Central District Bantam Select & Officials Camp Policies and Procedures Manual June 15th-20th, 2014 Iowa State University Ames, IA Hosted By: Iowa State University 2014 USA Hockey Central District Bantam Select Camp – Policies & Procedures Manual Preface Table of Contents (Staff Guidelines) --------------------ii Table of Contents (Scheduling, Rosters & Room Lists)-ii-iii Welcome Letter-------------------------------------------iv Staff Roster----------------------------------------------v Referee Roster-------------------------------------------vi Iowa State Campus Map-----------------------------------vii Section 1 – Staff Guidelines General Employment Conditions-----------------------------1 Conduct of Employees------------------------------------2-3 Officials Code of Conduct---------------------------------4 USA Hockey Safesport Program------------------------------5 Cyclone Hockey Locker Room Policy-----------------------6-7 Coach Job Descriptions------------------------------------8 Coach Daily Responsibilities------------------------------9 Team Leader Job Descriptions-----------------------------10 Team Leader Daily Responsibilities-----------------------11 Characteristics of a Good Team Leader--------------------12 Athletic Trainer Policies & Procedures-------------------13 Athletic Trainer Daily Responsibilities------------------14 Medical Service Guidelines----------------------------15-16 Emergency Plans------------------------------------------17 Check-In/Check-Out Procedures----------------------------18 Participant Supervision----------------------------------19 Participant Rules and Regulations------------------------20 Section 2 - Scheduling Master Schedule------------------------------------------21 Team A – Red Schedule------------------------------------22 Team B – White Schedule----------------------------------23 ii 2014 USA Hockey Central District Bantam Select Camp – Policies & Procedures Manual Team C – Blue Schedule-----------------------------------24 Team D – Gold Schedule-----------------------------------25 Team E – Green Schedule----------------------------------26 Team F – Black Schedule----------------------------------27 Officials – Schedule ------------------------------------28 Bus Schedule---------------------------------------------29 Ice-Time Schedule----------------------------------------30 Strength & Conditioning Schedule-------------------------31 Lecture Schedule-----------------------------------------32 Residence Hall Dining Schedule---------------------------33 Lunch Schedule-------------------------------------------34 Officials Dining Schedule--------------------------------35 Officials Classroom Schedule-----------------------------36 Officials Strength and Conditioning Schedule-------------37 USA Hockey Suggested Evening Activities------------------38 Section 3 – Team Rosters and Room Lists Team A – Red: Roster, Room & Locker Room List------------39 Team B – White: Roster, Room & Locker Room List----------39 Team C – Blue: Roster, Room & Locker Room List-----------40 Team D – Gold: Roster, Room & Locker Room List-----------40 Team E – Green: Roster, Room & Locker Room List----------41 Team F – Black: Roster, Room & Locker Room List----------41 Officials – Roster, Room & Locker Room List--------------42 Section 4 – Referee Guidelines Officials Code of Conduct -------------------------------43 Participant Evaluation Forms -------------------------44-45 iii 2014 USA Hockey Central District Bantam Select Camp – Policies & Procedures Manual USA Hockey Central District Bantam Select Camp June 15th -20th, 2013 Ames, IA Iowa State University Dear Camp Staff Member, Welcome to the USA Hockey Central District Bantam Camp Staff! As a Staff Member, your job is to provide quality experiences in a safe, positive, and friendly environment. You play an integral role in participant, parent, and USA Hockey’s satisfaction. Your enthusiasm, initiative, and consistency are key elements in providing successful and enjoyable experiences for each participant. The information in this handbook will serve as an important resource and must be read and followed carefully. Please feel free to contact anyone on the USA Hockey Central District Bantam Camp staff with any questions that may arise. Sincerely, Dr. Alan Murdoch Hockey Director (515) 290-0389 cell (515) 294-6164 office (515) 292-8022 home iv 2014 USA Hockey Central District Bantam Select Camp – Policies & Procedures Manual 2014 USA Hockey Central District Bantam Camp Staff Listing Position Name Hockey Director Dr. Al Murdoch Team Phone #1 Email 515-294-6164 amurdoch@iastate.edu dougdietz04@gmail.com Coach Doug Dietz Red 319-239-2349 Coach Brandon Clark White 509-990-7648 Coach Paul Jerrard Blue Coach Glenn Detulleo Gold 402-350-0395 gdetulleo@hsvsports.com Coach Tony Renlund Green 608-695-9178 tonyrenlund@icloud.com Coach Rene Cranston Black brclark@iastate.edu pjerrard4@hotmail.com Coaching Intern Nick Cecere 515-991-7101 nececereAgmail.com Head Team Leader Larry Clemons 608-695-9178 hpgoaltending@hotmail.com Rhodes Dolan Red 319-830-2376 rdolan24@gmail.com Team Leader Patrick Grasso White 715-574-8234 patrick.grasso7@gmail.com Team Leader Tyler Lewis Blue 815-601-8717 t.lewis301@yahoo.com Team Leader Jacob Stephan Gold 715-891-1080 stephanj2895@gmail.com Team Leader Garrett Cecere Green 515-257-0319 Garrett.cecere@gmail.com Team Leader Zach Kennedy Black 715-891-8300 Zkennedy1@gmail.com Goalie Coach Marc Rogers 515-294-2279 mtrogers@iastate.edu Kayla Kleihauer 712-540-5708 kaylak@iastate.edu Off-Ice Coach Athletic Trainer Media Operations Nutritionist Mary Greeley Medical Center Martha Royer-Res. Hall Contract Amanda Moore - Ames/ISU Ice Arena Megan Snyder - Conference Manager Seann DeMaris - ACVB Norm Spiegel-USA Hockey (Central District) Ted Ohmart - USA Hockey (Des Moines) Les Teplicky - USA Hockey (Mid-West) Jerry Stewart - Director Public Safety M.W.L. Conference Desk Conference Manager on duty Conference Services Office Iowa State University Police CIT Transportation Office 515-239-2011 515-294-1302 515-292-6835 515-294-6238 515-956-4604 847-269-2922 http://www.mgmc.org/ mroyer@iastate.edu amoore@city.ames.ia.us snyderm1@iastate.edu seannd@amescvb.com jacole@comcast.net 515-249-3575 563-359-4898 515-294-6762 515-294-8401 515-290-0951 515-294-8384 515-294-4428 515-233-0286 tvohmart@yahoo.com teplickylesd@mchsi.com jdstewa@iastate.edu v 2014 USA Hockey Central District Bantam Select Camp – Policies & Procedures Manual 2014 USA Select Camp Officials Roster Referee Hometown State Room # Samuel Sextro Nick Cristan Cory Lamasky Cody Lytle Christopher Monzel John Metz Cody Clark Anthony Vikhter Mitchel Wilert Joshua Katsimpalis Zachary Wolff Peter Jenkin Stephen Feurer Shane Gustafson Curtis Saunders Kathryn Glover Madison Scherban Staff Email Phone Bob Cunningham Stephen Reneau Justin Hedland Dave Shaneman cendistric@gmail.com 314-941-5625 vi 2014 USA Hockey Central District Bantam Select Camp – Policies & Procedures Manual Iowa State University Campus Map: Rink to Residence Hall vii 2014 USA Hockey Central District Bantam Select Camp – Policies & Procedures Manual General Employment Conditions All camp Coaches, Team Leaders, and other staff have been informed of what their individual salary will be for the USA Hockey Central District Bantam Select Camp. Any questions related to salary should be directed to the Hockey Director. USA Hockey will issue compensation at the end of camp in the form of a check. To be eligible for pay all Coaches, Team Leaders, and other staff must be in attendance at the Staff Meeting on Sunday June 15th, 2014 at 1:00 pm at the Ames/ISU Ice Arena. The physical address of the arena is: Ames / ISU Ice Arena 1507 Gateway Hills Park Drive Ames, IA 50014 Phone: 515-292-6835 1 2014 USA Hockey Central District Bantam Select Camp – Policies & Procedures Manual Conduct of Employees The first and foremost concern of any member of the USA Hockey Central District Bantam Select Camp staff is the SAFETY and WELL-BEING of the young athletes attending. Be a Positive Influence As an individual who will have significant influence on the experience of our participants, you must be positive and sensitive to their individual needs and concerns. Act in the best interest of all participants. Use Common Sense Common sense and consistency are very important when dealing with teenagers. If a difficult situation arises, use your best judgment given the circumstances and contact the Hockey Director immediately. Always maintain control of the situation. Conduct Expected of Camp Staff If it is determined that any staff member willingly does not act in the best interest of participants, he may be subject to reprimand and/or dismissal, depending on the severity of the action/negligence and at the discretion of the Hockey Director. In order to minimize injury and liability, all staff members are asked to refrain from physical contact with participants. Drugs & Alcohol Drugs and alcohol are strictly prohibited on University grounds. Participants or staff members found in violation of this policy will not be tolerated and will be dismissed immediately without compensation. Participants’ parents will be notified and camp participants will be forced to leave under parental supervision. Maintain a Professional Attitude All staff members will be expected to maintain a positive and professional attitude at all times. USA Hockey and Iowa State University have a long tradition of excellence and employees will be expected to uphold that tradition. There is no endorsement stronger than word-of-mouth advertising or personal referrals. If the image of USA Hockey or Iowa State University is damaged, so is the long-term viability of both programs. Regarding Staff Liability Unfortunately, liability in our society is an issue affecting every aspect of our lives. This is especially true when the wellbeing of a child is involved. Please keep this in mind and make every effort to act in a manner that will minimize liability for you, USA Hockey, and Iowa State University. Remember there is no defense for gross negligence, so please pay close attention to your participants! They are YOUR responsibility. 2 2014 USA Hockey Central District Bantam Select Camp – Policies & Procedures Manual Illness/Absence If you are ill and unable to work, please call the Hockey Director at (515) 290-0389 immediately. You are expected to work each camp to which you are assigned. Unexcused absences or leaving the residence hall in the evening will not be tolerated, and it will be dealt with on an individual basis. Employees will not receive compensation for work absences. We are all working together to provide a quality camp atmosphere. All staff must be reliable and trustworthy. Facility Use Employees are responsible for the proper use of all facilities and equipment. Employees assigned to facilities should be sure to utilize only those areas and equipment authorized in the operation of the program. Damage to any facility or major equipment must be reported to the Hockey Director immediately. Appearance You will be expected to dress professionally; first impressions are very important! Expected attire, while working as a member of this camp on-ice, is the issued coat and pants. Off-ice attire is khaki shorts or pants and the staff shirt. This will provide participants with a consistent and easy way to identify you. Shirts must be tucked in and caps may be worn. Transporting Participants Camp staff must remain on site until all participants are accounted for at each camp session. The transportation of participants is prohibited. It is a liability concern for all parties involved and should be reserved for emergencies only. Document and Report Any Problems If an unusual situation does arise, e.g. injury, missing participant, discipline problem, etc., document it! Write down who, what, when, where, and how of the occurrence. If a participant is being particularly difficult on a regular basis, write down the details of the incidents as they happen and keep the Hockey Director informed. Individual participants whose behavior is not in the best interest of others will be reported to their parents and are subject to dismissal from the camp without refund. 3 2014 USA Hockey Central District Bantam Select Camp – Policies & Procedures Manual 2014 CENTRAL DISTRICT OFFICIALS CAMP PARTICIPANTS CODE OF CONDUCT IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY RULES AND REGULATIONS The Iowa State University facilities are for and limited to the purpose of providing adequate housing, meals and recreation for registered camp participants. There are no housing facilities for friends, wives, husbands, parents and pets. Rooms are to remain as they are set up. Do not move furniture to other rooms. Alcoholic beverages on the premises are strictly prohibited. Violation of this policy will result in dismissal from the Camp. Participants must show respect for the facilities and the Iowa State University Staff at all times. Please remember that we are their guests. USA HOCKEY RULES AND REGULATIONS We ask that you consider your selection to participate in this seminar as an honor and privilege and to conduct yourself accordingly. Be alert to all instructions given both on and off the ice. Be courteous at all times. Tardiness to any seminar function will not be tolerated. We ask that all participants wear the clothing provided when possible. Please wear your nametag during all on-ice and off-ice functions. We ask that all participants avoid wearing hats while in the dining area. No chewing tobacco during any classroom, ice session or while in campus facilities. Any disrespect displayed toward any instructor or other participant may result in immediate dismissal from the camp. The curfew on noise is 10:30 PM. In consideration of others, please observe quiet hours on housing floors. The curfew is 10:30 PM. Any action that, in the opinion of the Camp Director and the staff, is deemed to be detrimental to the wellbeing of the program, may result in suspension or dismissal from this camp (under these circumstances, transportation home would be at the officials own expense), and may affect the individual's eligibility for future USA Hockey programs. This includes the use and/or possession of non-prescription drugs. All participants are prohibited from visiting drinking establishments during the camp. Please do not wear any USA Hockey clothing when visiting restaurants, shopping centers, etc., during free time. 4 2014 USA Hockey Central District Bantam Select Camp – Policies & Procedures Manual NEWS RELEASE 1775 Bob Johnson Drive | Colorado Springs, CO 80906-4090 | fax 719.538.1160 Communications Staff Dave Fischer | Senior Director | phone 719.538.1171 | email davef@usahockey.org Rob Koch | Director, Communications & Social Media | phone 719.538.1169 | email robk@usahockey.org Matt Trevor | Manager | phone 719.538.1176 | email mattt@usahockey.org Jake Wesolek | Manager, NTDP | phone 734.327.9251 x317 | email jakew@usahockeyntdp.com Brian Smith | Brian Fishman Intern | phone 719.538.1172 | email briansm@usahockey.org Contact: Dave Fischer (davef@usahockey.org) FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Thursday, April 18, 2013 USA Hockey Makes Commitment To USOC's Stop Abuse in Sports Campaign Encourages Its Membership To Do The Same COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. - USA Hockey announced today it has formally joined the United States Olympic Committee’s "Make the Commitment to Stop Abuse in Sport" campaign. “We applaud the efforts of the USOC,” said Dave Ogrean, executive director of USA Hockey. “We’ve always been focused on providing the best possible environment for our participants, particularly children. By signing on to be part of this initiative, we’re reinforcing to all those involved in USA Hockey our continued commitment and emphasis on ensuring a safe and abuse-free environment for everyone. "While we made the commitment as an organization, we encourage everyone associated with USA Hockey to go the USOC website and make the commitment as an individual." USA Hockey has long been a leader in the youth sports community in safety, both on and off the ice. The organization announced this fall its USA Hockey SafeSport program, an enhancement to its off-ice safety initiatives. As part of the continued implementation of USA Hockey SafeSport, over the course of the next two weeks USA Hockey will be reaching out to its coaches, volunteers, staff and officials to provide them access to USA Hockey SafeSport online training, which is focused on reducing, recognizing and responding to potential abuse situations. “We know that statistics clearly show that abuse happens throughout society, including in the youth sports environment,” said Ogrean. “We’ll continue to be vigilant in utilizing all resources available to influence the elimination of unacceptable behavior.” ### usahockey.com 5 2014 USA Hockey Central District Bantam Select Camp – Policies & Procedures Manual USA Bantam Select Camp Locker Room Policy USA Hockey requires that all local programs publish their locker room policies to the parents of all minor participants. The policies should be specific to the facilities they regularly use. The policy below is a sample only but may be modified by the local program to meet its specific needs and facilities. The local program’s policies shall include the program’s (a) practices for supervising and monitoring locker rooms and changing areas; (b) permission or lack of permission for parents to be in the locker rooms; (c) prohibited conduct, including at least all forms of abuse and misconduct prohibited by USA Hockey; and (d) specific policies regarding the use of mobile electronic devices and phones and prohibiting the use of a device’s recording capabilities. USA Hockey Bantam Select Camp’s Locker Room Policy In addition to the development of our hockey players and enjoyment of the sport of hockey, the safety and protection of our participants is central to Cyclone Hockey’s goals. Cyclone Hockey adheres to USA Hockey’s SafeSport Program as a means to help protect its participants from physical abuse, sexual abuse and other types of misconduct, including emotional abuse, bullying, threats, harassment and hazing. To help prevent abuse or misconduct from occurring in our locker rooms, Cyclone Hockey has adopted the following locker room policy. This policy is designed to maintain personal privacy as well as to reduce the risk of misconduct in locker rooms. At the Ames/ISU Ice Arena there are seven locker rooms available for our program’s use. Each of the locker rooms [has its own restroom [and shower area]/shares a restroom [and shower area] with one or more locker rooms]. Locker Room Monitoring Cyclone Hockey has predictable and limited use of locker rooms and changing areas (e.g., generally 30-45 minutes before and following practices and games). This allows for direct and regular monitoring of locker room areas. While constant monitoring inside of locker rooms and changing areas might be the most effective way to prevent problems, we understand that this would likely make some players uncomfortable and may even place our staff at risk for unwarranted suspicion. We conduct a sweep of the locker rooms and changing areas before players arrive, and if the coaches are not inside the locker rooms, either a coach or voluntary locker room monitors (each of which has been screened) will be posted directly outside of the locker rooms and changing areas during periods of use, and leave the doors open only when adequate privacy is still possible, so that only participants (coaches and players), approved team personnel and 6 2014 USA Hockey Central District Bantam Select Camp – Policies & Procedures Manual family members are permitted in the locker room. Team personnel will also secure the locker room appropriately during times when the team is on the ice. Mixed Gender Teams Some of our teams consist of both male and female players. It is important that the privacy rights of all of our players are given consideration and appropriate arrangements made. Where possible, Cyclone Hockey will have the male and female players dress/undress in separate locker rooms and then convene in a single locker room before the game or team meeting. Once the game or practice is finished, the players may come to one locker room for a team meeting and then the male and female players proceed to their separate locker rooms to undress and shower, if available. If separate locker rooms are not available, then the players will take turns using the locker room to change. We understand that these arrangements may require that players arrive earlier or leave later to dress, but believe that this is the most reasonable way to accommodate and respect all of our players. Cell Phones and Other Mobile Recording Devices Cell phones and other mobile devices with recording capabilities, including voice recording, still cameras and video cameras are not permitted to be used in the locker rooms. If phones or other mobile devices must be used, they should be taken outside of the locker room. [It may be permissible to have team manager collect phones] Prohibited Conduct and Reporting Cyclone Hockey prohibits all types of physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, bullying, threats, harassment and hazing, all as described in the USA Hockey SafeSport Handbook. Participants, employees or volunteers may be subject to disciplinary action for violation of these locker room policies or for engaging in any misconduct or abuse or that violates the USA Hockey SafeSport Policies. Reports of any actual or suspected violations, you may email USA Hockey at SafeSport@usahockey.org or may call 1-800-888-4656. 7 2014 USA Hockey Central District Bantam Select Camp – Policies & Procedures Manual Coach Job Description General Description Coaches are responsible for completing daily tasks associated with teaching and player development. Coaches’ primary responsibilities are providing a proper learning environment for participants, preparation and execution of lesson plans, ensuring proper procedures are followed, and serving as a resource to other coaches and staff. Duties & Responsibilities Prepare lesson plans for on-ice practice sessions. Lead on-ice practice sessions. Prepare lesson plans for lectures. Lecture participants about topics related to hockey. Prepare and execute game strategy Strive to teach all participants necessary components related to hockey Assist Team Leaders in the supervision of participants. Assist in all off-ice activities. Assist Team Leaders in check-in/check-out procedures. Live in residence halls when the camp is in session. Be available in an emergency situation, e.g. stay with ill/homesick participant. Participate in coach orientation and training program. Complete the necessary tasks as assigned by the hockey director or other staff. Follow all Conduct of Employee Guidelines. Be ready and available 24-7. Have fun! 8 2014 USA Hockey Central District Bantam Select Camp – Policies & Procedures Manual Coaching Staff Daily Responsibilities 1. Lead on-ice sessions and strive for the improvement of all participants throughout the camp. 2. Lecture participants on the predetermined topic with the goal of assisting them to the next level. 3. Assist counselors with all tasks related to supervision. 4. Assist other coaches whenever needed. You are responsible for the overall learning and development of participants that will occur this upcoming week. They will be looking up to you for guidance and assistance at all times throughout the week. It is your duty to ensure that all participants will leave this camp further developed and with the proper tools to continue playing this great sport of hockey to the highest of levels. As a coach you are also responsible for assisting all counselors with supervision of the participants throughout the upcoming week. This can include free times, practice sessions, meal times, and off-ice activities. It is important that you can circulate throughout the residence hall and leave your door open to participants and other camp staff. Report any lack of participant supervision immediately to the Hockey Director. You are a very important link between participants and other staff members. 9 2014 USA Hockey Central District Bantam Select Camp – Policies & Procedures Manual Team Leader Job Description General Description Team Leaders are responsible for completing daily tasks associated with player supervision. Team Leaders’ primary responsibilities are providing camper supervision when campers are involved in off-ice activities, performing administrative tasks, ensuring proper procedures are followed, and serving as resources to coaches and other staff. Duties and Responsibilities Provide supervision and ensure that all camp participants are accounted for and attending camp sessions. Serve as a resource to coaches who are also responsible for participant supervision. Serve as a liaison between participants, coaches, and the hockey director. Assist with check-in and conduct checkout according to outlined procedures. Distribute and collect attendance checklists each day. Implement commuter check-in/check-out system. Turn in all participant checklists at the end of the camp. Distribute and collect all incident report forms. Supervise and assist in all off-ice activities. Live in residence halls when the camp is in session. Be available in an emergency situation, e.g. stay with ill/homesick participant. Participate in Team Leader orientation and training program. Complete the necessary tasks as assigned by the hockey director or other coaches. Follow all Conduct of Employee Guidelines. Be ready and available 24-7. Have fun! 10 2014 USA Hockey Central District Bantam Select Camp – Policies & Procedures Manual Team Leader Daily Responsibilities 1. Administer wake-up calls each morning and or knock on doors. 2. Supervise and account for all participants at breakfast, lunch, dinner, on-ice sessions, off-ice sessions, and bedtime. Attendance must be taken every time you board the bus; no exceptions. 3. Arrive at site 15 minutes before all sessions, if possible, to escort participants to where they need to go. Remain at site until all participants are present and accounted for. 4. Supervise and participate in evening social activities or return participants to the activity site. 5. Bed check. Make sure all participants are in their rooms and ready to retire for the evening. 6. Assist coaching staff whenever needed. You are responsible for all supervision of the participants throughout the upcoming week. This includes free times, practice sessions, meal times, and all off-ice activities. It is important that you circulate frequently throughout the residence hall and leave your door open to participants and other camp staff. Report any lack of participant supervision immediately to the Hockey Director. You are a very important link between participants and other staff members. 11 2014 USA Hockey Central District Bantam Select Camp – Policies & Procedures Manual Characteristics of a Good Team Leader Genuine Liking of Participants. This is frequently reflected in the relationship of a Team Leader to his team. The major portion of a counselor’s time is spent with their team; Team Leaders should be interested in the development and achievement of individual team members. You must also be concerned for participants’ health and adjustment to camp life; working with participants should never bore a Team Leader. Ability to Mingle with Participants on Their Own Level. A Team Leader is interested in the things their team likes to do. A Team Leader encourages activity arising out of team interests and participates with the group. Health and Safety Consciousness. A Team Leader should be alert to the hazards that are inherent in all camp situations and needs to provide careful supervision that will contribute to the physical wellbeing of a camper. On the other hand, a Team Leader must not magnify hazards or restrict participation so much that participants are denied reasonable risks, which give adventure and fun to the experience. Ability to Work with Others. A Team Leader should be friendly and cooperate with other Team Leaders and staff members as well as participants. At times, a Team Leader should be willing to subordinate his program responsibility in the interest of total camp morale. Faith in Participants. Too often a Team Leader is likely to underestimate the creative ability of a participant. Participants approach a task with more self-assurance if they know a Team Leader has confidence in them. A Team Leader will provide participants with responsibilities that challenge their best efforts, but simultaneously will supply the guidance needed if tasks are to be successfully fulfilled. Team Leaders need to be able to empathize with a participant’s situation – to feel as the participant feels. 12 2014 USA Hockey Central District Bantam Select Camp – Policies & Procedures Manual Student Athletic Trainer Policies and Procedures Policy Statement Student Athletic Trainers who work camps for USA Hockey and Iowa State University will make every effort to provide timely and efficient health care to all participants and ensure that all required forms are filled out in order to make this possible. Procedures 1. All participants must turn in a Release of Liability and Medical Authorization form no later than the completion of check-in. 2. The Head Student Athletic Trainer should review medical forms prior to registration and review on-site medical forms as they are submitted at check-in. After completion of check-in, you will be given copies of the signed Release and Medical Authorization Forms. 3. The Student Athletic Trainer will review all medical histories to determine what medical problems are current during camp, e.g. diabetes, asthma, epilepsy, strep throat, chronic recurring joint problems, etc. These forms will contain parent/guardian emergency phone numbers and insurance information. 4. The Student Athletic Trainer will screen any injury or illness, which occurs at camp and the appropriate standard of care, will be applied. Referral will be made to the appropriate medical facility indicated in the medical procedure section of the Medical Services Guidelines. 5. An Injury Report and Daily Log will be completed by the Head Student Athletic Trainer regarding the details of the injury/illness and submitted to the hockey director. 6. The Head Student Athletic Trainer will report each time a loss of a participant occurs, due to injury/illness, to the hockey director. 7. The participant’s parent/guardian will be notified regarding all significant injuries/illnesses by the Head Student Athletic Trainer, attending physician, or Hockey Director. The parent/guardian will also be given the remaining camp schedule to help him or her decide whether the participant should stay at the camp or go home. 8. Personnel working the camp will give no medication to participants. Prescribed medications need to be brought to the attention of the Head Student Athletic Trainer. 9. If an injury or illness is an emergency situation, an ambulance must be called. If the Head Student Athletic Trainer determines that it is necessary for a participant to see a physician, coaches or counselors are responsible for transporting the injured participant to the medical facility. The coach or counselor should stay with the participant until the visit is completed. 10. The Student Athletic Trainer is/are responsible for maintaining adequate hydration for all participants and maintaining an inventory of standard first aid supplies. 13 2014 USA Hockey Central District Bantam Select Camp – Policies & Procedures Manual Student Athletic Trainer Daily Responsibilities 1. Attend all sessions with appropriate appearance and dress. 2. Attend all on and off ice sessions. 3. Attend all sessions properly prepared with supplies for giving care in the event of an injury or illness. 4. Provide the necessary standard of care in the event of an injury or illness. 5. Provide adequate hydration for participants and staff for all activities occurring on and off the ice. 6. Assist Coaches if requested. 7. Assist Team Leaders if requested. Your main responsibility is providing care in the event of any injury or illness. You must have on your person all necessary supplies to carry out your duties in the event an injury or illness occurs. You are also responsible for the maintenance of adequate hydration of all participants and staff. Please remember that you play a major role in this camp and ensure that all necessary steps are taken to provide participants with proper care and safety at all times. 14 2014 USA Hockey Central District Bantam Select Camp – Policies & Procedures Manual Medical Services Guidelines Policy Statement Providing medical care and insurance coverage is a required part of planning for camps at/or through Iowa State University and USA Hockey. In order to ensure that participants and staff have proper medical coverage, Iowa State University will provide secondary medical coverage and athletic training services for participants and staff during the inclusive times and dates of each camp. Guidelines Release and Medical Authorization Forms must be completed, signed, and dated by parents/guardians of all athletes enrolling in the USA Hockey Central District Bantam Select Camp. Release and Medical Authorization forms, which contain confidential information, are provided to the Student Athletic Trainer and the Hockey Director. They will be used in the event that injury or illness is sustained to ensure that those involved in making medical decisions are fully informed regarding participants’ medical history. The head student athletic trainer prior to or during check-in must receive these forms. Medical Procedures All Non-Medical Personnel (first person on scene): Emergency: 1. Send someone to call 911 immediately. 2. Notify the head student athletic trainer. 3. Provide assistance as instructed by the head student athletic trainer. Ames / ISU Ice Arena Residence Halls 1507 Gateway Hills Park Drive Oak - Elm Ames, IA 50014 Iowa State University 515-292-6835 Non-Emergency: 1. Notify the head student athletic trainer immediately. 2. Provide assistance as instructed by the head student athletic trainer. 3. If head student athletic trainer is unavailable, contact Hockey Director, and stabilize situation until appropriate medical personnel has arrived. 4. If no one can be contacted immediately, contact any available person with First Aid/CPR Training or call 911. 15 2014 USA Hockey Central District Bantam Select Camp – Policies & Procedures Manual Medical Services Guidelines Student Athletic Trainers: I. Normal Athletic-Related Injury: Provide normal standard of care. II. Non-Emergency Injury or Illness (which requires physician assistance): a. During normal camp/business hours: i. Assess severity of situation; administer appropriate and immediate medical care. ii. Contact appropriate medical facility for situation – Student Health Center or Mary Greeley medical Center. iii. Contact Hockey Director. iv. Transport: Coaches/counselors or ambulance (stay with participant until appointment is completed). v. Athletic Trainer and/or attending physician: notify parents. b. After normal camp/business hours i. Assess severity of situation; administer appropriate and immediate medical care. ii. Contact appropriate medical facility for situation. iii. Contact Hockey director. iv. Transport: Coaches/counselors or ambulance. v. Athletic Trainer and/or attending physician: notify parents and if it is a non-emergency do so during normal camp hours. III. Emergency Injury or Illness (potentially disabling or life-threatening) a. Assess severity of situation; administer appropriate and immediate medical care. b. Recruit assistance to call 911. c. Maintain patient’s stability until Emergency Medical Personnel arrive to take control of situation. d. Provide Emergency Medical Personnel with information about injury and participant’s medical history The Head Student Athletic Trainer will complete an Injury Report Form, maintain all medical records, and process any pertinent documentation, if further action is necessary. All Injury Report Forms will be forwarded to the Hockey Director. All Student Athletic Trainers and Coaches are provided medical and liability coverage through USA Hockey. Also, because Iowa State University is co-sponsoring the camp, the Iowa State University employee coverage program will cover all workers. 16 2014 USA Hockey Central District Bantam Select Camp – Policies & Procedures Manual Emergency Plans Injuries/Illness Keep the following in mind when dealing with participant injuries and illness. 1. Follow procedures described in Medical Services Guidelines (see previous two pages) 2. Know the location of emergency phones before the need arises. Keep your cell-phone on you and charged at all times. For assistance in major events dial 911. Give the following information: Your name Location of the injured person State the emergency Do no hang up until the person on the other line does first. 3. Keep the participant comfortable and calm until help arrives. Provide care to the level of your knowledge. 4. Use common sense when applying first aid. Do not do anything for which you are not qualified. Never administer any medication or aspirin. 5. Never move the head or neck of an injured participant if you do not know the extent of the injury. The only exception to this rule is if the injured participant is in a dangerous area where by not moving them, could cause further injury. Inclement Weather If threatening weather is approaching, you and all participants should seek immediate shelter. Please keep all participants calm and sheltered. Use common sense and keep yourself calm. Keep the participants’ attention and make sure they follow all directions. Tornado Safety Rules Seek immediate shelter in the event of a tornado. Outdoor Activities: 1. Lead all participants to an underground shelter or inside a building to interior walls. 2. In case of no shelter, lie flat in the nearest depression such as a ditch, ravine, or culvert. Even a low spot on the ground will give some protection. 3. Do not attempt to view the tornado or allow the participants to. Inside Activities: 1. Avoid windows and the possibility of flying glass. 2. Go to an underground shelter, interior hallways, or the lowest level of a building. 3. If there is no time to get to a lower level, a closet or small room without windows will shelter you from flying debris. 4. If time does not permit you to seek shelter, try to get under heavy furniture. 5. Do not use elevators. 6. Protect your head with your hands while sitting in a crouched position. If you happen to receive a tornado warning, advise all participants to follow the outlined procedures. Stay Calm! 17 2014 USA Hockey Central District Bantam Select Camp – Policies & Procedures Manual Check-In Procedures Please arrive for check-in at least 45 minutes early. You will be asked to greet participants, assist them in checking-in, and issuing gear. It is important that you greet participants and their parents in a friendly way and make them feel welcome. You will need to wear your issued coat and pants at all times during this procedure. Issue each participant a copy of the rules and regulations and notify them of their team (color, number, and letter). Then direct them to their assigned locker room for the duration of camp. Checkout Procedures Participants will be told to stay in their rooms after breakfast on the last day of camp. Counselors and/or staff will then go to each room and check participants out. At this time, counselors and/or staff must: 1. Check room for damages! 2. Collect room keys! 3. Ask participant to sign out. After the participant is signed out direct them to the bus where they will bring all items, which they brought with them to camp for the week. Damages to Rooms Any damages to rooms must be reported to the Hockey Director, IMMEDIATELY! Participants that are responsible for damages will be marked on the checkout sheet. If there is a disagreement as to who caused the damages or how it happened and there is no third party to confirm a story, the cost of the damages will be divided between participants sharing the room. Counselors must also complete an incident report form in detail and submit it to the Hockey Director. Lost Keys Report any lost keys to the Hockey Director, Immediately! Give them the name of the participant and their corresponding room number. Participants who report lost keys will also be marked on the checkout sheet. The fine for a lost key is $135 and will be collected before the participant is allowed to leave the camp. 18 2014 USA Hockey Central District Bantam Select Camp – Policies & Procedures Manual Participant Supervision Discipline should never be interpreted as a means of teaching self-control, not as a means of compulsion or punishment. 1. Never make a threat you are not willing to carry out. If you threaten once, carry it out the second time. 2. If a participant is particularly difficult, take him aside for a talk. Let the participant express his hostility and work from there. 3. If you are wrong, admit it, but do not apologize more than once for an error. 4. Laugh with, not at, participants. Feelings are easily hurt, especially in large groups. 5. Do not ridicule or be sarcastic; do not humiliate participants. 6. Corporal punishment is forbidden! 7. Watch your language. We need to maintain a respectful atmosphere. 8. Do not yell at participants; lose your composure, or self-control. 9. Make discipline rigid at first, and then relax it. The opposite is impossible to achieve. 10. Always have a good sense of humor! Contact the Hockey Director if a participant: Is continually distracting the group from activities at hand. Is physically endangering other participants or staff. Is excessively verbally abusive to other participants or staff. Is continually unresponsive to counselor discipline and warrants a warning from a coach. Creates a significant problem. The Head Team Leader should deal with other situations in the group as appropriate. Please use discretion when dealing with behavior problems. We encourage you to contact the Hockey Director if you do not know how to handle a situation, but often they can be dealt with on your own. Contact the Hockey Director if: Team Leaders are not adequately supervising participants. A participant is dismissed from camp by a coach other staff member. Any damage to equipment, residence hall, or recreation services is done. A camper returns home because of injury or illness. REMEMBER TO DOCUMENT EVERYTHING!!!!! 19 2014 USA Hockey Central District Bantam Select Camp – Policies & Procedures Manual Participant Rules and Regulations 1. Participants must attend all camp sessions. Attendance will be taken at all sessions. 2. Participants with vehicles must leave their keys with school staff. They will be returned on the last day of the camp. 3. Appropriate clothing and shoes must be worn for all activities. 4. If leaving the residence hall or the activity site, except for meals or regularly scheduled school sessions, participants must check out with the hockey director and must be accompanied by a parent, counselor, coach, or other staff member. 5. Everyone must be in their rooms and quiet at a time to be determined by the hockey director. There are no exceptions. The hockey director will also determine the time of wake-up calls. 6. Inappropriate language is unacceptable at all times. 7. Alcohol, drugs, tobacco, fireworks, or any other contraband will not be tolerated. Violations may result in the dismissal from camp and/or no refund of fees paid. 8. Participants are not allowed to switch rooms. 9. Participants will be charged $135 for lost keys and charged accordingly for any damages to rooms. All charges must be paid in full before the participant is allowed to leave the camp. 10. Vandalism occurring in the residence halls or any other activity site may result in the dismissal from camp with no refund in fees paid. Participants will also be charged accordingly for any damages and these must be paid in full before the participant is allowed to leave the camp. 11. Fire exits may only be used in emergencies. Remember that all permanent fixtures (exit signs, vending machines, fire alarms, and extinguishers, etc.) should be left alone. Persons tampering with any fixtures may be dismissed from the camp and/or no refund in fees paid. 12. School participants are not allowed to ride in or operate any unapproved camp motor vehicles, while in attendance. 13. Camp staff will be in the residence halls for rounds and bed checks each evening. If assistance is needed please direct questions to any staff member. 14. Consideration must be shown to all Team Leaders, Coaches, dining hall personnel, other staff, and visitors. Participants harassing anyone will result in the dismissal from camp and/or no refund of fees paid. 20 2014 USA Hockey Central District Bantam Select Camp – Policies & Procedures Manual 2014 USA Hockey Central District Bantam Select Camp – Master Schedule Sunday Monday 1:00pm Staff Meeting 2:004:00pm Player Gear check-in Ames / ISU Ice Arena 3:005:00pm All All Player Check-In @ MWL Residence Hall All 5:306:15pm Dinner All 6:458:00pm Activity All 8:30pm Meeting @ MWL All Commons 10:30pm Lights Out Teams A B C D E F Red White Blue Gold Green Black All 6:457:00am 7:057:20am 7:007:30am 7:308:00am Tuesday Breakfast E-F A-B, CD Breakfast E-F 6:457:00am 7:057:20am 7:007:30am 7:308:00am Wake Up Wake Up A-B, CD Wednesday A-D B-E, C-F 7:05-7:20am Wake Up Wake Up Breakfast B-C D-F, A-E 7:05-7:20am 7:00-7:30am 7:00-7:30am Breakfast D-E B-F, AC Breakfast A-D 7:30-8:00am Breakfast B-C 7:30-8:00am Breakfast D-E 6:45-7:00am Wake Up D-F, A-E Friday Breakfast Wake Up B-E, C-F Thursday 7:007:15am 7:307:45am 7:157:45am 7:458:15am Wake Up 6:45-7:00am Wake Up B-F, AC Wake Up Wake Up Breakfast C-E B-D, A-F Breakfast C-E B-D, A-F 7:40am Bus A-B 7:40am Bus B-E 7:40am Bus D-F 7:40am Bus B-F 8:00am Bus C-E 8:00am Bus C-D 8:00am Bus C-F 8:00am Bus A-E 8:00am Bus A-C 8:15am Bus B-D 8:15am 8:159:30am 9:4010:55am 11:0512:20am 8:159:15am 9:3010:30am 10:3011:30am 11:3012:00pm 1:001:30pm 12:301:30pm Bus Ice: Practice 1 Ice: Practice 2 Ice: Practice 3 E-F 8:15am 8:159:30am 9:4010:55am 11:0512:20am 8:159:15am 9:3010:30am 10:3011:30am 11:3012:00pm 1:001:30pm 12:301:30pm Bus Ice: Practice 1 Ice: Practice 2 Ice: Practice 3 A-D 8:15am B-C 8:15am D-E 8:15-9:30am 9:4010:55am 11:0512:20am Bus Ice: Game 1 Ice: Game 2 Ice: Game 3 S&C S&C A-C S&C D-E 8:30am 8:5510:10am 10:2011:35am 11:451:00pm 11:4512:15pm 1:151:45pm A-F D-F Bus Ice: Practice 1 Ice: Practice 2 Ice: Practice 3 S&C 2:003:00pm 3:004:00pm 12:301:45pm 1:553:10pm 3:204:35pm 4:30pm 4:45pm 5:00pm 5:005:30pm 5:306:00pm 7:008:30pm 9:0010:00pm 10:30pm A-B C-D E-F S&C C-D S&C E-F S&C A-B A-B, CD Lunch Lunch E-F Lecture C-D Lecture E-F Lecture Ice: Game 1 Ice: Game 2 Ice: Game 3 A-B A-B C-D E-F Bus Bus Bus A-B C-D E-F Dinner A, B, C Dinner Evening Act. D, E, F Free Time Lights Out All All All 2:003:00pm 3:004:00pm 12:301:45pm 1:553:10pm 3:204:35pm 4:30pm 4:45pm 5:00pm 5:005:30pm 5:306:00pm 7:008:30pm 9:0010:00pm 10:30pm B-E 8:15-9:30am C-F 9:40-10:55am A-D 11:05-12:20am Bus Ice: Practice 1 Ice: Practice 2 Ice: Practice 3 C-F 8:15-9:15am S&C A-E S&C A-D 9:30-10:30am S&C B-C S&C B-E B-E, C-F 10:30-11:30am S&C Lunch 11:30-12:00pm Lunch D-F D-F, A-E A-E B-C B-F A-C D-E 8:15-9:15am 9:3010:30am 10:3011:30am 11:3012:00pm Lunch B-F B-F, AC Lunch A-D 1:00-1:30pm Lunch B-C D-E C-F 12:30-1:30pm Lecture A-E 1:00-1:30pm 12:301:30pm Lunch Lecture Lecture A-C Lecture A-D 2:00-3:00pm Lecture B-C 2:00-3:00pm Lecture D-E Lecture Ice: Game 1 Ice: Game 2 Ice: Game 3 B-E 3:00-4:00pm D-F 12:30-1:45pm D-F 3:00-4:00pm 12:301:45pm B-F B-E Bus Bus Bus Dinner Dinner Evening Act. Free Time Lights Out C-F 1:55-3:10pm A-D 3:20-4:35pm Lecture Ice: Game 1 Ice: Game 2 Ice: Game 3 B-E C-F A-D B, E, F A, C, D 4:30pm 4:45pm 5:00pm Bus Bus Bus 5:00-5:30pm Dinner 5:30-6:00pm All 7:00-8:30pm Dinner Evening Act. All All 9:00-10:00pm 10:30pm Free Time Lights Out A-E 1:55-3:10pm B-C 3:20-4:35pm Lecture Ice: Game 1 Ice: Game 2 Ice: Game 3 D-F A-E B-C D, E, F A, B, C 4:30pm 4:45pm 5:00pm Bus Bus Bus B-F A-C D-E 5:00-5:30pm Dinner B, C, F 5:30-6:00pm Dinner Evening Act. A, D, E Free Time Lights Out All All All All All 7:00-8:30pm 9:0010:00pm 10:30pm B-F A-C D-E All 21 C-E B-D Lunch A-F C-E, B-D Lunch A-F 2014 USA Hockey Central District Bantam Select Camp – Policies & Procedures Manual USA Hockey Bantam Camp June 15th - 20th Team A - Red Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Time Activity Place Time Activity Place Time Activity Place Time Activity Place Time Activity Place Time 2:00-4:00pm Player Gear Check-In All 6:45-7:00am Wake Up Dorms 7:05-7:20am Wake Up Dorms 6:45-7:00am Wake Up Dorms 6:45-7:00am Wake Up Dorms 7:30-7:45am Wake Up Activity Place Dorms All 7:00-7:30am Breakfast Dorms 7:30-8:00am Breakfast Dorms 7:00-7:30am Breakfast Dorms 7:00-7:30am Breakfast Dorms 7:45-8:15am Breakfast Dorms Transit 8:15am Bus Transit 8:00am Bus Transit 8:00am Bus Transit 8:30am Transit Rink 8:15-9:15am S&C Rink 8:15-9:15am S&C Rink 11:45-1:00pm Game 3: A vs. F Rink @ Ames/ISU Ice Arena 3:00-5:00pm Player Check-In @ MWL Residence Hall 5:30-6:15pm Dinner All 7:40am Bus 7:00-8:00pm Activity All 8:15-9:30am Practice 1: A - B Rink 8:30pm Meeting @ Willow All 10:30-11:30am S&C Rink 11:05-12:20am Practice 3: A - D Rink 9:40-10:55am Practice 2: A - E Rink 9:40-10:55am Practice 2: A - C Rink All 11:30-12:00pm Lunch Rink 1:00-1:30pm Lunch Rink 11:30-12:20pm Lunch 11:30-12:00pm Lunch 12:30-1:45pm Game 1: A vs. B Rink 2:00-3:00pm Lecture Igloo Room 12:30-1:30pm Lecture 9:30-10:30am S&C 1:15-1:45pm Bus Lunch Main Lounge 10:30pm Lights Out Coach Coaching Intern Team Leader Doug Dietz Nick Cecere Rhodes Dolan Rink Igloo Room 12:30-1:30pm Lecture Rink Igloo Room 3:00-4:00pm Lecture Igloo Room 3:20-4:35pm Game 3: A vs. D Rink 1:55-3:10pm Game 2: A vs. E Rink 1:55-3:10pm Game 2: A vs. C Rink 4:30pm Bus Transit 5:00pm Bus Transit 4:45pm Bus Transit 4:45pm Bus Transit 5:00-5:30pm Dinner Dorms 5:30-6:00pm Dinner Dorms 5:30-6:00pm Dinner Dorms 5:30-6:00pm Dinner Dorms 7:00-8:30pm Activity Dorms 7:00-8:30pm Activity Dorms 7:00-8:30pm Activity Dorms 7:00-8:30pm Activity Dorms 9:00-10:00pm Free Time Dorms 9:00-10:00pm Free Time Dorms 9:00-10:00pm Free Time Dorms 9:00-10:00pm Free Time Dorms 10:30pm Dorms 10:30pm Dorms 10:30pm Dorms 10:30pm Dorms Lights Out Lights Out Lights Out Lights Out 22 Rink 2014 USA Hockey Central District Bantam Select Camp – Policies & Procedures Manual USA Hockey Bantam Camp June 15th - 20th Team B - White Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Time Activity Place Time Activity Place Time Activity Place Time Activity Place Time Activity Place Time Activity Place 2:00-4:00pm Player Gear Check-In All 6:45-7:00am Wake Up Dorms 6:45-7:00am Wake Up Dorms 7:05-7:20am Wake Up Dorms 6:45-7:00am Wake Up Dorms 7:30-7:45am Wake Up Dorms All 7:00-7:30am Breakfast Dorms 7:00-7:30am Breakfast Dorms 7:30-8:00am Breakfast Dorms 7:00-7:30am Breakfast Dorms 7:45-8:15am Breakfast Dorms Transit 7:40am Bus Transit 8:15am Bus Transit 7:40am Bus Transit 8:15am Bus Transit 8:15-9:30am Practice 1: B - E Rink 9:30-10:30am S&C Rink 8:15-9:30am Practice 1: B - F Rink @ Ames/ISU Ice Arena 3:00-5:00pm Player Check-In @ MWL Residence Hall 5:30-6:15pm Dinner All 7:40am Bus 7:00-8:00pm Activity All 8:15-9:30am Practice 1: A - B Rink 8:30pm Meeting @ Willow All 10:30-11:30am S&C Rink 10:30-11:30am S&C Rink 11:05-12:20am Practice 3: B - C Rink 10:30-11:30am S&C Rink All 11:30-12:00pm Lunch Rink 11:30-12:00pm Lunch Rink 1:00-1:30pm Lunch Rink 11:30-12:00pm Lunch Rink Igloo Room 12:30-1:45pm Game 1: B vs. F Rink 10:20-11:35am Game 2: B vs. D Rink 11:45-12:15pm Lunch Rink Main Lounge 10:30pm Lights Out Coach Brandon Clark Team Leader Patrick Grasso 12:30-1:45pm Game 1: A vs. B Rink 12:30-1:45pm Game 1: B vs. E Rink 2:00-3:00pm Lecture 3:00-4:00pm Lecture Igloo Room 3:00-4:00pm Lecture Igloo Room 3:20-4:35pm Game 3: B vs. C Rink 3:00-4:00pm Lecture Igloo-Rink 4:30pm Bus Transit 4:30pm Bus Transit 5:00pm Bus Transit 4:30pm Bus Transit 5:00-5:30pm Dinner Dorms 5:00-5:30pm Dinner Dorms 5:30-6:30pm Dinner Dorms 5:00-5:30pm Dinner Dorms 7:00-8:30pm Activity Dorms 7:00-8:30pm Activity Dorms 7:00-8:30pm Activity Dorms 7:00-8:30pm Activity Dorms 9:00-10:00pm Free Time Dorms 9:00-10:00pm Free Time Dorms 9:00-10:00pm Free Time Dorms 9:00-10:00pm Free Time Dorms 10:30pm Lights Out Dorms 10:30pm Lights Out Dorms 10:30pm Lights Out Dorms 10:30pm Lights Out Dorms 23 2014 USA Hockey Central District Bantam Select Camp – Policies & Procedures Manual USA Hockey Bantam Camp June 15th-20th Team C- Blue Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Time Activity Place Time Activity Place Time Activity Place Time Activity Place Time Activity Place Time Activity Place 2:00-4:00pm Player Gear Check-In All 6:45-7:00am Wake Up Dorms 6:45-7:00am Wake Up Dorms 7:05-7:20am Wake Up Dorms 6:45-7:00am Wake Up Dorms 7:00-7:15am Wake Up Dorms All 7:00-7:30am Breakfast Dorms 7:00-7:30am Breakfast Dorms 7:30-8:00am Breakfast Dorms 7:00-7:30am Breakfast Dorms 7:15-7:45am Breakfast Dorms Transit @ Ames/ISU Ice Arena 3:00-5:00pm Player Check-In @ MWL Residence Hall 5:30-6:15pm Dinner All 8:00am Bus Transit 8:00am Bus Transit 8:15am Bus Transit 8:00am Bus Transit 8:00am Bus 7:00-8:00pm Activity All 8:15-9:15am S&C Rink 8:15-9:15am S&C Rink 9:30-10:30am S&C Rink 8:15-9:15am S&C Rink 8:55-10:10pm Game 1: C vs. E Rink 8:30pm Meeting @ Willow All 9:40-10:55am Practice 2: C - D Rink 9:40-10:55am Practice 2: C - F Rink 11:05-12:20am Practice 3: B - C Rink 9:40-10:55am Practice 2: A - C Rink All 11:30-12:20pm Lunch Rink 11:30-12:00pm Lunch Rink 1:00-1:30pm Lunch Rink 11:30-12:20pm Lunch Rink 12:30-1:30pm Lecture Igloo Room 12:30-1:30pm Lecture Igloo Room 2:00-3:00pm Lecture Igloo Room 12:30-1:30pm Lecture Igloo Room 1:55-3:10pm Game 2: C vs. D Rink 1:55-3:10pm Game 2: C vs. F Rink 3:20-4:35pm Game 3: B vs. C Rink 1:55-3:10pm Game 2: A vs. C Rink 4:45pm Bus Transit 4:45pm Bus Transit 5:00pm Bus Transit 4:45pm Bus Transit 5:00-5:30pm Dinner Dorms 5:30-6:00pm Dinner Dorms 5:30-6:00pm Dinner Dorms 5:30-6:00pm Dinner Dorms 7:00-8:30pm Activity Dorms 7:00-8:30pm Activity Dorms 7:00-8:30pm Activity Dorms 7:00-8:30pm Activity Dorms 9:00-10:00pm Free Time Dorms 9:00-10:00pm Free Time Dorms 9:00-10:00pm Free Time Dorms 9:00-10:00pm Free Time Dorms 10:30pm Lights Out Dorms 10:30pm Lights Out Dorms 10:30pm Lights Out Dorms 10:30pm Lights Out Dorms 11:45-12:15pm Lunch Rink Main Lounge 10:30pm Lights Out Coach Paul Jerrard Team Leader Tyler Lewis 24 2014 USA Hockey Central District Bantam Select Camp – Policies & Procedures Manual USA Hockey Bantam Camp June 15th-20th Team D - Gold Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Time Activity Place Time Activity Place Time Activity Place Time Activity Place Time Activity Place Time Activity Place 2:00-4:00pm Player Gear Check-In All 6:45-7:00am Wake Up Dorms 7:05-7:20am Wake Up Dorms 6:45-7:00am Wake Up Dorms 7:05-7:20am Wake Up Dorms 7:30-7:45am Wake Up Dorms All 7:00-7:30am Breakfast Dorms 7:30-8:00am Breakfast Dorms 7:00-7:30am Breakfast Dorms 7:30-8:00am Breakfast Dorms 7:45-8:15am Breakfast Dorms Transit 8:15am Bus Transit 8:15am Bus Transit 9:30-10:30am S&C Rink 10:20-11:35am Game 2: B vs. D Rink @ Ames/ISU Ice Arena 3:00-5:00pm Player Check-In @ MWL Residence Hall 5:30-6:15pm Dinner All 8:00am Bus Transit 8:15am Bus Transit 7:40am Bus 7:00-8:00pm Activity All 8:15-9:15am S&C Rink 9:30-10:30am S&C Rink 8:15-9:30am Practice 1: D - F Rink 8:30pm Meeting @ Willow All 9:40-10:55am Practice 2: C - D Rink All 11:30-12:00pm Lunch 12:30-1:30pm Lecture 1:55-3:10pm 11:05-12:20am Practice 3: A - D Rink 10:30-11:30am S&C Rink 11:05-12:20am Practice 3: D - E Rink Rink 1:00-1:30pm Lunch Rink 11:30-12:00pm Lunch Rink 1:00-1:30pm Lunch Rink Igloo Room 2:00-3:00pm Lecture Igloo Room 12:30-1:45pm Game 1: D vs. F Rink 2:00-3:00pm Lecture Igloo Room Game 2: C vs. D Rink 3:20-4:35pm Game 3: A vs. D Rink 3:00-4:00pm Lecture Igloo Room 3:20-4:35pm Game 3: D vs. E Rink 4:45pm Bus Transit 5:00pm Bus Transit 4:30pm Bus Transit 5:00pm Bus Transit 5:00-5:30pm Dinner Dorms 5:30-6:00pm Dinner Dorms 5:00-5:30pm Dinner Dorms 5:30-6:00pm Dinner Dorms 7:00-8:30pm Activity Dorms 7:00-8:30pm Activity Dorms 7:00-8:30pm Activity Dorms 7:00-8:30pm Activity Dorms 9:00-10:00pm Free Time Dorms 9:00-10:00pm Free Time Dorms 9:00-10:00pm Free Time Dorms 9:00-10:00pm Free Time Dorms 10:30pm Lights Out Dorms 10:30pm Lights Out Dorms 10:30pm Lights Out Dorms 10:30pm Lights Out Dorms 11:45-12:15pm Lunch Rink Main Lounge 10:30pm Lights Out Coach Glenn Detulleo Team Leader Jacob Stephan 25 2014 USA Hockey Central District Bantam Select Camp – Policies & Procedures Manual USA Hockey Bantam Camp June 15th-20th Team E - Green Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Time Activity Place Time Activity Place Time Activity Place Time Activity Place Time Activity Place Time Activity Place 2:00-4:00pm Player Gear Check-In All 7:05-7:20am Wake Up Dorms 6:45-7:00am Wake Up Dorms 6:45-7:00am Wake Up Dorms 7:05-7:20am Wake Up Dorms 7:00-7:15am Wake Up Dorms All 7:30-8:00am Breakfast Dorms 7:00-7:30am Breakfast Dorms 7:00-7:30am Breakfast Dorms 7:30-8:00am Breakfast Dorms 7:15-7:45am Breakfast Dorms Transit 8:00am Bus Transit 8:15am Bus Transit 8:00am Bus Transit 8:15-9:15am S&C Rink 9:30-10:30am S&C Rink 8:55-10:10pm Game 1: C vs. E Rink Practice 2: A - E Rink @ Ames/ISU Ice Arena 3:00-5:00pm Player Check-In @ MWL Residence Hall 5:30-6:15pm Dinner All 8:15am Bus Transit 7:40am Bus 7:00-8:00pm Activity All 9:30-10:30am S&C Rink 8:15-9:30am Practice 1: B - E Rink 8:30pm Meeting @ Willow All 11:05-12:20am Practice 3: E - F Rink 10:30-11:30am S&C Rink 9:40-10:55am 10:30pm Lights Out All 1:00-1:30pm Lunch Rink 11:30-12:00pm Lunch Rink 11:30-12:00pm Lunch Rink 1:00-1:30pm Lunch Rink 2:00-3:00pm Lecture Igloo Room 12:30-1:45pm Game 1: B vs. E Rink 12:30-1:30pm Lecture Igloo Room 2:00-3:00pm Lecture Igloo Room 3:20-4:35pm Game 3: E vs. F Rink 3:00-4:00pm Lecture Igloo Room 1:55-3:10pm Game 2: A vs. E Rink 3:20-4:35pm Game 3: D vs. E Rink 5:00pm Bus Transit 4:30pm Bus Transit 4:45pm Bus Transit 5:00pm Bus Transit 5:30-6:00pm Dinner Dorms 5:00-5:30pm Dinner Dorms 5:30-6:00pm Dinner Dorms 5:30-6:00pm Dinner Dorms 7:00-8:30pm Activity Dorms 7:00-8:30pm Activity Dorms 7:00-8:30pm Activity Dorms 7:00-8:30pm Activity Dorms 9:00-10:00pm Free Time Dorms 9:00-10:00pm Free Time Dorms 9:00-10:00pm Free Time Dorms 9:00-10:00pm Free Time Dorms 10:30pm Lights Out Dorms 10:30pm Lights Out Dorms 10:30pm Lights Out Dorms 10:30pm Lights Out Dorms 11:05-12:30am Practice 3: D - E Rink 11:45-12:15pm Lunch Rink Main Lounge Coach Tony Renlund Team Leader Garrett Cecere 26 2014 USA Hockey Central District Bantam Select Camp – Policies & Procedures Manual USA Hockey Bantam Camp June 15th-20th Team F - Black Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Time Activity Place Time Activity Place Time Activity Place Time Activity Place Time Activity Place Time Activity Place 2:00-4:00pm Player Gear Check-In All 7:05-7:20am Wake Up Dorms 6:45-7:00am Wake Up Dorms 6:45-7:00am Wake Up Dorms 6:45-7:00am Wake Up Dorms 7:30-7:45am Wake Up Dorms All 7:30-8:00am Breakfast Dorms 7:00-7:30am Breakfast Dorms 7:00-7:30am Breakfast Dorms 7:00-7:30am Breakfast Dorms 7:45-8:15am Breakfast Dorms Transit 7:40am Bus Transit 8:30am Bus Transit 8:15-9:30am Practice 1: B - F Rink 11:45-1:00pm Game 3: A vs. F Rink 1:15-1:45pm Lunch @ Ames/ISU Ice Arena 3:00-5:00pm Player Check-In @ MWL Residence Hall 5:30-6:15pm Dinner All 8:15am Bus Transit 8:00am Bus Transit 7:40am Bus 6:30-8:15pm Activity All 9:30-10:30am S&C Rink 8:15-9:15am S&C Rink 8:15-9:30am Practice 1: D - F Rink 8:30pm Meeting @ Willow All 11:05-12:20am Practice 3: E - F Rink 9:40-10:55am Practice 2: C - F Rink 10:30pm Lights Out All 1:00-1:30pm Lunch Rink 11:30-12:30pm Lunch 2:00-3:00pm Lecture Igloo Room 12:30-1:30pm Lecture 3:20-4:35pm Game 3: E vs. F Rink 1:55-3:10pm 5:00pm Bus Transit 5:30-6:00pm Dinner 7:00-8:30pm 10:30-11:30am S&C Rink 10:30-11:30am S&C Rink Rink 11:30-12:00pm Lunch Rink 11:30-12:00pm Lunch Rink Igloo Room 12:30-1:45pm Game 1: D vs. F Rink 12:30-1:45pm Game 1: B vs. F Rink Game 2: C vs. F Rink 3:00-4:00pm Lecture Igloo Room 3:00-4:00pm Lecture Igloo-Rink 4:45pm Bus Transit 4:30pm Bus Transit 4:30pm Bus Transit Dorms 5:30-6:00pm Dinner Dorms 5:00-5:30pm Dinner Dorms 5:00-5:30pm Dinner Dorms Activity Dorms 7:00-8:30pm Activity Dorms 7:00-8:30pm Activity Dorms 7:00-8:30pm Activity Dorms 9:00-10:00pm Free Time Dorms 9:00-10:00pm Free Time Dorms 9:00-10:00pm Free Time Dorms 9:00-10:00pm Free Time Dorms 10:30pm Lights Out Dorms 10:30pm Lights Out Dorms 10:30pm Lights Out Dorms 10:30pm Lights Out Dorms Rink Main Lounge Coach Rene Cranston Team Leader Zach Kennedy 27 2014 USA Hockey Central District Bantam Select Camp – Policies & Procedures Manual USA Hockey Bantam Camp June 15th-20th Officials Sunday Monday Time Activity 2:00-3:00pm Officials Gear Check-In Arena 7:10-7:45am Place Time 3:00-5:00pm Officials Check-In @ Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Activity Place Time Activity Place Time Activity Place Time Activity Place Time Activity Place S&C Ice Arena 7:10-7:45am S&C Ice Arena 7:10-7:45am S&C Ice Arena 7:10-7:45am S&C Ice Arena 7:10-7:45am Ice Session Ice Arena Dorms 7:45-8:05am Ice Session Ice Arena 7:45-8:05am Ice Session Ice Arena 7:45-8:05am Ice Session Ice Arena 7:45-8:05am Ice Session Ice Arena 7:45-8:05am Ice Session Ice Arena MWL 8:05-9:15am Breakfast MWL 8:05-9:15am Breakfast MWL 8:05-9:15am Breakfast MWL 8:05-9:15am Breakfast MWL 8:00-9:00am Breakfast MWL Classroom IED 2 101 9:30-11:30am Classroom IED 2 101 9:30-11:30am Classroom IED 2 101 9:30-11:30am Classroom IED 2 101 8:55-10:10am Game 1 Ice Arena @ Ames/ISU Ice Arena MWL Residence Hall 5:30-6:15pm Dinner Seasons Dining Room 6:30-8:15pm Classroom IED2 9:30-11:30am 8:30pm Meeting @ Willow Dorms 11:30-12:30pm Lunch Ice Arena 11:30-12:30pm Lunch Ice Arena 11:30-12:30pm Lunch Ice Arena 11:30-12:30pm Lunch Ice Arena 10:20-11:35am Game 2 Ice Arena 12:30-1:45pm Game 1 Ice Arena 12:30-1:45pm Game 1 Ice Arena 12:30-1:45pm Game 1 Ice Arena 12:30-1:45pm Game 1 Ice Arena 11:45-1:00pm Game 3 Ice Arena 1:55-3:10pm Game 2 Ice Arena 1:55-3:10pm Game 2 Ice Arena 1:55-3:10pm Game 2 Ice Arena 1:55-3:10pm Game 2 Ice Arena 1:30-2:00pm Classroom IED 2 101 3:20-4:35pm Game 3 Ice Arena 3:20-4:35pm Game 3 Ice Arena 3:20-4:35pm Game 3 Ice Arena 3:20-4:35pm Game 3 Ice Arena 2:00-4:00pm Office Hours IED 2 101 Main Lounge (Exit Meetings) 5:00-6:00pm Dinner MWL 5:00-6:00pm Dinner MWL 5:00-6:00pm Dinner MWL 5:00-6:00pm Dinner MWL 6:30-8:30pm Classroom IED 2 101 6:30-8:30pm Classroom IED 2 101 6:30-8:30pm Classroom IED 2 101 6:30-8:30pm Classroom IED 2 101 9:00-10:00pm Ice Session Ice Arena 9:00-10:00pm Ice Session Ice Arena 9:00-10:00pm Ice Session Ice Arena 9:00-10:00pm Ice Session Ice Arena 28 2014 USA Hockey Central District Bantam Select Camp – Policies & Procedures Manual 2014 USA Hockey Central District Bantam Select Camp Bus Transportation Schedule Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Time 7:40 AM 8:00 AM 8:15 AM 4:30 PM 4:45 PM 5:00 PM 7:40AM 8:00 AM 8:15 AM 4:30 PM 4:45 PM 5:00 PM 7:40 AM 8:00 AM 8:15 AM 4:30 PM 4:45 PM 5:00 PM 7:40 AM 8:00 AM 8:15 AM 4:30 PM 4:45 PM 5:00 PM 8:00 AM 8:15 AM 8:30 AM Pick Up Dorms Dorms Dorms Rink Rink Rink Dorms Dorms Dorms Rink Rink Rink Dorms Dorms Dorms Rink Rink Rink Dorms Dorms Dorms Rink Rink Rink Dorms Dorms Dorms Drop Off Rink Rink Rink Dorms Dorms Dorms Rink Rink Rink Dorms Dorms Dorms Rink Rink Rink Dorms Dorms Dorms Rink Rink Rink Dorms Dorms Dorms Rink Rink Rink Teams A-B C-D E-F A-B C-D E-F B-E C-F A-D B-E C-F A-D D-F A-E B-C D-F A-E B-C B-F A-C D-E B-F A-C D-E C-E B-D A-F 29 2014 USA Hockey Central District Bantam Select Camp – Policies & Procedures Manual 2014 USA Hockey Central District Bantam Select Camp On-Ice Practice & Game Schedule Day Time Function Teams Day Time Function Teams Monday 8:15-9:30am 9:30-9:40am Practice 1 Ice Cut A-B 8:15-9:30am 9:30-9:40am Practice 1 Ice Cut B-F 9:40-10:55am 10:55-11:05am Practice 2 Ice Cut C-D 9:40-10:55am 10:55-11:05am Practice 2 Ice Cut A-C 11:05-12:20am 12:20-12:30pm Practice 3 Ice Cut E-F 11:05-12:20am 12:20-12:30pm Practice 3 Ice Cut D-E 12:30-1:45pm 1:45-1:55pm Game 1 Ice Cut A-B 12:30-1:45pm 1:45-1:55pm Game 1 Ice Cut B-F 1:55-3:10pm 3:10-3:20pm Game 2 Ice Cut C-D 1:55-3:10pm 3:10-3:20pm Game 2 Ice Cut A-C 3:20-4:35pm 8:15-9:30am Game 3 Practice 1 E-F B-E 3:20-4:35pm 8:55-10:10am Game 3 Game 1 D-E C-E 9:30-9:40am 9:40-10:55am Ice Cut Practice 2 C-F 10:10-10:20am 10:20-11:35am Ice Cut Game 2 B-D 10:55-11:05am 11:05-12:20am Ice Cut Practice 3 A-D 11:35-11:45pm 11:45-1:00am Ice Cut Game 3 A-F 12:20-12:30pm 12:30-1:45pm Ice Cut Game 1 B-E 1:45-1:55pm 1:55-3:10pm Ice Cut Game 2 C-F 3:10-3:20pm 3:20-4:35pm Ice Cut Game 3 A-D 8:15-9:30am 9:30-9:40am Practice 1 Ice Cut D-F 9:40-10:55am 10:55-11:05am Practice 2 Ice Cut A-E 11:05-12:20pm 12:20-12:30am Practice 3 Ice Cut B-C 12:30-1:45pm 1:45-1:55pm Game 1 Ice Cut D-F 1:55-3:10pm 3:10-3:20pm Game 2 Ice Cut A-E 3:20-4:35pm Game 3 B-C Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 30 2014 USA Hockey Central District Bantam Select Camp – Policies & Procedures Manual 2014 USA Hockey Central District Bantam Camp Strength & Conditioning Schedule Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Time 8:15-9:15 AM 9:30-10:30 AM 10:30-11:30 AM 8:15-9:15 AM 9:30-10:30 AM 10:30-11:30 AM 8:15-9:15 AM 9:30-10:30 AM 10:30-11:30 AM 8:15-9:15 AM 9:30-10:30 AM 10:30-11:30 AM Location Rink Rink Rink Rink Rink Rink Rink Rink Rink Rink Rink Rink Teams C-D E-F A-B C-F A-D B-E A-E B-C D-F A-C D-E B-F 31 2014 USA Hockey Central District Bantam Select Camp – Policies & Procedures Manual 2014 USA Hockey Central District Bantam Camp Lecture Schedule Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Time 12:30-1:30 PM 2:00-3:00 PM 3:00-4:00 PM 12:30-1:30 PM 2:00-3:00 PM 3:00-4:00 PM 12:30-1:30 PM 2:00-3:00 PM 3:00-4:00 PM 12:30-1:30 PM 2:00-3:00 PM 3:00-4:00 PM Location Igloo Room Igloo Room Igloo Room Igloo Room Igloo Room Igloo Room Igloo Room Igloo Room Igloo Room Igloo Room Igloo Room Igloo Room Teams C-D E-F A-B C-F A-D B-E A-E B-C D-F A-C D-E B-F 32 2014 USA Hockey Central District Bantam Select Camp – Policies & Procedures Manual 2014 USA Hockey Central District Bantam Camp Residence Hall - Dining Schedule (Breakfast & Dinner) Day Sunday Time 5:30-6:15PM Location Dinner Teams ALL Monday 7:00-7:30 AM 7:30-8:00 AM 5:00-5:30 PM 5:30-6:00 PM 7:00-7:30 AM 7:30-8:00 AM 5:00-5:30 PM 5:30-6:00 PM 7:00-7:30 AM 7:30-8:00 AM 5:00-5:30 PM 5:30-6:00 PM 7:00-7:30 AM 7:30-8:00 AM 5:00-5:30 PM 5:30-6:00 PM 7:15-7:45 AM 7:45-8:15 AM Breakfast Breakfast Dinner Dinner Breakfast Breakfast Dinner Dinner Breakfast Breakfast Dinner Dinner Breakfast Breakfast Dinner Dinner Breakfast Breakfast A-B, C-D E-F A, B, C D, E, F B-E, C-F A-D B, E, F A, C, D D-F, A-E B-C D, E, F A, B, C B-F, A-C D-E B, C, F A, D, E C-E B-D, A-F Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 33 2014 USA Hockey Central District Bantam Select Camp – Policies & Procedures Manual 2014 USA Hockey Central District Bantam Camp Lunch Schedule (Served at Arena) Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Time 11:30-12:00 PM 1:00-1:30 PM 11:30-12:00 PM 1:00-1:30 PM 11:30-12:00 PM 1:00-1:30 PM 11:30-12:00 PM 1:00-1:30 PM 11:30-12:00 PM 1:15-1:45 PM Location Arena Arena Arena Arena Arena Arena Arena Arena Arena Arena Teams A-B, C-D E-F B-E, C-F A-D D-F, A-E B-C B-F, A-C D-E C-E, B-D A-F 34 2014 USA Hockey Central District Bantam Select Camp – Policies & Procedures Manual 2014 USA Hockey Central District Bantam Camp Officials Meal Schedule Day Sunday Time 5:30-6:15PM Meal Dinner Location MWL Monday 8:05-9:15 AM 11:30-12:30 PM 5:00-6:00 PM Breakfast Lunch Dinner MWL Rink MWL Tuesday 8:05-9:15 AM 11:30-12:30 PM 5:00-6:00 PM Breakfast Lunch Dinner MWL Rink MWL Wednesday 8:05-9:15 AM 11:30-12:30 PM 5:00-6:00 PM Breakfast Lunch Dinner MWL Rink MWL Thursday 8:05-9:15 AM 11:30-12:30 PM 5:00-6:00 PM Breakfast Lunch Dinner MWL Rink MWL Friday 8:05-9:00 AM Breakfast MWL 35 2014 USA Hockey Central District Bantam Select Camp – Policies & Procedures Manual 2014 USA Hockey Central District Bantam Camp Officials Classroom Schedule Day Monday Time 9:30-11:30 AM Location Industrial Ed II 101 Tuesday 6:30-8:30 PM 9:30-11:30 AM Industrial Ed II 101 Industrial Ed II 101 Wednesday 6:30-8:30 PM 9:30-11:30 AM Industrial Ed II 101 Industrial Ed II 101 Thursday 6:30-8:30 PM 9:30-11:30 AM Industrial Ed II 101 Industrial Ed II 101 6:30-8:30 PM Industrial Ed II 101 Teams Friday- Classroom will be from 1:30-2:00 pm followed by exit interviews from 2:00-4:00 pm at the Industrial Education II room 101. 36 2014 USA Hockey Central District Bantam Select Camp – Policies & Procedures Manual 2014 USA Hockey Central District Bantam Camp Officials Strength & Conditioning Schedule Day Monday Time 7:10-7:45 AM Location Rink Tuesday 7:10-7:45 AM Rink Wednesday 7:10-7:45 AM Rink Thursday 7:10-7:45 AM Rink Friday 7:10-7:45 AM Rink Teams 37 2014 USA Hockey Central District Bantam Select Camp – Policies & Procedures Manual USA Hockey Suggested Evening Activities Basketball: There are basketball courts south of the Towers Residence Hall. Soccer: There are soccer fields to the East of Towers Residence Hall and North of the parking lots. Just across Mortensen Road is an open grass field to play soccer on. There are also soccer fields closer to the dorms. The Maple-Willow-Larch fields are to the East of BirchWelch-Roberts. Speedball: Utilize the same spaces for speedball as soccer. Frisbee: Can be played in the Ames/ISU Ice Arena or in the previously stated fields. Bowling: There is bowling at the Memorial Union There are 4 walking tours that we recommend if you would like to see what the Iowa State Campus has to offer: Welch Ave. Walking Tour Central Campus Walking Tour Iowa State Center Walking Tour Cross-Country Course and Athletic Complex Walking Tour 38 2014 USA Hockey Central District Bantam Select Camp – Policies & Procedures Manual Team A (Red) - Locker Room #2 #/POS 1/G 35/G 2/D 3/D 4/D 5/D 6/D 7/D 8/F 9/F 10/F 11/F 12/F 13/F 14/F 15/F 16/F Coach – Doug Dietz (Merrill 200) Team Leader – Rhodes Dolan (Merrill 216) Name Building/House Alex Henson Nathan Reid Brady Smith Hunter Mueller Michael Farrandino Ian Gindhart Matthew Allen Adam Steinwold Clark Kerner Josh Bohlin Tyler Carpenter Trevor White Jacob Felker Luke House Zachary Levy Jack Michels Jacob McGlynn Linden/Merrill Linden/Merrill Linden/Merrill Linden/Merrill Linden/Merrill Linden/Merrill Linden/Merrill Linden/Merrill Linden/Merrill Linden/Merrill Linden/Merrill Linden/Merrill Linden/Merrill Linden/Merrill Linden/Merrill Linden/Merrill Linden/Merrill Room # 201 201 202 202 204 204 206 206 208 208 210 210 212 212 214 214 225 Team B (White) - Locker Room #2 #/POS 1/G 35/G 2/D 3/D 4/D 5/D 6/D 7/D 8/F 9/F 10/F 11/F 12/F 13/F 14/F 15/F 16/F Coach – Brandon Clark Team Leader – Patrick Grasso (Merrill 216) Name Building/House Linden/Merrill Nicholas Grabko Linden/Merrill Brendan Rasch Linden/Merrill Ty Emberson Linden/Merrill Ethan Rodriguez Linden/Merrill Zachary Wilson Linden/Merrill Calvin Dybicz Linden/Merrill Jacob Lefton Linden/Merrill Martin Moioffer Linden/Merrill Logan Will Linden/Merrill Kyler Grundy Linden/Merrill John Conroy Linden/Merrill Zach Dubinsky Linden/Merrill Alec Floyd Linden/Merrill Trenton Tucker Linden/Merrill Grant Kleinschmidt Linden/Merrill Michael Gebhardt Linden/Merrill Michael Urtis Room # 227 227 231 231 233 233 236 236 237 237 238 238 239 239 240 240 225 39 2014 USA Hockey Central District Bantam Select Camp – Policies & Procedures Manual Team C (Blue) - Locker Room #3 #/POS 1/G 35/G 2/D 3/D 4/D 5/D 6/D 7/D 8/F 9/F 10/F 11/F 12/F 13/F 14/F 15/F 16/F Coach – Paul Jerrard (Merrill 229) Team Leader – Tyler Lewis (Merrill 241) Name Building/House Caleb Sauer Jack Faulkner Coltan Wilkie Jacob Berdal Connor Bradley Connor Mccue Maximillian Techel Thomas Breshingham Jack Randl Hutson Collins Gabriel Schwartz Andrew Seaman Sam Renlund Jake Osiecki Maxwell Diesing Garrett Dahm Corey Stormer Linden/Merrill Linden/Merrill Linden/Merrill Linden/Merrill Linden/Merrill Linden/Merrill Linden/Brandt Linden/Brandt Linden/Brandt Linden/Brandt Linden/Brandt Linden/Brandt Linden/Brandt Linden/Brandt Linden/Brandt Linden/Brandt Linden/Brandt Room # 242 242 243 243 244 244 246 246 248 248 250 250 251 251 252 252 253 Team D (Gold) - Locker Room #3 #/POS 1/G 35/G 2/D 3/D 4/D 5/D 6/D 7/D 8/F 9/F 10/F 11/F 12/F 13/F 14/F 15/F 16/F Coach – Glenn Detulleo (Merrill 229) Team Leader – Jacob Stephan (Merrill 241) Name Building/House Linden/Brandt Trevor Smith Linden/Brandt Chase Johnson Linden/Brandt Christian Berger Linden/Brandt Mason Smith Linden/Brandt Joshua Berg Linden/Brandt Anthony Follmer Linden/Brandt Robby Hatch Linden/Brandt Colin Stein Linden/Brandt Ryan Roth Linden/Brandt John Drury Linden/Brandt Connor Caponi Linden/Brandt Payton Siemer Linden/Brandt Ryan Dacks Linden/Brandt Zachary Welsch Linden/Brandt Austin Stensby Linden/Brandt Keelan Golat Linden/Brandt Ben Zacho Room # 255 255 259 259 261 261 263 263 265 265 267 267 274 274 276 276 253 40 2014 USA Hockey Central District Bantam Select Camp – Policies & Procedures Manual Team E (Green) - Locker Room #4 #/POS 1/G 35/G 2/D 3/D 4/D 5/D 6/D 7/D 8/F 9/F 10/F 11/F 12/F 13/F 14/F 15/F 16/F Coach – Tony Renlund (Brandt 254) Team Leader – Garrett Cecere (Brandt 282) Name Building/House Andrew Beran Miles Corrigan Will Brown Hayden Clark Isaac Gilbert Christian Harkins Alexander Murray John Crawcroft Justin Engelkes Philippe Lapointe George Marty Cole Rogers Jozef Martancik Van Kraemer Jason Tynan Max Zingler Tristan Hughes Linden/Brandt Linden/Brandt Linden/Brandt Linden/Brandt Linden/Brandt Linden/Brandt Linden/Brandt Linden/Brandt Linden/Brandt Linden/Brandt Linden/Brandt Linden/Brandt Linden/Brandt Linden/Brandt Linden/Brandt Linden/Brandt Linden/Brandt Room # 278 278 280 280 288 288 290 290 291 291 292 292 294 294 295 295 284 Team F (Black) - Locker Room #4 #/POS 1/G 35/G 2/D 3/D 4/D 5/D 6/D 7/D 8/F 9/F 10/F 11/F 12/F 13/F 14/F 15/F 16/F 17/F Coach – Rene Cranston (Brandt 252 Team Leader – Zach Kennedy (Brandt 282) Name Building/House Linden/Brandt Nikolas Manetas Linden/Brandt Trevor Hudecek Linden/Brandt Nathan Brown Linden/Brandt Brennan Couet Linden/Brandt Levi Wright Linden/Brandt Hunter Carrick Linden/Brandt Will Spitzer Linden/Brandt Robby Drazner Linden/Brandt Blais Richartz Linden/Brandt Jesse Lowell Linden/Brandt Corey Evers Linden/Brandt Blake Hutton Linden/Brandt McKade Webster Linden/Brandt Parker Storck Linden/Brandt Kacper Ryba Linden/Brandt Noah Watkins Linden/Brandt Cade Cavallini Linden/Brandt Brian Silver Room # 369 374 374 378 378 382 382 384 388 388 391 391 392 392 394 394 284 284 41 2014 USA Hockey Central District Bantam Select Camp – Policies & Procedures Manual Officials – ISU Women’s Locker Room Note Name Samuel Sextro Nick Cristan Cory Lamasky Cody Lytle Christopher Monzel John Metz Cody Clark Anthony Vikhter Mitchel Wilert Joshua Katsimpalis Zachary Wolff Peter Jenkin Stephen Feurer Shane Gustafson Curtis Saunders Kathryn Glover Madison Scherban Building/House Linden/Sullivan Linden/Sullivan Linden/Sullivan Linden/Sullivan Linden/Sullivan Linden/Sullivan Linden/Sullivan Linden/Sullivan Linden/Sullivan Linden/Sullivan Linden/Sullivan Linden/Sullivan Linden/Sullivan Linden/Sullivan Linden/Sullivan Linden/Stewart Linden/Stewart Room # 345 345 345 350 350 351 351 352 352 353 353 354 354 357 357 300 300 Officials – ISU Women’s Locker Room Note Name Bob Cunningham Stephen Reneau Justin Hedland Dave Shaneman Building/House Room # Linden/Sullivan Linden/Sullivan Linden/Sullivan Linden/Sullivan 363 346 346 348 42 2014 USA Hockey Central District Bantam Select Camp – Policies & Procedures Manual 2014 CENTRAL DISTRICT OFFICIALS CAMP PARTICIPANTS CODE OF CONDUCT IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY RULES AND REGULATIONS The Iowa State University facilities are for and limited to the purpose of providing adequate housing, meals and recreation for registered camp participants. There are no housing facilities for friends, wives, husbands, parents and pets. Rooms are to remain as they are set up. Do not move furniture to other rooms. Alcoholic beverages on the premises are strictly prohibited. Violation of this policy will result in dismissal from the Camp. Participants must show respect for the facilities and the Iowa State University Staff at all times. Please remember that we are their guests. USA HOCKEY RULES AND REGULATIONS We ask that you consider your selection to participate in this seminar as an honor and privilege and to conduct yourself accordingly. Be alert to all instructions given both on and off the ice. Be courteous at all times. Tardiness to any seminar function will not be tolerated. We ask that all participants wear the clothing provided when possible. Please wear your nametag during all on-ice and off-ice functions. We ask that all participants avoid wearing hats while in the dining area or any other public building. No chewing tobacco during any classroom, ice session or while in any campus facility. Any disrespect displayed toward any instructor or other participant may result in immediate dismissal from the camp. The curfew on noise is 10:30 PM. In consideration of others, please observe quiet hours on housing floors. The curfew is 10:30 PM. Any action that, in the opinion of the Camp Director and the staff, is deemed to be detrimental to the wellbeing of the program, may result in suspension or dismissal from this camp (under these circumstances, transportation home would be at the officials own expense), and may affect the individual's eligibility for future USA Hockey programs. This includes the use and/or possession of non-prescription drugs. All participants are prohibited from visiting drinking establishments during the camp. Please do not wear any USA Hockey clothing when visiting restaurants, shopping centers, etc., during free time. 43 2014 USA Hockey Central District Bantam Select Camp – Policies & Procedures Manual USA HOCKEY CENTRAL DISTRICT OFFICIALS CAMP 2014 – Ames, Iowa PARTICIPANT EVALUATION OF CAMP RATING: (5) EXCELLENT (4) GOOD (3) FAIR (2) POOR (1) UNSATISFACT. COMMENTS: CAMPUS FACILITIES ( ) _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ INSTRUCTORS ( ) _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ ARENA SESSIONS (content) ( ) _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ CLASSROOM SESSIONS (content) ( ) _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ INFORMAL SESSIONS ( ) _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ 44 2014 USA Hockey Central District Bantam Select Camp – Policies & Procedures Manual MEALS ( ) _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ CRITIQUE SYSTEM ( ) _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ ORGANIZATION & PRESENTATION ( ) _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ OTHER ( ) _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ OVERALL RATING ( ) _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ 45 2014 USA Hockey Central District Bantam Select Camp – Policies & Procedures Manual 46
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