VCR ENGINE TEST SET UP 1 CYLINDR, 4 STROKE, DIESEL (Computerized) Product Code 234 Instruction manual Contents 1 Description 6 Commissioning 11 Components used 2 Specifications 7 Software 12 components‟ manuals 3 Installation requirements 8 Troubleshooting 13 Warranty 4 Packing slip 9 Theory 5 Installation 10 Experiments Apex Innovations Description The setup consists of single cylinder, four stroke, VCR (Variable Compression Ratio) Diesel engine connected to eddy current type dynamometer for loading. The compression ratio can be changed without stopping the engine and without altering the combustion chamber geometry by specially designed tilting cylinder block arrangement. Setup is provided with necessary instruments for combustion pressure and crank-angle measurements. These signals are interfaced to computer through engine indicator for PPV diagrams. Provision is also made for interfacing airflow, fuel flow, temperatures and load measurement. The set up has stand-alone panel box consisting of air box, two fuel tanks for duel fuel test, manometer, fuel measuring unit, transmitters for air and fuel flow measurements, process indicator and engine indicator. Rotameters are provided for cooling water and calorimeter water flow measurement. The setup enables study of VCR engine performance for brake power, indicated power, frictional power, BMEP, IMEP, brake thermal efficiency, indicated thermal efficiency, Mechanical efficiency, volumetric efficiency, specific fuel consumption, A/F ratio and heat balance. Labview based Engine Performance Analysis software package “EnginesoftLV” is provided for on line performance evaluation. A computerized Diesel injection pressure measurement is optionally provided. Schematic arrangement 21-01-2014 Im234.docx Page 2 Apex Innovations Specifications Product VCR Engine test setup 1 cylinder, 4 stroke, Diesel (Computerized) Product code 234 Engine Make Kirloskar, Type 1 cylinder, 4 stroke Diesel, water cooled, power 3.5 kW at 1500 rpm, stroke 110 mm, bore 87.5 mm. 661 cc, CR 17.5, Modified to VCR engine CR range 12 to 18 Dynamometer Type eddy current, water cooled, with loading unit Propeller shaft With universal joints Air box M S fabricated with orifice meter and manometer Fuel tank Capacity 15 lit with glass fuel metering column Calorimeter Type Pipe in pipe Piezo sensor Range 5000 PSI, with low noise cable Crank angle sensor Resolution 1 Deg, Speed 5500 RPM with TDC pulse. Data acquisition device NI USB-6210, 16-bit, 250kS/s. Piezo powering unit Make-Cuadra, Model AX-409. Digital milivoltmeter Range 0-200mV, panel mounted Temperature sensor Type RTD, PT100 and Thermocouple, Type K Temperature Type two wire, Input RTD PT100, Range 0–100 Deg C, transmitter Output 4–20 mA and Type two wire, Input Thermocouple, Range 0–1200 Deg C, Output 4–20 mA Load indicator Digital, Range 0-50 Kg, Supply 230VAC Load sensor Load cell, type strain gauge, range 0-50 Kg Fuel flow transmitter DP transmitter, Range 0-500 mm WC Air flow transmitter Pressure transmitter, Range (-) 250 mm WC Software “EnginesoftLV” Engine performance analysis software Rotameter Engine cooling 40-400 LPH; Calorimeter 25-250 LPH Pump Type Monoblock Overall dimensions W 2000 x D 2500 x H 1500 mm Optional Computerized Diesel injection pressure measurement Shipping details Gross volume 2.46m3, Gross weight 808kg, Net weight 528kg 21-01-2014 Im234.docx Page 3 Apex Innovations Installation requirements Electric supply Provide 230 +/- 10 VAC, 50 Hz, single phase electric supply with proper earthing. (Neutral – Earth voltage less than 5 VAC) 5A, three pin socket with switch (2 Nos.) Water supply Continuous, clean and soft water supply @ 1000 LPH, at 10 m. head. Provide valve with 1” BSP hose terminal connection Computer IBM compatible with standard configuration. Typical configuration as follows: CPU: Pentium 300 GHz, RAM: Min. 512 MB, CD ROM drive, USB Port. OS: Windows XP + SP2. Monitor: Screen resolution 1280x1024. Space L3300 mm x W3200 mm x H1700 mm (Refer foundation drawings) Drain Provide suitable drain extension arrangement (Drain pipe 65 NB/2.5” size) Exhaust Provide suitable exhaust extension arrangement (Exhaust pipe 32 NB/1.25” size) Foundation Refer foundation drawings Foundation234(1) and Foundation234(2) Fuel, oil Diesel@10 lit. Lubrication Oil @ 3.5 lit. (20W40) 21-01-2014 Im234.docx Page 4 Apex Innovations Packing slip Total no. of boxes: 9, Volume: 2.02 m3, Gross weight: 744 kg. Net wt. 639 kg Box Engine set up assembly Gross weight: 444kg No.1/9 Size W1600xD670xH1120 mm; Volume:1.20m 1 Engine test setup assembly Engine 3 + Net weight: 444kg 1 No. Dynamometer Box Engine panel box Gross weight: 75kg No.2/9 Size W990xD475xH500 mm; Volume:0.24m3 Net weight: 52kg 1 Engine panel box assembly 1 No. Transmitter panel, Fuel pipe, Fuel DP transmitter, Air transmitter, NI USB 6210, power supply and wiring, Manometer with PU tube. Box Engine panel box structure No.3/9 Size W800xD475xH500 mm; Volume:0.19m 1 Structure assembly consisting of Gross weight: 46kg 3 Net weight: 25kg 1 No. Rotameters with piping (2) Dynamometer loading unit clamp (1) Box Calorimeter Gross weight: 28kg 3 No.4/9 Size W725xD250xH325 mm; Volume: 0.06m Net weight: 15kg 1 Calorimeter 1 No. 2 Calorimeter support structure with pad 1 No. Box Exhaust pipe Gross weight: 16kg No.5/9 Size W900xD200xH200 mm; Volume: 0.04m 1 Exhaust pipe Box Pump 3 Net weight: 10kg 1 No. Gross weight: 14kg No.6/9 Size W300xD225xH300 mm; Volume:0.02m 1 Pump Box Battery 3 Net weight: 7kg 1 No. Gross weight: 25kg 3 No.7/9 Size W150xD225xH250 mm; Volume:0.01m Net weight: 17kg 1 Battery 1 No. Box Engine piping Gross weight: 58Kg No.8/9 Size W1250xD450xH350mm; Volume: 0.20m3 Net weight: 41kg 1 Piping set (14 pieces) 1 No. Engine water inlet and outlet, Dynamometer water inlet and outlet, Calorimeter water inlet 21-01-2014 Im234.docx Page 5 Apex Innovations and outlet, Air hose pipe, Pump suction connection with strainer, Pump outlet, Engine water inlet and outlet hose, Water supply hose pipe, Drain pipe (3 components) 2 Fuel Glass tube 2Nos (one spare) 1 No. 3 Funnel for fuel fill 1 No. 4 Wiring PVC channel set (4 pieces) 1 No. 5 Starting kick/Handle 1 No. 6 Exhaust extension pipe with socket 1 No. 7 Pump bracket 1 No. 8 Air box connection 1 No. 9 Calorimeter exhaust outlet flange 1 No. Box Engine wiring Gross weight: 38kg 3 No.9/9 Size W500xD400xH300 mm; Volume:0.06m Net weight: 18kg 1 Piezo powering unit 1 No. 2 Load indicator 1 No. 3 Digital voltmeter 1 No. 4 Dynamometer loading unit 1 No. 5 Pressure gauge 1 No. 6 Wiring set 1 No. 7 Load cell with nut bolt 1 No. 8 Crank angle sensor 1 No. 9 Temperature sensors (5) 1 No. 10 Piezo sensor 1/2Nos. 11 Low noise cable 1/2Nos. 12 Data acquisition device and driver CD 1 No. 13 Apex Enginesoft DVD CD 1 No. 14 Set of loose nut bolts 1 No. 15 Tool kit 1 No. 16 Dash board box for Engine starter with charger 1 No. 17 Fuel caps(2), Teflon tape(2) & Gasket shellac(1) 1 No. 18 Set of instruction manuals consisting of: 1 No. Instruction manual CD (Apex) DP transmitter Dynamometer (AG10/TM15) Sheet Kirloskar engine maint. Sheet Calibration for Piezo sensor and load cell 21-01-2014 Im234.docx Page 6 Apex Innovations Installation Unpack the box(es) received and ensure that all material is received as per packing slip. In case of short supply or breakage contact Apex Innovations / your supplier for further actions. Remove the packings, paper boxes, wrappers from the components. Refer the various photographs below and note locations of different components. Install Engine setup assembly on the foundation and tighten the foundation bolts. Note that Crank angle sensor, and Load cell are fitted on the dynamometer and Piezo sensor is fitted on the engine. The dynamometer body is clamped with its base by locking flat which is to be removed. There are jack bolts below the dynamometer which are raised upwards to restrict the swiveling motion. These bolts to be lowered to allow free motion of the body of the dynamometer. Keep Engine panel box structure near Engine setup assembly. Two rotameters are fitted in the panel box structure. Inside the rotameters plastic rods are inserted to arrest the movement of respective floats. These rods are to be removed. Note the C type clamp provided for clamping the dynamometer loading unit. Collect the Calorimeter and Calorimeter structure from Calorimeter box. Remove calorimeter from the structure, reverse the structure and put it near engine. Fit calorimeter over the structure. 21-01-2014 Im234.docx Page 7 Apex Innovations Collect the Engine Panel Box. It is fitted with Fuel pipe (Glass), Manometer, Fuel DP transmitter, Air transmitter, Orifice for air metering, Transmitter panel(fitted with Power supply and five Temperature transmitters ), NI-6210 USB interface with cable for computer. Check all terminal connections, component mounting and wiring screws Fit the Engine panel box assembly on the Panel box structure with four bolts. Collect Piezo powering unit (Ax409), Dynamometer loading unit (AX155), Load indicator (PIC152), Digital voltmeter (SMP35) from “Engine wiring” box. 21-01-2014 Im234.docx Page 8 Apex Innovations Remove the covers of Piezo powering unit and Dynamometer loading unit and confirm that all components inside are at proper location and tightly fitted. Remove any packing material inside dynamometer loading unit. Confirm smooth working of loading knob on its front. The cover of the dynamometer loading unit is to be fitted after inserting the unit in the Engine panel support structure Fit the Piezo powering unit (AX409) and put its clamps. Connect Electric supply cables and a 9 pin connector at Output Fit load indicator (PIC152) and put its clamps. Connect 8 wires at respective terminals. Fit Voltmeter (Meco) and put its clamps. Connect 4 wires at the back terminals. Fit Dynamometer loading unit in the Engine panel structure after removing C clamp. Fit its cover and then fit the C clamp. Remove the Exhaust pipe packed in wooden box placed inside “Engine piping” box and connect it between calorimeter exhaust inlet and engine exhaust outlet. Connect Exhaust extension pipe at the outlet of calorimeter. Insert additional pipe in between and take the exhaust out of the room. At the end put Exhaust muffler. Remove Pump packed in wooden box placed inside “Engine piping”. Fit Pump bracket to the Engine panel structure and fit pump on it. Collect the piping pieces form “Engine piping box”. Clean the pipes internally to remove any dust and particles. Complete the piping as follows: o Assemble the PVC drain pipes (3 components) as per the marking done. Put it between Engine panel and Engine set up assembly. 21-01-2014 Im234.docx Page 9 Apex Innovations o Connect Engine water inlet from engine cooling rotameter to water inlet on engine body. Separate Engine water inlet hose pipe with clamps is provided for connecting the engine side end of the pipe. o Connect Engine water outlet. Connect Engine water outlet hose between the outlet pipe and engine body. The Outlet pipe is to bolted on the base frame and the water outlet drains in drain pipe. o Fit Pump outlet at the delivery side of the pump. Connect Rotameter inlet hose pipes to the pump outlet. o Connect Dynamometer water inlet from Pump inlet to dynamometer. o Connect Dynamometer water outlet from dynamometer to drain pipe. o Connect Calorimeter inlet from rotameter to calorimeter. o Connect Calorimeter water outlet to drain. o Fit Strainer and hose nipple at the pump inlet and connect Water supply hose pipe. Connect this hose pipe to site water supply. o Fit Air box connection to air box and connect Air hose pipe from air box to engine. o The fuel pipe is put on engine and its one end is connected to fuel filter. Connect the other end in the engine panel at the brass hose tee in the fuel line. The fuel line is to be routed through the wiring channels. Fit Pressure gauge on dynamometer inlet pipe. Fit wiring PVC channel set. Collect the wiring set from Sensors bag and fit 5 temp sensors at respective places. (i) RTD T1/T3 at the inlet water at pump outlet. (ii) RTD T2 at the Engine outlet water on the engine head. (iii) RTD T4 at the calorimeter water outlet. (iv) 21-01-2014 Im234.docx Page 10 Apex Innovations Thermocouple T5 at the Exhaust inlet of calorimeter and (v) Thermocouple T6 at the exhaust outlet of calorimeter. Route the wiring from PVC wiring channels. Collect Electric supply cable packed in packing (named as Sensors) and connect L N E terminals to the transmitter panel at supply 230V. Connect its 3 pin (F) connector to Dynamometer loading unit at Supply. Connect male 3 pin connector to Elelctric supply available at the site. Route the cable through wiring channel. Connect cable from Crank angle sensor, 4 pin round (F), to CA of Piezo powering unit. Connect cable from Load cell, 4 pin round (F), to Load on transmitter panel. Remove black cap on piezo sensor and connect piezo cable to the sensor. Connect other end of the piezo cable to Piezo powering unit at PZ1. Connect dynamometer supply cable, 3 pin(M), to Output VDC of dynamometer loading unit. Take out USB cable from NIUSB 6210 from Engine Panel and connect to Computer. The cable is short in length. A spare cable of extra length is also supplied. 21-01-2014 Im234.docx Page 11 Apex Innovations 21-01-2014 Im234.docx Page 12 Apex Innovations Commissioning Remove top cover on the rocker box of the engine. Fill lubrication oil (SAE20W40 or equivalent) in the rocker box. About 3.5 lit oil is needed. To reach most of the oil to oil sump, it is necessary to wait for about 5 minutes, after filling the oil. Check the oil level by the dip stick provided in the crank case. Two fuel tanks are provided on the top portion of the engine panel. You may fill two different fuels, for testing the fuels. Fill Diesel in one of the fuel tanks or both tanks. Use Fuel funnel for filling. Put fuel caps on the fuel tanks. Open the Fuel cock at the outlet of the fuel tank in which Diesel is filled. Note the Fuel in the glass fuel pipe. Remove complete air from the fuel pipe between Engine panel and Engine setup. Air removal from fuel DP: Remove air bubbles from the fuel line connecting to Fuel DP transmitter. For removing the air loosen the Air vent on the fuel DP transmitter and allow some fuel to come out from it and then tighten it gently. Fill water in the manometer up to “0” mark level. Ensure that Jack bolts under dynamometer are lowered for free movement of the dynamometer body. Switch on electric supply of the panel box and ensure that Piezo powering unit, load indicator and voltmeter are ON. TDC adjustment: o Keep the Decompression lever on the rocker box in vertical position and rotate the flywheel slowly in clockwise direction (Viewed from dynamometer end) till the CA mark on the flywheel matches with the reference pointer provided on the engine body. This rotation movement should be unidirectional. 21-01-2014 Im234.docx Page 13 Apex Innovations o Check if the TDC light on the Piezo powering unit is lit. If not adjust the crank angle sensor as follows: o Loosen the four screws on the flange provided for clamping the crankangle sensor on the mounting bracket. o Ensure that crank angle sensor body is free to rotate about its axis. Rotate the sensor body slowly till the TDC light on the piezo powering unit glows. Ensure that the flywheel is adjusted for CA mark as explained above. o Clamp the four screws on the flange. By using multipoint selector switch on the engine panel confirm that all voltage values are properly displayed. Convert the voltage values in to respective temperature reading using parameter chart pasted on the panel. The values displayed should show around ambient temperatures. Confirm the load value on the load indicator is zero. Rotate the dynamometer body so that the nylon bush is pressing the load cell. Ensure that the load vlues on the load indicator are changing. Compression Ratio adjustment: o Slightly loosen 6 Allen bolts provided for clamping the tilting block. o Loosen the lock nut on the adjuster and rotate the adjuster so that the compression ratio is set to “maximum”. Refer the marking on the CR indicator. o Lock the adjuster by the lock nut. o Tighten all the 6 Allen bolts gently. o You may measure and note the centre distance between two pivot pins of the CR indicator. After changing the compression ratio the difference () can be used to know new CR. 21-01-2014 Im234.docx Page 14 Apex Innovations Switch on the pump after providing electric supply to it and ensure water circulation through engine, calorimeter and dynamometer. Keep the Load knob on the dynamometer loading unit at minimum position. Engine starting: o Ensure that all foundation bolts, propeller shaft bolts and Allen bolts of tilting block (of VCR arrangement) are properly tightened. o Keep the Decompression lever (Decomp lever) in vertical position. Ensure that Engine stop lever is free and can be pulled towards engine cranking side for stopping the engine. o For first start after installation, loosen the fuel inlet pipe to the injector o Crank the engine slowly till fuel starts dribbling out from the loosened nut. Then tighten the nut. o Rotate the handle 5-6 rotations manually in clockwise direction (viewed from engine side) by right hand. When the flywheel has gathered sufficient momentum make the decompression lever horizontal by left hand while cranking the engine and keep on cranking for additional 2-3 rotations. o The handle will release automatically and come out, however do not leave handle. o Repeat above steps if it does not start at first instance. Engine starting needs some practice. If engine does not start you may check valve setting as explained below. o 21-01-2014 To Stop the engine pull Engine stop lever. Im234.docx Page 15 Apex Innovations Keep water circulation on, Set @ 300 lph and 100 lph flow rates for engine cooling and calorimeter respectively. Start the engine and allow it to run for 5 minutes in idling condition. Confirm that engine speed is displayed on Piezo powering unit. Rotate the knob on dynamometer loading unit and gradually load the engine. Ensure that the load on the load indicator gradually increases. Load the engine up to 12 kg allow it to run for 5 minutes. Ensure that voltages displayed for all 5 temperature sensors are logically correct. Stop the engine after releasing the load. Switch off the pump For software installation on the computer proceed to Software section Engine Valve setting: This peocedure to be followed only if engine does not start or pressure crankangle diagram shows some pressure values at the start of suction.) Open the cover on the rocker box. Rotate the flywheel slowly and observe the rocker movement. The cranking side rocker is for inlet air and flywheel side rocker is for exhaust air. The “Engine fuel pump side end” of each rocker is pushed up by the valve rods below. Due to this the front end (injector side end) goes down to open the respective valves (Inlet/exhaust). For alternate rotation of flywheel at TDC position, both rockers move simultaneously. Adjust the TDC mark marked as T on the flywheel with the pointer. (Note there are two marks one marked as CA and other as T. CA marking is to be used for crankangle sensor adjustment for PO diagram). 21-01-2014 Im234.docx Ensure that when we bring the Page 16 Apex Innovations flywheel near these markings both rockers should move i.e. piston is at the start of new cycle. Refer the valve timing diagram on the engine panel. The Inlet valve should open 4.5 degree before TDC and exhaust valve should close 4.5 deg after TDC. Make a marking of @ 16 mm (4.5 degree) on both sides of TDC mark. Rotate the flywheel in anticlockwise direction for 60 degrees and slowly rotate in clockwise direction up to the first mark before TDC (Here the inlet valve should open. Exhaust valve is already in open position i.e. rocker is in operated position). Adjust the Tappet clearance by using ring spanner no. 18 such that the clearance if any is removed and rocker just starts opening the inlet valve. Further rotate the flywheel in clockwise direction to next marking of 4.5 degrees after TDC. At this position the exhaust valve should fully close. Adjust the tappet clearance so that there is no clearance in exhaust rocker. (Note: The decomp lever should be in horizontal position) Ensure that inlet valve opens at 4.5 degree BTDC and exhaust valve closes 4.5 degree ATDC. Programming of load indicator (PIC152N) If the load indicator shows error in load indication or if the program is disturbed inadvertently it may need reprogramming/recalibration. Follow following steps. Refer Load indicator documents in components‟ manual and understand the programming steps and key operations. Wiring: o The output voltage 24 VDC is available at terminal 17-ve (Black wire) and 18 +ve (Red wire) is converted to 5 VDC and is connected load cell o From load cell white wire is connected to terminal no. 4 as +ve input mV and green wire at terminal no. 5 as -ve input mV. Calibration: If recalibration is needed fit the load cell on flat platform from bottom side. On top surface of the load cell fix a flat sheet for placing the which will hold the weights up to 50 kg. (Capacity of load cell) Programming of Level 0 (To enter or exit program mode press both arrow key together for 3 seconds) 1 Up Arrow :- Upward movement 2 Down Arrow :- Downward movement 3 Squre + Up arrow :- Increase value. 4 Squre + Down Arrow :- Decrease value. Press both arrow keys together for 3 seconds. Indicator display shows "ID" and "0". Press Square + Up/ Down key so that the indicator will display "LUL, 0 " Press Up key select "INP" 21-01-2014 Im234.docx Page 17 Apex Innovations Press Square + Up key together select "AU". Press Up key and set as follows A] RESL (Resolution)----------------------------------- 0.1 B] FtC (Filter time constant)--------------------------1 C] dSCL (Display value scalling point Low-------0.0 D] ISCL (Input value scalling point Low)-----------1.10 (mV input from load cell when the load is 0 kg.) E] dSCH ( Display value scalling point high)-----50.0 (max range of load indicator) F] ISCH ( Input value scalling point High)------------32.00 to 38.00 ( mV input from load cell when the load is 50 kg.) G] RSCL (Reverse scalling)----------------------------- NO H] SPHL (Set point high Limit) ------------------------ 50 I ] SPLL (Set point Low Limit ---------------------------0.0 J] LOCY (Lck code) ---------------------------------------0 K] rst (Reset) -------------------------------------------------No Programming of Level 3 Press both arrow keys together for 3 seconds. Indicator displays “ID" and "0". Press Square + Up/ Down key so that the indicator displays "LUL, 3 " Press Up key and set as follows L] MANL (Manual) ------------------------------ Off M] A - LO (Lower Limit) ------------------------0 N] A - HI ( Upper Limit)------------------------- 50 (max.capacity off load cell) Precautions Use clean and filtered water; any suspended particle may clog the piping. Circulate dynamometer and engine cooling water for some time after shutting down the engine. Piezo Sensor Handling: o While engine is running ensure cooling water circulation for combustion pressure sensor / engine jacket. o Diaphragm of the sensor is delicate part. Avoid scratches or hammering. o A long sleeve is provided inside the hole drilled for piezo sensor. This sleeve is protecting the surface of the diaphragm. While removing the sensor, this sleeve may come out with the sensor and fall down or loose during handling. o Status of the sensor is indicated on the Piezo powering unit. Damages to the electronic parts of the sensor or loose connection are indicated as "open" or "Short" status on Piezo powering unit. 21-01-2014 Im234.docx Page 18 Apex Innovations Software Computer requirement CPU: Pentium 300 GHz, RAM: Min. 512 MB, CD ROM drive, USB Port. OS: Windows XP + SP2. Monitor: Screen resolution 1280x1024. Refer separate instruction manual supplied with software CD 21-01-2014 Im234.docx Page 19 Apex Innovations Troubleshooting Note: 1 For component specific problems refer components‟ manual 2 For wiring problems refer drawing “Wiring234”. Problems Possible causes / remedies Engine does not start Insufficient fuel Air trapped in fuel line: Remove fuel. To remove air trapped in the fuel pipe connected to injector loosen the nut near the injector and crank the engine. Clogged injector: Remove injector and check the fuel injection spray while engine is manually cranked. Improper valve setting: The valve setting procedure is described below. Dynamometer does not load the engine Faulty/ loose wiring from dynamometer loading unit to dynamometer No DC voltage at the outlet of dynamometer loading unit. Check DLU for loose connection No free movement of dynamometer body due to raised jack bolts below dynamometer body Water inlet outlet hoses connecting dynamometer body below the dynamometer may be very hard. Faulty air flow Air hose leakage at connections between air box and engine. Faulty fuel flow Air trap in pressure signal line to fuel transmitter Improper closing of fuel cock. Software does not Faulty or wrong USB port work Virus in computer Loose connections, improper earthing Faulty indicated power TDC setting disturbed. Readjust TDC setting(refer commissioning). Check configuration data Faulty pressure crank Improper earthing angle diagram Adjust Plot reference for cylinder pressure in setup constants such that suction stroke pressure just matches the zero line. If peak pressure is just after TDC, TDC setting disturbed, readjust If peak pressure shifts randomly with respect to 21-01-2014 Im234.docx Page 20 Apex Innovations TDC, coupling of crank angle sensor may be loose Faulty speed Broken coupling of crank angle sensor indication Incorrect Check the connection between thermocouple, RTD, temperature transmitters, Digital voltmeter. Note that yellow indication cable of thermocouple is positive and red is negative. Open or damaged temperature sensor 21-01-2014 Im234.docx Page 21 Apex Innovations Theory Terminology Engine Cylinder diameter (bore) (D): The nominal inner diameter of the working cylinder. Piston area (A): The area of a circle of diameter equal to engine cylinder diameter (bore). A / 4 D 2 Engine Stroke length (L): The nominal distance through which a working piston moves between two successive reversals of its direction of motion. Dead center: The position of the working piston and the moving parts, which are mechanically connected to it at the moment when the direction of the piston motion is reversed (at either end point of the stroke). Bottom dead center (BDC): Dead center when the piston is nearest to the crankshaft. Sometimes it is also called outer dead center (ODC). Top dead center (TDC): Dead center when the position is farthest from the crankshaft. Sometimes it is also called inner dead center (IDC). Swept volume (VS): The nominal volume generated by the working piston when travelling from one dead center to next one, calculated as the product of piston area and stroke. The capacity described by engine manufacturers in cc is the swept volume of the engine. Vs A L / 4 D L 2 Clearance volume (VC): The nominal volume of the space on the combustion side of the piston at top dead center. Cylinder volume: The sum of swept volume and clearance volume. V Vs Vc Compression ratio (CR): The numerical value of the cylinder volume divided by the numerical value of clearance volume. CR 21-01-2014 Im234.docx V / Vc Page 22 Apex Innovations Bore D Cylinder head Suction valve Intake or suction manifold Top dead center T.D.C. Piston Gudgeon or wrist pin Exhaust valve Exhaust manifold Clearance volume.Vc Cylinder volume’V’ Stroke volume.Vs Bottom dead center B.D.C. Cylinder Connecting rod Crankcase Crankshaft Crank pin Crank Important positions and volumes in reciprocating engine Four stroke cycle engine In four-stroke cycle engine, the cycle of operation is completed in four strokes of the piston or two revolutions of the crankshaft. Each stroke consists of 180 0 of crankshaft rotation and hence a cycle consists of 7200 of crankshaft rotation. The series of operation of an ideal four-stroke engine are as follows: 1. Suction or Induction stroke: The inlet valve is open, and the piston travels down the cylinder, drawing in a charge of air. In the case of a spark ignition engine the fuel is usually pre-mixed with the air. 2. Compression stroke: Both valves are closed, and the piston travels up the cylinder. As the piston approaches top dead centre (TDC), ignition occurs. In the case of compression ignition engines, the fuel is injected towards the end of compression stroke. 3. Expansion or Power or Working stroke: Combustion propagates throughout the charge, raising the pressure and temperature, and forcing the piston down. At the end of the power stroke the exhaust valve opens, and the irreversible expansion of the exhaust gases is termed „blow-down‟. 4. Exhaust stroke: The exhaust valve remains open, and as the piston travels up the cylinder the remaining gases are expelled. At the end of the exhaust stroke, 21-01-2014 Im234.docx Page 23 Apex Innovations when the exhaust valve closes some exhaust gas residuals will be left; these will dilute the next charge. Two stroke cycle engine In two stroke engines the cycle is completed in two strokes of piston i.e. one revolution of the crankshaft as against two revolutions of four stroke cycle engine. The two-stroke cycle eliminates the separate induction and exhaust strokes. 1. Compression stroke: The piston travels up the cylinder, so compressing the trapped charge. If the fuel is not pre-mixed, the fuel is injected towards the end of the compression stroke; ignition should again occur before TDC. Simultaneously under side of the piston is drawing in a charge through a springloaded non-return inlet valve. 2. Power stroke: The burning mixture raises the temperature and pressure in the cylinder, and forces the piston down. The downward motion of the piston also compresses the charge in the crankcase. As the piston approaches the end of its stroke the exhaust port is uncovered and blowdown occurs. When the piston is at BDC the transfer port is also uncovered, and the compressed charge in the crankcase expands into the cylinder. Some of the remaining exhaust gases are displaced by the fresh charge; because of the flow mechanism this is called „loop scavenging'. As the piston travels up the cylinder, the piston closes the first transfer port, and then the exhaust port is closed. Performance of I.C.Engines Indicated thermal efficiency (ηt): Indicated thermal efficiency is the ratio of energy in the indicated power to the fuel energy. t IndicatedP ower / FuelEnergy t (%) IndicatedP ower ( KW ) 3600 100 FuelFlow ( Kg / Hr) CalorificV alue( KJ / Kg ) Brake thermal efficiency (ηbth): A measure of overall efficiency of the engine is given by the brake thermal efficiency. Brake thermal efficiency is the ratio of energy in the brake power to the fuel energy. bth BrakePower / FuelEnergy bth (%) BrakePower ( KW ) 3600 100 FuelFlow ( Kg / Hr) CalorificV alue( KJ / Kg ) Mechanical efficiency (ηm): Mechanical efficiency is the ratio of brake horse power (delivered power) to the indicated horsepower (power provided to the piston). m BrakePower / IndicatedP ower 21-01-2014 Im234.docx Page 24 Apex Innovations and Frictional power = Indicated power – Brake power Following figure gives diagrammatic representation of various efficiencies, Energy lost in exhaust, coolant, and radiation Energy lost in friction, pumping etc. Energy in fuel (A) IP (B) BP (C) Indicated thermal efficiency = B/A Brake thermal efficiency = C/A Mechanical efficiency = C/B Volumetric efficiency (ηv): The engine output is limited by the maximum amount of air that can be taken in during the suction stroke, because only a certain amount of fuel can be burned effectively with a given quantity of air. Volumetric efficiency is an indication of the „breathing‟ ability of the engine and is defined as the ratio of the air actually induced at ambient conditions to the swept volume of the engine. In practice the engine does not induce a complete cylinder full of air on each stroke, and it is convenient to define volumetric efficiency as: Mass of air consumed ηv (%) = -------------------------------------------------------------------------mass of flow of air to fill swept volume at atmospheric conditions v (%) AirFlow ( Kg / Hr) 100 / 4 D L(m ) N ( RPM ) / n NoofCyl AirDen( Kg / m 3 ) 60 2 3 Where n= 1 for 2 stroke engine and n= 2 for 4 stroke engine. Air flow: For air consumption measurement air box with orifice is used. 21-01-2014 Im234.docx Page 25 Apex Innovations AitFlow ( Kg / Hr) Cd / 4 D 2 2 g hwater Wden / Aden Aden 3600 Where Cd = Coefficient of discharge of orifice D = Orifice diameter in m g = Acceleration due to gravity (m/s2) = 9.81 m/s2 h = Differential head across orifice (m of water) Wden = Water density (kg/m3) =@1000 kg/m3 Wair = Air density at working condition (kg/m3) = p/RT Where p= Atmospheric pressure in kgf/m2 (1 Standard atm. = 1.0332X104 kgf/m2) R= Gas constant = 29.27 kgf.m/kg0k T= Atmospheric temperature in 0k Specific fuel consumption (SFC): Brake specific fuel consumption and indicated specific fuel consumption, abbreviated BSFC and ISFC, are the fuel consumptions on the basis of Brake power and Indicated power respectively. Fuel-air (F/A) or air-fuel (A/F) ratio: The relative proportions of the fuel and air in the engine are very important from standpoint of combustion and efficiency of the engine. This is expressed either as the ratio of the mass of the fuel to that of the air or vice versa. Calorific value or Heating value or Heat of combustion: It is the energy released per unit quantity of the fuel, when the combustible is burned and the products of combustion are cooled back to the initial temperature of combustible mixture. The heating value so obtained is called the higher or gross calorific value of the fuel. The lower or net calorific value is the heat released when water in the products of combustion is not condensed and remains in the vapour form. Power and Mechanical efficiency: Power is defined as rate of doing work and equal to the product of force and linear velocity or the product of torque and angular velocity. Thus, the measurement of power involves the measurement of force (or torque) as well as speed. The power developed by an engine at the output shaft is called brake power and is given by Power = NT/60,000 in kW where T= torque in Nm = WR W = 9.81 * Net mass applied in kg. R= Radius in m N is speed in RPM Mean effective pressure and torque: Mean effective pressure is defined as a hypothetical pressure, which is thought to be acting on the piston throughout the power stroke. 21-01-2014 Im234.docx Page 26 Apex Innovations Power in kW = (Pm LAN/n 100)/60 in bar where Pm = mean effective pressure L = length of the stroke in m A = area of the piston in m2 N = Rotational speed of engine RPM n= number of revolutions required to complete one engine cycle n= 1 (for two stroke engine) n= 2 (for four stroke engine) Thus we can see that for a given engine the power output can be measured in terms of mean effective pressure. If the mean effective pressure is based on brake power it is called brake mean effective pressure (BMEP) and if based on indicated power it is called indicated mean effective pressure (IMEP). BMEP (bar ) BrakePower ( KW ) 60 L A ( N / n) NoOfCyl 100 IMEP (bar ) IndicatedP ower ( KW ) 60 L A ( N / n) NoOfCyl 100 Similarly, the friction means effective pressure (FMEP) can be defined as FMEP= IMEP – BMEP Basic measurements The basic measurements, which usually should be undertaken to evaluate the performance of an engine on almost all tests, are the following: 1 Measurement of speed Following different speed measuring devices are used for speed measurement. 1 Photoelectric/Inductive proximity pickup with speed indicator 2 Rotary encoder 2 Measurement of fuel consumption I) Volumetric method: The fuel consumed by an engine is measured by determining the volume flow of the fuel in a given time interval and multiplying it by the specific gravity of fuel. Generally a glass burette having graduations in ml is used for volume flow measurement. Time taken by the engine to consume this volume is measured by stopwatch. II) Gravimetric method: In this method the time to consume a given weight of the fuel is measured. Differential pressure transmitters working on hydrostatic head principles can used for fuel consumption measurement. 3 Measurement of air consumption Air box method: In IC engines, as the air flow is pulsating, for satisfactory measurement of air consumption an air box of suitable volume is fitted with orifice. 21-01-2014 Im234.docx Page 27 Apex Innovations The air box is used for damping out the pulsations. The differential pressure across the orifice is measured by manometer and pressure transmitter. 4 Measurement of brake power Measurement of BP involves determination of the torque and angular speed of the engine output shaft. This torque-measuring device is called a dynamometer. The dynamometers used are of following types: I) Rope brake dynamometer: It consists of a number of turns of rope wound around the rotating drum attached to the output shaft. One side of the rope is connected to a spring balance and the other to a loading device. The power is absorbed in friction between the rope and the drum. The drum therefore requires cooling. Brake power = ∏DN (W-S)/60,000 in kW where D is the brake drum diameter, W is the weight and S is the spring scale reading. II) Hydraulic dynamometer: Hydraulic dynamometer works on the principal of dissipating the power in fluid friction. It consists of an inner rotating member or impeller coupled to output shaft of the engine. This impeller rotates in a casing, due to the centrifugal force developed, tends to revolve with impeller, but is resisted by torque arm supporting the balance weight. The frictional forces between the impeller and the fluid are measured by the spring-balance fitted on the casing. Heat developed due to dissipation of power is carried away by a continuous supply of the working fluid usually water. The output (power absorbed) can be controlled by varying the quantity of water circulating in the vortex of the rotor and stator elements. This is achieved by a moving sluice gate in the dynamometer casing. III) Eddy current dynamometer: It consists of a stator on which are fitted a number of electromagnets and a rotor disc and coupled to the output shaft of the engine. When rotor rotates eddy currents are produced in the stator due to magnetic flux set up by the passage of field current in the electromagnets. These eddy currents oppose the rotor motion, thus loading the engine. These eddy currents are dissipated in producing heat so that this type of dynamometer needs cooling arrangement. A moment arm measures the torque. Regulating the current in electromagnets controls the load. Note: While using with variable speed engines sometimes in certain speed zone the dynamometer operating line are nearly parallel with engine operating lines which result in poor stability. 5 Measurement of indicated power There are two methods of finding the IHP of an engine. 21-01-2014 Im234.docx Page 28 Apex Innovations I) Indicator diagram: A dynamic pressure sensor (piezo sensor) is fitted in the cylinder head to sense combustion pressure. A rotary encoder is fitted on the engine shaft for crank angle signal. Both signals are simultaneously scanned by an engine indicator (electronic unit) and communicated to computer. The software in the computer draws pressure crank-angle and pressure volume plots and computes indicated power of the engine. Conversion of pressure crank-angle plot to pressure volume plot: The figure shows crank-slider mechanism. The piston pin position is given by x r cos l cos From figure r sin l sin and recalling cos 1 sin 2 2 x r cos l r 1 r l sin 2 The binomial theorem can be used to expand the square root term: x r cos l / r 1 1 (r / l ) 2 sin 2 1 8 (r / l ) 4 sin 4 ... 2 ….1 The powers of sin can be expressed as equivalent multiple angles: sin 2 1 / 2 1 / 2 cos 2 sin 4 3 / 8 1 / 2 cos 2 1 / 8 cos 4 …….2 Substituting the results from equation 2 in to equation 1 gives x r cos l / r 1 1 (r / l ) 2 1 / 2 1 / 2 cos 2 1 8 (r / l ) 4 3 / 8 1 / 2 cos 2 1 / 8 cos 4 ... 2 2 The geometry of the engine is such that r / l is invariably less than 0.1, in which case it is acceptable to neglect the r / l 4 terms, as inspection of above equation shows that these terms will be at least an order of magnitude smaller than r / l 2 terms. The approximate position of piston pin end is thus: x r cos l / r 1 1 (r / l ) 2 1 / 2 1 / 2 cos 2 2 21-01-2014 Im234.docx Page 29 Apex Innovations Where r =crankshaft throw and Calculate l = connecting rod length. x using above equation; then (l r x) shall give distance traversed by piston from its top most position at any angle II) Morse test: It is applicable to multi-cylinder engines. The engine is run at desired speed and output is noted. Then combustion in one of the cylinders is stopped by short circuiting spark plug or by cutting off the fuel supply. Under this condition other cylinders “motor” this cylinder. The output is measured after adjusting load on the engine to keep speed constant at original value. The difference in output is measure of the indicated power of cut-out cylinder. Thus for each cylinder indicated power is obtained to find out total indicated power. VCR Engines The standard available engines (with fixed compression ratio) can be modified by providing additional variable combustion space. There are different arrangements by which this can be achieved. Tilting cylinder block method is one of the arrangements where the compression ratio can be changed without change is combustion geometry. With this method the compression ratio can be changed within designed range without stopping the engine. Calculations Brake power (kw): BP 2NT 60 x1000 2N (WxR ) 60000 0.785 xRPMx (Wx9.81) xArmlength 60000 BHP TxN 75x60 Brake mean effective pressure (bar): BMEP BPx 60 / 4 xD xLx( N / n) xNoOfCylx100 2 n = 2 for 4 stroke n = 1 for 2 stroke Indicated power (kw) :From PV diagram X scale (volume) 1cm = Y scale (pressure) 1cm 21-01-2014 = ..m3 Im234.docx Page 30 Apex Innovations Area of PV diagram = ..cm2 workdone / cycle / cyl ( Nm) AreaofPVdi agram Xscalefact or Yscalefact or 100000 IP workdone / cycle / cyl ( N / n) NoOfCyl 60 1000 Indicated mean effective pressure (bar): IPx 60 / 4 xD xLx( N / n) xNoOfCylx100 IMEP 2 Frictional power (kw): FP IP BP FHP IHP BHP BHP IHP FHP Brake specific fuel consumption (Kg/kwh): BSFC Brake Thermal Efficiency (%): BThEff BP 3600 100 FuelFlowIn Kg / hr CalVal BThEff IThEff MechEff BHP OR 100 FuelHP Indicated Thermal Efficiency (%): IThEff IP 3600 100 FuelFlowIn Kg / hr CalVal IThEff BThEff 100 MechEff Mechanical Efficiency (%): MechEff FuelflowIn kg / hr BP BP 100 IP Air flow (Kg/hr): AirFlow Cd / 4 d 2 2 gh (Wden / Aden ) 3600 Aden Volumetric Efficiency (%): VolEff 21-01-2014 AirFlow 100 Theoretica lAirFlow AirFlow 100 / 4 D Stroke ( N / n) 60 NoOfCyl Aden 2 Im234.docx Page 31 Apex Innovations Air fuel ratio: A/ F AirFlow FuelFlow Heat Balance (KJ/h): a) HeatSuppli edbyFuel FuelFlow CalVal b) HeatEquivalentToUsefulWork BP 3600 HeatEquivalentToUsefulWorkIn% C) HeatEquivalentToUsefulWork 100 HeatSuppli edByFuel HeatInJacketCoolingW ater F 3 C PW (T 2 T1) HeatInJack etCoolingW aterIn% HeatInJack etCoolingW ater 100 HeatSuppli edByFuel d) Heat in Exhaust (Calculate CPex value): C P ex F 4 C PW (T 4 T 3) ..KJ / Kg 0 k ( F1 F 2) (T 5 T 6) Where, Cpex Specific heat of exhaust gas kJ/kg0K Cpw Specific heat of water kJ/kg0K F1 Fuel consumption kg/hr F2 Air consumption kg/hr F4 Calorimeter water flow kg/hr T3 Calorimeter water inlet temperature 0 Calorimeter water outlet temperature 0 Exhaust gas to calorimeter inlet temp. 0 Exhaust gas from calorimeter outlet temp. 0 T4 T5 T6 K K K K HeatInExha ust( KJ / h) ( F1 F 2) C P ex (T 5 Tamb) HeatInExha ust % HeatInExha ust 100 HeatSuppli edByFuel e) Heat to radiation and unaccounted (%) HeatSuppli edByFuel (100%) {( HeatEquivalentToUsefulWork (%) HeatInJack etCoolingW ater (%) HeatToExha ust (%)} 21-01-2014 Im234.docx Page 32 Apex Innovations Experiments 1 Study of VCR engine performance (Computerized mode) Object To study the performance of 1 cylinder, 4 stroke, Diesel engine connected to eddy current dynamometer in computerized mode. Adjustment of the compression ratio Slightly loosen the 6 nos. vertical Allen (socket headed) bolts provided on both sides of the tilting cylinder block. Loosen the lock nut of the Adjuster and rotate the Adjuster by using spanner for tilting the cylinder block. Adjust the desired compression ratio by referring the scale provided on the CR indicator (near the Adjuster) Tighten the lock nut of the Adjuster. Gently tighten the vertical Allen bolts (6 nos.). Procedure Ensure that all the nut bolts of engine, dynamometer, propller shaft, base frame are properly tightened. Ensure that sufficient lubrication oil is present in the engine sump tank. This can be checked by marking on the level stick Ensure sufficient fuel in fuel tank. Remove air in fuel line, if any. Switch on electric supply and ensure that PPU (Piezo powering unit), DLU (Dynamometer loading unit), Load indicator and Voltmeter are switched on. Start Computer and open "EngineSoftLV" (Double click "EngineSoftLV" icon on the desktop) Select "Engine Model" open "Configure" in View. Check configuration values & system constants with the values displayed on engine setup panel. "Apply" the changes, if any. Click on "PO- PV Graphs" tab. Start water pump. Adjust the flow rate of "Rotameter (Engine)" to 250-350 LPH and "Rotameter (Calorimeter)" to 75-100 LPH by manipulating respective globe valves provided at the rotameter inlet. Ensure that water is flowing through dynamometer at a pressure of @ 0.5 to 1 Kg/cm2. Keep the DLU knob at minimum position. Change the Fuel cock position from "Measuring" to "Tank" Start the engine by hand cranking and allow it to run at idling condition for 45 minutes. Click on "Scan Start" on the monitor 21-01-2014 Im234.docx Page 33 Apex Innovations Ensure that Speed, Temperatures and Manometer reading are correctly displayed on the PC. These readings should tally with those displayed on the engine panel. Increase the load on the engine by rotating knob on the DLU and confirm the load reading on the indicator and computer are same. Adjust DLU knob and to set 0.5 kg load on Load Indicator. Wait for 3 mins., ensure that load is constant during this period. Change the Fuel cock position from "Tank" to "Measuring". Click "Log on" on. The fuel metering is ON for next 60 seconds. During first 30 seconds enter engine water flow, calorimeter jacket cooling water flow in LPH (and compression ratio for VCR engine). Click OK after recording fuel reading. Enter the file name under which the records to be stored. The first reading data is now saved. Change the Fuel cock position from "Measuring" to "Tank". Adjust DLU knob and to set 3 kg load on Load Indicator. Wait for 3 mins., ensure that load is constant during this period. Change the Fuel cock position from "Tank" to "Measuring". Click "Log on" on. The fuel metering is ON for next 60 seconds. During first 30 seconds enter engine water flow, calorimeter jacket cooling water flow in LPH (and compression ratio for VCR engine). Click OK after recording fuel reading. The second reading data is now saved. Change the Fuel cock position from "Measuring" to "Tank". Repeat above step for various loads e.g. 6, 9,12,15,18 kg. (For VCR engine do not exceed 12 Kg load.) After finishing all the readings remove the load on the engine by DLU, Click "Scan Stop" on PC. Stop the engine by pressing engine stop lever. Allow the water to circulate for about 5 minutes for engine cooling and then Stop the pump. Click "File Open" on PC, Select the File under which the readings are stored and click "OK". On all the screens the first reading (of 0.5kg) is shown. To view next readings click "Next Data". The results are displayed on all the three screens. For printing the results click "Print" and select appropriate option. Click "File Close" after printing & checking. Click "Exit" and then Shut Down the computer. EnginesoftLV Configuration data Setup constants (Default values) 1 Pulses per revolution: 360 2 No. of cycles: 10 3 Fuel pipe diameter (mm):12.40 21-01-2014 Im234.docx Page 34 Apex Innovations 4 Fuel measuring interval (sec):60 5 Fuel display bias: As reqd. 6 Orifice diameter (mm): 20 7 Dynamometer arm length (mm):185 8 Speed scanning interval (ms): 2000 9 Plot reference for cylinder pressure: as reqd 10 Plot reference for Diesel pressure: as reqd Theoretical constants 1 Use default values: Yes 2 Fuel density (kg/m^3): 830 3 Calorific value of fuel (KJ/Kg): 42000 4 Orifice coef of discharge: 0.60 5 Sp heat of exhaust gas (Kj/Kj.K): 1.00 6 Max. sp. heat. Of Exhaust Gas (KJ/Kg.k): 1.25 7 Min sp. heat of exhaust gas (KJ/Kg.k): 1.00 8 Sp heat of water (KJ/Kg.K): 4.186 9 Air density Kg/m^3): As displayed 10 Ambient temperature (Deg C): Ambient temperature. Graph X axis Load (Kg) 0 to 20 kg Plot details Diesel plot : Yes or No 21-01-2014 Im234.docx Page 35 Apex Innovations 2 Study of VCR engine performance (Manual mode) Object To study the performance of 1 cylinder, 4 stroke, Diesel engine connected to eddy current dynamometer in manual mode Adjustment of the compression ratio Refer Expt no. 1 and adjust VCR for desired compression ratio. Procedure Ensure cooling water circulation for eddy current dynamometer and piezo sensor, engine and calorimeter. Start the set up and run the engine at no load for 4-5 minutes. Gradually increase the load on the engine by rotating dynamometer loading unit. Wait for steady state (for @ 3 minutes) and collect the reading as per Observations provided in “Cal234” worksheet in “Engine.xls”. Gradually decrease the load. Fill up the observations in “Cal234” worksheet to get the results and performance plots. 21-01-2014 Im234.docx Page 36 Apex Innovations 3 Study of Pressure volume plot and indicated power Object To draw pressure–crank angle plot, pressure volume plot and calculate indicated power of the engine. Procedure Run the engine set up at any load and store the observation in a data file or use previously stored data file in “EnginesoftLV” for indicated power calculation. Export the data file in ms excel worksheet. The pressure crank angle and volume data is available in excel. Refer “IP_cal” worksheet in “Engine.xls”. The sample worksheet shows pressure crank angle plot, pressure volume plot and indicated power calculation. The worksheet is for single cylinder four stroke engine with 180 observations per revolution. Copy the pressure readings from exported data file in to the IP _cal worksheet at the respective crank angle. Observe the Pressure crank angle diagram, pressure volume diagram and indicated power value. (The calculations are explained in theory part). 21-01-2014 Im234.docx Page 37 Apex Innovations 4 Maximum power test at different compression ratio Object To study the maximum power generated by VCR engine at various compression ratios. Adjustment of the compression ratio Adjust the compression ratio as explained in experiment no.1 Performance test Ensure cooling water circulation for eddy current dynamometer and engine and calorimeter. Start the set up and run the engine at no load for 4-5 minutes. Gradually increase the load on the engine by rotating knob on dynamometer loading unit till the engine is fully loaded. (As load is increased further the speed drops significantly.) Note the reading as per Observations provided in “Cal234” worksheet in “Engine.xls”. Gradually decrease the load. Change the compression ratio for next observation and repeat above steps. Fill up the observations in “Cal234” worksheet to get the results and performance plots. 21-01-2014 Im234.docx Page 38 Apex Innovations 5 BSFC and brake thermal efficiency test at different CR Object To study the BSFC and brake thermal efficiency of VCR engine at various compression ratios. Adjustment of the compression ratio Adjust the compression ratio as explained in experiment no.1 Performance test Ensure cooling water circulation for eddy current dynamometer and engine and calorimeter. Start the set up and run the engine at no load for 4-5 minutes. Gradually increase the load on the engine by rotating knob on dynamometer loading unit to @80% of load (Refer experiment 3 for full load observed at the set compression ratio). Note the reading as per Observations provided in “Cal234” worksheet in “Engine.xls”. Gradually decrease the load. Change the compression ratio for next observation and repeat above steps. Fill up the observations in “Cal234” worksheet to get the results and performance plots. 21-01-2014 Im234.docx Page 39 Apex Innovations 6 Study of valve timing diagram Object To study valve timing diagram Valve Timing Diagram Engine Kirloskar (TV1) 1Cylinder, 4Stroke, Diesel 1 TDC 5 Compression 0 1 Inlet valve opens before TDC : 4.5 2 Inlet valve closes after BDC : 35.5 0 3 Fuel injection starts before TDC : 23 0 4 Exhaust valve opens before BDC : 35.5 0 0 5 Exhaust valve closes after TDC : 4.5 2 Expansion Induction Exhaust 3 4 BDC Procedure Switch off the electric supply of the panel box Open the cover on the engine head to see the rocker arms. Lift up the decompression lever. Note the TDC mark provided on the flywheel. (Also refer the valve timing diagram). Slowly rotate the flywheel in clockwise direction looking from dynamometer side. Identify inlet valve and exhaust valve rocker arms Observe the movement of rocker arms and understand the valve opening and closing. To observe fuel injection it is necessary to remove fuel injector. 21-01-2014 Im234.docx Page 40 Apex Innovations Components used Components Details Engine Make Kirloskar, Type 1 cylinder, 4 stroke Diesel, water cooled, Model TV1, stroke 110 mm, bore 87.5 mm. 661 cc, CR 17.5, Modified to VCR engine CR range 12 to 18 Dynamometer Make Saj test plant Pvt. Ltd., Model AG10, Type Eddy current Dynamometer Loading Make Apex, Model AX-155. Type constant speed, unit Supply 230V AC. Propeller shaft Make Hindustan Hardy Spicer, Model 1260, Type A Manometer Make Apex, Model MX-104, Range 100-0-100 mm, Type U tube, Conn. 1/4`` BSP hose back side, Mounting panel Fuel measuring unit Make Apex, Glass, Model:FF0.012 Piezo sensor Make PCB Piezotronics, Model HSM111A22, Range 5000 psi, Diaphragm stainless steel type & hermetic sealed White coaxial teflon cable Make PCB piezotronics, Model 002C20, Length 20 ft, Connections one end BNC plug and other end 10-32 micro Crank angle sensor Make Kubler-Germany Model 8.3700.1321.0360 Dia: 37mm Supply Shaft Size: Voltage Size 5-30V 6mmxLength DC, Output 12.5mm, Push Pull (AA,BB,OO), PPR: 360, Outlet cable type axial with flange 37 mm to 58 mm Data acquisition device NI USB-6210 Bus Powered M Series, Piezo powering unit Make-Cuadra, Model AX-409. Temperature sensor Make Radix Type K, Ungrounded, Sheath Dia.6mmX110mmL, SS316, Connection 1/4"BSP (M) adjustable compression fitting Temperature sensor Make Radix, Type Pt100, Sheath Dia.6mmX110mmL, SS316, Connection 1/4"BSP(M) adjustable compression fitting Temperature transmitter Make Wika, model T19.10.3K0-4NK-Z, Input Thermocouple (type K), output 4-20mA, supply 21-01-2014 Im234.docx Page 41 Apex Innovations 24VDC, Calibration: 0-1200deg.C. Temperature transmitter Make Wika, Model T19.10.1PO-1 Input RTD(Pt100), output 4-20mA, supply 24VDC, Calibration: 0-100C Load sensor Make Sensotronics Sanmar Ltd., Model 60001,Type S beam, Universal, Capacity 0-50 kg Load indicator Make Selectron, model PIC 152–B2, 85 to 270VAC, retransmission output 4-20 mA Power supply Make Meanwell, model S-15-24, O/P 24 V, 0.7 A Digital voltmeter Make Meco, 3.1/2 digit LED display, range 0-20 VDC, supply 230VAC, model SMP35 Fuel flow transmitter Make Yokogawa, Model EJA110-EMS-5A-92NN, Calibration range 0-500 mm H2O, Output linear Air flow transmitter Range (-) 250 mm WC Rotameter Make Eureka Model PG 5, Range 25-250 lph, Connection ¾” BSP vertical, screwed, Packing neoprene Rotameter Make Eureka Model PG 6, Range 40-400 lph, Connection ¾” BSP vertical, screwed, Packing neoprene Pump Make Kirloskar, Model Mini 18SM, HP 0.5, Size 1” x 1”, Single ph 230 V AC 21-01-2014 Im234.docx Page 42 Apex Innovations Components‟ manuals Rotameter (PG series) Rotameter works on the principle of variable area. Float is free to move up & down in a tapered measuring glass tube. Upward flow causes the float to take up a position in which the buoyancy forces and the weight are balanced. The vertical position of the float as indicated by scale is a measurement of the instantaneous flow rate. Technical specifications Model PG-1 to 21 Make Eureka Flow Rate Max. 100 to 40000 Lph Packing/Gaskets Neoprene Measuring tube Borosilicate glass Float 316SS Cover Glass Accuracy +/-2% full flow Range ability 10:1 Scale length 175-200mm. Max. Temp. 2000C Connection Flanged and Threaded, Vertical Principle of operation The rotameter valves must be opened slowly and carefully to adjust the desired flow rate. A sudden jumping of the float, which may cause damage to the measuring tube, must be avoided. Fig.1 Edge The upper edge of the float as shown in fig. 1 indicates the rate of flow. For alignment a line marked R.P. is provided on the scale which should coincide with the red line provided on measuring tube at the bottom. 21-01-2014 Im234.docx Page 43 Apex Innovations Maintenance When the measuring tube and float become dirty it is necessary to remove the tube and clean it with a soft brush, trichloroethylene or compressed air. Dismantling of the measuring tube Shut off the flow. Remove the front and rear covers. Unscrew the gland adjusting screws, and push the gland upwards incase of bottom gland and downwards incase of top gland. Then remove the glass by turning it to and fro. Care should be taken, not to drop down the glands. Float or float retainers. The indicating edge of the float should not be damaged. Fitting of the measuring tube Normally the old gland packing is replaced by new ones while fitting back the measuring tube. Put the glands first in their position and then put the packing on the tube. Insert the tube in its place. Push the glands downwards and upwards respectively and fix them with the gland adjusting screws. Tighten the gland adjusting screws evenly till the gap between the gland and the bottom plate is approximately 1mm. In case, after putting the loflometer into operation, still there is leakage, then tighten the gland adjusting screw till the leakage stops. Fix the scale, considering the remark given in the test report. Fix the front and rear covers. Troubleshooting Problem Check Leakage on glands Replace gland packing Showing high/low flow rate than Consult manufacturers expected Showing correct reading initially but Replace float starts showing high reading after Incase of gases, check also leakage few days Showing correct reading initially but Clean the rotameter by suitable solvent or starts showing high reading after soft brush some months. Fluctuation of float Maintain operating pressure as mentioned in test report. Frequent breakage of glass tube Use loflometer to accommodate correct flow rate. 21-01-2014 Im234.docx Page 44 Apex Innovations Maintain operating pressure below pressure rating of the tube. Check piping layout. Manufacturer’s address Eureka Industrial Equipments Pvt. Ltd. 17/20, Royal Chambers, Paud Road, Pune – 411 038. Email: 21-01-2014 Im234.docx Page 45 Apex Innovations Pump (Self priming) The centrifugal pumps designed for pumping water and many similar applications. The pump & the motor are designed for continuous operations. Technical specifications Model MINI-18SM Make Kirloskar Supply 230 VAC, Single phase Total Head Max. 6-18 meter Discharge 1650-720 Lph Connection 20 x 20mm Water seal Mechanical Pump Unit CI. Power Rating 0.18Kw/0.25hp Type of Motor Capacitor starts and run Insulation „B‟ class Rating Continuous Impeller H.T. Brass Delivery casing Cast Iron Motor Body Cast Iron Shaft Carbon steel Priming The pump is of self priming model. It is only essential to fill about 300ml. of water into the casing once during installation and shut the filler cap tightly. After switching the pump on, during the first operation it will have to remove the air in the suction pipe and will take min. 2 minutes before the water begins to flow. During consecutive operations you will get water immediately on switching the pump. Troubleshooting Problem Check Motor does not rotate Check power supply. Remove fan cover and check free rotation of fan along with shaft.(By hand) Check supply voltage. Replace condenser. Capacity the decreases pump satisfactorily. is after running The inlet of suction pipe should be at least 2” below the water level. Clean the pipe. Reduce the total head. 21-01-2014 Im234.docx Page 46 Apex Innovations Check the pipe for leakage and correct it. Change to the recommended size. Pump over loaded. (Takes Select suitable monoblock pump. more amps or fuse goes off) Reduce the total head. Leaking mechanical seal. Lap the running faces or change seal. Pump gets jammed Remove fan cover and rotate fan by hand. Pump should run for a few minutes at least once in two days. Pump does not lift water Fill water till it flows continuously in air cock. Check pipe for leakages. Use Teflon tape for joints. Clean pipes and reduce the bends. Change or re-fit the seal. Tighten the air cock head: if damaged replace it. Manufacturer’s address Kirloskar Brothers Ltd., Ujjain Road, Opp. Railway Station, Dewas – 455 001. E-mail: 21-01-2014 Im234.docx Page 47 Apex Innovations Engine Technical specifications Model TV1 Make Kirloskar Oil Engines Type Four stroke, Water cooled, Diesel No. of cylinder One Bore 87.5 mm Stroke 110 mm Combustion principle Compression ignition Cubic capacity 0.661 liters Compression ratio 3 port 17.5:1 Peak pressure 77.5 kg/cm2 Direction of rotation Clockwise (Looking from flywheel end side) Max. speed 2000 rpm Min. idle speed 750 rpm Min. operating speed 1200 rpm Fuel timing for std. engine 230 BTDC Valve timing Inlet opens BTDC 4.50 Inlet closes ABDC 35.50 Exhaust opens BBDC 35.50 Exhaust closes ATDC 4.50 Valve clearance Inlet 0.18 mm Valve clearance Exhaust 0.20 mm Bumping clearance 0.046” – 0.052” Lubricating system Forced feed system Power rating 1. Continuous 7/1500 hp/rpm 2. Intermittent 7.7/1500 hp/rpm Brake mean effective Pressure at 1500 rpm 6.35 kg/cm2 Lubricating oil pump Gear type Lub. oil pump delivery 6.50 lit/min. Sump capacity 2.70 liter Lub. Oil consumption 1.5% normally exceed of fuel Connecting rod length 234 mm 21-01-2014 Im234.docx Page 48 Apex Innovations Overall dimensions 617 L x 504 W x 877 H Weight 160 kgs Manufacturer’s address Kirloskar Oil Engines Ltd. Dealer: Laxmanrao Kirloskar Road, Ashwini Enterprise Khadki, Pune – 411 003. Kolhapur. 21-01-2014 Im234.docx Page 49 Apex Innovations Crank angle sensor Technical specifications Make Kubler Model 8.3700.1321.0360 Supply voltage 5-30VDC Output Push pull (AA,BB,OO) PPR 360 Outlet Cable type axial Encoder Diameter Dia. 37, Shaft size Dia.6mm x length12mm Weight 120 gm Manufacturer’s address Kuebler – Germany Indian supplier: Rajdeep Automation Pvt. Ltd. Survey No. 143, 3rd floor, Sinhgad Road, Vadgaon Dhayari, Pune – 411 041. 21-01-2014 Im234.docx Page 50 Apex Innovations Piezo sensor Introduction These miniature sensor series are intended for general purpose pressure measurements. Models HSM111A22 and M108A02 are designed for applications where acceleration compensation is not required. This versatile compression, transducer combustion, series is explosion, designed pulsation, for dynamic cavitations, measurement blast, of pneumatic, hydraulic, fluidic and other such pressures. Technical specifications Sensor name Dynamic pr. transducer With built in amplifier Make PCB Piezotronics, INC. Model M111A22 Range, FS (5V output) 5000 psi Useful range (10V output) 10000 psi Maximum pressure 15000 psi Resolution 0.1 psi Sensitivity 1 mV/psi Resonant frequency 400 kHz Rise time 2 s Discharge time constant 500 s Low frequency response (-5%) 0.001 Hz Linearity (Best straight line) 2% Output polarity Positive Output impedance 100 ohms Output bias 8-14 volt Acceleration sensitivity 0.002 psi/g Temperature coefficient 0.03 %/0F Temperature range -100 to +275 0F Flash temperature 3000 0F Vibration / Shock 2000 / 20000 g peak Ground isolation No (2) Excitation (Constant current) 2 to 20 mA Voltage to current regulator +18 to 28 VDC Sensing geometry Compression Sensing element Quartz Housing material 17.4 SS Diaphragm Invar Sealing Welded hermetic 21-01-2014 Im234.docx Page 51 Apex Innovations Electric connector 10-32 coaxial jack Mounting thread M7 x 0.75 pitches Weight (with clamp nut) 6 gm Cable model 002C20 white coaxial cable Principle of operation Dynamic pressure transducer: It is necessary only to supply the sensor with a 2 to 20 mA constant current at +20 to +30 VDC through a current – regulating diode or equivalent circuit. Most of the signal conditioners manufactured by PCB have adjustable current features allowing a choice of input currents from 2 to 20 mA. In general, for lowest noise (best resolution), choose the lower current ranges. When driving long cables (to several thousand feet), use the higher current, up to 20 mA maximum. Troubleshooting Problem Check No signal Remove sensor and clean by dampened cloth Sensor damaged or ceases to Return the equipment to company for repair operate Calibration 1. Piezoelectric sensors are dynamic devices, but static calibration techniques can be employed if discharge time constants are sufficiently long. Generally, static calibration methods are not employed when testing sensors with a discharge time constant that is less than several hundred seconds. 2. Direct couple the sensor to the DVM readout using a T-connector from the “Xducer” jack or use the model 484B in the calibrate mode. 3. Apply pressure with a dead weight tester and take reading quickly. Release pressure after each calibration point. 4. For shorter TC series, rapid step functions of pressure are generated by a pneumatic pressure pulse calibrator or dead weight tester and readout is by recorder or storage oscilloscope. Manufacturer’s address PCB Piezotronics, Inc. Indian supplier: 3425 Walden Avenue, Structural solutions (India) Pvt. Ltd. Depew, New York 14043-2495. E-mail: Web: 21-01-2014 Im234.docx Page 52 Apex Innovations Eddy Current Dynamometer Introduction The AG Series eddy current dynamometers designed for the testing of engines up to 400kW (536bhp) and may be used with various control systems. The dynamometer is bi-directional. The shaft mounted finger type rotor runs in a dry gap. A closed circuit type cooling system permits for a sump. Dynamometer load measurement is from a strain gauge load cell and speed measurement is from a shaft mounted three hundred sixty PPR rotary encoder. Technical specifications (AG10) Model AG10 Make Saj Test Plant Pvt. Ltd. End flanges both side Cardon shaft model 1260 type A Water inlet 1.6bar Minimum kPa 160 Pressure lbf/in2 23 Air gap mm 0.77/0.63 Torque Nm 11.5 Hot coil voltage max. 60 Continuous current amps 5.0 Cold resistance ohms 9.8 Speed max. 10000rpm Load 3.5kg Bolt size M12 x 1.75 Weight 130kg Principle of operation 1. The dynamometer unit comprises basically a rotor mounted on a shaft running in bearings which rotates within a casing supported in ball bearing trunnions which form part of the bed plate of the machine. 2. Secured in the casing are two field coils connected in series. When these coils are supplied with a direct current (DC) a magnetic field is created in the casing across the air gap at either side of the rotor. When the rotor turns in this magnetic field, eddy currents are induced creating a breaking effect between the rotor and casing. 21-01-2014 Im234.docx Page 53 Apex Innovations The rotational torque exerted on the casing is measured by a strain gauge load cell incorporated in the restraining linkage between the casing and dynamometer bed plate. 3. To prevent overheating of the dynamometer a water supply pressurized to minimum indicated in specification is connected to a flanged inlet on the bed plate. Water passes from the inlet to the casing via a flexible connection; permitting movement of the casing. Water passes through loss (Grooved) plates in the casing positioned either side of the rotor and absorbs the heat generated. 4. Heated water discharges from the casing through a flexible connection to an outlet flange on the bed plate. Troubleshooting Problem Check Calibration of dynamometer not coming in accuracy limit Remove the obstruction for the free movement of casing Calibrate the weights from authorized source. Maintain constant water flow Clean & lubricate properly with grease Vibrations to dynamometer Bearings clean & refit properly Load cell link tighten properly Clean & refit trunnion bearings Dynamometer foundation bolts tighten properly Abnormal noise Loss plate temperature high Bearing temperature high Arrest engine vibrations Cardon shaft cover secure properly Align guard properly Replace rotor if warped Replace main bearing Check correct water flow De-scale with suitable solution Clear off water passages Grease with proper brand Remove excess grease & avoid over grease Use specified grease and do not mix two types of grease 21-01-2014 Clear the drain Im234.docx Page 54 Apex Innovations Dynamometer not rotating Replace the bearings Replace shaft & coupling Replace bearings Replace rotor / loss plates after checking Water leakages at various locations Replace casing „o‟ rings Loss plates bolts tighten properly Replace loss plate „o‟ rings Casing plugs tighten properly Replace pipe „o‟ rings Operation 1. New dynamometers are run in before delivery to ensure that all components run smoothly and grease is evently distributed within the shaft bearings. 2. The dynamometer has been calibrated the power developed by the engine on test may be calculated using the following formula: Power (kW) = Power (hp) = Torque( Nm) xSpeed ( Radians / sec .) inS .I .units 1000 Torque(lbfft ) xSpeed ( Radians / sec .) in.imperialun its 550 3. The dynamometer will be calibrated in either Imperial or S.I. units or MKS as specified. Power = WN k Where N = Shaft speed in rev/min W = Torque (Indicated on torque indicator) K = Constant dependant on units of power and torque Manufacturer’s address Saj Test Plant Pvt. Ltd. 72-76, Mundhwa, Pune Cantonment, Pune – 411 036. 21-01-2014 Im234.docx Page 55 Apex Innovations Load indicator 21-01-2014 Im234.docx Page 56 Apex Innovations 21-01-2014 Im234.docx Page 57 Apex Innovations 21-01-2014 Im234.docx Page 58 Apex Innovations 21-01-2014 Im234.docx Page 59 Apex Innovations 21-01-2014 Im234.docx Page 60 Apex Innovations Manufacturer’s address Selectron process controls Pvt. Ltd. E-121/120/113, Ansa Industrial Delear: Estate, Saki Vihar Road, Andheri, Mumbai – 400 072. E-mail: Web: 21-01-2014 Im234.docx Page 61 Apex Innovations Load cell Introduction Load cell are suitable use for static & dynamic weighing, bin/hopper weighing, force measurement, scales and electro-mechanical conversion kit. Constructed body of special high alloy steel. Technical specifications Make Sensortronics Model 60001 Type „S‟ Beam,Universal Capacity 0 – 50Kg Mounting thread M10 x 1.25mm Full scale output (mV/V) 3.00 Tolerance on output (FSO) +/-0.25% Zero balance (FSO) +/-0.1mV/V Non-linearity (FSO) <+/-0.025% Hysteresis (FSO) <+/-0.020% Non-repeatability <+/-0.010% Creep (FSO) in 30 min <+/-0.020% Operating temperature range -200C to +700C Rated excitation 10V AC/DC Maximum excitation 15V AC/DC Bridge resistance 350 Ohms (Nominal) Insulation resistance >1000 Meg ohm @ 50VDC 0 Span / C (of load) +/-0.001% Zero / 0C (of FSO) +/-0.002% Combined error (FSO) <+/-0.025% Safe overload (FSO) 150% Ultimate overload (FSO) 300% Protection class IP 67 Overall dimensions 51 L x 20 W x 76 H mm Weight 380 gm Manufacturer’s address Sensortronics Sanmar Ltd. 38/2A, Old Mahabalipuram Road, Perungudi, Chennai – 600 096. E-mail: 21-01-2014 Im234.docx Page 62 Apex Innovations Air flow transmitter 21-01-2014 Im234.docx Page 63 Apex Innovations 21-01-2014 Im234.docx Page 64 Apex Innovations Manufacturer’s address WIKA Instruments Ltd. Wika Instruments India Pvt. Ltd. Garmany. Plot No. 40, GatNo. 94+100, high Cliff Ind. Web: Estate, Village Kesnand, Pune 412207 21-01-2014 Im234.docx Page 65 Apex Innovations Differential Pressure Transmitter Introduction The model EJA110A pressure transmitter measures the flow rates and the pressure of the liquids, gases, and steam, and also liquid levels. Technical specifications Model EJA110A-DMS5A-92NN Make Yokogawa Output signal 4 – 20mA DC with digital communication (Linear) Measurement span 1 to 100kPa (100 to 10000mmH2O) Calibration range 0 – 200, 0 – 500 mmH2O Wetted parts material Body – SCS14A, Capsule – SUS316L Process connections without process connector (1/4BSP body connection) Bolts and nuts material SCM 435 Installation Horizontal impulse piping left side high pressure Electrical connection 1/2NPT female Cover „O‟ rings Buna-N Supply 10 to 24VDC Process temperature limit -40 to 120 0C Housing Weather proof Weight 3.9Kg Manufacturer’s address Yokogawa Electrical Corporation Indian supplier: 2-9-32, Nakacho, Yokogawa India Ltd. Musashino-shi, 40/4 Lavelle Road, Tokyo, 180-8750, Japan. Bangalore – 560 001. 21-01-2014 Im234.docx Page 66 Apex Innovations Warranty This product is warranted for a period of 12 months from the date of supply against manufacturing defects. You shall inform us in writing any defect in the system noticed during the warranty period. On receipt of your written notice, Apex at its option either repairs or replaces the product if proved to be defective as stated above. You shall not return any part of the system to us before receiving our confirmation to this effect. The foregoing warranty shall not apply to defects resulting from: Buyer/ User shall not have subjected the system to unauthorized alterations/ additions/ modifications. Unauthorized use of external software/ interfacing. Unauthorized maintenance by third party not authorized by Apex. Improper site utilities and/or maintenance. We do not take any responsibility for accidental injuries caused while working with the set up. Apex Innovations Pvt. Ltd. E9/1, MIDC, Kupwad, Sangli-416436 (Maharashtra) India Telefax:0233-2644098, 2644398 Email: Web: 21-01-2014 Im234.docx Page 67
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