ELE 724 / EE 8502 CMOS Analog Integrated Circuits Laboratory Manual Dr. F. Yuan1 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Ryerson University Toronto, Ontario, Canada September 2, 2014 1 This laboratory manual is an essential component of ELE 724 / EE 8502 CMOS Analog Integrated Circuits offered in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Ryerson University. Permission to duplicate this document is granted for educational purpose. Please report any error in this Laboratory Manual to Professor F. Yuan at fyuan@ryerson.ca. Contents 1 Preface 2 2 Marking Scheme and Requirements 2.1 Marking Scheme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2 Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3 Confidentiality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 4 5 5 3 Laboratory One : Cadence Tutorial 3.1 Pre-Laboratory . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2 Laboratory Work . . . . . . . . . . 3.2.1 Cadence Environment . . . 3.2.2 Cadence Facilities . . . . . . 3.2.3 Design Flow . . . . . . . . . 3.2.4 Create Schematic . . . . . . 3.2.5 Simulation . . . . . . . . . . 3.3 Post-Laboratory Report . . . . . . 4 Laboratory Two : Single-Stage 4.1 Pre-Laboratory . . . . . . . . 4.2 Laboratory Work . . . . . . . 4.3 Post-Laboratory Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 6 7 7 10 11 13 22 28 Amplifiers 29 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 5 Laboratory Three : Three-Stage Cascode Voltage Amplifier 33 5.1 Pre-Laboratory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 1 2 5.2 Laboratory Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 5.3 Post-Laboratory Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 6 Laboratory Four : Voltage Comparator with Hysteresis 6.1 Pre-Laboratory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.1.1 Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.1.2 Allstot Voltage Comparator . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.1.3 Pre-Lab Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.2 Laboratory Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.3 Post-Laboratory Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 37 37 38 40 40 41 7 Laboratory Five : Voltage References 44 7.1 Pre-Laboratory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 7.2 Laboratory Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 7.3 Post-Laboratory Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Chapter 1 Preface This laboratory manual is an essential component of ELE 704 / EE 8502 CMOS Analog Integrated Circuits offered in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Ryerson University. This laboratory manual consists of five laboratories. • Chapter 3 provides a step-by-step walk-through of using Cadence CAD tools to analyze and design integrated circuits and systems. • Chapter 4 is concerned with the design of single-stage voltage amplifiers. Three basic configurations of voltage-mode amplifiers, namely, common-source, common-gate, and common-drain amplifiers and their characteristics are investigated in detail in this laboratory : • Chapter 5 deals with the design of a three-stage cascode voltage amplifier. The performance of the amplifier including voltage gain, phase margin, dynamic range, input and output impedances are studied. • Chapter 6 investigates the popular Allstot voltage comparator. The hysteresis and other figure-of-merit quantifying the performance of the comparator are investigated. • Chapter 7 deals with the design of a voltage reference with a focus on supply voltage and temperature sensitivities. 3 CHAPTER 1. PREFACE 4 Each laboratory consists of three compulsory components, namely, prelaboratory report, laboratory work, and post-laboratory report. Students must complete and hand in the pre-laboratory report of each laboratory prior to undertaking the laboratory work. A post-laboratory report that documents the findings of the laboratory work must be handed in one week after the scheduled laboratory work. Both pre-laboratory report and post-laboratory report will be graded. All laboratories in this Laboratory Manual are open-ended. Neither schematics nor design specifications are provided. Students are required to prototype and analyze their design to ensure that the design is error-free and meets the chosen design specifications. Students are encouraged to apply the knowledge and skills acquired from the lectures and prior studies to propose new circuit topology and verify the performance of the proposed design using CAD tools. If two or more identical designs or simulation results are found, a ZERO grade will be assigned to all reports containing the identical designs or simulation results. Chapter 2 Marking Scheme and Requirements 2.1 Marking Scheme Each laboratory consists of three compulsory components : a pre-laboratory report that provides a theoretical investigation of the circuits to be investigated in laboratory work, laboratory work where the performance of the proposed circuits in the pre-laboratory report is investigated using CAD tools, and a post-laboratory report that documents the findings of the laboratory work. The marking scheme of the laboratory is given below : • Pre-laboratory report (40%). • Post-laboratory report (60%). Pre-laboratory reports can be prepared in either Microsoft Word or LaTeX. Hand-written pre-laboratory reports are also acceptable. Pre-laboratory reports are due on Friday of the week before the scheduled laboratory work. Post-laboratory reports must be prepared in either Microsoft Word or LaTeX. Figures, tables, and expressions should be embedded in the main 5 CHAPTER 2. MARKING SCHEME AND REQUIREMENTS 6 body of the report. Hand-written post-laboratory reports will be rejected. Post-laboratory reports are due on Friday of the week after the scheduled laboratory work. 2.2 Requirements • In pre-laboratory reports, students are required to carry out both the design and analysis of the circuits to be analyzed in laboratory work. A detailed description of the requirement is given in the pre-laboratory of each laboratory. The pre-Laboratory report must be completed prior to the start of the laboratory work for grading. Pre-laboratory reports will be returned to students at the start of laboratory work. • All laboratory work must be carried out individually. Attendance will be checked during each laboratory session. • Post-laboratory reports must be professionally prepared and handed in one week after the completion of the laboratory work. The detailed requirement of the post-laboratory report is given in post-laboratory of each laboratory. Hand-written post-laboratory reports will be rejected and a zero grade will be assigned. • As per university academic policies, should two identical laboratory reports, such as identical schematic, identical simulation results, etc, be spotted, a zero grade will be assigned to both reports of the students. 2.3 Confidentiality Each student must sign a NDA (Non-disclosure-Agreement) before using IBM 130 nm CMOS technology for the laboratories. Chapter 3 Laboratory One : Cadence Tutorial 3.1 Pre-Laboratory Pre-Laboratory must be completed and handed in prior to the commence of the corresponding Laboratory Work 1. Derive the voltage transfer function H(s) of the circuit in Fig.3.1. 2. Obtain the zeros and poles of H(s). 3. Determine the transfer characteristics of the circuit (low-pass, highpass, or band-pass). Find the bandwidth of the passband. 4. Sketch the Bode plot of |H(jω)| and its phase plot. 5. Obtain the resonant frequency ω0 and the quality factor Q of the circuit. 7 CHAPTER 3. LABORATORY ONE : CADENCE TUTORIAL 8 Vo Vin R1=22k R2=75 C=47n L=500m Figure 3.1: Schematic of RLC circuit 3.2 3.2.1 Laboratory Work Cadence Environment A. Start Up Cadence is a set of computer-aided design tools for design, analysis, and verification of integrated circuits. To run Cadence, you need • Unix commands • Cadence tools: Virtuoso Composer, Analog Design environment(ADE) and Virtuoso XL • cmosp13 IBM CMRF8SF design kit in this lab The first step you need to do is to install Cadence in your home directory. To do so, type pdkInstall. A window showing a variety libraries would be pop-up Fig.3.2. Choose cmosp13 option, which is IBM 0.13µm standard CMOS technology. Then you need to give a name for your own folder, where the lab will be carried out and stored. Fig.3.3 shows the interface window that will be CHAPTER 3. LABORATORY ONE : CADENCE TUTORIAL 9 Figure 3.2: pdkInstall window. Figure 3.3: Create folder. appeared. Before create the folder, make sure your have enough space to finish all the labs, e.g. 100MB. Once you successfully install the folder, a prompt box showing detail information of how to start Cadence will occur in Fig.3.4. Till this step, you are able to run Cadence design tools. Now the prompt in the Linux terminal indicates you are in the folder, which is created in the previous step. To first run Cadence, type startCds -t cmosp13. This command will start Cadence software and launches the Cadence Command Interpreter Window (icfb), where you can check your current version of Ca- CHAPTER 3. LABORATORY ONE : CADENCE TUTORIAL 10 Figure 3.4: Install completed. dence tools and the version of the design kit being used. B. Initialization Files Cadence environment uses three major initialization files and one model file of cmosp13. cds.lib: sets the path to the libraries used in your design. This file is created in your current folder when you start Cadence. When you start Cadence for the first time, cds.lib will be automatically copied to the current directory. .cdsinit: Customizes specific simulation environmen .cdsenv: sets global Cadence environment. C. Where to Find Help In your current directory, a new folder named as, cadenceDocs, has been created. Under this folder, the most useful documents associated with Cadence tools and IBM pdk are linked to the original directory. Up to this point, you have learned how to start Cadence software and where to find on-line help. Before jumping to Cadence tools to start your circuit design project, it is beneficial to have a look at Cadence facilities that support the basic operation. CHAPTER 3. LABORATORY ONE : CADENCE TUTORIAL 3.2.2 11 Cadence Facilities A. The icfb Window Figure 3.5: icfb window. When Cadence starts, it brings up the icfb (Integrated Circuit front-toback) window, as shown in Fig.3.5. It is Cadence’s Command Interpreter Window that can be thought of ‘Cadence Shell’. It is through icfb window that you can do all of your Cadence tasks, including file management and program execution. B. Libraries, Cells and Views Cadence uses the hierarchy of Library | Cell | View to manage design data. Cadence stores design data into libraries that are not transparent to external file systems. How each library corresponds to a physical path in the file system is registered in the file named ‘cds.lib’, which is one of the three major initialization files mentioned earlier. This file can be modified using icfb |Tools| Library Path Editor. The first thing you should do in Cadence is to create your own library, we will come back to this point in ‘Cadence Walk Though’ shortly. A cell contains Cadence’s design data, or more specifically, the data of the designed circuit. Each cell has at least one view that is the representation of the cell. Fig.3.6 shows the Library Manager window. Each time when a new library or a new cell is created, a new item will appear in the cor- CHAPTER 3. LABORATORY ONE : CADENCE TUTORIAL 12 Figure 3.6: Library Manager window. responding column of the library manager. Tow libraries that will be most frequently used in the laboratories are • cmrf8sf - this library contains the cells of 0.13µ devices, such as transistors, capacitors, inductors and resistors. • analogLib library contains basic components for analog circuits. It also contains various types of independent and dependent sources. 3.2.3 Design Flow In this section, we will go through the basic design steps of Cadence CAD tools. • Step 1 - Create Schematic – Instance transistors and other elements from libraries CHAPTER 3. LABORATORY ONE : CADENCE TUTORIAL 13 – Create the schematic of the circuit by connecting elements together and modify their properties. – Create the ’Symbol’ view of the schematic view. • Step 2 - Simulation – Use simulation and waveform viewers to modify circuit parameters until design specifications are met. • Step 3 - Layout and DRC – Map the schematic onto silicon – Layout must follow the design rules of chosen technology and pass design rule check (DRC). • Step 4 - Extraction and LVS – Create post-layout schematic from layout. Both the parasitic capacitances and resistances can be extracted from the layout in this step. – Perform LVS (Layout versus schematic) to verify whether the post-layout schematic matches the original schematic. • Step 5 - Post-Layout Simulation – Simulate extracted view (post-layout schematic) by taking into account the effect of parasitic capacitances and resistances. – Using simulation results to modify the layout until design specifications are met. Up to this point, you have known the overall picture of the design flow. In sections that follow, we will use a simple RLC circuit as an example to walk you through these basic steps, except for step 3, 4 and 5. CHAPTER 3. LABORATORY ONE : CADENCE TUTORIAL 3.2.4 14 Create Schematic In this laboratory work, You are required to do the followings • Create the schematic of the RLC circuit. • Create the symbol view of the circuit. • Create a test fixture circuit for testing the RLC circuit. • Perform transient analysis, AC analysis, and DC analysis on the circuit using Cadence’s Spectre analog simulator. • Provide a detailed comparison between the analytical results from your Pre-Laboratory Report and those obtained from the Laboratory Work. A. Create New Libraries and Schematic Views 1. Create New Libraries Figure 3.7: Create library window. It is necessary to have a separate library to store your design cells and their views. To do that CHAPTER 3. LABORATORY ONE : CADENCE TUTORIAL 15 • From the icfb menu, select File | New | Library • Navigate to the cadence13 directory (if not already there) • Type in ‘mylibs’ as the name of your new library • Select to attach to an existing technology library, click OK, then select the cmrf8sf library when prompted. By selecting the IBM 0.13µm library, you will be able to use the cells from cmrf8sf library for your design. 2. Create new design cells Figure 3.8: Create schematic view window. • From the icfb menu, select File | New | Cellview. You are prompted for the library to place the new cell in and what type of view you are creating. • Select ‘mylibs’ that was created in the previous step and ensure schematic is selected as the tool for your new cell. Note that ‘schematic’ is the default name of the view. • Enter ‘rlc’ as the cellname and select OK to open the new cell in composer. CHAPTER 3. LABORATORY ONE : CADENCE TUTORIAL 16 The rest of this section describes the steps to create the rlc circuit shown at Fig. 3.1 in schematic view. B. Add Components and Wires When creating a schematic, you place instances that were created previously, edit their properties e.g. resistance, capacitance, width, etc, and wire them together. In the case of the RLC circuit, you will place two resistors, one capacitor, one inductor and ground. You wire the devices together using the wire tool, and wire snapping, and then edit the property of the devices to set R1 =75kΩ, R2 = 75Ω, C=47nF, and L=500mH. 1. Instantiate Components Figure 3.9: Add instance window. To place a resistor, follow these steps from the main composer window. • Click on the Instance Icon. The Add Instance window will appear as shown in Fig. 3.9. Click on the Browse button. CHAPTER 3. LABORATORY ONE : CADENCE TUTORIAL 17 Table 3.1: Component value of RLC circuit Component R1 R2 C L Ground Library analogLib analogLib analogLib analogLib analogLib Cell res res Cap Ind gnd View Spectre Spectre Spectre Spectre symbol Value 75 kΩ 75 Ω 47 nF 500 mH N/A • In the browse library window, select analogLib library, resistor cell, and symbol view. • Move the cursor to the Schematic Editor L Editing window, the resistor symbol follows. Also, note that the Add Instance window has expanded to display other parameters. Before you click on the schematic window to place the resistor symbol, edit the form, modifying the resistance value to 75kΩ. IMPORTANT: Do not get concerned with all of the seemingly irrelevant parameters. They are used for more detailed simulations and other applications. • Click in the schematic editor window to place the resistor. • Another resistor symbol follows the cursor. Place it in the window then click on Cancel on the Add Instance window. The form disappears. • In the same way in which you added the resistor, add the other instances from the library, cell, and view as indicated below. • To rotate an instance in Schematic Editor window, click once on it to select (left-click with the mouse), then middle-click to open the auxiliary menu. Select Rotate. Or click the rotate icon in the toolbar. 2. Add I/O pins CHAPTER 3. LABORATORY ONE : CADENCE TUTORIAL 18 • There are many types of pins in Cadence. But here we only use two of them, namely, input pins and output pins. • To add the input and output pins, click on the Pin icon, which is close to the create instance icon in the schematic editor window. The Add Pin form appears as shown in Fig. 3.10. Figure 3.10: Add pin window. • Under Pin Names, type ‘Vin Vout’. Note that direction in the form reads input. • Click once on the schematic window. The first pin is placed. Note the other pin’s symbol follows the cursor as you move across the window. The Add Pin form is still active, but with only ‘Vout’ displaying in the Pin Names field; • In the Add Pin property form, change direction to read Output. Place the ‘Vout’ pin in the schematic window. Close the Add Pin form when all pins are added. 3. Connect Wires • Move the components that you just added around so that they are positioned properly. Use the ‘ESC’ key to terminate the mode that you can drag the components around on the screen. • To begin connecting the wires as per the schematic of Fig. 3.1, click on the Wire (narrow) icon. CHAPTER 3. LABORATORY ONE : CADENCE TUTORIAL 19 • While the Add Wire window is still displaying (but not selected), press the s key on your keyboard. This snaps the wires to connect between the little diamond-shapes displaying by the nodes. • Press s Key once on the begin-node, then click on the end-node. • Complete the schematic of the circuit as shown in Fig.3.11 Figure 3.11: Schematic View of RLC. C. Modify the Property of Components To modify the property of the devices of the circuit, • click once to select the instance, on the left side of the window, a subwindow named as property editor shows the value of your current choosing instance. CHAPTER 3. LABORATORY ONE : CADENCE TUTORIAL 20 • Modify the value of the inductor to 500 mH, the capacitance to 47 nF and the resistance of the second resistor to 75Ω. Note: When you enter the value of parameters, you must enter the unit. You have to explicitly indicate the standard SI given below (case-sensitive): G M k m u n p f a = = = = = = = = = Giga Mega kilo milli micro nano pico femto atto (109 ) (106 ) (103 ) (10−3 ) (10−6 ) (10−9 ) (10−12 ) (10−15 ) (10−18 ) For example, for 20 femptoFarads, you just enter 20f. No space between the number and suffix. Do not include the unit as they are predefined in the instance property file. D. Check and Save • Click on Check and Save icon. Cadence will check your design for any electrical connection rule violation. The design will be saved if no error is found. • Read the messages displayed in the icfb window carefully. Make sure that no warnings and errors. If there is a warning or an error, go back to the schematic window and look for flashing boxes where the warnings/errors were found. • By clicking on the flashing box, an explanation of the error will displayed in the CIW window. Fix the errors/warnings until your design is both error-free and warning-free. CHAPTER 3. LABORATORY ONE : CADENCE TUTORIAL 21 E. Add Borders When your design is completed and is error/warning-free. You should add a border around your design to document the design. A border is treated as a cell in Cadence under library, US 10th. • Navigate border library ‘US 10th’, click on the Instance icon and chose US 10ths | Asize and add an A-size border around the RLC schematic. • To edit the border title, click on Edit | Sheet Title and fill the form appropriately. Then type in both your name and your student ID. • Click Check and Save icon to save your work. F. Create Symbol Cellviews Now we will create a symbol view to represent the RLC circuit that has just been created. • In Schematic Editor window, click Create | Cellview | from cellview. This sequence creates a symbol using the primary input and output pins automatically. The form appears as shown in Fig.3.12. Make sure From View Name: schematic, To View Name : symbol and Tool/Data Type: schematicSymbol, then click OK. • Click OK and a new form will appear, select the Load/Save button to expand the form. • Change the cyclic field next to load to Analog. • Click the Load button, this will load the Analog Symbol Generation window. Then click on OK button • It is important that you click NO if a message appears calling for Overwrite Base Cell CDF. This ensures that the parameters of the base cell are not changed. CHAPTER 3. LABORATORY ONE : CADENCE TUTORIAL 22 Figure 3.12: Create symbol cellview window. • A Symbol Editing window will appear. The green box defines the dimensions of the symbol. The red box defines the selection region of the symbol. The cdsTerm(“Vout”) represents the pin-names. The cdsParam(1,2,3) represents the parameters of each instance. The cdsName(“ ”) represents the cell-name. • You can re-shape your symbol. • Click on the Label icon and name the circuit properly. • Save and close the window. G. Create TestFixtures A testfixture is a new schematic cell used for testing the designed circuits. In this case, it contains rlc symbol as one of its instances. You will have to go through the process of creating the schematic view again to create the testfixture. • Go to: icfb | File | New | Cellview.... Create a new cell called ‘test rlc’, with a schematic cellview. CHAPTER 3. LABORATORY ONE : CADENCE TUTORIAL 23 • Click OK. In the new Schematic Editor window. Add instances, connect your new circuit using components according to the following table, and referring to the schematic in Fig. 3.13. Note: Press ESC if you want quit current command. Table 3.2: Components in testfixture Component RLC C Input Library Mylibs analogLib analogLib Cell rlc Capacitor vsin View Symbol Spectre Symbol gnd analogLib gnd symbol Value N/A 1 pF AC Magnitude = 1 Amplitude = 50 mV Frequency = 1 M Offset Voltage=0 N/A • To add the wire names, click on Wire Name icon. • Under Names, type in ‘Vin’ and ‘Vout’. Click OK. The name ‘Vin’ follows the mouse as you move over the schematic window. Click on the input wire as shown in Fig. 3.13 to place it. The name ‘Vout’ next follows the mouse pointer. Repeat the process for ‘Vout’. • Click on Check and Save icon when done. 3.2.5 Simulation A. Introduction This section deals with the second step in the basic design flow. To invoke Analog Circuit Design Environment: CHAPTER 3. LABORATORY ONE : CADENCE TUTORIAL 24 Figure 3.13: Schematic of the TextFixture of RLC circuit. • Open ‘test rlc’ schematic view. You may skip this step if test rlc is already open. • In the test rlc schematic window, select Launch | ADE L. Fig.3.14 shows what the window looks like when fully configured. • The icons on the right provide quick access to frequent commands/menus; • The Design Area on the top left lists the library, cell, and cellView of the design being simulated. • The Analysis Area on the top right lists the types of analysis, any arguments (i.e. time interval), and whether it is enabled to perform the simulation in the current run. • The Design Variables Area on the bottom left lists component setup as variables. Select Variables | Copy from Cellview and the variable will appear in this list. CHAPTER 3. LABORATORY ONE : CADENCE TUTORIAL 25 Figure 3.14: Analog Design Environment. • The Outputs Area lists names of nets/signals/expressions/ports to be plotted on the output waveform window; B. Initialize Simulation Environment In the window of Analog Design Environment, do the followings • Choosing a simulation engine. Select Setup | Simulator/Directory/Host. Ensure that the Simulator is set to Spectre. • When you leave the simulation window, you will be prompted to save the current state. Save it using the default name state1 or give a name associated with your design, e.g. ‘rlc test’. This will save you from repeating the initializing process for the next time you simulate the circuit. You also can use the same state file for other circuits. CHAPTER 3. LABORATORY ONE : CADENCE TUTORIAL 26 C. Choose Analysis To begin an analysis, click on Choose Analysis icon at right area from the Simulation Environment window. A new window will appear. Do not close this window until all three-analysis modes are set. 1. Transient Analysis • Select tran in the new window. • Set the stop time to a number, e.g. 3µ (Note that the start time is set to 0 by default). • Turn on the Enabled Field and click Apply. Note that by setting Enable Field, you enable the transient analysis. You can disable the transient analysis by resetting this option. 2. AC Analysis • Select ac. • Set the Sweep Variable to Frequency. • Set the Sweep Range to Start: 0.01K and Stop: 10K. • Set the Sweep Type to log with 50 pts decade. • Turn on the Enabled Field and click Apply. 3. DC Analysis or DC Sweep • Select dc. • In the Sweep Variable Section, select Component Parameter. By doing so, you will be able to choose a component by clicking on it from the schematic view. • Select the component Vsin from the schematic window. A new form will appear. CHAPTER 3. LABORATORY ONE : CADENCE TUTORIAL 27 • Select dc parameter and click OK. • You are back to the original window (DC Analysis). Ensure the Sweep Range to Start: 0 and Stop: 100. • Turn on the Enabled Field and click Apply. D. Save and Plot Simulation Data All nodal voltages are configured to be saved by the simulation environment. But save certain voltages and currents from the circuit will require a manual selection of these voltage and currents from the schematic view. • From the simulation window, select Outputs | Save All. Assert Select signals to output | all, Select device currents | all and click OK. • Select Outputs | To Be Plotted | Select on Schematic. Click nets that you want to monitor. For the simulation you are about to run, only the input and output voltages are of our interest in this laboratory. • The current of a branch is selected by clicking on the nodes to which the branch is connected. You can also use the component ‘iprobe’ from the library ‘AnalogLib’ to measure the current of any branch. The voltage of a node is selected by clicking on the wires that are connected to the node. • Select the voltage of the input and output nodes. E. Run Simulation - The Waveform Window • In the schematic editing window, click on ”Check and Save” button. If you see any error messages, correct the design and try this again. • Click on the icon Netlist and Run. A Waveform window showing the results of all three analyses will appear when simulation is completed. CHAPTER 3. LABORATORY ONE : CADENCE TUTORIAL 28 • The plots of the input and output voltages are overlapped. To view them separately, click on the analysis area (i.e. AC, DC or Transient) and select Axes | To Strip. • Repeat the above steps for the other two waveform windows. • To change the label of an axe, double-clicking on the axis and rename the it appropriately. • For the transient response window, place Marker A at the negative peak of the output waveform and Marker B at the positive peak. • In the AC Response section, delete the Vin vs. Vin plot by selecting the graph and press the delete key on the keyboard. Use a Marker to measure the resonant frequency of the RLC circuit. • In the DC Response section, delete the Vin vs. Vin plot. F. Print Waveforms • To print from a schematic editor window, Select File | print | Plot Options. Chose the appropriate printer and click on OK. • To print the waveforms, go to waveform window, select File | Save Image. Choose Graph | Properties, change background color to white. G. Save and Exit Cadence • From the icfb window, save your defaults and session. • From the Analog Design Environment window, click Session | Save State, give an appropriate state name and press OK. • From the Waveform window, select Window | Save... Click OK. • Close all windows by choosing Close Window. CHAPTER 3. LABORATORY ONE : CADENCE TUTORIAL 29 • Exit from Cadence Properly. 3.3 Post-Laboratory Report Post-Laboratory Report must be completed and handed in after the scheduled Laboratory Work. The followings must be included in your PostLaboratory Report. 1. The schematic of the RLC circuit with an appropriate border. Your name and student ID must be shown in the border title section. 2. The schematic of your RLC test fixture circuit. 3. The waveform of the output voltage of the RLC circuit from tran, AC, and DC analyses. 4. Measure the resonant frequency, overshoot and calculate the quality factor. 5. Comment on the resonant frequency and the quality factor of the circuit obtained from analytical analysis of your Pre-Laboratory Report and those obtained from the Laboratory Work. Chapter 4 Laboratory Two : Single-Stage Amplifiers 4.1 Pre-Laboratory Common-source, common-gate, and common-drain amplifiers are the basic building blocks of complex analog systems. In this laboratory, you are required to design and analyze common-source, common-gate, and commondrain amplifiers with only one power supply. You are required to complete a pre-laboratory report prior to undertaking any laboratory work. The pre-laboratory report is due on Friday of the week before the start of the laboratory. A 20% penalty will apply to a late pre-laboratory report. Pre-laboratory reports can be prepared in either Microsoft Word, LaTeX, and other text editors. Hand-written pre-laboratory reports are also acceptable. Your pre-laboratory report must contain the followings : 1. A cover page containing the title of the report, the name and student identification number. 2. The schematic of common-source, common-gate, and common-drain amplifiers with biasing included. The load of the amplifiers is a current 30 CHAPTER 4. LABORATORY TWO : SINGLE-STAGE AMPLIFIERS 31 source implemented using transistors in the saturation. Drive the dc biasing condition of the transistors of the amplifiers (40%). 3. The small-signal equivalent circuit of the amplifiers at low frequencies. Derive the expression of the voltage gain Av , the input impedance Rin , and the output impedance Rout of the amplifiers at low frequencies (30%). 4. The small-signal equivalent circuit of the amplifiers at high frequencies. Find the poles of the amplifiers at the input and output of the amplifier with Cgs and Cgd considered (30%). 4.2 Laboratory Work 1. Choose the size of each transistors properly. To obtain appropriate DC biasing conditions, the width of PMOS transistors should be made approximately twice that of NMOS transistors. Do not use the minimum width (default) as they will make the circuits more sensitive to process variation (mismatch effects). Use large width, for example, 10 ∼ 100µm, will also give you a larger gm , subsequently a larger voltage gain. For channel length, typically keep it at the minimum channel length to avoid bandwidth reduction. Note that the channel length of the transistors used for biasing purpose only can be increased to minimize the effect of channel length modulation so as to boost the output resistance of the transistors. 2. Create the corresponding schematic view and symbol view of each amplifier. The substrate of the NMOS transistors should be connected to the ground while the n-well of the PMOS transistors should be connected to VDD . 3. Create a testfixture.(You may use one text fixture cell for all three configurations). CHAPTER 4. LABORATORY TWO : SINGLE-STAGE AMPLIFIERS 32 4. Perform DC analysis to find out the DC operating point of each transistor: record VGS , VDS , and ID of each transistors. Using pinch-off condition to verify that all transistors are biased in the saturation. 5. Perform DC analysis by sweeping the amplitude of the input DC source and record the output. Since VDD = 1.2 V, the maximum amplitude of the input voltage should be 1.2 V. Plot the output voltage as a function of the input DC voltage. Record the maximum input voltage at which a clear distortion of the output voltage is observed. This analysis allows you to determine the dynamic range of the amplifiers, i.e., the maximum input voltage range of the amplifiers, approximately. 6. Perform AC analysis and determine Rin and Rout . To determine Rin , all DC biasing voltage sources should be retained. A small AC signal source vin is applied to the input and the corresponding current at the input node of the amplifiers iin is recorded. Rin = vin /iin . To determine Rout , all DC biasing voltage sources should be retained and the input source should be removed. Apply a small output current source io at the output node of the amplifier and record the corresponding voltage of the output node vo , Rout = vo /io . 7. Perform AC analysis. Find the bandwidth and phase margin of the amplifiers. Plot the magnitude and phase responses of the amplifiers. 8. Perform transient analysis to find out the average slew rate of the amplifiers to a step voltage input whose amplitude should be smaller than vin,max determined earlier (the amount of time for the output to rise from 10% to 90%). 4.3 Post-Laboratory Report The post-lab report must be prepared in either Microsoft Word, LaTeX, or other text editors. Figures, tables, and expressions should be embedded in CHAPTER 4. LABORATORY TWO : SINGLE-STAGE AMPLIFIERS 33 the main body of the report. Cadence print-outs attached to the end of the report are not acceptable. Hand-written post-laboratory reports will also be rejected. The post-laboratory report must contain the followings : 1. Cover page containing the name and student identification number; 2. Table of content; 3. List of figures and list of tables; 4. An introduction of the laboratory and your design approach (10%); 5. The main body of the report that details the laboratory work and observations: • The schematic of the amplifiers (10%); • The schematic of the test fixture for testing the amplifiers (10%); • Tabulate the dimension of the transistors of the amplifiers (10%); • Tabulate the DC biasing conditions (VGS , VDS , and IDS ) of the transistors of the amplifiers. Use pinch-off condition to verify that the transistors are in saturation (10%); • DC analysis : Show the maximum input voltage (10%). • Frequency response (both magnitude and phase) of the amplifiers. Find the bandwidth and phase margin of the amplifiers (10%); • Tabulate the voltage gain Av , the input resistance Rin , and output resistance Rout of the amplifiers at low frequencies. Calculate the theoretical value of Av , Rin , and Rout using the dc biasing condition obtained earlier and compare the results with those obtained from simulation (20%); • Analyze slew rate (10%). Chapter 5 Laboratory Three : Three-Stage Cascode Voltage Amplifier 5.1 Pre-Laboratory Voltage amplifiers are essential components of electronic systems. They have found applications in virtually every electronic systems, such as filters, regulators, function generators, instrumentation amplifiers, analog-to-digital data converters, signal conditioners, to name a few. The basic configuration of voltage amplifiers consists of three stages, namely, a differential input stage that has a large differential input impedance and the ability to suppress common-mode noise including the noise coupled from the power and substrate rails, an amplification stage that provides a large voltage gain, and an output stage that provides a low output impedance. In addition, a commonmode feedback is required to stabilize the dc operating points of the amplifiers. To avoid oscillation and improve the phase margin, feedback is also needed. In this laboratory, you are required to design and analyze a three-stage cascode differential-input single-ended output voltage amplifier with a sin34 CHAPTER 5. LABORATORY THREE : THREE-STAGE CASCODE VOLTAGE AMPLIFIER35 gle supply voltage. There are many topologies at your disposal such as regular cascode and folded cascode, you are free to choose any of them. You are required to complete a pre-laboratory report prior to undertaking laboratory work. Your pre-laboratory report must include the followings : 1. The complete schematic including biasing and common-mode feedback of the amplifier (20%). 2. Derive the common-mode voltage gain Ac and that of the differentialmode voltage gain Ad of the differential stage at low frequencies. Derive the expression of the common-mode rejection ratio at low frequencies (40%). 3. Determine the common-mode input voltage range of the amplifier (20%). 4. Derive the differential voltage gain of the amplifier with Cgd and Cgs considered (20%). 5.2 Laboratory Work You need to complete the followings: 1. Create the schematic view and symbol view of the amplifier. 2. Create a test fixture for testing the amplifier. 3. Perform DC sweeping of the input voltage to find out the dynamic range of the voltage amplifier. Plot the output voltage versus the input voltage. 4. Perform DC analysis to find out the DC operating point of the transistors and record them. 5. Perform AC analysis to find out the frequency response, phase response, the differential-mode input impedance, and the output impedance of CHAPTER 5. LABORATORY THREE : THREE-STAGE CASCODE VOLTAGE AMPLIFIER36 the voltage amplifier. Record the gain, bandwidth, and phase margin of the amplifier. 6. Perform transient analysis to find out the average slew rate of the amplifier. 7. Sweep the common-mode input voltage and record the output voltage. This analysis allows you to determine the common-mode input voltage range. 5.3 Post-Laboratory Report The report must be prepared in either Microsoft Word, LaTeX, or other text editors. The cover page must contain the title of the lab report, the name and identification number of the student. All required figures must be embedded in the main body of the report. Cadence print-outs attached to the end of the report are not acceptable. Hand-written postlaboratory reports will also be rejected. The post-laboratory report must contain the followings : 1. Cover page containing the name and identification number of the student. 2. Table of content of your report. 3. List of figures and list of tables. 4. An introduction of the laboratory and your design approach 5. The main body of the report that details the laboratory work and observations: • The complete schematic of the amplifier (10%). • Tabulate the dimension of all transistors (10%). CHAPTER 5. LABORATORY THREE : THREE-STAGE CASCODE VOLTAGE AMPLIFIER37 • Frequency response (magnitude and phase) of the output voltage of the amplifier. Find the gain, bandwidth, and phase margin of the amplifier (20%). • Tabulate the DC operating points (VGS , VDS , and IDS ) of all transistors (20%). • DC sweeping analysis results. Clearly state the dynamic range of the voltage amplifier (10%). • Transient analysis results. Clearly state the average slew rate of the amplifier (10%). • Tabulate the output voltage of the amplifier when sweeping commonmode input voltage. Determine the common-mode input voltage range of the amplifier (10%). Chapter 6 Laboratory Four : Voltage Comparator with Hysteresis 6.1 6.1.1 Pre-Laboratory Background Voltage comparators are the essential components of electronic systems. They have found broad applications in relaxation oscillators, analog-to-digital converters, and clock and data recovery circuits, to name a few. Differential voltage comparators are essentially differential amplifiers with a fast state transition. Positive feedback is typically employed to achieve a fast state transition. Comparators with hysteresis are desirable in applications where the inputs of the comparators contains high-frequency disturbances, as shown in Fig.6.1. Comparators with hysteresis are often called Smith triggers, in attribution to American scientist Otto Herbert Schmitt (1913-1998) [1]. The original idea of Schmitt trigger was published a paper in Journal of Scientific Instrument by Otto in 1938 when he was a only graduate student [2]. In this laboratory, you are required to design and analyze an Allstot differential-input single-ended output voltage comparator. Dr. Allstot is a professor of University of Washington and a pioneer of many inventions in 38 CHAPTER 6. LABORATORY FOUR : VOLTAGE COMPARATOR WITH HYSTERESIS 39 vi n vo v ref t t (a) Without hysteresis v in vo t t (b) With hysteresis Figure 6.1: Performance of comparators with and without hysteresis. integrated circuits and systems. 6.1.2 Allstot Voltage Comparator Perhaps the most widely used Schmitt trigger with hysteresis is the one proposed by Allstot [3]. Fig.6.2 shows the simplified schematic of the comparator. All transistors are biased in the saturation. Transistors M5 and M6 form a positive feedback to provide additional paths to charge the output node. It can be shown that when the positive feedback is absent, i.e. M5 and M6 are removed (in this case, the load of M1 and M2 are diode-connected M3 and M4, which behave as resistors with resistance 1/gm3,4 ), we have + − vin = vin where k1,2 = 1 µ C 2 n ox W L 1,2 v u u k3,4 + (v +t k1,2 and k3,4 = o − vo− ), 1 µ C 2 p ox (6.1) W L 3,4 . Assume the state CHAPTER 6. LABORATORY FOUR : VOLTAGE COMPARATOR WITH HYSTERESIS 40 M5 M3 M4 M6 M7 M8 vo- M2 M1 vo+ vo J M9 M 10 Figure 6.2: Comparator with hysteresis proposed by A. Allstot. transition of the Schmitt trigger takes place when vo+ = vo− . It is evident + − from (6.1) that this will occur when vin = vin . Now consider the case where the positive feedback is present. It can be shown that + vin ≈ (Vss + VT ) + − vin ≈ (Vss + VT ) + s 1 ID6 k3 − VDD − vo − VT 1 + , k1 2 ID3 s k4 VDD − vo− VT k2 1+ (6.2) 1 ID5 , 2 ID4 √ ID6 ID5 1 , ≪1 and utilized 1 + x≈1 + x ID3 ID4 2 in derivation of (6.2). It follows from (6.2) that Note that we have assumed that + − vin = vin v u u k3,4 + +t v k1,2 o − vo− v u ID5,6 u t k3,4 (∆v ), + o ID3,4 k1,2 (6.3) where ∆vo is the variation of the output voltage and is defined from vo+ = vo + ∆vo and vo− = vo − ∆vo . A comparison of (6.1) and (6.3) reveals that the switching point of the comparator has been shifted by the amount quantified CHAPTER 6. LABORATORY FOUR : VOLTAGE COMPARATOR WITH HYSTERESIS 41 by the second term on the right hand side of (6.3). It also becomes apparent that by varying the width of M5 and M6, which change ID5 and ID6 , the switching voltages, i.e., the triggering voltage of the comparator, can be adjusted. 6.1.3 Pre-Lab Requirements In this laboratory, you are required to design and analyze an Allstot voltage comparator with only one power supply. You are required to complete a pre-laboratory report prior to undertaking any laboratory work. The prelaboratory report is due on Friday of the week before the start of the laboratory. A 20% penalty will apply to a late pre-laboratory report. Pre-laboratory reports can be prepared in either Microsoft Word, LaTeX, and other text editors. Hand-written pre-laboratory reports are also acceptable. Your pre-laboratory report must contain the followings : 1. A cover page containing the title of the report, the name and student identification number. 2. The detailed derivation of the preceding expressions of the Allstot voltage comparator (100%). 6.2 Laboratory Work You need to complete the followings: 1. Create the schematic view and symbol view of the comparator. 2. Create a test fixture for testing the comparator. 3. Connect an ideal voltage source of 0.6 V to vin− . Disable the positive feedback by removing M5 and M6 (You do not need to remove the transistors. All you need to do is to cut wires connecting these transistors CHAPTER 6. LABORATORY FOUR : VOLTAGE COMPARATOR WITH HYSTERESIS 42 to the output node. Warning messages will appear when recompiling. Just ignore them as you know where they come from). Perform DC sweeping of vin + from 0 to 1.2V and from 1.2 to 0V to find the triggering voltages of the comparator. Plot the output voltage versus the input voltage. Identify the triggering voltages in your plots. 4. Connect an ideal voltage source of 0.6 V to vin− . Enable the positive feedback by re-connecting M5 and M6 to the output nodes. Perform DC sweeping of vin + from 0 to 1.2 V and from 1.2 to 0V to find the triggering voltages of the comparator. Plot the output voltage versus the input voltage. Identify the triggering voltages in your plots. 5. Repeat the last step by increasing and decreasing the width of M5 and M6. This will change the strength of the positive feedback subsequently the triggering voltages. Plot the output voltage versus the input voltage for both cases. 6. Connect an ideal square-wave voltage source to vin+ and keep the 0.6 V ideal voltage source connected to vin− . The square-wave voltage source should have voltage swing 0-1.2V and 50% duty cycle. You can choose the oscillation period between kHz and MHz. Enable the positive feedback by re-connecting M5 and M6 to the output nodes. Perform transient analysis over several periods. Note that you should choose more cycles and discard the initial few cycles, which correspond to the initial conditions of your simulation. Plot the waveform of both vin+ and vo in the steady state. Identify the triggering voltages for 0-1.2V transitions and 1.2V-¿0 transitions. 6.3 Post-Laboratory Report The report must be prepared in either Microsoft Word, LaTeX, or other text editors. The cover page must contain the title of the lab report, the name and identification number of the student. All required figures must be embedded CHAPTER 6. LABORATORY FOUR : VOLTAGE COMPARATOR WITH HYSTERESIS 43 in the main body of the report. Hand-written post-laboratory reports will be rejected. The post-laboratory report must contain the followings : 1. Cover page containing the name and identification number of the student. 2. Table of content of your report. 3. List of figures and list of tables. 4. An introduction of the laboratory and your design approach 5. The main body of the report that details the laboratory work and observation • The schematic of the voltage comparator (10%). • Tabulate the dimension of all transistors (10%). • Simulated voltage transfer characteristic with vin− = 0.6 V when the positive feedback is removed (20%). • Simulated voltage transfer characteristic with vin− = 0.6 V when the positive feedback is enabled (20%). • Simulated voltage transfer characteristic with vin− = 0.6 V when the positive feedback is enabled and the width of M5 and that of M6 are increased and decreased (20%). • Simulated transient response of the output voltage with vin− = 0.6 V when the positive feedback is enabled (20%). Bibliography [1] J. Harkness, “An idea man,” IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Maganize, pp.20-41, Nov./Dec. 2004. [2] O. Schmitt, “A thermionic trigger,” J. Scientific Instruments, vol.15, pp. 24-26, Jan. 1938. [3] A. Allstot, “A precision variable-supply CMOS comparator,” IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, Vol. 17, No. 6, pp. 1080-1087, Dec. 1982. 44 Chapter 7 Laboratory Five : Voltage References 7.1 Pre-Laboratory Voltage or current references are a critical component of electronic systems. The performance of voltage references is primarily measured by voltage coefficient (∂Vo /∂VDD ) defined as the ratio of the change of the output voltage to that of the supply voltage and temperature coefficient (∂Vo /∂T ) defined as the ratio of the change of the output voltage to that of the supply voltage. In this laboratory, you are required to design and analyze a voltage reference with only one power supply. You are required to complete a pre-laboratory report prior to undertaking any laboratory work. The pre-laboratory report is due on Friday of the week before the start of the laboratory. A 20% penalty will apply to a late pre-laboratory report. Pre-laboratory reports can be prepared in either Microsoft Word, LaTeX, and other text editors. Hand-written pre-laboratory reports are also acceptable. Your pre-laboratory report must contain the followings : 45 CHAPTER 7. LABORATORY FIVE : VOLTAGE REFERENCES 46 1. A cover page containing the title of the report, the name and student identification number. 2. The schematic of the voltage reference (30%). 3. Derive the expression of the output voltage of the voltage reference. Find the condition upon which the output voltage is independent of temperature (70%). 7.2 Laboratory Work 1. Create the schematic view and symbol view of the voltage reference. 2. Create a test fixture for testing the voltage reference. 3. Record VGS , VDS , and IDS of all transistors. Use pinch-off condition to determine the mode of the operation of the transistors (Saturation or triode). 4. Sweep the supply voltage from 80% to 120% of the nominal value with 10 steps. Record the output voltage of the voltage reference. 5. Sweep the temperature from -20C to 80C with 10 steps while keeping VDD = 1.2 V. Record the output voltage of the voltage reference. 7.3 Post-Laboratory Report The post-laboratory report must be prepared in either Microsoft Word, LaTeX, or other text editors. Figures, tables, and expressions should be embedded in the main body of the report. Hand-written post-laboratory reports will be rejected. The post-laboratory report must contain the followings : 1. Cover page containing the name and student identification number; CHAPTER 7. LABORATORY FIVE : VOLTAGE REFERENCES 47 2. Table of content of the report; 3. List of figures and list of tables, 4. An introduction of the laboratory and your design approach (10%); 5. The main body of the report that details the laboratory work and observation: • The schematic of the voltage reference (10%); • The schematic of the test fixture for testing the voltage reference (10%); • Tabulate the dimension of the transistors of the voltage reference (10%); • Tabulate the DC biasing conditions (VGS , VDS , and IDS ) of the transistors of the voltage reference. Use pinch-off condition to find out the mode of operation of each transistor (saturation or triode) (20%); • Tabulate the output voltage versus supply voltage. Find supply voltage coefficient (∂Vo /∂VDD ). • Tabulate the output voltage versus temperature. Find temperature coefficient (∂Vo /∂T ).
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