- ACTON-BOXBOROUGH REGIONAL SCHOOL DISTRICT Salary and Benefits Manual for Support Staff July 2014 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Introduction Scope Definitions Classification and Compensation Plans Work Week and Work Year Benefit Eligibility Vacations Longevity Holidays Payment Due to Absence on Account of Illness and Work Related Injuries Other Excused Days Group Life Insurance Health Insurance Tax Deferred Annuity Jury Duty Retirement Benefits Snow Days or Cancellation of School Mileage Position Titles and Compensation Grades Salary Schedule Reduction in Force Termination Evaluation Guidelines 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 Schedule A - Position Titles Schedule A – Position Salaries 14 15 Appendix A - Evaluation Forms 16 Appendix B - Time Card 19 Notice of Nondiscrimination 20 School Calendar 21 2 8 9 10 10 10 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 INTRODUCTION SUPPORT STAFF EMPLOYEES PERSONNEL PROCEDURES Support staff positions play a significant role in the success of our school system. This booklet constitutes guidance concerning salary and benefits for these positions. The Superintendent or designee is responsible for overseeing all personnel administration within the school system and will establish and recommend policy and direction for salary scales, fringe benefits and all other matters related to proper administration of personnel matters. Support staff employees are free to discuss any problems they feel appropriate with the Superintendent of Schools or the Director of Personnel but such problems should first be discussed with immediate supervisors. The Acton-Boxborough Regional School maintains their high level of service because of the excellent working relationships among all groups of employees. 3 APPLICATION Section 1. SCOPE This manual applies to support staff of the Acton-Boxborough Regional School District, including assistants, cafeteria workers, crossing guards and lunch/recess monitors. It does not apply to members of collective bargaining units. Section 1.1 DEFINITIONS As used in this manual, the following words and phrases shall have the following meanings unless a different construction is clearly indicated in the context: “Benefit Eligibility” - an employee must work a minimum of twenty (20) hours per week to be eligible for benefits. “Compensation Grade” - a range of salary or wage rates appearing in Schedule A. “Employee” - a member of the school system who is covered by this manual. “Full-Time Employee” - an employee working a complete calendar year and at least 30 hours per week. “Full-Time School Year Employee” - an employee working for the school year or up to eight weeks beyond the school year for a full time schedule as determined by the School District. “Part-Time Employee” - an employee who works less than a full-time schedule for the complete school year. “Introductory Employee” - an employee with less than six (6) calendar months of employment. “Job Description” - the description of the duties, responsibilities and qualifications of each authorized position. “Job Title” - the title given to each authorized position. “Promotion” - a change from a position of lower compensation grade to a position in a higher compensation grade. “Range” - the dollar difference between minimum and maximum rates. “Rate” - a sum of money designated as compensation for services on an hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, annual or other basis. “Regular Employee” - an employee with six (6) months or more of continuous service in the school system. “Step Rate” - a rate within the range of a compensation grade. 4 Section 2. CLASSIFICATION AND COMPENSATION PLANS (a) Classification Plan - All jobs included within the scope of this manual are classified by job titles. (b) Compensation Plan - The compensation plan consists of Schedule A. All rates will be per hour unless otherwise noted and the hourly rate multiplied by the hours worked per week shall determine the applicable employee’s weekly pay. (c) Installing and Operating the Compensation Plan (1) Compensation rate changes will be made effective July 1 and remain in effect for one fiscal year (July 1 - June 30). Employees who have been in the continuous employment of the School System for the seven (7) preceding months and who have a performance record that the School District determines to be satisfactory, shall be eligible on July 1 to advance one step until the maximum of the employee’s job is reached. New employees who do not meet the seven (7) months of continuous service requirement will not receive a step or rate increase until the following year. (2) Progression through the steps is not automatic and shall be on the basis of merit and ability on recommendation of the Supervisor and the Superintendent. (3) An employee receiving a promotion to a vacant position or to a new position shall, upon assignment resulting from such promotion, receive the rate in the compensation grade of the vacant or new position next above his/her existing rate. If the new rate does not result in an increase of $.10 per hour, the new rate shall be the second rate above the existing rate, but within the compensation grade of the vacant new position. (4) After consultation with Building/District Administrators, the Superintendent and Director of Personnel shall determine the appropriate salary placement of new hires. (5) The hiring rate shall be the minimum of the rate range of the job for which the new employee is hired, unless the School District determines that related experience warrants additional consideration. The first ninety days of employment shall be an introductory period, during which the appropriate supervisor has an opportunity to assess the new employee’s performance. (6) The Superintendent establishes the job or salary grade which shall be paid in a new position title. (7) Overtime shall be paid at the rate of one and one-half (1 1/2) times the employee’s regular rate for authorized work in excess of forty (40) hours in one week. 5 Section 3. WORK WEEK AND WORK YEAR (a) The appropriate supervisor will establish the work day for each position as well as the hours of employment, subject to the approval of the Superintendent. (b) The weekly hours of employment initially established for the position can only be changed by approval of the Superintendent. Employees shall be paid for the hours actually worked, not inclusive of the unpaid one-half (1/2) hour lunch break; employees has be paid for a 15 minute break in the morning and a 15 minute break in the afternoon. (c) The normal work year of each of the following full-time school year employee is thirty-six (36) weeks (e.g. SPED assistants, lunch/recess monitors, kindergarten and instructional assistants, cafeteria staff, crossing guards, media assistants, laboratory assistant, technology assistant); Section 4. BENEFIT ELIGIBILITY An employee must work a minimum of twenty (20) hours to be eligible for benefits. Section 5. VACATIONS (a) Pay versus Days Individuals who are scheduled to work a full year (i.e. 52 weeks) will receive paid vacation days. All other eligible individuals receive vacation pay (not days). (b) Paid Vacation Calculations Vacation Pay for less than full year Employees (20+ hours per week) a. In June or July of each year, all eligible support staff who work less than a full year (i.e. 52 weeks) will receive a vacation lump sum payment. b. The lump sum payment to eligible employees will be 4% of their base pay (excluding longevity pay) for the fiscal year just ending (i.e. 7/1 - 6/30). c. The lump sum payment to eligible employees who have completed four years of employment as of the previous December 31 will be 6% of their base pay (excluding longevity pay) for the fiscal year just ending (i.e. 7/1 - 6/30). d. The lump sum payment to eligible employees who have completed nine years of employment as of the previous December 31 will be 8% of their base pay (excluding longevity pay) for the fiscal year just ending (i.e. 7/1 - 6/30). (c) Miscellaneous 1. Upon the death of an employee who is eligible for a vacation under the provisions of this section, payment shall be made to the spouse of the deceased in an amount equal to the employee’s accumulated unused vacation pay, or to the deceased person’s estate in the event there is no spouse. 6 2. Employees who are eligible for vacation under these rules and whose services are terminated shall be paid an amount equal to the employee’s accumulated unused vacation pay. 3. All earned vacation days (100%) during a year may be carried over to the next year. This number of days is the maximum number that may be accumulated. However, only 150% of the accrued days may be taken during one school year. Section 6. LONGEVITY a) Each January following the calendar year in which an employee who works 52 weeks per year completes the fourth year of employment, that employee shall receive a $425 longevity payment. An employee who works less than 52 weeks per year will receive a $375 longevity payment. b) Each January following the calendar year in which an employee who works 52 weeks per year completes the ninth year of employment, that employee shall receive a $550 longevity payment. An employee who works less than 52 weeks per year will receive a $500 longevity payment. c) Each January following the calendar year in which an employee who works 52 weeks per year completes the fourteenth year of employment, that employee shall receive a $650 longevity payment. An employee who works less than 52 weeks per year will receive a $600 longevity payment. d) Each January following the calendar year in which an employee who works 52 weeks per year completes the nineteenth year of employment, the employee shall receive a $1,050 longevity payment. An employee who works less than 52 weeks per year will receive a $1,000 longevity payment. Section 7. HOLIDAYS (a) The following are recognized as work holidays: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. New Year’s Day Martin Luther King Day Washington’s Birthday Patriot’s Day Memorial Day Independence Day 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Labor Day Columbus Day Veteran’s Day Thanksgiving Day Day after Thanksgiving Christmas Day (For religious holidays, see Section 9c.) (b) Only essential work, as determined by the appropriate supervisor will be scheduled on a recognized holiday. Except for work so scheduled, all full-time, full-time school year employees, and part time employees who work over 20 hrs per week will receive the holiday off, with holiday pay, provided the holiday falls on a regularly scheduled work day for the employee. A holiday falling on either a Saturday or Sunday may be observed on an alternative day as selected by the Superintendent of Schools. 7 (c) When a holiday falls on the employee’s regularly scheduled work day and the employee is required to work, he/she shall be paid holiday pay, plus pay at one and one-half (l l/2) times regular pay for the hours actually worked. (d) To receive holiday pay, an employee must be in pay status on his/her last scheduled work day immediately prior to the holiday, and his/her first scheduled work day immediately following the holiday. [For this purpose, an employee is “scheduled” to work on a particular day when directed to work on the particular day by the school administration or the established job description.] (e) Holiday pay will be based on that day’s regular rate. (f) Staff who work a different number of hours on different days will receive holiday pay based on the number of hours they are normally scheduled to work on that day. Section 8. PAYMENT DUE TO ABSENCE ON ACCOUNT OF ILLNESS AND WORK RELATED INJURIES (a) Paid sick leave - All employees who work twenty (20) or more hours per week shall be eligible for paid sick leave benefits. Full-time school year employees will receive l and l/4 days upon the completion of each full month of service (or the major fraction of a month). New employees will accrue sick days at the rate of one (1) day per month (or major portion thereof) during the initial year of employment. (No maximum is applicable to this sick leave accumulation.) (b) For each day of sick leave accumulated at the start of a single, continuous, prolonged illness, staff who have exhausted their sick leave credit, may receive two (2) additional days of sick leave, if necessary, up to a maximum of sixty-six (66) days on recommendation of the appropriate supervisor, with a written statement from the staff member’s doctor describing the nature of the illness and the probable duration thereof, with the approval of the Superintendent or designee. (c) Extended leave may be used only for the illness or injury to the specific staff person and only while in the employ of the Town or District. (d) No sick leave accumulations may be considered as a basis for payment upon termination of employment. (e) In order to be eligible to be granted sick leave, staff members must notify their superior of their incapacity on the first day of absence, stating the nature of the sickness or injury, time expected to be incapacitated and when they expect to return to work. Supervisors are expected to check with the doctor, and to obtain the doctor’s certificate if, in their judgment, the situation demands such certification. Earned sick leave days shall be earned and paid at the rate of hours worked per day. (f) Staff covered under the Worker’s Compensation Law shall be entitled to the benefits and be subject to the provisions of General Laws, Chapter 152 as amended. Sickness or injury arising out of, and in connection with, the service to the school system, and for which Worker’s Compensation is payable, shall be granted the difference between Worker’s 8 Compensation payments and the regular straight time rate of pay on the same basis as that set forth in sub-section (a). (g) Sick leave may be granted for work days actually and necessarily lost as a result of illness or injury to the employee, the employee’s spouse, child, mother or father, or any other person who regularly resides in the staff member’s home and for whom the staff member is responsible. (h) Full-time school year staff and part-time staff who work at least twenty (20) hours per week will receive sick days on a pro-rated basis. For example, an employee who works twenty (20) hours per week will accrue l.25 days per month divided by two or 5/8 days per month. (i) Employees who have worked for the districts for at least one year and who have worked 1250 hours over the previous twelve months are eligible, under the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA), for up to twelve weeks of unpaid, job protected leave for the following reasons: • to care for the employee's child after birth, or placement of adoption or foster care; • to care for the employee's spouse, son or daughter, or parent, who has a serious health condition or • for a serious health condition that makes the employee unable to perform the employee's job. and with the following protection: • For the duration of FMLA leave, the employer must maintain the employee's health coverage under any "group health plan," • Upon return from FMLA leave, most employees must be restored to their original or equivalent positions with equivalent pay, benefits, and other employment terms, • The use of FMLA leave cannot result in the loss of any employment benefit that accrues prior to the start of an employee's leave. The "leave year" is defined on a rolling twelve month period commencing with the date that the employee's first FMLA leave begins. Section 9. OTHER EXCUSED DAYS (a) Funeral Days All employees who are scheduled to work twenty (20) or more hours per week may receive up to three (3) days excused absence to attend the funeral and other matters related to the death and be paid at the employee’s regular rate of pay because of the death of a parent, spouse, child, sister, brother, grandmother, grandfather, grandson, granddaughter, motherin-law, father-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, aunt or uncle. Additional leave without pay may be granted by the Superintendent or designee. (b) Personal Days 1. Full-time school year employees may receive up to two and one-half (2.5) personal days off during the year commencing July 1 without loss of pay for compelling personal or business matters that cannot be reasonably attended to outside normal working hours. 9 2. Personal days may not be used for recreation or to extend a vacation or long weekend. If an employee requests a personal day connected to a vacation, holiday, or a long weekend or more than one personal day in a row, the purpose of the personal day must be provided to the Supervisor. Requests for personal days must be submitted as far as possible in advance. Approval of personal days shall be within the discretion of the appropriate Principal and the Superintendent or designee. 3. Personal days are allotted on July 1 of each year and cannot be accumulated or carried forward from year to year. 4. Full-time and full-time school year employees will receive personal days on a pro-rated basis (see (h) under Sick Leave). (c) Religious Holidays All employees who are scheduled to work twenty (20) or more hours per week may receive up to two (2) days off per year (July 1 - June 30) without loss of pay to observe appropriate religious holidays. (d) Professional Days Support staff will be eligible for professional days upon recommendation of their supervisor. Section 10. GROUP LIFE INSURANCE All employees who work twenty (20) or more hours per week are eligible to join the Group Life Insurance Plan, of which the District will pay 50% of the premium and the employee 50%. This insurance shall be placed into effect as of the first day of the month following the month of hire. The amount of coverage shall be $15,000. Employees who do not join the group at the inception of their employment may be required by the life insurance company to have a physical examination in order to enroll at a later date. Section 11. HEALTH INSURANCE The district will provide benefits eligible employees fifty percent (50%) of the cost of individual or family coverage, whichever applies in the particular case, for the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Master Medical plan, or a substantially equivalent plan with benefits not less than presently realized to be mutually agreed; 50% for any other indemnity plans the District may offer from time to time; 50% for any preferred provider PPO plans the District may offer from time to time, and seventy-five percent (75%) for any HMO plans the District may offer from time to time. Section 12. TAX DEFERRED ANNUITY Any employees who work twenty (20) or more hours per week may authorize the Director of Finance to reduce their regular biweekly salary and remit a sum to a qualified annuity company. 10 Section 13. JURY DUTY (a) An employee required to serve on a jury on days he or she is scheduled to work, in accordance with the Chapter 234A of the Massachusetts General Laws, shall be paid his or her base wages for the first three days, or a part thereof, of such juror service, at his or her straight time rate. For fourth and subsequent days of such juror service, the employee shall be paid the difference between the amount received as juror compensation, less any juror travel allowance, and the employee’s base wages for a period of up to fourteen (14) days. (b) An employee required to serve on any federal jury on days he or she is scheduled to work, shall be paid the difference between the amount paid for juror service, less any juror travel allowance, and the employee’s base wages for a period of up to fourteen (14) days. (c) An employee seeing compensation in accordance with this section shall notify his direct supervisor and the Principal or Superintendent after receipt of this notice of selection for jury duty, and shall furnish a written statement to the District showing dates of juror service, time served, and amount of juror compensation received. Section 14. RETIREMENT BENEFITS All support staff who work at least twenty (20) hours per week are required to join the retirement program. An automatic deduction will be made on the first payroll check and the employee must file an application as a condition of employment. Support staff who have worked at least 20 hours per week and a minimum of ten years in the system are eligible to continue in the District’s health insurance program as a retiree, the cost of which will be shared on a 50/50 basis. Section 15. SNOW DAYS OR CANCELLATION OF SCHOOL In the event that school is cancelled because of unforeseen emergency situations, including inclement weather support staff included in this manual are not required to report to work. If support staff are allowed to leave prior to the end of their work day and the day: 1. is counted as one of the 183 school days, they will receive their regularly scheduled amount of pay for that day; 2. is not counted as one of the 183 school days, they will receive pay for the actual hours worked on that day. 11 Section 16. MILEAGE Support staff will be reimbursed at the current IRS rate per mile for the use of a private vehicle for the purpose of travel between work locations. Section 17. POSITION TITLES AND COMPENSATION GRADES All support staff will be placed on the appropriate compensation grade level, according to Schedule A. Section 18. SALARY SCHEDULE All support staff will be compensated based on the salary schedule listed in Schedule A (p. 16). Section 19. REDUCTION-IN-FORCE Support staff who are reduced in force (100%) solely because of financial reasons may be given recall rights to a comparable position for which they are qualified of up to one year, based on the recommendation of the Superintendent. Section 20. TERMINATION (a) An individual wishing to terminate his/her employment will do so in writing at least two (2) weeks prior to his/her last day of work. (b) An employee who is to be terminated because of the elimination of his/her position ordinarily shall be given notice at least two (2) weeks prior to the termination date or pay in lieu of notice. Section 21. EVALUATION GUIDELINES All support staff should be evaluated in accordance with the following guidelines and format (Appendix A). (a) Frequency 1. 2. 3. New staff members should be evaluated within 90 days of their employment date. All support staff should be evaluated annually during their first three years of employment. Thereafter, they will be evaluated every other year. Evaluation may occur more frequently at the request of either the support staff member or a supervisor. Evaluation should be completed by June 30. Copies of evaluation reports should be submitted to the Personnel Office within one week of completion to be included in the individual's personnel files. 12 B. Timelines 1. 2. 3. 4. C. Administrator/Principal distributes evaluation guidelines, forms and related materials to staff and immediate supervisors by September 30, plus discusses job responsibilities and specific goals and objectives. Supervisor and/or Administrator completes evaluation form by May 15. Supervisor and/or Administrator meet with staff member for evaluation conference by June 15. Completed evaluation forms signed by staff member and supervisor(s) by June 30. Procedures for Evaluation 1. Review the evaluation form in its entirety prior to beginning the written appraisal. a. The evaluation should encompass the entire period of time since the last appraisal as shown above. b. The employee should be aware of the acceptable standards for the job. Both employee and supervisor should be familiar with the job description and requirements because the evaluation should include the entire job. 2. Complete the evaluation form. a. The “Specific Expectations” exist, to some degree, in every job. However, some factors are more relevant than others. The supervisor should indicate those factors which he/she considers to be more pertinent to the job that he/she is evaluating. b. Comments are essential to an appraisal. Comments should be used to explain performance and to make specific suggestions for improvement and/or development. c. Part II, Recommendations for Growth is of particular importance to the supervisor and the employee. The employee should know his/her strengths and areas of needed improvement. The supervisor should share this information at any time during the school year as well as on the evaluation document, so that the employee will know his/her present status, needed development and recommended procedures for improvement. 3. Schedule and participate in evaluation conference. A personal conference between the employee and supervisor regarding performance is an essential element of each evaluation. 4. Complete final draft of evaluation form and present it to employee for signature and comments. 5. Submit completed evaluation forms to Personnel Office. 13 SUPPORT STAFF - Grade Levels 2014-2015 Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Cafeteria Helpers Grade 5 Assistant Cooks Grade 6 Cafeteria Bakers Grade 7 Cafeteria Cooks Grade 8 Mail Delivery, Crossing Guards, Lunch/Recess Aides Grade 9 Grade 10 Kindergarten Assistants, Classroom Assistants, Campus Monitors, Counseling Assistants Grade 11 Grade 12 Media Assistants, JH Student Supervisor, Grade 13 Grade 14 Elem. Cafe Managers, Elem. Media Assist Grade 15 JH Cafe Manager Grade 16 HS Cafe. Manager, SPED Assist., HS Lab Assist, HS Student Supervisor, HS Library /Media Asst, COTA, Technology Asst Grade 17 Grade 18 Grade 19 Dispatcher Grade 20 Grade 21 Grade 22 14 Acton Public Schools & Acton-Boxborough R. S. D. Schedule A. New SALARY SCHEDULE -2014-2015 SUPPORT STAFF Increase of 1% for each step & column from 2013-2014 GRADE A B C D E 1 $12.16 $12.59 $13.06 $13.49 $13.88 2 $12.73 $13.16 $13.58 $14.04 $14.50 3 $13.20 $13.68 $14.11 $14.56 $15.07 4 $13.73 $14.18 $14.66 $15.20 $15.71 5 $14.21 $14.72 $15.23 $15.72 $16.26 6 $14.73 $15.28 $15.73 $16.29 $16.86 7 $15.20 $15.73 $16.29 $16.86 $17.46 8 $15.72 $16.26 $16.77 $17.44 $18.07 9 $16.24 $16.81 $17.38 $18.04 $18.66 10 $16.70 $17.30 $17.93 $18.59 $19.26 11 $17.24 $17.82 $18.42 $19.07 $19.81 12 $17.73 $18.31 $19.02 $19.66 $20.33 13 $18.23 $18.89 $19.55 $20.25 $20.91 14 $18.72 $19.41 $20.13 $20.81 $21.54 15 $19.26 $19.91 $20.66 $21.38 $22.19 16 $19.80 $20.43 $21.22 $21.94 $22.74 17 $20.26 $20.94 $21.77 $22.52 $23.38 18 $20.77 $21.45 $22.28 $23.08 $23.90 19 $21.27 $22.01 $22.84 $23.67 $24.50 20 $21.79 $22.53 $23.40 $24.18 $25.08 21 $22.28 $23.08 $23.90 $24.77 $25.68 22 $22.79 $23.56 $24.41 $25.34 $26.29 23 $21.83 $22.76 $23.67 $24.57 $25.50 Bus Drivers $21.25 1.5% for Transportation 15 APPENDIX A ACTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS ACTON-BOXBOROUGH REGIONAL SCHOOL DISTRICT SUPPORT STAFF PERFORMANCE EVALUATION NAME______________________________ SCHOOL____________________ POSITION____________________________GRADE/STEP_________________ PROGRAM/DEPARTMENT__________________________________________ BEGINNING EMPLOYMENT DATE_____________________________________ DATE OF LAST EVALUATION________________________________________ SPECIFIC RESPONSIBILITIES WITHIN PROGRAM: (to be completed at beginning of every school year) ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ GOALS AND OBJECTIVES: ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ SPECIFIC EXPECTATIONS: 1. Attitude - Shows interest, enthusiasm, and cooperation. 2. Initiative - Performs assigned jobs in a self-confident, eager manner without detailed instruction. 3. Communication - Effectively presents facts and ideas orally and in writing; keeps his/her superiors informed. 4. Adaptability - Takes on additional responsibilities and adjusts to new situations. 5. Relationships With Others - Effectively works and deals with others including co-workers, superiors, parents and students. 6. Reliability - Completes work assignments on or ahead of time schedule. 7. Safety - Observes safety and health standards. 8. Punctuality and attendance - Attends consistently and on time. 16 I. Overall Evaluation. Describe the results ACHIEVED compared with the results EXPECTED. Make comments based on data observed considering the individual’s strengths as well as his/her areas of need. ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ II. Recommendations for Growth: Indicate development needs and recommend specific development actions which you believe will help the employee perform his/her job. ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ III. Evaluation Conference Date (s):_____________________Subjects Discussed___________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ IV. Signatures Supervisor___________________Position_________________Date________ Supervisor___________________Position_________________Date________ Supervisor___________________Position_________________Date________ V. Employee’s Comments ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ VI. Employee’s Signature:___________________________Date:_________________ Signature indicates that employee has seen this form and discussed it with his/her supervisor. It does not imply agreement. 17 Signature Routing of Evaluation Forms for 1) Cafeteria Staff Member: Cafeteria Manager---> Coordinator of Food Services---> Cafeteria Staff Member---> Cafeteria Manager (sends to Personnel Office). 2) Teaching Assistants: Teaching Supervisor--->Dept. Chair (PS/SPED) ---> Building Principal---> Teaching Assistant---> Teaching Supervisor (sends to Personnel Office). 3) Lunch/Recess Monitor: Building Principal ---> Lunch/Recess Monitor--->Building Principal (sends to Personnel Office). 4) Crossing Guards: Coordinator of Facilities & Transportation---> CrossingGuard---> Coordinator of Facilities & Transportation (sends to Personnel Office). NINETY (90) DAY SUPPORT STAFF EVALUATION FORM Summarize the person’s performance in relationship to his/her job description: Supervisor_______________________Position___________________Date______ Supervisor_______________________Position___________________Date______ Supervisor_______________________Position___________________Date______ Supervisor_______________________Position___________________Date______ 18 Appendix B TIME CARDS The top line, "Emp. #, employee name" will be filled out in the Payroll office, as well as the "Two Wks. ending Date". Time cards reflect a two week period: your current weeks hours (left hand side) and your projected weeks hours (right hand side). Staff members MUST fill out the number of hours they work per day and the "TOTAL HOURS" to be paid on the far right, and sign the time card. Staff members should fill out their biweekly time cards according to the following example: If you have been absent for a day that you HAVE ALREADY BEEN PAID FOR, please make a note beneath your signature when you fill out your CURRENT TIME CARD. Finally, all time cards should be returned on the appropriate day to the Supervisor. Call Pat Johnston or Linda Koch in the Payroll Office if you have any questions. Time cards which are not filled out correctly or which arrive in the Central Office late may cause a delay in payment. 19 NOTICE OF NONDISCRIMINATION The Acton-Boxborough Regional School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, limited English proficient, gender, age, religion, sexual orientation, veteran status, handicap or homeless in admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs, and activities. Any person having inquiries or complaints concerning the Acton-Boxborough Regional School Districts’ compliance with Title VI, Title IX, Section 504, ADA or MGL ch. 76, sec.5 is directed to contact the Director of Pupil Services, Administration Building, 15 Charter Road, Acton, MA, telephone number 978-264-4700, x3265, who has been designated by the Acton-Boxborough Regional School Districts to coordinate the Districts’ efforts to comply with these laws, or write to the Office for Civil Rights, J. F. Kennedy Federal Building, Room 1875, Boston, MA 02203, or the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, Office of Program Quality Assurance Services, 75 Pleasant Street, Malden, MA 02148. 20
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