VANCOUVER PUBLIC SCHOOLS MIDDLE SCHOOL ACTIVITY PROGRAM MANUAL 2014-2015 Vancouver Public Schools Middle School Activities Manual is a handbook of approved procedures for conducting extracurricular events. It includes six middle schools: Alki, Discovery, Gaiser, Jason Lee, McLoughlin, and Thomas Jefferson. Revised: June 2014 TABLE OF CONTENTS MIDDLE SCHOOL ACTIVITY PROGRAM Philosophy......................................................................................... 2 Objectives ......................................................................................... 2 Structure, Participation ...................................................................... 2 Documentation of equal participation ................................................ 3 Sportsmanship .................................................................................. 3 Awards .............................................................................................. 3 Varsity-Jr. Varsity Format .................................................................. 4 Movement within Varsity-Jr. Varsity Format ...................................... 4 Team Size, Allocation of Coaches .................................................... 4 League Organization ......................................................................... 5 Home, Private, Magnet School Students .......................................... 5 CLARIFICATION AND DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAM Activity Calendar 2012-2013 ............................................................. 6 Activity Practice and Contests ........................................................... 7 Fees for Athletic and Music Opportunities ......................................... 7 W.I.A.A. Rules Observed/ Not Observed .......................................... 8 ATHLETIC OPERATING PROCEDURES General Guidelines............................................................................ 9 Safety. ............................................................................................ 10 Transportation. ................................................................................ 11 Cancellation of Games. ................................................................... 11 Scheduling of Contests ................................................................... 11 Cross Country ................................................................................. 13 Football ........................................................................................... 14 Eighth Grade Playing Rules ................................................... 15 Seventh Grade Playing Rules ................................................ 15 Volleyball ......................................................................................... 18 Girls / Boys Basketball .................................................................... 19 Wrestling.... ..................................................................................... 21 Bowling............................................................................................ 23 Track.... ........................................................................................... 24 APPENDICES A B C D E F G H I J Personnel Directory ........................................................ 26 Head Coach Job Description .......................................... 27 Assistant Coach Job Description .................................... 29 Volleyball Safety Guidelines............................................ 30 Tackle Football Safety Guidelines................................... 31 Flag Football Safety Guidelines ...................................... 33 Basketball Safety Guidelines .......................................... 35 Wrestling Safety Guidelines ............................................ 36 Track Safety Guidelines .................................................. 37 Scholastic Probation Contract for Athletes ...................... 38 1 MIDDLE SCHOOL ACTIVITY PROGRAM PHILOSOPHY The purpose of the middle school activities program is to help fulfill the physical, social, emotional, and educational needs of middle school students through organized group participation. The middle school activities program is separate from the curriculum and intramural program. All participants will be provided the opportunity to participate equally in all extracurricular programs irrespective of individual abilities. The Vancouver Public Schools recognizes that skillful instruction and quality facilities are integral parts of a successful activities program. The middle schools will provide activities that offer opportunities for students to learn responsibility, group interaction, and cooperation. OBJECTIVES 1. To provide each student the opportunity to participate in an organized activities program with other schools in the district. 2. To develop standards which insure the safety, health and physical fitness of all participants. 3. To develop fundamental skills in a variety of activities. 4. To develop the students' qualities of sportsmanship, self-control, cooperation, leadership and respect for rules and authority. 5. To develop lifelong interest in and appreciation for athletic, music and other performance related activities. 6. To provide skilled adult leadership that will promote the middle school philosophy of "no cut" and equal participation. BASIC STRUCTURE 1. A middle school associate principal will be responsible for providing leadership to staff and students relative to the management, coordination, and supervision of the school activities program. This associate principal will assist in resolving problems which affect the successful and efficient operation of these programs. District coordination will necessitate communication with other building associate principals in charge of athletics, resource coordinators monitoring athletics and music, and the operations associate for the District. 2. The middle school activities program will include athletics, special musical performing groups, and other extracurricular performance related programs. EQUAL PARTICIPATION 1. A "no-cut" and equal participation policy will be the standard for all activities. 2. Additional coaches and/or instructors should be added at each building, as needed, to accommodate the "nocut" policy. 3. Emphasis will be on participation with all participants playing approximately an equal amount of time. However, the following criteria will be used when establishing the amount of playing time of each athlete: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. 4. Attendance at practice -- regular and prompt Attentiveness Coachability Enthusiasm during practice Effort to improve Effort during training and conditioning drills Team dedication and commitment Positive attitude Individual schools may adjust playing time based on school behavior and/or class grades. When playing time is limited due to disciplinary action, the coach will notify the associate principal prior to informing the player and the player's parents as to the reasons for the penalty and the length of the penalty. 2 5. If an athlete is removed from a team for any reason, he or she will not be eligible to participate on another VPS middle school team during that season without the concurrence of the athletic directors of both schools. DOCUMENTATION OF EQUAL PARTICIPATION 1. Each coach is responsible for maintaining written documentation of the amount of playing time for each of his/her team members. This documentation will be the basis for substantiating the equal participation requirement and is to be available upon request to the athletic director. Equal participation means that each player will play the same relative amount of time on the playing field, or on the court, during a game (or season for varsity). If exceptions are made, opposing coaches will be notified of the reasons prior to the game. 2. Information on illness, injuries or suspensions which impact numbers of players available, as well as any player losing time for disciplinary reasons, should be conveyed with the opposing coach prior to the start of the contest. 3. Coaches will provide a roster of student players and playing time to the opposing coach prior to the game. Upon completion of the game, both rosters will be given to each school’s Athletic Directors. SPORTSMANSHIP The sports program in Vancouver's middle schools is provided for students to learn not only the fundamentals of specific sports, but also to develop good sportsmanship, teamwork, and physical fitness. It is important that we continually recognize that this is not a "win at all costs" program with high stress being placed upon our young athletes. It is a program that encourages exploration and guarantees participation for all that are interested. As a result, the district feels that the role of our middle school coaches is critical in assuring that the experiences gained by middle school athletes in the program are positive experiences. Athletes at all skill levels learn appropriate behavior from adult models. Middle school athletes learn quickly what is acceptable and unacceptable by the conduct of their coaches. If an athlete sees a coach arguing with officials, then such behavior is interpreted by the athlete to be acceptable. If a coach demonstrates coolness under fire in tense situations, then that is interpreted as the acceptable way to be. Although questioning officials on rule interpretations is acceptable, arguing or baiting officials over judgment calls is not acceptable. It further demonstrates a behavior that is contradictory to what we are trying to teach our middle school students during their days in our schools. Often times, officials for middle school games are learning the procedures associated with officiating a game. They are human beings, subject to making mistakes like all of us. We have to accept this fact as a way of life and as part of the game. If, however, a referee's performance is so poor as to merit further action, there are procedures in place through the official's associations to request that an official not be assigned back to a given school. From time to time, coaches may get excited or upset with official's decisions. It is at these times that it is most critical for coaches to "keep their cool." An occasional technical foul, penalty, or yellow card might be called on a coach. However, at no time should a coach's behavior result in penalties of such severity that removal from a game or competition results. To be removed from the bench only results in the athletes suffering. Coaches should know their removal from a game might result in a review of the coach's performance by the building principal/designee with the possibility of disciplinary action to follow. Let's not lose sight of the reason that we are coaching. It is to assist these athletes in their physical, psychological, and social development. How we approach the game and how we model will always be remembered by them. AWARDS There will be individual awards for the All Star Track meet, the All County Wrestling meet, and a team traveling trophy will be presented to the league champion or winner of each sport. In addition, each school may have individual plaques. 3 VARSITY / J.V. FORMAT 1. There will be a Varsity/JV format within each grade level in both Volleyball and Basketball. Varsity team membership will be based on the skill level of the players. Varsity basketball teams will be composed of a minimum of 8 players. Varsity volleyball teams will be composed of a minimum of 9 players. 2. Junior Varsity team membership will be based on an equal distribution of the remaining athletes. The athletes will be divided on a predetermined date in such a manner as to make the teams as even in ability as possible. A draft process may be used to evenly divide the athletes. Numerical balance between squads shall be maintained to provide equal participation. 3. For each activity, with the exception of track and cross country, one 8 grade head coach and one 7 grade head coach will be designated to "head" the activity and coach the Varsity squad at that grade level. In track and cross country there will be two head coaches. Assistant coaches/directors will be assigned to teams/groups on the basis of a draw. th th MOVEMENT BETWEEN VARSITY AND J.V.TEAMS 1. 2. General Guidelines: a. Players will be placed on Varsity and Junior Varsity teams before competition begins. The team selection process and final team rosters will be subject to the review and approval of the building associateprincipal. Each school/athletic director will keep a copy of each roster. b. Original Varsity players will remain on Varsity squads throughout the season and cannot be moved to Junior Varsity teams. c. Varsity squads will have a limited number of slots open to temporarily promote player(s), referred to as “floaters”, from the JV squads who show such skill improvement as to merit their movement to Varsity teams. Team sizes should not vary by more than two in number. An athlete cannot exceed the WIAA competition for their sport. d. Coaches may rotate JV players (“floaters”) in and out of the open slots on Varsity squads to give a variety of players a chance to play on Varsity as their skills improve. These players must return to their original JV teams. e. No athlete will be moved from JV to Varsity squads against his/her will. If the athlete prefers to play only with a JV team, this is permissible. f. Only a school's athletic director may initiate movement between JV teams to equalize team size should significant loss occur to a particular squad because of team members moving, quitting, getting hurt, etc. It is the responsibility of the athletic director to notify all other athletic directors who would be affected by the change. The change of teams should not give the athlete a third contest in a given week. The procedure for moving players from JV to Varsity teams is as follows: a. There are two possible movements that could occur: i. Permanent (JV to Varsity) ii. Temporary - to fill an open position due to injury, illness, or a rotation position (“floater”) 1. Information regarding any type of temporary move should be shared with the Athletic Director and/or with the opposing coach prior to the start of the game. b. Procedures to be followed in a movement: i. Coach-to-coach discussion Movement should occur at least one-two days prior to the game to allow the athlete at least one practice with the new team. This also allows lineups to be established ahead of time. Be aware of athletes left on the JV team so there remain enough players to field a competitive team. Coaches of both squads involved in player movement should agree to any movement prior to the athlete being approached about the change. ii. Coach to athlete Please see 1.E (pg. 4). Either coach may approach the athlete regarding the change. 4 It must be clear whether or not it is a permanent or temporary move. The athlete must agree to the change. The change of teams should not give the athlete a third contest in a given week. c. Parent contact The parents must be contacted to let them know of the change. TEAM /GROUP SIZE AND COACHING ALLOCATIONS **These are suggested numbers and will be at the discretion of the District Administration** FOOTBALL -- BOYS: 1 team 2 teams 3 teams 7TH FLAG (8 MAN) up to 9 10 to 30 31 to 45 46 and up 1 coach 2 coaches 4 coaches 6 coaches 1 team 1 teams 2 teams 8TH TACKLE up to 39 40 to 49 50 to 69 VOLLEYBALL – GIRLS BASKETBALL – GIRLS/BOYS 7TH & 8TH 7TH & 8TH V team up to 15 1 coach V team up to 15 JV team 16 to 31 2 coaches JV team 16 to 31 JV team 32 to 43 3 coaches JV team 32 to 43 JV team 44 and over* 4 coaches JV team 44 and over* (JV teams are selected equally) (JV teams are selected equally) * (For every 10 additional players, a new team and coach is added) 3 coaches 4 coaches 6 coaches 1 coach 2 coaches 3 coaches 4 coaches WRESTLING - MIXED 7 AND 8 Minimum staff: 2 coaches 40 to 59 3 coaches 60 and over 4 coaches BOWLING- MIXED 7 AND 8 GIRLS Minimum staff: 1 coach 25-56 2 coaches *Maximum of 56 athletes per school TRACK -- BOYS/GIRLS (CO-ED) Minimum staff: 5 coaches 85-100 6 coaches *for every 15 additional athletes, add one coach CHOIR / BAND / STEEL DRUMS / STRINGS 1 group up to 25 1 director more than 25 2 directors CROSS COUNTRY -- BOYS/GIRLS (CO-ED) Minimum staff: 2 coaches 30 to 44 3 coaches for every additional 15 athletes, add one coach LEAGUE ORGANIZATION 1. The middle school activity coordinators meet monthly for the purpose of communication between the middle schools. The meetings include discussion of leadership, management, coordination and supervision of the school activities programs. 2. If needed, the athletic directors of the 6 middle schools will jointly arrange pre or post season meetings to address concerns, problems or proposals for new procedures. HOME / PRIVATE / MAGNET SCHOOL STUDENTS 1. Students who attend the School for the Arts and Academics, private schools, or are home schooled and wish to participate in an athletic activity must compete for the school within whose boundaries they reside with the exception of VSAA track athletes who will participate with Discovery’s track team. The athletic directors at the schools involved must review any exceptions. 5 VPS Athletic Calendar 2014-15 FALL SEASON - Football (Mac/Alki), Volleyball (Disco), Cross Country (Gaiser) *Start practices August 25th (cut off date is 9/5), end Oct. 20 *SOP Meetings August 29 10:00 am - VB, FB @ Disco, CC @ Gaiser *Scheduling Meeting - September 8 @ Discovery 8:30 am *Start contests September 12th (13 practices) *Football games on Sept. 17, 24, Oct. 1, 8, 15 and seeded games on Oct. 22 *Volleyball/Flag game dates: Sept. 12, 15, 17, 19, 22, 24, 26, 29, Oct 1, 3, 6, 8, 10, 13, 15 *Volleyball district tournament October 17 @ Gaiser *Cross Country meets: Sept. 11, 18, 25, Oct. 2, 9 *Cross Country District Meet: October 16 @ Gaiser EARLY WINTER SEASON - Wrestling (Alki) & Girls’ Basketball (Jason Lee/Mac) *Start practices October 27th , (cut off date is 10/29), end Dec. 19 *SOP Meeting October 21 4:00 pm - GBB @ Jason Lee, Wr @ Alki *Scheduling meeting - November 3 @ Discovery 8:30 am *Start contests November 12th (11 practice dates) *Wrestling contests: Nov. 12, 19, 24, Dec. 3, 10 *Wrestling crossover: December 17 @ Gaiser *Basketball game dates: Nov. 12, 14, 17, 19, 21, 24, Dec. 1, 3, 5, 8, 10, 12, 15 *Basketball district tournament December 17 @ Jason Lee LATE WINTER SEASON - Boys’ Basketball (Mac/Jason Lee) & Girls’ Bowling (Jefferson) BOYS BASKETBALL *start January 12th, (cut off date 1/14), end March 13th *SOP Meeting January 8 4:00 pm @ Mac *Scheduling meeting - January 16 @ Discovery 8:30 am *start contests January 30th (12 practice dates) *game dates: Jan. 30, Feb. 2, 4, 6, 9, 11, 13, 18, 20, 23, 25, 27, Mar. 2, 4, 6, 9, 11 *District tournament March 13 @ Gaiser BOWLING *SOP Meeting February 3 4:00 pm @ Jefferson *Start practices February 10th (cut off date 2/12), end April 2nd *Start contests February 20th (7 practice dates) *District bowling meet on April 2nd SPRING SEASON - Track (Gaiser) *SOP Meeting April 1 4:00 pm @ Gaiser *Start practices April 13th , (cut off 4/15), end May 29th *Start meets May 7th (14 practice dates) *Meets: May 7, 12, 14, 19, 21 *All Star on May 28 @ CRHS *** Cut-off date will be three days after the start date. *** 6 CLARIFICATION AND DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY PROGRAM COMPONENTS ACTIVITY PRACTICE AND CONTESTS ELIGIBILITY 1. The building activity program may be scheduled before and after school, but will attempt to avoid being conducted concurrently with the extended day program. Further, it is understood that individual schools will have the ability to adjust the activity and extended day program schedules to accommodate seasonal issues related to shortened daylight hours. 2. Students interested in attending extended day must be released from athletic activities and not penalized playing time if pre-approved by the athletic director. 3. Coaches are expected to hold practices every school day. Exceptions will be approved by the Athletic Director at least one day in advance of the cancellation. 4. Changes in practice schedules shall be approved and monitored by the Athletic Director to ensure that schedule changes will not negatively impact student participation in the extended day program. 5. The participants are expected to be in attendance at school at least half of the school day in order to participate in after-school activities. Exceptions may be made for special circumstances if prior arrangements have been made with the athletic director. 6. On occasion, it may be necessary for schools with multiple JV teams at the same grade level to play each other. 7. Students that are not eligible to play will be on the bench without their uniform on and not included in warm-ups. 8. Athletic fines from previous season must be paid in full in order for students to compete in contests. ATHLETIC AND ACTIVITY OPPORTUNITIES / FEES WITHIN THE ACTIVITY PROGRAM Volleyball th Flag Football--7 grade th Tackle Football--8 grade Bowling Band Choir Steel Drums/Strings Orchestra Basketball Track Wrestling Cross-Country Other performance related programs Student Leadership 1. Music activities and athletic activities are programs of equal stature, though at times, they must be scheduled in conflict with one another. 2. Students participating in activity programs have the following financial obligations: a. b. c. 3. $ 10.00 ASB card paid once during the school year. $ 20.00 Activity Fee for each sport activity. $ 3.00 ASB card replacement cost Any fees paid by check, other than insurance, are payable to the middle school. Students may obtain an activity refund prior to the first contest of a sport season only due to injury or relocation of residence. Fees can be transferred to another sport if for any reason the student cannot participate in the sport for which the fee was originally paid. Please contact the school's business office. Refunds will not be given except in the case of extenuating circumstances. 7 GUIDELINES FOR CONDUCTING ACTIVITIES W.I.A.A. RULES NOT OBSERVED BY VANCOUVER MIDDLE SCHOOLS: An assessment of W.I.A.A. rules has been conducted to determine if Vancouver School District Middle Schools could use the W.I.A.A. Handbook as a rules guide. It was determined the document is acceptable with the exclusion of the following items: 1.60 COMPETITION LIMITS -Middle level schools can only compete against teams from member schools of W.I.A.A. and out-of-state schools which are members of their state school activities (athletic) association that belong to the National Federation, and these schools must abide by the middle level rules for the full sport season. 23.17 REGULAR ATTENDANCE -The student shall be enrolled and in regular attendance within the first fifteen (15) school days in a semester or ten (10) school days in a trimester at the start of the current semester/trimester in order to participate in interscholastic contests during the current semester/trimester. BASKETBALL 52.64 SQUAD LIMITATIONS -After the Executive Director has been notified on the annual membership form of the number of squads of each school, a school will not be permitted to form an extra squad (Article 22.21). 8 GENERAL GUIDELINES 1. GAME DAYS Will be determined after the number of participants is known and schedules have been finalized. 2. GAME TIMES* 4:30 PM All sports (1st game VB, BB) 5:30, 5:45 PM 2nd game for VB, BB *These times are subject to change due to transportation availability and school schedule. 3. NUMBER OF CONTESTS Will be determined by the number of teams per sport, per grade level, and the length of the season or any other variable not predetermined. 4. OFFICIALS th th a. The host school will provide registered W.0.A. officials for tackle football, wrestling and 7 /8 Varsity basketball. The host school is responsible for paying the officials according to the fee schedule published by the W.I.A.A. with provision made for extended quarters of playing time in those sports where applicable. Schools will additionally be responsible for the administrative fees and travel as charged by the Officials’ Association. b. Officials for all other sports will be assigned through the District Officials’ Coordinator. The host school is responsible for paying the officials based on the following fee schedule: Volleyball, Flag Football: $25.00; JV Basketball: $30.00 c. When games are canceled at the last minute through no fault of the officials and after they have arrived at the game site, the officials will be paid their full officiating fee, plus mileage fee. d. Officials should normally arrive at the game site at least ten minutes prior to the start of the contest. This will provide the officials adequate opportunity to: i. hold their own brief pre-game conference. ii. meet collectively with coaches from both teams to discuss unique league rules, contest ground rules, etc. 5. COACHES' MEETINGS Pre and post-season meetings with coaches may be scheduled at the discretion of the associate principals. The purpose of such district meetings will be to clarify/evaluate each activity. Coaches’ recommendations for changes in operating procedures will be reviewed by the athletic directors. Coaches' meetings within individual buildings will be scheduled in addition to, or in place of district-wide meetings. 6. EMERGENCIES Emergency cards and the Vancouver Middle School Activities Handbook are required to be carried with the team, in the first aid kit, for every sports event during every season. Team(s) medical kit(s) must have among the contents an airway device and at three pairs of latex gloves. 7. GAME UNIFORMS Athletes will wear the school-issued uniform in the correct size. Sagging is not allowed. No additional clothing visible to the eye is allowed in volleyball and basketball with the exception of compression shorts and undershirts that match the team color. Special team shirts/warm-ups will not be allowed on the floor of a competition or during a warm-up. School issued sweat suits may be used to supplement the regulation uniform. Bandannas are not allowed in any sport. 8. LOCKER ROOMS Meeting/Locker rooms shall be provided for visiting teams during half time. (Rooms must be supervised by the coach (es), or they shall not be used.) 9. GRADE LEVEL PLACEMENT OF PLAYERS All student athletes will play at their own grade level. Once team membership is established, no one will be allowed to change teams. (The exceptions to this are in track and between Varsity and JV squads.) 10. SPIRIT-RELATED ACTIVITIES a. Signs and posters are to be positive and appropriate. b. Air horns and other loud noisemakers will not be permitted in the cheering stands. c. Spectators are expected to show good sportsmanship. 9 11. TEAM BEHAVIOR Coaches shall be responsible for their players even when they are not playing. Coaches should not allow unruly behavior and disrespect to occur while at the game site, or during the bus ride to and from the game site. All team members should be kept in the game area. 12. UNAUTHORIZED ACTIVITIES Only participants involved in the contest at hand may warm-up, shoot, or use facilities and equipment. Nonparticipants and spectators are not to be on the court. Teams involved in playing a second game may warm up at an alternative site provided both teams playing are provided an equal opportunity. 13. SAFETY PROCEDURES FOR COACHES AND ATHLETES Coaches and athletes are expected to comply with the policies and regulations of Vancouver Public Schools and the Washington Interscholastic Activities Association with regards to personal safety standards taught to, and practiced by, athletes involved in the middle school athletic program. a. Instruction: Coaches should teach the athlete the latest approved techniques. Teaching strategy should use an appropriate progression of motor skill building. Teaching of techniques should also take into account the skill level, age, maturity, sex, size and experience of the athlete. Safety instruction should be included and documented in practice plans. An injury that occurs from improper instruction may constitute negligence. The head coach in each activity and/or any assistant coach of that activity with an autonomous or autonomous team responsibility, or segment thereof, must prepare and retain a written (or audio tape) practice plan record for each practice session conducted during the season. b. Notification of safety/hazards: Athletes and parents should be apprised, either in writing (pre-season letter from coach) and/or verbally (pre-season team meeting), of the inherent risks associated with participating in that particular sport (see appendix D through G of this manual). c. Supervision: Coaches are responsible for supervising the activity of the athletes in their charge. There should be a daily plan of general supervision as well as a plan for supervising specific drills. d. Equipment and Facilities: Properly fitted and properly maintained equipment should be used at all times. The athletic facilities should also be free of hazards. If the coach detects a facility's problem, he/she must report the situation immediately for repair. The use of unsafe equipment, or a hazardous facility, should stop as soon as the condition is detected, and not resume until the questionable situation has been remedied. Football coaches(es) as per VPS Policy are required to: make a comprehensive inspection of each helmet in their inventory at the end of each season; send out issued helmets for reconditioning every year; keep a written record of the maintenance history of each helmet in use in the inventory; and work with the associate principal to develop an on-going helmet replacement purchasing plan. Retired helmets should be destroyed. e. Medical Practices: All staff involved in the athletic programs are required to have a current first aid and CPR card. Report all injuries (on the proper form) to the school office within 24 hours. Never leave an injured athlete unattended. Require athletes to show a written medical release form, signed by a licensed physician, before the athlete is allowed to resume practice or play following an injury. A coach will not permit, attempt to persuade or coerce an injured or suspected injured player to continue to play after an injury is known or suspected to that player. Coaches must carry emergency medical treatment data on each athlete when away from school or after normal school hours. In the event of a medical emergency to athletes or spectators, coaches, and/or administrators must have a contingency plan for swift and appropriate response. The plan should include: the location of the nearest available telephone, the quickest access route for emergency vehicles, the call for 10 professional medical assistance (9) 911, and personal responsibility for overseeing or administering first aid treatment until the paramedics arrive. If a parent/guardian is not available to accompany an injured player in an ambulance, a coach or school official will ride in the ambulance with the student. The coach should evaluate the physical fitness, medical condition and skill level of his/her athletes at the beginning of the season. This evaluation should provide the coach with insight about how he/she should structure the practices in regard to length and intensity. During hot weather special consideration should be given to athletes. Coaches must be especially sensitive to symptoms of heat illness. Special attention should be given to more frequent rest periods, lighter clothing, shorter practice length, and frequent water breaks. Ample amounts of water should be available to athletes at all times. Players cannot participate in a contest with blood on their uniforms. Coaches should bring additional uniforms to contests in case a player does need to change. 14. TRANSPORTATION Movement of athletes from place to place will be by school approved transportation. Only coaches, cleared team members and managers may ride the bus to and from games. A coach must ride the bus on all two-way transportation trips. If one-way transportation, a coach must follow directly behind the bus and make contact with bus driver prior to departure. Parents must sign their child out if they are providing transportation home after an away game. Students wishing to ride home with another adult must have a note of authorization from their parent/guardian. Forms for checking out athletes are available from the head coach or from the athletic director. If there are seat belts on the bus transporting a team, all athletes and coaches must use them. 15. CANCELLATION OF GAMES a. It is the responsibility of the athletic directors to cancel games. b. If weather conditions are questionable, teams are to be transported to their respective games and the decision to cancel will be made on-site by the local athletic director and game officials. c. If a school is considering canceling games due to weather conditions all athletic directors in the league need to be contacted. The rationale for this is that if one school cancels due to unsafe weather conditions, it raises liability questions about other contests that might be played. d. There will be times that the district will cancel all contests due to weather conditions. 16. SCHEDULING OF CONTESTS Athletic Directors will use the following criteria and protocol when scheduling contests 0. Protocol: i. Place all varsity contests first ii. Place JV games on varsity dates by home teams first iii. Fill in remaining games starting with largest school. After largest school fills one home date, the school with the most remaining games goes next, this continues until all games are done. iv. Match-ups can be changed according to the priority list below. v. All disputes must be settled by the priority list below. 1. Priority List: Highest to lowest i. Avoid 3 games in a week ii. Avoid large gaps between games iii. Avoid Friday-Monday games iv. Balance seasons by halves v. Start and end season the same time for all teams vi. Play every school vii. Balance home and away viii. Balance early and late start times ix. Avoid games next to holidays x. Coaches’ special requests 11 INDIVIDUAL SPORTS SECTION CROSS COUNTRY TACKLE FOOTBALL FLAG FOOTBALL VOLLEYBALL BASKETBALL WRESTLING BOWLING TRACK 12 CROSS COUNTRY TEAM COLORS Alki .................................... White/Light Blue Discovery .......................... Royal Blue Gaiser................................ Purple/Gold Jason Lee.......................... Black McLoughlin ........................ Red Thomas Jefferson.............. Green COURSE LENGTH The course shall be 1.5 miles (approx. 2500 meters) in length. Courses should remain on Middle School campuses unless approved by local athletic director. It is recommended the courses have some elevation and surface change. SEASON Each school will run against all other schools. There will be a final culminating event at the end of the season. TEAM SELECTION/PARTICIPATION A modified Varsity/JV format will be followed. At each meet, the Head Coach will select their top seven (7) runners per gender/grade level to designate as “scoring.” (Varsity). All other runners will compete for time only. Each runner will receive a time. COURSE MAP/MARKING It is recommended that coaches provide copies of their course map to competitors when they arrive on site. Coaches will encourage runners to warm up on portions of the route to familiarize themselves with the route. It is required that turns be marked with either flags or cones, and is recommended that the running course be marked with cones so that runners can “connect the dots” to stay on the route. EVENTS th th Races will be run in gender groupings. For the 2013 (and all other odd years), races will be in the order 7 /8 th th Girls followed by 7 /8 grade Boys. In 2014 (and all even years), races will be in the reverse order. In order to delineate between grade levels, schools may either utilize “pinnies” or designate separate finishing areas (“chutes”). Each school will communicate their protocols to coaches and runners prior to the meet. SCORING Each coach will designate their 7 “scoring” (Varsity) runners prior to the meet. Scoring runners will be awarded points respective to their place amongst all scoring runners in the meet. (1 through 14). Each team’s score will consist of the sum of the places of their top five (5) runners. In the event of a tie, it will be broken by the sixth (and if necessary, seventh) runner. In the event that a school cannot field a minimum of 5 scoring runners, the meet will be run, however there will be no team score kept. CULMINATING EVENT Each school may enter up to twelve (12) runners per grade/gender in the end-of-season culminating event. All scoring rules will be enforced (with the exception of identifying scoring runners). 13 FOOTBALL SCHOOL COLORS Alki .................................... Black/ Light Blue/ White Discovery .......................... White/Royal Blue Gaiser................................ Purple/Gold Jason Lee.......................... Black/Red/White McLoughlin ........................ Red//Gray/White Thomas Jefferson.............. Green/black (Gr. 7 Flag Football: White) LENGTH OF QUARTERS Both 8th and 7th grades shall play 8 minute quarters of regular, stopped timed. PRE-GAME/HALF-TIME WARM UP Teams will have a minimum of twenty (20) minutes from the time they arrive on site until kick-off, including a fifteen-minute warm-up. There must be a maximum effort by all parties concerned to start the game on time. Length of half time is 10 minutes, with 3 minutes of this time to be used for warm up prior to the third quarter, unless both coaches agree to shorten it. ROPING FIELDS / VISITING AND HOME SIDES OF FIELDS -- (Grades 7 & 8) All schools will flag the visitor’s side between the two 25 yard lines (at least) to keep spectators out of the team area and away from the bench. Roping off the home side is optional. The home team will be placed on the same side of the field as the bleachers. The visiting team will be placed on the opposite side of the field. EXTRA POINTS -- (Grades 7 & 8) Kick = 2 points Run or Pass = 1 point OVERTIME No overtime will be permitted for 7th or 8th grade games (except in crossover games). EQUIPMENT -- (Grades 7 & 8) Mouthpieces are required. NUMBER OF OFFICIALS th th 8 - 3 officials; 7 – 2 officials Never should less than the minimum number of officials be assigned; however, last minute emergencies may require the game to be delayed or played with 1 less official. UNIFORM NUMBERS BY RULE BOOK FOR EIGHTH GRADE Teams must abide by the National Federation numbering system. Teams should do their very best to comply at all grade levels. (Definitely, receivers should have correct numbers.) If exceptions are necessary, the coach must notify officials and the opposing coach before the game. If emergency exceptions occur due to injury, the coach must notify officials and the opposing coach at the point of a necessary change. AVAILABLE PLACE AT HALF-TIME If the home team uses an inside facility at half time, they need to provide one for the visitor. STRETCHER, SPLINTS, ICE The home team will supply these emergency medical items for both teams. SUMMER WEIGHT TRAINING & CONDITIONING Optional, coach-sponsored conditioning programs may be offered during the month of August. TIME-OUTS Each team will be allowed one additional time-out per half to help facilitate substitution to meet the "equal participation" rule. 14 VARIETY OF PLAYING OPPORTUNITIES Each player should be provided nearly equal opportunity to have playing time both offensively and defensively during the course of the season. It is also desirable that each player be afforded the opportunity to play at a variety of positions. PLAYER PARTICIPATION AND DOCUMENTATION FOR TACKLE FOOTBALL Every team will establish offensive and defensive groups in proportion to the number of players on their team. Every player will have an offensive and defensive position and play an equal amount of time in relation to their team numbers. Each coach is responsible for documentation of all players' participation on sheets that designate players for a certain team. If a player is sick on the team or is going to miss a specific amount of time in a game for discipline reasons, it should be designated on the rosters for that week on both offensive and defensive teams. There are several ways of setting up your teams for the implementation of equal playing time and the documentation as such. None of the ways is completely foolproof, but coaches are required to document the number of plays for each player on plays from the line of scrimmage on both offense and defense. FOOTBALL SIZE th th The football used will be one size smaller than official for 7 and 8 grade. PLAYING RULES: EIGHTH GRADE TACKLE FOOTBALL The rules for eighth grade tackle football will follow the W.I.A.A. Handbook and the National Federation RuleBook with the exceptions as stated on pages 14 - 17 herein. SEEDED TOURNAMENT: At the end of the season, a seeded tournament will be played with 1 vs. 2, 3 vs. 4, and 5 vs. 6. Seeding will be done first by record then by points allowed (points given up). PLAYING RULES: SEVENTH GRADE FLAG FOOTBALL 1. PLAYERS: Flag football players will be required to participate in ten (10) practices prior to participating in their first game. (1 day = 1 practice) 2. FIELD: Flag football will be played on a regulation size football field of 100 yards length by 53 feet--four inches width with ten-yard end zones. Discovery may be using a shorter field (80 yards in length) for flag football only. 3. PARTICIPANTS: a. Each team will play with eight players on the field at a time. b. For the offense, a minimum of five must be on the line of scrimmage. End Guard Center Guard End Quarterback Halfback Halfback c. All participants will wear a waist belt with two flags of a color that contrasts with the color of the uniform. The flags should be placed one on each hip. Their dimensions will be three inches wide, by sixteen inches in length. All participants must use the league adopted flag system. d. The shirts of all players must be tucked into the waist at all times during the game. Players are not to wear personal clothing items. In addition to the regulation uniform, school issued sweat suits may be permitted. 4. FOOTBALL SIZE: th th The football used will be one size smaller than official for 7 and 8 grade. 5. THE GAME: a. The game will consist of four quarters of eight minutes of regular, stopped time. 15 b. The game is started by the captains from each team meeting with the referee. There will be a coin flip, with the winner of the flip having the following options: i. Receiving the kick ii. Kicking off iii. Choosing an end to defend iv. Defer until the second half 6. TACKLING a. The ball carrier will be considered tackled when a flag is pulled from, or falls from his belt, or when a knee hits the ground. b. A tackler may not leave his feet in an effort to tackle a ball carrier. c. The defensive team may not deliberately pull the flags of those not carrying the ball. d. The tackler will drop the flag as soon as he collects it from the carrier. 7. OFFENSIVE RULES: a. All players are eligible to catch a pass. b. The passer must attempt all forward passes from behind the line of scrimmage. c. The ball may be handed off, or passed backward or laterally, from anywhere on the field. d. No stiff-arming will be allowed. e. Ball carriers should not run over the top of players or through players with the intent of preventing their flag being pulled. Spinning and dodging are acceptable evasive maneuvers and are allowed. f. All fumbled balls are dead where they fall. The exceptions are when the quarterback is in the "shotgun" formation, and when the kick-off receiver or the punt receiver fields the kick. In these three situations, play may continue if the offensive player is in no imminent risk from a defensive player(s). The officials should exercise discretion in these situations. Their decision is final. Fumbled balls will remain in possession of the offensive team, except on fourth down. g. One offensive back may be in lateral or backward motion when the ball is snapped. All other offensive players must be motionless for at least one second prior to the snap of the ball by the center. 8. PUNTS: a. A team may punt on any down, but first they must notify the referee and the defensive team. b. The receiving team may not advance over the line of scrimmage until the ball is punted. c. A dropped snap from center (or a bad snap) may be picked up and kicked from where the ball hit the ground. d. A punt is dead where it hits the ground after being played by a member of either team. If the ball hits the ground without being touched, it is still in play. e. On punts, the receiving team must have four on the line of scrimmage. f. The kicking team may not cross the line of scrimmage until the ball is kicked. 9. BLOCKING RULES: a. Blocking must be done with both arms close to the body. A player may take a stance that has elbows extended and hands at, or about, the chest. b. All contact is to be made in front of, or on the side of the opponent. c. All contact must be made with the arms or shoulders first. At no time may a player make contact with his head first. d. Blockers may not leave their feet in an effort to make contact with the opponent. 10. KICK-OFFS: a. Kick-offs will be made from the kicking team's 40-yard line. b. The receiving team must have at least four men in front of their 40-yard line, but may not cross the 50yard line. c. Kicks going out of bounds will be played from the 40-yard line of the receiving team. d. No on-side kicks will be allowed. 11. SCORING: a. Touchdown (six points) b. Field goal (three points) c. Safety (two points) d. Extra point (one point) if run or passed, (two points) if kicked successfully e. Game ending in a tie will remain a tie 12. EXTRA POINT / FIELD GOAL TECHNIQUE (KICKED P.A.T.) a. Ball must be snapped from center b. Ball must be held c. Only the kicker, place-kick holder, and center will be on the field. d. The ball must be kicked within 5 seconds after the snap. 16 e. f. A fumbled snap may be held where the ball hits the ground and then kicked. Kicked P.A.T. -- 2 points when successful 13. DOWN AND YARDS: The offensive team will have four downs to advance the ball ten yards. If they do advance the ball ten yards or more, they will be awarded another four downs. 14. TIME-OUTS: Each team will be allowed three (3) one-minute time-outs per half. The referee may call for time-outs as necessary. 15. SUBSTITUTIONS: Unlimited substitutions will be allowed. 16. HUDDLES: After any play, the offensive team may choose to, or not to, huddle. Regardless, they must start the next play within 30 seconds of the ball being made "ready". 17. PENALTIES: The following will result in a five yard penalty: i. Offsides ii. Delay of game iii. Illegal forward pass (loss of down) iv. Stiff-arming v. Failure to announce punts vi. Shortening of flags, failure to wear flags, wearing flags improperly vii. Faking the center snap viii. Illegal motion ix. Pulling the flags of those without the ball x. Flag guarding by the ball carrier The following will result in a 15 yard penalty. i. Holding ii. Tripping iii. Illegal tackle iv. Illegal block (spearing, clipping, leaving feet, blocking below the waist) v. Unsportsmanlike conduct (may lead to disqualification) 17 VOLLEYBALL 1. TEAM COLORS Alki .................................... White/Light Blue Discovery .......................... Royal Blue Gaiser................................ Purple/Gold Jason Lee.......................... Black McLoughlin ........................ Red Thomas Jefferson.............. Green 2. COURTS, NETS & BALLS Standard courts and net heights should meet rule requirements. The home team will provide all practice balls used prior to the game. 3. SEASON The number of matches in the season will be determined when the number of teams among the schools is finalized. 4. TEAM SELECTION A Varsity/JV format will be utilized at each grade level provided turnout of sufficient numbers allows such a division. Team selection may not occur until after the fifth practice. 5. GROUND RULES Coaches will have a copy of the ground rules for each school at the beginning of the sports season and a copy in their scorebooks so officials have a reference at each playing site. 6. OFFICIALS Home teams shall attempt to provide two people to judge the lines; an alternative would be using one extra player from each school to judge lines on the opponent’s court. Scorekeepers shall be adults or responsible high school students. 7. SPECIAL RULES: a. Unnecessary noise or distractions during the serve will not be allowed. b. During the serve, the ball must clear the hand for the serve to be considered legal (at both grade levels). c. The server is allowed one free toss per service round, as long as it is within the five-second limit. This is an exception to the Volleyball Federation rules d. All levels will play a mandatory 3 sets using rally scoring. “Set-point” for sets 1 and 2 will be 25 points (the team must win by 2 points with a 30 point cap.) Set 3 will be to 15 with a cap at 21. Rally scoring guidelines will be consistent with WIAA rally scoring rules. e. Warm-up time: following the coin toss, the serving team will have five minutes on the court, the receiving team will have five minutes on the court, and two minutes will be shared serving. 8. PARTICIPATION Coaches will start one set of six girls in the first game and a different set of six girls in the second game. Coaches may substitute according to National Federation Rules. In the third game, coaches may start anyone they want, keeping in mind the "equal participation" requirement for all team members. 9. GAME TIMES In doubleheader contests where seventh and eighth grade teams play together, the eighth grade contest will be the first game at 4:30 PM during the first half of the season; the second contest of seventh graders will be played at approximately 5:30 PM. When possible, this protocol will be reversed during the second half of the season with the 7th grade playing first at 4:30 and the 8th grade following at 5:30. 10. SUBSTITUTION OF PLAYERS DURING A GAME A player may only substitute into the rotation in one position during each game. A re-entering player shall assume the original position in the serving order in relation to other teammates. In the spirit of equal playing time, players may not be substituted for when in the serving position. 18 GIRLS & BOYS - BASKETBALL 1. TEAM COLORS Alki .................................... White/Light Blue Discovery .......................... Royal Blue Gaiser................................ Purple/Gold Jason Lee.......................... Black McLoughlin ........................ Red Thomas Jefferson.............. Green 2. RUNNING CLOCK RULES a. There will be four 10 minute quarters. The activity director of the school with 7 or fewer players should call the other school before the contest. Changes at the time of contests should only be made in the case of emergencies. b. The clock only stops if: i. Free throws are being shot ii. There are three or more players being substituted iii. A time-out is called or a referee stops the clock. iv. It is the last two minutes of the half. Regular timing rules (stop clock) are in effect the final 2 minutes of each half, unless one team is ahead by 25 or more points. c. Each team will be allowed two 30 second time outs and three 60 second time outs d. In the case of overtimes: i. The first overtime will be three minutes in length. Running clock will be used the first 2 minutes; “stop clock” will then be used during the final minute. ii. Additional overtimes will be one minute in length with regular timing rules (stop clock). e. Teams will shoot one and one on the seventh foul in the half and two on the tenth foul. 3. THREE POINTS SHOTS are legal and are shot from the same distance as in high school. 4. SEASON The number of games will be determined when the number of teams among the schools has been finalized. Nine games per season are recommended. 5. HOLIDAYS AND SCHOOL VACATIONS No practices or coach-sponsored "open gyms" are allowed. 6. TEAM SELECTION A Varsity/JV format will be utilized at each grade level provided turnout is sufficient to allow such a division. Team selection may not occur until after the fifth practice. Team numbers (size of team) on all teams should be within two of each other at all times. The associate principal must approve exceptions. Coaches should inform the opposing coach of any variations and the reasons for them and plans for playing time allotment during the warm-up. 7. REGULATIONS The W.I.A.A. Handbook and the National Federation Rulebook will be followed unless otherwise specified herein. 8. PRE-GAME/HALF-TIME WARM UP Teams will have a minimum of ten minutes for warm-up. There must be a maximum effort by all parties concerned to start the game on time. Length of half time is 5 minutes, unless both coaches agree to extend it with a maximum of 10 minutes. 9. SCORE KEEPERS AND TIMERS Adult or mature high school students will act as score keepers and timers at all grade levels. 10. OVERTIME At the end of regulation play, if the score is tied, there will be a three (3) minute overtime. Successive overtimes will be held until a winner is decided. The first overtime will be three minutes in length. Running clock will be used the first 2 minutes; “ stop clock” will then be used during the final minute. Additional overtimes will be one minute in length with regular timing rules (stop clock). 11. EQUIPMENT The home team will provide the visiting team with an adequate number of balls for warm-up purposes. 12. DRESSING ROOMS 19 Dressing facilities will be made available to visiting teams at the game site. Locker rooms, if used, will be supervised by coaches. 13. COACHES' BENCH CONDUCT Coaches are permitted to use coach’s box as allowed by National Federation Rules. 14. SHOOTING AT HALF-TIME There is to be no shooting at half time by anyone other than the players involved in the contest. Coaches are to assume the responsibility of seeing that basketballs are secured in some manner to keep them from being available to non-participants. 15. SCHOOL UNIFORM Players are to wear the regulation uniform (See page 10). Shirts are to be tucked into the shorts when players are on the court. Special team shirts/warm-ups will not be allowed on the floor of a competition or during a warm-up. School issued sweat suits may be used to supplement the regulation uniform. 16. SPECIAL RULES a. b. c. d. e. The 30-second clock will not be used at the 7th or 8th grade. Free throws will be shot from the 15-foot line for all squads except grade 7 J.V. girls (may shoot from 12 feet) Both seventh and eighth grade boys will use the official men's basketball. 25 point “mercy rule” will result in running clock. 10 second back court rule is in effect for both boys and girls. 17. PRESSES AND ZONES All levels.....A press may be initiated by either team, AT ANY TIME during the game provided that a team has a lead of less than 10 points. A team that has established a 10-point lead may no longer press, but MAY BE PRESSED by the team that is behind. Once the leading team’s lead falls below 10 points, they may reapply the press until the lead reaches the 10-point mark once again. • Zone or Man Press may be used during the contest. However, once the ball is controlled below half court, a transition to person to person defense must be made. • Double-Teaming -- Double-teaming will be allowed once the ball has crossed below the free throw line. All defensive players must be on the same half of the court as the player they are defending. Weak side “help” is allowed, but zones are not. th Front Court Zones – 7 Varsity and All JV Teams: No zone defense may be employed within the front court once the ball is controlled by a player beyond half court. This is the “appeal situation.” The coach who feels he is facing a zone may request a time-out to appeal that the game official assesses the type of defense. This time-out shall be granted (uncharged) during team possession or any dead ball. Players may not go to the bench. If, after appeal, the officials feel that a zone is being played, the defensive team will be warned once each half. If, after a warning, further use of a zone is detected during that half, it shall result in a two-shot technical foul each time it is detected. Zone defense is allowed at the eighth grade varsity level. 20 WRESTLING 1. TEAM COLORS Alki .................................... Black with Light Blue trim Discovery .......................... Royal Blue with White trim Gaiser................................ Purple with White trim Jason Lee.......................... Black with White trim McLoughlin ........................ Red with White trim Thomas Jefferson.............. Green with black trim 2. WEIGHT CLASSES / WEIGH-INS th th a. The following weight classes will be used, with no differentiation between 7 and 8 grade athletes: 75 (min. 64lbs), 80, 85, 90, 95, 100, 106, 113, 120, 126, 132, 138, 145, 152, 160, 170, 182, 195, 220 and Heavyweight (285). b. Weigh-in will occur in the morning, before school, witnessed by the Athletic Director (or designee). Weigh-in will be one time only; no “weight loss and re-weigh later.” Any exceptions must be cleared with the Athletic Director. 3. HEAVYWEIGHTS If the proposed varsity competitors from each team cannot be matched within a safe weight range (i.e., 30 lbs.), the varsity match(es) will be a double forfeit. 4. SEASON / MATCH FORMAT a. All contests will be dual meets. b. Individual match limit= 22 c. Matches will be run on two mats (Varsity and JV) simultaneously. Some JV matches may be held on the varsity mat prior to the start of the actual varsity pairings in an effort to make sure there are an equal number of matches on each mat. 5. MATCH LENGTH/ SCORING a. All matches will consist of 3 rounds lasting 1 minute 30 seconds (or until one wrestler is pinned). In the event of a tie, a 1 minute ‘sudden death’ round will be used, with both wresters starting in the standing position. If the tie remains unbroken, the official will determine the winner. 6. b. Scores will be displayed on either flip cards or the score clock for all individual matches on both mats; however, only the Varsity matches will be recorded on the team score sheet. c. Meets that end in a tie will remain a tie. No tie break rules will be used to determine a winning school (except during crossover matches). VARISTY/ J.V. a. Each school will select one varsity wrestler in each weight class ( if available); remaining athletes in each weight class will wrestle as JV. If there is more than one additional athlete in a weight class, coaches will rank them in order of skills to facilitate appropriate pairings. b. In some cases JV participants may be assigned to wrestle their own teammates if no opponent is available in their weight class. If the other school/coach/athlete all agree, an “unmatched” JV wrestler may be paired against an opponent who has already wrestled, provided there is at least a 30 minutes nd reset period prior to that athlete’s 2 match. c. As the season progresses, every attempt should be made to pair up JV wrestlers who have been in “same school” matches and have not yet had matches against opponents from other schools. Coaches should indicate which athlete to target with FAXing line-ups. 7. OFFICIALS/ WORKERS W.I.A.A. certified wrestling officials shall be used for all matches. Scorekeepers should be adults or responsible high school students familiar with the sport and trained prior to the contest 8. MEET LINE-UP The visiting school shall send a lineup of wrestlers designated Varsity/JV in each weight class to the host school on the morning of the meet; the host school should make every attempt to send a return of the final meet plan indicating actual pairings and “same school” match-ups. If a change in line-up is necessary (due to illness, 21 injury, or disqualification), every attempt should be made to make this change before the actual meet (opposing team notified). 9. MEET WARM-UP Teams shall have a minimum of 20 minutes of warm-up time prior to the start of the meet. 10. UNIFORMS/SHOES School provided singlets are to be worn for competition, and straps are to remain up on the shoulders, even after the match. Wrestlers are not to be at meets bare-chested, with straps off and singlets around their waist. T-shirts may not be worn under the singlet. All competitors must wear legal wrestling shoes; basketball and tennis shoes will not be allowed. Male wrestlers must wear jockey or support briefs-no boxers; female wrestlers may wear like color sports bra under the singlet. 11. FEMALE WRESTLERS Girls are allowed to join and compete on the wrestling team. Coaches need to encourage team members to accept girl competitors on their own squad should they turn out, and to be mentally prepared for the possibility of wrestling a girl in a Varsity or JV match. Coaches may need to educate both athletes and parents regarding Title IX equity issues. If a boy refuses to wrestle a girl in a proposed varsity match, it will be scored as a forfeit, with points awarded to the girl’s team. 12. SPECTATOR BEHAVIOR Spectators should be briefed on appropriate behaviors and kept separate from the team seating area. Spectators should not be walking around or on the mats. 13. GEAR STORAGE The visiting team should be given a secure area in which to store backpacks and gear bags during the match. 14. PHYSICAL ELIGIBILITY Officials will inspect all wrestlers for appropriate uniforms, hair and nail length, and disqualifying skin condition in the locker room prior to the start of the competition. 15. HYGIENE Mats should be mopped and sanitized daily and prior to the meet. Red BBP bags and containers, gloves, disinfectant and wipes are to be on hand for all matches and practices. Coaches should bring spare uniforms to matches. 16. CONDITIONING/ SPORTSMANSHIP All coaches should emphasize conditioning as the desirable means for weight control and injury prevention. In addition, there should be a strong emphasis on sportsmanship exhibited by both individuals and the team, and modeled by the coaching staff. Competitors demonstrate this by shaking hands with their opponent and the opposing coach at the end of each individual match. 22 GIRLS - BOWLING 0. TEAM COLORS Alki .................................... White/Light Blue Discovery .......................... Royal Blue Gaiser................................ Purple/Gold Jason Lee.......................... Black McLoughlin ........................ Red Thomas Jefferson.............. Green 1. EVENTS a. Meet Plan: i. All schools will bowl each other school one twice (ten meets per school total). ii. A meet is won on total pins. Both varsity and junior varsity scores will be calculated. Ties: th th Ties for team match total pins will be broken by a 9 and 10 frame roll-off with one player from each team and will be repeated until the tie is broken. iii. The top 10 girls, based on bowling averages during practices/meets, will be on the “Varsity”. A school’s coach(s) will need to have a plan on how to determine varsity athletes from meet to meet, and the plan will need to be communicated to bowlers and their parents. All other girls will bowl in the meets as “Junior Varsity” bowlers. Only the top 10 JV scores will count toward a team’s JV pin tally. iv. Auto scoring will add the pin total for the five girls on any given lane, but will not add the Baker game or a cumulative pin total. Team totals will need to be calculated by hand by the coaches and recorded in their scorebook. Scorebooks will be used to determine the meet winner and will be kept as documentation of meet results. v. Each girl will bowl a regular game and participate in a Baker Game*. Girls need to be ready to bowl when it is their turn to bowl. vi. Five girls from each school will bowl on adjacent lanes. They will switch lanes from frame to frame during the regular game, but they will not switch lanes during the Baker Game. vii. Middle school meets will start at 4:30 and conclude no later than 5:45. If the meet is not concluded by 5:45, then the overall pin total will include the last complete frames bowled (same frame for each team). Practice may start 10 minutes prior to the start of the meet. viii. The foul line will be on. ix. Crosley staff will be the judge or arbitrator if there are issues to be resolved. x. Coaches will have a team roster delineating Varsity and Junior Varsity bowlers to exchange with the other school’s coach. They will keep a scorebook in which team Varsity and Junior Varsity scores for meets are kept. xi. A clipboard is kept at the sign-in desk that shows what schools will be have a meet on which lanes or are practicing on which lanes. b. Tournament: i. Top 10 girls (“Varsity”) per school participate. ii. Each girl bowls one regular game and two Baker games. iii. Champion is determined by total pins. 2. To consider: a. Evening leagues will follow middle school meets at either 6:20 (Monday and Thursday) or 7:00 (Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays). The latter days are preferable for our meets. b. Regular game takes an adult bowler 45 minutes, and a Baker Game 15 minutes. c. Crosley needs 2 minutes per lane to clean and oil them before league bowling starts. Crosley has 42 lanes. Baker Game: A team game in which bowler 1 leads off in the first frame, bowler 2 bowls the second frame, bowler 3 the third frame, etc. up to bowler 5. Bowler 1 bowls the sixth frame, etc. until the game is done. 23 GIRLS & BOYS - TRACK 0. TEAM COLORS Alki .................................... White Discovery .......................... Royal Blue Gaiser................................ Purple/Gold Jason Lee.......................... Black McLoughlin. ....................... Red Thomas Jefferson.............. Green 1. CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM th th The classification system of A, B, and C will be divided by grade level: 8 grade = A Division, 7 grade = B th Division, and 6 grade = C Division. 2. ELIGIBILITY LISTS Eligibility lists must be sent to associate principals at all schools by the date assigned by the associate principals 3. NUMBER OF EVENTS In any competition, a participant may enter a maximum of four (4) events per meet. If four (4) events are entered, one must be a relay. An athlete may run in the 800 and 1600. Relays count as events (W.I.A.A. Handbook). 4. STAGGER FOR DISTANCE RACES 800-1600 -- To start from a curved scratch start line, runners cut to pole when two (2) strides ahead. 400 -- To be run in lanes the entire distance. 5. FALSE STARTS A runner will be eliminated from a running event with one (1) false start. The decision to re-run a race will be that of the Athletic Director in charge in consultation with the starter. 6. FINISH LINE A line, placed across the track at the point where the race is to end, should be used in all races, including the mile run, where two races will be run at the same time. 7. NATIONAL FEDERATION TRACK AND FIELD GUIDE If situations arise that are not covered by league guidelines, the National Federation Track and Field Guide and the Washington Interscholastic Activities Association Handbook rules will apply. 8. TRACK MEASUREMENT The track will be measured in meters (field events shall continue to use the standard English system of measurement instead of metric). 9. MEET RULES Order of events: Running events will comply with the order listed below (some events may be combined for expediency purposes). In Spring 2015, girls’ running events will be held first. Events will be sixth grade, followed by seventh grade, followed by eighth grade. Field events will be run simultaneously. Scoring: Dual meet events will be scored 5, 3, and 1 with 1 relay counted. Triangular meets will be scored in accordance with National Federation Rules. 24 10. ORDER OF EVENTS Running: 1600 (all grade levels simultaneously) 100 Hurdles 100 400 200 800 800 Relay (all grade levels simultaneously) 400 Relay (all grade levels simultaneously) Field Events: Boys Shotput Boys Long Jump Boys High Jump Boys Discus Girls Shotput Girl Long Jump Girls High Jump Girls Discus 11. LANE ASSIGNMENTS - DUAL MEETS The home team will use lanes 1,3,5, and 7. The visiting team will be assigned to the even lanes 2,4,6, and 8. 12. EQUIPMENT "A" boys will use the eight-pound (8) shotput. "B” and "C" boys and all girls will use the six-pound (6) shotput. 13. OPEN PIT In dual meets, the "open pit" format will be used in the long jump. 14. STARTING HEIGHTS FOR HIGH JUMP DURING REGULAR SEASON BOYS: 3’8” (all divisions) GIRLS: 3’6” (all divisions) Two consecutive misses eliminate a jumper. 15. EXCHANGE JUDGES In dual meets (relays only) each school will provide one coach to serve as a judge in each relay exchange area. 16. ALL STAR TRACK MEET Each team will bring their top athlete per event per division. Responsibilities for each event will rotate each year. All events will begin at 4:30. All of the events will follow set guidelines as stated in the Vancouver Public Schools Middle School Activity Handbook, with the exception of: Number of events: Students may participate in a maximum of three events in any combination. Number of throws/jumps: Each athlete participating in field events will only get three throws or jumps. High jump starting heights: Boys 4’0 and Girls 3’8 Scoring: st 1 place = 8 points nd 2 place = 6 points rd 3 place = 4 points th 4 place = 3 points th 5 place = 2 points th 6 place = 1 points Lane assignments will rotate per event and each year. APPENDICES 25 Appendix A PARTICIPATING SCHOOLS DIRECTORY ALKI Darci Fronk, Principal Doug Warner, Associate Principal Casey Greco, Activities Coordinator Erin Redd, ASB Clerk DISCOVERY Mark Cain, Principal Marjorie McCluer, Associate Principal (Athletic Director) Jennifer Holm, Associate Principal Jamie Davis, ASB Clerk 1800 NW Bliss Road Vancouver, WA 98685 Phone 313-3200 800 E. 40th Street Vancouver, WA 98663 Phone 313-3300 GAISER Mike Lane, Principal Greg Clark, Associate Principal (Athletic Director) Sheri Backous, Associate Principal Allison Luce, ASB Clerk JASON LEE Curt Scheidel, Principal Luke LeCount, Associate Principal (Athletic Director) Gayle Yankee, ASB Clerk MCLOUGHLIN Travis Boeh, Principal Jim Condon, Associate Principal (Athletic Director) Megan Vickery, Associate Principal Jennifer Monagle, ASB Clerk THOMAS JEFFERSON Tom Adams, Principal Brian Luderman, Associate Principal (Athletic Director) Anita Chase, Associate Principal Nancy Smedley, ASB Clerk 3000 N.E. 99th. Street Vancouver, WA 98665 Phone 313-3400 8500 N.W. 9th. Avenue Vancouver, WA 98665 Phone 313-3500 5802 MacArthur Boulevard Vancouver, WA 98661 Phone 313-3600 th 3000 NW 119 St. Vancouver, WA 98685 Phone 313-3700 26 Appendix B HEAD COACHES Basic Function: Provide leadership, supervision, and organization of a specific athletic activity. Accountability: Responsible to the Building Administrators. Responsibilities: 1. Select equipment, make recommendations for purchases, and prepare bid specifications. (See Appendix D) Prepare annually a five-year plan for on-going inventory maintenance. 2. Responsible for maintenance and repair of equipment. (Football—keep written records of annual helmet inspection, reconditioning, and replacement.) 3. Responsible for issuance and return of equipment and uniforms. 4. Responsible for reporting at end of season information on lost, damaged, or stolen equipment. 5. Arrange for cleaning, storing, and inventorying all equipment. (See Appendix E) 6. Responsible to see that only student athletes who have been properly cleared through the school business office are issued equipment or allowed to turn out for practice. 7. Organize, direct, and supervise all practice sessions, retaining written or audio-taped plans inclusive of safety instructions. 8. Treat all injuries with discretion, rendering first aid when deemed necessary and feasible, and follow through on injuries by keeping up to date on the status of each injury. 9. File accident report when applicable. 10. Require written medical release from attending physician to allow return of an injured athlete. 11. Conduct pre-season coaches' meeting with building coaching staff. 12. Attend WIAA rules interpretation clinics annually. 13. At the season's inception, coordinate with assistant principal any conflicts related to game/practice times or facility use. 14. Accompany and direct his/her team in all interscholastic activities at home or away, and shall be responsible for the conduct of his/her team and assistant coaches at such activities. 15. Directly supervise or designate a supervisor of all dressing rooms and lock up all facilities at the close of each practice or contest. 16. Apply discipline in a fair, positive manner. Parent/Guardian will be notified if playing time or team membership is affected by disciplinary action. 17. File a discipline report with the assistant principal when applicable. Appendix B (continued) 27 18. Be responsible for care and proper use of facilities. 19. Recommend additions and/or improvements for the care and maintenance of facilities. 20. Prepare fields and facilities with the assistance of the coaching staff. 21. Provide information to parents/patrons as appropriate. 22. Attend pre and post season meetings. 23. Adhere to the rules and regulations of the Vancouver School District. 24. Select and instruct team managers on the proper care of equipment, facilities, and cleanup, and other duties as assigned. 25. Provide each student athlete with a written copy of any rules and regulations. 26. Keep abreast of new ideas and techniques relating to his/her sport. 27. Know the rules and regulations regarding his/her sport. 28. Emphasize safety precautions and be aware of training and injury precautions. 29. Submit recommendations for schedule for next year. 30. Provide Athletic Department reports and information as required. 31. Communicate any individual or team "problems" to the assistant principal. 32. Exercise sound and discretionary judgment relative to his/her direction of his/her players as a school representative. 33. Make every effort possible to verify that his/her athletes are in attendance at school the day of an athletic contest. (An athlete is not to participate in the contest unless the principal or assistant principal grants permission.) 34. Serve on Disciplinary Review Board if requested. 35. Maintain written documentation of the amount of playing time for each of his/her team members. 36. Follow the philosophy of the Vancouver School District Middle School Activities Program. 28 Appendix C ASSISTANT COACHES Basic Function: Provide leadership, supervision, and organization of a specific athletic activity. Accountability: Responsible to the head coach and the building administrators. Responsibility: 1. Assist the head coach in carrying out his/her responsibilities as stated in Appendix B. 2. Perform other appropriate duties as assigned by head coach or building administrator. 29 Appendix D VOLLEYBALL SAFETY GUIDELINES This school strives to protect each student from possible injury while engaging in school activities. The guidelines and/or practices identified below have been established for this activity in order to protect the student and others from injury and/or illness. Participants and their parents should recognize that conditioning, nutrition, proper techniques, safety procedures, and well-fitting equipment are important aspects of this training program. Each participant is expected to follow the directions/standards of the coach. Travel to and from off-campus facilities shall be in accordance with the directions of the activity coach. Guidelines are as follows: 1. Make certain that you wear all equipment that is issued by the coach. Advise the coach of any poorly-fitted or defective equipment. 2. Advise the coach if you are ill or have any prolonged symptom of illness. 3. Advise the coach if you have been injured. 4. Engage in warm-up activities prior to strenuous participation. 5. Be alert for any physical hazards in the locker room or in or around the participation area. Advise coach of any hazard. 6. Be aware of court surroundings, i.e., obstacles, projections, bleachers, standards, etc. The above information has been explained to me and I understand the list of rules and procedures. I also understand the necessity of using the proper techniques while participating in the volleyball program. Because of the potential for physical injury, I recognize the importance of following coaches' instructions regarding techniques, training and other team rules, etc., and to agree to obey such instructions. Athlete's Signature Date Parent's/Guardian's Signature Date 30 Appendix E FOOTBALL SAFETY GUIDELINES This school strives to protect each student from possible injury while engaging in school activities. The guidelines and/or practices identified below have been established for this activity in order to protect the student and others from injury and/or illness. Participants and their parents should recognize that conditioning, nutrition, proper techniques, safety procedures, and well-fitting equipment are important aspects of this training program. Each participant is expected to follow the directions/standards of the coach. Travel to and from off-campus facilities shall be in accordance with the directions of the activity coach. Guidelines are as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Make certain that you wear all equipment that is issued by the coach. Advise the coach of any poorly-fitted or defective equipment. Advise the coach if you are ill or have any prolonged symptoms of illness. Advise the coach if you have been injured. Engage in warm-up activities prior to strenuous participation. Be alert for any physical hazards in the locker room or in or around the participation area. Advise coach of any hazard. TACKLING, BLOCKING, AND RUNNING THE BALL: Tackling and blocking techniques are basically the same. Contact is to be made above the belt, but not initially with the helmet. The player should always be in a position of balance, knees bent, back straight, body slightly bent forward, head up and the target area as near to the body as possible with the main contact being made with the shoulder. When properly blocking or tackling an opponent, contact with your helmet will naturally result. Therefore, technique is most important in order to prevent or reduce the likelihood of injury. Blocking and tackling by not keeping the helmet as close to the body as possible may result in a shoulder injury and a separation or a pinched nerve in the neck area. Injuries as a result of improper techniques can range from minor to disabling or even death. Improper body alignment can put the spinal column in a vulnerable position for injury. The development of strength in the neck muscles through isometric-type exercises will enable the participant to hold his/her head up even after getting tired during a workout or contest. BASIC HITTING (CONTACT) POSITION AND FUNDAMENTAL TECHNIQUE: • • • Strained muscle injuries can range from ankle injuries to serious knee injuries requiring surgery. The rules have made blocking below the waist (outside a two-yard by fouryard area next to the football) illegal. Cleats are restricted to no more than one-half inch to further help prevent knee injuries. A runner with the ball, however, may be tackled around the legs. In tackling, the rules prohibit initial contact with the helmet or grabbing the face mask on the edge of the helmet. Initial helmet contact may result in a bruise; dislocation; broken bone; head injury; or internal injury such as kidneys, spleen, bladder, etc. Grabbing the face mask or helmet edge may result in a neck injury which could result in 31 injuries ranging from a muscle strain to a dislocation, nerve injury, or spinal column damage which could cause paralysis or death. EQUIPMENT: An athlete is required to wear all issued equipment. If equipment is damaged or does not fit correctly, the athlete must inform his coach immediately before use. Shoulder pads, helmets, hip pads, and pants (including thigh pads and knee pads) must have proper fitting and use. A shoulder pad that is too small will leave the shoulder point vulnerable to bruises or separations. A shoulder pad that is too tight in the neck area may result in a possible pinched nerve. A shoulder pad which is too large will leave the neck area poorly protected and will slide on the shoulders, making them vulnerable to bruises or separations. Helmets must fit snugly at the contact points; front, back, and top of head. The helmet must be safety "NOCSAE" branded, the chin straps must be fastened, and the cheek pads must be of the proper thickness. A fit that is too loose could result in headaches, a concussion, a face injury such as a broken nose or cheekbone or a neck injury that is possibly quite serious such as paralysis or even death. The above information has been explained to me and I understand the list of rules and procedures. I also understand the necessity of using the proper techniques while participating in the football program. I am aware that tackle football is a high-risk sport and that practicing or competing in tackle football will be a dangerous activity involving MANY RISKS OF INJURY. I understand that the dangers and risks of practicing and competing in tackle football include, but are not limited to, death, serious neck and spinal injuries which may result in complete or partial paralysis, brain damage, serious injury to virtually all internal organs., serious injury to virtually all bones, joints, ligaments, muscles, tendons and other aspects of my body, general health and well-being. I understand that the dangers and risks of practicing or competing in tackle football may result not only in serious injury, but in a serious impairment of my future abilities to earn a living, to engage in other business, social and recreational activities and generally to enjoy life. Because of the dangers of tackle football, I recognize the importance of following coaches' instructions regarding techniques, training and other team rules, etc., and to agree to obey such instructions. I, , am the parent/legal guardian of (student). I have read the above warning and release and understand its terms. I understand that tackle football is a HIGH-RISK SPORT involving many RISKS OF INJURY, including but not limited to those risks outline above. Athlete's Signature Date Parent's/Guardian's Signature Date 32 Appendix F FLAG FOOTBALL SAFETY GUIDELINES This school strives to protect each student from possible injury while engaging in school activities. The guidelines and/or practices identified below have been established for this activity in order to protect the student and others from injury and/or illness. Participants and their parents should recognize that conditioning, nutrition, proper techniques, safety procedures, and well-fitting equipment are important aspects of this training program. Each participant is expected to follow the directions/standards of the coach. Travel to and from off-campus facilities shall be in accordance with the directions of the activity coach. Guidelines are as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Make certain that you wear all equipment that is issued by the coach. Advise the coach of any poorly-fitted or defective equipment. Advise the coach if you are ill or have any prolonged symptoms of illness. Advise the coach if you have been injured. Engage in warm-up activities prior to strenuous participation. Be alert for any physical hazards in the locker room or in or around the participation area. Advise coach of any hazard. TACKLING, BLOCKING, AND RUNNING THE BALL: Tackling and blocking techniques are not the same for flag football. Contact for blocking is to be made above the belt. The player should always be in a position of balance, knees bent, back straight, body slightly bent forward, head up and the target area as near to the body as possible with the main contact being made with the shoulder. Injury may result if an attempt to block an opposing player is done with arms extended. When pulling the flag for tackling, no contact with the body should be made to the opposing player. The flag is to be grasped with the hands, and pulled out of its suction socket from the flag belt. Flag belts should be secured snuggly around the waist with the uniform jersey tucked in. When running with the ball, the runner may not swipe away an opposing player’s arm in an attempt to avoid flag pulling. Arm and shoulder injuries may occur if the runner attempts to do so. Injuries as a result of improper techniques can range from minor to disabling or even death. Improper body alignment can put the spinal column in a vulnerable position for injury. The development of strength in the arms, shoulders, legs, back, and neck muscles through isometric-type exercises will enable the participant to execute the proper skills and techniques, even after getting tired during a practice or workout. BASIC HITTING (CONTACT) POSITION AND FUNDAMENTAL TECHNIQUE: • • • Strained muscle injuries can range from ankle injuries to serious knee injuries requiring surgery. The rules have made blocking below the waist illegal. Cleats are restricted to no more than one-half inch to further help prevent knee injuries. In tackling, the rules prohibit physical contact with the body. Initial physical contact may result in a bruise; dislocation; broken bone; head injury; or internal injury such as kidneys, spleen, bladder, etc. EQUIPMENT: 33 An athlete is required to wear all issued equipment. If equipment is damaged or does not fit correctly, the athlete must inform his coach immediately before use. Flag belts should be fitted properly, and be secured snuggly around the waist. Since football pads are not worn for flag football, the physical contact of blocking may result in injury including but not limited to: cut, scrape, bruise, dislocation, broken bone, head injury, or internal injury such as kidneys, spleen, bladder, etc. The above information has been explained to me and I understand the list of rules and procedures. I also understand the necessity of using the proper techniques while participating in the flag football program. I am aware that flag football is a high-risk sport and that practicing or competing in flag football will be a dangerous activity involving MANY RISKS OF INJURY. I understand that the dangers and risks of practicing and competing in flag football include, but are not limited to, death, serious neck and spinal injuries which may result in complete or partial paralysis, brain damage, serious injury to virtually all internal organs., serious injury to virtually all bones, joints, ligaments, muscles, tendons and other aspects of my body, general health and well-being. I understand that the dangers and risks of practicing or competing in flag football may result not only in serious injury, but in a serious impairment of my future abilities to earn a living, to engage in other business, social and recreational activities and generally to enjoy life. Because of the dangers of flag football, I recognize the importance of following coaches' instructions regarding techniques, training and other team rules, etc., and to agree to obey such instructions. I, , am the parent/legal guardian of (student). I have read the above warning and release and understand its terms. I understand that flag football is a HIGH-RISK SPORT involving many RISKS OF INJURY, including but not limited to those risks outline above. Athlete's Signature Date Parent's/Guardian's Signature Date 34 Appendix G BASKETBALL SAFETY GUIDELINES This school strives to protect each student from possible injury while engaging in school activities. The guidelines and/or practices identified below have been established for this activity in order to protect the student and others from injury and/or illness. Participants and their parents should recognize that conditioning, nutrition, proper techniques, safety procedures, and well-fitting equipment are important aspects of this training program. Each participant is expected to follow the directions/standards of the coach. Travel to and from off-campus facilities shall be in accordance with the directions of the activity coach. Guidelines are as follows: 1. Make certain that you wear all equipment that is issued by the coach. Advise the coach of any poorly fitted or defective equipment. 2. Advise the coach if you are ill or have any prolonged symptoms of illness. 3. Advise the coach if you have been injured. 4. Engage in warm-up activities prior to strenuous participation. 5. Be alert for any physical hazards in the locker room or in or around the participation area. Advise coach of any hazard. 6. Recognize the possible danger from such actions as: "undercutting" a player, hanging on the basket, throwing a "wild" pass. The above information has been explained to me and I understand the list of rules and procedures. I also understand the necessity of using the proper techniques while participating in the basketball program. Because of the potential for physical injury, I recognize the importance of following coaches' instructions regarding techniques, training and other team rules, etc., and do agree to obey such instructions. Athlete's Signature Date Parent's/Guardian's Signature Date 35 Appendix H WRESTLING SAFETY GUIDELINES This school strives to protect each student from possible injury while engaging in school activities. The guidelines and/or practices identified below have been established for this activity in order to protect the student and others from injury and/or illness. Participants and their parents should recognize that conditioning, nutrition, proper techniques, safety procedures, and well-fitting equipment are important aspects of this training program. Each participant is expected to follow the directions/standards of the coach. Travel to and from off-campus facilities shall be in accordance with the directions of the activity coach. Guidelines are as follows: 1. Make certain that you wear all equipment that is issued by the coach. Advise the coach of any poorly fitted or defective equipment. 2. Advise the coach if you are ill or have any prolonged symptoms of illness. 3. Advise the coach if you have been injured. 4. Engage in warm-up activities prior to strenuous participation. 5. Be alert for any physical hazards in the locker room or around the participation area. Advise coach of any hazard. 6. Recognize and avoid illegal holds as defined by the rulebook. Wear appropriate, proper-fitting apparel when wrestling with an opponent, either in practice or in a match. Wrestle a safe distance from walls and other obstructions. All wrestling will be done on mats and only under the supervision of a coach. The above information has been explained to me and I understand the necessity of using proper techniques while participating in the wrestling program. I am aware that wrestling is a high-risk sport and that practicing or competing in wrestling can be a dangerous activity involving many risks of injury including, but not limited to, injuries to joints, ligaments, muscles, bones, internal organs as well as potentially serious neck and spinal injuries, even death. I understand that these dangers could result not only in serious injury, but also in impairment of my future ability to earn a living and engage in business, social and recreational activities Because of the potential for physical injury, I recognize the importance of following coaches' instructions regarding wrestling techniques, safety procedures, training and other rules, etc., and agree to obey such instructions. Athlete's Signature Date Parent's/Guardian's Signature Date 36 Appendix J TRACK SAFETY GUIDELINES This school strives to protect each student from possible injury while engaging in school activities. The guidelines and/or practices identified below have been established for this activity in order to protect the student and others from injury and/or illness. Participants and their parents should recognize that conditioning, nutrition, proper techniques, safety procedures, and well-fitting equipment are important aspects of this training program. Each participant is expected to follow the directions/standards of the coach. Travel to and from off-campus facilities shall be in accordance with the directions of the activity coach. Guidelines are as follows: 1. Make certain that you wear all equipment that is issued by the coach. Advise the coach of any ill-fitted or defective equipment. 2. Advise the coach if you are ill or have any prolonged symptoms of illness. 3. Advise the coach if you have been injured. 4. Engage in warm-up activities prior to strenuous participation. 5. Be alert for any physical hazards in the locker room or in or around the participation area. Advise coach of any hazard. 6. Recognize the safety rules for restricted areas, e.g. discus, shot-put, high jump. These areas must be supervised. 7. Stay on the designated running courses. 8. Check equipment, apparatus, field and pits thoroughly before each use, e.g., debris in jumping pits, placement of standards. The above information has been explained to me and I understand the list of rules and procedures. I also understand the necessity of using the proper techniques while participating in the track program. Because of the potential for physical injury, I recognize the importance of following coaches' instructions regarding techniques, training, and other team rules, etc., and to agree to obey each instruction. Athlete's Signature Date Parent/Guardian Signature Date 37 Appendix J ATHLETIC SCHOLASTIC SAMPLE PROBATION CONTRACT The Vancouver Middle Schools adhere to the scholastic standards established by the Washington Interscholastic Activities Association (W.I.A.A.) in the Handbook, Article 18.6.0 Pg. 35, which states: A student shall have passed at least 6 subjects in a 7 period day in the immediately preceding quarter/trimester in order to be eligible for competition the following quarter/trimester. The record at the end of the quarter/trimester shall be final, except for those credits earned in a regular accredited summer school program and accepted by the school district. Review of your son/daughter 's grades shows he/she is deficient in this area. His/her failing grades in the previous grading period were in: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Therefore, in order to provide your son/daughter the opportunity to participate during the current athletic season, he/she is being placed on scholastic probation. During the probationary period, students will still be expected to practice with their team. 's academic performance will be evaluated weekly by him/her providing a performance checklist showing his/her current grades (notarized by teacher's signature) to the associateprincipal at the designated times. If, during the probation period, it is indicated by the weekly progress check that your son/daughter 's classroom performance has fallen below the minimum standard of passing 6 subjects in a 7 period day, he/she will not be allowed to participate in contests until he/she meets standard at the next scheduled progress check. At such time as his/her academic deficiency is corrected, as evidenced by a checklist report or latest quarter/trimester report card, he/she will once again become eligible to participate in the next scheduled contest. To indicate that you understand the above conditions for participating in interscholastic sports, please sign below. STUDENT DATE PARENT/GUARDIAN DATE ASSOCIATE-PRINCIPAL DATE 38
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