OPERATIONS MANUAL 2014 DOWNEY PARK NETBALL ASSOCIATION INC TABLE OF CONTENTS TO ALL CLUB SECRETARIES ............................................................................................. 3 ABOUT DOWNEY PARK ............................................................................................................ 4 DPNA CALENDAR 2014 ...................................................................................................... 4 DPNA MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE 2014 .......................................................................... 5 CLUB CONTACTS 2014....................................................................................................... 6 DOWNEY PARK WEB SITE ................................................................................................. 6 DOWNEY PARK AWARDS .................................................................................................. 7 DOWNEY PARK CARNIVAL ................................................................................................ 9 REGISTRATION INFORMATION .............................................................................................. 11 HOW TO REGISTER YOUR TEAMS ................................................................................. 12 TEAM REGISTRATION FORM........................................................................................... 16 2013 FINAL TEAM PLACINGS ........................................................................................... 17 LATE REGISTRATION FORM 2014................................................................................... 18 REGISTRATION CHECKLIST 2014 ................................................................................... 20 AFFILIATION FORM – 2014 ............................................................................................... 21 FEES & FINES - 2014 ........................................................................................................ 22 PAYMENT SUMMARY FORM - 2014................................................................................. 23 DISCLAIMER FORM - 2014 ............................................................................................... 24 TEAM REGISTRATION CHANGES - 2014 ...................................................................... 25 FINAL TEAM CHANGES - 2014 ......................................................................................... 26 CLUB INFORMATION ............................................................................................................... 27 GUIDE TO CLUB EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE ROLES ....................................................... 27 CLUB/COMMITTEE UPDATE ............................................................................................ 29 APPLICATION FOR HIRE OF COURTS/OFFICE SPACE – 2014 ..................................... 31 COURT HIRE FEES – 2014 ............................................................................................... 32 CONDITIONS OF HIRE - CLUBS ....................................................................................... 33 CANTEEN INFORMATION................................................................................................. 35 INSURANCE INFORMATION ............................................................................................. 36 TEAM MANAGERS INFORMATION .................................................................................. 37 COACHING INFORMATION ..................................................................................................... 43 COACHING ACCREDITATION .......................................................................................... 44 SUMMARY TABLE OF ‘SKILLS TO TEACH’ ..................................................................... 46 UMPIRES INFORMATION ........................................................................................................ 49 UMPIRE QUALIFICATIONS ............................................................................................... 49 RULES ................................................................................................................................ 51 NON-COMPETITIVE OFFICIALS CLINIC .......................................................................... 54 NON-COMPETITIVE (8-10 YEAR OLDS) RULE VARIATIONS ......................................... 57 SPECTATOR BEHAVIOUR AND UMPIRE ABUSE ........................................................... 60 CALENDAR OF UMPIRE COURSES ................................................................................. 62 POLICIES .................................................................................................................................. 63 APPEALS POLICY ............................................................................................................. 64 DISCIPLINE POLICY .......................................................................................................... 67 CHILD PROTECTION RISK MANAGEMENT POLICY....................................................... 71 COMPLAINTS HANDLING POLICY ................................................................................... 74 CODES OF BEHAVIOUR ................................................................................................... 76 Page 2 of 87 DOWNEY PARK NETBALL ASSOCIATION INC 10 December, 2013 TO ALL CLUB SECRETARIES This is the Operations Manual for 2014... The contents will provide you with an overview of the organisation of Downey Park Netball Association and with information that will assist your Club to participate in Downey Park fixtures. It has been put together as one pdf document but there are links to other resources throughout. The various forms will be forwarded to you as word documents. The Manual is to be forwarded to the following members of your executive and their attention drawn to the sections as marked. The sections can be easily accessed by clicking on the section in the contents page. Registration Information – Registrar. Coaching Information– Coaching Convenor Umpiring Information – Umpires Convenor The rules of DPNA are as set out in the DPNA Constitution and Bylaws 2009, a copy of which we will be happy to forward to you if you are unable to locate your Club’s copy. It can also be found on the DPNA website. Appeals and Discipline Policies, referred to in the Constitution, have been included in this Manual along with the Codes of Behaviour for Parents/Spectators, Players, Coaches, Umpires and Officials. Clubs are asked to ensure that their members receive a copy of the relevant Codes of Behaviour with their sign on information and that parents/carers are asked to sign that they have read and agree to abide by the ‘Parents and Spectators Code of Behaviour’. Please bring to the attention of your Committee to the Child Protection Risk Management section of the Operations Manual and ensure that your volunteer coordinator is aware of the requirements for members, unless exempt, to hold a blue card. In addition to the policy documents in the Manual, information about other relevant policies and where you can locate these on the internet is included. Clubs recently received information from Netball Queensland about developments in the 8 to 10 years age group, which has been included in the NetSetGo program. As DPNA has always followed the guide lines for competitions in this age group there will be very little change to our program for 8 to 10 years players. There are some amended rules which we promoted in 2013 and which are included in this Manual. As a NetSetGo centre we will have access to coaching resources for your coaches for this age group. We are planning for a coach development program to assist all Clubs to make maximum use of the resources but will have further information on this in the New Year. You are reminded that you can also access the forms and information from the Operations Manual on our website, www.downeypark.netball.asn.au and from February 2014 http://www.downeypark.qld.netball.com.au. We trust that the information in this Manual will assist your Club to operate efficiently. If you have any queries at all, or have any feedback about the Manual, please do not hesitate to contact the DPNA Office on 3857 1052. Yours Sincerely, Diana Moore President Page 3 of 87 DOWNEY PARK NETBALL ASSOCIATION INC ABOUT DOWNEY PARK DPNA CALENDAR 2014 Representative Team Selections Representative Team Selections Sun February 2 Fri February 7 Representative Team Selections Sun February 9 Mt Franklins Selections 12 and 13 years teams. DPNA courts 8.00 am - 11.00 am 6.00 pm – 13 years 7.30 pm – 15 years 9 am - 11.00 am – 12 years 10.30 am – 1.00 pm – 14 years 12.30 pm – 3.00 pm – 16/18 years 2.00 pm – 5.00 pm – all Mt Franklin teams Clubs – Teams Registrations close Executive Paper Grading Club Grading Day – Paper Grading Clubs – Late Registrations due Note: no further late registrations accepted Wed Mar 5 (To be submitted to DPNA office by 10.00am) Sat March 8 Wed March 12 (To be submitted to DPNA office by 11.00am) Wed 26 March st until after 1 fixture day. Umpire convenors meeting Umpire convenors meeting Non-Competitive Officials Clinic Non-Competitive Officials Clinic Introduction to Umpiring Introduction to Umpiring Level 1 Umpires Course Sat March 1 Sat May 31 Sat March 1 Sat March 29 Sat March 8 Sat March 22 Sat March 15 8.30am – 9.30am 8.15am – 9.00am 9.45am – 10.45am 8.15am – 9.15am (First day of fixtures) 8.45am – 10.45am 8.45am – 10.45am 8.30am – 1.00 pm DPNA Rep Carnival State Age Championships Challenge Carnival DPNA Club Carnival Sun 30 March June 7, 8, 9 July 11,12,13 Sun June 22 8.30am Nominations close 12 March Saturday to Monday Townsville City NA Friday to Sunday Western Districts NA Nominations close 13 June FIXTURE DAYS SEMI FINALS PRELIMINARY FINALS GRAND FINALS March April May June July August August August August 29 5, 26 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 14, 21, 28 19, 26 2 9 16 23 WET DAYS (For emergency only) (For emergency only) For wet finals Wet days for 10 years and nippers Pink Day for Cancer Fundraising May August August August May 25 10 30 9, 16 10 Net Set Go Proposed (Wet day make-up TBC June 14) April May 26 (8.00am – 9.00am) 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 (8.00am – 9.00am) MANAGEMENT MEETINGS (Tuesdays 7pm) February 4 August 5 April 22 October 14 May 6 November 18 June 17 COUNCIL MEETINGS (Wednesdays 7.30pm) February 12 March 12 (Special Grading Mtg) May 14 August 6 Annual General Meeting – 5th November 2014 Association Meetings: These meetings are held on Wednesdays as per the Calendar, at 7.30pm at the Queensland Women’s Hockey Building, Green Terrace, Windsor, unless otherwise advised. Each Club has two delegates on the Council. Should no delegate from a Club be in attendance then the relevant fine shall be applicable to the Club and is to be paid by 11.00am on the next fixture day. Any Club not having paid this fine will render ALL their TEAMS ineligible to compete until such a fine is paid. Page 4 of 87 DOWNEY PARK NETBALL ASSOCIATION INC DPNA MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE 2014 POSITION PRESIDENT NAME / ADDRESS Diana Moore EMAIL 0408 747 803 dzmoore@bigpond.net.au SNR VICEPRESIDENT Liz White 0420 420 411 ewhit21@eq.edu.au JNR VICEPRESIDENT Chris Rutherford 0414 924 551 ahsnetball@gmail.com SECRETARY Jenny Walsh 0414 502 625 jenant@dodo.com.au TREASURER Danielle Panteli 0414 738 920 panteli@iinet.net.au REP TEAM COORDINATOR John Vasilakis 0448 111 330 johnmaz8@bigpond.com SNR REGISTRAR Kaye Thomas 0422 077 789 kaye.thomas@optusnet.com.au JNR REGISTRAR Tony Rogan 0413 274 053 rogan5@tpg.com.au NETTA REGISTRAR Caryn Davis 0407 146 510 cazzad23@outlook.com UMPIRES CONVENOR Violet Ellingham 0406 301 554 brianellingham@bigpond.com GROUNDS CONVENOR Paul Petersen 0403 719 288 petersen_paul@hotmail.com COACHING CONVENOR Megan Binnie 0417 270 893 einnibmm@gmail.com PROMOTIONS OFFICER Peter Sommer 0400 711 380 peter.sommer@starsurveys.org PROPERTY OFFICER Sharon Beahan 0409 053 402 beahanfamily@hotmail.com FIXTURES CONVENOR Brett Mortimer 0409 543 407 brettmortimer@hotmail.com Page 5 of 87 DOWNEY PARK NETBALL ASSOCIATION INC CLUB CONTACTS 2014 Please see the DPNA website for Club contact details for 2014. DOWNEY PARK WEB SITE The current Downey Park website is http://www.downeypark.netball.asn.au. This will be phased out by February 2014 as Netball Australia moves to the MyNetball system. We are currently in the process of developing a new website in the MyNetball system. The address will be http://www.downeypark.qld.netball.com.au/. Please encourage your members to visit the Downey Park Site regularly. We keep it up dated so it is a useful source of information for all Downey Park members. If there is a wet day, the web site will provide you with the information about whether or not games are to be played. After 8.00 am, log on to the Downey Park web site: www.downeypark.qld.netball.com.au and the information will be available there. An update will also be issued on facebook. www.facebook.com/DowneyParkNetballAssociation. Please encourage your members to like us on facebook so that it can be an effective tool for us. All competitive division results during the season can be accessed from the home page. More information will be available as the website is developed. All Clubs can set up their own web sites through the MyNetball system. A number of Clubs have availed themselves of this opportunity. If you have not activated your site and wish to do so, or if you need to appoint a new person to update your site, please contact the Downey Park Office. Website managers need to reapply to Netball Queensland (via DPNA) at the end of every year. Page 6 of 87 DOWNEY PARK NETBALL ASSOCIATION INC DOWNEY PARK AWARDS The following trophies are awarded by DPNA at the end of the season. Lesley Cook Trophy – awarded to the team that takes out the premiership for Intermediate Division 1. First awarded in 1982 in memory of Lesley Cook. Lesley Cook was the first President of Downey Park which position she held from 1974 until 1978. She moved to Queensland from NSW where she had been involved with the Manly Warringah Association at a high level. She was a member of the Gap Netball Club in Brisbane. As well as her involvement with Downey Park, she was an executive member of Queensland Netball, the International Liaison Officer and a state team Manager. She was a great leader – a forward thinker, always involved with the players and promoting DPNA at all times. Before her illness she was considered a candidate for Qld President. All the players at Rep level knew her and thought the world of her. Bertha Elder Trophy – awarded to the top junior club on Grand Final Day. Points are awarded to teams 11 years to 13 years who compete in finals as follows: Teams in Division 1 – 4 points for winner; 3 points for runner-up Teams in Division 2 – 3 points for winner Teams in Division 3 – 2 points for winner Teams in Division 4 – 1 point for winner Teams in Division 5 – 1 point for winner The trophy was first awarded in 1982 in memory of Bertha Elder. Bertha Elder, a life member of Downey Park, was Downey Park’s first patron appointed by the Queensland Netball Association in 1974 when Downey Park Netball Association was first established. She had been extensively involved in netball throughout her life and assisted Downey Park in the early years of its development. Jack O’Mahony Trophy - awarded on Grand Final day to the team that takes out the premiership for Cadet Division 1. First awarded in 2001 in memory of Jack O’Mahony, a life member of Downey Park who loved netball. He followed Downey Park players and teams with great interest and spent many hours at the courts where he was the groundsman for many years. McDonald’s Trophy – awarded on Grand Final day to the team that takes out the premiership for 13 years Division 1. First awarded in 2013. Barbara Hawgood Award – awarded annually to a player who: Played representative netball for DPNA during the year. Displayed responsibility, self-discipline and respect for the rules of DPNA. Considered playing for DPNA an honour and wore her uniform with pride and distinction. Achieved personal and team goals by setting high standards and rising to the occasion. Possessed such qualities as determination, persistence and perseverance when facing challenges. The trophy was first awarded in 2005 in memory of Barbara Hawgood. Barbara was involved in netball from 1984, the first year her daughter commenced netball. Her initial involvement was at a club level but she subsequently became a member of the Downey Park executive as junior registrar and served in that position for a period of eight years. As well she was a team manager for many teams at club, association, and state level. Page 7 of 87 DOWNEY PARK NETBALL ASSOCIATION INC In all her activities she was always prepared to go the extra mile to assist in whatever capacity was required. The last two and a half years of Barbara’s life were a challenging time for her but her positive outlook on life and her optimism were there for all to see and she continued her involvement in Club, Association and State level in spite of her difficulties until six months before her death. The Michelle Buck Umpires Trophy: This trophy was awarded for the first time in 2010 to an umpire who: Represents DPNA as an umpire at State League, State Age Championships and/or carnivals. Gave his/her time willingly to assist other umpires to develop their umpiring skills. Considered working for the betterment of umpiring within DPNA as a necessary part of being an umpire. Umpired regularly at weekly DPNA fixtures. Possessed such qualities as determination, persistence and perseverance to reach the highest personal umpiring level. Displays responsibility, self-discipline and respect for the rules of DPNA. This trophy is awarded in memory of Michelle Buck. Michelle was involved in DPNA from its beginning in 1974 and served on the DPNA committee for almost 20 years – Vice President from 1975 to 1988 except for 1979 when she took on the President’s role and Umpires Convenor for 4 years from 1990 to 1993. Umpiring was her passion. She was awarded an AA badge and then spent her time coaching umpires for their AA badge. She played a major role in DPNA’s development before taking up the position of president with Netball Queensland where she had a significant impact on the development of netball in Queensland. We remember Michelle for her innovation, administrative and umpiring skills and her contribution to netball at Association and State level over many years. Page 8 of 87 DOWNEY PARK NETBALL ASSOCIATION INC DOWNEY PARK CARNIVAL Located at Downey Park Netball Courts cnr Northey Street & Green Tce, Windsor www.downeypark.qld.netball.com.au SUNDAY, 22nd JUNE, 2014 Games commence at 8.30am (REP. TEAMS WELCOME ON NON-COMPETITIVE BASIS - NO TROPHIES AWARDED TO REP. TEAMS) NOMINATION FEE: $80.00 (GST inc) per team. Nominations close Friday, 13th June, 2014 at 2.00 pm. Please note that our Carnival fills quickly. Teams will be accepted into the divisions on a first come basis. Payment can be made by: a) Cheque - made payable to Downey Park Netball Association Inc and to be forwarded with team nominations. b) Direct Deposit to the DPNA Account – BSB: 064001 Account No. 00916895 (Quote club and team number/name as reference) Please attach your payment confirmation to the nomination form. Senior – A, B, C Grades 16-19 Years (Born 1995-98) Junior – 14-15 Years (born 1999-2000 or later) 13 Years (born 2001 or later) 12 Years (born 2002 or later) 11 Years (born 2003 or later) 10 Years (born 2004 or later) - non-competitive (modified rules) 9 & 8 Years (born 2005 or 2006) – non-competitive (modified rules) UMPIRES – Each team must provide one competent umpire properly attired. The umpire will be required to umpire the team’s own games and cannot be the team coach. Note that DPNA does not supply umpires. UNIFORMS – Players must wear registered Club uniforms. DISPUTES – Any dispute will be dealt with by the D.P.N.A. Executive Committee and its decision will be final. GRADING –D.P.N.A. reserves the right to regrade teams in any grade if insufficient teams nominate. AWARDS – Trophies will be awarded to winners and runners-up in each division (9 trophies per team). Non-competitive game players will each receive an award. REFRESHMENTS – A full canteen service will be available throughout the day including hot food, drinks etc. DRAW – The carnival draw will be available on the DPNA website (www.downeypark.qld.netball.com.au ) just prior to the carnival. For further information, phone D.P.N.A. Office on 3857 1052 or email: downeypark@bigpond.com Page 9 of 87 DOWNEY PARK NETBALL ASSOCIATION INC This form will be emailed to clubs and can also be found on the website. Page 10 of 87 DOWNEY PARK NETBALL ASSOCIATION INC REGISTRATION INFORMATION To Club Registrars The following pages contain the information and the forms that you require for registration in 2014. Please read the information carefully. Thank you to all Clubs last year for correctly providing their player information on a spreadsheet. We had far fewer clerical errors than in previous years. This year each Club will again be asked to provide their members’ details in the excel file we will be sending you shortly. This spreadsheet is in the correct format and lists your players and officials for 2013. Save this document for your records. Rename it as your spreadsheet for 2014 and update the information. Select the known members and update their information as necessary. Please highlight any name or date of birth that is found to be different from previous year’s databases. Add full details on new players, managers and officials. Remember to use the spelling as on the player's birth certificate. Each player’s team number must be included. If a player has returned to your club after an absence, please include their Netball Qld number if known (refer to previous data spreadsheets.) It is extremely helpful! Clubs are reminded that you must register all non-playing members which include coaches, umpires, team managers and committee members. In this way you ensure they are covered by insurance and that your Club’s liability is covered. Officials will not have a team number unless registered as a player. Do not include a player twice if they are also an official Their registration as a player also covers them as an official. QCNA will again be registering all their rep. players for the 2014 season before they register with Downey Park and will be giving them a receipt to confirm this. These members have already paid the Netball Queensland component of the DPNA fee and are not required to pay it again. Please check with your members if they have paid this fee. If so, mark Y on the spreadsheet – 2nd season column. You will be invoiced only $57.00 for these players. Note this does not apply to other players who may have registered with QCNA for their summer season. Take the time to read the Information Sheet before you fill in the relevant forms. It should answer all of your questions with regard to registration but, if not, please feel free to contact the DPNA office. Diana Moore President Page 11 of 87 DOWNEY PARK NETBALL ASSOCIATION INC HOW TO REGISTER YOUR TEAMS Team Registration Forms: You have one form and the Registration Spreadsheet to submit to us. Please read carefully. Part A –Registration Spreadsheet. This spread sheet registers all your teams with Downey Park Netball Association. It is used for grading purposes as well as insurance details for Netball Queensland. All Associations are responsible for the collection and data entry of their member details into the Netball Queensland database (MyNetball). This data is to be provided by each club in an Excel spreadsheet. DPNA will supply you with a spreadsheet in the correct format listing your players and officials for 2013. Save this document for your records. Save the 2013 list as "Insert Club name" registrations 2014. Each club should update the data to show re-registrations. Non returning members should be deleted. Check previous year’s spreadsheets for older returning players. Add new registrations. (It is crucial that data is accurate as per your sighting of their birth certificate). Provide each player’s team number for 2014, their 2013 (or other) playing history and whether they have previously played in a Netball Australia competition. Your non-playing officials (Coach, Manager, Umpire, Club Official etc.) must be included on the spreadsheet. Please include all mandatory details on this spreadsheet. Officials will not have a team number unless registered as a player. Do not include them twice. The spreadsheet registers the players and officials with Netball Queensland (NQ) and provides sports injury insurance cover (i.e. personal accident insurance for each member). DPNA will upload this data into the NQ (MyNetball) database. It is essential that the information is accurate. Please do not use nicknames. Downey Park recommends that you inform your members on their registration form that their personal information is used in the above manner. The wording should be along the lines: Please note that player information from this form is used for our Club records. Details are also forwarded to Downey Park Netball Association for player and team registration and Downey Park Netball Association in turn forwards information to Netball Queensland for player registration and insurance purposes. Clubs must register at least seven players per team. 1) Team Number: Teams are numbered from your highest division to your lowest divisions e.g. Open Division 1 will be Team 1 and Nippers Purple will be Team 20. If you have more than one team in the same age group, number your teams in the order of standard (see below). 10’s and Nippers divisions are colour coded (e.g. You may have 20 Club teams including a team of brand new Nippers and a Nippers team that played last year – you might decide to request your brand new Nippers be in Purple and the Nippers that have played Page 12 of 87 DOWNEY PARK NETBALL ASSOCIATION INC before in Red. Your Nippers Red will be, for example, Team 19 and your Nippers Purple Team 20). 10’s Nippers Blue Red Yellow Green Orange White Pink Maroon Navy Purple Aqua Rose These lists are a guide line only and cannot be confirmed until after team registrations have been received. 2) Age Group Eligibility (Date of Birth) A player’s age on 31 December in the current year shall determine the minimum age group in which she may be registered. A medical certificate must be submitted if requesting an exception to this eligibility rule. Birth Certificate sightings: All Players aged 19 years and under listed on this spreadsheet must have suitable proof of date of birth (e.g. Birth Certificate, Extract or Passport) sighted by a Club Official and the disclaimer form must be signed. This name must be used in all DPNA forms and spreadsheets. Nick names are unacceptable. It is the Club’s responsibility that names and dates of birth are checked. Providing Clubs keep adequate records that birth certificates have been sighted, the Birth Certificate does not need to be sighted more than once. Non-Competitive Divisions: All players turning 10 and under on 31 December of the current year are deemed NonCompetitive. They are not permitted to play in any Competitive Competition or to “play up” or “fill in” for a Competitive team e.g. a player turning 10 in 2014 is not permitted to play in 11’s – she will play in a 10 years Division team (except as in Bylaw 6.5.2.e). 6.5.2 e) A 10 years player (i.e. one who will be ten by 31 December in the current year) registered in a non-competitive team may play up in an 11 years team on not more than one occasion where the 11 years team is the Club’s lowest 11 years division team. The player may not play up on a second occasion. Nippers: Players who shall turn eight or nine years of age in the current year but are not more than nine years on 31 December. 10 Years: Players turning 10 and under on 31 December of the current year. Cadet Division: Players must be 15 years and under on 31 December of the current year Intermediate Division: Players must be 19 years and under on 31 December of the current year. Open Division: Players must be at least 13 years of age. (Penalties apply) Page 13 of 87 DOWNEY PARK NETBALL ASSOCIATION INC Boys: (As in Bylaw 6.1.e) Boys up to and including the year they turn 11 years in the year in which they play may be registered and play in a team provided that: i) not more than three boys are registered in the one team, and ii) not more than three boys are permitted to play for a team in any one game. 3) Comments: Include requests for fixture times. One time only per team. Include coach/player clash requests. Include justification for grade request. Other considerations e.g. Age exception 4) Grade & Club Played Last Year column: This tells us where and in what Division the player played the previous season. 5) Position of Team at the End of Season column: This information can be found in the DPNA Annual Report – 2013 Final Team Positions and is also included in this Operations Manual (page 17).The teams in this document are listed by Club / Team number/Final position / Division (e.g. Samford 4, 3-INTER 2) indicates that Samford team 4 came third in Inter 2. Please ensure that this information is correct as it determines the overall grading of the team you submit for the coming season. If a player was in a Non-Competitive team the previous year, list the team they were in e.g. Nippers Green, 10’s Blue etc. The position of team at end of fixtures column will be N/A (not applicable). If a player is new to your Club but has played for DPNA previously, please supply Club Name/Division that they played previously. If a player has never played for DPNA or is new, list as N/A (not applicable). It is helpful to know if these players have previously played in a Netball Australia competition e.g. From Mildura, Victoria. Please check your spreadsheet and ensure that: 1) Surnames are spelt correctly. 2) The name you have registered for your player is the same name that is shown on their Birth Certificate. No shortened or common names please. 3) Check your records for returning players and include their NQ number ensuring that the name and date of birth match their current details as supplied. If not, please highlight. 4) All players have a team number 5) Any comments have been included particularly requests for fixture time. 6) The Registration Spreadsheet has all mandatory fields completed. Failure to complete this spreadsheet correctly will result in non-acceptance of registration. Page 14 of 87 DOWNEY PARK NETBALL ASSOCIATION INC Part B – Disclaimer Form. (Page24) Please fill out and sign ensuring that we have a contact phone number for Saturday 8 March 2014 (DPNA paper grading). Comments regarding individual team grades e.g. strength of team, requested game time, special considerations, may be placed here but they must also be added to the Registration Spreadsheet. IMPORTANT NOTE Once Registrations have been received by the DPNA Office no team changes will be accepted until after Club Paper Grading Day. Team changes must then be made only in accordance with the DPNA By-Laws. Once a player is registered with DPNA (i.e. her name has been included on the registration spreadsheet or been added later), no refund of her fees will be made by DPNA unless there are extenuating circumstances. Clubs will be invoiced from the spreadsheet information. LATE REGISTRATIONS: Clubs may only add new players to their registered team after Club Grading Day. Adding New Players before the first fixture day New players may be added to a team by either: a. Completing the Late Registration Template excel spreadsheet similar to the Registration spreadsheet previously submitted. Only new names can be submitted. Please do not add further names to any previously submitted sheet. Remember to include the team number OR b. Completing the 2014 Late Registration Form (see below) which includes the details for data input Email to the office by 11 am Wednesday, 26th March, so that team registration cards can be prepared for the start of fixtures on Saturday 29th March. No late registrations will be accepted on the first day of fixtures. Adding New Players - after the first fixture day a. Complete the 2014 Late Registration Form which includes the Details for Data input. This should be emailed to the office by 12pm Friday. If after this time please hand to the Registrars on Saturday prior to play as well as emailing it to the office OR b. Complete the Late Registration Template excel spreadsheet as above. Only new names can be submitted. Please do not add further names to any previously submitted sheet. Remember to include the team number. Email to the office NO LATER THAN 12pm Friday if players are to play on Saturday. DPNA will email confirmation that the emailed registration is received. The player must also report to the DPNA Control Desk to sign the Registration Card before taking the court. The team risks losing competition points for playing an unregistered player, if a player does not sign the card before taking the court. Clubs will be invoiced monthly for any late registrations. Page 15 of 87 DOWNEY PARK NETBALL ASSOCIATION INC TEAM REGISTRATION FORM Teams are to be registered using an excel spreadsheet. No hard copies are needed. An example of the headings is shown below. Downey Park will supply you with a spreadsheet in the correct format listing your players and officials for 2013. It will be emailed to you shortly. Page 16 of 87 DOWNEY PARK NETBALL ASSOCIATION INC 2013 FINAL TEAM PLACINGS TEAM AHS 1 AHS 2 AHS 3 AHS 4 AHS 5 AHS 6 AHS 7 AHS 8 AHS 9 AHS 10 AHS 11 AHS 12 AHS 13 AHS 14 AHS 15 AHS 16 AHS 17 AHS 18 AHS 19 AHS 20 AHS 21 AHS 22 AHS 23 AHS 24 AHS 25 AHS 26 AHS 27 AHS 28 AHS 29 Arana 1 Arana 2 Arana 3 Arana 4 Arana 5 Arana 6 Arana 7 Arana 8 Arana 9 Arana 10 Arana 11 Arana 12 Arana 13 Arana 14 Aspley 1 Aspley 2 Aspley 3 Aspley 4 Aspley 5 Aspley 6 Aspley 7 Aspley 8 Aspley 9 Aspley 10 Aspley 11 Aspley 12 Aspley 13 Aspley 14 Aspley 15 Aspley 16 POSITION 2 - INTER 1A 6 - INTER 1B 2 - INTER 3 6 - INTER 3 7 - INTER 4 5 - INTER 5 4 - INTER 4 1 - INTER 4 2 - CADET 1 7 - CADET 2 4 - CADET 3 7 - CADET 3 4 - CADET 5 8 - CADET 5 2 - CADET 5 3 - CADET 6 1 - CADET 7 6 - CADET 7 7 - 13 DIV 1 4 - 13 DIV 2 1 - 13 DIV 3 3 - 13 DIV 3 6 - 13 DIV 4 2 - 12 DIV 2 5 - 12 DIV 3 6 - 12 DIV 5 1 - 11 DIV 2 2 - 11 DIV 3 6 - 11 DIV 4 4 - DIV 3 6 - DIV 4 8 - DIV 5 2 - DIV 6 2 - INTER 2 1 - INTER 5 8 - CADET 4 8 - CADET 6 3 - 13 DIV 2 3 - 13 DIV 4 1 - 12 DIV 4 2 - 12 DIV 5 5 - 11 DIV 3 2 - 11 DIV 4 3 -DIV 1 2 - DIV 2 2 - DIV 3 3 - DIV 3 2 - DIV 4 4 - DIV 5 1 - DIV 6 2 - INTER 1B 1 - INTER 2 5 - INTER 3 6 - CADET 1 2 - CADET 3 7 - CADET 4 2 - 13 DIV 2 7 - 12 DIV 4 3 - 11 DIV 2 TEAM Canons 1 Canons 2 Canons 3 Canons 4 Canons 5 Canons 6 Canons 7 Canons 8 Canons 9 Canons 10 Canons 11 Canons 12 Canons 13 Canons 14 Flugel 1 Flugel 2 Flugel 3 Flugel 4 Flugel 5 Flugel 6 Flugel 7 Flugel 8 Flugel 9 Flugel 10 Phoenix 1 Phoenix 2 Phoenix 3 Phoenix 4 Phoenix 5 Phoenix 6 Phoenix 7 Phoenix 8 Phoenix 9 Phoenix 10 Phoenix 11 Phoenix 12 Phoenix 13 Phoenix 14 Pine Hills 1 Pine Hills 2 Pine Hills 3 Pine Hills 4 Pine Hills 5 Pine Hills 6 Pine Hills 7 Pine Hills 8 Pine Hills 9 Pine Hills 10 Pine Hills 11 Pine Hills 12 Pine Hills 13 Pine Hills 14 Pine Hills 15 Pine Hills 16 Pine Hills 17 Pine Hills 18 Pine Hills 19 St Josephs 1 St Josephs 2 St Josephs 3 St Josephs 4 POSITION 2 -DIV 1 1 - DIV 2 5 - DIV 3 8 - DIV 3 4 - DIV 6 5 - INTER 2 2 - INTER 4 3 - CADET 2 6 - CADET 3 4 - CADET 4 3 - 12 DIV 1 2 - 12 DIV 3 4 - 12 DIV 6 8 - 11 DIV 3 7 - DIV 2 6 - DIV 5 7 - INTER 2 7 - INTER 5 3 - CADET 7 1 - 12 DIV 3 3 - 12 DIV 5 6 - 11 DIV 2 4 - 11 DIV 3 1 - 11 DIV 5 7 - DIV 4 5 - DIV 6 6 - INTER 2 3 - CADET 1 5 - CADET 2 3 - CADET 4 3 - CADET 5 2 - CADET 7 4 - 13 DIV 3 1 - 12 DIV 1 8 - 12 DIV 2 5 - 12 DIV 6 5 - 11 DIV 1 2 - 11 DIV 5 4 - DIV 2 4 - DIV 4 8 - DIV 4 3 - INTER 1B 8 - INTER 2 7 - INTER 3 3 - INTER 4 4 - INTER 5 6 - CADET 2 6 - CADET 4 7 - CADET 5 2 - 13 DIV 1 5 - 13 DIV 2 5 - 13 DIV 4 5 - 12 DIV 1 4 - 12 DIV 3 4 - 11 DIV 1 7 - 11 DIV 3 4 - 11 DIV 4 5 - 12 DIV 2 8 - 12 DIV 4 2 - 11 DIV 2 3 - 11 DIV 5 TEAM Q of A 1 Q of A 2 Q of A 3 Q of A 4 Q of A 5 Q of A 6 Q of A 7 Raiders 1 Raiders 2 Raiders 3 Raiders 4 Raiders 5 Raiders 6 Raiders 7 Raiders 8 Raiders 9 Raiders 10 Raiders 11 Raiders 12 Raiders 13 Raiders 14 Raiders 15 Raiders 16 Raiders 17 Samford 1 Samford 2 Samford 3 Samford 4 Samford 5 Samford 6 Samford 7 Samford 8 Samford 9 Samford 10 Samford 11 Samford 12 Samford 13 Samford 14 Samford 15 Samford 16 St Margarets 1 St Margarets 2 St Margarets 3 St Margarets 4 St Margarets 5 St Margarets 6 St Margarets 7 St Margarets 8 St Margarets 9 St Margarets 10 St Margarets 11 St Margarets 12 Vipers 1 Vipers 2 Vipers 3 Vipers 4 Vipers 5 Vipers 6 POSITION 1 - DIV 4 7 - DIV 5 2 - INTER 5 1 - CADET 3 7 - 13 DIV 3 2 - 12 DIV 4 3 - 11 DIV 3 4 -DIV 1 5 - DIV 2 1 - DIV 3 5 - DIV 5 5 - INTER 1B 8 - INTER 3 2 - CADET 2 5 - CADET 4 4 - CADET 6 5 - 13 DIV 1 6 - 13 DIV 3 1 - 12 DIV 2 8 - 12 DIV 3 4 - 12 DIV 5 1 - 11 DIV 1 4 - 11 DIV 2 3 - 11 DIV 4 6 - DIV 3 5 - DIV 4 2 - DIV 5 3 - INTER 2 5 - INTER 4 5 - CADET 3 6 - CADET 5 6 - CADET 6 3 - 13 DIV 1 2 - 13 DIV 3 2 - 13 DIV 4 6 - 12 DIV 1 7 - 12 DIV 3 6 - 12 DIV 4 2 - 11 DIV 1 5 - 11 DIV 4 4 - INTER 1B 1 - INTER 3 6 - INTER 4 8 - CADET 3 1 - CADET 5 4 - CADET 7 6 - 12 DIV 2 1 - 12 DIV 5 6 - 12 DIV 6 8 - 11 DIV 2 8 - 11 DIV 4 7 - 11 DIV 5 3 - DIV 4 1 - DIV 5 1 - CADET 4 2 - CADET 6 5 - 13 DIV 3 1 - 11 DIV 4 TEAM The Gap 1 The Gap 2 The Gap 3 The Gap 4 The Gap 5 The Gap 6 The Gap 7 The Gap 8 The Gap 9 The Gap 10 The Gap 11 The Gap 12 The Gap 13 The Gap 14 The Gap 15 The Gap 16 The Gap 17 The Gap 18 The Gap 19 The Gap 20 The Gap 21 The Gap 22 The Gap 23 The Gap 24 The Gap 25 The Gap 26 The Gap 27 The Gap 28 The Gap 29 The Gap 30 The Gap 31 The Gap 32 The Gap 33 The Gap 34 The Gap 35 The Gap 36 The Gap 37 Valleys 1 Valleys 2 Valleys 3 Valleys 4 Valleys 5 Valleys 6 Valleys 7 Valleys 8 Valleys 9 Valleys 10 Valleys 11 Valleys 12 Valleys 13 Valleys 14 Valleys 15 Valleys 16 Valleys 17 Valleys 18 Valleys 19 Valleys 20 Valleys 21 Valleys 22 Valleys 23 Valleys 24 POSITION 5 -DIV 1 6 - DIV 2 7 - DIV 3 3 - DIV 5 6 - DIV 6 4 - INTER 2 3 - INTER 3 3 - INTER 5 8 - INTER 5 5 - CADET 1 4 - CADET 2 3 - CADET 3 2 - CADET 4 5 - CADET 5 5 - CADET 6 7 - CADET 6 5 - CADET 7 1 - 13 DIV 1 6 - 13 DIV 1 1 - 13 DIV 2 8 - 13 DIV 3 4 - 13 DIV 4 4 - 12 DIV 1 3 - 12 DIV 2 7 - 12 DIV 2 3 - 12 DIV 3 3 - 12 DIV 4 4 - 12 DIV 4 5 - 12 DIV 5 2 - 12 DIV 6 1 - 12 DIV 6 6 - 11 DIV 1 5 - 11 DIV 2 7 - 11 DIV 2 7 - 11 DIV 4 4 - 11 DIV 5 6 - 11 DIV 5 1 -DIV 1 3 - DIV 2 3 - DIV 6 1 - INTER 1A 1 - INTER 1B 4 - INTER 3 8 - INTER 4 6 - INTER 5 1 - CADET 1 4 - CADET 1 1 - CADET 2 1 - CADET 6 4 - 13 DIV 1 6 - 13 DIV 2 1 - 13 DIV 4 2 - 12 DIV 1 4 - 12 DIV 2 6 - 12 DIV 3 5 - 12 DIV 4 3 - 12 DIV 6 3 - 11 DIV 1 1 - 11 DIV 3 6 - 11 DIV 3 5 - 11 DIV 5 Page 17 of 87 DOWNEY PARK NETBALL ASSOCIATION INC LATE REGISTRATION FORM 2014 The late registration form is available on the website www.downeypark.qld.netball.com.au Page 18 of 87 DOWNEY PARK NETBALL ASSOCIATION INC TEAM CHANGES: Team changes must comply with DPNA By Laws, By Law 6.5.2 states: a) (i) Of the players registered in a team in accordance with Clause 6.3.2. of the By-Laws, a club may during the first three weeks of fixtures, select up to three (3) players to play down (i.e. play in a lower division than that in which the player is registered) or across (i.e. play in another team in the same division as that in which the team is registered). This rule does not permit age graded players to play below their correct age group. Penalty: No points and goals to be awarded for the match to the offending team. Competition points to be awarded to the opponents. (ii) After the third week of fixtures, should a club wish to make alterations to the registered team in accordance with i) above, a final team of at least seven (7) players shall be submitted to the Executive prior to the commencement of the fourth week of fixtures. Team changes prior to start of season: As with late registrations, a Team Registration Changes FORM must be forwarded (preferably by email) to the DPNA Office no later than Wednesday, 26th March. Please note that any changes must comply with the By Laws above. Temporary team changes may be made in line with a) (1) above in the first three weeks of fixtures. Should the changes be on a continuing basis, a Team Registration Changes Form (Senior/Junior) must be completed and either emailed to the office prior to 12pm Friday or handed to the Registrars on Saturday before the team plays. The player/s involved must also report to the DPNA Control Desk to re-sign the Registration Card for their new team before taking the court. PLAYING TIMES IN 2014 Playing times will depend on the number of teams registered in 2014. Expected times are as follows:Non-competitive teams (nippers and 10 years) 9.40, 10.40 or 12.00 pm (10 minute quarters) A preferred time may be requested on the Registration Spreadsheet (comments column). (Please note that while we try to accommodate team requests, we cannot guarantee the team will receive their request.) 11 years teams at 9.40 am (10 minute quarters) 12 years teams at 10.40 am and possibly some 13 years teams (15 minute quarters) 13 years teams with some Cadets & Inters at 12.00 pm (15 minute quarters) All other teams at 1.20pm, 2.40pm or 4.00 pm (15 minute quarters) It is emphasised that this is a guide line only and cannot be confirmed until after team registrations have been received. Page 19 of 87 DOWNEY PARK NETBALL ASSOCIATION INC REGISTRATION CHECKLIST 2014 Tick when completed A. Team Registration Spreadsheet Including Officials Registration B. Disclaimer Form C. Payment Summary Form (Clubs will be invoiced) D. Completed Affiliation Form E. Completed Club/Committee Update. Please send after Club AGM and when changes occur. F. Signed Conditions of Hire – Clubs. Please send when making your season booking. A emailed to DPNA Office by 10.00am 5th March, 2014 B, C, D forwarded (post or email) to DPNA Office by 5th March, 2014 E, F forwarded (post or email) to DPNA Office as necessary. Page 20 of 87 DOWNEY PARK NETBALL ASSOCIATION INC AFFILIATION FORM – 2014 We wish to make application for membership of DPNA with full membership rights. CLUB………………………………………………………………………………… UNIFORMS: Clubs upon joining DPNA shall register their uniform which shall be of a design approved by the Management Committee. N.B. Any changes in uniforms must be approved. COLOURS:…………………………………………………………………………. If you are a new Club it is essential that you forward a photo of your uniform with the application CLUB REFUNDS: If possible, refunds are made through deductions in the following invoice. If your club is due a refund/payment from DPNA, please indicate your preferred method. Direct Deposit – please give account details Account name BSB Account No. Cheque Please notify the DPNA office should these details change. AFFILIATION CONDITIONS ACCEPTANCE: 1) We accept that the jurisdiction of DPNA shall extend to and be acknowledged by all Teams/Clubs. 2) If accepted to membership to DPNA we pledge ourselves to uphold and keep in all sincere good faith and to do everything in our power to further the objectives and aims of the Association as set forth in the Constitution Rules and By-Laws. 3) We will uphold the DPNA Codes of Behaviour and will ensure that all officials, participants, parents and spectators are aware of the relevant Codes of Behaviour. Signed by………………….………………………for and on behalf of the…………………………………………….Netball Club. This form to be forwarded by Continuing Clubs with Team Registration Data. New clubs should forward this form as soon as possible so that membership can be confirmed and uniform approved. Page 21 of 87 DOWNEY PARK NETBALL ASSOCIATION INC FEES & FINES - 2014 ALL FEES ARE GST INCLUSIVE Affiliation Bond * $30.00 $100.00 Associate Members (inc QNA reg’n) $40.00 Officials – Q.N.A. $30.00 Coaches – Q.N.A. $30.00 Umpires – Q.N.A. $30.00 Players’ Fees 1st Season $124.00 Players’ Fees 2nd Season $57.00 Late season Player Fee ( 8th week onwards) $94.00 Ground Fees / per team $205.00 Selection Trials Nomination Fee – Combined PDP & Rep Team OR Rep team alone $25.00 Selection Trials Nomination Fee - Late $35.00 Fine – Umpiring $55.00 Fine – Non-attendance DPNA meeting $55.00 Late Forfeit $55.00 Fine – Non-attendance Canteen / per person per hour $25.00 Fixture Books / per book $4.00 Protest Fee - refunded if protest successful $22.00 Appeals Fee - refunded if appeal successful $100.00 *The bond is forfeited by a club and must be repaid under the following circumstances: i. Withdrawal of any team after grading; ii. Any team forfeiting three games in any one round; iii. General disregard of its responsibilities as defined in the Rules and By-Laws of DPNA. DPNA Management Page 22 of 87 DOWNEY PARK NETBALL ASSOCIATION INC PAYMENT SUMMARY FORM - 2014 PAYMENT ADVICE SLIP ……………………………………………….…Netball Club AFFILIATION @ $30.00 per club $………..…… ASSOCIATE MEMBERS @ $40.00 each $………..…… BOND -New Clubs only @ $100.00 per club $………..…… REGISTRATION 1st Season 2014………… @ $124.00 each $………..…… 2nd Season 2014*……… @ $57.00 each $………..…… …..…….Coaches-QNA @ $30.00 each $………..…… …..…….Umpires-QNA @ $30.00 each $………..…… …….......Officials-QNA @ $30.00 each $………..…… GROUND FEES ….…......Teams @$205.00 per team $………..…… FIXTURE BOOKS ………....Teams/Books** @$4.00 per book $………..…… - extra books …………. @$4.00 per book $………..…… PLAYERS OFFICIALS **Note: Each Club must order and pay for 1 fixture book per team nominated. (e.g. 14 teams = 14 Fixture books) TOTAL $………..…… (FEES GST INCLUSIVE) * E.g. QCNA Rep Player 2014 Page 23 of 87 DOWNEY PARK NETBALL ASSOCIATION INC DISCLAIMER FORM - 2014 CLUB DUE DATE: 5/ 3/ 2014 CLUB CONTACT NAME CLUB POSITION PHONE 1 (For PHONE 2 paper grading (at other times) on 8/3/2014) 1. 2. DISCLAIMER YES/NO a) Each team has seven players. b) All mandatory fields have been completed. Failure to provide full particulars will result in non-acceptance of registration. c) Suitable proof of date of birth (e.g. Birth Certificate, Extract, Passport) has been sighted by a Club Official for all Players under 19 yrs. I, ___________________________ being _____________ (Club Committee position held) confirm that these details are correct. Signature: ___________________________ Date: _______ Phone: _______________ Comments on any team by Club: (in order of team number). It is important to also include these comments in your spreadsheet. Page 24 of 87 DOWNEY PARK NETBALL ASSOCIATION INC TEAM REGISTRATION CHANGES - 2014 CLUB PLAYER TEAM REGISTERED NEW TEAM Team No Team No Grade Grade NOTE: After REGISTRATION, a maximum of three players per Team may be shifted to play down (i.e. in a lower division than that in which the player is registered) or across (i.e. play in another team in the same division as that in which the player is registered). This rule does not permit age-graded players to play below their correct age group. This may happen only in the first three weeks of Fixtures (Clause 6.5.2 (a)(i)). Once three players have played down or across, no additional players may play down or across. NOTE: Any players changing teams permanently must report to the Control Desk to sign the Registration Card for their “new” team. Signature of Club Registrar____________________ Date ________ Phone ___________ Page 25 of 87 DOWNEY PARK NETBALL ASSOCIATION INC FINAL TEAM CHANGES - 2014 CLUB_____________________________________________________ Team Number _______________Grade/Division __________________ PREVIOUS TEAM Team No Grade/Division PLAYER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 BY-LAWS: 6.5.2 (a)(i) Of Players registered in a team, a Club may during the first three weeks of fixtures, select up to three players to play down (i.e. in a lower division than that in which the player is registered) or across (i.e. play in another team in the same division as that in which the player is registered). This rule does not permit age-graded players to play below their correct age group. Once three players have played down or across, no additional players may play down or across. 6.5.2 (a) (ii) After the third week of fixtures should a club wish to make alterations to the registered team in accordance with (i) above, a final team of at least seven players shall be submitted prior to the commencement of the fourth week of fixtures. NOTE: Any players changing teams permanently must report to the Control Desk to sign the Registration Card for their “new” team. Signature of Club Registrar____________________ Date ________ Phone ___________ Page 26 of 87 DOWNEY PARK NETBALL ASSOCIATION INC CLUB INFORMATION GUIDE TO CLUB EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE ROLES You have been elected by your peers to represent your Club as a member of the Club’s Executive Committee. Would you like to know more about your role? President As President of your Club, your duties may include: ● ● ● ● ● Oversee all aspects of the Club. Preside at all General Meetings and Annual General Meetings of the Club. Represent the Club when required. Liaise with DPNA. Be the initial contact with sponsors. Vice-President In the absence of your President, your duties as Vice President may include: ● Preside over meetings or represent the Club. ● Carry out other such duties as are assigned, from time to time, by the Executive Committee. Secretary As Secretary, your duties may include: ● Handle all incoming and outgoing Club mail. ● Oversee the organisation of events at your Club. ● Handle all queries directed to the Club from DPNA and the public. Treasurer ● Oversee all the books and accounts of the Club and present a statement of receipts and expenditure to each Executive Meeting and each General Meeting. ● Oversee the receipt of all monies and payment of such monies into the bank and produce the bank receipts at each Executive Meeting and General Meeting. ● Be responsible for the closure of the books at the end of your financial year. ● Be responsible for the preparation and presentation of a Balance Sheet for the inspection and signature of the Auditors and present same at the Annual General Meeting. ● In conjunction with the President, oversee the preparation of Grants/Subsidy submissions – in conjunction with committees/sub-committees and personnel where necessary. ● In conjunction with the President and the Secretary, prepare the Club budget for approval by Executive. ● Make recommendations to Executive when necessary for the advantageous management of Club funds and resources. Page 27 of 87 DOWNEY PARK NETBALL ASSOCIATION INC Coaching Convenor As Coaching Convenor, you should have a coaching background. Your duties may include: ● Monitor and evaluate Team development at Club level. ● Assist with Coach Education programs; keep records and statistical data concerning development, e.g. Fitness testing – team performances. ● Report to the Executive Committee. ● Oversee the preparation of budgets for all coaching programs and present to Treasurer. Umpiring Convenor As Umpiring Convenor, you should have an umpiring background. Your duties may include: ● Ensure your Club Umpiring duties are fulfilled. ● Liaise with DPNA Umpires Convenor re badge testing, talent identification and umpire education programs. ● Encourage involvement in umpire education programs; ensure that records and relevant statistical data are kept. ● Report to the Executive where umpiring matters are concerned. ● Oversee the preparation of budgets for all umpiring programs and present to Treasurer. Canteen Coordinator As Canteen Coordinator, your duties should include: ● Oversee implementation of Canteen Roster. ● Check that Canteen workers are still available as your Canteen Duty gets closer. Page 28 of 87 DOWNEY PARK NETBALL ASSOCIATION INC CLUB/COMMITTEE UPDATE The following form is included in the Operations Manual as a reminder of the information required by Downey Park Netball Association whenever there is a change in any of these club committee members. Please email the office as soon as possible. CLUB: .............................................................................................................................. CONTACT PERSON (During working hours): ................................................................... POSTAL ADDRESS (Mandatory): ……………………………………………………………… PHONE NO: ........................................................... MOBILE NO: …………………………… EMAIL ADDRESS: ………………………………………………………………………………… CLUB WEB ADDRESS: …………………………………………………………………………… This name and email address will be included in the Fixtures book and listed on our web site as the Club contact. No postal address or phone numbers will be included unless you request this. DO YOU REQUIRE FURTHER PLAYERS IN ANY PARTICULAR GRADE? PLEASE KEEP THE OFFICE UPDATED ..........................................................................................................................................… PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION FOR YOUR EXECUTIVE OFFICERS: PRESIDENT: NAME: ……………………………………………………………………………………………… PHONE NO: ………………………………………MOBILE NO: ……………………… E-MAIL ADDRESS: ……………………………………………………………………………… SECRETARY: NAME: ……………………………………………………………………………………………… PHONE NO: ………………………………………MOBILE NO: ………………………… EMAIL ADDRESS: ………………………………………………………………………………… TREASURER: NAME: …………………………………………………………………………………………… PHONE NO: ………………………………………MOBILE NO: ……………………………… EMAIL ADDRESS: ………………………………………………………………………………… Page 29 of 87 DOWNEY PARK NETBALL ASSOCIATION INC CLUB/COMMITTEE UPDATE continued DELEGATES TO DPNA COUNCIL MEETINGS 1. NAME: …………………………………………………………………………………………… 2. NAME: …………………………………………………………………………………………… It is a Club responsibility to ensure that 2 delegates attend the Council meeting as per the approved calendar. Please sign the meeting book. Failure to attend will incur a fine of $55.00. UMPIRES CONVENOR: NAME: ……………………………………………………………………………………………… PHONE NO: ……………………………………MOBILE NO: ………………………………… EMAIL ADDRESS: ………………………………………………………………………………… COACHING CONVENOR: NAME: ……………………………………………………………………………………………… PHONE NO: ……………………………………MOBILE NO: ……………………………… EMAIL ADDRESS: ………………………………………………………………………………… CANTEEN ORGANISER: NAME: ……………………………………………………………………………………………… PHONE NO: ……………………………………MOBILE NO: ………………………………… EMAIL ADDRESS: ………………………………………………………………………………… Page 30 of 87 DOWNEY PARK NETBALL ASSOCIATION INC APPLICATION FOR HIRE OF COURTS/OFFICE SPACE – 2014 To be submitted in January prior to the hire of courts. CLUB NAME………………………………………………………………………… REQ’D FOR TRAINING……………………REQ’D FOR SIGN-ON……………… DAY REQUIRED……………………………COMMENCEMENT DATE………………… OPENING TIME…………………………….CLOSING TIME……………………… OFFICE SPACE REQUIRED…Yes / No……………. **COURT NOS AND TIMES REQUESTED CRT NO. TIME REQ. CRT NO. TIME REQ. CRT NO. TIME REQ. CRT NO. 1 4 7 Jackie O 2 5 8 Bitumen 3 6 9 Grass TIME REQ. **PLEASE NOTE: Courts requested cannot be guaranteed, subject to demand and times. NAMES OF 2 PERSONS RESPONSIBLE FOR CLOSING OF COURTS. Name: ……………………………………………………………………………………………… Phone No…………………………….Mobile………………………………. Email address: …………………………………………………………………………………… Name: ……………………………………………………………………………………………… Phone No…………………………….Mobile……………………………… Email address: …………………………………………………………………………………… The DPNA Conditions of Hire - Clubs has been provided to me/us. I/we have read and signed the agreement and have returned it to DPNA. Signature ________________________________ OFFICE USE ONLY Signed Conditions of Hire - Clubs received YES / NO APPLICATION APPROVED…………………………………DATE…………… Page 31 of 87 DOWNEY PARK NETBALL ASSOCIATION INC COURT HIRE FEES – 2014 (GST Inclusive) Clubs at DPNA for training (full season) – Hard courts in enclosed area. $231 Per court/hour Clubs at DPNA for training (full season) – (grass courts and Jackie O’Meara / bitumen hard courts) $77 Per court/hour Schools – Hard courts and grass courts $253 Per day Schools – Hard courts and grass courts $165 Per half day Schools – Hard courts - enclosed area. $209 Per day Schools – Hard courts - enclosed area. $132 Per half day Hard courts (night – covers lights) – Hard courts in enclosed area. $27.50 Per court/hour Hard courts (day) - Hard courts in enclosed area. $11 Per court/hour Grass courts (grass courts and Jackie O’Meara hard courts) $11 Per court/hour Opening fee only $27.50 Opening & Closing $35.20 Cleaning fee $35.20 Office space (season) $220 Season or $22 Per night Page 32 of 87 DOWNEY PARK NETBALL ASSOCIATION INC CONDITIONS OF HIRE - CLUBS INTERPRETATION 1. DPNA is the Downey Park Netball Association: a. The HIRER is the person, firm, company, business, school or association hiring from DPNA; b. The COMPLEX is that part of the DPNA grounds at Green Tce., Windsor, that is enclosed by chain wire fence and gates; c. The DPNA COURTS AND FACILITIES are all of the courts at DPNA including the grass courts, the complex, toilet facilities and clubhouse. APPLICATION 2. The DPNA courts and facilities are available for hire by prior arrangement and subject to the terms of conditions of hire. Applications for hire must be completed and forwarded to the DPNA Office. All communications with regard to court/facilities hire should be directed to the administration officer, Michelle Willett, except in the instance of 3(b). Any change to scheduled use, other than in 3(b), should be directed to the office administrator. OPENING/CLOSING 3. The complex will be opened for use by the DPNA caretaker. a. Clubs are required to provide two people who can accept the responsibility of locking the complex after use. The “locking up” procedure will be initially explained to these people by our caretaker. Failure to lock the complex correctly will incur an additional fee of $27.50 (GST incl) each time. b. If, due to inclement weather, the courts will not be used, please contact our caretaker immediately. Our caretaker’s name is Sue Maskell, phone 3856 0125 or mobile 0417 618 002. Failure to notify Sue of cancellation will incur a fee of $27.50 (GST incl). c. Clubs will be charged a $27.50 fee for any unplanned call back of the Caretaker caused by Club error. COSTS 4. Please contact the DPNA office for a quote on court hire. The use of the office space is an additional fee of $220.00 (GST incl) for the season. Please note – if the hirer hasn’t booked it, the hirer doesn’t use it!! Sign-on: $27.50 (GST incl) per court per hour, plus $27.50 (GST incl) opening fee. Office space hire: $22.00 (GST incl) per session. ASSIGNMENT OF COURTS 5. On acceptance of the court hire application, hirers will be given the court numbers (or areas) assigned to them. No other courts may be used without the prior agreement of DPNA. Page 33 of 87 DOWNEY PARK NETBALL ASSOCIATION INC HIRERS OBLIGATIONS 6. The hirer must ensure that the toilets, change rooms, courts and surrounds are left clean and tidy after use, failing which the hirer agrees to pay to DPNA the reasonable costs of cleaning same. 7. The hirer is responsible for any damage caused to the DPNA courts and facilities (fair wear and tear accepted) and the hirer agrees to pay to DPNA the cost of any repairs or replacement of any damage caused during the period of hire. 8. The hirer must ensure that all courts being used at all times have post pads properly fitted. 9. The hirer must ensure that all junior players be supervised at all time by a coach who has at least two years continuing coaching experience or who is adequately qualified. 10. The use of bikes, roller blades, scooters, skateboards etc, is prohibited anywhere within the complex. 11. The hirer must ensure that motor vehicles are not driven onto the grass courts or into the complex without prior approval of the DPNA’s administration officer or Ground’s Convenor. 12. Before using the court’s facilities the hirer shall ensure that the courts are in a proper and safe condition for use. Any safety concerns must be reported to the DPNA secretary immediately. 13. The hirer must ensure that alcohol is not consumed at the DPNA courts and facilities. 14. The hirer is responsible for providing its own first aid assistance including the supply of ice. 15. Subject to the terms of any insurance cover with Netball Queensland, the hirer shall be responsible for any accidents, loss, damage or injuries sustained by any person using the facilities during the time that this facility is hired to the hirer notwithstanding that such injury arose from or by reason of any defect with the facilities and the hirer agrees to indemnify DPNA against all claims and demands made costs incurred in connection with such actions. 16. The hirer must forthwith advise DPNA of any injuries sustained to any person during any period of hire. FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH ANY OF THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS MAY RESULT IN CANCELLATION OF THE BOOKING Acceptance of Conditions of Hire: Club: ______________________________ Date: ___________________ Name:______________________________ Signature: ______________________ Please return signed acceptance to Downey Park Netball Association. Page 34 of 87 DOWNEY PARK NETBALL ASSOCIATION INC CANTEEN INFORMATION Please forward a copy of this information to your canteen coordinator. When your club is rostered on canteen duty, we ask you to take note of the following: Clubs are to supply canteen helpers as per the roster in the Fixture Book. Volunteers must stay for the times indicated. Please do not break the times allocated into smaller shifts as this makes it very difficult for our Canteen Convenor. Also, it is the responsibility of each shift of workers to pass on to the next shift information about jobs to be done. ● Note that the starting time for the day is at 8.30am. Punctuality is important so that the previous shift can leave on time. All volunteers, including those for the drinks van and BBQ, sign on at the canteen. ● Clubs will be fined if there are insufficient helpers present. Fine for non-attendance at Canteen is $25 per person per hour. ● Volunteers are welcome to free tea and coffee while they are working but other items must be purchased. ● For insurance purposes, volunteers must sign on when they arrive. Volunteers must wear closed-in shoes for Occupational Health and Safety reasons and no exceptions are permitted. ● Volunteers must be over the age of 16. No children under 16 can accompany volunteers in the canteen. ● Jobs will include the following and clubs are asked to ensure that their helpers will cover all these areas: Preparing food; cooking chips; filling ovens; restocking drink fridges; cash register; cleaning up. (Would you especially make sure that there is always one person willing and able to cook chips). ● Also included is the barbeque on the grass courts. Three persons will be required at any one time for this task. One of the three will be required to cook on the barbeque. If club registrations are similar to 2013, each Club can expect to have two rostered days in the first fourteen weeks of fixtures and one rostered day in the final series. ● Please supply us with a contact name of your Canteen Convenor. This person must be there and be contactable by us on the day. We would appreciate a list of volunteers for the day, given to the Canteen Convenor at the start of the day. ● Suggestion - Draw up your roster for the full season early and distribute to all volunteers. This will give them plenty of notice and time to allow them to swap their shift if it is unsuitable. Remember the canteen is a major fundraiser for your players. We cannot function without volunteers. Canteen funds subsidise your fees, so your involvement will help keep the fees down. Page 35 of 87 DOWNEY PARK NETBALL ASSOCIATION INC INSURANCE INFORMATION Netball Queensland is a member of the Australian National Netball Insurance Program. Specialist sports insurance brokers, Willis Australia, have been appointed coordinators of the national scheme from 1st November 2010. All insurance claims should be directed to them. Visit: http://www.willisnetball.com/ for the following: ● What is Covered ● Making a Claim (including the Claim Form) ● Certificate of Currency. There is a facility on the website for clubs to request their Certificate of Currency. ● Policy Wordings ● Frequently Asked Questions ● Association Links ● Contact Details Claims Enquiries Please call Willis Australia on 1300WILLIS (1300 945 547) Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Email: netball@vinsurancegroup.com General Enquires – Queensland V Insurance Group Level 5, 179 Elizabeth Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 Phone (02) 9285 4111 or local call cost only 1300 WILLIS (i.e. 1300 945 547) Fax (02) 9283 5276 Email: netball@vinsurancegroup.com Should you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact the DPNA office on (07) 3857 1052. Page 36 of 87 DOWNEY PARK NETBALL ASSOCIATION INC TEAM MANAGERS INFORMATION Competitive (11yrs & above) DPNA requires that each team nominate a person or persons (the Manager), who is responsible for the following duties: 1. Ensure players, officials and spectators abide by the Codes of Behaviour. Your attention is drawn in particular to the requirement to give respect to umpires. It is expected that, in the spirit of the game, and in setting a good example for junior players, coaches, spectators, and on/off court players DO NOT criticise or dispute an umpire’s decision or their umpiring ability 2. Ensure the team abides by the Competition Rules in accordance with the DPNA Bylaws Your attention is drawn to the following specific rules: a. Non-competitive players (8-10years) may NOT play in competitive teams (except as in bylaw 6.5.2.e). b. After the first three weeks, no player may play in a lower grade than the one in which she is registered. c. After the first three weeks, players registered in a division may NOT “PLAY ACROSS” in another team in the same division. d. No age graded player may play in a team below her correct age group. Penalty for a,b,c,d: No points and goals to be awarded for the match to the offending team/s. Competition points will be awarded to opponents. e. All players must sign the scorecard and with the same signature as appears on the registration form. Penalty: One point to be deducted from the offending team. 3. Liaise with DPNA Registrars a. Disseminating information received from DPNA to the team e.g. scoreboard notes b. Notifying DPNA/Club of changes to teams, forfeits etc. 4. Ensure team Registration Card is completed correctly on the first game of the season. a. Do not make corrections to the registration card. Make any corrections on the reverse side and return the registration card to the control desk. A player not listed on the registration card is not registered. Please see the control desk before play (Penalties apply) b. All players must sign both the TEAM REGISTRATION CARD and the SCORE CARD in the same way. On the scorecard, print player’s names in alphabetical order for players to sign 2. Carey, M. M. Carey beside as in the style of the example. c. Managers should keep a copy of players’ signatures for weekly reference. Help players understand that they must sign the scorecard every time. Particularly remember your player-umpires who have to rush to make the court in time for play. d. Any players playing their first game after the first week must report to the control table to sign the registration card before they take the court. (Penalties apply) 5. Ensure the team is correctly attired (includes no jewellery) 6. Collecting and returning scorecards and post pads in accordance with the procedure below. a. The team listed first on the fixtures sheet is responsible for COLLECTING the SCORE CARD from the control desk. For the first round COLLECT the POST PADS from the storeroom in the ladies toilets before collecting the scorecard. For Page 37 of 87 DOWNEY PARK NETBALL ASSOCIATION INC further details see the fixture book. b. The winning team returns the scorecard at the end of the game. c. Second named teams are to return post pads. Details of when post pads are to be returned will be included in the fixture book. 7. Check the scorecard before releasing it to either the winning team or DPNA registrars. a. Have all players signed? b. Are non-players crossed out? c. Are fill in players identified by their registered division? d. Are scores totalled and written in the appropriate box? e. Make sure both teams agree with the score. If there is disagreement, do not sign the scorecard and refer to the control desk. f. Have scorers and umpires signed? 8. Training of scorers and relieving Managers. Other Useful Information FORFEITS Any team wishing to forfeit a match shall give notice in writing to DPNA of such intention by 12 noon on the last business day prior to the date of the scheduled match. DPNA will notify the opposition by email through the club contact. It is the club’s responsibility to notify the team concerned; A team notified by DPNA that its opponent has given notice of its intention to forfeit shall receive a win by forfeit without any members of the team having to sign the match scorecard; In the event both teams give notice in writing of an intention to forfeit a match, neither team shall receive any points for the match; A club is liable to a fine of $55.00 in the event of late forfeit. INJURY TO PLAYERS: Ice and first aid care is available at the first aid tent. For insurance purposes, register any player’s injuries as soon as possible in the INJURY BOOK at the first aid tent. WET DAYS: After 8.00 am, the manager (or designated person) can log on to the Downey Park web site: www.downeypark.qld.netball.com.au for an updated message. An update will also be issued on facebook. www.facebook.com/DowneyParkNetballAssociation HOT DAYS: DPNA draws your attention to the “Drink Up” posters placed around the courts and on the website. Avoid heat stress and poor performance by adequate fluid replacement during your sport or activity. On extremely hot days, DPNA may shorten the length of quarters and give extra drink breaks. COMPLAINTS: Inappropriate behaviour that can't be dealt with by Managers can be reported to the control desk. Refer to the Complaints Handling Policy. Page 38 of 87 DOWNEY PARK NETBALL ASSOCIATION INC TEAM MANAGERS INFORMATION Non Competitive DPNA requires that each team nominate a person or persons (the Manager) who is responsible for the following duties: 1. Ensure players, officials and spectators abide by the Codes of Behaviour. Your attention is drawn in particular to the requirement to give respect to umpires. It is expected that, in the spirit of the game, and in setting a good example for junior players, coaches, spectators, and on/off court players DO NOT criticise or dispute an umpire’s decision or their umpiring ability. 2. Ensure the team abides by the Competition Rules in accordance with the DPNA Bylaws. Non-Competitive Rules are listed in the fixtures book. Your attention is drawn to the following specific rules: a. Non-competitive players (8-10years) may NOT PLAY in COMPETITIVE TEAMS (except as in bylaw 6.5.2.e). b. All players who take the court must sign the playing card – including any from another team. Where a player is from another team, their division must be included on the card. Cross out names of players who have been listed on the playing card but do not take the court. c. Player positions for each quarter must be filled in on the playing card. d. The game time should be evenly distributed amongst all players. Players should be substituted into either only attack positions or only defence positions for the duration of the game. Each player should experience all positions over the course of the season. 3. Liaise with DPNA Registrars a. Disseminating information received from DPNA to the team e.g. scoreboard notes b. Notifying DPNA/Club of changes to teams, forfeits etc. 4. Ensure team Registration Card is completed correctly on the first game of the season. a. Do not make corrections to the registration card. Make any corrections on the reverse side and return the registration card to the control desk. A player not listed on the registration card is not registered and therefore, not insured. Please see the control desk before play b. All players must sign both the TEAM REGISTRATION CARD and the SCORE CARD in the same way. On the scorecard, print player’s names in alphabetical order for players 2. Carey, M. M. Carey to sign beside as in the style of the example. c. Managers should keep a copy of players’ signatures for weekly reference. Help players understand that they must sign the scorecard every time. d. Any players playing their first game after the first week must report to the control table to sign the registration card before they take the court. (Penalties apply) 5. Ensure the team is correctly attired (includes no jewellery) 6. Collect and return playing cards and post pads in accordance with the procedure below. a. The team listed first on the fixtures sheet is responsible for COLLECTING the PLAYING CARD from the control desk. For the first round COLLECT the POST PADS from the storeroom in the ladies toilets before collecting the scorecard. For Page 39 of 87 DOWNEY PARK NETBALL ASSOCIATION INC further details see the fixture book. b. The Second named team returns the playing card at the end of the game c. Second named teams are to return post pads. Details of when post pads are to be returned will be included in the fixture book. 7. Check the playing card before returning it to the control desk. a. Have all players signed? Are signatures the same as your records show? b. Are non-players crossed out? c. Are fill in players identified by their registered division? d. Are player positions written in? 8. Training of scorers and relieving Managers. Other Useful Information FORFEITS Any team wishing to forfeit a match shall give notice in writing to DPNA of such intention by 12 noon on the last business day prior to the date of the scheduled match. DPNA will notify the opposition by email through the club contact. It is the club’s responsibility to notify the team concerned; INJURY TO PLAYERS: Ice and first aid care is available at the first aid tent. For insurance purposes, register any player’s injuries as soon as possible in the INJURY BOOK at the first aid tent. WET DAYS: After 8.00 am, the manager (or designated person) can log on to the Downey Park web site: www.downeypark.qld.netball.com.au for an updated message. An update will also be issued on facebook. www.facebook.com/DowneyParkNetballAssociation HOT DAYS: DPNA draws your attention to the “Drink Up” posters placed around the courts and on the website. Avoid heat stress and poor performance by adequate fluid replacement during your sport or activity. On extremely hot days, DPNA may shorten the length of quarters and give extra drink breaks. COMPLAINTS: Inappropriate behaviour that can't be dealt with by Managers can be reported to the control desk. Refer to the Complaints Handling Policy. Enjoy your netball Page 40 of 87 DOWNEY PARK NETBALL ASSOCIATION INC SCORING FOR FINALS SCORERS / TEAM MANAGERS PLEASE READ It is the CLUB AND TEAM MANAGER’S responsibility to: 1. Ensure that the team’s players and spectators abide by the codes of behaviour. 2. Ensure the team is CORRECTLY ATTIRED before taking the court. Uniform includes a. Uniform briefs. Note: Bikini briefs are not permitted and pants must be of a modest design and material. Little boy leg bike pants are permitted but must not protrude below the bottom of the skirt. b. Uniform socks OR white socks. c. No item of jewellery, except a wedding ring or medical alert bracelet, shall be worn. If either or both are worn, each shall be taped. d. Umpires may refuse to allow incorrectly attired players to take the court. 3. Provide a STOPWATCH for keeping injury time. Procedures 1. SCORECARDS will be available for collection at ¼ time during the previous round. Post Pads must be collected from the cupboards in the ladies dressing rooms before collecting the scorecards for the first round. 2. RECORDING NAMES - All *players and **reserves (up to 12 players) must be entered on the scorecard BEFORE THE GAMES STARTS. Players may sign just prior to taking the court. a. Print the names in BLOCK LETTERS using Biro. b. No players can be added to the scorecard after the game has started. Penalty: Team Disqualification c. Only players taking the court need to sign the card. Players must sign the scorecard before taking the court. d. Cross out the names of reserve players who did NOT take the court. Reserve players may only take the court as replacement for an injured team player who takes no further part in the game. A note must be added to the scoreboard in explanation. *Players are those listed on the registration card i.e. the usual team. **Reserves are players brought up from a lower grade as per below. 3. PLAYING UP – As per DPNA bylaw 6.5.2.f, "In finals it is expected that teams will use their registered team members wherever possible, however in the event a player is unavailable to play in a final the Club shall be entitled to bring up a replacement player for that final, provided: a. The replacement player has played for the Club at least three times in three separate fixture rounds during the season; and b. The replacement player is selected from a lower division/grade according to the substitution matrix issued by DPNA prior to the finals series. The matrix to be confirmed by the management committee at its June meeting followed by approval by the Council at its August meeting. c. Requests for permission to select a replacement from outside the matrix must be referred to the Junior and Senior Registrar in writing ½ an hour prior to the final. Penalty for Non-compliance Loss of Final Page 41 of 87 DOWNEY PARK NETBALL ASSOCIATION INC 4. SCORING POSITION - A scorer/timekeeper from each side must sit together at the courtside, level with the centre circle. 5. CENTRE PASS - Scorers keep a tally of centre passes and only inform the umpire if he/she asks. 6. GOALS are indicated by - misses are not recorded. 7. INJURY TIME - INJURY TIME - One person scores and the other acts as timekeeper to keep any injury time, which will be added at the end of the last quarter. a. When a player is injured or ill, a stoppage of up to 2 minutes is allowed from when time is called to decide whether the player is fit to continue. The decision shall be left to the team officials. b. Both teams may make substitutions and/or team changes if desired. However, in this case the injured or ill player for whom play was stopped must be involved in that team’s substitution and/or team changes. c. The time keeper must keep a record of any injury time during the game. All injury time is added to the end of the last quarter. Play continues when the hooter sounds. The timekeeper will signal the end of the game to the umpire whose whistle shall end the game. 8. DRAWN GAMES – Procedure for Extra Time (Rule 2.5 Netball Rules and DPNA By law 6.5.12 (d)) a. The Control Table must be notified of any DRAWN GAMES – An extra five (5) minutes each way will then be played. b. Players change ends. Substitutions and or/team changes are permitted. The hooter will sound for the start of the first five minutes and the game recommences on the umpires whistle. The Centre pass is taken by the team entitled to the next centre pass. c. The hooter will sound at the end of the first five minutes and players change ends. There is no interval and no substitutions and/or team changes are permitted. The game commences on the umpires whistle. d. The hooter will sound at the end of the second five minutes and the umpires whistle ends the game. If the score is still drawn, the scorers must indicate this to the umpires and play continues from where the ball was when the whistle to end the game was blown. The game continues on the umpires whistle until one team has a two (2) goal advantage. 9. CHECK the scorecard before returning it to the Control Table: a. All Players have signed b. Players “playing up” are indicated with Division and a written statement c. Players who did not take the court have been crossed out d. Umpires have signed e. Scorers have signed 10. RESULTS – The next elimination draw will be sent to clubs by e-mail. Clubs will in turn be responsible for notifying their teams. The results and Draw will also be available, during the week, on the Downey Park Web Page – www.downeypark.qld.netball.com.au. Page 42 of 87 DOWNEY PARK NETBALL ASSOCIATION INC COACHING INFORMATION Downey Park Coaching Information Downey Park would like to support both its representative coaches and its associated club coaches with development opportunities. We welcome our club coaches to get involved in our representative program. Please come and see me if you have any questions. We would love to see new coaches join our ranks. As outlined in the information to follow, there are 6 levels of coaching qualifications and we would like to see all club coaches obtain the foundation level of accreditation as a minimum. Sport Specific Foundation Coaching Course: This level is targeted at club coaches. Details of courses held at Downey Park in 2014 will be emailed to clubs. For all coaching courses, participants need to register and pay directly to Netball Queensland. You are welcome to participate in any of the courses listed on the Netball Queensland website http://qld.netball.com.au/ Application forms & course details are under Get Involved/Coaching/Upcoming courses. All participants are required to complete the online Beginning Coaching General Principles course, go to https://learning.ausport.gov.au. Bring the certificate of completion along on the day. Umpiring On-Line: All clubs are to encourage their coaches to complete the on-line umpiring exam. It is imperative that coaches at all levels have a true and complete understanding and knowledge of the rules. Clubs are encouraged to keep a register of results. Access the Section I Theory Examination at https://learning.netball.asn.au/Auth/Login Useful links: We would encourage all coaches to make use of the following links to the Netball Australia website. Netball Australia’s Junior policy can be found at http://netball.com.au/get-involved/one-netball/junior-policy/ Coaching resources http://netball.com.au/get-involved/coaching/coaching-resources/ Megan Binnie Downey Park Coaching Convenor Page 43 of 87 DOWNEY PARK NETBALL ASSOCIATION INC COACHING ACCREDITATION Netball Australia’s Coach Education Framework supports the development of coaches from beginner or club level through to international level. Coaches are able to progress along the six tier accreditation pathway depending on their personal aspirations and ability. Course Details Course Name Foundation Coaching Course Sport Specific Foundation Coaching Course Development Coaching Course Intermediate Coaching Course Advanced Coaching Course Elite Coaching Course High Performance Coaching Course Duration Target Market 7 hours in-course work Club coaches 4 hours in-course work Club Coaches 7 hours in-course work Club, Association,& Regional Coaches Representative, Talent Identification and State League level. Representative, Talent Identification and 29 hours in-course work State League level. ANZ Championship assistant, underage As required state, state league (top level) and potential high performance coaches Top level State League, State/Territory, As required ANL or ANZ Championship coaches 7 hours in-course work All courses within the Netball Australia Coaching Accreditation Framework are part of the National Coaching Accreditation Scheme (NCAS) as administered by the Australian Sports Commission (ASC). Is your Coaching Accreditation About to Expire? In order for accreditation to remain current the following needs to be sent to the Accreditations Officer at Netball Queensland: ● Completed Coaching Log Book (containing details of practical coaching and attendance at approved courses, seminars or workshops, signed off by appropriate personnel) ● Any changes to contact details including email address. As of January 2013 there is no longer any cost to update accreditation; however coaches must be a current Netball Queensland member at the time of updating. Refer to the Netball Australia website at http://netball.com.au/get-involved/coaching/coachingaccreditation/ for the criteria required to complete re-accreditation or alternately contact the Accreditations Officer at Netball Queensland for further information. Page 44 of 87 DOWNEY PARK NETBALL ASSOCIATION INC Online Coaching Course Update your coaching skills live online The Australian Sports Commission has developed the Beginning Coaching General Principles online course for coaches to assist new coaches improve their basic coaching skills, in particular, those coaches working with children. About the course The course contains five modules, covering a range of general coaching topics, including the role and responsibilities expected of a coach, planning, safety, working with parents, communication, group management and inclusive coaching practices when working with people with a disability or special population groups. How to access the course The Beginning Coaching General Principles course is available from the Australian Sports Commission’s new online learning portal. Coaches can complete the course in their own time, from the comfort of their own home. It is initially being made available free of charge to Australian coaches by the Australian Sports Commission. The course takes approximately 6 hours to complete with assessment included at the end of each module. How does this affect your Netball Coaching Accreditation For those coaches who wish to become accredited, the Beginning Coaching General Principles course provides the general principles component of the Foundation Coaching Course, plus one module of the Development Coaching Course. The next step is to complete a sports specific coaching course in order to achieve accreditation as a netball coach. How to access the course The Beginning Coaching General Principles course is available from the Australian Sports Commission’s online learning portal, go to http://www.ausport.gov.au/participating/coaches/education/onlinecoach Page 45 of 87 DOWNEY PARK NETBALL ASSOCIATION INC SUMMARY TABLE OF ‘SKILLS TO TEACH’ NETTA NETBALL Land (1/2 foot) Pivot Sprint Side Step NETBALL (11–13) NETBALL (14-16) NETBALL (17+) Land (1 foot / 2 feet) Pivot Sprint and stop Side Step Land (1 foot / 2 feet) Pivot (outside turn) Side Step Speed of footwork Recovery footwork Work a number of combinations Sprint, change of direction Ball Handling Skills Chest pass Shoulder pass Catch Shoulder pass Chest pass Catch Bounce pass Introduce one hand control Shoulder pass Chest pass Hip pass Bounce pass Lob Introduce the fake Catch – snatch One hand control Work hands at stretch Speed / release of pass Introduce use of ball on either side of body Attacking Skills Straight lead Dodge Change of direction Straight lead / single dodge Change of direction Combine into simple movements on court Straight lead Dodge Double dodge Two leads Re-offer Change of pace Hold Half roll, full roll Clear and drive Sprint, change of direction Space awareness Front cut Communication skills Consolidate and advance: Land (1 foot / 2 feet) Pivot (outside turn) Side Step Speed of footwork Recovery footwork Work a number of combinations Sprint, change of direction Consolidate and advance: Shoulder pass Chest pass Hip pass Bounce pass Lob Fake Catch – snatch One hand control Work hands at stretch Speed / release of pass Use of ball on either side of body Variety of options under pressure Consolidate and advance: Straight lead Dodge Double dodge Two leads Re-offer Change of pace Hold Half roll, full roll Clear and drive Sprint, change direction Space awareness Front cut Screens Communication skills Page 46 of 87 Footwork / Movement Skills DOWNEY PARK NETBALL ASSOCIATION INC SUMMARY TABLE OF ‘SKILLS TO TEACH’ continued Defending Skills Shooting Skills NETTA NETBALL Shadow movement Hands over the ball NETBALL (11-13) NETBALL (14-16) NETBALL (17+) Shadowing Hands over the ball Three feet (0.9m) recovery Defend the shot Combine simple movements into defending actions Shadowing One on one / two on one First ball Positioning front and side Body control / repositioning Defensive footwork Interception Recovery to 3 feet (0.9m) Work the ground Defend the shot Work hands over the ball Work together in/out of the circle Communication skills Basic shooting action Basic shooting action Introduce working together Rebounding Technique Shooting situations Concentration Rebounding Working together Communication skills Introduce mental strategies Consolidate and advance: Shadowing One on one / Two on one First ball Sagging Positioning front/side/back Body control/repositionin g Defensive footwork Interception Recovery to 3 feet (0.9m) Work the ground Defend the shot Work hands over the ball Split circle Zone Work together in/out of the circle Communication skills Technique Shooting situations Concentration Rebounding Work rate and the shot Working together Communication skills Consolidate mental strategies Page 47 of 87 DOWNEY PARK NETBALL ASSOCIATION INC SUMMARY TABLE OF ‘SKILLS TO TEACH’ continued Perception / Cognition Skills Strategies / Games NETTA NETBALL Introduce awareness of space NETBALL (11-13) NETBALL (14-16) NETBALL (17+) Awareness of space – passing angles through well-structured sessions Timing of movement Introduce decision making – simple options in practices e.g. throw to either player Space awareness introduce awareness of space, player and pass introduce movement on/off the ball Timing movement in relation to court situations release of pass Vision basic peripheral vision exercises awareness of players in relation to ball and situation Decision making introduce selection of pass for situation simple options to players balancing space on the court selection of appropriate options in court situations introduce ‘reading the game’ techniques in response to opponent’s movements Introduce competition through minor games Experience all positions Establish competition Consolidate through minor games knowledge of positional roles Continue Develop court development of a number of positions principles and Introduce positional strategies roles Space awareness understanding of awareness of space, player and pass understanding of movement on/off the ball Timing movement release of pass able to apply to pressured situations Vision awareness of players in relation to ball and situation under pressure Decision making balancing space on the court ‘reading the game’ techniques in response to opponent’s movements create/select appropriate options in court situations e.g. double play (give and go) Extend knowledge of positional roles Develop the ability to read the game and apply appropriate responses to court situations Page 48 of 87 DOWNEY PARK NETBALL ASSOCIATION INC UMPIRES INFORMATION Umpiring Convenor As Umpiring Convenor, you should have an umpiring background. Your duties may include: ● Ensure your Club Umpiring duties are fulfilled. ● Liaise with DPNA Umpires Convenor re badge testing, talent identification and umpire education programs. ● Encourage involvement in umpire education programs; ensure that records and relevant statistical data are kept. ● Report to the Executive where umpiring matters are concerned. ● Oversee the preparation of budgets for all umpiring programs and present to Treasurer. UMPIRE QUALIFICATIONS Clubs are asked to meet the following prerequisites for all umpires rostered for fixture games and for on-call umpires. On-call umpires must be qualified to umpire most of the games allocated to the round they are covering. Level Minimum Requirement Non-Competitive Non Competitive Officials Clinic Level One Theory Exam Pass (Online) Recommended- Introduction to Umpiring Clinic Competitive Open Div 1, 2, and Inter 1 National Badge or Experienced umpires working towards National C Badge. Other Open Divisions Recommendation is as for above but must be at least as per Cadets and Intermediate Divisions Intermediate Div 2 and below and Cadets Introduction to Umpiring Clinic Level One Theory Exam Pass (Online) Recommended-Level 1 umpires course 11-13 Year Divisions Introduction to Umpiring Clinic Level One Theory Exam Pass (Online) ● Umpiring Non Competitive games can be challenging. DPNA recommends an experienced umpire or adult be rostered. If a new junior umpire is used, wherever possible they should be mentored by a more senior umpire until they become confident at umpiring at this level. ● The Level One Theory Exam is only offered online through Netball Australia and may be taken at any time during the year. There is no fee charged to take the exam and there is no limit to the number of times the exam can be attempted. The exam is available at https://learning.netball.asn.au Umpires must study the U for Umpiring Book prior to sitting for the exam. U for Umpiring Books are available for purchase at the desk on fixture days. The Rule Book is available on line at http://netball.com.au/get-involved/umpiring/umpireresources/ ● Umpires in Junior & Senior Divisions are to undertake the theory exam as early as possible Page 49 of 87 DOWNEY PARK NETBALL ASSOCIATION INC in the season. The Downey Park Umpiring Coordinator is to be advised once a pass certificate has been obtained. ● The DPNA Umpires Convenor reserves the right to replace unqualified umpires with badged umpires in high level or challenging games. ● Umpire’s convenors need to confirm with Violet Ellingham, the Downey Park Umpires Convenor, that all their umpires meet these standards. If they do not meet these standards, please advise Violet what they need to complete to reach the level required so that, if necessary, further umpires courses may be arranged. Umpires without the minimum requirements should not be umpiring. If numbers warrant it, Clubs may request that an Introduction to Umpiring Course be held at their Club. ● Clubs are asked to submit their list of umpires to DPNA prior to the commencement of fixtures each Saturday. This includes non-competitive umpires. Umpire Dress Umpires must umpire in Club Uniform or White Shirt and White Skirt or in the case of male umpires White Shorts. For any variation to umpires dress, a written application must be forwarded to the Downey Park Executive for permission. Non Competitive Division Umpire Dress: For un-badged Umpires in the Non-Competitive Divisions the wearing of white/beige shirt and white/beige tailored short/pants/skirt is permitted. Umpires not in white/beige must wear a white throw over bib to distinguish them as an official umpire. The bibs can be bought from the Downey Park Control Desk. Incorrect dress in competitive and non-competitive divisions will incur a fine. Umpires Insurance: All non-playing umpires must be registered as a Club Official with Downey Park (cost $30 per year). This will ensure that the umpire is covered by the Netball Australia insurance policy in the case of an injury or other legal liability. Please ensure that your umpires are registered along with your players and other officials at the beginning of each year when team registrations are submitted to Downey Park. Players who umpire are already covered through their player registration. Page 50 of 87 DOWNEY PARK NETBALL ASSOCIATION INC RULES The rules of netball are as provided by Netball Australia in the official rule book except as specifically provided for in the DPNA By Laws. Your attention is drawn in particular to the following rules for fixtures and for finals and semi-finals. FIXTURES RULE 21: FAILURE TO TAKE COURT 21.1 A team must take the Court when requested to do so by the Umpires. 21.3 The teams must be on Court and be in position ready for the start or restart of play. Penalty (i) If a team fails to take Court at the start or restart of play, the Umpire shall penalize for deliberate delaying of play. (ii) If a team fails to take the Court within one minute for the designated time for the start or restart of play, the Umpires shall award the game to the non-offending team. RULE 7:STOPPAGES 7.1 INJURY OR ILLNESS (i) When a player is injured or ill a stoppage of up to two minutes is allowed, from when time is called to decide whether the player is fit to continue play. This decision shall be left to the Team’s Officials. (ii) Both teams may make substitutions… the injured player must be involved in the substitution or team change. No time is added to that quarter or to the end of the last quarter. 7.2 BLOOD POLICY If blood is seen AT ALL, ANYWHERE on ANY player, that player must come off the court IMMEDIATELY. PLAYERS / TEAM OFFICIALS may call time if a player is bleeding. To stop play the Umpire shall blow the whistle. Normal injury time and procedures apply. (Play may be stopped for up to TWO minutes, to allow the player time to clean up and cover the wound. Both teams shall be allowed to make substitutions and/or team changes if desired.) In addition to treatment:(i) the wound must be cleaned and adequately covered; (ii) blood stained clothing shall be removed or cleaned; and (iii) the ball and the court shall be cleaned if necessary. To restart play the Umpire shall blow the whistle for play to be resumed. No time is added to that quarter or to the end of the last quarter. Page 51 of 87 DOWNEY PARK NETBALL ASSOCIATION INC RULE 20: WARNING, SUSPENSION AND ORDERING OFF For rough or dangerous play, persistent and/or deliberate breaking of the Rules, misconduct or any other conduct which is considered inappropriate, the Umpire may, in addition to any penalty awarded – (i) warn a player and/or team official; or (ii) suspend a player (stand off the Court) for a specified time; or (iii) order a player to leave the Court and take no further part in the game; or (iv) in extreme circumstances, stop the game and require the exclusion from the area of a Team Official whose inappropriate comments and/or behaviour continues after a warning. 20.1 WARNING 20.1.1 If a player continues to infringe after earlier penalties, or the Umpire considers the normal penalty (including advancing of the penalty) is insufficient, the Umpire may issue a warning to the player concerned. 20.1.2 A warning may be given to a player and/or Team Official whose comments and/or behaviour are considered inappropriate in any way. 20.2 SUSPENSION 20.2.1 A player may be suspended from the game for a specified period. Except in extreme circumstances, this will not be done unless an appropriate warning has been given. The Umpire shall:(i) signal Timekeepers to hold time; (ii) advise player of reasons...and the time for this to apply(e.g. until next goal is scored/next interval/five minutes); (iii) advise Timekeepers of length of time of suspension; and (iv) signal to the Timekeepers and blow the whistle for the game to be resumed. 20.2.2 Suspended player shall remain beside the score bench. 20.2.3 No substitution may be made...the position shall remain vacant, except if a Centre...the team shall move only one player. 20.2.4 At the end of the suspension period the player must return to the position from which they were suspended and any player moved to Centre must return to the position they were playing at the time of the suspension. 20.2.5 After notifying the Umpire, the suspended player may enter the Court immediately after a goal has been scored or immediately following an interval may return after a goal has been scored or following an interval. 20.3 ORDERING OFF 20.3.1 In case of more serious misconduct or misconduct after a suspension, the Umpire may order a player to leave the court and take no further part in the game. The Umpire shall:(i) signal Timekeepers to hold time; (ii) advise player of reasons...and the time for this to apply(e.g. until next goal is scored/next interval/five minutes); (iii) advise Timekeepers of length of time of suspension; and (iv) signal to the Timekeepers and blow the whistle for the game to be resumed. 20.3.2 Suspended player shall remain beside the score bench. 20.3.3 No substitution may be made...the position shall remain vacant, except if a Centre...the team shall move only one player. Page 52 of 87 DOWNEY PARK NETBALL ASSOCIATION INC FINALS and SEMI-FINALS The rules stated above also apply to all games during the final series – semi-finals, preliminary finals and grand finals. In addition, the following rules are to be observed – RULE 4.4: THE TEAM The names of up to 12 players must be provided to the Scorers before the start of the game. There shall be no limit to number of substitutions, which can be made in a game. No players can be added to the scorecard after the game has started. Penalty: Disqualification Only players taking the court need to sign the card. Players may sign just prior to taking the court. INJURY TIME (i) When a player is injured or ill a stoppage of up to two minutes is allowed, from when time is called to decide whether the player is fit to continue play. This decision shall be left to the Team’s Officials. (ii) Both teams may make substitutions… the injured player must be involved in the substitution or team change. (iii) One SCORER scores and the other acts as timekeeper to keep any INJURY TIME, which will be added at the end of the last quarter. BLOOD POLICY See 7.2 Blood Policy above. In finals, time lost is added to the last quarter. DRAWN GAMES The Control Table must be notified of any DRAWN GAMES – An extra five minutes each way will then be played. If still drawn, the game continues until a team reaches a two goal lead. Page 53 of 87 DOWNEY PARK NETBALL ASSOCIATION INC NON-COMPETITIVE OFFICIALS CLINIC In non-competitive netball, players are learning the fundamentals of the game: ● What their role is ● What the umpires role is ● What an infringement is and how it is penalised. ● Rules of netball and player positions DPNA highly recommends an experienced umpire or adult be rostered on non-competitive games. If a junior umpire is used, wherever possible they should be mentored by a more senior umpire until they become confident at umpiring at this level. PRE GAME: Pre-game procedures: ● Umpires should arrive at the courts at least 10 minutes prior to the commencement of the game. This is to ensure that all appropriate pre-game procedures are carried out and the game is able to start on time. - The court, goal posts, and ball must confirm to the modified rules of the game. - Post pads must be present on both goal posts, if not, teams should be informed prior to the start of the game. - Players should be checked for incorrect adornments, short and smooth nails, and correct wearing of uniform. - No jewellery may be worn, including earrings. Medical bracelets and necklaces must be taped. - The court should be checked for any potential hazards and it must be ensured that spectators and coaches/officials are away from the sidelines of the court. - Both umpires must meet and discuss which side each will take. ● ALL umpires must sign on at the DPNA control desk at least 10 minutes prior to the commencement of the game. Failure to do so will result in the concerned club receiving a fine. Attire: ● Similar to the players, umpires must also be in uniform. ● Umpires must always be well presented, this includes: - Club uniform with a white throw over bib or, - For un badged umpires, the wearing of white/beige skirt or white/beige tailored pants and white/beige shirt is appropriate. - Umpires not in white/beige must wear a white throw over bib to distinguish them as an official umpire. - For any variation to umpires dress, a written application seeking permission must be forwarded to the Downey Park Executive. Requirements: ● Umpires must bring all necessary requirements needed to umpire that game, this includes: whistle, water bottle, and an item to distinguish centre passes. ● It is the responsibility of both umpires to keep the centre pass – this must be enforced so that players know to look to the umpire when confirming the team taking the next centre pass. Page 54 of 87 DOWNEY PARK NETBALL ASSOCIATION INC DURING GAME: Conduct: How a non-competitive umpire conducts herself or himself is important because: ● It sets the tone of how a player will respond to an umpire in later years. ● It instils respect for umpires. ● Non-competitive teams have just as much right to an un-biased, reasonable, competent umpire as competitive teams. ● Umpires must not argue with each other or criticise each others decisions during a game. Areas of Control: ● Umpires must only make decisions in their own area of control. The only time an umpire can make decisions in their co-umpires area of control is if appealed to do so. ● Umpires must remain on the same sideline for the duration of the game. ● Coaches must always remain off the court unless there is a stoppage for injury/illness and a substitution needs to occur. ● Coaches may direct their players during play however, it is the role of the umpire to set penalties and inform players of infringements that have occurred. Centre Passes: ● At the start of the game and after each interval the umpire controlling the goal end into which the ball is going is responsible for blowing the whistle for the centre pass. ● After a goal is scored, the umpire who controls the half in which the goal was scored blows the whistle for the next centre pass. The whistle is blown as soon as the centre has the ball and steps into the centre circle. Page 55 of 87 DOWNEY PARK NETBALL ASSOCIATION INC Stoppage for Injury/Illness: ● Only an on-court player may call time for an injury/illness – the player is allowed up to 2 minutes to deal with an injury or illness. ● Both teams can only make substitutions and/or team changes if the player for which the injury/illness stoppage was called for is changed or replaced. ● Lost time for injury/illness is not added to playing time. DPNA Timing: ● 10yrs, 11yrs and Nippers fixtures involve 4x 10 minutes quarters, with a 2 minute break at the end of 1st quarter and 3rd quarter and a 5 minute break at half time (at the completion of 2nd quarter). POST-GAME: Umpiring Dissatisfaction: ● If dissatisfaction is felt with the umpiring of the game, the team manager should see a Downey Park Umpiring sub-committee member or a Downey Park official as soon as possible. ● It is expected that, in the spirit of the game, and in setting a good example for junior players, coaches, spectators, and on/off court players DO NOT criticise or dispute an umpire’s decision or their umpiring ability. ● DPNA requests clubs ensure that their spectators respect the umpires decisions (DPNA code of behaviour for parents and spectators is available on the DPNA website). Minimum Umpiring Requirements: ● ● ● ● Level One theory exam pass (online). Non-competitive official’s clinic – Compulsory attendance. Recommended- Introduction to Umpiring Clinic A sound knowledge of the non-competitive rules and their application. Page 56 of 87 DOWNEY PARK NETBALL ASSOCIATION INC NON-COMPETITIVE (8-10 YEAR OLDS) RULE VARIATIONS Note – new modified rules have been released by Netball Australia for the 8 to 10 years program. The program has been rebadged as NetSetGo for 8 to 10 year olds. For further information and resources for coaches see ‘Resources for 8 to 10 years’ at http://netsetgo.asn.au/resources/ Rule Variations: (Changed rules have been highlighted) 1. Goal posts must be 2.4m (8 foot) in height and a size 4 ball of must be used. (Some DPNA 10 years teams will play on full size posts.) 2. After catching the ball, players must throw within five seconds. 3. Shuffling on the spot is allowed to gain balance before throwing. Players cannot move down the court with the ball. 4. A player may defend an opponent with the ball from the distance of 1.2m 5. A strict “one-on-one” defence applies. Players may defend a shot at goal. 6. A player who contacts or obstructs is not stood out of play. 7. The game consists of four quarters, each 10 minutes in duration. 8. The initial centre pass will be taken by the team that won the toss and all other Centre Passes shall be taken by the team that did not score the last goal. 9. Scores may be kept but no ladder produced. No final matches will be played. Each participant in the competition will be given a memento of participation. (DPNA will not be providing records of team results.) New Rules on Substitutions are:The game time should be evenly distributed amongst all players. A team (up to 10 players is recommended) may make unlimited substitutions at intervals or at any time during play. The procedure for making a substitution during play is: i. Before entering the Court, the substitute shall tag the player leaving the Court. ii. Both the substitute and the player leaving the Court shall not interfere with the play during the substitution process; iii. Both the substitute and the player leaving the Court shall observe the Offside Rule when leaving or entering the Court. iv. Players should be substituted into either only attack positions or only defence positions for the duration of the game. Players should experience all positions over the course of the program/season. Table of Non- Competitive Rules: INFRINGEMENT Held ball Footwork A player who has caught or held the ball shall play it or shoot for goal within five seconds. Shuffling on the spot is allowed to gain balance before throwing. Players must not move down the court. A player may pivot on and lift the first landed foot, but must throw before regrounding this foot. PENALTY Free pass to the Opposing Team where the infringement occurred. Free pass to the Opposing Team where the infringement occurred. Page 57 of 87 DOWNEY PARK NETBALL ASSOCIATION INC INFRINGEMENT Obstruction Contact Playing the ball Replayed ball Strict one-on-one defence only is allowed. Defenders must be 1.2 m away before raising their arms. The distance is measured from the first grounded foot of the thrower. Defenders may defend a shot for goal. Defenders cannot raise their arms within 1.2 m of a player not in possession of the ball. Contact occurs when an opposing player knocks or bumps an opponent in a manner that interferes with play. Contact can be deliberate or accidental. Players can touch without contact occurring. A player may not – Deliberately fall on the ball to gain possession. Gain possession or throw the ball while lying, sitting, or kneeling on the ground. Roll the ball to another player. Kick the ball. Punch the ball. It is a replayed ball if – A player bounces the ball twice when trying to gain possession The ball leaves the players hand and is retaken by that player before the ball is touched by another player. A player shoots for goal and retakes possession before the ball touches the ring, the post or another player. PENALTY Umpire blows the whistle and explains the infringement. Play then continues. Offending player is not stood out of play. Umpire blows the whistle and explains the infringement. Play then continues. Offending player is not stood out of play. Free pass to the Opposing Team where the infringement occurred. Free pass to the Opposing Team where the infringement occurred. Page 58 of 87 DOWNEY PARK NETBALL ASSOCIATION INC INFRINGEMENT Out of court Untouched centre pass Breaking Offside Short pass Over a third The ball is out of court if it touches the ground outside the court or a person or object that is touching the ground outside the court. On the line is not out of court. The Centre Pass must be caught or touched in the Centre Third, by a player with both feet in the Centre Third. No player is permitted to enter the Centre Third before the Umpire blows the whistle for the next centre pass. A player is offside if any part of their BODY touches the ground BEYOND the line bounding their own area of play. ON the line is NOT offside There must be room for a third player to move between the hands of the thrower and those of the receiver at the time the ball is passed. The ball cannot pass over a complete third without being touched or caught. It cannot pass over 2 transverse lines or over a transverse line and a goal line. PENALTY Throw in to the Opposing Team. The player taking the throw-in – stands outside the Court approaches the line but does not touch it stands close to or at the point where the ball crossed the line. does not re-enter the Court until after the ball has been thrown. If the player touches the line, a throw-in is awarded to the other team. Both the held ball and footwork rules apply. Free Pass to the Opposing Team taken in the Goal Third where the ball crossed the transverse line. Free Pass to the Opposing Team taken in the Centre Third where the player crossed the transverse line. Free pass to the Opposing Team where the infringement occurred. Free pass to the Opposing Team where the infringement occurred. Free pass to the Opposing Team where the infringement occurred. Toss Up: ● Infringement: - When two opposing players catch the ball at the same time, break the rules at the same time of when it is not clear what happened. ● Penalty: - Players stand 0.9m apart with their hands by their sides and arms straight. Umpire holds ball below shoulder level of the shorter player and tosses the ball no more than 60cm in the air. The whistle must be blown as the ball is released Page 59 of 87 DOWNEY PARK NETBALL ASSOCIATION INC SPECTATOR BEHAVIOUR AND UMPIRE ABUSE Spectators and Officials There continues to be unacceptable spectator and club official’s behaviour at games. Of greatest concern is objectionable criticism of umpires and players during and after games resulting in significant distress to numerous umpires and players. DPNA is determined that this behaviour will not continue. It is totally outside the spirit of the game and breaks the Parents and Spectators Code of Behaviour which all Clubs should have ensured that the parents of their players signed at the beginning of the season. A copy of the Code is included in the Operations Manual and on the Downey Park web site. Please ensure that all your parents have access to a copy. We ask that, if members of your club observe unacceptable behaviour from members of your team, they act immediately to remind the person of their duty with respect to the Code of Behaviour. If necessary, please report any such incidents to DPNA officials. Please note that DPNA has adopted a zero tolerance to abusive behaviour towards umpires so that if you don’t act, the umpires and Association will. Umpires For umpires requirements please see Umpires qualifications. DPNA has adopted a Match Behaviour Policy for umpires to assist them in dealing with unacceptable behaviour from spectators and players and umpire abuse. All umpires and all teams should be forwarded a copy of the following policy. DPNA Match Behaviour Policy for Umpires Actions Required Pre Match After speaking with both teams for the finger nail check, arrange to meet both team captain and coaches together. ● Explain the DPNA zero tolerance to umpires abuse and advise them that you will be approaching them for assistance should any abuse occur, ● On Field – Captain, ● Off Field – Coach/Manager, ● The match is not to commence until this has occurred. Directions when Encountering Unacceptable Behaviour or Umpire Abuse – On Field The Netball Rule, Rule 20, for Warning, Suspensions and Ordering Off will be applied. The Rule states - “For rough or dangerous play, persistent and/or deliberate breaking of the Rules, misconduct or any other conduct which is considered inappropriate, the umpire may in addition to any penalty awarded:i. ii. iii. iv. Warn a player and/or team official, Suspend a player (stand off the Court) for a specified time, Order a player to leave the Court and take no further part in the game, or In extreme circumstances, stop the game and require the exclusion of any Team Official whose inappropriate comments and/or behaviour continues after a warning. Page 60 of 87 DOWNEY PARK NETBALL ASSOCIATION INC Directions when Encountering Unacceptable Behaviour or Umpire Abuse – Off Field To be used in cases where umpire abuse stems from team officials (coaches, managers and other support staff) and reserve players or spectators supporting one of the teams (the offending team) - the match umpires may, depending on the severity of the behaviour and/or abuse implement the following: ● First instance of abuse – the umpire will stop the game and approach the offending team coaching/management staff and request that the abuse cease immediately. A penalty will be awarded against the offending team at the place where the game was stopped. The offending person may be reported by the umpire for abuse. If possible ask for a DPNA official to be present at the game. ● Second instance of abuse – the umpire will stop the game and award a penalty against the offending team at the place where the game was stopped. The offending person will also be required to leave the playing area and will be reported by the umpire for abuse. In this case a DPNA official must be called to the game. ● Third instance of abuse - Umpire may call the game off in which case the match will be awarded to the non-offending team. This can only be applied if a DPNA official has attended the game and the umpire has consulted with the official before the game is called off. Should you have any queries in relation to this, please contact either Diana Moore (3356 3324) or Violet Ellingham (3378 4476) Page 61 of 87 DOWNEY PARK NETBALL ASSOCIATION INC CALENDAR OF UMPIRE COURSES 1) Introduction to Umpiring Venue: - Hockey Club or DPNA courts TBC Cost: - $15 (including GST). Clubs will be invoiced for the number of persons registered. This course is for all new umpires who will be umpiring on 11 – 13 year old games and for new umpires of non-competitive games. It is an Association Level Course designed to provide an introduction to umpiring for new junior umpires only. This course does not replace the Level 1 Course. It will include the principles of umpiring, communication skills and rules discussion. ● Saturday, 8th March 2014 8:45 – 10:45am Sign in at 8:30am at Hockey Club ● Saturday, 22nd March 2014 8:45 – 10:45am Sign in at 8:30am at DPNA courts 2) Level 1 Umpiring Course Venue: - Hockey Club Saturday 15th March 2014 8:30am – 1:00pm Participants need to register and pay directly to Netball Queensland. Application forms & course details are listed on the Netball Queensland website under Development/Umpiring/Upcoming Courses. To ensure that adequate course materials are sent it is important that participants register at least two weeks before the course date. 3) Non Competitive Officials Clinic There will be two courses run, at no cost to participants. Venue: - Downey Park Courts (control desk) All team officials (umpires, as well as coaches and team managers) and parents of noncompetitive teams are encouraged to attend. Presenters for this course will be from the Umpiring Sub-Committee. ● Saturday, 1st March 2014 9:45 – 10:45am ● Saturday, 29th March 2014 8:15 – 9:15am (First day of fixtures) 4) Umpire Convenors Meeting – 2 meetings this year. All convenors must attend Venue: - Downey Park Courts ● Saturday, 1st March 2014 8:30 – 9:30am ● Saturday, 31st May 2014 8:15 – 9:00am Details of registering for association courses will be forwarded in the Umpire Convenor’s report. Telephone enquiries can be made to the Office 3857 1052. Page 62 of 87 DOWNEY PARK NETBALL ASSOCIATION INC POLICIES POLICY INFORMATION In this section we have included some details of policies such as the DPNA Appeals and Discipline Policies, The DPNA Confidential Correspondence Policy, The Complaints Handling Policy, The Netball Queensland Child Protection Risk Management Strategy, and the Codes of Behaviour which link to Child Protection Risk Management. There are a number of other policies of which Clubs should be aware. We have provided you with the internet links to these policies below. Volunteer Employment Screening and Child Protection Risk Management Please bring to the attention of your Committee the Child Protection Risk Management section and ensure that your volunteer coordinator is aware of the requirements for employment screening for volunteers. Volunteers must have a valid Blue Card before they commence regular child related activities although we have confirmed that it is not required for the short volunteering time of Canteen duties. “Volunteer parents coaching or managing a team at a sporting or recreational club if their child is a member of that club and receiving the same or similar services as those provided by the parent are exempt. However, parents volunteering in an official capacity on a club’s committee, even if their child is a member of that club, are not exempt.” Clubs are liable for large fines if they do not obtain Blue Cards for their non-exempt volunteers. Volunteer Screening Information including Blue Card Application Forms and Child Protection Risk Management can be found on the web site of the Commission for Children and Young People and Child Guardian at http://www.ccypcg.qld.gov.au/bluecard/index.html. Privacy Policy Netball Queensland’s Policy on Privacy can be found on the Netball Queensland web site under For Associations/ Resources, Policies and Guidelines at http://qld.netball.com.au/resourcespolicies-guidelines/ As Clubs collect member’s information which is then passed to Downey Park and in turn to Netball Queensland, it is recommended that you advise your members of this. A statement on your member registration form such as “Player information is retained for our Club records. Details are also forwarded to Downey Park Netball Association for player and team registration and Downey Park Netball Association in turn forwards information to Netball Queensland for player registration and insurance purposes.” Pregnancy Policy Netball Queensland’s Policy on Pregnancy can be found on the Netball Queensland web site under For Associations/ Resources, Policies and Guidelines. Page 63 of 87 DOWNEY PARK NETBALL ASSOCIATION INC APPEALS POLICY 1. Appeals Committee The composition, jurisdiction and powers of the Appeals Committee shall be as set out in Clause 3.2.5 of the By-Laws. 2. Initiation of Appeal Proceedings 2.1. An Appellant must be a Member of the Association. An Affiliated Club may lodge an Appeal on behalf of a Member or Members. 2.2. An Appeal must be lodged in writing with The Secretary, Downey Park Netball Association (DPNA). 2.2.1. Where the Appeal concerns any decision of DPNA it must be lodged within seven days of notification of that decision. 2.2.2. Where there are extenuating circumstances the Appeals Committee may, in its discretion, extend the time permitted for the lodgement of an Appeal. The prospective Appellant must provide written reasons as to why lodgement of the Appeal has been delayed. 2.2.3. The Appellant must at that time of lodging an appeal pay to DPNA a fee of $100.00, which shall be refunded in the event the appeal is successful. 2.3. The Secretary shall forward the Appeal to the members of the Appeals Committee within twenty-four hours of its receipt. 2.4. The Appeals Committee shall meet for the purposes of the particular Appeal and arrange to hold an Appeal hearing, where possible within seven days of receipt of the Appeal. 2.5. The Appeals Convenor shall, in consultation with the Appeals Committee, arrange for the appearance of those witnesses or other persons she or he deems necessary. 2.6. The Appeals Convenor shall provide an Appellant, the Committee whose decision is under review and all witnesses with at least seventy-two hours notice of both the time and the nature of the Appeal. 3. Appeal Hearing 3.1. A member of the Appeals Committee shall be ineligible to hear any appeal concerning a matter in which she or he has a direct or indirect conflict of interest. A Committee Member shall be deemed to have a conflict of interest where: 3.1.1. she or he declares the existence of such a conflict; or 3.1.2. an affiliated club of which she or he is a member is a party to the appeal; or 3.1.3. a majority vote of the remainder of the committee, not including reserve members, holds them to have such a conflict. In the event of a tied vote, the Appeals Convenor shall have the casting ballot. Where the Appeals Convenor is the subject of the vote the casting ballot, if required, shall be entrusted to the Junior Vice President of DPNA. Page 64 of 87 DOWNEY PARK NETBALL ASSOCIATION INC 3.2. The Appeals Committee may call upon the original decision maker/s to explain the reasons for the decision. Where the decision under appeal is that of a Committee, the Convenor of that Committee shall furnish any relevant minutes for the consideration of the Appeals Convenor. 3.3. The Appeals Committee may interview any other person it deems appropriate. Neither the Appellant nor the maker of the decision being appealed shall be permitted to call witnesses or other persons to give evidence, although they may recommend such persons to the Committee. 3.4. Any written evidence tendered may be received by the Appeals Committee. 4. Principles of Deliberation 4.1. The Appeals Committee shall refer to the Constitution, as well as the relevant Policies of the Association, and the principles of natural justice, in making their determination. 4.2. The key principles of natural justice to be applied are: 4.2.1. An Appellant must be given a reasonable opportunity to present her or his case before a decision is made. 4.2.2. The Appellant must lodge her or his appeal honestly and in good faith. 4.2.3. The appeal may be conducted on the basis of written submissions; the Appeals Committee may in its discretion allow oral submissions. 4.2.4. All concerned parties must be given adequate notice to enable them to prepare submissions. 4.2.5. Any adverse material that may affect the decision should be disclosed and parties should have the opportunity to respond to any allegations. 4.2.6. There is requirement that parties be permitted legal representation at a hearing. The Appeals Committee may allow legal representation if, the nature of the appeal warrants same. 4.2.7. There is no requirement that any party have the opportunity to cross-examine other parties. 4.2.8. The Appeals Committee must be perceived by a reasonable person to be free from bias when making a decision. 4.2.9. The Appeals Committee is not bound by the rules of evidence. Page 65 of 87 DOWNEY PARK NETBALL ASSOCIATION INC 5. Decision 5.1. The Appeals Committee shall endeavour to finalise its decision within forty-eight hours of the completion of its enquiries. The decision shall be provided orally to the Appellant or her or his representative within forty-eight hours of its being made. 5.2. The decision will be provided in writing, including written reasons for the decision, by the Convenor only if the Appellant requests such reasons when initially notified of the decision and pays to DPNA on or before 72 hours from receipt of the oral decision a fee of $50.00. Such reasons shall be provided to the Appellant within seven days of receipt of the $50.00 fee by DPNA. 5.3. The Decision of the Appeals Committee is final. 6. Reports to the Management Committee 6.1. Following the determination of any Appeal a report will be made to the next meeting of the Management Committee. The report will contain a summary of the substance of the Appeal, details of the hearing process, the decision of the Committee and any relevant recommendations. 6.2. Copies of all correspondence relating to the Appeal shall be provided to the Secretary. 6.3. An Annual Report including any recommendations for change shall be made by the Appeals Committee at the Annual General Meeting. Confidentiality in all matters is to be maintained by the Appeals Committee and Management Committee. Page 66 of 87 DOWNEY PARK NETBALL ASSOCIATION INC DISCIPLINE POLICY 1. Authority The authority to adjudicate upon Disciplinary Matters within the Downey Park Netball Association (DPNA) and impose penalties where required is contained in Clause 19 of the Constitution and extends to all Members of DPNA. 2. Discipline Committee 2.1. The composition and convocation of the Discipline Committee shall be as set out in Clause 19 of the Constitution and Clause 3.2.6 of the By-Laws. 2.2. The Discipline Committee shall have jurisdiction to adjudicate on any complaint of misconduct allegedly committed by a Member of DPNA on the premises of DPNA or as a representative of DPNA, and referred to it by the Executive Committee. 2.3. The Discipline Committee shall have the authority to impose penalties by way of reprimand, bonds, fines, suspension, expulsion or a combination of any of them as the Discipline Committee may in its discretion, determine as appropriate. 3. Initiation of Disciplinary Proceedings 3.1. An umpire or official may report any incident in writing to the DPNA Secretary. Where the incident being reported occurred during a competition match the umpire is to lodge a written report as soon as possible after the match is completed and not later than seventy-two hours of the alleged incident having occurred. 3.2. A registered member of DPNA or an affiliated club or a parent of a registered member or a member of an affiliated club may report any incident in writing to the DPNA Secretary. Such a complaint must be lodged within seventy-two hours of the alleged incident having occurred. 3.3. Upon the lodgement of a complaint the Secretary shall advise the Discipline Convenor, provide all written documents received and upon receipt of same. The Discipline Convenor shall determine whether the complaint should be considered by the Discipline Convenor or referred to the Executive Committee. 3.4. If the Executive Committee considers the complaint to be of a serious nature the Discipline Convenor shall convene the Discipline Committee to consider the charge to be brought against the alleged offender. 4. Notice 4.1. Registered Members who are required to appear before the Discipline Committee shall be given a minimum of forty-eight hours written notice stating the charge alleged and the proceedings which will be invoked. 4.2. Where a person under the aged of 18 years is called before the Discipline Committee, that person is to be advised that their parent(s) or guardian(s) may accompany them to the hearing. 4.3. Witnesses required by the Discipline Committee will be notified of the hearing in writing. Page 67 of 87 DOWNEY PARK NETBALL ASSOCIATION INC 4.4. The Secretary of the club/s involved in the discipline hearing shall be advised and be given the opportunity to attend the hearing in a support capacity with their member. 5. Hearing 5.1. A member of the Discipline Committee shall be ineligible to hear any matter in which she or he has a direct or indirect conflict of interest. A committee member shall be deemed to have a conflict of interest where: 5.1.1. She or he declares the existence of such a conflict; 5.1.2. An Affiliated Club of which she or he is a member is a part to the hearing; or 5.1.3. A majority vote of the remainder of the Committee holds them to have such a conflict. 5.2. Upon assembly the Discipline Convenor shall read the charge or charges against the person called before it and shall outline the Discipline Committee’s intended procedures for conducting the hearing. The Convenor shall also advise all parties of their rights and entitlements under this policy. 5.3. The person shall be asked by the Discipline Convenor whether they admit or deny the charge or charges brought against them, as formulated by the Discipline Committee on an ad hoc basis. In the event that the person admits the charges then the Committee shall advance the proceedings to 5.10 below. 5.4. All parties with the exception of the cited person or team, parents or guardian and/or club secretary shall retire from the hearing until recalled by the Discipline Convenor. 5.5. The Discipline Committee shall conduct a preliminary interview with the person charged. 5.6. Each party concerned shall be recalled to hearing one at a time for the examination first by the members of the Discipline Committee and in the discretion of the Discipline Committee then by the cited person. 5.7. At the completion of the hearing of the witnesses or parties called by the Discipline Convenor, the cited person may call such witnesses as they deem necessary and those persons may be examined first by any or all of the members of the Discipline Committee and at the discretion of the Discipline Committee, then by the cited person. 5.8. After all evidence has been given all persons excepting the Discipline Committee shall retire. Being satisfied that all the evidence it requires to reach a decision has been established, the Discipline Committee shall consider the case and record a finding on the balance of probabilities basis on what it believes to be the facts. In the event of a split decision, the finding of the Discipline Committee shall be decisive. Page 68 of 87 DOWNEY PARK NETBALL ASSOCIATION INC 5.9. When the decision has been reached the cited person shall be recalled and the Discipline Convenor shall announce the findings. 5.10. If the Discipline Committee finds the offence proved then the offending person shall have the right to make representations as to penalty. 5.11. The Discipline Committee shall then further deliberate before announcing the decision as to the penalty, if any, to the cited person, and subject to the discretion of the Committee. 5.12. The Discipline Committee may, at its discretion, report the outcome of any hearing to the Management Committee. 6. Principles of Deliberation Natural justice provisions are to apply to the conduct of Discipline Committee hearings and deliberations. The key principles are: 6.1. A person or team must be given a reasonable opportunity to present their case before a decision is made which will affect them. 6.2. The person lodging an initial complaint must do so in good faith. 6.3. Any appeal must be lodged in good faith. 6.4. Written submissions may be acceptable as evidence. 6.5. The Discipline Committee has the discretion to interview any other persons it deems appropriate. 6.6. Parties should be given adequate notice to enable them to make submissions on the incident or incidents under investigation and the circumstances of the reports that led to the disciplinary hearing. 6.7. Any adverse material which may affect the hearing and therefore the decision should be disclosed and parties should have the opportunity to respond to or rebut any allegations. 6.8. There is no absolute requirement that parties be permitted legal representation at a hearing. This depends on the circumstances of the case and the determination of the Discipline Committee. 6.9. There is no requirement that any party have the opportunity to cross-examine other parties. 6.10. The Discipline Committee must be perceived by a reasonable person to be free from bias when making a decision. Page 69 of 87 DOWNEY PARK NETBALL ASSOCIATION INC 6.11. A member of the Discipline Committee cannot have any direct or indirect interest, pecuniary or otherwise, in the subject matter of the decision. 6.12. The Discipline Committee is not bound by the rules of evidence. 7. Non-Attendance of Player Any player who does not appear before the Discipline Committee when ordered may be suspended by the Discipline Committee until such time as the player appears before it. 8. Appeal A member may appeal to the Appeals Committee against a decision of the Discipline Committee in accordance with the Appeals Procedure Policy. A member may appeal on the basis that their matter was either incorrectly decided or conducted without regard for the provisions of this Policy, and may contest either the conviction or the severity of the penalty imposed. DOWNEY PARK NETBALL ASSOCIATION CONFIDENTIAL CORRESPONDENCE POLICY Confidential correspondence is deemed as follows: 1. Correspondence that contains private information concerning the medical, financial or personal circumstances of a member. 2. Correspondence that the Management Committee considers may be defamatory, personally abusive, and commercial in confidence or contain commercially sensitive information. 3. Correspondence that is “without prejudice” and 4. Correspondence that the author thereof requests remains confidential. Page 70 of 87 DOWNEY PARK NETBALL ASSOCIATION INC CHILD PROTECTION RISK MANAGEMENT POLICY Adopted from Netball Queensland. Policy Title: CHILD PROTECTION RISK MANAGEMENT STRATEGY Policy Type: Risk Management Date: September 2009 Revision Date: September 2010 AUTHORITY Recent amendments to the Commission for Children and Young People and Child Guardian Act 2000 require Netball Queensland to develop and implement a Child Protection Risk Management Strategy to promote the wellbeing of children in their care and protect them from harm. PURPOSE Protecting children and young people from harm is a responsibility that we must all undertake. Through the implementation of risk management strategies Netball Queensland aims to promote children’s wellbeing, and protect them from harm. Harm is described as any detrimental effect of significant nature on a child’s, psychological, or emotional wellbeing. The strategies that follow will help foster a safe and positive environment for all children and young people to participate in Netball Queensland sponsored activities. Information contained in this document will create a framework and direction for staff, officials, coaches, volunteers, members, spectators, and parents of children and young people involved with Netball Queensland regions, affiliated full members, and clubs. It will help deliver a consistent approach to children and young people harm prevention at all levels of our sport and recreation industry. POLICY STATEMENT Netball Queensland is committed to ensuring that safety, welfare, and wellbeing of children and young people are maintained at all times during their participation in activities run by Netball Queensland, its regions, affiliated full members, and clubs. State and Territory child protection requirements also apply to individuals and affiliated organisations originating outside of the States with legislation in place such as (Queensland, New South Wales and Western Australia). For example, if affiliated associations or clubs take junior players into New South Wales for training camps, competition or other activities, those travelling with the teams must comply with the NSW legislative requirements. All volunteer members coaches, officials, and staff, who are employed or work with Page 71 of 87 DOWNEY PARK NETBALL ASSOCIATION INC Netball Queensland, its Regions, or Full Members, and Affiliated Clubs, who work with children and young people, under the age of eighteen (18) years must hold a Blue Card. Netball Queensland, Regions, Full Members, and Affiliated Clubs are required to adopt the Child Protection Risk Management Strategy into their organisation. Netball Queensland’s objectives with this policy and guidelines will assist in establishing co-ordinated strategies in dealing with the problem of children and young people protection, in a responsible, effective and consistent manner. The objectives are: o o o o provide information to assist staff and volunteers in dealing with all forms of children and young people harm; provide comprehensive guidelines relating to risk minimisation and reporting / notification procedures; give direction to all staff and volunteers regarding their legal responsibilities under child protection legislation; and promote, and adopt Netball Queensland’s principles for child protection amongst staff, volunteers, coaches, officials, and parents participating in the organisation’s programs and competitions. In order to implement child protection legislation Netball Queensland will undertake to: o Implement strategies and procedures that focus on the best interests of children and young people, and meet the requirements of child protection legislation; o Promote a safe and supportive environment for all children and young people participating in activities which come under the Netball Queensland umbrella. o Increase awareness and emphasise the importance of child protection issues in a sports environment to all those involved in the activities of Netball Queensland. This includes administrators, coaches, officials, athletes, parents and their children. o Ensure that all staff of Netball Queensland are aware of their responsibilities regarding child protection legislation, in particular, to inform their employer(s) if they have been convicted of a serious sex offence. Netball Queensland notes that administrators, coaches, officials, and volunteers often have a high level of contact with children and young people in a sports environment, and they play a key part in successful sports activities. Coaches and officials are seen as role models. They have great influence on children and young people they come into contact with and therefore have significant responsibilities. Netball Queensland expects that all administrators coaches and officials whether paid or unpaid, who participate in organised sport under the banner of this organisation will commit to Risk Management Strategies developed by Netball Queensland for child protection. This Policy and guidelines will be reviewed annually and be updated with any legislative changes that have impact on the manner in which Child Protection issues are to be dealt with. Page 72 of 87 DOWNEY PARK NETBALL ASSOCIATION INC RISK MANAGEMENT STRATEGY FRAMEWORK FOR CHILD PROTECTION Policy and Commitment Statement of commitment to children’s wellbeing and to protecting them from harm. Codes of Conduct. Responsibilities, procedures and consequences for non-compliance with child protection policy. People Information, training and development for staff, volunteers, parents, children and young people regarding: Child abuse and child protection. Role specific child protection duties (outsiders who contract their services to Netball Queensland). Staff and volunteer induction, training and performance appraisal. Risk management processes and requirements. Handling complaints and disclosures of harm. Rights and expectations of children and young people. Rights and expectations of parents and children. Procedures Risk management for child protection explicit in guidelines for: Recruitment, selection and supervision of staff and volunteers (Blue Card, Job Descriptions – Refer to Appendix 1). Planning for activities and special events (Risk Assessment, Activity Induction, Drop off and Pick Up of Participants, Location, Equipment, Supervision, Monitoring, Surrounding Environment). Risk management register (risks identified, assessed, treated and reviewed). Register of staff/volunteer Blue Card status – Refer to Appendix 2. Permissions and approvals. Incident Register – Refer to Appendix 3. Register of complaints and disclosures of harm. Financial commitment to support child protection strategies. Page 73 of 87 DOWNEY PARK NETBALL ASSOCIATION INC COMPLAINTS HANDLING POLICY Purpose This policy describes the handling of umpiring complaints and spectator behaviour issues that occur during fixtures at Downey Park Netball Association (DPNA). The policy seeks to increase the level of umpiring satisfaction and to provide appropriate handling procedures of both umpiring and spectator behaviour issues as they arise. The implementation of the policy will enable the nature of complaints to be monitored and improve the handling of umpiring and spectator behaviour issues by immediately identifying and rectifying issues. Scope The policy applies to the management of complaints and disputes from receipt of complaint to finalising resolution by DPNA. Policy DPNA is committed to effective and efficient resolution of complaints. All complaints will be treated as legitimate and investigated without prejudice. Reports of complaints and their progress and outcomes will be kept in the Umpiring Complaints Register and will remain strictly confidential and accessible by DPNA Management and the DPNA Umpiring Sub-Committee. The Complaints Handling Policy and Procedures will be reviewed annually by the DPNA Umpiring Sub-Committee and DPNA Executive and amended as considered appropriate. Procedure for issues arising during fixture games If it is an umpiring complaint or an umpiring issue; 1. The Fixture Convenor calls for the club umpire convenor. If the club umpire convenor does not respond, a nominated club official is called. 2. Clubs must supply a mobile number for a nominated person to deal with Club umpiring issues. The club umpire convenor or nominated official deals with the umpiring issue by attending the court and assisting the umpire involved. 3. If no club contact responds or if the issue cannot be resolved by the nominated official, an umpiring sub-committee member or DPNA official can be called to the court. 4. If the situation is more than an umpiring issue, a DPNA Official is called. The club umpiring convenor shall take any umpiring complaint into consideration when rostering the umpire for the following fixture day and shall allocate the umpire to an appropriate level of game. If necessary, a mentor will be present with the umpire the following fixture game. Page 74 of 87 DOWNEY PARK NETBALL ASSOCIATION INC If it is an issue relating to Spectator Behaviour; 1. A DPNA official goes to the court to assess the issue. 2. The complainant outlines the problem to the DPNA official. 3. The spectator/s behaviour is assessed and the situation is dealt with as considered appropriate. 4. The official notes the complaint and any action/s taken in the complaints register. A club official from the club involved is called to the control desk and the complaint and actions are discussed. 5. The complainant is encouraged to raise the issue with their club officials who may decide to forward a written letter of complaint to DPNA. 6. The following fixture day, the Junior Registrar checks all the complaints from the previous week and draws up a list of any teams that should be monitored. This list is given to the Umpiring Sub-Committee and to DPNA Officials for any follow-up required. Procedures for issues after the game 1. If a complaint is received after the game then the complaint is recorded in the Complaints Register. The person complaining is advised that they need to refer the matter to their Club officials who may send a written letter of complaint to DPNA. 2. If a written complaint is received by DPNA it is forwarded to the President, who is the chair of the discipline committee. Unless the seriousness of the complaint requires the matter to be followed up by the discipline committee, the complaint is forwarded to the relevant club with a request for them to explain the situation and any actions they may take or have already taken. 3. Any feedback from the offending club may be forwarded onto the complaining team. DPNA acknowledges that due to the nature and size of the competition inexperienced umpires may be allocated to games. It is expected that, in the spirit of the game, and in setting a good example for junior players, coaches, spectators, and on/off court players display the appropriate dignity and respect to the umpires and DO NOT criticise or dispute an umpire’s decision or question their umpiring ability. If it is seen that an umpire could benefit from assistance, the above procedure should be followed. Related document: DPNA Discipline policy 13.9.09. Page 75 of 87 DOWNEY PARK NETBALL ASSOCIATION INC CODES OF BEHAVIOUR This section details Downey Park Netball Association’s Codes of Behaviour as listed below. A copy of the codes can be found on our website. Click on the required code. ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Codes of Behaviour - General Codes of Behaviour - Administrator Codes of Behaviour - Coach Codes of Behaviour – Junior Player Codes of Behaviour – Senior Player Codes of Behaviour - Umpire Codes of Behaviour – Parent / Guardian and Spectator Codes of Behaviour - Media It is essential Clubs make their club members aware of the above Codes of Behaviour and suggest a section on the club registrations form that members have signed they have read the Codes of Behaviour. Remember - We encourage all clubs to maintain the aims to reduce poor and unacceptable player, spectator and parent behaviour. The basic principles reinforced through Positive or its Pointless (POiP) are: ● ● ● ● ● Sport for children is a vital part of their growing up, Children like to win, but more importantly, they want to have fun, Parents need to set the right example at the sports ground, not just at home, Parents should be proud of their child’s effort, irrespective of the result, and Sport is important to children’s self-esteem. More information can be found at http://www.nprsr.qld.gov.au/community-programs/poip/about.html The Queensland Government is working closely with the Play by the Rules team to create a safe, fair and inclusive environment for Queensland’s children to participate in sport and active recreation. Play by the Rules resources aim to build the capacity and capability of sport and recreation clubs to prevent and deal with discrimination, harassment and child safety. To assist clubs to create safe, fair and inclusive environments, Play by the Rules provides access to free resources and online training opportunities. Visit www.playbytherules.net.au . Page 76 of 87 DOWNEY PARK NETBALL ASSOCIATION INC GENERAL CODES OF BEHAVIOUR As a person required to comply with this Policy, you must meet the following requirements in regard to your conduct during any activity held or sanctioned by Netball Australia, Netball Queensland, a Full Member Organisation, a Region, an Affiliated Association or an Affiliated Club: 1. Respect the rights, dignity and worth of others. 2. Be fair, considerate and honest in all dealings with others. 3. Be professional in, and accept responsibility for your actions. 4. Make a commitment to providing quality service. 5. Be aware of, and maintain an uncompromising adhesion to Netball Queensland standards, rules, regulations, policies & procedures. 6. Operate within the rules of the sport including state guidelines which govern Netball Australia, Netball Queensland, the Regions, the Affiliated Associations and the Affiliated Clubs. 7. Do not use your involvement with Netball Australia, Netball Queensland, a Region, an Affiliated Association or an Affiliated Club to promote your own beliefs, behaviours or practices where these are inconsistent with those of Netball Australia, Netball Queensland, a Region, an Affiliated Association or an Affiliated Club. 8. Demonstrate a high degree of individual responsibility especially when dealing with persons under 18 years of age, as your words and actions are an example. 9. Avoid unaccompanied and unobserved activities with persons under 18 years of age, wherever possible. 10. Refrain from any behaviour that may bring Netball Australia, Netball Queensland, a Region, an Affiliated Association or an Affiliated Club into disrepute. 11. Provide a safe environment for the conduct of the activity. 12. Show concern and caution towards others who may be sick or injured. 13. Be a positive role model. 14. Understand the repercussions if you breach, or are aware of any breaches of this Code of Behaviour. Page 77 of 87 DOWNEY PARK NETBALL ASSOCIATION INC ADMINISTRATOR CODES OF BEHAVIOUR In addition to Netball Queensland’s General Code of Behaviour, you must meet the following requirements in regard to your conduct during any activity held by or under the auspices of Netball Australia, Netball Queensland, a Region, an Affiliated Association or an Affiliated Club and in your role as an administrator of Netball Australia, Netball Queensland, a Region, an Affiliated Association or an Affiliated Club: 1. Be fair, considerate and honest in all dealings with others. 2. Be professional in, and accept responsibility for your actions. Your language, presentation, manners and punctuality should reflect high standards. 3. Resolve conflicts fairly and promptly through established procedures. 4. Maintain strict impartiality. 5. Be aware of your legal responsibilities. 6. Develop a positive sport environment by allowing for the special needs of the players (especially children), by emphasising enjoyment and by providing appropriate development and competitive experiences. 7. Involve players in the planning, leadership, evaluation and decision making relating to the activity. 8. Ensure activities, equipment and facilities are safe and appropriate to the ability level of participating players. Activities, rules, equipment, lengths of games and training schedules should take into consideration the age, ability and maturity level of participating players. 9. Ensure that everyone (administrators, coaches, players, umpires, parents, spectators, sponsors and physicians) emphasise fair play in netball activities and games. 10. Where appropriate, distribute a Code of Behaviour sheet to coaches, players, umpires, parents, spectators and the media. Page 78 of 87 DOWNEY PARK NETBALL ASSOCIATION INC COACH CODES OF BEHAVIOUR In addition to Netball Queensland’s General Code of Behaviour, you must meet the following requirements in regard to your conduct during any activity held by or under the auspices of Netball Australia, Netball Queensland, a Region, an Affiliated Association or an Affiliated Club and in your role as a coach of Netball Australia, Netball Queensland, a Region, an Affiliated Association or an Affiliated Club: 1. Treat all players with respect at all times. Be honest and consistent with them. Honour all promises and commitments, both verbal and written. 2. Promote a climate of mutual support among your players. Encourage players to respect one another and to expect respect for their worth as individuals regardless of their level of play. 3. Encourage and facilitate players’ independence and responsibility for their own behaviour, performance, decisions and actions. 4. Involve the players in decisions that affect them. 5. Determine, in consultation with the players, what information is confidential and respect that confidentiality. 6. Provide feedback to players in a caring sensitive manner to their needs. Avoid overly negative feedback. 7. Refrain from any form of personal abuse towards your players. This includes verbal, physical and emotional abuse. Be alert to any forms of abuse directed toward your players from other sources while they are in your care. (Abide by Netball Australia Member Protection Policy). 8. Refrain from any form of harassment towards your players. Treat all players fairly within the context of their sporting activities, regardless of gender, race, place of origin, athletic potential, colour, sexual orientation, religion, political beliefs, socio-economic status, and other condition. (Abide by Netball Australia Member Protection Policy). 9. Be acutely aware of the power that you as a coach develop with your players in the coaching relationship and avoid any sexual intimacy with players that could develop as a result. 10. Avoid situations with your players that could be construed as compromising. 11. At all times use appropriate training methods which will benefit the players and avoid those which could be harmful. Ensure that the tasks, trainings, equipment and facilities are safe and suitable for age, experience, ability and physical and psychological conditions of the players. Page 79 of 87 DOWNEY PARK NETBALL ASSOCIATION INC COACH CODES OF BEHAVIOUR continued 12. Ensure the players time spent with you is a positive experience. All players are deserving of equal attention and opportunities. Provide training and game opportunities that ensure everyone has a reasonable chance to succeed and to improve/acquire skills and develop confidence. 13. Actively discourage the use of performance enhancing drugs, the use of alcohol and tobacco and illegal substance. (Abide by the Netball Australia Anti-Doping Policy). 14. Recognise individual differences in players and always think of the player’s longterm best interests. 15. Set challenges for each player which is both achievable and motivating. 16. Respect the fact that your goal as a coach for the player may not always be the same as that of the player. Aim for excellence based upon realistic goals and due consideration for the participant’s growth and development. 17. At all times act as a role model that promotes the positive aspects of sport and of netball by maintaining the highest standards of personal conduct and projecting a favourable image of netball and of coaching at all times. 18. Recognise your player’s rights to consult with other coaches and advisers. Cooperate fully with other specialists (e.g. sports scientists, doctors, physiotherapists etc). 19. Do not exploit any coaching relationship or information gained through Netball Australia and/or Netball Queensland programs, to further personal, political, or business interests. 20. Encourage players and coaches to develop and maintain integrity in their relationship with others. 21. Respect other coaches and always act in a manner characterised by courtesy and good faith. 22. When asked to coach, ensure that any previous coach- player relationship has been ended in a professional manner. 23. Accept and respect the role of officials in ensuring that competitions are conducted fairly and according to established rules. Know and abide by netball rules, regulations and standards, and encourage players to do likewise. Accept both the letter and the spirit of the rules. 24. Be honest and ensure that qualifications are not misrepresented. 25. Make a commitment to providing a quality service to your players. Provide a training program which is planned and sequential. Maintain or improve your current NCAS accreditation, seek continual improvement through performance appraisal and ongoing coach education and be open to other people’s opinion. Page 80 of 87 DOWNEY PARK NETBALL ASSOCIATION INC JUNIOR PLAYER CODES OF BEHAVIOUR In addition to Netball Queensland’s General Code of Behaviour, as a player in any activity held by or under the auspices of Netball Australia, Netball Queensland, a Region, an Affiliated Association or an Affiliated Club you must meet the following requirements in regard to your conduct during any such activity or event: 1. Participate because you enjoy it, not just to please parents and coaches. 2. Play by the rules: Know the rules 3. Participate fairly and safely. 4. Abide by decisions, without argument or bad temper. a. Captains have the right to approach an umpire during an interval or after the game for clarification of any rule. b. Approach the umpire in a courteous and polite way. 5. Cooperate with your coach, and other players. a. Verbal abuse of officials or other players, deliberately fouling or provoking an opponent and throwing/damaging equipment is not acceptable or permitted. b. Treat all players as you would like to be treated. c. Ensure that at all times your behaviour is fair. d. Be a patient and enthusiastic supporter of fellow players. 6. Applaud all good play, by your own team and opponents. 7. Be a responsible team member. a. Always be on time. b. Encourage and assist all players. c. Attend all training sessions. d. Ensure you always bring the appropriate uniform and equipment to training and/or matches. 8. Do not engage in practises that affect sporting performance (alcohol, tobacco and drug use.) 9. Respect and acknowledge the contribution of those who create the opportunity for you to play. 10. Volunteers (scorers, coaches, timekeepers, administrators and umpires). Page 81 of 87 DOWNEY PARK NETBALL ASSOCIATION INC SENIOR PLAYER CODES OF BEHAVIOUR In addition to Netball Queensland General Code of Behaviour, as a player in any activity held by or under the auspices of Netball Australia, Netball Queensland, a Region, an Affiliated Association or an Affiliated Club you must meet the following requirements in regard to your conduct during any such activity or event: 1. Respect the rights, dignity and worth of fellow players, coaches, officials and spectators. 2. Refrain from conduct which could be regarded as sexual or other harassment. 3. Respect the talent, potential and development of fellow players and competitors. 4. Care and respect the uniform and equipment provided to you. 5. Be frank and honest with your coach concerning illness and injury and your ability to train and play fully. 6. Conduct yourself in a responsible manner relating to language, temper and punctuality. 7. Maintain a high standard of personal behaviour at all times. 8. Abide by the rules and respect the decision of the umpires. Be courteous and use the correct process when seeking a rule clarification. 9. Be honest in your attitude and preparation to training. Work equally hard for yourself and your team. 10. Cooperate with coaches and staff in relation to programs that adequately prepare you for competition. 11. Do not engage in practises that affect sporting performance (alcohol, tobacco and drug use.) Page 82 of 87 DOWNEY PARK NETBALL ASSOCIATION INC UMPIRE CODES OF BEHAVIOUR In addition to Netball Queensland’s General Code of Behaviour, you must meet the following requirements in regard to your conduct during any activity held or sanctioned by Netball Australia, Netball Australia, a Region, an Affiliated Association or an Affiliated Club and in your role as an umpire appointed by Netball Australia, Netball Queensland, a Region, an Affiliated Association or an Affiliated Club: 1. Treat all players with respect at all times. 2. Accept responsibility for all actions taken. Exercise reasonable care to prevent injury by ensuring players play within the rules. Reasonable care consists of advising the players of illegal body movements, showing due diligence in detecting infringements and penalising rule breakers. 3. Place the safety and welfare of the players above all else. Although it is the responsibility of umpires to ensure that the playing conditions are safe, in the end it is the association’s decision. If a court supervisor or equivalent is appointed and present at the match they would decide whether the game should commence or continue and deal with any emergencies relating to a safe environment or anticipate any foreseeable dangers and deal with it appropriately. If no such person is present, you should make a decision as to whether the match should commence or continue due to adverse conditions, safe environment or foreseeable dangers. 4. Umpires must be impartial and maintain integrity in their relationship with other umpires, players and coaches. 5. Avoid situations which may lead to a conflict of interest. 6. Be courteous, respectful and open to discussion and interaction. 7. Value the individual in sport. Ensure the players have the opportunity for discussion with you after the match. 8. Seek continual self-improvement through study, performance appraisal and regular updating of competencies. Maintain or improve your current badge level and seek continual improvement. 9. Encourage exclusivity and access to all areas of officiating. Aim for excellence based upon realistic goals and due consideration for growth and development. 10. Be a positive role model in behaviour and personal appearance by maintaining the highest standards of personal conduct and projecting a favourable image of netball and umpiring at all times. 11. Refrain from any form of personal abuse towards players. This includes verbal, physical and emotional abuse. Be alert to any forms of abuse directed towards the players from other sources while they are playing. (Abide by Netball Australia Member Protection Policy). Page 83 of 87 DOWNEY PARK NETBALL ASSOCIATION INC UMPIRE CODES OF BEHAVIOUR continued 12. Refrain from any form of harassment towards players. Treat all players fairly within the context of their sporting activities, regardless of gender, race, place of origin, athletic potential, colour, sexual orientation, religion, political beliefs, socio-economic status, and other conditions. (Abide by Netball Australia Member Protection Policy). 13. Show concern and caution towards ill and injured players. You should enforce the blood rule and apply procedures regarding ill or injured players according to the rule book. Common sense must be applied in all cases. Page 84 of 87 DOWNEY PARK NETBALL ASSOCIATION INC PARENT/GUARDIAN and SPECTATOR CODE OF BEHAVIOUR In addition to Netball Queensland’s General Code of Behaviour, as a parent/guardian of a player in any activity held by or under the auspices of Netball Australia, Netball Queensland, a Region, an Affiliated Association or an Affiliated Club, you must meet the following requirements in regard to your conduct during any such activity or event: 1. If your child is interested, encourage them to participate in the appropriate netball activity. However, if your child is not willing to participate, do not force him or her. Remember, children are involved in organised activity for their enjoyment, not yours . 2. Focus upon your child's efforts and performance rather than the overall outcome of the event. This assists your child in setting realistic goals related to his/her ability by reducing the emphasis on winning. 3. Teach your child that an honest effort is as important as victory, so that the result of each game is accepted without undue disappointment. 4. Encourage your child to always play according to the rules. 5. Never ridicule or yell at a child for making a mistake or losing a game. 6. Remember that children learn best from example. Applaud good play by all players. 7. If you disagree with an umpire or coach raise the issue through the appropriate channels rather than question their judgement and honesty in public. 8. Support all efforts to remove verbal and physical abuse. 9. Recognise and respect the value and importance of volunteer administrators, coaches and umpires. They give up their time and resources to provide recreational activities for players and deserve your support 10. .Be a model of good sports behaviour for children to copy. 11. Be courteous in communication with administrators, coaches, players and umpires. Teach children to do likewise. 12. Support the use of age appropriate development activities and modified rules. 13. Spectators are requested not to smoke near the netball courts. 14. DPNA does not permit any animals on or near the courts or in the fenced compound at any time. Bikes, roller blades, scooters, skateboards etc are not permitted in the fenced compound. Page 85 of 87 DOWNEY PARK NETBALL ASSOCIATION INC PARENT/GUARDIAN and SPECTATOR CODE OF BEHAVIOUR continued 15. No spectator is to photograph any player or players without first having obtained permission to do so by the team coach or manager. 16. DPNA reserves the right to immediately remove from DPNA premises, any person who any member of DPNA Executive believes, on reasonable grounds, to have breached this code of behaviour. Page 86 of 87 DOWNEY PARK NETBALL ASSOCIATION INC MEDIA CODES OF BEHAVIOUR In addition to Netball Queensland’s General Code of Behaviour, as media in any activity held by or under the auspices of Netball Australia, Netball Queensland, a Region, an Affiliated Association or an Affiliated Club, you must meet the following requirements in regard to your conduct during any such activity or event: 1. Provide coverage of all players’ netball activities, including development programs, competitive and non-competitive netball. 2. Be aware of the difference between adult netball programs and children's netball programs. 3. Place in proper perspective the isolated incidents of unsportsmanlike behaviour rather than make such incidents the "highlight" of the event. 4. Focus upon player’s fair play and their honest effort. 5. Identify and report on the problems of players participating in organised netball and report the violations and distortions of their rights as players. 6. Recognise the sporting achievements of players from disadvantaged groups, including adolescent girls, people with disabilities, Koories, and Torres Strait Islanders, people from non-English speaking backgrounds and rural population. Page 87 of 87
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