Rio Grande City Consolidated Independent School District BUDGET FOR THE YEAR 2014-2015 September 1, 2014 to August 31, 2015 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Basilio D. Villarreal Jr., President Roberto Gutierrez, Vice President Cesar Gonzalez, Secretary Daniel J. Garcia, Member Noe R. Gonzalez, Member Ruben Klein, Member Leonel Lopez, Member ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF Roel A. Gonzalez ~ Superintendent of Schools Vilma Garza ~ Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction Adolfo Peña ~ Assistant Superintendent– West Thelma Ruelas ~ Assistant Superintendent for Finance & Operations Arcadio Salinas ~ Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources Joel Trigo ~ Assistant Superintendent– East Office of Business & Operations 1 S Fort Ringgold Rio Grande City, TX 78582 PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK RIO GRANDE CITY CISD 2014-2015 BUDGET MANUAL TABLE OF CONTENTS ORGANIZATIONAL SECTION Budget and Financial Policies …………………………………………… Budget Process…………………………………………………………… Budget Calendar………………………………………………………….. BUDGET PREPARTION SECTIONS Budget Worksheet……………………………………………………....... Budget Amendment Form………………………………………………... INFORMATIONAL SECTION Overview of Account Codes……………………………………………... Basic System Code Composition………………………………………… Fund Codes………………………………………………………………. Function Codes…………………………………………………………… Object Codes……………………………………………………………... Sub Object Codes………………………………………………………… Organization Codes………………………………………………………. Fiscal Year Codes………………………………………………………... Project Codes…………………………………………………………….. 1 7 10 11 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Business Office Staff & Fund Assignments Thelma Ruelas, Assistant Superintendent for Finance & Operations….………… 716-6711 Oneida Balderas, Compliance Auditor……………………………………………… 716-6706 Ludivina Cansino, Accounting Supervisor…………………………………………. 716-6727 199- General Fund 211- Title I, Part A ~ Improving Basic Programs 212- Title I, Part C ~ Migrant 224- IDEA Part B Formula 225- IDEA Part B Preschool 255- Title II Part A ~ TPTR 410- Instructional Materials Allotment Lourdes Luna, Accountant………………………..………………………………….. 716-6947 101- Food Service 220- Adult Literacy Education 244- Vocational Education 263- Title III, Part A ~ LEP & Immigrant 265- 21st Century CCLC Cycle 270- Rural and Low Income 274- GEAR UP Juan Ruiz, Data Programmer……………………..………………………………….. 716-6708 Alio System Business Office Supporting Staff Nancy Alaniz…………………….…...………………………...……………………… Susie Castillo…………………..………………………….…………………………… Emily Clarke……………………………………………….………………………….. Amparo Treviño………………………………………………………………………. 716-6710 716-6846 716-6761 716-6711 PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK ORGANIZATIONAL SECTION PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 2014-2015 Budget Manual BUDGET & FINANCIAL POLICIES 1 LEGAL REQUIREMENTS Legal requirements for school district budgets are formulated by the Texas Education Agency, and the local district. In addition to these requirements, individual school districts also may have their own legal requirements for budget preparation. Additional legal requirements also may be imposed by state and federal grants. STATEMENT OF TEXAS LAW Sections 44.002 through 44.006 of the Texas Education Code establish the legal basis for budget development in school districts. The following six items summarize the legal requirements from the code: • The superintendent is the budget officer for the district and prepares or causes the budget to be prepared. Note: TEA recommends that an interactive approach between the board of trustees and the superintendent be taken to establish the budget process and define related roles and responsibilities. • The district budget must be prepared by a date set by the state board of education, currently August 20 (June 19 if the district uses a July 1 fiscal year start date). • The president of the board of trustees must call a public meeting of the board of trustees, giving ten days public notice in a newspaper, for the adoption of the district budget. Any taxpayer in the district may be present and participate in the meeting. • No funds may be expended in any manner other than as provided for in the adopted budget. The board does have the authority to amend the budget or adopt a supplementary emergency budget to cover unforeseen expenditures. • The budget must be prepared in accordance with GAAP (generally accepted accounting principles) and state guidelines. • The budget must be legally adopted before the adoption of the tax rate. However, if a school district has a July 1st fiscal year start date, then a school district must not adopt a tax rate until after the district receives the certified appraisal roll for the district required by Section 26.01, Tax Code. Additionally, a school district must publish a revised notice and hold another public meeting before the district may adopt a tax rate that exceeds the following: (1) The rate proposed in the notice prepared using the estimate; or (2) The district’s rollback rate determined under Section 26.08, Tax Code, using the certified appraisal roll. TEA LEGAL REQUIREMENTS TEA has developed additional requirements for school district budget preparation as follows: 2014-2015 Budget Manual BUDGET & FINANCIAL POLICIES 2 • The budget must be adopted by the board of trustees, inclusive of amendments, no later than August 31 (June 30 if the district uses a July 1 fiscal year start date). • Minutes from district board meetings will be used by TEA to record adoption of and amendments to the budget. • Budgets for the General Fund, the Food Service Fund (whether accounted for in the General Fund, a Special Revenue Fund or Enterprise Fund) and the Debt Service Fund must be included in the official district budget (legal or fiscal year basis). These budgets must be prepared and approved at least at the fund and function levels to comply with the state’s legal level of control mandates. Funds to be budgeted and reported through PEIMS, both required and optional, are shown in Exhibit 2. Note: Districts may prepare and approve budgets for other funds and/or with even greater detail at their discretion. Such local decisions may affect the need for budget amendments and financial reporting requirements. • The officially adopted district budget, as amended, must be filed with TEA through PEIMS (Public Education Information Management System) by the date prescribed in the annual system guidelines. Revenues, other sources, other uses, and fund balances must be reported by fund, object (at the fourth level), fiscal year, and amount. Expenditures must be reported by fund, function, object (at the second level), organization, fiscal year, program intent and amount. These requirements are discussed in further detail in the Data Collection and Reporting module. • A school district must amend the official budget before exceeding a functional expenditure category, i.e., instruction, administration, etc., in the total district budget. The annual financial and compliance report should reflect the amended budget amounts on the schedule comparing budgeted and actual amounts. The requirement for filing the amended budget with TEA is satisfied when the school district files its Annual Financial and Compliance Report. LOCAL DISTRICT REQUIREMENTS In addition to state legal requirements the Rio Grande City CISD Board of Trustees have established their own requirements for annual budget preparation through Board Policy CE (LEGAL AND LOCAL) Annual Operating Budget. ANNUAL OPERATING BUDGET CE (LEGAL) AUTHORIZED EXPENDITURES The District shall not lend its credit or gratuitously grant public money or things of value in aid of any individual, association, or corporation. Tex. Const. Art. III, Sec. 52; Brazoria County v. Perry, 537 S.W.2d 89 (Tex. Civ. App.-Houston [1st Dist.] 1976, no writ) The District shall not grant any extra compensation, fee, or allowance to a public 2014-2015 Budget Manual BUDGET & FINANCIAL POLICIES 3 officer, agent, servant, or contractor after service has been rendered or a contract entered into and performed in whole or in part. Nor shall the District pay or authorize the payment of any claim against the District under any agreement or contract made without authority of law. Tex. Const. Art. III, Sec. 53; Harlingen ISD v. C.H. Page and Bro. 48 S.W.2d 983 (Comm. App. 1932) The state and county available funds disbursed to the District shall be used exclusively for salaries of professional certified staff and for interest on money borrowed on short time to pay such salaries, when salaries become due before school funds for the current year become available. Loans for paying professional certified staff salaries may not be paid out of funds other than those for the current year. Education Code 45.105(b) Local funds from District taxes, tuition fees, other local sources, and state funds not designated for a specific purpose may be used for salaries of any personnel and for purchasing appliances and supplies; for the payment of insurance premiums; for buying school sites; for buying, building, repairing, and renting school buildings, including acquisition of school buildings and sites by leasing through annual payments with an ultimate option to purchase [see CHG]; and for other purposes necessary in the conduct of the public schools to be determined by the Board. Education Code 45.105(c) No public funds of the District may be spent in any manner other than as provided for in the budget adopted by the Board. Education Code 44.006(a) COMMITMENT OF CURRENT REVENUE A contract for the acquisition, including lease, of real or personal property is a commitment of the District's current revenue only, provided the contract contains either or both of the following provisions: Retains to the Board the continuing right to terminate the contract at the expiration of each budget period during the term of the contract. Is conditioned on a best efforts attempt by the Board to obtain and appropriate funds for payment of the contract. FISCAL YEAR The Board may determine if the District's fiscal year begins on July 1 or September 1 of each year. Education Code 44.0011 BUDGET PREPARATION The Superintendent shall prepare, or cause to be prepared, a proposed budget covering all estimated revenue and proposed expenditures of the District for the following fiscal year. Education Code 44.002 2014-2015 Budget Manual BUDGET & FINANCIAL POLICIES 4 DEADLINES The proposed budget shall be prepared on or before a date set by the State Board of Education, currently August 20 (June 19 if the District uses a July 1 fiscal year start date). Education Code 44.002(a); 19 TAC 109.1(a), 109.41 The adopted budget must be filed with the Texas Education Agency on or before the date established in the Financial Accountability System Resource Guide. Education Code 44.005; 19 TAC 109.1(a) PUBLIC MEETING ON BUDGET AND PROPOSED TAX RATE After the proposed budget has been prepared, the Board President shall call a Board meeting for the purpose of adopting a budget for the succeeding fiscal year. Any taxpayer of the District may be present and participate in the meeting. Education Code 44.004 [See CCG for provisions governing tax rate adoption] The meeting must comply with the notice requirements of the Open Meetings Act. Gov't Code 551.041, 551.043 PUBLISHED NOTICE The Board President shall also provide for publication of notice of the budget and proposed tax rate meeting in a daily, weekly, or biweekly newspaper published in the District. If no daily, weekly, or biweekly newspaper is published in the District, the President shall provide for publication of notice in at least one newspaper of general circulation in the county in which the District's central administrative office is located. The notice shall be published not earlier than the 30th day or later than the tenth day before the date of the hearing. FORM OF NOTICE The published notice of the public meeting to discuss and adopt the budget and the proposed tax rate must meet the size, format, and content requirements dictated by law. The notice is not valid if it does not substantially conform to the language and format prescribed by the comptroller. TAXPAYER INJUCTION If the District has not complied with the published notice requirements in the FORM OF NOTICE described above, and the requirements for DISTRICTS WITH JULY 1 FISCAL YEAR below, if applicable, and the failure to comply was not in good faith, a person who owns taxable property in the District is entitled to an injunction restraining the collection of taxes by the District. An action to enjoin the collection of taxes must be filed before the date the District delivers substantially all of its tax bills. Education Code 44.004 2014-2015 Budget Manual BUDGET & FINANCIAL POLICIES 5 BUDGET ADOPTION The Board shall adopt a budget to cover all expenditures for the succeeding fiscal year at the meeting called for that purpose and before the adoption of the tax rate for the tax year in which the fiscal year covered by the budget begins. AMENDMENT OF APPROVED BUDGET The Board shall have the authority to amend the approved budget or to adopt a supplementary emergency budget to cover necessary unforeseen expenses. Copies of any amendment or supplementary budget must be prepared and filed in accordance with State Board rules. Education Code 44.006 CERTAIN DONATIONS The District may donate funds or other property or service to the adjutant general's department or to the Texas National Guard. Gov't Code 431.035(b), 431.045(b) ANNUAL OPERATING BUDGET CE (LOCAL) FISCAL YEAR The District shall operate on a fiscal year beginning September 1 and ending August 31. BUDGET PLANNING Budget planning shall be an integral part of overall program planning so that the budget effectively reflects the District's programs and activities and provides the resources to implement them. In the budget planning process, general educational goals, specific program goals, and alternatives for achieving program goals shall be considered, as well as input from the District- and campus-level planning and decision-making committees. Budget planning and evaluation are continuous processes and shall be a part of each month's activities. AVAILABILITY OF PROPOSED BUDGET After it is presented to the Board and prior to adoption, a copy of the proposed budget shall be available upon request from the business office or Superintendent. The Superintendent or designee shall be available to answer questions arising from inspection of the budget. BUDGET MEETING The annual public meeting to discuss the proposed budget and tax rate shall be conducted as follows: 2014-2015 Budget Manual BUDGET & FINANCIAL POLICIES 6 1. The Board President shall request at the beginning of the meeting that all persons who desire to speak on the proposed budget and/or tax rate sign up on the sheet provided. 2. Prior to the beginning of the meeting, the Board may establish time limits for speakers. 3. Speakers shall confine their remarks to the appropriation of funds as contained in the proposed budget and/or the tax rate. 4. No officer or employee of the District shall be required to respond to questions from speakers at the meeting. AUTHORIZED EXPENDITURES The adopted budget provides authority to expend funds for the purposes indicated and in accordance with state law, Board policy, and the District's approved purchasing procedures. The expenditure of funds shall be under the direction of the Superintendent or designee who shall ensure that funds are expended in accordance with the adopted budget. BUDGET AMENDMENTS The budget shall be amended when a change is made increasing any one of the functional spending categories or increasing revenue object accounts and other resources. 2014-2015 Budget Manual BUDGET PROCESS 7 OBJECTIVES OF BUDGETING The objectives of budgeting are outlined by the Texas Education Agency in the Financial Accountability System Resource Guide. Performance evaluation allows citizens and taxpayers to hold policy makers and administrators accountable for their actions. Because accountability to citizens often is stated explicitly in state laws and constitutions, it is considered a cornerstone of budgeting and financial reporting. The Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) recognizes its importance with these objectives in its GASB Concepts Statement No. 1 (Section 100.177): • Financial reporting should provide information to determine whether currentyear revenues were sufficient to pay for current-year services. • Financial reporting should demonstrate whether resources were obtained and used in accordance with the entity’s legally adopted budget. It should also demonstrate compliance with other finance-related legal or contractual requirements. • • Financial reporting should provide information to assist users in assessing the service efforts, costs and accomplishments of the governmental entity. Meeting these objectives requires budget preparation to include several concepts recognizing accountability. Often these concepts have been mandated for state and local public sector budgets. They include requirements that budgets should: • Be balanced so that current revenues are sufficient to pay for current services. • Be prepared in accordance with all applicable federal, state, and local legal mandates and requirements. • Provide a basis for the evaluation of a government’s service efforts, costs and accomplishments. Note: Although the objective of balanced budgets is generally applicable to all school districts to ensure long-term fiscal health, variations of this objective which are considered appropriate for some school districts over short-term periods are available. For example, the balanced budget objective may be met through the use of fund balance reserves to pay for current services during certain periods. Such uses of fund balance reserves must be in accordance with applicable state and local fund balance policies. 2014-2015 Budget Manual BUDGET PROCESS 8 BUDGET PROCESS OVERVIEW The budgeting process is comprised of three major phases: planning, preparation and evaluation. The budgetary process begins with sound planning. Planning defines the goals and objectives of campuses and the school district and develops programs to attain those goals and objectives. Once these programs and plans have been established, budgetary resource allocations are made to support them. Budgetary resource allocations are the preparation phase of budgeting. The allocations cannot be made, however, until plans and programs have been established. Finally, the budget is evaluated for its effectiveness in attaining goals and objectives. Evaluation typically involves an examination of: how funds were expended, what outcomes resulted from the expenditure of funds, and to what degree these outcomes achieved the objectives stated during the planning phase. This evaluation phase is important in determining the following year’s budgetary allocations. In summary, budget preparation is not a one-time exercise to determine how a school district will allocate funds. Rather, school district budget preparation is part of a continuous cycle of planning and evaluation to achieve district goals. BUDGET PLANNING The first phase of the Budget Development Process is planning. Planning involves defining the mission, goals and objectives of campuses, departments, and the district. Importance is placed upon sound budget planning for the following reasons; • • • • In implementing the type, quantity, and quality of school district instruction, the budget becomes the limiting force. Providing quality education is very important to the public interest. The scope and adversity of school district operations make comprehensive planning necessary for good decision-making. Planning is a process that is critical to the expression of citizen preferences and through with consensus is reached among citizens, school board members, and district/campus/department staff on the future direction of a district’s operations. BUDGET PREPARATION Budget Preparation begins with a training session with principals and program managers. At that time the Budget Manual and budget worksheets are distributed. The District uses site-based budgeting to enhance the ability of principals to serve as effective instructional leaders. Site-based budgeting places the principals at the center of the budget preparation process. The Campus Budget reflects the initial campus funding allocations. Pupil allocations are based on peak enrollment for general fund allocation and special populations are based on PEIMS October snap shot date. 2014-2015 Budget Manual BUDGET PROCESS 9 EVALUATION PHASE Evaluation is the last step of the district’s budget cycle. Information is compiled and analyzed to assess the performance of each individual department and campus, as well as the District as a whole. This information is a fundamental part of the planning phase for the following budget year. 2014-2015 Budget Manual BUDGET CALENDAR RIO GRANDE CITY CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL DISTRICT TENTATIVE BUDGET DEVELOPMENT CALENDAR Target Date Activity/Process February 11, 2014 Budget process approved February 13, 2014 Projected enrollment developed February 25, 2014 Budget process outlined to principals February 27, 2014 Budget process outlined to program directors March 4, 2014 Budget process outlined to secretaries March 5,2014 Begin budget preparation for campuses, special programs and support services. Individual campus and department training will be scheduled March 6, 2014 Review personnel staffing and proposed salary schedule March 7, 2014 Begin special program and support service budget preparation April 4, 2014 Completion of campus budgets April 7, 2014 Initiate review of campus/department budgets and nonallocated requests April 11, 2014 Complete prioritization of non-allocated requests April 14, 2014 Review of building maintenance, renovation and future construction schedule April 21, 2014 Review projected revenue estimates May 2, 2014 Complete first draft of district budget May 7, 2014 Initiate superintendent’s review of preliminary district budget May 12, 2014 Review personnel staffing and proposed salary schedule May 19, 2014 Complete superintendent’s review of preliminary district budget, personnel requirements, facility requirements and projected revenue May 19, 2014 Budget session with Board of Trustees Finance Committee July 25, 2014 Receive certified values from Appraisal District July 28, 2014 Complete final budget draft July 29,2014 Budget session with Board of Trustees August 6, 2014 Advertise for public hearing in newspaper August 19, 2014 Official public budget hearing and tax rate public hearing August 19, 2014 Adoption of 2014-2015 budget and tax rate 10 BUDGET PREPARATION SECTION PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 2014-2015 Budget Manual BUDGET PURPOSE WORKSHEET The Budget Worksheet is used for describing major program changes or any new programs. The forms can be downloaded at businessoffice.htm INSTRUCTIONS 1. Complete the Campus/Organization. 2. Complete Budget Code Section. If you have questions concerning account descriptions contact the Business Office. For reference, see the Financial Operating Guidelines at the District Web Page. Go to Business Office or 3. Complete the budget description, quantity, and dollar amount. 4. Describe the goals, objectives or needs targeted. Attach any necessary supporting documents. 11 The form can be downloaded at Professional or Contracted Service Description Expected Contract Dates Beginning Ending Dollar Amount 3 4 - Should equal amount in Summary Form Goals, Objectives, or Needs Targeted Column 1 should identify estimated contract dates or term of contract. Column 2 should adequately describe contract services in detail. Column 3 should give dollar amount allocated for the items or services described. Column 4 should adequately explain the goals, objectives, or needs targeted for each resource allocation. Total $ 2 Fund - FC - Obj - SubObj - Org - Yr - Prg - Proj 1 Budget Code Campus/Organization PROFESSIONAL AND CONTRACTED SERVICES RESOURCE ALLOCATION DETAIL FORM FISCAL YEAR 2014-2015 2014-2015 Budget Manual 12 The form can be downloaded at Professional or Contracted Service Description Expected Contract Dates Beginning Ending Dollar Amount 3 4 - Should equal amount in Summary Form Goals, Objectives, or Needs Targeted Column 1 should identify estimated contract dates or term of contract. Column 2 should adequately describe contract services in detail. Column 3 should give dollar amount allocated for the items or services described. Column 4 should adequately explain the goals, objectives, or needs targeted for each resource allocation. Total $ 2 Fund - FC - Obj - SubObj - Org - Yr - Prg - Proj 1 Budget Code Campus/Organization SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS RESOURCE ALLOCATION DETAIL FORM FISCAL YEAR 2014-2015 2014-2015 Budget Manual 13 The form can be downloaded at Professional or Contracted Service Description Expected Contract Dates Beginning Ending Dollar Amount 3 4 - Should equal amount in Summary Form Goals, Objectives, or Needs Targeted Column 1 should identify estimated contract dates or term of contract. Column 2 should adequately describe contract services in detail. Column 3 should give dollar amount allocated for the items or services described. Column 4 should adequately explain the goals, objectives, or needs targeted for each resource allocation. Total $ 2 Fund - FC - Obj - SubObj - Org - Yr - Prg - Proj 1 Budget Code Campus/Organization TRAVEL RESOURCE ALLOCATION DETAIL FORM FISCAL YEAR 2014-2015 2014-2015 Budget Manual 14 The form can be downloaded at Professional or Contracted Service Description Expected Contract Dates Beginning Ending Dollar Amount 3 4 - Should equal amount in Summary Form Goals, Objectives, or Needs Targeted Column 1 should identify estimated contract dates or term of contract. Column 2 should adequately describe contract services in detail. Column 3 should give dollar amount allocated for the items or services described. Column 4 should adequately explain the goals, objectives, or needs targeted for each resource allocation. Total $ 2 Fund - FC - Obj - SubObj - Org - Yr - Prg - Proj 1 Budget Code Campus/Organization CAPITAL OUTLAY EQUIPMENT RESOURCE ALLOCATION DETAIL FORM FISCAL YEAR 2014-2015 2014-2015 Budget Manual 15 2014-2015 Budget Manual BUDGET TRANSFER FORM 16 PURPOSE The Board of Trustees adopted district budget projects available resources and how those resources are to be channeled best meet students needs. Unforeseen events or changes in priorities which occur during the year often require redirection of funds. The budget is not intended to hinder these changes. Rather, established procedures allow for necessary amendments to the school district budget. Any amendments that would change budgeted fund or function totals at the district level require formal board approval. As a result, budget amendments at the campus level must be submitted for board approval when they affect fund or function at the district level. Principals and program budget managers have been granted the authority to move budgeted funds from one expenditure object to another within a function. INSTRUCTIONS Use the attached form for both amendments and transfers. Please ensure that required information is included. The form can be downloaded at Business/WEB2/businessoffice.htm 1. 2. Forward Budget Amendments to the Business Office after it has been approved by the principal and program director. 3. Budget Amendments that require the approval of the Board of Trustees will be slowed by the mechanics of the agenda process. 4. Budget Amendments not requiring board approval will be processed as they are received. 2014-2015 Budget Manual The form can be downloaded at 17 PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK BUDGET PREPARATION SECTION PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 2014-2015 Budget Manual OVERVIEW OF ACCOUNT CODES 18 Section 44.007 of the Texas Education Code (Code or TEC) requires that a standard school district fiscal accounting system be adopted by each school district. The system must meet at least the minimum requirements prescribed by the State Board of Education and also be subject to review and comment by the state auditor. Additionally, the accounting system must conform with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). This section further requires that a report be provided at the time that the school district budget is filed, showing financial information sufficient to enable the state board of education to monitor the funding process, and to determine educational system costs by school district, campus and program. The Texas Education Code, Section 44.008, requires each school district to have an annual independent audit conducted that meets the minimum requirements of the state board of education, subject to review and comment by the state auditor. The annual audit must include the performance of certain audit procedures for the purpose of reviewing the accuracy of the fiscal information provided by the district through the Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS). The audit procedures are to be adequate to detect material errors in the school district’s fiscal data to be reported through the PEIMS system for the fiscal period under audit. A major purpose of the following accounting code structure is to establish the standard school district fiscal accounting system required by law. Although certain codes within the overview may be used at local option, the sequence of the codes within the structure, and the funds and chart of accounts, are to be uniformly used by all school districts in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. The complete Financial Operating Guidelines can be downloaded at Business/WEB2/businessoffice.htm. 2014-2015 Budget Manual 19 BASIC SYSTEM CODE COMPOSITION FUND CODE A mandatory 3 digit code is to be used for all financial transactions to identify the fund group and specific fund. The first digit refers to the fund group, and the second and third digit specifies the fund. Example: A Special Revenue Fund could be coded 211. The 2 indicates the Special Revenue Fund, the 11 specifies ESEA, Title I, Part A - Improving Basic Programs. FUNCTION CODE A mandatory 2 digit code applied to expenditures/ expenses that identify the purpose of the transaction. The first digit identifies the major class and the second digit refers to the specific function within the area. Example: The function "Health Service" is coded 33. The first 3 specifies Support Services - Student (Pupil) and the second 3 is Health Services. OBJECT CODE A mandatory 4 digit code identifying the nature and object of an account, a transaction or a source. The first of the four digits identifies the type of account or transaction, the second digit identifies the major area, and the third and fourth digits provide further sub-classifications. Example: Money received for current year taxes is classified in account 5711. The 5 denotes revenue, the 7 shows Local and Intermediate Sources, the 1 denotes local real and personal property taxes revenue and the final 1 specifies current year levy. SUBOBJECT CODE A 2 digit code for optional use to provide special accountability at the local level. ORGANIZATION CODE A mandatory 3 digit code identifying the organization, i.e., High School, Middle School, Elementary School, Superintendent’s office, etc. An organization code does not necessarily correspond with a physical location. The activity, not the location, defines the organization. Campuses are examples of organization codes and are specified for each school district in the Texas School Directory. Example: Expenditures for a high school might be classified as 001. This is a campus organization code that is defined in the Texas School Directory for that high school. FISCAL YEAR CODE A mandatory single digit code that identifies the fiscal year of the transaction or the project year of inception of a grant project. Examples: For the 05-06 fiscal year of the school district, a 6 would denote the fiscal year PROGRAM INTENT CODE A 2 digit code used to designate the intent of a program provided to students. These codes are used to account for the cost of instruction and other services that are directed toward a particular need of a specific set of students. The intent (the student group toward which the instructional or other service is directed) determines the program intent code, not the demographic makeup of the students served. Example: An entire class of physics is taught at the basic level. Program intent code 11 would designate Basic Educational Services. PROJECT CODE A 3 digit code that is used at the local option. 2014-2015 Budget Manual FUND CODES Fund Codes Description 100 General Fund Food Service 101 Payroll Clearing 161 Accounts Payable Clearing 164 General Fund 199 200/300/400 Special Revenue Funds ESEA, Title I, Part A, Helping Disadvantaged Children Meet High Standards 211 ESEA, Title I, Part C, Education for Migratory Children 212 Adult Education - English Literacy & Civics Education 220 IDEA-B, Formula 224 IDEA-B, Preschool Grant 225 Vocational Education-Basic Grant 244 Title II, Part A TPTR 255 Title III, Part A, LEP & Immigrant 263 21st Century CCLC Cycle 6 Year 5 265 Rural & Low Income 270 Gear Up 274 Instructional Facilities Allotment 410 500 Debt Service Funds Debt Service - Series 2000/2002 516 600 Capital Projects Funds Capital Projects 623 700-799 Proprietary Fund Types Workers Compensation 753 800 Trust Funds Scholarship Fund 816 Scholarship Fund 817 Tax Office 880 High School 884 900 Capital Assets and Long Term Debt Fixed Assets 901 Long Term Debt 902 20 2014-2015 Budget Manual FUNCTION CODES Function Title 11 12 13 21 Instruction 23 31 32 33 School Leadership 34 35 36 41 51 Student (Pupil) Transportation 52 53 61 71 81 Security and Monitoring Services Instruction Resources and Media Services Curriculum Development and Instructional Staff Development Instructional Leadership Guidance, Counseling and Evaluation Services Social Work Services Health Services Food Services Co curricular/Extracurricular Activities General Administration Plant Maintenance and Operations Data Processing Services Community Services Debt Services Facilities Acquisition and Construction 21 2014-2015 Budget Manual 22 OBJECT CODE 6112 6119 6121 6129 6131 6139 6141 6142 6143 6144 6145 6146 6149 6211 6212 6213 6219 6221 6222 6223 6224 6229 6239 6249 6259 6269 6291 6299 6311 6319 6321 6329 6339 6341 6342 Salaries or Wages for Substitute Teachers Salaries or Wages - Teachers and Other Professional Extra Duty Pay/Overtime - Support Personnel Salaries or Wages for Support Personnel Contract Buyouts Employee Allowances Social Security/Medicare Group Health and Life Insurance Worker's Compensation TRS Care - On-Behalf Payments Unemployment Compensation Teacher Retirement/TRS Care Employee Benefits Legal Services Audit Services Tax Appraisal and Collection Professional Services Staff Tuition and Related Fees - Higher Education Student Tuition - Public Schools Student Tuition - Other than Public Schools Student Attendance Credits Tuition and Transfer Payments Education Service Center Services Contracted Maintenance and Repair Utilities Rentals - Operating Leases Consulting Services Miscellaneous Contracted Services Gasoline and Other Fuels for Vehicles Supplies for Maintenance and/or Operation Textbooks Reading Materials Testing Materials Food Non-Food 6343 6344 6349 6399 6411 6412 6413 6419 6429 6439 6449 6494 6499 6511 6512 6513 6519 6521 6522 6523 6524 6525 6529 6599 6619 6629 6631 6639 6641 6649 6651 6659 6669 Items for Sale USDA Donated Commodities Food Service Supplies General Supplies Travel and Subsistence - Employee Only Travel and Subsistence - Students Stipends - Non-Employees Travel and Subsistence - Non-Employees Insurance and Bonding Costs Election Costs Depreciation Expense Reclassified Transportation Expenses Miscellaneous Operating Costs Bond Principal Capital Lease Principal Long-Term Debt Principal Debt Principal Interest on Bonds Capital Lease Interest Interest on Debt Amortization of Bond Amortization of Premium Issuance of Bonds Interest Expenditure/Expenses Other Debt Service Fees Land Purchase and Improvement Building Purchase, Construction or Improvements Vehicles per unit cost of $5,000 or more Furniture, Equipment and Software Vehicles per unit cost of less than $5,000 Fixed Assets - Furniture and Equipment Capital Lease of Building Capital Lease of Furniture, Equipment and Software Library Books and Media 2014-2015 Budget Manual SUB OBJECT CODE Sub Object Description 01 02 03 04 10 15 Furniture Computer Equipment Printers Audio Visual Equipment Other Equipment Vending 23 2014-2015 Budget Manual 24 ORGANIZATION CODE Codes 001 003 041 042 044 102 103 104 105 107 108 110 111 112 699 701 702 703 705 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 Organization Name High School Grulla High School Grulla Middle School Ringgold Middle School Veterans Middle School Grulla Elementary La Union Elementary North Grammar Elementary John & Olive Hinojosa Elementary Ringgold Elementary Roque Guerra Elementary Alto Bonito Elementary Gen. Ricardo Sanchez Elementary Dr. Mario Ramirez Elementary Summer School Program Superintendent's Office School Board Tax Office Business Office Office of Human Resources Audio Visual Department Public Information Department Alternative Center Athletic Department Rio Grande City HS Band Purchasing Department Codes 808 809 810 813 814 815 816 819 820 822 823 824 825 903 931 936 938 980 981 982 983 984 985 986 987 Organization Name Security Department Student Assessment Student Services Data Processing Educational Opportunities Parental Involvement District Counselor Director of Guidance & Counseling Guidance & Counseling Staff Development P/E Coordinator Administrator Officer of Programs Assistant Superintendent for Curr. & Inst. Transportation Department Nurses Department Maintenance Department Food Service Department Bilingual Department Director of Career & Technology Gifted and Talented Adm. Assist. For Secondary Curr. Special Education Department State Compensatory Department Federal Programs Technology Department 2014-2015 Budget Manual FISCAL YEAR CODE Fiscal Year Code 4 5 6 7 8 9 School Year 2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-2019 25 2014-2015 Budget Manual PROJECT CODE Project Code 400 500 600 700 800 900 School Year 2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-2019 26
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