UK Product Manual 2014 The Chemical Company General Information BASF CROP PROTECTION EMERGENCY PROCEDURES In the event of an emergency involving a BASF crop protection product telephone: 0049 180 2273 112 (24 hours) Specialist advice on any incident can also be obtained from the National Chemical Emergency Centre: 01865 407333 (24 hours) Medical advice for Doctors can be obtained from the National Poisons Information Service. National Poisons Information Service BELFAST Royal Victoria Hospital Grosvenor Road Belfast BT12 6BA 02890 240503 BIRMINGHAM City Hospital Dudley Road Birmingham B18 7QH Tel: 0121 554 3801 Fax: 0121 507 5580 CARDIFF Llandough Hospital Penarth Cardiff CF64 2XX 029 2071 5554 EDINBURGH Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh 51 Little France Crescent Edinburgh EH16 4SA Tel: 0131 242 1381/1383 24hr Advice Line: 0844 892 0111 LONDON Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital Trust London SE14 5ER 020 7188 7188 NEWCASTLE Wolfson Unit, Claremont Place Tel: 0191 260 6180 Newcastle-upon-Tyne Fax: 0191 260 6191 NE2 4HH poisons.html You can view/download copies of all BASF compatibilities, product labels, safety data sheets, environmental information sheets and product/crop information at: 1 General Information 2 GENERAL Page No Emergency Procedures and National Poisons Information Service ......................1 A-C Adexar® ............................................................................................................. 7 Alert® ............................................................................................................... 13 Aramo® ............................................................................................................ 23 Auxiliary ........................................................................................................... 33 Basagran® SG ................................................................................................. 39 Bassoon® EC ................................................................................................... 55 Bellis® .............................................................................................................. 61 Boomerang® ................................................................................................. 383 Brutus® ........................................................................................................... 65 Butisan® S ....................................................................................................... 71 Canopy® .......................................................................................................... 83 Capalo® ........................................................................................................... 87 Caramba® 90 ................................................................................................. 577 Caryx® ............................................................................................................. 93 Ceriax®............................................................................................................. 99 3C Chlormequat 720 ...................................................................................... 105 3C Chlormequat 750 ...................................................................................... 113 Chord® .......................................................................................................... 121 Chronicle® .................................................................................................... 453 Cleranda® ..................................................................................................... 127 Comet® 200 ................................................................................................... 137 Compass® ..................................................................................................... 143 Contest® ........................................................................................................ 149 Corbel® .......................................................................................................... 159 Covershield® ................................................................................................. 165 Crystal®.......................................................................................................... 171 Cyclade® ........................................................................................................ 179 The (COSHH) Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations may apply to the use of these products at work. 3 Contents Contents Contents D-N Dash™ HC ..................................................................................................... 185 Diablo® ......................................................................................................... 189 Diamant® ...................................................................................................... 195 Dithianon Flowable™ ..................................................................................... 201 Dithianon WG ................................................................................................. 207 Elk® ................................................................................................................ 509 Ennobe®......................................................................................................... 213 Enterprise®..................................................................................................... 219 Envoy® ........................................................................................................... 225 Epona®........................................................................................................... 231 Fiesta® T ........................................................................................................ 237 Filan® ............................................................................................................. 243 Flexity® .......................................................................................................... 249 Flyer® ............................................................................................................. 255 Galivor®.......................................................................................................... 261 Gemstone® ................................................................................................... 269 Highgate® ...................................................................................................... 603 Imtrex® .......................................................................................................... 277 Invader® ......................................................................................................... 283 Jenton® ......................................................................................................... 291 Jockey® ........................................................................................................ 297 Juventus® ..................................................................................................... 577 Katamaran® Turbo......................................................................................... 509 Kingdom® ..................................................................................................... 219 Kinto® ............................................................................................................ 303 Kumulus® DF ................................................................................................. 309 Laser® ............................................................................................................ 315 Librax® ........................................................................................................... 325 Maccani® ....................................................................................................... 331 Mantra®.......................................................................................................... 337 Masai® ........................................................................................................... 343 Meteor® ......................................................................................................... 351 Muntjac® ....................................................................................................... 537 Nebula® XL .................................................................................................... 355 New 5C Cycocel®.......................................................................................... 361 Nimbus® CS ................................................................................................. 369 Nirvana®......................................................................................................... 377 Novall® ........................................................................................................... 383 The (COSHH) Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations may apply to the use of these products at work. 4 Contents O-Z Opera® ........................................................................................................... 389 Opus® Team .................................................................................................. 395 Orient® ........................................................................................................... 401 Oryx® ............................................................................................................. 407 Osiris® P ........................................................................................................ 413 Paraat® .......................................................................................................... 419 Percos®.......................................................................................................... 483 PDM® 330 EC................................................................................................ 425 Pexan® ........................................................................................................... 447 Picona® .......................................................................................................... 453 PicoPro® ........................................................................................................ 453 PicoMax® ....................................................................................................... 453 Poraz®............................................................................................................ 461 Pyramin® DF .................................................................................................. 469 Regalis® ........................................................................................................ 479 Resplend®...................................................................................................... 483 Rovral® AquaFlo ........................................................................................... 489 Rovral® WG ................................................................................................... 495 Scala® ........................................................................................................... 503 Shadow® ...................................................................................................... 509 Shooter® ........................................................................................................ 171 Sienna® .......................................................................................................... 519 Signum® ....................................................................................................... 527 Springbok® .................................................................................................... 537 Stomp® Aqua ............................................................................................... 545 Stroby® WG ................................................................................................... 567 Stronghold® ................................................................................................... 573 Sunorg® Pro ................................................................................................ 577 Swing® Gold .................................................................................................. 585 Takron® .......................................................................................................... 591 Tectura®......................................................................................................... 603 Terpal® ........................................................................................................... 609 Tracker® ......................................................................................................... 617 Trooper® ........................................................................................................ 171 Tucana® ......................................................................................................... 255 Vivid® ............................................................................................................. 255 Vixen® ........................................................................................................... 623 Vortex™ .......................................................................................................... 631 Walabi® .......................................................................................................... 637 Whistle® ........................................................................................................ 121 Wing-P® ......................................................................................................... 643 The (COSHH) Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations may apply to the use of these products at work. 5 Contents Zampro® DM ................................................................................................. 483 APPENDICES Appendix 1 Appendix 2 Appendix 3 Page No Soil Classification ..................................................................... 651 Safety to Bees .......................................................................... 655 Revised Guidelines for Preventing and Managing Herbicide-resistant Grass-weeds ........................... 657 TRADEMARKS Acknowledgements ........................................................................................ 665 All product labels are compliant with the CPA Voluntary Initiative Guidance The (COSHH) Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations may apply to the use of these products at work. 6 Adexar® F FUNGICIDE MAPP No. 15474 Use: A systemic fungicide for use in winter wheat, spring wheat, durum wheat, winter barley, spring barley, triticale, rye and oats. Formulation: An emulsifiable concentrate containing 62.5 g/litre (6% w/w) epoxiconazole and 62.5 g/litre (6% w/w) fluxapyroxad. Pack size: 10 litres in outers of 2 Recommended Crops: Winter and spring wheat Rye Triticale Durum wheat Winter and spring barley Oats Maximum Individual Dose: 2.0 litres of product per hectare Maximum Number of Treatments: Two per crop Latest Time of Application: Winter and spring wheat Rye Triticale Durum wheat Winter and spring barley Oats Up to including flowering anthesis just complete (GS 69) Up to and including emergence of ear just complete (GS 59) Water Volume: 100 - 300 litres of water per hectare Processed Crops: When applied to barley intended for malting, refer to the rates of use and latest timing for fluxapyroxad and epoxiconazole given by the BBPA (British Beer and Pubs Association) Aerial Application: No Compatibility: For details of compatibilities contact your distributor, local BASF representative, the BASF Technical Services Hotline: 0845 602 2553 or visit our website on: Major changes since last printing: Fluxapyroxad added to the BBPA brewers list, see Section 1. This product label is compliant with the CPA Voluntary Initiative Guidance 7 Adexar® Spray Quality: MEDIUM F Adexar® DIRECTIONS FOR USE IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product. Adexar is a systemic fungicide with protectant and curative properties for the control of a range of diseases in winter and spring wheat, durum wheat, winter and spring barley, triticale, oats and rye. 1. RESTRICTIONS/WARNINGS This product may cause damage to broad-leaved plant species. Avoid spray drift onto neighbouring crops. After spraying, wash out sprayer thoroughly according to manufacturer’s guideline and dispose of washings and clean container according to DEFRA Code of Practice and local authority guidelines. When applied to barley intended for malting, refer to the rates of use and latest timing for fluxapyroxad and epoxiconazole given by the BBPA (British Beer and Pubs Association). 2. DISEASE CONTROL Adexar is a systemic fungicide with protectant and curative properties for the control of a range of diseases in winter wheat, spring wheat, durum wheat, winter barley, spring barley, triticale, rye and oats as summarised below: Winter wheat Spring wheat Winter barley Spring barley Durum wheat Oats Rye Triticale Powdery mildew - - - C C C C - Septoria tritici C C C - - - - C Septoria nodorum C C C - - - - C Yellow rust C C C C C - C C Brown rust C C C C C - C C Net blotch - - - C C - - - Rhynchosporium - - - C C - - - Tan spot C C C - - - - - Ramularia - - - R R - - - Crown rust - - - - - C - - Eye spot C C C - - - - - Fusarium ear blight # GR GR GR - - - - - Sooty moulds (Cladosporium; Botrytis) R R R - - - - - C = Control MC = Moderate control # GR = Good reduction R = Reduction Application of Adexar to ears of wheat can lead to reduction of the levels of the mycotoxin deoxynivalenol (DON) associated with Fusarium ear blight infection, but this level of effect may not necessarily lead to reduction of DON below the statutory limit in wheat grain. 8 Adexar® Resistance Adexar should be used in accordance with the instructions for use for the target diseases at the specific growth stages indicated. Use Adexar as part of an Integrated Crop Management (ICM) strategy incorporating other methods of control. You must not apply more than two foliar applications of products containing complex II inhibitors to any cereal crop. Strains of certain cereal diseases with decreased sensitivity to triazole fungicides are known to exist in the UK. Where these occur or develop Adexar may not give satisfactory control. Adexar contains epoxiconazole, a DMI fungicide. Resistance to some DMI fungicides has been identified in Septoria leaf blotch (Mycosphaerella graminicola) which may seriously affect the performance of some products. For further advice on resistance management in DMIs contact your agronomist or specialist advisor and visit the FRAG-UK website. 3. CROPS Adexar is a systemic fungicide with protectant and curative properties for use in winter wheat, spring wheat, durum wheat, winter barley, spring barley, triticale, rye and oats. Time of Application Apply Adexar after growth stage BBCH 25 (tillering). A maximum of two applications can be made up to and including flowering just complete in winter and spring wheat, durum wheat, rye and triticale and up to and including emergence of ear just complete in winter and spring barley and oats. Rate of Application Apply 2 litres Adexar per hectare in 100 to 300 litres of water per hectare. 4. FOLLOWING CROPS After treating a cereal crop with Adexar, cabbage, carrot, clover, dwarf beans, field beans, lettuce, maize, oats, oilseed rape, onions, peas, potatoes, ryegrass, sugar beet, sunflower, winter barley and winter wheat may be sown as the following crop. 5. MIXING AND SPRAYING Apply as a MEDIUM spray, as defined by BCPC. Half fill the spray tank with clean water and start the agitation. SHAKE THE CONTAINER WELL before use and pour in the required amount of product. Rinse any empty containers thoroughly and add rinsings to the spray tank. Add the remainder of the water and continue agitation until spraying is completed. Spray solution MUST be used on the day of mixing and must NOT be left overnight. When tank mixes are to be used, each product should be added separately to the spray tank, taking due note of any instructions given as to the order of mixing. 9 F F Adexar® 6. CONTAINER AND STORAGE Adexar is supplied in 10 litre containers. Keep dry and frostproof in a suitable pesticide store. 7. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Operator protection Engineering control of operator exposure must be used where reasonably practicable in addition to the following personal protective clothing: WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING (COVERALLS), SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES AND FACE PROTECTION (FACESHIELD) when handling the concentrate. WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING (COVERALLS) AND SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES when handling contaminated surfaces. However, engineering controls may replace personal protective equipment if a COSHH assessment shows they provide an equal or higher standard of protection. WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE. WASH HANDS AND EXPOSED SKIN before meals and after work. Environmental protection DO NOT contaminate water with the product or its container. DO NOT clean application equipment near surface water. Avoid contamination via drains from farmyards and roads. To protect aquatic organisms respect an unsprayed buffer zone to surface water bodies in line with LERAP requirements. DO NOT ALLOW DIRECT SPRAY from horizontal boom sprayers to fall within 5 m of the top of the bank of a static or flowing waterbody, unless a Local Environment Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) permits a narrower buffer zone, or within 1m of the top of a ditch which is dry at the time of application. Aim spray away from water. This product qualifies for inclusion within the Local Environment Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) scheme. Before each spraying operation from a horizontal boom sprayer, either a LERAP must be carried out in accordance with CRD’s published guidance or the statutory buffer zone must be maintained. The results of the LERAP must be recorded and kept available for inspection for three years. Storage and disposal KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDINGSTUFFS KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN RINSE CONTAINER THOROUGHLY by using an integrated pressure rinsing device or manually rinsing three times. Add washings to sprayer at time of filling and dispose of safely. Store in a suitable pesticide store. Keep dry and protect from frost. 10 Adexar® 8. DPD REGULATIONS (CHIP 3) Adexar® An emulsifiable concentrate containing 62.5 g/litre (6% w/w) epoxiconazole and 62.5 g/litre (6% w/w) fluxapyroxad. HARMFUL IF SWALLOWED IRRITATING TO EYES MAY CAUSE SENSITISATION BY SKIN CONTACT LIMITED EVIDENCE OF A CARCINOGENIC EFFECT POSSIBLE RISK OF IMPAIRED FERTILITY POSSIBLE RISK OF HARM TO THE UNBORN CHILD VERY TOXIC TO AQUATIC ORGANISMS, MAY CAUSE LONG TERM ADVERSE EFFECTS IN THE AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING, GLOVES AND EYE/FACE PROTECTION. DO NOT BREATHE SPRAY. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDING STUFFS. WHEN USING DO NOT EAT DRINK OR SMOKE. AVOID CONTACT WITH SKIN AND EYES. IN CASE OF CONTACT WITH EYES, RINSE IMMEDIATELY WITH PLENTY OF WATER AND SEEK MEDICAL ADVICE. IF SWALLOWED, seek medical advice immediately and show this container or label. DO NOT EMPTY INTO DRAINS. THIS MATERIAL AND IT’S CONTAINER MUST BE DISPOSED OF IN A SAFE WAY. USE APPROPRIATE CONTAINMENT TO AVOID ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAMINATION. To avoid risks to man and the environment, comply with the instructions for use This product is approved under the Plant Protection Product Regulations. 11 F F Adexar® 9. IMPORTANT INFORMATION IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR USE ONLY AS AN AGRICULTURAL FUNGICIDE, as directed below: Crops Maximum individual dose Maximum Number of treatments Latest time of application Winter and spring 2.0 litres product Wheat, per hectare Rye, Triticale, Durum wheat 2 per crop Up to and including flowering (anthesis) just complete (GS 69) Winter and spring 2.0 litres product Barley, per hectare Oats 2 per crop Up to and including emergence of ear just complete (GS 59) READ THE LABEL BEFORE USE. USING THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER THAT IS INCONSISTENT WITH THE LABEL MAY BE AN OFFENCE. FOLLOW THE CODE OF PRACTICE FOR USING PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCTS. MAPP No. 15474 12 I Alert ® INSECTICIDE MAPP No. 13632 Use: For the control of insect pests in oilseed rape, winter and spring wheat and barley, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli, calabrese and kale, peas and field beans. Formulation: An emulsifiable concentrate containing 100 g/l (10.9%) alphacypermethrin. Pack Size: 1 litre in outers of 10. Recommended Rates: Oilseed rape: Wheat and barley: Cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower broccoli, calabrese and kale: Peas: Field and Broad beans: See Section No: 2.1, 2.2 2.2, 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 100 or 200 ml 150 ml 75 or 100 ml 100 or 150 ml 150 ml Water Volume: Not less than 200 litres per hectare. Spray Quality: MEDIUM Latest Time of Application: Oilseed rape: Wheat and barley: Cabbage, Brussels sprouts, Cauliflower, broccoli, calabrese and kale: Vining peas: Combining Peas: Field and Broad beans: Before the end of flowering stage. Up to and including 31 March in the year of harvest. Summer application: before early dough stage. Seven days before harvest. One day before harvest. Eleven days before harvest. Eleven days before harvest. Processed Crops: Consult processors before use. Major changes since last printing: None. This product label is compliant with the CPA Voluntary Initiative Guidance 13 Alert® Recommended Crops: Winter oilseed rape: Spring oilseed rape: Wheat and Barley: Cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli, calabrese and kale: Combining peas and vining peas: Field and broad beans: I Alert® Maximum Number of Applications: Winter oilseed rape: Maximum total dose of 600 ml/ha with a maximum of 200 ml/ha after yellow bud stage. Spring oilseed rape: Maximum total dose of 400 ml/ha with a maximum of 200 ml/ha after yellow bud stage. Wheat and barley: Maximum total dose of 400 ml/ha up to 31 March. Winter/spring applications: Maximum 150 ml/ha between 1 January and 31 March. Spring/summer applications: Maximum 150 ml/ha between 1 April and 31 August. Brassicas: 4 per crop. Vining and combining peas: 3 per crop. Field and Broad beans: 2 per crop. Aerial Application: No Compatibility: For details of compatibilities contact your distributor, local BASF representative, the BASF Technical Services Hotline: 0845 602 2553 or visit our website on: DIRECTIONS FOR USE IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product. Alert is a contact and stomach acting insecticide with residual foliar activity. 1. RESTRICTIONS/WARNINGS Damage may result unless all recommendations are carefully carried out. DO NOT use less than the minimum volume of water specified. Reduced volume spraying must not be used on wheat and barley after 31 March in the year of harvest. This product must not be applied to a cereal crop if any product containing pyrethroid insecticide or dimethoate has been applied to that crop after the start of ear emergence (GS 51). Do not apply this product in tank mixture with a triazole-containing fungicide when bees are likely to be actively foraging in the crop. It is recommended that as a matter of good practice, spraying in oilseed rape should be carried out in the late evening or early morning or in dull weather if at all possible and local beekeepers should be advised of the intention to spray and the chemical being used. CONSULT PROCESSORS BEFORE USING ON CROPS FOR PROCESSING. 2. CROP SPECIFIC INFORMATION 2.1 Winter Oilseed Rape PESTS: Cabbage Stem Flea Beetle and Rape Winter Stem Weevil. (Reduction of spread of Beet Western Yellows Virus). Rate of Application: 100 ml/ha 14 Alert® Time of Application Alert should be applied when adult cabbage stem flea beetle feeding damage is first seen on young rape plants. A second application should be made when larval damage is seen in the leaf petioles (normally one month later). In situations where no adult feeding damage is seen, the first application should be made when larval damage is first seen in the leaf petioles, followed by a second application one month later.† NOTE: The use of Alert for the control of cabbage stem flea beetle will also control the adults and young larvae of rape winter stem weevil if these are present in the crop at the time of application. Applications of Alert at these timings will also reduce the spread of beet western yellows virus. PESTS: Cabbage Seed Weevil and Brassica Pod Midge. Rate of Application 200 ml/ha Time of Application Alert may be applied at any time during the flowering period when seed weevil numbers reach the threshold for spraying†. Best results are normally achieved when application coincides with the onset of peak adult activity. This often occurs between the 20 pod set stage and the end of flowering on the main raceme, i.e. 75% petal fall across the entire crop. † Details of thresholds are available from ADAS or your specialist adviser. 2.2 Winter and Spring Oilseed Rape A total of: 600 ml/ha/crop may be applied to winter oilseed rape. 400 ml/ha/crop may be applied to spring oilseed rape with a maximum of 200 ml/ha/crop to be applied after the yellow bud stage in both winter and spring oilseed rape. PESTS: Pollen beetle Rate of Application 100 ml/ha Time of Application Application should be made at the green to yellow bud stage, as soon as pest numbers reach the threshold† for spraying. A second application may be required 3-7 days later (the exact timing dependent on the speed of pest re-infestation and when the threshold is reached) within the green to yellow bud stage of the crop. PESTS: Pollen Beetle and Cabbage Seed Weevil (mixed populations) In spring oilseed rape, and in backward crops of winter oilseed rape, cabbage seed weevil may also be present at the yellow bud stage. In these situations control of both pollen beetle and cabbage seed weevil is required †. (See also separate sections on cabbage seed weevil). Rate of Application 200 ml/ha Time of Application Application should be made at yellow bud, as soon as pest numbers reach the threshold for spraying†. NOTE: The use of Alert for the control of pollen beetle and cabbage seed weevil will also give some reduction in the numbers of adults of cabbage stem weevil if these are present in the crop at the time of application. 15 I I Alert® 2.3 Spring Oilseed Rape PESTS: Cabbage Seed Weevil Rate of Application 200 ml/ha Time of Application Apply when pest numbers reach the threshold† for spraying, normally from the yellow bud stage of the crop. Application at yellow bud will also control pollen beetle (see separate section on pollen beetle). A further application may be necessary if continuing pest pressure causes the seed weevil threshold† to be reached during flowering on the main raceme, i.e. 75% petal fall across the entire crop. It is recommended that as a matter of good practice, spraying in oilseed rape should be carried out in the late evening or early morning or in dull weather if at all possible and local beekeepers should be advised of the intention to spray and the chemical being used. †Details of thresholds are available from ADAS or your specialist adviser. 2.4 Wheat and Barley A total of 400 ml product/ha/crop may be applied to winter and spring wheat and barley up to and including 31 March in the year of harvest, with a maximum of 150 ml product/ha/crop applied between 1 January and 31 March in the year of harvest, with a latest time of application of before early dough stage. PESTS: Cereal Aphids - autumn/winter (reduction of spread of barley yellow dwarf virus and control of yellow cereal fly) Rate of Application 150ml/ha Time of Application High risk situations e.g. crops drilled before the 3rd week of September, crops following grass or grassy stubbles, or crops in areas with a history of BYDV. The first application should be made when aphids are first seen in the crop (or by mid-October). A second application will be necessary at the end of aphid migration, which is normally at the end of October or beginning of November. Where conditions continue to favour prolonged aphid activity, e.g. mild winters, and where two applications of another insecticide have already been made in the autumn, one application of Alert can be made in December to March. Other situations Apply in late October or early November to crops which have emerged by midOctober if aphids are found, or on ADAS warnings. NOTE: Alert applied in the autumn for aphid control will also give some control of yellow cereal fly if present in the crop. PESTS: Cereal Aphids - summer Reduced volume spraying must not be used for cereal aphid control in wheat and barley after 31 March in the year of harvest. Rate of Application 150ml/ha in 200 litres of water per hectare. A single application may be made from 1 April to 31 August in any one summer. Time of Application Apply between the onset of flowering and the milky ripe stage (GS 61 to 73) when 66% or more heads are infested (equivalent to five aphids per ear) and 16 Alert® aphid numbers are increasing. (Details of thresholds are available from ADAS or your specialist adviser). This product must not be applied to a cereal crop if any product containing pyrethroid insecticide or dimethoate has been applied to that crop after the start of ear emergence (GS 51). 2.5 Cabbage; Brussels Sprouts; Cauliflower; Broccoli; Calabrese and Kale Maximum number of applications: 4 PESTS: Flea Beetle Rate of Application 75 ml/ha Time of Application Apply as soon as pest attack is observed on seedling plants. Repeat if necessary. PESTS: Caterpillars Rate of Application 100 ml/ha Time of Application Apply when damage is first seen or as a preventative spray. Repeat if necessary. 2.6 Combining and Vining Peas Maximum number of applications: 3 PESTS: Pea and Bean Weevil Rate of Application 150 ml/ha. Time of Application Apply when severe damage by adults to growing point is being caused in the early growth stages of the crop. Under high pest pressure a repeat application may be required 2-3 weeks later. PESTS: Pea moth Rate of Application 100 ml/ha. Time of Application Apply according to ADAS/PGRO warnings or as indicated by pheromone traps. For further information consult your specialist advisor. On dry peas repeat 14 days later. If moth activity remains high a third application may be needed. PESTS: Pea Aphid Rate of Application 150 ml/ha. Time of Application For partial control apply according to current thresholds. Repeat if necessary, up to a maximum of three applications. Consult you specialist advisor for further details. 17 I I Alert® 2.7 Field and Broad Beans PESTS: Pea and Bean Weevil Rate of Application 150 ml/ha. Time of Application Apply when severe damage by adults to growing point is being caused in the early growth stages of the crop. Under high pest pressure a repeat application may be required 2-3 weeks later. 3. MIXING AND SPRAYING 3.1 Water Volume Alert should be applied in not less than 200 litres of water per hectare. In situations where increased coverage is required, for example in dense or thick foliage or when the pests are concealed, the volume of water should be increased to where sufficient coverage is obtained, up to a maximum of 500 litres per hectare. 3.2 Mixing Fill the spray tank with clean water and agitate vigorously. Add the recommended quantity of Alert and apply without delay, maintaining continuous agitation until spraying is completed. If a tank-mix with another material is required, always add Alert to the tank first and ensure it is evenly dispersed through the tank before adding the second material. 4. CONTAINER AND STORAGE Alert is supplied in l litre containers and should be kept dry and frostproof in a suitable pesticide store. 18 Alert® 5. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Operator protection Engineering control of operator exposure must be used where reasonably practicable in addition to the following personal protective clothing: WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING (COVERALLS), SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES AND FACE PROTECTION (FACESHIELD) when opening container, diluting, mixing or transferring the chemical from one container to another, filling machine, adjusting apparatus after filling, washing out sprayer, container and equipment after use. However, engineering controls may replace personal protective equipment if a COSHH assessment shows they provide an equal or higher standard of protection. WASH ALL PROTECTIVE CLOTHING thoroughly after use, especially the insides of gloves. TAKE OFF IMMEDIATELY all contaminated clothing. WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE. AFTER CONTACT WITH SKIN, WASH IMMEDIATELY with plenty of water. IN CASE OF CONTACT WITH EYES, RINSE IMMEDIATELY with plenty of water and seek medical advice. DO NOT BREATHE SPRAY. WASH HANDS AND EXPOSED SKIN before meals and after work. IF YOU FEEL UNWELL, seek medical advice (show the label where possible). Environmental protection DO NOT CONTAMINATE SURFACE WATERS OR DITCHES with chemical or used container. DO NOT ALLOW DIRECT SPRAY from horizontal boom sprayers to fall within 5 metres of the top of the bank of any static or flowing water body, or within 1 metre from the top of any ditch which is dry at the time of application. DO NOT ALLOW DIRECT SPRAY from hand-held sprayers to fall within 1 metre of the top of the bank of a static or flowing water body. Aim spray away from water. THIS PRODUCT IS NOT ELIGIBLE FOR BUFFER ZONE REDUCTION UNDER THE LERAP HORIZONTAL BOOM SPRAYERS SCHEME. DO NOT SPRAY cereals after 31st March in the year of harvest within 6m from the edge of the growing crop. This product must not be applied to a cereal crop if any product containing a pyrethroid insecticide or dimethoate has been applied to that crop after the start of ear emergence (GS 51). Storage and disposal KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDINGSTUFFS. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN KEEP IN ORIGINAL CONTAINER, tightly closed, in a safe place. WASH OUT CONTAINER THOROUGHLY, empty washings into spray tank and dispose of safely. DO NOT RE-USE CONTAINER for any purpose. 19 I I Alert® 6. DPD REGULATIONS (CHIP 3) Alert® An emulsifiable concentrate containing 100 g/litre (10.9% w/w) alphacypermethrin. FLAMMABLE. HARMFUL BY INHALATION AND IF SWALLOWED. MAY CAUSE SENSITISATION BY SKIN CONTACT HARMFUL: DANGER OF SERIOUS DAMAGE TO HEALTH BY PROLONGED EXPOSURE IF SWALLOWED. VERY TOXIC TO AQUATIC ORGANISMS, MAY CAUSE LONG TERM ADVERSE EFFECTS IN THE AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT. HARMFUL: MAY CAUSE LUNG DAMAGE IF SWALLOWED REPEATED EXPOSURE MAY CAUSE SKIN DRYNESS OR CRACKING. IRRITATING TO RESPIRATORY SYSTEM. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDINGSTUFFS. WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE. DO NOT BREATH SPRAY. AVOID CONTACT WITH SKIN. THIS MATERIAL AND ITS CONTAINER MUST BE DISPOSED OF IN A SAFE WAY. WEAR SUITABLE GLOVES. IN CASE OF ACCIDENT OR IF YOU FEEL UNWELL, SEEK MEDICAL ADVICE IMMEDIATELY (SHOW THE LABEL WHERE POSSIBLE). USE APPROPRIATE CONTAINMENT TO AVOID ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAMINATION. IF SWALLOWED, DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING: SEEK MEDICAL ADVICE IMMEDIATELY AND SHOW THIS CONTAINER OR LABEL. In common with other synthetic pyrethroids, this product may cause paresthesia To avoid risks to man and the environment, comply with the instructions for use This product is approved under the Control of Pesticides Regulations 1986. 20 Alert® 7. IMPORTANT INFORMATION IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR USE ONLY AS AN AGRICULTURAL / HORTICULTURAL INSECTICIDE as directed below Crop Maximum Individual Dose (ml product/ha) Maximum Total Dose / Maximum number of Treatments/Other Specific Restrictions Latest Time of Application Winter Oilseed Rape 200 A total of 600 ml product per hectare per crop may be applied to Winter Oilseed Rape with a maximum of 200 ml product per hectare per crop after yellow bud stage. Before the end of flowering stage Spring Oilseed Rape 200 A total of 400 ml product per hectare per crop may be applied to Spring Oilseed Rape with a maximum of 200 ml product per hectare per crop after yellow bud stage Before the end of flowering stage Wheat and Barley (i) 150 A total of 400 ml product per hectare per crop may be spring applied to winter and spring wheat and barley up to and including 31 March in the year of harvest, with a maximum of 150 ml product per hectare per crop applied between 1 January and 31 March in the year of harvest. (i) Up to and including 31 March in the year of harvest A further single application of 150 ml product per hectare may also be applied between 1 April and 31 August in the year of harvest. (ii) Before early dough stage AND/OR (ii) 150 Reduced volume spraying must not be used on wheat and barley after 31 March in the year of harvest. Cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli/ calabrese, kale 100 Four per crop Seven days before harvest Vining Pea 150 Three per crop One day before harvest Combining Pea 150 Three per crop Eleven days before harvest Broad Bean and Field Bean 150 Two per crop Eleven days before harvest READ THE LABEL BEFORE USE. USING THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER THAT IS INCONSISTENT WITH THE LABEL MAY BE AN OFFENCE. FOLLOW THE CODE OF PRACTICE FOR USING PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCTS. (MAPP No.13632) 21 I I Alert® 22 Aramo® H HERBICIDE MAPP No. 10280 Use: A systemic herbicide for post-emergence control of a range of grass weeds in winter oilseed rape, sugar beet, fodder beet, combining and vining peas, winter and spring field beans, bulb onions, carrots, leeks, cabbages, cauliflowers, linseed, flax and green cover on land not being used for crop production. Formulation: An emulsifiable concentrate containing 50 g/litre (5.3 w/w) tepraloxydim. Recommended Crops: See Section No: Beet, fodder 3.1 Beet, sugar 3.1 Cabbages 3.10 Carrots 3.8 Cauliflower 3.11 Field beans, spring 3.6 Field beans, winter 3.5 Flax 3.3 Leeks 3.9 Linseed (including industrial) 3.3 Oilseed rape, winter (including industrial) 3.2 Onions, bulb 3.7 Peas, combining 3.4 Peas, vining 3.4 Green cover e.g. Set-Aside on land not being used for crop production 3.12 Recommended Rates: 1.0 litres/hectare or 1.5 litres/hectare. Water Volume: 100 - 200 litres per hectare. Spray Quality: FINE or MEDIUM Major changes since last printing: Globally Harmonised System (GHS) Regulations added, see Section 8. This product label is compliant with the CPA Voluntary Initiative Guidance 23 Aramo® Pack Size: 5 litres in outers of four. H Aramo® Latest Time of Application/Harvest Interval: Beet, fodder 8 weeks before harvest. Beet, sugar: 8 weeks before harvest. Cabbage: Before head formation (when the two youngest leaves do not unfold). Carrots: 3 weeks before harvest. Cauliflower: Before head formation. Field beans, winter and spring: 8 weeks before harvest. Leeks: 4 weeks before harvest. Linseed (including industrial) and flax: Before flower buds visible. Onion, bulb: 4 weeks before harvest. Oilseed rape, winter (including industrial): Before end November or before crop has 9 true leaves, whichever occurs first. Peas, combining and vining: 5 weeks before harvest. Green cover on land temporarily removed from production: See Restrictions/Warnings Section 1.7 and ‘Other specific restrictions’ Section 9. Processed Crops: Processors or contract agents should be consulted before using on crops grown for processing or for seed. Aerial Application: No Compatibility: For details of compatibilities contact your distributor, local BASF representative, the BASF Technical Services Hotline: 0845 602 2553 or visit our website on: DIRECTIONS FOR USE IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product. Aramo is a systemic herbicide for the post-emergence control of a range of grass weeds, including black-grass, annual meadow-grass, wild oats, sterile brome and common couch as well as cereal volunteers. Only weeds which have emerged at the time of application will be controlled. The optimum timing is when weeds are small (before tillering) and have not yet begun to compete with the crop. This is particularly important when black-grass is the main target weed and resistance may be suspected. Aramo is absorbed by the leaves of grass weeds and is translocated through the plant to the growing point at the base of the plant resulting in stem and root tissue decay. Foliar death is evident 3-4 weeks after application under warm moist conditions. Cool conditions will slow down activity and very dry conditions will inhibit translocation of the herbicide to the growing point, resulting in reduced activity. Aramo can be used on all soil types. 1. RESTRICTIONS/WARNINGS 1.1 Processors or contract agents should be consulted before using on crops grown for processing or for seed. Prevent drift onto other crops and plants outside of the target area, especially susceptible types such as cereals and grasses or severe damage may result. Apply within the recommended growth stages when weeds are actively growing for best results. Drought, cool conditions, stress or other negative factors can reduce effectiveness by interfering with uptake and translocation of Aramo. 1.2 1.3 24 Aramo® 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10 1.11 DO NOT apply to crops which are damaged or stressed from factors such as previous herbicide treatments, or pest or disease attack. DO NOT spray if rain or frost is expected, nor if the foliage is wet. Ensure that the sprayer is free from previous chemical residues which may harm the crop. Use of a detergent cleaner is advised before and after use. Before using on land taken out of production as part of a grant aided scheme, ensure compliance with the management rules of that scheme. DO NOT overlap spray swaths. This is particularly important for winter oilseed rape and bulb onions as crop damage and reduced yields could result. DO NOT use on oilseed rape crops with very low vigour and poor yield potential. Aramo must only be applied via conventional ground sprayer, not via knapsack sprayers Sequences with other products Aramo may follow the application of pre-emergence treatments to any crop provided that the crop is undamaged. Winter oilseed rape, peas, sugar beet and fodder beet, linseed and flax, field beans: When used in sequence with other post-emergence treatments in these crops, care should be taken to allow at least 14 days between applications. A crystal violet test should be carried out in peas before the application of Aramo. Winter oilseed rape and bulb onions: Care must be taken when using Aramo in sequence with other products to ensure that crops have sufficient wax covering before application of Aramo and are not suffering from the effects of any previous treatment. If any doubt exists, the application should be delayed. Also see Restrictions/Warnings 1.4 and 1.5 above. 2. WEED CONTROL 2.1 Susceptibility of grass weeds to single applications of Aramo SPECIES Volunteer Barley (includes cover crops) Wild Oats Volunteer Wheat Sterile Brome RATE OF APPLICATION 1.0 litre per hectare 1.0 litre per hectare Black-grass* 1.0 litre per hectare Annual Meadow-grass (autumn applications)† 1.5 litres per hectare Annual Meadow-grass (spring applications) 1.5 litres per hectare Common Couch (see 2.2 below) 1.5 litres per hectare TIMING OF APPLICATION 2 fully-expanded leaves until before the pseudostem erect stage (GS30). 2 fully-expanded leaves until the weeds have five tillers. Autumn: 2 fully expanded leaves until the weeds have five tillers.† Spring: 2 fully expanded leaves up to and including the end of tillering. 2 fully expanded leaves until before weeds have 3 tillers. 2 fully expanded leaves until before weeds have 5 tillers. When the majority of shoots have emerged and are approx. 15 cms tall. * only controlled in winter crops of oilseed rape and field beans. † autumn applications—see Other specific restrictions in the Important Information Section 9. 25 H H Aramo® 2.2 Common Couch Sufficient foliage should have emerged to absorb the spray. Shoots not emerged or just emerging at application will not be controlled. DO NOT cultivate for at least 14 days after application to allow time for translocation to occur. Leave a longer interval (up to 21 days) if growing conditions are poor. Aramo gives control of top growth of common couch at this rate. To improve suppression of established couch, a thorough pre-planting cultivation to a depth of 10 cms is recommended to fragment the rhizomes and encourage uniform emergence. The effects on the long-term control of couch, i.e. in succeeding crops, have not been investigated. 2.3 Resistance Strains of some annual grasses (e.g. black-grass, wild-oats, and Italian ryegrass) have developed resistance to herbicides which may lead to poor control. A strategy for preventing and managing such resistance should be adopted. Guidelines have been produced by the Weed Resistance Action Group and copies are available from the HGCA, CPA, your distributor, crop adviser or product manufacturer. This product contains tepraloxydim which is an ACCase inhibitor, also classified by the Herbicide Resistance Action Committee as ‘Group A.’ Use only as part of a resistance management strategy that includes cultural methods of control and does not use ACCase inhibitors as the sole chemical method of grassweed control. Applying a second product containing an ACCase inhibitor to a crop will increase the risk of resistance development; only use a second ACCase inhibitor to control different weeds at a different timing. DO NOT use reduced doses of Aramo on resistant grass weed populations. Populations of black-grass with high levels of resistance will not be fully controlled. Adopt a long-term strategy integrating cultural and chemical measures. Achieving maximum benefits from cultural and chemical control depends on attention to detail. This is the most important factor determining the success of any anti-resistance strategy. Key elements of the resistance management strategy for Aramo: • Always follow WRAG guidelines for preventing and managing herbicide resistant weeds. • Maximise the use of cultural control measures wherever possible (e.g. crop rotation, ploughing, stale seedbeds, delayed drilling, etc). • Use tank mixes or sequences of effective herbicides with different modes of action within individual crops, or successive crops. • For the control of herbicide resistant grassweeds, always use Aramo in sequence with other effective graminicides with different modes of action. • Apply post-emergence to small, actively growing weeds, especially where high levels of resistance are suspected and to reduce the risk of resistance development. • Identify the herbicides to which your grassweeds are resistant. This can help determine the most appropriate herbicides to include in your management strategy. • Monitor fields regularly and investigate the reasons for any poor control. 26 Aramo® 3. CROPS 3.1 Sugar Beet and Fodder Beet Aramo can be applied from when the crop has fully expanded cotyledons to before row closure. 3.2 Winter Oilseed rape (including industrial oilseed rape) Aramo can be applied to winter oilseed rape from cotyledon fully expanded up to before the end of November or before the crop has 9 true leaves, whichever occurs first. DO NOT use more than 1.0 litre per hectare. See also Restrictions/ Warnings 1.9. 3.3 Linseed (including industrial linseed) and Flax Aramo can be applied in the spring to linseed and flax from when the crop has 2 true leaves up to before flower buds are visible within the crop. 3.4 Combining and Vining Peas Aramo can be applied in the spring to all varieties of combining and vining peas from the two node stage of the crop until before the crop canopy prevents adequate spray penetration. A satisfactory leaf wax test using crystal violet marker dye must be performed before applying Aramo in peas. Applications may only be made to winter pea varieties in the spring. 3.5 Winter Field Beans Aramo can be applied in the spring from the three leaf stage of the crop until the six visibly extending internodes stage. 3.6 Spring Field Beans Aramo can be applied in the spring from the two leaf stage of the crop until the first side shoot detectable stage. 3.7 Bulb onions Aramo can be applied in bulb onions from the whip stage up to 4 weeks before harvest. A split dose may be used for the control of annual meadow-grass. Where black-grass or wild-oats are present use only one application per crop to prevent the development of resistance. 3.8 Carrots Aramo can be applied in carrots from 1 true leaf fully expanded up to 3 weeks before harvest. 3.9 Leeks Aramo can be applied in leeks from 3 leaves clearly visible up to 4 weeks before harvest. A split dose may be used for the control of annual meadow-grass. Where black-grass or wild-oats are present use only one application per crop to prevent the development of resistance. 3.10 Cabbages Aramo can be applied in cabbages from 4 true leaves up to the beginning of head formation, when the two youngest leaves do not unfold. 3.11 Cauliflower Aramo can be applied in cauliflowers from 2 true leaves up to the beginning of head formation. 27 H H Aramo® 3.12 Green cover on land not being used for crop production (Set-aside) Aramo may be applied to areas temporarily removed from production where the green cover is made up predominantly (i.e. sufficient to maintain reasonable cover) of tolerant crops that are present on the label for the control of grass weeds and volunteer cereals. Use on industrial crops of linseed and winter oilseed rape is also permitted. When applying Aramo to industrial crops of linseed and winter oilseed rape, the user must refer to the legal requirements and directions for use relating to linseed and winter oilseed rape respectively. 4. FOLLOWING CROPS If a crop treated with Aramo should fail for any reason, then the following intervals should elapse between using Aramo and redrilling subsequent crops, following normal seedbed cultivations. In the case of a normally harvested crop, care should also be taken to leave the appropriate interval before planting Italian rye-grass. After 2 weeks: wheat and barley. After 8 weeks: maize and Italian rye-grass may be planted following a cultivation to 20 cm. Broad-leaved crops may be planted at any time following normally harvested crops or the failure of a crop treated with Aramo. Graminaceous crops, other than those named, should not be planted as the next following crop. 5. MIXING AND SPRAYING Half-fill the spray tank with clean water and start the agitation. SHAKE THE CONTAINER WELL before use and pour in the required amount of product. Rinse any empty containers thoroughly and add rinsings to the spray tank. Add the remainder of the water and continue agitation until spraying is completed. All applications should be made as a FINE or MEDIUM spray as defined by BCPC. Applications should be made in water volumes of 100 - 200 litres per hectare. Aramo does not require the addition of an adjuvant oil. 28 Aramo® 6. CONTAINER AND STORAGE Aramo is supplied in 5 litre containers and should be kept dry and frostproof in a suitable pesticide store. 7. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Operator protection Engineering control of operator exposure must be used where reasonably practicable in addition to the following personal protective equipment: WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES when handling the concentrate and when handling contaminated surfaces. However, engineering controls may replace personal protective equipment if a COSHH assessment shows they provide an equal or higher standard of protection. WASH CONCENTRATE from skin or eyes immediately. WASH HANDS AND EXPOSED SKIN before meals and after work. WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE. Aramo must only be applied via conventional ground sprayer, not via knapsack sprayers. Environmental protection DO NOT contaminate surface waters or ditches with chemical or used container. Storage and disposal KEEP IN ORIGINAL CONTAINER, tightly closed in a safe place. Keep dry and frostproof in a suitable pesticide store. RINSE CONTAINER THOROUGHLY by using an integrated pressure rinsing device or manually rinsing three times. Add washings to sprayer at time of filling and dispose of safely. KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDINGSTUFFS. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. Medical advice IF SWALLOWED, DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING: seek medical advice immediately and show this container or label. In case of an accident or if you feel unwell seek medical advice immediately (Show label where possible). 29 H H Aramo® 8. GLOBALLY HARMONISED SYSTEM (GHS) REGULATIONS Aramo® An emulsifiable concentrate containing 50 g/litre (5.3% w/w) tepraloxydim. DANGER: CAUSES SKIN IRRITATION. MAY BE FATAL IF SWALLOWED AND ENTERS AIRWAYS. SUSPECTED OF CAUSING CANCER. SUSPECTED OF DAMAGING FERTILITY. SUSPECTED OF DAMAGING THE UNBORN CHILD. HARMFUL TO AQUATIC LIFE WITH LONG LASTING EFFECTS. Wear protective gloves/clothing. IF SWALLOWED: Immediately call a POISON CENTRE or doctor/physician. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. DO NOT induce vomiting. IF exposed or concerned: Get medical advice/attention. Dispose of contents/container in accordance with local regulations. To avoid risks to human health and the environment, comply with the instructions for use This product is approved under the Plant Protection Products Regulations 1995. 30 Aramo®® Corbel 9. IMPORTANT INFORMATION IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR USE ONLY AS AN AGRICULTURAL/HORTICULTURAL HERBICIDE, as directed below: Crops Winter oilseed rape Linseed/Flax Sugar beet, Fodder beet, Field bean Combining peas, Vining peas Leek and bulb onion Carrots Cabbage Cauliflower Green cover on land not being used for crop production Maximum individual Dose 1.0 litre product/ha Maximum number of applications 1 per crop 1.5 litres product/ha 1.5 litres product/ha 1.5 litres product/ha 1.5 or 0.75 litres product/ha 1.5 litres product/ha 1.5 litres product/ha 1 per crop 1.5 litres product/ha 1.5 litres product/ha 1 per crop Latest time of Application/ Harvest interval Before end November or before crop has 9 true leaves, whichever occurs first Before flower buds visible 8 weeks before harvest 1 per crop 5 weeks before harvest 1 per crop or 4 weeks before harvest 2 per crop 1 per crop 3 weeks before harvest 1 per crop Before head formation (when the two youngest leaves do not unfold) Before head formation 1 per crop 1 per crop See “Other specific restrictions” Other specific restrictions: When applying to green cover on land temporarily removed from production e.g. set-aside: 1. A full green cover must be established before the pesticide is applied. 2. Treated plants must not be grazed by livestock or harvested for human or animal consumption. To avoid the build up of resistance do not apply products containing a ACCase inhibitor herbicide more than twice to winter oilseed rape, linseed, sugar beet, fodder beet, field beans, combining peas, vining peas, carrots, cabbage, cauliflower and green cover on land not being used for crop production. In addition, do not use this product in mixture or sequence with any other product containing tepraloxydim. For sugar beet, fodder beet, linseed and green cover on land not being used for crop production (e.g. set-aside), applications are prohibited between 1 November and 31 March. For field bean, vining & combining peas, leeks, bulb onions, carrots, cabbage and cauliflower applications are prohibited between 1 November and 1 March. READ THE LABEL BEFORE USE. USING THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER THAT IS INCONSISTENT WITH THE LABEL MAY BE AN OFFENCE. FOLLOW THE CODE OF PRACTICE FOR USING PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCTS. (MAPP No. 10280) 31 31 H F H Aramo® 32 Auxiliary H HERBICIDE MAPP No. 14576 Use: For the control of annual grass weeds and annual broad-leaved weeds in Winter Wheat. Formulation: Contains 800 g/l prosulfocarb and 10 g/l clodinafop-propargyl as an emulsifiable concentrate formulation. Pack Size: 10 litres in outers of two. Recommended Crop: Winter wheat Maximum Individual Dose: 3.0 litres of product per hectare Maximum Number of Treatments: One per crop Spray Quality: MEDIUM Water Volume: 100 – 400 litres of water per hectare. Aerial Application: No Compatibility: For details of compatibilities contact your distributor, local BASF representative, the BASF Technical Services Hotline: 0845 602 2553 or visit our website on: Major changes since last printing: None. This product label is compliant with the CPA Voluntary Initiative Guidance 33 Auxiliary Latest Time of Application: Before five tillers detectable stage (GS 25) H Auxiliary DIRECTIONS FOR USE IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product. 1. RESTRICTIONS/WARNINGS DO NOT use on barley or oats. DO NOT spray crops undersown with grass mixtures. DO NOT apply to crops under stress or to crops suffering from waterlogging, pest attack, disease, frost, or the effects of high diurnal temperature changes. DO NOT apply if heavy rainfall is expected immediately after application. DO NOT apply to ‘soft’ crops that have not been frost hardened if significant frosts are expected immediately after application. Transient discolouration can occur especially on spray overlaps, although crops fully recover. Avoid the use of hormone-containing herbicides in mixture or sequence with Auxiliary. When Auxiliary is applied first, leave 7 days before applying hormone herbicides. If mecoprop-p or 2,4-DB containing products are applied first leave 14 days before Auxiliary is applied. If MCPA or 2,4-D containing products are applied first, leave 21 days before Auxiliary is applied. The cereal seed must be covered by 3cm of soil and for best results apply to a firm, moist seedbed free of clods. 2. WEED CONTROL 2.1 Weeds controlled GRASS WEEDS GROWTH STAGES Susceptible Wild Oats Italian Ryegrass Up to 5 tillers Up to 1 tiller Auxiliary can contribute to the control of Black-grass as part of a herbicide resistance management strategy, involving mixtures and sequences with herbicides of alternative modes of action. BROAD-LEAVED WEEDS GROWTH STAGES Susceptible Ivy leaved-speedwell Chickweed Crane’s-bill Up to 4 true leaves Up to 4 true leaves Pre-emergence (supported by limited evidence) 34 Auxiliary 2.2 Weed resistance This product contains clodinafop-propargyl which is an ACCase inhibitor, also classified by the Herbicide Resistance Action Committee as ‘Group A’. Auxiliary should only be used for control of herbicide resistant strains of annual grasses as part of an appropriate management strategy, including cultural control and mixtures/sequences with herbicides of alternative modes of action. Applying a second product containing an ACCase inhibitor to a crop will increase the risk of resistance development; only use a second ACCase inhibitor to control different weeds at a different timing. Strains of some annual grasses (e.g. black-grass, wild-oats and Italian ryegrass) have developed resistance to herbicides which may lead to poor control. A strategy of preventing and managing such resistance should be adopted. Guidelines have been produced by the Weed Resistance Action Group and copies are available from the HGCA, CPA, your distributor, crop adviser or product manufacturer. 3. CROPS SPECIFIC INFORMATION 3.1 Time of application Auxiliary may be used post-emergence of the crop up to five tillers detectable stage (GS 25). 3.2 Rate of application 3 litres of product per hectare in mixture with an approved adjuvant. One application per crop. See Use of Additives, Section 6. 4. FOLLOWING CROPS In the case of crop failure, winter wheat and winter barley may be sown after an interval of three weeks. The following crops may be sown in the spring after winter cereal crop failure. Without ploughing With ploughing Sunflowers Maize Flax Spring oats Spring barley Spring wheat Spring peas Spring oilseed rape Soya beans Carrots Lettuce Onions Sugar beets Potatoes Field beans Broad beans 35 H H Auxiliary 5. MIXING AND SPRAYING 5.1 Mixing Fill the spray tank with half the required volume of clean water and start agitation. Add the required amount of Auxiliary and continue agitation whilst adding the rest of the water. Agitate the mixture thoroughly before use and continue agitation during spraying. Add adjuvant to the spray tank at mixing. 5.2 Application Apply Auxiliary in a water volume of 100-400 litres per hectare. Apply Auxiliary using a conventional fan nozzle producing a MEDIUM spray quality as defined by the British Crop Protection Council. A spray pressure of 2.0 – 3.0 bars is recommended. 6. USE OF ADDITIVES The maximum dose rate of Auxiliary is 3 litres per hectare and must be used in mixture with a suitable additive. Auxiliary must always be applied with an authorised adjuvant from the methylated seed oil or mineral oil classes. Use with approved methylated seed oils is preferred. Always use adjuvants at their recommended rates. 7. CONTAINER AND STORAGE Auxiliary is supplied in 10 litre containers. Store in a suitable pesticide store, keep dry and protect from frost 36 Auxiliary 8. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Operator protection Engineering control of operator exposure must be used where reasonably practicable in addition to the following personal protective equipment. WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING (COVERALLS) AND SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES when handling the concentrate or contaminated surfaces. WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING (COVERALLS) during application. However, engineering controls may replace personal protective equipment if a COSHH assessment shows that they provide an equal or higher standard of protection. WASH CONCENTRATE from skin or eyes immediately. WASH HANDS AND EXPOSED SKIN before eating and after work. WASH ALL PROTECTIVE CLOTHING thoroughly after use, especially the insides of gloves. Environmental protection DO NOT contaminate water with the product or its container. DO NOT clean application equipment near surface water. Avoid contamination via drains from farmyards and roads. To protect aquatic organisms respect a buffer zone to surface water bodies. Refer to Section on LERAP for buffer zone width. DO NOT ALLOW DIRECT SPRAY from horizontal boom sprayers to fall within 5m of the top of the bank of a static or flowing waterbody, or within 1m from the top of a ditch which is dry at the time of application. DO NOT ALLOW DIRECT SPRAY from hand-held sprayers to fall within 1m of the top of the bank of a static or flowing water body. Aim spray away from water. This product qualifies for inclusion within the Local Environmental Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) scheme. Before each spraying operation from a horizontal boom sprayer a LERAP must be carried out in accordance with CRD’s published guidance or the statutory buffer zone must be maintained. The results of the LERAP must be recorded and kept available for inspection for three years. Storage and disposal KEEP IN ORIGINAL CONTAINER, tightly closed, in a safe place. RINSE CONTAINER THOROUGHLY by using an integrated pressure rinsing device or manually rinsing three times. Add washings to sprayer at time of filling and dispose of safely. PROTECT FROM FROST SHAKE WELL BEFORE USE 37 H H Auxiliary 9. DPD REGULATIONS (CHIP 3) Auxiliary Contains 800 g/l prosulfocarb and 10 g/l clodinafop-propargyl as an emulsifiable concentrate formulation. May produce an allergic reaction. HARMFUL: MAY CAUSE LUNG DAMAGE IF SWALLOWED TOXIC TO AQUATIC ORGANISMS. MAY CAUSE LONG-TERM ADVERSE EFFECTS IN THE AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT. Keep out of reach of children. Keep away from food, drink and animal feedstuffs. When using DO NOT eat, drink or smoke. This material and its container must be disposed of in a safe way. Use appropriate containment to avoid environmental contamination. If swallowed, DO NOT induce vomiting: seek medical advice immediately and show this container or label. To avoid risks to man and the environment, comply with the instructions for use This product is approved under the Plant Protection Products Regulations. 10. IMPORTANT INFORMATION IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR USE ONLY AS AN AGRICULTURAL HERBICIDE, as directed below: Crops Maximum Maximum number Latest time of individual dose of treatments application (litres/product/ha) Wheat (winter) 3 litres One per crop Before five tillers detectable stage (GS 25) Other Specific Restrictions: To avoid the build up of resistance DO NOT apply products containing an ACCase inhibitor herbicide more than twice to any crop. In addition, DO NOT use this product in mixture or sequence with any other product containing clodinafop-propargyl. READ THE LABEL BEFORE USE. USING THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER THAT IS INCONSISTENT WITH THE LABEL MAY BE AN OFFENCE. FOLLOW THE CODE OF PRACTICE FOR USING PLANT PROTECTON PRODUCTS. MAPP No. 14576 38 Basagran® SG H HERBICIDE MAFF No. 08360 Use: A contact herbicide for broadleaved weed control. Formulation: Water soluble granule containing 87% w/w bentazone as the sodium salt. Pack Size: 3 kgs in outers of 4. See Section No: 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 Recommended Rates: 1.65 kg per hectare. Split application of 0.85 + 0.85 kg or 1.1 + 0.5 kg per hectare. Water Volume: 100 – 450 litres/hectare, depending upon use. Spray Quality: FINE or MEDIUM, see text. Latest Time of Application: Various see Crops Section 3, Important Information, Section 9. Processed Crops: Consult processors before use. Maximum Individual Dose: All crops, 1.65 kg/ha. Major changes since last printing: Globally Harmonised System (GHS) Regulations added, see Section 8. This product label is compliant with the CPA Voluntary Initiative Guidance 39 Basagran® SG Recommended Crops: Beans, dwarf French* Beans, navy* Beans, runner* Beans, winter field Beans, spring field* Beans, broad* Peas* Linseed Narcissi* Potatoes* *selected varieties only. H Basagran® SG Maximum Number of Applications: Peas: 1 (single) application. All other crops: 1 (single) or 2 (split dose)*. Note: *The maximum of 1.65 kg product/ha must not be exceeded for split doses. Rainfastness: Not less than 6 hours. Aerial Application: No Compatibility: For details of compatibilities contact your distributor, local BASF representative, the BASF Technical Services Hotline: 0845 602 2553 or visit our website on: COMPANY ADVISORY INFORMATION This section is not part of the Product Label under the Plant Protection Productions Regulations 2005 and provides additional advise on product use. Water Stewardship The following is based on advice published by the Voluntary Initiative for use of bentazone in priority catchments, but is extended to use in all catchments:Do not use bentazone on:Soils with shallow groundwater (<1m below surface); Soils on chalk or other limestone that are shallow (<30-35cm) and stony (>10% of surface area); Soils with low organic content (<1% 0C). Do not use bentazone before 1 April. Reduce dose rates to <1000 g bentazone/ha/year (Basagran® SG < 1.15 kg/ha/year). Use a 6m grass buffer or a 5m no-spray zone adjacent to watercourses. DIRECTIONS FOR USE IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product. Basagran SG is a herbicide for post-emergence broad-leaved weed control in spring and winter field beans, broad, dwarf French, navy and runner beans, peas, linseed, narcissi and potatoes. 1. RESTRICTIONS/WARNINGS 1.1 Weed control The best weed control will be achieved if crops are sprayed when weeds are small and actively growing, provided the crop is within the correct growth stages, see below. It is essential to achieve full cover of all weed surface areas, especially the growing point. Therefore adjust spray volumes and pressures according to the size and density of the weed populations and crop cover. It is preferable to use the split dose if conditions are likely to be very warm, sunny or humid, if foliage is tender or if a sensitive variety is to be treated (see Section 4.2). Only single applications are approved for use in peas. Where weeds classed as moderately susceptible form an important part of the weed population, the split dose will only give acceptable control if the weeds are cotyledon only. If true leaves are present, a single application of 1.65 kg/ hectare should be made. The addition of Actipron, Adder or Cropspray 11E is recommended only in dwarf green beans and potatoes to improve control of fat-hen, particularly 40 Basagran® SG when dry conditions are prevalent. Enhanced control of other weeds listed as susceptible may also be achieved. 1.2 Sequences/Tank mixes Sequence with other spray chemicals: DO NOT apply insecticides within 7 days of treatment with Basagran SG. Basagran SG BEFORE a post-emergence grass herbicide:- leave an interval of at least 7 days between treatments. Basagran SG AFTER a post-emergence grass herbicide:- leave an interval of 14 days and carry out a leaf wax test where relevant. Other than the permitted mixtures in the relevant crops, DO NOT tank mix Basagran SG with any other products or severe crop damage can result. 1.3 Weather conditions DO NOT apply Basagran SG or any of the recommended mixtures to any crop that may have been subjected to stress conditions, such as herbicide or disease injury, excessive acidity/alkalinity, trace element deficiency, drought, waterlogging, widely fluctuating temperatures, or physical damage to the foliage as caused by abnormal wind, rain, hail or frost. DO NOT spray under HOT SUNNY CONDITIONS when temperatures are at or above 21°C, particularly during the mid-day period. When the above conditions occur, spraying should be delayed until the evening. This is particularly important when there has been a change to hot sunny weather following a cool cloudy period. DO NOT spray if rain or frost is expected, nor if the foliage is wet. A minimum period of 6 hours free from rain is required after application. DO NOT apply Basagran SG during periods of drought or unseasonably cold weather as unsatisfactory weed control may result. 1.4 Crops Check varietal tolerance of varieties before using. A satisfactory leaf wax test using crystal violet marker dye must be carried out before applying Basagran SG or the recommended mixtures to peas. DO NOT treat forage pea varieties or mange-tout. DO NOT use on first early or seed crop potatoes. Restrictions relating to certain varieties of potatoes should be strictly observed. Check also all specific restrictions and warnings relevant to potatoes. CONSULT PROCESSORS BEFORE USE. 1.5 Application DO NOT overlap spray swaths. Avoid spray drift onto neighbouring crops, particularly lettuce and sugar beet. The recommended water volume is 100-450 litres/hectare. The lowest volume of 100 litres/hectare can only be used when weeds are no larger than cotyledon stage, weed density is low to moderate and crop shielding is negligible. WASH EQUIPMENT thoroughly immediately after use. Fill the tank with clean water and leave overnight. Spray out before storage or using other products. Traces of the product may cause damage to susceptible crops sprayed later. 41 H H Basagran® SG 2. WEED CONTROL 2.1 Susceptibility ratings SUSCEPTIBILITY OF WEEDS TO BASAGRAN SG ALONE OR IN MIXTURES Weed Name Basagran SG Alone Basagran SG + Tropotox 2 Black-bindweed Black-grass Charlock Chickweed, Common Cleavers Crane’s-bill Dead-nettle, Henbit Dead-nettle, Red Fat-hen Fool’s Parsley Forget-me-not, Field Fumitory, Common MS R S S S S MS MS MS 1 S S MS S R S S S S MS MS S S S S Goosefoot, Fig-leaved Groundsel Hemp-nettle, Common Knotgrass Marigold, Corn Mayweed spp. Meadow-grass, Annual Mustard, Black Mustard, White Nettle, Small Nightshade, Black Oilseed Rape, Volunteer Orache, Common Pansy, Field Penny-cress, Field Persicaria, Pale Pimpernel, Scarlet Poppy, Common Radish, Wild Redshank Shepherd’s-purse Sow-thistle, Smooth Speedwell, Common Field Speedwell, other species Spurrey, Corn Thistles, Creeping (aerial portion) S MS MR MR S S R S S S S S MS R S S S MS S S S MS S S MS MS S S R S S S S S S MS S S S MS S S MS MS MS MR S MR S SP SP 42 Basagran® SG S - Susceptible: controlled from cotyledon up to 6 leaf stage or 5 cm high or across by 1.65 kg /hectare, from cotyledon up to 2 leaves by the split dose programme. SP - Top growth suppressed if appreciable foliage is present. Seedlings (cotyledon - 2 true leaves) will also be controlled. MS - Moderately Susceptible: controlled from cotyledon up to 2 leaf stage but only checked up to 6 leaf stage or 5 cm high or across by 1.65 kg/ hectare; controlled at cotyledon only by the split dose programme. MR - Checked up to 2 leaves by 1.65 kg/hectare. R - Resistant: no useful effect. 1 2 For improved control of fat-hen in dwarf beans and in potatoes only, see Section 1 and 4.2 for the use of Basagran SG with adjuvants. Basagran SG + Tropotox tank mix recommended for use in peas only. For definition of formulations and rates, see Section 3.3. 3. CROPS 3.1 Dwarf French, Navy and Runner Beans Timing of Application Apply Basagran SG in runner beans when the crop has between one and two trifoliate leaves and in dwarf French and navy beans as soon as the crop has two trifoliate leaves. Crop selectivity is partly dependent on adequate leaf wax formation. When conditions which reduce leaf wax occur the application should be delayed by at least 5 to 7 days to await recoverty. Basagran SG may cause transient scorch, which can be prolonged with applications later than the three trifoliate leaf stage. Method of Application Basagran SG can be applied either by a conventional single dose or preferably by a split dose treatment. Varietal Tolerances The following varieties can be safely treated: 43 H H Basagran® SG Dwarf French Beans Catch + 1 Flevoro Kingreen Laguna Lasso Magnum + Masai Nerina Nomad # Paulista # Safari Sigma 1 Tasman 1 Ursus 1 Yukon 1 Navy Beans Purley King Revenge Torpedo Runner Beans Achievement Emergo Enorma + These varieties are recommended on the basis of limited (2 years) data. # The use of Basagran SG + oil on these varieties is recommended on the basis of limited (2 years) data. 1 The use of Basagran SG + Actipron has not been tested on these varieties. Control of Fat-Hen in Dwarf Beans See Section 1 - Basagran SG use with Actipron, Adder or Cropspray 11E. 3.2 Spring and Winter Field Beans and Broad Beans Basagran SG can be used alone or following a pre-emergence herbicide providing the crop is not adversely affected. Crop selectivity is partly dependent on adequate leaf wax formation. Frost, wet conditions, physical damage, disease or previous sprays can all reduce leaf wax and when this occurs application should be delayed by at least 5 to 7 days to await recovery. Method of Application: Basagran SG can be applied either by a conventional single dose or by a split dose treatment. The correct crop and weed growth stages are given in the following table. See also Section 4.2 - Application. The single dose is usually the preferred treatment for the winter bean crop due to overwintered weeds being more advanced. The split dose is the preferred method in spring field beans provided that the weed and crop stage are suitable. 44 Basagran® SG Rates and Timing - Field and Broad Beans Crop Application method Split dose: (a) Spring Beans and Broad Beans (b) Single dose: (b) Split dose: Rate kg/hectare Crop stage (see diagram) 0.85 kg/ha followed by 0.85 kg/ha OR 1.1 kg/ha followed by 0.55 kg/ha 2 to 6 leaf pairs, max. height 15 cm. 1.65 kg/ha as spring beans Winter Beans (applied in the spring) Single dose: as spring beans Optimum crop stage is 5-10 cm. 3 to 6 leaf pairs, max. height 15 cm Broad Beans: 3 to 4 leaf pairs only. Optimum stage for both crops - as for split dose. 2 leaf pairs up to and including 7 leaf pair stage. Optimum crop stage is 5 to 15 cm. 3 leaf pairs up to and including 7 leaf pair stage. Optimum stage - as for split dose. Weed stage cotyledon to 2 leaves only. (optimum cotyledon) cotyledon to 6 leaves. (optimum 2 leaf) cotyledon to 2 leaves only. (optimum cotyledon) cotyledon to 6 leaves. (optimum 2 leaf) Important notes: (a) If conditions are conducive to increased herbicide activity and crop scorch, e.g. warm sunny conditions, tender foliage or a more sensitive variety, then the 0.85/0.85 kg/hectare split should be used. (b) Broad beans are more sensitive than field beans. The split dose treatment is always preferable to the single dose in this crop. 45 45 H Basagran® SG Maximum height 15cm (6 in) H 4th 4th 1st 1st 1st leaves 2 leaf unfolding pairs 005 006 3 leaf pairs 102 CODE†: SPLIT DOSE TIMING 2nd 2nd 4 leaf pairs 103 6 leaf pairs 105 First buds visible* 201 WINTER FIELD BEANS SPRING FIELD BEANS - -- - - - SINGLE -DOSE TIMING ---- WINTER FIELD BEANS SPRING FIELD BEANS Varietal tolerances: The following varieties can be treated: Spring Field Beans Fuego + Maris Bead Quattro + Titch Victor Varieties in bold text may exhibit more leaf scorch than others, but are not highly sensitive. + These varieties are recommended on the basis of limited (2 years) data. Winter Field Beans: All varieties tested so far have shown good tolerance: Broad Beans Danko Listra Medes Talia Varieties in bold have shown more sensitivity to Basagran SG. Use only the split dose treatments on these varieties. Processors must be consulted before use in broad beans. Crop Effects - Field and Broad Beans Slight crop scorch can occur after spraying. This is seen as a blackening of leaf margins, particularly on older leaves - all subsequent new leaves being unaffected. A temporary vigour check may also occur under some conditions. These effects generally have no influence on yield. They can, however, be more pronounced when applications are made beyond the optimum growth stage, particularly when the single dose is used and/or adverse weather conditions prevail. Warnings Avoid overlapping spray bouts and DO NOT add Actipron, Adder or Cropspray 11E to Basagran SG in field and broad bean crops. DO NOT apply on crops earlier than the 2 leaf pair stage, or crops more than 15 cm tall (except winter beans) or if flower buds are visible. 46 Basagran® SG 3.3 Peas Basagran SG may be used alone or in mixtures with Tropotox. The choice of treatment depends on the weed spectrum to be controlled - see weed susceptibilities listed in Section 2.1. Basagran SG, or the above mixtures may be used following pre-emergence broad-leaf herbicides provided that the crop is undamaged and showing no adverse symptoms of herbicide application. Avoid application to crops which are under stress from physical damage or disease, or other factors. A satisfactory leaf wax test using crystal violet marker dye must be performed before applying Basagran SG or Basagran SG mixtures, particularly with early drillings which tend to have less leaf wax. Slight scorch of the leaf margins and/or hormonal twisting may occur shortly after spraying but the crop will soon recover; yield and maturity will not be adversely affected. Time of Application Apply Basagran SG or Basagran SG + Tropotox from when the peas have three nodes (3 fully expanded leaves) until before the flower buds can be found enclosed in the terminal shoot. The optimum timing is when the majority of weeds have germinated, but are still at the seedling stage. Rate of Application (See also Section 1 - single applications): (i) Basagran SG alone - Apply 1.65 kg/ha. (ii) Basagran SG + Tropotox tank mix - Apply 1.65 kg/ha Basagran SG + 3.75 l/ha Tropotox. NOTE: Only single applications are approved for use in peas. Varietal Tolerances The following varieties can be safely treated, either with Basagran SG alone, or the above mixtures. Green Peas (Vining Peas) Ambassador *Avola (Spring) Balmoral + Barle Bikini Cabree + Jaguar + Misty Samish + Snake + *Span Tristar Winner Zamira + Combining Peas Bunting Eagle + Flare + Jackpot + Nitouche + + These varieties are recommended on the basis of limited (2 years) data. Bold type denotes varieties that are slightly sensitive. DO NOT treat the varieties Carouby de Mausanne, Conquest, Danielle, Dinos, Filby, Fonado, Printana, Sherbourne, Turon, Santa or Vedette. DO NOT treat forage pea varieties or mange-tout. For the approval status and tolerance of any variety not mentioned above, consult your local BASF representative or the Processors and Growers Research Organisation. 47 47 H H Basagran® SG 3.4 Linseed Since linseed offers poor weed competition, weed control is important, especially in the early growth stages. Basagran SG may be used alone or following pre-emergence herbicides, provided that the crop is showing no adverse symptoms. Time of Application Apply when the crop is between 21/2-30 cm tall, but before the flower buds are visible. The optimum timing is when the majority of weeds have germinated and are still in the seedling stage. As a guide, this is usually when the crop is between 71/2-20 cm tall. Methods of Application Basagran SG can be applied either by a conventional single dose or by a split dose treatment. 3.5 Narcissi A weed control programme of a suitable pre-emergence herbicide followed by Basagran SG is recommended. Time of Application Apply Basagran SG at or after flowering but not during flower bud formation. If required, Basagran SG may be applied at any time after crop emergence except during flower bud formation. For optimum control weeds should be at the cotyledon to seedling stage. Methods of Application Basagran SG can be applied either by a conventional single dose or by a split dose treatment. Varietal Tolerances The following varieties have been successfully treated: Buxton Larianti Carlton Scarlet Elegance Fortune Snowball Golden Harvest Selectivity has been satisfactory over many varieties. However, because there is such a large range, with an unlisted variety growers are advised to check a small area in the first instance. 3.6 48 Potatoes Basagran SG is a post-emergence treatment for use in maincrop and second early potatoes. It may be used alone or following a pre-emergence herbicide in a programme of weed control provided the crop is undamaged and showing no adverse symptoms of herbicide application. Basagran SG used in sequence with a pre-emergence application of metribuzin gives improved weed control from the combination of residual and contact activity. DO NOT apply following a post-emergence application of metribuzin (Sencorex WG). Some leaf-yellowing or slight scorch may occur under certain conditions (see ‘Varietal Tolerances’ and ‘Factors Affecting Crop Tolerance’). These effects are transient, only being present on leaves exposed to the spray. All subsequent growth is unaffected and yields are not adversely affected, provided that applications are within the following guidelines. DO NOT irrigate for at least 24 hours following application. In dry conditions irrigation prior to Basagran SG application can be beneficial to ensure that weeds are actively growing. However, foliage must be dry before application. Avoid overlapping spray bouts. 48 Basagran® SG 3.6.1 Potatoes- Basagran SG alone Time of Application Apply Basagran SG when the majority of weeds have emerged and are at the cotyledon to seedling stage, but before most of the crop has reached a height of 15 cm. Application when the crop is taller than 15 cm is not recommended because foliage scorch can be increased leading to a possible check to the crop vigour and yields. Weeds can also be shielded from the spray by crop foliage with later applications. Methods of Application Basagran SG can be applied either by a conventional single dose or preferably by a split dose treatment. See Section 4.2, Application. Control of Fat Hen in Potatoes See Section 4.2, Basagran SG use with adjuvants. 3.6.2 Potatoes- Basagran SG/Sencorex sequences Apply 1.0 kg/ha metribuzin (Sencorex WG) pre-emergence of the potatoes as recommended in the metribuzin label. On soils with high organic matter content, better activity can be achieved by pre- or post-planting incorporation or by application pre-final ridging. Follow this with an application of 0.85 kg/ ha Basagran SG + 1.5 l/ha Actipron post-crop emergence when the weeds are at cotyledon to 2 leaf stage, but before the potato shoots exceed 15 cm in height. Check varietal restrictions for Basagran SG and metribuzin before embarking on this programme. 3.6.3 Potatoes- Varietal Tolerances The following maincrop and second early varieties can be treated either with Basagran SG alone or, if required, with the addition of Actipron, Adder or Cropspray 11E. Ailsa *# Estima +* Premiere *# Ambo # Hermes *# Record Anna *# King Edward * Romano Atlantic *# Marfona + Rooster *# Ausonia Maris Peer + Saturna 0 # Balmoral *# Maris Piper Saxon # Brodick # Nadine Shula # Cara Navan # Symfonia *# Carlingford +*# Obelix # Valor # Costella + Pentland Crown Vekaro Cultra # Pentland Dell Vanessa Desiree * Pentland Squire Wilja + Erntestolz # Picasso *# + second early varieties. 0 Do not use the Sencorex WG/Basagran SG sequence on this variety. * These varieties have shown more foliage scorch than others. Particular attention should be paid to the crop stage and factors affecting crop tolerance. DO NOT use the single dose treatment with permitted adjuvants on on these varieties. # These varieties are recommended on the basis of limited (2 years) data. DO NOT treat the following varieties: Bintje, Fianna, Lady Rosetta, Morag, Morene, Rode Pipo, Russett Burbank, Sante, Shepody, Stemster and Stroma. DO NOT treat seed crops or first early varieties. Factors Affecting Crop Tolerance Basagran SG should not be applied to potatoes under hot, sunny conditions when temperatures are at or above 21°C, particularly during the mid-day 49 49 H H Basagran® SG period. When these conditions are encountered, spraying should be delayed until evening. It should be noted that in general, crop foliage is more sensitive when there is a sudden change to hot, sunny weather following a cool, cloudy period. This sensitivity diminishes after approximately three days. Crop tolerance will also be reduced if the crop is under stress, e.g. from such factors as physical damage (as from high wind), heavy rain or hail, virus diseases, blackleg, nematodes, Rhizoctonia, excessive soil alkalinity or acidity, or frost either shortly before or after treatment. Wet foliage is prone to scorch by Basagran SG. 4. MIXING AND SPRAYING 4.1 Mixing Half fill the spray tank with clean water and start the agitation. Pour in the required amount of Basagran SG. Add the remainder of the water and continue agitation until spraying is completed. When tank mixes are to be used each product should be added separately to the spray tank. All tank mixes should be used immediately after mixing. 4.2 Application All applications should be made as a FINE spray, as defined by BCPC, unless the highest water volumes are used when FINE or MEDIUM sprays are permissible. It is essential to achieve full cover of all weed surface areas, especially the growing point. Therefore ADJUST SPRAY VOLUMES AND PRESSURES ACCORDING TO THE SIZE AND DENSITY OF THE WEED POPULATIONS AND CROP COVER. Basagran SG can be applied as a single dose in all recommended crops or as a split dose in dwarf green, navy, runner and field beans, linseed, potatoes and narcissi. The split dose will control susceptible weeds from cotyledon up to 2 true leaves while the single dose is effective on weeds up to 4-6 true leaf stage. The split dose method has generally given better weed control and enhanced crop safety over the conventional single dose, but if weeds are larger than 2 true leaves it is necessary to use the single dose method. Timing of Split Dose The optimum timing for the first application is when the first flush of weeds are at the cotyledon stage. The second follow-up dose should be applied within 7 to 10 days of the first dose, depending on the control achieved by the initial dose or the appearance of the second weed flush. See individual sections below for crop growth stage limitations. A maximum of two applications may be made: 0.85 kg/hectare followed by 0.85 kg/hectare or 1.1 kg/hectare followed by 0.55 kg/hectare. The 0.85 kg/0.85 kg/hectare split is preferable if conditions are likely to be very warm, sunny or humid, if foliage is tender or if a sensitive variety is to be treated. The recommended water volume is 100-220 litres/hectare. The lowest volume of 100 litres/hectare can only be used when weeds are no larger than cotyledon stage, weed density is low to moderate and crop shielding is negligible. Single Dose and Mixtures Where Basagran SG is recommended as a single application in this text, it should be applied at 1.65 kg/hectare. When applied alone or in mixture with other products, the recommended water volume is 220-450 litres/hectare. 50 50 Basagran® SG The lowest volume of 220 litres/hectare should only be used when all the following conditions apply: : weeds at cotyledon to 2 leaves only. : weed density is low to moderate. : crop shielding is negligible. Flat fan or high pressure hollow cone nozzles are suitable under these conditions. For other situations, 330-450 litres/hectare is recommended, preferably applied through flat fan nozzles only, operating at an optimum pressure of approximately 3-3.5 bar, in order to produce a fine penetrating spray. In crops where the addition of an adjuvant is recommended, add 2 litres/ hectare of Actipron, Adder or Cropspray 11E to the recommended rate of Basagran SG when spray volumes of 220-450 litres/hectare are used. Where a split dose application is recommended within the water volume range of 100-170 litres/hectare then the rate of adjuvant is reduced to 1-1.5 litres/hectare respectively. 5. SEQUENCES DO NOT apply insecticides within 7 days of treatment with Basagran SG. Basagran SG BEFORE a post-emergence grass herbicide:- leave an interval of at least 7 days between treatments. Basagran SG AFTER a post-emergence grass herbicide:- leave an interval of 14 days and carry out a leaf wax test where relevant. 6. CONTAINER AND STORAGE Basagran SG is supplied in 3 kg boxes and should be kept dry and frostproof in a suitable pesticide store. 51 51 H H Basagran® SG 7. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Operator protection Engineering control of operator exposure must be used where reasonably practicable in addition to the following personal protective equipment: WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING (COVERALLS), SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES, FACE PROTECTION (FACE SHIELD) AND SUITABLE RESPIRATORY PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT when handling the concentrate. WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES when handling contaminated surfaces. However, engineering controls may replace personal protective equipment if a COSHH assessment shows that they provide an equal or higher standard of protection. WASH CONCENTRATE from skin or eyes immediately. DO NOT BREATHE SPRAY. WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE. WASH HANDS AND EXPOSED SKIN before eating and drinking and after work. IF YOU FEEL UNWELL, seek medical advice immediately (show the label where possible). Environmental protection DO NOT contaminate water with the product or its container. DO NOT clean application equipment near surface water / avoid contamination via drains from farmyards and roads. Storage and disposal KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDINGSTUFFS. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. KEEP IN ORIGINAL CONTAINER tightly closed, in a safe place. WASH OUT CONTAINER THOROUGHLY, empty washing into spray tank and dispose of safely. DO NOT RE-USE CONTAINER for any purpose. 52 52 Basagran® SG 8. GLOBALLY HARMONISED SYSTEM (GHS) REGULATIONS Basagran® SG A water soluble granule containing (87% w/w) bentazone as the sodium salt. DANGER: CAUSES SERIOUS EYE DAMAGE HARMFUL IF SWALLOWED MAY CAUSE AN ALLERGIC SKIN REACTION HARMFUL TO AQUATIC LIFE WITH LONG LASTING EFFECTS WEAR PROTECTIVE GLOVES AND EYE/FACE PROTECTION. AVOID BREATHING DUST. IF SWALLOWED: IMMEDIATELY CALL A POISON CENTRE OR DOCTOR/PHYSICIAN. IF IN EYES: RINSE CAUTIOUSLY WITH WATER FOR SEVERAL MINUTES. REMOVE CONTACT LENSES, IF PRESENT AND EASY TO DO. CONTINUE RINSING IF ON SKIN: WASH WITH PLENTY OF SOAP AND WATER. IF SKIN IRRITATION OR RASH OCCURS: GET MEDICAL ADVICE/ATTENTION. To avoid risks to human health and the environment, comply with the instructions for use. This product is approved under the Plant Protection Product Regulations 1995 53 53 H H Basagran® SG 9. IMPORTANT INFORMATION IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR USE ONLY AS AN AGRICULTURAL/ HORTICULTURAL HERBICIDE, as directed below: Crops Maximum individual dose Maximum number of treatments Latest time of application Field bean (winter), navy bean 1.65 kg product/hectare Up to and including 7 leaf pair stage Spring field beans 1.65 kg product/hectare Broad beans 1.65 kg product/hectare One or Two as a split dose (see ‘Other specific restrictions’) One or Two as a split dose (see ‘Other specific restrictions’) One or Two as a split dose (see ‘Other specific restrictions’) Vining pea, combining pea 1.65 kg product/hectare Dwarf French bean, runner bean, linseed 1.65 kg product/hectare Ornamental plant 1.65 kg production product/hectare (narcissi) Potatoes 1.65 kg product/hectare Before the crop exceeds 15 cm in height and before 7 leaf pair stage Single dose - before the 5 leaf pair stage. Split dose - before the crop exceeds 15 cm in height and before 7 leaf pair stage One Before flower buds can be found enclosed in the terminal shoot One or Two as Before flower a split dose buds visible (see ‘Other specific restrictions’) One or Two as Not applicable* a split dose (see ‘Other specific restrictions’) One or Two as Before shoots a split dose exceed 15 cm in (see ‘Other height specific restrictions’) Other specific restrictions: A maximum of 1.65 kg product/hectare/crop must not be exceeded for split doses. *This product must not be applied to ornamental plant production (narcissi) during flower bud formation. READ THE LABEL BEFORE USE. USING THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER THAT IS INCONSISTENT WITH THE LABEL MAY BE AN OFFENCE. FOLLOW THE CODE OF PRACTICE FOR USING PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCTS. (MAFF No. 08360) 54 Bassoon® EC F FUNGICIDE MAPP No. 15219 Use: A systemic fungicide for use in winter wheat, spring wheat, durum wheat, winter barley, spring barley, triticale, rye and oats. Formulation: An emulsifiable concentrate containing 83 g/litre (8 % w/w) epoxiconazole. Pack Size: 10 litres in outers of 2. Recommended Crops: Winter and spring wheat Durum wheat Winter and spring barley Triticale Rye Oats Maximum individual dose: 1.5 litres per hectare Latest Time of Application: Winter wheat, spring wheat, durum wheat, rye, tritcale: Up to and including flowering (anthesis) complete Winter and spring barley, oats: Up to and including emergence of ear complete Processed Crops: Before using Bassoon EC on crops grown to be processed consult your processor. Water Volume: 100 – 300 litres/hectare Aerial Application: No Compatibility: For details of compatibilities contact your distributor, local BASF representative, the BASF Technical Services Hotline: 0845 602 2553 or visit our website on: Major changes since last printing: None This product label is compliant with the CPA Voluntary Initiative Guidance 55 Bassoon® EC Spray Quality: MEDIUM F Bassoon® EC DIRECTIONS FOR USE IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product. Bassoon EC is a systemic fungicide for use in winter wheat, spring wheat, durum wheat, winter barley, spring barley, triticale, rye and oats. 1. RESTRICTIONS/WARNINGS This product may cause damage to broad-leaved plant species. Avoid spray drift on to neighbouring crops. Consult processor before use. When applied to barley intended for malting, refer to the latest timing restrictions for epoxiconazole given by the British Beer and Pub Association Wash equipment thoroughly after use. 2. DISEASE CONTROL Bassoon EC is a systemic fungicide with protectant and curative properties for the control of a range of diseases in winter wheat, spring wheat, durum wheat, winter barley, spring barley, triticale, rye and oats, as summarised below: Winter wheat # Spring wheat Durum wheat Winter barley Spring barley Oats Triticale Rye Powdery mildew - - - C C C C - Septoria tritici C C C - - - - C Septoria nodorum C C C - - - - C Yellow rust C C C C C - C C Brown rust C C C C C - C C Crown rust - - - - - C - - Net blotch - - - C C - - - Rhynchosporium - - - C C - - - Ramularia - - - R R - - - Fusarium ear blight # GR GR GR - - - - - Sooty moulds (Cladosporium; Botrytis) R R R - - - - - C = Control MC = Moderate control GR = good reduction R = Reduction Application of Bassoon EC to ears of wheat can lead to reduction of the levels of the mycotoxin deoxynivalenol (DON) associated with Fusarium ear blight infection, but this level of effect may not necessarily lead to reduction of DON below the statutory limit in wheat grain. 56 Bassoon® EC Resistance Management Strains of certain cereal diseases with decreased sensitivity to triazole fungicides are known to exist in the UK. Where these occur or develop Bassoon EC may not give satisfactory control. Bassoon EC contains a DMI fungicide. Resistance to some DMI fungicides has been identified in Septoria leaf blotch (Mycosphaerella graminicola) which may seriously affect the performance of some products. For further advice on resistance management in DMIs contact your agronomist or specialist advisor, and visit the FRAG-UK website. 3. CROP Bassoon EC is a systemic fungicide for use in winter wheat, spring wheat, durum wheat, winter barley, spring barley, triticale, rye and oats. Time of Application Apply Bassoon EC at the start of foliar disease attack. A maximum of two applications can be made up to and including flowering just complete in winter and spring wheat, durum wheat, rye and triticale and up to and including emergence of ear just complete in winter and spring barley and oats. For protection against Fusarium ear blight and sooty mould on the ears of winter and spring wheat and durum wheat, apply Bassoon EC during ear emergence. Rate of Application Apply 1.5 litre Bassoon EC in a minimum of 150 to 300 litres of water per hectare. Qualified recommendation Bassoon EC may be applied at 1.5 litres per hectare in 100 litres of water per hectare although efficacy at this reduced volume has not been evaluated. Therefore application at 100 litres water per hectare is at user’s risk with regard to biological efficacy. 4. FOLLOWING CROPS After treating a cereal crop with Bassoon EC, oilseed rape, cereals, sugar beet, maize, clover, dwarf French beans, field beans, peas, carrots, potatoes, lettuce, cabbage, sunflower, ryegrass and onions may be sown as the following crops. The effect of Bassoon EC on other crops has not been assessed. 5. MIXING AND SPRAYING Apply as a MEDIUM spray, as defined by BCPC. Half fill the spray tank with clean water and start the agitation. SHAKE THE CONTAINER WELL before use and pour in the required amount of product. Rinse any empty containers thoroughly and add rinsings to the spray tank. Add the remainder of the water and continue agitation until spraying is completed. When tank mixes are to be used, each product should be added separately to the spray tank, taking due note of any instructions given as to the order of mixing. 6. CONTAINER AND STORAGE Bassoon EC is supplied in 10 litre containers. Keep dry and frostproof in a suitable pesticide store. 57 F F Bassoon® EC 7. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Operator protection Engineering control of operator exposure must be used where reasonably practicable in addition to the following personal protective clothing: WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING (COVERALLS) AND SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES when handling the concentrate. WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING (COVERALLS) AND SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES when handling contaminated surfaces. However, engineering controls may replace personal protective equipment if a COSHH assessment shows they provide an equal or higher standard of protection. IF YOU FEEL UNWELL, seek medical advice immediately (show the label where possible). WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE. WASH HANDS AND EXPOSED SKIN before meals and after work. Environmental protection Do not contaminate water with the product or its container. Do not clean application equipment near surface water. Avoid contamination via drains from farmyards and roads. To protect aquatic organisms respect an unsprayed buffer zone distance to surface water bodies in line with LERAP requirements. DO NOT ALLOW DIRECT SPRAY from horizontal boom sprayers to fall within 5m of the top of the bank of a static or flowing waterbody, unless a Local Environment Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) permits a narrower buffer zone, or within 1m of the top of a ditch which is dry at the time of application. Aim spray away from water. This product qualifies for inclusion within the Local Environment Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) scheme. Before each spraying operation from a horizontal boom sprayer, either a LERAP must be carried out in accordance with CRD’s published guidance or the statutory buffer zone must be maintained. The results of the LERAP must be recorded and kept available for inspection for three years. Storage and disposal KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDINGSTUFFS. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. RINSE CONTAINER THOROUGHLY by using an integrated pressure rinsing device or manually rinsing three times. Add washings to sprayer at time of filling and dispose of safely. Store in a suitable pesticide store. Keep dry and protect from frost. 58 Bassoon® EC 8. DPD REGULATIONS (CHIP 3) Bassoon® EC An emulsifiable concentrate containing 83 g/litre (8 % w/w) epoxiconazole. HARMFUL BY INHALATION IRRITATING TO SKIN LIMITED EVIDENCE OF A CARCINOGENIC EFFECT POSSIBLE RISK OF IMPAIRED FERTILITY POSSIBLE RISK OF HARM TO THE UNBORN CHILD VERY TOXIC TO AQUATIC ORGANISMS, MAY CAUSE LONG TERM ADVERSE EFFECTS IN THE AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING AND GLOVES. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDING STUFFS. WHEN USING DO NOT EAT OR DRINK. IF SWALLOWED, seek medical advice immediately and show this container or label. THIS MATERIAL AND ITS CONTAINER MUST BE DISPOSED OF IN A SAFE WAY. USE APPROPRIATE CONTAINMENT TO AVOID ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAMINATION. To avoid risks to man and the environment, comply with the instructions for use This product is approved under the Plant Protection Product Regulations 2005. 59 F F Bassoon® EC 9. IMPORTANT INFORMATION IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR USE ONLY AS AN AGRICULTURAL FUNGICIDE, as directed below: Crops Maximum individual dose Maximum total dose Latest time of application Winter and spring 1.5 litres product Wheat, per hectare Rye, Triticale, Durum wheat 3.0 litres product per hectare Up to and including flowering (anthesis) just complete (GS 69) Winter and spring 1.5 litres product Barley, Oats per hectare 3.0 litres product per hectare Up to and including emergence of ear just complete (GS 59) READ THE LABEL BEFORE USE. USING THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER THAT IS INCONSISTENT WITH THE LABEL MAY BE AN OFFENCE. FOLLOW THE CODE OF PRACTICE FOR USING PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCTS. MAPP No. 15219 60 Bellis® F FUNGICIDE MAPP No. 12522 Use: A protectant and systemic fungicide for the control of apple scab and powdery mildew in apples and scab control in pears. Bellis will provide reduction of storage rots caused by Gloeosporium, Alternaria, Botrytis and Penicillium species in apples and pears. Formulation: A water dispersible granule containing 25.2% w/w boscalid and 12.8% w/w pyraclostrobin. Pack Size: 1 kg in outers of ten Recommended Crops: Apples and Pears Recommended Rate: 0.8 kg of product per hectare Water Volume: 300–1500 litres of water per hectare Spray Quality: MEDIUM Processed Crops: Consult processors before use. Maximum Number of Applications: Apples and Pears: 4 per year A minimum interval of 10 days must be observed between applications to apples and pears. Aerial Application: No Compatibility: For details of compatibilities contact your distributor, local BASF representative, the BASF Technical Services Hotline: 0845 602 2553 or visit our website on: Major changes since last printing: Globally Harmonised System (GHS) Regulations added, see Section 7. This product label is compliant with the CPA Voluntary Initiative Guidance 61 Bellis® Latest Time of Application: 7 days before harvest F Bellis® DIRECTIONS FOR USE IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product. 1. RESTRICTIONS/WARNINGS Processed Crops CONSULT PROCESSORS BEFORE USE: Effects of treatment on fruit preservation (jam, juice, canned) and fermentation (cider and perry production) have not been fully assessed. 2. DISEASE CONTROL Bellis is a protectant and systemic fungicide for the control of apple scab (Venturia inaequalis) and powdery mildew (Podosphaera leucotricha) in apples and scab control in pears (Venturia pirina). When used as the final 2 sprays in a fungicidal spray programme, Bellis will provide reduction of storage rots caused by Gloeosporium, Alternaria, Botrytis and Penicillium species in apples and pears. 2.1 Resistance In order to minimise risk of resistance development, Bellis should be used in a programme with products of a different cross-resistant group. Bellis contains pyraclostrobin (a QoI inhibitor) and boscalid (a carboxamide). A maximum of four applications of Bellis (or other QoI products) per year can be applied where the total number of applications is twelve or more. Where the total number of fungicidal treatments to crops is less than twelve, the maximum number of treatments with Bellis or other QoI products should be three. DO NOT use more than two consecutive applications of Bellis. Blocks of two applications of Bellis must be separated by a minimum of two applications of a fungicide from a different cross-resistant group. 3. CROPS For use in apples and pears. Time of Application For optimum results apply Bellis as a protectant spray from bud burst and repeat at 10-14 day intervals. Use a maximum of three applications per year, except where the spray programme includes twelve or more fungicide applications - when a maximum of four applications per year of Bellis may be used. A minimum of 7 days must elapse between the last spray and harvest. Rate of Application Apply Bellis at 0.8 kg of product per hectare in a water volume of 300–1500 litres of water per hectare. 4. MIXING AND SPRAYING Apply as a MEDIUM spray as defined by BCPC. Half fill the spray tank with clean water and start agitation. Slowly add in the required amount of product. Rinse empty containers and add rinsings to the spray tank. Add the remainder of the water and continue agitation until spraying is complete. Water volumes should be based on the size of the trees and leaf area at application, and sufficient to ensure good coverage. The water volume should not exceed 1500 litres of water per hectare. 62 Bellis® 5. CONTAINER AND STORAGE Bellis is supplied in 1 kg polyethylene containers and should be kept dry and frostproof in a suitable pesticide store. Store separately from food, drink and animal feed. 6. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Operator protection Engineering control of operator exposure must be used where reasonably practicable in addition to the following personal protective equipment: WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES when handling the product or handling contaminated surfaces. WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING (COVERALLS) AND SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES when applying by hand held equipment. However, engineering controls may replace personal protective equipment if a COSHH assessment shows they provide an equal or higher standard of protection. WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE. AVOID ALL CONTACT BY MOUTH. WASH HANDS before meals and after work. IF YOU FEEL UNWELL, seek medical advice immediately (show the label where possible). IF SWALLOWED, seek medical advice immediately and show this container or label. Environmental protection DO NOT contaminate water with the product or its container. DO NOT clean application equipment near surface water. Avoid contamination via drains from farmyards and roads. DO NOT ALLOW DIRECT SPRAY from broadcast air-assisted spraying equipment to fall within 40 m of the top of the bank of a static or flowing water body, unless a Local Environmental Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) permits a narrower buffer zone, or within 5 m of the top of a ditch which is dry at the time of application. Aim spray away from water. This product qualifies for inclusion within the Local Environmental Risk Assessment for Pesticides for broadcast air-assisted sprayers. Before each spraying operation from a broadcast air-assisted sprayer, either a LERAP must be carried out in accordance with CRD’s published guidance or the statutory buffer zone must be maintained. The results of the LERAP must be recorded and kept available for inspection for three years. Storage and disposal DO NOT RE-USE CONTAINER for any purpose. KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDINGSTUFFS. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. RINSE CONTAINER THOROUGHLY by using an integrated pressure rinsing device or manually rinsing three times. Add washings to sprayer at time of filling and dispose of safely. Store in a suitable pesticide store. Keep dry and protect from frost. 63 F F Bellis® 7. GLOBALLY HARMONISED SYSTEM (GHS) REGULATIONS Bellis® DANGER: CAUSES SERIOUS EYE IRRITATION. HARMFUL IF SWALLOWED. VERY TOXIC TO AQUATIC LIFE. VERY TOXIC TO AQUATIC LIFE WITH LONG LASTING EFFECTS. Wear eye protection. IF SWALLOWED: Call a POISON CENTRE or doctor/ physician if you feel unwell. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. Rinse mouth. Collect spillage. Dispose of contents/container in accordance with local regulations. To avoid risks to human health and the environment, comply with the instructions for use This product is approved under the Plant Protection Products Regulations 2005 8. IMPORTANT INFORMATION IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR USE ONLY AS A HORTICULTURAL FUNGICIDE, as directed below: Crops Maximum individual dose Maximum number of treatments Latest time of application Apples and pears 0.8kg/ha 4 per year 7 days before harvest Other specific restrictions A minimum interval of 10 days must be observed between applications to apples and pears. READ THE LABEL BEFORE USE. USING THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER THAT IS INCONSISTENT WITH THE LABEL MAY BE AN OFFENCE. FOLLOW THE CODE OF PRACTICE FOR USING PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCTS. (MAPP 12522) 64 Brutus® Corbel® F FUNGICIDE MAPP No. 14353 Use: A broad spectrum systemic fungicide with protectant and curative properties for use in winter and spring wheat, durum wheat, winter and spring barley, rye and triticale. Formulation: An emulsifiable concentrate containing 37.5 g/l epoxiconazole and 27.5 g/l metconazole. Pack size: 5 litres in outers of four and 10 litres in outers of two. Recommended Crops: Wheat, winter and spring Durum wheat Barley, winter and spring Rye Triticale Maximum Individual Dose: 3.0 litres/ha Maximum Total Dose: 6.0 litres product per hectare Spray Quality: MEDIUM Latest Time of Application: Wheat (winter) Wheat (spring) GS 69 (end of flowering) Wheat (durum) Rye and Triticale Barley (winter) GS 59 (end of ear emergence) Barley (spring) Aerial Application: No Compatibility: For details of compatibilities contact your distributor, local BASF representative, the BASF Technical Services Hotline: 0845 602 2553 or visit our website on: Major changes since last printing: None. This product label is compliant with the CPA Voluntary Initiative Guidance 65 Brutus® Water Volume: 100 - 300 litres of water per hectare F Brutus® DIRECTIONS FOR USE IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product. Brutus is a broad spectrum systemic fungicide with protectant and curative properties for use in winter and spring wheat, durum wheat, winter and spring barley, rye and triticale. 1. RESTRICTIONS/WARNINGS This product may cause damage to broad-leaved plant species. Avoid spray drift onto neighbouring crops. Wash equipment thoroughly after use. When applied to barley intended for malting, refer to the latest timing restrictions for epoxiconazole given by the British Beer and Pub Association. 2. DISEASE CONTROL Brutus is a systemic fungicide with protectant and curative properties for the control of a range of diseases in winter and spring wheat, durum wheat, winter and spring barley, rye and triticale as summarised below: Brutus offers prolonged persistence of disease control leading to increased yield. 2.1 Disease susceptibility Powdery mildew Winter wheat Spring wheat Winter barley Spring barley Durum wheat Rye Triticale MC MC MC MC MC MC MC Septoria tritici C C - - C - C Septoria nodorum C C - - C - C Yellow rust C C C C C C C Brown rust C C C C C C C Tan spot MC MC - - MC - - Net blotch - - C C - - - Rhynchosporium - - C C - C - Ramularia - - MC MC - - - Eye spot R - R - R R R Fusarium ear blight (1) MC# MC# - - MC# - MC# Sooty moulds (Cladosporium; Botrytis) MC MC - - MC - - (1) Application of Brutus to ears of wheat can lead to reduction of the levels of the mycotoxin deoxynivalenol (DON) associated with Fusarium ear blight infection, but this level of effect may not necessarily lead to reduction of DON below the statutory limit in wheat and triticale grain. # = When applied at 3 litres per hectare Brutus will achieve Moderate Control of Fusarium ear blight. Brutus can also be used at 2 litres per hectare for Good Reduction of this disease. 66 Brutus® C MC R 2.2 = Control = Moderate control = Reduction Resistance management Strains of certain diseases with decreased sensitivity to triazole fungicides are known to exist in the UK. Where these occur or develop, Brutus may not give satisfactory control. Brutus contains the DMI fungicides epoxiconazole and metconazole. Resistance to some DMI fungicides has been identified in Septoria leaf blotch (Mycosphaerella graminicola) which may seriously affect the performance of some products. For further advice on resistance management with DMIs contact your agronomist or specialist advisor, and visit the FRAG-UK website. A strategy for managing resistance should be adopted. Guidelines have been produced by the Fungicide Resistance Action Committee (FRAC) and copies are available from HGCA, CPA, your distributor, crop adviser or product manufacturer. 3. CROP SPECIFIC INFORMATION 3.1 Crops Brutus may be used on all varieties of winter and spring wheat, durum wheat, winter and spring barley, rye and triticale. 3.2 Time of Application Apply Brutus at the start of disease attack. Applications in wheat, rye and triticale can be made up to the end of flowering (GS 69). Applications in barley can be made up to the end of ear emergence (GS 59). For optimum effect against eyespot with Brutus apply between the leaf sheaths erect and second node detectable stages of the crop. For protection against Fusarium ear blight and sooty moulds on the ears of winter and spring wheat, durum wheat and triticale, apply Brutus during ear emergence. 3.3 Rate of Application Apply 3 litres of Brutus in 150 to 300 litres of water per hectare. Qualified recommendation Brutus may be applied at 3 litres per hectare in 100 litres water per hectare although efficacy at this reduced volume has not been evaluated. Therefore application at 100 litres water per hectare is at user’s risk with regard to biological efficacy. When applied at 3 litres per hectare Brutus will achieve Moderate Control of Fusarium ear blight. Brutus can also be used at 2 litres per hectare for Good Reduction of this disease. 4. FOLLOWING CROPS After treating a cereal crop with Brutus, oilseed rape, cereals, sugar beet, linseed, maize, clover, beans, peas, carrots, potatoes, lettuce, cabbage, sunflower, ryegrass and onions may be sown as the following crop. The effect of Brutus on other crops has not been assessed. 5. MIXING AND SPRAYING 5.1 Mixing Never prepare more spray solution than is required. Fill the tank half full with water and start the agitation. To ensure thorough mixing of the product, invert the container several times before opening. Add the required quantity of Brutus to the spray tank while re-circulating. Fill up the tank with water and continue agitation until spraying is completed. 67 F F Brutus® When tank mixes are to be used, take due note of any instructions given as to the order of mixing. Each product should be added separately to the spray tank and fully dispersed before the addition of any further product(s). All tank mixes should be used immediately after mixing. On emptying the container, rinse container thoroughly by using an integrated pressure rinsing device or manually rinsing three times. Add washings to sprayer at time of filling and dispose of container safely. 5.2 Application Apply as a MEDIUM spray as defined by BCPC. 5.3 Sprayer cleaning After spraying, thoroughly clean and flush out application machinery with a minimum of three rinses. 6. CONTAINER AND STORAGE Brutus is supplied in 5 litre and 10 litre containers. Store in a suitable pesticide store, keep dry and protect from frost. 68 Brutus® 7. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Operator protection Engineering control of operator exposure must be used where reasonably practicable in addition to the following personal protective equipment. WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING (COVERALLS) AND SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES when handling the concentrate or contaminated surfaces. However, engineering controls may replace personal protective equipment if a COSHH assessment shows that they provide an equal or higher standard of protection. WASH HANDS AND EXPOSED SKIN before meals and after work. Environmental protection DO NOT contaminate water with the product or its container. DO NOT clean application equipment near surface water. Avoid contamination via drains from farmyards and roads. To protect aquatic organisms respect an unsprayed buffer zone to surface water bodies in line with LERAP requirement. DO NOT ALLOW DIRECT SPRAY from horizontal boom sprayers to fall within 5 m of the top of the bank of a static or flowing water body, unless a Local Environment Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) permits a narrower buffer zone, or within 1m of the top of a ditch which is dry at the time of application. Aim spray away from water. This product qualifies for inclusion within the Local Environment Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) scheme. Before each spraying operation from a horizontal boom sprayer, either a LERAP must be carried out in accordance with CRD’s published guidance or the statutory buffer zone must be maintained. The results of the LERAP must be recorded and kept available for three years. Storage and disposal KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDINGSTUFFS KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN DO NOT RE-USE CONTAINER for any purpose STORE IN ORIGINAL CONTAINER tightly closed, in a safe place On emptying the container, RINSE CONTAINER THOROUGHLY by using an integrated pressure rinsing device or manually rinsing three times. Add washings to sprayer at time of filling and dispose of container safely. 69 F F Brutus® 8. DPD REGULATIONS (CHIP 3) Brutus® An emulsifiable concentrate containing 27.5 g/litre metconazole and 37.5 g/l epoxiconazole. LIMITED EVIDENCE OF A CARCINOGENIC EFFECT MAY CAUSE SENSITISATION BY SKIN CONTACT VERY TOXIC TO AQUATIC ORGANISMS, MAY CAUSE LONG TERM ADVERSE EFFECTS IN THE AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDING STUFFS. WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE. DO NOT EMPTY INTO DRAINS; THIS MATERIAL AND ITS CONTAINER MUST BE DISPOSED OF IN A SAFE WAY. WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING AND GLOVES. IF SWALLOWED SEEK MEDICAL ADVICE IMMEDIATELY AND SHOW THIS CONTAINER OR LABEL. USE APPROPRIATE CONTAINMENT TO AVOID ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAMINATION. To avoid risks to man and the environment, comply with the instructions for use This product is approved under the Control of Pesticides Regulations. 9. IMPORTANT INFORMATION IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR USE ONLY AS AN AGRICULTURAL FUNGICIDE, as directed below: Crops Maximum individual dose Maximum total dose Latest time of application Wheat (winter) Wheat (spring) Wheat (durum) Rye Triticale 3.0 litres product per hectare 6.0 litres product per hectare GS 69 (end of flowering) Barley (winter) Barley (spring) 3.0 litres product per hectare 6.0 litres product per hectare GS 59 (end of ear emergence) READ THE LABEL BEFORE USE. USING THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER THAT IS INCONSISTENT WITH THE LABEL MAY BE AN OFFENCE. FOLLOW THE CODE OF PRACTICE FOR USING PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCTS. MAPP No. 14353 70 H Butisan® S HERBICIDE MAPP No. 11733 Use: A residual herbicide for broadleaved weed control and some grass weed control in a range of crops. Formulation: A suspension concentrate containing 500 g/litre (43.1% w/w) metazachlor. Pack Size: 5 litres in outers of four. Crop: See Section No: 3.1 3.3 3.2 3.2 3.4 3.5 3.6 Maximum Individual Dose: (product/hectare) 1.5 litres 1.5 litres Winter oilseed rape: Spring oilseed rape: Cabbage, Brussels sprout, cauliflower, broccoli, calabrese: 1.5 litres Swede, turnip: 1.5 litres Ornamental trees, ornamental shrubs and forest: 1.5 litres Maximum Total Dose per Crop: (product/hectare) 2.0 litres 1.5 litres 1.5 litres 1.5 litres 2.0 litres Latest Time of Application: Winter oilseed rape: End of January in year of harvest. Spring oilseed rape: Before 10th true leaf stage. Cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli and calabrese: 6 weeks before harvest. Swede, turnip: Pre-emergence. Ornamental trees, ornamental Shrubs, nursery fruit trees and forest: No restriction. Processed Crops: Consult processors before use. Major changes since last printing: Globally Harmonised System (GHS) Regulations added, see Section 8. This product label is compliant with the CPA Voluntary Initiative Guidance 71 Butisan® S Recommended Crops: Winter oilseed rape Spring oilseed rape Swedes Turnips Transplanted brassicae Direct drilled brassicae Ornamental trees, ornamental shrubs, farm woodland and commercial forestry: H Butisan® S Water Volume: 100-450 litres/hectare, depending upon use. Spray Quality: MEDIUM Aerial Application: No Compatilbility: For details of compatibilities contact your distributor, local BASF representative, the BASF Technical Services Hotline: 0845 602 2553 or visit our website on: DIRECTIONS FOR USE IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product. Butisan S is a residual herbicide which can be used in all varieties of winter and spring sown oilseed rape, swedes, turnips, cabbages, Brussels sprouts, cauliflowers, broccoli and calabrese. It may also be used in some ornamentals, hardy nursery stock, nursery fruit trees, farm woodland and commercial forestry. Butisan S is suitable for use on all soil types as defined in the Soil Texture (85) System, except sands and very light soils and soils containing more than 10% organic matter. 1. RESTRICTIONS/WARNINGS Herbicidal activity is dependent upon root uptake. Useful weed control can be obtained on soils with an organic matter higher than 10% but it may decrease as the percentage of organic matter increases appreciably. With drilled crops, when applying Butisan S pre-emergence, it is important for crop safety to ensure physical separation of the herbicide from the seed. This is achieved by ensuring that the seed is well covered with soil, to a depth of 15 mm. With direct drilled crops, harrow across slits to cover the seed before spraying Butisan S. Ensure that transplants are correctly planted with the roots well covered. Loose and puffy seedbeds must be consolidated before treatment. A reduction in crop vigour, weed control and possibly plant stand may occur with excessive rainfall shortly after application. If heavy irrigation is planned after transplanting, apply Butisan S after irrigating. Where a crop check has occurred this usually grows out after a few weeks and yields are normally unaffected. DO NOT apply Butisan S to soils with a compaction layer or to poorly drained soils, since damage can occur under waterlogged conditions. If Butisan S is applied onto a dry soil surface it will only be effective after rainfall has occurred. Light (10 mm at any one time) irrigation will help to ensure herbicidal activity. Weed control is dependent on adequate moisture. On brashy and stony soils, Butisan S may cause some reduction in crop vigour and/or plant stand, due to the chemical moving down to the rooting zone too rapidly. DO NOT USE pre-emergence applications on broadcast crops. DO NOT overlap spray swaths, particularly on the headlands. DO NOT treat crops which are suffering from wilting, pests or diseases or badly planted transplants. DO NOT use later than the end of January in winter oilseed rape. 72 Butisan® S When used alone Butisan S has very little dewaxing activity. However, under frosty conditions a transient scorch may sometimes occur. DO NOT use Butisan S in tank mixtures under frosty conditions. In ornamental trees, ornamental shrubs, nursery fruit trees, farm woodland and commercial forestry not all species or cultivars have been tested and so only a small number of plants should be treated initially to gain experience with the treatment. Selectivity is greatest when applied under cool, overcast conditions. Applications should not be made to soft, vigorously growing foliage, particularly during or after a period of warm days and cold nights. Avoid spray drift on to neighbouring crops. DO NOT use filters finer than 50 mesh. WASH EQUIPMENT thoroughly immediately after use. Traces of the product may cause damage to susceptible crops sprayed later. CONSULT PROCESSORS BEFORE USE. 2. WEED CONTROL 2.1 Susceptibility of weeds to Butisan S Weed Name Susceptibility to 1.5 l/ha Butisan S applied pre-emergence of the weed Chickweed, Common Cleavers Crane’s-bill, Cut-leaved S MR MR Dead-nettle, Red Forget-me-not, Field Fumitory, Common Groundsel S S R S Knotgrass Mayweeds Meadow-grass, Annual Pansy, Field R S S R Parsley Piert Penny-cress, Field Poppy, Common Shepherd’s-purse Speedwells S MS MR R = = = = S R MS S S Susceptible Moderately Susceptible Moderately Resistant Resistant 73 H H Butisan® S 2.2 Resistance Strains of some annual grasses (e.g. black-grass, wild-oats, and Italian rye grass) have developed resistance to herbicides which may lead to poor control. A strategy for preventing and managing such resistance should be adopted. Guidelines have been produced by the Weed Resistance Action Group and copies are available from the HGCA, CPA, your distributor, crop adviser or product manufacturer. 3. CROPS 3.1. Winter oilseed rape 3.1.1 Time of Application Butisan S may be applied pre- or post-emergence of the crop, depending on soil type, the seedbed conditions and weed spectrum, see Section 2.1. DO NOT use later than the end of January. Pre-emergence use: On medium and heavy soils where seedbeds are moist, firm and free from clods, Butisan S should be applied from drilling up until the crop seed chits. In warm soils, this may occur within 48 hours of drilling. DO NOT USE on broadcast crops. Early post-emergence use: Butisan S can be used on light, medium or heavy soils post- emergence, once the majority of the crop has reached the fully expanded cotyledon stage. See Section 2.1 for weed susceptibility and note moisture requirement. Post-emergence application of Butisan S is recommended if: - seedbed conditions are not ideal for the pre-emergence use - the seed is not covered with 15 mm of soil (as with broadcast crops) - Butisan S could not be applied before the seed crop chits - light soils, or all recommended soils which are stony, brashy or gravelly are to be treated, particularly if heavy rainfall has been forecast for the period following drilling - late drilled crops are to be treated 3.1.2 Rate of application Apply 1.5 litres Butisan S per hectare, pre- or post-emergence of the crop. 3.1.3 Water volume When applying Butisan S pre-emergence in tank mixture or whenever applying Butisan S post-emergence, use a minimum water volume of 220 litres per hectare. Butisan S can be applied in water volumes of 100 litres per hectare when used pre-emergence, but should not be used on poor seed beds nor in tank mixture with other products at this water volume. When using this reduced water volume nozzles designed to produce a coarser spray may be used. 74 Butisan® S 3.1.4 BUTISAN S recommendation summary for winter oilseed rape Pre-Emergence Post-Emergence Broadcast Crops DO NOT use Use permitted Crop Growth Stage After drilling and prior to chitting of crops drilled early or at normal time After cotyledons fully expanded (1st true leaf should be party emerged) Weed Growth Stage Pre-ermergence Before weeds emerge (see Section 2.1) Soil Type Medium to heavy Light to heavy Seedbed Condition Fine, firm, moist Not dry or cloddy Not critical provided reasonable Drilling Septh 15mm Not critical provided reasonable Water Volume Use a min of 100 /ha. For tank mixes use at least 200 l/ha Use a minimum 220 l/ha Important Notes DO NOT USE on broadcast or late drilled crops, or stony soils Adequate moisture is necessary for weed control Special Notes: 1. Approved herbicides may follow a pre- or early post-emergence application of Butisan S, provided that the crop is undamaged and showing no adverse symptoms. 3.2 Swedes and turnips Apply 1.5 litres Butisan S per hectare, pre-emergence of the crop. Weed susceptibilities are listed in Section 2.1. 3.2.1 Time of Application: Butisan S should be applied to seedbeds that are firm, moist and free from clods before the crop seed chits. This may occur within 48 hours of drilling in warm soils. DO NOT treat if a period of heavy rain is forecast as heavy rain before emergence may reduce crop stand. The latest time of application of Butisan S is pre-emergence in swedes and turnips. 3.2.2 Water volume: Butisan S should be applied in 220-450 litres of water per hectare. Use the higher water volume where seedbeds are not ideal (e.g. slightly cloddy). 3.3 Spring oilseed rape An application of 1.5 l/ha Butisan S is recommended in this crop. Weed 75 H H Butisan® S susceptibilities are listed in Section 2.1. 3.3.1 Time of Application Butisan S should be applied to seedbeds that are firm, moist and free from clods before the crop seed chits. This may occur within 48 hours of drilling in warm soils. DO NOT treat if a period of heavy rain is forecast as heavy rain before emergence may reduce crop stand. As an alternative, for spring oilseed rape apply once the crop has two fully expanded cotyledons but before weeds emerge. Broadcast crops must ONLY be treated post-emergence and this is the preferred timing for all crops grown on light, brashy, stony or gravelly soils. DO NOT apply after the crop has 10 true leaves. 3.3.2 Water volume Butisan S should be applied in 220-450 litres of water per hectare. Use the higher water volume where seedbeds are not ideal (e.g. slightly cloddy). 3.4 Transplanted brassicae An application of 1.5 litres per hectare Butisan S is recommended in these crops. Weed susceptibilities are listed in Section 2.1. 3.4.1 Time of Application The latest time of application of Butisan S is 6 weeks before harvest in transplanted brassicae. When treating transplants, ensure that the roots are well covered with soil and that the plants are adequately hardened off and established prior to treatment. If necessary, use irrigation to help establish the plants and raise soil moisture before treatment with Butisan S. Avoid spraying transplants when very warm days and cool nights are expected. Modular or block-raised transplants can be particularly sensitive to herbicide damage because they are often both soft and immature. It is essential that the directions concerning transplants are followed in full and it is advisable to only treat a small area in the first instance. 3.4.2 Water volume Butisan S should be applied in 220-450 litres of water per hectare. Use the higher water volume where seedbeds are not ideal (e.g. slightly cloddy). 3.5 Direct drilled brassicae To prolong weed control in direct drilled cabbages, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli or calabrese, one application of Butisan S can be made post-emergence of the crop (see weed susceptibilities are listed in Section 2.1) following the use of an alternative pre-emergence treatment. 3.5.1 Time of Application Apply Butisan S after the crops have 3-4 true leaves but before weed emergence. Do not treat crops within 6 weeks of harvesting. 3.5.2 Rate of Application Apply 1.5 litres Butisan S in 220-450 litres of water per hectare. 3.6 Ornamental trees, ornamental shrubs, nursery fruit trees, farm woodlands and commercial forestry 76 Butisan® S 3.6.1 Time of Application Apply as a surface spray to beds which are moist, firm and free from clods once existing weeds have been removed and before new weeds have emerged (see Table 2.1). New plantings can be treated after lining out or transplanting once the plants are established and sufficiently hardened off to withstand treatment. This may require irrigation before application which will also ensure adequate soil moisture. When used in sequence with other herbicides, apply when the previous treatment begins to fail. This is indicated by the first signs of weed germination. This criterion can also be used to time subsequent applications of Butisan S. 3.6.2 Rate of Application Apply 1.5 litres Butisan S in 220-450 litres of water per hectare. Use the higher volume when seedbeds are less than ideal to ensure adequate coverage. When using a knapsack sprayer for directed applications around the base of stems, mix as directed in Section 5, but ensure adequate dispersal of the product in the tank. 3.6.3 Crop Tolerance Species and cultivars in the following genera have been treated with a spray directed at the stem base without significant crop damage: Trees: Acer Malus Aesculus Nothofagus Ailanthus Ostrya Alnus Picea Amelanchia Pinus† Betula Platanus Carpinus Populus Castanea Prunus Catalpa Pseudotsuga Chamaecyparis Pyrus Corylus†† Quercus Crataegus Robinia† Davidia Salix Fagus Sophora† Fraxinus† Sorbus Gleditsia Thuja Juniperus Tilia Larix Shrubs: Berberis Cotoneaster Cornus Escallonia Euonymus Forsythia Hippophae Hypericum Ilex Ligustrum Mahonia Philadelphus Potentilla Rhamnus Ribes Rosa Rubus Sambucus Spirea Stephanandra Symphoricarpus Tamarix Viburnum† Weigela 77 H H Butisan® S Some of the above may be treated with an overall spray. Not all species or cultivars have been tested and so only a small number of plants should be treated initially to gain experience with the treatment. Selectivity is greatest when applied under cool, overcast conditions. Applications should not be made to soft, vigorously growing foliage, particularly during or after a period of warm days and cold nights. Further information on species and cultivars suitable for treatment is available on request. Note: † These species may show transient leaf curl, leaf necrosis and mottling (needle shortening on Pinus) from overall sprays. †† These species have been tested with a directed spray at the stem base only. 3.6.4 Important Notes DO NOT treat crops growing under glass or polythene, in containers or any plants suffering from adverse conditions, either environmental or from previous treatments. (See also Restrictions/Warnings.) When Butisan S is used on nursery fruit trees, any fruit harvested within one year of application must be destroyed. Do not treat crops under hot, sunny conditions. 3.6.5 Irrigation If Butisan S is applied onto a dry soil surface it will only be effective after rainfall has occurred. Light (10 mm at any one time) irrigation will help to ensure herbicidal activity. 4. FOLLOWING CROPS Any crop can follow normally harvested winter oilseed rape treated with Butisan S and ploughing is not essential before sowing the following cereal crop. In the event of a crop failing in the autumn or winter, then several crops can be drilled after the use of Butisan S alone as follows: 4.1 Redrilling the same autumn Winter Wheat (excluding Durum) or Winter Barley: After ploughing to a depth of at least 150 mm. 4.2 Redrilling the following spring After ploughing, the following crops can be sown: CEREALS - (excluding Durum wheat) TRANSPLANTED OR DIRECT DRILLED BRASSICAE FIELD BEANS PEAS POTATOES and MAIZE LINSEED Following spring applications to swedes, turnips or brassicae, crops particularly sensitive to Butisan S, e.g. carrots, parsnips and lettuce, should not be planted within 5 months of treatment. Plough to a depth of at least 150 mm before sowing or planting any succeeding crop. Where crops follow use in ornamental trees, ornamental shrubs and nursery fruit trees, follow the instructions given above for Butisan S alone. 78 Butisan® S 5. MIXING AND SPRAYING SHAKE WELL BEFORE USE. Half fill the spray tank with clean water and start the agitation. Pour in the required amount of Butisan S. Add the remainder of the water and continue agitation until spraying is completed. Rinse empty containers thoroughly, and add rinsings to the sprayer tank. When tank mixes are to be used, each product should be added separately to the spray tank, taking due note of any instructions given as to the order of mixing. Apply as a MEDIUM spray, as defined by BCPC. 6. CONTAINER AND STORAGE Butisan S is supplied in 5 litre polyethylene containers and should be kept dry and frostproof in a suitable pesticide store. 7. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Operator protection Engineering control of operator exposure must be used where reasonably practicable in addition to the following personal protective equipment: WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES AND FACE PROTECTION (FACESHIELD) when handling the concentrate. WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES when handling the spray boom or adjusting nozzles. WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING (COVERALLS), SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES AND RUBBER BOOTS when applying the spray through a knapsack sprayer. However, engineering controls may replace personal protective equipment if a COSHH assessment shows that they provide an equal or higher standard of protection. WASH CONCENTRATE from skin or eyes immediately. DO NOT BREATHE SPRAY. WASH HANDS AND EXPOSED SKIN before meals and after work. WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE. IF YOU FEEL UNWELL, seek medical advice (show label where possible). Environmental protection Do not contaminate surface waters or ditches with chemical or used container. KEEP LIVESTOCK out of treated areas until poisonous weeds such as ragwort have died and become unpalatable. KEEP LIVESTOCK out of treated areas of swede and turnip for at least 5 weeks following treatment. Storage and disposal Keep dry and frostproof in a suitable pesticide store. KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDINGSTUFFS. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. KEEP IN ORIGINAL CONTAINER tightly closed, in a safe place. RINSE CONTAINER THOROUGHLY by using an integrated pressure rinsing device or manually rinsing three times. Add washings to sprayer at time of filling and dispose of safely. DO NOT RE-USE CONTAINER for any purpose. 79 H H Butisan® S 8. GLOBALLY HARMONSED SYSTEM (GHS) REGULATIONS Butisan® S A suspension concentrate containing 500 g/litre metazachlor WARNING: HARMFUL IF SWALLOWED. SUSPECTED OF CAUSING CANCER. VERY TOXIC TO AQUATIC LIFE. VERY TOXIC TO AQUATIC LIFE WITH LONG LASTING EFFECTS. OBTAIN SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE USE. WASH WITH PLENTY OF WATER AND SOAP THOROUGHLY AFTER HANDLING. USE PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT AS REQUESTED. IF EXPOSED OR CONCERNED: GET MEDICAL ADVICE/ ATTENTION COLLECT SPILLAGE DISPOSE OF CONTENTS/CONTAINER IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LOCAL REGULATIONS. To avoid risks to human health and the environment, comply with the instructions for use This product is approved under the Control of Pesticides Regulations 1986 80 Butisan® S 9. IMPORTANT INFORMATION IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR USE ONLY AS AN AGRICULTURAL/HORTICULTURAL HERBICIDE, as directed below: Crops individual dose Maximum total dose Maximum of application Latest time per crop Winter oilseed rape 1.5 litres product/hectare 2.0 litres product/hectare Spring oilseed rape 1.5 litres product/hectare 1.5 litres product/hectare End of January in year of harvest Before 10th true leaf stage Cabbage, Brussels Sprout, cauliflower, Broccoli, calabrese Swede, turnip 1.5 litres product/hectare 1.5 litres product/hectare 6 weeks before harvest 1.5 litres product/hectare 1.5 litres product/hectare 1.5 litres product/hectare 2.0 litres product/hectare Pre-emergence Ornamental trees, ornamental shrubs, nursery fruit trees, and forest - Other specific restrictions: A maximum total dose of not more than 1000g metazachlor/hectare may be applied in a three year period on the same field. When Butisan S is used on nursery fruit trees, any fruit harvested within one year of application must be destroyed. READ THE LABEL BEFORE USE. USING THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER THAT IS INCONSISTENT WITH THE LABEL MAY BE AN OFFENCE. FOLLOW THE CODE OF PRACTICE FOR USING PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCTS. (MAPP No. 11733) 81 H H Butisan® S 82 Canopy® P PLANT GROWTH REGULATOR Canopy: MAPP No. 13181 Use: A plant growth regulator for use in winter wheat, winter barley and winter triticale. Formulation: A suspension concentrate containing 50 g/l prohexadionecalcium and 300 g/l mepiquat chloride. Pack Size: 5 litres in outers of four. Recommended Crops: Winter wheat Winter barley Winter triticale Recommended Rates: 1.5 litres product per hectare Water Volume: Minimum of 200 litres per hectare. Spray Quality: MEDIUM Latest Time of Application: Before crop growth stage 41 (before flag leaf sheath extending). Aerial Application: No Processed Crops: Effects on bread making and brewing have not been tested. Consult grain merchant or processor before use. Compatibility: For details of compatibilities contact your distributor, local BASF representative, the BASF Technical Services Hotline: 0845 602 2553 or visit our website on: Major changes since last printing: Globally Harmonised System (GHS) Regulations added, see Section 9. This product label is compliant with the CPA Voluntary Initiative Guidance 83 Canopy® Maximum Total Dose: 1.5 litres product per hectare. P Canopy® DIRECTIONS FOR USE 1. RESTRICTIONS/WARNINGS Avoid boom overlaps and ensure that the boom height is correctly adjusted. Occasionally low levels of temporary leaf tipping may occur following application; this tipping only affects the leaves present at application and will not affect the final yield. DO NOT apply Canopy to any crop suffering physical stress caused by waterlogging, drought or other conditions. Crops with a substantial moisture deficit should not be treated. Avoid spray drift on to neighbouring crops PROCESSED CROPS: Effects on bread making and brewing have not been tested. Consult grain merchant or processor before use. 2. GENERAL INFORMATION Canopy is a plant growth regulator for reduction of crop height, which can lead to lodging control and yield protection in all varieties of winter wheat, winter barley and winter triticale. Lodging reduction and yield response in winter triticale are less consistent than in winter wheat and winter barley. 3. CROPS Winter wheat, winter barley, winter triticale Time of Application Apply Canopy from beginning of stem extension (BBCH GS 30) up to and including flag leaf fully emerged (BBCH GS 39) Rate of Application Apply 1.5 litres Canopy in a minimum of 200 litres of water per hectare. Qualified recommendation for reduced water volume Canopy may be applied at 1.5 litres per hectare in 100 litres water per hectare although efficacy data to support this reduced volume have not been provided. Therefore application at reduced-volume is at user’s risk with regard to biological efficacy. 4. FOLLOWING CROPS Any crop can follow normally harvested winter wheat, winter barley or winter triticale and ploughing is not essential before sowing the next crop. 5. MIXING AND SPRAYING Apply Canopy as a MEDIUM spray, as defined by BCPC, in a minimum of 200 litres of water per hectare. PRODUCT MAY SEPARATE - SHAKE WELL BEFORE USE. Half fill the spray tank with clean water and start the agitation. Pour in the required amount of Canopy. Add the remainder of the water and continue agitation until spraying is completed When tank mixes are to be used, each product should be added separately to the spray tank, taking due note of any instructions given as to the order of mixing. 84 Canopy® 6. TANK CLEANING Following application of Canopy thoroughly clean the sprayer using clean water in accordance with the guidance provided by the equipment manufacturer. 7. CONTAINER AND STORAGE Canopy is supplied in 5 litre polycans in outers of 4. Protect from frost. Shake well before use. DO NOT store in direct sunlight. 8. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Operator protection Engineering control of operator exposure must be used where reasonably practicable in addition to the following personal protective equipment: WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES when handling the concentrate. However, engineering controls may replace personal protective equipment if a COSHH assessment shows that they provide an equal or higher standard of protection. WASH HANDS AND EXPOSED SKIN before meals and after work. Environmental protection DO NOT contaminate surface waters or ditches with chemical or used container. Storage and disposal KEEP IN ORIGINAL CONTAINER, tightly closed, in a safe place. RINSE CONTAINER THOROUGHLY by using an integrated pressure rinsing device or manually rinsing three times. Add washings to sprayer at time of filling and dispose of safely. DO NOT RE-USE CONTAINER for any purpose. Protect from frost. 85 P P Canopy® 9. GLOBALLY HARMONSED SYSTEM (GHS) REGULATIONS Canopy® A suspension concentrate containing 50 g/l prohexadione-calcium and 300 g/l mepiquat chloride. WARNING: HARMFUL IF SWALLOWED. HARMFUL TO AQUATIC LIFE WITH LONG LASTING EFFECTS. WASH WITH PLENTY OF WATER AND SOAP THOROUGHLY AFTER HANDLING. DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE WHEN USING THIS PRODUCT. IF SWALLOWED: CALL A POISON CENTER OR DOCTOR/ PHYSICIAN IF YOU FEEL UNWELL. RINSE MOUTH. DISPOSE OF CONTENTS/CONTAINER IN ACCORDANCE WITH LOCAL REGULATIONS. To avoid risks to human health and the environment, comply with the instructions for use This product is approved under the Control of Pesticides Regulations 1986. 10. IMPORTANT INFORMATION IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR USE ONLY AS AN AGRICULTURAL PLANT GROWTH REGULATOR, as directed below: Crops Maximum individual dose Maximum total dose Latest time of application Winter wheat Winter barley Winter triticale 1.5 litres product/ha 1.5 litres product/ha Before crop growth stage 41 (before flag leaf sheath extending) READ THE LABEL BEFORE USE. USING THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER THAT IS INCONSISTENT WITH THE LABEL MAY BE AN OFFENCE. FOLLOW THE CODE OF PRACTICE FOR USING PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCTS. (MAPP No 13181) 86 Capalo® F FUNGICIDE MAPP No. 13170 Use: A fungicide with protectant, curative and eradicant properties for the control of a range of diseases on winter and spring wheat, winter and spring barley, winter and spring oats, rye and triticale. Formulation: A suspo-emulsion containing 75 g/litre (7.3% w/w) metrafenone, 62.5 g/litre (6.1% w/w) epoxiconazole plus 200 g/litre (19.4% w/w) fenpropimorph. Pack Size: Capalo is supplied in 10 litres in outers of two. Recommended Crops: Barley, winter and spring Oats, winter and spring Rye Triticale Wheat, winter and spring Maximum Individual Dose: 2.0 litres/ha Maximum Number of Applications: 2 per crop. Water Volume: 200 litres of water per hectare. Latest Time of Application: Winter and spring wheat, rye and triticale: Winter and spring barley and winter and spring oats: Up to and including the beginning of flowering (GS 61). Up to and including emergence of ear just complete (GS 59). Aerial Application: No Compatibility: For details of compatibilities contact your distributor, local BASF representative, the BASF Technical Services Hotline: 0845 602 2553 or visit our website on: Major changes since last printing: Globally Harmonised System (GHS) Regulations added, see Section 8. This product label is compliant with the CPA Voluntary Initiative Guidance 87 Capalo® Spray Quality: MEDIUM F Capalo® DIRECTIONS FOR USE IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product. Capalo is a fungicide with protectant, curative and eradicant properties for the control of a range of diseases on winter and spring wheat, barley, oats, rye and triticale. 1. RESTRICTIONS/WARNINGS Avoid spray drift onto neighbouring crops. Capalo may cause damage to broad-leaved plant species. Wash equipment thoroughly after use. 2. DISEASE CONTROL 2.1 Disease susceptibility Capalo is a systemic fungicide with protectant, curative and eradicant properties for the control of a range of diseases in winter and spring wheat, barley, oats, rye and triticale as shown in the table below. Winter wheat Spring wheat Winter barley Spring barley Winter oats C (2) C C C C Septoria tritici C C Septoria nodorum C C Yellow rust C C C C Brown rust C C C C Powdery mildew (1) R R Net blotch Fusarium ear blight GR GR Sooty moulds (Cladosporium; Botrytis) GR GR C R C C MC MC C C C C R R C 1. Capalo will give control of mildew and provide knockdown of moderate levels of established mildew present at application. 2. In winter wheat, Capalo will also give moderate control of mildew in the latent phase. 3. Qualified minor use C MC GR R = = = = C C C Rhynchosporium C Rye C Crown rust Eyespot Spring Triticale oats (3) control moderate control good reduction reduction 88 C Capalo® 2.2 Resistance management Apply Capalo according to the instructions for the target diseases at the specific growth stage indicated. Apply a maximum of two sprays of Capalo per crop. Capalo should be used as part of a resistance management strategy that includes use in mixtures or sequences that are effective against mildew as well as non-chemical methods e.g. cultural control. To reduce the risk of resistance development, where mildew is well established at the time of application, Capalo should be used in mix with 350 g/ha fenpropimorph e.g. Corbel. Capalo contains epoxiconazole, a DMI fungicide. Resistance to some DMI fungicides has been identified in Septoria leaf blotch (Mycosphaerella graminicola) which may seriously affect the performance of some products. For further advice on resistance management in DMIs contact your agronomist or specialist advisor and visit the FRAG-UK website. Capalo contains metrafenone which is a benzophenone fungicide. Do not apply more than two applications in total of products containing either benzophenone or benzoylpyridines to any one crop. Do not mix with products containing pyriofenone. 3. CROP SPECIFIC INFORMATION 3.1 Crops Capalo can be used on all varieties of winter wheat, spring wheat, winter barley, spring barley, oats, rye and triticale. 3.2 Time of application Apply Capalo at the start of foliar disease attack. A maximum of two applications can be made up to the beginning of flowering (GS 61) in winter and spring wheat, rye and triticale and up to and including emergence of ear just complete (GS 59) in winter and spring barley and oats. For optimum effect against eyespot apply between the leaf sheaths erect and second node detectable stages of the crop (GS30-32). For protection against Fusarium ear blight and sooty moulds (Cladosporium, Botrytis) on the ears of winter and spring wheat, apply Capalo during ear emergence. 3.3 Rate of application Apply 2.0 litres Capalo in 200 litres of water per hectare 4. FOLLOWING CROPS After treating a cereal crop with Capalo, cereals, oilseed rape, sugar beet, linseed, maize, clover, field beans, peas, turnips, carrots, cauliflower, onions, lettuce and potatoes can be planted as succeeding crops. 5. MIXING AND SPRAYING 5.1 Mixing Never prepare more spray solution than is required. Fill the tank half full with water and start the agitation. To ensure thorough mixing of the product, invert the container several times before opening. Add the required quantity of Capalo to the spray tank while re-circulating. Fill up the tank with water and continue agitation until spraying is completed. When tank mixes are to be used, take due note of any instructions given as to the order of mixing. Each product should be added separately to the spray tank and fully dispersed before the addition of any further product(s). On emptying the container, rinse container thoroughly by using an integrated pressure rinsing device or manually rinsing three times. Add washings to sprayer at time of filling and dispose of container safely. 89 F F Capalo® 5.2 Application Apply as a MEDIUM spray, as defined by BCPC. 6. CONTAINER AND STORAGE Capalo is supplied in 10 litre containers. Keep dry and frostproof in a suitable pesticide store. 7. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Operator protection Engineering control of operator exposure must be used where reasonably practicable in addition to the following personal protective equipment: WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING (COVERALLS) AND SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES WHEN HANDLING THE CONCENTRATE. WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES when handling contaminated surfaces. However, engineering controls may replace personal protective equipment if a COSHH assessment shows that they provide an equal or higher standard of protection. WASH CONCENTRATE from skin or eyes immediately WASH HANDS AND EXPOSED SKIN before meals and after work. AVOID ALL CONTACT WITH SKIN OR EYES. DO NOT BREATHE SPRAY. WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE. IF YOU FEEL UNWELL, seek medical advice (show label where possible). Environmental protection Do not contaminate surface waters or ditches with chemical or used container. DO NOT ALLOW DIRECT SPRAY from horizontal boom sprayers to fall within 5m of the top of the bank of a static or flowing waterbody, unless a Local Environment Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) permits a narrower buffer zone, or within 1m of the top of a ditch which is dry at the time of application. Aim spray away from water. This product qualifies for inclusion within the Local Environment Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) scheme. Before each spraying operation from a horizontal boom sprayer, either a LERAP must be carried out in accordance with CRD’s published guidance or the statutory buffer zone must be maintained. The results of the LERAP must be recorded and kept available for inspection for three years. Storage and disposal KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDINGSTUFFS. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. KEEP IN ORIGINAL CONTAINER tightly closed, in a safe place. RINSE CONTAINER THOROUGHLY by using an integrated pressure rinsing device or manually rinsing three times. Add washings to sprayer at time of filling and dispose of safely. DO NOT RE-USE CONTAINER for any purpose. Store in a suitable pesticide store, keep dry and protect from frost. 90 Capalo® 8. GLOBALLY HARMONISED SYSTEM (GHS) REGULATIONS Capalo® A suspo-emulsion formulation containing 75 g/litre metrafenone, 62.5 g/litre epoxiconazole plus 200 g/litre fenpropimorph for use in winter and spring wheat, winter and spring barley, winter and spring oats, rye and triticale. WARNING: CAUSES SKIN IRRITATION MAY CAUSE AN ALLERGIC SKIN REACTION. CAUSES SERIOUS EYE IRRITATION. SUSPECTED OF CAUSING CANCER. SUSPECTED OF DAMAGING FERTILITY. SUSPECTED OF DAMAGING THE UNBORN CHILD. TOXIC TO AQUATIC LIFE WITH LONG LASTING EFFECTS. WEAR PROTECTIVE GLOVES/CLOTHING. OBTAIN SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE USE. AVOID BREATHING VAPOURS. IF ON SKIN: WASH WITH PLENTY OF SOAP AND WATER. IF EXPOSED OR CONCERNED: GET MEDICAL ADVICE/ ATTENTION. IF IN EYES: RINSE CAUTIOUSLY WITH WATER FOR SEVERAL MINUTES. REMOVE CONTACT LENSES, IF PRESENT AND EASY TO DO. CONTINUE RINSING. To avoid risks to human health and the environment, comply with the instructions for use. This product is approved under the Control of Pesticide Regulations 1986. 91 F F Capalo® 9. IMPORTANT INFORMATION IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR USE ONLY AS AN AGRICULTURAL FUNGICIDE, as directed below: Crops Maximum individual dose Maximum number of treatments Latest time of application Winter and spring wheat, rye and triticale 2.0 litres product per hectare 2 per crop Up to and including the beginning of flowering (GS 61). Winter and spring barley and oats 2.0 litres product per hectare 2 per crop Up to and including emergence of ear just complete (GS 59) Other specific restrictions: DO NOT apply more than two applications of any products containing metrafenone to any one crop. READ THE LABEL BEFORE USE. USING THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER THAT IS INCONSISTENT WITH THE LABEL MAY BE AN OFFENCE. FOLLOW THE CODE OF PRACTICE FOR USING PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCTS. MAPP No. 13170 92 Caryx® P PLANT GROWTH REGULATOR MAPP No. 16100 Use: A plant growth regulator for the reduction of crop height and lodging risk in all varieties of winter oilseed rape. Formulation: A water based formulation contained 30 g/l metconazole and 210 g/l mepiquat-chloride. Pack Size: 5 litres in outers of four. Recommended Crops: Winter oilseed rape Recommended Rates: 1.4 litres product/ha Water Volume: 150 to 400 litres water per hectare Spray Quality: MEDIUM Aerial Application: No Compatibility: For details of compatibilities contact your distributor, local BASF representative, the BASF Technical Services Hotline: 0845 602 2553 or visit our website on: Major changes since last printing: Globally Harmonised System (GHS) Regulations added, see Section 7. This product label is compliant with the CPA Voluntary Initiative Guidance 93 Caryx® Latest Time of Application: Up to and including crop growth stage 59 (Yellow bud) P Caryx® DIRECTIONS FOR USE IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product. Caryx is a plant growth regulator for the reduction of crop height and lodging risk in all varieties of winter oilseed rape. By reducing the incidence and/or severity of lodging CARYX may help to protect from yield losses associated with lodged oilseed rape crops 1. RESTRICTIONS/WARNINGS Avoid boom overlaps and ensure that the boom height is correctly adjusted. Extreme care should be taken to avoid damage by drift onto plants outside the target area. Ensure the sprayer is free from previous chemical residues that may harm the crop. Use of a detergent cleaner is advised before and after use. Use of a growth regulation product can offer good protection from the incidence or severity of lodging but there can be no guarantee that lodging will not occur, especially in high lodging pressure situations. 2. CROPS Caryx can be used on all varieties of winter oilseed rape. 3. Spring application of Caryx Caryx applied at 1.4 l/ha in the spring will shorten the crop and manipulate canopy structure, reducing the risk of the crop lodging. 3.1 3.2 Application timing Apply Caryx in the spring between crop growth stage 31-59 of the crop (beginning of stem extension to yellow bud) once the crop is actively growing. Applications made before the crop has shown signs of active growth will be less effective. Reduction of lodging risk Caryx applied in the spring will reduce the risk of lodging later in the season. Maintaining the rate of Caryx will provide a more consistent reduction of lodging risk by lowering the incidence or severity of lodging. 4. 4.1 MIXING, APPLICATION AND SPRAYER CLEANING Mixing Never prepare more spray solution than is required. SHAKE WELL BEFORE USE. Fill the spray tank three quarters full with water and start the agitation. To ensure thorough mixing of the product, invert the container several times before opening. Add the required quantity of CARYX to the spray tank while re-circulating. Fill the tank with the remaining required amount of water and continue agitation until spraying is completed. On emptying the product container, rinse container thoroughly using an integrated pressure rinsing device or by manually rinsing three times. Add washings to sprayer at time of filling and dispose of container safely. 94 Caryx® 4.2 4.3 5. Application Apply Caryx in 200-400 l/ha water as a MEDIUM spray, as defined by BCPC. Qualified Approval: Caryx may be applied at up to 1.4 l/ha in 150 litres water per hectare although efficacy at this reduced volume has not been evaluated. Therefore application at 150 litres water per hectare is at user’s risk with regard to biological efficacy. To ensure optimum spray coverage and minimize spray drift, adjust the spray boom to the appropriate height above the crop according to guidance provided by the sprayer and/or nozzle manufacture. Sprayer cleaning Wash sprayer thoroughly immediately after use, using clean water and following the guidance provided by the equipment manufacturer. FOLLOWING CROPS After treating a crop of oilseed rape with Caryx, the crops listed below may be sown as a following crop:Beans Clover Oilseed rape Ryegrass Cabbage Lettuce Onions Sugar beet Carrots Linseed Peas Sunflower Cereals Maize Potatoes The effects of Caryx on other crops has not been assessed. 95 P P Caryx® 6. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Operator protection Engineering control of operator exposure must be used where reasonably practicable in addition to the following personal protective equipment. WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING (COVERALLS), SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES AND FACE PROTECTION (FACESHIELD) when handling the concentrate. WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES when handling contaminated surfaces. However, engineering controls may replace personal protective equipment if a COSHH assessment shows that they provide an equal or higher standard of protection. WASH ALL PROTECTIVE CLOTHING thoroughly after use, especially the insides of gloves. WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE. IF YOU FEEL UNWELL, seek medical advice immediately (show the label where possible). IN CASE OF CONTACT WITH EYES, RINSE IMMEDIATELY with plenty of water and seek medical advice. Environmental protection Do not contaminate water with the product or its container. Do not clean application equipment near surface water. Avoid contamination via drains from farmyards and roads. To protect aquatic organisms respect an unsprayed buffer zone distance to surface water bodies in line with LERAP requirements. DO NOT ALLOW DIRECT SPRAY from horizontal boom sprayers to fall within 5 metres of the top of the bank of a static or flowing water body, unless a Local Environmental Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) permits a narrower buffer zone, or within 1 metre from the top of a ditch which is dry at the time of application. Aim spray away from water. This product qualifies for inclusion within the Local Environmental Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) scheme. Before each spraying operation from a horizontal boom sprayer, either a LERAP must be carried out in accordance with CRD’s published guidance or the statutory buffer zone must be maintained. The results of the LERAP must be recorded and kept available for three years. Storage and disposal KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDING STUFFS. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. STORE IN ORIGINAL CONTAINER tightly closed, in a safe place. RINSE CONTAINER THOROUGHLY by using an integrated pressure rinsing device or manually rinsing three times. Add washings to sprayer at time of filling and dispose of safely. . 96 Caryx® 7. GLOBALLY HARMONISED SYSTEM (GHS) REGULATIONS Caryx® A water based formulation containing 30 g/l metconazole and 210 g/l mepiquat-chloride. DANGER: CAUSES SERIOUS EYE DAMAGE HARMFUL IF INHALED HARMFUL IF SWALLOWED MAY CAUSE AN ALLERGIC SKIN REACTION TOXIC TO AQUATIC LIFE WITH LONG LASTING EFFECTS. AVOID BREATHING VAPOURS WEAR PROTECTIVE GLOVES AND EYE/FACE PROTECTION. IF ON SKIN: WASH WITH PLENTY OF SOAP AND WATER. IF IN EYES: RINSE CAUTIOUSLY WITH WATER FOR SEVERAL MINUTES. REMOVE CONTACT LENSES, IF PRESENT AND EASY TO DO. CONTINUE RINSING. IMMEDIATELY CALL A POISON CENTER OR DOCTOR/ PHYSICIAN. DISPOSE OF CONTENT/CONTAINERS IN ACCORDANCE WITH LOCAL REGULATIONS. To avoid risks to human health and the environment, comply with the instructions for use This product is approved under the Plant Protection Products Regulations. 97 P P Caryx® 8. IMPORTANT INFORMATION IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR USE ONLY AS AN AGRICULTURAL PLANT GROWTH REGULATOR, as directed below: Crops Timing Maximum individual dose (litres product/ha) Maximum number of treatments (per crop) Latest time application Winter oliseed rape Spring (GS 31-59) Beginging of stem extenstion to yellow bud 1.4 1 Up to and including crop growth stage 59 (Yellow bud) READ THE LABEL BEFORE USE. USING THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER THAT IS INCONSISTENT WITH THE LABEL MAY BE AN OFFENCE. FOLLOW THE CODE OF PRACTICE FOR USING PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCTS. 98 Ceriax® F FUNGICIDE MAPP No. 15639 Use: A systemic fungicide for use in winter wheat, spring wheat, durum wheat, winter barley, spring barley, triticale, rye and oats. Formulation: An emulsifiable concentrate containing 41.6 g/litre (4% w/w) epoxiconazole and 41.6 g/litre (4% w/w) fluxapyroxad and 66.6 g/litre (6.4% w/w) pyraclostrobin. Pack Size: 10 litres in outers of two. Recommended Crops: Spring barley Winter barley Winter wheat Spring wheat Durum wheat Rye Triticale Oats Water Volume: 150 to 300 litres per hectare. Spray Quality: MEDIUM Latest Time of Application: Winter and spring wheat, durum wheat, rye and Up to and including flowering triticale: (anthesis) just complete (GS 69). Winter and spring barley and oats: Up to and including emergence of ear just complete. (GS 59) Processed Crops: When applied to barley intended for malting, refer to the rates of use and latest timing for fluxapyroxad and epoxiconazole given by the BBPA (British Beer and Pubs Association) Aerial Application: No Compatibility: For details of compatibilities contact your distributor, local BASF representative, the BASF Technical Services Hotline: 0845 602 2553 or visit our website on: Major changes since last printing: Fluxapyroxad added to the BBPA brewers list, see Section 1. This product label is compliant with the CPA Voluntary Initiative Guidance 99 Ceriax® Recommended Rates: 3 litres per hectare. F Ceriax® DIRECTIONS FOR USE IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product. Ceriax is a systemic fungicide with protectant and curative properties for use in winter wheat, spring wheat, durum wheat, winter barley, spring barley, triticale, rye and oats. 1. RESTRICTIONS/WARNINGS This product may cause damage to broad-leaved plant species. Extreme care must be taken to avoid drift onto nearby crops. When applied to barley intended for malting, refer to the rates of use and latest timing restrictions for epoxiconazole and fluxapyroxad given by the British Beer and Pub Association. No more than two applications of any QoI fungicide may be made to crops of wheat, barley, oats, rye or triticale. Wash equipment thoroughly after use. 2. DISEASE CONTROL Ceriax is a systemic fungicide with protectant and curative properties for the control of a range of diseases in winter wheat, spring wheat, durum wheat, winter barley, spring barley, triticale, rye and oats as summarised below: Winter wheat Spring Durum wheat barley Winter Spring barley barley Oats Rye Triticale Septoria tritici C C C - - - - C Septoria nodorum C C C - - - - C Brown rust C C C C C - C C Yellow rust C C C C C - C C Crown rust - - - - - C - - MC - MC - - MC MC MC - - - C C - - - Eyespot Net blotch Rhynchosporium - - - C C - C - Powdery mildrew MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC Ramularia - - - C C - - - Tan spot MC MC MC - - - - - Fusarium ear blight # GR GR GR - - - - - Sooty moulds (Cladosporium; Botrytis) R R R - - - - - C = Control GR = Good Reduction MC = Moderate Control R = Reduction 100 Ceriax® # Application of Ceriax to ears of wheat can lead to reduction of the levels of the mycotoxin deoxynivalenol (DON) associated with Fusarium ear blight infection, but this level of effect may not necessarily lead to reduction of DON below the statutory limit in wheat grain. Resistance Ceriax should be used in accordance with the instructions for use for the target diseases at the specific growth stages indicated. Use Ceriax as part of an Integrated Crop Management (ICM) strategy incorporating other methods of control. Ceriax contains pyraclostrobin, a member of the QoI cross resistance group. Ceriax should be used preventatively and should not be relied on for its curative potential. You must not apply more than two foliar applications of QoI containing products to any cereal crop. When curative activity is needed apply QoI fungicides in mixture with a suitable dose of a curative fungicide from a different cross-resistance group, Ceriax meets this requirement as it contains epoxiconazole and fluxapyroxad. To ensure the effectiveness of the epoxiconazole and fluxapyroxad components as a partner, Ceriax should always be applied at the full recommended rate. Ceriax contains epoxiconazole, a DMI fungicide. Resistance to some DMI fungicides has been identified in Septoria leaf blotch (Mycosphaerella graminicola) which may seriously affect the performance of some products. For further advice on resistance management in DMIs contact your agronomist or specialist advisor and visit the FRAG-UK website. Strains of barley powdery mildew resistant to QoIs are common in the UK. Ceriax contains fluxapyroxad which belongs to the SDHI (carboxamide) group of fungicides. To minimise the risk of resistance occurring, apply a maximum of two SDHI fungicide sprays per cereal crop. 3. CROPS Ceriax is a systemic fungicide with protectant and curative properties for use in winter wheat, spring wheat, durum wheat, winter barley, spring barley, triticale, rye and oats. Time of Application Apply Ceriax at the start of foliar disease attack. A maximum of two applications can be made up to and including flowering just complete in winter and spring wheat, durum wheat, rye and triticale and up to and including emergence of ear just complete in winter and spring barley and oats. For optimum effect against eyespot with Ceriax apply between the leaf sheaths erect and second node detectable stages of the crop. For protection against Fusarium ear blight and sooty mould on the ears of winter and spring wheat, and durum wheat apply Ceriax during ear emergence. Rate of Application Apply 3 litres of Ceriax per hectare in 150 to 300 litres of water per hectare. Qualified recommendation Ceriax may be applied at 3.0 litres per hectare in 100 litres water per hectare, although efficacy at this reduced volume has not been evaluated. Therefore application at 100 litres water per hectare is at user’s risk with regard to biological efficacy. 4. FOLLOWING CROPS After treating a cereal crop with Ceriax, cabbage, carrot, clover, dwarf French beans, field beans, lettuce, maize, oats, oilseed rape, onions, peas, potatoes, ryegrass, sugar beet, sunflower, winter barley and winter wheat may be sown as the following crop. The effect of Ceriax on other following crops has not been assessed. 101 F F Ceriax® 5. MIXING AND SPRAYING Apply as a MEDIUM spray, as defined by BCPC. Half fill the spray tank with clean water and start the agitation. SHAKE THE CONTAINER WELL before use and pour in the required amount of product. Rinse any empty containers thoroughly and add rinsings to the spray tank. Add the remainder of the water and continue agitation until spraying is completed. Thoroughly rinse application equipment three times with water immediately after use. When tank mixes are to be used, each product should be added separately to the spray tank, taking due note of any instructions given as to the order of mixing. 6. CONTAINER AND STORAGE Ceriax is supplied in 10 litre containers. Keep dry and frostproof in a suitable pesticide store. 7. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Operator protection Engineering control of operator exposure must be used where reasonably practicable in addition to the following personal protective clothing: WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING (COVERALLS), SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES AND FACE PROTECTION (FACE SHIELD) when handling the concentrate. WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING (COVERALLS) AND SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES when handling contaminated surfaces. However, engineering controls may replace personal protective equipment if a COSHH assessment shows they provide an equal or higher standard of protection. WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE. WASH HANDS AND EXPOSED SKIN before meals and after work. Environmental protection Do not contaminate water with the product or its container. Do not clean application equipment near surface water. Avoid contamination via drains from farmyards and roads. To protect aquatic organisms respect an unsprayed buffer zone distance to surface water bodies in line with LERAP requirements. DO NOT ALLOW DIRECT SPRAY from horizontal boom sprayers to fall within 5m of the top of the bank of a static or flowing waterbody, unless a Local Environment Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) permits a narrower buffer zone, or within im of the top of a ditch which is dry at the time of application. Aim spray away from water. This product qualifies for inclusion within the Local Environment Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) scheme. Before each spraying operation from a horizontal boom sprayer, either a LERAP must be carried out in accordance with CRD’s published guidance or the statutory buffer zone must be maintained. The results of the LERAP must be recorded and kept available for inspection for three years. 102 Ceriax® Storage and disposal KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDINGSTUFFS. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. RINSE CONTAINER THOROUGHLY by using an integrated pressure rinsing device or manually rinsing three times. Add washings to sprayer at time of filling and dispose of safely. Store in a suitably pesticide store. Keep dry and protect from frost. Do not re-use container for any purpose. 8. DPD REGULATIONS (CHIP 3) Ceriax® An emulsifiable concentrate containing 41.6g/litre (4% w/w) epoxiconazole and 41.6 g/litre (4% w/w) fluxapyroxad and (66.6% w/w) pyraclostrobin. HARMFUL BY INHALATION AND IF SWALLOWED LIMITED EVIDENCE OF A CARCINOGENIC EFFECT RISK OF SERIOUS DAMAGE TO EYES MAY CAUSE SENSITISATION BY SKIN CONTACT VERY TOXIC TO AQUATIC ORGANISMS, MAY CAUSE LONG TERM ADVERSE EFFECTS IN THE AQUATIC ENVIROMENT WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING, GLOVES AND EYE/FACE PROTECTION. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDING STUFFS. WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE. AVOID CONTACT WITH SKIN AND EYES. IN CASE OF CONTACT WITH EYES, RINSE IMMEDIATELY WITH PLENTY OF WATER AND SEEK MEDICAL ADVICE. IF SWALLOWED, seek medical advice immediately and show this container or label. THIS MATERIAL AND ITS CONTAINER MUST BE DISPOSED OF IN A SAFE WAY. USE APPROPRIATE CONTAINMENT TO AVOID ENVIROMENTAL CONTAMINATION. To avoid risks to man and the enviroment, comply with the instructions for use. 103 F F Ceriax® 9. IMPORTANT INFORMATION IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR USE ONLY AS AN AGRICULTURAL FUNGICIDE, as directed below: Crops Maximum individual dose Maximum number of applications Latest time of application Winter and spring 3.0 litres product wheat, rye, per hectare triticale and durum wheat 2 per crop Up to and including flowering (anthesis) just complete (GS 69) Winter and spring barley and oats 2 per crop Up to and including emergence of ear just complete (GS 59) 3.0 litres product per hectare READ THE LABEL BEFORE USE. USING THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER THAT IS INCONSISTENT WITH THE LABEL MAY BE AN OFFENCE. FOLLOW THE CODE OF PRACTICE FOR USING PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCTS. 104 3C Chlormequat 720 P PLANT GROWTH REGULATOR MAPP No. 13973 Use: A growth regulator for yield improvement and/or lodging control. Can also be used in named ornamentals to promote a more compact bushier habit. Formulation: A soluble concentrate containing 720 g/litre (63.2% w/w) chlormequat chloride. Recommended Crops: Barley, winter Geraniums/pelargoniums Oats, spring Oats, winter Poinsettias Rye Triticale Wheat, spring (autumn drilled) Wheat, spring (spring drilled) Wheat, winter See Section No: 3.3 3.8 3.4 3.4 3.7 3.5 3.6 3.1 3.2 3.1 Recommended Rates: Various. See literature for details. Water Volume: Cereals: 220 – 450 l/ha. Named ornamentals – various. See literature for details. Spray Quality: MEDIUM Latest Time of Application: Winter wheat and spring wheat (autumn drilled): Winter and spring oats: Triticale: Rye: Spring wheat (spring drilled): Winter barley: Named ornamentals: Before third node detectable stage. Before third node detectable stage. Before first node detectable stage. Before second node detectable stage. Before second node detectable stage. Before first node detectable stage (spring application). No restriction. Major changes since last printing: Globally Harmonised System (GHS) Regulations added, see Section 7. This product label is compliant with the CPA Voluntary Initiative Guidance 105 3C Chlormequat 720 Pack Size: 10 litres in outers of 2. P 3C Chlormequat 720 Processed Crops: Consult processors before use. Maximum Total Dose or Maximum number of Treatments: Winter wheat and spring wheat (autumn drilled): Maximum total dose of 2.25 litres per crop. Winter and spring oats: Maximum total dose of 2.25 litres per crop. Triticale: Maximum total dose of 2.25 litres per crop. Rye: Maximum total dose of 2.25 litres per crop. Spring wheat (spring drilled) Maximum total dose of 1.1 litres per crop. Winter barley: Maximum total dose of 2.25 litres per crop. Poinsettias: 1 per crop at 227 ml dilute solution/pot or 3 per crop as spray. Geraniums, pelargoniums: 3 per crop. Aerial Application: Cereals. Compatibility: For details of compatibilities contact your distributor, local BASF representative, the BASF Technical Services Hotline: 0845 602 2553 or visit our website on: DIRECTIONS FOR USE IMPORTANT: this information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product. 1. RESTRICTIONS/WARNINGS Avoid spray drift on to neighbouring crops. 3C Chlormequat 720 should be applied to crops during good growing conditions at the correct timing. DO NOT apply 3C Chlormequat 720 when the crop is wet or if rain or frost is imminent. DO NOT apply 3C Chlormequat 720 to very late sown spring crops. DO NOT apply 3C Chlormequat 720 to crops on soils of low fertility unless these soils regularly receive adequate dressings of nitrogen fertilisers. 3C Chlormequat 720 may be applied to wheat, oats and winter barley undersown with grasses and clovers. Caution is needed if using mixtures of liquid nitrogen fertilisers and 3C Chlormequat 720 as scorching may result in certain circumstances. Wash equipment thoroughly after use. DO NOT use straw from 3C Chlormequat 720 treated cereals as a horticultural growth medium or as a mulch. 2. LODGING CONTROL 3C Chlormequat 720 produces shorter, thicker and stronger stems in wheat and oats which are more resistant to lodging and help to prevent damage from eyespot. Lodging control will not be so pronounced in winter barley with 3C Chlormequat 720 but will help to maintain yield potential by encouraging better root development and tiller survival. On certain ornamentals (see below) the use of 3C Chlormequat 720 can promote a more compact bushy habit. 106 3C Chlormequat 720 3. CROPS 3.1 Winter Wheat and Autumn Drilled Spring Wheat Low lodging risk situations Time of Application Apply 3C Chlormequat 720 from leaf sheath lengthening stage up to and including the second node detectable stage. The optimum application time is the leaf sheaths erect stage just prior to the first node detectable stage. Rate of Application Apply 1.65 litres 3C Chlormequat 720 in 220-450 litres of water per hectare. High lodging risk situations Time of Application Apply 3C Chlormequat 720 either as a split application or as a single dose. As a split application apply the first dose at the tillers formed to leaf sheath lengthening stage followed by the second dose at the leaf sheath erect up to and including the first node detectable stage. DO NOT apply later than second node detectable stage. If a split application is not possible the full dose at leaf sheath erect just prior to the first node detectable stage is recommended. Rate of Application When using a split application, apply 1.6 litres 3C Chlormequat 720 at the earlier timing, followed by 0.7 litres 3C Chlormequat 720 at the later timing, both in 220-450 litres of water per hectare. If using a single dose, apply 2.25 litres 3C Chlormequat 720 in 220-450 litres of water per hectare. The use of Terpal sequentially is recommended for improved lodging control where the crop is growing vigorously. See Terpal literature for full details. 3.2 Spring Wheat (Spring Drilled) Time of Application Apply 3C Chlormequat 720 during good growing conditions at the leaf sheaths erect stage just prior to the first node detectable stage. DO NOT apply 3C Chlormequat 720 later than the first node detectable stage on the majority of tillers. Rate of Application Apply 1.1 litres 3C Chlormequat 720 in 220-450 litres of water per hectare. Winter wheat varieties sown in the spring should be treated at the winter wheat rate. 3.3 Winter Barley Whilst 3C Chlormequat 720 is less consistent in winter barley for the control of lodging than in wheat or oats, the relatively early application timing can promote changes in the pattern of growth which may lead to an increase in yield. Root development and tiller production is largely determined in the autumn of sowing. 3C Chlormequat 720 applied in the autumn can stimulate both root system development and tiller production. 3C Chlormequat 720 may be applied either as a split application or as a single dose. 107 P P 3C Chlormequat 720 The use of Terpal sequentially is recommended for reliable lodging control. See Terpal literature for full details. Time of Application When using a split dose treatment, apply the first dose in the autumn from when the crop has three leaves once adequate cover is established up until early tillering, followed by the second dose in the spring from mid-tillering to just prior to the first node detectable stage. It is important that both parts of the split dose are applied. When using a single dose, apply 3C Chlormequat 720 in the spring from mid-tillering to just prior to the first node detectable stage. Rate of Application When using a split dose, apply 0.7 litres in the autumn, followed by 1.6 litres in the spring, both in 220-450 litres of water per hectare. When using a single dose, apply 2.25 litres 3C Chlormequat 720 in the spring in 220-450 litres of water per hectare. 3.4 Oats 3C Chlormequat 720 will reduce stem length in oats under most circumstances, but resistance to lodging will be greater on short strawed varieties. Time of Application Apply 3C Chlormequat 720 at the second node detectable stage on the majority of tillers. Rate of Application Apply 2.25 litres 3C Chlormequat 720 in 220-450 litres of water per hectare. For full effect, an authorised non-ionic wetter at 25 ml per 100 litres must be added to the spray mixture, except when using mixes of 3C Chlormequat 720 with Corbel. 3.5 Rye 3C Chlormequat 720 may be used on rye. Although widely used on the continent the results of UK trials have been less than consistent in effects on plant height and lodging. The use of Terpal sequentially is recommended for improved lodging control where the crop is growing vigorously. See Terpal literature for full details. Time of Application Apply 3C Chlormequat 720 when the first node is detectable on the majority of tillers. Rate of Application Apply 2.25 litres 3C Chlormequat 720 in 220-450 litres of water per hectare. 3.6 Triticale The results of a number of independent trials have shown that an increase in crop yield and a reduction in early lodging can be obtained following an application of 3C Chlormequat 720. The use of Terpal sequentially is recommended for improved lodging control where the crop is growing vigorously. See Terpal literature for full details. Time of Application Apply 3C Chlormequat 720 from mid-tillering to just prior to the first node detectable. 108 3C Chlormequat 720 Rate of Application Apply 2.25 litres 3C Chlormequat 720 in 220-450 litres of water per hectare. 3.7 Poinsettias Time of Application Apply 3C Chlormequat 720 when shoot growth after any pinching of established plants in final pots reaches 25 mm. Either a single drench or a spray programme may be used as outlined below. Rate of Application – Drench Treatment Use 22 ml 3C Chlormequat 720 in 5 litres of water and apply the diluted solution evenly as a compost drench according to the rates below. Pot Diameter mm 75* 100 130 150 200 Amount of Solution (per pot) ml 57 85 114 170 227 *Two applications are required in order to apply the necessary volume to pots less than 75 mm in diameter. Rate of Application – Spray Treatment Apply 9 ml 3C Chlormequat 720 per 5 litres of water, high volume. Up to three sprays at 10-14 day intervals may be applied. Occasionally, temporary yellow spotting may occur which can be minimised by the addition of an authorised non-ionic wetter at the rate of 2 ml per 5 litres of spray solution. See also ‘Notes on application to ornamentals’ in Section 3.8 below. 3.8 Geraniums/Pelargoniums Time of Application Apply 3C Chlormequat 720 30-40 days after sowing with a second application 14 days later. A third application may be required after a further 28 days. Rate of Application Apply 12.5 ml 3C Chlormequat 720 per 5 litres of water, high volume, with an authorised non-ionic wetter added at the rate of 2 ml per 5 litres of spray solution. Notes on application to Ornamentals (a) Plants to be treated must be well established, growing vigorously, and with a healthy root system. (b) Pot bound plants or plants under stress should not be treated. DO NOT treat in strong sunlight. (c) DO NOT treat geraniums/pelargoniums when temperatures are likely to drop below 10°C. (d) Compost should be moist prior to treatment. (e) It is advised that the effect is checked on a small number of plants before treating the whole batch. 109 P P 3C Chlormequat 720 4. MIXING AND SPRAYING 4.1 Aerial application 3C Chlormequat 720 may be applied from the air to wheat, winter barley, oats, rye and triticale at the recommended rates in 25-60 litres of water per hectare, but results may not be as uniform as from ground applications. When applied by air to oats, 3C Chlormequat 720 should be used in conjunction with an authorised non-ionic wetter at the recommended rate. Aerial application must not be made in tank mix with any other products. 4.2 Mixing Half fill the spray tank with clean water and start the agitation. Pour in the required amount of 3C Chlormequat 720. Add the remainder of the water and continue agitation until spraying is completed. When tank mixes are to be used, each product should be added separately to the spray tank, taking due note of any instructions given as to the order of mixing. 5. CONTAINER AND STORAGE 3C Chlormequat 720 is supplied in 10 litre polyethylene containers and should be kept dry and frostproof in a suitable pesticide store. 6. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Operator protection Engineering control of operator exposure must be used where reasonably practicable in addition to the following personal protective clothing: WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES when handling the concentrate. However, engineering controls may replace personal protective equipment if a COSHH assessment shows they provide an equal or higher standard of protection. WASH CONCENTRATE from skin or eyes immediately. DO NOT BREATHE SPRAY. WASH HANDS AND EXPOSED SKIN before meals and after work. WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE. IF YOU FEEL UNWELL, seek medical advice (show label where possible). Environmental protection DO NOT CONTAMINATE SURFACE WATERS OR DITCHES with chemical or used container. Storage and disposal KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDINGSTUFFS. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. KEEP IN ORIGINAL CONTAINER, tightly closed, in a safe place. RINSE CONTAINER THOROUGHLY by using an integrated pressure rinsing device or manually rinsing three times. Add washings to sprayer at time of filling and dispose of safely. DO NOT RE-USE CONTAINER for any purpose. Keep dry and frostproof in a suitable pesticide store. 110 3C Chlormequat 720 7. GLOBALLY HARMONSED SYSTEM (GHS) REGULATIONS 3C Chlormequat 720 A soluble concentrate containing 720 g/l (63.2% w/w) chlormequat chloride. WARNING: HARMFUL IN CONTACT WITH SKIN HARMFUL IF SWALLOWED MAY BE CORROSIVE TO METALS WEAR PROTECTIVE GLOVES/CLOTHING. IF SWALLOWED: CALL A POISON CENTER OR DOCTOR/ PHYSICIAN IF YOU FEEL UNWELL. IF ON SKIN: WASH WITH PLENTY OF SOAP AND WATER. REMOVE/TAKE OFF IMMEDIATELY ALL CONTAMINATED CLOTHING. WASH CONTAMINATED CLOTHING BEFORE REUSE. ABSORB SPILLAGE TO PREVENT MATERIAL DAMAGE. To avoid risks to human health and the environment, comply with the instructions for use This product is approved under the Control of Pesticides Regulations 1986. 111 P P 3C Chlormequat 720 8. IMPORTANT INFORMATION IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR USE ONLY AS AN AGRICULTURAL/HORTICULTURAL PLANT GROWTH REGULATOR, as directed below: Crops Maximum individual dose (litres product/ hectare) Maximum total dose (litres product/ hectare) Maximum Latest time number of application of Treatments Winter wheat and autumn drilled spring wheat - 2.25 - Before third node detectable stage Winter and spring oats - 2.25 - Before third node detectable stage Triticale - 2.25 - Before first node detectable stage Rye - 2.25 - Before second node detectable stage Winter barley - 2.25 - Before first node detectable stage Spring wheat (Spring drilled) - 1.1 - Before second node detectable stage Poinsettias See ‘Other specific restrictions’ - See ‘Other specific restrictions’ - Geranium, pelargoniums See ‘Other specific restrictions’ - See ‘Other specific restrictions’ - Other Specific Restrictions: Containers must not be re-used for any purpose. For application to ornamentals, the maximum concentration must not exceed the following: Poinsettia (drench): (spray): Geranium, pelargonium: 22 ml product/5 litres water. 9 ml product/5 litres water. 12.5 ml product/5 litres water. For application to ornamentals, the maximum number of treatments must not exceed the following: Poinsettia (drench): (spray): Geranium, pelargonium: one per crop at 227 ml dilute solution/pot or two per crop at 57 ml dilute solution/pot three per crop three per crop READ THE LABEL BEFORE USE. USING THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER THAT IS INCONSISTENT WITH THE LABEL MAY BE AN OFFENCE. FOLLOW THE CODE OF PRACTICE FOR USING PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCTS. (MAPP No. 13973) 112 3C Chlormequat 750 P PLANT GROWTH REGULATOR MAPP No. 13984 Use: A growth regulator for use in wheat, oats, winter barley, rye, triticale and ornamentals. Formulation: A soluble concentrate containing 750 g/litre (65.2% w/w) chlormequat chloride. Recommended Crops: Barley, winter Geraniums/pelargoniums Oats, spring Poinsettias Rye Triticale Wheat, spring (autumn drilled) Wheat, spring (spring drilled) Wheat, winter See Section No: 3.3 3.8 3.4 3.7 3.5 3.6 3.1 3.2 3.1 Recommended Rates: Various. See literature for details. Water Volume: Cereals: 220 – 450 l/ha. Named ornamentals – various. See literature for details. Spray Quality: MEDIUM Latest Time of Application: Winter wheat and spring wheat (autumn drilled): Winter and spring oats: Triticale: Rye: Spring wheat (spring drilled): Winter barley: Named ornamentals: Before third node detectable stage. Before third node detectable stage. Before first node detectable stage. Before second node detectable stage. Before second node detectable stage. Before first node detectable stage No restriction. Processed Crops: Consult processors before use. Major changes since last printing: NEW PRODUCT. This product label is compliant with the CPA Voluntary Initiative Guidance 113 3C Chlormequat 750 Pack Size: 10 litres in outers of 2. P 3C Chlormequat 750 Maximum Total Dose or Maximum number of Treatments: Winter wheat and spring wheat (autumn drilled): Maximum total dose of 2.2 litres per crop. Winter and spring oats: Maximum total dose of 2.2 litres per crop. Triticale: Maximum total dose of 2.2 litres per crop. Rye: Maximum total dose of 2.2 litres per crop. Spring wheat (spring drilled) Maximum total dose of 1.1 litres per crop. Winter barley: Maximum total dose of 2.2 litres per crop. Poinsettias: 1 per crop at 227 ml dilute solution/pot or 3 per crop as spray. Geraniums, pelargoniums: 3 per crop. Aerial Application: Cereals. Compatibility: For details of compatibilities contact your distributor, local BASF representative, the BASF Technical Services Hotline: 0845 602 2553 or visit our website on: DIRECTIONS FOR USE IMPORTANT: this information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product. 1. RESTRICTIONS/WARNINGS Avoid spray drift on to neighbouring crops. 3C Chlormequat 750 should be applied to crops during good growing conditions at the correct timing. DO NOT apply 3C Chlormequat 750 when the crop is wet or if rain or frost is imminent. DO NOT apply 3C Chlormequat 750 to very late sown spring crops. DO NOT apply 3C Chlormequat 750 to crops on soils of low fertility unless these soils regularly receive adequate dressings of nitrogen fertilisers. 3C Chlormequat 750 may be applied to wheat, oats and winter barley undersown with grasses and clovers. Caution is needed if using mixtures of liquid nitrogen fertilisers and 3C Chlormequat 750 as scorching may result in certain circumstances. Wash equipment thoroughly after use. DO NOT use straw from 3C Chlormequat 750 treated cereals as a horticultural growth medium or as a mulch. 2. LODGING CONTROL 3C Chlormequat 750 produces shorter, thicker and stronger stems in wheat and oats which are more resistant to lodging and help to prevent damage from eyespot. Lodging control will not be so pronounced in winter barley with 3C Chlormequat 750 but will help to maintain yield potential by encouraging better root development and tiller survival. On certain ornamentals (see below) the use of 3C Chlormequat 750 can promote a more compact bushy habit. 114 3C Chlormequat 750 3. CROPS 3.1 Winter Wheat and Autumn Drilled Spring Wheat Low lodging risk situations Time of Application Apply 3C Chlormequat 720 from leaf sheath lengthening stage up to and including the second node detectable stage. The optimum application time is the leaf sheaths erect stage just prior to the first node detectable stage. Rate of Application Apply 1.6 litres 3C Chlormequat 750 in 220-450 litres of water per hectare. High lodging risk situations Time of Application Apply 3C Chlormequat 750 either as a split application or as a single dose. As a split application apply the first dose at the tillers formed to leaf sheath lengthening stage followed by the second dose at the leaf sheath erect up to and including the first node detectable stage. Do not apply later than second node detectable stage. If a split application is not possible the full dose at leaf sheath erect just prior to the first node detectable stage is recommended. 3.2 Rate of Application When using a split application, apply 1.6 litres 3C Chlormequat 750 at the earlier timing, followed by 0.6 litres 3C Chlormequat 750 at the later timing, both in 220-450 litres of water per hectare. If using a single dose, apply 2.2 litres 3C Chlormequat 750 in 220-450 litres of water per hectare. The use of Terpal sequentially is recommended for improved lodging control where the crop is growing vigorously. See Terpal literature for full details. Spring Wheat (Spring Drilled) Time of Application Apply 3C Chlormequat 750 during good growing conditions at the leaf sheaths erect stage just prior to the first node detectable stage. DO NOT apply 3C Chlormequat 750 later than the first node detectable stage on the majority of tillers. Rate of Application Apply 1.1 litres 3C Chlormequat 750 in 220-450 litres of water per hectare. Winter wheat varieties sown in the spring should be treated at the winter wheat rate. 3.3 Winter Barley Whilst 3C Chlormequat 750 is less consistent in winter barley for the control of lodging than in wheat or oats, the relatively early application timing can promote changes in the pattern of growth which may lead to an increase in yield. Root development and tiller production is largely determined in the autumn of sowing. 3C Chlormequat 750 applied in the autumn can stimulate both root system development and tiller production. 3C Chlormequat 750 may be applied either as a split application or as a single dose. The use of Terpal sequentially is recommended for reliable lodging control. See Terpal literature for full details. 115 P P 3C Chlormequat 750 Time of Application When using a split dose treatment, apply the first dose in the autumn from when the crop has three leaves once adequate cover is established up until early tillering, followed by the second dose in the spring from mid-tillering to just prior to the first node detectable stage. It is important that both parts of the split dose are applied. When using a single dose, apply 3C Chlormequat 750 in the spring from mid-tillering to just prior to the first node detectable stage. Rate of Application When using a split dose, apply 0.6 litres in the autumn, followed by 1.6 litres in the spring, both in 220-450 litres of water per hectare. When using a single dose, apply 2.2 litres 3C Chlormequat 750 in the spring in 220-450 litres of water per hectare. 3.4 Oats 3C Chlormequat 750 will reduce stem length in oats under most circumstances, but resistance to lodging will be greater on short strawed varieties Time of Application Apply 3C Chlormequat 750 at the second node detectable stage on the majority of tillers. Rate of Application Apply 2.2 litres 3C Chlormequat 750 in 220-450 litres of water per hectare. For full effect, an authorised non-ionic wetter at 25 ml per 100 litres must be added to the spray mixture, except when using mixes of 3C Chlormequat 750 with Corbel. 3.5 Rye 3C Chlormequat 750 may be used on rye. Although widely used on the continent the results of UK trials have been less than consistent in effects on plant height and lodging. The use of Terpal sequentially is recommended for improved lodging control where the crop is growing vigorously. See Terpal literature for full details. Time of Application Apply 3C Chlormequat 750 when the first node is detectable on the majority of tillers. Rate of Application Apply 2.2 litres 3C Chlormequat 750 in 220-450 litres of water per hectare. 3.6 Triticale The results of a number of independent trials have shown that an increase in crop yield and a reduction in early lodging can be obtained following an application of 3C Chlormequat 750. The use of Terpal sequentially is recommended for improved lodging control where the crop is growing vigorously. See Terpal literature for full details. Time of Application Apply 3C Chlormequat 750 from mid tillering to just prior to the first node detectable. 116 3C Chlormequat 750 3.7 Rate of Application Apply 2.2 litres 3C Chlormequat 750 in 220-450 litres of water per hectare. Poinsettias Time of Application Apply 3C Chlormequat 750 when shoot growth after any pinching of established plants in final pots reaches 25 mm. Either a single drench or a spray programme may be used as outlined below. Rate of Application – Drench Treatment Use 21.5 ml 3C Chlormequat 750 in 5 litres of water and apply the diluted solution evenly as a compost drench according to the rates below. Pot Diameter mm 75* 100 130 150 200 Amount of Solution (per pot) ml 57 85 114 170 227 *Two applications are required in order to apply the necessary volume to pots less than 75 mm in diameter. Rate of Application – Spray Treatment Apply 8.5 ml 3C Chlormequat 750 per 5 litres of water, high volume. Up to three sprays at 10-14 day intervals may be applied. Occasionally, temporary yellow spotting may occur which can be minimised by the addition of an authorised non-ionic wetter at the rate of 2 ml per 5 litres of spray solution. See also ‘Notes on application to ornamentals’ in Section 3.8 below. 3.8 Geraniums/Pelargoniums Time of Application Apply 3C Chlormequat 750 30-40 days after sowing with a second application 14 days later. A third application may be required after a further 28 days. Rate of Application Apply 12 ml 3C Chlormequat 750 per 5 litres of water, high volume, with an authorised non-ionic wetter added at the rate of 2 ml per 5 litres of spray solution. Notes on application to Ornamentals (a) Plants to be treated must be well established, growing vigorously, and with a healthy root system. (b) Pot bound plants or plants under stress should not be treated. DO NOT treat in strong sunlight. (c) DO NOT treat geraniums/pelargoniums when temperatures are likely to drop below 10°C. (d) Compost should be moist prior to treatment. (e) It is advised that the effect is checked on a small number of plants before treating the whole batch. 117 P P 3C Chlormequat 750 4. MIXING AND SPRAYING 4.1 Aerial application 3C Chlormequat 750 may be applied from the air to wheat, winter barley, oats, rye and triticale at the recommended rates in 25-60 litres of water per hectare, but results may not be as uniform as from ground applications. When applied by air to oats, 3C Chlormequat 750 should be used in conjunction with an authorised non-ionic wetter at the recommended rate. Aerial application must not be made in tank mix with any other products. 4.2 Mixing Half fill the spray tank with clean water and start the agitation. Pour in the required amount of 3C Chlormequat 750. Add the remainder of the water and continue agitation until spraying is completed. When tank mixes are to be used, each product should be added separately to the spray tank, taking due note of any instructions given as to the order of mixing. 5. CONTAINER AND STORAGE 3C Chlormequat 750 is supplied in 10 litres containers and should be kept dry and frost proof in a suitable pesticide store. 6. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Operator protection Engineering control of operator exposure must be used where reasonably practicable in addition to the following personal protective clothing: WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING AND GLOVES when handling the concentrate. However, engineering controls may replace personal protective equipment if a COSHH assessment shows they provide an equal or higher standard of protection. WASH CONCENTRATE from skin or eyes immediately. DO NOT BREATHE SPRAY WASH HANDS AND EXPOSED SKIN before meals and after work. WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE. IF YOU FEEL UNWELL, seek medical advice (show label where possible). Environmental protection DO NOT CONTAIMINATE SURFACE WATERS OR DITCHES with chemical or used container. Storage and disposal KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDING STUFFS. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN DO NOT CONTAMINATE SURFACE WATERS OR DITCHES with chemical or used container. KEEP IN ORIGINAL CONTAINER, tightly closed, in a safe place. RINSE CONTAINER THOROUGHLY by using an integrated pressure rinsing device or manually rinsing three times. Add washings to sprayer at time of filling and dispose of safely. DO NOT RE-USE CONTAINER for any purpose. Keep dry and frostproof in a suitable pesticide store. 118 3C Chlormequat 750 7. GLOBALLY HARMONISED SYSTEM (GHS) REGULATIONS 3C Chlormequat 750 A soluble concentrate containing 750 g/l (65.2% w/w) chlormequat chloride. WARNING: HARMFUL IN CONTACT WITH SKIN HARMFUL IF SWALLOWED MAY BE CORROSIVE TO METALS WEAR PROTECTIVE GLOVES/CLOTHING. IF SWALLOWED: CALL A POISON CENTER OR DOCTOR/ PHYSICIAN IF YOU FEEL UNWELL. IF ON SKIN: WASH WITH PLENTY OF SOAP AND WATER. REMOVE/TAKE OFF IMMEDIATELY ALL CONTAMINATED CLOTHING. WASH CONTAMINATED CLOTHING BEFORE REUSE. ABSORB SPILLAGE TO PREVENT MATERIAL DAMAGE. To avoid risks to human health and the environment, comply with the instructions for use This product is approved under the Control of Pesticides Regulations 1986. 119 P P 3C Chlormequat 750 8. IMPORTANT INFORMATION IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR USE ONLY AS AN AGRICULTURAL/HORTICULTURAL PLANT GROWTH REGULATOR, as directed below: Crops Maximum Maximum number of individual Treatments dose (litres product/ hectare) Latest time of application Winter wheat and autumn drilled spring 2.2 litres product/ha 1 per crop at 2.2 litres product/ha or 2 per crop split at 1.6 litres product/ha followed by 0.6 litres product/ha Before third node detectable stage wheat Winter barley 2.2 litres product/ha 1 per crop in the spring at 2.2 litres product/ha or 2 per crop split at 0.6 litres product/ha in the autumn followed by 1.6 litres product/ha in the spring Before main shoot and 4 tiller stage (autumn spplication) Before first node detectable stage (spring application) Winter and spring oats 2.2 litres product/ha 1 per crop Before third node detectable stage Triticale 2.2 litres product/ha 1 per crop Before first node detectable stage Rye 2.2 litres product/ha 1 per crop Before second node detectable stage Spring wheat (Spring drilled) 1.1 litres product/ha 1 per crop Before second node detectable stage Poinsettias See ‘Other specific restrictions’. 1 per crop at 227ml dilute solution/pot or 2 per crop at 57ml dilute solution/pot or 3 per crop as spray - Geranium, pelargoniums See ‘Other specific restrictions’. 3 per crop - Other Specific Restrictions: For applications to ornamentals the maximum concentration must not exceed the following: Poinettias (drench): (spray): Geranium, pelargonium: 21.5ml product/5 litres water 8.5ml product/5 litres water 12.0ml product/5litres water READ THE LABEL BEFORE USE. USING THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER THAT IS INCONSISTENT WITH THE LABEL MAY BE AN OFFENCE. FOLLOW THE CODE OF PRACTICE FOR USING PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCTS. (MAPP No. 13984) 120 Chord® / Whistle® F FUNGICIDE Chord MAPP No. 16065 / Whistle MAPP No. 16093 Use: A broad spectrum fungicide for use in winter wheat, spring wheat, durum wheat, winter barley, spring barley, oats, rye and triticale. Formulation: A suspension concentrate containing 210 g/litre boscalid + 75 g/litre epoxiconazole. Pack size: Chord is supplied in 10 litres in outers of two. Whistle is supplied in 5 litre containers in outers of four. Recommended Crops: Barley, winter and spring Oats, winter and spring Wheat, winter and spring Durum wheat Rye Triticale Maximum number of treatments: 2 per crop Water Volume: 100 - 300 litres of water per hectare. Spray Quality: Medium Processed Crops: Effects on baking and brewing have not been fully tested. Consult the grain merchant or processor before use. Latest Time of Application: Winter and spring wheat Up to and including flowering (anthesis) Durum wheat, rye and triticale: just complete (GS 69) Winter and spring barley and oats: Up to and including emergence of ear just complete (GS 59). Aerial Application: No Compatibility: For details of compatibilities contact your distributor, local BASF representative, the BASF Technical Services Hotline: 0845 602 2553 or visit our website on: Major changes since last printing: None. This product label is compliant with the CPA Voluntary Initiative Guidance 121 Chord® / Whistle® Maximum Individual Dose: 1.5 litres/ha F Chord® / Whistle® DIRECTIONS FOR USE IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product. Chord / Whistle is a broad spectrum fungicide for use in winter wheat, spring wheat, durum wheat, winter barley, spring barley, oats, rye and triticale. 1. RESTRICTIONS/WARNINGS Avoid spray drift on to neighbouring crops. This product may cause damage to broad-leaved plant species. Effects on baking and brewing have not been fully tested. Consult the grain merchant or processor before use. When applied to barley intended for malting, refer to the latest timing restrictions for epoxiconazole and boscalid given by the British Beer and Pub Association. Wash equipment thoroughly after use. 2. DISEASE CONTROL Chord / Whistle is a broad spectrum fungicide for use in winter and spring wheat, durum wheat, winter and spring barley, oats, rye and triticale for disease control as summarised below: Winter wheat Spring Durum wheat wheat Winter Spring barley barley Oats Rye Triticale Septoria tritici C C C - - - - C Septoria nodorum C C C - - - - C Powdery mildew - - - C C C C - Brown rust C C C C C - C C Yellow rust C C C C C - C C Rhynchosporium - - - MC MC - MC - Net blotch - - - C C - - - Tan spot *R *R *R - - - - - Ramularia - - - MC MC - - - Eyespot MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC Crown rust - - - - - C - - Fusarium ear blight # GR GR GR - - - - - Sooty moulds (Cladosporium Botrytis) GR GR GR - - - - - C MC GR R = = = = control moderate control good reduction reduction * Qualified minor use recommendation based on limited evidence of effectiveness. 122 Chord® / Whistle® # Application of Chord/Whistle to ears of wheat can lead to reduction of the mycotixin deoxynivalenol (DON) associated with Fusarium ear blight infection, but this level of effect may not necessarily lead to reduction on DON below the statutory limit in wheat grain. 2.1 Resistance Use Chord / Whistle as part of an Integrated Crop Management (ICM) strategy incorporating other methods of control, including where appropriate other fungicides with a different mode of action. Chord / Whistle contains a DMI fungicide. Resistance to some DMI fungicides has been identified in Septoria leaf blotch (Mycosphaerella graminicola) which may seriously affect the performance of some products. For further advice on resistance management in DMIs contact your agronomist or specialist advisor, and visit the FRAG-UK website. Chord / Whistle contains boscalid which belongs to the SDHI (carboxamide) group of fungicides. To minimise the risk of resistance occurring, apply a maximum of two SDHI fungicides per cereal crop. 3. CROPS Chord / Whistle is a fungicide for use in winter wheat, spring wheat, durum wheat, winter barley, spring barley, oats, rye and triticale. 3.1 Time of Application Apply Chord / Whistle at the start of foliar or stem based disease attack. A maximum of two applications can be made up to and including flowering (anthesis) just complete (GS 69) in winter and spring wheat, durum wheat, rye and triticale, and up to and including emergence of ear just complete (GS 59) in winter and spring barley and oats. For protection against Fusarium ear blight and sooty mould on the ears of winter and spring wheat and durum wheat, apply Chord / Whistle during ear emergence. 3.2 Rate of Application Apply 1.5 litres Chord / Whistle in a minimum of 200 to 300 litres of water per hectare. Qualified recommendation: Chord / Whistle may be applied at 1.5 litres per hectare in 100 litres of water per hectare although efficacy at this reduced volume has not been evaluated. Therefore application at 100 litres of water per hectare is at user’s risk with regard to biological efficacy. Reducing the water volume is not recommended where control of stem base diseases is required. 4. FOLLOWING CROPS After treating a cereal crop with Chord / Whistle, onions, oats, sugar beet, oilseed rape, cabbages, carrots, sunflowers, barley, lettuce, ryegrass, dwarf French beans, peas, potatoes, clover, wheat, field beans and maize may be sown as the following crop. 4.1 MIXING Never prepare more spray solution than is required. Three quarters fill the tank with clean water and start the agitation. To ensure thorough mixing of the product, invert the container several times before opening. Add the required quantity of Chord/Whistle to the spray tank while re-circulating. Add the remainder of the water and continue agitation until spraying is complete. When tank mixes are to be used, take due note of any instructions given as to the order of mixing. Each product should be added seperately to the spray tank and fully dispersed before the addition of any further product(s). 123 F F Chord® / Whistle® All tank mixes should be used immediately after mixing. On emptying the container, rinse container thoroughly by using an integrated pressure rinsing device or by manually rinsing three times. Add washings to tank at time of filling and dispose of container safely. 5. CONTAINER AND STORAGE Chord is supplied in 10 litre containers and Whistle in 5 litre containers and should be kept dry and frostproof in a suitable pesticide store. 6. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Operator protection Engineering control of operator exposure must be used where reasonably practicable in addition to the following personal protective clothing: WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING (COVERALLS), SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES AND FACE PROTECTION (FACESHIELD) when handling the concentrate. WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING (COVERALLS) AND SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES when handling contaminated surfaces. However, engineering controls may replace personal protective equipment if a COSHH assessment shows they provide an equal or higher standard of protection. IF YOU FEEL UNWELL, seek medical advice immediately (show the label where possible). WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE. WASH HANDS AND EXPOSED SKIN before eating and drinking and after work. Environmental protection DO NOT CONTAMINATE water with the product or its container. Do not clean application equipment near surface water. Avoid contamination via drains from farmyards and roads. To protect aquatic organisms respect an unsprayed buffer zone to surface water bodies in line with LERAP requirements. DO NOT ALLOW DIRECT SPRAY from horizontal boom sprayers to fall within 5m of the top of the bank of a static or flowing waterbody, unless a Local Environment Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) permits a narrower buffer zone, or within 1m of the top of a ditch which is dry at the time of application. Aim spray away from water. This product qualifies for inclusion within the Local Environment Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) scheme. Before each spraying operation from a horizontal boom sprayer, either a LERAP must be carried out in accordance with CRD’s published guidance or the statutory buffer zone must be maintained. The results of the LERAP must be recorded and kept available for inspection for three years. Storage and disposal KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDINGSTUFFS. KEEP IN ORIGINAL CONTAINER, tightly closed, in a safe place. DO NOT RE-USE CONTAINER for any purpose. RINSE CONTAINER THOROUGHLY by using an integrated pressure rinsing device or manually rinsing three times. Add washings to sprayer at time of filling and dispose of safely. Store in a suitable pesticide store. Keep dry and protect from frost. 124 Chord® / Whistle® 7. DPD REGULATIONS (CHIP 3) Chord® / Whistle® A suspension concentrate containing 210 g/litre boscalid plus 75 g/litre epoxiconazole. HARMFUL BY INHALATION. IRRITATING TO EYES. IRRITATING TO SKIN. LIMITED EVIDENCE OF A CARCINOGENIC EFFECT. POSSIBLE RISK OF IMPAIRED FERTILITY. POSSIBLE RISK OF HARM TO THE UNBORN CHILD. TOXIC TO AQUATIC ORGANISMS, MAY CAUSE LONG TERM ADVERSE EFFECTS IN THE AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT. WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING, GLOVES AND FACE PROTECTION. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDING STUFFS. WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE. IF SWALLOWED, seek medical advice immediately and show this container or label. This material and it’s container must be disposed of in a safe way. Use appropriate containment to avoid enviromental contamination. To avoid risks to man and the enviroment, comply with the instructions for use. 125 F F Chord® / Whistle® 8. IMPORTANT INFORMATION IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR USE ONLY AS AN AGRICULTURAL FUNGICIDE, as directed below: Crops Maximum individual dose Maximum number of treatments Latest time of application Wheat (winter), wheat (spring), durum wheat, rye and triticale 1.5 litres product per ha/crop 2 per crop Up to and including flowering (anthesis) just complete (GS 69). Barley (winter) barley (spring) oats 1.5 litres product per ha/crop 2 per crop Up to and including emergence of ear just complete (GS 59) Other specific restrictions: A minimum interval of 21 days must be observed between applications. READ THE LABEL BEFORE USE. USING THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER THAT IS INCONSISTENT WITH THE LABEL MAY BE AN OFFENCE. FOLLOW THE CODE OF PRACTICE FOR USING PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCTS. 126 Cleranda® H CLEARFIELD OILSEED RAPE HERBICIDE MAPP No. 15036 Use: for use as a contact & residual herbicide for the control of a range of broad leaved and grass weeds in any Clearfield® oilseed rape hybrid carrying the Clearfield® brand. Formulation: A suspension concentrate, containing 17.5 g/l imazamox and 375 g/l metazachlor. Recommended Crops: Clearfield Oilseed rape. Maximum individual dose: 2.0 litres of product per hectare. Maximum number of treatments: One per crop. Spray Quality: MEDIUM Water Volume: 100 to 300 litres of water per hectare. Aerial Application: No Compatibility: For details of compatibilities contact your distributor, local BASF representative, the BASF Technical Services Hotline: 0845 602 2553 or visit our website on: Major changes since last printing: Globally Harmonised System (GHS) Regulations added. see Section 9. This product label is compliant with the CPA Voluntary Initiative Guidance 127 Cleranda® Latest Time of Application: Before 9 or more true leaf stage (GS 19) H Cleranda® DIRECTIONS FOR USE IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product. Cleranda is a contact and residual herbicide that can be used for the control of a range of broad leaved and grass weeds in any Clearfield® oilseed rape hybrid carrying the Clearfield® brand. 1. RESTRICTIONS/WARNINGS CLERANDA MUST ONLY BE USED ON CLEARFIELD® OILSEED RAPE HYBRIDS. COMPLETE CROP LOSS WILL OCCUR IF CLERANDA IS APPLIED TO OILSEED RAPE THAT DOES NOT CARRY THE CLEARFIELD® BRAND. Cleranda is suitable for use on all soil types as defined by Soil Texture (85) System, except sands and very light soils and soils containing more than 10% organic mater. Do not apply to stony soils; i.e. stones, flints or chalk readily visible on surface. On brashy and stony soils, Cleranda may cause some reduction in crop vigour and/or plant stand. Do not apply to cloddy seedbeds. Seedbeds must have a fine, firm tilth for optimum weed control. Loose or cloddy seedbeds must be consolidated prior to application. Do not apply when heavy rain is forecast and do not use on waterlogged soil or soils prone to waterlogging. Crop thinning or reductions in crop vigour can occur if there is very wet weather after application. Where a crop check has occurred, this normally grows out after a few weeks and yields are normally unaffected. Weeds germinating from depth may not be controlled. Soil moisture is required for effective weed control via root uptake. Residual control may be reduced under prolonged dry conditions. Care should be taken to avoid overlap of spray swaths. Do not apply Cleranda to crops suffering from stress, which may be caused, for example, by pests, disease, waterlogging, poor seedbed conditions or previous chemical treatment. Under frosty conditions a transient scorch may occur. Do not disturb the soil after application. Extreme care is required to avoid spray drift on to neighbouring crops and plants outside the target area. As with other oilseed rape hybrids, seed from Clearfield® oilseed rape should not be farm-saved. To reduce the risk of movement of Cleranda to water: a. On clay soils, create a fine, consolidated seedbed to slow the downward movement of water. b. DO NOT apply Cleranda to dry soil. Moist soils have fewer and smaller cracks. c. DO NOT apply Cleranda if heavy rain is forecast, wait until after the event. 128 Cleranda® 2. WEED CONTROL Cleranda is taken up via cotyledons, roots and shoots and takes maximum effect before, or shortly after, weed emergence. Optimum results are obtained from applications made to fine, firm and moist seedbeds. Weeds germinating from depth may not be controlled. Soil moisture is required for effective weed control via root uptake. Residual control may be reduced under prolonged dry conditions. 2.1 Susceptibility of weeds to single applications of Cleranda 2.0 l/ha Cleranda Weed Name Annual Mercury Black-grass Corn Chamomile Charlock Chickweed, Common Cleavers Crane’s-bill species Dead-nettle, Red Fat Hen Fumitory, Common Groundsel Mayweed, Scented Mayweed, Scentless Mustard, Hedge Mustard, White Pansy, Field Parsley Piert Poppy, Common Runch (Wild Radish/Jointed Charlock) Shepherd’s Purse Speedwell, Common Field Speedwell, Ivy-leaved Weed susceptibility rating MS1 R S S S MS2 MS S MS S S S S S S MS S S S S S S Volunteer oilseed rape S 3 Volunteer Barley MS Volunteer Wheat MR S = Susceptible. MS = Moderately Susceptible. 4 Maximum susceptible growth stage of target weed 2 true-leaves Cotyledon 4 true-leaves Two side shoots visible 2 whorls 2 true leaf 2 true-leaves 4 true-leaves 3 true-leaves 2 true-leaves 4 true-leaves 2 true-leaves 4 true-leaves 3 true-leaves 2 true-leaves 3 true-leaves 4 true-leaves 4 true-leaves 4 true-leaves 4 true-leaves 2 true-leaves Optimum: 2-4 true-leaves Maximum: 6 true-leaves Optimum: 2-3 fully-expanded leaves Maximum: before 3 tillers 1 tiller MR = Moderately Resistant. R = Resistant. Applications made after the optimum or latest timing may give reduced levels of control Control of Annual Mercury can be variable. Improved control can be gained with the addition of the adjuvant Dash HC (See Section 2.2) 1 129 H H Cleranda® Control of Cleavers can be variable. Improved consistency may be gained with the addition of the adjuvant Dash HC. 3 Control of volunteer barley may be variable, optimum control will be achieved when Cleranda is applied when this weed has 2-3 fully-expanded leaves. Control of volunteer barley can be further improved by using Cleranda with the adjuvant Dash HC (see Section 2.2). 4 Control of volunteer wheat may be variable. The level of control and maximum susceptible growth stage can be improved by using Cleranda with the adjuvant Dash HC (see Section 2.2) 2 2.2 Susceptibility of weeds to a single application of Cleranda + Dash HC 2.0 l/ha Cleranda + 1.0 l/ha Dash HC Annual Mercury Weed susceptibility rating S Volunteer Barley S Volunteer Wheat S Weed species 2.3 Maximum susceptible growth stage of weed 2 true-leaves Optimum: 2-3 fully expanded leaves Maximum: Before 3 tillers 2 tillers Weed resistance management This product contains imazamox which is an ALS inhibitor, also classified by the Herbicide Resistance Action Committee as ‘Group B’. Only use as part of a weed resistance management strategy that includes cultural methods of control and does not use ALS inhibitors as the sole chemical method of grass-weed control. Strains of some annual grasses (e.g. Black-grass, Wild-Oats, and Italian Ryegrass) have developed resistance to herbicides, which may lead to poor control. A strategy for preventing and managing such resistance should be adopted. Guidelines have been produced by the Weed Resistance Action Group and copies are available from the HGCA, CPA, your distributor, crop adviser or product manufacturer. Populations of black-grass, Italian ryegrass, chickweed and poppy with high levels of resistance may not be fully controlled. Key elements of the weed resistance management strategy for Cleranda:- Always follow WRAG guidelines for preventing and managing herbicide resistant weeds. - Maximise the use of cultural control measures wherever possible (e.g. crop rotation, ploughing, stale seedbeds, etc). - Adopt as diverse a rotation as possible using autumn and spring sown crops. - Consider rotational ploughing every 3 to 5 years to improve black-grass control. - Where the Clearfield® crop is to be established by non-inversion tillage it is important to obtain high levels of black-grass control in the previous crop. - Do not rely on one herbicide mode of action for the control of grass or broad-leaved weeds in the same field over several years. - For the control of black-grass, ryegrass and wild oats, always use Cleranda in tank mix or sequence with other effective graminicides with different modes of action. 130 Cleranda® - Apply post-emergence products/mixtures to small, actively growing weeds to maximise the level of control. - Where there is significant risk of the development of ALS resistant grass weeds, consider the inclusion of a spring crop(s) in the rotation, to increase the opportunity for cultural control measures. - Monitor fields regularly and investigate the reasons for any poor control. 3. CROPS Cleranda can be used on any winter Clearfield® oilseed rape hybrid carrying the Clearfield® brand. For a list of current Clearfield® oilseed rape hybrids contact either your local BASF Agronomy Manager or the BASF Technical Services Hotline: 0845 602 2553 COMPLETE CROP LOSS WILL OCCUR IF CLERANDA IS APPLIED TO OILSEED RAPE THAT DOES NOT CARRY THE CLEARFIELD® BRAND. To ensure that Cleranda, is only applied to Clearfield® oilseed rape hybrids, it is important to clearly and accurately record the location of Clearfield® oilseed crops on the farm and provide relevant information to those staff and contractors applying Cleranda. 3.1 Time of Application Cleranda may be applied post emergence of the crop from two fully expanded cotyledons (GS 10) and up to the eight true leaf growth stage (GS 18). 3.2 Rate of Application Apply Cleranda at 2.0 litres per hectare. Improved control of certain weed species (see Section 2.2) can be achieved by applying 2.0 l/ha Cleranda plus 1.0 l/ha of the adjuvant Dash HC. 4. FOLLOWING CROPS Following crops after normally harvested Clearfield® oilseed rape Wheat, barley, oats, oilseed rape, field beans, combining peas and sugar beet can follow normally harvested Clearfield® oilseed rape treated with Cleranda. Re-drilling in the same autumn due to crop failure In the event of crop failure, the following crops may be re-drilled in the same autumn following the guidance given on minimum interval and cultivation for each crop. Following Crop Recommended interval prior to re-drilling Recommended Cultivation and soil types Clearfield® oilseed rape 4 weeks after application All soil types - Ensure the soil is well mixed prior to drilling, for example by power harrowing or using a similar cultivation technique. Winter field beans 10 weeks after application Medium to heavy soil types only. Establish using a plough-based cultivation Winter barley Winter wheat 8 weeks after application All soil types-Plough before drilling 131 H H Cleranda® Due to a risk of crop damage it advised that re-drilling the following crops in the same autumn should be avoided:Winter oilseed rape (except Clearfield® oilseed rape hybrids) Re-drilling in the following spring due to crop failure in the autumn In the event of crop failure, the following crops may be re-drilled in spring following the guidance given on soil type and cultivation for each crop. Following Crop Spring oilseed rape Spring oats Combining peas Spring barley Spring wheat Sugar beet Recommended Cultivation and soil types No requirement for specific cultivation techniques Light to medium soil types – No requirement for specific cultivation techniques Sands and very light soils or where irrigation may be used - Plough before drilling 5. MIXING AND SPRAYING 5.1 Application Apply Cleranda in 190–300 l/ha water volume as a MEDIUM spray as defined by BCPC. In more dense crops where weed shading is more likely use the higher water volume. To ensure optimum spray coverage and minimize spray drift, adjust the spray boom to the appropriate height above the crop, according to guidance provided by the sprayer and/or nozzle manufacture. Qualified recommendation Cleranda may be applied at up to 2.0 l/ha in 100 litres of water per hectare although efficacy and crop safety at this reduced volume has not been evaluated. 5.2 Mixing Never prepare more spray solution than is required. Fill the spray tank three quarters full with water and start the agitation. To ensure thorough mixing of the product, invert the container several times before opening. Add the required quantity of Cleranda to the spray tank while re-circulating. If required add Dash HC and then the remainder of the water. Continue agitation until spraying is completed. On emptying the product container, rinse container thoroughly by using an integrated pressure rinsing device or manually rinsing three times. Add washings to sprayer at time of filling and dispose of container safely. 5.3 Sprayer cleaning Wash sprayer thoroughly immediately after use, using clean water and following best practice advice and the guidance provided by the equipment manufacturer. 132 Cleranda® 6. CONTROLLING VOLUNTEERS FROM CLEARFIELD® OILSEED RAPE • • • • • Best management practice is to control volunteer oilseed rape plants in the immediate following crop or prior to its establishment. Volunteers from Clearfield® oilseed rape can be controlled with established techniques using a combination of stale-seedbeds, non-selective herbicides, selective herbicides and cultivation methods:Following a Clearfield oilseed rape crop, post-harvest rainfall will encourage volunteer oilseed rape to germinate, therefore where possible delay any post-harvest cultivations or stubble-hygiene herbicide treatments until this has occurred. Use a stale-seedbed technique to destroy germinated oilseed rape seedlings using an approved non-selective herbicide treatment, for example glyphosate, and/or cultivation. Should further germination of volunteer oilseed rape occur, consider repeating the above stale-seedbed process prior to establishment of the next crop. Should volunteer oilseed rape emerge post-harvest elsewhere within the rotation consider stale-seedbed techniques between subsequent crops. Where it is planned for Clearfield oilseed rape stubble to be used as extended over-wintered stubbles/natural regeneration, volunteer Clearfield oilseed rape must be destroyed in time to prevent viable seeds, paying attention to agronomic guidance and/or management restrictions that may apply to the stubble maintenance. The control of volunteers from Clearfield® oilseed rape can be achieved within the rotation by the use of selective-herbicides, with a label claim for volunteer oilseed rape, that are not from HRAC Group B (ALS-inhibitors). The herbicides listed below are not from the HRAC Group B (ALS-inhibitors) and have been proven to control volunteers from Clearfield® oilseed rape in succeeding winter cereals. Selective herbicides with a label claim for the control of volunteer rape and proven to control volunteer Clearfield® oilseed rape Active ingredient/s Examples of products picolinafen + pendimethalin◊ 2, 4-D mecoprop-P diflufenican + flurtamone * =Spring use only 7. Picona PicoPro PicoStomp Picomax MAPP MAPP MAPP MAPP 13428 13454 13455 13456 Polo* MAPP 10283 Duplosan KV* MAPP 13971 Bacara MAPP 10744 ◊= Deep germinating volunteer oilseed rape may not be controlled. STEWARDSHIP OF THE CLEARFIELD PRODUCTION SYSTEM For the latest information and guidance on best practice and stewardship of the Clearfield Production System contact either your local BASF Agronomy Manager or the BASF Technical Services Hotline: 0845 602 2553 133 H H Cleranda® 8. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Operator protection Engineering control of operator exposure must be used where reasonably practicable in addition to the following personal protective equipment. WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING (COVERALLS) AND SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES when handling the concentrate. WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES when handling contaminated surfaces However, engineering controls may replace personal protective equipment if a COSHH assessment shows that they provide an equal or higher standard of protection. WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE. Environmental protection Do not contaminate water with the product or its container. Do not clean application equipment near surface water. Avoid contamination via drains from farmyards and roads. To protect aquatic organisms respect an unsprayed buffer zone to surface water bodies in line with LERAP requirements. DO NOT ALLOW DIRECT SPRAY from horizontal boom sprayers to fall within 5m of the top of the bank of a static or flowing waterbody, unless a Local Environmental Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) permits a narrower buffer zone, or within 1m of the top of a ditch which is dry at the time of application. Aim spray away from water. This product qualifies for inclusion within the Local Environmental Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) scheme. Before each spraying operation from a horizontal boom sprayer, either a LERAP must be carried out in accordance with CRD’s published guidance or the statutory buffer zone must be maintained. The results of the LERAP must be recorded and kept available for inspection for three years. KEEP LIVESTOCK out of treated areas until poisonous weeds such as ragwort have died and become unpalatable Storage and disposal KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDING STUFFS. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. STORE IN ORIGINAL CONTAINER tightly closed, in a safe place. On emptying the container, RINSE CONTAINER THOROUGHLY by using an integrated pressure rinsing device or manually rinsing three times. Add washings to sprayer at time of filling and dispose of container safely. 134 Cleranda® 9. GLOBALLY HARMONISED SYSTEM (GHS) REGULATIONS Cleranda® A suspension concentrate containing 17.5 g/l imazamox and 375 g/l metazachlor WARNING: MAY CAUSE AN ALLERGIC SKIN REACTION SUSPECTED OF CAUSING CANCER VERY TOXIC TO AQUATIC LIFE VERY TOXIC TO AQUATIC LIFE WITH LONG LASTING EFFECTS. AVOID BREATHING VAPOURS. WEAR PROTECTIVE GLOVES/CLOTHING. IF EXPOSED OR CONCERNED: GET MEDICAL ADVICE/ ATTENTION COLLECT SPILLAGE. STORE LOCKED UP. DISPOSE OF CONTENTS/CONTAINER IN ACCORDANCE WITH LOCAL REGULATIONS. To avoid risks to man and the environment, comply with the instructions for use This product is approved under the Plant Protection Product Regulations 2005. 135 H H Cleranda® 10. IMPORTANT INFORMATION IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR USE ONLY AS AN AGRICULTURAL HERBICIDE, as directed below: CROPS: MAXIMUM INDIVIDUAL DOSE: MAXIMUM NUMBER OF TREATMENTS: LATEST TIME OF APPLICATION: (GS19). Winter oilseed rape. 2.0 litres of product per hectare. One per crop. Before 9 or more true leaf stage Other specific restrictions: CLERANDA MUST ONLY BE USED ON CLEARFIELD® OILSEED RAPE HYBRIDS A maximum total dose of not more than 1000g metazachlor/hectare may be applied in a three year period on the same field. To avoid the build up of resistance do not apply this or any other product containing an ALS inhibitor herbicide with claims for control of grassweeds more than once to any crop. READ THE LABEL BEFORE USE. USING THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER THAT IS INCONSISTENT WITH THE LABEL MAY BE AN OFFENCE. FOLLOW THE CODE OF PRACTICE FOR USING PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCTS. (MAPP No. 15036) 136 Comet® 200 F FUNGICIDE MAPP No. 12639 Use: A protectant fungicide with curative properties, for use in winter wheat, winter barley, spring wheat, spring barley and oats. Formulation: An emulsifiable concentrate containing 200 g/litre (19.2% w/w) pyraclostrobin. Pack Size: 5 litres in outers of four. Recommended Crops: Winter wheat Spring barley Winter barley Oats Spring wheat Recommended Rates: 1.25 litres product per hectare. Spray Quality: MEDIUM Maximum Number of Applications: All recommended crops: 2 per crop. Latest Time of Application: Winter and spring wheat: Before grain watery ripe. Winter and spring barley, oats: Up to and including emergence of ear just complete. Malting barley: Before ear emergence (see Section 3). Aerial Application: No Compatibility: For details of compatibilities contact your distributor, local BASF representative, the BASF Technical Services Hotline: 0845 602 2553 or visit our website on: Major changes since last printing: Globally Harmonised System (GHS) Regulations added, see Section 7. This product label is compliant with the CPA Voluntary Initiative Guidance 137 Comet® 200 Water Volume: 200 litres per hectare. The maximum concentration must not exceed 1.25 litres of product in 200 litres of water. F Comet® 200 DIRECTIONS FOR USE IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product. Comet 200 is a fungicide with protectant and curative properties for disease control in winter and spring wheat, winter and spring barley and oats. Yield response may be obtained in the absence of visual disease. 1. RESTRICTIONS/WARNINGS Extreme care must be taken to avoid drift onto nearby crops. Wash equipment thoroughly after use. You must not apply more than two foliar applications of QoI containing products to any cereal crop. See also 2.1, Resistance Management, below. 2. DISEASE CONTROL Comet 200 is a fungicide with protectant and curative properties for disease control in winter and spring wheat, winter and spring barley and oats as summarised below: Winter wheat Spring wheat Winter barley Spring barley Oats Septoria tritici (1) C C - - C Septoria nodorum (2) C C - - C Yellow rust C C C C C Brown rust C C C C C Crown rust MC MC - - MC Net blotch - - C C - Rhynchosporium - - C C - C = Control MC = Moderate Control NOTE 1: Septoria tritici: Comet 200 is recommended for control of Septoria tritici with moderate curative ability in the latent phase. NOTE 2: Septoria nodorum: Comet 200 is recommended for control of Septoria nodorum with best results achieved when used as a protective treatment or during early stages of disease establishment. 2.1 Resistance Management Comet 200 contains pyraclostrobin, a member of the QoI cross resistance group. Comet 200 should be used preventatively and should not be relied on for its curative potential. On cereal crops, Comet 200 must always be used in mixture with another product, recommended for control of the same target disease that contains a fungicide from a different cross resistance group and is applied at a dose that will give robust control. Use Comet 200 as part of an Integrated Crop Management (ICM) strategy incorporating other methods of control, including where appropriate other fungicides with a different mode of action. You must not apply more than two foliar applications of QoI containing products to any cereal crop. There is a significant risk of widespread resistance occurring in Septoria tritici populations in the UK. Failure to follow resistance management action may result in reduced levels of disease control. 138 Comet® 200 3. CROPS Comet 200 is a fungicide with protectant and curative properties for disease control in winter and spring wheat, winter and spring barley and oats. 3.1 Time of Application Apply Comet 200 at the start of foliar disease attack. A maximum of two applications can be made before grain watery ripe in winter and spring wheat and up to and including emergence of ear just complete in winter and spring barley and oats. Comet 200 is accepted by BBPA (British Beer and Pubs Association) for use on malting barley provided application is made before the start of ear emergence. Latest timing in malting barley is therefore up to and including awn emergence but treatment must stop once any part of the true ear is visible. 3.2 Rate of Application Apply 1.25 litres Comet 200 in a minimum of 200 litres of water per hectare. 4. MIXING AND SPRAYING Apply as a MEDIUM spray, as defined by BCPC. Half fill the spray tank with clean water and start the agitation. SHAKE THE CONTAINER WELL before use and pour in the required amount of product. Rinse any empty containers thoroughly and add rinsings to the spray tank. Add the remainder of the water and continue agitation until spraying is completed. When tank mixes are to be used, each product should be added separately to the spray tank. All tank mixes should be used immediately after mixing. 5. CONTAINER AND STORAGE Comet is supplied in 5 litres containers. Store in a suitable pesticide store, keep dry and protect from frost. 139 F F Comet® 200 6. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Operator protection Engineering control of operator exposure must be used where reasonably practicable in addition to the following personal protective clothing: WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING (COVERALLS) AND SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES when handling the concentrate. WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES when handling contaminated surfaces. However, engineering controls may replace personal protective equipment if a COSHH assessment shows they provide an equal or higher standard of protection. AVOID ALL CONTACT WITH SKIN. WASH HANDS AND EXPOSED SKIN before meals and after work. WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE. IF YOU FEEL UNWELL, seek medical advice immediately (show the label where possible). Environmental protection DO NOT contaminate water with the product or its container. DO NOT clean equipment near surface water. Avoid contamination via drains from farmyards and roads. To protect aquatic organisms respect an unsprayed buffer zone to surface water bodies in line with LERAPs requirements. DO NOT ALLOW DIRECT SPRAY from horizontal boom sprayers to fall within 5 m of the top of the bank of a static or flowing waterbody, unless a Local Environmental Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) permits a narrower buffer zone, or within 1 m of the top of a ditch which is dry at the time of application. DO NOT ALLOW DIRECT SPRAY from hand-held sprayers to fall within 1 m of the top of the bank of a static or flowing water body. Aim spray away from water. This product qualifies for inclusion within the Local Environmental Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) scheme. Before each spraying operation from a horizontal boom sprayer, either a LERAP must be carried out in accordance with CRD’s published guidance or the statutory buffer zone must be maintained. The results of the LERAP must be recorded and kept available for inspection for three years. Storage and disposal KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDINGSTUFFS. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. KEEP IN ORIGINAL CONTAINER, tightly closed, in a safe place. RINSE CONTAINER THOROUGHLY by using an integrated pressure rinsing device or manually rinsing three times. Add washings to sprayer at time of filling and dispose of safely. DO NOT RE-USE CONTAINER for any purpose. Store in a suitable pesticide store. Keep dry and protect from frost. 140 Comet® 200 7. GLOBALLY HARMONISED SYSTEM (GHS) REGULATIONS Comet® 200 An emulsifiable concentrate containing 200 g/litre (19.2% w/w) pyraclostrobin. DANGER: CAUSES SERIOUS EYE IRRITATION. CAUSE SKIN IRRITATION. HARMFUL IF INHALED. HARMFUL IF SWALLOWED. MAY CAUSE AN ALLERGIC SKIN REACTION. MAY BE FATAL IF SWALLOWED AND ENTERS AIRWAYS. VERY TOXIC TO AQUATIC LIFE VERY TOXIC TO AQUATIC LIFE WITH LONG LASTING EFFECTS. WEAR PROTECTIVE GLOVES/CLOTHING. AVOID BREATHING VAPOURS. WASH WITH PLENTY OF WATER AND SOAP THOROUGHLY AFTER HANDLING. IF SWALLOWED: IMMEDIATELY CALL A POISON CENTER OT DOCTOR/PHYSICIAN. DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING. IF ON SKIN: WASH WITH PLENTY OF SOAP AND WATER To avoid risks to man and the environment, comply with the instructions for use This product is approved under the Plant Protection Products Regulations 2005. 8. IMPORTANT INFORMATION IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR USE ONLY AS AN AGRICULTURAL FUNGICIDE, as directed below: Crops Winter and spring wheat Winter and spring barley, Oats Maximum individual dose 1.25 litres product per hectare 1.25 litres product per hectare Maximum number of treatments 2 per crop 2 per crop Latest time of application Before grain watery ripe (GS 71) Up to and including emergence of ear just complete (GS 59) Other Specific Restrictions: The maximum concentration must not exceed 1.25 litres of product in 200 litres of water. READ THE LABEL BEFORE USE. USING THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER THAT IS INCONSISTENT WITH THE LABEL MAY BE AN OFFENCE. FOLLOW THE CODE OF PRACTICE FOR USING PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCTS. (MAPP No. 12639) 141 F F Comet® 200 142 Compass® F FUNGICIDE MAPP No. 11740 Use: A protectant and systemic fungicide for the control of diseases in oilseed rape and field beans. Formulation: A suspension concentrate containing 167 g/l iprodione and 167 g/l thiophanate-methyl. Pack Size: 5 litres in outers of four. Recommended Crops: See Section No: Oilseed rape, winter and spring: 3.1 Field beans, winter and spring: 3.2 Recommended Rates: Oilseed rape, winter and spring: Field beans, winter and spring: 1.5 to 3.0 l/ha (see literature for details). 3.0 l/ha. Water Volume: 200-600 litres per hectare. Latest Time of Application: Oilseed rape, winter and spring: Field beans, winter and spring: 3 weeks before harvest. before end of flowering. Aerial Application: No Compatibility: For details of compatibilities contact your distributor, local BASF representative, the BASF Technical Services Hotline: 0845 602 2553 or visit our website on: Major changes since last printing: None. This product label is compliant with the CPA Voluntary Initiative Guidance 143 Compass® Spray Quality: MEDIUM F Compass® DIRECTIONS FOR USE IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product. Compass is a protectant and systemic fungicide for the control of certain diseases in oilseed rape and field beans. 1. RESTRICTIONS/WARNINGS A maximum of 2 applications of any ‘MBC’ product (thiophanate-methyl, carbendazim), is allowed on any one crop. Where possible use a narrow-wheeled high clearance tractor. In all cases the spray boom should be at least 45 cm above the crop. A repeat application may be required under certain conditions in some crops. See the individual crop recommendations for further guidance and specific recommendations. For season-long control Compass should be applied as part of a disease control programme. DO NOT feed treated straw or haulm to livestock. A minimum of 3 weeks must be observed between applications. 2. DISEASE CONTROL For the control of stem rot (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum), light leaf spot (Pyrenopeziza brassicae), dark leaf spot and pod spot (Alternaria spp), grey mould (Botrytis cinerea), leaf spot or stem canker (Phoma lingam) in oilseed rape, and for the control of chocolate spot (Botrytis fabae and Botrytis cinerea) in field beans. 2.1 Resistance Strains of Botrytis cinerea resistant to MBC (carbendazim and thiophanate methyl) fungicides are common throughout the UK. Strains of Botrytis cinerea and Botrytis fabae resistant to dicarboximide (iprodione) fungicides have also been recorded. MBC and dicarboximide fungicides are ineffective against these resistant strains. 3. CROPS 3.1 Winter and spring oilseed rape Time and rate of Application Always use Compass at the recommended dose rate, which varies from 1.5 to 3.0 l/ha depending on the target and the crop. A repeat application may be required under certain conditions in some crops. For season-long control Compass should be applied as part of a disease control programme. Light leaf spot: (Pyrenopeziza brassicae) control Compass at 2.7 l/ha applied between stem extension and early green bud will give control of light leaf spot. It may also reduce early Botrytis infections and early attacks of Alternaria. Stem rot: (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum) control Apply Compass at 3.0 l/ha at first petal fall. This treatment will also control Botrytis and reduce early attacks of Alternaria. Dark Leaf and Pod Spot (Alternaria spp) Disease Onset Sprays Apply Compass at 3.0 l/ha between mid-flower and the end of flowering, when black pin-head sized spots first appear. Pod infections are most likely to occur on those crops where Alternaria spp spots can be found on the uppermost leaves or bracts. 144 Compass® In the case of early infections, a second spray of Compass at 3.0 l/ha or at 2.0 l/ha may be required after an interval of not less than 3 weeks. Grey Mould (Botrytis cinerea) Apply Compass at 3.0 l/ha between first petal fall and mid-flower. If wet conditions encouraging disease build-up persist, a treatment of Compass at 3.0 l/ha should be made three weeks later. A single fungicide application at the end of flowering is likely to prove unsatisfactory. Adequate protection against grey mould may not be given if the crop lodges severely in the late season. Leaf Spot (Phoma lingam) Apply Compass to winter oilseed rape crops only at 1.5 l/ha in the autumn or winter before stem extension. This treatment will also provide control of early light leaf spot infections. Stem Canker (Phoma lingam) Apply Compass to winter oilseed rape crops only at 1.5 l/ha in the autumn or winter followed by 2.7 l/ha in the spring between stem extension and green bud. Control may be improved if Compass is applied at 2.7 l/ha at both autumn and spring timings. These treatments will also provide control of phoma leaf spot, light leaf spot, and may reduce early infections of Botrytis and early attacks of Alternaria. 3.2 Winter and spring field beans Time of Application For the control of chocolate spot Botrytis fabae and Botrytis cinerea. Apply Compass at the early flowering stage before chocolate spot enters its aggressive stage of spreading out from small round lesions. Repeat after three weeks if conditions continue to favour disease build-up. A pre-flowering treatment may be needed should leaf infection build-up early enough to cause plant stunting. Ensure good penetration of the crop and good coverage of the flowers and adjacent leaves. DO NOT apply beyond the end of flowering. Rate of Application Use Compass at 3 l/ha. 4. MIXING AND SPRAYING Shake the container well, before use. Add the required amount of Compass to water in the partially filled spray tank and mix thoroughly. When the mixing is complete top up the spray tank to the required volume and continue agitation until spraying is completed. Apply Compass in a water volume of 200-600 l/ha as MEDIUM spray (BCPC category). Use the higher volume wherever the crop is dense. Where possible use a narrow-wheeled high clearance tractor. In all cases the spray boom should be at least 45 cm above the crop. 5. CONTAINER AND STORAGE Compass is supplied in 5 litre containers and should be kept dry and frostproof in a suitable pesticide store. 145 F F Compass® 6. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Operator protection Engineering control of operator exposure must be used where reasonably practicable in addition to the following personal protective equipment: WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING (COVERALLS), SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES AND FACE PROTECTION (FACESHIELD) when handling the concentrate. WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING (COVERALLS) when applying by vehicle mounted equipment. WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING (COVERALLS), SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES, RUBBER BOOTS AND FACE PROTECTION (FACESHIELD) when handling contaminated surfaces and applying by hand held equipment. However, engineering controls may replace personal protective equipment if a COSHH assessment shows that they provide an equal or higher standard of protection. WASH HANDS before meals and after work. Environmental protection DO NOT contaminate surface waters or ditches with chemical or used container. Storage and disposal KEEP IN ORIGINAL CONTAINER tightly closed, in a safe place. WASH OUT CONTAINER THOROUGHLY, empty washings into spray-tank and dispose of safely. Keep dry and frostproof in a suitable pesticide store. 146 Compass® 7. DPD REGULATIONS (CHIP 3) Compass® A suspension concentrate containing 167 g/litre iprodione and 167 g/litre thiophanate-methyl. LIMITED EVIDENCE OF A CARCINOGENIC EFFECT. MAY CAUSE SENSITISATION BY SKIN CONTACT. POSSIBLE RISK OF IRREVERSIBLE EFFECTS. VERY TOXIC TO AQUATIC ORGANISMS, MAY CAUSE LONG TERM ADVERSE EFFECTS IN THE AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT. WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING AND GLOVES. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDINGSTUFFS. WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE. IF SWALLOWED, seek medical advice immediately and show this container or label. THIS MATERIAL AND ITS CONTAINER MUST BE DISPOSED OF IN A SAFE WAY. USE APPROPRIATE CONTAINMENT TO AVOID ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAMINATION. To avoid risks to man and the environment, comply with the instructions for use This product is approved under the Control of Pesticides Regulations 1986. 8. IMPORTANT INFORMATION IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR USE ONLY AS AN AGRICULTURAL FUNGICIDE, as directed below: Crop Maximum Dose Winter and spring oilseed rape Winter and spring field beans 3 l/ha 3 l/ha Maximum No. of Treatments per crop 2 per crop 2 per crop Latest time of application 3 weeks before harvest Before end of flowering Other specific restrictions: For any individual crop, the maximum number of treatments given for the listed crops refers to the total number of sprays of any products containing carbendazim or thiophanate methyl and must not be exceeded. DO NOT feed treated straw or haulm to livestock. A minimum of 3 weeks must be observed between applications. READ THE LABEL BEFORE USE. USING THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER THAT IS INCONSISTENT WITH THE LABEL MAY BE AN OFFENCE. FOLLOW THE CODE OF PRACTICE FOR USING PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCTS. (MAPP No. 11740) 147 F F Compass® 148 Contest® I INSECTICIDE MAPP No. 10216 Use: A contact and stomach acting insecticide for the control of insect pests in oilseed rape, cereals, peas and beans and brassicas. Formulation: A water dispersible granule containing 150 g/kg alphacypermethrin. Pack Size: 1 kg in outers of 10. Recommended Crops: See Section No: Winter oilseed rape: 2.1, 2.2 Spring oilseed rape: 2.2, 2.3 Wheat and barley: 2.4 Cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli, calabrese and kale: 2.5 Combining and vining peas: 2.6 Field and broad beans: 2.7 67 or 133 g/ha. 100 g/ha. 50 or 67 g/ha. 67 or 100 g/ha. 100 g/ha. Water Volume: Not less than 200 litres per hectare. Spray Quality: MEDIUM Compatibility: For details of compatibilities contact your distributor, local BASF representative, the BASF Technical Services Hotline: 0845 602 2553 or visit our website on: Major changes since last printing: Globally Harmonised System (GHS) Regulations added, see Section 6. This product label is compliant with the CPA Voluntary Initiative Guidance 149 Contest® Recommended Rates: Oilseed rape: Wheat and barley: Cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli, calabrese and kale: Peas: Field and broad beans: I Contest® Latest Time of Application: Oilseed rape: Before the end of flowering. Wheat and barley: Autumn/Spring applications: before 1st April. Summer application: before early dough stage. Cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli, calabrese and kale: Seven days before harvest. Vining peas: One day before harvest. Combining peas, field beans, broad beans: Eleven days before harvest. Note: DO NOT apply to a cereal crop if any product containing a pyrethroid insecticide or dimethoate has been applied to that crop after the start of ear emergence (GS 51). Processed Crops: Consult processors before use. Maximum Number of Applications: Winter oilseed rape: Maximum total dose of 400 g/ha with a maximum of 133 g/ha after yellow bud stage. Spring oilseed rape: Maximum total dose of 265 g/ha with a maximum of 133 g/ha after yellow bud stage. Cereals: Maximum total dose of 265 g/ha up to 31 March. Winter/spring applications: maximum 100 g/ha between 1 January and 31 March. Spring/summer applications: maximum 100 g/ha between 1 April and 31 August. Brassicas: 4 per crop. Combining and vining peas: 3 per crop. Field beans and broad beans: 2 per crop. Aerial Application: No DIRECTIONS FOR USE IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product. Contest is a contact and stomach-acting insecticide with residual foliar activity. 1. RESTRICTIONS/WARNINGS Damage may result unless all recommendations are carefully carried out. DO NOT use less than the minimum volume of water specified. Reduced volume spraying must not be used for cereal aphid control in wheat and barley after 31 March in the year of harvest. DO NOT apply to cereals if any product containing a pyrethroid insecticide or dimethoate has been applied to that crop after the start of ear emergence (GS 51). Do not apply this product in tank mixture with a triazole-containing fungicide when bees are likely to be actively foraging in the crop. It is recommended that as a matter of good practice, spraying in oilseed rape should be carried out in the late evening or early morning or in dull weather if at all possible and local beekeepers should be advised of the intention to spray and the chemical being used. Consult processors before using on crops for processing. 150 Contest® 2. CROP SPECIFIC INFORMATION 2.1 Winter Oilseed Rape PESTS: Cabbage Stem Flea Beetle and Rape Winter Stem Weevil. (Reduction of spread of Beet Western Yellows Virus). Rate of Application 67 g/ha Time of Application Contest should be applied when adult Cabbage Stem Flea Beetle feeding damage is first seen on young rape plants. A second application should be made when larval damage is seen in the leaf petioles (normally one month later). In situations where no adult feeding damage is seen, the first application should be made when larval damage is first seen in the leaf petioles, followed by a second application one month later*. NOTE: The use of Contest for the control of Cabbage Stem Flea Beetle will also control the adults and young larvae of Rape Winter Stem Weevil if these are present in the crop at the time of application. Applications of Contest at these timings will also reduce the spread of Beet Western Yellows Virus. PESTS: Cabbage Seed Weevil and Brassica Pod Midge. Rate of Application 133 g/ha Time of Application Contest may be applied at any time during the flowering period when Seed Weevil numbers reach the threshold for spraying*. Best results are normally achieved when application coincides with the onset of peak adult activity. This often occurs between the 20 pod set stage and the end of flowering on the main raceme, i.e. 75% petal fall across the entire crop. *Details of thresholds are available from ADAS or your specialist adviser. 2.2 Winter and Spring Oilseed Rape A maximum total dose of 400 g/ha/crop may be applied to Winter Oilseed Rape. 265 g/ha/crop may be applied to Spring Oilseed Rape with a maximum of 133 g/ha/crop to be applied after the yellow bud stage in both Winter and Spring Oilseed Rape. PESTS: Pollen beetle Rate of Application 67 g/ha Time of Application Application should be made at the green to yellow bud stage, as soon as pest numbers reach the threshold* for spraying. A second application may be required 3-7 days later (the exact timing dependent on the speed of pest re-infestation and when the threshold is reached) within the green to yellow bud stage of the crop. PESTS: Pollen Beetle and Cabbage Seed Weevil (mixed populations) In Spring Oilseed Rape, and in backward crops of Winter Oilseed Rape, Cabbage Seed Weevil may also be present at the yellow bud stage. In these situations control of both Pollen Beetle and Cabbage Seed Weevil is required*. (See also separate sections on cabbage seed weevil). Rate of Application 133 g/ha 151 I I Contest® Time of Application Application should be made at yellow bud, as soon as pest numbers reach the threshold for spraying*. NOTE: The use of Contest for the control of Pollen Beetle and Cabbage Seed Weevil will also give some reduction in the numbers of adult Cabbage Stem Weevil if these are present in the crop at the time of application. 2.3 Spring Oilseed Rape PESTS: Cabbage Seed Weevil Rate of Application 133 g/ha Time of Application Apply when pest numbers reach the threshold* for spraying, normally from the yellow bud stage of the crop. Application at yellow bud will also control pollen beetle (see separate section on pollen beetle). A further application may be necessary if continuing pest pressure causes the seed weevil threshold* to be reached during flowering (between the 20 pod set stage and the end of flowering on the main raceme, i.e. 75% petal fall across the entire crop). It is recommended that as a matter of good practice, spraying in oilseed rape should be carried out in the late evening or early morning or in dull weather if at all possible and local beekeepers should be advised of the intention to spray and the chemical being used. *Details of thresholds are available from ADAS or your specialist adviser. 2.4 Wheat and Barley The maximum total dose for autumn and spring application (up to 31 March) to wheat and barley is 265 g/ha/crop with a maximum of 100 g/ha/crop applied between 1 January and 31 March in the year of harvest. This may be followed by a single summer application of 100 g/ha/crop between 1 April and 31 August in the year of harvest, with a latest time of application of before early dough stage. PESTS: Cereal Aphids - autumn/winter (reduction of spread of barley yellow dwarf virus and control of yellow cereal fly) Rate of Application 100 g/ha Time of Application High risk situations e.g. crops drilled before the 3rd week of September, crops following grass or grassy stubbles, or crops in areas with a history of BYDV. The first application should be made when aphids are first seen in the crop (or by mid-October). A second application will be necessary at the end of aphid migration, which is normally at the end of October or beginning of November. Where conditions continue to favour prolonged aphid activity, e.g. mild winters, and where two applications of another insecticide have already been made in the autumn, one application of Contest can be made in December to March. Other situations Apply in late October or early November to crops which have emerged by mid-October if aphids are found, or on ADAS warnings. NOTE: Contest applied in the autumn for aphid control will also give some control of yellow cereal fly if present in the crop. PESTS: Cereal Aphids - summer Reduced volume spraying must not be used for cereal aphid control in wheat 152 Contest® and barley after 31 March in the year of harvest. Rate of Application 100 g/ha in 200 litres of water per hectare. A single application may be made from 1 April to 31 August in any one summer. Time of Application Apply between the onset of flowering and the milky ripe stage (GS 61 to 73) when 66% or more heads are infested (equivalent to five aphids per ear) and aphid numbers are increasing. (Details of thresholds are available from ADAS or your specialist adviser). This product must not be applied to a cereal crop if any product containing a pyrethroid insecticide or dimethoate has been applied to that crop after the start of ear emergence (GS 51). 2.5 Cabbage; Brussels Sprouts, Cauliflower; Broccoli; Calabrese and Kale Maximum number of applications: 4 PESTS: Flea Beetle Rate of Application 50 g/ha Time of Application Apply as soon as pest attack is observed on seedling plants. Repeat if necessary. PESTS: Caterpillars Rate of Application 67 g/ha Time of Application Apply when damage is first seen or as a preventative spray. Repeat if necessary. 2.6 Combining and Vining Peas Maximum number of applications: 3 PESTS: Pea and Bean Weevil Rate of Application 100 g/ha Time of Application Apply when severe damage by adults to growing point is being caused in the early growth stages of the crop. Under high pest pressure a repeat application may be required 2-3 weeks later. PESTS: Pea moth Rate of Application 67 g/ha Time of Application Apply according to ADAS/PGRO warnings or as indicated by pheromone traps. For further information consult your specialist advisor. On dry peas repeat 14 days later. If moth activity remains high a third application may be needed. 153 I I Contest® PESTS: Pea Aphid Rate of Application 100 g/ha Time of Application For partial control apply according to current thresholds. Repeat if necessary, up to a maximum of three applications. Consult you specialist advisor for further details. 2.7 Field and Broad Beans PESTS: Pea and Bean Weevil Rate of Application 100 g/ha Time of Application Apply when severe damage by adults to growing point is being caused in the early growth stages of the crop. Under high pest pressure a repeat application may be required 2-3 weeks later. 3. MIXING AND SPRAYING 3.1 Water volume Contest should be applied in not less than 200 litres of water per hectare. In situations where increased coverage is required, for example in dense or thick foliage or when the pests are concealed, the volume of water should be increased to where sufficient coverage is obtained, up to a maximum of 500 litres per hectare. Reduced volume spraying must not be used on wheat and barley after 31 March in the year of harvest. 3.2 Mixing Quarter fill the spray tank with clean water and begin agitation. Add the recommended quantity of Contest and complete filling. Continue agitation until spraying is complete. Apply without delay maintaining continuous agitation until spraying is complete. If a tank-mix with another material is required, always add Contest to the tank first and ensure it is evenly dispersed through the tank before adding the second material. 4. CONTAINER AND STORAGE Contest is supplied in 1 kg containers and should be kept dry and frostproof in a suitable pesticide store. 154 Contest® 5. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Operator protection AFTER CONTACT WITH SKIN, WASH IMMEDIATELY with plenty of water. WASH HANDS AND EXPOSED SKIN before meals and after work. Environmental protection Do not contaminate surface waters or ditches with chemical or used container. DO NOT ALLOW DIRECT SPRAY from horizontal boom sprayers to fall within 5 metres of the top of the bank of any static or flowing water body, or within 1 metre from the top of any ditch which is dry at the time of application. DO NOT ALLOW DIRECT SPRAY from hand-held sprayers to fall within 1 metre of the top of the bank of a static or flowing water body. Aim spray away from water. THIS PRODUCT IS NOT ELIGIBLE FOR BUFFER ZONE REDUCTION UNDER THE LERAP HORIZONTAL BOOM SPRAYERS SCHEME. DO NOT SPRAY cereals after 31st March in the year of harvest within 6 m from the edge of the growing crop. This product must not be applied to a cereal crop if any product containing a pyrethroid insecticide or dimethoate has been applied to that crop after the start of ear emergence (GS 51). Storage and disposal KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDINGSTUFFS. WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE. KEEP IN ORIGINAL CONTAINER, tightly closed, in a safe place. WASH OUT CONTAINER THOROUGHLY, empty washings into spray tank and dispose of safely. KEEP DRY. PROTECT FROM FROST. 155 I I Contest® 6. GLOBALLY HARMONISED SYSTEM (GHS) REGULATIONS Contest® A water dispersible granule containing 150 g/kg (15% w/w) alphacypermethrin. WARNING: HARMFUL IF SWALLOWED. MAY CAUSE DAMAGE TO ORGANS THROUGH PROLONGED OR REPEATED EXPOSURE. VERY TOXIC TO AQUATIC LIFE VERY TOXIC TO AQUATIC LIFE WITH LONG LASTING EFFECTS. DO NOT BREATH DUST. COLLECT SPILLAGE. GET MEDICAL ADVICE/ATTENTION IF YOU FEEL UNWELL. IF SWALLOWED: CALL A POISON CENTRE OR DOCTOR/ PHYSICIAN IF YOU FEEL UNWELL. RINSE MOUTH. DISPOSE OF CONTENTS/CONTAINER IN ACCORDANCE WITH LOCAL REGULATIONS. To avoid risks to man and the environment, comply with the instructions for use This product is approved under the Control of Pesticides Regulations 1986. 156 Contest® 7. IMPORTANT INFORMATION IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR USE ONLY AS AN AGRICULTURAL INSECTICIDE as directed below Crop Maximum Individual Dose Latest Time of Application 67 g/ha Maximum Total Dose/ Maximum number of Treatments per Crop/ Other Specific Restrictions A maximum total dose of 400 g product per hectare per crop may be applied to Winter Oilseed Rape with a maximum of 133 g product per hectare per crop after yellow bud stage. A maximum total dose of 265 g product per hectare per crop may be applied to Spring Oilseed Rape with a maximum of 133 g product per hectare per crop after the yellow bud stage. A maximum total dose of 265 g product per hectare per crop may be applied to winter and spring wheat and barley up to and including 31 March in the year of harvest, with a maximum of 100 g product per hectare per crop applied between 1 January and 31 March in the year of harvest. A further single application of 100 g product per hectare may also be applied between 1 April and 31 August in the year of harvest. Reduced volume spraying must not be used on wheat and barley after 31 March in the year of harvest. 4 per crop Winter Oilseed Rape 133 g/ha Spring Oilseed Rape 133 g/ha Wheat and Barley 100 g/ha Cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli/calabrese, kale Vining Pea 100 g/ha 3 per crop Combining Pea 100 g/ha 3 per crop Broad Bean and Field Bean 100 g/ha 2 per crop 1 day before harvest 11 days before harvest 11 days before harvest Before the end of flowering Before the end of flowering Before early dough stage 7 days before harvest READ THE LABEL BEFORE USE. USING THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER THAT IS INCONSISTENT WITH THE LABEL MAY BE AN OFFENCE. FOLLOW THE CODE OF PRACTICE FOR USING PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCTS. (MAPP No. 10216) 157 I I Contest® 158 Corbel® F FUNGICIDE MAFF No. 00578 Use: A systemic morpholine fungicide for the control of powdery mildew on wheat, barley, oats and rye; brown rust on wheat, barley, triticale; yellow rust on wheat, barley and triticale; Rhynchosporium on barley. Formulation: An emulsifiable concentrate containing 750 g/litre (79.5% w/w) fenpropimorph. Pack Size: 5 litres in outers of four. Recommended Crops: See Section No: Winter wheat* 3.1, 3.2, 3.4 Spring wheat* 3.1, 3.2 Winter and spring barley* 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 Oats 3.1 Triticale 3.1 Rye 3.1 *includes crops undersown with clover and/or grass. Recommended Rates: 0.5 – 1 litre per hectare is recommended depending on the crop and the situation. See literature for details. Corbel® Water Volume: 220-450 l/ha. Spray Quality: MEDIUM Harvest Interval: Cereals: 5 weeks before harvest. Maximum Number of Applications: Spring cereals: 2 per crop. Winter cereals: 4 per crop at 0.75 l/ha; 3 per crop at 1 l/ha. Rainfastness: Rainfast after 2 hours. Aerial Application: No Compatibility: For details of compatibilities contact your distributor, local BASF representative, the BASF Technical Services Hotline: 0845 602 2553 or visit our website on: Major changes since last printing: Globally Harmonised System (GHS) Regulations added, see Section 7. This product label is compliant with the CPA Voluntary Initiative Guidance 159 F Corbel® DIRECTIONS FOR USE IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product. Corbel is a systemic fungicide with protectant and curative properties for the control of powdery mildew on winter and spring sown wheat, barley, oats and rye: brown rust on winter and spring sown wheat, barley and triticale; yellow rust on winter and spring sown wheat, barley and triticale; moderate levels of Rhynchosporium on winter and spring sown barley. 1. RESTRICTIONS/WARNINGS Avoid spray drift on to neighbouring crops. Whilst it is not recommended that Corbel be applied if rain is imminent, tests have indicated that Corbel applied alone is rainfast on cereals 2 hours after application. Thus, should rain fall after this period there is little risk of the spray being washed off. Wash equipment thoroughly after use. Corbel may be applied to winter and spring wheat and winter and spring barley undersown with clover and/or grasses. Some leaf spotting in clover may occur. In cereals allow an interval of at least 5 weeks between the last application and harvest. Apply Corbel at the start of disease attack. Some tank mixtures may form a slight scum and the spray tank should therefore be cleaned immediately after use. All tank mixes should be used immediately after mixing. There is a possibility of transient crop scorch, particularly if crops are under stress. Therefore, avoid spraying during cold frosty weather or in high temperatures. CONSULT PROCESSORS BEFORE USE. 2. DISEASE CONTROL Corbel is a systemic fungicide with protectant and curative properties for the control of powdery mildew on winter and spring sown wheat, barley, oats and rye: brown rust on winter and spring sown wheat, barley and triticale; yellow rust on winter and spring sown wheat, barley and triticale; moderate levels of Rhynchosporium on winter and spring sown barley. Apply Corbel at the start of disease attack. 3. CROPS 3.1 Wheat, barley, oats*, rye*, triticale*: mildew, yellow and brown rusts, Rhynchosporium Time of Application Apply Corbel at the start of disease attack. This is particularly important if aggressive diseases such as yellow or brown rust are prevalent and weather conditions and/or crop varieties are favourable for their development. Where yellow rust remains very active in these situations, a follow-up treatment may be needed to maintain control. Corbel may be applied in the autumn if required. Further treatment in the spring/ summer will almost certainly be necessary. Allow an interval of at least 5 weeks between the last application and harvest. (*The recommendation on oats and rye is for mildew control. The recommendation on triticale is for yellow and brown rust control). 160 Corbel® Rate of Application Apply Corbel in 220-450 litres of water per hectare at a dose according to the disease, as given in the table below. Use the higher water volume where the crop is dense. Mildew Brown Rust Yellow Rust Rhynchosporium Wheat Barley Oats Rye Triticale 0.75 L 1L 1L - 0.75 L 0.75 L 1L 1L 1L - 1L - 1L 1L - (Figures are Corbel dose per hectare). Where more than one disease occurs, use the highest dose indicated for that combination. A total of 3 litres Corbel per hectare may be applied to any one winter cereal crop. This may be applied in four separate doses of 0.75 litre per hectare, if necessary. Where four applications at 0.75 litre per hectare or three at 1 litre are made, one must be in the autumn. A total of 2 litres Corbel per hectare may be applied to any one spring cereal crop. These doses apply when using Corbel alone. For combined treatments with other fungicides, see Section 3.2 to 3.4 below. 3.2 Application with Folicur; Genie; Sanction; for quicker clean-up of established mildew in wheat and barley When applying one of the above-named products for the control of diseases such as net blotch of barley or Septoria spp. of wheat, add 0.5 litres Corbel per hectare to the recommended rate to provide a quicker clean-up of established mildew infection than the use of these products alone. Apply this tank mix as soon as practicable after the start of disease attack. A rate of 0.75 litres Corbel per hectare may be used in these mixes where, due to a combination of climate, area and cultivar, mildew pressure is expected to be particularly high. NOTES: There is a possibility of transient crop scorch from the above mixtures, particularly if crops are under stress. Therefore, avoid spraying during cold frosty weather or in high temperatures. 3.3 Application with prochloraz (450 g/l formulation) - barley Corbel may be applied at 0.75 litres per hectare in tank mix with prochloraz on barley as the second fungicide treatment for protection against late infections. If mildew and/or rust are beginning to establish (3% or more mildew on any upper leaf, any rust at all on the upper leaves) and are likely to develop further, or in any situation where due to a combination of climate, area and variety, etc., expected mildew/rust pressure is likely to be high, necessitating a longer period of protection, use the normal 1 litre per hectare application rate of Corbel in this mix. 3.4 Late leaf and ear disease control in winter wheat Between the flag leaf just visible stage and the ear just completely emerged stage, Corbel may be applied with Bravo 500 for combined mildew, brown rust, yellow rust and Septoria control in winter wheat, as below. 161 F F Corbel® Moderate disease risk Increased mildew/ rust risk* Increased Septoria risk** Increased mildew/ rust and Septoria risk CORBEL 0.75 l/ha +BRAVO 500 + 1.5 l/ha Increase rate of Corbel in the mix to 1 l/ha Increase rate of Bravo 500 in the mix to 2 l/ha Increase rates of both Corbel and Bravo 500 in the mix as above * i.e. if mildew and/or rust are beginning to establish (3 per cent or more mildew on any upper leaf; any rust at all on the upper leaves) and are likely to develop further, or, in any situation where due to a combination of climate, area and variety, etc. expected mildew/rust disease pressure is likely to be high, necessitating a longer period of protection. ** i.e. if Septoria symptoms are evident in the lower leaves and/or conditions (climate, area, variety, etc.) are suitable for spread. Refer to Bravo 500 literature for full details on the use of this product before applying. 4. MIXING AND SPRAYING Half fill the spray tank with clean water and start the agitation. Pour in the required amount of Corbel. Add the remainder of the water and continue agitation until spraying is completed. When tank mixes are to be used, Corbel should be added to the spray tank water after the other products(s), except in tank mix with Terpal. Apply as a MEDIUM spray as defined by BCPC. 5. CONTAINER AND STORAGE Corbel is supplied in 5 litres containers and should be kept dry and frostproof in a suitable pesticide store. 162 Corbel® 6. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Operator protection Engineering control of operator exposure must be used where reasonably practicable in addition to the following personal protective equipment: WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES when handling the concentrate. However, engineering controls may replace personal protective equipment if a COSHH assessment shows that they provide an equal or higher standard of protection. WASH CONCENTRATE from skin or eyes immediately. AVOID ALL CONTACT WITH SKIN OR EYES. DO NOT BREATHE SPRAY. WASH HANDS AND EXPOSED SKIN before meals and after work. WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE. Environmental protection Do not contaminate surface waters or ditches with chemical or used container. Storage and disposal KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDINGSTUFFS. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. KEEP IN ORIGINAL CONTAINER, tightly closed in a safe place. Keep dry and frost-proof in a suitable pesticide store. RINSE CONTAINER THOROUGHLY by using an integrated pressure rinsing device or manually rinsing three times. Add washings to sprayer at time of filling and dispose of safely. 163 F F Corbel® 7. GLOBALLY HARMONISED SYSTEM (GHS) REGULATIONS Corbel® An emulsifiable concentrate containing 750 g/litre fenpropimorph and cyclohexanone. WARNING: CAUSES SKIN IRRITATION. HARMFUL IF INHALED. SUSPECTED OF DAMAGING THE UNBORN CHILD. VERY TOXIC TO AQUATIC LIFE VERY TOXIC TO AQUATIC LIFE WITH LONG LASTING EFFECTS. OBTAIN SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE USE. AVOID BREATHING SPRAY. WEAR PROTECTIVE GLOVES AND EYE/FACE PROTECTION. CALL A POISON CENTER OR DOCTOR/PHYSICIAN IF YOU FEEL UNWELL. STORE LOCKED UP. DISPOSE OF CONTENTS/CONTAINER IN ACCORDANCE WITH LOCAL REGULATIONS. To avoid risks to man and the environment, comply with the instructions for use This product is approved under the Control of Pesticides Regulations 1986. 8. IMPORTANT INFORMATION IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR USE ONLY AS AN AGRICULTURAL FUNGICIDE, as directed below: Crops Maximum Individual Maximum Number Harvest Interval Dose of Treatments per Crop Winter wheat* 1.0 litre 3 (with a maximum 5 weeks Winter barley* product/hectare of 2 applications Winter oats, between 1 January Rye and Triticale and harvest) or 4 (with a maximum 5 weeks 0.75 litre of 3 applications product/hectare between 1 January and harvest) Spring wheat* 1.0 litre 2 5 weeks Spring barley* product/hectare Spring oats *includes crops undersown with grass or clover. READ THE LABEL BEFORE USE. USING THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER THAT IS INCONSISTENT WITH THE LABEL MAY BE AN OFFENCE. FOLLOW THE CODE OF PRACTICE FOR USING PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCTS. (MAFF No. 00578) 164 164 Covershield® F FUNGICIDE MAPP No. 10900 Use: A protectant and systemic fungicide with curative properties for use in winter wheat, winter barley, spring wheat, spring barley and oats. Formulation: A suspo-emulsion containing 133 g/litre (12.3% w/w) pyraclostrobin, plus 67 g/litre (6.2% w/w) kresoxim-methyl plus 50 g/l (4.6 w/w) epoxiconazole. Pack Size: 5 litres in outers of four. Recommended Crops: Winter and spring wheat Winter and spring barley Oats Maximum Individual Dose: 1.5 litres of product per hectare Maximum Number of Treatments: Two per crop Latest Time of Application: Winter and spring wheat: Before grain ripe (GS 71) Winter and spring barley, Oats: just Up to and including emergence of ear complete (GS 59) Water Volume: Minimum of 200 litres of water per hectare. Aerial Application: No Compatibility: For details of compatibilities contact your distributor, local BASF representative, the BASF Technical Services Hotline: 0845 602 2553 or visit our website on: Major changes since last printing: Globally Harmonised System (GHS) Regulations added, see Section 7. This product label is compliant with the CPA Voluntary Initiative Guidance 165 Covershield® Spray Quality: MEDIUM F Covershield® DIRECTIONS FOR USE IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product. Covershield is a fungicide with protectant, systemic and curative properties for use in winter and spring wheat, winter and spring barley and oats. Yield response may be obtained in the absence of visual disease. 1. RESTRICTIONS/WARNINGS Extreme care must be taken to avoid drift onto nearby crops. Wash equipment thoroughly after use. 2. DISEASE CONTROL Covershield is a fungicide with protectant, systemic and curative properties for use in winter and spring wheat, winter and spring barley and oats for disease control as summarised below: Septoria tritici (1) Winter wheat Spring wheat Winter barley Spring barley Oats C C - - - Septoria nodorum C C - - - Yellow rust C C C C - Brown rust C C C C - Crown rust - - - - C Net blotch - - C C - - - C C - GR GR - - - Rhynchosporium Fusarium ear blight (2) C = Control GR = Good Reduction NOTE 1: Septoria tritici: Covershield is recommended for control of Septoria tritici with curative ability in the latent phase. NOTE 2: Fusarium: Apply Covershield during flowering. 2.1 Resistance Management Covershield contains pyraclostrobin and kresoxim-methyl, members of the QoI cross resistance group. Covershield should be used preventatively and should not be relied on for its curative potential. When curative activity is needed apply QoI fungicides in mixture with a suitable dose of a curative fungicide from a different cross-resistance group. Covershield meets this requirement as it contains epoxiconazole. To ensure the effectiveness of the epoxiconazole component as a partner, Covershield should always be applied at the full recommended rate. 166 Covershield® Covershield contains a DMI fungicide. Resistance to some DMI fungicides has been identified in Septoria leaf blotch (Mycosphaerella graminicola) which may seriously affect the performance of some products. For further advice on resistance management in DMIs contact your agronomist or specialist advisor, and visit the FRAG-UK website. Use Covershield as part of an Integrated Crop Management (ICM) strategy incorporating other methods of control, including where appropriate other fungicides with a different mode of action. You must not apply more than two foliar applications of QoI containing products to any cereal crop. There is a significant risk of widespread resistance occurring in Septoria tritici populations in the UK. Failure to follow resistance management action may result in reduced levels of disease control. 3. CROPS Covershield is approved for use in winter and spring wheat, winter and spring barley and oats. 3.1 Time of Application Apply Covershield at the start of foliar disease attack. A maximum of two applications can be made before grain watery ripe in winter and spring wheat and up to and including emergence of ear just complete in winter and spring barley and oats. 3.2 Rate of Application Apply 1.5 litres Covershield in a minimum of 200 litres of water per hectare. 4. MIXING AND SPRAYING Half fill the spray tank with clean water and start the agitation. SHAKE THE CONTAINER WELL before use and pour in the required amount of product. Rinse any empty containers thoroughly and add rinsings to the spray tank. Add the remainder of the water and continue agitation until spraying is completed. When tank mixes are to be used, each product should be added separately to the spray tank. 5. CONTAINER AND STORAGE Covershield is supplied in 5 litre containers. Store in a suitable pesticide store, keep dry and protect from frost. 167 F F Covershield® 6. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Operator protection Engineering control of operator exposure must be used where reasonably practicable in addition to the following personal protective clothing: WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES when handling the concentrate. WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES when handling contaminated surfaces. However, engineering controls may replace personal protective equipment if a COSHH assessment shows they provide an equal or higher standard of protection. AVOID ALL CONTACT WITH SKIN. WASH HANDS AND EXPOSED SKIN before meals and after work. WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE. Environmental protection DO NOT contaminate surface waters or ditches with chemical or used container. DO NOT ALLOW DIRECT SPRAY from horizontal boom sprayers to fall within 5m of the top of the bank of a static or flowing waterbody, unless a Local Environmental Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) permits a narrower buffer zone, or within 1m of the top of a ditch which is dry at the time of application. DO NOT ALLOW DIRECT SPRAY from hand-held sprayers to fall within 1m of the top of the bank of a static or flowing water body. Aim spray away from water. This product qualifies for inclusion within the Local Environmental Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) scheme. Before each spraying operation from a horizontal boom sprayer, either a LERAP must be carried out in accordance with CRD’s published guidance or the statutory buffer zone must be maintained. The results of the LERAP must be recorded and kept available for inspection for three years. Storage and disposal KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDINGSTUFFS. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. KEEP IN ORIGINAL CONTAINER, tightly closed, in a safe place. DO NOT RE-USE CONTAINER for any purpose. RINSE CONTAINER THOROUGHLY by using an integrated pressure rinsing device or manually rinsing three times. Add washings to sprayer at time of filling and dispose of safely. Store in a suitable pesticide store. Keep dry and protect from frost. 168 Covershield® 7. GLOBALLY HARMONISED SYSTEM (GHS) REGULATIONS Covershield® A suspo-emulsion containing 133 g/litre (12.3% w/w) pyraclostrobin, plus 67 g/litre (6.2% w/w) kresoxim-methyl plus 50 g/l (4.6% w/w) epoxiconazole. WARNING: SUSPECTED OF CAUSING CANCER. SUSPECTING OF DAMAGING FERTILITY. SUSPECTED OF DAMAGING THE UNBORN CHILD. HARMFUL IF INHALED. HARMFUL IF SWALLOWED. VERY TOXIC TO AQUATIC LIFE. VERY TOXIC TO AQUATIC LIFE WITH LONG LASTING EFFECTS. TO AVOID RISKS TO HUMAN HEALTH AND THE ENVIROMENT, COMPLY WITH THE INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE. USE PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT AS REQUIRED. OBTAIN SPECAIL INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE USE. AVOID BREATHING MIST. IF EXPOSED OR CONCERNED: GET MEDICAL ADVICE/ ATTENTION. COLLECT SPILLAGE. DISPOSE OF CONTENTS/CONTAINER IN ACCORDANCE WITH LOCAL REGULATIONS To avoid risks to man and the environment, comply with the instructions for use This product is approved under the Control of Pesticides Regulations 1986. 169 F F Covershield® 8. IMPORTANT INFORMATION IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR USE ONLY AS AN AGRICULTURAL FUNGICIDE, as directed below: Crops Maximum individual dose Maximum number of treatments Latest time of application Winter and spring wheat 1.5 litres product per hectare 2 per crop Before grain ripe (GS 71) Winter and spring barley, oats 1.5 litres product per hectare 2 per crop Up to and including emergence of ear just complete (GS 59) READ THE LABEL BEFORE USE. USING THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER THAT IS INCONSISTENT WITH THE LABEL MAY BE AN OFFENCE. FOLLOW THE CODE OF PRACTICE FOR USING PLANT PROTECTON PRODUCTS. MAPP No. 10900 170 Crystal® Shooter / Trooper ® ® H HERBICIDE Crystal MAPP No. 13914 Shooter MAPP No. 14106 Trooper MAPP No. 13924 Use: A herbicide with residual and contact activity for the control of Black-grass, annual grasses and broad leaved weeds in winter wheat and winter barley. Formulation: An emulsifiable concentrate containing 60 g/litre flufenacet and 300 g/litre pendimethalin. Recommended Crops: Winter wheat Winter barley Recommended Rates: 2 litres or 4 litres per hectare depending on the weed spectrum to be controlled (see table Section 2.1). Water Volume: Minimum of 200 litres per hectare. Spray Quality: MEDIUM Maximum Individual Dose: 4.0 litres per hectare Maximum Total Dose Per Crop: 4.0 litres per hectare per crop Latest Time of Application: Before third tiller stage (GS 23) and before 31 December in year of planting. Aerial Application: No Compatibility: For details of compatibilities contact your distributor, local BASF representative, the BASF Technical Services Hotline: 0845 602 2553 or visit our website on: Major changes since last printing: Globally Harmonised System (GHS) Regulations added, see Section 8. This product label is compliant with the CPA Voluntary Initiative Guidance 171 Crystal®/ Shooter®/ Trooper® Pack Size: 10 litres in outers of 2. H Crystal®/ Shooter®/ Trooper® DIRECTIONS FOR USE IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product. Crystal/Shooter/Trooper is a herbicide with residual and contact activity for the control of black-grass, annual grasses and broad leaved weeds in winter wheat and winter barley. 1. RESTRICTIONS/WARNINGS 1.1 Efficacy Good even spray cover of the target is essential. Crystal/Shooter/Trooper is slow acting and the final level of weed control may take some time to appear. Some soil moisture is required for Crystal/Shooter/Trooper to be activated. Best results will be obtained if rain falls within 7 days of application. Residual control may be reduced under prolonged dry conditions. Crystal/Shooter/Trooper is not recommended for the post-emergence control of weeds on the following soil types; sandy clays, clays and silty clays (Soil Texture (85) System). Transplanted or established weeds present after completion of seedbed preparation should be controlled by an approved contact or translocated herbicide prior to the use of Crystal/Shooter/Trooper. DO NOT disturb the soil after application. 1.2 Soil types DO NOT use on soils with more than 10% organic matter. Weed control may be reduced on soils with more than 6% organic matter. DO NOT use on stony or gravelly soils. DO NOT use on water-logged soil or soils prone to water logging. 1.3 Seedbed preparation Seedbeds must have a fine, firm tilth. Loose or cloddy seedbeds must be consolidated otherwise reduced weed control or crop damage from inadequate seed cover may occur. For effective weed control, seedbed preparations should include the even incorporation of any trash, straw and ash to a depth of 15 cm. 1.4 Crop safety DO NOT apply Crystal/Shooter/Trooper to crops suffering from stress, which may be caused for example by pests, disease, water logging, poor seedbed conditions or previous chemical treatment. For pre-emergence treatments, seed should be covered with a minimum of 32 mm of settled soil. Shallow-drilled crops should only be treated post-emergence. DO NOT apply Crystal/Shooter/Trooper pre-emergence to crops drilled after 30 November. DO NOT soil incorporate Crystal/Shooter/Trooper. DO NOT spray undersown crops. 172 Crystal®/ Shooter®/ Trooper® 1.5 Weather conditions Reductions in crop vigour, which may result in yield reductions, may occur where there is very wet weather before and after application, particularly where soils become water-logged. Avoid spraying during periods of prolonged or severe frosts. 1.6 Spray drift Avoid spraying within 6 metres of the field boundary to reduce effects on non-target insects or other arthropods. 1.7 Other Restrictions/Warnings Concentrated or diluted Crystal/Shooter/Trooper may stain. Avoid spillage. Staining is minimised or completely removed if skin/clothes are washed immediately. Wash down machinery immediately after use, using a proprietary spray tank cleaner. 2. WEED CONTROL 2.1 Susceptibility of weeds to single applications of Crystal/Shooter/Trooper. Weeds controlled both pre-emergence and post-emergence up to the size specified. Dose WEEDS Grass Weeds Annual Meadow-grass Black-grass Italian Ryegrass Perennial Ryegrass Loose Silky-bent Rough Meadow-grass Sterile Brome Broad-leaved Weeds Cleavers Common Chickweed Common Field Speedwell Common Orache Common Poppy Corn Marigold Fat-hen Field Forget-me-not Field Pansy Hemp-nettle Henbit Dead-nettle Ivy-leaved Speedwell Knotgrass Mayweeds Parsley-piert Red Dead-nettle Scarlet Pimpernel Shepherd’s-purse Smooth Sowthistle 2 l/ha 4 l/ha S (up to 2lvs) - S (up to 1 tiller) *S (up to 2lvs) S (up to 3lvs) S (up to 2lvs) S (up to 1lf) S (up to 2lvs) MS (up to 2lvs) S (up to 2lvs) S (up to 2lvs) S (up to 4lvs) MS (up to 2lvs) S (up to 2lvs) S (up to 2lvs) MR - MS (up to cotyledon) S (up to 5cm) S (up to 2lvs) MS (pre-em only) S (up to 4lvs) S (pre-em only) MS (pre-em only) MS (pre-em only) MS (up to 2lvs) S (pre-em only) S (pre-em only) S (up to 2lvs) MS (pre-em only) MS (pre-em only) S (pre-em only) S (up to 2lvs) S (pre-em only) S (up to 4lvs) MS (pre-em only) S = Susceptible MS = Moderately susceptible MR = Moderately resistant * = Black-grass is moderately susceptible pre-emergence on the following soil types; sandy clays, clays and silty clays (MAFF Soil Texture (85) System). 173 H H Crystal®/ Shooter®/ Trooper® 2.2 Resistance management WRAG Guidelines advise that application to small Black-grass aids in control of resistant Black-grass. However, application of ‘Crystal/Shooter/Trooper’ to small Black-grass will not improve control of resistant populations that can metabolise a range of herbicides, as both flufenacet and pendimethalin can be affected. The efficacy of both flufenacet and pendimethalin can be reduced by the enhanced metabolism resistance mechanism of Black-grass; this can happen even when treating black-grass at the early growth stages recommended for treatment with Crystal/Shooter/Trooper. Strains of some annual grasses (eg Black-grass, Wild-oats, and Italian Ryegrass) have developed resistance to herbicides, which may lead to poor control. A strategy for preventing and managing such resistance should be adopted. Guidelines have been produced by the Weed Resistance Action Group and copies are available from the HGCA, CPA, your distributor, crop adviser or product manufacturer. Populations of Black-grass and Italian Rye-grass with high levels of enhanced metabolism resistance will not be fully controlled. Key elements of the resistance management strategy for Crystal/Shooter/Trooper: - Always follow WRAG guidelines for preventing and managing herbicide resistant weeds. - Maximise the use of cultural control measures wherever possible (e.g. crop rotation, ploughing, stale seedbeds, delayed drilling, etc). - Use tank mixes or sequences of effective herbicides with different modes of action within individual crops, or successive crops. - For the control of herbicide resistant grassweeds, always use Crystal/Shooter/ Trooper in tank mix or sequence with other effective graminicides with different modes of action. - Apply pre-emergence of weeds wherever possible. If applications are delayed, apply post-emergence products/mixtures to small, actively growing weeds, especially where high levels of resistance are suspected and to reduce the risk of resistance development. - Monitor fields regularly and investigate the reasons for any poor control. 3. CROP SPECIFIC INFORMATION 3.1 Crops Crystal/Shooter/Trooper can be used on all varieties of Winter Wheat and Winter Barley. 3.2 Time of application From pre-emergence to before third tiller stage (GS 23) of the crop and before 31 December in year of planting. 3.3 Rate of application Apply Crystal/Shooter/Trooper at 2 or 4 l/ha in 200 litres of water/ha. 4. FOLLOWING CROPS 4.1 Following crops after normal harvest There are no restrictions on following crops when Crystal/Shooter/Trooper is used alone. Plough to at least 15 cm before planting all following crops except for potatoes, peas, wheat and barley. 4.2 In the event of crop failure Plough to at least 15 cm. The following crops may then be sown: potatoes, peas, wheat and barley. 174 Crystal®/ Shooter®/ Trooper® 5. MIXING AND APPLICATION 5.1 Mixing Never prepare more spray solution than is required. Half fill the tank with clean water and start the agitation. To ensure thorough mixing of the product, invert the container several times before opening. Add the required quantity of Crystal/Shooter/Trooper to the spray tank while re-circulating. Fill up the tank with water and continue agitation until spraying is completed. When tank mixes are to be used, take due note of any instructions given as to the order of mixing. Each product should be added separately to the spray tank and fully dispersed before the addition of any further product(s). On emptying the container, rinse container thoroughly by using an integrated pressure rinsing device or manually rinsing three times. Add washings to sprayer at time of filling and dispose of container safely. 5.2 Application Apply as a MEDIUM spray, as defined by BCPC. A travel speed of 6 to 8 km/h is advised for tractor-mounted and trailed sprayers. High speeds increase the risk of uneven cover due to excessive boom whip and bounce. The slower speed is recommended where the target is in a thick crop or weed cover, or where travel conditions are rough. 5.3 Sprayer cleaning After spraying, thoroughly clean and flush out application machinery with a minimum of three rinses, to ensure that all traces of product are removed. 6. CONTAINER AND STORAGE Crystal/Shooter/Trooper is supplied in 10 litre containers. Store in a suitable pesticide store, keep dry and protect from frost. 7. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Operator protection Spray equipment must only be used where the operator’s normal working position is within a closed cab on a tractor or on a self-propelled sprayer. 175 H H Crystal®/ Shooter®/ Trooper® Engineering control of operator exposure must be used where reasonably practicable in addition to the following personal protective equipment: WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING (COVERALLS), SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES AND FACE PROTECTION (FACESHIELD) when handling the concentrate. WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES when handling contaminated surfaces. WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING (COVERALLS) during application. However, engineering controls may replace personal protective equipment if a COSHH assessment shows they provide an equal or higher standard of protection. WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE. IF YOU FEEL UNWELL seek medical advice (show the label if possible). WASH ALL PROTECTIVE CLOTHING thoroughly after use, especially the insides of gloves. WASH HANDS before meals and after work. Environmental protection DO NOT contaminate water with product or its container (Do not clean application equipment near surface water/Avoid contamination via drains from farmyards and roads). DO NOT ALLOW DIRECT SPRAY from horizontal boom sprayers to fall within 5m of the top of the bank of a static or flowing waterbody, unless a Local Environmental Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) permits a narrower buffer zone, or within 1m of the top of a ditch which is dry at the time of application. DO NOT ALLOW DIRECT SPRAY from hand-held sprayers to fall within 1m of the top of the bank of a static or flowing waterbody. Aim spray away from water. This product qualifies for inclusion within the Local Environmental Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) scheme. Before each spraying operation from a horizontal boom sprayer, either a LERAP must be carried out in accordance with CRD’s published guidance or the statutory buffer zone must be maintained. The results of the LERAP must be recorded and kept available for inspection for three years. RISK TO NON-TARGET INSECTS OR OTHER ARTHROPODS. See Directions for Use. Storage and disposal KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDINGSTUFFS. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. STORE IN ORIGINAL CONTAINER tightly closed, in a safe place. DO NOT RE-USE CONTAINER for any purpose. RINSE CONTAINER THOROUGHLY by using an integrated pressure rinsing device or manually rinsing three times. Add washings to sprayer at time of filling and dispose of safely. Keep dry and frostproof in a suitable pesticide store. 176 Crystal®/ Shooter®/ Trooper® 8. GLOBALLY HARMONISED SYSTEM (GHS) REGULATIONS Crystal®/ Shooter®/ Trooper® An emulsifiable concentrate containing 60 g/l flufenacet and 300 g/l pendimethalin. DANGER: HARMFUL IF SWALLOWED. MAY BE FATAL IF SWALLOWED AND ENTERS AIRWAYS. CAUSES SKIN IRRITATION. VERY TOXIC TO AQUATIC LIFE. VERY TOXIC TO AQUATIC LIFE WITH LONG LASTING EFFECTS. WEAR PROTECTIVE GLOVES IF SWALLOWED: IMMEDIATELY CALL A POISON CENTER OR DOCTOR/PHYSICIAN. IF IN EYES: RINSE CAUTIOUSLY WITH WATER FOR SEVERAL MINUTES. REMOVE CONTACT LENSES, IF PRESENT AND EASY TO DO, CONTINUE RINSING. DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING. REMOVE/TAKE OFF IMMEDIATELY ALL CONTAMINATED CLOTHING. COLLECT SPILLAGE. CONTAINTS PENDIMETHALIN. MAY PRODUCE AN ALLERGIC REACTION. CONTAINS FLUFENACET. MAY PRODUCE AN ALLERGIC REACTION. To avoid risks to man and the environment, comply with the instructions for use This product is approved under the Plant Protection Products Regulations 2005. 9. IMPORTANT INFORMATION IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR USE ONLY AS AN AGRICULTURAL HERBICIDE, as directed below: CROPS: Winter wheat and winter barley. MAXIMUM INDIVIDUAL DOSE: 4 l/ha MAXIMUM TOTAL DOSE PER CROP: 4 l/ha per crop LATEST TIMING: Before third tiller stage (GS 23) and before 31 December in year of planting. READ THE LABEL BEFORE USE. USING THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER THAT IS INCONSISTENT WITH THE LABEL MAY BE AN OFFENCE. FOLLOW THE CODE OF PRACTICE FOR USING PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCTS. (Crystal MAPP No. 13914 / Shooter MAPP No. 14106 / Trooper MAPP No. 13924) 177 H H Crystal®/ Shooter®/ Trooper® 178 Cyclade® P PLANT GROWTH REGULATOR MAFF No. 08958 Use: A growth regulator for lodging control. Formulation: A soluble concentrate containing 230 g/litre (20.5% w/w) chlormequat chloride, 75 g/litre (6.7% w/w) mepiquat chloride plus 155 g/litre (13.8% w/w) 2-chloroethylphosphonic acid. Pack Size: 5 litres in outers of four. Recommended Crops: Winter barley: Spring barley: Winter wheat: See Section No: 2.1, 2.3 2.1, 2.3 2.2, 2.3 Recommended Rates: 1.5 to 2 litres per hectare, depending on crop and situation, see recommended crops for details. When using Cyclade, an authorised non-ionic wetting agent must be added to the spray tank at the rate of 40 ml per 100 litres spray solution. Water Volume: Minimum of 220 litres/ha. Latest Time of Winter wheat: Winter barley: Spring barley: Application: before flag leaf sheath opening. before first spikelet of ear visible. before flag leaf ligule just visible stage. Processed Crops: Consult processors before use. Maximum Number of Applications: All recommended crops: 1 per crop. Aerial Application: No Compatibility: For details of compatibilities contact your distributor, local BASF representative, the BASF Technical Services Hotline: 0845 602 2553 or visit our website on: Major changes since last printing: Globally Harmonised System (GHS) Regulations added, see Section 6. This product label is compliant with the CPA Voluntary Initiative Guidance 179 Cyclade® Spray Quality: MEDIUM P Cyclade® DIRECTIONS FOR USE IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product. Cyclade is a growth regulator which shortens and stiffens the straw of barley and winter wheat by reducing the length of internodes. Cyclade will prevent or suppress early lodging during the vital crop heading stage and thus allow optimum fertiliser use for production of maximum yields in intensive growing systems. Lodging control and yield increase may be enhanced in winter wheat and winter barley by using a programme of New 5C Cycocel plant growth regulator followed by Cyclade. The optimum effect of Cyclade may be expected in a vigorous, actively growing crop, having a good plant population with an adequate nutrient and moisture supply. The greatest response will be seen in crops sprayed at the correct timing and when good growing conditions prevail at and after application. 1. RESTRICTIONS/WARNINGS Cyclade is recommended for use as a component of an intensive growing system where provision of optimum basic and nitrogen fertilisation has been made, together with appropriate disease control measures. The nitrogen fertiliser rates should not, however, be increased without careful consideration of all the factors affecting the condition and the growth of the crop. Application should be carried out with a field sprayer operating according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Ensure that the boom height is correctly adjusted. Verification of node stages and emergence of the flag leaf is best done by splitting the stem. Late secondary tillering can occur naturally in crops grown on soils subject to moisture stress and Cyclade may accentuate this. This effect will be of more importance in barley varieties being grown for malting, where the presence of green heads may result in rejection of the crop for malting purposes. The prior use of New 5C Cycocel (winter barley only) may help to reduce this problem in Cyclade treated crops. DO NOT apply Cyclade to any crop suffering from herbicide damage or physical stress caused by waterlogging, drought or other conditions. Crops with a substantial moisture deficit should not be treated. Avoid spray drift on to neighbouring crops. DO NOT apply Cyclade if rain or frost is expected, nor if the crop is wet, nor if significant foot disease problems are expected, particularly with Take-all. DO NOT apply Cyclade to winter varieties sown in the spring. DO NOT apply Cyclade to crops on soils of low fertility unless these crops regularly receive adequate dressings of basic and nitrogen fertilisers. DO NOT apply Cyclade to barley grown on soils containing more than 10 per cent organic matter. Winter wheat may be treated. DO NOT apply Cyclade at temperatures above 21°C. In these conditions it is best to apply Cyclade in the evening. DO NOT use straw from Cyclade treated cereals as a horticultural growth medium or as a mulch. Cyclade may be applied to crops undersown with grasses and clovers. Growers should inform the appropriate seed merchant beforehand whenever the use of Cyclade on a seed crop being grown for certification is intended. Applications should preferably be by ‘Tramlines’ as late applications of pesticides can cause the production of green side tillers in the wheel ways which may be more noticeable in shortened crops. Some delay in ear emergence may be noticed due to the shortening effect on the higher internodes. 180 Cyclade® Partial lodging may occur at later stages, though this leaning effect may be desirable to prevent ear loss from stiff strawed crops. DO NOT use Cyclade in a programme with any other plant growth regulator containing 2-chloroethylphosphonic acid. DO NOT use on the winter wheat variety Moulin. DO NOT treat the spring barley variety Triumph after the flag leaf just visible stage. Avoid overlapping spray bouts. Wash equipment thoroughly after use. When using Cyclade, an authorised non-ionic wetting agent must be added to the spray tank at the rate of 40 ml per 100 litres spray solution. CONSULT PROCESSORS BEFORE USE. 2. CROPS AND APPLICATION 2.1 Winter and Spring Barley Time of Application The optimum application timing is from the second node detectable stage on the majority of tillers, up to and including when the flag leaf is just visible on the majority of tillers. Where New 5C Cycocel (winter barley only) has been applied previously to the crop, the preferred application will be towards the later end of this timing. In winter barley, if it has proven impractical to apply Cyclade at the optimum timing, an application can still be made up to and including first awns visible, but lodging control may not be as good as with the earlier timings. Also, crops treated at the later timing are more likely to be subject to moisture stress; therefore particular attention should be paid to growing conditions when applying Cyclade at this later timing. DO NOT treat the variety Triumph after the flag leaf just visible stage. If growing malting varieties, pay particular attention to Section 1, Restrictions/ Warnings. DO NOT apply Cyclade when the leaf sheaths have split and the ears are visible. 2.2 Winter Wheat Time of Application The optimum application timing is from the second node detectable stage on the majority of tillers up to and including when the flag leaf is just visible on the majority of tillers. Where New 5C Cycocel has been applied previously to the crop, the preferred application will be towards the later end of this timing. If it has proven impractical to apply Cyclade at the optimum timing, application at a reduced rate (see below) can still be made after the flag leaf is just visible up to and including the boots swollen stage. DO NOT apply Cyclade when the leaf sheaths have split and the ears are visible. 2.3 Rates of Application Apply Cyclade as outlined below in a minimum of 220 litres of water per hectare. When using Cyclade, an authorised non-ionic wetting agent must be added to the spray tank at the rate of 40 ml per 100 litres spray solution. 181 P P Cyclade® CROP visible RATE OF CYCLADE litres per hectare Optimum timing Later timing Second node detectable After the flag leaf just Winter Wheat Where New 5C Cycocel has not been applied or in a programme following New 5C Cycocel where there is a high risk of severe early lodging In a programme following New 5C Cycocel: Other lodging situations Winter Barley Spring Barley 1 3. to flag leaf just visible to boots swollen (winter wheat) or awns just visible (winter barley) 2.0 1.5 1.5 – 2.0 1.5 or 1.0 1 1.5 – Use the higher rate where there is a high risk of early lodging. DO NOT apply this rate after the flag leaf just visible stage. MIXING AND SPRAYING Apply as a MEDIUM spray as defined by BCPC. Half fill the spray tank with clean water and start the agitation. Pour in the required amount of Cyclade and, separately, the correct amount of an authorised non-ionic wetting agent. Add the remainder of the water and continue agitation until spraying is completed. When tank mixes are to be used, each product should be added separately to the spray tank taking due note of any instructions given as to the order of mixing. 4. CONTAINER AND STORAGE Cyclade is supplied in 5 litre polyethylene containers and should be kept dry and frostproof in a suitable pesticide store. 182 Cyclade® 5. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Operator protection 2-chloroethylphosphonic acid is an anticholinesterase organophosphorus compound. DO NOT USE if under medical advice NOT to work with such compounds. Engineering control of operator exposure must be used where reasonably practicable, in addition to the following items of personal protective equipment: WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES when handling the concentrate. WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES when handling contaminated surfaces. However, engineering controls may replace personal protective equipment if a COSHH assessment shows that they provide an equal or higher standard of protection. WASH CONCENTRATE from skin or eyes immediately. DO NOT BREATHE SPRAY. WASH HANDS AND EXPOSED SKIN before meals and after work. WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE. IF YOU FEEL UNWELL, seek medical advice (show label where possible). Environmental protection DO NOT CONTAMINATE SURFACE WATERS OR DITCHES with chemical or used container. Storage and disposal DO NOT RE-USE CONTAINER for any purpose. KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDINGSTUFFS. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. KEEP IN ORIGINAL CONTAINER, tightly closed, in a safe place. RINSE CONTAINER THOROUGHLY by using an integrated pressure rinsing device or manually rinsing three times. Add washings to sprayer at time of filling and dispose of safely. Keep dry and frost proof in a suitable pesticide store. MEDICAL ADVICE Medical advice can be obtained from the National Poisons Information Service (NPIS). Telephone number 0870 600 6266. 183 P P Cyclade® 6. GLOBALLY HARMONISED SYSTEM (GHS) REGULATIONS Cyclade® A soluble concentrate containing 230 g/litre chlormequat chloride, 75 g/litre mepiquat chloride plus 155 g/litre 2-chloroethylphosphonic acid. WARNING: HARMFUL IF INHALED. HARMFUL IF SWALLOWED. MAY BE CORROSIVE TO METALS. MAY CAUSE DROWSINESS OR DIZZINESS AVOID BREATHING VAPOURS. KEEP ONLY IN ORIGINAL CONTAINER. DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE WHEN USING THIS PRODUCT. STORE LOCKED UP. DISPOSE OF CONTENTS/CONTAINER IN ACCORDANCE WITH LOCAL REGULATIONS. To avoid risks to man and the environment, comply with the instructions for use This product is approved under the Control of Pesticides Regulations 1986. 7. IMPORTANT INFORMATION IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR USE ONLY AS AN AGRICULTURAL PLANT GROWTH REGULATOR, as directed below: Crops Winter wheat Winter barley Spring barley Maximum Individual Dose Per Hectare 2.0 litres product/hectare OR 1.5 litres product/hectare 2.0 litres product/hectare OR 1.5 litres product/hectare 1.5 litres product/hectare Maximum Total Dose per Crop Latest Time of Application 2.0 litres product/hectare. Before flag leaf ligule just visible stage. 1.5 litres product/hectare 2.0 litres product/hectare. Before flag leaf sheath opening stage. Before flag leaf ligule just visible stage. 1.5 litres product/hectare. 1.5 litres product/hectare. Before first spikelet of ear visible stage. Before flag leaf ligule just visible stage. READ THE LABEL BEFORE USE. USING THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER THAT IS INCONSISTENT WITH THE LABEL MAY BE AN OFFENCE. FOLLOW THE CODE OF PRACTICE FOR USING PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCTS. (MAFF No. 08958) 184 DashTM HC ADJUVANT ADJ No. 0729 Use: A non-ionic wetting agent to be applied with Cleranda™ to enhance effectiveness of this post emergence herbicide. Formulation: An emulsifiable concentrate containing 348.75 g/l (37.5% w/w) oil (fatty acid esters) and 209.25 g/l (22.5% w/w) alkoxylated alcoholsphosphate esters. Recommended Crop: Winter oilseed rape. Maximum individual dose: 1 litre per hectare. Maximum number of treatments: Follow conditions of use for pesticide. Spray Quality: Spray quality is determined by the partner herbicide. Latest Time of Application: Follow conditions of use for pesticide. Processed Crops: Before using Dash HC on crops to be processed consult your processor. Aerial Application: No Compatibility: For details of compatibilities contact your distributor, local BASF representative, the BASF Technical Services Hotline: 0845 602 2553 or visit our website on: Major changes since last printing: None. This product label is compliant with the CPA Voluntary Initiative Guidance 185 DashTM HC Water Volume: 100-400 litres of water per hectare. DashTM HC DIRECTIONS FOR USE IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product. Dash HC is for use in tank-mix with the herbicide Cleranda. 1. RATE OF APPLICATION Use For use with Cleranda as recommended Rate of Application of Dash HC 1.0 litre/ha Application Volume (litres/ha) 100-400 2. MIXING AND SPRAYING 2.1 Mixing Fill the spray tank three quarters full with clean water and start the agitation. Add the required quantity of Cleranda and then Dash HC. Add the remainder of the water to the spray tank and continue agitation until spraying is completed. On emptying the product container, rinse container thoroughly by using an integrated pressure rinsing device or manually rinsing three times. Add washings to sprayer at time of filling and dispose of container safely. 2.2 Application Spray quality is determined by the partner herbicide. 3. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Operator protection Engineering control of operator exposure must be used where reasonably practicable in addition to the following personal protective equipment: WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING, GLOVES AND EYE/FACE PROTECTION. However, engineering controls may replace personal protective equipment if a COSHH assessment shows that they provide an equal or higher standard of protection. WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE. AVOID CONTACT WITH SKIN. IN CASE OF CONTACT WITH EYES, RINSE IMMEDIATELY WITH PLENTY OF WATER AND SEEK MEDICAL ADVICE. IF SWALLOWED, do not induce vomiting: seek medical advice immediately and show this container or label. Storage and disposal KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDINGSTUFFS. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. On emptying the product container, RINSE CONTAINER THOROUGHLY by using an integrated pressure rinsing device or manually rinsing three times. Add washings to sprayer at time of filling and dispose of container safely. 186 DashTM HC 4. DPD REGULATIONS (CHIP 3) DashTM HC An emulsifiable concentrate containing 348.75 g/l (37.5 % w/w) oil (fatty acid esters) and 209.25 g/l (22.5 % w/w) alkoxylated alcohols-phosphate esters. IRRITATING TO SKIN. RISK OF SERIOUS DAMAGE TO EYES. HARMFUL: MAY CAUSE LUNG DAMAGE IF SWALLOWED HARMFUL TO AQUATIC ORGANISMS KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDINGSTUFFS WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE AVOID CONTACT WITH SKIN IN CASE OF CONTACT WITH EYES, RINSE IMMEDIATELY WITH PLENTY OF WATER AND SEEK MEDICAL ADVICE WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING, GLOVES AND EYE/FACE PROTECTION. IF SWALLOWED, DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING: SEEK MEDICAL ADVICE IMMEDIATELY AND SHOW THIS CONTAINER OR LABEL. To avoid risks to man and the environment, comply with the instructions for use This product is approved under the Control of Pesticides Regulations 1986. 5. IMPORTANT INFORMATION IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR USE ONLY AS AN AGRICULTURAL ADJUVANT, as directed below: Crops: Winter oilseed rape Maximum spray concentration (% of spray solution): 1.0 % Maximum number of treatments: Follow conditions of use for pesticide Latest timing of application: Follow conditions of use for pesticide READ THE LABEL BEFORE USE. USING THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER THAT IS INCONSISTENT WITH THE LABEL MAY BE AN OFFENCE. FOLLOW THE CODE OF PRACTICE FOR USING PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCTS. (ADJ. No. 0729) 187 DashTM HC 282 188 Diablo® F FUNGICIDE MAPP No. 16084 Use: A fungicide for use in potatoes. Formulation: A water dispersible granule containing 80 g/kg ametoctradin and 480 g/kg mancozeb. Pack Size: 10 litres in outers of one. Recommended Crops: Potatoes Recommended Rates: 2.5 kg/ha Water Volume: 200 - 500 litres per hectare. Spray Quality: MEDIUM Aerial Application: No Compatibility: For details of compatibilities contact your distributor, local BASF representative, the BASF Technical Services Hotline: 0845 602 2553 or visit our website on: Major changes since last printing: Globally Harmonised System (GHS) Regulations added, see Section 6. This product label is compliant with the CPA Voluntary Initiative Guidance 189 Diablo® Latest Time of Application: 7 days before harvest. F Diablo® DIRECTIONS FOR USE IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product. Diablo is a protectant fungicide mixture for the control of foliar late blight (Phytophthora infestans) in potatoes. 1. RESTRICTIONS/WARNINGS Diablo should only be used as a preventative spray 2. 2.1 2.2 DISEASE CONTROL Diablo will control foliar late blight when used as part of a full programme of correctly timed sprays. Disease susceptibility Diablo should be applied as a protectant spray before th risk of blight occurs. Diablo will give effective protection against phenylamide resistant strains of late blight. Resistance management Diablo contains a mixture of ametoctradin (a triazolo-pyrimidylamine, QxI fungicide) and mancozeb (a dithiocarbamate fungicide). To minimise the risk of resistance developing, and in line with current FRAG-UK advice to use effective doses, use Diablo at the recommended rate (2.5 kg/ha). No more than 3 consecutive applications of Diablo, and no more than a total of 4 applications of Diablo per season should be applied. General advice: Up to 6 applications of QxI fungicide in mixture with a fungicide with a different mode of action, making up no more than half of the total number of intended late blight sprays per season, may be made. No more than three consecutive applications of a QxI fungicide should be made. Diablo will control strains of late blight resistant to phenylamides. No cross resistance to phenylamide resistant strains of blight have been observed. If an intensive blight control programme is necessary, include products with different modes of action. When fungicides with the same mode of action are used repeatedly over several years in the same field, naturally occurring less sensitive strains may survive, propagate and become dominant in that field. It is therefore advised that wherever possible spray programmes should include fungicides with differing modes of action. Diablo contains active substances with two different modes of action. For further advice on resistance management for potato blight (Phytophthora infestans) contact your agronomist or specialist advisor and/or visit the FRAG-UK and Potato Council websites. 3. CROP SPECIFIC INFORMATION 3.1 Crops Diablo can be used on all varieties of potato, including seed crops. 190 Diablo® 3.2 3.3 Time of Application Diablo should be applied as part of a repeat spray programme at 7 - 10 day intervals, depending on disease pressure. As disease pressure and the risk of late blight infection increases, the interval should be shortened. Irrigated crops should be treated as high risk. Applications of Diablo must be made preventatively as soon as there is a risk of blight infection, or an official blight warning has been issued. In the absence of any warnings, applications should commence before the crop meets along the rows. Rate of application 2.5 kg/ha. 4. MIXING AND SPRAYING 4.1 Mixing Remove the top filter. Three quarters fill the spray tank with clean water and start the agitation. Loading directly into the spray tank: Slowly add the required amount of Diablo. Add the remainder of the water. Replace the top filter and continue agitation until spraying is completed. Loading by induction hopper: Ensure the hopper is suitable for handling water dispersible granules. Set to give maximum suction and slowly pour the required amount of Diablo into the outlet. Ensure the sides of the hopper are being rinsed with water as the product is poured into the hopper, avoid a built up of product. Once the correct amount of Diablo has been added, (ensuring the hopper is clean) add the remainder of the water and replace the top filler. Continue agitation until spraying is completed. Never prepare more spray solution than is required. 4.2 Application Apply as a medium spray, as defined by BCPC, in a water volume of 200 - 500 l/ha. Select the appropriate water volume for the density of the crop, ensuring good coverage of the foliage stems. For use via tractor mounted/trailed sprayers only. Diablo is rainfast in 1 hour, providing application has been made to dry foliage and the spray has dried on the leaf. 4.3 Tank Cleaning Thoroughly was measuring and spray equipment after use. 191 F F Diablo® 5. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Operator protection Engineering control of operator exposure must be used where reasonably practicable in addition to the following personal protective equipment. WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES AND SUITABLE RESPIRATORY PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT* when handling the product. *Disposable filtering facepiece respirator to at least EN149 FFP2 or equivalent. WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES when handling contaminated surfaces. However, engineering controls may replace personal protective equipment if a COSHH assessment shows that they provide an equal or higher standard of protection. WASH ALL PROTECTIVE CLOTHING thoroughly after use, especially the insides of gloves. WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE. Environmental protection Do not contaminate surface waters or ditches with chemical or used container. Do not contaminate water with the product or its container. Do not clean application equipment near surface water. Avoid contamination via drains from farmyards and roads. To protect aquatic organisms respect an unsprayed buffer zone to surface water bodies in line with LERAP requirements. DO NOT ALLOW DIRECT SPRAY from horizontal boom sprayers to fall within 5 m of the top of the bank of a static or flowing water body, unless a Local Environment Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) permits a narrower buffer zone, or within 1mm off the top of a ditch which is dry at the time of application. DO NOT ALLOW DIRECT SPRAY from hand-held sprayers to fall within 1mm off the top of the bank of a static or flowing water body. Aim spray away from water. This product qualifies for inclusion within the Local Environment Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) scheme. Before each spraying operation from a horizontal boom sprayer, either a LERAP must be carried out in accordance with HSE’s published guidance or the statutory buffer zone must be maintained. The results of the LERAP must be recorded and kept available for three years. Storage and disposal KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDING STUFFS. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. DO NOT RE-USE CONTAINER for any other purpose. STORE IN ORIGINAL CONTAINER tightly closed, in a safe place. On emptying the container, RINSE CONTAINER THOROUGHLY by using an integrated pressure rinsing device or manually rinsing three times. Add washings to sprayer at time of filling and dispose of container safely. 192 Diablo® 6. GLOBALLY HARMONISED SYSTEM (GHS) REGULATIONS Diablo® A water dispersible granule containing 80 g/kg ametoctradin and 480g/kg mancozeb. WARNING: VERY TOXIC TO AQUATIC LIFE SUSPECTED OF DAMAGING THE UNBORN CHILD USE PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT AS REQUIRED. OBTAIN SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE USE. COLLECT SPILLAGE. IF EXPOSED OR CONCERNED: GET MEDICAL ADVICE/ ATTENTION. STORE LOCKED UP. DISPOSE OF CONTENTS/CONTAINER IN ACCORDANCE WITH LOCAL REGULATIONS. DO NOT ALLOW DIRECT SPRAY FROM GROUND CROP SPRAYERS TO FALL WITHIN 5M OF THE TOP OF THE BANK OF A STATIC OR FLOWING WATERBODY OR WITHIN 1M OF THE TOP OF A DITCH WHICH IS DRY AT THE TIME OF APPLICATION (UK LERAP CATEGORY B). DIRECT SPRAY AWAY FROM WATER. Contains mancozeb. May produce an allergic reaction. To avoid risks to human health and the enviroment, comply with the instructions for use. (MAPP 16084) 193 F F Diablo® 7. IMPORTANT INFORMATION IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR USE ONLY AS AN AGRICULTURAL FUNGICIDE, as directed below: Crops Maximum individual dose Maximum total dose Latest time of application Potato 2.5kg product per hectare 10kg product per crop 7 days before harvest READ THE LABEL BEFORE USE. USING THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER THAT IS INCONSISTENT WITH THE LABEL MAY BE AN OFFENCE. FOLLOW THE CODE OF PRACTICE FOR USING PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCTS. 194 Diamant® F FUNGICIDE MAPP No. 13253 Use: A protectant and systemic fungicide with curative properties for use in winter wheat, winter barley, spring wheat, spring barley and oats. Formulation: A suspo-emulsion containing 114.3 g/litre (11% w/w) pyraclostrobin, plus 42.9 g/litre (4.1% w/w) epoxiconazole plus 214.3 g/litre (20.6% w/w) fenpropimorph. Pack Size: 5 litres in outers of 4. Recommended Crops: Winter wheat Winter barley Spring wheat Spring barley Oats Recommended rate: 1.75 litres/ha Water Volume: 200 litres of water per hectare. Spray Quality: MEDIUM Latest Time of Application: Winter and spring wheat: Up to and including flowering (anthesis) complete (GS 69). Up to and including emergence of ear just complete (GS 59). Winter and spring barley, oats: Aerial Application: No Compatibility: For details of compatibilities contact your distributor, local BASF representative, the BASF Technical Services Hotline: 0845 602 2553 or visit our website on: Major changes since last printing: None. This product label is compliant with the CPA Voluntary Initiative Guidance 195 Diamant® Maximum number of applications: 2 per crop F Diamant® DIRECTIONS FOR USE IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product. Diamant is a fungicide with protectant, systemic and curative properties for use in winter and spring wheat, winter and spring barley and oats. 1. RESTRICTIONS/WARNINGS Extreme care must be taken to avoid spray drift on to neighbouring crops. Wash equipment thoroughly after use. 2. DISEASE CONTROL Diamant is a fungicide with protectant, systemic and curative properties for use in winter and spring wheat, winter and spring barley and oats for disease control as summarised below: Winter wheat Spring Winter wheat barley Spring barley Oats Septoria tritici (1) C C - - - Septoria nodorum C C - - - Yellow rust C C C C - Brown rust C C C C - Mildew - - C* C* C* Crown rust - - - - C Net blotch - - C C - Rhynchosporium - - C C - GR GR - - - Fusarium ear blight (2) 1. Septoria tritici: Diamant is recommended for control of septoria tritici with curative ability in the latent phase. 2. Apply Diamant during flowering. C GR * = control = good reduction = residual/some curative control Yield response may be obtained in the absence of visual disease. 196 Diamant® 2.1 Resistance management Diamant contains pyraclostrobin, a member of the QoI cross resistance group. Diamant should be used preventatively and should not be relied on for its curative potential. When curative activity is needed apply QoI fungicides in mixture with a suitable dose of a curative fungicide from a different cross-resistance group. Diamant meets this requirement as it contains epoxiconazole and fenpropimorph. To ensure the effectiveness of the epoxiconazole and fenpropimorph components as partners, Diamant should always be applied at the full recommended rate. Diamant contains a DMI fungicide. Resistance to some DMI fungicides has been identified in Septoria leaf blotch (Mycosphaerella graminicola) which may seriously affect the performance of some products. For further advice on resistance management in DMIs contact your agronomist or specialist advisor, and visit the FRAG-UK website. Use Diamant as part of an Integrated Crop Management (ICM) strategy incorporating other methods of control, including where appropriate other fungicides with a different mode of action. You must not apply more than two foliar applications of QoI containing products to any cereal crop. There is a significant risk of widespread resistance occurring in Septoria tritici populations in the UK. Strains of barley powdery mildew resistant to QoI’s are common in the UK. Failure to follow resistance management action may result in reduced levels of disease control. 3. CROPS Diamant is a fungicide with protectant, systemic and curative properties for use in winter and spring wheat, winter and spring barley and oats. 3.1 Time of application Apply Diamant at the start of foliar disease attack. A maximum of two applications can be made up to and including flowering just complete in winter and spring wheat and up to and including emergence of ear just complete in winter and spring barley and oats. 3.2 Rate of application Apply 1.75 litres Diamant in a minimum of 200 litres of water per hectare. 4. MIXING AND SPRAYING Apply as a MEDIUM spray as defined by BCPC. Half fill the spray tank with clean water and start the agitation. SHAKE THE CONTAINER WELL before use and pour in the required amount of product. Rinse any empty containers thoroughly and add rinsings to the spray tank. Add the remainder of the water and continue agitation until spraying is completed. When tank mixes are to be used, each product should be added separately to the spray tank. 5. CONTAINER AND STORAGE Diamant is supplied in 5 litres containers. Store in a suitable pesticide store, keep dry and protect from frost. 197 F F Diamant® 6. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Operator protection Engineering control of operator exposure must be used where reasonably practicable in addition to the following personal protective clothing: WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES when handling the concentrate. WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES when handling contaminated surfaces. However, engineering controls may replace personal protective equipment if a COSHH assessment shows they provide an equal or higher standard of protection. AVOID ALL CONTACT WITH SKIN. WASH HANDS AND EXPOSED SKIN before meals and after work. WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE. IF YOU FEEL UNWELL, seek medical advice immediately (show the label where possible) Environmental protection Do not contaminate surface waters or ditches with chemical or used container. DO NOT ALLOW DIRECT SPRAY from horizontal boom sprayers to fall within 5m of the top of the bank of a static or flowing waterbody, unless a Local Environmental Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) permits a narrower buffer zone, or within 1m of the top of a ditch which is dry at the time of application. Aim spray away from water. This product qualifies for inclusion within the Local Environmental Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) scheme. Before each spraying operation from a horizontal boom sprayer, either a LERAP must be carried out in accordance with CRD’s published guidance or the statutory buffer zone must be maintained. The results of the LERAP must be recorded and kept available for three years. Storage and disposal KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDINGSTUFFS. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. KEEP IN ORIGINAL CONTAINER, tightly closed, in a safe place. RINSE CONTAINER THOROUGHLY by using an integrated pressure rinsing device or manually rinsing three times. Add washings to sprayer at time of filling and dispose of safely. DO NOT RE-USE CONTAINER for any purpose. Store in a suitable pesticide store. Keep dry and protect from frost 198 Diamant® 7. DPD REGULATIONS (CHIP 3) Diamant® A suspo-emulsion containing 114.3 g/litre (11% w/w) pyraclostrobin, plus 42.9 g/litre (4.1% w/w) epoxiconazole plus 214.3 g/litre (20.6% w/w) fenpropimorph. HARMFUL BY INHALATION AND IF SWALLOWED IRRITATING TO SKIN MAY CAUSE SENSITISATION BY SKIN CONTACT LIMITED EVIDENCE OF A CARCINOGENIC EFFECT POSSIBLE RISK OF HARM TO THE UNBORN CHILD VERY TOXIC TO AQUATIC ORGANISMS, MAY CAUSE LONG TERM ADVERSE EFFECTS IN THE AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDING STUFFS. WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE. WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING AND GLOVES. THIS MATERIAL AND ITS CONTAINER MUST BE DISPOSED OF IN A SAFE WAY. IF SWALLOWED, seek medical advice immediately and show this container or label. USE APPROPRIATE CONTAINMENT TO AVOID ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAMINATION. To avoid risks to man and the environment, comply with the instructions for use. This product is approved under the Control of Pesticide Regulations 1986. 199 F F Diamant® 8. IMPORTANT INFORMATION IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR USE ONLY AS AN AGRICULTURAL FUNGICIDE, as directed below: Crops Maximum individual dose Maximum number of treatments Latest time of application Winter and spring wheat 1.75 litres product per hectare 2 per crop Up to and including flowering (anthesis) complete (GS 69). Winter and spring barley and oats 1.75 litres product per hectare 2 per crop Up to and including emergence of ear just complete (GS 59) READ THE LABEL BEFORE USE. USING THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER THAT IS INCONSISTENT WITH THE LABEL MAY BE AN OFFENCE. FOLLOW THE CODE OF PRACTICE FOR USING PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCTS. (MAPP No. 14149) 200 Dithianon FlowableTM F FUNGICIDE MAPP No. 10219 Use: A fungicide for the control of scab on apples and pears. Formulation: A suspension concentrate containing 750 g/litre (57.7% w/w) dithianon. Pack Size: 5 litres in outers of four. Recommended Crops: Apples and Pears. Recommended Rates: 0.5 litres/ha – 1.1 litres/ha (See Section 3, Rate of Application information). Spray Quality: Apply by any low or high volume orchard sprayer. Latest Recommended Time of Application: 28 days before harvest. Maximum Number of Applications: 8 per year. Aerial Application: No Compatibility: For details of compatibilities contact your distributor, local BASF representative, the BASF Technical Services Hotline: 0845 602 2553 or visit our website on: Major changes since last printing: Globally Harmonised System (GHS) Regulations added, see Section 7. This product label is compliant with the CPA Voluntary Initiative Guidance 201 Dithianon FlowableTM Water Volume: Low Volume – 200 litres of water per hectare. High Volume – 1000 litres of water per hectare. (See Section 3). F Dithianon FlowableTM DIRECTIONS FOR USE IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product. 1. RESTRICTIONS/WARNINGS Make sure the container is securely reclosed after use. 2. DISEASE CONTROL Dithianon Flowable is a fungicide used for the control of scab on apples and pears. Where mildew is prevalent apply Dithianon Flowable in conjunction with a mildew fungicide. 3. CROPS Apply only to apples and pears. Time of Application Apply from the beginning of bud burst. Repeat at 10 to 14 day intervals until danger of scab attack ceases. On variety Golden Delicious, DO NOT use Dithianon Flowable after green cluster. Harvest Interval At least 28 days after last application. Rate of Application Low Volume: Apply 1.1 litres of Dithianon Flowable in a minimum of 200 litres of water per hectare with a 10 day interval between applications. Water volumes should be based on the size of the trees and the leaf area at application and should be sufficient to ensure good coverage. High Volume: On a 14 day interval apply 0.75 litres of Dithianon Flowable in 1000 litres of water per hectare OR on a 10 day spray interval apply 0.5 litres of Dithianon Flowable in 1000 litres of water per hectare. Under severe infection conditions or when wood scab is prevalent apply the higher rate at 10 day intervals. Also use the higher rate with a 10 day spray interval on varieties that are highly susceptible to scab infection, when carryover is high or when crop growth is rapid. Advisory Information* Dithianon Flowable is a protectant fungicide. If scab infection periods have already occurred prior to application consider a tank mix with a product which has curative activity. *Advisory Information is not part of the Product Label under the Control of Pesticides regulations 1986 or the Plant Protection Products Regulations 1995 (as appropriate). This information provides additional advice on product use at the discretion of the approval holder. 4. MIXING AND SPRAYING Shake the container thoroughly before pouring. Half fill the spray tank with clean water and begin agitation. Add the required quantity of Dithianon Flowable to the tank and complete filling. Continue agitation until spraying is complete. Apply by any low or high volume orchard sprayer. 202 Dithianon FlowableTM 5. CONTAINER AND STORAGE Dithianon Flowable is supplied in 5 litre containers and should be kept dry and frost proof in a suitable pesticide store. 6. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Operator protection Vehicles fitted with a cab and a forced air filtration unit plus a pesticide filter complying with HSE Guidance Note PM 74, or to an equally effective standard, must be used when making broadcast air assisted applications. Other engineering control of operator exposure must be used where reasonably practicable in addition to the following personal protective equipment: WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING (COVERALLS) AND SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES when handling the concentrate and contaminated surfaces. However, other engineering controls may replace personal protective equipment if a COSHH assessment shows that they provide an equal or higher standard of protection. WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE. WASH HANDS AND EXPOSED SKIN before meals and after work. WASH CONCENTRATE from skin or eyes immediately. DO NOT BREATHE SPRAY. Environmental protection Do not contaminate surface waters or ditches with chemical or used container. Storage and disposal KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDINGSTUFFS. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. KEEP IN ORIGINAL CONTAINER, tightly closed, in a safe place. WASH OUT CONTAINER THOROUGHLY, empty washings into spray tank, and dispose of safely. DO NOT RE-USE THE CONTAINER for any purpose. IF YOU FEEL UNWELL seek medical advice (show label where possible). PROTECT FROM FROST. 203 F F Dithianon FlowableTM 7. GLOBALLY HARMONISED SYSTEM (GHS) REGULATIONS Dithianon FlowableTM A suspension concentrate containing 750 g/litre (57.7% w/w) dithianon DANGER: CAUSES SERIOUS EYE DAMAGE. FATAL IF INHALED. HARMFUL IF SWALLOWED. MAY CAUSE AN ALLERGIC SKIN REACTION. VERY TOXIC TO AQUATIC LIFE. VERY TOXIC TO AQUATIC LIFE WITH LONG LASTING EFFECTS. SUSPECTED OF CAUSING CANCER. WEAR PROTECTIVE GLOVES/PROTECTIVE CLOTHING/EYE PROTECTION/FACE PROTECTION. DO NOT BREATHE VAPOURS. IF IN EYES: RINSE CAUTIOUSLY WITH WATER FOR SEVERAL MINUTES. REMOVE CONTACT LENSES, IF PRESENT AND EASY TO DO. CONTINUE RINSING. IF INHALED: REMOVE VICTIM TO FRESH AIR AND KEEP AT REST IN A POSITION COMFORTABLE FOR BREATHING. IMMEDIATELY CALL A POISON CENTER OR DOCTOR/ PHYSICIAN. STORE IN A WELL-VENTILATED PLACE. KEEP CONTAINER TIGHTLY CLOSED. To avoid risks to man and the environment, comply with the instructions for use This product is approved under the Control of Pesticides Regulations 1986. 204 Dithianon FlowableTM 8. IMPORTANT INFORMATION IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR USE ONLY AS A HORTICULTURAL FUNGICIDE, as directed below: Crops: Apples and Pears Maximum individual dose: See ‘Other Specific Restrictions’ Maximum Number of applications: 8 per year Latest time of application: 28 days before harvest Other specific restrictions: For high water volume applications the maximum concentration must not exceed 750 ml product per 1000 litres water For low water volume applications the maximum concentration must not exceed 1.1 litres product per 200 litres water READ THE LABEL BEFORE USE. USING THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER THAT IS INCONSISTENT WITH THE LABEL MAY BE AN OFFENCE. FOLLOW THE CODE OF PRACTICE FOR USING PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCTS. (MAPP No. 10219) 205 F F Dithianon FlowableTM 206 Dithianon WG F FUNGICIDE MAPP No. 12538 Use: A fungicide for the control of scab on apples and pears. Formulation: A water dispersible granule containing 70% w/w dithianon. Pack Size: 5 kg in outers of four. Recommended Crops: Apples and Pears. Recommended Rates: 0.75 kg product/ha. Water Volume: Minimum of 200 litres water/ha. Spray Quality: FINE Maximum Number of Applications: 12 per year. Aerial Application: No Compatibility: For details of compatibilities contact your distributor, local BASF representative, the BASF Technical Services Hotline: 0845 602 2553 or visit our website on: Major changes since last printing: None. This product label is compliant with the CPA Voluntary Initiative Guidance 207 Dithianon WG Latest Time of Application: 4 weeks before harvest. (On variety Golden Delicious, do not use after green cluster). F Dithianon WG DIRECTIONS FOR USE IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product. 1. RESTRICTIONS/WARNINGS 1.1 1.2 1.3 On variety Golden Delicious, do not use Dithianon WG after green cluster. Dithianon WG must not be mixed with lime sulphur or highly alkaline products. DO NOT plant sugar beet within a year of application of Scala. 2. DISEASE CONTROL Dithianon WG is a fungicide used for the control of scab on apples and pears. Where mildew is prevalent apply Dithianon WG in conjunction with a mildew fungicide. 3. CROPS 3.1 Apples and Pears: Dithianon WG (applied alone). Time of Application Apply from the beginning of bud burst. On variety Golden Delicious, do not use Dithianon WG after green cluster. Rate of application Apply 0.75 kg of Dithianon WG in a minimum of 200 litres water/ha. Interval 7 - 14 days. Use a 7 day interval in periods of high disease pressure. Also use a 7 day spray interval on varieties that are highly susceptible to scab infection, when carryover is high, or when crop growth is rapid. Repeat applications until danger of scab attack ceases. Water volumes should be based on the size of the trees and leaf area at application, and sufficient to ensure good coverage. 3.2 Number of applications Apply a maximum of twelve applications per year. Apples (application of Dithianon WG in mixture with Scala for improved control of apple scab). Dithianon WG is a protectant fungicide. For more robust protection during scab infection periods it is recommended to tank mix Scala with Dithianon WG. If scab infection periods have already occurred prior to application, it is recommended to apply the tank-mix as soon as practical after the infection period. Time of Application Apply from the beginning of bud burst. DO NOT apply Scala after the end of flowering. On variety Golden Delicious, DO NOT use Dithianon WG after green cluster. 208 Dithianon WG Rate of Application Apply 0.75 l/ha of Scala with 0.75 kg/ha Dithianon WG. Interval: 7 – 10 days. During scab infection periods apply at 7 – 10 day intervals. Use a 7 day interval during periods of high disease pressure or on varieties that are highly susceptible to scab infection. Water volumes should be based on the size of the trees and leaf area at application and sufficient to ensure good coverage. Number of Applications A maximum of four applications of Scala may be made per year. 4. MIXING AND SPRAYING Half fill the spray tank with clean water and start agitation. Slowly add in the required amount of product. Rinse empty containers and add rinsings to the spray tank. Add the remainder of the water and continue agitation until spraying is complete. Apply by any low or high volume orchard sprayer. Tank Washing Wash out the sprayer thoroughly with water and liquid detergent immediately after use. Finally wash out with water again. 5. CONTAINER AND STORAGE Dithianon WG is supplied in 5 kg containers and should be kept dry and frostproof in a suitable pesticide store. Store separately from food, drink and animal feed. 209 F F Dithianon WG 6. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Operator protection Spray equipment must only be used where the operator’s normal working position is within a closed cab on a tractor or on a self-propelled sprayer when making air-assisted applications to apples or pears. Other engineering control of operator exposure must be used where reasonably practicable in addition to the following personal protective equipment: WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING (COVERALLS), SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES AND SUITABLE RESPIRATORY PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT* WHEN HANDLING THE PRODUCT. WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES when handling contaminated surfaces. However, other engineering controls may replace personal protective equipment if a COSHH assessment shows that they provide an equal or higher standard of protection. WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE. IN CASE OF CONTACT WITH EYES, rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical advice. IF SWALLOWED, seek medical advice immediately and show the container or label. * Disposable filtering facepiece respirator to at least EN149 FFP2 or equivalent. Environmental protection DO NOT contaminate surface waters or ditches with chemical or used container. Storage and disposal DO NOT RE-USE CONTAINER FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE. THIS MATERIAL AND ITS CONTAINER MUST BE DISPOSED OF IN A SAFE WAY. PROTECT FROM FROST. 210 Dithianon WG 7. DPD REGULATIONS (CHIP 3) Dithianon WG A water dispersible granule containing 70% w/w Dithianon. HARMFUL IF SWALLOWED. RISK OF SERIOUS DAMAGE TO EYES. MAY CAUSE SENSITISATION BY SKIN CONTACT. LIMITED EVIDENCE OF CARCINOGENIC EFFECT. VERY TOXIC TO AQUATIC ORGANISMS. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDINGSTUFFS. WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE. IN CASE OF CONTACT WITH EYES rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical advice. WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING AND GLOVES. WEAR EYE/FACE PROTECTION. THIS MATERIAL AND ITS CONTAINER MUST BE DISPOSED OF IN A SAFE WAY. IF SWALLOWED, seek medical advice immediately and show this container or label. USE APPROPRIATE CONTAINMENT TO AVOID ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAMINATION. To avoid risks to man and the environment, comply with the instructions for use This product is approved under the Control of Pesticides Regulations 1986. 8. IMPORTANT INFORMATION IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR USE ONLY AS A HORTICULTURAL FUNGICIDE, as directed below: Crops: Maximum Individual dose: Maximum Number of applications: Latest Time of application: Other Specific Restrictions: Apples and Pears. 0.75 kg product/ha 12 per year. 4 weeks before harvest. For low water volume applications, the maximum concentration must not exceed 0.75 kg product in 200 litres water. READ THE LABEL BEFORE USE. USING THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER THAT IS INCONSISTENT WITH THE LABEL MAY BE AN OFFENCE. FOLLOW THE CODE OF PRACTICE FOR USING PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCTS. (MAPP No. 12538) 211 F F Dithianon WG 212 Running head® Ennobe® Running head® F FUNGICIDE MAPP No. 14340 Use: A systemic fungicide for use in winter wheat, spring wheat, winter barley, spring barley, triticale and rye. Formulation: A dispersible concentrate containing 62.5 g/litre (5.7% w/w) epoxiconazole and 225 g/litre (20.6% w/w) prochloraz. Pack Size: 10 litres in outers of two. Recommended Crops: Barley, winter and spring Wheat, winter and spring Rye Triticale Maximum Individual Dose: 1.8 litres/ha Maximum Total Dose: 1.8 litres/ha Spray Quality: MEDIUM Latest Time of Application: Winter and spring wheat, rye and triticale: Winter and spring barley: Up to and including flowering (anthesis) just complete (GS 69). Up to and including emergence of ear just complete (GS 59). Aerial Application: No Compatibility: For details of compatibilities contact your distributor, local BASF representative, the BASF Technical Services Hotline: 0845 602 2553 or visit our website on: Major changes since last printing: None. This product label is compliant with the CPA Voluntary Initiative Guidance 213 Ennobe® Water Volume: 100 to 300 litres of water per hectare. F Ennobe® DIRECTIONS FOR USE IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product. Ennobe is a systemic fungicide for use in winter wheat, spring wheat, winter barley, spring barley, triticale and rye. 1. RESTRICTIONS/WARNINGS Ennobe should not be applied to crops suffering from any other stress, such as drought or waterlogging, otherwise the crop may suffer from scorch from which recovery may not be complete. A period of at least 3 hours (or longer in poor drying conditions) without rain should follow spraying otherwise results may be reduced This product may cause damage to broad-leaved plant species. Avoid spray drift on to neighbouring crops Wash equipment thoroughly after use. 2. DISEASE CONTROL Ennobe is a systemic fungicide with protectant and curative properties for the control of a range of diseases in winter and spring wheat, winter and spring barley, rye and triticale as summarised below: Ennobe offers prolonged persistence of disease control leading to increased yield. 2.1 Disease Susceptibility Winter wheat Powdery mildrew Spring Winter wheat barley Spring barley Rye Triticale MC MC MC MC MC MC Septoria tritici C C - - - C Septoria nodorum C C - - - C Yellow rust C C C C C C Brown rust C C C C C C Net blotch - - C C - - Rhynchosporium - - C C C - Eyespot C - C - C C Fusarium ear blight (1) GR GR - - - GR Sooty moulds (Cladosporium, Botrytis) GR GR - - - - (1) Application of Ennobe to ears of wheat can lead to reduction of the levels of the mycotoxin deoxynivalenol (DON) associated with Fusarium ear blight infection, but this level of effect may not necessarily lead to reduction of DON below the statutory limit in wheat grain. C = Control MC = Moderate control GR = good reduction 214 Ennobe® 2.2 Resistance. Strains of certain cereal diseases with decreased sensitivity to triazole fungicides are known to exist in the UK. Where these occur or develop Ennobe may not give satisfactory control. Ennobe contains the DMI fungicides epoxiconazole and prochloraz. Resistance to some DMI fungicides has been identified in Septoria leaf blotch (Mycosphaerella graminicola) which may seriously affect the performance of some products. For further advice on resistance management in DMIs contact your agronomist or specialist advisor, and visit the FRAG-UK website. 3. CROP SPECIFIC INFORMATION 3.1 Crops Ennobe is a systemic fungicide with protectant and curative properties for use in winter wheat, spring wheat, winter barley, spring barley, triticale and rye. 3.2 Time of application Apply Ennobe at the start of foliar disease attack. Applications can be made up to and including flowering just complete in winter and spring wheat, rye and triticale and up to and including emergence of ear just complete in winter and spring barley. For optimum effect against eyespot with Ennobe apply between the leaf sheaths erect and second node detectable stages of the crop. For protection against Fusarium ear blight and sooty mould on the ears of winter and spring wheat, apply Ennobe during ear emergence. For control of Septoria tritici and Septoria nodorum, treatment should normally be made after the third node detectable stage when disease is present and when weather favouring disease development has occurred. A follow-up treatment with an appropriate fungicide may be necessary if conditions continue to favour disease development. 3.3 Rate of application Apply 1.8 litres Ennobe in 200 to 300 litres of water per hectare. Qualified recommendation Ennobe may be applied in 100 litres of water per hectare although efficacy at this reduced volume has not been evaluated. 4. FOLLOWING CROPS After treating a cereal crop with Ennobe, the following crops may be drilled after the intervals given below: After 1 week: dwarf French beans, sunflowers, potatoes, field beans, peas, maize, oilseed rape, carrots, onions, lettuce, barley, oats, wheat. After 4 weeks: clover, rye-grass 5. MIXING AND SPRAYING Apply as a MEDIUM spray, as defined by BCPC. Half fill the spray tank with clean water and start the agitation. SHAKE THE CONTAINER WELL before use and pour in the required amount of product. Rinse any empty containers thoroughly and add rinsings to the spray tank. Add the remainder of the water and continue agitation until spraying is completed. When tank mixes are to be used, each product should be added separately to the spray tank, taking due note of any instructions given as to the order of mixing. 215 F F Ennobe® 6. CONTAINER AND STORAGE Ennobe is supplied in 10 litre containers. Store in a suitable pesticide store, keep dry and protect from frost 7. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Operator protection Engineering control of operator exposure must be used where reasonably practicable in addition to the following personal protective clothing: WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING (COVERALLS) AND SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES when handling the concentrate or contaminated surfaces. WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING (COVERALLS) during application. However, engineering controls may replace personal protective equipment if a COSHH assessment shows they provide an equal or higher standard of protection. IF SWALLOWED, seek medical advice immediately and show this container or label. WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE. WASH HANDS AND EXPOSED SKIN before meals and after work. Environmental protection DO NOT contaminate water with the product or its container. DO NOT clean application equipment near surface water. Avoid contamination via drains from farmyards and roads. DO NOT ALLOW DIRECT SPRAY from horizontal boom sprayers to fall within 5m of the top of the bank of a static or flowing waterbody, unless a Local Environment Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) permits a narrower buffer zone, or within 1m of the top of a ditch which is dry at the time of application. Aim spray away from water. This product qualifies for inclusion within the Local Environment Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) scheme. Before each spraying operation from a horizontal boom sprayer, either a LERAP must be carried out in accordance with CRD’s published guidance or the statutory buffer zone must be maintained. The results of the LERAP must be recorded and kept available for inspection for three years. Storage and disposal KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDINGSTUFFS. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. RINSE CONTAINER THOROUGHLY by using an integrated pressure rinsing device or manually rinsing three times. Add washings to sprayer at time of filling and dispose of safely. Store in a suitable pesticide store, keep dry and protect from frost 216 Ennobe® 8. DPD REGULATIONS (CHIP 3) Ennobe® A dispersible concentrate containing 62.5 g/litre (5.7 % w/w) epoxiconazole and 225 g/litre (20.6 % w/w) prochloraz. HARMFUL BY INHALATION AND IF SWALLOWED IRRITATING TO EYES AND SKIN LIMITED EVIDENCE OF A CARCINOGENIC EFFECT POSSIBLE RISK OF IMPAIRED FERTILITY POSSIBLE RISK OF HARM TO THE UNBORN CHILD VERY TOXIC TO AQUATIC ORGANISMS, MAY CAUSE LONG TERM ADVERSE EFFECTS IN THE AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING AND GLOVES. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDING STUFFS. WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE. IF SWALLOWED, seek medical advice immediately and show this container or label. THIS MATERIAL AND ITS CONTAINER MUST BE DISPOSED OF IN A SAFE WAY. USE APPROPRIATE CONTAINMENT TO AVOID ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAMINATION. To avoid risks to man and the environment, comply with the instructions for use This product is approved under the Control of Pesticides Regulations 1986. 217 F F Ennobe® 9. IMPORTANT INFORMATION IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR USE ONLY AS AN AGRICULTURAL FUNGICIDE, as directed below: Crops Maximum individual dose Maximum total dose Latest time of application Winter and spring 1.8 litres product wheat, rye, per hectare triticale 1.8 litres product per hectare Up to and including flowering (anthesis) just complete (GS 69) Winter and spring 1.8 litres product barley, per hectare 1.8 litres product per hectare Up to and including emergence of ear just complete (GS 59) READ THE LABEL BEFORE USE. USING THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER THAT IS INCONSISTENT WITH THE LABEL MAY BE AN OFFENCE. FOLLOW THE CODE OF PRACTICE FOR USING PLANT PROTECTON PRODUCTS. MAPP No. 14340 218 218 Enterprise® / Kingdom® F FUNGICIDE Enterprise: MAPP No. 15228 / Kingdom: MAPP No. 15240 Use: A broad spectrum fungicide for use in winter wheat, spring wheat, winter barley, spring barley, oats, rye and triticale. Formulation: An oil dispersion containing 140 g/litre (13.4% w/w) boscalid and 50 g/litre (4.8 w/w) epoxiconazole. Recommended Crops: Wheat, winter and spring Barley, winter and spring Oats Rye Triticale Maximum Individual Dose: 2.5 litres product per hectare Maximum Total Dose: 5.0 litres product per hectare Water Volume: 150 – 300 litres of water per hectare Processed Crops: Effects on baking and brewing have not been fully tested. Consult the grain merchant or processor before use. Latest Time of Application: Wheat, winter and spring Rye Triticale Up to and including flowering (anthesis) just complete (GS 69) Barley, winter and spring Oats Up to and including emergence of ear just complete (GS 59) Aerial Application: No Compatibility: For details of compatibilities contact your distributor, local BASF representative, the BASF Technical Services Hotline: 0845 602 2553 or visit our website on: Major changes since last printing: None. This product label is compliant with the CPA Voluntary Initiative Guidance 219 Enterprise® / Kingdom® Pack Size: Enterprise: 10 litres in outers of two. Kingdom: 5 litres in outers of four. F Enterprise® / Kingdom® DIRECTIONS FOR USE IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product. Enterprise/kingdom is a broad spectrum fungicide with systemic, protectant and curative properties for use in winter wheat, spring wheat, winter barley, spring barley, oats, rye and triticale. 1. RESTRICTIONS/WARNINGS Avoid spray drift on to neighbouring crops. Effects on baking and brewing have not been fully tested. Consult the grain merchant or processor before use. This product may cause damage to broad-leaved plant species. Wash equipment thoroughly after use. 2. DISEASE CONTROL Enterprise/kingdom is a broad spectrum fungicide with systemic, protectant and curative properties for use in winter wheat, spring wheat, winter barley, spring barley, oats, rye and triticale for disease control as summarised below. Winter wheat Spring Winter wheat barley Oats Rye Triticale - - - C Septoria tritici C C Septoria nodorum C C - - - - C Brown rust C C C C - C C Yellow rust C C C C - C C Net blotch - - C C - - - Rhynchosporium - - MC MC - MC - MC MC MC MC - MC MC Powdery mildew - - MC MC MC MC - Crown rust - - - - C - - Tan spot *R *R - - - - - Eyespot - Spring barley Ramularia - - MC MC - - - Fusarium ear blight # GR GR - - - - - Sooty moulds (Cladosporium, Botrytis) GR GR - - - - - C = Control MC = Moderate Control GR = Good Reduction R = Reduction *Qualified minor use recommendation based on limited evidence of effectiveness # Application of Enterprise/kingdom to ears of wheat can lead to reduction of the mycotoxin deoxynivaledon (DON) associated with Fusarium ear blight infection, but this level of effect may not necessarily lead to reduction of DON below the statutory limit in wheat grain. 220 Enterprise® / Kingdom® 2.1 Resistance Management Use Enterprise/kingdom as part of an Integrated Crop Management (ICM) strategy incorporating other methods of control, including where appropriate other fungicides with a different mode of action. Enterprise/kingdom contains epoxiconazole, a DMI fungicide. Resistance to some DMI fungicides has been identified in Septoria leaf blotch (Mycosphaerella graminicola) which may seriously affect the performance of some products. For further advice on resistance management in DMIs contact your agronomist or specialist advisor, and visit the FRAG-UK website. Enterprise/kingdom contains boscalid which belongs to the SDHI (carboxamide) group of fungicides. To minimise the risk of resistance occurring, apply a maximum of two SDHI fungicide sprays per cereal crop. 3. CROPS Enterprise/kingdom is a broad spectrum fungicide with systemic, protectant and curative properties for use in winter wheat, spring wheat, winter barley, spring barley, oats, rye and triticale for disease control as summarised above. 3.1 Time of Application Apply Enterprise/kingdom at the start of foliar or stem based disease attack. A maximum of two applications can be made up to and including flowering (anthesis) just complete (GS 69) in winter and spring wheat, rye and triticale, and up to and including emergence of ear just complete (GS 59) in winter and spring barley and oats. 3.2 Rate of Application Apply 2.5 litres Enterprise/kingdom in 150 to 300 litres of water per hectare. Qualified recommendation Enterprise/kingdom may be applied at 2.5 litres per hectare in 100 litres of water per hectare although efficacy at this reduced volume has not been evaluated. Therefore application at 100 litres water per hectare is at user’s risk with regard to biological efficacy. 4. FOLLOWING CROPS After treating a cereal crop with Enterprise/kingdom, onions, oats, sugar beet, oilseed rape, cabbages, carrots, sunflowers, barley, lettuce, ryegrass, dwarf French beans, peas, potatoes, clover, wheat, field beans and maize may be sown as the following crop. 5. MIXING AND SPRAYING Half fill the spray tank with clean water and start the agitation. SHAKE THE CONTAINER WELL before use and pour in the required amount of product. Rinse any empty containers thoroughly and add rinsings to the spray tank. Add the remainder of the water and continue agitation until spraying is completed. On emptying the container, rinse container thoroughly by using an integrated pressure rinsing device or manually rinsing three times. Add washings to sprayer at time of filling and dispose of container safely. 6. CONTAINER AND STORAGE Enterprise is supplied in 10 litre containers. Kingdom is supplied in 5 litre containers. Store in a suitable pesticide store, keep dry and protected from frost. 221 F F Enterprise® / Kingdom® 7. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Operator protection Engineering control of operator exposure must be used where reasonably practicable in addition to the following personal protective clothing: WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES AND FACE PROTECTION (FACESHIELD) when handling the concentrate. WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES when handling contaminated surfaces. However, engineering controls may replace personal protective equipment if a COSHH assessment shows they provide an equal or higher standard of protection. IF YOU FEEL UNWELL, seek medical advice immediately (show the label where possible). WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE. WASH HANDS AND EXPOSED SKIN before meals and after work. Environmental protection Do not contaminate water with the product or its container. Do not clean application equipment near surface water. Avoid contamination via drains from farmyards and roads. To protect aquatic organisms respect an unsprayed buffer zone distance to surface water bodies in line with LERAP requirements. DO NOT ALLOW DIRECT SPRAY from horizontal boom sprayers to fall within 5m of the top of the bank of a static or flowing waterbody, unless a Local Environment Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) permits a narrower buffer zone, or within 1m of the top of a ditch which is dry at the time of application. Aim spray away from water. This product qualifies for inclusion within the Local Environment Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) scheme. Before each spraying operation from a horizontal boom sprayer, either a LERAP must be carried out in accordance with CRD’s published guidance or the statutory buffer zone must be maintained. The results of the LERAP must be recorded and kept available for inspection for three years. Storage and disposal KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDINGSTUFFS. Do not re-use container for any purpose. RINSE CONTAINER THOROUGHLY by using an integrated pressure rinsing device or manually rinsing three times. Add washings to sprayer at time of filling and dispose of safely. Store in a suitable pesticide store. Keep dry and protect from frost. 222 Enterprise® / Kingdom® 8. DPD REGULATIONS (CHIP 3) Enterprise™ / Kingdom™ An oil dispersion containing 140 g/litre (13.4% w/w) boscalid plus 50g/litre (4.8% w/w) epoxiconazole. IRRITATING TO SKIN LIMITED EVIDENCE OF A CARCINOGENIC EFFECT RISK OF SERIOUS DAMAGE TO EYES MAY CAUSE SENSITISATION BY SKIN CONTACT POSSIBLE RISK OF IMPAIRED FERTILITY POSSIBLE RISK OF HARM TO THE UNBORN CHILD VERY TOXIC TO AQUATIC ORGANISMS, MAY CAUSE LONG TERM ADVERSE EFFECTS IN THE AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING, GLOVES AND EYE/FACE PROTECTION. KEEP OUT OF THE REACH OF CHILDREN. KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDINGSTUFFS. WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE. AVOID CONTACT WITH THE SKIN. IF SWALLOWED, SEEK MEDICAL ADVICE IMMEDIATELY AND SHOW THIS CONTAINER OR LABEL. This material and its container must be disposed of in a safe way. Use appropriate containment to avoid environmental contamination To avoid risks to man and the environment, comply with the instructions for use This product is approved under the Plant Protection Products Regulations 2005. 223 F F Enterprise® / Kingdom® 9. IMPORTANT INFORMATION IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR USE ONLY AS AN AGRICULTURAL FUNGICIDE, as directed below: Crops Maximum individual dose Maximum total dose Latest time of application Wheat (winter) Wheat (spring) Rye Triticale 2.5 litres product/ha 5.0 litres product/ha/crop Up to and including flowering (anthesis) just complete (GS 69) Barley (winter) Barley (spring) Oats 2.5 litres product/ha 5.0 litres product/ha/crop Up to and including emergence of ear just complete (GS 59) READ THE LABEL BEFORE USE. USING THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER THAT IS INCONSISTENT WITH THE LABEL MAY BE AN OFFENCE. FOLLOW THE CODE OF PRACTICE FOR USING PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCTS. Enterprise MAPP No. 15228 Kingdom MAPP No. 15240 224 Envoy® F FUNGICIDE MAPP No. 16297 Use: A protectant and systemic fungicide with curative properties, for use in winter wheat, winter barley, spring wheat, durum wheat, spring barley, oats, rye and triticale. Formulation: A suspo-emulsion containing 85 g/litre (8.2 w/w) pyraclostrobin plus 62.5 g/litre (6% w/w) epoxiconazole. Pack Size: 10 litres in outers of two. Recommended Crops: Winter wheat Winter barley Spring wheat Durum wheat Spring barley Oats Rye Triticale Recommended Rates: 2.0 litres product per hectare Water Volume: 200 litres per hectare. Maximum Number of Applications: All recommended crops: 2 per crop. Latest Time of Application: Winter and spring wheat, durum wheat, rye and triticale: Winter and spring barley, oats: Up to and including flowering complete (GS 69) Up to and including emergence of ear just complete (GS 59). Aerial Application: No Compatibility: For details of compatibilities contact your distributor, local BASF representative, the BASF Technical Services Hotline: 0845 602 2553 or visit our website on: Major changes since last printing: New MAPP number. New recommendations for use in Durum Wheat, Rye and Triticale. This product label is compliant with the CPA Voluntary Initiative Guidance 225 Envoy® Spray Quality: MEDIUM F Envoy® DIRECTIONS FOR USE IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product. Envoy is a fungicide with protectant and systemic properties with curative properties for use in winter and spring wheat, durum wheat, winter and spring barley, oats, rye and triticale. Yield response may be obtained in the absence of visual disease. 1. RESTRICTIONS/WARNINGS Extreme care must be taken to avoid drift onto nearby crops. Wash equipment thoroughly after use. This product may cause damage to broad-leaved plant species. Consult processor before use. When applied to barley intended for malting, refer to the latest timing restrictions for epoxiconazole given by the British Beer and Pub Association. 2. DISEASE CONTROL Envoy is a fungicide with protectant, systemic and curative properties for use in winter and spring wheat, durum wheat, winter and spring barley, oats, rye and triticale. Disease control is summarised below: Winter wheat Spring Durum wheat wheat Winter Spring barley barley - - Oats Rye Triticale - - C Septoria tritici C C C Septoria nodorum C C C - - - - C Powdery mildew - - - C C C C - Yellow rust C C C C C - C C Brown rust C C C C C - C C Net blotch - - - C C - C - Rhynchosporium - - - C C - C - Crown rust - - - - - C - - Tan spot C C C - - - - - Ramularia - - - R R - - - Fusarium ear blight # GR GR GR - - - - - Sooty moulds (Cladosporium; Botrytis) R R R - - - - - C = Control GR = Good Reduction R = Reduction # Application of Envoy to ears of wheat can lead to reduction of the levels of the mycotoxin deoxynivalenol (DON) associated with Fusarium ear blight infection, but this level of effect may not necessarily lead to reductionof DON below the statutory limit in wheat grain. Yield response in cereals may be obtained in the absence of visual disease. 226 Envoy® 2.1 Resistance Management Envoy contains pyraclostrobin, a member of the Qol cross resistance group. Envoy should be used preventatively and should not be relied on for its curative potential. When curative activity is needed apply Qol fungicides in mixture with a suitable dose of a curative fungicide from a different cross-resistance group. Envoy meets this requirement as it contains epoxiconazole. To ensure the effectiveness of the epoxiconazole component as a partner, Envoy should always be applied at the full recommended rate. Use Envoy as part of an Integrated Crop Management (ICM) strategy incorporating other methods of control, including where appropriate other fungicides with a different mode of action. You must not apply more than two foliar applications of Qol containing products to any cereal crop. There is a significant risk of widespread resistance to Qol cross resistance group fungicides occurring. Failure to follow resistance management action may result in reduced levels of disease control. Envoy contains epoxiconazole, a DMI fungicide. Resistance to some DMI fungicides has been identified in Septoria leaf blotch (Mycosphaerella graminicola) which may seriously affect the performance of some products. For further advice on resistance management in DMIs contact your agronomist or specialist advisor and visit the FRAG-UK website. 3. CROPS Envoy is approved for use in winter and spring wheat, durum wheat, winter and spring barley, oats, rye triticale. Time of Application Apply Envoy at the start of foliar disease attack. A maximum of two applications can be made before grain watery ripe in winter and spring wheat, durum wheat, rye and triticale and up to and including emergence of ear just complete in winter and spring barley and oats. Rate of application Apply 2 litres Envoy in 200 to 300 litres of water per hectare. Qualified recommendation If required water volumes down to 100 litres per hectare may be used, however these have not been supported by effectiveness or crop safety data. 4. FOLLOWING CROPS After treating a cereal crop with Envoy onions, oats, sugar beet, oilseed rape, cabbages, carrots, sunflowers, barley, lettuce, ryegrass, dwarf French beans, peas, potatoes, clover, wheat, field beans and maize may be sown as the following crop. The effect of Envoy on other crops has not been assessed. 5. MIXING AND SPRAYING Never prepare more spray solution than is required. Half fill the spray tank with clean water and start the agitation. SHAKE THE CONTAINER WELL before use and pour in the required amount of product. Rinse and empty containers thouroughly and add rinsings to the spray tank. Add the remainder of the water and continue the agitation until the spraying is completed. Spray solution MUST be used on the day of mixing and must NOT be left overnight. When tank mixes are to be used, take due note of any instructions given as to the order of mixing. Each product should be added seperately to the spray tank and fully dispersed before the addition of any further product(s). All tank mixes should be used immediately after mixing. 227 F F Envoy® On emptying the container, rinse container thoroughly by using an integrated pressure rinsing device or by manually rinsing three times. Add washings to tank at time of filling and dispose of container safely. 6. CONTAINER AND STORAGE Envoy is supplied in 10 litre containers. Store in a suitable pesticide store, keep dry and protect from frost. 7. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Operator protection Engineering control of operator exposure must be used where reasonably practicable in addition to the following personal protective clothing: WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING (COVERALLS) AND SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES when handling the concentrate or handling contaminated surfaces. However, engineering controls may replace personal protective equipment if a COSHH assessment shows they provide an equal or higher standard of protection. AVOID ALL CONTACT WITH SKIN. WASH HANDS AND EXPOSED SKIN before meals and after work. WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE. IF YOU FEEL UNWELL, seek medical advice immediately (show the label where possible). Environmental protection DO NOT CONTAMINATE SURFACE WATERS OR DITCHES with chemical or used container. DO NOT ALLOW DIRECT SPRAY from horizontal boom sprayers to fall within 5m of the top of the bank of a static or flowing waterbody, unless a Local Environmental Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) permits a narrower buffer zone, or within 1m of the top of a ditch which is dry at the time of application. Aim spray away from water. This product qualifies for inclusion within the Local Environmental Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) scheme. Before each spraying operation from a horizontal boom sprayer, either a LERAP must be carried out in accordance with CRD’s published guidance or the statutory buffer zone must be maintained. The results of the LERAP must be recorded and kept available for three years. Storage and disposal KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDINGSTUFFS. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. KEEP IN ORIGINAL CONTAINER, tightly closed, in a safe place. RINSE CONTAINER THOROUGHLY by using an integrated pressure rinsing device or manually rinsing three times. Add washings to sprayer at time of filling and dispose of safely. DO NOT RE-USE CONTAINER for any purpose. Store in a suitable pesticide store. Keep dry and protect from frost. 228 228 Envoy® 8. DPD REGULATIONS (CHIP 3) Envoy® A suspo-emulsion containing 85 g/litre (8.2% w/w) pyraclostrobin plus 62.5 g/litre (6% w/w) epoxiconazole HARMFUL BY INHALATION AND IF SWALLOWED IRRITATING TO SKIN LIMITED EVIDENCE OF A CARCINOGENIC EFFECT MAY CAUSE SENSITISATION BY SKIN CONTACT POSSIBLE RISK OF IMPAIRED FERTILITY POSSIBLE RISK OF HARM TO THE UNBORN CHILD VERY TOXIC TO AQUATIC ORGANISMS, MAY CAUSE LONG TERM ADVERSE EFFECTS IN THE AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT AVOID CONTACT WITH SKIN. THIS MATERIAL AND ITS CONTAINER MUST BE DISPOSED OF IN A SAFE WAY. WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING AND GLOVES. IF SWALLOWED, seek medical advice immediately and show the container or label. USE APPROPRIATE CONTAINMENT TO AVOID ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAMINATION. To avoid risks to man and the environment, comply with the instructions for use. This product is approved under the Plant Protection Product Regulations 2005. 229 229 F F Envoy® 9. IMPORTANT INFORMATION IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR USE ONLY AS AN AGRICULTURAL FUNGICIDE, as directed below: Crops Maximum individual dose Maximum number of treatments Latest time of application Winter and spring wheat, durum wheat, rye and triticale 2 litres product per hectare 2 per crop Up to and including flowering complete (GS 69) Winter and spring barley Oats 2 litres product per hectare 2 per crop Up to and including emergence of ear just complete (GS 59) READ THE LABEL BEFORE USE. USING THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER THAT IS INCONSISTENT WITH THE LABEL MAY BE AN OFFENCE. FOLLOW THE CODE OF PRACTICE FOR USING PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCTS. MAPP No. 16297 230 230 Epona® F FUNGICIDE SEED TREATMENT MAPP No. 12444 Use: A seed treatment for the control of Fusarium foot rots and bunt and moderate control of leaf spot (Septoria tritici), yellow rust and brown rust in winter wheat. Formulation: Containing 167 g/l (15.5% w/w) fluquinconazole and 31.2 g/l (2.87% w/w) prochloraz. Pack Size: 50 litres and 1000 litres. Recommended Crop: Winter Wheat. Recommended Rate: 3.0 litres per tonne of seed. Latest Time of Application: Before drilling. Maximum Number of Applications: 1 per batch. Maximum Individual Dose: 3.0 litres product per tonne of seed. Mixing: Epona can be used through all seed treatment machines. (See Section 4). Compatibility: For details of compatibilities contact your distributor, local BASF representative, the BASF Technical Services Hotline: 0845 602 2553 or visit our website on: Major changes since last printing: None This product label is compliant with the CPA Voluntary Initiative Guidance 231 Epona® Treated Seed: Treated seed must be labelled with the appropriate precautions using printed sack labels and bag tags (See Section 7). F Epona® DIRECTIONS FOR USE IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product. Epona is a seed treatment for use in winter wheat for the control of Fusarium foot rots and bunt and moderate control of leaf spot (Septoria tritici), yellow rust and brown rust in winter wheat. 1. RESTRICTIONS/WARNINGS Seed treatment will provide moderate early control of leaf spot, brown rust and yellow rust, but may require foliar treatment for control of later infection. Check drill calibration before drilling seed treated with Epona. Delayed emergence may result when Epona treated seed is drilled into heavy or poorly drained soils which then become wet or waterlogged for any significant period. Once emerged, crops should grow away normally with no lasting effects. DO NOT apply Epona to cracked, split or sprouted seed. Epona can be used through all seed treatment machines. It is important to achieve good even coverage on the seed to obtain reliable disease control. Agitate the product before use. This is best achieved by recirculating through the pump for 15 minutes before application. If this is not possible, carefully lie the pack on its side and roll gently for 3-5 revolutions. Epona should not be mixed with any other products. Store treated seed in a cool dry place until drilling. Treated seed should be drilled soon after treatment and should not be kept from one season to the next. Treated seed must be labelled with the appropriate precautions using printed sack, labels and bag tags. 2. DISEASE CONTROL Fusarium foot rots Bunt (Tilletia caries) Moderate control: Leaf spot (Septoria tritici) Yellow rust (Puccinia striiformis) Brown rust (Puccinia recondita) Seed treatment will provide moderate early control of leaf spot, brown rust and yellow rust, but may require foliar treatment for control of later infection. Control: 2.1 Resistance Management Certain diseases may develop resistance to BASF products. Where these occur or develop Epona may not give satisfactory control. Since such circumstances are beyond our control, BASF can accept no liability for any loss or damage whatsoever. 3. CROP Winter wheat Rate of Application 3.0 litres per tonne of seed 4. MIXING Epona can be used through all seed treatment machines. It is important to achieve good even coverage on the seed to obtain reliable disease control. Agitate the product before use. This is best achieved by recirculating through the pump for 15 minutes before application. If this is not possible, carefully lie the pack on its side and roll gently for 3-5 revolutions. 232 Epona® 5. CONTAINER AND STORAGE KEEP IN ORIGINAL CONTAINER, tightly closed, in a safe place. Store in a safe, dry frost-free place designated as an agrochemical store. 6. STORAGE OF TREATED SEED Store treated seed in a cool dry place until drilling. Treated seed should be drilled soon after treatment and should not be kept from one season to the next. 7. LABEL FOR SACKS OF TREATED SEED TREATED SEED This seed has been chemically treated with Epona, which contains fluquinconazole and prochloraz. WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING (COVERALLS) AND SUITABLE RESPIRATORY PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (DISPOSABLE FILTERING FACEPIECE RESPIRATOR TO EN 149, FFP 3 OR EQUIVALENT) when bagging treated seed. DO NOT HANDLE seed unnecessarily. TREATED SEED MUST NOT BE APPLIED AS A BROADCAST APPLICATION. DO NOT USE TREATED SEED as food or feed. DO NOT RE-USE SACKS OR CONTAINERS THAT HAVE BEEN USED FOR TREATED SEED for food or feed. WASH HANDS AND EXPOSED SKIN before meals and after work HARMFUL TO GAME AND WILDLIFE. Treated seed should not be left on the soil surface. Bury spillages. DO NOT APPLY TREATED SEED FROM THE AIR KEEP TREATED SEED SECURE from people, domestic stock/pets and wildlife at all times during storage and use. BURY OR REMOVE SPILLAGES. BASF plc Crop Protection Division PO Box 4, Earl Road Cheadle Hulme, CHEADLE Cheshire SK8 6QG Emergency information: 0049 180 2273112 (24 hours) 233 F F Epona® 8. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Operator protection Engineering control of operator exposure must be used where reasonably practical in addition to the following personal protective equipment; WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING (COVERALLS), SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES AND SUITABLE RESPIRATORY PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (DISPOSABLE FILTERING FACEPIECE RESPIRATOR TO EN 149, FFP 3 OR EQUIVALENT) when handling the product, calibrating and cleaning seed treatment machinery, handling contaminated surfaces and handling treated seed. WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING (COVERALLS), AND SUITABLE RESPIRATORY PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (DISPOSABLE FILTERING FACEPIECE RESPIRATOR TO EN 149, FFP 3 OR EQUIVALENT) when bagging treated seed. However, engineering controls may replace personal protective equipment if a COSHH assessment shows they provide an equal or higher standard of protection. WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE. WASH HANDS AND EXPOSED SKIN before meals and after work. IN CASE OF ACCIDENT OR IF YOU FEEL UNWELL seek medical advice immediately (show the label where possible). Environmental protection Do not contaminate surface waters or ditches with chemical or used container. TREATED SEED MUST NOT BE APPLIED AS A BROADCAST APPLICATION. DO NOT APPLY TREATED SEED FROM THE AIR. Consumer protection DO NOT USE TREATED SEED as food or feed. DO NOT RE-USE SACKS CONTAINING TREATED SEED for food or feed. Storage and disposal RETURN EMPTY CONTAINER TO THE SUPPLIER. (1000 LITRE CONTAINERS ONLY). DO NOT RE-USE THE CONTAINER FOR ANY PURPOSE. DO NOT RE-USE THE CONTAINER FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE (1000 LITRE CONTAINERS ONLY). KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDINGSTUFFS. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. EMPTY CONTAINER COMPLETELY and dispose of safely (50 litres containers only). OPEN CONTAINER ONLY AS DIRECTED (1000 LITRE CONTAINERS ONLY). DO NOT RINSE OUT THE CONTAINER (1000 LITRE CONTAINERS ONLY). KEEP IN ORIGINAL CONTAINER, tightly closed, in a safe place. Store in a safe, dry frost-free place designated as an agrochemical store. This container must be handled with the assistance of mechanical means. MEDICAL ADVICE IN CASE OF ACCIDENT OR IF YOU FEEL UNWELL seek medical advice immediately (show the label where possible). 234 Epona® 9. DPD REGULATIONS (CHIP 3) Epona® A seed treatment containing 167 g/l (15.5% w/w) fluquinconazole and 31.2 g/l (2.87% w/w) prochloraz. TOXIC TOXIC: DANGER OF SERIOUS DAMAGE TO HEALTH BY PROLONGED EXPOSURE IF SWALLOWED. HARMFUL BY INHALATION AND IF SWALLOWED. TOXIC TO AQUATIC ORGANISMS, MAY CAUSE LONG- TERM ADVERSE EFFECTS IN THE AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT. KEEP LOCKED UP AND OUT OF THE REACH OF CHILDREN. KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDINGSTUFFS. WHEN USING DO NOT EAT DRINK OR SMOKE. DO NOT EMPTY INTO DRAINS. THIS MATERIAL AND ITS CONTAINER MUST BE DISPOSED OF IN A SAFE WAY. IN CASE OF ACCIDENT OR IF YOU FEEL UNWELL SEEK MEDICAL ADVICE IMMEDIATELY (SHOW LABEL WHERE POSSIBLE). USE APPROPRIATE CONTAINMENT TO AVOID ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAMINATION. To avoid risks to man and the environment, comply with the instructions for use This product is approved under the Control of Pesticides Regulations 1986. 10. IMPORTANT INFORMATION IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR USE ONLY AS AN AGRICULTURAL SEED TREATMENT, as directed below: Crops: Maximum individual dose: Maximum number of treatments: Latest time of application: Winter wheat 3.0 litres product per tonne of seed 1 per batch Before drilling READ THE LABEL BEFORE USE. USING THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER THAT IS INCONSISTENT WITH THE LABEL MAY BE AN OFFENCE. FOLLOW THE CODE OF PRACTICE FOR USING PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCTS. (MAPP No. 12444) 235 F F Epona® 236 Fiesta® T H HERBICIDE MAPP No. 11734 Use: A herbicide for the control of annual weeds in sugar beet, fodder beet and mangels. Formulation: A suspension concentrate containing 60 g/litre (5% w/w) quinmerac and 360 g/litre (30.3 w/w) chloridazon. Pack Size: 5 litres in outers of four. Recommended Crops: Sugar beet Fodder beet Mangels Recommended Rates: 4.5 litres/ha pre-emergence. 1 litre/ha post-emergence in tank-mix with Betanal Flo or Betanal Tandem (sugar beet only). Spray Quality: MEDIUM or FINE depending on use. Latest Time of Application: Fodder beet and mangels: pre-emergence of crop. Sugar beet: when plants meet between the rows. Maximum Number of Applications: Fodder beet and mangels: 1 per crop. Sugar beet: 1 per crop pre-emergence followed by 2 per crop post-emergence. Aerial Application: No Compatibility: For details of compatibilities contact your distributor, local BASF representative, the BASF Technical Services Hotline: 0845 602 2553 or visit our website on: Major changes since last printing: Globally Harmonised System (GHS) Regulations added, see Section 8. This product label is compliant with the CPA Voluntary Initiative Guidance 237 Fiesta® T Water Volume: Pre-emergence: 200-240 litres per hectare. Post-emergence: 80 litres per hectare. H Fiesta® T DIRECTIONS FOR USE IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product. Fiesta T is a soil-acting herbicide which controls germinating weeds by root absorption during or shortly after weed emergence. For optimum results the soil should be sufficiently moist at the time of application for the product to form an active herbicidal layer in the soil. 1. RESTRICTIONS/WARNINGS A maximum total dose of 2.6kg chloridazon/hectare may only be applied every third year on the same field. Fiesta T is suitable for use on soil types ranging from coarse sandy loam to clay loam as defined by the Soil Texture (85) System. DO NOT use on sands (coarse sand - loamy fine sand) or soils of high organic matter content such as fen peat and moss soils. When the crop is growing under unfavourable conditions Fiesta T may cause some depression in crop vigour with or without a reduction in stand. Some unfavourable conditions are: - When a rapid increase in the transpiration rate of the beet causes a sudden increase in the rate of uptake of Fiesta T as, for example, when a sharp rise in temperature follows a period of low temperatures or heavy rainfall. - When the crop is suffering from a trace element deficiency, e.g. manganese. - When conditions are not conducive to even distribution of Fiesta T in the soil, such as inadequate soil moisture or poor tilth. - When rates of nitrogen in excess of those generally recommended are applied immediately before drilling. Where higher rates of fertiliser are considered necessary, these must be applied not less than three weeks before drilling. - When the crop is retarded or damaged due to harrowing or excessive consolidation of the soil by the press wheel. - When the crop is drilled at the incorrect depth. - When conditions at emergence reduce seedling vigour (eg encrustation or ‘capping’ of the soil). - Where there is a heavy loading of seed dressing on individual seeds. Overdosing by overlapping spray swathes should be avoided, particularly in mixture with Betanal Tandem. DO NOT treat crops suffering from drought stress. Where crops have been treated with Fiesta T pre-emergence only, there may be shortened residual activity and there may not be season-long control of weeds. To reduce the risk of movement of Fiesta T to water:- On clay soils, create a fine, consolidated seedbed to slow the downward movement of water. - DO NOT apply Fiesta T to dry soil. Moist soils have fewer and smaller cracks. - DO NOT apply Fiesta T if heavy rain is forecast, wait until after the event. Satisfactory results depend on moisture in the seedbed at the time of application. Adequate weed control depends upon sufficient rain falling before emergence to at least maintain this level of moisture. Heavy rain falling shortly after spraying may check the growth of the crop, particularly when it leads to standing water in surface depressions. Under conditions of low pH, a reduction in herbicidal effectiveness may be noticed. Avoid spray drift onto neighbouring crops particularly lettuce, linseed, carrots 238 Fiesta® T and parsnips. WASH EQUIPMENT thoroughly with water and detergent, paying particular attention to the inside of the top of the spray tank which should be scrubbed immediately after use. Spray out, fill with clean water and leave overnight. Spray out again before storing or before using another product. Traces of the product could harm susceptible crops sprayed later. 2. WEED CONTROL Susceptibility of weeds to Fiesta T applied alone pre-emergence, and in a programme with Fiesta T applied pre-emergence, followed by tank-mix with Betanal Flo or Betanal Tandem applied twice. Fiesta T Pre-emergence Post-emergence Black-bindweed Charlock Chickweed Cleavers Fat-hen Fumitory Knotgrass Mayweeds Meadow-grass, Annual Nettle, Small Orache, Common Pansy, Field Persicaria, Pale Pimpernel, Scarlet Poppy, Common Redshank Speedwell, Common Field 4.5 L/ha MS S S MS MS S S S MS MR MS R S MS S Fiesta T + Betanal Flo Programme 4.5 L/ha 1 L + 1.75 L/ha S S S S S S** S S S MS S S S Fiesta T + Betanal Tandem Programme 4.5 L/ha 1 L + 2 L/ha S S S S S* S S** S** S S S MS* S S S * preferred treatment if weed concerned is a major problem. ** control of mayweeds and knotgrass may be reduced under dry conditions. S = Susceptible MS = Moderately Susceptible MR = Moderately Resistant R = Resistant – = No information 2.1 Resistance Strains of some annual grasses, eg black-grass, wild-oats and Italian rye-grass, have developed resistance to herbicides which may lead to poor control. A resistance management strategy for preventing and managing herbicideresistant grass-weeds should be adopted. Guidelines have been produced by the Weed Resistance Action Group. Copies are available from the HGCA, CPA, your distributor, crop adviser or product manufacturer. The principles of resistance management included here are based on the “Revised Guidelines for Preventing and Managing Herbicide-Resistant GrassWeeds”, produced by the Weed Resistance Action Group (WRAG). Copies are available free of charge from the publishers, the Home-Grown Cereals Authority (HGCA). 239 H H Fiesta® T 3. CROPS AND APPLICATION 3.1 Crops Fiesta T may be applied pre-emergence in sugar beet, fodder beet and mangels and as two low-dose repeat applications post-emergence in sugar beet in tank-mix with Betanal Flo or Betanal Tandem. The sequence of preand post-emergence applications is required for optimum activity on cleavers and combining the post-emergence applications with contact sprays such as Betanal Flo or Betanal Tandem maximises control of other species. 3.2 Time and Rate of Application 3.2.1. Pre-emergence application to sugar beet, fodder beet and mangels Apply 4.5 l/ha Fiesta T at the time of drilling or immediately afterwards to a seedbed which is fine, firm, moist and free from clods (see Restrictions/ Warnings section above). Should application be delayed, ensure that it is applied before any emergence of the beet. 3.2.2. Post-emergence application to sugar beet In sugar beet, the preferred treatment is to follow a pre-emergence application of Fiesta T with low-dose applications of Fiesta T + contact herbicides such as phenmedipham (eg Betanal Flo) or phenmedipham + ethofumesate (eg Betanal Tandem). Rates and earliest time of application for these mixture are given in the table below. Weeds should be ideally at cotyledon stage for optimum control. Time of Application Fiesta T + Betanal Flo Any stage of the crop Fiesta T + Betanal Tandem Crop cotyledons fully expanded Rate of Application Per Treatment 1.0 + 1.75 L/ha 1.0 + 2.0 L/ha These repeat low-dose treatments should be applied in 80 litres of water per hectare. Use spray nozzles which give a fine spray and a spray pressure of 3.0 - 5.5 bar. 4. FOLLOWING CROPS The effects of Fiesta T persist in the soil for several weeks. Fields which have been sprayed but where the crop has failed may be redrilled with sugar beet, fodder beet, or mangels after cultivation. DO NOT redrill with any other crop. In the following spring, sow only cereals, beet/mangel crops, potatoes or beans after ploughing. Winter cereals may be sown in the same autumn as beet is harvested provided ploughing is carried out before sowing. 5. MIXING AND SPRAYING Apply as a MEDIUM spray as defined by BCPC for pre-emergence treatments. For post-emergence applications, apply as a FINE spray in 80 litres of water per hectare. Use spray nozzles which give a fine spray and a spray pressure of 3.0 - 5.5 bar. SHAKE WELL BEFORE USE. Half fill the tank with clean water and start the agitation. Pour in the required amount of Fiesta T. Add the remainder of the water and continue agitation until spraying is completed. Rinse empty containers thoroughly and add rinsings to the sprayer tank. When tank mixes are to be used, add each product separately to the spray tank or induction bowl, taking due note of any instructions given on the order of mixing. All tank mixes should be used immediately after mixing. Agitate continuously DO NOT leave mixtures standing in the tank during mealtimes or overnight. 282 240 Fiesta® T 6. CONTAINER AND STORAGE Fiesta T is supplied in 5 litres containers and should be kept dry and frost free in a suitable pesticide store. 7. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Operator protection Engineering control of operator exposure must be used where reasonably practicable in addition to the following personal protective equipment: WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES when handling the concentrate or when handling contaminated surfaces. However, engineering controls may replace personal protective equipment if a COSHH assessment shows that they provide an equal or higher standard of protection. WASH CONCENTRATE from skin or eyes immediately. DO NOT BREATHE SPRAY. WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE. WASH HANDS AND EXPOSED SKIN before meals and after work. IF YOU FEEL UNWELL, seek medical advice (show label where possible). Environmental protection DO NOT contaminate surface waters or ditches with chemical or used container. Storage and disposal KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDINGSTUFFS. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. KEEP IN ORIGINAL CONTAINER tightly closed, in a safe place. RINSE CONTAINER THOROUGHLY by using an integrated pressure rinsing device or manually rinsing three times. Add washings to sprayer at time of filling and dispose of safely. Keep dry and frostproof in a suitable pesticide store. 241 H H Fiesta® T 8. GLOBALLY HARMONISED SYSTEM (GHS) REGULATIONS Fiesta® T A suspension concentrate containing 60 g/litre (5.0% w/w) quinmerac and 360 g/litre (30.3% w/w) chloridazon. WARNING: MAY CAUSE AN ALLERGIC SKIN REACTION. TOXIC TO AQUATIC LIFE WITH LONG LASTING EFFECTS. WEAR PROTECTIVE GLOVES. AVOID BREATHING VAPOURS. IF ON SKIN: WASH WITH PLENTY OF SOAP AND WATER. IF SKIN IRRITATION OR RASH OCCURS: GET MEDICAL ADVICE/ATTENTION. WASH CONTAMINATED CLOTHING BEFORE REUSE. DISPOSE OF CONTENTS/CONTAINER IN ACCORDANCE WITH LOCAL REGULATIONS. To avoid risks to human health and the environment, comply with the instructions for use This product is approved under the Control of Pesticides Regulations 1986. 9. IMPORTANT INFORMATION IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR USE ONLY AS AN AGRICULTURAL HERBICIDE, as directed below: Crops Sugar beet Fodder beet and mangels Maximum individual dose 4.5 L product/hectare plus 1.0 L product/hectare 4.5 L product/hectare Maximum total dose per crop Latest time of application 4.5 L product/hectare Pre-emergence 2.0 L product/hectare 4.5 L product/hectare Before plants meet between the rows Pre-emergence Other specific restrictions: A maximum total dose of 2.6 kg chloridazon/hectare may only be applied every third year on the same field. READ THE LABEL BEFORE USE. USING THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER THAT IS INCONSISTENT WITH THE LABEL MAY BE AN OFFENCE. FOLLOW THE CODE OF PRACTICE FOR USING PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCTS. (MAPP No. 11734) 242 Filan® F FUNGICIDE MAPP No. 11449 Use: A protectant and systemic fungicide for use against early and late-season diseases in oilseed rape. Formulation: A water dispersible granule containing 50% w/w boscalid. Pack Size: 4 x 2.5 kg. Recommended Crop: Oilseed rape. Recommended Rates: 0.5 kg/ha. Maximum Total Dose per Crop: 1.0 kg/ha. Water Volume: 220-400 litres per hectare. Spray Quality: MEDIUM Risk to Bees: Minimal hazard when used as directed. See Section 1. Aerial Application: No Compatibility: For details of compatibilities contact your distributor, local BASF representative, the BASF Technical Services Hotline: 0845 602 2553 or visit our website on: Major changes since last printing: Globally Harmonised System (GHS) Regulations added, see Section 7. This product label is compliant with the CPA Voluntary Initiative Guidance 243 Filan® Latest Time of Application: Up to and including when 50% of pods have reached final size (GS 75). F Filan® DIRECTIONS FOR USE IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product. Filan is a protectant and systemic fungicide for use in oilseed rape for the control of Sclerotinia stem rot (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum) and dark leaf and pod spot (Alternaria brassicae). 1. RESTRICTIONS/WARNINGS Avoid spray drift on to neighbouring crops. Filan represents minimal hazard to bees when used as directed. Consideration should be given to informing beekeepers when you intend spraying crops in flower. A reduction in Sclerotinia control may be observed in oilseed rape when highrisk infection conditions occur after flowering, leading to secondary spread of the disease through plant-to-plant contact, which may be more severe in lodged crops. 2. DISEASE CONTROL Filan is a protectant and systemic fungicide for use in oilseed rape for the control of Sclerotinia stem rot and Alternaria dark leaf and pod spot. 2.1 Resistance Filan contains boscalid which belongs to the SDHI (carboxamide) group of fungicides. Currently there is no evidence of field strains of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum or Alternaria brassicae that are resistant to the carboxamide fungicides in oilseed rape. Currently there is evidence of cross resistance between boscalid and other fungicides in the carboxamide group, but no cross resistance has been observed with fungicides with other modes of action. The key of resistance management strategies is the reduction of selection pressure. This can be achieved by good agricultural practice which leads to less infection pressure (e.g. crop & stubble hygiene, use of less susceptible varieties, crop rotation, use of healthy seeds, etc). Risk assessments for the target diseases on oilseed rape indicate a low or medium risk of resistance development. To minimise any possible risk of resistance occurring, the number of applications of Filan should be restricted to two per crop. Filan should be applied in a preventive manner, following the recommendations on the label, and as an integral part of a spray programme including fungicides with different modes of action. 286 000 244 Filan® 3. CROPS Oilseed rape Time of Application Apply Filan as a protectant spray. Two applications can be made up to and including when 50% of pods are at final size (GS 75 BBCH). Applications against Sclerotinia should be made in high disease risk situations at early to full flower (GS 63-65 BBCH), before disease symptoms are visible. Applications against Alternaria should be made from full flowering (GS 65 BBCH) up to and including when 50% of pods have reached final size (GS 75 BBCH). Applications made after the end of flowering (GS69) may result in reduced levels of control. 4. MIXING AND APPLICATION 4.1 Mixing Never prepare more spray solution than is required. Half fill the spray tank with clean water and start the agitation. Slowly add the required amount of Filan whilst re-circulating. Rinse empty containers thoroughly, using an integrated pressure rinsing device or by manually rinsing three times. Add washings to tank at time of filling and dispose of container safely. Add the remainder of the water and continue agitation until spraying is complete. 4.2 Application Apply 0.5kg of Filan in 220 - 400 litres of water per hectare as a MEDIUM spray, as defined by BCPC. In dense crops use the higher volume to achieve adequate penetration and good coverage of the crop. Where possible use narrow-wheeled high clearance application equipment. To ensure optimum spray coverage and minimize spray drift, adjust the spray boom to the appropriate height above the crop, in accordance with guidance provided by the sprayer and/or nozzle manufacturer. 5. CONTAINER AND STORAGE Filan is supplied in 2.5 kg containers and should be kept dry and frostproof in a suitable pesticide store. 000 245 F F Filan® 6. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Operator protection Engineering control of operator exposure must be used where reasonably practicable in addition to the following personal protective clothing: WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES when handling the product. However, engineering controls may replace personal protective equipment if a COSHH assessment shows they provide an equal or higher standard of protection WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE. WASH HANDS before meals and after work. Environmental protection DO NOT contaminate water with the product or its container. DO NOT clean application equipment near surface water. Avoid contamination via drains from farmyards and roads. Storage and disposal KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDINGSTUFFS. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. STORE IN ORIGINAL CONTAINER, tightly closed, in a safe place. RINSE CONTAINER THOROUGHLY by using an integrated pressure rinsing device or manually rinsing three times. Add washings to sprayer at time of filling and dispose of safely. Store in a suitable pesticide store. Keep dry and protect from frost. 246 Filan® 7. GLOBALLY HARMONISED SYSTEM (GHS) REGULATIONS Filan® A water dispersible granule containing 50% w/w boscalid TOXIC TO AQUATIC LIFE WITH LONG LASTING EFFECTS COLLECT SPILLAGE. DISPOSE OF CONTENTS/CONTAINER IN ACCORDANCE WITH LOCAL REGULATIONS. To avoid risks to human health and the environment, comply with the instructions for use This product is approved under the Plant Protection Products Regulations 2005 8. IMPORTANT INFORMATION IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR USE ONLY AS AN AGRICULTURAL FUNGICIDE, as directed below: Crops Maximum individual dose Maximum total dose per crop Latest timing Oilseed Rape 0.5 kg/ha 1.0 kg/ha Up to and including when 50% of pods have reached final size (GS 75). READ THE LABEL BEFORE USE. USING THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER THAT IS INCONSISTENT WITH THE LABEL MAY BE AN OFFENCE. FOLLOW THE CODE OF PRACTICE FOR USING PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCTS. (MAPP No. 11449) 247 F F Filan® 248 Flexity® F FUNGICIDE MAPP No. 11775 Use: A mildew fungicide with protectant and certain curative properties for use in winter and spring wheat and barley and oats. Formulation: A suspension concentrate containing 300 g/litre (25.2% w/w) metrafenone. Pack Size: 1 litre in outers of 10. Recommended Crops: Wheat, winter and spring. Barley, winter and spring. Oats. Recommended Rate: 0.5 litres product/hectare. Water Volume: 200 litres of water per hectare. Latest Time of Application: Wheat, winter and spring; barley, winter and spring; oats: Up to and including the beginning of flowering (GS 61). Malting barley: Before ear emergence (See Section 3). Maximum Total Dose: All recommended crops: 1.0 litres product/ha. Aerial Application: No Compatibility: For details of compatibilities contact your distributor, local BASF representative, the BASF Technical Services Hotline: 0845 602 2553 or visit our website on: Major changes since last printing: Globally Harmonised System (GHS) Regulations added, see Section 8. This product label is compliant with the CPA Voluntary Initiative Guidance 249 Flexity® Spray Quality: MEDIUM F Flexity® DIRECTIONS FOR USE IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product. Flexity is a fungicide with protectant properties for use on winter and spring wheat and oats for the control of mildew and moderate curative control of mildew in the latent phase. On winter and spring barley Flexity has protectant properties that give moderate control of mildew. When applied at GS 30-32 to control mildew in wheat, Flexity gives useful reduction of eyespot. 1. RESTRICTIONS/WARNINGS Wash equipment thoroughly after use. Store in a suitable pesticide store, keep dry and protect from frost. 2. DISEASE CONTROL 2.1 Powdery Mildew Flexity is a fungicide with protectant properties for use on winter and spring wheat and oats for the control of mildew and moderate curative control of mildew in the latent phase. On winter and spring barley Flexity has protectant properties that give moderate control of mildew. 2.2 Eyespot When applied at GS 30-32 to control mildew in wheat, Flexity gives useful reduction of eyespot. 2.3 Resistance Management Apply Flexity according to the instructions for the target diseases at the specific growth stage indicated. Apply a maximum of two sprays per crop. Avoid the use of sequential applications of Flexity unless it is used in tank mixture with other active substances that are effective against powdery mildew but have different modes of action. Flexity should be used as part of a resistance management strategy that includes use in mixtures or sequences that are effective against mildew as well as non-chemical methods e.g. cultural control. Guidelines have been produced by FRAG-UK and copies are available from the HGCA, CPA, your distributor, crop advisor or product manufacturer. Flexity contains metrafenone which is a benzophenone fungicide. Do not apply more than two applications in total of products containing either benzophenones or benzoypyridines to any one crop. Do not mix with products containing pyriofenone. 3. CROPS Flexity can be used on winter wheat, spring wheat, winter barley, spring barley, winter oats and spring oats. 3.1 Time of Application Apply Flexity at the start of foliar disease attack. A maximum of two applications can be made up to the beginning of flowering in wheat, barley and oats. Flexity is accepted by the BBPA (British Beer and Pubs Association) for use on malting barley providing application is made before ear emergence. Latest timing in malting barley is therefore up to and including awn emergence but treatment must stop once any part of the true ear is visible. 3.2 Rate of Application Apply 0.5 litres Flexity in 200 litres of water per hectare. 250 Flexity® 4. FOLLOWING CROPS After treating a cereal crop with Flexity, cereals, oilseed rape, sugar beet, linseed, maize, clover, field beans, peas, turnips, carrots, cauliflower, onions, lettuce and potatoes can be planted as succeeding crops. 5. MIXING AND SPRAYING Apply as a MEDIUM spray, as defined by BCPC. Half fill the spray tank with clean water and start the agitation. Pour in the required amount of product. Rinse any empty containers thoroughly and add rinsings to the spray tank. Add the remainder of the water and continue agitation until spraying is completed. When tank mixes are to be used, each product should be added separately to the spray tank. On emptying the container, rinse container thoroughly by using an integrated pressure rinsing device or manually rinsing three times. Add washings to sprayer at time of filling and dispose of container safely. 6. CONTAINER AND STORAGE Flexity is supplied in 1 litre containers and should be kept dry and frostproof in a suitable pesticide store. 251 F F Flexity® 7. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Operator protection Engineering control of operator exposure must be used where reasonably practicable in addition to the following personal protective equipment: WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING (COVERALLS) AND SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES WHEN HANDLING THE CONCENTRATE. However, engineering controls may replace personal protective equipment if a COSHH assessment shows that they provide an equal or higher standard of protection. WASH HANDS AND EXPOSED SKIN before meals and after work. WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE. IF YOU FEEL UNWELL, seek medical advice (show label where possible). Environmental protection DO NOT CONTAMINATE SURFACE WATERS OR DITCHES with chemical or used container. Do not contaminate water with the product or its container. Do not clean application equipment near surface water. Avoid contamination via drains from farmyards and roads. Storage and disposal KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDING STUFFS. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. KEEP IN ORIGINAL CONTAINER tightly closed, in a safe place. RINSE CONTAINER THOROUGHLY by using an integrated pressure rinsing device or manually rinsing three times. Add washings to sprayer at time of filling and dispose of safely. DO NOT RE-USE CONTAINER for any purpose. 252 Flexity® 8. GLOBALLY HARMONISED SYSTEM (GHS) REGULATIONS Flexity® A suspension concentrate containing 300 g/litre (25.2% w/w) metrafenone. WARNING: MAY CAUSE AN ALLERGIC SKIN REACTION. CAUSES SERIOUS EYE IRRITATION. HARMFUL TO AQUATIC LIFE WITH LONG LASTING EFFECTS. WEAR PROTECTIVE GLOVES/PROTECTIVE CLOTHING/EYE PROTECTION/FACE PROTECTION. WASH WITH PLENTY OF WATER AND SOAP THOROUGHLY AFTER HANDLING. AVOID BREATHING DUST/FUME/GAS/MIST/VAPOURS/ SPRAY. CONTAMINATED WORK CLOTHING SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED OUT OF THE WORKPLACE. IF IN EYES: RINSE CAUTIOUSLY WITH WATER FOR SEVERAL MINUTES. REMOVE CONTACT LENSES, IF PRESENT AND EASY TO DO. CONTINUE RINSING. To avoid risks to human health and the environment, comply with the instructions for use This product is approved under the Plant Protection Products Regulations 2005. 9. IMPORTANT INFORMATION IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR USE ONLY AS AN AGRICULTURAL FUNGICIDE, as directed below: CROPS: Winter wheat, Spring wheat, Winter barley, Spring barley, oats. MAXIMUM INDIVIDUAL DOSE: 0.5 litres product per hectare. MAXIMUM TOTAL DOSE PER CROP: 1.0 litres product per hectare. LATEST TIMING OF APPLICATION: Up to and including the beginning of flowering (GS 61). Other specific restrictions: DO NOT apply more than two applications of any products containing metrafenone to any one crop. READ THE LABEL BEFORE USE. USING THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER THAT IS INCONSISTENT WITH THE LABEL MAY BE AN OFFENCE. FOLLOW THE CODE OF PRACTICE FOR USING PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCTS. (MAPP No. 11775) 253 F F Flexity® 254 Flyer®/ Tucana®/ Vivid® F FUNGICIDE Flyer MAPP No. 12654 Tucana MAPP No. 10899 Vivid MAPP No. 10898 Use: A fungicide with protectant and curative properties for use in winter wheat, winter barley, spring wheat, spring barley and oats. Formulation: An emulsifiable concentrate containing 250 g/litre (23.8% w/w) pyraclostrobin. Pack Size: 5 litres in outers of four. Recommended Crops: Winter wheat Winter barley Spring wheat Spring barley Oats Water Volume: 200 litres per hectare. The maximum concentration must not exceed 1.0 litre of product in 200 litres of water. Spray Quality: MEDIUM Maximum Number of Applications: All recommended crops: 2 per crop. Latest Time of Application: Winter and spring wheat: Before grain watery ripe. Winter and spring barley, oats: Up to and including emergence of ear just complete. Malting barley: Before ear emergence (see Section 3). Aerial Application: No Compatibility: For details of compatibilities contact your distributor, local BASF representative, the BASF Technical Services Hotline: 0845 602 2553 or visit our website on: Major changes since last printing: Globally Harmonised System (GHS) Regulations added, see Section 7. This product label is compliant with the CPA Voluntary Initiative Guidance 255 Flyer®/ Tucana®/ Vivid® Recommended Rates: 1 litre per hectare. F Flyer®/Tucana®/Vivid® DIRECTIONS FOR USE IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product. Flyer/Tucana/Vivid is a fungicide with protectant and curative properties for use in winter and spring wheat, winter and spring barley and oats for disease control. Yield response may be obtained in the absence of visual disease. 1. RESTRICTIONS/WARNINGS Extreme care must be taken to avoid drift onto nearby crops. Wash equipment thoroughly after use. You must not apply more than two foliar applications of QoI containing products to any cereal crop. See also 2.1 Resistance Management below. 2. DISEASE CONTROL Flyer/Tucana/Vivid is a fungicide with protectant and curative properties for use in winter and spring wheat, winter and spring barley and oats for disease control as summarised below: Winter wheat Septoria tritici (1) C Septoria nodorum (2) MC Spring wheat Winter barley Spring barley Oats C - - - MC - - - Yellow rust C C C C - Brown rust C C C C - Crown rust - - - - C Net blotch - - C C - Rhynchosporium - - MC MC - C = Control MC = Moderate Control NOTE 1: Septoria tritici: Flyer/Tucana/Vivid is recommended for control of Septoria tritici with moderate curative ability in the latent phase. NOTE 2: Septoria nodorum: Flyer/Tucana/Vivid is recommended for control of Septoria nodorum with best results achieved when used as a protective treatment or during early stages of disease establishment. 2.1 Resistance Management Flyer/Tucana/Vivid contains pyraclostrobin, a member of the QoI cross resistance group. Flyer/Tucana/Vivid should be used preventatively and should not be relied on for its curative potential. On cereal crops, Flyer/Tucana/Vivid must always be used in mixture with another product, recommended for control of the same target disease that contains a fungicide from a different cross resistance group and is applied at a dose that will give robust control. Use Flyer/Tucana/Vivid as part of an Integrated Crop Management (ICM) strategy incorporating other methods of control, including where appropriate other fungicides with a different mode of action. You must not apply more than two foliar applications of QoI containing products to any cereal crop. There is a significant risk of widespread resistance occurring in Septoria tritici populations in the UK. Failure to follow resistance management action may result in reduced levels of disease control. 256 Flyer®/Tucana®/Vivid® 3. CROPS Flyer/Tucana/Vivid is a fungicide with protectant and curative properties for use in winter and spring wheat, winter and spring barley and oats for disease control. 3.1 Time of Application Apply Flyer/Tucana/Vivid at the start of foliar disease attack. A maximum of two applications can be made before grain watery ripe in winter and spring wheat and up to and including emergence of ear just complete in winter and spring barley and oats. 3.2 Rate of Application Apply 1 litre Flyer/Tucana/Vivid in 200 litres of water per hectare. Flyer/Tucana/Vivid is accepted by BBPA (British Beer and Pubs Association) for use on malting barley provided application is made before the start of ear emergence. Latest timing in malting barley is therefore up to and including awn emergence but treatment must stop once any part of the true ear is visible. 4. MIXING AND SPRAYING Apply as a MEDIUM spray, as defined by BCPC. Half fill the spray tank with clean water and start the agitation. SHAKE THE CONTAINER WELL before use and pour in the required amount of product. Rinse any empty containers thoroughly and add rinsings to the spray tank. Add the remainder of the water and continue agitation until spraying is completed. When tank mixes are to be used, each product should be added separately to the spray tank. All tank mixes should be used immediately after mixing. 5. CONTAINER AND STORAGE Flyer/Tucana/Vivid is supplied in 5 litre containers. Store in a suitable pesticide store, keep dry and protect from frost. 257 F F Flyer®/Tucana®/Vivid® 6. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Operator protection Engineering control of operator exposure must be used where reasonably practicable in addition to the following personal protective clothing: WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING (COVERALLS) AND SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES when handling the concentrate. WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES when handling contaminated surfaces. However, engineering controls may replace personal protective equipment if a COSHH assessment shows they provide an equal or higher standard of protection. AVOID ALL CONTACT WITH SKIN. WASH HANDS AND EXPOSED SKIN before meals and after work. WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE. IF YOU FEEL UNWELL, seek medical advice immediately (show the label where possible). Environmental protection DO NOT contaminate water with the product or its container. DO NOT clean equipment near surface water. Avoid contamination via drains from farmyards and roads. To protect aquatic organisms respect an unsprayed buffer zone to surface water bodies in line with LERAP requirements. DO NOT ALLOW DIRECT SPRAY from horizontal boom sprayers to fall within 5 m of the top of the bank of a static or flowing waterbody, unless a Local Environmental Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) permits a narrower buffer zone, or within 1 m of the top of a ditch which is dry at the time of application. DO NOT ALLOW DIRECT SPRAY from hand-held sprayers to fall within 1 m of the top of the bank of a static or flowing water body. Aim spray away from water. This product qualifies for inclusion within the Local Environmental Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) scheme. Before each spraying operation from a horizontal boom sprayer, either a LERAP must be carried out in accordance with CRD’s published guidance or the statutory buffer zone must be maintained. The results of the LERAP must be recorded and kept available for inspection for three years. Storage and disposal KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDING STUFFS. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. KEEP IN ORIGINAL CONTAINER, tightly closed, in a safe place. RINSE CONTAINER THOROUGHLY by using an integrated pressure rinsing device or manually rinsing three times. Add washings to sprayer at time of filling and dispose of safely. DO NOT RE-USE CONTAINER for any purpose. Store in a suitable pesticide store. Keep dry and protect from frost. 258 Flyer®/Tucana®/Vivid® 7. GLOBALLY HARMONISED SYSTEM (GHS) REGULATIONS Flyer®/Tucana®/Vivid® An emulsifiable concentrate containing 250 g/litre (23.8% w/w) pyraclostrobin. WARNING: CAUSES SKIN IRRITATION. HARMFUL IF INHALED. HARMFUL IF SWALLOWED. MAY CAUSE AN ALLERGIC SKIN REACTION. VERY TOXIC TO AQUATIC LIFE. VERY TOXIC TO AQUATIC LIFE WITH LONG LASTING EFFECTS. MAY CAUSE RESPIRATORY IRRITATION. AVOID BREATHING MIST. WEAR PROTECTIVE GLOVES. IF ON SKIN: WASH WITH PLENTY OF SOAP AND WATER. IF SKIN IRRITATION OR RASH OCCURS: GET MEDICAL ADVICE/ATTENTION. STORE IN A WELL-VENTILATED PLACE. KEEP CONTAINER TIGHTLY CLOSED. DISPOSE OF CONTENTS/CONTAINER IN ACCORDANCE WITH LOCAL REGULATIONS. To avoid risks to human health and the environment, comply with the instructions for use This product is approved under the Plant Protection Products Regulations 1995. 259 F F Flyer®/Tucana®/Vivid® 8. IMPORTANT INFORMATION IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR USE ONLY AS AN AGRICULTURAL FUNGICIDE, as directed below: Crops Winter and spring wheat Winter and spring barley Oats Maximum individual dose 1.0 litre product per hectare Maximum number of treatments 2 per crop 1.0 litre product per hectare 2 per crop Latest time of application Before grain watery ripe (GS 71) Up to and including emergence of ear just complete (GS 59) Other specific restrictions: To reduce the risk of resistance developing in target diseases the total number of applications of products containing Qol fungicides made to any cereal crop must not exceed two. The maximum concentration must not exceed 1.0 litre of product in 200 litres of water. READ THE LABEL BEFORE USE. USING THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER THAT IS INCONSISTENT WITH THE LABEL MAY BE AN OFFENCE. FOLLOW THE CODE OF PRACTICE FOR USING PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCTS. (Flyer MAPP No. 12654 / Tucana MAPP No. 10899 / Vivid MAPP No. 10898) 260 Corbel® Galivor® H HERBICIDE MAPP No. 14986 Use: A herbicide with residual and contact activity for the control of meadow grasses and broad leaved weeds in winter wheat and winter barley. Formulation: Galivor contains 14.5 g/litre picolinafen and 320 g/litre pendimethalin. Pack Size: 10 litres in outers of two. Recommended Crop: Winter wheat Winter barley Maximum Individual Dose: 3.0 litres of product per hectare Maximum Number of Treatments: One per crop Spray Quality: FINE or MEDIUM Water Volume: 200 litres of water per hectare. Aerial Application: No Compatibility: For details of compatibilities contact your distributor, local BASF representative, the BASF Technical Services Hotline: 0845 602 2553 or visit our website on: Major changes since last printing: Globally Harmonised System (GHS) Regulations added, see Section 8. This product label is compliant with the CPA Voluntary Initiative Guidance 261 Galivor® Latest Time of Application: Before pseudo-stem erection (before GS 30). H Galivor® DIRECTIONS FOR USE IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product. Galivor is a herbicide with residual and contact activity for the control of meadow grasses and broad leaved weeds in winter wheat and winter barley. 1. RESTRICTIONS/WARNINGS 1.1 Efficacy For residual control some soil moisture is required for Galivor. Best results will be obtained if rain falls within 7 days of application. Residual control may be reduced: • under prolonged dry conditions • on soils with more than 6% organic matter • on soils with a high Kd factor • on soils where ash content is high DO NOT disturb the soil after application. Where cultural techniques which encourage the build up of organic residues in the surface soil are practised for a number of seasons, the effectiveness of residual herbicides may be reduced. In such circumstances periodic ploughing is recommended to disperse residues into a greater volume of soil. 1.2 Soil types Galivor may be used on all mineral soil types. DO NOT use on soils with more than 10% organic matter. DO NOT use on stony or gravelly soils as crop damage can occur, particularly if heavy rain follows treatment. DO NOT use on water logged soil or soils prone to water logging. 1.3 Seedbed preparation Trash and straw should be incorporated evenly during seedbed preparation. Seedbeds must have a fine, firm tilth. Loose or cloddy seedbeds must be consolidated prior to application, otherwise reduced weed control may occur. They may also cause seed to be inadequately covered which could result in crop damage. 262 Galivor® 1.4 Crop safety DO NOT apply to crops suffering from stress, which may be caused for example by pests, disease, waterlogging, poor seedbed conditions or previous chemical treatment. Water logging that occurs soon after pre-emergence applications may lead to crop damage. For pre-emergence applications, seed should be covered with a minimum of 3.2cm of settled soil. Only treat shallow drilled crops post-emergence. DO NOT soil incorporate. Avoid spraying during periods of prolonged or severe frosts. Some transient bleaching may be seen after application to some crops. This does not lead to yield loss. DO NOT spray undersown cereals or those to be undersown. DO NOT roll emerged crops prior to application. DO NOT roll autumn treated crops until the spring. 1.5 Spray drift Extreme care should be taken to avoid damage by drift onto plants outside the target area. 1.6 Other restrictions/warnings DO NOT use more than one application of Galivor in one growing season. Concentrated or diluted Galivor may stain. Avoid spillage. Staining is minimised or completely removed if skin/clothes are washed immediately. 263 H H Galivor® 2. WEED CONTROL 2.1 Susceptibility of weeds to single applications of Galivor For post-emergence applications best results will be achieved by application to small actively growing weeds. Product Rate (l/ha) Application timing Annual Meadow-grass Rough Meadow-grass Charlock Cleavers Common Chickweed Common Field Speedwell Common Fumitory Common Orache Common Poppy Corn Marigold Fat-hen Field Forget-me-not Field Pansy Hemp-nettle (Day Nettle) Henbit Dead-nettle Ivy-leaved speedwell Knotgrass Parsley Piert Red Dead-nettle Scarlet Pimpernel Shepherd’s Purse Smooth Sowthistle Volunteer Oilseed Rape (1) 3 Pre-em S MS MS S S MS MS S MS MS MS S S S MS S S S MS S Galivor 2 3 Post-em S up to 2 lvs S up to 2 lvs MS up to 2 lvs MS up to 2 lvs S up to 6 lvs S up to 6 lvs MS up to 1 whorl S up to 3 whorls S up to 6 lvs S up to 6 lvs S up to 6 lvs S up to 6 lvs S up to 3 lvs S up to 3 lvs S up to 6 lvs S up to 6 lvs S up to 4 lvs S up to 4 lvs S up to 6 lvs S up to 6 lvs S up to 6 lvs S up to 6 lvs S up to 6 lvs S up to 6 lvs S up to 6 lvs MS up to 2 lvs MS up to 2 lvs S = Susceptible MS = Moderately susceptible (1) = deep germinating volunteer Oilseed Rape may not be controlled. 2.2 Resistance management Strains of some annual grasses (eg Black-grass, Wild-Oats, and Italian Ryegrass) have developed resistance to herbicides, which may lead to poor control. Picolinafen is an inhibitor of carotenoid biosynthesis at the PDS step (a group that includes picolinafen and diflufenican). A strategy for preventing and managing such resistance should be adopted. To prevent the development of resistant weeds, herbicides with different modes of action must be used when applying in sequence. Guidelines have been produced by the Weed Resistance Action Group and copies are available from the HGCA, CPA, your distributor, crop adviser or product manufacturer. 264 Galivor® 3. CROP SPECIFIC INFORMATION 3.1 Crops All varieties of Winter Wheat and Winter Barley. 3.2 Time of application Pre- and post-crop emergence, up to before pseudo-stem erection (before growth stage 30). DO NOT apply pre-emergence to crops drilled after 30 November. 3.3 Rate of application Apply Galivor at 2 or 3 l/ha in 200 litres of water per hectare. 4. FOLLOWING CROPS 4.1 Following crops after normal harvest There are no restrictions on following crops when Galivor is used alone other than before Rye-grass is drilled after a very dry season, plough or cultivate to at least 15cm. 4.1 In the event of crop failure In the event of crop failure plough to at least 15cm. An interval of at least 8 weeks must have elapsed between using Galivor and re-drilling. The following crops may then be sown in spring: Spring Wheat, Spring Barley. 5. MIXING AND SPRAYING 5.1 Mixing Never prepare more spray solution than is required. Half fill the tank with clean water and start the agitation. To ensure thorough mixing of the product, invert the container several times before opening. Add the required quantity of Galivor to the spray tank while re-circulating. Fill up the tank with water and continue agitation until spraying is completed. When tank mixes are to be used, take due note of any instructions given as to the order of mixing. Each product should be added separately to the spray tank and fully dispersed before the addition of any further product(s). On emptying the container, rinse container thoroughly by using an integrated pressure rinsing device or manually rinsing three times. Add washings to sprayer at time of filling and dispose of container safely. 5.2 Application Ensure good, even spray cover of the target using a spray of fine or medium quality (BCPC definition). A travel speed of 6 to 8 km/h is advised for tractor-mounted and trailed sprayers. High speeds increase the risk of uneven cover due to excessive boom whip and bounce. The slower speed is recommended where the target is in a thick crop or weed cover, or where travel conditions are rough. 5.3 Sprayer cleaning After spraying, thoroughly clean and flush out application machinery with a minimum of three rinses, using a wetting agent or a proprietary spray tank cleaner to ensure that all traces of product are removed, particularly before using the sprayer in broad-leaved crops. 265 H H Galivor® 6. CONTAINER AND STORAGE Galivor is supplied in 10 litre containers and should be kept dry and frostproof in a suitable pesticide store. 7. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Operator protection Engineering control of operator exposure must be used where reasonably practicable in addition to the following personal protective equipment. WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING (COVERALLS) AND SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES when handling the concentrate. WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES when handling contaminated surfaces. However, engineering controls may replace personal protective equipment if a COSHH assessment shows that they provide an equal or higher standard of protection. WASH ALL PROTECTIVE CLOTHING thoroughly after use, especially the insides of gloves WASH HANDS before eating and after work IF YOU FEEL UNWELL seek medical advice (show the label if possible) Environmental protection DO NOT contaminate water with the product or its container. DO NOT clean application equipment near surface water. Avoid contamination via drains from farmyards and roads. To protect aquatic organisms respect an unsprayed buffer zone to surface water bodies. DO NOT ALLOW DIRECT SPRAY from horizontal boom sprayers to fall within 5 m of the top of the bank of a static or flowing water body, unless a Local Environment Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) permits a narrower buffer zone, or within 1m of the top of a ditch which is dry at the time of application. Aim spray away from water. This product qualifies for inclusion within the Local Environment Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) scheme. Before each spraying operation from a horizontal boom sprayer, either a LERAP must be carried out in accordance with CRD’s published guidance or the statutory buffer zone must be maintained. The results of the LERAP must be recorded and kept available for three years. Storage and disposal DO NOT RE-USE CONTAINER for any other purpose On emptying the container, RINSE CONTAINER THOROUGHLY by using an integrated pressure rinsing device or manually rinsing three times. Add washings to sprayer at time of filling and dispose of container safely. STORE IN ORIGINAL CONTAINER tightly closed, in a safe place. PROTECT FROM FROST. 266 Galivor® 8. GLOBALLY HARMONISED SYSTEM (GHS) REGULATIONS Galivor® A suspension concentrate containing 14.5 g/litre picolinafen, 320 g/litre pendimethalin and 1, 2-benzisothiazole WARNING: VERY TOXIC TO AQUATIC LIFE. VERY TOXIC TO AQUATIC LIFE WITH LONG LASTING EFFECTS. COLLECT SPILLAGE. CONTAINS PENDIMETHALIN. CONTAINS 1, 2-BENZISOTHIAZOLE. MAY PRODUCE AN ALLERGIC REACTION. To avoid risks to human health and the environment, comply with the instructions for use This product is approved under the Plant Protection Products Regulations 2005. 9. IMPORTANT INFORMATION IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR USE ONLY AS AN AGRICULTURAL HERBICIDE Crops Maximum Individual dose Winter Wheat Winter Barley 3 litres product/hectare Maximum Latest Timing Number of Treatments One per crop Before pseudostem erection (before growth stage 30) READ THE LABEL BEFORE USE. USING THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER THAT IS INCONSISTENT WITH THE LABEL MAY BE AN OFFENCE. FOLLOW THE CODE OF PRACTICE FOR USING PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCTS. MAPP No. 14986 267 267 H H Galivor® 268 Gemstone® F FUNGICIDE MAPP No. 16298 Use: A protectant and systemic fungicide with curative properties for use in winter wheat, winter barley, spring wheat, durum wheat, spring barley, rye, triticale and oats. Formulation: A suspo-emulsion containing 80 g/litre (7.6% w/w) pyraclostrobin + 62.5 g/litre (6% w/w) epoxiconazole. Pack size: 10 litres in outers of two. Recommended Crops: Barley, winter and spring Oats, winter and spring Wheat, winter and spring Wheat, durum Rye Triticale Maximum Individual Dose: 2.0 litres/ha Maximum Number of Applications: 2 per crop Water Volume: 200 litres of water per hectare. Spray Quality: MEDIUM Latest Time of Application: Winter and spring wheat, durum wheat, rye and triticale: Up to and including flowering complete (GS 69). Winter and spring barley and oats: Up to and including emergence of ear just complete (GS 59). Aerial Application: No Compatibility: For details of compatibilities contact your distributor, local BASF representative, the BASF Technical Services Hotline: 0845 602 2553 or visit our website on: Major changes since last printing: New MAPP number; new recommendations for use in durum wheat, rye and triticale. This product label is compliant with the CPA Voluntary Initiative Guidance 269 Gemstone® F F Gemstone® DIRECTIONS FOR USE IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product. Gemstone is a fungicide with protectant and systemic properties with curative properties for use in winter and spring wheat, durum wheat, winter and spring barley, rye, triticale and oats. Yield response may be obtained in the absence of visual disease. 1. RESTRICTIONS/WARNINGS Extreme care must be taken to avoid drift onto nearby crops. Wash equipment thoroughly after use. This product may cause damage to broad-leaved plant species. Consult processor before use. When applied to barley intended for malting, refer to the latest timing restrictions for epoxiconazole given by the British Beer and Pub Association. 2. DISEASE CONTROL Gemstone is a fungicide with protectant, systemic and curative properties for use in winter and spring wheat, durum wheat, winter and spring barley, oats, rye and triticale. Disease control is summarised below: Winter wheat Spring Durum wheat wheat Winter Spring barley barley Oats Rye Triticale Septoria tritici C C C - - - - C Septoria nodorum C C C - - - - C Powdery mildew - - - C C C C - Yellow rust C C C C C - C C Brown rust C C C C C - C C Net blotch - - - C C - - - Rhynchosporium - - - C C - C - Crown rust - - - - - C - - Tan spot C C C - - - - - Ramularia - - - R R - - - Fusarium ear blight # GR GR GR - - - - - Sooty moulds (Cladosporium; Botrytis) R R R - - - - - C = Control GR = Good Reduction R = Reduction # Application of Gemstone to ears of wheat can lead to reduction of the levels of the mycotoxin deoxynivalenol (DON) associated with Fusarium ear blight infection, but this level of effect may not necessarily lead to reduction of DON below the statutory limit in wheat grain. Yield response in cereals may be obtained in the absence of visual disease. 270 Gemstone® 2.1 Resistance Management Gemstone contains epoxiconazole, a DMI fungicide. Resistance to some DMI fungicides has been identified in Septoria leaf blotch (Mycosphaerella graminicola) which may seriously affect the performance of some products. For further advice on resistance management information in DMIs, contact your agronomist or specialist advisor and visit the Fungicide Resistance Action Group (FRAG)-UK website. Gemstone contains pyraclostrobin, a member of the QoI cross resistance group. Gemstone should be used preventatively and should not be relied on for its curative potential. When curative activity is needed apply QoI fungicides in mixture with a suitable dose of a curative fungicide from a different cross-resistance group. Gemstone meets this requirement as it contains epoxiconazole. To ensure the effectiveness of the epoxiconazole component as a partner, Gemstone should always be applied at the full recommended rate. Use Gemstone as part of an Integrated Crop Management (ICM) strategy incorporating other methods of control, including where appropriate other fungicides with a different mode of action. You must not apply more than two foliar applications of QoI containing products to any cereal crop. There is a significant risk of widespread resistance to QoI cross resistance group fungicides occurring. Failure to follow resistance management action may result in reduced levels of disease control. 3. CROPS Gemstone is approved for use in winter and spring wheat, durum wheat, winter and spring barley, oats, rye and triticale. Time of Application Apply Gemstone at the start of foliar disease attack. A maximum of two applications can be made before grain watery ripe in winter and spring wheat, durum wheat, rye and triticale and up to and including emergence of ear just complete in winter and spring barley and oats. Rate of Application Apply 2 litres Gemstone in a minimum of 200 to 300 litres of water per hectare. Qualified recommendation If required water volumes down to 100 litres per hectare may be used, however these have not been supported by effectiveness or crop safety data. 4. FOLLOWING CROPS After treating a cereal crop with Gemstone onions, oats, sugar beet, oilseed rape, cabbages, carrots, sunflowers, barley, lettuce, ryegrass, dwarf French beans, peas, potatoes, clover, wheat, field beans and maize may be sown as the following crop. The effect of Gemstone on the other crops has not been assessed. 271 F F Gemstone® 5. MIXING AND SPRAYING Never prepare more spray solution than is required. Half fill the spray tank with clean water and start the agitation. SHAKE THE CONTAINER WELL before use and pour in the required amount of product. Rinse any empty containers thoroughly and add rinsings to the spray tank. Add the remainder of the water and continue agitation until spraying is completed. Spray solution MUST be used on the day of mixing and must NOT be left overnight. When tank mixes are to be used, take due note of any instructions given as to the order of mixing. Each product should be added separately to the spray tank and fully dispersed before the addition of any further product(s). All tank mixes should be used immediately after mixing. On emptying the container, rinse container thoroughly by using an integrated pressure rinsing device or by manually rinsing three times. Add washings to tank at time of filling and dispose of container safely. 6. CONTAINER AND STORAGE Gemstone is supplied in 10 litre containers and should be stored in a suitable pesticide store. Keep dry and protect from frost. 7. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Operator protection Engineering control of operator exposure must be used where reasonably practicable in addition to the following personal protective clothing: WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING (COVERALLS) AND SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES when handling the concentrate or handling contaminated surfaces. However, engineering controls may replace personal protective equipment if a COSHH assessment shows they provide an equal or higher standard of protection. AVOID ALL CONTACT WITH SKIN. WASH HANDS AND EXPOSED SKIN before meals and after work. WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE. IF YOU FEEL UNWELL, seek medical advice immediately (show the label where possible). Environmental protection DO NOT CONTAMINATE SURFACE WATERS OR DITCHES with chemical or used container. DO NOT ALLOW DIRECT SPRAY from horizontal boom sprayers to fall within 5m of the top of the bank of a static or flowing waterbody, unless a Local Environmental Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) permits a narrower buffer zone, or within 1m of the top of a ditch which is dry at the time of application. Aim spray away from water. This product qualifies for inclusion within the Local Environmental Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) scheme. Before each spraying operation from a horizontal boom sprayer, either a LERAP must be carried out in accordance with CRD’s published guidance or the statutory buffer zone must be maintained. The results of the LERAP must be recorded and kept available for three years. 272 Gemstone® Storage and disposal KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDING STUFFS. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. KEEP IN ORIGINAL CONTAINER, tightly closed, in a safe place. RINSE CONTAINER THOROUGHLY by using an integrated pressure rinsing device or manually rinsing three times. Add washings to sprayer at time of filling and dispose of safely. DO NOT RE-USE CONTAINER for any purpose. Store in a suitable pesticide store. Keep dry and protect from frost. 273 F F Gemstone® 8. DPD REGULATIONS (CHIP 3) Gemstone® A suspo-emulsion containing 80 g/litre (7.6% w/w) pyraclostrobin plus 62.5 g/litre (6% w/w) epoxiconazole. HARMFUL BY INHALATION AND IF SWALLOWED IRRITATING TO SKIN LIMITED EVIDENCE OF A CARCINOGENIC EFFECT MAY CAUSE SENSITISATION BY SKIN CONTACT POSSIBLE RISK OF IMPAIRED FERTILITY POSSIBLE RISK OF HARM TO THE UNBORN CHILD VERY TOXIC TO AQUATIC ORGANISMS, MAY CAUSE LONG TERM ADVERSE EFFECTS IN THE AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT AVOID CONTACT WITH SKIN THIS MATERIAL AND ITS CONTAINER MUST BE DISPOSED OF IN A SAFE WAY WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING AND GLOVES IF SWALLOWED, seek medical advice immediately and show this container or label USE APPROPRIATE CONTAINMENT TO AVOID ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAMINATION To avoid risks to man and the environment, comply with the instructions for use. This product is approved under the Plant Protection Products Regulations 2005. 274 Gemstone® 9. IMPORTANT INFORMATION IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR USE ONLY AS AN AGRICULTURAL FUNGICIDE, as directed below: Crops Maximum individual dose Maximum no. of treatments Latest time of application Winter and spring wheat durum wheat, rye and triticale 2 litres product per hectare 2 per crop Up to and including flowering complete (GS 69) Winter and spring barley Oats 2 litres product per hectare 2 per crop Up to and including emergence of ear just complete (GS 59) READ THE LABEL BEFORE USE. USING THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER THAT IS ALL INCONSISTENT WITH THE LABEL MAY BE AN OFFENCE. FOLLOW THE CODE OF PRACTICE FOR USING PLANT PROTECTON PRODUCTS. (MAPP No: 16298) 275 F F Gemstone® 276 Imtrex® F FUNGICIDE MAPP No. 15509 Use: A fungicide for use in winter and spring wheat (including durum wheat), winter and spring barley, oats, rye and triticale. Formulation: An emulsifiable concentrate formulation containing 62.5 g/l (6% w/w) fluxapyroxad. Pack size: 10 litres in outers of two. Recommended Crops: Wheat (winter) Wheat (spring) Wheat (durum) Triticale Rye Barley (winter) Barley (spring) Oats Maximum Individual Dose: 2.0 litres of product per hectare Spray Quality: MEDIUM Latest Time of Application: Up to and including flowering (anthesis) just complete (GS 69) Water Volume: 150 to 300 litres of water per hectare. Qualified recommendation: 100 litres of water per hectare. Processed Crops: When applied to barley intended for malting, refer to the rate of use and latest timing for fluxapyroxad given by the BBPA (British Beer and Pubs Association). Aerial Application: No Compatibility: For details of compatibilities contact your distributor, local BASF representative, the BASF Technical Services Hotline: 0845 602 2553 or visit our website on: Major changes since last printing: Fluxapyroxad added to the BBPA brewers list, see Section 1. This product label is compliant with the CPA Voluntary Initiative Guidance 277 Imtrex® Maximum Number of Treatments: 2 per crop F Imtrex® DIRECTIONS FOR USE IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product. 1. RESTRICTIONS/WARNINGS Avoid spray drift onto neighbouring crops. After spraying, wash out sprayer thoroughly according to manufacturer’s guideline and dispose of washings and clean container according to DEFRA Code of Practice and local authority guidelines. When applied to barley intended for malting, refer to the rate of use and latest timing for fluxapyroxad given by the BBPA (British Beer and Pubs Association). 2. DISEASE CONTROL Imtrex is a systemic fungicide with protectant and curative properties for the control of a range of diseases in winter wheat, spring wheat, durum wheat, winter barley, spring barley, triticale, rye and oats as summarised below: Winter wheat Spring Winter wheat barley Spring Durum barley wheat Oats Rye Triticale Septoria tritici C C - - C - - C Brown rust C C C C C - C C Yellow rust MC MC MC MC MC - MC MC Crown rust - - - - - C - - Net blotch - - C C - - - - Rhynchosporium - - C C - - C - Powdery mildew R R R - R R R R Tan spot R R - - R - - - C = Full control MC = Moderate control R = Reduction 2.1 Resistance In order to minimise risk of resistance development, Imtrex should always be used in mixture with products with a different mode of action at a dose that will give robust control. Imtrex should be used in accordance with the instructions for use for the target diseases at the specific growth stages indicated. Use Imtrex as part of an Integrated Crop Management (ICM) strategy incorporating other methods of control. You must not apply more than two foliar applications of products containing complex II inhibitors to any cereal crop. Visit the FRAG-UK website for further advice on resistance management of cereal fungicides. 278 Imtrex® 3. CROP SPECIFIC INFORMATION 3.1 Crops For use in all varieties of winter and spring wheat, durum wheat, winter and spring barley, oats, rye and triticale. 3.2 Time of Application Apply Imtrex at the start of disease attack. A maximum of 2 applications can be made up to and including flowering (anthesis) just complete in winter and spring wheat, durum wheat, winter and spring barley, rye, triticale, and oats. 3.3 Rate of Application Apply Imtrex at 2 litres of product per hectare in a water volume of 150 to 300 litres of water per hectare. 3.4 Qualified recommendation Imtrex may be applied at 2 litres per hectare in 100 litres water per hectare although efficacy at this reduced volume has not been evaluated. Therefore application at 100 litres water per hectare is at user’s risk with regard to biological efficacy. 4. FOLLOWING CROPS After treating a cereal crop with Imtrex: barley, cabbages, carrots, chicory, clover, dwarf beans, field beans, leeks, lettuces, linseed, maize, oats, oilseed rape, onions, peas, potatoes, radishes, ryegrass, soya beans, spinach, sugar beet, sunflowers, triticale and wheat may be sown as the following crop. 5. MIXING AND SPRAYING 5.1 Mixing Half fill the spray tank with clean water and start agitation. SHAKE THE CONTAINER WELL before use and pour in the required amount of product. Rinse any empty containers thoroughly and add rinsings to the spray tank. Add the remainder of the water and continue agitation until spraying is completed. When tank mixes are to be used, each product should be added separately to the spray tank, taking due note of any instructions given as to the order of mixing. 5.2 Application Apply as a MEDIUM spray as defined by BCPC. 6. CONTAINER AND STORAGE Imtrex is supplied in 10 litres containers and should be kept dry and frost proof in a suitable pesticide store. 279 F F Imtrex® 7. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Operator protection Engineering control of operator exposure must be used where reasonably practicable in addition to the following personal protective clothing: WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES when handling the concentrate and contaminated surfaces. However, engineering controls may replace personal protective equipment if a COSHH assessment shows they provide an equal or higher standard of protection. WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE. WASH HANDS before meals and after work. IF SWALLOWED, seek medical advice immediately and show this container or label. Environmental protection DO NOT contaminate water with the product or its container. DO NOT clean application equipment near surface water. Avoid contamination via drains from farmyards and roads. Storage and disposal DO NOT RE-USE CONTAINER for any purpose. KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDING STUFFS KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN STORE IN ORIGINAL CONTAINER, tightly closed, in a safe place RINSE CONTAINER THOROUGHLY by using an integrated pressure rinsing device or manually rinsing three times. Add washings to sprayer at time of filling and dispose of safely. Store in a suitable pesticide store. Keep dry and protect from frost. 280 Imtrex® 8. DPD REGULATIONS (CHIP 3) Imtrex® An emulsifiable concentrate formulation containing 62.5 g/l (6% w/w) fluxapyroxad. HARMFUL BY INHALATION LIMITED EVIDENCE OF A CARCINOGENIC EFFECT TOXIC TO AQUATIC ORGANISMS, MAY CAUSE LONG TERM ADVERSE EFFECTS IN THE AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING AND GLOVES. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDING STUFFS. WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE. IF SWALLOWED, seek medical advice immediately and show this container or label. This material and its container must be disposed of in a safe way. Use appropriate containment to avoid environmental contamination. To avoid risks to man and the environment, comply with the instructions for use This product is approved under the Plant Protection Product Regulations. 9. IMPORTANT INFORMATION IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR USE ONLY AS AN AGRICULTURAL FUNGICIDE, as directed below: Crops Maximum individual dose Maximum Number of treatments Wheat (winter) Wheat (spring) Wheat (durum) Triticale Rye Barley (winter) Barley (spring) Oats 2 litres product/ha 2 per crop Latest time of application Up to and including flowering (anthesis) just complete (GS 69) READ THE LABEL BEFORE USE. USING THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER THAT IS INCONSISTENT WITH THE LABEL MAY BE AN OFFENCE. FOLLOW THE CODE OF PRACTICE FOR USING PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCTS. MAPP No.15509 281 F F Imtrex® 282 Invader® F FUNGICIDE MAPP No. 15223 Use: A fungicide for the control of foliar late blight (Phytophthora infestans) in potatoes, downy mildew (Peronospora destructor) in bulb onions, shallots and garlic, and a reduction of white tip (Phytophthora porri) in leeks. Formulation: A water dispersible granule containing 7.5% w/w dimethomorph and 66.7% w/w mancozeb. Pack Size: 10 kg Recommended Crops: Potatoes Bulb onions, shallots and garlic Leeks 2.4 kg product/ha 2.5 kg product/ha 2.0 kg product/ha Water Volume: 150 – 500 litres per hectare Spray Quality: MEDIUM Latest Time of Application: Potato: Bulb onion, shallot and garlic (outdoor): Leeks, (outdoor): 7 days before harvest. 14 days before harvest. 21 days before harvest. Maximum Total Dose per Crop: Potato: Bulb onion, shallot and garlic (outdoor): Leeks, (outdoor): 14.4 kg product/ha/crop 10.0 kg product/ha/crop 6.0 kg product/ha/crop Processed Crops: Consult processors before use on bulb onions, shallots, garlic or leeks for processing. Aerial Application: No Compatibility: For details of compatibilities contact your distributor, local BASF representative, the BASF Technical Services Hotline: 0845 602 2553 or visit our website on: Major changes since last printing: Globally Harmonised System (GHS) Regulations added, see Section 7. This product label is compliant with the CPA Voluntary Initiative Guidance 283 Invader® Recommended Rates: Potato: Bulb onions, shallots and garlic (outdoor): Leeks, (outdoor): F Invader® DIRECTIONS FOR USE IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product. 1. RESTRICTIONS/WARNINGS 1.1 Processed crops Consult processors before use on bulb onions, shallots, garlic or leeks for processing. 1.2 Succeeding Crops a) Following application of Invader in potatoes or leeks, allow 3 months before sowing clover. b) Following application of Invader in bulb onion, shallots or garlic allow 5 months before sowing clover. 2. DISEASE CONTROL 2.1 Invader is a fungicide with a combination of protectant, translaminar and locally systemic activity for the control of late blight (Phytophthora infestans) in potatoes; downy mildew (Peronospora destructor) in bulb onions, shallots and garlic, and as a qualified minor use for the reduction of white tip (Phytophthora porri) in leeks. Invader will be most effective when applied as a protectant programme before disease symptoms appear, or in accordance with appropriate disease monitoring and forecasting systems following periods of high infection risk. Resistance Invader contains a mixture of mancozeb (a dithiocarbamate fungicide) and dimethomorph (a CAA fungicide). To minimize the risk of resistance developing, and in line with current FRAG-UK advice to use effective doses, use Invader at the recommended rate. Invader should be used in accordance with current FRAC and FRAG-UK advice for CAA compounds, as follows: • In potatoes, up to 6 applications of Invader may be made, making up no more than half of the total number of intended late blight sprays per season. • In bulb onions, shallots, garlic and leeks, CAA fungicide applications should not make up more than half of the total number of intended downy mildew or white tip sprays per season. • No more than three consecutive applications of a CAA fungicide should be made in any crop. Invader will control strains of late blight resistant to phenylamides. No cross resistance to phenylamide resistant strains of blight have been observed. Invader should be applied in a programme containing fungicides with different modes of action. When fungicides with the same mode of action are used repeatedly over several years in the same field, naturally occurring less sensitive strains may survive, propagate and become dominant in that field. It is therefore advised that wherever possible spray programmes should include fungicides with differing modes of action. Invader contains active substances with two different modes of action. For further advice on resistance management for potato blight (Phytophthora infestans) contact your agronomist or specialist advisor and/or visit the FRAG-UK and Potato Council websites. 284 Invader® 3. CROPS 3.1 Potatoes Invader can be used on all varieties of potato, including seed crops. Time of application Invader should be applied as part of a repeat spray programme at 7-14 day intervals, depending on disease pressure. As disease pressure and the risk of late blight infection increases, the interval should be shortened. Irrigated crops should be treated as high risk. Applications of Invader should begin as soon as there is a risk of blight infection, or an official blight warning has been issued. In the absence of any warnings, applications should commence before the crop meets along the rows. Rate of application Apply 2.4 kg/ha of Invader in a volume of 200-500 litres of water per hectare. Qualified Recommendation In potatoes, Invader may be applied at 2.4 kg/ha in 150 litres of water per hectare although efficacy and crop safety at this reduced water volume has not been evaluated. Therefore application at 150 litres water per hectare is at users risk with regard to biological efficacy and crop safety. 3.2 Bulb onions, shallots and garlic Time of application For the control of downy mildew (Peronospora destructor) in bulb onions, shallots and garlic, Invader should be applied in a protectant spray programme commencing before the appearance of disease symptoms, or when local monitoring and forecasting indicates a high risk of infection. Rate of application Apply 2.5 kg/ha of Invader in a volume of 200-500 litres of water per hectare ensuring good coverage of the foliage. Repeat sprays at 7 − 14 day intervals, depending on disease pressure. A minimum of 14 days must elapse between the last spray and harvest. 3.3 Leeks (qualified minor use recommendation) The efficacy and crop safety of this qualified recommendation is based on limited evidence. Time of application For the reduction of white tip (Phytophthora porri) in leeks, Invader should be applied in a protectant spray programme commencing before the appearance of disease symptoms, or when local monitoring and forecasting indicates a high risk of infection. Rate of application Apply 2.0 kg/ha of Invader in a volume of 200-500 litres of water per hectare ensuring good coverage of the foliage. Repeat sprays at 7 − 14 day intervals, depending on disease pressure. A minimum of 21 days must elapse between the last spray and harvest. 285 F F Invader® 4. MIXING AND APPLICATION Invader should be applied as a MEDIUM spray, as defined by BCPC. Apply in a water volume of 200-500 litres per ha. Good coverage of the foliage is essential. Half fill the sprayer tank with clean water and start agitation. Steadily add the required quantity of Invader direct to the spray tank (Pre-mixing is not necessary). Empty container thoroughly and dispose of safely. Add the remainder of the water whilst maintaining agitation. Apply immediately and continue agitation until spraying is complete. Wash sprayer thoroughly immediately after use, using clean water and following best practice advice and the guidance provided by the equipment manufacturer. 5. CONTAINER AND STORAGE Invader is supplied in 10 kg containers and should be kept dry and frost proof in a suitable pesticide store. 286 Invader® 6. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Operator protection Engineering control of operator exposure must be used where reasonably practicable in addition to the following personal protective equipment: WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING (COVERALLS), SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES, FACE PROTECTION (FACE SHIELD) AND SUITABLE RESPIRATORY PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT* when handling the product. *Disposable filtering face piece respirator to at least EN149 FFP2 or equivalent. WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES when handling contaminated surfaces. However, engineering controls may replace personal protective equipment if a COSHH assessment shows that they provide an equal or higher standard of protection. WASH ALL PROTECTIVE CLOTHING thoroughly after use, especially the inside of gloves. TAKE OFF IMMEDIATELY all contaminated clothing. WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE. IN CASE OF CONTACT WITH EYES, RINSE IMMEDIATELY with plenty of water and seek medical advice. DO NOT BREATHE SPRAY. WASH HANDS AND EXPOSED SKIN before meals and after work. Environmental protection Do not contaminate water with the product or its container. Do not clean application equipment near surface water. Avoid contamination via drains from farmyards and roads. To protect aquatic organisms respect an unsprayed buffer zone to surface water bodies in line with LERAP requirements. DO NOT ALLOW DIRECT SPRAY from horizontal boom sprayers to fall within 5 m of the top of the bank of a static or flowing water body, unless a Local Environment Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) permits a narrower buffer zone, or within 1 m of the top of a ditch which is dry at the time of application. DO NOT ALLOW DIRECT SPRAY from hand-held sprayers to fall within 1 m of the top of the bank of a static or flowing water body. Aim spray away from water. This product qualifies for inclusion within the Local Environment Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) scheme. Before each spraying operation from a horizontal boom sprayer, either a LERAP must be carried out in accordance with CRD’s published guidance or the statutory buffer zone must be maintained. The results of the LERAP must be recorded and kept available for three years. Storage and disposal KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDING STUFFS. KEEP IN ORIGINAL CONTAINER, tightly closed, in a safe place. EMPTY CONTAINER COMPLETELY and dispose of safely. PROTECT FROM FROST. 287 F F Invader® 7. GLOBALLY HARMONISED SYSTEM (GHS) REGULATIONS Invader® A water dispersible granule containing 7.5 % w/w dimethomorph and 66.7 % w/w mancozeb. WARNING: CAUSES SERIOUS EYE IRRITATION. MAY CAUSE AN ALLERGIC SKIN REACTION SUSPECTED OF DAMAGING THE UNBORN CHILD. VERY TOXIC TO AQUATIC LIFE. VERY TOXIC TO AQUATIC LIFE WITH LONG LASTING EFFECTS. MAY CAUSE RESPIRATORY IRRITATION. WEAR PROTECTIVE GLOVES/CLOTHING. OBTAIN SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE USE. AVOID BREATHING DUST. IF IN EYES: RINSE CAUTIOUSLY WITH WATER FOR SEVERAL MINUTES. REMOVE CONTACT LENSES, IF PRESENT AND EASY TO DO. CONTINUE RINSING. IF ON SKIN: WASH WITH PLENTY OF SOAP AND WATER. IF EXPOSED OR CONCERNED: GET MEDICAL ADVICE/ ATTENTION. To avoid risks to human health and the environment, comply with the instructions for use This product is approved under the Plant Protection Products Regulations. 288 288 Invader® 8. IMPORTANT INFORMATION IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR USE ONLY AS AN AGRICULTURAL/HORTICULTURAL FUNGICIDE, as directed below: Crop Maximum Individual Dose Maximum Total Dose Latest Time of Application Potato 2.4 kg product/ha 14.4 kg product/ha/crop 7 days before harvest Bulb onion, shallot and garlic (outdoor) 2.5 kg product/ha 10.0 kg product/ha/crop 14 days before harvest Leek (outdoor) 2.0 kg product/ha 6.0 kg product/ha/crop 21 days before harvest READ THE LABEL BEFORE USE. USING THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER THAT IS INCONSISTENT WITH THE LABEL MAY BE AN OFFENCE. FOLLOW THE CODE OF PRACTICE FOR USING PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCTS. (MAPP No. 15223) 289 289 F F Invader® 290 Jenton® H F FUNGICIDE MAPP No. 11898 Use: A protectant fungicide with curative properties for use in winter and spring barley, winter and spring wheat and oats. Formulation: An emulsifiable concentrate containing 100 g/litre (10.1 w/w) pyraclostrobin and 375 g/litre (37.9% w/w) fenpropimorph. Pack Size: 5 litres in outers of four. Recommended Crops: Winter and spring barley, winter and spring wheat and oats. Recommended Rates: 2.0 litres/hectare. Water Volume: 200 litres per hectare. Spray Quality: MEDIUM Latest Time of Application: Winter and spring barley and oats: Up to and including emergence of ear just complete (GS 59). Winter and spring wheat: Up to and including flowering (anthesis) complete (GS 69). Malting barley: Before ear emergence (See Section 3). Aerial Application: No Compatibility: For details of compatibilities contact your distributor, local BASF representative, the BASF Technical Services Hotline: 0845 602 2553 or visit our website on: Major changes since last printing: Globally Harmonised System (GHS) Regulations added, see Section 7. This product label is compliant with the CPA Voluntary Initiative Guidance 291 Jenton® Maximum Number of Applications: All recommended crops: 2 per crop. F Jenton® DIRECTIONS FOR USE IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product. Jenton is a fungicide with protectant and curative properties for use in winter and spring barley, winter and spring wheat and oats for disease control. Yield response may be obtained in the absence of visual disease. 1. RESTRICTIONS/WARNINGS Wash equipment thoroughly after use. Extreme care must be taken to avoid drift onto nearby crops. 2. DISEASE CONTROL Jenton is a fungicide with protectant and curative properties for use in winter wheat, winter barley, spring wheat, spring barley and oats for disease control as summarised below: Winter wheat Spring Winter wheat barley Spring barley Oats Septoria tritici C C - - - Mildew - - C C C Yellow rust C C C C - Brown rust C C C C - Crown rust - - - - C Net blotch - - C C - Rhynchosporium - - C C - Drechslera tritici-repentis (1) C C - - - C = Control Note 1: Control of Drechslera tritici-repentis is supported by limited data only. Yield response may be obtained in the absence of visual disease. 2.1 Resistance Management Jenton contains pyraclostrobin a member of the QoI cross-resistance group. Jenton should be used preventatively and should not be relied on for its curative potential. When curative activity is needed apply QoI fungicides in mixture with a suitable dose of a curative fungicide from a different cross-resistance group. Jenton meets this requirement as it contains fenpropimorph. To ensure the effectiveness of the fenpropimorph component as a partner, Jenton should always be applied at the full recommended rate. Use Jenton as part of an Integrated Crop Management (ICM) strategy incorporating other methods of control, including where appropriate other fungicides with a different mode of action. You must not apply more than two foliar applications of QoI containing products to any cereal crop. There is a significant risk of widespread resistance occurring in Septoria tritici populations in the UK. Strains of barley powdery mildew resistant to QoI’s are common in the UK. Failure to follow resistance management action may result in reduced levels of disease control. 292 Jenton® 3. CROPS Jenton is approved for use in winter and spring barley, winter and spring wheat and oats. Time of Application Apply Jenton at the start of foliar disease attack. A maximum of two applications can be applied per crop. Applications can be made up to and including flowering just complete in winter and spring wheat and up to and including emergence of ear just complete in winter and spring barley and oats. Rate of Application Apply 2 litres Jenton in 200 litres of water per hectare. Jenton is accepted by the BBPA (British Beer and Pubs Association) for use on malting barley providing applications made before ear emergence. Latest timing in malting barley is therefore up to and including awn emergence but treatment must stop once any part of the true ear is visible. 4. MIXING AND SPRAYING Apply as a MEDIUM spray, as defined by BCPC. Half fill the spray tank with clean water and start the agitation. SHAKE THE CONTAINER WELL before use and pour in the required amount of product. Rinse any empty containers thoroughly and add rinsings to the spray tank. Add the remainder of the water and continue agitation until spraying is completed. When tank mixes are to be used, each product should be added separately to the spray tank. 5. CONTAINER AND STORAGE Jenton is supplied in 5 litre polyethylene containers and should be kept dry and frostproof in a suitable pesticide store. 293 F F Jenton® 6. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Operator protection Engineering control of operator exposure must be used where reasonably practicable in addition to the following personal protective clothing: WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES AND FACE PROTECTION (FACE SHIELD) when handling the concentrate. However, engineering controls may replace personal protective equipment if a COSHH assessment shows they provide an equal or higher standard of protection. AVOID ALL CONTACT WITH SKIN. WASH HANDS AND EXPOSED SKIN before meals and after work. WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE. IF YOU FEEL UNWELL, seek medical advice immediately (show the label where possible). Environmental protection Do not contaminate surface waters or ditches with chemical or used container. DO NOT ALLOW DIRECT SPRAY from horizontal boom sprayers to fall within 5 m of the top of the bank of a static or flowing waterbody, unless a Local Environmental Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) permits a narrower buffer zone, or within 1 m of the top of a ditch which is dry at the time of application. Aim spray away from water. This product qualifies for inclusion within the Local Environmental Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) scheme. Before each spraying operation from a horizontal boom sprayer, either a LERAP must be carried out in accordance with CRD’s published guidance or the statutory buffer zone must be maintained. The results of the LERAP must be recorded and kept available for three years. Storage and disposal KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDING STUFFS. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. KEEP IN ORIGINAL CONTAINER, tightly closed, in a safe place. RINSE CONTAINER THOROUGHLY by using an integrated pressure rinsing device or manually rinsing three times. Add washings to sprayer at time of filling and dispose of safely. DO NOT RE-USE CONTAINER for any purpose. Store in a suitable pesticide store. Keep dry and protect from frost. 294 Jenton® 7. GLOBALLY HARMONISED SYSTEM (GHS) REGULATIONS Jenton® An emulsifiable concentrate containing 100 g/litre (10.1% w/w) pyraclostrobin and 375 g/litre (37.9% w/w) fenpropimorph. WARNING: HARMFUL IF INHALED HARMFUL IF SWALLOWED. CAUSES SKIN IRRITATION. CAUSES SERIOUS EYE IRRITATION. SUSPECTED OF DAMAGING THE UNBORN CHILD. MAY BE FATAL IF SWALLOWED AND ENTERS AIRWAYS. VERY TOXIC TO AQUATIC LIFE. VERY TOXIC TO AQUATIC LIFE WITH LONG LASTING EFFECTS. OBTAIN SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE USE. AVOID BREATHING MIST. WEAR PROTECTIVE GLOVES AND EYE/FACE PROTECTION. IF SWALLOWED: IMMEDIATELY CALL A POISON CENTER OR DOCTOR/PHYSICIAN. DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING. IF ON SKIN: WASH WITH PLENTY OF SOAP AND WATER To avoid risks to man and the environment, comply with the instructions for use This product is approved under the Control of Pesticides Regulations 1986. 8. IMPORTANT INFORMATION IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR USE ONLY AS AN AGRICULTURAL FUNGICIDE, as directed below: Crops Maximum individual dose Maximum number of treatments Latest time of application Winter and spring wheat 2.0 litres product per hectare 2 per crop Up to and including flowering (anthesis) complete (GS 69) Winter and spring barley and oats 2.0 litres product per hectare 2 per crop Up to and including emergence of ear just complete (GS 59) READ THE LABEL BEFORE USE. USING THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER THAT IS INCONSISTENT WITH THE LABEL MAY BE AN OFFENCE. FOLLOW THE CODE OF PRACTICE FOR USING PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCTS. (MAPP No. 11898) 295 F F Jenton® 296 Jockey® F FUNGICIDE SEED TREATMENT MAPP No. 11689 Use: A seed treatment for the control of foliar and seed-borne diseases which can increase yield through reduction of take-all in winter wheat and winter barley. Formulation: A seed treatment containing 167 g/l (15.5% w/w) fluquinconazole and 31.2 g/l (2.87% w/w) prochloraz. Pack Size: 50 litres and 1000 litres. Recommended Crops: Winter wheat and winter barley. Recommended Rates: 4.5 litres per tonne of seed. Maximum Number of Treatments: 1 per batch. Latest Time of Application: Before drilling. Mixing: Jockey can be used through all seed treatment machines. (See Section 4). Compatibility: For details of compatibilities contact your distributor, local BASF representative, the BASF Technical Services Hotline: 0845 602 2553 or visit our website on: Major changes since last printing: Globally Harmonised System (GHS) Regulations added, see Section 9. This product label is compliant with the CPA Voluntary Initiative Guidance 297 Jockey® Treated Seed: Treated seed must be labelled with the appropriate precautions using printed sack labels and bag tags (See Section 7). F Jockey® DIRECTIONS FOR USE IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product. Jockey is a seed treatment for use in winter wheat for control of bunt, Fusarium foot rot, early infections of leaf spot and yellow rust, moderate control of early infections of brown rust and for reduction of take-all and in winter barley for control of loose smut, covered smut, Fusarium foot rot, early infections of yellow rust and reduction of take-all. 1. RESTRICTIONS/WARNINGS Seed treatment will provide early control of leaf spot and yellow rust, and moderate control of brown rust but may require foliar treatment for control of later infection. Check drill calibration before drilling seed treated with Jockey. Delayed emergence may result when Jockey treated seed is drilled into heavy or poorly drained soils which then become wet or waterlogged for any significant period. Once emerged, crops should grow away normally with no lasting effects. DO NOT apply Jockey to cracked, split or sprouted seed. Jockey can be used through all seed treatment machines. It is important to achieve good even coverage on the seed to obtain reliable disease control. Agitate the product before use. This is best achieved by recirculating through the pump for 15 minutes before application. If this is not possible, carefully lie the pack on its side and roll gently for 3-5 revolutions. Jockey should not be mixed with any other products. Store treated seed in a cool dry place until drilling. Treated seed should be drilled soon after treatment and should not be kept from one season to the next. Treated seed must be labelled with the appropriate precautions using printed sack, labels and bag tags. 2. DISEASE CONTROL Winter wheat: Winter barley: Fusarium foot rots** Fusarium foot rots** bunt (Tilletia caries) loose smut (Ustilago nuda) leaf spot (Septoria tritici)* covered smut (Ustilago hordei) yellow rust (Puccinia striiformis)* take-all (reduction) take-all (reduction) yellow rust (Puccinia striiformis)* brown rust (Puccinia recondita)* *Seed treatment will provide early control of leaf spot and yellow rust in winter wheat and yellow rust in winter barley in addition to moderate early control of brown rust in winter wheat, but may require foliar treatment for control of later infection. **Moderate control 2.1 330 Resistance Management Certain diseases may develop resistance to BASF products. Since such circumstances are beyond our control, BASF can accept no liability for any loss or damage whatsoever. Jockey contains fluquinconazole, a DMI fungicide. Resistance to some DMI fungicides has been identified in Septoria leaf blotch (Mycosphaerella graminicola) which may seriously affect the performance of some products. For further advice on resistance management in DMI’s contact your agronomist or specialist advisor and visit the FRAG-UK website. 298 Jockey® 3. CROP Winter wheat and winter barley Rate of Application 4.5 litres per tonne of seed. 4. MIXING Jockey can be used through all seed treatment machines. It is important to achieve good even coverage on the seed to obtain reliable disease control. Agitate the product before use. This is best achieved by recirculating through the pump for 15 minutes before application. If this is not possible, carefully lie the pack on its side and roll gently for 3-5 revolutions. 5. CONTAINER AND STORAGE KEEP IN ORIGINAL CONTAINER, tightly closed, in a safe place. Store in a safe, dry frost-free place designated as an agrochemical store. 6. STORAGE OF TREATED SEED Store treated seed in a cool dry place until drilling. Treated seed should be drilled soon after treatment and should not be kept from one season to the next. 7. LABEL FOR SACKS OF TREATED SEED TREATED SEED This seed has been chemically treated with JOCKEY, which contains fluquinconazole and prochloraz. WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING (COVERALLS) AND SUITABLE RESPIRATORY PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (DISPOSABLE FILTERING FACE PIECE RESPIRATOR TO EN 149, FFP 3 OR EQUIVALENT) when bagging treated seed. DO NOT HANDLE seed unnecessarily. TREATED SEED MUST NOT BE APPLIED AS A BROADCAST APPLICATION. DO NOT USE TREATED SEED as food or feed. DO NOT REUSE SACKS OR CONTAINERS THAT HAVE BEEN USED FOR TREATED SEED for food or feed. WASH HANDS AND EXPOSED SKIN before meals and after work. HARMFUL TO GAME AND WILDLIFE. Treated seed should not be left on the soil surface. Bury spillages. DO NOT APPLY TREATED SEED FROM THE AIR. KEEP TREATED SEED SECURE from people, domestic stock/pets and wildlife at all times during storage and use. BURY OR REMOVE SPILLAGES. BASF plc Crop Protection Division P O Box 4, Earl Road Cheadle Hulme, CHEADLE Cheshire SK8 6QG Tel: 0161 485 6222 Fax: 0161 485 2229 Emergency information: 0049 180 2273112 (24 hours) 299 F F Jockey® 8. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Operator protection Engineering control of operator exposure must be used where reasonably practical in addition to the following personal protective equipment; WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING (COVERALLS), SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES AND SUITABLE RESPIRATORY PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (DISPOSABLE FILTERING FACE PIECE RESPIRATOR TO EN 149, FFP 3 OR EQUIVALENT) when handling the product, calibrating and cleaning seed treatment machinery, handling contaminated surfaces and handling treated seed. WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING (COVERALLS), AND SUITABLE RESPIRATORY PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (DISPOSABLE FILTERING FACE PIECE RESPIRATOR TO EN 149, FFP 3 OR EQUIVALENT) when bagging treated seed. However, engineering controls may replace personal protective equipment if a COSHH assessment shows they provide an equal or higher standard of protection. WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE. WASH HANDS AND EXPOSED SKIN before meals and after work. IN CASE OF ACCIDENT OR IF YOU FEEL UNWELL seek medical advice immediately (show the label where possible). Environmental protection DO NOT contaminate surface waters or ditches with chemical or used container. TREATED SEED MUST NOT BE APPLIED AS A BROADCAST APPLICATION. DO NOT APPLY TREATED SEED FROM THE AIR. Consumer protection DO NOT USE TREATED SEED as food or feed. DO NOT RE-USE SACKS CONTAINING TREATED SEED for food or feed. Storage and disposal RETURN EMPTY CONTAINER TO THE SUPPLIER. (1000 LITRE CONTAINERS ONLY). DO NOT RE-USE THE CONTAINER FOR ANY PURPOSE. DO NOT RE-USE THE CONTAINER FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE (1000 LITRE CONTAINERS ONLY). KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDING STUFFS. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. EMPTY CONTAINER COMPLETELY and dispose of safely (50 litres containers only). OPEN CONTAINER ONLY AS DIRECTED (1000 LITRE CONTAINERS ONLY). DO NOT RINSE OUT THE CONTAINER (1000 LITRE CONTAINERS ONLY). KEEP IN ORIGINAL CONTAINER, tightly closed, in a safe place. Store in a safe, dry frost-free place designated as an agrochemical store. MEDICAL ADVICE IN CASE OF ACCIDENT OR IF YOU FEEL UNWELL seek medical advice immediately (show the label where possible). 332 300 Jockey® 9. GLOBALLY HARMONISED SYSTEM (GHS) REGULATIONS Jockey® A seed treatment containing 167 g/l (15.5% w/w) fluquinconazole and 31.2 g/l (2.87% w/w) prochloraz. DANGER: HARMFUL IF INHALED. HARMFUL IF SWALLOWED. CAUSES DAMAGE TO ORGANS THROUGH PROLONGED OR REPEATED EXPOSURE. VERY TOXIC TO AQUATIC LIFE. VERY TOXIC TO AQUATIC LIFE WITH LONG LASTING EFFECTS. DO NOT BREATHE MIST. WASH WITH PLENTY OF WATER AND SOAP THOROUGHLY AFTER HANDLING. DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE WHEN USING THIS PRODUCT. GET MEDICAL ADVICE/ATTENTION IF YOU FEEL UNWELL. COLLECT SPILLAGE. DISPOSE OF CONTENTS/CONTAINER IN ACCORDANCE WITH LOCAL REGULATIONS. To avoid risks to human health and the environment, comply with the instructions for use This product is approved under the Control of Pesticides Regulations 1986. 10. IMPORTANT INFORMATION IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR USE ONLY AS AN AGRICULTURAL SEED TREATMENT, as directed below: Crops: Winter wheat and winter barley. Maximum individual dose: 4.5 litres product per tonne of seed. Maximum number of treatments: 1 per batch. Latest time of application: Before drilling. READ THE LABEL BEFORE USE. USING THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER THAT IS INCONSISTENT WITH THE LABEL MAY BE AN OFFENCE. FOLLOW THE CODE OF PRACTICE FOR USING PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCTS. ` (MAPP No. 11689) 301 F F Jockey® 302 Kinto® F FUNGICIDE SEED TREATMENT MAPP No. 12038 Use: A seed treatment for use in wheat, barley, oats, rye and triticale for control of specified seed- and soil-borne diseases. Formulation: A flowable concentrate formulation containing 20 g/litre (1.94% w/w) triticonazole and 60 g/litre (5.65% w/w) prochloraz. Pack Size: 50 litres and 1000 litres. Recommended Crops: Barley, winter and spring Oats, winter and spring Rye, winter and spring Triticale, winter and spring Wheat, winter and spring Recommended Rates: 2 litres of product/tonne of seed. Maximum Number of Treatments: 1 per batch. Treated Seed: Treated seed must be labelled with the appropriate precautions using printed sacks, labels or bag tags (See Section 8). Mixing: Kinto should be applied by a conventional seed treatment machine. (See Section 5). Compatibility: For details of compatibilities contact your distributor, local BASF representative, the BASF Technical Services Hotline: 0845 602 2553 or visit our website on: Major changes since last printing: Globally Harmonised System (GHS) Regulations added, see Section 10. This product label is compliant with the CPA Voluntary Initiative Guidance 303 Kinto® Latest Time of Application: Before drilling. F Kinto® DIRECTIONS FOR USE IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product. Kinto is a seed treatment for use in winter and spring wheat, winter and spring barley, winter and spring oats, winter and spring rye and winter and spring triticale for control of specified seed- and soil-borne diseases. 1. RESTRICTIONS/WARNINGS Ensure that seed drill is appropriately calibrated before sowing. DO NOT treat grain with a moisture content exceeding 16% and DO NOT allow the moisture content of treated seed to exceed 16%. After treating, bag the seed immediately and keep the seed in a dry and draught free store. It is important to achieve good even coverage on the seed to obtain reliable disease control. The germination capacity should be checked prior to use and in the event of any minor effects a small change in sowing rate may be made. DO NOT apply Kinto to cracked, split or sprouted seed. Some slight delay in emergence may occur, but this will be outgrown with no lasting effects. DO NOT transfer pumps from one treatment to another. When changing formulations, wash out the pump, pipeline and tank with clean water before use. Keep container closed when not in use. Kinto should not be mixed with any other products. LABEL TREATED SEED with the appropriate precautions using printed sacks, labels or bag tags. See Section 8. Treated seed may NOT be stored from one season to the next. 2. DISEASE CONTROL Kinto seed treatment provides control of the following seed- and soil-borne diseases of winter and spring wheat, winter and spring barley, winter and spring oats, winter and spring rye and winter and spring triticale: 2.1 Wheat Disease Seedling blight and Foot rot Common bunt, seedand soil-borne Septoria seedling blight Loose smut 2.2 Name Microdochium (Fusarium) nivale Tilletia caries Leptosphaeria (Septoria) nodorum Ustilago tritici Moderate control Control Moderate control Control Barley Disease Loose smut Covered smut* Leaf stripe Seedling blight and Foot rot Name Ustilago nuda Ustilago hordei Pyrenophora graminea Microdochium nivale and Fusarium spp. * Covered smut is rare in the UK. 304 Control Control Control Moderate control Kinto® 2.3 Oats Disease Loose smut Covered smut* Seedling blight and Foot rot Name Ustilago nuda Ustilago hordei Microdochium nivale and Fusarium spp. Winter oats Control Control Moderate control * Covered smut is rare in the UK. 2.4 Rye Disease Seedling blight and Foot rot 2.5 Winter rye Moderate control Name Microdochium nivale and Fusarium spp. Winter triticale Moderate control Triticale Disease Seedling blight and Foot rot 3. Name Microdochium nivale and Fusarium spp. RESISTANCE MANAGEMENT At the time of printing there are no records of resistance to Kinto known to us. However, disease control may be reduced if strains of fungi resistant to triticonazole or prochloraz occur. 4. CROPS Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter and and and and and spring spring spring spring spring wheat barley oats rye triticale Rates of Application 2.0 litres per tonne of seed 5. APPLICATION The container must be handled with the assistance of mechanical means. DO NOT attempt to handle manually or to decant or pour Kinto from its container. Use only the fitment supplied. Kinto should be applied directly to the seed by a conventional seed treatment machine, preferably a BASF seed treatment machine at the rate given above. Agitate the product before use. This is best achieved by re-circulating through the pump for 15 minutes before application. If this is not possible, carefully lie the pack on its side and roll gently for 3-5 revolutions. The product should be used from the original container, with the direct feed system fitted as a standard to the treatment equipment, utilising the aperture in the top of the container. The direct feed system only must be used to transfer the product. Ensure that the seed drill is appropriately calibrated before drilling seed treated with Kinto. 305 F F Kinto® 6. CONTAINER AND STORAGE KEEP IN ORIGINAL CONTAINER, tightly closed, in a safe place. Store in a safe, dry frost-free place designated as an agrochemical store. 7. STORAGE OF TREATED SEED Store treated seed in a cool dry place until drilling. Treated seed should be drilled soon after treatment and should NOT be kept from one season to the next. 8. LABEL FOR SACKS OF TREATED SEED TREATED SEED THIS SEED HAS BEEN TREATED WITH KINTO, which contains triticonazole and prochloraz. WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING (COVERALLS) when handling treated seed or contaminated surfaces during drilling operations. WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE. WASH HANDS AND EXPOSED SKIN before meals and after work. DO NOT HANDLE seed unnecessarily. HARMFUL TO GAME AND WILDLIFE. Treated seed should NOT be left on the soil surface. Bury spillages. DO NOT APPLY TREATED SEED FROM THE AIR. DO NOT USE TREATED SEED as food or feed. DO NOT RE-USE SACKS OR CONTAINERS THAT HAVE BEEN USED FOR TREATED SEED for food or feed. KEEP TREATED SEED SECURE from people, domestic stock/pets and wildlife at all times during storage and use. BURY OR REMOVE SPILLAGES. BASF plc Crop Protection Division P O Box 4, Earl Road Cheadle Hulme, CHEADLE Cheshire SK8 6QG Emergency information: 0049 180 2273112 (24 hours) 306 Kinto® 9. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Operator protection Engineering control of operator exposure must be used where reasonably practical in addition to the following personal protective equipment: WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING (COVERALLS), AND SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES when handling the concentrate, calibrating and cleaning machinery and when handling contaminated surfaces or dealing with spillages. WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING (COVERALLS) when bagging treated seeds. However, engineering controls may replace personal protective equipment if a COSHH assessment shows they provide an equal or higher standard of protection. WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE. WASH HANDS AND EXPOSED SKIN BEFORE EATING OR DRINKING OR AFTER WORK. DO NOT HANDLE seed unnecessarily. Environmental protection DO NOT CONTAMINATE SURFACE WATERS OR DITCHES with chemical or used container. HARMFUL TO GAME AND WILDLIFE. Treated seed should NOT be left on the soil surface. Bury spillages. DO NOT APPLY TREATED SEED FROM THE AIR. Consumer protection DO NOT USE TREATED SEED as food or feed. DO NOT RE-USE SACKS OR CONTAINERS THAT HAVE BEEN USED FOR TREATED SEED for food or feed. Storage and disposal - 50 litre containers EMPTY CONTAINER COMPLETELY and dispose of safely. OPEN THE CONTAINER ONLY AS DIRECTED. DO NOT RE-USE CONTAINER FOR ANY PURPOSE. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDING STUFFS. KEEP IN ORIGINAL CONTAINER, tightly closed in a safe place. Store in a suitable pesticide store, keep dry and protect from frost. KEEP TREATED SEED SECURE from people, domestic stock/pets and wildlife at all times during storage and use. BURY OR REMOVE SPILLAGES. Storage and disposal - 1000 litre containers DO NOT RINSE OUT THE CONTAINER. OPEN THE CONTAINER ONLY AS DIRECTED. DO NOT RE-USE CONTAINER FOR ANY PURPOSE. RETURN EMPTY CONTAINER TO THE SUPPLIER. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDING STUFFS. KEEP IN ORIGINAL CONTAINER, tightly closed in a safe place. Store in a suitable pesticide store, keep dry and protect from frost. KEEP TREATED SEED SECURE from people, domestic stock/pets and wildlife at all times during storage and use. BURY OR REMOVE SPILLAGES. 307 F F Kinto® 10. GLOBALLY HARMONISED SYSTEM (GHS) REGULATIONS Kinto® Flowable concentrate formulation containing 20 g/litre (1.94% w/w) triticonazole and 60 g/litre (5.65% w/w) prochloraz. WARNING: VERY TOXIC TO AQUATIC LIFE. VERY TOXIC TO AQUATIC LIFE WITH LONG LASTING EFFECTS. COLLECT SPILLAGE. To avoid risks to human health and the environment, comply with the instructions for use This product is approved under the Control of Pesticides Regulations 1986. 11. IMPORTANT INFORMATION IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR USE ONLY AS AN AGRICULTURAL SEED TREATMENT, as directed below: Crops: Winter and spring wheat, winter and spring barley, winter and spring oats winter and spring rye and winter and spring triticale. Maximum Individual dose: 2.0 litres product per tonne of seed. Maximum Number of treatments: 1 per batch. Latest Time of application: Before drilling. READ THE LABEL BEFORE USE. USING THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER THAT IS INCONSISTENT WITH THE LABEL MAY BE AN OFFENCE. FOLLOW THE CODE OF PRACTICE FOR USING PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCTS. (MAPP No. 12038) 308 Kumulus® DF F FUNGICIDE MAFF No. 04707 Use: A fungicide for the control of powdery mildew in apples, gooseberries, grapevines, hops, strawberries and sugar beet and for the control of scab in apples and gall mite (big bud) in blackcurrants. Also for use as a sulphur foliar feed in wheat, barley and winter oilseed rape. Formulation: A water dispersible granule containing 80% sulphur. Pack Size: 20 kg See Section No: 3.4 3.6 3.3 3.2 3.7 3.1 3.5 3.9 3.8 Recommended Rates: Various, depending on crop. See recommendations for details. Water Volume: Various, depending on crop. See recommendations for details. Spray Quality: MEDIUM Latest Time of Application: Gooseberries: Hops: Sugar beet: All other recommended crops: Up to and including fruit swell. Up to burr stage Before end of September in year of harvest. No restriction. Maximum Number of Applications: Sugar beet: 2 per year. Blackcurrants, gooseberries: 3 per year. All other recommended crops: No restriction. Processed Crops: DO NOT apply to fruit for processing, or near to harvest on grapes intended for wine. Major changes since last printing: Globally Harmonised System (GHS) Regulations added, see Section 7. This product label is compliant with the CPA Voluntary Initiative Guidance 309 Kumulus® DF Recommended Crops: Apples Gooseberries Grapevines Hops Strawberries Sugar beet Blackcurrants Wheat and Barley Winter oilseed rape F Kumulus® DF Compatibility: For details of compatibilities contact your distributor, local BASF representative, the BASF Technical Services Hotline: 0845 602 2553 or visit our website on: DIRECTIONS FOR USE IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product. Kumulus DF is a fungicide for the control of powdery mildew in apples, gooseberries, grapevines, hops, strawberries and sugar beet and for the control of scab in apples and gall mite (big bud) in blackcurrants. Also for use as a sulphur foliar feed in wheat, barley and winter oilseed rape. 1. RESTRICTIONS/WARNINGS Processed crops: DO NOT apply Kumulus DF to fruit for processing, or near to harvest on grapes intended for wine. DO NOT apply Kumulus DF to the following varieties of gooseberries: Careless; Early Sulphur; Golden Drop; Leveller; Lord Derby; Roaring Lion; Yellow Rough. DO NOT apply Kumulus DF to the following varieties of apples: Belle de Boskoop; Lord Derby; Newton Wonder (some districts); Stirling Castle; Lane’s Prince Albert; Cox’s Orange Pippin; Beauty of Bath; Rival. Avoid spray drift onto neighbouring crops. DO NOT apply Kumulus DF if rain or frost is expected, nor if the crop is wet. Wash equipment thoroughly after use. 2. DISEASE CONTROL Kumulus DF is a fungicide for the control of powdery mildew in apples, gooseberries, grapevines, hops, strawberries and sugar beet and for the control of scab in apples and gall mite (big bud) in blackcurrants. Also for use as a sulphur foliar feed in wheat, barley and winter oilseed rape. 3. CROPS 3.1 Sugar beet: Powdery mildew Time of Application Apply Kumulus DF when the disease begins to build up in the crop, usually from mid August to early September. A second application may prove to be necessary after 2-3 weeks. Rate of Application Apply 10 kg Kumulus DF in a minimum of 450 litres of water per hectare. 3.2 Hops: Powdery mildew Time of Application Apply Kumulus DF at 10 day intervals from May up to the burr stage. Rate of Application Apply 400-600 g Kumulus DF per 100 litres of water high volume or 8-11 kg Kumulus DF in 350-550 litres of water per hectare. 3.3 Grapevine: Powdery mildew Time of Application Apply Kumulus DF as soon as the disease appears and repeat at 10-14 day intervals. Rate of Application Apply 250 g Kumulus DF per 100 litres of water high volume. 310 Kumulus® DF 3.4 Apple: Scab and powdery mildew Time of Application Apply Kumulus DF at 10-14 day intervals, (a) from bud burst to green cluster for scab control and (b) post blossom for scab and mildew control. Rate of Application Apply 600 g Kumulus DF per 100 litres of water high volume or 11 kg in 550750 litres of water per hectare at the earlier timing, followed by 400 g Kumulus DF per 100 litres of water high volume or 11 kg in 550-750 litres of water per hectare post blossom. Varietal Tolerances DO NOT apply Kumulus DF to the following varieties: Belle de Boskoop; Lord Derby; Newton Wonder (some districts); Stirling Castle; Lane’s Prince Albert; Cox’s Orange Pippin; Beauty of Bath; Rival. 3.5 Blackcurrant: Gall mite (big bud) Time of Application Apply Kumulus DF at first open blossom and repeat at 14 day intervals to give a total of three applications. Rate of Application Apply 200 g Kumulus DF per 100 litres of water high volume. The addition of an authorised non-ionic wetting agent at the recommended rate, is recommended for good spray retention. High volume of 2200 litres per hectare is also recommended to give adequate spray cover. 3.6 Gooseberry: American gooseberry mildew (powdery mildew) Time of Application Apply Kumulus DF at early flower, fruit set and fruit swell, thoroughly wetting the bushes. Rate of Application Apply 250 g Kumulus DF per 100 litres of water high volume. Varietal Tolerances DO NOT apply Kumulus DF to the following varieties: Careless; Early Sulphur; Golden Drop; Leveller; Lord Derby; Roaring Lion; Yellow Rough. 3.7 Strawberry: Powdery mildew Time of Application Apply Kumulus DF as soon as the disease appears and repeat at 10-14 day intervals. Rate of Application Apply 200 g Kumulus DF per 100 litres of water high volume. 3.8 Winter oilseed rape: Sulphur foliar feed Time of Application In areas of known sulphur deficiency or where a response has been recorded previously, apply Kumulus DF in March, as the crop begins to re-grow after the winter dormancy period. Rate of Application Apply 10 kg Kumulus DF in 220-450 litres of water per hectare. 311 F F Kumulus® DF 3.9 Wheat and barley: Sulphur foliar feed Time of Application In areas of known sulphur deficiency or where a response has been recorded previously, apply Kumulus DF in the spring from leaf sheath lengthening to first node detectable. Rate of Application Apply 10 kg Kumulus DF in 220-450 litres of water per hectare. 4. MIXING AND SPRAYING Apply as a MEDIUM spray, as defined by BCPC. For water volumes, see Section 3, above. Remove the top filter. Fill the spray tank to the required volume with clean water and start the agitation. Then slowly add the required amount of Kumulus DF. Replace the filter, leave to disperse and continue agitation until spraying is completed. When tank mixes are to be used, each product should be pre-diluted with water and added separately to the spray tank. Kumulus DF may be applied from the air to wheat, barley and oilseed rape at the recommended rate in 25-60 litres of water per hectare. Aerial applications should not be made in tank mix with any other products. 5. CONTAINER AND STORAGE Kumulus DF is supplied in 20 kg lined paper sacks and should be kept dry and cool in a suitable pesticide store. 6. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Operator protection WASH HANDS before meals and after work. Environmental protection DO NOT contaminate surface waters or ditches with chemical or used container. Storage and disposal KEEP IN ORIGINAL CONTAINER, tightly closed, in a safe place. EMPTY CONTAINER COMPLETELY and dispose of safely. Keep dry and cool in a suitable pesticide store. 312 Kumulus® DF 7. GLOBALLY HARMONISED SYSTEM (GHS) REGULATIONS Kumulus® DF A water dispersible granule containing 80% sulphur. To avoid risks to man and the environment, comply with the instructions for use This product is approved under the Control of Pesticides Regulations 1986. 8. IMPORTANT INFORMATION IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR USE ONLY AS AN AGRICULTURAL/HORTICULTURAL FUNGICIDE AND AS A HORTICULTURAL ACARICIDE, as directed below: Crops Apples Blackcurrants Grapevines Gooseberries Hops Strawberries Sugar beet Maximum Concentration or Dose 600 g product in 100 litres water (HV) or 11 kg product per hectare (LV) 200 g product in 100 litres water 250 g product in 100 litres water 250 g product in 100 litres water Maximum Number of Treatments – Latest Time of Application 3 per year – – – 3 per year 600 g product in 100 litres water (HV) or 11 kg product per hectare (LV) 200 g product in 100 litres water 10 kg product per hectare – Up to and including fruit swell Up to burr stage – – – 2 per year Before end of September in year of harvest A minimum interval of 10 days must be observed between treatments to hops, grapevines and strawberries. READ THE LABEL BEFORE USE. USING THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER THAT IS INCONSISTENT WITH THE LABEL MAY BE AN OFFENCE. FOLLOW THE CODE OF PRACTICE FOR USING PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCTS. (MAFF No. 04707) 313 F F Kumulus® DF 314 Laser® H HERBICIDE MAPP No. 12930 Use: A systemic herbicide for post-emergence control of annual and perennial grass weeds in a wide range of crops. Formulation: An emulsifiable concentrate containing 200 g/litre (21% w/w) cycloxydim. Recommended Crops: See Section No: Beet, fodder 3.2 Beet, sugar 3.2 Brussels sprouts 3.7 Bulbs, ornamental 3.12 Cabbage 3.7 Carrots 3.9 Cauliflower 3.7 Field beans, spring 3.5 Field beans, winter 3.5 Forestry, commercial, farm and nursery 3.13 French beans, dwarf 3.6 Leeks 3.10 Linseed 3.8 Mangels 3.2 Oilseed rape, spring 3.1 Oilseed rape, winter 3.1 Onions, bulb 3.10 Onions, salad 3.10 Parsnips 3.9 Peas, combining 3.4 Peas, vining 3.4 Potatoes, early 3.3 Potatoes, maincrop 3.3 Strawberries 3.11 Swedes 3.7 Green cover on land temporarily removed from production, eg set-aside 3.14 Recommended Rates: 0.5-2.25 litres/hectare, depending on weed species present. Major changes since last printing: Globally Harmonised System (GHS) Regulations added, see Section 9. This product label is compliant with the CPA Voluntary Initiative Guidance 315 Laser® Pack Size: 5 litres in outers of four. H Laser® Water Volume: 100-330 litres/hectare depending on use. Spray Quality: FINE or MEDIUM Harvest Intervals: Winter and spring Oilseed rape, Linseed: Sugar beet, fodder beet, mangels, maincrop potatoes, early potatoes, winter and spring field beans, swedes, Brussels sprouts, leeks: Carrots, parsnips, bulb onions, strawberries: Combining peas, vining peas, dwarf French beans: Cabbage, cauliflower, salad onions: 12 weeks 8 6 5 4 weeks weeks weeks weeks Latest Time of Application: Laser may be applied to all approved crops up until before the canopy prevents adequate spray penetration. (Note harvest interval requirements). Maximum Number of Treatments: 1 per crop. Rainfastness: Rainfast after 2 hours. Processed Crops: Consult processors before using on crops grown for processing or for seed. Aerial Application: No Compatibility: For details of compatibilities contact your distributor, local BASF representative, the BASF Technical Services Hotline: 0845 602 2553 or visit our website on: DIRECTIONS FOR USE IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the product label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product. Laser is a systemic herbicide for the post-emergence control of a range of grass weeds and cereal volunteers in the listed crops. Only weeds which have emerged at the time of application will be controlled. Optimum timing is when weeds are still small and have not begun to compete with the crop. Laser is rapidly absorbed mainly through the leaves and is translocated through the plant to the growing points, culminating in the rapid decay of stem and root tissues. Foliage death is usually complete within 3 to 4 weeks under optimum conditions, – warm and moist so that weeds are actively growing. Under cool conditions activity will be slower, particularly for late applications to winter oilseed rape. Laser can be used on all soil types and is rainfast within 2 hours of drying on the foliage. 1. RESTRICTIONS/WARNINGS Consult processor or contract agent before using on crops grown for processing or for seed. Prevent drift onto other crops especially susceptible types such as cereals and grasses or severe damage can result. 316 Laser® Apply within the recommended growth stages when weeds are actively growing for best results. Drought, cool conditions, stress or other negative factors can reduce effectiveness by interfering with the uptake and translocation of Laser. Weeds emerging after application will not be controlled. DO NOT apply to crops which are damaged or stressed from factors such as previous herbicide use, adverse weather conditions (e.g. drought or waterlogging) or pest or disease attacks. Apply to dry foliage when rain is not expected for at least 2 hours. Ensure sprayer is free from previous chemical residues which may harm the crop. Use of a detergent cleaner is advised before and after use. This product must not be applied to land managed under the Habitat Scheme. Before using on land taken out of production as part of a grant aided scheme, ensure compliance with the management rules of that scheme. Laser MUST be used with an approved adjuvant at the rates indicated in Mixing and Spraying (Section 5). When a choice of rates is given the higher rate should be used if weeds are beyond the optimum timing or any of the following applies: - poor growing conditions exist, e.g. dry soils or cool temperatures. - weeds are overwintered. - weed infestations are high, especially in non-competitive crops such as sugar beet or thin rape crops. - weed is a cover crop. When using for control of common couch and other perennials do not cultivate for at least 14 days after spraying to allow Laser to translocate to the underground rhizomes. Leave a longer interval (up to 21 days) if growing conditions are poor. If applied in sequence with Basagran SG in field beans, a minimum of 14 days between applications must occur to allow recovery of the wax layer. In peas, a satisfactory crystal violet wax test (see PGRO information sheet 143) should be carried out if leaf wax may have been affected by unfavourable growing or weather conditions. Other post-emergence crop protection products will also affect wax levels and a wax test may be necessary. Before using on conifers in a nursery situation or at an early stage of establishment, treat a small number of plants of any one species first to observe if any adverse effects occur before making wider scale treatments. 2. WEED CONTROL 2.1 Susceptibility of Grass Weeds to Single Applications of Laser Laser MUST be used with an approved adjuvant at the rates indicated in Mixing and Spraying (Section 5). Grass weeds vary in their susceptibility to Laser. Identify the species to be controlled and then consult the table below to select the appropriate rate of use. 317 H H Laser® WEED Cultivated Oats † Wild-oat RATES OF APPLICATION* 0.5 or 0.75 l/ha Barley (Volunteer) † Black-grass Canary Grass Italian Ryegrass Loose-silky Bent Perennial Ryegrass Sterile Brome Soft Brome Wheat (Volunteer) 0.75 or 1.0 l/ha Black Bent (Red Top) 1.5 or 2.0 l/ha Onion Couch (false oat grass) 1.5 or 2.25 l/ha** Creeping Bent Common Couch 2.25 l/ha** 1.0 or 1.25 l/ha TIME OF APPLICATION Optimum: 2 fully expanded leaves to 2-3 tillers. Max. GS: Before first node detectable stage. Optimum: 2 fully expanded leaves to before 3 tillers. Max. GS: Before first node detectable stage. Optimum: 2 fully expanded leaves to before 3 tillers. Max. GS: Before first node detectable stage. Optimum: 4 fully expanded leaves to before 3 tillers. Max. GS: Before first node detectable stage. Optimum: 4 fully expanded leaves to before 3 tillers. Max GS: Before first node detectable stage. When majority of shoots have emerged and are approx. 15 cm tall. Usually corresponding to the 4-9 fully expanded leaves up to before first node detectable stage. Red Fescue - Resistant Annual Meadow-grass - Resistant Rough Meadow-grass - Moderately resistant † Includes cover crops. * When a choice of rates is given the higher rate should be used if weeds are beyond the optimum timing or any of the following applies: – poor growing conditions exist, e.g. dry soils or cool temperatures – weeds are overwintered – weed infestations are high, especially in non-competitive crops such as sugar beet or thin rape crops – weed is a cover crop ** see Common Couch and Other Perennials control below. Applications made after the optimum timing may give reduced levels of control. Common Couch and Other Perennials Sufficient foliage should have emerged to absorb the spray. Shoots not emerged or just emerging at application will not be controlled. DO NOT cultivate for at least 14 days after spraying to allow Laser to translocate to the underground rhizomes. Leave a longer interval (up to 21 days) if growing conditions are poor. The effects on the long term control of couch and creeping bent, i.e. in succeeding crops, have not been investigated. 318 Laser® Established Common Couch To improve control a thorough pre-planting cultivation to a depth of 10 cm is recommended to fragment the rhizomes and encourage uniform emergence. Onion Couch Control of top growth can be expected in the season of application but the effects of long term control, i.e. succeeding crops, have not been fully established. 2.2 Resistance Strains of some annual grasses (e.g. black-grass, wild-oats, and Italian ryegrass) have developed resistance to herbicides which may lead to poor control. A strategy for preventing and managing such resistance should be adopted. Guidelines have been produced by the Weed Resistance Action Group and copies are available from the HGCA, CPA, your distributor, crop adviser or product manufacturer. This product contains cycloxydim which is an ACCase inhibitor, also classified by the Herbicide Resistance Action Committee as ‘Group A’. Use only as part of a resistance management strategy that includes cultural methods of control and does not use ACCase inhibitors as the sole method of grass-weed control. Applying a second product containing an ACCase inhibitor to a crop will increase the risk of resistance development; only use a second ACCase inhibitor to control different weeds at a different timing. 3. CROPS 3.1 Winter and Spring Oilseed Rape Laser may be applied from when the crop has fully expanded cotyledons until before the crop canopy prevents adequate spray penetration. 3.2 Sugar Beet, Fodder Beet and Mangels Laser can be applied from the two true leaf stage of the crop until before the crop canopy prevents adequate spray penetration. 3.3 Early and Maincrop potatoes Laser may be applied at any crop stage before the crop canopy prevents adequate spray penetration. 3.4 Peas Laser may be applied to all varieties of combining and vining peas. Apply from the third node stage of the crop until before the crop canopy prevents adequate spray penetration. A satisfactory crystal violet wax test (see PGRO information sheet 143) should be carried out if leaf wax may have been affected by unfavourable growing or weather conditions. Other post-emergence crop protection products will also affect wax levels and a wax test may be necessary. Ideally, Laser should follow applications of broad-leaf herbicides, but where Laser is applied before other products (i.e. because grass weeds are the major problem) it is essential to conduct a satisfactory crystal violet wax test before applying the next treatment. 3.5 Winter and Spring Field Beans Laser may be applied from the two leaf pairs stage of field beans until before the crop canopy prevents adequate spray penetration. If applied in sequence with Basagran SG, a minimum of 14 days between applications must occur to allow recovery of the wax layer. 319 H H Laser® 3.6 Dwarf French Beans Laser may be applied from when the crop has 11/2 trifoliate leaves until before the crop canopy prevents adequate spray penetration. 3.7 Swede, Cabbage, Cauliflower and Brussels Sprouts Laser may be applied from the two expanded leaf stage until before the crop canopy prevents adequate spray penetration. 3.8 Linseed Laser may be applied from when the crop is 2.5 cm tall until before the crop canopy prevents adequate spray penetration. 3.9 Carrots and Parsnips Laser may be applied from the two leaf stage of the crop until before the crop canopy prevents adequate spray penetration. 3.10 Bulb Onions, Salad Onions and Leeks Laser may be applied from when the crop has two true leaves until before the crop canopy prevents adequate spray penetration. Before use on these crops, either alone or in sequence with post-emergence products, ensure that leaf wax levels are adequate to afford protection from crop damage. 3.11 Strawberries Laser may be applied from when the crop has four true leaves until before the crop canopy prevents adequate spray penetration. If temperatures are likely to exceed 20°C at or after spraying, delay application until the cool of the evening. 3.12 Ornamental bulbs Laser may be applied when the crop is 5-10 cm tall. It has been used on tulips, narcissi, hyacinths and irises. However, certain species and varieties may be more sensitive to chemical treatment than others and growers are therefore advised to first spray a small proportion of the plants to check their tolerance before treating the rest of the crop. 3.13 Commercial, Farm and Nursery Forestry Laser may be applied to the following tree species at any time after transplanting once plants are established: Deciduous Coniferous Ash Corsican Pine Beech Douglas Fir Oak Japanese Larch Poplar Lodgepole Pine Spanish (Sweet) Chestnut Noble Fir Sycamore Scots Pine Wild Cherry Sitka Spruce Willow Western Red Cedar This recommendation includes trees grown in nursery beds and in their final planting position. Before using on conifers in a nursery situation or at an early stage of establishment, treat a small number of plants of any one species first to observe if any adverse effects occur before making wider scale treatments. 3.14 Green cover on land temporarily removed from production (set-aside) and industrial crops of oilseed rape and linseed Laser may be applied to areas temporarily removed from production where the green cover is made up predominantly (ie sufficient to maintain reasonable 320 Laser® cover) of tolerant crops that are present on the label, for the control of grass weeds and volunteer cereals. Use on industrial crops of linseed and oilseed rape is also permitted. When applying Laser to industrial crops of linseed and oilseed rape, the user must refer to the statutory conditions and directions for use relating to linseed and winter and spring oilseed rape respectively. 4. FOLLOWING CROPS If a crop treated with Laser should fail for any reason, then as a guide, the following intervals should elapse between using Laser and redrilling subsequent crops following normal seedbed cultivations: After one week: Field bean, pea, sugar beet, rape, kale, swede, radish, white clover, lucerne. After four weeks: Dwarf French bean. After eight weeks: Wheat, barley, maize. Oats should not be sown as the subsequent crop after failure of a crop treated with laser. 5. MIXING AND SPRAYING Half fill the spray tank with clean water and start the agitation. Pour in the required amount of Laser and then adjuvant. Add the remainder of the water and continue agitation until spraying is completed. Rinse empty containers and empty into the tank. When tank mixes are to be used, each product should be added separately to the spray tank, taking due note of any instructions given as to the order of mixing. The standard water volume is 200 litres/hectare but 100 litres/hectare may be used in open crops for control of annual weeds which are easily accessible to the spray (i.e. at rates of Laser up to 1.25 litres/ hectare only). DO NOT use the 100 litre spray volume for control of perennial grasses or when applying tank mixtures. Use 330 litres/hectare if either of the following conditions apply: : dense weed growth or crop cover : when spraying ridged crops with a prevailing side drift. All applications should be made as a FINE spray, as defined by BCPC, unless the highest water volumes are used when FINE or MEDIUM sprays are permissible. When using a knapsack sprayer for directed applications or spot treatment, mix as above. A sprayer containing 20 litres of spray solution will require 36 mls Laser + 160 mls Actipron to apply 1.0 l/ha Laser over 360m2. Laser MUST be used with an approved adjuvant at the rates indicated in the table below. ADJUVANT Actipron or Axiom 6 CONCENTRATION (AS % OF SPRAY VOLUME) 0.8% EXAMPLES OF RATES/HA 100 l/ha 200 l/ha 250 l/ha 0.8 l 1.6 l 2.0 l SEQUENCES Laser may follow pre-emergence treatments to any crop, provided that the crop is undamaged. When used in sequence with other post-emergence products, allow at least 7 days between applications. Check individual crop recommendations above for specific sequence instructions (if any). 7. CONTAINER AND STORAGE Laser is supplied in 5 litre containers and should be kept dry and frostproof in a suitable pesticide store. 321 H H Laser® 8. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Operator protection Engineering control of operator exposure must be used where reasonably practicable in addition to the following personal protective equipment: WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES AND FACE PROTECTION (FACE SHIELD) when handling the concentrate. WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES when using a knapsack sprayer. However, engineering controls may replace personal protective equipment if a COSHH assessment shows they provide an equal or higher standard of protection. WASH CONCENTRATE from skin or eyes immediately. WASH HANDS AND EXPOSED SKIN before meals and after work. WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE. Environmental protection DO NOT contaminate surface waters or ditches with chemical or used container. Storage and disposal KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDING STUFFS. KEEP IN ORIGINAL CONTAINER, tightly closed in a safe place. RINSE CONTAINER THOROUGHLY by using an integrated pressure rinsing device or manually rinsing three times. Add washings to sprayer at time of filling and dispose of safely. Keep dry and frostproof in a suitable pesticide store. 322 322 Laser® 9. GLOBALLY HARMONISED SYSTEM (GHS) REGULATIONS Laser® An emulsifiable concentrate containing 200 g/litre (21% w/w) cycloxydim and solvent naphtha. DANGER: CAUSES SERIOUS EYE DAMAGE. CAUSES SKIN IRRITATION. TOXIC TO AQUATIC LIFE WITH LONG LASTING EFFECTS. MAY BE FATAL IF SWALLOWED AND ENTERS AIRWAYS. MAY CAUSE DROWSINESS OR DIZZINESS AVOID BREATHING VAPOURS. WEAR PROTECTIVE GLOVES AND EYE/FACE PROTECTION. IMMEDIATELY CALL A POISON CENTER OR DOCTOR/ PHYSICIAN. DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING. STORE LOCKED UP. DISPOSE OF CONTENTS/CONTAINER IN ACCORDANCE WITH LOCAL REGULATIONS. To avoid risks to human health and the environment, comply with the instructions for use This product is approved under the Control of Pesticides Regulations 1986. 323 323 H H Laser® 10. IMPORTANT INFORMATION IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR USE ONLY AS AN AGRICULTURAL/HORTICULTURAL/FORESTRY HERBICIDE, as directed below: Crops Winter oilseed rape Spring oilseed rape Linseed Sugar beet, fodder beet, mangels, Maincrop potatoes, winter and spring field beans, swedes, Brussels sprouts, leeks Early potatoes Carrots, parsnips, bulb onions, strawberries Combining peas, vining peas, dwarf French beans, Cabbage, cauliflower, salad onions Forest and nursery forestry Ornamental bulbs, Green cover on land temporarily removed from production eg set-aside * Maximum individual dose 2.25 litres product/ha 2.25 litres product/ha 2.25 litres product/ha 2.25 litres product/ha Maximum number of treatments 1 per crop 1 per crop 1 per crop 1 per crop Harvest interval 12 weeks 12 weeks 12 weeks 8 weeks 2.25 litres product/ha 2.25 litres product/ha 1 per crop 1 per crop 8 weeks 6 weeks 2.25 litres product/ha 1 per crop 5 weeks 2.25 litres product/ha 1 per crop 4 weeks 2.25 litres product/ha 2.25 litres product/ha 1 per year 1 per crop - * When applying to green cover on land temporarily removed from production e.g. set aside: 1. A full green cover must be established before the pesticide is applied. 2. Treated plants must not be grazed by livestock or harvested for human or animal consumption. To avoid the build up of resistance DO NOT apply products containing an ACCase inhibitor herbicide more than twice to any crop. In addition, DO NOT use this product in mixture or sequence with any other product containing cycloxydim. READ THE LABEL BEFORE USE. USING THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER THAT IS INCONSISTENT WITH THE LABEL MAY BE AN OFFENCE. FOLLOW THE CODE OF PRACTICE FOR USING PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCTS. (MAPP No. 12930) 324 Librax® F FUNGICIDE MAPP No. 15887 Use: A systemic fungicide for use in winter wheat, spring wheat, durum wheat, winter barley, spring barley, triticale and rye. Formulation: An emulsifiable concentrate containing 45 g/litre (4.4% w/w) metconazole and 62.5 g/litre (6.1% w/w) fluxapyroxad. Pack Size: 5 litres in outers of four 10 litres in outers of two Recommended Crops: Wheat (winter) Wheat (spring) durum wheat rye triticale Barley (winter) Barley (spring) Water Volume: 100 to 300 litres of water per hectare. Spray Quality: MEDIUM Latest Time of Application: Up to and including flowering (anthesis) just complete (GS 69). When applied to barley intended for malting, refer to the rate of use and latest timing for fluxapyroxad given by the BBPA (British Beer and Pubs Association). Aerial Application: No Compatibility: For details of compatibilities contact your distributor, local BASF representative, the BASF Technical Services Hotline: 0845 602 2553 or visit our website on: Major changes since last printing: Fluxapyroxad added to the BBPA list for use in malting barley, see Section 1. This product label is compliant with the CPA Voluntary Initiative Guidance 325 Librax® Recommended Rates: 2 litres per hectare. F Librax® DIRECTIONS FOR USE IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product. Librax is a systemic fungicide with protectant and curative properties for the control of a range of diseases in winter and spring wheat, durum wheat, winter and spring barley, triticale and rye. 1. RESTRICTIONS AND WARNINGS Avoid spray drift on to neighbouring crops and field margins. After spraying, wash out sprayer thoroughly according to manufacturer’s guideline and dispose of washings and clean container according to DEFRA Code of Practice and local authority guidelines. When applied to barley intended for malting, refer to the rate of use and the latest timing for fluxapyroxad given by the BBPA (British Beer and Pubs Association). 2. DISEASE CONTROL Librax is a systemic fungicide with protectant and curative properties for the control of a range of diseases in winter wheat, spring wheat, durum wheat, winter barley, spring barley, triticale and rye as summarised below: Winter wheat Powdery mildew Spring Winter wheat barley Spring Durum barley wheat Rye Triticale MC MC MC MC MC MC MC Septoria tritici C C - - C - C Yellow rust C C C C C C C Brown rust C C C C C C C Net blotch - - C C - - - Rhynchosporium - - C C - C - Tan spot GR GR - - GR - - Ramularia - - C C - - - Eyespot GR - - - GR GR GR Fusarium ear blight GR GR - - GR - - Cladosporium MC MC - - MC - - C = Control GR = Good Control MC = Moderate Control Resistance Librax should be used in accordance with the instructions for use for the target diseases at the specific growth stages indicated. Use Librax as part of an Integrated Crop Management (ICM) strategy incorporating other methods of control. You must not apply more than two foliar applications of products containing complex II inhibitors to any cereal crop. 326 Librax® Strains of certain cereal diseases with decreased sensitivity to triazole fungicides are known to exist in the UK. Where these occur or develop Librax may not give satisfactory control. Librax contains metconazole, a DMI fungicide. Resistance to some DMI fungicides has been identified in Septoria leaf blotch (Mycosphaerella graminicola) which may seriously affect the performance of some products. For further advice on resistance management in DMIs contact your agronomist or specialist advisor and visit the FRAG-UK website. 3. CROPS Librax is a systemic fungicide with protectant and curative properties for use in winter wheat, spring wheat, durum wheat, winter barley, spring barley, triticale and rye. 3.1 Time of Application Apply Librax at the start of disease attack following a disease risk assessment or the use of appropriate decision support systems. A maximum of two applications can be made up to and including flowering just complete. Rate of Application Apply 2 litres Librax per hectare in 100 to 300 litres of water per hectare. 3.2 Qualified recommendation Librax may be applied at 2 litres per hectare in 100 litres of water per hectare although efficacy against stem based diseases at this reduced volume has not been evaluated. Therefore application at 100 litres water per hectare is at user’s risk with regards to biological efficacy. 4. FOLLOWING CROPS After treating a cereal crop with Librax the following crops can be sown: barley, cabbages, carrots, clover, dwarf French beans, field beans, lettuce, maize, oats, oilseed rape, onions, peas, potatoes, ryegrass, sunflowers, sugar beet and wheat. The effects of Librax on other crops has not been assessed. 5. MIXING AND SPRAYING Apply as a MEDIUM spray, as defined by BCPC. Half fill the spray tank with clean water and start the agitation. SHAKE THE CONTAINER WELL before use and pour in the required amount of product. Rinse any empty containers thoroughly and add rinsings to the spray tank. Add the remainder of the water and continue agitation until spraying is completed. When tank mixes are to be used, each product should be added separately to the spray tank, taking due note of any instructions given as to the order of mixing. 6. CONTAINER AND STORAGE Librax is supplied in 5 litre and 10 litre containers and should be kept in dry and frost proof in a suitable pesticide store. 327 F F Librax® 7. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Operator protection Engineering control of operator exposure must be used where reasonable practicable in addition to the following personal protective clothing: WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING (COVERALLS), SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES AND FACE PROTECTION (FACE SHIELD) when handling the concentrate. WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING (COVERALLS) AND SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES when handling contaminated surfaces. However, engineering controls may replace personal protective equipment if a COSHH assessment shows they provide an equal or higher standard of protection. IF YOU FEEL UNWELL, seek medical advice immediately (show the label where possible). WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE. WASH HANDS AND EXPOSED SKIN before meals and after work. Environmental protection Do not contaminate water with the product or its container. Do not clean application equipment near surface waters. Avoid contamination via drains from farmyards and roads. To protect aquatic organisms respect an unsprayed buffer zone to surface water bodies in line with LERAP requirements. DO NOT ALLOW DIRECT SPRAY from horizontal boom sprayers to fall within 5m of the top of the bank of a static flowing water body, unless a Local Environment Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) permits a narrower buffer zone, or within 1m of the top of a ditch which is dry at the time of application. Aim spray away from water. This product qualifies for inclusion within the Local Environment Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) scheme. Before each spraying operation from a horizontal boom sprayer, either a LERAP must be carried out in accordance with CRD’s published guidance or the statutory buffer zone must be maintained. The results of the LERAP must be recorded and kept available for inspection for three years. Storage and disposal KEEP IN ORIGINAL CONTAINER, tightly closed, in a safe place. DO NOT RE-USE CONTAINER for any purpose. KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDING STUFFS. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. RINSE CONTAINER THOROUGHLY by using an integrated pressure rinsing device or manually rinsing three times. Add washings to sprayer at time of filling and dispose of safely. Store in a suitable pesticide store. Keep dry and protect from frost. 328 Librax® 8. DPD REGULATIONS Librax® An emulsifiable concentrate containing 45 g/litre (4.4% w/w) metconazole and 62.5 g/litre (6.1% w/w) fluxapyroxad. Contains 2-ethylhexyl-S-lactate. HARMFUL BY INHALATION IRRITATING TO EYES MAY CAUSE SENSITISATION BY SKIN CONTACT LIMITED EVIDENCE OF A CARCINOGENIC EFFECT. VERY TOXIC TO AQUATIC ORGANISMS, MAY CAUSE LONG TERM ADVERSE EFFECTS IN THE AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT. WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING, GLOVES AND EYE/FACE PROTECTION. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDING STUFFS. WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE. IF SWALLOWED, seek medial advice immediately and show this container or label. THIS MATERIAL AND ITS CONTAINER MUST BE DISPOSED OF IN A SAFE WAY. USE OF APPROPRIATE CONTAINMENT TO AVOID ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAMINATION. To avoid risks to man and the environment, comply with the instructions for use This product is approved under the Plant Protection Products Regulations (EC) No. 1107/2009. 329 F F Librax® 9. IMPORTANT INFORMATION IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR USE ONLY AS AN AGRICULTURAL FUNGICIDE, as directed below: Crops Maximum Individual dose Maximum number of treatments Latest time of application Winter wheat, Spring wheat, durum wheat, rye, triticale, Winter barley, Spring barley 2 litres product per hectare 2 per crop Up to and including flowering (anthesis) just complete (GS 69) Other specific restrictions: To protect birds, only one application is allowed on cereals before GS 29 (end of tillering) A minimum interval of 21 days must be observed between applications. READ THE LABEL BEFORE USE. USING THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER THAT IS INCONSISTENT WITH THE LABEL MAY BE AN OFFENCE. FOLLOW THE CODE OF PRACTICE FOR USING PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCTS. 330 Maccani® F FUNGICIDE MAPP No. 13227 Use: A protectant and systemic fungicide for the control of apple scab (Venturia inaequalis), moderate control of powdery mildew (Podosphaera leucotricha) in apples and control of scab (Venturia pirina) in pears. Formulation: A water dispersible granule containing 40 g/kg (4% w/w) pyraclostrobin and 120 g/kg (12% w/w) dithianon. Pack Size: 5 kg bag. Recommended Crops: Apples and Pears Maximum Individual Dose: 2.5 kg product per hectare Water Volume: 250 – 1500 litres/hectare. Spray Quality: MEDIUM Processed Crops: Consult processors before use. Maximum Number of Applications: 4 per year. Aerial Application: No Compatibility: For details of compatibilities contact your distributor, local BASF representative, the BASF Technical Services Hotline: 0845 602 2553 or visit our website on: Major changes since last printing: None. This product label is compliant with the CPA Voluntary Initiative Guidance 331 Maccani® Latest Recommended Time of Application: 35 days before harvest. F Maccani® DIRECTIONS FOR USE IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product. 1. RESTRICTIONS/WARNINGS Processed Crops CONSULT PROCESSORS BEFORE USE. Effects of treatment on fruit for preservation (jam, juice, canned) have not been fully assessed. 2. DISEASE CONTROL Maccani is a protectant and systemic fungicide for the control of apple scab (Venturia inaequalis), moderate control of powdery mildew (Podosphaera leucotricha) in apples and control of scab (Venturia pirina) in pears. 2.1 Resistance Management Maccani contains pyraclostrobin (a QoI inhibitor). Apply QoI fungicides according to manufacturer’s recommendations for the target disease (or complex) at the specific crop growth stage indicated and adapted to size of trees. Effective disease management is a critical parameter in delaying the build-up of resistant pathogen populations. QoI fungicides must be applied only in mixture with partners contributing to the effective control of the target pathogens. Maccani meets this requirement as it contains dithianon. To ensure the effectiveness of the dithianon component as a partner, Maccani should always be applied at the full recommended rate. Maccani should be used preventatively and should not be relied on for its curative potential. Under high disease pressure the spray interval should be 7 days. Use a maximum of four applications of Maccani per year. Where the total number of fungicidal treatments to crops are less than twelve, the maximum number of treatments with Maccani or other QoI products should be three. A maximum of two consecutive QoI fungicide sprays is preferred. Where field performance may be adversely affected, apply QoI containing fungicides in mixtures in strict alternation with fungicides from a different cross-resistance group. 3. CROP SPECIFIC INFORMATION 3.1 Apples and pears Time of Application Apply Maccani from the start of bud burst prior to disease development and repeat at 7 to 10 day intervals. Where disease pressure is high, use a 7 day spray interval for optimum disease control. Use a maximum of four applications of Maccani per year. Rate of Application It is recommended to apply Maccani at 2.5 kg of product per hectare in 250 – 1500 litres of water per hectare Water volumes should be based on the size of the trees and leaf area at application and sufficient to ensure good coverage. 332 Maccani® Company Advisory Information* Maccani contains dithianon. Some apple varieties may be considered to be susceptible to russetting following dithianon treatments during fruit development. * Advisory Information is not part of the Product Label under the Control of Pesticides regulations 1986. This information provides additional advice on product use at the discretion of the approval holder. 4. MIXING AND SPRAYING Foliar application: Apply as a MEDIUM spray, as defined by BCPC. Half fill the spray tank with clean water and start agitation. Slowly add in the required amount of product. Rinse empty containers and add rinsings to the spray tank .Add the remainder of the water and continue agitation until spraying is complete. Company Advisory Information* Loading directly into the spray tank: Three quarters fill the spray tank with clean water and start agitation. Remove the top filter. Slowly add the required amount of product. Replace the top filter. Add the remainder of the water and continue agitation until spraying is completed. * Advisory Information is not part of the Product Label under the Control of Pesticides regulations 1986. This information provides additional advice on product use at the discretion of the approval holder. 5. CONTAINER AND STORAGE Maccani is supplied in 5 kg bags and should be kept dry and frostproof in a suitable pesticide store. Store separately from food, drink and animal food. 333 F F Maccani® 6. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Operator protection Engineering control of operator exposure must be used where reasonably practicable in addition to the following personal protective clothing: Spray equipment must only be used where the operator’s normal working position is within a closed cab on a tractor or on a self-propelled sprayer when making air-assisted applications to apples or pears. WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES, FACE PROTECTION (FACESHIELD) AND SUITABLE RESPIRATORY PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (FFP2) when handling the product. WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES when handling contaminated surfaces. However, engineering controls may replace personal protective equipment if a COSHH assessment shows they provide an equal or higher standard of protection. WASH HANDS AND EXPOSED SKIN before meals and after work. WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE. IF YOU FEEL UNWELL, seek medical advice immediately (show the label where possible). Environmental protection Do not contaminate water with the product or its container. DO NOT ALLOW DIRECT SPRAY from broadcast air-assisted spraying equipment to fall within 40 m of the top of the bank of a static or flowing waterbody, unless a Local Environmental Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) permits a narrower buffer zone, or within 5 m of the top of a ditch which is dry at the time of application. Aim spray away from water. This product qualifies for inclusion within the Local Environmental Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) scheme for broadcast air-assisted sprayers. Before each spraying operation from a broadcast air-assisted sprayer, either a LERAP must be carried out in accordance with CRD’s published guidance or the statutory buffer zone must be maintained. The results of the LERAP must be recorded and kept available for inspection for three years. Storage and disposal DO NOT RE-USE CONTAINER for any other purpose. EMPTY CONTAINER COMPLETELY and dispose of safely. Store in a suitable pesticide store. Keep dry and protect from frost. 334 Maccani® 7. DPD REGULATIONS (CHIP 3) Maccani® A water dispersible granule containing 40 g/kg (4% w/w) pyraclostrobin and 120 g/kg (12% w/w) dithianon HARMFUL BY INHALATION. HARMFUL IF SWALLOWED. IRRITATING TO EYES. LIMITED EVIDENCE OF A CARCINOGENIC EFFECT. VERY TOXIC TO AQUATIC ORGANISMS, MAY CAUSE LONG TERM ADVERSE EFFECTS IN THE AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDINGSTUFFS. WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE. IN CASE OF CONTACT WITH EYES, RINSE IMMEDIATELY WITH PLENTY OF WATER AND SEEK MEDICAL ADVICE THIS MATERIAL AND ITS CONTAINER MUST BE DISPOSED OF IN A SAFE WAY. IF SWALLOWED SEEK MEDICAL ADVICE IMMEDIATELY AND SHOW THIS CONTAINER OR LABEL. USE APPROPRIATE CONTAINMENT TO AVOID ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAMINATION. To avoid risks to man and the environment, comply with the instructions for use This product is approved under the Control of Pesticides Regulations 1986. 8. IMPORTANT INFORMATION IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR USE ONLY AS A HORTICULTURAL FUNGICIDE, as directed below: Crops Apples and pears Maximum individual dose 2.5 kg product per hectare Maximum number of treatments 4 per crop Latest time of application 35 days before harvest Other specific restrictions: A minimum interval of 7 days must be observed between applications. READ THE LABEL BEFORE USE. USING THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER THAT IS INCONSISTENT WITH THE LABEL MAY BE AN OFFENCE. FOLLOW THE CODE OF PRACTICE FOR USING PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCTS. (MAPP 13227) 335 F F Maccani® 336 Mantra® / Asana® F FUNGICIDE Mantra: MAPP No. 11728 / Asana: MAPP No. 11934 Use: A protectant, systemic and curative fungicide for use against Septoria tritici, Septoria nodorum, yellow rust, brown rust, mildew, net blotch, Rhynchosporium, eyespot, Fusarium ear blight and sooty moulds in barley, wheat, triticale, rye and oats. Formulation: A suspo-emulsion containing 125 g/litre (11.7% w/w) kresoximmethyl plus 125 g/litre (11.7% w/w) epoxiconazole plus 150g/litre (14.0% w/w) fenpropimorph. Pack Size: Mantra/Asana: 5 litres in outers of four. Recommended Crops: Spring barley Winter wheat Rye Oats Winter barley Spring wheat Triticale Water Volume: 200 litres per hectare. Spray Quality: MEDIUM Latest Time of Application: Winter and spring wheat, Up to and including flowering (anthesis) rye, triticale: half way (GS 65). Barley, oats: Emergence of ear just complete. When applied to barley intended for malting, refer to the latest timing for epoxiconazole given by the BBPA (British Beer and Pubs Association). Maximum Number of Applications: All recommended crops: 2 per crop. Aerial Application: No Compatibility: For details of compatibilities contact your distributor, local BASF representative, the BASF Technical Services Hotline: 0845 602 2553 or visit our website on: Major changes since last printing: None. This product label is compliant with the CPA Voluntary Initiative Guidance 337 Mantra® / Asana® Recommended Rates: 1 litre per hectare. F Mantra® / Asana® DIRECTIONS FOR USE IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product. Mantra/Asana is a fungicide with protectant, systemic and curative properties for use in winter and spring wheat, winter and spring barley, oats, rye and triticale. 1. RESTRICTIONS/WARNINGS Avoid spray drift on to neighbouring crops. This product may cause damage to broad-leaved plant species. Wash equipment thoroughly after use. When applied to barley intended for malting, refer to the latest timing restrictions for epoxiconazole given by the British Beer and Pub Association. 2. DISEASE CONTROL Mantra/Asana is a fungicide with protectant, systemic and curative properties for disease control as summarised below: Winter wheat Spring Winter wheat barley Spring barley Oats Rye Triticale Mildew C* C* C C C C C Septoria tritici C C - - - - C Septoria nodorum C C - - - - C Yellow rust C C C C - C C Brown rust C C C C - C C Net blotch - - C C - - - Rhynchosporium - - C C - C - Eye spot R - R - R R R Fusarium ear blight GR GR - - - - - Cladosporium & Botrytis Sooty moulds R R - - - - - C = Control; GR = Good Reduction; R = Reduction. *When used for the control of other diseases Mantra/Asana will also give control of wheat powdery mildew. Resistance Management Mantra/Asana contains kresoxim-methyl a member of the QoI cross resistance group. Mantra/Asana should be used preventatively and should not be relied on for its curative potential. When curative activity is needed apply QoI fungicides in mixture with a suitable dose of a curative fungicide from a different cross-resistance group. Mantra/Asana meets this requirement as it contains epoxiconazole and fenpropimorph. To ensure the effectiveness of the epoxiconazole and fenpropimorph components as partners, Mantra/Asana should always be applied at the full recommended rate. Strains of wheat and barley mildew resistant to QoI’s are common in the UK. 338 Mantra® / Asana® Control of wheat powdery mildew can only be relied upon from the triazole component. Where specific control of wheat mildew is required this should be achieved through a programme of measures, including products with recommendations for control of mildew that contain different active substances used in mixture or sequence. Use Mantra/Asana as part of an Integrated Crop Management (ICM) strategy incorporating other methods of control, including where appropriate other fungicides with a different mode of action. You must not apply more than two foliar applications of QoI containing products to any cereal crop. Mantra/Asana contains epoxiconazole, a DMI fungicide. Resistance to some DMI fungicides has been identified in Septoria leaf blotch (Mycosphaerella graminicola) which may seriously affect the performance of some products. For further advice on resistance management in DMIs contact your agronomist or specialist advisor and visit the FRAG-UK website. Failure to follow resistance management action may result in reduced levels of disease control. 3. CROPS Mantra/Asana is a fungicide for use in winter and spring wheat, winter and spring barley, oats, rye and triticale. 3.1 Time of Application Apply Mantra/Asana at the start of foliar disease attack. A maximum of two applications can be made up to and including flowering half way in winter and spring wheat, rye and triticale and up to and including emergence of ear just complete in winter and spring barley and oats. For optimum effect against eyespot with Mantra/Asana apply between the leaf sheaths erect and second node detectable stages of the crop. For protection against Fusarium ear blight and sooty mould on the ears of winter and spring wheat, apply Mantra/Asana during ear emergence. For control of Septoria tritici and Septoria nodorum, treatment should normally be made after the third node detectable stage when disease is present and when weather favouring disease development has occurred. A followup treatment may be necessary if conditions continue to favour disease development. 3.2 Rate of Application Apply 1 litre Mantra/Asana in 200 litres of water per hectare. Increase the water volume where the crop is dense. 4. MIXING AND SPRAYING Apply as a MEDIUM spray as defined by BCPC. Half fill the spray tank with clean water and start the agitation. SHAKE THE CONTAINER WELL before use and pour in the required amount of product. Rinse any empty containers thoroughly and add rinsings to the spray tank. Add the remainder of the water and continue agitation until spraying is completed. When tank mixes are to be used, each product should be added separately to the spray tank. All tank mixes should be used immediately after mixing. 5. CONTAINER AND STORAGE Mantra/Asana is supplied in 5 litre containers and should be kept dry and frostproof in a suitable pesticide store. 339 F F Mantra® / Asana® 6. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Operator protection Engineering control of operator exposure must be used where reasonably practicable in addition to the following personal protective clothing: OPERATORS MUST WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING (COVERALLS) AND SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES when handling the concentrate. OPERATORS MUST WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES when handling contaminated surfaces. However, engineering controls may replace personal protective equipment if a COSHH assessment shows they provide an equal or higher standard of protection. AVOID ALL CONTACT WITH SKIN. WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE. WASH HANDS AND EXPOSED SKIN before meals and after work. Environmental protection DO NOT contaminate surface waters or ditches with chemical or used container. DO NOT ALLOW DIRECT SPRAY from horizontal boom sprayers to fall within 5 m of the top of the bank of a static or flowing waterbody, unless a Local Environmental Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) permits a narrower buffer zone, or within 1 m of the top of a ditch which is dry at the time of application. Aim spray away from water. This product qualifies for inclusion within the Local Environmental Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) scheme. Before each spraying operation from a horizontal boom sprayer, either a LERAP must be carried out in accordance with CRD’s published guidance or the statutory buffer zone must be maintained. The results of the LERAP must be recorded and kept available for inspection for three years. Storage and disposal KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDING STUFFS. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. KEEP IN ORIGINAL CONTAINER, tightly closed, in a safe place. RINSE CONTAINER THOROUGHLY by using an integrated pressure rinsing device or manually rinsing three times. Add washings to sprayer at time of filling and dispose of safely. Store in a suitable pesticide store. Keep dry and protect from frost. 340 Mantra® / Asana® 7. DPD REGULATIONS (CHIP 3) Mantra® / Asana® A suspo-emulsion containing 125 g/litre (11.7% w/w) kresoxim-methyl, plus 125 g/litre (11.7% w/w) epoxiconazole plus 150 g/l (14.0% w/w) fenpropimorph . LIMITED EVIDENCE OF A CARCINOGENIC EFFECT. POSSIBLE RISK OF IMPAIRED FERTILITY. POSSIBLE RISK OF HARM TO THE UNBORN CHILD. VERY TOXIC TO AQUATIC ORGANISMS, MAY CAUSE LONG TERM ADVERSE EFFECTS IN THE AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDING STUFFS. WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE. THIS MATERIAL AND ITS CONTAINER MUST BE DISPOSED OF IN A SAFE WAY. WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING AND GLOVES. IF SWALLOWED, seek medical advice immediately and show this container or label. USE APPROPRIATE CONTAINMENT TO AVOID ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAMINATION. To avoid risks to man and the environment, comply with the instructions for use This product is approved under the Control of Pesticides Regulations 1986. 8. IMPORTANT INFORMATION IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR USE ONLY AS AN AGRICULTURAL FUNGICIDE, as directed below: Crops Maximum individual dose Maximum number of treatments Latest time of application Winter and spring wheat Rye Triticale 1.0 litre product per hectare 2 per crop Up to and including flowering (anthesis) half way (GS 65) Winter and spring including barley Oats 1.0 litre product 2 per crop Up to and per hectare emergence of ear just complete (GS 59) READ THE LABEL BEFORE USE. USING THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER THAT IS INCONSISTENT WITH THE LABEL MAY BE AN OFFENCE. FOLLOW THE CODE OF PRACTICE FOR USING PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCTS. Mantra (MAPP No. 11728) Asana (MAPP No. 11934) 341 F F Mantra® / Asana® 342 I Masai® INSECTICIDE/ACARICIDE MAPP No. 13082 Use: An acaricide for the control of mites in top fruit, strawberries and protected roses, two spotted spider mite and damson-hop aphid in hops. Formulation: A wettable powder containing 20% w/w tebufenpyrad. Pack Size: 100 g water soluble bag in outers of 10. Recommended Crops: See Section No: Apples Pears Ornamental Plant Production [Rose] (protected): Hops Strawberries Strawberries: 500 g per hectare. 50-100 g per 100 litres of water. 50-100 g per 100 litres water, depending on timing see 3.3. 750 g per hectare. Water Volume: Various, depending on crop. See literature for details. See also specific restrictions on Important Information, Section 8. Spray Quality: FINE or MEDIUM Harvest Intervals: Apples: Pears: Ornamental Plant Production [Rose] (protected): Hops: Strawberries: 7 days before harvest. 7 days before harvest. not applicable. 21 days before harvest. 3 days before harvest. Safety to Bees: High risk to bees. Do not apply to crops in flower or to those in which bees are actively foraging, except as directed on hops. Do not apply when flowering weeds are present. Processed Crops: Consult processors before use. Major changes since last printing: None. This product label is compliant with the CPA Voluntary Initiative Guidance 343 Masai® Recommended Rates: Apples and pears: Ornamental Plant Production [Rose] (protected): Hops: 3.1 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 I Masai® Maximum Total Dose per year: Apples, pears: 500 g/ha Hops: Maximum total dose of 6 kg (6000 g) per year Ornamental Plant Production [Rose] (protected): Maximum total dose of 6 kg (6000 g) per year. Strawberries: 750 g/ha Aerial Application: No Compatibility: For details of compatibilities contact your distributor, local BASF representative, the BASF Technical Services Hotline: 0845 602 2553 or visit our website on: DIRECTIONS FOR USE IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product. 1. RESTRICTIONS/WARNINGS Failure to comply with label recommendations may result in reduced activity or crop damage. Small scale testing of any rose variety is recommended at all crop stages before use to establish its tolerance under the conditions of use. Allow sufficient time for symptoms to develop. Before using Masai on crops to be processed for human consumption, consult your processor. Considering the diversity of existing legislation it is recommended that in cases where foodstuffs treated with Masai are to be exported, the regulations of the importing country should be consulted. 2. PEST CONTROL Masai controls: Fruit tree red spider mite (Panonychus ulmi) in apples and pears; Two-spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae) in strawberries, hops and ornamental plant production (Rose) (protected); Damson-hop aphid (Phorodon humuli) in hops. Masai also provides moderate control of apple rust mite (Aculus schlechtendali) when applied against fruit tree red spider mite in apples. Masai controls all spider mite stages from eggs (except winter eggs) to adults. 2.1 Resistance management To reduce the possibility of the development of resistance, no more than one application of Masai should be made to any ONE crop in any ONE growing season (except for the recommended programme for the control of damsonhop aphid in hops; see below). Other METI (mitochondrial electron transport inhibitors) acaricides should NOT be applied to the same crop in the same season as Masai either separately or in mixture. Strains of some aphid species are resistant to many aphicides. Where aphids resistant to products containing tebufenpyrad occur, Masai is unlikely to give satisfactory control. Repeat treatments are likely to result in lower levels of control. Note: for damson-hop aphid, wherever possible use different active ingredients in a programme of treatments. 344 Masai® 3. CROPS Masai has been shown to have no effect on fruit quality or fruit finish. 3.1 Apples and pears Rate of Application For the control of fruit tree red spider mite apply Masai at a rate of 500 g/ha in a spray volume of 250 to 2000 litres of water/ha. Time of Application Applications must not be made before 90% petal fall. Apply Masai before the pest becomes established. Consult your adviser for current mite treatment thresholds. Moderate control of apple rust mite can be achieved from applications made against fruit tree red spider mite in apples. Maximum in-use concentration The in-use spray concentration must not exceed 200 g product per 100 litres water. Maximum dose per year: 500 g product/ha. DO NOT APPLY LATER THAN 7 days before harvest. 3.2 Ornamental Plant Production [Rose] (protected) Rate of Application For the control of two-spotted spider mite apply Masai at a rate of 50-100 g per 100 litres of water. Time of Application Apply when pests are first seen. The higher rate should be used where the pest is already established, or where pest numbers are known to be increasing rapidly. Apply as a high volume spray, sufficient to give complete coverage of the foliage. Small scale testing of any rose variety is recommended at all crop stages before use to establish its tolerance under the conditions of use. Allow sufficient time for any symptoms to develop. Maximum in-use concentration The in-use spray concentration must not exceed 100 g product/100 litres water. Maximum dose per year: 6000 g product/ha 3.3 Hops Rate of Application For the control of two-spotted spider mite apply Masai at a rate of 50 g per 100 litres of water. Time of Application Apply as a high volume spray of 500 to 2000 litres water/ha, before the pest becomes established. Applications can be made from before the hops reach the top of the wires. For the control of damson-hop aphid apply Masai according to the following recommended programme: First spray: 150 g/100 litres water: at start of the fly-in period. Second spray: 110 g/100 litres water: 21-28 days after 1st spray. Third spray: 90 g/100 litres water: 21-28 days after 2nd spray, before opening of cones. 345 I I Masai® Apply as a high volume spray of 500 to 2000 litres water/ha. Application volume depends on age of plant and time of year. For best results sprays must achieve good coverage of the whole bine. Where the first spray is applied in less than 1000 litres water/ha, the dose should be maintained at 1500 g/ha. This programme will also give control of two-spotted spider mite. Maximum in-use concentration The in-use spray concentration must not exceed 300 g product/100 litres water. Maximum dose per year: 6000 g product/ha. DO NOT APPLY LATER THAN 21 days before harvest. 3.4 Strawberries Rate of application For the control of two-spotted spider mite apply Masai at a rate of 750 g/ha in a spray volume of 500 to 1500 litres water/ha. Time of application Apply Masai when first spider mites appear in the crop and before populations become established. Consult your adviser for current mite treatment thresholds. Good spray coverage of the upper and lower leaf surfaces is essential for best results. Maximum in-use concentration The in-use spray concentration must not exceed 150 g product per 100 litres water. Maximum dose per year: 750 g product/ha. DO NOT APPLY LATER THAN 3 days before harvest. 4. MIXING AND SPRAYING Mixing 1. One third fill the tank with water. 2. Start agitation. 3. Open the re-sealable pack and remove with dry gloves the required number of water soluble bags. Add the bags to the tank and allow them to disperse. Re-seal the pack, if there are any water soluble bags left in the pack. 4. DO NOT OPEN BAGS. 5. If tank-mixing, add the other product(s) only if Masai has fully dispersed. 6. Fill the tank. 7. Maintain agitation whilst spraying. Volume of water See recommendations for specific crops. For effective control total cover is required. When spraying large trees or hop bines use high volumes in accordance with Good Agricultural/Horticultural Practice. Spraying Due to the size of the water soluble sachet, it is recommended that Masai is NOT used in knapsack sprayers. DO NOT REMOVE INNER LINER 346 Masai® Each 100 g pack will treat: 5. Dosage g/ha Hectares treated by one 100 g pack 500 0.2 750 0.13 1000 0.1 CONTAINER AND STORAGE Masai is supplied in 100 g water soluble bags in outers of 10. DO NOT TOUCH WATER SOLUBLE bag with wet hands or gloves. DO NOT STORE WATER SOLUBLE BAG OUTSIDE ORIGINAL OUTER PACK AND LINER. USE IMMEDIATELY UPON REMOVAL FROM OUTER PACK. ENSURE ALL OTHER LABEL CONDITIONS ARE FOLLOWED. KEEP IN ORIGINAL CONTAINER, tightly closed in a safe place. EMPTY CONTAINER COMPLETELY and dispose of safely. DO NOT STORE ABOVE 40°C 347 I I Masai® 6. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Operator protection Engineering control of operator exposure must be used where reasonably practicable in addition to the following personal protective equipment: WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES when handling the product. However, engineering controls may replace personal protective equipment if a COSHH assessment shows that they provide an equal or higher standard of protection. WASH ALL PROTECTIVE CLOTHING thoroughly after use, especially the insides of gloves. WASH ANY CONTAMINATION from skin or eyes immediately. AVOID ALL CONTACT BY MOUTH. AVOID ALL CONTACT WITH SKIN. WASH HANDS AND EXPOSED SKIN before meals and after work. Environmental protection DO NOT contaminate surface waters or ditches with chemical or used container. HIGH RISK TO BEES. DO NOT apply to crops in flower or to those in which bees are actively foraging, except as directed in hops. DO NOT apply when flowering weeds are present. DO NOT ALLOW DIRECT SPRAY from horizontal boom sprayers to fall within 5 m of the top of the bank of a static or flowing water body, unless a Local Environmental Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) permits a narrower buffer zone, or within 1 m of the top of a ditch which is dry at the time of application. DO NOT ALLOW DIRECT SPRAY from hand-held sprayers to fall within 1 m of the top of the bank of a static or flowing water body. Aim spray away from water. DO NOT ALLOW DIRECT SPRAY from broadcast air-assisted sprayers to fall within 18 m of the top of the bank of a static or flowing waterbody, unless a Local Environmental Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) permits a narrower buffer zone, or within 5 m of the top of a ditch which is dry at the time of application. Aim spray away from water. This product qualifies for inclusion within the Local Environmental Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) scheme. Before each spraying operation from a horizontal boom sprayer or broadcast air-assisted sprayer, either a LERAP must be carried out in accordance with CRD’s published guidance or the statutory buffer zone must be maintained. The results of the LERAP must be recorded and kept available for three years. Storage and disposal KEEP IN ORIGINAL CONTAINER, tightly closed in a safe place. EMPTY CONTAINER COMPLETELY and dispose of safely. DO NOT STORE ABOVE 40ºC. 348 Masai® 7. DPD REGULATIONS (CHIP 3) Masai® A wettable powder containing 20% w/w tebufenpyrad. HARMFUL BY INHALATION. HARMFUL IF SWALLOWED. VERY TOXIC TO AQUATIC ORGANISMS, MAY CAUSE LONG TERM ADVERSE EFFECTS IN THE AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDING STUFFS. WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE. THIS MATERIAL AND ITS CONTAINER MUST BE DISPOSED OF IN A SAFE WAY. IF SWALLOWED SEEK MEDICAL ADVICE IMMEDIATELY AND SHOW THIS CONTAINER OR LABEL. USE APPROPRIATE CONTAINMENT TO AVOID ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAMINATION. CONTAINS TEBUFENPYRAD. MAY CAUSE AN ALLERGIC REACTION. To avoid risks to man and the environment, comply with the instructions for use This product is approved under the Control of Pesticides Regulations 1986. 8. IMPORTANT INFORMATION IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR USE ONLY AS A HORTICULTURAL ACARICIDE/INSECTICIDE, as directed below: CROPS: Apples, Pears, Strawberries, Hops and Ornamental Plant Production [Rose] (protected) MAXIMUM INDIVIDUAL DOSE: MAXIMUM TOTAL DOSE. LATEST TIMING. } See ‘Other Specific Restrictions’ below. Details are given under DIRECTIONS FOR USE. Other specific restrictions: The following maximum concentrations must not be exceeded: Apples and Pears – 200 g product/100 litres water. Strawberries – 150 g product/100 litres water. Ornamental Plant Production – 100 g product/100 litres water. [Rose] (protected) Hops – 300 g product/100 litres water. READ THE LABEL BEFORE USE. USING THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER THAT IS INCONSISTENT WITH THE LABEL MAY BE AN OFFENCE. FOLLOW THE CODE OF PRACTICE FOR USING PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCTS. (MAPP No. 13082) 349 I I Masai® 350 Meteor® / Upright P PLANT GROWTH REGULATOR Meteor: MAPP 10403 / Upright: MAPP No. 10404 Use: A plant growth regulator for use in winter wheat. Formulation: A soluble concentrate containing 368 g/litre (34.1% w/w) chlormequat chloride and 0.8 g/litre (0.074% w/w) imazaquin. Pack Size: 10 litres in outers of two. Recommended Crops: All varieties of winter wheat (except Durum wheat). Recommended Rates: Maximum individual dose 2.5 l/ha; Maximum total dose 2.5 l/ha. Water Volume: 200 litres per hectare. Latest Recommended Time of Application: Up to before second node detectable. Maximum Number of Applications: See Recommended dose and timings, Section 3. Aerial Application: No Compatibility: For details of compatibilities contact your distributor, local BASF representative, the BASF Technical Services Hotline: 0845 602 2553 or visit our website on: Major changes since last printing: Globally Harmonised System (GHS) Regulations added, see Section 7. This product label is compliant with the CPA Voluntary Initiative Guidance 351 Meteor® / Upright Spray Quality: FINE or MEDIUM P Meteor® / Upright DIRECTIONS FOR USE IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product. 1. RESTRICTIONS/WARNINGS DO NOT apply Meteor/Upright when the crop is wet or if rain is imminent. On soils of low fertility, best results will be obtained where adequate nitrogen fertiliser is used. DO NOT apply Meteor/Upright to undersown crops. DO NOT use straw from Meteor/Upright treated cereals as a horticultural growth medium or as a mulch. 2. GROWTH REGULATION Meteor/Upright contains two active ingredients, imazaquin and chlormequat chloride. These active ingredients from different chemical groups have two modes of action, both of which can regulate the growth of winter wheat and provide protection against lodging. Applied together as Meteor/Upright, imazaquin and chlormequat chloride can enhance yield by affecting the growth of the aerial structure (stem, leaves and ears) of the wheat plant. 3. CROPS Meteor/Upright is for use in high yield winter wheat growing systems. It should be applied to crops during good growing conditions and to those which are at risk from lodging. It is approved for use on all varieties of Winter Wheat (except Durum Wheat) on any soil type. Maximum application rate Maximum dose: 2.5 l/ha in any one growing season. This may be applied as a single application or as a split dose sequence. Latest timing Before 2nd node detectable stage. Recommended dose and timings Single application: 2.5 l/ha May be applied from leaf sheath lengthening up to and including first node detectable. Split application: 1.75 l/ha First dose from tillers formed to leaf sheath lengthening. 0.75 l/ha Second dose from leaf sheath erect up to and including first node detectable. 4. MIXING AND SPRAYING Mixing 1. Three quarters fill the tank with water. 2. Shake the can well. 3. Add Meteor/Upright while re-circulating. 4. If tank-mixing, add the other product(s) individually ONLY when each has fully dispersed. 5. Fill the tank. 6. Maintain circulation while spraying. Caution is needed with mixtures of liquid nitrogen fertilisers and Meteor/Upright as scorching may occur in certain circumstances. 352 Meteor® / Upright Water volume 200 litres/hectare. Spray quality Fine or medium (BCPC definition), within the following range: F110/0.6 to 1.6/3.0 HC 80 to 90/0.6 to 1.6/3.0 Speed 6-8 km/h for tractor-mounted or trailed sprayers. Boom height 40-50 cm above the crop. 5. CONTAINER AND STORAGE Meteor/Upright is supplied in 10 litre polycans in outers of two. Protect from frost. Shake well before use. Do not store in direct sunlight. 6. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Operator protection Engineering control of operator exposure must be used where reasonably practicable in addition to the following personal protective equipment: WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES AND FACE PROTECTION (FACESHIELD) when handling the concentrate. However, engineering controls may replace personal protective equipment if a COSHH assessment shows that they provide an equal or higher standard of protection. WASH CONCENTRATE from skin or eyes immediately. AVOID ALL CONTACT BY MOUTH. DO NOT BREATHE SPRAY. WASH HANDS AND EXPOSED SKIN before meals and after work. WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE. IF YOU FEEL UNWELL, seek medical advice (show label where possible). Environmental protection DO NOT CONTAMINATE SURFACE WATERS OR DITCHES with chemical or used container. Storage and disposal DO NOT RE-USE CONTAINER for any purpose. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDINGSTUFFS. KEEP IN ORIGINAL CONTAINER, tightly closed in a safe place. WASH OUT CONTAINER THOROUGHLY, empty washings into spray tank and dispose of safely. PROTECT FROM FROST. DO NOT STORE IN DIRECT SUNLIGHT. 353 P P Meteor® / Upright 7. GLOBALLY HARMONISED SYSTEM (GHS) REGULATIONS Meteor® / Upright A soluble concentrate containing 368 g/litre chlormequat chloride and 0.8 g/litre imazaquin. DANGER: MAY BE CORROSIVE TO METALS. HARMFUL IF SWALLOWED. CAUSES SERIOUS EYE DAMAGE. HARMFUL IF INHALED. TOXIC TO AQUATIC LIFE WITH LONG LASTING EFFECTS. AVOID BREATHING VAPOURS. WEAR EYE/FACE PROTECTION. IF IN EYES: RINSE CAUTIOUSLY WITH WATER FOR SEVERAL MINUTES. REMOVE CONTACT LENSES, IF PRESENT AND EASY TO DO. CONTINUE RINSING. IMMEDIATELY CALL A POISON CENTER OR DOCTOR/ PHYSICIAN. ABSORB SPILLAGE TO PREVENT MATERIAL DAMAGE. DISPOSE OF CONTENTS/CONTAINER IN ACCORDANCE WITH LOCAL REGULATIONS. To avoid risks to human health and the environment, comply with the instructions for use This product is approved under the Control of Pesticides Regulations 1986. 8. IMPORTANT INFORMATION IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR USE ONLY AS AN AGRICULTURAL PLANT GROWTH REGULATOR, as directed below: Crop Dose (litres Winter wheat Maximum Individual Dose (litres product/hectare) Maximum Total Application product/hectare) 2.5 2.5 Latest Time of Before second node detectable stage READ THE LABEL BEFORE USE. USING THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER THAT IS INCONSISTENT WITH THE LABEL MAY BE AN OFFENCE. FOLLOW THE CODE OF PRACTICE FOR USING PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCTS. (Meteor: MAPP No. 10403 Upright: MAPP No. 10404) 354 Nebula® XL F FUNGICIDE MAPP No. 15555 Use: A broad spectrum fungicide for use in winter wheat, spring wheat, winter barley, spring barley, oats, rye and triticale. Formulation: An oil dispersion containing 140 g/litre (13.02% w/w) boscalid, 60 g/litre (5.58% w/w) pyraclostrobin and 50 g/litre (4.65% w/w) epoxiconazole. Pack Size: 5 litres in outers of four. Recommended Crops: Wheat, winter and spring Barley, winter and spring Oats Rye Triticale Maximum Individual Dose: 2.5 litres product per hectare Water Volume: 100 – 300 litres of water per hectare Processed Crops: Effects on baking and brewing have not been fully tested. Consult the grain merchant or processor before use. Latest Time of Application: Wheat, winter and spring Rye Triticale Up to and including flowering (anthesis) just complete (GS 69) Barley, winter and spring Oats Up to and including emergence of ear just complete (GS 59) Aerial Application: No Compatibility: For details of compatibilities contact your distributor, local BASF representative, the BASF Technical Services Hotline: 0845 602 2553 or visit our website on: Major changes since last printing: None. This product label is compliant with the CPA Voluntary Initiative Guidance 355 Nebula® XL Maximum Number of Treatments: 2 per crop F Nebula® XL DIRECTIONS FOR USE IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product. Nebula XL is a broad spectrum fungicide with systemic, protectant and curative properties for use in winter wheat, spring wheat, winter barley, spring barley, oats, rye and triticale. 1. RESTRICTIONS/WARNINGS Avoid spray drift on to neighbouring crops. Effects on baking and brewing have not been fully tested. Consult the grain merchant or processor before use. This product may cause damage to broad-leaved plant species. Wash equipment thoroughly after use. You must not apply more than two foliar applications of QoI containing products to any cereal crop. See also 2.1, Resistance Management, below. 2. DISEASE CONTROL Nebula XL is a broad spectrum fungicide with systemic, protectant and curative properties for use in winter wheat, spring wheat, winter barley, spring barley, oats, rye and triticale for disease control as summarised below. Winter wheat Spring Winter wheat barley Oats Rye Triticale - - - C Septoria tritici C C Septoria nodorum C C - - - - C Brown rust C C C C - C C Yellow rust C C C C - C C Net blotch - - C C - - - Rhynchosporium - - C C - C - MC MC MC MC - MC MC Powdery mildew - - MC MC MC MC MC Crown rust - - - - C - - Tan spot MC MC - - - - - Ramularia - - MC MC - - - Fusarium ear blight # GR GR - - - - - Sooty moulds Cladosporium, Botrytis) GR GR - - - - - Eyespot - Spring barley Yield response may be obtained in the absence of visual disease. C = Control MC = Moderate Control GR = Good Reduction # Application of Nebula XL to ears of wheat can lead to reduction of the mycotoxin deoxynivalenol (DON) associated with Fusarium ear blight infection, but this level of effect may not necessarily lead to reduction of DON below the statutory limit in wheat grain. 356 Nebula® XL 2.1 Resistance Management Nebula XL contains pyraclostrobin, a member of the QoI cross resistance group. Nebula XL should be used preventatively and should not be relied upon for its curative potential. When curative activity is needed apply QoI fungicides in mixture with a suitable dose of a curative fungicide from a different cross-resistance group. Nebula meets this requirement as it contains epoxiconazole and boscalid. To ensure the effectiveness of the epoxiconazole and boscalid component, Nebula should always be applied at the full recommended rate. Use Nebula XL as part of an Integrated Crop Management (ICM) strategy incorporating other methods of control, including where appropriate other fungicides with a different mode of action. You must not apply more than two foliar application of QoI containing products to any cereal crop. There is a significant risk of widespread resistance to QoI cross resistance group fungicides occurring. Failure to follow resistance management action may result in reduced levels of disease control. Nebula XL contains epoxiconazole, a DMI fungicide. Resistance to some DMI fungicides has been identified in Septoria leaf blotch (Mycosphaerella graminicola) which may seriously affect the performance of some products. For further advice on resistance management in DMIs contact your agronomist or specialist advisor, and visit the FRAG-UK website. Nebula XL contains boscalid which belongs to the SDHI (carboxamide) group of fungicides. To minimise the risk of resistance occurring, apply a maximum of two SDHI fungicide sprays per cereal crop 3. CROPS Nebula XL is a broad spectrum fungicide with protectant and curative properties for use in winter wheat, spring wheat, winter barley, spring barley, oats, rye and triticale. 3.1 Time of Application Apply Nebula XL at the start of foliar or stem based disease attack. A maximum of two applications can be made up to and including flowering (anthesis) just complete (GS69) in winter wheat, spring wheat, rye and triticale, and up to and including emergence of ear just complete (GS59) in winter and spring barley and oats. 3.2 Rate of Application Apply 2.5 litres Nebula XL in 150 to 300 litres of water per hectare. Qualified recommendation Nebula XL may be applied at 2.5 litres per hectare in 100 litres water per hectare although efficacy at this reduced volume has not been evaluated. Therefore application at 100 litres water per hectare is at user’s risk with regard to biological efficacy. 4. FOLLOWING CROPS After treating a cereal crop with Nebula XL, onions, oats, sugar beet, oilseed rape, cabbages, carrots, sunflowers, barley, lettuce, ryegrass, dwarf French beans, peas, potatoes, clover, wheat, field beans and maize may be sown as the following crop. 357 F F Nebula® XL 5. MIXING AND SPRAYING Half fill the spray tank with clean water and start the agitation. SHAKE THE CONTAINER WELL before use and pour in the required amount of product. Rinse any empty containers thoroughly and add rinsings to the spray tank. Add the remainder of the water and continue agitation until spraying is completed. On emptying the container, rinse container thoroughly by using an integrated pressure rinsing device or manually rinsing three times. Add washings to sprayer at time of filling and dispose of container safely. 6. CONTAINER AND STORAGE Nebula XL is supplied in 5 litre containers. Store in a suitable pesticide store. Keep dry and protect from frost. 7. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Operator protection Engineering control of operator exposure must be used where reasonably practicable in addition to the following personal protective clothing: WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING (COVERALLS) AND SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES when handling the concentrate or handling contaminated surfaces. However, engineering controls may replace personal protective equipment if a COSHH assessment shows they provide an equal or higher standard of protection. IF YOU FEEL UNWELL, seek medical advice immediately (show the label where possible). WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE. WASH HANDS AND EXPOSED SKIN before meals and after work. Environmental protection Do not contaminate water with the product or its container. Do not clean application equipment near surface water. Avoid contamination via drains from farmyards and roads. To protect aquatic organisms respect an unsprayed buffer zone to surface water bodies in line with LERAP requirements. DO NOT ALLOW DIRECT SPRAY from horizontal boom sprayers to fall within 5m of the top of the bank of a static or flowing waterbody, unless a Local Environment Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) permits a narrower buffer zone, or within 1m of the top of a ditch which is dry at the time of application. Aim spray away from water. This product qualifies for inclusion within the Local Environment Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) scheme. Before each spraying operation from a horizontal boom sprayer, either a LERAP must be carried out in accordance with CRD’s published guidance or the statutory buffer zone must be maintained. The results of the LERAP must be recorded and kept available for inspection for three years. Storage and disposal KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDINGSTUFFS. Do not re-use container for any purpose. RINSE CONTAINER THOROUGHLY by using an integrated pressure rinsing device or manually rinsing three times. Add washings to sprayer at time of filling and dispose of safely. Store in a suitable pesticide store. Keep dry and protect from frost. SHAKE WELL BEFORE USE. 358 Nebula® XL 8. DPD REGULATIONS (CHIP 3) Nebula® XL An oil dispersion containing 140 g/litre boscalid plus 60 g/litre pyraclostrobin plus 50g/litre epoxiconazole. HARMFUL BY INHALATION IRRITATING TO SKIN LIMITED EVIDENCE OF A CARCINOGENIC EFFECT MAY CAUSE SENSITISATION BY SKIN CONTACT POSSIBLE RISK OF IMPAIRED FERTILITY POSSIBLE RISK OF HARM TO THE UNBORN CHILD VERY TOXIC TO AQUATIC ORGANISMS, MAY CAUSE LONG TERM ADVERSE EFFECTS IN THE AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING AND GLOVES KEEP OUT OF THE REACH OF CHILDREN KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDINGSTUFFS AVOID CONTACT WITH THE SKIN IF SWALLOWED, SEEK MEDICAL ADVICE IMMEDIATELY AND SHOW THIS CONTAINER OR LABEL THIS MATERIAL AND ITS CONTAINER MUST BE DISPOSED OF IN A SAFE WAY USE APPROPRIATE CONTAINMENT TO AVOID ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAMINATION To avoid risks to man and the environment, comply with the instructions for use This product is approved under the Plant Protection Products Regulations 2005. 359 F F Nebula® XL 9. IMPORTANT INFORMATION IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR USE ONLY AS AN AGRICULTURAL FUNGICIDE, as directed below: Crops Maximum individual dose Maximum number of treatments Latest time of application Wheat (winter) Wheat (spring) (anthesis) Rye Triticale 2.5 litres product/ha 2 per crop Up to and including flowering Barley (winter) Barley (spring) Oats 2.5 litres product/ha just complete (GS 69) 2 per crop Up to and including emergence of ear just complete (GS 59) READ THE LABEL BEFORE USE. USING THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER THAT IS INCONSISTENT WITH THE LABEL MAY BE AN OFFENCE. FOLLOW THE CODE OF PRACTICE FOR USING PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCTS. (MAPP No. 15555) 360 New 5C Cycocel® P PLANT GROWTH REGULATOR MAFF No. 01482 Use: A growth regulator for yield improvement and/or lodging control in cereals. Can also be used in named ornamentals to promote a more compact bushier habit. Formulation: A soluble concentrate containing 645 g/litre (57% w/w) chlormequat chloride. Pack Size: 10 litres in outers of two. See Section No: 2.1 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 Recommended Rates: Various. See literature for details. Water Volume: Cereals – 220-450 l/ha. Named ornamentals – various. See literature for details. Spray Quality: MEDIUM Latest Time of Application: Winter barley, triticale: Before first node detectable. Spring wheat, rye: Before second node detectable. Winter wheat, autumn drilled spring wheat, winter and spring oats: Before third node detectable. Named ornamentals: No restriction. Aerial Application: Cereals. Should not be made in tank mix with other products when applied from the air. Compatibility: For details of compatibilities contact your distributor, local BASF representative, the BASF Technical Services Hotline: 0845 602 2553 or visit our website on: Major changes since last printing: None. This product label is compliant with the CPA Voluntary Initiative Guidance 361 New 5C Cycocel® Recommended Crops: Winter wheat Spring wheat (Autumn drilled) Spring wheat (Spring drilled) Winter barley Winter and spring oats Winter and spring rye Triticale Poinsettias Geraniums and Pelargoniums P New 5C Cycocel® DIRECTIONS FOR USE IMPORTANT: this information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product. New 5C Cycocel is a valuable input for high yield wheat and winter barley growing systems. The influence of New 5C Cycocel on growth will vary according to the crop and its stage of growth at the time of application. Application at early stem extension can lower crop height and the sturdier growth reduces the risk of early lodging which is known to adversely affect grain yield. This lodging control is most consistent in wheat and winter and spring oats. Applications earlier in the life of the crop can improve the root system development and can increase the number of tillers surviving to bear heads, which can result in increased yield. On certain ornamentals (see below) the use of New 5C Cycocel can promote a more compact bushy habit. 1. RESTRICTIONS/WARNINGS Avoid spray drift on to neighbouring crops. New 5C Cycocel should be applied to crops during good growing conditions at the correct timing. DO NOT apply New 5C Cycocel if rain or frost is expected, nor if the crop is wet. DO NOT apply New 5C Cycocel to very late sown spring crops. DO NOT apply New 5C Cycocel to crops on soils of low fertility unless these soils regularly receive adequate dressings of nitrogen fertilisers. New 5C Cycocel may be applied to cereals undersown with grasses and/or clovers. A split application is not recommended in spring sown spring wheat. Caution is needed if using mixtures of liquid nitrogen fertilisers and New 5C Cycocel as scorching may result in certain circumstances. Wash equipment thoroughly after use. Winter wheat sown in the spring and autumn drilled spring wheats should be treated at the winter wheat rate of application. Occasionally, when used in poinsettias, temporary yellow spotting may occur which can be minimised by the addition of an authorised non-ionic wetting agent at the rate of 2 ml per 5 litres of spray solution. New 5C Cycocel reduces stem length in winter and spring oats under most circumstances but resistance to lodging will be greater in short-strawed varieties. For full effect in winter and spring oats, an authorised non-ionic wetting agent at 25 ml per 100 litres must be added to the spray mixture, except when using mixes of New 5C Cycocel with Corbel. The use of Terpal sequentially in approved crops is recommended for reliable lodging control. See Terpal literature for full details. Aerial application in cereals should not be made in tank mix with any other products. Notes on application to ornamentals: Plants to be treated must be well established, growing vigorously, and with a healthy root system. Pot bound plants or plants under stress should not be treated. Do not treat in strong sunlight. Do not treat geraniums/pelargoniums when temperatures are likely to drop below 10°C. Compost should be moist prior to treatment. It is advised that the effect is checked on a small number of plants before treating the whole batch. DO NOT use straw from New 5C Cycocel treated cereals as a horticultural growth medium or as a mulch. 362 New 5C Cycocel® 2. CROPS 2.1 Winter wheat and Spring wheat (Autumn drilled) Low lodging risk situations Time of Application For yield benefit apply New 5C Cycocel from the leaf sheath lengthening stage up to and including the second node detectable stage. The optimum application time is the leaf sheaths erect stage just prior to the first node detectable stage. Rate of Application Apply 1.75 litres New 5C Cycocel in 220-450 litres of water per hectare. High lodging risk situations Time of Application Apply New 5C Cycocel either as a split application or as a single dose. As a split application apply the first dose at the tillers formed to leaf sheath lengthening stage followed by the second dose at the leaf sheath erect to first node detectable stage. Do not apply later than second node detectable stage. If a split application is not possible the full dose at leaf sheath erect just prior to the first node detectable stage is recommended. Rate of Application When using a split application, apply 1.75 litres New 5C Cycocel at the earlier timing, followed by 0.75 litres New 5C Cycocel at the later timing, both in 220450 litres of water per hectare. If using a single dose apply 2.5 litres New 5C Cycocel in 220-450 litres of water per hectare. The use of Terpal sequentially is recommended in winter wheat varieties for improved lodging control where the crop is growing vigorously. See Terpal literature for full details. 2.2 Spring wheat (Spring drilled) Time of Application Apply New 5C Cycocel from the leaf sheath lengthening stage up to and including the first node detectable stage. The optimum application time is the leaf sheaths erect stage prior to the first node detectable stage. Rate of Application Apply 1.25 litres New 5C Cycocel in 220-450 litres of water per hectare. Winter wheat sown in the spring and autumn drilled spring wheats should be treated at the winter wheat rate of application. A split application is not recommended in spring sown spring wheat. 2.3 Winter barley Whilst New 5C Cycocel is less consistent in winter barley for the control of lodging than in wheat or winter and spring oats, the relatively early application timing can promote changes in the pattern of growth which may lead to an increase in yield. Root development and tiller production is largely determined in the autumn of sowing. New 5C Cycocel applied in the autumn can stimulate both root system development and tiller production. New 5C Cycocel may be applied either as a split application or as a single dose. The use of Terpal sequentially is recommended for reliable lodging control. See Terpal literature for full details. Time of Application When using a split dose treatment, apply the first dose in the autumn from when the crop has three leaves once adequate cover is established up until early tillering, followed by the second dose in the spring from mid-tillering to 363 P P New 5C Cycocel® just prior to the first node detectable stage. It is important that both parts of the split dose are applied. When using a single dose, apply New 5C Cycocel in the spring from mid-tillering to just prior to the first node detectable stage. Rate of Application When using a split dose, apply 0.75 litres in the autumn, followed by 1.75 litres in the spring, both in 220-450 litres of water per hectare. When using a single dose, apply 2.5 litres New 5C Cycocel in the spring in 220-450 litres of water per hectare. 2.4 Winter and Spring oats New 5C Cycocel reduces stem length in winter and spring oats under most circumstances but resistance to lodging will be greater in short-strawed varieties. Time of Application Apply New 5C Cycocel when the second node is detectable on the majority of tillers. Rate of Application Apply 2.5 litres New 5C Cycocel in 220-450 litres of water per hectare. For full effect, an authorised non-ionic wetting agent at 25 ml per 100 litres must be added to the spray mixture, except when using mixes of New 5C Cycocel with Corbel. If mixing with Corbel add Corbel to the tank last. Slight scorch may occur. 2.5 Rye New 5C Cycocel may be used on rye. Although widely used on the Continent the results of UK trials have been less consistent in effects on plant height and in lodging. The use of Terpal sequentially is recommended for improved lodging control where the crop is growing vigorously. See Terpal literature for full details. Time of Application Apply New 5C Cycocel when the first node is detectable on the majority of tillers. Rate of Application Apply 2.5 litres New 5C Cycocel in 220-450 litres of water per hectare. 2.6 Triticale The results of a number of independent trials have shown that an increase in crop yield and a reduction in early lodging can be obtained following an application of New 5C Cycocel. The use of Terpal sequentially is recommended for improved lodging control where the crop is growing vigorously. See Terpal literature for full details. Time of Application Apply New 5C Cycocel from mid-tillering to just prior to the first node detectable stage. Rate of Application Apply 2.5 litres New 5C Cycocel in 220-450 litres of water per hectare. 2.7 Poinsettias Time of Application Apply New 5C Cycocel when shoot growth after any pinching of established plants in final pots reaches 25 mm. Either a single drench or a spray programme may be used as outlined below. 364 New 5C Cycocel® Rate of Application - Drench Treatment Use 25 ml New 5C Cycocel in 5 litres of water and apply the diluted solution evenly as a compost drench according to the rates below. POT DIAMETER mm 75* 100 130 150 200 AMOUNT OF SOLUTION (PER POT) ml 57 85 114 170 227 *Two applications are required in order to apply the necessary volume to pots less than 75 mm in diameter. Rate of Application - Spray Treatment Apply 10 ml New 5C Cycocel per 5 litres of water, high volume. Up to three sprays at 10-14 day intervals may be applied. Occasionally, temporary yellow spotting may occur which can be minimised by the addition of an authorised non-ionic wetting agent at the rate of 2 ml per 5 litres of spray solution. See also ‘Notes on application to ornamentals’ in Section 2.9 below. 2.8 Geraniums/Pelargoniums Time of Application Apply New 5C Cycocel 30-40 days after sowing with a second application 14 days later. A third application may be required after a further 28 days. Rate of Application Apply 14 ml New 5C Cycocel per 5 litres of water, high volume, with an authorised non-ionic wetting agent added at the rate of 2 ml per 5 litres of spray solution. 2.9 Ornamentals (notes on application) a) Plants to be treated must be well established, growing vigorously, and with a healthy root system. b) Pot bound plants or plants under stress should not be treated. Do not treat in strong sunlight. c) Do not treat geraniums/pelargoniums when temperatures are likely to drop below 10°C. d) Compost should be moist prior to treatment. e) It is advised that the effect is checked on a small number of plants before treating the whole batch. 365 P P New 5C Cycocel® 3. MIXING AND SPRAYING Apply as a MEDIUM spray as defined by BCPC. Half fill the spray tank with clean water and start the agitation. Pour in the required amount of New 5C Cycocel. Add the remainder of the water and continue agitation until spraying is completed. When tank mixes are to be used, each product should be added separately to the spray tank, taking due note of any instructions given as to the order of mixing. New 5C Cycocel may be applied from the air to wheat, winter barley, winter and spring oats, triticale and rye at the recommended rates in 25-60 litres of water per hectare, but results may not be as uniform as from ground applications. When applied by air to winter and spring oats, New 5C Cycocel should be used in conjunction with an authorised non-ionic wetting agent at the recommended rate. Aerial application should not be made in tank mix with any other products. 4. CONTAINER AND STORAGE New 5C Cycocel is supplied in 10 litre polyethylene containers and should be kept dry and frostproof in a suitable pesticide store. 5. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Operator protection Engineering control of operator exposure must be used where reasonably practicable in addition to the following personal protective equipment: WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES when handling the concentrate. However, engineering controls may replace personal protective equipment if a COSHH assessment shows that they provide an equal or higher standard of protection. WASH CONCENTRATE from skin or eyes immediately. DO NOT BREATHE SPRAY. WASH HANDS AND EXPOSED SKIN before meals and after work. WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE. KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDINGSTUFFS. IF YOU FEEL UNWELL, seek medical advice (show label where possible). Environmental protection Do not contaminate surface waters or ditches with chemical or used container. Storage and disposal DO NOT RE-USE CONTAINER for any purpose. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. KEEP IN ORIGINAL CONTAINER, tightly closed in a safe place. RINSE CONTAINER THOROUGHLY by using an integrated pressure rinsing device or manually rinsing three times. Add washings to sprayer at time of filling and dispose of safely. Keep dry and frost proof in a suitable pesticides store. 366 New 5C Cycocel® 6. DPD REGULATIONS (CHIP 3) New 5C Cycocel® A soluble concentrate containing 645 g/litre (57% w/w) chlormequat choride. HARMFUL IF SWALLOWED. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDINGSTUFFS. WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE. IF SWALLOWED, SEEK MEDICAL ADVICE IMMEDIATELY AND SHOW THIS CONTAINER OR LABEL. To avoid risks to man and the environment, comply with the instructions for use This product is approved under the Control of Pesticides Regulations 1986. 367 P P New 5C Cycocel® 7. IMPORTANT INFORMATION IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR USE ONLY AS AN AGRICULTURAL/HORTICULTURAL PLANT GROWTH REGULATOR, as directed below: Crops Maximum individual dose (litres product/ hectare) Maximum total dose (litres product/ hectare) Maximum number of treatments Latest time of application Winter wheat and autumn drilled spring wheat Winter and spring oats Triticale - 2.5 - Before third node detectable stage - 2.5 - - 2.5 - Rye - 2.5 - Winter barley - 2.5 - Spring wheat (spring drilled) Poinsettias - 1.25 - See ‘Other specific restrictions’ See ‘Other specific restrictions’ - See ‘Other specific restrictions’ See ‘Other specific restrictions’ Before third node detectable stage Before first node detectable stage Before second node detectable stage Before main shoot and 4 tillers stage (autumn application) Before first node detectable stage (spring application) Before second node detectable stage - Geranium, pelargoniums - - Other specific restrictions: 1. Containers must not be re-used for any purpose 2. For application to ornamentals, the maximum concentration must not exceed the following: Poinsettia: (drench) 25 ml product per 5 litres water (spray) 10 ml product per 5 litres water Geranium, pelargonium: 14 ml product per 5 litres water 3. For application to ornamentals, the maximum number of treatments must not exceed the following: Poinsettia: (drench) one per crop at 227 ml dilute solution/pot or two per crop at 57 ml dilute solution/pot (spray) three per crop Geranium, pelargonium: three per crop 4. Authorised non-ionic wetting agents may be included in spray but the maximum concentration must not exceed the following: Poinsettia (spray), geranium and pelargonium: 2 ml product per 5 litres final spray solution Winter and spring oats: 25 ml product per 100 litres final spray solution READ THE LABEL BEFORE USE. USING THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER THAT IS INCONSISTENT WITH THE LABEL MAY BE AN OFFENCE. FOLLOW THE CODE OF PRACTICE FOR USING PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCTS. (MAFF No. 01482) 368 Nimbus® CS H HERBICIDE MAPP No. 14092 Use: A residual pre-emergence herbicide for the control of a range of broadleaved and grass weeds, including cleavers, in winter oilseed rape. Formulation: A suspension concentrate containing 250 g/litre (22.9% w/w) metazachlor and 33.3 g/litre (3.1% w/w) clomazone. Pack Size: 5 litres in outers of four. Recommended Crops: Winter oilseed rape Maximum Total Dose: 3.0 litres of product per hectare Maximum Number of Treatments: One per crop Latest Time of Application: Pre-emergence of the crop. Water Volume: Minimum of 200 litres of water per hectare. Aerial Application: No Compatibility: For details of compatibilities contact your distributor, local BASF representative, the BASF Technical Services Hotline: 0845 602 2553 or visit our website on: Major changes since last printing: None. This product label is compliant with the CPA Voluntary Initiative Guidance 369 Nimbus® CS Spray Quality: MEDIUM H Nimbus® CS DIRECTIONS FOR USE IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product. Nimbus CS is a residual herbicide that can be used on all varieties of winter sown oilseed rape for the control of cleavers and a range of other broad leaved and grass weeds. 1. RESTRICTIONS/WARNINGS Nimbus CS can be used on all varieties of winter oilseed rape. Nimbus CS is suitable for use on all soil types as defined by Soil Texture (85) System, except sands and very light soils and soils containing more than 10% organic matter. When Nimbus CS is applied, it is important for crop safety to ensure a good seed bed has been established and there is physical separation of the herbicide from the seed. Ensure that the seed is well covered with soil to a depth of 20 mm. With direct drilled crops, harrow across the slits to cover the seed before spraying. DO NOT apply to cloddy seedbeds as this may reduce levels of weed control. Seedbeds must have a fine, firm tilth for optimum weed control. Loose or cloddy seedbeds must be consolidated prior to application. DO NOT apply to stony soils; i.e. stones, flints or chalk readily visible on surface. On brashy and stony soils, Nimbus CS may cause transient crop bleaching and/ or reduction in crop vigour or plant stand. DO NOT apply when heavy rain is forecast and do not use on waterlogged soil or soils prone to water logging. Transient crop bleaching and/or crop thinning / reductions in crop vigour can occur if there is very wet weather after application. DO NOT apply Nimbus CS to soils with a compaction layer or to poorly drained soils since damage can occur under waterlogged conditions. Soil moisture is required for effective weed control via root uptake. Residual control may be reduced under prolonged dry conditions. Care should be taken to avoid overlap of spray swaths. Extreme care should be taken to avoid damage by drift onto plants outside the target area. DO NOT USE Nimbus CS when any of the following conditions apply:• When crop seed has been broadcast. • The crop seed has started to germinate (i.e. 48 hours after drilling) • Crop seed is not covered with 20 mm of soil; • When heavy rain is forecast; • Dry, cloddy or open seedbeds; • Late drilled crops – as a guide these are crops drilled later than the first week in September in Northern England and Scotland and later than midSeptember in the rest of the UK; • Stony soils, i.e. stones, flints or chalk are readily visible on the soil surface. Under frosty conditions a transient scorch may occur. To reduce the risk of movement of Nimbus CS to water:a. On clay soils, create a fine, consolidated seedbed to slow the downward movement of water. b. DO NOT apply Nimbus CS to dry soil. Moist soils have fewer and smaller cracks. c. DO NOT apply Nimbus CS if heavy rain is forecast, wait until after the event. 370 Nimbus® CS 2. WEED CONTROL Nimbus CS is taken up via cotyledons and roots. Susceptible weeds may still emerge but will lack pigmentation and therefore plant death will occur shortly afterwards. Optimum results are obtained from applications made prior to weed emergence to fine, firm and moist seedbeds 2.1 Susceptibility of weeds to Nimbus CS Weed Name Nimbus CS Pre-emergence 3.0 L/ha Barley, Volunteer Black-grass Chickweed, Common Cleavers Cranesbill, Cut-leaved Cranesbill, Round-leaved Dead-nettle, Red Forget-me-not, Field Groundsel Mayweed spp. Meadow-grass, Annual Pansy, Field Parsley piert Penny-cress, Field Poppy, Common Shepherd’s-purse Speedwell, Common field Speedwell, Ivy-leaved Wheat, Volunteer S MS MR R 2.2 = = = = R S S S MR MR S S S S S MR S MS S S S MS MR Susceptible Moderately Susceptible Moderately Resistant Resistant Resistance Strains of some annual grasses (e.g. Black-grass, wild-oats, and Italian ryegrass) have developed resistance to herbicides, which may lead to poor control. A strategy for preventing and managing such resistance should be adopted. Guidelines have been produced by the Weed Resistance Action Group (WRAG) and copies are available from the HGCA, CPA, your distributor, crop adviser or product manufacturer. Repeated use of herbicides with the same mode of action can increase the risk of strains of weeds developing resistance to these compounds, leading to poor control. In order to minimise the risk, a strategy for preventing and managing such resistance should be adopted. Use products with different modes of action and from different chemical groups in sequence or tank-mix, in conjunction with effective cropping rotation and cultivation techniques. In all cases the recommended rate of use should be adhered to. Follow WRAG guidelines. 371 H H Nimbus® CS Key elements of the resistance management strategy for Nimbus CS: • Always follow WRAG guidelines for preventing and managing herbicide resistant weeds. • Maximise the use of cultural control measures wherever possible (e.g. crop rotation, ploughing, stale seedbeds, delayed drilling, etc). • Use tank mixes or sequences of effective herbicides with different modes of action within individual crops, or successive crops. • For the control of herbicide resistant grass weeds, always use Nimbus CS in sequence with other effective graminicides with different modes of action. • Monitor fields regularly and investigate the reasons for any poor control. 3. CROPS Nimbus CS can be used on all varieties of winter sown oilseed rape 3.1 Time of application Nimbus CS should be applied pre-emergence of the crop and has maximum effect before weed emergence. Application should be made before the crop seed chits, which in warm moist soils may occur within 48 hours of drilling. Seedbeds should be moist, firm and free from clods, but also see Restrictions/Warnings section. DO NOT USE ON BROADCAST CROPS. Extreme care should be taken to avoid damage by drift onto crops and non-target plants outside the target area. 3.2 Rate of application Apply 3.0 litres per hectare Nimbus CS in a minimum of 200 litres of water per hectare. 4. FOLLOWING CROPS Following crops after normally harvested winter oilseed rape Any crop can follow normally harvested winter oilseed rape treated with Nimbus CS. Prior to planting, soil should be cultivated to a minimum depth of 15cm. Re drilling due to crop failure In the event of crop failure the following crops may be sown, observing any guidance given on cultivation and interval between original application and drilling of the following crop:Redrilling the same autumn: Winter Cereals – Drill after a minimum of 6 weeks after application following mixing of the soil to at least 25 cm depth. Winter Field Beans – Drill after a minimum of 8 weeks after application following mixing of the soil to at least 25 cm depth. Redrilling the following spring: Spring cereals Following a 7 month interval and after 25 cm of intensive Linseed soil mixing Maize Combining peas Field beans Following a 3-month interval and after 25 cm of intensive soil mixing Sugar beet Potatoes 372 Nimbus® CS 5. MIXING AND SPRAYING 5.1 Application Apply as a MEDIUM spray, as defined by BCPC. Nimbus CS should be applied in a minimum water volume of 200 litres/ hectare. Mixing Never prepare more spray solution than is required. Fill the spray tank three quarters full with water and start the agitation. To ensure thorough mixing of the product, invert the container several times before opening. Add the required quantity of Nimbus CS to the spray tank while re-circulating. Add the remainder of the water and continue agitation until spraying is completed. On emptying the product container, rinse container thoroughly by using an integrated pressure rinsing device or manually rinsing three times. Add washings to sprayer at time of filling and dispose of container safely. Sprayer cleaning Immediately after application of Nimbus CS thoroughly clean the sprayer using clean water in accordance with the guidance provided by the equipment manufacturer. Traces of the product may cause damage to susceptible crops sprayed later. Container and Storage Nimbus CS is supplied in 5 litre containers. Store in a suitable pesticide store, keep dry and protect from frost. 5.2 5.3 5.4 373 H H Nimbus® CS 6. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Operator protection Engineering control of operator exposure must be used where reasonably practicable in addition to the following personal protective equipment: WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING (COVERALLS) AND SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES when handling the concentrate. WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES when handling contaminated surfaces. However, engineering controls may replace personal protective equipment if a COSHH assessment shows that they provide an equal or higher standard of protection. AVOID CONTACT WITH SKIN WASH CONCENTRATE from skin or eyes immediately DO NOT BREATHE SPRAY WASH HANDS AND EXPOSED SKIN before meals and after work WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE Environmental protection DO NOT contaminate water with the product or its container. DO NOT clean application equipment near surface water. Avoid contamination via drains from farmyards and roads. DO NOT ALLOW DIRECT SPRAY from horizontal boom sprayers to fall within 5m of the top of the bank of a static or flowing waterbody, unless a Local Environmental Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) permits a narrower buffer zone, or within 1m of the top of a ditch which is dry at the time of application. Aim spray away from water. This product qualifies for inclusion within the Local Environmental Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) scheme. Before each spraying operation from a horizontal boom sprayer, either a LERAP must be carried out in accordance with CRD’s published guidance or the statutory buffer zone must be maintained. The results of the LERAP must be recorded and kept available for inspection for three years. KEEP LIVESTOCK out of treated areas until poisonous weeds such as ragwort have died and become unpalatable. Storage and disposal Keep dry and frostproof in a suitable pesticide store. KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDINGSTUFFS KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN KEEP IN ORIGINAL CONTAINER tightly closed, in a safe place. RINSE CONTAINER THOROUGHLY by using an integrated pressure rinsing device or manually rinsing three times. Add washings to sprayer at time of filling and dispose of safely. 374 Nimbus® CS 7. DPD REGULATIONS (CHIP 3) Nimbus® CS A suspension concentrate containing 250 g/l metazachlor and 33.3 g/l clomazone MAY CAUSE SENSITISATION BY SKIN CONTACT LIMITED EVIDENCE OF A CARCINOGENIC EFFECT VERY TOXIC TO AQUATIC ORGANISMS, MAY CAUSE LONG TERM ADVERSE EFFECTS IN THE AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT WEAR SUITABLE GLOVES KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDING STUFFS WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE AVOID CONTACT WITH SKIN THIS MATERIAL AND ITS CONTAINER MUST BE DISPOSED OF IN A SAFE WAY IF SWALLOWED, SEEK MEDICAL ADVICE IMMEDIATELY AND SHOW THIS CONTAINER OR LABEL To avoid risks to man and the environment, comply with the instructions for use This product is approved under the Control of Pesticides Regulations 1986. 8. IMPORTANT INFORMATION IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR USE ONLY AS AN AGRICULTURAL HERBICIDE, as directed below: CROPS: Winter oilseed rape MAXIMUM TOTAL DOSE : 3.0 litres of product per hectare LATEST TIMING: Pre-emergence Other specific restrictions: A maximum total dose of 1000g metazachlor/hectare may only be applied every third year on the same field. READ THE LABEL BEFORE USE. USING THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER THAT IS INCONSISTENT WITH THE LABEL MAY BE AN OFFENCE. FOLLOW THE CODE OF PRACTICE FOR USING PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCTS (MAPP No. 14092) 375 H H Nimbus® CS 376 Nirvana® H HERBICIDE MAPP No. 14256 Use: A herbicide for the pre-emergence control of a range of broadleaf weeds in winter and spring field beans, combining peas and vining peas. Formulation: An emulsifiable concentrate, containing 250 g/l pendimethalin and 16.7 g/l imazamox. Pack Size: 10 litres in outers of two. Recommended Crops: Winter and spring field beans Combining peas Vining peas Maximum Individual Dose: 4.5 litres product/ha Maximum Number of Treatments: One per crop Spray Quality: MEDIUM Latest Time of Application: Pre-emergence of the crop. Water Volume: 200-300 litres of water per hectare. Aerial Application: No Other Specific Restriction: To avoid the build-up of resistance, DO NOT apply Nirvana or any other product containing an ALS inhibitor herbicide with claims for control of grass-weeds more than once to any crop. Compatibility: For details of compatibilities contact your distributor, local BASF representative, the BASF Technical Services Hotline: 0845 602 2553 or visit our website on: Major changes since last printing: Globally Harmonised System (GHS) Regulations added, see Section 8. This product label is compliant with the CPA Voluntary Initiative Guidance 377 Nirvana® Processed Crops: Consult processors before use. H Nirvana® DIRECTIONS FOR USE IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product. Nirvana is a herbicide containing pendimethalin and imazamox, for the preemergence control of a range of broad-leaf weeds in winter and spring field beans, combining peas and vining peas. 1. RESTRICTIONS/WARNINGS 1.1 Efficacy Residual control may be reduced where soil organic matter exceeds 6%, or on soils which are cloddy at application. 1.2 Soil types Nirvana may be applied on any mineral soil types. DO NOT use on soils containing more than 10% organic matter. DO NOT apply to soils which are waterlogged or prone to water logging. 1.3 Seedbed preparation Seedbed must have a fine, firm tilth. Consolidate loose or cloddy seedbeds before use. Weed control may be reduced on cloddy seedbeds. DO NOT soil incorporate Nirvana. DO NOT disturb the soil after Nirvana has been applied. 1.4 Crop safety Cloddy soils may cause the seed to be inadequately covered, which may lead to crop damage. Some ‘cupping’ of the leaves may occur following application but this is generally transient with crops recovering fully. On stony or gravelly soils, crop damage may occur, particularly if heavy rain follows treatment. Seed must be drilled to a depth of at least 2.5 cm of settled soil. DO NOT apply once the plumule is less than 13 mm from the soil surface. 1.5 Weather conditions Residual control may be reduced under prolonged dry conditions. DO NOT apply if heavy rain is forecast. 1.6 Spray drift Extreme care should be taken to avoid damage by drift onto crop and non-crop plants outside the target area. 1.7 Sprayer cleaning Concentrated Nirvana may stain. Avoid spillage. Staining is minimised if skin/clothes are washed immediately. Wash out the sprayer thoroughly after the use of Nirvana, using a proprietary spray tank cleaner ensuring no residues of the product remain. 1.8 Processed crops Consult processors before use. 378 Nirvana® 2. WEED CONTROL Susceptibility of weeds pre-emergence to Nirvana at 4.5 litres per hectare. Weed species Annual mercury Black-bindweed Charlock Common chickweed Common field-speedwell Common fumitory Common orache Common poppy Fat-hen Field pansy Fool’s-parsley Green field-speedwell Grey field-speedwell Henbit dead-nettle Ivy-leaved speedwell Knotgrass Red dead-nettle Redshank Runch Scarlet pimpernel Scented mayweed Shepherd’s-purse Susceptibility rating MS S S S S S S S S MR MR S S S S S S S MS S MS MR S = susceptible MS = moderately susceptible MR = moderately resistant 2.1 Resistance This product contains imazamox which is an ALS inhibitor, also classified by the HRAC as ‘Group B’. Repeated use of herbicides with the same mode of action can increase the risk of strains of weeds developing resistance to these compounds, leading to poor control. In order to minimise the risk, a strategy for preventing and managing such resistance should be adopted. Use products with different modes of action and from different chemical groups in sequence or tank-mix, in conjunction with effective cropping rotation and cultivation techniques. In all cases the recommended rate of use should be adhered to. Use only as part of a resistance management strategy that includes cultural methods of control and does not use ALS inhibitors as the sole chemical method of grass-weed control. Further guidance on weed resistance management is available from the Herbicide Resistance Action Committee (HRAC) and Weed Resistance Action Group (WRAG). Follow WRAG Guidelines. 379 H H Nirvana® 3. CROP SPECIFIC INFORMATION 3. 1 Crops Nirvana can be used on all varieties of winter and spring field beans, combining peas, and vining peas. 3.2 Time of application Apply Nirvana as soon as possible after sowing and before weed emergence. DO NOT apply once the plumule is less than 13 mm from the soil surface. Avoid overlapping spray swaths. 3.3 Rate of application Apply 4.5 litres Nirvana in 200-300 litres of water per hectare. 4. FOLLOWING CROPS Winter wheat and winter barley may be drilled as the following crop after application of Nirvana, provided a minimum interval of 3 months is observed between application and drilling. The land should be at least cultivated by a non-inversion method (discing) before drilling takes place. Winter oilseed rape and other brassica crops should not be drilled as the following crop. A minimum interval of 12 months should elapse between application and sowing Red Beet, Sugar Beet and Spinach. 5. MIXING AND SPRAYING 5.1 Mixing Fill the tank half full with water and start the agitation. To ensure thorough mixing of the product, invert the container several times before opening. Add the required quantity of Nirvana to the spray tank while re-circulating. Fill up the tank with water and continue agitation until spraying is completed. On emptying the container, rinse container thoroughly by using an integrated pressure rinsing device or manually rinsing three times. Add washings to sprayer at time of filling and dispose of container safely. Wash out the sprayer thoroughly after the use of Nirvana, using a proprietary spray tank cleaner ensuring no residues of the product remain. 5.2 Application Apply as a MEDIUM spray, as defined by BCPC. 6. CONTAINER AND STORAGE Nirvana is supplied in 10 litre containers. Store in a suitable pesticide store, keep dry and protect from frost. 380 Nirvana® 7. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Operator protection Engineering control of operator exposure must be used where reasonably practicable in addition to the following personal protective equipment. WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING (COVERALLS) AND SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES when handling the concentrate. However, engineering controls may replace personal protective equipment if a COSHH assessment shows that they provide an equal or higher standard of protection. WASH HANDS before meals and after work. WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE. IF YOU FEEL UNWELL seek medical advice (show the label if possible). Environmental protection DO NOT contaminate water with the product or its container. DO NOT clean application equipment near surface water. Avoid contamination via drains from farmyards and roads. DO NOT ALLOW DIRECT SPRAY from horizontal boom sprayers to fall within 5m of the top of the bank of a static or flowing waterbody, unless a Local Environmental Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) permits a narrower buffer zone, or within 1m of the top of a ditch which is dry at the time of application. Aim spray away from water. This product qualifies for inclusion within the Local Environmental Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) scheme. Before each spraying operation from a horizontal boom sprayer, either a LERAP must be carried out in accordance with CRD’s published guidance or the statutory buffer zone must be maintained. The results of the LERAP must be recorded and kept available for inspection for three years. Extreme care must be taken to avoid spray drift onto non-crop plants outside the target area. Storage and disposal KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDING STUFFS. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. KEEP IN ORIGINAL CONTAINER tightly closed, in a safe place. On emptying the container, RINSE CONTAINER THOROUGHLY by using an integrated pressure rinsing device or manually rinsing three times. Add washings to sprayer at time of filling and dispose of container safely. 381 H H Nirvana® 8. GLOBALLY HARMONISED SYSTEM (GHS) REGULATIONS Nirvana® An emulsifiable concentrate containing 250 g/l pendimethalin and 16.7 g/l imazamox. DANGER: MAY CAUSE AN ALLERGIC SKIN REACTION. VERY TOXIC TO AQUATIC LIFE. VERY TOXIC TO AQUATIC LIFE WITH LONG LASTING EFFECTS. WEAR PROTECTIVE GLOVES. DO NOT BREATHE MIST. IF ON SKIN: WASH WITH PLENTY OF SOAP AND WATER. IF SKIN IRRITATION OR RASH OCCURS: GET MEDICAL ADVICE/ATTENTION. WASH CONTAMINATED CLOTHING BEFORE REUSE. DISPOSE OF CONTENTS/CONTAINER IN ACCORDANCE WITH LOCAL REGULATIONS. To avoid risks to human health and the environment, comply with the instructions for use This product is approved under the Plant Protection Product Regulations 2005 (as amended). 9. IMPORTANT INFORMATION IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR USE ONLY AS AN AGRICULTURAL HERBICIDE Crops Maximum individual dose Maximum No. of treatments Last time of application Combining peas, vining peas, spring and winter field beans 4.5 litres product/ha One per crop Pre-emergence of the crop Other specific restrictions: To avoid the build-up of resistance, do not apply this or any other product containing an ALS inhibitor herbicide with claims for control of grass-weeds more than once to any crop. READ THE LABEL BEFORE USE. USING THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER THAT IS INCONSISTENT WITH THE LABEL MAY BE AN OFFENCE. FOLLOW THE CODE OF PRACTICE FOR USING PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCTS. (MAPP No. 14256) 382 Novall®/Boomerang® H HERBICIDE Novall: MAPP No. 12031. Boomerang: MAPP No. 14043 Use: A residual herbicide for the control of a range of broad-leaved and grass weeds, including cleavers, in winter oilseed rape. Formulation: A suspension concentrate containing 100 g/l (8.7% w/w) quinmerac and 400 g/litre (34.8% w/w) metazachlor. Pack size: Novall is supplied in 10 litre containers in outers of two. Boomerang is supplied in 5 litre containers in outers of four. Recommended Crops: Winter oilseed rape. Water Volume: 220 litres per hectare. Spray Quality: MEDIUM Latest Recommended Time of Application: End of January in the year of harvest. Processed Crops: Consult processors before use. Aerial Application: No Compatibility: For details of compatibilities contact your distributor, local BASF representative, the BASF Technical Services Hotline: 0845 602 2553 or visit our website on: Major changes since last printing: Globally Harmonised System (GHS) Regulations added, see Section 8. This product label is compliant with the CPA Voluntary Initiative Guidance 383 Novall®/Boomerang® Recommended Rate: 2.5 litres per hectare. H Novall®/Boomerang® DIRECTIONS FOR USE IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product. Novall/Boomerang is a residual herbicide that can be used on all varieties of wintersown oilseed rape for the control of cleavers and a range of other broad-leaved and grass weeds. 1. RESTRICTIONS/WARNINGS When Novall/Boomerang is applied pre-emergence, it is important for crop safety to ensure physical separation of the herbicide from the seed. This is achieved by ensuring that the seed is well covered with soil to a depth of 15 mm. With direct-drilled crops, harrow across the slits to cover the seed before spraying. Loose or puffy seedbeds must be consolidated before treatment. Seedbeds should be moist, firm and free from clods. Novall/Boomerang is suitable for use on all soil types as defined by Soil Texture (85) System, except sands and very light soils and soils containing more than 10% organic matter. On brashy and stony soils, Novall/Boomerang may cause some reduction in crop vigour and/or plant stand, due to the chemical moving down to the root zone too quickly. DO NOT apply Novall/Boomerang to soils with a compaction layer or to poorly drained soils, since damage can occur under waterlogged conditions. If Novall/Boomerang is applied onto a dry soil surface it will only be effective after rain has occurred. To reduce the risk of movement of Novall/Boomerang to water: a. On clay soils, create a fine, consolidated seedbed to slow the downward movement of water. b. DO NOT apply Novall/Boomerang to dry soil. Moist soils have fewer and smaller cracks. c. DO NOT apply Novall/Boomerang if heavy rain is forecast, wait until after the event. A reduction in crop vigour, weed control and possibly plant stand may occur if excessive rain falls shortly after application, particularly on the lighter soils. Where a crop check has occurred, this normally grows out after a few weeks and yields are normally unaffected. DO NOT use on broadcast crops. DO NOT overlap spray swaths, particularly on headlands. DO NOT treat crops which are suffering from wilting, pests or diseases. Under frosty conditions a transient scorch may occur. Avoid spray drift onto neighbouring crops. Consult processors before use. 384 Novall®/Boomerang® 2. WEED CONTROL Herbicidal activity is dependent upon root uptake. 2.1 Susceptibility of weeds to single applications of Novall/Boomerang Weed Name Pre-emergence category 2.5 L/ha S S S MR S S MS S R S S MS S S R S S S S Black-grass Chickweed, Common Cleavers Cranesbill, Cut-leaved Dead-nettle, Red Forget-me-not, Field Fumitory, Common Groundsel Knotgrass Mayweed spp. Meadowgrass, Annual Pansy, Field Parsley, Fool’s Parsley Piert Penny-cress, Field Poppy, Common Shepherd’s-purse Sowthistle, Perennial* Speedwell, Common field S MS MR R = = = = Maximum susceptible stage post-emergence 2.5 L/ha Pre-em Cotyledon 2 whorls – Cotyledon MS Pre-em – Pre-em – 4 lvs Pre-em – – Pre-em – 2 lvs Pre-em Cotyledon - 1 leaf 2 lvs Pre-em = Pre-emergence of weed. – = No information. * Only plants from seed of this species are controlled. Susceptible. Moderately Susceptible. Moderately Resistant. Resistant. 2.2 Resistance Strains of some annual grasses (e.g. Black-grass, wild-oats, and Italian ryegrass) have developed resistance to herbicides which may lead to poor control. A strategy for preventing and managing such resistance should be adopted. Guidelines have been produced by the Weed Resistance Action Group and copies are available from the HGCA, CPA, your distributor, crop adviser or product manufacturer. 3. CROPS Novall/Boomerang can be used on all varieties of winter-sown oilseed rape. Novall/Boomerang may be applied pre- or post-emergence of the crop but for maximum activity application must be pre-emergence of the weeds. Pre-crop emergence applications should be made on medium and heavy soils only (as defined by the ADAS Soil Texture [85] system). Application should be made before the crop seed chits, which in warm moist soils may occur within 48 hours of drilling. Seedbeds should be moist, firm and free from clods, but also see Restrictions/Warnings section. DO NOT USE ON BROADCAST CROPS. 385 H H Novall®/Boomerang® DO NOT USE Novell/Boomerang pre-crop emergence when any of the following conditions apply: When heavy rain is forecast. Dry cloddy seedbeds. Late drilled crops — as a guide, these are crops drilled later than the first week in September in Northern England and Scotland and later than mid September in the rest of the UK. Stony soils, i.e. stones, flints or chalk, readily visible on the soil surface. Post-crop emergence applications can be made on light, medium and heavy soils (as defined by the ADAS Soil Texture [85] system). Application can be made from when the majority of the crop has two fully expanded cotyledons until before the end of January. The soil should be moist at application, or rainfall must occur shortly after application, but also see Restrictions/ Warnings section. Post-emergence application of Novall/Boomerang is recommended if: Seedbed conditions are not ideal for pre-emergence use. The seed is not covered with 15 mm of soil (as with broadcast crops). Novall/Boomerang could not be applied before the seed chits. Light soils, or all recommended soils which are stony, brashy or gravelly, are to be treated particularly if heavy rainfall has been forecast for the period following drilling. Late drilled crops are to be treated. 4. FOLLOWING CROPS Any crop can follow normally harvested winter oilseed rape treated with Novall/ Boomerang. Ploughing is not essential before sowing a following cereal crop, but is required for other crops. In the event of crop failure in the autumn or winter, then only the crops listed below can be drilled after the use of Novall/Boomerang: Re-drilling the following spring — spring barley and potatoes may be sown after ploughing. 5. MIXING AND SPRAYING Apply 2.5 litres/hectare Novall/Boomerang. Apply as a MEDIUM spray, as defined by BCPC. Novall/Boomerang should be applied in 220 litres/hectare. DO NOT use filters finer than 50 mesh. SHAKE WELL BEFORE USE. Half fill the spray tank with clean water and start the agitation. Pour in the required amount of Novall/Boomerang. Add the remainder of the water and continue agitation until spraying is completed. Rinse empty containers thoroughly and add rinsings to the spray tank. DO NOT overlap spray swaths, particularly on headlands. Avoid spray drift onto neighbouring crops. WASH EQUIPMENT thoroughly immediately after use. Fill the tank with clean water and leave overnight. Spray out before storage or using other products. Traces of the product may cause damage to susceptible crops sprayed later. 6. CONTAINER AND STORAGE Novall is supplied in 10 litre and Boomerang in 5 litre polyethylene containers and should be kept dry and frostproof in a suitable pesticide store. 386 Novall®/Boomerang® 7. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Operator protection Engineering control of operator exposure must be used where reasonably practicable in addition to the following personal protective equipment: WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING (COVERALLS), SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES AND FACE PROTECTION (FACESHIELD) when handling the concentrate. WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES when handling contaminated surfaces. However, engineering controls may replace personal protective equipment if a COSHH assessment shows that they provide an equal or higher standard of protection. TAKE OFF IMMEDIATELY all contaminated clothing. WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE. WASH CONCENTRATE from skin or eyes immediately. DO NOT BREATHE SPRAY. WASH HANDS AND EXPOSED SKIN before meals and after work. Environmental protection DO NOT contaminate surface waters or ditches with chemical or used container. DO NOT ALLOW DIRECT SPRAY from horizontal boom sprayers to fall within 5 m of the top of the bank of a static or flowing waterbody, unless a Local Environmental Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) permits a narrower buffer zone, or within 1 m of the top of a ditch which is dry at the time of application. Aim spray away from water. This product qualifies for inclusion within the Local Environmental Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) scheme. Before each spraying operation from a horizontal boom sprayer, either a LERAP must be carried out in accordance with CRD’s published guidance or the statutory buffer zone must be maintained. The results of the LERAP must be recorded and kept available for inspection for three years. KEEP LIVESTOCK out of treated areas until poisonous weeds such as ragwort have died and become unpalatable. Storage and disposal Keep dry and frostproof in a suitable pesticide store. KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDINGSTUFFS. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. KEEP IN ORIGINAL CONTAINER tightly closed, in a safe place. RINSE CONTAINER THOROUGHLY by using an integrated pressure rinsing device or manually rinsing three times. Add washings to sprayer at time of filling and dispose of safely. 387 H H Novall®/Boomerang® 8. GLOBALLY HARMONISED SYSTEM (GHS) REGULATIONS Novall®/Boomerang® A suspension concentrate containing 100 g/l quinmerac and 400 g/litre metazachlor. WARNING: MAY CAUSE AN ALLERGIC SKIN REACTION. SUSPECTED OF CAUSING CANCER. VERY TOXIC TO AQUATIC LIFE. VERY TOXIC TO AQUATIC LIFE WITH LONG LASTING EFFECTS. TO AVOID RISKS TO HUMAN HEALTH AND THE ENVIRONMENT, COMPLY WITH THE INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE. WEAR PROTECTIVE GLOVES AND EYE/FACE PROTECTION. OBTAIN SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE USE. AVOID BREATHING VAPOURS. IF ON SKIN: WASH WITH PLENTY OF SOAP AND WATER. IF EXPOSED OR CONCERNED: GET MEDICAL ADVICE/ ATTENTION. IF SKIN IRRITATION OR RASH OCCURS: GET MEDICAL ADVICE/ATTENTION. To avoid risks to human health and the environment, comply with the instructions for use This product is approved under the Control of Pesticides Regulations 1986. 9. IMPORTANT INFORMATION IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR USE ONLY AS AN AGRICULTURAL HERBICIDE, as directed below: CROPS: Winter oilseed rape. MAXIMUM TOTAL DOSE: 2.5 l/ha. LATEST TIMING: End of January in the year of harvest. Other specific restrictions: A maximum total dose of 1000g metazachlor/hectare may only be applied every third year on the same field. READ THE LABEL BEFORE USE. USING THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER THAT IS INCONSISTENT WITH THE LABEL MAY BE AN OFFENCE. FOLLOW THE CODE OF PRACTICE FOR USING PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCTS. (Novall: MAPP No. 12031. Boomerang: MAPP No. 14043) 388 Opera® F FUNGICIDE MAPP No. 12167 Use: A protectant and systemic fungicide with curative properties for use in winter wheat, winter barley, spring wheat, spring barley, oats and sugar beet. Formulation: A suspo-emulsion containing 133 g/litre (12.5% w/w) pyraclostrobin plus 50 g/litre (4.7% w/w) epoxiconazole. Pack Size: 5 litres in outers of four. Recommended Crops: Winter wheat Winter barley Spring wheat Spring barley Oats Sugar beet Recommended Rates: Cereals: 1.5 litres per hectare. Sugar beet: 1 litre per hectare. Water Volume: 200 litres per hectare. Maximum Number of Applications: All recommended crops: 2 per crop. Latest Time of Application: Winter and spring wheat: Before grain watery ripe. Winter and spring barley, oats: Up to and including emergence of ear just complete. When applied to barley intended for malting, refer to the latest timing for epoxiconazole given by the BBPA (British Beer and Pubs Association). Sugar beet: 6 weeks before harvest. Aerial Application: No Compatibility: For details of compatibilities contact your distributor, local BASF representative, the BASF Technical Services Hotline: 0845 602 2553 or visit our website on: Major changes since last printing: None. This product label is compliant with the CPA Voluntary Initiative Guidance 389 Opera® Spray Quality: MEDIUM F Opera® DIRECTIONS FOR USE IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product. Opera is a protectant and systemic fungicide for use in winter and spring wheat, winter and spring barley, oats and sugar beet with curative properties in cereals. Yield response in cereals may be obtained in the absence of visual disease. 1. RESTRICTIONS/WARNINGS Extreme care must be taken to avoid drift onto nearby crops. Wash equipment thoroughly after use. Do not use on sugar beet crops grown for seed. When applied to barley intended for malting, refer to the latest timing restrictions for epoxiconazole given by the British Beer and Pub Association. 2. DISEASE CONTROL Opera is a fungicide with protectant and systemic properties for use in winter and spring wheat, winter and spring barley, oats and sugar beet, with curative properties in cereals. Disease control is summarised below: Winter wheat Spring Winter wheat barley Spring barley Oats Sugar beet Septoria tritici (1) C C - - - - Septoria nodoum C C - - - - Yellow rust C C C C - - Brown rust C C C C - - Crown blotch - - - - C - Net blotch - - C C - - Rhynchosporium - - C C - - GR GR - - - - Beet rust - - - - - C Beet powdery mildew - - - - - C Cercospora leaf spot - - - - - C Ramularia leaf spot - - - - - C Fusarium ear blight (2) C = Control GR = Good Reduction Note 1: S. tritici: Opera is recommended for control of S. tritici with curative ability in the latent phase. Note 2: Fusarium: Apply Opera during flowering. Yield response in cereals may be obtained in the absence of visual disease. 390 Opera® 2.1 Resistance Management Opera contains pyraclostrobin, a member of the QoI cross resistance group. Opera should be used preventatively and should not be relied on for its curative potential. When curative activity is needed apply QoI fungicides in mixture with a suitable dose of a curative fungicide from a different cross-resistance group. Opera meets this requirement as it contains epoxiconazole. To ensure the effectiveness of the epoxiconazole component as a partner, Opera should always be applied at the full recommended rate. Use Opera as part of an Integrated Crop Management (ICM) strategy incorporating other methods of control, including where appropriate other fungicides with a different mode of action. You must not apply more than two foliar applications of QoI containing products to any cereal crop. Opera contains epoxiconazole, a DMI fungicide. Resistance to some DMI fungicides has been identified in Septoria leaf blotch (Mycosphaerella graminicola) which may seriously affect the performance of some products. For further advice on resistance management in DMIs contact your agronomist or specialist advisor and visit the FRAG-UK website. There is a significant risk of widespread resistance occurring in Septoria tritici populations in the UK. Failure to follow resistance management action may result in reduced levels of disease control. 3. CROPS Opera is approved for use in winter and spring wheat, winter and spring barley, oats and sugar beet. 3.1 Cereals Time of Application Apply Opera at the start of foliar disease attack. A maximum of two applications can be made before grain watery ripe in winter and spring wheat and up to and including emergence of ear just complete in winter and spring barley and oats. Rate of Application Apply 1.5 litres Opera in 200 litres of water per hectare. 3.2 Sugar beet Time of Application Apply Opera at the start of foliar disease attack. A maximum of two applications can be made allowing a minimum harvest interval of six weeks after final application. Rate of Application Apply 1 litre Opera in 200 litres of water per hectare. In dense crops adjust water volume up to 400 l/ha to achieve complete coverage. 4. MIXING AND SPRAYING Half fill the spray tank with clean water and start the agitation. SHAKE THE CONTAINER WELL before use and pour in the required amount of product. Rinse any empty containers thoroughly and add rinsings to the spray tank. Add the remainder of the water and continue agitation until spraying is completed. When tank mixes are to be used, each product should be added separately to the spray tank. 391 F F Opera® 5. CONTAINER AND STORAGE Opera is supplied in 5 litres containers. Store in a suitable pesticide store, keep dry and protect from frost. 6. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Operator protection Engineering control of operator exposure must be used where reasonably practicable in addition to the following personal protective clothing: WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES when handling the concentrate. WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES when handling contaminated surfaces. However, engineering controls may replace personal protective equipment if a COSHH assessment shows they provide an equal or higher standard of protection. AVOID ALL CONTACT WITH SKIN. WASH HANDS AND EXPOSED SKIN before meals and after work. WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE. IF YOU FEEL UNWELL, seek medical advice immediately (show the label where possible). Environmental protection DO NOT contaminate surface waters or ditches with chemical or used container. DO NOT ALLOW DIRECT SPRAY from horizontal boom sprayers to fall within 5 m of the top of the bank of a static or flowing waterbody, unless a Local Environmental Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) permits a narrower buffer zone, or within 1 m of the top of a ditch which is dry at the time of application. Aim spray away from water. This product qualifies for inclusion within the Local Environmental Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) scheme. Before each spraying operation from a horizontal boom sprayer, either a LERAP must be carried out in accordance with CRD’s published guidance or the statutory buffer zone must be maintained. The results of the LERAP must be recorded and kept available for three years. Storage and disposal KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDING STUFFS. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. KEEP IN ORIGINAL CONTAINER, tightly closed, in a safe place. RINSE CONTAINER THOROUGHLY by using an integrated pressure rinsing device or manually rinsing three times. Add washings to sprayer at time of filling and dispose of safely. DO NOT RE-USE CONTAINER for any purpose. Store in a suitable pesticide store. Keep dry and protect from frost. 392 Opera® 7. DPD REGULATIONS (CHIP 3) Opera® A suspo-emulsion containing 133 g/litre (12.5% w/w) pyraclostrobin plus 50 g/litre (4.7% w/w) epoxiconazole. HARMFUL BY INHALATION AND IF SWALLOWED. IRRITATING TO SKIN. LIMITED EVIDENCE OF A CARCINOGENIC EFFECT. MAY CAUSE SENSITISATION BY SKIN CONTACT. VERY TOXIC TO AQUATIC ORGANISMS, MAY CAUSE LONG TERM ADVERSE EFFECTS IN THE AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDING STUFFS. WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE. THIS MATERIAL AND ITS CONTAINER MUST BE DISPOSED OF IN A SAFE WAY. WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING AND GLOVES. IF SWALLOWED, seek medical advice immediately and show this container or label. USE APPROPRIATE CONTAINMENT TO AVOID ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAMINATION. To avoid risks to man and the environment, comply with the instructions for use This product is approved under the Control of Pesticides Regulations 1986. 393 F F Opera® 8. IMPORTANT INFORMATION IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR USE ONLY AS AN AGRICULTURAL FUNGICIDE, as directed below: Crops Maximum number of treatments 2 per crop Latest time of application Winter and spring wheat Maximum individual dose 1.5 litres product per hectare Winter and spring barley, oats 1.5 litres product per hectare 2 per crop Up to and including emergence of ear just complete (GS 59) Sugar beet 1 litre product per hectare 2 per crop 6 weeks before harvest Before grain watery ripe (GS 71) READ THE LABEL BEFORE USE. USING THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER THAT IS INCONSISTENT WITH THE LABEL MAY BE AN OFFENCE. FOLLOW THE CODE OF PRACTICE FOR USING PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCTS. (MAPP No. 12167) 394 Opus® Team F FUNGICIDE MAPP No. 11759 Use: A systemic fungicide for use against Septoria tritici, Septoria nodorum, yellow rust, brown rust, net blotch, Rhynchosporium, eyespot, powdery mildew, Fusarium ear blight and sooty moulds. Formulation: A suspo-emulsion containing 250 g/litre (24.5% w/w) fenpropimorph and 84 g/litre (8.2 w/w) epoxiconazole. Pack Size: 10 litres in outers of two. Recommended Crops: Winter wheat Rye Winter barley Triticale Spring barley Oats Spring wheat Recommended Rates: 1.5 litres per hectare. Spray Quality: MEDIUM Latest Time of Application: Winter and spring wheat, rye, triticale: Winter and spring barley, oats: Up to and including flowering (anthesis) just complete (GS 69). Up to and including emergence of ear just complete. When applied to barley intended for malting, refer to the latest timing restrictions for epoxiconazole given by the British Beer and Pub Association. Aerial Application: No Compatibility: For details of compatibilities contact your distributor, local BASF representative, the BASF Technical Services Hotline: 0845 602 2553 or visit our website on: Major changes since last printing: None. This product label is compliant with the CPA Voluntary Initiative Guidance 395 Opus® Team Water Volume: 200 litres per hectare. F Opus® Team DIRECTIONS FOR USE IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product. Opus Team is a systemic fungicide for use in winter wheat, spring wheat, winter barley, spring barley, triticale, rye and oats. 1. RESTRICTIONS/WARNINGS This product may cause damage to broad-leaved plant species. Avoid spray drift on to neighbouring crops. Wash equipment thoroughly after use. When applied to barley intended for malting, refer to the latest timing restrictions for epoxiconazole given by the British Beer and Pub Association. 2. DISEASE CONTROL Opus Team is a systemic fungicide with protectant and curative properties for the control of a range of diseases in winter wheat, spring wheat, winter barley, spring barley, triticale, rye and oats as summarised below: Winter wheat Spring Winter wheat barley Spring Winter barley oats Spring Triticale oats Rye Powdery mildew C C C C C C C C Septoria tritici C C - - - - C - Septoria nodorum C C - - - - C - Yellow rust C C C C - - C C Brown rust C C C C C - C C Net blotch - - C C - - - - Rhynchosporium - - C C - - - C Eye spot R - R - R - R R Fusarium ear blight GR GR - - - - - - Sooty moulds (Cladosporium; Botrytis) R R - - - - - - C = Control R = Reduction GR = Good Reduction Resistance Strains of certain cereal diseases with decreased sensitivity to triazole fungicides are known to exist in the UK. Where these occur or develop the activity of the epoxiconazole component of Opus Team may be reduced. Opus Team contains epoxiconazole, a DMI fungicide. Resistance to some DMI fungicides has been identified in Septoria leaf blotch (Mycosphaerella graminicola) which may seriously affect the performance of some products. For further advice on resistance management in DMIs contact your agronomist or special advisor, and visit the FRAG-UK website. 396 Opus® Team 3. CROPS Opus Team is a systemic fungicide for use in winter wheat, spring wheat, winter barley, spring barley, triticale, rye and oats. 3.1 Time of Application Apply Opus Team at the start of foliar disease attack. A maximum of two applications can be made up to and including flowering just complete in winter and spring wheat, rye and triticale and up to and including emergence of ear just complete in winter and spring barley and oats. For optimum effect against eyespot with Opus Team apply between the leaf sheaths erect and second node detectable stages of the crop. For protection against Fusarium ear blight and sooty mould on the ears of winter and spring wheat, apply Opus Team during ear emergence. For control of Septoria tritici and Septoria nodorum, treatment should normally be made after the third node detectable stage when disease is present and when weather favouring disease development has occurred. A followup treatment may be necessary if conditions continue to favour disease development. 3.2 Rate of Application Apply 1.5 litres Opus Team in 200 litres of water per hectare. Increase the water volume where the crop is dense. 4. MIXING AND SPRAYING Apply as a MEDIUM spray, as defined by BCPC. Half fill the spray tank with clean water and start the agitation. SHAKE THE CONTAINER WELL before use and pour in the required amount of product. Rinse any empty containers thoroughly and add rinsings to the spray tank. Add the remainder of the water and continue agitation until spraying is completed. When tank mixes are to be used, each product should be added separately to the spray tank, taking due note of any instructions given as to the order of mixing. All tank mixes should be used immediately after mixing. 5. CONTAINER AND STORAGE Opus Team is supplied in 10 litre containers should be kept dry and frostproof in a suitable pesticide store. 397 F F Opus® Team 6. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Operator protection Engineering control of operator exposure must be used where reasonably practicable in addition to the following personal protective clothing: WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING (COVERALLS) AND SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES when handling the concentrate. WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES when handling contaminated surfaces. However, engineering controls may replace personal protective equipment if a COSHH assessment shows they provide an equal or higher standard of protection. WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE. WASH HANDS AND EXPOSED SKIN before meals and after work. Environmental protection DO NOT contaminate surface waters or ditches with chemical or used container. DO NOT ALLOW DIRECT SPRAY from horizontal boom sprayers to fall within 5 m of the top of the bank of a static or flowing waterbody, unless a Local Environment Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) permits a narrower buffer zone, or within 1 m of the top of a ditch which is dry at the time of application. Aim spray away from water. This product qualifies for inclusion within the Local Environment Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) scheme. Before each spraying operation from a horizontal boom sprayer, either a LERAP must be carried out in accordance with CRD’s published guidance or the statutory buffer zone must be maintained. The results of the LERAP must be recorded and kept available for inspection for three years. Storage and disposal KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDINGSTUFFS. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. KEEP IN ORIGINAL CONTAINER, tightly closed, in a safe place. RINSE CONTAINER THOROUGHLY by using an integrated pressure rinsing device or manually rinsing three times. Add washings to sprayer at time of filling and dispose of safely. Store in a suitable pesticide store. Keep dry and protect from frost. 398 Opus® Team 7. DPD REGULATIONS (CHIP 3) Opus® Team A suspo-emulsion containing 250 g/litre (24.5% w/w) fenpropimorph and 84 g/litre (8.2% w/w) epoxiconazole. HARMFUL BY INHALATION LIMITED EVIDENCE OF A CARCINOGENIC EFFECT. POSSIBLE RISK OF IMPAIRED FERTILITY. POSSIBLE RISK OF HARM TO THE UNBORN CHILD. MAY CAUSE SENSITISATION BY SKIN CONTACT TOXIC TO AQUATIC ORGANISMS, MAY CAUSE LONG TERM ADVERSE EFFECTS IN THE AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT. WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING AND GLOVES. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDINGSTUFFS. WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE. IF SWALLOWED, seek medical advice immediately and show this container or label. THIS MATERIAL AND ITS CONTAINER MUST BE DISPOSED OF IN A SAFE WAY. USE APPROPRIATE CONTAINMENT TO AVOID ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAMINATION. To avoid risks to man and the environment, comply with the instructions for use This product is approved under the Control of Pesticides Regulations 1986. 8. IMPORTANT INFORMATION IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR USE ONLY AS AN AGRICULTURAL FUNGICIDE, as directed below: Crops Winter and spring wheat, Rye, Triticale Maximum individual dose 1.5 litres product per hectare Maximum total dose Up to and including flowering (anthesis) just complete (GS 69) Winter and spring 1.5 litres product 3.0 litres product Up to and barley and oats per hectare per hectare including emergence of ear just complete READ THE LABEL BEFORE USE. USING THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER THAT IS INCONSISTENT WITH THE LABEL MAY BE AN OFFENCE. FOLLOW THE CODE OF PRACTICE FOR USING PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCTS. (MAPP No. 11759) 399 3.0 litres product per hectare Latest time of application F F Opus® Team 400 Orient® H HERBICIDE MAPP No. 12541 Use: A herbicide with residual and contact activity for use in winter wheat and winter barley. Formulation: A suspension concentrate, containing 7.5 g/l picolinafen and 330 g/l pendimethalin, for use in winter wheat and winter barley. Pack Size: 10 litres in outers of two Recommended Crops: Winter wheat Winter barley Recommended Rate: 4.0 litres per hectare Water Volume: 200 litres of water per hectare Spray Quality: FINE or MEDIUM Processed Crops: Consult processors before use. Maximum Number of Applications: Winter wheat, winter barley: One per crop Aerial Application: No Compatibility: For details of compatibilities contact your distributor, local BASF representative, the BASF Technical Services Hotline: 0845 602 2553 or visit our website on: Major changes since last printing: Globally Harmonised System (GHS) Regulations added, see Section 8. This product label is compliant with the CPA Voluntary Initiative Guidance 401 Orient® Latest Time of Application: Before pseudo-stem erect (Before GS 30) DO NOT apply pre-emergence to crops drilled after 30 November. H Orient® DIRECTIONS FOR USE IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product. Orient is a herbicide containing pendimethalin and picolinafen with residual and contact activity for use in winter wheat and winter barley. 1. RESTRICTIONS/WARNINGS DO NOT use more than one application of Orient in one growing season. Soil Types Orient can be used on any mineral soil. Residual control may be reduced on soils with more than 6% organic matter. DO NOT use on soils with more than 10% organic matter. DO NOT use on stony or gravelly soils as crop damage can occur, particularly if heavy rain follows treatment. DO NOT use on water logged soil or soils prone to water logging. Seedbed preparation Seed beds must have a fine, firm tilth. Loose or cloddy seed beds must be consolidated prior to application, otherwise reduced weed control may occur. They may also cause seed to be inadequately covered which could result in crop damage. Application For pre-emergence applications, seed should be covered with a minimum of 3.2cm of settled soil. Only treat shallow drilled crops post-emergence. DO NOT spray undersown cereals or those to be undersown. Avoid spraying during periods of prolonged or severe frosts. DO NOT apply to crops suffering from stress, which may be caused for example by pests, disease, water logging, poor seedbed conditions or previous chemical treatment. Extreme care should be taken to avoid damage by drift on to plants outside the target area. Emerged Crops DO NOT roll emerged crops prior to application. Post-Application Requirements DO NOT soil incorporate. DO NOT disturb the soil after application. DO NOT roll autumn treated crops until the spring. For residual control some soil moisture is required for Orient . Best results will be obtained if rain falls within 7 days of application. Residual control may be reduced under prolonged dry conditions. Water logging that occurs soon after pre-emergence applications may lead to crop damage. Some transient bleaching may be seen after application to some crops, this does not lead to yield loss. Concentrated or diluted Orient may stain. Avoid spillage. Staining is minimised or completely removed if skin/clothes are washed immediately. 402 Orient® 2. WEED CONTROL 2.1 Susceptibility of weeds to single applications of Orient Best results will be achieved by application to small actively growing weeds. GRASS WEEDS Annual Meadow-grass Rough Meadow-grass BROAD-LEAVED WEEDS Charlock Cleavers Common Chickweed Common Field Speedwell Common Fumitory Common Orache Common Poppy Corn Marigold Crane’s-bill Fat-hen Field Forget-me-not Field Pansy Hemp-nettle (Day Nettle) Henbit Dead-nettle Ivy-leaved Speedwell Knotgrass Mayweeds Parsley Piert Red Dead-nettle Scarlet Pimpernel Shepherd’s-purse Small Nettle Smooth Sowthistle Volunteer Beans Volunteer Oilseed Rape (1) S = MS = R = MR = (1) = 2.2 Pre-em S MS 4.0l/ha Orient Post-em S up to GS13 MS up to 2 lvs MS pre-em S S MS S S S S S S S S S S MS S S S MS S S MR MS S up to 6 lvs MS up to 1 whorl S up to 6 lvs S up to 6 lvs S up to 3 lvs S up to 6 lvs S up to 4 lvs S up to 6 lvs S up to 6 lvs S up to 6 lvs S up to 6 lvs R MS up to 2 lvs Susceptible Moderately susceptible Resistant Moderately resistant deep germinating volunteer Oilseed Rape may not be controlled. Resistance Strains of some annual grasses (e.g. Black-grass, Wild-Oats, and Italian Ryegrass) have developed resistance to herbicides, which may lead to poor control. A strategy for preventing and managing such resistance should be adopted. Picolinafen is an inhibitor of carotenoid biosynthesis at the PDS step (a group that includes picolinafen and diflufenican). To prevent the development of resistant weeds herbicides with different modes of action must be used when applying in sequence. Guidelines have been produced by the Weed Resistance Action Group and copies are available from HGCA, CPA, your distributor, crop adviser or product manufacturer. 403 H H Orient® 3. CROPS Orient can be used on all varieties of Winter Wheat and Winter Barley. Time of application Pre- and post crop-emergence, up to before pseudo-stem erect (before growth stage 30). DO NOT apply pre-emergence to crops drilled after 30 November. Rate of application 4.0 l/ha Before using Orient on crops to be processed please consult your processor. 4. FOLLOWING CROPS Before rye-grass is drilled after a very dry season, plough or cultivate to at least 15 cm. In the event of crop failure the land must be ploughed or thoroughly cultivated to a minimum depth of 15 cm to ensure any residues are evenly dispersed throughout the soil. The minimum intervals (specified below) should elapse between the application of Orient and the sowing of one of the following crops listed below. Autumn Applications of Orient The following crops may be sown after a minimum of 5 months: Spring Barley Spring Field Beans Brussels Sprouts Carrots Spring Wheat Broad Beans Cabbage Parsnips Maize Dwarf Beans Calabrese Parsley Peas Turnip Linseed Cauliflower Potatoes Following Spring Applications The following crops may be sown or transplanted after a minimum interval of 2 months: Spring Field Beans Brussels Sprouts Carrots Broad Beans Cabbage Parsnips Dwarf Beans Calabrese Parsley Peas Cauliflower Linseed Turnip The following crops may be sown after a minimum interval of 5 months: Any crop (with the exception of Red Beet, Sugar Beet and Spinach) may be planted or sown. (A minimum interval of 12 months should elapse between application and sowing Red Beet, Sugar Beet and Spinach). 5. MIXING AND SPRAYING Apply Orient in 200 litres water/ha. Ensure good, even spray cover of the target using a spray of FINE or MEDIUM quality (BCPC definition). Mixing Three-quarters fill the tank with water. To ensure thorough mixing of the product, invert the container several times before opening. Add Orient while re-circulating. Fill the tank Maintain circulation while spraying. Wash out the sprayer thoroughly after the use of Orient using a wetting agent or a proprietary spray tank cleaner particularly before using the sprayer in broad-leaved crops. 404 Orient® 6. CONTAINER AND STORAGE Orient is supplied in 10 litre containers. Store in a suitable pesticide store, keep dry and protect from frost. 7. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Operator protection Engineering control of operator exposure must be used where reasonably practicable in addition to the following personal protective equipment. WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING (COVERALLS) AND SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES when handling the concentrate. WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES when handling contaminated surfaces. However, engineering controls may replace personal protective equipment if a COSHH assessment shows that they provide an equal or higher standard of protection. WASH ALL PROTECTIVE CLOTHING thoroughly after use, especially the insides of gloves. WASH HANDS before meals and after work. WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE. IF YOU FEEL UNWELL seek medical advice (show the label if possible). Environmental protection DO NOT contaminate surface waters or ditches with chemical or used container. DO NOT ALLOW DIRECT SPRAY from horizontal boom sprayers to fall within 5 m of the top of the bank of a static or flowing water body, unless a Local Environment Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) permits a narrower buffer zone, or within 1 m of the top of a ditch which is dry at the time of application. Aim spray away from water. This product qualifies for inclusion within the Local Environment Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) scheme. Before each spraying operation from a horizontal boom sprayer, either a LERAP must be carried out in accordance with CRD’s published guidance or the statutory buffer zone must be maintained. The results of the LERAP must be recorded and kept available for three years. Storage and disposal KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDINGSTUFFS. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. DO NOT RE-USE CONTAINER for any other purpose. STORE IN ORIGINAL CONTAINER tightly closed, in a safe place. On emptying the container, RINSE CONTAINER THOROUGHLY by using an integrated pressure rinsing device or manually rinsing three times. Add washings to sprayer at time of filling and dispose of container safely. 405 H H Orient® 8. GLOBALLY HARMONISED SYSTEM (GHS) REGULATIONS Orient® A suspension concentrate containing 7.5 g/litre picolinafen, 330 g/litre pendimethalin and 1, 2-benzisothiazole. WARNING: VERY TOXIC TO AQUATIC LIFE VERY TOXIC TO AQUATIC LIFE WITH LONG LASTING EFFECTS, COLLECT SPILLAGE. CONTAINS PENDIMENTHALIN. CONTAINS 1,2-BENZISOTHIAZOLE MAY PRODUCE AN ALLERGIC REACTION. To avoid risks to human health and the environment, comply with the instructions for use This product is approved under the Plant Protection Product Regulations 1995. 9. IMPORTANT INFORMATION IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR USE ONLY AS AN AGRICULTURAL HERBICIDE, as directed below: CROPS: Winter Wheat Winter Barley MAXIMUM INDIVIDUAL DOSE: 4 l/ha MAXIMUM NUMBER OF TREATMENTS: One per crop LATEST TIMING: Before pseudo-stem erect (before growth stage 30) READ THE LABEL BEFORE USE. USING THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER THAT IS INCONSISTENT WITH THE LABEL MAY BE AN OFFENCE. FOLLOW THE CODE OF PRACTICE FOR USING PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCTS. (MAPP No. 12541) 406 Oryx® H HERBICIDE MAPP No. 13527 Use: A residual herbicide for the control of a range of broad-leaved and grass weeds, including cleavers in winter oilseed rape. Formulation: A suspension concentrate containing 83 g/l (7.2% w/w) quinmerac and 333 g/litre (29.5% w/w) metazachlor. Pack Size: 10 litres in outers of two. Recommended Crops: Winter oilseed rape Recommended Rates: 3.0 litres per hectare Water Volume: 220 litres per hectare Spray Quality: MEDIUM Latest Time of Application: End of January in the year of harvest. Aerial Application: No Compatibility: For details of compatibilities contact your distributor, local BASF representative, the BASF Technical Services Hotline: 0845 602 2553 or visit our website on: Major changes since last printing: Globally Harmonised System (GHS) Regulations added, see Section 8. This product label is compliant with the CPA Voluntary Initiative Guidance 407 Oryx® Processed Crops: Consult processors before using. H Oryx® DIRECTIONS FOR USE IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product. Oryx is a residual herbicide that can be used on all varieties of winter-sown oilseed rape for the control of cleavers and a range of other broad-leaved and grass weeds. 1. RESTRICTIONS/WARNINGS When Oryx is applied pre-emergence, it is important for crop safety to ensure physical separation of the herbicide from the seed. This is achieved by ensuring that the seed is well covered with soil to a depth of 15 mm. With direct-drilled crops, harrow across the slits to cover the seed before spraying. Loose or puffy seedbeds must be consolidated before treatment. Seedbeds should be moist, firm and free from clods. Oryx is suitable for use on all soil types as defined by Soil Texture (85) System, except sands and very light soils and soils containing more than 10% organic matter. On brashy and stony soils, Oryx may cause some reduction in crop vigour and/ or plant stand, due to the chemical moving down to the root zone too quickly. DO NOT apply Oryx to soils with a compaction layer or to poorly drained soils, since damage can occur under waterlogged conditions. If Oryx is applied onto a dry soil surface it will only be effective after rain has occurred. To reduce the risk of movement of Oryx to water:a. On clay soils, create a fine, consolidated seedbed to slow the downward movement of water. b. DO NOT apply Oryx to dry soil. Moist soils have fewer and smaller cracks. c. DO NOT apply Oryx if heavy rain is forecast, wait until after the event. A reduction in crop vigour, weed control and possibly plant stand may occur if excessive rain falls shortly after application, particularly on the lighter soils. Where a crop check has occurred, this normally grows out after a few weeks and yields are normally unaffected. DO NOT use on broadcast crops. DO NOT overlap spray swaths, particularly on headlands. DO NOT treat crops which are suffering from wilting, pests or diseases. Under frosty conditions a transient scorch may occur. Avoid spray drift onto neighbouring crops. Consult Processors before use. 408 Oryx® 2. WEED CONTROL Herbicidal activity is dependent upon root uptake. 2.1 Susceptibility of weeds to single applications of Oryx. Weed Name Black-grass Chickweed, Common Cleavers Cranesbill, Cut-leaved Dead-nettle, Red Forget-me-not, Field Fumitory, Common Groundsel Knotgrass Mayweed spp. Meadowgrass, Annual Pansy, Field Parsley,Fool’s Parsley Piert Penny-cress, Field Poppy, Common Shepherd’s-purse Sowthistle, Perennial* Speedwell, Common field S = MS = MR = R = * Only Pre-emergence category 3.0 l/ha S S S MR S S MS S R S S MS S S R S S S S Maximum susceptible stage post-emergence 3.0 l/ha Pre-em Cotyledon 2 whorls Cotyledon MS Pre-em Pre-em 4 lvs Pre-em Pre-em 2 lvs Pre-em Cotyledon to 1 leaf 2 lvs Susceptible Pre-em = Pre-emergence of weed; Moderately Susceptible; – = No information Moderately Resistant; Resistant; plants from seed of this species are controlled 2.2 Resistance Strains of some annual grasses (e.g. black-grass, wild-oats, and Italian ryegrass) have developed resistance to herbicides which may lead to poor control. A strategy for preventing and managing such resistance should be adopted. Guidelines have been produced by the Weed Resistance Action Group and copies are available from the HGCA, CPA, your distributor, crop adviser or product manufacturer. 3. CROPS Oryx can be used on all varieties of winter-sown oilseed rape. Oryx may be applied pre- or post-emergence of the crop but for maximum activity application must be pre-emergence of the weeds. Pre-crop emergence applications should be made on medium and heavy soils only (as defined by the ADAS Soil Texture (85) System). Applications should be made before the crop seed chits, which in warm moist soils may occur within 48 hours of drilling. from clods, but also see Restrictions/Warnings section. DO NOT USE ON BROADCAST CROPS. 409 H H Oryx® DO NOT USE Oryx pre-crop emergence when any of the following conditions apply:- When heavy rain is forecast - Dry cloddy seedbeds - Late drilled crops – as a guide these are crops drilled later than the first week in September in Northern England and Scotland and later than mid September in the rest of the UK. - Stony soils, i.e. stones, flints or chalk, readily visible on the soil surface. Post-crop emergence applications can be made on light, medium and heavy soils (as defined by the ADAS Soil Texture (85) System). Applications can be made from when the majority of the crop has two fully expanded cotyledons until before the end of January. The soil should be moist at application, or rainfall must occur shortly after application, but also see Restrictions/ Warnings section. Post emergence application of Oryx is recommended if:- Seedbed conditions are not ideal for pre-emergence use - The seed is not covered with 15 mm of soil (as with broadcast crops) - Oryx could not be applied before the seed crop chits - Light soils, or all recommended soils which are stony, brashy or gravely, are to be treated, particularly if heavy rainfall has been forecast for the period following drilling - Late drilled crops are to be treated 4. FOLLOWING CROPS Any crop can follow normally harvested winter oilseed rape treated with Oryx. Ploughing is not essential before sowing a following cereal crop, but is required for other crops. In the event of crop failure in the autumn or winter, then only the crops listed below can be drilled after the use of Oryx: Re-drilling the following spring - spring barley and potatoes may be sown after ploughing. 5. MIXING AND SPRAYING Apply 3.0 litres/hectare Oryx. Apply as a MEDIUM spray, as defined by BCPC. Oryx should be applied in a minimum water volume of 220 litres/hectare. DO NOT use filters finer than 50 mesh. SHAKE WELL BEFORE USE. Half fill the spray tank with clean water and start the agitation. Pour in the required amount of Oryx. Add the remainder of the water and continue agitation until spraying is completed. Rinse empty containers thoroughly and add rinsings to the spray tank. DO NOT overlap spray swaths, particularly on headlands. Avoid spray drift onto neighbouring crops. WASH EQUIPMENT thoroughly immediately after use. Fill the tank with clean water and leave overnight. Spray out before storage or using other products. Traces of the product may cause damage to susceptible crops sprayed later. 410 Oryx® 6. CONTAINER AND STORAGE Oryx is supplied in 10 litre containers and should be kept dry and frostproof in a suitable pesticide store. 7. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Operator protection Engineering control of operator exposure must be used where reasonably practicable in addition to the following personal protective equipment: WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING (COVERALLS), SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES AND FACE PROTECTION (FACESHIELD) when handling the concentrate. WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES when handling contaminated surfaces. However, engineering controls may replace personal protective equipment if a COSHH assessment shows they provide an equal or higher standard of protection. TAKE OFF IMMEDIATELY all contaminated clothing. WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE WASH CONCENTRATE from skin or eyes immediately DO NOT BREATHE SPRAY WASH HANDS AND EXPOSED SKIN before meals and after work Environmental protection DO NOT contaminate surface waters or ditches with chemical or used container. DO NOT ALLOW DIRECT SPRAY from horizontal boom sprayers to fall within 5m of the top of the bank of a static or flowing waterbody, unless a Local Environmental Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) permits a narrower buffer zone, or within 1m of the top of a ditch which is dry at the time of application. Aim spray away from water. This product qualifies for inclusion within the Local Environmental Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) scheme. Before each spraying operation from a horizontal boom sprayer, either a LERAP must be carried out in accordance with CRD’s published guidance or the statutory buffer zone must be maintained. The results of the LERAP must be recorded and kept available for inspection for three years. KEEP LIVESTOCK out of treated areas until poisonous weeds such as ragwort have died and become unpalatable. Storage and disposal Keep dry and frostproof in a suitable pesticide store. KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDINGSTUFFS KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN KEEP IN ORIGINAL CONTAINER tightly closed, in a safe place. RINSE CONTAINER THOROUGHLY by using an integrated pressure rinsing device or manually rinsing three times. Add washings to sprayer at time of filling and dispose of safely. 411 H H Oryx® 8. GLOBALLY HARMONISED SYSTEM (GHS) REGULATIONS Oryx® A suspension concentrate containing 83 g/l quinmerac and 333 g/litre metazachlor WARNING: MAY CAUSE AN ALLERGIC SKIN REACTION. SUSPECTED OF CAUSING CANCER. VERY TOXIC TO AQUATIC LIFE. VERY TOXIC TO AQUATIC LIFE WITH LONG LASTING EFFECTS. OBTAIN SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE USE. AVOID BREATHING MIST. WEAR PROTECTIVE GLOVES/CLOTHING. IF ON SKIN: WASH WITH PLENTY OF SOAP AND WATER. IF EXPOSED OR CONCERNED: GET MEDICAL ADVICE/ ATTENTION. DISPOSE OF CONTENTS/CONTAINER IN ACCORDANCE WITH LOCAL REGULATIONS. To avoid risks to human health and the environment, comply with the instructions for use This product is approved under the Control of Pesticides Regulations 1986 9. IMPORTANT INFORMATION IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR USE ONLY AS AN AGRICULTURAL HERBICIDE, as directed below: CROPS: Winter oilseed rape MAXIMUM TOTAL DOSE: 3.0 litres product/hectare/crop LATEST TIMING: End of January in the year of harvest A maximum total dose of not more than 1000g metazachlor per hectare may be applied in a three year period on the same field. READ THE LABEL BEFORE USE. USING THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER THAT IS INCONSISTENT WITH THE LABEL MAY BE AN OFFENCE. FOLLOW THE CODE OF PRACTICE FOR USING PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCTS. (MAPP No. 13527) 412 Osiris® P F FUNGICIDE MAPP No. 15627 Use: A fungicide for use in winter and spring wheat, durum wheat, winter and spring barley, rye and triticale Formulation: An emulsifiable concentrate containing 56.25 g/l epoxiconazole and 41.25 g/l metconazole. Pack Size: 10 litres in outers of two. Recommended Crops: Wheat (winter) Wheat (spring) Wheat (durum) Rye Triticale Barley (winter) Barley (spring) Water Volume: 100 - 300 litres of water per hectare. Spray Quality: MEDIUM Latest Time of Application: Wheat (winter) GS 69 (end of flowering) Wheat (spring) Durum Wheat Rye Triticale Barley (winter) Barley (spring) GS 59 (end of ear emergence) When applied to barley intended for malting, refer to the latest timing restrictions for epoxiconazole given by the British Beer and Pubs Association. Aerial Application: No Compatibility: For details of compatibilities contact your distributor, local BASF representative, the BASF Technical Services Hotline: 0845 602 2553 or visit our website on: Major changes since last printing: Globally Harmonised System (GHS) Regulations added, see Section 8. This product label is compliant with the CPA Voluntary Initiative Guidance 413 Osiris® P Recommended Rates: 2 litres per hectare. F Osiris® P DIRECTIONS FOR USE IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product. OSIRIS P is a broad spectrum systemic fungicide with protectant and curative properties for use in winter and spring wheat, durum wheat, winter and spring barley, rye and triticale. 1. RESTRICTIONS/WARNINGS This product may cause damage to broad-leaved plant species. Avoid spray drift onto neighbouring crops. Wash equipment thoroughly after use. When applied to barley intended for malting, refer to the latest timing restrictions for epoxiconazole given by the British Beer and Pub Association. 2. DISEASE CONTROL OSIRIS P is a systemic fungicide with protectant and curative properties for the control of a range of diseases in winter and spring wheat, durum wheat, winter and spring barley, rye and triticale as summarised below: OSIRIS P offers prolonged persistence of disease control leading to increased yield. 2.1 Disease Susceptibility Winter wheat Powdery mildew MC Spring Winter wheat barley MC MC Spring Durum barley wheat MC MC Rye Triticale MC MC Septoria tritici C C - - C - C Septoria nodorum C C - - C - C Yellow rust C C C C C C C Brown rust C C C C C C C Tan spot MC MC - - MC - - Net blotch - - C C - - - Rhynchosporium - - C C - MC - Ramularia - - MC MC - - - Eyespot R - R - R R R Fusarium ear blight (1) MC# MC# - - MC# - MC# Sooty moulds (Cladosporium; Botrytis) MC MC - - MC - - (1) Application of OSIRIS P to ears of wheat and triticale can lead to reduction of the levels of the mycotoxin deoxynivalenol (DON) associated with Fusarium ear blight infection, but this level of effect may not necessarily lead to reduction of DON below the statutory limit in wheat and triticale grain. # When applied at 2 litres per hectare OSIRIS P will achieve Moderate Control of Fusarium ear blight. OSIRIS P can also be used at 1.33 litres per hectare for Good Reduction of this disease. 414 Osiris® P 2.2 C = Control MC = Moderate Control GR = Good Control R = Reduction Resistance Management Strains of certain diseases with decreased sensitivity to triazole fungicides are known to exist in the UK. Where these occur or develop, OSIRIS P may not give satisfactory control. OSIRIS P contains the DMI fungicides epoxiconazole and metconazole. Resistance to some DMI fungicides has been identified in Septoria leaf blotch (Mycosphaerella graminicola) which may seriously affect the performance of some products. For further advice on resistance management with DMIs contact your agronomist or specialist advisor, and visit the FRAG-UK website. A strategy for managing resistance should be adopted. Guidelines have been produced by the Fungicide Resistance Action Committee (FRAC) and copies are available from HGCA, CPA, your distributor, crop adviser or product manufacturer. 3. CROP SPECIFIC INFORMATION 3.1 Crops OSIRIS P may be used on all varieties of winter and spring wheat, durum wheat, winter and spring barley, rye and triticale. 3.2 Time of Application Apply OSIRIS P at the start of disease attack. Applications in wheat, rye and triticale can be made up to the end of flowering (GS 69). Applications in barley can be made up to the end of ear emergence (GS 59). For optimum effect against eyespot with OSIRIS P apply between the leaf sheaths erect and second node detectable stages of the crop. For protection against Fusarium ear blight and sooty moulds on the ears of winter and spring wheat, durum wheat and triticale, apply OSIRIS P during ear emergence. 3.3 Rate of Application Apply 2 litres of OSIRIS P in 150 to 300 litres of water per hectare. Osiris P may be applied at 2 litres per hectare in 100 litres water per hectare although efficacy at this reduced volume has not been evaluated. Therefore application at 100 litres water per hectare is at user’s risk with regard to biological efficacy. Reducing the water volume is not recommended where control of stem base diseases is required. When applied at 2 litres per hectare OSIRIS P will achieve Moderate Control of Fusarium ear blight. OSIRIS P can also be used at 1.33 litres per hectare for Good Reduction of this disease. 4. FOLLOWING CROPS After treating a cereal crop with OSIRIS P, oilseed rape, cereals, sugar beet, linseed, maize, clover, beans, peas, carrots, potatoes, lettuce, cabbage, sunflower, ryegrass and onions may be sown as the following crop. The effect of OSIRIS P on other crops has not been assessed. 5. MIXING AND SPRAYING 5.1 Mixing Never prepare more spray solution than is required. Fill the tank half full with water and start the agitation. To ensure thorough mixing of the product, invert the container several times before opening. 415 F F Osiris® P Add the required quantity of OSIRIS P to the spray tank while re-circulating. Fill up the tank with water and continue agitation until spraying is completed. 5.2 Application Apply as a MEDIUM spray as defined by BCPC. 5.3 Sprayer cleaning After spraying, thoroughly clean and flush out application machinery with a minimum of three rinses. 6. CONTAINER AND STROAGE Osiris P is supplied in 10 litre containers and should be kept dry and frostproof in a suitable pesticide store. 7. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Operator protection Engineering control of operator exposure must be used where reasonably practicable in addition to the following personal protective equipment. WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING (COVERALLS) AND SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES when handling the concentrate or contaminated surfaces. However, engineering controls may replace personal protective equipment if a COSHH assessment shows that they provide an equal or higher standard of protection. WASH HANDS AND EXPOSED SKIN before meals and after work. Environmental protection Do not contaminate water with the product or its container. Do not clean application equipment near surface water. Avoid contamination via drains from farmyards and roads. To protect aquatic organisms respect an unsprayed buffer zone to surface water bodies in line with LERAP requirement. DO NOT ALLOW DIRECT SPRAY from horizontal boom sprayers to fall within 5 m of the top of the bank of a static or flowing water body, unless a Local Environment Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) permits a narrower buffer zone, or within 1m of the top of a ditch which is dry at the time of application. Aim spray away from water. This product qualifies for inclusion within the Local Environment Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) scheme. Before each spraying operation from a horizontal boom sprayer, either a LERAP must be carried out in accordance with CRD’s published guidance or the statutory buffer zone must be maintained. The results of the LERAP must be recorded and kept available for three years. Storage and disposal KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDING STUFFS KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN DO NOT RE-USE CONTAINER for any purpose STORE IN ORIGINAL CONTAINER tightly closed, in a safe place On emptying the container, RINSE CONTAINER THOROUGHLY by using an integrated pressure rinsing device or manually rinsing three times. Add washings to sprayer at time of filling and dispose of container safely. 416 Osiris® P 8. GLOBALLY HARMINSED SYSTEM (GHS) REGULATIONS Osiris® P An emulsifiable concentrate containing 56.25 g/l epoxiconazole and 41.25 g/l metconazole. WARNING: MAY CAUSE AN ALLERGIS REACTION. CAUSES SERIOUS EYE IRRITATION. SUSPECTED OF CAUSING CANCER. SUSPECTED OF DAMAGING FERTILITY, SUSPECTED OF DAMAGING THE UNBORN CHILD. VERY TOXIC TO AQUATIC LIFE. VERY TOXIC TO AQUATIC LIFE WITH LONG LASTING EFFECTS. OBTAIN SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS BEORE USE. WEAR EYE PROTECTION. WASH WITH PLENTY OF WATER AND SOAP THOROUGHLY AFTER HANDLING. IF IN EYES: RINSE CAUTIOUSLY WITH WATER FOR SEVERAL MINUTES. REMOVE CONTACT LENSES, IF PRESENT AND EASY TO DO. CONTINUE RINSING. IF EXPOSED OR CONCERNED: GET MEDICAL ADVICE/ ATTENTION. COLLECT SPILLAGE. DISPOSE OF CONTENTS/CONTAINER IN ACCORDANCE WITH LOCAL REGULATIONS. To avoid risks to human health and the environment, comply with the instructions for use This product is approved under the Plant Protection Product Regulations 417 F F Osiris® P 9. IMPORTANT INFORMATION IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR USE ONLY AS AN AGRICULTURAL FUNGICIDE, as directed below: Crops Maximum individual dose Maximum total dose Latest time of application Wheat (winter), Wheat (spring) Wheat (durum) Rye, Triticale 2 litres product per hectare 4 litres product GS 69 (end of flowering) Barley (winter) Barley (spring) 2 litres product per hectare 4 litres product GS 59 (end of ear emergence) READ THE LABEL BEFORE USE. USING THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER THAT IS INCONSISTENT WITH THE LABEL MAY BE AN OFFENCE. FOLLOW THE CODE OF PRACTICE FOR USING PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCTS. 418 Paraat® F FUNGICIDE MAPP No. 15445 Use: A fungicide for use against crown rot (Phytophthora cactorum) in strawberries and root rot (Phytophthora spp.) in raspberries and blackberries. Formulation: A wettable powder containing 50% dimethomorph. Recommended Crops: Blackberries (outdoor and protected) Raspberries (outdoor and protected) Strawberry (outdoor and protected) Maximum individual dose: 3.0 kg product/ha Maximum number of treatments: One per year Spray Quality: COARSE (outdoor strawberries) Latest Time of Application: Strawberries – 35 days before harvest. Raspberries & blackberries – 90 days before harvest. Processed Crops: Consult processor before use on crops for processing. Aerial Application: No Compatibility: For details of compatibilities contact your distributor, local BASF representative, the BASF Technical Services Hotline: 0845 602 2553 or visit our website on: Major changes since last printing: Globally Harmonised System (GHS) Regulations added, see Section 7. This product label is compliant with the CPA Voluntary Initiative Guidance 419 Paraat® Water Volume: 600-1000 litres per hectare. (outdoor strawberries) F Paraat® DIRECTIONS FOR USE IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product. 1. RESTRICTIONS/WARNINGS 1.1 Processed crops Consult processor before use on crops for processing. 2. DISEASE CONTROL Paraat is a fungicide with protectant activity against crown rot (Phytophthora cactorum) in strawberries and root rot (Phytophthora spp.) in raspberries and blackberries. Paraat will be most effective when applied as a protectant treatment immediately after planting, before disease symptoms appear. 2.1 Resistance Paraat contains dimethomorph, a CAA fungicide. It should be used in accordance with FRAC resistance management advice for CAA fungicides. In outdoor and protected crops of strawberries, no more than one application of Paraat per year may be made to control crown rot (Phytophthora cactorum). Applications should be made preventatively after planting. In raspberries and blackberries, no more than one application of Paraat per year may be made to control root rot (Phytophthora spp.). Applications should be made preventatively immediately after planting in the spring or autumn. Alternation with fungicides with different modes of action to Paraat is recommended as part of a resistance management programme. CAA fungicides should not make up more than 50% of the intended number of fungicide applications for Phytophthora disease control in strawberries, raspberries and blackberries. Use Paraat as part of an Integrated Crop Management (ICM) strategy incorporating other methods of control, including where appropriate fungicides with a different mode of action. 3. CROPS 3.1 Outdoor strawberries Time of Application For the moderate control of crown rot (Phytophthora cactorum) apply Paraat as a preventative treatment immediately after planting. Rate of Application Apply Paraat at 3.0 kg/ha as a high volume spray of 600–1000 litres of water per hectare, ensuring good coverage around the base of the plant. 3.2 Protected strawberries Time of Application For the moderate control of crown rot (Phytophthora cactorum), apply Paraat as a preventative treatment immediately after planting. Rate of Application Apply Paraat as a drip irrigation or root drench treatment of 0.1 gram of product per plant in a minimum water volume of 100 ml of water per plant, not exceeding 3.0 kg of product/ha. 420 Paraat® 3.3 Raspberries and blackberries (outdoor and protected) – qualified minor use recommendation Time of Application For the moderate control of root rot (Phytophthora spp.) apply Paraat as a preventative treatment immediately after planting in the spring or autumn. Rate of Application Apply as a drip irrigation or root drench treatment delivering 1.0 g of Paraat per plant in a minimum of 200 ml of water per plant, not exceeding 3.0 kg of product/ha. 4. SUCCEEDING CROPS Following application of Paraat, allow 10 months before sowing clover. 5. MIXING AND APPLICATION In outdoor strawberries, Paraat should be applied as a COARSE spray as defined by BCPC, using a high volume drenching spray of 600–1000 litres of water per hectare, ensuring good coverage around the base of the plant. In protected crops of strawberries, Paraat should be applied via drip irrigation or as a root drench delivering at least 100 ml of water per plant. In outdoor or protected raspberries and blackberries, Paraat should be applied via drip irrigation or as a root drench delivering at least 200 ml of water per plant. Half fill the sprayer, drench or irrigation tank with clean water and start agitation. Steadily add the required quantity of Paraat direct to the spray, drench or irrigation tank (pre-mixing is not necessary). Empty product container thoroughly and dispose of safely. Add the remainder of the water. Apply immediately and continue agitation until spraying, irrigation or drenching is complete. Wash sprayer or flush out drench or irrigation equipment thoroughly immediately after use, using clean water and following best practice advice and the guidance provided by the equipment manufacturer. 421 F F Paraat® 6. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Operator protection Engineering control of operator exposure must be used where reasonably practicable in addition to the following personal protective equipment. WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES AND SUITABLE RESPIRATORY PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (disposable filtering facepiece respirator to at least EN149 FFP2 or equivalent) when handling the product. WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES when handling contaminated surfaces. However, engineering controls may replace personal protective equipment if a COSHH assessment shows that they provide an equal or higher standard of protection. WASH ALL PROTECTIVE CLOTHING thoroughly after use, especially the insides of gloves. Environmental protection DO NOT contaminate water with the product or its container. Do not clean application equipment near surface water. Avoid contamination via drains from farmyards and roads. To protect aquatic organisms respect an unsprayed buffer zone distance to surface water bodies in line with LERAP requirements. DO NOT ALLOW DIRECT SPRAY from horizontal boom sprayers to fall within 5 m of the top of the bank of a static or flowing waterbody, unless a Local Environment Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) permits a narrower buffer zone, or within 1 m of the top of a ditch which is dry at the time of application. Aim spray away from water. This product qualifies for inclusion within the Local Environment Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) scheme. Before each spraying operation from a horizontal boom sprayer, either a LERAP must be carried out in accordance with CRD’s published guidance or the statutory buffer zone must be maintained. The results of the LERAP must be recorded and kept available for inspection for three years. Storage and disposal STORE IN ORIGINAL CONTAINER, tightly closed, in a safe place. WASH OUT CONTAINER THOROUGHLY and dispose of safely. 568 422 Paraat® 7. DPD REGULATIONS (CHIP 3) Paraat® A wettable powder containing 500 g/kg dimethomorph. HARMFUL TO AQUATIC ORGANISMS, MAY CAUSE LONG TERM ADVERSE EFFECTS IN THE AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT. To avoid risks to human health and the environment, comply with the instructions for use This product is approved under the Plant Protection Products Regulations. 8. IMPORTANT INFORMATION IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR USE ONLY AS AN AGRICULTURAL FUNGICIDE, as directed below: Crop Strawberry (outdoor) Strawberry (protected) Raspberries blackberries, (outdoor and protected) Maximum Individual Dose (kg product/ha) 3.0 Maximum Number of applications (per year) 1 3.0 See ‘Other Specific 1 Restriction (1)’ for details 3.0 See ‘Other Specific 1 Restriction (2)’ for details Latest Time of Application 35 days before harvest 35 days before harvest 90 days before harvest Other Specific Restrictions: (1) For use on protected strawberry as a drip irrigation or root drench the concentration of the diluted product must not exceed 1 g product per litre water. If using the maximum concentration do not apply more than 100 ml of diluted product/solution per plant. Do not exceed the maximum individual dose or exceed 0.1 g product per plant. (2) For use on protected and outdoor raspberries and blackberries as a drip irrigation or root drench the concentration of the diluted product must not exceed 5 g product per litre water. If using the maximum concentration do not apply more than 200 ml of the diluted product/solution per plant. Do not exceed the maximum individual dose or exceed 1.0g product per plant. READ THE LABEL BEFORE USE. USING THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER THAT IS INCONSISTENT WITH THE LABEL MAY BE AN OFFENCE. FOLLOW THE CODE OF PRACTICE FOR USING PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCTS. (MAPP No. 15445) 423 569 F F Paraat® 424 PDM 330 EC® PDM® 330 EC H HERBICIDE MAPP No. 13406 Use: A herbicide for the control of annual grass and broadleaf weeds in a wide range of crops. Formulation: An emulsifiable concentrate containing 330 g/l (32.8% w/w) pendimethalin. Pack Size: 10 litres in outers of two Max Individual Dose: 4.0 litres product/ha (4.5 litres per hectare for maize). Max Number of Treatments: 1 per crop Water Volume: 100 to 200 litres per hectare. Spray Quality: FINE or MEDIUM Processed Crops: Consult processors before use. Aerial Application: No Latest Time of Application: Winter wheat, durum wheat, winter barley, stage winter rye and triticale: Spring barley, potatoes, combining peas, and sunflowers: Forage maize and grain maize: Before leaf sheath erect (crop GS 30). Pre-crop emergence. Before 4th leaf stage. Major changes since last printing: Globally Harmonised System (GHS) Regulations added, see Section 10. This product label is compliant with the CPA Voluntary Initiative Guidance 425 PDM 330 EC® Recommended Crops: Winter wheat, durum wheat, winter barley, winter rye and triticale. Spring barley, potatoes, combining pea and sunflower. Forage maize, Grain maize. Forage maize (grown under temporary plastic mulch), Grain maize (grown under temporary plastic mulch). Bulb onion (spring and autumn, drilled and transplanted). Leek. Carrot and parsnip. Broccoli/calabrese, Brussels sprout, Cabbage, Cauliflower. Blackcurrant, Gooseberry. Strawberry. Apple, Cherry, Pear, Plum. Raspberry, Loganberry, Rubus Hybrid, Blackberry. H PDM 330 EC® Forage maize and grain maize (grown under temporary plastic mulch): Bulb onion (spring and autumn, drilled and transplanted): Leek: Carrot and parsnip: Broccoli/calabrese, Brussels sprout, Cabbage, Cauliflower: Blackcurrant, Gooseberry: Strawberry: Apple, Cherry, Pear, Plum: Raspberry, Loganberry, Rubus Hybrid, Blackberry: Pre-crop emergence. Pre-crop emergence. Pre-crop emergence. Pre-crop emergence. Before transplanting. Before bud burst. After flower initiation but before flower truss emergence. Before bud burst. After harvest but before bud burst. Compatibility: For details of compatibilities contact your distributor, local BASF representative or the BASF Technical Services Hotline: 00 44 845 602 2553 DIRECTIONS FOR USE IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product. A herbicide for the control of annual grass and broad-leaved weeds in a wide range of crops. 1. RESTRICTIONS/WARNINGS 1.1 Efficacy Some soil moisture must be present for PDM 330 EC to be activated. Best results will be obtained if rainfall occurs within seven days of application. Residual control may be reduced: - under prolonged dry conditions - on soils with a high Kd factor - where organic matter exceeds 6% - where ash content is high DO NOT disturb the soil after PDM 330 EC has been applied as this will result in reduced weed control. Where cultural practices which encourage the build up of organic matter in the soil surface are practiced for a number of seasons the effectiveness of residual herbicides may be reduced. In such circumstances, periodic ploughing is recommended to disperse residues into a greater volume of soil. 1.2 Soil types PDM 330 EC may be used on all mineral soil types. DO NOT use on soils with more than 10% organic matter. On stony or gravelly soils, crop damage could occur, particularly, if heavy rain follows treatment. DO NOT use on water logged soil or soils prone to water logging. 426 PDM 330 EC® 1.3 Seedbed preparation Trash and straw should be incorporated evenly during seedbed preparation. Seedbed must have a fine, firm tilth. Consolidate loose or cloddy seedbeds before use. Following pre-emergence applications, unconsolidated clods (especially if larger than 7.5cm (3”) diameter) may reduce the level of weed control and cause seed to be inadequately covered, which could result in crop damage. 1.4 Crop safety Extreme care must be taken to avoid spray drift onto non-crop plants outside of the target area. DO NOT apply PDM 330 EC to crops suffering from stress, which may be caused for example by pests, disease, water logging, poor seedbed conditions or previous chemical treatment. Seed should be covered with a minimum of 3.2 cm of settled soil (2.5 cm for peas and sunflowers, 5 cm for maize). Shallow drilled crops should be treated post-emergence. DO NOT soil incorporate. DO NOT spray undersown crops. DO NOT undersow crops treated with PDM 330 EC. PDM 330 EC should not be used on protected crops, or in greenhouses. Other Restrictions/Warnings Before using PDM 330 EC on crops to be processed please consult your processor. Concentrated or diluted PDM 330 EC will stain. Avoid spillage. Staining is minimised or completely removed if skin and clothes are washed immediately. Hose down machinery immediately after use with a spray tank cleaner. 1.5 2. WEED CONTROL 2.1 Cereals 2.1.1 PDM 330 EC applied alone All weed susceptibility ratings in the table below are for applications made pre-emergence of the weeds. CROPS Winter Wheat, Durum Wheat, Winter Barley, Winter Rye & Triticale Spring Barley, PDM 330 EC PRODUCT RATE (litres/ha) 4.0 3.0 PDM 330 EC 4.0 GRASS WEED CONTROL Annual Meadow-grass Awned Canary Grass Black-grass Rough Meadow-grass S MS S MS S MS - - - BROAD-LEAVED WEEDS Black-bindweed Black Nightshade Cleavers Continued on next page 427 H H PDM 330 EC® Continued from previous page Common Chickweed Common Fumitory Common Orache Common Poppy Corn Buttercup Corn Marigold Fat-hen Field Forget-me-not Field Pansy Hemp-nettle (Day Nettle) Henbit Dead-nettle Knotgrass Mayweeds Parsley Piert Red Dead-nettle Redshank (early germinating) Scarlet Pimpernel Shepherd’s Purse Small Nettle Smooth Sowthistle Speedwells Volunteer Oilseed Rape (1) S MS S S S S S S S MS MS S MS MS MS S MS S S S S S S S S S MS S S S S MS S S S S S S S S MS S S S S MS S S MS S S S S S MS S = Susceptible MS = Moderately susceptible (1) = Deep germinating Volunteer Oilseed Rape may not be controlled - = no data 2.1.2 PDM 330 EC plus tank mix partner Grass weed control CROPS PRODUCT Winter Wheat Winter Wheat PDM 330EC PDM 330 EC RATE (litres/ha) 4.0 4.0 Tank mix partner RATE (g a.s./ha) Atlantis WG 400 g/ha Lexus SX 20 g/ha Annual Meadow-grass S up to 1st node (GS 31) Awned Canary Grass Black-grass S up to 1st node (GS 31) S pre-em, MS up to 2 lvs S up to mid tiller GRASS WEED CONTROL 428 PDM 330 EC® Loose Silky Bent Rough Meadow-grass S up to 1st node (GS 31) Italian Ryegrass S up to stem elongation (GS 30) S up to 1st node (GS 31) S up to 1st node (GS 31) Perennial Ryegrass (from seed) Wild oats (Autumn germinating) S up to 3 lvs MS pre-em, MS up to 2 lvs - - Broad-leaved weed control CROPS PRODUCT RATE (litres/ha) Tank mix partner RATE (g a.s./ha) Winter Wheat Winter Wheat PDM 330EC PDM 330 EC 4.0 4.0 Atlantis WG 400 g/ha Lexus SX 20 g/ha - - S up to 2 lvs S up to 2 whorl S up to 8 lvs S up to 6 lvs MR up to 1 whorl MS up to 6 lvs (2) MS pre-em BROAD-LEAVED WEEDS Black-bindweed Charlock Cleavers Common Chickweed Common Fumitory Common Orache Common Poppy MS pre-em Corn Buttercup - S pre-em MS up to 6 lvs - Corn Marigold S pre-em S pre-em Corn Spurrey Crane’s bill Fat-hen S pre-em S up to 6 lvs S pre-em S pre-em S up to 2 lvs - S up to 6 lvs S pre-em S up to 6 lvs S pre-em S pre-em Field Forget-me-not Field Pansy Fools Parsley Groundsel Hemp-nettle (Day Nettle) S pre-em S up to 8 lvs Continued on next page 429 H H PDM 330 EC® Continued from previous page Henbit Dead-nettle Knotgrass Mayweeds Parsley Piert Red Dead-nettle Redshank (early germinating) Scarlet Pimpernel Shepherd’s Purse Small Nettle Smooth Sowthistle Speedwells Volunteer Oilseed Rape (1) Wild radish S MS * (1) (2) - S pre-em S pre-em S up to 8 lvs S pre-em S pre-em S up to 6 lvs S pre-em S up to 6 lvs S pre-em S pre-em S pre-em S up to 4 lvs S pre-em S pre-em S up to 2 lvs S pre-em S up to 6 lvs S pre-em S pre-em S pre-em S pre-em - S up to 6 lvs - = = = = = Susceptible Moderately susceptible Approved formulations Deep germinating Volunteer Oilseed Rape may not be controlled Regrowth of Chickweed may occur where residual activity is reduced by excessive rainfall warm soils and/or very dry soil conditions. = no data 430 PDM 330 EC® 2.2 H Other crops CROPS PRODUCT RATE (litres/ha) Tank mix partner RATE (kg or litres/ha) Annual Meadow-grass Black-grass Rough Meadow-grass S pre-em MS pre-em S MS S pre-em MS pre-em S pre-em MS pre-em Black &White Mustard Black bindweed Black Nightshade Charlock Cleavers (#) Common Chickweed Common Fumitory (#) Common Orache Common Poppy Corn Buttercup Corn Marigold Fat-hen Field Forget-me-not Field Pansy Groundsel Hemp (Day) -nettle Henbit Dead-nettle Knotgrass Mayweeds (#) Parsley Piert Red Dead Nettle Redshank (1) Scarlet Pimpernel Shepherd’s Purse Small Nettle Smooth Sowthistle Speedwells Volunteer Oilseed Rape (2) S pre-em *MS pre-em S pre-em S pre-em S pre-em S pre-em S pre-em S pre-em S pre-em S pre-em S pre-em S pre-em S pre-em S pre-em *MS pre-em S pre-em S pre-em S pre-em MS pre-em S MS S S S S S S S S S S S S MS S S S MS MS pre-em S pre-em MS pre-em S pre-em MS pre-em S pre-em S pre-em S pre-em S pre-em S pre-em S pre-em S pre-em S pre-em S pre-em S pre-em S pre-em S pre-em S pre-em S pre-em S pre-em MS pre-em S pre-em MS pre-em S pre-em S pre-em S pre-em# S pre-em MS pre-em S pre-em S pre-em S pre-em S pre-em S pre-em S pre-em S pre-em S pre-em S pre-em S pre-em S pre-em S pre-em MS pre-em S pre-em S pre-em S pre-em MS pre-em S MS * (1) (2) # - Combining peas Onions Potatoes:Forage and Sunflowers Leeks (First Early, Second Grain Maize Carrots Transplanted:Early, Maincrop) (including crops Parsnips (Brussels sprouts, grown under Strawberries Broccoli, Calabrese temporary plastic Bush fruit Cabbage, mulch) Cane fruit Cauliflower). Top fruit PDM 330 EC PDM 330 EC PDM 330 EC PDM 330 EC 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.5 Sencorex WG 0.5 kg/ha = = = = = = Susceptible Moderately susceptible Control may be achieved under favourable conditions Early germinating Deep germinating Volunteer Oilseed Rape may not be controlled. If application is followed by a period of dry conditions, or in situations where very heavy populations occur, a sequence of PDM 330 EC and a product applied post-emergence may be necessary. = no data 431 H PDM 330 EC® 2.3 Resistance management Strains of some annual grasses (eg Black-grass, Wild-Oats, and Italian Ryegrass) have developed resistance to herbicides, which may lead to poor control. A strategy for preventing and managing such resistance should be adopted. Guidelines have been produced by the Weed Resistance Action Group and copies are available from the HGCA, CPA, your distributor, crop adviser or product manufacturer). Populations of black-grass and Italian ryegrass with high levels of enhanced metabolism resistance will not be fully controlled. Key elements of the resistance management strategy for PDM 330 EC: - Always follow WRAG guidelines for preventing and managing herbicide resistant weeds. - Maximise the use of cultural control measures wherever possible (e.g. crop rotation, ploughing, stale seedbeds, delayed drilling, etc). - Use tank mixes or sequences of effective herbicides with different modes of action within individual crops, or successive crops. - For the control of herbicide resistant grassweeds, always use PDM 330 EC in tank mix or sequence with other effective graminicides with different modes of action. - Apply pre-emergence of weeds wherever possible. If applications are delayed, apply post-emergence products/mixtures to small, actively growing weeds, especially where high levels of resistance are suspected and to reduce the risk of resistance development. - Monitor fields regularly and investigate the reasons for any poor control. 3. CROP SPECIFIC INFORMATION PDM 330 EC is recommended for use on all varieties of approved crops on any mineral soil except where indicated in the table below. 3.1 Winter wheat, durum wheat, winter barley PDM 330 EC applied alone Product PDM 330 EC Rate 3.0 or 4.0 l/ha Water volume 100 to 200 litres/hectare. Timing Pre-emergence of the crop to before leaf sheath erect stage (GS 30). DO NOT apply pre-emergence to crops drilled after 30th November. Seed depth Seed must be covered with a MINIMUM of 3.2cm of settled soil. ONLY treat shallow drilled crops POST-EMERGENCE. 432 PDM 330 EC® 3.2 Winter wheat PDM 330 EC applied in tank mix with Atlantis WG Product PDM 330 EC + Atlantis WG + Biopower Rate 4.0 l/ha + 400 g/ha + 0.5% Water volume 200 litres/hectare. Timing Apply post-emergence from 2 leaves on the crop. Apply to young, actively growing weeds. Optimum timing for Black-grass control is 1-3 leaves of the Black-grass. Notes For optimum activity, apply when weather conditions promote active weed growth. DO NOT apply to crops suffering from stress, which may be caused for example by pests, disease, water logging, poor seedbed conditions or previous chemical treatment. Under certain climatic, soil and crop conditions some slight chlorosis and stunting of the crop may occur. If frost is likely, avoid spraying non frost-hardened crops. Avoid spraying during periods of prolonged or severe frost. Control may be reduced if rain falls within 2 hours of application. Thoroughly clean all spray equipment with a proprietary sprayer cleaner immediately after spraying to avoid subsequent damage to crops other than cereals. Consult Atlantis WG product label for information on sequences with other sulfonylurea or ‘ALS-inhibiting’ herbicides. 433 H H PDM 330 EC® PDM 330 EC applied in tank mix with Lexus SX 3.3 Products PDM 330 EC + Lexus SX Rate 4.0 l/ha + 20 g/ha Water volume 100 to 200 litres/hectare. Timing Apply post-emergence from 1 leaf on the crop. Apply to small, actively growing weeds. Optimum timing for Black-grass control is 1-2 leaves of the Black-grass. Notes For optimum activity, apply when weather conditions promote active weed growth. DO NOT apply to crops suffering from stress, which may be caused for example by pests, disease, water logging, poor seedbed conditions or previous chemical treatment. Under certain climatic, soil and crop conditions some slight chlorosis and stunting of the crop may occur. If frost is likely, avoid spraying non frost-hardened crops. Avoid spraying during periods of prolonged or severe frost. DO NOT apply if rain is imminent. Thoroughly clean all spray equipment with a proprietary sprayer cleaner immediately after spraying to avoid subsequent damage to crops other than cereals. Consult Lexus SX product label for information on sequences with other sulfonylurea or ‘ALS-inhibiting’ herbicides. Winter rye, Triticale PDM 330 EC applied alone Products PDM 330 EC Rate 3.0 or 4.0 l/ha Water volume 100 to 200 litres/hectare. Timing Pre-emergence of the crop to before leaf sheath erect stage (GS 30). DO NOT apply pre-emergence to crops drilled after 30th November. Seed depth Seed must be covered with a MINIMUM of 3.2 cm of settled soil. ONLY treat shallow drilled crops POST-EMERGENCE. 434 PDM 330 EC® 3.4 3.5 Spring barley Products PDM 330 EC Rate 4.0 l/ha Water volume 100 to 200 litres/hectare. Timing Pre-emergence of the crop. Apply PDM 330 EC as soon as possible after drilling and before emergence. Due to risk of dry soils, do not apply PDM 330 EC alone after the end of March (mid April in Scotland) unless rainfall is imminent. Seed depth Seed must be covered with a MINIMUM of 3.2 cm of settled soil. Combining Peas Products 3.6 PDM 330 EC Rate 4.0 l/ha Water volume 100 to 200 litres/hectare. Timing Pre-emergence of the crop. Apply PDM 330 EC as soon as possible after sowing and final seedbed preparation. DO NOT apply if the plumule is less than 13 mm from the soil surface. Due to risk of dry soils, do not apply PDM 330 EC alone after the end of March (mid April in Scotland) unless rainfall is imminent. Soil types All mineral soils except gravelly soils Seed depth Seed must be covered with a MINIMUM of 2.5 cm of settled soil. Potatoes (First early, second early & maincrops) PDM 330 EC applied in tank mix with Sencorex WG Products PDM 330 EC + Sencorex WG Rate 4.0 l/ha + 0.5 kg/ha In dry conditions apply a PDM 330 EC – Sencorex WG sequence. Water volume 200 litres/hectare. Timing Pre-emergence of the crop. Apply as soon as possible after planting and final ridging up. Loose structured ridges must be allowed time for settlement before application. DO NOT apply later than 7 days before emergence. Soil types DO NOT use on Sands (S), Gravelly or Stony soils. Continued on next page 435 H H PDM 330 EC® Continued from previous page 3.7 3.8 Variety Read the Sencorex WG label carefully, particularly with regard to varietal restrictions. Application PDM 330 EC should be applied in a minimum of 200 litres of water/ha. Notes Best weed control will be achieved with settled wellrounded ridges with few clods. If re-ridging is necessary, delay application until after the final ridging is completed. Slight distortion and discolouration of the initial shoots may occur if very heavy rain falls after application but before emergence, particularly to crops grown on very light soils. This is quickly outgrown and subsequent growth is unaffected. Read the Sencorex WG label carefully, particularly with regard to following crop restrictions. Sunflowers Products PDM 330 EC Rate 4.0 l/ha Water volume 100 to 200 litres/hectare. Timing Apply as soon as possible after sowing and final seedbed cultivation, before crop and weed emergence. Seedbed Consolidate seedbeds after drilling to provide a firm level soil. Seed should be drilled so that after seedbed consolidation it is covered by a minimum of 2.5 cm of settled soil. Forage and Grain Maize (including crops grown under temporary plastic mulch) Products PDM 330 EC Rate 4.5 l/ha Water volume 100 to 200 litres/hectare. Timing Forage and Grain Maize: before 4th leaf of the crop. Maize grown under temporary plastic mulch: pre-emergence. Notes DO NOT use on Sweetcorn or Maize grown for seed. Seed must be covered by a minimum of 5cm of settled soil. The use of PDM 330 EC may affect the full development of crown roots which function only to anchor the plant. This has no effect on the yield of maize. If application is followed by a period of dry conditions or in situations where very heavy weed populations occur, a sequence of PDM 330 EC and a product applied postemergence may be necessary. 436 PDM 330 EC® 3.9 3.10 Carrots and Parsnips Products PDM 330 EC Rate 4.0 l/ha Water volume 100 to 200 litres/hectare. Timing Apply as soon as possible after drilling but before crop and weed emergence. Notes If emerged weeds are present after drilling but pre-emergence of the crop, PDM 330 EC may be applied in tank mix with a recommended approved contact herbicide. Transplanted Brassicas (Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, Cabbages, Calabrese, Cauliflowers) Products PDM 330 EC Rate 4.0 l/ha Water volume 100 to 200 litres/hectare. Timing Apply after final plantbed cultivation but before transplanting. DO NOT apply PDM 330 EC post-planting as crop damage may occur. DO NOT apply PDM 330 EC to any transplanted brassicas when heavy rain is forecast. Application DO NOT incorporate and avoid all unnecessary disturbance to soil after application. When transplanting care must be taken not to introduce treated soil into the root zone. If necessary, irrigation should be used before application as some moisture is essential for the chemical to be activated. Soil types DO NOT use on crops grown on sands (CS, S, FS, LCS), very light soils (LS, LFS, CSL), as crop damage may result. Notes If emerged weeds are present at pre-transplanting application, apply PDM 330 EC in tank mix with a recommended approved contact herbicide. 437 H H PDM 330 EC® 3.11 Bulb onions (Spring and autumn drilled or transplanted) and Leeks (drilled only) Products PDM 330 EC Rate 4.0 l/ha Water volume 100 to 200 litres/hectare. Timing Drilled crops - apply PDM 330 EC as soon as possible after drilling but before crop or weed emergence Transplanted crops - apply PDM 330 EC pre-transplanting. Do not apply PDM 330 EC to any onion or leek crop when heavy rain is forecast. Seed depth Seed should be covered with a minimum of 2.5cm of settled soil. Application When transplanting, care must be taken not to introduce treated soil into the root zone. Soil types PDM 330 EC is not recommended for use on onions or leeks grown on sands (CS, S, FS, LCS), very light soils (LS, LFS, CSL), as crop damage may result. PDM 330 EC is not recommended for use on onions or leeks grown on fen soils or other soils containing in excess of 10% organic matter, as weed control may be reduced. Notes If weeds are present, these can be controlled by applying PDM 330 EC in tank mix with a recommended contact herbicide. Read tank mix partner label carefully for restrictions on transplanted multi-seeded onions or leeks. 438 00 PDM 330 EC® 3.12 Strawberries (Maiden and Established crops) Products PDM 330 EC Rate 4.0 l/ha Water volume 100 to 200 litres/hectare. Timing Maiden Beds - runners should be planted so that roots are well covered. - good consolidation of the plantbed is necessary for good weed control. Notes 3.13 - PDM 330 EC should be applied to dormant newly planted runners in the autumn or early spring immediately after planting and prior to weed emergence. - if runners are likely to be slow in establishing due to stress conditions, such as drought, at the time of planting, the application of PDM 330 EC should be delayed until plants have established and are free of stress. - application made after runners have started growing away may reduce the initial vigour of new foliage but this will be rapidly outgrown. - do not apply PDM 330 EC before October to beds newly planted with cold-stored runner or beds newly planted in late summer. - pre-planting application of PDM 330 EC is not recommended. Established beds - apply PDM330 EC to weed free soil from autumn to early spring during the dormant period of the crop. - PDM 330 EC applied after the end of March or after the emergence of flower trusses in the spring may affect crop yield, particularly if conditions adverse to vigorous plant growth follow application. - do not apply PDM 330 EC during the flower initiation period (immediately post-harvest to mid-September). Leaf growth of strawberries may be checked following applications of PDM 330 EC in the spring but, in extensive experimentation, this has been shown not to affect yield. Do NOT use PDM 330 EC on protected crops or crops grown in green houses. Bush Fruit – Blackcurrants, Gooseberries Products PDM 330 EC Rate 4.0 l/ha Water volume 100 to 200 litres/hectare. Timing Apply PDM 330 EC after final cultivation to weed-free soil from autumn to early spring during the dormant period of the crop before bud burst, either over the top or as a directed spray. PDM 330 EC is not recommended for use in the season of planting. Tank Mixes If emerged weeds are present at application, PDM 330 EC may be applied as a directed spray in tank mix with a recommended approved contact herbicide. 439 00 H H PDM 330 EC® 3.14 3.15 Cane Fruit – Raspberries, Loganberries, Tayberries, Blackberries Products PDM 330 EC Rate 4.0 l/ha Water volume 100 to 200 litres/hectare. Timing Apply PDM 330 EC after final cultivation to weed-free soil from autumn to early spring. PDM 330 EC is not recommended for use after the end of March unless adequate soil moisture is present as some soil moisture present is essential for the chemical to be activated. DO NOT apply to autumn fruiting raspberries. Newly planted crops: - PDM 330 EC should be applied immediately after planting. - a light ridging along the cane row before application is recommended to ensure roots are well covered. - PDM 330 EC should be applied well before the emergence of the new canes. Established crops: - PDM 330 EC should be applied as soon as the canes have been cut out and tied, but before bud burst. Tank Mixes If emerged weeds are present at application, PDM 330 EC may be applied as a directed spray in tank mix with a recommended approved contact herbicide. Top Fruit – Apples, Cherries, Pears, Plums Products PDM 330 EC Rate 4.0 l/ha Water volume 100 to 200 litres/hectare. Timing Apply PDM 330 EC to weed-free soil from autumn to early spring. PDM 330 EC is not recommended for use after the end of March unless adequate soil moisture is present as some soil moisture is essential for the chemical to be activated. PDM 330 EC is not recommended for use in the season of planting. Tank Mixes If emerged weeds are present at the time of application, PDM 330 EC should be applied in tank mix with a recommended approved contact herbicide.. 440 PDM 330 EC® 4. FOLLOWING CROPS 4.1 Following crops after normal harvest Before Rye grass is drilled after a very dry season, plough or cultivate to at least 15 cm. If spring crops are to be followed by crops other than cereals plough or cultivate to at least 15 cm. 4.2 In the event of crop failure In the event of crop failure the land must be ploughed or thoroughly cultivated to a minimum depth of 15cm to ensure any residues are evenly dispersed throughout the soil. The minimum intervals (specified below) should elapse between application of PDM 330 EC and the sowing of one of the following crops listed below. Application timing Minimum interval Autumn 5 months Spring & early summer 2 months 5 months 12 months In the event of crop failure, the following crops may be drilled: Spring wheat, Spring barley, Spring Field beans, Broad beans, Dwarf beans, Brussels sprouts, Cabbage, Calabrese, Carrots, Cauliflower, Parsnips, Parsley, Peas, Potato, Linseed, Maize, Turnip Spring Field beans, Broad beans, Dwarf beans, Brussels sprouts, Cabbage, Calabrese, Carrots, Cauliflower, Parsnips, Parsley, Peas, Linseed, Turnip Any crop (with the exception of Red Beet, Sugar Beet and Spinach) may be planted or sown. Red Beet, Sugar Beet and Spinach 441 H H PDM 330 EC® 5. MIXING AND APPLICATION 5.1 Mixing Never prepare more spray solution than is required. Half fill the tank with clean water and start the agitation. To ensure thorough mixing of the product, invert the container several times before opening. Add the required quantity of PDM 330 EC to the spray tank while re-circulating. Fill up the tank with water and continue agitation until spraying is completed. When tank mixes are to be used, take due note of any instructions given as to the order of mixing. Each product should be added separately to the spray tank and fully dispersed before the addition of any further product(s). On emptying the container, rinse container thoroughly by using an integrated pressure rinsing device or manually rinsing three times. Add washings to sprayer at time of filling and dispose of container safely. 5.2 Application Ensure good, even spray cover of the target using a FINE or MEDIUM quality spray, as defined by BCPC. Apply PDM 330 EC in 100-200 l/ha. When tank mixing with other products use a minimum water volume of 150-200 l/ha depending on the tank mix partner. For potatoes apply PDM 330 EC in minimum of 200 l/ha. When using 100 l/ha include an 80 mesh inline boom filter. 5.3 Sprayer cleaning After spraying, thoroughly clean and flush out application machinery with a minimum of three rinses, to ensure that all traces of product are removed. 6. TANK MIXTURES When tank-mixing ONLY APPLY within label conditions for each product. 7. SEQUENTIAL TREATMENTS PDM 330 EC may be used in sequence with any other approved product. Leave a minimum interval of 24 hours unless longer is specified on the label. PDM 330 EC may be applied in sequence with Avadex Excel 15G provided only one product is applied pre-emergence of the crop. 8. CONTAINER AND STORAGE PDM 330 EC is supplied in 10 litres containers and should be kept dry and frostproof in a suitable pesticide store. Store above 4°C. 442 PDM 330 EC® 9. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Operator protection Engineering control of operator exposure must be used where reasonably practicable in addition to the following personal protective equipment: WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING (COVERALLS), SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES AND FACE PROTECTION (FACESHIELD) when handling the concentrate. WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES when handling contaminated surfaces and when applying by hand held equipment. However, engineering controls may replace personal protective equipment if a COSHH assessment shows that they provide an equal or higher standard of protection. WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE. WASH CONCENTRATE from skin or eyes immediately. AVOID ALL CONTACT BY MOUTH. DO NOT BREATHE SPRAY. WASH HANDS AND EXPOSED SKIN before meals and after work. IF YOU FEEL UNWELL, seek medical advice immediately (show label where possible). Environmental protection Do not contaminate water with the product or its container. (Do not clean application equipment near surface water/Avoid contamination via drains from farmyards and roads). To protect aquatic organisms respect an unsprayed buffer zone to surface water bodies in line with LERAP requirement. DO NOT ALLOW DIRECT SPRAY from horizontal boom sprayers to fall within 5 m of the top of the bank of a static or flowing water body, unless a Local Environment Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) permits a narrower buffer zone, or within 1m of the top of a ditch which is dry at the time of application. Aim spray away from water. This product qualifies for inclusion within the Local Environment Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) scheme. Before each spraying operation from a horizontal boom sprayer, either a LERAP must be carried out in accordance with CRD’s published guidance or the statutory buffer zone must be maintained. The results of the LERAP must be recorded and kept available for three years. Storage and disposal KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDINGSTUFFS KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN DO NOT RE-USE CONTAINER for any purpose KEEP IN ORIGINAL CONTAINER, tightly closed in a safe place. THIS MATERIAL AND ITS CONTAINER must be disposed of in a safe way. WASH OUT CONTAINER THOROUGHLY, empty washings into spray tank and dispose of safely. Keep dry and frostproof in a suitable pesticide store. Store above 4°C. 443 H H PDM 330 EC® 10. GLOBALLY HARMONISED SYSTEM (GHS) REGULATIONS PDM 330 EC® An emulsifiable concentrate containing 330 g/litre pendimethalin, isobutanol and Solvesso 200 ND. DANGER: HARMFUL IF SWALLOWED. CAUSES SERIOUS EYE IRRITATION. CAUSES SKIN IRRITATION. MAY BE FATAL IF SWALLOWED AND ENTERS AIRWAYS. VERY TOXIC TO AQUATIC LIFE. VERY TOXIC TO AQUATIC LIFE WITH LONG LASTING EFFECTS. WEAR PROTECTIVE GLOVES AND EYE/FACE PROTECTION. IF SWALLOWED: IMMEDIATELY CALL A POISON CENTRE OR DOCTOR/PHYSICIAN. DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING. IF ON SKIN: WASH WITH PLENTY OF SOAP AND WATER. IF IN EYES: RINSE CAUTIOUSLY WITH WATER FOR SEVERAL MINUTES. REMOVE CONTACT LENSES, IF PRESENT AND EASY TO DO. CONTINUE RINSING. REMOVE/TAKE OFF IMMEDIATELY ALL CONTAMINATED CLOTHING. To avoid risks to human health and the environment, comply with the instructions for use. This product is approved under the Plant Protection Products Regulations 2005 444 PDM 330 EC® 11. IMPORTANT INFORMATION IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR USE ONLY AS AN AGRICULTURAL/HORTICULTURAL HERBICIDE, as directed below: Crops Maximum Individual Dose Maximum Number of Treatments Latest Time of Application Winter wheat, durum wheat, winter barley, winter rye and triticale. 4.0 litres product/ha One per crop Before leaf sheath erect stage (crop GS 30) Spring barley, potatoes, combining pea and sunflower. 4.0 litres product/ha One per crop Pre-crop emergence Forage Maize, Grain Maize 4.5 litres product/ha One per crop Before 4th leaf stage Forage Maize (grown under emergence temporary plastic mulch), Grain Maize (grown under temporary plastic mulch). 4.5 litres product/ha One per crop Pre-crop Bulb onion, 4.0 litres product/ha (spring and autumn, drilled and transplanted). One per crop Pre-crop emergence Leek 4.0 litres product/ha One per crop Pre-crop emergence Carrot and parsnip 4.0 litres product/ha One per crop Pre-crop emergence Broccoli/calabrese, Brussels sprout, Cabbage, Cauliflower 4.0 litres product/ha One per crop Before transplanting Blackcurrant, Gooseberry 4.0 litres product/ha One per year Before bud burst Strawberry 4.0 litres product/ha One per year After flower initiation but before flower truss emergence Apple, Cherry, Pear 4.0 litres product/ha Plum One per year Before bud burst Raspberry, Loganberry, Rubus Hybrid, Blackberry One per year After harvest but before bud burst 4.0 litres product/ha READ THE LABEL BEFORE USE. USING THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER THAT IS INCONSISTENT WITH THE LABEL MAY BE AN OFFENCE. FOLLOW THE CODE OF PRACTICE FOR USING PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCTS. (MAPP NO. 13406) 445 H H PDM® 330 EC 446 PexanTM F FUNGICIDE MAPP No. 15584 Use: A systemic fungicide for use in winter wheat, spring wheat, durum wheat, winter barley, spring barley, triticale, rye and oats. Formulation: An emulsifiable concentrate containing 62.5 g/litre (6% w/w) epoxiconazole and 59.4 g/litre (5.7% w/w) fluxapyroxad. Pack size: 5 litres in outers of four. Recommended Crops: Wheat (winter) Wheat (spring) Wheat (durum) Triticale Rye Barley (winter) Barley (spring) Oats Maximum Individual Dose: 2.0 litres of product per hectare Spray Quality: MEDIUM Latest Time of Application: Winter and spring wheat Rye Triticale Durum wheat Up to and including flowering (anthesis) just complete (GS 69) Winter and spring barley Oats Up to and including emergence of ear just complete (GS 59) Water Volume: 100 to 300 litres of water per hectare. Processed Crops: When applied to barley intended for malting, refer to the rates of use and latest timing for fluxapyroxad and epoxiconazole given by the BBPA (British Beer and Pubs Association). Aerial Application: No Compatibility: For details of compatibilities contact your distributor, local BASF representative, the BASF Technical Services Hotline: 0845 602 2553 or visit our website on: Major changes since last printing: Fluxapyroxad added to the BBPA brewers list, see Section 1. This product label is compliant with the CPA Voluntary Initiative Guidance 447 PexanTM Maximum Number of Treatments: 2 per crop F PexanTM DIRECTIONS FOR USE IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product. Pexan is a systemic fungicide with protectant and curative properties for use in winter wheat, spring wheat, durum wheat, winter barley, spring barley, triticale, rye and oats. 1. RESTRICTIONS/WARNINGS This product may cause damage to broad-leaved plant species. Avoid spray drift on to neighbouring crops. After spraying, wash out sprayer thoroughly according to manufacturer’s guideline and dispose of washings and clean container according to DEFRA Code of Practice and local authority guidelines. When applied to barley intended for malting, refer to the rates of use and latest timing for fluxapyroxad and epoxiconazole given by the BBPA (British Beer and Pubs Association). 2. DISEASE CONTROL Pexan is a systemic fungicide with protectant and curative properties for the control of a range of diseases in winter wheat, spring wheat, durum wheat, winter barley, spring barley, triticale, rye and oats as summarised below: Winter wheat Powdery mildew Spring Winter wheat barley Spring Durum barley wheat Oats Rye Triticale MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC Septoria tritici C C - - C - - C Septoria nodorum C C - - C - - C Yellow rust C C C C C - C C Brown rust C C C C C - C C Net blotch - - C C - - - - Rhynchosporium - - C C - - C - Tan spot MC MC - - MC - - - Ramularia - - C C - - - - Crown rust - - - - - C - - Eyespot MC - - - MC MC MC MC Fusarium ear blight # MC - - - MC MC MC MC R R - - R - - - Sooty moulds (Cladosporium; Botrytis) C = Control MC = Moderate Control GR = Good Reduction R = Reduction # Application of Pexan to ears of wheat can lead to reduction of the levels of the mycotoxin deoxynivalenol (DON) associated with Fusarium ear blight infection, but this level of effect may not necessarily lead to reduction of DON below the statutory limit in wheat grain. 448 PexanTM 2.1 Resistance Pexan should be used in accordance with the instructions for use for the target diseases at the specific growth stages indicated. Use Pexan as part of an Integrated Crop Management (ICM) strategy incorporating other methods of control. You must not apply more than two foliar applications of products containing complex II inhibitors to any cereal crop. Strains of certain cereal diseases with decreased sensitivity to triazole fungicides are known to exist in the UK. Where these occur or develop Pexan may not give satisfactory control. Pexan contains epoxiconazole, a DMI fungicide. Resistance to some DMI fungicides has been identified in Septoria leaf blotch (Mycosphaerella graminicola) which may seriously affect the performance of some products. For further advice on resistance management in DMIs contact your agronomist or specialist advisor and visit the FRAG-UK website. 3. CROP SPECIFIC INFORMATION 3.1 Crops Pexan is a systemic fungicide with protectant and curative properties for use in winter wheat, spring wheat, durum wheat, winter barley, spring barley, triticale, rye and oats. 3.2 Time of Application Apply Pexan after growth stage BBCH 25 (tillering). A maximum of two applications can be made up to and including flowering just complete in winter and spring wheat, durum wheat, rye and triticale and up to and including emergence of ear just complete in winter and spring barley and oats. 3.3 Rate of Application Apply 2 litres of Pexan per hectare in 100 to 300 litres of water per hectare. 4. FOLLOWING CROPS After treating a cereal crop with Pexan, cabbage, carrot, clover, dwarf beans, field beans, lettuce, maize, oats, oilseed rape, onions, peas, potatoes, ryegrass, sugar beet, sunflower, winter barley and winter wheat may be sown as the following crop. 5. MIXING AND SPRAYING Apply as a MEDIUM spray as defined by BCPC. Half fill the spray tank with clean water and start the agitation. SHAKE THE CONTAINER WELL before use and pour in the required amount of product. Rinse any empty containers thoroughly and add rinsings to the spray tank. Add the remainder of the water and continue agitation until spraying is completed. Spray solution MUST be used on the day of mixing and must NOT be left overnight. When tank mixes are to be used, each product should be added separately to the spray tank, taking due note of any instructions given as to the order of mixing. 449 F F PexanTM 6. CONTAINER AND STORAGE Pexan is supplied in 10 litres containers and should be kept dry and frost proof in a suitable pesticide store. 7. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Operator protection Engineering control of operator exposure must be used where reasonably practicable in addition to the following personal protective clothing: WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING (COVERALLS) SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES AND FACE PROTECTION (FACESHIELD) when handling the concentrate. WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING (COVERALLS) AND SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES when handling contaminated surfaces. However, engineering controls may replace personal protective equipment if a COSHH assessment shows they provide an equal or higher standard of protection. WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE. WASH HANDS AND EXPOSED SKIN before meals and after work. Environmental protection Do not contaminate water with the product or its container. Do not clean application equipment near surface water. Avoid contamination via drains from farmyards and roads. To protect aquatic organisms respect an unsprayed buffer zone to surface water bodies in line with LERAP requirements. DO NOT ALLOW DIRECT SPRAY from horizontal boom sprayers to fall within 5m of the top of the bank of a static or flowing waterbody, unless a Local Environment Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) permits a narrower buffer zone, or within 1m of the top of a ditch which is dry at the time of application. Aim spray away from water. This product qualifies for inclusion within the Local Environment Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) scheme. Before each spraying operation from a horizontal boom sprayer, either a LERAP must be carried out in accordance with CRD’s published guidance or the statutory buffer zone must be maintained. The results of the LERAP must be recorded and kept available for inspection for three years. Storage and disposalt KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDINGSTUFFS. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. RINSE CONTAINER THOROUGHLY by using an integrated pressure rinsing device or manually rinsing three times. Add washings to sprayer at time of filling and dispose of safely. Store in a suitable pesticide store. Keep dry and protect from frost. 450 PexanTM 8. DPD REGULATIONS (CHIP 3) Pexan An emulsifiable concentrate containing 62.5 g/litre (6% w/w) epoxiconazole and 59.4 g/litre (5.7% w/w) fluxapyroxad. HARMFUL IF SWALLOWED. IRRITATING TO EYES. MAY CAUSE SENSITISATION BY SKIN CONTACT. LIMITED EVIDENCE OF A CARCINOGENIC EFFECT. POSSIBLE RISK OF IMPAIRED FERTILITY. POSSIBLE RISK OF HARM TO THE UNBORN CHILD. VERY TOXIC TO AQUATIC ORGANISMS, MAY CAUSE LONG TERM ADVERSE EFFECTS IN THE AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING, GLOVES AND EYE/FACE PROTECTION. DO NOT BREATHE SPRAY. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDING STUFFS. WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE. AVOID CONTACT WITH SKIN AND EYES. IN CASE OF CONTACT WITH EYES, RINSE IMMEDIATELY WITH PLENTY OF WATER AND SEEK MEDICAL ADVICE. IF SWALLOWED, seek medical advice immediately and show this container or label. DO NOT EMPTY INTO DRAINS THIS MATERIAL AND ITS CONTAINMENT MUST BE DISPOSED OF IN A SAFE WAY. USE APPROPRIATE CONTAINMENT TO AVOID ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAMINATION. To avoid risks to man and the environment, comply with the instructions for use. This product is approved under the Plant Protection Products Regulations 2005. 451 F F PexanTM 9. IMPORTANT INFORMATION IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR USE ONLY AS AN AGRICULTURAL FUNGICIDE, as directed below: Crops Maximum individual dose Maximum no. of treatments Latest time of application Winter and spring wheat durum wheat, rye and triticale 2 litres product per hectare 2 per crop Uo to and including flowering complete (GS 69) Winter and spring barley Oats 2 litres product per hectare 2 per crop Up to and including emergence of ear just complete (GS 59) READ THE LABEL BEFORE USE. USING THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER THAT IS ALL INCONSISTENT WITH THE LABEL MAY BE AN OFFENCE. FOLLOW THE CODE OF PRACTICE FOR USING PLANT PROTECTON PRODUCTS. 452 Picona® / PicoPro® H PicoMax® / Chronicle® HERBICIDE Picona MAPP No. 13428 PicoPro MAPP No. 13454 PicoMax MAPP No. 13456 Chronicle MAPP No. 15394 Use: A herbicide with residual and contact activity for the control of meadow grasses and broad-leaved weeds in winter wheat and winter barley. Pack Size: 10 litres in outers of two. Recommended Crops: Winter wheat Winter barley Recommended Rates: 2 l/ha or 3 l/ha, depending on time of application, weed spectrum and size of weeds. Spray Quality: FINE or MEDIUM Maximum Individual Dose: 3 litres of product per hectare. Maximum Number of Treatments: One per crop. Latest Time of Application: Before pseudo-stem erection (before growth stage 30) Water Volume: 200 litres of water per hectare. Aerial Application: No Compatibility: For details of compatibilities contact your distributor, local BASF representative, the BASF Technical Services Hotline: 0845 602 2553 or visit our website on: Major changes since last printing: Globally Harmonised System (GHS) Regulations added, see Section 8. This product label is compliant with the CPA Voluntary Initiative Guidance 453 Picona® / PicoPro® / PicoMax® /Chronicle® Formulation: A suspension concentrate containing 16 g/l picolinafen and 320 g/l pendimethalin. H Picona® / PicoPro® / PicoMax® / Chronicle® DIRECTIONS FOR USE IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product. Picona/PicoPro/PicoMax/Chronicle is a herbicide with residual and contact activity for the control of meadow grasses and broad leaved weeds in winter wheat and winter barley. 1. RESTRICTIONS/WARNINGS 1.1 Efficacy For residual control some soil moisture is required for Picona/PicoPro/ PicoMax/Chronicle. Best results will be obtained if rain falls within 7 days of application. Residual control may be reduced : • under prolonged dry conditions • on soils with more than 6% organic matter • on soils with a high Kd factor • on soils where ash content is high DO NOT disturb the soil after application. Where cultural techniques which encourage the build up of organic residues in the surface soil are practised for a number of seasons, the effectiveness of residual herbicides may be reduced. In such circumstances periodic ploughing is recommended to disperse residues into a greater volume of soil. 1.2 Soil types Picona/PicoPro/PicoMax/Chronicle may be used on all mineral soil types. DO NOT use on soils with more than 10% organic matter. DO NOT use on stony or gravelly soils as crop damage can occur, particularly if heavy rain follows treatment. DO NOT use on water logged soil or soils prone to water logging. Seedbed preparation Trash and straw should be incorporated evenly during seedbed preparation. Seedbeds must have a fine, firm tilth. 1.3 Loose or cloddy seedbeds must be consolidated prior to application, otherwise reduced weed control may occur. They may also cause seed to be inadequately covered which could result in crop damage. 1.4 Crop safety DO NOT apply to crops suffering from stress, which may be caused for example by pests, disease, waterlogging, poor seedbed conditions or previous chemical treatment. Water logging that occurs soon after pre-emergence applications may lead to crop damage. For pre-emergence applications, seed should be covered with a minimum of 3.2 cm of settled soil. Only treat shallow drilled crops post-emergence. DO NOT soil incorporate. Avoid spraying during periods of prolonged or severe frosts. Some transient bleaching may be seen after application to some crops. This does not lead to yield loss. DO NOT spray undersown cereals or those to be undersown. DO NOT roll emerged crops prior to application. DO NOT roll autumn treated crops until the spring. 454 Picona® / PicoPro® / PicoMax® / Chronicle® 1.5 Spray drift Extreme care should be taken to avoid damage by drift onto plants outside the target area. 1.6 Other restrictions/warnings DO NOT use more than one application of Picona/PicoPro/PicoMax/Chronicle in one growing season. Concentrated or diluted Picona/PicoPro/PicoMax/Chronicle may stain. Avoid spillage. Staining is minimised or completely removed if skin/clothes are washed immediately. 2. WEED CONTROL 2.1 Susceptibility of weeds to single applications of Picona/PicoPro/ PicoMax/Chronicle For post-emergence applications best results will be achieved by application to small actively growing weeds. Product Rate (l/ha) Application timing Annual Meadow-grass Rough Meadow-grass Charlock Cleavers Common Chickweed Common Field Speedwell Common Fumitory Common Orache Common Poppy Corn Marigold Fat-hen Field Forget-me-not Field Pansy Hemp-nettle (Day Nettle) Henbit Dead-nettle Ivy-leaved speedwell Knotgrass Parsley Piert Red Dead-nettle Scarlet Pimpernel Shepherd’s Purse Smooth Sowthistle Volunteer Oilseed Rape (1) S MS (1) Picona/Chronicle/PicoPro/PicoMax 3 2 3 Pre-em Post-em S S up to 2 lvs S up to 2 lvs MS MS up to 2 lvs MS up to 2 lvs MS S up to 6 lvs S up to 6 lvs MS up to 1 whorl S up to 3 whorls S S up to 6 lvs S up to 6 lvs S S up to 6 lvs S up to 6 lvs S up to 3 lvs S up to 3 lvs MS MS S up to 6 lvs S up to 6 lvs S MS MS MS S up to 4 lvs S up to 4 lvs S S S up to 6 lvs S S up to 6 lvs S up to 6 lvs MS S S S up to 6 lvs S up to 6 lvs S S up to 6 lvs S up to 6 lvs MS S MS up to 2 lvs MS up to 2 lvs = Susceptible = Moderately susceptible = deep germinating volunteer Oilseed Rape may not be controlled. 455 H H Picona® / PicoPro® / PicoMax® / Chronicle® 2.2 Resistance Management Strains of some annual grasses (eg Blackgrass, Wild-Oats, and Italian Ryegrass) have developed resistance to herbicides, which may lead to poor control. Picolinafen is an inhibitor of carotenoid biosynthesis at the PDS step (a group that includes picolinafen and diflufenican). A strategy for preventing and managing such resistance should be adopted. To prevent the development of resistant weeds herbicides with different modes of action must be used when applying in sequence. Guidelines have been produced by the Weed Resistance Action Group and copies are available from the HGCA, CPA, your distributor, crop adviser or product manufacturer. 3. CROPS SPECIFIC INFORMATION 3.1 Crops All varieties of Winter Wheat and Winter Barley. 3.2 Time of application Pre- and post-crop emergence, up to before pseudo-stem erection (before growth stage 30). DO NOT apply pre-emergence to crops drilled after 30 November. 3.3 Rate of application Apply Picona/PicoPro/PicoMax/Chronicle at 2 or 3 l/ha in 200 litres of water per hectare. 4. FOLLOWING CROPS 4.1 Following crops after normal harvest There are no restrictions on following crops when Picona/PicoPro/PicoMax/ Chronicle is used alone other than before Rye-grass is drilled after a very dry season, plough or cultivate to at least 15cm. 4.2 In the event of crop failure In the event of crop failure plough to at least 15cm. An interval of at least 8 weeks must have elapsed between using Picona/PicoPro/PicoMax/Chronicle and re-drilling. The following crops may then be sown in spring : Spring Wheat, Spring Barley. 5. MIXING AND SPRAYING 5.1 Mixing Never prepare more spray solution than is required. Half fill the tank with clean water and start the agitation. To ensure thorough mixing of the product, invert the container several times before opening. Add the required quantity of Picona/PicoPro/PicoMax/Chronicle to the spray tank while re-circulating. Fill up the tank with water and continue agitation until spraying is completed. When tank mixes are to be used, take due note of any instructions given as to the order of mixing. Each product should be added separately to the spray tank and fully dispersed before the addition of any further product(s). On emptying the container, rinse container thoroughly by using an integrated pressure rinsing device or manually rinsing three times. Add washings to sprayer at time of filling and dispose of container safely. 5.2 Application Ensure good, even spray cover of the target using a spray of FINE or MEDIUM quality (BCPC definition). 456 Picona® / PicoPro® / PicoMax® / Chronicle® A travel speed of 6 to 8 km/h is advised for tractor-mounted and trailed sprayers. High speeds increase the risk of uneven cover due to excessive boom whip and bounce. The slower speed is recommended where the target is in a thick crop or weed cover, or where travel conditions are rough. 5.3 Sprayer cleaning After spraying, thoroughly clean and flush out application machinery with a minimum of three rinses, using a wetting agent or a proprietary spray tank cleaner to ensure that all traces of product are removed, particularly before using the sprayer in broad-leaved crops. 6. CONTAINER AND STORAGE Picona/PicoPro/PicoMax/Chronicle is supplied in 10 litre containers and should be kept dry and frost proof in a suitable pesticide store. 457 H H Picona® / PicoPro® / PicoMax® / Chronicle® 7. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Operator protection Engineering control of operator exposure must be used where reasonably practicable in addition to the following personal protective equipment. WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING (COVERALLS) AND SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES when handling the concentrate. WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES when handling contaminated surfaces. However, engineering controls may replace personal protective equipment if a COSHH assessment shows that they provide an equal or higher standard of protection. WASH ALL PROTECTIVE CLOTHING thoroughly after use, especially the insides of gloves WASH HANDS before eating and after work IF YOU FEEL UNWELL seek medical advice (show the label if possible) Environmental protection DO NOT contaminate water with the product or its container. DO NOT clean application equipment near surface water. Avoid contamination via drains from farmyards and roads. To protect aquatic organisms respect an unsprayed buffer zone to surface water bodies. DO NOT ALLOW DIRECT SPRAY from horizontal boom sprayers to fall within 5 m of the top of the bank of a static or flowing water body, unless a Local Environment Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) permits a narrower buffer zone, or within 1m of the top of a ditch which is dry at the time of application. Aim spray away from water. This product qualifies for inclusion within the Local Environment Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) scheme. Before each spraying operation from a horizontal boom sprayer, either a LERAP must be carried out in accordance with CRD’s published guidance or the statutory buffer zone must be maintained. The results of the LERAP must be recorded and kept available for three years. Storage and disposal DO NOT RE-USE CONTAINER for any other purpose On emptying the container, RINSE CONTAINER THOROUGHLY by using an integrated pressure rinsing device or manually rinsing three times. Add washings to sprayer at time of filling and dispose of container safely. STORE IN ORIGINAL CONTAINER tightly closed, in a safe place. PROTECT FROM FROST. 458 Picona® / PicoPro® / PicoMax® / Chronicle® 8. GLOBALLY HARMONISED SYSTEM (GHS) REGULATIONS Picona / PicoPro / PicoMax / Chronicle A suspension concentrate containing 16 g/litre picolinafen, 320 g/litre pendimethalin and 1, 2-benzisothiazole WARNING: VERY TOXIC TO AQUATIC LIFE. VERY TOXIC TO AQUATIC LIFE WITH LONG LASTING EFFECTS. COLLECT SPILLAGE. CONTAINS PENDIMETHALIN. CONTAINS 1, 2-BENZISOTHIAZOLE. MAY PRODUCE AN ALLERGIC REACTION. To avoid risks to human health and the environment, comply with the instructions for use This product is approved under the Plant Protection Products Regulations 2005. 9. IMPORTANT INFORMATION IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR USE ONLY AS AN AGRICULTURAL HERBICIDE CROPS: MAXIMUM INDIVIDUAL DOSE: MAXIMUM NUMBER OF TREATMENTS: LATEST TIMING: Winter Wheat Winter Barley 3 litres product/hectare One per crop Before pseudo-stem erection (before growth stage 30) READ THE LABEL BEFORE USE. USING THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER THAT IS INCONSISTENT WITH THE LABEL MAY BE AN OFFENCE. FOLLOW THE CODE OF PRACTICE FOR USING PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCTS. (Picona MAPP No. 13428 PicoPro MAPP No. 13454 PicoMax MAPP No. 13456 Chronicle MAPP No. 15394) 459 H H Picona® / PicoPro® / PicoMax® / Chronicle® 460 Poraz® F FUNGICIDE MAPP No. 11701 Use: A broad-spectrum fungicide for use on wheat, barley, winter rye and winter oilseed rape. Formulation: An emulsifiable concentrate containing 450 g/litre (39.8% w/w) prochloraz. Pack Size: 5 litres in outers of four. Recommended Crops: Wheat, winter and spring Barley, winter and spring Rye, winter Oilseed rape, winter See Section No: 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.2 Recommended Rates: Wheat, barley, winter rye: 0.9 litres product/hectare. Winter oilseed rape: 1.0 litres product/hectare. Water Volume: 200-400 litres per hectare. In dense crops or for the second treatment, the volume should be increased to 400 litres per hectare. Latest Time of Application: Wheat, barley and winter rye: Before grain milky ripe stage and 6 weeks before harvest. Winter oilseed rape: 6 weeks before harvest. Maximum Number of Applications: Wheat, barley and winter rye: 2 per crop. Maximum Total Dose: Winter oilseed rape: 2.0 litres product/hectare/crop. Aerial Application: No Compatibility: For details of compatibilities contact your distributor, local BASF representative, the BASF Technical Services Hotline: 0845 602 2553 or visit our website on: Major changes since last printing: Globally Harmonised System (GHS) Regulations added, see Section 7. This product label is compliant with the CPA Voluntary Initiative Guidance 461 Poraz® Spray Quality: MEDIUM F Poraz® DIRECTIONS FOR USE IMPORTANT: This leaflet is approved as part of the label. All instructions on this leaflet and on the label should be read carefully in order to obtain successful results from the use of this product. All varieties of wheat, barley, winter rye and winter oilseed rape may be sprayed with Poraz. 1. RESTRICTIONS/WARNINGS A period of at least 3 hours (or longer in poor drying conditions) without rain should follow spraying otherwise results may be reduced. Avoid drift to areas outside those being sprayed having due regard to the prevailing weather conditions and spray quality being used. Tank-mixtures of Poraz with other fungicides should not be applied to crops suffering from any other stress such as drought or waterlogging otherwise the crop may suffer some scorch from which recovery may not be complete. Yellow and Brown rust are not effectively controlled by Poraz. 2. DISEASE CONTROL Poraz controls or gives protection against all the following diseases when applied as recommended: Winter Wheat Eyespot Glume blotch (Septoria nodorum) Leaf spot (Septoria tritici) Powdery mildew Spring Wheat Powdery mildew Spring and Winter Barley Eyespot (Winter barley) Leaf blotch (Rhynchosporium) Net blotch Powdery mildew Winter Rye Eyespot Leaf blotch (Rhynchosporium) Leaf spot (Septoria) Powdery mildew 2.1 cereals throughout the season against all the diseases listed will usually require a programme of at least two fungicide treatments (see Crops section 3, Time of Application). Winter oilseed rape Dark leaf / pod spot (Alternaria brassicae) (reduction only) Light leaf spot (Cylindrosporium brassicae) Grey mould (Botrytis cinerea) Leaf spot / stem canker (Phoma lingam) Stem rot (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum) (moderate control) White leaf spot (Pseudocercosporella capsellae) Adequate protection of winter Resistance Poraz contains prochloraz, a DMI fungicide. Resistance to some DMI fungicides has been identified in Septoria leaf blotch (Mycosphaerella graminicola) which may seriously affect the performance of some products. For further advice on resistance management in DMIs contact your agronomist or specialist advisor and visit the FRAG-UK website. To reduce the risk of development of resistance, do not apply more than two full dose prochloraz-based treatments (oilseed rape, wheat, barley and rye) or for oilseed rape only, 2 split doses followed by a full dose. Use Poraz as part of an Integrated Crop Management (ICM) strategy incorporating other methods of control, including where appropriate, other fungicides with a different mode of action. 462 Poraz® 3. CROPS Time of Application 3.1 Cereals Autumn sown wheat, autumn and spring sown barley and winter rye 3.1.1 Eyespot Control Spray in the spring, from when the leaf sheaths begin to become erect until the third node is detectable. Any over-wintering eyespot or Rhynchosporium, and mildew on rye or barley will be controlled by Poraz applied at this time, and protection will be given against Septoria (wheat, rye) or net blotch (barley). If weather conditions continue to favour eyespot development after treatment, a second spray may be necessary 4 to 6 weeks later. Poraz sprayed for control of eyespot (Pseudocercosporella) will often give good reduction of sharp eyespot (Rhizoctonia) and Fusarium if these diseases are developing at the time of application, but it is not yet known when this effect is likely to be of benefit. 3.1.2 Foliar Disease Control For protection against leaf spot (Septoria tritici), glume blotch (Septoria nodorum) and powdery mildew on winter wheat, spray as soon as the ligule of the last leaf is visible if any of these diseases are present in the crop. If no disease is present, treatment should be delayed until the first signs of infection appear or Poraz should be applied as a protectant treatment at the end of ear emergence if the crop is still disease free. Best protection against ear diseases is achieved only by treatment at full ear emergence. For control of late infections of barley leaf diseases listed above including protection against net blotch; spray when disease appears on new growth, or as a protectant treatment when the ligule of the last leaf is visible if any of the diseases are present in the bottom of the crop. On spring wheat, spray if mildew begins to build up in the crop if this occurs before full ear emergence. For control of late infections of the rye leaf diseases listed above, spray if disease is present in the crop. Yellow and Brown rust are not effectively controlled by Poraz. If rust is present or anticipated on barley or on wheat a tank-mixture of Poraz with Corbel will give control and protection against further attack. 3.1.3 Autumn treatment – barley For the control of mildew and Rhynchosporium and protection against net blotch in the autumn, spray at the onset of disease infection. To achieve maximum yield response it is essential the autumn application is followed by spring application. If only net blotch is present a reduced dose of 0.7 l/ha may be used. Latest time of application: Up to before grain milky ripe (GS 71) and six weeks before harvest. 3.2 Winter oilseed rape Diseases of oilseed rape can develop and spread very rapidly. It is therefore important that crops are regularly inspected so as to detect sudden increases in disease levels. Poraz should be applied at the onset of disease development so as to contain the diseases at a low level and prevent them spreading. Poraz controls or gives protection against all the following diseases when applied as recommended: 463 F F Poraz® 3.2.1 Light Leaf Spot (Cylindrosporium brassicae) Poraz should be applied at the first sign of light leaf spot in the autumn or winter when cool wet conditions favour spread of the disease. A split dose treatment may be used. A Poraz application during or shortly after flowering will prolong the control of light leaf spot where there is a risk of late build up of disease. 3.2.2 Dark Leaf / Pod Spot (Alternaria brassicae) Alternaria mainly develops through the spring and summer, especially following hot humid weather. Apply Poraz as soon as Alternaria infection is seen on the upper leaves and stems, usually from mid-flowering but not later than the mottled seed stage. If disease pressure remains high, a second application of Poraz should be applied 2-3 weeks later. Poraz only gives a reduction of this disease. 3.2.3 Leaf Spot / Stem Canker (Phoma lingam) Phoma leaf spot is spread by rain splash and can be found from October onwards. Apply Poraz at the first sign of infection during the autumn or winter. 3.2.4 Stem Rot (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum) The spread of Sclerotinia is favoured by wet weather during flowering. For moderate control of the disease, spray Poraz from early flowering in high risk situations when spore release is occurring. Control is only achieved if Poraz is applied before the disease becomes established. 3.2.5 Grey Mould (Botrytis cinerea) Poraz may give control of grey mould, and should be applied as soon as Botrytis develops from stem extension onwards and if the infection continues, apply a second spray during or after flowering. 3.2.6 White Leaf Spot (Pseudocercosporella capsellae) Apply Poraz in the spring from stem extension, when infection is seen on the leaves and before it spreads onto the pods. Latest time of application: 6 weeks before harvest. 3.3 Rate of Application Wheat, Barley and Winter Rye: Maximum Individual Dose: 0.9 l/ha Maximum Number of Treatments (per crop): 2 For broad-spectrum disease control use 0.9 l/ha. For control of Net Blotch only (Barley) use 0.7 l/ha. For control of established Mildew and/or Rust (Wheat and Barley) use 0.9 l/ha Poraz + 1 l/ha Corbel. A fungicide with a different mode of action to prochloraz should be used for further disease control. Winter Oilseed Rape Maximum Individual Dose: 1.0 l/ha Maximum Number of Treatments (per crop): 2 at normal dose, or 2 at split dose followed by one application at normal dose. The maximum total dose must not exceed 2.0 l product/hectare/crop. For broad-spectrum disease control use 1.0 l/ha. Split dose treatment — to control Light Leaf Spot only use 0.45 l/ha applied in autumn followed by 0.7 l/ha Poraz applied in spring when conditions favour disease spread. A fungicide with a different mode of action to prochloraz should be used for further disease control. 464 Poraz® 4. MIXING AND SPRAYING Apply Poraz in 200-400 litres of water per hectare. In dense crops or for the second treatment, the volume should be increased to 400 litres per hectare. Apply as a MEDIUM quality spray. (For details see Boom Sprayers Handbook published by British Crop Protection Council). Poraz should be applied to give good foliar cover. Adjust the boom height to give the correct height above target; alternate spray fans or cones should meet just above the top of the crop. Even cover with a well mixed spray is essential for good results. Forward speed should not exceed 10 km/hour (6 mph). Check that the sprayer, spray bars and nozzles have been properly washed out to remove traces of the previous chemical. Ensure that the sprayer has been carefully calibrated. Nozzles should be selected to give MEDIUM spray quality. Half-fill the sprayer tank with clean water and start agitating. Add the required quantity of Poraz and complete filling to the final volume. Spray immediately after mixing and maintain agitation until the spray tank is empty. Even cover with a well-mixed spray is essential for good results. Wash out the sprayer with water and liquid detergent immediately after use. Finally wash out with water and drain. 5. CONTAINER AND STORAGE Poraz is supplied in 5 litre containers and should be kept dry and frostproof in a suitable pesticide store. 465 477 F F Poraz® 6. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Operator protection Engineering control of operator exposure must be used where reasonably practicable in addition to the following personal protective equipment: WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES AND FACE PROTECTION (FACESHIELD) when handling the concentrate. However, engineering controls may replace personal protective equipment if a COSHH assessment shows that they provide an equal or higher standard of protection. WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE. WASH CONCENTRATE from skin or eyes immediately. WASH HANDS AND EXPOSED SKIN before meals and after work. IF YOU FEEL UNWELL, seek medical advice (show leaflet where possible). Environmental protection DO NOT contaminate surface waters or ditches with chemical or used container. Storage and disposal DO NOT RE-USE CONTAINER for any purpose. KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDINGSTUFFS. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. KEEP IN ORIGINAL CONTAINER, tightly closed in a safe place. WASH OUT CONTAINER THOROUGHLY, empty washings into spray tank and dispose of safely. Store in a safe, dry, frost-free place designated as an agrochemical store. PROTECT FROM FROST. 466 Poraz® 7. GLOBALLY HARMONISED SYSTEM (GHS) REGULATIONS Poraz® An emulsifiable concentrate containing 450 g/litre prochloraz. DANGER: HARMFUL IF SWALLOWED. MAY BE FATAL IF SWALLOWED AND ENTERS AIRWAYS. CAUSES SERIOUS EYE IRRITATION. REPEATED EXPOSURE MAY CAUSE SKIN DRYNESS OR CRACKING. CAUSES SKIN IRRITATION. VERY TOXIC TO AQUATIC LIFE. VERY TOXIC TO AQUATIC LIFE WITH LONG LASTING EFFECTS. WEAR PROTECTIVE GLOVES AND EYE/FACE PROTECTION IF IN EYES: RINSE CAUTIOUSLY WITH WATER FOR SEVERAL MINUTES. REMOVE CONTACT LENSES, IF PRESENT AND EASY TO DO. CONTINUE RINSING. IF ON SKIN: WASH WITH PLENTY OF SOAP AND WATER. IF SWALLOWED: IMMEDIATELY CALL A POISON CENTER OR DOCTOR/PHYSICIAN. DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING. DISPOSE OF CONTENTS/CONTAINER IN ACCORDANCE WITH LOCAL REGULATIONS. To avoid risks to human health and the environment, comply with the instructions for use This product is approved under the Control of Pesticides Regulations 1986. 467 F F Poraz® 8. IMPORTANT INFORMATION IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR USE ONLY AS AN AGRICULTURAL FUNGICIDE, as directed below: Crops Maximum Maximum Maximum Latest Time Individual Number of Total Dose of Application Dose Treatments Wheat, 0.9 litres 2 per crop – Before grain Barley, product/hectare milky ripe Winter rye stage and 6 weeks before harvest Winter oilseed 1.0 litres 2.0 litres 6 weeks rape product/hectare – product/hectare/ before harvest crop READ THE LABEL BEFORE USE. USING THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER THAT IS INCONSISTENT WITH THE LABEL MAY BE AN OFFENCE. FOLLOW THE CODE OF PRACTICE FOR USING PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCTS. (MAPP No. 11701) 468 Pyramin® DF H HERBICIDE MAFF No. 03438 Use: A residual herbicide for annual weed control. Formulation: A water dispersible granule containing 65% w/w chloridazon. Pack Size: 1 kg in outers of ten. Recommended Crops: Sugar Beet Fodder Beet Mangels Recommended Rates: 1.7-4.0 kg per hectare depending upon situation. See literature for full details. Water Volume: 100-240 litres/hectare, depending upon use. Latest Time of Application: Sugar beet, Fodder beet pre-emergence of crop. and Mangels: Maximum Number of Applications: Sugar beet, Fodder beet 1 per crop. and Mangels: Aerial Application: No Compatibility: For details of compatibilities contact your distributor, local BASF representative, the BASF Technical Services Hotline: 0845 602 2553 or visit our website on: Major changes since last printing: Globally Harmonised System (GHS) Regulations added, see Section 8. This product label is compliant with the CPA Voluntary Initiative Guidance 469 Pyramin® DF Spray Quality: MEDIUM. H Pyramin® DF DIRECTIONS FOR USE IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product. Pyramin DF is a soil acting herbicide which controls germinating weeds by root absorption, during or shortly after weed emergence. 1. RESTRICTIONS/WARNINGS A maximum total dose of 2.6 kg chloridazon/hectare may only be applied every third year on the same field. For optimum results the soil must be sufficiently moist at the time of application for the product to form an active herbicidal layer in the soil. Adequate weed control depends upon sufficient rain falling before emergence to at least maintain this level of moisture. Pyramin DF is suitable for use on all soil textural classes except ‘coarse sand’, ‘sand’ and ‘fine sand’ as defined in the Soil Texture (85) System and also excepting soils of high organic content, fen peat and moss soils. The soil type should be accurately diagnosed since the recommended rates of use of Pyramin DF applied pre-drilling and pre-emergence are dependent on soil type. Pyramin DF is a selective beet herbicide which is safe to the crop and can be used at any seed spacing. Depressions in crop vigour (with or without a reduction in stand) may however occur if Pyramin DF is applied to crops suffering stress conditions such as those described below: - When rapid increase in the transpiration rate of the beet causes a sudden increase in the rate of uptake of Pyramin DF as, for example, occurs when a sharp rise in temperature follows a period of low temperature, or a period of heavy rainfall. - Where the crop is suffering from trace element deficiency, e.g. manganese. - When the recommended rate is exceeded, particularly on sandy soils, or when conditions are not conducive to even distribution of Pyramin DF in the soil, such as inadequate soil moisture and poor tilth. - When rates of nitrogen in excess of those generally recommended are applied immediately before drilling. Where higher rates of fertiliser are considered necessary these must be applied not less than three weeks before drilling. - When the crop is retarded or damaged due to harrowing or excessive consolidation of the soil by the press wheel. - When the crop is drilled at the incorrect depth. - When conditions at emergence reduce seedling vigour (e.g. encrustation or ‘capping’ of the soil). - Where there is heavy loading of seed dressing on individual seeds. - Overdosing by overlapping should be avoided. Heavy rain falling shortly after spraying may check the growth of the crop particularly when water has stood in surface depressions. Under conditions of low pH, a reduction in herbicidal effectiveness may be noticed. Wash equipment thoroughly with water and detergent, paying particular attention to the inside of the top of the spray tank which should be scrubbed immediately after use. Spray out, fill with clean water and leave overnight. Spray out again before storing or using for another product. Traces of the product could cause harm to susceptible crops sprayed later. Avoid spray drift on to neighbouring crops, particularly lettuce. 470 Pyramin® DF 2. WEED CONTROL For optimum results the soil must be sufficiently moist at the time of application for the product to form an active herbicidal layer in the soil. Susceptibility of weeds to Pyramin DF Weed Name Black-bindweed Charlock Chickweed, Common Cleavers Dead-nettle, Red Fat-hen Fumitory, Common Groundsel Hempnettle, Common Knotgrass Marigold, Corn Mayweed spp. Meadow-grass, Annual Nettle, Small Nightshade, Black Orache, Common Pansy, Field Penny-cress, Field Pimpernel, Scarlet Poppy, Common Radish, Wild Redshank Shepherd’s-purse Sow-thistle, Prickly Sow-thistle, Smooth Speedwell, Common Field Speedwell, Ivy-leaved Spurges Spurrey, Corn Vetches Wild-oat S - Susceptible MS - Moderately Susceptible Pyramin DF S S S MR S S MS MS S S S S S S S S MR S MS S S S S MS MR S S MR S MR R MR – Moderately Resistant R - Resistant 3. CROPS AND APPLICATION 3.1 Crops Pyramin DF may be applied pre-drilling and/or pre-emergence to sugar beet, fodder beet and mangels. 3.2 Application Methods 3.2.1 Pre-drilling and Incorporated Application Application of Pyramin DF overall followed immediately by soil incorporation of the spray is particularly recommended to ensure good weed control. Where dry conditions prevail at the time of drilling or where the crop is drilled late (after mid-April) when dry soil conditions or high temperatures may result in rapid weed establishment before the chemical reaches the root zone of the germinating weeds. Incorporation of Pyramin DF will enhance the herbicidal action where surface sprays may not give satisfactory weed control. 471 H H Pyramin® DF Time of Application Apply Pyramin DF to the final seedbed before drilling. The spray must be applied overall and incorporated into the soil as soon as possible. Rate of Application When applying Pyramin DF pre-emergence or pre-drilling, use a minimum water volume of 100 litres of water per hectare. TABLE 1 Rates of Application for both Pre-drilling/Incorporated and Pre-emergence overall applications. When variability in soil type occurs in one field, use the rate of Pyramin DF recommended for the lightest soil type present. This may result in poorer weed control on the areas of heavier soil type. Pyramin DF Textural Groupa Textural Classa Sands Loamy coarse sand Very light soils Light soils Rate of Pyramin DF - kg/hectare Loamy sand Loamy fine sand Coarse sandy loam Sandy loam Fine sandy loam Sandy silt loam Silt loam (85) a b Medium soils Sandy clay loam Clay loam Silty clay loam Heavy soils Sandy clay Clay Silty clay 1.7 2.8-3.1b 4 Not recommended As defined in the Soil Texture (85) System. 3.1 kg to be used only on the heavier soils in this category. 472 Pyramin® DF Method of Application Uniform incorporation into the top 25 mm layer of the final seedbed is essential using two harrowings at right angles to each other. Spring tine or zigzag harrows should be used with not more than 100 mm stagger set to penetrate to a maximum depth of 75 to 100 mm into the soil. Choice of type and weight of harrow are dependent on soil texture. Harrows with broken, uneven or missing tines should not be used. Take particular care with spring tine harrows which tend to penetrate too deeply. Incorporation deeper than 25 mm causes dilution of the herbicidal layer and may, therefore, result in inadequate weed control. Beet should be drilled as quickly as possible after incorporation to achieve the best results. NOTES Dilution of the chemical may occur if high amounts of rainfall occur just after incorporation. In these circumstances, efficiency of the treatment may be reduced. 3.2.2 Pre-emergence Application Time of Application Apply Pyramin DF at the time of drilling or immediately afterwards on a seedbed which is fine, moist, firm and free from clods. Should spraying be delayed for any reason, application must be made as soon as possible whilst the soil is still moist and before any emergence of the beet. To obtain adequate weed control significant rainfall between application and crop emergence is essential to maintain soil moisture. If dry soil conditions or high temperatures are expected the incorporated pre-drilling application of Pyramin DF is recommended. Rate of Application See Table 1 above for overall rates of application and below for band spraying. When applying Pyramin DF pre-emergence or pre-drilling, use a minimum water volume of 100 litres of water per hectare. Method of Application Pyramin DF can be applied pre-emergence either as an overall treatment or as a band spray. Band Spraying When band spraying, set up the band sprayer according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Use the nozzle tips and pressures recommended and at the correct speed on a 180 mm band, the volume of water applied will be 240 litres per sprayed hectare. For band application add the dose rate per hectare recommended for overall application (see Table 1) to 240 litres of water. The area of crop treated based on a 180 mm band width varies with the crop row width as follows: 473 485 H H Pyramin® DF TABLE 2 Crop area treated at 240 litres per sprayed hectare Row Width Area Treated mm Hectares 460 2.6 480 2.7 500 2.8 520 2.9 540 3.0 560 3.1 580 3.2 600 3.3 WARNING Excessive penetration of the drill coulter may be accompanied by a narrowing of the sprayed band with a consequent increase in the rate of application. Overdosing by overlapping should be avoided, though its effects may be minimised by spraying across the direction of drilling. Inter-Row Weed Control Following Band Spraying Continued weed control from Pyramin DF depends on leaving the treated soil undisturbed. Inter-row hoeing, chopping out and singling operations should therefore be arranged to leave as much as possible of the Pyramin DF treated land intact. 4. FOLLOWING CROPS The effects of Pyramin DF persist in the soil for several weeks. Fields which have been sprayed but where the crop has failed may be re-drilled with sugar beet, fodder beet, mangels or maize after cultivation. They should not be re-drilled with any other crops. Any spring sown crop may follow sugar beet, fodder beet or mangels harvested in the usual way. Winter cereals may be sown in the autumn after ploughing. 5. MIXING AND SPRAYING 5.1 Calibration of Spraying Machinery The spraying equipment should be clean and free from traces of other chemicals. Ensure the correct nozzles are fitted: (a) For the correct water volume for overall sprayers. (b) For the correct drilling speed for band sprayers. Check the delivery from each nozzle for uniformity and replace worn tips to ensure uniform output. Calibrate the sprayer and use it according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Cross check the band sprayer calibration in the field as follows: (a) Select a nozzle on the sprayer giving the nearest output to the average and with the drill in operation collect the spray from this nozzle for a distance of 60 metres. This should be exactly 225 ml. As the spray is collected over a given distance, the quantity will be the same irrespective of the make of nozzles used and this is a volume rate of 240 litres per sprayed hectare on a 180 mm band. (b) Repeat as necessary, adjusting the tractor speed until this output is achieved over this distance. (c) Make sure that the observations are made when the band sprayer is working smoothly and not immediately on starting. 474 Pyramin® DF Important (d) The final setting of the width of the spray band to 180 mm must be made in the field when the drill is in operation and not on a hard surface or headland. It is essential that the band width is exactly 180 mm, otherwise the rate of application will be incorrect. A narrower band may cause crop damage and a wider band will result in poorer weed control. The setting should be checked in each field treated and also at the beginning of each day’s work because of the possible effect of weather on soil conditions. 5.2 Mixing Three quarters fill the spray tank with clean water and start the agitation. Remove the top filter. SLOWLY pour in the required amount of Pyramin DF. Do not empty the contents into the tank as one large mass. Add the remainder of the water, replace the filter and continue agitation until spraying is completed. 5.3 Spray Quality Apply as a MEDIUM spray, as defined by BCPC. 6. CONTAINER AND STORAGE Pyramin DF is supplied in 1 kg polyethylene lined cardboard packs and should be kept dry and cool in a suitable pesticide store. 7. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Operator protection OPERATORS MUST WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING (COVERALLS), GLOVES AND RESPIRATORY PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT* WHEN HANDLING THIS PRODUCT. (*DISPOSABLE FILTERING FACE PIECE RESPIRATOR TO AT LEAST EN 149, FFP 2 OR EQUIVALENT). OPERATORS MUST WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES when handling contaminated surfaces. WASH CONCENTRATE from skin or eyes immediately. WASH HANDS AND EXPOSED SKIN before meals and after work. Environmental protection Do not contaminate ponds, waterways or ditches with chemical or used container. Storage and disposal KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDINGSTUFFS. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. KEEP IN ORIGINAL CONTAINER, tightly closed, in a safe place. EMPTY CONTAINER THOROUGHLY, and dispose of safely. Keep dry and frostproof in a suitable pesticide store. 475 487 H H Pyramin® DF 8. GLOBALLY HARMONISED SYSTEM (GHS) REGULATIONS Pyramin® DF A water dispersible granule containing 65% w/w chloridazon. WARNING: HARMFUL IF INHALED. HARMFUL IF SWALLOWED. MAY CAUSE AN ALLERGIC SKIN REACTION. TOXIC TO AQUATIC LIFE WITH LONG LASTING EFFECTS. WEAR PROTECTIVE GLOVES. AVOID BREATHING DUST. IF ON SKIN: WASH WITH PLENTY OF SOAP AND WATER. IF SKIN IRRITATION OR RASH OCCURS: GET MEDICAL ADVICE/ATTENTION. WASH CONTAMINATED CLOTHING BEFORE REUSE. COLLECT SPILLAGE. To avoid risks to human health and the environment, comply with the instructions for use This product is approved under the Control of Pesticides Regulations 1986. 476 Pyramin® DF 9. IMPORTANT INFORMATION IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR USE ONLY AS AN AGRICULTURAL HERBICIDE, as directed below: Crops Sugar beet, Fodder beet, Mangels Maximum individual dose 4 kg product/ hectare Maximum number Latest time of treatments of application 1 per crop Pre-emergence Other specific restrictions: A maximum total dose of 2.6 kg chloridazon/hectare may only be applied every third year on the same field. READ THE LABEL BEFORE USE. USING THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER THAT IS INCONSISTENT WITH THE LABEL MAY BE AN OFFENCE. FOLLOW THE CODE OF PRACTICE FOR USING PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCTS. (MAFF No. 03438) 477 489 H H Pyramin® DF 478 Regalis® P PLANT GROWTH REGULATOR MAPP No. 12414 Use: A growth regulator for the control of shoot growth in apples. Formulation: A water dispersible granule formulation containing 10% w/w prohexadione-calcium. Pack Size: 1 kg in outers of ten. Recommended Crop: Apples Maximum Individual Dose: 1.25 kg/ha Maximum Total Dose: 2.5 kg/ha Water Volume: 300-1000 litres per hectare, depending on tree size and canopy development. Spray Quality: FINE to MEDIUM Integrated Pest Management: When used according to the instructions, this product is not harmful to Typhlodromus pyri, Aphidius rhopalosiphi, Aleochara bilineata, Pardosa spp., Poecilus cupreus, Chrysopa carnea and Anthocoris nemoralis. Aerial Application: No Compatibility: For details of compatibilities contact your distributor, local BASF representative, the BASF Technical Services Hotline: 0845 602 2553 or visit our website on: Major changes since last printing: Globally Harmonised System (GHS) Regulations added, see Section 7. This product label is compliant with the CPA Voluntary Initiative Guidance 479 Regalis® Latest Time of Application: 55 days before harvest. P Regalis® DIRECTIONS FOR USE IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product. Regalis is a growth regulator for the control of shoot growth in apples. 1. RESTRICTIONS/WARNINGS DO NOT apply Regalis together with calcium based foliar fertilisers. Avoid spray drift onto neighbouring crops and other non-target plants. 2. CROPS 2.1 Apples Time and Rate of Application For a standard orchard, apply one application of Regalis at 1.25 kg/ha at the start of active shoot growth (BBCH 31 stage), when there are 3 to 5 fully expanded leaves per shoot (this growth stage usually coincides with the end of flowering). Apply a second application of 1.25 kg/ha after an interval of 3 to 5 weeks, depending on growth conditions. Alternatively, apply the first application of 1.25 kg/ha from the start of active shoot growth (3-5 leaves per shoot) and follow this with four reduced rate applications of 0.31 kg/ha at 2 week intervals, ensuring that the minimum preharvest interval of 55 days is adhered to. Water volume Apply in 300 to 1000 litres of water per hectare, depending on tree size and canopy development, using a sufficient water volume to ensure good coverage. 3. INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT When used according to the instructions, this product is not harmful to Typhlodromus pyri, Aphidius rhopalosiphi, Aleochara bilineata, Pardosa spp., Poecilus cupreus, Chrysopa carnea and Anthocoris nemoralis. 4. MIXING AND SPRAYING Half fill the spray tank with clean water and start the agitation. Pour in the required amount of product. Rinse any empty containers thoroughly and add rinsings to the spray tank. Add the remainder of the water and continue agitation until spraying is completed. Apply as a FINE to MEDIUM spray (BCPC definition). 5. CONTAINER AND STORAGE Regalis is supplied in 1 kg containers and should be kept dry and frostproof in a suitable pesticide store. 480 Regalis® 6. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Operator protection WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE. Storage and disposal KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDINGSTUFFS. THIS MATERIAL AND ITS CONTAINER must be disposed of in a safe way. KEEP IN ORIGINAL CONTAINER, tightly closed in a safe place. RINSE CONTAINER THOROUGHLY by using an integrated pressure rinsing device or manually rinsing three times. Add washings to sprayer at time of filling and dispose of safely. 7. GLOBALLY HARMONISED SYSTEM (GHS) REGULATIONS Regalis® A water dispersible granule formulation containing 10% w/w prohexadionecalcium. To avoid risks to man and the environment, comply with the instructions for use This product is approved under the Plant Protection Product Regulations 1995. 8. IMPORTANT INFORMATION IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR USE ONLY AS A HORTICULTURAL PLANT GROWTH REGULATOR, as directed below: Crops Maximum Individual Dose Maximum Total Dose Latest Time of Application Apples 1.25 kg/ha 2.5 kg/ha 55 days before harvest READ THE LABEL BEFORE USE. USING THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER THAT IS INCONSISTENT WITH THE LABEL MAY BE AN OFFENCE. FOLLOW THE CODE OF PRACTICE FOR USING PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCTS. (MAPP No. 12414) 481 P P Regalis® 482 Resplend® / Percos® F Zampro® DM Resplend® / Zampro™ FUNGICIDE Resplend MAPP No. 14975 Percos MAPP No. 15248 Zampro DM MAPP No. 15013 Use: Resplend/Percos/Zampro DM is a fungicide with a combination of protectant, translaminar and locally systemic leaf activity for the control of foliar late blight (Phytophthora infestans) in potatoes. Formulation: A suspension concentrate containing 300 g/l ametoctradin and 225 g/l dimethomorph. Recommended Crop: All varieties of potato, including seed crops. Maximum Individual Dose: 0.8 litres product per hectare Maximum Total Dose: 3.2 litres product per hectare Spray Quality: MEDIUM Latest Time of Application: 7 days before harvest. Water Volume: 200 – 500 litres of water per hectare. Aerial Application: No Compatilbility: For details of compatibilities contact your distributor, local BASF representative, the BASF Technical Services Hotline: 0845 602 2553 or visit our website on: Major changes since last printing: Globally Harmonised System (GHS) Regulations added, see Section 6. This product label is compliant with the CPA Voluntary Initiative Guidance 483 Resplend® / Percos® / Zampro® DM Pack Size: 5 litres in outers of four. F Resplend® / Percos® / Zampro® DM DIRECTIONS FOR USE IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product. Resplend/Percos/Zampro DM is a fungicide with a combination of protectant, translaminar and locally systemic leaf activity for the control of foliar late blight (Phytophthora infestans) and reduction of tuber blight in potatoes. 1. DISEASE CONTROL Resplend/Percos/Zampro DM will control foliar late blight on leaves and reduce the incidence of tuber blight when used as part of a full programme of correctly timed sprays. 1.1 Disease susceptibility Resplend/Percos/Zampro DM is most effective when applied as a protectant spray before the risk of blight occurs. Resplend/Percos/Zampro DM will give effective protection against phenylamide resistant strains of late blight. 1.2 Resistance management Resplend/Percos/Zampro DM contains a mixture of ametoctradin (a triazolopyrimidylamine, QxI fungicide) and dimethomorph (a CAA fungicide). To minimize the risk of resistance developing, and in line with current FRAGUK advice to use effective doses, use Resplend/Percos/Zampro DM at the recommended rate (0.8 l/ha). No more than 3 consecutive applications of Resplend/Percos/Zampro DM, and no more than a total of 4 applications of Resplend/Percos/Zampro DM per season should be applied. General advice: Up to 6 applications of a CAA fungicide in mixture with a fungicide with a different mode of action, making up no more than half of the total number of intended late blight sprays per season, may be made. No more than three consecutive applications of a CAA fungicide should be made. Up to 6 applications of a QxI fungicide in mixture with a fungicide with a different mode of action, making up no more than half of the total number of intended late blight sprays per season, may be made. No more than three consecutive applications of a QxI fungicide should be made. Resplend/Percos/Zampro DM will control strains of late blight resistant to phenylamides. No cross resistance to phenylamide resistant strains of blight have been observed. If an intensive blight control programme is necessary, include products with different modes of action. When fungicides with the same mode of action are used repeatedly over several years in the same field, naturally occurring less sensitive strains may survive, propagate and become dominant in that field. It is therefore advised that wherever possible spray programmes should include fungicides with differing modes of action. Resplend/Percos/Zampro DM contains active substances with two different modes of action. For further advice on resistance management for potato blight (Phytophthora infestans) contact your agronomist or specialist advisor and/or visit the FRAG-UK and Potato Council websites. 286 000 484 Resplend® / Percos® / Zampro® DM 2. CROP SPECIFIC INFORMATION 2.1 Crops Resplend/Percos/Zampro DM can be used on all varieties of potato, including seed crops. Time of application Foliar Blight Resplend/Percos/Zampro DM should be applied as part of a repeat spray programme at 7 – 10 day intervals, depending on disease pressure. As disease pressure and the risk of late blight infection increases, the interval should be shortened. Irrigated crops should be treated as high risk. Applications of Resplend/Percos/Zampro DM should begin as soon as there is a risk of blight infection, or an official blight warning has been issued. In the absence of any warnings, applications should commence before the crop meets along the rows. Tuber Blight To reduce the incidence of tuber blight at harvest, Resplend / Percos / Zampro should be used at the recommended dose and spray intervals from tuber initiation to complete haulm dessication. 2.2 2.3 Rate of application 0.8 l/ha 3. MIXING AND SPRAYING 3.1 Mixing Half fill the sprayer tank with clean water and start the agitation. Add the required amount of Resplend/Percos/Zampro DM. Add the remainder of the water and continue agitation until spraying is completed. Never prepare more spray solution than is required. 3.2 Application Apply as a medium spray, as defined by BCPC, in a water volume of 200 – 500 l/ha. Select the appropriate water volume for the density of the crop, ensuring good coverage of the foliage and stems. Resplend/Percos/Zampro DM is rainfast in 1 hour, providing application has been made to dry foliage and the spray has dried on the leaf. 3.3 Tank cleaning Thoroughly wash out spray equipment after use. 4. CONTAINER AND STORAGE Resplend/Percos/Zampro DM is supplied in 5 litre containers and should be kept in original container, tightly closed, in a safe place. 000 485 F F Resplend® / Percos® / Zampro® DM 5. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Operator protection WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE IF YOU FEEL UNWELL, seek medical advice immediately (show the label where possible) Environmental protection DO NOT contaminate surface waters or ditches with chemical or used container. DO NOT contaminate water with the product or its container. DO NOT clean application equipment near surface water. Avoid contamination via drains from farmyards and roads. Storage and disposal KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDINGSTUFFS KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN DO NOT RE-USE CONTAINER for any purpose STORE IN ORIGINAL CONTAINER tightly closed, in a safe place On emptying the container, RINSE CONTAINER THOROUGHLY by using an integrated pressure rinsing device or manually rinsing three times. Add washings to sprayer at time of filling and dispose of container safely. 486 Resplend® / Percos® / Zampro® DM 6. GLOBALLY HARMONISED SYSTEM (GHS) REGULATIONS Resplend®/Percos®/Zampro® DM A suspension concentrate containing 300 g/l ametoctradin and 225 g/l dimethomorph. WARNING: HARMFUL IF SWALLOWED. HARMFUL TO AQUATIC LIFE WITH LONG LASTING EFFECTS. WASH WITH PLENTY OF WATER AND SOAP THOROUGHLY AFTER HANDLING. DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE WHEN USING THIS PRODUCT. IF SWALLOWED: CALL A POISON CENTEROR DOCTOR/ PHYSICIAN IF YOU FEEL UNWELL. RINSE MOUTH. DISPOSE OF CONTENTS/CONTAINERS IN ACCORDANCE WITH LOCAL REGULATIONS. To avoid risks to human health and the environment, comply with the instructions for use This product is approved under the Plant Protection Products Regulations. 7. IMPORTANT INFORMATION IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR USE ONLY AS AN AGRICULTURAL FUNGICIDE, as directed below: Crop Maximum Individual dose Maximum total dose Latest time of application Potato 0.8 litres product per hectare 3.2 litres product 7 days before per hectare harvest READ THE LABEL BEFORE USE. USING THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER THAT IS INCONSISTENT WITH THE LABEL MAY BE AN OFFENCE. FOLLOW THE CODE OF PRACTICE FOR USING PLANT PROTECTON PRODUCTS. (Resplend: MAPP No. 14975 Percos MAPP No. 15248 Zampro DM MAPP No. 15013) 487 F F Resplend® / Percos® / Zampro® DM 488 Rovral® AquaFlo F FUNGICIDE SEED TREATMENT MAPP No. 14206 Use: A seed treatment for the control of seed-borne Alternaria of ornamental seed and control of black scurf of potatoes. Formulation: A suspension concentrate containing 500 g/l iprodione Pack Size: 5 litres in outers of 4. Recommended Crops: Ornamental seeds Potatoes (seed) Water Volume: Ornamental seeds: Potatoes: See Section 3.2 See Section 3.1 Latest Time of Application: Ornamental seeds: Prior to drilling/planting Potatoes: Prior to drilling/planting Maximum Number of Treatments: Ornamental seeds: 1 per crop Potatoes: 1 per crop Major changes since last printing: Recommendation in potatoes re-instated, see Section 3. Globally Harmonised System (GHS) Regulations added, see Section 8. This product label is compliant with the CPA Voluntary Initiative Guidance 489 Rovral® AquaFlo Recommended Rates: Ornamental seeds: 1 ml in 1 litre water Potatoes: 200ml / tonne of seed F Rovral® AquaFlo DIRECTIONS FOR USE IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product. Rovral AquaFlo is a seed treatment for the control of seed-borne Alternaria of ornamental seed and control of black scurf in potatoes. 1. RESTRICTIONS/WARNINGS CONSULT PROCESSORS BEFORE USING ON CROPS INTENDED FOR PROCESSING. Seed treatment may affect the rate of flow of seed through seed drills. Seed drills should be re-calibrated before sowing any treated seed. 2. DISEASE CONTROL Rovral AquaFlo controls Alternaria spp. of ornamentals. Rovral AquaFlo controls black scurf of potatoes grown from treated seed. 2.1 Resistance Strains of Alternaria spp. resistant to iprodione are known to occur. Where strains exist Rovral AquaFlo may not give satisfactory control. 3. CROP SPECIFIC INFORMATION 3.1 Potatoes Time and rate of Application Rovral AquaFlo can be used on all varieties of early and maincrop potatoes grown for seed, ware of processing. Apply Rovral AquaFlo after harvest or after grading out of seed grade potatoes, but before planting out of the seed potatoes in the spring. If chitting the seed potatoes, apply prior to traying out of the crop, to avoid mechanical damage to the chits on a roller table. Use Rovral AquaFlo at 200ml per tonne of seed potatoes. Rovral AquaFlo may be applied undiluted or diluted as appropriate to the application system being used. In potatoes, use of Rovral AquaFlo may result in an increased proportion of seed grade tubers, but this would not affect total yield. Rovral AquaFlo should be applied through fully shrouded equipment over a roller table as follows: • Spinning disc sprayer • Spinning disc sprayer with electrostatics • Hydraulic sprayer with solid or hollow cone jets with air or liquid pressure atomisation Best results have been shown using hydraulic sprayer with solid or hollow cone jets with air or liquid pressure atomisation. Spinning disc sprayers and electrostatic methods of application may reduce efficacy. Water volume rates should be selected as appropriate to machinery manufacturers’ recommendations. Overall coverage and penetration of the spray to the skin surface will be improved at higher volumes. Where dilution is necessary, fill the vessel/tank with half the required volume of water and add the required volume of Rovral AquaFlo. Make up to volume and agitate thoroughly before and throughout treatment. DO NOT excessively wet the seed potato skin when treating. 490 Rovral® AquaFlo 3.2 Ensure that seed potatoes are clean and free from loose soil and skin before treatment. When treating potatoes, ensure that the roller tables and sprayers are correctly calibrated. (See manufacturers’ recommendations and BCPC Guidelines). In situations where soil-borne inoculum of Rhizoctonia is high, treatment of seed potato tubers with Rovral AquaFlo may not give full protection against infection of stems and daughter tubers. Ornamental Seeds Time and rate of Application Rovral AquaFlo can be applied as a dressing to flower seeds to provide control of Alternaria spp. For the seed treatment, the seed can be soaked for eight hours in a solution of 1 ml of Rovral AquaFlo in 1 litre of water. After treatment, dry the seeds thoroughly before sowing or packing. Seeds of the bedding plants, Lobelia, Nemesia, wallflower, Zinnia and Cineraria spp. may be safely treated. 4. CONTAINER AND STORAGE Rovral AquaFlo is supplied in 5 litre containers and should be kept in original container, tightly closed, in a safe place. 5. STORAGE OF TREATED SEED Keep treated seed secure from people, domestic stock/pets and wildlife at all times during storage and use. 6. LABEL FOR SACKS OF TREATED SEED Information to be included on treated seed labels TREATED SEED THIS SEED HAS BEEN TREATED WITH Rovral AquaFlo (contains iprodione). DO NOT HANDLE treated seed unnecessarily. DO NOT USE TREATED SEED as food or feed. DO NOT RE-USE SACKS OR CONTAINERS THAT HAVE BEEN USED FOR TREATED SEED for food or feed. KEEP TREATED SEED SECURE from people, domestic stock/pets and wildlife at all times during storage and use. WASH HANDS AND EXPOSED SKIN before meals and after work. BURY OR REMOVE SPILLAGES. HARMFUL TO GAME AND WILDLIFE. Treated seed should not be left on the soil surface. Bury spillages. BASF plc Crop Protection Division P O Box 4, Earl Road Cheadle Hulme, CHEADLE Cheshire SK8 6QG Tel: 0161 485 6222 Fax: 0161 485 2229 Emergency information: 0049 180 2273112 (24 hours) 491 F F Rovral® AquaFlo 7. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Operator protection Engineering control of operator exposure must be used where reasonably practicable in addition to the following personal protective clothing: WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING (COVERALLS) AND SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES when handling the concentrate, contaminated surfaces or treated seed. WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING (COVERALLS) when bagging treated seed. However, engineering controls may replace personal protective equipment if a COSHH assessment shows they provide an equal or higher standard of protection. IN CASE OF CONTACT WITH EYES, RINSE IMMEDIATELY with plenty of water and seek medical advice. IF YOU FEEL UNWELL, seek medical advice immediately (show the label where possible). WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE. WASH HANDS AND EXPOSED SKIN before meals and after work. DO NOT HANDLE seed unnecessarily. Environmental protection DO NOT contaminate surface waters or ditches with chemical or used container. Consumer protection DO NOT USE TREATED SEED as food or feed. DO NOT RE-USE SACKS OR CONTAINERS THAT HAVE BEEN USED FOR TREATED SEED for food or feed. Storage and disposal KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDINGSTUFFS. KEEP IN ORIGINAL CONTAINER, tightly closed, in a safe place. DO NOT RE-USE CONTAINER for any purpose. KEEP TREATED SEED SECURE from people, domestic stock/pets and wildlife at all times during storage and use. BURY OR REMOVE SPILLAGES. 492 Rovral® AquaFlo 8. GLOBALLY HARMONISED SYSTEM (GHS) REGULATIONS Rovral AquaFlo A suspension concentrate containing 500 g/litre iprodione WARNING: SUSPECTED OF CAUSING CANCER. TOXIC OF AQUATIC LIFE WITH LONG LASTING EFFECTS. OBTAIN SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE USE. USE PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT AS REQUIRED. IF EXPOSED OR CONCERNED: GET MEDICAL ADVICE/ ATTENTION. COLLECT SPILLAGE. STORE LOCKED UP. DISPOSE OF CONTENTS/CONTAINER IN ACCORDANCE WITH LOCAL REGULATIONS. To avoid risks to human health and the environment, comply with the instructions for use This product is approved under the Plant Protection Products Regulations 2005. 9. IMPORTANT INFORMATION IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR USE ONLY AS AN AGRICULTURAL/HORTICULTURAL SEED TREATMENT, as directed below: Crops Maximum individual dose Potato (seed) 200ml per tonne of seed Maximum Number of treatments per crop 1 Ornamental seeds 1ml in 1 litre water 1 latest time of application Prior to drilling/ planting Prior to drilling/ planting Rovral AquaFlo must be used in conjunction with a seed treatment that is coloured or a coloured seed film coating. READ THE LABEL BEFORE USE. USING THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER THAT IS INCONSISTENT WITH THE LABEL MAY BE AN OFFENCE. FOLLOW THE CODE OF PRACTICE FOR USING PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCTS. (MAPP 14206) 493 F F Rovral® AquaFlo 494 Rovral WG ® Corbel® F FUNGICIDE MAPP No. 13811 Use: A protectant fungicide for use on a range of horticultural and agricultural crops. Formulation: A water dispersible granule containing 750 g/kg iprodione. Recommended Crops: Winter and spring oilseed rape Brussels sprout and cauliflower Salad and bulb onions Tomato (protected) Lettuce (protected and outdoor) Strawberry (outdoor and protected) Raspberry (outdoor) Brassica seed production crops Ornamental pot plants See Section No: 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.1 3.2 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.3 Recommended Rates: Various, depending on crop and/or situation. See literature for details. Water Volume: Various, see literature for details. Spray Quality: FINE – MEDIUM Processed Crops: Consult processors before use. Latest Time of Application: Winter and spring oilseed rape Brussels sprout and cauliflower Bulb onions Salad onions Tomato (protected) Lettuce (protected) Lettuce (outdoor) Strawberry (outdoor and protected) Raspberry (outdoor) Brassica seed production crops Ornamental pot plants 7 weeks before harvest 14 days before harvest 21 days before harvest 7 days before harvest 2 days before harvest 14 days before harvest 21 days before harvest 2 days before harvest 7 days before harvest 14 days before harvest Not applicable Major changes since last printing: Globally Harmonised System (GHS) Regulations added, see Section 7. This product label is compliant with the CPA Voluntary Initiative Guidance 495 Rovral® WG Pack Size: 1.0kg in outers of 10. F Rovral® WG Maximum Number of Applications: Winter and spring oilseed rape Brussels sprout and cauliflower Salad and Bulb onions Tomato (protected) Lettuce (protected) Lettuce (outdoor) Strawberry (outdoor and protected) Raspberry (outdoor) Brassica seed production crops Ornamental pot plants 1 3 4 5 3 3 4 4 3 5 per per per per per per per per per per crop crop crop crop crop crop crop crop crop crop Aerial Application: No Compatibility: For details of compatibilities contact your distributor, local BASF representative, the BASF Technical Services Hotline: 0845 602 2553 or visit our website on: DIRECTIONS FOR USE IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product. Rovral WG is a protectant fungicide for use on a range of horticultural and agricultural crops. 1. RESTRICTIONS/WARNINGS Consult processors before using on crops intended for processing. Avoid spray drift onto neighbouring crops, especially oats. 2. DISEASE CONTROL Rovral WG is a protectant and contact fungicide for the control of Botrytis cinerea in protected tomatoes, lettuce and strawberries, ornamental pot plants, raspberries, oilseed rape, salad and bulb onions (including B.squamosa), and control of Alternaria brassicae and Alternaria brassicicola, in brassica seed production crops, oilseed rape, Brussels sprout and cauliflower. 2.1 Resistance Strains of several diseases including Botrytis cinerea resistant to dicarboximide fungicides are known in various crops in the UK. Where strains of fungi resistant to dicarboximide fungicides (such as iprodione) occur, Rovral WG may not be effective. In order to minimise the risk of resistance development, Rovral WG should be used in accordance with FRAC resistance management advice for dicarboximide fungicides: Recommendations for use of Dicarboximides • Rovral WG contains a dicarboximide fungicide • To reduce the risk of resistant strains adversely affecting control o Avoid the use of consecutive applications of dicarboximide fungicides whether applied alone or in tank mix. o Restrict applications to those times when Botrytis infection pressure is high. o Maintain regular prolonged times when dicarboximides are not used. • Where resistance is suspected, use Rovral WG in mixture with other fungicides with a different mode of action effective against the same diseases. 496 Rovral® WG 3. CROP SPECIFIC INFORMATION 3.1 Tomatoes (Protected) Time and rate of Application For the control of Botrytis cinerea, apply Rovral WG at a rate of 67g per 100 litres of water and apply to run off. Apply Rovral WG from when the second truss is in flower; repeat at 14 day intervals or when conditions favour the spread of Botrytis (such as at trimming or de-leafing). The programme described above helps to reduce the levels of inoculum within the house and hence assists in preventing “ghost spotting”. A maximum of 5 applications may be made. A minimum spray interval of 14 days must be observed. 3.2 Lettuce (Protected and Outdoor) - Botrytis cinerea Time and rate of Application For the control of Botrytis cinerea, apply Rovral WG at a rate of 33g per 100 litres of water. Do not exceed a volume of 1000 litres per hectare (equivalent to a maximum of 0.33 kg/ha). As a guide for protected lettuce, newly planted lettuce with three leaves require 5 litres of spray to 22,000 plants. At a later stage of growth, e.g. up to six to eight leaves, 5 litres should treat about 5000 plants. The final spray, before cutting, will require 5 litres of spray to approximately 1100 plants. For outdoor and protected lettuce a maximum of 3 applications may be made. A minimum spray interval of 14 days must be observed between treatments. 3.3 Ornamental Pot Plants Time and rate of Application For the control of Botrytis cinerea, apply Rovral WG at a rate of 67g per 100 litres of water. Apply at the onset of disease, then repeat at 21 day intervals as necessary. Apply to the point of run off, ensuring good coverage of the plants. Good tolerance to Rovral WG has been shown by the following pot plant species: Aralia sieboldii Hedera minor Azalea spp. Hedera major Chrysanthemum (all year round cultivars) Cineraria (Senecio spp.) Croton (Codiaeum spp. cv Bravo) Cyclamen spp. Dracaena spp. (cv Redege) Ficus robusta Fuchsia spp. Sinningia spp. (Gloxinia) Kalanchoe spp. Neanthe bella Pelargonium spp. Philodendron scandens Pilea cadierei (cv Nana) Poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima) Senecio macroglossus variegatus Tolerance of other species should be checked before making large scale applications. 497 F F Rovral® WG 3.4 Strawberries (Protected and Outdoor) Time and rate of Application For the control of Botrytis cinerea, apply 1.0 kg of Rovral WG in 2000 litres of water per hectare. Lower volume rates may not be sufficient to give good coverage on dense crops. Ensure thorough blossom coverage from above and from the sides. Directed nozzles and a ruffler bar will help achieve this. The first application should be made at the white bud stage with subsequent treatments at 10-14 day intervals during the flowering period, up to a maximum of four applications per year. 3.5 Raspberries (Outdoor) Time and rate of Application For the control of Botrytis cinerea, apply 1.0 kg of Rovral WG in 1000 litres of water per hectare. A minimum of three sprays over the flowering period is recommended, starting at early flowering and repeating at 14 day intervals. A maximum of 4 sprays may be made per year. A minimum spray interval of 10 days must be observed between treatments. 3.6 Brassica Seed Production Crops (crops intended for sowing): cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, mustard, fodder rape, turnip, swede, kohl rabi, stubble turnip and Chinese cabbage (not oilseed rape) Time and rate of Application For the control of Alternaria brassicae and A. brassicicola, spray at the end of flowering at a rate of 0.67 kg Rovral WG in 600 to 1000 litres of water per hectare. A total of 3 applications may be made. A minimum spray interval of 21 days must be observed between treatments. Treated crop must not be used for human or animal consumption 3.7 Winter and spring oilseed rape Time and rate of Application Apply Rovral WG at a rate of 0.67 kg per hectare. A maximum of 1 spray may be made to each crop. Rovral WG should be applied in 200 - 400 litres per hectare of water as a fine spray (BCPC category), except where drift is a hazard when a medium spray should be used. Use the higher volume if the crop is very dense. Dark leaf spot and pod spot: Alternaria spp. Protectant applications Apply 0.67 kg per hectare Rovral WG between mid flower, i.e. when 20 pods that are 2.5 cm in length have formed on the main raceme, and the end of flowering. Disease onset applications Treat with 0.67 kg per hectare Rovral WG when black pin head spots first appear on the pods. Pod infections are most likely to occur on those crops where Alternaria spp. spots can be detected on the uppermost leaves (bracts). Grey mould: Botrytis cinerea When applying a protectant spray of Rovral WG at 0.67 kg per hectare at mid flower for the control of Alternaria spp., application will also control grey mould. Application at the end of flowering will be unsatisfactory. 498 Rovral® WG 3.8 Brussels sprouts and cauliflower Time and rate of Application For the control of Alternaria brassicae and A. brassicicola, apply Rovral WG at 0.67 kg per hectare. A maximum of 3 applications of Rovral WG may be made. A programme of applications may be required. The first treatment should be applied at the onset of disease on the foliage. Apply in at least 200 - 600 litres per hectare of water ensuring good coverage of the plants. A minimum spray interval of 21 days must be observed between treatments. 3.9 Salad and bulb onions Time and rate of Application For the control of leaf spot (Botrytis squamosa) and collar rot (Botrytis cinerea) apply Rovral WG at a rate of 0.67 kg per hectare. A programme of applications is required. Apply in 300 - 600 litres per hectare of water ensuring good coverage of the foliage. Salad Onions Over wintered: Treat at monthly intervals starting at the crook stage. A maximum of 4 applications may be made. Spring and summer sown: Treat at 14 day intervals starting at the crook stage. A maximum of 4 applications may be made. Bulb Onions Over wintered: Treat at monthly intervals from the crook stage until January. Further treatments at monthly intervals starting in March may be necessary to control late season infections. A maximum of 4 applications may be made. 4. MIXING AND SPRAYING Foliar Application: Apply as a FINE-MEDIUM spray, as defined by BCPC. Half fill the tank with clean water and start the agitation. Add the required amount of Rovral WG to the spray tank while re-circulating. Add the remainder of the water and continue agitation until spraying is complete. When tank mixes are to be used, each product should be added separately. On emptying the container, rinse container thoroughly by using an integrated pressure rinsing device or manually rinsing three times. Add washings to sprayer at time of filling and dispose of container safely. 5. CONTAINER AND STORAGE Rovral WG is supplied in 1 kg containers and should be kept dry and frostproof in a suitable pesticide store. 499 F F Rovral® WG 6. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Operator protection Engineering control of operator exposure must be used where reasonably practicable in addition to the following personal protective equipment: WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES AND FACE PROTECTION (FACESHIELD) when handling the product. However, engineering controls may replace personal protective equipment if a COSHH assessment shows that they provide an equal or higher standard of protection. IN CASE OF CONTACT WITH EYES, RINSE IMMEDIATELY with plenty of water and seek medical advice. IF YOU FEEL UNWELL, seek medical advice immediately (show the label where possible). WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE. WASH HANDS before meals and after work. Environmental protection Do not contaminate water with the product or its container. Do not clean application equipment near surface water / Avoid contamination via drains. This product qualifies for inclusion within the Local Environment Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) scheme. Before each spraying operation from a horizontal boom sprayer or broadcast airassisted sprayer, either a LERAP must be carried out in accordance with CRD’s published guidance or the statutory buffer zone must be maintained. The results of the LERAP must be recorded and kept available for inspection for three years. DO NOT ALLOW DIRECT SPRAY from horizontal boom sprayers to fall within 5m of the top of the bank of a static or flowing waterbody, unless a Local Environment Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) permits a narrower buffer zone, or within 1m of the top of a ditch which is dry at the time of application. Aim spray away from water. DO NOT ALLOW DIRECT SPRAY from broadcast air-assisted sprayers for use on raspberry to fall within 15m of the top of the bank of a static or flowing waterbody, unless a Local Environmental Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) permits a narrower buffer zone, or within 5m of the top of a ditch which is dry at the time of application. Aim spray away from water. Storage and disposal KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDINGSTUFFS. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. KEEP IN ORIGINAL CONTAINER, tightly closed, in a safe place. EMPTY CONTAINER THOROUGHLY and dispose of safely. DO NOT RE-USE CONTAINER for any purpose. 500 Rovral® WG 7. GLOBALLY HARMONISED SYSTEM (GHS) REGULATIONS Rovral® WG A water dispersible granule containing 750 g/kg iprodione WARNING: CAUSES SERIOUS EYE IRRITATION. VERY TOXIC TO AQUATIC LIFE. VERY TOXIC TO AQUATIC LIFE WITH LONG LASTING EFFECTS. SUSPECTED OF CAUSING CANCER. WEAR PROTECTIVE GLOVES/PROTECTIVE CLOTHING/EYE PROTECTION/FACE PROTECTION. OBTAIN SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE USE. IF IN EYES: RINSE CAUTIOUSLY WITH WATER FOR SEVERAL MINUTES. REMOVE CONTACT LENSES, IF PRESENT AND EASY TO DO. CONTINUE RINSING. IF EXPOSED OR CONCERNED: GET MEDICAL ADVICE/ ATENTION. COLLECT SPILLAGE. DISPOSE OF CONTENTS/CONTAINER IN ACCORDANCE WITH LOCAL REGULATIONS. To avoid risks to human health and the environment, comply with the instructions for use This product is approved under the Plant Protection Products Regulations 2005. 501 F F Rovral® WG 8. IMPORTANT INFORMATION IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR USE ONLY AS AN AGRICULTURAL/HORTICULTURAL FUNGICIDE, as directed below: Crops Maximum individual dose Maximum number of treatments per crop Latest time of application Winter and spring oilseed rape Brussels sprout and cauliflower Bulb onions 0.67 kg/ha 1 0.67 kg/ha 3 0.67 kg/ha 4 Salad onions 0.67 kg/ha 4 Tomato (protected) Lettuce (protected) Lettuce (outdoor) 67g per 100 litres water 33g per 100 litres water* 33g per 100 litres water* 1 kg/ha 5 7 weeks before harvest 14 days before harvest 21 days before harvest 7 days before harvest 2 days before harvest 14 days before harvest 21 days before harvest 2 days before harvest Strawberry (outdoor and protected) Raspberry (outdoor) Brassica seed production crops** Ornamental pot plants 3 3 4 1 kg/ha 4 0.67 kg/ha 3 67g per 100 litres water 5 7 days before harvest 14 days before harvest Not applicable Other specific restriction: Cherry tomatoes must not be treated * Lettuce (outdoor and protected): Do not exceed a volume of 1000 litres per hectare. ** Crops intended for sowing: cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, mustard, fodder rape, turnip, swede, kohl rabi, stubble turnip and Chinese cabbage. Treated crop must not be used for human or animal consumption. Use on raspberry must only be applied via broadcast air-assisted sprayers with the relevant buffer zone as detailed in the Environmental protection section. The following minimum intervals between applications must be observed: Strawberry 10 days Raspberry 10 days Tomato (protected) 14 days Lettuce 14 days Brassica seed production crops 21 days READ THE LABEL BEFORE USE. USING THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER THAT IS INCONSISTENT WITH THE LABEL MAY BE AN OFFENCE. FOLLOW THE CODE OF PRACTICE FOR USING PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCTS. (MAPP No. 13811) 502 Scala® F FUNGICIDE MAPP No. 15222 Use: For the control of leaf scab in apples and grey mould in outdoor strawberries and the moderate control of grey mould in protected strawberries. Formulation: A suspension concentrate containing 400 g/l (37.4% w/w) pyrimethanil. Pack Size: 1 litre in outers of 10. Recommended Crops: Apples Strawberries (protected and outdoor) Maximum Individual dose: Apples: 1.125 litres per hectare (4.5 litres per hectare for maize). Strawberries: 2 litres per hectare. Water Volume: Apples: Strawberries (outdoor): Strawberries (protected): 180 to 1500 litres per hectare. 1000 to 2000 litres per hectare. 400 to 1000 litres per hectare. Spray Quality: FINE or MEDIUM Processed Crops: Consult processors before use. Aerial Application: No Latest Time of Application: Apples: Strawberries (protected and outdoor): 56 days before harvest. 3 days before harvest. Major changes since last printing: Globally Harmonised System (GHS) Regulations added, see Section 8. This product label is compliant with the CPA Voluntary Initiative Guidance 503 Scala® Maximum Number of Treatments: Apples: 4 per year. Strawberries: 2 per year. F Scala® Compatibility: For details of compatibilities contact your distributor, local BASF representative, the BASF Technical Services Hotline: 0845 602 2553 or visit our website on: DIRECTIONS FOR USE IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the product label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product. 1. RESTRICTIONS/WARNINGS Taint tests have shown that Scala does not taint apples, but growers should consult processors before use on strawberries. 2. DISEASE CONTROL Scala is a protectant fungicide for the control of diseases in apples and strawberries, as summarised below: Leaf scab (Venturia inaequalis) Grey mould (Botrytis cinerea) Apples Outdoor strawberries Protected strawberries C - - - C MC C = Control MC = Moderate control 2.1 Resistance Scala contains pyrimethanil, an anilinopyrimidine (AP) fungicide. Scala should only be used as a protectant spray. To prevent less-sensitive strains of Botrytis and Venturia from developing, Scala should be used in a programme, alternating or mixing with products of different modes of action. Application should be made in accordance with FRAC Guidelines. In strawberries, where two Botrytis treatments are made per season, a maximum of one application of an AP-containing product is recommended; in situations where up to six Botrytis treatments are made per season, a maximum of two applications of AP-containing products are recommended. In apples, against Venturia, a maximum of four AP-containing products is recommended per season. In locations where AP-insensitive strains of Venturia have been reported, Scala should be used in mixture with effective scab fungicides of differing modes of action (e.g. Dithianon WG). 3. CROPS 3.1 Apples All varieties may be treated. Time of application For the control of leaf scab, apply Scala as part of a protectant fungicide programme commencing at the start of bud burst. Depending on disease pressure, treat at intervals of 10−14 days, using a maximum of four applications of Scala per year. A minimum of 56 days must elapse between the last spray of Scala and harvest. Rate of application Apply 1.125 litres Scala in 500 −1500 litres of water per hectare. Spray to achieve thorough and even cover of foliage but not to the point of run-off. 504 Scala® Qualified recommendation A minimum water volume of 180 l/ha may be used, although the effectiveness and crop safety of reduced volume applications is based on limited data. 3.2 Strawberries (outdoor) Time of application For the control of grey mould, apply Scala as part of a fungicide programme. Commence treatment at the white bud stage to achieve maximum protection of the flowers. Depending on disease pressure, treat at intervals of 7-10 days, using a maximum of two applications of Scala per year. A minimum of three days must elapse between the last spray of Scala and harvest. Rate of application Apply 2.0 litres Scala in 1000-2000 litres of water per hectare. It is important to achieve accurate and complete coverage of the plants for effective protection of the crop. 3.3 Strawberries (protected) Time of application For the moderate control of grey mould, apply Scala as part of a fungicide programme. Commence treatment at the white bud stage to achieve maximum protection of the flowers. Depending on disease pressure, treat at intervals of 7/10 days, using a maximum of two applications of Scala per year. A minimum of three days must elapse between the last spray of Scala and harvest. Rate of application Apply 2.0 litres Scala in 400-1000 litres of water per hectare. It is important to achieve accurate and complete coverage of the plants for effective protection of the crop. 4. INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT Limited evidence suggests that Scala has a negligible effect on hoverflies and lacewings and indicates some margin of safety to Typhlodromus pyri. 5. MIXING AND SPRAYING Half fill the sprayer tank with clean water and start agitation. Slowly add in the required amount of product. Rinse empty containers and add rinsings to the spray tank. Complete filling to the final volume. Spray immediately after mixing and maintain agitation until the spray tank is empty. Wash out the sprayer thoroughly with water and liquid detergent immediately after use. Finally wash out with water and drain. 6. CONTAINER AND STORAGE Scala is supplied in 1 litre containers and should be kept dry and frostproof in a suitable pesticide store. 505 F F Scala® 7. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Operator protection WASH CONCENTRATE from skin or eyes immediately. WASH HANDS AND EXPOSED SKIN before meals and after work WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE. Engineering control of operator exposure must be used where reasonably practicable in addition to the following personal protective clothing: WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING (COVERALLS) AND GLOVES when handling the concentrate or when handling contaminated surfaces or when applying by broadcast air-assisted equipment. WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING (COVERALLS, RUBBER BOOTS) AND GLOVES when applying by broadcast air-assisted equipment. However, engineering controls may replace personal protective equipment if a COSHH assessment shows that they provide an equal or higher standard of protection. Environmental protection DO NOT contaminate water with product or its container (Do not clean application equipment near surface water. Avoid contamination via drains from farmyards and roads). To protect aquatic organisms respect an unsprayed buffer zone to surface water bodies in line with LERAP requirements. Apples # DO NOT ALLOW DIRECT SPRAY from broadcast air-assisted sprayers to fall within ‘30 m’ of the top of the bank of a static or flowing waterbody, unless a Local Environment Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) permits a narrower buffer zone, or within 5 m of the top of a ditch which is dry at the time of application. Aim spray away from water. Strawberry # DO NOT ALLOW DIRECT SPRAY from horizontal boom sprayers to fall within 5 m of the top of the bank of a static or flowing water body, unless a Local Environment Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) permits a narrower buffer zone, or within 1 m of the top of a ditch which is dry at the time of application. Aim spray away from water. # This product qualifies for inclusion within the Local Environment Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) scheme. Before each spraying operation from a broadcast air-assisted sprayer or horizontal boom sprayer, either a LERAP must be carried out in accordance with CRD’s published guidance or the statutory buffer zone must be maintained. The results of the LERAP must be recorded and kept available for three years. Storage and disposal KEEP IN ORIGINAL CONTAINER, tightly closed, in a safe place. KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDINGSTUFFS. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. WASH OUT CONTAINER THOROUGHLY, empty washings into spray tank and dispose of safely. Store well away from seeds, fertilizers and animal feeding stuffs in a safe, dry place designated as an agrochemical store. Protect from frost. 506 Scala® 8. GLOBALLY HARMONISED SYSTEM (GHS) REGULATIONS Scala® A suspension concentrate containing 400 g/l (37.4% w/w) pyrimethanil. HARMFUL TO AQUATIC LIFE WITH LONG LASTING EFFECTS. DISPOSE OF CONTENTS/CONTAINER IN ACCORDANCE WITH LOCAL REGULATIONS. To avoid risks to human health and the environment, comply with the instructions for use This product is approved under the Plant Protection Products Regulations, 2005. 9. IMPORTANT INFORMATION IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR USE ONLY AS A HORTICULTURAL FUNGICIDE Crops Maximum Maximum individual dose number of treatments Apple 1.125 litres 4 per year product/ha Strawberry 2 litres/ha 2 per year (outdoor and product/ha protected) as directed below: Latest time of application 56 days before harvest Three days before harvest READ THE LABEL BEFORE USE. USING THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER THAT IS INCONSISTENT WITH THE LABEL MAY BE AN OFFENCE. FOLLOW THE CODE OF PRACTICE FOR USING PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCTS. (MAPP No. 15222) 507 F F Scala® 508 Shadow® /® Elk® / Katamaran Turbo H HERBICIDE Shadow MAPP No. 14000 Katamaran Turbo MAPP No. 13999 Elk MAPP No. 13974 Use: A residual herbicide for the control of a range of broad-leaved and grass weeds including cleavers, in winter oilseed rape. Pack Size: Shadow: 5 litres in outers of four. Elk and Katamaran Turbo: 10 litres in outers of two Recommended Crops: Winter oilseed rape Maximum Individual Dose: 2.5 litres of product per hectare Maximum Total Dose: 2.5 litres of product per hectare Spray Quality: MEDIUM Latest Time of Application: Before 7th true leaf stage (GS 17) Water Volume: 100 to 200 litres of water per hectare. Aerial Application: No Compatibility: For details of compatibilities contact your distributor, local BASF representative, the BASF Technical Services Hotline: 0845 602 2553 or visit our website on: Major changes since last printing: None. This product label is compliant with the CPA Voluntary Initiative Guidance 509 Shadow® / Elk® / Katamaran® Turbo Formulation: A suspo-emulsion, containing 200 g/l dimethenamid-p, 200 g/l metazachlor and 100 g/l quinmerac. H Shadow® / Elk® / Katamaran® Turbo DIRECTIONS FOR USE IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product. Shadow/Elk/Katamaran Turbo is a residual herbicide that can be used on all varieties of winter oilseed rape for the control of a range of broad leaved and grass weeds. 1. RESTRICTIONS/WARNINGS When Shadow/Elk/Katamaran Turbo is applied pre emergence, it is important for crop safety to ensure physical separation of the herbicide from the seed. Ensure that the seed is well covered with soil to a depth of 15 mm. With direct drilled crops, harrow across the slits to cover the seed before spraying. DO NOT disturb the soil after application. DO NOT apply to broadcast crops until the crop has attained the two fully expanded cotyledon growth stage. Shadow/Elk/Katamaran Turbo is suitable for use on all soil types as defined by Soil Texture (85) System, except sands and very light soils and soils containing more than 10% organic matter. DO NOT apply to stony soils; i.e. stones, flints or chalk readily visible on surface. On brashy and stony soils, Shadow/Elk/Katamaran Turbo may cause some reduction in crop vigour and/or plant stand. DO NOT apply to cloddy seedbeds. Seedbeds must have a fine, firm tilth for optimum weed control. Loose or cloddy seedbeds must be consolidated prior to application. DO NOT apply when heavy rain is forecast and DO NOT use on waterlogged soil or soils prone to waterlogging. Crop thinning or reductions in crop vigour can occur if there is very wet weather after application. Where a crop check has occurred, this normally grows out after a few weeks and yields are normally unaffected. Soil moisture is required for effective weed control via root uptake. Residual control may be reduced under prolonged dry conditions. Weeds germinating from depth may not be controlled. DO NOT apply Shadow/Elk/Katamaran Turbo to crops suffering from stress, which may be caused, for example, by pests, disease, waterlogging, poor seedbed conditions or previous chemical treatment. Under frosty conditions a transient scorch may occur. Avoid spray drift on to neighbouring crops and plants outside the target area. Care should be taken to avoid overlap of spray swaths To reduce the risk of movement of Shadow/Elk/Katamaran Turbo to water:a. On clay soils, create a fine, consolidated seedbed to slow the downward movement of water. b. DO NOT apply Shadow/Elk/Katamaran Turbo to dry soil. Moist soils have fewer and smaller cracks. c. DO NOT apply Shadow/Elk/Katamaran Turbo if heavy rain is forecast, wait until after the event. 510 Shadow® / Elk® / Katamaran® Turbo 2. WEED CONTROL Shadow/Elk/Katamaran Turbo is taken up via cotyledons and roots and takes maximum effect before, or shortly after, weed emergence. Optimum results are obtained from applications made to fine, firm and moist seedbeds. 2.1 Susceptibility of weeds to single applications of Shadow/Elk/Katamaran Turbo. Application pre-emergence of weed 2.5 l/ha Weed susceptibility rating Application post-emergence of weed 2.5 l/ha Maximum susceptible growth stage of weed Rating Rating MS S S S 1 true leaf (MR) 2 true lvs 2 Whorls Cotyledon S Cotyledon S S MS S MR S S Cotyledon Cotyledon (MS) Pre-em Pre-em Pre-em Pre-em 2 true leaf (MS) S S 2 true lvs Pre-em Weed species Black-grass Chickweed, Common Cleavers Crane’s-bill, Cut-leaved Crane’s-bill, Round-leaved Crane’s-bill, Small-flowered Dead-nettle, Red Forget-me-not, Field Mayweed, Scented Pansy, Field Poppy, Common Shepherd’s-purse Speedwell, Common Field Speedwell, Ivy-leaved S MS MR Pre-em 2.2 = = = = Susceptible Moderately Susceptible Moderately Resistant Pre-emergence of weed Resistance management. Strains of some annual grasses (e.g. Black-grass, wild-oats, and Italian ryegrass) have developed resistance to herbicides, which may lead to poor control. A strategy for preventing and managing such resistance should be adopted. Guidelines have been produced by the Weed Resistance Action Group (WRAG) and copies are available from the HGCA, CPA, your distributor, crop adviser or product manufacturer. Repeated use of herbicides with the same mode of action can increase the risk of strains of weeds developing resistance to these compounds, leading to poor control. In order to minimise the risk, a strategy for preventing and managing such resistance should be adopted. Use products with different modes of action and from different chemical groups in sequence or tank-mix, in conjunction with effective cropping rotation and cultivation techniques. In all cases the recommended rate of use should be adhered to. Follow WRAG guidelines. 511 H H Shadow® / Elk® / Katamaran® Turbo Key elements of the resistance management strategy for Shadow/Elk/ Katamaran Turbo: • Always follow WRAG guidelines for preventing and managing herbicide resistant weeds. • Maximise the use of cultural control measures wherever possible (e.g. crop rotation, ploughing, stale seedbeds, delayed drilling, etc). • Use tank mixes or sequences of effective herbicides with different modes of action within individual crops, or successive crops. • For the control of herbicide resistant grass weeds, always use Shadow/Elk/ Katamaran Turbo in sequence with other effective graminicides with different modes of action. • Monitor fields regularly and investigate the reasons for any poor control. 3. CROPS 3.1 Time of application Shadow/Elk/Katamaran Turbo may be applied pre- or post-emergence of the crop but for optimum activity application must be pre-emergence or early postemergence of the weeds. Extreme care must be taken to avoid spray drift onto non-crop plants outside the target area. Pre-crop emergence applications:• should be made before the crop seed chits, which in optimum conditions may occur within 48 hours of drilling. • should only be made on medium and heavy soils (as defined by the ADAS Soil Texture (85) System). DO NOT USE Shadow/Elk/Katamaran Turbo pre-crop emergence when any of the following conditions apply:• When crop has been broadcast. • The crop seed has started to germinate (i.e. 48 hours after drilling) • Seed is not covered with 15 mm of soil; • When heavy rain is forecast; • Dry, cloddy or open seedbeds; • Late drilled crops – as a guide these are crops drilled later than the first week in September in Northern England and Scotland and later than midSeptember in the rest of the UK; • Stony soils, i.e. stones, flints or chalk are readily visible on the soil surface. Post crop emergence applications can be made in the following circumstances: • When the majority of the crop has two fully expanded cotyledons and up to the sixth true leaf growth stage (GS 16); • On light, medium and heavy soils (as defined by the ADAS Soil Texture (85) System); • When seedbed conditions are not ideal for pre-emergence use; • When the seed is not covered with 15 mm of soil (as with broadcast crops); • To light, stony, brashy or gravely soils, particularly if heavy rainfall was forecast for the period following drilling; • When late-drilled crops are to be treated. 512 Shadow® / Elk® / Katamaran® Turbo 3.2 Rate of application Apply 2.5 litres/hectare Shadow/Elk/Katamaran Turbo in a minimum of 200 litres of water per hectare. Shadow/Elk/Katamaran Turbo may be applied at 2.5 l/ha in 100 litres of water per hectare; however this recommendation has not been supported by effectiveness or crop safety data. 4. FOLLOWING CROPS 4.1 Following crops after normally harvested winter oilseed rape Any crop can follow normally harvested winter oilseed rape treated with Shadow/Elk/Katamaran Turbo. Ploughing is not essential before sowing a following cereal crop, but is required for all other crops. 4.2 Re-drilling due to crop failure In the event of crop failure, the following crops may be sown after cultivating to a depth of at least 15 cm: Re-drilling the same autumn: Winter wheat (excluding durum). Re-drilling the following spring: Cereals (excluding durum wheat), spring oilseed rape, peas and field beans. 5. MIXING AND SPRAYING 5.1 Application Apply as a MEDIUM spray, as defined by BCPC. Shadow/Elk/Katamaran Turbo should be applied in a minimum water volume of 200 litres/ hectare. 5.2 Mixing Never prepare more spray solution than is required. Fill the spray tank three quarters full with water and start the agitation. To ensure thorough mixing of the product, invert the container several times before opening. Add the required quantity of Shadow/Elk/Katamaran Turbo to the spray tank while re-circulating. Fill up the tank with water and continue agitation until spraying is completed. On emptying the product container, rinse container thoroughly by using an integrated pressure rinsing device or manually rinsing three times. Add washings to sprayer at time of filling and dispose of container safely. 5.3 Sprayer cleaning Wash sprayer thoroughly immediately after use, using clean water and following the sprayer cleaning guidance provided by the equipment manufacturer. 6. CONTAINER AND STORAGE Shadow is supplied in 5 litre containers. Elk/Katamaran Turbo are supplied in 10 litre containers. Store in a suitable pesticide store, keep dry and protect from frost. 513 H H Shadow® / Elk® / Katamaran® Turbo 7. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Operator protection Engineering control of operator exposure must be used where reasonably practicable in addition to the following personal protective equipment. WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING (COVERALLS) AND SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES when handling the concentrate or contaminated surfaces. However, engineering controls may replace personal protective equipment if a COSHH assessment shows that they provide an equal or higher standard of protection. WASH CONCENTRATE from skin or eyes immediately. WASH HANDS before meals and after work. WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE. IF YOU FEEL UNWELL seek medical advice (show the label if possible). Environmental protection DO NOT contaminate water with the product or its container. DO NOT clean application equipment near surface water. Avoid contamination via drains from farmyards and roads. DO NOT ALLOW DIRECT SPRAY from horizontal boom sprayers to fall within 5m of the top of the bank of a static or flowing waterbody, unless a Local Environmental Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) permits a narrower buffer zone, or within 1m of the top of a ditch which is dry at the time of application. Aim spray away from water. This product qualifies for inclusion within the Local Environmental Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) scheme. Before each spraying operation from a horizontal boom sprayer, either a LERAP must be carried out in accordance with CRD’s published guidance or the statutory buffer zone must be maintained. The results of the LERAP must be recorded and kept available for inspection for three years. KEEP LIVESTOCK out of treated areas until poisonous weeds such as ragwort have died and become unpalatable Storage and disposal KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDINGSTUFFS. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. DO NOT RE-USE CONTAINER for any purpose. STORE IN ORIGINAL CONTAINER tightly closed, in a safe place. On emptying the container, RINSE CONTAINER THOROUGHLY by using an integrated pressure rinsing device or manually rinsing three times. Add washings to sprayer at time of filling and dispose of container safely. 516 Shadow® / Elk® / Katamaran® Turbo 8. DPD REGULATIONS (CHIP 3) Shadow® / Elk® / Katamaran® Turbo A suspo-emulsion containing 200 g/l dimethenamid-p, 200 g/l metazachlor and 100 g/l quinmerac. MAY CAUSE SENSITISATION BY SKIN CONTACT LIMITED EVIDENCE OF A CARCINOGENIC EFFECT VERY TOXIC TO AQUATIC ORGANISMS, MAY CAUSE LONG TERM ADVERSE EFFECTS IN THE AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDING STUFFS WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE AVOID CONTACT WITH SKIN THIS MATERIAL AND ITS CONTAINER MUST BE DISPOSED OF IN A SAFE WAY. WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING AND GLOVES IF SWALLOWED, SEEK MEDICAL ADVICE IMMEDIATELY AND SHOW THIS CONTAINER OR LABEL USE APPROPRIATE CONTAINMENT TO AVOID ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAMINATION To avoid risks to man and the environment, comply with the instructions for use. This product is approved under the Control of Pesticides Regulations 1986. 9. IMPORTANT INFORMATION IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR USE ONLY AS AN AGRICULTURAL HERBICIDE CROPS: Winter oilseed rape MAXIMUM INDIVIDUAL DOSE: 2.5 litres product / ha MAXIMUM TOTAL DOSE: 2.5 litres product / ha / crop LATEST TIME OF APPLICATION: Before 7th true leaf stage (GS 17) A maximum total dose of not more than 1000g metazachlor/hectare READ THE LABEL BEFORE USE. USING THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER THAT IS INCONSISTENT WITH THE LABEL MAY BE AN OFFENCE. FOLLOW THE CODE OF PRACTICE FOR USING PLAN PROTECTION PRODUCTS. Shadow MAPP No. 14000 Elk MAPP No. 13974 Katamaran Turbo MAPP No. 13999 517 H H Shadow® / Elk® / Katamaran® Turbo 516 Corbel® Sienna® H HERBICIDE MAPP No. 14991 Use: A herbicide with residual and contact activity for use in winter wheat and winter barley. Formulation: A suspension concentrate, containing 7.5 g/l picolinafen and 300 g/l pendimethalin, for use in winter wheat and winter barley. Pack Size: 10 litres in outers of two. Recommended Crop: Winter wheat Winter barley Maximum Individual Dose: 4.0 litres of product per hectare Maximum Number of Treatments: One per crop Latest Time of Application: Before pseudo-stem erect (before Growth Stage 30). Water Volume: 200 litres of water per hectare. Processed Crops: Before using Sienna on crops to be processed consult your processor. Aerial Application: No Compatibility: For details of compatibilities contact your distributor, local BASF representative, the BASF Technical Services Hotline: 0845 602 2553 or visit our website on: Major changes since last printing: Globally Harmonised System (GHS) Regulations added, see Section 8. This product label is compliant with the CPA Voluntary Initiative Guidance 519 Sienna® Spray Quality: FINE or MEDIUM H Sienna® DIRECTIONS FOR USE IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product. Sienna is a herbicide containing pendimethalin and picolinafen with residual and contact activity for use in winter wheat and winter barley. 1. RESTRICTIONS/WARNINGS DO NOT use more than one application of Sienna in one growing season. 1.1 Soil Types - Sienna can be used on any mineral soil. - Residual control may be reduced on soils with more than 6% organic matter. - DO NOT use on soils with more than 10% organic matter. - DO NOT use on stony or gravely soils as crop damage can occur, particularly if heavy rain follows treatment. - DO NOT use on water logged soil or soils prone to water logging. 1. 2 Seedbed preparation Seed beds must have a fine, firm tilth. Loose or cloddy seed beds must be consolidated prior to application, otherwise reduced weed control may occur. They may also cause seed to be inadequately covered which could result in crop damage. 1.3 Application For pre-emergence applications, seed should be covered with a minimum of 3.2cm of settled soil. Only treat shallow drilled crops post-emergence. DO NOT spray undersown cereals or those to be undersown. Avoid spraying during periods of prolonged or severe frosts. DO NOT apply to crops suffering from stress, which may be caused for example by pests, disease, water logging, poor seedbed conditions or previous chemical treatment. Extreme care should be taken to avoid damage by drift on to plants outside the target area. 1.4 Emerged Crops - DO NOT roll emerged crops prior to application. 1.5 Post-Application Requirements - DO NOT soil incorporate. - DO NOT disturb the soil after application. - DO NOT roll autumn treated crops until the spring. - For residual control some soil moisture is required for Sienna. Best results will be obtained if rain falls within 7 days of application. Residual control may be reduced under prolonged dry conditions. - Water logging that occurs soon after pre-emergence applications may lead to crop damage. Some transient bleaching may be seen after application to some crops, this does not lead to yield loss. Concentrated or diluted Sienna may stain. Avoid spillage. Staining is minimised or completely removed if skin/clothes are washed immediately. 520 Sienna® 2. WEED CONTROL 2.1 Susceptibility of weeds to single applications of Sienna Best results will be achieved by application to small actively growing weeds. GRASS WEEDS Annual Meadow-grass Rough Meadow-grass BROAD-LEAVED WEEDS Charlock Cleavers Common Chickweed Common Field Speedwell Common Fumitory Common Orache Common Poppy Corn Marigold Crane’s-bill Fat-hen Field Forget-me-not Field Pansy Hemp-nettle (Day Nettle) Henbit Dead-nettle Ivy-leaved Speedwell Knotgrass Mayweeds Parsley Piert Red Dead-nettle Scarlet Pimpernel Shepherd’s Purse Small Nettle Smooth Sowthistle Volunteer Beans Volunteer Oilseed Rape (1) S MS R MR (1) = = = = = Pre-em S MS 4.0l/ha Sienna Post-em S up to GS13 MS up to 2 lvs MS pre-em S S MS S S S S S S S S S S MS S S S MS S S MR S S up to 6 lvs MS up to 1 whorl S up to 6 lvs S up to 6 lvs S up to 3 lvs S up to 6 lvs S up to 4 lvs S up to 6 lvs S pre-em S up to 6 lvs S up to 6 lvs S up to 6 lvs R MS up to 2 lvs Susceptible Moderately susceptible Resistant Moderately resistant deep germinating volunteer Oilseed Rape may not be controlled. 521 H H Sienna® 2.2 Resistance Strains of some annual grasses (e.g. Black-grass, Wild-Oats, and Italian Ryegrass) have developed resistance to herbicides, which may lead to poor control. A strategy for preventing and managing such resistance should be adopted. Picolinafen is an inhibitor of carotenoid biosynthesis at the PDS step (a group that includes picolinafen and diflufenican). To prevent the development of resistant weeds herbicides with different modes of action must be used when applying in sequence. Guidelines have been produced by the Weed Resistance Action Group and copies are available from HGCA, CPA, your distributor, crop adviser or product manufacturer. 3. CROPS Sienna can be used on all varieties of Winter Wheat and Winter Barley. 3.1 Time of application Pre- and post crop-emergence, up to before pseudo-stem erect (before Growth Stage 30). DO NOT apply pre-emergence to crops drilled after 30 November. 3.2 Rate of application 4.0 l/ha Before using Sienna on crops to be processed please consult your processor. 4. FOLLOWING CROPS Before rye-grass is drilled after a very dry season, plough or cultivate to at least 15 cm. In the event of crop failure the land must be ploughed or thoroughly cultivated to a minimum depth of 15 cm to ensure any residues are evenly dispersed throughout the soil. The minimum intervals (specified below) should elapse between the application of Sienna and the sowing of one of the following crops listed below. 4.1 Autumn Applications of Sienna The following crops may be sown after a minimum of 5 months: Spring Barley Spring Field Beans Brussels Sprouts Carrots Spring Wheat Broad Beans Cabbage Parsnips Maize Dwarf Beans Calabrese Parsley Peas Turnip Linseed Cauliflower Potatoes 4.2 Following Spring and Early Summer Applications The following crops may be sown or transplanted after a minimum interval of 2 months: Spring Field Beans Brussels Sprouts Carrots Broad Beans Cabbage Parsnips Dwarf Beans Calabrese Parsley Peas Cauliflower Linseed Turnip The following crops may be sown after a minimum interval of 5 months: Any crop (with the exception of Red Beet, Sugar Beet and Spinach) may be planted or sown. (A minimum interval of 12 months should elapse between application and sowing Red Beet, Sugar Beet and Spinach). 522 Sienna® 5. MIXING AND SPRAYING Apply Sienna in 200 litres water/ha. Ensure good, even spray cover of the target using a spray of fine or medium quality (BCPC definition). 5.1 Mixing - Three-quarters fill the tank with water. - To ensure thorough mixing of the product, invert the container several times before opening - Add Sienna while re-circulating - Fill the tank - Maintain circulation while spraying. - Wash out the sprayer thoroughly after the use of Sienna using a wetting agent or a proprietary spray tank cleaner particularly before using the sprayer in broad-leaved crops 6. CONTAINER AND STORAGE Sienna is supplied in 10 litre containers and should be kept dry and frostproof in a suitable pesticide store. 523 H H Sienna® 7. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Operator protection Engineering control of operator exposure must be used where reasonably practicable in addition to the following personal protective equipment. WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING (COVERALLS) AND SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES when handling the concentrate. WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES when handling contaminated surfaces. However, engineering controls may replace personal protective equipment if a COSHH assessment shows that they provide an equal or higher standard of protection. WASH ALL PROTECTIVE CLOTHING thoroughly after use, especially the insides of gloves WASH HANDS before meals and after work WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE IF YOU FEEL UNWELL seek medical advice (show the label if possible) Environmental protection Do not contaminate surface waters or ditches with chemical or used container. DO NOT ALLOW DIRECT SPRAY from horizontal boom sprayers to fall within 5 m of the top of the bank of a static or flowing water body, unless a Local Environment Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) permits a narrower buffer zone, or within 1m of the top of a ditch which is dry at the time of application. Aim spray away from water. This product qualifies for inclusion within the Local Environment Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) scheme. Before each spraying operation from a horizontal boom sprayer, either a LERAP must be carried out in accordance with CRD’s published guidance or the statutory buffer zone must be maintained. The results of the LERAP must be recorded and kept available for three years. Storage and disposal KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDINGSTUFFS KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN DO NOT RE-USE CONTAINER for any other purpose STORE IN ORIGINAL CONTAINER tightly closed, in a safe place On emptying the container, RINSE CONTAINER THOROUGHLY by using an integrated pressure rinsing device or manually rinsing three times. Add washings to sprayer at time of filling and dispose of container safely. 524 Sienna® 8. GLOBALLY HARMONISED SYSTEM (GHS) REGULATIONS Sienna® A suspension concentrate containing 7.5 g/litre picolinafen, 300 g/litre pendimethalin and 1, 2-benzisothiazole WARNING: VERY TOXIC TO AQUATIC LIFE VERY TOXIC TO AQUATIC LIFE WITH LONG LASTING EFFECTS. COLLECT SPILLAGE. CONTAINS PENDIMETHALIN. CONTAINS, 1.2-BENZISOTHIAZOLE. MAY PRODUCE AN ALLERGIC REACTION To avoid risks to human health and the environment, comply with the instructions for use This product is approved under the Plant Protection Product Regulations. 9. IMPORTANT INFORMATION IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR USE ONLY AS AN AGRICULTURAL HERBICIDE Crops Maximum Individual dose Winter Wheat Winter Barley 4 l/ha Maximum Latest Timing Number of Treatments One per crop B e f o r e p s e u d o stem erect (before Growth Stage 30) READ THE LABEL BEFORE USE. USING THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER THAT IS INCONSISTENT WITH THE LABEL MAY BE AN OFFENCE. FOLLOW THE CODE OF PRACTICE FOR USING PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCTS MAPP No. 14991 525 525 H H Sienna® 526 Signum® F FUNGICIDE MAPP No. 11450 Use: A fungicide with protectant and systemic activity against certain diseases in broccoli, Brussels sprout, cabbage, calabrese, cauliflower, strawberry (outdoor and protected), carrot, lettuce (outdoor and protected), field beans, combining peas, vining peas and blackcurrants. Formulation: A water dispersible granule containing 26.7% w/w boscalid and 6.7% w/w pyraclostrobin. Pack Size: 2.5 kg in outers of four. Maximum Individual Dose: Broccoli, Brussels sprout, cabbage, calabrese and cauliflower: Strawberry (outdoor and protected): Carrots: Lettuce (outdoor and protected): Field beans and combining peas: Blackcurrantes (pre- and post-harvest) (outdoor): Vining peas: Maximum Total Dose: Broccoli, Brussels sprout, cabbage, calabrese and cauliflower: Strawberry (outdoor and protected): Carrots: Lettuce (outdoor and protected): Field beans and combining peas: Blackcurrants (pre-harvest) (outdoor): Blackcurrants (post-harvest) (outdoor) Vining peas: 1.0 1.8 1.0 1.5 1.0 1.5 kg/ha kg/ha kg/ha kg/ha kg/ha kg/ha 1.0 kg/ha 3.0 3.6 2.0 3.0 2.0 3.0 1.5 1.0 kg/ha/crop kg/ha/year kg/ha/crop kg/ha/crop kg/ha/crop kg/ha/year kg/ha/year kg/ha/crop Major changes since last printing: Globally Harmonised System (GHS) Regulations added, see Section 7. This product label is compliant with the CPA Voluntary Initiative Guidance 527 Signum® Recommended Crops: See Section No: Blackcurrants 3.8 (pre-and post-harvest) (outdoor) Brassicas (Broccoli, Brussels sprout, cabbage, calabrese and cauliflower): 3.1 Carrots: 3.3 Field beans: 3.5 Lettuce (outdoor and protected): 3.4 Strawberry (outdoor and protected): 3.2 Peas, combining: 3.6 Peas, vining 3.7 F Signum® Latest Time of Application: Broccoli, Brussels sprout, cabbage, calabrese and cauliflower: Strawberry (outdoor and protected): Carrots: Lettuce (outdoor and protected): Field beans and combining peas: Blackcurrants (pre-harvest) (outdoor): Blackcurrants (post-harvest) (outdoor): Vining peas: 14 days before harvest. 3 days before harvest. 14 days before harvest. 14 days before harvest. 21 days before harvest. 3 days before harvest. Not applicable 14 days before harvest. Spray Quality: FINE or MEDIUM Water Volume: Minimum of 200 litres of water per hectare. Aerial Application: No Compatilbility: For details of compatibilities contact your distributor, local BASF representative, the BASF Technical Services Hotline: 0845 602 2553 or visit our website on: DIRECTIONS FOR USE IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product. 1. RESTRICTIONS/WARNINGS 1.1 Processed Crops - Consult processors before use on crops destined for processing. Tests have indicated that no taints were detected in blackcurrant juice, quick frozen or canned vining peas and canned combining peas. Applications to lettuce must only be made between 1 April and 31 October. DO NOT APPLY MORE THAN 6 kg/ha of Signum to the same area of land per annum. 1.2 1.3 2. DISEASE CONTROL Signum is a fungicide with protectant and systemic activity for the control of a range of diseases in broccoli, Brussels sprout, cabbage, calabrese, cauliflower, strawberry (outdoor and protected), carrot, lettuce (outdoor and protected), field beans, combining peas, vining peas and blackcurrants, as summarised below: 528 American gooseberry mildew Sphaerotheca mors-uvae Peas (combining and vining) Field beans (winter and spring) Lettuce (protected and outdoor Carrot Strawberry*** (outdoor and protected) calabrese Cabbage Brussels sprout Blackcurrant Signum® MC* Blackcurrant leaf spot MC* Drapenopeziza ribis Grey mould Botrytis cinerea C* C C Bean rust Uromyces fabae C Chocolate spot Botrytis spp. MC White blister Albugo candida C Dark leaf spot Alternaria spp. Ringspot Mycosphaerella brassicola UC C* C C UC UC Bottom rot Rhizoctonia solani C ** Watery soft rot Sclerotinia spp. C ** Powdery mildew Erisiphe heraclei Sphaerotheca macularis C C Alternaria leaf blight Alternaria dauci MC Sclerotinia rot Sclerotinia sclerotiorum MC Blackspot Colletotrichum acutatum C Leaf and pod spot Ascochyta pisi C MC UC * ** *** MC = Control = Moderate control = Useful level of control = ‘Qualified minor use’ based on limited data = Lower and more variable levels of control may be seen on outdoor crops = Reduced levels of control on protected strawberry are likely for the listed diseases 529 F F Signum® 2.1 Resistance In order to minimise risk of resistance: Signum contains the QoI fungicide, pyraclostrobin and the SDHI (carboxamide) fungicide, boscalid. Signum should be used in accordance with FRAC resistance management advice for QoI and carboxamide mixtures. Avoid using consecutive applications of Signum. Apply Signum in alternation with fungicides from a different cross-resistance group with satisfactory efficacy against the targeted diseases. In line with FRAC guidance, the number of Signum applications should be no more than half of the total number of fungicide applications per season. Use no more than a maximum of three applications of Signum per crop in brassicas; no more than three applications per year in blackcurrants and no more than two applications per crop in other crops. 3. CROPS Time of Application Apply Signum as a protectant spray or at the first sign of disease. Repeat sprays at 3 – 4 week intervals depending on disease pressure. Three applications can be made but a minimum of 14 days must elapse between the last spray and harvest. Rate of Application Apply 1.0 kg/ha of Signum in a minimum of 200 litres of water per hectare. In dense crops, increase the water volume up to a maximum of 1000 litres of water per hectare to achieve adequate penetration and good coverage of the crop. 3.2 Strawberries Time of Application For optimum control of grey mould, apply Signum as a protectant spray from the beginning of bloom (white bud). For the control of powdery mildew and blackspot, apply Signum as a protectant spray before the appearance of disease symptoms Applications should be made in sequence with other products as part of a fungicide spray programme applied during flowering at 7-10 day intervals. Two applications can be made but a minimum of 3 days must elapse between the last spray and harvest. Rate of Application Apply 1.8 kg of Signum in a water volume of 450-2000 litres of water per hectare, ensuring good coverage of the foliage and fruitlets. Signum may be applied at 1.8 kg per hectare in 400 litres water per hectare although efficacy at this reduced volume has not been evaluated. Therefore application at 400 litres water per hectare is at user’s risk with regard to biological efficacy. 3.3 Carrots Time of Application Apply Signum as a protectant spray or at the first sign of disease. Repeat sprays at 7 – 14 day intervals depending on disease pressure. Two applications can be made but a minimum of 14 days must elapse between the last spray and harvest. 530 Signum® Rate of Application: 0.75 – 1.0 kg/ha For control of powdery mildew and moderate control of alternaria leaf blight, apply 0.75 kg/ha of Signum in a water volume of 200 – 900 litres of water per hectare, ensuring good coverage of the foliage. For moderate control of sclerotinia rot, increase dose rate to 1.0 kg/ha of Signum in a water volume of 200 – 900 litres of water per hectare, ensuring good coverage of the foliage. 3.4 Lettuce Time of Application Apply Signum as a protectant spray from 1-2 weeks after planting. Apply sprays at 10–14 day intervals depending on disease pressure. Two applications can be made but a minimum of 14 days must elapse between the last spray and harvest. Rate of Application Apply 1.5 kg of Signum in a water volume of 200-900 litres of water per hectare, ensuring good coverage of the foliage. 3.5 Field Beans Time of Application Apply Signum as a protectant spray or at the first sign of disease. For optimum control of bean rust and moderate control of chocolate spot, apply sprays from early flower and repeat at a 3 – 4 week interval, depending on disease pressure. Two applications can be made but a minimum of 21 days must elapse between the last spray and harvest. Rate of Application Apply 1.0 kg/ha of Signum in a minimum volume of 200 – 300 litres of water per hectare, ensuring good coverage of the foliage. 3.6 Combining peas Time of Application Apply Signum as a protectant spray or at the first sign of disease. For moderate control of leaf and pod spot (Ascochyta pisi), apply sprays from early flower and repeat at a 2 – 3 week interval, depending on disease pressure. Two applications can be made but a minimum of 21 days must elapse between the last spray and harvest. Rate of Application Apply 1.0 kg/ha of Signum in a minimum volume of 200 – 400 litres of water per hectare, ensuring good coverage of the foliage. 3.7 Vining peas Time of Application For moderate control of leaf and pod spot (Ascochyta pisi), apply Signum as a protectant spray or at the first sign of disease. One application can be made and a minimum of 14 days must elapse between application and harvest. To maintain disease control a subsequent treatment with another product may be required 2 – 3 weeks later depending on disease pressure. Rate of Application Apply 1.0 kg/ha of Signum in a minimum volume of 200 – 400 litres of water per hectare, ensuring good coverage of the foliage. 531 F F Signum® 3.8 Blackcurrants (qualified minor use based on limited efficacy data) Time of Application Pre-harvest treatment For control of grey mould (Botrytis cinerea), apply Signum as a protectant spray from the start of flowering. For moderate control of American gooseberry mildew and blackcurrant leaf spot, apply Signum as a protectant spray before the appearance of disease symptoms. Applications should be made in sequence with other products as part of a disease control programme, in which case the interval between use of Signum and subsequent fungicide treatment should be between 10−14 days, depending on disease pressure. Two applications of Signum can be made but a minimum of 3 days must elapse between the application of Signum and harvest. Post-harvest-treatment Signum may be used as post-harvest treatment to help protect against American gooseberry mildew and blackcurrant leaf spot infections, thus reducing the possibility of infection-induced premature leaf drop and reduced bush vigour, which may adversely affect crop yield in the subsequent year. Apply Signum as a protectant spray after blackcurrants have been harvested and before leaf senesence. Rate of Application Apply 1.5 kg of Signum in a water volume of 200 − 1000 litres of water per hectare, ensuring good coverage of the foliage and fruit. 4. MIXING AND SPRAYING Apply as a FINE or MEDIUM spray as defined by BCPC. Half fill the spray tank with clean water and start agitation. Slowly add in the required amount of product. Rinse empty containers and add rinsings to the spray tank. Add the remainder of the water and continue agitation until spraying is complete. 5. CONTAINER AND STORAGE Signum is supplied in 2.5 kg containers and should be kept frost proof in a suitable pesticide store. 532 Signum® 6. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Operator protection Engineering control of operator exposure must be used where reasonably practicable in addition to the following personal protective clothing: WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES when handling the product or handling contaminated surfaces. WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING (COVERALLS) AND SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES when applying by hand held equipment. However, engineering controls may replace personal protective equipment if a COSHH assessment shows they provide an equal or higher standard of protection. WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE. WASH HANDS before meals and after work. IF SWALLOWED, seek medical advice immediately and show this container or label. Environmental protection DO NOT contaminate water with the product or its container. DO NOT clean application equipment near surface water / Avoid contamination via drains from farmyards and roads. To protect aquatic organisms respect an unsprayed buffer zone to surface water bodies in line with LERAP requirements. DO NOT ALLOW DIRECT SPRAY from horizontal boom sprayers to fall within 5m of the top of the bank of a static or flowing waterbody, unless a Local Environmental Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) permits a narrower buffer zone, or within 1m of the top of a ditch which is dry at the time of application. Aim spray away from water. DO NOT ALLOW DIRECT SPRAY from hand-held sprayers to fall within 1m of the top of the bank of a static or flowing waterbody, Aim spray away from water. DO NOT ALLOW DIRECT SPRAY from broadcast airassisted sprayers to fall within 20m of the top of the bank of a static or flowing waterbody, unless a Local Environmental Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) permits a narrower buffer zone, or within 5m of the top of a ditch which is dry at the time of application. Aim spray away from water. This product qualifies for inclusion within the Local Environmental Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) scheme. Before each spraying operation from a horizontal boom sprayer or broadcast air-assisted sprayer, either a LERAP must be carried out in accordance with CRD’s published guidance or the statutory buffer zone must be maintained. The results of the LERAP must be recorded and kept available for inspection for three years. DO NOT APPLY MORE THAN 6 kg/ha Signum to the same area of land per annum. Storage and disposal KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDINGSTUFFS. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. STORE IN ORIGINAL CONTAINER, tightly closed, in a safe place. RINSE CONTAINER THOROUGHLY by using an integrated pressure rinsing device or manually rinsing three times. Add washings to sprayer at time of filling and dispose of safely. Store in a suitable pesticide store. Keep dry and protect from frost. 533 F F Signum® 7. GLOBALLY HARMONISED SYSTEM (GHS) REGULATIONS Signum® A water dispersible granule containing 26.7% w/w boscalid and 6.7% w/w pyraclostrobin. WARNING: HARMFUL IF SWALLOWED. VERY TOXIC TO AQUATIC LIFE. VERY TOXIC TO AQUATIC LIFE WITH LONG LASTING EFFECTS. WASH WITH PLENTY OF WATER AND SOAP THOROUGHLY AFTER HANDLING. DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE WHEN USING THIS PRODUCT. IF SWALLOWED: CALL A POISON CENTER OR DOCTOR/ PHYSICIAN IF YOU FEEL UNWELL. RINSE MOUTH. DISPOSE OF CONTENTS/CONTAINER IN ACCORDANCE WITH LOCAL REGULATIONS. COLLECT SPILLAGE. To avoid risks to human health and the environment, comply with the instructions for use This product is approved under the Plant Protection Products Regulations 2005. 534 Signum® 8. IMPORTANT INFORMATION IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR USE ONLY AS AN AGRICULTURAL/HORTICULTURAL FUNGICIDE, as directed below: Crops Maximum Maximum Latest time of individual total dose application dose Broccoli, Brussels sprout, cabbage, calabrese and cauliflower Strawberry (outdoor and protected) Carrots 1.0 kg/ha 3.0 kg/ha/crop 14 days before harvest 1.8 kg/ha 3.6 kg/ha/year 1.0 kg/ha 2.0 kg/ha/crop Lettuce (outdoor and 1.5 kg/ha protected) Field beans and 1.0 kg/ha combining peas Blackcurrants (pre-harvest) (outdoor) 1.5 kg/ha 3.0 kg/ha/crop 3 days before harvest 14 days before harvest 14 days before harvest 21 days before harvest Blackcurrants (post-harvest) 1.5 kg/ha (outdoor) Vining peas 1.0 kg/ha 1.5 kg/ha/year 2.0 kg/ha/crop 3.0 kg/ha/year 1.0 kg/ha/crop 3 days before harvest Not applicable 14 days before harvest Applications to lettuce must only be made between 1 April and 31 October. READ THE LABEL BEFORE USE. USING THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER THAT IS INCONSISTENT WITH THE LABEL MAY BE AN OFFENCE. FOLLOW THE CODE OF PRACTICE FOR USING PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCTS. (MAPP No. 11450) 535 535 F F Signum® 536 Springbok®/Muntjac® H HERBICIDE Springbok MAPP No. 12983 Muntjac MAPP No. 14540 Use: A residual herbicide for the control of a range of broad-leaved and grass weeds in winter oilseed rape. Formulation: An emulsifiable concentrate, containing 200 g/l metazachlor and 200 g/l dimethenamid-p. Pack Size: Springbok: 10 litres in outers of two. Muntjac: 5 litres in outers of four. Recommended Crop: Winter oilseed rape Maximum Individual Dose: 2.5 litres product per hectare. Water Volume: 220 litres of water per hectare Spray Quality: MEDIUM Latest Time of Application: Before 7th true leaf stage (GS 17). Aerial Application: No Compatibility: For details of compatibilities contact your distributor, local BASF representative, the BASF Technical Services Hotline: 0845 602 2553 or visit our website on: Major changes since last printing: None. This product label is compliant with the CPA Voluntary Initiative Guidance 537 Springbok®/Muntjac® Maximum Total Dose: 2.5 litres product per hectare. H Springbok® / Muntjac® DIRECTIONS FOR USE IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product. Springbok/Muntjac is a residual herbicide that can be used on all varieties of winter oilseed rape for the control of a range of broad-leaved and grass weeds. 1. RESTRICTIONS/WARNINGS When Springbok/Muntjac is applied pre-emergence, it is important for crop safety to ensure physical separation of the herbicide from the seed. Ensure that the seed is well covered with soil to a depth of 15 mm. With direct-drilled crops, harrow across the slits to cover the seed before spraying. DO NOT disturb the soil after application. DO NOT apply to broadcast crops until the crop has attained the two fully expanded cotyledon growth stage. DO NOT use Springbok/Muntjac on sands, very light soils or soils containing more than 10% organic matter. DO NOT apply to stony soils; i.e. stones, flints or chalk readily visible on surface. On brashy and stony soils, Springbok/Muntjac may cause some reduction in crop vigour and/or plant stand. DO NOT apply to cloddy seedbeds. Seedbeds must have a fine, firm tilth for optimum weed control. Loose or cloddy seedbeds must be consolidated prior to application. DO NOT apply when heavy rain is forecast and DO NOT use on waterlogged soil or soils prone to waterlogging. Crop thinning or reductions in crop vigour can occur if there is very wet weather after application. Soil moisture is required for effective weed control via root uptake. Residual control may be reduced under prolonged dry conditions. Weeds germinating from depth may not be controlled. DO NOT apply Springbok/Muntjac to crops suffering from stress, which may be caused, for example, by pests, disease, waterlogging, poor seedbed conditions or previous chemical treatment. Under frosty conditions a transient scorch may occur. Avoid spray drift on to neighbouring crops and plants outside the target area. 538 Springbok® / Muntjac® 2. WEED CONTROL Springbok/Muntjac is taken up via cotyledons and roots and takes maximum effect before, or shortly after, weed emergence. Optimum results are obtained from applications made to fine, firm and moist seedbeds. 2.1 Susceptibility of weeds to single applications of Springbok/Muntjac. Application pre-emergence of weed. Weed susceptibility rating Weed species 2.5 l/ha MR S S S S S MS S MR S S S Black-grass Chickweed, Common Cleavers Crane’s-bill, Cut-leaved Crane’s-bill, Round-leaved Crane’s-bill, Small-flowered Forget-me-not, Field Mayweed, Scented Pansy, Field Poppy, Common Shepherd’s-purse Speedwell, Common Field S MS MR R Pre-em 2.2 = = = = = Application postemergence of weed. Maximum susceptible growth stage of weed 2.5 l/ha Pre-em 4 true leaf Pre-em Cotyledon Cotyledon Cotyledon Pre-em Pre-em Pre-em Pre-em 1 true leaf (MS) 1 true leaf Susceptible Moderately Susceptible Moderately Resistant Resistant Pre-emergence of weed Resistance management Strains of some annual grasses (e.g. black-grass, wild-oats, and Italian rye-grass) have developed resistance to herbicides which may lead to poor control. A strategy for preventing and managing such resistance should be adopted. Guidelines have been produced by the Weed Resistance Action Group (WRAG) and copies are available from the HGCA, CPA, your distributor, crop adviser or product manufacturer. Repeated use of herbicides with the same mode of action can increase the risk of strains of weeds developing resistance to these compounds, leading to poor control. In order to minimise the risk, a strategy for preventing and managing such resistance should be adopted. Use products with different modes of action and from different chemical groups in sequence or tank-mix, in conjunction with effective cropping rotation and cultivation techniques. In all cases the recommended rate of use should be adhered to. Follow WRAG guidelines. 539 H H Springbok® / Muntjac® 3. CROPS Springbok/Muntjac can be used on all varieties of winter oilseed rape. 3.1 Time of application Springbok/Muntjac may be applied pre- or post-emergence of the crop but for optimum activity application must be pre-emergence of the weeds. Extreme care must be taken to avoid spray drift onto non-crop plants outside the target area. 3.1.1 Pre-crop emergence Applications should only be made on medium and heavy soils (as defined by the ADAS Soil Texture (85) System). Pre-emergence applications should be made before the crop seed chits, which in optimum conditions may occur within 48 hours of drilling. DO NOT use Springbok/Muntjac pre-crop emergence when any of the following conditions apply: • When crop has been broadcast. • The crop seed has started to germinate (i.e. 48 hours after drilling) • Seed is not covered with 15 mm of soil; • When heavy rain is forecast; • Dry, cloddy or open seedbeds; • Late drilled crops – as a guide these are crops drilled later than the first week in September in Northern England and Scotland and later than midSeptember in the rest of the UK; • Stony soils, i.e. stones, flints or chalk are readily visible on the soil surface. 3.1.2 Post-crop emergence Applications can be made in the following circumstances: • When the majority of the crop has two fully expanded cotyledons and up to the sixth true leaf growth stage (GS 16); • On light, medium and heavy soils (as defined by the ADAS Soil Texture (85) System); • When seedbed conditions are not ideal for pre-emergence use; • When the seed is not covered with 15 mm of soil (as with broadcast crops); • To light, stony, brashy or gravely soils, particularly if heavy rainfall was forecast for the period following drilling; • When late-drilled crops are to be treated. 3.2 Rate of application Apply 2.5 litres/hectare Springbok/Muntjac in 220 litres of water per hectare. 4. FOLLOWING CROPS Any crop can follow normally harvested winter oilseed rape treated with Springbok/Muntjac. Ploughing is not essential before sowing a following cereal crop, but is required for all other crops. In the event of crop failure, the following crops may be sown after ploughing to a depth of at least 15 cm: winter wheat (excluding durum) or winter barley Redrilling the same autumn: Redrilling the following spring: cereals (excluding durum wheat), spring oilseed rape, peas and field beans. 540 Springbok® / Muntjac® 5. MIXING AND SPRAYING 5.1 Application Apply as a MEDIUM spray, as defined by BCPC. Springbok/Muntjac should be applied in a minimum water volume of 220 litres per hectare. 5.2 Mixing Never prepare more spray solution than is required. Fill the spray tank three quarters full with water and start the agitation. To ensure thorough mixing of the product, invert the container several times before opening. Add the required quantity of Springbok/Muntjac to the spray tank while re-circulating. Fill up the tank with water and continue agitation until spraying is completed. On emptying the product container, rinse container thoroughly by using an integrated pressure rinsing device or manually rinsing three times. Add washings to sprayer at time of filling and dispose of container safely. 5.3 Sprayer cleaning Wash equipment thoroughly immediately after use. Fill the tank with clean water and leave overnight. Spray out before storage or using other products. Traces of the product may cause damage to susceptible crops sprayed later. 6. CONTAINER AND STORAGE Springbok is supplied in 10 litre containers. Muntjac is supplied in 5 litre containers. Store in a suitable pesticide store, keep dry and protect from frost. 541 H H Springbok® / Muntjac® 7. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Operator protection Engineering control of operator exposure must be used where reasonably practicable in addition to the following personal protective equipment. WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING (COVERALLS), SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES AND FACE PROTECTION (FACESHIELD) when handling the concentrate. WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES when handling contaminated surfaces. However, engineering controls may replace personal protective equipment if a COSHH assessment shows that they provide an equal or higher standard of protection. WASH CONCENTRATE from skin or eyes immediately. WASH HANDS before meals and after work. WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE. IF YOU FEEL UNWELL seek medical advice (show the label if possible). Environmental protection DO NOT CONTAMINATE SURFACE WATERS OR DITCHES with chemical or used container. DO NOT ALLOW DIRECT SPRAY from horizontal boom sprayers to fall within 5m of the top of the bank of a static or flowing waterbody, unless a Local Environmental Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) permits a narrower buffer zone, or within 1m of the top of a ditch which is dry at the time of application. Aim spray away from water. This product qualifies for inclusion within the Local Environmental Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) scheme. Before each spraying operation from a horizontal boom sprayer, either a LERAP must be carried out in accordance with CRD’s published guidance or the statutory buffer zone must be maintained. The results of the LERAP must be recorded and kept available for inspection for three years. Storage and disposal KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDINGSTUFFS. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. DO NOT RE-USE CONTAINER for any purpose. STORE IN ORIGINAL CONTAINER tightly closed, in a safe place. On emptying the container, RINSE CONTAINER THOROUGHLY by using an integrated pressure rinsing device or manually rinsing three times. Add washings to sprayer at time of filling and dispose of container safely. 542 Springbok® / Muntjac® 8. DPD REGULATIONS (CHIP 3) Springbok® / Muntjac® An emulsifiable concentrate containing 200 g/l metazachlor and 200 g/l dimethenamid-p HARMFUL IF SWALLOWED IRRITATING TO SKIN AND EYES LIMITED EVIDENCE OF A CARCINOGENIC EFFECT MAY CAUSE SENSITISATION BY SKIN CONTACT VERY TOXIC TO AQUATIC ORGANISMS, MAY CAUSE LONG TERM ADVERSE EFFECTS IN THE AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDINGSTUFFS WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE AVOID CONTACT WITH SKIN THIS MATERIAL AND ITS CONTAINER MUST BE DISPOSED OF IN A SAFE WAY WEAR SUITABLE GLOVES IF SWALLOWED, SEEK MEDICAL ADVICE IMMEDIATELY AND SHOW THIS CONTAINER OR LABEL USE APPROPRIATE CONTAINMENT TO AVOID ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAMINATION To avoid risks to man and the environment, comply with the instructions for use This product is approved under the Control of Pesticides Regulations 1986. 9. IMPORTANT INFORMATION IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR USE ONLY AS AN AGRICULTURAL HERBICIDE Crop Maximum individual Maximum total dose (litres product dose (litres product /hectare) /hectare) Winter oilseed rape 2.5 litres product / ha 2.5 litres product / ha Latest time of application Before 7th true leaf stage (GS 17) Other specific restrictions: A maximum total dose of not more than 1000g metazachlor/hectare may be applied in a three year period on the same field. READ THE LABEL BEFORE USE. USING THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER THAT IS INCONSISTENT WITH THE LABEL MAY BE AN OFFENCE. FOLLOW THE CODE OF PRACTICE FOR USING PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCTS. (Springbok MAPP No. 12983 Muntjac MAPP No. 14540) 543 H H Springbok® / Muntjac® 544 Stomp® Aqua H HERBICIDE MAPP No. 14664 Use: A herbicide for the control of a range of annual grass and annual broadleaved weeds in a wide range of crops. Formulation: A capsule suspension containing 455 g/l pendimethalin. Recommended Crops: Weed Control see Section: Barley, Spring Barley, Winter Brassicas, transplanted Carrots Fruit, bush Fruit, cane Fruit, top Leeks Maize, forage and grain Onions, Bulb Parsnips Peas, Combining Potatoes Rye, Winter Strawberries Sunflowers Triticale Wheat, Durum Wheat, Winter 2.1 2.1 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.1 2.2 2.2 2.1 2.1 2.1 Crop Specific Information, see Section: 3.4 3.1 3.9 3.8 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.10 3.11 3.10 3.8 3.5 3.6 3.3 3.12 3.7 3.3 3.1 3.1, 3.2 Recommended Rates: Maize 3.3 litres product/ha All other crops 2.9 litres product/ha Maximum Number of Treatments: One per crop Major changes since last printing: Globally Harmonised System (GHS) Regulations added, see Section 9. This product label is compliant with the CPA Voluntary Initiative Guidance 545 Stomp® Aqua Pack Size: 10 litres in outers of two. H Stomp® Aqua Water Volume: 100-200 litres per hectare Spray Quality: FINE or MEDIUM Latest Time of Application: Winter wheat, durum wheat, winter barley, winter rye and triticale: Before leaf sheath erect stage (crop GS 30). Spring barley, potato, combining pea and sunflower: Pre-crop emergence. Forage maize (grown under temporary Pre-crop emergence. plastic mulch), Grain maize (grown under temporary plastic mulch) Bulb onion, leek, carrot and parsnip: Pre-crop emergence. Brassicas: Blackcurrant, gooseberry, apple, cherry, pear and plum: Before transplanting. Before bud burst. Strawberry: After flower initiation but before flower truss emergence. Raspberry, loganberry, Rubus hybrid, burst. blackberry: After harvest but before bud Processed Crops: Consult processors before use. Aerial Application: No Compatibility: For details of compatibilities contact your distributor, local BASF representative, the BASF Technical Services Hotline: 0845 602 2553 or visit our website on: DIRECTIONS FOR USE IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product. A herbicide for the control of annual-grass and broad-leaved weeds in a wide range of crops. 1. RESTRICTIONS/WARNINGS 1.1 Efficacy Some soil moisture must be present for Stomp Aqua to be activated. Best results will be obtained if rainfall occurs within seven days of application. Residual control may be reduced: - under prolonged dry conditions - on soils with a high Kd factor - where organic matter exceeds 6% - where ash content is high DO NOT disturb the soil after Stomp Aqua has been applied as this will result in reduced weed control. Where cultural techniques which encourage the build up of organic residues in the surface soil are practised for a number of seasons, the effectiveness of residual herbicides may be reduced. In such circumstances periodic ploughing is recommended to disperse residues into a greater volume of soil. 546 Stomp® Aqua 1.2 Soil types Stomp Aqua may be used on all mineral soil types. DO NOT use on soils with more than 10% organic matter. On stony or gravely soils there is a risk of crop damage, especially if heavy rain falls soon after application. DO NOT use on water logged soil or soils prone to water logging. 1.3 Seedbed preparation Trash and straw should be incorporated evenly during seedbed preparation. Seedbed must have a fine, firm tilth. Consolidate loose or cloddy seedbeds before use. Following pre-emergence applications, unconsolidated clods (especially if larger than 75mm (3”) diameter) may reduce the level of weed control and cause seed to be inadequately covered, which could result in crop damage. 1.4 Crop safety Extreme care should be taken to avoid damage by drift onto plants outside the target area. DO NOT apply Stomp Aqua to crops suffering from stress, which may be caused for example by pests, disease, water logging, poor seedbed conditions or previous chemical treatment. Seed should be covered with a minimum of 3.2 cm of settled soil (2.5 cm for Peas and Sunflowers, 5 cm for Maize). Shallow drilled crops should be treated post-emergence. DO NOT soil incorporate. DO NOT spray undersown crops. DO NOT undersow crops treated with Stomp Aqua. Stomp Aqua should NOT be used on protected crops, or in greenhouses. 1.5 Other Restrictions/Warnings Before using Stomp Aqua on crops to be processed please consult your processor. Concentrated or diluted Stomp Aqua will stain. Avoid spillage. Staining is minimised or completely removed if skin and clothes are washed immediately. Hose down machinery immediately after use with a spray tank cleaner. 547 H H Stomp® Aqua 2. WEED CONTROL 2.1 Cereals 2.1.1 Stomp Aqua applied alone All weed susceptibility ratings in the table below are for applications made pre-emergence of the weeds. CROPS Winter Wheat, Spring Barley Durum Wheat, Winter Barley, Winter Rye & Triticale PRODUCT Stomp Aqua Stomp Aqua RATE (litres/ha) 2.9 2.2 2.9 GRASS WEED CONTROL Annual Meadow-grass Awned Canary Grass Black-grass Rough Meadow-grass S MS S MS S MS BROAD-LEAVED WEEDS Black-bindweed Black Nightshade Cleavers Common Chickweed Common Fumitory Common Orache Common Poppy Corn Buttercup Corn Marigold Fat-hen Field Forget-me-not Field Pansy Hemp-nettle (Day Nettle) Henbit Dead-nettle Knotgrass Mayweeds Parsley Piert Red Dead-nettle Redshank (early germinating) Scarlet Pimpernel Shepherd’s Purse Small Nettle Smooth Sowthistle Speedwells Volunteer Oilseed Rape (1) S MS S S S S S S S S S MS S S S MS S S S S S MS MS S MS MS MS S S MS S S S MS S S S MS S S S S S S S S S S S S MS S S S MS S MS * (1) - = = = = = Susceptible Moderately susceptible Control may be achieved under favourable conditions Deep germinating Volunteer Oilseed Rape may not be controlled No data 548 Stomp® Aqua 2.1.2 Stomp Aqua plus tank mix partner Grass weed control CROPS Winter Wheat Winter Wheat PRODUCT Stomp Aqua Stomp Aqua 2.9 2.9 RATE (litres/ha) Tank mix partner Atlantis WG 400 g/ha + 0.5% Biopower RATE (g a.s./ha or g/ha) Lexus SX* 20 g/ha GRASS WEED CONTROL Annual Meadow-grass S up to 1st node GS 31) S pre-em, MS up to 2 lvs - - Awned Canary Grass Black-grass S up to 1st node S up to mid tiller (GS 31) Loose Silky Bent - S up to 3 lvs Rough Meadow-grass S up to 1st node (GS 31) Italian Ryegrass Perennial Ryegrass (from seed) Wild oats (Autumn germinating) MS pre-em, MS up to 2 lvs S up to stem elongation (GS 30) - S up to 1st node (GS 31) S up to 1st node (GS 31) - Broad-leaved weed control CROPS PRODUCT RATE (litres/ha) Tank mix partner Winter Wheat Winter Wheat Stomp Aqua Stomp Aqua 2.9 2.9 Atlantis WG Lexus SX RATE (g a.s./ha or g/ha) 400 g/ha + 0.5% Biopower 20 g/ha BROAD-LEAVED WEEDS Black-bindweed - - Charlock S up to 2 lvs S up to 6 lvs Cleavers S up to 2 whorl MR up to 1 whorl S up to 8 lvs MS up to 6 lvs (2) Common Chickweed Continued on next page 549 H H Stomp® Aqua Continued from previous page Common Fumitory MS pre-em S pre-em S pre-em Common Poppy S up to 8 lvs MS up to 6 lvs Corn Marigold S pre-em S pre-em Corn Spurrey - - Crane’s bill - S up to 6 lvs Fat-hen S pre-em S pre-em Field Forget-me-not S pre-em S up to 6 lvs S up to 2 lvs S pre-em Field Pansy Fools Parsley - - Groundsel - S up to 6 lvs Hemp-nettle (Day Nettle) S pre-em S pre-em Henbit Dead-nettle S pre-em S up to 6 lvs Knotgrass S pre-em S pre-em Mayweeds S up to 8 lvs S up to 6 lvs Parsley Piert S pre-em S pre-em Red Dead-nettle S pre-em S pre-em Redshank (early germinating) - - Scarlet Pimpernel S pre-em S pre-em Shepherd’s Purse S up to 4 lvs S up to 6 lvs Small Nettle S pre-em S pre-em Smooth Sowthistle S pre-em S pre-em S up to 2 lvs S pre-em S pre-em S up to 6 lvs - - Speedwells Volunteer Oilseed Rape (1) Wild radish S MS (1) (2) - MS pre-em Common Orache = = = = Susceptible Moderately susceptible. Deep germinating Volunteer Oilseed Rape may not be controlled. Regrowth of Chickweed may occur where residual activity is reduced by excessive rainfall, warm soils and/or very dry soil conditions. = No data. 550 Stomp® Aqua 2.2 Other crops All weed susceptibility ratings in the table below are for applications made pre-emergence of the weeds. CROPS PRODUCT RATE (litres/ha) Combining Onions Forage and Potatoes:peas Leeks Grain Maize (First Early, Sunflowers Transplanted (including Second Carrots Brassicas:- crops grown Early, Parsnips (Brussels under Maincrop) Strawberries sprouts, temporary Bush fruit Broccoli plastic mulch) Cane fruit Cabbages Top fruit Calabrese Cauliflowers) Stomp Aqua Stomp Aqua Stomp Aqua Stomp Aqua 2.9 2.9 3.3 2.9 Tank mix partner Sencorex WG RATE (kg or litres/ha) 0.5 kg/ha Annual Meadow-grass S S S S Black-grass - - - - Rough Meadow-grass MS MS MS MS Black & White Mustard - - - - Black bindweed - - - MS Black Nightshade - - S# - Charlock - - - S Cleavers (#) - - - MS Common Chickweed S S S S Common Fumitory (#) *MS MS MS MS Common Orache S S S S Common Poppy S S S S Corn Buttercup - - - - Corn Marigold S S S S Fat-hen S S S S Field Forget-me-not S S S S Field Pansy S S S S Groundsel - - - S Continued on next page 551 H H Stomp® Aqua Continued from previous page Hemp (Day) -nettle S S S S Henbit Dead-nettle S S S S Knotgrass S S S S Mayweeds (#) - - - S Parsley Piert S S S S Red Dead Nettle S S S S Redshank (1) - - - S Scarlet Pimpernel S S S S Shepherd’s Purse *MS MS MS MS Small Nettle S S S S Smooth Sowthistle S S S MS Speedwells S S S S MS MS MS S Volunteer Oilseed Rape (2) S MS * (1) (2) # - = = = = = = Susceptible Moderately susceptible Control may be achieved under favourable conditions. Early germinating. Deep germinating Volunteer Oilseed Rape may not be controlled. If application is followed by a period of dry conditions, or in situations where very heavy populations occur, a sequence of STOMP AQUA and a product applied post-emergence may be necessary. = No data. 2.3 Resistance management Strains of some annual grasses (eg Black-grass, Wild-Oats, and Italian Ryegrass) have developed resistance to herbicides, which may lead to poor control. A strategy for preventing and managing such resistance should be adopted. Guidelines have been produced by the Weed Resistance Action Group and copies are available from the HGCA, CPA, your distributor, crop adviser or product manufacturer. Populations of Black-grass and Italian ryegrass with high levels of enhanced metabolism resistance will not be fully controlled. Key elements of the resistance management strategy for Stomp Aqua: - Always follow WRAG guidelines for preventing and managing herbicide resistant weeds. - Maximise the use of cultural control measures wherever possible (e.g. crop rotation, ploughing, stale seedbeds, delayed drilling, etc). - Use tank mixes or sequences of effective herbicides with different modes of action within individual crops, or successive crops. - For the control of herbicide resistant grassweeds, always use Stomp Aqua in tank mix or sequence with other effective graminicides with different modes of action. 552 Stomp® Aqua - - 3. Apply pre-emergence of weeds wherever possible. If applications are delayed, apply post-emergence products/mixtures to small, actively growing weeds, especially where high levels of resistance are suspected and to reduce the risk of resistance development. Monitor fields regularly and investigate the reasons for any poor control. CROP SPECIFIC INFORMATION Stomp Aqua is recommended for use on all varieties of approved crops on any mineral soil except where indicated in the table below. 3.1 Winter wheat including Durum wheat, winter barley Stomp Aqua applied alone Product Rate Water volume Timing Seed depth Stomp Aqua 2.9 or 2.2 l/ha 100 to 200 litres/hectare. Pre-emergence of the crop to before leaf sheath erect stage (GS 30). DO NOT apply pre-emergence to crops drilled after 30th November. Seed must be covered with a MINIMUM of 3.2 cm of settled soil. ONLY treat shallow drilled crops POST-EMERGENCE. 553 H H Stomp® Aqua 3.2 Winter wheat Stomp Aqua applied in tank mix with Atlantis WG Product Rate Water volume Timing Notes Stomp Aqua + Atlantis WG + Biopower 2.9 l/ha + 400 g/ha + 0.5% 200 litres/hectare. Apply post-emergence from 2 leaves on the crop. Apply to young, actively growing weeds. Optimum timing for Black-grass control is 1-3 leaves of the Black-grass. For optimum activity, apply when weather conditions promote active weed growth. DO NOT apply to crops suffering from stress, which may be caused for example by pests, disease, water logging, poor seedbed conditions or previous chemical treatment. Under certain climatic, soil and crop conditions some slight chlorosis and stunting of the crop may occur. If frost is likely, avoid spraying non frost-hardened crops. Avoid spraying during periods of prolonged or severe frost. Control may be reduced if rain falls within 2 hours of application. Thoroughly clean all spray equipment with a proprietary sprayer cleaner immediately after spraying to avoid subsequent damage to crops other than cereals. Consult Atlantis WG product label for information on sequences with other sulfonylurea or ‘ALS-inhibiting’ herbicides. Stomp Aqua applied in tank mix with Lexus SX Product Rate Water volume Timing Notes Stomp Aqua+ Lexus SX 2.9 l/ha + 20 g/ha 100 to 200 litres/hectare. Apply post-emergence from 1 leaf on the crop. Apply to small, actively growing weeds. Optimum timing for Black-grass control is 1-2 leaves of the Black-grass. For optimum activity, apply when weather conditions promote active weed growth. DO NOT apply to crops suffering from stress, which may be caused for example by pests, disease, water logging, poor seedbed conditions or previous chemical treatment. 554 Stomp® Aqua Under certain climatic, soil and crop conditions some slight chlorosis and stunting of the crop may occur. If frost is likely, avoid spraying non frost-hardened crops. Avoid spraying during periods of prolonged or severe frost. DO NOT apply if rain is imminent. Thoroughly clean all spray equipment with a proprietary sprayer cleaner immediately after spraying to avoid subsequent damage to crops other than cereals. Consult Lexus SX product label for information on sequences with other sulfonylurea or ‘ALS-inhibiting’ herbicides. 3.3 Winter rye, Triticale Product Stomp Aqua Rate 2.9 or 2.2 l/ha Water volume 100 to 200 litres/hectare. Timing Pre-emergence of the crop to before leaf sheath erect stage, (GS 30). DO NOT apply pre-emergence to crops drilled after 30th November. Seed depth Seed must be covered with a MINIMUM of 3.2 cm of settled soil. ONLY treat shallow drilled crops POST-EMERGENCE. 3.4 Spring barley Product Rate Water volume Timing Seed depth Stomp Aqua 2.9 l/ha 100 to 200 litres/hectare. Pre-emergence of the crop. Apply Stomp Aqua as soon as possible after drilling and before emergence. Due to risk of dry soils, do not apply Stomp Aqua alone after the end of March (mid April in Scotland) unless rainfall is imminent. Seed must be covered with a MINIMUM of 3.2 cm of settled soil. 555 H H Stomp® Aqua 3.5 Combining Peas Product Rate Water volume Timing Soil types Seed depth 3.6 Stomp Aqua 2.9 l/ha 100 to 200 litres/hectare. Pre-emergence of the crop. Apply Stomp Aqua as soon as possible after sowing and final seedbed preparation. DO NOT apply if the plumule is less than 13 mm from the soil surface. Due to risk of dry soils, DO NOT apply Stomp Aqua alone after the end of March (mid April in Scotland) unless rainfall is imminent. All mineral soils except gravelly soils Seed must be covered with a MINIMUM of 2.5 cm of settled soil. Potatoes (First early, second early & maincrops) Products Rate Water volume Timing Soil types Variety Application Notes Stomp Aqua + Sencorex WG 2.9 l/ha + 0.5 kg/ha In dry conditions apply a Stomp Aqua – Sencorex WG sequence. 200 litres/hectare. Pre-emergence of the crop. Apply as soon as possible after planting and final ridging up. Loose structured ridges must be allowed time for settlement before application. DO NOT apply later than 7 days before emergence. DO NOT use on Sands (S), Gravelly or Stony soils. Read the Sencorex WG label carefully, particularly with regard to varietal restrictions. Stomp Aqua should be applied in a minimum of 200 litres of water/ha. Best weed control will be achieved with settled well-rounded ridges with few clods. If re-ridging is necessary, delay application until after the final ridging is completed. Slight distortion and discolouration of the initial shoots may occur if very heavy rain falls after application but before emergence, particularly to crops grown on very light soils. This is quickly outgrown and subsequent growth is unaffected. Read the Sencorex WG label carefully, particularly with regard to following crop restrictions. 556 Stomp® Aqua 3.7 Sunflowers Product Rate Water volume Timing Seedbed Stomp Aqua 2.9 l/ha 100 to 200 litres/hectare. Apply as soon as possible after sowing and final seedbed cultivation, before crop and weed emergence. Consolidate seedbeds after drilling to provide a firm level soil. Seed should be drilled so that after seedbed consolidation it is covered by a minimum of 2.5 cm of settled soil. 3.8 Carrots and Parsnips Product Stomp Aqua Rate 2.9 l/ha Water volume 100 to 200 litres/hectare. Timing Apply as soon as possible after drilling but before crop and weed emergence. Notes If emerged weeds are present after drilling but preemergence of the crop, Stomp Aqua may be applied in tank mix with a recommended approved contact herbicide. 3.9 Transplanted Brassicas (Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, Cabbages, Calabrese, Cauliflowers) Product Rate Water volume Timing Application Stomp Aqua 2.9 l/ha 100 to 200 litres/hectare. Apply after final plantbed cultivation but before transplanting. DO NOT apply Stomp Aqua post-planting as crop damage may occur. DO NOT apply Stomp Aqua to any transplanted brassicas when heavy rain is forecast. DO NOT incorporate and avoid all unnecessary disturbance to soil after application. When transplanting care must be taken not to introduce treated soil into the root zone. If necessary, irrigation should be used before application as some moisture is essential for the chemical to be activated. Soil types DO NOT use on crops grown on sands (CS, S, FS, LCS) or very light soils (LS, LFS, CSL), as crop damage may result. Notes If emerged weeds are present at pre-transplanting application, apply Stomp Aqua in tank mix with a recommended approved contact herbicide. 557 H H Stomp® Aqua 3.10 Bulb onions (Spring and autumn drilled or transplanted) and Leeks (drilled only) Product Rate Water volume Timing Stomp Aqua 2.9 l/ha 100 to 200 litres/hectare. Drilled crops - apply Stomp Aqua as soon as possible after drilling but before crop or weed emergence. Transplanted crops - apply Stomp Aqua pretransplanting. DO NOT apply Stomp Aqua to any onion or leek crop when heavy rain is forecast. Seed depth Seed should be covered with a minimum of 2.5 cm of settled soil. Application When transplanting, care must be taken not to introduce treated soil into the root zone. Soil types Stomp Aqua is not recommended for use on onions or leeks grown on sands (CS, S, FS, LCS) or very light soils (LS, LFS, CSL), as crop damage may result. Stomp Aqua is not recommended for use on onions or leeks grown on fen soils or other soils containing in excess of 10% organic matter, as weed control may be reduced. Notes If weeds are present, these can be controlled by applying Stomp Aqua in tank mix with a recommended contact herbicide. Read tank mix partner label carefully for restrictions on transplanted multi-seeded onions or leeks. 3.11 Forage and Grain Maize (including crops grown under temporary plastic mulch) Product Rate Water volume Timing Notes Stomp Aqua 3.3 l/ha 100 to 200 litres/hectare. Forage and Grain Maize: Maize grown under temporary plastic mulch: Pre-emergence before 4th leaf of the crop. DO NOT use on Sweetcorn or Maize grown for seed. Seed must be covered by a minimum of 5 cm of settled soil. The use of Stomp Aqua may affect the full development of crown roots which function only to anchor the plant. This has no effect on the yield of maize. If application is followed by a period of dry conditions or in situations where very heavy populations occur, a sequence of Stomp Aqua and a product applied postemergence may be necessary. 558 Stomp® Aqua 3.12 Strawberries (Maiden and Established crops) Product Rate Water volume Timing Stomp Aqua 2.9 l/ha 100 to 200 litres/hectare. Maiden Beds - runners should be planted so that roots are well covered. - good consolidation of the plantbed is necessary for good weed control. - Stomp Aqua should be applied to dormant newly planted runners in the autumn or early spring immediately after planting and prior to weed emergence. - if runners are likely to be slow in establishing due to stress conditions, such as drought, at the time of planting, the application of Stomp Aqua should be delayed until plants have established and are free of stress. - application made after runners have started growing away may reduce the initial vigour of new foliage but this will be rapidly outgrown. - DO NOT apply Stomp Aqua before October to beds newly planted with cold-stored runner or beds newly planted in late summer. - pre-planting application of Stomp Aqua is not recommended. Established beds - apply Stomp Aqua to weed free soil from autumn to early spring during the dormant period of the crop. - Stomp Aqua applied after the end of March or after the emergence of flower trusses in the spring may affect crop yield, particularly if conditions adverse to vigorous plant growth follow application. - DO NOT apply Stomp Aqua during the flower initiation period (immediately post-harvest to midSeptember). Notes Leaf growth of strawberries may be checked following applications of Stomp Aqua in the spring but, in extensive experimentation, this has been shown not to affect yield. DO NOT use Stomp Aqua on protected crops or crops grown in green houses. 559 H H Stomp® Aqua 3.13 Bush Fruit – Blackcurrants, Gooseberries Product Rate Water volume Timing Tank mixes 3.14 Stomp Aqua 2.9 l/ha 100 to 200 litres/hectare. Apply Stomp Aqua after final cultivation to weed-free soil from autumn to early spring during the dormant period of the crop before bud burst, either over the top or as a directed spray. Stomp Aqua is not recommended for use in the season of planting. If emerged weeds are present at application, Stomp Aqua may be applied as a directed spray in tank mix with a recommended approved contact herbicide. Cane Fruit – Raspberries, Loganberries, Tayberries, Blackberries Product Stomp Aqua Rate 2.9 l/ha Water volume 100 to 200 litres/hectare. Timing Apply Stomp Aqua after final cultivation to weed-free soil from autumn to early spring. Stomp Aqua is not recommended for use after the end of March unless adequate soil moisture is present as some soil moisture present is essential for the chemical to be activated. DO NOT apply to autumn fruiting raspberries. Newly planted crops: - Stomp Aqua should be applied immediately after planting. - a light ridging along the cane row before application is recommended to ensure roots are well covered. - Stomp Aqua should be applied well before the emergence of the new canes. Established crops: - Stomp Aqua should be applied as soon as the canes have been cut out and tied, but before bud burst. Tank mixes If emerged weeds are present at application, Stomp Aqua may be applied as a directed spray in tank mix with a recommended approved contact herbicide. 560 Stomp® Aqua 3.15 Top Fruit – Apples, Cherries, Pears, Plums Product Rate Water volume Timing Stomp Aqua 2.9 l/ha 100 to 200 litres/hectare. Apply Stomp Aqua to weed-free soil from autumn to early spring. Stomp Aqua is not recommended for use after the end of March unless adequate soil moisture is present as some soil moisture is essential for the chemical to be activated. Stomp Aqua is not recommended for use in the season of planting. Tank mixes If emerged weeds are present at the time of application, Stomp Aqua should be applied in tank mix with a recommended approved contact herbicide. 4. FOLLOWING CROPS 4.1 Following crops after normal harvest Before Rye grass is drilled after a very dry season, plough or cultivate to at least 15 cm. If spring crops are to be followed by crops other than cereals plough or cultivate to at least 15 cm. In the event of crop failure In the event of crop failure the land must be ploughed or thoroughly cultivated to a minimum depth of 15 cm to ensure any residues are evenly dispersed throughout the soil. The minimum intervals (specified below) should elapse between application of Stomp Aqua and the sowing of one of the following crops listed below. 4.2 Application timing Autumn Minimum interval 5 months 2 months Spring & early Summer 5 months 12 months 561 In the event of crop failure, the following crops may be drilled: Spring wheat, Spring barley, Spring Field beans, Broad beans, Dwarf beans, Brussels sprouts, Cabbage, Calabrese, Carrots, Cauliflower, Parsnips, Parsley, Peas, Potato, Linseed, Maize, Turnip Spring Field beans, Broad beans, Dwarf beans, Brussels sprouts, Cabbage, Calabrese, Carrots, Cauliflower, Parsnips, Parsley, Peas, Linseed, Turnip Any crop (with the exception of Red Beet, Sugar Beet and Spinach) may be planted or sown. Red Beet, Sugar Beet and Spinach H H Stomp® Aqua 5. MIXING AND APPLICATION 5.1 Mixing Never prepare more spray solution than is required. Three quarters fill the tank with clean water and start the agitation. To ensure thorough mixing of the product, invert the container several times before opening. Add the required quantity of Stomp Aqua to the spray tank while re-circulating. Fill up the tank with water and continue agitation until spraying is completed. On emptying the container, rinse container thoroughly by using an integrated pressure rinsing device or manually rinsing three times. Add washings to sprayer at time of filling and dispose of container safely. When tank mixes are to be used only apply within label condition’s for each product, which should be added separately to the spray tank and fully dispersed before the addition of any further product(s). Add products to the spray tank in the following order ; 1. wettable powders (WP) 2. dry flowables or water dispersible granules (WG) 3. suspensions (e.g. Stomp Aqua) 4. suspension concentrates (e.g. SC or SE) 5. emulsifiable concentrates (e.g. EW or EC) 6. soluble concentrates (SL) Maintain agitation at all times. Spray out as soon as possible after mixing. Do not let the mixture stand. 5.2 Application Ensure good, even spray cover of the target using a FINE or MEDIUM quality spray, as defined by BCPC. Apply Stomp Aqua in 100-200 l/ha. For potatoes apply Stomp Aqua in minimum 200 l/ha water. When tank mixing with other products use a minimum water volume of 150-200 l/ha depending on the tank mix partner. DO NOT use less than 50 mesh inline boom or nozzle filters. 5.3 Sprayer cleaning After spraying, thoroughly clean and flush out application machinery with a minimum of three rinses, to ensure that all traces of product are removed to avoid sticking of dried material to spray tank walls or spray lines, etc. 6. SEQUENTIAL TREATMENTS Stomp Aqua may be used in sequence with any other approved product. Leave a minimum interval of 24 hours unless longer is specified on the label. Stomp Aqua may be applied in sequence with Avadex Excel 15G provided only one product is applied pre-emergence of the crop. 7. CONTAINER AND STORAGE Stomp Aqua is supplied in 10 litres containers and should be kept dry and frostproof in a suitable pesticide store. 562 Stomp® Aqua 8. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Operator protection Engineering control of operator exposure must be used where reasonably practicable in addition to the following personal protective equipment. WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES when handling the concentrate. WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING (COVERALLS) AND SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES when applying by hand held equipment. However, engineering controls may replace personal protective equipment if a COSHH assessment shows that they provide an equal or higher standard of protection. WASH ALL PROTECTIVE CLOTHING thoroughly after use, especially the insides of gloves. WASH CONCENTRATE from skin or eyes immediately. WASH HANDS AND EXPOSED SKIN before meals and after work. AVOID ALL CONTACT BY MOUTH. DO NOT BREATHE SPRAY. Environmental protection Extreme care should be taken to avoid damage by drift onto plants outside the target area. D0 NOT contaminate water with the product or its container. (Do not clean application equipment near surface water/Avoid contamination via drains from farmyards and roads). To protect aquatic organisms respect an unsprayed buffer zone to surface water bodies in line with LERAP requirement. DO NOT ALLOW DIRECT SPRAY from horizontal boom sprayers to fall within 5 m of the top of the bank of a static or flowing water body, unless a Local Environment Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) permits a narrower buffer zone, or within 1m of the top of a ditch which is dry at the time of application. Aim spray away from water. This product qualifies for inclusion within the Local Environment Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) scheme. Before each spraying operation from a horizontal boom sprayer, either a LERAP must be carried out in accordance with CRD’s published guidance or the statutory buffer zone must be maintained. The results of the LERAP must be recorded and kept available for three years. Storage and disposal KEEP IN ORIGINAL CONTAINER, tightly closed, in a safe place. WASH OUT CONTAINER THOROUGHLY, empty washings into spray tank and dispose of safely. Keep dry and frostproof in a suitable pesticide store. 563 H H Stomp® Aqua 9. GLOBALLY HARMONISED SYSTEM (GHS) REGULATIONS Stomp® Aqua A capsule suspension containing 455 g/litre pendimethalin WARNING: VERY TOXIC TO AQUATIC LIFE WITH LONG LASTING EFFECTS. COLLECT SPILLAGE. DISPOSE OF CONTENTS/CONTAINER IN ACCORDANCE WITH LOCAL REGULATIONS. CONTAINS PENDIMETHALIN. MAY PRODUCE AN ALLERGIC REACTION. To avoid risks to human health and the environment, comply with the instructions for use This product is approved under the Plant Protection Products Regulations 564 Stomp® Aqua 10. IMPORTANT INFORMATION IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR USE ONLY AS AN AGRICULTURAL/HORTICULTURAL HERBICIDE, as directed below: Crops Maximum Individual Dose Maximum Number of Treatments Latest Time of Application Winter wheat, Durum wheat, Winter barley, Winter rye and Triticale Spring barley, potato, combining pea and sunflower 2.9 litres product/ One per crop ha Before leaf sheath erect stage (crop GS 30). 2.9 litres product/ One per crop ha Pre-crop emergence Forage maize, Grain maize Forage maize, Grain maize (grown under temporary plastic mulch) 3.3 litres product/ One per crop ha 3.3 litres product/ One per crop ha Before 4th leaf stage Pre-crop emergence 2.9 litres product/ One per crop Bulb onion ha (spring and autumn, drilled and transplanted). 2.9 litres product/ One per crop Leek ha Pre-crop emergence or before transplanting Pre-crop emergence Carrot and parsnip 2.9 litres product/ One per crop ha Pre-crop emergence Broccoli/ calabrese, Brussels sprout, Cabbage, Cauliflower 2.9 litres product/ One per crop ha Before transplanting Blackcurrant, Gooseberry 2.9 litres product/ One per year ha Before bud burst Strawberry 2.9 litres product/ One per year ha After flower initiation but before flower truss emergence 2.9 litres product/ One per year Apple, Cherry, Before bud burst ha Pear, Plum Raspberry, After harvest 2.9 litres product/ One per year Loganberry, but before ha Rubus Hybrid, bud burst Blackberry READ THE LABEL BEFORE USE. USING THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER THAT IS INCONSISTENT WITH THE LABEL MAY BE AN OFFENCE. FOLLOW THE CODE OF PRACTICE FOR USING PLANT PROTECTON PRODUCTS. MAPP No. 14664 565 H H Stomp® Aqua 566 Stroby® WG F FUNGICIDE MAFF No. 08653 Use: A protectant fungicide for use in apples for the control of apple scab, strawberries and blackcurrants for powdery mildew control and roses for the control of mildew and blackspot. Formulation: A water dispersible granule containing 50% w/w kresoximmethyl. Pack Size: 600 grams in outers of ten. Recommended Crops: Apples Strawberries (outdoor and protected) Blackcurrants (outdoor) Roses (outdoor and protected) See Section No: 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Recommended Rates: Various, depending on crop. Water Volume: 50-2000 litres per hectare, depending on crop and situation. Latest Time of Application: Apples: 35 days before harvest. Strawberries: 14 days before harvest. Blackcurrants: 14 days before harvest. Roses: Not applicable. Processed Crops: Consult processors before use. Safety to Bees: Harmless to honey bees and may be applied during flowering. See Section 5. Aerial Application: No Compatibility: For details of compatibilities contact your distributor, local BASF representative, the BASF Technical Services Hotline: 0845 602 2553 or visit our website on: Major changes since last printing: None This product label is compliant with the CPA Voluntary Initiative Guidance 567 Stroby® WG Spray Quality: FINE or MEDIUM F Stroby® WG DIRECTIONS FOR USE IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and effective use of the product. Stroby WG is a novel strobilurin (Qol) fungicide with excellent protectant activity for control of leaf and fruit scab in apples leading to an increase in the production of quality fruits. When Stroby WG is used for control of apple scab a reduction of apple powdery mildew may also be obtained. Stroby WG also gives protectant activity for control of powdery mildew in strawberries and blackcurrants and mildew and blackspot on roses. 1. RESTRICTIONS/WARNINGS Stroby WG has not been tested on all rose varieties and it is therefore advisable to test a small area of plants first for sensitivity under the given growing conditions. Integrated pest management: The suitability for use of Stroby WG in integrated pest management (IPM) systems has not been fully assessed, although studies have demonstrated safety to the predatory mite Typhlodromus pyri and to the ladybird Coccinella septempunctata. Safety to bees. Stroby WG is harmless to honey bees and may be applied during flowering. Consideration should however be given to informing local bee keepers when intending to spray orchards in flower. Consult processors before use. Avoid spray drift on to neighbouring crops. Use a minimum water volume of 200 litres per hectare in tank mix. Wash equipment thoroughly after use. 2. RESISTANCE In order to minimise risk of resistance, Stroby WG should be used in a programme with products of different chemical groups, in sequence and/or tank-mix. Apples Use a maximum of four applications of Stroby WG per year. Where the total number of annual fungicidal treatments to the crops is less than twelve, the maximum number of treatments with Stroby WG or other QoI products should be three. DO NOT use Stroby WG as the final spray in the season. DO NOT use more than two applications of Stroby WG consecutively. Blocks of two applications of Stroby WG must be separated by a minimum of two applications of a fungicide from a different cross-resistance group. Blackcurrants, strawberries and roses DO NOT apply more than three applications of Stroby WG per year. DO NOT use consecutive applications of Stroby WG, and alternate with fungicides from a different cross resistance group. Use a maximum of one QoI spray out of three fungicide applications. Protected strawberries and roses DO NOT use consecutive applications of Stroby WG and alternate with fungicides from a different cross-resistance group. DO NOT apply more than three applications of Stroby WG per year. 568 Stroby® WG 3. CROPS 3.1 Apples Apply as a FINE spray as defined by BCPC. Time of Application For optimum results apply Stroby WG from bud burst prior to disease development and repeat at 10-14 day intervals. Use a maximum of four applications per year. Where disease pressure is high, use the shorter spray interval for optimum disease control. Rate of Application Apply 0.2 kg Stroby WG per hectare, ensuring good coverage of the trees in the water volumes given below. Water volumes Conventional volumes: apply Stroby WG in 200 to 2000 litres water per hectare. DO NOT exceed 2000 litres water per hectare. Ultra low volumes (ULV): Stroby WG may be applied in ultra low water volumes but disease control may be reduced. DO NOT use less than 50 litres water per hectare. Harvest Interval The following minimum interval must be observed between the final application and harvest: Apples: 35 days. 3.2 Strawberries – (outdoor and protected) control of powdery mildew Apply as a MEDIUM spray, as defined by BCPC. Time of Application For optimum results apply Stroby WG as a protectant spray to new growth and repeat at 7 to 14 day intervals. Where disease pressure is high, use the shorter spray interval. DO NOT apply more than three applications per year. Rate of Application Apply 0.3 kg Stroby WG in 450 to 1000 litres water per hectare, ensuring good coverage of foliage. Harvest Interval The following minimum interval must be observed between the final application and harvest: Strawberries: 14 days. 3.3 Blackcurrants – control of powdery mildew Apply as a FINE or MEDIUM spray, as defined by BCPC, ensuring adequate coverage of foliage. Time of Application Apply Stroby WG at the start of extension growth and repeat at 10 to 14 day intervals. Use a maximum of three applications per year. Rate of Application Apply 0.2 kg Stroby WG in 500 to 1600 litres of water. Use a sufficient water volume to achieve good coverage of the bushes without causing run-off. Harvest Interval The following minimum interval must be observed between the final application and harvest: Blackcurrants: 14 days. 569 F F Stroby® WG 3.4 Roses – (outdoor and protected) control of powdery mildew and blackspot Time of Application Apply at the start of infestation, or when the first symptoms become visible, and repeat at 7 to 14 day intervals. Use a maximum of three applications per year. Rate of Application Apply Stroby WG as a 0.03% concentration, based on 1000 litres water per hectare (0.3 kg/ha). Water Volume Water volumes should be based on size of plants at application and local conditions ensuring good coverage of foliage. DO NOT exceed a total volume of 1000 litres per hectare. Varietal Tolerance Stroby WG has not been tested on all rose varieties and it is therefore advisable to test a small area of plants first for sensitivity under the given growing conditions. 4. INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT The suitability for use of Stroby WG in integrated pest management (IPM) systems has not been fully assessed, although studies have demonstrated safety to the predatory mite Typhlodromus pyri and to the ladybird Coccinella septempunctata. 5. SAFETY TO BEES Stroby WG is harmless to honey bees and may be applied during flowering. Consideration should however be given to informing local beekeepers when intending to spray orchards in flower. 6. MIXING AND SPRAYING Remove the top filter. Three quarters fill the spray tank with clean water and start the agitation. Loading directly into spray tank: Slowly add the required amount of product. Add the remainder of the water. Replace the top filter and continue agitation until spraying is completed. Loading by induction hopper: Ensure the hopper is suitable for handling water dispersible granules. Set to give maximum suction and slowly pour the Stroby WG into the outlet, adding the correct amount of product for the area to be treated. Ensure the sides of the hopper are being rinsed with water as the product is poured into the hopper, avoiding a build up of product. Once the correct amount of Stroby WG has been added, (ensuring the hopper is clean) add the remainder of the water and replace the top filter. Continue agitation until spraying is completed. When tank mixes are to be used, each product should be added separately to the spray tank taking due note of any instructions given as to the order of mixing. Use a minimum of 200 litres water per hectare when used in tank mix. All tank mixes should be used immediately after mixing. In apples apply as a FINE spray as defined by BCPC. In strawberries, apply as a MEDIUM spray, as defined by BCPC. In blackcurrants, apply as a FINE or MEDIUM spray, as defined by BCPC, ensuring adequate coverage of foliage. In roses, water volumes should be based on size of plants at application and local conditions ensuring good coverage of foliage. DO NOT exceed a total volume of 1000 litres per hectare. 570 Stroby® WG 7. CONTAINER AND STORAGE Stroby WG is supplied in 600 g containers and should be kept dry and frostproof in a suitable pesticide store. 8. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Operator protection WASH HANDS AND EXPOSED SKIN before meals and after work. WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING AND GLOVES. Environmental protection DO NOT contaminate surface waters or ditches with chemical or used container DO NOT ALLOW DIRECT SPRAY from broadcast air-assisted spraying equipment to fall within 5 m of the top of the bank of a static or flowing water body, unless a Local Environmental Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) permits a narrower buffer zone, or within 5 m of the top of a ditch which is dry at the time of application. Aim spray away from water. This product qualifies for inclusion within the Local Environmental Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) scheme for broadcast air-assisted sprayers. Before each spraying operation from a broadcast airassisted sprayer, either a LERAP must be carried out in accordance with CRD’s published guidance or the statutory buffer zone must be maintained. The results of the LERAP must be recorded and kept available for inspection for three years. Storage and disposal KEEP IN ORIGINAL CONTAINER, tightly closed, in a safe place. RINSE OUT CONTAINER THOROUGHLY, by using an integrated pressure rinsing device or manually rinsing three times. Add washings into spray tank and dispose of safely. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDINGSTUFFS. WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE. Keep dry and frostproof in a suitable pesticide store 571 F F Stroby® WG 9. DPD REGULATIONS (CHIP 3) Stroby® WG A water dispersible granule containing 50% w/w kresoxim-methyl. LIMITED EVIDENCE OF A CARCINOGENIC EFFECT. VERY TOXIC TO AQUATIC ORGANISMS, MAY CAUSE LONG TERM ADVERSE EFFECTS IN THE AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDINGSTUFFS. WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE. THIS MATERIAL AND ITS CONTAINER MUST BE DISPOSED OF IN A SAFE WAY. Wear suitable protective clothing and gloves. IF SWALLOWED, seek medical advice immediately and show this container or label. USE APPROPRIATE CONTAINMENT TO AVOID ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAMINATION. To avoid risks to man and the environment, comply with the instructions for use. This product is approved under the Plant Protection Products Regulations 1995. 10. IMPORTANT INFORMATION IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR USE ONLY AS A HORTICULTURAL FUNGICIDE as directed below: Crops Maximum Maximum Latest time individual number of of application dose treatments Apples 0.2 kg 4 per year 35 days before product/ha harvest Blackcurrant 0.2 kg 3 per year 14 days before (outdoor) product/ha harvest Strawberry 0.3 kg 3 per year 14 days before (outdoor and product/ha harvest protected) Ornamental Plant 0.3 kg 3 per year – Production product/ha (outdoor and protected roses) READ THE LABEL BEFORE USE. USING THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER THAT IS INCONSISTENT WITH THE LABEL MAY BE AN OFFENCE. FOLLOW THE CODE OF PRACTICE FOR USING PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCTS. (MAFF No. 08653) 572 Stronghold® P PLANT GROWTH REGULATOR MAFF No. 09134 Use: A plant growth regulator for use in winter wheat. Formulation: A soluble concentrate containing 345 g/litre (32.2% w/w) chlormequat chloride plus 115 g/litre (10.7% w/w) mepiquat chloride. Pack size: 10 litres in outers of 2 Recommended crops: Winter wheat Maximum individual dose: 2 litres per hectare Maximum total dose: 2 litres per hectare Spray quality: MEDIUM Water volume: 220 litres per hectare Aerial application: No Compatibility: For details of compatibilities contact your distributor, local BASF representative, the Technical Services Hotline: 0845 602 2553 or visit our website on: Major changes since last printing: None This product label is compliant with the CPA Voluntary Initiative Guidance 573 Stronghold® Latest time of application: Before third node detectable P Stronghold® DIRECTIONS FOR USE IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product. Stronghold is a plant growth regulator for lodging control in winter wheat. 1. RESTRICTIONS/WARNINGS Do not apply to any crop suffering from herbicide damage or physical stress caused by waterlogging, drought or other conditions. Crops with a substantial moisture deficit should not be treated. Avoid spray drift on to neighbouring crops. Do not apply Stronghold if rain or frost is expected, nor if the crop is wet. Do not apply if significant foot disease problems are expected, particularly with Take-all. Do not apply Stronghold to crops on soils of low fertility unless these soils regularly receive adequate dressings of nitrogen fertilisers. Do not apply in temperatures above 21°C, in these conditions it is best to apply Stronghold in the evening. Do not use straw from Stronghold treated crops as a horticultural growth medium or mulch. Growers should inform the appropriate seed merchant beforehand whenever the use of Stronghold on a seed crop being grown for certification is intended, as diagnostic characteristics may be altered. Partial lodging may occur at later stages, though this leaning effect may be desirable to prevent ear loss from stiff strawed crops. Caution is needed if using mixtures of liquid nitrogen fertilisers and Stronghold as scorching may result in certain circumstances. 2. LODGING CONTROL Stronghold is a valuable input for high yield winter wheat growing systems. The influence of Stronghold on growth will vary according to the crop and its stage of growth at the time of application. Application at early stem extension can lower crop height and the sturdier growth reduces the risk of early lodging which is known to adversely affect grain yield. 3. CROPS Stronghold is only recommended for use on winter wheat. Do not apply to winter varieties sown in the spring. Stronghold may be applied to crops undersown with grasses and/or clovers. Stronghold should be applied to crops during good growing conditions at the correct timing. Time of Application For yield benefit and lodging control in lower lodging risk situations apply Stronghold from the leaf sheath lengthening stage up to and including the second node detectable stage. The optimum application time is the leaf sheaths erect stage just prior to the first node detectable stage. Rate of Application Apply 2.0 litres Stronghold in a minimum of 220 litres of water per hectare 574 Stronghold® 4. MIXING AND SPRAYING Apply as a MEDIUM spray, as defined by BCPC. Half fill the spray tank with clean water and start the agitation. Pour in the required amount of Stronghold. Add the remainder of the water and continue agitation until spraying is completed. When tank mixes are to be used, each product should be added separately to the spray tank, taking due note of any instructions given as to the order of mixing. Wash equipment thoroughly after use 5. CONTAINER AND STORAGE Stronghold is supplied in 10 litres containers and should be kept dry and frost proof in a suitable pesticide store. 6. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Operator protection Engineering control of operator exposure must be used where reasonably practicable in addition to the following items of personal protective equipment: WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES when handling the concentrate. However, engineering controls may replace personal protective equipment if a COSHH assessment shows that they provide an equal or higher standard of protection. WASH CONCENTRATE from skin or eyes immediately. DO NOT BREATHE SPRAY. WASH HANDS AND EXPOSED SKIN before meals and after work. WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE. KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDINGSTUFFS. IF YOU FEEL UNWELL, seek medical advice (show label where possible). Environmental protection Do not contaminate surface waters or ditches with chemical or used container. Storage and disposal DO NOT RE-USE CONTAINER for any purpose. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. KEEP IN ORIGINAL CONTAINER, tightly closed in a safe place. RINSE CONTAINER THOROUGHLY by using an integrated pressure rinsing device or manually rinsing three times. Add washings to sprayer at time of filling and dispose of safely. Keep dry and frost proof in a suitable pesticides store. 575 P P Stronghold® 7. DPD REGULATIONS (CHIP 3) Stronghold® A soluble concentrate containing 345 g/litre chlormequat chloride and 115 g/litre mepiquat chloride. HARMFUL IF SWALLOWED. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDING STUFFS WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE IF SWALLOWED, SEEK MEDICAL ADVICE IMMEDIATELY AND SHOW THIS CONTAINER OR LABEL. To avoid risks to man and the environment, comply with the instructions for use. This product is approved under the Plant Protection Products Regulations 1995. 8. IMPORTANT INFORMATION IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR USE ONLY AS AN AGRICULTURAL PLANT GROWTH REGULATOR as directed below: Crops Maximum Maximum Latest time individual total dose of application dose per per crop hectare Winter wheat 2.0 litres 2.0 litres Before third product/ha product/ha node detectable stage Other Specific Restrictions: When applied in sequence with other products containing chlormequat chloride, the maximum total dose applied must not exceed 2222 grams chlormequat chloride per hectare per crop. When applied in sequence with other products containing mepiquat chloride, the maximum total dose applied must not exceed 762 grams mepiquat chloride per hectare per crop. READ THE LABEL BEFORE USE. USING THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER THAT IS INCONSISTENT WITH THE LABEL MAY BE AN OFFENCE. FOLLOW THE CODE OF PRACTICE FOR USING PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCTS. (MAFF No. 09134) 576 Sunorg® Pro Caramba® 90/ Juventus® F FUNGICIDE Sunorg Pro MAPP No. 15433 Caramba 90 MAPP No. 15524 Juventus MAPP No. 15528 Use: A fungicide for the control of a wide range of diseases in winter and spring wheat, durum wheat, winter and spring barley, triticale, rye, oilseed rape, peas, field beans and lupins; and a spring plant growth regulator in oilseed rape. Formulation: An emulsifiable concentrate containing 90 g/litre metconazole. Recommended Crops: Winter wheat, spring wheat, durum wheat, winter barley, spring barley, triticale, rye, oilseed rape, combining peas, vining peas, field beans and lupins. Recommended Rate: Oilseed rape, combining peas, vining peas, field beans and lupins: Winter wheat, spring wheat, durum wheat, winter barley, spring barley, triticale, rye: Maximum Total Dose: Oilseed rape, combining peas, vining peas, field beans and lupins: Winter wheat, spring wheat, durum wheat, winter barley, spring barley, triticale, rye: Water volume: Oilseed rape, combining peas, vining peas, field beans and lupins: Winter wheat, spring wheat, durum wheat, winter barley, spring barley, triticale, rye: 0.8 litres per hectare. 1 litre per hectare. 1.6 litres/hectare/crop. 2.0 litres/hectare/crop. 90 - 400 litres per hectare. 110 – 300 litres per hectare. Spray Quality: MEDIUM Latest Time of Application: Oilseed rape: combining peas, vining peas, field beans and lupins: Winter wheat, spring wheat, durum wheat, winter barley, spring barley, triticale, rye stage). 10% of pods at final size. 14 days before harvest. Up to and including GS 71 (caryopsis watery ripe Major changes since last printing: Globally Harmonised System (GHS) Regulations added, see Section 8. This product label is compliant with the CPA Voluntary Initiative Guidance 577 Sunorg® Pro/Caramba® 90/Juventus® Pack Size: 5 litres in outers of four. Sunorg® Pro/Caramba®90/Juventus® Processed Crops: Consult processor before use. Aerial Application: No Compatibility: For details of compatibilities contact your distributor, local BASF representative, the BASF Technical Services Hotline: 0845 602 2553 or visit our website on: DIRECTIONS FOR USE IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product. Sunorg Pro/Caramba 90/Juventus is a broad spectrum fungicide with curative and protectant activity, which can be used on all commercial varieties of winter and spring wheat, durum wheat, winter and spring barley, triticale and rye. Sunorg Pro/Caramba 90/Juventus can also be used on oilseed rape, field beans, combining and vining peas and lupins. When applied to oilseed rape in the spring, Sunorg Pro/Caramba 90/ Juventus can provide plant growth regulation in the form of a reduction in crop height. 1. RESTRICTIONS/WARNINGS DO NOT apply to oilseed rape crops that are damaged or stressed from factors such as previous product use, adverse weather conditions (e.g. drought, frost or waterlogging), nutrient deficiency or pest attacks. Sunorg Pro/Caramba 90/Juventus is formulated specifically for use on oilseed rape and legumes. The addition of further adjuvants is not advised. Sunorg Pro/Caramba 90/Juventus should NOT be applied with pyrethroids to flowering oilseed rape. Ensure sprayer is free from previous chemical residues that may harm the crop. Use of a detergent cleaner is advised before and after use. Avoid spray drift on to neighbouring crops and field margins. Winter barley Spring barley Triticale Rye Cereals Sunorg Pro/Caramba 90/Juventus is a broad spectrum fungicide with curative and protectant activity which can be used on all commercial varieties of winter and spring wheat, durum wheat, winter and spring barley, triticale and rye for disease control as summarised below: Durum wheat CROP RECOMMENDATIONS 2.1 Spring wheat 2. Winter wheat F Septoria tritici C C C - - C - Yellow rust C C C C C C C Brown rust C C C C C C C Rhynchosporium - - - R R - - Net blotch - - - R R - - Powdery mildew MC MC MC MC MC MC MC Ear Fusarium GR GR GR - - GR - C = Full control MC = Moderate control GR = good reduction R = Reduction 578 Sunorg® Pro/Caramba®90/Juventus® Time of Application Apply as soon as diseases start to develop in the crop and repeat as required. Application at an early stage of mildew development (not more than 3% infection on any green leaf) will give moderate control. Where mildew has become established, the use of a specific mildewicide will improve control and help prevent the development of resistant strains. For optimum results on yellow rust apply before any leaf has more than 1% infection or as a preventative treatment on susceptible varieties after the flag leaf has fully emerged (GS 39). Good reduction of ear Fusarium may be achieved when applied between full ear emergence and anthesis complete (GS 69). For control of brown rust treat susceptible varieties as soon as rust is seen and spray more resistant varieties before any of the top three leaves have more than 1-2% infection. Spray as soon as net blotch is seen on any of the top three leaves. A further treatment will be necessary where disease is well established Rate of Application 1.0 l/ha. 2.2 Oilseed rape All varieties of oilseed rape may be treated. Disease control Sunorg Pro/Caramba 90/Juventus provides control of Alternaria, and a reduction of phoma leaf spot, phoma stem canker (Phoma lingam) and light leaf spot. Oilseed rape Alternaria spp Phoma leaf spot & phoma stem canker (phoma lingam) Light leaf spot Control Reduction Reduction Time of Application Apply as soon as diseases start to develop, and repeat as required. Rate of Application 0.8 l/ha. Crop height reduction When applied to oilseed rape in the spring, Sunorg Pro/Caramba 90/Juventus can provide plant growth regulation in the form of a reduction in crop height. Time of Application Apply during stem extension in the spring, once the oilseed rape crop is actively growing (GS 31-51) Rate of Application 0.8 l/ha. 579 F F Sunorg® Pro/Caramba®90/Juventus® 2.3 Combining Peas, Vining Peas, Field Beans and Lupins All varieties of peas and field beans may be treated. Consult processor before using on vining peas grown for processing. Safety to lupins has not been established. If possible, a small area of the lupin crop should be treated before treating the whole crop. Disease control Sunorg Pro/Caramba 90/Juventus can be used for the reduction of Ascochyta and Mycosphaerella species, the reduction of Botrytis and the control of rust on peas. Combining peas, Vining peas Field beans Ascochyta Mycosphaerella Botrytis Rust Reduction Reduction Reduction Control - - - Control Qualified Minor Use Recommendations Sunorg Pro/Caramba 90/Juventus can be used for the reduction of Ascochyta, the reduction of Botrytis and the control of rust on lupins. Lupins Ascochyta Mycosphaerella Botrytis Rust Reduction - Reduction Control Ascochyta Mycosphaerella Botrytis Rust Start of flowering* Start of flowering* Mid flowering* First sign of rust pustules* - - - Start of petal fall* Start of petal fall* - Start of petal fall* Start of petal fall* Time of Application Combining peas, Vining peas Field beans Lupins *repeat 3-4 weeks later, if required. Rate of Application 0.8 l/ha 3. RESISTANCE MANAGEMENT Caramba contains metconazole, a DMI fungicide. Resistance to some DMI fungicides has been identified in Septoria leaf blotch (Mycosphaerella graminicola) which may seriously affect the performance of some products. For further advice on resistance management in DMIs contact your agronomist or specialist advisor, and visit the FRAG-UK website. Cereal Powdery mildew strains with decreased sensitivity to triazoles are common in the UK. Where these occur or develop, Sunorg Pro/Caramba 90/ Juventus may not give satisfactory control. For crop/pathogen situations where repeated spray applications are required, alternation or mixtures with an effective non cross-resistant fungicide are recommended. Fungicide use does not replace the need for non-chemical cultural control methods e.g. resistant crop varieties, good agronomic practice, plant hygiene. 568 580 Sunorg® Pro/Caramba®90/Juventus® 4. FOLLOWING CROPS After treating a cereal, oilseed rape or legume crop with Sunorg Pro/Caramba 90/Juventus, the crops listed below may be sown as a following crop: Beans Cabbage Carrots Cereals Clover Lettuce Linseed Maize Oilseed rape Onions Peas Potatoes Ryegrass Sugar beet Sunflower The effects of Sunorg Pro/Caramba 90/Juventus on other crops has not been assessed. 5. MIXING AND APPLICATION 5.1 Mixing Never prepare more spray solution than is required. Three quarters fill the tank with water and start the agitation. To ensure thorough mixing of the product, invert the container several times before opening. Add the required quantity of Sunorg Pro/Caramba 90/Juventus to the spray tank while re-circulating. Fill up the tank with water and continue agitation until spraying is completed. On emptying the container, rinse container thoroughly by using an integrated pressure rinsing device or manually rinsing three times. Add washings to spray tank at time of filling and dispose of container safely. 5.2 Application In cereals apply Sunorg Pro/Caramba 90/Juventus in 200 to 300 l/ha water. In oilseed rape and legumes apply Sunorg Pro/Caramba 90/Juventus in 200400 l/ha water. Apply as a MEDIUM spray, as defined by BCPC. In dense crops use the higher volume to achieve adequate penetration and good coverage of the crop. To ensure optimum spray coverage and minimize spray drift, adjust the spray boom to the appropriate height above the crop, in according to guidance provided by the sprayer and/or nozzle manufacture. Sprayers should be thoroughly cleaned out immediately after use. Qualified approval Sunorg Pro/Caramba 90/Juventus may be applied in reduced water volumes as specified in the table below, although efficacy at this reduced volume has not been evaluated. Application of this product at reduced-volume is at user’s risk with regard to biological efficacy. Crop Winter wheat Spring wheat Durum wheat Winter barley Spring barley Triticale Rye Oilseed rape Peas Beans Lupins Rate 1.0 litres per hectare Minimum water volume 110 litres per hectare 0.8 litres per hectare 90 litres per hectare 581 569 F F Sunorg® Pro/Caramba®90/Juventus® 6. CONTAINER AND STORAGE Sunorg Pro/Caramba 90/Juventus is supplied in 5 litre containers and should be kept dry and frostproof in a suitable pesticide store. 7. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Operator protection Engineering control of operator exposure must be used where reasonably practicable in addition to the following personal protective equipment: WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES AND FACE PROTECTION (FACESHIELD) when handling the concentrate. WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES when handling contaminated surfaces. However, engineering controls may replace personal protective equipment if a COSHH assessment shows that they provide an equal or higher standard of protection. IF YOU FEEL UNWELL, seek medical advice immediately (show the label where possible). WASH ALL PROTECTIVE CLOTHING thoroughly after use, especially the insides of gloves. WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE. Environmental protection DO NOT CONTAMINATE SURFACE WATERS OR DITCHES with chemical or used container. DO NOT contaminate water with the product or its container. Do not clean application equipment near surface water. Avoid contamination via drains from farmyards and roads. To protect aquatic organisms respect an unsprayed buffer zone to surface water bodies in line with LERAP requirements. DO NOT ALLOW DIRECT SPRAY from horizontal boom sprayers to fall within 5 metres of the top of the bank of a static or flowing water body, unless a Local Environmental Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) permits a narrower buffer zone, or within 1 metre from the top of a ditch which is dry at the time of application. DO NOT ALLOW DIRECT SPRAY from hand-held sprayers to fall within 1 metre of the top of the bank of a static or flowing water body. Aim spray away from water. This product qualifies for inclusion within the Local Environmental Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) scheme. Before each spraying operation from a horizontal boom sprayer, either a LERAP must be carried out in accordance with CRD’s published guidance or the statutory buffer zone must be maintained. The results of the LERAP must be recorded and kept available for three years. Storage and disposal KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDINGSTUFFS KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN KEEP IN ORIGINAL CONTAINER, tightly closed, in a safe place RINSE CONTAINER THOROUGHLY by using an integrated pressure rinsing device or manually rinsing three times. Add washings to sprayer at time of filling and dispose of container safely. DO NOT RE-USE CONTAINER for any purpose PROTECT FROM FROST. DO NOT STORE IN DIRECT SUNLIGHT. 582 Sunorg® Pro/Caramba®90/Juventus® 8. GLOBALLY HARMONISED SYSTEM (GHS) REGULATIONS Sunorg® Pro/Caramba®90/Juventus® An emulsifiable concentrate containing 90 g/litre metconazole and diethylene glycol. WARNING: CAUSES SERIOUS EYE IRRITATION. MAY CAUSE DAMAGE TO ORGANS THROUGH PROLONGED OR REPEATED EXPOSURE. SUSPECTED OF DAMAGING THE UNBORN CHILD. TOXIC TO AQUATIC LIFE WITH LONG LASTING EFFECTS. DO NOT BREATHE VAPOURS. OBTAIN SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE USE. WEAR PROTECTIVE GLOVES/CLOTHING. IF EXPOSED OR CONCERNED: GET MEDICAL ADVICE/ ATTENTION. GET MEDICAL ADVICE/ATTENTION IF YOU FEEL UNWELL. COLLECT SPILLAGE. To avoid risks to human health and the environment, comply with the instructions for use This product is approved under the Plant Protection Products Regulations. 583 F F Sunorg® Pro/Caramba®90/Juventus® 9. IMPORTANT INFORMATION IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR USE ONLY AS AN AGRICULTURAL FUNGICIDE AND PLANT GROWTH REGULATOR, as directed below: Crop Winter wheat, Spring barley, Durum wheat Winter barley Spring barley Triticale Rye Oilseed rape Combining peas, vining peas, field beans and lupins Maximum Individual Dose 1 litre product/ha Maximum Total Dose Per Crop 2 litres product/ha Latest Time of Application Up to and including GS 71, (caryopsis watery ripe stage) 0.8 litres product/ha 1.6 litres product/ha 0.8 litres product/ha 1.6 litres product/ha 10% of pods at final size 14 days before harvest Other specific restrictions: A minimum interval of 14 days must be observed between applications on oilseed rape, peas, beans and lupin. A minimum interval of 21 days must be observed between applications on cereals. To protect birds, only one application is allowed on cereals before GS 29 (end of tillering). READ THE LABEL BEFORE USE. USING THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER THAT IS INCONSISTENT WITH THE LABEL MAY BE AN OFFENCE. FOLLOW THE CODE OF PRACTICE FOR USING PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCTS. (Sunorg Pro MAPP No. 15433) (Caramba 90 MAPP No. 15524) (Juventus MAPP No. 15528) 584 Swing® Gold F FUNGICIDE MAPP No. 16081 Use: A protectant and curative fungicide for use in winter wheat, spring wheat and durum wheat to control late season diseases of wheat. Formulation: A suspension concentrate containing 133 g/litre (12.5% w/w) dimoxystrobin plus 50 g/litre (4.7% w/w) epoxiconazole. Pack Size: 5 litres in outers of four. Recommended Crop: Winter wheat, spring wheat and durum wheat Recommended Rates: 1.5 litres per hectare. Water Volume: 200 - 300 litres per hectare. Spray Quality: MEDIUM NOTE: DO NOT apply before the start of ear emergence. Maximum Number of Treatments: 1 per crop. Aerial Application: No Compatibility: For details of compatibilities contact your distributor, local BASF representative, the BASF Technical Services Hotline: 0845 602 2553 or visit our website on: Major changes since last printing: None. This product label is compliant with the CPA Voluntary Initiative Guidance 585 Swing® Gold Latest Time of Application: Up to and including flowering (anthesis) complete (GS 69). F Swing® Gold DIRECTIONS FOR USE IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product. Swing Gold is a fungicide with prophylactic and curative properties for the control of late season diseases in winter wheat, spring wheat and durum wheat 1. RESTRICTIONS/WARNINGS DO NOT apply before the start of ear emergence (GS 51). Consult processor before use. This product may cause damage to broad-leaved plant species. Avoid spray drift on to neighbouring crops. Wash equipment thoroughly after use. 2. DISEASE CONTROL Swing Gold is a fungicide with prophylactic and some curative properties for use in winter wheat, spring wheat and durum wheat for the preventative control of Fusarium Ear Blight and Brown Rust. Application of Swing Gold can help to reduce levels of the mycotoxin deoxynivalenol in harvested grain. Disease control is summarised in the table below: Winter wheat Spring wheat Durum wheat Brown rust C C C Fusarium ear blight # C C C C = Control # Application of Swing Gold to ears of wheat can lead to reduction of the levels of the mycotoxin deoxynivalenol (DON) associated with Fusarium ear blight infection, but this level of effect may not necessarily lead to reduction of DON below the statutory limit in wheat grain. Resistance Management Swing Gold contains dimoxystrobin a member of the QoI cross-resistance group. Swing Gold should be used preventatively and should not be relied upon for its curative potential. When curative activity is needed apply QoI fungicides in mixture with a suitable dose of a curative fungicide from a different cross-resistance group. Swing Gold meets this requirement as it contains epoxiconazole. To ensure the effectiveness of the epoxiconazole component as a partner Swing Gold should always be applied at the full recommended rate. Use Swing Gold as part of an Integrated Crop Management (ICM) strategy incorporating other methods of control, including where appropriate other fungicides with a different mode of action. You must not apply more than two foliar applications of QoI containing products to any cereal crop. There is a significant risk of widespread resistance occurring in Septoria tritici populations in the UK. Failure to follow resistance management action may result in reduced levels of disease control. Swing Gold contains epoxiconazole, a DMI fungicide. Resistance to some DMI fungicides has been identified in Septoria leaf blotch (Mycosphaerella graminicola) which may seriously affect the performance of some products. For further advice on resistance management in DMIs contact your agronomist or specialist advisor and visit the FRAG-UK website. 586 Swing® Gold 3. CROPS Swing Gold is a fungicide for use in winter wheat spring wheat and durum wheat. Time of Application Apply Swing Gold from the start of ear emergence (GS 51). A single application can be made up to and including flowering just complete (GS 69). Rate of Application Apply 1.5 litres Swing Gold in 200 to 300 litres of water per hectare. Qualified recommendation If required, water volumes down to 100 litres per hectare may be used, however these have not been supported by effectiveness or crop safety data. 4. FOLLOWING CROPS After treating a wheat crop with Swing Gold onions, oats, sugar beet, oilseed rape, cabbages, carrots, sunflowers, barley, lettuce, ryegrass, dwarf French beans, peas, potatoes, clover, wheat, field beans and maize may be sown as the following crop. The effect of Swing Gold on other crops has not been assessed. 5. MIXING AND SPRAYING Apply as a MEDIUM spray, as defined by BCPC. Never prepare more spray solution than is required. Three quarters fill the tank with clean water and start the agitation. To ensure thorough mixing of the product, invert the container several times before opening. Add the required quantity of Swing Gold to the spray tank while re-circulating. Add the remainder of the water and continue agitation until spraying is complete. When tank mixes are to be used, take due note of any instructions given as to the order of mixing. Each product should be added separately to the spray tank and fully dispersed before the addition of any further product(s). All tank mixes should be used immediately after mixing. 6. CONTAINER AND STORAGE Swing Gold is supplied in 5 litre containers and should be kept dry and frostproof in a suitable pesticide store. 587 F F Swing® Gold 7. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Operator protection Engineering control of operator exposure must be used where reasonably practicable in addition to the following personal protective clothing: WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING (COVERALLS) AND SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES when handling the concentrate and when handling contaminated surfaces. However, engineering controls may replace personal protective equipment if a COSHH assessment shows they provide an equal or higher standard of protection. IF SWALLOWED, seek medical advice immediately and show this container or label. If you feel unwell, seek medical advice (show the label where possible). WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE. WASH HANDS AND EXPOSED SKIN before meals and after work. Environmental protection DO NOT contaminate water with the product or its container. DO NOT clean application equipment near surface water. Avoid contamination via drains from farmyards and roads. To protect aquatic organisms respect an unsprayed buffer zone to surface water bodies in line with LERAP requirements. DO NOT ALLOW DIRECT SPRAY from horizontal boom sprayers to fall within 5 meters of the top of the bank of a static or flowing waterbody, or within 1m of the top of a ditch which is dry at the time of application. Aim spray away from water. This product qualifies for inclusion within the Local Environment Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) scheme. The statutory buffer zone must be maintained and the distance recorded in the LERAP record form. The LERAP record form must be kept available for three years. Storage and disposal DO NOT RE-USE container for any purpose. KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDINGSTUFFS. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. RINSE CONTAINER THOROUGHLY by using an integrated pressure rinsing device or manually rinsing three times. Add washings to sprayer at time of filling and dispose of safely. KEEP IN ORIGINAL CONTAINER, tightly closed, in a safe place. Store in a suitable pesticide store. Keep dry and protect from frost. 588 Swing® Gold 8. DPD REGULATIONS (CHIP 3) Swing® Gold A suspension concentrate containing 133 g/litre (12.5% w/w) dimoxystrobin plus 50 g/litre (4.7% w/w) epoxiconazole. HARMFUL BY INHALATION AND IF SWALLOWED. MAY CAUSE SENSITISATION BY SKIN CONTACT. LIMITED EVIDENCE OF A CARCINOGENIC EFFECT. POSSIBLE RISK OF HARM TO THE UNBORN CHILD. VERY TOXIC TO AQUATIC ORGANISMS, MAY CAUSE LONG TERM ADVERSE EFFECTS IN THE AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT. WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING AND GLOVES. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDING STUFFS. AVOID CONTACT WITH SKIN WHEN USING DO NO EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE. IF SWALLOWED, seek medical advice immediately and show this container or label. THIS MATERIAL AND IT’S CONTAINER MUST BE DISPOSED OF IN A SAFE WAY. USE APPROPRIATE CONTAINMENT TO AVOID ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAMINATION. To avoid risks to man and the environment, comply with the instructions for use This product is approved under the Plant Protection Products Regulations 2005. 9. IMPORTANT INFORMATION IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR USE ONLY AS AN AGRICULTURAL FUNGICIDE REGULATOR as directed below: Crops Maximum Maximum Latest time individual number of of application dose treatments Winter wheat, 1.5 litres One per Up to and Spring wheat, product/ha crop including Durum wheat, flowering (anthesis) just complete (GS 69) READ THE LABEL BEFORE USE. USING THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER THAT IS INCONSISTENT WITH THE LABEL MAY BE AN OFFENCE. FOLLOW THE CODE OF PRACTICE FOR USING PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCTS. (MAPP No. 16081) 589 F F Swing® Gold 590 Takron® H HERBICIDE MAPP No. 11627 Use: A residual herbicide for the control of annual weeds in sugar beet, fodder beet and mangels. Formulation: A suspension concentrate containing 430 g/l (36.1% w/w) chloridazon. Pack Size: 10 litres in outers of two. Recommended Crops: Sugar beet Fodder beet Mangels Recommended Rates: 2.5 - 6.0 litres per hectare, depending upon soil type and situation. See literature for details. Water Volume: 80-450 litres per hectare, depending on use. Latest Time of Application: Sugar beet: When plants meet between the rows. Fodder beet: Pre-emergence. Mangels: Pre-emergence. Maximum Number of Applications: Sugar beet: One pre-emergence followed by one per crop for conventional applications, three per crop for repeat low dose applications. Fodder beet: One per crop. Mangels: One per crop. Aerial Application: No Compatibility: For details of compatibilities contact your distributor, local BASF representative, the BASF Technical Services Hotline: 0845 602 2553 or visit our website on: Major changes since last printing: Globally Harmonised System (GHS) Regulations added, see Secion 8. This product label is compliant with the CPA Voluntary Initiative Guidance 591 Takron® Spray Quality: MEDIUM or FINE. See literature for details. H Takron® DIRECTIONS FOR USE IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product. Takron is a soil acting herbicide which controls germinating weeds by root absorption, during or shortly after weed emergence. 1. RESTRICTIONS/WARNINGS A maximum total dose of 2.6kg chloridazon/hectare may only be applied every third year in the same field. Takron is suitable for use on all soil textural classes except ‘coarse sand’, ‘sand’ and ‘fine sand’ as defined in the Soil Texture (85) System and also excepting soils of high organic content, fen peat and moss soils. The soil type should be accurately diagnosed since the recommended rates of use of Takron applied pre-drilling and pre-emergence are dependent on soil type. For optimum results the soil must be sufficiently moist at the time of application for the product to form an active herbicidal layer in the soil. Adequate weed control depends upon sufficient rain falling before emergence to at least maintain this level of moisture. Heavy rain falling shortly after spraying may check the growth of the crop particularly when water has stood in surface depressions. Under conditions of low pH, a reduction in herbicidal effectiveness may be noticed. Takron is a selective beet herbicide which is safe to the crop and can be used at any seed spacing. Depression in crop vigour, with or without a reduction in stand, may however occur if Takron is applied to crops suffering stress conditions such as those described below: - When rapid increase in the transpiration rate of the beet causes a sudden increase in the rate of uptake of Takron as, for example, occurs when a sharp rise in temperature follows a period of low temperature, or a period of heavy rainfall. - Where the crop is suffering from trace element deficiency, e.g. manganese. - When the recommended rate is exceeded, particularly on sandy soils, or when conditions are not conducive to even distribution of Takron in the soil, such as inadequate soil moisture and poor tilth. - When rates of nitrogen in excess of those generally recommended are applied immediately before drilling. Where higher rates of fertiliser are considered necessary these must be applied not less than three weeks before drilling. - When the crop is retarded or damaged due to harrowing or excessive consolidation of the soil by the press wheel. - When the crop is drilled at the incorrect depth. - When conditions at emergence reduce seedling vigour (e.g. encrustation or ‘capping’ of the soil). - Where there is heavy loading of seed dressing on individual seeds. - Overdosing by overlapping should be avoided. Avoid spray drift on to neighbouring crops, particularly lettuce. Wash equipment thoroughly with water and detergent immediately after use. Traces of the product could cause harm to susceptible crops sprayed later. See Mixing and Spraying section for more details. 592 Takron® 2. SUSCEPTIBILITY OF WEEDS TO TAKRON Weed Name Black-bindweed Charlock Chickweed, Common Cleavers Dead-nettle, Red Fat-hen Fumitory, Common Groundsel Hemp-nettle, Common Knotgrass Marigold, Corn Mayweed spp. Meadow-grass, Annual Nettle, Small Nightshade, Black Orache, Common Pansy, Field Penny-cress, Field Pimpernel, Scarlet Poppy, Common Radish, Wild Redshank Shepherd’s-purse Sow-thistle, Prickly Sow-thistle, Smooth Speedwell, Common Field Speedwell, Ivy-leaved Spurges Spurrey, Corn Vetches Wild-oat S MS MR R - Takron alone S S S MR S S MS MS S S S S S S S S MR S MS S S S S MS MR S S MR S MR R Susceptible Moderately Susceptible Moderately Resistant Resistant 593 H H Takron® 3. CROPS AND APPLICATION 3.1 Crops Takron may be applied pre-drilling and incorporated or pre-emergence to sugar beet, fodder beet and mangels and post-emergence in tank mixtures to sugar beet. See the relevant section below for full details of each application method and formulations specified. 3.2 Application Methods 3.2.1 Pre-drilling and Incorporated Application Application of Takron overall followed immediately by soil incorporation of the spray is particularly recommended to ensure good weed control in the following situations: Where dry conditions prevail at the time of drilling or where the crop is drilled late (after mid-April) when dry soil conditions or high temperatures may result in rapid weed establishment before the chemical reaches the root zone of the germinating weeds. Incorporation of Takron will enhance the herbicidal action where surface sprays may not give satisfactory weed control. Time of Application Apply Takron to the final seedbed before drilling. The spray must be applied overall and incorporated into the soil as soon as possible. Rate of Application TABLE 1: Rates of Application for both Pre-drilling/Incorporated and Pre-emergence overall applications. When variability in soil type occurs in one field, use the rate of Takron recommended for the lightest soil type present. This may result in poorer weed control on the areas of heavier soil type. Care should be take when planning pre- and post-emergence applications not to exceed the maximum total dose of 2.6kg chloridazon/hectare every third year on the same field. Textural Group c Textural Class c Sands Loamy coarse sand Very light soils Loamy sand Loamy fine sand Coarse sandy loam Light soils Sandy loam Fine sandy loam Sandy silt loam Silt loam (85) Medium soils Sandy clay loam Clay loam Silty clay loam Heavy soils Sandy clay Clay Silty clay TAKRON ALONE a Rate of Takron - litres/hectare TAKRON PROGRAMME b Rate of Takron - litres/hectare 2.5 2.5 4.2-4.7 d - 6 - – 594 Takron® a b These rates apply to both incorporated applications and to pre-emergence applications of Takron where a subsequent post-emergence application of Takron + Betanal E is not planned (see Section 3.2.2). These pre-emergence rates apply where a programme of pre-emergence Takron and post-emergence Takron + Betanal E (repeat low dose method, see Section 3.2.3) is to be applied. As defined in the Soil Texture (85) System. 4.7 litres to be used only on the heavier soils in this category. Method of Application Uniform incorporation into the top 25 mm layer of the final seedbed is essential using two harrowings at right angles to each other. Spring tine or zigzag harrows should be used with not more than 100 mm stagger set to penetrate to a maximum depth of 75 to 100 mm into the soil. Choice of type and weight of harrow are dependent on soil texture. Harrows with broken, uneven or missing tines should not be used. Take particular care with spring tine harrows which tend to penetrate too deeply. Incorporation deeper than 25 mm causes dilution of the herbicidal layer and may, therefore, result in inadequate weed control. Beet should be drilled as quickly as possible after incorporation to achieve the best results. NOTE: Dilution of the chemical may occur if high amounts of rainfall occur just after incorporation. In these circumstances, efficiency of the treatment may be reduced. 3.2.2 Pre-emergence Application In sugar beet, the preferred treatment is to apply a programme of Takron overall pre-emergence followed by Takron + Betanal E post-emergence applied by the repeat low dose method. Due to the increased effectiveness of this post-emergence application technique (see Section below) the rate of application of the pre-emergence Takron can be reduced, see Table 1 above. Time of Application Apply Takron at the time of drilling or immediately afterwards on a seedbed which is fine, moist, firm and free from clods. Should spraying be delayed for any reason, application must be made as soon as possible whilst the soil is still moist and before any emergence of the beet. To obtain adequate weed control significant rainfall between application and crop emergence is essential to maintain soil moisture. If dry soil conditions or high temperatures are expected the incorporated pre-drilling application of Takron is recommended. Rate of Application See Table 1 above for overall rates of application and below for band spraying. Method of Application When using the programmed pre-emergence plus post-emergence approach, overall application of the pre-emergence treatment is recommended. In all other situations, Takron can be applied pre-emergence either as an overall treatment or as a band spray. Band Spraying When band spraying, set up the band sprayer according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Use the nozzle tips and pressures recommended and at the correct speed on a 180 mm band, the volume of water applied will be 240 litres per sprayed hectare. For band application add the dose rate per hectare recommended for overall application (see Table 1) to 240 litres of water. The area of crop treated based on a 180 mm band width varies with the crop row width as follows: 595 H H Takron® TABLE 2: Crop area treated at 240 litres per sprayed hectare Row Width mm Area Treated hectares 460 2.6 480 2.7 500 2.8 520 2.9 540 3.0 560 3.1 580 3.2 600 3.3 NOTES: Excessive penetration of the drill coulter may be accompanied by a narrowing of the sprayed band with a consequent increase in the rate of application. Overdosing by overlapping should be avoided, though its effects may be minimised by spraying across the direction of drilling. Inter-row weed control following band spraying: Continued weed control from Takron depends on leaving the treated soil undisturbed. Inter-row hoeing, chopping out and singling operations should therefore be arranged to leave as much as possible of the Takron treated land intact. 3.2.3 Post emergence aplication in a programme of weed control – sugar beet only Where the pre-emergence treatments have not given any loss in crop vigour a post-emergence application is recommended to maintain weed control throughout the season. This can be applied conventionally or by the repeat low dose method. If the programmed approach utilising Takron pre-emergence reduced application rates has been adopted, application by the repeat low dose method is recommended. Repeat Low Dose Method The residual activity of Takron may be supplemented by the residual and contact activities of Betanal E. The rates and times of application of each mixture are summarised in the following table. Up to two further applications may be necessary at 6-10 day intervals. Time of Application Takron + Betanal E Any stage of the crop, up to when plants meet between the rows and weeds are at the cotyledon stage. Rate of Application (l/ha) 1.0 + 2.31 1When using the Takron + Betanal E mixture, the rate of Betanal E should be increased to 3.5 litres per hectare for the first application only if weeds are just beyond the cotyledon stage or if the weather conditions are very dry or cool. Subsequent applications should be at the 2.3 litres per hectare Betanal E rate as specified above Method of Application These repeat low dose applications should be made in 80 litres of water per hectare. Use sprayer nozzles which give a fine spray and spray pressure of 3-5.5 bar. Either fan or hollow cone nozzles which have an output of 300-600 ml/minute at 3 bar can be used. Fan nozzles must have at least an 80º spray angle. 596 Takron® The following list of nozzles fits the above requirements. Approximate output/ nozzle is given for a nozzle pressure of 3 bar. If pressure is increased up to 5.5 bar, then nozzle output will increase by approximately one-third. Output fingures are approximate and are for guidance only; sprayers must be calibrated. This list is not complete. If in doubt, consult your sprayer dealer Nozzle Type Albuz AMTP 210 Albuz APG 110 Yellow Allman 000 Berthoud Rex 8/10, White Core Berhoud Red 10/10, White Core Delavan LF-1.80º –LF-1.100º Delavan DC3-23 Delavan LF-1.5 80º, LF-1.5 100º Hardi 1553-14, Blue Core Hardi 4110-10 Lurmark F80-01, F110-01Fan Lurmark F80-7.5 Lurmark F110-75 Lurmark 3-57 Lurmark F80-10 Lurmark F110-100 Lurmark F80-015, F110-015 TeeJet 8001, 11001 TeeJet D3-23 TeeJet 80015, 110015 Tecnoma Red AR 110º Hollow-cone Fan Fan Hollow-cone Hollow-cone Fan Hollow-cone Fan Hollow-cone Fan Fan Fan Fan Hollow-cone Fan Fan Fan Fan Hollow-cone Fan Fan Output ml/min at 3 bar 370 590 390 320 410 390 470 590 440 460 390 410 440 440 550 580 590 390 460 590 550 Conventional Method Time of Application Apply Takron + Betanal E after the crop has reached the cotyledon stage up to when plants meet between the rows and when the weeds are in the cotyledon to first true leaf stage. Rate of Application Apply 3 litres Takron overall + 7 litres Betanal E in 220 litres of water per hectare. Method of Application Use sprayer nozzles which give a fine spray and a spray pressure of 2-2.8 bar. The Takron + Betanal E tank mix may be applied as a band spray; read the secton on Band Spraying for details. NOTE - Conventional/Repeat Low Dose Method: Beet which is suffering from one or more stress factors, such as the effect of other herbicides, manganese deficiency, lime deficiency, frost, wind or insect damage, when treated post-emergence may suffer a check and/or plant loss from which the crop may not fully recover. (The repeat low dose method is likely to be safer to the crop under such adverse conditions). 597 H H Takron® DO NOT treat beet post-emergence with the above tank mixes when the temperature is, or is likely to be, above 21ºC on the day of spraying or under conditions of high light intensity. Application instructions (except for rate of use) given in the Betanal E directions for use must be followed. 4. FOLLOWING CROPS The effects of Takron persist in the soil for several weeks. Fields which have been sprayed but where the crop has failed may be re-drilled with sugar beet, fodder beet, mangels or maize after cultivation. They should not be re-drilled with any other crops. Any spring sown crop may follow sugar beet, fodder beet or mangels harvested in the usual way. Winter cereals may be sown in the autumn after ploughing. 5. MIXING AND SPRAYING 5.1 Calibration of spraying machinery The spraying equipment should be clean and free from traces of other chemicals. Ensure the correct nozzles are fitted: (a) For the correct water volume for overall sprayers. (b) For the correct drilling speed for band sprayers. Check the delivery from each nozzle for uniformity and replace worn tips to ensure uniform output. Calibrate the sprayer and use it according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Cross check the band sprayer calibration in the field as follows: (a) Select a nozzle on the sprayer giving the nearest output to the average and with the drill in operation collect the spray from this nozzle for a distance of 60 metres. This should be exactly 225 ml. As the spray is collected over a given distance, the quantity will be the same irrespective of the make of nozzles used and this is a volume rate of 240 litres per sprayed hectare on a 180 mm band. (b) Repeat as necessary, adjusting the tractor speed until this output is achieved over this distance. (c) Make sure that the observations are made when the band sprayer is working smoothly and not immediately on starting. Important (d) The final setting of the width of the spray band to 180 mm must be made in the field when the drill is in operation and not on a hard surface or headland. It is essential that the band width is exactly 180 mm, otherwise the rate of application will be incorrect. A narrower band may cause crop damage and a wider band will result in poorer weed control. The setting should be checked in each field treated and also at the beginning of each day’s work because of the possible effect of weather on soil conditions. 5.2 Mixing SHAKE WELL BEFORE USE. Half fill the spray tank with clean water and start the agitation. Pour in the required amount of Takron. Add the remainder of the water and continue agitation until spraying is completed. Rinse empty containers thoroughly, and add rinsings to the sprayer tank. When using postemergence with Betanal E in sugar beet, add Takron to the spray tank last. Agitate continuously and use immediately after mixing. Do not leave in the tank at meal times or overnight. 598 Takron® 5.3 Spray Quality / Water Volume Apply as a MEDIUM spray, as defined by BCPC, for pre-drilling or preemergence treatments. For post-emergence applications, apply as a FINE spray (see Section 3.2.3). When applying Takron pre-emergence or pre-drilling use a minimum water volume of 100 litres per hectare. Water volume for tank mixtures applied pre-emergence should not be less than 220 litres/hectare. Volumes up to 450 litres/hectare should be used when soil conditions are drier. 5.4 Tank Washing WASH EQUIPMENT thoroughly with water and detergent, paying particular attention to the inside of the top of the spray tank which should be scrubbed immediately after use. Spray out, fill with clean water and leave overnight. Spray out again before storing or using for another product. Traces of the product could cause harm to susceptible crops sprayed later. 6. CONTAINER AND STORAGE Takron is supplied in 10 litre containers and should be kept dry and cool in a suitable pesticide store. Protect from frost. 7. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Operator protection Engineering control of operator exposure must be used where reasonably practicable in addition to the following personal protective equipment: WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES when handling the concentrate. However, engineering controls may replace personal protective equipment if a COSHH assessment shows they provide an equal or higher standard of protection. WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE. WASH CONCENTRATE from skin or eyes immediately. DO NOT BREATHE SPRAY. WASH HANDS AND EXPOSED SKIN before meals and after work. Environmental protection Do not contaminate surface waters or ditches with chemical or used container. Storage and disposal KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDINGSTUFFS. KEEP IN ORIGINAL CONTAINER, tightly closed in a safe place. WASH OUT CONTAINER THOROUGHLY, empty washings into spray tank, and dispose of safely. Keep dry and frostproof in a suitable pesticide store. 599 H H Takron® 8. GLOBALLY HARMONISED SYSTEM (GHS) REGULATIONS Takron® A suspension concentrate containing 430 g/l (36.1% w/w) chloridazon. WARNING: HARMFUL IF SWALLOWED. MAY CAUSE AN ALLERGIC SKIN REACTION. TOXIC TO AQUATIC LIFE WITH LONG LASTING EFFECTS. AVOID BREATHING VAPOURS. WEAR PROTECTIVE GLOVES. IF ON SKIN: WASH WITH PLENTY OF SOAP AND WATER. IF SKIN IRRITATION OR RASH OCCURS: GET MEDICAL ADVICE/ATTENTION. WASH CONTAMINATED CLOTHING BEFORE REUSE. COLLECT SPILLAGE. To avoid risks to human health and the environment, comply with the instructions for use This product is approved under the Control of Pesticides Regulations 1986. 600 Takron® 9. IMPORTANT INFORMATION IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR USE ONLY AS AN AGRICULTURAL HERBICIDE, as directed below: Crops Maximum number of treatments Latest time of application Sugar beet 6.0 litres (Pre-emergence) product/hectare 1 per crop Pre-emergence Sugar beet 3 litres (Post-emergence) product/hectare or 1 litre product/hectare 1 per crop When plants meet between the rows 3 per crop When plants meet When plants meet between the rows 1 per crop Pre-emergence Fodder beet, mangels Maximum individual dose 6.0 litres product/hectar Other Specific Restriction: A maximum total dose of 2.6 kg chloridazon/hectare may only be applied every third year on the same field. 2.6 kg chloridazon is equivalent to 6L of Takron. READ THE LABEL BEFORE USE. USING THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER THAT IS INCONSISTENT WITH THE LABEL MAY BE AN OFFENCE. FOLLOW THE CODE OF PRACTICE FOR USING PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCTS. (MAPP No. 11627) 601 H H Takron® 602 Tectura® / Highgate® F FUNGICIDE Tectura MAPP No. 15232. Highgate MAPP No. 15251 Use: A protectant and systemic fungicide for use in oilseed rape for the control of Sclerotinia stem rot. Formulation: A suspension concentrate containing 133 g/l (12% w/w) boscalid and 60 g/l (5.4% w/w) metconazole. Pack Size: 5 litres in outers of four. Recommended Crops: Oilseed rape Maximum Individual Dose: 1.0 litre/ha Water Volume: 200 – 300 litres per hectare Spray Quality: MEDIUM Latest Time of Application: 50% of pods have reached final size (GS 75). Allow a minimum interval of 14 days between applications. Bees: Tectura/Highgate represents minimal hazard to bees when used as directed. Consideration should be given to informing beekeepers when you intend spraying crops in flower. Aerial Application: No Compatibility: For details of compatibilities contact your distributor, local BASF representative, the BASF Technical Services Hotline: 0845 602 2553 or visit our website on: Major changes since last printing: Globally Harmonised System (GHS) Regulations added, see Section 8. This product label is compliant with the CPA Voluntary Initiative Guidance 603 Tectura® / Highgate® Maximum Total Dose per Crop: 2.0 litres/ha/crop F Tectura® / Highgate® DIRECTIONS FOR USE IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product. Tectura/Highgate is a protectant and systemic fungicide for use in oilseed rape for the control of Sclerotinia stem rot. 1. RESTRICTIONS/WARNINGS Avoid spray drift on to neighbouring crops. Tectura/Highgate represents minimal hazard to bees when used as directed. Consideration should be given to informing beekeepers when you intend spraying crops in flower. Tectura/Highgate should not be applied with pyrethroids to oilseed rape at flowering. A reduction in Sclerotinia control may be observed in oilseed rape when highrisk infection conditions occur after flowering, leading to secondary spread of the disease through plant-to-plant contact, which may be more severe in lodged crops. After spraying wash out sprayer thoroughly according to manufacturer’s guideline and dispose of washings and clean container according to DEFRA Code of Practice and local authority guidelines. 2. DISEASE CONTROL Tectura/Highgate is a protectant and systemic fungicide for use in oilseed rape for the control of Sclerotinia stem rot. 2.1 Resistance Tectura/Highgate contains boscalid, which belongs to the SDHI (carboxamide) group of fungicides, and metconazole, which belongs to the DMI group of fungicides. Currently there is no evidence of field strains of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, Alternaria brassicae or Phoma lingham that are resistant to SDHI or DMI fungicides in oilseed rape. Currently there is evidence of cross resistance between boscalid and other fungicides in the SDHI group, but no cross resistance has been observed with fungicides with other modes of action. The FRAC SBI Working Group recommends that all DMIs are considered as one product group in which general cross-resistance exists. Within the SBI-group, there is no cross-resistance between morpholines and DMI fungicides. There is no cross-resistance or a correlation in the sensitivity of triazoles to other modes of action. The key of resistance management strategies is the reduction of selection pressure. This can be achieved by good agricultural practice which leads to less infection pressure (e.g. crop & stubble hygiene, use of less susceptible varieties, crop rotation, use of healthy seeds, etc). Risk assessments for the target diseases on oilseed rape indicate a low or medium risk of resistance development. To minimise any possible risk of resistance occurring, the number of applications of Tectura/Highgate should be restricted to two per crop. Tectura/Highgate should be applied in a preventive manner, following the recommendations on the label, and as an integral part of a spray programme including fungicides with different modes of action. For further advice on resistance management in oilseed rape contact your agronomist or specialist advisor, and visit the Fungicide Resistance Action Committee (FRAC) and UK Fungicide Resistance Action Group (FRAG) websites. 604 Tectura® / Highgate® 3. CROPS 3.1 Oilseed rape Tectura/Highgate can be used on all varieties of oilseed rape. 3.2 Time of Application Apply Tectura/Highgate as a protectant spray. Applications against Sclerotinia should be made in high disease risk situations at early to full flower (BBCH GS 63-65), to coincide with or just before first petal fall, and before disease symptoms are visible. Two applications can be made up to and including when 50% of pods are at final size (BBCH GS 75), allowing a minimum interval of 14 days between applications. Applications made after the end of flowering (BBCH GS 69) may result in reduced levels of Sclerotinia control. 4. MIXING AND APPLICATION 4.1 Mixing Never prepare more spray solution than is required. Three quarters fill the tank with clean water and start the agitation. To ensure thorough mixing of the product, invert the container several times before opening. Add the required quantity of Tectura/Highgate to the spray tank while re-circulating. Add the remainder of the water and continue agitation until spraying is complete. When tank mixes are to be used, take due note of any instructions given as to the order of mixing. Each product should be added separately to the spray tank and fully dispersed before the addition of any further product(s). Rinse empty containers thoroughly, using an integrated pressure rinsing device or by manually rinsing three times. Add washings to tank at time of filling and dispose of container safely. 4.2 Application Apply 1.0 l/ha Tectura/Highgate in a recommended water volume of 200-300 litres of water per hectare as a MEDIUM spray, as defined by the BCPC. In dense crops, using the increased water volume will help achieve adequate penetration and good coverage of the crop. Where possible use narrow-wheeled high clearance application equipment. To ensure optimum spray coverage and minimize spray drift, adjust the spray boom to the appropriate height above the crop, according to guidance provided by the sprayer and/or nozzle manufacturer. 5 FOLLOWING CROPS 5.1 Following crops after normally harvested oilseed rape Any crop can follow normally harvested oilseed rape treated with Tectura/ Highgate. 5.2 Re-drilling due to crop failure In the event of crop failure, any crop can be re-drilled after an interval of 5 weeks following an application of Tectura/Highgate. 6. CONTAINER AND STORAGE Tectura/Highgate is supplied in 5 litre containers and should be kept dry and frostproof in a suitable pesticide store. 605 F F Tectura® / Highgate® 7. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Operator protection Engineering control of operator exposure must be used where reasonably practicable in addition to the following personal protective clothing: WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES when handling the concentrate or handling contaminated surfaces. However, engineering controls may replace personal protective equipment if a COSHH assessment shows they provide an equal or higher standard of protection. IF YOU FEEL UNWELL, seek medical advice immediately (show the label where possible). WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE. WASH HANDS before meals and after work. Environmental protection Do not contaminate water with the product or its container. Do not clean application equipment near surface water. Avoid contamination via drains from farmyards and roads. To protect aquatic organisms respect an unsprayed buffer zone to surface water bodies in line with LERAP requirements. DO NOT ALLOW DIRECT SPRAY from horizontal boom sprayers to fall within 5m of the top of the bank of a static or flowing waterbody, unless a Local Environment Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) permits a narrower buffer zone, or within 1m of the top of a ditch which is dry at the time of application. DO NOT ALLOW DIRECT SPRAY from hand-held sprayers to fall within 1 m of the top of the bank of a static or flowing water body. Aim spray away from water. This product qualifies for inclusion within the Local Environment Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) scheme. Before each spraying operation from a horizontal boom sprayer, either a LERAP must be carried out in accordance with CRD’s published guidance or the statutory buffer zone must be maintained. The results of the LERAP must be recorded and kept available for three years. Storage and disposal KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDINGSTUFFS. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. STORE IN ORIGINAL CONTAINER, tightly closed, in a safe place. DO NOT RE-USE CONTAINER for any purpose. RINSE CONTAINER THOROUGHLY by using an integrated pressure rinsing device or manually rinsing three times. Add washings to sprayer at time of filling and dispose of safely. Store in a suitable pesticide store. Keep dry and protect from frost. 606 Tectura® / Highgate® 8. GLOBALLY HARMONISED SYSTEM (GHS) REGULATIONS Tectura® / Highgate® A suspension concentrate containing 133 g/l boscalid and 60 g/l metconazole WARNING: SUSPECTED OF DAMAGING THE UNBORN CHILD. HARMFUL TO AQUATIC LIFE WITH LONG LASTING EFFECTS. USE PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT AS REQUIRED. OBTAIN SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE USE. IF EXPOSED OR CONCERNED: GET MEDICAL ADVICE/ ATTENTION. STORE LOCKED UP DISPOSE OF CONTENTS/CONTAINER IN ACCORDANCE WITH LOCAL REGULATIONS. To avoid risks to human health and the environment, comply with the instructions for use This product is approved under the Plant Protection Products Regulations (EC) No. 1107/2009 9. IMPORTANT INFORMATION IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR USE ONLY AS AN AGRICULTURAL FUNGICIDE, as directed below: Crops: Oilseed rape Maximum individual dose: 1.0 litre/ha Maximum total dose per crop: 2.0 litres/ha/crop Latest timing: 50% of pods have reached final size (GS 75) Other specific restriction: A minimum interval of 14 days must be observed between applications READ THE LABEL BEFORE USE. USING THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER THAT IS INCONSISTENT WITH THE LABEL MAY BE AN OFFENCE. FOLLOW THE CODE OF PRACTICE FOR USING PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCTS. (Tectura: MAPP No. 15232) (Highgate: MAPP No. 15251) 607 F F Tectura® / Highgate® 608 Terpal® P PLANT GROWTH REGULATOR MAFF No. 02103 Use: A growth regulator for lodging control. Formulation: A soluble concentrate containing 305 g/litre (28% w/w) mepiquat chloride plus 155 g/litre (14.2% w/w) 2-chloroethylphosphonic acid. Pack Size: 5 litres in outers of four. Recommended Crops: Winter barley: Spring barley: Winter wheat: Triticale: Winter rye: See Section No: 2.1, 2.5 2.2, 2.5 2.1, 2.5 2.3, 2.5 2.4, 2.5 Recommended Rates: 0.5 to 2 litres per hectare, depending on crop and situation, see recommended crops for details. Terpal must always be applied with an authorised non-ionic wetter – see Section 2.5, Rates of Application. Water Volume: Minimum of 220 litres/ha. Latest Time of Application: Winter and spring barley, winter wheat, triticale: before the ear is visible. Winter rye: before flag leaf ligule just visible. Maximum Number of Applications: Winter wheat and winter barley: 2 per crop. All other recommended crops: 1 per crop. Aerial Application: No Compatibility: For details of compatibilities contact your distributor, local BASF representative, the BASF Technical Services Hotline: 0845 602 2553 or visit our website on: Major changes since last printing: Globally Harmonised System (GHS) Regulations added, see Section 6. This product label is compliant with the CPA Voluntary Initiative Guidance 609 Terpal® Spray Quality: MEDIUM P Terpal® DIRECTIONS FOR USE IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product. Terpal is a growth regulator which shortens and stiffens the straw of barley, winter wheat, triticale, and winter rye by reducing the length of internodes. Terpal will prevent or suppress early lodging during the vital crop heading stage and thus allow optimum fertiliser use for production of maximum yields in intensive growing systems. Lodging control and yield increase may be enhanced by using a programme of New 5C Cycocel plant growth regulator followed by Terpal. This programme cannot be used on spring barley. In winter barley, where Terpal is applied for prevention of lodging, yield increase will often result when only a low level of lodging occurs, particularly when used in a programme with New 5C Cycocel, provided conditions are suitable for Terpal application at and after treatment. The optimum effect of Terpal may be expected in a vigorous, actively growing crop, having a good plant population with an adequate nutrient and moisture supply. The greatest response will be seen in crops sprayed at the correct timing and when good growing conditions prevail at and after application. 1. RESTRICTIONS/WARNINGS Terpal is recommended for use as a component of an intensive growing system where provision of optimum basic and nitrogen fertilisation has been made together with appropriate disease control measures. The nitrogen fertiliser rates should not, however, be increased without careful consideration of all the factors affecting the condition and the growth of the crop. Application should be carried out with a field sprayer operating according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Ensure that the boom height is correctly adjusted. Verification of node stages and emergence of the flag leaf is best done by splitting the stem. Late secondary tillering can occur naturally in crops grown on soils subject to moisture stress and Terpal may accentuate this. This effect will be of more importance in barley varieties being grown for malting, where the presence of green heads may result in rejection of the crop for malting purposes. The prior use of New 5C Cycocel (winter barley only) may help to reduce this problem in Terpal treated crops. DO NOT apply Terpal to any crop suffering from herbicide damage or physical stress caused by waterlogging, drought or other conditions. Crops with a substantial moisture deficit should not be treated. Avoid spray drift on to neighbouring crops. DO NOT apply Terpal if rain or frost is expected, nor if the crop is wet, or if significant foot disease problems are expected, particularly with Take-all. DO NOT apply Terpal to winter varieties sown in the spring. DO NOT apply Terpal to crops on soils of low fertility unless these crops regularly receive adequate dressings of basic and nitrogen fertilisers. DO NOT apply Terpal to barley, triticale, or winter rye grown on soils containing more than 10 per cent organic matter. Winter wheat grown on organic soils may be treated. DO NOT apply Terpal at temperatures above 21°C. In these conditions it is best to apply Terpal in the evening. DO NOT use straw from Terpal treated cereals as a horticultural growth medium or as a mulch. Terpal may be applied to crops undersown with grasses and clovers. Growers should inform the appropriate seed merchant beforehand whenever the use of Terpal on a seed crop being grown for certification is intended, as diagnostic characteristics may be altered. 610 Terpal® Applications should preferably be by ‘tramlines’ as late applications of pesticides can cause the production of green side tillers in the wheel ways which may be more noticeable in shortened crops. Some delay in ear emergence may be noticed due to the shortening effect on the higher internodes. Partial lodging may occur at later stages, though this leaning effect may be desirable to prevent ear loss from stiff strawed crops. DO NOT treat the spring barley variety Triumph after the flag leaf just visible stage. DO NOT apply Terpal when the leaf sheaths have split and the ears are visible. DO NOT use Terpal in a programme with any other plant growth regulator containing 2-chloroethylphosphonic acid. Wash equipment thoroughly after use. When using Terpal, an authorised non-ionic wetter must be added to the spray tank at the rate of 40 ml per 100 litres spray solution. 2. CROPS AND APPLICATION 2.1 Winter Barley and Winter Wheat Time of Application Terpal may be applied to winter barley or winter wheat either as a single or split dose treatment. The preferred application method is to apply Terpal using the split dose. Split Dose Treatment The first dose should be applied from the second node detectable stage on the majority of tillers up to and including when the flag leaf is just visible on the majority of tillers. Where New 5C Cycocel has been applied previously to the crop, the preferred application will be towards the later end of this timing. The second dose should be applied after the flag leaf is just visible up to and including first awns visible stage in winter barley, or boots swollen in winter wheat. DO NOT apply Terpal when the leaf sheaths have split and the ears are visible. If growing malting barley varieties, pay particular attention to Section 1, Restrictions/Warnings. Single Dose Treatment The optimum application timing is from the second node detectable stage on the majority of tillers up to and including when the flag leaf is just visible on the majority of tillers. Where New 5C Cycocel plant growth regulator has been applied previously to the crop, the preferred application will be towards the later end of this timing. If it has proven impractical to apply Terpal at the optimum timing, application at a reduced rate (see below) can still be made after the flag leaf is just visible up to and including first awns visible in winter barley, or boots swollen in winter wheat, but control of lodging may not be as good as with the earlier timings. DO NOT apply Terpal when the leaf sheaths have split and the ears are visible. If growing malting barley varieties, pay particular attention to Section 1, Restrictions/Warnings. 2.2 Spring Barley Time of Application The optimum application timing is from the second node detectable stage on the majority of tillers, up to and including when the flag leaf is just visible on the majority of tillers. 611 P P Terpal® If it has proven impractical to apply Terpal at the optimum timing, an application can still be made up to and including first awns visible, but lodging control may not be as good as with the earlier timings. Also, crops treated at the later timing are more likely to be subject to moisture stress; therefore particular attention should be paid to growing conditions when applying Terpal at this later timing. DO NOT apply Terpal when the leaf sheaths have split and the ears are visible. DO NOT treat the variety Triumph after the flag leaf just visible stage. If growing malting barley varieties, pay particular attention to Section 1, Restrictions/Warnings. 2.3 Triticale Time of Application The optimum application timing is from the second node detectable stage on the majority of tillers up to and including when the flag leaf is just visible on the majority of tillers. Where New 5C Cycocel has been applied previously to the crop, the preferred application will be towards the later end of this timing. If it has proven impractical to apply Terpal at the optimum timing, application at a reduced rate (see below) can still be made after the flag leaf is just visible up to and including the boots swollen stage, but control of lodging may not be as good as with the earlier timings. DO NOT apply Terpal when the leaf sheaths have split and the ears are visible. 2.4 Winter Rye Time of Application Apply Terpal from the second node detectable stage on the majority of tillers up to and including when the flag leaf is just visible on the majority of tillers. Where New 5C Cycocel has been applied previously to the crop, the preferred application will be towards the later end of this timing. 2.5 Rates of Application Apply Terpal as outlined below in a minimum of 220 litres of water per hectare. When using Terpal, an authorised non-ionic wetter must be added to the spray tank at the rate of 40 ml per 100 litres spray solution. RATE OF TERPAL litres per hectare CROP Winter wheat Where New 5C Cycocel has not been applied or in a programme following New 5C Cycocel where there is a high risk of severe lodging In a programme following New 5C Cycocel: Other lodging situations Winter barley Spring barley Triticale Winter rye Second node detectable to flag leaf just visible Split dose After the flag leaf just visible to boots swollen (winter wheat and triticale) or awns just visible (winter and spring barley) 1.0-1.5 Followed by 0.5-1.0 1 Single dose 2.0 or 1.5 Single dose 1.5 or 1.0 Split dose 1.0-1.5 Single dose 2.0 1.0 or 1.5 2 2.0 2.0 Followed by 0.5-1.0 1 or 1.5 or 1.0 or 1.5 Not recommended 612 Terpal® DO NOT exceed a total of 2.0 litres Terpal per hectare. Use the higher rate where there is a high risk of early lodging. DO NOT apply this rate after the flag leaf just visible stage. 1 2 3. MIXING AND SPRAYING Apply as a MEDIUM spray, as defined by BCPC. Half fill the spray tank with clean water and start the agitation. Pour in the required amount of Terpal and, separately, the correct amount of non-ionic wetter. Add the remainder of the water and continue agitation until spraying is completed. When tank mixes are to be used, each product should be added separately to the spray tank taking due note of any instructions given as to the order of mixing. All tank mixes should be used immediately after mixing. NOTE: Always add an authorised non-ionic wetter when using Terpal in tank mix. 4. CONTAINER AND STORAGE Terpal is supplied in 5 litre polyethylene containers and should be kept dry and frostproof in a suitable pesticide store. 5. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Operator protection 2-chloroethylphosphonic acid is an anticholinesterase organophosphorus compound. DO NOT USE if under medical advice NOT to work with such compounds. Engineering control of operator exposure must be used where reasonably practicable, in addition to the following items of personal protective equipment: WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES AND FACE PROTECTION (FACESHIELD) when handling the concentrate. WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES when handling contaminated surfaces. However, engineering controls may replace personal protective equipment if a COSHH assessment shows that they provide an equal or higher standard of protection. WASH HANDS AND EXPOSED SKIN before meals and after work. Environmental protection DO NOT contaminate surface waters or ditches with chemical or used container. Storage and disposal KEEP IN ORIGINAL CONTAINER, tightly closed, in a safe place. RINSE CONTAINER THOROUGHLY by using an integrated pressure rinsing device or manually rinsing three times. Add washings to sprayer at time of filling and dispose of safely. Keep dry and frost proof in a suitable pesticide store. MEDICAL ADVICE Medical advice can be obtained from the National Poisons Information Service (NPIS). Telephone number 0870 600 6266. 613 P P Terpal® 6. GLOBALLY HARMONISED SYSTEM (GHS) REGULATIONS Terpal® A soluble concentrate containing 305 g/litre mepiquat chloride and 155 g/litre 2-chloroethylphosphonic acid. WARNING: MAY BE CORROSIVE TO METALS. HARMFUL IF SWALLOWED. MAY CAUSE LONG LASTING HARMFUL EFFECTS TO AQUATIC LIFE. KEEP ONLY IN ORIGINAL CONTAINER. WASH WITH PLENTY OF WATER AND SOAP THOROUGHLY AFTER HANDLING. DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE WHEN USING THIS PRODUCT. ABSORB SPILLAGE TO PREVENT MATERIAL DAMAGE. DISPOSE OF CONTENTS/CONTAINER IN ACCORDANCE WITH LOCAL REGULATIONS. To avoid risks to human health and the environment, comply with the instructions for use This product is approved under the Control of Pesticides Regulations 1986. 614 Terpal® 7. IMPORTANT INFORMATION IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR USE ONLY AS AN AGRICULTURAL PLANT GROWTH REGULATOR, as directed below: Crops Winter wheat and Winter barley: single application Winter wheat: split dose applications Winter barley: split dose applications Triticale Spring barley Winter rye Maximum Individual Dose Per Hectare 2.0 litres product or 1.5 litres product 1.0 to 1.5 litres product Plus 0.5 to 1.0 litre product 1.0 to 1.5 litres product Plus 0.5 to 1.0 litre product Maximum Number of Treatments One per crop 2.0 litres product or 1.5 litres product 1.5 litres product or 1.0 litre product 2.0 litres product One per crop One per crop One per crop One per crop One per crop One per crop One per crop One per crop One per crop One per crop Latest Time of Application Before flag leaf ligule just visible stage. Before ear emergence. Before flag leaf ligule just visible stage. Before flag leaf sheath opening stage. Before flag leaf ligule just visible stage. Before first spikelet of inflorescence just visible stage. Before flag leaf ligule just visible stage. Before ear emergence. Before flag leaf ligule just visible stage. Before ear emergence. Before flag leaf ligule just visible stage. Other Specific Restrictions: Maximum total dose must not exceed 2.0 litres product per hectare when applying split dose applications to winter wheat and winter barley - see ‘Directions for Use’ for details. READ THE LABEL BEFORE USE. USING THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER THAT IS INCONSISTENT WITH THE LABEL MAY BE AN OFFENCE. FOLLOW THE CODE OF PRACTICE FOR USING PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCTS. (MAFF NO. 02103) 615 P P Terpal® 616 Tracker® F FUNGICIDE MAPP No. 16048 Use: A broad spectrum fungicide for use in winter wheat, spring wheat, durum wheat, winter barley, spring barley, oats, rye and triticale. Formulation: A suspension concentrate containing 233 g/litre (20.8% w/w) boscalid plus 67 g/litre (6.0 w/w) epoxiconazole. Pack Size: Tracker is supplied in 10 litres in outers of two. Recommended Crops: Wheat, winter and spring. Barley, winter and spring. Durum wheat, Oats, Rye and Triticale Recommended Rates: All crops: 1.5 litres per hectare. Water Volume: 100 to 200 litres per hectare. Harvest Intervals: Winter and spring wheat Durum wheat, rye and triticale: Winter and spring barley, oats: Up to and including flowering (anthesis) just complete (GS 69) Up to and including emergence of ear complete (GS 59) Aerial Application: No Other Specific Restriction: A minimum interval of 21 days must be observed between applications. Compatibility: For details of compatibilities contact your distributor, local BASF representative, the BASF Technical Services Hotline: 0845 602 2553 or visit our website on: Major changes since last printing: None. This product label is compliant with the CPA Voluntary Initiative Guidance 617 Tracker® Spray Quality: MEDIUM F Tracker® DIRECTIONS FOR USE IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product. Tracker is a broad spectrum fungicide for use in winter wheat, spring wheat, durum wheat, winter barley, spring barley, oats, rye and triticale. 1. RESTRICTIONS/WARNINGS Avoid spray drift on to neighbouring crops. Effects on baking and brewing have not been fully tested. Consult the grain merchant or processor before use. When applied to barley intended for malting, refer to the latest timing restrictions for epoxiconazole and boscalid given by the British Beer and Pub Association. This product may cause damage to broad-leaved plant species. 2. DISEASE CONTROL Tracker is a broad spectrum fungicide for use in winter and spring wheat, durum wheat, winter and spring barley, oats, rye and triticale for disease control as summarised below: Winter wheat Spring Durum wheat wheat Winter Spring barley barley Oats Rye Triticale Septoria tritici C C C - - - - C Brown rust C C C C C - C C Rhynchosporium - - - MC MC - MC - Net blotch - - - C C - - - Ramularia - - - MC MC - - - Tan spot R R R - - - - - Eyespot MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC - - - - - C - - Crown rust C = Control MC = Moderate Control R = Reduction 2.1 Resistance Management Use Tracker as part of an Integrated Crop Management (ICM) strategy incorporating other methods of control, including where appropriate other fungicides with a different mode of action. Tracker contains epoxiconazole, a DMI fungicide. Resistance to some DMI fungicides has been identified in Septoria leaf blotch (Mycosphaerella graminicola) which may seriously affect the performance of some products. For further advice on resistance management in DMIs contact your agronomist or specialist advisor and visit the FRAG-UK website. Tracker contains boscalid which belongs to the SDHI (carboxamide) group of fungicides. To minimise the risk of resistance occurring, apply a maximum of two SDHI fungicide sprays per cereal crop. 618 Tracker® 3. CROPS Tracker is a fungicide for use in winter wheat, spring wheat, durum wheat, winter barley, spring barley, oats, rye and triticale. 4. MIXING AND APPLICATION 4.1 Time of Application Apply Tracker at the start of foliar or stem based disease attack. A maximum of two application can be made up to and including flowering (anthesis) just complete (GS69) in winter wheat, spring wheat, durum wheat, rye and triticale, and up to and including emergence of ear just complete (GS 59) in winter barley, spring barley and oats. Rate of Application Apply 1.5 litres Tracker per hectare. Mixing Never prepare more spray solution than is required. Three quarters fill the tank with clean water and start the agitation. To ensure thorough mixing of the product, invert the container several times before opening. Add the required quantity of Tracker to the spray tank while re-circulating. Add the remainder of the water and continue agitation until spraying is complete. On emptying the container, rinse container thoroughly by using an integrated pressure rinsing device or by manually rinsing three times. Add washings to tank at time of filling and dispose of container safely. Application Apply Tracker in 200 l/ha water volume as a MEDIUM spray as defined by BCPC. To ensure optimum spray coverage and minimize spray drift, adjust the spray boom to the appropriate height above the crop, according to guidance provided by the sprayer and/or nozzle manufacture. Qualified Recommendation Tracker may be applied at 1.5 litres per hectare in 100 litres of water per hectare although efficacy at this reduced volume has not been evaluated. Therefore application at 100 litres of water per hectare is at user’s risk with regard to biological efficacy. Reducing the water volume is not recommended where control of stem base diseases is required. Sprayer cleaning Wash sprayer thoroughly immediately after use, using clean water and following the sprayer cleaning guidance provided by the equipment manufacturer. 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 5. FOLLOWING CROPS After treating a cereal crop with Tracker the crops listed below may be sown as a following crop:Winter wheat Oilseed rape Maize Carrots Winter barley Sugar beet Lettuce Potatoes Oats Peas Onions Sunflowers Ryegrass Beans Cabbage Clover 6. CONTAINER AND STORAGE Tracker is supplied in 10 litre containers. Store in a suitable pesticide store, keep dry and protect from frost. 619 F F Tracker® 7. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Operator protection Engineering control of operator exposure must be used where reasonably practicable in addition to the following personal protective clothing: WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING (COVERALLS), SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES AND FACE PROTECTION (FACE SHIELD) when handling the concentrate. WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING (COVERALLS) AND SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES when handling contaminated surfaces. However, engineering controls may replace personal protective equipment if a COSHH assessment shows they provide an equal or higher standard of protection. IF YOU FEEL UNWELL, seek medical advice immediately (show the label where possible). WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE. WASH HANDS AND EXPOSED SKIN before meals and after work. Environmental protection Do not contaminate water with the product or its container. Do not clean application equipment near surface water. Avoid contamination via drains from farmyards and roads. To protect aquatic organisms respect an unsprayed buffer zone distance to surface water bodies in line with LERAP requirements DO NOT ALLOW DIRECT SPRAY horizontal boom sprayers to fall within 5m of the top of the bank or a static or flowing waterbody, unless a Local Environment Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) permits a narrower buffer zone, or within 1 m of the top of a ditch which is dry at the time of application. Aim spray away from water. This product qualifies for inclusion within the Local Environment Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) scheme. Before each spraying operation from a horizontal boom sprayer, either a LERAP must be carried out in accordance with CRD’s published guidance or the statutory buffer zone must be maintained. The results of the LERAP must be recorded and kept available for inspection for three years. Storage and disposal KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDINGSTUFFS. RINSE CONTAINER THOROUGHLY by using an integrated pressure rinsing device or manually rinsing three times. Add washings to sprayer at time of filling and dispose of safely. Store in a suitable pesticide store. Keep dry and protect from frost. 620 Tracker® 8. DPD REGULATIONS (CHIP 3) Tracker® A suspension concentrate containing 233 g/litre (20.8% w/w) boscalid plus 67 g/litre (6.0% w/w) epoxiconazole. IRRITATING TO EYES. LIMITED EVIDENCE OF A CARCINOGENIC EFFECT. POSSIBLE RISK OF IMPAIRED FERTILITY. POSSIBLE RISK OF HARM TO THE UNBORN CHILD. TOXIC TO AQUATIC ORGANISMS, MAY CAUSE LONG TERM ADVERSE EFFECTS IN THE AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT. WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING, GLOVES AND EYE/FACE PROTECTION. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDING STUFFS. WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE. IF SWALLOWED, SEEK MEDICAL ADVICE IMMEDIATELY AND SHOW THIS CONTAINER LABEL. THIS MATERIAL AND ITS CONTAINER MUST BE DISPOSED OF IN A SAFE WAY. USE APPROPRIATE CONTAINMENT TO AVOID ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAMINATION. To avoid risks to man and the environment, comply with the instructions for use This product is approved under the Plant Protection Products Regulations. 9. IMPORTANT INFORMATION IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR USE ONLY AS AN AGRICULTURAL FUNGICIDE, as directed below: Crops Maximum individual dose Maximum number of treatments Latest time of application Wheat (winter) Wheat (spring) Wheat (durum) Rye, Triticale 1.5 litres product per hectare 2 per crop Up to and including flowering (anthesis) just complete (GS69) Barley (winter) Barley (spring) Oats 1.5 litres product per hectare 2 per crop Up to and including emergence of ear just complete (GS59) Other Specific restrictions A minimum interval of 21 days must be observed between applications READ THE LABEL BEFORE USE. USING THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER THAT IS INCONSISTENT WITH THE LABEL MAY BE AN OFFENCE. FOLLOW THE CODE OF PRACTICE FOR USING PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCTS. (MAPP No. 16048) 621 F F Tracker® 622 Vixen® H HERBICIDE MAPP No. 13621 Use: A herbicide for the control of broad leaved weeds in winter wheat and winter barley. Formulation: Water dispersible granules containing 750 g/kg picolinafen. Pack Size: 0.5kg in outers of ten Recommended Crops: Winter wheat Winter barley Maximum Individual Dose: 66 g product/hectare Maximum Number of Treatments: One per crop Water Volume: 200 litres of water per hectare Latest Time of Application: Before pseudo-stem erection (before growth stage 30) Compatibility: For details of compatibilities contact your distributor, local BASF representative, the BASF Technical Services Hotline: 0845 602 2553 or visit our website on: Major changes since last printing: Globally Harmonised System (GHS) Regulations added, see Section 8. This product label is compliant with the CPA Voluntary Initiative Guidance 623 Vixen® Aerial Application: No H Vixen® DIRECTIONS FOR USE IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product. VIXEN is a herbicide with residual and contact activity for the control of broad leaved weeds for use pre or early post-emergence in winter wheat and winter barley. 1. RESTRICTIONS/WARNINGS Do not use more than one application of VIXEN in one growing season. 1.1 Efficacy For residual control some soil moisture is required for VIXEN. Best results will be obtained if rain falls within 7 days of application. Residual control may be reduced: • under prolonged dry conditions • on soils with more than 6% organic matter • on soils with a high Kd factor • on soils where ash content is high DO NOT disturb the soil after application. Where cultural techniques which encourage the build up of organic residues in the surface soil are practised for a number of seasons, the effectiveness of residual herbicides may be reduced. In such circumstances periodic ploughing is recommended to disperse residues into a greater volume of soil. 1.2 Soil types Vixen may be used on any mineral soil. DO NOT use on soils with more than 10% organic matter. DO NOT use on stony or gravelly soils. DO NOT use on water logged soil or soils prone to water logging. 1.3 Seedbed preparation Trash and straw should be incorporated evenly during seedbed preparation. Seedbeds must have a fine, firm tilth. Loose or cloddy seedbeds must be consolidated prior to application, otherwise reduced weed control may occur. They may also cause seed to be inadequately covered which could result in crop damage 1.4 Crop safety Do not apply to crops suffering from stress, which may be caused for example by pests, disease, waterlogging, poor seedbed conditions, wind abrasion, nutrient deficiencies, or previous chemical treatment. Water logging that occurs soon after pre-emergence applications may lead to crop damage. For pre-emergence applications, seed should be sown into a fine firm seedbed so that seed is adequately covered with settled soil. Only treat shallow drilled crops post-emergence. DO NOT soil incorporate. Avoid spraying during periods of prolonged or severe frosts. Avoid overlapping spray passes. Some transient bleaching may be seen after application to some crops. This does not lead to yield loss. DO NOT spray undersown cereals or those to be undersown. DO NOT roll emerged crops prior to application. DO NOT roll autumn treated crops until the spring. 624 Vixen® 1.5 Spray drift Extreme care should be taken to avoid damage by drift on to plants outside the target area. 2. WEED CONTROL 2.1 Susceptibility of weeds to single applications of Vixen For post-emergence applications best results will be achieved by application to small actively growing weeds. Vixen Application Timing Pre-emergence of weed Product Rate (g/ha) 53 66 Cleavers - MR up to 3 whorls Common Chickweed S MS up to 2.5 cm Common Field Speedwell - S up to 5 cm Field Pansy MS S up to 6 lvs Ivy-leaved speedwell MS MS up to 4 lvs - S up to 8 lvs Shepherd’s-purse S = Susceptible resistant 2.2 Post-emergence of weed MS = Moderately susceptible MR = Moderately Resistance Strains of some annual grasses (e.g. Black-grass, Wild-Oats, and Italian Ryegrass) have developed resistance to herbicides, which may lead to poor control. A strategy for preventing and managing such resistance should be adopted. Do not use more than one application of VIXEN in one growing season. VIXEN is an inhibitor of carotenoid biosynthesis at the PDS step (a group that includes picolinafen and diflufenican). To prevent the development of resistant weeds herbicides with different modes of action must be used when applying in sequence. Guidelines have been produced by the Weed Resistance Action Group and copies are available from HGCA, CPA, your distributor, crop adviser or product manufacturer. Repeated use of herbicides with the same mode of action can increase the risk of strains of weeds developing resistance to these compounds, leading to poor control. In order to minimise the risk, a strategy for preventing and managing such resistance should be adopted. Use products with different modes of action and from different chemical groups in sequence or tank-mix, in conjunction with effective cropping rotation and cultivation techniques. In all cases the recommended rate of use should be adhered to. Further guidance on weed resistance management is available from the Herbicide Resistance Action Committee (HRAC) and Weed Resistance Action Group (WRAG). Follow WRAG Guidelines. 625 H H Vixen® 3. CROP SPECIFIC INFORMATION 3.1 Crops VIXEN can be used on all varieties of Winter Wheat and Winter Barley. 3.2 Time of application Pre- or post-crop emergence, up to before pseudo-stem erection (before growth stage 30). 3.3 Rate of application Apply VIXEN at up to 66 g/ha in 200 litres of water per hectare. 4. FOLLOWING CROPS 4.1 Following crops after normal harvest There are no restrictions on following crops when VIXEN is used alone and the crop is harvested normally. 4.2 In the event of crop failure In the event of crop failure, plough to at least 15 cm. An interval of at least 8 weeks must have elapsed between using VIXEN and re-drilling further crops of wheat or barley. 5. MIXING AND APPLICATION 5.1 Mixing Three quarters fill the tank with clean water and start the agitation. Remove the filter basket and slowly add the recommended quantity of VIXEN directly to the water in the spray tank. DO NOT add VIXEN in a sudden, large quantity. DO NOT wash VIXEN through the filter basket. Replace the filter basket. Maintain the agitation and add the remainder of the water. Continue agitation until spraying is completed. On emptying the container, rinse container thoroughly by using an integrated pressure rinsing device or manually rinsing three times. Add washings to sprayer at time of filling and dispose of container safely When tank mixes are to be used each product should be added separately to the spray tank and fully dispersed before the addition of any further product(s). Add products to the spray tank in the following order; 1. Wettable powders (WP) 2. Dry flowables or water dispersible granules (WG) 3. Suspensions (e.g. CS) 4. Suspension concentrates (e.g. SC or SE) 5. Emulsifiable concentrates (e.g. EW or EC) 6. Soluble concentrates (SL) Maintain agitation at all times. Spray out as soon as possible after mixing. DO NOT let the mixture stand. 626 Vixen® 5.2 Application Ensure good, even spray cover of the target weeds by applying as a FINE or MEDIUM spray, as defined by BCPC. A travel speed of 6 to 8 km/h is advised for tractor-mounted and trailed sprayers. High speeds increase the risk of uneven cover due to excessive boom whip and bounce. The slower speed is recommended where the target is in a thick crop or weed cover is high, or where travel conditions are rough. 5.3 Sprayer cleaning After spraying, thoroughly clean and flush out application machinery with a minimum of three rinses, using a wetting agent or a proprietary spray tank cleaner to ensure that all traces of product are removed, particularly before using the sprayer in broad-leaved crops. 6. CONTAINER AND STORAGE Vixen is supplied in 0.5kg packs and should be stored in the original container, and kept dry and frost proof in a suitable pesticide store. 627 H H Vixen® 7. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Operator protection Engineering control of operator exposure must be used where reasonably practicable in addition to the following personal protective equipment. WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES AND SUITABLE RESPIRATORY PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT* when handling the product. *Disposable filtering facepiece respirator to at least EN149 FFP2 or equivalent. WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES when handling contaminated surfaces. However, engineering controls may replace personal protective equipment if a COSHH assessment shows that they provide an equal or higher standard of protection. WASH CONCENTRATE from skin or eyes immediately. AVOID ALL CONTACT BY MOUTH. DO NOT BREATHE SPRAY WASH HANDS AND EXPOSED SKIN before meals and after work Environmental protection DO NOT contaminate surface waters or ditches with chemical or used container. DO NOT ALLOW DIRECT SPRAY from horizontal boom sprayers to fall within 5m of the top of the bank of a static or flowing water body, unless a Local Environmental Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) permits a narrower buffer zone, or within 1m of the top of a ditch which is dry at the time of application. Aim spray away from water. This product qualifies for inclusion within the Local Environmental Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) scheme. Before each spraying operation from a horizontal boom sprayer, either a LERAP must be carried out in accordance with CRD’s published guidance or the statutory buffer zone must be maintained. The results of the LERAP must be recorded and kept available for three years. Storage and disposal KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN STORE IN ORIGINAL CONTAINER tightly closed, in a safe place. WASH OUT CONTAINER THOROUGHLY, empty washings into spray tank and dispose of safely. 628 Vixen® 8. GLOBALLY HARMONISED SYSTEM (GHS) REGULATIONS Vixen® A water dispersible granule formulation containing 750 g/kg picolinafen. WARNING: VERY TOXIC TO AQUATIC LIFE. VERY TOXIC TO AQUATIC LIFE WITH LONG LASTING EFFECTS. COLLECT SPILLAGE. To avoid risks to human health and the environment, comply with the instructions for use This product is approved under the Plant Protection Product Regulations 2005. 9. IMPORTANT INFORMATION IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR USE ONLY AS AN AGRICULTURAL HERBICIDE, as directed below: CROPS: Winter Wheat Winter Barley MAXIMUM INDIVIDUAL DOSE: 66 g product/hectare MAXIMUM NUMBER OF TREATMENTS: One per crop LATEST TIMING: Before pseudo-stem erection (before growth stage 30) READ THE LABEL BEFORE USE. USING THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER THAT IS INCONSISTENT WITH THE LABEL MAY BE AN OFFENCE. FOLLOW THE CODE OF PRACTICE FOR USING PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCTS. (MAPP No. 13621) 629 H H Vixen® 630 VortexTM F FUNGICIDE MAPP No. 15663 Use: A systemic fungicide for use in winter wheat, spring wheat, durum wheat, winter barley, spring barley, triticale, rye and oats. Formulation: An emulsifiable concentrate containing 41.6 g/litre (4 % w/w) epoxiconazole and 41.6 g/litre (4 % w/w) fluxapyroxad and 61 g/litre (5.8 % w/w) pyraclostrobin. Pack size: 5 litres in outers of four. Recommended Crops: Wheat (winter) Wheat (spring) Wheat (durum) Triticale Rye Barley (winter) Barley (spring) Oats Maximum Individual Dose: 3.0 litres of product per hectare Spray Quality: MEDIUM Latest Time of Application: Winter and spring wheat Rye Triticale Durum wheat Up to and including flowering (anthesis) just complete (GS 69) Winter and spring barley Oats Up to and including emergence of ear just complete (GS 59) Water Volume: 100 to 300 litres of water per hectare. Processed Crops: When applied to barley intended for malting, refer to the rates of use and latest timing for fluxapyroxad and epoxiconzale given by the BBPA (British Beer and Pubs Association). Aerial Application: No Compatibility: For details of compatibilities contact your distributor, local BASF representative, the BASF Technical Services Hotline: 0845 602 2553 or visit our website on: Major changes since last printing: Fluxapyroxad added to the BBPA list for use on malting barley. This product label is compliant with the CPA Voluntary Initiative Guidance 631 VortexTM Maximum Number of Treatments: 2 per crop F VortexTM DIRECTIONS FOR USE IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product. Vortex is a systemic fungicide with protectant and curative properties for use in winter wheat, spring wheat, durum wheat, winter barley, spring barley, triticale, rye and oats. 1. RESTRICTIONS/WARNINGS This product may cause damage to broad-leaved plant species. Extreme care must be taken to avoid drift onto nearby crops. When applied to barley intended for malting, refer to the rates of use and latest timing for fluxapyroxad and epoxiconazole given by the BBPA (British Beer and Pubs Association). No more than two applications of any Qol fungicide may be made to crops of wheat, barley, oats, rye or triticale. Wash equipment thoroughly after use. 2. DISEASE CONTROL Vortex is a systemic fungicide with protectant and curative properties for use in winter wheat, spring wheat, durum wheat, winter barley, spring barley, triticale, rye and oats as summarised below: Winter wheat Spring Durum wheat wheat Winter Spring barley barley - Rye Triticale - - C Septoria tritici C C C Septoria nodorum C C C - - - - C Brown rust C C C C C - C C Yellow rust C C C C C - C C Crown rust - - - - - C - - MC - MC - - MC MC MC Net blotch - - - C C - - - Rhynchosporium - - - C C - C - Powdery mildew Eyespot - Oats MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC Ramularia - - - C C - - - Tan spot MC MC MC - - - - - Fusarium ear blight # GR GR GR - - - - - Sooty moulds (Cladosporium; Botrytis) R R R - - - - - C = Control MC = Moderate Control GR = Good Reduction R = Reduction # Application of Vortex to ears of wheat can lead to reduction of the levels of the mycotoxin deoxynivalenol (DON) associated with Fusarium ear blight infection, but this level of effect may not necessarily lead to reduction of DON below the statutory limit in wheat grain. 632 VortexTM 2.1 Resistance Vortex should be used in accordance with the instructions for use for the target diseases at the specific growth stages indicated. Use Vortex as part of an Integrated Crop Management (ICM) strategy incorporating other methods of control. Vortex contains pyraclostrobin, a member of the QoI cross resistance group. Vortex should be used preventatively and should not be relied on for its curative potential. You must not apply more than two foliar applications of QoI containing products to any cereal crop. When curative activity is needed apply QoI fungicides in mixture with a suitable dose of a curative fungicide from a different cross-resistance group. Vortex meets this requirement as it contains epoxiconazole and fluxapyroxad. To ensure the effectiveness of the epoxiconazole and fluxapyroxad components as a partner, Vortex should always be applied at the full recommended rate. Vortex contains epoxiconazole, a DMI fungicide. Resistance to some DMI fungicides has been identified in Septoria leaf blotch (Mycosphaerella graminicola) which may seriously affect the performance of some products. For further advice on resistance management in DMIs contact your agronomist or specialist advisor and visit the FRAG-UK website. Strains of barley powdery mildew resistant to QoI’s are common in the UK. Vortex contains fluxapyroxad which belongs to the SDHI (carboxamide) group of fungicides. To minimise the risk of resistance occurring, apply a maximum of two SDHI fungicide sprays per cereal crop. 3. CROP SPECIFIC INFORMATION 3.1 Crops Vortex is a systemic fungicide with protectant and curative properties for use in winter wheat, spring wheat, durum wheat, winter barley, spring barley, triticale, rye and oats. 3.2 Time of Application Apply Vortex at the start of foliar disease attack. A maximum of two applications can be made up to and including flowering just complete in winter and spring wheat, durum wheat, rye and triticale and up to and including emergence of ear just complete in winter and spring barley and oats. For optimum effect against eyespot with Vortex apply between the leaf sheaths erect and second node detectable stages of the crop. For protection against Fusarium ear blight and sooty mould on the ears of winter and spring wheat, and durum wheat apply Vortex during ear emergence. 3.3 Rate of Application Apply 3 litres of Vortex per hectare in 150 to 300 litres of water per hectare. Qualified recommendation Vortex may be applied at 3.0 litres per hectare in 100 litres water per hectare, although efficacy at this reduced volume has not been evaluated. Therefore application at 100 litres water per hectare is at user’s risk with regard to biological efficacy. 633 F F VortexTM 4. FOLLOWING CROPS After treating a cereal crop with Vortex, cabbage, carrot, clover, dwarf French beans, field beans, lettuce, maize, oats, oilseed rape, onions, peas, potatoes, ryegrass, sugar beet, sunflower, winter barley and winter wheat may be sown as the following crop. The effect of Vortex on other following crops has not been assessed. 5. MIXING AND SPRAYING 5.1 Mixing Half fill the spray tank with clean water and start the agitation. SHAKE THE CONTAINER WELL before use and pour in the required amount of product. Rinse any empty containers thoroughly and add rinsings to the spray tank. Add the remainder of the water and continue agitation until spraying is completed. Thoroughly rinse application equipment three times with water immediately after use. When tank mixes are to be used, each product should be added separately to the spray tank, taking due note of any instructions given as to the order of mixing. Application Apply as a MEDIUM spray as defined by BCPC. 5.2 6. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Operator protection Engineering control of operator exposure must be used where reasonably practicable in addition to the following personal protective clothing: WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING (COVERALLS), SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES AND FACE PROTECTION (FACE SHIELD) when handling the concentrate. WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING (COVERALLS) AND SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES when handling contaminated surfaces. However, engineering controls may replace personal protective equipment if a COSHH assessment shows they provide an equal or higher standard of protection. WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE. WASH HANDS AND EXPOSED SKIN before meals and after work. Environmental protection Do not contaminate water with the product or its container. Do not clean application equipment near surface water. Avoid contamination via drains from farmyards and roads. To protect aquatic organisms respect an unsprayed buffer zone distance to surface water bodies in line with LERAP requirements. DO NOT ALLOW DIRECT SPRAY from horizontal boom sprayers to fall within 5m of the top of the bank of a static or flowing waterbody, unless a Local Environment Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) permits a narrower buffer zone, or within 1m of the top of a ditch which is dry at the time of application. Aim spray away from water. 634 VortexTM This product qualifies for inclusion within the Local Environment Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) scheme. Before each spraying operation from a horizontal boom sprayer, either a LERAP must be carried out in accordance with CRD’s published guidance or the statutory buffer zone must be maintained. The results of the LERAP must be recorded and kept available for inspection for three years. Storage and disposal KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDINGSTUFFS. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. RINSE CONTAINER THOROUGHLY by using an integrated pressure rinsing device or manually rinsing three times. Add washings to sprayers at time of filling and dispose of safely. Do not re-use container for any purpose. 7. DPD REGULATIONS (CHIP 3) VortexTM An emulsifiable concentrate containing 41.6 g/litre (4% w/w) epoxiconazole and 41.6 g/litre (4% w/w) fluxapyroxad and 61 g/litre (5.8% w/w) pyraclostrobin. HARMFUL BY INHALATION AND IF SWALLOWED. LIMITED EVIDENCE OF A CARCINOGENIC EFFECT. RISK OF SERIOUS DAMAGE TO EYES. MAY CAUSE SENSITISATION BY SKIN CONTACT. VERY TOXIC TO AQUATIC ORGANISMS, MAY CAUSE LONG TERM ADVERSE EFFECTS IN THE AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT. WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING, GLOVES AND EYE/FACE PROTECTION. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDING STUFFS. WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE. AVOID CONTACT WITH SKIN AND EYES. IN CASE OF CONTACT WITH EYES, RINSE IMMEDIATELY WITH PLENTY OF WATER AND SEEK MEDICAL ADVICE. IF SWALLOWED, seek medical advice immediately and show this container or label. THIS MATERIAL AND ITS CONTAINER MUST BE DISPOSED OF IN A SAFE WAY. USE APPROPRIATE CONTAINMENT TO AVOID ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAMINATION. To avoid risks to man and the environment, comply with the instructions for use. 635 F F VortexTM 8. IMPORTANT INFORMATION IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR USE ONLY AS AN AGRICULTURAL FUNGICIDE, as directed below: Crops Maximum individual dose Maximum no. of treatments Latest time of application Winter and spring wheat durum wheat, rye and triticale 3 litres product per hectare 2 per crop Up to and including flowering complete (GS 69) Winter and spring barley Oats 3 litres product per hectare 2 per crop Up to and including flowering complete (GS 69) READ THE LABEL BEFORE USE. USING THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER THAT IS ALL INCONSISTENT WITH THE LABEL MAY BE AN OFFENCE. FOLLOW THE CODE OF PRACTICE FOR USING PLANT PROTECTON PRODUCTS. 636 Walabi® F FUNGICIDE MAPP No. 12265 Use: A protectant fungicide for use against leaf and pod spot (Ascochyta pisi and Mycosphaerella pinodes) and grey mould (Botrytis cinerea) in combining peas and for use against chocolate spot (Botrytis cinerea/Botrytis fabae) and bean rust (Uromyces fabae) in field beans. Formulation: A suspension concentrate containing 150 g/l (12.4% w/w) pyrimethanil and 375 g/l (31% w/w) chlorothalonil. Pack Size: 5 litres in outers of four. Recommended Crops: Combining peas and field beans (all varieties). Recommended Rates: 2 litres per hectare. Water Volume: 200-400 litres of water per hectare. In dense crops the volume should be increased to improve spray penetration. Latest Time of Application: Combining peas: 6 weeks before harvest Field beans: 8 weeks before harvest Maximum Total Dose: 4 litres per hectare/crop. Processed Crops: Consult processors before use. Aerial Application: No Compatibility: For details of compatibilities contact your distributor, local BASF representative, the BASF Technical Services Hotline: 0845 602 2553 or visit our website on: Major changes since last printing: Globally Harmonised System (GHS) Regulations added, see Section 7. This product label is compliant with the CPA Voluntary Initiative Guidance 637 Walabi® Spray Quality: MEDIUM F Walabi® DIRECTIONS FOR USE IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product. A protectant fungicide for use against leaf and pod spot (Ascochyta pisi and Mycosphaerella pinodes) and grey mould (Botrytis cinerea) in combining peas and for use against chocolate spot (Botrytis cinerea/Botrytis fabae) and bean rust (Uromyces fab
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