protection and operating parameters for the proposed connection as part of the assessment and approval process. Essential Energy will assist with the provision of network information relating to these connection assessments as requested. Please note that in addition to the planning and design approvals above, Connection Applicants will be fully responsible for all works and costs associated with providing the required connection assets including the acquisition of line easements and substation/switching station sites, environmental and planning approvals, materials procurement, construction and commissioning. For the avoidance of doubt, the Connection Applicant may also be required to fund EE asset extensions and/or augmentation in addition to the charges that may apply for connection services described within other sections of this document. Essential Energy will cooperate in the provision of any required connection information. Refer to Attachment I - Connection Scope of Works - for a summary of likely works required to be undertaken by the Connection Applicant. October 2014 - Issue 8 Approved By: Customer Connections Manager Page 21 of 66 FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCONTROLLED COPY IF PRINTED OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE CEOP8079 Connection Process for Negotiated High Voltage Retail Customer Connection and Embedded Generators >30kW 12.2 Accredited Services Providers Under the Electricity Supply Act 1995, customers are required to fund certain works which are required to enable new or expanded connection to the electricity network. Essential Energy will advise whether the work is contestable in accordance with CEOP8019 – Capital Contributions and the parts of the work required to be funded by the Connection Applicant. If the work is contestable, the Connection Applicant will need to seek quotes from appropriately qualified Accredited Service Providers (ASPs) to carry out these works. The ASP must be accredited as an ASP to undertake the type of work proposed. That accreditation, along with a system of inspecting and auditing of completed works, seeks to ensure that any work is designed, constructed or installed to provide for the efficient, reliable and safe operation of the completed works. The accreditation of ASP’s is administered by the NSW Trade and Investment. Information about the scheme, levels of accreditation and currently accredited ASPs is available from the website: In the event that Essential Energy is required to invest in infrastructure and the costs of that investment are not transferable to the customer, clause 12.3 will apply. 12.3 Guarantee of Revenue (GoR) (Security Fee) In accordance with Chapters 5A and 6 of the NER and the Retail Connection Charge Guideline, Essential Energy will require a Connection Applicant to provide a financial guarantee or Guarantee of Revenue (GoR), where their connection requires substantial Essential Energy funded network augmentation which is initially only for the Connection Applicant’s benefit; and in relation to which Essential Energy is of the view that there is a high risk that Essential Energy will not earn the estimated incremental revenue. The GoR is a financially binding legal agreement between Essential Energy and the Connection Applicant where the Connection Applicant guarantees the payment to Essential Energy of a minimum level of network revenue each year for the duration of the GoR, to make up any shortfall in their actual ‘Network use of system’ charges over the period, usually between 5 and 10 years depending upon the circumstances. The GoR will be established at the same time as the Connection Offer is accepted and/or the design information package is issued and prior to the network augmentation being initiated. This will allow the network augmentation to proceed in parallel with the associated Contestable works. The GoR is secured by a bank guarantee provided by the Connection Applicant for no more than the value of the incremental costs Essential Energy will incur in undertaking the network augmentation, or other suitable financial instrument as agreed by Essential Energy. As a last resort, Essential Energy is entitled to withdraw from the bank guarantee any shortfall in actual Network use of system payment, in accordance with the terms of the GoR and the bank guarantee. 13. HV ASSETS GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 13.1 Initial Requirements The design of the electricity works will constitute contestable work and must be carried out by a Level 3 ASP (accredited to design transmission and distribution works). October 2014 - Issue 8 Approved By: Customer Connections Manager Page 22 of 66 FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCONTROLLED COPY IF PRINTED OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE CEOP8079 Connection Process for Negotiated High Voltage Retail Customer Connection and Embedded Generators >30kW Details of the Level 3 ASP selected by the Connection Applicant shall be submitted to Essential Energy for approval. Plant and equipment should be designed in accordance with Essential Energy’s requirements in accordance with Clauses 7, 8 and 9 of this document as applicable and with the relevant access standards set out in the following Schedules in the NER: Schedule 5.2 for connection of generators; Schedule 5.3 for connection of customers (loads); and Schedule 5.3a for connection of a market network service. The proposed design shall be submitted to Essential Energy for approval prior to commencement of the connection works. If any part of the proposed electricity works is situated on a mining lease, the area of land the site encompasses and suitable access for vehicles and plant must be excised from the mining lease (including access and buffer zone). Essential Energy will require the Connection Applicant to commit to this process as part of the connection agreement. Significant delays in achieving this may impact on commissioning programs. The Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011 requires all designers, manufacturers, and suppliers of plant and equipment to provide all available information about the plant and equipment that is necessary to enable other persons to fulfil their responsibilities, in accordance with CECM1000 – Health, Safety and Environmental Manual: Index, to: Identify hazards; Assess risks arising from those hazards; Eliminate or control those risks; and Provide information. 13.2 Network Connection Configuration The configuration arrangements for overhead and underground connections are detailed in Essential Energy documents CEOM7114.01, CEOM7114.02 and CEOM7114.03 which are available from our website. 13.3 Structural Adequacy A suitably authorised professional must certify that all aspects of the plant and equipment design have been assessed for structural adequacy. 13.4 Subtransmission and Distribution Network Subtransmission and distribution network design and equipment requirements will be advised by Essential Energy through the issue of a Design Information Pack (DIP). Standard equipment may vary depending on the location of the proposed installation. Essential Energy’s design and construction manuals can be obtained from: External Sales Officer Telephone: 13 23 91 Copies of these documents are also available on Essential Energy’s website: October 2014 - Issue 8 Approved By: Customer Connections Manager Page 23 of 66 FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCONTROLLED COPY IF PRINTED OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE CEOP8079 Connection Process for Negotiated High Voltage Retail Customer Connection and Embedded Generators >30kW 13.5 TransGrid Requirements (if required) TransGrid will require sufficient notice to install upstream metering and protection equipment required by the NER. The costs of TransGrid upgrades will be payable by the Connection Applicant. 13.6 HV Metering 13.6.1 General Any metering installation unit to be connected to the national grid and operate under market conditions must have Voltage Transformer (VT) and Current Transformer (CT) National Association of Testing Authorities (NATA) traceable test certificates provided by the installing contractor or manufacturer. All metering must comply with the AEMO national metrology procedure (documents are available from AEMO’s website). The following link to the AEMO Metrology Procedure provides information on the application of metering installations to connection points and sets out provisions for metering installations and metering data services. For further details also refer to Chapter 7 of the NER. 13.6.2 Metering Voltage Chapter 7 of the NER stipulates that the metering point be located as close as practicable to the connection point. All new connection points must be metered in the customer’s installation at the connection point supply voltage. Metering on the secondary side of transformers owned or leased by the customer is not permitted for new installations. Also to comply with the NER, in the event of any electrical alterations, existing installations metered on the secondary side of a customer’s transformer must be modified so that they are metered at the connection point voltage. 13.7 Construction Works 13.7.1 General The construction of contestable works must be carried out by a Level 1 or Level 2 ASP. Level 1 accreditation allows for the construction and installation of transmission and distribution works including substations Level 2 accreditation allows for the construction of service lines between the distribution system and the point of connection to the premises and for the installation and energising of metering services. In addition to accreditation from NSW Trade and Investment, Level 1 and Level 2 ASPs working on or near the electricity network must have written authorisation and conditions granted by Essential Energy. The Connection Applicant must ensure that there is a safe system of work for all involved in the project in compliance with all applicable standards and statutory requirements. The Connection Applicant must ensure that all construction activities meet the requirements of the environmental impact assessment as well as all applicable statutory environmental October 2014 - Issue 8 Approved By: Customer Connections Manager Page 24 of 66 FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCONTROLLED COPY IF PRINTED approvals and requirements (CECM1000.70 Environmental Impact Assessment). OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE CEOP8079 Connection Process for Negotiated High Voltage Retail Customer Connection and Embedded Generators >30kW Environmental Operations Manual: Work that does not satisfy the requirements of certified plans, design information, regulatory requirements and quality of materials will cause delay of connection. 13.7.2 Environmental Impact Early provision of land and easement requirements for the project including preliminary survey details of any route, corridor and centreline of the corridor for transmission requirements and access to the corridor should be provided by the Connection Applicant. Essential Energy must be consulted about its requirements for such corridor and access at an early stage of any proposed electricity works. 13.7.3 Environmental Impact Assessment The environmental impact assessment of the proposed electricity works, including clearing of vegetation, must be provided by the Connection Applicant to Essential Energy and include a list of mitigation measures that will be implemented to limit the extent of environmental impacts. Refer to REF Guidelines 13.7.4 Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) The Connection Applicant must develop a CEMP to be used for the practical construction of the Electricity Works, especially a transmission line. The CEMP must address and comply with: All approvals which apply to the construction and operation of the assets; Mitigation measures identified in the environmental impact assessment; and All other environmental requirements issued by Essential Energy or any relevant statutory authority to the Connection Applicant from time to time. 13.7.5 Clearing of Vegetation Where required all vegetation clearing along the route of the power line shall be the responsibility of the Connection Applicant. This work must be done in accordance with all environmental laws, approvals and Essential Energy’s requirements and standards. (CECM1000.77 – Environmental Operations Manual: Flora and Fauna.) Vegetation clearing must not commence until the Connection Applicant has obtained all relevant Approvals, the consent of all affected landowners. 13.7.6 Construction Standards All construction must be in accordance with the approved design drawings. Assets that are to be transferred to Essential Energy will be subject to audit by Essential Energy during construction. Essential Energy will appoint an auditor to ensure compliance to design and the quality of the assets. Inspection will be undertaken at key stages of the construction process, with the minimum number of inspections determined prior to commencement of construction on receipt of the approved schedule/construction program. The design process may introduce risk to Essential Energy unless the process is controlled and due consideration given to Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) issues during the design phase. Design control seeks to eliminate risks emanating from the design process through the implementation of procedures that identify and account for risk in design October 2014 - Issue 8 Approved By: Customer Connections Manager Page 25 of 66 FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCONTROLLED COPY IF PRINTED OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE CEOP8079 Connection Process for Negotiated High Voltage Retail Customer Connection and Embedded Generators >30kW activities such as the construction and use of plant, equipment, facilities and processes (CECM1000 – Safety, Security, Health and Environmental Management – 4.4.6). 13.7.7 Program A detailed construction program (including project milestones and test points) must be submitted to Essential Energy for approval prior to commencement of works. The program must identify any work involving outages of other Essential Energy assets, especially if it means an interruption to customer supply. All efforts must be made by the Connection Applicant to ensure safe working methods are used and to avoid or minimise the number of customer outages. If customer outages are unavoidable, the Connection Applicant will be responsible for the provision of local generation to affected customers; the costs of which are to be borne by the Connection Applicant. This includes all costs associated with advertising and notifying customers of the proposed supply interruptions. If a supply interruption is required, it will take place at a time and date determined by Essential Energy, minimising any inconvenience to existing customers. Essential Energy may request a variation to the program to allow for augmentation of the existing network and other requirements of Essential Energy. 13.7.8 Ownership of Electricity Works Once the construction of the assets has been completed, the Connection Applicant may either retain ownership of completed assets, or negotiate to gift them either in full or in part, to Essential Energy to own and operate. The point of connection to Essential Energy’s network infrastructure is dependent on the Connection Applicant’s choice: If ownership is retained then the point of connection will be where the Connection Applicant’s connection assets join Essential Energy’s shared network; and If ownership is gifted to Essential Energy then the Point of Connection will be on the network side of the Connection Applicant’s isolating equipment. Generally, the conditions on which Essential Energy will accept ownership of the connection assets are: The connection assets are designed and constructed in accordance with all environmental laws, approvals and Essential Energy’s standards and guidelines. Essential Energy may require that certain types of equipment be supplied by certain suppliers before it will take ownership. This will permit Essential Energy to maintain common spare parts and standardise product training for its employees so that the duration of outages caused by any failure of the electricity works can be minimised; and Essential Energy will charge the Connection Applicant to recover the costs of maintenance and operation of the electricity works and any system augmentation works caused by the connection. Further considerations in relation to ownership of electricity works are set out in Clause 13. Once Essential Energy assumes ownership of any electricity works, they become part of Essential Energy’s distribution system and are available for access by other parties in accordance with the National Electricity Law. These other parties may be required to contribute a fair and reasonable proportion of the capital cost of establishing, operating and maintaining the system. Appropriate capital reimbursement may be made to the Connection October 2014 - Issue 8 Approved By: Customer Connections Manager Page 26 of 66 FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCONTROLLED COPY IF PRINTED OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE CEOP8079 Connection Process for Negotiated High Voltage Retail Customer Connection and Embedded Generators >30kW Applicant based on IPART’s determination on capital contributions and any other applicable law. 13.7.9 Constructions Works – Easements and Land Acquisition Any new electricity works constructed or installed on non-public land or Crown land or Crown roads must normally be contained within an easement or land to be transferred or vested in Essential Energy. The general details of the easement requirements are outlined in Essential Energy’s document CEOP8046 Easement Requirements which contains details of the form and terms of the easement required. Where land is to be transferred or vested in Essential Energy or easements for the electricity works are necessary, the proposed land or easement corridor and centreline of any electricity transmission line will need to be prepared by a registered surveyor as soon as possible. This may be effected initially by GPS, and following negotiations with landholders, by full formal registered survey after due investigation in accordance with all approvals. 13.7.10 Provision of Registrable Instruments By the end date for construction and prior to connection, relevant registrable instruments in a form satisfactory to Essential Energy together with all necessary deeds, consents and documents of title necessary to register the easements the subject of the registrable instruments without recourse to any third party, will need to be provided to Essential Energy. Failure to provide instruments prior to connection will result in a delay of that connection. 13.8 Testing and Commissioning 13.8.1 General Essential Energy needs to ensure that appropriate tests have been completed on all high voltage equipment before it can be safely energised. This will require close cooperation between the ASP and Essential Energy. 13.8.2 Commissioning Program Prior to energising or commissioning any HV equipment, a detailed step by step commissioning procedure must be submitted to Essential Energy for approval (Commissioning program). The commissioning program must detail the sequence to be undertaken to energise each piece of high voltage equipment and must include: Single line diagrams of all HV equipment as installed; A proposed timetable for the commissioning works, nominated supervisor and employees involved including contact details; A summary of pre-commissioning checks completed and results to date; and Confirmation that all work undertaken by the Connection Applicant for the project meets the relevant Australian Standards including AS3000, AS3007 (where applicable), Service and Installation Rules of NSW (any requirements specific to NSW, Victoria or QLD as applicable) as well as tests required by the manufacturer of specific items of plant and equipment. October 2014 - Issue 8 Approved By: Customer Connections Manager Page 27 of 66 FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCONTROLLED COPY IF PRINTED OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE CEOP8079 Connection Process for Negotiated High Voltage Retail Customer Connection and Embedded Generators >30kW On receipt of the commissioning program, Essential Energy will assess its adequacy. Essential Energy may require additional testing to be performed if it considers that the proposed commissioning program is not in accordance with Essential Energy’s commissioning policies and procedures. 13.8.3 Commissioning Tests Essential Energy and the Connection Applicant shall meet to determine a mutually acceptable time for commissioning tests to be carried out. Before any commissioning test is performed, Essential Energy and the Connection Applicant must agree on the procedures to be used for relevant commissioning tests and any modification to or deletion from the procedures that are relevant to the commissioning tests. Commissioning tests must be carried out in the presence of representatives nominated by the Connection Applicant and Essential Energy. The Connection Applicant must provide the results of the commissioning tests to Essential Energy. Commissioning tests must be carried out in accordance with good industry practice. The Connection Applicant and Essential Energy must use their best endeavours to cooperate with each other and coordinate the testing and commissioning of all HV assets. If commissioning tests confirm further corrective work is required on the Connection Applicant’s HV assets, the Connection Applicant must then: Undertake, at its own cost, all rehabilitation, modification or remediation work required to the reasonable satisfaction of Essential Energy; and Report back to Essential Energy in writing when all corrective work has been completed and renegotiate a suitable program to recommence commissioning tests. Refer to the commissioning documents: <Commissioning & test procedure subtransmission cable> <Commissioning & test procedure subtransmission overhead lines> 13.9 Records During the commissioning phase, records of OHS inspection, testing and monitoring must be maintained and readily accessible on request. 13.10 Training The Connection Applicant must comply with the requirements of the Service and Installation Rules of NSW – Section 7. Particular attention is drawn to Clause 7.5.9 of the Service and Installation Rules of NSW with respect to operating a HV installation. Reasonable lead time must be left to train employees to operate the installation. The Connection Applicant must provide evidence to Essential Energy that these requirements have been satisfied. If Essential Energy is to be retained as the HV operator for the site, the same restrictions to commissioning procedures will apply until the same proficiency in operating the equipment on site has been satisfactorily attained – refer to the Essential Energy brochure ESS304_SafeWorkTrainingFlyer_HR which is available from our web site. Essential Energy can also arrange for training of the Connection Applicant’s nominated employees given sufficient notice well in advance of the commissioning date (subject to trainers being available). Details of training requirements are outlined in Essential Energy document CEOP2238 High Voltage: Customer Operational Training Requirements. October 2014 - Issue 8 Approved By: Customer Connections Manager Page 28 of 66 FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCONTROLLED COPY IF PRINTED OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE CEOP8079 Connection Process for Negotiated High Voltage Retail Customer Connection and Embedded Generators >30kW 13.11 Authority for Placing Major Electrical/Plant Equipment into Service Authority for placing major electrical/plant Equipment into service (CEOP2047) applies to all new major electrical plant/equipment. The purpose of procedure CEOP2047 is to ensure that Essential Energy’s Network Operations department receives written notification that all construction and precommissioning checks on major electrical plant/equipment are complete and ready for service. Prior to final commissioning and energising of the high voltage equipment, direct lines of communication must be established between: The Connection Applicant’s nominated person for site commissioning and ongoing operations; and The designated Essential Energy System Operations Centre. 14. HV ASSETS TO BE OWNED BY ESSENTIAL ENERGY ON COMPLETION 14.1 General In addition to the requirements listed under Section 13, of these Guidelines, the requirements of this section 14 must be complied with for all assets to be owned by Essential Energy on completion of the electricity works. 14.2 Design, Equipment and Materials All design details including equipment/materials must be endorsed by a Level 3 ASP and submitted to Essential Energy for approval in principle prior to the Connection Applicant or its representative ordering equipment or commencing works on site. All associated design manuals and test certificates must be provided to Essential Energy. Essential Energy will detail the specific equipment that will need to be installed in accordance with the design requirements of this section. Essential Energy will provide a copy of CEOM7004 - Materials Inventory, Contestability (Approved) –for reference. All equipment must generally be approved by Essential Energy. If the Connection Applicant intends using non-Essential Energy approved equipment, then a verification process must be undertaken. If Essential Energy accepts the equipment, then sufficient spare parts and appropriate training for operational and maintenance requirements must also be provided by the Connection Applicant. 14.3 Design References 14.3.1 Transmission, Zone, Generating and Switching Stations Transmission, zone, generating and switching station design must comply with the requirements of CEOP8032 Transmission and Zone Substations Design Guidelines. October 2014 - Issue 8 Approved By: Customer Connections Manager Page 29 of 66 FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCONTROLLED COPY IF PRINTED OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE CEOP8079 Connection Process for Negotiated High Voltage Retail Customer Connection and Embedded Generators >30kW 14.3.2 Transmission Powerlines Transmission powerlines must comply with the requirements of: AS/NZS 7000:2010 “Overhead line design – Detailed procedures”; CEOM7097 Overhead Design Manual; and CEOM7099 Overhead Construction Manual. 14.3.3 HV Cables HV cables must comply with the requirements of: CEOM7097 Overhead Design Manual; CEOM7098 Underground Design Manual; CEOM7099 Overhead Construction Manual; and CEOM7199 Underground Construction Manual. 14.3.4 Protection The Connection Applicant/ASP must liaise and negotiate with Essential Energy’s Protection Design team as to the type and electrical characteristics of HV and associated secondary equipment to be installed. This will allow Essential Energy to install and set appropriate protection schemes upstream and at the connection point and manage the system. If Essential Energy needs to install new and/or replace existing protection schemes as a result of this process the Connection Applicant must pay those costs. Essential Energy will require two months’ notice prior to any commissioning of HV and associated secondary equipment. Protection design must comply with the requirements of the following Essential Energy documents: CEOP8002 High Voltage Protection Guidelines; and (if applicable) CEOP8012 Cogeneration Protection Guidelines. 14.3.5 Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) and Distribution System Automation SCADA and distribution system automation design shall comply with the requirements of CEOP8084 Design Guidelines for SCADA and Distribution System Automation. 14.3.6 Load Control Load control design shall comply with the requirements of CEOP8085 Design Guidelines for Load Control. 14.3.7 Communications Communications design shall comply with the requirements of CEOP8032 Design Guidelines for Transmission and Zone Substations. Note that the Connection Applicant will be responsible for the design, supply and installation of all SCADA link equipment. Essential Energy, upon request, and for an appropriate fee, will provide a radio link design and equipment specification. October 2014 - Issue 8 Approved By: Customer Connections Manager Page 30 of 66 FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCONTROLLED COPY IF PRINTED OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE CEOP8079 Connection Process for Negotiated High Voltage Retail Customer Connection and Embedded Generators >30kW 14.3.8 Earthing Earthing design must comply with the requirements of the following Essential Energy documents: CEOM7109 Distribution System Earthing; and CEOP8012 Radio Sites: Earthing Telecommunication Protection and Earth Termination Interface. 14.4 Testing and Commissioning 14.4.1 General Installations Lightning Essential Energy will not proceed to connect or energise any HV equipment until it is satisfied that the Connection Applicant has met the requirements of section 13.8, 13.9, 11.9, 11.10 and 14.4. Essential Energy has a vested interest in assets that are to be transferred. As such Essential Energy has a policy to acceptance test or witness all appropriate tests to ensure all HV equipment, control and protection equipment, auxiliary supplies and earthing requirements are in compliance with specific manufacturer’s requirements and/or its own internal operational and maintenance requirements. 14.4.2 Notice and Acceptance Testing In addition to requiring notice in writing of the ASP that the Connection Applicant intends to use for commissioning and testing, Essential Energy will also require: 10 business days’ notice to program employees for witness/acceptance testing in accordance with 11.7.2; The Connection Applicant have employees available during Essential Energy’s acceptance tests to confirm operation of any equipment that is not being tested by Essential Energy; All wiring diagrams and drawings made on site that reflect that actual construction undertaken, including electronic vector versions, be available prior to Essential Energy commencing acceptance tests on site; and Copies of all pre-commissioning checks carried out by the Connection Applicant to be provided to Essential Energy prior to Essential Energy commencing acceptance testing. 14.4.3 Standards All tests must be carried out in accordance with the relevant standards, guides, codes, and regulations for the relevant plant and equipment. All tests required by the manufacturer of specific items of plant and equipment before commissioning must be performed. All tests must be recorded in a report that details: The plant and equipment tested (including the type of plant or equipment, manufacturer’s name, type and serial numbers, ratings for voltage, current and other relevant nameplate details); Test equipment used (including type of equipment, manufacturers’ name, type and serial numbers and the date of last accuracy test); October 2014 - Issue 8 Approved By: Customer Connections Manager Page 31 of 66 FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCONTROLLED COPY IF PRINTED OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE CEOP8079 Connection Process for Negotiated High Voltage Retail Customer Connection and Embedded Generators >30kW Where relevant, temperature and humidity details; and The results achieved from the test. Each test report must be: Signed and dated by the testing officer(s) and the witnessing officer; and Provided to Essential Energy. 14.4.4 Commissioning Tests The Connection Applicant will produce a test plan to cover the commissioning requirements of all High Voltage assets and secondary equipment. This plan must identify testing responsibilities and actions for all parties and must be submitted for Essential Energy’s agreement and approval. Essential energy must approve the commissioning program, final design and equipment requirements, prior to it being finalised by the Connection Applicant’s ASP or its nominated representative. Commissioning tests will vary depending upon the type and make of equipment to be installed, the manufacturer’s recommendations and Essential Energy’s policies covering commissioning tests for zone substation equipment, secondary systems, HV transmission lines and cables. Final commissioning may also require phase identification, temporary protection schemes, service voltage testing, phasing out checks, protection directional checks and in-service balances and in-service metering checks. Essential Energy needs to ensure that all appropriate tests have been completed so that all HV equipment can be energised. This will require close cooperation between the ASP and Essential Energy employees. Essential Energy will also expect the Connection Applicant to rectify all defects found as a result of testing and checks by Essential Energy or others employed by the Connection Applicant. Any delay in defect rectification may impact on final commissioning which may, in turn, delay commissioning of other infrastructure owned by the Connection Applicant. Commissioning tests and checks to ensure compliance may include but not be limited to: Substations; General compliance including civil and building works, secondary containment systems, fencing, public safety, security, fire protection systems, general layout of equipment; Identification of equipment in accordance with Essential Energy’s requirements; Earth grid and earthing of equipment; Conductivity and insulation testing; HV disconnect and earthing switches; HV circuit breakers; HV current transformers; HV voltage transformers; Power transformers (including high voltage testing and On Load Tap Changer (OLTC); Protection schemes and associated secondary equipment; Substation control systems; Metering; October 2014 - Issue 8 Approved By: Customer Connections Manager Page 32 of 66 FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCONTROLLED COPY IF PRINTED OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE CEOP8079 Connection Process for Negotiated High Voltage Retail Customer Connection and Embedded Generators >30kW SCADA systems; Communication systems; Substation batteries and battery chargers; Building / substation low voltage services; Generator performance; HV cables; and HV transmission lines. 14.4.5 Acceptance Testing by Essential Energy Once the Connection Applicant has successfully completed the commissioning tests, Essential Energy may elect to do an alternative test to satisfy its own requirements. Any discrepancies will need to be rectified by the Connection Applicant. Only after Essential Energy’s acceptance tests have been completed will the asset be allowed to be energised. 14.5 Handover and Defects Liability Period "Handover" of the electricity works from the Connection Applicant to Essential Energy will occur on practical completion which will be evidenced by Essential Energy issuing a Certificate of Acceptance (defined in the relevant connection agreement as the commissioning date of the Connection Point). The defects liability period will commence on the date of acceptance and will end on the expiration of the period specified in the contract after the date of acceptance (or if there a several such periods, for example where there are separable portions, the last to expire). During the defects liability period, Essential Energy may direct the Connection Applicant to rectify any defects in the electricity works. The contract may allow Essential Energy to direct the time within which the Connection Applicant must commence and complete the rectification of defect. Essential Energy may also set a further defects liability period in respect of work rectified - that period being effective from the date of rectification for a period specified by Essential Energy. While security held by Essential Energy is usually reduced upon practical completion, the remainder of the security should be held until the later of the issue of the final certificate under the contract (which occurs after the expiry of the defects liability period) and date on which all defects identified during the defects liability period have been rectified in accordance with the Code of Practice Contestable Works and Essential Energy’s operational procedure document CEOP2015 General Terms And Conditions For The Supply Of Electricity To New Subdivisions And Site Developments. 15. HV ASSETS TO BE OWNED AND OPERATED BY OTHERS In addition to the requirements listed under Section 11 of these Guidelines the following requirements must be complied with for all assets to be owned and operated by others. 15.1 Design, Equipment and Materials All design details must be endorsed by a Level 3 ASP to meet the requirements of AS/NZS 3000 Australia/New Zealand Wiring Rules, the Service and Installation Rules of NSW and AS/NZS 7000:2010 Overhead line design – Detailed procedures. October 2014 - Issue 8 Approved By: Customer Connections Manager Page 33 of 66 FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCONTROLLED COPY IF PRINTED OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE CEOP8079 Connection Process for Negotiated High Voltage Retail Customer Connection and Embedded Generators >30kW 15.2 Design References 15.2.1 Transmission, Zone and Switching Stations HV assets must meet the requirements of AS/NZS 3000 Australian/New Zealand Wiring Rules, and the Service and Installation Rules of NSW. 15.2.2 Transmission Powerlines Electricity works may only be owned and operated by the Connection Applicant if the asset does not supply any other customer and the Connection Applicant accepts full responsibility to comply with all laws, rules, regulations and environmental planning and approval requirements with respect to the electricity works. The Connection Applicant should also incorporate the requirements of AS/NZS 7000:2010 Overhead line design – Detailed procedures. 15.2.3 HV Cables For the safe installation of HV cables the Connection Applicant should incorporate the guidelines of the cable manufacturer and any applicable standard. 15.2.4 Protection The Connection Applicant / ASP must liaise and negotiate with Essential Energy’s Protection Design team as to the type and electrical characteristics of high voltage and associated secondary equipment to be installed. This will permit Essential Energy to install and set appropriate protection schemes upstream and at the connection point. If Essential Energy needs to install new and/or replace existing protection schemes as a result of this process the Connection Applicant must pay those costs. Essential Energy will require 2 months’ notice prior to any commissioning of HV and associated secondary protection equipment. Protection design must comply with the requirements of: CEOP8002 High Voltage Protection Guidelines; and (If Applicable) CEOP8012 Cogeneration Protection Guidelines. 15.2.5 HV Metering HV metering design and installation should comply with the requirements of AEMO’s Metrology Procedures and the Connection Applicants nominated meter provider. 15.2.6 Load Control HV equipment must meet the requirements of the Service and Installation Rules of NSW. 15.2.7 Earthing Earthing design must comply with the requirements of the appropriate Australian Standard. 15.3 Testing and Commissioning 15.3.1 General Essential Energy will not proceed to connect or energise any HV equipment until it is satisfied that the Connection Applicant has met the requirements of section 13.8, 13.9, and 14.4. October 2014 - Issue 8 Approved By: Customer Connections Manager Page 34 of 66 FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCONTROLLED COPY IF PRINTED OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE CEOP8079 Connection Process for Negotiated High Voltage Retail Customer Connection and Embedded Generators >30kW Where commissioning of HV equipment is on land covered by a mining lease, Essential Energy also requires confirmation that the installation meets the specified safety criteria and requirements covered by the terms of the applicable mining law. 16. HV OPERATING PROTOCOL 16.1 General All Connection Applicants are required to have an operating protocol in place that outlines the procedures to be followed for the safe and efficient operation of the system arrangements. The protocol must be executed prior to the connection of the Electricity Works. The operating protocol template will be provided by Essential Energy and a copy is shown at Attachment C. Where the Connection Applicant does not have authorised personnel on staff then an operating agreement between the Connection Applicant and a suitable qualified provider must be entered in to and a copy made available for inclusion in the operating protocol. Failure to establish an operating protocol prior to connection will cause delay of that connection. 16.2 Operating Protocol An operating protocol should cover: Supply Configuration; Operational Responsibilities; o Connection Point o Asset Ownership o System Constraints and limitations o Network Configuration Communications; Training and HV Operator Authorisation; o Training and Authorisation of Staff o Essential Energy o The Customer Authorised Network Operators; Site access; Planned Switching; Emergency and Unplanned Switching; Faults and Incidents; Operating Agreement; and Duration of Protocol. 16.3 HV Customer Switching and Operational Protocol 16.3.1 Ownership and maintenance The Connection Applicant must prepare a high voltage Operating Diagram. October 2014 - Issue 8 Approved By: Customer Connections Manager Page 35 of 66 FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCONTROLLED COPY IF PRINTED OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE CEOP8079 Connection Process for Negotiated High Voltage Retail Customer Connection and Embedded Generators >30kW Essential Energy’s asset ownership and responsibility in respect of maintenance of high voltage equipment terminates at a point selected by Essential Energy and indicated on the Connection Applicant’s high voltage operating diagram (“connection point”). Ownership and maintenance of all high voltage equipment beyond the connection point, including all metering transformers, is the Connection Applicant’s responsibility. 16.3.2 Maintenance of Switchgear and Protection Equipment The Connection Applicant must have a maintenance program in place as outlined in AS 2467-2008 Maintenance of Electrical Switchgear, AS/NZS 3000 Australian/New Zealand Wiring Rules and the relevant equipment manufacturer's instructions. The maintenance program qualifications to do so. 16.3.3 must be prepared by persons with acceptable Protection Coordination Essential Energy requires full grading with the Connection Applicant’s first line of protection to guarantee correct fault discrimination. The Connection Applicant, in liaison with Essential Energy’s protection group, will negotiate settings to the generator’s protection equipment. These settings may not be modified without Essential Energy’s prior agreement. 16.3.4 Auditing Essential Energy may need to audit maintenance records at any time upon negotiation with the Connection Applicant. Essential Energy may request that maintenance be carried out within a nominated time period and relevant records forwarded to Essential Energy. 16.3.5 HV Operations under Normal Conditions Planned Switching Not Involving Essential Energy The operation of all high voltage equipment at the Connection Applicant’s site beyond and inclusive of the connection point is the Connection Applicant’s responsibility and will normally be carried out by the Connection Applicant’s authorised Operating Staff or authorised service provider. The Connection Applicant must notify Essential Energy’s Network Operations before any major new item of high voltage equipment is commissioned. Planned Switching Involving Essential Energy Other than for emergency conditions Essential Energy requires the following notification periods for the planned isolation or switching of equipment: Fifteen (15) working days when there will be no interruption to other Essential Energy customers. Twenty One (21) working days when the planned work will result in the interruption of supply to other Essential Energy customers. All notifications regarding planned switching are to be referred to Essential Energy - System Control as referenced in Appendix C. When Essential Energy requires isolation of the Customers equipment for routine work on Essential Energy’s equipment, ten (10) working days prior notice will be provided to the Customer. Where possible, Essential Energy will provide earlier notification. October 2014 - Issue 8 Approved By: Customer Connections Manager Page 36 of 66 FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCONTROLLED COPY IF PRINTED OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE CEOP8079 Connection Process for Negotiated High Voltage Retail Customer Connection and Embedded Generators >30kW The party requesting the switching shall indicate: the date and time; the expected duration of the work; and any requirements expected from the other party. Where work requires switching operations to be carried out, each party shall pay their own network operator costs, irrespective of who initiated the switching request. Restoration of the network to normal will not commence until a completed or cancelled Operating Agreement has been returned to Essential Energy, and confirmation has been received by the Essential Energy Network Operator and the Customer or their nominated ASP/electrical contractor, that restoration has been approved. 16.3.6 HV Regulatory Requirements Connection Applicant’s Obligations The Connection Applicant as a high voltage customer must comply with this Operational Procedure CEOP8079. The Connection Applicant’s installation must be operated, isolated and made safe for work in accordance with the requirements of Electricity Supply (Safety and Network Management) Regulation 2008, which imposes obligations on network operators. The Connection Applicant must comply with the Essential Energy Network Management Plan. The Connection Applicant (or their accredited service provider) must have a set of Electrical Safety Rules, complying with the Network Management Plan, Codes of Practice and AS 2467-2008 Maintenance of Electrical Switchgear and Appendix A Example of Electrical Safety Rules, covering the operation of the electrical installation. All employees engaged in work on the Connection Applicant’s high voltage electrical apparatus must be trained, assessed for competence and audited by the Connection Applicant as being competent to work in accordance with the Connection Applicant’s Electrical Safety Rules. Up to date HV system diagrams must be prominently and permanently displayed in each substation. Suitable operating equipment must be provided for the electrical apparatus installed. Suitable earthing equipment must be provided for the electrical apparatus as installed. Live-line testing equipment, with self-testing facilities, must be provided for proving de-energised the electrical apparatus installed. Suitable tape barriers (and stands if necessary) must be provided to identify safe working areas on isolated HV electrical apparatus. Safety posters, showing resuscitation methods and instructions for release of persons from live low voltage conductors, must be displayed in each substation. Work of testing on HV electrical apparatus must be carried out in accordance with AS 2467-2008 Maintenance of Electrical Switchgear. October 2014 - Issue 8 Approved By: Customer Connections Manager Page 37 of 66 FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCONTROLLED COPY IF PRINTED OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE CEOP8079 Connection Process for Negotiated High Voltage Retail Customer Connection and Embedded Generators >30kW 16.3.7 Operating Procedures Where the Connection Applicant requires isolation of Essential Energy’s high voltage supply, or Essential Energy requires isolation of the Connection Applicant’s supply, an operating agreement will be exchanged between the Connection Applicant’s authorised operator and Essential Energy’s Operating Staff to guarantee that the apparatus will remain isolated until work is complete. Essential Energy Network Operations will prepare the operating agreement. 16.3.8 Authorised Staff and Access Permits Connection Applicant’s Authorised Staff Only staff who have been authorised in writing by the Connection Applicant to operate the customer’s high voltage equipment and nominated to Essential Energy in the Operating Protocol are permitted to carry out high voltage switching. Authorised Staff must comply with the following conditions: Are either the Connection Applicant’s staff or staff of the Connection Applicant’s ASP/electrical contractor; Have been trained in the Connection Applicant’s installation; Have successfully completed a Safe Working Practices - Access Permit Issuers and recipients training course – full details are available on Essential Energy’s website: Are able to negotiate with Network Operations on matters relating to the supply of electricity Are able to coordinate safety and operating procedures with Network Operations when necessary Refresher courses should be attended to maintain operating skills and keep abreast of relevant rules and regulation changes When a change occurs in the Connection Applicant’s authorised staff, the Connection Applicant must ensure that Essential Energy is notified so that the competency of the new authorised person can be assessed. The Connection Applicant must also provide the new authorised person’s details to Essential Energy immediately. Access Permits Access permits may only be issued by persons who have been trained and assessed as competent in the Safe Working Practices - Access Permit Issuers training course. Access Permits may only be issued to persons who have been trained and assessed as competent in the Access Permit Recipients training course or equivalent. The training referred to in Subclause (b) must be carried out by Essential Energy (at a fee) or another registered training organisation accredited by the Vocational Education and Training Accreditation Board. Refresher courses must be attended by high voltage operating personnel to maintain operating skills and to keep up to date with changes to relevant rules and regulations. 16.3.9 Network Operations Essential Energy’s Network Operations is manned 24 hours a day and can be contacted at any time on matters relating to the operation of Essential Energy’s high voltage system October 2014 - Issue 8 Approved By: Customer Connections Manager Page 38 of 66 FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCONTROLLED COPY IF PRINTED OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE CEOP8079 Connection Process for Negotiated High Voltage Retail Customer Connection and Embedded Generators >30kW and/or the supply of electricity through Essential Energy’s Customer Service or Supply Interruption contact centres. 17. DISPUTE RESOLUTION The Connection Applicant may request Essential Energy to review its decisions and processes in relation to the Connection. Connection applicants may seek assistance in resolving disputes on technical and other matters arising during the connection process through the Dispute Resolution Advisor appointed by the AER and in accordance with Chapter 8 of the National Electricity Rules. 18. KEY TERMS AND DEFINITIONS In this Operational Procedure, definitions are as given in the National Electricity Rules (NER) unless otherwise stated below. Accredited Service Provider (ASP): A person accredited under a scheme approved by the NSW Department of Trade and Investment. Adequate Connection Enquiry: A connection enquiry which includes the information required by Schedule 5.4 of the NER. AEMC: Australian Energy Market Commission. AEMO: Australian Energy Market Operator. AER: Australian Energy Regulator, established to enforce the NER. Approval: Any approval, consent, licence, permission or certificate issued by or required to authorise the construction, operation, maintenance and operation of the Electricity Works by the relevant Statutory Authority. Authorisation (of Accredited Service Provider): Authorisation means permission in writing, generally to an ASP, given by Essential Energy to undertake works on or near the Essential Energy transmission and/or distribution network. Connection Enquiry: Initial Enquiry made by a Connection Applicant in accordance with Clause 5.2 and 5.3 of the NER for connection to a network and/or the provision of network services or modification of a connection to a network and/or the provision of network services. Connection Agreement: An agreement between Essential Energy and a Connection Applicant by which are connected to the Essential Energy distribution network and/or receives transmission services or distribution services. Connection Applicant: A Participant wanting to establish or modify connection to Essential Energy’s transmission network or distribution network and/or who wishes to receive network services in accordance with Chapter 5 of the NER. Connection Application: Application made by a Connection Applicant in accordance with Clause 8.1-8.7 of these Guidelines for connection to a network and/or the provision of network services or modification of a connection to a network and/or the provision of network services. Connection Investigation Services Agreement (CISA): A connection investigation agreement pursuant to which Essential Energy will review, assess and/or investigate the proposed connection in order to provide connection and network services to the Connection Applicant under the Rules. Contestable Works: Those works for which a Connection Applicant may choose the provider of the services in accordance with the Electricity Supply Act 1995. October 2014 - Issue 8 Approved By: Customer Connections Manager Page 39 of 66 FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCONTROLLED COPY IF PRINTED OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE CEOP8079 Connection Process for Negotiated High Voltage Retail Customer Connection and Embedded Generators >30kW CT: Current Transformer. Deemed Connection: A connection to the network prior to 13 December 1998. EMF: Electric and Magnetic Fields. ENA: Energy Networks Association. Electricity Works: Any high voltage electricity transmission line and all associated equipment and includes all poles, stays, stay poles, wires, cables, foundations, pipes, conduits, switches, switchgear, pillar boxes, transformers, fuses, Major Electrical Plant/Equipment and any other above or underground ancillary works. Environmental Law: Any Law, whether statute or common law, concerning environmental matters, and includes but is not limited to Laws concerning land use, development, pollution, contamination, waste disposal, toxic and hazardous substances, climate change, greenhouse gases, energy use or efficiency, water use or access and conservation of natural or cultural resources. Generator: Connection Applicant developing embedded generation greater than 30kW without the use of an inverter. HV or High Voltage: Voltage nominally 1000 volts and above. NSW Trade and Investment: The accrediting agency responsible for the accreditation of service providers to undertake contestable work in New South Wales and any successor charged with the same or similar responsibilities. Land Access Investigation Agreement (LAIA): An agreement between the parties for assessing, investigating and obtaining relevant approvals in relation to environmental and planning and applicable Registrable Instruments associated with the construction of the Electricity Works required in order to provide Connection Services and Distribution Services to the Connection Applicant. Land Tenure: Such rights or interest in land required by Essential Energy to protect the Electricity Works located on such land and includes the Registrable Instruments, Law: Includes any requirement of any statute, rule, regulation, statutory instrument, proclamation, order, ordinance or by-law whether Commonwealth, state, territorial or local. Major Electrical Plant/Equipment: means any electrical equipment (including overhead lines and underground cables) associated with the supply of electricity at high voltage, the conductors of which are live or can be made live. Examples of major plant include Power Transformer Circuits and Regulators associated with Transmission, Subtransmission, Zone Substations, Switching Stations and Generation Substations. NATA: National Association of Testing Authorities. OLTC: On Line Tap Changer. Registrable Instruments: Land dealings in registrable form for the creation of easements in favour of, or the transfer of land to, Essential Energy. NER: National Electricity Rules. The NER are available for download from the AEMC website at: Service and Installation Rules of NSW: Service and Installation Rules of New South Wales. VT: Voltage Transformer. October 2014 - Issue 8 Approved By: Customer Connections Manager Page 40 of 66 FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCONTROLLED COPY IF PRINTED OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE CEOP8079 Connection Process for Negotiated High Voltage Retail Customer Connection and Embedded Generators >30kW 19. ATTACHMENT A – PRELIMINARY CONNECTION ENQUIRY FORM (also available for download from Essentials Energy’s website) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HV Customer and Embedded Generator Connection Enquiry Form (it is intended that the Connection Applicant will write to Essential Energy and include all of the following information in the Preliminary Connection Enquiry) Enquiry Date: <dd/mm/yyyy> Name of Enquirer: Company Name: Company ABN: Postal Address: Contact Details (for single point of Contact) Name: Office Phone: Mobile Phone: Email address: Postal Address: Please provide a detailed qualitative description of the objectives of the project proposal which is intended later to become an application to connect. Schedule 5.4 NER Information to the Provided with Preliminary Enquiry The following items of information are required to be submitted with a preliminary enquiry for connection or modification of an existing connection: Refer NER for details Item Information Description Details Required (a) Type of plant (eg. gas turbine generating unit; rolling mill, etc.). (b) Preferred site location – (Lot and DP – of entire facility) (listing any alternatives in order of preference as well). (c) (d) (e) Maximum power generation or demand of whole plant – (maximum MW and/or MVA, or average over 15 minutes or similar). Expected energy production (MWh per month). Plant type and configuration - (eg. number and type of generating units or number of separate production lines). (f) Nature of any disturbing load (size of disturbing component MW/MVAr, duty cycle, nature of power electronic plant which may produce harmonic distortion). (g) Technology of proposed generating unit (e.g. synchronous generator, induction generator, photo-voltaic array, etc). (h) When plant is to be in service - (eg. estimated date for each generating unit). (i) (j) Name and address of enquirer, and, if relevant, of the party for whom the enquirer is acting. Other information may be requested by the Network Service Provider, such as amount and timing of power required during construction or any auxiliary power requirements. October 2014 - Issue 8 Approved By: Customer Connections Manager Page 41 of 66 FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCONTROLLED COPY IF PRINTED OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE CEOP8079 Connection Process for Negotiated High Voltage Retail Customer Connection and Embedded Generators >30kW Other supporting information required with preliminary connection enquiry. 1. Provision of detailed qualitative description of the objectives of the project proposal which is intended later to become an application to connect; 2. Approximate Location of facility substation (pin on google map – with Lot and DP nominated for the entire facility site; 3. Facility site Address; 4. Any information plans drawings and presentations helpful in providing a detailed response to the preliminary connection enquiry; and 5. A list of the information required from Essential Energy in relation to the Connection Applicants, application to connect and supporting reasons for the request. October 2014 - Issue 8 Approved By: Customer Connections Manager Page 42 of 66 FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCONTROLLED COPY IF PRINTED OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE CEOP8079 Connection Process for Negotiated High Voltage Retail Customer Connection and Embedded Generators >30kW 20. ATTACHMENT B – EXAMPLE PROJECT TIMELINE To be provided by the Connection Applicant. October 2014 - Issue 8 Approved By: Customer Connections Manager Page 43 of 66 FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCONTROLLED COPY IF PRINTED OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE CEOP8079 Connection Process for Negotiated High Voltage Retail Customer Connection and Embedded Generators >30kW 21. ATTACHMENT C - OPERATING PROTOCOL TEMPLATE October 2014 - Issue 8 Approved By: Connection Contracts Manager Page 44 of 66 FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCONTROLLED COPY IF PRINTED OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE CEOP8079 Connection Process for Negotiated High Voltage Retail Customer Connection and Embedded Generators >30kW October 2014 - Issue 8 Approved By: Connection Contracts Manager Page 45 of 66 FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCONTROLLED COPY IF PRINTED OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE CEOP8079 Connection Process for Negotiated High Voltage Retail Customer Connection and Embedded Generators >30kW October 2014 - Issue 8 Approved By: Connection Contracts Manager Page 46 of 66 FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCONTROLLED COPY IF PRINTED OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE CEOP8079 Connection Process for Negotiated High Voltage Retail Customer Connection and Embedded Generators >30kW October 2014 - Issue 8 Approved By: Connection Contracts Manager Page 47 of 66 FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCONTROLLED COPY IF PRINTED OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE CEOP8079 Connection Process for Negotiated High Voltage Retail Customer Connection and Embedded Generators >30kW October 2014 - Issue 8 Approved By: Connection Contracts Manager Page 48 of 66 FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCONTROLLED COPY IF PRINTED OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE CEOP8079 Connection Process for Negotiated High Voltage Retail Customer Connection and Embedded Generators >30kW October 2014 - Issue 8 Approved By: Connection Contracts Manager Page 49 of 66 FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCONTROLLED COPY IF PRINTED OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE CEOP8079 Connection Process for Negotiated High Voltage Retail Customer Connection and Embedded Generators >30kW October 2014 - Issue 8 Approved By: Connection Contracts Manager Page 50 of 66 FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCONTROLLED COPY IF PRINTED OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE CEOP8079 Connection Process for Negotiated High Voltage Retail Customer Connection and Embedded Generators >30kW October 2014 - Issue 8 Approved By: Connection Contracts Manager Page 51 of 66 FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCONTROLLED COPY IF PRINTED OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE CEOP8079 Connection Process for Negotiated High Voltage Retail Customer Connection and Embedded Generators >30kW October 2014 - Issue 8 Approved By: Connection Contracts Manager Page 52 of 66 FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCONTROLLED COPY IF PRINTED OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE CEOP8079 Connection Process for Negotiated High Voltage Retail Customer Connection and Embedded Generators >30kW October 2014 - Issue 8 Approved By: Connection Contracts Manager Page 53 of 66 FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCONTROLLED COPY IF PRINTED OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE CEOP8079 Connection Process for Negotiated High Voltage Retail Customer Connection and Embedded Generators >30kW 22. ATTACHMENT D SCHEDULE 5.5.3 – NETWORK & PLANT TECHNICAL DATA OF EQUIPMENT AT OR NEAR CONNECTION POINT Data Description Voltage Rating: Nominal voltage Highest voltage Units Dat a Cat. Value kV kV S,D D value required value required kVp D value required kV D value required kA kA for seconds S, D D value required value required text S,D text required Text kA for seconds S,D D text required value required D value required Pollution level mm Level 815 D value required Controls Remote control and data transmission arrangements Text D text required A/A V/kV D D D value required value required value required Text R1 text required S,D, R1 Single Line Diagram to be provided as an attachment S, value required Insulation Co-ordination: Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage Rated short duration power frequency withstand voltage Rated Currents: Circuit maximum current Rated Short Time Withstand Current Ambient conditions under which above current applies Earthing: System Earthing Method Earth grid rated current seconds Insulation Pollution Performance: Minimum total creepage Metering Provided by Customer: Measurement transformer ratios: Current transformers Voltage transformers Measurement Transformer Test Certification details of IEC Network Configuration: Operation Diagrams showing the electrical circuits of the existing and proposed main facilities within the Registered Participant's ownership including busbar arrangements, phasing arrangements, earthing arrangements, switching facilities and operating voltages. Single Diagrams Network Impedance: For each item of plant: % on 100 MVA Line October 2014 - Issue 8 Approved By: Connection Contracts Manager Page 54 of 66 FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCONTROLLED COPY IF PRINTED OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE CEOP8079 Connection Process for Negotiated High Voltage Retail Customer Connection and Embedded Generators >30kW Data Description Units details of the positive, negative and zero sequence series and shunt impedance, including mutual coupling between physically adjacent elements. Short Circuit Infeed to the Network: Maximum generator 3-phase short circuit infeed including infeeds from generating units connected to the Registered Participant's system, calculated by method of AS 3851 (1991). The total infeed at the instant of fault (including contribution of induction motors). Minimum zero sequence impedance of Registered Participant’s network at connection point. Minimum negative sequence impedance of Registered Participant's network at connection Load Transfer Capability: Where a load, or group of loads, may be fed from alternative connection points: Load normally taken from connection point X Load normally taken from connection point Y Arrangements for transfer under planned or fault outage conditions Dat a Cat. base D, R1 Value to be provided as a attachment table kA S, D, R1 value required kA D,R1 value required % on 100 MVA base D, R1 % on 100 MVA base D, R1 EE to provide once Connection Point mutually established EE to provide once Connection Point mutually established MW D,R1 value required MW D,R1 value required Text D text required D, R value required D, R value required D, R value required D, R value required Circuits Connecting Embedded Generating Units to the Network: For all generating units, all connecting lines/cables, transformers etc. Shunt Susceptance % on 100 % on 100 MVA base % on 100 MVA base % on 100 MVA base Normal MVA Series Resistance Series Reactance and short-time emergency October 2014 - Issue 8 Approved By: Connection Contracts Manager Page 55 of 66 FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCONTROLLED COPY IF PRINTED OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE CEOP8079 Connection Process for Negotiated High Voltage Retail Customer Connection and Embedded Generators >30kW Data Description Units Dat a Cat. Value ratings Technical Details of generating units and generating systems as per the Generating System Design Data Sheet, Generating System Setting Data Sheet and the Generating System Model Guidelines where such details are not confidential information Transformers at connection points: Saturation curve Equipment associated with DC Links Number of poles Converters per station Reactive Power consumption of converters Location and Rating of A.C. Filters Location and Rating of Shunt Capacitors Location and Rating of Smoothing Reactor Location and Rating of DC Filter Diagram R diagram required MVA Quantity D,R D,R value required value required MCAr MVAr D,R D,R value required value required MVAr D,R value required MVAr MVAr D,R D,R value required value required October 2014 - Issue 8 Approved By: Connection Contracts Manager Page 56 of 66 FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCONTROLLED COPY IF PRINTED OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE CEOP8079 Connection Process for Negotiated High Voltage Retail Customer Connection and Embedded Generators >30kW 23. ATTACHMENT E SCHEDULE 5.5.4 - NETWORK PLANT AND APPARATUS SETTING DATA Data Description Protection Data relevant to Connection Point: Reach of all protections on transmission lines, or cables Number of protections on each item Total fault clearing times for near and remote faults Line reclose sequence details Tap Change Control Data: Time delay settings of all transformer tap changers. Reactive Compensation: Location and Rating of individual shunt reactors Location and Rating of individual shunt capacitor banks Capacitor bank capacitance Inductance of switching reactor (if fitted) Resistance of capacitor plus reactor Details of special controls (e.g. Point-onwave switching) For each shunt reactor or capacitor bank: Method of switching Details of automatic control logic such that operating characteristics can be determined FACTS Installation Data sufficient to enable static and dynamic performance of the installation to be modelled Transmission line flow control device Details of the operation of the control device under normal operation conditions (including start up and shutdown of the line) and during a fault (close up and remote) Models for the control device and transmission line appropriate for load flow, small signal stability and transient stability analysis Capability of the line flow control device Details of the rate of change of flow capability of the control device Details of the capability of the control Units Data Cat. Value ohms or % on 100 MVA base Text S, D S, D value required text required ms Text S,D,R1 S,D,R1 value required text required Seconds D, R1 value required MVAr D,R1 value required MVAr microfarads millihenries Ohms D,R1 D D D value value value value Text D text required Text S text required Text D,R1 text required Text, diagrams, control settings Text S, R1 D required required required required D, text required text and/or diagram required diagrams Text, KA, MVA, MW D D text required value required Text D Text, D text required text required October 2014 - Issue 8 Approved By: Connection Contracts Manager Page 57 of 66 FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCONTROLLED COPY IF PRINTED OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE CEOP8079 Connection Process for Negotiated High Voltage Retail Customer Connection and Embedded Generators >30kW Data Description device to provide frequency and voltage control Description of possible failure modes of control device Description of possible failure modes of control device Details of performance of the control device under disturbance conditions including changes in AC frequency, variations in AC system voltages and Ac system waveform distortion. For DC control devices, contribution to the AC system short circuit level Type of Load eg controlled rectifiers or large motor drives Units Data Cat. Value Text, D text required Text, D text required value required KA, MVA D Text S text required October 2014 - Issue 8 Approved By: Connection Contracts Manager Page 58 of 66 FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCONTROLLED COPY IF PRINTED OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE CEOP8079 Connection Process for Negotiated High Voltage Retail Customer Connection and Embedded Generators >30kW 24. ATTACHMENT F - SCHEDULE 5.5.5 – LOAD CHARACTERISTICS AT CONNECTION POINT Data Description Units Data Cat. Value For All Types Of Load Type of Load eg controlled rectifiers or large motor drives For Fluctuating Loads Cyclic variation of active power over period Cyclic variation of reactive power over period Maximum rate of change of active power Maximum rate of change of reactive power Shortest Repetitive time interval between fluctuations in active and reactive power reviewed annually Largest Step Change: In active power In reactive power Text Graph MW/time Graph MVAr/time S text required S graph required as an attachment graph required as an attachment MW/s S value required MVAr/s S value required s S value required MW MVAr S S value required value required S October 2014 - Issue 8 Approved By: Connection Contracts Manager Page 59 of 66 FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCONTROLLED COPY IF PRINTED OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE CEOP8079 Connection Process for Negotiated High Voltage Retail Customer Connection and Embedded Generators >30kW 25. ATTACHMENT G - APPLICATION FEE MATRIX Connection Application Fee - Matrix Load Size Fee man hours Rate/hr <30kW $0 2 >30kW <1MW $2060 21 >1MW<5MW $3050 31 $98.40 >5MW<30MW $5010* 51 >30MW $10030* 102 Embedded Generation Size Fee man hours Rate/hr <30kW $0 2 >30kW<200kW** $0 2 >30kW<200kW $1080 11 >200kW<500kW $2060 21 $98.40 >500kW<1MW $3050 31 >1MW<5MW $5010 51 >5MW<30MW $10030* 102 >30MW $15050* 153 Detailed Enquiry Fee Size Fee man hours Rate/hr Al l $1080 11 $98.40 Note Fee structure exc. GST * or CISA schedule of rates ** no network analysis required October 2014 - Issue 8 Approved By: Connection Contracts Manager Page 60 of 66 FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCONTROLLED COPY IF PRINTED OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE CEOP8079 Connection Process for Negotiated High Voltage Retail Customer Connection and Embedded Generators >30kW 26. ATTACHMENT H - CONNECTION SEQUENCE Connection Applicant makes an "adequate" Preliminary Connection Enquiry EE responds with Preliminary Connection Enquiry Response includes high level connection options Connection Applicant requests a Detailed Connection Enquiry Response EE responds with a Detailed Connection Enquiry Response Connection Applicant elects to proceed with project and formally advises EE EE may issue ClSA and LAIA for execution if applicable Connection Applicant returns ClSA and LAIA signed EE issues Invoice for ClSA and LAIA Up-front fees Proponent pays Up-front fees (ClSA and LAIA). EE releases network planning and protection data to Connection Applicant for network modelling (steady state & dynamic studies) Connection Applicant undertake REF (for power line connection assets) – submits to EE - determining authority REF to include Route Options Paper for the connection powerline assets DA to State Planning for actual PROJECT (not to include connection assets to be gifted to EE) Connection Applicant to secure registered easements for power line and freehold title for substation/switching station where assets are to be gifted to EE Connection Applicant to undertake and provides to EE for review Network modelling with and without PROJECT- (steady state & dynamic network performance studies) including voltage regulation, fault level & sensitivity, stability, harmonics To include supporting details for Access Standards met For generators GPS & technical schedules for review before proponent lodges with AEMO Connection arrangement including SLD, general arrangement and site plan Load control (>10MW) including underfrequency load control Protection analysis and Report including SLD, telecommunications and SCADA control Earthing analysis and Report Operational parameters/requirements (for inclusion in Operating Protocol and Connection Agreement) Connection Applicant request design information requirements (DIR) for construction standards for connection assets (contestable works flow chart) - design must be certified before construction begins. Connection Applicant undertakes concept and final design of connecting infrastructure Submit design to EE for approval & certification (must include plans – pdf format schedule of drawings with details easements/free hold title once approved submit CAD drawings for certification). Connection Applicant submits Connection Application & pays Connection Application Fee Connection Applicant authorised to construct connection infrastructure once Provision/advise and acceptance by EE of Qualification & experience of the ASP’s staff Proposed works schedule – construction timeline Proposed material list/schedule Environmental construction plans Construction safety plans Proposed commissioning plans (including EE acceptance testing requirements) Defects liability period EE to make an Offer to Connect Connection Applicant must accept Offer to Connect Both parties Execute Connection Agreement & Operating Protocol Physical connection of the PROJECT can occur on Execution CA and Operating protocol by both parties; AEMO generator registration complete (for generation); contestable works completed, commissioned and then accepted by EE (including registered easements, land title and any securities required by EE and/or other Network Service provider); Equipment test certificates provided ; and all outstanding fees/recoverable costs incurred, invoiced and paid to EE . October 2014 - Issue 8 Approved By: Connection Contracts Manager Page 61 of 66 FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCONTROLLED COPY IF PRINTED OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE CEOP8079 Connection Process for Negotiated High Voltage Retail Customer Connection and Embedded Generators >30kW 27. ATTACHMENT I - CONNECTION SCOPE OF WORKS Contestable Works - to be undertaken by the Connection Applicant Physical Works Fencing Civil transformer switch gear buildings (control room) Earthing System Land acquisition telecommunications sytem Control Systems SCADA Protection Systems Easements acquisition and compensation Materials selection and procurment design and construction earth type (overhead Earth/OPGW/ADSS) Contractural Agreements Contestable Works Powerline Secondary System Switching Station/Substation Primary System (assets Transferred to EE) Technical Analysis to be reviewed by EE Route Options Report Environmental Analysis Connection Arrangement Connection Point - Isolation switch gear Network Modelling load flow /harmonics etc. Voltage Regulation Load Control/under frequency load shedding (>10MW) Concept and final Switching Station/Substation system design to be Certified by EE Concept and final primary system design to be Certified by EE Concept and final secondary system design to be Certified by EE Concept and final Line Design to be certified by EE Protection & fault level Report and settings Earthing Analysis & Report IN ADDITION FOR EMBEDDED GENERATORS AEMO Registration Construction Schedule/Plan Materials Schedule Construction Environmental Management Plan Construction Safety and enviormrntal Plans Commissioning Plan Connection Agreement Operating Protocol Registered easements Freehold title - substation/switchyard Safety management Plan Electricity Safety Rules Maintenance Plan October 2014 - Issue 8 Approved By: Connection Contracts Manager Page 62 of 66 FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCONTROLLED COPY IF PRINTED OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE CEOP8079 Connection Process for Negotiated High Voltage Retail Customer Connection and Embedded Generators >30kW 28. REFERENCES CECM1000 – Health, Safety and Environmental Manual: Index CECM1000.70 – Assessment, NSW SSHE Environmental Operations Manual: Environmental Impact CECM1000.77– Environmental Operations Manual: Flora and Fauna CEOP4005 - Underground cable Testing CEOP2513.08 - Essential Energy’s Negotiation Framework. CEOP8085 – Design Guidelines for Load Control CEM7097 – Overhead Design Manual CEM7099 – Overhead Construction Manual CEOM7199 – Underground Construction Manual CEOM7004 - Materials Inventory, Contestability (Approved) CEOM7098 – Underground Design Manual CEOM7621.01 Technology Guideline CEOM7114.01 – HV Customer Overhead Connection Arrangement CEOM7114.02 - HV Customer Underground Connection Arrangement CEOM7114.03 - HV Customer General Connection Arrangement – non-dedicated feeder CEOM7621.01 – Technology Guideline CEOP8012 – Cogeneration Protection Guidelines CEOP8082 SCADA & DSA Philosophy CEOP2238 – High Voltage: Customer Operational Training Requirements CEOP8002 – High Voltage Protection Guidelines CEOP8008 - Vegetation Management Plan CEOP8008a - Essential Energy Vegetation Management Plan Purpose Statement CEOP8019 – Capital Contributions CEOP8032 – Transmission and Zone Substations: Design Guidelines CEOP8046 – Easement Requirements CEOP8082 SCADA & DSA Philosophy CEOP8084 – Design Guidelines for SCADA and Distribution System Automation CEOF9097A - Terms of Easement OH CEOF9097B - Terms of Easement UG CEOF9097C - Terms of Easement multi purpose CEPG2047 – Authority for Placing Major Electrical/Plant Equipment into Service ESS304 - SafeWorkTrainingFlyer_HR Generic GDI HV Connection Requirements CEOP2513.06 Essential Energy Connection Policy – Connection Charges for electricity retail customers Essential Energy Review of Environmental Factors Guideline Commissioning & test procedure subtransmission cable October 2014 - Issue 8 Approved By: Connection Contracts Manager Page 63 of 66 FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCONTROLLED COPY IF PRINTED OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE CEOP8079 Connection Process for Negotiated High Voltage Retail Customer Connection and Embedded Generators >30kW Commissioning & test procedure subtransmission overhead lines REF Guidelines AS1824 – AS2067 AS/NZS 3000 – Australian/New Zealand Wiring Rules AS 3007 – Electrical Installations AS/NZS 7000:2010 “Overhead line design – Detailed procedures ”Contestable Works” Electricity Supply Act 1995 National Electricity Rules (site down 5/8/2014) Service and Installation Rules of NSW Code of Practise of Contestable Works. National Metrology NMI Allocation Procedure October 2014 - Issue 8 Approved By: Connection Contracts Manager Page 64 of 66 FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCONTROLLED COPY IF PRINTED OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE CEOP8079 Connection Process for Negotiated High Voltage Retail Customer Connection and Embedded Generators >30kW 29. REVISIONS Issue Number Section 2 Flowchart 3.2.1 3.2.2 4.1 5.1 6 7.1 3 7.7.1 8.2.8 Attachment A Attachment D Attachment I Attachment J Attachment K 10 All All 4 3.2.2 3.2.2 5 All sections 6 All Sections All Sections 3 11.5.2 11.3 14 7 Details of Changes in this Revision Definitions updated/added: Accredited Service Provider (ASP) Authorisation (of Accredited Service Provider) Connection Investigation Agreement (CIA) DWE ETL Office of Fair Trading Registrable Instruments Processes added to include Provision of CIA and Registrable Instruments First paragraph – 2 weeks changed to 10 business days 4 weeks changed to 20 business days Categories of relevant information added Reference to standard form CIA added Additional information required specified Accreditation agency changed from DEUS to OFT – website updated 7th paragraph added Reference to CEPG2016 has been replaced with CEM7022.01 11th paragraph added Reference to CEPG2010 has been replaced with CEM7022.08 Clause added for Provision of Registrable Instruments Updated to current version October 2006 Updated to current version Updated to current version Added Added References adjusted as necessary. Documents added: CEM7022.01 – Environmental Operations Manual: Environmental Impact Assessment CEM7022.08 – Environmental Operations Manual: Flora and Fauna CEOP2238 – High Voltage: Customer Operational Training Requirements. Update document to reflect changes to Essential Energy policy requirements NEMMCO replaced with AEMO Manager Network Commercial replaced with Manager Network Connections Email address included Template/logo & references updated in line with Essential Energy branding. Complete revision and Re-write of entire document Connection Proponent replaced with Connection Applicant Flow Chart Updated and replaced Clause added Web link added Section expanded and added October 2014 - Issue 8 Approved By: Connection Contracts Manager Page 65 of 66 FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCONTROLLED COPY IF PRINTED OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE CEOP8079 Connection Process for Negotiated High Voltage Retail Customer Connection and Embedded Generators >30kW 8 10 11.1 11.5 14 All Sections Reference to NSW Department Trade & Investment updated Updated Work Health and Safety Regulation Revised HV Metering comment Inclusion of an Operating Protocol template – Attachment C Update planned switching involving Essential Energy Reviewed and amended to comply CH5 NER Rule change (Oct 2014) October 2014 - Issue 8 Approved By: Connection Contracts Manager Page 66 of 66 FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNCONTROLLED COPY IF PRINTED
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