Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY PROJECT MANUAL FOX FARM TOWNHOMES, LP 607 West Prosser Road Cheyenne, WY 82007-3010 ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO. 14-077 Owner : Fox Farm Townhomes, LP 283 West Front Street, Suite 1 Missoula, Montana 59802 ARCHITECT: Gavin-Hanks, PLLC 300 West Broadway, Suite 4 Missoula, MT 59802 ISSUE DATE: Gavin-Hanks, PLLC 8/01/2014 Page 1 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY SIGNATORIES Owner: FOX FARM TOWNHOMES, LP Signature:______________________________________ Date:______________ ARCHITECT:GAVIN-HANKS, PLLC Signature:______________________________________ Date:______________ CONTRACTOR: Signature:______________________________________ Date:______________ Signature:______________________________________ Date:______________ Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 2 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY TABLE OF CONTENTS INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS: DIVISION 1 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS DIVISION 2 - SITE CONSTRUCTION SECTION 2A - DEMOLITION SECTION 2B - SITE PREPARATION SECTION 2C - SITE CLEARING SECTION 2D - EARTHWORK SECTION 2E - PAVING SECTION 2F - HOT MIX ASPHALT PAVING SECTION 2G - PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE PAVING SECTION 2H - CHAIN LINK FENCE DIVISION 3 - CONCRETE SECTION 3A - CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE SECTION 3B - LIGHTWEIGHT CONCRETE DIVISION 4 - MASONRY DIVISION 5 - METALS SECTION 5A -MISCELLANEOUS METAL AND STRUCTURAL STEEL DIVISION 6 - WOOD AND PLASTICS SECTION 6A - CARPENTRY DIVISION 7 - THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION SECTION 7A - ROOFING, FLASHING AND ACCESSORIES SECTION 7B - INSULATION SECTION 7C - CAULKING AND SEALANTS SECTION 7D - FIBER SIDING AND TRIM SECTION 7E - DAMP PROOFING DIVISION 8 - DOORS, WINDOWS AND GLASS SECTION 8A - METAL DOORS AND FRAMES SECTION 8B - WOOD DOORS SECTION 8D - VINYL WINDOWS SECTION 8E - SLIDING DOORS SECTION 8F - FINISH HARDWARE DIVISION 9 - FINISHES Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 3 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY SECTION 9A - DRYWALL SECTION 9B - PAINTING SECTION 9C - CARPETING SECTION 9D - RESILIENT FLOORING DIVISION10 - SPECIALTIES SECTION 10A - MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT DIVISION 11 - EQUIPMENT SECTION 11A - RESIDENTIAL EQUIPMENT SECTION 11B - APPLIANCES DIVISION 12 - FURNISHINGS SECTION 12A - WINDOW COVERINGS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15A - MECHANICAL GENERAL REQUIREMENTS SECTION 15B - PLUMBING SYSTEMS SECTION 15C - FORCED AIR HEATING AND VENTILATING SECTION 15D - PIPE AND DUCT INSULATION SECTION 15E - TEMPERATURE CONTROLS SECTION 15F - AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER DIVISION 16 - ELECTRICAL SECTION 16A - ELECTRICAL GENERAL REQUIREMENTS SECTION 16B - ELECTRICAL SERVICE SYSTEM SECTION 16C - ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION SECTION 16D - FIXTURES SECTION 16E-01 FIRE ALARM DETECTION SYSTEM SECTION 16F - TELEVISION CABLE SYSTEM SECTION 16G - TELEPHONE SYSTEM APPENDIX EXHIBIT 1 EXHIBIT 2 Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 4 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY PROJECT NAME Project #00000 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS: On behalf of the Owner, we invite your competitive bid for a new -- Unit Apartment Project in CITY, STATE, with products and workmanship of quality as called for in the contract documents. All provisions set forth hereafter are to be strictly followed. The Contract Documents will be available from the following locations: Summit Housing Group, LP 283 West Front Street, Suite 1 Missoula, Montana 59802 Bidders and Sub-bidders shall promptly notify the Architect of any ambiguity, inconsistency, error or obvious omission which they may discover upon examination of the Bidding Documents or of the site and local conditions. Bidders and Sub-bidders shall qualify their bid by including all work and materials required to complete their work according to the intent of the Drawings and Specifications whether stipulated or not; and in compliance with all governing codes and regulations. "Extras" will not be granted for work or materials which are obviously required to complete the work in accordance with the intent of the Drawings and Specifications. Bidders and Sub-bidders requiring clarification or interpretation of the Bidding Documents shall make a written request which shall be mailed or faxed to the Architect at least seven days prior to the date for receipt of Bids. Any required interpretation, correction or change of the Bidding Documents will be made by Addendum. Interpretations, corrections or changes of the Bidding Documents made in any other manner will not be binding, and Bidders shall not rely upon such interpretations, corrections and changes. Please refer to Exhibit 1 for the required CSI format of the Bidding Documents. Break down the bidding costs by material cost and labor cost to the greatest degree possible for each item indicated in the Exhibit 1 form. Summit Housing Group will provide the required Exhibit 1 spreadsheet in Excel format for this purpose. Bids shall be delivered to: Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 5 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY Summit Housing Group, LP 283 West Front Street, Suite 1 Missoula, Montana 59802 Bids will not be received by Gavin-Hanks Architects. A total base bid shall be in written form and based in strict accordance to the contract documents. Alternative bids shall correspond with line item number of alternative schedule. Also, contractors are invited to suggest deviations or alternatives, but must qualify them on their bid and reflect any credits or additions to the base bid. Deviations and/or alternatives, must be itemized separately from the base bid which is based on the Contract Documents. No bids shall be withdrawn for a period of 90 days subsequent to the day of the opening without the consent of the Owner. The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any formalities in the bidding. We sincerely appreciate your time and effort and are confident the project will be a proud asset for all those on the development team. Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 6 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY DIVISION 1 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. GENERAL 1. The A.I.A. General Conditions and these General Requirements shall be considered as an inclusive part of each division of these specifications. All Subcontractors as well as the General Contractor shall be governed by all applicable sections of these documents with reference to their respective areas of work. It shall be the responsibility of the General Contractor to appraise his Subcontractors and suppliers of these requirements. 2. Where the specifications refer to products of one or more manufacturers, such references designate the type, quality, size, grade, style, etc., of materials or equipment to be furnished and are not intended to restrict competitive bidding. Written approval of the Architect must be secured for use of any alternate material or product. 3. The project specific requirements as stated in the Exhibit A of the Architect and Construction contracts shall override any corresponding information contained within the project manual and specifications. 4. RECORD DRAWINGS a. The General Contractor shall maintain a white-print set (blue-line or blackline) of Contract Drawings and Shop Drawings in clean, undamaged condition, with mark-up of actual installations which vary substantially from the work as originally shown. Mark whichever drawing is most capable of showing "field" condition fully and accurately; however, where Shop Drawings are used for mark-up, record a cross reference at corresponding location on working drawings. Mark with red erasable pencil and, where feasible, use other colors to distinguish between variations in separate categories of work. Mark-up new information which is recognized to be of importance to Owner, but was for some reason not shown on either Contract Drawings or Shop Drawings. Give particular attention to concealed work, which would be difficult to measure and record at a later date. Note related change order numbers where applicable. Organize record drawing sheets into manageable sets, bind with durable paper cover sheets, and print suitable titles, dates, and other identification on cover of each set. b. Responsibility for Markup: Where feasible, the individual or entity who obtained record data, whether the individual or entity is the installer, Subcontractor, or similar entity, is required to prepare the mark-up on Record Drawings. c. At time of Substantial Completion, submit Record Drawings to Owner for Owner's records in accordance with General Conditions. Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 7 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY d. Three (3) copies will be required. 5. RECORD SPECIFICATIONS a. The General Contractor shall maintain one copy of specifications, including addenda, change orders, and similar modifications issued in printed form during construction, and mark-up variations (of substance) in actual work in comparison with text of specifications and modifications as issued. Give particular attention to substitutions, selection of option, and similar information on work where it is concealed or cannot otherwise be readily discerned at a later date by direct observation. Note related record drawing information and product data, where applicable. Upon completion of mark-up, submit to Architect and Owner’s Representative. b. The General Contractor is responsible for collecting marked-up record Sections from each of the other Subcontractors, and for collating these Sections in proper numeric order with its own Sections to form a complete set of record Specifications. Submit to the Owner. c. Three (3) copies will be required. 6. HUD Guidelines a. General Requirements is an allowance for the General Contractor's job overhead for a specific project. At no time will this General Requirements be greater than 6% of the total cost of land improvements and structures. 1) Items will vary due to project type, location and site conditions, including: a) Supervision and Job site engineering. b) Job office expenses including clerical wages, whether on-site or off-site, if for the project. c) Temporary buildings, tool sheds, shops and toilets. d) Temporary heat, water, light and power for construction. e) Temporary walkways, fences, roads, siding and docking facilities, sidewalk and street rental. f) Construction equipment rental not in trade item costs. g) Clean-up and disposal of construction debris. h) Medical and first aid supplies and temporary facilities. i) Watchmen's wages, security cost, and theft and vandalism insurance. 2) Salaries of owners, partners or officers of the general contracting firm are not part of the requirements. Actual work on the job in a trade or supervision is allowable. b. Builder's Fee is the profit and overhead of the General Contractor. Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 8 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY 1) General overhead is the cost of continuing operations of a building construction firm. 2) Profit is the return anticipated for providing building construction services under competitive conditions. For specific project consider: a) b) c) d) On-site construction time. Work performed by the General Contractor. Number of Subcontractors and extent of subcontract work. Risk and responsibility. 3) In processing, estimate the builder's fee from data as a percentage. a) At no time will Profit be greater than 6% of the total cost of land improvements, structures, and general requirements. b) At no time will Overhead be greater than 2% of the total cost of land improvements, structures, and general requirements. c) Apply the remaining percentage to the same total cost to determine profit. 7. It shall be the responsibility of all Subcontractors to have examined and reviewed the site and the complete set of working drawings and specifications and to provide all labor and material for their respective area of work for a complete and finished installation in compliance with the intent of the Drawings and Specifications whether it is indicated or not. ALL MATERIALS AND WORK, WHETHER INDICATED OR NOT, SHALL BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH ALL CODES AND ORDINANCES THAT ARE APPLICABLE TO THE PROJECT, AND SHALL BE INCLUDED AND QUALIFIED IN THE BID. EACH CONTRACTOR IS DEEMED RESPONSIBLE FOR KNOWLEDGE OF THE CODE RELATING TO HIS SPECIFIC PART OF THE WORK. Costs for permits, bonds, fees, etc., shall be the responsibility of each Subcontractor. 8. Subcontractors shall cooperate with each other and with the General Contractor to provide materials and labor that are necessary in the work of others at the proper times so that the construction schedule is not affected. These coordinating activities shall be the responsibility of the Subcontractors whose work is affected as such. 9. Every Subcontractor is to remove his own debris from job site and to keep areas of his work in broom swept condition as directed by the job superintendent. The General Contractor shall follow a waste management plan in accordance with Green Communities Guidelines. Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 9 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY 10. Request for Information (RFI) Procedure - All requests for information sent to the design team by Subcontractors and General Contractor shall follow the procedural guidelines listed below: a. State "Request for Information" at the top of the page. b. Include the following information: RFI Number, Project Name, Project Architect, Project Owner, and Project Location. c. Subject line: state the specific item or component requiring additional information. d. Date of request. e. State to whom the RFI is directed (name of Architect). f. State from whom the RFI is being sent (name of G.C. or Subcontractor). g. Include the following information: Date Submitted; Cost Impact; Schedule Impact; Drawing Number; Drawing Detail, CSI Code; Spec Section; and Reference. h. State the question (reason for the RFI). i. State the proposed solution. This is required or the RFI shall remain unanswered. j. State the agreed upon solution from the Architect, the name of the Architect, and the date the RFI was completed. k. Questions about the project from the General Contractor and Subcontractors to the Architect and design team are encouraged insomuch as they foment constructive communication between all parties for the betterment of the project. l. All RFIs shall be recorded into an RFI log whose purpose is to track the RFI number, the date sent to the Architect and Owner, and the question and proposed solution. m. The Architect and the General Contractor shall be responsible for maintaining their own RFI logs. The Owner shall require digital copies of these logs to be submitted to them on a bi-monthly basis. n. RFIs are to be used only for the express purposes of addressing items or areas of the drawings that are unclear in their design intent. They shall not be used to deliberately change or alter the drawings, criticize the drawings, Architect, or design, or reduce or alter the scope of work. As such, the number of RFIs shall be monitored by the Owner and Architect throughout the construction process. If the number of RFIs is excessive, the Owner and/or Architect may ask for the RFIs to be addressed through an analog process, i.e., three copies sent to Owner and the Architect delivered via an agreed upon parcel service. Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 10 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY 11. Architect's Supplemental Instruction (ASI) Procedure - The procedure for submitting, recording, and logging of ASIs shall be the same as that of the RFIs. See above. 12. Shop Drawings - Five sets of shop drawings, as called for in the specifications or as needed for definition of the work shall be furnished directly to the General Contractor for review and subsequently transmitted to the Architect for review prior to commencing fabrication or construction of item concerned. A copy of the transmittal of the shop drawings shall be sent to the General Contractor's project coordinator simultaneously. Allow two weeks for processing. a. The General Contractor shall be responsible for the initial review of all submittal drawings.Only after this review occurs shall he send the submittals to the Architect and the Owner for review. b. The Architects "transmitted" stamp on the Shop Drawings shall deem that they have not been rejected, thereby, may be used for the Project, except when in contradiction with the intent of the Drawings and Specifications. However, all data, information, workmanship, compliance and/ or performance of specified materials or products is solely the responsibility and liability of the respective trade or manufacturer submitting the drawings. c. A submittal log created by the General Contractor shall be sent to the Owner and the Architect monthly throughout the duration of the project for review and coordination. B. LAYING OUT WORK 1. The General Contractor shall locate and provide all general reference points and take ordinary precautions to prevent their destruction. Each Subcontractor shall be responsible for laying out his own work and shall be responsible for all lines, elevations, measurements, grading and other as may be required by his work. He shall be held responsible for verifying all figures and details shown on the drawings which relate to his work, prior to laying out the work. He will be held responsible for any error resulting from his failure to take such precautions. 2. The General Contractor shall be responsible for establishing field bench marks for the purpose of establishing required elevations. The stakes shall be sufficiently far enough away from the work so as not to be disturbed. C. TEMPORARY FIELD OFFICE Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 11 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY The General Contractor shall provide and maintain a water tight field office for his own use and that of the Architect for the duration of the project. The office shall be properly heated, lighted and equipped with tables, filing space for drawings and a telephone. D. STORAGE SHEDS Prime Subcontractors shall furnish storage facilities large enough to hold all materials that might be subject to damage, vandalism, or theft, that are required on the site at any one time. The facilities shall be adequately constructed so as to prevent damage from elements and so they can be adequately secured. Location on the site shall be as per the General Contractor's instructions. Each Subcontractor shall bear the responsibility for the security of his own materials and equipment. E. SAFE PREMISES 1. It shall be the responsibility of the General Contractor to maintain all areas adjacent to the construction site in a manner not to hinder or endanger normal traffic flow, or endanger or damage adjacent property. 2. Streets and sidewalks adjacent to the site shall be kept clean and open for pedestrian and vehicular traffic. Warning lights, guards and barricades shall be utilized and maintained as required to insure these conditions by the Subcontractor whose work is partially or totally in the above stated area. 3. If necessary, due to soil conditions, the responsible Subcontractor shall provide cribbing and shoring for excavations which might endanger workmen, equipment, or adjacent property. 4. The Subcontractor is to provide scaffolding necessary for all of his work. All scaffolding must be built in accordance with the requirements of federal, state and local regulations. 5. Temporary stairs, ladders and ramps shall be provided by the Subcontractor for his work in order to safely enable access to all parts of the work by the Architect and the Owner or any other authorized inspecting personnel. All such equipment shall meet all federal, state and local safety requirements. F. LIGHT AND POWER The General Contractor shall be responsible in providing all temporary utilities needed for construction to the site. This includes, but is not limited to, trenching, installation of electrical cables/wires, backfilling, installation of temporary transformer, and removing, if Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 12 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY required, temporary cables/wires. The General Contractor shall pay all utility bills during the construction of the project until the date of Substantial Completion. The Electrical Contractor shall install and remove all light and power as required during construction to the satisfaction of the General Contractor. G. TEMPORARY HEAT The General Contractor and responsible Subcontractors shall be responsible for providing temporary heat as necessary to complete their contractual duties and to protect all work and materials from damage caused by dampness and freezing. Temperatures shall be maintained per ASTM requirements. Precautions shall be taken against possible damaging effects to building and equipment from smoke and soot. H. WATER The General Contractor shall pay for all water required during construction, and the site utilities Subcontractor shall pay for tap fees. Safe sanitary drinking water shall be provided for all personnel working on the project. Each Subcontractor shall provide containers for his men. I. TEMPORARY TOILETS The General Contractor shall provide and maintain temporary toilets as necessary for the use of the workmen. J. UPDATING AND RECORDING FIELD DRAWINGS All "master-set" field drawings shall be updated regularly. All changes and modifications shall be made with red pencil, in the field, and must be recorded by the General Contractor and all Subcontractors as soon as the change is made. At the end of the project, these changes will be transferred on to the "as-built" drawings which are required at the time of final closing. K. PROJECT SIGN Provide project sign and locate on site where directed by the Architect. The sign shall be 8 x 8 feet in size by " exterior grade plywood and supported and braced as required. Paint all surfaces of sign with 2 coats of exterior house paint. Design and lettering to be as directed by the Architect. The Project Sign shall be installed within (3) weeks of project commencement. L. CHANGES Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 13 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY A request for acceptance of any proposed change shall be submitted to the Architect and acceptance obtained by the Owner prior to beginning the work involved. Each request for acceptance of change shall be accompanied by the written approval by the project Architect and the Owner. M. CHANGES ORDERS 1. In addition to the provisions in A201-2007 "General Conditions to the Construction Contract" the following procedures for Change Orders shall be included: a. All Change Orders shall be preceded by a Change Order Request (COR) stating the name of the General Contractor, the date of the request, the name of the Architect, the name of the project, the number or designation of the COR, a description of the proposed change in the scope of work, a complete breakdown of the materials cost for the change of scope of work in CSI format, and a cost for the labor. b. Following the submission of the COR, and after a thorough review of the items listed within the COR is agreed upon by the Owner, a formal Change Order (CO) will be issued. c. The CO shall contain all of the information included with the COR and shall contain: the Original Contract Sum; the Net change by previously authorized Change Orders; the Contract Sum prior to the Change Order; the amount by which the Contract will be increased; the new Contract Sum including this Change Order; and the extension to the Contract Time caused by the Change Order. N. DISCREPANCIES IN THE PLANS AND/OR SPECIFICATIONS 1. Should there be discrepancies in materials and/or labor to be provided for in the plans and / or specifications, provide in the base bid the higher quality, the more quantity, the more expensive material and / or labor. 2. Should items not specifically detailed or shown in the plans and/or specifications be required for the completion of a workmanlike procedure, to industry standards, and is reasonably inferred as being required to complete the work, it shall be included in the base bid. O. GENERAL CONDITIONS Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 14 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY The AIA document A-201-2007 "General Conditions to the Construction Contract" shall be considered as inclusive to these Specifications. P. WARRANTY MANUAL A complete and organized Warranty Manual shall be delivered to the Owner no more than 21 days after Final Completion of the project. Q. WARRANTY REQUEST PROCESS 1. All defects, malfunctions, omissions, and errors in the materials and/or labor included in the project construction contract shall be covered by the General Contractor Warranty. 2. See Exhibit 2 for the Warranty Service Request Form to be used for all warranty request items. 3. The process of making a claim on the aforementioned Warranty shall be: a. Property Manager is notified or identifies the issue(s). If it is determined that the issue(s) are a result in deficiency of materials or construction the Manager shall complete a Warranty Request Form (WRF). b. The WRF shall be sent to the General Contractor by the Property Manager. c. The General Contractor shall have 72 hours to respond to the WRF by means of a written solution to the issue. This does not require that the issue be resolved, but rather requires that the issue be acknowledged and a suitable solution recommended. d. All Warranty items shall be repaired within 21 working days of submission of the proposed solution, or, if matter cannot be reasonably resolved within 21 days, the General Contractor shall notify the Owner with the anticipated timeline for resolution. END OF SECTION Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 15 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY DIVISION 2 -SlTEWORK SECTION 2A - DEMOLITION The General Conditions of the contract and Division 1 - General Requirements are hereby made a part of this section of the specifications. 2A-01 GENERAL 1. Requirements of Regulatory Agencies - Demolition operations shall be performed in accordance with all local and national codes with regard to safety, protection of property, pollution and pest control, and encroachment of streets and sidewalks. The General Contractor shall secure all necessary permits and permission from appropriate governing agencies. The General Contractor shall also provide required notifications and secure necessary permissions from the all agencies for erection of barricades and restriction of traffic when required. 2. Safety - The General Contractor shall be solely responsible for the implementation and enforcement of safe working conditions and methods of operation and shall provide all precautions, warnings, barriers and devices necessary for the protection of the general public, his workers, and inspectors having rightful access to the job site. When demolition or removal operations require work in )or the use of) exterior areas, yards, sidewalks and streets, the General Contractor shall erect suitable barriers, guard rails, warning signs, and lights if necessary, particularly at excavations, to provide adequate protection to the general public. 3. Pollution Control – Sprinkle debris and install temporary enclosures as necessary to limit dust to lowest practicable level. During removal of dust-generating materials, particularly plaster, from upper level windows and roofs to trucks or dumpsters below, provide dust screens or chutes, or provide constant spray of materials during removal. Remove all debris from streets and adjoining sidewalks and properties at the end of each workday. Do not store or burn materials on site. 4. Selective demolition a. Selective demolition of interior partitions, systems, and building components designated to be removed is indicated on the contract drawings. b. Selective demolition of exterior facade, structures, and components designated to be removed - including below-grade footings, foundations, utilities, and site improvements to depth necessary to avoid conflict with new construction or sitework is indicated on the contract drawings. Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 16 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY c. Protect all portions of building, site improvements, and adjoining properties adjacent to or affected by selective demolition. 5. Abandoned utilities and wiring - Remove and/or cap off abandoned utilities and wiring systems. If there is a preference, the contract drawings will indicate removal or capping. 6. Shut-off notification - Notify all responsible utility agencies of schedule of utility shut-off that serve any occupied areas. 7. Using clean fill, free of organic matter, provide backfilling and filling of basement and subgrade areas where required. Remove all rocks, brickbats and other matter exceeding 3 inches in any dimension. Backfill in 12 inch lifts, compacting by machine tamping. Hand tamping is permitted only when filling voids less than 12 inches in depth. 8. Demolish as required for new work, free of nails, hooks, brackets, screws, pads, mounts, and other obstructions to the installation of new material. 9. The General Contractor shall be responsible for ensuring that all utilities, waterways, public works, sidewalks (public and private), and roadways (public and private) are constructed in accordance with the standards of the agencies having jurisdiction. SECTION 2B - SITE PREPARATION The General Conditions of the contract and Division 1 - General Requirements are hereby made a part of this section of the specifications. 2B-01 GENERAL 1. Protect existing trees, vegetation, landscaping materials, and site improvements not scheduled for clearing or demolition which might be damaged by construction activities. 2. Use temporary erosion control, siltation control, and dust control. 3. Protect adjacent property, structures, benchmarks, and monuments. 4. Water trees and vegetation during construction activities. 5. Remove and legally dispose of cleared materials. 2B-02 PRODUCTS Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 17 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY 1. Tree protection, erosion control, siltation control, and dust control materials suitable for site conditions. SECTION 2C - SITE CLEARING The General Conditions of the contract and Division 1 - General Requirements are hereby made a part of this section of the specifications. 2C-01 GENERAL 1. Work Included a. All necessary operations in connection with the clearing of the project site, including but not necessarily limited to: 1) Clearing and grubbing. 2) Vegetation, shrub, and tree removal. 3) Protection of existing trees to remain. 4) Topsoil stripping. 5) Removing above-grade improvements. 6) Removing below-grade improvements. 7) Disposal of material. b. Existing conditions - It is the General Contractor's responsibility to visit and inspect the site and verify the actual site conditions. c. Protection of reference points - Maintain all benchmarks, monuments, and other reference markers. If a marker is disturbed or destroyed, replace it as directed. 2C-02 EXECUTION 1. Traffic - Conduct site-clearing operations to ensure minimum interference with roads, streets, walks, and other adjacent occupied or used facilities. Do not close or obstruct streets, walks, or other occupied or used facilities without permission from authorities having jurisdiction. 2. Protection of Existing Improvements - provide protections necessary to prevent damage to improvements on adjoining properties and to existing improvements that are indicated to remain in place. 3. Repair of damage - Restore damaged improvements to their original condition, as acceptable to property owners. Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 18 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY 4. Verification of service locations - Determine exact locations of existing services before starting Work. 5. Clearing and grubbing a. Remove all vegetation (unless designated to remain), debris, organic matter and otherwise objectionable material that is not suitable for use as fill or support of structural loads or slabs. b. Remove all stumps, roots, and matted roof systems to a depth of not less than 12 inches below the original ground level. Unless further excavation is required, depressions made by grubbing shall be filled and compacted to the density of the surrounding soil; filled surface shall conform to the contour or adjacent ground. c. Removal includes digging out and off-site disposal of stumps and roots. Completely remove stumps, roots, and other debris protruding through ground surface. Use only hand methods for grubbing inside drip line of trees indicated to remain. Cut minor roots and branches of trees indicated to remain in a clean and careful manner where such roots and branches obstruct installation of new construction. 6. Tree and shrub removal - Remove, in their entirety, all trees and shrubs not designated to remain. Stumps shall be cut off 12 inches or more below the original ground surface. See 2C-02 5 (b) above. 7. Topsoil - Topsoil is defined as friable clay loam surface soil found in a depth of not less than 4 inches. Satisfactory topsoil is reasonably free of subsoil, clay lumps, stones, and other objects over 2 inches in diameter, and without weeds, roots, and other objectionable material. Strip topsoil to whatever depths encountered in a manner to prevent intermingling with underlying subsoil or other objectionable material. Remove heavy growths of grass from areas before stripping. Stockpile topsoil in storage piles in areas indicated or directed. Construct storage piles to provide free drainage of surface water. Cover storage piles, if required, to prevent wind erosion. Dispose of unsuitable or excess topsoil as specified for disposal of waste material. 8. Disposal a. Remove all cleared and grubbed material from the site. Remove waste materials and unsuitable or excess topsoil. No trees, stumps, brush or other material shall be buried on the site. Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 19 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY b. Burning of trees, stumps or other debris is not permitted. 9. Fill - Fill depressions caused by clearing and grubbing operations with satisfactory soil material, unless further excavation or earthwork is indicated. Place fill material in horizontal layers not exceeding 6 inches loose depth, and thoroughly compact each layer to a density equal to adjacent original ground. 10. Removal of improvements - Remove existing above-grade and below-grade improvements as indicated and as necessary to facilitate new construction. 11. Removal of abandoned utilities - Remove abandoned underground piping or conduits interfering with construction. SECTION 2D - EARTHWORK The General Conditions of the contract and Division 1 - General Requirements are hereby made a part of this section of the specifications. 2D-01 GENERAL 1. Work included Earthwork shall include by not necessarily be limited to: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. Protection of all existing utilities and existing improvements to remain. Preparing and grading subgrades for slabs-on-grade, walks, pavements. Drainage and moisture-control fill course for slabs-on-grade. Excavating, backfilling, compaction and grading for site improvements, underground mechanical, electrical utilities, building floor slabs, foundations, footings, paving, walls, pits, steps, utilities, lawn areas and appurtenances. Backfilling against structure(s) and walls to maintain positive drainage. Rough grading all areas to obtain the subgrades as required or specified. Placing and compacting gravel base for slabs and paving. Materials for subbase, pavements, and improvements. Supply of additional materials from offsite if required for fill, backfill, rough grading and compaction. Legal disposal of unsuitable and surplus excavated materials. 2. Finished Grade a. Give areas outside the structure uniform slopes to maintain positive drainage away from the structure. Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 20 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY b. Provide a vertical curb at locations where there is an abrupt change in slope. 3. Disposition of Utilities a. In executing all work under this section, observe all rules and regulations governing the various utilities. b. Take adequate precautions to protect utility lines in service from any damage. c. Whether or not such lines are indicated on the drawings, Contractor shall be responsible for repairing utility service lines that may be damaged or otherwise disrupted by construction activities. Repairs shall be performed at no cost to Owner. 4. Protection - Protect all areas adjacent to the limits of work. If they are damaged, the Contractor shall restore them to the satisfaction of the agency having jurisdiction. 5. Compaction a. Fill shall be compacted in individual layers in accordance with the following requirements: 1) Ordinary fill, granular fill, and bank run gravel - not less than 95% of maximum dry density. 2) Crushed stone - mechanically compacted as further specified below. b. Before any fill is placed, proof roll the subgrade to not less than 75% of maximum dry density. c. Place all fill in layers not more than 8 inches deep before compaction. d. All compaction shall be by mechanical means designed specifically for the purpose. 6. Miscellaneous a. All material to be placed where the specifications or drawings call for fill, backfilling or rough grading is to be ordinary fill. b. Under exterior concrete paving slabs and walks, fill shall be granular fill except the top 6 inches directly under the slab, which shall be crushed stone. c. Do not place fill over frozen material. No fill material shall be placed, spread, or rolled during unfavorable weather conditions. Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 21 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY d. Do not begin backfill of foundations until construction below grade has been approved, any form work has been removed, and excavation has been cleaned of debris. e. Do not place backfill against a wall unless the wall is braced or has cured sufficiently to develop design strength. Do not place backfill against dampproofed wall until 7 days after dampproofing was applied. If fill is required on both sides of a wall, bring it up simultaneously and evenly on both sides. Avoid damage to the walls and to waterproofing, dampproofing, and other work in place. 7. Testing and inspection - If General Contractor practices do not appear to meet the standards of this specification, the agency having jurisdiction has the option of calling in approved testing laboratory to supervise the installation of controlled compacted fill at the General Contractor's expense. 2D-02 DEFINITIONS/PRODUCTS/MATERIALS 1. Excavation - The removal of material encountered to subgrade elevations and the reuse or disposal of materials removed. 2. Subgrade - The uppermost surface of an excavation or the top surface of a fill or backfill immediately below subbase, drainage fill, or topsoil materials. 3. Borrow - Soil material obtained off-site when sufficient approved soil material is not available from excavations. 4. Ordinary fill - shall consist of a friable material; it shall contain no objects greater than 8 inches in diameter and no more than 30% by weight finer than the no. 200 sieve. It shall be free of trash, ice, roots, and tree stumps. 5. Granular fill - shall consist of hard durable sand and gravel, and shall be free of ice, snow, roots, sod, rubbish, and other organic or deleterious matter. When spread and compacted, it shall provide a firm stable base. Granular fill shall conform to the following gradation requirements. sieve size 4 in. 1/2 in. #4 #40 #200 Gavin-Hanks, PLLC % passing 100 50-85 40-75 10-35 0-10 Page 22 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY 6. Crushed stone - shall consist of durable crushed rock or durable crushed gravel stone, free from ice, snow, clay, sand, loam, or other deleterious material. Crushed stone shall be uniformly graded and conform to the following requirements: sieve size 1-1/2 in. 1-1/4 in. 1 in. 3/4 in. % passing 100 85-100 15-45 0-15 7. Washed crushed stone shall be 1 to 1-1/2 inches in diameter. 8. Subbase Course - The layer placed between the subgrade and base course in a paving system or the layer placed between the subgrade and surface of a pavement or walk. 9. Base Course - The layer placed between the subbase and surface pavement in a paving system. 10. Capillary water barrier - Course of washed granular material slab-on-grade placed to cut off upward capillary flow of pore water. Washed, evenly graded mixture of crushed stone or gravel, with 100 percent passing a 1-1/2 inch sieve and not more than 5 percent passing a No. 4 sieve. 11. Unauthorized excavation - Removal of materials beyond indicated subgrade elevations or dimensions without direction by the Architect. Unauthorized excavation, as well as remedial work directed by the Architect, shall be at the General Contractor's expense. 12. Structures - Buildings, footings, foundations, retaining walls, slabs, tanks, curbs, mechanical and electrical appurtenances, or other man-made stationary features constructed above or below ground surface. 13. Utilities - Include on-site underground pipes, conduits, ducts, and cables, as well as underground services within building lines. 14. General - Provide approved borrow soil materials from when sufficient approved soil materials are not available from excavations. 15. Satisfactory Soil Materials - ASTM D 2487 soil classification groups GW, GP, GM, SW, SP, and SM; free of rock or gravel larger than 2 inches in any dimension, debris, waste, frozen materials, vegetation and other deleterious matter. Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 23 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY 16. Unsatisfactory Soil Materials - ASTM 2487 soil classification groups GC, SC, ML, MH, CL, CH, OL, OH, PT. 17. Backfill and Fill Materials - Satisfactory soil materials free of clay, rock, or gravel larger than 2 inches in any dimension, debris, waste, frozen materials, vegetation, and other unsuitable materials. 18. Subbase and Base Material - Naturally or artificially graded mixture of natural or crushed gravel, crushed stone, and natural or crushed sand, ASTM D 2940, with at least 95 percent passing a 1-1/2 inch sieve and not more than 8 percent passing No. 200 sieve. 19. Engineered Fill - Subbase or base materials. 20. Bedding Material - Subbase or base materials with 100 percent passing a 1-inch. 21. Drainage Fill - Washed, evenly graded mixture of crushed stone, or crushed or uncrushed gravel, ASTM D 448, coarse aggregate grading size 57, with 100 percent passing a 1-1/2 inch sieve and not more than 5 percent passing a No. 8 sieve. 22. Filtering Material - Evenly graded mixture of natural or crushed gravel or crushed stone and natural sand, with 100 percent passing a 1-1/2 inch sieve and 0 to 5 percent passing a No. 50 sieve. 23. Impervious Fill - Clayey gravel and sand mixture capable of compacting to a dense state. 24. Warning Tape - Acid - and alkali-resistant polyethylene film warning tape manufactured for marking and identifying underground utilities, 6 inches wide and 4 mils thick, continuously inscribed with a description of the utility. Tape Colors: Provide tape colors to utilities as follows: Red - Electric; Yellow - Gas, oil, steam, and dangerous materials; Orange - Telephone and other communications; Blue Water systems; Green - Sewer systems. 25. Detectable Warning Tape - Acid- and alkali-resistant polyethylene film warning tape manufactured for marking and identifying underground utilities, 6 inches wide and 4 mils thick minimum, continuously inscribed with a description of the utility, with metallic core encased in a protective jacket for corrosion protection, detectable by metal detector with tape is buried up to 2'-6" deep. Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 24 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY 26. Filter Fabric - Manufacture's standard non-woven pervious fabric geotextile fabric of polypropylene, nylon or polyester fibers, or a combination. provide filter fabrics that meet or exceed the listed minimum physical properties determined according to ASTM D 4759 and the referenced standard test method in parentheses: Grab Tensile Strength (ASTM D 4632): 100 lb. Apparent Opening Size (ASTM D 4751): #100 U.S. Standard sieve. Permeability (ASTM D 4491): 150 gallons per minute per sq. ft. 2D-02 DEFINITIONS/PRODUCTS/MATERIALS 1. Submissions - Submit the following according to the Conditions of the Contract and Division 1 Specifications Sections: Test Reports required under field quality control; Laboratory analysis of each soil material proposed for fill and backfill from on-site and borrow sources; One optimum moisture-maximum density curve for each soil material; Report of actual unconfined compressive strength and/or results of bearing tests of each stratum tested. 2. Codes and Standards - Perform earthwork complying with requirements of authorities having jurisdiction. 3. Existing Utilities - Do not interrupt existing utilities serving facilities occupied by the Owner or others except when permitted in writing by the Architect and then only after acceptable temporary utility services have been provided. Provide a minimum 48hours notice to the Architect and receive written notice to proceed before interrupting any utility. Demolish and completely remove from site existing underground utilities indicated to be removed. Coordinate with utility companies to shutoff services if lines are active. 4. Use of Explosive - Use of explosives is not permitted. 5. Protection of Facilities - Protect structures, utilities, sidewalks, pavements, and other facilities from damage caused by settlement, lateral movement, undermining, washout, and other hazards created by earthwork operations. 6. Freeze protection - Protect subgrades and foundation soils against freezing temperatures or frost. Provide protective insulating materials as necessary. 7. Erosion control - Provide erosion control measures to prevent erosion or displacement of soils and discharge of soil-bearing water run-off or airborne dust to adjacent properties and walkways. Prevent surface water and subsurface or ground water from entering excavations, from ponding on prepared subgrades, and from flooding Project site and surrounding area. Protect subgrades and foundation soils from softening and damage by rain or water accumulation. Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 25 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY 8. Unclassified Excavation - Excavation is unclassified and includes excavation to required subgrade elevations regardless of the character of materials and obstructions encountered. 9. Earth excavation - Includes excavation of pavements and other obstructions visible on surface; of underground structures, utilities, and other items indicated to be demolished and removed; and of soil and other materials encountered. 10. Open excavations - Excavations more than 10 feet in width and pits more than 30 feet in either length or width. 11. Regulatory compliance - Comply with local codes, ordinances, and requirements or authorities having jurisdiction to maintain stable excavations. 12. Excavations for Footings and Foundations - Do not disturb bottom of excavation. Excavate by hand to final grade just before pacing concrete reinforcement. Trim bottoms to required lines and grades to leave solid base to receive other work. 13. Excavation for Underground Tanks, Basins, and Mechanical or Electrical Appurtenances - Excavate to elevations and dimensions indicated within a tolerance of plus or minus 0.10 feet. Do not disturb bottom of excavations intended for bearing surface. 14. Excavation under walks and pavements - Excavate surfaces under walks and pavements to indicate cross sections, elevations, and grades. 15. Excavation of utility trenches a. Excavate utility trenches to indicated slopes, lines, depths, and invert elevations. b. Beyond building perimeter, excavate trenches to allow insulation of top of pipe below frost line. c. Excavate trenches to uniform widths to provide a working clearance on each side of pipe or conduit. Excavate trench walls vertically from trench bottom to 12 in higher than top of pipe or conduit, unless otherwise indicated. Clearance: 12 inches each side of pipe or conduit. d. Excavate and shape trench bottoms to provide uniform bearing and support of pipes and conduit. Shape subgrade to provide continuous support for bells, joints, and barrels of pipes and for joints, fittings, and bodies of conduits. Remove stones and sharp objects to avoid point loading. Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 26 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY e. For pipes or conduit less than 6 inches in nominal diameter and flatbottomed, multiple-duct conduit units, hand-excavate trench bottoms and support pipe and conduit on an undisturbed subgrade. 16. Notification - Notify Architect when excavations have reached required subgrade. 17. Additional excavation - When Architect determines that unforeseen unsatisfactory soil is present, continue excavation and replace with compacted backfill or fill material as directed. Unforeseen additional excavation and replacement material will be paid according to the Contract provisions for changes in Work. 18. Restoration of subgrades - Reconstruct subgrades damaged by freezing temperatures, frost, rain, accumulated water, or construction activities, as directed by the Architect. 19. Filling unauthorized excavation a. Fill unauthorized excavation under foundations or wall footings by extending indicated bottom elevation of concrete foundation or footing to excavation bottom, without altering required top elevation. When acceptable to the Architect, lean concrete fill mat be used to bring elevation to proper position. b. Fill unauthorized excavations under other construction as directed by the Architect. 20. Where indicated widths of utility trenches are exceeded, provide stronger pipe, or special installation procedures, as required by the Architect. 21. Stockpile excavated materials acceptable for backfill and fill soil materials, including acceptable borrow materials. Stockpile soil materials without intermixing. Place, grade, and shape stockpiles to drain surface water. Cover to prevent wind-blown dust. Stockpile soil materials away from edge of excavations. Do not store within drip line of remaining trees. 22. Backfill excavations promptly, but not before completing the following a. b. c. d. e. f. Acceptance of construction below finish grade including, where applicable, dampproofing, waterproofing, and perimeter insulation. Surveying locations of underground utilities for record documents. Testing, inspecting, and approval of underground utilities. Concrete formwork removal. Removal of trash and debris from excavation. Removal of temporary shoring and bracing, and sheeting. Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 27 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY g. Installing permanent or temporary horizontal bracing on horizontally supported walls. 23. Utility Trench Backfill - Place and compact bedding course of rock and other unyielding bearing surfaces and to fill unauthorized excavations. Shape bedding course to provide continuous support for bells, joints, and barrels of pipes and for joints, fittings, and bodies of conduits. 24. Concrete backfill trenches that carry below or pass under footings and that are excavated within 18 inches of footings. Place concrete to level of bottom of footings. 25. Provide 4-inch thick concrete base slab support for piping or conduit less than 2'-6" below surface of roadways. After installation and testing, completely encase piping or conduit in a minimum of 4 inches of concrete before backfilling or placing roadway subbase. 26. Place and compact initial backfill of satisfactory soil material or subbase material, free of particles larger than 1 inch, to a height of 12 inches over the utility pipe or conduit. 27. Carefully compact material under pipe haunches and bring backfill evenly up on both sides and along the full length of utility piping or conduit to avoid damage or displacement of utility system. 28. Coordinate backfilling with utilities testing. 29. Fill voids with approved backfill materials as shoring and bracing, and sheeting is removed. 30. Place and compact final backfill of satisfactory soil material to final subgrade. 31. Install warning tape directly above utilities, 12 inches below finished grade, except 6 inches below subgrade under pavements and slabs. 32. Subsurface Drain - Place a layer of filter fabric around perimeter of drainage trench or at footing, as indicated. Place a 6-inch compacted course of filtering material on filter fabric to support drainage pipe. After installing and testing, encase drainage pipe in a minimum of 6 inches of compacted filtering material and wrap in filter fabric, overlapping edges at least 6 inches. 33. Fill Preparation - Remove vegetation, topsoil, debris, wet, and unsatisfactory soil materials, obstructions, and deleterious materials from ground surface prior to Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 28 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY placing fills. Plow strip, or break up sloped surfaces steeper than 1 vertical to 4 horizontal so fill material will bond with existing surface. 34. Place fill material in layers to required elevations for each location listed below: a. Under walks and pavements, use subbase or base material, or satisfactory excavated or borrow soil material. b. Under steps and ramps, use subbase material. c. Under footings and foundations, use engineered fill. 35. Uniformly moisten or aerate subgrade and each subsequent fill or backfill layer before compaction to within 2 percent of optimum content. Do not place backfill or fill material on surfaces that are muddy, frozen, or contain frost or ice. Remove and replace, or scarify and air-dry satisfactory soil material that is too wet to compact to specified density. Stockpile or spread and dry removed wet satisfactory soil material. 36. Place backfill and fill materials in layers not more than 8 inches in loose depth for material compacted by heavy compaction equipment, and not more than 4 inches in loose depth for material compacted by hand-operated tampers. 37. Place backfill and fill materials evenly on all sides of structures to required elevations. Place backfill and fill uniformly along the full length of each structure. 38. Percentage of Maximum Dry Density Requirements - Compact soil to not less than the following percentages of maximum dry density according to ASTM D 1557: a. Under walks and pavements, use subbase or base material, or satisfactory excavated or borrow soil material. b. Under steps and ramps, use subbase material. c. Under footings and foundations, use engineered fill. 39. General Grading - Uniformly grade areas to a smooth surface, free from irregular surface changes. Comply with compaction requirements and grade to cross sections, lines, and elevations indicated. Provide a smooth transition between existing adjacent grades and new grades. Cut out soft spots, fill low spots, and trim high spots to conform to required surface tolerances. 40. Site Grading - Slope grades to direct water away from buildings and to prevent ponding. Finished subgrades to required elevations within the following tolerances: a. Walks - Plus or minus 0.10 ft. b. Pavements - plus or minus 1/2 inch. Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 29 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY 41. Under pavements and walks, place subbase course material on prepared subgrades. Place base course material over subbases to pavements. Compact subbase and base courses at optimum moisture content to required grades, lines, cross sections and thickness to not less than 95 percent of ASTM D 4254 relative density. Shape subbase and base to required crown elevations and cross-slope grades. When thickness of compacted subbase or base course exceeds 6 inches, place materials in equal layers, with no layer more than 6 inches thick or less than 3 inches thick when compacted. 42. Quality Assurance - Compaction: Under structures, steps, pavements, and walkways, 95 percent maximum density, ASTM D 1557. Grading Tolerances Outside Building Lines: Pavements, plus or minus 1/2 inch. 43. Protecting Graded Areas - Protect newly graded areas from traffic, freezing, and erosion. Keep free of trash and debris. 44. Repair and re-establish grades to specified tolerances where completed or partially completed surfaces become eroded, rutted, settled, or lose compaction due to subsequent construction operations or weather conditions. 45. Scarify or remove and replace material to depth directed by the Architect; reshape and recompact at optimum moisture content to the required density. 46. Settling - Where settling occurs during the Project correction period, remove finished surfacing, backfill with additional approved material, compact, and reconstruct surfacing. 47. Restore appearance, quality, and condition of finished surfacing to match adjacent work, and eliminate evidence of restoration to the greatest extent possible. 48. Remove surplus satisfactory soil and waste material, including unsatisfactory soil, trash, and debris, and legally dispose of it off the Owner's property. 49. Remove waste material, including unsatisfactory soil, trash, and debris, and legally dispose of it off the Owner's property. SECTION 2E- PAVING The General Conditions of the contract and Division 1 - General Requirements are hereby made a part of this section of the specifications 2E-01 GENERAL Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 30 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY 1. All paving and curbs shall be in conformance with the standards specific to the agency having jurisdiction. 2E-02 PRODUCTS 1. Concrete - See Division 3 2. Expansion Joint Filler - ASTM D 1751-73, Bituminous Type. 3. Repair materials - to match existing and adjoining surfaces. 4. Bonding Agent - "Thorobond" by Standard Drywall Products or approved equal. 2E-03 EXECUTION 1. Obtain permits for pouring of footways and curbs from agency having jurisdiction. 2. All new paving shall be sloped away from structures to provide proper drainage and to meet existing adjacent paved surfaces. 3. Repair paving by removal of damaged areas to nearest whole joint, block, rebate or return and installation of new concrete sections required. 4. Repair portions of neighboring sidewalks, curbs, and paving damaged during demolition. 5. All new footways, walkways, and drainage pads shall be minimum 4 inch thick unreinforced concrete. Lay out new paved areas to provide straight edges, smooth turnings and grade transitions, and proper alignment with walls, steps and property lines. 6. Edges of all paving areas not adjacent to existing paving, curbing or building walls, shall be formed using straight pieces of clean lumber or plywood, staked adequately to hold the west concrete without buckling or tipping, and having tops set at smooth finish grade suitable for use as a screed in pouring and leveling the concrete. Forms shall be set straight and true and shall not be removed until a minimum of 24 hours following the pour. 7. At all paved walkways and other concrete paving within yard areas, provide tooled joints in evenly spaced arrangements with maximum twenty square feet between joints. At sidewalks at street frontages, provide joints to match existing or adjoining joint lay out, but in no case shall joint layout exceed twenty square feet between joints. Tool all formed edges with radius edging tool. All paved Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 31 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY patios, footways and driveways to be wood float finished leaving smooth surface without float markings. Sidewalks and driveways shall be broom finished. 8. Provide expansion joints in all paving and curbing at distances not to exceed twenty-five feet in any direction. Install 1/2 inch bituminous fill material at all expansion, construction or curb relief joints and at all locations where new concrete abuts existing concrete or building structure. 9. Lines where paving meets building shall be level unless conditions such as drainage or existing paving require otherwise. SECTION 2F - HOT MIXED ASPHALT PAVING The General Conditions of the contract and Division 1 - General Requirements are hereby made a part of this section of the specifications. 2F-01 GENERAL 1. Hot-Mixed Asphalt Paving Over Prepared Subbase for: a. Patching or repair of existing asphalt surfaces which are intended to remain in service and which are damaged or have been damaged or disturbed as a result of new construction activities for this project. Replace damaged or disturbed areas with new materials of equal thickness. b. The addition of new asphalt surfaces as indicated on the drawings. New surfaces shall be over compacted fill and appropriate subbase. 2F-02 QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. Construction Tolerances: a. b. c. d. e. Base Course Thickness: 1/2 inch. Surface Thickness: 1/4 inch. Base Course Surface Smoothness: 1/4 inch. Surface Course Surface Smoothness: 3/16 inch. Crowned Surfaces: 1/4 inch variance from template. 2F-03 PRODUCTS 1. Asphalt-Aggregate Mixture - Plant-mixed, hot-laid asphalt-aggregate mixture, ASTM D 3515, complying with local DOT and other agencies having jurisdiction regulations. Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 32 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY 2. Prime Coat - Cut-back asphalt, ASTM D 2027 3. Tack Coat - Emulsified asphalt, ASTM D 977. 4. Herbicide Treatment - Commercial chemical for weed control registered by Environmental Protection Agency and acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. 5. Lane and Parking Area Marking Paint, White Color - Alkyd-resin type, ready-mixed, AASHTO M 248, Type I. SECTION 2G - PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE PAVING The General Conditions of the contract and Division 1 - General Requirements are hereby made a part of this section of the specifications. 2G-01 GENERAL 1. Cast-in-Place Concrete Paving Over Prepared Subbase for: a. New and replacement walkways/curbs where indicated on drawings. b. Repair/replacement of existing surfaces damaged during construction. 2G-02 PRODUCTS 1. Concrete - ASTM C 150, Type I, Portland Cement; ASTM C 33, normal weight aggregates; potable water: a. b. c. d. Design Mix: ASTM C 94, 3000 psi, 28 day minimum compressive strength. Slump Limits: 8 inches minimum with superplasticizer, 3 inches otherwise. Air Content: 5 to 8 percent. Finish: Broom finish, unless noted otherwise. 2. Wire Mesh - Welded plain steel wire fabric, ASTM A 185. 3. Reinforcing Bars - Deformed steel bars, ASTM A 615, Grade 60. 4. Joint Dowel Bars - Plain steel bars, ASTM A 615, Grade 60. 5. Liquid-Membrane Forming and Sealing Curing Compound - ASTM C 309, Type I, Class A. 6. Bonding Compound - Polyvinyl acetate or acrylic base. Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 33 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY 7. Expansion Joints - Premolded bituminous filler strip; 1/2 inch thick. 2G-03 EXECUTION AND QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. Construction Tolerance - 1/8 inch in 10 feet for grade and alignment of top of forms; 1/4 inch in 10 feet for vertical face on longitudinal axis. 2. Concrete Testing Service - Engage a qualified independent testing agency to perform materials evaluation tests and to design concrete mixes. Provide laboratory test reports for evaluation of concrete materials and mix design tests. 3. Concrete Standards (Comply with provisions of the following standards, except where more stringent requirements are indicated)a. American Concrete Institute (ACI) 301, "Specifications for Structural Concrete for Buildings." b. ACI 318, "Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete." c. Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute (CRSI) "Manual of Standard Practice." 4. Concrete Manufacturer Qualifications - Manufacturer of ready-mixed concrete products complying with ASTM C 94 requirements for production facilities and equipment. 5. Traffic Control - Maintain access for vehicular and pedestrian traffic as required for other construction activities. 6. Remove loose material from compacted subbase surface immediately before placing concrete. 7. Set, brace, and secure edge forms, bulkheads, and intermediate screed guides for paving to required lines, grades, and elevations. Install forms to allow continuous progress for work and so that forms can remain in place at least 24 hours after concrete placement. Check completed formwork and screeds for grade and alignment to following tolerances a. Top of Forms: Not more than 1/8 inch in 10 feet. b. Vertical Face on Longitudinal Axis: Not more than 1/4 inch in 10 feet. 8. Construct contraction, construction, and isolation joints true to line with faces perpendicular to surface plane of concrete. Construct transverse joints at right angles to the centerline, unless indicated otherwise. Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 34 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY 9. When joining paving, place transverse joints to align with previously placed joints, unless indicated otherwise. 10. Tooled Joints - Form contraction joints in fresh concrete by grooving and finishing each edge of joint with a radiused jointer tool. 11. Construction Joints - Set construction joints at side and end terminations of paving and at locations where paving operations are stopped for more than 1/2 hour, unless paving terminations at expansion joints. 12. Expansion Joints - Form expansion joints of preformed joint filler strips abutting concrete curbs, catch basins, manholes, inlets, structures, walks, other fixed objects, and where indicated. Extend joint fillers full width and depth of joint, not less than 1/2 inch or more than 1 inch below finished surface where joint sealant is indicated. Place top of joint filler flush with finished concrete surface when no joint sealant is required. Furnish joint fillers in one piece lengths for full width being placed wherever possible. Where more than one length is required, lace or clip joint filler sections together. Protect top edge of joint filler during concrete placement with a metal, plastic, or other temporary preformed cap. Remove protective cap after concrete has been placed on both sides of joint. 13. Inspection - Before placing concrete, inspect and complete formwork installation, reinforcing steel, and items to be embedded or cast in. Notify other trades to permit installation of their work. 14. Remove snow, ice, or frost from subbase surface and reinforcing before placing concrete. Do not place concrete on surfaces that are frozen. 15. Moisten subbase to provide a uniform dampened condition at the time concrete is placed. Do not place concrete around manholes or other structures until they are at the required finish elevation and alignment. 16. Comply with requirements and with ACI 304R for measuring, mixing, transporting, and placing concrete. 17. Deposit and spread concrete in a continuous operation between transverse joints. Do not push or drag concrete into place or use vibrators to move concrete into place. 18. Use a bonding agent at locations where fresh concrete is placed against hardened or partially hardened concrete surfaces. 19. Consolidate concrete by mechanical vibrating equipment supplemented by handspading, rodding, or tamping. Use equipment and procedures to consolidate Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 35 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY concrete complying with ACI 309R. Consolidate concrete along face of forms and adjacent to transverse joints with an internal vibrator. Keep vibrator away from joint assemblies, reinforcement, or side forms. Use only square-faced shovels for handspreading and consolidation. Consolidate with care to prevent dislocating reinforcing, dowels, and joint devices. 20. Screed paved surfaces with a straight edge and strike off. Use bull float or darbies to form a smooth surface plane before excess moisture or bleed water appears on the surface. Do not further disturb concrete surfaces prior to beginning finishing operations. 21. Curbs - When automatic machine placement is used for curb placement, submit revised mix design and laboratory test results that meet or exceed requirements. Produce curbs and gutters to required cross section, lines, grades, finish, and jointing as specified for formed concrete. If results are not acceptable, remove, and replace with formed concrete. 22. Concrete Finishing - Float Finish: Begin floating when bleed water sheen has disappeared and the concrete surface has stiffened sufficiently to permit operations. Float surface with power-driven floats, or by hand-floating if area is small or inaccessible to power units. Finish surfaces to true planes within a tolerance of 1/4 inch in 10 feet as determined by a 10 foot ling straightedge placed anywhere on the surface in any direction. Cut down high spots and fill low spots. Refloat surface immediately to a uniform granular texture. Medium-To-Fine Textured Broom Finish: Draw a soft bristle broom across concrete surface perpendicular to line of traffic to provide a uniform fine line texture finish. 23. Final Tooling - Tool edges of paving, gutters, curbs, and joints formed in fresh concrete with a jointing tool to the following radius. Repeat tooling of edges and joints after applying surface finishes. Eliminate tool marks on concrete surfaces. Radius: 1/2 inch. 24. Protect freshly placed concrete from premature drying and excessive cold or hot temperatures. Comply with the recommendations of ACI 306R for cold weather protection and ACI 305R for hot weather protection during curing. 25. Evaporation Control - In hot, dry, and windy weather, protect concrete from rapid moisture loss before and during finishing operations with an evaporation-control material. Apply according to manufacturer's instructions after screeding and bull floating, but before floating. 26. Begin curing finishing concrete but not before free water has disappeared from concrete surface. Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 36 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY 27. Curing Methods - Cure concrete by moisture curing, moisture-retaining-cover curing, curing compound, or a combination. 28. Antispalling Treatment - Apply treatment to concrete no sooner than 28 days after placement to clean dry concrete surfaces free of oil, dirt, or other foreign material. Apply in 2 sprayed applications at rate of 40 sq. yd. per gallon for the first application and 60 sq. yd. per yard for the second application. Allow complete drying between applications. 29. Remove and replace concrete paving that is broken, damaged, or defective, or does not meet the requirements of this Section. 30. Drill test cores where directed by Architect when necessary to determine magnitude of cracks of defective areas. Fill drilled core holes in satisfactory pavement areas with portland cement concrete bonded to paving with epoxy adhesive. 31. Protect concrete from damage. Exclude traffic from paving for at least 14 days after placement. When construction traffic is permitted, maintain paving as clean as possible by removing surface stains and spillage of materials as they occur. 32. Maintain concrete paving free of stains, discoloration, dirt, and other foreign material. Sweep concrete paving not more than 2 days prior to date scheduled for final inspection. SECTION 2H - CHAIN LINK FENCE The General Conditions of the contract and Division 1 - General Requirements are hereby made a part of this section of the specifications. 2H-01 GENERAL 1. This provision is applicable for all projects where a temporary and/or permanent chain link fence is required. 2. Chain link fabric type fence with fabric, gates, posts, and accessories in conformance with Federal Specifications FS RR-F-00191/1, 2, 3, 4. 3. Submittals - Product data in the form of manufacturer's technical data, specifications, and installation instructions for fence and gate posts, fabric, gates, gate operators, and accessories. Shop drawings showing location of fence, gates, each post, and details of post installation, extension arms, gate swing, hardware, and accessories. Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 37 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY 2H-02 PRODUCTS 1. Acceptable manufacturer's a. b. c. d. e. Anchor Fence, Inc. American Chain Link Fence Company BWF Fence Systems Cyclone Fence Div./USX Corp. United States Steel 2. All components shall be galvanized steel. Fabric wire gauge shall be no. 9. All fabric shall be 2 inch mesh, 0.148 inch diameter (9 guage), with knuckled selvage top and bottom. Fabric shall be fastened to the line posts with galvanized no. 9 gauge steel tie wires spaced at intervals not exceeding 14 inches. The fabric shall also be attached to all rails at intervals of 24 inches, and fastened to the terminal posts with adjustable clamps and tension strips. Fabric shall be placed with top flush with top rail and bottom flush with bottom of bottom rail (1 inch above grade). Fabricate mesh in one-piece widths for fencing 12 feet and less in height to comply with Chain Link Fence Manufacturer's Institute (CLFMI) "Product Manual". 3. Gates - Type I or III, single or double swing with zinc coated steel pipe frame assembled with corner fittings and 3/8 inch galvanized steel truss rods. Fabric shall be the same as fence fabric (unless otherwise indicated). Fabricate perimeter frames of gates from same material and finish as fence framework. Assemble gate frames by welding. Provide horizontal and vertical members to ensure proper gate operation and attachment of fabric, hardware, and accessories. Space frame members maximum of 8 feet apart unless otherwise indicated. Secure fabric at vertical edges with tension bars and bands and to top and bottom of frame with tie wires. Bracing: Install diagonal cross-bracing consisting of 5/16 inch diameter adjustable length tie rods on gates to ensure frame rigidity without sag or twist. 4. Wing Gates = Comply with ASTM F 900. 5. Gate Hardware - Provide galvanized hardware and accessories for each gate according to the following: a. Hinges - Size and material to suit gate size, non-liftoff type, offset to permit 180-degree gate opening. Provide 1-1/2 pair of hinges for each leaf over 6 foot nominal height. Top hinge shall be mounted upside down to discourage removal of gate. Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 38 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY b. Latch - Forked type or plunger-bar type to permit operation from either side of gate, with padlock eye as an integral part of latch. 6. Framework a. Terminal posts, corner and gate posts - 2-1/2 inch O.D. galvanized steel pipe, type I, class 1. All posts shall have closed caps or finials. b. Line posts: 2 inch O.D. galvanized steel pipe, type I, class 1. c. Bottom and top rail: 1-3/8 inch O.D. galvanized steel pipe, type II, class 1. d. Extend two corner posts and provide galvanized standard clothes line finial or two hooks. e. Strength requirements for posts and rails conforming to ASTM F 669. Pipe shall be straight, true to section, material, and sizes specified, and shall conform to the following weights per foot: Actual OD 1.315 1.660 1.900 2.375 2.875 3.500 4.000 6.625 8.625 NPS Size 1 1-1/4 1-1/2 2 2-1/2 3 3-1/2 6 8 Type I Steel 1.68 2.27 2.72 3.65 5.79 7.58 9.11 18.07 28.55 Type II Steel 1.35 1.84 2.28 3.12 4.64 5.71 6.56 ------- f. General: Posts, rails, braces, and gate frames. 1) Type I Pipe: hot-dipped galvanized steel pipe conforming to ASTM F 1083, plain ends, standard weight (schedule 40) with not less than 1.8 oz. zinc per sq. ft. 2) Type II Pipe: Manufactured from steel conforming to ASTM A 569 or A 446, grade D, cold formed, electric welded with minimum yield strength of 50,000 psi and triple coated with minimum 0.9 oz zinc per sq. ft. after welding, a chromate conversion coating and a clear polymer overcoat. Corrosion protection on inside surfaces shall protect the metal from corrosion when subjected to the salt spray test of ASTM B 117 for the 300 hours with the end point of 5 percent Red Rust. 7. Line or intermediate posts. Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 39 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY 8. Top Rail - Manufacturer's longest lengths, with expansion-type coupling, approximately 6 inches long for joining. Provide rail ends of other means for attaching top rail securely to each gate corner, pull, and end post. 9. Fittings and Accessories - Material: Comply with ASTM F 626. Mill-finished galvanized steel to suit manufacturer's standards. Zinc Coating: Unless specifies otherwise, galvanize steel fence fittings and accessories in accordance with ASTM A 153, with zinc weights as per Table I. 10. Post and Line Caps - Provide weather-tight closure cap for each post. Provide line post caps with loop to receive tension wire or top rail. 11. Post Brace Assembly - Manufacturer's standard adjustable brace at end posts and at both sides of corner and pull posts, with horizontal brace located at mid-height of fabric. 12. Bottom and Center Rail - Same material as top rail. provide manufacturer's standard galvanized steel cap for each. 13. Tension or Stretcher Bars - Hot-dip galvanized steel with a minimum length 2 inches less than the full height of fabric, a minimum cross section of 3/16 inch by 3/4 inch, and a minimum of 1.2 oz. of zinc coating per sq. ft. Provide one bar for each gate and end post, and two for each corner and pul post, except where fabric is integrally woven into the post. 14. Tension and Brace Bands - 3/4 inch wide minimum hot-dip galvanized steel with a minimum of 1.2 oz. of zinc coating per sq. ft. a. Tension Bands: 0.074 inch thick (14 gage) minimum. b. Brace Bands: 0.105 inch thick (12 gage) minimum. 15. Tension Wire - 0.192 inch diameter (6 gage) zinc coated steel wire with 50,000 psi minimum tensile strength. 16. Tie Wires - 0.106 inch diameter (12 gage) galvanized steel with a minimum of 0.80 oz per sq. ft. of zinc coating according to ASTM A 641, Class 3. 2H-03 EXECUTION 1. Installer Qualifications - Engage an experienced installer who has at least three years experience and has completed at least five chain link fence projects with same material and of similar scope to that indicated for this project with a successful construction record of in-service performance. Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 40 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY 2. Single-Source Responsibility - Obtain chain link fences and gates, including accessories, fittings, and fastenings, from a single source or manufacturer. 3. Field Measurements - Verify layout information for fences and gates shown on the Drawings in relation to the property survey and existing structures. Verify all dimensions by field measurements. 4. Install fence to comply with ASTM F 567. Do not begin installation and erection before final grading is completed, unless otherwise permitted. 5. The General Contractor shall notify Inspector before fence posts are installed. 6. Lay out fence posts at equal spacing not exceeding eight feet on center. 7. Fencing shall be rigid, straight and plumb, following grade levels where practicable. 8. Post Holes - Terminal, corner, and gate posts shall be set in 12 inch diameter, 36 inch deep concrete footings. Line posts shall be set in 9 inch diameter, 30 inch deep, concrete footings. Concrete shall be min. 2500 psi at 28 days. 9. Keep surface on concrete footing below grade unless post is set in paving, where concrete shall meet surface of paving. 10. Excavation - Drill or hand excavate (using post-hole digger_ holes for posts to diameters and spacing indicated, in firm, undisturbed or compacted soil. 11. If not indicated on Drawings, excavate hole for each post to minimum diameter recommended by fence manufacturer, but not less than four times the largest cross section of post. 12. Unless otherwise indicated, excavate hole depths approximately 3 inches lower than post bottom, with bottom of posts set not less than 36 inches below finish grade surface. 13. Setting Posts - Center and align posts in holes 3 inches above bottom of excavation. Space maximum of 10 feet o.c., unless otherwise indicated. 14. Protect portion of posts above ground from concrete splatter. Place concrete around posts and vibrate or tamp for consolidation. Check each post for vertical and top alignment, and hold in position during placement and finishing operations. Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 41 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY 15. Stretch fabric between terminal posts and position 1 inch above ground level. Cut fabric to form one continuous length between terminal posts. Attach fabric to terminal posts using tension bar and tension bands. Tension band spacing shall not exceed 15 inches O.C. Attach top and bottom edge of fabric to top and bottom rail using wire ties or clips, spaced no more than 24 inches apart. 16. Top Rails - Install center rails in one piece between posts and flush with post on fabric side, using rail ends and special offset fittings where necessary. 17. Center Rails - Install center rails in one piece between posts and flush with post on fabric side, using rail ends and special offset fittings where necessary. 18. Brace Assemblies - Install braces at end and gate posts and at both side of corner posts. Locate horizontal braces at mid-height of fabric on fences with top rail. Install so posts are plumb when diagonal rod is under proper tension. 19. Bottom Tension Wire - Install tension wire within 6 inches of bottom of fabric before stretching fabric and tie to each post with not less than same gage and type of wire. Pull wire taut, without sags. Fasten fabric to tension wire with 0.120 inch diameter (11 gage) hog rings of same material and finish as fabric wire, spaced a maximum of 24 inches O.C. 20. Fabric - Leave approximately 2 inches between finish grade and bottom selvage unless otherwise indicated. Pull fabric taut and tie to posts, rails, and tension wires. Install fabric on security side of fence, and anchor to framework so that fabric remains under tension after pulling force is released. 21. Tension or Stretcher Bars - Thread through fabric and secure to end, corner, pull, and gate posts with tension bands spaced not over 15 inches O.C. 22. Tie Wires - Use wire of proper length to secure fabric firmly to posts and rails. Bend ends of wire to minimize hazard to persons or clothing. 23. Maximum Spacing - Tie fabric to line posts 12 inches O.C. and to rails and braces 24 inches O.C. 24. Fasteners - Install nuts for tension bands and carriage bolts on the side of the fence opposite the fabric side. Peen ends of bolts or score threads to prevent removal of nuts for added security. 25. Install gates plumb, level, and secure for full opening without interference. Install ground-set items in concrete for anchorage. Adjust hardware for smooth operation Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 42 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY and lubricate where necessary. Install gates according to manufacturer's instructions, plumb, level, and secure. 26. Gates - After repeated operation of completed installation equivalent to 3 days' use by normal traffic, readjust gates for optimum operating condition and safety. Lubricate operating equipment and clean surfaces. END OF SECTION Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 43 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY DIVISION 3 - CONCRETE SECTION 3A - CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE The General Conditions of the contract and Division 1 - General Requirements are hereby made a part of this section of the specifications. 3A-01 GENERAL A. Items included but not limited to the following: Footings and foundations Interior slabs on grade Curb and gutter Sidewalks Placement of reinforcing steel-material furnished by others and unloaded by this Subcontractor. Furnishing and installation of all necessary accessories Perimeter insulation Vapor barrier under slab Site concrete Sub-base Formwork Dampproofing (see Section 7E) Mechanical and Electrical bases Testing B. ACI Standards: The following publications (latest edition) of the American Concrete Institute as herein modified and supplemented are a part of this specification and shall apply to all General Contractors and/or Sub-contractor: Recommended Practice for Selecting Proportions for Normal Weight Concrete (ACl211.1) Recommended Practice for Selecting Proportions for Structural Lightweight Concrete (ACI 211.2). Recommended Practice for Evaluation of Compression Test Results of field Concrete (ACI 214). Specifications for Structural Concrete for Buildings (ACI 301). Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 44 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY Recommended Practice for Concrete Floor and Slab Construction (ACI 302). Recommended Practice for Measuring, Mixing and Placing Concrete (ACI 304). Recommended Practice for Hot Weather Concreting (ACI 505). Recommended Practice for Cold Weather Concreting (ACI 306). Recommended Practice for Curing Concrete (ACI 308). Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete (ACI 318). Building Code Requirements for Structural Plain Concrete (ACI 322). Recommended Practice for Concrete Formwork (ACI 347). Manual of Standard Practice for Detailing Reinforced Structures (ACI 315). These publications are available from the American Concrete Institute, P.O. Box #4754, Redford Station, Detroit, Michigan 48219. Each General Contractor or Sub-contractor having reference to the above documents shall maintain copies of same on job site at all times. For the convenience of the General Contractor, reference is made in succeeding sections of this specification to various specific portions of the ACI Standards. Also, certain modifications and additions are made. Neither the specific references nor the modifications are intended to de-emphasize any other portions of the standards. C. Tests: General Contractor will select and pay for testing program. Complete control of all testing shall be the responsibility of the Architect. The Owner's test laboratory will sample, mold, break and report the tests. General Contractor shall cooperate with the testing laboratory to notify them in advance of pouring operations, and to provide for storage of cylinders at the site. 1. Three (3) test cylinders shall be taken from each pouring of footings, walls, and slabs of each building. Cylinder shall be made and cured in accordance with current A.S.T.M. Specification C-31. Adequate tests shall be made to check air content where required. 2. Cylinder shall be tested for failure, one at 7 days and one at 28 days. Seven day cylinders shall show not less than 65% and 28 day cylinders not less than 115% of the required strength of the concrete. Third cylinder to be stored and preserved for testing if the Architect or Engineer so directs. The Architect may direct additional tests to be paid for by the General Contractor if cylinders fall below specified strength. 3. The General Contractor shall submit to the Architect copies of all test reports. Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 45 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY D. Shop Drawings: Submit shop drawings for fabrication and placement of reinforcing steel. Detail drawings shall follow standard practice as set forth in ACI 315-65. Indicate stress grade, bar sizes, bar locations, and necessary accessories to facilitate bar placement. Shop drawings shall be checked by the General Contractor before submission to Architect for approval. 3A-02 CONCRETE FORMWORK A. B. Formwork Materials: Materials shall conform to A.C.l. publication SP-4 and ACI347. 1. For Unexposed Concrete: U.S. Commercial Standard CS 45 stamped ply form A.P.A. Est. B-B. Thickness: as conditions require; minimum 5/8 inch, except for linings which may be 1/4 inch thick. All edges shall be sealed. 2. For Exposed Concrete: Steel penalized forms, suitably reinforced at edges and interior of the panel. Maintained in good condition, free of bends and dents. Similar to those manufactured by Symons Corp., or Universal Farm Clamp Company. 3. Earth cuts may be used as forms for vertical surfaces providing the sides of the cuts are vertically straight and stable enough to contain the concrete without contamination, and bottoms of such cuts are cleared of any loose materials. 4. Form Ties: Steel rods, snap type, or plastic cone snap type, adjustable in length and of type which shall leave no metal within 3/4 inch of surface, shall not be fitted with any device which shall leave hole larger than 7/8 inch diameter. Working assembly: 3000 and/or 5000 pounds, as job conditions require. Superior Concrete Accessories, Richmond Screw Anchor Co., Dayton Sure-Grip, Williams Form Engineering. Forms: Forms shall comply with ACI 301 and ACI 347 except as modified below. Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 46 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY C. 1. Provide all required forms, shores, bracing, breast timbers, form ties and accessories and in sufficient quantities so as not to delay the work. 2. This General Contractor shall inform trades requiring slots, chases, recesses or openings in concrete to furnish information regarding same before erection of forms. 3. Before reinforcing steel is placed, clean out all forms. Remove all wood shavings, trash, snow, ice and water. Coat forms with approved form release agent. 4. Notify Architect so that he may inspect forms prior to each concreting operation. Tighten, make adjustments, repair and/or make replacements to forms as conditions require and/or as directed. 5. All form work is subject to the Architect's approval but responsibility for its adequacy and safety remains with the General Contractor. 6. Provide chamfered strips in all exposed corners of concrete stair stringers, piers, columns, beams, spandrels, internal corners and for similar conditions through project. 7. Form concrete bases for equipment where indicated and as detailed on drawings and/or as job conditions require. 8. Form for all concrete walls, stairs, steps, platforms, curbs, canopy, and similar work, all as indicated and detailed on drawings throughout building. Formwork Removal: The removal process shall conform with ACI301 and ACI347, except as modified below: 1. Architect may order forms to remain in place for longer periods than recommended by the above reference. 2. Do not use crowbars or other wrecking tools directly against concrete when removing forms. 3A-03 CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT A. Materials: Materials shall comply with ACI 301. 1. All reinforcing shall be new, free from rust, loose scale, or coating that will Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 47 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY reduce bond. Deformations on bars shall conform to the "Standards and Specifications for Minimum Requirements for the Deformation of the Deformed Steel Bar for Concrete Reinforcement". Utilize Billet-steel ASTM A616 or Axle- steel ASTM A617. Refer to drawings for stress grade for different uses. B. 2. Welded Wire Fabric: ASTM A-185. New, plain, cold drawn, electrically welded fabric of sizes and gauges indicated on drawings. 3. Reinforcing Accessories: Chairs, anchors, spacers, stirrups, ties and all other devises, all of steel as required for proper spacing and fastening reinforcement in place, shall be of approved type commonly used in concrete operations. Where concrete is exposed, plastic tipped (ball) or stainless steel chairs and bolsters shall be used. 4. Fabrication shall be done accurately to the dimensions shown on the drawings. Rods shall be bent in accordance with ACI 319. Only under special conditions, approved by Architect, will field cutting or bending of bars be permitted. Cleaning and Storing: 1. C. D. Bars shall be free from loose rust, scale, oil or structural defects and shall be stored on the job to maintain bars in same condition. Supports: 1. Metal reinforcement shall be secured accurately in position by concrete or metal chairs or spacers in such a manner that all steel will support the weight of workmen, equipment, etc., without displacement. 2. Use stainless steel or plastic tipped chairs and bolsters where concrete slabs are exposed. Placing Reinforcement: 1. Comply with ACI 301. 2. Block up, lap and tie all metal fabric reinforcement. 3. When necessary to splice reinforcement otherwise than as indicated on drawings, character of splicing is subject to Architect's approval. Do no splicing at points of maximum stress. Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 48 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY 4. Where additional concrete protection over reinforcing steel is required for conformance to fire regulations, the thickness given in the above references shall be modified only to meet greater requirements. 3A-04 CAST-IN PLACE CONCRETE A. Materials: 1. Cement: a. For all concrete building walls, slabs, beams, lintels, etc., use Portland cement, standard brand, fresh, gray, conforming to ASTM Specification C150, Type II. b. For all exterior concrete work including sidewalks, retaining walls, curbs, and steps, use air-entraining Portland cement, standard, fresh, gray, conforming to ASTM Specification C150, type II or an air entraining agent conforming to ASTM Specification C260 with standard cement type Il. The air-entraining agent shall be approved by the Architect. The air-entraining agent shall be added in the amount required to produce concrete having an air content of 6% (+ 1-1/2%) by volume. c. White cement (where job conditions require for patching): Conform to ASTM Specification C150, type lI and Federal Specification SS-C-192. d. High early strength cement shall not be used on this job, except by architect's special permission. 2. Aggregates: Fine and coarse aggregates shall conform to ASTM Specification C-33. Coarse aggregate for exterior site work, i.e., walks, curbs, drives, platforms, etc., shall be 1" maximum size, ASTM C-33 except modified to limit deleterious material to 4%. 3. Water: Shall be clean and free from injurious amounts of oil, acids, alkalies, organic material or other deleterious substances; Potable. 4. Water Reducing Agents: At the Contractor's option, a water reducing agent, complying with ASTM C-494, free of chlorides, may be used. The proportions of the mix shall be subject to the approval of the Architect. Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 49 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY 5. Calcium Chloride: Calcium chloride shall comply with ASTM Specifications Designation D-98. See section B, 6e below for conditions of use of this product. 6. Premolded Expansion Strips: Closed cell thermosetting plastic; non-extruding. Thickness as indicated on drawings. Width one-half (1/2) inch less than slab thickness. W.R. Meadows; Servicised Products Corporation. 7. Expansion Joint Sealer: Cold applied, two component black. Servicised Products Corporation, No-Trak; W.R. Meadows, Gardox. 8. Curing Compounds: 9. a. Concrete surfaces receiving other surface applications shall receive a membrane curing compound. The compound shall have moisture retention properties complying with ASTM C309. Manufacturer shall guarantee that his material is compatible with application of other surface materials. b. For slabs and other concrete not receiving further surface applications, curing compounds shall be a curing and sealing compound. c. Curing compounds may be omitted for slab on grade when a seven day "wet cure" utilizing polyethylene sheet is provided. (ACI 308) Dovetail Slots and Anchors: a. Dovetail slots, No. 22 gauge, galvanized steel, 1" wide back, removable filler, lengths to suit. Crimped anchors to be furnished by other trades whose work abuts concrete surfaces. b. Inserts: Refer to plans for style, size, and quantity of inserts required. Malleable iron, insert strength and anchorage to concrete shall be at least equal to tension and shear strength of bolt size for which insert is designed. include bolts, nuts and washers. Heckman Bldg. Products, Hohmann and Barnard, Inc., Meadow Steel products, RKL Building Specialties, Dayton, Superior, Gateway. c. Headed Anchor Studs: Sizes and locations as shown on drawings. Shop or field welded per manufacturer's recommendations. Nelson Stud Welding Division, Lorain, Ohio or equal. Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 50 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY d. 10. B. Flashing reglet insert, No. 24 gauge galvanized sheet metal, 2 inches deep. Vapor Retarder: a. Provide a vapor retarder or vapor barrier under all interior slabs on grade. Such retarder or barrier shall be polyethylene not less than 6 mils thick. b. Provide a vapor retarder or vapor barrier on grade in all crawl spaces. Such retarder or barrier shall be polyethylene not less than 10 mils thick. 11. Water Stops: Four inch, multi-rib cross-section, sealtight polyvinyl chloride water stops, W.R. Meadows, Inc., Elgin, Illinois, Electrovert Inc., New York, N.Y., Servicised Products. 12. Setting Plate Grout: Grout for setting plates installed under Division 5 shall consist of sharp, clean, #4, sand; cement; and water to make a stiff Mix. Proportion of cement to sand shall be 1 to 3 by weight. Concrete Proportions - Strength: 1. Comply with ACI 211.1 and ACI 211.2. 2. Concrete strength requirements shall be 4000 p.s.i. at 28 days for concrete not exposed to weathering, 4000 p.s.i., air entrained concrete where exposed to weathering. 3. Submit for Architect's approval a trial mix using the following guidelines in its preparation. After approval of trial mix, Architect may require further modifications of mix upon receipt of data from 7 day cylinder tests taken before concrete is placed in structure. If trial mix is one from a transit mix supplier for which Architect has adequate records of past performance, requirement for preliminary testing may be waived. 4. Trial mix guide lines (Normal Weight). a. b. Fine aggregate should not exceed range of 30% - 50% of total weight of coarse and fine aggregates. Maximum size of coarse aggregate and maximum slump: Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 51 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY Member Aggregate Mass Concrete (Unreinforced) Mass Concrete (Reinforced) Footings Walls (Unreinforced) Walls (Reinforced) Beams, Columns, Susp. Slabs Soil Bearing Slabs (to 5" thick) Soil Bearing Slabs ( 5" to 8" thick) Topping Slabs 3" to 6" 1-1/2" to 3" 1-1/2" 1-1/2" 3/4" to 1-1/2" 3/4" to 1-1/2" 3/4" to 1-1/2" 1-1/2" to 3" 1/2" Slump 2" 2" 3" 3" 5" 5" 3" 2" 4" In addition, maximum aggregate size not to exceed 3/4 of clear space between reinforcing or 1/5 of minimum thickness of formed member. Slumps given are for vibrated concrete. Slumps shall meet ACI Standards. c. Maximum permissible water-cement ratios as a basis for strength design. Lower ratios shall usually be required to meet slump requirements. Type l Cement (Non-Air Entrained) 3,000 psi 4,000 psi (Interior) (Exterior) (Air-Entrained) .667 .444 Water content includes all water on or in aggregates. d. Cement Factor: Cement factor shall be based upon required strength and w/c ratio; however, minimum cement content shall be 5 standard bags for slabs and 4-1/2 standard bags for footings and walls, irrespective of being able to obtain required strengths with less cement. See water reducing admixtures for exceptions. Strength of concrete as specified on drawings. e. Water Reducing Admixtures: if Contractor chooses option of using water reducing agent, the Contractor shall first design and obtain approval of regular mix (not using water-reducing agent). The modified mix (using water reducing agent) shall be established such that when the regular and modified mixes are compared, the mix using water Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 52 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY reducing agent will have identical slump and 28 day strength equal to or greater than the specified regular mix strength, based upon average strengths obtained by making four test cylinders of each mix with identical control conditions. In any case, cement content of mix with admixture may not be reduced more than one sack per cubic yard below that required for regular mix. f. 5. Proportioning of aggregates to cement shall produce a plastic mixture which shall work readily into all corners and angles of forms, around all reinforcement and built-in items and without segregation of materials and/or excess water collecting on surface. Proportioning for fractional sacks of cement is prohibited. Measure concrete materials by approved methods, so that proportions may be checked easily and control led accurately. Measurements shall be by weight. Measuring, Mixing, Placing and Curing of Concrete: Ready-mixed concrete shall be mixed and delivered to the point designated by the means and standards set forth by ASTM C-94. a. No water shall be added on the job unless authorized by the Architect's representative. If needed, the amount of water shall be recorded on all copies of the delivery tickets hereinafter described. b. If water is added to mixed concrete on arrival at the job, an additional mixing of 20 revolutions of the drum will be required. c. Concrete delivered in outdoor temperature lower than 40 degrees F., shall arrive at the site of the work, having a temperature not less than 60 degrees F. nor greater than 90 degrees F., unless otherwise specified or permitted by the Owner's representative. d. With each load of concrete delivered to the job, there shall be furnished by the ready-mixed concrete producer duplicate tickets, one for the Contractor and one for the Owner's representative. Delivery tickets shall provide the following information: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Date Name of ready-mixed concrete plant Contractor Job Location Type (Standard, AE, or H.E.S. and brand of Page 53 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) 6. 7. cement Class and specified cement content in bags per cu. yd. of concrete Truck number Time dispatched Amount of concrete in load in cubic yards Admixture in concrete, if any Maximum size of aggregate Water added at job, if any Mix Number Placing: a. Notify Architect sufficiently in advance of each concreting operation. b. Forms should be moistened with water or oiled previous to placing of concrete. Where they have been exposed to the sun for some time, saturate the wood thoroughly. c. Retempering of concrete is prohibited. Concrete which has stood for sixty (60) minutes is unacceptable and shall be immediately removed from the premises. d. The use of admixtures, salts and chemicals as anti-freeze compounds to prevent freezing of concrete is prohibited. e. Do not use calcium chloride to accelerate the hardening of concrete unless given prior permission by Architect. In which case 1% of the weight of cement is maximum to be permitted. In no case is calcium chloride to be allowed if in contact with metal (ties, anchors, reinforcement, etc.). Protection and Curing: a. The requirements for protections specified below shall be provided by the Contractor immediately responsible for the concrete work. This Contractor shall not rely on cold weather protection of some other trade being the means whereby concrete protection is furnished. b. As soon as possible after finishing, all concrete surfaces shall be treated with a liquid membrane-forming curing compound as specified under Materials. Application shall be in strict compliance with Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 54 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY manufacturer's instructions. C. c. All freshly placed concrete shall be kept from freezing for a period of at least three days after it is placed. A cumulative curing time of seven days at a minimum surface temperature of 50 degrees F. (10 degrees C.) shall be provided or until concrete has attained 67% of its design strength. d. Formed surfaces shall be treated immediately upon removal of forms and completion of patching. Architecturally exposed concrete, receiving finished treatment, shall be protected and cured a minimum of seven days, either by keeping the forms in place for that period of time or by draping or wrapping concrete with wetted burlap. e. Exterior slabs require an anti-spalling treatment and shall be cured with a membrane curing compound which also functions an anti-spalling agent. Apply at rate according to manufacturer's instructions. f. Comply with ACI 305 and/or ACI 306. Joints, Embedded Items: 1. Work shall be planned by the Contractor so as to use a practicable minimum of construction joints. The type and location of such joints shall be subject to approval, prior to placing concrete, by the Architect. A plan of construction shall be submitted to the Architect for his approval. 2. Horizontal construction joints shall be avoided in walls below grade and in one story walls above grade. 3. Adequate provision shall be made to resist shear action across adjacent sections, to the extent indicated or directed, at all joints. Approved construction Joints in reinforced concrete shall be provided with additional steel reinforcement as approved or directed by the Architect at no additional cost to the Owner. For concrete without reinforcement, adequate shearing strength at construction joint shall be provided by forming a tongue and groove joint, or by means of dowel bars, as the Architect may direct. 4. Soil bearing slabs shall have construction and control joints as shown on the plans. Where no specific indication is given, limit joints to 25 foot spacing. Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 55 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY D. 5. Locate control joints in grade walls directly below control joints in masonry. 6. All expansion and control Joints in flat concrete slabs shall be sealed with joint sealer specified in "Materials". Follow manufacturer's instructions. Tape sides of joint before pouring. Clean with recommended solvent immediately after pouring. Protect from traffic until material has attained permanent set. 7. The Contractor shall be responsible for controlling the proper placing of all embedded anchor straps, pipe, conduit, and other fixtures. Anchor straps (furnished under "Metals" Division), shall be located accurately both horizontally and vertically). 8. Comply with ACI 301 and ACI 318. Patching and Finishing, Trowelling, Special Surface Treatments: 1. Patching: No patching shall be done until concrete has been inspected by the Architect. The Architect will inspect concrete surfaces immediately after forms are removed. Patch all poor joints, voids, honeycomb and defective areas immediately and before concrete is dry. Patch mortar shall be same as four thousand (4000) pound concrete, except omit coarse aggregate. Allow to stand about thirty minutes before using. Remove all fins and projections before patching. Patch shall be damp cured two days before finishing operations are started. Permission to patch does not imply waiver of Architect's right to require complete removal and replacement of said work, If in Architect's opinion said patching does not satisfactorily restore quality and appearance of work. 2. Finishing and Cleaning: a. When the interior and exposed exterior walls are entirely completed and ready to be finished and cleaned, treat as follows: Mix one part Portland cement and 1-1/2 parts fine sand with sufficient water to give a grout having the consistency of thick paint. If a light color is required, use white Portland cement for 25% to 50% of the cement. Wet the surface sufficiently to prevent absorption of water from the grout and apply the grout with brushes uniformly over the entire surface, completely filling air bubbles and holes. Immediately after applying the grout, float the surface with a cork float, scouring the wall vigorously. While the grout is still plastic, the surface should be finished with a sponge rubber float removing all the excess grout but without pulling grout from holes or depressions. Next allow the surface to dry thoroughly, then rub vigorously with burlap to completely remove any dried grout. The entire cleaning operation for any area must be Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 56 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY completed the day it is started. 3. 4. b. Do no cleaning, rubbing and patching in freezing temperatures or when frost is in or on concrete. c. Interior surfaces that are to be painted, receive the treatment specified in "Patching", and "Finishing and Cleaning". Interior walls that are unpainted, receive the treatment specified in "Patching". Troweling: a. Except where Other special floor finishes, including concrete topping, are indicated on drawings, provide monolithic troweled finish on all concrete slabs which are indicated on drawings to have concrete finish. All finished concrete floors (whether monolithic or concrete topping) under resilient floor coverings shall have trowelled finish. b. After screening, and as soon as concrete has set sufficiently, float surface with compactor power floats. Then steel hand trowel surface, burnishing to smooth, hard, dense finish, free from trowel marks, blemishes and irregularities. In general, concrete floors are level. Where indicated on drawings, slope floors. Slope all floors to floor drains. Accuracy of floor surface for acceptance shall fall within a tolerance of plus or minus 1/8 inch in length of ten feet. c. No driers, dry cement, cement-sand mixture and/or admixture shall be used in connection with any concrete finish surfaces to absorb water, stiffen mix or for any other purpose. d. Finish all platforms, walks, drives and exterior concrete steps to a nonslip surface by screeding, tamping large aggregates below surface, float with an aluminum or magnesium bull float to a true surface, and finally when concrete has set sufficiently to permit walking on surface, make one pass with power float to leave slab with a roughened swirl Finish. Leave a border approximately two (2) inches wide around panels in sidewalks and platforms. Protect exterior con-crete flat work from damage in approved manner. Special Surface Treatments: a. All areas requiring sealer, including floor slabs which are to be left exposed and any others as called out in Finish Schedule, shall be treated with liquid sealer following manufacturer's instructions for application. Sealer shall be applied to slabs after final clean-up by Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 57 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY Contractor and immediately prior to Owner's acceptance of the building. This treatment is in addition to the curing application, which shall be the same material. After at least 28 days following placement of slab, apply two coats of Linseed Anti-Spalling compound. Surface to be treated shall be dry and swept free of all dirt and debris. Rate of coverage shall be as follows: First coat - 40 sq. yds. per gal.; second coat - 65 sq. yds. per gal. Permit complete drying between coats. Temperature at time of application shall be above 50 degrees F. E. Specific Items of Construction: 1. Footings: a. All footings shall rest on level, undisturbed solid soil, free from lumps, mud, debris, water, ice, snow and frost. Provide all required footings and/or equipment foundations for mechanical, electrical and architectural trades. b. Step down or spread footings, where indicated on drawings and/or as conditions require indicated in the Soils Investigation Report. Steps shall overlap lower footing a distance equal to depth of footing. c. Should soils be encountered, that are inconsistent with the Soils Report, that require the footing design or locations to change from that indicated in the drawings or Soils Report, said additional work may be cause for an adjustment in the contract. Said additional work shall be done only upon written order signed by the Owner and architect. d. Footings to comply with ACI 301 and ACI 322. Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 58 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY 2. 3. Concrete Walls: a. Build foundation and other plain and reinforced concrete walls to exact shapes and dimensions indicated on drawings. Allow all concrete walls to attain initial set before pouring any beams or slabs on them. Properly brace all walls. Parge and point unexposed portions of concrete walls reasonably smooth. Fill all tie holes solidly with grout. Finish exposed wall faces as specified in 1, Patching" and 2, "Finishing and Cleaning". b. Install dovetail anchor slots as required wherever masonry walls abut concrete walls, and any other required accessories. Concrete Slabs on Ground: a. Concrete slabs to be of design and dimensions as shown on drawings. Verify with excavation trades the provision of: four (4) inch thick approved, clean, solidly compacted bank-run gravel or sand-fill under interior concrete floors and 4" sand-fill under exterior slabs resting on ground, and four (4) inches under platforms and sidewalks; unless otherwise directed by soils report and/or soils engineer. Before placing fill, remove loose earth, lumps, foreign substances, trash, snow, ice and water. Do not place fill while frost is in or on ground. Compact fill solidly by means of approved machine and/or hand tampers. b. Trash collection area slabs shall be 6" thick with reinforced with 6x6 10/10 welded wire mesh reinforcement. Place layer of mesh 2 inches below top surface support on proper chairs. c. Where other than trowelled monolithic finish surfaces are indicated on drawings and include monolithic fop finish. Compact all concrete thoroughly. In general, floors are level. Slope same to drains and otherwise where so indicated on drawings. Do not place concrete on frozen ground on fill or while ice, snow, water or frost are on or in ground. Leave all slabs at correct levels to receive other floor finishes. bent finishes are specified in "Troweling". d. At intersection of slabs and vertical surfaces, install premolded filler, holding top down 1/2 inch from surface of slab. Fill joint with sealer to level of slab. Clean all sealer off of wall and slab surfaces to leave a true, neat application. e. Install vapor barrier over sand cushion. Smooth out and anchor sheets in advance of the slab pour to insure an effective moisture seal. Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 59 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY Exercise care to avoid puncture of membrane. All interior soil bearing slabs receive vapor barrier. 4. f. At locations where drawings do not specifically call for the premolded filler, turn the vapor barrier up the vertical abutting surface and trim off flush with surface of floor after concrete has cured. g. Comply with ACI 302. Outside Steps and Platforms: a. 5. 6. All outside steps and platforms shall be of concrete proportioned as heretofore specified. Sidewalks: a. This Contractor shall lay concrete sidewalks in size and locations shown on plans (minimum 4" thick). Thickness shall be 4" laid over a 4" sand cushion. The walks shall be of concrete proportioned as heretofore stated and the surface shall be troweled to a smooth, even, non-slip finish. Provide expansion joints as heretofore specified, at intervals not to exceed 30 feet and control joints not over 6 feet o.c. Provide expansion joints between walks and building, unless otherwise shown on plans. b. Sidewalks to comply with ACI 322. Concrete Curb and Gutters: a. Concrete curb and gutter shall conform to the shape, construction and reinforcing of the SD DOT or as detailed on plans. Joints shall be within 1/4 inch of being perpendicular to the face of the curb. b. Control joints shall be spaced at approximately 10 feet. Form control joints with narrow divider plates which allow reinforcing to be continuous through the joint. Divider plates shall be left in place until the concrete has set sufficiently to hold its shape, but shall be removed while the forms are still in place. Control joints shall be finished with a 1/4" radius on each side of joint. c. Expansion joints shall be 1/2 inches thick and spaced at approximately 100 feet, and/or at the tangents of curved curbs and at abutting pavements (rigid), catch basins or sidewalks. Expansion joints shall be finished with a 1/4 inch radius on each side of the joint. Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 60 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY 7. 8. d. Construction joints shall be placed at the end of each concrete placing operation. They shall be constructed the same as an expansion joint, except the expansion Joint material may be omitted if joint doesn't occur at the 100 foot interval. e. Curb and Gutter work to comply with ACI 322. Perimeter Insulation: a. Perimeter insulation furnished under Division 7 shall be installed by the Concrete Contractor. b. Care shall be taken to insure that the insulation remains in place and is not damaged during the backfilling operation. Miscellaneous Items: a. This Contractor shall perform all concrete work for Mechanical and Electrical trades. Check all drawings for concrete work. This work will include, but is not limited to, transformer vaults, valve and meter pits, lighting post bases and pads as required. b. Accessories such as manhole rings, ladder rungs, pulling eyes, anchor bolts, etc., shall be furnished by the trade involved, but shall be installed by this Contractor. END OF SECTION SECTION 3B - LIGHTWEIGHT CONCRETE The General Conditions of the contract and Division I. General Requirements are hereby made a part of this section of the specifications. 3B-01 GENERAL NOTE A. The requirements of the contract documents shall form a part of the following specifications and the Contractor shall consult them in detail for instructions pertaining to the work. 3B-02 SCOPE OF WORK Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 61 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY A. Furnish all material, equipment, labor and supervision of installation of the lightweight concrete flooring indicated on plans. 3B-03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Field density checks shall be made periodically on the deck according to recommended cellular concrete practices. Variations greater than +4 pcf between the recommended density and the density at point of discharge will require modification be made in the mix. 3B-04 MATERIALS A. Gypsum Cement: Shall consist of calcined gypsum containing not less than 66.0% by weight of Ca SO .1/2H O, as specified in ASTM C 28-68 for Gypsum Plasters. B. Sealer - GYP-Crete floor primer and sealer or other approved latex sealer. C. Sand - 1/16" or less washed mason sand, mortar sand or plaster sand. D. Water - Potable, free of impurities that affect the setting of gypsum. E. Mixing Proportions - 6 to 8 gallons of water and 1.8 cu. ft. of sand per 80 lb. bag of gypsum cement. Water amount may change slightly with condition of sand. 3B-05 EXECUTION A. Lightweight floor underlayment shall be installed by a manufacturer's approved applicator using approved mixing and pumping equipment. B. All materials shall be delivered in their original unopened packages and protected from exposure to the elements. Damaged or deteriorated materials shall be removed from the job site. C. The building interior shall be enclosed and maintained at a temperature of 50F or above before and after the installation of gypsum cement. After gypsum cement has set, provide continuous heat and adequate ventilation to rapidly remove moisture from the area until underlayment is dry. Gypsum cement should be installed as late as possible during construction to prevent damage caused by heavy trades. D. Plywood subfloor shall be structurally sound, broom clean and free of mud, oil, grease or other contaminants. Fill all cracks and voids with a quick setting taping compound to prevent leakage. Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 62 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY E. Priming: All wood subfloors shall be primed. On new wood spray one coat of latex primer, 1 gallon per 400 sq. ft., over entire surface. On new or old concrete a sealer is not necessary; wet surface with water not more than 10 minutes ahead of the pour. F. Patching: Patch holes or minor surface irregularities where necessary for thin vinyl tile. Use latest type patching material, "Durabond 90" or speedset joint compound. Seal and set areas to be repaired before patch is applied. G. Gypsum underlayment thickness shall not be less than the following: H. a. Wood subfloor Leveling over wood 3/4" 3/4" to 3" b. Concrete subfloor Leveling over concrete 1/2" 1/2" to 3" c. A minimum coverage of 1/2" is required over conduit or pipe embedded in the underlayment. Compressive strength of material to be 1000 p.s.i. minimum at 28 days. 3B-06 WARRANTY The installer must warrant this product against defects due to the use of faulty materials or workmanship when installation has been made in compliance with applicable specifications and requirements. If, after inspection, the Architect determines products to be defective under the terms of this warranty, the installer shall make allowance toward the restoration, repair or replacement of defective material. END OF SECTION Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 63 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY DIVISION 5 - METALS SECTION 5A -MISCELLANEOUS METAL AND STRUCTURAL STEEL The General Conditions of the contract and Division l - General Requirements are hereby made a part of this section of the specifications. 5A-01 GENERAL A. Items included but not limited to the following: Structural steel Lintels Steel stairs Pipe Columns Pipe guards Pipe sleeves B. Submittals: Shop drawings will be required in accordance with the General Conditions and Supplementary General Conditions. Verify measurements in field so that work will be fabricated to fit job conditions. At the proper time submit necessary work with templates and patterns to guide the work of masonry and other sections of the specifications for locating means of anchorage. Do not commence fabrication until shop drawings have been transmitted from the Architect. C. Related Work: The following items are covered in other Sections: 1. 2. Reinforcing steel (Section 3A; 3A) Metal specialties (Section 10A) 5A-02 MATERIALS A. Structural shapes, plates, bars, tubes, etc., shall meet ASTM A 36-74, "Structural Steel", as governed by ASTM A 6-74, "General Requirements for Delivery of Rolled Steel Plates, Shapes, Sheet Piling and Bars for Structural Use." B. Steel pipe shall be welded steel, standard weight (unless otherwise indicated) satisfying ASTM A 53-73, "Welded and Seamless Steel Pipe", Types E or S, Grade B. C. Primer paint shall be rust-inhibiting type as manufactured by Tnemec Co. ("99 metal Primer") or Rust-Oleum Corporation ("M70- 761 5 Structural Primer"). Primer for galvanized steel shall be as manufactured by Tnemac Co. ("89 Tnemec-Grip") or Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 64 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY Rust-Oleum Corporation ("Galvinoleum 3268 Red"). Prime coat all work. D. Accessories: Provide all accessories required for fabrication, assembly and installation of all Miscellaneous Metal work, including, but not limited to anchors, bolts, nuts, expansion bolts, hangers, clip angles, rods, washers, gaskets and similar items, whether specially mentioned herein or not. 5A-03 FABRICATION A. Fabricate structural steel members to dimensions, weights and arrangements shown on drawings with framing according to detail drawings. Substitutions may be made using structural steel members of weights and dimensions differing from those shown if no change is made in architectural design and if substituted sections are at least equal to the original design in strength and stability as approved by Architect. B. Shop connections shall be welded except as otherwise shown or specified. Where field splices are to be high tension bolted, and if required by design stresses, increase section of members at splice point to compensate for bolt holes. C. Provide holes and cutting required for connection or passage of work of other sections of specification where indicated or required by conditions. Drifting to enlarge unfair holes is prohibited. Burning of holes is prohibited. Gas cutting is prohibited on major members. On minor members not stressed, such cutting not permitted except by Architect's approval. D. Shop paint all steelwork adjoining exterior walls using primer coat in minimum dry film thickness of 2 mils. Before painting, use wire brush to remove loose mill scale, rust, dirt, soil, etc. Use solvents to clean surfaces of heavy deposits of oil or grease. Surfaces not to be painted shall include the following: 1. Steel encased in concrete. 2. Faying surfaces where high tension bolts are to develop continuity of structural members and where members support loads subject to impact, vibration and/or stress reversal. Unpainted faying surfaces shall be free from grease, loose mill scale, burrs or pits. 3. Surfaces and edges to be field welded, which shall be free from grease, loose mill scale, burrs or pits. Any paint or lacquer applied to surfaces to be field welded shall be removed for distance of at least 2 inches on all sides of joint. 5A-04 EXECUTION A. Inspection: Installer must examine the areas and conditions under which Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 65 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY miscellaneous metal items are to be installed. Notify the General Contractor in writing of conditions detrimental to the proper and timely completion of the work. Do not proceed with the work until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected in a manner acceptable to the installer. B. Preparation: Furnish setting drawings, diagrams, templates, instructions, and directions for installation of anchorages; such as concrete inserts, anchor bolts and miscellaneous items having integral anchors, which are to be embedded in concrete or masonry construction. Coordinate delivery of such items to project site. C. Installation: 1. Erect individual members of framing so that deviation from plumb, level or alignment shall not exceed 1 to 500 except that the displacement of centerline of exterior columns from established column line shall not be more than 1" away from the building line. 2. All exposed field connections shall be welded and ground smooth with spatter removed. Joints or holes in exposed members shall have continuous weld seals ground smooth with spatter removed. Welded field splices shall be detailed and executed to develop at least 125% of the design load in connected members. 4. Unless otherwise indicated, field connection of unexposed work may be made with High tension bolts in lieu of field welding. Use of high tension bolts shall meet the above-cited Research Council "Specifications for Structural Joints". Assemble bolts with hardened washers. For bolt sizes listed, tighten nuts to give the following bolt tension values (in pounds): For 3/4" bolt, 28,000; for 7/8", 39,000; for 1", 51,000; for 1-1/4", 71,000. 5. Provide all bracing, temporary bracing and accessories required for complete erection. Safety and adequacy of bracing and temporary bracing are the responsibility of the Contractor. 6. Members built into masonry or concrete, set by those Trades, shall be completely fabricated, complete with bolts, anchors, clips, etc., ready to set, delivered to general locations in work. Consult with trades concerned, make delivery to points designated by latter to expedite installation of delivered materials in correct locations. In fact work composed of several parts, the parts upon which anchors occur, shall be built-in by other trades, ready to receive further field assembly by this Trade. 7. Perform cutting, drilling and fitting, required for installation of miscellaneous metal items. Set work accurately in location, alignment and elevation, plumb, Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 66 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY level, true and free of rack, measured from established lines and levels. Provide temporary bracing or anchors in formwork for items which are to be built into concrete, masonry or similar construction. 8. Protect aluminum surfaces in transit and in place. 9. Immediately after erection, clean field welds, bolted connections, and abraded areas of shop paint, and paint exposed areas with same material as used for shop painting. Apply by brush or spray to provide a minimum dry film thickness of 2.0 mils. 10. At completion of the job, remove all protective coatings and devices and clean all surfaces according to recommended practices. Replace all damaged parts as directed. END OF SECTION Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 67 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY DIVISION 6 - WOOD AND PLASTICS SECTION 6A - CARPENTRY The General Provisions of the contract, Including General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions and Division 1, General Requirements, apply to the work specified in this section. 6A-01 GENERAL A. The extent of the carpentry work is shown on the drawings. B. Items included but not limited to the following: Blocking, shimming, grounds and furring as required Millwork and finish trim Rough hardware such as nails, screws, bolts, etc. Kitchen cabinets, installation only Temporary Job sign- complete, including painting and installation Wood stud framing and wall construction Install finish hardware, Bi-Fold Doors, handrails and brackets Floor framing Roof trusses and/or framing Installation of windows and doors Wood stairs and railings C. D. Quality Assurance: 1. Lumber: Western Wood Products Association, Southern Pine inspection Bureau and California Redwood Association. 2. Plywood: American Plywood Association, and each panel shall be identified with the APA Grade - Trade Mark. 3. APA rated sheathing other than plywood may be utilized for roofs, floors and walls, providing that it is manufactured with Phenol Formaldehyde resins, and recognized by the National Research Board under report number NRB-108. 4. Each piece delivered to job site shall be properly grade stamped. Delivery and Storage: 1. Keep materials dry during delivery and storage. Protect against exposure to weather and contact with damp or wet surfaces. Stack lumber and plywood, Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 68 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY and provide air circulation within stacks. Sub-flooring which has begun to decompose due to moisture will be rejected. 6A-02 JOB CONDITIONS A. Installer must examine the substrates and supporting structure and the conditions under which the carpentry work is to be installed, and notify the General Contractor in writing of conditions detrimental to the work. Do not proceed with the installation until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected in a manner acceptable to the installer. B. Coordination: Fit carpentry work to other work; scribe and cope as required for accurate fit. Correlate location of furring, nailers, blocking, grounds and similar supports to allow proper attachment of other work. 6A-03 FRAMING MATERIALS A. Rough Lumber: 1. Framing members: (Moisture content shall not be more than 19%.) a. Floor framing (joists and perimeter frame) shall be: Kiln-dried No. 2 or better Hem Fir or Spruce-Pine-Fur (extreme fiber stress in bending fb = 950 min. Joists shall be typically spaced 16" o.c. or 24" o.c. maximum unless otherwise shown on drawings. b. Sill plate on foundation wall shall be preservative treated and shall rest on sill sealer of full width of plate. Anchoring shall be done as called for in the structural drawings. c. Studs, posts and miscellaneous light framing shall be No. 2, SprucePine-Fir., surface dried. Wall framing shall typically be of 2 x 4 or 2 x 6 (nominal size) wood studs and plates, with studs typically at 16" o.c. max. spacing on all bearing and exterior walls, 24" o.c. max at interior non bearing walls. 2. Nailers, interior blocking, furring, grounds, bucks and top plates: "Utility" or better grade of same species. 3. Exterior nailers and blockings: No. 1 Douglas fir or equivalent grade of Southern pine, surfaced four sides: Pressure treated resisting rot and fungus. Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 69 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY 4. 5. 6. Plywood shall be as follows: a. Roof sheathing shall be 5/8" thick O.S.B, or 5/8" thick C-C fir plywood with exterior glue and 10d nails. Roof sheathing shall have unsupported edges blocked with "H" clips (one per unsupported space less -than 48" and two for broader spaces). b. Non-combustible sheathing shall match the thickness of adjacent sheathing and shall be fastened and secured in like manner. See drawings for location. c. Floor sheathing shall be 3/4" tongue-and-groove fir plywood or OSB board; interior grade with intermediate or exterior glue and with formaldehyde emissions not exceeding 0.2 parts per million (ppm). d. All soffits shall be cement fiber board unless shown otherwise on plans. Pressure Treated Wood: a. General: All lumber and plywood (exterior glue) specified to be treated with a wood preservative shall be pressure treated for use in locations as herein specified in accordance with- the current American Wood Preservers Institute (AWPl) Standard LP. b. Use of Pressure Treated Wood: Use for all wood in contact with concrete, such as sill plates; for all nailers, furring, bucks, grounds, blocking and any framing materials embedded in or in contact with exterior masonry, concrete or metal; for exterior wood balconies; and for any wood exposed to extreme weather conditions. c. Field Treatment of End Cuts: All ends cut after treatment shall be given two heavy brush coats of a 1:1 mixture of the preservative used for the original treatment. d. Certification: Each piece shall bear the AWPl Quality Mark to indicate conformance. The General Contractor shall furnish to the Architect a notarized affidavit certifying that the material delivered to this job meets the specifications as herein stated. Trusses: a. Trussed Roof Rafters: Truss units will be mill-made, prefabricated and engineered for spans shown. Energy heels are required. Connections Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 70 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY shall be structural galvanized plates (T.P.I.) applied firmly to both sides of joints. Wood shall be Douglas Fir or Southern Yellow Pine, #2 or better. Submit Engineer's calculations for Architect's review. Gauge of plate shall be as required by engineering calculations of the truss design. a. Trussed Floor Joists: Floor joists shall be engineered and designed for spans shown. Floor live load shall be per code for relative areas. Wood shall be Douglas Fir or Southern Yellow Pine. Submit Engineer's calculations for Architect's review. c. Design special joists for cantilevered conditions and loadings, as shown on the drawings. Refer to mechanical drawings for ductwork passing through joists. Where size of duct cannot be accommodated with regular web system, provide center span chase opening. d. Provide and install truss tie down fasteners. Model number H2.5 as manufactured by Simpson or approved equal unless otherwise noted on drawings. Install in strict accordance with manufacturers specifications. 7. Sheathing: Provide 1/2" by 4'x 8' O.S.B. panel at all exterior walls and gable ends. Tape at all butt joints which are not backed by 2x wood framing. 8. Sill Plate Seal: Fiber glass rolls width of sill plate x length of sill. 9. Laminated Structural Units: 1. Fabricators shall be AITC licensed and all laminated members shall be AITC stamped. 2. LVLs shall meet PS 56-73 minimum and shall be equal to Microlam LVL as manufactured by Trus Joist Macmillan. 3. Units shall be stored and erected in accordance with manufacturers requirements. 6A-04 ROUGH CARPENTRY A. Do all rough carpentry and framing required in connection with carpentry and millwork and for work of other trades, excepting concrete formwork. B. Build all stud framing (where conditions require), with 2" x 4" studs (unless noted otherwise), (2" x 6" at plumbing walls and elsewhere as indicated), spaced at 16" or 24" on center or as indicated on structural drawings, with top and bottom plates of Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 71 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY correct widths. Provide doubled-up studs at door and window openings and at building corners to provide solid nailing for vinyl siding and wood trim. Frame above all openings where they occur. Attach bottom plates to floors, not over 24 inch centers, set in asphalt cement where noted. 1. Double plate at top of stud walls where floor framing or roof truss bearing occurs, shall be continuously double nailed to provide support between stud spacing. 2. Provide corner bracing at all exterior walls occurring at corners where required by code. 3. Double stud walls with 1" air gap, as shown on the plans, shall be air sealed. 4. 18 gauge metal fire stop, were shown on the plans, shall be caulked to the subfloor and the sill plate of the wall above and to the top plate of the third level. C. Studs at jambs of apartment entrance doors and other locked doors in framed partitions shall be laterally braced by horizontal 2 x 4 wood members on each side of openings, located at strike zone level of latch. D. Provide cross blocking in partitions to receive anchorage of grab bars and drapery rods, such assembly to withstand a hanging load of at least 300 pounds for grab bars. E. Do all rough carpentry and framing in most substantial manner, all as detailed, required and directed. All shall be well spiked, nailed, screwed and/or bolted together. Use coated nails for all work. Nailing shall be in accordance with 2006 International Building Code. F. 1. Provide proper backing for all: towel bars, TP holders, shower and curtain rods, grab bars, stair handrail brackets, fire extinguishers, etc. Provide all backing in compliance with the Fair Housing Amendment Act. 2. Provide proper framing for all access and attic panels. Provide all rough hardware and accessories required to properly and completely execute the carpentry and millwork for this project, including, but not limited to: nails, spikes, screws, lag screws, clip angles, angles, hangers, bolts, nuts, washers, expansion bolts, toggle bolts, anchors, plates, straps, and similar items, whether specifically mentioned herein or not. Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 72 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY G. Rough hardware, connectors and accessories used for ACQ or CA treated wood shall be manufactured from steel galvanized in accordance with ASTM A653, G185 designation, or be galvanized in accordance with ASTM A123, or as recommended by the wood manufacturer. H. Wall sheathing may be applied with long dimension of sheets either vertical or horizontal. All joints between sheets shall be over bearings and end joints shall be staggered. Sheathing shall be installed in strict accordance with manufacturer's instructions and recommendations, including nailing pattern. I. Install sill seal over foundation prior to installation of sill plate. J. Installation of Plywood: Plywood panels shall be minimum of two span continuous. Install with face grain perpendicular to joists for sub-flooring and roof sheathing, with edge and end spacing as recommended by the American Plywood Association. All nailing shall follow 2006 International Building Code. 6A-05 FINISH MATERIALS A. Finish trim and moldings including interior trim for doors, windows and bases as called for on the drawings or as required shall be pre-finished Hardwood Veneer Mouldings, by Lianga Pacific, Inc. Color to be selected by Owner. All areas to receive carpet to be finished with Hardwood Veneer base (2 1/4" casing; 2 1/2" base), unless noted otherwise. B. Exterior door frames to be factory primed and job painted. C. Underlayment at resilient flooring shall be 1/4" "Underlayment with Exterior Glue" plywood with formaldehyde emissions not exceeding 0.2 parts per million (ppm). D. Closet shelves shall be equal to "Schulte" Ventilated Storage Systems. Coat and bedroom closet shelves shall have hanging shelves. Support shelves at 3'-6" maximum spans, or as recommended by manufacturer. E. Provide white aluminum guard/heat shield at kitchen ranges. Size to fully cover exposed wall behind and to side of range.See DIV. 11B-03-G. F. Plywood for Finish carpentry shall be A/B Fir plywood at least 3/4" thick, edged, with formaldehyde emissions. Unsupported shelf or counter spans shall not exceed 4 feet in length. G. Casework - Countertops shall require cutouts for sinks where required. Casework shall be shop assembled as far as practicable and delivered ready for erection. Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 73 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY H. Wood stair rails shall be constructed of hard wood with decorative metal brackets to match hardware. Rail shall be oval shaped and shall conform with all state and local codes. 6A-06 TEMPORARY WORK A. Provide temporary enclosures at entrances with suitable doors having temporary hardware including locks. Furnish keys to the Owner. B. Provide necessary protections for finish work as directed and maintain such protections until final acceptance of building unless otherwise directed. 6A-07 INSTALLATION A. Set all wood furring and all permanent or temporary wood grounds shown or required to complete the project, including furring and grounds for work of other sections of the Specifications. B. Kitchen cabinets and tops (furnished in Section 11) will be erected and securely anchored in place in plumb and level positions, using finishing moldings and filler pieces as necessary to fit the cabinets to the walls. C. Finish hardware will be provided under Finish Hardware Section and installed by this Contractor. D. Finish woodwork of every nature shall be smoothly dressed prior to erection and shall finish free from open joints, hammer end machine marks, and other structural defects and surface blemishes. E. Wherever practicable, the means of fastening the various parts and members together shall be concealed and where surface nailing is unavoidable, the nails shall be neatly set for putty stopping. F. Cleanup - This Contractor shall supply labor on items related to his work including the unloading of material and the disposing of, off site, all packaging materials and debris. END OF SECTION Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 74 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY DIVISION 7 - THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION SECTION 7A - ROOFING, FLASHING AND ACCESSORIES The General Provisions of the contract, including General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions and Division 1, General Requirements, apply to the work specified in this section. 7A-01 GENERAL A. The extent of roofing work is shown on the drawings. B. Work included under this section includes, but is not limited to the following: Asphalt or fiberglass shingles Related flashing Vents C. Subcontract the roofing and associated work to a single Firm specializing in the type of roofing required, so that there will be undivided responsibility for the performance of the work, including related flashings. D. Submittals: Manufacturer's Data, Roofing: For information only, submit 2 copies of specifications and installation instructions from the manufacturer for each major roofing product or system required. Include certification or other data substantiating compliance with the requirements and concurrence that roofing, and related flashing are all compatible. Indicate by transmittal form that the installer has received copy of manufacturer's installation instructions and recommendations. 7A-02 JOB CONDITIONS A. Proceed with roofing work only after substrate construction and penetrating work have been completed. B. The installer must examine the substrate and the conditions under which roofing work is to be performed, and notify the General Contractor in writing of unsatisfactory conditions. Do not proceed with the work until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected in a manner acceptable to the installer. C. Weather Conditions: Proceed with roofing work only when weather conditions are in compliance with manufacturer's recommended limitations, and when conditions will Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 75 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY permit the work to proceed in accordance with requirements and the manufacturer's recommendations. 7A-03 ROOF SHINGLES A. Description: Work specified under other Sections of the Specifications includes roof sheathing, sheet metal work. B. Submittals: Submit samples of shingles to Architect for his selection of color and finish from manufacturer's standard range. C. Materials: 1. Roof shingles shall be a Dimensional shingle, Class "A", self sealing shingles of 235 pound minimum weight per square as manufactured by Bird, Flintkote, GAF Corporation, Johns-Manville, Certainteed, Celotex, Owens-Corning or equal as approved by Architect. 2. Roofing felt shall be 30 pound asphalt impregnated unperforated building paper. 3. Fasteners shall be large-head roofer's nails of type and size recommended by manufacturer. Fasteners shall meet H.U.D. Bulletin #411-254 requirements. 4. Shingles shall have a minimum 30 year warranty and be UL 2218 Class 4 impact resistant. 5. Roofing underlayment shall be a cold-applied, self-adhering membrane composed of a high density, cross laminated polyethylene film coated on one side with a layer of rubberized asphalt adhesive. An embossed, slip resistant surface shall be provided on the polyethylene. Roofing underlayment shall be interwound with a disposable silicone-coated release sheet. Acceptable manufacturers include Grace and GAF. Membrane shall conform to the following physical properties: Property Value Test Method Thickness, Membrane 1.02 mm (40 mil) ASTM D3767 Procedure A (Section 9.1) Tensile Strength, Membrane 1720 kN/m2 (250 psi) ASTM D412 (Die C Modified, 1 2 in./minute) Elongation, Membrane 250% ASTM D412 (Die C Modified, 1 2 in./minute) Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 76 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY Low Temperature Flexibility Unaffected @ -29C (-20F) ASTM D1970 Adhesion to Plywood 525 N/m (3.0 lb/in. width) ASTM D903 Permeance (Max) 2.9 ng/m2s Pa (0.05 Perms) ASTM E96 Material Weight Installed (Max) 1.3 kg/m2 (0.3 lb/ft2) ASTM D461 D. Installation: 1. Provide one (1) layer of type 15, asphalt saturated roofing felt on all decks receiving shingles. Lay felts horizontally with joints lapped 6" and ends lapped at least twelve (12) inches. Blind nail underlayment felts along top edge of each sheet, with approved nails using only enough nails to hold felts in place before placing of shingles. Repair any damage to felts no matter how small, with plastic cement and one ply of felt, leaving top surface of repair without cement. Lay felts over ridge at least twelve (12) inches. At all eaves, gable ends, roof penetrations and at all locations that abut vertical walls, provide roofing underlayment in accordance with manufacturer recommendations. Minimum of first three feet beyond the exterior walls at roof eaves and roof/wall junctures shall have ice and water shield and all roof penetrations shall have a minimum of 1'-6" of ice and water shield beyond the perimeter of the penetration. Metal drip shall be provided at starter course of shingles and felt. 2. Stepped sloped roofs shall be flashed with "Nervastral" or equal two feet vertically where the sloped roof meets the vertical wall. 3. Secure roof shingles to roof with approved, large head roofing nails. Nails shall be of the type recommended by shingle manufacturer for use on type of roof deck shown and shall extend into roof deck, minimum three quarter (3/4) inches. Drive nails down snug, but do not countersink the heads. Provide four (4) nails minimum for each shingle. 4. Lay starter course, regular courses, gable, and ridge in strict accordance with manufacturer's requirements. At roof valleys shingles shall be installed in a "closed valley" method. 5. 7A-04 FLASHING AND SHEET METAL 1. Description: Work specified under other Sections includes shingles, siding, polyethylene flashing at door and window openings, dampproof course. 2. Quality Assurance: Metallic flashing and all sheet metal work shall be in accordance with the Architectural Sheet Metal Manual, latest edition, published by Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractor's National Association, Inc. Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 77 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY 3. Submittals: Submit samples of enamel-finished flashing to Architect for his selection of color and finish from manufacturer's standard range. 4. Materials: 5. a. Sheet metal shall generally be of aluminum in alloy 3003-H14 having a thickness of at least 0.024 inch for conductors and 0.032 inch for other work Sheet metal work in exposed locations shall receive baked enamel finish of dark brown or dark bronze. Sheet metal that remains concealed may be in mill finish. b. Provide all accessories or other items essential to the completeness of the sheet metal installation, though not specifically shown or specified. All such items shall be of the same kind of material as the item to which applied. Halls, screws and bolts shall be of a composition that is compatible with the metal to which it will contact. c. Where sheet metal abuts or members into adjacent dissimilar materials, execute the juncture in a manner that will prevent electrolysis between the two materials and corrosion of the sheet metal. d. Metal edge strip shall be aluminum (.019 minimum) size and shape as per manufacturer's recommendations, unless otherwise specified in this division. Installation shall be in strict accordance with the fiberglass shingle manufacturer's specifications. See elsewhere in the division for metal flashing. Guarantee: Furnish written guarantee warranting all flashing and sheet metal to remain serviceable and in good condition for a period of two (2) years following date of final acceptance of the building and to promptly repair and place in good condition, without any additional expense to the Owner, and flashing and sheet metal work which becomes defective within that period. 7A-05 ROOF VENTING 1. Description: Work specified under this section includes roof pot vents and roof ridge vents. 2. Quality Assurance: All flashing materials used shall conform with all specifications and recommendations as set forth by product manufacturers 3. Submittals: Submit samples of all products to be used to Architect for his review and approval. Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 78 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY 4. Materials: a. Provide roof flash venting at all sloped roof to wall connections as shown on the drawings. Flash venting to be Mid America "Ridge Master", adapted per manufacturer specifications for use as a flash vent. (No alternates or equals accepted.) b. 5. Provide roof pot vents as shown on the drawings. Pot vents shall provide a minimum 144si of air flow per vent. Guarantee: Furnish written guarantee warranting all flashing and sheet metal to remain serviceable and in good condition for a period of two (2) years following date of final acceptance of the building and to promptly repair and replace in good condition, without any additional expense to the Owner, any venting materials and work which becomes defective within that period. SECTION 7B - INSULATION The General Provisions of the contract, including General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions and Division 1, General Requirements, apply to the work specified in this section. 7B-01 GENERAL A. The extent of insulation work is shown on the drawings and as described herein. B. The work under this section includes, but is not limited to, the following: Vapor Barrier Thermal insulation at all exterior stud walls and ceilings Sound insulation at interior walls Perimeter insulation (below grade) Roof insulation C. Sill plate insulation is specified in Division 6. 7B-02 RIGID BUILDING INSULATION A. Materials: 1. For slab on grade floors, insulation around the perimeter of the floor shall have a minimum thermal resistance of R-20. The insulation shall extend downward from the bottom of the slab for a minimum total distance of 48 inches. A minimum 1/2" thermal break shall be provided between slab and Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 79 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY foundation wall. All rigid insulation joints shall be taped or rigid insulation panels shall have tongue and groove joints. 7B-03 BATT INSULATION A. B. Materials: 1. Exterior Stud Walls: Friction fit unfaced mineral or glass fiber insulation batts with 6 mil ploy sealed at edges and seams with NP-1, and having a thermal resistance factor of at least R-23 total. 2. Interior Sound Walls: 3-1/2" friction fit batt insulation. 55 STC for Air-Borne and Structure-Borne Sounds. 3. Crawl Space Insulation: All insulation shown on drawings or specified herein shall be Johns Manville Formaldehyde-free Basement Wall Insulation or equal. Thermal resistance R (RSI) values of the insulation shall be as called for in the drawings. Product shall meet or exceed the following criteria: ASTM C 665, Type I (Unfaced), Type II, Class A Category 1 (faced, not perforated) or Category 2 (faced, perforated) ASTM E 96 Permeability: PSK- faced (not perforated) - 0.1 Perms PSK- faced (perforated) - 30 Perms or more ASTM E 84 Flame Spread 25 or less, Smoke Developed 50 or less ASTM E 136 Noncombustible (fiber glass only) 4. Insulation must be installed at header or rim joist with minimum R-21 . Installation: 1. Thermal insulation for wood framing shall be installed between joists or studs with vapor barrier to the heated inside, fasten flanges with staples flat against face of stud or joist, approximately 8" o.c. with no gaps or sags. Fasten bottom and top of vapor barrier in same manner as flanges. (Note: Make sure insulation in walls behind bathtubs is installed before tubs are set by the Plumbing Contractor). 2. Insulation shall be installed between the frame and rough opening of all exterior doors and windows. Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 80 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY 3. Place insulation behind all electrical boxes, ducts, and pipes on exterior walls and seal all openings, drilled for wires, gas and water pipes at all exterior and interior walls. Place 1" rigid insulation (R-5) between studs on cold side of ducts in outside walls. 4. Sound attenuation blankets friction fit batts to be installed in maximum possible lengths, and shall fill all stud spaces and voids in interior walls indicated to have insulation. Attach as required to keep insulation in place. Double insulate around all pipes, vents, etc 7B-04 ATTIC INSULATION A. Between bottom chords of roof trusses or between roof rafters install blanket insulation of thickness assuring thermal resistance "R" value of 50. By Contractor's option, Contractor may substitute blown-in mineral wool (not cellulose) insulation, thickness assuring same "'R" value (No vapor barrier required in ceilings). B. Attic Insulation Baffles: Baffle stop manufactured by insulation Products, Inc., Greenville, South Carolina; Air Vent, Inc., Peoria, Illinois; or equal. Full-width insulation baffles must be installed in every attic truss space prior to application of attic insulation and shall allow for cold air movement across the bottom of the roof sheathing. C. Attic Venting: Attic spaces shall be vented with a minimum of 1 square foot of free vent opening per 150 square feet of attic floor area. 50% of vent area @ ridge, 50% vent area @ soffit. General Contractor to verify proper venting to the Architect. SECTION 7C - CAULKING AND SEALANTS The General Provisions of the contract, including General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions and Division 1, General Requirements, apply to the work specified in this section. 7C-01 GENERAL A. The extent of caulking and sealant work is shown on the drawings and as described herein. B. The work under this section includes, but is not limited to, the following: Exterior caulking (labor and materials) interior caulking materials (Painting Contractor to install) Joint backing Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 81 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY C. All items described here below to be caulked and sealed. Exterior: Exterior windows, and doors, intersection of dissimilar materials, back caulking of exterior trim adjacent to vinyl siding, and where indicated on plans. Interior: Windows, sills, rim of bath tubs, interior control joints, window stools, doors, doorwalls, countertops, backsplash, and toilets. 7C-02 MATERIALS A. Joints Exposed to Exterior - Sealant shall be two-part polysulphide base polymer sealing compound conforming to ANSl A-I 16.1, 1960, Class B (non-sag grade). Sealant shall be "Thiokol" type as manufactured by Tremco Manufacturing Company, Sonneborn Building Products, Inc., or "DAP". Sealants shall be nonstaining type. Color to match adjacent materials. B. Interior Joints - Caulking to be Acrylic latex type conforming to ASTM C-838-81. Color to match darkest adjacent surface. C. Joint Backing - Back-up material used in joints shall be closed cell butyl sponge, expanded polyethylene or other approved non-impregnated filler compatible with seal ant and non-staining. 7C-03 EXECUTION A. Preparation: Joints shall be thoroughly dry and clean. Loose particles, dirt, paint, foreign matter, etc. shall be removed from masonry surfaces, and rust, mill scale, etc., shall be removed from metal surfaces. Clean metal surfaces with clean cloth soaked in solvent such as toluol or methyl ethyl ketone. Prime all surfaces with coat of primer as recommended by sealant manufacturer and allow to dry before applying sealant. B. Joint Size: for contacting surface shall be less than 1/4". Depth and width of sealant applied shall be of equal dimensions up to 1/2". All widths of sealant applied from 1/2" to 1", depth of sealant shall remain at 1/2". Pack all joints that are more than 1/2" deep with back-up material to depth required in accord with manufacturer's printed directions. "Skin" joints will not be allowed. C. Application: Install sealant only after preparatory work has been approved and when adjoining work is in proper condition to receive it. Do no sealing or caulking when the ambient atmospheric temperature is below 40 degrees F., nor until the joint surfaces are thoroughly dry. Completely fill all spaces, using care not to smear Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 82 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY adjoining surfaces. Finish exposed parts with a concave recess unless otherwise directed or indicated. D. Guarantee: Caulking Contractor to furnish a written guarantee warranting all sealants to remain in a serviceable, watertight, elastic, and adhesive condition, not staining or injuring adjoining materials, for a period of two (2) years from the date of final acceptance of the building, and to make good without expense to the Owner, any defects appearing in the work within that period. SECTION 7D - FIBER SIDING, SUBSTRATEAND TRIM 7D-0 GENERAL A. B. C. D. SECTION INCLUDES 1. Primed hardboard siding. 2. Matching soffit panels and trim. 3. Sealing panel joints and penetrations. 4. Building paper. 5. Flashings within siding installation. RELATED SECTIONS 1. Section 06100 - Rough Carpentry: Stud wall bracing and sheathing. 2. Section 07260 -Vapor Retarders: Vapor retarder on warm side of exterior wall and in crawl space. 3. Section 09900 - Paints and Coatings: Field painting. REFERENCES 1. ANSI/AHA A135.6 - Hardboard Siding; 1998. 2. ASTM E 84 - Standard Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials; 2001. SUBMITTALS 1. Submit under provisions of Section 01300. Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 83 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY E. 2. Manufacturer's data sheets on each product to be used, including: a. Preparation instructions and recommendations. b. Storage and handling requirements and recommendations. c. Installation methods, including nailing patterns. d. Applicable model code authority evaluation report (ICBO, SBCCI, BOCA, CCMC, etc.) 3. Siding manufacturer's requirements for vapor retarders, paint, etc., to be installed by others. 4. Maintenance and periodic inspection recommendations. DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING 1. F. Store products off the ground, on a flat surface, and under a roof or separate waterproof covering. WARRANTY 1. Register manufacturer's warranty, made out in Owner's name, with copy to Owner. 7D-0 PRODUCTS A. MANUFACTURERS 1. B. Acceptable Manufacturer: LP SmartSide, which is located at: 414 Union St. Suite 2000; Nashville, TN 37219; Toll Free Tel: 888-820-0325; Email: request info; Web: MATERIALS 1. Trim and Fascia: Wood grain embossed surface hardboard complying with ANSI/AHA A135.6, with resin and linseed oil impregnated surface; three coats edge sealer, two coats primer. a. Thickness:4/4 inch nominal; 3/4 inch actual. b. Width: 4 inches nominal. c. Width: 10 inches nominal. d. Width: As indicated on drawings. e. Board Length: 16 feet. f. Trim fascia boards plowed to receive soffit panel. g. Warranty: 50-year Transferable Warranty with the 5-year 100% Repair/Replacement Feature. Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 84 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY 2. Accessories: Aluminum, primed for painting; provide all accessories necessary for a complete installation. a. Starter Strips: To anchor and level bottom panels. b. Outside Corners: To match siding profile. c. Vertical Joint Moldings: To match lap siding profile. d Z Flashing: For horizontal joints between siding panels. 3. Sheet Metal Flashing: Minimum 26 gage hot-dipped galvanized steel sheet, or aluminum. 4. Sealant: Paintable acrylic latex sealant with stated service life of 25 years. 5. Nails: Length as required to penetrate minimum 1-1/2 inch into solid backing; hot-dipped galvanized or stainless steel. 6. Building Paper: Kraft or bituminous paper; not polyethylene or foil. 7D-0 EXECUTION A. B. EXAMINATION 1. Do not begin installation until substrates have been properly prepared. 2. If substrate preparation is the responsibility of another installer, notify Architect of unsatisfactory preparation before proceeding. INSTALLATION 1. Install in accordance with manufacturer's instructions and drawing details. a. Read warranty and comply with all terms necessary to maintain warranty coverage. b. Install in accordance with conditions stated in model code evaluation report. 2. Allow products to adjust to ambient conditions before starting installation. 3. Do not install to green wood or crooked structural framing. Do not install over rain soaked or buckled materials. Do not install if excessive moisture is present in the interior, including that from curing concrete and plaster. 4. Over Wood and Wood-Composite Sheathing: Fasten siding through sheathing into studs. Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 85 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY C. 5. Install sheet metal flashing above door and window casings and horizontal trim in field of siding. 6. Do not install siding less than 6 inches from surface of ground nor closer than 1 inch to roofs, patios, porches, and other surfaces where water may collect. 7. Do not cut siding to fabricate trim; use trim components manufactured for the purpose. 8. After installation, seal all joints except lap joints of lap siding. Seal around all penetrations. Paint all exposed cut edges PROTECTION 1. Protect installed products until completion of project. 2. Touch-up, repair or replace damaged products after Substantial Completion. SECTION 7E - DAMPPROOFING The General Provisions of the contract, including General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions and Division 1, General Requirements, apply to the work specified in this section. 7E-01 A. GENERAL Work included under this section includes, but is not limited, to the following: Bituminous dampproofing 7E-02 A. MATERIALS Bituminous dampproofing shall be as manufactured by Sonneborn Building Products ("Hydrocide Semi-Mastic") or Toch Brothers ("R.l.W. Marine Semi-Mastic") or other product approved by Architect. 7E-03 EXECUTION A. Bituminous Dampproofing: Bituminous dampproofing shall be applied by spray or brush method in accordance with manufacturer's printed instructions. Dampproofing shall be applied to exterior of foundation walls as indicated and at elevator pit. Dampproofing shall be applied to interior surface of all exterior masonry walls above grade except where such walls are to remain exposed without furred surfacing. Apply dampproofing in two coats at an approximate total coverage rate of 35 square feet per gallon. Protect nonGavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 86 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY masonry materials from coverage during spray application of dampproofing END OF SECTION DIVISION 8 - DOORS SECTION 8A - METAL DOORS AND FRAMES The General Provisions of the contract, including General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions and Division 1, General Requirements, apply to the work specified in this section. 8A-01 GENERAL A. The extent of metal clad insulated doors and pre-hung wood frames is shown on the drawings and the door schedule. B. Items included but not limited to the following: Metal Clad Doors and Wood Frames C. Acceptable manufacturer's: Antcliff, Pease, Stanley, National or equal. D. Related items specified in other Sections are as follows: Access panels (Division 10) E. Shop Drawings - Submit shop drawings of all doors and metal frames indicating size, materials, and methods of installation to the Architect for approval before commencing fabrication. 8A-02 MATERIALS A. Metal Clad Door: 1. Primed 24 gauge (minimum thickness) insulated steel or composite construction. 2. Magnetic weatherstripping on exterior doors 3. Flexible compression weatherstripping on interior doors as called for in the hardware schedule. 4. Adjustable aluminum threshold, low profile barrier free aluminum threshold at barrier free unit. 5. Shall meet ASTM B117 & ASTM D2247 in accordance with ASTM D1654. Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 87 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY 6. 7. 8. 8A-03 Prehung in metal clad wood or composite frame. Doors to be 1 3/4" thick. Door style to be as shown on drawings. EXECUTION A. Installation: Install per manufacturers specifications. Doors shall swing freely without racking or binding and shall fit snug to weatherstripping provided on door without gaps to limit infiltration to a maximum .35 cfm per linear foot of crack. Set door threshold in sealant to prevent backup of water under door. Drill hole for lockset, verify location and number of holes with lockset selected. B. Unit entry doors shall have insulated solid cores and be no less than 1-3/4" thick. Jambs at the strike area shall be reinforced with an equivalent of a plywood plate 3/8" x 3 1/2" x 6" nailed to the back of the jamb. Door jambs shall be reinforced with 2" x 4" horizontal bracing at latch height. SECTION 8B - WOOD DOORS The General Provisions of the contract, including General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions and Division I, General Requirements, apply to the work specified in this section. 8B-01 GENERAL A. The extent of wood doors is shown on the drawings and the door schedule. B. Items included but not limited to the following: Hollow Core Doors Bi-fold Closet Doors Patio / Balcony Doors C. Items not included under this section and specified in other sections of this specification are as follows: Finish Hardware 8B-02 A. Materials General: Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 88 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY 1. Acceptable manufacturer of wood doors, subject to compliance with requirements of NWMA IS-I: a. b. c. d. Masonite Georgia-Pacific Weyerhaeuser Curtis 2. Pre-Finished - All wood doors shall be factory finished with a permanent dura print on hardboard. Stile edges to receive same applied finish with rail edges factory sealed. 3. Warranty - All interior wood doors shall have a 2-year warranty against warpage and delamination which shall cover costs of replacement, installation and finishing. B. Unit Interior Doors: Provide where indicated in door schedule, "Hollow core Flush", pre-hung wood doors. All wood doors shall have kiln-dried faces of dura print on hardboard. Doors shall be min. 1 3/8" thick. C. Bi-fold Closet Doors: Bi-folding door assemblies shall be furnished complete with door pulls (mounted 3 inches minimum away from hinged edge of door panel) and other hardware and track with track trim member. Door panels shall match interior swing doors. Doors shall be min. 1 3/8" thick. Provide fender washer at backside of knob to prevent screw head from pulling thru door skin. E. Solid Core Doors: Doors shall be similar to Mohawk Flush Door Co. Deluxe Dorseal solid wood core, 1-3/4" thick, constructed in compliance with UL requirements to have ratings as required on drawings. Face veneers shall match other wood doors. All labeled doors shall bear identification plates showing rating. E. Garage doors: All garage doors shall be steel skinned and sized as indicated on drawings and shall include all hardware and necessary equipment to install a fully functioning garage door. Garage door shall be a four panel, panel style door with the color to be selected by the Architect. Door shall be manufactured by Stanley, Autograph style model number 544 or equal. Garage door openers are included within this scope of work. Door opener shall be Liftmaster 3245 or equal. 8B-03 A. Execution Installation: 1. Install doors in accordance with manufacturers instructions / requirements. Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 89 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY 2. Coordinate installation of doors with installation of hardware specified in other sections of this specification. 3. Adjust doors for smooth and balanced door movement. 4. Undercut all bedroom and bathroom and utility room doors 1 inch. B. 1. Installation Tolerances Conform to ANSI / NWWDA requirements for fit and clearance tolerances and maximum diagonal distortion. SECTION 8D - VINYL WINDOWS The General Provisions of the contract, including General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions and Division 1, General Requirements, apply to the work specified in this section. 8D-01 GENERAL PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 TESTING AND PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A. Specific Performance Requirements: Windows shall conform to specified AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/I.S.2/A440-05 HS R-40 requirements at a minimum test size of 5-3x 3-8(3/4 I.G.-1/8 panes) and following, whichever are the more stringent: 1. Air Infiltration Test: With the sash in a closed and locked position, the window shall be subjected to an air infiltration test in accordance with ASTM E 283. Air infiltration shall not exceed 0.05 cubic feet per lineal foot of sash crack. 2. Water Resistance Test: The glazed unit shall be mounted in its vertical position continuously supported around perimeter and the sash placed in the fully closed and locked position. The window unit shall be subjected to a water resistance test in accordance with ASTM E 331 and ASTM E 547, using a static pressure of 6.06 psfwith no uncontrolled water leakage. Testing shall be performed on windows both with and without an available insect screen. 3. Uniform Load Structural Test: Per ASTM E 330. At the conclusion of tests, there shall be no glass breakage, permanent damage of fasteners, hardware parts Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 90 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY or any other damage causing the window to be inoperable at 60.15 psf. 4. Operating Force: Each movable panel shall operate in either direction with a force of 10 lbf. 5. U-value shall be 0.26or better, with low–e glass. 1.02 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Standards: Except as otherwise indicated, requirements for vinyl (PVC) windows, terminology and standards of performance and fabrication workmanship are those specified and recommended in ANSI/AAMA 101 and applicable general recommendations published by AAMA and the AA. B. Windows shall be NFRC certified. C. Windows shall be Energy Star Rated. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Vinyl Extrusions: All extruded sections shall be of Poly (vinyl chloride) (uPVC). B. Hardware: Hardware having component parts which are exposed shall be of aluminum, stainless steel, or other non-corrosive materials compatible with vinyl. C. Weatherstripping: Provide double weatherstripping using silicone-coated woven pile with polypropylene fin center where specified with AAMA 701. D. Glass: 1. All glazing shall be glazed at the factory as follows: a) All units shall be constructed to an overall minimum thickness of 3/4 with two lites of DSB (1/8), 3/16 or 1/4 (as size and loading requires) 2. Glazing Options: Optional glazing such as tinted, laminated, tempered, reflective, low-E, argon-filled and others are available upon request. 2.02 FABRICATION A. Window Members: All window members, shall be of vinyl. (Unless Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 91 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY Indicated Otherwise) 1. Main frame and insert members wall thickness shall meet all specifications of AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/I.S.2/A440-05. 2. Depth of frame and sash shall not be less than 3 1/4. B. Assembly: The windows shall be assembled in a secure and workmanlike manner to perform as hereinafter specified. All frames and vents shall be mitered and fusion welded, forming a watertight joint. C. Glazing 1. Units shall be drop glazed with a snap-in glazing stop. The exterior is set in glazing tape. D. Screens 1. Screens frames shall be extruded aluminum 2. Screen mesh shall be (aluminum or fiberglass) E. Frame shall have integral nailing fin and J channel. PART 3 - EXECUTION: 3.01 INSTALLATION: A. Comply with manufacturer’s specifications and recommendations for installation of window units, hardware, operators and other components of work. In no case shall attachment to existing structure or to components of the window system be through or abridge the thermal barriers of the replacement windows. B. Set units plumb, level and true to line, without warp or rack of frames or sash. Anchor securely in place. Separate aluminum and other corrodible surfaces from sources of corrosion or electrolytic action. Casement windows must be securely blocked and fastened at each hinge point. C. Wedge insulation between frames of new windows and construction to remain, or between frames and new blocking as applicable. Compress fiberglass to not less than 50 percent of original thickness. D. Set sill members and other members in bed of compound as shown, or with joint filler or gaskets as shown, to provide weathertight construction. Seal units following installation and as required to provide a weathertight system. Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 92 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY E. Fasteners: Aluminum, stainless steel, or other materials warranted by manufacturer to be noncorrosive and compatible with vinyl window members, hardware and other components of the windows. 3.03 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE: A. Adjust operating sash and hardware to provide tight fit at contact points and at weatherstripping. Adjust also for smooth operation and a weathertight closure. B. Clean vinyl surfaces promptly after installation of windows, exercising care to avoid damage to the finish. Remove excess glazing and sealant compound, dirt and other substances. 1. Lubricate hardware and moving parts 2. For frame and sash cleaning, use a common window cleaner or mild detergent solution with a regular cloth. After cleaning, be sure to thoroughly rinse all surfaces with clean water to remove any detergent residue. C. Clean glass promptly after installation of windows. Remove glazing and sealant compound, dirt and other substances. 1. Use a common window cleaner with a lint free cloth or chamois. 2. Do Not Use: a) Caustic or abrasive cleaner or any silicon based solvents on the frame or sash surfaces, as they may damage or discolor the finish b) Petroleum-based lubricants as they may discolor the finish c) Insecticides (bug spray) on or near window surface. Contact of insecticides with the finish could damage or discolor the window surface. D. Initiate all protection and other precautions required to ensure that window units will be without damage or deterioration at time of acceptance. SECTION 8E – SLIDING GLASS DOORS 1.SECTION INCLUDES A. All sliding glass doors of the types and sizes as called for in this specification shall be furnished with all necessary hardware and miscellaneous equipment as herein specified and shall be manufactured by Marquee. 2. RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 01340 - Shop Drawings, Product Data and Samples. B. Section 01610 - Delivery, Storage and Handling. C. Section 01710 - Final Cleaning: Glass cleaning. Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 93 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY D. Section 07900 - Joint Sealers: Perimeter sealant and back-up materials. E. Section 08800 - Glazing. 3. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. General - Provide Independent Third Party Notice of Product Certification showing products to be in full compliance with AAMA/NWWDA 101/I.S.2-97 and the following: 1. Vinyl Sliding Glass Door to be Marquee Series 870 (insulated glass), 72 x 80 2 Panel. B. Test Units. 1. Perfom all tests as listed below in accordance with AAMA/NWWDA 101/I.S.2-97. C. Test Procedures. 1. Air Infiltration Test by Independent AAMA Certified Laboratory (Manufacturers Facility May Be Utilized). a. With door glazed, operating panel closed and locked, mounted vertically, test in accordance with ASTM E28391 at a static pressure of 1.57 psf (25 mph). Air infiltration shall not exceed maximum 0.3 cfm per square foot of door area. 2. Water Resistance Test - by Independent AAMA Certified Laboratory (Manufacturers Facility May Be Utilized). a. With door glazed, sash closed and locked, mounted vertically, test in accordance with ASTM E547-93 at the static pressure of 5.25 psf. There shall be no uncontrolled water leakage as defined in ASTM E547-93. 3. Uniform Load Test Design Wind Load Test by Independent AAMA Certified Laboratory (Manufacturers Facility May Be Utilized). a. Test with door glazed, operating panel closed and locked, mounted vertically in accordance with ASTM E330-90. b. There shall be no glass breakage, permanent damage to fasteners or hardware parts, or damage to make door inoperable when tested at a design load of positive and negative 35 psf for sizes up to 72 x 80. 4. Uniform Load Structural Overload Test by Independent AAMA Certified Laboratory (Manufacturers Facility May Be Utilized). a. With door glazed, operating panel closed and locked, mounted vertically test in accordance with ASTM E330-90. b. When tested at positive and negative structural loads at Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 94 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY 150% of Design Pressure, there shall be no glass breakage, permanent damage to fasteners or hardware parts, damage to make door inoperable, or permanent deformation of any main frame or ventilator section in excess of 0.4% of its unsupported span. D. Specific Performance Requirements: Sliding Glass Doors shall conform to specified AAMA/WDMA standards and following, whichever are the more stringent: 1. Air Infiltration Test: With the sash in a closed and locked position, the Unit shall be subjected to an air infiltration test in accordance with ASTM E 283. Air infiltration shall not exceed 0.2 cubic feet per minute per square foot sash frame at 1.57 psf (25 mph and .3" H2O). 2. Water Resistance Test: The glazed unit shall be mounted in its vertical position continuously supported around perimeter and the sash placed in the fully closed and locked position. The unit shall be subjected to a water resistance test in accordance with ASTM E 331 and ASTM E 547. Testing shall be performed on Units both with and without an available insect screen. a) Using a static pressure of 4.50 pounds per square foot, a water flow rate equal to five gallons of water per hour per square foot of Glass Door area should be cycled for five (5) minutes of water on and one (1) minute off for a total of four (4) cycles. No water shall pass the interior face of the Glass Door frame and there shall be no leakage as defined in the ASTM E 547 test method. 3. Uniform Load Structural Test: Per ASTM E 330. At the conclusion of tests, there shall be no glass breakage, permanent damage of fasteners, hardware parts or any other damage causing the Glass Door to be inoperable at 45.0 psf. 4. Condensation Resistance Factor: The Glass Doors shall be tested in accordance with AAMA 1502 standards and tests of thermal performance of 57 C.R.F. 5. U Value Tests: (Co-efficient of Heat Transfer): a) Thermal Transmittance of Conduction with a 15 mph perpendicular dynamic wind: 0.57 BTU/Hr/Ft2/F REFERENCES A. American Society of Testing Materials (ASTM): 1. ASTM C 509-94 Specification for Elastomeric Cellular Preformed Gasket and Sealing Material. Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 95 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY 2. ASTM B 633-85 Specification for Electrodeposited Coatings of Zinc on Iron and Steel. 3. ASTM B 766-86 Specification for Electrodeposited Coatings of Cadmium. 4. ASTM B 456-94 Specification for Electrodeposited Coatings of Copper Plus Nickel Plus Chromium and Nickel Plus Chromium. 5. ASTM C 1036-91 Specification for Flat Glass. 6. ASTM E 774-92 Specification for Sealed Insulated Glass Units. B. American Architectural Manufacturers Association (AAMA): 1. AAMA 701-92 Voluntary Specification for Pile Weatherstripping. 2. AAMA 800-92 Voluntary Specification and Test Methods for Sealants. 3. AAMA 1302.5-1976 Voluntary Specification for Forced-Entry Resistant Aluminum Prime Windows. 4. SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawings: Submit shop drawings under provision of Section 01340 (as required). B. Product Data: Submit product data under provision of Section 01340 (as required). C. Samples (as required): 1. Submit full sliding glass door sample under provisions of Section 01340. 2. Include glazing system, quality of construction and specified finish. D. Quality Control Submittals (as required): 1. Certification: Submit performance test results reported by independent laboratory or manufacturer's statement of qualification indicating compliance with specified performance and design requirements. 5. DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Comply with provisions of Section 01610. B. Store units in an upright position in a clean and dry storage area. C. Protect finish surfaces with wrapping or strippable coating. Do not use adhesive papers or sprayed coatings, which bond when exposed to sunlight or weather. 6. WARRANTY A. The installer shall assume full responsibility that the installation is in accordance with the specifications, contract documents and manufacturer specifications. B. Manufacturers Warranty: Furnish manufacturers Limited Lifetime Warranty on Glass Door products. Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 96 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY PRODUCTS 1. MATERIALS A. The vinyl extrusions used shall be of commercial quality and of proper formulation for Sliding Glass Door construction, free of defects impairing strength and durability. 2. COMPONENTS A. MAIN FRAME AND SASH: 1. Mainframe shall have a nominal wall thickness of not less than .062". B. WEATHERSTRIPPING: 1. Materials used within this sliding glass door must be only of high quality, proven to be capable of meeting the environmental exposure and performance requirements of the application. When the following materials are used, they should meet the specification indicated. 2. Woven pile weatherstrip shall conform to AAMA 701-92. 3. Weatherstrip of closed cell elastomer shall meet ASTM C509. 4. Weatherstrip of dense elastomer shall meet ASTM C 864-90. C. FASTENERS: 1. All screws and other miscellaneous fastening devices incorporated shall be of aluminum, stainless steel, or other non-corrosive material compatible with the vinyl extrusions. Cadmium or zinc plated steel, where used, shall be in accordance with ASTM B 766-86 or ASTM B 633-85. Nickel or chrome plated steel, where used, shall be in accordance with ASTM 456-94 type SC. D. INSECT SCREENS: 1. Insect screens frames shall be of tubular roll formed aluminum or extruded aluminum. Insect screen frames will be color matched to the Unit color. The screens will incorporate fiberglass screen cloth of 18 x 16 mesh held in the frame by vinyl screen spline. 2. Aluminum screen cloth of 18 x 16 mesh with vinyl screen spline shall be optional. E. GLASS AND GLAZING MATERIALS 1. INSULATED GLASS: a. The assembled insulated unit shall be 5/8" high performance. Assembly shall conform to ASTM E 774-92, level A. b. Tempered glass shall conform to ASTM C 1048-91. Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 97 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY c. Annealed glass shall conform to ASTM C 1036-91. 2. GLAZING MATERIALS: a. The insulated glass units will be secured to the door frame by a silicone ductile bedding compound. F. HARDWARE 1. Hardware having component parts which are exposed shall be aluminum, stainless steel or other non-corrosive material compatible with the vinyl extrusions. Cadmium or zinc plated steel, where used, shall be in accordance with ASTM B 766-86 or ASTM B 633-85. Nickel or chrome plated steel, where used, shall be in accordance with ASTM 456-94 type SC. G. SLIDING GLASS DOOR LOCK: 1. Operating Panels shall be capable of being locked by an installed locking handle meeting AAMA 1302.5 forced entry specification. Locks will be color keyed to the Unit's interior color and attached to the operating panel with color-keyed screws anchored through the locks into the sash. EXECUTION 1. EXAMINATION A. VERIFICATION OF CONDITIONS: 1. Before installation, verify that openings are plumb and square and of proper dimension. Report frame defects or unsuitable conditions to the General Contractor before proceeding. B. ACCEPTANCE: 1. Beginning of installation means acceptance of existing conditions. 2. INSTALLATION A. The sliding glass door will be secured in the rough opening in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and/or accepted industry practice. All doors are to be installed level and plumb. A permanent weather tight seal must be applied between the Unit nailing fin and the building exterior sheathing at the time of installation. The doors are to be secured to the opening with 1 or larger fasteners, as is standard practice, applied through the door mainframe members. B. Install sealant and related backing materials at perimeter of assembly in accordance with Section 07900 Joint Sealers. Do not use foam sealant. 3. ADJUSTING AND CLEANING Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 98 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY A. Adjust operable panel to work freely with all hardware functioning properly. Readjust at completion of the project if directed. B. Remove all visible labels except permanent identification on labels per manufacturer's recommendations. C. Leave doors in a job-clean condition. Final cleaning of glass will be per section 01710. 4. PROTECTION A. Cover sliding glass doors during spray painting or other construction operations that might cause damage. SECTION 8F - FINISH HARDWARE PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. B. Hardware for wood and hollow steel doors. Thresholds, weather-stripping, seals, and door gaskets. 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. B. Shop Drawings: Indicate locations and mounting heights of each type of hardware, electrical characteristics and connection requirements. Operating and Maintenance Instructions: Include data on operating hardware, lubrication requirements, and inspection procedures related to preventative maintenance. 1.03 COORDINATION A. Coordinate work of this section with other directly affected sections requiring any integral reinforcement for door hardware. 1.04 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. B. Package hardware items individually. Label and identify package with door opening code to match schedule. Deliver keys to Owner direct from hardware supplier. 1.05 MAINTENANCE Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 99 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY A. Provide special wrenches and tools applicable to each different or special hardware component. B. Furnish the Owner with two complete sets of installation instructions, service manuals, maintenance helps and special wrenches or keys required to keep hardware in adjustment. This material shall be in two separate packets, one for Owner's files and one for Owner's maintenance staff. PART 2 2.01 PRODUCTS MATERIALS A. B. C. 2.02 A. All hardware to meet applicable A.D.A. and F.F.H. regulations. Hardware all conform to F.S. F.F.h.-00106 and with the applicable series as follows: 1. Building entrance doors - Series 4000, grade 1 or Series 1000, grade 2 . No plastic parts. 2. Living unit entry doors - Series 4000, grade 2. 3. Doors within living units - series 4000, grade 3. Locksets and latches throughout the project to have lever type handles approved for use by the physically handicapped. D. All privacy to unlock with turn of handle. C. Door Viewer: Provide one viewer, Ives 698 for each dwelling unit entry door. 54 inches mounting height typical except at Accessible Units where a secondary peephole shall be provided at 45 inches AFF. D. Keyed locksets shall have replaceable cores. SUPPLIERS Hardware by the following manufacturers will be considered approved, provided that design, function, finish and gage of metal are consistent with the items listed herein. 1. Butts: Stanley, Hager, Lawrence, or McKinney. 2. Locks and Latches: Schlage, Stanley, Harloc, Wiser, or Kwikset. Architect to select finish. 3. Bifold Door Knobs: Taymor 20-B1050 4. Stops: Ives (061), Glynn Johnson, Baldwin. 5. Miscellaneous Hardware: Any of above. 6. Panic Devices and Closers: Arrow, Corbin, Russwin, Sargent, Yale or Dorma. Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 100 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY (Closers with Sex Bolts) 7. Exterior hinges shall be corrosion proof and non removable from the exterior. B. Hardware of other manufacturers equal in design, quality, and function may be substituted upon Architect approval. 2.02 KEYING A. B. Furnish a complete schedule of key markings and master key system to the Owner. Furnish one per building master key. Furnish all cylinders with two pass keys. 2.03 FINISHES A. All hardware shall be brushed nickel. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION AND PREPARATION A. Verify that doors and frames are ready to receive work. B. Verify that electric power is available to power operated devices and of the correct characteristics. 3.02 INSTALLATION A. B. Install hardware in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. Use templates provided by hardware item manufacturer. 3.03 SCHEDULE A. B. C. It is the responsibility of the supplier to thoroughly detail the entire project to assure that the items specified or required will properly function for the indicated locations. Check for template hardware, special brackets, special fastenings, or any other details which may affect the function of the hardware. Prepare a complete schedule including all items proposed for each opening and other miscellaneous items and submit five copies to the Architect for approval. Indicate on schedule the name of manufacturer of each item. Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 101 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY D. E. Coordinate hardware with door and frame suppliers. HARDWARE SCHEDULE: (SEE DRAWINGS) END OF SECTION Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 102 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY DIVISION 9 - FINISHES SECTION 9A - DRYWALL The General Provisions of the contract, including General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions and Division 1, General Requirements, apply to the work specified in this section. 9A-01 SCOPE OF WORK A. This work consists of furnishing all labor, materials, and equipment required, and of furnishing and installing all gypsum drywall systems, gypsum board shaft walls, wall texturing, resilient channels, and related items, all in accordance with the accompanying Drawings and these Specifications. B. The following work is not included in this section of the specifications: 1. 2. 9A-02 Acoustic insulation. (Division 7B) Access panels. (installed by this trade, Division 10A) GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Fire-Resistance Ratings - Comply with fire-resistance ratings as indicated on the drawings and as required by governing authorities and codes. Provide materials, accessories and application procedures which have been listed by U.L. or tested in accordance with ASTM E119 for the type of construction shown. B. Acoustical Ratings - Completed partition assemblies shall satisfy the sound transmission class rating (STC) indicated on the drawings in accordance with manufacturer's or association's test results or design designations provided for such assemblies. C. Temperature and Humidity Conditions - In cold weather (outdoor temperatures less than 55 degrees F.), controlled heat in the range of 55 degrees to 70 degrees F. shall be provided. This heat must be maintained both day and night, 24 hours before, during and after entire gypsum panel and joint treatment application and until permanent heating system is in operation. Ventilation shall be provided to eliminate excessive moisture in glazed buildings, this may be accomplished by keeping windows open approximately 2" top and bottom (or side-pivoted windows approximately 4") to provide air circulation. In enclosed areas lacking ventilation, temporary circulators shall be used. Under slow drying conditions, allow extra drying time between coats of joint compound. Avoid drafts during hot, dry weather. Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 103 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY 9A-03 MATERIALS A. General - Deliver all manufactured materials in original packages, containers and bundles bearing name of manufacturer, brand and complete identification. Store materials above the ground under watertight cover, and away from moisture of dampness until ready for use.Remove damaged or deteriorated material from the site. B. Manufacturer - U.S. Gypsum Company, Nationals Gypsum Company, Celotex Corporation, Georgia Pacific Company, Gold Bond, or approved equal. Materials shall all be the product of one manufacturer where feasible. C. Gypsum board - Provide gypsum wallboard complying with ASTM C36 with paperface surface suitable to receive decorated finish and with long edges tapered to receive manufacturer's standard Joint treatment, unless otherwise shown. Provide gypsum wallboard for all exterior wall applications when installed over stud framing. Furnish water resistant gypsum board complying with ASTM C630 for wall linings in all potentially wet locations, such as around tubs and to surface walls behind laundry machines. Provide Type "X" gypsum wallboard having Underwriters Laboratories designation where shown in thickness as required to meet fire ratings. Provide all materials, hardware, clips, angles, etc. and labor required for complete installation considering openings or penetrations in order to achieve the two hour rating. D. Screws - 1-1/4", type W or type S bugle head for attachment of RC-1 channels to framing. 1-1/8" for 5/8" board to RC-1 channels. E. Nails - GWB-54 (ASTM C514-54T) annular ring, 1/4" round head. 1-1/4" long for 1/2" board. 1-3/8" long for 5/8" beard - 2" for multi-layer board application. F. Metal Trim Accessories - Provide trim accessories of the sizes required for the drywall applications shown and specified, fabricated from galvanized steel, and of the following types: 1. At external corners, provide metal corner bead with smooth rigid nose and perforated and knurled metal flanges. 2. For protection of all exposed wallboard edges wound openings, provide metal casing bead trim. 3. Where drywall abuts or intersects dissimilar construction, including window sills and counter tops, provide square edge casing bead. Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 104 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY G. Adhesives - ASTM C557. H. Joint Tapes - Plain or perforated complying with ASTM C475. I. Joint Compound - Joint compound shall be a pre-mixed vinyl type. 9A-04 EXECUTION A. General - Comply with the requirements of ANSI A97.1 "Standard Specifications for the Application and Finishing of Wallboard", except comply with manufacturer's instructions and recommendations where more stringent. B. Installation: 1. Partition/Walls: For heights of 8'-2" or less, apply gypsum board horizontally. For heights greater than 8'-2" or for areas less than 4' wide apply vertically. Use floor-to-ceiling length boards for vertical applications and locate edge joints over support, but offset at least one stud space on opposite faces of partition/walls. Use maximum practical length boards for horizontal applications; locate end joints over supports and stagger in alternate courses of board. Wallboard applied in two layers shall be installed per test specifications. 2. At laundry and tub locations, provide water-resistant gypsum backer board. Apply with long edges horizontal to supports, and with outside face in same plane as lip of fixture, Provide 1/4" open space between lip and edge of drywall. Fasten to supports in accordance with drywall manufacturer's instruction, but space nails not more than 8" o.c. Seal cut edges of drywall prior to installation in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. 3. Where laminated board construction is required, secure boards together with laminating adhesive and methods as recommended by the board manufacturer. Install board with taped joints and break all joints, both with respect to underlying board layer and to board on opposite side of partition. 4. At wood framing, secure wallboard with 1-1/4" annular ring nails spaced 8" o.c. at perimeter and in field; use adhesive in addition to nails for ceiling installations, per Manufacturer's instructions. 5. Where openings occur, use gypsum panels of sufficient length to span wall Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 105 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY area, covering the openings. If joints occur near an opening, apply panels so vertical joints at least 8" away from external corners of windows, doors, or similar openings except at interior or exterior angles within the room and when control joints are used. 6. Apply gypsum panels first to the ceiling (perpendicular to framing) and then to the walls. Fit ends and edges closely but do not force panels into place. Cut panels accurately to fit around pipes and electrical fixtures. 7. In non fire rated walls and ceilings, apply panels using adhesive and minimum number of fastening. Select adhesive recommended by the gypsum board manufacturer. Make sure all wood surfaces are clean, sound, free from oil or other contamination. Apply adhesive in a continuous 3/8" bead in center of attachment face, except where two panels meet on a framing member, apply two continuous 3/8" beads at edges of face of framing member. Fasten panels with specified nails once at each framing intersection along ends and at 16" o.c. along board edges. Temporary fasteners for ceilings are to be spaced at 16" o.c. Where panels are applied over polyethylene vapor barrier nailing shall be at 8" o,c, for sidewalls and adhesive omitted. 8. Where horizontal construction is used on walls, apply top wall panel first, butted against ceiling. C. Finishing: 1. All drywall attachments to be depressed and given 3 coats of joint compound. Beads and trim shall be given 3 coats of Joint compound; cover beads with 1/8" and feather out 2". 2. Sand joint compound smooth exercising care not to roughen wall board. 3. Provide "knockdown" textured finish at all ceilings and walls in apartment units to receive sprayed latex textured finish, tamped to provide a flat stucco appearance. D. Cleanup - This Contractor shall supply labor on items related to his work including the unloading of material and the disposing of, off site, all packaging materials and debris. END OF SECTION Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 106 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY SECTION 9B - PAINTING The General Provisions of the contract, including General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions and Division 1, General Requirements, apply to the work specified in this section. 9B-01 SCOPE OF THE WORK A. The extent of painting is shown on the drawings and the finish schedule. B. Items Included but not limited to the following: Finish painting drywall Doors and frames Grilles, Louvers, miscellaneous metal as required Millwork and trim as required Interior caulking labor (material specified in Division 7C) Fill nail holes in pre-finished trim C. Except as hereinafter specified, surfaces to be painted shall include all exposed unfinished wood, ferrous metal, galvanized ferrous metal, drywall, and other incidental surfaces as required to decorate the building completely, interior and exterior. D. Painting and finish for specific interior surfaces shall be as designated on the Schedule of Interior Finishes or included in these specifications, and all such painting and finishing shall comply with the requirements of these specifications. E. All exposed mechanical and electrical work in finished rooms or areas, such as piping, conduit, grilles, registers, convector fronts, panel front, etc. shall be painted, in general to match the adjacent surfaces, unless otherwise directed. Paint all exposed mechanical and electrical vents and roof hat vents and other equipment on roofs using colors selected by the architect. The forgoing specification applies only to those materials that do not have a final "factory finish". 9B-02 WORK NOT SPECIFIED IN THIS SECTION A. The following surfaces will be primed and finish painted by the trade furnishing same, Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 107 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY and need no field painting by this trade: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Prefinished kitchen cabinets. Mechanical and electrical work in mechanical rooms and where not exposed in finished rooms, except where exposed to the weather. Prefinished wood doors & trim (exception: edges cut in fitting). Prefinished aluminum work. Metal flashing specified to be prefinished. B. The following painting work is specified elsewhere in these specifications: 1. 9B-03 Parking lot striping (Division 2). GENERAL NOTES A. This trade shall examine all surfaces to be painted or finished, and report any unacceptable surfaces to the Architect in writing. If any such defective surfaces are painted or finished, the refinishing of such surfaces, after remedial work by other trades, shall be done by this trade at no extra cost to the Owner. B. This trade shall protect the finish of work of other trades from damage. Paint materials shall be cleaned off from finished surfaces immediately. This trade shall pay the costs for remedial work required to correct any damage caused by his operations. This trade shall provide protective coverings as required to protect finished surfaces, and shall post "Wet Paint" signs to protect newly painted surfaces. C. Paint materials shall be applied only in weather of such low humidity and in such temperature range as is suitable for the formation of good durable films. No materials shall be applied in temperatures less than 65 degrees F; nor in damp, rainy or frosty weather, nor until building interiors have dried. D. Paint must be a locally available brand. 9B-04 MATERIALS A. Where no specific manufacturer of painting materials is mentioned, appropriate products of the following manufacturers shall be used: 1. Sherwin-Williams Company 2. Glidden-Durkee 3. Vasper Corporation 4. Pratt and Lambert (Other manufacturer products must have Architect approval prior to use.) Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 108 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY B. All materials applied on any one surface; primers, sealers, under coaters, finishes, etc., must be of the same manufacturer. Thinners, extenders, colors, putty and similar materials shall be of the best quality obtainable. C. Prior to shipping any material to the Job, General Contractor shall submit names and brands of proposed materials, together with formulations and required tests, to the Architect for approval. All materials shall be shipped to the job in unopened, labeled, manufacturer's original containers only. Approved materials only shall be delivered to the site. D. All colors will be selected by the Architect from color samples furnished by this Contractor. A variety of colors will be used throughout, and more than one color may be used in each dwelling unit. All paint shall be factory mixed to match the Architect's color selections. E. Wall and trim paints are to have washability and scrubbability characteristics as follows: 1. Washability: Soil is removed by Test Method 6141 of Federal Test Standard 141 without exposure of undercoat, more than 5% reduction of reflection, and without change of color as compared to the unwashed area. All interior drywall paint in Kitchens and Baths shall meet this standard. 2. 9B-05 Scrubbability:Paint is not worn through when subjected to 400 strokes of ASTM test #D-2486. All interior paint shall meet this standard. PAINTING AND FINISHING SCHEDULE A. The number of paint or finish coats specified herein are minimum. Additional paint coats will be required if the applied paint coats are not sufficient to conceal the substrates or are not uniform in texture, sheen, and color. If ferrous metal or galvanized ferrous metal surfaces are primed by the supplier of same, the coat of priming paint, specified below may be omitted. B. The kinds of finish and number of coats on the various surfaces shall be as follows: EXTERIOR SURFACES: 1. Exterior Metal (ungalvanized ferrous); First Coat: Zinc chromate primer (Fed. Spec. #TTP-57a) Second Coat: Exterior enamel (semi-gloss or gloss) TTP-102E. Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 109 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY Third Coat: Exterior enamel (semi-gloss or gloss) TTP-102E. All three coats in addition to any factory primer. 2. Exterior Metal (galvanized): Treat metal with "Galva-prep" as manufactured by Am-Chem, Inc. First Coat: Zinc Dust Primer (Fed. Spec. #TTP-641G). Second Coat: Alkyd Exterior enamel (semi-gloss or gloss) TTP-102E. Third Coat: Alkyd Exterior enamel (semi-gloss or gloss) TTP-102E. INTERIOR SURFACES: Satin sheen may be utilized throughout, including all interior drywall (living units, kitchens, bathrooms, utility rooms including all ceilings). VOC not to exceed 150 g/L for non-flat coatings. CONSIDERATION TEST Specular gloss ASTM D523 Hiding power ASTM D344 Consistency (Viscosity) ASTM D562 Drying time Federal Standard 141a (Method 4061) 3. REQUIREMENT Greater than 10, less than 30 Contrast ration of 0.9 or greater Greater than 75 KU less than 100 KU Air dry to touch: 1 hour Air dry to recoat: 6 hours. Interior Drywall (Typical): Flat Drywall finish:(required in Kitchens and Bath Rooms): VOC not to exceed 50 g/L for flat coatings. First Coat: Vinyl primer sealer Second Coat: Satin Sheen Vinyl Acrylic Latex. Spray and roll. *Third Coat: Satin Sheen Vinyl Acrylic Latex. Spray and roll. *Required for deep accent colors, only. Textured: one coat "hi-build" plus touch-up may be used in areas other than Kitchens and Bathrooms, which require smooth finish. VOC not to exceed 50 g/L. Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 110 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY 4 Interior Metal (ungalvanized ferrous): VOC not to exceed 50 g/L. First Coat: Zinc chromate primer (Fed. Spec. #TTP-57a). Second Coat: Alkyd semi-gloss enamel (Fed. Spec. #TTE-508C). Third Coat: Alkyd semi-gloss enamel (Fed. Spec. #TTE-508C). 5. Interior Metal (galvanized): Treat metal with "Galva-Prep" as manufactured by Am-Chem, Inc. VOC not to exceed 250 g/L for anti-corrosive coatings. First Coat: Zinc dust primer (Fed. Spec. #TTP-641G). Second Coat: Alkyd semi-gloss enamel (Fed. Spec. #TTE-5O8C). Third Coat: Alkyd semi-gloss enamel (Fed. Spec. #TTE-4O8C). 6. Interior Wood - Painted:VOC not to exceed 50 g/L for non-flat coatings. First Coat: Wood primer undercoater Second Coat: Satin Sheen Vinyl Acrylic Latex 7 Interior Wood - Stained (Stair Handrail) Sand smooth; stain as directed, fill pores with paste filler tinted to match stained wood, wiped off; sand smooth; apply one coat polyurethane varnish, steel wool, wiped with tack rag; apply second coat of polyurethane varnish. 9B-06 EXECUTION A. Preparation: 1. All materials shall be prepared in strict accordance with the manufacturer's written directions. Thinning, when required, shall be done with materials recommended by the paint manufacturer, using minimum amounts, and not exceeding the paint manufacturer's maximum allowable. 2. Each coat of paint, primers, sealers, and undercoaters shall be tinted, each in a slightly different shade, to match the finish coat. 3. All materials shall be kept stirred to a uniform density during application. Films Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 111 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY that may form in containers shall be removed, by straining if necessary. Materials not in use shall be kept in covered containers. All containers shall be clean. 4. All materials shall be stored and prepared in one area, which area shall be kept clean and provided with adequate fire equipment by this trade. 5. All surfaces to be painted or finished shall be clean and dry before painting. All dirt, rust, oil, grease, foreign matter and residue shall be removed in such a manner so as not to damage the surface to be painted. 6. Holes and cracks in wood surfaces (finished and unfinished) shall be filled with putty or paste filler, tinted to shade of finish coat, after prime or seal has been applied. 7. All surfaces, except concrete, shall be smooth and even prior to painting. This trade shall sand wood and drywall as required to smooth minor surface defects. 8. Before commencing work, remove hardware, accessories, plates and similar items that are not to be painted, or provide ample protection of such items. Reinstall such items after completion of work in each space. B. Application: 1. All finish painted surfaces shall be uniform in color, sheen and texture. Each coat shall provide a uniform film free from runs, skips, laps, streaks, or marks. Coats shall be of proper consistency. 2. Primer-sealer coats shall be repainted as required to eliminate suction spots. Prime coats shall be touched up to provide a continuous primed surface. Each coat shall be permitted to dry prior to application of succeeding coats. Edges of doors shall be painted after fitting. Pitch streaks and knots in wood shall be sealed with shellac after first coat. Caulking and glazing compounds shall be painted in with adjacent surfaces. 11. Dry Film Thickness (OFT) for prime and finish coats shall yield a total of at least five (5) mils. 4. All exterior wood be back-primed or sealed before installation. Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 112 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY 5. At conclusion of work and/or when directed, examine all painting and finishing work. Clean paint spots off glass, plaster, metal, fabric wall coverings, wood and other surfaces. Clean and repair paint finish where dark spots, fingerprints, and similar imperfections appear. Said retouching shall exactly match surrounding surfaces. Refinish entire surface in question in order to attain this result if necessary. Leave all painting and finishing in perfect condition. END OF SECTION SECTION 9C - CARPETING The General Provisions of the contract, including General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions and Division l, General- Requirements, apply to the work specified in this section. 9C-01 SCOPE OF THE WORK A. This work consists of furnishing all labor, materials and equipment required, and of furnishing and installing all carpeting and padding, complete with incidental items, in accordance with the drawings, the finish schedule, and these specifications. Carpeting work shall include carpet, padding. sewing, edge treatment and anchorages. 9C-02 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. All carpet and padding shall comply with the current use of Materials Bulletin No. 44D and UM 72 respectively, "HUD/FHA Standard for Carpet and Carpet Certification Program", except as noted herein. B. All carpet and pads used for concrete slab on grade locations must be certified for this particular use. C. Carpeting shall satisfy critical radiant flux limits for fire resistance as noted in Section 9C-03 "Materials." Smoke density as established under ASTM test E 84 shall not exceed a rating of 200. D. The Contractor shall furnish a written certification from the manufacturer that the carpet(s) furnished under this specification meets all the requirements contained herein. Only carpet products determined to be in compliance with UM 44D and certified by an administrator such as NE, ETL, or ADL. The standard which is herein called UM 44D applies to products designated in commerce as first quality tufted, woven or knitted carpet, free from objectionable visual blemishes and physical defects. The standard includes the backing materials, the fibers used in the pile and extending Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 113 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY into the backing, the structure of the yarn, the weight, density and weight density determinations of the yarn material. The minimum requirements and test methods necessary to meet or exceed these standards are included in the UM 44D bulletin. Certification of compliance including the certification registration number shall be submitted before payment of any carpet materials or labor. E. Furnish to the Architect, for delivery to the Owner, a two (2) year written warranty covering all labor and materials incorporated into the project and a wear guarantee for a minimum period of five (5) years. Any defective workmanship or materials shall be replaced at no cost to the Owner. The warranty shall be signed by both the General Contractor and the Carpet Contractor. F. Submit samples of all standard colors for selection purposes. Carpet pattern and color will be selected by the Architect from the Manufacturer's standard range. Compliance with other requirements is the responsibility of the Contractor. G. This Trade shall carefully inspect all surfaces to receive carpeting and report any unacceptable surfaces to the Architect in writing. Do not proceed with installation until such defects have been corrected. H. Submittals: g/L VOC. 9C-03 Product data confirming carpet adhesive does not exceed the 50 MATERIALS A. Carpet: Per UM-44D 1. 2. Typical Dwelling Unit: (Class 1, Type 1): "Home Foundations", Delray, cut pile, 28 oz. Nylon on pad. Color selected by Owner. Dwelling Unit - Accessible Units / ADA: Same as Typical Dwelling Unit except no pad. Color selected by Owner. 3. 4. Common Areas: (Class 2, Type 1) 100% continuous filament level loop nylon and shall be classified for heavy traffic. Minimum 28 oz. per square yard. Critical flux limit is 0.22 watts per centimeter squared. Color to be selected by Owner. All carpet must meet flammability requirements of the Department of Commerce Standard FF-1-70 ("Pill Test"). B. Carpet Pad: Per UM-72. Minimum 3/8" thick, prime urethane foam with a minimum density of 2.2 pounds per square foot. Accessible units and common areas do not receive pad under carpet. Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 114 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY C. Glue: For direct glue application, use water base latex adhesive which has maximum flame spread of 75 per ASTM E84. Carpet and carpet pad adhesives shall have a maximum VOC limit of 50 g/L. D. Carpet Edge Guard: Manufacturer's standard bend-down type of formed or extruded aluminum carpet edge guard stripping. Form units with concealed teeth to grip the carpet from below, holes for nailing to the substrate, and tapered smooth safety bar to be bent down over the carpet. Carpet edges must comply with ICC/ANSI A117.1 1998. Any vertical rise shall be limited to " maximum and any rise of 1/4" to " shall be eased with a 1:2 slope or less. E. Miscellaneous Materials: Provide the types of seaming tape, thread, nails, adhesives, and other accessory items recommended by the carpet manufacturer and installer for the conditions of the installation and use during the life of the carpet. 9C-04 INSTALLATION A. Measure each space to receive carpeting, as a basis of supplying, cutting and seaming the carpet. Do not scale the Architect's drawings or calculate sizes from dimensions shown. B. Vacuum substrate immediately prior to carpet installation, and remove all deleterious substances which would interfere with the installation or be harmful to the work. C. Comply with manufacturer's instructions and recommendations, using the highest degree of workmanship. Maintain direction of pattern and texture, including lay of pile. Match pattern and dye lots. Do not seam weft to warp. Carpeting and pad shall be laid smooth and even with tackless strip at all walls. Cut evenly and fit tightly to vertical surfaces. Install carpet in a single piece where possible, or in pieces as large as possible to minimize seams. D. Extend carpet under open-bottomed and raised-bottom obstructions, and under removable flanges of obstructions. Extend carpet into closets and alcoves of rooms indicated to be carpeted, unless another floor finish is indicated for such spaces. Extend carpet under all movable furniture and equipment, unless otherwise indicated. E. Provide cut-outs as indicated for removable access devices in the substrate. Bind edges as neatly as possible and secure both sides of cuts to the substrate. Use double-faced tape on carpet cut-outs which must be lifted from the substrate to gain access to the devices, unless otherwise indicated. Cut only 3 sides wherever it is feasible to provide a carpet flap in lieu of a fully-removable cut-out. Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 115 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY F. Install carpet edge guard at every location where edge of carpet is exposed to traffic, or abuts dissimilar floorings, except where another device, such as threshold is indicated with an integral carpet binder bar. G. For direct glue installation lay carpet in maximum possible sizes with tight, straight, neat seams (welded). Follow manufacturer's recommendations. Match pattern and dye lots. Roll as required to eliminate all air bubbles, pockets, etc. Puncture bubbles and add glue with syringe or heat bubbles to reactivate glue if necessary. Carpet to be fit tightly and neatly to adjacent walls. 9C-05 CLEANING AND PROTECTION A. Remove debris related to this work from jobsite. Remove loose threads with sharp scissors. B. Vacuum carpet with a commercial machine, with rotating agitator or beater in the nozzle. Replace or clean soiled spots. C. Provide the Owner with approximately 6 yards of carpet remnants, neatly stored, of each pattern and dye lot for making future repairs. END OF SECTION SECTION 9D - RESILIENT FLOORING The General Provisions of the contract, including General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions and Division 1, General Requirements, apply to the work specified in this section. 9D-01 GENERAL A. The extent of resilient flooring is shown on the drawings and finish schedule. B. Items included but not limited to the following: Resilient sheet flooring Resilient floor tile Resilient base and beveled edge strips Adhesive Underlayments Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 116 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY C. Traffic Standards: H (heavy traffic) - public stairs, entrance corridors, lobbies. M (medium traffic) public areas except those designated under H above. L (light traffic) - areas within living units. D. Submittals: Product data confirming resilient flooring adhesive does not exceed the 50 g/L VOC and mastic adhesive does not exceed 100 g/L. E. Must meet the HUD standards of material bulletin 44D, meet ASTM standards and have a 10 year manufacturer warranty. 9D-02 MATERIALS A. Samples - Samples of materials to be used shall be the full range of colors and patterns available of the product and submitted to the Architect for color and pattern selection immediately upon request thereof. B. Resilient Wallbase - Vinyl cove base shall be used where indicated on the drawings. Base shall be 4" in height unless noted otherwise and a minimum .080" gauge. Color to be selected by the Architect. All areas to receive carpet to be finished with prefinished wood base. C. Resilient Sheet Flooring 1. Apartment Units: PatCraft – CLICK REFRESSH or equal 2. Public Areas: Minimum Floor Thickness = 0.080" (Type II, Grade A). Color to be selected by Owner. 3. plank size 7”x 48” 4. Approved manufacturers: a. b. c. d. Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Congoleum GAP Mannington Armstrong Page 117 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY D. Edge Strips - Edging strips as required shall be 1" wide, beveled edging and shall be 3/32" thick. E. Adhesives - Application material for resilient sheet flooring, vinyl wall base and edge strips shall be those recommended by the Manufacturer of the specific material for the surface to which it is to be applied. Resilient flooring and base adhesive shall not exceed 50 g/L VOC. F. Underlayments: 1. Particleboard (frequently referred to as "Chipboard" or "Flakeboard"), Luan Plywood, and Masonite ARE NOT acceptable for underlayment purposes. 2. One of the following materials shall be used for underlayment in those areas to receive resilient flooring: a. Armstrong "Armadek" underlayment, .240" thick, as available in 3' x 4' or 4' x 4' panels. b. Minimum 1/4" plywood of the following grades: 1) 2) 3) c. UNDERLAYMENT INT-APA (Interior Type) UNDERLAYMENT INT-APA (Exterior Glue) C-C PLUGGED EXT -APA (Exterior Type) Mastic underlayment, such as Armstrong "5-180 Latex Underlayment". (in addition to smoothing monolithic subfloors, such as concrete, it may also be used for leveling joints of Armadek or plywood underlayments.) Such mastic underlayments to be manufactured and approved for use on suspended, on grade, and below-grade subfloors. Mastic adhesive shall not exceed 100 g/L VOC. G. Quality (Grade) - Only first-quality resilient floorings applied in strict accordance with the manufacturer's current specifications shall be furnished. Acceptable grades are "Regulars", "Perfects", "First Quality", and "Standard". "Irregulars", "Mill Trials", "Mill Remnants", "Specials", and "Off-Goods" are unacceptable. H. Vinyl Composition Tile: FS SS-T-312, Type IV, composition as indicated below; 12" x 12" x 1/8" gage unless otherwise indicated. Composition 1 - asbestos free. Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 118 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY Composition 1 or 2 - at Contractor's option. Manufacturer: Subject to compliance with manufactured by Armstrong World Industries, Inc. requirements, provide product Resilient Edge Strips: Not less than 1" width; 1/8" gage; tapered bullnose edge, color to match flooring or as selected by Architect. Installation: Comply with flooring manufacturer's recommendations for type(s) of materials, project conditions, and intended use. Clean floors and apply leveling compound and substrate primer if required, in accordance with flooring manufacturer's instructions. Lay tile flooring from center marks established with principal walls; adjust as required to avoid use of cut units less than 1/2 tile wide at perimeters. Match tiles for color and pattern by using in manufactured and packaged sequence. Lay tile in "checkerboard" pattern with grain reversed in adjacent tiles. On masonry or other irregular surfaces, fill voids behind base and along top edge with manufacturer's recommended adhesive filler. Install resilient edge strips at edges of resilient flooring which would otherwise be exposed. Clean floors and accessories after installation and apply protective polish in accordance with flooring manufacturer's instructions. Omit polish on "no-wax" flooring and tile indicated for "no-wax maintenance". 9D-03 EXECUTION A. General: 1. Installation of all materials as specified under this section Shall be as per flooring manufacturer's recommendations. 2. This Subcontractor is responsible for surface preparation as required prior to installation of flooring, including vacuum cleaning, to prepare surface. Substrate shall be thoroughly dry, clean and free of oil, grease, paint, varnish, Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 119 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY etc., prior to installation of resilient flooring surface. 3. A temperature of 65 F should be provided for 48 hours before, during, & for 48 hours after installation. A min. temperature of 55 F must be maintained thereafter. 4. Flooring and base shall be extended into all closets, recesses and alcoves, where they are adjacent to resilient floors, as well as into all door reveals. 5. All edges and ends shall be accurately and neatly cut to fit against other work and any holes for pipes and other installations which pierce floors shall be cut neatly and closely fitted. No broken, cracked or chipped material will be accepted. B. Underlayment: 1. Where installation occurs over previously installed plywood subfloor, install Armadek per manufacturers recommendations or plywood underlayment per American Plywood Association Specifications. Underlayment shall be installed in all such areas scheduled to receive tile and resilient sheet flooring. Use 11/2" rosin-coated or ring-grooved nails or 4d cement-coated nails. Staples and nails must be long enough to penetrate at least 3/8" into the subfloor. Electric or power nailers shall not be used. 2. Where installation occurs over precast or poured-in-place concrete, use Latex Underlayment to level and smooth concrete floors on all grade levels. Dusty and porous concrete floors should be primed with a primer before installing tile. For other types of resilient floors: dusty, porous floors should be primed with adhesive to be used (smooth trowel). Floor surface must be leveled to within 1/8" in 10 feet in any direction. C. Sheet Flooring: 1. 2. Install flooring per manufacturer's recommendations using maximum sized pieces with patterns truly aligned, edges neatly fitted to adjacent surfaces, and with neat tight joints. Leave work while, clean, true to plane, and uniformly adhered to substrate. Remove all excess adhesive. For installation of Interflex Installation System Materials, staples shall be used over wood subfloors and Interflex Adhesive shall be used at all seams and perimeter over concrete. Strictly follow manufacturer’s instructions. D. Resilient Base: Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 120 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY 1. E. Base Material shall be 2 " to 4" high with a thickness of 1/8". Cement base securely to walls and vertical surfaces with waterproof adhesive. Follow manufacturer's directions strictly. Where conditions require, fasten base in place, in addition to adhesive, with tempered, headless steel brads, which shall not be visible after installation. Butt base tightly against finish floor. Leave clean and in perfect condition. Provide smooth clean transition at wood base/vinyl base juncture. Clean-up: 1. This Subcontractor is responsible for disposing of all cartons, containers, scrap, etc., related to his work. 2. At completion of the work, this trade shall deliver to the Owner sufficient large scraps of sheet flooring to approximate 1/2% of the total yardage of each type and color installed. 9E-01 Base and Sill trim A. General: 1. Installation of all materials as specified under this section Shall be as per flooring manufacturer's recommendations. 2. This Subcontractor is responsible for surface preparation as required prior to installation of flooring, including vacuum cleaning, to prepare surface. Substrate shall be thoroughly dry, clean and free of oil, grease, paint, varnish, etc., prior to installation of resilient flooring surface. 3. A temperature of 65 F should be provided for 48 hours before, during, & for 48 hours after installation. A min. temperature of 55 F must be maintained thereafter. B. Trim: 1.MDF BASE - base trim to be 4” MDF prefinished trim 2. RUBBER BASE – 4” END OF SECTION Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 121 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY DIVISION10 - SPECIALTIES SECTION 10A - MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT The General Provisions of the contract, including General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions and Division 1, General Requirements, apply to the work specified in this section. 10A-01 SCOPE OF WORK A. The extent of the miscellaneous equipment is indicated on the drawings. B. Work included under this section includes, but is not limited to, the following: Toilet and Bath Accessories (including mirrors and grab bars) Postal Specialties Identifying Devices Signs Closet Shelves and Rods Decorative/Structural Column Gutters and Downspouts Fire Extinguishers and Cabinets Gable Louvers C. Related work included in other divisions of these specifications: Vents, Div 7A Louvers, Div 15 Cabinets and Vanities, Div 11A Appliances, Div 11B Window Coverings Access panels 10A-02 GENERAL A. Shop Drawings and Samples: 1. Each supplier of prefabricated items shall prepare completely detailed shop and installation drawings showing all items to be provided under this section of the specifications, and shall submit them to the General Contractor. 2. Each supplier of prefabricated items shall submit to the Architect for approval, three Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 122 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY samples of the proposed finish for the item showing color, finish, texture or pattern of the item as appropriate. B. Provisions for the Handicapped - Accessories in units designated for the handicapped shall be in accordance with all state and federal rules and regulations currently in force concerning accommodating the physically handicapped. C. Toilet Room Accessories - All accessories shall be of model number indicated by cited manufacturer. Equal products of Franklin Brass, F.H. Lawson Company, Miami Carey, Bobrick, Charles Parker, Pocono Metal Products, or other approved manufacturer will be acceptable. Residential grade accessories shall be permitted in Apartment Units upon architect approval. 1. Residence Unit Accessories: (Typical) 1 BHP Item # 1208 tissue holder at each toilet 1 Mirror, 1/4" plate glass mirror, over each lavatory (where indicated) as sized on drawings, with clips. 1 Recessed 14" X 20" medicine cabinet where indicated on plan, One piece molded plastic body with two adjustable shelves and a plate glass mirror door. 1 BHP Item # 0500 shower curtain rod at each tub BHP Item # 1224, 24" towel bars, 2 per unit bathroom. Location on drawings 2. Residence Unit Accessories: (Handicapped & Accessible) 1 BHP Item # 1208 tissue holder at each toilet 1 Mirror, 1/4" plate glass mirror, over each lavatory (where indicated) as sized on drawings, with clips. 1 Recessed 14" X 20" medicine cabinet where indicated on plan, One piece molded plastic body with two adjustable shelves and a plate glass mirror door. 1 BHP Item # 0500 shower curtain rod at each tub BHP Item # 1224, 24" towel bars, 2 per unit bathroom. Location on drawings Grab bars at tub: Refer to Tub / Shower Units: Refer to plans for sizes and locations. Grab bars at water closet: horizontal grab bar on wall above stool, 1 ASI #3800 x 36", Unless noted otherwise an drawings. horizontal grab bar on wall beside stool, 1 ASI #3800 x 42" Accessible bathtub units shall also include SS recessed soap dish, curtain rod, white Naugahyde wheelchair transfer seat, and other items as required by Accessiblity code. Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 123 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY 2. Community Building Toilet Rooms: 1 BHP Item # 1208 tissue holder at each toilet 1 Mirror, 1/4" plate glass mirror, over each lavatory (where indicated) as sized on drawings, with clips. Towel Dispenser: Bradley 250-15 C-Fold towels. 1 per Common Area toilet room. Soap Dispenser: Bradley #659 surface mounted for liquid soap. One per Common area toilet room. Grab bars at water closet: horizontal grab bar on wall above stool, 1 ASI #3800 x 36" horizontal grab bar on wall beside stool, 1 ASI #3800 x 42" Trash Can / Bin: Bobrick B-43949. D. Identifying Devices: 1. Building Signage: a) In addition to that specified below, Building signage shall be provided as required by all applicable state and local codes including, but not limited to, the following: Federal Fair Housing Public Acts concerning accommodations for the physically handicapped. b) Building Signage to include One exterior sign on each end of each building listing unit numbers and direction arrows for those units. c) Room Identification Signs: Each apartment entrance door shall receive a plastic address plaque. 2. Site Signage: a) b) Provide sign for each parking space for the handicapped Similar to Supersine Company's Model D75, having Handicapped Accessible symbol and the legend, "Physically Handicapped Parking Only." Mount on steel post. The General Contractor shall provide STOP signs at the intersection of each project parking lot exit with main drive, where indicated on plans, prior to the opening the project for tenant occupancy. The General Contractor shall also provide any additional traffic control signs in accordance with the City rules and regulations. Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 124 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY E. Attic Access Panels: All ceiling panels to be 22" x 30" as detailed on drawings. All panels shall be weatherstripped and tightly fitted and insulated to R-19. F. Exterior Columns: AS NOTED ON THE DRAWINGS. G. Gutters and Downspouts: All gutters shall be .027 inch factory prefinished aluminum metal. All downspouts shall be .020 inch factory prefinished aluminum metal. Gutters and downspouts shall be equivalent to those manufactured by Crown Aluminum or Alcoa. Provide corner shield at all valley locations. Each downspout location that surface discharges shall receive a standard concrete splash block. Gutters shall day light at least 10’from the foundation or be attached to the storm sewer system. H. Gable Louvers: All gable louvers shall be sized as indicated on the drawings. All louvers shall be constructed of heavy grade molded colored plastic with U.V. resistant color. Louvers shall be Mid-America "Gable Master" louvers or equal. Color selected by Architect. I. Postal Specialties: Family Development: Pedestal Mailboxes: Manufactured by Bommer. Model #6710-42 and #6710-43 with pedestals and mounting hardware. Finish shall be 628 anodized aluminum with standard stamped doors. Provide (1) compartment for each apartment served. Also provide 4 - 6 Extra compartments, (2) Parcel Compartments, a Parcel sized Compartment for Office mail, and a compartment for Outgoing mail. J. Corner Guards: Provide and install on all exterior drywall corners in stairwells clear Lexan Polycarbonate Resin corner guards. Corner guards shall be minimum 4' long with 3/4" x 3/4" x 1/8" thick legs (90) and shall be mounted above the top of the floor base. Guards shall be provided with chrome plated screws to fit into predrilled countersunk holes. Corner Guards shall be as manufactured by AFCO-USA (CG-2145) or equal. 10A-04 INSTALLATION A. Scope of Work: 1. The various items shall be installed by either the supplier or by workmen of the Architectural Trades Contractor who are skilled and experienced in the type of work to be done. 2. This work consists of furnishing all labor, materials and equipment required to furnish and install all miscellaneous specialty items complete with all necessary hangars, anchors, inserts, etc. as appropriate, as well as all component parts and accessory items required, in accordance with the drawings and these specifications. Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 125 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY B. Toilet and Bath Accessories: Furnish and install the accessories, as shown on the drawings or specified herein, in accordance with the listing of accessories groups included herein. These items shall be installed in a substantial and rigid manner, using approved types of anchors and fasteners as appropriate for the type of wall construction that accessories are to be mounted on. Use anchoring devices with concealed fastenings having theft and vandal-proof features wherever possible. Exposed fasteners shall match the finish of the accessory. C. Gutters and Downspouts: All gutters and downspouts shall be securely fastened in place in accordance with manufacturers recommendations. Color selected by Architect. D. Blocking: 1. In all units, provide blocking for future installation of grab bars and accessories as shown on the drawings and as required by the Fair Housing Amendment Act. 2. All toilet accessories shall be securely attached to wood blocking in wall. E. General: 1. Those responsible for the fabrication or installation of any item herein specified shall obtain measurements at the site to insure accurate installation of such items, and shall exchange information with trades installing adjacent or related work so that all work will be perfectly coordinated. 2. Installation shall be carefully executed according to best practice, accurately finished true to lines, dimensions, and levels, and subject to the approval of the Architect. END OF SECTION Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 126 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY DIVISION 11 - EQUIPMENT SECTION 11A - RESIDENTIAL EQUIPMENT The General Provisions of the contract, including General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions and Division 1, General Requirements, apply to the work specified in this section. 11A-01 SCOPE OF WORK A. This work consists of furnishing all labor materials and equipment required, and of furnishing and installing all kitchen cabinets and bath vanities, completely prefinished, and complete with counter tops, edges and backsplashes, in accordance with the accompanying drawings and these specifications. B. The following work is not included in this section of the specifications: 1. Appliances, heat shields and exhaust hoods (Div. 11). 2. Sink cut-outs (Div. 6A). 11A-02 GENERAL A. This trade shall prepare completely detailed shop drawings showing all items to be provided under this section of the specifications, and shall submit them to the Architect for approval. B. This trade shall verify and coordinate finish room dimensions, and appliance dimensions and clearance requirements with this work in order to assure proper fitting together of all materials and equipment, and to allow for proper operation of same. In all units designated for the use of the Physically Handicapped, modifications shall be made in order to accommodate the accessibility requirements of the Code. 11A-03 MATERIALS A. All cabinet work shall comply with the design and construction standards of the Kitchen Cabinet Manufacturers Association (KCMA). Flame spread of doors, drawers, front and side panels shall not exceed 200 when tested in accordance with ASTM E-84-67. Plastic drawers may be used, providing at least eight (8) screws secure each drawer to drawer front. Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 127 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY B. All cabinet work shall be as manufactured by Bruce Cabinets, SACO, Crotone or other approved cabinet maker experienced in the specializing in the type of cabinet work herein specified. The bathroom vanity cabinets shall match the unit kitchen cabinets. Colors to be selected by Architect. Design of cabinetry based on SACO, Avalon as outlined below: Style: SACO Avalon Square. Hardwood face frames. Color to be selected by Architect and approved by Owner. Edges to have contoured edges for ease of opening and 1/2" fixed shelves. HINGES: Self closing, concealed. DRAWER CONSTRUCTION: dovetailed construction. 1/2" fiberboard four sided with standard TOEKICKS: Internal toe kick. KCMA Certified and warranted for one year. C. All cabinet work shall be completely shop fabricated and finished, requiring setting in place and attachment of counter tops only in the field. Job constructed cabinets will not be acceptable. D. All cabinets shall be of smooth flush design (except door and drawer overlap) without moldings or applied ornamentation. Interiors shall be finished. Hinges shall be selfclosing. The sizes, locations, and arrangement of all cabinets shall be as shown and noted on the drawings. E. Cabinet side returns and bottom trim shall be factory finished to match cabinet fronts where exposed to view, including base cabinet returns at sides of recess below countertops. F. Kitchen Counter tops and backsplash: one piece formed construction with 3-1/2" high backsplash at walls and 1-1/2" deep exposed waterfall edge; of 3/4" thick particleboard, surfaced and edge-bound with Wilsonart, Formica, Micarta, Textolite, or approved equal high pressure laminate, 1/16" thick, of colors and patterns selected by Architect, sealed on unexposed surfaces. Cut out for sinks to be accomplished by manufacturer. G. All cabinets shall be provided with matching trim or filler pieces as required to fill out the allocated space, and to close to adjacent construction. Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 128 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY H. All cabinet doors and drawers shall be provided with C pull handles. Final selection shall be by Owner. I. Window stools shall be Plastic Laminate on 3/4" particle board. All exposed ends / edges shall be finished with Plastic Laminate and corners shall be eased. Color to be approved by Architect. 11A-04 INSTALLATION All parts shall be secured rigidly to floor and wall construction and to each other. Tops shall be set level; fronts aligned in true, plumb straight planes. Exposed joints between tops and walls shall be sealed with Dow or General Electric silicone rubber base sealant. Sealant VOC not to exceed 250 g/L.At completion, all parts shall be inspected, adjusted to work properly, and cleaned. Damaged parts shall be replaced. END OF SECTION SECTION 11B - APPLIANCES The General Provisions of the contract, including General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions and Division 1, General Requirements, apply to the work specified in this section. 11B-01 SCOPE OF WORK A. This work consists of furnishing all appliances indicated on the drawings, in accordance with the accompanying drawings and these specifications. Such appliances consist of ranges, range hoods, heat shields, dishwashers, washers / dryers and refrigerators. All appliances to be white. B. The following work is not included in this section of the specifications: 1. Garbage Disposals (Div. 15-0). 2. Bath Exhaust Fans (Div. 15-C). 11B-02 GENERAL A. This trade shall prepare completely detailed manufacturer's cut sheets showing all items to be provided under this section of the specifications and shall submit them to the Architect for approval. B. This trade shall verify and coordinate appliance dimensions and clearance requirements Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 129 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY with this work in order to assure proper fitting together of all cabinets and equipment, and to allow for proper operation of same. C. In all units designated for the use of the Physically Handicapped, modifications shall be made in order to accommodate their requirements as specifically listed below. D. In accessible units switches and controls required for normal operation shall be located no more than 48" above the floor, no less than 30" above the floor and at the front or side of the electrical unit to be controlled. E. All applicable appliances shall be ENERGY STAR-labeled. F. Appliances must have local authorized service provider. 11B-03 MATERIALS A. Refrigerators/Freezers: 1. Two and Three Bedroom Units: The refrigerator / freezer shall be an upright freestanding model with separate compartments and doors for the refrigerating and freezing compartments. It shall be suitable for use on a 120 volt, 60 cycle single phase circuit. The minimum acceptable size is 18 cubic feet capacity. The freezer compartment shall be located atop the refrigerator. Unit shall have shelves in both the refrigerator and in the freezer compartments. The refrigerator / freezer shall be at minimum a frost free model. Unit shall be ENERGY STAR-labeled. Color shall be white. Acceptable manufacturers include: Whirlpool, General Electric, Kenmore, Frigidaire, Amana. Below are examples of acceptable models: Frigidaire - model: FFHT1814LW GE - model: GTH18CCEWW GE - model: GTH18IBDWW 2. Handicap Accessible Units: The refrigerator / freezer shall be as specified in (A.1) above except that 50% of the freezer compartment shall be within 54" AFF to meet accessibility requirements. Controls shall be located no higher then 48" AFF. Color shall be white. 3. Community Building: The Community Room Kitchen shall have a refrigerator / freezer as specified in (A.2). Color shall be white. B. Ranges: Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 130 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY 1. All Units: The range (cooktop and oven) shall be a free-standing electrical appliance, suitable for use on 220 V, 1 phase, 3 wire supply, approved by the Underwriter Laboratories and shall include the electrical pigtail necessary for installation. Ranges shall be a minimum of 30 inches wide, shall have a smooth-top with four burners, shall have a glass panel in the door, shall have light indicators showing when burners are "on" and the cooking controls shall be easily read by sight. The oven shall be self cleaning. Color shall be white. Ranges for the Barrier Free Dwelling Units: Ranges for the Accessible Dwelling Units and Community Kitchen - Similar to above except touch controls shall be located at the front of the range. Acceptable manufacturers include: Whirlpool, General Electric, Kenmore, Frigidaire, Amana. Below are examples of acceptable models: Amana - model: AER5630BAW GE - model: JB640DFWW Frigidaire - model: FGEF3055MW 2. Range Hoods / Kitchen Exhaust Fans: ADA Apartment Kitchens: Range hoods shall include a task light and shall match the range in color and finish. The hood shall be at least 17 inches deep, and the same width as the range. All hoods and exhaust fans shall be UL listed and ENERGY STAR-labeled. Install power-vented fans or range hoods that exhaust to the outdoors at an intermittent rate of 100 cfm, per ASHRAE 62.2-2010 All range hoods shall be provided with an easily removable and cleanable grease filter. Acceptable manufacturers include G.E., Whirlpool, Kenmore, Fasco, Broan or approved equals. Range hoods in the Barrier Free Dwelling (ADA) Units shall be wired to an accessible reach wall switch per the drawings. C. Clothes Washers: 1. At all Living Units. 2. Automatic, Top-Loading Type: 16-lb. minimum capacity; top, lid, and tub of porcelain enamel on steel; controls as follows: presettable metered fill-level, presettable Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 131 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY wash/rinse water temperatures, variable speed cycle/fabric selector; removable line filter; bleach and fabric softener dispensers; spin cycle safety switch. Energy Star Labeled. Comply with ADA regulations at all ADA units. 3. Furnish and install a Water Tite PVC Washer Box, 1/2" supply connection, 2" drain for clothes washer, or equal as approved by Architect. 4. At ADA units as indicated on drawings provide automatic front loading washer. GE 2.2 DOE Model # WCVH4800KWW; 5 cycles, automatic final spin, automatic water level adjustment, leveling legs, stainless steel wash drum, automatic detergent / bleach / fabric softener dispenser.Energy star. GE - model: WCVH4800KWW Note: Drawings may be reversed from actual unit layout, plumbing shall be roughed in so that the appliance door swings away from the access side of the unit. D. Clothes Dryers: 1. At all Living Units as indicated on drawings. 1. All electric, 120/240V service with 5,000 W heat input. 16-lb. minimum capacity; timed cycle selection, fabric selector switch, cycle end signal, safety starting control, and removable lint filter. Dryer vent to be run in wall. Dryer door shall swing in such a manner that the user does not need to reach over the door to transfer objects from the washer into the dryer. 2. At ADA units as indicated on drawings provide front loading Dryer, GE 4.0 Model # DCVH480EKWW; timed cycle selection, fabric selector switch, cycle end signal, safety starting control, and removable lint filter. Dryer vent to be run in wall. Dryer door shall swing in such a manner that the user does not need to reach over the door to transfer objects from the washer into the dryer. GE - model: DCVH480EKWW Note: Drawings may be reversed from actual unit layout, plumbing shall be roughed in so that the appliance door swings away from the access side of the unit. 3. Provide and install a Recessed Dryer Vent Box for each clothes dryer. Dryerbox Model 425 or equal. Coordinate location of vent box with appliance vent discharge. 22 gauge aluminized steel weighing 4.14 pounds each Top port measures 4 1/8" with very slight oval shape Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 132 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY Distance from nailing flange to rear of box is 4 1/4" Overall measurements: 21" h x 12 1/2" w x 5 1/8" deep Inside measures 9 1/2" wide x 18 1/4" tall E. Heat Shields: Heat shields shall be white aluminum panels glued to drywall for the purpose of providing a shield from heat generated from residential ranges. In all cases they shall be 24" high. When at sides of the range they shall be 24" wide and when at the rear of the range shall be equal to the range width. F. Dishwashers: A dishwasher shall be provided in each Living Unit. Dishwasher shall be 2 cycles / 2 options, normal wash & heavy wash. G.E. Model GLD2800TWW. See drawings for provisions at accessible units using Model GLDA690PWW. All dishwashers shall be ENERGY STAR-labeled. G. Microwave: 1.5 cu. ft. capacity, 950 watts, Convenience Controls, allow cooking and reheating at the touch of a button, Auto and Time Defrost, Defrosting times and power levels are programmed automatically or manually for optimal results, GE Spacemaker Over-the-Range Microwave Oven Model # JVM1540DMWW. Units shall be vented to the exterior. Other manufacturers with similar features are acceptable if approved by the Architect. Accessible Unit Kitchens and the Community Room Kitchen use countertop model; GE 0.7 Cu. Ft. Capacity Countertop Microwave Oven Model # JE740DRWW. 11B-04 INSTALLATION A. Deliver to site, uncrate, dispose of debris and set all appliances in place in the appropriate living units. B. Submit one copy of the manufacturer's warranty on all appliances. Such warranties are to carry a complete listing of all serial numbers of the specific appliances to which they apply. END OF SECTION Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 133 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY DIVISION 12 - FURNISHINGS SECTION 12A - WINDOW COVERINGS The General Provisions of the contract, including General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions and Division 1, General Requirements, apply to the work specified in this section. 12A-01 SCOPE OF WORK A. Items included - Furnish and install blinds on all outside windows of dwelling units. Furnish all hardware and related accessories. 12A-02 MATERIALS Typical Dwelling Unit: Aluminum, 1" Horizontal, as manufactured by "LOUVER TECH" or equal as approved by architect. LOUVER-TECH HORIZONTAL BLINDS (all windows) HEAD RAIL 1 " x 3/4 " x .025 thick. Conforms with one inch slat. Rolled formed steel, bonderized, electrogalvinized and painted. BOTTOM RAIL 1 " wide x .025 thick. Same as HEAD RAIL. TILTER Celcon glass filled nylon, self lubricating. Tilt ratio 3 to 1, rustproof. CORD LOCK Same as TILTER. SLATS 1" wide x .008 aluminum, rustproof. SUPPORT TAPE HEAD RAIL CORD 12A-03 Terylene polyester fiber with interbraided ladder rungs. Pulleys Celcon housing, steel plated roller rotating on steel plated shaft; thus eliminating fraying and damage to lift cords EXECUTION A. Verify that openings are ready to receive work. B. Protect blinds from damage during uncrating and installation. Replace any damaged material. C. Install blinds in accordance with manufacturers instructions. D. Secure in place with concealed fasteners. E. Install mini-blinds at all windows. Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 134 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY F. All unit swing doors with glass panels shall have mini-blinds. END OF SECTION DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15A - MECHANICAL GENERAL REQUIREMENTS The General Conditions of the Contract and Division 1, General Requirements are hereby made a part of this section of the specifications. 15A-01 SCOPE OF WORK A. The Contractor responsible for the work described in each section or division of this specification shall include in his price all labor, materials, tools and equipment necessary to furnish, place and install all of the work described within that section or division of this specification and/or shown on the accompanying drawings. B. The Mechanical Specifications are, for convenience, divided into the following Sections which contain the requirements applicable to the systems named: 15A GENERAL MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS 15B PLUMBING SYSTEMS 15C FORCED AIR HEATING AND VENTILATING 15D PIPE AND DUCT INSULATION 15E TEMPERATURE CONTROLS The "General Mechanical Specifications" contained herein, shall apply to all the above named Sections of the Mechanical Specifications and shall in all ways be binding on the Mechanical Contractor. 15A-02 GENERAL A. DEFINITIONS Or approved Equal: Shall mean equal in design, efficiency, and quality as determined by the Architect/Engineer. Provide: Shall mean "furnish and install" or "furnish labor and material required for installation of". Piping: Includes in addition to pipe, also fittings, valves, hangers and other Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 135 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY accessories which comprise a system. Reference: References to Standards, Codes, Specifications; Recommendations, etc., shall mean the latest edition of such publications adopted and published to date. Regulations: The entire installation shall conform to the Rules and Regulations of the State Codes, National Fire Prevention Association, and any other Governmental and local agencies having jurisdiction. All work shall be executed and inspected in accordance with the local and state Rules and Regulations and all established Codes applicable thereto; and shall also conform in all respects to the Requirements of all competent authorities having jurisdiction there over. The work shall comply with, but not limited to, the following codes and standards: A. 2012 International Building Code. Plumbing, and Mechanical Codes, most current adopted editions. B. Federal Fair Housing C. NFPA Books D. ASHRAE 90.1-2007 (energy) E. ENERGY STAR 2.5 and/or 3.0 F. ASHRAE 62.2-2010 (ventilation) G. NEC H. ADA I. CABO J. 2009 IECC Provide without additional cost to the Owner, all the necessary labor and materials of all kinds required by the above Regulations whether the work may be specified or shown contrary to the above Regulations. Sizes of all pipe shall conform to the Requirements of the Codes, except where larger sizes are shown on the Drawings. Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 136 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY B. GOVERNING AGENCIES The Contractor shall be held to be fully informed of all laws, ordinances and codes and shall, in the performance of the contract, comply with all applicable Federal, State and local aforesaid regulations. Any deviation from the plans or specifications and any additional work necessary to meet code requirements shall be made by the Contractor without extra cost to the Owner. The Contractor shall obtain permits and arrange for inspections. All permits, licenses, inspection approvals and fees will be paid by this Contractor in connection with his work. Rules of local utility companies shall be complied with. Before submitting his bid, the Contractor shall check with each utility company supplying service to this installation and shall determine from them all valves, valve boxes and meters which they will require to be installed in this installation and shall figure the cost of the same in his bid. C. MECHANICAL DRAWINGS Contract Drawings for Mechanical Work are in part diagrammatic, intended to convey the Scope of Work and indicate general arrangement of equipment, ducts, piping and approximate sizes and locations of equipment and outlets. Do not scale drawings for measurements. The Contractor shall follow the Drawings in laying out his work: consult Architectural and Electrical Construction drawings to familiarize himself with all conditions affecting his work; and shall verify all spaces in which their work will be installed. Consult with other Contractors in arranging the installation of this work to eliminate interference. Contractors shall give full cooperation and shall perform such duties necessary to expedite one another's work. Where Job conditions require reasonable changes in indicated locations or arrangements, make changes without extra cost to the Owner. D. EQUIPMENT BASES The Mechanical Contractor shall provide concrete bases for mechanical equipment. E. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS In tenant apartments, all motors 1/3 HP and less shall be suitable for operation on 120 volt, single phase, 60-cycle alternating current. In tenant apartments, motors larger than 1/3 HP shall be suitable for operation on 240 Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 137 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY volt, 1-phase, 60-cycle alternating current, unless otherwise noted. The "house meter" shall be suitable for operating on 240 volt, 1-phase, 3-wire, 60-cycle alternating current. F. ELECTRICAL ENERGY CODE COMPLIANCE All equipment which is electrically powered and/or controlled shall meet requirements of ASHRAE 90-75 or the applicable state energy code, whichever is more stringent. The power factor of each item of equipment, which consumes 1000 watts of power or more under normal running conditions, shall be not less than 85% when operating under those conditions. Where equipment will inherently operate it 85% power factor or better and no external power correction devices need to be provided, the supplier shall so certify in writing. Where certification of inherent high (85% or better) power factor cannot be given the power factor shall be corrected as follows: Packaged Units - Provide power factor correction capacitors to improve the factor to 90% under rated load conditions. Capacitors shall be automatically switched with respective units in such a way that no "leading power factors" or resonant conditions may occur. Capacitors may be factory installed, or, at the Mechanical Contractors expense, field installed. Split package units - Single motor units, for which starters and/or control panels are not furnished by the Mechanical Contractor, will be provided with power factor correction equipment by the Electrical Contractor. Note 1. Equipment which utilizes standard induction motors will not normally meet the aforementioned power factor requirements without the addition of correction capacitors. Note 2. The aforementioned 1000 watt power limitation when applied to motor driven equipment will normally mean that only standard size motors rated 1/2 horsepower or lower are exempted from the power factor requirements. G. MOTORS AND STARTERS Motors shall be provided by the Mechanical Contractor as required by the equipment furnished by him. Motors shall be suitable for load, duty, voltage, frequency, hazard, service and location intended. They shall have integral thermal overload protection in addition to that provided in starters. Motors shall conform in design and performance to the motor standards of NEMA. They shall be rated for continuous duty under full Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 138 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY load with a maximum temperature rise of 400C, for open, 500C. for drip proof, and 550C for explosion proof and totally enclosed types. Motors with belt drives shall be supplied with adjustable bases, removable belt guards and variable pitch drive pulley selected to that mid-point of the variable range of pulley that will drive equipment at rated speed. Starters shall be provided by the Electrical Contractor for motors furnished by the Mechanical Contractor except where starter is an integral part of the equipment or except where otherwise indicated. Electrical Contractor shall furnish and install all heater elements for overload protective devices, sized on the basis of name-plate ratings of the equipment being installed. Electrical Contractor shall mount motor starters and shall wire and make all final connections between starters and motors and safety switches unless otherwise noted. Unless distinctly stated otherwise, the motor horsepower specified shall be understood to be the minimum acceptable and specified motor speeds the maximum acceptable. Motor speed shall be 1750 RRM, unless otherwise noted. Motors shall be as manufactured by Allis, G.E., Howell, Alliance or Wagner. H. SHOP DRAWINGS Submit checked Shop Drawings for each piece of equipment and/or apparatus to be used, together with such descriptions and/or explanatory notes as may be required to give a clear idea of its arrangement and construction. No apparatus or equipment shall be shipped from stock or fabricated until Shop Drawings for same have been approved. Submit performance curves and certified ratings on equipment and Shop Drawing Submittals. Shop drawings may be submitted either in hard copy (6 required) or electronically. If electronically submit manufacturers original pdf’s, scanned copies are not acceptable. I. SUBSTITUTIONS It is the intent of these specifications to establish a standard of quality. All base proposals and mandatory alternates submitted shall be based on the materials and equipment of the make and qualities specified. If the Contractor desires, he may also tender on substitute materials and equipment that he believes will conform with the specifications. He shall state in his proposal the Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 139 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY name of the substitute make and the net change in the bid, if any. Where such substitutions alter the design or space requirements, he shall include the cost for revised design and construction, including the cost of all allied trades such as electrical work, construction work, etc. Acceptance or rejection of substitutions rests solely with the Architect and the Owner. The design of the electrical systems is based on the mechanical equipment specified and scheduled on the drawings. Where changes are made that involve additional electrical work (larger size numbers of motors, additional wiring of equipment, etc.) the Mechanical Contractor shall pay the Electrical Contractor for the additional services required. J. SCHEDULE OF WORK The Contractor shall conform to the dates outlined in the Construction Manager's progress schedule and shall carry on his work in such a manner that all work may be completed within the time as outlined. The Contractor shall ascertain which equipment must be installed before enclosing a structure is completed. He shall consult and cooperate with the Construction Manager in order that this equipment of sub-contractor's work may be placed and protected in the proper sequence of scheduled construction. When alteration of existing services is necessary, arrange with the Owner to perform such work as to cause least inconvenience and minimum downtime of Owner's established operating procedure. K. EXISTING CONDITIONS Existing premises shall be checked by the Contractor before submission of his bids to check all conditions which may affect the performance of the work involved. Contractor shall bring any and all discrepancies between the design documents prior to entering his bid. No allowance shall subsequently be made in his behalf for any extra expense due to failure or neglect to make such examination. Existing active services encountered shall not be disturbed. Notify the Architect in the event services require relocation. New connections to existing services shall be made only after notification of respective authority or utility. L. CUTTING, PATCHING, AND DAMAGE TO OTHER WORK The Contractor shall be responsible for all damage to other work caused by his work or through neglect of his workmen. All patching and repairing of damaged work will be done by the Contractor who install led the work but the cost of same shall be paid for Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 140 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY by the Contractor who caused the damage. Openings necessitated by the installation or removal of piping & ducts, equipment, etc. shall be made by this Contractor. No openings in structural members may be made without the specific permission of the Architect. This Contractor shall engage the Architectural Trades Contractor in patching these openings to match the surrounding areas and shall reimburse him for cost involved. All openings in building, including wall, floor and roof, required for the Installation of all mechanical work shall be done under this contract. M. SAFETY AND INSURANCE In accordance with generally accepted construction practices, the Contractor shall be responsible for conditions of the job site including safety of all persons and property during performance of the work. This requirement will apply continuously and not be limited to normal working hours. The Contractor will not commence any work until he obtains all required insurance. See General Requirements, Division 1 for types and amounts of insurance Contractor is required to obtain and maintain for the full period of the contract. Nothing contained in these insurance requirements is to be construed as limiting the extent of the Contractor's responsibility for payment of damages resulting from his operation under this contract. N. TEMPORARY SERVICES See Division One - General Requirements. Provide sufficient controls to prevent overheating of equipment to be used for temporary heat. Install throwaway air filters in the return air ductwork inlet or return air inlet of heating units to protect ductwork, coils and heat exchanger surfaces until final building clean-up. Replace filters of a type specified at the completion of temporary use. If ductwork or equipment coils are found to be contaminated at project completion, the ductwork and coils shall be cleaned to “As New” condition. Mechanical Contractor shall provide and install backflow preventers with vacuum breakers for temporary water supply protection. O. ACCESS TO EQUIPMENT All control devices, specialties, dampers, etc., shall be so located so as to provide for easy access for operation, repairs and maintenance; if concealed, access panels or extended operators shall be provided. Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 141 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY The Architectural Trades will furnish all access panels required for access to mechanical items such as valves, when shown on architectural drawings, otherwise the Mechanical Contractor shall provide panel for installation by General Contractor. Size shall be sufficient to operate and remove the mechanical item. P. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL At the completion of the project prepare a brochure of all equipment installed on the project, organized (tabbed) by applicable specification section. Brochure shall include warranty information, equipment parts list and maintenance data, installation instructions, Test and Balance Report, equipment start-up forms and copies of the approved shop drawings. Provide Owner with 2 bound hard copies and 1 DVD or CD of the same information. Q. ASSEMBLY PROTECTION AND MAINTENANCE Where ducts and piping penetrate assemblies the construction and intent of the assembly shall be maintained. The assembly between apartments includes noise reduction and fire rated components that shall be maintained. The drain assembly for the toilets, tubs and showers shall not penetrate through the assembly. 15A-03 MATERIALS AND PROCEDURES A. GENERAL 1. Where support for piping and equipment is to be made from overhead construction, this Contractor shall verify with the Architect's representative the adequacy of the supporting members. This Contractor shall provide auxiliary structural steel members to support his piping and equipment where required. Piping and equipment supports shall span from bearing walls to columns so that the loading is transmitted to the building structural bearing elements and not the floor or roof slabs. Where joists are adequate to support the weight of the piping systems, connections shall be taken to the top chord. Where under concrete construction, supports shall be secured to concrete work by inserts. Inserts shall be located on the forms before the concrete is poured. Wooden plugs shall not be used for any form of fastening. 2. Hangers and inserts shall be set in ample time to permit pouring of concrete as scheduled. Sleeves which have been omitted shall be subsequently installed by coring with a rotary drill. Attachments to concrete shall be made by Ackerman Johnson Expansive Screw Anchors or similar approved equal devices. Drilling of concrete for equipment supports may be done upon consent of the Architect only. Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 142 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY B. SUPPORTS AND HANGERS All piping and ductwork shall be adequately supported with necessary hangers, brackets, anchors, guides, etc. to prevent sagging, vibration or pipe strain, and to provide for expansion and contraction. Fasten supports and hangers to building steel framing wherever practicable. Where support is from concrete construction take precaution not to weaken concrete or penetrate waterproofing. 1. Horizontal piping shall be supported as follows: a) Steel Piping Pipe Size up to 1-1/4 inch 1-1/2 and 2 inch b) Rod Diameter 3/8 inch 3/8 inch Maximum Spacing 8 ft 10 ft Copper Tubing Pipe Size Rod Diameter 1/2 inch 3/8 inch 3/4 and 1 inch 3/8 inch 1-1/4 and 2 inches 3/8 inch 2-1/2 and 3 inches 1/2 inch Maximum Spacing 5 ft 8 ft 10 ft 12 ft c) Support horizontal cast iron soil pipe with one hanger for each pipe length. Locate hanger close to hub. d) Pipe attachment shall be as follows: Gavin-Hanks, PLLC 1) Steel piping to 3 inch line size shall be std. clevis type 1 sized accordingly 2) Copper piping 1/2 to 3 inch line size shall be Auto-grip copper coated style. 3) Hangers shall be assembled to permit pipe expansion and contraction. Anchor points shall be rigid pipe restraints with the use of structural steel shapes and installed to suit conditions. Provide auxiliary beams where needed to transmit anchor loads to load bearing building structural elements. Hanger rods shall not pierce ducts. Page 143 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY 2. Vertical Piping shall be supported as follows: Where practical, riser pipe shall be supported independently of the connected horizontal piping and as indicated below and on the drawings. a) Cast iron piping shall be supported at every floor and at its base. b) Steel piping shall be supported at every floor and at its base. c) Copper pipe shall be supported at every floor with Grinnell Fig. CT-121C riser clamp with plastic insulation or a Uni-strut sure grip system. d) Welded pipe support attachments to the riser piping shall be of a material comparable to that of the pipe and designed in accordance with the governing code and capable of supporting the load under all conditions. C. PIPING 1. All material installed shall be new, full weight, of best quality and with the same brand or manufacturer for each class of material. 2. Route piping so as not to interfere with the pipe lines, wires, ducts, equipment and apparatus of other Contractors. Confer with the other Contractors when locating the pipe lines, adjust the locations so as to prevent interference. Wherever pipe or fittings cannot be installed as shown or as specified, the matter shall be taken up with the Architect's Superintendent. 3. Arrange and install piping as indicated, straight, plumb and as direct as possible; form right angles and parallel lines with building walls. Keep pipes close to walls, partitions, ceilings; offset only where necessary to follow walls as directed. Install horizontal piping as high as possible without sags or bumps. Where piping is installed in furred spaces, keep pipes as close to structural members as possible. 4. Locate groups of pipes parallel to each other; space them at distance to permit applying full insulation and to permit access for servicing valves. 5. Avoid locating water and drain piping over electrical equipment; where this is unavoidable, provide copper drip pans under such pipe or weld piping and fittings. Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 144 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY 6. All piping shall be properly pitched for draining and venting as required. 7. Plastic piping shall be restricted to use where permitted by code and in noncombustible walls and ceiling spaces, that do not connect directly to occupied rooms or ventilating air duct or spaces, in accordance with the State Fire Marshal Regulations. 8. Keep piping free from scale and dirt; protect open pipe ends whenever work is suspended during construction; use temporary plugs or other approved material. Flush out piping systems before final connections with water. After flushing, clean all strainers, blow down drain valves, and remove drain caps in order to eliminate debris, sediment, etc., from the piping systems. Domestic water piping shall be disinfected after flushing as specified elsewhere. 9. Contractor shall conceal all piping whenever possible. Provide swing connections at all risers. Branch connections above the main shall be made off the top of the mains; connections below the mains shall be made off the bottom of the mains and installed so that branches can vent themselves. 10. Make all required provisions to prevent noise and damage to pipe caused by expansion and contraction in pipe lines. Elbows, fittings and offsets shall be of material equal to or heavier than for straight lengths of pipe of the same size. Bends shall be of long-radius conforming to Tube Turn, Inc., standard for expansion bend dimensions, or as otherwise dimensioned on the Drawings. 11. Leaks shall not be repaired by caulking or by using additives. Any defective fittings or pipe shall be removed and replaced with new fittings, or in the case of pipe, the pipe shall be taken down and the threads recut or the connecter replaced. 12. All piping shall be continuous between fittings wherever possible. Short links and couplings will not be permitted. 13. Water piping systems shall be installed in such a manner that the entire systems can be completely drained. Particular care shall be exercised to avoid air and water pockets in piping. 14. Lay out all the pipe lines, establish all pipe line levels from existing monuments, insure the proper location and installation of pipe sleeves and pipe in building walls and floor slabs. Pipe installation shall be coordinated with all other trades to prevent conflict. 15. Piping located in exterior walls or ceilings is to be located on the building (warm) side of the wall or ceiling insulation. In areas that the design outdoor Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 145 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY temperature is below zero deg F, make provisions for frost free venting as required by code or AHJ. D. PIPE JOINTS 1. Joints in cast iron coil pipe above ground shall be no-hub. No-hub cast iron pipe and fittings shall be joined with a one piece neoprene gasket and a stainless steel shield and retaining clamps. 2. Joints in vitrified clay pipe shall be flexible compression type, ASTM C425, made with rubber gaskets meeting ASTM C443 specifications. 3. Joints in screwed piping shall comply with ANSI B2.1. Screwed piping shall have pipe threads cut with clean, sharp dies, burrs removed, ends reamed and assembled with pipe dope applied to male threads only. 4. Joints between different sizes of piping shall be made with reducing fittings, eccentric where necessary for proper drainage. Bushings will not be allowed. 5. Joints for flanged fittings shall be made up with ring gaskets of one-sixteenth inch thick composition material. 6. Joints for solder tubing shall be lead and antimony free, 95,5% tin, 4% copper, 0.5% silver, ASTM 832 alloy grade 50A. 7. Joints in plastic pipe shall be solvent welded in accordance with Plastic Pipe Institute Technical Report #PPI-TRIO, February, 1969. Proper procedures for cleaning ventilation and fire protection must be adhered to. 8. VOC limits for solvent welding: - 510 g/L for PVC - 550 g/L for Plastic Primer E. VALVES, COCKS AND FAUCETS 1. PLACEMENT OF VALVES Install valves at all service connections, in all branch lines and risers, and at all locations indicated on the drawings. Individual connections to plumbing fixtures and equipment shall be provided with stop Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 146 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY valves and unions, accessibly located and arranged to permit the easy removal of the fixtures or equipment. 2. VALVE PACKING All valve stems and other packed joints shall be tight under conditions of actual operation. 3. BALL VALVES Ball valves shall have ASTM B-62 full port bronze bodies rated for 225 lb. W.O.G. with O-ring or stuffing box type stem seals. The valves shall have a replaceable bronze or chrome plated brass ball with replaceable Teflon seats. The valves shall be constructed so that all internal parts are serviceable without dismantling connected piping. 4. NON-FREEZE WALL HYDRANTS Wall Hydrants shall be Woodford Model 67, or approved equal, loose key, anti-syphon, automatic draining. F. UNIONS 1. Provide unions, screwed or flanged, where indicated and/or in long runs of piping in preference to couplings to permit convenient disassembly for alterations or repairs. 2. Unions in copper piping shall be wrought-copper unions, Nibco No. 633, or equal. 3. Unions in vent piping shall be galvanized clip couplings (hub union). 4. Unions and flanges in galvanized piping shall be galvanized. 5. Unions in black steel piping two-and-one-half (2-1/2") inches and smaller shall be female unions, ground Joints, Dart No 0832, or equal. 6. Unions where dissimilar piping materials are joined shall be dielectric unions. G. SLEEVES 1. Provide and set sleeves to accommodate pipes and ducts passing through Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 147 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY foundations, walls, floors, and partitions. 2. Sleeves shall be galvanized steel or wrought-iron pipe when they are located in concrete beams or concrete fire-proofing in outside walls, foundations, footings, water-proofed floors or where space between pipe and sleeve is to be leadcaulked. In other locations, sleeves shall be constructed of 22 gauge galvanized sheet steel with lock-seam joints. Extra-heavy cast-iron soil pipe may be used in place of steel or wrought-iron for sleeves in walls below grade. 3. Where pipe motion due to expansion and contraction will occur, make sleeves of sufficient diameter to permit free movement of pipe. On insulated pipes, make sleeves of sufficient diameter to pass pipe insulation freely. 4. Terminate sleeves flush with walls, partitions and ceiling. In concealed areas as in chases, terminate sleeves flush with floor. 5. Sleeves through walls below grade shall be caulked with oakum and lead on both sides of wall. 6. In cases of pipes or ducts passing through fire walls and floors, the free space in the sleeve shall be backed with suitable, approved non-combustible material. H. STORAGE OF CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS During construction stored materials and equipment shall be protected from damage and dirt such that when installed is in “As New” showroom condition. Equipment and materials stored on site shall be stored indoors or in weatherproof enclosures. Unassembled ductwork shall be covered and protected and stored on pallets. Open ends of assembled ductwork and installed ductwork shall be sealed with Dyn-O-Wrap plastic film as manufactured by Duro Dyne to prevent entry of dirt or biologicals. Open ends of piping, stored or installed, shall be protected with caps, plugs or plastic film. Installed grilles shall be masked with plastic film until either final cleaning or if used for temporary heat. 15A-05 TESTING AND BALANCING A. TESTS 1. General Requirements Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 148 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY All tests required under Codes and Ordinances shall be made in accordance with such Codes and Ordinances by this Contractor. All parts of each system and associated equipment shall be tested and adjusted to work properly and be left in good operating condition. All testing instruments, gauges, pumps and other equipment required or necessary for testing shall be provided by this Contractor. All parts of each system and associated equipment shall be tested and adjusted to work properly and be left in good operating condition. All defects disclosed in the work by tests or otherwise shall be made good or the work replaced without additional cost to the Owner. Tests shall be repeated after any defects disclosed; thereby have been made good or the work replaced, if in the Judgment of the Architect, it is deemed necessary. All repairs to piping system shall be made with new material. No caulking on screwed joints, cracks or holes will be acceptable. Where it becomes necessary to replace pieces of pipe, such replacements shall be the same length as the defective pieces. 2. Drainage Systems The drainage systems shall be tested in accordance with Local Codes and Regulations. Piping shall be tested with a minimum of 5 psi air or water pressure for 15 minutes without leakage. 3. Water Systems The system shall be tested to one and one-half times the maximum working pressure, but in no case less than 100 pounds per square inch and proved right at this pressure. Piping, if any way concealed by structural work, shall be tested to the aforesaid pressure and proved tight before pipes are concealed. The test pressure shall be held for a period of not less than twenty-four (24) hours. General contractor’s superintendent shall witness each test and submit a statement of the results. 4. Gas Conveying Systems Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 149 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY The system shall be tested to one and one-half times the maximum working pressure, but in no case less than 100 pounds per square inch and proved right at this pressure. Piping, if any way concealed by structural work, shall be tested to the aforesaid pressure and proved tight before pipes are concealed. The test pressure shall be held for a period of not less than twenty-four (24) hours. B. ADJUSTMENTS After the testing has been completed and the installation declared satisfactory, put all the systems in proper adjustment and operation. All apparatus, equipment, specialties etc. shall be adjusted to produce the intended results. Check motor and coupling (or belt and pulley) alignment and make necessary adjustments. Check all bearings for lubrication and lubricate if necessary. Check all motors and bearings for overheating and make necessary adjustments if required. C. BALANCING Provide testing and balancing of all air systems. The Mechanical Contractor shall provide testing and balancing which shall include all labor, material supervision, instrumentation and equipment necessary to effect complete and proper systems balance. Contractor shall include: Periodic field inspections to check installation of all balancing devices. Set and adjust all dampers, including fire dampers, deflecting vanes, discharge vanes and accessory items to achieve proper air distribution and patterns in all parts of the air supply and exhaust systems. Set and adjust all belted fan speeds as required to attain proper total CFM deliveries. Changing of pulleys and motors shall be the responsibility of the HVAC Contractor. Check and record installed conditions and report any irregularities in the following: Design Conditions: Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 150 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY Air capacity (CFM). Static pressure of fans, coils, etc. Motor horse powers and design brake horse powers. Fan speeds. Installed Equipment: Equipment manufacturer. Equipment model numbers, sizes, types, etc. Motor types, sizes and characteristics. Drive types, sizes and speed range. Equipment ratings of different from design. Identification of all terminal devices including outlets. Field Test Data: Initial and final test readings for: Air capacities (CFM). Static pressures. Equipment speeds. Motor operating voltages and amperages. END OF SECTION SECTION 15B - PLUMBING SYSTEMS The General Provisions of the Contract, including General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions, Division 1, General Requirements, and Section 15A Mechanical General Requirements, apply to the work specified in this section. 15B-01 A. SCOPE OF WORK Major items of work and equipment included under this section of the Specifications are as follows: 1. SANITARY DRAINAGE SYSTEM 2. STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM 3. DOMESTIC HOT AND COLD WATER SYSTEMS Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 151 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY 4. B. The following work is not included in this section of the specifications: 1. 15B-02 A. PLUMBING FIXTURES AND TRIM Electrical wiring STORM & SANITARY DRAINAGE SYSTEMS DESCRIPTION OF SYSTEMS Sanitary drainage system shall consist of soil, waste and vent piping as shown on the plans and as required for the installation of all plumbing fixtures, equipment and specialties and underground waste drains carried to main sanitary sewer at 5'-0" outside building and including connection therewith. B. MATERIALS 1. 2. Soil and Waste Piping a) Storm, soil, waste and vent pipe shall be PVC plastic drainage piping sched. 40 provided it is approved by Local authorities. b) Plastic pipe and fittings shall be schedule 40, polyvinyl chloride (PVC), ASTM D2665. Plastic piping shall be marked as having seal of approval of NSF testing laboratory. Schedule 30 PVC may be used at above grade locations, provided that its use is permitted by the Plumbing Code and the local codes. c) Soil, waste, and drain lines shall be pitched down as prescribed by code in the direction of flow. Provide cleanouts in all drainage lines. Where possible group vents into a minimum number of main vents through the roof. Vents through the roof shall be three inches minimum. Cleanouts shall be installed at the base of the stacks, at changes in direction and in straight runs at intervals as prescribed by code. d) CPVC (cellular PVC pipe) shall not be used for Sanitary Waste pipe above or below the slab. Plumbing Specialties Specialties shall be Ancon, Josam, Smith, Wade, Schirer, or Zurn equal to Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 152 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY the model numbers indicated. a) Drains Mechanical Room Floor drains – See plumbing Fixture Schedule Toilet Rooms, General Areas floor drains - See plumbing Fixture Schedule b) Cleanouts and Access Covers Provide Zurn Co., Ancon, Josam, Smith, Wade or approved equal, cleanouts at the foot or base of each vertical waste or soil stack, rain conductors, and in drainage lines at all changes in direction of flow and at 50'-0" intervals in straight runs 3" and larger. Cleanouts shall be readily accessible and shall have eighteen (18") inches clearance behind the plug for rodding. Cleanouts shall be same nominal pipe size as lines served but no larger than four (4") inches. Exact locations shall be determined before installation and approved by the Architect's Superintendent. All cleanouts shall have proper fittings, ferrules, and plugs. Fittings shall be long-sweep or sanitary TY fittings; ferrules and plugs shall be heavy cast brass, bronze, or PVC. The finish of cover plates and access covers shall be nickel bronze, except in paved areas where "dura-coated" shall be used. Provide tub/shower access panels only if required by the plumbing code. c) Traps Furnish and install as prescribed per local or state code. Floor drain installation shall include a trap primer, see plumbing fixture schedule. 15B-03 DOMESTIC HOT AND COLD WATER SYSTEM A. GENERAL 1. Gavin-Hanks, PLLC All material installed shall be new, full weight, of the best quality and with name brand or manufacturer used for each class of materials. Page 153 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY B. 2. Refer to Section 15A for pipe work and valves. 3. Minimum depth of bury for cold water piping outside the building shall be 5'0" below grade. 4. All domestic piping materials and equipment shall comply with the latest adopted codes and standards including the Reduction of Lead in Drinking Water Act and be NSF/ANSI Standard 61 labelled. 5. All domestic water piping shall be labelled on the insulation exterior at the distribution manifold and where observable. PIPE MATERIALS AND FITTINGS 1. Domestic water main to be copper piping. Domestic water branch piping to be insulated PEX (cross-linked polyethylene tubing); Wirsbo, Uponor, Rehau, Watts or equal. Main distribution piping shall use a valved manifold located in the mechanical closet adjacent to the water heater. Each plumbing fixture group shall be served by a separate supply branch. 2. Domestic water below ground for three inch and smaller, shall be Type K, soft temper, copper tubing ASTM B88 and ANSl H23.1 with wrought copper solder joint pressure fittings ANSl B16.22, or where installation permits continuous lengths without joints below ground. Joints shall be silver soldered or brazed. 3. Water distribution piping shall be graded with a uniform slope. Arrange water piping to drain at one point and provide hose end drain valves at low points. Where a fixture, such as a sink, is connected to a riser at its lowest level, the fixture may serve as a low point drain. Where water lines are laid under the floor they shall be encased in four inches of clean sand. 4. Provide air chambers to prevent water hammer for each faucet and flush valve. Air chambers shall be 12" long and of the same size as the branch fixture supply. All supplies must drop from a valved header above the elevation of the faucet, so that the air chamber is self-draining when the header is valved and the faucets are opened. Manufactured cushion devices may be used as an alternate at the Contractor's option. Units shall be installed as recommended by the manufacturer. Provide schematic layout in shop drawing form to obtain acceptance of sizes and quantities. 5. Shut-off valves shall be located to isolate sections of piping and fixtures for repair without requiring shutdown of water main. Unions shall be provided Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 154 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY for easy removal of valves, except for flanged or soldered valves. Provide devices acceptable to local health department to prevent backflow to potable water from secondary water systems such as boiler make-up water system. Provide vacuum breakers for all hose and fittings. C. 6. All water distribution lines shall be chlorinated. After pressure test and before chlorination, remove all dirt and foreign matter by thoroughly flushing lines. Apply the chlorine mixture by a solution feeding device or in the powdered form. Chlorine solution concentration shall be 75 parts chlorine to one million parts of water. The mixture shall be allowed to stand in the lines for not less than four hours after which the lines are to be thoroughly flushed with clear water. A water sample shall be sent to the Dept. of Public Health for testing. If test results are not negative for bacteria, the piping system shall be flushed, re-chlorinated, and re-tested until such time as negative results are obtained. 7. Chrome plated escutcheons shall be provided at points where exposed pipe pass through walls, ceilings and floors of finished rooms. Furnish access panels so that valves in concealed piping can be accessible. Branches to fixtures shall have stops. All Joints between copper and steel shall be made with dielectric couplings. Piping shall be installed to prevent unusual noise from the flow of water under normal conditions. Isolate piping from direct contact with the building or framing with a strip of hair felt. PIPING SPECIALTIES 1. Strainers shall be 175 lb., cast iron body, T-type with brass screen. 2. Insulating Couplings Provide EPCO Sales Co. or approved equal, insulating couplings at all locations where copper piping is connected to equipment and/or dissimilar material. 3. Air Chambers Provide air chambers in both hot and cold water risers, and supply branch risers to the fixtures. Air chambers shall be concealed in partitions, walls and pipe spaces. 4. Back Flow Preventer Provide a Beeco or equal, reduced pressure flow preventer complete with Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 155 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY O.S. & Y valves, test cocks and fittings for the lawn irrigation system, if required. 5. Wall Hydrants Non-Freeze flush mounted with loose key and nickel-bronze finish Woodford Model 67 or as manufactured by Zurn Company, J. R. Smith, Wade or Josam. 6. Vacuum Breakers Nidel #3/4H (or equal) for each wall hydrant, and at each Laundry Tray. 7. Washer Box Furnish and install a Water Tite PVC Washer Box, 1/2" supply connection, 2" drain for clothes washer, or equal as approved by Architect. 8. Tempering Valves Provide a tempering valve in the hot water to the fixtures in all apartments. Tempering valve shall be installed at the water heater and shall be a Honeywell AMX300 or equal. A 2” dial type thermometer shall be installed in the discharge piping directly after the tempering valve. 9. Water Heater Pans At each Water Heater provide 24 in plastic water heater pan OATEY supply chain service Model # 34058, pipe to a nearby floor drain. 15B-04 A. PLUMBING FIXTURES AND TRIM GENERAL 1. This Contractor shall furnish and install all fixtures, unless otherwise noted, and shall make all required supply, waste, soil and vent connections, together with all fastenings, fittings, supports, supplies, traps, etc., leaving all in complete working order; all fixtures shall be of the specifically selected class. 2. Provide concealed supports as required to strengthen the walls for support of fixtures. Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 156 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY 3. Before proceeding with above roughing installation, check clearances for fixtures and mounting heights with the architectural drawings. Verify locations and sizes of services to be provided for equipment to be furnished by others. 4. Plumbing fixtures and appurtenances shall be equal to the manufacturer's model numbers scheduled herein. China and porcelain shall be white, unless otherwise noted. Approved manufacturers: China, plastic and iron fixtures - American Standard, Kohler, Eljer, Briggs, Crane, Mansfield, Delta, Aker, Zurn, Florestone Faucets Price Pfister, American Standard, Kohler, Delta, Moen Stainless steel fixtures - Moen, Elkay, Just, Dayton Toilet seats with Lids Church, Olsonite, Beneke, Bemis, Centoco Flush valves Sloan, Zurn Supply fittings same as fixture manufacturer or Delta, Moen, Zurn Supply pipes Same as fixture manufacturer B. 5. Unless otherwise specified, all exposed fixture trim shall be first quality, chromium-plated brass. All faucets shall have renewable seats and discs. 6. Fixtures secured to concrete or block walls shall be fastened with brass bolts or machine screws screwed into lead anchors. 7. Fixture connections shall be chrome-plated flexible brass pipe. 8. Provide a stop or shut-off valve in the water connection to each water heater, and plumbing fixture. PLUMBING FIXTURES 1. Water Closets – All toilets to be Watersense qualified fixtures A) Dwelling Units Mansfield 4130-3121 1.28Gpf, Round front, two piece, Vitreous China. Centoco 1200 White Seat, round, with cover, closed front. OR17C - Brass Craft Angle Stop, Loose Key, FIP x 3/8 OD B) ADA Water Closet - Mansfield 4137-3121 1.28Gpf, Elongated front, two piece, Vitreous China. Centoco HP1600 White Seat, Elongated, with cover, closed front. OR17C - Brass Craft Angle Stop, Loose Key, FIP x 3/8 OD Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 157 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY 2. Lavatories - All faucets to be Watersense qualified fixtures 1) Typical - -0476.028 Vitreous China Countertop Sink, White, 4 centers American Standard 7385.000 Sink Faucet, 4" centers, 1.5 gpm Angle Stop Brasscraft, F.I.P x 3/8 OD P-trap 1 1/2 802 Jones 802 PVC 2) 3. Physically Handicapped - same as above w/ 102 W Truebro Insulation Kit, 11/4 chrome P-trap. Bathtubs- All showerheads to be Watersense qualified fixtures A) Bathtub- White 5-foot, one piece fiberglass Lasco 2603-CT, with molded in plywood reinforcements for current or future attachment of grab bars / accessories at all units. Bath/shower fitting shall feature water saving showerhead with Max. 2.0 gpm/5.7L/min. flow rate. Shall feature a cast brass valve body. Shall feature ceramic disc valve cartridge which allows user to control both water temperature and volume. Fitting shall be equipped with pressure balancing cartridge engineered to eliminate cross flow and avoid failure due to mineral deposits. Shall also feature a hot limit safety stop. Fitting shall be: Rough Valve Body - American Standard Model # R120, Trim Kit - American Standard Model #T675.508. Provide Alsons 1551PB with glide bar, spray and hose in accessible units with required grab bar arrangement and Transfer seat, Gerber 41-510 waste and overflow or pre-approved equals. 4. Kitchen Sinks- All faucets to be Watersense qualified fixtures A) Living Units: - Double Compartment - S. S. Sink Dayton K23322, 3 hole American Standard 4175.500.F15, Sink Faucet with/out Spray, 1.5gpm flow rate Angle Stop Brasscraft, Loose Key F.I.P. x 3/8 OD Garbage Disposal - 1/3 HP Whirlaway, 184PC Sink Strainer B) Physical Handicap - S.S. Sink Dayton GE23321, 3 hole, ADA compliant American Standard 4175.500.F15, Sink Faucet with/out Spray, 1.5gpm flow rate Angle Stops Brasscraft, Loose Key, F.I.P. x 3/8 OD Garbage Disposal - 1/3 HP Whirlaway, 184PC Sink Strainer PVC TRAP-P w/ Truebro Insulation Kit 5. Garbage Disposal A) Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Provide a garbage disposal unit for each apartment kitchen sink. Rubber cushioned mounting, continuous feed operation, fixed cutting hammers, built-in motor overload protection with manual reset, Page 158 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY permanently lubricated bearings. Garbage disposal shall be 1/3 HP Whirlaway model 184PC with cord. Complete with dishwasher tapping for apartments with dishwasher. B) Coordinate with electrical for standard and ADA unit switching, see electrical. C. WATER HEATERS Water heater shall be a 40 gallon storage tank electric water heater, 4500 watt nonsimultaneous elements as scheduled. There is to be one unit for each apartment and community building; see schedule. Water heater installation shall include a non-corrosive drain pan piped to floor drain, PRV piped full size to drain pan and a Honeywell AMX300 thermostatic mixing valve. Installation shall include an immersion type thermometer located in the hot water supply piping immediately downstream of the mixing valve. Provide and install an expansion tank as detailed and noted on the plans. Provide and install seismic strap for each water heater. 15B-05 NATURAL GAS SYSTEM A. GENERAL 1. Provide a gas cock, dirt leg and union or flexible connector at each piece of equipment and / or appliance requiring a gas connection per the Fuel Gas Code and/or local Authority having jurisdiction. B. PIPE MATERIALS AND FITTINGS 1. Natural gas pipe system shall be schedule 40, black steel pipe and screwed malleable iron fittings. Wardflex (corrugated Stainless Steel Tubing) connector may be used if allowed by authority having jurisdiction. C. SPECIALTIES 1. Expansion Joints in Piping (When Pipe Loops Cannot be Used) Adsco or Flexonics single type, 150 psi, working pressure, flanged ends, corrugated packless, internally guided, equalizing type with stainless steel bellows and outward limit stops. Joints shall withstand hydrostatic test of 1-1/2 times design pressure. Traverse, as noted on drawings, includes an allowance of 50% above calculated thermal expansion. Provide pipe alignment guides along entire length of piping, including installing the first guide 4 pipe diameters away from the expansion joint. Guides shall be spider type moving in a segmented steel cylinder. 2. Dirt Pockets Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 159 8/01/2014 Provide full-size dirt pockets at bottom of gas risers to all connected appliances. D. GAS SERVICE The service to the gas meter, meter manifold and setting of the gas meter will be provided by the local Gas Company. All costs, fees and permits pertaining to the gas service refer to site utilities Sec 2. E. REGULATIONS The entire gas system shall be installed in accordance with the Regulations and Standards of the local Gas Company and / or local authority having jurisdiction. SECTION 15C - FORCED AIR HEATING, COOLING AND VENTILATING 15C-01 GENERAL A. Major items of work and equipment included under this Section of the Specifications are as follows: DUCTWORK GRILLES, REGISTERS AND DIFFUSERS EXHAUST FANS FURNACE AND CONDENSING UNIT 15C-02 DUCTWORK A. GENERAL Provide all supply, relief, exhaust and outdoor air ducts and fittings, dampers, etc. as shown on Drawings and as hereinafter specified for a complete duct system. Ductwork shall be fabricated and installed in accordance with the latest edition of the HVAC Duct Construction Standards, Metal and Flexible as published by SMACNA. Provide duct hangers on each side of duct on 8 ft. centers. Hangers shall be 1" x 1/8" galvanized steel for ducts up to 60" and 1-3/8" x 1/8" for larger ducts. Hangers shall extend down the side of the duct 12" and secured with 2 bolts or sheet metal screws. Hangers shall be fabricated and installed in accordance with SMACNA Standards. Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 160 8/01/2014 After erection of ducts, clean all dirt, grease, rubbish, etc. from the interior and exterior of ducts. Duct dimensions given on the plan are clear inside dimensions. Where ducts are called out to be lined with acoustical duct liner the sheet metal duct size shall be increased to provide the clear inside dimension. Install ductwork in adherence to ceiling height schedule on Architectural Drawings. Establish necessary space requirements for each trade so as to maintain required headroom. Right is reserved to vary run and shape of ducts and to make off sets during progress of work, if required to meet structural or other interferences. Cost of any such modifications shall be borne by the Sheet Metal Contractor. All sheet metal shall be best grade, prime sheets, open hearth galvanized peel. In general, ductwork shall have a neat workman-like appearance and shall be installed straight and level as the location requires. Exhaust air ducts shall be sealed watertight with Pro-Seal or other approved sealant. B. DUCT CONSTRUCTION All ductwork shall be constructed in accordance with SMACNA “HVAC Duct Construction Standards – Metal and Flexible” Latest edition and of gauges, joints and bracing as scheduled on the next page. All ducts over 18" in either dimension shall be cross-broken. Minimum gage of sheet metal allowed is 24 gage. Bracing of ducts 19 inches to 60 inches may be omitted if sections are 4'0" long, instead of 7'0" long. C. SCHEDULE U.S. STD. GAUGE DUCT SIZE IN INCHES TRANSVERSE JOINTS AND BRACING 24 Up through 18 S Slip, drive slip, 1 in. pocket lock on 8 ft. centers. 24 19 through 30 S Slip, 1 in. pocket lock on 8 ft.centers with 1 x 1 x 1/8 angles 4 ft. from joint. 22 31 through 42 1 in. standing S cleat, bar slip, pocket lock on 8 ft. centers with 1 x 1 x 1/8 angles 4 ft from joint. 22 43 through 54 1-1/2 in. standing S cleat, bar slip,pocket lock on 8 ft. centers with 1-1/2 x 1-1/2 x 1/8 angle 4 ft. from joint. Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 161 8/01/2014 20 55 through 60 Same as for ducts 43 through 54. 20 61 through 84 1-1/2 in. standing S cleat, bar slip, pocket lock on 4 ft. centers with 1-1/2 x 1-1/2 x 1/8 angles 2 ft. from joint. 18 85- through 96 1-1/2 in. standing S cleat, bar slip,pocket lock reinforced with 1-1/2 x 1-1/2 x 1/8 angles or companion angles on 4 ft. centers. D. VANES AND DEFLECTORS All radius elbows shall be made with a radius not less than 1-1/2 the duct diameter or width, see Type RE 1 Radius Elbow in the SMACNA Standards. Rectangular elbows shall be constructed in accordance SMACNA Standards see Type RE 2 Square Throat Elbow with Vanes. All rectangular mitered elbows shall have turning vanes. Vanes and deflectors shall be of galvanized steel sheet, two gauges heavier than the thickness used in ductwork of corresponding size. Vanes shall be securely anchored to ducts and shall have free standing edges with bracing. E. SLEEVES All ducts passing through walls and floor openings shall be fitted with galvanized metal sleeves flush with the surface. In cases of ducts passing through fire walls, the space between the duct and the wall shall be packed directly airtight with suitable approved non-combustible materials and fire caulked. F. FLEXIBLE CONNECTIONS At each point of connection of ductwork to a fan, provide a flexible connection not less than three inches in length and made of neoprene; as manufactured by Duro Dyne. Flexible connections shall be provided at exhaust fans. F. BRANCH TAKEOFFS AND TAPS Where branch takeoffs from the main duct occur the contractor shall use HET’s or Conical Spin-Ins without scoops. Where taps are installed above hard ceilings the volume damper shall be omitted. Dovetail and straight taps shall not be used for branch connections. G. ACOUSTICAL DUCT LINER Where shown on the plans, the acoustical duct liner shall be 1” WillDuct as manufactured by Pinta Acoustics or approved equal. Duct sizes shall be increased to maintain clear inside dimension given on the plans. Acoustical duct liner shall be installed on furnace supply risers and cap and return air plenums and connectors. Install duct liner in accordance with manufacturers instructions. Fiberglass duct liner shall not be used. See section 15D for acceptable Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 162 8/01/2014 acoustical duct liner materials and manufacturers. 15C-03 GRILLES, REGISTERS AND DIFFUSERS A. The contractor shall furnish and install grilles, registers and diffusers as scheduled on the plans. B. Diffusers shall be steel construction with a factory applied baked-on enamel finish. Diffuser shall be complete with a sealing gasket, adjustable opposed blade damper. Color as selected by Architect. 15C-04 EXHAUST FANS A. DRYER VENTS Provide sheet metal dryer vent ducts for each clothes dryer; vent duct shall run from dryer wall box to specified roof cap. Gauge shall be 20 G.A. for dryer vent ducts. Install per manufacturers recommendations. Dryer exhaust riser shall be located in the wall not exposed in the room. The system shall include a metal dryer wall box such as [The Dryer Box by In-O-Vate Technologies, Inc., 810 Saturn Street, Suite 21, Jupiter, FL 33477, Phone: (888) 443-7937, Fax: (561) 745-9723,] The dryer roof termination shall be a DryerJack Model DJK486 with the color selected by the Architect. Install per the manufacturers recommendation. B. CEILING EXHAUST FAN Broan Model QTXE series, blower type exhaust fan, housing with pre-wired junction box, U.L. listed, anodized aluminum ceiling plate, auto back draft damper, resilient mounted plug-in motor with perma-type lubrication, Energy Star-labeled. See section 15E-04; B. See schedule on plans for ID tag and model number 15C-05 A. FURNACE AND CONDENSING UNITS GAS FIRED FURNACES Gas fired furnaces shall meet ASHRAE energy standards and sizes indicated on the plans. Units shall be AGA approved, UL Listed and a 92.5% or greater fuel efficiency rating. Unit construction and components shall include: Hot Surface Ignition Direct Drive Blower Baked enamel finish cabinet Fan and high limit controls blower Combination gas valve Safety pilot Disposable filter Low voltage thermostat (heating and cooling). See drawings for equipment Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 163 8/01/2014 schedule. Energy Star qualified or Energy Star matched Mechanical Trades shall provide for a complete and operable system. B. AIR COOLED CONDENSING UNITS Air cooled condensing units shall be equal to Carrier or Lennox, size as scheduled on plans. Unit construction and components shall include: Baked-on outdoor enamel finished cabinet Compressor and control compartment Hermetically sealed compressor Condenser fan Condenser coil Refrigerant line connections, electrical inlets and service valves Hi-capacity dryer Refrigerant line kits 5-year non pro-rated parts compressor warranty 13 SEER Minimum Energy Star qualified or Energy Star matched C. FLUES Flue vent and combustion air from furnace shall be constructed of materials as recommended by the furnace manufacturer and terminated above roof with a concentric roof assembly. Where installed in an unconditioned space the piping shall be insulated. Installation and clearances shall be per manufacturers recommendations, A.G.A. requirements or as required by the authority having jurisdiction, whichever is most stringent. D. FILTERS At the time of occupancy, the Mechanical Contractor shall replace all furnace filters with a new pleated non-fiberglass filter for each furnace, Minimum MERV rating to be 8. Fiberglass filters are not acceptable. Provide Owner with 2 extra sets of filters after Test and Balancing has been completed. END OF SECTION SECTION 15D - PIPE AND DUCT INSULATION Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 164 8/01/2014 15D-01 A. SCOPE OF WORK Major items of work and equipment included under this Section of the Specifications are as follows: PIPE COVERING INSULATION DUCT INSULATION ACOUSTICAL DUCT LINER 15D-02 GENERAL A. Insulation shall be applied by experienced pipe insulators as per best trade practice, in accordance with manufacturer's printed installation instructions. B. Insulation shall be applied to pipe line and equipment only after they have been tested, inspected and all surfaces thoroughly cleaned of all foreign materials, grease and rust. C. Sections, segments and blocks, as the case may be, shall be carefully fitted to the surface, butted tightly together, and Joints staggered where possible. D. Insulation shall be continuous through walls, floors, partitions, sleeves, hangers etc. except where otherwise indicated or specified. 15D-03 A. PIPE COVERING INSULATION DOMESTIC WATER PIPING Insulate hot and cold water piping in or near outside walls. No piping shall be run in attic spaces or any other areas exposed to freezing temperatures. Do not insulate domestic lines in pipe spaces. 1. Insulation Thickness interior wall - 1/2" Armaflex-celluar exterior wall - 1" fiberglass 2. Application All pipe insulation shall be applied over clean, dry surfaces, butting adjoining section firmly together. Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 165 8/01/2014 B. INSULATION FOR PHYSICALLY HANDICAPPED Insulate all exposed piping below lavatories for physically handicapped to insure that people in wheelchairs do not touch exposed metal piping. 15D-04 DUCT INSULATION All supply, return, and exhaust air ducts, in unconditioned ceiling and attic spaces shall be insulated with 3/4 lb. density glass fiber insulation with factory applied vapor barrier facing. Insulation shall meet requirements of NFPA Standard 90A. The insulation shall have an average conductance "C" value of 0.23 and as required by the International Energy Conservation Code, latest adopted edition. Exhaust air ducts shall be sealed prior to the installation of insulation. Adhere insulation with duct adhesive applied in strips 6" wide on 12" centers. Adhesive shall have a maximum VOC limit of 70 g/L. Butt all edges of insulation and seal all Joints with a tape or flange of the facing adhered over the joint. VOC of duct insulation adhesive not to exceed 70 g/L. Duct sealant shall not exceed 250 g/L. Fiberglass cord or 16-gauge annealed wire ties shall be used for securing the installation until adhesive sets. NOTE: No fiberglass duct work, nor any fiberglass exposed directly to air flow will be allowed. Required duct insulation shall be as follows: A. Ducts insulation outside the thermal and air barriers: 1. 2. Supply Duct: R-8 Others: R-6 15D-05 ACOUSTICAL DUCT LINER Acoustical duct liner shall be installed in the supply air duct riser and cap and in the return air plenums. Duct sizes shall be increased to maintain clear inside dimension given on the plans. The liner shall be a non-fiberglass closed cell material 1” thick. Liner shall meet rating of NFPA Standard 90A. Acoustical duct liner shall be K-Flex Duct liner, Solcoustic or Pinta acoustics. Install per manufacturers recommendations. Fiberglass acoustical duct liner shall not be used. END OF SECTION SECTION 15E - TEMPERATURE CONTROLS 15E-01 GENERAL All applicable provisions of Section 15A shall apply to the work under this section of the Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 166 8/01/2014 specifications. This section shall include all labor, materials, tools and equipment required for the furnishing and installing of all work here in described and/or shown on the drawings. 15E-02 DESCRIPTION OF WORK It is the intent of this specification to describe the required control sequence for each piece of equipment. It is the requirement of the Mechanical Contractor to provide all necessary control components, relays, switches, wiring components, wiring diagrams and install same such that the system functions as described herein. Wiring shall be in accordance with NEC and local codes. 15E-03 MATERIALS AND INSTALLATION A. System and components shall be as manufactured by Honeywell, Breaburn and shall be installed by competent mechanics. B. Control equipment shall be equal to the following: C. 1. Programmable thermostat shall be as required. See furnace schedule for acceptable model thermostats. 2. Switches and relays shall be of the positive acting type as required by the control sequence. 3. Condensate Float Switch; evaporator coil secondary drain, EZT 225 or equal. INSTALLATION 1. This Contractor shall submit shop drawings for the control systems. Each set shall include diagrammatic layout, wiring diagram, sequence of operation, equipment schedule and catalog sheet for each device to be used. 2. Upon completion of job, this Contractor shall furnish and mount an "As Built" drawing where directed by the Building Engineer. A complete submittal shall be given to the Owner. This submittal shall include maintenance repair instructions and a copy included in the O & M Manual. 3. After completion of the installation, the Mechanical Contractor shall adjust all thermostats, switches and other equipment provided under this contract. The control system herein specified shall be free from defects in workmanship and material under normal use and service. If, within twelve (12) months described is provided to be defective in workmanship or material, or if any maintenance is required, it will be adjusted, repaired or replaced free of charge by the Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 167 8/01/2014 SILVERTIP APARTMENTS – MISSOULA, MONTANA HUD 221(d)(4) Processing Mechanical Contractor 15E-04 A. DESCRIPTION OF SYSTEMS APARTMENT HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING UNITS Wire and install wall mounted heating and cooling thermostat to cycle furnace and/or condensing unit to maintain its set point. Wire and install low voltage condensate float switch to interrupt the control circuit and shut down furnace if the float switch activates. Locate float switch in the upper (or secondary) drain outlet of evaporator coil section. B. EXHAUST FANS Individual toilet exhaust. See drawings for more information. Fans shall be switched with the ceiling light - wired by Electrical Contractor. See drawings for more information. Community Building shop fan is to be switched from a wall mounted electronic timer, see schedule. C. DOMESTIC WATER HEATING UNIT Self-contained electric unit to be checked and operating as specified on the drawings 15F- FIRE PROTECTION SPECIALTIES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. 1.2 Includes all labor and material necessary and incidental to the execution and installation of fire extinguisher cabinets complete with fire extinguishers at locations indicated on contract drawings. QUALITY STANDARDS A. Provide experienced, well-trained workers competent to complete the work as specified. B. Unless approved by the Architect, provide all related products and accessories from one manufacturer. C. All work shall comply with manufacturer's instructions and governing building and FIRE PROTECTION July 7, 201010520-168 SILVERTIP APARTMENTS – MISSOULA, MONTANA HUD 221(d)(4) Processing safety codes. 1.3 1.4 1.5 SUBMITTALS A. Submit the following within 30 calendar days after receiving the Notice to Proceed. B. See Division 1, General Requirements, for general shop drawing and submittal requirements. C. Complete manufacturer’s detailed drawings of all units. D. Fire extinguisher submittals must show certificate of conformance to U/L requirements. MATERIALS HANDLING A. Provide all materials required to complete the work as shown on Drawings and specified herein. Deliver, store, and transport materials to avoid damage to the product or to any other work. Return any products or materials delivered in a damaged or unsatisfactory condition. Materials and products delivered will be certified by the manufacturer to be as specified. B. Store materials in a safe, secure location, protected from dirt, moisture, contaminants, and weather. PRECONSTRUCTION AND PREPARATION A. Examine and verify that job conditions are satisfactory for speedy and acceptable work. Maintain and use up-to-date trade standards and manufacturer's instructions. Confirm there is no conflict between this work and governing building and safety codes. Meet all requirements to secure warranty. B. Confirm there are no conflicts between this work and work of other trades. Confirm that work of other trades that must precede this work has been completed. C. Notify Architect when work is scheduled to be installed. If required by the Architect, a preconstruction meeting will be held with all concerned parties. Use agreed schedule for installation and for field observation by Architect. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 GENERAL A. Fire Extinguisher Cabinet: Academy 1026-F-17 as manufactured by J.L. Industries. Cabinet to be fully recessed with frat trim. Verify locations and FIRE PROTECTION July 7, 201010520-169 SILVERTIP APARTMENTS – MISSOULA, MONTANA HUD 221(d)(4) Processing quantity totals with local authorities and the latest edition of the International Fire Code. B. Fire Extinguishers: To be Cosmic 10E as manufactured by J.L. Industries with a 4A-60BC U/L rating. Verify locations and quantity totals with local authorities and the latest edition of the International Fire Code. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 WORK CONDITIONS 3.2 3.3 A. Correct any conditions not in compliance with Section 1.5.A. noted above. B. Correct any conditions that might interfere with speedy, well-coordinated execution of the work. C. All work conditions shall be as per manufacturer's instructions, trade association standards, and governing building and safety codes. INSTALLATION A. Install products as per Drawings and these Specifications. B. Upon completion, secure all required tests, inspections, and approvals of the completed system. Make all required adjustments and corrections at no added cost to the Owner. C. Provide for maintenance of this work for one year following final acceptance by Owner. Maintenance includes all work required in manufacturer's instructions including inspection and adjustment, and repair and replacement of parts as required. REPAIR AND CLEANUP A. After installation, inspect all work for improper installation or damage. B. Operating hardware must perform smoothly. Repair or replace any defective work. Repair work will be undetectable. Redo repairs if work is still defective, as directed by the Architect. C. Clean the work area and remove all scrap and excess materials from the site. END OF SECTION FIRE PROTECTION July 7, 201010520-170 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY END OF SECTION DIVISION 16 - ELECTRICAL SECTION 16A - ELECTRICAL GENERAL REQUIREMENTS The General Conditions of the Contract and Division 1, General Requirements are hereby made a part of this section of the specifications. 16A-01 SCOPE OF WORK A. This section includes General information applying to all Electrical Trades, and detailed performance specifications for some items common to two or more of Electrical Work Sections. B. Requirements specified herein shall apply to all Electrical Work Sections, whether so stated therein or not. C. The electrical work shall include furnishing and installing of electrical systems and other miscellaneous work for construction of a new building. The electrical systems shall include but not necessarily be limited to the following: Division 16A - General Electrical Requirements, Division 16B - Electrical Service System, Division 16C - Electrical Distribution, Division 16D - Fixtures, Division 16F - Fire Alarm and Evacuation Systems, Division 16F -Telephone System 16A-02 GENERAL A. ORDINANCES AND CODES 1. All work shall be executed in accordance with all local and state laws, rules and regulations applicable to the work and to the most current rules and regulations of the National Board of Underwriters and National Electric Code. All fees in connection therewith are to be paid by this Contractor. 2. The Electrical Contractor will be held to complete all work necessary to meet the standards outlined above without extra expense to the Owners following acceptance of his proposal for the work shown on drawings and/or described herein. B. RULES OF LOCAL UTILITY COMPANIES Rules of local Utility Companies shall be complied with. Before submitting his bid, the Contractor shall check with each Utility Company supplying service to this installation, and shall determine from them all boxes, meter boxes and meters which they will FIRE PROTECTION July 7, 201010520-171 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY require to be installed in this installation and shall figure the cost of same in his bid. No extra payment will be made for the installation of such items except in cases where the requirements of the Utility Company may change after the Contractor has submitted his bid. C. EXAMINATION OF PREMISES Examination of the premises shall be made by the Contractor before submitting his bid, and he shall satisfy himself as to the conditions under which the work is to be performed. He shall, at such time, ascertain and check all conditions which may affect his work. No allowance shall subsequently be made in his behalf for any extra expense to which he may be put due to failure or neglect on his part to make such examination. D. DRAWINGS AND MEASUREMENTS 1. The drawings are partly diagrammatic and are not intended to be scaled for rough-in measurements nor to serve as shop drawings. Field measurements necessary for getting out materials and fitting the installation to the building construction and arrangement shall be taken by this Contractor. 2. Where job conditions require reasonable changes in indicated locations and arrangements such, changes shall be made without extra cost to the Owner. 3. The drawings and specifications are complementary and are to be taken together to form the complete document. 4. Electrical work is shown on drawings by standard symbols. Special symbols, if used, are shown in a legend on drawings. E. SHOP DRAWINGS 1. Complete shop drawings for all Electrical Work shall be submitted to the Architect and Engineer for approval before fabrication of the work. Shop drawings shall be submitted on all items of equipment, fixtures, specialties, etc. Drawings must indicate name of project and name of Contractor, Architect and Engineer. 2. The Contractor shall thoroughly check all shop drawings for measurements, sizes of equipment, materials and details to satisfy himself that they conform to the intent of the Engineer's drawings and specifications. Drawings found to be inaccurate are to be returned to the supplier or sub-contractor for correction before submitting same to the Engineer. Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 172 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY F. CHASES AND RECESSES All chases and recesses as required by this Contractor for the accommodation of his work will be provided by the General Contractor, however the Electrical Contractor shall be responsible for the accurate locations and size of same. G. PERMITS, FEES AND INSPECTIONS 1. This Contractor shall obtain and pay for all permits, temporary and permanent, fees and inspections covering this class of work as required by all applicable laws and ordinances and post such permits and inspection certificates in a prominent place adjacent to the work so that they can be examined by any duly authorized legal authority. 2. Do not cover any concealed work until final inspection has been made and approval certificates obtained. 3. Deliver all certificates of final inspection and/or approval, to the office of the Owner. 16A-03 TEMPORARY LIGHT AND POWER A. See Division 1, General Requirements. B. The Contractor shall provide a minimum of 100 ampere, 120/240 Volt single phase temporary electric service and shall install and maintain temporary lighting and power throughout the project. C. Safety lighting shall be provided in all areas of the building and illumination level shall be at least 1/2 watt per square foot (incandescent). D. Convenience receptacles shall be provided at intervals, uniformly spaced, so that a 50 foot extension cord can be used to reach any point in the building. Sockets used for temporary lighting shall not be used for convenience receptacles. E. Temporary wiring shall be removed from each area as soon as the permanent wiring is installed and operational. 16A-04 MATERIALS AND PROCEDURES A. MATERIALS 1. Electrical materials shall be new, listed by Underwriter's Laboratories, Inc., and shall Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 173 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY bear their label. In the event that the Contractor submits for approval items of equipment which are not in conformity with the requirements of this specification, the Architect reserves the right to reject such equipment. 2. Where a specific manufacturer or trade name is stated, it is to establish a standard of quality. Proposals shall be based on the materials and equipment specified. B. MOTORS AND STARTERS 1. Mechanical Contractor shall provide and mount all motors required by his equipment. Electrical Contractor shall furnish properly tagged starters - with heater elements for overload protective devices - for motors furnished by Mechanical Contractor except where starters are in integral part of equipment. Such equipment, if any, will be outlined in the Mechanical Division. 2. Electrical Contractor shall furnish and install all heater elements for over-load protective devices. Said elements shall be sized and selected on the basis of nameplate ratings on the equipment being installed. 3. Electrical Contractor shall mount motor starters and shall wire and make all final connections between starters and motors. Electrical Contractor shall furnish, install and wire all required safety switches, except where otherwise noted. C. CUTTING AND PATCHING 1. All cutting and patching that may be necessary in building shall be carefully done under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Architect. Cutting and patching shall be done in accordance with Architectural Divisions. 2. No cutting of structural members or burning or drilling of holes through beams shall be done without the specific written permission of the Architect. D. EXCAVATION, TRENCHING AND BACKFILLING 1. The Electrical Contractor shall perform all necessary excavations as required by his underground work and shall remove whatever substances encountered, to the depths shown on the drawings, or as required by field conditions and directed by the Engineer. 2. When backfilling trenches or other excavations, the earth must be flushed and tamped solid in place. All earth must be free from lumps, bricks, plaster, frozen materials, etc. 3. Backfilling under floors, walks, drives, parking lots etc., shall be approved sand backfill suitable for compaction. This backfill shall be well compacted in 6" layers. Any failure Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 174 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY or settlement in these areas which is caused by improper backfilling or compaction of this Contractor's work shall be remedied and paid for by this Contractor. Excess excavation material shall be removed from premises where directed. Excavations cut too close to or undermining foundation footings are to be backfilled with 2500 p.s.i. concrete. E. DAMAGE TO OTHER WORK 1. This Contractor for this work will be held responsible for damage to work caused by his work or through the neglect of his workmen. All patching and repairing of damaged work shall be done by the trade who originally installed the work, but the cost of same shall be paid by the Contractor for this work. 2. Use all care possible to avoid soiling of the floors and walls. Oily waste, rags, or flammable materials shall be removed from the building immediately after use. Outlet boxes, fittings, etc., must be stored in an orderly manner. F. CO-ORDINATION WITH OTHER TRADES l. Consult the plans covering the work for the various other trades, the field layouts of the Contractors for these trades, and their shop drawings. Coordinate with other trades in laying out the electrical work. 2. In no case attach to, cover up or finish against any defective work, or install work in such a manner which will prevent proper installation of the work of other trades. 3. All outlets, switches, receptacles, etc., shall be installed in walls with regard to paneling, masonry units, trim, equipment, etc. Failure to observe this requirement shall be cause for correction to be made at the expense of this Contractor. 4. When work of another trade becomes part of this section of the specifications, Contractor shall either employ artisans of that trade or he shall submit such work to an approved contractor of said trades, including money in his bid to cover all contingencies so that no intertrade overlapping will cause delays or extra expense to the Owner. 5. The Contractor is hereby instructed to familiarize himself with the work of other trades on the job and the type of construction so that no dispute over space requirements or location of equipment shall cause delay or extra expense to the Owner. He shall cooperate fully with the other trades to work out any difficulties that field conditions present. 6. Any changes made necessary through failure to make the proper arrangements to avoid interferences shall not be considered as extra. The Contractor shall cooperate with those performing work under other Divisions in his preparation of interference Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 175 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY Drawings, to the extent that the location of plumbing, piping, heating piping, and/or ventilation ducts, with respect to the installation of other trades, shall be mutually agreed on by those performing work under other divisions. 7. Check the connections of control wiring to various pieces of apparatus in factory wired equipment. Check all terminals before equipment or accessories are put into service. Any apparent error or omission in wiring or connections, or damage to same in transit or erection, not the responsibility of this Contractor, shall be reported immediately to those furnishing the equipment. G. CLEANING AND FINISHING 1. After all tests have been made, the Contractor shall carefully make a thorough inspection of the entire installation and either do himself or arrange to have the entire work thoroughly cleaned, all rubbish removed and leave all work satisfactory to the Architect and Owner. 2. During the construction period, the Electrical Contractors shall remove all debris, rubbish, tools, equipment, unused materials, etc., when requested by the Architect or Engineer. Any such removal, etc., shall be paid by the respective Contractor. 3. Finish of panels and cabinets unless otherwise specified shall be standard factory finishes. 4. Finish of lighting fixtures, and control equipment shall be factory finishes of types specified. 5. All other painting except touch-up of specified factory finishes will be performed by the General Contractor. The touch-up painting will be the responsibility of the Electrical Contractor. 16A-05 TESTS AND ACCEPTANCES A. TESTS 1. After all electrical work has been completed, the Contractor shall demonstrate to the Architect that the entire installation, including all materials, electrical equipment, and appliances are in working order. Should the tests show that any of the work is not in perfect working order, or not in compliance with the specifications, the Contractor, on written notice, shall promptly correct the work and replace any materials and equipment not in conformity with the specifications. 2. The Contractor shall test all wiring systems for ground fault and shall eliminate any Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 176 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY undesired conditions. Insulation resistance shall be determined as required by the latest edition of the National Electric Code and shall not be lower than the minimum values tabulated therein. 3. The complete cost of any replacements of defective wire, cables, equipment, materials, accessories, etc., shall be borne by the Contractor. B. FINAL OCCUPANCY INSPECTION The Electrical Contractors shall secure final occupancy inspection as soon as his work is completed and shall immediately submit such certificates to the Architect to be turned over to the Owner after acceptance of the work. C. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Furnish to the Engineer for the Owner, one bound operation manual to consist of the following: 1. One copy of shop drawings of each piece of equipment. 2. Operating and maintenance instructions for all equipment installed under this Contract. D. GUARANTEE The Electrical Contractor shall furnish the Architect a written guarantee that he will make good, at his own expense, any imperfections in materials and workmanship which may develop under ordinary use, within one year from final acceptance of work. E. AS BUILT DRAWINGS As built drawings shall be made showing the exact final connections, equipment locations, and routing of concealed and underground wiring. Provide reference dimensions to building column lines as necessary for location of equipment or wiring after building is completed. A record drawing shall be maintained at the job side during construction and shall bear all required notation. A blue line print may be obtained from the architect for this purpose. Information from the record print shall be transferred to an "as built" record drawing made on reproducible paper with pencil lines. sepia transparencies may be obtained from the architect for this purpose. One print shall be forwarded to the Engineer for approval. The record drawing shall be forwarded to the Architect for submittal to the Owner END OF SECTION Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 177 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY SECTION 16B - ELECTRICAL SERVICE SYSTEM The General Conditions of the Contract and Division 1, General Requirements, are hereby mode a part of this section of the specifications. 16B-01 SCOPE OF WORK A. Furnish and install all labor and materials specified under this section including but not limited to: 1. Main secondary assemblies. 2. Tenant meter assemblies. 3. Meter bank connections. Installation of tenant metering equipment. 4. Grounding systems. 5. Temporary service to facility during construction. 16B-02 WORK, EQUIPMENT, AND MATERIALS BY OTHERS A. The electrical utility will install primary cable from the service point at the property line to the pad mounted transformer. They will furnish and install the pad mounted transformer. They will install and connect their meters. 16B-03 GENERAL A. COORDINATION 1. The Contractor shall coordinate the electrical service installation with the utility's service planning department and shall be responsible for all work related to the service that is not provided by the utility. 2. Coordination items include, but are not limited to: a. b. c. d. Transformers. Metering equipment. Secondary cable and cable duct. Terminations. Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 178 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY 3. The Contractor shall pay all utility company charges related to the service installation and said charges shall be included in the electrical contract amount. B. ELECTRICAL SERVICE CHARACTERISTICS 1. General distribution voltage is 120/240 volts. 16B-04 MATERIALS AND EXECUTION A. PAD MOUNTED TRANSFORMERS Provide concrete pad and ground mat to electric utility company specifications. B. SECONDARY DISTRIBUTION SWITCHBOARD 1. NEMA Class I, Indoor type, service entrance equipment for voltage shown on the drawings. 2. The secondary switchboard shall consist of metal enclosed, dead front, free standing units bolted and bussed together to provide a mechanically sound and electrically coordinated assembly. Switchboard shall be designed for front access so that it may be placed directly against the wall. 3. A full capacity aluminum bus shall be used to connect all sections with provisions for future expansion. Amp rating and interrupting capacity shall be as shown on plans. 4. Bus and cable connections shall be arranged such that conduit entry space is provided at the top and bottom of each vertical section. 5. Main switches rated 1200 amperes or higher shall be a high ampere capacity fusible bolted pressure switch with continuous current. 6. Main switches rated 1000 amperes or less shall be fused switches group mounted in panel board, type construction with screwed on connection to the bus. They shall be front connected and shall be of the current rating shown on the drawings. 7. Fuses rated 601-6000A shall be UL Class "L", current limiting fuses, Buss "Hi-Cap" or Shawmut "Amp-Trap" or equal. 8. Secondary switchboard shall be manufactured by ITE, Square D, or General Electric. C. TENANT APARTMENT METER PANELS Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 179 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY 1. See one-line drawings for panel sizes. 2. Electric meter center shall be equal to Square D "EZ Meter Pak", class 416, outdoor, rainproof, meters 4 high. Individual apartment meters shall incorporate main circuit breaker disconnect means. The service disconnect shall be part of the meter center. It shall be rated and constructed for service disconnect means and shall be so marked with the appropriate U.L. label. The lugs on the disconnect device shall be sized to accommodate the service feeders shown on the Drawings. 3. Assemblies shall be wall mounted steel enclosed, dead front meter stack braced for available short circuit current as indicated on plans. 4. All steel braces and panel members shall be protected with a rust inhibiting primer and finished in standard factory baked gray enamel. D GROUNDING 1. See one-line drawings. E. EXECUTION 1. All materials shall be installed in strict accordance with manufacturer's written instructions unless in conflict with any code requirements. In that case, code requirement shall prevail. 2. Primary connections at the cable source will be by the local utility. The Contractor shall pay all costs. 3. All service and metering equipment shall be installed in accordance with utility company standards and instructions. 4. Concrete pads shall be provided for the transformer and any other equipment if required. END OF SECTION SECTION 16C - ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 180 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY The General Conditions of the Contract and Division 1, General Requirements, are hereby made a part of this section of the specifications. 16C-01 SCOPE OF WORK A. Furnish and install all labor and materials specified under this section including but not limited to: 1. Power distribution panelboards. 2. Branch power wiring. 3. Wiring and wiring devices - conduit and fittings, boxes, wiring and cable, outlets, etc. 4. Electric timer boxes and photoelectric cells. B. PANELBOARDS 1. Panel boards shall be circuit breaker, dead-front safety type, equipped with thermalmagnetic molded case circuit breakers with ratings as shown on the drawings. Panelboards shall be listed by Underwriter's Laboratories and bear the UL label. 2. Circuit breakers shall be quick-make, quick-break thermal-magnetic, trip indicating, and have common trip on all multi-pole breakers. Circuit breakers shall be rated 10,000 AIC symmetrical at 240 V AC., or as required by local utility co. 3. The panelboard bus assembly shall be enclosed in a steel cabinet. Fronts shall include doors and have flush, brushed stainless steel, cylinder-type locks with catches and spring-loaded door pulls. Fronts shall be of code gauge, full finished steel with rust-inhibiting prime and baked enamel finish. Each panel shall have a typed directory showing all circuits. 4. Apartment panels shall be flush mounted load centers, with door, and factory installed ground bar. Load centers shall be Square "D with flush door and 24 circuits or equal as manufactured by General Electric. 5. Provide arc fault circuit breakers where required. 6. House lighting panels shall be similar to Square D type NQOD. Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 181 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY C. Distribution panels shall be for 120/240 volt, single phase, 3 wire service. 1. Distribution panels rated 400 amperes or less shall be circuit breaker type similar to Square D. Circuit breakers shall meet all requirements specified for lighting panels. 2. Motor starters shall be three pole, with three overload elements and cover mounted start-stop buttons and run pilot lights. D. Electric timers and photoelectric cells shall be wired to panel boards and exterior lighting equipment through a lighting control unit. Lighting control unit shall turn on and off the exterior lights by monitoring the inputs of the photoelectric cell module. Manufacturers for photoelectric cell and control unit shall conform to other restrictions within this specification. See lighting control detail on the plans. 16C-04 DISCONNECT SWITCHES A. TWO POLE 1. Shall be for 240 volt standard duty service and have the ampere rating as indicated on the drawing. 2. Indoor switches shall be NEMA 1. 3. Weatherproof switches shall be NEMA 3R. B. SINGLE POLE 1. 120 volt disconnect switches shall be AC flush toggle type rated at 20 amperes. 2. Weatherproof switches shall be mounted in cast box with a weatherproof hinged cover. C. Furnish and install a fused disconnect for each motor. Furnaces shall have Bussman Type SSU Box-Cover Units. Disconnect for condensers shall by weather-proofed. 16C-07 CONDUIT SYSTEM A. All wiring, where required by code, shall be installed in hot dipped galvanized or sheradized conduits provided with bushings. B. Conduits under ground floor slab or buried underground shall be rigid P.V.C. type II plastic conduit. Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 182 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY C. All other conduit unless otherwise specified shall be Electrical Metallic Tubing, hot dipped galvanized, and provided with bushings. D. Supports for electrical equipment installed on masonry construction shall be attached with 1/4" - 20" A & J expansion type screw anchors. Wooden or fibre plugs will not be allowed. E. Outlet boxes installed in concealed conduit runs shall be of the pressed steel type or plastic. F. All conduits shall be installed concealed in the building construction except that exposed circuits may be used in Mechanical Equipment Rooms, and Electrical Rooms. All receptacle and lighting branch circuits shall be installed concealed. G. Exposed conduit where permitted by this specification shall be installed in neat symmetrical lines parallel with center lines of the building construction and adjacent to beams, walls, etc., and not across open bays. H. The fittings for conduit runs exposed to the weather shall be equipped with gasket covers. I. Exposed conduits installed below surface mounted distribution equipment shall enter the floor at right angles, with all portions of the bending radius concealed in the floor slab. J. Use standard factory bends for all conduits 1-1/4" or larger. K. Feeder conduits shall be supported by suitable pipe hangers. All conduits, metal cabinets, etc., shall be grounded in an approved manner. L. All joints shall be made water tight and all raceways shall be perfectly dry when wires are pulled. Pockets or water collecting points in the installation shall be avoided. M. All wall outlets shall be accurately located as to height and finish. Cover plates must be absolutely plumb. N. Pull Boxes shall be installed in all continuous runs greater than 100'-O" in length, and must be accessible. 0. Where conduits are to pass through floor slabs or bearing walls, pipe sleeves of correct size shall be installed and securely fastened in the concrete forms to avoid damage or movement of the sleeve at any time. After conduits are installed through these sleeves, the open space around the conduit shall be closed and made tight with oakum and an approved mastic. Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 183 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY P. Deliver conduit in standard ten foot (10') lengths. Each length shall be labeled with an Underwriter's Laboratories, Inc. label showing the manufacturer's name and trademark. This label shall also designate the primary protective coating. Q. The same grade of conduit material as specified above shall be used to make bends and elbows. R. Minimum conduit size shall be 1/2". 16C-08 CONDUCTORS A. Wire cables shall be in accordance with the latest standards of the following associations: 1. The insulated Power Cable Engineers Association. 2. The Association of Electrical illumination Companies. 3 The National Electrical Manufacturer's Association. B. Conductors shall be copper 98% conductivity. C. All wire #8 A.W.G. and larger shall be stranded. All conductors shall be sized in accordance with N.E.C. D. Distribution cables and feeder cables #6 and larger shall be type "THHN" single conductors cables, rated at 600 volts, of size indicated on the riser diagram. E. Aluminum conductors are acceptable for size #2 and larger providing: 1. Wire and conduit are sized for equal ampacity of copper conductors shown on riser diagram. 2. Tap lug connectors are suitable for aluminum wire. 3. All other terminations shall be made with high pressed crimp type connectors factory filled with no-oxide flux. F. Cable from tenant meter/main breaker to tenant apartment panels shall be three conductor with ground (4 wire) #4 AWG minimum unless indicated otherwise, Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 184 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY aluminum 600V Service Entrance Cable (SER). G. Exterior lighting circuits may be wired with direct burial cable type UF. Conduit shall be provided at building entrance, pole bases, and under all pavement. H. Dwelling unit branch circuit wiring may be non-metallic sheathed cable type NM (Romex) or metal-clad cable type AC with permission of the inspection authority. Boxes and fittings shall be appropriate for the wiring method used and as required by Test Specifications for 1 hour rated walls. 16C-09 POWER WIRING A. GENERAL 1. All motors and equipment indicated shall be wired complete including switches, connections, conduits, wiring, supports, brackets, etc., as necessary to provide a complete operational installation with all motors protected and controlled. 2. The electrical Contractor shall verify items of mechanical equipment with the Mechanical Contractor to insure a coordinated installation. 3. Location of all motor terminals shall be determined in the field notwithstanding locations indicated on the plans. Use suitable conduit fittings at all motor outlets and connect to motor terminal boxes with couplings and flexible conduit and fittings. 4. The use of solderless connectors of approved type and make, properly taped, will be permitted in lieu of soldered and taped splices. B. BRANCH POWER WIRING 1. Fans Provide flush manual starters for all fans larger than 1/20 h.p. Connect all fans 1/20 h.p and smaller to lighting circuit, and provide separate switch for fan next to room light switch. Connect exhaust hood in kitchens to lighting circuits; switches are factory installed and wired. (Except Accessible Units require additional switch). 2. Furnaces Provide 15 amp. single pole fused toggle switch in handy box, connect to fan and circuit in furnace from Apartment Panel. Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 185 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY 16C-10 WIRING DEVICES A. Furnish and install all wiring devices including connections and cover plates. This Contractor shall install devices so that said devices and plates are parallel with building lines. Plates shall cover holes completely and shall fit tightly against the wall. B. SWITCHES 1. Dwelling Units: 15 amperes, 120V, Standard Grade, white, similar to General Electric #5981-2GRB. 2. Manufacturers: P&S, Leviton, General Electric, Hubbell, Sierra, or Slater. C. RECEPTACLES 1. Dwelling Units: 15 amperes, standard grade, duplex grounding type, white, similar to General Electric #4076-20, Hubbell #5252-1 or Leviton. Receptacles with push in wire terminals will not be allowed. Provide tamper resistant where required. 2. Range outlets shall be 50 amperes, 4 wire, surface mounted, Circle F 3656 with stainless steel plate. 3. Dryer outlets shall be 30 amperes, 4 wire, surface mtd., Hubbell 9350, or Leviton. 4. Weatherproof receptacles shall have a WP rating and an in-use cover. 5. Apartment bathroom, kitchen and outdoor receptacles shall be provided with ground fault circuit interrupter; either a GFI/receptacles combination or part of the branch circuit panel. 6. Manufacturers: P&S, Leviton, General Electric, Hubbell, Sierra, or Slater. 7. All such boxes occurring in the fire-rated party walls shall not be back-to-back and shall be grouted tight to drywall entirely around the penetration. All boxes shall be fire-rated respective to the wall of installation. D. PLATES 1. Provide a device for each switch, receptacle, telephone, TV, signal, etc. 2. All plates shall be Nylon. Color as selected by the architect. 3. Switches shall be located 46" A.F.F O.C. Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 186 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY 4. Duplex outlets shall be located not less than16" A.F.F. 5. Outdoor Receptacles shall be provided with a heavy usage weatherproof in-use cover. END OF SECTION SECTION 16D - FIXTURES The General Conditions of the Contract and Division I, General Requirements, are hereby mode a part of this section of the specifications. 16D-01 SCOPE OF WORK A. Furnish and install all labor and materials specified under this section including but not limited to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Lighting fixtures. Ballasts. Lenses. Lamps. Exterior Poles and Luminaries. 16D-02 LIGHTING FIXTURES A. GENERAL 1. A Minimum of 60% of total lighting (i.e. bulbs) shall be Energy Star Qualified CFL, LED or Pin - based Fluorescent. 2. Furnish and install all lighting fixtures and equipment shown on the drawings, listed in the "Lighting Fixture Schedule" and specified herein including lighting panels, lighting fixtures, lamps, conduit, wire and connections for a complete lighting system. 3. Field measurements necessary for getting out materials and fitting the installation to the building shall be taken by this Contractor notwithstanding dimensions indicated on details on the drawings. 4. The installation shall be complete with all accessories necessary for its operation and shall be left with all equipment properly adjusted and in working order. This work shall be executed in conformity with the best practice and so as to conform in character with the interior design of the building. Any damage to the finish of walls or ceilings or injury Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 187 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY to the equipment installed by other trades shall be paid for by this Contractor. 5. Ceiling fans shall be Energy Star Qualified. B. All fixtures shall be securely supported. This Contractor shall furnish and install all supports. Where recessed fixtures are specified verify the ceiling suspension system and provide required fixture ceiling trim and accessories. C. Fluorescent ballasts shall be Class "P", CBM, ETL Tested and Approved high power factory type. High intensity discharge ballasts shall be of appropriate type for lamp specified and shall bear the UL label. D. Fixtures mounted end to end and used as a raceway shall be mechanically bonded together to insure continuity of ground. E. See Schedule of Lighting Fixtures on drawings. Similar fixtures by other manufacturers may be provided upon the specific approval of the Architect. F. The concrete Contractor shall provide pole bases for all exterior pole mounted lighting. G. All plastic light diffusers and light diffusing systems used on this project shall be governed by the following: 1. Shall burn no faster than two and one-half inches per minute in sheets sixty onethousandths of an inch in thickness when tested in accordance with ASTM D-635-68 "Test for Flammability of Self Supporting Plastics." 2. Shall have a smoke development rating not over 450 when tested in accordance with ASTM E-84, UL-723 or NFPA-255 (Tunnel Test) when supported in the manner intended for use, or a smoke density rating not over 75 when tested in the thickness intended for use in accordance with NFPA Quarterly 57-9, UBC Standard No 52-2-70 of the International Conference of Building Officials, or ASTM D-2843-70 (Smoke Chamber Test), 3. Notarized certification shall be provided by the manufacturer stating that the material used in the products furnished complies with these regulations. Such certification shall be accompanied by a test report from an approved independent testing laboratory or reference to Underwriter's Laboratories, INC., listing. Each sheet, panel, grid or unit shall be so labeled for identification. 4. The above requirements are to ensure compliance with the directive on formed plastics issued by the State Fire Marshal. Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 188 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY 16D-04 LAMPS A. Install lamps of the proper type, wattage and voltage rating in each lighting fixture. incandescent lamps shall be for 120 volt operation unless otherwise noted. Fluorescent lamps shall have standard cool-white color characteristics except as otherwise noted. B. Deliver lamps to the project in the original cartons and install in the fixtures just prior to the completion of the projects. At the option of the Contractor the permanent fixtures, installed as part of the contract, may be lamped and used for construction lighting, however, all burned out incandescent lamps shall be replaced prior to occupancy and all fluorescent, H.I.D. or quartz iodine lamps, failing within three months after occupancy, shall be replaced by the Electrical Contractor. C. Lamps shall be of General Electric, Sylvania manufacturer. D. A minimum of 60% of lighting fixtures shall be ENERGY STAR-qualified or have ENERGY STAR-qualified lamps installed. 16D-05 LIGHTING FIXTURES - EXTERIOR A. Install Energy Star qualified fixtures or LEDs with a minimum efficacy of 45 lumens / watt, equipped with daylight sensors on all outdoor lighting. B. Poles and luminaries for parking lot, roadway and walk lighting shall be of types as detailed on the plans or herein specified. This shall include complete luminaries, poles, bases, lamps, and associated material. C. Unload the poles at the site and install all poles in a true vertical position. Poles shall be securely bolted in position using double nut arrangement, grouted using a grout with no metallic admixture and caulked as necessary with a white caulking compound under the base plate. D. Clean the light control surfaces and glassware after installation. Do all wiring to connect the luminaries to the underground wiring system. E. All exterior light fixtures shall be wired to house panels and shall be controlled by photoelectric cell and timer clock as indicated on electric riser diagram. 16D-06 KITCHEN HOOD AND FAN A. Dwelling Units - Broan model #QDE30BL, Energy Star Qualified, blower hood and fan, prewired switches for 2-speed fan and light, aluminum mesh grease filter, enclosed light with lens, a completely prewired, preassembled unit of a all-welded Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 189 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY construction with electronically balanced centrifugal blower wheel, built-in damper for field installation. Furnished by GC wired by the EC. (Ducted to the exterior as indicated on drawings.) 16E-01 FIRE ALARM DETECTION SYSTEM A. Individual apartment smoke detectors shall be self-contained detection/alarm devices suitable for direct connection to 115 volt supply with battery backup. Smoke detectors shall be surface mounted, box connected with Photoelectric type smoke detectors typical at all locations. B. Smoke detectors shall be located as directed on drawings and shall be wired in series. The smoke detectors should operate in such a manner that the activation of one smoke detector triggers the activation of all the others within the same unit. C. All smoke detectors located within accessible units shall have strobe lights built into each smoke detector. The operation of these smoke detectors shall be the same as listed above. D. All apartment units shall be equipped with CO detection. CO detector shall be First Alert Model CO5120PDBN 120V AC Carbon Monoxide Alarm with Battery Backup & Digital Display or equal. Where alarm/strobe comination unit is required provide an additional unit. SECTION 16F - TELEVISION CABLE SYSTEM The General Conditions of the Contract and Division 1, General Requirements, are hereby made a part of this section of the specifications. 16F-01 SCOPE OF WORK A. Electrician to coordinate cable system with Cable Co. SECTION 16G - TELEPHONE SYSTEM The General Conditions of the Contract and Division 1, General Requirements, are hereby made a part of this section of the specifications. 16G-01 SCOPE OF WORK A. Furnish and install all labor and materials specified under this section including but not necessarily limited to: 1. Underground service entrance. Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 190 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY 2. Underground connections to telephone company service. 3. Conduits, conduit outlets. 16G-02 TELEPHONE/DATA SYSTEM The telephone service to the building shall be run as shown on the Drawings. The Contractor shall coordinate with the Telephone Company so that the entire system is installed in accordance with the Telephone Companys standards and policies and include in his bid all costs related to the complete Telephone System. The Contractor shall provide fiber / plastic boxes with single device raised box covers and white nylon cover plates (match electrical device plates) with single hole cord bushing. Plates to be flush to wall. The Contractor shall provide cat-5 wiring as shown on the Drawings, connected to telephone floor boxes. A ground wire shall be run from the telephone service panel to the nearest main cold water line feeder pipe. Furnish and install flame retardant plywood panels or terminal cabinets where shown on the Drawings or where required for telephone equipment. Paint plywood black. The Contractor hereunder shall schedule telephone system work in accordance with requirements of the Telephone Companys schedule so that conduits, boxes, etc., shall be ready when needed. A. In general, all new data communications cable and equipment shall comply with the standards of IEEE 802.3lOBase-T (10 Mbps Ethernet) and 100Base-TX (100 Mbps Ethernet); and TIA?EIA 568, 569 and 606. B. Installation of cabling systems shall be performed by fully qualified personnel having had a minimum of five years experience installing these systems or similar systems. C. Any workmen terminating cables shall be certified by the manufacturer of the product for the type of terminating specified for the project. PART 16H-02 PRODUCTS 2.01 FUNCTION A. The ETHERNET connection in each apartment will be run to the "Equipment Closet" located in each building where the cables will be terminated into the Managed Switch. The wireless unit will be installed here as well with access points as required. The actual Internet "Head End" will be located at the Office and everything will be distributed from there. Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 191 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY 2.02 EQUIPMENT A.All hardware installed in plenums shall be approved by Underwriter's Laboratory (UL) for safe use in environmental air spaces without conduit. . PART 16H-03 EXECUTION 3.01 SUBMITTALS A. The Contractor shall submit a diagrammatical layout and equipment specification of the complete installation for review and approval by the Owner and Architect. 3.02 TESTING A. The Contractor shall test the system in the presence of the Architect and Owner and demonstrate its function to the management personnel. 3.03 WARRANTY The Contractor shall provide a one year materials and workmanship warranty at no additional cost to the Owner. The system will be inspected at a nine month and twelve month inspection and deficiencies repaired by the Installation Contractor and Material Supplier. END OF SECTION Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 192 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY EXHIBIT 1 PROJECT NAME PROJECT ADDRESS ESTIMATOR TOTAL NO. UNITS TOTAL HEATED SF TOTAL CIRCULATION SF TOTAL PARKING SF PROJECT DURATION BID DATE CSI DIVISON AND SECTIONS Materials Cost Labor Cost Total Amount 1.000 GENERAL CONDITIONS 1.015 Notice Of Commencement $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 1.043 Superintendent 1.045 Truck Allowance 1.047 General Labor 1.160 Safety Requirements 1.315 Temporary Toilet 1.320 Temporary Fence 1.510 Temp. Electric Service 1.511 Temp. Electric Utility Co 1.514 Telephone/Pager 1.516 Temporary Water 1.520 Temporary Construction 1.527 Winter Conditions 1.580 Project ID Sign 1.582 Field Communications 1.585 Web Camera 1.588 Onsite Computer (Budget) 1.590 Field Offices & Sheds 1.591 Field Office Expense 1.592 Express Mail 1.601 Small Tools 1.700 Survey & Layout 1.706 Rent Dumpster 1.710 Final Cleaning Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 193 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY 1.735 Blue Prints 1.820 Insurance $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL GENERAL CONDITIONS COST $0.00 2.000 SITEWORK 2.050 Erosion Control 2.920 Topsoil $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL SITEWORK COST $0.00 2.060 Site Demolition 2.073 Sawcutting for Demolition 2.075 Concrete Removal 2.200 Earthwork 2.225 Fill 2.510 Water Distribution 2.520 Gas System Distribution 2.530 Sanitary Sewer System 2.540 Grease Interceptor/Sand Filter/Siphon Tank 2.630 Storm Sewer System 2.740 Asphalt Paving 2.740 Asphalt Patching 2.750 Rigid Pavement 2.760 Pavement Marking 2.720 Base Courses 2.720 Storm Drainage 2.770 Curbs and Gutters 2.775 Sidewalks 2.800 Street & Site Signage 2.830 Fences & Gates 2.840 Park Equipment 2.870 Permanent Site Monument Signage 2.900 Landscaping 3.000 CONCRETE 3.100 Forms and Accessories $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 3.130 Equipment Rental 3.150 Concrete Accessories 3.210 Reinforcing Steel 3.220 Welded Wire Fabric 3.230 Stressing Tendons 3.302 S.O.G. Labor 3.365 Post-Tensioned Concrete 3.510 Gypsum Concrete Cementitious Topping 3.755 Concrete Pumping 3.940 Saw New Concrete Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 194 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY TOTAL CONCRETE COST $0.00 4.000 MASONRY 4.150 Masonry Accessories 4.730 Simulated Stone $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL MASONRY COST $0.00 4.210 Clay Unit Masonry 4.220 Concrete Unit Masonry 5.000 STEEL 5.075 Erection 5.566 Welding Plate Inserts $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL STEEL COST $0.00 5.120 Structural Steel 5.310 Steel Deck 5.520 Handrails & Railings 5.550 Stair Treads &Nosings 5.560 Lintels 5.565 Bollards 6.000 FRAMING 6.055 Rough Hardware 6.402 Interior Arch. Woodwork $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL FRAMING COST $0.00 6.057 Simpson Hardware 6.098 Rough Carpentry Material 6.100 Rough Carpentry Labor 6.170 Engineered Wood Floor Trusses 6.175 Engineered Wood Roof Trusses 6.200 Finish Carpentry Labor 6.220 Millwork 7.000 INSULATION/WEATHERPROOFING 7.110 Sheet Membrane Waterproof 7.900 Joint Sealers $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL INSULATION/WATERPROOFING COST $0.00 7.195 Air Barriers 7.200 Insulation 7.208 Rigid Insulation 7.220 Roof & Deck Insulation 7.240 E. I. F. S 7.270 Firestopping 7.410 Mfr. Roof & Wall Panels 7.472 Mfr. Metal Fascia 7.530 Single Ply Membrane Roof 7.620 Sheet Mtl Flashing & Trim Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 195 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY 8.000 DOORS & WINDOWS 8.110 Steel Doors & Frames 8.820 Mirrors $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL DOORS & WINDOWS COST $0.00 8.210 Wood Doors 8.305 Access Doors 8.360 Sectional Overhead Doors 8.371 Fire Shutters 8.410 Alum.Entrance& Storefront 8.460 Automatic Entrance Doors 8.635 Vinyl Windows 8.710 Finish Hardware 8.740 Electro-Mechanical Hdwr 9.000 FINISHES 9.250 Gypsum Board 9.900 Painting $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL FINISHES COST $0.00 9.310 Ceramic Tile 9.510 Acoustical Panel Ceilings 9.665 Resilient Sheet Flooring 9.680 Carpet 9.800 Special Coatings 10.000 SPECIALTIES 10.400 Signage 10.800 Toilet & Bath Accessories $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL SPECIALITIES COST $0.00 10.522 Fire Ext. Cab. & Accessories 10.550 Postal Specialties 10.555 Knox Box 11.000 EQUIPMENT 11.452 Residential Appliances $0.00 TOTAL EQUIPMENT COST $0.00 12.000 FURNISHINGS 12.510 Blinds $0.00 TOTAL FURNISHING COST $0.00 14.000 CONVEYING SYSTEMS 14.200 Elevators 14.500 Material Handling Systems $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL FURNISHING COST $0.00 15.000 MECHANICAL 15.300 Fire Protection $0.00 $0.00 15.400 Plumbing Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 196 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY 15.500 HVAC 15.990 Test & Balancing $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL FURNISHING COST $0.00 15.950 Controls 16.000 ELECTRICAL 16.001 Electrical $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 16.002 Underground Service 16.270 Transformer (s) 16.300 Transmission and Distribution 16.400 Low Voltage 16.510 Interior Luminaires 16.520 Exterior Luminaires 16.700 Communication Systems Provision 16.721 Fire Alarm Systems 16.722 Security Systems 16.800 Sound and Video TOTAL FURNISHING COST $0.00 Total Construction Estimate Costs $0.00 TOTAL NUMBER OF UNITS 0 COST PER UNIT #DIV/0! COST PER SQUARE FOOT #DIV/0! Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 197 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY EXHIBIT 2 WARRANTY SERVICE REQUEST FORM DATE: BUILDING NO.: APARTMENT NAME: UNIT NO.: TENANT NAME: STREET ADDRESS: CITY/STATE/ZIP: OFFICE PHONE NO.: CELL NO.: EMAIL: SENT TO: (contractor email address) TYPE OF WORK NEEDED: SCOPE OF WORK: EQUIPMENT TYPE / MODEL / SERIAL NO. (IF APPLICABLE): BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF ISSUE: DATE: SERVICE TECH. ACTION TAKEN: PRINT NAME OF CONTACT PERSON INVOLVED WITH ISSUE: MANAGER'S SIGNATURE DATE SENT TO SUB: Gavin-Hanks, PLLC DATE SENT TO OAKWOOD: Page 198 8/01/2014 Fox Farm Townhomes, Inc. Cheyenne, WY - The General Contractor shall have 72 hours to respond to the WRF by means of a written solution to the issue. This does not require that the issue be resolved, but rather requires that the issue be acknowledged and a suitable solution recommended. - All Warranty items shall be repaired within 21 working days of submission of the proposed solution, or, if matter cannot be reasonably resolved within 21 days, the Contractor shall notify the Owner with the anticipated timeline for resolution. Gavin-Hanks, PLLC Page 199 8/01/2014
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