Exclusively for Find Fix Sell BIG BOOK Members The BIG BOOK Find‐Fix‐Sell Manual The BIG-BOOK is the ultimate strategic small business plan & operations manual for finding, fixing and selling multiple small companies. When you become a BIG BOOK member, you will get copies of KC Trubys’ personal BIG BOOK to use as a template for building your own business. KC and his team will show you how to modify his BIG BOOK into your own “How-We-Do-ItHere” manual. Companies with a written manual drive 27% more net profit to the bottom line and find it much easier to raise capital or sell out at high multiples. Then, two or three times a year you’ll meet KC and the other BIG BOOK members for two days of intense strategic planning on finding, fixing and selling weak companies. The other members are the contacts you need to learn real life details on growing through acquisition. Since the BIG BOOK is an operation manual and strategic plan combined, your team will know exactly what to do, when to do it, how to do it and why they are doing it, so that you may easily create massive long-term wealth by… Finding distressed or good businesses to buy over and over Fixing any business so they work like a well-oiled John Deere tractor Sell the company for capital gains or keep it for lifetime retirement income by including your team as performance paid managers You will use KCs’ personal Strategic Business Plan and Operations Manual to copy & modify your own BIG BOOK You’ll create every step & process for buying & running multiple companies by simply customizing the Find-Fix-Sell system manuals for your operation From Lonesome Cowboy Publishing Inc. Box 2254 Casper WY 82602;Phone 760-207-6385 The M&A questions that you’ll never have to ask once you have the BIG BOOK 1. How do you find the deals? 2. How do I find time to buy and run other companies? 3. How will my staff become self-directed and know what needs to be done without my daily direction? 4. Where do I get cash if I need it? 5. How can you tell if a business is a good deal when it’s losing money? 6. What type of business should I be looking for? 7. Should I do a startup or buy an existing company and expand the product lines? 8. How do you negotiate the price? Buying competitors turned out easy. 9. How do you buy companies with little or no upfront cash? 10. If you’re buying a distressed company, how do you turn it around in 90 to 120 days? 11. What is the process for hiring a manager who will run the company on a percentage of profits? 12. How do we decide between selling and keeping the business for monthly income? 13. When you sell what are the steps to get the highest payout? The members of the BIG BOOK club create and share the answers to these questions and over 200 others on building a small business fortune by acquiring weak local companies. Join the BIG BOOK group if “just getting by” is not your style. Only 4% of all business owners ever get to $1,000,000 in sales and only 4 out of 1,000 get to 10 million. The good news is; the 4% who make it to $1,000,000 a year - work less, have more fun and take home more money to their families. What do they have that you don’t? A few learnable skills and a plan, the same training and plan you’ll get in the BIG BOOK membership including… 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. A strategic plan using the Lean Canvas that explains there unique position in the market place An operations manual that takes EVERY task and breaks it down to steps that you can delegate Marketing – a systematic way to generate high quality sales leads upon demand Connections – you must know and talk to successful people who share your aspirations. Business Knowledge – if you don’t know how to do something, you will NOT do it. We show you how. Leadership – Your team and clients are ready for you to pick a target niche and dominate it. Action – the BIG BOOK is not only a strategic plan; it is an action plan for successful delegation. Skills in acquisition – CEO’s know when to move on a weak competitor or outside opportunity Money – the worse time to look for money is when you need it. Get capital lined up now. Delegation & Management skills – you will NEVER get to greatness unless you help others first. As a BIG BOOK member, you will not only acquire companies, you will gain the skills of a master CEO. These skills will make it far easier to move into the top 4% and within several years the top 1% of all entrepreneurs. Have you tried to write a business plan or operations manual and failed? OK, here is why. The job of developing a complete business and M&A operations manual is so cumbersome that you don’t have a chance - trying to do it by yourself. That is where the BIG BOOK comes in. As a member, you will start small with a simple 2-page starter plan. That may well be enough to jump into making your current business a turnkey cash cow and possibly buying one or more weak competitors. Then we work with you over the next 3 to 5 years by layering more details into your business system as you run into problems that need solved. We do not waste time fixing problems we don’t have. We do not waste time training you on M&A events that you will never see. An operation manual is hard to do. I've started dozens of times and never finished. Three to five years may sound like a long time, but you will reap profits from your plan ‘as is’ every day you share it with your team. Besides 5 years from now, you’ll still be in business so it might as well be a great business. However, it does not stop there. The truth is you will NEVER be done with your BIG BOOK. You just keep making it better until someday you turn your BIG BOOK over to a young managing partner or the person who bought your business. That is why the BIG BOOK membership is a onetime investment for a lifetime association. When creating wealth we already know that you are going to have frustrations and failures, but we will NOT give up on you. We know you will get behind, you will get tired, and you will get busy. That is normal. Nevertheless, if we commit to each other to work on your plan and your business for the rest of our lives, we will get it done. Because we won’t quit until you reach your end number. That is why we do not offer a ‘killer’ 5-day training program in an exotic location at some outrageous price with stupid promises about how your life will change when you have an epiphany over cocktails at sunset. That would be plum nuts. What we offer our members is a lifetime of support. We plan to do M&A work Your plan evolves as your business grows the rest of our lives. So until KC Truby dies or becomes so weak that he can no longer participate in your growth, your membership is valid. If we both get lucky, KC will find someone to take his place in the next 20 years so we can keep the BIG BOOK process going after he is no longer able. Nevertheless, for today, we are committed to “death do us part. “ That may sound a little weird, but the way I see it, what else are we going to do? Retirement simply means you’re tired, and most of the time it leads to premature death. I know, I own a senior health care company and see it every day. Even after I hit my goals, I plan to continue working as a hobby four to six hours a week in an oversight capacity. You see, work sounds like more fun than shuffleboard with a bunch of geezers who want to talk about their lumbago. Fast growth and high net worth come quicker, if you run more than one business. Owning multiple companies will force you to STOP doing the day-to-day tasks and start acting like a CEO. Your game gets bigger. You will soon develop delegation checklist and learn to hire the right people (paid on results) to get the detailed work done. Staff no longer run to the boss with operational questions. They understand your strategic plan and will take the initiative to make it happen, because they are paid on performance. The BIG BOOK is fluid and your team can and should improve it at any time. The time you free up will allow you to finally focus on the three things your company pays you to get done. (The 3-things exercise, I will give you, is an eye opener, by the way.) The biggest unknown opportunity in business today is to buy small companies. Look, here is exactly how the boss wants us to take care of this problem. In just the USA alone over 2,000,000 small companies, fail every year. Find these companies right before they go over the cliff and you may well be able to create enormous capital gains and monthly cash flow by saving the business. However, it gets better, due to the large number of baby boomers retiring the market is flooded with GOOD companies for sale as well. This ‘surplus’ of inventory has driven the multiple (price) for a company down to an all-time low of 2.5 times earnings on average. Both of these trends offer the mindful individual an opportunity to create an impressive monthly cash flow and massive capital gains without the need for a giant ‘war chest’ sitting in your bank account, up front. Creating your own BIG BOOK is broken into six manageable levels that you grow into. 1. 2. 3. 4. The easy step 2-page business plan – this is enough to give you some clarity and to start making money. Develop an expanded analysis with the lean canvas - providing you a clear growth strategy Expand the lean canvas to the 3 categories of work in your company – your operations manual Expand the 3 categories into 8 sections – with 3 levels of work in each level. At this point, your ‘Big Book’ becomes an operation manual with delegation details and calendars of marketing events. 5. Use your systematic business platform to initiate a Mergers & Acquisitions campaign 6. Two years before your exit date, write your ‘get-out’ plan so you may leave the business on a high note. If you plan to own the business until death-do-you-part, write it for your manager so they know how to keep those checks coming. Our goal at the BIG BOOK is to A) Get your current business growing and going then B) To start buying up your weak competitors or other good deals we find. However, it won’t happen if you are in chaos and growth causes chaos. So here is a brief explanation of our 3 to 5 year plan to help you build a great series of companies. 1. The easy step 2-page business plan – this is enough to give you some clarity and to start making money. Before you attend your first BIG BOOK meeting – you will complete the 2-page easy step plan. When you are small, every business event falls on your shoulders. You may have one or two people on your team but even they turn to you multiple times a day for direction. So we start with a simple 2 page outline of what you are trying to accomplish. Just this one simple step will bring clarity to your team and cut your interruptions by as much as 25%. This exercise will help you stay focused on those few things that bring in the most profit Small business organization chart as well. The two pages eventually become the very first page of your own BIG BOOK and the last page. Next, we fill in the middle… 2. Develop an expanded analysis with the lean canvas - providing you a clear growth strategy In our first meeting, you will be ready to start the next step – filling in your ‘Lean Canvas.’ This strategic thinking exercise makes your product or service unique to the market and clarifies how you are going to bring in new clients. This task may take you a few more hours to complete but it could be the most fun you’ll have in your entire BIG BOOK creation. By the time you are done you will know… 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. What client problem you solve Client segments / demographics Unique value proposition Our solution Distribution channels The possible revenue streams What is our cost structure The critical key metrics Our UNFAIR advantage Supporting market research For the first time you will have a clear picture of what you want to do that your team will relish. 3. Expand the lean canvas to the 3 categories of work in your company – your beginning operations manual To get to $300,000 and $400,000 in sales, you must hire people who you can depend on to take over the daily tasks in the three main functions of a business. This is the point that most companies get stuck because we keep hiring people just like ourselves that know how to do just what we know how to do. Your three functions are A) Marketing B) Finance and C) Production. You can pick one of the three and run that, but the other two are better left to people with a love for the task. Stop doing it all. You will need job descriptions and accountability standards for each of the three functions or once again, you are going to be stuck at the ceiling of complexity. To get past annual sales of $500,000, you will need to hire each of your mangers an assistant or other full time employee. However, we strongly recommend you use outsourced vendors as much as possible. At this point of growth it is critical to stay lean and mean. That means you must be able to expand and contract your overhead quickly as the business climate changes. This should be sufficient until you hit $1,000,000 in annual revenue. 4. To go past $1,000,000 - expand the three categories into eight sections. At this point, your ‘Big Book’ becomes an operation manual with delegation details and calendars of marketing events, now we can run like a fast horse. In our business, we do the 8 arrow wheel immediately because it shows us how to get profitable in 90 to 120 days OK, now we start having some fun. The 8-arrow-wheel puts our entire business process into focus. We break each of the goals into weekly tasks, and then assign those tasks to our team with instructions on how to get it done. In the early stages, we still have three managers so each take on multiple arrows. By sketching out the work under each arrow it becomes obvious, where the ROI will be biggest for our next hire or outsource contract. IMPORTANT NOTE: You will never be done with this part of the project. It just gets better and better over time. A brief breakdown of what you’ll have in your BIG BOOK under the eight arrows 1. The strategic planning is where the CEO spends at least 1 hour a day in creating and developing systems for running the business while updating the ‘lean canvas.’ 2. Leads & JV deals. No business can prosper without a steady flow of leads. Here we take the list of 100 marketing systems (included) and select those we believe will work best. Lay out our marketing campaigns and then implement. 3. Lead management is the process of capturing leads and moving the prospect to the point where they want to buy or tell us that we have the wrong solution. Under lead mgt., we expend energy on accurate ROI analysis. 4. The sales system is critical to outline your exact offer and sales process so others will do it the way the CEO wants it done. Updates to this section happen often as your team improves the sales system. We also work on getting video clip endorsements in the sales process to help our lead generation. Client retention systems are managed user section four. 5. Expansion by acquisition, we have placed further details on this section below. 6. SIPOC is the process for actually delivering the product or service to the customer. By breaking down the entire delivery process into ‘chunks’ we can incrementally improve the way we deliver our product to the client. 7. No business is the same one month to the next unless you want to start dying. We want constant feedback from our customers and a place to analysis that feedback at least once a month. Here you will find ways to improve your ‘lean canvas’ to make the offer more relevant to higher paying clients. 8. Finance and back office administration systems are the most overlooked part of every small business. We NEVER run a business without closing the books every Friday in order to stay on top of our cash flow and ROI reports on all of our marketing efforts. 5. Use your systematic business platform to initiate a Mergers & Acquisitions campaign This section covers in detail the process we use to find, fix and sell (or keep) distressed companies. In some situations, we buy well run companies because the deal is so good and we see weak competitors that can be rolled up into our acquisition. The flow chart on the left is a simple guideline for contacting potential roll up acquisitions. You will find many of these charts as well as check list and instructions for valuing and financing an acquisition in this section. IMPORTANT NOTE: From conversations with our current BIG BOOK members I have come to realize that we may not be capable of buying a business because our current company is not well managed. That is why we work on all eight arrows in building a company. You can grow yourself into bankruptcy. That is NOT our wish for you. That is why we focus as much energy on running a tight ship with the BIG BOOK as we do on buying your weak competitors. Remember no one we buy out right before they fail, ever thought they would be in trouble when they started. At the end of this article, you will find the 200 questions that you will answer over the next 3 to 5 years. Companies that generate over $1,000 a day in net profit have the answers in place. So will you. 6. Two years before your exit date, write your ‘get-out’ plan so you may leave the business on a high note. If you plan to own the business until death-do-you-part, write it for your manager so they know how to keep those checks coming for the rest of your life. Here is scary news. Seven out of ten people who call a business broker cannot get the broker to list their company. Why? Because the business is in shatters; no profit, declining sales, no written business systems and terrible bookkeeping. But it gets even worse. Of the three out of ten that are accepted only one sells. So 90% of all business owners that take the effort to sell, cannot get it done. That is plum nuts. Brokers tell me that if the owner had started planning their exit one to two years in advance it would have made a world of difference. To keep you out of the 90% who fail at selling here are the main topics we cover in your exit plan. 1. Get your books in order. Since companies sell for a multiple of trailing EBITA (I’ll teach you how to calculate that number) it is critical that you can prove every dollar you made. The more income you show the higher the price. 2. Start researching for firms that have bought companies like yours, find out if they are they still looking. 3. Don’t cheat on taxes, especially for the two years before you sell out. Every dollar you hide is a dollar that cannot be proved to the buyer and they simply will not pay you for it. The 30 cents you lose to taxes on hidden income is overshadowed by the $2.50 you get at sale time for every $1.00 of profit on the books. If you are trying to reduce taxes set up a pension – legal tax avoidance does not affect your sales price. 4. Sell when sales are trending UP. A two-year track record of growth, even if it is small looks good to buyers. 5. Have a manager in place that can help the new owner with the daily operations. 6. Spread billing out among many customers. A company that gets 80% of its sales from one client will not sell 7. Build a customer list and track how you create loyalty with those buyers. 8. Have a BIG BOOK that shows your buyer exactly how you run the company. Of course, these are just the highlights of what you must do to prepare to sell out large. Getting better multiples then 2.5 Besides driving as much profit to the bottom line while trending sales up and putting down on paper how you do it. You may also want to look at moving the multiple past average. A well run business with good client contracts can be sold at 3 times earnings and if you get the company to $5,000,000, it is common to ask for 4 to 6 times earnings. If you really want to cash in though, here is the secret. Get sales to $10,000,000, drop 15% or more to the bottom line and have the company so clean a public company could do an audit and feel comfortable about buying you out. Then you may well see a 6 to 10 times multiple. Especially if you have a specific niche the buyer wants or a technology, they can take to the next level. When you are 80% done with your BIG BOOK, you will have answers to these 200+ questions The questions we should all ask before starting or buying a business 1. Are you sure you want to own your own business 2. Why owning a business is the fastest route to creating a multi-million dollar net worth 3. Business ownership may solve your retirement income problems – how it worked for me 4. Should you Buy an existing business or start a new one a. Should a startup buy an existing business to operate as a launch platform? 5. The reason we like to buy an existing business, fix it and then convert to cap gains or income stream 6. Why buying a business is far easier then we think, even a bigger one. 7. Should you flip your new business for fast cash or keep it for lifetime income 8. Creating a ‘buyers profile’ why this will save you time in dealing with sellers and brokers 9. The 3 categories of work that you will need to get done, what do you want to do 10. What do you have to get done to own and run a successful business 11. Why business fails and how you can prevent the common problems before you start 12. If you’re in business and want to grow should you ‘roll up’ your competitors 13. What assets will you really need; cash, hutzpah, a 135 IQ or a rich uncle. 14. 2 words that assure your success if you own a business ‘human engineering’ 15. The different business models and which one we personally like best 16. How much time will an acquisition take, and do I have to quit my day job? Looking for the right business to buy, since starting from scratch is a last resort 17. Establishing your search criteria - define the business you want to buy a. When to go off your criteria and move on a good deal that fell into your lap b. What kind of business do you want to own. If you buy, what type of company fits your needs? 18. How big of a company, should you buy? 19. Why the 'hard times' business is your best acquisition for a nothing down deal 20. Why 96% of all businesses owners would be better off if you bought them out 21. I look for good deals, and then once I’m in a category I work to buy the competitors 22. If you are in business now is it wise to focus on what you have or buy another company 23. Basics for financing a deal – so that you use as little of your own money as possible 24. The search for the good business (nothing is ever perfect) 25. The search plan - how we find deals that fit our pre-written parameters 26. Finding the business that is not listed for sale but would be perfect for you 27. Working with business brokers a. Creating a buyers profile for the broker 28. Working with accountants to find companies going under or stuck & tired 29. Working with bankers, lawyers, leasing agents, advertising salesmen and business coaches 30. Attending SCORE meetings and other business events 31. Creating deal flow, how to have over 100 sources bringing deals back to you 32. Managing the deal flow / and keeping all the details straight. 33. Qualifying the seller, are they really for sale or just playing 34. When to WALK AWAY from a deal. We walk away from 98 out of 100 we look at. Valuing the business – you don’t pay the asking price, you pay what it is worth to you 35. Valuing the business - most owners are emotionally tied to a number with little fact 36. Your interview with the owners 37. What is this business worth to me 38. What would I have done with this company if I owned it last year 39. What will I do with it next year – and what will the company be worth when I’m done 40. Due diligence - the 109 questions to look at before you start negotiations 41. Financial analysis - you must get the QuickBooks back up, and what to look for. 42. Ratios and how you will use them to show the owner the real value of the business 43. Business appraisers - when should you get a second opinion and who should you hire 44. Determine your cash needs in the first 120 days - plan on where it is coming from 45. Develop your plan to turn the business around before you buy it Buying the business or at least getting control without using your own money 46. Getting control of a business without buying it a. Get a valuation now, and capture 50% of the growth after you take control 47. Negotiating the sales price and details 48. No money down does not mean the owner does not walk away with some cash 49. 11 ways to buy a business with none of your own money 50. Buying a broke business and negotiating the accounts payable to 20 cents on the dollar 51. Building your case for the value of the business so the owner agrees to your offer 52. Using the 'earn out' to reduce your up-front cost 53. How to 'tie-up' a business, take over management and 'earn out' your percentage on the 'lift' 54. When it makes sense to liquidate your acquisition and how to make profits in the breakup 55. When to turn to the SBA and why they are a good resource for you 56. No matter what the owner says, they will carry back a good chunk of the sales price 57. Using venture capitalist and angle investors - how to get money without giving up control 58. The purchase agreement and where lawyers come into the picture 59. Letter of intent and why you need 30 days before you close the deal First two to six months; absorbing the company and turning it profitable by fixing production and finance problems. 60. The absorption plan – taking over the company 61. Why you can wait to grow sales, cut cost and get in the black NOW 62. Spend the first two weeks listening - then take drastic action 63. Remember time is your worst enemy - do everything possible today or you have no tomorrow 64. Establish a check list of tasks to complete - and get it done in days or weeks not months 65. Creating measurement systems so you can stay on top of the business operations a. System to track sales leads b. System to track expenses c. System to track customers and purchases d. NOW, You are ahead of 96% of the businesses. 66. Commit to investing 30+ hours a week in your acquisition for the next six weeks 67. Who will run the business you, wife, brother your intern, the assistant manager? 68. Setting up interns to become your future managers 69. Have every problem and question brought to your attention - fix or kill the cause of the problem 70. Start your staff on flow-charting how they do important tasks ask 'how can it be improved?' 71. Go over the accounting line by line and truly understand the cost structure including hidden cost 72. Up to 50% of the overhead in a business drives little or no profit to the bottom line - start killing it without killing sales or reducing the good leads in your pipeline 73. Ride with the best sales person and hear what customers tell them (don't talk) 74. Ask the best sales person what other products customers buy that you might be able to sell 75. What does the company do that works - what are customers buying that drives the most net 76. Where is the company bleeding cash and how to stop in on day one 77. Sign every check the first two months and get mad about wasted expenses 78. Look for underutilized assets that can be liquidated 79. Look for assets that can be sold and leased back to improve cash flow 80. Create cash flow scenarios from best to worse case and share them with your staff a. Sales will be 10% to 20% worse and cost will run 10% to 20% more then you expect 81. Get EVERYONE in the company on board to save their jobs - they will become your allies 82. Why the current owner does not 'pull the trigger' and take these hard steps themselves 83. What business out there has a vested interest in your acquisition being a success 84. Can you bring in joint venture partners who will sell your customers their products 85. If possible can you close the facilities and operate virtual or in shared space 86. What sucks up management time - can you engineer it out of your life or kill the task completely 87. When to hire a manager to take over your acquisition and how to pay them 88. How do you leverage that knowledge into an ally that will help you survive and prosper 89. How to get trade creditors to settle for 20 cents on the dollar without filing Chapter 11 90. How to have these answers in place before you buy the business 91. Who is going to manage the company - what do you pay them - do they get any ownership 92. Lay out a compensation plan that cuts pay but provides way to make it back (and more) in bonus 93. Outsource every task that is not directly impactful on the customers experience (saves mgt. time) 94. Selling out or converting to a long term (no work for you) cash cow annuity 95. Creating an operations manual on 'how we do it here' and why it is critical if you want to sell The fastest way to increase sales by 25% in the first year without spending money on advertising 96. Who are the top 20% of the customer base, what else would they buy if you talked to them 97. JV, The vested interest referral 98. Referrals & endorsements from current and past clients 99. Resurrecting old clients & customers 100. Client contact and client retention to create a habit of buying 101. Isolate why clients leave with your exit survey 102. Customer interviews to determine satisfaction over the year 103. Increasing prices 104. Convert your sales team to incentive pay (reduce the base and increase the commissions) The smartest use of the owners’ time if you want to build a long-term turnkey / cash cow business 105. Why time management is far easier then we believe 106. Focus on finding people who can help you a. better and bigger clients and b. finding joint venture partners c. finding people with money that are looking for an opportunity d. your next manager / your next best employee 107. Training vendors and staff on your vision of what you want to do for them in exchange for help 108. Creating systems / setting up contractors and implementing technology 109. Review your dashboards to track your success. 110. Find a buyer for this company 111. Keep everyone focused on what works now – put 80% of your energy into growing that Creating a turnkey business that will generate income for the rest of your life 112. What is a turnkey business and how do I know when I have the one I want 113. Strategic Planning Before we start building a real business we take 8 steps: 114. The Strategic Plan and market analysis - What we sell. 115. Who will run the business 116. Do you make them a partner, sell to them, pay them on incentive 117. Budget and cash flow plan to determine economic viability & 2nd opinion 118. Explanation of how we created and mange this operations manual Strategic decisions in your marketing plan to get new customers and sell old customers, more. 119. How do customers see your business 120. Create Dramatic Solution (following Billy Mays) 121. Unique selling proposition and ad copy ideas work sheets 122. customer profile and niche market research 123. SWOT analysis of competition & mkt. interest 124. Competitor advertising (review weekly for ideas) 125. Geography plan to minimize travel 126. Pricing plan and competitive analysis 127. Risk Reversal concepts 128. Drop sale products and services 129. Installment or subscription services 130. List of products my clients use, before, during and after they buy from me 131. Should I start these companies, buy existing ones or JV with other vendors Installing and managing your Finance Systems 132. Why financial controls are the easiest fix in any business 133. Finance This task can be outsourced cheaper and easier than creating internally 134. Bookkeeping to include Budgets & Forecast 135. Accounting and Tax Planning 136. Loan packaging & Credit lines 137. Collections & Contracts 138. Expense reduction (done daily, in house by CEO) 139. KPI critical performance indicators / Five minute books 140. Staffing / HR systems 141. Technology updates for internal operations (we recommend Cloud solutions) Building sales organically starts with a lead management process 142. Lead Management / Process for tracking, following up and distributing sales leads 143. Past Ad Samples with ROI (keep records) 144. Whale List (Your best 20 or 50 big prospects 25k+) Generating Raw Sales Leads to grow your new business 145. Raw Lead Testing process for new advertising ideas 146. Ad Planning and putting events on calendar 147. Direct Mail campaigns / List Rental / Prospective buyers 148. Spam Email as a lead generator 149. Telemarketing (cold call sales calls) 150. Web sites as lead generators 151. Key Words 152. Pay Per Click / Ad words 153. Landing or Squeeze page mini-sites 154. Upgrade Web Site Creation & Maintenance 155. Craigslist / EBay / Amazon others 156. Social Media / Forums Articles and Blogs 157. Broadcast Emails to our house list 158. Search Engine Optimization 159. Group Memberships in other peoples clubs 160. Publicity in local media 161. Seminar Promotion / & delivery Joint ventures with people who sell to the same customers as we do 162. Sponsorship at other peoples events / Speaking at business groups 163. Referrals from Competitors / as a JV revenue sharing 164. National distribution i.e. franchise, associations etc. 165. JV email campaigns to other peoples list of clients Building a Sales systems 166. Inbound inquiries by phone 167. Inbound inquiries by all other media 168. Inbound inquiries from referral sources 169. Hiring & Managing sales people / Training sales people A critical function of your plan is to create multiple lead generation systems, allowing for fast continuous growth. 170. Compensation plans 171. Standardizing our sales process so we can hire a sales team a. Record your sales ‘pitch’ (have your best people do the same) so others can repeat it b. Initiate a measurement system to determine the number of ‘closes’ each person gets done 172. Teleconference sales presentation 173. Repeat & Up sell of current customers / 174. Risk reversal plans 175. Case studies of your successes to review with your sales team Retention & Up Sell systems 176. 25% of revenue is lost in new client acquisition - let's keep our old ones on board 177. What other products does this client buy, can we sell them 178. A process for increasing the average sale in dollars. PRODUCTION: S I P O C delivery of services systems 179. Production SIPOC / what clients see and don’t see Delegated 180. IT and technology plan for Paperless Overnight Service Done 181. Suppliers 182. Input 183. Process 184. Outputs & Deliverable 185. Customer deliverable / experience / training 186. Requirements & Product improvements plan implementation Product Description and Improvement Systems 187. New Product Ideas from sales staff 188. New Product Ideas from customers 189. Product innovation tracking Roll up your competitors a methodical process 190. Why the roll up is a 400 year tradition in rapid growth 191. Your plan to find potential acquisitions 192. How to approach the targeted companies 193. The distressed business as your best acquisition 194. How we buy distressed companies for ‘walk away’ money The SIPOC system smooth’s out production so you have happy clients and team members that love their job. Exit strategies 195. The business plan for exit. What are the options for selling or keeping it as a cash cow a. Who will find value in my technology, client base, employees, processes or cash flow b. How am I going to romance those people for the 2 years prior to my exit point 196. What things you need I place before you can sell out at a high price a. Manager in place b. High profits, trending up, and very little locked in overhead c. Increasing sales year to year d. Management systems and written processes in place e. Measurement systems that prove your claims on the business viability f. Tax returns that tie into your accounting software g. Almost no hidden income to reduce taxes in the 3 years prior to sale 197. Maximizing profits at the time of sale - why it is important to drive cash to the bottom line 198. Finding buyers up to a year or more before you are ready to sell. 199. Finding the financing in order to help you close the deal 200. Converting your manager into your buyer - succession strategies that reduce your financial risk 201. Tax implications of taking your payments over time or in stock if you are merging UP. 202. One simple trick that will move $25,000 of your acquisition to 100% immediate tax deduction 203. Do you sell for 'nothing down?' You can often times sell faster and for more money 204. How to 'foreclose' on a previously sold business before it gets into trouble 205. Why securing your 'paper' with other assets will keep the sold company profitable Tax strategies and asset protection 206. Why EVERY business owner needs a detailed asset protection plan in place TODAY 207. Using 1031 exchange to keep rolling up your profits for bigger and bigger deals 208. The difference between capital gains and earned income 209. Setting up a defined benefits pension 210. My personal retirement program as an example You and I get some of these 200+ questions in our life every day. If you don’t have a BIG BOOK with the answers, you will stop and answer the question with your best guess. Sometimes we get excited at the questions, drop everything and go off after a shiny object. That is why we go home at night and wonder where the day went. The list looks overwhelming, because it is. However, one bite at a time makes it easy. Can you imagine the look on a buyers face when you show him the BIG BOOK? Can you imagine the amazed response a good employee will show you when they realize that you may well be the first boss they ever worked for that knew what they were going to do next, how and why? The BIG BOOK membership is a onetime investment for a lifetime association. Members get… First crack at good deals we find, but we can’t get to. Access to our nationwide list of M&A advisors such as accountants, lawyers and financiers Free attendance for life to the 2-day M&A conferences, held two or three times a year, for up to two people. The inside-our-office copy of our own BIG BOOK with our plan for growth and prosperity through M&A Instructions and samples of contracts, finance deals, operations check list and more on 200 topics Samples and advice on building your own strategic plan & operations manual Telephone advice and support in your M&A events – up to one hour per week with KC Truby Access to the other members so you can tap into their experience and viewpoint Moreover, you’re invited to the weekly conference call on M&A deals that we are doing ourselves. Will the BIG BOOK membership have a positive financial impact in your life? The truth is I have no idea. I can only tell you that I personally average $200,000 in equity gains within one to two years for each deal I do. I can also share that having a BIG BOOK to run our company gives us clarity and purpose in our daily efforts. That having the BIG BOOK allows me to work less with a lot less stress because my team knows what I want to accomplish and they want to help. For you, it is up to you. The most fascinating benefit of the BIG BOOK membership is that we will never quit you. I will continue to do the weekly calls and two-day conferences until my health makes it impossible. Let’s hope that is 20 years or more. The one thing I do know today is that after 40 years in and around the accounting industry, I have finally found an occupation that is more like a fun hobby. KC won’t you get tired of doing work for us 10 years from now if you only get paid one time? Oh, don’t worry about me. (LOL, as if you were worried about me.) I just happen to believe that many of you are going to do JV deals with me on a partnership basis over the next 20 years and the income streams will never dry up. As we grow to 100 or 1,000 members, the opportunities for investing in your adventures will never end. My end goal is to train all of you to be great partners for your family, employees, vendors, clients and in some cases our joint future opportunities. However, the first rule of getting into my pockets – you need to run a tight ship. Is membership limited? Do I have wait for an invitation to join? Do I have to qualify in regards to business size in some way? Nope. I’m done with all that kind of sales hype. Another advantage of getting old I guess. What is the one time investment for a lifetime membership? The straight scoop is that if you are willing to make a onetime payment of $4,995 or 12 monthly payments of $495, I guess you’re pretty well qualified. The only deadline is this. The next 2-day meeting is coming up next month in Las Vegas and if you don’t let us know you want to sit in, you will miss out. If you have questions call me directly on my cell at 760-207-6385, please remember I’m on Pacific Time during the summer. If you would like to become a BIG BOOK member click here to fill in the order form. My staff will contact you within a few hours to fill you into the details and get you started on building the END NUMBER you have in mind. Thanks, KC Truby The Lonesome Cowboy PS Here is my last page. You may ask, “Why is my end number so low? Over the last 2 years, I have moved my end number way down. This comes from the realization that spending time with my family on a small ranch cost a lot less then sailing around the world. The more I worked my plan the more I realized that I could plant a flag of victory and go home. What a relief. The cost of doing it all exceeds the benefits in my opinion. By the way, my wife and I made it. We have the cash and the income in place. For the next few years we are working on the exit portion of our BIG BOOK to make sure the partners and managers we have in place understand how to keep our monthly income rolling in for life. As a subscript, you will find the last page of my own BIG BOOK. Remember this is the first thing you do when creating a path to wealth. You determine how much, when and how. The rest becomes details. KC’s last page of his BIG BOOK January 1st 2014 On August 24th 2018, KC Truby has one million dollars of unencumbered cash in liquid investments and a monthly income of $75,000 in total from three separate companies in diverse markets. It is our expectation that the income will trend down to a sustainable lifetime $25,000 a month, between 2023 and 2029. On 8/24/18, work is optional for the Truby family as our only remaining weekly task is to review current results with our managing partners, advise on strategic decisions and engage in high value / high fun tasks on behalf of our top clients. However, we may sell one or all of companies at some future point if we… • • get an offer that pays KC three million or more. This will be enough cash to purchase high quality rental real estate with an expected $25,000 monthly income for life see, one of our companies has a limited future or shows signs of weakness we will sell the business before it shrinks down in value In order of importance, the company goals are to… 1. Meet KCs’ financial needs while providing KC with emotionally rewarding work that adds value to our stakeholders’ lives. 2. Reward our team with equity, profit sharing and meaningful work in exchange for dedicated contribution to the sustainability and continued growth of each company. 3. See that our clients receive exceptional solutions to their business problems. In our niche, we are the premier provider of innovative services. Our clients are loyal repeat buyers who consistently introduce us to their list of customers, prospects, vendors and friends. 4. Forge long-term relationships with high value vendors who work as partners to help us accomplish these goals. Our company motto is simply… “First, do the right thing for others and soon the right things will happen for us.”
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