Rowan- Salisbury Schools Athletic Manual

Athletic Manual
High and Middle School Directory .................................................................................... 4
Policy 6-7 Interscholastic Activities .............................................................................. 5-11
Policy 6-8 Extracurricular Activities ........................................................................... 12-15
Athletic Wait Period ........................................................................................................ 16
Purchases ....................................................................................................................... 17
Athletics Offered in Rowan-Salisbury Schools ............................................................... 18
North Carolina Coaches Association Code of Ethics ..................................................... 19
Duties of the Athletics Director ...................................................................................... 20
Role of the Athletics Director .................................................................................... 20-21
Coaching Guidelines of the Athletics Director ............................................................... 21
Naming Head Coaches and Athletic Directors .............................................................. 22
Number for each Sport .................................................................................................. 22
Volunteer Coaches ........................................................................................................ 22
Non-Faculty Assistant Coaches ............................................................................... 22-23
Non-Faculty Head Coaches .......................................................................................... 23
Salaries or Other Remuneration .................................................................................... 23
Teaching Loads and Duties ........................................................................................... 23
Middle School ................................................................................................................ 23
Athletic Contest Ejection Policy ..................................................................................... 23
Responsibilities of the Coaches .................................................................................... 24
Licensed Athletic Trainers and Athletic First Responders ........................................ 24-25
RSS Athletic Eligibility Regulations for Student athletes in High School .................. 25-26
Eligibility Requirements for Athletes Transferring into a School ..................................... 26
365 Wait Period .............................................................................................................. 26
Tryout/selection Criteria .................................................................................................. 26
Relations between H.S. Athletic Departments and Feeder M.S. Athletic Departments . 26
Adding/Dropping Sports Teams ..................................................................................... 26
Lettering for Team Support Persons .............................................................................. 26
Uniforms and Teams ...................................................................................................... 27
Scheduling of Athletic Contests ...................................................................................... 27
Athletic Purchasing ......................................................................................................... 27
Exams ............................................................................................................................. 27
Law Enforcement at Games ........................................................................................... 27
Initiation or Hazing .......................................................................................................... 27
Water Consumption during Practices and Games ......................................................... 27
Athletic Participation Forms ........................................................................................... 27
Out of State Contests ............................................................................................... 27-28
Medical Examination ..................................................................................................... 28
Guidelines for Middle Schools ....................................................................................... 28
Henderson Students ...................................................................................................... 28
Beginning of Football Practice for Middle School .......................................................... 28
Eligibility Lists for Middle Schools .................................................................................. 28
Age Requirements for Middle School Athletes ............................................................... 28
Night Contests for Middle Schools ................................................................................ 28
Games or Matches during the School Day ..................................................................... 28
Player Conduct ......................................................................................................... 28-29
Attendance Requirement ............................................................................................... 29
Absences from Participation during Holiday Breaks ...................................................... 29
Practice for Team .......................................................................................................... 29
Double Participation Rule .............................................................................................. 30
Regulations for Athletic Practice Facility approval ......................................................... 30
Use of Tobacco Products on School Premises ............................................................. 30
Rowan-Salisbury School System’s Sports Camp Guidelines ................................... 30-31
Insurance for Student Athletes ....................................................................................... 32
Admission Tickets and Passes to Athletic Events .......................................................... 33
School System Cheerleading Policies and Procedures ............................................ 34-35
Recommended Guidelines Governing Cheerleading Safety from the NCHSAA ............ 36
Hot Weather Guidelines ............................................................................................ 37-38
RSS Lightning Policy and Guidelines ........................................................................ 39-40
Athletic Activity Crowd Control Planning ................................................................... 41-45
Eligibility Lists for Middle Schools ................................................................................... 46
Age Requirements for Middle School Athletes ............................................................... 46
Night Contests for Middle Schools ................................................................................. 46
Games or Matches During the School Day .................................................................... 46
Player Conduct ............................................................................................................... 46
Attendance Requirement ................................................................................................ 46
Semester Rule ................................................................................................................ 47
Middle School Basketball-sportsmanship/Mercy Rule ……………………………………. 47
Extra Innings-Middle School Baseball ……………………………………………………….47
RSS Board Policy for Middle School Instruction ........................................................ 47-48
RSS Middle & High School Athletic Participation Form (Appendix 1) ....................... 49-53
Certification of Domicile for Athletic Participation (Appendix 2) ...................................... 54
Concussions in Sports-What Every Parent and Student-Athlete Needs to Know …….. 55
Human Resources Process for Athletics (Appendix 3) ................................................... 56
Memorandum to High School Principals ……………………………………………………57
RSS 2011-12 H.S. Coaching Allotment (Appendix 4) .................................................... 58
RSS High Schools Athletic Stipend Scale 2011-12 (Appendix 5) .................................. 59
RSS 2011-12 M.S. Coaching Allotments for Grades 7/8 (Appendix 6) .......................... 60
RSS Middle School Athletic Stipend Schedule 2011-12 (Appendix 7) ........................... 61
RSS 2011-12 Coaching/Athletic Assignment Agreement 2009-10 (Appendix 8) ........... 62
Verification of Coaching Experience (Appendix 9) ......................................................... 63
Athletic Director Tally (Appendix 10) ......................................................................... 64-65
Application Instructions for Non-Staff Paid Athletic Coaches (Appendix 11) .................. 66
A.D. Checklist for Hiring Athletic Coaches (Appendix 12) .............................................. 67
Volunteer Agreement (Appendix 13) .............................................................................. 68
Employment Profile for Returning Coaches(Appendix 14) ............................................. 69
RSS High School Athletic Eligibility-Questions and Answers (Appendix 15) ............ 70-72
Concussion Return to Play Form (Appendix 16) ............................................................ 73
Gradual Return to Play Plan ………………………………………………………………… 74
Ticket Sales (Accounts Receivable) ………………………………………………….......... 75
Ticket Seller’s Report ………………………………………………………………………… 76
Admission Ticket Inventory (Accounts Receivable). ………………………………….. 77-78
Recommendation for Employment/Transfer ……………………………………………….. 79
Athletics Director
East Rowan High
Julia Erdie
Chad Mitchell, John McNeil
North Rowan High
Darrell McDowell
Bryan Mills
Salisbury High
Avis Williams
Dale Snyder
South Rowan High
Jesse Carson High
West Rowan High
China Grove Middle
Angie Chrismon
Kelly Withers
704-278-9233 Jamie Durant
704-857-7038 Dennis Hobbs
Corriher-Lipe Middle 704-857-7946
Beverly Pugh
Mark Woody
Todd Bell
Jim Barringer
Doug Pruitt
Erwin Middle
704-279-7265 Rick Vanhoy
Knox Middle
704-633-2922 Terrence Snider
Dominique Bates
North Rowan Middle
Alan Walton
Southeast Middle
704-638-5561 Jennifer Lentz
West Rowan Middle
Alexis Cowan
Janet Lott-Mitchell/Chris Boylan
Nancy Barkemeyer Tara Hoffman
Chapter VI
6-7 Interscholastic Activities
The Board believes individual students will benefit through opportunities to grow
physically and intellectually through their experience in self-discipline and their
contribution to team effort made possible through competitive interschool and
intramural team and individual activities. Participation in interscholastic competitions
shall be voluntary and shall be governed by the regulations of the appropriate state
It is the Board’s policy to provide secondary students interscholastic athletic
competition in a variety of sports. Students shall be allowed to participate in
individual sports on the basis of their physical condition and desire. Qualified
personnel shall be provided for coaching and supervising individual sports. The
scope of the athletic program shall depend upon the interest shown by the
students and the availability of funds, facilities, and coaches. In addition, it is
the policy of the Board to provide intramural athletic activities as an outgrowth
of class instruction in physical education and commensurate with the grade
level of the students involved.
The purpose of athletics shall be both educational and recreational. The
athletic program should encourage participation by as many males and females
as possible and should be carried on with the best interests of the participants
as the first consideration. Although the Board desires a successful
interscholastic athletic program, this program shall always be secondary to the
requirements of the instructional program.
General Guidelines
1. Participation in interscholastic athletics is limited to students in grades
2. The athletic program is an integral part of the secondary school
curriculum and comes under the authority of the principal to the same
degree as do all other phases of the curriculum. Those teachers having direct
responsibility for the conduct of the athletic program of the school are required
to conform in all ways to the general education program as laid down by the
Board and administration, including such matters as schedules, financial
expenditures, relationships with other schools, and health and safety
3. In order to be eligible for practice or participation in interscholastic athletic
contests, a player must receive a medical examination once every 365 days by
a duly licensed physician, nurse practitioner, or physician’s assistant and be
cleared to play. Students absent from athletic practice for five or more days
due to illness or injury shall receive a medical release by a physician licensed
to practice medicine before readmittance to practice or contests.
4. Participation in interscholastic athletics shall be subject to the approval by
the Board. This shall include approval of membership in any leagues,
associations, or conferences, or rules for student participation.
5. Students and parents will be required to secure adequate hospital and
accident insurance.
6. Middle school teams shall not be dismissed from school early to attend any
interscholastic athletic event. High school students shall not be dismissed from
school early to attend interscholastic athletic events except to participate in
those events sponsored by the North Carolina High School Athletic Association
or other reorganized athletic governing body (e.g. United States Swimming,
Inc.). The principal shall approve all early dismissals.
7. No student may participate at a second school during the same
sport season. Participation in tryouts or practices is considered participation in
the sport.
8. If a student, with living parent(s), has a custody reassignment that
results in his/her attending a school in a different attendance area from where
either parent resides, the student will be ineligible for athletic participation for
his/her remaining high school years. A student/legal custodian with hardship
situations may apply to the Board of Education for a waiver of the student’s
ineligibility. Hardship situations may include: (1) the death, serious illness, or
incarceration of a parent or legal guardian; (2) the abandonment by a parent
or legal guardian of the complete control of the student as evidenced by the
failure to provide substantial financial support and parental guidance; (3)
abuse or neglect by the parent or legal guardian; (4) the physical or mental
condition of the parent prevents the adequate care for the student; or (5) the
loss or uninhabitability of the student’s home as the result of a natural disaster.
Guidelines- High School Athletics
1. The secondary schools shall be members of recognized athletic associations
(i.e. North Carolina High School Athletic Association) and conferences and shall
be subject to the regulations of the conferences and associations.
2. Attendance: A player must have been in attendance for at least 85 percent
of the previous semester at an approved high school. For a regular 90-day
semester, the student must not have missed more than 13 days.
Scholastic Requirement: A student must pass three courses for schools
on the “block” format during the preceding semester and meet all local
promotion standards to be eligible at any time during the present semester.
4. Eight Semester Rule: No student may be eligible to participate at the high
school level for a period lasting longer than eight consecutive semesters,
beginning with the student’s first entry into grade nine or participation on a high
school team, whichever occurs first.
5.Maximum Number of Seasons: No student may be approved for a high
school contest if he/she has taken part in contests during four separate seasons
in that sport (one season per year, whether the sport is played in North Carolina
or not).
6. Age of Player: No student may be approved for any athletic contest if his
or her 19th birthday comes on or before August 31 of that school year.
any at
7. Certification of Domicile for Athletic Participation: Prior to participation in
athletic practice or competition, parents/custodians must provide written
verification of domicile and sign a certification of domicile form(Appendix 2). If
it is discovered that a student’s domicile was falsified in order to attend a
particular school, the student’s participation in interscholastic athletics may be
denied. Staff members (including full-time, part-time, non-faculty coaches or
volunteers) who exercise direct or indirect influence upon prospective athletes
in an attempt to influence the athlete’s school assignment or violate any
portion of this policy, will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including
the termination of employment. To establish athletic eligibility, parents of a
newly enrolled student must provide evidence of domicile in that school’s
attendance zone as well as evidence they have abandoned their previous
residence. Under no circumstances can a student have more than one
residence for athletic eligibility purposes.
8. Felony Policy: Any student who is subject to the eight semester rule who
(1) is convicted of a crime classified as a felony under North Carolina federal
law, or (2) is adjudicated delinquent for an offense that would be a felony if
committed by an adult, is not eligible to participate in the North Carolina High
School Athletic Association sports program.
D. Guidelines – Middle School Athletics
Rowan-Salisbury School System recognizes the Standards set forth by the
North Carolina High School Athletic Association (NCHSAA) for middle and high
school athletics. In addition to these Standards, Rowan-Salisbury middle
schools recognize academics as a priority and shall adopt local standards in
accordance with gateways and other promotional requirements to ensure each
student has maximized learning for maximized success. Although the Board
desires a successful athletic program, athletics shall always be secondary to
the requirements of the instructional program. Athletics and interscholastic
programs are an integral part of the secondary school curriculum and comes
under the authority of the principal to the same degree, as do all other phases
of the curriculum. As of January 1, 2003, the following guidelines are in effect
at each middle school within the Rowan-Salisbury School System.
1. Promotion
Regardless of the school organization pattern, a student who is promoted from
the sixth grade to the seventh grade or seventh to eighth grade must have
demonstrated adequate academic performance during the previous semester.
Adequate performance is exhibited by a student passing three of four core
subjects on the block schedule or five of seven on the traditional schedule.
Although a student is deemed “academically eligible” for a semester under
NCHSAA Standards, local policy allows a student to be placed on academic
probation for participation in any interscholastic activity at any grade reporting
period. If a student’s grade point average falls below a ‘D’ in any core subject
(Math, Language Arts, Science, Social Studies) at grading period, academic
probation shall be initiated by the principal. While on “academic probation,” a
student may attend practice but will be exempted from participating in
competitions until adequate academic progress is evident on the progress
report or end of grading period report.
Code of Conduct
The principal may deem a student “ineligible” for participation in any athletics
or extracurricular activities for inadequate academic performance or violations
of the Student Code of Conduct. Discipline infractions warranting automatic
suspension or removal from athletics or extracurricular activity include
possession of drugs, weapons, or other illegal paraphernalia, physical assault
towards another student or school employee, or other serious incident.
Regular attendance is required of all students. To be eligible for athletic
participation, a player must be in attendance at least 85 percent (77.5 days) of
the previous semester beginning with grade seven.
Athletics and Other Interscholastic Activities.
1. General Statement of Conduct
Students who participate in the extracurricular activities offered at their school
enjoy a privilege. Many of them are called upon to represent their school in
local, state and national arenas. Accordingly, a student may be held to a
higher standard of eligibility for participation in extracurricular activities than
for participation in the regular program.
2. Auditions and Try Outs
In order to audition or try out for any extracurricular activity, a student must
be domiciled within the attendance zone of the school at which he or she is
trying out or have received an approval transfer. Upon approval of any 7th
grade, 8th grade, or high school transfer there will be a one-year (365 days)
athletic wait period before athletic eligibility can be established.
3. Suspension from Extracurricular Activities
The superintendent and the school principals have the authority to suspend
from participation in extracurricular activities those students who engage in
conduct in violation of Board policy, school rules, or that would constitute a
crime under any federal or state law. The suspension can be imposed for
conduct that occurs outside of school related activities and/or away from
property owned or leased by the Board.
A student suspended from participation due to conduct that resulted in a
criminal charge(s) may apply to the principal for reinstatement of the privilege
to participate if he/she is acquitted or receives dismissal of the criminal
Regulation 6-7
Chapter VI
6-7 Procedures
1. Parents and student-athletes should sign the updated version of the “RSS Middle
and High School Athletic Participation Form” which includes language noting that
students may be suspended from extracurricular activities if charged with criminal
2. Coaches should notify parents and team members prior to the season that students
charged with criminal conduct (felony or misdemeanor) will be suspended from
participation in athletics until the criminal charges are dismissed, the student is
acquitted, or in misdemeanor cases, the student satisfies any penalties or fines levied
by the courts.
This provision shall apply to students charged with criminal conduct during the sports
season and also to students charged with criminal conduct prior to the sports season if
the charges are pending. The coach should also notify parents and students that they
must notify the coach (or principal) if the student is charged with criminal conduct or
has pending criminal charges.
3. NCHSAA guidelines prevent a student convicted of a felony from participating in
4. A “prayer for judgment” ruling will enable the student to resume participation in
5. Students charged with criminal conduct must notify the coach.
6. The coach must notify the principal of the pending criminal charges. The coach
must also notify the principal anytime s/he has reason to suspect that a student has
been charged with criminal conduct.
7. The principal must notify the assistant superintendent for administration that a
student-athlete has been charged with criminal conduct. The principal must also notify
the assistant superintendent for administration anytime s/he has reason to suspect that
a student has been charged with criminal conduct.
8. An investigation must be conducted in order to verify the criminal charges. Copies
of pertinent police reports shall be secured. An interview with police personnel or court
officials shall be conducted when possible.
9. The principal and assistant superintendent for administration shall discuss the
outcome of the investigation.
10. The parents/legal guardians and student will be notified that the student will not
be allowed to participate in sports practices or competitions or other extracurricular
activities until the charges are dismissed, the student is acquitted, or in misdemeanor
cases, the student satisfies any penalties or fines levied by the court.
11. The parents/legal guardians of students suspended from participation in sports
practices or competitions or other extracurricular activities due to pending criminal
charges shall be notified of the right to appeal to the Appeals Committee of the Board
of Education.
Legal Reference(s):
Adoption Date: 8-6-09
Amended Date:
Chapter VI
6-8 Extracurricular Activities
A. Generally
Extracurricular activities are a vital part of the total education program. The Assistant
Superintendent for Administration along with school principals may approve
extracurricular activities that meet the needs of the students and that contribute to the
development of their mental, physical, or social skills and to the purposes and goals of
the school district.
B. Participation
Extracurricular activities shall be voluntary, and no student shall be denied the privilege
of participating because of his or her race, color, creed, sex, national origin, religion, or
C. Supervision
Each school-sponsored activity must be supervised by a faculty advisor. The activity
funds shall be kept in accordance with the regulations of the State Board and with any
additional regulations of the administration.
D. Nighttime Activities
Extracurricular activities requiring a student’s presence at night must terminate at a
reasonable hour. In developing regulations for nighttime extracurricular activities, the
Superintendent shall take into consideration the fact that the Board does not desire to
have students participating in late nighttime events that may impair their effectiveness in
the classroom. Night events should not unduly overburden parents with providing late
night transportation of students from the schools to their homes. (See Regulation 6-8 D).
E. Sex-based Student Clubs
The Rowan-Salisbury School Board has been elected by the community, and the Board
considers it to be the Board’s overriding duty to promote the academic excellence, best
interests, and general well being of students.
The Board has previously determined that an abstinence-only sex education policy
promotes the best interests and general well being of both students and their families.
The Board has also adopted a zero tolerance harassment policy and provides a
counseling program for all students.
The Board recognizes non-curricular student clubs formed under the Equal Access Act
(EAA). However, the Board has not created, and does not intend to create, an open
forum in its schools for student clubs, but intends to maintain a narrowly limited forum
for both curricular and non-curricular clubs that is consistent with the school’s academic
curriculum and with the promotion of the best interests and general well being of the
students. (See Regulation 6-8 E.)
Therefore, the Board will not permit the formation of any curricular or non-curricular
clubs of any kind, whether official or student-initiated, that are sex based or that are
based upon any sexual grouping or activity of any kind. This policy is intended to
promote the well being of students in the following ways:
prevention of sexually transmitted diseases.
prevention of unwanted teen pregnancies.
prevention of sexual harassment.
prevention of student-to-student harassment over sexual isues.
prevention of child sexual abuse or molestation by either student or adult predators.
prevention of contact by underage students with adult-only material..
prevention of school interference in the parent-child relationship.
promotion of student communication with a responsible adult regarding sexual
Legal Reference(s):
Adoption Date: 8/14/99
Amended Date: 6/22/07
Regulation 6-8 D
Chapter VI
6-8 D Extracurricular Activities
All extracurricular activities conducted on Sunday through Thursday night should
conclude so that students are returned to school by 10:45 p.m. This regulation applies
to all events regardless of the location; e.g., students are expected to be returned to
school from athletic contests held at other schools by 10:45 p.m.
Legal Reference(s):
Adoption Date:
Amended Date: 6/22/07
Regulation 6-8 E
6-8 E General Guidelines for Student Organizations
The following guidelines shall apply to every student organization that is affiliated with a school:
A faculty or staff advisor must be assigned to all groups. Parents cannot serve as
sponsor alone.
Each organization shall create a constitution or set of by-laws to govern the
operation of the organization. Such by-laws shall include the following:
Requirements for student membership (selection criteria must be
explained if applicable; no group of students will be allowed to select
organization participants (students may vote for officers);
A description of the governance structure (i.e., is there a team captain, a
head cheerleader, a president) and how any leader is selected (e.g., secret
Requirements for continued membership and participation (i.e., can a
member be suspended, is there a required grade point average).
The by-laws shall be approved by the principal. A copy of each organization’s
by-laws shall be maintained in the principal’s office and the school library.
The by-laws shall be reviewed at least once a year with the membership of the
Legal Reference(s):
Adoption Date:
Amended Date: 6/22/07
Athletic Wait Period (Excerpt from Board Policy 8-30 “Student Transfers”)
Upon approval of any 7th grade, 8th grade, or high school transfer, there will be a one-year
(365 days) athletic wait period before athletic eligibility or cheerleading eligibility
can be established. This provision means that a transfer student may have a one-year
(365 days) athletic wait period while in middle school and again in high school. This
wait period would also include all students transferring from outside the RSSS district.
This wait time will begin on the date of enrollment at the school requested (enrollment
begins the day a student attends classes). If a high school student is legally enrolled
and in attendance on the first day of classes at the school of transfer, he/she will be
eligible for athletics the week of August 1 of the next school year. Students of fulltime employees receiving benefits of the RSSS are exempt from the athletic wait
period for a first middle or first high school transfer. Students of full-time employees
receiving benefits will be subject to a 365 day athletic wait period if a second transfer
request is granted within the same grade span (middle or high school). The athletic
wait period will be waived for a senior who receives a Board approved transfer to
complete the final year of high school in the high school that he/she attended during
the junior year. The athletic wait period will be waived for ninth grade students who
receive a transfer in order to participate in a Board approved academy.
Students who attended a RSSS middle or high school under a transfer will
be subject to a 365 day athletic wait period in the event they choose to
return to the “home school” within a grade span (middle or high school).
Staff members (including full-time, part-time, non-faculty coaches or volunteers) who
exercise influence (direct or indirect) upon prospective athletes in an attempt to
influence the athlete’s school assignment or violate any portion of this policy, will be
subject to disciplinary actions up to and including the termination of employment.
Additionally, if a student, parent or legal guardian is party to a violation of any part of
this policy, the student’s right to participate in interscholastic athletics may be denied.
Purchasing LAWS that MUST BE FOLLOWED when purchasing athletic equipment and
supplies. Of course, these same LAWS apply to other purchases.
1. Purchases may not be “divided” for the purpose of evading any of the laws or policies
governing purchases.
2. Formal bidding – The purchase of apparatus, supplies, materials or equipment for
expenditures of $90,000 or more must be secured through the competitive bid process governed
by G.S. 143-129. Permissible processes for formal bidding include competitive sealed bids and
reverse auctions. Involve the school system finance officer should your school need to utilize
this process.
3. Informal bidding – The purchase of apparatus, materials or equipment for expenditures of
$5000 to $90,000 must be secured through the informal bidding process governed by G.S. 143131. Permissible processes for informal bidding include competitive sealed bids, quotations and
reverse auction. Quotations from prospective vendors may be solicited and submitted via fax,
email, or telephone. Telephone quotes must be placed in writing before a final contract is
awarded. Written quotes must be on the vendor’s letterhead or an official quotation form and
must include an authorized signature.
4. Purchases below the Informal Bidding Range – Purchases for less than $5000 will be awarded
under conditions which foster competition among vendors. Two written quotes should be
received for each purchase when feasible. Documentation of compliance with this policy is
recommended for all purchases and is required to be documented for purchases between $2500
and $5000.
5. Purchases of athletic equipment and supplies must be preceeded by a purchase order and the
approval of the principal.
Athletics Offered in Rowan Salisbury School System
Middle School
7th Grade Football
8th Grade Football
7th Grade Boys Basketball
8th Grade Boys Basketball
7th Grade Girls Basketball
8th Grade Girls Basketball
Boys Track
Girls Track
Girls Softball
7th Grade Cheerleading
8th Grade Cheerleading
High Schools
Boys Track
J.V. Football
Girls Track
Boys Soccer
Boys Tennis
Girls Soccer
Girls Tennis
Boys J.V. Soccer
Boys Baseball
Girls J.V. Soccer
Boys J.V. Baseball
Boys Cross County
Girls Softball
Girls Cross County
Girls J.V. Softball
Boys Basketball
Girls Volleyball
Girls Basketball
Girls J.V. Volleyball
Boys J.V. Basketball
Girls J.V. Basketball
Varsity Cheerleading
Boys Swimming
Competition Cheerleading
Girls Swimming
J.V. Cheerleading
Boys Golf
Girls Golf
When entering the coaching profession, a coach accepts certain obligations and responsibilities to the
players, fellow coaches, and to the game each coach directs. If we are to keep the coaching
profession on a high level, we must assume all these responsibilities in such a way that we will
give our profession honor and dignity.
• The coach in contact with each player should, by principle and example, set a pattern of
behavior for each student, for he/she influences those more than any other person. Parents put
their dearest possessions under your guidance and you should be sure to see that they are
better for having played under you.
• A coach is part of several teams. One of those teams is the student’s under his/her care.
However, the coach is also a part of the school he/she coaches for. He/she is also a part of
a team of teachers that is to build a student’s knowledge, character and hope. Coaching does
not just take place on a field or court. Coaching has a place in the classroom and a coach
must be a part of the team that develops the entire student mind, body and heart.
• The coach should meet rival coaches before and after each game and exchange greetings.
• The coach should see that every injured athlete is given immediate medical attention.
• The coach should remember the first function is to educate a student through participation in
athletics. The coach is dedicated to improve the performance of the players and the team
physically and mentally by providing a high quality athletic program for players within a
positive environment.
• Coaches should remember the position they hold in the school system, and that they must
support the administration in all policies, rules, and regulations. Where there are differences,
they should be discussed behind closed doors.
• The coach should be sure that every participant fulfills all the rules and regulations for
eligibility. Anyone who attempts to circumvent eligibility rules and to use ineligible players
is guilty of unethical conduct.
• Athletics is an important aspect of the student athlete, but it should never displace academics
as the major emphasis of the student athlete’s educational experience. The coach should i
nspire every student to achieve the highest academic success possible.
• Every coach should have a good knowledge of all rules of the game, which he/she coaches.
Coaches should never attempt to disregard any rules to their advantage. Coaches must uphold
and play within the spirit of the rules.
• Coaches should stress good sportsmanship, and if they defend the use of unsportsmanlike
tactics, they should be considered guilty of a breach of coaching ethics. Every coach should
actively encourage athletes to uphold the rules of their sport and the spirit of such rules.
Every coach should advise players as to the proper conduct in meetings with the press, radio,
and how to conduct themselves in player interviews, for their protection and to avoid any
• The coach will avoid behavior that will incite players, opponents, or spectators by treating all
players and officials respectfully in victory and defeat.
• The coach will direct comments or criticism at the performance rather than the athlete. The
coach will refrain from public criticism of fellow coaches, athletes, officials and volunteers
especially when speaking to the media.
It is the duty of all concerned with athletics:
To emphasize the proper ideals of sportsmanship, ethical conduct, and fair play.
To eliminate all possibilities which tend to destroy the game.
To stress the values derived from playing the game fairly.
To be cordial to the visiting team and officials.
To establish a respectful relationship between visitors and hosts.
To respect the integrity and judgment of sports officials.
To achieve a thorough understanding and acceptance of the rules of the game and the
standards of eligibility.
To encourage leadership, use of initiative, and good judgment of the players on the team.
To recognize that the purpose of athletics is to promote the physical, mental, moral,
social, and emotional well being of the individual players.
To remember that an athletic contest is only a game and not a matter of life or death
for players, coaches, school officials, fans, community, state or nation.
To avoid unfavorable criticism of other coaches and/or school officials, except when
formally presented to the proper authority.
To report to the proper authorities matters which are detrimental to the welfare of the
sport and/or conference.
To study and practice the Sportsmanship Code of NCHSAA.
Duties and Responsibilities of the Athletics Director
The principal of each senior high school and middle school in the Rowan/Salisbury School System is
responsible for all activities of the school, including athletics. It is the responsibility of the principal
to make final decisions in all matters pertaining to school activities. The following athletic policies
will not lessen responsibilities but will delegate areas of responsibility to the Athletics Director and to
the members of the athletic staff. The Athletics Director represents the school administration in
matters pertaining to athletics and may need to vote at meetings at local, conference and state levels.
When representing the school, the Athletics Director’s vote should represent the thinking of the
majority of the athletic staff, if possible. By working and planning together with the administration,
Athletics Director, and athletic staff, we can continue to be among the best athletic programs in the
The Role of the Athletics Director
To coordinate the coaching staff and the overall athletic program, including cheerleading.
To submit to the principal the anticipated needs of the athletic program in each sport, and to see
that each coach has the requested and approved equipment by the time specified.
To coordinate the expenditures of funds set up in the budget so that each sport will remain within
the designated limits.
To manage and direct all home athletic events.
To make arrangements for all home athletic events away from home, including cheerleader
To coordinate the collection, depositing, and expenditures of all athletic funds.
To pay all athletic debts, registrations, memberships, booking fees, and game expenses to proper
persons at the proper time.
To coordinate all athletic scheduling, send schedules to proper source including Rowan/Salisbury
School System Athletics Director, and to approve athletic publicity for the school, and also any
athletic rescheduling.
9 To request and maintain a file of athletic reports such as inventories, financial records, eligibility
list, team rosters, evaluations, correspondence, records and blue prints of facilities, and to supply
the principal with the same upon request.
10. To coordinate the preparation of copies of the State Eligibility Form for each of sport to meet any
deadlines. These forms are to be completed by persons appointed by the principal such as
persons connected to the Guidance or Records Departments. Approved forms should be on file
with the Athletics Director.
11. To approve purchases and orders of equipment and supplies. Large orders are to be approved
by the principal.
12. To coordinate the preparations, maintenance, and improvements of all areas used in athletic
practice and contests. To work closely and cooperatively with the system’s maintenance
department. To coordinate all areas of athletic concessions.
13. To assist the principal with personnel decisions related to athletics.
14. To see that all staff members conduct their duties in such a manner that it will be a credit to the
Athletic Department and school.
15. To oversee the athletic ticket sales.
16. To act as a faculty consultant to outside organizations, such as Booster’s Club, P.T.A., and other
groups on matters pertaining to athletics.
17. To work closely with the schools’ custodial staff.
18. To coordinate school-sponsored athletic banquet or banquets, and coordinate the awards program
for all athletics.
19. To act, decide, and handle matters in such a way that will improve, strengthen, enlarge,
and foster the Department of Athletics at each school. Keep the Principal and County Athletics
Director informed and communicate daily!
20. To ensure that every student-athlete, student trainer, manager, score keeper, cheerleader, etc. is
enrolled in the accident insurance program or that their legal guardian has signed the waiver
21. To coordinate or assist in coordination of use of athletic facilities by non-school or community
Coaching Guidelines of Athletics Director
1. In order to avoid confusion in the “chain of command”, Athletics Director should not fill
assistant coaching positions.
2. Athletics Director should not serve as a head or assistant athletic trainer because these are
yearlong responsibilities.
Coaches Guidelines
Coaches – Naming head coaches and Athletics Directors
Principals must confer with and have the approval of the Superintendent or his/her
designee before officially selecting and recommending a person to serve as a head coach or Athletics
Coaches – Number for each sport
Sports teams will have one coach with the following exceptions:
High school football – one head coach, six assistant coaches (over 80 students = 7
assistant coaches; over 100 students = 8 assistant coaches)
High school varsity basketball – one head coach, one assistant coach
High school varsity baseball – one head coach, one assistant coach
High school varsity softball – one head coach, one assistant coach
High school outdoor track – one head coach each for boys’ track and girls’ track
and one assistant track coach.
High school wrestling – one head coach and one assistant coach (J.V.)
High school varsity soccer – one head coach, one assistant coach, one assistant coach
for JV team
Coaches – Volunteer Coaches
Volunteer coaches are allowed only within the following guidelines:
Volunteer assistant coaches are permitted if the coach, the principal, and the county
Athletics Director approve them. Volunteer coaches may receive no pay and their
conduct must be their behavior must be beyond reproach at all times. A standard
application form must be completed and submitted. If the volunteer works for Rowan/Salisbury
School System they must make an appointment with Human Resources
to sign a waiver of compensation form before they may assume any coaching
They must be thoroughly knowledgeable of the rules of the sport and their character and
behavior must be beyond reproach.
Their services may be terminated at any time at the discretion of the principal and the
county Athletics Director.
Volunteer coaches cannot be left alone to conduct practices. A paid coach or staff
member must be present at all times.
Volunteer coaches shall receive a criminal background check.
Coaches – non-faculty assistant coaches
If it is impossible, after diligent search, for a principal to secure a faculty member to be an assistant
coach, a non-faculty assistant may be hired under the following conditions:
• Their character and behavior must be beyond reproach.
• Approval for such an arrangement must be secured from the head coach, the principal, and
the county Athletics Director. A copy of a non-faculty coaching application packet
(Appendix 11) must be submitted to the RSSS Athletics Director’s office before
recommendation for hire is sent to RSSS Human Resources.
• Their employment is on a temporary, year to year renewal basis. Their services may be
terminated at any time at the discretion of the principal and the county Athletics Director.
The coaching positions will be filled with faculty members whenever faculty members are
available and acceptable to the principal/county Athletics Director.
They must be thoroughly knowledgeable of the rules of the sport.
Coaches – non-faculty head coaches
Non-faculty head coaches may be employed only if the principal, after diligent search, cannot secure
a faculty member or an instructional staff member of the local school system and only under the
ollowing conditions:
• Their character and behavior must be beyond reproach.
• They must be thoroughly knowledgeable of the rules of the sport.
• Approval for such an arrangement must be secured from the principal, the Superintendent,
and the Board of Education. Submit a copy of the Non-faculty Application packet
(Appendix 11) to the county Athletics Director’s office for this purpose. This should be
used by both middle and high schools.
• Their employment is on a temporary, year to year renewal basis. Their services may be
terminated at any time at the discretion of the principal.
• The coaching positions will be filled with faculty members whenever they are available
and acceptable to the principal/county Athletics Director.
• All non-faculty coaches who are to receive supplements must complete W-2 forms and
submit to the business office.
Coaches – salaries or other remuneration
Coaches shall be paid according to the Rowan/Salisbury Schools coaches’ salary supplement
schedule. No additional payment of coaches may be made from the school level or any other source. This
regulation includes any additional remuneration of any type including payments, gifts, or fringe benefits by
booster clubs or any other individual or group. If a coach is offered remuneration, gift, or fringe benefit,
he/she is to inform the individual or group making the offer that he/she may not
receive such. In addition the coach is required to report such an offer to the principal of the school.
The exception to this policy would be for someone who is retiring from coaching after lengthy service.
In that case a retirement gift would be acceptable.
Coaches – teaching loads and duties
All coaches must carry the same teaching loads as that required of other teachers. Duties other than
teaching such as homeroom, cafeteria supervision, study hall, and the like, are to be assigned to
coaches on the same basis as these assignments are made to all other teachers. Due to their many
duties, it is recommended that Athletics Directors not have a home room and teach not more than two
periods each day with two planning periods.
Coaches – middle school
The use of middle school coaches at high school practice, prior to the beginning of middle school
practice is permitted on a strictly volunteer basis. No additional supplement is involved.
Any coaches who are ejected from an athletic contest are required to meet with the County Athletics
Director, School Athletics Director, and School Administration within one week of ejection and must
complete the Star Sportsmanship program of the NCHSAA before returning to competition.
Responsibilities of the coaches
To expertly supervise all team personnel during practice, at games, and on trips.
To supply the Athletics Director with an alphabetical roster of team members indicating
their grade level, eight (8) days prior to the first contest. Coaches will be subject to
paying the state fine if they are late turning in their list for eligibility purposes. This
responsibility is that of the head coach.
• To supervise the care of all equipment, supplies, and facilities in their area of
• Winter sport coaches must check the grades of team members at the end of the first
semester for eligibility purposes.
• To present to the assistant principal twenty-four hours in advance a list of students that is
to be dismissed early or absent to participate in an athletic contest. Also, list the time of
dismissal; assuring that the team misses the smallest amount of class time as possible.
Also, coaches must have their classes covered when absent for an athletic contest or
ensure that a substitute is available. The assistant principals must also be aware of this.
• To get approval of the Athletics Director before placing an order to make a purchase. All
requests must be made in writing.
• Plan with the Athletics Director on transporting, feeding and housing teams.
• Check with the Athletics Director before re-scheduling a contest. The school calendar
must also be considered.
• To file a three-copy inventory with the Athletics Director within two weeks of the last
contest. Coaches must keep one copy in their files.
• Count, pack, clean, and store all athletic equipment for each sport in a designated space,
within two weeks of the last contest.
• With the aid of the Athletics Director, list new equipment needed for next year (two
copies, one for AD, one for coach.) The Athletics Director will then secure permission to
purchase from the principal.
• To keep the Athletics Director informed of normal and abnormal happenings surrounding
the team or coaching.
• To supply the Athletics Director with forms, information, summaries, statistics, or other
data that the Athletics Director feels is needed to operate an efficient department.
• The head varsity coach is responsible for the coordination of staff and their duties for the
best possible results.
• To cooperate with administration, faculty, Athletics Director, parents, students, and other
staff member in working together harmoniously for the betterment of the program.
To work with the school Athletics Director to ensure that every student-athlete, student trainer,
manager, scorekeeper, cheerleader, etc. is enrolled in the accident insurance program or that their
parent or legal guardian has signed the waiver form.
Each high school and middle school is required to have a licensed athletic trainer/athletic first
responder on staff at the beginning of football practice. The school system will provide funds to pay
the licensed athletic trainer/athletic first responder as per the Rowan-Salisbury Schools athletic supplement
Any athletic first responder having been assigned the responsibilities of paramedical emergency life saving
or sports medicine services shall have completed or be in the process of completing and maintaining
certification in the following minimum education requirements:
(1) Cardio-pulmonary resuscitation/AED – renewed annually;
(2) First aid; and
(3) Injury Management (Level I & II).
In addition, each first responder must complete 20 hours of staff development in sport injury each
school year. The courses identified as minimum education requirements shall be courses developed
by community service agencies or by the Department of Public Instruction and shall be approved by
the Department of Public Instruction.
The licensed athletic trainer or first responder may not have coaching responsibilities during the
season in which the person is working as a licensed athletic trainer or first responder. A licensed
athletic trainer or first responder must attend all football practices and games, unless excused by the
superintendent, superintendent’s designee, or county Athletics Director due to an emergency.
Licensed athletic trainer/athletic first responder should:
• Be in attendance at all football practices and all athletic home events.
• Shall keep accurate records of all injuries to student athletes.
• Shall be “on call” for any emergencies resulting in physical injury to a student that occurs
in his or her assigned school.
Rowan-Salisbury School System’s
Athletic Eligibility Regulations for Student Athletes In High School
1. Must be a properly enrolled student at the time you participate, must be enrolled no
later than the 15th day of the present semester, and must be in regular attendance at that school.
2. Must have been in attendance for at least 85% of the previous semester at an approved
3. Must not have exceeded eight consecutive semesters of attendance or have participated more than
four seasons in any sport since first entering grade 9.
4. Must not have graduated from high school.
5. Must be less than 19 years of age on August 31 of present school year.
6. Must live with your parents, or others with whom you have resided continuously for a
full calendar year within the school administrative unit (exceptions must be approved by your
principal and the NCHSAA).
7. Must have received a medical examination before participation in tryouts, practice, or athletic
events. The medical exam must be done once every 365 days by a licensed
physician, nurse practitioner or physician’s assistant with no counter signature required. For
example, if a student receives more days due to illness or injury, he/she must receive a medical
release by a duly licensed physician, nurse practitioner or physician’s assistant before being
readmitted to practice and contests.
8. Must not accept prizes, merchandise, money, or anything that can be exchanged for money as a
result of athletic participation.
9. Must not have signed professional contract, have played on a junior college team, or be enrolled
and attending class in a college.
10. Must not participate in unsanctioned all-star or bowl games.
11. At the end of a sports season for a specific sport, that team is to be disassembled and cannot be
reassembled until the end of the 180 day school term.
12. Must not be guilty of unsportsmanlike conduct.
13. May not usually, as an individual or on a team, practice or play during the school day (from first
contest through conference tournament).
14. May not play, practice, or assemble as a team with your coach on Sunday.
15. May not dress for a contest or sit on the bench if you are not eligible to participate.
16. Must not play more than three games in one sport week, (exception softball and
volleyball) and no more than one contest per day (exception softball and volleyball)
and not more than one contest per day (exception baseball, softball, and volleyball).
17. May attend only those summer camps to which you or your parents paid the fees.
18. Middle school students promoted or transferred to the high school will be
automatically eligible for the first semester at the high school – regardless of courses
passed at the middle school.
19. Must be present for one-half of the school day to participate in practices, games, or contests.
Eligibility Requirements for Athletes Transferring into a School
No employee of the Rowan-Salisbury School System shall encourage a student-athlete to seek a
transfer from one school to another for athletic purposes, or to otherwise engage directly or indirectly
in recruiting practices that would result in such transfer requests.
Any school employee that exercises undue influence to cause a student to transfer from one school to
another for athletic purposes shall be considered in violation of this regulation and shall be subject to
whatever disciplinary action the Board and Superintendent deem appropriate.
365 Wait period
Students transferring from their home school shall have a 365 day wait period before being eligible
for sports or cheerleading. Students returning to their home school following a transfer shall have a
365 day wait period.
Tryout/selection Criteria
All tryouts should be a minimum of 2 to 5 days.
Relations between High Schools Athletic Departments and Feeder Middle School
Athletic Departments
A close, cooperative working arrangement is encouraged between high school and middle school
athletic departments. Each has much to gain from such cooperation.
Adding/Dropping Sports Teams
The adding or dropping of a sport (including J.V. and “B” team) at a school must have the approval
of the Secondary Principals and the superintendent and/or County Athletics Director.
Lettering for Team support Persons
Lettering requirements for such persons as team managers, mat maids, student trainers, and
cheerleaders should be reviewed regularly by each school to assure fairness and equity.
Uniforms and Teams
Every effort should be made by the school to assure that every athlete has adequate uniforms and safe
equipment. Because uniforms are expensive, uniforms should be used for as many seasons as possible.
Scheduling of Athletic Contests
When scheduling athletic contests, the Athletics Director at each school will schedule Rowan
Salisbury Schools before scheduling any other non-conference games with other counties.
Athletic Purchasing
All purchases for or donations to athletic programs by booster organizations, clubs, or individuals
must have the prior approval of the Athletics Director and Principal. Coaches or Athletics Director
will not request purchasing or donations without prior approval of the Principal.
Games are not to be played the day before exams begin and during the exam period. Practice must
end by 6:00 p.m. the day before an exam.
Law Enforcement at Games
North Carolina High School Athletic Association requires that “a law enforcement officer in uniform
shall be present at all high school varsity football and basketball games.” In addition, Principals and
Athletics Directors are encouraged to have law enforcement personnel whenever a large crowd is expected
at any athletic event or when there is reason to believe that law enforcement may be needed. Officers
should be told they are being paid to patrol the area, not to be spectators. A staff or administrative person
should be on duty at every athletic event at which the public is present on school property.
Initiation or Hazing
Initiation or hazing of students is prohibited.
Water Consumption during Practices and Games
The old practice of depriving athletes of water has been proven medically wrong and extremely
dangerous to the health of athletes. Coaches are to make water readily available for athletes and must
not deprive them of it during practices and competitions.
Athletic Participation Forms
1) All schools must have on file for each athlete the Rowan-Salisbury School’s Athletic Participation form
(See appendix 1for form).
2) All schools must have on file a “Certification of Domicile for Athletic Participation” form (See appendix
2 for form).
Out of State Contests
All contests during the sports season, whether home or away and including scrimmages or regular
season games involving non-North Carolina Schools, are approved, provided there is no loss of
school time. Interstate competition involving more than two schools requires state and National Federation
sanction; a request for such competition must be made through the NCHSAA office and
forms must be filed with the national office a minimum of 30 days in advance of the proposed
contest. International competition must be approved by the NCHSAA, the National Federation,
Superintendent and/or County Athletics Director and the national governing body for the sport
Medical Examination
All athletes must receive a medical examination (included in the “R-SS Athletic Participation “form) before
participation in tryouts, practice, or athletic events. The medical exam must be done once
every 365 days by a duly licensed physician, nurse practitioner or physician’s assistant. If a student
is absent from practice for five or more days due to illness or injury, he/she must receive a medical
release by a duly licensed physician, nurse practitioner or physician’s assistant before being
readmitted to practice and contests.
Guidelines for Middle Schools
All Rowan-Salisbury Middle Schools will follow NCHSAA guidelines, if not included in the NCDPI
Henderson Students
Students attending the Henderson Independent High School may not participate in sports at their
home school.
Beginning of Football Practice for Middle School
Practice may begin no earlier than six (6) school days prior to the opening of the school term.
Eligibility Lists for Middle Schools
Five days before the first contest, the principal shall file two copies of this list with the superintendent
or school/county Athletics Director.
Age Requirements for Middle School Athletes
A student shall not participate on an eighth grade middle school team if he/she becomes 15 years of
age on or before August 31 of said school year. South Piedmont School Middle Conference rules
prohibit participation on a seventh grade team if a student becomes 14 years of age on or before
August 31 of said school year. Once a student enters middle school he/she has four consecutive
semesters in which to participate.
Night Contests for Middle Schools
Middle school teams shall not be permitted to play athletic contests at night with game times starting
later than 7:00 p.m. (Exceptions: Friday nights, if not followed by a school day; days prior to a
holiday; Saturdays).
Games or Matches during the School Day
In order to comply with state policy, no athletic contest should begin until the end of the school day.
Player Conduct
All players are representatives of their school and are expected to display positive conduct and good
sportsmanship at all times. The coach may discipline any player guilty of willful misconduct to
include dismissal or possible denial of participation in the next contest or contests. The coach and principal
will make this determination. Any student-athlete, coach or school official in grades 7-12
who is ejected from any athletic contest shall be penalized as follows:
Football – ejection from the contest, miss the next contest at that level and all contests
the interim (miss the next two contests for fighting)..
All other sports – ejection from the contest, miss the next two contests. (Miss the next
four contests for fighting)
Individuals: Players receiving two ejections for unacceptable behavior as defined above
will be suspended from all sports for the remainder of that sport season. Receiving a
third ejection in a school year will result in suspension from athletics for
one calendar year (365 days from the date of the third ejection).
Any student athlete or coach who is ejected or disqualified for unsporting action must complete the
Star Sportsmanship Program of the NCHSAA before returning to competition.
All athletes may not participate in practices or competitions on days of out-of-school suspension.
Also, middle school athletes may not participate in competitions on days of out-of school suspension.
Attendance Requirement
A player must be present at least one half of the school day in order to participate in an athletic
practice contest on that same day. A player must have been in attendance for at least 85% of the
previous semester at an approved school.
Absences from Participation during Holiday Breaks
Coaches along with the Athletics Director will evaluate special/unique circumstances with the parent
and athlete regarding absences from practices/non-conference games during school holiday breaks. Parents
and athletes must fully understand this may affect their playing status on the team from this
point forward per coach’s discretion.
Practice for Teams
Practice may not take place until after the last regularly scheduled instructional period and after the
end of the teacher workday. For example, practice may not occur until 30 minutes after the end of the
regular school day on teacher workdays or exam days.
Middle schools may not practice on weekends unless approved by the County Athletics Director.
Any middle school practices that are held over school breaks/holidays are to be optional for the
There may be no practice or scrimmage involving middle school teams with high school junior
varsity or varsity teams.
Practice time, especially after school, should be reasonable in length so that students will have
adequate time to complete homework assignments.
High school practices on exam days must end by 6:00 p.m.
If a system calendar day is an Annual Leave Day, practice can start at any time.
There shall be no practice on Thanksgiving Day or Christmas Day unless approved by the
Superintendent and/or County Athletics Director.
All practices and regular season games are prohibited when the Rowan-Salisbury Schools are closed
due to weather related conditions. The superintendent or his/her designee may take an exception to
this rule under certain unusual conditions.
There shall be no Sunday practice, game, or competition for the calendar year in any sport
(Exception: NCHSAA sponsored events).
Double Participation Rule
North Carolina’s rule on double participation has been eliminated.
Middle and high school coaches may discourage, but may not prohibit, school players from playing
on non-school teams. The reasons for discouraging play on a school and a non-school team in the
same season are:
• Young people increase their chances of injury by playing on two teams.
• Playing on two teams can be tiring both physically and emotionally.
• Academic work may suffer because of the time required to play on two teams. Students
missing school to participate in a non-school sport may be in violation of the local attendance policy.
Regulations for Athletic Practice Facility Approval
All school sponsored athletic practices will occur on school campus facilities or on off-campus sites,
both of which need to be approved in advance by the principal. It is the principal’s responsibility to
take the reasonably necessary steps to provide for the safety and welfare of all athletes participating
in practices. The principal may delegate such duties as he or she sees fit to designated coaches
and trainers to assist in supervising students while at practice, as well as during scrimmages and
games with occur on campus or at approved off-campus sites.
Use of Tobacco Products on School Premises
The school curriculum teaches the harmful effects of tobacco. Medical evidence clearly shows that
he use of tobacco poses a significant risk to the health of the user. Furthermore, new research
indicates that exposure to secondhand smoke may seriously threaten the health of nonsmokers.
The use of tobacco will be prohibited on any property of the RSS.
RSS employees may not use or display tobacco products in any form in any school buildings
or on any school grounds.
RSS employees may not use or display tobacco in any form when supervising or directing
students during any school sponsored activity. This extends also to field trips and to
athletic events away from RSS campuses.
Rowan-Salisbury School System’s Sports Camp Guidelines
All camps must have prior approval of the school principal.
Must provide proof of liability insurance (1 million minimum).
Schools will not incur any financial responsibility for operation of the camp.
Camps must generate enough income to be self-supporting.
All fees collected by teach/coach must be receipted and deposited at the school site.
All payments to vendors and non-system employees must be paid from the local school
level account.
Teacher/Coaches Salary
o Payments to system employees must be processed through central office payroll.
o Time sheets are required to be signed by principal or principal designee.
o Salary will be based at an hourly rate not to exceed teaching wages before taxes
for employees of Rowan-Salisbury School system.
o Teacher/coaches may be paid for preparation time, i.e. one hour preparation time
for four hours of camp instruction, 2-hours prep. time/eight hours camp
instruction, etc.
No facility-use fees will be charged if run by a school system employee provided:
o Additional funds are to be placed in the proper athletic account(s).
o Employee is responsible for cleaning up the facilities after use.
Schools should purchase low cost athletic camp insurance through the American
Advantage Insurance Company or verify that parents have insurance coverage.
It is recommended that schools purchase camp insurance.
Insurance for Student Athletes
For All Sports
Insurance coverage is required. Parents/guardians must complete the insurance information included
on the “Rowan-Salisbury High School Athletic Participation Form.”
Catastrophe Insurance
All high schools and middle schools are required to purchase catastrophe insurance. This means that
the school’s student-athletes, coaches, cheerleaders, and team managers have certain insurance
coverage in the event that they are involved in a catastrophe. Each school should pay this in the fall
when the school pays its annual membership fee.
Middle schools should secure catastrophic insurance for their athletes by contacting the NCHSSA Insurance
Administrator, Mandy Lance at 1-800-242-2802. The United Health Care Insurance
Company will underwrite the program, with local services provided by American Advantage
Insurance Company. This is the carrier selected by NCHSAA.
Schools are encouraged to purchase insurance coverage for all athletes by contacting the American
Advantage Insurance Company.
For Sports Camps
Schools should purchase low cost athletic camp insurance through the American Advantage
Insurance Company or verify that parents have insurance coverage. Again, it is recommended that schools
purchase camp insurance.
Admission Tickets and Passes to Athletic Events
Proper Accounting and Handling of Tickets and Funds
It is imperative that tickets and money be handled in professional, accountable manner.
• Tickets must be numbered and the numbers reconciled with cash received.
• Different persons must sell tickets and collect tickets for football games.
• Proper receipts must be used to verify the exchange of money, which is made between
• Record and have on file, for each sports event, the exact number of tickets sold and money collected.
These and other sound accounting practices can provide an efficient method of ticket sales and will provide
protection for those handling tickets and money.
Free Passes
A photo I.D. pass will be issued to all full and part-time employees. This pass when
properly presented will grant the employee admission to all Rowan-Salisbury School
System’s athletic contests for the regular season. Passes will also be issued to the School
Board members and city/county officials designated by the Superintendent.
Honor all North Carolina Coaches Association, NCHSAA, Conference Passes from RSS
School age children of faculty or staff members may not be admitted free.
Admit uniformed military and rescue squad members and their spouses free of charge.
Any other persons accompanying them must pay admission.
Team physicians and their family
members willSCHOOLS
be admitted free.
Admit free any preschool (below kindergarten) children.
Staff members may use passes only. Passes may not be transferred to any other person.
Abuse or misuse of passes will result in their immediate revocation.
Gold Cards (Senior Citizens) will be admitted free to all Rowan-Salisbury School
System events.
Gold cards and employee passes are not accepted at conference tournaments, state
playoffs, or endowment games.
School System
Cheerleading Policies and Procedures
Primary Function
The primary function of a cheerleading squad is to promote school spirit at athletic or athletic
sponsored events. All cheers, chants, dances, or spirit raising activities should be planned, practiced,
and organized to promote a controlled crowd response which supports the school team. Negative or
derogatory gestures or language directed toward an opponent are not permitted.
A cheerleading coach or school designee should supervise all squads during scheduled practices and
Safety Guidelines
All cheerleading squads will adopt the National Federation “Spirit Rules” Book. All coaches are
encouraged to attend a pre-season Safety Training Class and Rules Class and complete required test.
Lettering Guidelines
Cheerleaders will be eligible to letter each sport season (Fall and Winter). The criteria for lettering
will be determined by individual schools.
In-Season Guidelines
Each school needs to have guidelines regarding attendance and participation at practices and games.
All athletes should have access to strength and conditioning programs. All athletes should have
access to the weigh room provided there is proper supervision/knowledge of weigh room guidelines.
The practice environment should meet the “Spirit Rules” guidelines.
Off-Season Guidelines
The length of the cheerleading season is the same as the other sports. Any activities outside of the
season are optional.
Cheerleaders should not be required to purchase their uniforms. Cheerleaders are a vital part of the athletic
program and should not be required to purchase uniforms any more than members of the
other athletic teams.
Transportation of cheerleaders to away games is the responsibility of the school administration.
Cheerleaders should travel together.
Cheerleading and Participation on Athletic Teams
Cheerleading is a very demanding activity. Cheerleaders are encouraged not to participate in sports during
their cheering seasons. However, a cheerleader may participate on an athletic team if being on
the athletic team does not conflict with either cheerleading practice or with games at which the cheerleader
is expected to cheer.
Insurance Required for Cheerleader
Cheerleaders are required to take the student accident insurance unless their parents completed and
sign the waiver form indicating they wish to have their family insurance cover their son or daughter if they
are injured. This requirement includes tryouts.
Athletic Participation Forms
All schools must have on file an athletic participation form for each squad member.
Selection Criteria
Selection of cheerleading teams will be based on performance evaluations of daily practices and/or
performance at tryouts. Coaches may rely on a selection committee, their own input, or a
combination of the two when selecting a team. Coaches have the final decision. The selection
committee should be composed in part by members who are not affiliated with the school. Middle
and high school cheerleaders and other students may not serve as judges.
Cheerleading coaches shall use a variety of methods to publicize tryouts so as to encourage all
students to participate. The tryouts are held at the discretion of the coaches. Cheerleading tryouts
shall be held to accommodate spring sports practices and games/meets/matches.
Number of Cheerleading Squads/Members
Individual schools will determine if they choose to have separate fall and winter squads and/or competition
squads. Individual schools will determine the number of athletes per team. No more
than one half of regular squad should be competition.
Medical Examination
All squad members must receive a medical examination before participation in tryouts, practice, or athletic
events. The medical exam must be done once every 365 days by a duly licensed physician,
nurse practitioner or physician’s assistant with no counter signature required. For example, if a
student receives a physical examination on August 1, that examination is good through July 31. If a student
is absent from practice for five or more days due to illness or injury, he/she must receive a
medical release by a duly licensed physician, nurse practitioner or physician’s assistant before being
readmitted to practice and contests.
Middle School Pyramids
Stunts will not be allowed at the middle school level.
• Single shoulder stands are not permitted
Middle school and high school cheerleaders and coaches should follow the guidelines recommended
by the NCHSAA as listed below.
Recommended Guidelines Governing Cheerleading Safety from the NCHSAA
Note: All cheerleading squads will follow the National Federation High School “Spirit Rules” Book.
1. All cheerleading squads shall adopt a comprehensive conditioning program. Emphasis must
be placed on problem areas, (i.e. leg flexibility, upper arm strength, shoulder, ankle and wrist
strength, etc.).
2. Preceding all practice sessions and performances there shall be structured stretching exercises
and a basic warm up of cheerleading gymnastics (jumps, partner stunts, pyramids, tumbling, etc.).
3. All cheers, chants, dance, or spirit-raising activities shall be well planned, practiced and
organized to promote the safety of students participating in cheerleading activities.
4. All squads shall be supervised by a cheerleading coach during all warm ups, practices, and
b. Locations of practices should be suitable for the activities of cheerleaders. (i.e.
tumbling mats, away from excessive noise and distractions, etc.)
c. Practice should also be conducted in an atmosphere conductive to maximum
concentration and with minimal talking.
5. Cheerleading coaches should have a background in cheerleading, dance choreography and/or
gymnastics, and must be knowledgeable in proper cheerleading techniques and safety
procedures. Coaches must coach only within his or her level of expertise and the abilities of
their squads. It is recommended that cheerleading coaches/sponsors should regularly attend
cheerleading clinics to be more knowledgeable of current cheerleading techniques and safety
6. Coaches must know their squad’s ability level and must limit the squad’s activities
accordingly. As quoted by Universal Sports Camp, Inc., “ability level refers to the squad’s
talents as a whole, and individuals should not be pressed to perform activities until safely perfected.
All routines, pyramids, stunts, and gymnastics shall be practiced prior to actual performances”.
7. Cheerleaders shall adapt their routines to the environmental conditions and playing surfaces
for which stunts, pyramids, and routines are used (i.e. no mount or gymnastics should be done
during rain or on slippery surfaces. Hot and humid weather may also present problems).
8. Pyramids and partner stunts may be a part of the squads routine, provided they follow the
safety guidelines from the National Federation of State High School Associations.
9. Gymnastic maneuvers where competency has been mastered are permitted. Coaches/sponsors
not knowledgeable in gymnastics should consult someone with expertise in this area to advise them
of the ability level of their squad members.
10. Mini-tramps, springboards, and similar equipment are prohibited.
11. No jewelry should be worn during practices or performances.
12. Aerobic type shoes shall be worn.
13. Cheerleaders shall have access to the school athletic trainer and team physician.
14. A cheerleader who misses practice at which a pyramid, stunt, or gymnastics maneuver
was mastered shall not perform any of those maneuvers at the next performance
15. These safety guidelines also apply to practice, game situations and outside competitions.
Please use common sense and observe extreme caution during the first days of August and
Water should be made available in unlimited amounts throughout practice. Water/fluid replacement breaks
are recommended every 20 or 30 minutes, depending on practice conditions.
The wet bulb reading is an accurate method of determining environmental conditions which would
predispose football players to problems with heat. The dry bulb and wet bulb temperatures are
measured by using a sling psychrometer. This is an instrument used for measuring relative humidity
in the atmosphere. Its operation depends upon the comparative readings of two similar thermometers
with the bulb of one being kept wet so that it is cooled as a result of evaporation. It always shows
a temperature equal to or lower than that of the dry bulb thermometer. The difference between
the thermometer readings constitutes a measure of the dryness or wetness of the surrounding air.
The relative humidity is calculated from the difference between the dry and wet bulb readings.
At the beginning of each practice and an hour later, a coach or trainer should sling the psychrometer
for 11/2 minutes after wetting the wick of the wet bulb in water. The wet bulb readings should be
taken then follow the Field Precautions listed on the Wet Bulb Chart on the next page.
1. All coaching staff will monitor weight loss by having each player weigh before and after each
practice. If a player has lost and not regained 3% of his body weight, the athlete is monitored
closely and given additional water during practice. If he has lost and not regained 5% of his
body weight he cannot practice that day.
2. All coaching staff will check and record temperature and humidity at the beginning of practice
and sometime again during practice with a “sling psychrometer”. If the temperature and
humidity are high, we alter practice. For example: more water breaks, dress out light,
change to dry clothes during practice. If conditions persist call off practice early.
3. All coaching staff will have ice towel coolers available for players to use any time they need
4. All coaching staff will encourage players to drink plenty of fluids not only during practice but
all day long. In addition to regular water breaks, trainers (or designee) will take water out to
the different groups during practice between breaks.
All athletic trainers for Rowan-Salisbury Schools are responsible for informing the coach of
existing conditions according to the heat associated with a particular sporting activity and are
to offer suggestions to alter practice or make the decision to cancel practice.
Warning signs to watch for:
absence of perspiration
The athletic staff will cool the athlete immediately with cold towels, cool showers, and place the
athlete into the air-conditioned training room. Body temperature should be monitored.
The coach (or designee) should call 911 if the athlete stops sweating, loses consciousness, and/or the
body temperature is extremely high.
Temp. (“F”)
School System’s
80˚ - 90˚
Under 70%
Observe those athletes susceptible to heat
Lightening Policy and Guid
illness, especially those obese.
80˚ - 90˚
Over 70%
All athletes should be under constant and
careful supervision. Breaks every 20 or
30 minutes. Fluid replacement very
Over 50%
A shortened program conducted in shorts
and T-shirts. Additional fluid replacement breaks are necessary. May need to
suspend practice.
School System's
Table II
Under 68˚
No precautions necessary except close
observation of those athletes most
susceptible to heat illness (those who
lose over 3% of their body weight as
determined from weight chart)
69˚ - 79˚
Unlimited amounts of water should be
made available on the field. Ice water
Over 80˚
Lighten the practice routine or practice in
shorts. May need to withhold susceptible
players from practice.
Rowan-Salisbury School System’s
Lightning Policy and Guidelines
Severe weather conditions pose an extreme risk to the safety and well being of athletes participating
outdoors. Lightning is the number one cause of weather related deaths in the United States and North
Carolina is second in the nation in lightening fatalities. The National Weather Service states
that lightning can strike up to a distance of 10 miles with the average storm traveling at a rate of 25
miles per hour. Thunder can be heard over a distance of 10 miles depending on humidity, terrain, and other
factors. Therefore, the Rowan-Salisbury School’s administration feels that this is one situation
that should not be taken lightly. Rowan-Salisbury School System’s lightning policy and guidelines
are as follows:
Some General Facts About Lightning:
• Most severe storms occur between the months of May and September.
• Most lightning storms occur between 3:00 and 8:00 p.m.
• Lightning can strike in clouds up to 10 miles away.
• Average lightning strike is 6 miles long.
• Average thunderstorms are 6-10 miles wide.
• Average thunderstorm travels at 25 miles per hour.
You are at risk once the leading edge of a thunderstorm approaches within 10 miles. You are at immediate
risk of lightning strikes coming from the overhang of an anvil cloud. Because of this
lightning strikes can occur when the sky directly above is clear.
Lightening fatalities most often occur when lightning hits the ground and travels to the nearest
conductor. You do not have to be directly hit by a lightning strike.
The air around a lightning strike is heated to 50,000 degrees, five time hotter than the surface of the
Once you see lightning and/or hear thunder you are already at risk. Rowan-Salisbury Athletic
Department has developed this plan to ensure the safety of its athletes and spectators.
For this purpose we use the “Flash-To-Bang” method of determining the distance of a lightning
When you see a flash count the seconds to the bang of its thunder. Divide the number of seconds by
5. This will give you the distance in miles from your location.
• If the flash-to-bang count is less than 30 seconds stop the activity and seek safe shelter immediately.
Safe shelter is defined as: a) any building normally occupied or frequently used
by people, i.e. a building with metal plumbing and/or wiring that acts to electrically ground
the structure, b) if a suitable building is not available, any vehicle with a hard metal roof,
with the windows rolled up, such as a car, bus or truck will provide better safety
than remaining outside.
• In a situation where thunder and/or lightning isn’t detected and you feel your hair stand on
end or tingling on your skin seek safe shelter immediately. Every survivor of lightning strike
has noticed these symptoms prior to the strike.
If you are caught in a lightning storm and are away from a safe shelter, crouch down
and make yourself the smallest target possible. Do not lie down. Minimize your body’s contact
with the ground and do not seek refuge under a tree or taller object.
Administration of this policy is the responsibility of the administrators, athletic trainers, and
coaches. When a situation arises where either of the above mentioned parties feels the
athletes are in danger he/she shall call the officials, visiting team head coach and trainer,
administrator in charge and express their concern regarding the weather. The administrator in
charge will have the authority to discontinue play until a safe environment is restored. The
safe environment will not be compromised as a result of concerns for time or travel. The
Rowan-Salisbury School system feels the safety of student athletes is of the utmost importance.
The safety of the spectator is also a concern of the administration. Once play has been discontinued
as a result of severe weather, the following announcement should be made for
the spectators: “The game has been suspended due to severe weather. The administration
at (the host school name) strongly urges you to seek shelter until the game is either
canceled or resumed.” The announcement should be made several times to ensure the
safety of the spectators.
Who is in Charge?
In a practice situation the coach will make the decision to cancel the practice.
In a contest the home administrator, athletic director, athletic trainer, and/or coach along with the
officials will make the decision.
Where do Teams go?
In the football stadium the visiting team will be sent to their bus or weight room, whichever is closer.
The home team will be sent to the field house.
Other outside participants will be sent to the nearest building or gymnasium.
When Can Players Return to Activity
It is safe to resume activity once lightning and thunder has ceased for 30 minutes.
The home administrator, athletic director and/or coach along with the officials will decide if a game
will resume, be cancelled, or postponed.
This plan will be used in conjunction with the Safe-Schools/Emergency Action Plaln developed by
the Rowan-Salisbury Schools administration. Their plan will cover stadium evacuation, spectator
safety, crown control, etc.
Athletic Activity
Crowd Control Planning
Any school having an interscholastic athletic program should have a well-planned crowd control
program before the start of the school year. Personnel to be included in developing the plan
are administrators, athletic directors, coaches, supervisor of cheerleaders, band director, security
personnel and the game announcer. The Athletic Director should establish written expectations
for coaches, players, students, cheerleaders, spectators and management personnel. Use a variety
of ways to communicate your expectations during athletic activities. Expect your communications
to be followed, and be willing to follow-up when the expectations of the principal, school
athletic director, and system athletic director are not followed.
Printed copies of the final statement of the crowd control procedures should be distributed to all
personnel involved in any way with the conduct of the game. The program should be developed t
o regulate three stages:
Before the contest
During the contest
After the contest
Specific responsibilities should be outlined for all involved.
Before the Contest:
If the athletic program is to be successfully administered, the athletic director must be concerned with
the welfare of the fans and the student body. Since most high schools are in need of the
additional revenue from gate receipts for financing the athletic program, all efforts must be put forth
to make attendance an enjoyable experience, thus ensuring a return to other contests.
Important Pre-planning Steps:
Make sure that all facilities are clean and comfortable and supervised at times throughout
the event.
Staff adequate concession stands; if possible, provide one for home and one for visitors.
Have admissions, ticket sales, and parking lot personnel observe and screen people for
possession of alcoholic beverages and/or intoxication and notify appropriate security.
Have alternatives ready in case of score clocks, lights, or other facility failures.
Written emergency procedures should be clearly understood by the public
address announcer. The following procedures should be understood by the public
address announcer in the event of an emergency: Fire, medical emergencies, lost
and found articles, bomb threats.
Provide several copies of team rosters for announcers, TV and radio people.
Make available to visiting schools necessary game information: include directions
for game parking, location of ticket booths, seating arrangement chart, ticket prices, game
time, directions for reaching the site.
Provide supervised parking in handicapped parking areas.
Post signs that designate handicapped seating, season-ticket seating, general-admission
seating, band seating, and any other arrangements that may need to be made for your
particular school.
Discuss with the student body the need for showing good sportsmanship to visitors.
This can be done with daily announcements.
Inform cheerleaders of the importance of proper timing of yells, display of good
sportsmanship to visitors, and cooperation with team, band and other activities.
Arrange for adequate police supervision.
Post in plain sight at the entrance to the stadium or gym a copy of the reasons for expulsion
from the contest, e.g., use of alcohol, drugs, throwing objects, unruly behavior.
Assign officials to dressing facilities separated from both teams. Provide escorts for the
officials when it appears that disturbances may develop.
During the contest:
Provide for adequate supervision of students and facilities by the home school.
Alert crowd control supervisors to observe behavior and whereabouts of potential problem
When someone is behaving in undesirable way, do something about it. Actions speak louder
than words.
Be sure that visiting schools assume responsibility for supervising their students.
Plan an interesting half-time program.
To prevent long lines, obtain extra help at concession stands during half time and at breaks.
Arrange for security to prevent fans from getting on the field, around the players’ bench
area or directly into areas of competition.
Have the P.A. announcer give the location of rest rooms, concession stands and lost
and found station.
Provide a first-aid room for emergencies. Have a doctor in attendance at home football
games. Assure access to a telephone from any contest area.
Procedures for Dealing with Unruly Spectators
1. Timing is critical: get to problems quickly.
2. When to go to the stands:
a. For abusive or foul language
b. For throwing objects
c. For obstruction of view
d. When a spectator is ignoring the requests of others
e. When game management has been informed by the official that a spectator needs
to settle down or be asked to leave.
3. Sit next to them and explain their options:
a. Stop the behavior and explain sportsmanship expectations and consequences
b. Final step is being escorted out by security.
4. At that point say: “I need to see you in the hallway (or at the top of the stadium) for
a few minutes.” Talk with them out of public eye as much as possible.
5. If that’s unsuccessful say: “ I’m going to ask you to leave, and if you don’t we may be
asking you not to return for the rest of the season.”
Follow Up with People Who Have Been Difficult
Use a form letter for some situations.
For others, meet individually with the person to talk about the situation.
Talk to them in a non-threatening manner.
Discuss other ways the spectator might have handled his/her disappointment or frustration.
Have an established procedure involving the principal and/or superintendent for problems
that are unresolved after the initial letter and/or meeting.
After the Contest:
Planning for after the contest is probably the most important of the three stages in crowd control.
Most incidents and encounters occur after the game when the fans are on their way home. Some
of the most important considerations are as follows.
1. Develop a procedural plan for the exit of teams, officials and fans.
2. Direct the route for movement of all visiting school buses and all home team buses
(Include band, pep club buses, etc.).
3. Use the P.A. system to: 1) caution spectators about not walking on the floor or field 2)
give directions for leaving the area.
4. To facilitate orderly movement of traffic lines, provide directive (local police) supervision
for cars leaving the parking area.
1. Assign and delegate to the proper school official the authority for crowd control
responsibility, ( e.g., the Athletic Director).
2. Convey to the delegated authority the seriousness of crowd control.
3. Review with the Athletic Director the responsibilities of the police before, during and after
the game.
4. Stress good sportsmanship.
5. Insist that coaches conduct themselves in a manner conducive to good sportsmanship and
clean athletics.
Athletic Director:
Prepare a plan for the safety of guest school athletes and fans.
Inform visiting school as to where they are to park their buses and see that the guests
are greeted and escorted to the game site. As the fans leave the game site, have
security visible to ensure traffic flow is organized and moving quickly.
Provide separate, clearly marked seating areas for the season ticket holders, general
seating and bands. It is strongly recommended that the fans from the two schools
remain in the area designated as “their” stands. Problems occur whenever there
is a crossover of fans and dialogue takes place, (e.g., name calling, teasing and
derogatory cheering).
Guest cheerleaders should be greeted and escorted to their accommodations by the
host school cheerleaders. Conversation can include a greeting, location at dressing
or restroom facilities and which group will cheer first and the procedure for half time.
Courtesy and protection of game officials.
Provide for parking and have a host greet the officials and escort them to their
dressing facilities. These facilities should be private and include a shower. The
officials’ dressing room is off limits to players, coaches, fans, and news media
Acknowledge payment of officials prior to the game. As a courtesy to the official
provide soap, towels, and refreshments.
After the game is over, see that security personnel go on to the playing area and
escort the officials directly to their dressing room.
2. Both the athletic director and the principal must insist that coaches conduct themselves in
a manner conducive to good sportsmanship and clean athletics. The coach is the leader. His
actions play a big part in maintaining good crowd control. The coach must insist that the
players are courteous to the officials. In doing so, his own conduct should reflect the same.
Provide for basic crowd control.
Remember, it takes very little to incite an already “up tight” crowd.
Provide visible police protection. This security force should have radio equipment,
which permits communications at all times. Security personnel need to know what
you expect of them before, during, and after the contest. They should have the
philosophy of being there to provide a service – not just to look for a problem.
A gentle but firm attitude is very helpful.
Use booster and service club members (with arm bands) to act as ushers, program sellers,
Make arrangements to prohibit fans from going on to the playing area after a contest.
Supervisor of Cheerleaders:
1. Cheerleaders, coaches, advisors, and band directors should set an example by being
cooperative and helpful to each other.
Instruct the cheerleaders to:
Have positive – non-antagonistic – cheers at all times.
Divert the crowds’ attention from booing by starting a positive cheer.
Lead the crowd in a round of applause when an injured player leaves the playing area.
Be on hand when the visiting team arrives and escort them to their section.
Remain at the game site after the contest and only go to the buses with an escort.
Travel in pairs or small groups when going to the restroom, drinking fountain or concession
Each school should set up a policy for entering and leaving an athletic event – possibly going as a
unit with the band – especially in game situations of high rivalry.
During basketball games, instruct cheerleaders to:
Set-up a scheduled rotation of floor cheers.
Remain silent when the opponent’s squad is on the floor for a cheer.
Remain silent when the opponent is shooting a free throw.
Band Director
Help in crowd control with music at the appropriate times.
Encourage band members to stay in small groups of at least 3 to 5 when they are not performing
at football games.
During the football season, the guest band director should make a courtesy call to the host band
director and exchange information consisting of:
Whether or not the guests are planning to attend.
The length of the half-time performances.
Number and location of seating required. Number of band parents or helpers attending.
Whether or not there are any special events planned.
Host band officers seek out and meet with the guest band officers sometime during the contest
for the purpose of promoting good will.
Provide faculty supervision for all pep or marching bands at all athletic contests.
Coaches influence not only the conduct of the players under their direction, but also that of
the student spectators, parents of squad members and interested citizens who attend athletic contests.
The coach is influential in setting the tone of conduct by visibly showing that he/she values selfrestraint, fair play and sportsmanship.
The behavior of the coach must at all times be marked by dignity and self-control. He/she should
not, at any time, use provocative language or engage in any inappropriate actions or tactics. He/she
avoid any actions or remarks which would tend to excite the displeasure of the spectators or provoke
disorderly conduct.
If the coach, as a professional educator, cannot exercise emotional control under stress, then such
behavior cannot be expected from the young people on the team nor from the diverse combinations
of spectators in the stands.
The coach will immediately discipline a player who intimidates an official.
Deliberate attempts to humiliate an opponent should not be tolerated.
Coaches must control their emotions by eliminating any show of outraged discontent over an
official’s call.
Never seek out an official during half time or at the conclusion of a contest.
Security Personnel
Must have adequate, uniformed police officers visible at the site.
Must have written instructions for security personnel (Have plan, number of officers needed,
locations to be stationed, etc.).
Rowan-Salisbury School System
Guidelines for Middle Schools
All Rowan-Salisbury Middle Schools will follow NCHSAA guidelines.
Eligibility Lists for Middle Schools
Five days before the contest, the principal shall file two copies of this list with the superintendent/system
athletics director.
Age Requirements for Middle School Athletes
A student shall not participate on an eighth grade middle school team if he/she becomes 15 years of age on
or before August 31 of said school year. Middle School Conference Rules prohibit participation on a
seventh grade team if a student becomes 14 years of age on or before August 31 of said school year.
Night Contests for Middle Schools
Middle school teams shall not be permitted to play athletic contests on a night followed by a school day.
Starting times for night games shall be no later than 6:30 p.m.(Exceptions: Friday nights, if not followed by
a school day; days prior to a holiday; Saturdays).
Games or Matches During the School Day
No athletic contest should begin until the end of the school day. Principal must approve athletic travel
before the end of the school day.
Player Conduct
All players are representatives of their school and are expected to display positive conduct and good
sportsmanship at all times. The coach may discipline any player guilty of willful misconduct to include
dismissal or possible denial of participation in the next contest or contests. The coach and principal will
make this determination. Any student-athlete, coach or school official in grades 7-12 who is ejected from
any athletic contest shall be penalized as follows:
• Football – ejection from the contest, miss the next contest at that level and all contests in the
interim (Miss the next two contests for fighting).
• All other sports – ejection from the contest, miss the next two contests (Miss the next four
contests for fighting).
• Individuals: Players receiving two ejections for unacceptable behavior as defined above
will be suspended from all sports for the remainder of that sport season. Receiving a
third ejection in a school year will result in suspension from athletics for one calendar year
(365 days from the date of the third ejection).
Any student athlete or coach who is ejected or disqualified for unsporting action must complete the Star
Sportsmanship Program of the NCHSAA before returning to competition.
Attendance Requirement
A player must be present at least one half of the school day in order to participate in an athletic contest or
practice on that same day. A player must have been in attendance for at least 85% of the previous semester
at an approved school.
Semester Rule
No student may be eligible to participate at the middle school level for a period lasting longer than four (4)
consecutive semesters beginning with the student’s entry into seventh grade.
Middle School Basketball – Sportsmanship/Mercy Rule
A middle school basketball team leading by 25 or more points shall not defend the losing team outside of
the 3-point arc and shall not use a press in the backcourt. The first offense shall be a warning. The second
offense by the same team in a game shall be a technical foul.
Extra Innings-Middle School Baseball
Up to two extra innings will be played using regular game rules if the regular game ends in a tie. If neither
team wins following the two extra innings, any additional innings will then be played using the
INTERNATIONAL RUN RULE. In other words, the international run rule will be implemented beginning
in the 10th inning of the games.
Rowan/Salisbury School Board Policy
Middle School Instruction
6-7 Interscholastic Activities
The Board believes individual students will benefit through opportunities to grow physically and
intellectually through their experience in self-discipline and their contribution to team effort made possible
through competitive interschool and intramural team and individual activities. Participation in
interscholastic competitions shall be voluntary and shall be governed by the regulations of the appropriate
state organizations.
Middle School Athletics
Rowan-Salisbury School System recognizes the Standards set forth by the North Carolina High School
Athletic Association (NCHSAA) for middle and high school athletics. In addition to these Standards,
Rowan-Salisbury middle schools recognize academics as a priority and shall adopt local standards in
accordance with gateways and other promotional requirements to ensure each student has maximized
learning for maximized success. Although the Board desires a successful athletic program, athletics shall
always be secondary to the requirements of the instructional program. Athletics and interscholastic
programs are an integral part of the secondary school curriculum and comes under the authority of the
principal to the same degree, as do all other phases of the curriculum. As of January 1, 2003, the following
guidelines are in effect at each middle school within the Rowan-Salisbury School System.
Regardless of the school organization pattern, a student who is promoted from the sixth
grade to the seventh grade or seventh to eighth grade must have demonstrated adequate
academic performance during the previous semester. Adequate performance is exhibited by
a student passing three of four core subjects on the block schedule or five of seven on the
traditional schedule.
Although a student is deemed “academically eligible” for a semester under NCHSAA
Standards, local policy allows a student to be placed on academic probation for participation
in any interscholastic activity at any grade reporting period. If a student’s grade point
average falls below a ‘D’ in any core subject (Math, Language Arts, Science, Social Studies)
at grading period, academic probation shall be initiated by the principal. While on
“academic probation,” a student may attend practice but will be exempted from participating
in competitions until adequate academic progress is evident on the progress report or end of
grading period report.
Code of Conduct
The principal may deem a student “ineligible” for participation in any athletics or
extracurricular activities for inadequate academic performance or violations of the Student
Code of Conduct. Discipline infractions warranting automatic suspension or removal from
athletics or extracurricular activity include possession of drugs, weapons, or other illegal
paraphernalia, physical assault towards another student or school employee, or other serious
Regular attendance is required of all students. To be eligible for athletic participation, a
player must be in attendance at least 85 percent (77.5 days) of the previous semester
beginning with grade seven. A student must be in attendance at least one-half of the school
day to practice or participate in games or contests.
Rowan-Salisbury Middle and High School Athletic Participation Form
Student ID # _____________________________ School Attended Last Year ___________________________
Gender: M
Date of Birth: ________________________
Race: __________
Age: ______
Father’s Name: ________________________ Daytime Phone, Pager, Cell Phone: _____________________
Mother’s Name: _______________________ Daytime Phone, Pager, Cell Phone: _____________________
Legal Custodian: _______________________ Daytime Phone, Pager, Cell Phone: _____________________
Street Address: _________________________________________
County: _______________________
City: _________________________________State: _________________Zip Code: _____________________
Alternate Emergency Contact Person:_____________________________Daytime Phone:_________________
Attach necessary documentation for Medical Alerts such as allergic reactions, contacts, etc.
Convictions: Check the box that applies to, ____________________________________________(student name):
Is not convicted of a felony in this or any other state OR adjudicated as a delinquent for an offense that would be a
felony if committed by an adult in this or any other state
Is convicted of a felony in this or any other state
Is adjudicated as a delinquent for an offense that would be a felony if committed by an adult in this or any other state
The following must be completed if the student is convicted of a felony or is adjudicated as a delinquent:
Convicted or adjudicated of: ______________________________________________________________________
City and State: ___________________________________
Date Convicted/Adjudicated: __________________
Description of Offense: _________________________________________________________________________________
Court Counselor: ___________________________________Telephone Number: ___________________________
Class of ____________________
Request for Permission: We, the undersigned student and the student’s parent/legal custodian, apply for permission to participate
in interscholastic athletics in the following sports: (Please check all sports that apply)
( ) Basketball
( ) Football
( ) Softball
( ) Volleyball
( ) Baseball
( ) Golf
( ) Swimming
( ) Wrestling
( ) ________________
( ) Cheerleading
( ) Indoor Track
( ) Tennis
( ) ________________
( ) Cross Country
( ) Soccer
( ) Track
*Weight lifting may be required component of
conditioning for any sport.
Name: _____________________________ Home Phone: __________________ Grade _________________
Insurance: Insurance coverage is required. Please complete the information below to verify coverage. R-SS Schools participate in
a catastrophic insurance program through the North Carolina High School Athletic Association. The coverage offered under this
policy is not meant to replace the basic football or student accident and athletic coverage, but rather is intended to provide
benefits for student participants as well as to protect schools against costs arising from very serious injuries.
Name of Insurance Company
Policy Number
Patient’s Name: _____________________________________________________
Age: __________________
This is a screening examination for participation in sports. This does not substitute for a comprehensive
examination with your child’s regular physician where important preventive health information can be covered.
Athlete’s Directions: Please review all questions with your parent or legal custodian and answer them to the best of your
Parent’s Directions: Please assure that all questions are answered to the best of your knowledge. Not disclosing accurate
information may put your child at risk during sports activity.
Physician’s Directions: We recommend carefully reviewing these questions and clarifying any positive answers.
Explain “Yes” answers below
Yes No Don’t
1. Has the athlete ever been hospitalized or had surgery?
2. Is the athlete presently taking any medication or pills?
3. Does the athlete have any allergies (medicine, bees or other stinging insects, latex)?
4. Has the athlete ever passed out or nearly passed out DURING exercise, emotion or startle?
5. Has the athlete ever fainted or passed out AFTER exercise?
6. Has the athlete had extreme fatigue associated with exercise (different from other children)?
7. Has the athlete ever had trouble breathing during exercise, or a cough with exercise?
8. Has the athlete ever been diagnosed with exercise-induced asthma?
9. Has a doctor ever told the athlete that she/he has high blood pressure?
10. Has a doctor ever told the athlete that she/he has a heart infection?
11. Has a doctor ever ordered an EKG or other test for the athlete’s heart, or has the athlete ever been told
She/he has a murmur?
12. Has the athlete ever had discomfort, pain, or pressure in the chest during or after exercise or
complained of his/her heart “racing” or “skipping beats”?
13. Has the athlete ever had a head injury, been knocked out, or had a concussion?
14. Has the athlete ever had a seizure or been diagnosed with an unexplained seizure problem?
15. Has the athlete ever had a stinger, burner or pinched nerve?
16. Has the athlete ever had a heat injury (heat stroke) or severe muscle cramps with activities?
17. Has the athlete ever had any problems with their eyes or vision?
18. Has the athlete ever sprained/strained, dislocated, fractured, broken or had repeated swelling or other
injury of any bones or joints?
 Head
 Shoulder  Thigh
 Neck  Elbow  Knee  Chest  Hip
 Forearm
 Shin/calf  Back
 Wrist  Ankle
 Hand  Foot
19. Has the athlete ever had an eating disorder, or do you have any concerns about your eating habits
or weight?
20. Does the athlete have any chronic medical illnesses (diabetes, asthma, kidney problems, etc.)?
21. Has the athlete had a medical problem or injury since their last evaluation?
22. Does the athlete have the sickle cell trait?
23. Has any family member had a sudden, unexpected death before age 50 (including from sudden infant
death syndrome [SIDS], car accident, drowning)?
24. Has any family member had unexplained heart attacks, fainting or seizures?
25. Does the athlete have a father, mother or brother with sickle cell disease?
Elaborate on any positive (yes) answers: _________________________________________________________________
I have reviewed and answered each question above, and assure that all are accurate responses. Furthermore, I give permission
for my child to participate in sports.
Signature of parent/legal custodian: ________________________________________ Date: __________________
Signature of Athlete: _______________________________Date: __________________Phone #: ________________
Physical Examination (Must be Completed by a Licensed Physician, Nurse Practitioner or Physician’s Assistant
Athlete’s Name _______________________________________________ Age ________ Date of Birth ___________________
Height ________________ Weight
Vision R 20/ _____________ L20/________________ Corrected:
% ile)
/ _________(___________% ile) Pulse__________
These are required elements for all examinations
Other Orthopedic
Optional Examination Elements – Should be done if history indicates
Hernia (Males)
A. Cleared
B. Cleared after completing evaluation/rehabilitation for: _____________________________________________
C. Not cleared for:
 Non-contact _____ Strenuous _____ Moderately strenuous _____ Non-strenuous
Due to: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
Additional Recommendations/Rehab Instructions: __________________________________________________________________________
Name of Physician/Extender: _____________________________________________________________
Signature of Physician/Extender ______________________________________________ MD
(Signature and circle of designated degree required)
Date of exam: _______________________
Physician Office Stamp:
Address: ________________________________________
Phone: _________________________________
**The following are considered disqualifying until appropriate medical and parental releases are obtained: post-operative clearance, acute
infections, obvious growth retardation, diabetes, jaundice, severe visual or auditory impairment, pulmonary insufficiency, organic heart disease or
hypertension, enlarged liver or spleen, a chronic musculoskeletal condition that limits ability for safe exercise/sport (i.e. Klippel-Feil anomaly,
Sprengel’s deformity), history of convulsion or concussions, absence of one kidney, eye, testicle or ovary, etc.
This form approved by the North Carolina High School Athletic Association Sports Medicine Advisory Committee December 2009, and the
NCHSAA Board of Directors reviewed annually.
Protect Your Eligibility; Know the Rules: To represent your school in athletics, YOU:
 Must be a properly enrolled student at the time you participate, must be enrolled no later than the 15th day of the present semester, and must
be in regular attendance at that school.
 Must not be convicted of a felony in this or any other state, or adjudicated as a delinquent for an offense that would be a felony if
committed by an adult in this or any other state.
 Must not have more that 13.5 total absences (85% attendance requirement) in the (ninety) 90 day semester prior to athletic participation.
 Must not have exceeded eight (8) consecutive semesters of attendance or have participated in more than four (4) seasons in any sport (one
season per year) since first entering grade nine (9).
 Must be under 19 years of age on or before August 31.
 Must live with a parent or legal custodian within the Rowan- Salisbury School System administrative unit. (Must notify the athletic
director if not living with a parent or legal custodian.)
 Must be present 50% of the student day on the day of an athletic contest in order to participate in the event, unless an emergency or medical
situation is approved by the principal and athletic director. This includes games and practices.
 Must meet promotion requirements at their school to be eligible for fall semester.
 Must have passed a minimum of three (3) courses during the previous semester in a block schedule. Office assistance, teacher assistance,
or laboratory assistance may not be used toward academic eligibility.
 Must have received a medical examination by a licensed physician within the past 365 days; if you miss five (5) or more days of practice
due to illness or injury, you must receive a medical release from a licensed physician before practicing or playing.
 Must not accept prizes, merchandise, money, or anything that can be exchanged for money as a result of athletic participation. This
includes being on a free list or loan list for equipment, etc.
 Must not have signed a professional contract, have played on a junior college team or be enrolled and attending a class in college. This
does not affect a regularly enrolled high school student who is taking a college cours (s) for advanced credit.
 Must not participate in unsanctioned all-star or bowl games.
 May not participate at a second school in R-SSS in the same sport season.
 May not receive team instructions from your school’s coaching staff during the school year outside your sports season. Instruction is
limited to the coach and one or multiple participants in small group settings.
 May not, as an individual or a team, practice or play during the school day.
 May not play, practice, or assemble as a team with your coach on Sunday.
 May not dress for a contest, sit on the bench, or practice if you are not eligible to participate.
 Must not play more than three (3) games in one sport per week (exceptions: Baseball, Softball, Cheerleading and Volleyball); and not
more than one (1) contest per day in the same sport (exceptions: Baseball, Softball, Cheerleading or Volleyball).
Hazing: Hazing is prohibited. No group or individual shall require a student to wear abnormal dress, play abusive or ridiculous
tricks on him/her, frighten, scold, beat, harass, or subject him/her to personal indignity.
The Board of Education is required to expel any student convicted of hazing under NC Criminal Statue #14-35.
Code of Sportsmanship: It is recognized that public school interscholastic athletic events should be conducted in such a manner
that good sportsmanship prevails at all times. Every effort should be made to promote a climate of wholesome competition.
Unsportsmanlike acts will not be tolerated. A player is under the coach’s control from the time he/she arrives at the athletic field
until he/she leaves the field. The penalties listed in the North Carolina High School Athletic Association Handbook will be
adhered to for any athlete ejected from an athletic contest.
NCHSAA Regulations Student Athlete Pledge: As a student athlete, I am a role model. I understand the spirit of fair play
while playing hard. I will refrain from engaging in all types of disrespectful behavior, including inappropriate language, taunting,
trash talking, and unnecessary physical contact. I know the behavior expectations of my school, my conference, and the
NCHSAA and hereby accept the responsibility and privilege of representing this school and community as a student athlete.
Parent Pledge: As a parent, I acknowledge that I am a role model. I will remember that school athletics is an extension of the
classroom, offering learning experiences for the students. I must show respect for all players, coaches, spectators, and support
groups. I will participate in cheers that support, encourage, and uplift the teams involved. I understand the spirit of fair play and
the good sportsmanship expected by our school, our conference and the NCHSAA I hereby accept my responsibility to be a
model of good sportsmanship that comes with being the parent of a student athlete.
NCHSAA Sportsmanship/Ejection Policy: We acknowledge that we, both the student and parent whose names appear below,
have read and understand the NCHSAA Sportsmanship/Ejection Policy. We understand that the following types of behavior will
result in an ejection from an athletic contest: fighting, taunting or baiting, profanity directed toward an official or an opponent,
obscene gestures, disrespectfully addressing an official.
1st ejection: 4 game suspension in all sport except 2 games for football.
2nd ejection: Suspended for remainder of sport season.
3rd ejection: Suspended from ALL athletic competition for 365 days from date of 3rd ejection.
Transportation for Athletic Events—If student transportation is by a Rowan—Salisbury School System-owned vehicle, the
school system vehicle liability coverage is applicable to any vehicular accident. If student transportation is by private vehicle,
the vehicle owner’s liability coverage is applicable to any vehicular accident. Parent or adult drivers should be aware that they
may be held responsible for injuries to any individuals they are transporting and must certify that any private vehicle used is
covered by at least the North Carolina state required insurance coverage. All student athletes who travel with a team to an
away athletic event must return to the school with the team. The only exception to this policy is when both the coach and
parent/legal custodian agree that it is beneficial for the student athlete to ride home with a parent/legal custodian. Student
athletes are not to ride home from athletic events with any other person.
Medical Authorization—As the parent or legal custodian of this student athlete, I grant permission for treatment deemed
necessary for a condition arising during or affecting participation in sports, including medical or surgical treatment
recommended by a medical doctor. I understand that every effort will be made to contact me prior to treatment. Also,
permission is granted to release medical information to the school and athletic trainer or first responder.
Risk of Injury – We acknowledge and understand that there is a risk of injury involved in athletic participation. We
understand that the student-athlete will be under the supervision and direction of an R-SSS athletic coach. We agree to follow
the rules of the sport and the instructions of the coach in order to reduce the risk of injury to the student and other athletes.
However, we acknowledge and understand that neither the coach nor R-SSS can eliminate the risk of injury in sports. Injuries
may and do occur. Sports injuries can be severe and in some cases may result in permanent disability or even death. We freely,
knowingly, and willfully accept and assume the risk of injury that might occur from participation in athletics.
We agree to release and hold RSS, its athletic coaches and other employees free, harmless and indemnified from and against
any and all claims, suits or cases of action arising from or out of injury that the student-athletic may suffer from participation in
athletics other than an injury resulting from gross or willful misconduct.
Criminal Charges Against Students Involved In Extracurricular Activities
I certify that there are no pending criminal charges against the above named student. If at any time during the school year the
named student is charged with a crime, I must notify the school which the student attends. I understand that participation in
extra curricular activities may be restricted if a student is charged with criminal conduct or has violated school rules for
A concussion is a traumatic brain injury caused by a direct or indirect impact to the head. If a student-athletic shows signs or
symptoms of a concussion, he/she will be removed from the activity at that time and shall not be allowed to return to play or
practice that day. The student shall not return to play or practice until evaluated by and receives written clearance for such
participation from a licensed physician. The following signs and symptoms of concussion should be reported immediately to
the coach or athletic trainer: (1) any loss of consciousness, (2) being stunned, dazed, or confused, (3) forgetting events before
or after a hit, (4) headache, (5) nausea, (6) dizziness, (7) blurred vision, (8) sensitivity to light on noise, (9) feeling sluggish,
(10) changes in sleep patterns, (11) concentration or memory problems.
Providing false information on this form may cause the student athlete to lose athletic eligibility.
Student (Signature): _________________________________________________
Date ______________
Parent (Print): ____________________________________________________
Date ______________
Parent (Signature): ________________________________________________
Date ______________
*Legal Custodian (Print): _____________________________________________
Date ______________
*Legal Custodian (Signature): _________________________________________
Date ______________
Education Law in North Carolina, a publication of the Institute of Government and the Principal’s Executive Program in Chapel Hill, North
Carolina, states the following:
1. Domicile. In applying the requirements of G.S. 115c-366, it is necessary to distinguish between domicile and residence. North
Carolina courts have said that establishing domicile requires “legal capacity, physical presence and intent to acquire domicile.” In
other words, to establish a new domicile one must actually move to a new location intending to abandon one’s prior domicile and
remain in the new location as a permanent home for an indefinite period. In contrast, a residence is an established home, but it need
not be one’s exclusive home. A person may have more than one residence but only one domicile. For example if someone has his
permanent home in the city and a weekend retreat at the lake, he has a residence in both locations, but his domicile is the city because
he did not intend to abandon that residence as a permanent home when he took up lodging at the lake. Likewise, if a family lives
permanently in one school system and establishes a second home in an adjoining school system for the purpose of sending the
children to the neighboring school system, the family has not established domicile in the second location because it has a continuing
intention to return to its permanent home.
2. Pursuant to North Carolina General Statute 14-209, if it is found that a person willfully and knowingly provided false
information in this sworn affidavit, the student will be removed from school and the maker of the affidavit shall be guilty of a
Class F felony and shall pay to the local board an amount equal to the cost of educating the student during the period of
enrollment (if the student is not a domiciliary of the local school administrative unit). Repayment shall not include State
funds. Offenders will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
By my signature below, I certify that I have read the preceding description of “domicile,” and I further certify that my domicile is
located at the following address:
Street Address
City, State, Zip Code
In addition, I hereby certify that the address written above became my domicile according to the
definition above on or about the __________day of _____________________________________20______
So certified, this __________ day of_____________________________________20______
Date Month
Signature of Adult with Whom
Parent/Custodian is Living (if applicable)
Signature of Parent or Legal Custodian
Parent/Custodian of _____________________________________________________
Name(s) of Student(s)
Signature of Athlete
Concussions in Sports
What Every Parent and Student-Athlete Needs to Know
What is a Concussion?
• An INJURY TO THE BRAIN caused by a blow or jolt to the head
• Concussions can happen to boys and girls in ANY SPORT
Signs and Symptoms of Concussion
• May or may not lose
• Headache
• Nausea
• Blurred or fuzzy vision
Changes in sleep
• Sluggish
Don’t ignore the signs and symptoms of concussion. Seek
medical care! STUDENT-ATHLETES – Tell your coach and
parents if you have any signs or symptoms of concussion.
Concussion Safety In Sports
• A player who may have a concussion must be removed from play or
practice immediately. Call 911 if a player loses consciousness.
• Always monitor a player who may have a concussion.
• A player who may have suffered a concussion MUST BE
weeks or longer) RETURN TO PLAY.
If a player returns to play before a concussion fully heals, s/he
risks a repeat concussion that can be fatal!
Parent signature
Student signature Date
Athletic Forms To Be completed When Hiring Athletic Coaches and Volunteers
Licensed Staff serving as paid coaches
Currently employed in RSS in a certified position
Form C-1 – Coaching/Athletic Assignment Agreement – to be completed before coaching
services begins
 Approved to begin coaching services immediately, only if employment requirements are
on file in HR Dept.
To verify if employment requirements are on file, contact Davina Kelii at or (704)630-6096.
-Occupies an allotted position -
Classified Staff serving as volunteer coaches
Currently employed in RSS in a classified position (i.e. Teacher Asst. Clerical Custodian, Bus
Driver, etc.)
Volunteer Agreement – to be completed at the beginning of each sports season before beginning
volunteer services
 Approved to begin volunteer services immediately, only if employment requirements are
on file in HR Dept.
To verify if employment requirements are on file, contact Davina at or (704)630=6096
- Occupies an allotted position –
Non-Staff serving as paid coaches
Currently employed in RSS as Substitute Teacher or
Currently not employed in RSS
Form S – Recommendation for Employment/Transfer
Form CRR – Background Authorization & Release
Employment Application (signed & dated by applicant)
 You will be notified when coaching services may begin
Form C-1 - Coaching/Athletic Assignment Agreement – to be completed before coaching
services begins
-Occupies an allotted position –
Non-Staff Volunteer serving as volunteer coaches --- Coaches are not paid while serving as a
volunteer coach
Currently not employed in RSS
Form CRR – Background Authorization & Release
 You will be notified when volunteer services may begin
Volunteer Agreement – to be completed at the beginning of each sports season before
volunteer services begins
- Does Not Occupy an allotted position -
PO Box 2349, Salisbury, NC 28145-2349
High School Principals >>> (Please share with your Athletic Director)
Middle School Principals
Davina Kelii, Human Resources Department
Ellis Street Office
June 1, 2012
Review the enclosed Coaching Allotment/Assignment schedules as you plan your athletic programs for school
year 2012-2013, and make assignments accordingly.
1.) All athletic assignments must be submitted to the Human Resources Department for approval by the Board of
Education, using the forms provided in this packet. Discard all old forms and packets.
2.) On the enclosed copy of your 2011-2012 Athletic Assignment list, indicate any changes to be made for the
new year and return together with completed blue forms C-1 (Assignment Agreement). Be sure to return the
blue forms. Make copies to keep for your files.
3.) Any changes and/or additions made during the school year must be made on your file copy of the C-1
(Assignment Agreement) and sent to the HR Department immediately.
4.) Experience for new coaching staff personnel must be verified on Form AV-1 by the former employer.
5.) Remind your staff that coaches may delay payment of their coaching supplements; however, they may not
be paid before their respective duties have been performed. Stipend payments will be made along with regular
monthly salary payments in September, December, March, and May. In order for stipends to be paid on the
scheduled pay dates, blue agreement forms and changes must be received in the HR office by the following
August 24th to be paid in September
February 28th to be paid in March
November 30th to be paid in December
April 30th to be paid in May
6.) All non-staff coaches must complete the new hire process, as required of our regular employees. Non-staff
applicants, including those who coached last year and substitutes are not eligible to begin any coaching duties
or services until after employment has been approved. Refer to “AD Checklist for Hiring Athletic Coaches.”
7.) Volunteers who routinely work directly with students and are not otherwise employed by the RowanSalisbury Schools must have an approved background check through Human Resources before volunteering.
They may also be required to complete the application/new hire process at the discretion of the principal.
Refer to “AD Checklist for Hiring Athletic Coaches.”
8.) Classified employees who volunteer for any athletic sport must complete a Volunteer Agreement form for
each sport/season. Refer to “AD Checklist for Hiring Athletic Coaches.”
9.) Return completed forms to me as soon as possible, but no later than Friday, Aug. 24, 2012. Contact me at
704-630-6096 or if you have questions relative to this material.
Rowan-Salisbury Schools
High School Coaching Allotment per Sport per School
Athletic Director
Athletic Trainer
1 (per year)
1 (per season - cover contact sports)
1 Assistant
Total Positions
1 - 2 per Season
Baseball (Varsity)
Baseball (JV)
Basketball (Varsity Boys)
Basketball (Varsity Girls)
Basketball (JV Boys)
Basketball (JV Girls)
Basketball (9th Boys)
Basketball (9th Girls)
Cheerleader (Varsity)
1 per season
Cheerleader (JV)
1 per season
Cross Country (Boys)
Cross Country (Girls)
Football (Varsity & JV)
Golf (Boys)
Golf (Girls)
Indoor Track (Boys)
Indoor Track (Girls)
Outdoor Track (Boys)
Outdoor Track (Girls)
Soccer (Varsity Boys)
Soccer (JV Boys)
Soccer (Varsity Girls)
Soccer (JV Girls)
Softball (Varsity)
Softball (JV)
Swimming (Boys)
Swimming (Girls)
Tennis (Boys)
Tennis (Girls)
Volleyball (Varsity)
Volleyball (JV)
Wrestling (Varsity)
(*) If teams are combined and the total participants number 30 or more, one assistant is authorized.
(**) With 80+ participants, one additional assistant is authorized; with 100+ participants, another assistant is
(***) With 40+ participants, one additional assistant is authorized.
Coaching positions are allotted on an approximate ratio of 1 coach to 15 players. Schools not needing the full
allotment of coaches because of low participation in a sport, or lack of a team altogether, are expected to reduce
their demands accordingly.
Asst. Cross Country
Cross Country
Asst. Indoor Track
Asst. Baseball
Asst. Swimming
Asst. Softball
Asst. Soccer
Asst. Basketball
Indoor Track
Asst. Track
JV Baseball
Asst. Wrestling
JV Softball
JV Soccer
JV Basketball
Asst. Football
Ath. Trainer
0, 1, 2
3, 4, 5
6, 7, 8
9, 10, 11
12, 13, 14
15, 16, 17
18, 19, 20
21, 22, 23
JV Volleyball
9th Basketball
JV Football
0, 1, 2
3, 4, 5
6, 7, 8
9, 10, 11
12, 13, 14
15, 16, 17
18, 19, 20
21, 22, 23
24, 25, 26
27, 28, 29
24, 25, 26
27, 28, 29
30, 31, 32
33, 34, 35
30, 31, 32
33, 34, 35
36, 37, 38
36, 37, 38
Athletic Director* - plus the following:
$50 per Varsity/JV teams Step I - II
$75 per Varsity/JV teams Step III - VI
One non-teaching period for athletic duties
One non-teaching period for athletic duties
Combined Teams (practice/compete together) add $200.
2013-14 HS 10/8/13-ds
Non-Coaching Athletic Supplements
Athletic Field Maintainer
Weight Trainer
Athletic Trainer
Athletic Trainer
Asst. Athletic Trainer
Athletic Director
$ 2,750.00 year-round for after-school upkeep of athletic fields
$ 2,750.00 year-round for after-school/summer lifting
900.00 set amount for winter sports season
900.00 set amount for spring sports season
700.00 set amount for fall sports season
$ 1,500.00 120 hours @ $12.50 per hour for summer administrative work
(submit timesheet)
After three years of satisfactory service on one experience level, the coach automatically progresses to the next level. No experience
level may be repeated, as less than satisfactory performance requires dismissal.
Credit is given for paid coaching experience in the same sport below the head varsity level on a ratio of 1 for 2 --- each two years of
paid non-head coaching experience above the sixth grade level equates to one year of head coaching credit per three-year level;
however, as head coach , one will not earn less than if he were an assistant in the same sport.
2013-14 HS 10/8/13-ds
Rowan-Salisbury Schools
Middle School Coaching Allotments per Sport per School
Combined 7th & 8th Grade Teams
Athletic Director
Athletic Trainer
(Boys - 7)
(Boys - 8)
(Girls - 7)
(Girls - 8)
per year
per season - cover contact sports
Cheerleader (7)
Cheerleader (8)
Outdoor Track (Boys)
Outdoor Track (Girls)
Soccer (Boys)
Soccer (Girls)
Tennis (Boys)
Tennis (Girls)
per season
per season
Please Note:--Regardless of the source of funds, no additional paid coaches may be added by a school to the personnel
allotments established above.
Convert assistant coaching experience to head coach -- 2 years Assist = 1 year Head.
ATHLETIC FIELD MAINTAINER --- Year round upkeep of athletic fields.
Rowan-Salisbury Schools
Middle School Athleitc Stipend Schedule
Extra Duty
By Stipend Grades
Athletic Director
Athletic Trainer
Placement on
Schedule by
Yrs of Exp
(3 S easons)
(2 S easons ea. 7 & 8)
Cheerleader (H)
Baseball (Asst)
Soccer (H)
Softball (Asst)
Tennis (H)
Track (Asst)
Wrestling (Asst)
Track (H)
Wrestling (H)
Baseball (H)
Softball (H)
Athletic Trainer
Basketball (H)
Football (Asst)
Athletic Director
Football (H)
0, 1, 2
3, 4, 5
6, 7, 8
9, 10, 11
12, 13, 14
15, 16, 17
18, 19+
0, 1, 2
3, 4, 5
6, 7, 8
9, 10, 11
12, 13, 14
15, 16, 17
18, 19+
$ 1,000.00
$ 1,060.00
0, 1, 2
3, 4, 5
6, 7, 8
9, 10, 11
12, 13, 14
15, 16, 17
18, 19+
$ 1,040.00
$ 1,100.00
$ 1,160.00
0, 1, 2
3, 4, 5
6, 7, 8
9, 10, 11
12, 13, 14
15, 16, 17
18, 19+
$ 1,050.00
$ 1,125.00
$ 1,200.00
0, 1, 2
3, 4, 5
6, 7, 8
9, 10, 11
12, 13, 14
15, 16, 17
18, 19+
Non-Coaching Athletic Supplement
Athletic Director
500.00 40 hours @ $12.50 per hour of summer administrative work
(Sub mit timesheet)
1250.00 PER YEAR
Year round upkeep of athletic fields
SCHOOL YEAR 2012-2013
(to be completed for all paid athletic coaches)
This is to acknowledge/affirm that my coaching/athletic assignment and subsequent compensation for school year
2012-2013 will include:
*Experience Grade/Step
Schedule of Payment
(as of 06/30/12)
Read and initial each item below to indicate that you concur:
Staff members (including full-time, part-time, non-faculty coaches or volunteers) w ho exercise influence (direct or indirect)
upon prospecive athletes in an attempt to influence the athlete's school assignment or violate any portion of this policy, w ill
be subject to disciplinary actions up to and including the termination of employment. Additionally, if a student, parent or legal
guardian is party to a violation of any part of this policy, the student's right to participate in interscholastic athletics may be denied
Coaches must comply w ith all policies of the Row an-Salisbury Schools and the North Carolina High School Athletic Association.
Non-Staff coaches must complete all new hire requirements before starting any coaching/athletic duties or services.
Eligibility for stipend payment w ill begin only after all employment requirements are completed in the HR Dept.
Stipends w ill be pro rata for partial seasons w orked.
Payment of stipends may be delayed by request; how ever, stipends may not be paid before respective duties have been
Stipend payments w ill be made along w ith regular monthly salary payments in the months of September, December, March,
and May.
This assignment is subject to change at any time as per the discretion of the principal. An employee or coach w ho is
removed from coaching duties w ill be entitled to compensation only for the portion of the season actually w orked.
*Experience Years Completed is subject to correction to reflect verification on file in the HR Dept. This may result in an
adjustment in the Amount of Stipend.
Coaching/Athletic Assignment Agreements are contingent upon funding from the Board of Education.
(Print name as it appears on Social Security Card)
Social Security #
(last 6 digits)
X X X -
Signature (Principal)
Form AV-1
PO Box 2349, Salisbury, NC 28145-2349
The individual named below has indicated that he/she provided coaching services in your school system. Please complete the
information requested so that we can properly compensate this employee for current duties on our staff. If you have any questions
concerning this request, please feel free to contact me at # _________________________________.
Principal sending this request _________________________________
School ___________________________________________________
Date _____________________________
Address __________________________________________________
Employee Name _________________________________________
Soc. Sec. # (last 6 digits) ______________________
To be completed by former employer.
Verification of Coaching Experience
(1) Total years Assistant Coaching in each sport or Cheerleader Sponsor, Athletic Trainer, Weight Trainer:
Name of
Grade Level of
Salary Received
[ ___________ ] [ ___________ ] [ __________ ]
[ _______________________________ ]
[ ___________________________ ] [ __________________ ] [ ________ ] [ ________ ]
[ ___________ ] [ ___________ ] [ __________ ]
[ _______________________________ ]
[ ___________________________ ] [ __________________ ] [ ________ ] [ ________ ]
[ ___________ ] [ ___________ ] [ __________ ]
[ _______________________________ ]
[ ___________________________ ] [ __________________ ] [ ________ ] [ ________ ]
(2) Total years Head Coaching in each sport or Cheerleader Sponsor, Athletic Trainer, Weight Trainer:
Name of
Grade Level of
Salary Received
[ ___________ ] [ ___________ ] [ __________ ]
[ _______________________________ ]
[ ___________________________ ] [ __________________ ] [ ________ ] [ ________ ]
[ ___________ ] [ ___________ ] [ __________ ]
[ _______________________________ ]
[ ___________________________ ] [ __________________ ] [ ________ ] [ ________ ]
[ ___________ ] [ ___________ ] [ __________ ]
[ _______________________________ ]
[ ___________________________ ] [ __________________ ] [ ________ ] [ ________ ]
(3) Total years Athletic Director: ____________________________
I hereby certify the above information is accurate as presented.
Principal ____________________________________
School _____________________________________________
Date ________________________________________
Address ____________________________________________
Athletic Director
B. Tennis
G. Tennis
B-Indoor Track
G-Indoor Track
B-Cross Country
G-Cross Country
Volleyball - JV
Cheerleading - V
Cheerleading - JV
Number Sports Steps I - II
@ 50.00 = $
@ 75.00 = $
Football - V
Football - JV
B-Basketball - V
B-Basketball - JV
B-Basketball - 9th
G-Basketball - V
G-Basketball - JV
G-Basketball - 9th
Baseball - V
Baseball - JV
B-Soccer - JV
G- Soccer - JV
Softball - V
Softball - JV
B-Outdoor Track
G-Outdoor Track
Number Sports Steps III - XII
Add Years Experiece on AD Scale
Add Summer Administrative Work (Up to 120 hours @ $12.50 per hour) $
(attach timesheet)
G. Tennis
B-Indoor Track
G-Indoor Track
B-Cross Country
G-Cross Country
Volleyball - JV
Cheerleading - V
Cheerleading - JV
Number Sports Steps I - II
@ 50.00 =
@ 75.00 =
Football - V
Football - JV
B-Basketball - V
B-Basketball - JV
B-Basketball - 9th
G-Basketball - V
G-Basketball - JV
G-Basketball - 9th
Baseball - V
Baseball - JV
B-Soccer - JV
G- Soccer - JV
Softball - V
Softball - JV
B-Outdoor Track
G-Outdoor Track
Number Sports Steps III - XII
Add Years Experiece on AD Scale
Add Summer Administrative Work (Up to 120 hours @ $12.50 per hour)
(Attach timesheet)
Rowan-Salisbury Schools
For 2012-2013
Those who are not otherwise employed by Rowan-Salisbury Schools must follow the instructions below.
Coaching duties are not to begin until after you have completed all the new hire requirements.
Step 1: Complete the online application. For instructions, go to our website:
• Click on ‘Employment’ on the left side of the screen
• Click on ‘How to Apply’ on the left side of the screen for instructions
Step 2: Print completed application
• Sign and date last page of application
Step 3: Fill out Background Authorization & Release form (on back of this page).
This form can also be found on the RSS website:
• Click on ‘Employment’ on the left side of the screen
• Click on ‘How to Apply’ on the left side of the screen for instructions
• Scroll to bottom of page to find Background Authorization & Release Form link
• Print & complete form
Step 4: Submit completed application and Background Authorization & Release form to the Athletic
Director at the school for which you are applying to coach. Keep a copy for your files. Incomplete
application or Background Authorization & Release form will not be processed.
Your application will be reviewed. If approved, you will be contacted for an appointment to continue with
the new hire process.
REMINDER: You are not eligible to begin any coaching duties or services until you
have completed all the new hire requirements.
Note to Athletic Director and Principal—
! Fax Recommendation for Employment/Transfer form to Davina Kelii at Ellis St.
along with completed application and Background Authorization & Release form.
! Do not allow applicant to begin any coaching duties or services until you
are notified by HR of their approval to start.
Form ADC
AD Checklist for Hiring Athletic Coaches
 Returning Non-staff Applicant
(Currently employed in RSS as a Substitute or, 2) was employed
in RSS the previous school year)
 Certified Staff
(Currently employed in RSS as Certified Staff)
● Employment Profile pages 1 & 2
● Form C-1 Coaching/Ath. Assign. Agreement
● Background Authorization & Release
Give to returning non-staff applicant
Give to certified staff to complete before
begin coaching
Applicant return completed forms to AD
Staff return form to AD
● Form S/Recommendation for Employment
Principal sign & date Form C-1
AD complete
AD send blue form to Davina Kelii @ Ellis St.
* Name
* Assignment
* SS#
* School Site
► Approved to begin only if employment requirements are
on file in HR Dept. To verify, email Davina Kelii at
* Recommended Beginning Date
► Occupies an allotted position
Principal sign & date Form S
► Eligible to receive athletic stipend
● Fax completed forms to Davina Kelii
* 704-633-8514 or * 704-639-3179
Form S/Recommendation for Employment
 Classified Staff
Employment Profile for Returning Coaches
(Currently employed in RSS as Teacher Asst., Bus Driver
Custodian, Office Personnel, Food Svc., etc.)
Form CRR/Background Auth. & Release
● Volunteer Agreement
● Receive Notification from HR
Give to classified staff to complete before
begin coaching (form must be notarized)
* Applicant’s eligibility to coach
● Form C-1/Coaching/Ath. Assignment Agreement
Staff return form to AD
Coach complete & sign before begin coaching
AD send form to Davina Kelii @ Ellis St.
► Approved to begin only if employment requirements are
on file in HR Dept. To verify, email Davina Kelii at
* Start date to reflect date eligible to begin
* Stipend amount to reflect pro-rated amount
for partial season, if applicable
► Occupies an allotted position
Principal sign & date
► Eligible to receive athletic stipend
AD send blue C-1 to Davina Kelii @ Ellis St.
► Not eligible to provide coaching duties/services until
● Notes
AD receive notification from HR Dept.
► Occupies an allotted position
► Eligible to receive athletic stipend
Rowan-Salisbury Schools
Volunteer Agreement —
Classified Personnel and Non-RSS Employees serving as Athletic Coaches
(Complete one form per sport)
It is my desire to volunteer as a ______________________ Coach for Rowan-Salisbury Schools at
________________________________ School.
Check One:
Check One:
Check All That Apply:
□ Boys
□ Head
□ Assistant
□ Fall
□ Spring
□ Girls
□ 9th Gr.
□ Winter
I affirm that this volunteer work is not related to, or in any way similar to, any work for which I am a paid
employee of the school system. If I do accept a position that is related to, or in any way similar to my
volunteering, I affirm that I will discontinue volunteering my services in the above capacity.
I understand that I may receive nominal payment in the form of an athletic supplement for my volunteer
services. I freely volunteer my services without any expectation of payment.
I understand that non-RSS employees who volunteer to coach may not be covered by
Workers Compensation.
I understand that as a volunteer, I can stop my volunteer services at any time.
I will follow all policies of the Rowan-Salisbury Schools and the North Carolina High School Athletic
I fully understand the above agreement to volunteer for the Rowan-Salisbury School System.
Social Security Number
Volunteer’s Printed Name
Budget Code: 2-5501-801-411- _ _ _
City, State, Zip
Volunteer’s Signature
Subscribed and sworn before me this _____________ day of _______________________, 20_______
Date Commission Expires
Signature of Notary
Rowan-Salisbury Schools
Volunteer Agreement —
Classified Personnel and Non-RSS Employees serving as Athletic Coaches
(Complete one form per sport)
It is my desire to volunteer as a ______________________ Coach for Rowan-Salisbury Schools at
________________________________ School.
Check One:
Check One:
Check All That Apply:
□ Boys
□ Head
□ Assistant
□ Fall
□ Spring
□ Girls
□ 9th Gr.
□ Winter
I affirm that this volunteer work is not related to, or in any way similar to, any work for which I am a paid
employee of the school system. If I do accept a position that is related to, or in any way similar to my
volunteering, I affirm that I will discontinue volunteering my services in the above capacity.
I understand that I may receive nominal payment in the form of an athletic supplement for my volunteer
services. I freely volunteer my services without any expectation of payment.
I understand that non-RSS employees who volunteer to coach may not be covered by
Workers Compensation.
I understand that as a volunteer, I can stop my volunteer services at any time.
I will follow all policies of the Rowan-Salisbury Schools and the North Carolina High School Athletic
I fully understand the above agreement to volunteer for the Rowan-Salisbury School System.
Social Security Number
Volunteer’s Printed Name
Budget Code: 2-5501-801-411- _ _ _
City, State, Zip
Volunteer’s Signature
Subscribed and sworn before me this _____________ day of _______________________, 20_______
Date Commission Expires
Signature of Notary
Please Print:
Name (as shown on social security card)
Social Security No.
Street Address
Telephone No.
Birth Date
List approximate dates coached in RSS
Page 2 must also be completed
For Human Resources Dept. Use Only
Send copy to Pa yroll________________
Sport _________________
Circle Classification:
Date _________________
Administrative Unit ________________________________
Middle 7-8
Jr. High 7-8-9
I hereby certify that each person listed meets the requirements under Title 16 North Carolina
Administrative code .0202 Interscholastic Athletic as adopted by the State Board of Education
regarding residence, age limit, academics, medical examinations.
Names of Participants
Birth Date
Names of Participants
Birth Date
Rowan-Salisbury Schools
High School Athletic Eligibility
Questions and Answers for Students and Parents
“Winning on the professional level is required. Winning on the collegiate level has become expected.
Winning on the high school level should be a pleasant by-product of what you’re really supposed to be
doing, which is developing young people into productive citizens.”
Robert Kanaby
Q: What are the basic requirements my child must meet to play sports in RSS?
A. In addition to academic and attendance requirements, other basic requirements include:
1. Students must be a regularly enrolled member of a RSS school.
2. Only students in grades 7-12 may participate.
3. Students must live with the parents or legal custodian.
4. Students cannot participate if they turn 19 years old on or before August 31.
5. Students must receive a sports screening every year (365 days). The screening must be done by
a licensed physician, nurse practitioner or physician’s assistant.
6. Students are eligible for eight consecutive semesters, beginning when a student first enters
ninth grade or starts playing on a high school team, whichever comes first.
7. Students and parents should attend an athletic pre-season meeting.
8. Students and parents must sign the RSS Honor Code.
Q. What are the academic requirements my child must meet to play sports in RSS?
A. Student-athletes must pass 3 of 4 classes during the previous semester and be promoted to the next
grade level at the end of the year. Academic credits earned during summer school may count as
credits earned during the preceding spring semester. A student not eligible at the beginning of a
semester is not eligible at any time during the semester.
Q. What are the attendance requirements to play sports?
A. Student-athletes must not have missed more than 13 days of school during the previous semester
(excused or unexcused absences).
Q. How do I know if my child is able to play sports at his/her home school?
A. Students who are domiciled (live with) with their biological parents or court-ordered custodian and
attend the school serving the area where the parent(s) or court-ordered custodian live are
immediately eligible to play sports if they meet attendance and academic requirements. Parents must
present valid domicile documents to prove they live in the home school zone. Students must be
enrolled no later than the 15th day of school during the present semester and must be in regular
attendance at the school.
Q. We (parents) are separated or divorced and do not have a court-ordered custody arrangement for
our child. What must we do to make sure our child is eligible to play sports?
A. If no custody order has been entered, the residence shall be deemed to be that of the parent who
had actual custody immediately upon separation.
Q. I went to court and got an order stating that my child can live with my brother outside the
home school attendance zone. Is my child eligible to play sports at the school where my brother
A. No. If a student with living parent(s), has a custody reassignment that results in his/her attending
a school in a different attendance area from where either parent resides, the student will be
ineligible for athletic participation for his/her remaining high school years. A student/legal
custodian may apply to the Board of Education for a waiver of the student’s ineligibility.
Hardship situations may include: (1) the death, serious illness, or incarceration of a parent or legal
guardian; (2) the abandonment by a parent or legal guardian of the complete control of the student
as evidenced by the failure to provide substantial financial support and parental guidance; (3)
abuse or neglect by the parent or legal guardian; (4) the physical or mental condition of the parent
prevents the adequate care for the student; or (5) the loss of or inability to inhabit the student’s
home as the result of a natural disaster.
Q. My grandson has lived with me since he was two years old. His parents are deceased. I do not
have court-ordered custody. Can he play sports at his school?
A. Yes. A student who does not live with a biological parent, legal custodian, or legal guardian may
apply for hardship-caregiver status. Strict documentation of the family situation is required.
Q. We have a home in one school attendance zone and a second home in another school attendance
zone. Can our child play sports at either school?
A. A student may not have 2 residences for eligibility purposes. A student is eligible to attend
school and participate in sports at the residence where the child is domiciled with a parent(s) or
legal custodian.
Student-Assignment/Transfer/Moving Questions:
Q. We did not physically move, but we requested and were granted a different school assignment
for our child. Is he eligible to play sports?
A. Students who change schools without changing physical addresses are considered transfer
students. Transfer students are not eligible to play sports for 365 days.
Q. My daughter started the year at school “A” which was our home school. In November, we
bought a house and moved into the attendance zone for school “B”. Can my daughter play
A. Students whose families move to a new address in a new school attendance zone during the
school year have two options:
1. The student may finish the year at school “A”, remaining eligible for sports at school “A”.
The student will be assigned to her new home school for the next school year.
2. The student may attend school “B” and is immediately eligible to play sports at school “B”
provided he/she did not participate in the same season at the previous school.
Q. Can a convicted felon participate in sports?
A. No. In addition to rules permanently banning the participation of convicted felons, students
charged with crimes may be suspended from athletic participation until the case is adjudicated.
Concussion Return to Play Form
NCHSSA Guidelines
This form is adapted from the Acute Concussion Evaluation (ACE) care plan on the CDC web site. All medical providers are encouraged to review this site if they have questions regarding the latest
information on the evaluation and care of the scholastic athlete following a concussion injury. Please initial the blank beside any
recommendations that you select.
Athlete’s Name __________________________________________________
DOB: _________________ AGE: ___________________
Date: _________________ ID/MR# ___________________________
Date of Injury: _____________________
Medical Office Information (Please Print/Stamp)
Physician’s Name ______________________________
Physician’s Office Phone _________________________
Office Address ________________________________
This return to play plan is based on today’s evaluation.
Return to this office. Date/Time _______________
Care plan completed by: _____________________________
Return to school on (date) __________________________
1. You should never return to play or practice if you still have ANY symptoms.
2. Be sure that your coach and /or athletic trainer are aware of your injury, symptoms, and has the contact
information for the treating physician.
Return to Sports
The following are the return to sports recommendations at the present time.
___ Do not return to PE class at this time.
___ May return to PE class
___ Do not return to sports practice or competition at this time.
___ Gradual return to sports practices under the supervision of the health care provider for your school or team (e.g. Athletic
Trainer, Coach, or Physical Education Teacher)
Return to play should occur in gradual steps beginning with aerobic exercise only to increase
your heart rate (e.g. stationary cycle); moving to increasing your heart rate with movement (e.g. running); then adding
controlled contact if appropriate; and finally return to sports competition.
Pay careful attention to your symptoms and your thinking and concentration skills at each stage
or activity. After completion of each step without recurrence of symptoms, you can move to the next
level of activity the next day. Move to the next level of activity only if you do not experience any
symptoms at the present level. If your symptoms return, let your health care provider know, return to the first level
and restart the program gradually. This return to play plan is based on today’s evaluation.
Gradual Return to Play Plan
1. Low levels of physical activity (i.e. symptoms do not come back during or after the
activity). This includes walking, light jogging, light stationary biking, and light weightlifting
(low weight – moderate reps, no bench, no squats).
2. Moderate levels of physical activity with body/head movement. This includes moderate
jogging, brief running, moderate intensity on the stationary cycle, moderate intensity
weightlifting (reduce time and or reduced weight from your typical routine).
3. Heavy non-contact physical activity. This includes sprinting/running, high intensity
stationary cycling, completing the regular lifting routine, non-contact sport specific drills
(agility – with 3 planes of movement).
4. Full contact in a controlled drill or practice.
5. Return to competition
All activities which involve the student, the faculty and the school facilities and for which a fee
admission is charged, will be controlled by use of a serial numbered ticket which will be surrendered at the
door or gate at time of entry and subsequently destroyed.
Anyone entering an event should purchase a ticket or have authorization to enter by
possessing a complimentary pass or some other authorization acceptable to the school.
2) School financial secretaries should arrange to provide cash for change funds.
3) A Ticket Seller’s Report should be issued with tickets and change fund to ticket custodian.
4) Two people should be in charge of tickets at each gate or door. One person will sell tickets and
the other person will take up tickets and tear them in half giving the buyers
half the ticket.
5) Each person selling will be issued a selection of tickets to be maintained.
6) After the event, the gate receipts and unused tickets should be turned into the ticket custodian
and reconciled. The gatekeeper should sign the Ticket Seller’s Report verifying
7) A count of the total receipts should be verified and the cash recounted by the principal or
administrator. Upon verification, the ticket custodian or athletic director must sign the
8) The ticket custodian will place all funds and a statement of total cash counted into a locked
deposit bag. Mark the gag ‘DO NOT COUNT – WILL PICK UP’. The ticket custodian will
retain the key and the bag will be placed in the night depository by the principal or his designee.
Deposits must be made on the day the event occurred, not the following day.
9) The school financial secretary will retrieve the bag from the bank and recount the funds.
The ticket custodian will bring the key to the office the day following the athletic event. A
receipt will be issued to the ticket custodian at time of verification. A copy of the
reconciliation of gate receipts will be attached to the ticket custodian’s original receipt.
10) The school financial secretary will complete the last section of the Financial Student Activities
Report and sign the form. Any reconciliation determined to be short or over must have a copy
sent to the internal auditor within five days of the event.
11) The school financial secretary must update the Ticket and Change Log.
12) All forms should be completed in ink. Two people must initialize any corrections.
Consignment of Tickets and Change Fund
School ________________________________________
Date ________________________
Event ________________________________________________________________________
If athletic game, enter opposing team name above.
Admission tickets issued:
Beginning #
Ending #
Total Tickets Issued
Sales Price
t ickets @
ea. =
tickets @
ea. =
t ickets @
ea. =
tickets @
ea. =
tickets @
ea. =
tickets @
ea. =
Change fund issued $
Total Value of Tickets Issued $ ___________________
Amounts Verified by ____________________________________________________________
Ticket Manager
Receipt of above tickets and change acknowledged by __________________________________
Currency __________________
Total $ ____________
Admission Receipts
$ _______________
Change Fund Advance Returned
$ _______________
$ _______________
Please itemize expenses incurred with this activity
This activity was conducted at a profit of
$ _______________________________
This activity was conducted at a loss of
$ _______________________________
Receipt No. __________________
Financial Secretary
The objective of accounting and control procedures over gate receipts is to provide assurance that all
spectators to an event pay the required admission fee and that all admission fees collected are promptly deposited to
the school account.
All tickets must be pre-numbered and a different collored ticket used for each event.
A log of season passes will be maintained in the school office. All passes should be prenumbered and accounted for at all times.
At the end of the school year, ticket rolls should be reconciled and a listing forwarded to the
internal auditor.
The principal shall designate a person to control, safeguard and account for all serial-numbered
admission tickets used in the school.
Tickets shall be stored in a secure place. Access to the tickets shall be restricted to authorized
A perpetual inventory log will be kept updated at the school.
Form S Rev. 2.9.12
Recommendation for Employment/Transfer
Must Include: ► S2 Phone Reference Form ► CRR Background Form
► Unofficial transcripts for licensed and paraprofessional applicants
► Applicant must have an Online Application
 All recommendations must be approved by the Human Resources Office. DO NOT promise employment to
any prospective employee until you receive written authorization from the HR Office.
 All salaries will be determined by the Human Resources Office. DO NOT quote ANY salary information to
prospective or current employees.
For HR Office Only
Copies to:
___ Principal (receiving)
___ Principal (sending)
___ HR Specialist
___ BT Coordinator
___ Director
___ Personnel file
___ _______________
To be completed by the Recommending Principal/Director:
I hereby recommend _____________________________________________________ SS#
For the position of: Grade Level ______________________________
Subject Area _________________________________
Assignment ______________________________
Site _________________________________
Recommended Beginning Date: ______________________
ο 10 Month Position
ο 11 Month Position
ο Full-time ο Part-time
ο 12 Month Position
Number of hours this assignment _____ per day
Other assignment _____ per day
Special conditions relative to this employment: ____________________________________________________________________________
This is a ο New Position
ο Replacement Position; replacing ___________________________ who:
(New position form or documentation of resignation or LOA must be on file in the HR Office)
I interviewed the following applicants for this position & have
notified all others that were not selected:
Interview Date:
ο Retired
ο Resigned
ο Transferred to ______________
ο Is on Leave of Absence
ο Was Interim
ο Was not Rehired
ο Other ______________________
Effective on date: ______________________
Checklist: (Please check all applicable items.)
I am recommending a voluntary transfer from: Current Position:____________________at Current School/Site:____________________
Employee Signature ____________________________________________________________
Date __________________________
Sending Principal/Director ______________________________________________________
Date __________________________
 I am not related to the person recommended for this position.
 I have discussed the recommended applicant with the Director of Exceptional Children, CTE, ESOL, Media, Technology,
Title I, or Student Services as appropriate.
Receiving Principal//Director ______________________________________________________
For Director:
Budget Code
For HR Office:
License Area Required _________________________
ο Sub Is Required for position
ο Sub Is Not Required
Date __________________________
ο 10 months ο 11 months ο 12 months
ο CRH Clear
ο Interim
ο Full Benefits
Tentative Start date __________________
ο Temporary
ο Partial Benefits
Grade/Step _________________________
ο Permanent
ο No Benefits
License Info _______________________
ο Retiree
ο NCLB Qualified
ο Needs 10-day orientation
ο BBP Required
ο BBP Not Required
ο BT ο Not BT
ο Bus Lic Required ο Bus Lic Not Required
HR Specialist ____________________________________ Date _____________
Asst Supt for HR _________________________________ Date _____________
→ FAX form and all requirements listed above to the
84 HR Office at (704) 639-3179 or (704) 633-8514 immediately ←